#I love this unhinged purple bastard
chaotic-orphan · 3 months
Would you write another part of June of Doom: Day 19? I loved it!
Continuation of June of doom; day nineteen:
Read part one Here
I am so sorry to whoever asked this, I have had this in my drafts for a while and just didn't have the energy to edit it, but I did now and hope it satisfies ~ enjoy!
“Come on Leader,” Leader heard in a hazed moment of consciousness, hungry, stormy eyes gleaming down at them, “I thought you were more durable than this.”
Leader blinked, eyelids heavy, watching Supervillain lift a hand covered in blood – Leader's blood, they recognised dimly – and run it back through his hair, slicking it back off his face using Leader's blood. He looked feral, unhinged, and Leader wanted to look away. He wanted to move, but his body was as heavy as lead and all he could do was look into those bright, stormy eyes smirking down at him.
Until the darkness swallowed Leader again.
When he woke for the second time he was sitting in a chair. He was vaguely aware that his hands were asleep, tied behind his back, he found out after a jerking, pulling tug. He shouldn’t have moved, he realised in hindsight as the pins and needles set in from being stuck in the same position for too long.
Leader lifted his eyes to get his bearings and saw himself sitting ahead of him. Leader blinked, groggy from blacking out after Supervillain’s welcome. He could see it plain and clear in the mirror, his torso bare just so he could see Supervillain’s handiwork.
Bile crawled thick and hot up his throat. Leader looked away sharply, bending over his torso and only just managing to not get any vomit on himself as he threw up the contents of his stomach. It was grim and vile, but Leader felt a little better after it, spitting for good measure to clear the rancid taste from his mouth in place of mouthwash or toothpaste. He rubbed his chin on his shoulder as he sat up again, dragging reluctant eyes to the full-length mirror in front of him.
Leader only remembered Supervillain carving in two letters to his body, but the bastard must have kept working after Leader passed out.
Leader’s torso still had dried blood sticking to it, but Leader’s eyes stayed on the two jagged letters carved into each shoulder. A crooked S on his right and a ghastly F on his left.
S. Fowl was carved into his body.
A signature.
Supervillain’s promise echoed in Leader’s ears as his eyes lingered on Supervillain’s name: “You I want on display. As a warning and a trophy. A reminder to what happens to those who oppose me.”
Leader wanted to cry. He did, he should have, maybe he would feel better, but he was exhausted. He didn’t know how long he was passed out for, but his body ached from his fight with Supervillain — Fowl — and his struggle when Supervillain dragged him to the medical table.
Leader’s ribs throbbed dully, his jaw hurt from where Fowl’s cane had hit it, a big angry blue bruise the size of Leader’s hand colouring his jaw and neck. Even his throat was raw from all his screaming. He looked like shit, which he could see thanks to Supervillain’s perfectly placed mirror, to remind Leader just how shit he looked. There were lines of purple bags under his eyes, his skin was dry and lacklustre, and his lips were pale except from where the blood from Leader’s nose painted them a faded dark crimson.
The mirror was torture, seeing himself broken and marked and beaten, too afraid to move because his entire body was sore and crying at him to stay as still as he could. Supervillain had cuffed Leader’s hands behind his back, attached them to the chair so his chest stood out in the mirror.
So Supervillain’s name stood out in the mirror, more like. His own personal brand.
Leader didn’t recognise himself in the mirror, this wasn’t – it couldn’t be him. This weak shell of a person who couldn’t fight Supervillain off him. How pathetic. Too powerless to stop himself being branded. His team relied on Leader to lead them; make the plans, do the impossible. All Leader could do at the moment was stare at that fucking name on his chest, written forever…
They’ll die with that scar.
Leader let out a soft sigh.
“Leader…” it was Medic. Leader closed his eyes. He was sitting in a chair in the centre of their circle of cages. The mirror was just a little in front of the door, reflecting the cages back at Leader from behind him.
Medic’s cage to be exact, who was looking at him through the mirror with wide eyes filled with pity. Leader didn’t need their pity; he shouldn’t have let this happen. He should have been ready for Supervillain he should have—
Leader’s hands balled into fists in the cuffs. He couldn’t see that look in Medic’s eyes again.
“Leader… we’re okay,” Medic said softly. Leader sniffed, unaware that he was crying. “Supervillain kept his promise, and he didn’t touch us. He brought us food. Brought us to the bathroom. We have water.”
“In dog bowls,” Rogue muttered in disgust. Leader wasn’t aware that they were all awake. Shame burned hot up Leader’s neck, colouring it red.
“I’m sorry,” Leader whispered. “This is all my fault. None of you would be here if it wasn’t for me, I’m so sorry.”
“I’ll follow you anywhere, Leader,” said Rogue without hesitation. Leader opened his eyes, glancing at Rogue’s cage and saw them sitting at the front bars, expression one of unflinching earnest.
“We’ll get out of here, Leader,” said Medic behind him, determined. “We always do.”
“You just can’t give up hope,” Youngest piped up. “Not with that bastard, Leader. You’re better than him. When we’re finished with him, you can carve your name on his chest.”
“Exactly,” said Medic, a smile in their voice. “You just have to stay strong, Leader. We’re all here with you. Supervillain can try, but he can’t beat us all.”
“How touching,” Supervillain said. Leader’s head whipped back to the door; he didn’t hear it open. Only Supervillain didn’t come in through the door, in the mirror Leader could see him standing behind Leader’s cage, that same horrible smirk in his eyes, face impassive as always, neutral, sending a shiver down Leader’s spine he suppressed as best as he could.
“Do you like your new addition, Leader? I was so proud of it myself, but I thought it was so good it just needed to be shared. You needed to see it for yourself.”
“Kinda weird you kept going after I passed out, Supervillain, I doubt I could have given proper consent.”
Supervillain stared into Leader’s cool eyes through the mirror, the corner of his mouth quirked up slightly, as he said as if it was a completely civil conversation: “Mutilation is hardly ever conducted with consent.”
“You don’t know,” Leader said with an effortless shrug that almost winded him but was glad to see he looked fine in the mirror. “Maybe I was into it.”
“If you like we can go again,” Supervillain purred, walking up behind Leader and putting a hand over his last name. The heat from his hand was enough to make Leader wince, and he cried out as Supervillain dug his fingers into Leader’s chest. “Although… you still seem pretty raw to me, Leader.”
“If you keep doing that, you’re risking infection!” Medic cried, trying to draw Supervillain’s attention away from Leader.
“Oh Medic,” Supervillain cooed, looking at them through the mirror, but Leader didn’t really care what he was doing because as Supervillain spoke, he dug his fingers deeper into Leader’s chest and Leader was screaming. The pain was white hot, blinding and Leader swore he was seeing stars as the world tilted hazily around him.
After what felt like an eternity, Supervillain let go of Leader. Leader doubled over, the handcuffs clanging the only thing keeping Leader in the chair as he gasped in lungfuls of air that his screams had stolen from him.
Nausea climbed Leader’s throat again as Supervillain walked over to Medic’s cage.
“Don’t…” Leader wheezed pathetically, even to his own ears.
“Relax,” Supervillain chided politely, waving away Leader’s concern. Leader could only watch through bleary eyes as Supervillain started unlocking Medic’s cage.
“Don’t… tou—” Leader said but was cut off by Rogue’s menacing:
“Get off them!” Rogue growled, kicking at the bars of their cage. Youngest was quiet, and the silence was a welcome relief to Leader. One Rogue was enough, and Supervillain was brutal.
Supervillain offered a hand to Medic, but Medic stood up on their own and nearly let out a sigh at being able to be vertical for the first time in who knows how long.
“Come now, Medic,” Supervillain scolded, voice playful but behind it was something cold that only promised pain. “Take my hand and I’ll let you look at your dear Leader, hmm? Make sure he doesn’t get an infection.”
Leader swallowed; mouth suddenly dry as Medic took Supervillain’s hand. Supervillain’s fingers closed tightly around Medic’s like a vice and Leader knew something was wrong with the scene, but he couldn’t think of what it was. His brain sluggish and muggy like a swamp Leader’s thoughts were trudging through.
Maybe he did get an infection from Supervillain’s branding.
Supervillain led Medic over to Leader and grabbed a fistful of Leader’s hair yanking his head up to face him. Medic protested, but Supervillain still hadn’t let go of Medic’s hand so all they could do was try and pry Supervillain’s fingers off of them.
“It’s bad manners not to look someone in the eye, Leader.”
“If you want to talk about manners let’s start with your hospitality, Supervillain,” Leader ground out. He just saw the flash of Medic’s exasperated face, before Supervillain’s fist blocked it from view and Leader’s head slammed back, blood dripping from his nose.
“Sorry, Medic, he has a really punchable face,” said Supervillain conversationally, then let go of both Leader and Medic and stepped back. “Whatever you need, Medic, just make sure he won’t die for round two.”
Medic whirled on Supervillain, eyes wide. “Round two?”
“Did I or did I not say that I want Leader on display? He is going to live a long, long life by my side or at my feet, or whatever way I want him. The only reason you’re looking him over, and not another doctor, is merely convenience, Medic, so don’t give me that wide eyed Bambi look when I say I want to hurt him again. Like I said, Leader has a very punchable face.”
“What about us?” Medic demanded, taking a step forward. Leader relaxed back into his chair, craning his neck back to see Supervillain’s face. He was smiling. Like that was exactly what Supervillain wanted them to say.
Wait, Supervillain was smiling?
Leader did a double take and just stared, not believing his eyes.
Supervillain was… Leader didn’t think he knew how to smile, and it looked wrong on his face. Hollow, twisted, hungry and vicious.
That meant nothing good.
The realisation dropped like a stone into Leader’s chest, and he looked over at Youngest and Rogue’s cages, but they were gone. How? Leader didn’t even see—
He was too focused on Medic.
He knew it was too quiet.
“Medic!” Leader cried, shooting to his feet and shouldering Medic out of the way of Supervillain. His head swam but Leader didn’t care as he planted a foot and pivoted the chair’s legs towards Supervillain. They made impact and Leader heard a satisfying oomf from Supervillain as he faced Medic.
Their devil-may-care smile melting off his face as he saw Supervillain's Henchman come up behind Medic, needle in hand. Leader wanted to shout in warning, but the words were too slow.
It all seemed to happen in slow motion, and yet too quick to wrap his head around.
Leader shot forward like a bull on instinct, Medic dodging at the last second, before Leader collided with Henchman. The pair toppled to the ground, Leader on top snarling at Henchman below but unable to get themselves back up to defend Medic.
A hand on the back of his chair and Leader was dragged back up, all four legs on the ground and Medic was kicking the needle out of Henchman's hand and stomped on their face with a satisfying crack.
Medic looked back up at Leader, eyes bright from the brawl and then they went to Supervillain behind Leader, and they froze. All blood draining from their face.
“Even two of you is enough to cause this much trouble,” Supervillain said, voice cutting through the room like ice. “I’m going to give you two options Leader,” said Supervillain coolly. Then: “Bambi, be a dear and turn Leader to me, would you?”
Wordlessly, Medic turned Leader’s chair and Leader understood Medic’s silence. Supervillain held a gagged Youngest up, an arm around Youngest’s shoulder and his stupid hidden dagger from his cane at their throat. The same knife he used to carve his name on Leader’s chest, Leader realised. His heart lurched and his stomach churned, fear rooting him to the spot. Youngest’s hands were bound in front of them and there were terrified tears spilling from their eyes.
Leader felt winded again, but when he met Supervillain’s eyes he was filled with a powerless kind of hatred.
“Do I have your attention now?” Supervillain asked, voice cool.
Leader’s throat felt like sandpaper, tongue heavy and dry as he replied with a raspy— “yes.”
“I have come to the conclusion, Leader, that there is no chance of getting you to submit to me while you are surrounded by your teammates. You have too much bravado around them, they encourage you too much. To — what was it you said, Bambi? “You’ll get out of here together, you always do? We’re all here with you. Supervillain can try, but he can’t beat us all.””
Leader could see Medic still from the corner of his eye, but he didn’t take his eyes off of Youngest, shaking in Supervillain’s grip.
“Fine,” Leader said, licking his lips, trying to add moisture to his mouth but it didn’t do anything to stop the raspiness, “you let them go.”
Supervillain smiled and pressed the knife into Youngest’s throat just enough to draw blood. Medic and Leader lurched forward but were stopped at Supervillain’s soft: “ah-ah-ah. Move and the kid dies on the spot, Medic. Do you want to test how good your medical skills are right now?”
Medic stepped back, shaking with anger and adrenaline, but they stepped back.
Supervillain looked between the pair and the hideous, gruesome light returned to his eyes. “Isn’t this nice, huh? Just a nice easy hostage situation with you two too concerned for Youngest’s safety to think of any witticisms? I could do this all day just to hear that silence.”
“It’s not – it’s not silence if you fill it with the sound of your own voice.”
Supervillain’s eyes narrowed in confusion. He was looking at Leader and Medic and they didn’t speak. Didn’t open their mouths at least, but Medic and Leader were staring at Youngest like kids who just talked back to their parents and were waiting for the punishment to begin.
Supervillain took the knife from Youngest’s throat and gently turned them around to face him, the cloth Henchman had gagged them with now loose around Youngest’s skinny neck. Their eyes had that same spark of defiance that made them want to kill Leader on his bad days. Days when he wasn’t in control.
“I should have expected as much,” said Supervillain, raising his chin, turning his nose up at Youngest’s defiance.
“Leader has corrupted you, Youngest, but don’t worry. I’ll fix you,” Supervillain said, grabbing Youngest by the throat and squeezing slightly. Youngest jerked back, trying and failing to fight Supervillain off. He was twice Youngest’s size, and one hand nearly wrapped all the way around their throat, not applying pressure. Not yet, but Youngest still panicked.
“Just— fucking— let me go—” Youngest cried, struggling to wrench themselves free. Supervillain sighed. With a deft flick of their wrist silver flashed through the air and Youngest gasped, screwing their eyes shut bracing for the worst. The blow never came and just when that thought registered in Youngest’s mind they heard Leader grunt in pain.
“Leader!” Medic cried and Youngest’s eyes were open, staring into Supervillain’s triumphant ones.
“Medic, you move, and Youngest dies.”
“You fucking bastard!” Medic cried. Youngest looked over their shoulder and saw Leader with the knife in his shoulder, just above the clavicle and they couldn’t stop the trembling at seeing what Supervillain did because of them.
“Leader will be fine, as long as you all behave. This was a good lesson to learn before you’re all separated.”
“You said—” Leader breathed, voice strained. “You said you were giving… giving me two options.”
Supervillain smiled.
“Oh. I was. Then your subordinates pissed me off and now I’m not letting any of you go. Especially Bambi and Youngest here, they’re just too fun. Rogue on the other hand, well,” Supervillain’s smile widened at the mix of helpless fury and pain twisting Leader’s features into something close to desperation, something close to submission. “Rogue, I could just slit their throat and leave them in a ditch, and you wouldn’t know any better, Leader, would you?”
Leader’s breath was coming out laboured and ragged. This was too much. This was too much, the pain was too much, and he couldn’t move, he couldn’t fight, he couldn’t talk his way out of this. It felt like everything was slipping, and it was all his fault. If he had predicted the blade in the cane, then none of this would have happened.
The blade that was currently imbedded in his shoulder.
He lost focus for a moment.
A moment too long.
And it got everyone he loved here. Trapped. Just as powerless as Leader was to protect them.
“Leader,” it was Youngest. Their voice so quiet, so lost, looking for what they had to do, because Leader always knew.
Leader swallowed the lump in his throat, shaking his head slowly, voice hoarse. “Don’t act out. Don’t rebel, do whatever Supervillain tells you without question or hesitation—”
“Leader?!” Medic cried, panic colouring their voice as they kneeled in front of Leader, trying to catch his eye. “Leader you can’t just—”
Leader looked at Medic then, his eyes pleading and hard, and Medic swallowed the rest of their sentence. It hurt, it hurt more than anything to see Medic have to accept their fate, fighting back the tears gathering behind their eyes.
Leader spoke before he lost his nerve, he refused to crack in front of Supervillain. He looked at Youngest’s lost expression, like a little kid being told Santa isn’t real and remembered how young they were… then he looked at Medic and his expression softened as he gave the orders to protect them as much as he could. To protect themselves when Leader wasn’t there to do it for them.
“Remember when you want to react or scream or fight, that it won't be you that Supervillain hurts, it will be someone else. This is the best we can do for each other now. We're still a team, we're still stronger together, even when we're apart,” Leader said, confident defiance still emanating from his gaze as he met Supervillain's eyes in a challenge. “Even Supervillain can't stop us looking out for each other. Remember that.”
A corner of Supervillain's lips curled up in a half smirk, surprised at the gall of Leader to look at him with that much cocky assuredness that they won't break in Supervillain's care.
Supervillain would prove him wrong.
“We'll see,” Supervillain hummed, smiling eyes narrowed, locked on Leader's.
Challenge accepted.
Supervillain’s eyes turned to Medic, finally letting Youngest go with a gentle shove backwards. Youngest stumbled a step and regained their footing, glaring at Supervillain.
“You first, Bambi, since you seem to love the drama of it all.”
Medic didn’t say a word. They just glanced at Leader who nodded his head slightly. Medic walked towards Supervillain and willingly gave themselves up. It put a spear of fear through Leader’s heart to see Supervillain put his hands on Medic, but Leader forced himself to be still. To not react. That was what Supervillain wanted, he wasn’t going to give it to him.
“Oh, Youngest?” Supervillain asked, voice deceptively sweet. Youngest didn’t answer. Supervillain didn’t even hesitate to slap Medic across the face, eliciting a shocked gasp from Medic. Leader’s handcuffs rattled and Supervillain’s cruel grey eyes got brighter, and said again: “will we try that again?”
“Yes,” said Youngest.
Supervillain’s face settled into one of neutrality. “Yes what?” he asked, voice as cold as the arctic.
“Yes sir,” Youngest bit out, their voice cracking on sir.
“Be a dear and keep Leader company while I bring Bambi to their new cell, will you?”
Youngest hesitated again, but this time Leader nudged them with his foot and Youngest said again, more demoralised now: “yes sir.”
“Good. Sit by Leader’s leg like a good little dog, I insist,” and Youngest sank to the floor, slumping beside Leader’s chair, bound hands still in front of them. “See, Leader? They can be trained to be civilised. I’ll be back soon.”
Youngest and Leader watched scornfully as Supervillain led Medic out of the room. Watched them disappear from view, powerless to stop it happening. Leader just sat handcuffed to the chair, knife imbedded in his shoulder, Youngest tied up by his side and let out a long, shaky sigh.
He didn’t know how they were going to get out of this, or what they’d have to endure, he just had to believe that they would, because… well, to think anything else would be blasphemous and Leader didn’t think he’d be able to survive if he started going down that rabbit hole.
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minteaspoon · 2 years
The Tides’ Captain
sad implied lucemond:(
a/n: Luke has a son out of wedlock (it’s definitely Aemond’s), and is thus shamed and exiled by his family (with great hesitation and protest from Rhaenyra and Corlys’ side of the family, but is celebrated by the Greens)
Also, how Luke got pregnant will be up to interpretation (I personally say there’s no explanation for it, it just happened and is a complete surprise to everyone involved, which would bring potentially unhinged shenanigans and that thought is hilarious to me)
It had been six months.
Six months since Luke was found to be with child.
Six months since Luke was found out to have been bedded before marriage.
Six months since Luke had been put in front of the court and shamed.
Six months since Luke had been exiled from Westeros.
It had been six months since he’s bedded him.
The damn bastard didn’t even own up to it! But what should he have expected, with his reputation as a mutilator of kin and a bastard spawn. Tis only fair a bastard birth a bastard - at least, in the eyes of the court, and to the one he gave his maidenhood to.
The brunette even had to abandon Arrax, and was given no dragon egg to gift to his child. Something he knows the Hightowers and their allies celebrated.
Luke had sailed across the sea after hitching a ride with sailors who took pity on the poor lad. They did whatever they could to help accommodate him; fed him, sheltered him, told him stories and taught him song and dance and fishing. And in return, the exiled prince helped in whatever chores he was able.
He grew to care and love his sailor family, and they saw him as one of their own. They had even given him a new name - Prim Carlisle of the Tidefall Ship, Pearl of its crew. Luke’s little one was even given options for names by his found family; Pitt, Ervin, Arwen, Mittie, Eula, Matildah… He was leaning into naming the child either Tidus for a boy, or Joanna for a girl.
The crew had even given him his own weapon, in case he ever needed to fight alongside them - though they promise he needn’t have to, as they’d never let a pregnant fellow do heavy work, and they’ll do whatever it takes to make sure he never has to see, hear or commit any violent act. When Prim saw the dagger, he knew immediately what to name the silver blade melded into a dark hilt with small gems molded onto it - Tidal. His family laughed and teased him for such a corny name, but he stuck by it.
Before he knew it, six months had passed by, then seven, then eight and finally, he was in his last month of pregnancy. And before he knew it, he met his son; Tidus. His hair was of his mother, brown curls that framed his chubby and red face, but his eyes - they were purple.
Got something from his father, hm?
The bitter thought flew in his mind, as he smiled bitterly at his sleeping son. His birth wasn’t easy - it took Prim two days to get him out, and he had to be moved from the ship to land for proper care and assistance, as the sea is no place for anyone to give birth in. The trek to land helped in positioning Tidus correctly, so the last few moments of his birth was a success. And most importantly, Luke…Prim didn’t have to be cut open.
For a solid three months, Prim and his crew stayed on the island to rest from the chaos of birth, and the celebration of a new member of their family. After their rest, they set out yet again, this time, with even more cherished cargo with them - a child and a few girls of the island willing to come aboard and travel with Prim’s family, to help with medicine, organizing and with basic household - shiphold- chores.
Once again, Prim’s family was expanding. A few years evidently pass by, and Tidus was now three, while Prim was now eighteen. It has been three years since he last step foot on Westerosi grounds, since he had last sailed Westerosi waters, since he had last flown on Arrax in Westerosi skies. Prim was a far better sailor than he was three years prior - he was no longer seasick on deck, he knew the ropes, knew how to navigate the seas, knew how to chart and read the weather, knew how to use the stars in his predictions, and he knew how to sail and fish and hunt and lead.
When the captain of the Tidefall Ship fell to a sickness one day while they anchored on a small island, he named Prim the next captain once he hit the bucket. And when he did, his last will and command was effective immediately.
At first, Prim didn’t know if he had the ability to become captain, but with his crew’s help and his son’s encouragement, he became a feared and respected leader of a band of skilled, resourceful and “no-good” sailors under the moniker Prim Carlisle, “The Mermaid”.
It was only another three years later, when Prim and Tidus freshly turned twenty one and six respectively, did Prim decide to finally settle down somewhere cozy and quiet, where it would only be Prim and Little Tidus. When he dropped the news to his crew, they immediately went into hysterics, and immediately said they’ll settle down with him as well - though, with some prodding from Prim, they continued on their voyages, with Prim’s second in command as the new captain.
After a few weeks at sea, mapping out potential places of note good for a single parent and their child, Prim settled on a valley surrounded by wildlife and mountains and cliffs, with a meadow in the middle full of flowers with space large enough for a farm, cabin and animals.
The crew promised to come visit with gifts and trinkets and anything the father-son duo could need, and Prim held them to the promise.
Prim and Tidus lived in relative peace together in their little corner of personalized heaven. They had a cabin full of comfortable crafts by Prim and Tidus, alongside being decorated with presents from their family. They had a farm with two cows, five chickens and three sheep. They had growing crops of all kinds, as they were given many seeds by their crew to start out with. Not only that, but the girls had even given and taught him how to make the most of what little one might have during the weeks leading up to his and Tidus’ settlement.
Life was perfect for the father-son duo.
Until it wasn’t.
It wasn’t long until they hear rumors from travelers about a war brewing in Westeros, a war between family - a dance of dragons. Each side had been looking for dragon seeds to hatch and claim dragons for their side, and their reach had far extended past even the Free Cities. Prim knew better than to get involved - especially with his former family, so he made precautions to barricade both the obvious and inobvious entrances to his valley, and hid him and his child away from the skies. Only his crew knew their whereabouts, and how to get in and out.
However, these measures weren’t enough to keep him safe from someone who was desperate to get him back despite the years, and despite the fact that he never owned up to his part as Tidus’ father.
Above Prim, during a night of chill and snow, as a white and thick blanket of white coats the lands, he hears a roar that brings shivers down his spine. Clutching his crying son to his chest, who was scared for him and his mother in front of the green beast above them, in one hand while on the other, he holds his dagger - Tidal, Prim looks up and gazed past the hulking mass of flesh and scales -
And makes eye contact with a desperate, relieved and grieving violet eye.
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zishu-arts · 4 months
1. What's ur fav avm ep? Or generally ava ep
2. What's ur fav short?
3. And favorite character? Why is that your favorite character?
4. Do u kin anyone? Why?
5. What are your thoughts on King Orange? Personally, I do love the character but I wanna see some controversy. He was forgiven too easily. Do you think that he's affected by immense guilt of his actions? Pls go in detail as much as you wish
6. What are your favorite (hc or not) relationships? Doesn't need to be romantic. Do you have thoughts on relationships between characters that haven't interacted? Or some hc on characters that did (example: I love the hc on Purple and Red hanging out so often that Red goes to visit Purple for advice on PRANKS out of all things)
If I think of something more, I'll send it through!!
1). i dont think i can pick a favorite since there's so many but i love rewatching Lush Caves, Ultimate Minecart Race, The Chef, The Ultimate Weapon (and honestly just the entire KO arc lmfao). For AVA its gotta be The Showdown it's just SOOO GOOD the animation, the concepts, the plot, ahhhh
2). hard once again, but Music Lesson is so goddamn funny
3). THE DARK LORD THE DARK LORD THE DARK LORD (red is my second favorite tho). okay so, honestly it's just the amount of potential and trauma i could give him. i love his character and lore like, the idea of the Mission Code. what does it mean that you've been created for the sole purpose to destroy, and what does it mean that the person you're made to destory become your best friend? like, the existance of that code brings up so much potential and you could literally take it in so many ways. and like, just the story of cho and dark being two people who were coded for a purpose and run away. what...happens to that purpose? what are you supposed to do now? it's very "what am i if not a weapon?" "yourself. isn't that a wonderful person to be?" (i also dont remember where this quote is from). and also, i look at this little bastard and i think ah yes, he is a goddamn maniac. absolutely insane. i can make him as unhinged as possible and i think that's amazing.
i also think it's great that it's so easy for me to just do whatever i want with him like he's some dress up doll. i've got a genderbent version of him. i've got him with ADHD. i've got him with autism. i've got him trans. he's depressd. he has anxiety. he's in love. there's no saving him.
i also like that like. he's dead. he might not be dead. who fucking knows? and he's such an interesting character, is he evil, is he nice, does he care, what does he like? i want to know everything about him and i want to squish him like a little ball
(i alos like that he's very easy to self project into)
4). hmmmm honestly? i only ever kinned like one character (yuki from horimiya) so im not too familiar with actually kinning. if i had to pick, probably red, mostly cause i see him as a hyper possibly ADHD guy who's always running head first into situations without a thought and think damn he's jus tlike me fr
5). KO/MANGO TALK LETS GO !! you're def right, he was forigven too soon, but i like to think or hope that they at least had a bit of bonding. okay well first off i want to start off with: i see a lot of content where we view mango as like around 20 years old which i want to immedately have on the table: what do you mean 20 years old. he's got a goddamn kid that seems to be maybe 8-10, he's got to be at least reaching 40 by the time we actually see him in AVM. and no, 40 is not too old, they can still do backflips and fight ppl (as long as mango maintained a healthy lifestyle with daily exercise, healthy diet, and good sleep).
i love the fact that he went evil because he lost his son, and that he got lost in his anger and started hurting everyone around him. although i do think his and purple's relationship could do with A LOTT of work. their trust was broken over and over again (mostly on purple's end) and im not sure mango particularily remembers how to treat a child well. and did mango ever like,,,yk,,,properly grieve for his son? for all we know, he went home the same day he lost gold, punched his wall a lot, then went straight to working on the staff. now that he doesn't have that drive anymore, i think that's all going to catch up to him. he really needs to properly grieve and mourn and recover before he goes about doing anything else.
he can, in fact however, be a good person/father as long as he's got that under the belt. (which you could def see that he was pretty swag when he still had gold). i personally see him as a raspy and gruff guy so he's also a man of very few words. that also means he probably has a buttload of communcation issues that is gonna affect his relationship with other people. he has got A LOT to work on
i also want to mention how i don't particulary enjoy the "overprotective father that trails their child everywhere". i don't think a lot of people view mano this way either, but i just want it on the table that even though mango would definitely be protective of purple, he won't be weird about it
6). ohhhh okay okay if you've read my fics you know i am in love with the "siblings victim & dark" as well as "siblings chosen and second". i feel like vic and dark are both insane and enable the worst, unhinged parts of each other. and then chosen and second are pretty much polar opposites with "doesn't say a word + yapper"
i also love it when CC treat red as like the youngest hyper sibling bc he really does give off that energy. also I AGREE WITH YOU purple and red together were so cute it was so unexpected but i love that
i also really really really want to see dark and purple interact with each other. mostly because they're probably the two most least likely characters to ever see each other. but i like the idea of dark terrorizing purple and it works because purple the whole time is like 'holy fuck this is that terrorist holy fuck shit oml'
i also want to see purple and mango interact with alan. im not sure if they ever did? but id like to imagine one day alan logs onto his computer and sees these two random sticks on his screen and is like who the fuck are you guys
(my guy desperately needs a VPN)
i ADORE blue + yellow. both in a platonic and romantic sense. they're like skater girl + nerd girl to me. they're so goddamn adorable and i'm very obsessed with seeing them. they hold hands. they're polar opposites. they're always together. they're the duo that if you just see one of them it seems wrong. if one of them is missing, you automatically ask the other one where they are, because they no doubt would know. gods they're so entwined with each other
thanks for the ask !!
19 notes · View notes
stepswordsen · 20 days
【KagePro】 KuroEne/SaeEne 🖤💛💙
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【KagePro】 KuroEne/SaeEne 🖤💛💙
【カゲプロ】 黒コノエネ/クロエネ/冴えエネ
My shadow wants to swallow up this dream of yours.
Intro Rambles
Happy 9/6! Happy HaruTaka/KonoEne/KuroEne Day!!! 🖤 💛 💙 🥳 🎉
I've loved 9/6 and all related ships for over 10 years now 🥰💞
KuroEne was baby Sen's 1st ship that I was OBSESSED with as a 12 year old, and after 10 years, the KuroEne obsession is here to stay.
Snake x Bunny 🐍🐇
Ene's twintails look like bunny ears 💙
I came back to KagePro in April and got obsessed with Kuroha and KuroEne again, exactly as I predicted. Turns out I'm not immune when my meow meow mf gets handsy with my wife.
B*tches when Snake of Clearing Eyes. I'm b*tches! /lh
I first got into KagePro when I was 12 when I watched the Outer Science MV. Sidu's MV aesthetics and Kuroha's design drew me in immediately. Great design and song~
I'm obsessed with Meow meow mf charas. Black and white colour scheme and design aesthetics. Causes problems on purpose. Sen-core bastard cat. Smug chaotic edgy evil asshole character. Violent, unhinged, bloodthirsty and murderous. Arrogant with a huge ego that distances them from humanity (or social interactions).
All of my top fave masc charas are like this. There's literally no one with more obvious and predictable tastes than me LMAO 😭
Kuroha/Saeru, the embodiment of "Knowledge/Wisdom" as a dark evil cunning and malicious entity in KagePro, and the main source of conflict and tension in the plot, is so interesting to me.
The truly evil monster who wears the face of a past love.
With Ene, I'm very enamoured with her chara and design. The way the way she acts so cheery and self-centered in the hopes of Shintaro to open up more, how she wants to be someone else's friend to subside their loneliness, the same kind of loneliness she'd always felt back then… It also feels like over-compensation for her past regrets, wahh, Ene… ;_;
Rough sketch WIPs. I love their expressions here sm~ I started playing around with Gradient Maps cuz I love picking colours. My works tend to lean more saturated with high contrast, so I ended up going with a more saturated palette.
This shows my process for picking colours. The final one I ended up picking is the 1st one. It has a blue hue shift on Ene, red hue shift on Kuroha, and generally more saturated colours and higher contrast. The last one shows the colours I started with.
The more red + purple toned Kuroha has really nice visual contrast against Ene's cool colours (blues) in her design tbh~
I started off with a more muted palette (different from what I'm used to), but ended up going with more saturated colours cuz I think it fit the mood of the piece more. Though I think it'd still be fun to do both a Muted Colours and Saturated Colours version!
These doodles aren't refined, and just me roughly filling in the base colours on my sketches to get an idea of colours. Since Idk when I'll get to refine these drawings and clean up the sketch and lines
Shadow gate to love by Guilty Kiss is sooo Sen ship-core. It basically works for every Light/Darkness, Angel/Devil, and Narrative Opposites ship of mine. Oh baby shadow gay~ 🌈
KuroEne has such a unique context as a ship cuz it uses HaruTaka and KonoEne (my no. 2 KagePro ships), as a basis. Ene has a "special" relationship with the person that Saeru uses as his vessel.
KuroEne is like the equivalent of the evil sleep paralysis demon (in this case, evil sadistic parasitic snake) possessing your past love (Haruka), or the person that you're conflicted about, but still have a certain kind of tenderness for (Konoha)
Sadistic parasitic evil snake bf and computer virus gf~
Ene already gets flustered around Konoha who is airheaded. So with Saeru, the teasing would just be merciless, cuz Ene is easy to rile up. ENE BELOVED…
KuroEne is SUCH an interesting ship to think about and analyze due to their characters' context and the potential of the complicated, complex, and messy relationship that they would have.
They give me immense brainrot.
I'll talk about the setting of my KuroEne AU. I'll put the rest of my rambles and art WIPs under the cut! I copy pasted these rambles from my side blog and previous post, since it's pretty long.
It feels fitting to include it again, cuz it's basically the big summary of my KuroEne AU.
Art Rambles
Version 8: Lineart (Multiply + Colour Burn) + Increased saturation on Ene's Eyes (50% Opacity)
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Version 7: Lineart (Multiply + Colour Burn) + Increased saturation on Ene's Eyes (20% Opacity)
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Version 6: Lineart (Multiply) + Increased saturation on Ene's Eyes (50% Opacity)
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Version 5: Lineart (Multiply) + Increased saturation on Ene's Eyes (20% Opacity)
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Version 4: Lineart (Multiply + Colour Burn) + Increased saturation on Ene's Eyes (20% Opacity)
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Version 3: Lineart (Multiply) + Increased saturation on Ene's Eyes (20% Opacity)
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Version 2: Coloured Lineart
(Sketch is coloured a dark blue)
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Version 1: Lineart (Multiply + Colour Burn)
(Sketch is coloured black)
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KuroEne Kiss 😚 🖤 💙
Progress WIP shots of the Lineart set on Multiply vs. Multiply + Colour Burn (Combined)
These are still super sketchy lines for me since it's the 1st sketch pass (that looked good right away ^^)
I drew Kuroha with black nails (since I have a tendency to add painted nails and/or eyeliner on my fave) but Kuroha having black nails just felt so natural I forgot it was even a HC
I'm planning to do more sketch passes to clean up the sketch later on
Also I'm gonna say. Their headphones are lowkey annoying to draw 😭
Kuroha's are at least easier to draw due to the shape, but Ene's has this rectangular part on it that I honestly dislike drawing. I'll fix the sketch up eventually.
Also I adjusted the white colour on Ene's sweater compared to last time, so it's a bright tinted blue~ish white instead of pure white
Usually I don't repost stuff unless I redraw stuff (or make new edits and significant changes), but I figured I could talk about my art process this time.
I initially had Ene's eyes as ice blue for visual contrast against her hair.
With the lines being set on Multiply, the lines are slightly translucent
With the lines being set on Multiply + Colour Burn (combined), the lines gain a subtle glow on the edges.
In response to the lines being lighter, I upped the saturation of Ene's eyes.
I think having it at 20% Opacity looks best cuz it still harmonizes with the colours well
And I think I lightened the value of Kuroha's inner clothes a bit compared to last time. I'll play around with the values later.
I have a tendency to shift hues in my arts for the colours used for lighting and shadows, to keep things looking visually interesting.
That's why I roughly splotched red on Kuroha's hair, and pinks on Ene's hair and sweater to get an idea of colours
I've been playing around with a Auto Action called Better Line Color that you can find on the CSP Assets Store that colours the lines according to the colours underneath, and makes a subtle glow on the lineart.
It does some steps like Gaussian Blur, other adjustments, then sets the Layer Mode to Colour Burn, Linear Burn, or Multiply.
The duplicated lineart, when set to Colour Burn, creates a nice subtle glowy effect that I've been using on my coloured doodles.
Having coloured lines makes such a huge difference with my art. I think it has a really nice effect on my art 🥰
When I first tried it with the KuroEne doodle though, I was so confused cuz all white colours would show OVER the lineart. I found it strange cuz it didn't happen on my other drawings.
So then, for the KuroEne doodle, I just set the lines to Multiply Layer Mode instead. I think both versions look nice ^^
Colour Burn darkens shadows, deepens colours but preserves whites, so the whites show over the coloured lineart. The solution is to change the pure white to a tinted colour white instead. I'll fix that and make edits and combine both versions later.
So far, the dark spirals around Kuroha are on the same layers as the sketch, so it has the glowy lineart effect on it. Though I'll eventually make the dark spirals apart of the colours instead, like in Version 2
The version with the saturated purple glow still looks nice. This time I combined both Multiply and Colour Burn lineart versions.
I've been having fun playing around with colours, seeing which layers to turn off and such.
I've been playing around with Gradient Maps and Hue shifts and slightly different colours.
The purple/red toned Kuroha one is also really nice cuz it has nice visual contrast against all the cool colours (blues) in Ene's design
Red vs. blue contrast <3
Plus, it fits Kuroha to be tinted with red...
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Considering the red tinted shots in the Outer Science MV where he smears the Mekakushi Dan members' blood over his face.
Love the chosen shots in this MV. Outer Science is my top fave KagePro MV due to its stunning visuals and visual storytelling. Additional Memory and Losstime Memory are also in my top faves.
The white, black and red shots here look so good. And the expressions as well~ I love Sidu's brilliant visual aesthetic sense.
KuroEne Rambles
Ok I also have something to add (once again I'm snatching these rambles from my side blog's rambles cuz I've yapped way too much about these two)
It's pretty unfortunate that my yapping and ramble posts outspeeds me creating art so I'm just waiting for the chance to draw so many of my KuroEne writing and art ideas so I can post them on main combined with drawings
Canon verse KuroEne is not “romance,” at least definitely not in the traditional sense. But there IS desire and passion, and a sense of yearning/longing, a need for warmth and fulfillment. It’s filled with desperation and tension and conflict, which makes it really interesting…
When I think about their relationship in this kind of canon-verse AU setting, it's infused with feelings of love, obsession, desire, passion, yearning, and attachment.
It's so fun to think about Kuroha's selfish twisted nature and dark urges, combined with Ene's bold tenacity and confidence. Since he's someone that's generally observant and good at reading people and their desires, it makes him pair well with Ene who has trouble facing more honest feelings and being open about the things she wants.
I think a lot of things are playing into their relationship dynamic. Like the circumstances of HaruTaka and KonoEne's context, Kuroha's omniscience and knowledge, desire, and a craving/yearning for warmth, touch, and affection and companionship on Ene's end, and the pull she feels for him because of the vessel he uses, and his intimate knowledge of her.
For 9/6 day, it's time to blast the anthem of my fave ship, Yuukei Yesterday~ The song dedicated to Takane's feelings and HaruTaka~ Tatatara!! 💗
Considering the theme of my art, though, I put a lyric from Shadow gate to love.
I also wanna say that I'm seriously obsessed with my genderfluid Kuroha HC 💞
Kuroha can change his body into whatever he wants by using Konoha's Eye Ability, Awakening Eyes. In Novel Route, he knows how to use Awakening Eyes to rebuild the body molecule by molecule and make him immune to other Eye Abilities.
I think it's interesting that canon verse KuroEne is a ship that's so tinged with angst and tragedy. But I also love that aspect about them.
I think that in the context of a Kuroha ship AU, Kuroha believes that he and his S/O have a connection of karmic fate with each other, in the way that they'll continue to meet across all the different time loops, for all of eternity.
Kuroha’s love would inevitably be very dark and twisted, because he is that way at his core. At the end of a Route, he kills his S/O, and/or their friends, in order to meet with them forever. Ensuring the next coming of a new cycle is a priority to him.
The intimate knowledge that Kuroha/Saeru would have of his partner’s desires, wants, past, insecurities, relationships, etc., due to all the time loop resets, is so interesting to think about.
And, he gets to be with the other party forever by doing this. It’s a win win for him! He doesn’t want to give that up. Cuz in some fucked up way, in his fucked up form of love and obsession, he creates the concept of “eternity” with his S/O, by killing them, and/or, their friends, constantly, endlessly.
Kuroha is someone that wants to draw out "truth" to add to his "knowledge" (massive knowledge bank) and explore endless possibilities.
And Ene is someone who has trouble being honest, especially with her wants/desires, and Saeru was created for the purpose of granting wishes. So he finds it fun to tease her and rile her up, and fulfill her desires for warmth and pleasure, etc.
Ene asks Kuroha if he's learning how to pretend to be human throughout all the time loop resets. Kuroha says there’s no “pretending” about it. And it's true. He's been here since even before the beginning of the world. He asks her if you can really call it pretending at that point.
The end of Outer Science's MV shows Saeru in Azami's hair even before the creation of the world. He's existed before humans were born. He knows the nature of humans better than anyone else after observing them for a long time. He has so much knowledge, that the sheer extent of it is just unfathomable to the average person.
Each time the Route resets, he gets to “perfect” his knowledge, and in the context of intimacy, he gets to know his partner and their intimate desires even better and better, each time.
He constantly refines and adds to his “knowledge” every new Route. He likes learning new things about the other party. Kuroha likes how Ene, with her confrontational, brazen personality, and predictable unpredictability, always manages to find a way to catch him off guard and surprise him.
Kuroha/Saeru possessing Konoha's body means he has his face. His body. His voice. Ene can't shake off the feeling of how uncanny his resemblance is to them, physically, and gets reminded of Haruka and Konoha around him.
Now I'll copy paste my rambles from my old posts that summarizes my KuroEne AU. Here. I added some new stuff at the end
KuroEne AU: Set-up
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Source: KagePro LN: 7 - from the darkness - Colour Illustration Source: Sidu's Mekakushi Dan Members Colour Illustrations
Ok, I'm just gonna ramble about the setting of my KuroEne AU.
I also included a summary for context just in case my non-KagePro mutuals want to tune in to read these rambles.
I just wrote this quickly before I go to sleep. I have more to say but I think this is a good starter.
In official KagePro media, the present day plot starts after 2 years, on the fateful day of August 15th (Kagerou/Heat Haze) Day.
The Kagerou Daze, the never ending world, swallows up people who die on August 15th, and gives those with especially strong desires, who are compatible with an Eye Ability, a substitute life so that they can return to the real world.
In most Routes, Saeru ends up orchestrating Haruka and Takane's deaths. One thing you'll learn about KagePro is that this guy (Kuroha) is responsible for almost everything bad that happens
Because killing them so that they'd come out with an Eye Ability, is a part of his plan to get the rest of Azami's snakes out of the Kagerou Daze and into the real world.
Haruka's death leads to the creation of Konoha, and Takane's death causes her to lose her human body and become a cyber girl named Ene
There are multiple different ways that a KuroEne AU could go, depending on the Route. KuroEne AU Routes are so fun to write, because any time I get a new idea, I can just put into a different Route (timeline) to explore all the "What if" scenarios that don't fit into a single Route.
Kuroha's Plan and KonoEne
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Source: @/x0401x
Mekakushi Dan Clear Files: (X)
Normally, the rest of the Mekakushi Dan members meet each other in the present day plot after 2 years, the fateful day of August 15th, the day Kuroha/Saeru plans to kill everyone.
Kuroha/Saeru's plan is to gather all the snakes with a new Medusa in the real world (bringing the rest of Azami's snakes out of the Kagerou Daze to the real world), and killing all Eye Ability users.
Then, he forces Marry, "the next Master," to rewind the world using the power of the Queen Snake, Combining Eyes.
In official media, Kuroha/Saeru usually possesses Konoha's body at the end of a Route on August 15th, the day he plans to proceed with the "Tragedy" and kill everyone.
I imagine that in my KuroEne AU, Kuroha/Saeru possesses Konoha's body MUCH earlier. Like, anywhere within the timespan after Takane and Haruka's deaths (1 - 2 years)
Because of this, Konoha and Ene usually end up meeting and befriending each other earlier. Ene recognizes Konoha as Haruka's game avatar from back then, and mistakes him for Haruka. Konoha asks if she has the wrong person, and Ene gets heartbroken at Konoha's seeming amnesia and inability to remember her.
Ene imposes a sense of distance around Konoha due to her conflicting feelings (he resembles the person she loved but isn't him).
In my AU, KonoEne establish a relationship dynamic of some kind (which varies depending on the Route), which either progresses to an acquaintance-ship, friendship, or intimate relationship.
Kuroha introduces himself to Ene for their first meeting in a Route
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Source: Sidu's 2016 Calendar Hanafuda Set
And then, at some point, Kuroha/Saeru possesses Konoha's body. At this point, when he introduces himself and makes himself known to Ene for the first time, he can choose what information he wants to reveal, and how much.
For example, Kuroha can choose if he wants to introduce himself as Black Konoha, and/or "Saeru," or whether to reveal it for later. (And he also chooses whether he wants to reveal his true identity as the Snake of Clearing Eyes.)
Ene later nicknames him "Kuroha" and "Saeru" to shorten the name.
He knows that the 1st one would be more familiar to Ene. To introduce himself with the 2nd one would make Ene more distrusting/suspicious of him.
He most likely doesn't reveal his true intentions (to kill the Mekakushi Dan) so soon, because he knows that if he does, Ene is (obviously) not gonna want to "play the game" (of being intimate with him) anymore, cuz it means that he is literally putting her and her friends' lives in danger.
Though, across multiple Routes, he probably does play around and experiment with the timing of when he reveals certain information, and how much.
I think in most Routes, Ene is suspicious of him at first, and asks about his intentions and what he's really after, and Kuroha/Saeru just tells her that it's too early to say yet, and that she will find out soon.
(Though, Kuroha could probably quell her suspicions with enough convincing, due to the massive amount of knowledge he carries)
KuroEne AU: Context
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Source: Mega Man Battle Network 6 (Rockman.exe 6)
In my KuroEne AU, Kuroha/Saeru, who has messed around with human technology and innovation, has been able to develop a humanoid android/robot body with human flesh that Ene can transfer into.
This concept is inspired by Mega Man Battle Network (Rockman.exe), specifically, the NetNavis (humans' companion AIs in this universe) from MMBN/EXE.
NetNavis can transfer into CopyBots (android bodies) for limited amounts of time, to move around in the real world. These CopyBots take the appearance of the NetNavi that transfer into it.
In my KuroEne AU, I imagine it's battery powered, but with every Route, he gets better and faster at making it. Like he improves the battery life over time, so it goes from lasting an hour to lasting a whole day, etc.
According to the KagePro LNs, Kuroha/Saeru has knowledge from everything from the start of civilization...
Shintaro in the KagePro LNs compares Saeru to "a living encyclopedia with a full grasp of everything from the start of civilization up to modern science."
That LN bit confirms that Kuroha/Saeru carries knowledge of the history of mankind and its technologies over (probably) millions or thousands of years.
Especially when scientists have made developments regarding wrapping living human-like skin onto a robot that can heal when cut.
If he carries knowledge from the start of civilization, so much knowledge that it's unfathomable to the average person, then yeah I definitely think he could get it done (especially for the sake of my AU).
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KuroEne's Intimacy
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Source: (X)
Scan: @/ayara-resara
Kuroha proposes that he has a solution for Ene not being able to move around in the real world, and introduces the little invention that he made, for her to test out, which Ene eventually agrees to, out of curiosity.
Ene feels a sense of gratefulness to him for allowing her to move around in the real world since it gets lonely in the cyber world, not being able to feel or touch anyone on the outside…
Kuroha gets to know and bonds with Ene, anywhere within this 1 - 2 year timespan, and at some point, Kuroha and Ene get intimate with each other.
Ene gives into the sense of longing/yearning that she feels for Kuroha/Saeru, a yearning for warmth and touch after being stuck alone in the cyber world for so long (in spite of everything - if she knows about his true identity at this point), which is in part caused by his vessel (being Konoha, who's in Haruka's body).
Kuroha knows how to react to her and what to say to her and how to act around her due to his knowledge, and so, seduces his S/O and tempts her with carnal pleasures, and they indulge in "the game/dance" of being intimate with each other.
Because Kuroha/Saeru keeps memories of previous Routes, he remembers memories of being with the Enes of previous Routes, and thus, knows how to react to her when talking/chatting with her normally, knows how to appease Ene's behaviours and whims, goes along with what she wants, knows how to get the responses he wants when he wants something from his partner (so he knows how to seduce them), and knows how to satisfy his partner in the context of intimacy.
Because of the knowledge he carries, he knows the context, past, Eye Abilities, vulnerabilities, etc., of every Mekakushi Dan member, and that includes Ene. So he'd definitely know about Haruka and Takane, and Konoha and Ene's context and relationship together.
The person who's her greatest enemy (whether she knows it at this point or not), very literally knows everything about her.
And not only that, the greatest enemy of the Mekakushi Dan, knows her better than she knows herself.
Kuroha's Nature
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Source: COSPA - Tsumamare Series (Keychains and Rubber Strap Charms)
Not only does he weaponize Konoha's body by using Konoha's body as a murder weapon to kill everyone at the end of a Route, he weaponizes words, too. Kuroha/Saeru uses "knowledge" as an advantage over his partner, and weaponizes knowledge. Actually staggering advantage. Because he knows almost everything.
Kuroha ships are like the only time I have ships where one party in the ship has THIS much of an advantage over their partner.
Therefore, as I said before, Kuroha/Saeru ultimately has a power imbalance with his partner (any Mekakushi Dan member that he could be paired with).
He has an overwhelming advantage over his partner due to his role (set-up as an antagonist constantly killing the cast) and capabilities. It is ultimately in his favour.
That fact in itself, that the power imbalance exists, isn't inherently a bad thing, it just means that you NEED to tread carefully with portraying Kuroha's ships. I always make sure to depict my ships with as much care as possible, and as healthy as possible.
Ene is one of the characters who is a really good match with him. Because making Ene more assertive and dominant in the KuroEne ship, and making them take turns in leading intimacy, with having Kuroha letting Ene take control through their bedroom intimacy at times, helps alleviate this power imbalance slightly.
Kuroha is literally so fucked up dude cuz even his twisted form of affection that he holds for his S/O (the Mekakushi Dan member who he's paired with), is still in a twisted, selfish, self-serving way.
Due to his twisted nature, he embodies Koi (恋), "Selfish love," "loving someone for their own sake."
Even when he caters to his partner's pleasures, it still ultimately caters to his pleasures the most. That makes him interesting, though. Someone so inherently dark and twisted and sinister, with selfish desires like that… 🥰💖✨
Misc Rambles
So I imagine, in most KuroEne AU routes, he reveals his true intentions either approaching the fated day of August 15th, or right on the day of August 15th.
There's absolutely a sense of betrayal that Ene would feel following the reveal of his true intentions - he built up a relationship with her, on purpose, just to drop the worst possible scenario imaginable.
Like let's be real. The reveal of "I've been killing you and your friends throughout multiple Routes (timelines)" just sounds like a nightmarish scenario, especially if you've been fucking this guy, like come on. 😭
And something that would make Ene get especially pissed at him, is if he decides to reveal that he was responsible for orchestrating Haruka and Takane's deaths in the first place.
(In official media, Ene sees Konoha for the first time, on August 15th, 2 years after Haruka and Takane's deaths)
Though, there are probably KuroEne AU routes where Konoha and Ene don't get the chance to meet each other - Routes where Kuroha/Saeru possesses Konoha's body before the two can actually meet, so when Ene sees who she thinks is "Konoha" for the first time, it's actually Kuroha/Saeru. With this kind of setting, he could even pretend to be Konoha, if he wanted.
And then on August 15th, he proceeds with killing the Mekakushi Dan with sadistic glee (and even his S/O - though if he's feeling nice, then he can spare them, since he doesn't need to kill everyone), and forces Marry to rewind the world.
Thankfully, due to the nature of Ene's body and predicament, she won't feel physical pain when he kills her. And then, a new Route (timeline) begins.
Previous KuroEne Posts
In my new post (this one), I wrote more about the set-up of my KuroEne AU, and then copy pasted my old rambles. I copy pasted the summary of my KuroEne AU cuz it felt relevant since I'm posting the same art.
My old post has some more rambles regarding some general ideas of my KuroEne AU (since I didn't feel the need to copy paste the same stuff here too)
Shadow gate to love
Song: (X)
These lyrics work so well for ships like LimGuda, XanLena, IdaTatsu, and KuroEne.
The song sung by the sub-unit, Guilty Kiss, in Love Live! Sunshine!! My favourite version of Shadow gate to love is this fan-edit that pitches down the song to match the original voice actors’ voices, compared to their characters’ voices (which are higher in pitch)
Shadow gate to love is sooo Sen ship-core. It basically works for every Light/Darkness, Angel/Devil, and Narrative Opposites ship of mine.
It’s my song to fall back on if I can’t think of any other songs for my ships. I think it fits these 4 the best, though.
Oh baby shadow gay~ 🌈
The lyrics are in the link above.
The lyrics of the song works for all of my meow meow mfs in general.
In KagePro, though, the mention of "Strong scented eyes" takes on another meaning cuz of the emphasis on EYES, particularly the Eye Abilities.
I also love the emphasis on the Light/Darkness aspect and seduction in the lyrics.
KuroEne: Kuroha seduces Ene by tempting her with carnal pleasures, and keeps the secrets of his plan to commit the Tragedy (killing the Mekakushi Dan on August 15th, Kagerou Day) hidden from her. He tells her "beautiful lies" in order to keep up his facade.
He decides to act tamer prior to the fated date of August 15th, catering to her desires and befriending and bonding her and spending time with her and actually getting to know her. They'd do soft and fluffy stuff like go to the amusement park together, play video games together, and eventually, get intimate with each other.
Due to his inherently dark and twisted nature, Kuroha/Saeru prioritizes his own desires and desire for immortality, and constantly keeps causing the Tragedy by killing the Mekakushi Dan, Marry's friends, forcing the time loop resets. He also believes that doing this allows him to be with his partner forever, because he can continue to come and meet them forever and ever.
Ai (愛) vs. Koi (恋)
Azami's genuine pure form of love for her family, willingly sacrificing herself for her family and mankind.
(In the context of a Kuroha ship AU)
Kuroha/Saeru holding a twisted form of affection and obsession for his S/O and wanting to continue the time loop Tragedy in order to be with his S/O forever in a twisted, selfish, self-serving way.
He looks up to his Masters and serves them, but won't put anyone else above himself and his wants and needs.
In the end, he's doing this all for Azami, because he believes that this is what she truly wanted and needed, but ends up being the one causing her the most suffering.
"Selfless" vs. "Selfish" love.
Ai (愛) vs. Koi (恋)
Azami -> "Loving someone for the sake of someone else"
Kuroha -> "Loving someone for one's own sake"
Kuroha's twisted selfish love and how he ultimately loves someone for his own sake, to experience the "high" of being in love...
Reminded of that one chapter title from FGO: Tunguska Sanctuary event (Koyanskaya's main story chapter)
"Love is Karma, and Karma is..."
This fits so well with Kuroha/Saeru's character and KuroEne. Good god.
I can't put any more images due to Tumblr's image limit so you can read about the two loves (Ai vs. Koi) here
Source: (X)
If you wanna put it crudely or in funny terms, then Kuroha ships are like the most elaborate ships with the time loop tragedy causing serial killer, in the history of anything ever. But actually really interesting and fascinating.
"I'm gonna kill you" boogaloo (and nothing else) is not very compelling for ships (and even in general) lol
In canon-verse, Kuroha/Saeru lacks humanity and forms of care for others (when compared to my other faves).
That's why I wanted to explore the ideas of Kuroha messing around in the Routes and actually getting to know the Mekakushi Dan members before he kills them all.
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nitunio · 5 months
tsukumo ryo for the character ask meme :3
Thanks for the askkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and when i thought that i wont see this name in my ask box.....
Ryo Tsukumo (by unpopular but much appreciated demand)
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joking JOKING
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In all honesty. When I first watched Third Beat I was so jawdropped by him and what he's doing and it made me irrationally scared to the point where I forgot about taking screenshots (i usually do so for future reference). and a month after I still caught myself thinking back to i7 because to me it was just another anime but HE was one of the characters that made me stay. He made me want to know what happens next So Much that I spent hours on wikis and websites searching more info on how to access more stories besides the anime. I AM SO NORMAL ABOUT HIM
and when I continued thinking back to him I found myself with the following thoughts: "evil. so hot." and "wow. he's like. proper disgusting. im intrigued!!!!" and by lords. when i first drew him on emotion it felt like an electricity jolt to my brain. I was never the same since. and I went back to rewatch Third Beat. and I read third part and fourth part and.
It's always a stage play and he's performing for everyone. If nobody's paying attention to him, he will point all lights to himself. But not in that way, pay attention in a different way. Love him, like him... If nobody likes him, then everybody shouldn't. If he is bad, then he should be the worst. If he wants something, he will get it. There are so many cracks within his fragile ego facade. And the only ones for him, the only ones he could peel this wrapping for, even if for a bit, are Riku and Momo. (and ZOOL in pt6)
I project onto him and make many headcanons because I can relate to a lot of his characteristics that CAN BE VERY MUCH MISSED BY THE AUDIENCE WITH HOW QUICK AND SUBTLE THEY ARE. or maybe im just catching myself in the "he's just like me fr" and starting to make things up You never really know with this sort of stuff.
There are two Ryous for me -- the bastard evil guy I want to impale and the Canonly Childhood Traumatised and coping with it in the worst ways possible (which is a recurring theme for characters in i7). I do feel like he gets a lot of hate because people (rightfully so) don't wish to delve deeper into his character because he serves as a good plot device even in his "irredeemably evil" state. I think that another layer of "sinister" gets placed on top considering that He Can Get Worse. it's always possible with the kinds of situations that a lack of regulation and help can bring and He Did Get Worse (ex: balcony scene)
The bastard evil guy is a good flavour of Ryou too because of the situations he can put others in. He's silly, unpredictable, evil, remorseless, sadistic, and absolutely unhinged. hes probably good in bed because of that but please disregard this whole sentence right now. everyone else is wrong and right about him because of how little we get of his screentime that is really about himself but THERE IS SOOO MUCH SO MUCH.
re: aesthetic, gender, design. awooga. 2/3 of my fave colours (orangeish yellow and purple), fave hairstyle (middle part), fave eyes (dead inside), fave frame (look at his back!) I WANT TO STEAL HIS GENDER. I LOVE THE murderous aesthetic I love the playhouse wife aesthetic i love the "i want to be the spoiled child" thing hes got going on . i love his outfits i love his expressions i love his moves i love HIS DESIGN. I FUCK WITH IT SO HARD PLATONICALLY WJAT AM I SAYING AT THIS POINT
Anyways. that was like. a fraction of my thoughts i just scrolled back up and realised ive been torturing you with my elder-scroll worth of text wall
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limetimo · 1 year
RAB fics I read (aug pt1)
A Love Already Lost by orphan_account after the war Garlie comes to Grimmauld place... and falls in love
The Fighting and Most Sensible Brothers Black by Haunted_Frost Sirius and Regulus being brothers ♥ (Regulus lives)
A Different Type of Furry Little Problem by blueartemis07 regulus is crookshanks and terrorises Snape (amongst other)
My Life As A Cat by orphan_account regulus is crookshanks, funny
Strange Bedfellows by runrarebit more about sirius but regulus is there and everyone is gay and needs therapy
To have and to hold by runrarebit BLACK HEIR WEDS BASTARD PRINCE by runrarebit Family Ties by runrarebit Moving On by runrarebit Bonds by runrarebit War's End by runrarebit Devotion by runrarebit - all part of a series where Regulus and Severus are dating, deflecting and kicking butt and in Devotion they go polyamorous together with Sirius
you don't owe her shit (even if she said you did) by sapphicgingers Regulus faces Walburga and James is a supportive boyfriend
Shades of Purple by startohismoon jegulus, ace regulus
Seven Minutes In Heaven - Jegulus by MaraudersWhore4 jegulus, what it says on the tin
Mon amour by Moonchild206 jegulus coming out
I Have Scars (And I Hate Them) by Julmust123 regulus has scars from the cave and James makes him feel better about them
we begin in the dark by allalrightagain Regulus/Peter :D
birch trees loom by AllLivesMatter im just going to lie on the floor and have FEELS bye.
For Reasons Unknown by m3535, Zayhad Remus/Regulus
Regulus black and some (not so) terrible dates by finnhatessnivulus barty is here to save regulus form dating misadventures
Cat, Dog, and Stag by LupinsChocolatePraline they're all animagi your honour
I didn’t sign up for this by Moonystoastandmarsbars huhuehehehHEHEHE *unhinged chuckling* certified bacherlor Sirius Black gets a shock of his life when he find a 4 year old nephew he didn't know he had on his doorstep. wolfstar is slowly figuring things out and Regulus becomes the top bitch at the prison.
Mauvais jour de cheveux by Xo_flower McG has to deal with BLack brother's bs
pride and guilt by theprodigypenguin james survives Haloween and Dumbledore moves him in with a very reluctant Regulus ♥ Stupid Deep by theprodigypenguin former version of pride and guilt
The Phoenix Agency by LupinsChocolatePraline this one's about Sirius but he reconnects with Regulus in later chapters, modern muggle au
Nothing Was As It Was Told by BTSgotmeonahigh harry time travels to marauders era andlets them read the Harry potter books and stuff changes
1979 by Trex_patronus part of series where regulus went to Azkaban, this is Sirius' reaction to finding out
what are we by picklesonsaturday Sirisu and Severus fuck and talk about Regulus
A Different Route To Azkaban by Anonymous Severus is dating both Sirius and Regulus but for spy purposes, sad
All Is (Not) Forgiven by Demon_Pangun0817 diversity wins! james potter is a bad boyfriend
our choices seal our fate by unlikecharlie I LOVE when reg kidnaps baby harry
getaway car by grimjobs everyone's possessive horny bastards
Stars Of A Kind by orphan_account jegulus
Coming Out by Regneededswimlessons maraudesr and slytherin skittles and chaos and jegulus and wolfstar
Invisible String (Tying you to me) by not_very_sirius jegulus texting fic
blindfolded sight by rheadaholyc for NeonDomino wolfstar focused, regulus is a good bro (even tho he's a little shit)
towards the edge (closer and closer) by grimjobs jegulus sexy times
religion's in your lips (even if it's a false god) by grimjobs trans regulus jegulus sexy times
king of my heart by grimjobs they're daft your honour, jegulus
The Bite is Eternal by phantasmaraneae vampire regulus turns vampire hunter Sirius into his thrall to "save his life" but really mostly he just wants to fuck
On the ice (there’s warmth between us) by hallyticket FIGURE SKATER REGULUS! gets struck teaching a class to hockey players, amongst them one james potter and his very own estranged brother (trans regulus)
Whatever happened to the young, young lovers? by georgia_sk BAMF regulus, jegulus, rosekiller, wolfstar, and a lot of violence that makes them horny
Please Don't Confuse Fantasy With Truth by phantasmaraneae Regulus/Sirius fuck kinkily and magic goes poof and well mpreg happens
i'll be seeing you by residentrookie !!!!!!!! modern muggle James (2022) swaps places with canon James (1979) and goes on an adventure with nearly drowned Regulus Black while his modern era friends scramble to get him back :D
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katyspersonal · 1 year
You muppet
Gimme your top 5 non-boss Bloodborne enemies 🔪🔪
Hahaha! This is a hard question, because, like... Do I judge the design? The concept? The (presumed) pleasure of fighting them? xD Or, maybe, how good they are from raw gameplay standpoint, without any of our Tumblr sentimental values added? ...so, in the end, I decided to judge on raw personal enjoyment. Here goes!
Five - Edgar, Choir Intelligencer!
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Yeah, yeah, NPCs are a weird grey area since they're no regular enemies, blablabla. But, first, I wanted to include at least one Hunter NPC. Two - if I am choosing, it is DEFINITELY Edgar. I enjoyed fighting him on that moonlit bridge..... But, more importantly, I enjoy what this character entails. A player that was only yet to be educated would, soon enough, learn that Micolash has a friend. And then, some time later, the fandom would learn from official materials the character's name and get confirmation for his affiliation with the Choir! I just think that he is THE coolest NPC. Whereas others (looking at the no-dialogue ones in this) would be self-explanatory, with Edgar, there is a mystery that only people with imagination could solve! What else you could've asked for!
Also, I am totally weak for the fact that he does the 'Joy' gesture when he kills us. Way to kill the potential drama of "sparing us from the worse fate" and confirm that you are a simp insane, you lil shit! :pensive: Yet, despite saying less, it is saying more..... Anyways, onto the REAL enemies!
Four - Old Hunter enemy!
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They are fuckin' SOMETHING ELSE in terms of aesthetic and behaviour, you know? The bastards have far too much of a healthbar, I will admit, but it is more about the lore... And the vibe. When they are attacking in unhinged, terrifying rage - the beasts (Beast Patient type) cover in fear, that leaves the whole "who is the REAL beast here?" message! They have various weapons and fighting styles. And they have yellow or red eyes variants, that helped me to resolve the mystery of what is under Chester's mask, since he is heavily implied to be from Yharnam and teleported by an Amygdala!
Three - Fishman Mage!
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LOVE these guys! ...yes, despite the fact that they keep spamming me with DARN bolt spells and DARN purple homing skulls. But... At the same time, this is so BADASS. I can only speculate and bounce off ideas on why their magic has "wrong" colors; with this type of skulls normally being red and the bolt in Bloodborne normally being blue. But, I love the aesthetic and the cool magic nonetheless. Not to mention the Mystery TM of what is up with their "elongated" heads.
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I thought of something akin Lumenweed but more coral-like instead of plant-like, since they seem to pray for other Great Ones to avenge Kos that they "failed" to protect (and since one of Fishmen variants has something similar anyways), but we just don't know! Could be a polyp, could be a fin, could be a Cool Hat...
Two - Clocktower Patient!
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The amount of lore per pixel kills me! They have interesting VARIANTS - the regular, the naked, the completely tied-up one, the just-head one, the one behaving like a beast, the fuckin headless walking bodies... The HUGE one, that I fucking bet would be Pthumerians pushed into experiments too, all that.
And, although sometimes they can be frustrating to fight, ESPECIALLY when they come in a crowd, I just love how... "informative" they are? I have not learned more from any other enemy than from these people. They demand a keen eye to decipher no matter what. Like how it is easy to miss that their heads are covered so we can't know what is UNDER the fabric, or the tentacles... But yes, at the same time, the designs and the variations alone are pretty interesting AND scary!
One - Loran Cleric!
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Fuckin'. BEST. Display of the fact that what Yharnam is going through already plagued Loran once. Fuckin' AWESOME design. Fuckin' EXTREMELY on-the-nose way to show the "history repeats itself" sentiment. They have ROBES, and they have horns. And they have PYROMANCY... Like other Pthumerians, some Vilebloods (Maria) and, interestingly, Laurence in his beast form, have.
I always found it hard to kill them, because I just could not have enough of their moveset and appearances. They are the enemies I tried to NOT kill for as long as I could afford. Their pyromancy staff gave me idea that Laurence would be using one as soon as he'd get his hands on it, probably in Byrgenwerth + early Church era. I also remember having killed one and spending good 20 minutes just taking pictures, including their cool twisted smiles! I also think that Blood-Possessed Soul is their final transformation form!
Honorable mention: Church Servants. Of course.
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Thank you for the 'some things can only harm you if you are smart enough to PERCEIVE them' delivery, guys.
Thank you for the ask! It was insightful for me too! x)
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Madness Mansion of Helter Spider 23
꒦˚︶꒦Previous꒷︶꒦˚Chapter twenty-three꒷꒦˚︶꒦Next꒷︶꒷꒦˚
"hmm so you choice to leave him to suffer and parish." Morpho chuckle. " Hmm, that's a good choice... Follow me, the place should be here. " He soon walk to a direction, you quickly follow suit to him. He reach out to the beautiful jewels surrounded with crystal hearts and sweets... As well a purple butterfly.
" Oh. It seems that we cant touch that world at the moment. It's on that timeline. " He mumble before you know it Maid Blood have come running to the two of you and stared at the jewel as if seeing something.
" BASTARD RABBIT, KISSING MY SPOUSE!! STUPID CLONE KILL EM KILL EM!" he seems to be really angry about something as Morpho pry him off the jewel. "What a disturbing and unhinged simp." He added as he throw the other across the gallery.
"W-what was that..." You think you just saw him mad like blood for a moment. "That? Ah. A delusional person. Don't bother with him... Hmm let see where's the current timeline." He start to click something in a holographic screen.
As you watch in curiosity, you suddenly felt your chess becoming quite suffocating. Like something is gripping it so tightly.
"Ah? What's wrong? " The guardian pause and look at you who's now on the floor coughing and trying to catch a breath.
"... Oh. Your going to have a bad time." He suddenly find your situation in a dare state. "Do you know the story of Persephone and hades...? Hades give her a pomegranate to keep her by his side..." He kneel down and poke your forehead, it somehow lessen the pain. "Sadly in your case... You were feed more than she did... " He chuckle a bit, it seems his very amuse by your suffering.
"scheming some crap again, i see. I see." Maid blood who's finally back commented and stared down at you boredly. " You know. That guy never told you... But your thoughts is openly being read by him... " He suddenly have a twisted grin. Your eyes widen at what he said. " Oh voices in your head, Shall you persist or Shall you not."
" Your awfully noisy right now." Morpho guardian stood up and sigh. His face become expressionless. " Do you care about them--'
"Not really." The other quickly answers. "The only thing that stops me from ending them is that they are my beloved creation." He yawned sleepily. "I would destroy everything and do everything for my precious... So why would I care about some troubles of someone else? " He smile happily as if he just don't say something scary at all.
" I forget that even if you all are different, somehow something stays the same. " Morpho guardian rolled his eyes before he look at you who's in the floor. " I do have to apologize. Those choices are a test for you... Sadly you failed. To begin with... Don't you notice your little " choices in the head of yours don't have the same [ You have chosen (statement) ] when you began your part? Because it's not back yet.... A part of you ignored the warning of what left of [ kindness] of that."
He point at maid Blood who's looking at a screen, the screen shows a clip of two people being married in a traditional way, looking close the person looks like him but the other person have their back to the [ camera] but you can hear them says:
[ hanii ~ I don't mind getting married with you a thousand times eheheh. Because I love you! ] As that voice spoke out, it sound familiar and not. Yet Maid blood look longingly and have a lovesick smile on his face.
[ Your only supposed to say I do! B-but--... I love you too...!! (。・//ε//・。)] The Groom Turns bright red, at that part maid blood clicked his tongue in disdain.
"stupid clone, say more! Stupid! Say you'll do anything for them! Lock them up! Stop them from approaching that spouse stealing rabbit! Cook him alive! Fucking Bastard kiss my spouse after killing and have blood on his hands! Hateful bastard! It's not even hygienic!! Pathetic shit" He complained as he shakes the screen. "I wanna burned that fucking love triangle tag... " He seems to try to punch something you can't see.
"... well it's probably cause your his spouse creation that made him act such way." The guardian sigh at the sight of Maid Blood.
"Hey you, stupid kid." Maid blood look up to you. "Haft of bit of you wish to not see your little knight die. The other wish to [ marry ] someone your not supposed to know. Kokoko... Do you know. That [ doll ] will kill you because [ Ritsu Sakuma, Kuma ] is supposed to find the world of Darling Dolls-- [Phantom] and in which will lead them to the location of the Dollmaker.... Yet [ Kuma ] have left astray for his mission, others from his world would not like it even one bit, after all... Dolls are quite one who don't like being left by their owner, being abandoned is something they all can't take so lightly." He stood up and went to get some stuff from side of the gallery.
" Stop being noisy." Morpho sighs as his little fun is gone now.
"Since you don't want me to be noisy, I will be more noisy! Kokoko." Maid blood appear again but holding a huge mochi of someone familiar yet not face being chibified. "Anyway. Stupid kid. [ Kuma ] is being killed over and over again by that lunatic--"
" Just like you. How hilarious. " (Morpho guardian)
" --and his listening to all the thoughts in your head since the very beginning you arrive here. Now what ever chances you wish. It's gone now... That person... Don't dream someone like him go ever change. The world of his doesn't allow it. They love villain like him, and it will stay that way." he hugs the huge mochi as he seat in the floor.
"lucky you, you can still save Kuma of yours. Bye bye, stupid kid. It seems the hatless hatter finally caught you."
He then point at the strings that you don't notice is tied on you.
" To begin with... That annoying guy cannot have an expense to have the likes of [ Blood Mad Hatter] out of his au... Cause, if your gone off the twisted world. Hatless psycho can access the gallery... It's the deal with my love... How charming of them. " He sigh Dreamily as he mentioned his beloved.
" Your not from that au, but your life is created for that au. My beloved likes to pry into business they shouldn't care, you see. Your their way to get hold of the twisted world from inside out... You already spend many years there... You have taken root in that world and soon their plan will work. How amazing, as expected of them! " He once again cannot help but admire their darling plan.
"Have fun having two versions of your punishment. Ahahaha-- " before you know it something -- no someone dragged you back to the jewel representing the twisted world.
"Can you not?" The Morpho guardian stared at the one who abandoned his name who's hugging one of the merchandise of his spouse.
"What? Your face is fucking ugly, don't stare at me like that. Disgusting." The nameless one look at his landlord in disdain.
"Whatever, clean the whole gallery again or I'm going to put some tags again."
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Comfort Character Tag Game
Tagged by @turbulentpumpkin43, thank you 😊! I'm incapable of shutting once I start talking up so have a mini blurb on each ahaha
Anakin Skywalker—the little bastard deserves anything but this spot and yet here he is (Star Wars)
Daeran Arendae—“smile, the world isn’t ending just yet” always has me 🥺😭😍 (Wrath of the Righteous)
Steris Harms—Bands of Mourning gets me good I love that dork (Mistborn Era 2, haven’t read The Lost Metal yet tho 😅)
Navani Kholin—unhinged engineering grandma so good 😍 (the Stormlight Archive)
Rava, my wizard/psychic/artist/time traveller Pathfinder OC—he’s a messy disaster I keep coming back to year after year, his stories are so fun to tell (Pathfinder ttrpg)
Tagging @ssvnormandysr-1 and @purple-sage if you want to 💜!
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afreakingdork · 2 years
I really love April's relationship with Don. And her voice is on point.
The little snooty bastard /would/ like cashmere
Awwwww, he wants to hold hands 😭
Ahahaha Beloved calling out the fam.
I wonder what Splinter or the Caseys would have suggested. Probably a fancy dinner from the rat and the birds and the bees talk lmao
Cassanda would suggest something with violence, like one of those places where you go to smash things. Or baking together.
And Casey Jr would probably tell him to just be honest and talk direcly. Boy has no frame of reference for dating in the Apocalypse. Or probably something simple and safe and too obviously romantic like huddling together for a movie
I loved the dialogue man. The way they play off each other. The PINING.
Augh, he's gripping his bo in assurance!
Did April make friend with the musicians? Omg he owes her big time.
Finally, he stopped running and just USED HONESTY FOR A CHANGE
Congrats, you daft , purple, rube goldberg brained turtle!
Dr Feelings is gonna bake him a cake, he did so well.
Aaah, I'm squirming in bed from happiness and fluff.
-Toodles 😘
Ah, I'm so glad I did April justice. i love her unhinged quality! Their bro/sis relationship is super important to me!
Omigosh, you made me remember that I wrote a little crush for Casey Jr in this very fic. It makes me wonder if he told her or what after Don's 'pep' talk? I think you're spot on that Splints was recommend a wine/dine. Cass would be like dojo fight or it could be fun if she was like axe throwing bar! Nothing screams romance more than flying sharp objects!
I will confirm that April did not hire the musicians. Stuff just happens in New York. Seriously, what a town!
Thank you so much, Toodles! I'm so glad you liked it 💖
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clownfuckerfridays · 2 years
hey tmnt fans... I’m new to tmnt and I gotta know: why does donnie have eyebrows in rottmnt but nobody else does?? does he draw those on?? ...on top of the mask??? genuine question here I am so curious
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quinntheebrain · 3 years
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𝓒𝓪𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓪 𝓹𝓵𝓪𝔂 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓶𝔂 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽
𝓘 𝓼𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵 𝓪𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔂
𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓴 𝓘'𝓶 𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓰𝓸𝓷' 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓸𝓷 𝓫𝔂
𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓪𝓽𝓬𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮?
𝓑𝓸𝔂, 𝓘 𝓪𝓶 𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓽𝓸𝓸 𝓯𝓲𝓷𝓮, 𝓼𝓸 𝓘'𝓶 𝓸𝓾𝓽
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♡︎Pairing. Bonten!Rindou x fem!reader (ft. Terano South)
♡︎Summary. Rindou loves to play games with your heart and you've had enough.
♡︎Word Count. 2.1k
⚠︎︎Content + Warnings. Toxic relationships, Light physical violence, Mentions of blood, Explicit language, Smut/NSFW, Minors DNI.
⚠︎︎A/N. This is for @gabzlovesu 'f*ck love collab'.
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Rindou’s hands glide down her back, squeezing her ass before he places a sweet kiss on her lips. Your head tilts to the side, your eyes are filled with longing. If you were to close them, you’d be met with the beautiful pipe dream in which Rindou is holding you like that publicly, laughing as he showers you with kisses. But, you can’t close your eyes or even look away. Your brain won’t allow you. It wants you to burn this image into your mind. So, all you can do is watch from across the room with a grip so tight on your glass you believe it might break.
“He’s not worth it, girl,” your friend whispers in your ear and grabs your wrist before you can make your way to his VIP section.
You want to tell her she is wrong. That to you, Rindou is worth the tears and pain you feel. He is worthy of your anger and most importantly, he is worthy of your love. But, you are defeated and it would sound foolish to defend him now. So, instead, you say “Yeah, you’re right,” which is a lie and you know it.
Rindou is a master of torture, always satisfied by the screams of his enemies. He is the same in love — sadistic and ruthless to the core. He revels in your broken expression. Your glossy eyes and quivering lips are so beautiful under the club’s blue lights. You turn around for one final glance and when your eyes meet his, he laughs. It only adds gasoline to the nearly suppressed flame. You snatch your wrist away from your friend, who is shocked but in no mood to stop you. In fact, she thinks Rindou deserves whatever he has coming. Though she wishes you’d save it for another time, she can’t help but smile as you stomp toward the purple-haired bastard.
“What the fuck is so funny, Rindou?” the words leave your mouth before you’ve fully stepped into Bonten’s private section. Ran immediately shifts in his seat, watching attentively along with Sanzu who is too high to take anything seriously.
He pulls the girl closer and the corner of his lips tugs into a smile. “I really have no idea what you mean.” Rindou likes watching your blood boil. In all honesty, your hot-headed temper turns him on. But, this is about more than making you angry. Rindou is teaching you a lesson. You’ll never be his one and only — no matter what you do, no matter how much you beg.
“People have feelings, Rin,” your eyes burn and your chest is heavy. You are too emotional and this is too embarrassing, but you can’t stop yourself from talking, “I have feelings and you constantly shit on them. You knew I was gonna be here and you thought it would be cute to parade this bitch around in my face.”
“Don’t call me—,”
“Girl, please,” you sigh. “Shut the fuck up.”
“(Y/N), you need to relax,” Rindou’s voice is disrespectfully calm. Such a contrast to yours that you almost seem unhinged. He leans in, “you’re making a fool of both of us in front of important clients,” he’s irritated as if he didn’t cause this. “We’re not even together.”
You raise an eyebrow, “Fuck you.” It’s almost instinctual the way your hand flies toward his face, the cup still held firmly in your grasp. The glass breaks against his cheek, cutting his face which happens to look so handsome tonight. His eyes are the prettiest purple and you can’t help but smile as they turn black with anger.
When the girl held in his arm screams bloody murder, your friend tugs at your arm. “Let’s go, bitch,” the urgency in her voice isn’t lost on you, “Before they get security.”
“Learn to control your bitches, Haitani,” Sanzu slurs then turns to whisper something in Ran’s ear, and they both laugh. You take a deep breath in and by the time you exhale you realize Sanzu isn’t worth it. Offering him a simple ‘fuck you’, you allow your friend to pull you away from Rindou who currently has blood gushing from a cut under his eye.
When the metallic taste settles on his tongue, Rindou is seething. It’s not the first time you’ve laid hands on Rindou, but it is the first time you’ve drawn blood. He removes his arm from the waist of his pawn, but that doesn’t stop her from pressing flimsy napkins against his cheeks. She is also mistaken, thinking that Rindou actually cares about her and doting on him will make her his favorite. But, she will never be. She is irritating and she has served her purpose. He pushes her away and follows you toward the club’s exit despite the advice of his brother and friends.
He can hear you laughing, though if he listened a little closer — paid attention like you’d begged and begged — he would hear the pain you’re masking. Rindou is by your side before you or your friend notice him, a grip on your arm so tight that it cuts off your circulation. “You’re fucking crazy,” he spits.
“Get your hands off of me,” it takes everything in you not to scream from the pain. You can feel your bones shifting under his weight — how he wishes it was your neck.
“I should fucking -,”
“That’s not how I taught you to touch a lady, Haitani,” the voice is so smooth and so familiar that Rindou loosens his grip. You want to drop to your knees in relief, but the strong arm around your waist keeps your knees from collapsing. “You okay?” You nod, but he does not let you go. His fingers settle on your hips as he smiles at Rindou.
“Fuck off, South,” Rindou’s voice remains confident despite the look in his eyes. “This has nothing to do with you.”
Terano South, Rindou’s former commander and one of the strongest men in Japan. The only person whose strength trumps South’s is Mikey, Rindou’s current boss. Rindou wishes Mikey would appear now, but the head of Bonten rarely attends events like this. Rindou is lucky because South is not concerned about him or Bonten. No, the man only cares about you, the pretty girl he’d been watching all night.
Rindou watches as South leans down to whisper in your ear. You nod at whatever he says and follow him away from the club, your best friend trails closely behind. Rindou does not call out or run after you. He lets you walk away, held in another man’s arms. Because even though it hurts, he knows you’re his and you will be back.
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The night plays on repeat in your head as you bat your faux lashes and any guilt you feel immediately dissipates from your body. Rindou Haitani has never cared about and as far as you know, he never will.
“Do you need anything?” Japan’s very own Terano South draws you from your thoughts. His fingers trace your arm, falling to the Cartier bracelet he gifted you at the beginning of your date. “You look tense,” the words linger with some underlying meaning and he smiles when you shift in your seat.
South has been toying with you all night. From the moment he greeted you at your door until now, at the restaurant he rented out, South has done nothing but openly express his desire for you. It’s not overwhelming or annoying. He’s just good with words. Almost too good. But after years of indecision and a lack of reassurance, it feels nice.
“You’re still stressing about Rindou.” he moves to join you on your side of the booth. “I can change that. He’s a bitch anyway. He doesn’t deserve you.”
He doesn’t deserve you. The words are bittersweet, but the more you hear them, the less you worry about the man who held your heart in the palm of his hand for so long. Instead, you think of the possibilities of a life with a man who does deserve you. Who will love you and never make you question your worth.
“And you do?”
“Eh. I know I can treat you better,” he shrugs, hands pushing your silk skirt until the material bunches at your waist. “But, I’ll let you decide,” his yellow eyes look like sunshine, blinding you with his gaze. He’s silently asking you for permission and he wastes no time yanking your panties to the side the moment you grant it.
“South.” it’s pathetic — the way you moan when a single finger ghosts over your clit — but he thinks you sound so cute. Once he hears his name fall from your lips, South can no longer keep up his tender facade. You falling apart underneath his fingers, it’s the only thing that will sate his desire.
There’s a merciless rhythm to the way his fingers circle the sensitive nub that makes your back arch as you grip the leather seat. He laughs as your hips buck and you grind against his fingers, “So needy,” he whispers like you’re not the only two people in the restaurant. “Fuck,” his moan matches your own as he finally sinks his fingers into your aching cunt.
The shiver that runs down your spine feels like your phone vibrating against the wooden table. Your eyes shoot open in shock. Fuck, your phone is really vibrating against the table.
South glances over, a devilish smirk once he sees Rindou’s name appear on your screen. “Answer it,” his voice is low as he dips his head down to attach his lips to the soft spot on your neck.
“Fuck, baby. You look so good.” Rindou says once you finally lift the camera. You ignore him and look at yourself in the tiny box in the corner. You want to be sure South isn’t visible from the angle you’re holding the phone. “I’m over that little stunt you pulled at the club the other night. I have this meeting in a few minutes but you’re coming to see me later, right?” Rindou licks his lips.
“No,” your voice cracks as South nibbles on your skin. He is not playing fair. “I’m done, Rindou. You really pissed me off,” it’s a miracle you were able to complete that sentence despite your shaky breathing.
South strums along your core like a skilled harpist, each pluck of your strings creating beautiful notes that you elicit so effortlessly. Then South plays a note that’s familiar to Rindou’s trained ear and just like at the club, you can see darkness wash over his lilac eyes. “Who are you with?”
As if he’s been waiting for this moment, South snatches your phone and smiles into the camera. “Rindou, how’d you manage to let a pretty thing like this slip through your fingers?” you whine in the background as South picks up the pace, curled fingers massaging your g-spot with every move. “God, she’s so wet. I can’t wait to fuck you, baby.”
Rindou laughs. It’s better than hopping in his car and driving to your location, which is what he really wants to do. “I see what this is,” the laughter grows louder as he stops to think carefully about what he wants to say next. “You gon’ turn into a ho trying to get revenge. That’s sad.” Rindou’s voice is calm but the grip on his phone is deadly.
“Aw, you jealous, Rin?” South teases as he passes the phone back to you, uninterested in talking any longer unless it’s to you or your pretty pussy. The tall man settles on the floor, head between your legs. You can feel South moan as he kisses your cunt — wet and sticky just for him.
“Jealous,” Rindou scoffs, though that’s exactly what he is. He’s envious to hear you moaning because of another man. To see you so undone for someone other than him. “No, but I’m disappointed that she betrayed me. Fucking slut.”
Betrayal. If that’s what Rindou wants to call this then you won’t argue. If he wants to call you a fucking slut, you won’t argue. If he is disappointed in you, you do not care. Because to you, this is not revenge, it is freedom. You’re no longer chained and bound by his false promises and emotions. It feels good. No more will his silly games send you into week-long emotional spirals, thinking you’ll never be worthy of romantic love. Never again will the master of sadism use you for his enjoyment.
“Whatever,” South grunts before the flat of his tongue glides along your folds. “Tell him bye, baby,” he says in between short and quick flicks of his tongue. “So you can focus on me.”
You nod your head feverishly, “Bye, Haitani.” you say with a smile. The use of his surname sends a pain through Rindou’s chest, but before he can express himself, you end the call.
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moonjosjongwoo · 3 years
this is just a thought that occurred to me and idk where else to share it: i don't remember exactly but a few years ago a friend of mine read a book for class and one of the characters bit another character on the ring finger, which left teeth mark where a wedding ring would be. and now that i'm into sfh i can't help but think that i can totally see jongwoo having so much anger to evacuate that he bites moonjo and wouldn't it be poetic somehow if he bit him on the ring finger and basically gave moonjo a wedding ring like that? i know (i think) moonjo's more into teeth as a whole than biting or whatever but he's also into jongwoo just going apeshit apparently so idk i think it fits?
i was holding onto this bc i was going to make a fic out of it but i don't think i could do it justice. that being said i still absolutely want to hone in on it.
the concept of jongwoo doing this is so...raw and fitting for his character, okay? he's so unhinged and impossible to predict that even moonjo doesn't always know what to expect with him.
for the sake of simplicity i'm picturing something post-canon, murder boyfriends au, they've reunited after jongwoo gets out of the hospital and live a life of crime together, probably traveling all over the place, seeing new sights, etcetera etcetera.
one night, they're spending some much-needed alone time together. it's probably after some sort of intense situation where they nearly got caught or something, so jongwoo is very tense and moonjo is sitting there with him, waiting for him to calm down. they're probably in like an alleyway or abandoned building or something, all sat up against a wall. jongwoo is fidgeting with moonjo's hand, while moonjo talks idly about the next place they should go.
"we could leave the country," moonjo suggests. "see the world together." we all know moonjo is just running his mouth to pull jongwoo back down to ground level. he's content wherever so long as he gets to see how wild jongwoo's eyes get right before a kill.
jongwoo is staring at moonjo's fingers the entire time as he responds with a simple, "you say that like it'd be easy." even now, his tone with moonjo is clipped and sarcastic. he's not fooling anyone, though. "how do you think we're getting through security if you're supposed to be dead?"
moonjo is in the middle of giving that question some genuine thought when he feels sharp pain on his left ring finger. a bit uncharacteristically, he tenses, hisses through his teeth, and reaches up to tap jongwoo upside the head. he asks jongwoo to stop one, two, three times, before he finally takes a fistful of hair and pries jongwoo away from his hand.
in the wake of the attack, moonjo's ring finger glistens with saliva and the reds and purples of tooth-shaped bruises forming in the indents jongwoo has made into his skin. he frowns ever so slightly, glancing over at jongwoo in genuine, albeit calm, confusion. "jagi--"
jongwoo shrugs. "we're off the grid. it's not like we can ever get married or anything. this is as close to a proposal as you're getting from me." he looks as flustered as he does irritated, but moonjo knows by now that in these moments are when jongwoo is most genuine.
even if it's not official, he's not exactly mad about how they went from partners in crime to engaged. jongwoo is full of surprises, and moonjo definitely didn't see it coming. but it's also a reminder of why he loves jongwoo as deeply as he does. he can't help but smile as he seeks out jongwoo's hand and runs his fingers along the other man's ring finger.
"shall i give you my response?" he questions, only half-teasing.
jongwoo wrenches his hand free, glaring wide-eyed daggers up at his lover. "don't you fucking dare, you crazy bastard."
as if he hadn't started this himself.
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Falling for you ( Falling from grace) Jungkook x OC
Rated : 18 +
Warning : . Fuck buddies? Or rather enemies that have sex. They just really hate each other but also can’t keep their hands off each other.
Chapter 1   Chapter 2    Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5
Chapter 6
“Are you sure you want to head back to work today, Areum? Hoseok told me that he would give you the rest of the week off if you like... That bruise on your face is looking pretty nasty.” My sister commented mildly, her eyes worried as she watched me dab concealer on the mottled purpling skin on my jaw.
“I need to finish a couple of reports by the weekend. And Namjoon oppa told me he wanted me to be there when we viewed the CCTV footage later today. It’s going to help getting that bastard fired.” I flinched at how bad this side of my face looked. 
The bastard. 
“He’s not fired yet?” My sister made a noise of outrage.
“Of course he is. There’s a restraining order against him. But formally he needs to be terminated and Namjoon wants to do it in a way that it goes on his record permanently. Especially considering he’s already out on bond.” I wrinkled my nose. 
There wasn’t much chance of Junho going to prison over this but I definitely did not want him within fifty feet of me, ever again. 
“Jungkook’s busy with his practice is it? I haven’t heard from him...” My sister prompted and I nodded.
“His big match is coming up on Sunday. That's like four days away ...he’s probably cooped up in that gym of his.” 
“I know... Seokjin works out there too... its a great place...how come you’re never there?”
I frowned .
“He actually has me blacklisted. I’m not allowed inside the establishment. ” I muttered. 
My sister’s eyes widened.
“What? Why?”
I shrugged. The memory was a good one and worth reliving. In fact i relived it quite often when I was particularly horny with only my own hands for relief. 
“I seduced him against his favorite punching bag once and he had to get rid of it because the cum stains wouldn’t come off. He’s a petty jerk.” I grinned at my sister enjoying the way her eyes went wide as saucers. .
She stared at me slack jawed. And then she shook her head in disbelief. 
“You talk about him this way but you always look like you're half way in love with him. I don’t know what is going on in your head when it comes to Jungkook.”
I laughed.
“I love him. Of course I do.... I’m pretty sure he cares about me too, “ I remembered how warm and content I’d felt when he’d held me, how the police officer had immediately concluded he was my boyfriend, simply from the concern radiating off him, “  But, I’m not going to push for anything. I like how we are ...now.”
“Friends with benefits.?”
“I prefer the term enemies who fuck” I winked and she groaned. 
“Whatever you say. But remember, you’re going to have to DTR at some point and I hope you don’t get a shock if he isn’t on the same page. “ 
“Unlikely. Now go distract mom so I can slip out of the back door.” 
“That looks pretty fucking bad.” Hoseok winced when he saw me and I groaned.
“Don’t remind me. I ran into Namjoon on the way up and he swelled like a bullfrog. Is Jungkook in today?” I asked him brightly.
Hoseok frowned.
“you guys are awfully chummy these days ....Need I remind you about the clause on interpersonal relationships in the office?” 
I flushed.
“We’re...not....I mean. We’re friends. “
“I thought the term was enemies who fuck.” Hoseok said thoughtfully and I jumped.
“Jungkook told me, you little brat. I asked him why he went over to the police station and broke Junho’s fucking jaw and he spilled...”
My own jaw came unhinged.
“ He what?!”
 “He posted the bond money for the bastard himself to get him out and then apparently punched him hard enough to land him in the hospital.”
“Oh my God...is he in trouble?” 
Hoseok sighed.
“Of course not... Mr. Jeon had it taken care off at once but I knew something was up . He’s too old to play knight in shining armor , unless there was something between you guys...” 
I sighed.
“We’re in a purely physical relationship yes with of course a splattering of affection for each other. But nothing that deserves a label or close scrutiny from the HR dept. Please Hobi oppa, just let me be. “ I fluttered my lashes and he rolled his eyes. 
“Just as long as you know that Jeon Jungkook is a chaebol. He’s not going to make a honest woman out of you.” Hoseok gave me a pointed look and I wondered if I really did wear my heart on my sleeve. 
Apparently, everyone could sense that my feelings for Jungkook ran deeper than just lust and I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing. 
“Anyway, yo answer you question, yes. He’s in his office right now.”
I made to turn away but Hoseok grabbed my wrist.
“You have thirty five memos to answer and seventeen appointments to schedule. Your desk is this way, I suggest you head in that direction.” His eyes glinted in a way that told me he was incredibly serious. 
I pouted.
Fine... I’d wait for lunch to go meet Jungkook.
Jungkook had a secretary of his own , the smitten Miss Lee and she gave me an angelic smile, telling me that Jungkook was out to meet someone in the marketing department. If there was anything important, I could leave it with her.
Declining the offer and thanking her, I made my way to the fireescape and the back stairwell. One of the doors opened to the emergency exit in Jungkook’s office and it took me a little bit of running around but I managed to locate it easily enough. 
Jungkook had left the door open and less than ten minutes later , I was in his office, staring around in mild awe. 
Weirdly enough, I’d never been here. before, mostly because Jungkook himself wasn’t in here all that much. But there was no mistaking that he actually did take his work seriously . I peered around the expensive drawing Tablet and the three or so monitor screens , the stylus tossed about. 
It was probably a huge breach of his privacy but I couldn’t help but click on the mouse, watching his monitor come alive. 
I blinked in disbelief when I realized what I was staring at. 
“Oh my  fuck...”  I
I felt my face flood with heat as I stared at the screen. 
It was a drawing of me. 
I was completely naked , reclining against what looked like a thick white fur rug , with countless plush cushions scattered all around me. The snow white fur set off the golden glow of my skin and I noticed the attention to detail, the tiny mole in the corner of my hip, the small half moon scar on the edge of my collar bone and of course an impressive collection of hickeys on my neck and my inner thighs. 
I looked the way I usually did when I was mouthing off at him, a little angry and rebellious, my eyes blazing with a challenge and my lips parted in annoyance . I had one hand resting right between my legs, two fingers pressed against the labia while the other two disappeared into me. The other hand lay on my breast, fingers tweaking one hard nipple . 
I turned away quickly, breathing harshly as I realized that Jungkook had literally drawn an incredibly accurate drawing of me masturbating , purely from memory.
Not entirely sure if i should be angry at this or not, I tried to clear the hazy cloud of arousal that was beginning to settle all over me. I wasn’t angry. 
I was just ridiculously turned on. 
And incredibly curious if he had other pics of me. 
I whirled back around to the computer and then nearly jumped out of my skin when I realized that Jungkook was leaning against the doorway, watching me with an amused smile on his face. 
“Oh, fuck...” I clutched at my heart which felt like it was going to give out. 
“Pretty sure your desk isn’t here, Areum. Are you lost?” He drawled, stepping away from the door and stalking over to me. 
I stepped back quickly, the action purely instinctive. 
“Did you punch Junho?” I asked sharply.
Jungkook gave me a small smile.
“That is a very mild way to put it yes. He’s gonna be eating through a straw for a couple of months , yes.”
I glared at him. 
“What if you got arrested.” I folded my arms.
He laughed.
“Baby, come on. fucker had it coming. Anyway enough about that loser. Why are you hovering near my desk. Corporate espionage is generally frowned upon baby... Am i gonna have to spank you, you naughty girl?” He waggled his eyebrows. 
I rolled my eyes before walking up to his desk and turning the screen around to show the lewd artwork . 
“how long have you been drawing me like that?” I pointed at the screen and Jungkook looked surprised. 
Surprised but not particularly bothered. 
“Ah... i love that one... Did you see the way I only drew four of your fingers between your legs baby, your thumb is supposed to be rubbing on your clit.... I was working on it when I got called away earlier....” He looked apologetic. 
I felt like I had turned the exact shade of the marron carpet under my foot. 
“Jungkook how long have you been drawing me naked...” I snapped. 
“ Oh... probably the first time you let me see you naked.” He said nodding lightly and I stared at him.
“How come I’ve never heard of this?” I hissed and he gave me a grin. 
“Because it’s for my own personal...use.” He grinned. 
I glared at him.
“How many....?” I demanded.
Jungkook shrugged.
“50...? 60? Definitely at least fifty.” He said casually. 
I stared at him.
“I wanna see them.” I said sharply. Jungkook sighed, like I was being a pain , which was so unfair it made me want to scream. 
“Areum, I-” 
“Jungkook?” A soft voice called from the outer office and I frowned when Jungkook startled. 
“Oh, hey... Sana..... Come in.” His voice had shifted into something mild and pleasant and I felt my hackles rise. 
“Oh..hello... Areum ssi...” The girl gave me a confused smile and I resisted the urge to fold my hands and demand what she was doing there. Instead , I moved away from behind Jungkook’s desk, grabbing a file. 
“Good afternoon Sana ssi.” I smiled.
“I’m sorry, I missed lunch, Sana.... I wanted to give you this. “ Jungkook pulled out a small envelope from his jacket, smiling an absolutely angelic smile at her. 
Sana looked suitably enthralled, her eyes trained greedily on his perfect face as she took the envelope.
“Oh.. are these--?”
“Tickets to my match on Sunday yes...” He smiled. “ I’m hoping you’ll be there.” 
I felt my lungs expand as I took a deep breath to calm myself down. The urge to screech like a banshee was increasing by the second. 
“Oh, I’ll be there for sure. I’ll be cheering you on from the front row, Jungkook !!” She all but bounced on her feet, looking positively giddy with excitement as she bowed to both of us and literally floated away. 
I waited till she was fully gone before turning on him. 
“There better be another envelope in there with my name on it.” I gritted out. 
Jungkook grinned wide at that, eyes dancing with mirth. 
“In my jacket? Not really. But there’s something much better in my pants with your name on it. Want me to whip it out for you baby?? “
He grabbed the edge of his belt buckle, tugging the leather out of the hoops and I glared at him. 
“You are out of your mind if you think I’m going to be okay with you letting everyone watch you fight but  me. That is just unfair and uncalled for.” I snapped. 
Jungkook was still tugging on his belt, but he paused to give me a look.
“What’s in it for me?” He said softly. 
I frowned.
“I’m not going to enter a deal without an equitable pay off....Its obvious that you’re really turned on by the thought of watching me fight . So unless you give me something I’m thirsty for.... I’m not going to indulge you,” He said casually. 
I laughed in disbelief. 
“There is literally nothing I’ve denied you in bed , you're crazy to even suggest -”
“I haven’t fucked your ass yet.” He said casually. 
I could feel myself turning red.
“No.” I hissed. “ Absolutely not.”
“Why the hell not?” He frowned.
“Because it fucking hurts. I’m not going through that again.” I snapped. 
Jungkook groaned like he was in actual pain. 
“Baby, its hardly my fault you’ve never slept with a real man before me, is it? Why should I deprived the pleasure of fucking your ass just because those buffoons didn’t know how to do it right?” Jungkook’s voice was dangerously close to a whine and I resisted the urge to throw something at him. 
“I don’t fucking care...its a no. So drop it. ” 
Jungkook narrowed his eyes. 
“Fine. I’ll drop it. For now.” He muttered and then made a big show of thinking, “ alright fine. How about you let me tie you up.”
I stared at him.
“You literally do that every time we have sex.” I pointed out. 
“And I get to use my toy box.” 
I blinked.
“Your toy box.” I said , confused. He grinned mischievously. 
“You know the one...Big mahogany box  underneath my bed. The first time I showed you, you kind of screamed and called me a monster?” He grinned wide.
i had a brief flashback of an assortment of whips, floggers and gags. 
I shuddered. 
This wasn’t working. 
“How about this.... Either you get me those tickets or you don’t get to fuck me. At all.” I smirked.
Jungkook hummed.
“Why would you punish yourself like that love?” He drawled. “ You can’t live without my dick, the sooner you accept that the easier life is going to get for you.” 
The audacity of this bitch. 
I walked right past him , ready to stalk out,  but his hand shot out, gripping my elbow and pulling me into his embrace.
I struggled against his hold, but he brought both arms around my waist, flexing his muscles so I could feel just how futile it would be to try and break free. 
“Come on baby, walking out in the middle of negotiations...that’s just really poor etiquette. Think of the poor hostage....” He pouted , doe eyes wide and I nearly caved. He had no fucking business being sexy  and  cute. 
I laughed in disbelief.
“Hostage??....are you talking about your fucking ego....?” I stared right up at him , tilting my face when he moved to kiss me. His lips latched on to my jaw instead, tongue licking the skin there gently as he hummed . 
“No...I’m talking about my dick.” He grabbed both my elbows, swinging me around like I weighed nothing, one arm holding me in place as he pressed up against my back, hips rolling so I could feel the hardness of his dick right against the swell of my ass. “ Dude’’s feeling pretty darn trapped right now. Poor thing just wants to get inside you and ruin you baby, why you making it so hard for him...?” 
I elbowed him sharply, vindicated when the sharp edge of it caught something hard and fleshy. Jungkook grunted in discomfort but didn’t let go of me. 
“My little hellcat. “ He bit down on the juncture between my neck and shoulder, “You know why my dick is hard?”
“To match your cold unfeeling heart?” I snapped and he moaned in mock hurt. 
“Not fair baby...I have the kindest heart... Soft heart, hard dick....That’s literally my entire persona.” Jungkook nuzzled my neck .  
I fought the urge to laugh . 
“So why then? Because I’m within ten feet of you? Isn’t that all it takes usually?” I muttered, wincing a bit when his teeth sank in a little deeper.
Jungkook let out a soft chuckle.
“Normally I’d agree but today... I’m so fucking hard because you looked like you wanted to claw Sana’s face off when I gave her those tickets....” 
I flushed.
“Well, I just don’t think I should be the only one not allowed to see you fight.” 
“Or maybe you just hate the idea of any one else getting to touch my dick...because like I said...it’s got your name on it right baby?” Jungkook laughed against my ear and I blushed . 
“I still think its rude that you don’t let me come to your matches.” I grumbled. 
“And why do you think that is, baby? Why do you think I’m so adamant about you not being anywhere near me when I have something important to do...”
I didn’t reply, eyes fluttering shut when he suckled on the skin near my neck. 
“Its because I’ll probably lose..” He growled into my ear, “ Don’t wanna get knocked out in the first round because I was too busy staring at your pretty, pretty face and delicious fucking body... My only distraction, my  favorite  distraction.”
  I felt myself melt like an ice cream cone in the fucking sun. 
“Oh, fuck you....you honey-tongued son of a bitch...” I choked out, unable to fight the wide grin that was taking over my face. 
Jungkook chuckled in victory, hugging me tighter.
“So tell me.... Can I tie you up tonight? Get some of my favorite toys...Want to play in your sandbox....” He leered and I laughed despite myself. How could this man make the most innocent of phrases sound so fucking sexy.... 
“Only if you let me pick the toys.”
Jungkook let go of me and gently turned me around. He was frowning deeply. 
“Babe you don’t even know what their called.” He complained.
“But I can gauge how much damage they’ll do and that’s more important to me.” I pointed out. 
Jungkook gave me a thoughtful smile.
“Hmm....fine... But I get to offer the choices. “ He said softly. 
I narrowed my eyes at him.
“Okay, in that case you need to let me see every single drawing you’ve made of me... right now.” I smiled.
Jungkook grinned, already grabbing my wrist and tugging me back to his desk.
“Deal...but I’m gonna need you to sit on my cock and keep it warm while I show them to you..... okay?” 
I glared at him but he was already moving to the wide , comfortable chair behind the desk. He sat on the chair, manspreading and unbuckling himself before wriggling the slacks down past his waist and tugging his boxers down. 
I watched him reach in to pull out his hard cock ,  pumping the hard length of it a couple of times before smiling at me expectantly. 
“Horny bastard.” I muttered under my breath, before letting him maneuver me into his lap, fingers slipping up my skirt and tugging my panties aside , before lining himself up against my center. 
“Ready baby?” He kissed my cheeks fondly and I nodded lowly. He pressed a couple of fingers against my slit, dipping in just enough to make sure I was wet enough. I wasn’t dry per se, but it still stung a bit when he drove himself in with one swift stroke. 
“Oh, fuck...” I groaned when he entered me , the rock hard length of him cleaving my insides and making my tongue go dry. I clenched down on him, thighs beginning to tremble already. I gripped the edge of the table in front of me. 
“Maybe I should call Sana in now.? Huh baby...that’ll show her who this dick belongs to, right , angel?” He whispered against my ear and I moaned, a gush of arousal staining my thighs at his words., Jungkook laughed knowingly, wrapping an arm around my waist to keep me still before rolling his hips gently and settling inside me. 
“So baby, which ones do we start with.... Solo shots? ones with me....? There’s one of me fucking your pretty pink hole, maybe that’ll change your mind about letting me take you in the back...”
Author’s Note : I’m stopping here because the next chapter is just like 5k of porn and I wanted it to be a standalone chapter. 
Comments are love , Feedback is really appreciated. Send me your thoughts, ideas or even just scream about how hot Jungkook is....anything works. 
taglist : @veronawrites @aamxxrii  @brooky95
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if you guys wanna be on the taglist just lemme know...
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stepswordsen · 1 month
【KagePro】 KuroEne/SaeEne 🖤💛💙
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【KagePro】 KuroEne/SaeEne 🖤💛💙
【カゲプロ】 黒コノエネ/クロエネ/冴えエネ
My shadow wants to swallow up this dream of yours.
KuroEne was baby Sen's 1st ship that I was OBSESSED with as a 12 year old, and after 10 years, the KuroEne obsession is here to stay.
Snake x Bunny 🐍🐇
Ene's twintails look like bunny ears 💙
I came back to KagePro in April and got obsessed with Kuroha and KuroEne again, exactly as I predicted. Turns out I'm not immune when my meow meow mf gets handsy with my wife.
B*tches when Snake of Clearing Eyes. I'm b*tches! /lh
I first got into KagePro when I was 12 when I watched the Outer Science MV. Sidu's MV aesthetics and Kuroha's design drew me in immediately. Great design and song~
I'm obsessed with Meow meow mf charas. Black and white colour scheme and design aesthetics. Causes problems on purpose. Sen-core bastard cat. Smug chaotic edgy evil asshole character. Violent, unhinged, bloodthirsty and murderous. Arrogant with a huge ego that distances them from humanity (or social interactions).
All of my top fave masc charas are like this. There's literally no one with more obvious and predictable tastes than me LMAO 😭
Kuroha/Saeru, the embodiment of "Knowledge/Wisdom" as a dark evil cunning and malicious entity in KagePro, and the main source of conflict and tension in the plot, is so interesting to me.
With Ene, I'm very enamoured with her chara and design. The way the way she acts so cheery and self-centered in the hopes of Shintaro to open up more, how she wants to be someone else's friend to subside their loneliness, the same kind of loneliness she'd always felt back then… It also feels like over-compensation for her past regrets, wahh, Ene… ;_;
Rough sketch WIPs. I love their expressions here sm~ I started playing around with Gradient Maps cuz I love picking colours. My works tend to lean more saturated with high contrast, so I ended up going with a more saturated palette.
This shows my process for picking colours. The final one I ended up picking is the 1st one. It has a blue hue shift on Ene, red hue shift on Kuroha, and generally more saturated colours and higher contrast. The last one shows the colours I started with.
The more red + purple toned Kuroha has really nice visual contrast against Ene's cool colours (blues) in her design tbh~
I started off with a more muted palette (different from what I'm used to), but ended up going with more saturated colours cuz I think it fit the mood of the piece more. Though I think it'd still be fun to do both a Muted Colours and Saturated Colours version!
These doodles aren't refined, and just me roughly filling in the base colours on my sketches to get an idea of colours. Since Idk when I'll get to refine these drawings and clean up the sketch and lines
Shadow gate to love by Guilty Kiss is sooo Sen ship-core. It basically works for every Light/Darkness, Angel/Devil, and Narrative Opposites ship of mine. Oh baby shadow gay~ 🌈
KuroEne has such a unique context as a ship cuz it uses HaruTaka and KonoEne (my no. 2 KagePro ships), as a basis. Ene has a "special" relationship with the person that Saeru uses as his vessel.
KuroEne is like the equivalent of the evil sleep paralysis demon (in this case, evil sadistic parasitic snake) possessing past love (Haruka), or the person that you're conflicted about, but still have a certain kind of tenderness for (Konoha). Sadistic parasitic evil snake bf and computer virus gf
Ene already gets flustered around Konoha who is airheaded. So with Saeru, the teasing would just be merciless, cuz Ene is easy to rile up. ENE BELOVED…
I'll talk about the setting of my KuroEne AU. I'll put the rest of my rambles under the cut! I copy pasted these rambles from my side blog since it's pretty long.
KuroEne AU: Set-up
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Source: KagePro LN: 7 - from the darkness - Colour Illustration Source: Sidu's Mekakushi Dan Members Colour Illustrations
Ok, I'm just gonna ramble about the setting of my KuroEne AU.
I also included a summary for context just in case my non-KagePro mutuals want to tune in to read these rambles.
I just wrote this quickly before I go to sleep. I have more to say but I think this is a good starter.
In official KagePro media, the present day plot starts after 2 years, on the fateful day of August 15th (Kagerou/Heat Haze) Day.
The Kagerou Daze, the never ending world, swallows up people who die on August 15th, and gives those with especially strong desires, who are compatible with an Eye Ability, a substitute life so that they can return to the real world.
In most Routes, Saeru ends up orchestrating Haruka and Takane's deaths. One thing you'll learn about KagePro is that this guy (Kuroha) is responsible for almost everything bad that happens
Because killing them so that they'd come out with an Eye Ability, is a part of his plan to get the rest of Azami's snakes out of the Kagerou Daze and into the real world.
Haruka's death leads to the creation of Konoha, and Takane's death causes her to lose her human body and become a cyber girl named Ene
There are multiple different ways that a KuroEne AU could go, depending on the Route. KuroEne AU Routes are so fun to write, because any time I get a new idea, I can just put into a different Route (timeline) to explore all the "What if" scenarios that don't fit into a single Route.
Kuroha's Plan and KonoEne
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Source: @/x0401x
Mekakushi Dan Clear Files: (X)
Normally, the rest of the Mekakushi Dan members meet each other in the present day plot after 2 years, the fateful day of August 15th, the day Kuroha/Saeru plans to kill everyone.
Kuroha/Saeru's plan is to gather all the snakes with a new Medusa in the real world (bringing the rest of Azami's snakes out of the Kagerou Daze to the real world), and killing all Eye Ability users.
Then, he forces Marry, "the next Master," to rewind the world using the power of the Queen Snake, Combining Eyes.
In official media, Kuroha/Saeru usually possesses Konoha's body at the end of a Route on August 15th, the day he plans to proceed with the "Tragedy" and kill everyone.
I imagine that in my KuroEne AU, Kuroha/Saeru possesses Konoha's body MUCH earlier. Like, anywhere within the timespan after Takane and Haruka's deaths (1 - 2 years)
Because of this, Konoha and Ene usually end up meeting and befriending each other earlier. Ene recognizes Konoha as Haruka's game avatar from back then, and mistakes him for Haruka. Konoha asks if she has the wrong person, and Ene gets heartbroken at Konoha's seeming amnesia and inability to remember her.
Ene imposes a sense of distance around Konoha due to her conflicting feelings (he resembles the person she loved but isn't him).
In my AU, KonoEne establish a relationship dynamic of some kind (which varies depending on the Route), which either progresses to an acquaintance-ship, friendship, or intimate relationship.
Kuroha introduces himself to Ene for their first meeting in a Route
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Source: Sidu's 2016 Calendar Hanafuda Set
And then, at some point, Kuroha/Saeru possesses Konoha's body. At this point, when he introduces himself and makes himself known to Ene for the first time, he can choose what information he wants to reveal, and how much.
For example, Kuroha can choose if he wants to introduce himself as Black Konoha, and/or "Saeru," or whether to reveal it for later. (And he also chooses whether he wants to reveal his true identity as the Snake of Clearing Eyes.)
Ene later nicknames him "Kuroha" and "Saeru" to shorten the name.
He knows that the 1st one would be more familiar to Ene. To introduce himself with the 2nd one would make Ene more distrusting/suspicious of him.
He most likely doesn't reveal his true intentions (to kill the Mekakushi Dan) so soon, because he knows that if he does, Ene is (obviously) not gonna want to "play the game" (of being intimate with him) anymore, cuz it means that he is literally putting her and her friends' lives in danger.
Though, across multiple Routes, he probably does play around and experiment with the timing of when he reveals certain information, and how much.
I think in most Routes, Ene is suspicious of him at first, and asks about his intentions and what he's really after, and Kuroha/Saeru just tells her that it's too early to say yet, and that she will find out soon.
(Though, Kuroha could probably quell her suspicions with enough convincing, due to the massive amount of knowledge he carries)
KuroEne AU: Context
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Source: Mega Man Battle Network 6 (Rockman.exe 6)
In my KuroEne AU, Kuroha/Saeru, who has messed around with human technology and innovation, has been able to develop a humanoid android/robot body with human flesh that Ene can transfer into.
This concept is inspired by Mega Man Battle Network (Rockman.exe), specifically, the NetNavis (humans' companion AIs in this universe) from MMBN/EXE.
NetNavis can transfer into CopyBots (android bodies) for limited amounts of time, to move around in the real world. These CopyBots take the appearance of the NetNavi that transfer into it.
In my KuroEne AU, I imagine it's battery powered, but with every Route, he gets better and faster at making it. Like he improves the battery life over time, so it goes from lasting an hour to lasting a whole day, etc.
According to the KagePro LNs, Kuroha/Saeru has knowledge from everything from the start of civilization...
Shintaro in the KagePro LNs compares Saeru to "a living encyclopedia with a full grasp of everything from the start of civilization up to modern science."
That LN bit confirms that Kuroha/Saeru carries knowledge of the history of mankind and its technologies over (probably) millions or thousands of years.
Especially when scientists have made developments regarding wrapping living human-like skin onto a robot that can heal when cut.
If he carries knowledge from the start of civilization, so much knowledge that it's unfathomable to the average person, then yeah I definitely think he could get it done (especially for the sake of my AU).
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KuroEne's Intimacy
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Source: (X)
Scan: @/ayara-resara
Kuroha proposes that he has a solution for Ene not being able to move around in the real world, and introduces the little invention that he made, for her to test out, which Ene eventually agrees to, out of curiosity.
Ene feels a sense of gratefulness to him for allowing her to move around in the real world since it gets lonely in the cyber world, not being able to feel or touch anyone on the outside…
Kuroha gets to know and bonds with Ene, anywhere within this 1 - 2 year timespan, and at some point, Kuroha and Ene get intimate with each other.
Ene gives into the sense of longing/yearning that she feels for Kuroha/Saeru, a yearning for warmth and touch after being stuck alone in the cyber world for so long (in spite of everything - if she knows about his true identity at this point), which is in part caused by his vessel (being Konoha, who's in Haruka's body).
Kuroha knows how to react to her and what to say to her and how to act around her due to his knowledge, and so, seduces his S/O and tempts her with carnal pleasures, and they indulge in "the game/dance" of being intimate with each other.
Because Kuroha/Saeru keeps memories of previous Routes, he remembers memories of being with the Enes of previous Routes, and thus, knows how to react to her when talking/chatting with her normally, knows how to appease Ene's behaviours and whims, goes along with what she wants, knows how to get the responses he wants when he wants something from his partner (so he knows how to seduce them), and knows how to satisfy his partner in the context of intimacy.
Because of the knowledge he carries, he knows the context, past, Eye Abilities, vulnerabilities, etc., of every Mekakushi Dan member, and that includes Ene. So he'd definitely know about Haruka and Takane, and Konoha and Ene's context and relationship together.
The person who's her greatest enemy (whether she knows it at this point or not), very literally knows everything about her.
Kuroha's Nature
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Source: COSPA - Tsumamare Series (Keychains and Rubber Strap Charms)
Not only does he weaponize Konoha's body by using Konoha's body as a murder weapon to kill everyone at the end of a Route, he weaponizes words, too. Kuroha/Saeru uses "knowledge" as an advantage over his partner, and weaponizes knowledge. Actually staggering advantage. Because he knows almost everything.
Kuroha ships are like the only time I have ships where one party in the ship has THIS much of an advantage over their partner.
Therefore, as I said before, Kuroha/Saeru ultimately has a power imbalance with his partner (any Mekakushi Dan member that he could be paired with).
He has an overwhelming advantage over his partner due to his role (set-up as an antagonist constantly killing the cast) and capabilities. It is ultimately in his favour.
That fact in itself, that the power imbalance exists, isn't inherently a bad thing, it just means that you NEED to tread carefully with portraying Kuroha's ships. I always make sure to depict my ships with as much care as possible, and as healthy as possible.
Ene is one of the characters who is a really good match with him. Because making Ene more assertive and dominant in the KuroEne ship, and making them take turns in leading intimacy, with having Kuroha letting Ene take control through their bedroom intimacy at times, helps alleviate this power imbalance slightly.
Kuroha is literally so fucked up dude cuz even his twisted form of affection that he holds for his S/O (the Mekakushi Dan member who he's paired with), is still in a twisted, selfish, self-serving way.
Due to his twisted nature, he embodies Koi (恋), "Selfish love," "loving someone for their own sake."
Even when he caters to his partner's pleasures, it still ultimately caters to his pleasures the most. That makes him interesting, though. Someone so inherently dark and twisted and sinister, with selfish desires like that… 🥰💖✨
Misc Rambles
So I imagine, in most KuroEne AU routes, he reveals his true intentions either approaching the fated day of August 15th, or right on the day of August 15th.
There's absolutely a sense of betrayal that Ene would feel following the reveal of his true intentions - he built up a relationship with her, on purpose, just to drop the worst possible scenario imaginable.
Like let's be real. The reveal of "I've been killing you and your friends throughout multiple Routes (timelines)" just sounds like a nightmarish scenario, especially if you've been fucking this guy, like come on. 😭
And something that would make Ene get especially pissed at him, is if he decides to reveal that he was responsible for orchestrating Haruka and Takane's deaths in the first place.
(In official media, Ene sees Konoha for the first time, on August 15th, 2 years after Haruka and Takane's deaths)
Though, there are probably KuroEne AU routes where Konoha and Ene don't get the chance to meet each other - Routes where Kuroha/Saeru possesses Konoha's body before the two can actually meet, so when Ene sees who she thinks is "Konoha" for the first time, it's actually Kuroha/Saeru. With this kind of setting, he could even pretend to be Konoha, if he wanted.
And then on August 15th, he proceeds with killing the Mekakushi Dan with sadistic glee (and even his S/O - though if he's feeling nice, then he can spare them, since he doesn't need to kill everyone), and forces Marry to rewind the world.
Thankfully, due to the nature of Ene's body and predicament, she won't feel physical pain when he kills her. And then, a new Route (timeline) begins.
Previous KuroEne Posts
In my new post (this one), I wrote more about the set-up of my KuroEne AU.
My old post has some more rambles regarding some general ideas of my KuroEne AU (since I didn't feel the need to copy paste the same stuff here too)
Shadow gate to love by Guilty Kiss
Source: (X)
These lyrics work so well for ships like LimGuda, XanLena, IdaTatsu, and KuroEne.
The song sung by the sub-unit, Guilty Kiss, in Love Live! Sunshine!! My favourite version of Shadow gate to love is this fan-edit that pitches down the song to match the original voice actors’ voices, compared to their characters’ voices (which are higher in pitch)
Shadow gate to love is sooo Sen ship-core. It basically works for every Light/Darkness, Angel/Devil, and Narrative Opposites ship of mine.
It’s my song to fall back on if I can’t think of any other songs for my ships. I think it fits these 4 the best, though.
Oh baby shadow gay~ 🌈
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The lyrics of the song works for all of my meow meow mfs in general.
In KagePro, though, the mention of "Strong scented eyes" takes on another meaning cuz of the emphasis on EYES, particularly the Eye Abilities.
I also love the emphasis on the Light/Darkness aspect and seduction in the lyrics.
KuroEne: Kuroha seduces Ene by tempting her with carnal pleasures, and keeps the secrets of his plan to commit the Tragedy (killing the Mekakushi Dan on August 15th, Kagerou Day) hidden from her. He tells her "beautiful lies" in order to keep up his facade.
He decides to act tamer prior to the fated date of August 15th, catering to her desires and befriending and bonding her and spending time with her and actually getting to know her. They'd do soft and fluffy stuff like go to the amusement park together, play video games together, and eventually, get intimate with each other.
Due to his inherently dark and twisted nature, Kuroha/Saeru prioritizes his own desires and desire for immortality, and constantly keeps causing the Tragedy by killing the Mekakushi Dan, Marry's friends, forcing the time loop resets. He also believes that doing this allows him to be with his partner forever, because he can continue to come and meet them forever and ever.
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haru-desune · 2 years
CHARACTER BINGO!!! Gimme your thoughts and feelings on Juza, Chikage and Sakyo! ^^/
Oh... Oh boy... Okay here we go
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Like a brother to me wanna take him out for sweets and also to therapy. I just want nice things for him he's such a good boy and he's struggling so hard. I also get that he's got something to prove to himself as much as too the people around him like I feel that. Plus okay purple and gold color palette??? Letrerman jacket?? Soft baby smile when his guard is down? Peak character design baby! In other news I was gonna put the dynamic one down because he's got so. Many interesting groupings (his role as Aki's guiding light, how he fits in within the Hudosakisaka family, o-high shenanigans, his whole deal with Tenma, HIS WHOLE DEAL WITH BANRI). But ultimately he's so interesting on his own it felt unfair to mark that one.
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Look the man thought KIDNAPPED THE MC was a valid expression of grief. Bastard cabbage energy. Horrible person (affectionate), if he were real id marry him (derogatory). Chikagr is fascinating to me because his introduction is where A3!'s plot really begins to go off the rails, but it's somehow still believable??? Like don't get me wrong this man is unhinged but he loves his family so much???? And once he realizes there's people he can count on he channels all that energy into keeping them safe and happy and I can vibe with that. But also please put him under a microscope for my personal entertainment.
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Ahh our resident old man jfc.. I know this doesn't look like a lot on the card but honestly most my thoughts towards him don't really fit neatly into these categories. I LOVE how he started as an antagonist and genuinely threatening one in the first half of act one, and how he didn't lose that edge after joining the Mankai troupe. Like everything that made him formidable is still there, but now you get to see him be soft and dorky and find a proper channel for his regrets 🥺
I will say that while I like him on his own I like him SO much better when playing off other characters, especially since he personally knew the OG Mankai members. Of course there's his relationship to Sakoda, Azami, and the Ginsenkai group, but he also wears the hat of semi-reluctant troupe dad, and his whole deal with Izumi is so funny it's almost painful. But I think my favorite dynamic is hearing Yuzo and the other old troupe members call this grumpy 30 year old team dad with the heart of an octogenarian "kid" 🤣.
Despite all this I really admire Sakyo's role in supporting Izumi in her goal, even when he had to be the bad guy in the scenario. He's also very interesting to me because he embodies a very clear distinction between regretting your past and being ashamed of it, which is a journey he himself is on through the course of the game.
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