#I may make a video of me turning this feature on when I do hahaha
hi friend
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calciferstims · 2 years
ohh its fine, dont worry! but, doesnt tumblr do that automatically nowadays? put posts under a cut? i seen posts being put under a cut, but granted, idk if they do it themselves or nah lol.
yoooo legit same here!! i wasnt sure what it was about at all before i began watching it, i do like going into some stuff completely blind, having no idea whats it about and so on. i feel like it makes stuff more funny to watch? ayo if you into pirate stuff, idk if you into watching anime though, but if you lowkey are you may like it hahah. its actually really funny.
yall, i was watching so much anime these past days being sick that i legit have burnt tf outta them lol...now im just barely getting through one episode of any im watching and im like "ehhhh...thats gonna have to be it for today. maybe even for tomorrow" lmao. all i been watching is, seriously the fucking youtube shorts. its an evil cycle though, bc i'll go into it thinking "just one, this one that im clicking im gonna watch" and then the scrolling begins, until its the semi same videos popping up then i'll quit.
i agree, and i aint no fan, but i wanna know what the hell happened. whole set too uncomfy to release what happened lmaoo 😂
oh my god what a coincidence lmfao. "french izzy cant hurt you" LMFAOOO. 😂 what the hell was just witnessed LMFAOOO WHAT WAS THAT?? it sounded like all he made was some strange noises and then ohzzee OHHHZZZZEEE!!
absolutely wild to think someone being given a whole ass ship at the age of 17, thats crazy! i lowkey do wonder, bc im dumb lmfao fr i am, how does people know that people like this existed way back then. like what are the 'proofs' or whatever of them having existed. like how do they know their names too. not to be a creep but i lowkey thought you was like 18. SORRY IF THAT WAS WEIRD TO SAY. 😳
yea! they legit be puking out all these kinds of emojis but NO CAPY??? illegal! CRIMINALITY EVEN!
oh? do tell me what you'd think he could do worse lmfao, im curious... 😳 LMFAOOO you legit speak of him like you know him in person! plot twist: yall related and he is your uncle. 😳😳 hahaha jkjk!
what if you sent in some suggestions of what he could do, and the crew working on it was like "oh my...these are some good ideas lettuce try them out!" 😂
hope you have a good day! ~🐨
HIII NONNY boy oh boy did I go through an Event on the izzy hands front lmaoooo but let’s get to that in a minute shhsghs
ohh yeah I forgot that tumblr cuts off long posts now bc I’m pretty sure I just turned that feature off lmao
aw burnout’s no fun!! :( especially with something you like that much. just take it easy I think 😌 don’t push yourself to watch anything yknow
and yeah it’s crazy to think about pirating at that age!!! to answer your question I think most of our solid information about people back then is based on like surviving documents and stuff (like I’m pretty sure I found something that had a court trial involving Israel Hands?? Idk) but there’s also a lot from like, random books about pirates, which we can’t even be sure about the validity of those sources 🤔 it’s interesting to think about. but like I figure a lot of that stuff is passed down through fancy tales and stories especially when it comes to the really famous pirates. like, israel hands wasn’t that big but he did work under blackbeard, so 🤷
and don’t worry about it 😅 I’m not 18 yet sadly but you’re only a year off on that one so. no big deal lmao
anyways yeah but ON THE TOPIC OF THE DADDY THING AND CON LMAOOO so I was lowkey (highkey) freaking out recently because there was a convention :O Con O’Neill and another actor from OFMD appeared at a comic con and did a panel and I lost my MIIND lmao 😂😂 it was the first time I’ve ever gotten to hear Con really talk about Izzy since he hasn’t done any interviews for ofmd and it was super exciting!!! Plus I’m just hyperfixated on Con too so it was like. CAL HYPERFIXATION EVENT EXTREME MODE GHSHSHHS I was bouncing off the walls
he did actually talk about the daddy bit!! 😂 turns out it was indeed improvised by him on the spot and he didn’t even really register that he was doing it until he heard the words come out of his mouth GHSHSHJSJS. he then proceeded to full on growl ‘daddy’ into the mic bc he’s insane like that sggsgshsb
he also joked about taking his shirt off REPEATEDLY during the whole thing so like. I feel like that just answers your questions about this man lmaooo he’s so funny to me
I think he knows how obsessed people are with him at this point and it’s just given him FAR too much power. If he was that crazy in ofmd season 1 WITHOUT a rabid fanbase behind him I cannot fucking wait to see how insane and hilarious he could be in season 2 with all this added confidence.
but yeah there was soooo much going on that day gshsggsvs the pictures were hysterical and he said some stuff about Izzy that just made me want to laugh and cry and go insane,, I was actually thinking like damn where is my anon friend I must talk to them!!! 😂😂
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here is my insane lil man with his fellow actor ^^^ sghshhs I’m obsessed with them
really hope you’re doing well!!!!! also forgot to say this but I think just going into a show without knowing anything ab it is so funny 😂 especially with anime like who knows WHAT is gonna happen lmaoo
thank u for chatting again!!
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ephemeral-sorrow · 4 years
The Sweetness of Frenemic Love
Sometimes the strangest thoughts enter my head and make me write something bizarre but really touching at the same time. :D
pairing: Lilly x Male!MC
summary: It`s one step from hatred to love.
warning: a bunch of fluff  ;)
Have you ever experienced resentment towards someone you`ve never met in real life? 
Felt irritation and anger bubble up inside your head like lava slowly filling the volcano to the brim, almost turning your eyes into two sizzling hot coals? 
Lilly had been familiar with these disgusting sensations even before she got to knew MC - the obnoxious stranger Hannah sent her number to and the one who managed to infiltrate their group and spread insurgency among everyone and everything around. Her sister`s disappearance ruined their peaceful lives, putting Lilly and her parents into huge stress, when each day with news even more horrible than on previous one, took away all their hope. So, to conclude it all, a completely unknown weirdo, who gained access to different sorts of information as well as trust of her blindly oblivious friends, now was sticking his nose into other people`s business without pangs of conscience.
The way things were progressing kept Lilly infuriated and incredibly... depressed. She refused to admit that to herself, but she was even angrier because of her own helplessness. She wanted to do something useful and finally get a clue that might come in handy or at least set things up so that the investigation would be faster and more efficient. However, guys from the group already had their own theories, sources and clues, took part in various events and furthermore, acted carelessly, not paying attention to threats.  ... They made it clear that Lilly`s advice was pointless, just like her participation.
That`s why the mere thought of some stranger doing more for Hannah than her family made something snap inside, clouding Lilly`s judgement and true character with boundless spite. Not to mention, pure fear engulfed her at the suggestion that MC may be the real culprit, and here, cards played so flawlessly right into his hands...
                                                       *     *     *
Now it was a completely different story, and it was kind of hard to believe that was how she used to think of him only a year ago. A lot happened, making those restless days seem like a distant memory or rather a thrilling movie, characters of which were another people, portrayed in another places and time.
“So, what do you make of my new car?”
Lilly blinked, snapping out of her flooding thoughts and returned her attention to the cup of chocolate icecream with gente, pink frosting before her -  and finally, stared at the rest of the group, that made themselves comfortable at the cafe table. Today was the celebration on account of Dan`s grandiose purchase - dashing, brand new Audi A3 model. It costed him a fortune but didn`t lessen his enthusiasm nor pride(having exited the hospital as soon as possible, he spent a great deal of effort in finding a good job AND cutting down on alcohol). As a result, every time he ordered apple juice at the Rainbow cafe he declared: “Cool dudes drink only juice!”.
“Dan, that was the hundredth time you`ve asked this question”, despite the fake bored tone, Cleo wore an amused smile, dropping her usual strictness.
“What can I possibly do when all of you are so short-spoken?” Dan dramatically leaned back on the soft cushion. “I need details. Not talking about this pretty girl is a sacrilege”.
“If she was mine, I`d call her ‘babe’ “, ice cubes softly clincked against the glass, as Richy thoughtfully twisted his cocktail in his hand. “And the quiet purrs of her engine are the same as a hearbeat--”
“Now, now, you`re just being ridiculous!” Hannah`s melodic laugh ringed before drowning in the chatter of the crowded cafe. Lilly`s insides warmed up upon seeing her sister smiling sweetly in the Thomas` embrace. She was safe and sound, cheerful and full of love for the surrounding world. Everything was back to normal and it made Lilly genuinely happy--
She felt hot breath pleasantly tickle her ear before a crisp, familiar voice sensually whispered to her:
“I don`t know about others, but if you asked me, the only ‘babe’ I see is you”.
Lilly couldn`t really help the flush that spread on her neck, so she coughed, pretending to be extremely interested in her icecream, which was already starting to melt.
She casted a quick glance at the man beside her, attempting to look unfazed by his sudden compliment only to be met with his mischievous, affectionate eyes.
“MC, we`re... we`re in public”, she whispered back rather shyly.
“You were kind of dreamy while looking at Thomas and Hannah, so I decided to remind you that you didn`t come here alone”.
“Hmph”, Lilly pouted, fixing the fallen lock of her hair. “as if I need your tasteless remarks to cheer up. You should come up with something more original”.
MC laughed airily, flashing his signature confident smirk. Lilly took a small breath, furrowed her delicate brows and turned away stubbornly, turning a deeper shade of red. She didn`t like her heart clenching bittersweetly at his actions, especially in front of her unsuspecting friends. It was difficult to keep a perfectly composed face.
“I`ll cook you Peking meat by my special receipt tonight”, MC continued as if nothing had happened, absentmindedly observing the lively conversation between Jessy, Dan and Thomas, and how Cleo was showing Hannah something on the phone.
“I’ll take it as an invitation to your house?” Lilly inquired. “Why are you so sure I`m going to accept it?”
“Oh please, sweetie, do you want me to list all reasons in front of so many people?” His expression was calm and serious, but Donfort knew better: he was mercilessly teasing her, not caring about precautions at all.
Lilly hit his leg under the table, earning a triumphant ‘ouch’ in response.
                                                     *     *     *
Later that evening at his place, after having had a fair piece of the most delicious meat she has ever eaten, Lilly was helping MC to wash the dishes, drying the shiny plates with a cloth and placing them into the cupboard. He was mumbling a delightful tune under his breath. She glanced at his features. Somehow simply being with this person made her forget about all troubles. But what about him?
“MC”, Lilly tried to sound not too curious. 
“Why did you choose me of all girls? I mean... I`ve never thought that you might become interested in me after what I did to you a year ago with that video and vote. Like in person, let alone a woman. You`ve been best friends with Jessy from the start, so it would`ve been logical if you two have had a thing”.
“To be honest with you, your brother said the same”, he smiled with the corners of his mouth. “What I found in you”.
“Excuse me, what!?” the girl exploded with outrage, dropping the cloth out of surprise. “Jake, that little jerk!! He`s supposed to back me up in situations like this!”
MC was holding his laughter for his dear life or he would inevitably get a handful but frankly, it was getting harder.
“What did you reply? Come on, I want to know!!” Lilly was worried and frustrated at the same time, looking at him impatiently and expectantly, like a little kid who desired to know their present for birthday.
“You seem so desperate-- HAHAHA, I CAN`T!”
Lilly groaned and threw a sponge at him on full speed, not bothering that it was still wet and full of soap. What was so funny when all she wanted to hear was these important words of confirmation?
MC cleaned his face and came closer.
“I replied that you`re the one who understands me. The one who always makes my day brighter. Also you are kind and candid”, his palm rested against her cheek, tenderly caressing it, as she leaned for his touch.
“I can often be impulsive and sharp”.
“That doesn`t make you worse. You always speak your mind. I think it`s admirable. Not to mention, you are a truly charming and elegant woman”.
She didn`t let MC finish his sentence because their lips collided in a soft, albeit passionate manner. Lilly lived up to her statement - this kiss was spontaneous and full of feeling. She traced his wide shoulders, stopping when her hands found their place in his unruly hair, slightly tugging at it. 
They parted once they ran out of air.
“Jake additionally said my romantic confession would lead to this”.
“Ugh, you`re terrible!!”
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sunriseintropicisle · 3 years
Things that makes me happier
I gave up posting number in front of my post title, initially it was to mark whether I reach the goal of posting a writing every week, which made me had to post 52 writings for the year of 2021, and by this point I am pretty sure I am not gonna reach that number so yes, we can forget it. 
So I personally feel like recently I am in a better state of being, and have lots of idea coming up in my head. While I still religiously write on my handwritten journal, I feel like writing, in case my nonexistent reader would like to know, or give some inspirations. Lol, like who you are. 
No, really, I am just really believe in sharing, and I would love to know if my mundane knowledge or experience be insightful even to only one other person. Because I myself found multiple times that a knowledge/sharing that someone posted online impacted me greatly - hence I am just thinking about the other me who may be seeking the things I am about to say/share. 
Things that makes me happier are:
Intermittent Fasting
I have been doing IF for 2 weeks now, and yeah, it makes me feel good. I started initially because, duh, like everyone else, I wanted to lose weight. Some might want to kick me in the ass for saying such thing, and assure me that I have normal body and yada yada. And, as straight forward as it is - I just want to be as skinny as possible. Hahaha. Maybe it is something to do with me very sold into the standard beauty, or maybe it’s got to do with something in the past - I was quite cheeky. 
However, even though I always say that I want to lose weight, over the years I have never really made the effort. Some days I took it hard some days it just a normal day, me eating this and that and whatnot. But then I have noted the intention of  me wanting to be so skinny, on top of those beauty standard I believe have huge impact in me and a quite hard time in the past for being cheeky is because it simply makes me feel lighter, not holding anything within my body. Because for the context and some TMI, I have a not so good digestion, so yeah. There was a period of the time that I often I feel stuffed and bloated - which felt so uncomfortable, that I can’t stand working while sitting because I felt my stomach is getting on my way.
I tried IF a while back, and it worked for me, so now I decided to try it again now. Intention achieved. I believe it was because the time window for eating that pool all the food I eat in a day to be only consumed for certain times (I do 7 hours, my best convenience). I used to eat on times where, looking back, I was not really hungry, you know. Like breakfast - turned out (I don’t know why I forget about this) that I am not a breakfast person. All through high school I don’t remember myself sitting, eating breakfast in my uniform. 
But then I just picked up a habit of eating breakfast while my stomach is actually not really ready for it, which end up making me feel bloated that last long all through lunch and pretty much for the day - and then without me knowing the new day has begin, and the cycle starts all over. 
So yeah, IF had helped me to be to schedule my eating time which made my digestion works better I guess, and no more me having a bloated stomach constantly.
Quitting Social Media
Finally I succeed in cutting myself with social media. This, I also had tried in the beginning of the pandemic I guess - went on without social media for weeks and at that time I really felt the benefit and all, until I came back to social media and can not disconnect ever since. Even though I have been wanting to detox myself, but at the same time I felt really dependent on it.
It took me one lows moment of life to finally be able to went cold turkey about disconnecting. It was when I felt frustrated on Twitter news where every day it seems like there were a bad news - people died, people lost jobs, people complaining, the news about our incompetent and corrupt government and so on. Without me realizing, it took a toll on myself. Other than that was me who checking in Linkedin constantly at the time and seeing my friends’ profile whose climbing up the corporate ladder, while I was unsure and questioning whether I am in the right place (sounds like the problem of these days youth who lives in their own bubble, yeah?). 
So one Friday where I had one of my breakdown, I went MIA for the weekend to the people who are close to me, as well as to my social media. It’s only been 2 weeks now, but it is safe to say that I can reclaim myself within these times, suddenly lots of thinking came up to me, as if all these times the bad news maybe somewhat oppress it or something. And, I also feel more certain about what is going on my mind/heart. 
I believe quitting social media has its downside as well, as like I really am not having an update on the news (90% of my news source is Twitter - how sad yet could not be truer for most of us), I completely blind on our Covid update I even think that Covid is slowing down in the territory. Yeah, as expected you lose win some as well as you lose some, but for now at leas, I decided to win for myself. 
Olympic 2020
I have never watched Olympic before, as far as I remember. Nor that I care about it. But this time is different. I believe the fact that we are on privilege to be in the safety of home have a huge part in me having the opportunity to watch the Olympic - thanks for that. For almost two weeks I was hooked to my TV, even one time I was on my TV from 6am to 10pm and watched all the games they aired. 
To have the company to watch was a big advantage as well. As now I have my sibling in the house, I teamed up with my sister to watch the Olympic, we both did not know that we enjoyed it so much that we invested in each game we watched. We cheered for athletics, we scream for badminton, we gasped for weightlifting. It was a very fun experience. For almost two weeks I change my work station in front of the TV and so did my sister. 
On top of that, what made Olympic special and very intrigued me was the diversity of the athletes. I guess I just did not exposed to such diversity as it was presented in the Olympic. I was presented with some very foreign countries whose name I hardly heard, or the people whose features were different one another. 
Questions like why some sports dominated my a certain race while other sports dominated by others also popped out in my head. And not to mention my awed to each of these Olympian athletes when they perform their sports, I always wonder what it takes for them to be there right now - how many years of training, how much tears were sacrificed and relationships had to be let go. There were just so many elements of the Olympics that made me really drawn and invested in it. 
Surprise, surprise. 
Well, my attraction to Youtube recently was different because of the previous para - Olympic. Because of getting really drawn into the Olympic athlete, I was searching lots of reference videos. And as we all know how we are being spied and we are mere a number for these big tech companies, they get to know me better know and present me with more content that I love (or else I had never discovered). 
I am not sure what I searched previously, but Youtube chose that I now an avid cultural researcher, jk. Yeah, I watched a lot about something culture-related on Youtube because it is funny, looking back, I was once really attracted to be a global citizen and what not (what a flavor of youth!!), traveling the world, meeting people from other countries, make impact in the NGO (before long I know the NGOs are mostly funded by big corporations as well, heart breaking reality for me). 
What I am saying is that the savvy man-made tech of Youtube has made me rediscover my old interest about culture! And I just actually learn that you can learn a lot from Youtube’s comment section, which debates often open up you to things which are (1) people can comment based on data and have every intention to educate other people; and (2) people more often be ignorant, and how much you are on the right stance, with the wrong people, you can still be, yeah wrong. 
Somehow the lesson I gained in the Youtube’s comment section was really grounding to me to realize these polar of people, and in the end what you can do is only simply be you because after all, people really will hold on to their own opinion and belief. 
Jigsaw Puzzle 
RECCOMENDED 100/100. Damn, wasn’t it a good choice when one day I decided to try out jigsaw puzzle to entertained myself while waiting my partner to reply my chat message? 
On the one of the breakdown moment I mentioned I believe that I had to have distraction and I thought of either a puzzle or a coloring book. I ended up buying both, but I am positive that I am more drawn to jigsaw puzzle. I first ordered a 1500 piece puzzle and when it first came, I kind of secretly afraid that I will give up. Also my mother being my mother and she was pessimist that I would finish the puzzle. 
But one time I was just playing by myself, not expecting anything or even asked anyone to help me (afraid that I put too much task on other people), yet my sister helped me out, and a while after my mom helped we out as well. Resulting in the puzzle finished in 3 days. Soon after I order new puzzle, and so did my sister. Her order came first and it was a 1000 pieces puzzle, which we finished in 2 hours (boo, it turned out to be too easy), and now we are opening up our 3rd puzzle and tried to work on it. 
I am just really happy that I discovered it, it is really great way to bond and filling time. And every time I successfully put the pieces together - that just very satisfying feelings! I believe I will have more and more puzzle to come in the near future. 
I hope one of the thing above will work out for you and make you happier as well as it had affected me. 🤗
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH34
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 5,092
- Author Note: Hello! i am finally updating on time hahaha :< okay im being serious!
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Chapter 34
“Seul! Don’t forget the rice, you don’t want those starving boys to eat side dishes only” she heard her mom hollered from the kitchen while Seul fixed her hair hurriedly. “Yes mom! Coming” with one final glance, she exited her room and lifted the heavy bags on the ground to be brought to studio where Bangtan had their filming.
Mrs Hwang looked unamused watching her daughter’s struggle “Are you sure, you don’t want Hoon to help you with those?” Hoon’s ears perked up in interest when he heard his name being called.
“Nuna won’t let me, she is possessive over her Bangtan oppas” Seul sneered, throwing daggers at Hoon’s away. Their mother nodded with an unknowing smile that annoyed her even more. The longer she stayed it would only give them the upper hand to make fun of her.
Sulkily, Seul pushed her body to the front door, slipping on her favourite sneaker “Tell your oppas that I say hi” she teased.
“Mom! Don’t gang up on me with Hoon. I am leaving” she pursed her lips into a pout, as she exited the apartment. Seul made her way to the studio with happy thoughts, and since she hadn’t seen the boys for weeks, it doubled her excitement.
Earlier that day she received a call from Manager Sejin who seek assistance from Seul since there was no available staff to handle Bangtan’s lunch. Considering that they had to reschedule the filming of their new music video earlier than they had planned, the team managed to get almost everyone on the set except one or two runners who supposed to look after the boys’ welfare during the filming.
That was how Seul came in, indeed she’s quite helpful at some point. Seul might be an amateur about how the industry work, but this young lady could adapt with her surrounding super-fast, which made her the perfect runner whenever Bighit in need of extra hands.
Arriving at the scene one hour before their lunch break, cheerfully, she skidded inside greeting the staffs along her way. Some staffs that she used to work together in Las Vegas before looked excited and happy to see her again. As soon as her eyes landed on Semmy, the head stylist, her smile turned into a wide goofy grin “Unnie!” she walked over to the older woman.
“Seul, oh god! Good to see you again. I heard from Sejin that you are coming, are those the boys’ food I see inside the bags?” she showed off her cute dimple smile.
“Glad to see you again unnie! Yes, it is theirs. Where can I place this?” Seul beamed while her eyes scanned the huge indoor studios until it stopped on the set not far from her. The set looked pretty colourful with a touch of galaxy and universe element around them, she assumed the concept was different from their previous comeback. Scuff marks on the floor was evident which simply means they had went through the dance non-stop since god knew when.
Those hardworking babytans would not let take anything for granted.
“Their waiting room, the boys are having their shoot next door. There is another set which is like this. Let me help you” Semmy offered to carry one of the bags and led the way to the waiting room. Seul could hear loud music beyond the wooden wall and to know that the boys were there put her heart at ease at least.
Placing the bag down, Seul carefully took out the lunchboxes one by one setting it on the empty table with a soft smile. Obviously, it was past their lunch time, she wondered how they got their energy to dance hard without having proper food.
“You can wait here, they will finish in an hour maximum, so let me know if you need anything. I need to check on them” Semmy packed necessary items inside her small pouch hanging loosely around her waist. Glancing at the clueless girl, she finally cracked another sweet smile as if she could read Seul’s mind.
Semmy let out a soft chuckle “It would be great if you are willing to help me, assisting the boys. Are you up for it?” upon hearing the offer, it only took her five seconds to respond with so much enthusiasm.
“Yes! Can I help? I don’t think it will be fun to sit here alone” the latter then smiled shyly.
“Of course, Seul. I would love to have you back in my team even it is for this period only, lets go. Bring extra facial tissues and compact powder, you may need to dry off their sweat” Seul obeyed the charismatic head stylist and quickly picked up necessary items before setting off with her to the other side of the world.
The world with sweet manly scent.
There was no doubt this thick smell in the air was made for manly men like Bangtan, fresh and musky.
Semmy and Seul were greeted by friendly smiles from the staffs who seemed busy cleaning the black scratches on the floor, and few men were fixing the lights at the corner which was used for the filming. Her eyes once again wandered around to find the exact faces that she had been dying to see since weeks ago. Stood behind the director were Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi looking serious in their discussion.
On the other hand, Taehyung and Jimin were sitting side by side getting pampered by their stylist noona. Those two were sweating so much that they had to dry off the jackets that they wore so it could be worn again for the next take. Meanwhile, Jin and Jungkook were nowhere to be seen near them. They were off to washroom or something, she thought.
Sunshine Hoseok was the first one who noticed her presence there and threw the warmest smile ever. It did not stop right there, like a flash, she saw him already making his way toward her, pulling the small girl into his embrace “I missed you” he whispered earnestly.
“I thought it was a one-sided thing. I missed you too Hobi. So much!” she returned the hug as passionate as his. “Seul, you look thinner. Did you overwork yourself?” Seul pulled away from the hug and stared at the leader with a scoff.
“Speak for yourself Namjoon-ssi. Look at you guys! It is not even a month, and you guys looks skinnier than the last time I saw you. How is this possible?” she exclaimed in disbelief. For an odd reason, Yoongi stood stiffly there behind the director without moving an inch. Neither did he greet Seul nor he smiled like he usually did. Seul couldn’t help but to notice Yoongi’s odd behaviour, it seemed a little off to her.
Did she do something to upset him?
Or was it the stress from this filming messing his mind?
“It is promotional period missy; therefore, it is normal for us to appear healthy and good in front of Armys” an arm slung around her shoulder from her right-side startling her, then she realized it was Kim Seokjin.
“Jinnie!” her eyes twinkled in happiness to finally see that handsome man again this close to her. It was obvious among the boys, only Jin didn’t go through such a drastic change. Deep down inside she’s glad to see everyone looking healthy and energetic just that she wouldn’t never understand why it mattered to lose a little weight during their promotional period.
The boys looked damn fine, they didn’t need to lose weight just because of this.
Namjoon lost not a little but quite a lot of his signature baby fats around his cheeks. It was one of her favourite area that she adored the most because whenever the older guy smiled, his cute dimple matched that chubby cheeks of his. Like it was meant to be that way. His face glowed up ten times more with the presence of those cheeks.
Jin squished her shoulder, smiling from ear to ear “I missed you Seul. Are you doing fine without us?” if anyone could see the obvious jealousy in Yoongi’s eyes, they would probably think the man might be able to crush Jin’s bones using that fiery eyes of his.
To her distaste, she could feel Yoongi hard gaze on her and before she could turn to find him, he was already gone. Her lips slightly parted, sighing inwardly. Seul returned her attention to Jin and chatted with him to erase the uneasiness in her for the time being. Her body was used to the job as Semmy’s temporary assistant. Moving fluidly around assisting Semmy with the boys’ hair and outfits, Seul still got the momentum.
Seul returned to the set with a new jacket that was meant for Jungkook. They had finished their group shots and were left with individual shot before having a short break. Walking up to Taehyung, Seul inquired him the maknae whereabouts “Jungkook is sitting there, waiting for his turn” he blinked and pointed out at the direction near to Jimin’s individual shot.
“I got this, thanks Tae!” she grinned.
Stealthily, she approached the figure sitting cross legged on the floor with his back facing her “Jungkook-ah” she called out softly. When she earned zero response from him, she furrowed her brows and crouched down in front of him.
Seul was surprised to see Jungkook dozed off in that position. He looked dead-ass exhausted and fragile in this state, poor guy. She rested her chin on top of her knees, as she scrutinized the man in front of her, admiring his perfect facial feature. If and only they were in a room alone, she would love to feel his soft skin at the tip of her fingers.
She expelled of a soft sigh, mentally scolding herself for being inconsistent with her feelings. Seul realized, this thing must be stopped. Leading them on would only cause pain in the future, with that she had to make up her mind soon.
There was a small movement coming from him as his nose scrunched up cutely and his head was tilted to the side slightly. With Seul quick reflex, she placed her palm under Jungkook’s chin to keep his head still, so he won’t hurt his neck when he woke up. She stayed like that ignoring her already sore arms.
Seul was lost in her own little world for her to notice every pair of eyes in the room were on both of them. Some of the staffs were already whispering at the corner, questioning their closeness. Even the busy bee Jimin stole few seconds of his time to witness the scene not far from him with a deep frown.
Semmy flicked Jimin’s forehead earning a soft whine from the cute guy “You are so obvious. Stop frowning” she teased.
“I didn’t do anything” he protested.
“Yes, you did. I smelled something burnt”
“What?” bewildered, Jimin eyes the older woman suspiciously.
A playful smirk spread across her face “Your heart it is burning” she poked fun while her fingers did her job, fixing her blond lock back to its original state. Jimin pressed his plump lips together into a thin line, ignoring Semmy’s tease to appear professional.
 Five minutes later, Jungkook was awoken by the loud noise came from Namjoon and Jin. Those two brats were basically fooling around on the dance floor, having their so called mini dance battle. Unamused by the interruption, his eyes fluttered opened only to be welcomed by Seul’s face. Jungkook blinked his eyes making sure he wasn’t dreaming. Her pale, skinnier face was serene.
“Yah..” that was the first thing came out from his beautiful lips.
Cringing, Seul raised one of her brows, tossing Jungkook a questionable expression. “Yah? That is not how you greet your nuna!” she removed her hand hastily from his chin.
“Nuna? Since when you are my nuna?” he rolled his eyes.
“Jeon Jungkook. You are becoming rude. Why are you sleeping like this? Get proper seat and take a short nap” she gave him a light pat on his back.
“It is okay nuna, since you are doing me a favour like this. I don’t mind sleeping all day” he clucked his tongue inside his mouth. Seul ruffled his hair and arose from her feet “Enough fooling around Jungkook, it is your turn soon. Take off your jacket” he looked at her with admiration.
Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck, while keeping that arrogant smirk of his “Nuna, you are so sly and straightforward. Can it wait till we are alone?” her eyes widened in pure horror.
“No, you idiot. Take off your jacket so you can wear the new one for your individual shot. God, you are impossible Jeon Jungkook. Who corrupts your innocent brain?” she flicked his forehead, scolding the younger guy.
He puckered his lower lips, faking his sadness to earn Seul’s sympathy “Don’t give me that pouty face. You go all daddy with me a minute ago, now you are acting like a baby” she sneered sarcastically whilst her hand helped him to take off his denim jacket.
“Daddy? So, you are into that huh…Alright…” Jungkook smiled playfully; his nose scrunched up cutely as his eyes turned into little crescents.
Since when Jeon Jungkook had become this dangerous? Seul mentally cursed while she struggled with her own confusion. Do not fall for it, don’t fall for Jungkook. She reminded herself all over again.
Finally, they wrapped up their filming the following days with their album jacket shots. It was a hectic week for everyone though the real promotion had not officially started yet until September. Semmy requested for Seul’s presence the last day of their photoshoots to assist the boys on set which she gladly complied without much objections.
Wandering around cluelessly around the large indoor set, she was looking for Min Yoongi. There was something about how he acted around her since few days ago bothering her. She couldn’t simply un-see the obvious, didn’t she?
Since they were done with the shoots, she gathered her courage to confront that man. There’s no way she let this thing slide without a closure. If she wanted to make up her mind, she might as well need to sort this small issue around her wisely.
Climbing up the stairs which led her to the rooftop, this was her last resort. She had been looking for Yoongi everywhere inside and outside the building yet he’s nowhere to be found. Pushing the door open, she hoped to see Suga beyond that door and she was right.
Seul fixed her gaze on the tall, lean figure with his back facing her. She flinched at the vivid image in front of her what looked like a cigarette between his fingers. She had no idea that Yoongi’s the type of guy that smoke, or was she objectifying him just because he’s an idol and not capable of doing such thing.
Yoongi broke his blank stare when he heard hustling sound behind him and he turned around quickly to face Seul. He looked baffled at first however annoyance took over his mind and emotion as soon as he realized it was only Seul.
“Do you smoke?” her steps were timid, yet she managed to stand beside him breathlessly.
He snapped, “How does it matter to you?”
“Of course, it does, your health matters to me Yoongi. Don’t be a brat” she frowned darkly.
“What do you want Seul?” he took a long puff on his cigarette and expelled the smoke slowly.  Seul began to cough softly, “Stop smoking and we can talk” she covered her nose to avoid herself from inhaling the polluted air around her.
“I am not in the mood to talk. Now, can you just leave and respect my personal space” he stated firmly.
Showing no sign of backing away Seul clenched her fist in anger as she raised her voice “What the hell is wrong with you?” Yoongi wanted to be offended by her sudden outburst but he knew it was his fault to start this meaningless fight with her.
“You are asking me?” he scoffed.
“Yes, idiot. What is wrong with you? You have been avoiding me the whole week. I could not ignore those daggers that you threw at me. What did I do?” Seul held back his anger wanted to hear it out from him first before jumping into conclusion.
“And you are asking me what is wrong with me?” he shook his head in disbelief. Throwing the lit cigarette on the ground, he stepped on it as he continued “You slept with Jungkook” she looked at him in bewilderment.
How in the world he had access to that information?
Did Jungkook share their intimate moment with Yoongi? Technically, they didn’t actually go all way but why would Jungkook reveal the secret to Yoongi?
Guilt consumed her as she knew it. She had committed the biggest mistake in her life by fooling around with two guys at once. No one should be blamed but her.
How’s she going to fix this.
“I didn’t sleep with him. We got carried away” her voice broke and she wondered if she could say the words she needed to.
“We got carried away too, Ji Seul” he scowled sarcastically. Yoongi raised his hand in frustration “I don’t understand. Jungkook must be one hell of a guy for you to give in that easily! Where your heart lies?” Seul chewed quivering lips preventing it from moving.
She emitted a long and deep sigh “I don’t know Yoongi”
“Damn it. Make up your mind woman!” he was looking at her intently, his eyes darken in anger. It intimidated her. She had never seen Yoongi this angry not even when Jimin calling her a bitch, this talk was serious and became a turning point to everything.
“Jungkook and I have agreed on this, we will give you time to think until we’re done with our comeback promotion”
“What? Yoongi that is impossible...”
Yoongi paused to take a deep breath “It is possible. Think about it thoroughly, I know we are not supposed to push you and forces the answer. We said we will be able to handle this until you are ready however this doesn’t work Seul-ah. This no longer only involves our feelings for you. Did you see? We want to show how much we love you through our action. We don’t want to repeat the same mistakes. We may be brothers, yet we can’t break our bro codes. We’re not sleeping with the same girl, that is fucked up” as much as she hated to be stuck in between, yet she agreed with him. For a moment, she should think the consequences of this messy love stories and stop being selfish.
Yoongi took a step forward, taking her cold hands in his “Seul-ah, make up your mind and we will accept your decision with an open heart. We are ready. Do it for us please?” his cold and demanding voice was long gone. She could feel the desperation and his sincerity making she felts extremely uncomfortable with this situation.
After a long contemplation, Seul decided to comply with their request. At the end of the day, she couldn’t stay like this forever. A decision needs to be made before things got out of hand. “Alright. I agree on that” reluctantly, she let Yoongi engulfed her into a tight hug.
The future is finally here. It’s terrifying.
Time passes quickly, as in it’s early September already? The date of BTS Love Yourself is set to be released in mid-September. For once she wished to slow down the time, so she could have more time in hand before making the biggest decision in her life.
Truth to be told, Jungkook and Yoongi did not show any obvious flirting towards her lately. Thankfully, they were giving her some space for herself to think and reflect. Oblivious by the situation would be Jimin. Part of her was grateful that Jimin seemed to have lost his interest in her romantically yet she couldn’t help but to wander what changed him.
Jimin treated her more like a best friend or sister. The drastic change in him really triggers her curiosity, though she’s dying to inquire him about them, but she refrained the urge from embarrassing herself in front of Jimin.
That day she had decided to visit their place after her shift ended in the evening, more like she wanted to avoid Mr Kwon at all cost. She had purposely taken morning shift these days to avoid him. Considering he’d showed at the oddest time of the day, Seul found it is safer to work during the day. It is safer to do so.
The rapper line was not home yet as they were still in the studio, whilst Jimin and Jungkook were in their respective rooms doing their own things. As for Jin, he’s lazing on the couch watching random shows while playing with Odeng and Eomuk.
“Do you think Jiminie want to eat this mango pudding?” she hollered from the kitchen.
Jin tilted his head, as his finger stroke Eomuk head gently “Not sure but you can ask him” Seul nodded and closed the fridge, placing the pudding inside the glass bowl. She handed Jin the extra bowl before making his way to Jimin and Hoseok shared room.
She entered the room quietly afraid that the adorable guy was sleeping or doing something important. Seul spotted his small figure under the cover with his back facing the door. Giggling lowly, she took careful step to his bed, and sat on it.
“Jiminie..” she poked his back causing the latter to jump in surprise. “Goodness Jimin! Why are you so jumpy?!” she managed to catch his expensive phone in her hand, shooting him a judgemental look.
“Ji Seul! That is not funny!” he hissed.
“I didn’t do anything to scare you unless you are watching something illegal and dirty that I must not see. Now, let me see what is inside” the corner of her lips was tugged into a mischievous smirk. Realizing what Seul about to do, his eye shot opened as he charged towards the girl to take back his phone.
“Hey, don’t play dirty. Let me see what you are watching!” she stuck her tongue out and escaped from Jimin side to stand few feet away from his bed. She pressed her back against the wall and stared at the screen, baffled.
Seul was fascinated by the content beyond the screen “Give back my phone!” Jimin puffed his cheeks and grabbed his precious phones from Seul. However, it was too late to stop her, she saw everything.
“Jimin I have no idea that you are into that kind of thing” Seul looked to Jimin, confusion in her eyes. Feeling alarmed, Jimin sunk on his bed, rubbing his sweaty palm together nervously. His puffy cheeks turned rosy and it came to her realization, there’s more of the story than just an action out of curiosity.
It couldn’t be that right? Seul blinked, gazing at shy Jimin.
Her throat was aching to ask him that one question which invaded her mind few minutes ago. As absurd as it sounds, she must open to any possibility right. Anything is possible. Love does not have gender, it’s about the person that you love.
Okay..Ji Seul. Go for it. It is now or never. She mustered up her courage and cleared her throat.
“Jimin, do you like Jungkook?”
Flustered by the questions, Jimin stammered between his words “Y-ah..What kind of question is that? O..f course I like Jungkook” he avoided her gaze as his fingers fiddled at the hem of his pyjamas.
“Do you love Jungkook?”
He felt someone was choking him on the throat, yet he tried to remain calm in his seat, something that he failed to do since start. “He is my friend and a brother to me! Of course, I love Jungkook!” he exclaimed a little annoyed.
“Do you love Jungkook more than just a friend and a brother?” she observed his dark expression. Jimin was about to explode in embarrassment and anger, either one of it proved to her that he saw Jungkook more than just a friend.
“Ji Seul! What nonsense is this?!” he grinded his teeth together. “You out of people understand that I like you” she sighed inwardly.
“You like me, but you love Jungkook” Seul’s persistence drove him up the wall.
“YA JI SEUL!” he hissed angrily.
Seul settled on the bed sitting cross-legged, facing her figure to his direction “Okay, tell me something. I caught you reading a manhwa, which happened to be your story with Jungkook. Dude, this is a boyxboy stuff! How can I un-see this?” she watched him in amazement.
Jimin lowered his head at stared at his feet “Fuck. Stop saying nonsense. I am str-aight..I am not into man” he defended himself.
“But you are into Jungkook..” she sassed without giving the guy a break.
“I am into you” Jimin corrected.
“No, you are not. In fact, now I remember when you called me a bitch. You meant it. Bitch, stay away from my Jungkook. Is that what you are trying to convey?” Seul used her smart brain to patch the obvious signal to corner the poor man.
Jimin clenched the bedsheet with a small grunt “Seul, are you drunk. Stop assuming things that you don’t know!” he pleaded as if his life depended on it.
“I am not done Jimin. All your actions towards me were a way for you to escape from these bubbly feelings that you’ve for Jungkook. Am I right? You use me to annoy him. You don’t care whether I am going to love you back or not. You just want to experiment things, to see how far Jungkook can go in winning me. Jimin you love him, but you are in denial” his body went numb. Jimin tried to find word to protest yet this girl had outdone him in one blow. Seul unravelled his identity crisis at once.
In contrary to his sane mind, his mouth kept on denying the facts until he had enough. Jimin feared of himself. He didn’t know if it was the right to do. To love someone like Jungkook, does he deserve a great man like him? Insane.
Stigma from the society.
It was against the rule of nature.
Was it okay to go against it?
“Jimin-ah…Love has no gender, it is okay to fall in love. It’s about the person that you love. When you are in love, you just go with your heart” her soft voice soothed the misery in him. Jimin looks at her sadly, interlacing their hand together in hope to gain the energy from her.
“I am scared” said Jimin lowly.
“I don’t want things to change between me and Jungkook. We have gone through the worst shits in life together, it is just I really adored him as a little brother at first. I just wanted to protect him from everything. Then the feelings are unstoppable. It changed. I changed. I no longer see him as a friend, and it feared me. This shouldn’t be happening at first place. Until I saw you.. it was the opportunity to get myself straight. You are a wonderful woman Ji Seul, hell you’re way too perfect for me. I tried to love you just as much as I love him…I cant.. Every time I see both of you together, it angers me. I wish for once I can be you..” his eyes were blurred with tears.
Seul enveloped her arms around him, embracing him tight “You don’t need to be me. You are amazing just the way you are. Jimin-ah, I am sorry that I am not aware of your feelings for Jungkook. I didn’t mean to hurt you, forgive me” he buried his face in her shoulder, blinking his sorrowful tears like a heavy rain.
“You are special. Your feelings for Jungkook are special” she whispered, cupping his cheeks with a genuine smile. “Don’t give up. You may not be able to tell him how you feel for him now, but love doesn’t need to be spoken through words. Your actions matter the most” Jimin kissed her palms, stroking it with a deep sigh.
“How about you? Your feelings for Jungkook. Don’t let my feelings for him stop you Seul. If you truly love him, you should go for it” his sad smile ached her heart. “I only wish for his happiness, if it means he has to be with you” Seul gave his hand a soft squish.
She had given this into a deep thought, weighing Jungkook and Yoongi love were not easy as it sounds. For some reason, she wanted to choose Jungkook, yet something stopped her in the middle. Jungkook’s amazing guy, she loved his presence around giving her the utmost comfort and security in her. However, it just felt so wrong.
There was a missing piece that she had to look inside Jungkook before she made up her mind.
And, she finally found it.
Jimin was the missing piece.  
Seul was fooled by their outer appearance. How appearance can be deceiving sometimes? People only the see the perfection showed by these idols through their eyes yet they fail to see their struggle. In the eyes of the public, idols come with no flaws. They are quick to judge them without knowing what they feel.
It gave them no choice but to lie to themselves. They were not able to be hundred percent truthful and live their life as set by their company and public.
No one seems to understand their pain and struggle.
She looked at him in the eye “I made up my mind, can you trust me with this?” she spoke slowly, with an assurance that the decision that she’s about out to take from now will not pain him. Seul didn’t want to be selfish even after knowing the truth about Jimin’s real feeling. It was not easy for Jimin to open up to her about his struggle, now the least she could do was to live up to the promise that she’s about to make.
“Thank you Jimin for..telling me this” smiling softly, he hugged her tight unleashing all the sorrows in him.
Hope ever urges on, and tells him tomorrow will be a better day.
  This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2021. All Rights Reserved
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Bright Smiles and Tired Eyes ~ Part 6
(((it’s never ending. i’m suffering. but i’m suffering for you guys!!!! hahaha! just a bunch of fluff this time guys! enjoy!!!!)))
Ao3 - Chapter 6
Summary: Modern Au, Punk!Jaskier, Creature!Jaskier. Geralt needs a new roommate to help him pay rent. Jaskier answers his ad. Through a handful of circumstances and series of events… there’s bed sharing. And some angst. …And so much more.
Word Count: 4581
Jaskier had replaced his instruments easily. Apparently guitars were easy to get, and the record shop he works at also sells gently used pre-owned instruments, and they’d given him a discount on a keyboard. He’d sighed when Geralt asked him about it, it wasn’t as good as his old one, but it was good enough, for now anyway. And Geralt had tried to be happy for him. He really had. But there was a sinking feeling in his gut, because both of his birthday present ideas for Jaskier had just been torn away.
He’d heard Jaskier mention his upcoming birthday to Renfri at the coffee shop. He’d been asking if there was a free muffin or coffee available for birthdays, his whole body drooping when she’d told him no. And since then Geralt had been… planning. He’d been planning… things. Mainly to replace Jaskier’s instruments for him. Granted, he hadn’t really started looking into it. And Jaskier was a musician so he probably should have expected him to replace his own instruments, but he’d been sidetracked. Stuck in his head about finding the perfect gifts and then he’d come home one day and Jaskier had had a new guitar in hand, strumming out an upbeat tune to Roach, who was hopping around on the floor in front of him.
Geralt was sitting on his bed, staring at the wall. Listening to Jaskier’s voice across the hall, he was talking to someone. He’d been video chatting with someone a lot. Laughing with them. Geralt didn’t want to pry, so he hadn’t asked. He’d had to bite his tongue a few times. He knew that if he asked, the jealousy he was feeling would seep into is words and Jaskier would know. He was extremely good at reading people. His shinning blue eyes always seemed to see more than they should. Geralt was used to seeing things himself, not other people seeing things in him.
He sighed and let himself fall backwards, staring up at the ceiling. He had no idea what he was supposed to get him for his birthday now. Renfri kept bragging about how good her and Yen’s present was. And every time she mentioned it, Geralt’s stomach tied itself in knots, he had to find the perfect gift. But what do you get a siren, who’s come into your life and turned it upside down, in the best possible way? He needed the perfect gift. But as far as he was concerned, right at this moment, as he groveled alone on his bed, listening to Jaskier’s laughter through the wall, that present didn’t exist. He threw his arm over his eyes and groaned.
Jaskier’s voice pulled him from the light sleep he’d been drifting in. He moved his arm away from his face and looked to his door. Jaskier was standing in the door way, tattered sleeveless band shirt hanging loose over a pair of spiderman pajama pants. He looked… nervous. Both hands fiddling with the fabric on his pants as he looked at Geralt through his lashes.
“You okay?”
He hadn’t been nervous around Geralt since the first week he’d been here. But Geralt could smell it. Could feel it. Jaskier nodded and rubbed at the back of his neck.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m good. I just… can I show you something? Or I mean I guess, would you… wanna listen to something?” He took a few hesitant steps forward, Geralt could see his hands shaking.
“It’s just something I’ve been working on with Mads. My friend from the shelter. She helps me write things and sing things, sometimes, and I just… I wanted to show you…” his voice trailed off, and he grimaced. Geralt pushed himself off the bed, settling his hand on Jaskier’s shoulder, bringing his eyes from the floor to Geralt’s face.
“I’d like that.” He said, Jaskier’s eyes widened, and he could feel those waves of happiness washing over him again. Jaskier took a few steps, his hand moving from his side to Geralt’s wrist. Geralt followed him, automatically, and then stopped, his hand twisting in Jaskier’s and pulling him to a stop.
“Wait. How-“
“Don’t worry I’ve got it all figured out.” Jaskier smiled and took a tentative step back.
“Trust me?” Jaskier asked, giving Geralt’s hand a squeeze, his voice light, having no clue how weighted that question was for Geralt. Geralt looked at him, all open features and curved lips and softness, and felt his stomach flutter.
“Yes.” Geralt said, his chest aching as he let Jaskier pull him across the hall. The room smelled of cinnamon. Geralt looked around and saw at least three candles lit. Jaskier turned him easily and set him down on the edge of his bed. He held his palms out, moving them down once, motioning for Geralt to stay, without saying it, a smirk on his lips when Geralt raised his eyebrows at him. Roach shuffled out from under Jaskier’s bed and jumped up to lay next to Geralt, pressing against his leg like always.
“Okay so we recorded this a bit ago, a few weeks ago maybe. After… after… the thing.” Jaskier’s eyes glazed over for a moment. He shook his head and came back.
“Anyway!” he clapped his hands and pointed to the candles.
“Those are just a precaution. In case there’s any leftover… siren-y… things, going on. I’m pretty sure I managed to not get them on there, Mads was okay when we recorded. And I filtered the hell out of it. Like four times. Just to be sure and-“
“Jaskier.” He cut him off, the sirens cheeks were nearly glowing red, his hands moving faster and faster as he tried to quell a worry that Geralt didn’t even have.
“Yeah?” he bit his lip, holding in the words that had been falling past his lips, eyes wide as he looked at Geralt.
“Just play the song. I trust you.” Geralt nodded. He watched as Jaskier’s teeth dug deeper into his lip before letting go. He took a deep breath, nodded, and moved to his laptop. It was sitting open on top of his keyboard, the screen lighting up some kind of music player. His hand hovered over the keyboard, his fingers wiggling. He looked back to Geralt, his mouth opening and closing a few times, he looked like a worried fish.
“Okay okay here goes!” Jaskier exclaimed, his hands moving in a flourish and then slamming against the keyboard. He crossed his arms and walked away, Geralt watched him and he waved his hand at him, pointing towards the laptop. Geralt moved his eyes back to it, closing his eyes soon after, listening as an eerie sound filled the room. A sound like wind blowing. And another sound, underneath that, some kind of long drawn out musical note, resonating under the howling wind. And then Jaskier’s voice began and Geralt didn’t care what the sound was, or where it was coming from, or what was making it. He let Jaskier’s voice wash over him, his chest swelling with every word.
“When you call to me asleep,
up the ragged cliffs I scramble.
A single thread hangs limply down.
And I breathe not now, not now.”
His voice is haunting, not singing really, more speaking. It sends shivers over Geralt’s skin. He can hear another voice, a woman’s voice, beneath Jaskier’s, matching his tone, a beautiful haunting whisper.
“I’ve run out of my words, my song.
Just let me die, me die.
Coz I’ll darn you back together,
when you think that you’re bereft,
and you’ll wail you’ll scream, but I’ll never stop,
coz it’s all that I have left.”
Geralt can feel Jaskier pacing, the nervous energy coming off of him filling the room and setting Geralt’s own nerves on edge. Geralt opens his eyes, looking at Jaskier as he paces, his own voice filling the air. His eyebrows are furrowed, arms crossed over his chest, one hand raised, fingers pressed to his lips. His eyes stormy, and uncertain, like he isn’t quite sure he likes what he’s hearing or not.
“I wake and hear you calling,
and up those cliffs I climb.
And find you with a thimble weeping.
May I, I ask, may I?”
Geralt opens his eyes again. Something inside him compelling him, he reaches out, his fingers curling around Jaskier’s arm gently. Jaskier jumps, his mouth dropping open a little as Geralt pulls him down beside him. His eyes on Jaskier’s as those haunting voices continue to speak.
“And you gently gift it to me,
coz you’ve no clue how to sew.”
Geralt smiles at him softly, his fingers still pressed to his wrist. He listens to Jaskier’s voice fade out, the other haunting voice taking over as Jaskier stares back at him, his throat bobbing as he swallows heavily, his eyes roaming over Geralt’s face like they can’t decide what to look at.  
“And I know the kindest thing,
I pray to god it’s the kindest thing.
I know the kindest thing, is to never,
leave you alone.”
The wind howls for a moment longer and then they’re sitting in silence, Jaskier’s hands wringing in his lap, his fingers tangled and tugging at each other, his knee bouncing out a chaotic rhythm. His eyes have fallen to the floor. Geralt takes a deep breath and lays his hand over Jaskier’s, he stills beneath his touch and Jaskier’s eyes are on him again. Geralt’s head swims, not because of the song, not because of his voice, but because of him. Just him.
His senses are full of cinnamon, and Jaskier, and Jaskier’s eyes. The thing behind Geralt’s ribs purrs when Jaskier’s hand turns and his fingers curl around Geralt’s wrist again. His eyes move from Geralt’s eyes to his lips, and then back up, and then back down again. He clears his throat and laughs through his nose. Shaking his head and looking back to his lap.
“So did- did you like it?” He asks with a shrug, his shoulders barely moving. He’s trying to play it down, like he doesn’t care. Geralt can feel how much cares. It’s pouring off him in waves, waves that are making Geralt a little dizzy. Jaskier feels things so deeply, they flow out of him constantly, a steady stream of strong emotions assaulting Geralt at all times. He blinks at Jaskier, licks his lips, because he wants to speak, but his throat is so dry.
“It was,” he takes a deep breath, looks around the room, away from Jaskier, trying to clear his head and remember how words work. It doesn’t work. Not really. He’s in Jaskier’s room, surround by the scent and presence of him. He hasn’t been here that long, not really, but this room is so lived in. So full of him that Geralt can’t remember what it looked like before this, before him. He sighs and looks back to him.
“It was… magical.” He breathes the word, like a prayer, the only word he can think of, the only word he’s ever felt. And he feels it constantly now, always when he’s with Jaskier. Everything about him. Everything he does. Magical. He opens his mouth to try and tell Jaskier this, not sure how he’d even begin to describe it but determined to try. He doesn’t get the chance. He opens his mouth, lips parting just enough for words to escape, and then his lips are sealed again, Jaskier’s own lips a gentle pressure against his own.
Geralt’s eyes refuse to close. They stare forward, at Jaskier, so close, pressing into him. His eyes are closed, his hand moves up Geralt’s arm, over his shoulder, to rest on his neck. Geralt’s skin burns and his eyes still refuse to close. He hasn’t moved. He doesn’t know how long it’s been, but he hasn’t moved, he’s frozen, and Jaskier has noticed now. His eyes open instantly, and he’s gone from Geralt’s space just as fast. Backing away from him across the room, one hand held out toward Geralt, the other wrapped around himself tightly. And he’s shrinking in on himself, the way he does, and Geralt’s heart breaks. But he still hasn’t moved why hasn’t he moved?
“Fuck. Geralt I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean- I shouldn’t have- I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again I just-“
Geralt forces himself off the bed, Jaskier’s words and the fear and embarrassment rolling off him pulling Geralt forward. He moves to Jaskier quickly, and then slows, his hands moving to his hips gently, pressing Jaskier back against the wall. He moves one finger to his lips, stopping the torrent of words he can see wanting to overflow. Jaskier’s eyes are wide, and full of guilt, and Geralt can’t have that. Refuses to look at that any longer. He presses forward, his lips pressing into Jaskier’s, the startled sound it pulls from the siren making him smile. And then Jaskier is smiling, their teeth click together, as their lips pull apart.
Jaskier’s hands move fast. One pushed up into his hair, and one wrapped around his waist. His fingers curl in Geralt’s hair, nails moving over his scalp and he presses forward involuntarily, melting into the touch, into Jaskier. The hand on his waist pulls him closer, their bodies flush now. Geralt hums and pulls back, looking at him. His eyes are shinning, the slightly washed away eyeliner there not helping Geralt keep himself in control. He dips forward, brushing his nose against Jaskier and the laugh that bubbles out of him cements the idea in Geralt’s head that that was the best decision he’s ever made.
“Not mad?” he asks, his voice low, just above a whisper. Geralt shakes his head before letting it fall forward onto Jaskier’s shoulder. Jaskier’s fingers move in his hair again, tracing gentle circles on his scalp.
“I didn’t misread that then? You definitely were staring at my mouth?” he gives Geralt’s hip a squeeze and Geralt pulls back, looking at him with furrowed brows.
“Yes.” His voice sounds wrecked, rough, and stuck in his throat. Jaskier’s eyes darken, a look that Geralt has only seen in the few blessed good dreams he’s been granted of late, and he nods. The grip on Geralt’s waist tightens, the fingers in his hair move down to his neck and then Jaskier is kissing him again.
Geralt gasps into the kiss, his arms wrapping around Jaskier. Jaskier’s arm snakes further around him, his hand moves from his neck to Geralt’s shoulder and then Geralt’s back is against the wall, his head swimming after being spun around so effortlessly. Jaskier grins at him, his eyebrows twitch on his forehead, Geralt has only a second to think about how Jaskier’s teeth have that sharp edge to them again and then he’s moaning into Jaskier’s mouth. Jaskier’s tongue moves across his teeth, presses deeper as Jaskier moves himself just so between Geralt’s legs and Geralt thinks he might pass out. His hands grab at Jaskier where ever they can reach, they settle on his ass and pull him forward, he smiles against Jaskier’s lips when he groans into Geralt’s mouth, hips rolling into him when Geralt pulls his lip between his teeth. They pull back panting at the same time. Jaskier’s hands settling on his shoulders, petting at his shirt absentmindedly as Geralt moves his fingers over his swollen lips. Geralt dips, brushes their noses again, and grins at the laugh Jaskier chokes out.
“Fuck that was overdue.” Jaskier breathes, pressing forward quickly, his lips a gentle press and then gone again as he looks at Geralt. Geralt sighs, lets his head fall back against the wall. Jaskier hums and moves his fingers over Geralt’s throat, his thumb resting against Geralt’s pulse. He smiles, wolfish, when he feels Geralt’s heart pounding.
“Kinda like me huh?” he teases, fingers squeezing, a barely there pressure that makes Geralt’s hips jump. He bites his lip when Jaskier’s eyes fall between them, noting the movement, and then rise back to Geralt’s face. Geralt can feel the heat crawling over his cheeks, his face burning under Jaskier’s scrutiny.
“Kinda liked that too.” He whispers, pressing close, his lips brushing Geralt’s ear. He presses a kiss to his neck, slow and deliberate, and then he pulls back, away from Geralt completely. He bites into his lip harder to keep the whine that threatens at bay. Jaskier grabs his hand as he sidles backwards, toward the bed. Roach is gone, probably having hopped out into the living room, into her own bed.  
“Hit the light.” He says, a cheeky smile on his lips as he nods toward the switch next to Geralt. Geralt slaps his hand into it, the over head light goes off, leaving them in the low light of the candles Jaskier had lit. Jaskier laughs when Geralt blinks his eyes a few times, trying to adjust. Jaskier walks backwards, pulling Geralt forward, his hand warm in Geralt’s. His legs hit the bed and he stops, pulling Geralt close, lacing their fingers together.
“Would you stay here with me tonight?” he asks, dipping forward like Geralt had done to him, bumping their noses. Geralt smiles.
“You know I will.” He says, his heart pounding as Jaskier moves his hands up Geralt’s arms, slowly. So. Fucking. Slowly.
“I know you will. But do you want to?” he presses, asking for clarification in a way no one ever has for Geralt. Jaskier’s hand settles on his shoulder, fingers brushing against his neck gently. Geralt sighs at the touch, letting his eyes fall closed as he presses his head to Jaskier’s.
“I always want to.” He sighs, smiling in the dark when Jaskier pulled back and pressed his lips to Geralt’s forehead. Like he’d done all those nights ago on the couch.
“That’s what I was hoping you’d say.” He whispered, his hands moving back to Geralt’s as he crawled back onto the bed. Geralt followed him gladly, curling up beside him and letting Jaskier drape himself over him, head resting on his chest, his fingers tracing patterns onto his shirt. Geralt smiled to himself in the low light, Jaskier never stopped moving. Not while he was awake. And he moved a lot in his sleep as well, flailing and tossing and turning. Geralt didn’t mind it. Because no matter how much he tossed, and turned, he always ended up curled around Geralt, breathing deep and even as he slept peacefully.
“That friend of yours. She’s not human either is she?” Geralt asks, his fingers moving up and down Jaskier’s arm as he wiggles next to him, trying to get settled. He snorts into Geralt’s chest.
“No. She isn’t.” He can feel Jaskier’s smile, the way his cheek presses harder into his chest.
“Is she like you?” Geralt knows he sounds cautious, and he knows Jaskier is most likely picking up on the jealousy he’s forcing down inside. Jaskier shakes his head.
“Naw, she’s part fae. On her dad’s side. He’s pretty nice. A little intense. But nice.” Geralt smiles, he can picture the way Jaskier’s eyes widen as he describes his friends’ father.
“Is he around a lot?” Geralt bites his lip, hopes Jaskier doesn’t think he’s prying into his non-human friend’s life for nefarious reasons.
“Not really. He’s sort of a loner. He helped her buy the shelter, which was nice, though we’re still trying to decide if he did that for her, or so he could lurk in the woods on the land behind it.” Geralt’s fingers falter on his arm and Jaskier starts laughing, his chest shaking where it’s pressed to Geralt’s. Jaskier braces his hand on Geralt’s chest and moves to look at him.
“I’m just kidding.” He says, wiggling his eyes brows and then settling again.
“Hmm.” Geralt hums, trying to sound as unamused as possible.
“Yeah he likes the woods on the edge of town much better any- Ah!” Geralt pokes him in the ribs and has him laughing again. He laughs into a sigh and then there’s silence as they lay in the warm glow of the candles. Time passes, the candles burn, and Geralt’s mind races.
“Can I ask you something?” Geralt was surprised by the sound of his own voice, loud in the quiet room. Jaskier’s fingers pause and then resume their idle movements.
“Of course.” Jaskier sighs.
“Your teeth. They… sometimes they look…”
“Sharp.” Jaskier supplies, his hand pressing flat against Geralt’s chest.
“Yes. Is that how they really look? Without the magic?” Geralt moves his hand to Jaskier’s head, burying his fingers into Jaskier’s hair, his mohawk is soft from his shower, it was a pretty greenish blue today, Geralt’s favorite so far.
“Yeah.  Siren genes are strong. It takes strong magic to hide the… lingering features.” His fingers are moving again, nervously tapping over Geralt’s heart. Geralt moves his hand to Jaskier’s, holding it still. He moves, doing his best to look at Jaskier as he lays on his chest. Jaskier moves to lean on his elbow and looks down at him.
“What?” He asks after a long moment of Geralt just looking at him.
“Can I see?” he moves his fingers between Jaskier’s, his thumb soothing circles into his skin. He sees Jaskier blanch, watches him swallow, his eyes going wide and then looking at their hands.
“I don’t know if that-“ he starts, voice quiet, and shaking.
“Jaskier. I’m not going anywhere.” He squeezes Jaskier’s hand and then moves his hand to Jaskier’s cheek, his thumb pressed to the corner of Jaskier’s mouth.
“You can show me.” He moves his thumb across Jaskier’s lips, smiling when Jaskier presses into it, kissing his thumb as it passes.
“You can trust me.” Geralt soothes, his other hand moving to Jaskier’s on his chest. Jaskier looks at him, for a long time, his eyes roaming over Geralt’s face in the candlelight. He watches as Jaskier takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.
The glamour that covers him fades slowly, his skin begins to shimmer, the way it had in the warehouse, the faintest outline of what look like scales dance across his skin. They don’t cover his face, they shine on his cheeks and down his neck, Geralt can see his arms shimmer as well. He opens his eyes finally, and Geralt gasps, they’re black, solid black, no white to be seen. Geralt moves his fingertips under Jaskier’s eyes, across the dark circles he’s been longing to touch since they’d met, and looks closer. There is color there. Thin lines of blue running through the inky darkness like lightning. Jaskier sighs at Geralt’s touch, his fingers curling in his shirt.
“You’re beautiful.” Geralt breathes, his fingers never leaving Jaskier’s face. Jaskier smiles then, and a mouthful of pointed teeth greet Geralt. The smile is sheepish, not at all a match for the teeth lurking behind it. Geralt knows he should say more, knows he should say something. But he can’t. His mouth is dry again, and there are no words in his head that could possibly do this justice.
“Are you just gonna stare at me forever?” Jaskier asks, a breathy laugh escaping him as he moves his hand up to hold onto Geralt’s where it’s still caressing his face.
“If you’ll let me. Yes.” Geralt says, finally managing to speak. Jaskier laughs again, ducks his head onto Geralt’s chest, and settles down onto him again.
“You were afraid to show me.” The silence that follows tells Geralt he’s right.
“Why? You know I wouldn’t hurt you.” His hand is back in Jaskier’s hair, he knows he likes it, knows it calms him.
“I do. But I also know you’re a witcher. And I look human. And I know you know I’m not. But… sometimes… in my experience. Seeing the human parts slip away, seeing the monster underneath. It can… change how people feel. It can change their stance on how exactly they feel about monsters.” He pushes himself up again, looks down at Geralt, skin shimmering.
“No matter how much someone claims to love you, monster and all, that can always change when the glamour falls. Usually does. Trust me.” He huffs, looking at Geralt with sad eyes and a smile to match.
“And you’re a witcher. It’s your…job. To kill monsters. Just a lingering fear I suppose. From all those scary stories that monster mommies tell their retched little children at night.” He smiles again, mischief dancing in his eyes as sharp teeth sink into his lip. Geralt tilts his head.
“Was I a scary story your mother used to make you behave?” his fingers move in Jaskier’s hair, he leans into the touch, humming happily as Geralt smiles up at him. Jaskier drops himself back down, settling back into Geralt.
“Of course you were.”
“And did it work?” Geralt is grinning now, knowing the answer before Jaskier gives it.
“Oh absolutely not.” He laughs, the happy sound sending shivers through Geralt.
“It peeked my curiosity if anything. I mean look at me. I’ve never run from a witcher. Hell, I answered an ad and moved in with one.” His body shakes against Geralt as he keeps laughing.
“Would your mother really be surprised?” Geralt asks, hoping afterward, realizing what he’s asked, that the question wouldn’t hurt Jaskier.
“No. She’d probably say it was fitting that I’ve fallen in love with a witcher. I was always a contradictory little creature.” He laughs again and then goes rigid. Geralt can hear his heart begin to pound in his chest as he realizes what he’s said. Geralt breathes deeply, his heart beat matching the frantic beats of the man beside him. His fingers had stopped moving when Jaskier spoke. He willed them to move again, slow circles, trying to sooth him. But Jaskier’s body stays still, and stiff, next to him. He’s barely breathing and Geralt doesn’t now what to do. There is one thing, his brain supplies, the thing behind his chest rumbling at the idea. To have out with it, once and for all.
“I love you too Jaskier.”
He whispers the words. Presses them into Jaskier’s hair with a kiss, and feels him melt into him. His body relaxes again and he wraps his arm around Geralt, pulling him closer. He moves his head again, his lips find Geralt’s neck and he peppers kisses there, moving his way up Geralt’s jaw until Geralt is sure he’s going to faint. His skin is burning again, Jaskier’s kisses and touches searing him in the best way as he makes his way to his mouth. Jaskier licks into him with a purpose, Geralt moans and clings to him, his eyes falling shut as he moves his mouth against Jaskier’s, doing his best to keep up with that wicked tongue. Jaskier pulls back again, looking down at him, panting against his mouth in the flickering light. He presses forward quickly, a chaste kiss pressed to Geralt’s lips with a laugh, and then he’s laying on his chest again. Geralt takes a deep breath and lets it out with a sigh. He hears, and feels, Jaskier snort.
“Sorry. I just… I had to.” He says, his fingers digging deep into Geralt’s ribs, holding him close, making Geralt squirm closer. He presses another kiss into Jaskier’s shower soft hair, and sighs.
“I’m not complaining.” He mumbles, smiling at the ceiling as Jaskier’s musical laugh fills the room.
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krat395 · 4 years
Bravery, Justice, and Laughter
Happy belated Easter, everyone! :D And as my Easter gift, I proudly present to you a story featuring my depictions of the two humans that represent the BRAVERY and JUSTICE souls! Yes, after all this time, there is finally a story featuring one or more of those six human characters from Undertale whose appearances are left up to interpretation! So; enjoy, everyone! Enjoy a story that for once doesn’t feature Frisk, Chara, Asriel, or MK as the main characters! Or Toriel, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Blooky, Mettaton, Muffet, or Gaster for that matter!
Undertale(c) Toby Fox.
 A month has passed since the magical Barrier was destroyed; the barrier that kept all of the monsters trapped in the Underground for so long without any hope of ever reaching the Surface. And by some miracle, Asriel Dreemurr, the prince of all monsters that died a long time ago and got resurrected as a soulless flower, was given a chance to be himself again; in his original form with all of his emotions and feelings; and is now living happily on the Surface with all of his friends and family. And not only that, several individuals that passed away during their adventures in the Underground were resurrected and given chances to be happy along with Asriel. And two of those individuals consisted of two young boys named Bradley and Justin. Bradley aka Brad is a young African American boy with a soul that represents Bravery and Justin is a young Caucasian boy with a soul that represents Justice and once the two boys themselves were brought back to life, they were both immediately taken in by a woman named Harriet, who cared for Brad for three whole months after he was separated from Justin and Isabella aka Izzy (Justin’s cousin and a young Caucasian girl with a soul that represents Integrity who was resurrected along with Brad and Justin and others). Harriet and her family cared for Brad until they could no longer protect him from a threat that cost him his life and after a tearful reunion with Harriet and her family, Brad has been spending his days living on the Surface with them in their new home; in a similar fashion to how he did so during the good old days before his death. Only this time, his best friend, Justin, is part of his family as one of his adopted brothers; and so is Izzy, who was taken in as a new family member by Harriet’s sister, Heidi, the same day Harriet reunited with Brad and took Justin in as a new family member. Justin and Izzy have been friends of Brad’s before all three of them could even walk and since the three kids were all orphans prior to their adventures in the Underground, it makes sense that those who cared for Brad would want to adopt Justin and Izzy as well. Especially after hearing so many good things about them from Brad during the first three months he lived with them!
 It is a Friday night at Brad and Justin’s house; early November; and soon-to-be 11-year-olds, Brad and Justin, are currently in their rooms relaxing and playing video games together in two bean bag chairs after eating a delicious supper with their adopted mother, Harriet, and siblings, Benny, Robbie, and Heather; and on this particular night, Brad is feeling rather playful, wanting to do something rather amusing with his best friend and new brother, Justin, after the two of them are done gaming… or while they’re gaming; something they haven’t done together in a long time.
 Brad: Hey, Justin, I gotta ask you something; after one month, how do you feel about Harriet, Benny, Robbie, and Heather? Do you still like them? *asked Brad curiously while playing video games with Justin*
 Justin: Oh, Brad; you’re darn tootin’, ah do! Hehe! *replied Brad’s blonde-haired best friend and newest brother in a Southern accent with great enthusiasm* Ah love em’ all so much! Bettermost fuh-amily Izzy and ah have ever had after thuh deaths of our original folks. Speakin’ of Izzy, it was mighty fahn of Aunt Heidi and Uncle Harvey to adopt her. That way, she and ah ahr able t’ be thuh cousins we usta be!
 Justin is HUGE fan of westerns and cowboys and due to his love of westerns and cowboys; the long-haired boy himself has adopted a rather amusing southern accent and often dresses up like he’s a cowboy himself; donning a short-sleeved yellow and gray plaid cowboy shirt, a brown vest, a red bandana around his neck, a brown cowboy hat, blue jeans, a belt with a yellow heart buckle, and brown cowboy boots. But as of right now though, he has tossed his hat, bandana, vest, and boots aside and is only wearing his short-sleeved shirt, belt, and jeans with his feet encased in gray socks. And as for Brad, he is currently wearing his usual attire minus his all-black sneakers; an orange t-shirt with three dark orange horizontal stripes, a brown jacket with a single orange stripe, a pair of black jeans, and black socks.
Brad: Hehe. I’m so glad to hear that, man! Really, I am! And expect many more great months with them too; only this time, without the fear of ever having to leave them or being taken away from them!
 Justin: Oh, ah will! Don’t ya worry bout that, pahrtner!
 Brad: Hehe. Perfect. *said Brad while munching on a carrot stick*
 Justin: Heh; another carrot stick, Brad?! You’re not full after all that chow an cinnamon buns?!
 Brad: Pfft. Oh come on, man! They’re really good! And they’re good for you too! If you’re gonna be a part of this family, you better get used to eating carrots!
 Justin: That may tayk taahm. *stated Justin, reminiscing all of the carrots he’s eaten during his first month with his new family*
 Brad: Hehe. Well, time is certainly the one thing you’ve got these days. Especially after being brought back to life and all!
 Justin: Hahaha! You’re darn tootin! Ah hope thin’s stay jus’ like this for a mighty long taahm!
 Brad: Hehe. Me too, man; me too. *said Brad sincerely with a smile*
 About 30 minutes later, Brad and Justin reached a stopping point in their game; and immediately after saving their progress, Brad abruptly turned off the game, leaving Justin in a state of both confusion and disappointment.
 Justin: Woah there, pahrtner! Why’d ya shut off that there game?! *asked Justin disappointedly, who wanted to play a little while longer* Ahr ya upset that I was whoopin’ ya fuhr once? *he then asked curious, under that impression that Brad is being a sore loser*
 Brad: Pfft. Me?! Upset about losing a game to you?! Hahaha! No; of course not!
 Justin: Then why’d ya shut off that there game then?
 Brad: Hehehehehe. Because, dude, I know something we can do that might be even more fun. *replied Brad cheekily, moments before crawling slowly and creepily towards Justin*
 Justin: Oh yeah? And jus’ what would that be, you buzz-killin’ whippersnapper?
 Brad: Oh, nothing special, dude. Just nothing other than a little… TICKLE FIGHT! *exclaimed Brad as he latched on to Justin’s sides and wiggled his fingers up and down every single inch of them, eliciting numerous squeaks and frantic laughter from the young boy in response as well as making the young boy’s amusing Southern accent temporarily vanish* Hahahahaha! Coochie coochie coo, dude! Hahahahaha!
 Ever since their resurrections, Brad, who had countless tickle fights with Justin in the past, has been dying to tickle Justin again. But he didn’t do it until now because he wanted to allow Justin enough to adjust to his new family and home first; and now that Justin appears to have done so, Brad felt that it was the perfect time to tickle his best friend and new brother and let him know that he wants to have tickle fights just like they used to when they were younger. Brad absolutely loves tickling and by extension, play fighting. And more often than not, he would be the one to start such fights with his friends as well as his siblings.
 Brad: Hahahaha! No, I will not stop, dude! Not unless you make me stop!
 Brad: I think it looks cool! *Brad casually answered, moments before he began unbuttoning Justin’s shirt and tickling his ribs at the same time* Plus, it’ll help protect my torso from your fingers and long hair, I think!
 Oh my god, what a cheater! Brad purposely left his jacket on to give himself a huge advantage in this tickle fight; if you can even call it that; because if Justin doesn’t retaliate anytime soon, then what’s the point?  
 Brad: Hehehehehehehe! *Brad just chuckled in response, relishing in the sweet sound of his blonde-haired brother’s adorable laughter as he continued tickling each one of his ribs*
 After about 90 seconds of rib tickling, Brad began wiggling his fingers all over Justin’s now exposed bare stomach, causing even more laughter to spill from the young boy’s mouth in response. Justin is pretty ticklish on his torso and while his stomach may not be ticklish as his ribs and sides are, it’s still ticklish enough to get him laughing hard. Hard enough to elicit several squeaks, at least!
 Brad: Heh. Who are you and what have you done with Justin?! The Justin I know would’ve tried to tickle me back by now! What’s your deal, man? *asked Brad in disbelief, right as he began blowing numerous raspberries on Justin’s belly and over his naval*
 As Brad continued laughing due to neck tickles, Justin was provided an opportunity to swiftly push him back into the bean bag chair to the right of him to tickle him some more. Then, while continuing to tickle Brad’s neck with his left hand, Justin swiftly used his right hand to unzip Brad’s jacket to dish out some serious tickling to the front side of his torso in about a minute or so; right after tickling Brad’s neck some more with both of his hands.
 One minute later, Justin did as Brad asked and stopped tickling his neck, much to Brad’s relief. But shortly afterwards however, he lifted up Brad’s t-shirt and began tickling his belly hard with all 10 of his fingers, sending the young African American boy into pure hysterics in response.
 Justin: Really? *asked Justin sarcastically with a giant grin on his face* Well, shucks, ah hadn’t noticed! *he then said sarcastically, before twirling a strand of his long blonde hair inside Brad’s bellybutton to REALLY get Brad laughing hard*
 The moment Justin twirled some of his hair inside Brad’s bellybutton, Brad’s eyes shot open as wide as they possibly could; and then not too long afterwards, some of the most maniacal laughter just poured from his mouth. Why, the poor boy laughed so much that tears began forming in his eyes!
 Justin: Hahahahahaha! Man, oh man, ah love havin; long hair! Hahahahahahaha!
 Justin: Hahahahahahahaahaha! *Justin just laughed in response, relishing in the sweet sounds of Brad’s laughter and squealing with every passing second*
 After about 2 minutes or so, Justin stopped tickling Brad with his hair and then went back to tickling him with his fingers; this time, on his armpits on the outside of his shirt; to give him somewhat of a breather.
 Brad: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Oh, thank god!!!!! *stated Brad through laughter and some occasional giggles, relieved that Justin was no longer tickling him with his hair* Heeheeheeheeheeheeeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeeheeheeheehee~!!!!!
 Justin: Hahahaha! Ya beder hold on ta that there thought, partner; cuz in about a minute or so, imma reckon you’re gonna go jus as wild and loco as before!
 After one whole minute of armpit tickling, Justin then moved his fingers down to Brad’s sides and began scribbling his 10 fingers up and down every inch of them. And just as predicted, Brad began laughing frantically once again; though not as frantically as he did when Justin tickled him with his hair not too long ago.
 Justin: Hahaha! Of course, they ahr! Hahahahaha! And do ya know what’s even more ticklish than your sides? *asked Justin rhetorically* …YOUR RIBS! *he then exclaimed as he began poking and prodding Brad’s ribs as well as the spaces in between his ribs; in a similar fashion to how Brad tickled his own ribs earlier*
 Justin: Hahahahahahaha! And do ya know what’s more ticklish than your ribs? *asked Justin rhetorically once again* …YOUR BACK!! *he then exclaimed, swiftly removing Brad’s jacket and tossing it aside a few seconds later.
 But then, just before Justin could once again tickle Brad, Brad swiftly pinned Justin onto his stomach and tickled his back instead, eliciting frantic squeaks and adorable laughter from the young blonde-haired boy once again in the process.
 Brad: Hehehehe. I got you now, cowboy! Hehehehehe~
 3 minutes later…
 Brad: What? Or else you’re gonna what, Justin? *asked Brad with a mischievous smile while inadvertently moving his right hand into grabbing range of Justin’s own right hand as he continued ticking him*
 Justin: HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OHOHOHOHOHOR ELSE, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I’M GONNA… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, TICKLE YOUR, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, PALM!!! *exclaimed Justin ferociously through his laughter, hurriedly grabbing his friend and brother’s right hand by his fingers with his own right hand and then tickling his palm with his left hand fingers shortly afterwards* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAhahahahahahahaahahahaha~ *he laughed some more until stopping entirely while tickling Brad’s right palm*
 Brad’s most ticklish spots are his palms and as Justin tickled one of them; he managed to give himself an opportunity to push Brad off of him and then swiftly pin him on his stomach against the floor, gaining the upper hand once again in the process. Then, as Justin positioned himself directly on top of Brad, he then had a decision to make; 1. He could continue torturing one of Brad’s palms or 2. He could tickle Brad’s second and third most ticklish spots. Decisions, decisions; but seeing as how he’s pinned Brad on his stomach, he may as well choose the latter. And after five seconds of thinking, that’s exactly what he did too. Very swiftly, he scooted on down towards Brad’s legs, pulled off both of his black socks, and then proceeded to tickle the soles of his feet; skittering his fingers all of every ticklish inch of them.
 Justin: Hahahahaha! Kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie koo, pahrtner! Yippee, yippee, yeeeeeeee- haw! Hahahahahaha!
 Justin: Yippee, yippee, yee-haw! *shouted Justin once again as he proceeded to tickle Brad’s toes in addition to his soles*
 After two minutes of feet tickling, Justin took the tickle torture a step further; by turning around and tickling Brad’s back, his second-most ticklish spot! Every inch of Brad’s back is considered very ticklish but there are two spots on his back that are slightly more sensitive than others; and those two areas happen to be his shoulder blades. So, for the next while, Justin focused on those two particular spots with every single one of his fingers.
 Justin: Hahaha! Nothin’ like a good ol’ back tickle to really get you buckin’! Hahahaha! Giddy up, horsey! Giddy on up now! Giddy up, giddy up! *teased Justin as he dug all 10 of his fingers into both of Brad’s shoulder blades* Hahahahaha!
 Justin: Woah there, horsey! Easy there, horsey! *teased Justin* Hehehehehehe.
 Justin: No? Then why do ya sound like one then? *asked Justin, stopping briefly to pull off both of his gray socks* Hehehehehehe. *he chuckled while wiggling his toes* Now; dun, duh duh dun, duh duh dun, duh duh dun! *he sang as he began tickling Brad’s lower back with his fingers with his fingers and his neck with his toes* Hahahahahaha! Neigh for me, horsey! Dun, duh duh dun, duh duh dun, duh duh dun! Hahahahahaha!
 For three whole minutes, Brad was at Justin’s mercy. His back and neck are very ticklish and as Justin’s wiggled his fingers and toes all over them, Brad just couldn’t help but laugh… and squirm… and thrash… and squeal in Justin’s clutches. It all appeared to be too much for the young African American boy to handle. But after the three minutes were up however, Brad worked up enough energy to put an end to Justin’s ticklish assault. After three minutes, Brad, while still lying face down on the floor, grabbed both of Justin’s ankles with his hands, startling Justin in the process as he tickled Brads neck with his toes. Then shortly afterwards, he began tickling the tops of Justin’s bare feet, which are surprising more ticklish than his soles! Albeit only slightly more ticklish, but still!
 Brad: Ha! Pig?! No, no, no! I’m not a pig! *said Brad confidently as he hurriedly pinned Justin against the floor on his stomach* You’re a pig! *he shouted as he positioned himself directly on top of Justin’s legs* And I’m about to make you squeal like one! In… 10… 9! *he shouted once more, beginning a ticklish assault on Justin’s bare soles without even finishing his countdown* Hahahahahahaha! Coochie coochie coo, widdwe piggy* Hahahahahahaha!
 Brad: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Good! Hahahahahaha! Now keep squealing for me, widdwe piggy! *exclaimed Brad as he began ticking Justin’s toes in addition to his soles* Hahahahahahahahaha!
 After two minutes of feet tickling, Brad spun around and scooted up towards Justin’s torso, giving Justin a small breather in the process. But then, just mere seconds before Justin could even begin to retaliate, Brad began scribbling his fingers all over the young long-haired boy’s neck, his second-most ticklish spot!
 But he didn’t though! For two whole minutes, Brad tickled the bejesus out of Justin’s neck, going so far as to use the young blond-haired boy’s own long hair against him in addition to his 10 fingers!
 Brad: Hahahahahaha! I know! *said Brad with a sinister smile, super proud of himself for gaining the upper hand against his best friend big time* Hahahahahahaha~
 After the two minutes were up, Justin made an attempt to grab Brad’s wrists; to try and tickle one of Brad’s palms once again. But once Justin did that though, Brad immediately began tickling Justin’s armpits, HIS MOST TICKLISH SPOTS!!! And once Brad starting tickling Justin in those 2 places, it was all over for Justin!
 Brad: Hahahahahahahaha! Oh yeah! Now I’ve got you! I’ve got you good now, man! And I’m not gonna stop either! Not until you admit that I beat you! Come on, tap out! You know you want to!
 Brad: Heh. Never, you say? Well we’ll just see about that! *stated Brad with an evil smile, digging his fingers into the hollows of Justin’s armpits a bit harder in an attempt to break the young blond-haired boy even faster*
 It truly is all over for Justin at this point! His armpits are most certainly his “death spots” and as Brad tickles them, all Justin can do is laugh… and laugh… and laugh… and laugh… and laugh… to the point that he will laugh in his dreams during the next couple of nights! But he doesn’t want to give up though. Though very unlikely, Justin feels that there’s a chance that he can gain the upper hand against Brad once again. But HARRIET, who had been watching the boys tickle each other for a while now outside of their bedroom in the upstairs hallway without them knowing, doesn’t think so though. And because of that, she decided to step in and take matters into her own hands! But in reality though, she just wants to playfully tickle both of her adopted sons. X3
 Harriet: (Heeheeheehee! Hope you boys won’t mind if I “hop” in! Heeheeheeheehee!)
 Brad: Hahahahahaha! Just remember, man! If you want this to stop, all you have to do is admit that I won… and that you lost! *stated Brad confidently* Hahahahahahaha… AAAAAAAAAAH! *he shouted nervously a few seconds later when he felt someone’s left arm wrapping around both of his ankles, forcing him to stop tickling Justin entirely* HEY! WOOOOOOAAAAAAAH! *he shouted once more upon feeling his legs being pulled towards Justin’s and then falling flat onto his stomach next to Justin*
 Justin: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Oh, thahahahank god!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! It finally stohohohohohopped!!!! *stated Justin while giggling due to phantom tickles, relieved that Brad was no longer tickling his armpits* Hahahahahahahaahahahaha… WAIT! WUT IN TARNATION! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!! *shouted Justin nervously upon feeling the same individual’s left arm wrap around his ankles in addition to Brad’s*
 After shouting nervously for a few seconds, Brad and Justin then turned their heads to see the individual who was responsible for startling them so much. When they turned their heads, they saw a 42-year-old female rabbit monster with PURPLE FUR and big, always bare 3-toed feet that’s currently wearing a PURPLE SUMMER HAT, a black necklace/choker, a lavender tank top with a black corset(?) underneath of it, and black mom jeans. THEIR ADOPTED MOTHER, HARRIET!!!
 Brad and Justin: Mom?!?!
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! Hello, boys! Having a tickle fight, I see. Heeheeheehee! Got room for one more?
 Brad: Hehe. You know it! Help me tickle Justin, will you? He’s gotta pay for tickling my back AND one of my palms!
 Justin: What?! No! Mom, help me tickle Brad! He’s gotta pay for ticklin’ mah armpits and neck so mercilessly!
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee; no, my sweet cinnamon buns. *said Harriet cheekily, declining both of her adopted sons’ requests* I’ve got a better idea! A much better idea! *she then said with an “evil” smile, moving her right hand right next to Brad and Justin’s trapped bare feet* Heeheeheehee! And all I need is my fingers and your bare feet! Heeheeheeheehee~
 “And all I need is my fingers and your bare feet.” Once Brad and Justin heard Harriet say that, their eyes widened and their happy smiles turned into nervous smiles.
 Brad and Justin: *nervous gasps* O-oh n-no!! *Brad and Justin shuddered*
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! Nothing to be afraid of, boys! I’m the friendly SNOWDIN SHOPKEEPER, remember? And quite the professional at tickling little boys! Like you! So, tickle, tickle, tickle! Tickle, tickle, tickle, my sweet cinnamon buns! *teased Harriet as she began scribbling her right hand fingers all over Brad and Justin’s bare feet one by one; starting with Brad’s left foot and ending with Justin’s right foot as the two boys lied face down on the floor* Heeheeheeheeheehee!!
 OMG, THE SNOWIN SHOPKEEPER!!! HARRIET IS THE SNOWDIN SHOPKEEPER!!! :O But not just that though; she also happens to be same woman that cared for Brad for 3 whole months after he was separated from Justin and Izzy during their adventures in the Underground. Sure, Toriel may have cared for Brad during his adventures in the Underground but Harriet cared for him longer, until she could no longer protect him. After Brad died, Harriet kept his memory alive by making several Tough Gloves and Manly Bandanas by hand to sell to customers (primarily kids) in her shop. And that happens to be something that she continues to do to this very day. Regardless of the fact that that once dead boy is now back in her life!
 Harriet: Heeheeheehee! *sniffles* Oh, how I’ve missed tickling your cute little feet, Brad! *said Harriet with a huge smile, crying tears of joy due to being given a chance to tickle a boy she never thought she would be able to tickle again* Heeheeheeheehee! Kitchie kitchie koo, my sweet cinnamon bun! *sniffles* Kitchie kitchie koo! *she teased as she began tickling Brad’s right foot*
 And he does too! Despite all of his pleads, Brad is enjoying himself immensely! And Justin has been too for that matter; even during that moment when Brad tickled his hyper-sensitive armpits. And Harriet knows it too! She’s tickled Brad before; on multiple occasions; and right now, she is tickling both him and Justin in a similar fashion to how she used to tickle her two biological sons, Benny and Robbie, years before they became a ROYAL GUARDSMAN and the NICE CREAM SALESMAN respectively. ;)
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! Ooh, yeah, I can tell! Heeheeheeheehee! I can definitely tell! *said Harriet as she began scratching Brad’s right heel* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee~
 After ticking Brad’s feet for about three minutes; alternating between tickling his left foot and right foot with every passing second; Harriet then switched over to Justin’s feet; starting with his left foot as he continued lying face down on the floor next to Brad.
 This is the first time that Harriet has ever tickled Justin; and so far, he is not disappointing her. His laughter is just so pure and adorable and as she tickles him, she finds it rather amusing how his Southern accent just plain disappears. It’s so weird! One moment, he’s talking like a natural-born cowboy and then the next moment, he’s talking like someone that appears to show no interest in Westerns whatsoever while laughing his head off.
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheeheehee! Gitchie gitchie goo, my other sweet cinnamon bun! *teased Harriet as she continued tickling Justin’s left foot* Heeheeheeheehee! Sweet carrot cakes with cream cheese frosting, your laugh is so cute! Heeeheeheeheehee! Oh, I could just tickle your feet all night, Justin! And throughout all of the following morning! *she said with a heartwarming smile as she switched over to Justin’s right foot* Heeheeheeheeheehee! Gitchie gitchie goo goo goo goo!
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! Well, we can always find out. *said Harriet cheekily, giving Justin the impression that she might tickle his feet during the last few hours of the day* Heeheeheeheeheeheehee! Gitchie gitchie goo! Gitchie gitchie goo goo goo goo! *she teased, tickling both of Justin’s feet in a crazy fast manner; left sole, right sole, left sole, right sole, and so on* Heeheeheeheeheeheehee~
 After tickling Justin’s feet for 3 whole minutes, Harriet stopped to give him a much needed breather.
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee; having fun, boys?
 Justin: Hehehehe. You’re darn tootin’, Mama Bunny!
 Brad: Hehe. Oh, yeah, fo’ sho’!
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! Terrific! So that means we can do this again tomorrow, right? When the three of us have the house to ourselves?
 Brad and Justin: *excited gasps*
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! FANTABULOUS! We’ll start sometime after breakfast tomorrow morning! After Benny, Robbie, and Heather leave to do their things!
 While a family tickle war with all 6 members of the family does sound tempting, Harriet would first like some more tickle time with her two adopted sons; and luckily for her, tomorrow will give her a perfect opportunity to do such a thing since her three biological children will only be home long enough to eat breakfast the following morning.
 Harriet: Speaking of Benny, Robbie, and Heather; you should know they’ve been watching you boys tickle each other too. Not the whole time; but for a while, anyway. Heeheehee.
 Just as Harriet was talking, a tall soon-to-be 19-year-old rabbit monster with blue fur and big, always bare 3-toed feet wearing a yellow shirt and red pants entered the room briefly. IT WAS ROBBIE aka THE NICE CREAM GUY!! :D
 Robbie: Hahaha! It’s true, we have! Hahaha! And when you crazy kids get done in here, feel free to help yourselves to some free Nice Cream! It’s the frozen treat that warms you heart! *said Robbie out of habit with a BIG SMILE on his face* Or share a bisicle, whatever you cute kids prefer.
 Brad: Haha! Will do, Robbie! You’re a real COOL brother, you know that?
 Robbie: Oh, Brad, you! *said Robbie all flattered as he exited the room* Hahahahahaha! You flatter me, young man! Hahahahahaha~
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! Good idea, Robbie! *said Harriet despite the fact that Robbie was no longer in the room* But before you boys do that though, heeheeheehee, there’s just one teensy tiny little thing I’d like to do first. *she then said cheekily with a giggle, wiggling her 6 furry toes against the bedroom floor during the next few seconds* Heeheeheeheehee~
 Brad and Justin: Oh yeah? What’s that? *asked Brad and Justin curiously at the same time*
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! *giggled Harriet as she proceeded to sit on Brad’s bed* Lie down on the floor with your legs under this bed and I’ll show you. Heeheeheeheehee! *she giggled once more, wiggling her 6 toes against the floor a second time*
 Brad: (*excited gasp* Yes! Yes, I used to love this so much!) *said Brad excitedly to himself, knowing very well what Harriet wants to do*
 With that said; Brad and Justin then proceeded to position themselves on the floor; Brad mere inches to the left Harriet and Justin mere inches to the right of Harriet. Then, once they were officially lying on the floor, they slid their legs underneath Brad’s bed, just as Harriet asked them to do.
 Brad: Hehehehehe. All right, I’m ready, Mom. *said Brad with a smile after pulling up his orange t-shirt* Justin, open your shirt. *he then said to Justin*
 Justin: Huh? What’d you jus’ say, pahrtner? *asked Justin confusedly*’
 Brad: You heard me. Open… your shirt.
 Justin: Oh, well alrighty then. *said Justin, nervously opening his shirt to expose his bare torso* Ok, ah done opened mah shirt, pahrtner. Happy?
 Brad: Hehehehehe. Heck yes! Because that means that Mom is now able to…
 Harriet: TICKLE YOU WITH MY TOES! *interrupted Harriet in a singsongy voice, mere seconds before she began tickling Brad and Justin’s stomachs with her 6 furry toes; Brad’s stomach with her 3 left foot toes and Justin’s stomach with her 3 right foot toes* Heeheeheeheeheehee! Gitchie, gitchie, goo, you absolutely precious little boys! Heeheeheeheeheehee!
 Brad and Justin: HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHHAHAHA~!!!!!!! *the two boys laughed both hysterically and preciously the moment they felt Harriet’s furry toes glide against their stomachs, quivering and quivering with every passing ticklish sensation they felt in their upper bodies*
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! I know. *said Harriet with a sly smile, knowing exactly what she’s doing* Isn’t it just fantabulous, boys? *she asked cheekily, before proceeding to drum her toes against Brad and Justin’s stomachs* Heeheeheheeheeheehee!
 After 2 minutes, Harriet finished it all out by wiggling her toes against Brad and Justin’s stomachs; every single inch of them, not leaving a single area untouched.
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! You boys are just so cute! Heeheeheehee! Oh my gosh, I could just tickle you boys forever and ever. You know that, don’t you? Heeheeheeheeheehee!
 Harriet: Heeheeheeheehee! You most certainly do. Heeheeheeheeheehee~
 Harriet wiggled her toes against Brad and Justin’s stomachs for two whole minutes, relishing in the sweet sound that was their boyish laughter all the while she did so. It was music to her long, beautiful ears and by the time she stopped tickling her adopted sons, Brad and Justin themselves pulled their legs out from underneath Brad’s bed and gave her big hugs, thanking her for tickling them and for being such a wonderful mother.
 Harriet: Awww! I love you too, boys. *said Harriet, crying tears of joy* Oh g-gosh; words cannot describe how happy I am right now.
 Brad: Hehe. I know. It’s all just so much to take in, isn’t it? *asked Brad, referring to his and Justin’s resurrections*
 Harriet: *sniffles* Uh-huh. But I’m most certainly grateful for it. And this time, I’m going to do everything I can to protect you; both of you… and Benny and Robbie and Heather. No matter what!
 Justin: Oh, yeah, we know ya will, Mom; jus’ like Aunt Heidi, the INNKEEPER, will do everythin’ she can ta protect Izzy… and Bastian and Bekah and Bebe.
 Harriet: *sniffles* I’m happy to hear you think so, boys. *sniffles* ………Ha… ha… Well, anyhoo, who wants ice cream? After all that tickling, you’ve got to be hungry for some, right? I know you are, Brad; heeheehee; but what about you, Justin? Do you want any ice cream?
 Justin: Hehehe. Yes. Yes, ah reckon ah do. Hehehehe. But, ah’m not sure if I want a Nice Cream or a Bisicle. …Hmmm…
 Harriet: Heeheehee. How about both? Heeheehee.
 Justin: What?! Really?! No foolin’?! Hehe; thank ya, Mom! Thank ya!
 Brad: Hehe. Oh, wow; thanks, Mom!
 Harriet: Heeheeheehee! You’re very welcome, my sweet cinnamon buns! X3
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adaru32 · 5 years
My Dante Obsession
Thought I’d share something that’s been on my mind for awhile (Bear with me, it’s quite long and does get personal). I feel it’s appropriate to share this here since I see people making these kinds of posts on here sometimes. And Tumblr seems to be one of the best places for me to express myself without feeling embarrassed, or without having any regrets. 
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(Image above made by me) What I want to talk about is my obsession with Dante from the Devil May Cry series. I just can’t get enough of this handsome devil (One of the reasons it’s taking me time to get a soulmate). He stole my heart since my early teen years when DMC3 came out. DMC1 was the first Devil May Cry game I’ve ever owned and played. I loved it and even found Dante awesome back then, but DMC3 is what got me obsessed. Not only with Dante, but with the entire series as well (I have other fandoms like Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, etc., but Devil May Cry’s my number one).
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I check for Devil May Cry related news updates often, and post them on my Facebook and Deviantart groups. Of course I’m not the only one that finds these news updates, I’d have friends/group members that would share some news updates whenever I’m not looking for any. Whenever certain updates happen like new statues or figurines, or anything related to videos/movie series (Fan made or not) and the video games that feature Devil May Cry related content (Despite how I’m not interested in certain types of games, and/or don’t have the consoles or devices for them) fills me with delight (Even how DMCV won some awards throughout this year made me really happy).
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Not only do I check for Devil May Cry related news updates, I try to find really awesome concept arts (Mainly 3D rendered ones from CapCom) and screenshots of him around the net (I even take my own from Youtube, and DMCV on PS4). The amazing shots that PC players take makes me envious due to not having the Devil May Cry series on PC (Don’t think my laptop can handle these games which is why I didn’t get them for PC), but also blown away by what these people are capable of (That includes modding). Same can be said for the amazing fan artists that capture his elegant beauty. I’m an artist myself but rarely create things anymore due to adulting, other hobby-related distractions, and my anxiety getting in the way. I’ve been collecting all these amazing images for so long that it’s gotten to the point where I print quite a bit of them, and create these collages on pieces of cardboard and then set them around my room (As some of you may have witnessed from pictures of my one cat), and my bulletin boards.
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(Things get really personal and emotional here. Skip to after the DMC4 image of him if you wish) I’m aware that he is a fictional character, but he's one of the main things in my life that saved me from ending it all. I really can’t describe how, but he always lifts my spirits whenever I see images of him, and watch him in action in whatever media involves him. He even made me connect with other people that have an interest in Devil May Cry, too. If he was a real person, I know there wouldn’t be any chance of us being a couple... Reasons are: 1. I’m demisexual (I can see him wanting to get kinky more than me). 2. I’m a softy, insecure, lack confidence, and can be a stick-in-the-mud. 3. Distance (He’s from USA, I’m from Canada). 4. Age gap (If we’re talking about his DMCV age in the present, he’s about 15-20 years older than me...The suitable age gap for me currently would be his DMC1 and DMC2 selves). It hurts me to think that way and know that it’s most likely true. But at the same time it makes me glad that he’s fictional. I can imagine how many people would go after him if he was real, hahaha.
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The things about Dante that I’m attracted to: 1. The way he looks in general (Face, body, and style). 2. His personality (There are certain traits of him that I can relate to). 3. His inhuman abilities (That includes his ability to turn into a cool-looking demon. I have a thing for people that transform into badass-looking creatures/beasts/monsters. Even I like to imagine myself changing into some type of beastly monster).
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For those of you that have read these awkwardly weird thoughts of mine, thanks for reading. I’m grateful and proud to be part of a community where I can share my interests. I’m also grateful that Hideki Kamiya, Makoto Tsuchibayashi, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Hideaki Itsuno, Matt Walker, Tatsuya Yoshikawa, and Daigo Ikeno have made one awesome character. Can’t wait to see more Dante in the future.
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1-800-channie · 5 years
A.M. Thoughts
☆ So its like... Almost 2 am in here and I am not sleepy at all :)
☆ I was on Instagram, watching video memes of Stray Kids (I haven't done it in a while) and my mind just got filled with so many loving words and intense feelings that I can't really explain.
☆ I love or relationship with Chris on his vlives. "oh you got too many tank tops" And he answering "hahaha so funny". When fans were complaining about the live always bugging and Chris went " I can't control the Wi-Fi" THE SASS! Or "have you eaten yet?" And he says "I drank some water(?)".
☆ How he feels so loved and cared on his vlives, it makes me so happy, it gives me so much joy, just hearing his cute laugh or listening to him saying "baby stays" I am so thankful for him.
☆ I'm sorry Channie, for all this hate you got. I wish I could be there for you. Wrap you in a blanket and kiss your forehead, while I whisper that everything so gonna be alright. You have such an amazing heart, and I'm sorry that you have to live in this stupid world with these people I truly am. I wish I could tell you in your face, how your smile makes my heart skip a bit, how your voice calms me down and how everytime I'm broken it's you that I look up to.
☆ I've been meaning to tell this but have you realized how Han is a whole soft boy? The way he speaks English, how he says he is his own source of happiness, saying he loves himself, joking about his sadness... But also working so hard for what he believes in.
☆ 19 is such a great song, and the first time I listened to it, I cried. I couldn't understand anything but it made me cry, and that means he is putting his feelings in whatever he is doing and I'm so proud of him.
☆ How Woojin is the most underrated boy in the group? This man is pure gold. From his heaven made features to his perfect voice and I swear, he has the sweetest voice of them all. I like how, if he posts a selca of him, he looks soft and cuddly. But when fan sites post pictures of him, he looks masculine and strong.
☆ A handsome man with so much talent that I wish he could be more popular inside the fandom..
☆ Changbin is also a baby and im- Not only his rapping skills are so fucking awesome ("does he even breath (?)") But how hard working this man is. I love him no matter what. Just I swear, his arms make him get a little more points but, how he is a deep person? Or how he pretends to be such a badass strong, when all he needs is love?
☆ Reminds me of someone (myself lol) My binnie, I'm so proud of you.
☆ Felix, boy, thank you for existing. I truly can't understand how you turned their handsome so suddenly and honestly? You are the purest boy. From how precious his laugh his, to how I feel bad for what he went thru. Damn, our boy speaks Korean so well now, I'm so proud of him... And, god,
☆ Thank you for being so open about your love for the boys, it's the cutest thing ever. How he included "boys or girls" On that question made my heart skip a bit and I swear to God, if I ever meet and get the chance to tell you something, is to say that you are amazing, talented, sweet, loving and my bisexual icon.
☆ The fact that everyone seems Minho as a badass kinda pisses me off sometimes. He is a cat person. Cat people LOVE affection, love to be taken care of, and god he is so sweet and caring. He may try to look badass, but his smile? It can light up the who world.
☆ His dancing skills amaze me so much... He is so talented... So good... His voice is so beautiful, so calm, it brings a smile on my face... I'm so proud of you Minnie.
☆ Hyunjin was my bias at first. There is not much to say, but I love this sassy man. No one can tell me otherwise THIS MAN IS THE DEFINITION OF SASSY and I'm living for it. But, he is also soft? Caring? Always thinks about stays? Always update us with his cute ass selfies and I'm honestly overwhelmed with so much passion.
☆ His rapping improved so much, his dance moves make me go blind and I'm so happy, so proud of him. For becoming who he is, and I love it.
☆ Jeonjin, please don't grow up. Even though you are older than me, don't grow up. He is so sweet so pure so innocent... For this nasty world and it bothers me that I know, when he comes legal all this thirsty asses are going to sexualize him and it will kill me. This angel is so pure...
☆ His smile instantly makes me smile, and the way he is so confident and always as a response at the tip of his tongue amazes me. His voice is beautiful, amazing and I get so giggly when his part starts. He truly is so precious... I'm so proud for him, so so proud.
☆ Seungmin was the one that caught my eye at first, because he looked so boyfriend material, but after I got into the fandom I realized that he is so much more. His english is so good that makes me question mine, his voice is so heavenly that I feel like floating out if space and his attitude? Damn, just like me.
☆ Don't forget, that even if he looks all strong and whatever, remember how he loves to be close to his members and how he is soft, no matter what, Seungmin is, for me, never a howtie. He is a softie. A cutie, a lovely man that I respect and in so proud of.
☆ Lol... Hmm... It's almost two am and I'm in tears in my bed... Bit I just needed to get this out of my chest. I'm sorry of this is a mess (I didn't even revised it)... I just wanted to post this any ways. Good night y'all, remember I'm really thank you for all of you, for all the love and support ♡
(Y'all are too quiet about the 3rd chapter... Was it that bad?)
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“Lulu, we’re heading out,” Athena calls out.
Walking down the hallway, Lulu waves to her grandmother and Pashmina at the door. “Okay Grandma. I’ll make sure the laundry gets finished. Have fun shopping with Grandma,” Lulu replies. “FOOD!” Pashmina calls out excited.
Smiling, Athena walks out of the house with Pashmina behind her as Lulu stands there for a moment. Waiting a moment, Lulu then turns and rushes to her room. Being the only one in the house as her mother was with her grandfather at the palace and Kane was out with friends, Lulu came to a stop at the sliding door as she slowly creaked it open to see the two going up the hill. Shutting the door, Lulu then proceeds to pull the box of tapes from Tay’s palace out and heads back into the living room.
Grabbing the notepad that sits in the kitchen, Lulu took a seat on the floor before opening the TV cabinet and hooking up the VCR.
And so Lulu begins going through the tapes; marking what order she watches them and any small notes about them. Though about the third tape in, Lulu was a little bored as they just seemed to be broken and messed up interviews of the boy first shown in the one she watched with Tay.
Though taking a break to work on the laundry and grab a snack, Lulu sat down and put the fourth tape in.
One minute calm and bored, the next Lulu looked started. “Oh carp! Talk about botched,” Lulu remarked, a bit freaked out, as she watched this mutated person/creature be interviewed. Lulu wasn’t sure which but jotted down notes on what they were asking.
“Huh? They keep asking these same questions,” Lulu thought before jumping a bit as the creature got angry and started to attack before others rushed in. The video ended there and Lulu looked dumbfounded.
Blinking for a few seconds, Lulu knew she was wide awake now as she wrote down what she saw and key things.
Another few videos of state and gargled voices, Lulu put another one in as it was another interview, but this time, something was different.
Squinting her eyes, Lulu noticed something. “That’s not same boy,” Lulu remarked to herself as she stopped the tape and ejected it to put one of the earlier ones back in as she rewinds it and starts it over.
Flipping the page over, Lulu jots down notes on this boy before taking the tape out and putting the other one back in. “Yeah, their vocal tones are different as well as some of their features. This one here’s also a bit more polite. More formal manners. Interesting. He’s also being asked the same questions as the other boy. Actually...now really looking at...he looks like...” Lulu thought to herself.
Listening to him speak again, Lulu recognized the voice she heard; although realizing it was much younger than what she knew.
Lulu blinked. “Holy Kraken! That is Tay! Kraken, he’s probably only like in his teens in this. But...why? Why is he getting interviewed as well? He’s the king,” Lulu spoke out.
As the video ended, Lulu was now more confused as she jotted the notes down and went through a few more.
Once again, more interviews, some seeming to answer the questions right. Some not so much. But Lulu was paying attention to what was being asked as she started to write down the common questions.
Who were they?
Did they remember this or this?
Did they see this or this?
With the next tape, it started as a normal interview then went different.
Someone else walked in.
Blinking, Lulu recognized this octoling. “Hey! That’s the guy from the painting in the foyer of the Tay’s palace,” Lulu thought as she watched the interview. Noting he was in a lab coat, on the coat was a broach. Seeing it, Lulu was startled as she stopped the video. “That’s...the royal crest...but why.....would that mean?” Lulu thought in confusion before she heard her phone go off.
It was a text from Lutarna.
[To: P. DJ Sunshine]
[From: Metro Sis]
“Hey Lulu. We’re doing some cleaning at the labs and I stumbled on the DNA I took from Callie when she was concerned about the final splatfest. With things having calmed down now, think I need to keep it? It doesn’t seem like all shell is going to go loose any time soon for me to clone her a new body.”
[To: Metro Sis]
[From: P. DJ Sunshine]
“Nah, just keep it. Callie might get upset if you got rid of it. Who know. It may come handy down the road. You know how they are over there.”
[To: P. DJ Sunshine]
[From: Metro Sis]
“Hahaha, true.”
Giving a small chuckle herself, Lulu went to close her text box on her phone when her eyes fell on a certain world.
Lulu blinked for a second before something clicked in her head. Looking up at the TV, Lulu’s eyes started to go wide as her tentacles started to curl.
“The building we explored. Those broken containment units there. Multiple on multiple interviews,” Lulu thought as she took the tape out and put the one back in with Tay’s interview.
Watching it again, Lulu listened into the questions again.
“Who are you?” Lulu spoke to herself before stopping the tape and thinking things over.
“Tay said they told him he had gotten really sick and when he woke up, he looked the way he did which is much younger than what people recognized him as. He’s also said he can’t remember what happened to him after the events of the first Great Zapfish kidnapping. Now, here is an older octoling with the royal crest on them showing up for the interviews. In this kind of situation, it would make sense for the royals to be leading such interviews...but...what if these interviews were some type of cloning project...then it would make sense for the age gap on Tay and all these questions...same questions...asking about Octavio. But...why a cloning project?” Lulu spoke out loud to herself.
At this point, Jamboree and Yaki had come out of the room and were tapping on Lulu’s feet to play. Spotting them, Lulu scooped them up and wrapped them up in her tentacles to keep them off her notes as they started to play fight with their spoons.
“Kids! You two are ridiculous. Sooner or later that energy of yours is going to wear out when you two get to being old fish,” Lulu joked before a thought struck her.
“Age! What if...what if he didn’t have an heir. Okay! So, he comes up with the cloning project.  Okay, that makes sense then. He’s testing them to see who is more fit to take over as the ruling party. Then what happen?” Lulu spoke out, trying to put pieces together.
“Tay said they said he was really sick.”
Eyes going wide again, a thought finally struck her. “HOW SICK???” Lulu stated before jolting forward, packing all the tapes back up in the box, shutting the TV and VCR, and rushing back into her room.
Changing into her hero gear as she set Jamboree and Yaki on the bed, Lulu gave them kisses as well to her zapfish before grabbing her Duelies and rushing out of the house; locking the door behind her.
Rushing up the hill, thoughts were going through Lulu’s head.
“That first boy. He seemed to be the older than Tay in some of the videos. What happen to him? What happen to the others? I need answers,” Lulu thought as she jumped through the kettle leading out of her home dome.
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dcarevu · 6 years
DCAU: Beware the Gray Ghost
“When crime haunts the night, a silent crusader carries the torch of justice. Those with evil hearts beware for out of the darkness comes the Gray Ghost!”
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Batman meets his influence, while simultaneously, in a way, meeting himself from another universe. How is this possible? Find out next time, same bat-time, same bat-channel! Well, okay, maybe not, you could just scroll down… So was this episode a tired, old has-been or a star worth remembering?
Episode: 18 Robin: No Writer(s): Garin Wolf (Teleplay), Tom Ruegger (Teleplay/Story), Dennis O’Flaherty (Story) Director: Boyd Kirkland Animator: Spectrum Airdate: November 4, 1992 Grade: A
Beware the Gray Ghost is a fantastic episode of Batman the Animated Series with something there to satisfy the older and newer fans, bridging the gap between them. And in fact, historically, it kinda did just that, bringing new respect to a certain actor who guest starred in this one! It is also an episode that I noticed has a very distinct feel to it, turning it into a tribute to not only the old Batman show from the 60’s, but also just old, Twilight Zone-esque noir crime shows in general. The music, the plot, some of the more subtle details, it’s all there. But instead of using these to craft some sort of parody or critique, it all ends up being a very respectful look at days past while undoubtedly still being Batman the Animated Series.
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“The Graaaaaayyyyy Ghost!”
Spectrum animation is back with this one (which is odd, because apparently they shut down after bankrupting themselves with Heart of Ice… Anyone know how this all worked?), but in addition to that, my copy of Batman the Animated Series on Blu Ray just arrived! I couldn’t be happier that the first episode we watched on Blu Ray was a Spectrum episode. This created a very noticeable leap in animation quality. I’ll go more into detail at the end of this post also, giving my basic first impressions on how the Blu Ray release stacks up against the DVD one. But yeah, I’ll say it right now, it makes the show go from beautiful to breathtaking. Some of the color-usage in this episode is the best the show had done up to this point, and a variety of styles was used.
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We have the scenes which are in exclusively black and white (displayed when we get a look at the original Grey Ghost tv show), we have the sepia-toned bits showing Bruce Wayne’s childhood, we have the bloody reds when explosions and fires happen (fire count!), and then we have the typical dark-deco look of the show. They all flow together seamlessly, and you can’t help but admire how realized this episode must have been before it was finished and then aired on TV. I cannot think of a single way I would improve the look of this one, aside from one or two funky-looking shots of Batman. 
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One of the few funky shots of Batman...
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...but they’re made up for by how awesome some of the other shots are.
The closest to a perfect episode (animation-wise) you’re gonna get. Period. Char (again, my watching-buddy, and DCAU-virgin) pointed out the animation for when Batman and Grey Ghost are hauling ass away from the exploding remote-controlled cars too. Very dynamic angles were used that only studios like Spectrum and TMS could have pulled off.
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If Akom worked on this scene, it would have been such a disaster. Speaking of Akom, now I’m thinking of their version of an explosion/fire vs Spectrum’s. Just for funzies, let us compare shall we?
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From The Cat and the Claw (Part 2).
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These next few are from Beware the Gray Ghost.
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The difference is quite clear. One makes you jump out of your seat in awe. The other makes you jump out of your seat because you’re about to upchuck your breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
When I mentioned earlier something about this episode never straying into parody-territory, well, it does not necessarily look back at the genre/Batman show and play it completely seriously either. They walked a thin line between both and decided to put Bruce Wayne into a setting that we can all relate to; sitting in front of the tv, watching your favorite show before bed.
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The Gray Ghost in this story isn’t an old, retired superhero, or a superhero turned villain. He’s an actor, and one that played in a somewhat dated, silly “superhero” drama. This immediately adds a sense of seriousness and realness to it while also managing to not let the cornier aspects go. Both worlds exist in this episode. The whacky Gray Ghost show, and the noir, gothic world of Batman the Animated Series. They don’t necessarily have to merge in a typical way and clash tones, because they are able to reference and display the Gray Ghost show as fictional. The way it’s used makes it all relatable, and it gives us a look at what influenced the dark knight, along with a borderline-tragic story about the downsides of fame and being known for one thing and one thing only. Batman may seem super-powered to the many thugs that he battles in the alleyways, but he is a human just like you and I, one that did have a childhood at one point. Even if that childhood was tragically ended with a few bullets. Batman feeling the level of nostalgia that he feels in the episode is so god damn adorable, and it’s another moment, much like The Cat and the Claw, where we see him being Bruce Wayne, not Batman, but also somehow being himself. It's that middle ground between the brooding, shadowy figure and the rich, chillax playboy.
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A smile we rarely get to see.
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“You’ve gotta be kidding me!” Bruce acknowledges the cheesiness of the explosion causes.
While Batman is enjoying his childhood tv show, at one point almost seeming to forget why he’s watching it in the first place, we see Alfred subtly bringing that memory to life even more. Batman may no longer have a father, but Alfred is the closest thing he could ever hope for. TV superheroes clearly are not Alfred’s thing. He even mentions that fact when he says he prefers his fireplace to a black and white screen. But that’s not the point. The point is that Bruce is being transported back to feeling the warmth and protection of a father figure, while throwing out all of his worries for a bit and feeling a sense of thrill and enjoyment. Alfred seems to understand this. He knows Bruce more than anyone else could. Almost all of the flashbacks we see in this show are sad ones. And that gives the ones like this so much more power.
Alright, now, for those of you who don’t know (like all two of you), this episode has the very special guest star, Adam West. To me, this elevates the episode immensely, and strengthens the central themes and thesis tenfold. We go from a story about an actor being kind of a one-trick pony to the same story being told by someone who lived it. We go from a story where Batman gets to meet his idol to that same story featuring that very idol. And not just an idol to Batman, but an idol to many kids and adults who were around when Batman was still airing. Even those who went back and watched it later! Hell, when I was 5 or 6, I watched the shit out of Batman: The Movie, and I’m only 23. And y’know, we have things like Catman in The Fairly Oddparents, and the Fearless Ferret episode of Kim Possible. I’m not knocking on those, but damn, Adam West had to get tired of Batman goofs at some point. In fact, the team behind Batman the Animated Series was a little bit nervous that he wouldn’t wanna participate. But I’d be willing to bet that this episode made him feel good.
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The Gray Ghost kinda reminds me of Arthur from The Tick. Great shot here, by the way.
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The Gray Ghost is posed in the same way as Batman in the end credits. Such a cool detail that I actually missed my first time watching.
I love that despite wanting to stay far away from 60’s Batman vibes, the team wasn’t ready to dismiss it as bogus. And I get the sense that maybe Batman’s reverence in this episode is not only representative of all the Batman fans’, but also that of the crew behind Batman the Animated Series. They wanted Adam West to feel welcomed, and like the show wouldn’t exist without him (because it likely wouldn’t). So honestly, hats off to them. To further show a lack of satire, it wouldn’t surprise me if that is why Bruce Timm’s voice and image was used for the main villain.
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Bruce Timm’s voice acting wasn’t the best, and I’d be willing to bet that he hated doing it, hahaha. Still a really fun nutjob of a character.
I’ll relate it to the episode of The Nostalgia Critic where he squares up against Mara Wilson. Mara Wilson, in real life, saw a Nostalgia Critic video about one of her films, and was kinda offended by it. But through a series of events, she and Doug Walker (the main creator and actor of NC) ended up cool, and he even put her in one of his videos! To make it even better, he actually had her play the antagonist, or probably more accurately, the protagonist. She basically ended up embarrassing and getting even with the Critic character in the episode. It’s still one of Doug’s favorite episodes to this day, and I have a feeling that he set the plot up like this to show her that he actually respects her quite a bit, and to soften the blow of the shit he’s thrown her way over the years. The team behind Batman the Animated Series may have done a similar thing in making Adam West’s character, along with Kevin’s Batman, defeat Bruce Timm’s character together, and if that’s the case, I love it. Not only does Adam West get the admiration of their version of Batman, but he also gets to help Bruce Timm’s character get his comeuppance. And then, of course, West’s character gets the attention he deserves at the end.
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I know this is a video release, but it looks a lot like a thicker Blu Ray case. Kinda like, well, the Blu Ray release of Batman TAS!
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Oh wow, never noticed this foreshadowing either. Matt Hagen will be a name that we’ll see pop up in a couple of episodes.
Garin Wolf, Tom Ruegger, and Dennis O’Flaherty obviously treaded carefully, but likely without even thinking about it. Because it is so genuine-seeming and charming. And honestly, thank you, Adam West, for being such a great sport throughout all the time you were alive. I wish there could have been another official DCAU tribute after his death, but this being the one thing we got should be more than great enough for any Batman or comic book fan out there.
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This dude was pretty obviously voiced by Alfred’s voice actor. Times when having a voice with so much character takes me out of the show!
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A look at some of the Gray Ghost episodes. I’d kill for a Gray Ghost animated series, following what we have shown here.
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Wow, that Batmobile is awfully close to the ground.
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Just a nice still. Boy does he ever look like a classic pulp costumed crimefighter. They nailed his design. 
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A picture of Bruce Timm after he saw the finished product of I’ve Got Batman In My Basement.
Before I go, I’d like to, yes, mention the Blu Ray copy of the show I just received! So far, I’m mixed on it. While the visual and audio quality is mostly superior, there are a few moments of a shot being too bright or whatever. Also, I don’t know, I think that the dirtiness is part of what made the original show look so charming, and it was truly meant to be seen on the technology that was around at the time. Everything is so crisp now, and it just doesn’t look as old as it once did. On the other hand…they got rid of the spot above Batman’s lip during the theme song! Hot damn! That makes it about 10x easier to sleep at night… From what I understand, there are also some new special features and such that I can’t wait to view. All of the old ones are there too, which brings me to the pilot, The Dark Knight’s First Night. I was really, really, really hoping that they would bring in the original sound for it. On the volume 1 DVD, I was always kinda weirded out that it said the original music and sounds were lost. I mean, as far as the music goes…it’s just music from the 1989 Batman film, how hard can that be to get ahold of..? Hell, one of the versions on Youtube has the original music and sounds, so what gives? Could it be a copyright issue or something? I don’t know, but this same problem exists on the Blu Ray release too. Kind of a shame. Oh, but wait, as a plus, this complete series doesn’t just include every episode, but it also comes with Mask of the Phantasm and Subzero! I hate when complete series box sets don’t come with the movies that are just as much part of the series. This is an incredibly consistent problem across basically every tv show ever, and I get why it’s a thing, but it still annoys me. This problem doesn’t exist with Batman the Animated Series any longer. Well. Kinda. Mystery of the Batwoman is strangely…not included? I know that this one was technically released much later, and I also remember it sucking, but it’s still a part of the show! Why not include it? Personally, if I were in charge, I also would have thrown in Batman and Harley Quinn too, but believe me, I wasn’t banking on that one. I can forgive its absence. Overall, though, I’m super happy to own this, and even though I’ve seen all of Batman the Animated Series already, this gives me something new to enjoy with it. Also, even though it’s not a perfect release, I think I still consider it a step up over watching the show on DVD. At least, if we’re talking flat screen TVs (watching the entire show on VHS would be awesome, honestly). I give the Blu Ray release a B. Maybe a low A.
Char’s grade: A Fire count: 9
Next time: Prophecy of Doom Full episode list here!
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lululawrence · 6 years
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lululawrence’s May 2018 Fic List
Click here for previous months’ fic lists
And we’re back for another month of reading! I didn’t do a lot of writing this month, but I read a LOT so this list is long! So buckle up, and let’s look back on the amazing fics I read this month! (There’s a lot of Tomlinshaw, but I promise there’s Larry too! Keep reading and don’t give up on me pls hehe)
but tonight (you’re on my mind) by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16 There’s a lot of Tomlinshaw on this list this month because I was wanting some awesome banter and high angst due to lack of communication and who does that better than Tomlinshaw? ANYWAY, this fic was almost too much for me hahahaha! Anitra has a way of writing that makes you feel every bit of pain and the anticipation building up to where I knew it was going was killing me, but DAMN was the resolution of it all amazing! If Tomlinshaw is your thing, defo give this one a try.
Know You Know You Got It Bad by @taggiecb / taggiecb This one had me cackling but also horrified at the amount of WOW THAT TOTALLY CAME OUT WRONG and misunderstandings, and that is exactly what made this such a fantastic ride. Another fab Tomlinshaw to read, should that be your thing!
Do You Smile To Tempt A Lover by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16 A MUSEUM AU WHERE NICK PAYS HOMAGE TO PAINTINGS OF MAGGIE SMITH AND JUDI DENCH AFTER OGGLING LOUIS? Yes please. Featuring matchmaker Zayn. AND Louis secretly writes erotica during his lunch breaks? This fic is sooooo fun. A defo Tomlinshaw read.
A Royal Wedding by @reminiscingintherain / reminiscingintherain This short ditty is SO CUTE!!! A short and sweet Larry meet-cute surrounding the royal wedding. It is the best little fic snack to leave you feeling good!
We Used To Wait by @magicalrocketships / sunsetmog I read this as I was on my period and started it around 1 am. Both of these life decisions I do not recommend, because I ended up just shoving a tissue between my face and my pillow so I could keep reading without creating a puddle on my pillow as Nick freaked out in the hospital over Louis possibly not surviving. All the same, the fact I kept reading despite all of this should be one of the highest recommendations. This fic destroyed me and put me back together again in all of the best ways. A Tomlinshaw must read.
Somebody Hurt You (I Know A Place) by @writsgrimmyblog / writcraft I...well looking back on this I thought this fic was a lot shorter than it actually is because I devoured it so fast and it reads so well I had no idea it was 20k. ha! So, that being said: Tomlinshaw featuring amnesia. There’s a few of these coming because I NEEDED IT sorry not sorry. The structure of the fic was beautiful too!
loose lips sink ship all the damn time (not this time) by @mediawhorefics / MediaWhore THIS FIC OMGOSHHHHHHHH I loved it. Gosh I loved it. Secret relationship AGAIN, forced outing, exes to lovers, ALL THE EMOTIONS! The way Nick was written too just had me in LOVE. Sigh. Another fab Tomlinshaw with some incredible structuring that allows you to watch the relationship begin and fall apart all while seeing them come back together again. (I promise, there’s more Larry coming, please don’t give up on me lol)
The Disgruntled Novelist's Bodacious Pornographer (or, that time Nick and Louis were rival romance writers) by aliferuined This fic had me laughing so hard on my porch while my son played with bubbles he actually climbed on my lap to see if I was watching a funny video. I was crying and wheezing. This was just... the most hilarious. Tomlinshaw, again hehe
wait for me to come home by carissima TOMLINSHAW TIME TRAVEL!!! And it’s done in such a beautiful way! It completely satisfies all desires for knowing what happens where and I just LOVE it! 
Once every day your life starts again by blackmustache This fic also features Tomlinshaw amnesia (see a theme for me? lol) and soccer aid and secret relationships and Jay helping them find each other again, which is lovely!
Nobody compares to you by @headband-husbands / fallenflowercrowns (meggiewrites) Larry returns! haha It’s all Larry from here on out on the list, promise :) Tumblr AU! Canon Compliant! Best Friends to Lovers! What more could you want in a fic? I honestly don’t know, which obviously means I loved this one lolll
Seeing Blind by @sugarbabyomega / zedi BLIND ALPHA LOUIS, SAUCY OMEGA HARRY! Gosh this fic just. WOW. It flips between POVs and gives such a full and lovely feel for the entire thing. Involving surprise early heats! No Strings Attached hook ups that turn into Feelings! What could go wrong?? hehehe A new favorite A/B/O for me!
Stay Close, Hold Steady by @jaerie / jaerie THIS FIC FAM! It is one of my fic babies that I didn’t write. hahaha My random ramblings to Jenna as I drove in the car back in March might have helped form this amazing fic and I love it so much. “Brothers” A/B/O Larry fic involving finding your lost family, gender presentation, and so much more. Read while listening to The Tide. It’s a good choice. Promise.
Among Friends by @theficwritersblock / secretswekeepxx This fic, y’all. I’d never seen the film it was based on, so I was a bit wary going into it but IT WAS SO GOOD! SOOOO GOOOOOD!  Be prepared for the pain, the ridiculousness, stupid boys, and love conquering all. Duh.
And I Will Steady Your Hand by @icanhazzalou / kiwikero Another great A/B/O fic! Keri pulls out all the stops with late presentation support group amazingness and the changes and confusion/frustration that come with them, especially at a time of life where it feels like EVERYTHING is changing. It’s such a great fic. Defo read it.
All That You Are by @iamasphodelknox / asphodelknox Y’ALL. This fic. It’s historical fiction at it’s finest. WWII soldier OT5 and Shawn friendship and period typical homophobia and dreams and relying on each other and love and I keep talking and it’s just not enough. All the love for this fic. It is art and beauty and wow. Defo read it.
Getting Naked on Camera (NOT CLICKBAIT) by @velvetnoodle / velvetnoodle (goldfishsunglasses) This little thing had me giggling. A great, light little fic to help you smile on a hard day!
Bijou by @fullonlarrie / FullOnLarrie Lauren did such amazing things with this! Micropenises. Who knew? I didn’t until now, but I can’t wait for the other fics that will eventually be a part of this!
my favourite colour is you by @velvetnoodle / velvetnoodle (goldfishsunglasses) SO CUTE. MUCH CUTE. ALL THE CUTE. It’s so soft and lovely and a happy place to escape.
Slow Hands (Slow Days) by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry This fic, y’all. Farmer Harry, Vet Louis. Softness. Country living. Good friends. It feels so lovely and yet I couldn’t stop giggling at the slow hands aspect of it. haha Defo recommend reading this to understand what slow hands has to do with any of this. 
Your Shadow Running Round by @harrystanslouis / harrystanslouis This fic is lovely! So lovely! Stupid boys who made stupid decisions and have to fix things are a soft spot for me, and that is definitely featured in this fic.
Run With Your Mind by @larryandgaystuff / larryandgaystuff (cnd8544) Another great story with such a great connection to the song it was written for! Full of stupid boys with feelings they aren’t talking about even though they really should. Maybe that was this month’s theme. Next month’s should be communication. HAH! 
Took Me by Surprise by @becomeawendybird / QuickedWeen This is a fic that Molly teased me with the idea for AGES ago and when it finally came to fruition I was not disappointed! Such an amazing read and a fic all around! The kid aspect was so believable and wonderful and just a lovely added bonus to the entire thing.
All My Friends Are Here by abrighteryellow This was the cutest fic! Pub quiz hosted by Harry becomes more than just a little appealing to Louis, despite the fact he doesn’t want it to be. A short little meet-cute to make you smile!
Mars Needs Irishmen by @fakedeepplantjerker / kassio Listen. This is a fic where the relationship tagged is Niall and Space. It’s got a great narrative structure and the story is so lovely! I really enjoyed it. So fulfilling and a great read!
maybe by @gaycousinlarry / momentofclarity This story!!! Two little nerdy boys who don’t think they have a chance with the other falling for each other anyway? Yes please. A beautifully fulfiling story considering how few words there are!
Beat the Odds Together by @ireallysawanangel / crimsontheory Cute! That’s all I can really say. It was so cute! A short little thing with surprising amounts of emotion packed in. 
walk down our aisles first by @jumperlouis / musketrois (B_kate) THIS. WAS. SO. SWEET. I keep saying that, but these short fics for the short fic fest gave me life when I was dealing with stress from my mom’s big open heart surgery and the aftermath of that. This was was particularly lovely as a meet cute with a slight twist to it that I really enjoyed.
Redwood Seedlings Prefer Full Sunlight by @polkadotsvstripes / polka_stripes Girl!Direction short fic featuring a meet-cute! I really enjoyed this one too. A fun quick read that also makes you hope they make it work hehe
Sea of Love by @kinglouisxxviii / theweightofmywords Mermaids and Princes! What more could you ask for?
If Anyone Knew by @marastarfar / StarFar Listen. This was one of the first A/B/O fics I ever read, and it was a WIP. A WIP I thought had been abandoned but then the amazing Mara almost made me cry by completing it! This fic is so great. Please be warned though, there are a LOT of triggers and it very much is a dark!fic in many ways, so be cautious before jumping in. Worth it if you can handle it, though! A great read, as StarFar’s stuff always is.
tell me what you need by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface This fic!!! I laughed hard enough to have my husband pause his movie and take out his headphones to ask me what in the world was going on lollll The pacing of this fic! It had me gasping and having to pause reading on numerous occasions so I could see clearly enough to keep reading. Definitely up there as one of the funniest fics I’ve ever read. 
Not yet a breach, but an expansion by @kinglouisxxviii / theweightofmywords GOSH THIS FIC! Heartwrenching and beautiful and so powerful in so few words! How?!?! I have no idea. Gorgeous and an amazing twist on soulmates.
when i'm pipe and slippers and rocking chair by nightwideopen Whoops. I lied. Another Tomlinshaw. Whatcha gonna do? This was such a cute little thing, though. Such a fun little established relationship fic hehe
head over feet by @kinglouisxxviii / theweightofmywords This fic was so good I went yelling in my GCs until I could find someone who know the tumblr associated with this AO3 and then I immediately ran and began screaming at Caryn, okay? Please read it. Love yourself. Read this fic.
Wish You Were Here by @undersummerstars / alittlewicked SELKIE HARRYYYYYYY!!! I need all the selkie Harry fics. Amazing. This one absolutely did not disappoint. I loved it and it made me crave more. 
Surrender to Seduction by @laynefaire / Layne Faire (HisDarlin) Layne’s tag “fast and loose with canon” had me giggling but those giggles stopped as I read this fic because the way she writes has such power and draw I was immediately in the story. A great read!
Until You Use Me Up by @fullonlarrie / FullOnLarrie OKAY LISTEN. Before I knew this was Lauren’s I read it and was just like FANNING MYSELF. It was so hot and so well done and amazing. It was just...amazing.
AND THAT, in reverse chronological order (because apparently that’s how I roll today), is a list of the fics I read and loved this month! Thank you to all of the amazing writers who shared your amazing works with us! You provided me with so much help in difficult days and entertainment. 
Please spread love to the fandom writers and leave them comments and kudos on their fics! I’ll be back next month with what will likely be a much shorter list lollll
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thedeaditeslayer · 6 years
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Interview with Ash vs. Evil Dead writer Bryan Edward Hill.
I wrote my first article on NAQB with pain in my heart. After spending years hoping for a fourth installment of Evil Dead, three years ago the announcement of the Ash vs Evil Dead pilot directed by Sam Raimi, (that Sam Raimi) and written by Sam, Ivan Raimi and Tom Spezialy… the same authors of the Evil Dead Trilogy was made.
After I watched the trailer with my closest friend we thanked God, hoping that it was not a farce, or a revival made only for money. Then we saw the pilot, in silence, with our eyes wide open. At the end of it, we looked at each other and we both thought the same thing: Evil Dead is back in the best way possible.
During that episode we got so excited by the absurdness of it, the intense thrilling sequences, the over the top humor and that pure horror that kept us glued to the screen since we were kids.
Raimi’s direction explains the Evil Dead world so well in a particular scene featuring the character of Amanda Fisher. She faces off against the demon who possesses the girl Ash had a one night stand with.
At one point, this creature gets up when her brain is decimated and looks Amanda in the eyes telling her, “We know who you are.”
After that point, the rules are clear: Deadites are not decaying Zombies, every deadite requires attention and details. Deadites are not the result of a virus.
When evil shows up again, Ash Williams tries to run away from it because he’s tired of facing it. His neighbor Vivian delivers a message to him when she is possessed, “It is time to test the mettle of man.”
Yeah… These three years were a test for Ash to prove his mettle. The Dictionary defines mettle as the “courage to carry on.” If someone wants to “test your mettle,” they want to see if you have the heart to follow through when the going gets tough.
It is no coincidence that The Mettle of man is also the title of the last episode of Ash Vs Evil Dead.
Ash vs Evil Dead has been canceled. What leaves me bitter about this turn of events is the fact that this series was created to make the fans happy. Now, these same fans have also contributed to the end of the series.
The Mettle of Ash, The Mettle of Bruce Campbell, a man who in order to please his fans, decided to take the risk of revisiting his iconic character 30 plus years later.
If I meet Bruce Campbell one day, I hope I never mention anything about Ash’s universe, I’d rather go in the woods to talk about nature than to mention Evil Dead to him. As a fan, I feel guilty about asking him anything about Sam Raimi and the Necronomicon, because in the end he gave us what we wanted and we failed to respond in kind.
The following is an interview conducted a couple of days before the announcement of the cancellation of the series.
The interviewee is Bryan Edward Hill, screenwriter of the episode Rifting Apart, the eighth episode of the series directed by Mark Beesley (the director of 2×07: Delusion).
I consider this episode to be one of the best in the series, so I decided to contact Bryan on Twitter who was kind enough to answer my questions. There are no questions about the cancellation.
This interview was made in collaboration with Emanuele Crivello of Evil Dead Italia (I will never stop thanking him for the last three years we spent talking about this series and doing everything we could to get it renewed. Also, thank you to the #bringbackboomstick movement designed by Susan Leighton) and the comics portal Lo Spazio Bianco (which dedicated an article to Bryan Hill and his career in the world of comics) and you can read the second part on the blog at the end of the interview.
NAQB: We interviewed the Meza Brothers, and we have discovered that they are hardcore fans of Evil Dead. How much and how did you know the Evil Dead franchise before starting to work on this episode?
Bryan E. Hill: Quite a bit, actually. When I was a kid, EVIL DEAD was that hard to find, completely insane horror movie that only the local, family-owned video store had. Watching it felt like I was watching something that was impossible. It had so much energy and creativity. Instantly, I was a fan of the franchise. I even wore a blue shirt for a little while. Had to be like Ash.
NAQB: AVED has always had a respectable soundtrack, was the music chosen during the script writing process or later in production? And how were The Drifters, MC5s and AC / DCs chosen for Rifting Apart?
Bryan E. Hill: That’s all show-runner Mark Verheiden. He’s got great taste in music, and he knew what he wanted to highlight the moments in that story.
NAQB: The scene in which Pablo fights in the hardware store alone gave me a shiver down my spine making me think of the S-mart Ending of Army of Darkness. Is it possible to read a piece of the script, with your comment?
Bryan E. Hill: I’d love to, but we have to keep the scripts under wraps. I will say that part of the fun with ASH vs EVIL DEAD is figuring out how to slay deadites in the coolest ways. It’s impossible to go into a store with a paint shaker and not think about putting a deadite’s head in it. At least it is for me, hahaha.
NAQB: Rifting Apart is one of the very few episodes in which Ash’s chainsaw does not appear … and it works so well! Is it important not to repeat too much in writing an episode of the series?
Bryan E. Hill: In general, you don’t want the audience too far ahead of you. You want to do new things and sometimes that means not using all the old things, all the time. Ash is such a great character that he doesn’t need a weapon to make a story work. With this episode, we wanted to dig a little deeper into his character and show the heroism he has underneath all that personality. Bruce did such a great job in those moments. He’s incredible.
NAQB: Seeing the complete episode on screen, what is your favorite scene in Rifting Apart?
Bryan E. Hill: I’m a fan of Kelly. Dana is just an awesome person so seeing her refusing to buckle to the evil in the rift was a joy.
NAQB: And what is your favorite episode of Ash Vs Evil Dead?
Bryan E. Hill: Mine! Ha ha ha. Not too proud to say it.
NAQB: Working with Ivan Raimi must be exciting. How was the script of the episode written? And what are the indications provided to you in order to work?
Bryan E. Hill: Ivan created a LOT of the work that inspired me as a kid. Having him in the room was an amazing experience. For everything we were doing, he would tell us what was “Evil Dead” and what may have missed the mark. Having him there was invaluable. He’s just a humble, brilliant and great guy.
Between the writing of the episode and the actual realization, how many changes have occurred? Can you tell us some behind the scenes?
Not too many, and all of the changes made the episode better. In television, the show-runner guides everything after the other writers finish their scripts and Mark did the great work of refining every script, making them as effective as possible.
What changes between writing a comics story and writing an episode of a TV series that involves many more people in the making?
Any time you adapt a written work you have to make changes, just to fit the format of live action. Every choice you see in a film or a television show represents the work of at least 100 people, all trying to make it the best thing possible. You try to keep the spirit of the original work, but you have to adapt it to fit the new format.
You have very respectable career, which were the authors who made you understand that in life you wanted to become a screenwriter?
George Lucas and STAR WARS were huge influences on me. As far as straight authors go, I was inspired to be a writer from reading Hemingway. There’s an honest in his work that struck me like lightening.
Which educational path must we follow to become a screenwriter? Is it enough just the school or do you have to do something outside the box?
Well, in addition to studying English, History and those disciplines, you need to read and re-read screenplays. Analyze them and learn from their execution. For me, the work of Joseph Campbell and Stephen King helped form my approach to storytelling.
Where does a good idea for a subject come from?
It can come from anywhere. Dreams. Moments in life. Anything. The key is to follow that inspiration when it hits. If you think there’s a story inside of something, there likely is.
I read the first volumes of Postal. I was really impressed by the protagonist Mark with his Asperger syndrome and his “Everything it’s in the right place” (I can not stop thinking about the song of Radiohead every time that sentence is pronounced). In Italy there are many positive reviews of the volume (published in Italy by Panini Comics). How was working on the plot and what are the satisfactions that came with this publication?
That was really challenging because it’s a story about people, not superheroes. It pushed me to consider people from different perspectives and experiences and learn to write them with authenticity.
I also know that it was bought for a TV adaptation! (We also write a news of it months ago) Can you give us some updates (if you can)?
Nothing yet, but if people follow me on twitter @bryanedwardhill you’ll get updates as soon as I can share them!
If you had not been a screenwriter, what would you have done with your life now?
Batman. I would have been Batman.
What are your future projects? Where do we have to wait? TV or comics?
Currently I’m writing TITANS for DCTV, my DETECTIVE COMICS story starts with the first issue in June. I’m writing MICHAEL CRAY for DC as well, and a few other projects that I can’t announce at the moment. Should have a feature film announcement soon. Follow me on social media!
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sinceileftyoublog · 4 years
Rob Mazurek Interview: Galaxial & Celestial
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Photo by Britt Mazurek
At a time when we can’t physically feed off of each other’s energy, Rob Mazurek has provided an album that allows even the most metaphysically skeptical feel a connection. Dimensional Stardust is his latest with the Exploding Star Orchestra, the avant-garde collective he’s fronted since a 2005 co-commission from the Chicago Cultural Center and the Jazz Institute of Chicago, and its levels of long-distance expression are seemingly infinite. The record’s creation story itself, pre-pandemic, is evidence enough of the power of art even when collaborators are technically alone. Mazurek wrote the material after JazzFest Berlin curator Nadin Deventer invited him to present a Berlin-meets-Chicago iteration of ESO in Germany; when Mazurek returned to Chicago, venerable jazz label International Anthem in turn invited their roster and friends to record his new music. Each player tracked their performances separately over MIDI scores of Mazurek’s compositions, and his editorial and curatorial stamp took the record to the finish line.
Mazurek doesn’t play much on the record, offering his trademark cornet but mostly arranging the music for the twelve other musicians, who play in tandem referencing a swath of genres and aesthetics. Ohmme’s Macie Stewart’s violin and Tomeka Reid’s cello intertwine with Damon Locks’ spoken word (which appears throughout the album), minimal techno beats, and Coltrane-inspired piano on highlight “Galaxy 1000″. With its opening fluttering flutes and string plucks, “Parable of Inclusion” sways along like a sea shanty. Closer “Autumn Pleiades” juxtaposes solemn orchestral swells with percussive, electroacoustic blips. And only a couple songs feature prominent solos, but they’re mammoths: opener “Sun Core Tet”, buoyed by Nicole Mitchell’s flute among clattering percussion and muted horns, and “The Careening Prism Within (Parable 43)”, featuring Tortoise’s Jeff Parker ripping a guitar solo over Reed’s cello. Combine the music with videos from featured percussionist Mikel Patrick Avery and a cover sporting a flowy Mazurek painting, Dimensional Stardust is a multi-disciplinary achievement that rises above ours--and perhaps even Mazurek’s--preconceived notions of concert and harmony.
I was able to ask a few questions to Mazurek over email about his creative approach on Dimensional Stardust, some individual songs and moments, and what’s next for the prolific creator. Read his responses below.
Since I Left You: In your description of "A Wrinkle in Time Sets Concentric Circles Reeling," you talk about, "break through the galaxial ceiling of what we think we know and treat each other...with respect and dignity." Is this idea of abandoning preconceived notions implicit in your approach to collaboration, in general and on this album? Did it have anything to do with your tendency to step back and let others lead the instrumentation on this album?
Rob Mazurek: The music on this record is almost completely composed, so there was no stepping back to let others lead in respect to the written music, but of course there is natural human expression that happens, and these subtleties certainly make the music more exciting and beautiful. The music is about transformation, and letting the overall arc of the sound take you to places less travelled. When I speak of this “galaxial ceiling,” I am putting forth the idea that anything is possible, and all is acceptable within the realm of ESO.
SILY: Though I wouldn't call Dimensional Stardust "dance music," there are certainly very groovy moments, like when the beat first drops on "Sun Core Tet" and the almost minimal techno of "Galaxy 1000". When composing and playing this music, did you at all think about the prospect of people dancing to it? In general, how do you (or do you) imagine people listening to it?
RM: I make music to give myself and listeners energy and light. I make music with the notion that anything is possible and acceptable. I make music with melody, rhythm, intervals, harmonic shapes, noise, repetition, chromatics, modal, etc.…anything is danceable. I certainly danced quite a bit while making this music.
SILY: At what point in time and why did you ultimately decide to have Mikel Patrick Avery do the videos? How involved were you in the process of making them?  
RM: I love Mikel’s aesthetic…I wanted someone to make the films that had an intimate relationship to the music. Since Mikel plays on the record, I thought it would be excellent for him to do it. We spoke a bit about the tendency for Exploding Star Orchestra music to be quite celestial in nature. From that idea, Mikel came up with the idea of “the First Kid in Space” and ran with it.  
SILY: "The Careening Prism Within" certainly recalls Jeff Parker's work with Tortoise but also sounds like it could have come from his Suite For Max Brown from earlier this year, the other first of two collaborative releases between Nonesuch and International Anthem, which you also played on. This may be coincidental, but I thought I'd ask: How aware are you of the other music your collaborators are working on and releasing, and does it ever make its way into your compositions and playing?
RM: I am influenced by many things, and one of them is my friends' music. Jeff’s record Suite for Max Brown is probably my favorite record of the decade! I love what Tortoise has done. This music was composed almost 3 years ago. Upon recording it, there were some slight changes, but [it] stayed pretty much intact. I write music very intuitively mostly based on my own developing vocabulary these last 30 or so years. Sometimes, against my own will, something will happen…a crazy example is a composition for ESO I made some years ago which just by chance borrowed a whole section from a composition of Jeff’s! I didn't even know that until Jeff brought it up at a rehearsal! Hahaha, that was pretty stunning. Yes, influences are certainly there, but a lot of influence is insular to my own path to making sound.  
SILY: The fleeting nature of time is a big theme on this record, yet you take the approach of finding beauty in the minutiae of moments and endless possibilities rather than playing "what if" games and obsessing over the butterfly effect. Have you always held this mindset, and how do you continue to hold it these days?
RM: There are a million suns in one melody, there are galaxies hidden in feedback and noise, one note = one breath = new universes. Spirals create energy, energy creates light, light moves quickly, and all is possible in the realm of love.
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SILY: What's the story behind the cover art of this record?
RM: It is a painting I made titled ''Some Other Time.” The painting was basically started at the beginning of the Dimensional Stardust composition process and finished about the same time we recorded the record. It seemed a perfect complement to the sound, so we used it for the recording. My painting/art practice has been happening for 20 years or so. I have been developing the idea of sound and vision being ultimately the same thing. When a painting emits energy and light and sound to me, then it is finished, and when I can see the colors and forms and shapes from listening to a composition, then it is done. I am desperately trying to find a way where these 2 mediums coexist in the most intimate and powerful way possible.
SILY: What's next for you?
RM: I have hours and hours of modular synth constructions I am working on. I just finished some interesting work with the architects from Paris at AWP, where we worked on transforming image through sound into video into architecture. There is a new release coming at the beginning of the year with David Grubbs and Mats Gustafsson under the name “The Underflow” on Blue Chopsticks records. A new suite of material I am working on for Ballroom Marfa with Damon Locks, Lisa Harris, and Mauricio Takara. Finishing a suite of large scale paintings and conceiving the next sculpture exhibition that will happen in Italy at some point when the pandemic gets under control.
SILY: What have you been listening to, watching, and reading lately?
RM: Mauricio Takara dropped some really interesting music on Bandcamp that is quite nice, the new Autechre records are pretty great, Sam Prekop’s Comma is very nice. I have been watching the King Hu film A Touch of Zen over and over again, and I am re-reading Samuel R. Delany’s masterpiece Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand.
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psycho-alchemist · 7 years
I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on how you did those fma gifs with the tear in them?
(First, a note: I am so, so sorry this is so ridiculously late. I almost completely finished it, and then left it in my drafts where it sat for weeks and weeks before I remembered. It’s unbelievable and inexcusable that it took me so long to post this. I’m so sorry)
Sure! :) This tutorial assumes that you know how to make basic gifs (converting video into a gif), so if you don’t know how to do that, then you may want to check out my tutorial on how I make gifs first!
Now that you know how to make gifs, click on the Read More to see how I did the rip/tear effect for this gifset!
1) Create the main gif, aka the one that looks like is getting ripped.
Again, I am assuming you know how to make a gif, so if you don’t, check out the tutorial I linked above!
Here’s mine! 
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this tutorial features Roy because I love him
Make sure you put all the layers from this gif into their own group! It will not only help keep you organized; it’s actually pretty important once we get into layer masks. I’d also recommend making your curves/filter layers into “clipping masks” (right click the layer and look for the clipping mask option), so that they’ll only affect the main gif and not the part underneath. Here’s what I mean: 
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2) Create an off-white layer.
The off-white layer is useful for where the rip is, to make it look more realistic. If you’ve ever ripped like a photograph, the edges are jagged and some of them have this off-whitey part at the edges. This is what I’m referring to:
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So first, create a new blank white layer.
To create an off-white texture, go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise. I used the following settings, but it shouldn’t be an issue if you change them a little!
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Next, go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. I made the radius 3 pixels, but you can change the value a bit if you want! The final product should look something like this:
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Now you can set that layer aside (turn it off or put it elsewhere so you can see the main gif again), and we’re going to make the tear!
3) Make the first tear.
To make the tear, we’re going to use the Lasso Tool. It looks like this:
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Once you have that, you’re going to make a very rugged, squiggly line down where you want the tear. Then bring the line around the outside of the gif and back to where you started. (I’m sorry if this is hard to understand; hopefully the picture will help!)
Here’s what it looks like when you draw the squiggly line:
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Then drag the line around the outside edges:
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And once the line has reached your starting point, let go. The selection looks like this:
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Next, click the layer mask icon:
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Here’s what my gif looks like now:
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So, yes, Roy’s face is gone, but don’t panic! If you right click on the layer mask–
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–you can temporarily disable the layer mask and then enable it whenever you need it again. In fact, you’ll want to disable the layer mask for this next step!
(Note: Put simply, a layer mask lets you hide part of a layer. To change how much is hidden/shown, select the layer mask and use a brush to draw over it. Anything you paint over in black will “disappear,” and any black that you erase will “reappear.” I’d recommend experimenting to really understand how layer masks work though!)
4) Make the second tear.
With the layer mask disabled, it should be easier to figure out where you want your second tear. Deciding where the tears go is largely based on trial and error, so be ready to redo those tears or move them if necessary! Use the lasso tool once again to make a jagged tear line and then drag the line along the outside of the picture to finish your selection. Here’s what mine looks like:
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Now enable the layer mask again:
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And with the layer mask selected, “erase” your selection (or fill it with white) to make it show up again:
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Once again, keep in mind that you can change your tear shape/size at any time. You may decide after adding the second gif that you want to change the tear a little, and that’s perfectly fine!
5) Make the tear look more jagged.
Go to Filter > Filter Gallery > Spatter. Here are the settings(-ish) that I use:
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As you can see, this makes the tear texture a lot more realistic!
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Whenever you’re happy with the texture, click “OK,” and you can see what the new tear looks like!
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6) Create the underneath part of the tear (??) using the off-white layer.
Right-click on the main gif’s layer mask and select, “Add mask to selection”:
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Select your off-white layer and click on the layer mask icon. Then make a copy of the off-white layer, and fill in one side of the layer mask for each layer. Basically, you’ll have one off-white layer for the left tear and one for the right! Like so:
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Add a drop shadow to both off-white layers, like so: 
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And now try moving each layer around so you can see it “behind” the tear:
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Hopefully you kinda understand what the off-white layers are for now! (It took me a while to get it hahaha) Use Ctrl+T to transform the off-white layers and make them look less uniform. Here are mine now:
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7) Underlay your second gif.
From here, it’s pretty straightforward. You create a separate psd for the underlaying gif, and then duplicate the frames into the original psd. Then just fill them in frame by frame. :) 
As for the static effect, I just downloaded any random tv static video off Youtube and overlayed that on top of the bottom gif!
And there you have it! The final product looks something like this (I lost the sample file I used for this tutorial but here’s the gif from the original gifset):
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And here’s the full gifset!
I hope this tutorial helped!! Please feel free to ask if you have any other questions! :)
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stargazing14 · 7 years
Hello Calvin. Where are you?
I’m in my studio on [London cultural hotspot] Hornsey Road. Is this interview going to get turned into a glossy pamphlet that you’re going to sell?
No. What’s happening today. Are you making some hits?
(Laughs) Today I am getting some guide vocals recorded for a song I wrote that’s for a girl, and I don’t want to sing the guide vocals because it’s a particularly girlie song and I’m too embarrassed to send my version with me singing to the artist in question.
You do sound girlie fairly frequently, though.
Yes absolutely, I’ve got a falsetto tone that I like to use. I sang the demo of ‘Bounce’ and it was PHENOMENAL. I’m thinking of releasing that mix as some sort of iTunes bonus mix.
Well I don’t know about amazing – it’s certainly ‘special’. It’s a special mix.
Maybe save it for the 25th anniversary anthology.
Or maybe as an album bonus track. ‘Extra content’.
What’s the worst ‘extra content’ you’ve ever produced?
Me? I’m struggling to think of much that we’ve done. I suspect there will be some YouTube videos that I was roped into very early on. Around my first album. We did a series of YouTube videos of me just acting like a complete dickhead. But I’d been told to act like a dickhead! Showing people around my crib-in-inverted-commas when it was the Holiday Inn I was staying in. Things that were not very funny, thought of by online marketing people. Something like that. THAT’S content, but you can’t buy it. (Pause) Well you certainly couldn’t sell it.
What sort of ‘content’ will be on your new album? How much is there to hear at this stage?
Well there’s not much to hear to be honest. I could give you a blast of the second single but there’s not much point in that over the phone. The album’s not coming out until next…  Next… Let’s say next year.
That’s quite a long time. It felt like it would be this single then another then the album.
No. Well that would be the old favourite, wouldn’t it? The two-singles-then-the-album routine. But there are going to be at least four singles, maybe five. Or possibly there will never even be an album. We might get to five singles and think, ‘nah, fuck it’.
Surely after the fifth it’ll be greatest hits o’clock, job done, thank you ladies and gentlemen: GOODNIGHT.
(Laughs) OR, like in America, they do that eight-for-eight thing. Eight tracks for eight dollars. I could do something like that. But with the exchange rate it would be, er… Eight… Four… Er, I don’t know. Six? 5.6? Pounds? Er… Does that sound good?
It depends Calvin on whether the songs are any good. It would be a lot easier if the price of a download was in some way connected to how good it was.
Ah, but that’s just a matter of opinion thought isn’t it?
I always think this as well actually. I think there are some good songs and some bad songs and that’s just the way it is. Some things are good for different reasons, and some things are bad for different reasons.
Maybe. I don’t think this is something you can apply to every song. Maybe with two thirds of songs you can’t say whether it’s objectively good or objectively bad, but the remaining third of music, well, yes you can. You cannot use the magic on everything, but that doesn’t mean it works on nothing.
Hm. But I guess – and I’m not including you in this – most music journalists would say that their opinion holds the most gravitas when in fact a lot of them don’t know much at all.
That was an incredible backhanded compliment, to say ‘and I’m not including you in this’. Superficially flattering, but at the heart of it you are simply saying “I do not consider you a music journalist”. Amazing.
(Guffaws) Let’s just move on shall we.
Are you impressed that you mentioned several minutes ago that you had written a song for a female artist, but weren’t immediately bombarded with questions about her identity?
Yes. Well, you probably knew that I’m definitely not going to tell you because she hasn’t agreed to it yet.
Be that as it may, who is it?
I can’t tell you.
Is it someone for your album or is it someone you’re submitting a song to?
Oh it’s for my album, I don’t work on anyone else’s songs any more. I’ve had enough of all that.
What changed your mind on that?
I was always singing on my music to start with, but now I don’t need to song on it because, well, I’ve decided not to. So now every track I make can be a track by me featuring whoever. So there’s no need to give songs to anyone else. Before I needed an outlet for the more girlie songs that only girls could sing on, and now I don’t need to do that.
Most dance songs do sound good with a lady on.
Girls sound good soaring over a big riff. The female voice travels better in a club.
So who’s that female artist?
She’s not even heard the track yet!
How about three guesses?
CHER. (Laughs) No.
Oh. Er… Who else is there?
Hahaha, ‘if it’s not Cher who else could it possibly be’! (Laughs)
No. More current.
Sadly none of those are correct so now I don’t have to tell you. By the way is your office in Islington?
Yes, near it. Why?
You know you tweeted that picture of stuff you’d stuck on the wall using No More Nails?
I recognised the window that was outside your window! I recognised it.
That’s someone’s flat. Sometimes he stands in the window with just his pants on.
(Laughs) I knew that’s where it was. I used to live round the corner. Yes. Not any more though.
So you’re currently Number 3 in the iTunes chart…
Am I? I thought I was Number 2. But obviously that’s the iTunes chart not the actual chart.
But it’s the chart that counts. Sort of.
Yes to an extent. If you listen to commercial radio…
Which we often do. Do you?
I do too. I listen to ALL RADIO.
Do you listen to Radio 4? I have done.
Do you find it occasionally quite good except when it’s a) The Archers, b) a satirical news show,  or c) ‘a play’?
It’s usually a play though isn’t it. Um… My mum used to listen to it while she was doing the ironing.  To be honest I’ve not really listened to Radio 4 for a while.
It’s useful to know about other stuff, though.
Some people think that’s important.
It is important!
Because, right, well for example there’s this book called ‘A Technique For Producing Ideas’ by some bloke who used to work in advertising and it’s quite interesting if you’re interested in that sort of thing, and it’s a very short nook based on a talk he used to go round and give to people at colleges or wherever. And it’s about how to come up with ideas and how to make your brain work and all that sort of stuff, and part of it is cross referencing the matter at hand with something unrelated, and then you find the right combination of the thing you know about and the thing that’s nothing to do with it, and that’s where the spark of an idea happens. So listening to someone bang on about farming on Radio 4 is actually more useful than you might think it is.
Ah, right. Oh I see.
You know the mental wobbly bit in ‘Bounce’?
Is there more of that on the album?
Maybe, but we’re talking about the album like it exists. Which it doesn’t yet. In the next two songs there’s none of that. I mean I love that bit. It was necessary to put it in so it wasn’t just a linear track. But at the same time, certain ‘people’ thought it was a little bit much for a certain time of day on some radio stations.
But the whole point of its amazingness is that it is, quite literally, ‘a bit much’!
It is! (Laughs) Imagine anyone just sitting there listening to the radio at home, or in the supermarket, or working in a garage… (Laughs)Some old dear’s buying eggs then all of a sudden it’s “DRNNN!! DRNNRNNN! BRNNN!!!!” It made me laugh so I kept it in, but there is an edit with it not in, for people who are susceptible to heart attacks.
Does that edit upset you?
I did it! I did it entirely through choice.
That’s like ripping the heart out of the song!
No you’re completely wrong.
Now then Calvin we know this song better that you do, listen to what we have to say.
(Laughs) No, it’s a funny thing to have in there and in a club it goes off, but it doesn’t work in every situation.
It’s very accommodating of you to do a non-mental edit.
I try to be accommodating. To start off with, five years ago or whatever, I was very precious over my songs, but it’s more important to open yourself up to the challenge of doing something that more people can get on board with.
That’s a beautiful thing.
Well I’m making songs for the radio. I’m not making songs for people who look at Drowned In Sound or whatever. I’m a commercial act! That’s what we’re trying to present me as, so, you know, you’ve got to respect that.
How well do you think you’re doing at presenting yourself as a commercial act?
Not that well. (Laughs) I love being accommodating in the musical sense, but I’m not very good at going out or trying to get my picture taken or getting off with celebrities or that kind of thing. I’m terrible at that so I’ve given up on it, and I don’t think I’m going to be a celebrity any time soon. But as far as music goes, I’d like to think of it as being an accessible thing I do.
You’ve been very polite on Twitter recently.
I have, haven’t I?
Was that your idea, or someone else’s?
As I’ve spoken to more and more people about it, people who use Twitter and mostly DJs – mostly quite a bit older than myself – it’s been interesting to see their take on it, and life generally. We’re talking worldwide DJs. People who know how the world works. It might sound strange taking advice from Tiesto but he knows what he’s on about. And he was just, like, ‘look. Don’t do that’. (Roars with laughter) And, er, I went, ‘wow. Really?’. And then I thought about it, and I was like, ‘actually who does do that? All my least favourite people, that’s who. All my least favourite people go off on Twitter and cause problems with people and chat about what annoys them’. I just thought, there’s enough of all that going on in our lives as it is, we don’t need to read it going on in someone else’s. So now I just try to do positive things.
It was quite good when you were waiting for something to arrive from, if memory serves, Ikea. That was Twitter gold.
Yes, that’s all alright but when it spills over into a rant it’s not a good look, is it? And it’s not really who I am, either – it was supposed to be quite jokey but there’s no typeface for sarcasm.
If there was a typeface for sarcasm what would the font be?
I don’t know. Maybe that’s why there isn’t one. Upside down?
That would be ridiculous.
Well you can’t have italic can you. Bold?
Let’s not have bold.
Capital letters are interesting. People who write all emails in capital letters, I always wonder what’s going on there. Do you remember when Alan McGee was on Twitter? That’s where I took my lead from and, er, it lost me a lot of friends. (Laughs)
What else would you like to discuss today?
Oh I don’t know! You tell me! Come on. Is this meant to be just a chat? I thought it was supposed to be an interview!
Which female artist are you writing that song for?
Oh I can’t tell you that. If they agree to it, then… Well, they haven’t even heard it yet.
Who else is on this selection of tracks that may or may not form your third album?
So far it’s Kelis, me… Er… Hm…
You need to get on with that.
No seriously it’s fine, most of the tracks are done, it’s just a question of lining up the people and dropping off the sacks full of cash.
How much is Kelis? Oh actually you were working with her anyway weren’t you…
I’ll tell you what, I’m getting some great remixes in because I keep promising people things. I’ve got quite a list of things I need to get back to people on as a result. It’ll be fine. It’s JUST A BIT OF FUN.
Perhaps everyone should just CALM DOWN and HAVE A LAUGH.
Well that’s what it is. Everyone just needs to fucking calm down, breathe, enjoy life.
Right, get back to work.
You too!
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