#I love this one so much it’s so silly and fun
mochinomnoms · 2 days
*slams open door*
Mochi! Mochi! I have an idea.
So a troupe I see on pixiv fanart is a character swapping with their future selves. I saw one where Azul wakes up in bed with his future wife Yuu and she's teased him because she can tell it's past Azul and he doesn't recognize her. She gives him a hint how to recognize her by some birthmarks she has on her chest.
I've seen a couple artists do it with Floyd as well, and a fanfic with past and future Yuu swapping with each other and poor younger Malleus is overwhelmed because OMG this beautiful woman is flirting with me and she's my future wife? There's something hilarious about the younger guys just not knowing how to handle the future version of Yuu.
So now I'm thinking how funny it would be for Past!PTMYuu swapping places with future!PTMYuu. Like P!Yuu wakes up in an unknown house in somebody's bed and confused as fuck and gets even more confused because suddenly these little kids are running in, telling Mommy it's time to get up and Yuu's like, who's mommy? Then who should walk in but Jade telling the kids to let Mommy rest and then he notices that the Yuu in their bedroom is not his wife(Yuu's still wearing her NRC uniform and shouldn't fit it anymore after getting older and having kids) and ohh he's going to have fun with this. He'll start in with the thoughts "ohh my beautiful pearl was absolutely adorable back at NRC, look at how tiny and cute you were, I know you can hear me pearl..." And fuck he knows about her telepathy. Poor Yuu overloads with the fact that Jade actually married her, they have kids, and is still so damn in love with her as he was at NRC.
Meanwhile F!Yuu is back at Past NRC and is calming down Yuu's friends. No, your Yuu is fine. If I'm right she's with my husband and kids right now and he'll take care of her. Some of the cast are obviously curious about Yuu's husband and F!Yuu is all "nah... sorry I can't say, don't wanna mess with the future." and of course the one who wants to know the most is Jade. F!Yuu is laughing to themselves because man, they remember how down horrendously Jade was in school and he doesn't know at this time that Yuu can read his thoughts. I'd like to think Yuu learned to better control the telepathy so she just tunes into his thoughts every now and then and it's just his thoughts bouncing around like "Oh seven my pearl is absolutely gorgeous in the future. Please tell me I'm your husband. I have to be! What would our kids look like. How many would we have? Do they look like my pearl or me? I hope one looks like my pearl they'd be the cutest baby!"
Eventually somebody figures out how to send the Yuu's back to their right time. Hugs for everybody but P!Jade gets a quick peck on the cheek before F!Yuu hops into whatever portal is sending her back and the last thought she hears from P!Jade is him screaming in his mind how much he loves her.
P!Yuu gets back and now has to deal with Jade's even more thoughts about the future and apparently a few others people thinking that man, Yuu's gonna be such a milf in the future.
Somebody please help Yuu, poor thing can only take so much.
Ah I love silly time travel stories (I ignore paradoxes) and this is one of my favorite tropes! It's what one of the fics from the poll is based on, but with all of the overblot cast instead!
I'm so excited to write it, I have many ideas for everyone, especially Leona and Idia's chapters!!
For Jade though, I think it would be so funny. He's positively enamored seeing milf/dilf Yuu. He's internalizing everything, of course, so no one except Yuu and Floyd and Azul can really tell he's being affected.
He's staring a little longer than he really should, but he's surprised that future Yuu doesn't seem to mind. In fact, they're much calmer than usual. Usually they'd be excitable with their friends and quite shy and quiet with him. But future Yuu looks at him with such fondness that Jade lets himself dream that they look at him like that because they're future spouses.
(In the back of his mind, there is a mix of hope and dread. That's a wedding band on their hand. They're taken, but was it by him?)
Imagine everyone's surprise and shock when, right before leaving, future Yuu walks up to Jade (even in the future, they haven't grown much) to tip toe and press a sweet little kiss to the cheek as they cup his face with the absolute most tenderness.
Jade's frozen, the others are murmuring to each other, and future Yuu disappears and in their place is their original Yuu. Red-faced, covered in a large brown coat that most definitely does not belong to them, and staring Jade down.
Covering their red-face and all. Poor Jade is now giddy and a bit concerned (he hopes that scream was due to flusteredness and not fear, though he does love how entertaining they always are), while Yuu is screaming into their couch as they try to process several things, including the knowledge that they weren't at all displeased knowing that they married Jade.
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milkloafy · 21 hours
wait..... this is hella cute!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 if ur free to do reqs could you do hsr boys summer headcanons? im not sure if theyre open so it's fine if u dont thx!!! 🩷🩷
⋆。˚ ❀ a/n: ty anon for the request!! :> yes they are open so request awayyy ! i love summer sm best season fr so this was such a fun vibe to write :3 i hope u enjoy! i wasn’t sure which hsr guys u wanted so i just picked my current favs AHDKSLDK 
aventurine would love going to the beach with you 
building sand castles, picking seashells, jumping over the shallow waves along the shore
it all feels fun and refreshing to him. something he did not have the luxury to feel when he was younger
at your encouragement, he signs the two of you up for surf lessons one day
aventurine is…not a natural 
you’re both falling off the boards and needing the instructor to come and fish you out of the waves
after a few too many close calls, aventurine decides he never wants to go surfing again 
when the sun sets and golden hour hits, you take one million photos of aventurine, at minimum 
he models and poses for you, enjoying your excitement whenever you get a good shot 
once you’d had your fill, aventurine sneaks a few photos of you as well
he shows you his favorite beach pic of you with a smile
“you’re prettier than the sunset” 
aventurine ends the day off by buying ice cream for the two of you as you head home <3 
while dan heng likes the warmth, he is not a fan of the summer heat
he prefers staying indoors during the summer, at the library or in museum with minimal walking around outside during the day
however, he does like sitting underneath the shade of a tree and reading a book 
some days, he’ll set up a hammock between two trees and ask you to join him 
when the heat cools down and the darkness graces the earth, dan heng likes to walk around and go stargazing 
the temperature is perfect at night—not too hot but also not cold enough to need anything other than a long sleeve shirt or a light jacket
dan heng has read about all the constellations you can see in the summer 
he’s disappointed there’s too much light pollution in most places, but for the stars he can see, he points it out to you and explains the story behind it
what constellation it’s part of, what planet is next to it, is that a space vehicle or a cosmo? 
he would definitely go on one of those websites that sell you a star lmao and “buy” one for you
even though he’s aware it’s a scam, he know you’d find it cute. dan heng shows you the certificate of your new star ownership and the two of you look for the coordinates in the night sky together <3
“you deserve the universe, but for now i got you a star”
jing yuan thinks going to an amusement park is the peak summertime activity 
doesn’t matter if you are sweating buckets waiting in the long lines surround by body heat. jing yuan comes prepared. he has a hat, a battery-powered fan with a built-in mist spray, and water bottles with ice 
of course, he shares all that with you once you get tired of using your foldable fan
jing yuan is an amusement park snack afficionado. a salty pretzel? yes. a sweet treat? yes. a whole ass turkey leg? also yes. 
you are never hungry during your outing since jing yuan has you covered 
when you want photos taken of you, you show jing yuan exactly how you want it—angle and zoom and everything
yet when he takes the photo, it comes out off
crooked. blurry. you’re half cut off…
the only good photo he took of you is one where you weren’t prepared and have a horrendously silly look on your face 
“jing yuan… delete that right now.” 
“why? i believe it is called a ‘candid’ by the young folks. very popular.” 
you may not have come out with good photos of yourself, but at least you and jing yuan had fun and will treasure these memories forever. no matter how bad the photo to capture it is. 
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selenezq · 2 days
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I've been working on writing some of my favorite tropes, and so I present this classic with a more adult spin.
Alastor x reader
Reader is AFAB
CW: drinking, smut, semi public fooling around, penetration, fingering, truth or dare trope
Edited by the wonderfully talented @the-demon-of-a-thousand-eyes
Truth or Dare
It had been a successful day for the hotel; there were no attacks, no bickering, and everyone—including Alastor—is in a splendid mood. He is three glasses of rye deep, a rare and unusual occurrence that has you drinking some yourself. Bringing your glass to your lips, you let the amber liquid coat your tongue, tasting the bitter drink before swallowing it down. 
Charlie had suggested one of her team building exercises so after everyone had consumed a few celebratory drinks, it was suggested that to ‘bond’ everyone play truth or dare. She is currently vibrating excitedly next to Vaggie on the floor. You are sitting in a chair across from the couch Angel Dust reclines on, his long legs sprawled across the sofa comfortably. At the bar sits Husk, who hadn't even bothered with a glass and is nursing what remains of the bottle. 
"Let's start with you toots: truth or dare?" Angel Dust asks you with a salacious eyebrow waggle. 
"I'll choose truth." You say, not wanting to even know what the spider demon would make you do for a dare. 
"Do ya have a crush on anyone in this room?" Angel shamelessly asks you, sending a pleased-with-himself smirk your way. 
You were instantly filled with regret for agreeing to play this silly game as you bashfully admitted, "Yes." You fail to notice the way Alastor's ears perked up, eager to hear what you had to say. 
"Ooh who is it; who is it?" Angel asks eagerly. Alastor tries his best to remain neutral, and not give away how desperate he was to know your answer. He grips his drink tighter in his hand. 
"Ah, that's technically two questions." You interject, unwilling to divulge that information. "I get to ask someone now." You say, relieved to change the subject. Angel slumps a little, deflated. 
"Husk, truth or dare?" You ask sweetly, shooting him a pleading look that he ignores. 
"I ain't playin’ that stupid game." Husk replies gruffly, going behind the bar and shuffling alcohol bottles around in an attempt to look busy. 
Opting not to take Husk's unwillingness to heart, you try again. "What about you, Charlie? Truth or dare?" You ask the princess with a smile. 
"Ooh, truth." She says with a colossal amount of enthusiasm. Vaggie, seated on the floor next to her, shooting Charlie a supportive smile. 
Pausing momentarily to think of a good question, you open your pretty mouth and inquire, "Who is your favorite person at the hotel?" You shift back against the couch as you wait for her answer. 
"Oh gosh, I have so much love in my heart for each and every one of you, I couldn't possibly begin to pick a favourite." Charlie answers diplomatically, flashing everyone in the room a genuine smile. "So it's my turn to ask someone?" Charlie asks no one in particular. 
"Yes, that's right babe." Vaggie answers her with a lovesick grin. 
"Okay, Angel truth or dare?" Charlie says to the porn star excitedly. 
"Oh definitely a dare." Angel Dust responds with an obscene tone to his voice as he waggles his eyebrows suggestively. 
"I dare you, to tell me a secret you want to tell me." Charlie declares guilelessly. 
"What the hell kind of dare is th—" a glare from Vaggie has Angel trailing off, unwilling to continue his train of thought. Clearing his throat he begins to answer honestly, "One time I took three centaur dicks up the ass at the same time." A chorus of groans is heard around the room at his statement. "That's that triple penetration act—" unable to finish as he's interrupted by Vaggie.
"Alright, it's your turn to ask someone else now." She says in a no nonsense voice. 
"Ah fine, ya lot are no fun anyways. What about you, Smiles? Ya playin’?" Angel asks Alastor. 
"I suppose I could indulge you all by joining this frivolous activity." Alastor remarks with a self-satisfied tone to his radio-filtered voice. 
Gleefully Angel asks him, "Truth or Dare?" 
"For the entertainment value, I will pick the dare." The Radio Demon responds, bringing his glass of rye to his lips. With a large gulp, he finishes what was left in his drink. 
"I dare you come over here and kiss her." Angel declares with a delighted smirk as he points his finger at the chair you are seated on, at you. You let out a surprised ‘Oh,’ as you felt a blush creep its way up your neck and blossom across your face.
Alastor wants to gnash his teeth, but keeps his usual smile in place. That imbecilic, crude, meddling spider and his idiotic dare. It’s too late to back down now. He has to follow through with it, or look weak. He makes his way over to you, where you are seated in the aforementioned chair, watching him with wide, innocent eyes, your lovely features arranged in a surprised smile that you beam up at him as he leans over you. 
"This is something I've been meaning to do anyway, my dear." Alastor says smugly before leaning close enough to you that his hot breath fans across your face. You look up at him, that pretty blush still spreading across your cheeks. "Close your eyes." The command falls from his lips, leaving no room for you to disobey. 
Once your eyes are closed, he leans closer. You feel his hot breath caressing your face, then the sensation of his lips on yours. They move in tune with Alastor's growing desire. It's deep and demanding. There's a sense of urgency to it, as if he is running out of time and he has yet to get his fill of you. He needs to kiss you. He needs to touch you everywhere, needs to hear all those little sounds he just knows you would make. 
Breaking the kiss off before it can become any more heated, Alastor pulls back, seemingly unaffected, his usual smirk in its rightful place. The only sign he was affected in any way is the rise and fall of his chest as he pants slightly. You can also see the faint outline of a massive, hardened, cock in his pants when you flutter your eyes open. Alastor looks down at you, his growing smile sending shivers throughout your body. You feel carnal pleasure in knowing you have pleased him somehow. Returning to his seat as if nothing has happened, he crosses his legs, willing the tent in his pants to go away. 
The room falls into a shocked hush as the ringing in your ears starts. All of their chattering voices blend together and you know you need a moment to cool down. Walking on autopilot to the door, you exit, ignoring anything anyone might be saying to you. 
Not really knowing where to go or what to do, you try to take some deep breaths and let your feet guide you where they will. You end up in the dining room, gathering plates, flatware, and glasses from dinner, then make your way to the kitchen, where you put them in the sink, one at a time, as you let your mind drift elsewhere. When you’re done, you stand there for a moment, hands empty, and don’t even notice as Alastor slips into the room behind you.
Stealthily, he prowls over, his sights locked onto you: his prey, the object of his possessive desires. You're zoned out, thinking about how wonderful Alastor's kiss was earlier and don't even notice as he slips up behind you, pushing you down and pressing your beautiful face into the cold counter. You let out an adorable squeak as you struggle, not realizing who is holding you down. 
"Be still, dear." Alastor instructs you authoritatively. Instantly stilling in his hold, a faint blush spreads warmly across your body as you feel his cock harden against your ass.  With his eyes glowing red hungrily, his lips find your neck and artfully mark your skin, teeth sinking in hard enough to send blood rushing to the surface. Alastor laps greedily at the blood that falls from your neck. His clawed hand finds its way up your skirt, grazing your clit through the lacy material of your panties.
 "What if someone walks in?” You protest weakly, truthfully not really caring as long as he doesn't stop. 
"Then they would know you belong to me, pet." Alastor remarks darkly, obsessively. "Besides, I can whisk us away safely, if it is required. Don't you trust me to protect you?" He asks, feigning hurt in his voice. 
"I do trust you, Alastor." You reply immediately, with no hesitation. At your words you feel him push a large finger into your wet cunt, causing you to choke back a loud moan. Your walls grip the digit desperately as he pumps it lazily in and out of you. The fact that you could get caught at any moment is heavy on your mind, only adding to the thrill of his hand in and on your most vulnerable and sensitive flesh. 
He adds a second finger, stretching your pussy deliciously, and you bite down on your own arm to keep from crying out. He moves the two inside you, curling them in a way that has you moaning into your arm. It feels so wrong and yet so right, as his hands work you into a fervored frenzy, bent over the kitchen counter. He pulls his fingers out of you, eliciting a protesting whine from your lips. Bringing them to his mouth, he sucks your juices off them. 
Suddenly, you hear voices heading towards the kitchen and panic slightly. You try to sit up, but he holds you down firmly. Before you even have time to think about anything else, he has you falling down into his shadows, and then just as quickly back up in a room you realize can only be Alastor's. "Tsk tsk, dear; did you truly think I'd let anyone see you in such a state? That should be a sight for my eyes only." He says, staring at you with a heated gaze. 
Alastor brings his mouth back to your neck, kissing the wound he made earlier lightly. His lips ghost down your neck, causing you to shiver in his arms. With a firm grip, he bends you over once again—this time over the mattress. His claw comes up to the flimsy piece of fabric covering your wet warmth. A precise swipe of his taloned hand has your panties shredded, falling off you to the ground. He takes a moment to admire your form, spread out and ready for him. 
Quickly undoing his trousers, he pulls his swollen, weeping manhood out. Stepping closer to you, he places both hands on your hips and positions himself at your entrance, letting his hardness rub lightly against your folds. “Please fuck me, Alastor. Please, I need you inside of me.” You beg, unable to wait even a second longer to feel his large, girthy, cock filling you up. 
"Who am I to deny the request of such a beautiful darling?" He responds, pushing himself into you, sheathing his hardness inside of your tight, warm walls. You let out an obscene moan as you feel him stretching you out almost painfully. "It's me you have a crush on isn't it, pet; I want to hear you say it." Alastor demands. 
He halts the movement of his hips, stilling inside of you at your hesitation to answer. With a whine you relent and confess, "Yes, it's you; I can't help it." At your answer he grins and thrusts harshly into you. You cry out in ecstasy as you feel the tip of him hit right against your sensitive cervix. Seeing the look of pleasure on your stunning face, he repeats the motion. 
This continues for a while, and he brutally fucks you into the mattress. The bed frame hits the wall over and over from the force of his hips snapping into yours. The wet slapping of skin reverberates throughout the room as you feel him hit just the right spot inside of you. He brings his hand up to your sensitive bundle of nerves, stroking at the same frenzied pace. 
"Ah, ah, don't stop, please." You plead as you feel tension building towards your climax. It feels so unbelievably good as his enormous hardness pumps in and out of your sopping cunt vigorously as his fingers work in tandem on your swollen clit. 
"That's it, be a good girl and cum on my cock." He coos enticingly. You feel something in you snap and you fall apart in the best way with a loud cry, waves of pleasure crashing over you and coursing through your body. Pushing your limp body down further into the mattress, he chases his own release, his movements wild and erratic now. You can feel him twitch inside you before he shoots his hot seed into your willing pussy with a growl. You feel his cum splatter forcefully against your walls. "You're mine now, my dear." He tells you, placing a tender kiss on your cheek. 
Both of you spent, you lay with your bodies intertwined like this for a while before Alastor eventually pulls himself out of you and steps away. Heading into the bathroom, he grabs a washcloth and wets it, before bringing it out to gently wipe up the mess seeping down your leg.  Bringing the rag up to wipe himself as well, he flings it across the room, then lays down on the bed beside you. Alastor pulls you into his arms tenderly, peppering your hair and forehead with doting kisses. In a post-orgasmic bliss, you slip peacefully into slumber, feeling safe in his arms.
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All About The Trines. Pt. 2 The Moon's Delight
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So heres pt.2 , all about the moon and the placements it forms a trine with. Enjoy !
Moon trine Saturn
Expressive authority traits. Can be open and transparent if they like you. But not so good with closed off people. The thing is, a moon/saturn placement can usually be the closed off person, but the trine makes them open up easily. This is because they're able to open up with themselves more often than others. The trine makes this individual easy going on the eyes, but they can be a bit more distant close by. It's a protective thing. There really good at letting you know how they're feeling without saying too much. Their witty if you pay close attention.
Another thing about this moon placement is that, there really good with people and taking on leadership roles. There especially good with children, and helping the emotional maturity thrive. They are excellent teachers and watchers of the environment. And there good at telling you about yourself especially if you're up to know good. The mother archetype is associated with moon/saturn peeps.
Moon trine Mars
Raw personas. They have a sexual nature to them that doesn't go unnoticed. Its like eros (asteroid) trine mars so to speak. They don't mean it all the time, it's just the way their vibe is. There vibe is very powerful as far as how they move. They can start an uproar just by their presence alone. It is there emotional upbringing that makes them form a confident aura. Most people with this placement had to prove their worth a lot, so as time went on they became confident in who they are and could boast about it a little. Not to much tho. Very organic when it comes to who they are and what they want. If they desire it, they'll find a way to get it.
Could be closed off to people they first meet, they'll open up if they can sense you're one of them. If not, they'll keep you close by but at a far enough distance so you don't know who they really are. Very interesting placement.
Moon trine Jupiter
Strong appetite with getting along with the unfamiliar. Loves knowledge and can potential seek out new information when the time is right. They have alot of information stored in them and they love to share it willingly and unwillingly. This trine is a natural force when it comes to the expression of their emotions. They use it to belt out what needs to be and this potential energy can push itself forward onto others giving people the healing that they need to get through the day. A very special aura connected to this placement holder.
Moon trine Mercury
Smooth talkers. An ability to belt out information and absorb others think pieces and milking it in a way that can become their own true thoughts. They're silly, sweet, and full of loving energy. Very child like when it comes to their inner nature, and very fun to have around too.Special personas with a knack for comedic thinking. There very food at easing the mind with their words, and can make you think of something you didn't have in mind at all. Could be very good at writing stories especially children's novels.
What they should do with this power is to make a difference with their words and be more comfortable with their speech. They should be more open with the people they meet because their sweet words can be a blessing. <3
Moon trine Venus
Wow. This placement is amazing to have and I call it a lucky placement. It has its ways with others that typically a sun/venus person couldn't do simply because the moon has a mystery in its aura that added with venus makes it move without missing a beat. The moon trine venus person has a gift in charisma that is connected to a part of their soul that can't be mimicked. Why do people like them so much? It's simply within them. Theres nothing they have to do to get people to like them, they just have to will their magic and boom, people are drown to them. Theres a magnetism with this placement that's unmatched with other venusians.
Moon trine Pluto
So this placement has a lot of potential at changing the way people feel. For better or worse, their gifted in the crafting of alchemy that their minds can shift into whatever it is they partake in. There emotional state is transfixed in whatever environment they are in, and how they move through those worlds they take something, or someone right along with them. Transformative auras, as they move through life, something changes them. And with each experiences, they can thrive to be better than the next. Opening doors for the next big thing, so they can heal themselves.. and others as well.
Moon trine Neptune
Beautiful spirits, they have a natural gift at letting go. The empathic qualities shows up here like no other. They are gifted in the arts so authentically that people think they just got it over night. Sweet babies that are filled with joy, the right people makes their souls spark. Giving them a chance to be more, to be higher than ever before. They are sensitive to noise, their ears are capable of receiving codes and information from the stars, guidance from the spiritual realm etc. It's a gift and a 'curse' if you will. But they got it going with the spiritual gifts, they know just what to do with them even if they don't.
Moon trine Uranus
Captivating in a way that shocks people and makes them feel deeper. They intrigue people with the way their emotions brings others to their knees. Most don't see a moon/uranus person coming and until they do, its like watching an alien. While everyone is stuck in the 2000s, their in 3008. They picked up on the cosmos long before they got here. They're just ready to make it back on home. Anywho, the person who has this trine placement is usually unique, has a gift in electrifying the world around them, and just knows things out of 'thin air' per-say. Just knowing one, you can feel the vibration they carry is totally newer than the average human. I'm joking. Their truly unique and something about you just stands out in a way that people can't figure out, but its truly internal and comes from the inner world.
Moon trine Rahu (North node)
Power meets dungeon. Dungeon meets power. The dragon wants its way out, but will you let it? With rahu, the emotions have a tempting fire, ready to burst through the cages and run as free is it can. You have a knack in vibrating high on a cloud and bringing us to the sanctuary we see for our own divinity. Mystical in nature, you're talents are embedded in the soul and must be tamed to prime perfection.
Moon trine Ketu (South node)
Gifted ability in the community and working with others. Has a knack for playfulness and a childlike aura already adapted in them. They naturally are equipped at making people wonder. Moon trine the south node shows a need for spirituality and can probably be a detached person already. They don't need much to feel good, they're already here.
(If you're looking for sun trine moon, thats on part 1, decided not to add this one on here).
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devilander · 1 day
in teaching you will learn (chapter 1)
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18+ 3k. homelander x tutor f!reader. employer and employee sexual tension. abuse of power. fingering. AO3 link.
You accepted a job proposal to work as a History tutor to Homelander's son. It suddenly turns out to be more than you had bargained for.
prompt sent by @plasticfangtastic, thank you so much! beta'ed by @flaggermuser, love you!
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Ryan was a very smart child. Powerful and smart, naturally, as any of Homelander’s offspring would be. So, to sate his endless curiosity, tutors—from the best universities, Homelander would settle for nothing else—of all subjects were hired to teach whatever was needed, whatever Ryan liked.
You had never imagined yourself in this position, History tutor to the Homelander’s son. But when you received Vought’s call, and they told you the paycheck that’d come with it, you immediately agreed. A non-supe, you wondered what it’d be like to deal with such a special kid, if Homelander would disapprove of your ways and send you packing on the first day. 
Insecurities were never your thing—you had received a M.A in History and Literature, for god’s sake! This was your turf. 
But… teaching a child? Whenever you would envision your future, you always imagined yourself as a professor, strict and serious, dealing solely with adults or, at most, young adults. 
You'd rise up, though, you knew it—even if you needed to spend all of your nights, from dusk ‘till dawn, watching videos on gentle parenting, endless courses on “childhood education” and teaching young learners. You would do it, and you would do it perfectly.
On your first day, you had a whole speech prepared, something about how much of an honor it was, how excited you were, how many ideas you already had; your stomach fluttered as you looked at his clear blue eyes, beautiful nose—
Homelander barely let you start. 
“Now.” He raised his hands, effectively shutting you up. “Enough with the yada yada, ‘kay? Let's get some things straight—all of your ideas gatta be approved by me first. And Ryan.”
“I'm sure, sir, I only meant—”
“And you'll not be berating him, for whatever fucking reason. You're not the boss here. I am. And, well, if he complains about anything, anything really, you’ll be… dismissed. That understood?” He had a congenial smile on his face, though you swore his eyes shined red, if only for a second. “Take care of my son, huh?”
He patted you on the shoulder and left. You just stood there, fuming and exasperated. If there's one thing you hated with a passion was condescending men; interrupting and disregarding your words as inane silliness. 
High and mighty as he was, Homelander was cut from the same cloth as them, it seemed. If it weren’t for your student debt piling up, you’d turn around and leave. As it were, you gritted your teeth and stayed. 
After that, though, you hardly ever saw him, and when you did, he only gave you an indiscernible look and a nod. 
Fine by me, you thought bitterly, mad at yourself that he'd surely noticed your flushed cheeks and quickened breath at your first real sight of him.
Ryan was sweet though. Sharp and eager to learn whatever you presented him with, such that you moved on quickly from fifth, sixth, to a seventh-grade curriculum. 
You found a happy medium—keeping it fun and educational. And you knew, you knew, whenever you were there, Homelander was watching you. 
And he was. Of course he was. He’d had his fair share of tutors Vogelbaum would present him with. Condescending little assholes, always thinking they knew better, reporting every minor thing he did, lecturing and punishing at their pleasure. 
As if he'd let his kid suffer the same fate. 
Education was, however, important, so he hired simpering tutors—a school would not do, no place was fit for Ryan—and those who didn't know their place were quickly taken care of. 
Yet you, the third History teacher hired (the first one was such a fucking mess—snapping his neck as soon as he left Vought was not enough for having the gall to rudely reprimand his son) were doing well so far. 
Oh, he had seen how you blushed and stuttered when you two met, and he had seen how you gradually steeled your eyes at his words. 
He had also noticed the sway of your hips, your pink, heart shaped mouth, the addictive sound of your voice—your scrunched up nose as you looked at him in poorly disguised anger.
So, yes, of course, of course he was watching, for more reasons than one. 
One day, when you and Ryan were talking animatedly about the creation of the American Constitution, Homelander decided to barge in, almost knocking the door off of its hinges.
You nearly fell off your seat in surprise, for a second scared and worried, until you saw his face. He looked as happy as a kid. Well, happier than Ryan. 
“Wowza,” he said. “What party do you two have goin’ on here? I could hear you from the hallway.” 
He could hear no matter how loud you were, but you got the gist. Smiling, though miffed at the interruption, you crossed the room, and he met you halfway.
“I was showing Ryan this book. Look.” He leaned down, his face touching yours. Oh God, oh God, wrong move. “It contains all of Thomas Paine's pamphlets published during the war in its original format. We were discussing how Paine's thoughts impacted on the Constitution’s writing.”
“Very nice,” he said, still so close to you the pure heat his body radiated engulfed your senses. And your body kept betraying, and betraying, and fucking betraying you.
“Oh, I love this part.” You thanked the heavens your voice didn't quiver, and started to read out loud. “Tyranny, like hell—”
“Is not easily conquered.” Homelander completed, and you looked up, only to find him already looking at you.
His hand then rested on your arm, lingering for a few seconds too long, his eyes locking you in place. You gulped, heart thumping in your chest—
“Dad,” Ryan bemoaned. Homelander dropped his hand instantly. “This is my class. You're interrupting us!”
Homelander frowned, then almost pouted. 
“Geez, buddy, what a way to treat your old man.” He crossed his arms; you contained a giggle. His eyes glinted mischievously as he turned to you. “Can I be your student for the day? I promise to behave.” 
“I don't see why n—”
“No,” Ryan exclaimed, interrupting you. “No, no and no!” 
Though he tried, there was no convincing Ryan. He wouldn't share the time he had with you. Inwardly, you smiled at the kid’s innocent jealousy; and thanked the heavens for the save, you certainly needed it. 
Huffing and stomping his feet, Homelander left the room, but not without giving his son an annoyed glare and you a look you couldn't—wouldn't—name yet. Maybe ever. 
Weeks passed, classes going smoothly despite your warring thoughts. You were attracted to Homelander, because of course you were; lucky you. Your boss, supe, leader of the Seven. The man who had so far threatened you, talked with you, touched you… 
Fear tinged with desire, confusion with curiosity. He was equal parts charming and infuriating. Would you dare to willingly put your hand in the mouth of the tiger? 
It became routine for Homelander to participate—or interrupt—your lessons to share his own opinions, much to Ryan's chagrin. And you… you were endeared. 
“Think you could've done a better job than Theodore Roosevelt? Really?” Your disbelieving tone didn't seem to put him off, just the opposite.
“I'm certain I could.”
His playful smile and arrogant tone annoyed you. Enchanted you. 
“Well, you should try for president, then,” you joked, catching yourself turning fully towards him. “You'll beat the records of votes and rule this grand nation!”
He hummed, winking at you. “Yeah, no. Not really in my… interests right now.”
“Would you make a Shermanesque statement on that?”
Homelander laughed, shaking his head. 
“Nah, maybe I’ll change my mind.” His eyes roamed over your body. “Couldn’t have that.” 
“What’s Sherman—Shermesque,” Ryan piped in, furrowing his brows as he stumbled over the word. “What are you talking about?”
“If nominated, I will not run; If elected, I will not serve,” you spoke at the same time and giggled, giggled!, together. Stop giggling like a schoolgirl, you chastised yourself, but you couldn't help it. There was such a thrill about flirting with danger in the flesh. 
Turning to Ryan, you explained. “It’s something William Sherman said. He was a popular general during the Civil War and was being considered as the Republican candidate during presidential elections. He, however, refused!” When excited, your arms had a mind of their own, and you found yourself gesturing wildly, enthusiastically. “His words became really popular from then on, such that it's now called a Shermanesque statement, and sometimes used by politicians and the like.”
Homelander couldn’t help but stare while you talked, entranced by your passionate speech, flushed cheeks and shining eyes. You were so fucking cute, deliciously captivating—even in your pitiful stubborn act, or all the more enticing because of it. He wanted to savor each and every moment you walked about the room; wanted to catalog your breath changes, the rises of your voice, your moving lips. 
Would you be just as responsive in another, more interesting scenario?, he wondered. Maybe you would want to take charge, bossy little thing you are. Maybe he’d have to bend you just shy of breaking you only to see you beg—beg him to fuck you, to let you come on his fingers, mouth and cock. 
His filthy thoughts raged on, only interrupted when you announced your time was up. Ryan groans in disappointment and Homelander has a hard time not doing the same. He hungers for more moments with you. Alone.   
“C’mon, kiddo,” he says, noticing Ryan stalling to tidy up his books and supplies as he liked to do. “You gotta get ready for your shooting today.”
Ryan grumbles under his breath. “I hate these commercials.”
Before he can answer, you approach, tousling Ryan’s hair and leaning down to look him in the eyes. 
“Hey, sweetheart, it will be okay. Just play pretend like we talked,” you said. “And if it gets too much, I'm sure your dad will take care of it. I'll bring you a treat tomorrow, how about that?”
He should probably put you in your place for daring to presume you know shit about him and his son—as if your puny mind could understand the greater beings they were. And yet, and yet… Ryan was smiling, rushing to embrace you though his quick heartbeat betrayed how nervous he was. You hugged him back, and looked at Homelander with such sweet grin that he—fuck, he felt fucking breathless.
He wanted to kiss you. 
When Ryan left the room, you snatched your purse, seemingly wanting to leave as quickly as possible. But Homelander stood in front of the door, unmoving, his jewel-toned eyes intensely fixated on you. 
A sudden heat spread through your body, and you let out a breathy sigh. And he noticed; eyes tracking over your face and chest, like undressing you with his mind. 
Perhaps he was. He certainly could. The thought made you desperate, you needed to run. Your apartament wouldn't be enough, maybe you should catch a bus to Jersey. Or a fucking plane to—Russia, or farther—
“Want me to give you a ride?” You were so distracted you barely heard his words, much less the double entendre. 
He snickered. “I said—”
“No! I mean yes. I mean no!” You shook your head, dizzy. “No, sir, I wouldn't want to trouble you.”
“Ah but there's no trouble at all, it'll take a minute. I know where you live.”
“You do?” A shudder ran through you.
“Of course, you silly goose. It's in your resume.” He tapped your nose, a gesture so off-putting you snorted, suddenly aware he'd closed the distance without you noticing. “Let's go, little miss mouthy. Don't make me insist,” he declared, voice still cheerful, but you caught the edge of it, leaving no room for argument. 
“Okay, okay… But only this time!” 
Homelander simply laughed. 
Reaching the balcony, you looked down and froze. Too high, too high!, your brain screamed at you. 
“Hehe, on second thought…” You looked at him pleadingly, a weird laugh bubbling out in sheer nervousness. You gripped the banister as if your very life depended on it. 
“Ah, ah. No takesies backsies.” He wiggled his finger in your face, and, for a single moment, two, three seconds?, caressed your cheek softly. 
Before you could react, he grabbed you by the waist and took off. Panic stricken, you hid your face in his neck, dangling legs instinctively circling his hips; much like a koala, you held on to him in all ways you could—even your fingers found locks of his hair to grip mercilessly.
Through the rush of the wind, you felt, more than heard, his laugh. 
It took some seconds to catch on to the overwhelming closeness between you two—how every inch of your body was adhering to his, how you could feel the impressive strength emanating from him, how his warm breath was hitting your neck, leaving shivers in its wake. 
You could feel it all. No matter the padded suit, you felt the tension in his muscles, the upheaval in his chest as he drew you even closer and fuck you couldn't fucking help clenching your cunt and exhaling right next to his year—
In a second, Homelander had you on the roof of your building.
You didn't want to look up, fearing what he'd throw at you, anger and indifference or lust and temptation. Both shook you to your core. 
“Wakie, wakie,” he said, breathless, a certain roughness to his tone. His hands squeezed your back with surprising care. Each second was too long, and yet not enough. 
And then you felt it, as you started to disentangle yourself from his body, his cock, hard and throbbing, poking your stomach, dangerously close to where you ached for it the most. 
You looked up. 
There was no smirk, no mocking eyes—only a stare so intense your heart skipped a beat. 
“Thank you, Homelander, for the—for the ride. I appreciate it, despite you almost giving me a heart attack at first.” You giggled, trying to dispel the mood.
“How about you thank me by inviting me in? Y’know what they say, actions speak louder than words.” 
“No, I…” you hesitated, trying to think of an excuse but your mind went blank. “No.”
Homelander cocked his head, dazzling smile turning a little unnerving. “No? Is that right?”
“How about another day? I can—”
“I didn't fucking ask for a bullshit, out-of-pity mock invite, did I? What is it, hiding some terrorists in your shithole apartment? Or mommy’s dead body?”
If it weren't for his looming over you, you'd crack a laugh—his mind certainly went places. 
“Listen—” You started again, only to be pushed until your back hit the roof's door, knocking the air out of you. 
“You listen,” he ground out, eyes a kaleidoscope of red and blue. It was painfully exhilarating. “Don’t try lying to me. I can sense you, I can fucking smell you, your pussy is soaked.” To prove his point, he removed one glove and opened up your pants; your panties were shoved aside as he squeezed two fingers inside you. You whimpered at the burn of his intrusion, but you were so wet the squelch was loud even to your ears. “You either invite me in or I'll rip your clothes off and fuck you right here. Your choice, sweetheart.”
Homelander was being nice in giving you a choice, despite the fact you were a rude tease, and a liar to boot. His fingers kept pumping in and out of you, and he found it so fucking hard not to go all the way, not to have you against this door while you moaned so, so sweetly. 
He needed you—to feel you clenching on his cock as you did now on his fingers. And you wanted him. Fuck, you were whining and opening your legs so he could finger you better, clinging onto his waist as your head rested on his shoulder. Still, you dazedly shook your head. What was the matter with you?
“Oh, please, please,” you half begged, half moaned, raspy voice driving him crazy. “We can't, I can't…”
“Give me one good fucking reason why not, huh. One.”
Instead of answering, you kissed him. He seemed surprised at first, but reciprocated in an instant. And it was all you expected it'd be, messy and passionate and hot; he consumed you, drinking in every part of you, all you had to give, and what you wouldn’t give, he would take. 
You gathered his face in your hands, wanting a little bit of tenderness in the violent chaos of you, a little bit of love—if you could.
His hand kept working on you, thumb rubbing your clit in circles and, before you ran completely out of breath, you came so hard your legs gave out. 
Perfect for Homelander to catch, hold you onto his body as you rode the waves of your pleasure—so beautiful he was enraptured. 
After a few moments, you whispered. “I can't let you in. If I do, I won't think straight, I'll just let you do anything you want to me.” 
“Is that a bad thing, sweetheart?”
“I'm… not used to this, I don't… I haven't done much of this. You never even asked me out!” You laughed. The good humor vanished as you continued. “I can't lose this job. I need it, I like it. If we do… What will even happen to me?” You cursed your own inability to talk about this, all your eloquence going to the drain when you needed to speak of something other than History. In those moments, you always felt like mimicking some speech taught to you long ago, as if talking about your own feelings was an unattainable device. 
Yet Homelander found it amusing. Apparently he'd gotten you all wrong, or at least parts of it. For all your bravado in speaking to him, in challenging him—in your fearlessness and spunk—you were inexperienced. Innocent. Shy. Wasn't that his fucking lucky day. 
“So the baby wants me to take her on a date first, that it?”
“I didn't say that.” You raised a brow, crossing your arms. “And don’t call me baby.”
“Also I boy-scout promise not to fire you if you are a bad lay, but I doubt that, baby.”
“Oh, shut up,” you said, though there was no bite to it, only a timid smile on your face. “Okay, alright. This weekend?” 
“Friday. I’ll send someone to pick you up. Wear something nice for me.”
Before leaving, he kissed you deeply, hands nearly shaking with yearning. He wanted to take it all back and drag you to his bed, absconding with you for a day or two. But he’d waited this long and he could wait a bit longer—he’d savor every second and make it worth it.
As you walked down the stairs to your apartment you sighed, drunk in the haze of disbelief; there was no way you could run now. It’s clear you have a problem. What you should wish for isn’t what you want.
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jackiepackiee · 1 day
Can you do flags with a VERY insecure reader
𝐹𝓁𝒶𝑔𝓈 𝓍 𝐼𝓃𝓈𝑒𝒸𝓊𝓇𝑒! 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 - 𝓂𝒶𝒻𝒾𝒶
𝒯𝓎𝓅𝑒 - 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝒹𝒸𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓈
Apologies that some are shorter than others
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Shows his care with tough love
He is well aware the life you both lead is dangerous, and you must be ready
So expect training
It’s not that you’re weak, it’s that he wants you to have confidence in your skills
He is a cocky person, but he cares for you more than his image
He’ll never admit it, but he’ll purposely lose a fight against you just to boost your confidence
Now, he’s the only one allowed to show this tough nature
Anyone else will be a goner
You’re out on a mission, and the enemy is taunting you?
Before he was just gonna take them out quick, but now he’ll have a little fun beating this one up
If you’re dating? He’s always there for you
You’re having a sleepover, and you’re awkwardly standing in the doorframe
“What are ya doing?”
He asked, and used his gravity to pull you into his bed. Making sure to not knock over the array of snacks and the movie laptop
You plopped onto the bed, and moved away
“The hell are you sorry for?”
He pushes the bag of your fav candy to you
“I… I dunno.”
“Well you’re gonna have something to be sorry for soon.”
“Get over here so we can watch this movie before I get bored!”
The perfect cure for your insecurities?
Chuuya Nakahara
If I’m being honest? He will make you feel worse at first
It’s not at all his fault of course and he doesn’t mean to
But he is just so damn perfect and I t’s hard to “compare to him”
So his most important lesson to you in to teach you that you are yourself
Not compared to him, but instead an attachment to him
A partner and a lover
And that if he’s so special, you must be even more superior for him to have chosen you
He’s the port mafias communicator after all, so he can make you believe whatever he likes
This is not manipulation of malice intent, but instead his only means of making you see yourself for your true value
“Love, what are you staring in the mirror for?”
“Oh… it’s nothing.”
“I would appreciate the truth.”
“This dress is most unflattering…”
“On you? It’s magnifying your beauty.”
He’s an amazing liar, though you see right through him
Of course you do, you’re his lover
So you know every compliment is genuine
Oh boy… it’s not that he ignores it
But it’s more that he doesn’t understand why you feel that way
You’re so perfect? A loving, beautiful, and kind person
Patient enough to care for him so you being insecure confuses him
He loves to show you off, thinking the best therapy is experience
And at first? It’s embarrassing
Making you feel foolish with everyone’s eyes on you until he has one of his genius moments and tells you to
“look into there eyes. They adore you.”
Believe it or not, it’s a master plan
Take you to the most expensive parties in Yokohama and showing you off
The attention is hard, but he is sure to comfort you in your embarrassment
“Oh come on, you looked like an angel! One more time, that’s all I ask.”
And his pleading is charming. So magically that next time ticks something
It makes you realize that the eyes on you are of adoration
And jealousy that Albatross has you… wow, what a confidence booster
Although, if the eyes get too much looking to him may be the worst idea
His adoration isn’t just in his eyes, but his whole body. Pouring from him
It seems silly, but he’s not a high ranking mafiaoso for nothing
The gentle king himself will be there, even if he’s sorta in the shadows
He’s VERY preceptive and knows what is going on with everybody around him
So the second you get a bad feeling, perhaps after passing a reflective window?
He’ll go to the flower shop down the street and drop them off at your desk
He’s not a talker, and probably won’t be able to comfort you
But actions are his forte
If someone made rude comments however?
And they made you upset?
They’re gone. It’s quick and clean
He isn’t one to show his partner off, but he has this silent care
Not overly touchy, but he likes to maybe keep a hand around you while out
He’s proud to be with you, he just doesn’t show it
Like the good man he is, he’s confused by such things as you saying “I’m stupid” or “I look terrible today”
Because… no you don’t?
He’s seen thousands of people, and some look a lot worse than you do? So how would you be considered bad?
But he won’t comment on it
Just like he is with Chuuya, he’s hesitant to do things incase it’ll further escalate the situation
This fun leader will make you feel better in the short and long term
He’s the type of man to always have a smile on his face
And obviously he’s gonna smile when he sees you!
That in of itself is a confidence booster and makes you much happier
He’s so welcoming to you every time you greet one another
And it makes your presence feel wanted, which it is
He isn’t going to fact your insecurities one on one
He isn’t an idiot, and knows that is he tries to tackle that issue he’ll be in over his head
He’s not a therapist, but he’s a comforter and someone you can rely on
Now… let’s say someone says something bad about you?
That piano wire is cutting something… if you know what I’m getting at
Now if you feel as if you look bad?
He disagrees, but nonetheless buys you very nice clothes and makeup (if you want)
He uses his counterfeit money, so skies the limit!!
Good luck even thinking about yourself when his dad jokes are always taking up your mind
Will say to himself “I’m a physical doctor… I’m a physical doctor” to stop himself from interfering at first
He would hate to accidentally mess up your mind even more
He knows you’d hate it if he knew how insecure you were
But it’s not his fault you’re not good at hiding it
So he stands by
Little acts of kindness on bad days
Flowers that have no allergens, fruit to make you feel healthy physically
But he can’t do this forever
Watch you suffer in your own head
So he steps in quietly
He’s not a main attraction type of guy
So he’ll help from the sides
And when you suddenly feel better about yourself?
Just know Doc is stitching up some patient while being proud of you for beating stupid thoughts
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blakbonnet · 10 hours
ARTIST OF THE WEEK: @mistysblueboxstuff
this week's aotw features the lovely Andrea who has been gracing us with beautiful ofmd art since the show began, and some of you might also recognise her art in other fandoms like Good Omens. She agreed to answer some questions for me:
Which do you use to draw (app/digital or traditional)?
I mainly paint digitally and in Photoshop CS6
Fave brushes/pencils/mediums (links/screenshot?)
My favourite brushes are Greg Rutkowski's oil brushes for Photoshop (best $6 I've ever spent xD)
Your favourite piece you've drawn?
I have lots of favourite pieces so it's hard to choose, but this would be one of my favourites
Who's harder to draw: Ed or Stede?
I think Stede is harder to draw because faces with softer features tend to be more difficult to paint (especially if there's no facial hair involved xD) :')
One essential tip for beginner artists?
I think the most important thing when starting out as an artist is to just keep painting and never give up. It's easy to get discouraged when your art isn't turning out how you envision it, but I promise if you just keep at it, you'll get there! Paint what you love, paint from the heart, and the progress will kinda just sneak up on you. Don't be scared to experiment either, make silly art, bad art, whatever you feel like making. Also, this one is hard (and still is for me), but don't compare your art to other people's art. As someone much wiser than me once said: "Comparison is the thief of joy". So just focus on yourself and have fun ❤️
Why OFMD? 🥹
OFMD just sort of felt like something that'd be right up my alley, and i fell in love with it immediately. The characters, the settings, the humour, Ed and Stede's beautiful, yet oftentimes heartbreaking, relationship (who doesn't love some angst, though? xD) - it's hard not to adore this show!
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sarnai4 · 3 days
Expectation Subversion
Penguins of Madagascar has some of my favorite examples of subverting expectations for personalities. They also gave me something that I try to use when creating my own characters. It seems like the characters can easily fit into a one-dimensional stereotype, but then there's more. Let's start off with Rico.
At first glance, Rico is just a loose cannon. In lesser shows, he might have been. After all, he just needs to be the silly one who spits up weapons and sure, he is, but that's not all. Rico is also fiercely loyal. He's the same one who was terrified of a "haunted" car and still braved it head-on when it had hurt Skipper. Comically enough, he can just as easily turn on the others when Ms. Perky wants him to do something else (cue Rico attacking them because of that darn voice box). An underrated skill of Rico's is how resourceful he is. He always knows exactly what weapon is necessary for the moment. With these skills, his loyalty, and his fun/unhinged flair, he really comes to life as a character.
Private is seemingly just the nice guy of the group. He's the young one who's innocent. Again, this is a part of him. He is very nice, not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings like when he was supposed to win a rude-off against Clemson. He's also pretty naive with a lot of things, being unsuspecting about Hans actually being bad. Despite this, there's more to Private than niceness. He's got the most common sense of the group, being the only one to see that grabbing the plant needed to save Maurice's life would be easier than continuing to use the jaws of life AND realizing how unlikely it was that Santa was spending Christmas Eve in a random building. I also love how he's got a backstory of being this almost ruthless mini golf player. His underrated skill is that he's the second best fighter of the group. Solely looking at fin-to-fin combat, Private is the only one who's been on par with Skipper.
Kowalski could have just been the "science nerd." He definitely has this as a core part of him, but he's also such a drama queen. I love it. He's the poster boy for book smarts because this penguin has a score of 0 for practical reasoning. Heck, he had to figure out which instincts to use. His struggles with this leads to him continuously making inventions that almost kill everybody. Kowalski is always an invention away from turning into a mad scientist. I'm convinced this actually has happened before and then he just snaps back to his senses (thinking about times like Jiggles and more). Something else which adds an interesting layer to him is how much he wants to be in charge. He's technically the second-in-command and has made it clear that he'd like to replace Skipper when the time comes. "Kowalski's log...too soon?"
Skipper seems like he's just the tough boss. In a comedy like this, he easily could've been an incompetent leader. Rather than that, he's honestly a very good leader who is clever with his plans. Seriously, his escape plans shown in Pets Peeved and more episodes really demonstrate how thoroughly he can think out a strategy even when he's on the spot. Along with this, Skipper tries to act hard and rough, but he makes it clear that he cares about his team more than anything. He even faced his fear of needles (this show singlehandedly taught me what trypanophobia was) for Private when he learned that the soldier would've been hurt otherwise. It even stretches beyond them. Skipper really cares about everyone in the zoo, going so far as to look out for Julien who is probably one of his least favorite zoo mates. I also really like how much being a leader means to Skipper. When he thought he couldn't be in charge anymore, he was having a meltdown. He even put Private as leader just so that he could make it clear who actually deserves the position. It's so petty, that it's almost beautiful.
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pedroscouts · 1 day
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Say hello to our Scout of the Week: @sp00kymulderr!
*Who is your favorite Pedro boy? I resisted Dieter Bravo for a long time but safe to say that man really wormed his way into my heart over the last year or so. Now I run @dieterbravobrainrotclub and spend basically every single day thinking about him 😅 I just think he’s really neat; I love how Pedro created this dynamic character despite how little we actually get of him in The Bubble. Plus, he’s a very fun character to put into all sorts of weird and wonderful situations.
*If you were going to make a playlist for that Pedro boy, what is a song that would be on it? Ooh this is a tough one, I’ve never made a character playlist before but the first song that comes to mind for Dieter would be Guilty Pleasure by Chappell Roan, it’s a song where the very first time I heard it it gave me immediate ideas for a Dieter fic.
*Do you have a favorite fic you’ve read? What do you like about it? I have so many. There are so many incredibly talented people in this fandom it’s practically impossible to choose just one but since you asked, I absolutely adore Into the Beat of the Night by @perotovar. To be honest I’m very much not a Frankie person but Erin created such a special, well-crafted and caring love story for Frankie that’s unlike anything else I’ve read. I adore the original character, River, and it’s very special for me to be able to read non-binary characters in fanfic since they are so few and far between. I think about this series constantly, it’s been very healing for me in a way, and I’m always amazed by Erin’s talent.
*Purple Lakers shirt or yellow Lakers shirt? They’re both iconic but purple because I can never get over how good Pedro looks in purple!
*Would you drink six shots of espresso over ice? Absolutely yes. The more coffee the better. The stronger the coffee the better. I’m a coffee freak and I’m not sure I can function without it to be honest.
*Describe yourself with 5 adjectives. Shy, silly, excitable, nerdy, optimistic
Thank you so much for answering the questions, Gideon! Guys, definitely visit @sp00kymulderr - their masterlist is full of Pedro boys and a few other treats as well, and check out @dieterbravobrainrotclub, too!
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chosolala · 1 day
⋆ ˚。⋆𐙚˚ Yuji headcannons
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like the title says, these are just my silly cute little yuji itadori headcannons, hope you enjoy ���₊˚⊹
anything you buy for him or give him, like a bracelet or a keychain, he will put on right then and there and never take off, he also gets really sad if they break and begs you to make/buy him another one.
hes vv strong physically so he would just randomly scoop you up over his shoulder or play wrestle with you, but he usually lets you win or calls it a tied match.
if he likes you, expect a lot of cheesy pick up lines and flirting attempts, he will also invite you out a lot, especially to go grab fast food or catch a movie.
he is also very protective over you, but instead of getting angry if he sees other people checking you out, he'll just look over at them like 'yeah this is MY partner, i bagged this'
he will literally drop everything he's doing if you needed him, even if you called asking if a certain top looked good on you, he's already running to the boutique to see with his own eyes
he lets you dye his hair for him, he thinks it looks better when you do it.
he loves adult cartoons like family guy or the simpsons so he usually has them on in his room.
he likes to play with megumis divine dogs and is constantly bugging him to summon them.
he has a very high tolerance to spice so when he makes his own food and lets you and the others try some you're all literally choking and gasping for air and hes just confused
always knocking on your door asking if you wanna watch tv or play games, he just likes hanging out with you.
he had to buy new slippers after gojo stole his and he got a funny character on his shoes like sonic or brian griffin
he eats so much its almost concerning, like when you all go out everyone is shocked by how much he orders and then even more shocked when he leaves the plate bone dry.
he would square up to anyone anywhere if they were less than polite to you and visibly hurt your feelings, hes kind of an air head and probably wouldn't do more than give a mean glance to the person but if he saw you were uncomfortable or unhappy with it hands are being thrown
whenever hes sad or in his feelings, he doesn't talk about it, he wants to but he just cant bring himself to speak up about it. so he just locks himself in his room until hes over it.
he is a very heavy sleeper, when you wake up in his arms you literally can't move or wake him up, you just have to wait for him to get up on his own. hes a rock when he sleeps.
he likes watching dramatic reality tv shows with you and poking fun at the exaggerated effects, he also likes watching cooking shows and impersonating the recipes, usually it doesn't end so well
one time you and him tried making tonkatsu and yuji left a rag a little too close to the stove, the entire building had to evacuate.
he listens to a lot of different music genres but his favorite is whatever artist is your favorite.
he is so painfully bad at math, sometimes its almost shocking.
he is effortlessly funny, he never fails to make those around him laugh or brighten a bad day, hes just a joy to be around.
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theprismyyy · 1 day
Natalie with an artistic girlfriend
Natalie Scatorccio x Fem!Reader
Tw: Nothing just teenagers being silly...and maybe a little nudity, but just a little☝️Also this hasn't been reviewed and probably won't be.
(English is not my first language)
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Natalie with an artistic girlfriend------ This girl is definitely your number one fan, no matter what your art style or if you think a certain project of yours isn't very good, she will always think it's amazing and shower you with compliments because it's you and she loves you so much, and loves all your art <3 you could literally just draw some stick figures out of sheer boredom and she would treat it like it was the greatest work of art of the century.
Natalie with an artistic girlfriend------ She loves just sitting next to you while you draw, because she loves the artistic process, especially when the sketch starts with something "ugly and meaningless" and ends up being something incredible, you can see the shocked expression and the stars in her eyes as you watch the end result and she's all, "How did you do that?😲"
Natalie with an artistic girlfriend------ She would love to have little art dates, even if that's your thing and not hers, this girl just likes spending time with you <3 She would also try so hard to do something cool and impress you, but I really think she would have the artistic gifts of a two-week-old baby and she would be all "☹️" because you think her drawing is horrible and that you wouldn't like it, but when you see that she tried to draw you together in a little house, just like those children's drawings, you would be falling in love with her and showering this girl with kisses and affection, and she would be so embarrassed (in a good way); the next time she came to your house and saw her drawing on the wall along with her thousands of others, she would feel like melting like butter, if this girl had a tail you could see it wagging like a puppy's.
Natalie with an artistic girlfriend------ She would also be very messy during these meetings, always ending up completely dirty, whether from paint or colored markers, or whatever materials you were using; She would be the type who forgets that her hands are dirty and passes them over her face and then her face also becomes dirty, she only realizes it when you warn her between amused laughs.
Natalie with an artistic girlfriend------ One of her greatest fun is leafing through her sketchbooks, she could literally spend hours just sitting while going through each one of them, always commenting on her favorite drawings from each sketchbook and also about her evolution in art, in a Modern!au she there would probably be a million photos of your drawings on her phone
Natalie with an artistic girlfriend------ She would love to receive gifts made by you, drawings, collages, paintings, origami; It doesn't matter, she would keep them all in a hidden box under her bed just to make sure her father wouldn't find them and ruin them, but I think she would at least have one drawing stuck on her bedroom wall so she could look at it while she thinks. in you♡
Natalie with an artistic girlfriend------ If you needed a live model for a project she would 100% step up to that role, even though I think she would never be able to stand still long enough for that, but it's the intention that counts
Natalie with an artistic girlfriend------ It is common knowledge that her life in general is very troubled, so I feel that throughout her life this girl has always needed to be very cautious about everything, closing herself off from people as a way of protecting herself because everyone she has ever liked they left or hurt her in some way and there are still her shitty parents, you are the first constant in this poor baby's life, the first person she has really opened up to, and it shows in the little things, the little details about you that are there for her even when you're physically not there, that makes her feel loved, that reminds her that now she finally has someone; These little things are your drawings, your art, like all the gifts carefully stored in the box under her pants, or the little patterns of colorful flowers in acrylic paint on the headboard of her bed, or the marker doodles you helped her with. to do on the old all stars, the little discreet drawings scribbled on the theoretically imperceptible corners of her walls, all the silly and fun sketches you made in her notebooks and she loves <3333 it's the little things that make her melt and realize how much she loves you
Natalie with an artistic girlfriend------ She would also be your greatest muse, as if you had a special Sketchbook unique and exclusively dedicated to her, just with drawings of her, it's all about her ♡♡♡ sketches with little notes about how much you love her and how beautiful she is, or drawings of her features that you like, like a drawing of her nose with a note about how you like the little slope of it, or drawings of her eyes saying how pretty they are, etc, etc <3 She would 100% know about him because you never really hid it and she would probably get all emotional about it because no one has ever treated her with so much love or noticed the little things about her
Natalie with an artistic girlfriend ------ Thinking about a Modern!au where you beg her to let you do that tik tok trend with her where you paint a canvas on your boyfriend/girlfriend's back, and you don't even have to beg a lot because she agrees immediately. So imagine being in your bed with Natalie lying on her stomach, without a shirt or bra on and you have an amazing view of the pale skin of her back and the cute freckles there :(( she is so beautiful and sensitive and would get goosebumps at the slightest touch of the brush on your back, like she gets goosebumps all over because the paint feels so cold and she does her best to stay still and not disturb you, but she can't help but laugh every few seconds
© 2024 theprismyyy — please do not copy, translate or repost any of my work without my permission.
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berrinlee · 2 days
🩸- anon here with a few more silly ideas. (I’m a masc person so most of these are from a masc perspective:((( )
Logan and Goth older brother reader, kind of like Sunshine X Cerberus, but in the phantom realm? Readers the terrified one. And then Logan takes the protective role of :3
Ashlyn with a tap/acro dancer, friendly competition of different dance styles. Or a martial artist, I say this because if you’ve ever been in a dance studio that does multiple styles, the friendly beef is CRAZZYYY
Ben with either really short chaotic reader or a reader who’s taller then him and is the dad friend, bro is prepared for everything^2
Tyler with a Shakespeare quoting theatre kid, overly flirty and all (with consent ofc) they’re so gay for eachother
I literally can’t view Taylor dating someone who’s masc, but best ship I think is girlboss (Taylor) X girl failure, like fem reader is clumsy, bad at school, but in phantom realm? She’s the one hunting the phantoms down
no idea if this is a request, i assume not. but i’ll involve this with the misc list since i throw in my own ideas and a whole ass rant.
LOGAN. sunshine x cerberus would be the funniest thing ever because it reminds me of rodrick heffley. so lots of bonus points if goth older brother is a HUGE tease and does music. i feel like it’d be fun for goth!reader and aiden vs tyler with that personality i’m going for. just imagining goth laughing and encouraging taylor to record them; even provoking aiden and tyler when they’re all grumpy. but side effect: VERY IGNORANT PERSON if they were not involved with the phantom world, they would tease logan about the whole thing; even in public. which would cause serious problems like accidentally outing them and causing suspicions. if they were involved with the phantom world, they would react the same way tyler did but start a whole argument with tyler using tons of different insults. (bonus: actually very loving towards logan. does not care if their teasing goes too far but would protect logan with his fucking life.)
ANOTHER BONUS! in the band au, goth!reader would def help logan with his eyeliner (only did it when he noticed how half-assed logan’s make up was.)
ASH. at first, would most likely find the competition weird. if you made playful competitive jokes when you first meet her, she’d most likely be confused with your tone. are you making fun of her? are you trying to fight? are you joking? honestly kind of like another aiden x ashlyn if he was a dancer.. turns into a taylor x ash dynamic if we make this competitive little fella a good comforter. that’s absolutely adorable. at some point ash will find the playfulness easing her; sometimes irritated when you accuse her of “cheating” in the playful competition which is… most definitely not possible. if sbg were to be a musical, just imagine these two having a song where ash has to keep up with tap/acro dancer; most likely a “the other side” from the greatest showman type of song ngl.
BEN. would have such a fun personality if there was another dude who was way taller and was more of a dad figure. huge idol for ben honestly. yk the scene where ash compliments him for his good “first aid skills” or wtv and he blushes? imagine him always blushing everytime dad friend!reader compliments him or pats him on the head telling him that he did such a good job and that he’s proud. ben would hate showing his anger issues more towards dad friend!reader because he feels something in him that he doesn’t want to disappoint dad friend!reader. when they first met, he’d be way more timid because i like to think dad friend!reader would be a yapper but more of a calm one. would find it absolutely awkward being around dad friend!reader but finds so much comfort when dad friend!reader does something father-like (finds himself agreeing with dad friend!reader a lot and mindlessly following him while also throwing in his ideas.)
BONUS: picks up random habits that dad friend!reader does
TYLER. would find it absolutely ridiculous if a kid were to quote Shakespeare to him. but get this guy in a grumpy mood and tell him a shakespeare quote him? now you’re just being annoying. THOUUGHHHHH this guy seems to be keeping those words? oh m ygod just imagine reader getting upset and he pulls up with a shakespeare quote and he gets all shy when you tease him because he just gave out that he thinks of you when he sees ANY quote at all. proceeds to say “it’s just a one time thing” but uses quotes you have said to him to motivate him in the phantom world.
TAYLOR. she SCREAMSSSSS bisexual in denial. just imagine her blushy face when she sees how strong reader is in the phantom world, constantly defending her n shit. bandaging her own brother can be hard, but bandaging you??? YOU????? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO WITH HER?? MARRY HER??? BECAUSE SHE ISN’T SAYING NO!! just imagine ash having to divide the group for a plan and taylor immediately volunteers to go with you because holy shit. shy clumsy girl who’s good in fighting? no need for more info, she NEEDS that number. just imagine taylor teasing you and when you get all blushy and laughy, she sees your face and turns into a TOMATO. despite you being the clumsy one, she feels like she’s the clumsy one around you; becoming uncoordinated and messy when she sees you wipe a bloody nose and breathe heavily. bonus points if shy clumsy girl actually did martial arts and has a uniformed (person in the army) father who is HELLA STRICT WITH HER. more bonus points if the shy clumsy girl is actually really slim and her body aches after experiencing high amount of adrenaline
this is very self projecting because im literally describing myself. sorry guys.
btw just imagine being the clumsy girl and running into taylor in a garage where she’s wearing a white tank top with oil all over. ohMY RHAOJCOCJOWWMOANSODMDDJQOWMSODMDO HELDOFOPSPWP
AIDEN. huge angst here idc i love aiden angst! just imagine his childhood friend being aiden’s BIGGEST friend but suddenly lost all contact when they moved houses, and aiden just loved them so much he thinks of them everyday; doing things that his friend would’ve done and likes videos that reminds him of them. despite him learning to be able to live without them, he has so much loyalty for them. just to run into them at the school and seeing that they refuse to interact with him until they were forced into the group bc of that TEACHER. huge slowburn due to their unknown want to avoid from aiden. bonus points if aiden tries to push them (like how he was pushy the first few eps) by reminding them of things they used to do when they were kids or showing them things that remind him of their childhood.
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u’ve been fed.
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mrghostrat · 2 days
I love your fics! They are so much fun, but i miss your soft and sweet fics. Is there any chance we'll see one more like the teacher or postcard ones soon?
i hadn’t really thought about this tbh! i didn’t exactly plan for one fic to be more silly and another to be more sweet, but u’ve put that in my mind now and i can be more aware of it 👀
looking at my wip list, ceo au would probably be the closest to a soft n sweet. theres a bit of snarkiness between them but its not as silly as editor au, it’s more like a drawn out hurt/comfort, with a feelings realisation that turns into secret pining 🤌
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tea-and-secrets · 18 hours
im super obsessed with 'becoming' different people online. i have a deviantart account where i pretend to be a transfemme she/zhe teenager who enjoys drawing cats and the color pink (none of this particularly applies to me). i had an amino account where i was a he/they baby witch who was too shy to hold a conversation but loved answering questions. hell i have a roblox account where i play stereotypical 'girly' games and my name is a very basic girl name, and i act snotty and rude (but i know when to back down or apologise). i have several more but they actually have a following and i dont wanna risk exposing myself. i tried doing like, real roleplay, but it didnt have the same heft to it. so i make my silly little accounts with silly little characters and im having so much fun. i have gotten two love confessions over my years of doing it. i have so many friends, none of them know. in fact, the typing style im using here is not my main/normal one! it is the one i use for 1 of my accs tho lol
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innxrvision · 21 hours
So long - pt. 3 𒂭
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part 3 of 3 ------------ 𖦹 tags: james hetfield x reader, fluff, smut, best friends to lovers, bet, 80s james, a little angst if you squint ♱ a/n: so sorry for posting it a bit late, some things came up and I had actually a hard time writing the smut part. Wow... it's truly harder than it looks. I don't think I did too well, but hey! It's my first time trying! I think I do too much dialogue in general, but it's such a fun part... I don't know, is it too much? You guys tell me, please so I can get better on the next one! Any tips are very welcome.
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𖦹 part 1 𖦹 part 2 𖦹 part 3 𖦹
You finish another round of beer before getting out of the bar. Your hands sweating nervously and your heart thumping inside of your chest as you two walk towards James' house, thankfully only a few blocks away from the place you were before.
The walk is silent, there's a tension in the air that makes your anxiety spike. Even though none of you were exactly sober, you became hyper-aware of every single move James made.
"So, ready for the best night of your life?" He cuts through the silence as you arrive at his front porch, trying to ease you up. Of course, he would say something stupid like that. "But before we get to the fun part, we need to get inside." He grins, fumbling in his pockets in search of the house keys. "Don't worry, there's nobody home." He adds as he unlocks the door.
"Shut up." You manage to say, your voice barely above a whisper, like somebody could hear you two at any moment. A silly precaution.
He chuckles, just loving how flustered you are, and waits for you to get inside, locking the door behind you. He doesn't bother to turn on the lights and holds your shaking hand firmly to guide you upstairs to his room.
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of you." He whispers, and you can see his grin in the dim light that enters his room through the window. "Are sure you're ready for this?" He searches your face for any hesitation, his expression now turned serious.
"I am. I won't back up on the bet." You try to sound confident.
The truth is you want this. You realize you wanted this for a long time, actually.
James leans closer to your face and tucks a stray lock of hair behind your ear, his fingers linger on your cheek for a moment and you hold your breath.
"I like the confidence." He teases. "But just so we're clear, you can back out anytime. You don't have to do anything you don't want to, ok?" He says gently, sounding quite different from his usual playful manner.
"I know." You nod, looking straight at his blue eyes.
He takes a step forward, you're now so close that you can feel the heat radiating from his body. He slides his hand from your cheek to your back and brushes his lips against yours softly, a teasing that makes your stomach flip. You wrap your arms around his neck and before you know it, he gives you a peck, almost like he was testing the waters.
"Still with me?" He asks playfully, noticing the tensing of your body.
"Yeah." Your answer comes out breathier than you anticipated, your lips slightly parted and your cheeks flushed from just the smallest touches.
You earn a chuckle in return and with that he claims your lips in a passionate kiss, pulling you into his embrace. He deepens the kiss with a hunger you never expected or experienced before.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He whispers against your lips, breaking the kiss for a second.
You feel shy hearing such a sincere compliment coming from him, it makes you unsure of how to react, instead, you just glue your lips to his again in hopes that this will be a good enough answer.
James takes you in his arms and lifts you up with ease, his tall figure making the job easier. He makes his way to his bed and lays you gently, his body on top of yours. The light coming from the window reflects on his desire-filled gaze and you feel a excitement shiver run down your spine.
"You're ready for this?" He asks, his voice sounding serious. There's something different in him, a combination of anticipation and desire that makes your stomach flip once again.
You give him a quick nod in silence, impatient for what's to come. You try to not show too much you're more impatient than him, but since you felt his lips against yours for the first time it made you addicted. Your fingers wrap on his long blonde hair, near his neck and you pull it gently, earning a satisfied sigh from him.
He reacts strongly to your touch, giving you another deep kiss, one of his hands now holds your cheek and slowly it lowers down your body, ending up on your waist, where he gives you a gentle squeeze. You let out a small surprised sound that is met with James' groan against your lips.
"You're driving me crazy." He murmurs between kisses, his mouth now working on your neck.
He pulls you to him, both of you lying on the bed now, bodies sharing the heat. His free hands roam your body freely, exploring every curve and contour. You try to touch him in return, your moves too desperate to hide.
"I should have done this ages ago." He whispers against your skin.
"The way you react to me… I can't get enough of it." His voice is full of a raw feeling you never heard before.
You press your body against him and capture his lips again, desperate for some touch. You tug on the hem of his shirt and he grins against your lips, understanding your silent request. James breaks the kiss for a moment, sitting on the bed and removing his top just as you asked before wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you back to him.
Your shaky hands meet his now bare skin, and you let your fingertips roam his torso while he keeps kissing your neck, licking and sucking the skin that'll probably show up bruised tomorrow morning.
"Tell me you want this." He murmurs in between kisses, almost like a plead.
"Please." You plead back, your voice barely above a whisper.
It wasn't in your plans to look and sound so needy, but at this point, you were too aroused to control your reactions.
He lets out a grunt in response and kisses your mouth with a renewed hunger, pulling away only to remove your shirt and your bra with a practiced ease, before tossing them aside. It makes you think he's truly much more experienced than you, a mix of jealousy and excitement clouding your mind.
"I promise I won't disappoint you." He says, making a trail of kisses that end up on your breasts. His tongue plays on one of your nipples while his hand pinches the other and it sends a wave of pleasure through your entire both that makes you whine.
You squeeze your legs together, trying to relieve some of the heat that has been building in between them, your hand tangles in his hair and pulls it gently which he seems to enjoy. James' tongue traces a path down your belly and he holds your thighs, forcing your legs to open.
He raises his head and looks at you, you look back a him, mouth parted and heavy breathing.
"I want you." He says. Such a simple combination of words that send you over the edge. You nod quickly in response.
He grins and lowers his head again, trailing the kisses back up again, which makes you whine in frustration. He goes back to your breasts, kissing and sucking the skin teasingly, even biting it softly this time.
"You're mine." He growls against your skin and you open your eyes wide in shock, but the the affirmation doesn't seem to cause the same reaction in him, the words flow naturally from his mouth. "All mine… Tell me you're mine." He adds, eyes closed, worshiping your body like he wouldn't rather do anything else in his life.
"I- I'm yours. I-" You stutter in panic and he opens his eyes, a grin adorning his lips. It's not like you never thought about being his, it's just that the sheer need and adoration in his voice caught you off guard. Was he just being impulsive? It didn't look like he was.
He savors your skin slowly, once again descending to your lower abdomen. It seemed like he was purposefully taking it slow, teasing you by touching your body everywhere except where you needed it the most.
His fingers finally fidget with the button on the denim shorts you were wearing, you bite your lip, watching his every move. He removes your shorts but keeps your panties and his head moves up again, taking your lips once more.
"James… please." You break the kiss.
"What do you want? Tell me what you want…" He asks, his fingers slowly teasing the lace edge of your panties, his thumb rubbing your sensitive spot with too little pressure for your liking.
"C'mon…" You're almost losing it and he flashes you his smug grin.
"You're so easy to tease." He whispers against your ear, his finger slowly making his way into your wet core. "Oh, fuck. You're so fucking wet." He groans as he circles your clit.
You look at him, mouth parted and heavy breathing. Hearing him talk like that while playing with you makes you go crazy.
James stops for a second, earning a protest from you, just to finally remove your panties. You take that chance to gaze at him, there's a visible bulge in his jeans and you barely had the chance to touch him yet.
But he doesn't seem to mind that in the slightest, he's too concentrated on kissing your thighs and playing with your wet core again.
You moan desperately, wanting to tell him you need more, that you need him, but without finding the courage to say it.
"James." His name slips out of your mouth and you whine, too late to take it back. "Please." You ask, hoping he will understand what you mean.
"What do you need?" He mumbles, kissing your lower abdomen as his fingers keep pumping into you.
He smiles at your pleading response, unable to hold back any longer, and gives your neck a final kiss before pulling back just long enough to remove the rest of his clothes.
You stare at him wide-eyed, taking every detail that you can. You watch it as he opens his nightstand drawer and pulls out a condom, unwrapping it and putting it on with ease.
He turns around to you, a gaze that tells you he could eat you alive right now. His eyes hungrily drink every curve of your body as he kneels into the bed, an expression of longing and lust on his face.
"You have no idea of how much I want you right now." He says, grinding his hardness against your core.
He enters you slowly, mouth taking you with hunger as you whine and sigh. A mixture of pain and pleasure.
"You feel so good." He breaks the kiss and he starts moving.
James' lips graze your neck, kissing it lovingly, and his fingers lightly caress the skin of your waist, leaving a trail of goosebumps. He's so gentle with you, his body moving on a slow and sensual rhythm, going deeper with every stroke. Just perfect to drive you nuts.
His breathing is hard and deep as waves of pleasure wash over both of you. You wrap your hands around his neck and hide your face on your shoulder, holding him as close as possible as he moves.
You keep going until both of your bodies and filled with sweat, a tension that threatens to snap at any moment. Your moans and gentle pleas near his ear make him get more and more worked up.
"Look at me." He kisses your cheek with care, tightening the grip on your hips as he picks up his pace.
You raise your eyes, connecting your gaze with him. The vision of his concentrated face makes you even more aroused.
He notices you clenching around him, trying to hold yourself together as best as you can, and kisses your mouth, fastening the pace. A kiss so deep and sincere that makes the tension inside you snap once and for all not too long after. You let out a needy cry, holding his body so tight that you're afraid your nails might hurt him.
"Just a bit more." He whispers, still pumping into you with the same intense motion. You can feel he's close too, his chest heaving up and down, ragged breaths, and shaking arms.
It doesn't take too long for him to come undone inside you with a low deep moan. He rests his forehead against yours, eyes closed and lips parted, you both trying to catch your breath.
James opens his eyes again and smiles down at you, his expression soft and loving.
"You alright?" He asks, laying down on top of your body as he's still inside of you, being careful to not crush you with his weight.
"Yeah." Your voice comes out breathy and you close your eyes for a second, trying to process everything that has happened.
"You're not backing out now, are you?" He teases you between breathless chuckles.
"I won't." You chuckle, it's impossible to stay serious with him.
He presses a kiss into your mouth and rolls off to the side. He reaches over and grabs his blanket, covering both of you and inviting you into his arms.
"C'mere." He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into his warm and bare body.
You stay silently for a moment as he rests his chin on top of your head, caressing your back and enjoying the feeling of closeness.
"You know I meant every word I said, right?" He breaks the silence to ask softly, his voice filled with a sincerity that shows just how much he cares about you.
You take a while to answer, trying to fit the pieces together like a puzzle. Did he want this from the beginning?
"Just… How? Why?"
He chuckles at your confusion as you shift into his embrace to peek at his expression. His fingers run gently through your hair.
"What do you mean?" He seems to find your reaction amusing. "I've liked you for a long time, actually. It was almost driving me crazy. He pauses for a moment, thinking to himself. "Maybe I just needed to loosen up before I could find the courage to take things any further, but I'm glad I did."
"I never thought you saw me as more than a friend." You say, trying to make sense of your words. "We've known each other for a long time, I thought you weren't attracted to me."
"Attracted to you?" He laughs in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? I've been crazy for you for ages." He breaks into a teasing grin. "To be honest? I'm still a bit in shock that I get to hold you like this… With nothing on."
You roll your eyes, the sexual tension slowly giving in to the playful banter you always seem to have going on.
"For ages?" You ask interested.
"For a while now." He admits nodding, his hand coming up to play with a strand of your hair between his fingers. He gazes at you adoringly, eyes shining with affection and tenderness. "What can I say, you drive me wild."
"This is crazy." You mutter, thinking of all the times you hung out together as friends. "And you never had a clue I was attracted to you too?" You ask curiously, looking up at him.
"Not at all." He shrugs, a tiny smile playing on his lips. "Until tonight, I thought you only saw me as a friend." He presses a soft kiss to your forehead.
"What gave it out?" You're still curious about his reasons. "What made you decide to act out? I couldn't have been just the alcohol…"
"You're very persistent, you know that?" He laughs softly. "It wasn't just the alcohol. I've noticed the way you looked at me, the small gestures, the way you smiled. I thought that if I didn't take the chance tonight, I might've never gotten the opportunity."
"Oh, so you really noticed. That's why you were pushing me to say if I was thinking about a boy." You feel your face heating up.
"Something like that, yeah." He grins. "Just wanted to make sure there wasn't anyone else on your mind." He laughs. "Besides… You were not exactly subtle when you were staring at me."
"Sorry." You mutter embarrassed and he presses a kiss to your cheek.
"Don't be sorry, it helped me to get the courage to shoot my shot." He smiles and hugs you tight. "And, shit, I wanted to do this for so long…"
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totem-but-shark · 1 day
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On the fourth day of Rust kingdoms I tuned into hJune's stream for the last hour or so and as he was ending he climbed up to the highest point in Rusty Bones and simply sat, looking over the kingdom listening to music. And whilst there's something to be said about it being the perfect representation of his character with r!june almost being some kind of guardian angel for Rusty Bones watching over and guiding them, in that moment I was hit with the strongest sense of nostalgia. Which is crazy considering at that point the server wasn't even ending, still had multiple days left and the server had only existed for a few days prior and yet I found myself moved.
Maybe it was a shared understanding with june, he wasn't saying much but I got the sense he might've been feeling something similar. Just sitting back and appreciating the moment, reflecting on the days past, and this special little server. I think there's something beautiful to the love we hold for media, or more precisely the stories told within it and the feeling of experiencing and loving something. Following a narrative with all of its twists and turns finding yourself wholly invested and endeared by its world and characters, to me this is made especially potent in real time improvised RP as you watch this whole world develop one step at a time before your very eyes. Getting to know characters as they get to know themselves, going on their journey right beside them. Following along within community, on twitter, in chats, just listening to the players discuss how much of a good time they're having, shared love and passion for something. It might just be me but that kinda thing always makes me emotional.
The medium of improvised live RP really is unique in this sense, it's hardly been a week but my heart has been stolen by the Rusty Bones cast regardless. Becoming so invested so quickly. Every character interaction building upon the last, every random throwaway line of backstory and lore slowly painting a clearer and clearer picture. Theorising and chatting with peers online and hopping between streams to see every pov. It's been beyond fun and I have to give my thanks to every single Rusty bones player for the atmosphere and community they created, they're the heart of these streams and each one played their part to perfection whether that be through in character roleplay, putting hours of time and care into contributing to the kingdom allowing everyone to play the game and enjoy it as they have or just being a good sport and bringing good vibes for a good time! Extra special thanks to Tina, Foolish, Trausi, hJune, Enevun and Dakkin who really made my pov of this event what it was.
June looking over the castle i've come to be so familiar with and hold so dear in such a short period of time it almost feels like home, for this week Rusty Bones has been my home. Somewhere comforting I could come back to reliably at the end of every day and be greeted by the kingdoms familiar faces. And though we're saying goodbye soon, even if it's a little silly I can't help but feel thankful this little week was part of my life and the joy it brought whilst it lasted.
The song June was listening to:
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