#I love this edward pose
shikariiin · 9 months
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ahbogman · 3 months
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help him
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cotgar2 · 4 hours
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If this posted then that means a) tumblr finally let my animation process and more importantly b) more bastard on your feed, you’re welcome
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Note to past self: maybe note how big the canvas is before starting, you dumbass, its not tumblrs fault that you drew greed ginormous
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 1 month
Otto in my sketchbook
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The worst day of fishing beats the best day of court ordered anger management sessions
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madootles · 2 years
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ed side prof pt 2 ;-)
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theflyingkipper · 1 year
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my version of this XD @wysteriaisapenguin
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
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back on my heroforge nonsense because...the idea of them swapping their rings permanently in the name of engagement/matelotage/marriage,,,,,,
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froot-of-the-vine · 1 year
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something fruity 🤨
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fate-defiant · 1 year
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Been rewatching some Pertinent Episodes due to Reasons and I forgot how genuinely unhinged Author's introduction is- from how balls to the walls dramatic he's being, to Fakir taking it all so seriously and ofc, this fucking frame please look at this I am in tears on the floor akghflaghyaerhgidslghdf
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wh01sstanl3y · 2 years
Heyyy Batman fandom😍😍😍
Anyways I’m making art for my redesign of the 1995 Riddler and Twoface, and I would really appreciate some feedback😭 whether it’s about the color schemes, the clothing, or even the overall design I’d love some constructive criticism from you all!💕(keep in mind that this isn’t the finished product, so I still have to add shading, blending, an actual background, etc.)
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jrueships · 1 year
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THEY MATCHINN they bestiesss 🥰🥰🥰!!!
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"The blood is the life!" R(ichard) M(arius) Renfield
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mossiestpiglet · 9 months
Just found out that there’s two different stills of the Ed and Frenchie in the galley scene, with very different Frenchie expressions:
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Here Frenchie’s brow is furrowed and he’s holding more of a frown. Ed is also a little less on top of him than in the other pic, but also has a slightly more furrowed brow than in the other.
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Here, Frenchie and Ed both have raised eyebrows and Frenchie has opened his mouth slightly. The box of bottles is also positioned in a more defensive way between him and Ed, who is here more on top of him and making much wider eyes, but with his head slightly turned.
I’m really interested to see which of these actually comes first in the scene, but I suspect it will be the one where Frenchie seems more irritated than intimidated, and the scene progresses to intimidation.
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congratzams · 1 year
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𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖊
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: carlisle, esme, rosalie, emmett, jasper, alice, edward
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: alice predicted your arrival years before you could even imagine yourself entangled to a family of vampires as their mate. this is their reaction when they find out about you.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: none, except that bella is not included
𝐀/𝐍: just a little work i have in mind! anyone else gets mad when they leave esme out of the fics?
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Alice has seen the way your hair framed your face, how your lips tilted up when you laughed at the jokes your colleague said — she's seen it all, as if she watched a movie in which the main star was you.
And she enjoyed all of that. In fact, she sought the moment her visions would grasp her away from reality just to see you, normally accompanied by the Cullen family members. She sensed from the beginning the bond shared between you and each one of the family, a tickling awareness that if her heart could still beat it would reverberate in exhilaration.
A familiar glance shot towards Edward, whose abilities granted him the same bliss, causing him to crave for glimpses of his mate, and it soon became the perfect little secret between the siblings.
It was almost impossible for Alice to contain her excitement, Carlisle and Esme were the ones to bring it up during a family moment. The petite vampire was unsure if it was the right time to tell everyone — but who cares, right? They've already lived for a hundred years, time was nothing but an illusion and there was nothing left except for memories from a previous life.
Edward stood beside her as she posed with an ear-to-ear smile. I've seen her. We all have a human mate!
Rosalie spoke up first, a tingle of hurt in her voice. Her? She's… She's our mate? meaning they would be all sharing. The fact you were human took her by surprise. She worried for your safety and she doubted standing with vampires would do any good. She flashed Emmett a weak smile when she felt his heavy but reassuring embrace.
Rosalie wasn't as excited as her partner. Sure, she would come to terms with it, the bond existing between mates making it difficult to stay away from you, but it would take her a while to accept that it was your fate.
As for Emmett, he thought of himself so lucky as if he'd won the lottery. He couldn't wait to finally meet you. Oh, the things he would do. He wouldn't be able to keep his hands off you, even carrying you across the woods, the idea that you were merely a human (knowingly?) placed in the back of his mind — you absolutely had no idea the limits you'd be crossing with him.
Carlisle spoke up, I've heard stories about coven mates, but I've never imagined it was a real thing. His gaze glinted with small sparkles of hope and yet, he slightly worried about the dynamics of sharing a mate with the entire family, a human one nonetheless, and the implications it would have in their lives.
He was, however, grateful for the good news and the chance to experience such rare event in his life. The smile sent him by Esme served to sooth him into acceptance and his worries were soon forgotten.
Esme knew deep in her heart she would love you, there was absolutely no doubt in that. She was delighted to have a new addition to the family, one that would ignite flames of joy and love in all of them. You would be more than welcome to take your time in adapting into the family as Esme is known as the patient and loving one.
Jasper shared the same excitement Alice had, both partners so tuned to each other's feelings that an addition would shake things for good. He was thrilled to have you as his mate. Just like Emmett, he couldn't wait until the right moment, he had to meet you. But as it was with Alice, he knew he had to be patient.
Finally, Edward, knowing it from the beginning, got used to the idea of sharing a mate. At first, one could say being the private individual he was, the idea of sharing didn't stick well enough with him, but he eventually grew fond of that. He didn't worry nor was so eager as his siblings, he simply accepted the idea as his destiny and hoped to be accepted by you as well.
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b1anketplask · 11 days
💐Sodor Dance Party💐
Finally finish them all damn
Yeah This is what I'm doing all these months lol
Enjoy btw! this took very long time (I started this in May 25th-) These are characters ↓↓
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💙Thomas and Rosie🌸
Thomas's suit was lent by Edward. And Edward helped him to wear right
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🩵Edward and James❤
I love them. seriously. Married couple fr fr
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🌱Henry and Gordon⭐
idk about this ship but there's no one to ship them with so yeah- Hardest pose I'd ever drawn
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🚁Harold and Percy🐛
I just made Harold design for my precious Perpy. Srry for didn't done anything on 6/6 btw- still counts right?
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🪵Henrietta and Toby🪵
Only canon ship in My au!! yet I love them dearly. My Favorite hetero dynamic.
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Duck and Donald
love birds. I love their episode 'Donald's Duck'
I love How I gave Duck a country lookin suit btw sexy western boy hehehehehh
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Douglas and Oliver
I don't really know about them but they makin good pair for this. I love Oliver's outfit. Draw this again someday
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Emily and Caitlin
Is this minor ship in this fandom? 😳 anyway, Emily is having lesbian panic Emily's outfit is inspired by Emily in The Great Race
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Duncan and Rusty
I ship them now. yeah. Duncan didn't want to wear suit like others so he choose that outfit and Rusty liked it too =3
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Millie and Luke
hehehe lil partners I love my Millie's hair. hard to draw but worth it. and Luke.... My adorb lil irish guy. Rheneas choose that suit for him btw
So many ones but I'm not done. There'll be some extra comic for another ship that I like....🩶🖤
So keep waiting!
I love this song
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matchingbatbites · 2 months
You know how sometimes you think of a scene that belongs in a long fic, so you write the fic just so you can share that scene that started it all? I had one of those scenes come to me today, but you're not getting a full fic. Eddie is caught posing as Princess Nancy and is brought before Prince Steve.
Steven is going over the plans for the kingdom's expansion when the door slams open and Thomas and Jason step through. They appear furious, and held between them is Nancy, only- only she's half dressed, and she appears to be a he.
“What's the meaning of this?” Steven asks as he steps around the table, and the two men throw their captive to the ground before him. He crumples in a heap but still attempts to right his clothes where they've been torn from his person, trying to recover a bit of modesty.
“This imposter,” Thomas spits, “has been deceiving you. Carol saw him in the bath yesterday and discovered his truth. He's been posing as princess Nancy for his own sick gain and he must be properly punished for this indiscretion.”
“He should be hanged for it,” Jason says, his tone full of venom. Said imposter looks up, clearly terrified at the possibility, and his eyes plead with Steve as he says “My lord, please-”
“Silence!” Steven snaps, and all three go quiet. He looks between Thomas and Jason before giving the command of “Leave us. Now.”
The two men nod and each shoot the stranger a vile look before they exit the room. The prince stares down at the man, at this charlatan brought before him, and can only feel a sense of betrayal from someone he'd quickly grown to care for.
The man takes a shaky inhale before he begins. “My name is Eddie- Edward. Nancy is my half-sister. When she received the news of her betrothal to you, she was concerned about your character. There were- rumors. I volunteered to take her place, to learn your true nature so she could make an informed decision about your union without having to abandon her duties.”
He looks properly ashamed of his actions, but it doesn't stop Steven's heart from breaking. Instead of falling in love with Nancy over these last weeks, he'd fallen for a farce, a sham.
“What was your plan for after? If you'd decided I was acceptable for her?”
Eddie hesitates, but says “She was going to return herself and reveal the truth to you.”
“And what? Pray that I wouldn't take offense to being tested?” He scoffs, and Eddie winces at the sound.
“Thomas and Jason were right,” Steven says, unable to keep the hurt from bleeding into his voice. “You were lying to me.”
The man looks up at him, his gaze open and pleading once more. “Only about my intentions. I swear to you, where my feelings are concerned, I've only ever spoken the truth. I'm- I was never supposed to fall for you myself.”
It echoes what Eddie-as-Nancy told him the other night as they walked through the gardens, the soft ‘I do believe I'm falling for you, your majesty,’ meant only for Steven and the roses and the stars. He thinks about the hours, the days he's spent with this person. With this man, who has shown Steven a mere glimpse of the love he's always dreamed of.
“This plot is the most foolish, most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of,” Steve says, and Eddie's head drops with a sob. Steve feels weak at the sound, and he falls to his knees before Eddie. He takes the man's hands in his own, and shining brown eyes look up at him in disbelief. 
“But I would be truly foolish to let you go. All I've wanted in life is for someone to love me for my truest self. You’ve shown me a future where that desire is not just a dream.” 
Eddie sobs again as Steven pushes a hand into those wild curls and tugs him closer, resting their foreheads together. “Sorry- I'm so sorry-” he stutters, and Steve shakes his head.
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