#I love you weed I’m gonna go put socks and shoes on and then go to michaels and get yarn and make something cool hopefully
milo-is-rambling · 8 months
How to stop liking people so much that I accidentally fixate on them and spend so much time thinking about them that I have a separate in my brain version of them and a real person version of them. It’s difficult because it works in two ways. Either I like a kind person and the brain fixating is just a like. Living in the love type obsessive feeling and it’s fine yknow a little weird but not terrible. Or I like a person who is Bad for me and I obsess over the fake what they COULD be in my brain version and I’m so attached to the fake version that I let them hurt me in real life bc I like the possibility of them being kind/holding on to the in the brain version for comfort despite knowing it’s hurting me in the long run.
0 notes
no-nameno-face · 1 year
Auburn Thoughts (Pt.2)
Pairing: Reader x Ellie Williams
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Summary:  When plans to meet up go awry, you flee. Unsure of your feelings, and convinced they are one sided, you are contacted by an old friend. You decide to do something out of character. Anything to get your mind off of her.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Minors do not interact. Jealousy, Angst, Alcohol, Drinking, Alcohol Abuse, Smoking Weed, vague mentions of SA, creepy guy, Anxiety (please let me know if there's any I forgot)
Author's Notes: Jealous Ellie!! Jealous Reader!! Protective Ellie!! I'm obsessed. I love jealous Ellie with my whole heart. Actively reminding myself to take this story slow… anyways I'm very excited to see where this story goes. hope you enjoy this chapter :) 
Part 1
Part 3 (With Audio)
Back at my dorm, I find myself doodling the image of her bitten lips. Auburn thoughts.
I wake up the next morning, tired. I stayed up too late again. Drawing. I stretch my arms above my head and squint my eyes at the light coming through my windows. Class. I have class. My brain talks but my body does not move. I’m so tired. I reach over and grab my phone, checking the time. I bolt up in my bed. Fuck, I'm going to be so late. 
I  rush to my closet and pull on a light green oversized sweatshirt I thrifted forever ago, and throw on some light wash jeans. They have light paint splatters on them but honestly most of my clothes do. Shoving socks on my feet I slip them into my white tennis shoes. On my way out I stop in the mirror and assess the damage. Bed head and bags under my eyes. I grab a hair tie and rushedly pull it up into a messy high ponytail. I poke the dark circles under my exhausted eyes but decide there's nothing I can do in the time I have, so I head out the door, turning off the lights and locking it behind me.
Sitting in my second class of the day I remember my evening plans. Suddenly I wish I had gotten a bit more ready. After class is over I rush to the bathroom and splash cold water on my face, hoping it would bring down some of the puffiness that my restless night lended me. I look at my reflection. “Fuck,” I say under my breath as I lean on the counter looking down at the running water. What is this? Don’t think too much about it. I look at myself and practice a smile, turning my face to observe. My face drops. “Shit. What is wrong with me?” I turn the faucet off and walk out of the bathroom, to my next class.
4:30, I’m early. That's okay, god knows my project could use some work. I put my headphones in and tuck my knee up to my chest resuming the apple from yesterday. I find myself checking the time regularly, and it feels like it's passing abnormally slow. 
The door opens and I turn expecting to see Ellie, but another girl walks in. I recognize her from the halls. Slender and feminine, pretty features and short dark hair. Striking honestly, especially in comparison to my drained appearance. A subtle shade of insecurity settles over me. I overlook it. She must be in a different class time than Ellie and I. Turning back to my work she sits a couple seats to the left of me. She doesn't acknowledge me, I don't think much about it. People in the art department tend to be more introverted, so this is a typical encounter. 
Shortly after resuming my work the door opens again, I turn. Green eyes. Wearing a thick flannel, jeans, and her same old sneakers. Her hair is half down today, the other half in a bun. Loose strands framing her face. I notice her freckles a bit extra today, small constellations littering her cheeks.  I smile and she returns it.
“So you decided to show up!” I say, turning back to my canvas a bit flushed.
“What? Did you think I was gonna stand you up or some shit?” she says with a smile in her voice as she makes her way to you. 
“Hey you never kn-” 
“Ellie!” A voice cuts me off. “I didn't know you were coming today!” I look to the girl sitting on my left, she's craned her head around to face Ellie beaming at her. 
“Oh!” she sounded startled. “Hi Cat.” Ellie says with a courteous smile that doesn't meet her eyes. The girl gets up and basically prances up to her, wrapping her arms around Ellies neck. Ellie's eyes meet mine as I dart back to my work. Staring past my canvas. I'm face to face with an unfamiliar pit in my stomach. I try not to listen to their conversation, my heartbeat building in my ears is loud enough to drone most of it out. Most of it. 
“It's been so long,” Cat…
“You're normally not here this late” Ellie…
“Yeah, I’ll have to start coming more often!” Cat..
Heartbeat thudding. 
“Well you should call me later! We could catch dinner when you're done here.” I feel eyes on me. “Catch up a bit.” Cat…
Louder pulsing in my ears.
Next thing I hear is the seat to my right creaks and snaps me out of it. I glance over at Ellie and can't get out of my head fast enough to say anything. I look back to my painting. She looks at me, then my painting. 
“It looks good.” Her voice comes out awkward. I notice her fidgeting with her hands. 
“Thanks.” I say without looking her way. 
“Umm, well should i grab my stuff?” she suggests.
“Actually, I didn't sleep well last night.” I say looking down at my hands in my lap. Gripping each other to keep from shaking. What is wrong with me? “I'm pretty tired.” I glimpse at her quickly then back to my hands. “I’m gonna head out.” I say standing up and start walking to the sink to rinse my brushes. Ellie gets up and tries to follow me but is stopped by Cat. Cat. 
“You can hang with me El’s,” a pang in my gut at the familiarity in the nickname. “I've got another 30 minutes or so of work to do here!” her voice reignites the thudding. All I hear is mumbles behind my own spiraling thoughts. I wash my brushes fast and carelessly, then load them, still wet, into my case. I haul my canvas away and walk out the door. I walk fast down the halls, my throat feels dry, my chest feels tight. My eyes feel prickly. I hit the wall of cold air past the front doors. What the fuck. I take a gasp of the icy air. Then head in the direction of my dorm. Heartbeat heavy.
My phone rings. I lay on my bed staring into the ceiling. Seeing arms around her. The ringing stops. Then it starts again. I groan and reach my arm over to grab it. Chloe, my friend  who I'd rather neglected over the past art filled days. I put my phone to my ear,
“Hey chlo.”
“Hey bitch. Where the fuck have you been?” I smile at her voice, rubbing the back of my neck.
“I have this gnarly realism project in my painting class. It's taking all of the little mental capacity I have” I say, mind on Ellie. Ellie and Cat. my smile fades.
“Oh, yeah. That's shit. Well it's Saturday, and since you owe me for being MIA, you are coming out with me tonight.” To be honest, a drink sounded pretty nice right now.
“Sure, what time?”
“Wait really? You’re down?”
“Yeah, I could use a distraction.” From her.
“Period! I'll pick you up at 9! We are going for… slutty chic.” I smile down at my legs. 
“We’ll see.”
“I swear to god if you don't dress up im gonna-”
“Bye Chlo! See you at 9!” I say with a forced laugh, hanging up the phone. I throw myself back on the bed and lay there for a moment before I finally force myself to sit up and make my way to my closet. 
[here!] My phone dings. I take one last look in my mirror, evaluating. A fitted black racer-back cropped to my upper stomach, a large key hole at the neck exposing some of my cleavage, I pull it up a bit self consciously. My skirt, a matching set to the top sits a couple inches beneath, exposing a sliver of my stomach. The fitted black skirt ends before my resting hands do. I tug at it, too short. I grab a cropped fluffy black jacket from the rack behind me and slouch it over my shoulders, then I’m bending over to pull on some black heels over my dark tights. Looking back to my reflection I look taller, elongated. 
I lean in and double check my makeup. A soft smokey eye, with a thin line of dark eyeliner. Blush and highlighter shape my nose a bit more than normal. My eyes shift to my hair, slicked back in a high ponytail, I lean my head to the side grabbing my pony and pulling it over my shoulder sighing at my reflection before I grab my black bag and head out to Chloe's car. 
I hear her before I see her, music blaring. She's applying lip gloss in her visor mirror. I climb into the passenger seat, holding my skirt down while I do so. She glances at me, “Oh my god. you look so hot.” she says, eyes boggling jokingly at me.
“Oh shut up,” I roll my eyes at her reaching my hand out to borrow her gloss, she hands it over and I apply it in the mirror of my visor just like she had done. 
The drive consists of her updating me on her sexual escapades. I smile, laugh, and gasp at her stories as we wind through the streets. This girl is wild. God, I love her. 
We pull up to a house and try to find parking among the cars lining the street. Finally finding an empty spot, she does her best attempt at parallel parking. I laugh at her focused face and multiple failed attempts. She tells me to fuck off. 
Walking up to the house We pass a group of guys, they eye us up grinning. Chloe smiles at them, I cross my arms across my chest and look at the pathway to the front door. As we get closer the music pounds in my ears getting louder until we are inside. There's a lot of people here, energy pulsing through the thick air. I feel a bit overwhelmed. Chloe, reading my face, grabs my hands.
“Drinks!” she exclaimes with a wide warm smile. Her blonde hair bouncing behind her as she turned and pulled me by the hand to a table in the living room. She pours us a shot of something clear, tapping our glasses together then on the table. The liquor going down my throat is warm and stinging. We cringe at each other and laugh at our sour faces. After another shot, this time a bit easier, I pour myself a mixed drink and sip it to get the taste out of my mouth. It's not much better, too strong, but I sip away at it. 
Chloe has drifted to the kitchen, giving eyes to some guy. I watch her touch his shoulder laughing at something he said and I smile at my now empty drink. Man, she's got game. I can feel the heat in my cheeks as the drink combines with the body heat of all these strangers. It's nice. For a moment I didnt even think about her.
Smile gone, I sigh and walk to the drink table, a bit wobblier than when I arrived, pouring myself another tall glass.  Maybe another drink will get the images of her out of my head. I sip at my new concoction, barely tasting it as I stumble to find a bathroom. I knock. Met with no response, I walk in and lock the door behind me. I look in the mirror and my hooded eyes look back at me. I smile at myself. I do look pretty good, I thought. I turn on the tap and run cold water over my hands, I indulge in the drunken sensation of it. 
I head back out into the crowded hall, people scattered along the wells leaning, chatting, even a couple messily making out. I subtly blanch at the boldness of it. Walking past them, eyes drifting over strangers, observing. Suddenly my eyes freeze, locked onto green. No , no, no. An exhale deepens her chest releasing a large puff of smoke from her lips. Her lips. She's sat with knees up on the couch, leaning against the arm. A blunt resting in between her fingers. Her eyes are locked on me, a look of shock shining over her already glazed eyes. Her eyes wander down my body, evaluating my every detail. Her brows furrowed a bit and I swear I saw her chew the inside of her cheek, before her eyes snaped back to mine. My eyes shift to the girl on the couch next to her. Short dark hair. My eyes trace her hand resting on Ellie’s thigh. My stomach twists. I turn sharply and walk to the kitchen, seeing everything through a tinge of green. 
I approach Chloe. She smiles at me and asks how I'm feeling. “Drunk” I respond with a small empty smile. 
“Drunk enough to dance?” she asks. Not sure if it was the liquid courage or a vengeful spirit possessing my body, I put my cup to my lips, downing the drink. I grabbed her hand and led her to the living room. Spinning her to face me, we begin swaying quickly to the beat of the music in the mass of dancing people. My hands skim up the curves of my body as we smile at each other. I tilt my head back and close my eyes, Ellie is in the darkness behind my eyelids. Then my hands are on Chloes waist turning her against me, we dance together. She’s pressed against me, my hands following the rhythm of her hips. When the song ends and transitions to another she laughs drunkenly, turning back to me and locking her hands around my neck.
“Okay, keep dancing.” I obliged. “See that guy behind me. Dark hair, tall. Definitely looking at my ass.” She looks at me with a smirk. I scan the faces in the kitchen, and locate the guy she's talking about. He was indeed staring at her ass. “Im gonna fuck him tonight. I bet you a million dollars.” 
“That's a losing horse man, I see how he's looking at you, I'm not taking those odds.” I laugh at her, shifting my eyes as we sway together, my hands resting on her waist. Images begin blurring together, until my vision locks in on the girl leaning against the entryway. Arms crossed against her chest, one hand holding her still lit blunt. Eyes pinned to mine. Darkened green. The haze of people seems to blur around her. I see her suck against her teeth, she doesn't look away. I hold her gaze while I turn and begin dancing on Chloe, now her hands roam my waist. I watch as Ellie takes a long drag. Ellie. Chloe laughs into my neck.
“Jeez. you're putting on a show! Who are you performing for?” she says over the music scanning the crowd. My eyes are on green. I feel my face flush as I see Ellie turn on her heels and head back into the hall. Could she hear us? I turn back to Chloe.
“I'm gonna take a breather.” I say with a smile. She boos me as I walk away into the kitchen, “you're up,” I nod to the guy eyeing her. He heads her way. My vision sways, and I lean against the counter. I drop my head, I feel heavy. My body feels all the gravity of the world at this moment. What the fuck did I just do.
I stand up. Turning to walk to the bathroom, suddenly too drunk. I take staggered steps down the hall, my eyes looking over the couch, once occupied. Now only the black haired girl sat there chatting with someone, I didn't care enough to see who. She probably left, my thoughts told me. Not sure if I was reassured or upset by the idea. I stumble into the door. It sways open and I follow its momentum until my hips hit the counter and my hands fall next to the sink. I look at them.
My head shot up in the mirror, Ellie was leaning against the door watching my reflection.
“Your friend’s right, that was quite the show.” she says in a dry voice, looking at me emotionless. 
“Where's your girlfriend?” My voice slurs at her, a bit harsher than I intended. The wrinkle between her brows deepen at this. 
“Is that what this is over,”  she said, rolling her blood shot eyes to the ceiling. I turn to her, leaning back against the counter. 
“This isn't over anything.” I know I'm lying. I wonder if she does too. What's your problem?” I say through squinted eyes.
“My problem?”
“Yeah, whats your fucking deal? Looking at me like that, with your girl basically on your lap.” I was too far into my drinking to be shocked by my bluntness. My green was showing. I didn't have enough sense to care. Her eyes were dark. 
“She's not my girl.”
“Okay,” I  let out a mean laugh looking up, then back to her. “Sure.” 
She steps towards me, my breath catches in my throat. “What about your girl?” She scowls at me, “The one you were dancing on,” she looks down to my hands  “touching.” Her  head still angled down but her eyes dart up to meet mine again.  She looks angry. Her eyes stir something in my stomach. This is so unlike that calm and collected sarcastic girl from class.
“What about it?” I say to her with a rude smirk, my tongue poking the inside of my cheek as I glare into her. She stares into me, her eyes drift to my lips, then back to me. Piercing me. I feel myself go pale. “Stop looking at me like that,” my voice is softer than I anticipated. A harsh contrast to my aggressive tone. “I can't handle...” my voice trails off. 
She looks at me for a second, softening the slightest amount. Contemplating. “You’re drunk.” She resigns. “Who's your ride? I think it’s time you head out.” 
“Ellie, im not your fucking responsibility. I can handle myself.” My confidence fluctuates again. I try to pass her to get to the door, stumbling over my own feet. Her hand slams against the door, holding it shut. She turns, keeping her hand on the door. 
“Dont be fucking stupid.” I gape at her. “Don't act like you didn't see all the guys watching you.” I didn't. Honestly. I only saw her. “You go out there like this and your easy fucking picking. Do you know how easy it would be for a guy to..” her voice stops. Her hand on the door squeezes into a fist, white knuckles. “I mean shit you left the door open when you came in here, what if it wasn't me that came in?” Her eyes are angry again, protective. My head pounds realizing she's right. I sigh and look down at my hands now clasped together. My liquid confidence faltered by the reminder of my fragility. 
“Fine.” I say barely above a whisper. Her eyes hesitated on me. Softening a bit more. 
“Come on,” she says, opening the door letting me out first. She trails behind me, an overwhelming presence. I walk to the living room, peering around for Chloe. She's not there. I pull my phone out and squint my eyes to keep the words from blurring together. I finally found her contact and pressed call. I hold it to my ear plugging the other one trying to hear over the music. Sent to voicemail. 
“Fuck,” I mumble under my breath. I press call again. It rings a bit longer this time, then voicemail. I turn to look at Ellie, she's closer than I expected. My heart thuds. I look up slightly to meet her eyes. I'm sure she would have stepped away if it weren't for the people surrounding us. “She's not picking up.” I say looking down to the phone in my hands then back to her. I don't know what to do, I’m nervous, too far gone to have a poker face of any kind. She looks at me with a tinge of concern in her eyes, then scans over the crowd, before redirecting her gaze to me. 
“Okay, follow me. She says as she turns and carves her way through the crowd. I follow behind her watching my feet to make sure I don’t trip when my body thuds against something.
I look up and see a man looking down at me. “Sorry sweetheart.” he smiles a toothy grin at me, scanning down my body as I back away from him.
I go to step around him, mumbling a small “excuse me,” but he steps in my path. 
“Where ya going?” he leans his head down by me, “Can I come with?” he breathes moist air onto me, the smell of alcohol hot on his breath. The sound of blood rushes in my ears. 
Suddenly, a hand on my waist. “Hey man, back the fuck up.” an aggressive voice rings. Eyes jump to see Ellie standing next to me. She's staring at him with narrow eyes, then looks at me. Her eyes are a statement. I got you. I look down to the floor. I feel her hand pulling me with her.
“Woah, dude.” he throws his hands up mockingly. “We were in the middle of something!” He called after us laughing. Her grip on me tightens, and I focus on the feel of it to drown out my anxiety.
Leading me out of the house, we get outside and my distraction disappears as she drops her hand.  Mumbling profanities under her breath, walking fast. I follow behind her and she turns to check I’m still with her. 
“Where are we going?” I ask, trying to keep up with her.
“I'm taking you home.” 
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doubleleoenergy · 3 years
i. Losers, The Princess and the Pogue Series
Only losers go to school, I taught myself how to move. I'm not the type to count on you, because stupids next to "I love you".
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: JJ Maybank x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, possible season 2 spoilers (if you squint), underage drinking, weed smoking, swearing, fistfights, mentions of blood
Summary: It’s the last day before their senior year and The Pogues are throwing a rager at the Boneyard to celebrate. That’s where JJ meets her.
Words: 1817
“JJ, come help me with the keg!” John B shouted, grabbing one end of the keg and waiting for JJ to grab the other side. JJ passed the package of red solo cups to Kiara, strolling up to grab the other side of the keg, gripping it tight and lifting it up over the driftwood that rested in their path.
It was time for one of the Pogues famous keggers at the Boneyard, and the gang was gearing up to celebrate. The first day of their senior year of high school was tomorrow, and they were buzzing with excitement. The fact that the fivesome had even made it that far, alive, was a miracle. Especially with how many days they had missed school over the past three years. But it didn’t matter, none of it mattered, they had made it.
“Yo Pope, get the fire going, the sun’s about to set!” JJ instructed, dropping some sticks in the designated fire pit spot. Their eager and early attendees would be showing up within the hour.
“Kie and I got it.” Pope responded, working with Kiara to get the sticks in the perfect arrangement. They worked on the fire while Sarah started filling solo cups up with beer for each of them, passing them out one-by-one until each had a cup in their hands.
Pope and Kiara had finally sparked the fire, the flames roaring to life, lighting up the Boneyard along with the large lanterns they had set up across the space for extra illumination.
“Alright guys, gather around.” John B commanded, each of the Pogues huddling together in a circle, raising their cups high in the air. Sarah wrapped an arm around John B’s chest, leaning into his side and looking up at him.
“We’ve been through hell and back, Pogues. And somehow the devil hasn’t devoured us yet. To the start of an unforgettable senior year, and to trying to go a few days without almost being murdered.” He moved his cup to the middle of the circle, the others banging their glasses together, droplets of beer spilling into the sand.
“Don’t get soft on us, John B.” JJ teased, chugging the rest of the beer in his cup before tossing it playfully at the man. John B laughed, chasing JJ down the beach to tackle him. The sound of voices in the distance fills the air, the wafting noise of a speaker playing a soulful beat hitting the gang’s ears.
“Yo, John B! JJ! Get your asses over here, it’s party time!” Kiara screamed, waving them over as the first group of people appeared past the tree line.
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Hours later and the kegger was in full swing, groups of the working-class derelicts and Kooks talking amongst their kind. Pope and Kiara were chilling at the far end of the beach, Kiara picking up some solo cups that had been dropped in the sand, complaining about how no-one cared about the Earth anymore. John B and Sarah were over with a group of kids from their school, discussing the upcoming year and some of the kids talking about where they planned to go to college.
That left JJ alone, filling up his cup with a third helping of beer for the evening. He had smoked a blunt earlier with a few of his classmates, and he was floating on the perfect high. JJ loved to watch people when he got like this, watching the different groups interact, hyper focusing on the way the flames of the fire flickered, sending smoke into the starry night sky. Damn he loved this place.
He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard some commotion coming from the right side of the beach near the fire pit, a group of Kooks blocking his view of what was happening.
“Kelce, the girl said to back off.” Topper noted, tugging on the back of the man’s shirt.
“Topper, I’m not doing anything, man. I’m just getting to know the new girl.” He stated, stepping closer to y/n, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “Isn’t that right, beautiful?”
Y/N slapped his hand away, squaring her shoulders and standing up straighter, looking up at the man.
“Don’t call me that.” She hissed.
JJ heard the group talking amongst themselves, gathering around the two, and he pushed his way through the crowd of people to take in the situation. That’s when he first laid eyes on her.
Her body was sucked into a black lace bodysuit, the string laced like shoes along her chest. Her light denim cutoffs hung from her hips, the bottoms coming just below her ass. She donned a pair of black Ked sneakers, her outfit casual yet classy. Was she a Kook?
“Why? It’s a compliment. You don’t like compliments?” Kelce questioned, taking a step closer, their faces inches apart. “C’mon, just one dance, Princess.” He placed a hand on her arm, stroking it as she pulled back.
“You’re repulsive.” She spat, turning on her heel to walk away.
“And you’re a miserable bitch.” Before Y/N could turn to respond, JJ had stalked forward, shoving Kelce backwards onto the beach.
“You dirty fucking Pogue!” Kelce fumed, standing back up and shoving JJ back, almost knocking down y/n in the process. The sentence spurred JJ on, throwing punches at Kelce before the other man socked him right in his left eye, having him stumble backwards for a moment.
“Not so tough now, huh JJ? Did your piece of shit dad teach you how to fight too?”
That was the last straw, JJ lurching forward and knocking Kelce to the sand, his fists flying wildly as he punched him once, twice, three times before getting off him. Kelce gasped for breath, spitting out blood onto the sand as Topper got down on the sand next to Kelce, holding his hand out for JJ to stop.
“Cut it out! Kelce, let’s go.” Topper urged, helping the man to his feet before the two disappeared into the crowd, a few Kooks following them.
JJ let out a chuckle, wiping at the fresh cut above his eyebrow that was dripping blood onto his cheek. His eye was killing him, groaning as he held a hand up to cover it, y/n appearing before him on his right side, his only side with vision now.
“Are you alright?” She questioned, knowing he probably wasn’t considering the state his face was in. JJ spit blood into the sand, tilting his head down to look at her. She was at least a foot shorter than him, which wasn’t hard, considering he was 6’0.
“I was actually gonna ask you that.” He retorted, his injured eye twitching beneath his hand.
“M’fine. Let me at least get you some ice for your eye.” Y/N gestured JJ to follow her towards a group of coolers someone had brought, digging inside to grab a few pieces of loose ice. She pulled down the olive-green bandana that she had tied into her hair, unraveling it until she had enough space to put the ice inside, wrapping it up tight before turning back to JJ.
“Sit down.” She instructed, gesturing to the large tree trunk along the ground. JJ didn’t protest, sitting down before y/n plopped down beside him, holding out the makeshift ice pack to him.
“I’ll live, I’ve had worse.” He pointed out, taking the bandana from her hand and placing it upon his swollen eye. Of course, he’d attend his first day of senior year with a black eye. Nothing new in his life.
“I’m just trying to be nice, y’know, for what you did back there.” She noted, staring down at her shoes.
JJ turned his head and shifted his body so he could face her, nursing his injured eye with the bandana. “Kelce is a piece of shit; you’ve caught onto that pretty quickly it seems.” He stuck out his hand to her, his knuckles starting to swell from the punches he’d laid to Kelce’s face. “I’m JJ by the way.”
She grabbed his hand in her own, shaking it up and down, her eyes locked on his. “Y/N.” They kept shaking hands for a moment before y/n finally pulled away, her cheeks heating up from the blush on her face.
“S’nice to meet ya, y/n. Never seen you around town before.” He shifted the ice to his right hand, his left needing to thaw from the cold that the ice produced.
“Just moved back last week, I’ll be starting my senior year at Kildare tomorrow. I lived here until I was three then my mom had us move.”
“Moved to where?” He questioned, relaxing his posture.
“Missoula, Montana.” She picked at a loose string on her shorts, listening to a group of guys behind her egging each other on to chug their drinks.
“Welcome back, I guess.” This clearly wasn’t the greatest welcoming committee for her, but that’s what life was like out here. Before JJ could say anything else, he was interrupted by the sound of John B’s voice calling out for him in the distance. John B walked towards the pair, his hand laced with Sarah’s, stopping a few feet from where they sat on the log. His eyes moved back and forth between the two, a confused expression on his face as he took in the site of JJ.
“Uh, I was just about to ask you if you wanted to get out of here, Sarah’s Uncle Matt will kill me if I don’t get her home by at least midnight, since it’s a school night.” The aftermath of the past few years had Sarah living with her Aunt Linda, her Uncle Matt, her cousin Elizabeth, and her sister Wheezie. JJ had been living with John B for the past year, and the trio had arrived together at the Boneyard in John’s van.
“Yeah man, I’ll be right there.” JJ stood up, offering y/n back her bandana ice pack, but y/n protested.
“You keep it.” She gave him a warm smile, resting her thumb against her lip bottom lip.
“I’ll wash it and give it back.” He announced, backing up in the direction that John B and Sarah had headed. “I’ll see you at school then?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Sure thing. Thanks again, JJ.” 
JJ didn’t respond, instead giving her a one-handed salute before doing a 180 spin towards John B and Sarah. He jogged up after them, flanking John’s right side as they walked towards his van.
“What’s with the shiner?” John B asked.
“And the cut that’s bleeding above your eyebrow.” Sarah added, squeezing John B’s hand in hers.
“Kelce was bothering that new girl. It was an excuse to beat the shit out of that Kook.” He mumbled, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.
“Whatever you say man, let’s hurry up before Sarah’s Uncle sprays me with the hose for making her late again.”
Tagging those who may be interested. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list: @midnightf​, @bucksmotel​, @blackwiddows​, @sokovianheadtilt​, @astrydis​, @moniamaybank​, @matbarzalschain​
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lesbian-deadpool · 4 years
Take A Slice
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Words: 1,761
Warnings: Blackmail, a bit of angst??, some self hate, talks of drugs, aftermath of violence, talks of cheating.
Summary: It just keeps getting worse and worse.
A/N: Bold and italics = Text Messages.
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(Not My GIF)
You were out of it. Completely and entirely, out of it.
The soft feeling of the red-heads plump, strawberry and sugar flavoured lips, pressing against the side of your neck. Her hand, trailing up your sides, pushing and pulling at your shirt. With Natasha humming against you gently, it vibrating into your throat, as she ground against your hips underneath her.
And yet.
Even with all that she was gifting you with, you still weren't able to focus on any of it.
"What's up with you?" Natasha asked, her red lipstick smudged, and probably all over your neck, too.
"You're out of it. What's running through that head of yours?"
"Oh." Shit. "It's nothing. Just a little distracted, is all."
"I see that." She took your jaw between her hands, soothingly rubbing her thumbs into your skin. As she gazed down at you with soft eyes. "Anything I can help with?"
God, she was too good to you. Too good for you.
And you had to bring this bullshit into her life. Sometimes you wished that you had never stepped foot in her class, that way this, could have all been avoided. And all because of those fucking texts you got, two weeks ago.
You had to tell her.
You had too.
"Nope." You shook your head.
You suck.
"You sure?" Natasha asked, a humoured smile overtaking her face, "You still having trouble spelling, 'Nietzsche'?"
"His name sucks, okay?!" you exclaimed, making laughter bellow out of Natasha.
You watched her with soft eyes, you adored her laugh. Adored her everything, really. Her hair, falling over her shoulders, the sun shining through the windows, causing the red strands to glow. Summer had just sprung, almost as if it came to chase the girl in your arms.
You were playing a dangerous game.
But, you knew that from the start.
Now, though? Now? It was more dangerous than before.
Because now you were falling for her.
And that was not going to lead to anything good.
Not with all that is happening.
"His name is hard to spell," Natasha agreed breathlessly, with a small nod.
Dread filled you when your phone suddenly buzzed beside you.
Remember what I said.
Natasha noticed the anxiety flood into you, she was worried about you, never seeing you like this. Staring at your phone with fear-filled eyes.
Lucky for you though, she was unable to read any of the messages that had been sent to you.
Nor the next one's that came through.
You know when and where.
Do. Not. Be. Late.
You inhaled sharply, eyes finally finding Natasha's worried ones when you spoke.
"I'm sorry. I have to go."
"What? Why?" she asked, having to move off of you before you ended up pushing her off of you.
"Y/N? Are you sure everything's alright?"
"Yeah, fine. Just-" Quick think of a lie! "-Wade reminded me about a test we both have tomorrow. And I haven't studied for it at all."
Natasha got up with a chuckle, moving to place her hands upon your chest.
"You have always been on top of your studies, haven't you?"
You shrugged, too busy pulling on your socks and shoes, whilst trying to locate your jacket. You were going to need it tonight when it was chilly.
"Hey," Natasha soothed, "Don't worry so much. Why don't you stay here? I'll help you study. I'll even reward you every time you get a question right."
You groaned internally.
Why did she have to go and say shit like that?
"I'm sorry, babe. I'd love that. I really would," you pressed as if to make her understand how much you were telling the truth, as you pulled her in by her hip, "But I promised Wade, we would study together. He's worse at this class than I am."
She laughed breathlessly.
"You two really are the dynamic duo, aren't you?"
It was quiet for a moment, as you moved away from her. Ready to head out of her apartment, when she continued.
"You could always bring him, too."
"What?!" You span around to face her.
"Obviously the "rewards" would be off the table, then. But I would love to meet your friends. At least your best friend. I want to be in your life like people in more normal relationship's do. As long as they keep the secret."
Why was she so fucking perfect.
"But Nat, you've already met Wade, remember?"
She licked her lips with a smile. Memories of that morning, and what lead up to it, flashing through her mind.
"Of course, I remember. I meant I would like to get to know him."
"God. You are perfect." You walked up to her, pulling her into a passionate, love-filled kiss. "I'll set something up later. He'll probably want to play some video games with you."
"Fine by me. I'll kick his ass."
"I'm sure you will, honey." With a peck on her forehead, you turned, grabbing your jacket, calling over your shoulder as you left, "I'll see you soon."
"Good luck."
She didn't know how much you needed it.
That fucker.
He was the one doing all of this to you. Blackmailing you. Forcing you to pick up and drop off drugs, like a fucking mule.
And there wasn't even a reason you could think of as to why he was doing it. Other than "he could".
The only reason you found out was, thanks to the guy you were dropping the drugs off too, was really chatty. And wouldn't keep his mouth shut about anything. That, sadly, included every intimate detail about his sex life.
But at least now, you could put a face to the messages.
And somebody to confront.
""Why" what?" you ask back. Hissing as the alcohol-soaked cotton wool ball pressed against the cut on your lip.
The itch for a smoke rattled throughout your body, hands almost shaking in your state. But you had told Natasha that you would try and cut down smoking for her, and God damn if you were, unbeknown to her, bringing this shit into her life, you could at least do this for her.
"Why did you get into a fight with Rumlow?" Wade clarified.
You took the few moments he gave you as he reached into the first aid kit to think over your answer. You debated on whether or not you should tell him the truth. After all, you hadn't even told Natasha as of yet.
But you just couldn't keep it to yourself anymore.
"He's blackmailing me."
Wade dropped the haemorrhoid cream for your black eye onto the floor, his shocked face snapping to face yours, that was still void of emotion.
"What? What do you mean that bastard's blackmailing you? What with?!"
"I'm a fucking idiot," you hissed at yourself, tears springing into your eyes. Elbows resting on your knees, as your head came to lay in the palms of your hands, "It was my idea."
"What was?" He placed a hand upon your shoulder, stood before where you sat on the kitchen worktop.
"I filmed up having sex. Nat agreed to it. But fuck, if I hadn't of brought it up..."
"Hey! Don't do that," he told you firmly, "It's not your fault that someone is using your private life against you."
You didn't reply to him. Your jaw only ticking, as you shook your head. Still kicking yourself for it.
"Does she know?"
"No," your voice was raw as you thought about your girlfriend. Your perfect girlfriend. Who didn't deserve any of this.
"You need to tell her."
"I know... I just- I just wanted to sort it out, before I ever had too. But now, that's not gonna happen."
"Because you kicked his ass? You did kick his ass, right?"
You smiled, wincing at the pain your split lip caused you.
"Hell yeah, I did." Flinching slightly, as Wade began rubbing the cream onto your bruised eye. "But no. It's not because I kicked his ass. Although that might be part of it now... he was never gonna let it end. He just wanted me to be his lapdog for a while, then run me outta Dodge."
"Lapdog how?"
You shuck your head. "I was basically his drug mule."
"It was only hookie weed, but still. I'm sure he's into funkier stuff. He was talking about cocaine with someone on the phone when I confronted him."
"And yet, you didn't share with me," he joked. It was the only thing he really could do before he sighed sadly, "He wanted you out of town?"
You nod.
"No idea. He just yelled at me after our fight, that he wants me outa here. That's all her was blackmailing me for. But, my best guess is that he thought he could "get some use" out of me, before then.
"What are you gonna do?"
"I have no idea. I can't let Natasha lose her job over this shit, man. She loves teaching. Said that it was all she's ever wanted to do."
"Talk to her."
"Yeah, I will soon. I just- Is it so bad that I wanna live in denial, and just be happy with her, for a little while longer?"
"No." Wade shook his head. "You're just in love."
You hummed in agreement. You seriously couldn't believe how fast you fell for that woman.
"Since when did you become so wise?"
"I've always been wise, fuck you for not seeing it."
You were incredibly lucky to have a friend like Wade Wilson. You just hoped you didn't have to leave the people you cared about behind.
Only time would tell.
But first.
First, you had to talk to Natasha.
A small smile was pulled upon your face, while you watched your best friend and roommate walk away with the first aid kit, to return it to its place in the bathroom.
Then something you came to dread happened.
Your phone vibrated.
Pack your bags and move out of the fucking state. Or I post your precious video onto the school's website.
Homepage, baby!
Bet she'd look real good up there.
Maybe there will be a porn future for her after she gets fired.
This will teach you for fucking my girlfriend.
Well, shit.
Take A Slice Tag List: 
@wannabe-fic-writer​, @ohfuckno​, @uglipotata72829​
Permanent Tag List: 
@imnotasuperhero, @veteranwerewolf95, @natasha-danvers, @marvelfansince08love, @higherfurther-romanova, @lesbian-x-blackwidow, @sestra-inestro, @thelastavenger-3000
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wizards · 4 years
Vine References: Harry Potter Characters
A remake of my classic post from my main blog
Harry: AA AAA AÀÁÂÄÆÃÅĀ!!!!!!!
Ron: i don’t have enough money for chicken nuggets
Hermione: that is not correct. Because according to the encyclopaedia of pl-pl-pl-pl-pl-
Neville: iridocyclitis
Luna: He needs some milk
Ginny: Go back to sleep, and starve.
Draco: [gets 3rd degree burns from Harry] i’M seNsitIVe aUbreY!
Dean: Hey my names [dean] and I have a basketball game tomorrowww. I play point guard, i got shoe game-
Seamus: I’m John Cena!
Dumbledore: tEn bILliOn pOinTs tO gRyffiNPuff! fUcK yOu sNapE gRYFFINPUFF wins!!!
Snape: *lemons spilling out of his frosty flakes cereal box with ‘life’ written on it* well! when life gives you lemons 🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂
Lily: oh my god why can’t you just take the freaking compliMEEEENTT
James: People constantly ask me what’s it like to be a sexy-
Sirius: All I wanna tell you is school’s not important… Be whatever you wanna be. If you wanna be a dog…RUFF. You know?
Remus: [dad, look! it’s the good kush…] This is the dollar store how good can it be?
Peter: I brought you Myrrh [thank you] Mur-dur! [huh…Judas..no]
McGonagall: Smack that bitch
Flitwick: I said whoever threw that paper, your moms a hoe!
Hagrid: Look at all those chickens
Arthur: road work ahead? Yeah I sure hope it does
Molly: every time you don’t yell at your kids, put a quarter in your sock and soon you’ll have a weapon to beat-
Bill: wOw
Charlie: So no head?
Percy: Hey everybody, today my brother pushed me, so I’m starting a kickstarter to put him down. The benefits of killing him would be: I would get pushed way less.
Fred: can I get a waffle?
George: Can I please get a waffle?
Tonks: This bitch empty, YEET!
Moody: I wanna be a cowboy baby
Colin: That was legitness
Cho: Chris is that a weed?
Cedric: Oh my god they were roommates
Fleur: hi, I’m Renata Bliss and I’m your freestyle dance teacher
Victor: *slides in* Good evening
Filch: [theres only one thing worse than a rapist...boom] A child
Umbridge: Not to be racist, but Asian people..SSSUUUUUGHHHHHH
Lockhart: I am shooketh. No we can’t come here anymore I’m too famous.
Fudge: no off topic questions. Because I said so. I don’t want to. Permission denied. No. You have been stopped.
Dudley: Whaddup my name is Jared, I’m 19, and I never fucking learned how to read
Petunia: I saw you hanging out with caitlin yesterday!! [r-rebecca, it’s not what you think!] i won’t hesitate, bitch! * pew pew *
Vernon: the cheese of truth *puts cheese on newspaper* immigrants cause cancer
Dobby: Hi welcome to chilli’s
Hedwig: Bitch I hope the fuck you do! You’ll be a dead son of a bitch I tell you
Narcissa: two shots of vodka *pours in half a bottle of vodka*
Bellatrix: I love you bitch. I ain’t never gonna stop loving you….bitch.
Voldemort: I’m a bad bitch you can’t kill me
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
LOVE IS LIKE - Books and Babes
PART 1 Books and Babes | PART 2 >
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Summary: As he travels home to London with his assistant Leah, Henry recalls some moments from his past, including breakups, ladies and that one book that keeps getting into trouble. 
Word count: 2.566
The song: Sweet - Love Is Like Oxygen 
Disclaimer: mentions of one-night-stands, breakups, bullying, hopeless love and weed smoking. Other than that it’s pretty much just comedic fluff 
LOVE IS LIKE... books and babes
‘Love is like oxy-gen,
You get too much,
you get too high..’
Henry mimed along with the music in his earpods, shuffling forward as the line of businessmen moved to the gate that would transport him to the plane taking him back to London Heathrow.
‘Not enough and you're gonna die--’
A short jab in his ribs made him look down at the glowing pink cheeks of his PA. She’d had to make a run for it.
‘Love gets you high-.’
With a quick fumble Henry killed the music, as he was greeted by one heavily panting Leah who pushed his lost book back in his large hands.
‘Found it.’ She smiled with another few long puffs, sweet sweat beading down her brow.
‘Leahhh.’ Henry sighed and shook his head with a laugh. ‘You know you didn’t have to do THAT.’
She chuckled. ‘And have you bother me all flight? Ohhh no, none of that.’
‘Like I’m such a pain.’ Henry winked, shuffling forward now the line before him was slowly funnelling down the long white tunnel into the plane.
‘Sometimes..’ Leah gave him a playfully chastising look before starting to quickly dig down her bag to find her ticket and passport.
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Henry wanted to knock on his brother’s bedroom door, but halted, hearing something peculiar arising from the small confinement his oldest brother was hiding out in. Was that a..girl he heard giggling? Putting his ear flat against the rough oak wood, he listened more closely.
‘Do you like that?’ He heard his brother ask. The girl giggled again.
‘Stop it! Hahaha. Piers! Stop it!’
Henry felt his muscles tighten and he wasn’t quite sure what to do. Was that Ellie? The blond girl that lived a street away? And was Piers...hurting her? His older brother truly was strange now he had full on hit puberty. Frowning, Henry looked down the hallway, his ears now picking up the sound of feet climbing up the stairs.
‘Did you call him for dinner yet?’ Marianne puffed out as she dragged a full basket of dirty laundry up the narrow steps, her face not managing to poke out over the large pile. Henry quickly straightened up and swallowed.
‘Eh..’ With a sharp knock he finally rapped on his brother’s door. ‘Piers! Dinner!’
Inside he could hear the panicked kerfuffle of what may have very well been clothing zipped up, but again Henry couldn’t be sure as he looked back at his mother who now lowered the basket in her arms. One conspicuously raised eyebrow from her was all it took to burn his cheeks a bright pink.
‘I wasn’t listening!’ He squeaked, though Marianne knew better.
‘Sure you did sweetie.’ She winked at him then tilted her head in the direction of Piers’ room. ‘Piers honey, don’t forget about what me and dad told you!’
With a swift swing the door was pulled open and one both terribly embarrassed and terribly annoyed Piers appeared in the door opening. ‘FUCK mom! Did you really have to --’
‘Language young man! ..Especially in front of ladies.’ Marianne looked over the shoulder of her lanky teen son to find the shy expression of one equally embarrassed Ellie.
‘Hello Mrs. Cavill...’ She squeaked before noticing the fiercely blushing young boy next to Marianne. ‘..Henry.’  
Henry felt his chubby cheeks burn even more. Oh why was he like this with girls?
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‘This is not working out...It’s not you, it’s me...’ Her words swam in the back of his head, tumbling around like his brain had turned on the dirty laundry setting of his conscience. Henry felt nauseated, tired and utterly empty as he lay here on the couch of his friend, his hands folded over the phone on his chest. He had thought she was the one. Starry eyed and hair black as night. That smile throwing him off whenever he saw it. She was still the one, right? Why oh why did she not want to work through this? Why did this have to be the end? Why did she have to decide for him how to feel about all this? Why not put in the darn fucking work?!  
Looking to his right he heard the soft snoring of the puppy they had adopted only months ago. His body was all disproportionate with his floppy ears and oversized lanky paws. Henry sighed. At least he still had Kal.
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‘Welcome Mr. Cavill and thank you for travelling with us.’ The pretty asian lady handed him back his boarding pass with a smile that was near inappropriately close to a flirt. Henry didn’t mind though. Mind a kind smile his large paw retrieved the most used book in his life: his passport, and stepped to the side as they checked Leah’s boarding pass as well. Leah did not receive that same flirtatious look, the asian lady barely offering Leah a glance as her eyes already roved on to the next business man who stepped in line.
Leah raised an eyebrow at him and Henry couldn’t help but offer his dear PA an even wider smile to compensate. ‘What’s the matter with you today?’ She asked, chuckling as her legs moved past him to start their way down the white tunnel of led lights and muffled blue carpet.
‘Absolutely nothing dear Leah.’ Henry smiled. Most women came and went in his life, but at least Leah was here to stay. Like Kal she was one of the few who were true friends to him.
In for it through thick and thin.
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‘So what do you think of King Pellenore?’ Young Henry shuffled a little closer to the girl who was sitting on the other edge of the school yard bench. Rosy cheeked and hunched over in his hand-me-down blazer he eyed the sweet red haired girl that seemed to share his fascination with reading. They had worked together on a group project a week ago and he couldn’t help but be interested in her.
Finally she looked up, Anne, her brown eyes skittishly skimming over him before both their ears picked up the sound of a bunch of classmates laughing. Laughing at them. Him. With a small “o” on her mouth the girl quickly grabbed her belongings and rushed inside, leaving Henry alone on the bench, his hands nervously picking at his backpack as the other kids threw him some mean comments.
Fat Cavill. Nerd. Sissy. Fool!
Was he really such a failure with girls?
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‘Kal! OH NO...KAL! Give that back!....naughtyyyy.’ Bent through his cracking knees Henry tried to reach for the book that his dog had snatched from the coffee table. But the pup was quick. With a cheeky side eye he glanced at Henry before sprinting down to the hallway, nails tapping on the slippery tile floor. He was near full grown now, but had antics in abundance - and sharp teeth to grab anything and everything he could drag around. Shoes, socks and his new favourite: books.
Chasing after the Akita, Henry followed him down to the kitchen; the home thankfully anything but large and with a few large steps he had managed to chase the dog into a corner, hands grabbing him by the collar before he pried the slimy book from his maw. ‘Oh well would you look at that..’ Henry sighed and tried to swipe some of the doggy drool off the leather bound cover. He had started to read King Arthur again, but his dog was clearly just as little a fan as his old classmates had been. Though of course the dog was not really being mean: he just thought it was time to go out, play, run, chase squirrels!
‘You are one cheeky bugger, you know that?’ Henry looked down at the Akita who sat down, looking up at him with big puppy eyes. It was hard to stay mad at him for long.
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‘You sure you’re okay with this?’ Charlie settled down in the comfy hotel deck chair, the Californian sun burning down on their heads.
‘Why of course! I mean, I’ll still tease you like any good older brother. But you LOVE her you big Sissywat. Of course you’re going to marry her.’
‘Haa…’ Charlie sighed and looked at the pool where some women were lounging on sunbeds. ‘..well I guess here’s to the last days as a truly single man?’
Henry raised an eyebrow from behind his sunglasses. ‘I really don’t get how people think you’re still single before the ring’s on the finger.’ He sniffled as Charlie shrugged.
‘It’s just a saying, Hen.’
‘Well single or not, you better take good care of her, will you?’
‘Of course! Each and every day, with every make-up stain on my blouse and every cold foot giving me first degree freeze burns beneath the bed sheets.’ Charlie clinked his beer with Henry’s.
‘For better or worse!’ The brothers laughed.
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‘Don’t want to stay for breakfast?’ Henry sat up to see his late-night ladylove squeeze herself back into her skinny jeans. Her round butt cheeks didn’t seem to cooperate and he had to resist from pulling her back into the bed so he could convince her to stay. 
‘No, thanks.’ She inhaled deeply so she could zip up the tight jean fabric. 
‘Will I see you again?’ Henry internally scolded himself for sounding so insecure. 
The woman shot him a confused look. ‘I don’t think I’ll be in London any day soon. It was fun though. Hey,’ She crawled up onto the bed and Henry rolled onto his back in hope she’d at least give him a kiss, her body folding over him. ‘ah there it is.’ With a swift hand movement she retrieved her bra from behind his pillow. ‘Gotta go, my cab is here.’ She pushed herself back off the bed and grabbed her bag. With one last glance and smile she was out the door. ‘Bye Superman!’ 
Henry felt his heart sink. Oh Henry you fool!
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‘OH CRAP!’  The woman in the business class chair next to Henry shot up from her seat, hands pulling a book away from what appeared to be a fallen over drink. ‘Shitshitshit.’ She quickly bit her lip and anxiously started to look around for something to wipe down the mess. Henry killed the music in his ear.
‘Love is like.. --’
‘Oh dammit.’ She scrunched up her nose as she realised how much of the juice had fallen over her book; it was just about ruined, pages soaking up the berry purple colour.
‘Here.!’ Henry sat up and quickly grabbed some tissues from his travel bag; having a slightly messy dog taught you to always be prepared.
‘Thanks.’ The woman breathed, some staff now also joining in to help clean the mess and put the book on a tray before it’d contaminate anything else. It took a good minute before it was all cleaned and gone, the brown haired banana-sock-wearing business woman settling down in her chair with a sigh.
‘You alright?’ Henry asked. It was the first words they shared after a whole hour of flight, her attention first having been preoccupied with her laptop or..reading, which now seemed out of the question.
‘Yea..yea..’ She shook her head and looked at Henry. Mediterranean turquoise eyes hidden behind thick glasses, her low brown-haired ponytail slightly disheveled after being smushed into the seat.
‘Was it a good book?’
‘Yea..just some..old timer. Good ol’ ..King Arthur.’ She hushed the last words as if she felt awkward about admitting she was reading a children’s book.
Henry blinked for a moment as he looked at her, his brain short circuiting before he turned to rummage through his bags again.
‘Oh am I..Is there something on my face?’ She grabbed for her glasses and took them off to look at them with squinting eyes.
‘No no, please. Eh..’ Henry raised the chewed and mauled, but ever loved copy he had bought himself all those years ago. ‘..just..coincidence I guess.’ He reached out his rendition of King Arthur and His Knights to her.
‘Well have you there. Leather bound too!’
‘And absolutely destroyed, also. I think these books just ..beg..to be harmed haha.’
‘You have a dog? Or..’ She pushed her glasses back on her nose and let her finger trace over the large indents.. ‘..bear..perhaps?’
Henry laughed. ‘No no. Just a dog. A large one. But, deep inside still very much a sweet pup.’
‘Apologies.’ A flight attendant halted as the glassed woman turned to look up. ‘We are seeing to the drying of your book. Though I’m afraid we do not have anything to get the stain out.. -’
‘Oh, that’s quite alright. Please.’
‘Could we perhaps offer you a new refreshment?’
‘Some wine would be great. WHITE wine..’ The woman grinned. ‘..less chance of stains.’
The flight attendant nodded, before Henry quickly interjected. ‘I’ll have one as well.’
‘Chardonnay, Sauvignon?’
The woman turned to Henry and with a dapper smile he picked their choosing.
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‘You just gotta be yourself man.’ Henry’s skinny, beanie-hatted friend spoke, inhaling the saturating smoke of his Red Dragon joint. The whole room was some kind of blue, bean bags scattered around the Californian apartment, people lounging and chilling in their daze.
Henry inhaled deeply and felt the wooze of a broken heart and drugs fight an odd battle inside his heavy chest. He felt both extremely relaxed and extremely wrong for being here; shouldn’t he be trying his best to get her back?
‘What if I never find anyone to be with me?’ The chubby boy inside him spoke, unsure blue eyes peering out at the ceiling that seemed to move and dance before him. The whole world had slowed down, but his mind tried its best to keep going.
‘Hey,’ His friend struggled up from his beanbag, making Henry fall to his side. ‘you’re a good guy mate. You hear me? You’re a GOOD guy. And if you’d be gay I’d totally..totally do you.’ His friend burst into a fit of giggles before he cleared his throat and shook his head to clear his mind. ‘No, but really. Don’t change for the girl, ever. Yea? You’re such a good guy.’
Henry wondered if this is what Kal felt like. 
Good boy! Good boy! 
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‘Where’s your book?’ Leah had to speed up to keep up with the light long steps of Henry as they moved through the long airport hall for their connecting flight. Henry smiled and looked over his shoulder.
‘Who said it again? If you love something, let it go?’
Leah frowned and with a few more fast steps got in line with him. ‘You are a handful! You know that Cavill? I ran my lungs out to--’
‘Leah. It’s fine. I gave it to someone who I’m sure will love it even more than I could ever.’
Leah puffed and, from the way her cheeks already burned, Henry decided to slow his pace.
‘And if she doesn’t appreciate it, I can always buy a new one.’
‘She? Did I miss something?’ Leah hoisted up the bag on her shoulder and shook her head. ‘You and your romantic antics.’
‘Incorrigible Cavill.’ Henry mimicked her voice, before smiling down at her. Leah rolled her eyes.
‘You said it first!’
‘One very high man once told me I just have to be myself. So that’s what I’ll do. And who knows..’ he hinted at a Valentine’s day poster they passed by. ‘..Love is like oxygen!’
Go to PART 2 > 
General Tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss @tumblnewby @magdelen69 @thereisa8ella @mary-ann84 @darkbooksarwin @summersong69 @madbaddic7ed @luclittlepond @maroonmolly @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @hell1129-blog @agniavateira​ @tillthelandslide @elinesama @maddyreads14
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silverlightqueen · 4 years
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Tia and Tamera... and Nicole
fratboy and best friend!namjoon x reader, university!au, comedy, fluff, angst (and making out, if that counts as something idk lol) ft. twice nayeon, got7 jackson & skz hyunjin
For btswriterscollective’s 1 year anniversary contest!
Summary: y/n decides to make a big fashion change and, all of a sudden, is the object of attraction of every male within a hundred metre radius of her. Namjoon, her best friend, isn’t too impressed about it.
Rating: 15 (mature themes, explicit discussion of sex, strong language)
Word Count: 9.9k+
Warnings: lots of sexism/misogyny, the typical she-has-a-makeover-and-suddenly-every-boy-wants-to-date-her-trope, lots of gross frat boys, strong language, explicit discussion of sex, alcohol and drug consumption, making out, Namjoon is trash and doesn’t know how to text. I think that’s it but lmk if you noticed that I missed something!
a/n: hey guys ! it’s silverlightqueen back with another university au lmao i’m sorry :( thank you to the loml @silverlightprincess​ for proofreading, you’re the best and I love youuu !! I hope you guys enjoy this bc it was really fun to write !!
silverlightqueen masterlist
I got the divider off google (it has no relevance to the story but it kinda matches the colour scheme so we move lmao) so credit to whoever made it lol
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joon: u up
y/n: don’t fuckboy text me
joon: so thats a yes
y/n: what do you want ?
joon: u free tmrw
y/n: it’s Monday tomorrow
joon: what about it
y/n: I got a lecture in the morning, but I’m free after 11
joon: ill pick u up nd take u 4 food
y/n: look at you, any excuse to drop in that you can drive now
joon: do u want food yes or no
y/n: what food ?
joon: mexican indian chinese whateva u want
y/n: yeah, sounds good
joon: rnt u gonna tell me what food u want
y/n: I’ll sleep on it
y/n: anyway go to bed, idiot, why are you even awake at 2.30 on a Sunday night ?
joon: y r u
y/n: questioning my existence
y/n: duh
y/n: now tell me why you are
joon: i just left jens lol
y/n: nvm forget I asked
joon: sure u dont want the deets
y/n: positive
y/n: goodnight you demon
joon: gn angel
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‘Took you long enough,’ Namjoon exclaims as I open the front door of his car and climb into the passenger seat. ‘Wait, whoa. Hold on. What is this?’ Namjoon demands as I shut the door behind me, and I quickly turn to look at him. ‘What?’ I ask worriedly, and he shakes his hand in my general direction. ‘This. Your outfit. I’m confused,’ he says, and I relax, rolling my eyes, trying to ignore the way my cheeks are heating up and hoping he doesn’t notice it. ‘Why are you confused, Namjoon?’ I ask as though I’m speaking to a child, and he laughs, starting up the car.
‘I’m confused because I’ve never seen you wear anything other than clothes that are way too big for you,’ he says, and I make an indignant noise as he speeds down the road like the devil driver he is. ‘Don’t even deny it, you know it’s true. I started to wonder if you had something you were trying to hide. A growth on your stomach. A hunchback. A pregnancy. Or worse; no boobs!’ he says, gasping dramatically, and I hit his shoulder, holding back a laugh. ‘I wasn’t hiding anything,’ I say, and he glances over at me, eyeing my chest, before his tongue darts out to wet his lip. ‘You were. I always assumed you had small tits – a B cup, max – but obviously not. I can’t believe you hid them so well. They’ve gotta be at least a D,’ he says, and I roll my eyes, not bothering to disclose that I’m actually an E. He’d probably pop a boner. ‘And your legs,’ he says, and I look down at them self-consciously. ‘What about them?’ I ask, and he blinks before looking down at my freshly shaved limbs. ‘I’ve never seen them before. They’re nice. Smooth. And curved, with some fat on them. I’m glad you don’t have stick legs,’ he jokes, and I sigh. ‘Stop body-shaming,’ I say, and he lets out a little chuckle. ‘Am I not allowed to have preferences?’ he smirks, eyes on the road as he overtakes cars left, right and centre. ‘No,’ I reply, and he bursts out laughing.
‘So what’s with the new look? What prompted this reinvention? Because, I’m either still tripping from last night, or you’re actually wearing makeup too,’ he says, and I shift embarrassedly in the seat. ‘I just felt like it was time for a change. I wanted to experiment, try something new,’ I say, and he nods, face blank. ‘Okay. Now, do you wanna tell me the real reason?’ he asks, and I laugh, annoyed that he knows me so well. ‘I was getting changed in my room-’ ‘Okay, hang on, let me picture it,’ Namjoon says, and I hit him again, ignoring his chuckles. ‘So, I was getting changed, and Nayeon barged in and had a meltdown over… my body. She said that she was really annoyed with me for hiding my body so much, because if she had my body, she’d walk around naked. Or whatever. Something like that. I’d never really… looked at my body like that, but once she said it, I realised that maybe I could start branching out, fashion-wise. So she took me shopping, and this is the trial of new outfit number one,’ I say, and he listens intently, nodding in all the right places.
‘So how have people reacted today?’ he asks, and I get a little embarrassed thinking about it. ‘Some of the girls in my class started screaming when they saw me, and Taehyung asked if I was new here, and if he could get my number. Oh, and our lecturer asked me to stay behind to ask if I was okay, because I didn’t seem to be myself today,’ I explain, and Namjoon bursts out laughing. ‘You’re kidding.’ ‘Not at all.’ ‘Wow. All I’ll say is to ignore Taehyung. I think all that weed has caused permanent damage to his brain,’ he says, and I can’t help but agree, wondering how that boy can even breathe right anymore. ‘Well, anyway. Why did you used to cover up so much?’ he asks, and I laugh. ‘Are you just gonna keep quizzing me?’ I ask, and he nods instantly, grinning. ‘I’m intrigued, y/n. You have to understand that this is a lot for me to process. My best friend has transformed into someone else since I last saw her. My mind’s going into meltdown mode,’ he says dramatically, and I roll my eyes at him. ‘Drama queen.’ ‘I learn from the best. You. Now, anyway. Can you answer my question?’
‘I don’t know.’ ‘You don’t know if you can answer my question?’ ‘No, moron, I don’t know why I used to cover up so much,’ I say exasperatedly, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘I find that slightly hard to believe.’ ‘Fine. I wasn’t the most confident in my body. It’s hard, seeing all these super slim tiktok girls, petite and slight, and seeing them dress the way I wanted to. It’s like… I felt stupid wearing the same clothes they wear because they look so different to me. The way the media glorifies slim women… it’s hard for not-so-slim women like me. So I just hid my body in loose clothes for so long that it was what I was comfortable in,’ I explain, Namjoon still listening attentively. That’s one of the best things about him; he may be an idiot, but he always listens to what I have to say.
‘That’s… kinda sad, actually. Because – don’t get me wrong, your old look did suit you – but this new look? It’s great. You look really good, y/n, regardless of the fact that you’re not a super slim tiktok girl,’ he says matter-of-factly, and I smile shyly. ‘Thanks. So it’s a yes to the black and white check mini skirt and blazer set?’ I ask, and he nods instantly with a grin. ‘I can’t wait to see the rest of your outfits,’ he says, turning into the car park at the shopping centre. ‘There’s… quite a few to come. I’m a bit nervous about a couple of them,’ I say as he pulls into a parking space, and he gives me a greasy smirk. ‘I’m even more excited now,’ he says, and I swat at him, the boy chuckling as he ducks away from my hand. ‘I’ve just driven you to buy you food, and this is what I get in return?’ ‘Yes. You’re lucky I’m not beating the shit out of you.’ He sighs, checking his blond hair in the mirror before climbing out of the car, and I reach into the back and grab my bag before getting out too.
‘Oh, my God,’ he says, sounding shocked, and I instantly panic. ‘What?’ ‘What are those?’ he shouts, throwing his hands down to point at my feet, and everyone within a hundred metre radius turns to look at us. ‘Joon!’ I exclaim, embarrassed at him grabbing so much attention. ‘Sorry. But seriously? What are those?’ he asks, and I look down at my shoes. ‘They’re sock boots. What’s wrong with them?’ I ask, and he stares at them before taking a step back and looking me up and down. ‘Nothing. They look great. I’m just shocked to see you in shoes other than trainers. And is that a handbag I see instead of the usual backpacks?’ he teases, and I roll my eyes. We walk towards the entrance, and I struggle to keep up with him (I always struggle when walking next to him, but even more so in these boots). ‘Wait,’ I say, hooking my arm through his so I can slow him down, and he laughs. ‘Aww, struggling in your boots?’ he teases, and I huff. ‘Shut up,’ I pout, and he laughs again, looking at me with an affectionate gaze and an amused smile.
But the affection and amusement soon disappears. ‘y/n. You’re literally killing me here. Hurry up,’ he says impatiently. ‘Sorry, Joon. It’s my first time wearing heels though, cut me some slack. At least I haven’t fallen over,’ I say brightly, trying to put a positive spin on it, and he scowls. He’s been trying his best to walk slow but he’s now struggling not to walk at his normal pace – his legs are so much longer than mine. ‘Yet,’ he says venomously, and I gasp. ‘Was that a threat?’ I demand, feigning indignance, and he side-eyes me. ‘Maybe it was. I could stick my foot out right now and no one would ever know,’ he says in a wistful tone, and I shoot him a dirty look. ‘I’ll step on your foot if you try it. Then who’ll be laughing when my boots ruin your Balenciagas?’ ‘Me, because you’ll be buying me new ones.’ ‘With what money? I ain’t got money like that.’ ‘Oh, but you got money for clothes?’ ‘I always got money for clothes.’ ‘Get a sugar daddy.’ ‘You are my sugar daddy.’ ‘Huh?’ ‘Who takes me out for food at least twice a week? And buys me things out of the blue?’ ‘Damn. I really am your sugar daddy. This isn’t a good deal for me at all. You’re getting the daddy, but I’m not getting any sugar.’ ‘I’m not sure that that means exactly what you intended it to mean.’ ‘You know what I meant. I want my sugar, bitch.’ ‘Jen can give you sugar instead.’ ‘Okay, but Jen isn’t getting the daddy. You are.’ ‘She was getting the daddy last night.’ ‘Did you really just refer to my dick as ‘the daddy’?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Never do that again.’
‘Where are we eating?’ I ask, and he grins. ‘Wang and Nayeon are waiting for us at Red Velvet,’ he says, and I gasp. ‘Yes! It’s been so long since we’ve been to Red Velvet!’ I exclaim, and he laughs amusedly. ‘I know. I was worried you might start getting withdrawal symptoms.’ ‘I thought we’d never go back. Does Seulgi still work there?’ I ask, raising an eyebrow, and he pulls a face. ‘Yep,’ he says, and I feel my eyes widen. ‘And we’re still gonna go?’ ‘Yes, because I’m a great person and make sacrifices for you even though all you do is abuse me and threaten to ruin my Balenciagas,’ he says, and I pout. ‘Sorry, Joonie,’ I say, putting on a baby voice as I give him puppy dog eyes, and he refuses to look at me, fighting a smile off his face. ‘Apology accepted. Now stop being the real-life version of that emoji.’ ‘Which one?’ ‘Don’t play dumb, you know exactly which one I mean.’
We round the corner to where Red Velvet is, tucked away from the rest of the shopping centre, and Nayeon and Jackson are sat in the window booth, watching a video on Nayeon’s phone together. When Namjoon and I enter, the little bell above the door rings, and both of them look up at us. Nayeon grins so wide I’m worried her face is going to split, and Jackson does a double take, eyes wider than an anime girl’s. ‘y/n?’ he exclaims, loud enough to catch the attention of everyone in the restaurant, and I shoot him a look, shushing him. ‘Oh, my God. What’s happened to you? Who’s this sexy thing?’ Jackson says as I slide into the booth opposite him and Nayeon, shuddering at the thought of my bare legs on the worn (and most likely, germ-carrying) leather of the seat as Namjoon slides in beside me. ‘Don’t refer to me as a ‘thing’, I’m not an object,’ I mutter, but my comment is ignored when Namjoon says, ‘literally my exact reaction.’ ‘No, it wasn’t. You did not call me sexy,’ I frown, and he blinks at me, looking surprised. ‘Did I not?’ he asks, and I shake my head. ‘Well, I thought you would’ve gathered that I thought that anyway. Based on the way I had to pick my tongue up from the floor when I saw you,’ he says, Jackson and Nayeon laughing as I roll my eyes.
‘You look good. Really good, y/n. I didn’t know you had boobs,’ Jackson says, inspecting me, and I try not to squirm under his scrutinising gaze. ‘Neither did I! Until I walked in on her naked!’ Nayeon says, Jackson’s eyes nearly falling out of his head. ‘I was in my underwear,’ I say defensively, and Nayeon rolls her eyes. ‘Details. But, yeah, after I saw her hot bod, I told her to stop wearing Billie Eilish’s hand-me-downs.’ ‘And gave her your hand-me-downs instead?’ ‘Excuse me, these are brand new,’ I point out, and Nayeon nods. ‘Yeah. You should know me better. I could never pull off an outfit like that.’ ‘I could pull it off you,’ Jackson jokes, Namjoon fist-bumping him as they laugh, Nayeon and I exchanging an exasperated glance. ‘I could pull it off you too, y/n,’ Jackson says with a little quirk of his eyebrow, and I roll my eyes, willing myself not to blush. ‘Jackson! y/n’s our baby, and we’ve gotta protect her from fuckboys, so stop being one,’ Nayeon says with a slap to his shoulder. ‘There won’t be any… fuckboys,’ I say, and all three of them raise their eyebrows at me. ‘You’re delusional if you think that. Just wait ‘til a frat boy sees you,’ Jackson says, and I frown. ‘Okay. That sounds fake, but, okay,’ I say, just as Seulgi appears to take our order.
‘Hi, and welcome to Red Velvet. What can I get for you?’ she says in the most bored tone I’ve ever heard. She must really hate her job. Even more with this moron sat beside me in here. ‘Can I get the Ice Cream Cake freakshake please?’ Nayeon asks, Seulgi gracing her with a rare smile as she writes down her order. ‘Can I get the Power Up brownie with Red Flavour ice cream please? And just water?’ Jackson asks, also getting a smile. ‘Can I get the Cookie Jar freakshake? And she’ll have Mojito cheesecake with Blue Lemonade. Thanks,’ Namjoon says, ordering for me too, but, unsurprisingly, he doesn’t get a smile. ‘Will you all be paying together?’ ‘I’m paying for mine and his,’ Nayeon says, pointing at herself and Jackson (she lost a bet with him a couple weeks ago, and owes him a meal). ‘And I’m paying for mine and hers,’ Namjoon says, Seulgi fixing him with a dirty look. ‘So this is who you’ve moved on to now?’ she demands, Nayeon and Jackson wincing. ‘Sis, you can have him,’ I say, unable to resist, and Namjoon shoots me evils as Seulgi looks bewildered. ‘Pardon?’ ‘I’m good, luv. Enjoy,’ I say, but she’s still staring at me, her mouth suddenly falling open. ‘y/n?’ she asks, and I nod, slightly confused. ‘OMG, I didn’t even recognise you. Girl, you look so good! I didn’t know you had boobs!’ she exclaims, and I have to stop myself from facepalming. ‘Thanks, Seulgi,’ I force out between gritted teeth, embarrassed as hell, but she doesn’t seem to notice, grinning away obliviously. ‘No problem. I’ll just get your orders put through and then I’ll come back for payments,’ she says, visibly perkier (nothing like seeing one of your friends unrecognisable after a makeover to cure a bad mood – apparently), before disappearing.
‘That was awkward,’ Namjoon says nonchalantly, all three of us fixing him with hard stares. ‘It wouldn’t have been so awkward if you weren’t such a dick,’ I say blithely, and he gasps dramatically. ‘Excuse me?’ ‘Don’t play innocent, dumbass. If you hadn’t had slept with Joy and Seulgi on the same day, we wouldn’t be in this situation. We’d actually have avoided a lot of situations if you weren’t such a dog,’ Nayeon says, brutally honest as ever. ‘Hey, I never made any kind of commitment to either of them!’ Namjoon defends himself, both Nayeon and I shaking our heads at him. ‘It’s common courtesy, douchebag,’ I reply, Namjoon sticking his tongue out at me. ‘I’d like to know what situations you’re referring to. I don’t get us into awkward situations,’ he says, all three of us giving him a ‘really?’ look.
‘Remember when we went out to that bar – what was it called again? Oh, yeah, Playing With Fire – and Jisoo threw that drink at you for blocking her on socials after you slept together?’ Jackson reminds us, Namjoon nodding slightly embarrassedly. ‘Oh, and when we went to Breakthrough, that club, and Sana got us kicked out by pretending we smuggled drugs in because you ghosted her after telling her you felt ‘something real’ for her?’ Nayeon brings up, all of us looking pointedly at Namjoon who nods sheepishly. ‘And that fight you got into with Daniel after you went ‘round telling people that Jihyo’s your sloppy seconds?’ I say, and he gasps indignantly. ‘I didn’t say that once!’ ‘Still. If you hadn’t had slept with her, that fake rumour wouldn’t have gone around,’ I say, and he pouts. ‘We could name several girls you’ve gotten us into awkward situations with. Chaeyoung, Hyejin, Wendy, Dahyun-’ ‘Okay, okay, damn. I get the picture,’ he says, the three of us exchanging looks.
‘Anyway, I need to go toilet. Come with me, y/n?’ Nayeon asks, and I nod. Namjoon sighs, reluctantly getting out of the booth to let me out. ‘Whoa, hold on,’ Jackson says, and I turn around to face him. ‘y/n… what you doing out here with all this ass?’ he asks, voice far too loud for my liking, and the few people in the restaurant turn to look at us disapprovingly. ‘Double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon!’ Namjoon exclaims, before they chorus, ‘Hella ass!’ They burst into laughter, and my face is on fire, everybody in the restaurant staring at us (or, more specifically, my ass). ‘y/n, you dumb thicc, sis,’ Jackson says, and I take a deep breath before saying, ‘I’m going to go to the toilet now.’ ‘Take some ass pics while you’re there!’
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joon: hey sexc
y/n: hey, what’s up ?
joon: wang wants 2 know if u nd nayeon r up 4 wing wednesday @ KPN
y/n: what time ?
joon: weneva imma get there 6.30
y/n: are there gonna be any other girls there?
joon: idk prolly the boys gfs
joon: y u asking so many qs u dnt have 2 come if u dnt wanna
y/n: I just don’t wanna be one of the only girls at a frat house with loads of stupid frat boys
joon: ill protect u bby
joon: me nd wang got u
y/n: much appreciated
y/n: we’ll come, but I’ll text you when we get there and you need to meet us at the door
y/n: I’ll feel awkward just walking in
joon: ok but call dnt text
y/n: you never answer your phone
joon: ill take it off silent 4 u angel ;)
y/n: thank youuu
joon: ofc see u tmrw
y/n: see youuu, goodnight joonie
joon: gn stupid
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‘Wrong number,’ he says when he answers the phone, and I roll my eyes. ‘We’re at the door, come get us,’ I say, and he lets out a loud sigh. ‘I’m gonna lose my seat,’ he complains, and I huff. ‘Joon, please come get us. Do you know what it’s like being a girl around dozens of frat boys? You need to look after us,’ I plead, and he sighs again. ‘Give me a minute,’ he replies before the line clicks off. ‘Is he coming?’ Nayeon asks, and I nod. ‘Good, because it’s freezing,’ she says, clutching at her bare arms. ‘That’s what you get for wearing a t-shirt,’ I say, and she rolls her eyes. ‘It’s not like you’re dressed warmly either,’ she says pointedly, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘I’m not complaining about the cold.’ ‘Yeah, which I’m surprised about, because that top is thin as hell.’ ‘It’s not that thin.’ ‘Sis, I borrowed that top yesterday – it’s thin.’
I’m dressed in a black long-sleeve top tucked into a pair of greyish-whiteish joggers, with white trainers on my feet, a simple gold necklace around my neck with an initial pendant, a couple gold bracelets on my wrist and gold rings on my fingers. Nayeon’s in a pair of blue mom jeans and a black t-shirt, a cross body bag with both of our things inside it on her shoulder. Neither of us have bothered with full faces or pretty hairstyles – we’ve both got on basic makeup with our hair out and natural. It isn’t really that cold; it’s 8, and the air is starting to get crisp and cool, but the sun’s only just beginning to set, so there’s still a little warmth. Nayeon’s just a drama queen.
The door opens after a few seconds, Namjoon glowering at us, before he looks me up and down, his frown being replaced with a smirk. ‘Have I told you I love this new y/n? Like… this is a look,’ he says, and I grin at him, feeling a little more confident now. ‘I’m stood right here,’ Nayeon says with a half-hearted scowl, and Namjoon grins, grabbing her hand and pulling her into a side hug. ‘Nayeon, me complimenting you is like complimenting Mona Lisa. She already knew she was sexy as hell so what’s the point?’ he says easily, Nayeon preening as I roll my eyes. ‘You think Mona Lisa’s sexy?’ ‘Not as sexy as you.’ ‘Can we go inside? I’m cold,’ Nayeon says, not waiting for either of us to reply before she slips past Namjoon into the house. ‘Come on,’ Namjoon says, grabbing my hand and pulling me along behind him.
The second we step into the living room, the smell of strong cologne, alcohol and weed hits me and all eyes flit from Nayeon – who’s hugging Jinyoung and squealing – to me and Joon. Well, more me than Joon. ‘Woah. Who’s this? Surely not y/n,’ I hear Hoseok say, and I shoot him a dirty look, the boy grinning in return. ‘Shut it, stupid,’ I say, Namjoon continuing to walk towards the kitchen, dragging me along behind him. When we step into the kitchen, the smell of spicy wings hits me, and my eyes are instantly drawn to the takeout bags covering the countertop. But when I realise none of the bags are unopened, meaning frat boys have already been at them, it puts me off a little – I’d rather not eat food that might have been tampered with.
‘Look. My seat’s taken,’ Namjoon says pointedly, motioning to where Kai sits on a stool, beside Taemin and Seokwoo, the three of them laughing at whatever story Jaehyun’s telling them. ‘You’ll survive. What’s the point of having such long legs if you don’t stand on them?’ ‘There’s no logic in that. Go get my seat back,’ he says, and I side-eye him, wondering if he’s being serious or not. ‘How am I supposed to get your seat back?’ ‘Go flirt with him.’ ‘No! Him and Krystal have got a thing,’ I say, and Namjoon rolls his eyes. ‘That won’t stop him from flirting back,’ he says, and I glare at him. ‘I cannot stress this enough. Men are trash,’ I say before turning away from him, heading towards where there’s a couple dozen drink bottles and cups covering the countertop. I carefully pour myself a lemonade, making sure the cup’s clean and the bottle hasn’t been tampered with (I know Wing Wednesday is ‘for the boys’ so it’s unlikely it’s spiked, but it never hurts to take precautions).
‘y/n!’ I hear Mina exclaim, and I turn to see her stood there, smiling widely. ‘Mina!’ I squeal, pulling the girl into a hug. Mina’s one of Nayeon’s friends (they’re on the same course) but because Nayeon and I are inseparable, Nayeon’s friends are my friends too. Mina’s here because she’s dating Bambam, a KPN frat boy, and it makes me realise my privilege; Nayeon and I are only here because of our connections. If we weren’t best friends with Jackson and Namjoon, we’d have missed out on so many amazing memories. ‘How have you been? I haven’t seen you for ages!’ she says as we break apart, and I grin widely. ‘I’ve been good. Really good.’ ‘You look it. This style is, like, amazing! Is this new style permanent?’ she asks, and I smile shyly. ‘I think so. I actually… really like my new style,’ I say, and before Mina can speak, I hear Baekhyun say, ‘I like it too.’ Mina and I both turn to look at him, his stupid grin making me roll my eyes amusedly. ‘Hey, Baek,’ I say, the boy opening his arms for a hug, which I give (reluctantly). Baekhyun is Nayeon’s ex. They’re still friends – they’re actually on really good terms – but I’m still… cautious around him. He’s funny, and we get along, but I can never see him the same after hearing all the drama from Nayeon.
I clear myself a space on the countertop and boost myself up, sitting on the hard wood surface and Mina joins me, Baekhyun standing in front of us. ‘Have you had any wings?’ Baekhyun asks, and Mina and I exchange a glance, obviously thinking the same thing. ‘No, I’m… not really feeling wings,’ I say, Mina nodding in agreement, letting out little giggles behind her hand. ‘Aren’t you hungry?’ he asks, and, to be honest, I’m starving. But I am not about to eat those… frat boy wings, and neither is Mina. ‘Yeah, I could eat.’ ‘Let’s order some pizza then,’ he grins, and I gasp. ‘Pizza? On Wings Wednesday? Isn’t that against frat laws?’ I tease, and he rolls his eyes, pulling out his phone. ‘What toppings do you have?’ ‘Just get margherita.’ ‘Shall I get two larges?’ ‘Yeah, Nayeon will want some too,’ I say, and he rolls his eyes again, an amused smile on his face. ‘I’m not ordering pizza for Nayeon – I’m ordering it for us.’ ‘I’ll transfer you the money.’ ‘y/n… it’s pizza. You don’t need to transfer me money for it.’ ‘Why not? I don’t mind paying.’ ‘Yeah, but what kind of gentleman would I be if I made you pay’ ‘You’re not a gentleman,’ I reply amusedly, and he clutches his heart, pretending to be hurt. ‘I am.’ ‘You’re not. And you’ve made me pay for food before. Remember the Chinese we ordered after the LSG party, and you made me answer the door, so I had to pay?’ I say, and he winces. ‘Well… the pizza makes up for it,’ he says, and I just raise an eyebrow, amused.
It’s so… wrong that he’s only willing to pay for food for me now that he finds me attractive, but I won’t complain aloud; it’s free food after all. And then it gets me thinking. Maybe I should… take advantage of the effect my new look’s having. I mean, frat boys aren’t the… smartest, are they? Namjoon may be an exception when it comes to his education, but his common sense? He has next to none, demonstrated by the stupid situations his whore behaviour has gotten us into. And the rest of them are even stupider than him. I’ve always been a master of manipulation, and it’ll be even easier now they think I’m hot.
It isn’t long until the pizzas arrive and the second Baekhyun leaves to collect them at the door, Mina turns to me with a grin. ‘Girl, if you don’t take advantage of all these boys thirsting over you, I swear, I’ll be so disappointed,’ she says, making me burst into laughter. ‘I was literally just thinking about doing it!’ I exclaim, both of us laughing. ‘No, but for real. You should, like, make the most of it while it lasts. Not to sound nasty, but you know it won’t be long until there’s another girl they’re all into. You should exploit this opportunity whilst you’re still the… object of the affections,’ she says, making me laugh. ‘Exploit this opportunity?’ I repeat, and she nods with a grin. ‘Their generosity will only go to a certain extent,’ I say, and she raises an eyebrow. ‘Wanna test that?’ she asks, a challenging glint in her eye, and I grin, nodding. ‘Go look in the fridge, and when you’re asked what you’re looking for, say… Vanilla Coke.’ ‘Vanilla Coke?’ ‘Mmhmm.’ ‘Okay.’
I head over to the drinks fridge (they keep their food in the mini fridge and their drinks in the big fridge – their priorities are so fucked up) and open the door. I scan the bottles, seeing mainly lemonade and coke with a couple alcoholic bottles, but no Vanilla Coke. ‘y/n!’ I hear from behind me, and I turn to see Donghyuck stood there, a big grin on his face. ‘Hyuck! Hey!’ I exclaim, throwing my arms around him. Donghyuck and I did extra credit classes together last year, and I’ve barely seen him since. ‘You look so different!’ he says, holding me away to inspect me, hands light on my shoulders, and I grin, bending one leg at the knee and striking a pose, making him laugh. ‘It’s weird to see you in clothes that fit,’ he teases, and I roll my eyes. ‘Don’t even. Everyone’s making such a big deal of it.’ ‘Yeah, because you look hot.’ ‘Whatever.’
I turn back to the fridge, and he comes to stand beside me. ‘Whatcha looking for?’ ‘Vanilla Coke. I’m, like craving it,’ I lie, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘You’re lucky we’ve got lemonade and coke. KPN stick to basics,’ he says, and I roll my eyes. ‘Well, maybe you shouldn’t. Vanilla Coke is amazing.’ ‘Well, the corner shop down the road might have some. Shall we go get some?’ he suggests, and I’m shocked. Mina was right. He’s willing the leave Wings Wednesday with his frat brothers to go get Vanilla Coke from the shop with me. ‘You sure?’ I ask, and he nods. ‘It’s only a two-minute walk.’ ‘Okay. Let’s g-’ ‘y/n!’ I hear Mina call before materialising next to me. ‘Hey, Mina,’ I say, Donghyuck greeting the girl too. ‘Hey, Hyuck. I’m need to steal y/n. Emergency,’ she says, and my eyes widen. I’ve literally left her alone for a minute. What emergency does she have? ‘You okay?’ ‘Yeah, it’s just… I started. Do you have a pad?’ she whispers, loud enough for Donghyuck to hear, the boy wrinkling his nose in disgust, making me roll my eyes. Why boys are so grossed out about periods, I don’t know. It took two entire years of friendship with Namjoon to get him to buy me some pads. ‘Yeah, I do.’ ‘Will you come to the toilet with me?’ she asks, and I nod, apologising to Donghyuck before Mina drags me out of the kitchen, through the living room and upstairs.
‘Oh, shit! My pads are in Nayeon’s bag,’ I say when we reach the top of the stairs, and Mina lets out an annoyed noise. ‘I don’t actually need a pad, stupid! I was just getting you away from him,’ she whispers before pulling me into the bathroom. ‘What? Why?’ ‘Because now he’ll go get your Vanilla Coke from the shop and you won’t have to go with him,’ she says, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘Are you kidding? He’s not gonna go.’ ‘Yes, he will,’ she says, before letting out an exasperated sigh. ‘Remember when I stayed home for a few months, because I wasn’t well?’ she asks, and I nod – Nayeon was heartbroken that she didn’t have Mina to gossip with in her lectures. ‘When I came back, all the boys were fussing over me. Trust me; he will go and get that coke.’
We spend a couple minutes in the bathroom, reapplying our lipgloss and fixing our hair, before we head back downstairs, quickly grabbing two of the empty stools in the kitchen, Bambam sat next to Mina and Namjoon sat next to me, chatting with Minho about football strategy for their next match. ‘y/n!’ I hear Donghyuck’s voice after a few minutes, making me stop mid-conversation with Yugyeom about dessert on Monday at Red Velvet (it was so good, I can’t stop thinking about it – I might have to drag Namjoon back there this weekend). I turn to see him stood at the door, holding up a bottle of Vanilla Coke, and I have to stifle a laugh, pushing down guilt. ‘Oh, my God, thank you, Hyuck! You’re the best!’ I exclaim, giving the boy a hug before he disappears to find me a clean cup. ‘I was right,’ Mina says with a grin. ‘I feel bad.’ ‘Don’t. You didn’t make him get it.’ ‘Yeah, but I’m not even gonna drink it. I don’t like Vanilla Coke.’ ‘Well, it’s a good thing I do.’
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joon: u got a lecture tmrw
y/n: it’s Friday tomorrow right ?
joon: um ye how do u not know
joon: r u still drunk from last night
y/n: I wasn’t drunk! I didn’t even touch any alcohol !
joon; then y were u letting johnny touch u up
y/n: I wasn’t! there was fluff on my boob and he took it off for me !
joon: ur so naive
joon: n e ways, do u have a lecture tmrw
y/n: yeah, 1-3
joon: wanna go 4 coffee after ill pick u up
y/n: sounds good
y/n: I’ll pay
joon: no
y/n: you paid for dessert !
joon: idc, ill pay 4 coffee
joon: u save ur money 4 clothes ;)
y/n: ew
joon: bitch do u want coffee or no
y/n: yes :)))
joon: ill b there @ 3, dnt b late like monday
y/n: okayyy see you at three joonie
joon: yep, night sexc
y/n: ew
joon: fine u can walk 2 starbucks
y/n: joon pls answer
y/n: stop leaving me on read !
y/n: fine, you can go to starbucks by yourself
joon: sorry
joon: y/n
joon: r u there
joon: bitch answer me
joon: ignore me if u wanna fuck
y/n: you’re such an idiot
joon: gn y/nie
y/n: night stupid, ilyyyy
joon: luv u 2 dummy
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‘Hi, welcome to Starbucks! What can I get you?’ the barista asks, smiling widely. He’s handsome, with dirty blond hair pulled back into a ponytail and sparkling brown eyes, and I can’t help but smile back. ‘Hi, can I get two large iced vanilla lattes please?’ I ask, the boy nodding as he clicks away at the register. My eyes flit to his little name tag. His name is Hyunjin. Cute. ‘What name shall I put on the cups?’ he asks, eyes sparkling when he looks back up at me, and I smile shyly when I say, ‘y/n.’ ‘Pretty name for a pretty girl,’ he replies, not giving me a moment to process the compliment before he says, ‘that’ll be £7.40. Cash or card?’ ‘Card,’ a voice behind me says, and I turn to see Jaemin stood there, smiling. ‘Can I add a large iced americano to that too?’ he says, holding up his card, and Hyunjin nods, tapping at the register. ‘Jaemin, don’t. I’ll pay,’ I say, though it’s Namjoon’s money in my hand, not my own. ‘It’s fine, y/n. I don’t mind,’ he says with a grin, and I smile back, touched.
Jaemin moves around me to pay for the three drinks, and I feel a little awkward, stood behind him, waiting. ‘How have you been, y/n?’ he asks once he’s paid, and I smile. ‘I’ve been really good, thanks. How about you?’ ‘Yeah, great. You look… different since the last time I saw you,’ he says with a little smirk, and I roll my eyes, an amused smile playing at my lips. ‘I’m assuming that was a compliment.’ ‘Of course. How could it be anything other than a compliment when the ‘different’ I’m talking about is this?’ he says with a flirty grin, motioning to my outfit (a pair of tight black cargo trousers and a long-sleeved black top, big black stomper boots on my feet and silver jewellery).
Jaemin flirts with me for a little while, but his americano is ready before mine and Joon’s lattes and he has a lecture at 3.30, so he leaves with the promise of continuing our conversation at the ASP party tomorrow, which I had no idea about. ‘y/n!’ Hyunjin calls and I go over to grab the lattes. I notice a caramel shortbread on a plate beside the cups, and I look up at him questioningly, the boy grinning back. ‘It’s on the house,’ he says, and I can’t help but let out a giggle, flattered. ‘Thank you.’ ‘No problem… y/n. I’m a student, at the university, and I heard your… friend talking about the party tomorrow. I’ll be there, and it’d be nice to see you,’ he says, smiling as he leans against the counter casually, my heart jumping. He’s hot, he’s confident and he’s sweet – I could definitely see myself getting to know him. ‘Yeah, it’d be nice to see you too,’ I reply shyly, breaking off our eye contact after a few seconds. ‘See you tomorrow then,’ he grins before turning to deal with the next customer.
I carefully take the lattes and the shortbread over to mine and Joon’s table in the corner, the boy instantly biting into the shortbread. ‘That is mine.’ ‘I paid for your coffee, so I can have a bite of your shortbread,’ he says, mouth full of food, and I scrunch my nose up in disgust, sitting down opposite him. ‘No, actually, you didn’t.  Jaemin did,’ I say, dropping Joon’s money on the table in front of him, and he frowns. ‘Who’s Jaemin? The cute barista you were just flirting with?’ he asks drily as he picks up one of the coffees, taking a sip. ‘No, his name’s Hyunjin. And I wasn’t flirting with him,’ I say, embarrassed, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘Then what’s this?’ he asks, holding his cup out to me. I can’t hold back my smile when I see that Hyunjin’s written his number on the label with a smiley face beside it. ‘Exactly what I thought. Anyway… who’s Jaemin?’ ‘KPN Jaemin. He was behind me in the queue and he paid for our drinks. And then Hyunjin gave me the shortbread for free,’ I say, and Joon narrows his eyes at me.
‘I can’t believe you’re making these boys do all these things for you.’ ‘They’re doing it voluntarily – I’m not making them do anything!’ ‘So you didn’t make Donghyuck get your Vanilla Coke on Wednesday?’ ‘No, he choose to go get it!’ ‘Well, you’re putting Tia and Tamera to good use.’ ‘Tia and Tamera?’ I ask, confused, and he points at my chest. ‘Tia… and Tamera,’ he says, naming each boob, ‘don’t you listen to Doja Cat?’ ‘Not religiously – Say So’s the only song of hers on my Spotify.’ ‘Tasteless.’ ‘You’re tasteless for accusing me of using my boobs to manipulate boys,’ I hiss, and he rolls his eyes. ‘Did I lie?’ ‘Yes!’ ‘Okay, maybe I did. It’s not just Tia and Tamera. It’s Tia and Tamera and… Nicole!’ he says, and I blink in confusion. ‘Nicole?’ ‘Use your brain.’ ‘Did you just name my ass Nicole?’ I ask incredulously, and he nods, seemingly proud of himself. ‘People look at it more than they look at your face, so I think it deserves naming,’ he says bitterly, and I gasp. ‘That was low. People look at my face. I’m not just my body. My face is pretty too,’ I say coldly, a little hurt, and he looks guilty. ‘Well, of course your face is pretty, I just-’ ‘You just what? Judged me, even though you’ve slept with more girls than I’ve ever been friends with? Just remember that there’s a lot you’ve done that I could judge you on, but I don’t, because we’re best friends.’
The air is tense after I finish speaking, and I feel sick. Joon and I have never argued. Our friendship has always been so laidback, so chill, so easy. I’ve never had any downs in my friendship with him because we get along so well. But I’m surprised at him being so judgmental, and so… douchey about me getting some male attention for the first time in… well, forever. ‘Sorry, y/n. I’m being a dick,’ he says softly, and I can see that he feels guilty. I decide it’s best to end our argument here, because this isn’t a nice feeling. ‘Whatever, it’s fine, Joon. Anyway… you didn’t tell me ASP are having a party tomorrow! Am I not invited?’ I tease, and he grins, the tension between us gone. ‘No, you’re not. I’m tired of you being so dependent on me.’ ‘Shut it. You’d be lost without me.’ ‘Whatever. I was supposed to tell you about it at KPN, but I barely got to speak to you. You were… popular that night,’ he says quietly, not meeting my eyes, and suddenly, I can feel the awkwardness making a reappearance. ‘Ah, well, I guess there’s no point asking you to take me to Red Velvet then,’ I say wistfully, trying to change the subject, and he rolls his eyes. ‘Ask Wang, he’ll take you.’ ‘No, it’s fine. I don’t wanna be bloated at the party. We can reschedule to Sunday – order some for a hangover cure. Can I sleep over?’ I ask, and he nods, smiling to himself. ‘You and Nayeon are always welcome. There’s enough bed space for the three of us.’ ‘You say that, and yet, you end up on the floor with us two in your bed every time.’ ‘I’ll climb in with you while you’re asleep.’ ‘Isn’t that illegal?’ ‘Shut up and eat your shortbread. Or do you not wanna be bloated?’ ‘Matter of fact, you’re right. These cargo trousers are already tight.’ ‘That’s because you’ve got a fat ass.’
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y/n: hey, is this hyunjin ? from Starbucks ?
hyunjin: yeah, and is this y/n ? the pretty cargo trousers girl ?
y/n: the one and only ☺️
hyunjin: I was worried you wouldn’t reach out to me after I saw you go and sit with that boy
hyunjin: I felt terrible bc I didn’t even ask if you had a boyfriend
y/n: oh no, he isn’t my boyfriend
y/n: he’s my best friend, namjoon
hyunjin: as in kim namjoon ?
y/n: yep, you’ve probably heard of him lol
hyunjin: I have lmao he has quite a reputation
hyunjin: I didn’t recognise him
hyunjin: I just saw you go and sit with a handsome boy and I felt awful
y/n: well, you don’t have to feel bad
y/n: and he’s not that handsome lmao
y/n: he’s just… namjoon
hyunjin: well, I’ll have to thank him when I see him
hyunjin: if he hadn’t given you my number from his cup, I’d have felt like an idiot
y/n: it’s a good thing he pointed it out to me lol
hyunjin: yeah, I’m relieved
hyunjin: I know it’s forward of me and I hope you don’t think I’m out of line
hyunjin; but I just thought you were really cute and I didn’t want to waste the opportunity
hyunjin: especially after jaemin paid for your drinks and flirted with you
hyunjin: I know it sounds silly but I was debating whether or not it was worth competing with him
y/n: jaemin’s not really interested, he flirts with anything that has a pulse
y/n: but I’m glad you didn’t waste the opportunity
y/n: I thought you were cute too, and I love your hair
hyunjin: ah thank you! I was a little nervous about growing it out
y/n: it’s unique, and it really suits you
hyunjin: thanks y/n :)
hyunjin: it’s late so I’m gonna head to bed but I’m glad you texted me, and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow !
y/n: okay, hyunjin, goodnight ! see you tomorrow :)
hyunjin: goodnight ! :)
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joon: do u need a lift tmrw
y/n: no, jackson said he’s gonna pick us up
y/n: but thank you for offering anywayyy
joon: ok
joon: why did it take you 30 mins 2 reply its lit rally 2am, what else r u busy with
y/n: I was texting
joon: who
y/n: oh, just the, um, the girls groupchat, to talk about what we’re gonna wear tomorrow
joon: ok
y/n: I’m gonna go to bed, I’ll speak to you tomorrow
joon: aight gn dum dum
y/n: night joonie, sweet dreamsss
joon: ill dream of u in ur crop tops
y/n: pervert
joon: luv u ;)
y/n: love you more dumbass
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‘y/n! y/n! y/n!’ ‘Oh, my God, Nayeon, you’re like a child! I’m mid-conversation!’ ‘I know, but this is important!’ she says, tugging on the strap of my top, her force nearly making me spill my drink down my outfit. I thought I’d dress simple, in just a black strappy lowcut crop top and a pair of ripped blue jeans, fluffy black slides on my feet and simple gold jewellery to accessorise. ‘Sorry, Dahyun,’ I sigh with a roll of my eyes, the girl grinning back. ‘It’s fine – go deal with your important business,’ she laughs, and Nayeon takes this as a signal to drag me into the kitchen, leaving Dahyun alone in the back garden. ‘What is it?’ I ask, and she grins. ‘I found your cute barista boy! Well, I think so, anyway. Not many boys have dirty blond ponytails.’ ‘Oh… okay.’ ‘Aren’t you excited?’ ‘I think you’re excited enough for both of us.’ ‘I’m serious, y/n! I saw him, and he’s really hot! You’ve been texting all day, and you said he’s really sweet. He could be your first boyfriend!’ ‘Nayeon, you’re getting ahead of yourself – I’ve literally known him for… 32 hours. And I don’t even know him, really. All I know is his name and that he works at Starbucks.’ ‘Well… this is your chance to get to know him. He’s with his friends in the living room – go,’ she says, not giving me a chance to reply before she pushes me through the open door.
He spots me instantly, calling my name, and I scan the room until my eyes meet his, smiles breaking across our faces as he waves me over. I head around the edges of the room, not wanting to get caught in the group of people dancing, until I reach him and his friends in the corner. ‘Hey, y/n! You look nice!’ he exclaims, smiling widely, and I feel butterflies; he really is so handsome. ‘Thanks, Hyunjin. You do, too,’ I say honestly, looking him up and down; his black jeans, loose blue and white striped shirt only buttoned halfway with a black t-shirt beneath are a chic and stylish contrast to the Starbucks apron he was wearing yesterday. Half of his hair is up in a ponytail with a few loose strands framing his face and his ears are adorned with earrings, sparkling in the low light. He introduces me to his friends, who all seem nice (I think I’ve seen a few of them before – I’m sure a couple of them are KPN frat brothers). As soon as the introductions are done, he asks if I’ll go with him to get a drink. He takes my hand gently – a shock running up my arm at the contact – and leads me into the kitchen, getting himself a bottle of Soju from the fridge. ‘Do you want one?’ he asks, and I scrunch up my nose – I find Soju absolutely disgusting. ‘Thanks, but I’ll stick to my vodka coke for now,’ I say, holding up my cup, the boy laughing as he nods, shutting the fridge after him.
We stand in one corner of the kitchen, chatting, and our conversation flows so easily. He’s an architecture and design major, but he does dance on the side too, with some of his friends. I ask him to tell me the basic things about him and I find out that he has a dog called Kkami, he loves autumn, he’s allergic to cat fur, his favourite food is sushi and his least favourite foods are onion, carrot and eggplant. Even though he’s so handsome (like intimidatingly handsome), he’s so modest, down-to-earth, and just so sweet. He’s like a breath of fresh air in comparison to the boys I spend time with on a daily basis (no shade to Jackson and Joon, but they’re nowhere near as gentlemanly as Hyunjin – he gets me two refills before I even realise that my cup is empty, and he gets me two slices of pizza as soon as it arrives because I mentioned I hadn’t eaten). I can already feel myself crushing on him; every time he compliments me, I get so flustered and all I can do is giggle – two weeks ago me would have hated now me.
After what could be hours (I’m having the time of my life chatting away to him), he asks me to dance with him, and I’m filled with an inexplicable fear. Actually, no. It’s explicable; I have never danced at a party before. Ever. ‘It’s okay… I won’t bite,’ he teases, and I take a deep breath, smiling as I nod. He takes my hand again, his touch so light and gentle, and instead of pulling me along behind him, he lets me go first, standing just a few inches behind me as we head into the living room. We mould into the group of our peers dancing, and I feel a little awkward at first, but I soon loosen up into the rhythm of the Rihanna and Bryson Tiller song pulsing out into the room. He’s really the perfect gentleman; he doesn’t lay a hand on me other than to move me out of the way when someone drunk stumbles past. It’s a nice change from the boys that don’t hesitate to just come up behind a girl and grab onto her waist, forcing himself onto her.
But after a while, I can feel the several vodka cokes starting to take effect, my mind a little hazy, and a tipsy y/n mixed with the RnB baselines floating out from the speakers isn’t a good combination. Hyunjin’s tan skin glows in the low light, his eyes sparkling, and he looks so fucking handsome, his plump lips stretching up into a flawless grin when I hook my arms around his neck loosely, moving closer. We dance a little more… intimately, our bodies pressed together after a few minutes, and his hands rest on my lower back, not venturing any lower, and his eyes stay on my face, even though my cleavage is right there. His gentlemanliness just makes him even sexier to me.
I look up at him, and notice that some of his hair in his face, and so I reach to brush it back behind his ear. His hair is so soft, the locks just gliding between my fingers, and I can’t help but run my fingers through the loose hair that he hasn’t pulled up into a ponytail, my nails gently scraping against the back of his neck. He shivers a little, his neck obviously sensitive, and it makes me look him in the eyes, practically getting lost in them. And before my brain can even register it, he leans towards me and my eyes flutter shut, his lips softly brushing against mine a few moments later. My first kiss.
He moves away, almost to check if I’m okay with it, and I just lean towards him, pressing our lips together again, making him let out a chuckle against my mouth. My mind numbs a little when he parts my lips with his, his tongue sliding into my mouth, and I really didn’t know that kissing was this good. His hands press into my back, holding me against him, and I grip onto his strong shoulders, his scent of lemony shampoo and expensive aftershave flooding my senses as our lips move against each other. ‘y/n, get a room!’ I hear Jin, one of Joon’s stupid friends, shout, followed by laughter, making me break away from Hyunjin, blinking as though I’ve just woken up, Hyunjin just smiling back at me. I turn to Jin, shooting him a dirty look and telling him to fuck off before turning back to Hyunjin. I feel braver than usual due to the alcohol and the fact that I’ve just kissed a boy I met yesterday in the middle of a frat party, and so I ask, ‘do you… want to get a room?’ ‘Um… what?’ he asks, blinking, and I feel the humiliation setting in already. ‘I mean, we don’t have to… but I thought you might want t-’ ‘Yes. I do want to.’
We’re both laughing drunkenly as we head up the stairs (it seems the several bottles of Soju he’s had have made him a little tipsy), our hands clasped together. ‘Whose room are we using?’ ‘Um, we can use Namjoon’s. I’m sure he won’t mind – he’ll be proud I’ve finally kissed a boy,’ I say, leading him into Joon’s room. The second we enter, he shuts the door, pushing me up against it and pressing our lips together again, his body against mine and our hands still intertwined against the door. I tangle my free hand into his soft locks, his free hand gently roaming up and down my side, and it’s bliss, the way he touches me. He’s such a good kisser – though it’s not like I have much experience anyway. ‘Did you say I’m your first kiss?’ he asks, lips moving against mine, and I let out a little noise of affirmation, the boy grinning. ‘Good,’ he murmurs, the word making my stomach turn with butterflies.
But it’s like I’m not allowed good things. There’s a loud hammering against the other side of the door, making both of us jump, and I manage to move out of the way just before it flies open, Namjoon storming in, anger all over his face. ‘y/n,’ he says, voice shaking, and I look at him in concern, wondering what’s happened. ‘Joon, are you okay?’ ‘No, I’m not,’ he says, teeth gritted, and it’s then that I realise; he’s angry at me. ‘Oh, did you… should I have asked you if I could use your room? I didn’t think you’d mind, I’m so-’ ‘God, you’re so fucking dense!’ he shouts, making me flinch, and Hyunjin looks between us before saying, ‘y/n, I’m gonna go, you guys speak in private. I’ll… be downstairs.’ I nod, too shocked to speak, and even more shocked at the way Namjoon stares daggers at Hyunjin as he slips past him.
‘What’s your problem? There’s no need to be such a dick to me, or to Hyunjin.’ ‘Oh, so you do know his name? I’m surprised, since you only met him yesterday.’ ‘Stop being so fucking judgy! You’re allowed to fuck anything with a vagina, but I kiss a boy I met yesterday and the world’s ending!’ ‘I’m not judgy, y/n, I’m jealous! Can’t you fucking tell?’ he practically screams, and the words don’t register with me for a moment. ‘Jealous?’ I echo, and he lets out a humourless laugh, sinking down onto his bed. ‘Yes, y/n, jealous. I’ve only been in love with you for two fucking years,’ he mutters, the words hitting me like a ton of bricks. He’s in love with me. My best friend is in love with me. ‘Joon, I-’ ‘You what, y/n?’ he asks angrily, and I’m filled with such rage, I want to slap him.
‘I didn’t know! If you’d told me, I’d understand why you’re so angry! But you didn’t, so stop fucking shouting at me, and being such a dick, and making me feel guilty when I shouldn’t!’ ‘There was no point telling you, because you don’t love me back!’ he shouts, and now I feel even more guilty. ‘I love you, Joon, but as my best frie-’ ‘And that’s why I didn’t tell you! I could deal before, when I was still getting to spend time with you every day, but now that you’re getting all this attention from all these boys, it’s so… difficult.’ ‘You still should have told me,’ I say quietly, and he scoffs. ‘There was no point! It doesn’t change anything! You still don’t like me!’ ‘No, I don’t, but you shouldn’t be angry at me about it.’ ‘I think I have a right to be angry!’ he shouts, and my eyes fill with tears. ‘Well, you don’t! Forgive me, Namjoon, but you’re not exactly a gentleman. Why would I fall for a boy that has a different girl in his bed every day, who plays girls like it’s his job, who’s misogynistic and vulgar and a dog? You don’t get to be such a dick to women and have your best friend fall in love with you, because it doesn’t work that way!’
‘Oh, and Hyunjin isn’t a dick?’ ‘No! He’s sweet, and he’s kind, an-’ ‘You’ve known him for one day, and you’re already rushing upstairs to lose your fucking virginity to him! I thought you’d care more about your first time!’ he shouts, still so judgmental, and I feel myself practically shaking with rage. How dare he behave the way he does and judge me, even though he’s supposedly in love with me? ‘Why do you care who I lose my virginity to?’ ‘Because I’m in love with you! Aren’t you fucking keeping up?’ ‘No, Namjoon, you’re not in love with me. If you were, you’d be happy that I’m happy. Instead you’re possessive and judgemental and douchey!’ We’re shouting at each other now, and anyone outside will be able to hear, but I don’t care. Let them hear how much of a dick he is. ‘I loved who you were, when-’ ‘When what? When boys didn’t talk to me? When you and Jackson were the only boys I spoke to at parties? When I was pure, untouched, innocent? Now, you’re annoyed, because I’m not who you thought I was. I don’t owe you anything, Namjoon, because you can’t expect me to have just known.’
‘Just go, y/n,’ he says, all of the anger in him disappearing, and he sounds so tired, looks so tired. And, as always, I feel guilty. ‘Joon-’ ‘No. Please, just go,’ he says, and when he looks up at me, my heart breaks. His eyes are full of tears, sadness, hurt, but the second they land on mine, they’re filled with love, too. Love that I can’t reciprocate because, he might be my best friend, but he is disgusting to girls. And I can’t love that. I can’t love him. ‘Okay. I’ll go,’ I whisper, turning away and leaving his room before I burst into tears.
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notyetneedcoffee · 4 years
Date Nights 3
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Smut
New Naughty Series
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“It’s your turn,” You grinned.  
Steve cracked open a fresh beer. “You sure you don’t want to just hang out around here?”
“Just pick.” You nudged him. “We don’t have to take all night.”  
He leaned closer, covering your mouth with a tender kiss. “Okay, Sweetheart.” Steve reached into the jar and pulled out a little rolled up note. Opening it up, he read it aloud. “Do something together that you usually do alone.”
His eyebrow rose, mischievously.
Completely deadpan you stole his beer from his hand and took a swallow. “Jacking you off does not constitute a date.”
Steve laughed, head thrown back. “Okay, okay.” He drew in a deep breath. “Maybe later, though.”
“Oh, definitely later.” You smiled.  
He looked thoughtfully at you, mind racing. The corner of his mouth tipped up and his blue eyes searching your face. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers. “Got it!” He stood up, taking his beer away from you. “But no booze for you.”
“Nope,” He finished the beer in one pull. “Now, go put your shoes on. You’ll be good in jeans and that sweater.”
“Where are we going?”
“The range.”
“Okay.” You said slowly, pulling your shoes on.  
Steve took your hand and let you to the firing range in the basement of the Compound. You’d never been there before. The outer chamber was nothing short of an arsenal. All kinds of weapons hung from racks, ammunition stacked on shelves, and only people with proper clearance could open the cases. In the middle of the room, a table held tools and supplies for cleaning.  
At the moment, both Bucky and Clint sat at the table with parts of weaponry laid out before them. Tony sat on a countertop, fiddling with a setting on his left gauntlet. Steve nodded a greeting. “Guys.”
“Hey, what are you two up to?” Bucky leaned back in his chair.
“We’re going to do some shooting.” Steve opened a cabinet pulling out Sig Sauer P320. “Sweetheart, have you ever owned a gun?”
Before you could answer, Tony barked a laugh. “You kidding? She was raised by peace-loving Haight Ashbury hippies. Didn’t you live in a commune for a while?”
“Hippies? Seriously?” Bucky chuckled.
“Doesn’t your mom run a dispensary now?” Tony pointed his tool at you.
“You mother sells weed?!” Clint howled.  
“For medicinal purposes.” Steve grumbled.
“Among other things.” You grinned, throwing Clint a wink.  
Bucky laughed heartily at the uncomfortable look on Steve’s face. “Why start her with something so boring, pal?” He finished the assembly and held out his M249. “Let her play with a real gun.”
Before you could say a word, the two men flanked you at one of the lanes. Both went over the safe handling of the handgun and the machine gun. You listened, intently, a small smile on your face. Finally, they stopped.  
Steve handed you safety glasses and ear protection, “Did you get all that? Any questions?”
“I’m good.” You donned the safety gear. 
Before either could respond, you picked up the Sig, popped in the mag, and fired once, paused for a heartbeat to check your sight, and fired nine more in quick secession in a tight little cluster at the center of the target.  
“What the -” Steve breathed.  
You cleared the Sig and ejected the magazine. Picking up the M249, you flicked off the safety and squeezed off a few shots. Smiling, you changed aim to the head of the target and blew a hole the size of a baseball in it.  You lowered the light weight machine gun, pulling off the ear guards. “Nice.”
Bucky laughed.
“You said you did know how to shoot.” Steve looked at you with an odd mix of confusion and arousal on his face.  
“No. You assumed. Just because I’ve never owned a gun doesn’t mean I don’t know how to fire one.” You smirked.  
Bucky must have recognized the look on his best friend’s face, because he ducked out of the room without a word.  
Steve leaned close to you, hot breath tickling the skin of your ear. “That was really sexy.”
“Oh?” You purred. Taking off the glasses and running your nose along his jaw.
“Mm-hmm.” His hand slid over your hip, dipping lower to the warmth between your legs. “Took me by surprise.” He placed open mouth kisses on the side of your neck. “I’ve seen you be sweet, seen you outsmart the room, seen you be funny and charming, but fuck...” he growled out the word. “The badass look is sexy as hell on you.”
His teeth nipped your ear as he pulled your ass tight against the hard evidence of his arousal.  You gave a little moan. “You got a thing for girls with guns?”
He chuckled low. “Got a thing for you. You keep surprising me.” One hand cupped your breast as he pulled you against his rutting hip with the other. “I love it.”
“We, oh damn,” a shiver ran down your body. “We better cool it or get someplace private, ‘cause I don’t think bending me over right here is such a good idea.”
Steve groaned, freezing. “You’re right.” He took a deep breath before standing up straight. “Okay. Yeah.” Steve picked up the weapons and headed to the exit. Peeking out he breathed a ‘thank god’ before pushing the door open. Clint, Tony and Bucky were gone.  
He quickly stowed the weapons, knowing they should be cleaned before being put away. The raging erection in pants demanded other action, though. You watched his quick work with a grin. As soon as he slammed the last cabinet closed, Steve swept you up in his arms and kissed you hard.
“Let’s go.” He murmured against your lips.  
“Yes, sir.” You quirked an eyebrow at him.  
A low growl escaped his chest and he practically carried you out of the range. Thankfully, you didn’t pass anyone on the way to his quarters.  Steve kept pulling you close, kissing you, lifting you against him. As soon as his door closed, he buried his hands in your hair. “Say that one more time.”
“What?” You smiled against his lips. “Yes, sir?”
His eyes fell closed, and his grip tightened. Oh, that was new. Your voice dropped to a husky purr. “What can I do for you, sir?”
Steve’s eyes opened, studying you. His thumb traced your lower lip and you took it in your mouth, sucking and rolling your tongue around his digit. His eyes darkened. “You can get on your knees and suck my cock, like I know you want to.”
His words sent a flood to your core. Hell, yes.  
You lowered to your knees, keeping eye contact with him as your hands ran over his chest and abs, down his thighs. You moved all the way to his feet, removing his shoes and socks. Rising up, you unbuckled his belt. Steve’s hands clenched at his side. You unfastened his jeans, breathing hot air over his cock before touching him. You took him hand, licking up the length of him, stroking.  
When you finally took him in your mouth, he moaned. His hands combed through your hair, pulling it away from your face so he could see. You pushed him to the back of your throat, swallowing against him. He growled jerking into you, pushing you to limit of your reflex. Your hand grabbed his ass.
Steve bit back moans, watching your head bob, fighting the urge to fuck your mouth harder. Finally, he pulled you up, crushing your mouth with a brutal kiss. He held himself back, eyes closing. “What do you want, Sweetheart?”
You nipped his bottom lip. “Fuck me hard, sir.”
“Hell, yes.” He groaned. Picking you off the ground so your legs came around his waist, he marched to the bed. He threw you on the bed. You were pulling off your sweater before you stopped bouncing. Steve yanked off your shoes. Clothes were thrown in every direction.  
Steve manhandled you until you were naked, on all fours, ass facing him. His large hands ran over the cheeks of your ass, pulling them apart, fingers sweeping over your wet cunt. “So, sweet.”  
“Steve,” you whined.  
You felt the sharp crack of his hand on your ass. “What?”
Gasping, you corrected. “Sir.”
“God, look at that.” He smacked you again. You jumped. Pain. Pleasure. You felt yourself dripping. “You like that, don’t you?”
A moan escaped your throat.  
Steve slipped two fingers in, rubbing against your wall, roughly stroking the spot he knew so well. With a cry you dropped to your elbows. “Tell me. Say it, Sweetheart.” His other hand spanked you. “You like that.” Again, and you cried out. “Don’t you?”
“Yes, sir!”
He fucked you with his fingers, hard and rough. His other hand coming around to tease your clit, slick with your own juiced. “Do you want to come for me, Sweetheart? Are you ready to squirt all over me?”
“Yes, sir!”
“Not yet.” He was suddenly gone. You let out a something between a whine and a scream. Steve flipped you over, pushing your knee to your chest. He entered you in one deep thrust.
“Fuck!” You clutched at the bed covers. He held your crossed ankles in one large hand. Resting on his knees, he pulled out almost all the way before sliding in again. His hard cock pressing against your g spot the whole time. Your eyes locked closed.  
“Look at me!” His hand slapped you ass. Your eyes popped open, panting. Steve thrust into you harder, faster. “Fuck, you feel good.”
“Yes, sir.” You reached for his hip, his shoulder, anywhere you could touch. “Harder, please, sir!”
Steve let go of your ankles, fingers digging into your hips. Skin slapped on skin. “Yes!”  
Heat flooded through your body. Toes tingled. Thighs quivered. Tension coiled in your core. “I’m gonna... oh god...”
Steve leaned back, angling to fuck up at just the right angle. He watched, open mouthed, as his cock slammed into your wet cunt. You writhed, but he held you tight. You cried out, coming hard, flooding over his cock, soaking the duvet. He lost it.
With a growl, he slammed into you hard, fast, stealing your breath. Unable to come down from the first orgasm, he pushed you over the edge a second time.  Your whole body shook, mind whited out.  You screamed. Steve growled as your cunt clutched at him, milking every bit of hot come from him until he collapsed over your sweaty, still shaking body.
His soft lips roamed over your neck. “You okay, Love?”
“Mmm.” You panted. “I can’t feel my feet.”
He chuckled, and you felt it down the length of your body, including where he remained buried in you. “That was,” he sighed. “intense.”
“Yeah.” You nuzzled him, unable to move anything else.
Steve pushed off you and lay at your side. “Bed, or bath?” His fingers traced over your sweat soaked chest.
“Coma.” Your eyes closed.
He kissed you lightly. “That good, huh?”
“Mm-hmm, yessir.” You smiled lazily.  
Steve got up and you whined at his absence. “Just going to run the bath, Sweetheart. Don’t worry if you doze off, I’ll take care of you.”
“You’re so good to me.”
He came back, placing a soft kiss on your lips. “That’s my line.”
You rested, drifting in a wonderful haze. Date nights were a really good idea.
@rainbowkisses31​​ / @dsakita​​​ / @geeksareunique​​​ / @lbouvet​​​ / @buckybarneshairpullingkink​​​ / @theneuropsychwriter​​​ / @vanillabunn21​​​ / @sammghgecko​​​ / @beautifullungs​​​ / @badassbaker​​​ / @the-omni-princess​​​ / @sebbysstangirl​​​ / @jesseswartzwelder​​​ / @unadulteratedwizardlove / @the-reading-octopus​​​ / @bangtan-serendipity​​​ / @kiki5283​​​ / @mindtravelsx / @my-favorite-fics-and-imagines​​​ / @patzammit​​​ / @thegetawaywriter​​​  / @vxidnik​​​ / @jennmurawski13​​​ / @wildmoonflower​​​ / @rynabarnesrogers​​​ / @notyourtypicalrose​​​ / @sllooney​​​ / @wwe-fanfiction-queen​​​ / @thorfanficwriter​​​ / @scarlettsoldier​​​ / @morganhoran1671 / @michelehansel​​​ / @sexyvixen7​​​ / @readermia​​​ / @buchanansebba​​​ / @what-is-your-plan-today​​​ / @imma-new-soul​​​ / @asiaaisa77​​​ / @babygurl8840​​​ / @acf2510​​​ / @firefly-in-darkness​​
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chqnverse · 4 years
𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 / 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬
▶️ - Ongoing
❄️ - Series
🌻 - Fluff
A/N:Okey.... Now you and your Husband know that you are getting a Baby.You are 3 months Pregnant. You need to tell the Members / Your Families.....
You where sitting in the Living room nervously playing with your fingers.”Jinie...?” Jin looks at you,eyes full of worry “Is everything fine Baby?” You nod your head “Yes Handsome I am just scared about their reaction....Do you think they will be happy...?” Jin walks over to you.
“Dont worry Baby they said at our Weeding that they couldn't waif for their Grandchildren dont worry to much okey?” You nervously bite your bottom lip and nod.
At this Moment the Doorbell rings You stand up and walk to the Door while Jin walks into the kitchen”I will wait for you in the Kitchen Jagi”You nod and open the door there stood Jins parents “Hello Miss and Mr.Kim” You bow and let them in.Jin mother hugs You “Hello my lovely Daughter-In-Law”
Jin Vather gave you a hug to “We are happy about the invitation,I'm curious if our son can still cook so well“You giggle “Of course.....But now lets go he is waiting in the Kitchen” You walk to the kitchen, Jin Parent following you.
Jin was smiling as he saw his parents and walked over to them and gave them a big hug “Eomma,Appa I missed you! Please sit down the food will be ready in a few seconds”They sat down at the Table.You looked at Jin he just nod.
You took a deep breath “We have to tell you something Eomma and Appa”Jin walks over to you and put his hand on your shoulder.He gave you a kiss on you cheek.”I am happy to announce that you will be grandparents soon”
Their jaws droops and they began to smile brightly Jins Mother come to you and hugs you “R-Really....I am gonna be a grandmother.....?”Jin nod “Yes Eomma” Jin father just sat there smiling”I am so happy for you two”
The dinner was full of Happiness.
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You where with Yoongi and  your Parents at a Park.You all sat on the Grass with a blanked and food.The Sun was shining brightly.
You where sitting on Yoongis lap his arms where wrapped around you.Your Parents where sitting on the other side.
You where eating Strawberry´s sometimes giving Yoongi one.He smiled ant thanked you.You parents where talking with Yoongi about his work.
After a while they stopped talking and it was a comfortable silence. You cleared your throat “So....The main reason why we invite you here because we wanted to tell you something” You look at Yoongi.
He gave you his Gummy Smile.Your Father looked at you with a confused look “What is ist sweets?” Yoongis smile got brighter.
“So you know the last weeks Y/N didn't feel good so we went to the Hospital and.....”
Your Mother looked worried “Is it something bad?” You shake your head as no she sight in relive.
Yoongi continue “The Doctor said that we are going to have a Mini version of us running around the House!” You Parents hug you both “This are the best News of the whole Day!”
You Smile and lay your hand on your belly.
(He is so cute....help me.....)
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It wasent planed to tell them like this but......
It was Friday you where with Hobi on tour, at the moment he is practicing with his members on stage.
You where sitting In front of him with Namjoons,Jimins ansd Yoongis Wife You where watching the Members Practicing Black Swan While Yoongis Wife was Resting her head on your shoulder “Y/N did you and Hoseok already told your Parents that You are Pregnant?” You shake your head as no “No we didnt had a chance to tell them Now did you Guys already told your parents?” Yoongis Wife and Namjoons Wife nod too just Jimins wife shook her head as no “Nah we want to tell them when we come back from Tour” You nod understanding “Me Too” Then the members came.
Hobi walks over to you “Hey Angel how are..?” You kissed him “ I am Fine we talked about who told their parents that they are pregnant” Hobi nod.
Right at this moment your phone rings.
Oh no......
You gasp “H-Hobi....?”He grabs your phone and answered “Hey Eomma Appa and my beloved sister!”
Hobis Sister waves her hand”Hobi where is Y/N? Isnt she with you” Hobi smile and turns the Camera around so they could see you You waved nervous Next to you was Jimins Wife “hey!” You didnt know what came over you but your mouth began to move from alone.
“I AM PREGNANT..........!”
You quickly cover your Mouth “Shit....!” Hobi smiles.
His sister begin Singing and dancing around “I am gonna be an Auntie YEY Good Job Brother” Hobi Blushes “T-Thank You...”His Parents Congratulate you two. The Others where giggling and smiling like Idiots.
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Its Christmas
Namjoons and your Parents are over at your house.
You where at the living room waiting for Your Husband to come home from his studio.You where happy and you know that your parents where going to be happy because al they talk about where Grandchildren.
Every time they where over they asked you if you where pregnant  You answered every time with a No.
You and Namjoon talked about when you are going to tell them.
You suggested that you tell them about Christmas.He agreed.
The door open and your beloved husband comes in.He walks directly over to you and gave you a short loving Kiss.”Hey Princess How are you feeling?” You smile “I am Fine my Joonie the Pooh”
Later that day You where sitting in the living room on one sofa where His and your Parents on the other side where you and Namjoon.
Your parent gave you a picture of you all together on the couch smiling in the Camera. You both thanked them.
Then you gave them a little purple box. Namjoons Mother Opens it and began Crying she gave the box to her husband and he began smiling. Your Mother looked in the Box.Inside where little white baby shoes withe the sentence “We will see each other soon” on it and your positive Pregnancy test.She smiles widely Namjoon Smiles Back “You like our present?” They al nod while smiling widely.“Of course we love it” 
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You where with Jimin at BigHit.
The Members where practicing wile you and the other Wifes where sitting on the floor.You all where talking.
You got Bored.You look around The Boys where Practicing Boy with Love You walked over to the Desk and take the last banana milk.This was a bad Idea....
And half hour later the Boys where ready and came to you.Jimin gives you his Eye smile(UwU) and gave you a passionate kiss on the lipst Yongi Looks over “Hey Get a room” HIs wife hits him on his chest “Hey be nice Yoongi Bear” The members smile “Aish Kitten why did you have to call me that right now” The members Giggle.
Then you hear Jungkook gasp “Yaaaaa WHO DRANK MY LAST BANANA MILK!!”
You look down at your hand and quickly hide the Banana Milk behind your back.Jimin smiles at you.
Everyone looks at you,You smile innocently “hehe.....Why are you all looking at me like that hahah?” Jungkook walks to you “Y/N do you have anything to say?”
“Ähhhmmm No....”You quickly stood up and run away Jungkook Runs after you “PARK Y/N Get your ass back here and buy me a new banana milk!” Jimin runs after Jungkook in this moment jungkook catch you and throws you over his shoulder.
“Yaaa Jungkook you Brat!Be careful Y/N is Pregnant!”
Jungkook lets you down immediately and looks at you with his doe eyes.”R-Really Nonna.... You are Pregnant...........?” All members stares at you three.
You nod “Yes.......” All Members begin cheering.They all ran to you and gave you a big group hug.
Jimin Couldn't describe his happiness right now
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You where in the Kitchen with your and Taehyungs Parent.
Everyone was eating expect you,you just look down and sight.Tae looks at you worried.”Baby Tiger are you okey?”You nod.”Yes TaeTae I am Fine”
His Mother looks at you “Y/N? You look so pale are you sure you are fine?” You sight but nod again “Dont worry I am More than fine”
After Dinner you all talked a bit untill you Couldn't hold it anymore and stood up and walked in your bedroom and got a little Light blue box.
Taehyungs Father looked at you”Oooooh what is this Y/N?”
You walked over to Tae and sat down on his lap.He smile at you “What do you think it is Eomma,Appa?” They shrug their shoulders “I have No idea maybe a Picture?”
You hum “Near Here Appa open It”You gave him the light blue Box,he carefully opens it.
In the Box is and Ultrasound Picture from your last Hospital visit one week ago,little baby socks and a Card With a baby on it.He gave it you Taehyungs Mother She open the card and red out loud
“Hello there I am exited to meet You all.Right now i am Save in Mommys Tummy. Seeyou in a few Months.
love your Grandchild~”
Taes parents Smiles and begin Hugging each other and begain squealing “WE ARE GETTING A GRANDCHILD!”
You look Tae and He smile at you “I love Baby”
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You where at the hospital because you had an Appointment to be sure that your baby was fine.
Jungkook promised to pick you up because unfortunately he has practice.He told the boys that he hast to pick you up from the hospital.
They al begin to worry so they persuaded Jungkook to let them come with him.
He sight but agreed anyways.He drove an half hour to the Hospital he send you a message that he will be there in a few minutes with the members because they where worried.
At the Hospital:
You where standing outside waiting for him He runs over so you and gave you ab hug and a Kiss on the lips you kiss him back.
All the boys came running towards you and Begin questioning about your health.
You couldn't understand them al so “Hey Boys Calm down I am Fine I didn't go here for my health haha”They all look at you with a questioning Look Jin Was wondering”What do you mean ´Not for your health´?”
Jungkook gave them his Bunny Smile.
“The Appointment was for Our Baby Bunny”
Namjoon looks at you”Your what.......? Does that mean You are Pregnant?”You and Jungkook nod.They all where hugging each other and Congratulating you Both.
Jungkook looks at you “How is our Baby Bunny?” You Giggle “Our Bunny Is fine in here” You lay your hand on you tummy he Kisses your Cheek.
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I Just need three hours for this I need your help Wen need Genders For the Babys So leave a comment which gender their Babys should have Thank you~
I hope you like it~
I Purple you~
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starboyten · 5 years
sweetheart - l.dh
badboy!haechan x college student!fem reader
genre: angst, smut, fluff
length: 10,264 words
warnings: mentions of violence, drug use, underaged drinking, smut (oral, fingering, unprotected sex), language, (tw) mention of sexual assault
a/n: this is my first long fic! if you are uncomfortable with ‘00 line smut, then this isn’t the fic for you, sorry. refer to my rules tab in my masterlist to know more. each ‘~’ indicates a change in time, aka a flashback or memory. this is also not proof-read, so hopefully there aren't any major mistakes. enjoy!
You walk through the front door, tossing your bag onto the ground and exhaustingly kicking your shoes off. It was an end to another long day at the office, and if you had to look at another computer screen you’d scream. Your eyes immediately land on the black vans sitting neatly along the wall along with your shoes and you chuckle, knowing he was here. Haechan always carries one of the keys to the apartment with him.
“I’m back!” you shout, acknowledging your presence. The sound of sock-clad feet comes rushing towards you as you step into your living room.
“Sweetheart!” Haechan exclaims, coming up to you and immediately connecting his mouth with yours, wrapping his arms around you. You’re taken aback at his eagerness but gladly welcome his lips. You smile into the kiss, happy to see your excited boyfriend. Haechan is surely happy to see you too, as the kiss contains nothing but tongue and teeth.
“Well hello to you too,” you say, pulling away from Haechan’s eager lips. He whines as your hands slightly push against his chest, his lips chasing yours for another kiss. He looks at you and pouts, his now swollen lips puckered a cherry red. Your hand comes up to card through his hair, the dirty blonde locks styled up into the way you’ve told him you like it: up so his forehead was showing. The day he toyed around with his hair gel before your dinner date and jokingly styled it this way, you didn’t make it to the restaurant as you couldn’t keep your hands off him. Haechan looks at you and cocks an eyebrow, his one eye drooping into a wink.
“I think I’m gonna go now,” says a voice behind Haechan. You look over his shoulder and see Jisung sitting awkwardly on your couch. Your eyes go wide and you bury your face in Haechan’s shoulder as Jisung stands up and makes his way to your apartment door. “Talk to you tomorrow Haechan, bye y/n.”
“Bye Jisung,” you mumble in embarrassment. Haechan says bye as well and the apartment door slams shut. You hit Haechan’s shoulder. “You really had to do that in front of Jisung? His innocent eyes Hyuck! Oh my gosh, I’m so embarrassed.” you ramble, detaching yourself from Haechan’s loving embrace and covering your face with your hands.
“Hey, can’t I kiss my girlfriend in front of other people?” he defends himself.
“Yes, but not like that!” you grumble, face flushing. “Why was he even here anyway?”
“Business,” Haechan says flatly. Your face immediately falls and you cross your arms, furrowing your eyebrows at him. Haechan rolls his eyes. “Not that kind of business; he needed advice on how to properly advertise the dance studio on campus. It’s part of their initiation for new dancers.”
You lean back against the armrest of the couch and look at him tight-lipped, obviously not convinced. Haechan goes and stands over you, looking down at your scrunched up face.
“You know I stopped doing that kind of stuff a while ago,” he says quietly. He grabs your chin and tilts your head up so you look into his eyes. “For you.”
You see the sincerity in his eyes and your features soften.
Ever since you came into Haechan’s life, he’s changed his habits to make you feel as comfortable with him as possible. That meant giving up the dangerous (and quite illegal) activities he participated in — you mattered more. His persona didn’t change though; he was still the leather-clad, mustang driving, enigmatic person everyone saw him as. But behind the dark eyeliner, there was a sensitive human being afraid but capable of showing emotion. It took you a long time to figure out and pick apart his clichéd façade, but you eventually concluded that he was, in reality, a loving pile of mush that would do anything to see you smile. You let out a sigh.
“I believe you.”
Haechan lets out a sigh as well in relief and kisses your forehead. You wrap your arms around his torso and he presses small lingering kisses onto your neck.
“Besides,” you feel his hot breath against your skin. “The only drug I need is you.” Haechan nips at your ear.
You let out a small sigh of content and Haechan pulls you up off the couch by the belt loops on your jeans. Your face burns as you feel his hands grab your hips. He is quick to reconnect your lips in the same way as before when you first walked into your apartment. After a few hot seconds, he pulls away from you and you let out a whine. Haechan practically basks in your neediness.
“You’re so cute, all flustered and desperate for my touch.”
You knew this kind of behavior only meant that his ego was being boosted, which he loved. Even if you were a ball of putty in Haechan’s hands, you didn’t always enjoy being toyed with.
“I don’t give in that quickly, baby.” You place your hands on his and release yourself from his grip.
“Well somebody’s a mood killer,” Haechan grumbles.
“Go take a shower, you reek of hormones,” you shout at him, walking past him and into your bedroom. Haechan stands there, defeated and turned on.
You’re lying on your side of the bed, scrolling through your phone. The door to your bedroom opens with a small creak and Haechan slithers his way into the bathroom, a navy blue towel with the monogram LDH embroidered on it hanging from his forearm — his towel. You hear the faucet to your shower turn on. It’s almost comforting, knowing Haechan is here with you, healthy and safe, instead of out in the streets doing God knows what.
Sometimes you wonder what would’ve happened if Haechan had never stumbled into the dingy café you worked at after school at the beginning of junior year, warily demanding a black coffee before fainting to the ground. He was crossed out of his mind, and you had found out he had been beaten after stripping him of his bloodied, drug-ridden red velvet jacket in the back room.
“How did this happen?” you asked, quickly stripping him of his jacket to see if he was bloody anywhere else that wasn’t his face.
“Do I know you?” he grumbled in return, not answering your question.
“No, but I know you,” you mumble, scrunching your nose at the familiar smell of weed that reeked from him.
He was well known in the small university you attended. He was a junior, just like you. You had seen him being arrested quite a few times throughout the years you’ve been here. Outside of your apartment had become a frequent location for him to get arrested. Every time you heard a siren outside of your building at the beginning of the year you knew it was because of him.
“Is it him again?” your roommate questioned.
“Yeah,” you said, peeking out the window. “Who exactly is he again? I always see him but I never know his name.”
“His name is Haechan; he’s sold me weed before. He’s a well-known seller around campus, but he just doesn’t know when to stop getting in trouble.”
“How is he still here? And not, you know, expelled?” you asked, closing the blinds just as Haechan was shoved into the campus police car.
“He’s a charmer,” your roommate chuckled. “He has a way with words. And the law.”
“What you’re doing is dangerous,” you told Haechan, opening the first aid kit to clean his battered face. He had bruises everywhere on his face, and his eyebrow was cut open.
“You have such pretty lips sweetheart, I bet they’d look even better shut,” he snapped, angering you even further.
“If you weren’t so fucked up right now, I’d smack that dirty look right off your face. Too bad you are and I just have to be a good person and help you.” That shut him up.
You continued to clean his face, trying to ignore the hisses he let out as you pressed antiseptic to his cut and bandaged him up. You gave him some water and Advil to help him sober up enough to walk. You were successful in prying his address out of him, to your surprise.
“I’m not going to call the cops on you, even though I should,” you said while walking him back to his apartment. He hadn’t spoken a single word to you the entire way back until you had gotten to the front door to his apartment.
“What’s your name?” he asked.
“I’ll tell you when you’re fully sober if that day ever comes. Goodnight.” And you left.
The next day, going to work had seemed surreal to you. Your mind was clouded with the image of you cleaning up a bloodied boy in the back room of the café, and that scene kept replaying in your head all night. The day didn’t get much better when Haechan’s face was the first you saw during your morning shift.
“Hi sweetheart, remember me?”
He was still a smug piece of shit, although this time he looked much more cleaned up, and you could finally get a good look at him.
He was dressed in a yellow striped turtleneck and black jeans with a chain around his neck. Gold eyeshadow and dark eyeliner were smudged around his eyes and he was wearing black vans that made an irritating scuffing sound as when he walked. His hair fell over his forehead and was dyed so intensely orange that he could be spotted from a mile away. Perhaps that’s what he wanted. But the thing that stood out about him the most was the red velvet jacket he was wearing -- the same one he was wearing last night. And the worst part was, he was handsome as hell.
“I don’t know; You’re nearly unrecognizable when you don’t look like complete shit.” The bandage you put on his eyebrow was still there and you smirked. “I’m surprised you even remember me, you couldn’t even walk straight. And it looks like you took quite a beating yesterday, maybe it knocked the stupid out of you.” He chuckled at that.
“I have a good memory when I want to remember things. Oh, and love the attitude, sweetheart.” The repeated pet name startled you. “One coffee please, black.”
You didn’t know where your sudden boldness came from when you spoke with him. Perhaps you were just fueled by his attitude towards you. You hated when someone talked down on you. Just hearing him speak and seeing who he was ignited something within you to try to get into his skin.
“Y/n! You’re on break now,” your boss hollered from around the corner.
“So y/n,” Haechan leaned against the counter. “That’s your name.”
You blushed and quickly brewed his coffee. You saw the victorious smirk adorning his face and you hated it. “I don’t think I’ve properly introduced myself. I’m Haechan.”
“Oh, I know,” you said, handing him his coffee and taking off your apron.
“Hm, seems like you’ve heard of me.”
“Who hasn’t,” you retorted. He clicked his tongue.
“I like you, sweetheart. How about I take you out sometime?”
“How about a deal instead?” you said, slapping your hands on the counter and leaning over to match Haechan’s posture, surprising him. “You take me out if you tell me what the hell happened last night.” Haechan sighed and stepped back from the counter. He picked up his coffee, placing a five-dollar bill on the counter and turned his heel.
“No can do, sweetheart. The only deals I do involve drugs,” he said before walking towards the door. “Keep the change.”
“You owe me!” you yelled quite loudly, attracting attention from the other customers lining up behind him. Embarrassed at your loudness, you ran over and stood face to face with Haechan. “I patched your crossed ass up and walked you back to your apartment. Even better, I could’ve called the cops on you but I didn’t. I think you owe me a favor.” He looked down at you wide-eyed, before returning to his natural painstakingly handsome pissed look.
“I’ll give you ten questions and that’s it,” Haechan mumbled, fiddling with his thumbs from across the table. Before you could ask your first question, your coworker Jeno came over.
“Hey, Hyuck! I didn’t know you were friends with y/n.”
“I’m not,” he seethed, shooting Jeno a look. Jeno seemed to have gotten the message and quietly shuffled back to his work area without another word. He glanced at you and you gave him a sympathetic look before looking back at Haechan, your eyebrows raised.
“So, Hyuck,” you smiled smugly at him, mimicking his words from before. “That’s your name.”
“Do NOT call me that.”
“Okay, okay,” you put your hands up in defense. “You know Jeno?”
“Been friends with him since freshman year.”
“Why won’t you let me call you Hyuck? That’s your name isn’t it?”
“It’s Donghyuck, for your information. Only my friends call me Hyuck, and we are not friends,” Haechan growled. “You can call me Haechan. That’s my street name.”
“Your street name,” you laughed, covering your mouth with your hand. Haechan leaned over the table and you stopped laughing and sucked in a breath.
“You’re down to seven questions, sweetheart. Ask wisely.”
You pursed your lips and sat up in your chair, folding your hands in front of you.
“What happened last night?”
“Define business.”
“Business.” You pouted. It seems to be impossible to get a straight answer from this guy.
“You’re impossible.”
“You’re cute when you’re upset.” He smirked at you, your face burning and you internally kicked yourself for letting Haechan produce such a reaction from you.
“Who beat you up?”
“An unhappy customer,” he sighs. “The booze and weed usually take the pain away.”
“So that happens a lot,” you winced. “That’s comforting to know.”
“It’s my life, sweetheart,” he said almost too casually as if there was nothing wrong with it. The thought of him being completely okay with this lifestyle made you shift uncomfortably in your chair.
“Y/n! Break time’s over!”
“Oh no, looks like time’s run out,” Haechan said sarcastically, standing up from his chair.
“Wait!” you said, grabbing his arm. “I still have five questions.” He stared down at your hand grabbing his arm and you realized what you were doing and retracted your hand quickly. “I’m so-“
“I’ll be here tomorrow, same time. Don’t miss me too much, sweetheart.” Haechan winked at you before strolling out of the café.
You were shocked to find out that your lab partner was best friends with him.
“Despite what he does, he’s a sweet kid,” Mark said to you during a lab one day. You told him about your horrific night shift involving a very drugged and beaten up Haechan, and he had laughed and shaken his head, saying that was “a typical Haechan thing”. That scared you.
You waited at the table you sat at yesterday, keeping your eyes on the clock that hung above the menu.
He said he’d be here. Why should you have trusted anything he said? He made a deal, so he has to come. The argument with yourself inside your head ceased when the chair across from you skidded and Haechan sat himself down.
“Good morning sweetheart, I got you a coffee.”
Haechan handed you a cup of fresh coffee, brewed there in the café. You blushed at the sudden nice gesture, surprised to say the least. Taking a sip, you relished in the creamy, sweet flavor, just how you liked it.
“I knew you liked your coffee sweet. How typical,” he said, rolling his eyes.
You set your coffee down, trying not to let Haechan’s words get to you too much this time. You wanted to finish the deal and get on with your life.
“Do you have any hobbies?”
Haechan groaned. Why was he so pissed at a simple question?
“What is this, fucking speed dating?” You sat there waiting for an answer. Haechan huffed. “I sing, or at least I used to. And danced. I was pretty damn good at it.”
“Why’d you stop?” you asked, curious to know that he has — or at least used to — have a hobby that wasn’t being an asshole.
“I grew up. It was childish of me to think I’d ever become a star.”
“There’s still time, you can change.” Haechan laughed out loud.
“You’re hilarious, sweetheart.” You crossed your arms at him. It’s obvious he wasn’t taking this as seriously as you were, so you just decided to get straight to the point.
“Why do you do what you do?” Haechan stopped laughing and went quiet.
“Why do you care?” he said, slightly annoyed at such a personal question.
“Because I wanna know why the fuck you choose to do something that could get you killed.”
“You want the truth?”
“Obviously,” you scoffed. “I wouldn’t be sitting across from you if I didn’t.” Haechan sat up in his chair before speaking.
“I have to pay for college somehow.” This time it was you who went silent. Haechan let out a nervous huff before continuing. “I wasn’t originally this extreme, you know. Of course, my parents didn’t like my behavior before all of this mess, but it was just because of the way I dressed and the music I listened to. I come from a very conservative family, and when that saw what I was doing, they were disappointed. I crossed the line for them when they got a call from the university freshman year of college explaining how I had gotten blackout drunk and passed out at a party, which sent me to the hospital. That’s when they cut off all funding for me. I have to survive somehow.”
You were speechless. You didn’t expect him to tell you such personal matters.
“I’m sorry,” you said, nervously reaching for his hand as an attempt to comfort him. “I understand.”
“No, you don’t. You don’t understand half of the shit I go through.” You brought your hand back to your lap.
“Why do you use it though? You don’t have to use what you sell, you know.”
“You don’t get to tell me what I can and cannot do!” Haechan slammed his fists down on the table. The café went silent, people glancing nervously your guys’ way.
“I’m sorry,” you said quietly, looking down at your lap.
“You’ve got one question left. Ask it and get this over with so I can fucking leave.”
You shuddered, exhausted from being yelled at by him. It was enough to make you cry; you hated when people yelled at you, you could never contain your emotions well enough the way you wanted. Haechan groaned loudly when you didn’t respond right away and that was your breaking point.
“Do you hate me?”
It was a stupid question. You barely even knew the kid and you think you have some sort of emotional connection with him? You asked this as your last question, how fucking stupid are you?
Haechan looked up at you, surprised at your question, but was even more surprised to see tears rolling down your cheeks. His face fell when you looked up at him for an answer.
“Why are you crying, sweetheart? Of course I don’t hate you.”
You cover your face with both your hands. You feel humiliated, weak, crying in front of him.
Despite knowing you were embarrassing yourself, you kept on rambling, letting your emotions take over your brain.
“You talk to me as if I’m an idiot when all I’ve done is try to be nice to you. I helped you when you were intoxicated and got you out of possible trouble, and you haven’t even given me a ‘thank you’. So yeah, it’s pretty obvious that you don’t like me.”
Haechan hated seeing you cry. He’s seen many people cry because of him in his lifetime, but none have ever affected him like this. He barely even knew you, and that’s what hurt the most. The feeling he had was unfamiliar to him: guilt. Haechan scooted his chair over next to you so that he was next to you.
“Hey,” he said, putting his index finger under your chin to tilt it up, making you face him. You immediately froze at the contact and your eyes went wide. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I’m so grateful you took care of me that night. And I do not hate you at all. I promise to make it up to you with this date if you’d still want it. I understand if you don’t.”
“N-No, I want it,” you said, wiping your face. “A deal’s a deal. I’m free tomorrow evening at 5 after my shift.”
“I’ll pick you up here then,” Haechan says. You nod and he smiles at you. You sit there quietly for a second and you realize Haechan is staring at you.
“W-What?” you stutter. Haechan brings his thumb up to your cheek and you swear your heart stops right then and there.
“You’re so pretty when you cry,” he says before standing up and walking towards the door. “See you tomorrow, sweetheart. Wear something cute.”
You remember how this was your first ‘date’ with Haechan.
After you clocked out, you quickly changed into the extra outfit you brought with you to the café. He picked you up minutes after your shift ended, and taken you to see a drive-in movie. You were nervous at first because you saw other students here and were afraid that people would think you were seeing Haechan. It’s not that you hated him (that much), you just didn’t want people to get the wrong idea.
“Do you like these kinds of things?” Haechan looked over from the driver’s seat and blinked.
“What do you mean?”
“Like, movies and stuff, you’re into that?” He scoffed and leaned over the gear shift towards you.
“You act like I’m an alien or something. I’m still a human, you know. I have a life.”
You didn’t ask him anything else after that, rather you tried focusing on the movie. It was an old horror film, probably filmed in the seventies and ridiculously clichéd.
You turned to catch Haechan staring at you, analyzing your reaction to each scene in the film. It startled him, and for the first time, you saw the color red fill his cheeks.
Haechan had never met someone so enticing as you. Yes, you were nosy, and that annoyed him, but you didn’t deal with any of the shit he gave you. You always had something to say, and that intrigued him. You were witty and sharp-tongued, a familiar trait he carried himself. He liked seeing someone who could match him. He just never thought it’d be someone so normal like you. You were something else.
All of the other girls he’s had in his life were all the same. Too submissive. Seeing you take control of any situation was like him being a stack of paper clips and you a magnet — he couldn’t keep away.
“Are you cold? You looked cold,” he asked out of pure panic.
The sun was setting on the crisp October evening, and the wind had just started to pick up. You looked at the interior of Haechan’s black convertible mustang, and you wondered how long he’s been selling drugs to be able to afford such a luxurious car and college tuition. You didn’t think you were cold before, but now seeing the look on Haechan’s face, you were shivering.
“Kind of,” you said.
Haechan quickly took off his red velvet jacket and tossed it around your shoulders. His actions froze you on the spot, and you wondered if he wore this jacket every day. He avoided any kind of eye contact with you for the rest of the movie.
Sleep was taking over your body by the time the movie was over. Your head leaned against the cold metal door of Haechan’s car; it was uncomfortable, but his jacket kept you warm.
“Hey,” Haechan lightly shook your shoulder, “I need to get you home.”
You stirred in your sleep, and he couldn’t resist himself. He reached out to touch your cheek, just to feel how soft your skin was versus how soft it looked. He drew back his hand quickly when your eyes slowly opened.
“Where do you live?” he asked, starting up the car and gripping the steering wheel. You thoughtlessly mumbled your address and he drove off.
“Was tonight... okay?” Haechan asked, stuffing his hands in the front pockets of his jeans as he walked you up the steps to your apartment. “Did I make it up to you?”
“Yeah,” you said, smiling. “Thank you.” You began to take off his jacket when he stopped you.
“Keep it for now; it gives me a reason to see you again.” And with that he jogged off and jumped into his car, speeding away into the night.
You remember the first time Haechan kissed you.
You and Haechan grew closer as the semester went along. He had opened up a bit more to you since then, telling you about all his friends at school besides Jeno and Mark; fellow juniors Jaemin and Renjun who, along with Jeno, he was rooming with and the sophomore he befriended in his history class, Chenle. He also told you about Jisung, a freshman he grew up with back home, majoring in dance.
He was an advertising major, which you figured probably helped him get where he was in the drug dealing business. His grades were good, surprising you fully. You also found out that he had an interesting music taste. Based on what he told you about how his parents felt about his music, you assumed he was into some heavy metal death rock, but he wasn’t. He’d constantly play Michael Jackson whenever you two would study together, which happened fairly often now. He loved classic rock and soul. It seemed fitting for him, and you found that endearing.
You slowly got to know the real Haechan; the person behind the makeup and bright clothes. You wished his habits would change though, but you knew that it wouldn’t just happen overnight. But he was changing alright, at least around you he was.
Did you consider you two to be friends? You didn’t know. You still hesitated to call him by his real name, afraid Haechan only considered you two to be on an acquaintance level and not friends.
It was a cold December night when Haechan told you he was taking you somewhere special for your fifth ‘date’.
You two weren’t officially dating, Haechan just continued to make plans with you out of the blue, and you always went along. On the third ‘date’ between you two, he took you into the city nearby to go out to eat. He had grabbed your hand to help you cross the street but didn’t let go of it until you both and gotten to the restaurant. That’s when you began to feel different.
‘Make sure to bundle up’, he texted you. You dressed in a sweater and jeans, along with a long puffy coat, scarf, gloves, and a hat. He picked you up from outside of your building, the cover on his mustang up to shield any passengers from the cold. He was dressed in a long coat and was wearing minimal makeup, a contrast to his usual appearance.
“You look cute,” he said as you walked up to him. “Like, a worm with a pom-pom on its head cute.”
“Don’t know if that’s a compliment or not but I’ll just pretend it is,” you responded. “You look less like Adam Lambert today, it’s fitting.” Haechan laughed out loud at that.
“Where are we going?” you asked, digging your heel into the snow on the pavement. Haechan opened the passenger side door and you slipped in, the heat from the vents warming your cold skin. He ran around to the other side of his car.
“It’s a secret, sweetheart,” he said as he sat down in the driver’s seat.
The park he ended up taking you to was lit up with lights, the perfect atmosphere for the holiday season. The trees were covered in bright white lights, and giant plastic snowflakes hung from the streetlamps.
“What are you going to do over break?” you asked him as you both walked around the park. He shrugged.
“I’m not sure, probably just stay at home most of the time.”
“Aw,” you said, kicking the dirt in the path. “You’re boring.” Haechan suddenly grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours.
“Would you visit me? You told me we don’t live that far away from each other back home.”
It’s funny how the human body works. Your cheeks right now were numb from the frigid December air but felt as if they were on fire. He looked at you with such adoration that you felt something bubble in your stomach that felt familiar to the day of your third ‘date’.
“I suppose I could.” A wide grin spread across Haechan’s face.
“Good, I don’t think I’d be able to survive break without seeing your face at least once.”
You stopped in your tracks as Haechan now took both of your hands in his and faced you. His ears were a crimson red and you wondered if it was because of the cold or because of the same reason your cheeks burned at this very moment.
He leaned down towards you. You could really see his eyes now. The hanging lights that covered the trees shone like stars in his dark eyes. He was beautiful.
“Please, call me Hyuck.”
He kissed you. His lips were warm, contrasting to the outside temperature. Your whole body was ignited, no longer your cheeks on fire, but from head to toe, you were.
“I thought only friends could call you Hyuck?” you asked after pulling away.
“You can’t spell girlfriend without friend, can you, sweetheart?”
You looked up to see Haechan smirking. You smiled and shoved him, covering your face with your clothed hands. He hugged you.
It felt right.
You remember your first big fight with Haechan.
“You don’t dictate my life y/n!”
“Can’t you see what you’re doing is dangerous? I’m just trying to help!”
This argument was vaguely familiar to you but was the cause of most small arguments between you two. But this time, you’d had enough.
You caught Haechan dealing right outside your apartment. He promised he’d stop. He promised to take your advice and seek financial help from the school after winter break. He promised.
“God, you’re still the same annoying bitch I first met who can’t keep her damn nose out of my business.”
Your eyes glossed over in numbness. All thoughts swirling through your mind went numb. But you learned to hold back your tears, to not show weakness in a time such as this. All because of him.
“And you’re still the same fucked up asshole that loves making people feel like shit whenever they try to help them, I see. Seems like we never do change, do we?”
Haechan didn’t mean what he said. But you didn’t know that, how could you?
“Sweetheart... I’m so-“
“Get out.”
“I said get out, Haechan.”
He left. Your door slammed shut and you crumpled to the ground and burst out in tears, breaking free of the chains you assembled to protect your emotions from him.
Hours went by, it seemed. At some point you crawled your way towards your bed, hoping to wrap yourself in your blanket and make everything else go away. You didn’t get very far, as Haechan’s red velvet jacket was strewn across the floor, haven fallen from your desk chair. You cried even harder, knowing he’d be back. You wondered when.
You remember the first time Haechan made love to you.
You were at the first party since midterms ended, and all you needed at this very moment was alcohol in your system. Shot after shot you took back in your apartment combined with the beer being handed to you by some random frat boy was enough to get your body moving and hormones racing.
Your friend had ditched you to talk to the boy behind the DJ system, leaving you swaying along to whatever bass-boosted song was playing.
Haechan’s eyes burned holes into your figure. He couldn’t come up to you and hold you though, you weren’t his. All he could do was watch you from the corner of the basement.
Parties weren’t his thing, but he knew that you’d be here, you always came to this house when you needed to get away from reality. He knew how you could handle your alcohol, and he saw that you were nearly gone at this point.
You were wearing his jacket. It was tied around your waist, and he wondered for a moment if you missed him.
That thought went away as he watched a random guy came up to you and began dancing with you. He tore his eyes away when the guy suddenly kissed you. He couldn’t bear seeing your lips against someone else's while you were wearing his jacket. Crushing the empty beer can he was holding, he stormed upstairs to get some air.
Feverish lips attached to your neck as unfamiliar hands roamed your body, squeezing, pinching anything this person could get ahold of.
“Let’s go somewhere else,” they mumbled in your ear.
You were led blindly up the basement stairs and to the closest bedroom in the fraternity house and ungracefully pushed onto the creaky bed. The person wasted no time in getting their hand up your skirt.
“Wait, no,” you slurred, reality beginning to show through the fog in your brain. They continued their actions and you felt them pull at your panties. “Please, stop,” you yelled as loud as you thought you could, tears beginning to form.
You don’t recall what happened next, but the hand up your skirt was swiftly ripped away from your body seconds later. You do remember hearing the slam of a door open and a body hit the ground.
Your eyes tried to focus on who was in the room with you. You could make out people outside the door staring and gasping at something. What? You heard the undeniable sound of knuckles on a skull and turned your head to see Haechan pummeling the guy who was previously on top of you into the ground.
“You never touch her again!”
You had never seen this side of him before. He looked so angry, so hurt. His eyes screamed murder, but a different kind of murder than what you thought. You thought his eyes screamed murder when he yelled at you in the café, but these eyes screamed actual death. The same eyes you saw stars in now contained nothing but fire. You wished to see the stars in them as you had before. You missed him.
“Hyuck...” you said, reaching out for him.
He stopped his actions at the sound of your voice. The fire in his eyes was exhausted the second his eyes landed on your trembling figure.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s me, I’m here,” he whispered, ditching the now beaten guy and scooping you up into his arms. “I’m gonna take you home, okay?” You hummed and clutched onto his shirt.
It was like a scene from a movie. Haechan made his way through the house with you curled in his arms. People stared, shocked that he was at the party and was carrying you. He carried you out of the house and into his car, buckling you up delicately and driving off.
“I wanna stay with you,” you mumbled as he pulled his car up to the front of your apartment.
“You can stay with me at my place,” he said, grabbing your hand. You let out a tired yawn and smiled. Haechan’s heart ran a 5k the entire way back to his apartment
Haechan held your hair back as you vomited into his toilet.
“You’re doing so well, sweetheart. You’ll feel better soon.”
After you emptied the contents of your stomach, Haechan carefully stripped you of your clothes, leaving you in a bra and panties, and gave you one of his t-shirts to wear. His jacket fell from your waist, and he picked it up before folding it and putting it alongside your clothes. He had never seen your bare body before, and he had to remind himself of your current intoxicated state to prevent him from doing anything he might regret.
You sat on the toilet as Haechan took a warm washcloth to your face to remove your smudged makeup, along with his as well. He washed your face with his favorite scented face wash, laughing at the faces you made with the foam all over your face. Your mouth hung open as he used a spare toothbrush to brush your teeth.
“There,” he said, cupping your cheeks and grinning. “Now you’re ready for bed.”
A goofy grin spread across your face and you fell forward into his arms, burying your face into his neck. Pressing slow and long kisses on his neck, your hands began to wander to the hem of his shirt. He missed this feeling -- the feeling of your body against his. The closeness with you had finally returned after so long, and he was ecstatic. But as he felt your tongue lick a long stripe up the side of his throat, he knew your intentions were for something else.
“No, sweetheart,” he said, painfully peeling away from you. “Not tonight.”
You looked at him confused. You’re finally back with him since February and he won’t finally fuck you? Overwhelmed with confusion, tears fell from your eyes.
“You don’t want me.”
“No no that’s not it, sweetheart,” Haechan said, cupping your cheeks. “I want you, so bad, I really do, but I can’t right now. You’re not in the right state.” He brushed away the tears that ran down your face. “Let’s go to bed, okay?”
You sniffled and nodded and he climbed into his bed with you. You comfortably wrapped yourself around Haechan, clinging onto him.
“I missed you,” you whispered. Haechan wrapped his arm around your waist, bringing you closer to him.
“I missed you too.”
You awoke feeling like complete shit. Your head was pounding and you couldn’t remember last night, or how you even got in bed. You took a deep breath and your nose was filled with a familiar smell of citrus and mint— a far too familiar smell. Rubbing your eyes, you looked to see the sun shining through the blinds. You reached over towards the side table to check the time on your phone, but something was wrapped around your stomach, restricting you from doing so. You suddenly remembered that you don’t have blinds on your windows, but curtains.
You looked down at the hand that was wrapped around you, and the unmistakable tan skin made you gasp.
Slowly turning in his grasp, you saw Haechan’s shirtless sleeping figure lying peacefully next to you. He was breathing quietly, the sunlight peeking in through the windows painting his skin with golden stripes. You finally got to admire his bare face for the first time. You had seen it plenty of times before, but you never had time to really look at every aspect of his naturalness. Under the heavy layers of eyeliner, you were so used to seeing, laid a young face. He looked so... boyish, so innocent. He was ethereal.
You weakly reached over to touch the mole under his right eye, seeing if he was real and actually laying next to you and that this wasn’t a dream. It had been months since you were last this close to him. Touching the skin on his face, you felt the first tear fall.
A hand came up to cover yours, and you saw Haechan’s eyes flutter open. He looked angelic, his face puffy from sleep and orange hair messily falling over his tired eyes.
“Hi sweetheart,” he said, his morning voice audible, tugging at your heartstrings.
“Oh, Hyuck,” you suddenly sobbed, throwing yourself into his hold. “I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, hey,” he caressed your hair, placing a nervous kiss to your head. “It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not,” you continued to sob. “I should have never let you go. I can’t deal with not being with you.” Haechan tilted your chin so you looked directly at him. God, those eyes again.
“Well, you have me now. I’m not going anywhere.”
You kissed him and it felt like he had never left. He felt like home and you knew he was.
Pulling away, he nuzzled his face on yours, and you felt his eyelashes against your skin. You relished in the smell of him and savored the way he rubbed the skin just above your hip bone under your shirt. Well, not exactly your shirt, which reminded you.
“What happened last night? How did I get here?” You felt Haechan freeze. He brought his face up to your neck and placed a small kiss there.
“You don’t want to know.”
“Hyuck,” you cupped his cheek. He looked at you and his eyes were filled with sadness. “No more hiding things from each other.”
The look he gave you nearly broke your heart. His demeanor changed from loving to almost scared. You sat up along with him and he held you in his arms before laying out everything to you, from the beginning of the party to tucking you into his bed.
“Oh god,” you said, releasing yourself from his grip. “Oh god, oh god, oh god.”
“Sweetheart it’s okay,” Haechan said, reaching for you. You flinched at his touch and his heart shattered.
“I can’t believe I just whored around like that,” you grimaced, burying your face in the palms of your hands. Sobs started racking through your body. “I’m disgusting.”
“You are absolutely not!” Haechan lifted the covers and turned to face you. He pulled your hands away from your face and cupped your cheeks. “None of this is your fault, and you are definitely not a whore.”
“I feel so dirty,” you said, refusing to open your eyes. You wrapped your arms around your sides, not believing that you let someone invade your personal space like that.
“Nothing happened, I promise,” Haechan reassured you, wrapping his arms around you. “I got there just in time.”
You relaxed in his arms, melting into his embrace. It was almost deja-vu, except this time it was you in his arms. He was safe because of you; you were safe because of him. You were each others’ heroes.
“I need you,” you said.
“I need you too,” Haechan replied.
“No, Hyuck,” you said pulling away from him. “I mean I need you.” Haechan’s eyes widened in realization at what you meant.
“A-Are you sure? I mean after last night-”
“Please don’t mention that,” you said, grabbing his hands. “I want you to make me forget last night ever happened.”
You placed his hands on your stomach under your shirt. He searched in your eyes for confirmation and upon seeing your eyes look at him in want, he wasted no more time waiting. His hand wrapped around to your lower back and he gently laid you down on the bed, as the other came up to gently hold your waist. His lips danced across your tear-stained cheeks as his fingertips ghosted across your pelvis.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, his lips trailing down to your jaw. You let out a quiet moan as Haechan’s lips traveled to your neck where he began sucking lightly on the skin there. You felt his thumb slip under the waistband of your panties, wetness beginning to pool there at the simple action. “Okay?” Haechan asked, looking at you for any signs of discomfort.
“Yes, please,” you breathed out, becoming more desperate for his touch by the second. His hand slipped under the fabric and you let out a sharp cry as his finger came in contact with your clit. He began rubbing lazy circles on your sensitive bud before dipping his fingers down to your entrance.
“You’re so wet already,” Haechan whispered, sucking in a breath. He began placing wet kisses along your neck, slowly traveling to the hem of his shirt you’re wearing.
“I’m going to take off your shirt, okay sweetheart?” You nodded and raised your arms above your head and Haechan pulled the shirt off of your body, exposing your nearly naked body to him. You moaned at the loss of contact from within your panties, reaching out to touch him. He drank in the sight of you, nearly naked, laying on his bed waiting for him to touch you. “I’m so lucky,” he choked out, kneeling over you. His lips reattached themselves to your skin, sucking lightly on your collarbone. His fingers went back to massaging your clit, eliciting a loud moan from you, while the other hand went under you. You arched your back to give him better access to the clasp of your bra. He unclasped it in one go, and the thought of him doing the same thing to other girls crossed your mind briefly, but it was pushed to the back of your mind as his plush lips wrapped around a nipple the same time he pushed a finger into you. The sound you let out was unholy, and Haechan thanked the heavens his roommates weren’t currently in the apartment to hear it.
He palmed your other breast as he scraped his teeth over your nipple, making you squirm in pleasure.
“So pretty,” he groaned, his lips leaving your chest and ghosting over your sternum. He ran the tip of his tongue down your body, making the hair rise on your skin. His lips reached the hem of your panties and you moaned in anticipation; Haechan could practically smell your arousal. He hooked his thumbs under your panties and slowly pulled them down your legs. You watched as he flung them behind him and giggled lightly. He smiled up from in between your legs and pressed a kiss to the inside of your knee.
“You like this sight, sweetheart?” You bit your lip, smiling and nodding. He chuckled before placing a kiss on the inside of your thighs. “Gosh, you’re dripping. So gorgeous.” Haechan had to keep your legs pried open as he placed a tentative kiss to your clit.
“Shit, Hyuck,” you moaned as he licked a stripe up the center of your core, all the way to your clit before drawing circles on the bundle of nerves. Your hands flew to his orange locks and he groaned as you pulled on them, which in turn sent a wave of electricity through your body. His finger swirled your essence around your entrance and he slowly pushed it in once again. The pace of his finger was brutally slow, but he made up for it by curling the digit ever so often, making you arch off the bed in intense pleasure. The combination of Haechan’s finger pumping in and out of you and his lips on your clit was enough to produce a warm feeling in your abdomen. You felt as if you needed to pee, so you knew you were close to cumming.
“Hyuck, I’m close,” you breathed out, and Haechan added another finger, scissoring you apart. He harshly sucked on your clit, and you clenched your thighs as you cried out, releasing on Haechan’s fingers.
“So sweet,” Haechan groaned as he licked up the juices that flowed from you. You shuddered when he brought his fingers to his lips and sucked on them, cleaning off your cum. Haechan sat up onto his knees, and his length was visibly straining in the sweats he was wearing. You reached up to grasp the waistband of them, but Haechan grabbed your wrist before you could pull them down. “No, sweetheart.”
“But I wanna-” you protested, mouth watering at the sight of it right in front of your face.
“Another time,” he said sweetly. “This is all about you.” Haechan shuffled off the bed and you whined, grabbing his wrist before he could stand on his feet. “I’m getting a condom, sweetheart.”
“No,” you said, tugging him back onto you. “I’m on the pill, it’s okay.” He let out a sigh and cupped your cheek, lips attaching themselves to yours. “Want you to cum in me,” you mumbled into his mouth, causing him to groan loudly on your lips.
“Fuck, I’m crazy for you.” Haechan shuffled out of his sweatpants and his boxers were quickly discarded as well. You wrapped your arms around his neck, placing another small kiss on his temple. Running the tip of his cock through your folds, he let out a shuddering gasp, his hot breath fanning your neck. You let out a whimper whenever he brushed up against your clit, the bud still sensitive from Haechan’s lips. “Let me know if you’re uncomfortable, I’ll stop immediately.”
You nodded, pressing a kiss to his cheek, relishing in his sweet behavior. Haechan slowly sunk into you, the feeling immediately making you wince. You hadn’t had sex since your last boyfriend, which was senior year of high school. The feeling was almost foreign to you; you’d only used your fingers to get yourself off since then. As your walls stretched, the burning feeling you felt when you lost your virginity returned, and you sucked in a breath, eyes watering.
“Okay?” Haechan reassured, looking at you, his eyes immediately showing concern at your tears forming. You nodded, letting out a huff.
“Yes, just please go slowly.”
“Anything for you,” he breathed out, placing a kiss on the corner of each of your eyes. He slowly inched into you, letting you adjust to his size. Once he bottomed out, you let out a sigh of relief.
“Mmm, so big,” you whimpered, clenching around Haechan’s cock.
“Fuck,” he moaned into your neck, cock twitching inside of you. He gently bit into your neck, his tongue soothing the spot after. “Gonna make you feel so good.”
Tapping his hip as a signal for him to start moving, another blissful sigh left your lips as the burning sensation slowly turned into a pleasurable one. Haechan held onto your sides, his elbows caging you under him as his hips connected with yours with every thrust. The feeling was so good, too good, that your teeth dug into your bottom lip to prevent you from moaning too loudly. Haechan noticed your face contorted with pleasure, his mouth quivering up into a smile at how good you felt because of him.
“Don’t hold back, sweetheart. Let me hear how good I’m making you feel.” Your lip slipped from your teeth on command, imprints of your front teeth dug deep into the skin.
“So good,” you moaned, and that only caused Haechan to quicken his pace. Your nails dug into the flesh of his bare back, surely leaving scratches.
“God, you’re so fucking hot, I’m gonna cum soon. Are you gonna cum with me, sweetheart?”
“Yes, fuck, yes Hyuck,” you whined loudly, grabbing at the hair at his nape. With a spare hand, Haechan brought his fingers down to your clit, rubbing furious circles on the swollen bud. You threw your head back in pleasure, the familiar warm feeling bubbling back.
“I-I can’t Hyuck. I’m gonna-” you choked out, squeezing your thighs around Haechan’s waist.
“Look at me, sweetheart,” Haechan said, fingers digging into your hip. You looked up at him, and he looked incredible. You wiped the fringe of his hair sticking to his forehead away from his eyes, thumb coming up to brush over his lips. You surprised him by slipping your thumb between his lips, his eyes going wide yet obediently sucking on the digit.
“Hyuck,” you gasped, your walls sporadically clenching around his cock as you came, your vision going blurry as the orgasm rocked through you. Haechan moaned around your thumb, hips stuttering as he came inside of you. Your thumb slipped from his mouth and a moan ripped from Haechan’s throat as he released everything he had into you.
“Fuck, oh my god, all mine, you’re all mine,” he moaned, his forehead going to touch yours.
Haechan collapsed onto you, careful not to crush you. Heavy breathing filled the air as you both said nothing, just basking in each other’s presence, bodies tangled together.  
“You did so well,” he mumbled into your neck, pressing kisses on the purple marks he had left there. Your hands fell by the sides of your head from around his neck, you being too fucked out to say anything. He brushed the stray hair away from your face and admired your post-fuck glow. “You’re absolutely breathtaking.” You giggled, peeking one eye open to see him staring down at you with such love in his eyes in almost made your heart burst.
“C’ mere,” you mumbled, reaching up to make grabby hands at him. He chuckled and nestled into your neck, rolling both of you over so you were on top of him, never pulling out in the process. “Thank you,” you mumbled against his chest, eyes drooping closed, sleep slowly creeping up on you.
Haechan’s heart was beating so fast he swore he could see it pumping from the outside of his chest. It took everything in his power to prevent him from saying those three words that would change the course of your relationship, so he opted with a panicked ‘you’re welcome’ instead.
You slept comfortably that morning, unaware that Haechan had completely and utterly fallen for you.
You remember the first time Haechan cried in front of you.
“Shhh it’s gonna be okay,” you soothed him.
“H-He’s leaving, what am I gonna do without him? He’s my best friend,”’ Haechan sobbed into your shoulder.
Mark was graduating in a couple of days. You could tell how much Haechan adored the boy, he turned into a whole different person around him. Whenever you and the rest of Haechan’s friends got together you could tell that they had a bond so tight they considered themselves to be brothers. And now that Mark was moving on with his life, moving on to bigger and better things, the boys were devastated, especially Haechan.
“He’s not gone forever, Hyuck. He promised he’ll visit as much as his job will allow him. You’re gonna be alright.” Haechan crumbled to the ground with you in his arms. You dragged him to your bed, tucking him into the sheets and cooing him until he was silent. “The graduation ceremony is in a couple of days, we need to see him,” you whisper, stroking his hair. “Promise me you’ll go. The other boys will be there along with us.”
Haechan was silent for a second before he squeezed your arms and mumbled.
“I promise.”
The dress you decided to wear was fitting for the event. A baby blue sundress complimented your figure nicely, each stitch hugging your curves perfectly. You slipped on your white sandals and grabbed your purse, calling out for Haechan as you made your way into the living room.
“Hyuck! We don’t want to be late!”
You stepped into the bathroom to see Haechan fixing his tie. He was wearing a suit, something you’ve never seen him in. His hair was gelled up so his forehead was showing, the tan skin illuminating off the bathroom lights. He had on minimal makeup, a warm orange eyeshadow lining his eyes.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” You were whisked out of your trance as he glanced at you smugly in the bathroom mirror. His eyes wandered down your body, a pink tint ghosting his cheeks. “Wow, you look uh, really good,” he swallowed.
“You don’t look so bad yourself,” you retorted, coming up and finishing his tie. He glanced up at you with heavy eyes as you straightened out the wrinkles in his sleeves. Looking up at him, you could tell he was getting emotional again by the way his eyes were glossing over. “It’s gonna be alright.” You cupped his cheek and he leaned into it.
“I know,” he sighed, grabbing your hand. “Let's go.”
The ceremony was joyous, the excited faces of soon-to-be graduates sitting along the chairs across from the stage. You met up with Jeno, Jaemin, Renjun, Chenle, and Jisung, sitting in the stands high enough where you could see the stage perfectly.
“Wow Hyuck, never thought I’d see you in a suit, ever,” Chenle laughed.
“Yeah, I was convinced you’d be wearing sweats on your wedding day,” Jeno added, slinging an arm around Jaemin who just laughed along.
“Not a chance,” Haechan chuckled, squeezing your hand that was intertwined with his, causing your heart to swell. You sat next to Mark’s parents and family, introducing yourself. They welcomed you with warm hugs, and a kiss on the cheek for Haechan from Mark’s mom, causing him to blush in embarrassment.
It wasn’t long before the ceremony started, each graduate being called to the stage and handed their diploma. Mark was eventually called up, the boys around you hollering his name. He looked directly up at you in the crowd and waved.
All the now-graduated students threw up their caps in unison once the president of the university congratulated them on their graduation, a roaring cry of joy falling from the crowd.
You glanced up at Haechan, and he was crying, but not of sadness, but happiness.
You remember the first time Haechan said he loved you.
It was fall of senior year, you and Haechan had gotten an apartment together a little off-campus. During the summer you had been interning at a newspaper agency, and you had loved it there. Everyone else seemed to love you too, as you were one of the hardest workers there. That morning you had received a letter in the mail with the best news of your life.
You burst into your guys’ shared bedroom, jumping onto the bed and shaking him awake.
“Hyuck! Baby wake up!”
Haechan groaned when you straddled him, slinging an arm over his eyes and hitting you with your pillow.
“C’ mon sweetheart, you know I need my beauty sleep.” You rolled your eyes, smacking him with the pillow causing him to let out an exaggerated ‘oof’.
“Shut up idiot, I got the job!”
Haechan’s eyes flew open and you let out a startled cry when he sat up quickly, grabbing your hips.
“What?! Really?” he exclaimed. You nodded excitedly and he grabbed you into his arms, causing you to squeal. “I’m so proud of you sweetheart! Oh my gosh, my baby’s employed!” You laughed when he rolled you over so he was hovering over you, caging you in his arms. You looked up at him, his face showing nothing but adoration. He leaned down to press a tender kiss against your lips. “I love you,” he mumbled after pulling away. Your eyes went wide, as he had never said those words to you before. Pink dusted your cheeks and he smiled fondly down at you, a small smile adorning his face. “I’ve wanted to say that for a while but I had to convince myself that I was worthy of you first. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“Oh Hyuck,” you hiccuped, tears beginning to form on your waterline. “I love you too. So much.”
He kissed you again, this time deeper, with more meaning behind it. It felt so genuine, so raw as if your life had become complete with him in it.  
“Let me take you out to lunch to celebrate, you deserve it,” he whispered after pulling away.
“Got an hour or two?” you said biting your lip, tugging at his shirt.
“Oh?” he said teasingly. “I see lunch isn’t the only thing you want me to eat today.” You groaned, covering your face in embarrassment.
“Oh god, just shut up and kiss me before I change my mind.” Haechan chuckled before bringing his face down to yours.
“Gladly,” he said, bringing his lips down to your again before slowly trailing them down your neck.
You chuckle at all the memories you’ve had with Haechan, reveling in everything that’s led up to this exact moment. Sighing, you get up from the bed and strip down nude, walking to the bathroom. Haechan is humming a tune in the shower, and his honey voice calms your nerves as you open the shower door. He turns around to face you, a smirk adorning his face as he offers you a hand. You step in, the warm water cascading down your back, and you wrap your arms around his neck.
“You just can’t get enough of me, sweetheart.”
You roll your eyes, pressing your lips against Haechan’s. You two stay in the shower until your skin prunes, images of permanently pruned skin flashing in both of your eyes, the thought of growing old together not seeming like such a scary thought.
You silently thank the stars above for that night in the dingy café that gave you your forever person.
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✑ April 2013. Brockton, MA;
He calls him J now. It feels cruel, but it jolts him from his daydreams where his full name or ‘Jord’ rarely sparks a reaction. Spencer’s voice is rough when he speaks. They’ve barely said a word to each other today. Same as last time.
The television is muted but the subtitles are on. Jordan pulls his eyes away from the screen and turns his head to the left, to Spencer who feels small and embarrassed and guilty as he says, “it’s almost eleven. I should get home.”
This is all they do these days. Jordan doesn’t touch him now, said once that he feels sick just thinking about it. Spencer had said he was eighteen and hadn’t expected one year to make much difference after they’d been sleeping together for months. Jordan had said, “it does make a difference. A huge fucking difference,” and swore he’d never see him again.
That was before they lost him, though. Now Jordan will take any company he can get.
As the colours illuminate his face, soft changes in light pulling shadows from his features, Jordan blinks once, twice, and then nods mechanically. He doesn’t reply but he stands from the sofa and collects his shoes from across the room, crouching to pull them on, lacing them up in silence.
Robotic, Spencer thinks.
Spencer follows suit, keeps his eyes to his feet as he feels Jordan now stood at the door over his shoulder, a set of old car keys hanging from his fingers, rattling slightly. Jordan never could afford his own car.
The ride home is as quiet as always. It’s uncomfortable as Spencer watches out of the window and they both feel it, he knows. The guilt and the sadness. It’s been three weeks but it’s not nearly enough time. Spencer thinks he can smell death. He thinks he can smell smoke and grease and perfume mixed with aftershave. He avoids the rearview mirror. Scared to catch a glimpse of a third body in the back seat. A corpse in the trunk. The car is too heavy to be holding only two people.
Curly’s CDs are still littering the ground at Spencer’s feet. A mixtape for every occasion. Jordan had asked Spencer to help him sort through them, but they’d ended up sat in the front of the car for hours instead. Just talking about him and switching between CDs.
Jordan says, “I’m seeing his mother tomorrow,” in an even tone, and then adds, “she’s sorry, too.”
He’s not seen Jordan cry since that night in his room, but the man’s eyes are always red and his voice is always raw. Sometimes when Spencer asks a question, about anything at all after another long silence, Jordan pauses, takes a long, shaky breath as if he’s been caught composing himself. He clears his throat a lot and his nails are always bleeding.
“I remember once…”
They’re in bed and, no, they didn’t…
Jordan called at eleven last night. There was something in the spare room, he’d said. Now he’s smoking weed as he looks off into nowhere.
“I remember we were laying in bed and he said, ‘how will this end?’” He takes a long drag, rubs his eye as if it’s a good enough reason to pause. He doesn’t look sad yet, just thoughtful, but these waves never last long. “It sounded so brutal, like... How could he just assume it -we- would end. You know?”
Spencer nods. He doesn’t know.
“I get it now. ‘Cause, it felt so impossible. Even when we weren’t together, we were. Even when we were completely fucked, we were still us. Curly and I coming to an end feels- felt so... Un-fucking-fathomable. Impossible.” He laughs. “You know, I could have sworn we were immortal.” He clears his throat, his joint just burning out now, held near his lips but never close enough to take a drag. Smoke floats up in front of his face as he frowns in thought. “S’hard to put into words. The fuckin’… Fear. If it wasn’t a short-lived... disaster, it was always gonna be a lifetime of being together, followed by a... brutal fucking end, but.” Jordan huffs, shrugs, and he does take a drag now, cheeks hollow as he leans his head back against the wall, then blows smoke up towards the ceiling. He never used to smoke inside. “‘How will this end?’” Jordan whispers when he repeats Curly’s words, ghostly. “He never believed that it would. ”
“I don’t think it ever will,” Spencer finally speaks up. “I think you’ll always be J and Curly. I don’t think that it ends here. I believe—“
“Fuck your beliefs. It ends here. He dies and it ends.”
It’s cold out today. The wind whistles as it slides through the crack of the door until Spencer opens it wide enough to step outside, the porch cold through his socks. The door is only slightly ajar behind him. Jordan’s smells like booze and he’s wearing a black leather trench coat that he’s never seen before.
“What are you doing here?” He kicks himself the second he asks it. Shouldn’t have asked at all because Jordan doesn’t need a reason. Anything he wants, that’s what Spencer had promised.
His mom is plating up in the kitchen. He hears her ask his dad to prepare drinks for the three of them as she keeps busy with the food.
Jordan looks ill as he says, “can we hang out?” -like showing up out of the blue with red eyes and creased clothes isn’t worth addressing. Jordan’s face droops at the edges, a harsh frown melting his brows over his eyes as he shifts from one foot to the other. “I can’t fucking—” Mumbled like it’d take up too much effort to do much more. “It’s killin’ me in there.”
He can’t say no to him, not when he’s stood shivering on his doorstep looking like a—
“Oh darling, you look like a ghost.” Spencer hadn’t heard his mother approach them. She’s smiling warmly but she looks just as pitiful as Spencer’s trying not to appear. “Come in, come in. Are you hungry?”
He came to church.
Spencer’s meant to be heading off now, to the learning lounge to watch the kids with Brad, but he gets stuck behind a pillar because Jordan came to fucking church.
The first time Spencer visited the apartment after Curly... Was gone-- The first time he visited the apartment, the place had been flipped upside down and broken and torn and dented. Jordan acted as if nothing was out of place at all but Spence guesses he just didn’t know how to explain himself and, honestly, he’s not sure he’d have completely understood even if he had.
They spend hours that day righting everything. It felt therapeutic. J had said, “felt better fucking it up, though.”
He wouldn’t let Spencer in the spare room, just shut the door and shook his head.
They’d both passed out on the sofa. Jordan was drinking and Spencer was just... There. Scared to leave him. He watched TV until he fell asleep and, the next morning, Jordan drove him to church because Spencer promised his father he’d not miss it again.
“You could come in,” he’d offered because Jordan had been in there before. Spencer’s dad was kind about the funeral, offered a lot to Curly’s family because he meant a lot to Spencer. It was a nice day... Or, everyone said it was a nice day. Spencer didn’t go, but Jordan was there. “It’s... It’s not always about believing,” he tries to explain. “It’s about being around good people, too. A support system.”
Jordan had looked at him blankly like he always did. “Run along, doll. You’re gonna be late.”
... But now he’s here.
It’s halfway through the service when Spencer spies him, hiding off at the back and shuffling on his feet. It’s not raining out but he looks soaked through, his trench coat weighing his shoulders into a slump, his greasy hair looking just as heavy where it hangs over his face, brown roots matted. His stubble is growing out and his skin looks... Tacky. Bad. He looks bad.
“What are you doing here?” Spencer whispers and, for the past few weeks, he’s been hiding his concern to avoid having Jordan rip his head off. Right now though, it’s taking everything in him to frown, hoping to cover his anger with faux pity that, truthfully, he’s having a hard time finding. Difficult to feel bad for Jordan when Spencer’s dad is talking at the front of the huge hall and J is swaying, drunk and filthy at the back, a dozen eyes burning into them both as people turn in their seat to get a look at what’s happening. “Jordan, you can’t-- Let’s go outside. Come on.”
“I’ll show you where I sat,” Jordan says then, his inside voice nonexistent as his words echo, and Spencer doesn’t turn around but he hears his father falter. “Let me show you where I sat. I—”
You can’t blame him for being taken aback. His father’s already continued his speech and he hears the shuffle of churchgoers turning back to the front of the hall behind him. Before Jordan can get the end of his next sentence out, Spencer’s found his voice again, albeit only a whisper. “Later,” he says, a hand grasping Jordan’s arm now as he attempts to pull him aside, back towards the grand doors leading out. Jordan pulls his arm back like he’s been burned though, gives Spencer a look like he’s angry although it’s soon washing away when he presumably realises the boy’s done nothing wrong. He looks around the hall, and Spencer looks over his shoulder now. There are still a hand full of people peering their way. Jordan used to love that: people staring. Any excuse to sneer an insult at a passer-by. Challenge a stranger, get some energy out.
“Right there,” Jordan sniffs, pointing off to the right, towards one of the rows closest to them. “I bought a fucking suit, you know,” he tells Spencer now, and the penny’s dropped. He’s so drunk that the sound of his shoes scuffing against the floor fills the room with loud steps and squeaks between his words as he repeatedly wobbles, catches himself, wobbles again. Spencer daren’t turn to the now silent room as Jordan points toward the front next, where Spencer’s father still presumably stands. “Did you see me from up there? In my dumb fucking suit, did you--” He huffs, shakes his head.
“Jordan, please come outside.”
“I shoulda been right there— up at the front. I gave him fucking everything!” Eyes back on Spencer, furious and choked, panting or panicking or both. “He took it all and now I’m.” He raises his arms in a big, exasperated shrug, eyes wide and darting over Spencer’s face like the question’s not rhetorical after all. Like he’s desperate to know the answer. “I’m what?”
All he can do is nod, both hands on J’s shoulders now as he makes another attempt to lead him out. “Alright, I know. Let’s talks outside, though. I—”
“GET THE FUCK OFF ME!” It’s more like a scream than a shout and the crowd behind him gasps.
It does the job. Spencer’s the one stumbling then, jumping back, arms pulled to his chest. He hears quick footsteps echoing behind him— in front of him, either side of him… Someone walking towards them, and the thing is that everyone will recognise Jordan because Curly’s funeral welcomed the whole community— and then there was mass and Jordan stuck around until Curly’s mother forced him to leave, and everybody saw that, too. Heard it, at least.
This is what Spencer is told.
So they all know why he’s like this, and so none of them says a word.
The room is eerily silent around the clicking of his father's footsteps and Spencer doesn’t look at the man until he’s passed him and gets his hands on Jordan himself. “Alright, son,” he mutters, words soft but his grip of J’s arms tight, Spencer can tell from where he stands. He doesn’t even address the room, doesn’t announce his departure before he tells Jordan, “we’ll sit out on a bench and we’ll talk about it.”
It’s weird because Jordan just… Goes then. Spencer’s left standing on the spot. Can’t follow them. Can’t go back and take his seat to listen to a service that’s no longer taking place.
It's Bradley’s voice that pulls him from his gaze, watching the two men slip out of the door and head left. “Jordan is enduring a great loss,” he tells the group from where he’s taken the place of Spencer’s father, talking into the microphone. “Let us pray that God guides him through his healing, and thank Him for giving Jordan the strength to…”
Spencer marches towards the door but takes a right turn when he’s out.
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euaxel · 4 years
heyyy, eonia. i’m reid, i’m twenty-three, still can’t read, and all i know about pjo is that it fucking rocks and the protag has the same learning disabilities that i do! also, i picked hypnos for this punk mainly to be mean to him and because in the hades game hypnos bullies me every time i die and i’m kiiiinda into it. hmu on discord one on one for the best plotting experience, but i’ll be around plenty to bug y’all in the gc too. you can read about bastard boy number one right here and under the cut we’ll get down to business. 
⟨ ELLIOT FLETCHER. TRANS MALE. HE/HIM. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, AXEL EVERETT is actually a descendent of H Y P N O S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-TWO year old VIDEO GAME DEVELOPMENT & COMBAT TACTICS MAJOR from BROOKLYN, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite WITTY & SELF-DEPRICATING.
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be advised, axel’s a pretty heavy character.  i’m gonna keep it brief for the bio & need-to-knows, tag around the parts with bold applicable triggers so you can skip around as needed, and tag this post accordingly, but just let me know if i miss anything and i’ll fix it & be safe reading. godspeed and i apologize in advance for bringing you all my personal punching bag as my first muse. 
the main triggers that are gonna come up are: parental abuse, alcoholism * major, mentions of bullying, drowning * major, religious trauma, and drug abuse with some harder drugs ( particularly, weed, pills and cocaine / nothing with needles. )
general stats. 
— full name ,  axel harley everett.  — nicknames/alias ,  axe, ax, wolverine jr, tyler durden jr, trouble, Who? - every professor he’s ever had. — house,  hypnos and mad about it.  — age, 22, as of today. also mad about it.  — gender,  trans male.    — pronouns,  he/him.  — sexual orientation, bisexual with a somewhat heavy masc lean.  — d.o.b, january 1st, 1999. ( generally unknown to anyone but maybe siblings, he will probably lie and say Nobody Knows... I Just Am unless he really fucks with you. ) — hometown,
— height,  5′0ft even. furious about it. — eyes,  brown. — hair, brown.  — face claim, elliot fletcher.
— zodiac,  capricorn. — alignment,  chaotic good. — character inspo,  lip gallagher, steve rogers ( young ), ellie from tlou1, logan howlett, stiles stilinski ( if anyone says shit i will scream ), probably someone from euphoria but i’m too scared to watch that, peter parker ( andrew garfield ), shinsou hitoshi, finn mertens, marceline the vampire queen, dipper pines, this is all over the place but it’s there.  — most played spotify songs, passion for publication by anarbor, sober haha jk unless by hospital bracelet, nobody by mitski, class of 2013 by mitski, king princess’ cover of monster from adventure time, way too much phoebe bridgers, in love or whatever by future teens, and the entire front bottoms discography but especially in sickness & in flames with the hard way & bus beat well at the top of his loop.  — aesthetics,   bloody knuckles, left open and tipped over prescription bottles, walking on the carpet with socks to get that tingly feeling, skateboarding inside, dozing off at the bar, tangled legs in messy sheets, ten pillows on a twin sized mattress, laying down in the shower, brian sella’s cracky singing voice. 
— axel was born and raised in brooklyn, new york, and he was claimed at thirteen, on his thirteenth birthday, by hypnos. — the day he was claimed, axel ceased contact with his human mother and his step-dad, and he attended a camp for half-bloods that wasn’t far from home. he spent his adolescence there year round for safety from monsters at home and abroad, then moved on to eonia.  — ( parental abuse tw, drowning tw begin ) i don’t want to be too graphic here so i’m going to plainly say that axel’s mother was a very, very bad person, and the man she married was absent at his best, physically abusive at worst. axel’s powers (  hypnokinesis, namely )  were potent and difficult to control at a young age, and as a deeply religious catholic woman, this scared his mother and influenced most of the animosity in their relationship. she was convinced that the defensive visions he created and his ability to put her to sleep ( an attempt to help her, on his end; insomnia plagued her and later, it would him, too ) were of demonic origin, and tried to drown him more than once; cleansing, she claimed. the worst instance was the day he was claimed, actually — new years day, 2012; his life was saved by hypnos, and that was the last he saw of her.   ( parental abuse tw, drowning tw end. )  —  that said, he’s a little ( very ) hydrophobic. poseidon kids do NOT fucking interact ( i’m kidding. kind of. he Will avoid a little though ) —  anyway! moving on. all of this aside, axel did his best to put his past behind him, and he was actually super stoked to learn that his powers came from somewhere good and that there was places out there for kids like him; to learn he wasn’t any kind of monster. ( still working on believing that, though.. marcelines monster.mp3 right here )  — he’s less stoked when he starts having trouble falling asleep, and really, it feels like a more cruel twist than any other fate has thrown at him ( his upbringing was chock full of mean twists, so that’s saying something ); and really, it’s more like insomnia just full on kicks in, but he can put other people to sleep. great, right? whatever, though — combat classes are kickass and he’s surrounded by babes that think he’s hilarious so things could be totally, way worse.  — ( bullying tw (brief) ) for the most part, axel was pretty well liked among his peers. he was bullied as a young kid (pre-claim), but he bit back and he bit back hard, and sure, some of that followed him into his teen years but he’s more confident by then; less fun to poke at, and absolutely unhinged when provoked, so people learn better of it. the only real lasting effect was one instant that hit him a little too deep in the inferiority, when he was seventeen — he fell in love with a girl, told her that, and found himself at the end of a very mean spirited prank. he shook it off like he did anything else, or at least — he told himself he did, even if the hurt hit him somewhere a little too deep rooted ( ie. being god’s most unlovable son would naturally land him here, right? ) love’s kinda stupid anyways, so what the hell, right?  (bullying tw end.)
— ( alcoholism tw, drug use tw begin ) this is already obscenely long so i’m just going to keep it to the point here and say he began drinking when he was sneaking booze in to camp at fifteen, and it just never stopped there. he’s also a massive stoner, which is all well, harmless and good for the most part; he’s always grinning, half-lidded, and has a room full of smoke at any given time. it’s the pills that do him in, and he did them at first just so he could get some shut eye, and... well. after that, because he’s dependent on them. but he keeps this part under wraps for the most part; it doesn’t have to be anyone’s problem but his, and it’s not a problem until it is one. partying’s fun, so is coke; so is taking a few too many xan’s, mdma.   ( alcoholism tw, drug use tw end )
— i swear he is not as doom and gloom as he sounds from the bio, and yeah, writing that made me so sad i feel like we absolutely must hone in on the fun and cute things about him!?!  — he loves dnd. he can talk about it for HOURS and if you let him, he absolutely will. — adventure time makes him cry. he’s a baby don’t let him fool you.  — very into cryptids, aliens, horror stories, conspiracy theories, in love with ryan from watcher, wanna be shane medej.  — he loves to draw! the one thing he loves about his power is what it’s done for his imagination, and sure, he mostly draws horror things, but it’s why he went into video game development. he wants to be a concept artist.  — his double major is in combat tactics because he loves fighting. he thinks it’s so fun. he’s a little nuts, actually — i mean, get hit in the face and come up grinning. all he’s ever wanted is to run a fight club and be the shortest, baddest little bitch on the planet.  — he tends to nod off in weird places because he doesn’t sleep enough at night, which is sad, but; he can seriously fall asleep anywhere. standing up, in a tree, you name it.  — he’s a hobby musician! he loves singing and playing guitar.  — he’s a huge flirt.  — loves to scare people. he’s harmless, though. like, honestly. he might make you think you’re seeing a walking toadstool but he’ll probably apologize later.  — he’s very much a singing in the shower type?  — clothes thief. friends and significant others beware.  — actually, just kind of a thief? but of weird, little things. like, just the left shoe. puts them in a little corner in his room that he has set up like an exhibit. “things you thought you lost lol” is written on the whiteboard on the wall above it. he likes collecting rocks too. he’s a little freak!!  — he’s better at the memory retrieval part of his power than the rest. naturally, as this mostly applies for other people. 
WANTED CONNECTIONS. im literally so tired of hearing myself talk... 
friends/squad. self explanatory!!!  he’s friendly, a class clown, and a loyal friend through and through; he’s also adaptable, and his demeanor is very relaxed and inviting. he’s probably gonna have 2-3 people that he’s really close with, and he’d do quite literally anything for them. seriously, don’t tempt him.  a best friend.  so this is kind of vague but. i’d really love for him to have one person that is just a tier above the rest? they’d know things about him that are like pulling teeth to find out ( aka, anything deeper than his most recommended podcasts and loudmouth opinions on non important things ), someone who will call him on his shit, and maybe take care of his stupid little self when he gets too fucked up, because they’d be someone he trusts enough to let them.   enemies?    he probably gets along with most people until given a reason not to? but he is a loud mouth and if one of his friends gets into drama, he will stick his nose where it doesn’t belong and he will throw hands, so it could happen.
harmless rivalries. maybe even steamy ones. he’s a little shit and he likes banter so, so, so much? if given the opportunity and if someone rubs him a certain type of way, he’s so not above being a menace, although never super maliciously. just, you know, annoying the shit out of them on purpose, for fun. he’s also not above blowing a few kisses their way.
current hookups. self explanatory too. he’s a little harlot. HFBHVFNJ. it’s gonna be kinda hard to go beyond sex with him because he’s very deep in his own insecurity but he does catch feelings, he’s just mad about it when he does. i’m mostly gonna go off chem for that though! an ex. could be on friendly terms? but, it should be noted that he could’ve ghosted someone too; or pulled from the relationship when things got serious and he couldn’t choke out that ‘i love you’, even if he felt it. worse, if he did choke it out, but they didn’t feel the same way.  siblings. hypnos kids he is gonna be so protective of all of u... family is hard for axel, i’m ngl, but he really wants one is the tragedy of it all, i guess? so he just really wants to be a good brother. he thinks hypnos is kind of a dick for making him but he tries not to fault him for his existence. fuck u dad i dont wanna be alive feels a little unfair. HDBHFDSJ. anyways he’s a good brother even if he is absolutely so reckless and terrifying in regards to himself but his siblings. his siblings he will do anything for. ALSO!!! FOUND FAMILY!!!! it would be kinda nice if he bonded with someone a little older maybe, could be outside of the hypnos house even, someone he’s kind of a bratty-little-brother type with.... or bratty older brother that takes your things and makes you laugh, y’know. 
PERSONALITY.  just tacking this part of the app on at the end too to highlight parts that i think are important for understanding who he is, and just so it’s all in one place!
toothy grins, half-lidded eyes, and keepin’ them laughing is what it’s all about, baby. axel walks with more confidence in his posture than he’s earned ( or claimed, for that matter ), and it’s the backbone of what gets him by. he’s a glowing example of the fake it ‘til you make it mentality, and he knows what he wants, usually how to get it, and doesn’t mind letting you know that. there’s an ever present mischievous glint in his eyes that says more about what to expect from him than he does, and that’s still not much? he likes to have fun, and there isn’t a whole lot of regard for righteousness or responsibility on his end, but hey! it’s usually only ever at his own expense, so what’s the damage? he’s an absolute clown and he knows it.
axel loves people. he does — you might not guess that with how elusive he is, but it’s true. there’s nothing he likes more than a good conversation with someone interesting, or maybe not even then; if there’s a sparkle in you, he’ll see it. ( might even draw it, not that you’d ever know. ) he’s warm, loyal, compassionate, relaxed, and understanding; and none of that is at the cost of being passive, or lacking passion. 
as long as the vibes are right, he’s happy to just be; though, he’s known to have a fuse for certain provocations, and will jump readily at chance to fight in someone else’s honor. also, it’s not unlike him to spar for the sake of sparring; but that’s all in good fun, no worries.
there’s no way to sugarcoat it — axel has an inferiority complex. where that stems from is something he’s more self-aware of than he’s willing to admit, but he doesn’t have the patience or the will to dissect it; much less do anything about it, and he’s as bull-headed as they come — especially regarding anything related to the psyche. how much this impacts his demeanor and relationships with others varies on the situation, but one constant is that he’s going to retreat before things get bad; even if ‘things are getting bad’ exists only as his own paranoia-born hypothetical.
things can’t go bad if you don’t let them, and he’s content to keep it that way; even if it means being stuck in the stasis of missed opportunities. it’s when he’s retreating into himself that he can get irritable, anxious, jumpy; secretive, defensive, even. he’s personable until he isn’t, essentially.
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theycallmegothboy · 4 years
1-100 >:DDDD REVENGE!!!
FELIXXXXXXXXXXXX >:(( 1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  -spotify  2. is your room messy or clean? -it’s pretty messy i guess  3. what color are your eyes? -blue and grey
4. do you like your name? why? -yeah it’s fine 5. what is your relationship status? -single 6. describe your personality in 3 words or less -certified intrusive thot 7. what color hair do you have? -brown and rn it’s red 8. what kind of car do you drive? color? -i dont have a car 9. where do you shop? -hot topic, goodwill, target 10. how would you describe your style? -comfy emo 11. favorite social media account -of mine, probably discord or youtube 12. what size bed do you have? -twin >:(( 13. any siblings? -i have 1.5 brothers  14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? -probably vancouver, idk canada seems lit 15. favorite snapchat filter? -i like the one with devil horns and a tail but its cute 16. favorite makeup brand(s) -i dont wear makeup 17. how many times a week do you shower? -i used to shower every day, but i dont do anything that gets me dirty so like maybe 3 times but if i leave the house then i shower 18. favorite tv show? -stranger things 19. shoe size?  -8 or 9 20. how tall are you? -5′6 with shoes >:(( 21. sandals or sneakers? -sneakers wtf 22. do you go to the gym? -lol no 23. describe your dream date -making some pie or something together and then eating the pie and then sitting on some rooftop looking at stars 24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? -quite a bit actually but i’m saving up for a phone lol so soon it will be like maybe 10 dollars lmao 25. what color socks are you wearing? -not wearing socks but the ones i had earlier were white (ankle length) 26. how many pillows do you sleep with? -just one but it sucks 27. do you have a job? what do you do? -NO BUT IM TRYING TO GET A JOB BUT THE FUCKIN PEOPLE THERE ARE GHOSTING ME AND WONT REPLY TO MY EMAILS SO LIKE SBJHBJS 28. how many friends do you have? -like 4 lmao 29. whats the worst thing you have ever done? -idk nothing super bad but i do a lot of small shit that makes me feel guilty when i realize what i did 30. whats your favorite candle scent? -juniper rosewood 31. 3 favorite boy names -leo, clay, charlie 32. 3 favorite girl names -ivy, uh... idk thats all ive got 33. favorite actor? -no clue 34. favorite actress? -no clue 35. who is your celebrity crush? -not a celeb but i’d smash danny phantom 36. favorite movie? -nightmare before christmas or edward scissorhands 37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? -no, but my fav book is probably the prince and the pauper? idk 38. money or brains? -CASH MONEYYYY jk probably brains but if your entire personality is being “smart” like fuck off lmao   39. do you have a nickname? what is it? - a bunch of people call me son (see #49, #100), some call me rat, dumdum, goth boy
40.how many times have you been to the hospital? -just once i think when i was birthed. i also went once with my brother cause he kicked some scissors i left out on the floor and it sliced his toe the fuck open and he needed stitches and i watched him get the stitches and almost passed out :/ 41. top 10 favorite songs -please dont make me do this i dont have it in me 42. do you take any medications daily? -yea i take 20mg of vyvanse but i need to get it raised to 30 cause 20 is Not Enough 43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) -i got some dry fuckin skin yall dont even know 44. what is your biggest fear?  -it depends. the dark is a pretty constant one though 45. how many kids do you want? -like 2 or 3 eventually 46. whats your go to hair style? -in my face, looking stupid 47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)  -it’s pretty small 48. who is your role model? -i dont fuckin know lmao  49. what was the last compliment you received? - “i belive in you, my son, you’re an amazing human being“ (same friend mentioned in #100, not actually a parent of mine) 50. what was the last text you sent? -”no it’s a raccoon“ YOU GET NO CONTEXT LMAO 51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? -i dont think i ever hardcore believed in him, maybe i did though i remember sleeping under the tree one christmas eve waiting for him but i was like “oh yeah that makes sense“ i guess 52. what is your dream car?  -i honestly dont give a shit as long as it actually fucking works 53. opinion on smoking? -cigarettes? fuck no that’s nastyyy. weed? that’s fine i guess but wait till you’re like 18.  54. do you go to college? -no. am sophomore n highschool 55. what is your dream job?  -musician/palentologist 56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?  -fuck the suburbs lmao, but also im tired of rural, so like.. semi urban?? 57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?  -no but i take the little soaps >:)) 58. do you have freckles?  -yes 59. do you smile for pictures? -awkwardly, yes 60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?  -dont have a phone but i have like 12 on my computer currently. 4 are of me, the rest are of my cat or random shit 61. have you ever peed in the woods?  -yes 62. do you still watch cartoons?  -cartoons these days kinda suck but like if they were good fuck yeah i would like gravity falls can come hang yknow? 63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? -i had nuggets from mcdonalds today so i guess them? i dont really care 64. Favorite dipping sauce?  -i got sweet and sour but i dont like it that much. that schezuan sauce was great 65. what do you wear to bed?  -wouldnt you like to know? ;))  66. have you ever won a spelling bee?  -NO ive only been in two. the first one i misspelled the word “turmoil“ cause i had never heard it before and the second one i spelled the word “owed“ as “ode“ cause i was thinking like ode to joy and then i felt like a big Fool afterwards :(( 67. what are your hobbies? -lol what hobbies 68. can you draw?  -i am physically able to draw, but not well, no 69 (haha). do you play an instrument? -yeah i play a few 70. what was the last concert you saw?  -i saw Chicago in either georgia or tennessee i cant remember in like 2016 71. tea or coffee? -hot coffee, iced tea. NOT the other way around. (i love both though) 72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? -starbucks 73. do you want to get married? -sure why not 74. what is your crush’s first and last initial? -dont have a crush 75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?  -idk maybe 76. what color looks best on you?  -i dont know but i wear black a lot and that’s pretty dope 77. do you miss anyone right now? -yeah  78. do you sleep with your door open or closed? -closed 79. do you believe in ghosts? -on the fence. not 100% “oh my god look at these gHoSt oRbS i need to sage my house!!!“ but i accept that there’s some things i wont understand about the world and that i have no answers to. i wouldnt be surprised if there are, and i wouldnt be surprised if there aren’t. 80. what is your biggest pet peeve? -whatever my adhd decides i viscerally hate with a firey passion right at that moment  81. last person you called -my brother (the 1 of the 1.5 from #13 and the one who sliced his toe in #40) 82. favorite ice cream flavor?  -chocolate is dope 83. regular oreos or golden oreos?  -regular double stuff. if you say golden, mint, peppermint, or thin oreos i’m gonna have to euthanize you, i dont make the rules.  84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? -rainbow cause it’s prettier  85. what shirt are you wearing?  -queen shirt from hot topic 86. what is your phone background? -i didnt get a phone between question 60 and now but my computer one is some mountains with the moon in the background 87. are you outgoing or shy? -really depends on who i’m around 88. do you like it when people play with your hair? -YES FUCK AAAAAAA (this girl played with my hair literally once in middle school and i was like oh shit and i had a crush on her until the end of middle school true story,,, so ashley if you’re out there-) 89. do you like your neighbors? -to the left they’re fine and their dog is nice but idk what happened to the horses so that’s sus but that’s where our cat came from so they can hang  guess, behind me they’re fine but their boys are loud, to the right they’re fine, and even further to the right are the dope neighbors and waaaaaaaaaay far to the right is a llama and he’s dope as hell 90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? -whenever the fuck i remember to/have the energy 91. have you ever been high?  -i dont think so but i wouldnt put it past myself 92. have you ever been drunk?  -not that i can remember, no 93. last thing you ate?  -sloppy joe from a can 94. favorite lyrics right now -”not gonna waste my life, cause i’ve been fucked up“ 95. summer or winter?  -fall. fuck you 96. day or night?  -night but i like it when it’s actually night and it doesnt get dark at like 4 fucking pm cause that makes me depressed 97. dark, milk, or white chocolate? -dark is good, milk is fine, white is only suitable for fancy stripes on chocolate covered strawberries 98. favorite month?  -i vibe with september 99. what is your zodiac sign -sagittarius (was almost a scorpio but i was holding out >:))) 100. who was the last person you cried in front of?  -in person, my mom like 6 months ago, on a discord call, my friend (i love you by the way, you’re the best,,, i dont think he has tumblr but im just putting it out there) like a month or so ago. i hate crying in front of people, i turn into such a hyperventilating snot monster which is not suitable for human gaze and thats the real tea :/
felix this took like 2 hours of my life i will never get back i hate you and i hope you’re happy with what you’ve done <3 <3
also anyone who wants to stalk me, enjoy this information that im handing to you on a silver platter :)) <3
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neo-culture-mafia · 5 years
Bratty (j.jh)
Tumblr media
Summary -> "who's the one in charge here?"..."mind repeating that again sweetheart?"..."excuse you?"..."i would keep little mouth of yours shut."
Warnings -> not really. in first person view
"But that's not fair." I stomped after Jae. "Life isn't fair, sweet pea." He said, still walking towards his office. "But all the other girls are going out tonight!" I argued, getting more upset at his protectiveness. "Yes, and to be honest they're not as smart as you." He said turning around suddenly, making me run straight into him.
He laughed and slipped his arms around my body. "I trust you. Y/n, I don't trust them." He said softly pinching my cheek. "But-" I tried to argue more but he shut down all my arguments with once cock of his eyebrow.
I huffed and rolled my eyes. "...fine..." I said and he smiled. "You can go out soon. Just right now there is a lot of activity outside of the base." He kissed my forehead and turned away to walk again.
"I just don't want you getting hurt." He called as he stepped into his office. You wanted to follow him in there but...no one was aloud in his office except him and his members. He popped his head back out quickly, "cookies are in the jar, and spongebob is having a marathon." He playfully winked and ducked back into the office. "I'm not a baby...but thanks." I rolled my eyes and walked from the hall.
I sighed, walking back into the kitchen where the whole spit-spat began. I just wanted to go out with some friends, probably to a club. I just wanted to get out of the house for a little bit.
I sat down at the counter, and grabbed the remote for the TV. My hand got lost in the jar of cookies and I turned on the comforting cartoon.
I couldn't help but laugh at the crude jokes that I never got as a small child. After a show and a half, Jae ran from the hall.
"Important meeting. Just got called out." He said as he slipped his belt through the loops. I nodded, getting up and grabbing his phones. I went over and stuck them out.
He smiled small, and took them from my hands. "Love you, baby. Be back late. Eat dinner, not just cookies. Don't stay up too late." He listed as he threw on his shoes and smoothed out his jacket and adjusted his chains. "Got it." I nodded, my happiness growing by the second. He ran over to the door, and stepping out.
I was ready to call my friends and get out of this stuffy house. "Also, don't go out." He popped his head back in. My smile fell as I agreed in a fake happy tone.
This was bull. I'm stuck with SpongeBob and Patrick...not even my real friends...and the stupid jar of cookies that were now getting sickening to even look at.
"You're fine, y/n. Stop worrying so much." My friend laughed, as she dragged me towards the club. Even though I said I wanted to go out, I now want to go back home.
I'm scared Jae is going to find out, the other gangs are going to find out...did I turn the TV off?
"I know, I know...i just...didn't really wanna go out. That's all." I lied straight through my teeth and the group of 5 girls rolled their eyes and continued their teasing.
"Are you scared that your big bad boyfriend will come and find you?" Jinhee laughed and the others laughed. "No. I'm not scared of him." I scoffed...lying through my teeth again.
We were let in and the security guard buzzed the usual buttons, pressing a few extra.
"Scared he's gonna give you a spanking or something?" Jinhee laughed once again, her giggle piercing my ears till I'm pretty sure they're pleading.
"No. I'm not. I'm a grown girl-" "-lady...and No you're not. You're still a baby." Sunni said pinching my cheek hard.
I swatted her clawing hands away and distanced myself a little bit. "Let's go party!" The girls hollered and now I really wished I was back home in comfy clothes and fuzzy socks. These heels were killing me.
My friends pushed me towards the bar and ordered anything they could. "And this little baby will have a Shirley Temple. Extra cherry." Jinhee started laughing so everyone else would. I could only stand the teasing for someone. I took a seat and sipped the fruity kiddy drink in anger.
They were in the sea of sweaty bodies that gave off the smells of a gym locker and peach ciroque. It was intoxicating yet repellant.
"Let's go to the strip side!" Sunni came over and pulled on my arm to drag me away. "Strip side?" I asked as she guided us through the smelly crowd. "Yeah! It's past the strip club. You go, take your clothes off, and dance." She had to yell over the music.
"It's really fun!" She said and I started to worry. I don't even like taking my clothes off in general. This dress was hard enough to get into.
Jaehyun would kill me if he ever caught me in this 'Strip side'. We walked past another security guard and into an ambient room that was dimly lit and smelled like cigar smoke and expensive liquor. Naked women danced all around on tables, chairs, stages, men...each other.
I closed my eyes as she continued to rug on my arm. We got to a new side and it was much more upbeat than the last room, yet more sensual. I opened my eyes and was automatically met with a huge group of naked people. Cigarette and weed was being passed around body to body. It was off-putting.
"I-i don't wanna do this." I gripped onto her arm. "Oh, don't be such a baby." She shoved my chest. I felt a pop and held my chest sweetly. "You'll do fine here. Trust me. You're adorable." She winked and began unzipping her dress. I closed my eyes and felt someone's hands all over me. They caressed my legs, chest, stomach, and tried unzipping my dress.
"No. Stop." I started swatting the hands away. They stopped. I opened my eyes to see my friends dancing on random people and each other.
I closed my eyes and walked back toward the exit. "Nope. Nope. Nope." I muttered and ran into what felt like a wall...with a strong musk scent. Stupid security guards.
"Sorry." I mumbled. I tried going around them but bumped into the same nice smelling wall. I decided to finally open my eyes, ready to apologize for my clumsiness.
I looked up and was met with my worst fear: Jaehyun.
"Oh...hi...um I was just going to the bathroom." I started rambling. He stood there, hands in his pockets, and an unamused and unconvinced look on his face.
He cocked an eyebrow at my excuses, and just stared down at me. "And...I...I...I." I said trying to find anything to save my ass. I would break eye contact, but I'm afraid if I look anywhere else, I'm going to come face to face with a hairy, drunk, naked gorilla.
"I didn't mean to find my way here but it kinda just sorta happe-" "Car. Now." He said and I nodded, taking his keys and walking past him.
I walked back through the strip club portion, through the sea of bodies, and ended up outside again. I swung around to the car park and hit the lock button so an alarm would sound. I found his car hidden in the back and went back.
I unlocked it, got in, and curled up in the passenger seat.
I'm not pissed I got caught...I'm pissed I went out in the first place.
An hour later, Jae finally mosies into his car. I don't dare speak, because I know what's already coming.
He just sits there for a second, and stares ahead of him. He buckled up and started the car. He pulled out too quickly for comfort and I held onto my seat discreetly.
He turned out of the bar parking lot with elegance...and speed. He drifted around corners and sped over bridges, dodging cars left and right. It had been a good 5 minutes and it was flipping my insides to the out. I grabbed onto his hand that was situated onto his shift and braved myself for anything.
"STOP!" I screamed and he slammed on his brakes. I finally opened my eyes and we were on a practically dead street. He retracted his hand from under mine and threw his seatbelt off angrily.
I cringed when the metal hit glass of window, and nothing shattered. He sat so he was looking at me, his head resting in his hand.
"Whatever you want, princess." He sneered and I became silent. "Enough, Jae." I sighed, playing with my hands in my lap.
"No. Obviously it's not enough." He said again with a scoff, sitting back in his seat.
"You've been acting so bratty lately." He admitted and my heart shriveled in my chest. There was a dull ache that was becoming more apparent.
"Oh." I choked out, covering it with a slight cough.
"I told you not to go out for the risk of someone hurting you. Then where do I find you? My own club." He said, astonished by the circumstance.
"I tried leaving, Jae." I said quietly. "Not soon enough, y/n. I watched you order a drink, get dragged to the strip side, get felt up-" "do you think I wanted to be felt up? If you were watching you would've seen that I said no and was trying to leave!" I yelled, turning towards him.
He was taken aback by my sudden outburst. "...i don't know who you think you're talking to, but I would watch that pretty little mouth of yours..." He said and I shut my mouth.
I sat back and kept my mouth shut. I didn't say a word and I didn't breathe too loudly.
He buckled in again and drove softly home. I could feel the stares on the side of my face. I shivered from the air conditioning and the exposed skin didn't help.
He reached behind me and grabbed something. A hoodie was plopped into my lap and the air was turned off. I quietly and quickly slipped it on. I unzipped my dress and shimmied it down my legs. My spandex shorts were the only thing covering my legs.
I sat back and pulled the hood up, pulling the strings tightly.
I could still feel the looks.
We were still 10 minutes away when I finally felt his hand lay on my thigh. A certain missing piece was filled. He always kept his hand on my thigh when driving. It was relaxing for him...or as he claimed.
We finally pulled into the base and up to our house. We got out and I looked over to our neighbors. "Y/n?" Doyoung called from his car. "You went out tonight?" He asked. I huffed and walked to the door. I opened it and walked in.
"That was rude." Jae called from behind me.
I threw my shoes down and ran up the stairs to our bedroom.
I walked into the bedroom and threw myself on the bed. I just wanted to shrivel up and disappear.
"That was rude." He came walking in. I shrugged, snuggling into his hoodie.
"You should go apologize to him." He was as good as talking to a wall. I wasn't going to budge. He scoffed, and threw his jacket off and onto a hanger in the closet.
"Give me my hoodie back. I want to change." He said standing in front of me. "You have like a million different hoodie! Why do you want this one?" I asked, standing up on the bed so I was taller than him. I mimicked him and crossed my arms, looking down at him. His belt was off, shirt unbuttoned, and his hair slightly messed up.
"I just want that one." He said coldly. I got an idea and huffed. I slipped it off, being left in my bra and spandex shorts.
I hopped down from the bed and looked at him. "I'm gonna go apologize to Doyoung." I called and began walking out the door until he registered what I just said.
"No. Get back here." He bellowed from the room, chasing after me and down the stairs. I had one foot out the door until he picked me up and slammed the door.
He threw me over the shoulder and began going back to the bedroom. "You're gonna regret that eventually." He said, his voice rough.
"I mean...the view is pretty nice from here so I'm not seeing what you're getting at...have you been doing squats lately?" I asked and just as fast as he picked me up, I was now able to walk on my own two feet.
"What is with you today?" He asked, arms folded across his chest. "'wHat Is WitH yOu tODaY?'" I mimicked and he didn't find it funny.
"Mind repeating that again, sweetheart." I start marching back into the room. "I'm Jae. I'm a big bossy man that likes being mean. Errhggghh." I mimicked him, walking around the room.
"Oooo I'm y/n. I'm a disobedient brat that doesn't listen to my boyfriend ooo hehehe." He said getting up on the bed and acting like me and acting like I did only moments ago.
My mouth hung open and he thought he won. I hopped onto the bed and kept it going. We were getting closer to each other and getting more vicious. "I'm overprotective and don't like my girlfriend doing grown-up stuff."
"I'm a baby that still watches cartoons every Saturday morning." He said, his voice going up a couple octaves.
"I'm -" I began but lost my footing. I started tumbling backward. I felt his weight shift the bed and his hands grabbed mine, pulling me roughly toward him. He held me tightly and fell on the bed himself. His back was to the mattress and my chest was to his. The bed made a snap and a crack sound, and we were now tilting to one side. 
I just stayed put, afraid of falling through the floor. “Who knew that us breaking the bed would be during an argument.” He sighed, throwing his head back into the pillows. 
“I’m sleeping on the couch.” I said after a moment of silence, grabbing my pillow and a blanket; making my way out of the bedroom. Yet, before I left, I picked up a couple of his hoodies. 
I walked down the stairs, setting up my ‘bedroom’ for the night. 
I laid down and automatically wrapped myself in a blanket burrito after throwing on one of his big hoodies. It was still cold, with the accompaniment of the loneliness beside me. 
I couldn’t help but feel sorry. He really just did want what was best...and he knew that I was safest here...and I should have realized he was just trying to help sooner. 
I was alone with my thoughts and wishes to just fall asleep already. 
“...y/n...” I heard someone from the stairs. I lifted my head up and saw him and automatically felt the guilt from when I first laid down. “I’m sorry.” I said quietly. “Hey hey hey.” He said walking over and sitting next to me on the couch. 
“Don’t cry.” He said and I bit my lip. “I’m not crying.” I spoke quietly again, finally meeting his big and beautiful eyes in the night darkness. I felt the sudden weight settle into my chest. “I didn’t mean it.” I finally broke and sent myself flying into his side. “Awe, my baby.” He said moving me so I was sitting in his lap.
I slipped my arms around his neck and put my head on his shoulder. His voice wasn’t mad anymore. He didn’t seem happy, but he didn’t seem angry. 
He rubbed my back all the way down till his hands laid on my thighs. 
“You okay sweet heart?” He asked and I shrugged. I sat up so we were face to face. “I’m sorry.” I said again and he chuckled. “Don’t be. Nothing happened and you’re safe. It’s okay.” He pinched my cheek lightly, booping my nose slightly. 
“So...you’re not mad?” I asked with a hopeful smile. “Oh no, I’m absolutely pissed.” He said and my smile fell. “But, I don’t want to go to sleep upset.” He said and I understood. 
Going to sleep angry was as good as no sleep. It was uncomfortable and the mind never, really, truly sleeps. It keeps thinking about what has happened and the million and one possibilities on how you can fix it. 
“But I’m sorry too.” He interrupted my thoughts. “For what?” I asked and he grabbed my hand. His thumb gently rubbed over my outer hand. “...for being too overprotective...” He said as he broke the silence with his heartfelt words. “But I like you being overprotective,” I said and he just smiled shortly. “it shows you really care.” I confessed and he smiled a little. 
“I would always care...even if you didn’t want me to.” He said and I wrapped my arms around his neck again, hugging him and being wrapped in his warmth. 
“I would always want you to.” I mumbled. I couldn’t help but dozing off in his arms, feeling safe and secure in his protection. 
“Goodnight, baby.” He mumbled as he finally realized I was fast asleep in his arms. 
He readjusted us so he was laying down and I was on top of him. 
Jae felt a sense of pride when you latched onto him. It was like he was invincible and he had a sense of purpose. He wanted to feel needed and like he was wanted. With you, he always felt wanted. 
Yeah, you were a huge brat at times and loved pissing him off, but he knew all the ways to set you straight and back on track. So just as much as you depended on him, he depended on you. He wanted you to be needy and close so he was strong and never went far. 
You guys always had fights, every couple did. But even when you both think this was it...you both came crawling back to each other for comfort. 
___________________________ OMG THIS WAS TRASH. I’M DELETING THIS IS 48 HOURS!!!!
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ayellowcurtain · 5 years
SKAM NL S3 EP7 - Lucas Van Der Heijden
EP 6
For a moment, Lucas feels like his life might not be totally ruined. When the sun started to set, they finally went back to Kes’ scooter and went straight to his house. Their friendship feels a lot like home to Lucas. So having no secrets between them makes him feel a lot better. They both know how to cook, but Lucas offers to make dinner tonight. Kes is very messy and he doesn’t know how to make food for just two people. They eat everything and drink any and everything alcoholic that they can find in Kes’ house. It’s a good night if Lucas ignores how much he thinks about that picture and the person that took it, especially when he starts to get drunk. He misses Milan and he wants to talk to him so badly, but just for tonight, he’ll try to keep that part of him locked away.
He doesn’t want to feel tonight, Lucas just wants to go back in time for a few hours, when everything was messy, but also really good. Nothing compares to how Milan makes him feel, but a year ago, Kes was the best thing Lucas had.
In between Olivia and Isa, Kes and Lucas went back to the lake for a week to just go wild, get away from their problems. There was way too much alcohol and weed involved and at some point, Lucas really felt like he was on top of the world, with the only person who mattered.
They had to share the bed, but it wasn’t that big of a deal. Kes’ family is big and ever since they were kids, when Lucas went to sleep at his place, they shared a bed because there was no other place for Lucas to sleep. So doing it again at the lake wasn’t that important either. But they were constantly drunk and so needy. It was probably just meaningless kisses for Kes, sometimes it turned into make out sessions, but they always stopped before it went too far, they weren’t that out of their minds.
Lucas will never forget about that week, not only because of the drunk kisses, but it was probably the last time it was just the two of them, getting drunk just because. This time, they don’t have weed, but beer seems to work just fine. They stumbled upstairs and Lucas let himself fall on Kes’ bed, just kicking his shoes and socks off his feet, pulling the sheet all the way to his chest.
The house is empty so there are three empty beds for Kes and he doesn’t complain about Lucas stealing his bed. While Kes closes the window and the curtains, Lucas gets lost inside his head again. His brain floods with images of Milan.
Lucas wants to sleep right next to him again, want to feel Milan’s arm against his chest while they sleep. Lucas might not be able to remember correctly how he tastes and how it’s like to make out for hours.
“Are you still awake, Luc?” He opens his eyes. The room is completely dark and he can hear Kes’ voice coming from the other side of the room.
“Yeah, yeah…” Kes sighs and Lucas can hear him moving on his brother’s bed.
“I’m glad you finally decided to open up. I’m happy that you trust me with this.” Lucas stares at the ceiling, smiling to himself. Now that it’s already out, he feels like he should have done it sooner. At least with Kes.
“You’re my best friend. Sorry for fucking things up constantly.” Lucas bites the inside of his cheeks, hoping someday he’ll have the courage to tell Kes about what he did, but now is not the time. Maybe when Isa and Kes are married and have kids and are living a great life.
After spending the weekend at Kes’, Lucas has no other option but to come back home. Jayden opens the door for him and they stare at each other for a little too long, but Jayden smiles and steps to the side.
“Come in, bro.” Lucas finally gets in, thanking Jayden for opening the door for him. He forgot his keys somewhere. They’ll have to talk soon, Lucas doesn’t want to keep bothering Esra with all his stupid mess.
Everyone is at the table, eating lunch together like a happy and broken family and Lucas doesn’t want to interrupt so he just makes a quick sandwich for himself, leaning against the counter, listening to whatever they’re talking about. Esra keeps looking at him and he smiles back at her. They also have to talk. Lucas is not only sleeping on her bedroom, but she was the one to go with him to the hospital that night so he owes her some sort of explanation. Ralph offers himself to wash the dishes, but Esra says she’ll do it and Ralph doesn’t even fight it, saying he’s already late for a date.
“You have a date on a Monday afternoon, fuck, man, tell me your fucking trick…” Jayden follows the blonde out of the kitchen, going to help him pick his best outfit.
Lucas just stays where he is and Esra walks by him, stopping by his side, starting to wash the dishes.
“So...how is your hand?”
“Still broken, but getting better. How was the weekend here?” He moves a little further to give her some space to put the dishes to dry.
“Crazy, like always. Liv called! She’s coming back home to visit soon.” Lucas nods his head even though he doesn’t really care. They both don’t wanna keep the small talk, Esra keeps looking at him from the corner of her eyes, probably waiting for news about how his weekend was. Lucas thinks about telling her about Milan but he stops himself before actually saying it.
“Hm, it’s cool, you know...that you believe in something.” Esra stops, looking at him and she laughs, continuing on her task. What a random comment to make.
“Yeah, it’s cool. Is there anything you believe in?” Lucas puts his hair behind his ear, finally looking away from his dirty socks, looking at Esra.
“Not right now, no.” She stops again, grabbing the hand towel, leaving the dirty dishes for later.
“So you believed in something at some point.” She leans against the counter too, closer to him.
“In science, not in God.” She nods her head, putting the towel behind them.
“But you think science has the answer to everything?” He never really thought about it, he just had the urge to believe that things happened for a reason, he was raised in a very religious household so he felt the need to believe in something and so he believed in science. But then there’s love that comes into place and makes a huge mess and not even science makes sense anymore.
“No. I mean, not anymore.” She nods her head again, giving him reassuring smiles that always take him by surprise. Esra is just naturally nice to him and Lucas is so thankful for it.
“So I guess we agree on that. There’s a lot on this planet that we know nothing about, so we just have to live our lives the best way we can while knowing we might never know everything.”
Lucas looks at her and they both laugh and Lucas stands up, deciding to leave her in peace to finish her task.
“Thank you, Esra...for going with me to the hospital. And I’ll find a way to wash the dishes after dinner tonight.”
“Good! And no need to thank me. Are you ok?”
“I’m getting there. Are you ok?” She nods her head, starting to wash the dishes again. Lucas turns on his feet and goes to her room. His clothes are everywhere, Lucas is not organized at all, so it’ll take the entire day to put all his things inside his bag, so maybe he’ll move out of her room tomorrow.
Jayden is actually a good cook. Ralph dragged everyone to sit at the table to eat “as a family” and Jayden was the one in charge of making food tonight and it wasn’t bad. He spent the entire night bragging about it while Lucas was grabbing all the things he would have to wash. Esra stayed with him like he did earlier and he kept looking at her, hoping she would finally talk about whatever was bothering her, but she kept helping him do everything with only one hand. They only talk and stop the weird staring contest when his phone rings with a new message coming in and another one. She looks at the screen, but doesn’t grab his phone.
“It’s Engel.” He stops what he’s doing, looking at her. He’s not even sure why he has her number.
“Can you read it for me?” Lucas grabs the sponge again but Esra shakes her head.
“I think you should do it…” Just by the tone in her voice, Lucas stops, looking at his phone. She borrows him the towel to dry his hands and he grabs his phone from the counter, reading the messages.
To Lucas VDH: Is it true that you’re gay?
to Lucas VDH: People are talking about you and Milan...it’s okay if you are…
After the shock of knowing through Engel that people are “talking” about him, Lucas looks at Esra. He’s sure she read what the messages were. If there are rumors, it’s not like what he says it’s gonna change anything, so he just types back to her right away, knowing that Esra is reading whatever his answer is going to be.
to Engel: Yes
to Engel: We’re not together.
And he locks his phone again, back to washing the dishes, but now worrying about how far this fucking gossip went. Kes is his only friend that knows and Esra just discovered too. In his mind, it’s best if his people know through him and not because someone else is deciding to use his life as a teenage drama.
“Are you ok?” Esra asks after a very long silence, but her voice is soft and calm again.
“Yeah.” He nods his head, too worried to look at her. Ralph comes like a hurricane, spinning around to show them his clothes at every angle.
“Is this fuckable?” Jayden stops next to the table, looking at Ralph like he’s proud of the choices they made. Esra looks at Lucas and then to the others, smiling, making Ralph spin again, but maybe they were acting too weird. Ralph stops, looking from Esra to Lucas.
“Everything ok, my loves?”
Lucas is still digesting the new information Engel just threw at him. They’re not close, but he knows she has a big mouth. This will probably be the only chance he has of talking to Esra, Ralph and Jayden.
“Not really. I guess it’s out into the world that I’m gay and I didn’t have the chance to do it myself, so I’m doing now. I’m gay. Me and Milan...had a thing.”
Lucas is not worried, but he keeps trying to see Jayden’s reaction. He comes closer, frowning, looking at Ralph and Esra and they don’t really have a reaction.
“Milan? The third year guy?” Ralph seems to remember him too, hugging Lucas.
“He’s so cute, Luc! I’m so proud of you.” Lucas rolls his eyes, but he hugs Ralph back just for a second. He knew Ralph was paying too much attention that day when they were rating Ralph’s matches on Grindr. “And I’m so sorry about you not being able to tell your story, but we’ll protect you until you’re ready.”
“We’re not together. And it’s okay.” Ralph frowns, putting both hands on Lucas’ shoulders. Jayden is looking at his phone, scrolling and zooming on something. He comes closer and shows Lucas (and Ralph) a picture of Milan, clearly zooming enough to not show someone hugging him.
“This Milan?” Lucas just nods his head, letting the other three gather around the phone, checking the photo and how hot Milan is.
“Jesus, he’s hot, bro.” Jayden finally speaks his mind and Lucas lets himself breathe again.
Turns out, Engel doesn’t have a big mouth. Jayden and Kes were ready to punch anyone that looked at Lucas just slightly different or for a little too long for the entire week, but nothing really happened. He kept thinking about the picture though, thinking if he should reach out to at least thank Milan for it.
“Luc!” Kes grabs the photo from his hands. “Fuck, man, pay attention to our conversation for once.”
Lucas haven’t really showed anyone the picture, but he knew Kes was constantly paying attention and he probably saw the picture at some point. Jayden leans against the table between them, looking at the picture too.
“Uuh, sexy!” Jayden looks at him and Lucas just drinks more of his beer. “And what’s going on between you two?”
“Nothing. The guy has a girlfriend, Jayden!” Kes gives him back the picture, leaning against the wall behind him, opening another beer for himself. “Did you talk to him?”
“No. There’s not much to say.”
“So why are you still looking at the photo he gave you?” Lucas doesn’t have a rational answer for that, he’s looking because he misses Milan to the point where Lucas doesn’t recognize himself anymore. He’s never been in love before. Kes is almost a master at it. “Luc, just talk to him. To fix this mess or just to end things. No bullshit, straight up.”
“He’s dating someone else, Kes! What the fuck am I supposed to say?”
“And because of that you’re gonna sit here and be annoying all night long?” Kes nods his head, agreeing with Jayden.
“Send him a text! ‘...stop contacting me if you’re still with your girl.’ ” Lucas doesn’t want to be the reason for another break up. He wants Milan to break up with Zoe because he wants to. For once, Lucas wants to be the first and only option for someone. Jayden and Kes are looking at him, obviously waiting for him to text Milan.
“Fuck it.” Lucas puts his beer on the table a little too hard, grabbing his phone and going straight to Milan’s conversation that has been inactive ever since that party. Lucas had texted him earlier that day to ask if he wanted to hang out and Milan never answered.
to Milan: thank you for never answering me again
to Milan: and for the photo, but stop doing this if you’re still with your girlfriend.
“It’s done.” Lucas puts his phone on the table, grabbing his beer again as Jayden and Kes cheer him on, saying that Milan will definitely text him back, making a toast. He was so sure Milan wouldn’t reply right away that he didn’t even check if he was online or if the bubbles showed up underneath his message, so they all jump on their seats when his phone vibrates against the table. Lucas rushes to grab his phone, not believing that Milan already answered him.
to Lucas: I’m sorry
to Lucas: What are you doing now? Can we talk?
Kes comes to his side and reads the texts out loud, smiling at Jayden.
“He wants you, Luc!” Jayden says and Kes puts his hand on the back of Lucas’ neck, squeezing just a little. Lucas looks up to see Kes, he doesn’t know what to say, he’s not even sure if he would be able to talk to Milan right now.
“Ok, ok...Tell him that you’re chilling at home, that’s it.” Lucas is not sure how that answers Milan question, but he writes just like Kes said this time, looking for an emoji to put with it. “No, Luc! What the fuck! No emojis, straight up. Chilling at home.”
to Milan: I’m home
“I guess that can work too.” Lucas keeps looking at the conversation this time, hoping to see the reply right away. Kes is still behind him, with his hand on Lucas’ neck and Jayden is staring at them. The anticipation builds up so quickly. After an entire minute, Lucas locks his phone, putting it back on the table. He can’t stay looking like a fucking dumbass with Kes and Jayden right there to witness how much of a fool he makes himself when Milan is involved.
Kes doesn’t say anything either, he just sits back in his chair and Jayden starts talking about the beer that they bought and how warm it is, but Lucas doesn’t care about the perfect temperature today, he grabs another beer, drinking almost all of it at once.
Finally, everyone is there. The girls were supposed to pre-game with them, but it’s starting to get late and so they have to go to the party. Lucas is about to open his fourth beer when Kes grabs the bottle from him.
“It’s too early to get drunk. Come on.” Kes puts his arm around Lucas’ neck, dragging him away from all the beers. They’ll clean up when they’re back. Everyone is outside, just waiting for them, but Lucas stops at the door when his phone rings inside his pocket.
He shouldn’t pick up so fast, but it happens.
“Hello?” Kes stops, turning to face Lucas.
“Hi...I’m downstairs...can you come down so we can talk? Please, Lucas…” He sounds different, out of breath and the way he begs at the end makes Lucas’ head spin around. Kes is still looking at him and Lucas can only see everyone outside, being so fucking loud.
“Wait a minute.” And he hangs up, he must be looking as lost as he feels, because Kes comes closer, curious to know what happened. “Milan is downstairs.”
“Holy shit! He’s fucking here.”
“Yeah, yeah...You have to go. Right now.” Jayden comes closer, hugging Kes, asking why they’re taking so long.
“We have to go. Milan is here.” Kes turns around, grabbing his jacket behind the door, leaning against him as he tries to put his boots on.
“...What?” Jayden is lost too, looking from Kes to Lucas.
“Out. Shit, you have to go right now.” Lucas pushes him out of the apartment and Kes grabs some sneakers and a jacket that he assumes it’s Jayden, throwing at the girls to hold it for him.
“We’re leaving, girls, right now, come on.” Jayden stumbles as he tries to put the shoes on, Kes is already showing the girls the way out of there.
Lucas didn’t think Milan would come. He thought Milan had made his decision that night when he kissed his girlfriend when they were supposedly broken up. There’s no reason for him to be here now.
“These are not my fucking shoes!” Jayden complains as he tries to catch up to the group right in front of the elevator, Lucas grabs his phone and sends a text to Milan
to Milan: You can come up if you want
Milan reads the message right away and Lucas looks down the hall, Isa is pushing the elevator button nonstop.
“The stairs! The stairs!” Lucas wants to scream, but their building is so tall, it’s late and the entire neighborhood would hear him, especially Milan downstairs, but Kes finally understands, rushing everyone down the stairs. Lucas closes the door as soon as they’re gone, but he’s still holding the handle, trying to calm down. For some time he thought that what he felt for Kes was love, but it wasn’t, not this kind, and he only understood that after meeting Milan.
He’s in the dark, impatiently waiting and he can see when the lights outside start to go on and off, the sensors telling him that Milan is coming closer and closer. He can see the shadow passing by the door and he can hear when he stops walking. Milan doesn’t knock right away, he waits for a few seconds and it makes Lucas even more anxious. The other one is nervous too, needing some time to build the courage and he finally knocks.
Lucas doesn’t want to make him feel bad opening right away, showing that Lucas was right there, seeing his nervousness so he waits for three seconds, squeezing the handle without moving it. It was already unlocked so he just opens it carefully.
His heart is racing like never before. Milan is still out of breath, his cheeks a little bit red and Lucas can almost see him skating through the empty streets of the city to get there, but he still looks cool and way too calm for this.
“Hi.” Milan says, sighing. He looks to the corridor only for a moment and then to the floor, to Lucas’ feet and apparently he mustards the courage to look up and meet his eyes.
“Hi…” Lucas manages to say without giving away how much he’s freaking out to finally see Milan again, right in front of him.
He pretends like they’ll be able to talk like normal humans, Milan opens his mouth and closes, fixing his beanie at the top of his head. After everything that happened and after Milan running across the city just to talk, Lucas imagines they’ll need some more time.
As he’s about to step closer, Milan does the same, crashing their lips together into a messy kiss, but it’s the best kiss ever.
Lucas tiptoes to get even closer, putting both arms around Milan’s neck as he walks down the hall, closing the door with his foot. He’s not proud of his living situation, but Lucas doesn’t care enough right now, opening Jayden’s bedroom door behind him. The air inside is so much warmer, thicker and smells too much like weed. Milan puts his hand on Lucas’ waist, holding it tighter, pushing him against the wardrobe, making it wobbles a little, pressing their bodies together against it anyway.
They get rid of some clothes in a hurried mess in between kisses and relieved smiles. Lucas stops kissing Milan when he can’t get rid of his jacket, having to look what he’s doing and Milan moves to the side, kissing his cheek and jaw, trying to get some access to Lucas’ neck.
When they’re down to their jeans, Milan grabs Lucas by his waist, moving them blindly until Lucas stops, feeling his mattress on the floor, but he doesn’t have time to think about that. Milan opens his pants so easily, looking at Lucas one more time before slowly kissing his chest, quietly snaking his hands inside Lucas’ pants, grabbing his ass for a second before continuing on his track, lowering his pants and underwear all the way to his ankles.
Milan looks up while kneeling right in front of Lucas, only wearing his pants, his pupils so dark and Lucas is completely naked, as exposed as he can be to someone he’s madly in love with, and he has to look up or it’ll be over too soon.
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broomballkraken · 4 years
Title: The Definition of Happiness
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Pairing: Raphael/Dedue
Word count: 3020
Warnings: N/A
Summary: It’s their daughter’s 5th birthday, and as they celebrate, Raphael is pretty sure that he never truly knew the definition of real happiness until Dedue came into his life and decided to stay.
Written for Raphael Week 2020 Day 3, Prompt: Family
“Magnolia, please put your shoes on. Your socks will get dirty if you play outside in them.”
“Okay, Papa!”
“Have fun, dear.”
Raphael was just walking through the door to their house as Dedue finished speaking, and he had to quickly step to the side to avoid being barreled into by his daughter, who quickly slipped her shoes on (the wrong feet) and rushed out the door. Raphael laughed and stuck his head out the door behind her.
“Hey, Maggie! Don’t get too tired before your birthday dinner! Wouldn’t want you to sleep through it!” he yelled after her. The rambunctious, pig-tailed red-head turned to look at him, flashing a gap-toothed grin.
“I’ll be fine, Daddy! I can play all day long and still be wide awake!” Magnolia boasted with a vigorous nod of her head, and Raphael laughed as she turned around and headed for the large barn that sat across the backyard.
As the last few chuckles rumbled through his chest, Raphael went back inside, smiling when he saw his husband working away in the kitchen. Breathing in deeply through his nose, Raphael could smell the cake baking away in the oven, and his mouth started watering in anticipation.
Raphael crossed the room and came up behind Dedue, his arms slipping around his waist as he pressed a few kisses into his neck. Dedue hummed and turned his head, his long silver hair tickling Raphael’s nose, and Raphael found his lips captured in a tender kiss. He smiled against Dedue’s lips as his arms tightened around his husband.
Eventually Raphael pulled away, placing one more quick kiss on Dedue’s bearded cheek. “Hey hun! It smells really good in here! Maggie’s gonna love her cake!” Dedue chuckled as he picked up a wooden spoon and resumed stirring the contents of the large bowl on the counter.
“Thank you, darling. I think she will love it too,” Dedue said, “Did you get the dogs all fed?”
Raphael nodded enthusiastically before resting his chin on Dedue’s shoulder. “Yep! Watered and weeded the garden too! You’ve been working hard all day cooking and baking, so I wanted to lighten your load as much as possible.”
“I appreciate that, Raphael.”
“Anything for you, love!”
Dedue turned around in Raphael’s arms and pressed their foreheads together, his hands reaching up to gently cup Raphael’s face. His gentle fingers felt nice as they ran through his beard, and Raphael let out a content sigh as he gazed adoringly into Dedue’s seafoam eyes.
“It is hard to believe that Magnolia is turning five already,” Dedue mused, his nose brushing lightly against Raphael’s, “It feels like only yesterday that we brought her home as a newborn.”
“Yeah, time sure flies! It’s been a wild ride, this whole parenting thing.”
“Indeed, but I would not trade it for anything.” Dedue paused to press his lips against Raphael’s in a quick, tender kiss. “You and Magnolia are irreplaceable precious to me, and you both have made my life truly a blessed one filled with almost overwhelming amounts of love and happiness that I once did not think that I deserved. I love you with all of my heart, my sunshine.”
Raphael’s eyes became misty as he listened to Dedue speak. They really had been through a lot together; attending the academy, fighting in a war, and afterwards recovering from the resulting trauma as they led the rebuilding efforts in Duscur. Raphael knew all of Dedue’s heartbreaking past and his deep insecurities that he had hidden quite well from everyone else. And he would never, ever question the fact that he had fallen head-over-heels in love with Dedue, and that love would never fade as long as Raphael’s heart continued to beat inside of his chest. He could never have imagined that his first, completely innocent encounter with Dedue in the monastery greenhouse all those years ago would lead to where he was now: overwhelmingly happy, fulfilled, and unconditionally loved.
“Aw, sweetheart! You’re gonna make me cry if you keep saying that kind of stuff!” Raphael gushed, as he removed his arms from Dedue’s waist to instead snake them around his neck. “I love you too, Dedue, forever and always.” Raphael’s voice dropped to a whisper, and he kissed Dedue again, smiling against his lips when Dedue wrapped his arms around him in a tender embrace.
“Beefsteak! Gimme back my shoe!”
Raphael pulled away from Dedue and turned around just in time to see Beefsteak burst into the house through the large dog door. The Saint Bernard rushed into the living room and hopped onto the couch, looking absolutely pleased with himself as his tail wagged vigorously behind him. Raphael took note of the little shoe that was sticking out of Beefsteak’s mouth, and he chuckled and shook his head.
Magnolia suddenly threw open the door that Beefsteak came through only moments before, panting heavily as her face scrunched up with annoyance. She spotted Beefsteak on the couch and let out a shout as she sprinted across the kitchen, but she stumbled and started to fall.
“Watch it!” Raphael quickly scooped Magnolia into his arms before she could hit the floor. She blinked in surprise as Raphael cradled her, before she burst into a fit of giggles.
“Yay! You saved me, Daddy!” she said, and Raphael raised an eyebrow at her.
“I sure did! You gotta be more careful. You could’ve hurt yourself, you know.” Magnolia averted her gaze for a moment, and she fiddled with the hem of her dress.
“I’m sorry...I’ll be more careful next time,” she mumbled, and Raphael smiled, kissing her forehead.
“It’s all good, as long as you mean it.” Raphael peppered a few more kisses over Magnolia’s face, and she fell into a fit of giggles.
“That tickles!” she said, another delighted squeal escaping her when Raphael rubbed his bearded cheek over hers.
“Oh does it now?” Raphael teased and he continued his relentless assault by rubbing his beard over her neck. Magnolia giggled and wriggled in his arms, trying in vain to escape her dad’s clutches.
Raphael heard Dedue laugh behind him, and his husband was suddenly hovering over Raphael’s shoulder. Raphael glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, and saw a rare, mischievous glint in those beautiful eyes of his.
“Magnolia, you might be pleased to find out that you are not the only ticklish one here.” Raphael’s eyes widened in realization, but it was too late, and he yelped when Dedue’s fingers jabbed into his sides.
“H-Hey! That’s cheating!” Raphael protested, his booming laughter filling the room as Dedue continued to tickle him. Magnolia let out a surprised gasp.
“Daddy, you’re ticklish too?!?” she said, her blue eyes wide as saucers at this incredible revelation. A devilish grin spread across her face, and she pressed her small fingers against Raphael’s neck. Raphael laughed as she relentlessly tickled him, and when tears started to leak out of the corners of his eyes, Dedue took pity on him and pulled Magnolia into his arms.
“I think that is enough, dear. Give your poor dad a break.” Dedue said. Magnolia pouted, but a smile crossed her face again when Dedue set her down, and she placed a hand on one hip and pointed at Raphael.
“Okay, but you better be ready, Daddy, ‘cause I’m gonna tickle you good next time!” she said, giggling when Raphael growled playfully and lifted his arms in front of him as if he was going to try and catch her. He laughed when she ran off into the living room, and she suddenly gasped.
“Oh no! Beefsteak! Dahlia! My shoe is not a treat!”
Raphael shared a look with Dedue, who chuckled and shook his head. Leaving Dedue to continue making Magnolia’s cake, Raphael went into the living room, where Magnolia was trying to tug her shoe from Beefsteak and Dahlia, who both had a tight hold on opposite ends.
“Okay you two, you know better than to chew on shoes!” Raphael scolded, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared down the two large dogs. They both let out a couple of guilty whines, and they’re jaws slowly opened, letting the shoe fall to the floor with a wet ‘plop!’
“Eww, that’s gross!” Magnolia’s face scrunched up with disgust as she pinched a still dry spot of the shoe between her fingers and held it up. Raphael opened his mouth to respond, but he was cut off by a loud knock on the front door. As Magnolia continued to stare dubiously at the soggy shoe handing in front of her, Raphael crossed the room to answer the door.
“Hey Raph! Long time no see!”
“Maya! You’re here early!”
Raphael let out a jovial laugh as he lifted his sister into the air and gave her a tight hug. She hugged him back, and when she was set back onto her feet, she was set upon by Beefsteak and Dahlia, who gave her many sloppy dog kisses. A moment later, Magnolia nudged Raphael and the dogs out of the way and squealed happily.
“Auntie Maya! You made it!”
Maya grinned at Magnolia and placed a hand on her head to ruffle her hair. “Of course, squirt! I wouldn’t miss my favorite niece’s birthday for anything.”
“But I’m your only niece!”
“Haha, you’ve got that right!”
Magnolia giggled as she hugged Maya’s legs, and she gazed up with wide, hopeful eyes. “Did you get me a present?”
“Well yeah. It’d be silly not to get a present for such a cute and well-behaved little lady like yourself.”
A rumbling chuckle came from the direction of the kitchen, and Raphael looked up to see Dedue lift a hand to his face, looking to be trying to stifle any more laughter. Their eyes met across the room, and Raphael a soft smile spread over his face. Dedue mirrored his smile, and even though they had been married for quite sometime now, the sight still left Raphael speechless and made his heart race.
“Oh wow! What a cool painting!”
“You like it? I managed to be in the right place to see the wyvern migration last year, so I painted it for you.”
“I love it! Thanks Auntie Maya!”
Maya knelt down so that Magnolia could easily jump into her arms and give her a tight hug. When they parted and Maya stood back up, Dedue walked into the room and took a turn hugging his sister-in-law.
“It is good to see you, Maya.” Dedue said when he pulled away, “Will you be staying long?”
“Well, I’ve really got nowhere else to be,” she mused, shrugging nonchalantly, “I don’t really want to impose too much on you guys, though.”
“It is no trouble at all. Please stay as long as you would like.”
“Yeah!” Maya interjected, wrapping her arms around Maya’s legs, “Stay Auntie! We got some new doggies that you haven't met yet!”
“Oh do you now? Well, you’ll definitely have to show me!”
“That will have to wait,” Dedue interrupted, gesturing towards the kitchen, “Dinner is ready, and after we can have your birthday cake, Magnolia.”
“Yay! Papa’s cakes are the best!” Magnolia said, grabbing Maya’s hand as she tugged her eagerly into the kitchen. Raphael watched with an amused grin on his face; his family brought such joy to his life, and it was a wonder that he ever knew the definition of happiness before Magnolia came into the picture.
“Darling.” Raphael was snapped from his thoughts and found that Dedue was standing before him. Ah, that’s right. He knew the definition of happiness, because ever since Raphael had confessed his feelings for Dedue, long ago in the greenhouse at Garrag Mach, Raphael had a well of infinite happiness as long as his loving husband was by his side.
“Will you go and get our presents for Magnolia?” Dedue continued, and Raphael nodded, but paused for a moment to wrap his arms around Dedue and kiss him tenderly.
When Raphael pulled away, Dedue was staring at him with a raised eyebrow, his cheeks flushed a slight pink in color, leaving Raphael a bit entranced by the beautiful sight. “Raphael?”
“Ah, right, I’ll go get them now!” Raphael said quickly, and he hurried off to their bedroom, before the urge to kiss his husband breathless prevented him from doing so.
After an evening of great food and family bonding, Maya retired for the night, as she was a bit worn out after her long journey. Raphael eventually found himself sitting in bed alongside Dedue, with Magnolia nestled in between them as they read some of her brand new books together.
“...and they lived...happily ever after!” Magnolia read, a beaming smile crossing her face as she closed the book. “That one was amazing! I wanna be a brave hero, just like the wyvern knights in the story!”
“You can do anything you want, Maggie!” Raphael said as he ruffled her hair, “You just gotta work hard for it and never give up.”
“Really?” Magnolia’s eyes went wide for a moment, before her eyebrows scrunched up thoughtfully. She went quiet and crossed her arms over her chest, and Raphael shared a glance with Dedue, who only shook his head and shrugged.
“Daddy! Papa!” Magnolia suddenly shouted, springing up onto her feet and turning around. She placed one hand firmly on her hip, and pointed her finger at her parents. “I know what I want for my birthday next year!”
“Uh, already?” Raphael blinked and cocked his head to one side, “But your birthday this year isn’t even over yet!”
“But this is important,” Magnolia said. Her gaze moved down to her feet, before her head jerked back up, an odd look of determination in her bright blue eyes.
“I want a baby wyvern!”
Raphael just stared at his daughter for a moment, completely dumbstruck. She wanted a what?
“M-Magnolia, sweetheart,” Dedue said, and Raphael turned to see that his husband’s face had paled slightly, and his jaw was set in a rare grimace. “That might not be possible…”
“Aww, why not?” Magnolia said, pouting as she crossed her arms over her chest, “I’ll be really good! I’ll make sure to never, ever do anything bad again!” Raphael turned his head to hide a goofy grin, and Dedue just sighed and shook his head.
“We will...talk about it.”
“That is not a yes.”
Magnolia didn’t seem to mind, as she giggled and flopped back onto the bed, snuggling up against Raphael. She yawned sleepily and looked between her parents with a pleading expression.
“Papa, Daddy, can I sleep with you tonight? Pretty please?” Raphael chuckled and glanced at Dedue, who smiled softly and nodded.
“Of course. Just because it is still your special day.” Dedue said, and Magnolia let out a triumphant ‘hah’ as she wiggled under the covers and let Dedue tuck her in.
“Hehe, thanks,” she mumbled, yawning again as she curled up, her eyes slowly slipping shut, “I love you Daddy. I love you Papa. Today was the best...birthday...ever…” Her voice trailed off to some incoherent mumbling, and soon the birthday girl was sound asleep.
“Whew! She’s quite a handful sometimes!” Raphael said, his voice dropping to a whisper so as not to disturb Magnolia.
A low chuckle rumbled through Dedue’s chest, and he leaned over to press his forehead against Raphael’s. “I agree. She seemed to enjoy her birthday.”
“Oh yeah, I’m really glad she liked the books that I picked out for her. Er, but I didn’t think she’d get so attached to the wyvern riders like that…” Raphael scratched at his beard as a sheepish grin crossed his face, and Dedue shook his head.
“Maybe she will forget about wanting a wyvern by next year. She is far too young for that.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Maybe if she still wants to be a wyvern rider when she’s a lot older, we can look into it for her.”
“We will see.”
Raphael could sense the apprehension in Dedue’s tone, so he leaned over to place a chaste kiss on his lips. Dedue hummed contently as he returned the kiss, and when Raphael broke the kiss, his golden eyes gazed deep into Dedue’s beautiful seafoam green, and a swell of warmth flooded through his chest.
“Thank you, Dedue,” Raphael said, a tender smile crossing his face as he caressed Dedue’s cheek with the back of his hand, “for loving me, and Magnolia. For making me the happiest man in the world for all these years that we’ve been together. I didn’t really think that I could be this happy. Sometimes I think I might explode or something!”
Dedue’s eyes widened slightly, before he chuckled and placed his hand over Raphael’s. Dedue’s gaze never left Raphael’s as he lifted his hand to his mouth and placed a kiss on his knuckles, before entwining their fingers together.
“My darling sunshine, I should be the one thanking you.” Dedue’s fingers brushed over Raphael’s wedding ring, and Raphael noticed that his husband’s eyes had become quite misty. “I once did not care for my own life, but you were the one to show me how precious my life truly was, and is, and will always be. I do not think I would be as happy as I am now without you by my side, helping me raise our beautiful daughter.”
“Aw, hon, you’re making me blush,” Raphael teased, and Dedue laughed as they kissed once more, and they settled down on the bed, making sure that Magnolia had enough room between them.
“I love you, Dedue.” Raphael whispered.
“And I love you, Raphael. Always.”
They shared one final kiss goodnight, and Raphael gave little Magnolia a peck on her forehead, before he extinguished the candle on the nightstand and closed his eyes. He had no trouble slipping into a pleasant slumber, and that might have had something to do with the fact that he was snuggled up closely with the two people who would always make him the happiest man in the world.
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