#I love this series so much :DDDD
happy two year anniversary Lucids!!! 🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎊🎊🎂🎂❤️❤️🥰🥰🎊🎉🎉❤️🥳🎂🎂🎂🥰
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
25 asks! Thank you! :}} 👹
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I have it in the back of my mind, but I haven't actually made any steps in making more master posts.. 😔
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ReBLOGGING is good! Its a feature of Tumblr and helps more people find my artwork! Very nice :))
RePOSTING is stealing my art and posting it on your own account. Giving you and only you all the credit. That's theft and no good!
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I think I remember wanting my sona to be an object head of some kind. I think I doodled probably a dozen different ideas before I got frustrated and just scribbled my most recent attempt out.
But then it hit me. I doodled two little white eyes on the scribble and I knew I had found my sona XDD
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XD Thank you for remembering my boundaries and respecting them! :)) And THANK YOU FOR THE CUPCAKE!! :DDD
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I haven't read it, but I've seen it blowing up all over tumblr. It must be pretty cool! :00
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<XD I won't lie, Bill is a fantastic villain. I just "hate" him because Stanley is my favorite character and Bill put his family through hell 💀
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Most of the team: "Aww 🥰💞💞"
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<XD These past 2-3 days have just hammered me health wise, but I can at least say that I've been sleeping enough!
And thanks for the check in! I wish you the best :))
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(Pokemon violet comic(?))
:DD Thank you!! I'm glad you liked it!! :)))
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If I ever really go into those series I would :00 But I cant remember the Godziilla movies- plus that would be really hard to draw <XDD
There's so many sonic medias that i wouldn't know which one to go by- and I've seen playthroughs of Poppy playtime but it never really grabbed my interest.. <XD
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I'll do my best to keep up with all that <XDD Thank you!
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(Frank butterfly post)
Oh there's no need to worry about Frank! It might be hard to tell- but that was actually a moth! Frank had bags under his eyes because he was out late studying moths :))
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<XD Well considering Homes intentions are intended to be unknown- you're free to imagine that! :D
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ohmygosh the third movie is so good I actually cant watch it anymore lest I burst into tears 😭😭😭💞💞💞 10/10 WOULD recommend cars 3--
Anyways- I ADORE the cars franchise and absolutely would have drawn them more.. if cars weren't so hard to draw <XD Plus my favorite thing to draw is angsty cuddles and hugs and big droopy eyes and tears- that's kiiiind'a hard to pull off if your characters are cars-
Of course I could always draw them as humans like many other artists have.. but idk, it just doesn't feel the same you know? <XD
Also thank you! I hope you day goes well too! :))
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@neo-metalscottic (Welcome home post(?)) (Octonauts eye study) (Oxem and Pepemijo comic)
AAAAA Thank you sop much! :DD I'm glad you've been liking my recent posts!
As for Oxem and Pepemijo, I cant show images because of the stupid 30 images limit-- But Pepemigo is based on/inspired by the Year of the dragon mask, and Oxem is based on the current season of Duets seasonal guide mask! :00
I imagine there are other dragons out there, like that other sky dragon that I made one time-- <XDD I don't really have any ideas for their powers or their story, but I had intended that Pepemijo at least knocked the krill out in self defense. Thankfully they wont be hunted by krill following that event- Oxem got them to a safe place and he knows that he should steer clear of krill territory in the future <XD
And of course! I'd love to see any critters that you've made! :DDD
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uhg, always disappointing to see.. thank you for letting me know though 😔
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<XD yup.
Also even though that disclaimer is there for FNAF and Octonauts, I still get people harassing me anyways!.... :')
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AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :DDD And I wish you luck on your slime rancher creative adventure!! :}}}
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AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDDD That means a lot!!! :))
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This shouldn't have made me laugh as much as it did XDD
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Somethin ain't right with that dog <XDD
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@edelgeist (Referencing this post)
oooh :00 I wasn't aware of that- thank you for the info! Perhaps I should invest in a cooling pad <XD
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I have not <:( But after googling it- I love the artstyle! :DD
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seeingivy · 1 year
meeting the parents 
roommate eren x f!reader 
you swear you know the family sitting next to you at eren’s soccer game, you’re just not sure from where
**find mini-series masterlist here
an: ty for all the love on roommate eren!!!! this part was super super rushed and not AS proofread lol but I just wanted to put the idea out there to set it up for some other stuff :DDDD 
previous part linked here
“Is there something I’m supposed to wear to your soccer game? I’ve never been to one before.” 
You feel Eren get up from his bed, which you were currently sprawled on. You’d spent more time in his room as of late, his bed being more comfortable to watch movies on than the couch. The night you had slept in his bed felt like it breached any sense of normal boundaries between the two of you, this was the new normal. I guess touching each others scars can do that to someone. 
In the middle of the movie he had picked out for today, which was a stupid nature documentary that was putting you to sleep, he had invited you to come to his first home game, which was on Friday. 
He was trying to convince you - telling you Annie would be there, that there are snacks, and Jean and Armin will be too since they were part of the game. You’re positive he doesn’t understand the pull he has on you, because you’d agree to anything the second he asked. 
After you agree, you can’t help but feel your heart twinge at the smile spreading across your face and you fight the urge to poke his dimples. You love his dimples. His smile lines. The softness near his eyes. You shake your head, directing your gaze back to the forest on the screen as you avoid the fluttering in your chest. 
After your question about the clothes, he nearly jumped up, rummaging through his closet to find something for you to wear. After a few minutes, he throws the shirt at you, which lands square in your face, knocking you over. You pull the shirt off your face, sticking your tongue out at him as he joins you back on the bed. 
You keep a respectable distance when you sit together on his bed, obviously. You can’t even look at him without exploding. And whenever he touches you, all you can think about is his soft, nimble fingers running across your skin in the night, touching all the parts of you that were hurt. 
But every once in a while, Eren will brush his hand against yours while reaching for his phone, fix your hair behind your ears because you ‘look like a garden troll’, and claim you have a stray eyelash on your face just to press his fingers against your cheek. 
You think it’s an excuse to touch you, that it can’t all be a mistake, but you’re also well aware that Eren can make you a little delusional. You ignore the validity of the situation all together. The less you think about his fingers on your skin, the better. 
You hold the shirt up, inspecting it. Your throat drying when you realize what it is. His jersey. 
“Eren. I can’t wear this.” 
“Why not?” 
“I don’t know. Aren’t you supposed to wear it while you’re playing?” 
“I have another one. Plus, all the girls wear jerseys to the games. Annie’s wearing Armin’s honorary jersey.” 
Annie’s not a normal girl, she’s Armin’s girlfriend. All the girlfriends wear jerseys to the game. You turn to face him, an uneasy expression pressed on your face. He rolls his eyes, his hand making its way to the top of your head. He sticks his fingers into your scalp, applying soft pressure. 
“Why are you thinking so hard? It’s just a shirt. I can find you another one if it bothers you that much.” 
He’s right. It’s just a shirt. To him anyways. It might mean something else for Annie and Armin and every other girl but for you guys, it’s just a shirt. 
You shake your head, agreeing to wear it to the game on Friday. 
The game rolls around and you’re currently seated in the stands alone. You have superstitions to thank for that. 
Armin doesn’t play in the game, but helps the coaching team strategize where to put the best players. Hence, the honorary jersey Eren mentioned earlier. Armin’s been around the sport since he was a kid and knows all the players' strengths well enough to help assist in making plays. It makes a lot of sense when you think about it - Armin’s never the one at the center of the play, but definitely the mastermind behind it. 
However, Armin claims that they can’t win unless he’s wearing a very specific pair of blue shoe laces. Eren explained that superstitions mean everything to the team, even to him. Apparently, he refuses to play if he isn’t wearing his key necklace. Because, he’ll lose without it. Armin’s the same with the shoelaces. 
Annie was currently tearing apart Armin’s apartment, trying to find the shoelaces before they could start the game in a few minutes. Which left you alone in the stands reading the book you brought to kill the time. You’re not much of a soccer or sports fan - so you had contingency plans in place. You’re just here to support your friends and because Eren asked you to come. 
You feel a hand on your shoulder, pulling out your earphones to acknowledge the nudging. You find a tall, blonde man standing over you, gesturing if he could sit next to you. He has two other people with him, a man and a woman with dark black hair, who have to be one of the player's parents. You give them a smile, nodding your head that they could take the seats next to you. 
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream?” 
“Yeah, I have to read it for an assignment.” 
At the sound of his voice, you take a moment to really seep into the man’s features. He’s got blonde hair, thin circular framed glasses, and a full sported beard. If you had to guess, you would say he’s somewhere in his late twenties, just based on his looks and demeanor. You have a feeling you’ve seen him somewhere before, but you can’t really pinpoint where from.
“This is an interesting place to complete an assignment. What brings you here?” 
You shut the book closed, squinting your eyes around on the field till you find Eren running up and down the track. The game starts in a few minutes and he’s warming up before he takes his spot at the goalie stand. 
“That guy. He’s my roommate. I came to see him play.” 
The man nods, craning his neck to find who it was you were pointing at. You sit in silence, not interacting with the man or the other two people till the middle of the game. Annie still hadn’t returned, but they were surprisingly winning the game. It was neck to neck the entire time, Eren’s team barely scoring over them each time the whistle went off. 
You feel the fingers tap into your shoulder again, the blonde man staring at you. 
“I’m going to go get water from my stands for my parents. Did you want anything?” 
You can’t ignore the growling in your stomach and the dryness in your throat - you had been screaming for a better half of the last hour. You never knew sports could make you so passionate. You dig for your wallet in your pocket, pulling out way too much cash for a simple bottle of water. You reach for his hand, squeezing it twice before speaking. 
“Thank you so much, really. It’s very kind of you to ask me. If you could get me a snack, that would be great. Here’s the money for it, you can use it for your parents' water bottles too.” 
You place the bills in his hands, turning your neck back to find Eren running on the field. You feel bad, but the only thing you can focus on is him. He’s so coordinated, like a figure skater on the field. Watching him lace the ball through his feet to avoid other players taking it from him felt somewhat hypnotic - but you think that’s more about how Eren looks and is, rather than how he’s playing. 
As the blonde man turns to leave, the woman slides into his seat, leaning over to talk to you. She has golden brown eyes, which are warmly peering into yours. 
“You’re really into the game. You’ve been following it really closely.” 
“I never thought I’d enjoy it so much. This is actually my first time coming to a game.” 
“What made you decide to come today?” 
“Eren Yeager. He’s number eleven, running on the right side of the field. He’s a really good friend of mine and he asked me to come. He cares a lot about the game and I care a lot about him, so I just had to come when he asked me.” 
She presses her hand over yours, squeezing tight. You can see her eyes glimmering at your words, though you’re not entirely sure why. You can’t place it but she seems familiar too. You’re having a weird sense of deja vu from the game all together. 
“You’re a sweet girl, really.” 
You smile back, your heart tingling at her words. You’re distracted by everyone cheering at the field, craning your neck back to find Eren. You watch him sink the ball into the net, jumping to your feet at the sight of him stopping, a smile shining on his face as he watches the scoreboard turn in his favor. 
You swear you imagine the next part, but the looks everyone around you give you tells you it was real. He turns to the field, squinting till he finds you settled in the bleachers. He points to the net, signaling at the score he just made, and then points at you, a smile pressed against his face. You’re not sure what it means entirely, but what you are sure of is that his stupid smile was going to make your heart explode one day. 
Eren wins the game. Obviously. You watch his teammates lift him into the air, shuffling him to the end of the bleachers. You run down the steps, your cheeks sore from smiling so hard. You watch the players let him go and he meets your eyes, slowly walking over to meet you. 
You basically run at him, tangling your arms around his neck. He lifts you up, spinning you around for a few seconds before setting you down. You can feel his arms shaking, which you’re sure is the adrenaline from the rush of the game. 
“Ren. That was so fucking cool. You’re so cool.” 
You can see the corners of his lips quirking up at his words, a warm look in his green eyes. 
“You’re amazing. You move so fast, I could barely keep my eyes off of you.” 
“You can’t do that anyways.” 
You smack his shoulder with the side of your arm, rolling your eyes at him. He’s not wrong. 
Before you can bite back, he looks past your shoulder, waving at someone behind you. You turn your neck to find the three people you were sitting with from before walking up, swinging their arms around Eren. 
You watch the man with blonde hair put his hand in Eren’s hair and affectionately shake his entire head, while the man and the woman envelop him in a hug. You’re thoroughly confused. 
“You know them?” 
“Do you know them, peaches?” 
“Peaches?” you hear the black haired man say, turning his eyes towards his wife and son. 
“Yeah, we were sitting together during the game.” 
He turns his neck, narrowing his eyes at the three of them.
“How did you guys know it was her?” 
“She has Yeager printed on the back of her shirt in huge letters. It wasn’t that hard to figure out she was the girl we were looking for.” 
The three of them turn to you, all of them smiling brightly. Eren pulls you closer, swinging his arm around your shoulder as he turns to face you. 
“Y/N. These are my parents, Grisha and Carla, and my brother Zeke. They really wanted to meet you and I was going to introduce you to them after the game but they had other plans.” 
You can feel the gears settling into place in your head, the deja vu feeling making sense. The picture Eren showed you when you were sick, when you became friends - it was of them. His family. You just didn’t recognize them right away because they were way younger than they are now. 
You press your hands to all of theirs, the dread filling your chest. They knew it was you the entire time and you had no idea. Is that rude? Are they going to tell Eren you said that you cared about him?
“I’m really sorry I didn’t recognize you. Eren showed me a picture and I thought I knew you guys from somewhere, but the picture he had shown you was so old.” 
“He showed you a picture of us? He basically refused to show us any of you, he’s so secretive.” Carla responds, the shock pressed on her face.
“Just threaten him. He’ll give in eventually.” 
The three of them laugh, your heart tingling at the sight of their laughter and smiles. Okay, okay. Not too bad. They don’t hate you, that’s for sure. 
“I have a feeling he only does that for you.” 
You quirk your eyes at his dad, Grisha he said, and shake your head, dismissing the comment. He’d do it for anyone. You just know how to do it. You hear Annie and Armin calling you from the other side of the field, something about taking a picture of them. 
You shake all of their hands another time, giving them your brightest smile before letting your legs drag you to where Annie and Armin were standing. 
“No grandchildren till after graduation.” 
“I get it. She’s really cute, she’s sweet, it’s probably easy when you sleep in a bed together every night. But no grandchildren.” 
“She’s not my girlfriend. And she doesn’t sleep in my bed.” 
Eren feels Zeke smack the back of his head, turning back to glare at him.
“You get stupider as time goes on. That poor girl likes you so much.” 
Eren shakes his head, looking over at you from across the field. You’re crouched on the ground, taking a picture of Annie and Armin who have their arms tangled around each other. Of course, you’re crouching on the ground to get the best angle. 
Annie’s pressing a kiss to his cheek and he ignores the fact that all he can think about is you doing that to him. 
“No, she doesn’t.” 
“She told us she cared about you. A lot. And mind you, she thought we were strangers. She wasn’t trying to impress us as your family or your loved ones, she literally was just telling us, like she’d tell any other stranger who talked to her. She likes you.” 
Eren feels his dad come behind him, pressing dollar bills into his open palm. 
“It’s her money. Make sure you return it.” 
“She offered to pay, didn’t she?” 
They all nod, confirming his suspicions as he glances back over to you. Kindness was like breathing to you and he envied, admired, and loved it about you all at once. You were so...you sometimes, it hurt him. 
Eren gives Zeke one more shove for good measure, before stalking over to the field where you’re standing. He reaches over, pressing his fingers into the side of your shoulder. You turn over, your stupid doe eyes staring into his again. 
“Need something, Ren?” 
“I want a picture with you. Ask Annie and Armin to take it.” 
He doesn’t miss how your face lights up at the request and he curses your sweet little heart for making him like you more. 
Sometimes he feels like he can’t help it, like you could breathe and he’d love you for it. The way your nose crinkles, your chest rising and falling as it fills with air, he could love anything, even a stupid physiological act, if it was you. 
You hand Annie the camera, reaching over to press yourself against him. He reaches forward, squishing your face in his hand as Annie takes the picture. You run over, snatching the phone from Annie’s hand to swipe through the pictures. You accidentally land on the picture of Annie and Armin first, Annie pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
“Oh my god, I thought that was us for a second Ren. Imagine.” 
But he doesn’t have to. There’s already a picture of you two like that - you pressing a kiss to his cheek - from a while back. You just don’t remember it. 
next part linked here
taglist: @maliakealoha @smolone88 @mykyoon @squirrelspoetry @roronoazorosbxtchh @fell-4-u @erensleftnutt @thelazylemur @mg63k @filunara @mblrrr @spidersinmybutthole @lezsie @erensmoodygf @maesthebestmonth @nanamiswife22 @lalalucidity @saiyasworld @rebeccawinters @l0v31yw0r1d 
pls let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!!! just reply to this post or leave ur @ in my asks box :D
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versadies · 2 years
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SYPNOSIS (of chapter). in which a certain ragnvindr's fate and complications in his life have all led up to a certain you.
SYPNOSIS (of series). breaking up with your first love was heartbreaking, but not as heartbreaking as getting invited to his wedding after years of not seeing him. that is, until things seem to be easier when you encounter a certain guest, who could end up being more than just a blooming friend to you.
CHARACTERS. kamisato ayato, diluc ragnvindr, thoma (w/ gn!reader)
CONTENT. angst/comfort, grammar errors (?), mentions of violence, sh1nsuke, minor character death, car accident, mentions of threats, spoilers to diluc's canon backstory, terribly written crime case, diluc and kaeya are in good terms
WORD COUNT. 13.7k words
POST-SCRIPT. thanks to your answers in my recent survey that i posted, i decided to put my taglist at the very bottom of the chapter (as well as my other fics from now on) so you could have an easier time reading <333 i hope this version doesn’t disappoint you :DDDD
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A few things Diluc had lost were the bright hopes and future he once had when he was but a teen who's ready to fulfill as many achievements and dreams as he can. 
He could still remember how happy he was with the life he had back then, how he dedicated himself to being faithful with his duties as a detective in the Favonius, Mondstadt’s police department, and used to follow his father around, listening to every word he says as he learns the ways of running the business. 
He remembers all the lessons Crepus taught. He remembers his first time making a drink with the ingredients his father provided on a long table. He remembers his first time serving drinks to customers in Angel’s Share. He remembers his first time attending a business event with his father. 
He remembers his past too much. A price to pay for dwelling too much in the past. 
That Diluc is long gone. All that remains is his shell that’s swallowed by guilt, pain, and helplessness. 
He does not live for himself, but lives for his family’s business to continue thriving and succeed like what his father wanted him to do. He lives to fulfill his father's wishes written on an old piece of paper. He lives to make sure his land is safe from the corrupted and from harm. 
He lives to deal with the burdens that he gained from his birthday. A special, cruel gift from fate.
Wine is something he didn’t like much, which is ironic for someone who specializes in making them. His father actually planned to let him try some of their famous wines that people loved once he’s allowed to, until something happened. 
Wine.. reminds him too much of what happened. 
Diluc didn’t expect to lose his father so early, especially since his father is a healthy man who still had a life ahead of him and a son to guide. He thought his father would live long until he died of old age, a peaceful way of meeting death’s doorstep. 
If only it weren’t for that treacherous car accident…
If only that drunk driver didn’t drink at all with a darn wine. 
For one moment, Diluc was sitting right across from his father in their private van. They were just talking about what Adelaide would cook for dinner, they were just discussing about the client they were talking with earlier, they were just talking about what his father was supposed to say– 
Then before he knew it, everything was turned upside down. Literally. 
He has a hard time breathing, his vision is blurry as he feels lightheaded from being upside down. 
Diluc tries to get his vision clear and come to his senses. He could hear people screaming somewhere, there’s something that tastes like metallic in his mouth, everything’s hot,  he feels like he’s about to puke– but where is his father?
“Fa…Father…” He calls out. Everything aches so bad, what just happened to him? 
Once Diluc finally sees more, he realizes the car he’s in is upside down. Is this… a car accident? 
The young heir looks ahead when he hears a groan, and his eyes widens at the sight of his father being in the same situation as him – except, his state is way worse than his. 
As for the driver… He doesn’t know where on Earth he is. 
“Fa-Father!” He calls out, his fingers shakily try to unclasp the seatbelt before falling down to the ground that’s filled with the shattered windows from the van. “Father, are you alright?” 
Diluc tries to ignore the pain all over his body as he crawls towards his father and helps him get out of the van. “Hold on, father. I’ll get you out of here!” He says as he reaches out towards his father’s seatbelt to unclasp it. 
“Di..luc? Is that you my.. Son?” Crepus asks weakly, letting out a cough as he falls down from his seat. “I’m glad you’re,” He lets out another cough, “alright…” 
“Don’t worry about me, father.” Diluc reassures him, helping him crawl out of the van through the broken window nearby. The only thing in his head is that he needs to get his father to the hospital immediately. 
As soon as Diluc and Crepus finally manage to get out of the van, the younger man immediately tries to look for his phone in hopes of calling for the ambulance. Thankfully, his phone is still in his pocket and working despite its destroyed state, and he instantly dials the emergency contact. 
“H-Hello? We need help, we’re somewhere by…” As he explains the situation to the operator, the young teen didn’t manage to notice how slow his father’s chest is moving up and down nor did he notice the blood on his hands from covering his mouth when coughing. 
When Diluc finally looks at where his father is, his eyes are full of hope that they’re going to be okay. 
“Father, help is on their way. We’re going to be okay” He says, hoping his father will be alright and be proud of him for what he has done.
Crepus remains silent. 
“...Father?” He quietly calls, his heart sinking when he notices how his father’s chest is stilled. “Father, are you… a-alive?” 
Diluc slowly leaned down with his ear on top of his father’s chest, his eyes widening in fear when he couldn’t hear any heartbeat at all, as though he’s….
No, let’s not jump into conclusions.. He’s probably asleep.. 
The heir gently shakes his father in hopes it’d wake him up, only for his shoulders to sink when his father is still motionless. “Father…?” 
It took the ambulance to arrive for Diluc to stop trying to wake up his father, the paramedics carried him away as another inspected the young heir’s body for any injuries to take care of. 
Whatever the paramedic told Diluc, he did not pay any attention to it. Not when he’s watching the two paramedics looking at each other with hesitant looks on their faces after putting all of their efforts in trying to bring back Crepus, who remains motionless. 
The light in Diluc’s eyes fades away when he realizes what just happened. 
He thought this was just a horrible nightmare. He thought he’d wake up to the familiar sight of his room and continue living in his life with his father who’s alive. It wasn’t until he realized he’s in the hospital room when his hopes shattered in realization that his father was dead and gone. 
“Breaking News! The infamous wine tycoon, Crepus Ragnvindr, has unfortunately passed away due to a car accident. His son, Diluc Ragnvindr, has fortunately survived from the accident. We do not have any updates on the young heir’s condition, but we can only hope that he is well and we give him our condolences for his father’s passing.”
Diluc finds himself staring at the TV helplessly as he continues to stay on his hospital bed. After the paramedics took him and his father to a nearby hospital, he was hospitalized in a VIP room after getting his wounds treated.
Why did this happen? 
He looks down at his bandaged-hands, only for him to remember seeing his father’s blood on his hands. 
Why not me?
He suddenly hears a knock, to be followed by someone entering the room. 
“And here I thought you’d never wake up.” Kaeya spoke as he closed the door behind him, a bouquet of flowers in his hand. “How are you?” 
Diluc stays silent, still staring at his hands. 
“...Why am I still alive?” 
The red head didn’t bother to look at his sworn brother, who was extremely taken back by his question. 
“...Why shouldn’t you be?” Kaeya responds, his tone is more serious. “What happened last night is out of your control–”
“I could’ve done something.” He interrupts, he now looks at the blue-haired man with an unfamiliar expression that wasn’t seen before from the usual brightful man. 
It’s as if said brightful man has died with his father.
The blue-haired man dared not to say another word, causing the other to continue speaking. “I could’ve… I could’ve dragged him myself until I found a hospital. Or… Or maybe I could’ve noticed the signs more and performed CPR – but I was busy talking to the operator I couldn’t… I could’ve done something instead of watching him die.” 
Diluc clenches his fists at the memory of the car accident. If only he watched his father more carefully, if only he insisted that they went to another place, if only–
If only he was the one who died instead of his father. 
He can’t imagine running Angel’s Share on his own nor can’t he imagine being able to keep his family’s business together at this age. He thought his father would guide him all the way – he thought he wouldn’t be alone. 
He doesn’t even know if he’s ready to become the next head of the Ragnvindr family. 
“Whatever you could’ve done, there’s no point in that anymore when it already happened.” Kaeya says, grabbing a chair nearby and placing it beside Diluc’s bed before sitting down on it. “Father wouldn’t want to see you like this. He’d want you to carry yourself and take care of the family business with what he had taught you–”
“He isn’t here and he’ll never be.” He snaps. “I can’t just move on and act as if his death doesn’t phase me. I lost someone special to me.”
“He’s someone special to me too.” Kaeya retorts. “You’re not alone, Diluc. You have me, Adelaide, Elzer, and everyone else in the mansion who are willing to help you and be there for you. I’m not saying you should move on and act as if his death doesn’t phase you, but you should stop thinking of what could’ve been and think of what could be now.”
Diluc looks away from his sworn-brother, knowing he’s right. 
It’s true… It’s better for him to think of what he can do now instead of the past. 
“Did you find out who was behind the car accident?” Diluc questioned.
The blue-haired man fell silent.
“What would you do if I said yes?” Kaeya asks, leaning back against his chair. 
Diluc took a long while to answer, something that made Kaeya guess his answer already. The young heir – well, the young CEO rather – is not one to sit idly by and let justice handle itself, it’s precisely why he’s such an efficient officer who never lets one case go ignored or incompleted. 
So when he finally answered, Kaeya did not believe it one bit. 
Liar. I bet you’ll suddenly disappear from this room the next day. Kaeya thought. Yet then again, regardless of what he’ll say to Diluc, he knows he’ll only get himself out later on to find more answers. 
“I better not receive any calls from the hospital about you disappearing,” He said, letting out a defeated sigh. “There was a driver who crashed into your van. He’s currently imprisoned and will face charges as well as imprisonment.”
Diluc was about to open his mouth for another question when Kaeya lifted up his hand to stop him. “I’m not some person of interest being interrogated. Save your questions for later, focus on your health first.” He clarifies. “I can’t disclose too much about the incident to you since Chief Varka instructed me to, but I can reassure you we have everything under control, brother.” 
The red-haired looks at him with an unexplainable expression on his face. 
And so, Diluc trusted Kaeya, knowing fully well all the words his sworn brother told him were all a lie.
Eventually, he found out that the police suspected it was a drunk driver who drove into the car. However, thanks to the security cameras around that area being disabled due to technical problems that have been ongoing for the past weeks before, it took a while to find out who was exactly the drunk driver that managed to get away from the scene of the crime before the authorities arrived.
What made it more strange was how the person who was driving the van is not the same driver who usually brings Diluc and Crepus around the place. The driver was left behind in the building he and his father  visited, meaning that this whole time, the two men were unknowingly in the same car with an unknown person who has unexplained motives. 
Diluc could only guess the motives weren’t pleasant given the aftermath. 
Unfortunately, the police weren’t able to find the unknown driver and are still looking for him, making all the things worse for Diluc, who feels like his lifespan is draining away the more he stays in the hospital doing nothing but wait and ponder. 
Countless time that’s spent inside the hospital room made the red-haired feel suffocated. His patience is getting thin each time he receives no useful information whatsoever about the damn cause of the car accident that drove his father to death, his overwhelming guilt for being the only one to survive is getting bigger each day after spending too much in his thoughts, and his loneliness began to devour him inside out as the sounds of the TV news were just white noise to him. 
He hates that he’s doing nothing. 
It would’ve been better if he didn’t feel anything, but at this moment, he’s feeling everything. 
Eventually, Kaeya and the others manage to find out who was involved in the incident – an FPD officer in his mid-20s who was trying to move on from a heartbreak, only to end up drinking more than he intended and got into a car accident. 
He’s relieved that they finally found who was partially the cause of it, but that doesn't mean he feels like he can rest peacefully. 
Not when the other driver is still missing. 
It took a few more days until there’s finally more news about what FPD (Favonius Police Department) would do to the drunk driver, but it wasn’t what Diluc was hoping for. 
“What…?” He asks for Kaeya to repeat what he had just said from the phone. It felt unreal to hear it – he would’ve thought his brother is joking with him again if it weren’t for the remorseful tone in his voice. 
Surely… Surely Favonius did not go mad while he was gone, did they? 
“I’m sorry you have to hear this, brother.” Kaeya said. “I couldn’t believe it either. When I came back from the hospital, Amber suddenly informed me that Officer Pallad was released with no charges at all.” 
Had Diluc not controlled his strength, his phone would’ve been crushed and destroyed from anger. 
“...Lieutenant Eroch informed me it was because there was not enough evidence to prove that he’s the one who was involved with the incident. Don’t worry, my team and I are already looking for more evidences–”
“I’ve waited long enough.” Diluc interrupts before ending the phone call, his eyes darted towards his coat that’s hanging near the door.
It wouldn’t hurt to have a chat with Lieutenant Eroch, would it? 
“My deepest condolences for your loss, Detective Ragnvindr.” Eroch said, sitting on his chair as Diluc stood across from him. “Alberich informed me that you were still hospitalized, but it appears he isn’t aware that you’re discharged today. How are you?” 
“I’ve been feeling better.” He answers, not bothering to give him a polite smile as he usually does with everyone back then. “May I ask something regarding the case of the car accident?” 
Eroch hums. “Getting to the topic, huh? Alright, you may.” 
“...Why did you release Officer Pallad?” 
It took a few moments before the lieutenant let out a sigh, as though he suspected the young detective to ask such a question. “I may have realized that our officers could possibly have arrested the wrong man after the testimony of Officer Pallad during our interrogation. I cannot let our image as the protectors of our city be tarnished for such a possible mistake, especially since he’s a part of the department.” 
“But the evidence is all there, is it not?” Diluc clarifies, not caring about the fact that he could get in trouble for questioning a higher up’s motives. “Alberich found that Officer Pallad was in Angel’s Share before he drove through the route that led to the car accident. He’s the only one whose vehicle has a huge dent at the fr–”
“It’s not enough for us to officially conclude it’s him who crashed into your van.” Eroch interrupts.
“Then what will it take for you and the others to consider him being–” 
“Never. Unless you have a clear footage of Officer Pallad’s vehicle crashing into yours.” 
Diluc tries not to feel hopeless. “...What about the person who was driving the van? Did your team at least find something about them?” 
Eroch shakes his head. “Unfortunately we have not. But that’s none of our concerns at the moment, not when there are other important cases we have to look into.” 
The red-haired man feels his hands clenched into fists. “None of your concerns? You’re looking for the two people who killed my father–”
“Tell me, Detective Ragnvindr. Are you here to waste my time telling me to do something I can’t do in a blink of an eye? Or are you here to give me something worth my time?” 
The other man stays silent, his mind filled with more questions instead of the answers he wanted. 
It didn’t help that the lieutenant looked less guilty and more bored, something that made Diluc start considering if the police department truly serves to protect the people of Mondstadt.
Eroch lets out another sigh before standing up. “I assure you detective that we’ll quickly let you know if we found something about the culprits, but now is not the time unfortunately. It’s best that you should keep this a secret from the public. We wouldn’t want our reputation to be tarnished because of a reckless officer drinking. If we won’t be able to find the culprits, then we have no choice but to consider–“
Eroch stopped talking when he hears something on his table, causing him to glance down and realize it’s a badge,
The badge that belongs to Diluc. 
“Forget it.” The detective said in a cold tone before turning around to take his leave.
The lieutenant didn’t bother convincing Diluc to change his mind, and simply watched as the ex-detective left his office with all hope and faith lost in him. 
All that remains is the determination in bringing down what brought his father to his death. 
When Kaeya found out, he did not find the power to persuade his brother to come back and work for FPD, not when Diluc isn’t the type to retire from his career as a detective so quickly. Instead, he wished him well and made sure to let him know that he will do his best to help his dear brother out in finding out the culprits of the accident, something that the red-haired appreciated.
The news that Diluc has retired from being a detective spread like wildfire the day after. It didn’t matter what the public thinks, all that mattered for Diluc is that his father gets a proper and quiet funeral that he deserves. 
The funeral… It’s hard to talk about it. 
The ceremony left an empty part in the poor young man’s heart. Had it not been for Kaeya and those who work in the mansion, he would’ve felt alone. There wasn’t an overwhelming number of people who came to his funeral, but just the right amount of people for others to know how much Crepus was cared for and loved by a lot of people. Some were his close acquaintances in the business world, some were his old pals, some were his dear friends, and some were employees from both the mansion and from Angel’s Share who have been loyal for a long time. 
Diluc tried to hold it together and not break down in front of everyone, wanting people to know that he can handle Angel’s Share without his father’s guidance anymore. It still feels unreal that he won’t see his father for the rest of his life now. 
I promise father, Diluc thought in his mind as he placed a flower on top of Crepus’s coffin. I promise I will find out who caused your death and will make sure justice will come. 
Of course, just because he stopped working in FPD, it doesn’t mean he’ll stop helping and protecting everyone in his nation. 
Diluc plans to disappear sometime after his father’s burial, wanting to find out who crashed into the van and who was driving the van that he and Crepus were in. The least he can do is to bring justice to those who are responsible for his father’s undeserving death. 
Before that, he must hear his father’s wills as well as a paper that’s written by his father that Adelaide managed to find when she was fixing the passed CEO’s bedroom. 
His wills are simple. The mansion, the company, the establishment will now be in the hands of Diluc as he is the rightful heir. Kaeya got some valuable items of Crepus that’ll be of use to his life and his job in Favonius. The rest of the items will then be handed over to both charity and to Alice, Diluc’s godmother.
As for the paper… 
It was a letter for both Diluc and Kaeya that the passed CEO managed to write in case he died. Not only did it contain advice and going through the memory lane, it also contained secret feelings and unsaid words that the man didn’t get to say. 
One of them in particular is his wish for Diluc’s future. 
“...I fear that I might not make it to watch you grow up into the man who has a life ahead of him, and it breaks my heart to imagine you reading this if I died too soon. My son, your journey will not be easy if I’m no longer here, but I know you can get through this. You have people who care for you as much as I do and I know they’re all happy to help you with the troubles that can come in your way. I wish you nothing but happiness and safety in your life, so please, do not mourn for me forever and move on in a healthy way. Do not burden yourself with what you could’ve done, instead, accept that you can’t change the past and only learn from it. 
If fate decides so, I hope that someday, you’ll meet someone who you consider as your equal and the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Treat them with respect, understanding, and love like I did with your mother and I hope they’ll do the same with you. Don’t concern yourself with what the public thinks and what I would think. Just know that it’ll make your old man happy if you’re going to spend the rest of your life with someone who makes you happy and feel cherished. (the rest of the letter is blank, making it evident that Crepus hasn’t finished it completely for unknown reasons).”
Diluc didn’t know what to think when he read it, he could only close his father’s letter and keep his words to his heart. 
Now that the wills have been revealed, Diluc and Kaeya have no choice but to come visit Alice – who’s currently in Liyue for her next book about the region – to transfer some items for her. 
“My deepest condolences for your loss.” She said, watching as Diluc sat down on his seat across from hers as someone filled his drink with tea. Unfortunately, Kaeya had a call from work and won’t be able to come inside the room to talk to the woman. “It saddens me that your father has to go so soon. How have you and Kaeya been?” 
“Thank you… We’re doing well, Aunt Alice.” Diluc responds.
The woman smiles lightly. “That’s good to hear.. I’m sorry to hear that you haven’t found those who are responsible for the… accident. But you must know, revenge won’t do much for your grievance towards your father.” 
The red-haired man tries not to look surprised, but stays silent, causing Alice to continue. 
“I know it’s difficult to lose someone who guides you in your life. Partings are the most painful things, but they also encourage us to grow. A bird that has lost the roof over its head will fly further than others of its kind.” 
She then lets out a chuckle. “But of course.. I know you wouldn’t be persuaded by my words, so I wish you still have your sense of good and justice on your journey to look for them. It’s not an easy task I bet, but I’m sure you’ll be able to catch them with your capabilities.” 
The woman’s eyes gazed towards a bulletin board on one of the walls before looking back at the young man. “Should you be able to find the culprits, then you can try to go out and see the world afterwards. That’s the best course of action I can envision for you. Only by feeling, observing, and listening can your heart be healed. Everything that was your father now finds new life with you, that which you will experience in this world may have been things that your father experienced once upon a time.” 
When Diluc looks at the older woman’s eyes, it screams nothing but good things for him and Kaeya. 
Something he never thought he needed until now. 
“...Thank you for your words.” 
“Anything for you. I hope that the wind will bring you all manner of wondrous things in your many journeys to come, Diluc. Should you need a person to talk to or consult with, I’m always willing to lend an ear. I hope you won’t mind if I treat you as if you were my own child.” 
It only took two days for Diluc and Kaeya to deal with the rest of the items that once belonged to Crepus while catching up with Alice before they decided to take their leave. Not only did they both have to go back for their jobs, but Diluc also had to go back to start his search in finding the culprits of the accident.
Before the two young men could leave the estate Alice lives in, the woman stops them for a moment. 
“One last thing before you two go.” The woman then pulls out two items: a pocket watch and an earring with a blue jewel in it. “These belong to your father who left these with me back then. I think it’s best if you have these instead.” 
Diluc hesitantly grabs the pocket watch while Kaeya grabs the earring, letting out a comment about “what a perfect timing this is, I was thinking of a good accessory to buy as a souvenir from Liyue.” causing Alice to laugh.
“Thank you, Aunt Alice. We wish you well on your journey as well as your work.” Diluc said politely.
Alice waves them off. “Have a safe trip, boys. Do tell my darling Klee that I said hi when you get back, alright?” 
And so, the two men left. 
As they’re on their way to the airport, Diluc stares down at the pocket watch Alice gave him, his mind filled with what’s to come for him once he comes back. 
He can’t turn back now, not when the two drivers could potentially hurt someone else.
“You’re planning something, aren’t you?” Kaeya asks suddenly, causing the red-haired man to look up at his sworn brother.  
“...What’s it to you?” 
The blue-haired man lets out a chuckle. “Oh Diluc, I thought you’ve learned by now that I wouldn’t let you do things on your own, have you?” 
He lets out a sigh in response. “I don’t need your help. This should be something I must do on my own–”
“You’re finding the two culprits who are responsible for our father's death, so I too want to take them both down with you because they deserve to go to jail for their crimes. Besides, you’re no longer a detective in FPD, the least thing I can do is to hand out some information that’s given to us, particularly the one that involves the mysterious driver that managed to get his hands on your van.” 
His eyes slightly widened from hearing that. “...There’s info on the driver now?”
Kaeya hums. “It’s not much, but it’s worth reading it since I’m sure it’ll help you with your investigation. Feel free to ask more about the case, it’ll definitely take some work off my shoulders if you somehow find that driver. I’ll take care of the aftermath once you do” 
Diluc stays quiet for a moment. 
“..Fine, you can hand it over to me anytime. Just.. make sure to keep an eye on Eroch and his men.” He says.
The blue-haired crosses his arms. “Who said I don’t? That lieutenant has been suspicious since day one. I’m relieved Deputy Chief Jean is quite determined to investigate him and see if there’s anything suspicious.” 
“You mean Gunnhildr?” Diluc asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes. She recently transferred to the department thanks to Chief Varka. I caught her skimming around the lieutenant's office while he was gone.” Kaeya then smiles. “You should try talking with her. Isn’t she an old friend of yours?” 
“We weren’t close.” 
“Still. I’m sure she’ll be delighted to see someone who’s just like her in the department – besides the retirement – and is familiar with her personally.” 
The red-haired man thinks about it for a while.
“I’ll.. Think about it sometime.” 
By the time the two men are on their way through the airport, Diluc finds himself immersed in his thoughts about his plan in going around Mondstadt to look for the culprits who are responsible for his father’s death. He was so distracted that he didn’t pay attention to how there are paparazzis lingering around nor did he realize that he was about to bump into someone until it’s too late.
“Sorry.” He mutters to the person he bumped into before continuing his way towards his plane. He failed to notice how a certain item managed to slip out from the pocket of his black and long coat. 
Until he hears someone calling him. 
“Sir!” The stranger called, causing Diluc to stop his tracks for a moment and turn around to see if the stranger was calling him, only to spot someone walking towards him with a familiar object that he stared at moments ago.  
“You dropped this,” you said, showing him the pocket watch, “sorry again for bumping into you, by the way.” 
Diluc’s eyes slightly widened, a bit stunned by your kind act. Had it been anyone else, they probably would’ve kept it with them..
He slowly grabs the watch from you. “Thank you.” 
You give him a smile and nod in response. “It’s no problem” 
Without another word, you immediately ran off from Diluc, as if you didn’t just get the chance to meet Mondstadt’s two most famous men. 
“My, I’m surprised they didn’t know about us two, Diluc.” Kaeya spoke in amusement, watching you go away. “You’re lucky they gave you that pocket watch. I’m not sure what would happen to you if you lost your father's watch after he just died.”
Diluc’s expression quickly changes to a glare, looking at Kaeya’s direction. “Watch your mouth before I make sure you’re not going to my private plane on our way back to Mondstadt.” 
The other laughed. “I’m rich too, Diluc.” 
The red-haired man then turns around. “We should go before we start wasting our time. The sooner we get to Mondstadt, the better.”
“Whatever you say, brother.” 
Diluc didn’t hesitate to start his search immediately when he arrived in Mondstadt.
Unfortunately, after Pallad was released from the department cell, the vehicle that had a dent was immediately returned to him, so there’s a chance that it’s gone by now. 
Despite being accused of reckless driving and a culprit of a car accident, Pallad still had the audacity to come back to Angel’s Share – not that the CEO is complaining, this definitely made things easier for him.
It’s already an alarming sight to see the officer using a new vehicle. 
For the rest of the night, the young CEO listens attentively to Pallad’s conversations with other customers who are familiar with him. There wasn’t any useful information until someone finally asked the officer about his car. Apparently, he got himself a new car because his other one is too old and not functioning well, making him give it up in a car graveyard. 
That was all the information he needed.
It took a while when Diluc finally found the graveyard that Pallad owns with the help of some of his connections (one of them being Kaeya, who told him the details of what the car looks like). It wasn’t hard to find the car Pallad used since he only gave it up recently, but it was hard to hold himself back after seeing the officer’s car that clearly has a huge dent despite seeing it for the second time.
He will never forgive that drunkard for killing his father.  
Diluc was at the very least relieved when he spotted a dash cam inside the car. The officer must’ve been confident enough to not consider deleting footage of his dash cam, thinking it’ll be destroyed thanks to the graveyard. Unfortunately though, the dash cam was broken from possibly the accident, so it took a while to restore the footage until the ex detective got his hands on the piece of evidence that Eroch will surely not reject.
After the repair, Diluc sent it to Kaeya, who would pass it to Chief Varka and drag Pallad back to prison at last. 
All that’s left was the unknown driver. 
If it weren’t for Kaeya’s help in giving him information, Diluc wouldn’t know where to start. The only information the Favonious Department found about the culprit is they’re a part of an organization called the Fatui, based on a blurry CCTV that contains footage of someone in a Fatui uniform infiltrating the parking lot where the Ragnvindr’s van is and was never seen coming out. 
The Fatui… Just hearing that name made Diluc feel angry.
They’re not an unfamiliar name in the business world. They’re known for being dangerous, powerful, threatening, and not to be underestimated. A woman who owns the company, Tsaritsa, is the most powerful person in all of Snezhnaya. People in the cold region respect her and look up to her for her contributions to the country, particularly the advanced technology that she invented. Those who aren't from Snezhnaya look at her in the opposite way.
Crepus and Diluc are those people. 
He’s heard of what they do to those who have wronged the company as well as the things they can do to those who associate with them. It’s a miracle that the Ragnvindr hasn’t interacted with them at all (as far as the young CEO knows at least..), and as the new CEO, he knew he had to keep it that way.
Now that he thinks about it, just what did Crepus do if Fatui is responsible for his death? 
Diluc isn’t sure if he wants to know the answer. 
But he knows he has to. He has to understand why this happened to his father and where the driver ran off to, even though he’s fully aware that he won’t be able to grasp the full truth of the story. 
He then considers Alice’s advice: to travel around Teyvat. The Fatui is everywhere in the world, so he plans to go through every single one of them in each nation until he reaches Snezhnaya, where he’ll try to confront those who hold the higher ground of the Fatui and hopefully learn the truth. 
He hands over the Dawn Winery business to Adelaide, Elzer, and Kaeya and informs them that they can always reach him through messages. He trusts them all that his family business won’t sink and will remain as strong as ever, so he isn’t worried that he’ll be contacted to come back to Mondstadt to fix a situation. 
“How long will you be away?” Kaeya asks as he watches his brother pack his items in his luggage. “I’m not sure how to tell everyone about your leave, what should I answer if they ask when you’ll come back?” 
“Tell them I’ll be back in due time.” He answers, focusing on thinking about what else to bring for his travels. “I can’t… guarantee when I’ll come back. This won’t be an easy trip for me.” 
“Of course not, not when you’re taking on the Fatui.” The blue-haired said, his smile begins to fade. “Just… make sure not to die while you’re at it. I can’t attend another funeral again.”
“No promises.” 
The two of them then fell silent. The only noise around the room is Diluc placing his necessities in his luggage.
“...Could you at least talk to Miss Jean once before you leave?” Kaeya asks.
Diluc lets out a sigh. “Why are you so insistent on me talking to her?” 
His brother lets out a chuckle. “Don’t get me wrong, brother. I’m simply convincing you to talk to her about the FPD. She has more information than anyone else in the department and might be a great help to you, trust me.”
Kaeya wasn’t wrong about that. “Fine, I’ll consider having a chat with her if that’ll keep your mouth shut.” He said with a huff. 
Kaeya smirks. “Good. You can thank me by giving me a free drink in your establishment if you end up getting good information out of that hangout.” 
“In your dreams.” 
With the help of Kaeya, Diluc was able to contact Jean and see if she’s willing to spend some time with him, only for her to instantly agree and invite him to a private restaurant where they won’t be disturbed.
“It’s an honor to be able to meet you, Mr. Ragnvindr.” Jean said with a polite smile as she and Diluc sat down on their seats across from one another, the server pouring water on their glasses before handing out two menus and taking his leave. “I hope you didn’t have a hard time finding this place, did you?” 
The red-haired man shakes his head. “No worries, I didn’t have any difficulties. How’s your… day?” 
“I’m relieved you didn’t have any hard time, and my day has been a breeze, thank you.” She then lifts up her cup towards her lips. “If I may ask, what brings you to spend time with me today?” She asks before taking a sip of her drink. 
He lets out a sigh when he remembers his brother. “Ah… You should thank Kaeya for that. He’s been nagging me to come and talk to one of my colleagues before I take my leave.” 
Jean’s eyes widened. “Oh, you’re leaving?” 
He nodded in response. “I’m planning to… travel to some places. I won’t be back for a long time, so I’m sure a lot of things will change by the time I return.” He explained. 
“I see… I understand, you need something to get your mind off of everything.” She says with a sad smile. “I hope you get something out of your trip, and may the wind lead you to the closure you needed.” 
He processes her words. “...Thank you.” 
Something flashes through Diluc’s eyes, and the atmosphere turns serious. “I hope you don’t mind, but I would like to discuss something regarding… something about a certain PD.” He adds. 
Jean stays silent for a moment, also turning serious.
“...Is this related to the reason why you’ve asked for a chat with me?” She asks. 
Well, she isn’t wrong about that. Diluc was already considering meeting up with Jean as soon as Kaeya told him about how the woman had her eye on Lieutenant Eroch as soon as she was transferred for reasons unknown. There’s no doubt that there’s something amiss in the police department given how sudden her transfer was, and it’s related to the lieutenant who shrugged off the case of his accident. 
Could he be the one behind his father’s death perhaps?
Diluc feels a little guilty for talking to the woman simply because of how she has the information he wanted. “Yes. I understand if you’re not willing to talk about it.” 
Jean shakes her head reassuringly. “No it’s alright. I have a feeling I know where this is going now.” 
She then looks around cautiously before whispering, “we are talking about Lieutenant Eroch, right?” 
He nodded. “Correct. I heard that you’ve been skimming around his office.” 
“You must’ve heard it from Mr. Alberich then.” She says with a light chuckle. “He’s the only one outside of the operation who knows, your brother has my deepest gratitude – if anything, I would’ve been easily caught by Lieutenant Eroch and make the situation worse if your brother tells him.” 
“What’s your purpose there?” He asks. 
Jean taps her fingers on the table, careful of what to say. “Let’s just say the lieutenant has been way too suspicious lately. Too suspicious that it caught the attention of a certain chief.” 
“And the certain chief requested you to personally investigate it?” 
She hums, looking down at her drink. “I suppose it’s for the better since we’re not sure who’s on our side, hence why I was transferred to the Lion of the South Department (2).” 
“You came from the Falcon of the West Department, correct?”
“Yes. I was actually supposed to come to the Lion of the South Department in a year, but it seems Chief Varka has other plans.” 
Diluc chuckles. “He’s one unpredictable man, indeed.” 
Jean then looks up at the man. “Is there.. Something you want me to do?” 
He crosses his arms. “There is. I take it that you haven’t found anything from his office?” 
She shakes her head with a sigh, only for Diluc to continue his words. “Then you should look on the rooftop.” 
She furrowed her eyebrows, now curious. “May I ask why?” 
“The lieutenant’s always up there if he’s not in the conference room and office.” Diluc says. “I’m sure a man like him wouldn’t go to the rooftop for view-watching or some peace and quiet. You should check if there’s something that’s hidden in sight.” 
Jean nodded slowly. “I see… Thank you for this, Mr. Ragnvindr.” 
“Please, you may call me Diluc.” He says. “I’m sure this won’t be the last time we’ll interact and talk like this.” 
It’s safe to say he’s right, this wasn’t the last time he’ll be interacting with Jean.
He’ll admit, she’s good to cooperate with. Not only did she take note of his advice, she also made sure to give a piece of her mind in return. 
He feels relieved, knowing that someday, the FPD will have yet another reliable and great chief who’ll lead them once Varka steps down. 
As soon as their hangout came to an end, both parties were satisfied with the information they gained. They both agreed to keep in touch with one another through texts so Jean could update him about Eroch (and hopefully something about the Fatui should the Favonius find out about something), thus exchanging each other’s numbers before taking their leave.
Afterwards, he began his journey to travel around Teyvat in search of the truth.
He supposedly wanted to stay in Mondstadt to investigate them, but knowing the possibility that they could be watching him given that he didn’t die from the accident, he instead decided to make it his last resort. 
Of course, he kept in touch with Kaeya, Adelaide, and Jean, who all informed him of updates regarding Mondstadt, the wine establishment, and the FPD. There were many good news to hear, such as how Kaeya became even more famous after a particular case where he found many children who were missing, how Angel’s Share is still the most sought-after establishment–
The one news that made him relieved is how Lieutenant Eroch has finally been arrested for many countless crimes committed, but unfortunately, none of the crimes were involved with the car accident.
He also learned how Chief Varka and a couple of officers were sent to a classified mission, which resulted with Jean becoming the current Chief of Police while he was gone. Meanwhile, Kaeya also became the lieutenant of the FPD, claiming he’s now “oh-so busy after my dearest brother left me here to rot with these never ending cases.” 
In a blink of an eye, four years have passed. 
There was never a moment when his determination wavered, his passion is as strong as an eternal flame that never goes out. He never fails to remember why he’s doing this and why he must finish this journey, reminding himself by remembering all the memories he shared with his father. 
Sometimes, he goes back to that time when Crepus died. Trying to remember if there was a single detail he must’ve missed that could help him make more progress with his investigation, only to bring back the pain, helplessness, and guilt he tried to suppress.
He took down most – if not all – that involved the Fatui’s dirty work, brought down those who are as evil as they can be and exposed them in public, and even fought them with either his own hands or with a weapon should the situation resolve in.. an inappropriate manner. 
Because of this, he’s now considered a threat who shouldn’t be underestimated.
Throughout his trip, he once helped a few people who have the same motives as him, such as a woman from Liyue’s government – the Qixing – whose against one of the members of the board of directors in the Fatui, a young CEO in Inazuma who disapproves the Fatui, a man who holds an important position in Teyvat’s most prestige academy and also has something against the Fatui for reasons he didn’t disclose, and many more. 
However, the most notable person he came to work with is someone who introduced him to a secretive network. If it weren’t for them, he would’ve been killed in Snezhnaya by the Fatui. 
Despite how far he has come, Diluc never encountered Tsaritsa – besides some of the board of the directors, who all have anything but good intentions towards him. This doesn’t mean his journey all came to fruitless of course, not when he learned so much from traveling around the world and encountering other people. 
He looked past his progress from his journey, and after a lot of thoughts, he decided to join the underground intelligence network, where he put all his dedication in it just as he did in the FPD. Not only did he rise up into the upper ranks of the network, he also gained even more useful information about the Fatui, such as how Officer Pallad’s involvement with the accident has nothing to do with the Fatui, causing the driver to run away from the incident since the van is destroyed.  
He also finds out from the network that Fatui can’t touch certain people such as the Tianquan, the Chief of Police, some families, and even certain CEOs of companies who are too valuable in their nations. He also gained new comrades – most of whose pasts are left behind and go on with the future like the wind. 
Perhaps he too, should stop looking back with the past and not think about all of what could’ve been anymore. 
By the time his journey had ended, he had a conclusion. 
The driver is still unknown, but he knew the order came from either the board of the directors, the chairman, or the CEO herself based on certain documents from each branch that mentioned the Ragnvindr name. The possible explanation is that Fatui wanted to  burn down the biggest supplier and the company who has unmatched wines in Mondstadt, whose nation revolves around wine and freedom.
Not to mention how everything will turn out worse should he face the Tsaritsa with ill intentions. Given how the Tsaritsa is one of the most – if not the most – important figures in Snezhnaya, only Celestia can tell what will happen to Diluc. 
He also realized that when he comes back to Mondstadt, he is still just as unsafe as he was during his stay in Snezhnaya.
He started thinking: what if he loses everyone he cares for? What if his brother gets taken? What if his dedicated and loyal employees get hurt? What if he somehow falls in love with someone, and they get hurt because of him? 
This led Diluc to believe that it’s for the best that he tries not to get too close with anyone anymore – let alone fall in love. Hence why he isn’t usually found with people around him, besides those who work for him or want to work with him in the business world of course. 
If he wants to be safe as well as protect those who he cares for, he must protect Mondstadt and become stronger. 
When he finally returned to Mondstadt, everyone was too busy talking about the latest mystery of the nation, aka the person responsible for the crime rates suddenly going down and for dragging criminals to the FPD’s doorstep before the sun rises. No one suspected it was the CEO of Angel’s Share – not when he just came back from his journey (in reality he actually arrived back a bit early but went undercover for a couple of days before announcing his comeback). 
By day, Diluc stays in his office doing his work by signing and approving documents, inventing new beverages, and sometimes serving in Angel’s Share if the days are quite slow. By night, he strolls around the city when everyone’s asleep, looking out for anyone who’s in possible danger as well as anyone who’s possibly a threat. He makes sure no one was followed or stalked, no shops being stolen, and no houses being invaded – it honestly reminded him of his old days as a detective back then. 
To Diluc’s relief, there were no actions from the Fatui towards him ever since he came back to Mondstadt – unless you consider the few Snezhnayan merchants who’d come to the wine tycoon in hopes for a partnership with their business. Of course, that doesn’t mean he’s less cautious and less guarded with his surroundings. 
This went on for the next few years. It’s the same cycle as always besides the special occasions and events he attended to: wake up, get ready, do paperwork in his office, check on his vineyard and think of new drinks to make for his establishment, visit Angel’s Share and help Charles if possible, go back home, start his patrols around the city, go back home and repeat. 
He didn’t mind how nothing’s changed much. As long as he’s doing what he can, he’s content with his life. 
Fast forward, Diluc was recently invited to attend the Grand Goth Hotel for the wedding between Hiiragi Chisato and Kamisato Ayato. Unfortunately he had no one who could be his plus one since everyone is busy, so he thought he’ll just be all alone, something he grew used to and didn’t mind thanks to his four years of exploring around Teyvat. 
Then he met you. 
He bumped into you due to him being distracted by his call with Kaeya. He realized his mistake for not apologizing quickly, but when he turned around to look at where you are, you’re far from his reach. 
He thought that was the end of it, until he saw you again in the souvenir shop hours later. He felt like you looked familiar when he first saw you in the shop, and perhaps you must be feeling the same way as well from how you’ve been staring at him like a hawk. However, when it’s revealed that you’re only staring at him because you remembered him bumping into you, he felt… taken back. That’s the reason why you’ve been staring at him? 
He was even more taken back when you were quick to tell him how he was so rude for not apologizing to you. He’ll admit, it’s sort of a refreshing sight to see someone who isn’t so timid or nervous around him and isn’t afraid to scold someone for their errors no matter who they are. Nevertheless, he didn’t hesitate to apologize for his behavior – and when he found out you’re also a guest in the wedding, he was even willing to pay for your wedding gift if you allow him to share, something you reluctantly agreed on after checking its price. In a way, this is his payment for what you’ve done for him back at the airport (though, he wasn’t aware that you’re the same person that gave him his father’s watch at that time). 
The next time you meet was in Good Hunter’s, whereas he overhears your conversation with who seems to be your group of friends. He didn’t bother listening to it, until he heard his name being mentioned. 
When you explained how you don’t like him because of how rude he is, he felt taken back once again. Were you really that hurt from him bumping into you? Well, his shoulders are broad and must’ve hit you quite harshly if he wasn’t careful at that time, so he can’t blame you for thinking he’s rude for that. 
But then again, he thought buying those champagne flutes for you was enough… 
Turns out, it is enough. 
It was strange how he keeps seeing you these days, especially this particular day. Almost everywhere he goes, you’re also there. It was quite an interesting  situation, he thinks. 
However, he knows that he shouldn’t get close to you. He swore to never be close with anyone anymore (with the exception of his loved ones) and you cannot be an exception. That’s why he has to make sure he can’t meet you again, for you and his sake. 
Yet despite his oath, he still finds himself getting involved with you – especially during one of those encounters when he sees you in a rather uncomfortable situation. 
He recognizes the two men talking to you as being the members of the Kamisato family. He would’ve mind his business if it weren’t for how you seem to be in need of help, 
And Diluc is not someone who ignores such a situation.
So he comes over to where you are, acting as if he was looking for you despite a part of him telling him to not go and help you. Fortunately, you caught on to what he was trying to do and played along to his lie, something that the other two men fell for and decided to leave you two alone. 
He’s not one to pry into someone’s life, but he wonders what the Kamisato has done to make you so distraught and sad. Instead of asking, he simply kept his mouth shut and offered you his handkerchief, and you reluctantly grabbed it from him. 
The gesture made him finally realize why you’re so familiar to him. 
The incident was years ago, but he’ll never forget you giving him back something precious to  him. He really can’t imagine what would’ve happened if he lost one of the things that belonged to his father. He isn’t sure if you remembered it, but it didn’t matter, because he finally repaid his gratitude to you. 
After comforting you, he eventually found out that you indeed had forgiven him already, causing him to feel a bit embarrassed that he’s been thinking that you still haven’t forgiven him. 
As soon as you enter your hotel room after what happened, Diluc realizes that somehow, this wedding no longer seems to be as lonely as he anticipated it to be. 
You became a familiar sight for Diluc from then on as much as he didn’t want to.
The next time you meet is in the bachelor party, whereas the two of you started to get to know each other more. You’re pleasant and smooth to talk with, and there was never a moment where the two of you felt off with your conversation despite some differences with opinions and ideas – at least, that’s what he feels – and bonded a lot on how you two have a lot in common. 
You’re not afraid to speak your thoughts and even laughed at some words he said that were unintentionally a joke. Even though you now know of his achievements and reputation, you still treated him the same, which is something that made him feel pleasant. Even more so when you praised him for being such “a cool multitasker” as you watch him make drinks and serve them throughout your conversation with each other. 
He can’t help but be reminded of his father, and yet for some reason, he didn’t feel remorse from that.
He’d never thought he’d click with someone, let alone having a conversation that could last forever, like he did with you. Interacting with you feels like he doesn’t have to be so uptight and has to keep up with the formalities – especially after convincing him that he doesn’t have to do so – and he’s free to say his thoughts.
When you decide to stop your conversation for a moment and excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, Diluc tries not to show the disappointment in his eyes and words. It’s strange to him, why is he so disappointed? You’ll come back anyway just like you said. 
As he waits and waits, he earns himself a new company.
Kamisato Ayato is… One secretive and mysterious man. It’s not something Diluc is suspicious of, really. If anything, the two of them have a few things in common, such as their shared determination in protecting the people they care for, their shared experiences of being the CEO at such a young age, their shared experiences of losing their parents–
As well as messing with the Fatui.
Diluc isn’t so surprised with the fact that the other is aware of his dangerous situation with the organization, but he was surprised that the groom had to send him a warning about being careful with how he spends time with you, who is still in the bathroom doing only Celestia knows what. 
His warning alone made the bartender wake up from his daze, and he faced the reality he had always hated. 
You can’t be involved with someone like him, a man whose hands have been dirtied and committed things that he dares not to explain. 
Once you’re entangled with him, you’ll simply be yet another person he has to protect from the Fatui and the burdens of only simply being his friend. Although he’s more than capable of dealing with the Fatui, he knows that spending time with you will only make things hard for you. 
Not to mention how people would react if they see you spending time with Diluc, and only Celestia can tell how drastic the rumors can be once this spreads around, so Ayato is indeed right, he should leave you alone. 
He does not acknowledge how such thought aches his chest deeply.
Still, he knows that ignoring you wouldn’t do anything but cause problems, so he tells himself that it’s up to you if you still want to spend time with him. 
And it seems you do, especially the next day after that.
The CEO was surprised to see you entering Angel’s Share, especially since the wedding is today. What surprised him more was when he realized just how much he missed you – or talking to you rather. 
What a strange feeling… 
As he continues doing his job, he can’t help but observe you from afar; a habit that he does at times during his shifts here whenever an unfamiliar customer visits the establishment but unlike everyone he observes, he doesn’t observe you out of suspicion that you have something up your sleeve. You looked like you’re enjoying your time with your few friends, something that made him quite happy to see (even though one of your friends is someone who’s rather a hassle in his establishment when he feels like it). 
He feels all the more pleasant when you decide to chat with him for a bit as though you’re old time friends, not realizing that he may or may not have slipped up a few words that he didn’t really mean, making you assume that he’s just there for the wedding to serve his finest drinks. 
It’s only a matter of time until Diluc realizes what he was doing, especially when he finds himself looking at your way unintentionally. You just look so out of place in Angel’s Share in such a good way that his eyes are drawn to you, like how a moth can’t help but be captivated by a shining light.
It comforted him to see you being relaxed in his establishment – be it because he’s happy to see his customers satisfied or because you’re happy – and he wanted to let it stay that way, especially when he has a few guesses on why you were saddened whenever the groom of the wedding is around. 
When he catches on to the fact that you’re also staring at him, he can’t help but feel conscious about himself, thinking about how he mixes his drinks, how he positions himself by the bar, or how he talks to his fellow customers politely, he wonders what you think about what he’s doing even if it’s the simplest of gestures. 
…Is this really something friends think of about each other? 
By the time it’s time for you and your two friends to leave in order to get ready for the wedding, Diluc couldn’t help but feel disappointed, wanting to say more to you but couldn’t. 
However, when you take one more look at him while he’s staring at you as well, and give him an acknowledged nod with that smile of yours; he knows the two of you will eventually talk again and catch up once more.
For some reason, he’s looking forward to the wedding more than ever. 
By the time he makes it to the wedding, he was a bit surprised to see that the ceremony hasn’t commenced yet. His surprise instantly disappears when his eyes land on you, who looks as though you’re looking for someone. Could it be him, he hopes? 
Thankfully, luck was on Diluc’s side. Seeing how there’s one more seat that’s empty beside yours, he slowly makes his way over to you to sit on that empty chair. When he sits down, you instantly look at him and your eyes brighten. 
Him noticing you being excited from simply seeing him made the wine tycoon feel.. Something. Important? Valued? He isn’t sure anymore, he’s at a loss for words when it comes to you.
Truly, this must be something friends have sometimes. 
As he watches the wedding ceremony commence, he can’t help but feel as if someone’s watching him from behind. This caused him to cautiously turn around for a bit, only to find the father of the bride glaring at his direction, but not at him it seems. 
He then realizes that the father of the bride was glaring at you.
Diluc couldn’t help but feel protective, internally taking note to watch the current CEO of the Chisato company should he plan to do something to you. 
When the wedding went on to the reception, it seems luck is still on Diluc’s side. When he arrives at his assigned table by looking for his name displayed on the seats, he spots your name on the seat that’s next to his once again. 
It made him feel relieved, knowing that he won’t be sitting next to those who would most likely talk to him in hopes of gaining opportunity to have the CEO’s attention and support in their businesses and whatnot. 
When you find out as well, you’re pleasantly surprised, but nevertheless happy with the arrangement. If anything, it gives you a chance to continue your previous conversation with your friend! 
Throughout the party, the two of you bonded more and are closer than ever. Diluc really couldn’t recall when’s the last time he had a conversation like this. It really feels as if he could never get tired of talking with you and won’t run out of topics to talk about. 
His highlights of your conversation are the times when you laugh at his words, when you listen to him with an awe look on your face, and when you talk so passionately about the things you love. 
Diluc particularly admires how you talk about your beloved nation, Inazuma. You talk as if Inazuma is your child, and you’re a parent who’s proud of it. Not only did you tell him the things that you love about it, but also showed him just how much you missed your home with the longing look on your face. Considering how long you haven’t visited the nation ever since you went to Liyue, he can understand the feeling. 
Someday, he’d like to go there with you… Maybe then you’ll be happier than you are now, and he wants to see that in his own eyes.
After you explained all there is to know about Inazuma, Dilic then shares his own words about his nation in return. He talks about the things that he thinks you might like about his land, only to find that you love everything about Mondstadt and explain how much you love the place, telling him how you’ve always wanted to go to Mondstadt because of its carefree nature and kind people. It was something that Diluc isn’t surprised by – he’s used to many foreigners he had talked to telling him about how wonderful Mondstadt is – and yet, he feels his heart warming hearing such compliments about his home from you. 
While he was explaining though, he can’t help but notice how you’re somewhat.. distracted, as if your thoughts drifted off to something, causing him to feel a bit concerned. Are you bored from his explanation? Did he say something wrong? Or.. Is it because of Ayato? 
When he asked you if you’re alright, you only responded that you’re distracted by the sight of the garden that surrounds the open-air room. He wasn’t convinced obviously, but seeing how you don’t want to admit the real reason, he knows not to push you for it and respect your privacy. 
However, asking you somehow got him to spend time with you in the hotel’s garden. 
Diluc could see why the garden is one of the hotel’s best spots for guests. It’s as magical and peaceful as what most people described. 
And yet, he can’t help but think that this place is all the more magical and special when you’re here with him. 
“It’s so beautiful..!” You comment in pure awe. If you at least glance at where Diluc is, you would’ve realized that he isn’t staring at the view of the garden that is indeed beautiful.
“Indeed.” He quietly agrees, his gaze never left you. 
Diluc feels his shoulders sinking a bit. Friends don’t think of each other this way, don’t they?
As the two of you stroll around the garden, Diluc covers topics regarding the flowers that surround the two of you and about other things, all the while you listen with great eagerness. 
It was only when he started talking about his first drink when he realized something. 
How long has it been since he talked to someone about his father? Let alone his past?
Was he really that comfortable talking to you to the point where he’s willing to share the things he never thought he’d talk about with someone? 
He was sincerely taken back that he didn’t watch his step and accidentally stumbled from a bump on the pathway. 
…How embarrassing!
His thoughts from before instantly fade away, replaced by how embarrassed he is from the situation he put himself in. It was impressive how you managed to pull him back from falling, had it not been for your strength, he would’ve been even more embarrassed from falling down to the ground completely. 
Unfortunately, it wasn’t the only embarrassing incident that occurred between the two of you. One thing led to one another, and suddenly he finds you hugging his arm out of fear from the sudden appearance of your plus one. 
Diluc felt like he was frozen the moment he felt your touch on him. He didn’t know what to do really, especially when you’re holding onto him as if your life depends on it. It was only by the time you let him go when he felt like he could breathe, watching you walk away first to get back to the venue.
Despite letting him go, he still feels the ghost of your touch. 
It seems the night is still young for you and Diluc. 
After the reception, the two of you proceeded to explore around Mondstadt City together to hang out more. But this particular night brought the man to something more than just a hangout. 
The more the both of you continue to spend time together, the more Diluc feels more confused, maybe even worried, about his thoughts and feelings towards you. He doesn’t know who you are to him if not a friend. If you’re indeed just a friend, then why does he feel like it’s more than just? If not a friend, then what? 
Deep inside, a small part of him already knows the answer to his worries and thoughts. 
So when he sees you talking with someone who interrupted your hangout with him, an unpleasant feeling creeps up on him, especially when it turns out that the stranger is someone you’re familiar with. 
He hasn’t felt jealous for a long time until now. 
Just the thought of you being with someone else made him feel unpleasant, and he isn’t sure what to do with it. He could only watch as you happily chatted with Heizou, his mind clouded with conflicts and realizations. 
Diluc realizes that his feelings towards you are something serious. This isn’t a mere admiration and fondness that will go away in a blink of an eye, but the kind of admiration and fondness that made him want more. 
What hurts is that he knows he can’t have that. Not when his life is too complicated to have the happiness he wants to have more with you, not when his life is as dangerous as it can be to have the peacefulness he wants to share with you, and certainly not when he’s sure you don’t feel the same feelings that he feels for you. 
Yes, Diluc finally admitted it. He wants you to be more than his friend. He wants you to be more than just someone who he sees on a daily basis, but someone who he sees when he wakes up to another day, someone who he sees when he’s all dressed up with gifts for yet another memorable date night, someone who understands him more than he understands himself, someone who he kisses goodnight before sleeping away next to each other, someone who he will cherish with all his heart without hesitation, 
Someone who he loves just as soulmates do. 
But he knows that it’s far out of his reach. 
What hurts more is how the two of you won’t be able to see each other soon, and none of you are sure when you’ll be able to.
…It’s for the best, he thinks. 
The morning after, he received a phone call from Kaeya.
“How was the wedding? Any juicy drama that I should know of?” He asks. 
“It was… not bad.” He replies. “I made friends with someone.”
“Wow, there’s actually a person who doesn’t mind Mr. Grumpy? Let me guess, it’s that foreigner you bumped into, isn’t it? ( Name ), right?” 
Diluc lets out a sigh, already knowing where this is going. “Yes, it’s them.” 
“Ohoho, now I’m curious to know more about them. You better introduce me to that friend of yours when I visit there.” 
His eyebrows raised up in surprise. “You’ll visit here today?”
“Yeah, I’ll be able to come to the hotel today to congratulate the couple. Don’t keep your new friend away from me when I get there, yeah?” 
Diluc scoffs. “As if they would want to be involved with someone like you.” 
“You wounded me! Who wouldn’t want to be involved with the person who grandmothers consider as the top candidate for grandson-in-law?” 
“Whatever you say. Don’t try to get lost in the streets.” 
“Ugh, that was only one time – and in my defense, I was drunk. See you there, Diluc.” 
And just like that, the call ended. 
Diluc puts his phone down with a sigh. He prays that Kaeya actually does get lost and won’t be able to see you. Only Barbatos knows what that man is going to do if he ever finds out about his feelings for you. 
Unfortunately, that was today’s least of his concerns. 
He can’t help but notice how a few Fatui members have been around the hotel lately. Usually he ignores them if it weren’t for how.. often he sees them today. Is it perhaps related to a certain higher up who wants to buy the hotel? 
Or.. is it related to a scheme he has yet to know about?
He thinks about it deeply to the point where he even spaced out a bit while talking to you in the garden as you wait for your friend.
He eventually finds out what the Fatui were up to when he decided to contact one of his associates in the underground network. 
“The people you’ve been seeing are under the security branch of the Fatui, so it’s evident that someone must’ve hired them for something they’re planning to do that needs to be under wraps. We’ll let you know if we happen to find out who’s their employer and whether or not you should intervene.” His informant tells him through the phone as Diluc continues to stand around the lobby waiting for Kaeya, eyeing on the Fatui guards carefully from afar. 
He didn’t have to wait for long on who’s the employer of the Fatui guards.
As soon as he kept his phone away after the phone call, he noticed the father of the bride walking around the lobby with a couple of the Fatui following him. He raises an eyebrow at the sight of the guards walking in a certain formation as though they��re surrounding someone–
Only for his heart to drop when he sees you among said guards.
What are they doing with you?
He then remembers how Shinsuke was glaring at you at the wedding ceremony back then, causing him to conclude that it must’ve been related to whatever’s going on with you and Ayato. 
He didn’t hesitate to start following them in hopes of getting you out of there safely, only to lose sight of you when a lot of people suddenly entered the lobby.
He quietly curses at himself in irritation as he tries to walk through the busy crowd, hoping that he’ll still be able to see you once he’s out of there. 
When he doesn't see you, he feels like he’s about to burn this place down. 
Please be alright, he thinks as he runs around the lobby like a madman, looking at every hallway to see a glimpse of you or your captors who seem to have more than just ill intentions towards you. It feels like he’s back in the incident where his father died as he feels the same thing that his younger self felt. Helplessness and fear of losing his loved one.
Fortunately, it was only a matter of time when he spotted the familiar Fatui guards standing in front of a door, holding what appears to be the very same bag that he saw you carrying at the garden earlier. 
He didn’t hesitate to go towards where they were, causing the guards to notice him at last and be alerted. 
“Sir, you’re not allowe–”
“I don’t care.”
As minutes passed, not one single person among the busy crowds in the lobby noticed the unconscious guards around the secluded hallway, with a tall man standing in the middle of the aftermath of his anger. 
As soon as Diluc finishes dealing with the Fatui guards, he immediately grabs your bag before reaching out to the closed room to open it. 
His heart drops at the sight of Shinsuke’s raised hand towards you. 
Hold yourself, he orders to himself, not wanting to throw hands towards the man who was planning to hurt you, who seems to be frightened but relieved to see Diluc. 
He puts on his calm facade. “Was I interrupting something?” 
It wasn’t hard to get Shinsuke out of the room and get you to safety, by the time he did, his heart breaks at the sight of you being all shaken up from whatever the older man did to you before he could arrive. 
This is an example of what will happen if they’re with me, Diluc thought as he tries to comfort you. He knows that even though your situation right now has nothing to do with him, you’ll get more situations like this if you’re with him, making him realize that even if he’s not an engaged man, he knows he still can’t have you. Not when it’s a risk to even be with him. 
He just wishes you to be safe and happy, but it hurts that it’s not something you’ll get from him. 
That’s why when you mentioned the airport, he felt sad from the fact that he won’t be able to see you after a while. By the time this wedding is over, he’ll go back to the same cycle he lived with ever since he came back to Mondstadt. He won’t be able to wonder what’s to come for him tomorrow, what topic you’ll be talking about with him, and he certainly won’t be able to see you at all for only Celestia knows how long. 
He then wondered if you two will ever contact each other after this. As much as it sounds selfish of him, he didn’t want that to happen, not when he feels this content with you. There’s no one who could laugh at the jokes he unintentionally makes, who would tease him enough to make him a bit flustered and smile, who could talk with him about anything for hours on end, 
There’s no one out there who’s like you. 
But he knows that he can’t make you stay, not when you have your own life to live. 
Perhaps… Perhaps things can be different if the world is safer. If his life isn’t as dangerous as it can be thanks to the Fatui, who dared to lay their hands on you for the sake of a greedy man such as Shinsuke.
Maybe… If fate allows so, maybe in the future, when things possibly change for the better, then perhaps you and Diluc could be something more than friends.
It’s just wishful thinking though.
He didn’t hesitate to take the opportunity to come with you to the airport so he could personally bid you farewell. To his relief, you were happy to have him coming with you as well as reaching out to him once you come back home. 
He wishes this week could last forever. 
Hours later, he finds himself staring at the ceiling while lying down on his bed. Meanwhile, Kaeya is on his own bed that’s next to his while applying skincare on his face as he rants on and on about whatever’s going on around the FPD. 
He wonders what could’ve been if his life wasn’t so complicated and dangerous. He wonders what could’ve been if it were you who he gets to call his spouse and the one he gets to consider as his partner and equal. He wonders what could’ve been if he wasn’t such a coward. 
He wonders if you think of him the way he thinks of you. 
You realize that suppressing your feelings is not the way of moving on. 
Love hurts. Thinking of the past hurts. You realize that Diluc is just someone who helped you with your confrontation towards the past you so wanted to forget because of the pain it brings, but he’s not the one who can completely help you heal. 
By the end of the day, it’s you alone who can heal yourself.
You knew that you can’t admit your feelings to Diluc just yet, and you know it’s best this way – after all, you still have to take time focusing on yourself first now that you took a big step from your burdens. 
You just hope that by the time you’re ready to deal with being in a relationship, you wish that person who you’ll be with is Diluc. 
You find yourself lying down on your bed as you scroll through your photo gallery, finally looking back at the memories that you shared with Ayato, with your friends, and with yourself. It’s been so long since you’ve looked at them that you almost forgot some of the moments that made you happy. 
It took a while until you finally decided to call it a night, turning off your phone and placing it on the nightstand next to your bed before trying to sleep.
You hope you’ll be able to see Diluc again and spend time with him one last time. Maybe you two could go eat at Good Hunter’s together, take another stroll around the hotel’s garden and talk about Inazuma’s flowers this time, or even–
Ah, you feel so in love. 
You let out a quiet dreamy sigh with a smile, excited for what’s to come tomorrow. 
Now that you mentioned Inazuma, you couldn’t help but wonder when you’ll be able to visit your homeland again.. 
You close your eyes. Perhaps Ei won’t mind if I request for a transfer someday. 
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PENPALS. @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @ragnvdnr @chiruru @aqualesha @renamichii @mrkamisato @shenhesl0ver @serami00 @serenareiss @hiqhkey @emperatris-rinaka @bystander36 @irisxiel @ladycoleigh @034ven @dear-dairiess @owozi8 @hadesaedes @chiro-chiro-kun @hersscherofyatta @mariusvonhangme @yuzuricebun @hoshikistarlette @solaaresque @crowbird @lordbugs @flowersforayato @headintheclouddd @estelwrld @giyusimpsassemble @irethepotatosblog @moonlightaangel @alice0blog @shotosbrainrot @sniffoat @chihawari @mxsomn @kuni-kuzushii @jiminscarmex @mitsukii14 @nejibot @ylimeprive @sachispet @loreleis-world @sn-owo @starforecasts @someonetookmynamelmao @ceylestia @lychme @ymikkos @reallysporadicarcade @melodyyamino @dudufodd @somberrock @yevenly @lemontum @nghing @elychee @astrxlis @denkineptune @franini @sophisticatedleslie @thedivinepriestress @smashsubs @httpmitsuya @bl6o6dy @cottonkendi (come visit this post if you’d like to be tagged!)
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asophiamills · 2 months
Omg I have a blog where I can post real lore dumps okay uh here...
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Sam x Soph Spotify Playlist
Check my Instagram for my SophxSam IG highlights, it has more info hehe
Ok, so, when Soph moved in, she and Sam met one another, and recognized each other being childhood bestfriends when she lived at the farm with her grandparents. So they're super close immediately, with Sam being a friendly extrovert and Soph being a shy but excitable ambivert, they've developed a cool friendship that lasted say 6 months. BUT- Sam has been crushing on Soph the moment she walked in the valley, because as a kid Soph made flower crowns for everyone in town, and since Sam was allergic, he couldn't wear flower crowns. Soph made him a paper flower crown instead, crudely cut pieces of paper. Since then, he's had a crush on her, but were eventually seperated when she moved back to Zuzu City. Seeing her again has ignited that flame, especially now that shes older and has found a stronger sense of identity, which he finds totally authentic and keeping it real, very punk hehe.
Anyway, Sam's a terrible flirt, he tries shooting his shot, but he fails everytime, this being his first relationship and having little to no experience. And Soph's demisexual, so she needs a long term emotional connection before seeing someone like that, but she is aesthetically attracted to Sam. In the hopes of something more, she's been flirting with him back, slightly getting a little more touchier than she is with her normal friends. She's always either hanging around his house or vice versa, the pair often playing games and her getting a private show of him on his guitar. So, after his 8 heart event, 6 months after meeting, Sam eventually confesses to Soph. Soph, having been traumatized by past relationships and barely believing in love anymore, is immediately pressured by her issues and is scared, running off, unable to take it. Sam runs after her, and calls her out on her flirting and their lingering gazes and shit, and he breaks down crying in front of her. Soph realizes she fucked up. And so she decides to give him a chance if he'd accept it.
That's the hard part DONE. SO. Sam proceeds to court Soph, knowing she needs extra time with her being demisexual and lacking trust in romance. He often brings her home, invites her to dinner. Soph, feeling a little guilty, and slowly falling for him, despite her not knowing, tries her best to respond to his advances too and gives him handmade gifts, and often buys food from the saloon or cooks them herself for him. One whole year later, with Sam finding out she's Filipino (EYYYY), researches a few tagalog words for her, and learns about harana, where you visit a woman at her house and sing by her window until she comes out to either accept or deny him. He tries this, not expecting much and throws pebbles into her window. Annoyed, she goes out, and accidentally gets hit in the forehead by a rock. After an awkward series of apologies, Sam proceeds to sing filipino love songs to her in the middle of the night with nothing but his guitar and a candle. That night, Soph finally said yes, and they're officially dating every since. :DDDD
8 heart event and confession here
Confrontation Video here
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Do you think a Dracula MBS AU would work? If so, in what way? Hope you are doing well!!!
Sophie, I love this question!! It’s actually something I have thought of, but wasn’t sure if I wanted to make into a post on its own. And I’m doing well, hope you are too :DDDD
Yes, Dracula MBS AU could be a thing, but I would definitely need to make a few tweaks. Us Dracula book fans aren’t a huge fan of “tweaks” for…certain reasons (*side eyes adaptations*), but this one would still be faithful to the spirit of the book. :)
Note: Heavy spoilers for Dracula, and the Mysterious Benedict Society. Also, I’m basing this AU on the MBS books, not the series (Curtain is not really redeemable in this one, though he is the gremlin man you know and enjoy!). As a disclaimer, all of the MBS characters that are kids are adults in this AU — in their 20s to be precise. Everyone else retains their original ages (except for the one who is playing Dracula, of course).
Jonathan Harker -> Reynie Muldoon
You know I had to start off with my one of my favorite blorbos and honestly, this just works. These two characters are a lot alike, more than you might assume. Both are considered “average” by others, and are constantly underestimated, which they shake off in different ways (Reynie with his abilities, Jonathan through the power of Tumblr’s book club). They have a kind heart and love helping others. They are meticulous and can be bold when needed, sometimes using clever words to talk themselves out of a situation (Jonathan several times in Dracula’s castle, Reynie when Curtain catches him looking at the Executive’s list). Jonathan and Reynie are also leadership material, though you probably wouldn’t think it by looking at them.
Mina Murray -> Kate Wetherall
Yeah, so those who know I ship these Reynie and Kate may have expected this one. I can’t help it! Still, I think these two work as well. Mina is very much an extrovert and will talk to everyone she meets, just like Kate. Mina may not carry a bucket, but she does carry her journals and writing around with her! Kate and Mina are both silly at times, adding their own personal flair to situations. I would see Kate embodying Mina’s bolder side and being excited about journalism for the chance to meet people. She is fine with studying and typing (especially to help/bond with Reynie), but it’s not her favorite thing, if that makes sense. Or, alternatively, she could have more of Mina’s affinity for typing and thoroughly love it! Up to you. Those who have read Dracula all the way through also know that Mina and Kate are also alike in their need to be *in the action*, not sidelined. And they’re absolutely correct.
Dracula -> Ledroptha Curtain
Yeah, this one is pretty obvious. Both are cackling villains, both like their cat-and-mouse games: it just fits! Plus, if you compare Curtain’s weird lecture/manipulative speeches to Reynie in the first book to Dracula’s speeches to Jonathan…it’s almost uncanny how similar they are!!! Dracula and Curtain honestly use a lot of the same tactics to draw their victims in (making them feel special/isolated, puffing his own ego, etc.).
Renfield -> Crawlings
I’ll be honest, Crawlings is my favorite Ten Man and I can just see him as Renfield. He’s soooooo weird and I love him for it!!! Bro has one eyebrow and was constantly being quirky. Can I see this man eating a fly and being locked in an asylum in 1800s England? Yes, yes I can. Plus, his name is Crawlings and he follows Curtain. ‘Nuff said.
Van Helsing -> Nicholas Benedict
You probably also saw this one coming after I paired Dracula with Curtain. This Dracula AU fits a lot better than one first assumes and here is another example. Van Helsing in the novel is very much a quirky professor, befuddling his former student (Seward) with his metaphors and laughing far too much to be in the horror novel Dracula, let’s be honest. In the same way, Nicholas Benedict is a jovial, unassuming man, who one wouldn’t think to be a genius instrumental to saving the world, yet he’s in the very name of the book series! In the same way, Van Helsing has garnered a name for himself that has far outlived his first appearance in the novel: as much as Dracula lives on in the public sphere, Van Helsing is right beside him. I think this fits Nicholas to a tee. Plus, Nicholas and Van Helsing are capable of great seriousness and emotional depth when the situation calls for it.
Aaaaaaand this is where things get switched around. I’m going to list the characters first, then describe how exactly their arcs would be changed, but I want to make it clear that this Suitor Squad would not be a Suitor Squad anymore in my AU. I do not ship these characters!!!!! Just want to make that clear upfront.
Lucy Westerna -> Constance Contraire
This one is a bit of a stretch personality-wise, but it’s the clearest fit in terms of leading/supporting characters. Lucy is obviously a very sweet person and Constance is…well…the society says it best: “Constance is Constance”. However, in RoA, we do get a glimpse of a sweeter Constance and I do believe this is how Constance will be once she matures: still her feisty self, just able to let her empathetic side show more. And really, that’s who Lucy is. She has a defiant and bold streak within her: this is just held back by the confines of Victorian society (though not in the way adaptations want to portray her — I just mean she could be more sassy if she wanted to). Whether Constance adapts more of Lucy’s bubbly and sweet personality or retains her sassy and grumpy self is up to you. Either way, her and Kate (Mina) would definitely still be best friends and have a similar relationship they have in MBS, perhaps with a dash of maturity (LOL). Lucy/Constance is also the youngest, clocking in at 19, to everyone else’s mid- to late- 20s.
Quincey Morris -> Milligan
You can probably see why I emphasized the importance of not shipping these characters. So yes, Milligan now takes the role of an American cowboy and I think he would adopt this role with gusto! Of course, in this AU he’s never lost his memories so he is his cheerful self. He is a lot like Quincey in being perpetually cheerful, compassionate and a good friend to the rest of the Crew of Light (plus, earnestly cheering them up when needed and kicking Dracula/Curtain’s butt — both of these characters excel at their job). Quincey is known as the oathmaker of Dracula, always keeping the promises he makes. Readers of MBS know that Milligan also takes his promises seriously, so much so that his last promise became his very name (how his name is still Milligan when he didn’t lose his memories doesn’t make sense, but…you know…uh….*magic*). Is he Kate’s father in this AU? Perhaps. 😏 I once commented to @nobodysdaydreams that these two would be father/daughter in every universe, so I think even if they’re not biologically related, they would certainly fit that dynamic and adopt each other as such.
Jack Seward -> George “Sticky” Washington
Seward is definitely on the darker side of what Sticky is capable of, but I don’t think this is out of the realm of possibilities for Sticky. I honestly think he could’ve become something like this, had he not been exposed to Mr. Benedict and his friends at a young age. Not that Sticky is “bad” or “evil” in this AU — Jack isn’t either!!!!!! I would just say he has bad coping mechanisms and needs therapy for depression…so just hand that over to Sticky without the strongest support system and I think these two meld together well.
Arthur Holmwood -> SQ Pedalian
For all my SQ lovers, this one’s for you!!! SQ and Arthur are both sweet guys who really shouldn’t be in traumatic situations, but, unfortunately, are. Fun to be around and a beacon of light to those they meet, SQ and Arthur always try to make the best of a bad situation! I think SQ would fit right into Arthur’s role, though it won’t be easy for him as the book goes along…
Three Vampire Sisters -> Martina, Jillson and Jackson
I believe it makes sense for Curtain’s most trusted executives to also be in his castle as his vampires in this AU. Oh, and Jackson’s here too — for the vibes. :D yes, they do try to “seduce” Reynie. Yes, it is weird (though, as a reminder, minus the vampire thing they’re similar in age — Reynie is in his 20s and the vampire siblings got turned into vampires around the same age). No, I don’t want to dwell on it.
Mr. Hawkins - Miss. Perumal
While it wouldn’t make any sense for Jonathan/Reynie’s boss to be a woman in this time period, I am making Mr. Hawkins Miss Perumal anyway because I do not care. Jonathan basically calls Mr. Hawkins his adopted father and that is what Miss. Perumal is to Reynie. Whether you want to make Miss Perumal a guy or just make Victorian England less sexist in this AU is up to you (I’m rooting for the latter).
Captain of the Demeter -> Captain Noland
I think this one explains itself. Noble captain of The Shortcut becomes the noble (and, unfortunately, doomed) captain of the Demeter. 🫡🫡
First Mate of the Demeter -> McCracken
My choice here might seem strange — and it is — but I honestly think this first mate that gets more and more desperate is better filled by McCracken the Ten Man than anyone else. I truly believe if something supernatural happened to him, he would not believe it and would scoff at anyone who did — until it was too late. Then, he would try to fight the monster (as the First Mate does), and if he had no option left…flee. That’s my interpretation of McCracken’s true character anyways — just give him less weapons and less self-confidence. Plus, I wanted McCracken to be a part of this and had no good place for him (lol). 🤷‍♀️
Second Mate of the Demeter -> Canonball
The bravest “mate” on the crew, I chose Canonball as Second Mate instead of First Mate because he would be exactly the type of man to volunteer to keep watch and let everyone else get some sleep; unfortunately, that kind of selflessness is not rewarded by Dracula. :( RIP Canonball in this AU, you will be missed. 🫡
Mrs. Westerna -> Number Two
I’m envisioning a different kind of relationship than mother/daughter for Lucy/Constance and Mrs. Westerna/Number Two. I’ll explain it more when we get to my “changes”, but suffice it to say, Mrs. Westerna/Number Two is an aunt or mentor figure to Lucy/Constance rather than a biological mother. I picked Number Two for this role because she has Mrs. Westerna’s strict adherence to rules down and an anxious streak, though to a lesser extent of course. These qualities would be dialed up to 11 for the AU.
“Correspondent” -> Rhonda Kazembe
According to a number of posts I’ve seen on here (though I haven’t been able to find anything when I looked it up — doesn’t mean it’s not true, just means my research skills needs work!), Stoker originally envisioned a woman reporter who ended up working with the Crew of Light to take down Dracula. Whether due to time constraints or too many characters to keep track of, he dialed this character back to a “Correspondent” (gender unidentified) who reports on the Demeter’s landing, and what has become of the ship. While we don’t get much from this Correspondent, they show a lot of personality in just two entries: boasting about their running abilities and reporting about villagers wanting to be friends with a dog. I would definitely select Rhonda for this role because, while she may seem quiet and ordinary, she hides a ton of inner personality! I think I would give this Rhonda a little bit of her energy from the show because her actress just did such a good job of embodying her character and giving her an even more distinct personality that I think would go great with the Correspondent. Other than that, I do think she would work with the Crew of Light in this one, as Stoker originally intended, though how much and in what capacity, I’m not sure of.
Mr. Swales -> Risker
I was honestly thinking of picking one of the Ten Men for this one, but I think “kooky old man who you can’t tell what he’s saying half the time” fits Risker perfectly. 😂😂
Now that we have all the chess pieces into place (yes, that was an MBS reference), how do they move around the chessboard? Most Dracula fans by now will probably be shouting at me “But Nova, if there’s no Suitor Squad, how will you fulfill Lucy’s arc?” Well you see, there’s one relationship we need to consider here: that of Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict and Lucy/Constance.
So for those who may not know (on both sides of the fandom), Van Helsing considers Lucy to be his daughter in a sense. In MBS, Mr. Benedict ends up adopting Constance, though this is not an easy process, as her papers are lost to time. I intend to merge these two story arcs.
So to start, Lucy/Constance would be an orphan, not being born from a wealthy family like in the original book. She would meet Jonathan/Reynie and Mina/Kate and they would all be childhood friends, as in the original book, though perhaps Lucy/Constance understands the other two on a deeper level — as they all three know what it’s like to be orphans and to want for friendship and parents.
Somewhere along the way, Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict meets Lucy/Constance (she’s in her teens at this point) and he starts to see her as the daughter he wants to have. Unfortunately in Victorian England, there’s no legal adoption process. So basically, Lucy/Constance can only have the feeling of having a father, no papers to prove it. And just like in the MBS series, this causes her to feel frustrated and insecure (though with a bit more maturely, since she’s older lol). Another issue is that she rarely sees Van Helsing/ Mr. Benedict since he’s working on research in Germany. He doesn’t want to take her with him, since he presumes she should be out living her life and learning how to be a lady (more out of a desire for her to fit in with other girls and make friends than him sticking to the confines of society). Which is why he’s entrusted her with Mrs. Westerna/Number Two, providing her a permanent place to live. We can also work something in there about Milligan/Quincey (a family friend of his) adopting Mina/Kate along the way or them being father/daughter (you could swap Mina and Lucy’s roles here). I personally like the former option, but the latter works as well!
Living with Mrs. Westerna/Number Two is nice, but not what Lucy/Constance wants. She only wants to be with her father :(. At this point, she’s an adult and can make her own choices, so she asks her father if she can go on a trip with him. Surprisingly, he says yes!
Rather than the three iconic proposals here, I envision Lucy/Constance telling her three family friends (because Van Helsing has a LOT of those) about her impending trip instead, which they all take in different ways. Seward/Sticky does not take this well. Van Helsing is kind of a father figure to him as well and having him be away has been difficult for him to handle. Now, hearing that he’s going to “lose” someone he considers to be his sister as well is just too overwhelming for him to hear. He accepts it, but doesn’t like it. Milligan/Quincey is excited for her, but sad to see her go. He feels a “loss” as well, since he considers Lucy/Constance to be his daughter, though he’s never said it. Arthur/SQ is the only one truly excited for her, giving her travel tips, as he’s traveled himself and wants her to have only the best experience. It may not be as dramatic or exciting as proposals, but I do think this works with hitting similar emotions from the three men (grief, bittersweet, and joy).
Then we come to the sad part of our story. Lucy/Constance begins experiencing symptoms of a vampire bite and while Sticky/Seward tries to care for her himself, his last resort is to call in Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict (which he doesn’t want to do, because he doesn’t want him to see her like this and it feels too much like the end…). When Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict arrives, he understands very clearly what is going on, and it pains him to see his daughter in this condition. However, for her sake, he keeps to his jovial self (and he retains his narcolepsy, so you can play a lot with him trying not to give in to this emotional turmoil).
At first, it seems like things are working in their favor: they put up garlic and it seems to keep the evil bat away. Unfortunately, Mrs. Westerna/Number Two doesn’t get the memo and takes the garlic down, leaving poor Lucy/Constance exposed. That’s when the bad turns to the worse.
If you want maximum angst here, you can go with the canon ending…which is that Lucy/Constance dies. And if you thought Van Helsing’s reaction to Lucy’s death was bad (which is a full on mental breakdown, by the way), this is oh-so much worse. Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict is inconsolable. He won’t talk to anyone. He keeps waking up and passing out for a full day, he is SO full of emotion. He mourns that he was never able to take her on a trip or able to legally adopt her. Not to mention, Dracula/Curtain took Mrs. Westerna/Number Two from him too, so he’s mourning THAT death as well. So yeah, needless to say, he���s not in a good place. And he’s determined to avenge the people he’s lost at any price. Also, he would have to be the one to stake Lucy/Constance when she eventually turns into the Bloofer Lady (which he would be in denial about at first, though he would see all the signs). Because I need this to be more heartbreaking, apparently. By the end of this AU, him and Jonathan/Reynie are very much silently sharpening a knife, waiting for their moment to strike at Dracula/Curtain (who looks eerily similar to Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict, that’s strange…).
Since MBS is included in this, though, I don’t know if this would be what happens. I kind of believe Lucy/Constance would make it through in this AU. So either Mrs. Westerna/Number Two actually listens to Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict (which is likely, let’s be honest) or they’re able to save her in some other way. Bottom line: Lucy/Constance makes it, and she’s infinitely grateful! Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict vows to take her on a trip very soon and makes her a little adoption certificate thing. It’s not real, but to them it is! On the inside, however, Van Helsing/Mr. Benedict is very angry at Dracula/Curtain for almost killing his daughter and that’s not something he takes lightly…
So yeah, those are my ideas for a Dracula MBS AU. Hope you like it! :D
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if we're talking about fob songs and sorry it's locked, may I suggest "American beauty/American Psycho"
specifically the lines
"I think I fell in love again, maybe I just took too much cough medicine"
"us we were pity sex, nothing more and nothing less"
and "all those dirty thoughts of me, they were never yours to keep"
ooooooooooooo so trueeee, it works for so much of S,IL honestly, like there are some lines that work for Jay and Tim, some for Jay and Alex in uni, some for Jay and Alex during MH, like. Perfect
little lyric analysis thingy under the thingy bobber
"I think I fell in love again, Maybe I just took too much cough medicine" Like, this one feels like Jay and Tim, specifically how I first planned to write them getting together which was gonna take a lot longer, because Jay was basically gonna go the Alex route and refuse to believe he liked Tim (tho not because he didn't wanna be gay, just because he still felt really fucking hurt by everything that happened with Alex) like, he was gonna make all sorts of ridiculous excuses for ages about why he couldn't possibly like Tim in that way. And I did kinda keep that in a little bit in chapter 3 of S,IL i think, just not to the same extent as i had it in the original plan.
The idea of Jay blaming medicine for his feelings towards Tim could be so interesting though, especially with the whole thing about Tim sharing his meds with Jay after they ran into the Operator in entry 72 and Jay had his seizure. Like, idk it feels like the kinda straws Jay would grasp at (especially since he seems to resistant to getting professional help for anything) as another excuse he'd use to avoid going to the doctors to get medication of his own.
"I'm the best worst thing that hasn't happened to you yet, The best worst thing" This line is definitely Jay and Alex in uni, it just is. They are both the best worst things that have happened to each other. Nearly all their problems stem from each other and their relationships over the years, whether that's platonic or sexual or whatever. And like, yeah Alex would probably have ended up getting tangled up with the Operator no matter what, but I do feel like everything would have been different (in S,IL as well as the canon) if he and Jay hadn't been as close as they were/known each other. because without Jay rediscovering the tapes Alex gave him, the MH youtube channel wouldn't have happened and Jay would most likely have just gone on with his life none the wiser, same with Tim. Brian would probably have been the only one still in at least a similar situation.
Also "best worst thing" is a weirdly nice descriptor, it scratches my brain a lot. And "best worst thing that hasn't happened to you yet" is perfect for main series Jaylex because like, the best worst thing that will ever happen to Jay? Dying in Alex's arms (cos that's what i wanna happen in S,IL. I want Jay to die in Alex's arms with Alex crying and telling him he loves him)
"You take the full, full truth, then you pour some out" is just chapter 3 of If It Ain't Broken lol. Like, literally this is what happens in that Chapter (which i should be uploading tomorrow? Maybe tonight but most likely tomorrow). Jay talks to his friends and only really tells them half of the truth and keeps the rest for himself so that he doesn't look like a bad person. its great. he's such a little bastard man and I love him. "And as we're drifting off to sleep, All those dirty thoughts of me, They were never yours to keep" Just like Alex in general wasn't Jay's to keep, especially not after what I have planned for chapter 6 :DDDD but like, to me this feels like it just kinda ties in with all of the stuff Jay and Alex avoided. Like, they never fucked in a bed, Jay never slept over after they hooked up, Alex never used sweet pet names with Jay unless it's during aftercare where he can pass it off as 'just being a good dom' and not have to own his words etc. Like, idk why that lyric just feels like the same kinda thing as all those.
"Us, we were pity sex, nothing more and nothing less" is Alex downplaying everything that happened in chapter 1 of S,IL. Like, you now in chapter 2 where he tells Jay he only called him baby and stuff like that because he was pretending he was Amy? That. It's Alex pretending that them sleeping together again, in a bed this time, and Jay staying there overnight didn't mean anything when really they did. They meant a whole lot to him, but then he realised it had been a bad idea because it'd make Jay get attached to him again and make Jay even more dead set on finding out what's going on, so he had to scramble for something to drive Jay away all over again.
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bludmd23 · 1 month
HIII! I just found u and love your art of j'onn. so excited someone else sees how cutie pie he is. Do you have fave comic recs for him!? And... maybe clark too... 👀
Omg thank you so much!!!!!:DDDD he’s def the cutest green creature pie around here,,,,<333
i didn’t read much comics about Clark so unfortunately can’t recommend any, but my fav comic for j’onn is Martian manhunter 1988 (the four issue mini series)!! Its a backstory lore about j’onn around Justice League International (also very fun to read) time period, I really dig the art style for it, something abstract and elegant is very fitting for j’onn (and a beautifully written story) sooo if you want pls go check it out!!!!!! It’s pretty short!
Also Martian manhunter: identity is nice, art style’s pretty fun, I’ve heard ppl saying mm 1998 is good too but I haven’t read it so!!!
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sinswithpleasure · 5 months
hai sins :hugg:
kariselle super duper hot, im actually jealous how u were able to set that up so well and casually, makes me think abt how I do my own worldbuilding like maybe in Minecraft terms turning down my render distance(?????) to just the characters and less to the environment
sisterly bonding also cool, named reader is something id love to try out. I haven't done threesome yet and I will be taking notes :DDDD in particular im interested in how you wrote in such a way that didn't take long, I didn't think abt it a lot before I started but after I did I've been avoiding threesome bc I felt they had to be long like 5k+ and have all the moving parts when you could just,,, do that which is awesome
tuesdays with you again named reader and this time fem, it's another thing I have an aversion to bc im not well into the intricacies of the female experience but reading eunbi I had to stop and think if it really really warranted that much special attention. the cut was also perfect tho that wasn't too hard to do in hindsight, just makes me wonder abt how I do my own cuts since im kinda insecure that I do them so often sakfjflshshdkf
this maybe wasn't the sort of feedback u were looking for lmao sorry but ily sins go to sleep :DDDD
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hi box!!
okay let's dissect this part by part.
Kariselle exists because I work with characters, yes. I think the world around the characters can only be built when you have a grasp of what you want these two, three, four people to do with each other. It's the wrestling philosophy—I'm the booker of the show, and it's a sex show. I want the audience to see these two people fuck. These two really complement each other in some shape or form (character trait, like, for example, in To-Do List, Minju's naughty, and OC's corruptible and a bit of a pushover). Now, I have the complentary traits, and I can start selling the reason why they fuck: Is Minju exploring? Is she a known pervert? Is OC just a horndog? What does Minju want out of this? What does OC want out of this? Why do they have to fuck? I think this is an effective way to start a draft—knowing your characters first, and making a world around them.
For Sisterly Bonding, a threesome does not have to be complicated. You can actually just start with the sex scene, and sprinkle details in later. Writing does not have to be a linear process—this is something I need to learn myself too. You can absolutely just cut the story short, and sprinkle details of it into the smut instead. However, remember that Sisterly Bonding is Chapter 1 of a series, and not a standalone, so I do have wiggle room to spread my worldbuilding out, which results in what is posted.
For Tuesdays With You—I'm not familiar with that experience at all either. I'm absolutely shooting from the hip, but I've also tried to really make it as realistic as I can imagine or know through research. I'm pretty sure there's a girl out there who's read my work and went "this is bullshit" and left, but I don't think I'll ever know, unless they use this AMA to really tell me "haha ur shit" or something idk. I think I'm doing okay though, based on the comments on AO3.
Your cuts are fine, from what I remember. Don't worry about it.
Sex in the Box,
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scribbleseas · 6 months
First off, hope you're having a wonderful day and a great week!
secondly, AAAAAAAA Your characterization of Ciel is just amazing oml, I just finished all your black butler fics and can't wait for the updates whenever you're ready (The Transatlantic love story one is especially cuteeednsjakdhwnaks) YOURE SO TALENTED AND AMAZING, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, ILL BE HERE SILENTLY CHEERING YOU ON ALWAYS :DDDD
Thank you so much for this message! My characterization of Ciel was actually a point of insecurity of mine—I tend to worry about over-softening him, but I’m so glad you guys are getting and loving my interpretation of him as a matured young adult. I love writing his complexity and his strategic mind, ugh. I’m so honored that I can portray him accurately for you all. He is a challenge, but so worth it.
I’m so so pleased you’re liking In Love & In War! It’s just a silly drabble series I started, and I honestly didn’t expect it to draw in so many new readers. It’s so exciting! Especially because it’s a bit of a departure from the darker/more serious stories I write. I think the vibe for this one is going to be very…Bridgerton-esque.
I’m hoping to make those updates weekly when I get home for summer break!
Thank you for reading!
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punkitt-is-here · 2 years
I want you to know, your silly goofy MLP posts have SINGLEHANDEDLY reignited my love of the series and it's fandom content and I think that's pretty awesome. Thank you for being chronically funny and I hope you have a good day
WAGH asks like this make me so happy!!!! Thank you so much, im happy i can provide that for you!! :DDDD
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Well technically I finished it like 20 minutes ago (11 pm ish) and was in such shock that I rewatches some scenes several times and then looked at Tumblr for a few minutes lol. There were also a few minutes total of zoning out in shock and just going o.o in there lol. Anyway!
Okay alright lol. Let's do this ;)
EVERYONE'S HEREEE :'DDDDD!!! THERE WAS EVEN A NINI MENTION 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️😭!!! But still - we miss you, Nini :').
Speaking of people being here though, ANTOINE??? :OOO MY GUY??!?!!? BRO LIKE JUMP SCARED ME WHEN HE SHOWED UP :DDDD
Also at first I was a bit disappointed it was in the gym (for like two seconds lol) but then I realized :'DD it's paralleling season 1 :')) and they're back with another High School Musical musical :'))) 😭😭❤️🥰. Like, Ricky pausing when he saw his mom and his dad but keeping going :'DD? That's the healed version of Getcha Head in The Game 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰. The whole thing is a great parallel :')). Like, now that I think about to, Kourtney being nervous like Nini was because her life is changing relating to school - AAHHHH :'))). I just love them all so much <3333. And I wonder if we'll get a phone light moment :'D. If we don't though lol, I think we've had enough of those <333 so we'll survive :'). But even though it was kind of a parallel relating to Nini, it's kinda Kourtney as well :'). And hey, then it would be a reference to Nini <333. Ah, anyway :'). I just love that we're ending here we started <333 :')) 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰.
Okay okay though lol let's get into character sections xD
Big Red confronting Antoine was AMAZING LOL!! It's especially hilarious considering he and Ashlyn aren't even dating anymore, but you know, some guys are just jerks xD. Anyway, I'm super glad he's here :'))) <33. Also phew his hair is better lol 😌! XD.
EJ :DD! His scene with Gina was so 😭😭😭😭😭😭💔❤️❤️. I can't even <333. I am really glad she apologized though :') - I understood where she was coming from, and you have every right to break up with someone for any reason, but I always felt like she was being a little hard on EJ last season. So seeing them have a mutual apology and understanding was really nice :')). And discuss Ricky lol? EJ is the best <3. Also I swear if EJ ends up as Coach Bolton xD. Lowkey, I'd prefer Seb or Big Red since they're still in high school, but EJ alluded to being on the stage again and he fits the role more 👀. Hm, interesting :). Also him talking to Ashlyn 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️. Your honor I love them so much :')). And I love him <333.
Ashlyn!!! AAAHHHHHH SHE'S GONNA TELL HER :'DDD!! I want to know what's in the box o.o 👀. Less shocked and more just EYEING on my part lol. Also her scene with Dewey Wood was so sweet 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️. Ay, that's another person who's back :D!! I love him, he's great :D <33. And hilarious xDD. Anyway, SLFJDHKGS her pretending to date Big Red xD. But also noooooo Maddox 😭😭😭😭❤️. I'm sure they'll work it out y'all but like- I really hope they work it out xdd. Anyway, she's slaying as Kelsi :DD 🥰. I love her so much <333.
Emmyyyy!! She's the only one who knows about Miss Jenn o.o. Of course she is though, lol xD. But anyway, she's slaying too, as Taylor :'DD. And I love how she was kind of being like, the Bailey there :')). I love her and Miss Jenn's relationship, even if we haven't seen much of it <33. And I love her 🥰❤️.
Jet is going through it lol xD. Poor Kourtney just is not picking up what this man is putting down :') xD. Or she is and is ignoring it lol. But, hey, he tried at least xd. I think he's gonna confess, but I don't know if she'll reciprocate or not 😬. Still, I'm proud of him no matter what :')) <33. And he's slaying so hard as Chad :D!! Also, he's being an amazing brother <333 :'D.
Maddox, my girllll 😭😭😭😭😭💔❤️. The balloons for Madison making the board break :'(((. It is sweet of her but like xdd <333. AND NOOOO MADDOX BEING ABOUT TO CONFESS, OR BEING READY TO ANYONE, AND SEEING ASHLYN PRETEND TO DATE BIG RED 😭😭💔💔❤️. Poor honeyyy DD': 😭. Like I said, I think they'll get through it, but in really hope they do still xdd <333. I love her 🥰.
Mr. Mazzara is slaying SO HARD :DDD!!! But seriously who is gonna take over 😬. Also dang he keeps having moments with Miss Jenn and the girl just dips and leaves him hanging 😭 xd. Oof sorry man, lol xDD. Anyway he does SO WELL as Coach Bolton :DDD!! Also, he's adorable, thank you very much <333. Like we especially see it in the beginning:'). I love him so much <333.
Miss Jenn! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH W I C K E D??!?!!? G I R L!!!! :'DDDD HONEYY!!! I would say GOOOOO!!! but also I want her to stay 😭😭. Unless EJ does and all our theories and fantasies about him being director come true 👀. Anyway xD. I love her supporting all of them :')). And AAHHHH helping Gina out :')). And her being the only who knows (before EJ)!!! AAHHHH :'DDD. Also, she's slaying as Ms. Darbus of course :DD 😌. Anyway, whatever she picks, I hope everything works out :')). I love her so much <33.
Ricky you are SLAYING :'DDD!!! AND AAAAHHHHHHHH HIS PARENTS BEING THERE TOGETHER!!!! I don't know if they're actually TOGETHER together but I'm so happy for him that they're both there and getting along :'DD. Also him practicing the speech on them was adorable and funny xDD. Also him hugging Big Red <333. My besties :')). And 😬😬 things are like, okay?? With Gina's mom?? But not great xd. In the beginning, that is - not at the end o.o. Anyway, Ricky is slaying as Troy :DD. But AAAHHHHH MY POOR BABEY AT THE END THERE 😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️. He was gonna tell her he loved her :'((. And then her mom had to sweep in and do that 😭😭😭💔❤️. I'm not okay, thank you <33. I love him ❤️❤️. And I'm mostly sure that this'll all work out, but also- I really hope it does 😭😭❤️.
GINAAAA A MOVIE STAR :DDD!!! I mean beyond the one you already starred in. I'm so happy for and proud of her :')) :'DD <33. But girl you really need to tell Ricky 😭😭💔❤️. Again, I loved her conversation with EJ <33. And AAAHHHHHHH with Miss Jenn too :'DD. I just love them all so much <33.
Okay I was trying to complete this lol but I was in bed and I ended up falling asleep (as i figured I would) SO it's morning now let's do this (I already planned on watching this last episode this morning) XD
Back to Gina, she's playing as Gabriella 🥰🥰❤️. Also why does her mom like only watch her scenes 😭. Chill girl xd. Anyway, I wasn't thinking she's gonna go? Like to do the movie but I honestly don't know 😭❤️❤️ xd. Just because like, she was saying she didn't want change and obviously change can be good but it's okay to stay the same for a while you know? Ahh, I don't know, but I'm stressed 😭😭😭❤️💔. Either way though, I'm proud of her :')).
Kourtney honeyy 😭😭💔❤️. Back to my roots starting this with "Kourtney honeyy" xDD. Anyway, AAAHHHHHHH SHE GOT INTO BOTH SCHOOLS :DD!! But DD: my poor girl has to decide now :'(((. Seeing her anxious backstage was literally killing me 😭😭💔❤️. While we're on that, she does such a good job of portraying anxiety :')). Anyway, Kourtney's mom is the best, we love her <33 😭❤️❤️. And apparently all the other theatre kid do too xD, as they should lol <3. Anyway, even though I wish she gave her the letters after the show for Kourtney's sake, I'm glad she was supporting her and also told her not to worry about it till later xD <33. Oh, and her conversation with Carlos was amazing 😭❤️. But whatever she chooses, I'm happy for her and so proud of her 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️ <33. And poor Jet xD. Mans is trying lol :'). I do wonder if she already knows though, or if she's just oblivious xD <3. Also, Kourtney is SLAYING as Sharpay :DD!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥳❤️. I love her :))) 🥰❤️❤️.
Okay separate again and then together because I can do what I want lol xD. Anyway, you know what time it isss lol
(what time is it? seblos time-)
AAAAHHHHHHHH Carlos is slaying SO hard as Ryan :DD!! Also :')) his conversation with Kourtney <33. Lowkey that's a pretty good story :'DD. Especially for the situation. Like candy isn't college obviously but yeah, they are both good choices :'))). Anyway, I love him ❤️❤️❤️❤️😭🥰 <33.
AAAAAHHHHHHH the way Seb kept looking at his dad in the audience 😭😭😭💔❤️. Also can we talk about the growth that is him coming back later to talk about it :'DD ❤️🥰😭❤️. And back to the audience, I love how into they all were :'DDD xD ❤️. Like Seb and Big Red and EJ and stuff were all dancing and I'm like YEAH good for them <33333. XD anyway lol. He slayed accidentally being a part of the show xD. I love him <333. Oh also, since he said "more than just a wrestler", are we assuming Seb's bi/queer xDD? Like queer besides gay lol? Because like totally fine if so obviously I'm just curious lol. Anyway yeah I love him 🥰🥰❤️.
Okay just a bit on their own now let's talk about Seblos together lol xD.
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY BABEYSSSS :'DDDDD 😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰!!!!! THEY RETURN TO USSS :'DDD!!!! AND THEY'RE SO ADORABLE 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰!! ALSO LAST EPISODE AS WEL AS THIS EPISODE, WE GOT A "HONEY" AGAIN!!! THE RETURN OF HONEY Y'ALL 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰!! AS WE D E S E R V E!!! Anyway xd. Y'all I am living my best life lol, this is exactly what I wanted xD. Cute after the angst, lol xDD 🥰❤️❤️. How they managed to fit BOTH a cheating recovery storyline (with several twists) and a coming out storyline I have no idea but XDD. Lovely lol. I needed a bit of fluff and a couple kisses and that's what I got so no complaints here 😌😌 XDD 🥰🥰❤️. My babeys <33. Anyway!!! Like I said I loved how you could really see their growth with this :')). Like Carlos could tell Seb was trying not to lie and actually asked him about it, and Seb came back later to talk :'DD. Though "are we using words now, honey?" BRUTAL man XDD dang Carlos lol. But seriously I'm really proud of them both :')) <33. Also thank goodness there were some really funny moments throughout their storyline 😭❤️. We needed it xD. Listen I'm just glad we get close to normal Seblos for while :'). Because if we didn't get anything significant of them after getting back together I would've needed another season so I could see them be happy LOL. Anyway xD 😭❤️❤️🥰. In all seriousness I did really like their storyline this episode <333 :') ❤️❤️😭🥰. And describing it as an Afterschool Coming Out Special from the 1980s was hilarious XDDD. But let's go back to what I mentioned at the beginning of this post because
I LITERALLY MESSAGED MY SIBLING WHEN SEB SAID HIS DAD DIDN'T KNOW LIKE "he's gonna kiss Carlos in front of him/everyone isn't he lol" AND OH MY GOSH I WAS R I G H T!!!! I DON'T KNOW IFI SPECIFIED ON STAGE BUT IT WAS ONE OF MY GUESSES!! I was also like NOO they wouldn't BUT THEY DID :'DDDD!!!! OH MY GOSH I LOVED THAT SO MUCH 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰. Also the way the whole audience was like 👁️👄👁️ WELL ALRIGHT :DDD!! XDDD!! Plus a Rina kiss right after that so the audience must just be going with it xD. Maybe Seb's playing the young version of the nameless Scott Hoying character lol and we just connected it to HSM4 XDD. Oh and "THIS MEANS WE'RE A THING" S T O P P P P HE IS THE MOST ADORABLE EVER 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰. Also how his dad immediately turned to (presumably) his mom to talk to her XDD. But he was smiling next so I think we're good :')). Maybe we'll see a talk next episode or a meeting but who knows <3333. I'm happy either way 🥰🥰.
Also Seb. PLEASE BE COACH BOLTON!!! Listen I know he probably won't but HONEY PLEASE STOP SHAKING YOUR HEAD 😭❤️❤️ xD!! I need it <333. Okay fine I just really really want it xdd <33.
Anyway that was the most adorable thing ever and I love them so so much <33333 😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.
And y'all the MUSIC THIS EPISODE!!! ALL THE SONGS WERE SO GOOD :DDDD!!! Y'all know I love Now or Never xD but SERIOUSLY they were all amazing :DDD. And can we talk about the set and blocking/choreography with it as well??? I don't know how they had time for all that but it's a SLAY!!! Though I suppose they did show us with the dancing in episode 2 that they learn quickly lol xD. Anyway 🥰! Night of Nights was amazing (plus Seblos kiss at the end of the song 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️ perfect timing by the way Seb <333 xD)!! I Want It All was SUCH A SLAY!!! And like I said, I adore Now or Never xD. Mr. Mazzara just WORKED in it too, he was perfect :D!! Anyway, yeah, it was all wonderful 🥰🥰🥰❤️.
Y'all I loved this episode so freaking much :')). I'm scared for the next one, and DEFINITELY not at all read, especially considering it's the finale 😭😭, but I am SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!! I am gonna miss this show though :'). So, so freaking much <333. But yeah - this episode was AMAZING!! I'm glad we're getting a lot of the performance, too - we deserve it :'D. Though hopefully this time Ricky stays in it lol <3. But seriously, every part of this episode was just amazing :')). I really hope everything works out xdd. It better lol XD :'D. I'm sure it will (almost sure) <33. Ahh, I love them all so much :') <333 😭❤️❤️❤️🥰. Such a great, wonderful episode :) <333. And I am SO EXCITED for the next one :'D. The last one :'))).
So, let's do this :'D.
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
17 Asks! Thank you!! :}} 🦩
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(Ask is in response to this ask post) (Frank walking in on Julie post) (Frank and Julie talk post)
YES YES!! EXACTLY!! :DDDD What I had in mind was it takes a lot of energy to maintain her "friendly form". So when ever she is sick or injured she has trouble maintain her form.. She usually deals with this by hiding away in her home until she recovers and can safely let people see her. She's also really good about keeping people from visiting her while she's ill. Saying she's too sick to be around..
Well one time she was sick for a biiiit longer than usual. Frank wouldn't admit it but he was worried, so he brought her some food and medicine. Only to open the door and see... well, yeah. Her true form. But in the end Frank accepted her for who she really was. And he respected her wishes and kept it all a secret. That was the day they became true best friends.. 🥺
The second one is more of a joke though XDD Just kind of a gag to hint at what's going on inside my Julies head!
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Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked my Octonauts fanart!! :DD
And I LOVE Octonauts! I'm just on break from drawing it right now.. been having some bad experiences with the fandom so I'm taking a step back for a bit.. <:'//
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Oh no no! Not at all! Don't worry- I didn't even realize you had sent more than one! XDD (If they were separate as asks that is-) I don't mind the extra ideas at all! My ask box isn't nearly as full as people think it is.. <XD
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It looks so soft... I want it... 🥺🥺💞💞💞
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(In response to this post)
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@blade-liger-4ever (Uncle Iroh art in question)
AAAAA THANK YOU!! :DD I'm glad, he's one of my top favorite characters! Right next to Appa XDD
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Daww, thank you so much!! You're too kind!! :}}} 💞💞
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Aww!! Such a little guy :}}}
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I assume you meant for me to create an original Pokémon, but to be honest I think Furret suits me pretty well! <XDDD
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I don't mind at all! :D Let me go down the list-
Gardevoir♀️ - Gloria
Kricketot♀️- Anastasia
Meowscarada♂️- Midori
Ampharos♀️ - Bonnie
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Me? Give someone else a drawing suggestion? Huh.. well, how about a Dusknoir? Its my favorite Pokémon :))
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@volvoxweeb (Recent post in question)
Indeed it is! I couldn't resist buying the pack when it came to the switch <XDD The call is so pretty... 🥺🥺🥺🥺💞💞
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(In response to this post)
Oh! Thankfully I hardly ever get krilled. I have a slick trick I like to call "closing the game as fast as possible" XDD
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Great idea! I'll make a note of this! :))
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Oooo!! :00 I didn't know Avatar had an official comic series! :DD Thanks for letting me know, and I hope you have a nice day too! :))
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I actually love this dog
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nin-jay-go · 2 months
Hi! I really love your Alterline series and have a question!
I'm working on my own canon rewrite (very far off from being posted, likely to go through many drafts), and I was wondering how much inspiration you're comfortable with people taking from your work? (Regardless of how much, I'd definitely list my fic as "inspired by" yours in ao3's little link thing)
Like, general plotpoints, specific name changes (mostly thinking of Garmadon's given name and the elemental dragons), lore edits, etc?
It's fine if you don't want people to take stuff that's specifically yours, or are only okay with people taking certain aspects, but I figured I'd ask, y'know? Boundaries and all that.
((Also, I don't want you thinking that my story would just be a ripoff of yours if you did give me permission to go hogwild! I really love your story, but there ARE quite a few things that I don't jive with, or that I think work in your story but wouldn't fit in mine. I hope that makes sense.))
Okay, bye! Love your work!!
taking inspiration from alterline and putting it into your own rewrite is perfectly fine!!! i write alterline for the audience of me and primarily me; i just put it out for the world to see for fun :) you are absolutely free to take whatever inspo you want and discard what you don't need :0 i get that my stuff isn't for everyone
(that and like. i literally borrowed the jago name from another rewrite i found, so everyone's just borrowing from each other at this point lol)
plotpoints i'm just a little more iffy on, but considering most of what i have up of alterline is to the left of canon, i don't mind too much :0
ty for enjoying alterline!!!!!! it is my passion project baby and i think about it so much ;w; so i'm so glad you like it, even if some of the plotpoints aren't 100% there for you!!!! i appreciate it so much ^_^
excited to see your work and what you end up taking from alterline! i'm very happy that my writing inspired someone else to do the same :DDDD
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you like podcasts, right?
do you have any recommendations? so far i've been listening to all vampires are gay and it's pretty cool but you have a great taste in Things so i thought you might have some suggestions :D
i love you <3
Okay.......... *composes myself, adjusts blazer and tie, pulls out a briefcase and begins*
Hmm this post got a lil out of hand so here's a read break for anyone who doesn't want to hear me talk for *copies and pastes into google docs to count the words* 800 words about fiction podcasts :DDDD
Sooo! I have not listened to all vampires are gay, but have read the podcast description so I know a little about what you are looking for....
Audio dramas (In order of how similar to AVAG I think they probably are):
Where The Stars Fell is a dark supernatural podcast (I had to stop listening bc it got too dark....) that seems very similar? I don't remember much and didnt listen enough to get a proper feel for it.... check it out and see!!
I listened to a like 20 episodes of Welcome to Night Vale before that one got too dark - but it is very popular on this website and each ep is kinda like a news report. Its set in a weird town where lots of supernatural things happen and almost every conspiracy theory is true there.
The Unseen Podcast has a *very* cool format. Each episode is kinda a monologue from a different person each week. It talks about their individual experiences in a fantasy world and it has SUCH a cool magic system!! Please listen to this/do more research..... I've spent like 45 mins on this post at this point (I haven't written it in order, this is one of the last parts im writing) and I'm tired so can't really explain it properly.... Sorry!!! But I loved the non-dark episodes of that!!! (they had content warnings so I only listened to the ones with reasonable content warnings)
Civilised is an improvised science fiction dark comedy show about a ship stranded on a planet and strange things ensue. I listened to the first few series but then from what I remember it got a little too dark for me. (my threshold is very low fyi). I listened to that one a while ago so don't have much else to say, check out the first few eps if it sounds interesting!!
We Fix Space junk is again a dark comedy sci fi show (also a dystopia kind of) about scavengers in space! Again, listened to it ages ago so I don't remember much....
The amelia project is kind of a surreal (maybe?) show about a company that fakes people's deaths. Each episode is framed as an interveiw. So far it has 72 episodes, and it has just come to the end of the 2nd part of the 5th series! The first series is very much a collection of semi-unrelated stories but the plot begins to unfold in S2, and *lots* of things start to happen in S3 onwards!! My personal favourite!!!
Wooden Overcoats is a comedy podcast about a funeral home run by Rudyard and Antigone Funn, two probably autistic, probably a-spec, characters. Eric Chapman opens another funeral home and its kinda about their rivalry but also how they kinda cant live without each other and if any of that sounds even remotely interesting please please please listen because it is truly hilarious and excellently written and produced!!!!! It is finished with 4 seasons. My other favourite!!!!
Alba Salix is a fantasy show that is very very fun!! Again, I listened to it a while ago so I don't have much to say bc I can't remember, but it has quite a similar feel to BBC Merlin I think? With more fairies and magic though. I remember loving it very much. I should probably relisten soon!! This is from the website:
"Farloria’s Royal Physician has her work cut out for her. As head witch and the only regular staff member at the new House of Healing, Alba’s got an endless lineup of patients and a bickering King and Queen to please. Fortunately, help is on the way. Unfortunately, that help is from Magnus, a troublesome young ex-monk and aspiring surgeon, and Holly, an accident-prone fairy herbalist."
Forgive Me is a comedy about a father (the religous type, not a parental figure) who runs a church and each episode is framed as a confession in the catholic church. It's not very religous-y and does point out some of the problems with religion etc. Its quite lighthearted from what I remember? The amelia project did a crossover episode with them!
WOW this post got very long! I will put a read break to shorten it........ oops!! I like podcasts very very much.... heheeeee
These are all the fiction podcasts I have listened to (I think? there are probably more that I have forgotten about....) but if you want any non-fiction ones I have a lot more to talk about heheee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you too Echo!!! And thank you for inadvertently letting me infodump about a special interest for this long!!!!!!!!!!!!
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randomfoggytiger · 3 months
Hellooo!! For the soft ask game: 6, 10, and 19💌
Thanks for the ask~ :DDDD
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
My hair: glorious, if I do say so myself.
I have a tiny, adorable chin my mom loved to toggle up and down affectionately.
My longer nails (took me forever-- and Dana Scully-- to break bad habits, let them grow longer. Worth it.)
I'm smart-- I do believe that. Not the most intelligent, but that's not what's important (or necessary in this stage of my life.)
Hmm... I have a healthy self-esteem. It's realistic.
And... I like my ability to listen to all perspectives (often too much and too well.)
10. what's something you're excited for?
I'm excited for... I don't know, actually. I am, though.
Let's say it's the knowledge that, one day, both of my long-term meta series will be finished. ;))
19. do you still love stuffed animals?
Sure! It takes a special one to get me really attached, though.
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