#I love when padawan are taller than their masters
toska-writes · 1 year
Хорошего дня или ночи! Я так рад, что нашел ваш аккаунт с вашими фиками, они просто замечательные.
Если вы не возражаете, тогда у меня есть просьба. Читатель - падаван Шаак Ти, и вместе с ней она или он прибывает на Камино, проводит там несколько недель, и читатель знакомится с 99 (этого ребенка так не хватает). Вы можете сделать что-то приятное и удобное. Вы также можете добавить маму!Шаак (я знаю, что вы пишете только с помощью клонов, но сделайте исключение, пожалуйста) и Кольт.
Заранее большое вам спасибо 😘❤️
I LOVE the idea of mom Shaak ti!
Summary: Shaak Ti has found herself with the company of a new padawan, with the new feet you seem to meet some very nice clones
Pairing: The Kamino parents aka Colt and Shaak Ti x GN padawan reader
Warning: NOT PROF READ, but so so much fluff
Word count: 1528
Notes: I have had such a writing block recently and honestly that’s why there hasn’t been many updates! I apologize
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The huge buildings were so daunting as the ship touched down with a thud, rain banged against all surfaces it would reach. The chorus of noises fell to the background as the ships door opened.
You were the only one that seemed to leave as you pulled your cloak around you tighter.
Chill winds nipped at any exposed skin while you traversed the slippery lading pad, the light died over the horizon line.
A figure stood etched out by the warms lights that flooded the facilities behind it. Other than the eerie appearance the silhouette only radiated a calming warm through the face.
A warmness you could use right now.
The torgruta was a lot taller than you expected. The sleek blue and white lekku reached far down her front as you came face to face for the first time with your new master.
Her eyes softened at your soggy appearance. “I’m master Shaak Ti, you must be my new padawan I’m assuming.”
She stepped to the side letting you in the dry building.
“I am.” You said with a renewed pep in your step following close to the side of your new master. “And I look forward to working with you.”
An arm draped around your shoulder and a gentle hand rub your arm trying to return some warmth back into your body.
A small smile traced your lips, your eyes returned excitedly up to your master.
With a chuckle returning your gaze she spoke. “And I with you, though I do wish these were easier times but there’s nothing we can do about it now.”
Growing deeper into the kaminoian facilities you watched as many clones passed, most seemed to be younger than the ones you’ve seen exiting the temple.
They all wore the same uniform and regulated haircut. Curious eyes stole glances as you continued to walk the halls. Every once in a while a simple wave was in order for the young clones, some gave timid waves back and others gave confused looks.
Master Ti’s cheeks warmed with the small gestures you gave to the younger clones. Her heart swelled slightly each time.
Some kaminoians stoped along the way either address master Ti with things you barely understood, or welcoming you to Kamino.
The kaminoians, despite their intentions spooked a young padawan like yourself.
Heavier boots echoed down the halls loudly approaching your position.
“Ah that must be Colt with a few cadets.” You didn’t have time to question Master Ti as a tall clone turned your way.
The daunting figure wore armor head to toe, a skull like pattern was painted on the helmet with the other colors being red and a pale blue.
This was the first clone you’ve properly seen and your back straightened at the sight of him.
The clones that followed behind, despite instruction, moved and tried to pear around one another too see the new person that was on their home planet.
When you see the same face everyday it’s good to something new.
“Commander Colt.” She said with a smile as the group stoped in front of you too. “I’d like to introduce you to my new padawan Y/N.”
You could feel the hard gaze of the Commander in front of you, with a sheepish smile you gave another small wave unsure of the formalities.
“Sir.” The clone nodded at you before he turned to the general. “You do know that your padawan is dripping all over the floor correct sir?”
A laugh rattled through the tall Torgruta, a hand landed on your shoulder. “We were just about to find a remedy for that Commander no need to worry.”
A few of the boys snickered at the exchange until the helmeted head shot around quickly making you smile slightly.
“Well sir if there’s time after I’m sure your jetti could show my boys a thing or too.” Colt looked between you and your master before you looked up at her yourself.
“If you want too my padawan you may.”
You pumped your fist into the air before saying. “I’d love to master.”
Master Ti wasn’t sold on the idea of a padawan on kamino learning from her but now she couldn’t figure out how she spent the days without the eyes on her.
“Until then Colt.” She nodded her head as her lekkus swayed.
“Goodbye Commander.” You bowed your head towards the clone the formality seemed right in this case.
His own arm raised from the stiff position at his side forming into a small wave of its own.
Weeks seemed to pass by in a flash, you followed Master Ti and learned many new skills from Colt along side a young upcoming group called the domino squad. They were definitely interesting to say the least.
It wasn’t until later into your time when your master instructed you too the mess hall, apparently there was someone you haven’t met yet and of course for a meal.
You scanned the room for anything that seemed out of the ordinary but only a few clones sat at the tables.
Your eyes focused on a figure slumped slightly over a far table in the corner. A broom and a bucket leaned against the wall. Two other clones seemed to be talking rather loud with the older one, until they spotted your quick pace over.
“Ah so you but be the new padawan.” The clone came into better view now. Wrinkles adorned his face and clearly he was much older than the others. He sighed was filled with relief as you stoped in front of him. “Would you like to sit down Y/N.”
“You know my name?” You asked taking the seat, the older clone seemed to relax slightly and leaned back against the wall along with his mop.
“Oh yes believe me I’ve heard much about you from the dominos.” He spoke with a slight laugh, his gravelly voice continued. “I’m 99.”
The old clone stuck a hand out which you hurriedly excepted with a smile.
“From what I hear you seem to be quite skilled with your training. I’m hoping you can teach those boys a few things.”
You laughed, it seemed like a grandpa talking about his rambunctious grandchildren with pride.
“They’re coming along-“ you started. “-gradually so.” This earned a laugh from 99.
The mess halls doors seemed to open wildly as younger groups of clones filtered in and many of the others off to other training.
The force felt lighter now with the rambunctious cadets and you could only smile. By the door a small group seemed to scan quickly before theirs eyes step on 99.
“Oh ho ho here they come.” Your attention turned back to the older clone with a smile on his face.
A group of 4 young looking clones bounded over. They couldn’t be much younger than you though from what you learned from your time on this planet was that that wasn’t the case.
They stoped wearily a few steps from the table, one with longer hair than what your use to seeing stepped foward slightly. “Made a new friend 99?” He asked cautiously.
“Boys this is Y/N, Master Ti’s padawan.” He gestured towards you.
One of the clones towards the back pushed foward, he seemed to be larger than the others but only had a goofy smile on his face.
“Woah your a Jedi?” He asked like a small child amazed.
You laughed before nodding slightly looking back towards 99. He pointed to each boy. “The one towards the front his Hunter, that’s Wrecker.” He pointed to the cadet right in front of you. “That’s Tech and Crosshair.”
One clone was lost in his datapad and the other seemed like he was trying to kill you with a glare. This group was an odd one before.
Lunch went better than most days. The cadets along with 99 seemed like perfect company for once during your meals. Many of the other clones were awkward or didn’t even talk.
At least a few of members of this squad seemed to enjoy it. One silver haired boy did not but hopefully that friendship will come with time.
You didn’t even notice the buzzing of your com link until the torgruta looked over the table.
“Ah so my padawan did take my instructions.” Master Ti’s airy words flew through the other conversations in the mess.
“Making some new friends dear?”
Your cheeks burned red as you stood to greet the master with a bow. “Umm yes Master, I guess I missed the start of training?” You looked up at her expectantly.
To say her face didn’t completely melt was an understatement, you had the Jedi wrapped around your finger. At least she new Colt felt the same.
“That’s quite all right my young padawan, why don’t you come find me after you and your friends conclude your meal.”
Without thinking you quickly shot forward and hugged the waist of the torgruta before saying. “I will, thank you master.”
“Of course my dear.” She spoke and then watched you return to your seat with an excited force signature around you. “Of course.”
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu @verybadatwriting @solstraalaa @ray-rook @ct-0113
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 4 months
hiiiii for your jukebox roulette I was thinking about a fic for Obi Wan based off the song Come What May sung by Obi Wan himself and Nicole Kidman. Maybe it can be an angsty one please
Hello Anon!
Thank you for this request, how could I not love it!
First it's Obi-wan, then the song is sung by Obi-wan, 'Come What May'. It's just all sooo Obi-wan and I'm here for it. I hope it's angsty enough for you.
Thank you for the request.
Love oo.
Come What May
Warnings: Held hostage, death, mentions of blood, regret, feelings of guilt, dead bodies, passing out, angst, some fluff, crying, anger, frustration. I think that's all of it, if I miss anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
This wasn’t supposed to be you, this wasn’t what you had wanted or what you had planned. You didn’t want to be an Ambassador or a Senator. Your goal, your dream, had always been to have a small plot of land, something you could grow herbs and vegetables, something out of the way and secluded. 
It wasn’t … this wasn’t supposed to be your life. 
You closed your eyes, unable to keep seeing the blood of the handmaidens who’d been by your side since you were forced into office, slaughtered before your very eyes by none other than General Grievous. Doing everything he could to get you to reveal your planetary defences. 
“You’re a monster!”
“And yet, you could’ve saved them,” he chuckled, coughing as he stepped around you, “tell me, Senator, who’s really the monster?”
The truth of his words hit you like a ton of bricks, your eyes focused on each of your ex-handmaidens faces, their sheer terror still imprinted on their cold faces. You killed them, you could’ve lied, given him some false information, kept them alive long enough for someone to rescue you, even if no one did. But you didn’t, you just simply refused to answer, and turned your head as he executed them one by one. 
Before you could even respond, the ship jolted as one of the engines exploded.
“Sir, we’re being boarded.” A B1 unit reported, Grievous was annoyed, destroying the B1 droid whose only fault was to have been the one to inform the General.
“Hello there,” a smooth Coruscanti accent filled the bridge, it filled you with hope, as you tried to focus on the man who held your heart. 
However, before you could see him,  you were knocked out, when debris fell from the ceiling, hitting a droid which subsequently collapsed on you, smacking your head on the way down. Making you fall to the ground, unconscious.
When you finally came to there were hushed whispers being traded back and forth.
“Master, you should really be stepping up to stay?”
“What? Isn’t the Senator your girlfriend?”
“That’s… we are friends. Have been for a long time.”
“Right. ‘Friends,’ because I always look at my friends the way you do.”
“What? Did I get it wrong? Would it be so wrong?” 
“Anakin …” Obi-wan rubbed his forehead, ”attachment is forbidden.”
“How can you deny what is clearly in your heart?” Anakin was more annoyed with his Master. 
“Because it is what I must do.”
You cleared your throat as you looked at the two of them. They both froze slowly, turning to look at you. Your eyes locked with the older Jedi of the pair, his cerulean eyes burrowing into your own. You wanted to push away the pain that you had felt in that moment, overhearing the conversation between the two. 
“It was you that breached the bridge, Obi-wan? Right?”
“Yes, Senator.” Obi-wan bowed, “It is a pleasure to see you again. You may remember my padawan, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.” He pointed to the taller young man. You simply nodded.
“Did…” you fought back the tears, “Did any of my … handmaidens survive?” The look on their faces told you all you needed to know. You were the monster. Grievous was right. “Thank you, for … rescuing … me.” You cleared your throat, “Neither of you need to stay here. I’d prefer to be alone right now.”
Obi-wan and Anakin bowed and left you alone, as soon as the door closed Obi-wan turned back to the door, stroking his beard. Concerned over the emotions he was feeling from the Senator. 
“Alright, Anakin, you win. I’ll guard the Senator, you go and do what needs to be done. Update the Council on our progress, I will stay by the Senator’s side to gather more intelligence and report back as soon as you can.”
“Yes, Master.” Anakin bowed and headed to the bridge, grateful his Master decided to finally be honest to himself.  
Obi-wan waited outside of your med room, he could sense your grief, your guilt, and your utter feelings of hatred. His heart clenched in pain, he wanted to comfort you, to wrap you up in his arms, to let you know, none of this was your fault, but his feet kept him grounded. He always told you, come what may, he’d be there by your side, yet now, here he was on the other side of the door trying to stay as close as you’d allow him to, maybe he’d hoped for too much. 
Even if you didn’t want his presence near you, the very least he could do at the moment was stand by, ready to be of service to you. He settled against the wall as time ticked by, when he sensed her will to live absolutely crumple. 
The door opened as Obi-wan peaked his head through, you glanced over to him as you wiped your tears.
“Can I come in darling?”
You shrugged, annoyed not necessarily with him, but with everything.
He was careful about coming over and took a seat at the end of the bed keeping his distance, “Would you like to talk, my dear?”
“I … I …” it was all you were able to get out before you broke down crying. It was all too much, the kidnapping, the deaths, the fear, the adrenaline, why was this your life?
Obi-wan didn’t hesitate, he pulled you into a hug, picking you up, cradling you to his chest as he moved closer to you, and sitting back down on your med bed. 
“Shhh, it’s alright my dear.”
“No. It’s not.” You let out through broken sobs.
“What’s not?”
You sat up and moved out of his arms, although truthfully it felt rather nice to be in them. “None of this is all right! I hate this job! I hate this life! I’m responsible for the deaths of seven people. SEVEN. And because I represent our people in the Senate, I have to deal with assassination attempts. NONE OF THIS IS ALL RIGHT! I WISH I COULD DIE!”
He pushed off the bed, his heart breaking into a million pieces as the person he admired and loved for so long was falling apart in front of him. The only thing he could do for you, was to wrap you in a tight hug and never let you go.
“Don’t say that. Please.” His voice trembled, fear gripped his heart, “I need you alive, my dear. I need you alive. Please don’t say that.”
Your voice was muffled as you responded to him, your face buried in his chest, “Why? You … you can’t be by my side… we both know ….”
“Come what may. Remember? I always said come what may, I’ll be there, I will …” he couldn’t finish that sentence. The minute he did he was making a decision he couldn’t back away from, “Until my dying days, I’ll be here.”
He pulled back to look at your face, gently brushing the tears out of your eyes, he didn’t know if it was because you were at your wits end, if because you clearly hadn’t wanted this life but were doing the best you could, or maybe it had to do with the fact that you looked absolutely beautiful in this moment, but all he could think about was how gorgeous your lips looked and how tempting they were.
He slowly leaned forward, tilting your head to meet his, his breath mixing with yours as you both stared into each other’s eyes. You leaned in closer, only to hear the door slide open, you pulled away from Obi-wan wiping your tears, as Anakin stepped with news to share. 
Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal @crosshair-is-the-superior-clone @totallyunidentified @griffedeloup @leotatombs @leotawrites
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darthgloris · 1 year
Our Padawan II
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x fem!Jedi!reader
A/N: inspired by the last fic (and by my undying love of The Lion King), here comes the heartbreaking sequel! This actually started out as a scenario that I replay in my head when I'm bored and now I'm finally writing it down! Enjoy
Warnings: angst, family dynamic, platonic!Ahsoka x reader, heartbreak, sadness, death
Summary: The trio's next mission is on Anakin's home planet, Tatooine. In a moment of free time, Ahsoka is practicing her lightsaber skills on her own, while Y/N and Anakin spend some alone time together. The Padawan's training routine is interrupted by a Sith plot, and when her Masters run to rescue her again, something goes terribly wrong.
Song: Stampede - Hans Zimmer
Our Padawan // Our Padawan III
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"The mission is finally over," Y/N spoke, stretching her arms as she looked out at the sandy Tatooine landscape. "I'm way too tired to go back right now."
"Well, how about we take a break here?" Anakin suggested. "We could leave in a few hours."
"That sounds great," she grinned at her boyfriend, knowing exactly what he planned on doing. "Ahsoka, are you tired?"
"Nope." She quipped. Her energetic nature never seemed to falter.
Anakin chuckled, expecting the answer. "Then go practice. Maybe one day you'll actually beat me with a lightsaber."
"Show-off." Y/N muttered fondly, rolling her eyes with a small smile.
"All right." Ahsoka beamed, walking away.
"Don't wander too far away, Padawan." She called as the young girl turned around to leave.
"Okay. I'll see you guys later." She said and began to walk away.
"Hold on there, Snips. Aren't you forgetting something?" Anakin asked with a soft smile.
"Oh, yeah!" She exclaimed and ran back to hug him. He smiled down at her as she clutched onto his robes, chuckling softly.
Then she rushed over to Y/N, who was already sitting on a picnic towel. Ahsoka, who was now taller than her Master, rested her cheek on her head during the embrace.
"You run along now and go train." She smiled as the girl grabbed her lightsabers and walked away.
Anakin walked over to the towel and plopped down next to her. With a small grunt, he pulled Y/N onto his lap and laughed when she squeaked in surprise. She adjusted her position before pressing a few open-mouthed kisses to his lips. She looked into his big, blue eyes and smiled softly, her mind wandering as she lovingly traced his scar with her delicate fingertips.
"Hey," he said softly, diverting her attention back to his eyes. His sincere, sweet eyes. "She's going to be fine."
"I know. I just... can't seem to get it out of my head. I had never been so scared in my entire life." She replied sincerely.
"I get that. But she promised us she'd be careful. And I promised you a nice trip, so..." he said, pulling his hands off her waist to gesture at himself. "Here's the highlight of the day."
She laughed at his antics before giving him another kiss, this time sinking into him as they both slowly fell on the floor.
Ahsoka turned off her lightsabers with a huff, resting them on the ground before sitting down. She wiped the beads of sweat off her forehead and sighed, resting under a tree's shade.
The Padawan frowned when she heard a rumbling coming from the distance.
The ground began to shake and a few pebbles moved, as she looked up to the cliffs, and a gigantic herd of Banthas descended into the gorge at a speed she thought impossible.
She gasped, her body nearly frozen by fear.
Before they could trample her, she stumbled onto her feet and ran away as fast as her legs could carry her, and whimpered in fear whenever they seemed to be close enough to step on her.
She almost tripped over her feet as the sand filled her airways, delaying her fight-or-flight response.
Y/N laid in Anakin's arms, her head on his bare chest as she heard the commotion. She sat up and gazed at the gorge in confusion. Anakin soon followed and, with a small huff, tried to see what was going on.
"What's happening down there?" Rex wondered out loud, approaching the couple.
"I have no idea." Anakin said.
R2-D2 beeped repeatedly. There's a stampede in the gorge. Ahsoka's down there.
The Jedi Masters immediately looked at each other in horror.
The girl's heavy breath mixed with whines of worry and small sobs of fear.
Once in a while she looked back to see how close they were, and every time it looked like they were closer and closer to trampling her dead.
She caught sight of a dying tree and immediately leapt on it, clutching onto the thickest branch as if her life depended on it.
Because it did.
Y/N never remembered running this fast, ever. Her heart thrummed with adrenaline as Anakin dropped his robes to the ground while he ran.
Rex rushed ahead and took as much care as possible to run through the cliffs without falling, looking out that gorge for the Padawan.
"Rex, help me!"
His ears perked up as he saw the young girl struggling to hold onto the tree, her grip faltering by the second. She tried to wrap her legs around the branch but failed almost every time, only succeeding in slipping off further. "Your Masters are on the way! Hold on!"
"Hurry!" She cried.
The Jedi ran over to a ridge and fearfully inspected the area. Rex came back and pointed to a spot further away, while they craned their necks to try to find her. "There, on that tree!"
Y/N gasped as she saw her Padawan on the verge of falling off. "Hold on, Ahsoka!"
The scream she got in reply was enough. She jumped off the ridge and onto a smaller one. Anakin grasped her arm and gave her a pleading look. She got on her tiptoes and kissed his lips quickly, letting out a small "I love you" before jumping in between the Banthas.
Anakin gasped and leaned over the ridge as much as he could, supervising his girlfriend's moves. "Rex, go back to the ship! Comm Obi-Wan and report the situation!"
"Yes, General Skywalker!"
He looked back to the scene as Y/N ran past the tree, where Ahsoka was hanging desperately, using every bit of strength she had left to not let go. She then turned on her heels and, between the rumbling and the sandy clouds rapidly forming, went back in the direction of a tree.
She tripped on a small rock and dropped to the ground with a groan, then shook her head and looked up as a Bantha broke the tree, sending the girl into the air with a scream. She gasped and jumped to catch her in her arms, holding onto her tightly as she tried to beeline back to safety. She bumped into another Bantha and fell to the ground, dropping Ahsoka.
The Padawan opened her eyes and whimpered as she tried to avoid the running animals, moving and flinching whenever one ran past her. She looked back and caught sight of Y/N and felt something grab her as she closed her eyes, wishing it could all go away.
The Jedi Master avoided the Banthas and with a few hops, grabbed onto the ridge with one arm and set Ahsoka down next to Anakin with the other. She began to sigh with relief, when suddenly she was pulled back into the stampede.
Their fearful eyes combed through the herd, looking for their companion amidst the chaos. As after a few second passed and nothing happened, Anakin began to tremble at the thought of having lost her, while Ahsoka's eyes desperately scoured the zone.
A flash of off-white robes sprung out from the clouds of sand and grasped onto the rocky cliffs, now too tired to use the Force, and used whatever small ledge possible to climb up. Anakin felt himself relax almost entirely as he held his Padawan protectively in his arms, relieved that it was almost over.
"Come on, Snips, let's go help her up." He said and hopped on the bigger rocks, Ahsoka following suit.
With a tired grunt, Y/N clutched onto whatever rock she could, now grasping onto the edge of the precipice; her feet began to slip as she looked for any room to lean on and climb up. As a shadow approached, she looked up in relief, hoping to see Anakin.
"Dooku?" She panted, outraged. "This was- mphh - you..."
The Sith didn't answer, just stepped on her fingers, making her groan in pain. "Chancellor Palpatine sends his regards." He kicked her hands off the edge.
She screamed out as she fell through thin air.
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breakfastteatime · 1 year
Today's request is for @serena-darrin, who chose 'Are you okay?' (¬‿¬)
Sometimes, Cal wonders if the Force is punishing him, because of all the cabins he had to walk into on the entire Venator they’re scrapping, he’s stepped into a long-dead Jedi’s bedroom. It’s dark, the power long since cut, and yet that doesn’t stop Cal from seeing the single bunk identical to his own, a desk covered in study materials and the training tools, and a robe hanging over a locker. All of them are markers of a life torn away.
And now Cal’s got to gather it all up and throw it away.
The echoes in here hum and sing, voices bleeding into the present. He’s not getting through this without smashing into the past. It’s too loud, too demanding. First things first though. Cal sticks his head into the hallway. Good, no one’s coming. He blocks the door with the trash can anyway. Better safe than sorry.
He goes through the room carefully, tossing the training aids he wouldn’t be able to use anymore away, feeling the determination and pride clinging to them. His body wants to move with the memories, feel the satisfaction of perfecting a new skill. He still remembers how easily it all came to him compared to the others in his clan…
It hadn’t helped at all in the end. All that studying. All that training. For what? Master Tapal’s dead and the Jedi are gone.
Cal makes good progress, tossing the past into the trash. He knows this was a Padawan’s room, although she’d been far older than him and preparing for knighthood. Her life slips through his mind in a wash of emotion and chatter. She was so sure she’d pass the Trials, so excited for the end of the war and a return to peace. Cal throws away her mementos: a holoimage of her and her master with their troop, a carving depicting a bird Cal’s never seen before, a selection of pressed flowers, more clothing several sizes too large for him along with space for arms he doesn’t have… It’s all useless now. Anyone seen wearing it would probably be shot dead on sight.
The dead Padawan’s datapad lights up when Cal touches it, a half-finished message popping up. ‘Be back on Coruscant soon, according to Master Day. Can’t wait to see you! Maybe we’ll head to the lower levels and –’ Cal tosses the datapad into the trash. It doesn’t matter. None of it matters. She’s dead. Her friend is dead. Their masters are dead. All the Jedi, except for Cal it seems, are dead.
Cal’s deep in the storage locker when he feels something unexpected buried under a pile of wrinkled robes. His hand slides under cloth, fingers closing around something cold. Metallic. Wrapped in leather.
“Master, I think it’s time.”
Master Day looks up at her, brown eyes crinkling with a smile. Not so long ago, it would have been the other way around, but she’s had a growth spurt and all the aches and pains have paid off. She is taller than her beloved master, and it is time for another change.
“My lightsaber hilts are simply too small. It is affecting my performance. With your permission, I would like to spend some time redesigning them.”
“Of course, Padawan. After all, I can hardly enjoy beating you in sparring if your lightsabers are so small they fall from your hand, and you burn yourself on the blades.”
She is nowhere near Master Day’s level, and such a thing will not be happening anytime soon. But someday, maybe… “Master, when I beat you at sparring, you will have to petition the Council to knight me on the spot.”
Master Day’s laughter is rich and full. “Young one, if you are still a Padawan by then, you will be the oldest to have ever lived.”
Cal breaks free of the memory. He can feel himself smiling, heart swelling with love and joy that do not belong to him. They fade steadily, leaving him in the dark with a pair of hilts that no longer house kyber crystals and the Jedi who built it long gone.
He tosses them in the trash and pretends it doesn’t tear something out of him to do so.
By the end of his shift, the cabin is empty, ready to be stripped tomorrow. Cal pushes his trash cart outside. Cold rain pelts him as he tips its contents into the ever-hungry Maw. He trudges back, ready to catch the train. Prauf’s there, and he waves him over. Cal joins him.
“Hey Cal.”
“Hi, Prauf.”
Prauf stares at him. “Are you okay?”
Cal shakes himself. Nothing can be done. The past is the past, and he must accept that. “Yeah, I’m fine.” He makes himself smile. “Long day.”
“Hah, ain’t it always!” Prauf pats him on the back. “C’mon, let me buy you a non-alcoholic beverage of your choice at the Rust Bucket.”
“Feeling flush?” Cal asks as the train pulls onto the platform.
“I wish! Nah, you look like you could use it.”
Cal blinks back a sudden rush of tears. “Yeah, okay. Thanks, Prauf.”
“Attaboy. No booze though. I’m not dragging your drunken ass back home.”
“No booze,” Cal says, even though a few hours of oblivion sound pretty sweet. “You got it.”
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hi, so, there's this headcanon I've had about Gungi for a little while and seeing him in the bad batch trailer prompted me to share it :)
(btw go watch the trailer, it's SO good)
So, do we all remember that arc in tcw where Ahsoka gets captured by the Trandoshians? If not, quick recap. Basically, they capture her during a mission and drop her on this island to hunt her for sport. She meets former Jedi younglings there and they try to escape together. One of their plans is ambushing the drop ship when it comes in to bring more prey. They fail, but the prisoner on the ships just so happens to be a Wookie (Chewbacca, actually, if I remember correctly). Now that's all good and well, but you know what surprised me? Ahsoka spoke Wookie.
I mean I get that Jedi learn different languages in order to understand different species and people around the galaxy but Wookie seems awfully specific for me. We never really see her on a mission on Kashyyyk (unlike Obi-Wan who spoke the Twi'leks language and is regularly seen with Orn Free Ta and on a mission on Ryloth) or interacting with any other Wookies. Except for Gungi.
We see them interacting in the Kyber Crystal arc and it got me thinking.
Supposedly Ahsoka is nearing the end of her Padawan Training and expects to soon become a Knight. Which makes sense if you think about it. When she first became a Padawan Anakin thought she was too young, but Yoda disagreed. Despite her age she was ready to be a Padawan on a skill-based level. Throughout the show we see people saying how she's more skilled than her peers. An early knighthood is just as plausible as her early padawan training. Take the Wrong Jedi arc. by the end (at the age of 17) she was offered knighthood. she turned it down, but that's not my point
Long story short? My headcanon is that Ahsoka was scouting Gungi, hoping to make him her student when she becomes a knight and he a padawan. And I would have LOVED to see it.
Just think about it!
Ahsoka seeing this skilled youngling and immediately learning to speak Wookie so she can give him proper training.
Her watching him extra carefully during his Kyber Crystal Trial (or whatever its called)
eventually it's time for her knighthood and for Gungi to be assigned a Master and she just nags and nags and nags Obi-Wan about bringing it up in a council meeting till he finally concedes but you can't just become a knight and then immediately get a padawan ahsoka
but anakin did, Master, why am I any different? he trained me!
*sigh* I am aware, knight tano
anyway eventually they become master and padawan and suddenly Gungi has ETERNAL bragging rights, because his master is Ahsoka Tano, former student of Anakin Skywalker, part of Yodas goddamn disaster lineage
eventually he grows taller than her, but it takes a while because her montrals also still keep growing so it doesn't count, my young, inexperienced padawan and everytime Ahsoka has to interrogate a perp she is good cop and just talks all nice and calmly to them until they eventually do something incredibly disrespectful, so she calls her student for help in handling this perp. They fully expect a small togruta child to show up and suddenly this massive Wookie is just absolutely TOWERING over them
First time Mission with the rest of disaster lineage + Rex goes absolutely south and there is an endless amount of arguing, meanwhile Rex and Gungi stand off to the side like yeah its always like this kid
Rex thinks there's finally a second reasonable person there but PLOT TWIST, Gungi lives for the drama and is spilling tea with Obi-Wan in 2 days time (he also began learning Wookie as soon as Ahsoka started nagging him)
Even Rex learned the language, but SOMEHOW Anakin just,,, didn't get the memo and never learned it so everytime they're in a room together it's just,,, uh... u good bro
*responds in Wookie, telling him he's having a rough week*
nice to hear trainings going well, pal, keep it up
*stares into the camera like he's on the office*
and somehow they kill palpatine, destroy all the chips and are a disaster family till death doth them part
the end
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battlekilt · 1 year
The thought of Commander "Not My Vod'ika" Cody being the first person to step between dogpiles on Anakin and everyone else.
Not that he won't hold Skywalker accountable. Just...
Let's back up and let me explain, as I've done with @spacingstars and I think @ninjigma:
My current thought process is Cody being grumpy around Anakin and about Anakin, but in that playful way he is about Obi-Wan, just more... Anakin is little brother. Despite being... 2–4 inches taller than Cody, depending on how tall I make Anakin. Anyway.
It comes down to the concept of Cody also being a very observant young man, and he not only knows Kenobi well, but he's also figured out how both his General and Rex's space wizard tic.
Specifically, Cody knows that when General Kenobi gets anxious and starts on his own spiral, he becomes incredibly self-critical, and when it comes to Anakin... it often comes down to him listing his criticisms about Skywalker. What Anakin struggles to see and Cody has figured out is that Kenobi gets hung up on Skywalker's shortcomings because Obi-Wan holds himself to blame.
When Obi-Wan starts in on Anakin, he's driven by a need to make sure he's done well by Anakin, and anything not smoothed out in his Padawan is ultimately, as the Master, his fault.
If there is a kerfuffle when Rex and Anakin's relationship is revealed, it isn't hard to picture Obi-Wan doing an Obi-Wan and laying in on Anakin. Our Chosen One would, of course, start to weep, and get sulky.
This means little can be done to address the actual issue. Cody's solution? He probably has many. Most of the time it is to distract the Jedi Master. However, this is the same Clone who bodily flung himself at Grievious. Meaning, he isn't above distracting Kenobi by picking a verbal fight.
However, most likely, I see Cody showing his calm, simple, military focus and just... in so many words, telling Obi-Wan to calm the eff down. Usually, it is Cody who is the hot-headed one between them.
Cody's actions as a buffer isn't just to aid his General or keep focus on the issue. It is also... Skywalker may not be his General of choice, but he is... Little Brother, and Anakin is Favorite Little Brother's Jedi "Little Brother" General—and for some Force-forsaken reason—that Favorite Little Brother has chosen to...
That's as far as Cody will let me write. He will make commentary under his breath about how he "raised" Rex better than this. To which, the Captain will remind his illustrious brother that they didn't become friends until they were roughly 9 years old (18th cycle); Cody didn't raise him. Or remarks about how he thought Rex would have better tastes—"What would you rather, Cody? General Kenobi?"
Cody just has to say:
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Either way...
The idea of Cody being both Mr. Grumpy Cat Commander that cracks jokes about Skywalker being chaos on two legs, but he'll also:
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Because, as with all Little Brothers—Don't hit his little brother, it is HIS job to hit his Little Brother.
And if this is Favorite Little Brother's Chosen One(TM)—Is this who Rex has decided to make The Stupid Face(TM)* to? He can't have Kenobi self-sabotage himself AND the Obnoxious General, can he?
Look, I love imagining Cody and Anakin's friendship as complicated and multilayered—it fits with Anakin, and it fits with how I characterize Cody. I think they deserve a relationship that isn't what it seems, but it has a good foundation.
Why? At the core, I don't like the Clones being the super informed Mindful Ones who do everything right, all the time. But, I do like to explore how they are absent of some of the same foibles we may have, and can't been infected with certain social ails the way we have—e.g their relationship with the concept of Gender being very simple, basic, but mutable and adaptable. Or that they haven't been inducted into the galaxy's larger rape culture. On one hand, I love the idea of them being socially impressionable, but also... sheltered in a way that makes it easy for them to put aside some things. So, they pick up on things quickly.
They aren't experienced, well-informed, and quite progressive like the Jedi Order would be. However, they also aren't burdened with the same bigotry others have because they grew up incredibly sheltered and isolated.
Thus, Cody does not see the point in dressing Skywalker down, while everyone is in an emotional statement, to the point where emotions continue to escalate detrimentally. It does more harm than good, makes it harder for them to go through the issues later, and just...
It is that remnants of Cody's childhood:
Never hurt another brother.**/***
PLEASE DO NOT USE the Cody emoji. It has been used here with exclusive permission by its creator, @ninjigma. If you want to use their pewpewCody and other adorable emojis, become a Patreon of theirs and join their server.
notations under the cut
*The Stupid Face is the Clone colloquialism for... basically, heart eyes.
**Certain military regulations and their mandated punishments are another thing. Don't be a traitor, and don't desert—though, to Cody, deserters ARE traitors.
*** From Legends, we know that the Kaminoans had VERY strict rules about the Clones being prematurely harmed. It took a lot for Jango to get them to permit Commandos to be trained with live-rounds at all.
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o-wise-corvid · 2 years
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Chapter 3
He’d never been held like this. Carried. Moved. Yes. But this is different. The man’s hands were strong, gentle and make Maul feel safe. Nothing could touch him here. He hoped.
The man’s name. Mace. Mace and Maul. The same sounds. Maul liked that. He didn’t know why. Tired, physically and emotionally, the little boy leaned his head over onto Mace’s shoulder.
The Jedi let him.
A skinny, but strong, arm looped around Mace’s neck. The Jedi let him.
And when Maul fell asleep before ever seeing food, the Jedi let him do that too. All day.
Waking up on the Jedi’s chest was strange. Maul had never been close to another person before. Not this way. He liked it, how gently the world around seemed to have made up its mind to treat him. But it was strange.
Sitting up in the dark, Maul watched the Jedi sleep. He didn’t look anything like The Man. That was good. Then Maul’s stomach cramped and he pressed a hand over it. He was hungry. Which was hard to believe with how much food he’d been fed since coming to this place. Every day. Several times. Did everyone here eat this way? So much.
Slowly, he slipped off the sleeping man and crept toward the door, peering out curiously. Maul felt he should stay with the Jedi; Mace would keep him safe. He wasn’t sure why he felt so sure of that, but he was.
But… he was so hungry.
“Hey… you okay?”
Maul jumped, almost crying out in fright. Another person peered out at him from another room down the hall. This one had hair. Dark. And dark eyes. They smiled. “I’m Depa. Mace is my Master. I’m his Padawan… you’re Maul. He let me see you but you were asleep.”
The… person stepped into Maul’s full view and he tilted his head. This one was even more different than Mace. Younger. Smaller. But… built differently. “You… are different,” was all he could whisper. Depa grinned, her nose wrinkling. Maul liked that. He smiled a little, too, bashfully.
“I’m a girl. Have… have you ever seen a girl before?” Maul shook his head. “What is a girl?”
The girl paused, seeming to not know how to answer. Then she shrugged. “Well, many people use the word to indicate females. You’re a male. So you’d be called a boy. I’m a female. So, I am called girl.”
She walked over and crouched down; she was a good bit taller than him. “I sense you’re hungry… You want a snack?”
“It means “a little something to eat”. But not enough for a full meal.” The girl held out her hand, giving a little “come here” waggle.
Maul hesitated. The thing in Mace that connected with and instantly comforted… it wasn’t here. But… she was with Mace. So. Maybe that meant she would also keep Maul safe?
She seemed nice.
Not like The Man.
And she had snacks.
So Maul took her hand.
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Depa beamed when she saw him. Maul wasn’t an exceptionally tall man. But neither was he short. She could remember the teasing she’d gotten the day he’d surpassed her by an inch. Oh, the boy had been so proud.
The two Jedi eyed one another mutely for a moment, ignoring the bustle of the spaceport around them. And then Depa launched herself into Maul’s arms.
He caught her, chuckling. That was a relief. After he’d taken the path of a Shadow, she’d feared their relationship would wither. Most Shadows cut their ties with Temple life; even their Masters seldom heard from them. But Maul kept in touch with her. And with Mace. And his criticism of the Order was never aimed at them. No. No, Maul loved them. She knew that, deep inside herself.
“Oh, I’ve missed you,” Depa confessed, reaching up to touch Maul’s face. As always, gestures of affection gave him pause but he softened almost immediately. “You’re not eating enough. Are you sleeping well?”
“Depa, if you inquire about my bowel movements I will simply have to leave.” But he was grinning at her, having delivered his greeting in that ridiculously polished voice of his. “You have become a ditherer. They should find you a Padawan soon to relieve that.”
“Oh shut up, old man.” The two laughed and embraced again, not caring at the stares and whispers their interactions were arousing. Depa had learned long ago that Maul needed things that the usual practices of the Order would not provide. Master Windu had explained as much. And to be honest, she preferred this. There should be no reason that she couldn’t love Maul as a little brother. Greet him as family.
They were family.
“Come. You’ll stay with me and Master? He would’ve met you himself but he’s very busy.”
Maul wrapped Depa’s arm about his, patting her hand securely. “Of course. I… I have missed you, sister.”
Depa blushed at the title. Maul didn’t often use the word. That made it all the more precious. “Are you well? You know we both worry when the comms are so hard to send.”
“I am well.” The words were assuring. And while Maul did look tired, Depa knew that was frequent. She also knew he’d probably been restless with anxiety about returning to Coruscant. “The gang activity on Savareen wasn’t difficult to quell. Simple and swift. When you contacted me, I was about to visit Tatooine. The Hutts can always use a little meddling with.”
“You, Maul? A meddler?”
“Shocking, I am sure.” Upon arriving to the Temple, Depa kept her firm grip on Maul’s arm.
The Jedi were not a monolith. There were conservative and liberal movements within their ranks, as well as those like Maul. Those outside. Their unlucky lot was that both sides looked down upon them. They walked their own path, not that of reform or tradition.
Yan Dooku, on his way elsewhere in the Temple, paused and eyed the pair. Maul’s jaw tightened, the muscle jumping out under his skin like a rope being snapped taught.
“Ignore him,” Depa cautioned.
“Tell the old fart to stop eyeing me like I’m some kind of well-bred livestock.”
Master Dooku didn’t break his elegant, noble’s stride. But his meticulously shaped brows curved in displeasure.
“Ignore him, Maul. You don’t want Mace to see you like that.” Depa nodded when the Zabrak’s shoulders relaxed and he nodded.
“Come on. I’m hungry.”
“You’re always hungry,” Maul snipped, poking Depa in the cheek.
She laughed. And they hurried on. “Of course. Why do you think I know where all the snacks are?”
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naturesbeat · 1 year
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name: shaak ti nicknames: master ti, ti species: togruta gender: cis female, she/her sexuality: lesbian age: verse dependent, 43 as of the clone wars occupation: jedi master mtbi: isfj, the defender enneagram: type 9, the defender
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eyes: a pale lavender gray, wide, somewhat angular. lips: full, white, parting to reveal fangs hair: none, instead her species bear horn-like appendages called montrals that flow into head-trails. they are white with blue stripes. body: she is taller than average for her species, sporting a hourglass figure toned by years of jedi training. most wouldn't know it just by looking at her, as she tends to wear layers of robes. she favors warm tones in browns and reds, with the occasional gold accent and pattern from her native planet of shili. scars: small cuts here and there from missions over the years. noticeable features: aside from her montrals, her species are also known for their markings. shaak ti's are white, covering two prominent spots over her eyes, her lips, and forming striped patterns over signifigant portions of her back, shoulders, and thighs.
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patient and wise, shaak ti is by all appearances a model jedi. of few words, she prefers to listen before making her opinions known, and is often reflective of the problems facing the jedi and the galaxy at large. she places an extreme emphasis on unity — a by product of her species pack like nature. the togruta of shili commune deeply with nature, and shaak ti views the laws of nature — such as survival of the fittest, adaptability, and the circle of life and death — and the will of the force as one and the same. she believes that everyone must do their part for the greater whole.
while she prefers to solve her problems with words when possible, she is not adverse to acting when necessary. time and time again she is seen to act swiftly and decisively. in keeping with the ways of the order, she puts her emotions aside when making these decisions, even in the face of one such as her padawan’s killer. after the fall of the order she seeks not revenge, allowing the force to guide her forward.
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following in traditions unbroken for millennia, shaak ti was taken to the jedi temple upon being identified as force sensitive. there she was raised, taught as a padawan, and eventually attained the rank of master. over the course of her career she trained two learners of her own, both who died shortly upon attaining the rank of knighthood. though she mourned their passings, she did not linger on the grief. even so, she resolved not to take another learner, instead serving as a consular and diplomat in the years leading up to the clone wars.
a participant in the battle of geonosis, she was there at its start and participated in many battles afterwards, including the battle of kamino where she was stationed. elevated to general in the grand army of the republic, she oversaw the production and training of the gar clones until she was called back to coruscant.
following order sixty-six and the fall of the jedi, shaak ti goes into hiding on the planet of felucia. there she acts as a beacon of light among the ambient darkside.
from there, she eventually joins the rebellion after the destruction of the death star, acting as a pilot, healer, or in any other capacity they may require. only leia, and in time luke, know of her history and true identity.
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JEDI COUNCIL: these are the people Shaak Ti is closest with, having spent a majority of the clone wars on the council herself. i would love to develop deeper bonds with her fellow jedi masters.
CLONES: having been stationed in kamino, she spent a considerable time among the clones and regards them all as unique souls in their own right. she remembers each of their names and trials.
LUMINARA: my preferred ship for shaak ti. having lost padawans of her own, i believe she could sympathize with luminara. the two share a similar demeanor as well, and would make an excellent team. hmu if you're interested in exploring this dynamic!
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jedifisto · 3 years
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I’m late to the party but here it is!!! (I blame exams for that) Thank you @penguinkiwi for your excellent headcanons as always :DDD
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stardust-kenobi · 2 years
Part 1
Obi Wan Kenobi x F!Reader
Warnings: mention of death, order 66, mutual pining, fluff :’), a lot of dialogue, light smut
A/N: please note! I wrote this right after the premiere so these details may not line up with the show as episodes progress. I am basing details off the trailers and the first two episodes :) SO, of course, spoilers!
Word count: 2.8k
Gif cred: @general-kenobis
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The weight of a boulder settled hard into your stomach when you caught sight of something you never anticipated to see again. A bustling crowd blocked your view for seconds at a time. You abandoned your browsing in the market to make your way toward the sight, ensuring that your eyes did not deceive you.
There he stood, that stoic man, his deep golden strands falling comfortably against his cheeks. You immediately noticed some speckles of gray that were coming in nicely. The relentless rays of sun had starting pulling at his once smooth skin. His piercing eyes had not caught yours yet as his hooded disguise limited his range.
Despite the several seconds of doubt, there was no denying it now. It was him. Your Master. The one you were told had died at the hands of his own men, troopers he trusted with his life…Before the galaxy plunged under rule of the empire.
The rambling of noises from the other patrons in the marketplace were suddenly drowned out as his gaze became magnetized to yours. It was as if he felt your presence instantly. The corners of your lips perked slightly, and you offered a subtle nod. There were inquisitors littering this planet, hunting for Jedi. You couldn’t risk that, not now. Not when you’ve just discovered that he still lives.
You spent months mourning your Master, ignoring the rules of attachment and throwing away almost everything he taught you. An awful coping strategy, certainly, but forgetting who you were was the only way to ease the pain.
You pulled back the tears that threatened to pool in your eyes. You wanted to do nothing more than full sprint into his arms and hold him close. Even when you were his Padawan, that would’ve be over the line, but you didn’t care. You loved him.
Obi Wan nodded slightly to the right, quietly communicating to you to follow him. You kept your distance. There were too many people in Mos Eisley to hold a reunion here.
The suns nearly blistered your skin and sweat soaked your face. After walking for what felt like hours through the relentless heat, you approached a rock structure with a small opening. He stopped abruptly and awaiting the all-clear signal from a stationary droid.
“Y/n” he breathed out with relief as you led you into the cavern. The temperature dropped significantly as you were shielded from the elements. You took a brief notice of your environment and realized this was his home.
“Oh, Obi Wan” you almost sobbed, but swallowed your tears.
Before you could think about your next step, your arms threw themselves around his neck. You expected hesitancy, but he fell into your embrace, wrapping his strong arms around the curve of your back.
“My young Padawan…I thought you were dead” he whispered against the top of your head.
“Everyone said you were gone, Master. They said you were killed by your own men” You choked into a light sob, unable to hold it back any longer. He felt your despair and simultaneous relief and pulled you tighter against him.
“I’m alive. I’m here” Obi Wan consoled you softly.
“I’ve missed you. Stars, I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you right now”
“I feel the same. I thought my eyes had played a trick on me when I saw you.” He chuckled, “or maybe the suns had finally drained my sanity from me”
You both slowly pulled away from one another’s embrace, and you stared deep into his weary eyes.
“My, you’re even more beautiful than the last time I saw you”
You blushed. You’d always had a crush on him, but hearing those words set your skin on fire.
“I’m taller now, too” you joke, remembering all the times that Obi Wan poked fun at your height.
“Really? I don’t think so. In fact I think you might be shorter” he teased. You smirked and playfully rolled your eyes. You looked around the room, assuming this to be his home. It was desolate, quiet, but also open to threats.
“Are we safe?” You asked quietly.
“There is no such thing as safe anymore. Not for us. But I don’t have to tell you that”
"By new standards of safety, we are fine here"
You nodded.
“Where have you been?” He inquired, still entirely baffled that you found him.
“Travelling. Holding myself over with small jobs. Hoping that no one recognizes me. What about you? Have you been on Tatooine this whole time?”
“Yes, 10 years now”
“Why here?”
“It’s…complicated” His brows furrowed together, a look of pain in his eyes.
“Okay. I won’t pry” You smiled warmly at him, knowing there’s no reason to press into his business after a decade of no contact.
“It wouldn’t have been my first choice for refuge” He admitted regretfully.
“I would imagine not” You said, feeling sorrowful for what he must’ve been through. You know this, because you’ve been through those things, too.
“I can’t believe you’re alive, y/n” he whispered, “I thought I’d lost you and Anakin both. This whole time I-…I thought I’d failed”
“He’s gone. Lost after the attack on the Temple.”
Your heart sunk deeper with every word. You knew Anakin had to be dead, but hearing the confirmation plunged a blade through your already fragile heart. You two were not incredibly close, but you often trained together and through the years you’d grown quite fond of him.
“Obi Wan, I’m so sor-“
“Don’t. This is not your fault” He firmly assured you.
“You did not fail, Master"
His words, however, certainly failed him in that moment. He needed to hear someone tell him he wasn’t to blame. No one had been able to rest that thought in his mind. Obi Wan struggled to comprehend that you stood before him after all these years. You brought a sense of comfort to him that he never believed he’d feel again.
“Without your teachings and guidance I wouldn’t have made it out alive” you reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He tensed for a moment before allowing your gentle touch to sink into him.
“How did you-….You were at the temple when...?”
It all came back with just the simplest question. You took in a deep breath and shut your eyes tight. You looked around, noticing the only place to sit besides his bed, and pulled the chair closer. Obi Wan joined you in the only other chair he owned.
“I hid. For a long time,” You paused, forcing yourself to relive the traumatic moments, “As time progressed, it got quieter and quieter on the other side of that closet door. Screams were hushed, blasters were put away…it was just me...”, You stared away from him, finding it hard to walk through that night again. “I found a scared youngling and we escaped together. Snuck on a cargo ship and got the hell out. But not without a few too many close calls” You stopped again, fighting back the years that crept up. “The youngling, though, I….I lost him. Turned away for a second…he was gone when I looked back”
“What was his name? Did you know him?”
“No...I did not know him. He was too scared to tell me his name. We couldn’t communicate very well anyways. He was very young” You trailed off, looking down to your fidgeting hands resting atop your lap.
“I’m sorry”
“He looked like Master Yoda” You smiled in reminiscence, but sorrow hid beneath your expression, “But I don’t think they were related”
“Grogu” Obi Wan made a sudden realization. He must’ve remembered the little guy.
“Is that his name?” You asked, unsure if this was a name or a place that Obi Wan had identified.
“Yes. It had to be him. He was the only other one of Yoda’s species that I’d seen in the Temple before” Obi Wan said, stroking his beard as stared off into his own thoughts.
You sulked noticeably as you felt responsible for his probable death.
“I’m sure he’s alright, Y/N”
You knew that couldn’t be true, but for the sake of changing the subject away from your horrific experience, you nodded in agreement.
“What brings you here to Tatooine?” He asked after a bit of empty silence.
“I'm a roamer, I take any transport I can hop onto. Just happened to end up here.”
“I see”
“I haven’t been back to Coruscant,” You began, “I don’t know if I can ever go back”
“You shouldn’t. That place is lost”
“It hurts, Master Kenobi” You sighed, unable to avoid the only topic of conversation that seemed necessary for such an unexpected reunion. The pain of reminiscence was the price you had to pay.
“Please” He said, stopping you in your tracks, a painful look struck his features, “Obi Wan is fine. The days of the Jedi are done"
His tone took an unexpected turn. You were taken aback, offended by his dismissal of the Jedi. He called you his Padawan, what changed his perspective so suddenly? You, too, had lost your sense of pride in that identity, but hearing your mentor utter such denial was gut wrenching.
"How can you say that?" You scoffed at him.
"Is it not the truth, Y/N?" He spat back. The rush of emotions you both felt in this moment were pushing you both to the edge. All the loss and grief was catching up to you both in a single conversation.
Your mouth fell open, but you found yourself speechless. He was right. You looked back down at your lap, not knowing what else to say. He seemed to calm suddenly as he took a deep breath.
"I’m sorry. You look well" He mentioned, breaking the tension.
"Thank you. You do as well" You smiled innocently back at him.
He giggled, knowing that to be only a formality. He did look...different. But by no means did he look bad. Still as handsome as ever, just a little rougher around the edges. Ten years and constant fear of incarceration and death will do that to a man. Not to mention the damage that Tatooine's environment could inflict on a human.
"So, do you travel alone, darling?"
Your cheeks were undoubtedly a fiery red. He'd never called you 'darling' before.
"Um...yeah, for the most part"
He tilted his head in curiosity.
"I trust that you are always safe"
"Of course I am. Learned from the best" You kindly teased.
"I taught you many things, but I don't believe I ever got around to teaching you how to avoid imperial inquisitors. You must be on high alert from now on. They are everywhere"
"Oh, I know. I had a close call recently. Let's just say I am glad that I was a woman, and the inquisitor happened to be a man...who enjoyed the company of women"
He snapped his attention to you in shock. He was wise enough to read between the lines and know what you meant. You figured if you had the body to persuade an imperial inquisitor to let you go free, why not use it to your advantage? Obi Wan tried to cover up his jealously, but you noticed it immediately.
"Not very Jedi of me, is it?" You winced, afraid of the judgment to follow.
"Certainly not. Gods, you are going to get yourself killed" He angrily snapped, his protectiveness overpowering his attempt to sound firm.
"Possibly" You pondered.
"I mean it, Y/N. Keep yourself safe. Alive" He emphasized.
"For you, I will"
"Good. I can't lose you, too" He whispered mostly to himself, “or…again”
"Forgive me if this is too forward, but I feel as though I have a lot more to live for now that I know you're alive"
He smiled and refused to tear his gaze away from you. You felt a familiar tension arise that often made itself known when you found yourself alone with Obi Wan. It was a burning tension that warmed you from the inside out.
"Truly, I have missed your sweet face, dear Y/N" He confessed.
His calloused fingers trailed to your lowered chin, and he gently lifted your face up to him. You remained there, lost in the blues of his eyes, wondering if his heart was beating as fast as yours was. You swallowed hard, wishing that you were still in touch with the force so you could communicate silently to him, kiss me.
However, the two of you did not need the force to sense what you both so desperately desired from one another.
Your mouths fused together on impact, your mutual hunger intertwining your lips with such a wonderful passion. A fluttering tingle radiated throughout your entire body as he placed his hands against the sides of your face, pulling you deep into his kiss.
You'd imagined this moment since he first took you on as a Padawan when you turned 18. However you never imagined this interaction would occur under these extenuating circumstances.
His lips twisted with yours harder now, his hunger for you grew deeper within, and he did not know how to stop himself from devouring you right then and there. Obi Wan brought a hand to the curve of your waist and pulled you forward out of your seat. With a leg on either side of his spread lap, you straddled him, satisfied with him taking the lead so you didn't have to.
There was no denying how bad he wanted you, especially after feeling the hardness pressing against where you ached so desperately for his attention. You moaned into his mouth, and his arms gripped you tighter in response.
Your hands explored his unruly hair before moving your fingertips down the veins in his neck. You then rolled your hips against the bulge that was restless beneath you. He groaned so rough, you thought you might melt immediately.
For years you wanted this feeling... the sensation of his hands roaming the surface of your skin, his need for you being ever-so-evident. The overwhelming feeling crashed over you, sending your mind into a euphoric frenzy. The restraint you held as you made the decision to pull away was a challenge.
You smiled down at him, your lips only inches away from his, hovering there without another word spoken. How long had he wanted to do that, too? You both needed not to say a word about it now. It happened, and you'd never dream of wanting to take it back.
His fingertips traced through your hair before falling down your back, leaving chills in their path.
“I’ve waited 10 years to do that” Obi Wan breathlessly admitted to you.
“Me too” You responded while your racing heart refused to slow.
There were more moments of silence, but there was not a single second left empty.
"I won't overstay my welcome, Obi Wan" You broke the silence, your words barely grazing a whisper.
"I'd prefer if you did" He responded, his eyelids fluttering in disbelief that you were finally in his arms.
"Stay with me, please" Obi Wan pleaded.
You were stunned and unable to respond. Did he really want you to stay? Were you both so lonely that this seemed like a good idea even if it wasn't? Truly in that moment, you did not care, you just wanted to be near him and never be separated again. You’d just injected the worlds most addictive drug, and there was no turning back now.
"I don't have much space and Tatooine can be absolutely brutal. But I can't let you walk away. Not yet. Please" He continued, not allowing his plea to go unanswered.
"Okay, yeah, of course. Thank you” You accepted, overwhelmed with gratitude. “Truthfully, I wasn't sure where I was going to sleep tonight"
"I don't have much of a bed but you can sleep there. I will be okay on the floor" He smiled up at you as you continued running your fingers through his hair.
"This is your home, Obi Wan. Please, don't go out of your way to accommodate me. Besides, I have slept in worse places than a sandy floor" You giggled.
"That confession is also concerning to me. But, no matter, you'll take the bed."
"Obi Wa-" You objected.
"I insist, really."
"Okay. Thank you"
You stood to your feet and noticed he was still obviously turned on but you looked away to prevent causing him any embarrassment. This sight alone turned you on, but now was not the time. He nervously cleared his throat and adjusted his hips to hide his arousal.
"Would you like some tea?"
"Yes, please, that sounds lovely" you graciously accepted your role as his guest, settling back into your chair as he walked to his small cupboard to prepare your drinks.
This was something you could certainly get used to, toughing it out in the outskirts of Mos Eisley, spending your every second with your mentor, but that was a fairy tale you could not entertain right now.
I kinda want to make this a series?!
UPDATE: part two is up!
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padawansuggest · 2 years
AU where Force Ghost Qui-Gon has chronic dad syndrome and keeps barging in on every one of Obi-Wan’s lessons, always with Luke around lookin confused till Obi tells him that’s his master who raised him in the temple, while Qui-Gon being near him causes the ghost of Obi-Wan to sorta age younger, till he’s a lil 13 year old standing at Qui-Gon’s side, hanging off his master’s hand and trying to stand on Qui-Gon’s feet to get bigger again. He pouts and tells Qui-Gon he doesn’t appreciate being little again in front of his baby nephew. Luke is absolutely delighted when Qui-Gon sits and pulls him into his lap and tells Luke ‘he’s always been like that. One day you’ll end up with a student taller than you, and get a complex about it too.’ Obi-Wan just squawks about that, using his tiny lil pointy elbows to shove into Qui-Gon’s incorporeal (to Luke) stomach, clambering all over him like a tooka till he’s comfy and wrapped in Master’s robes.
Yoda eventually wanders by and whacks them both with his gimmer stick, which somehow manages to touch them in the force, yelling at his former padawans to stop cuddling and teach the boy, or stop bothering him entirely. Luke tells them he loves the distraction. It’s nice to see that uncle Ben wasn’t always an old hermit in the dunes. Obi-Wan turns his cute lil nose up and delicately sniffs, saying he’s always been antisocial. Qui-Gon agrees. People (and animals) are drawn to his little force flame, but too many drains Obi-Wan’s batteries. Poor boy.
Basically I just want Obi-Wan being all ‘I can be good teacher in the force!!!’ And Qui-Gon wandering past all ‘lmao is anyone gonna cuddle him? He needs some’ and now him and force ghost Mace are constantly fighting for the privilege of cuddling Kenobi during Jedi Story Time. Luke loves it.
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maes-flowers · 2 years
For them, for us [5] (Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader)
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Summary: Following the Kenobi series, two former Jedi masters Obi-wan Kenobi and Y/n Marilla are grieving the lost of Anakin, Padme, and the jedi purge. After pledging to watch over Luke Skywalker and spending ten years in exile and making a life together, what will happen when the mistakes they made in their past come back as a new threat?
Warnings: Violence, injuries, signs of PTSD (dissociation), flashbacks (shut up I have a problem), light fluff??, idk I think all the serious warnings are out of the way.
Authors Note: We’re getting closer to the end!! not that close tbh I plan to make a chapter or two more before its over and since each chapter is about 20 pages.... lets just see there will be more of Y/n and Obi-wan! but if you are liking the series so far and want to be on the taglist please comment down below!
Prologue - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
“You're a great Warrior, Anakin, but your need to prove yourself is your undoing.” 
You had been training with Anakin and Obi-wan at his request to learn more about fighting other force users outside the familiar techniques of his master and you happily obliged. Anakin and you were similar in many ways; stubborn and lacking some emotional stability but fierce and loyal almost to a fault. Anakin kept you on your toes, the padawan unpredictable to the point it created a vortex of adrenaline and joy to engage in a duel with.
The Coruscanti sun was high in the bright blue sky as a light breeze blew in through the open training area as Obi-wan stood across from Anakin, holding his young apprentice's lightsaber after successfully disarming him.
“Until you overcome that,” Obi-wan said, deactivating the lightsaber and handing it back to Anakin. “A padawan you will still be.”
You saw Anakin's face fall at his words, although you know Obi-wan's words rang true, Anakin has been training very hard and it seemed Obi-wan could not bring himself to praise the younger boy even though it's very clear he is seeking it.
Obi-wan smiled as Anakin patted his shoulder as they walked up to you,  leaning against the wall with a content face as Obi-wan came up to you.
“Care for some tea, Y/n?” Obi-wan offred and you shook your head.
“Not today Obi-wan,” you declined politely. “But I would like to steal your padawan for a moment, if you don't mind.” Obi-wan and Anakin shared a look before you chuckled.
“I just want to give Anakin a few tips, nothing serious I promise.”
“Ah, I see.” Obi-wan nodded, ever so full of poise. “That is fine with me, I will see you both later I assume?”
You and Anakin nodded and Obi-wan shot Anakin a look that screamed ‘Behave’ before he left the room, you turned to Anakin and waved him over.
“What tips did you want to give me, Master Y/n?” Anakin asked, not hiding the dread on his face as he prepared for another lecture.
“Besides the fact your ponytail is coming loose? Nothing.” you said, placing your hands on the taller boy's shoulder and turning him around. Taking out the stretched out tie holding the grown out honey brown locks, finger combing the slight tangles in his hair before retying his hair back.
“Much better.” you hummed. “These ties are absolutely vile, I’ll give you some of the ones I made the next time I see you.”
“I'm sorry Master, I'm confused.” Anakin said, turning back to face you. “You have no tips for me?”
You clicked your tongue as you crossed your arms.
“I was finding Obi-wan’s tough love act a tad annoying today, so I wanted to pull you aside and tell you how good you're doing. Against Obi-wan's belief I don't think giving you a little praise for your hard work will overfeed your ego.” you teased lightly, enjoying  the slight tinge of pink bloom across his face.
You grinned at his slight embarrassment and patted his bicep.
“You are doing very well Anakin, you're much farther in your training than I was when I was your age in fact I was having almost weekly meetings with the council.”
That fact caught Anakin's attention, his brow rising  in interest ever so slightly.
“How come?”
“It took me a long time to control my emotions, I was impulsive and reacted with my heart instead of my brain more often than not and the council did not approve of me for a long time.” you shrugged.
You still did most of those things even as a master but not to the point it caught the attention of the council like it did when you were younger. 
“What i'm trying to say Ani, is that i'm very proud of you and the man you are becoming and no matter how much Obi-wan acts like he doesnt think the same it is in vain because he is also very proud of you.” you smiled at Anakin's face of doubt. “Trust me, what do you think we discuss over our daily tea breaks?”
“Perhaps the very obvious feelings you have for each other?” Anakin teased and you scoffed when it was your turn to blush and ignore the statement
“You're on your way to becoming a wonderful Jedi, perhaps the best of us.” you said, patting a gentle hand on his young cheek.
“I- Thank you master.” Anakin stuttered out.
“No problem, shall we go watch Obi-wan's face when he finds out I stole the rest of his tea this morning?”
Anakin grinned widely.
You woke up from your dream to a hand on your face and the soft call of your name. you blinked tiredly as your eyes adjusted to the light around the ship and saw Obi-wan crouched in front of you. His knuckles grazed gently across your face as your brain woke up.
“Hey, are we back on Jabiim?” you asked, voice groggy as you sat up.
“We’re landing right now,” he said.
On cue the ship clanked loudly on the ground as it landed, jostling you a little bit as you stood up. You saw Leia standing behind Obi-wan, she hasn't left his side much since they first got on the ship, she looked up at you and waved.
“You look like you fell out of a tree.” she observed. 
You frowned and looked at Obi-wan, his lips quirked up just slightly as he reached up and smoothed out your hair that had fallen out of your braid. 
“Is that better, Princess?” you grumbled.
“Yes it is.”
You heard the hatch to the ship open and the three of you followed Roken out, you could hear the hushed whispers of the others outside.
“We got her.” Roken announced as Obi-wan led Leia down the ramp,  you followed suit as the crowd let out relieved sighs, happy to know the empire didn't find out about their plans. Tala went straight to Ned-B and Sully went to her friends, but you recognized a peculiar face in the large crowd.
“Haja!” you exclaimed as he walked up to your small group.
“Haja, what are you doing here?” Obi-wan asked.
Haja shrugged.
“I had nowhere else to go, right after I saw you, I got into a fight with that scary inquisitor lady and now I'm wanted by the empire.” he smiled slyly. “But now, I know what it feels like being a real jedi.”
“Not as fun as you thought, huh?” you said.
“No” Haja frowned. “It's not easy, the place has a good business opportunity though.”
You rolled your eyes and shoved him away gently.
“Don't you dare!” you called after him as he walked away.
Obi-wan urged Leia to go play with the other kids while the two of you went to speak to Roken, maneuvering around multiple people before you found Roken.
“Roken,” Obi-wan called out. “That transport, we need to get back to Alderaan.”
“Once we get all these people out of here I'll do whatever you want, they've been waiting for months. We used an old trade route to get them out but the windows are closing, we only have a few hours.”
You looked around, parents comforting their scared children, friends helping each other pack frantically, people helping the older people with anything they needed. You weren't the only people desperate to get home, to somewhere safe.
“Of course Roken.” you said. “We’ll do anything we can to help.”
 As Roken went to help others you wandered around the small hectic base. Helping the occasional child shove one more item they insisted they needed into their small pack filled to the brim and helping Tala load the transport with food and medical supplies. The anxious shuffling from everyone's feet made the dust from the ground rise up, creating the slightest haze in the air made an annoying itch appear in the back of your throat.  
When you found Obi-wan standing in front of the wall of carvings you hovered behind him slightly, watching him read the hopeful messages from formors Jedi and survivors from the last few years.
“Seeing those makes me feel a little less alone.” you said softly, coming to his side.
Obi-wan looked over at you before he turned back to the wall, his piercing blue eyes scanning over the carvings as if they held a secret in them.
“The light will fade, but it's never forgotten.” he muttered to himself and you would never say it outloud but the words reminded you of him. The light in his eyes had faded drastically since everything had happened, you didn't blame him for that and you still loved him dearly but you would never forget the man he was.
You were sure he thought the same about you as well.
A loud rumble above you pulled you from your thoughts, looking up you saw the doors that allowed the transport to come in and out close.
“Oh no,” you said with dread.
You and Obi-wan ran back to everyone else, people now scrambling around frantically more than before.
“What's happening?” Obi-wan asked.
“The controls aren't responding.” Sully said panicked.
“And an imperial destroyer just arrived in orbit above us.” Roken added.
“She must've tracked us.” Tala said and you shook your head.
“It's not her, it's Vader.” you swallowed.
“He wants us to surrender.” 
“If we surrender, he'll kill us all.” Sully said.
“No, he’ll attack next. He hasn't the patience for a seige.” Obi-wan corrected.
“How do you know?” Roken asked.
You and Obi-wan shared a worried look.
Because Anakin Skywalker never practiced patience during a single day of his Jedi career and you were sure that trait did not burn away with him when he became a sith. That was the only thing that was predictable about him in battle.
Obi-wan watched you and Anakin now, slowly circling each other like a lion watching its prey around the rounded shape of the room. You kept yourself relaxed, keeping a calm stride in front of the younger boy but kept your lightsaber ready. While Anakin was practically vibrating with energy, his legs twitching as if they were warming up to attack or run.
For Anakin it was always an attack.
“There's your first mistake, Anakin.” you pointed out. “Your presentation.”
Anakin raised a brow as he continued to sidestep.
“What about it?”
“Anxious and defensive, even before anyone strikes and even when you always strike first.”
“I do not.” 
You could hear Obi-wan's faint snort behind you.
“You do, you hate anticipation.” you said. “The first hit can tell you a lot about a person and their instincts,  how they attack and how they handle themselves; The first strike provides a small advantage but if you wait and then strip those advantages? Better odds at winning.”
“Do you truly believe a real enemy will wait to attack? Come on Master Y/n even that is foolish thinking.” Anakin replied.
“It's not hesitation as much as it's calculation, as a former fool I can confidently say fools rush in and the wise wait.”
You stopped walking, and dropped your guarded stance, your lightsaber coming to your side now, and you saw that twitch in his leg again and you sighed.
Every single word you just said went in one ear and out the other.
Right on cue Anakin came at you, arms raised with his lightsaber above his head so he can swing down at you. Stepping under his arms, you appeared behind him, your legs moving quickly to do a back kick, your foot planting right into the center of his spine and making him stumble.
“Right there!” you exclaimed, bringing your leg down as Anakin turned back to you. “You aimed high, struck quickly and at my head. Now I know your advantage is in your upper body strength. While you know none of mine!” you activated your lightsaber and blocked Anakin's attempt at a sudden attack. Your lightsabers crackled excitedly as you shoved him back. He reacted quickly and swung out his blade in a wide arc, using the force to elevate your jump. You leapt over his blade, your feet pounded loudly on the ground when you landed.
“Anakin, you're not listening!” You scolded him.
Obi-wan turned to the worried crowd, his shoulders straightened as the familiar look of the confidant negotiator; calm, eloquent, and steadfast. A glimpse of the younger Obi-wan you knew years ago shining through for a moment.
“Everyone,” Obi-wan spoke loudly, grabbing the attention of the others. “Everyone, I understand you're scared. The empire will attack soon. they're stronger than us, better equipped, better trained. If we try to fight them we will not survive.”
Okay, you could've been wrong about the old Obi-wan shining through, his attempt at a speech making you grow more uneasy than before.
“But we do not need to fight them. We just need to hold them off long enough to get you all out.”
Obi-wan turned to Roken.
“Roken, how much time do you need to override the doors?”
“Three, four hours.”
“You have one.” Obi-wan asserted. “And block every other remote access.” Obi-turned his attention back to the crowd.
“Everyone else, we're gonna lock down every other entrance in this facility. If we defend our position together…Then by the time they get inside, we’ll be gone.”
Roken clapped his hands together once.
“You heard him. let's move it people!”
You went to help the others seal the doors around the facility for the next hour, using the singing heat from your lightsaber to weld the metal to the doors. When you were welding the last piece to one of the main access points a large shot slammed against it, the force of it denting the mental slightly as you stumbled back. 
You ran to Obi-wan, Tala, and Roken.
“It's a heavy gun, they're trying to blast through the outside door.”
“Roken, we need those doors open.” Tala said as Roken tapped on his datapad. The gears above you strained loudly as it tried to separate but ultimately groaned to a stop.
“That was underwhelming.” Haja groaned.
“Wonderful input Haja!” you exclaimed sarcastically at Haja who pointed at the vents.
“Has anyone gone into the vents to see what was going on?”
“No, last I checked were a bunch of fully grown adults who wouldn't even be able to fit halfway if we wanted to!” 
“I'm going to need a ladder!” Leia said, walking confidently up to Roken.
“It's not playtime right now, Princess.” He dismissed and you were about to interject when Obi-wan beat you to the punch.
“Do as she asks.” Obi-wan said.
Roken looked at Obi-wan with a mixture between shock and annoyance.
“You trust me? I trust her.” 
You smirked at that and looked over at Roken.
“You heard the man, get her a ladder!”
You kneeled down in front of Leia while she pulled the gloves Obi-wan got her out of her pocket. Reaching up you dusted a smudge of dirt on her face and held her face between your hands.
“Be careful, Leia.” 
“Y/n.” Obi-wan said, catching your attention. Looking over your shoulder he showed you the blinking hologram notification. Frowning, you left Leia and went to Obi-wan who told Haja to watch Leia before the two of you ran off the listen to the message in private.
“...If I don't hear from you soon I will head to Tatooine, Owen will need help with the boy. I pray you're safe Obi-wan and Y/n, all three of you.”
The hologram faded leaving you in silence as you stood by the bacta tank, Obi-wan finding comfort in his nervous habit of stroking his beard while you picked at the skin around your nails. You felt bad about leaving Bail in the dark while you were trying to get his daughter home, but it was too much effort to send constant holograms out while you're being hunted by the empire and now the possibility of Luke being hunted after left you with an unpleasant taste in your mouth.
“Is everything all right?” Tala asked, walking up to the two of you. Obi-wan gave her an uneasy smile.
“It will be.” he tried to say with confidence but the nervous demeanor of him crossing his arms and looking at the ground told a different story.
“You know, I was following orders on Gareal. The empire had said it was a round up of people not paying their taxes for the cause…They lied.” Tala said bitterly. “There were four families, all force sensitive. We gathered them up-I didn't know who they were. I didn't know what the inquisitors would do.”
“Tala-” you tried to comfort.
“Fourteen people died that day, six of them children. I couldn't do anything to help them so now I do this.” Tala reached for her holster and pulled the blaster out, inside of it you can see tiny dashes on the lining, white and short in a long line. “One for everyone I get through.”
You looked at her with sadness, but also with understanding. Tala understood the pain of watching innocent children die, unable to do anything except stand by and watch in horror as people don't get to live another day while you get to go to bed at night.
“You were right, Ben, some things you can't forget but you can fight and make them better.” Tala said with such earnestness it comforted you. Maybe it was possible to move on from this.
You stepped forward and pulled her in a tight hug, your arms squeezing her tightly and rocked her back and forth slightly. Tala was stiff in your arms, her body acting unnatural as if she hasn't received a hug from a human in a long time. 
The hug ended when Roken ran in
“Were In trouble!”
You ran back to the main area, explosions making crumbles of rock fall from the ceiling, landing in your hair as you looked around. Men, women, and even children were armed with blasters and rifles, some even holding ballistic shields in front of the smaller children as another explosion shook the ground again.
“I don't know how long it's going to hold, do we have a plan B here?” Roken said, loading up his rifle.
“We’re going to have to slow them down.” Obi-wan said. “Tell the inquisitor I want to talk.”
“No.” You said sternly. “Tell her we want to talk.” you gave Obi-wan a look that said loud and clear not to fight you on this. He nodded, remembering your deal.
Together, as a team.
“We’ll buy as much time as we can.” Obi-wan told Roken.
You and Obi-wan walked out to the outside door, unsure if the third sister was standing on the other side of the metal or not. Leaning forward you pressed your ear against it, trying to listen for anyone on the other side.
“If this is you stalling for time, it won't work.” the third sister said quietly. “Lord Vader will have you at any cost.”
You moved quickly, trying to secretly work your way into her mind with the force. Searching for anything that can give you a hand at a negotiation or even a distraction, but her walls were tall, almost unreachable as you digged around.
“You mean, Anakin.” Obi-wan corrected. “You knew who Vader was, how did you know that?”
The only response he received was silence.
“Vader would have kept that hidden, and you're too young to have known him.”
Even as you put all your focus looking into the third sister's mind, you could feel a faint wave of realization roll off from Obi-wan's returning force signature.
“Unless….Unless you were there.”
“I doesn't matter where I was-”
“The night of Order 66, you were a youngling.” Obi-wan exclaimed. “That's how you know, you saw him.”
“Stop.” she muttered.
“Anakin killed the others.”
“Stop.” she repeated.
“He killed the other younglings but somehow you survived-”
“Enough!.” she shouted, desperation slipping through.
There, that single second of emotion slipped through giving you enough time to grasp onto one thing.
Reva, that was her name.
“We thought he was there to help us.” Reva began. “I tried to help them but I couldn't, I was too weak. I played dead until he left and hid with the bodies, felt them go cold…they were the only family I knew.” she shuddered. “And he slaughtered them.”
“You're not serving him, are you?” Obi-wan asked. “You're hunting him, let us help you.”
“Why would I ever trust you?” she spat
“Because we want the same thing.”
“Do we, Obi-wan?” he asked. “Do you really want Anakin dead?”
No, he didn't. Even though Anakin had turned into the very thing you had all devoted your lives to destroy; Murderers, traitors, the sith. Despite it all, you knew Obi-wan still loved him. He loved the child he basically raised, his little brother.
And so help the Maker you did too.
“Where were you? While he was killing my friends?” Reva asked desperately. “Why didn't you stop him? He was your Padawan!”
“Because he wasn't there.” you snapped. “He wasn't there, Reva. But I was.”
“How do you know my name?” she asked wearily.
“You’d be surprised how weak the mind becomes when you let emotions take over, Reva.” you whispered, knowing the truth of your statement all too well. “He was on a mission on Utapau and I was supposed to go with him but the Jedi council had to take care of  Palpatine so I was tasked to stay at the temple with the younglings and help teach and watch over them. I sensed Anakin there and I thought he was waiting for the council to come back like Mace Windu had instructed him so I ignored his presence, then Order 66 happened and I tried saving as many kids as possible but I was outmanned.” You took a shuddering breath. “So If you're going to blame anyone, blame me for not doing more that night not Obi-wan.”
You pressed your hand onto the metal, and stepped closer.
“Listen to us, Reva. Let us help you.”
“I don't need your help.” she spoke dangerously low, enunciating each word. “I. Don't. Need. Anyone.” 
“You won't stop him alone.” Obi-wan replied.
“You have no idea what I've done alone.”
A red lightsaber crackled loudly as it came through the metal, you had just enough time to yank Obi-wan back but not without the red blade grazing your thigh. You let out a pained shout and stumbled back, your hand hovering over the new hole created in your pants that showed angry red and already blistering skin.
Obi-wan pulled you behind him once the metal you helped welded to the door not to long ago fall to the ground as Reva cut a large hole out. The doors open to reveal a very pissed off Reva and a battalion of stormtroopers. Obi-wan reacted fast, swiftly force pushing her back far enough she was in the middle of the dirt area outside, the blaster shots rang out immediately after that ignoring the burn on your leg you pulled out your lightsaber and deflected a couple shots.
“Fall back to second position!” you shouted over the noise.
You and Obi-wan focused on defense, using most of your focus to deflect blaster shots and pushing back on the stormtroopers who invaded the small room, while the others behind you focused on taking out as many troopers as possible. 
The imperial forces were far much stronger than your little band of rebels, the more they swarmed, the more people dropped dead, and the further they pushed you back.
“GO! GO! GO!” you shouted with Tala, directing the others to retreat as safely as possible.
“No mercy! Seal them in!” Reva yelled.
You watched Obi-wan come to help a woman who fell beside you as you moved in front of them, deflecting blaster shots left and right until he was able to drag her back to safety. Ned-B was at the front, his large metal form providing a makeshift shield as he provided additional defense by shooting stormtroopers you and Tala couldn't hit.
The scream of pain Tala let out pulled you from the focus you had, her body thumping on the ground.
“Tala!” You and Obi-wan shouted.
“Wipe them out!” Reva commanded.
You limped back as Revas’s forces pushed harder than before, not allowing you to go to aid Tala. The only thing you and Obi-wan were able to do was frantically fight off the troopers as Ned-B hit the ground in front of Tala.
“Come on, Tala!” You shouted. “Hold on just a little bit longer!”
You stabbed a trooper in the chest, kicking your injured leg up and slamming your foot in their chest. They stumbled backward into another trooper as Obi-wan shoved his lightsaber through both of them. When you looked at Tala again you didn't realize how far the two of you were shoved back.
Tala looked at the both of you, eyes teary and wide with fear as she raised her arm. She raised her arm and you took notice of the thermal detonator in her grip.
“Go!” she shouted as she raised her other arm, holding a blaster.
“No!” You screamed as she shot her blaster, the shot hitting the control panel perfectly.
As the doors began to close she smiled sadly at the both of you, a few tears falling from her eyes.
“May the force be with you.”
Before you couldn't even respond or act, the door closed, and a loud explosion followed soon after.
“Tala!?” you shouted. Gimping over to the doors, you dropped your lightsaber and wedged your fingers in the small crack of the doors. Grunting as you tried to pull them apart, but to no avail the doors didn’t budge.
“Dank farnik!” you cursed slamming your hands on the metal as your frustration grew. You felt an arm go under your arms, a supportive makeshift crutch as you were pulled back from the doors where your friend laid just behind.
“The doors are closing, come on.” Obi-wan said, force pulling your saber off the ground as he guided the both of you to where the others were. Once the both of you made it on the other side you both slumped against the wall, desperately trying to catch your breaths from your heaving chest.
“Please tell me we're close.” Roken asked Haja.
“Leia, you close?” Haja called up at the vent.
“Working on it!” the littles girl's voice piped.
Obi-wan looking around, a crestfallen look burrowed into the fineline features of his face. You knew that looked far too well.
“What's wrong, what is it?” Roken pestred.
“It's over.” Obi-wan breathed out and you both turned to Roken.
“We’re going back.” Obi-wan said, but Roken shoved him back.
“You can't quit! I fought for too long, you can't just throw that away!” Roken yelled. “It won't make a difference, they want all of us.”
“Vader wants the both of us.” You interjected firmly.
“If you surrender, she died for nothing!” he spat. “He’ll keep coming.”
“That's why we have to stop him!”
Haja stepped forward concerned.
“You're going to fight him?”
“He expects us to surrender, he knows we’ll do anything we can to protect these people.” Obi-wan said, pointing to the crowd.
“You'll be on your own.”
“No,” Obi-wan said walking up to Haja, pulling out his blaster, lightsaber, and holoprojector Bail gave him. “I have her,” he said, referring to you. “Look out for Leia, will you?”
You tossed Haja your lightsaber as well.
“Haja, you protect that little girl's life like it was your own.” you demanded.
Roken looked at the two of you in disbelief.
“Want to tell me how you guys are going to fight without a weapon.”
“There are other ways to fight.” Obi-wan stated.
Once the doors opened in front of you, you and Obi-wan raised your hands in surrender and walked out slowly as two stormtroopers seized the both of you. Each grabbing your wrists and pinning them behind your backs as they shoved you forward. You gritted your teeth as the air hit the severe burn just right on the singed skin. 
As the two stormtroopers guided you to Reva, you kept sharing glances with Obi-wan. Providing each other with a silent comfort from the unknown that awaits outside.
When the outside doors opened, you squinted at the brightness compared to the dark caves from inside. When your eyes adjusted to the light you saw Reva pacing back and forth axiosuly, but stopped when she saw the two of you emerge. The stormtroopers pointed their blasters at you as you were led right in front of Reva, her eyes lit up dangerously as she raised her arms like she was summoning something.
“Inform Lord Vader, The Kenobi’s are ours.” she said smugly. She gave the troopers a single nod and both you and Obi-wan were shoved to the ground on your knees. The uneven ground digging uncomfortably into your knees as you looked up at Reva with a glare and a hard reset jaw.
“He's on his way.” Reva said. “You're going to die soon.”
“You're not bringing him to us.” you whispered.
“We’re bringing him to you.” Obi-wan finished slowly. “This isn't over yet.”
Revas small smile dropped as she leaned down in front of Obi-wan, her dark brown eyes boring into Obi-wans.
“There are families back there. Children. Are you going to let him do it again? What did he do to you?” Obi-wan asked.
“We could end this, Reva. together.” You pleaded. “Don’t let him take another child's life.”
Reva shuffled on her feet and looked away, her eyes avoiding the both of you.
“What makes you think he won't see it coming”
“Because all he’ll see is me.” Obi-wan said.
Which was the truth, although Anakin had his eyes set on you, especially after your fight with him on Mapuzo but most of his rage was directed at Obi-wan and the fact he was the reason Anakin was now derformed and disabled due to their battle on Mustafar. He wanted revenge so badly you could almost taste his anger for Obi-wan whenever he was near.
Reva did not respond, just simply walking away back to her original place by the stormtroopers and turned. He raised her arm and gestured to the both of you and you felt gloved hands grab your wrist again and yank you off the ground. You casted Reva one last look before you walked back into the caves.
As soon as the doors closed, you shoved your weight back as far as you could, making the stormtrooper stumble back into the wall.  The force from your movement made the grip around the now tender leather friction burns around your wrist loose end grabbing the blaster on their hip and you shot him in the head.
Obi-wan seemed to have half the same idea as you, right when you looked over at him the stormtrooper holding him was now on the ground with the smoke from a blaster shot seeping from the hole in it's chest. 
When you smacked the control panel to the landing pad open and saw the dust red hushed sky above as you and Obi-wan ran in, you almost shouted in glee. Roken spotted you and nodded.
“Everythings all set!”
You looked to your left and saw Leia coming down the letter, you dragged Obi-wan with you and kneeled on the ground clumpys, avoiding putting more weight than usual on your bad leg.
“Leia!” Obi-wan exclaimed.
She turned around and smiled at the two of you and jumped into both of your arms, both of you and Obi-wan's arms wrapping around her and meeting on the center of her back.
“Well done!” You beamed, pulling away slightly.
Leia's eyes looked around for a moment before they landed back on Obi-wan.
“Where's Tala?”
The proud smile on your face fell as you focused on the ground, you chewed on the side of your cheek.
“I'm sorry sweet girl, she didn't make it.” you whispered. 
Obi-wan picked Leia up, and then helped her up from the ground.
“Come on, we have to get to the transport.”
You sensed him before you even saw him enter as you watched closely through the tiny slits on the small ship sitting behind the main transport. The menacing wave of anger and pain washing over you like a bucket of ice water through the force. When Obi-wan told you the plan to hide behind the mainship while Anakin came through seemed almost foolish, hiding in plain sight from a revenge seeking sith lord? 
 you trusted Obi-wan's judgment completely.
The sound of the main transport taking off stalled loudly, as Anakin walked in. His hand strained as he forced down the approximately 200,000 ton ship down back to the ground. Your jaw drops slightly as the sound of metal ripping apart from the ship.
“Now!” Obi-wan commanded.
The ship everyone was on shot up in the making hold on to Leia tightly as you took off, not having enough room for everyone to buckle in had created a small wave of people stumbling clumsy.
You guided Leia over to where Obi-wan was and sat on the arm of his chair so Leia could sit comfortably. Your gaze went to the burn on your thigh and you winced at the now greenish substance oozing from the blisters already formed.
Just once, you wanted to do the skill your master tried so hard to teach you. Now that she was gone you wanted to make her proud.
Your hands hovered over the wound and you took a calming breath, closing your eyes. Focusing on the force around you, you guided it to the wound and held it there. Slowly you could feel it trickle over you, the skin mending together and forming a protective scab over it. 
You panted at the amount of focus it drained from you before you slumped over from exhaustion and used the last of your energy to place a firm hand on Obi-wan's shoulder so you didn't fall on him. How Stass managed to do this almost daily will forever be a mystery because you felt like you were going to pass out.
“Y/n?” Obi-wan asked worriedly and you tilted your head at the noise as he dragged you in his lap, your body laying limp in his arms as you chuckled weakly.
“Baby? Whats wrong?” Obi-wan asked frantically, you were so exhausted and drained from barely healing a lousy burn it didn't even process how similar you looked to Padme the night she died. Shaky breaths, a slight smile, and barely able to keep your eyes open.
But Obi-wan did.
“I did it. My thigh, muscles heal. tired” you slurred heavily. “Tell Stass I did it.”
You passed out before you heard Obi-wan curse in relief and press his forehead against yours, holding you close.
The twinge in your hip was the first thing you noticed when you woke up, the second was Obi-wan's warm hand cradling your head against your chest.
‘Oh yeah’ you thought clearly as you opened your eyes, reamebing why you were curled up like this in the first place.
“Our hyperdrive is down, and they're right behind us.” Roken familiar voice spoke quietly.
You turned your head at that but Obi-wan's hand suddenly gripped you hard enough  you winced. Looking up at Obi-wan in confusion, you frowned at his scared face and placed your hand on his heart and could feel the his heart skip a beat.
“Obi-wan, what's wrong?” you questioned, your mind was too fuzzy with sleep and the strenuous work you just put your mind through you could feel a faint wave of fear, anger, and something savage.
That last emotion wasn't Obi-wan’s.
You and Obi-wan looked at Leia who stared back with the same amount of fear in the two of you held.
“Are you okay Obi-wan?” Roken asked.
Obi-wan seemed to come back to the present slightly, his tone distracted but he glanced at Roken and nodded.
“Yes, Thank you Roken.”
He gave you a worried look but relented and left you alone, you glanced at Leia and gave her a comforting smile.
“We’re okay, I promise. Go see if anyone needs help with anything and I'll meet up with you in a moment.”
Leia nodded and hopped off her seat and went to a small group of children. You turned back to Obi-wan who still had his hand gripping you tightly.
“Obi-wan,” you placed a hand on his chin and made him look you in the eyes. “Come back to me.” 
This wasn't the first time he had dissociated like this with you, long nights in the caves he would wake up from a nightmare and his mind would shut down, a natural response to the unfair amount of trauma he had experienced.
You took deep breaths and guided him through it, your hand rubbing up and down his shoulder to help ground him. Eventually he checked back in and looked at you, his grip finally easing up.
“Whatever we just felt, we’ll figure it out.” you promised. “We always do.”
He nodded silently.
“Now can you let me go? As much as I love you holding me I feel like my hip is going to break in this position.” you chuckled.
Obi-wan raised his arms and you uncurled yourself out of his lap and stood up, shaking the leg that fell asleep gently. As you stretched out your neck and back you felt Obi-wan's warm calloused hand graze the apex of your thigh, where the much improved burn was.
“I didn't think it was going to work if i'm being honest, quite unfair that I finally managed to force heal with Stass isn't here to see it.” you said bittersweetly, sitting next to Obi-wan now.
“She would be proud.” He patted your knee as you gave a weak chuckle.
“I hope so.”
An explosion shook the ship slightly, the dim lights above you flickering before returning to normal before you could relax again a second explosion came. Roken came around the corner and pointed at Sully.
“Hyperdrive almost ready, move all power to rear shields.”
That comment made you furrow your brow in concern, if hyperdrive was almost ready it would be more work to change power gears to focus on the rear shields than to leave it until it was done. Obi-wan gave you a look and it seemed he was thinking the same thing as you.
“We’ll head to Tessen and get you out from there.” Roken said.
Standing up you headed over to Roken, arms crossed over your chest as you looked at him already knowing the answer to your question.
“We’re not gonna make it to Tessen, are we?”
“Motivators shot, power couplings are bad. I'm working on it but that shield isn't going to last forever.”
“How much time do you need?” Obi-wan asked.
Another explosion rattled the ship and the three of you looked at the roof as the lights flickered out again.
“More than we have.” Roken sighed before he went to help one of the men in control. You ran an anxious hand through your hair and looked up at Obi-wan.
“You thinking what I'm thinking?” you asked and Obi-wan sighed before nodding.
“Yeah, I am.” he looked at Leia, who was comforting a mother and child with Lola. “How do you think she’ll take it?”
Resting your chin on your hand you snorted.
“Maker, I'm not sure.”
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I’ve got you bestie :)
“H-hey! Thahat’s cheating!”
For the Spider Boys :)))
(Thank you @gigglysokkamcu! You and @parker-fluff were two of my biggest influences for getting back into writing ❤️ thank you for cheering me on and I hope you enjoy this :))
(I won't always be able to post multiple, but I definitely wanted to get this one out :))
"H-hey! Thahat's cheating!" Peter 3 exclaimed.
Peter 2 chuckled as he used his knees to successfully pin Three's hands above his head. "Nowhere in the rule book does it say the older brother can't help the younger brother."
"No---Buhut it should!"
Peter 2 looked over at Peter 1. "How are you holding up Bug?"
Peter 1 sat up as the residual giggles faded. "I'm okahay."
Peter 2 smirked. "Wanna come get some revenge?"
"Don't---don't lihisten to him Ohone!"
Not more than 2 seconds ago, Peter 3 had been tickling the youngest to bits. In his defense, Peter 1 had surprised attacked him first by jumping down from the ceiling. While the two wrestled back and forth, Peter 3 had managed to get the upper hand on Peter 1 when Peter 2 walked in.
Normally the older two teamed up together to help tickle Peter 1. But Peter 2 had pinned him instead!
"Told you to watch out for revenge," Two taunted from his spot above Peter 3.
Peter 1 crawled on to Peter 3's waist while wearing the biggest grin on his face.
"P-pehete, come ohon---lehet's talk about thihis!"
One pouted. "You got me!"
"Yes, and now it's only fair that he get a taste of his own medicine." Peter 2 piped up.
"Quiet yohou!"
Two simply gave the taller Spiderman a blank look before turning to the youngest. "Don't hold back."
"Wait! Wahait! Ihm sohorrEEEEEHE!"
Peter 1 giggled as his fingers scribbled up and down Peter 3's sides. "Ihm getting you!"
"Dohon't gehet mehe! Ihits nohot fahair!"
"Hey! Yohou get to do ihit!"
Two readjusted his hold. "One. Get his ribs."
"Shut up!"
The youngest beamed and scribbled into the taller Peter's ribs. "Tickle t-tihickle!"
Three bucked harder. "AHH! JEHEHERK!"
Two smiled at the youngest. "Aww. Are you struggling to be a tickle monster?"
"Hey! I-I don't get much practice!"
Two chuckled and ruffled the youngest's hair. "Guess that's true. Well then, why don't I teach you a few tricks right now?"
"Wahait! Dohon't hehelp hihim!"
Two pinched one of Three's ribs. "Quiet please. The teacher is talking."
Three squeaked before falling into quiet giggles.
"You're doing alright on the teases, but your hand techniques are off."
Two demonstrated the process as he explained it to Peter 1. "If you want to use your whole hand, place your fingers on his ribs and shake. Like this."
"AHHH! PETER!" Three yelled as his older brother's hands shook into his ribs.
"You can get more ribs and a better reaction if you do. This technique also works if you aim for the spots between the ribs as well."
Three snorted as Two's fingers did just that.
One's eyes widened. "Wow! You made him snort!"
"See?" Two casually replied as he lifted his hands from Peter 3's ribs. "It's all about using the right technique."
One nodded. "Got it!"
Two looked down at Three's red face. He could tell Peter 3 was having fun, but he didn't want to over do it.
So he held up his hand to signal to the youngest to wait. "Let's give him a breather and then you can practice."
Three sagged in relief. "Yohou guys ahare jeherks."
"All's fair in love and tickles Three. Right young padawan One?"
One snickered. "Ohof course master."
"Uhuse his full tihitle. 'Of cohourse Master Yohoda'." Three teased.
"You know what One? I think he's had a long enough break."
"Noho wahait! Ihm sohorry!"
One grinned as he placed his fingers on Peter 3's ribs and shook.
"Good job One!"
The youngest giggled as he was jostled by Three's legs. "Thahanks!"
"Now the spots between the ribs?"
The middle brother yelped before throwing his head back in laughter and snorts when in between his ribs was attacked by One's fingers.
"Lohok! I turned hihim into spider pihiggy!"
Two grinned at his younger brother's excitement. "Good job One! You learn fast."
Peter 1 removed his hands and Three sagged in relief. The youngest's face clouded with worry. "He looks worn out."
"Not tired out just yet. Here, let's try one more technique on this rib right here."
Two tapped rib number 7.
Three yelped. "Thahat's thehe wohorst ohone!"
"Take your hand and only extend your thumb and index finger."
One copied Two's movements.
"Good. Now, you're going to place both fingers around the rib so you can pinch it. Watch me."
Two wrapped both fingers around Three's bad rib and started pinching repeatedly.
The middle brother let out his loudest squeal yet and dissolved into high pitched cackles.
Two removed his fingers. "Just like that."
One grinned and wrapped his two fingers around the bad rib before squeezing repeatedly.
Three managed to snort once more before his laughter fell silent.
One immediately removed his fingers. "Are you okay!"
Three nodded as he caught his breath. "Juhust---noho mohore---plehease."
Two smiled and released Peter 3's arms before he and Peter 1 climbed off of him.
Three curled into a ball and rubbed away the tingles in his ribs. "Gohosh . . .yohoure bohoth bruhutal."
He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to find Peter 1 looking back at him with concern. "You sure you okay? W-we didn't go over board?"
Three smiled. "Yohou're gohood Pehete. Yohou juhust wore mehe ouhout."
One smiled before curling closer to Peter 3. "Thanks for letting me practice."
"Yohou're welcome." Three replied while wrapping an arm around him. "Yohou're getting toho be a gohood t-tihickle monster."
The smile on the kid's face lit up the room. "Really?"
"Yep." Three turned to Two. "But you have a good teacher."
"If you make another Master Yoda pun, I have a raspberry ready for number 7."
Three's eyes widened as he shook his head. "I wasn't! I promise!"
Two chuckled. "I'm only teasing. Wouldn't want to kill you."
"Ugh---bohoth of you shohould be arrehested for attemptehed murder."
"Nice try Three, but your alibi is faulty."
Two leaned a little closer, a smile growing on his face. "Because you never told us to stop."
Three turned three different shades of red that day.
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sarasapen · 2 years
What The Moon Knows
Under Coruscant’s moonlight, attraction blooms. Slowly, but surely, it takes root, until it can no longer be deniable. Let it never be said that Obi-Wan has ever let such feelings overwhelm him.
In other words, Obi-Wan starts finding his student and close friend attractive.
 There is no life without death.
 There is no love without hate.
 There is no light without dark.
 And therefore there is no moon without the bittersweet musings of those beneath it.
 It’s his body that knows before his mind does.
 It’s his body that feels the dip of the mattress, his body that turns in response, his body that spreads his arms and creates a space between them. It is only half a minute later, when he finally manages to blink away sleep for just long enough to form a thought, that his mind catches up.
 “Nightmare?” Obi-Wan rasps, gently scraping his nails against the back of his padawan’s head. He doesn’t know what time it is, or what day of the week. All he knows is the one in his arms.
 “Of my mother,” Anakin croaks, and Obi-Wan pulls him closer, pulls the boy- because that’s what he is, even though he’s taller than him, even though he’s more powerful in the Force, Anakin is just a boy- he pulls the boy into his chest, where he can hear the steady ba-dump. ba-dump. ba-dump. of Obi-Wan’s heart.
 The boy takes in a shuddering breath, once, twice, three times, and then his body relaxes, and after a long moment, Obi-Wan lets his eyes close.
 It’s his body that knows before his mind does.
 Slivers of moonlight flit between the blinds of his window.
 It’s his body that feels the dip of the mattress.
 Between the streams of silver-grey light are patches of endless dark.
 His body that turns in response.
 Outside the window, too, is dark.
 His body that spreads his arms and creates a space between them.
 Above all the dark, is the moon, ever-watching, ever-seeing.
 It is only half a minute later, when he finally manages to blink away sleep for just long enough to form a thought, that his mind catches up.
 It is the moon’s light that bathes his room in serenity.
 “Nightmare?” Obi-Wan rasps, gently scraping his nails against the back of his padawan’s head. He doesn’t know what time it is, or what day of the week. All he knows is the one in his arms.
 “You’re so warm,” you sigh, already half-asleep again. Obi-Wan makes a sound at the back of his throat, tilting his head up slightly so you don’t bump into his chin. He closes his eyes…
 “Master,” you say.
 “Mm?” He grunts, eyes closed. He inhales, exhales, sinks a little deeper into the pillow.
 “Master?” He hears, and Obi-Wan makes a startled half-snore half-gasp and blinks, frowning at the shadow on the wall from the half-closed blinds. His vision focuses slightly, the blinds flutter, more moonlight streams through.
 “You say something?” He asks, nuzzling his nose into your hair, inhaling slowly and smiling. His eyes are closed. He inhales, exhales, the tension leaves his body.
 “Obi?” He hears, small and quiet, and he pulls back, blinking harshly to force himself awake. The shadow on the wall is longer now. He shuffles back slightly. Not too much, his legs still intertwined with yours, his arms still around your body, but he gently pulls at your chin to tilt your head up to meet his gaze.
 Your own eyes are closed, breaths coming in shallow puffs through parted lips. Your eyebrows draw together and a whine begins in your throat, so Obi-Wan drags his hand down and smooths it gently over your neck.
 “I have you,” He whispers, so softly he’s not sure if he actually spoke or if his sleep-addled mind imagined it. His fingers rest against your pulse point, steady, soothing, and he feels his eyes close again.
 His hand drags up again, reason unknown to his mind. It’s always his body that seems to know first. His thumb brushes against your bottom lip, and he presses his forehead to yours.
 It would be so easy to kiss you.
 And perhaps that was the start.
 It doesn’t happen overnight.
 Or it does.
 It doesn’t. Maybe it’s a mix of both.
 Obi-Wan is neither stupid nor blind. It’s been several years since others your age have begun to express interest. He’s sometimes seen the looks that linger just a little too long from other Padawans. He knows your smile is pretty; how couldn’t he? When he’s been the lucky recipient of so many.
 Halfway into your Padawan training, Obi-Wan is already well aware that you’re attractive. That isn’t to say he’s attracted to you; no, not at all. You’re young, naive and childish, because you are, still, a child. He gives plenty of not-so-subtle lectures on propriety and modesty and the Jedi Way, lectures that had your face burning as you squirmed deeper into the sofa as if it would take pity on you and swallow you whole. Sometimes Anakin would join, snickering from wherever he was perched, glad to finally see someone else go through the mortification he once did.
 Another occurrence happens shortly after you’re old enough to drink. Somewhere in the heart of Coruscant’s nightlife, far beyond the reaches of any natural light, four force-sensitives sit at a bar. There’s an empty shot glass in front of you, and you’re grimacing as you swallow, not at all impressed by the taste.
 The girl behind you is awfully impressed by your vibe as Ahsoka had once said, and asks you if you want to dance.
 There’s another lecture waiting for once you get back to the temple.
 “You flirt on missions all the time,” Anakin says oh so helpfully, and Obi-Wan watches your eyes peek over a pillow, cheeks flushed.
 “That’s different,” Obi-Wan says, even as he briefly considers what it would be like, flirting with you. 
 Perhaps it truly doesn’t happen overnight.
 Obi-Wan is sat in front of some younglings, crowding around him for answers to questions he’s answered a dozen times over, and he’ll answer a dozen more. You’re seated in the far corner of the room, a stuffed bantha in one arm and a toddler in your other.
 The crèche masters that watch over this particular group had all gotten a nasty case of the flu, and you were quick to offer up help.
 When he feels a sudden surge of soft affection through your bond, Obi-Wan looks up, taking in your easy smile. The little Pantoran in your lap tugs gently at your Padawan braid, and you softly coax her attention away with stories of A Nice Bantha from Far Away.
 Not for the first time, Obi-Wan muses at how well you’ve always managed younglings.
 For the first time, Obi-Wan’s thoughts stray to what a good parent you could have been if you lived a life away from the Order; he thinks of you, with your own child in your arms, smiling at them with the sweet smile you often give him. It’s a fantasy that does not play out in his mind for much longer than a few seconds, for his attention is called away by the hoard of excited children.
 In the future flashes of quick daydreams, it escapes his notice that the child in your arms, no matter their age, no matter their gender, always had hair his colour.
 It is not something he ever notices.
 At least, consciously.
 A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.
 Obi-Wan ignores the glaring sign in his mind saying but you’re a Jedi. Dreams are different, for Jedi.
 How else could he explain the dream he had of kissing you? How else could he explain the way your skin felt against his, the way you tilted into him, the way your hairdo didn’t sport a Padawan braid anymore?
 It was just what it was. An involuntary culmination of things he already knew. That you were attractive, that you had a nice smile, that your training was ending soon.
 It was not, it absolutely was not a vision. He could not let himself hope.
 The only thing more dangerous than fear, something the Jedi rarely addressed, was hope.
 It’s his body that knows before his mind does.
 “Nightmare?” Obi-Wan rasps, fighting the sudden, hazy feeling of déjà vu, despite his heart telling him it’s something completely different.
It’s only when skin touches bare skin that his mind finally catches on.
 He’s shirtless- he’s realising that now. It was a decision he made a few hours ago, and it was entirely consensual and entirely innocent. Coruscant’s sun had a cycle that expelled a flurry of solar flares every two and a bit Coruscanti years, resulting in a heatwave that lasted no more than two weeks. While not dangerous to inhabitants, the entirety of Coruscant seemed to quiet in those weeks, trade become all but nonexistent for a few blissful moments of silence.
 Now, however, when Obi-Wan’s hand comes into contact with a very much completely bare thigh- the situation no longer feels innocent nor consensual.
 “Room was stuffy,” comes a muffled response, and Obi-Wan trails his gaze over what was your own choice of pyjamas for the night- an oversized shirt and what he hopes to all the stars above is a pair of tiny shorts and not-
 Force guide him.
 His Padawan, the beautiful thing, seems to decide at that moment to nuzzle against him, your nose rubbing delicately at the space between his collarbones. A body shifts, Obi-Wan isn’t sure who’s, but then his arm is securely around your waist and back and your leg has nudged its way between his.
 You press closer then; this much Obi-Wan is sure is your own doing, but if it is your body or your mind that is taking the lead here, he chooses not to consider. Your lips ghost over his skin as you slowly tilt your head up, nosing against his throat. Obi-Wan remains deathly still as you shift and squirm and wriggle until you’re comfortable, which means now that your face is tucked right up against him. He can feel each of your breaths, he can smell the scent of your shampoo, he can feel your arm curl around his own bare waist.
 “Hm,” you say sleepily, and Obi-Wan thinks he could kiss you right now.
 He could so easily do so much more than kiss you-
 It is then that Obi-Wan accepts that he simply cannot deny it anymore- he finds his Padawan attractive.
 He knows you are attractive, in the simply objective sense of knowing, as he knows the sun is hot.
 But this- this is akin to standing in the open sands of Tatooine, the glaring sun beating down on him, his robes half-drenched and the other half abandoned on the ground, being fully and completely surrounded and overwhelmed by hot.
 And so there Obi-Wan Kenobi is, attracted to his Padawan. He finds you attractive-you attract him. You are lovely, in every sense of the word, and beautiful- oh, how beautiful. He knows this now, he feels this now, with every breath he takes.
 But attraction is fleeting.
 Attraction is oftentimes out of one’s control.
 Obi-Wan has been attracted to several people over the course of his life, and it has never been a subject of shame, to him. Why should something be a source of shame, when it is out of one’s control?
 Obi-Wan was even, at one point, years ago now, briefly attracted to Master Luminara, and he is fairly certain she returned the sentiment. Now she was nothing more than a friend, an acquaintance really, one he respected and thought well of, and he had honestly forgotten about his previous attraction until this moment.
 He would meditate then, Obi-Wan decides. Obi-Wan already meditated before bed, a daily routine of his. Now he would meditate in the mornings, before he was privy to the way your lips curled when you smiled. He would meditate after breakfast, and try to forget the absolutely endearing way you’d scrunch your nose up in the early hours without realising it. He would find time to slip away during the day to mediate if only to get the sound of your laughter out of his mind. If you proved to be a distraction, he would meditate several times a day if that’s what it took-
 Obi-Wan had a foolproof plan. His attraction to his Padawan would wane with time, he was sure of it. In five years, he wouldn’t even remember this, it would be a little chapter of his life that was simply inconsequential to his story.
 He wakes up once again, finds a girl curled up in his bed, and he curls into her, holds her against him. Then he slips away, onto the tiny open fire escape of his room. He sits on the floor, tilts his head up to face the cool night breeze and allow the lights of Coruscant’s never sleeping night-life wash over his face.
 The moon, large and imposing against a black backdrop, stares down at him. He stares back.
 “It will wane with time,” He says firmly, forcing himself into meditation.
 -and oh, how did the frequency of Obi-Wan’s meditations grow.
the end?
As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts! Hope all of you are well <3
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
The Process of Acquiring a Padawan: Part Two
(Read on AO3)
Fic Summary:
Depa's probably in way over her head, but this feels right. Unfortunately, her hope for a padawan is a formerly adult, formerly Master, formerly General Jedi from several decades in the future, and that's... complicated.
Excerpt from Chapter Two:
When Depa is newly twenty-one, she is knighted. A scant few months later, the Skywalkers come to the Jedi Temple, and remain. She doesn’t run into them immediately, but it’s not long before she does.
They look much the same as they had when she first met them. Ben has grown a little taller, filled out a smidgen. Soka has done so as well, with added notes of having more defined markings, and longer lekku. Master Skywalker himself looks absolutely unchanged.
Some of the padawans a few years younger than her consume themselves with giggling over how attractive the man is. Even Komari, who’s older than Depa, seems distracted.
(If Depa’s ever needed proof of her own lack of attraction, especially to men, this would qualify.)
“Hello, Knight Billaba,” Ylliben says when he finds her. He is prim and proper, the very picture of a deferential Initiate if not for the armor he still wears. It doesn’t make him any less polite, but it does jar the image away from being a cliché. “I met my cousin. Did anything interesting happen with you? Besides getting knighted, I mean.”
“Oh? Is knighting not interesting enough for you, Initiate Skywalker?”
He eyes her as if he’d like to make a joke to that effect right now. She waits, and does not even try to hide the glow of her amusement when he visibly decides against it.
“I have a baby cousin now,” he tells her instead. “Shmi and Jango had a daughter. Buir had a lot of emotions about it.”
“I can imagine,” Depa says.
“Would you to like to see pictures?” Ben asks. He smiles, brighter than she remembers. “If you aren’t busy with important knighthood things, of course.”
“Brat,” Depa accuses. It’s almost unwillingly fond. “Yes, I would love to see pictures of Shmi’s baby.”
His grin widens.
“With Master Koon? Really?” Depa asks. “So quickly?”
“Why are you so surprised?” Master Skywalker asks, spinning his saber as he circles her like a prowling nexu. Depa isn’t exactly standing still, but she’s definitely moving far less than he is.
“I don’t know,” she admits. “I suppose I was expecting that, when he took another padawan, Master Koon would find someone like Master Tholme again.”
“Oh, you know better than that, Billaba.”
She’d laugh, but she’s a little busy avoiding his opening strike for this spar. It is not their first of the afternoon, but she’s lost the last three and rather expects this will go the same. The initial flurry of blows dies down, and he has critiques.
He’s one of the best duelists in the Order, and so she listens. She’d already known he was dangerous—deadly, mostly—with a saber, but it’s taken scarcely any time for his skill in saber-to-saber combat to be tested, confirmed, and grapevined out among the Temple at large by anyone with a shred of interest.
(Given the number of padawans and younger knights that are sighing their way to la la land because of this man, ‘a shred of interest’ applies to a very large number of people.)
It also hasn’t escaped notice that Skywalker, for all his aggressive oddities, has the ear and respect of the High Council. He’s little more than a stranger to the Temple, so this, in conjunction with his mysterious past and specific skillset and children, certainly raises more than a few brows and suspicions.
Master Mace trusts them. He’s even on the High Council himself, now, if only as a the most junior member. Depa trusts Mace’s judgement, and so she trusts Skywalker. Mostly.
(She may or may not still have nightmares about Death Watch and the rescue Skywalker had mounted.)
“I also,” she says, once his discussion on her weak points is over, and they’re back to circling, “was somewhat expecting Sokanth to be apprenticed to a more combat-oriented Jedi.”
“She has me, if she wants to fight or fly or fix droids,” Skywalker tells her. He strikes and withdraws before Depa can retaliate. It’s infuriatingly quick. “She deserves a master that knows who to round her out, to teach her how to be the best of herself.”
“Which you can’t?” Depa prompts. She isn’t entirely sure what it is that she’s even asking.
“She’s my daughter, not my padawan,” Skywalker says, with a flip, spin, and strike that jars her to the bone. She blocks in time, but it’s still stronger than most of her sparring partners bother with. “I’d never be allowed on missions with her. I’m far too attached, and thus compromised, to remain unbiased. I could never put the mission ahead of her, even if there were hundreds of lives that could rest on sacrificing hers, and… well, the whole Council knows it.”
“She,” Depa says, and has to pause to block, drop, and roll to another position. She huffs once she’s back on her feet, and lets herself pout at Skywalker. “She still lives with you.”
Skywalker shrugs. “It’s easier on everyone that way. I move in next to Master Koon, put her in the padawan room, and that way she’s within seconds of him, just like if they were actually sharing a suite, without anyone having to worry overly much about the O­­­­2 situation.”
“And Ben,” Depa manages to say as she attacks, though she is immediately parried, “stays in the crèche.”
“New kids always need friends,” Skywalker says, with the wryness of experience, “it’ll be good for him.”
“Until a master takes him on,” Depa points out.
“Eh,” Skywalker dismisses. “He’s got time.”
That he does.
It’s not… intentional, really, that Depa spends quite so much time with the Skywalkers. She’s one of the few people they really know on arrival, and that’s a good start. Mace is friendly enough with Skywalker and Master Koon and Master Jinn to get invited to the ‘family’ dinners.
Master Mace is much younger than Jinn and Koon, but they get along well enough. Unfortunately, even Depa isn’t privy to the why or how behind the particular peculiarities of that friendship. Tholme and Feemor, the latter of whom is actually older than Master Mace, and both of whom were there, aren’t telling. Depa is jealous.
These family dinners are frequent. Depa isn’t sure if she’s being invited as Mace’s plus one—he and Master Skywalker are definitely friends by now, no matter how weird they get about it—or if she’s there because, as a result of shared traumas and somesuch events, she’s considered the first friend Soka and Ben ever had here. It could be either. They aren’t invited every time, but it’s often enough for a bit of a rapport.
Obi-Wan still doesn’t seem to know what to do about the overly serious now-eleven-year-old that claims him as cousin and drags him to dinner, but he’s trying. That much is to his credit. He’s clearly fascinated by the boy, and trying to connect the way he would with most Initiates; it’s not always successful. Ylliben Skywalker is such a preternaturally strange child that Obi-Wan just… flounders.
At least when he drags Master Jinn along, Obi-wan and Ben can team up to glare at him in disapproval, and try to beat him at dejarik.
They are much more alike than Obi-Wan realizes, in Depa’s humble opinion.
Once, Obi-Wan suggests that Depa and Ylliben team up for Jedi-style Pictionary. The rules say no master-padawan pairs, and no parent-child or sibling teams. Obi-Wan shoves Master Mace to Skywalker, Soka to Jinn, and grabs Master Koon for himself.
Soka and Master Jinn trounce the competition soundly, but Depa makes sure to give her partner a high-five when they snag an honorable second place.
As a knight, Depa takes longer solo missions than she did as a senior padawan. Most aren’t dangerous, because she is primarily a diplomat, and not the Jinn-and-Kenobi ‘this is five seconds and one wrong move from becoming a civil war, so we’re sending the relentlessly durable negotiators’ type that go in with the expectation of having to draw sabers… but there are exceptions.
“Knight Billaba, I have enough anxiety over my sister throwing herself at any and every Kyr’tsad commando she manages to run into against all odds while traversing the galaxy,” Ylliben informs her, grim as the grave, “and buir doing his own reckless nonsense when he assumes we aren’t looking. Please do not endeavor to put me in such a position that I must also worry for you.”
“It’s just a broken arm,” Depa reminds him. “Hardly life-threatening, and well within the kinds of injuries one expects from being a Jedi Knight.”
She gives him a moment to pout, and then adds, “also, you are eleven years old. I am twice your age, Ylliben. You do not need to worry about me.”
He huffs, and looks away, and kicks his legs in the healer wing seat. He shouldn’t even be here, technically, but Depa’s about to be released, and he’d come to scold her as she waited for the paperwork to process.
“Your braids fell out,” he says, apropos of nothing. “Are you going to use the Force to redo them?”
“The Force is not the best set of helping hands,” Depa jokes mildly, “not for complex braids, at least. I can manage a ponytail. I’ll most likely be asking friends or Mace to help, if I really need my braids.”
“I could help,” Ben offers. He immediately blushes. “I just mean, um, buir and I both wear our hair long, but it’s not long enough for the kinds of styles I used to do for Shmi back ho—uh, back on Mandalore. Your hair is longer than buir’s, and it’s not like Soka has hair.”
Jinn does, but Depa imagines she’s much more approachable—and fun—than Qui-Gon Jinn.
She can’t help but smile. “You want to play with my hair, and are trying to frame it as a favor to me.”
“I’ve had practice!” Ben protests. “Shmi’s hair is almost as long as yours!”
Depa has to laugh. “Alright, youngling. You can do up my hair while we wait for the healer to get back with my discharge papers. Do you think you can recreate my usual style?”
Ben nods seriously at this challenge, though his eyes are near sparkling. He digs through his bag, digs out a comb and some ties—always prepared, this boy—and bullies her into a position that allows him to reach her head without having to be on his tip-toes.
This is how Healer Sutna finds them, ten minutes later.
By the time she is twenty-three, Depa knows what people are expecting.
Ylliben is almost twelve, his birthday only a few months behind hers. He has been at the Temple for a year and a half, and regularly seeks her out for advice, spars, or just to chat. She hadn’t realized what it looked like, at first, but she’s been a knight for nearly two years now. Nobody would be surprised if she were looking to take a padawan, and there’s one particular Initiate she spends more time with than any other.
The problem is… she doesn’t know that there’s anything she can teach him that a more experienced master wouldn’t be a better choice for. Ylliben is an absurdly intelligent boy, and prone to visions besides. For all that he acts mostly like a child, there have been plenty of instances where he’s clearly been… almost more of an adult than Depa herself.
The Skywalker children speak of memories they should not have. They are vague on the topic, but it’s an open secret to those who they call friend. Depa’s had Obi-Wan complain to her of Masters Dooku and Jinn arguing over clashing conspiracy theories more than once. Some dismiss those memories as particularly vivid memories, or children being prone to telling stories for the sake of storytelling. Depa is certain that Ben’s memories of a long-gone adulthood, however it happened, are real.
She doesn’t know what to do, and so she visits someone who should know what she doesn’t. She goes to Skywalker.
Depa rings the doorbell. She waits. Skywalker takes several minutes to answer the door, and a stray grease mark at his chin indicates why. There is even still a towel in his hands.
“If you’re looking for the kids, Ben’s in class, and Plo took Soka out on a low-grade mission,” he tells her.
“Actually,” Depa says, her stomach twisting and climbing, “I’m here to talk to you, Master Skywalker, should you have the time.”
He eyes her, looking for something. “About?”
“Ben, if that’s alright with you.”
He huffs a laugh, shaking his head. “That could be half a dozen topics, you and him. C’mon in and take a seat. I’ll make tea.”
She enters. She sits. She waits, and is rewarded with tea.
They’re silent, both of them. They wait. The streak of engine grease from his jaw is gone.
Depa breaks first.
“How old is Ben, in the memories?” she asks.
Skywalker lifts a brow. “I’ll need a little more than that, Billaba.”
She dithers. She rolls her tea mug between her palms, and watches the liquid shimmer and tremble as the ceramic spins. “People expect me to take him as my padawan. I… I do want to. I want to. I think we’d be a good match. I’m just… unsure that there’s anything I could teach him that he doesn’t already remember. A more experienced master might make more sense than a relatively new knight.”
Skywalker just… looks at her. He’s always judging people, weighing them by some unknowable metric. It’s not like being judged by a stranger for her outfit, but like being judged by… by a panel of honored masters trying to decide if she is ready for something, a test for a prize nobody has been given leave to explain to her.
“If half-present memories were enough for him to be an adult and raise himself,” he finally says, “then he wouldn’t have needed a father, either.”
Something loosens in her, just below the solar plexus, and in her shoulders, and the very top of her spine.
Skywalker actually gets up and changes seats to join her on the couch. “I can’t promise it doesn’t get weird or awkward. He knows how to leverage adult memories to win arguments, when he deems it necessary. He’s too clever by half, but he’s… he’s still a child. My child.”
Depa nods silently. She sips her tea.
“He needs guidance, still,” Skywalker tells her, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Support and friendship and someone to keep him facing in the right direction, facing forward, instead of trying to spread himself so thinly that he burns out trying to help everyone at once. He already had—will have had, I guess, trouble with that sort of thing as an adult, even, and now? He doesn’t have that control, that skill, that experience to keep himself in check. Unsupervised, he might build those bad habits in before he’s got a solid enough grasp on what he can wakingly remember to stop himself.”
He makes a face, leaning away from Depa. She doesn’t take it personally. “It will be strange and often difficult, but that could be said for any padawan. It’s in the nature of children to be strange and difficult, for those raising them.”
Depa goes to take another sip, but the mug is empty.
“You have time,” Skywalker reminds her, though she needs no reminding. He’s kind about it. He squeezes her shoulder. “Nobody would fault you for giving it another year.”
It’s technically true. Mostly. Nobody who matters would fault her. “When are… when are they going to ‘grow into’ their memories, Master Skywalker?”
“Years,” he says. “Sooner, for Sokanth. She’s almost there. Ylliben… I’d be surprised if his mind settles, and is able to hold everything at once before twenty, and I’d put it closer to twenty-five.”
More of the foreign memories than Soka, then.
“If I—if I take him on,” Depa says carefully, though it’s not enough to stop the stutter, “I imagine I’ll need to know some of those secrets you’ve kept from most of the Jedi. Like what you all were, that led to those memories.”
“Oh, you will,” Skywalker says. There isn’t even a gilding of hesitation to it. “Already planned for, Billaba.”
He pats her on the shoulder. “Why don’t you go talk to Mace about it?”
She should do that, yes.
(Continue on AO3)
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ragnarlothcat · 2 years
I love sith aus!!!!!!! And you have one in the works?
I do!!! I started it last year for a prompt event and the ficlet is already on ao3. It's fine as it is but I'd immediately started working on a chapter 2 but never got around to finishing it. The thing is, there are already some really good raised a sith Vader fics out there. I know all about the two cakes approach and it's not that I'm worried mine will be worse (although it might because we have some excellent writers in this fandom) it's more that I don't have the same frantic urge to write it down, not like some of my other fics, because I have my own favourites to read when the craving hits.
But chapter 2 is Ahsoka's POV, which I think is cute! She's Obi-Wan's padawan (since Anakin is too busy being evil) and she and Obi-Wan get separated during a battle and she comes across Vader. She is clearly outmatched and in a lot of danger until she mentions her master. Then Vader's making all kinds of rookie mistakes and she's able to take him prisoner.
I do imagine that Obi-Wan will eventually rail the dark side out of Vader (it's a foolproof technique! he should have tried it on mustafar!) but honestly Ahsoka and Vader is a really cute relationship and that's what's motivating me. Here's a tiny snippet from chapter 2:
Chapter 2 (immediately after Vader "loses" his duel to Ahsoka)
“Ahsoka!” Obi-Wan leaps off the speeder and rushes towards her, one hand on his lightsaber. “Are you safe? Cody said you’d engaged a Sith, and I—”
“Hello,” Vader says suddenly, his voice pitched an octave or so lower than it was ten seconds ago. He leans back slightly on his rock, his legs spread, and his molten gold gaze fixed on Obi-Wan. “It’s nice to see you again, Kenobi.”
Obi-Wan draws back a fraction and his eyes rake over the Sith’s bound form, his loose curls, and the uncomfortable intensity of his expression. “Oh Force. What do you want this time?”
Vader pouts a little, looking ridiculously young for someone who has slaughtered his way through hundreds of their men already. He looks like he’s her age, maybe, although he’s a lot taller than she is. Human ages are impossible to gauge sometimes without lekku to measure.
Vader blinks and shifts his spread legs wider. “Want? Me? I’ve been captured, Kenobi, surely you can see that?” He raises his bound wrists for Obi-Wan’s inspection and Ahsoka lifts her chin. She did that. Her master fought a Sith a decade ago and killed him—the first Sith in a millennia—when he was only a Padawan himself. And now Ahsoka has captured her own Sith, disarmed him and cuffed him—
“Yes,” Obi-Wan agrees slowly. “Very well done, Ahsoka.”
Vader’s jaw tightens and he jerks his hands back against his chest. “Well. How lucky that she had a good master.”
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