#I mainly just want to stop being so active on social media
rapidreptile · 6 months
I've got the autism that makes me Never Shut Up online, but very quiet in person/in call.
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nomlioart · 1 month
I'm sorry...
Hi... I wasn't active because I was healing from everything that happened to me and I was trying to stay safe. I still am. I only come for a short while now, because before I was scared to say anything even though I really wanted to.
Some of you may have heard of the drama with MatchaBunns from twitter, some may not. I don't want to go into great detail about what happened since I don't want to go back to it, I want to forget about it and never go back to it. In short, the previously mentioned person was accused of grooming. And I, naive and thoughtless, defended them, being tricked and manipulated by them, which made me think that there was no grooming. I was trying to defend my no longer friend. Now just thinking about how I didn't realize what grooming really was makes me nauseous. I wanted to help them because I thought that what they were saying was credible, I wanted to trust them. It turned out, however, that I had been defending the wrong person all this time. I feel sick and disgusting of it. They just made my trust issues grow stronger so much. If some friends hadn't reached out to me and convinced me that these actions were seriously wrong, I would have never realized it and been living a lie all the time, convincing myself that the lie was truth.
I want to seriously apologize with all my heart for everything I said, for all my lies, for all the stupid things I did, for just being in touch with Matcha. I don't wanna be like this. I never wanted to be like this. I just wanted to make friends, I always had problems making friends because of my fear and back then I finally felt wanted and appreciated. I just wanted to help, but it only led to a bigger disaster. I'm scared of Matcha. And most of all I seriously wanted to apologize to the victim of all this, who I will leave anonymous. If you're seeing this, you didn't deserve any of this. I don't expect any forgiveness, but I want you to know, all of you, that I seriously mean it, I want you to believe me that I'm really.. really sorry, for all the harm I've done helping them. I am no longer associated with Matcha since April and I made sure I blocked them on all social media I am on. In fact, I myself wanted to break off contact with Matcha since February because I was starting to feel uncomfortable in their company, but I didn't do it because I thought others would turn away from me, thinking that it would be a bad decision. Now I think I could've done it much earlier. Since then I'm not and won't be involved in any dramas anymore and I'll be less active in communities. These last few months it was really tragic for me because of this situation, I had panic attacks many times, I cried every day non-stop, I had four attempts... So far I am getting help, trying not to go back to it and be a better person. I really wanna change, I don't want to be in contact with people who may have a bad influence on me anymore. I'm still young, stupid, naive.. But I still have brains, I should be better than this.
I still have no idea if I'll ever come back here, it may be that I will come back but it may also be that I won't come back at all. My main goal was to say sorry for everything...
However, I am certain of my decision to never return to Twitter, it was a comfort place for me but after a while I realized that it's horrendous. Most of the people there are toxic heartless beings who hurt others.
I will understand if most people don't want to know me now, I don't blame them, quite the opposite, but those who still want to stay, thank you. Thank you so much. You are all important to me, at first I posted and did my art mainly for myself, but seeing how many people support me and love seeing my work, it only lifted my spirits and I did it for you too. I never felt like I would go this far... It was all thanks to you. I love you. And thank you for reading.
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imnotjaesblog · 11 months
Part 4: The Supplier
Starring: Na Jaemin
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Summary: Na Jaemin the campus dealer or as he prefers “Supplier” has been growing his business since the eighth grade. Being the man who has everything you need when you need it. His small business became real popular once he started college. However after using his powers for evil Y/n kills his little business before it reaches off the ground. He’s been obsessed with her and her father since day one. Wanting and needing the life he has. So with Y/n as his ticket to the top he provides her with his finest services. Until he forced to make no other choice but take her deal.
Warnings: Smut, Angst and Lots of Fluff, Smoking, Penetration (with fingers) Oral (F. receiving). Cursing, Jaemin is a Service Dom, Y/n has sub moments throughout this part and slight mentions of misogyny.
Words: 12k
Sorry for the wait I made sure to make this one longer.
Enjoy :)
It wasn’t hard finding Na Jaemin. He spent most of his time in class, a business major like you. Every day he continued to grow his business on and off campus. He mainly grew popular for selling things people needed. Jaemin was the guy you “knew” when you needed something.
“It would be dope if we could get like a goat or something for a party,” you would say. And then your friend would respond with.
“I know a guy who could get us a goat,”
Jaemin became that kind of guy. Meaning besides the one class you shared you didn’t see him as much. He normally went home after class or studied with his friends. At parties, he was known for bringing “the goods” and selling to a bunch of college students. He even sold to a few professors on campus.
He was much known for Adderall. Adderall in simpler terms is known to increase your ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems.
It may also help you to organize your tasks and improve your listening skills. Making it popular during exam season. Which made Jaemin a lot of money. Making him the only person in Si Cheng’s friend group to finally buy his apartment. Today you were visiting him there. Helping him move some pieces around, and get settled in. However, wouldn’t have been able to find it if Jisung didn’t make it so easy.
The thing about Jaemin is he’s a nice guy. He can provide you with anything you need and most time he is very quick with his deliveries. What made his name on your list was the fact that for a good price, he could give you anything.
He could get you a person's social media. He could also get you their phone number. As well as their address or even private photos of them. A long time ago Wendy had been one of the girls someone “ordered” pictures of and he delivered. After discovering this from Jisung who also disclosed Jaemin’s hideout it just made it too easy. Na Jaemin like his friends was going down.
Now if it wasn’t for Jisung finding Jaemin would have been difficult. Jaemin wasn’t someone who you could approach in the street. You had to know someone who knew someone to reach him. After his class, no one knew where he disappeared to, even after parties he wouldn’t return to his frat. Most of his friends had no idea where he’d go. Jaemin needed an extra hand delivering a bunch of bags full of marbles once and brought Jisung. Afterward, he stopped his “hideout” once he finished his job.
Turns out Jaemin’s “hideout” was just a shitty job he had at a record store.
He’d clean the doors and windows, and reorganize the records for fifteen dollars an hour. It was the first job that made Jaemin realize this was something he didn’t want to do. He wanted to make money not earn it. He wanted to be like your father. Your father earned money as well as your mother. They are still heads of the company they built from the ground up. Buying businesses and selling them for parts. As well as creating different tech equipment. Jaemin wanted that, what your father has. That's why he created his own little business supplying the students with what they needed.
You had just finished class when you found yourself outside the room waiting for Jisung alongside Jungwoo. Jungwoo leaned against the wall, arms crossed over his chest and shades concealing his eyes. You stood beside him a curve of your hip poking outwards. You checked your nails as you both waited for him to finally leave the classroom. You checked the clock above you, one fifteen, all the doors opened and students fled their classrooms. Probably finally getting something to eat.
Jisung emerged from his class Haechan beside him. The two were talking about whatever video game design they both liked when their eyes met yours. Jisung smiled at you sending a smile wave. Haechan eyed him confused making Jisung bring his hand down. Haechan felt a small heart attack that traveled down to his stomach. You smirked at him, cherry lip gloss shiny on your lips. You pulled back your sunglasses resting them on the top of your head, creating a head ban. Jungwoo chuckled watching you send him a small wave. He huffed turning to Jisung, "I'll see you later," He said avoiding your eyes as he walked away.
You and Jungwoo both laughed high fiving each other and adding a snap at the end. Jisung chuckled seeing Haechan's reaction, as well as yours. Jungwoo's laughter died down but his smile remained when he approached Jungwoo. He punched his shoulder, "Are you trying to get us caught?" He asked eyeing Jisung. The moment of mockery was short-lived. Jisung widened his eyes holding his hands up in defense. He shook his head brown locks swaying side to side.
"Never," he said. You walked up to the two of them placing a hand on Jungwoo's shoulder. "He didn't do it on purpose. Those two always walk out of class together," You said eyes leaving Jisung's to Jungwoo's side profile. He nodded removing his hand from Jisung dusting off his shoulders. He sent him a cheeky smile. "My bad. I was just a little concerned," he said nervously. Jisung shook his head waving his hands in a "no" motion. "He won't. I promise," he said. It became silent for a moment before you spoke again.
"Okay," You said clasping your hands together. "Let's go take care of Jaemin," You said turning on your heels full of gleam.
As you walked in the middle of Jungwoo and Jisung you noticed Jisung tense up. Catching his reaction to followed his eyes seeing Jaehyun next to Johnny just down the hallway with the basketball team. Jisung got nervous. His frat wasn't supposed to see you with him, it'd give everything away. He looked around finding an empty hallway. He turned to you pointing to the hallway. You nodded watching him flee.
Jaehyun's head turned from the guy he was talking to eyes finding yours. Instantly he cut the conversation and made his way toward you. Jungwoo noticed rolling his eyes. "Here we go," he commented. Jaehyun smirked as he tried to strengthen his walk to you. He flipped his hair to the side running a hand through it. You wanted to burst out laughing at the sight. You placed a hand on your hip once he finally reached you.
"Yes Jaehyun," you said already annoyed with him. He shrugged placing a hand in his pocket. He meets your eyes with pursed lips. "It's just nice seeing you here," he flirted eyeing you up and down.
"I mean she goes here," Jungwoo threw back in his face. Putting down his attempt at flirting. Jaehyun glared at him brushing him off. He smiled turning back to you and placing a hand in his pocket. "Johnny and I are throwing a Halloween party. I wanted to invite you," he said biting the inside of his cheek waiting for your response. You looked at Jungwoo both of you holding back your laughter.
Jaehyun sighed looking around and waiting for your response.
"Okay, Okay." you began. You covered your mouth trying to conceal your giggles. You held your breath for a second recollecting yourself. He just looked so goofy to you.
"If I say yes will you walk away?" you asked.
He nodded, "Yes,"
"Okay I'll go," you responded. He felt his heart skip a beat. Now it was his turn to conceal how excited he was. He nodded his head pursing his lips and turning to his side. "Cool, cool," he said as he slowly returned to his circle of friends. You and Jungwoo both watched as he wore a proud smile on his face. His friends teased him about the interaction.
Jungwoo held your arm as the both of you walked off. He over to you with a teasing smile. "I can't believe you ever dated that guy," he commented as the two of you walked off and down the hallway Jisung disappeared into.
You found Jisung out by your car. He stood beside it waiting for you to arrive. Once you did he picked up his head from his phone removing his headphones from his ear. He smiled but brushed it off remembering you weren't here to see him. You are here to get things done. "Jisung answer me this," you asked approaching him and unlocking your car. Jungwoo squeezed past him sitting in the passenger seat. Jisung moved aside Jungwoo sending him a thankful smile.
"Yeah," he said following you around the car. You leaned on the driver's side Jisung standing at an angle from you.
"Tell me. How haven't I scared you off yet?" you asked crossing your arms over your chest. Keys dangling from your hands. Jisung shuddered feeling the cool autumn breeze rush past him. Leaves scattering on the ground. He didn't feel nervous to meet your eyes like he had before. He wasn't even nervous about your question. He shrugged placing his phone back in his pocket.
"I guess it's because I like you. You're my friend," he said. You pursed your lips nodding letting his answer sink inside you. You smiled tapping his shoulder. "Good answer," you said before you opened the car door and sat inside. Jisung smiled a scoff released from his lips. He could start to see his breath in the wind. The seasons were changing. Summer was over and Fall was over, that calmed him. He enjoyed Fall, similar to you and like you he disliked Winter.
"So where are we gonna find Jaemin?" Jungwoo asked you as you drove down the long road. You nudged your head to Jisung. "He knows where his work is. We're going there now," You said turning your attention back to the road. Jungwoo sneered at the forest that surrounded the car. "How far is it?" he asked you.
"Not far, but far enough so no one at the school would find him," Jisung said speaking up. Jungwoo nodded turning back to the window and staring at the passing trees. You sighed gripping onto the wheel.
Were you making a mistake? You had asked yourself this question over the last couple of days but now you were starting to think about it. Getting the boys to come to you, making them feel so high and then so low in a matter of seconds, and treating them like meat felt good when you were doing it, but afterward, you just felt sorry for yourself.
What if your mother knew what you were doing? She would be more than furious. She already hated your father for years of manipulation between them in their relationship so what if she knew you were doing the same? Manipulating men who hurt you, who've hurt other people including your friends. You tried to justify with that kind of logic. These men hurt people and bad people should be punished. The silence in the car made the thoughts in your brain process easier. The silence also made you feel worse. Without any noise, you could hear every thought in your mind.
You removed one of your hands from the wheel opening up the music app on your phone. Scrolling through your playlist you find your favorite by clicking shuffle. The song started and Jungwoo smiled knowing how much you loved this song. He nodded off humming the lyrics. You smiled watching him making your body feel at ease. You looked up at your mirror seeing Jisung holding up his phone to the music searching for the song. It made your cheeks grow warm seeing him shazam one of your favorite songs. He did like you.
But then you remembered that at the end of the day, he was still a part of the group of men who hurt you.
You parked your car just a block away from the store. Each other steps out and shuts the car door. It was a much breezier day today, unlike yesterday. You hugged yourself as you walked down the street next to the two boys trying to warm yourself. Jisung noticed, he was about to offer you his sweater but decided it wouldn’t be a good idea.
Jisung stepped ahead motioning his hand to the record store. You checked out the building. It was a smaller store with stained windows. The shop had been here for a minute. Jungwoo and Jisung stepped back. Jungwoo runs his fingers up and down your arm giving it a gentle squeeze. “We’ll be right here,” he assured letting go of your arm. You nodded biting onto your lip nervously.
Jaemin was probably one of the more intimidating members of his group. And next to Yuta probably one of the more mysterious. He was never seen unless he was needed. His whereabouts always remained unknown. You had to know someone to reach him. Jaemin was also dealing narcotics his main source of income.
Your hand touched the door pushing it open a small jingling. You looked towards the counter seeing no one behind it. You turned back to the middle of the room. Five rows of sleeves full of records covered in cobwebs. You gulped letting the door close behind you stepping onto the burgundy rug with an unknown dark stain. The lights had turned on once you stepped inside making few of your worries disappear. You walked further inside wiping your finger on the counter and tracing a line of dust sitting on the pad of your index finger. You dusted your hand off walking to one of the records. You flipped through a random pile labeled “P”. Not seeing anyone in the store but there is an open sign confused you.
But someone would come out if they saw you shopping.
You continued looking through different baskets of records in silence. Growing bored you looked around the room. Large windows in the front give a view of the empty sidewalk and streets. There weren’t many people walking around shopping. It gave you the chills. This downtown street area in particular empty. The silence of it all creeped you out. Your eyes in search for something to do found a record player. You looked through a few more records most from artists from the 1990s and back you selected Madonna's record opened it and placed it on the record player.
It started well. You hummed to the music and you continued to look around waiting for any employee, any person to arrive. You swayed your hips to the music enjoying the record that played of the iconic singer. You smiled a memory of your mother clouding your mind. When you were much younger she always played Madonna. The two of you dancing together, going shopping, and tried on clothes as one of her songs played. You smiled smiling at another of her records in your hand. Just as you went to place it back the record started to scratch distorting the sound.
Completely freaked out you ran over stopping the record and placing it away. As you placed it away the lights went dark. You felt your heart skip a beat. There was still no one else here with you. Without a second thought, you leaned into action heading for the front door.
“Wait wait,” someone called calmly from the darkness. You didn’t bother waiting stepping outside the sun shining brightly on your face. The door opened behind you but didn’t close. You stepped forward towards the line between the street and the sidewalk. You turned around and saw Jaemin leaning against the shop door. Bigger arms crossed over his broad chest. He tilted his head to the side a playful look in his eyes.
“Never would I have ever imagined you’d come into my shop,” he said with a small shake of his head. You played with your fingers. You had never felt this kind of nervous before. “You own this place?” You asked him motioning to the record store. He turned his head looking at the sign with a nod he turned back to you.
“I bought it from an old man two years ago. He passed away and the place was cheap. I figured it would be perfect,” he said releasing his arms from over his chest. He leaned off the side of the door pushing it open. He stood flat on the door motioning his hands for you to come inside. You gulped as you stepped forward brushing a cobweb out of your face.
When you stepped inside Jaemin had changed the store sign from Open to Closed.
You walked down the aisle behind Jaemin of dusty records. You wanted to make conversation with him. But based on Jaemin's overall vibe. He was a lot more intimidating than you thought. You assumed he'd be easy. You'd come to his shop and say you needed something but not have enough money to pay for it. Then he'd give you an offer.
Sex for Weed.
It wouldn't be the first time someone fucked for a pound. As you walked down this old, run-down record shop, you were starting to regret that plan. It was a cheap plan that would leave you feeling worse than before you arrived today. So Jaemin would have something more special planned and thought out like his friends.
He opened a wooden door leading to a wooden staircase. He held the door open letting you step in first. He sent you a smirk as you placed your foot on the first step. You looked back at him uneasy expression on your face. The staircase was dusty and smelled of mold. There were dents and nails on the steps. When you placed your foot on the second step it creaked. So you stepped down crossing your arms over your chest.
"I'm not going up those stairs," You said using your finger to point in the direction of the creepy dark staircase. Jaemin chuckled stepping ahead of you and letting the door close behind him. "If you want what I'm selling you have to go upstairs," he said already on the fifth step. He placed both hands in his pockets as he walked up. You huffed with a small pout following behind him.
"Also I wouldn't touch the railing," he commented not turning his head to you. You lifted your hand on the wooden bar confused and tensed. "Why?" you asked your hand hovering over the railing.
"It's full of spiders," he said turning left and disappearing from the staircase. You squealed running up the stairs and seeing him in front of a door holding up and key. He smirked turning away from you and to the door. "I'm assuming a girl like you is here for one thing," he said opening his office door.
You tilted your head. "What am I here for?" you asked with a smirk.
"Weed princess," he said handing you a bag from his insanely large stash. Your eyes bugled out of their socket. Arms fell as you walked further inside the room. "Woah," you said your nose wrinkling at the smell once you fully walked inside. Jaemin swatted your hand away when you went to touch the bags.
"You can look but you can't touch unless you buying," He said you scoffed but obliged letting your hand fall. You walked around the small cabinet office instead. Your mouth was agape as you stared in awe at all the weeds surrounding you. "How did you even get this much?" you asked making your way to the back the small intensifying as you made it to the small window. Looking out you could see your car. You wondered if he saw you.
Jaemin cleared his throat calling your attention. You turned seeing him place the bag in a small box. He stood by the door leaning on his side waiting for you so he could close the office door. You walked out allowing him to shut the door. He locked it handing you the box.
"I won't charge you," he said leaning closer to you with a smirk, handing you the box. You went to grab it but he pulled his hand away. "But since I am giving you this free of charge I'd like something else," he said a playful smirk on his pink lips. You scoffed crossing your arms over your chest. Just as you expected, Na Jaemin would be too easy.
"Oh really?" you asked smirking back confident you had the upper hand. "What do you want," you hushed back. He chuckled standing straight his eyes still locked with yours. Both of you are in a battle to see who would look away first. You were sure he would. He was gonna ask you to fuck him, you were sure of it.
"I'd like your number," He said with a smile followed by a shrug. "Maybe even hang out," he followed with. You widened your eyes slightly but held contact. This could still work. You nodded holding your hand out. "Okay," you said with a warm smile. He reached into his pocket handing you his open phone. You put your number in handing it back to him. You turned to walk away but he took your wrist in his large hand. He pulled you towards him leaning down to place a kiss on your neck.
"See you soon," he whispered for only your ears. You hid the tingles you felt throughout your body. Forcing the butterflies you felt in your stomach away. You pulled your hand away leaving his frame. You turned on your heels a sway in your hips as you walked down the staircase. Jaemin smiled to himself as he watched you walk away. Feeling all the butterflies in his stomach and chest.
It didn't take long for Na Jaemin to become delusional enough to believe a girl like you would be into him. He was just like his friends. Desired you, craved you, they dreamed of you.
The only thing that was different about Na Jaemin was you couldn't control him like the others.
You had gone to his record store a few days ago saying you came because you wanted to buy weed from him. He sold you the bag and slipped in his phone number. He took time responding to your text but when he did it made it hard to not wish he wasn't friends with those assholes.
4:01 pm
Na- How's your day princess?
y/n- It's been good
Na- That's good. I love to hear that. How can NaNa make it better?"
You had cringed at his obsession with addressing himself in the third person.
y/n- Come over
9:01 pm
Na - I'm sorry Princess Nana got busy. I promise I'll make it up to you. What do you like? Let Nana know how he can make it better.
y/n- Not wasting my time.
Na- I promise it won't happen again. Text me your address.
He always let you believe you were in control but here you were constantly checking your phone for his response. It had been like this the last few days. Secretly waiting for his reply.
"What's on your mind?" Wendy asked as Jungwoo rolled up beside her. You shook your head. "Nothing, I was just thinking about everything that were doing," you said with a slight shrug. You sat back on your white rug on your living floor. You leaned on your couch resting your back and bringing your knees to your chest. Ten made a side frown. Wendy frowned as well and placed her hand on your knee giving it a gentle squeeze. Jungwoo licked a stripe on the thin paper folding it around the weed.
"I mean are we doing the right thing?" you asked. Ten kept quiet causing Wendy to scoff. She looked away from him and at you.
"I think you're doing exactly what you need to do. These guys are the impiety of assholes. You remember what they did to us, to you," she said with a hint of determination in tone but sadness in her eyes. Jisung appeared from the bathroom sitting on the rug beside you and next to Ten. "What did they do?" he asked curiously. Jungwoo pulled a lighter out lighting up the joint.
"Should we tell him?" he asked the circle. Everyone looked at each other and then you for permission. You widen your eyes surprised this conversation is happening. You looked over at Jisung who's eyes were already on you. You examined him for a minute letting your gut decide if you should let your friends tell him about their past with his friend group.
Jungwoo took a hit as he waited passing it to Wendy. "Okay," you said turning away from Jisung. His lips formed a small smile feeling closer to you all even though he knew of you spoken yet. "Just leave my parts out," you said with a small frown. You held your head down, your friends nodding understanding. Jisung frowned as well. He wanted to know what his 'friends' had done but he wasn't going to force you to speak.
Wendy took it a hit and then passed it to you. You remained quiet as she spoke.
"I'll speak for myself," she said rubbing her hands on her pants as she turned to Jisung. Jisung focused his attention on her. She let out a sigh. "When I first started going to school here I met a guy," she smiled thinking of the first interaction she had with him. "He was really sweet to me. He showed me around campus and even invited me to a party he was throwing with his friend. I was so excited to go," she said remembering the rush she felt about her first college party.
She shook her head old feelings returning. "We got close. So I thought," she bit the inside of her mouth feeling the same anger again heat up throughout her body. "I thought he liked me," she said feeling her heart swell again. You placed your hand on her shoulder rubbing it gently.
"We had gotten to know each other. He took me out on cute dates and treated me like a princess. So when the day of the party arrived I put on my best outfit. I thought about it all day, I could barely focus in class. My leg bounced under the table in nervousness and excitement. Then the time finally came. I got dressed, did my hair and makeup, and went to the party," she took a pause.
"I searched for the boy finding him in the kitchen. We danced together for a moment then he brought me upstairs to his room. He kissed me and it felt good. Until I noticed something in the corner of his room," she said her voice dying out.
"What did you find?" Jisung asked fully invested in the story.
She sighed chewing on the side of her mouth. "I noticed a small red light in the corner facing the direction of the bed. I walked over to it and pushed away a t-shirt and a few books finding a fucking camera," she said a tear slipping down her cheek. Jisung gasped hand covering his mouth. He felt terrible inside having no idea how incredibly disgusting his so-called friends are. He only wondered which one it was.
Jungwoo and Ten shook their heads. You remained quiet just keeping your hand on Wendy.
"I was down to my bare body laying on his fucking bed when I found it," she said tears streaming down her face. The wounds still have not healed. The memory stung her heart. "He was angry I found the camera. I quickly got dressed and left," she said forcibly wiping her tears away with her sleeve. The room felt silent for a moment as Wendy collected herself. She took a hit from the blunt. She coughed for a bit thanking you as you handed her a glass of water.
"Luckily as I was running out I ran into Y/n," she said with a smile. She turned to you with puffy eyes. Her lip quivered as she spoke. "I bumped into her and she asked me if "I was okay?" I lied and told her yes. But she saw him at the top of the stairs and asked me again. I turned seeing him and looked back at her telling her the truth. I wasn't okay and in fact, I was scared. Scared everyone would see the video of me," she paused. "She took me home that night," she said with a smile touching your hand.
"The next day she found me in a class. I came inside sitting beside me and telling me. "I handled it," she said with a chuckle. "I was so confused," she said with a shake of her head. "But the video never got out and the boy left me alone," she said putting an end to the story. She turned away from you clearing her throat. She turned to Jisung meeting his eyes.
"That boy was Johnny and this is why I hate him so much," she confessed. "Wow," he said shaking his head. He had no idea what to say. He couldn't defend their actions he wouldn't even try. He felt nothing but pity for Wendy. He couldn't imagine being in that situation.
"I'm sorry that happened to you," he said. He felt like all he could do was apologize even if it wasn't his fault. Wendy shook her head. "It's not your fault. You didn't do anything," she said but that was the problem. He frowned shaking his head. He was at that party and didn't do anything. You noticed his face touching his knee. He met your big eyes with a sad expression. You shook your head knowing he was shitting on himself. "You didn't know. None of us did," you said to make him feel less like shit and understand that if Wendy wasn't angry at him and he had no way of knowing that he wasn't to blame. Only Johnny was to blame.
He nodded turning to Jungwoo. "And you?" he asked.
Jungwoo looked over at him. "Me?" he asked. Jisung nodded hand ghosting over yours. You smiled biting your lip to hide the expression.
"What did they do to you?" he asked. He sighed scouting closer to the coffee table resting his hands on it. "Well one they hurt my girls," he said causing both girls to laugh. Jisung smirked glancing over at you. You are so pretty when you smile.
"And some of them made my life hell in high school," he said. Jisung's eyes widened now lost. He didn't know their history went to far back. "High school?" he asked and Jungwoo nodded. "Yup. Y/n and I went to the same high school as Jaehyun, Johnny, Jeno, and Mark," he said like it was common knowledge when it very much wasn't to him.
"It was mainly Johnny and Jeno. They made comments about sexuality especially after I became friends with Y/n. They called me her pet throughout high school. They didn't beat me up or anything they were just dicks all the time to me and it was annoying so I don't like them," he said with a roll of his eyes. Jisung nodded believing every word he said because it sounded exactly like them to do something like that.
"Y/n got them to leave me alone mainly because she was dating Jaehyun," he said with a shrug. Jisung's eyes went wide. You threw a pillow at him causing his head to fly back. "I said leave me out," you said. Jungwoo scoffed fixing himself as he jerked his head at you. "My bad. I just still can't believe you two dated and like not for fake," he said causing Ten to chuckle.
"You dated Jaehyun?" he asked. You turned to him shaking your head. "It's a long story and I don't want to share," you said stopping Jisung from asking any further questions. Jungwoo chuckled throwing the pillow back on the couch. He turned to Ten slapping his arm. Ten made an ow sound rubbing his arm. "Your turn," he said.
Ding Dong
The doorbell rang. Everyone looked at one another lost.
"I didn't order any food," you said first looking over at everyone else. They all sent the same weird glance to one another. "Did you invite anyone else?" Wendy asked you. You shook your head as you stood up to see who it was. Jisung followed behind you. Jungwoo tapped Ten's leg pointing at Jisung following. "He's trying to protect her," he said causing Wendy to throw another pillow at him. Ten just chuckled at their nonsense.
You checked the peephole widening your eyes covering your mouth trying to muffle your gasp. You turned to Jisung and he shook his head confused. "What?" he asked. You met his eyes slightly backing away from the door. You pulled him with you eyeing the door and then him.
"It's Jaemin," you said just above a whisper. "I didn't invite him," you said with a shake of your head. Only you did invite Na Jaemin, you just didn't think he'd so up right now. Jisung widened his eyes heading back to the living room to warn everyone else.
Ding Dong
The doorbell rang again causing you to jump. You didn't think he was going to show up. You walked up to the door and saw him leaning against the wall rubbing his boots on the carpet. "Just a minute!" you called. He smirked shaking his head. He knew he was successful in surprising you. You probably assumed he wasn't going to respond to your text or show up at your apartment.
"Okay princess take your time!" he called pulling out his phone. You watched him for a moment hearing a rush of footsteps behind you. Jungwoo nosey as ever grabbed hold of your shoulders, bending down to see if Jaemin was there. When he pushed you slightly and replaced his eye with yours he gasped covering his mouth and stepping away.
You looked again listening as Wendy told everyone to be quiet. As you looked through the peephole again Jaemin glanced up from his phone staring straight into the small hole. Your heart skipped a beat as you backed up. Jisung looked at you worried reaching his hands out to you. You took his hands but only for a moment. "I can invite him in with them here, but not with you," you said looking into his eyes.
"What do we do?" Wendy asked you. Ten stood by the door making Jaemin smirk believing it was your shadow. "We can hide him," Jungwoo suggested. "Or we can have this conversation away from the door," said Ten. You all agreed walking back into the living room but not before you told Jaemin you'd be right there.
"Okay, so what do we do?'" Ten asked looking back at the door. He turned back to the group placing his hands on his hips. "Jungwoo did say we could hide him," he said motioning his hand to Jungwoo who stood beside him. Jungwoo nodded agreeing with him. You chewed on your lip, foot tapping on the ground. This couldn't be the end. You were growing closer by the day and now everything could fall apart. The minute Jaemin sees Jisung here with you, as friends in your apartment everything would be over.
He'd tell his friends, Si Cheng, Yangyang, and Haechan would surely question him. They'd either spill or warn the others to stay away from you and probably alienate Jisung from his home. Then everything would completely fall apart for you and your friends. You looked back at the door chewing on your lip. Your heart sinks further down your body making your stomach turn.
You couldn't let that happen.
"He can hide in my room. I'll keep the door locked and the lights off. Jaemin won't spend too much time here tonight," you said. Everyone nodded off Wendy taking him to your bedroom. She walked him down the small wooden floored hallway. She opened your bedroom door, and your dog jumped off your bed and ran past her legs. Scattered paws run down the hallway. She quickly pushed Jisung into the room. Not hard enough to hurt him or anything just enough to draw his attention back. He had been staring down the hallway waiting for Jaemin to come in.
"Okay," she said. "Don't touch anything, but if you get thirsty I'm sure Y/n won't mind if you take from the small fridge," she said pointing to the white fridge on the other side of the bedroom. Jisung nodded watching as Wendy shut the door. "Lock it," she whispered from the other side. He complied shutting off the lights as well.
You let out a breath calming yourself before you opened the door. You couldn't let Jaemin smell any ounce of nerves on you. You had to fake the confidence all over again just like you had before. So you fixed your hair and wore a bright smile. Your friends all waiting in your living room for you. You reached out for the handle of your door turning it. You opened it revealing Jaemin who leaned against the wall. His phone was long gone. He smirked pressing off the wall and coming up to you. He placed a hand on your waist bringing you closer to him. He leaned down to your lips. You played with him letting your pretty eyelashes tickle his.
He smiled pressing his lips to your cheek in a soft kiss. "My princess you look so pretty for Nana," he said eyeing the outfit you wore and biting onto his lips. You were just wearing silk pants and a matching pink top. Your face is bare, not an ounce of makeup on your skin. You hadn't even done your skincare routine yet. His eyes met your hands gliding up and down your waist. "Do I Nana?" you asked with a purse of your pretty lips. Jaemin bit his lip pulling you closer to him. "Mhm. Nana missed you," he whispered pressing a small kiss on your lips.
He let go going to step into your apartment but you placed a hand on his firm chest. The boy had grown since freshman year. He was taller than you for sure but he had doubled in size. His biceps are much larger than they were before. They stood out in his black t-shirt, arms bigger than your head. Soft brown hair dusting his forehead and glossy lips. Why the fuck did Na Jaemin have to be so beautiful. It pissed you off.
He frowned hand reaching up to touch yours. "What's wrong?" he asked you looking into your eyes. "My friends are here," you responded looking into his big brown eyes. Once again cursing him out for being so stupid. You'd keep around if he wasn't friends with those people or Na Jaemin. He shrugged gently placing his hands back on your hips. "So? I don't mind," he said with a smile. You thought about it for a moment. It was probably a bad idea to keep him here. You didn't want any of the boys to have contact with anyone you knew. You wanted to decrease the risk of any of them discovering the truths of your plan.
You also didn't want to keep Jisung waiting in your bedroom alone.
But you needed to get this done.
No you couldn't, its a terrible idea.
But how could you ever get to Jeno if you were stuck on Jaemin?
You smiled grabbing Jaemin's full attention. He tilted his head at the evil smirk on your lips trying to figure out your expression. He sent you a playfully dangerous smirk. You grabbed his shirt pulling him inside your home. Jungwoo heard steps behind him taking a hint from the placing blunt he chuckled. "Is he gone?" he asked a cloud of smoke forming. Jaemin chuckled hands in his pockets walking over to where you stand shoes off.
"No she let me in," he said hair falling in front of his face as he stopped chuckling and replaced the gentle noise with a smirk. Jungwoo smoke slipped past his lips moving in Jaemin's direction. He waved his hand exposing the rest of the room to Jaemin. They all widened their eyes, Ten taking a sip of his drink. Wendy looked away from him eyes finding yours sending you a stare that could only read to you as "Are you serious?"
You sent her one back letting her know it would be worth it. She stood up rubbing her hands on her pants a forced smile on her lips. She leaned over to grab her purse taking her phone out. She checked the time then scoffed looking back up at you and Jaemin. "Well, would you look at that? I'm late to turn in my essay," she said walking towards the front door and searching for her shoes.
"Alreayd living? You've never cared about an essay before?" you asked placing a hand on your hip. Your lips pursed as you eyed her. She shrugged putting both boots on her feet. "I need to pick up my grades," she reported quickly. You chuckled walking over to her and crossing your arms over your chest. "For what class?" you asked Jaemin turning his body and watching the scene play out. He couldn't help but check you from the back either.
"English," she said. You smiled nodding your head. "I'll walk you out," you said opening your front door from in front of her. You reached your arm over and pulled it. She nodded wide eyes and a sigh left her lips. "Boys take care of him I won't be long," you said to Jungwoo and Ten. They both looked at each other nodding then stood up to "handle Jaemin".
The minute you shut the door you dropped the act.
"Seriously why did you invite him in?" she asked trying to make sense of your choice. She stared at you for a moment shocked, waiting for your response. She waved her hand brows furrowed. "Well?" she asked impatiently.
"I need him to trust me," you said with a smile on your pink lips. Wendy poked the inside of her mouth with her tongue nodding her head. She leaned back her front leg standing out, arms crossed over her chest. "So you let him inside?" she asked sarcastically. You nodded, "Yup," you responded. She thought about it for a moment but then nodded letting her arms fall. "Okay if you think it will help out your plan then you do you girl," she said walking up to you. She gave you a small hug before she waved goodbye.
Just as you went to turn to leave both Jungwoo and Ten stepped out. You raised a brow with a smirk crossing your arms over your chest. “And where are you too going?” You asked seeing Jungwoo still holding the blunt in his hand. He shrugged looking away from Ten and at you.
“We’d figure we’d give you some space,” he said rushing to move down the hallway but Ten grabbed his shirt preventing himself from moving forward. Jungwoo poured dusting his shoulder off where Ten grabbed him. Ten sighed turning to you after sending his friend a glare. “What are you gonna do about Jisung?” He asked. Your finger tapped on your arm as you chew on your lip.
“You my closet as an exit right?” You asked sarcastically. They both nodded Jungwoo making an “oh” face. “I knew that,” Ten said slightest embarrassed he forgot. You nodded turning both of them around and pushing them away. Once they left you went back inside. You walked into your living with a smile on your face ready for Jaemin but to your surprise, he was not there.
“Jaemin?” You called looking around the space. Your first thought was to walk into the kitchen. Maybe he got hungry you thought. You stepped into your kitchen the door closing behind you. The marble floors shined, spotless not a crumb in sight. The kitchen itself is decorated for the fall thanks to your maid. Pumpkins were placed around the room and fake leaves hung from the ceilings. The autumn colors stood out in your white kitchen. But Jaemin wasn’t there. You turned away thinking he may have slipped down the hallway to see the rest of your home.
You left through the back door of the kitchen. Walking down another wooden floored hallway of your penthouse. Opening the first door to the right was the movie theater. You looked inside unsuccessful in your search for Jaemin. You had turned the lights on and he was not there. With a sigh, you left the room shutting the lights off followed by the door.
Next we the door on your left. The guest bedroom. You opened it seeing the bed perfectly made and everything around the room. The computer, the small fridge, and the TV remote were untouched. You huffed closing the door and failing to find him again.
You walked down the hallway placing an ear at one of the doors. You heard no sound on the other side, not a signal breath so you didn’t open it. You were starting to get annoyed. Where could he have gone? You placed your hands on your hips frustrated. The frustration was starting to attack your body physically. The heat makes you start to sweat. The sweat became uncomfortable as it formed on the back of your neck. You walked over to a small door and opened it pushing some brooms and buckets out of the way. You shut the closet door Once you did you were exposed to a rusty, dirty white door. Without care, you turned the golden knob exposing a small pathway.
You walked down the dark pathway. It was dark a small lightbulb switch at the top. You flicked it closing the door behind you. It illuminated the small space, showing the interior of your penthouse. Piles of wood and plaster were shown to you as you walked down the small space. A small creak in the floor. A fly flying past your head. You swatted it away.
Once you reached the end you took out a key from your pocket. You pushed the key into the hole turning the lock and opening the door. You push it open hundreds of clothes on racks blocking your view. You pushed them to the side removing the key from the door you closed it. The door blends into the pink closet.
You stepped out onto the rug seeing Jisung just outside the closet looking at some of your pictures. You quickly ran to him without a thought. Pulling him inside the closet. His eyes widened not sure when you came in. You came in so quietly he thought. How long have you been there? And why from the closet?
You grabbed his hand bringing him to the closet. “You have to go Jaemin’s here,” you said to him in a rush pulling further into the closet. “How? If he’s in the living room?” He asked feeling his heart start to race. Jaemin couldn’t catch him here it would destroy everything. It made Jisung more than worried his heart pounding down his chest.
“Here,” you said handing him the small golden key. You pushed back a bunch of your fall jackets exposing the white door to him. “Go through here, when you reach the other side lock the door and leave the key on the clear shelf I’ll find it. Once you exit the broom closet go down the hallway through the kitchen and then out the front door,” you said quickly. You did not doubt in your mind that Jaemin was still here.
“Y/n?” You heard Jaemin call. Your eyes widened heart racing in fear of getting caught. You had blanked on Jisung being here forgetting you hid the boy in your room. Jisung bit his lip. He was scared of getting caught.
“Y/n!” Jaemin called again standing outside your bedroom door. You heard him jiggle the handle. You opened the escape door behind Jisung.
“Just a second!” You shouted back. Ushering Jisung to the door. Jisung looked back at you his legs unable to move. “You got to be kidding me,” you said frustrated. You took his hand guiding him down the hallway not bothering to turn the light on. When you reached the other side you took Jisung down the hallway, through the kitchen, and into the living room. Handing him his sneakers and pushing him out the door. He went to speak but you shut the door.
“I forgot my sweater,” he said quietly but didn’t bother to knock. He was upset at you for inviting Jaemin in. A part of him is jealous you rushed him out to see Jaemin. So what, even if he wouldn’t last until tomorrow he wanted to be in there with you. Letting out a frustrated huff he put on his shoes and walked off to take the bus home.
"I didn't mean to keep you waiting," you said in a rush. Jaemin shook his head stepping inside your bedroom. "No worries princess," he said as he walked over to your dresser. He placed a small box down and then continued to look around your bedroom. You closed your door standing in front of it fiddling your thumbs as you wondered why he didn't already have his hands on you.
You assumed the minute he had you to himself he's let loose. Every hope and fantasy would unleash with the same girl he's been dreaming about since freshman year of college. Jaemin took notice of your fidgets and chuckled head falling and dark strains of hair dusting his forehead. He looked over at you with a smile. "Why are you standing so far away princess?" he asked. He slowly began walking over to you placing down one of your picture frames. A photo of you and your father.
"Are you scared of Nana?" he asked your room had gotten dark rather quickly. The sun had set earlier being the change in seasons. All your lights were turned off as well. The only way you were able to see Jaemin was through the sheer moonlight from your bedroom window that pointed to the middle of your room. Your bedroom is large enough that only one window can illuminate a small part of your room.
As he walked over to you, you shook your head stepping to the side and slowly leading him in the direction of your bed. He hadn't realized what you were doing so blindly he followed. "I'm not scared," you responded backing from him.
"Then why are you moving away from me?" he asked with a playful tongue. You slightly shrugged the back of your knees reaching your bed. You fell back once he stepped in front of you. He skillfully spread your legs with his right knee. He reached into his pocket keeping his eyes on yours. You gulped seeing his hand disappear. "I want to do something special for you. Something I've wanted to do for a while, but first," he said pulling out a small bag. He opened it exposing the prerolled blunt in his hands. In his other pocket, he pulled out a lighter.
"Smoke with me," he said gesturing to the blunt. You chuckled a hand moving to dance on your tummy. Your eyebrows lifted then fell as you spoke. "What's the special thing you want to do for me?" you asked teasingly. Chuckles erupted from Jaemin's chest. He leaned down hovering over your lips. "I want to taste you," he said placing a soft, chase kiss on your lips. He pulled away your eyes remaining closed. When you opened then you saw him light up the blunt.
He held his hand out to you. You took it allowing him to sit you up. You smiled thanking him moving over for him to sit beside you. He brought the blunt to your lips after lighting it. "You get to go first," he said handing it to you. You waved your hand shaking your head. "No way you first," you said pushing it away. This wasn't your first time smoking. You've smoked with a bunch of your other friends before, mostly with Jungwoo. This however was the first time you were smoking with Jaemin and you just wanted to be safe.
"Okay," he said not fighting you. He brought the blunt to his lips placing it in between the top and bottom. Inhaling and then releasing the smoke. "See baby you safe," he said some of the smoke getting in your face. The scent started to fill your nostrils causing you to hum. He brought it back to you holding it up to your lips.
He held it for you as you wrapped your lips around where he just was. Inhaling then releasing some of the smoke in his face he chuckled. You coughed a little causing Jaemin to go to the small fridge in your room pulling out a juice. He opened the cap bringing it to your lips. He lifted the juice watching as your throat bobbed drowning in the liquid. When he removed it from your lips some spilled from the side. He laughed removing the juice from your lips.
"Thirsty girl," he commented placing the juice on your nightstand. Once he successfully placed it he came back to you. He handed you the blunt placing a soft kiss on your lips. "Now you sit back and relax okay? I'll be down here if you need me, princess," he said taking the pillow from behind you so it would sit comfortably behind your back. He smiled satisfied with how you felt and made his way to your jaw kissing his way down your body. He didn't even remove your bra, not even your shirt. He only slipped down your silk house pants and blue panties.
You knew this princess treatment was an act. He must think you only wake up and use the left side of your brain to get through your door if he believed you were convinced by his little act. Jaemin was a businessman. And a man with a poor business will do whatever he can to make it to the top. Sure you were on his list of girls he wanted to fuck but the only reason you sat at the top was jot because you had the tightest pussy on the East Coast.
It was because of your daddy.
Jisung told you about each of these men. How easy Jaemin would be as a professional ass kisser. He thought if he treated you like an absolute princess the spot in your father's company would be his. Word may have gotten out that your father did not want you to run his company and you wanted to find a man instead, so he would take over. Then your mother would give you hers and you could keep the business in your family.
Which turned you from a trophy to a ticket.
Like the others, you were Jaemin's ticket to the top. So he'd give you free weed every day of the year if it meant one day when you presented him to your father as your suitor he would never have to sell weed again. Such a well-thought-out plan on his part.
Too bad you knew every detail of it.
So this moment now your thighs spread for him, his hair tickling your skin. Placing love bites and kisses on your plush skin as he worked his way closer to your aching core would be enough to make him believe for one more night you were his.
He pulled your baby blue panties back exposing your glistening folds to the cool air. He looked up at you for a moment the smoke you exhaled floating past his cheeks. He groaned at the sight of your lips gently wrapped around the blunt. He sighed leaning back down to your glistening pussy. He leaned his arm over turning your bedside lamp on just to get a good look at you. Licking his lips he felt his mouth water at the sight of you. So pretty and wet just for him. It made the strain his pants tighten but if he wanted this he'd only take care of you tonight.
So he rested on your mattress laying his stomach flat. Strong biceps wrapped around you pulling you down for his eyes to meet your pussy. He licked a stride on your slit from your home to your clit ending the travel with a kiss on the nub. You shuddered at the sudden but final contact. He watched from below awaiting your every reaction, you were so hard to watch, and please at the same time.
He engulfed his lips around your clit flicking the nerves with his tongue and sucking it with his lips. The wetness from his tongue slipping down your pussy tickling your hole. He quickened his pace bringing his index forward and dancing around your hole. You moaned repeatedly out loud some of the smoke getting caught in your throat.
Jaemin's finger slipped inside slowly letting you adjust. "Breath baby," he teased watching you with a proud smile unfold. He felt a sense of power knowing he was the only man in school to have you like this. He brought his head back down repeating his motions with his tongue. "Fuck Jaemin how are you so good at this?" you asked through moans. You didn't need him to answer it just slipped out your mouth. He chuckled at the sound vibrating on your clit, however, he didn't answer.
You brought the blunt of your lips again feeling him quicken his pace inside you. You brought it down to him letting him take a hit which he obliged taking it from your warm hands and bringing it to his wet lips. He pushed his fingers inside you fucking you with a curling motion grazing over your spot. He almost choked seeing he hit the right spot inside you that drove you mad. Your body arching, brows furrowed and mouth open erupting in moans. "Fuck Jaemin you feel so good," you praised it all going to his head and then to his cock.
"All for you princess," he said handing you the blunt back. He placed a kiss on your lips exhaling the smoke into your mouth. He groaned when you released it again in his face a smile on your lips. He kissed you passionately slipping his tongue past your mouth. He continued fucking you with his large fingers. You gripped on his bicep, flexing under your warm touch.
"Fuck you taste so good," he praised breaking the kiss for a brief moment looking into your eyes. He quickly placed his lips on yours again. "Doing so good for Nana," he said placing a kiss on your lips as he found his spot on your mattress again engulfing your lonely clit between his lips. You smiled as you took another hit letting your hand grip onto his hair. You pushed your hips forward grinding on both his fingers and tongue.
Jaemin getting drunker on your pussy flexed his hips into your mattress quickly reaching his pathetic high. You are not too far behind him. He held your waist helping you to grind on his face groaning into your pussy every time your clit touched his nose. "Fuck Jaemin I'm so close," you moaned eyes shut. You had taken a peak before seeing his abuse making your head fall back in bliss.
You could feel the knot in your stomach seconds away from bursting. You pussy sucking up his index and middle. He groaned loudly and aggressively as he came in his pants. The vibration going straight through your body and dancing on your clit. You felt your climax burst cum oozing out of your tight hole. Jaemin hummed licking every inch of you up. Once your pussy was clean he pulled away leaning in to kiss you but only to be prevented by a cloud of smoke.
"Thank you Jaemin. Goodnight," you said your tone changing as you stood up. Drinking the rest of your juice then stepping into your bathroom to pull out a warm cloth. You cleaned yourself up throwing the cloth away. Jaemin smiled believing you two were still playing the same game. He fixed himself up walked over to you placed a hand on your waist leaning in to place a kiss on your cheek but you swirled your head. He furrowed his brows but still didn't think much of it.
He went to make a move again as you pulled the covers back on your bed but you stepped away from him again.
He huffed, "Okay princess what's wrong?" he asked. You chuckled fluffing up your pillows. "You're still here," you retorted your back turned to him. He scoffed running a hand through his hair. "I don't understand why you are so upset princess-" You dropped the pillow in your hand turning to him.
"Oh cut the act," you said with a raise of your eyebrow. You crossed your arms over your chest seeing him straighten up. You smirked seeing his reaction. "We both know why you are here," you said.
Caught. His eyes widened for a brief moment but he held a confused face. He felt your words sting at his chest. "I don't know what you're talking about-" he tried to say before you cut him off again.
"Cut the shit Jaemin. Save yourself the time and drop the act," you spat back now annoyed with his stupidity.
Trapped. His heart rate picked up. He felt his throat go dry and sweat form on his palms. He slowly backed away from you indicating to you as an invitation to follow. You raised a brow arms still crossed over your chest. "Oh? So You have no clue what I'm talking about?" you asked knowing you both knew the answer. He shook his head back landing flat on your door. He felt around for the handle. You could see his efforts to escape out of the corner of your eye.
"Try and leave and security will stop you," you said.
Captured. He let his hand fall. You grabbed onto his shirt yanking him forward and bringing him to your vanity chair. He flopped on it eyes wide as you stood before him. Seeing a whole new side of you he'd never even imagine. You were making him nervous which rarely ever happened to him. He was so used to being in control, used to being slick but now it was being thrown right back in his face.
Surrender. He put his hands up "Look I can explain-" You shook your head with a suck of your teeth. "Don't bother," You leaned down to his level eyes still locked with his. "Admit your faults and I'll let you go. The others didn't get a choice," you said sending him a glare shadowed by a friendly smile.
Lie. "I was at first using you to get to your father but after spending time with you I realized how great you are and I want to be with your princess," he spilled skipping some of the beat of the flow of his words.
No Other Choice. You shook your head. "Try again with the truth," you said annoyance in your tone. He sighed finally dropping his dumb act. "Fine bitch I was using you to get your daddy because I knew if I treated you like a pretty fucking princess that spot would be mine," he said this time hitting every beat.
Played. You smirked. He grimaced seeing your reaction. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked feeling the back of his neck become warm. "You didn't think I wasn't using you?" you said leaning back. Jaemin's eyes squinted confused. "What?" he asked. You slowly began to walk around the beige vanity chair. "Want to know why security is standing outside my door? It's not because of wealth but just to make sure I can say what I have to say and you don't run," you hushed the last part behind him close to his ear.
"What?" he asked still lost this time for real. You ended your laps standing in front of him.
"I knew your whole plan to I used you. You were never going to meet my father or my mother. The silly boy thought he could play me like I was one of the many customers he scams," you said words laced with venom. He kept his mouth shut afraid if he spoke he'd make things worse for himself. "I have enough evidence to make sure this little business never leaves the ground and I'm sure you know who my father is. He won't take too kindly to your behavior," you said checking your nails and mocking him.
"So what's the catch?" he asked. You smiled, you had him right where you wanted him.
"You tell anyone about us I'll make sure you disappear and that business of yours dies before it breaths, understand?" you asked dropping your little act. You sent him a powerful glare a lick with your teeth to follow. He gulped nodding his head.
"Now go," you said watching him gather his stuff and run out your front door. Once you heard it lock you went to bed. That is how you execute a plan. Let's hope the same blueprint works for Jeno.
Once Jaemin arrived home Jisung hesitated on checking up on the male. He instead sat alone in his shared room. Jaemin must have bumped into someone in the living room because he heard another voice. He pressed his ear to the door opening it slightly.
He could see Jaemin holding his jacket on his side standing in front of Si Cheng and Jeno.
"How'd it go?" asked Jeno. Jaemin shrugged seeing him a smirk.
"To be honest it was a hit and quit," he said causing Si Cheng to chuckle, Jeno smirked shaking his head. "I swear all the boys keep leaving here with their heads in the clouds and then you all come up back to reality," commented Si Cheng. Jisung wanted to point and laugh in their faces. He knew why deep down each man came home upset regardless of whether they wore it on their skin or not.
He chuckled as he paid close attention. Jasmine's hand curled up in a fist as he spoke about 'the night with his mystery girl'
"It seems like everyone has a mystery special girl," Jeno said to both boys. "I wonder if I'll get one. Maybe I'll do better than you," he nudged Jaemin with his shoulder. Jaemin chuckled but didn't respond to him. Jisung felt the chuckle appear in his throat again. "You'll get one but I don't how good it will be for you," he said to himself quietly. How stupid were his close friends? He thought so blinded by what was in front of them.
However, the laughter was short-lived once Jaemin spoke again. "Hey Si Cheng when you went out with Y/n did she say anything weird to you?" he asked with a curious pout. Si Cheng shook his head, "Nah but she made some interesting sounds," he said dabbing up Jeno. They both laughed but Jaemin killed their joke.
He shook his head. "No, you dumbass. I mean like did she threaten you of anything?" he asked. Si Cheng shook his head with a weird look on his face. "No. Why so many questions?" he asked walking up to Jaemin. "You went with her or something?" he asked pressing up to the bigger man. Jaemin pressed up against him. "So what? If I did what would you do? You are known for lying, you probably lied about it," he retorted back.
Si Cheng poked the inside of his mouth with his tongue shaking his head. "Fuck you," he cursed pushing him. "Guys," Jeno began. Jaemin's eyes widened pushing Si Chenge back causing him to stumble. "Fuck me? No fuck you," he said but Jeno stopped him.
"Both of you enough. You two going off over some girl?" Si Cheng scoffed fixing himself up. "You know she's not some girl," he spat Jeno huffed letting the words die on his tongue because deep down he agreed.
"What's going on here?" Jisung heard Johnny's voice from the staircase. He could feel the tension fill up in his room. He gulped hearing Johnny come down the stairs of the house. Both men backed away from each other their heads hanging low. Jeno nervously stepped forward to explain.
“Nothing they were just being stupid,” Said Jeno. His voice had changed. He was a lot more serious, more stern like most of the men got when Johnny approached them. He was like their leader, all following in his footsteps on how to become a controlling, arrogant raging asshole of the world. Johnny walked over to the trio arms crossed over his puffed chest.
“Are you lying?” He asked. Jeno put his hands behind his back fiddling his fingers. He shook his head hair swaying side to side. “They were just arguing over a game,” he lied. Johnny looked at the two silent boys.
“Jaemin, Si Cheng is that the truth?” He asked with a calm voice.
They both lifted their heads looking at one another. Nodding they straighten themselves out. Jaemin cleared his throat as Si Cheng spoke.
“Yes it was but it’s over now. Jaemin was just leaving,” he said looking away from Johnny to meet Jaemin’s eye. He followed nodded his head and picked up his jacket from the ground.
“Yes I was just heading off to bed,” he said. Johnny knew they were lying but if he punished the men for every wrong thing they did what would be the point of the freedom they had in this house? He’s just become the reason they left home to live here, their mothers.
Johnny nodded off letting his arms fall with a smile. “Very well Goodnight you three,” he said all of them running off. Jisung closed the door once they came to close. Jeno and Jaemin go into the same shared bedroom and Si Cheng takes his new room upstairs.
After he scored you he got an upgrade.
Jisung closed his bedroom door completely Haechan soon reopened it coming home from a late-night class. He threw his bag on the ground and flopped right onto his bed. YangYang soon reopened the door skateboard in his head appeared all sweaty and gross.
Jisung sat on his bed picking up his phone to send you a text. He typed a small yet detailed paragraph of what had happened. Also warning that Jaemin may be onto you. But his finger hovered over the button. He knew by helping you he was destroying his friends but what would he gain from this?
He chewed his lip deciding that tonight his thoughts came from how tired he was from the day. So he deleted the text and chose to go to you and tell you in person. He placed his phone back down pulling back the sheets and sliding inside.
“Good luck,” he said causing YangYang to pick up his head.
“Good luck for what?” He asked. Jisung froze trying to quickly come up with something in his brain.
“Uh, I heard from Haechan that you have an exam tomorrow. So before I went to bed I was wishing you good luck,” he said quickly. He hoped YangYang believed it.
Thankfully he did. Responding with a smile. “Thanks, man,” he said before gathering his things to go shower.
Jisung let out a sigh laying his head down and drifting off to sleep only thinking of you.
And how that “good luck” was for Jeno.
To Be Continued…
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I hope you guys enjoyed part 4! I’m sorry for the wait I just got really busy between work and school. But now I’m back writing again and I can’t wait for all of you to read Part 5 coming real soon!
Don’t forget to like and share with someone who may also be interested in checking out this series.
Tags: @hengicumdump @sexygrass @jakiki94 @90s-belladonna @soobiverse @ethelia @notevenheretbh1 @scarfac3 @toroufriteh @renyoungrecs @yumekowhore
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neptunescore · 3 months
I’m the active Zack brown hater anon from a while back and some hot takes from me is that people need to understand that drivers can fight with each other!! (And fans need to stop babying drivers…) Maybe it’s because I’m used to seeing fights from players in other sports but one thing I think if very hypocritical of people is that if you want competition you need to understand there WILL be fights. You can’t hate on drivers winning all the time and then say they’re a hypocrite when they fight with other drivers or their teams because they lost out on a win. If you want F1 to be like any other sport every fan, (mostly the new one’s but not everyone) needs to understand they aren’t family. They will always be “coworkers” at best but by default everyone are rivals and fighting for a title, yes, even their teammates.
I think I’m mainly upset at this because of the recent backlash at many drivers. One with Carlos taking out Albon. It wasn’t at all Carlos fault it was simply bad luck yet people are acting seriously that Carlos won’t get that Williams deal. This isn’t a sport where oh no we won’t sign you because you did something to our current driver. F1 teams will always think about their future, not about the little family fans think everyone is (I’m looking at you McLauren…).
this now is a side note but people couldn’t handle Max pushing Esteban or George, the fanbase doesn’t understand players in a sport will always be competitive and have the right to be angry! (Even if they may be wrong in the moment, but I’m not specifically saying Max was wrong in this context)
F1 is a dangerous sport in all so every driver has a right to be mad at each other all in all if anything happens on track. It’s good they aren’t out right brawling and I’m happy there is not but I also think fans should not baby the drivers when arguments happen (with fellow drivers or their team…) Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Calling u the ZB❌️ anon bc for some reason that's hilarious to me, and it's smthng we both feel viscerally abt😤
You're literally the love of my life😌😘. And ur takes are never wrong, and we need to get married right now🤭🤗
No but srsly, UGH as an f1 fan that's been here for a while seeing SOME (not all of you, dw most of u guys are lovely) of these new fans come in and coddle drivers (excessively) is so ANNOYIMG to me because are they forgetting this is an actual SPORT?? a VERY competitive one at that.
Like, OF COURSE, ur going to see heated moments between drivers, OF COURSE ur driver is gonna get caught up in a racing incident, OF COURSE, his teammate will try to overtake/ race against him when given the chance (talking abt the lewis and george fight in canada)??? They're all competing against each other. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT??
Don't even get me started abt fans who get pissed at drivers due to basic racing incidents, like??? I get being annoyed in the moment, but to go and shit post abt that driver on ur social media later is just WILD to me.
Anywayy, I agree with everything uve brought up, and thank u for gracing my inbox ZB❌️ anon <3
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armpirate · 6 months
Soundleasure | Choi San || CH. 10
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Pairings: Soft!San x fem!reader || Strangers to lovers, fake dating
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, online sex, ghosting
Warnings: inexperienced!San, fem!reader, masturbation, online sex, camboy, first times.
Summary: You can do whatever you please and be whoever you want on the Internet. And San knew that a little bit too well.
After finally following all the signs the universe was throwing at him, he started living a double life that no one was aware of. Everyone in his daily life knew him as Choi San, the reserved and quiet boy who wouldn't raise his voice, and would barely communicate with anyone outside of his comfort group. But only a few knew him as Soundleasure, the man with a sexy voice and a filthy mind that had their toes curling just with his narrations.
He never thought of the possibility of those two lives ever meeting, he had always tried for them to follow a parallel route and had always played safe to keep his friends from ever suspecting that side even existed. But his plans will start to crumble when he gets a little too close with one of his subscribers and she invades his real-self and altergo's universes without being able to stop it.
Y/n will not only help him to keep his secret from his circle, but will also show him there's more of Soundleasure in him than he'd like to admit. 
Previous || Next
Aprox. time of reading: 14 minutes
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Her heels clicked against the floor, stopping right before she turned on her body again to walk in the opposite direction -just like she had been doing almost since she got to the office. She kept thinking of the many excuses she could come up with to convince her father that San was no one important, but trying to pass him off as a fling in front of her father was something useless. Mainly because he knew her well enough to know she wouldn't be as stupid to allow something as meaningless as a hook up to make its way to her public social media.
She even met his friends. Of course her father wouldn't believe it wasn't a relationship.
When Y/n agreed to help him, she tried to make it as believable as possible, but she didn't expect that it'd be as believable as getting to the point where she had to fake it in front of her father.
Her pride was also giving her a hard time choosing. She was supposedly angry at San, and she left as the bigger person by helping him outside of what he did to her. But now she had to crawl back to him and ask him for a favor she didn't really want him to do.
—Y/n —a thin voice stopped her steps.
Her thoughts were the only thing keeping her moving, until she heard Jennifer calling her, interrupting the only fuel her body needed to move.
—Is everything alright?
—Hmm? —her eyebrows gently raised at the question of her secretary.
—I mean... You've been walking in circles for almost an hour. I was wondering if you needed help with something.
—No, it's alright —she assured.
—If it's because of some comments about your relationship, just ignore them.
Her eyebrows furrowed deeper after that sentence, making her motion Jennifer to step inside her office and close the door behind her so no one would be able to hear them.
—What are you talking about?
—It's nothing serious. Just gossip about your boyfriend —she shrugged.
She genuinely thought not that many people checked her social media at all. It wasn't like she was highly active, and she didn't have that much of a close relationship with the people in the office to have them eyeing her account.
—TTCompany sent an email congratulating you —Jennifer added—. Everyone in the company received it, I believe. Even I did.
Without letting her say anything else, or bothering to ask more about it, Y/n walked behind her desk to unlock her computer and check her email.
"It makes us so happy to congratulate, and support, Miss Y/n in this new relationship she soft launched earlier this weekend. [...] We wish them both all the best".
Y/n could feel her right eye twitching after reading that last sentence. Tim had purposely exposed her -no- relationship, forcing her to go along with the lie rather than letting it all die.
She wanted to understand why he was doing all of that, and what he could be gaining from pushing her private life all over her professional business. She could only hope it wasn't a personal revenge after she broke up with his son.
—Are you okay? —Jennifer asked again, worried.
—Uh-hum —Y/n slowly nodded—. I'm perfectly fine. But do me a favor, and write down a communication.
—About what?
—Thank everyone for their support, and ask for their discretion and professionality about this. Before you send it to everyone, send it to me.
As soon as Jennifer walked out the door, Y/n's eyes moved to the four people sitting in the table closest to her office while their eyes were aimed at her, quickly shifting their focus back to their computers.
Her body heavily fell over her chair, along with an exhausted sigh. At that point, she had no other choice but to leave her pride aside and reach out to San as soon as possible. At the end of the day, he was the one who started all of that, so he had to own up to it.
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San could feel his own face deforming by the pressure of his palm on his cheek, due to the way he was letting the weight of his head fall over it. He thought he was close to falling asleep if it hadn't been for the way his phone buzzed next to his laptop. A few annoyed looks were thrown his way by the vibration sound that came out, only audible for those who were sitting closer to him.
He sat straight when he saw her name on the top of his screen, along with a text he didn't even take time to read before he clicked on the notification.
After that long text he sent, and the thumbs up emoji she sent, he was convinced he wasn't going to hear of her again. But, two days after, she was contacting him again -although, he suddenly wondered if it had something to do with the subscription he returned on Sunday.
His throat suddenly went dry, and his lungs closed when he properly read her text:
Y/n: Can we meet up later today?
His nervous gaze flew around the classroom, trying to keep his focus somewhere else that wasn't his excitement over that text. He could feel the corners of his lips moving up, before he was aware of them and tried to go back to the straight line he always had on.
Y/n: I need to see you.
His heart almost escaped his mouth when she sent that second text, probably insisting a bit after seeing him online but not replying back.
"I also need to see you" but those words were deleted before he could even think of sending them. San didn't know if the reason she wanted to see him was the same one he had, he didn't know if something happened. Although his head was already filled with the idea of Y/n actually liking him after what happened on Saturday. He was hopeful she'd tell him to keep seeing each other, aside from the fake relationship.
San: Sure. What is it about?
Y/n: It's better to discuss that in person. Are you able to come to this place at five?
Along with that text, she also sent the location of a fancy cafe he had never been to, but that he for sure had walked past several times.
—I really wonder if what's on your phone is more interesting than what I'm explaining.
He could feel the way his heart races as he was called out, feeling forced to drop his phone right after typing a dry "Yes" to assure her that he'd be there by that time. His eyes flew around the classroom again, feeling his cheeks burn as he tried to make sure no one was looking at him after that comment. Although nothing could really bother him in that moment. Among the embarrassment, a happy smile showed up on his face, while his body sank a bit more on his seat.
All that excitement piled up along with the stress he was feeling as he got off the bus, checking the time once again on his phone to be sure for the millionth time that afternoon that he wouldn't make it on time.
His walk was fast, taking long steps, and walking past people in front of him to be sure nothing would come his way. He had enough with the bus stopping for more than twenty minutes after he got on it.
It was like the universe didn't want him to meet up with her.
From the other side of the street, he managed to see the sign of the cafe, having him looking up at both sides before he crossed the street.
His heart squeezed on his chest, and he could feel his face distorting when he heard a sudden loud klaxon and a car stopping right in front of him.
—It's red, asshole! —a middle-aged man screamed at him.
San immediately mumbled a sorry, walking backwards to the other side of the street as he bowed. It didn't seem like the man cared about it, because he kept shouting insults that his nervousness didn't allow him to understand. Too shocked by the fact that he almost was run over to care to decipher what those mumblings, muffled by some of the saliva foam forming at the corners of his mouth, meant.
As soon as he was out of the way, and after throwing one last insult at him, the man raced up again, continuing his way and letting San continue his.
He trotted to the cafe, stopping in front of the huge windows to take a look inside, hopeful that Y/n was still there and didn't leave after waiting for him.
But she was still there.
He could recognize her short hair, and that expensive modern office style that her white blazer gave out.
His determination to step inside and see her was suddenly eclipsed by his nervousness and insecurity, stepping right in front of the door while he stared at her. He didn't know what he was supposed to say, or how he was supposed to act, or how to even walk to her table without looking thumb.
He felt tempted to step back and leave the place. And he probably would have if Y/n hadn't looked back and trapped his gaze in hers.
He was caught.
Her screen showed she was in the middle of a call when she showed it off to him, only to realize she had been calling him for the past few seconds, and probably his ringtone was what gave away he was already there.
Y/n tried hard to keep the serious instance when she first saw him standing by the door, looking cute with that black cardigan on top of a white t-shirt, and perfectly combined with a pair of jeans.
—You weren't going to stand me up, weren't you? —Y/n asked when she saw him walking past the table to the empty chair in front of her.
His body froze at that question, clenching his jaw and looking nervously at her before he took a seat. Her eyebrow was raised, waiting for an answer, that she already knew what was despite whatever he said.
His expression answered before he could, pressing his lips tight as he looked down. Clearly, leaving that place without even letting her know he was there was an idea that crossed his mind, and it probably would've taken over if she wasn't so straightforward.
—Unbelievable —she scoffed—. You know, it's easier to say you don't want to do anything and leave it clear for the other person, rather than completely disappearing.
—I wasn't going to, but I was thinking of doing it —he admitted.
—You didn't do it because I caught you when you were planning your way out.
—Okay, that's right —he finally said—. But it's not because of what you think.
—And what do I think? —she tilted her head.
Y/n would've expected a flirty answer right back. But at the lack of answer, Y/n scoffed again, shaking her head slowly in disbelief before she was aware he didn't have anything to drink or eat.
—Do you want anything? —she asked, switching the topic before he got more uncomfortable.
With any other person, she'd have left. But there was something in San that genuinely told her he wasn't doing it because he was an asshole. The way he looked so nervous around her, and indecisive, made her think it probably had to do with his lack of experience around women.
After he told her he'd just have the same thing she had, she signaled the waitress, pointing to her cup and raising her index to point out she wanted one more of the cappuccino she was having.
—What did you text me for? —San suddenly asked.
He didn't want to play around and waste both of their time. It was better to be straightforward with whatever was the reason behind that meeting.
—Wooyoung followed me on insta, and also posted the group pic he took the other day —San nodded, not really understanding what was wrong with that—. He tagged me on the post, which made it show up on my page.
—I could tell him to delete it.
—I think it's a little bit too late for that —she mumbled, taking a sip of her coffee—. Let's say someone important for the company I work for saw the post, and thought it was a good idea to send the news to everyone who works for me.
—Why would he do something like that? —his eyebrows suddenly furrowed to the center— He should've waited for you to do it.
—Well, yeah... He's an asshole, so I didn't expect any better —she slightly shrugged, moving on her seat—. The thing is he also told my father, who's also my boss —her fingers tapped over the table, as she tried to think of the best way to say it— and who also wants to meet you.
—You —she nodded again.
—Why don't you tell him we broke up?
—Because the picture isn't even three days old —she explained—. My father knows I know better than exposing my flings and dates. And if it showed up indirectly on my public social media, it's because it's serious enough to introduce you to my father.
San looked away, shaking his leg nervously at the thought of their fake relationship going as far as to involve him in her life that way. Having her meeting up with his group of friends, who took nothing seriously, was one thing; but meeting her father, because they gave off the serious relationship idea was something major.
—You got yourself into this —Y/n reminded him calmly—. If I hadn't faked to be your girlfriend, Wooyoung wouldn't have taken that picture and posted it on social media to celebrate his best friend finally has a girlfriend.
—You could've given him a fake username.
She actually thought about it the short second she thought about it. She could've written her name wrongly, she could've come up with a whole different username right on the spot, but she just didn't want to. She gave Wooyoung her real social media in hopes of being able to reconnect with all of them even when all of that was over. She wanted to know there would be a link still, even if she never used it.
—Are you blaming it on me now? —she pointed at herself— So it's okay for me to pretend to be your girlfriend, but suddenly it's a problem when I'm the one who needs you to do the same?
—It's different.
—It's not —she answered back, almost instantly—. You felt pressured because of your friends. Well, I feel pressured because of my father and the company. It's not that big of a difference.
—There's no way your father will buy it —he insisted—. Someone like you with someone like me? Your father will catch our lie the second I step in front of him.
—It was quite credible this weekend —she pursed her lips—. And we'd have more time to prepare. I won't throw you to the wolves like that.
He was right. She could always tell her father the pressure of meeting him was so big that they ended up breaking up, she could come up with a billion excuses to get away with it cleanly, but she didn't want to. Her annoying side just wanted to get back at San, having him do for her what she did for him; but her hidden side saw that as a small chance to spend more time with him before they could move on.
—Y/n, it's not going to work out.
She allowed her body to rest against the backrest lazily as she sighed in defeat. Her eyebrows arched, while she reached for her purse to bring out a few dollars to place them on the table.
—I really don't know what I was expecting —she said to herself, standing up.
As she got up and picked up her jacket from the backrest, she could catch a glimpse of San's gaze turning to a concerned one as he looked at her. She had to quickly turn around as she put on the jacket just so he wouldn't see the way she nervously bit her lip as time went on.
She just had to play it cool for a few more seconds, give a few steps to the door before he finally gave in.
If going through several meetings a week, and having dated different people throughout the years, had taught her something, was that men were quite easy to manipulate if she made them believe they were the ones saving up the situation instead of her insisting.
She stepped outside the cafeteria, advanced towards the first turn on the street, and turned to walk to the parking lot where she had left her car. When she looked back, he wasn't timidly walking behind her, and she doubted he would show up with the response she wanted to hear -she even doubted he would even know where she was if he stepped outside of the establishment to look out for her.
That was the decisive period, the short moment when guilt would eat him alive and would agree to do what she needed to do.
But no.
Driving back home and stepping inside her place had never been as disappointing as it was that day. She wondered at what point she turned so bad at negotiating and playing with people's thoughts, to the point of looking ridiculous when she smiled as she walked to her car, radiating a confident aura that slowly vanished with every step she took away from the place where they met.
It also disappointed her how he wasn't willing to help her, not even hesitating on doing it, when she first told him about it. She did it for him, and he couldn't do it for her? Especially after he was the one who got her into all of that?
Her sigh was loud and heavy among the silence of her house, only followed by the clicking sound of the autoinjector. While she massaged the area that was punctured, with two of her fingers, she felt her phone buzzing on the table.
She thought it could be anyone. The fact that it was eight in the evening meant nothing for the people she worked with. If there was an issue, it didn't matter the time, even if it was three in the morning.
San: Let's do it.
But she wasn't going to let him get away with just a text. Shortly after receiving it, Y/n clicked on his picture, starting a call that he'd answer almost instantly.
—What made you change your mind?
—You did it for me, so it's just fair I also do it for you —he answered.
Her feet started stepping on the floor, starting short and small jumps out of excitement when she heard him saying that.
—Let's meet tomorrow at four. I'll send you the location —her voice sounded uninterested, hiding the fact that she was excitedly jumping on the spot—. Also... San, thank you.
There were many things they'd have to work on to make it as convincing as possible. And it'd all start when they met again. 
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blank-house · 10 months
Hi there!
I just have so many questions about the cast! But I'm not going to lie I'm mainly curious about Percy hehe so I hope that more than one question doesn't bother you :))
On one of the early descriptions about him it's said that he gets dorky when talking about his interests (which surprised me because he's all about the rizz and being cheeky 👀) I get that the fun is discovering on game but on some promo art the guys are showed with what seemed their hobbies? (Elio with sports and Jamie reading) so could we at least get to know anything about it pls? 🙏🏻
At the end of the demo on the hunt, he follows mc (if you make the right decisions ofc) I completely get his suspicions but I think that there's a tinyyy interest of his part on getting some time with MC even if he's just curious... Is it like that? Or is he just 100% on winning? Idk he doesn't seem so obvious to me sometimes, that's why I'm so interested 🤭
Thank you so much for your time! Hope to see more of you and as always I'll be supporting in all of the social media (and asking non stop on here 🙈). Keep doing amazing and take rests as you should!! 💖
That doesn't bother me at all so ask away! I'm like mosquito rubbing my hands with the prospect of geeking about our dorks haha but to answer your ask, let me reverse the order and tackle the hunt question first.
Percy at the Scavenger Hunt
So you encountering Percy is actually not determined by any choices made beforehand. Though there are situations that depend on your choices, this wasn't one of them. You're always gonna encounter Percy if you head to the front of the house and that's cause that's how the guys decided to split up to search!
That being said, curious isn't the most accurate way to describe what he's feeling toward MC- entertained is better! He did say meeting them was something out of a movie and he intends to see what might come from the ending ^^,
But if Percy feels ambiguous to you, then good! He definitely doesn't want to make figuring him out any easy on you.
(Hiding the second answer in case anyone wants to learn about the boys' hobbies through the game first)
LI Hobbies
I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE OKAY SO! Let's go through the straightforward ones from the promos- 1) Jamie
Jamie is a reader, yes. However, what he is reading is a bit different from what one might expect.
*cough* It's manhwas. He likes to read manhwas. Percy was actually the one who put him up to it and it's the first common ground the two have in terms of hobbies! Buuuut Jamie's actually the more avid reader between the two. He can probably decimate a bookshelf in a week if given the time and solitude.
Ahahaha there are other reasons behind why Jamie continues to like it- but the main one is that he likes how unexpected it is from literatures he read before. Power systems, reincarnation, transmigrations into fiction- yeah what's not to like when there're so many fantastical things happening in that genre.
Plus, reading's a good and subtle sign to ward off anyone who might want to bother him.
2) Elio
Elio is a natural at sports, yes! His like, affinity, and competitiveness for it was showcased a little during the side volleyball game and it's pretty much easy to think of him as an active guy. Which... he is... incredibly active, that is lol. It's almost a little tiring remembering all of the things he's tried once and most of all the ones he's really good at. But he's our Jack of all Trades and you can expect nothing less.
But if we wanna look at it from the promo art, he's seen breakdancing! Elio is actually the only one out of the boys who indulges in an after school club/org, which is the main dance team on campus. He's a core member but whether or not he shows up for practice is up in the air often haha
I wouldn't say it's his passion since he didn't grow up doing it- in fact, he only started in high school!- but he did end up liking it the most amongst all of the other forms he learned. As to why he picked up dancing, well that's something to learn in the game. ^^
3) Percy
Last but not least, Percy. There is a very small hint about it depending on what season you got in the demo, but he makes one or two gaming references. As such, TADAH!!! Percy is our cast's resident gamer boi! And while Deja is also a gamer girl, they have different tastes when it comes to this, specifically the genre.
Percy's got a love for story. If it's got a compelling story line he's hooked for weeks. As such JRPGs and open world games tend to be his favorite and he could crank out hours of gameplay just running around and exploring every side quest possible. His roommates know he's going to be locked inside his room or camping the living room for a long while when he's in this state lol.
Compared to Deja, he's not into the tedious aspects of gaming, just the feelings the story and the cast can evoke. You know that hollow feeling you get when you finish a novel or a really good video game? Yeah, he gets that a lot.
'Course there're more things each guy is interested in! We touched on baking for Jamie in the current demo and you get a taste of something else for Elio and Percy in the extended. I'm excited to expand on their other hobbies more when they finally get introduced but for now I hope that this satisfies your questions. Thank you for the ask!
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copperbadge · 2 years
Sam, I say this with love, exasperation, and admiration: I have no idea how you write so much. I'm in the middle of a long-overdue update of backing up my favorite fics to my hard drive, and your fic archive is basically a mini-project in itself!
LOL! I had this conversation with myself when I moved all my fanfic over to AO3. By hand. From Livejournal. :D I think it's mainly that I was undiagnosed with ADHD while being either understimulated in school or underutilized in my job. I think it's indicative of how my priorities have shifted as I've gotten older, that I haven't really written much fanfic in years, and in general my words-per-year output has dropped quite a bit.
Prior to 2019, it was a rare year I posted less than 150K words and some years I posted over 400K. It was almost always fanfic, because the first few novels were posted to Livejournal, not AO3, and I didn't move them when I moved over all my fanfic. I was in grad school, which was not demanding for me, and then I was in a series of jobs where I began with large amounts of downtime, then slowly had less and less as I gained more responsibility. Up until 2019, when my former office just disintegrated and I changed jobs.
So the output in those earlier years was this balance of struggling to keep myself entertained, having the time to engage with a time-intensive coping mechanism, and processing hyperfixation. It still feels weird to describe myself as having hyperfixations, because that's not how I've ever thought of my own mental processes; I have a specific mental definition of hyperfixation under which I do not fall, but I'm beginning to realize that definition is inaccurately narrow. Given my duration in a fandom is almost always two years on a predictable cycle, I can't really refute the idea that I develop and process hyperfixations like a lot of neurodiverse people do. (Marvel is an outlier in that the canon is massive and much more widely disbursed than most -- even so you can kinda see me move through characters within Marvel on two-year cycles.)
In 2019 my wordcount dropped dramatically, and in 2020 most of what I posted was original fiction I actually wrote in 2019. So I didn't post much in 2020 and didn't post anything at all in 2021, which was shocking to me when I realized it. This past year, 2022, is the first year I've bounced up, posting 246K words, but it's mostly been original work. I rarely engage in meta anymore, and currently don't really have an active fandom that I write or talk about. Looked at on paper, I haven't truly been in fandom in about four years. It's fortunate that fandom is a culture -- it's not something you leave or are expelled from just because you stop participating in some aspects of it. There is no way for me to truly leave fandom now even if I wanted to, short of leaving social media altogether, which I have zero plans on doing.
This all got very deep from a pretty simple ask about my formerly prodigious output, but it was fun to go look up my AO3 stats and engage in a little self-reflection.
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
Les Caryl
Not wishful thinking. Not a ruse. Carol is coming back, and I’m grateful. Mainly, to Melissa McBride for everything she’s given us over the years and for everything she’s willing to give us in order to keep telling Carol’s story. It’s easy to see how much of her heart and soul has gone into this character, and I never want to take that for granted. We all have different reasons for loving Carol, but I think a lot of us draw inspiration from watching an underdog like her turn into the hero everybody needs. It’s been nice to see that mirrored in our fight over the past year to remind AMC how imperative she is to TWDU’s success. 
Whether you participated in blitzes, sent letters, spammed AMC’s/TWD’s social media accounts, or just kept Carol in the conversation on your own terms, you persevered just like she did and now you’re reaping the rewards just like she better will. It just goes to show that when people come together to support a female lead with as much talent and grace as Melissa, that and a little bit of hope can make a huge impact. 
For anyone who didn’t have hope or didn’t want to set themselves up for more disappointment, that’s more than fair. Maybe yesterday’s confirmation will give you something to look forward to again. Nothing is ever guaranteed, but if you find comfort in these characters, it’s perfectly okay to let yourself feel that too. Love what you love.
I know there are some who wanted Melissa to just walk away and leave Norman/AMC in the dust, but unlike Carol, she isn’t a fictional character. We aren’t entitled to her relationships with other people, so we just have to trust she knows how to navigate them on her own. Like I mentioned earlier, landing new roles comes with its own set of challenges regardless of one’s reputation or talent. Casting is a meat market and options for actresses over 35 are limited, especially when execs want to factor in their hair color (because how can they appeal to men 18-49 if they have gray hair 🙄) or their social media presence (because if they’re not active on Twitter, what audience will they bring 😑) All of this is to say, it’s perfectly reasonable for Melissa to choose another path, and no, it doesn’t mean she’s gritting her teeth while she does it. I’m comfortable believing she’s happy to co-lead Caryl’s show. I mean, you saw that smile, right?
I realize that at the end of the day, we’re all just trying to do right by someone we admire, which is tricky from our vantage point because it’s so easy to treat her like she belongs to us, and we have to keep reminding ourselves that she does not. I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me, the intention of campaigning in Melissa’s name was to leave the door open for her to come back on her own terms. If she’s getting everything she wants, if she’s being treated with the respect she deserves, then that’s a win in my book. If this whole ordeal motivates AMC to create a better work environment for all their female talent/employees going forward, even better. 
I know this isn’t news, but I’m still going to hold off on watching the show until Carol comes back and if that sounds biased, let me stop you right there. Let’s put aside the BTS fuckery for a second. Let’s ignore the fact that Carol and Melissa are the ones who got the short end of the stick and need my support the most right now. Not only does S1 sound unappealing to me, it actually hurts too much to think about the ways Daryl’s character has been used for personal gain rather than story integrity, which pretty much guarantees a retcon no matter how long it lasts or how drastic it is. His growth over the past 12 years was some of the best I’ve seen on any show let alone TWD, and I want to preserve the version of him I was drawn to in the first place, the version three out of four showrunners actually took the time to nurture. This version. If it’s all just a marketing ploy, trying to target Carylers’ biggest fears to relieve them later, well, I can’t support that either. Caryl fans have been put through enough over the years, especially in the last season, and I think it’s wrong to try to manipulate them into settling (and paying) for less than what they really wanted. 
Do I think we can still get something worthwhile in S2? Yes. I just don’t want to risk torturing myself to get there. Anyone who’s read my blog for a long time knows I would generally give the show the benefit of the doubt because I assumed the payoff would come sooner or later. Needless to say, it didn’t. I know why it didn’t and I hope those issues have been properly dealt with, but if I want to maintain that Caryl/Carol are important for viewership, then I need to watch and subscribe for Caryl/Carol. If I want Melissa to get the pay hike she deserves, then I need to tune in when she’s on my screen, not before. I do trust her judgement for what it’s worth, and I want to look forward to S2 provided there are no irreparable damages beforehand and TPTB put their audience first, meaning they deliver on the promises they made.
The biggest promise, UNAMBIGUOUS CANON, is crucial for story integrity, character growth, and representation. It shouldn’t be a huge undertaking when the chemistry can practically write itself. Daryl and Carol never have nor ever will need gimmicks to keep me invested. 
While we wait for Caryl to reunite, I hope the fandom can start to heal and get back to spreading endless love for one of the greatest ships on television. I’ll never stop mourning the loss of the spinoff we were supposed to have, and part of me still hopes we can get it back someday. But I’ll hope for the best on the show we’re getting right now. Caryl deserve it, Melissa deserves it, and the fans deserve it. 
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theesirenteller · 11 months
𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔄𝔱 𝔉𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 𝔅𝔦𝔱𝔢. Rafe Cameron.
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Werewolf!Rafe Cameron ❥ Mate!OC Gracie Grant.
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"Dear god, he's so hot it hurts.", Gracie let out a sigh along with the makeup artist and other female crew members on set. The women stood huddled up together off to the side of the loft apartment watching as Rafe Cameron posed for the camera. The Outerbanks trust-fund baby had blazed into the modeling industry overnight. Mainly swimsuit and underwear modeling. His fanbase had grown overnight once he had been interviewed at a Calvin Klein photoshoot. His arrogant and snarky attitude gained him fans versus being disliked by the media. Gracie didn't care much for social media but working in an industry where the majority of the staff couldn't get off it or stop talking about trending topics kept her in the loop. 
Like the endless parties that he either attended or threw himself every weekend. Friday through Saturday he'd be party-hopping from dusk till dawn, literally. And the scandalous but delicious tea-spills of his sex life reddit threads from both famous and regular women. Gracie had overheard runway model Tanya Sweeney bragging over the phone to a friend that Rafe had one of the thickest dicks she'd ever sat on. Gracie nearly burnt the model's face with a curling iron when she heard that. She'd been flabbergasted by the news and curious. The sex stories just kept piling in over the last few months by various models that Gracie worked with.  The hairstylist couldn't help but daydream about him. She nearly made an instagram account just to follow his activities on his stories. Her eyes nearly crossed as she watched the way he flexed his biceps and grasped at his groin in the gritty "Wild Wrangler' photoshoot for FireStarter Magazine. 
"Gracie! We need you in hair and makeup now, not later!" Yelled one of the staff members, causing the hairstylist to snap out of her daydreams. Quickly adjusting her glasses, the hairstylist scurried from one side of the room to the bathroom.
"I want his hair to have a very wet look. Like he just got done having the filthiest sex of his life." The photoshoot coordinator hissed as Gracie passed her. 
"Got it." She said timidly whilst scurrying off to the bathroom.
The bathroom luckily was spacious enough for a high wood stool to be a few feet away from the large mirror and porcelain sink. She felt so hot that she used the few moments she had to herself to turn on the cold water from the faucet and begin to splash her face and neck. The coolness against the heat of her skin felt like pins and needles. Ruckus and laughter suddenly crowded in front of her door as Gracie padded her face dry with a towel. The heavy scent of musk-similar to a bear swept through her nostrils. Deeply earthy like fresh rain sinking into forest dirt. It made her heartbeat speed up and her stomach start to turn. Nausea bubbled in the back of her throat. Her fingers gripped at the terry cloth material of the towel as she choked down the sudden feeling. When she opened her eyes she was met with Rafe's blue eyes. 
There he stood. Standing in the once spacious space that now felt as small as a closet. Rafe was attractive. That was a given. But this…this felt different. Familiar yet eerie. He stared her down in a way that made her feel like prey. The eerie part was that he made her feel this sense of comfortability and warmth. Like seeing a lover again after a long day of work. The pair drank each other in lust and quenched their yearning thirst…almost.  Rafe cracked a smile at her as he swaggered his way over to her and it felt like the sun had kissed her skin. 
"You usually stare this much when on set?" His coy question caused her cheeks to heat up.  Rafe took a seat upon the stool and flexed his triceps as he sat hunched over. His hands rested against his meaty, muscular, toned thighs. Gracie narrowed her eyes in on his nails.  They were a porclien-white color with hues of brown or more like black at the roots of the nail bed. The shape reminded her of claws. Stiletto-like but shaper and thicker in density.
Gracie cleared her throat and quickly grasped her paddle brush and hairspray. "No, sorry about that.", she apologized.
"It's cool." Rafe grinned, "You're pretty hot for a hairstylist."
"Are hairstylists not supposed to be hot?" She challenged him.
"They usually aren't" His robust laughter made her smile as she worked the wet and jelly products into his hair. Gracie was far too bashful to carry on conversing with him. Instead she worked on achieving the instructed hairstyle. With each movement she made, Rafe's eyes followed her as he watched her from the mirror. It caused sweat beads to form underneath the folds of her breasts. Rafe's animalistic scent grew stronger as she moved closer to him. His chest rose and fell heavily as time went on.
"So…um…what type of dog do you have?" Gracie asked to break the tense silence.
"What?" Rafe questioned as his thick eyebrows knitted together. His eyebrows rose as if realization overcame him, "A Kangal." 
"Really?" A look of amazement swept across Gracie's face. "Those dogs are huge. Bigger than most humans. They remind me of wolves. Not like the regular desert wolves but werewolves." She rambled.
 "Oh yea? You got a thing for werewolves babe?" His arms crossed over one another as he turned his head to look at her. A sinister smirk swept over his lips as he slouched back a bit with his hands gripping the back edge of the wooden stool.
A crimson-red almost aged blood color tinted her cheeks as smiled and shyly nodded her head, "Yeah I do actually. I don't know, I just…" she bites at the side of her lip, " I'm envious of their wildness. Their freedom. Also, the lure of being a child of the moon and having a mate. Someone that'll love you unconditionally and never leave your side is really beautiful." The more she spoke, the closer he had gotten to her. A daydream look swept over her face. 
The moment that Gracie had broken out of her day-dreamer state due to the photoshoot coordinator yelling for Rafe was when Gracie realized how close the two were. The tip of Rafe's nose was less than an inch away from her nose. His eyes held this golden hue to them that she hadn't noticed before. Perhaps she was imagining things but she swore she could hear this low-almost barely audible- growl humming from behind his closed lips.  
She couldn't look away. He had pulled her in and held her close. Just with his eyes. And then it happened. He kissed her. Ravished her mouth suddenly with his own. His lips were warm and soft as he pressed them deeply against hers. His tongue overlapped her own as she melted into their sudden lip-lock. Gracie whimpered against his mouth as she eagerly kissed him. Feverishly, their lips overlapped and their tongues entangled. A sharp jab struck Gracie's bottom lip causing her to squeal as she began to pull back. But she was only pulled back by his hand grasping onto the back of her head. His grip was stiff and firm to the point where she couldn't move an inch without a pange of pain shooting down her neck. His teeth sank deeper into lower lip as a feral growl escaped his lips. Tears started to form in Gracie's eyes as blood began to spill from her broken skin.
Her whimpers of pain soon turned into low muffled moans of pleasure as Rafe sucked the blood from her lip. Her clit began to throb against her pale pink panties causing Gracie to squeeze her thighs together.
"Rafe! Get out here now!" yelled his agent. 
A displeased snarl left his lips before he broke their lip lock. When Gracie opened her teary eyes, they widened. Rafe's eyes were no longer blue but a bright nearly fluorescent topaz yellow. She stood there frozen in place as she watched the color dim down and change back to his normal blue that she once saw. He only smirked at her as he licked her blood off of his lips.
"I'll catch you later babe." He proceeded to hop off of the stool and make his way out of the bathroom. 
Gracie only blinked before letting out a shaky breath. She then turned around to face the mirror and edged closer. Her lower lip started to swell and turn a deep shade of purple. "Fuck." she whispered to herself.
For the remainder of the shoot Gracie stayed in the bathroom. She couldn't shake what had happened and couldn't get his smell off of her. He was embedded in her skin. He overtook her mind and body to the point that she felt ditzy. To keep herself occupied, the hair stylist packed her equipment and tidied up the bathroom.
"Gracie?" A male voice called out from behind her.
"Yes." she answered as she turned around. She was face to face with a tall blonde haired guy. He had a standard frat boy look to him. Ralph Lauren khaki pants and a blue button down shirt.
"Sup, I'm Topper. Rafe wanted me to give you this." he passed her a piece of paper. "Don't be late." he said before leaving.
Gracie tilted her head to the side as a look of confusion swept across her face. She then looked down at the paper which read :
Building Number : 93286
Street Name : Rosenbaum Ville
Street Address: 636 Parisian Port Apt. 127
Gracie looked apprehensive and wondered if she should go or not as she fiddled with the paper in her hands.
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I've recently been thinking about online aesthetics (basically glorified trends imo) and how I've noticed that they're mostly - not completely, but still very noticeabley - "aimed" at women. I'm thinking of "clean girls" and "pilates princesses" and "mob wives" and even as far back as the late 2010s vsco or soft girl. I'm also thinking about big/popular aesthetics without the word "girl" in them, like cottage core for example (an aesthetic I'm often described to have and do enjoy without necessarily actively trying to incorporate it into my life). Sure, no one is stopping a guy from being cottage core, but they're so obviously more aimed at women. (ex: the makeup or feminine clothing often at the centre of some of these aesthetics (although I firmly believe clothes and makeup =/= gender/sexe), the overwhelming usage of pictures of young women in mood boards, the female demographic which interacts with the aesthetic by a huge margin etc)
I don't think it's a bad thing in itself, but we all know by now how often aesthetics have become very centered around consumerism and can encourage harmful beauty standards, so it's interesting to me how coincidentally these very aesthetics often target women and have mainly women engaging with them. Maybe some food for thought?
BTW, when I talk about aesthetics being "aimed at" women, I'm mostly talking about the ones with the word "girl" in them (ex clean girl) since it's literally in the name and those ones often are especially consumerism centered and tend to get big thanks to tiktok or Instagram beauty/fashion/lifestyle influencers. I don't believe that all aesthetics, or even most of them, are carefully designed and spread by malicious corporations or something to prey on women. But nonetheless there is still an undeniable target audience I believe.
jellyfish anon I swear you are in my brain sometimes because as someone who has fallen down the aesthetics wiki rabbit hole and the gender wiki rabbit hole I do in fact think about this and know a little too much about the fact these extensive wikis exist at all lmao
honestly, this topic could absolutely be the start of a research paper, as I'm sure that the history of tying femininity/womanhood to consumerism has actually been a complex trend that reflects the changing social position of women as a class over time. something about the "performance" present in the gender stereotype associated with being female. something about how men are allowed to exist without thinking how they look to others, how women are more scrutinized for the way they present. something how women's identities are tied to appearances first. maybe even something on how social media exacerbates this by adding yet another layer. a digital one, to the performance. actually, this reminds me of an interesting sort of topic to ruminate on, the performative nature of femininity and how that changes the way we even think about ourselves and identity, how we are almost trained to present ourselves for others before thinking about what we actually want for ourselves! I remember when I was first really thinking about the topic of aesthetics and femininity, I really wished I could find more opinion/analysis on the topic more than just "this aesthetic is weird and here's why" or "all aesthetics are fine and that's good" because it is a very branching subject with so much scholarly potential, but the avenues where I got my research was primarily video essays (unfortunately) and those were pretty simplistic in analysis. this ask is a good reminder that I should revisit the search for that kind of thing now that I'm (hopefully) better at research and finding more diverse bodies of work discussing this kind of stuff. obscure medium blogs and wordpress sites here I come! I am also definitely going to chew on this subject a bit now that I'm reminded of it. maybe write something once I feel like I have more of a concrete thesis in mind to explore? very fun stuff though.
keep these asks coming not only are they well written but they are an amazing start to some social analysis and discussion! literally I have been deprived of my usual rambly overthinking in the last week so it is nice to find myself here once again :)
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charredcheddar · 3 months
I started using tumblr to get away from using tiktok and here are my thoughts so far
Things I like
Less overstimulating content. This is a huge problem with tiktok since there's both audio and visual stimuli. Not even mentioning the duets and overlapping music meant to keep your brain captive. tumblr has mostly text posts which slows down the speed of absorbing content plus all videos begin muted anyway so I have to choose to listen to the auditry stimuli which made me realise that I often don't want/need to. This does mean I'm not able to use tumblr to distract myself as well but long term that is a good thing and I need to stop being dependent on consuming content to feel okay.
More detatched. People don't need to show their face/voice on tumblr, removing that anxiety I feel about putting myself online and also takes away a level of comparing myself to others. I also feel like text can remove a lot of barriers that video content has with language since it's much easier to translate static text than an entire video.
People letting themselves like things. I struggle with feeling bad about liking certain content since its "cringe" or "bad" but people on tumblr seem to be less worried about this and it's reassuring. Or at the very least people who don't like it seem less likely to be in the spaces complaining about how bad it is. Maybe I'm being nieve but it just seems nicer
I can sort of share things with my family. My dad doesn't have social media outside of facebook so when I try and send him a tiktok or a pintrest board, it's likely to not work. However, I can simply screenshot a post and send that to him and he'll be able to see, process and understand it much easier and faster than anything else.
Cons of tumblr
Negativity. It's a social media, I should have expected this but it still has a lot of negativity. I use social media as a coping mechanism to try and make myself feel better but sometimes that ends up making it worse. Granted, this isn't exclusively a tumblr problem but it's still something I've noticed. However I wish tumblr would stop showing me discourse I have no stake in. It just feels bad to see groups of people hating the others existence.
Interaction. I struggle with interacting with people on tumblr more than I did on tiktok. Mainly because comments on tiktok feel smaller and less obvious than reblogs which seem to be the main way of interacting with others. Maybe I'm just not fully understanding the culture of the platform yet but it does give me anxiety.
Algorithm. I feel like my tumblr for you often only has posts relating to one tag at a time and the not interested function doesn't seem to work as well for me as it does on tiktok. It also gives me random posts about things and then gives me more despite not interacting with them? Also I see the same posts show up a lot and it annoys me because I'm refreshing specicially to see new stuff.
Idk this was just my overall thoughts since I've been active here for a few months now.
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
"If Tim is “no longer involved” with OG, there’s less of a chance his influence can fuck things up for the fandom."
Me, to whoever unironically believing that: Kristen Reidel and Buck's cheating/sperm donor drama hello? Anyone?
She's picked as the co-showrunner because Tim likes her brand of drama the most. Why haven't people realized that? Is being a "911 writers' stan" cloud the judgment so much?
I don't think it's about "stanning" a show runner as much as it is wanting or trying to promote the belief that their choices have a purpose that matches the fandom's, especially when a lot of the activity in this space comes from people who write fics and paragraphs worth of analysis and speculation. If Tim was still dividing his time between both shows or there was no spinoff, you wouldn't see the "good riddance" reaction going around since s4 of LS started. They'd *have* to put their faith in him because there would be no backup plan. This is evident in the "defense" of the two story lines you mentioned. Buck cheating was (from a fandom POV) supposed to spell the downfall of BT. It did not. It was also supposed to be an indication of Buck's "regression" and inevitable breakdown. It was neither of those things. Mainly because Eddie's breakdown followed immediately after and Buck had to be on his best behavior to care for Chris/offer Eddie emotional support. Now that the arc is closed, nobody brings it up because it added nothing to his story. BT broke up because TayKay's work got in the way, giving people the excuse to harp on about terrible they were together or she was as a person. (We were never supposed to like her for him or them together. Maaaaybe if the fandom wasn't celebrating her #charactergrowth in s4 and pushing the idea that she would stay on as a platonic friend, the trajectory of the relationship could have gone differently, but alas. They were duped.)
With the sperm donor arc, the initial thought process (my preferred outcome, obv) was that Buck wouldn't actually go through with it because he'd realize he isn't built for not being a constant presence in his bio kid's life. And for the bloggers who think they know everything, it doesn't make sense if canon!Buddie isn't the outcome. (A lot less likely now that the spotlight is on another couple. Can't have social media talking about Buddie and Buddie only.) Making a rash decision, but then having the universe "scream" via failed donor attempts or having Buck speak to someone from his family about the mistake he'd be making and then he realizes he shouldn't do it, would have been a good story, absolutely. Stop doing things for other people, Buck! Do them for you! Because you understand your worth now! But here we are months later and: - His attempt at helping make a baby was successful, and proven successful in the 6A finale, meaning we're nowhere near the end. - The show runner was already talking about the impending birth in her s5 post-mortem interviews. Unless it turns out that Connor was able to impregnate his wife (still rooting for this no matter how unlikely, especially when the reaction could have changed what was meant to happen down the line) there's gonna be a kid, and it will be biologically Buck's. IMO, the people who will still "applaud" the story line if it turns out Buck has a kid out there somewhere are the ones who want to see him with his "own family" because Chris isn't actually his. (Apparently "the family we chose" doesn't apply when there's an option for Big Man, Tiny Baby? Okay.) But to everyone else? RED FLAG. Kristen would not create a fictional child just to never bring it up again. It's easy drama. Also, the audience is going to know that Buck has someone else with his DNA. They are going to be thought of as "his kid", not Christopher, until canon says otherwise. It's a way to appease a certain part of the base in the event that Buddie goes canon because at least he got to have one of his own, right? And honestly, it works in the opposite scenario - Buddie remaining friends throughout - because TPTB have no way of knowing how long OG will run for or how long OS will stick around. If Buck gets a LI that's not Eddie, there may not be time for a pregnancy plot.
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fablestarlet · 1 year
Update starting from July 1st
So if most of ya’ll have not read my past from probably arond 1 weeks ago, i tried to do a vote on weither or not i should renew a new account for other things other things than Danganronpa, or i should stay on my permenant account and post her despite most of my followers being naegiri lovers.
As a decision made by me, i confirmed that i’ll be staying on this account and posting other things other than Danganronpa, though i really hate to say but motivation has been move on to other media that has given me interest. as my pipeline goes, i’ll be doing other things than the usual ship i’ve been loving for almost three years.
Does this mean you’ll stop loving naegiri? Hell to the no i won’t, they’ve been my comfort ship for a long time and had help me improve for the better, but i won’t be drawing them so much as i used to sadly, but do be on the look out for more reblogs i’ll be doing of them.
So the Naegiri banner and icon? Yep, i taking them down and replacing something new. now don’t take this as a sign that i’ll stop loving naegiri, i still know they exist.
What content will you post? Honkai Star Rail and Genshin Impact mainly, but also Pokemon, The Owl house, My Little Pony and of course. Less likely but still into would be Ninjago, Teen Titans (2004).
Where else can i follow you? Twitter and Instragram are my most active, i also have Youtube but i’m less active due to little to no video’s to post. you can find the links right here.
You will post Oc’s too? Yes i will, i have a bunch of them that i want to share including many Genshin oc’s i have coming up. i’ll be using #Fable’s Oc for original oc’s and #Fable’s Genshin Oc for my Genshin Oc’s. a Maserpost will be created to know about my Oc’s so be on the look out for that.
What ships will you post to other than Naegiri? keep in mind some i’ll be posting a lot while others will take a while due to interest: 
Danmarch, Kafblade, Astarlan and Bronseele for Star Rail, 
Shenlan, Cylou,  Xiaoven, Kazugorou for Genshin Impact
Huntlow, Lumtiy, and Raeda for The Owl House
Ikuzono, Ishimondo, Saimatsu, and hinanami for Danganronpa
PS, please do be respectful of the list, i’m perfectly fine if  you dislike one or more of these ships that are here but don’t be a toxic person.
Is this a Goodbye? Nope, i’m not leaving Tumblr lmao, just annoucing new arrangement that i’ll be posting from now on. do be respectful of my desicion though, i am a human being with my own struggles. to me social media is a hobby, not a job about please people with my talent. i got social media to reach out to others with similar interest like mines, and i’m hoping to present more thant just the shipper side of me as well.
End that’s everything i’m saying here, thanks for the whole danganronpa trip that i’ve given you all. hope new posts that i’ll be sharing sparks you interest. see you guy soon!❤
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glamoureddreamer · 2 years
Hiya ♡⸝⸝
Im here to request two matchups!
I would like to request a matchup from Spooky Month and Eddsworld
Sorry if I have to much information in this I kinda got carried away ^^’
Here’s the rundown of me:
- Starting with the basics I prefer to go by she/her pronouns and I am a bisexual who is open to being in poly relationships
- My personality type is infp and I’m a capricorn sagittarius cusp
- Im Hispanic and I have some chub and am also smaller then average (I’m 4’11)
- I smell like strawberry pound cake 24/7 because I am in love with it (this is not sponsored by bath and body works I swear TT)
-I like pink an unhealthy amount
More in-depth look into my personality:
An introvert who has the skills to socialize but doesn’t use them cause they have a low battery when it comes to interacting with others. I’m rather dramatic or eccentric when speaking to those I feel more comfortable around but to others I look like I’m constantly annoyed due to my natural resting bitch face- if anyone does desire to talk to me though I am rather nice and lively in conversations! (Might just be confused why you’re talking to me though)
I am very in tune with others around me or someone that I know and can tell most of the time how they feel just by looking at them.
Affectionate (in my own way) and talkative are two words I would describe myself in any relationship (platonic or romantic)
Side note; I do struggle with clinic depression, anxiety, along with ADHD as well
Small quirks about me:
- I curse often
- Mainly active at night
- I am generally louder then most others
- I like to give people nicknames so I can remember them easier
- I mostly talk in all caps over text most of the time
- I threaten and be mean to people in a loving way/ out of love (goes for friendship and probably a relationship if I know they can handle it)
- I like my alone time
The bad about me:
I self isolate myself a lot from others and am generally bad at keeping communication with someone even if I like them or consider them a friend.
Low self esteem is something I struggle with and the biggest factor behind it being I don’t consider myself good enough.
Even though I am rather ambitious in life and want to do a lot of things but my depression drags me down for having any motivation to do them- which just leads to me doing nothing.
I tend to overthinking a lot
I have a very pessimistic and cynical way of thinking but it doesn’t come out much
Interest and hobbies:
There isn’t a lot I do in terms of hobbies but I do like to draw! Small doodles are usually my go to but I am trying to get better at anatomy so I am practicing that
I like to read aswell (manga, comics, and books in general) but I don’t think that’s a really interesting hobby
Singing is another thing I enjoy doing and I’m hoping to do something more with my voice in the future!
I really want to take on more hobbies in the future so I can actually do something in my free time TT
My interests are harajuku fashion, Sanrio, animation, stationary, picrew, baking, anything cute, nail art, plushies, cats, anything pink, calming video games, selfcare, dresses, singing, abandoned places, coloring, anime, makeup, history, witchcraft, learning more about myself, dark media, magical girls, writing, cafes, shopping, and flowers
Here are some of my kins if that can help you! ˊᗜˋ
Toast (Bee and Puppycat)
Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica)
Vanellope Von Schweetz (Wreck it Ralph)
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Karen (Mean Girls)
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I hope you still enjoy despite the minor inconvenience this was really fun to write! Thank you for the request
For Eddsworld I match you with EDD!
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Edd is the type of man to love you no matter what shape/size you are he thinks you are perfect just the way you are. He doesn’t mind that you are bisexual he’s definitely not straight himself (e.g. him calling Tom hot). He will joke with you about your height though- in a playful way. If you are insecure or you start to get upset he will stop it immediately with lots of apologies.
While doesn’t completely understand why you run out of social battery he does know that it’s emotionally overwhelming so he would take you to your comfort place and make sure you have everything you need to recharge- if you want him to stay there he would be more than willing to cuddle you and just hang out doing whatever you want, but if you want alone time he also completely understands and leaves you alone (of course checking in on you every 10 minutes). Edd would be extremely happy and honored when you are dramatic around him, the thought of you being yourself around him because you trust him makes him very happy. Edd fully understands that just because you have an RBF doesn’t always mean you are mad (thanks to Tom).
Edd is also the time of man to hold you tightly during the days when everything is too much, he’d whisper sweet nothings into your ear and words of affirmation as a way of comfort. He’d also get you anything you’d like! You need candies? You bet. Need another drink? He’s already on it! He cares a lot for you and your mental health. Edd is a kind individual and definitely has his own type of humor and form of love (both platonic and romantic) Edd is rude to his friends but always cares about them in the end.
Prepare for a lot of teasing if you pick on him he’s going to do it back, but like stated before if you actually get upset he apologizes and stops. Edd wouldn’t understand at first why you are not talking to him and so you’ll probably have to explain it to him.
At that point, he’d tell you that it’s okay and that you don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. He will totally! And I mean totally draw you often, especially if you have low self-esteem about your body, and if it’s about you and your personality he’ll leave sticky notes all over the place with small words of affirmation or sweet little reminders like “you are more than good enough” “there’s always a bright side” “I love you more than anything” living with him will totally help with your motivation. He won’t allow you to sit around all day if you wanted to do something the day before he’s taking you to do it. But he does understand that sometimes you need a day off and will take that day off with you to cuddle and relax.
I think you two would totally bond over drawing and if you want to get better he will be more than happy to help you! He will totally listen to you sing! If you love it he’ll take interest in it, even if it’s just you talking about it. The same with reading he’ll constantly ask what you are reading and what it’s about.
Yes- you two will totally bond over animation, baking, cats, and coloring he loves and lives for anything to do art and crafts. If you bake he totally is trying everything or asking you to make him things. If you don’t bake he finds a baking book and plans dates where you to can try together.
Will let you try makeup and nail art on him but nothing too over the top. Will love to take you shopping for clothes, he loves to watch you come out of the changing rooms with a big smile on your face when you find something you love!
Overall I think he would be your perfect match because he is very kind and caring but is also playful/childish and loud. You two will never run out of things to do with each other. Edd will always take joy in the things you do and will always be willing to try things for or with you!
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crazycoke-addict · 2 years
I was scrolling through my tik tok page when I came across a stitch video. The video was a business showing their shirt that says " choke me like Bundy and eat me like Dahmer". The video was stitched by someone bringing up the fact that these serial killer murdered people and destroyed families. This isn't the first time, I've seen this happened not just tik tok but other social media like Twitter and tumblr. Tumblr is probably the main one. These people who romanticised serial killer knows about horrific things they done. They don't have empathy rather they don't have empathy for the right person.
Hybristophillia is when you are attracted to dangerous people like serial killers. Serial killers or any criminal who did heinous crimes are seen as monsters while for people who have hybristophillia see them as misunderstood. Yes, there are people out there who have serial killers and their childhood put two and two together that their actions do stem from their rough childhood but they still chose to kill innocent people. Meanwhile the ones who have hybristophillia believe because the lack of love they got became what they are. Thinking that if give them the love and appreciation than maybe they wouldn't end killing people or would feel remorseful and start their own redemption arc. Hybristophillia mainly appears through heterosexual woman which is ironic because they tend to be the main victims.
There are two types of hybristophillia. The first one being passive or as I like to call the 'I can fix him' type. They are attracted to criminal and will also date him but they won't participate in the crimes. They believe that their love will make him stop and will also excuse his behaviour by bringing up his life but also saying he would never harm them. The other being is Agressive or "I can make him worse" where they actively partipate in their lover's criminal acts. This being luring victims, help hide the bodies and even participate directly in the crimes themselves. Serial killers like Myra Hindley and Karla Homolka actually fit into this category.
Just like how their criminal counterparts, hybristophillia is a cause that can stem from childhood. Study shows that women who have history of abuse in their childhood tend to seek out male partners as similar to their own abusive parents. So, let's say that the father was abusive to the mother and she didn't leave him. Because he's the only father figure she knows and believes that abuse is form of showing his love to you. So they find men who have a criminal and aggressive profile. I also do think that any women who has hybristophillia believes that what a bad boy is because he actually committed a crime not try to look like a bad boy. They would go and visit them during the trial, they would sent letters to serial killers. Hoping that the serial killer might respond back. Hoping that one day, they could be the lucky girl. He choose to marry despite being sentenced to life or on a death row.
Telling someone with hybristophillia what that romanticising serial killers is wrong and the things they done isn't going anywhere. Especially when TV shows like American Horror Story keeps doing the exact same thing. I think we should just ignore them and continued telling the stories of the victims because I feel like we lost that in the true crime community. We forgot why true crime is talked about by keeping victim's story alive and if the families don't want than we should respect that.
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silverxcristal · 2 years
Why do you still use twitter if you hate it so much /genq
It is still has some use to me, mainly for fast news soucre, some friends and artists i like only having that website active, and recently I can trespass my photos and videos from my switch to pc via Twitter.
The algorithm doesn't benefict me, I don't get involved in fights or drama but can observe quietly and be aware of it, and want it or not connection with brands or irl topics and whats going on have to happen one way or the other for me, I refuse to watch TV or get in newspaper websites
If twitter die i wont care, if it stops being useful to me with this new uploads ill 100% abandon it and let it rot like my 14 y/o DA account. But as now I'm just tossing things there and wait for nothing, if the algorithm ever benefict me and tracks people my way the main social media I have displayed is always Tumblr first
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