#I may not get the recap done tonight
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
Just thinking about how sometimes Ed might just hide Stede's clothes from him at the inn. Stede: Ed Have you seen my pants? Ed: No love, no idea where they are. *pant leg peaking out of huge chest*
Stede: *enters room, with no pants on* It's so bizarre, I swear I had so many extra pairs and they're ALL missing. It's a bloody conspiracy.
Ed: Mmm yes, it's a travesty really. *Staring*
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flaneurpastel · 2 years
give him a blank paper and a pen, say nothing and let him surprise you
simon 'ghost' riley x gn!reader
a/n : fluff, i don't think there is anything else to warn y'all about, enjoy :)
words count : 850
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after putting it all on his lap, you finally sat down beside him on the sofa, where his arm instinctively came to rest around your shoulders.
simon said nothing, his weary but curious gaze doing the work instead of his words.
his voice doesn’t let you indifferent at its low, gravelly tone. you restrain yourself from jumping to his mouth and covering his face with kisses, on his cheeks, his nose, his lips, everywhere. finally, with a neutral face, you turned to face the tv where a rugby match was on.
simon arched his eyebrows. what was that again? he picked up the paper you had put on him, checking to see if there was a clue to the whole enigma you had decided to impose on him tonight.
a piece of white paper and a pencil.
he gave you a confused look before starting to think. he needed to recap it all. he had you by his side on the couch, even though you particularly hate rugby games, they take too long and you never understand the rules despite simon's many attempts to explain them to you. so… you expected something from him before you left. good. had he done something wrong ? the dishwasher had been emptied, though, and he also thought of throwing out the trash before coming to sit on the couch
you dared to glance at simon to see if he had decided to do something. his decomposed and lost face almost made you give up this prank, when you realized that the big ghost was caught off guard by this little joke. you bit your lip, no, you wanted to see how it would go.
finally, it's after 10 minutes that you got up, a pressing need to go to the bathroom. your passage seems to have been long, because when you came back, simon had resumed his usual posture, legs resting on the coffee table, and his right arm resting on the top of the sofa, where your place beside him was waiting for you. and more importantly, what you had handed him half an hour ago was lying on the table, the paper folded in half so that you could not see directly what he had done with it inside.
"I wonder where you get all these ideas from, y/n, I doubt if I'll ever be able to understand you." he said, letting out a small laugh at the end.
"hmm, considering the long wait I expect to see a poem declaring all your love for me in Shakespearean language," you say as you come to snuggle up to him. you take the paper at the same time
"I think I can compete with Picasso more".
a confused smile appeared on your pretty face, and it was simon's turn to restrain himself from covering it with kisses that would leave marks.
picasso?? you thought.
while simon let himself be refocused on his game, you finally opened the paper.
a huge laugh echoed through your living room.
"i hope this one means i'm good at drawing." he says unconsciously caressing your hair, staring at the TV.
your smile was so big you could feel your cheeks hurting.
on the paper were drawn two stick figures holding hands, easily recognizable. one much taller than the other with a simple t-shirt and quickly made pants, and another stick figure in a much more detailed outfit than the other person, you noticed. one has a line as a mouth, while the other has a nice 'C' on the side as a beaming smile.
he had clearly spent all his energy, time, and stick figure drawing skills on you.
little hearts that looked more like circles were flying all around you two.
the very caricatures of you and simon. 
you clearly weren't expecting this, 
"simon, that's... beautiful"
it was now simon's turn to laugh.
"you dirty liar" 
it clearly wasn't one of those realistic paintings you find in the most prestigious museums, and simon may have overdone it a bit on the length of your hair, but it was the first thing simon thought of drawing, the two of you, when you just gave him a piece of paper.
and the thought gave you butterflies in your stomach.
"I was expecting a lot of sweet words telling how happy and lucky you are to have me in your life, though, because it would have been more romantic to show soap," you say anyway to tease him.
briefly turning his attention away from the game, he gives you a look that you know all too well.
"hmm, i can draw something on you this time that you can show to soap," he says in a suave voice.
"oh yeah? i don't know what you're talking about... can you elaborate a little more? you answer, moving closer to him, your lips brushing against his as you speak.
and it is on this note that he took you, a little too easily, on his shoulders, towards the room. 
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torialefay · 8 months
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☀️ Everyday Idol 🌙 (Chapter 7)
✨ possible bangchan x reader (f), possible jungkook x reader (f)
✨ head on over to my masterlist if you haven’t checked out the previous chapters!
✨wc: ~5.7k
✨ friends to lovers? possible love triangle? obsession? angst and future smut??? a little fluff.
✨ summary: JYP Entertainment launches a new show and y/n somehow gets recruited. Even though she doesn’t particularly care about the outcome of the show, she does particularly care about one of the artists she met: Chris from Stray Kids. Does Chris feel the same or will a potential relationship with one of his friends overcome what y/n feels for him?
✨ warnings: cursing from time to time, smut!!!! 🔞
Previous Chapter Recap:
‘You really have to tell her, Chan. You wrote a whole song about her and you had the chance then, but you didn’t take it…’
He thought about the reason you ended up here.
‘No, it was a good idea to wait. Not tonight. Not while all of this other shit is going on for her.’ He thought back to the story that you told him. How Jungkook, his own “friend”, was now watching you- no, stalking you. And how HE was the one who had introduced him to you.
He felt his blood begin to boil, thinking of how scared you looked while telling him about all of this. Who the fuck did Jungkook think he was? He’s apparently a stalker, so what else was he hiding?
Chan wouldn’t let himself start to think of what could have happened had Changbin not been there. Things may have been okay… Maybe he would have just tried to hang out with you more… Or maybe not. You were drunk after all. If he had the right words, maybe he could have convinced you to do other things.
It took everything within himself for Chan to blink away the thoughts and the visions and come back with a clear head. He didn’t want to think about that. He wanted to live in this moment. With you.
He slowly opened his eyes to look at your still face. He loved the little quiver on your lip as it was smooshed up against the couch. He couldn’t help but smile at how cute you were. It took everything in him to not lean down and plant a kiss to your cheek.
Instead, he just nuzzled his head back closer to yours until your foreheads were barely touching. In the softest tone he could muster, he began to whisper.
“I won’t let him hurt you. I promise... I’ll protect you now.”
Note: Character relations you can refer back to if needed.
Y/n- Changbin’s mentee
Anna- best friend, Felix’s mentee
Kara- Seungmin’s mentee
Sunnie- Han’s mentee
Mindi- Hyunjin’s mentee
Nisha- Lee Know’s mentee
Alyssa- Jeongin’s mentee
Jenna- Chan’s mentee
Y/n’s POV:
You stirred awake to the feeling of your dry mouth and a raging headache.
‘Jesus,’ you thought, ‘I need water now or I’m going to die.’
But before you could even lift your head, the realization of where you were had set it. You’d fallen asleep leaning over on Chan’s studio couch, but by the light snoozing you heard, he must have done the same.
You slowly raised your head so as to not startle him. He looked breathtaking like this. Bare face all squished to the back of the couch, curls sticking out everywhere. He looked so peaceful and pure, almost like a small child. You took a moment to take in the sight of him. He was so so precious. And he was only here out of the goodwill of his heart too- probably watching after you after he had already so graciously offered to let you stay in his studio for a while.
Although you didn’t want to disrupt his peace, you also HAD to get up for a drink. You slowly started to peel your head and torso back, but you halted again when you felt the weight of Chan’s hand resting on top of yours. You looked down, and sure enough, his hand had moved to rest over yours in his sleep. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight and your face went red.
‘Well NOW I don’t want to move.’ You took a moment to contemplate if you could deal with laying your head back down for a while longer and pretend to sleep, waiting for Chan to wake up and see if he’d leave his hand placed over top.
‘You’re being so ridiculous, y/n. Chris doesn’t like you like that. If he did, he would have said something last night. You gave him like 10 chances to say something about it and he never did. He played you a song about heartbreak for god’s sake and never once hinted to feeling anything. He’s a good FRIEND, and that’s all. You’ve got to stop reading into this and making it weird. You’re gonna freak him out and scare him off if you don’t stop thinking like this. He’s an amazing friend to have, and that will have to be enough,’ you thought to yourself.
You knew in your heart that no matter how much you wanted Chan to be into you, he wasn’t. He was just a good guy, and you weren’t used to having a guy like him in your corner. It was easy to fall for him, I mean look at him… but that’s how he makes everyone else feel too. You decided that it would be best to just push any feelings you had away- after all, you didn’t want to lose him as a friend and he could be really REALLY helpful for you during the show. You decided from that point on, no more stressing or worrying about boys. No more getting involved. You were here to have fun and make FRIENDS. That was it. And the more you talked yourself into it, the more you tried to be content. It was time to bury the hatchet and move on.
A minute or two later, your cottonmouth was so bad, you simply couldn’t wait any longer to get up. You ever so slowly moved your hand out from underneath Chan’s and pulled your body back, letting out a breath of relief when he didn’t stir. You headed straight for the lounge to chug some water and search in the cabinets for an aspirin. Satisfied that you now wouldn’t die, you felt the urge to pee and headed straight to the restroom.
After sitting on the toilet to relieve yourself, you grabbed your phone from your pocket (silently praying it still had some charge) so you could see if Anna had checked in. It was only 7:30 AM, so you weren’t sure who would have already been up this early on a Saturday.
Luckily you had gotten a text from Anna a few hours ago saying that she’d gotten back to the hotel fine and to come home ASAP to tell her what had happened. In very, verrrrry drunkenly misspelled words however.
Your heart sank as you saw a new message from Jungkook as well. With all the distractions from Chris, you’d completely disregarded your little “follower.” You looked down to check the message.
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Only 15 minutes ago. ‘Well, at least one other person is awake. And possibly ready to see me. Cool.’ You huffed.
You quickly cleaned yourself up and flushed, going to the sink to wash your hands and assess your current makeup-everywhere, hair every-which-way situation. You had to admit, this wasn’t your best look. You silently thanked the gods that you’d woken up before Chan so he didn’t see you like this.
‘He’s your FRIEND, y/n. Your friend. It literally doesn’t matter.’ You shook the thought out of your head.
Once you’d patted your hands dry, you still took a few moments to wipe some of the makeup off your under eye and comb your hands through your hair.
Starting to feel a bit more human and awake, you knew you needed to go home soon and check on Anna. She wasn’t exactly known for being the most responsible drunk either. You still didn’t feel 100% comfortable walking back to the hotel though, so you decided you’d just order an uber and wait for it to pull up so you didn’t have to stand outside and hail a taxi looking like a slightly disheveled mess.
You quickly paid for the uber, which was only a few minutes away, and sent Anna a quick text that you’d be home soon and to let you know if there was anything she needed before you got back in.
You ran a hand through your hair one final time before heading back to Chan’s studio to thank him before you left.
When you arrived to his room, you didn’t bother knocking, as he was asleep anyway. Or so you thought.
As you swung the door open, you saw a bent-over Chan, still sitting on his couch with his shoulders slumped over and head in his hands. He was rubbing his hands back and forth between his hair and face, slowly shaking his head.
“Hey,” you whispered lowly with a shy smile. He sprang up almost immediately with a confused look on his face. Soon, the confusion turned into relief, and then embarrassment.
“Y/n! Hey. I got a little worried when I woke up and you weren’t here. I didn’t know if something happened or…” he trailed off, looking away nervously.
And admittedly, yes, it was a little awkward. How could it not be? You’d just, in literal terms, slept together. It’s a bit of an intimidating thing to talk about.
“Haha, no. I just needed to get some water. I’m surprised you’re awake,” you tried to sound normal, walking back over to the couch.
“Why? Was I drooling?” he laughed nervously.
“Noooo, you just looked so peaceful when I left!” you teased.
“Haha yeah, when I woke up it took me a minute to figure out what was going on. I must have been sleeping pretty good for once,” he turned red.
“Well I’m glad.” You decided to take a seat next to him for a moment so you could reach down and grab your bag off the floor. “I should probably head to check on Anna though,” you smiled to him, getting ready to say your goodbyes.
“Well, you don’t have to go so soon!” Chan quickly blurted out. “I mean- if you’re hungry- I could buy breakfast if you want? I know you kind of had a rough night so,” he smiled back.
What a total sweetheart. ‘He really is such a great FRIEND,’ you tried to convince yourself. But you’d feel way too guilty if Chan bought you breakfast too. Noooo, you owed him, not the other way around.
“That’s so so sweet Chan… But I would feel awful. You’ve already done so much for me. I mean you literally camped out with me here last night,” you tried to smile extra just to show him how grateful you were. “I owe YOU. How about I buy you lunch next week? Please? It would make me feel better about all of this.”
“You don’t need to feel bad about anything. I promise I don’t mind one bit. I mean if you’re hungry, I wouldn’t want you to-“ you cut him off.
“Chan, I know, I know. But… I’m okay. Thank you for the offer. Just please let me pay you back with lunch next week, okay?” You smiled sheepishly, hoping he’d accept the offer.
He threw his head back slightly. “Alright, if it would make you feel better,” he said jokingly.
“It would,” you breathed out a sigh of relief. “But I really do have to get going. I need to see how Anna’s doing.” You grabbed your bag and stood up.
“Wait, I can take you!” Chan reached out, letting his hand touch your arm. “Wouldn’t want you to have to walk back by yourself,” he jumped up off the couch. “I always drive here anyways, and I can just go straight home after, so it’ll work fine! If you want,” he gave you a shy smile.
‘God, why does he have to be so nice? He wasn’t making this easy.’
“Ah, I actually already ordered an uber that should be here any-“ you looked down to check the app, “in 2 minutes! Jeez, I didn’t realize.”
You could see Chan’s drop in his facial expressions. He looked a bit taken aback, and then moved his head to look down, feeling a bit embarrassed.
Thinking about it, you had to admit that you’d made it awkward. Slipping out of the room first thing and automatically getting an uber did seem a bit… “morning after” to you. And you felt terrible at turning Chan down when he was genuinely being the best friend in the world right now.
“But thank you SO much. For everything. I’m serious, I could never re-pay you. You’re the best,” you smiled, leaning in to give him a hug and hoping to ease the slight tension.
He awkwardly hugged you back, playing into the act. “Of course, of course. Just please be careful.” But he wouldn’t let you go out of the hug.
“Would you want my number?” he asked, finally breaking the hug and pulling back. “Just in case anything happens again.”
“Oh, yeah, that’d be great! Here,” you handed him your phone. “You can just put it in if that’s easier.” You watched as he typed the numbers in and sent a message to it so he could save your contact as well.
“All set,” you smiled, as you headed towards his heavy studio door. “And Channie, seriously thank you,” you saw his eyes light up when you used the nickname. “You really are the best, and I feel so lucky to have you as a friend.” You smiled and waved before letting the door close behind you. The last thing you saw was Chan shyly waving back, as well as the lonely packet of flower food still resting on his desk.
Felix was wrong. Chan had bought flowers for someone, but it wasn’t you. And as much as it stung to think about, it was the push you needed to keep your head on straight. He was a great friend. You were happy with that. Maybe as you got closer, he’d talk to you about who he’d really bought them for.
Once you arrived to the hotel, you were greeted by a half-awake Anna. You couldn’t help but laugh at the lipstick that had gotten smeared down one side of her face. Hopefully after she had gotten back.
Anna caught you up on all of her night’s happenings. She’d ended up staying at the restaurant and playing drinking games with some of the other new cast members until super late, then came home and crashed early this morning. She was definitely doing well considering she’d had almost no sleep.
You tried your best to explain your night to her in full detail, her jaw dropping at every other sentence. You knew it was a crazy story, but you hadn’t really had time to slow down and process just how INSANE it actually was. It made your stomach sick to think about.
“I promise you I’ll murder him,” Anna said, scooting into you.
“You can’t murder him, we don’t know how to finesse the Korean prison system yet,” you tried to joke, more so to trick yourself into not being scared than Anna.
“I’ll find a way…” she looked at you with raised brows that said ‘don’t tempt me.’
You just rolled your eyes, intending to drop the conversation. Pushing it out of your mind wasn’t exactly the best way to deal with it, but it was the choice you’d already decided on. You knew you wouldn’t be able to cope otherwise.
“It makes me feel better knowing Chan’s watching out for you though,” Anna smiled. “You know he has a crush on you, right?”
“He does notttt,” you tried to defend yourself.
“Oh really? Why did he make it clear he wasn’t into Jenna and literally SLEPT with you then? Felix told you he had bought flowers and you saw the flower food as evidence, y/n! Wake upppp, he is into you!”
“Woah woah woah! We didn’t SLEEP together. He slept next to me. For a few hours… But it wasn’t like that.”
You took a moment to contemplate before saying anything else. “Felix was wrong about the flowers... Like yeah, I’m sure he bought them, but he wasn’t giving them to me. They were gone, meaning he DID give them to someone. If he was into me, he had all night to make a move, but he didn’t. Because he’s into someone else… He’s just being a good friend. He’s good guy, and we’re not exactly used to those.”
Anna nodded slowly in agreeance. You both thought back to all the guys in your med school class and how 90% of them thought they were the hottest shit to ever walk the Earth. 7% were tolerable, 2% were friend-worthy, and 1% were actually really good guys. Chan would definitely be in that 1%.
“Alright, let’s move on from boy talk?” you half-asked, half-stated, your head starting to hurt again. “I think I need to order the most obscene amount of breakfast possible and then take a nap,” you sighed out, leaning your upper half back to rest on the bed.
An hour later, and that’s exactly what you’d done. You and Anna vowed to stay in for the rest of the night to recuperate. Just a day full of food, naps, and a movie marathon and pampering session.
‘Just what the doctor ordered,’ you thought, as you closed your eyes to drift off into sleep.
Chan’s POV:
Already in a slightly sullen mood, Chan let out a deep sigh of annoyance when he arrived back to his apartment to find all the members gathered there.
“There’s our little love bird!” Felix called out, as Chan took his shoes off, heart starting to beat faster. Small “oooh”s and “ahhh”s could be heard from the members.
Chan took off into the kitchen/dining room to stop Felix from going any further.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, trying to sound nonchalant.
“You can quit lying hyung, Felix told us you have a crush on y/n,” Changbin said, not looking well at all. “So you’re welcome by the way, for bringing her to you,” he winked and giggled.
Chan brought his arms out wide, palms up with a questioning expression on his face aimed directly at Felix.
“I didn’t mean to say it!” Felix tried to defend himself. “But when Changbin-hyung told us all what happened with Jungkook last night… well, it kinda just slipped out.”
Chan couldn’t tell if Felix was actually somewhat sorry or amused. Knowing Felix, it was a combination of both.
Chan just rolled his eyes, suddenly getting annoyed at the mention of Jungkook’s name. “Nothing happened with me and y/n, okay?” He walked past everyone to grab some food from the counter. By the sight of Han and Minho cooking, he assumed that at least Felix and Changbin were hungover as fuck, and that the former two were nice enough to make them all breakfast. At least this would be one good thing to happen today.
“What are you gonna say to Jungkook?” Seungmin asked as Chan loaded a second pancake onto his plate. Chan stopped and bit his cheek for a moment, pondering where to even start. No one dared to say anything while Chan looked like this.
“I don’t know yet.”
“I mean, what can you say?” Han laughed out. “‘Hey bro can you, uh- stop stalking girls?’” Han huffed out in a low voice, trying to imitate Chan’s accent in the process.
Han was right. Any way he could approach this would be weird. But also, he couldn’t just not say anything. His blood began to boil just at the thought of Jungkook watching you.
Chan rolled his head in a circle around his neck, trying to work the kink out from his previous awkward sleeping position.
“Like I said, I don’t know yet,” Chan finally replied back, as the rest of the members stayed silent, their eyes fixated on him to say anything more. Chan just filled his plate up, grabbed some utensils and some water, then headed to his room. He just wanted to be alone for a while and eat in peace.
Chan vowed to not do much for the rest of the day. He knew he probably should see someone or talk to someone, but he just didn’t want to. He didn’t want to put his feelings onto someone else. He really didn’t want to have to admit that he had the chance to talk to you about how he felt, but he didn’t take it. He especially didn’t want to admit that you’d almost borderline ghosted and rejected him this morning once you’d realized you’d slept right next to him.
Instead, after finishing his breakfast, he texted the members to let them know that he’d be in his room working on some music and to do as they please, but not to disturb him for the next few hours. Throwing himself into his work instead of dealing with his problems wasn’t Chan’s greatest habit, and he knew that. But damn if it wasn’t a productive one.
He couldn’t bring himself to continue his prior song. Just the fact of knowing that you’d now heard it, he needed to stay away from it for a bit. He decided that working on something totally new would be the best plan of action, throwing every emotion away and into what he was physically doing.
Before he knew it, it was hours later and his eyes were struggling to stay focused on the screen, going fuzzy from looking for too long. He knew he needed to get back to reality for a bit.
Taking his headphones off and placing them next to his keyboard, he checked his phone for the first time since he’d sat down. The SKZ group chat had been going off about 30 minutes ago. Apparently the boys were going to make use of their day off and have a game night in the younger members’ dorm. Chan decided that getting out of his room and seeing people would actually be a good distraction from any thoughts he could have. He quickly made his way to the bathroom to take a quick shower before heading over. He hadn’t showered yet today and he knew it would give him a quick refresh.
After letting the shower heat up, he stepped in and let out an instant sigh of relief as the warm water hit his hair and streamed down his body. He didn’t realize how cold he’d actually been. He stood there for a minute or two letting his hair soak in the water and just silently enjoying the the warm, enveloping feeling of the water around him.
That’s one of the reasons Chan would sometimes take a couple of showers in a day. It made him feel almost… safe? Like he was getting a warm hug back. Maybe he was just touch-starved, and he knew that. But when he was trapped in the hot steam around him, it felt like all of his worries just melted away. If he was really stressed or had a lot of pent-up anger, a good shower would always do the trick to help him relax.
He savored the way it felt when he ran his fingers through his hair, working the shampoo in gently. He always leaned his head back at the feeling of his scalp being rubbed gently. For a split second, he let his mind indulge in the image of you doing it to him. Running your small hands through his damp hair strands, tugging lightly as you went. Using the tips of your nails to make sure his head started to feel all tingly.
Chan quickly snapped his hands back, not letting himself drift his mind further into this. The more he thought about it, the more he knew he needed to be hesitant with you. Not only were you scared and hurting, but you’d left so quickly that morning. You had better things to do than to be with him.
Quickly, Chan started feeling guilty too. Disgusted with himself when he was slightly happy to hear that Jungkook had done something wrong. How your ties to him had been shattered. He was disappointed, too, that he’d been allowing himself, encouraging himself even, to become involved with you- a new JYP cast member that he was trusted to TRAIN. You probably trusted him too.
‘What kind of responsible person does that?’
Chan tried to shake the feelings off, focusing instead on cleaning the rest of his body. He let the lyrics of his recent songs play in his head, revising them mentally as he washed.
He tried thinking of anything to distract himself- wondering what game the kids were playing, if he should bring snacks over, which clothes were clean for him to put on and when he should do his next load of laundry.
But he couldn’t pre-occupy his thoughts too much. They always ended up coming back to you.
As he ran the soap around his lower half, he couldn’t help but wince at the thought of you you being the one to do it. You being the one to give him the touch that he so often craved.
He let his hands roam down to his balls, bringing soap along the way. He gave them a gentle squeeze and sighed at the sensation.
He imagined the way you’d looked the night before. When he came into the staff lounge and saw you for the first time that night. You’d been crying, sitting lowly on the ground. You were so pretty, such big, beautiful eyes looking up at him from your position on the ground, he thought. He pictured your tear-stained cheeks and how puffy your eyes were from your low cries. He thought about how pouty your lips were and how beautiful they looked when they finally had moved to form sentences. He wondered how they’d look wrapped around his cock.
Chan led his hand to his dick, giving it a good squeeze before beginning to pump himself. Slow and steady, just the way he liked it. He couldn’t help but make himself feel good, not when he was thinking about how pretty you were and how good he knew you could be for him.
Chan made moderate strokes, making sure to pull all the way so his hand would graze the tip of his cock before pumping back down. He let out a smallest whisper of a moan as he began to pick up the pace.
He imagined you sitting there like you had been, mouth now open and tongue sticking out for him. How you’d run your hand down his torso until it wrapped around him, giving him a few pumps before putting him in your mouth. How good your tongue would feel as it swirled around his tip, giving him one of the sweetest sensations he could ask for. How much pressure your mouth would give him once you finally started sucking on him. He wondered if you’d move your hand along with your mouth or if you’d leave it at the base of his cock to steady it for you. He thought about what you’d do with your other hand- if you’d give his balls light squeezes or if you’d keep running your hand along his body, giving him the reassuring pressure that you were enjoying every inch of him.
He felt his breathing hitch as he started to pump faster, picturing you giving him hard and fast strokes. You’d moan into him at the feeling of his dick hitting your throat and choke a little bit each time. He’d wrap his hand up into your hair to make sure you were going at just the right pace for him and you were taking him as deep as you possibly could. You could be so so good to him. Make him feel so good. So perfect. You’d work him up until he possibly couldn’t take it anymore. You’d look up at him with those same puffy, crying eyes and silently beg him to cum. And he would. Long and hard and right down into your throat. He’d cum harder than he ever had before.
And he was. He turned his imagination off as he felt himself begin to convulse the tiniest bit and shoot the white cum out of him without control. He moved his hand quickly, following out his high until there was nothing left.
He panted as he collected himself, leaning against the shower to slow his breath. He made sure to let the water run off any remnants of the cum that still resided on his hand. Chan just shook his head.
‘Fuck... I guess showers aren’t even safe now,’ he thought, getting frustrated with himself before turning the water off. He was hoping that at least the post-nut clarity would bring him to his senses. He just needed to go see the boys and stop all of this thinking about you. There was no point. All of this was a one-sided, warped, inappropriate fantasy. That’s all you would be allowed to be for him- his fantasy.
Y/N’s POV:
You and Anna had actually had a very fun night in. You’d both downloaded a truth or dare game to play on your phones and ended up laughing so hard that you cried. Anna almost peed on herself from laughing, but apparently, you were “never allowed to talk about it”… according to her.
You’d ordered in dinner, had a much-needed pampering session, and even practiced belting out a few karaoke songs, which your hotel neighbors did NOT appreciate. Overall, it had been a great night.
You and Anna had made plans with your friend group to meet up the next day for brunch. After that, you’d all planned on getting your nails done and just general upkeep before the show started the following day. You all wanted to put your best foot forward for the show, knowing this was the last time you would all have together before the craziness began.
One productive thing that you did manage to get done was to ignore JK’s texts all day. By the time night rolled around, he’d sent you three more messages, all asking if everything was okay and if something was wrong. You didn’t know what you should do. You weren’t going to answer him of course, but you also didn’t feel comfortable blocking him yet in case he sent something proving you weren’t crazy. Something tangible he’d send that you could use to prove he was an actual creep and could do something about it. Defamation laws were insane in Korea, and you knew that if you didn’t have anything to prove against him, you’d be deep in trouble. So you let the texts roll through. Surely he’d get the hint, right?
Anna had done a great job distracting you from it all day. But as you laid in your bed, all alone with only the pitch black surrounding you, you couldn’t help but start to think about each individual message. How scary it was that this man was still out there, thinking about you. You started to wonder if he’d get mad that you hadn’t responded. If he’d known that you’d seen him and he was trying to dance around it. What if he was outside, waiting for you to come to him right now?
You tried your best to blink away any of the thoughts you just didn’t want to keep. You made sure your phone was plugged in, on silent mode, and buried under a pillow to stop yourself from looking at or receiving another message tonight. You just wanted to get some restful sleep. You definitely wouldn’t be getting it again over the next couple of weeks.
Your mind went to Chan and the last words he’d left you with as you exited his studio this morning. ‘Just in case anything happens again,’ and his phone number. It crossed your mind for a few moments that maybe a text to Chan wouldn’t be the worst thing. I mean HE had been the one to ask if you wanted his number after all… He just had a way of making things better and saying exactly what you needed to hear. You felt like he could fix any problem or hurt feeling that was sitting with you with just a few words. And you could really use that right now, you thought.
You thought on it for a few minutes, letting your stomach flip upside down as you contemplated back and forth. On one hand, it would be nice to talk to Chan and actually feel better. On the other hand, you didn’t want to bother him… and you didn’t want to get attached. It was great that Chan had offered his help to you, but you decided that you should wait until you really really needed it. Not just in this moment to satisfy your own wanting of him.
So there you laid for the next hour, writhing in the feeling of wishing you could talk to someone that you knew you couldn’t have. Never did you think that less than 2 miles away, he would also be lying in his bed doing the same. You both finally let your eyes rest in the thought of the other’s presence.
You awoke in the morning to the sound of Anna’s voice trying to gently stir you awake. You guessed you’d forgotten to set yourself an alarm when you were all lost in your feels before falling asleep.
The two of you took your time in the morning to do your hair and makeup before getting dressed up. Nothing too fancy today, but you still wanted to look nice and put together. You always enjoyed getting ready with Anna in the mornings anyways. She was like you in that she preferred a soft start to her morning and would play light music while the both of you got ready in silence. You both enjoyed the soft music while you settled into the beginning of a new day. It was also a good way to keep you calm as you ignored the new text from Jungkook that has arrived this morning. Even if he’s a stalker, he has one thing going for him- he is persistent.
You looked down at your phone once you’d finished getting ready, seeing the time 10:40 AM flash across your home screen. Perfect. Just enough time to get to the brunch spot that Sunnie had picked out for the six of you- you, Anna, Kara, Sunnie, Mindi, and Nisha. You didn’t intend to leave the other two of the SKZ mentees out, but none of you had Jenna or Alyssa’s phone numbers to invite them. They hadn’t made any effort to give it to anyone… Hadn’t made any effort to talk with the rest of you either. Quite the opposite actually. You were content with your little friend group and knew you’d all just have to deal with the other two once filming started. You didn’t have to like them, you just had to get along enough to get through the next two weeks.
As you and Anna walked out the door and onto the busy streets of Seoul, you mentally thanked Sunnie for picking a restaurant that was in a central location, just down the street from the JYPE Building. You knew you wouldn’t have had fun walking much farther in your cute, low heels. There were a bunch of salons nearby, so it really was the perfect place to go if you didn’t have somewhere specific in mind.
You chatted with Anna as you made your way around the corner and down the final street to get to the restaurant. Passing by the JYPE building, you glared into the glass walls to see if you spotted anyone. It was a Sunday, so it was super unlikely, but you scanned the building anyway. Just as you turned your head back to focus on the street in front of you, you heard a familiar voice. Your heart dropped.
‘It can’t be…’ you thought, feeling your heart beginning to quickly speed up again. You weren’t going to take the chance as you began to pick up your pace into a speed walk.
“Y/N, wait! Please!” Jungkook yelled in desperation, his voice following you.
✨ Continue to ➡️ Chapter 8
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epickiya722 · 1 year
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Today, tonight, whatever time of day it is for you, I want to talk about this moment right here.
I have thoughts about this and I know I touched on this topic before but after updating one of my Miruko fics, I thought about this scene some more and realized something.
Here's the thing with Miruko that I think more people should actually stop overlooking.
If you read BNHA Vigilantes (I recommend it and SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVEN'T), then you would know a bit of Miruko's history.
For those who don't, let me give you a recap of it.
During Miruko's middle school days, she was quite a rowdy one. She would often crash fight clubs and get in trouble for it. Eventually, this lead to her being expelled from her school and taken into custody. Between that time and her high school years, her whereabouts were unknown and I have a theory on that in another post here.
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Now this bit of her history is why I think she says "I heard you formed a team. Weaklings."
I don't think she was being "mean" (if anything, I have a feeling that the Lurkers were even formed because of popularity reasons).
I think there's something deeper.
And that is if we dive deeper into her past, the answer is obvious.
Her quirk.
Does it not occur to anyone that Miruko may have been bullied by other people because she has a Rabbit quirk?
Think about it.
What's the first thing you think of when you look at a rabbit? Cute, right? And often how are cute things perceived? As defenseless!
Imagine growing up and people constantly telling you how cute you are, how helpless you look because your quirk gives you rabbit ears and a tail.
Rumi probably got sick of it. She probably started acting out to prove that she isn't some helpless kid (like Izuku). She doesn't have sidekicks, an agency and doesn't work with other Heroes like that because she grew up with the idea she had to carry her own weight and do things on her own so people would stop underestimating her.
Check out her interaction with Rappa.
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She may have had to deal with people like him!
Also, not just because of her quirk but also the fact she's female.
Note that there is a lot of male heroes in the industry and the highest ranked female heroes currently are Miruko at #6, Ryukyu at #10 and Mt. Lady at #23. Yet, each of them had to deal with more crap than some of the other heroes. Not just even physical injuries but I bet they have heard some sexist things in their lifetime. Mt. Lady is a starting hero, but so was Kamui Woods and she did more than him during the Kamino incident.
Personally, Miruko is a better hero than the ones ranked above her (both in skill and morals). I'm sticking by that and my mind will not be changed. No, I don't care for a debate about it. You have your opinion and I have mine.
Now, like other kids, I'm sure she idolized admired Heroes, possibly All Might, and wanted to be one. But as it happened to Izuku, she was put down for it because even though she has a quirk, people probably saw it as a "weak" one and that she's a girl.
"Rabbits always running away because they're always scared."
Her motto probably became something like "I'm a rabbit that runs towards the danger, not from it. I am the danger."
Thus lead to her doing what she did in her school days and thinking teamwork is weak. She didn't want people to think she has to rely on others' strengths and to protect herself. She could do that herself.
Think about how she interacts with other Heroes and teamwork. She is cooperative and she doesn't complain ever about working with them. She didn't think twice about helping Endeavor and Hawks out and she didn't protest during the Hospital Raid (or after later in the manga).
And remember when she insists on still fighting and Endeavor told her she done enough?
She probably felt that she still had to keep going, that she had to prove "I'm not helpless, let me still fight" (again, there's that Midoriya).
While it's on my mind, since I touched on Vigilantes.
I also think it's crazy that out of everyone in her past that the one person who did think her quirk was useful was the most evil character in this story and that's All For One.
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During chapters 88 - 89 in Vigilantes, AFO is watching the underground fight so he can choose what quirks to steal. However, he (and Kurogiri) was about to call it a lost cause until Rumi showed up and started kicking everyone's asses and changed his mind and attempted to steal her quirk.
That is mad wild to me that she was still training as a Hero, so again another moment of how badass she really is, just a kid and AFO sees this girl with Rabbit ears and a tail and think "I can steal that". Like you got to be one hell of a fighter for AFO to look at you and want to steal your quirk. Rumi took a "weak quirk" and strengthen it and AFO recognized that.
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popculturebuffet · 10 months
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye Retrospective: Rememberance Day (Issues 12-16) (Patreon review for Brotoman.Exe)
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Hello all you happy autobots! And welcome back to my long retrospective of Transformers More than Meets The Eye: The greatest comic about robuts in the known universe.
After a long road, a beetle themed detour and tons of tie ins, one shots and other needed stuff, we're FINALLY almost at the end of Season 1 and to help speed things along, Brotoman gave me some extra money to get through Dark Cybertron. That also means we have a pretty baked in schedule through april so here it is: After this review i'll be covering Remain in Light, the season 1 finale, next week. January is a recap of MTMTE's sister series Robot's in disguise. I volunteered for this one as I felt with Dark Cybertron relying heavily on RiD's history, I should reaquaint myself with it.
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We'll then take another break for a Fizzarolli retrospective in Feburary, and then begin dark cybertron in may, with the plan to have it in two or three parts. After that barring any other side trips or what not, it's SEASON 2 BABY, the series best. It also means easing up a bit on the sidetrips: there's still two whole minis to go into and a christmas special but both are shorter and with our two issue schedule the pacing won't be as nettled.
As for the present these two arcs represent MTMTE hitting it's stride: The books always been good and these reviews have been almost two years of gushing. I have ocasional gripes but overal the series is just pure excellence. This is simply the best of the best: all the character and plot setup for the season paying off in the most awesome, heartbreaking and horrifying ways possible. These arcs are great, but I dreaded getting to them as they will rip your heart out of your chest guaranteed.
See while John Roberts built up an impressive cast of characters, almost all from characters' whose history before this could best be described "That one guy over there in the background" or "That transfomer you got at a yard sale that was a bitch to identify", he wasn't afraid to say goodbye to his creations, even the main characters, and got that this story.. needed life and death stakes.
It's how death SHOULD be handled in comic books: not a publicity stunt done half assed and undone in months, not a massacre to "raise stakes", simply when the story calls for someone to die.
So the question to those of you who haven't read it is simple: who dies tonight? Well i'll tell ya'll under the cut.
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Before and After
Admitely these first two issues are less an arc and more two more standalones. As usual for MTMTE these are ripe for setup and Before and After feels like an out and out prelude to Reemergence Day, so the bundling fits.
Before and After has a unique structure, flashing both to the Autobots preparing for a strike on a Decepticon fortress on Sensenica. It's the first real Autbots Vs Decepticon battle we've seen: while there was one in Ratchet's arc, it was more a smokescreen for Pharma and Fort Max took them down quickly and messily.
Here it's an actual battle: a bunch of decepticons who shall remain nameless and largely unimportant to the overall scheme of things have been bleeding organic's dry for energy, so our heroes go down to stop it. For the sake of clarity i'm not going ot be covering the issue as structured as it's a lot.
The good news: our heroes are able to take the fortress, free the organics, save the day. The bad.. is there is a lot of injuries in the process, and that's the real intresting part of this issue: while the battle is neat, I often forget it and it really just kinda comes and goes: what's important.. is the after effect: Swerve, Rewind and Cyclonus were all horribly injured and we don't find out why till the tailend of the issue for the latter two.
For swerve.. he shot himself in the face while trying to figure out his gun while Chromedone and SKids fought a giant dinosaur. This guy is snapdragon and yes I looked him up on the grounds he fought two characters while transformed and apparently bathes in the blood of his enemies when he can't find sludge as he has a senstive butt.
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So while this goes on it's down to Rewind and Tailgate. Tailgate is, allegedlys, a bomb disposal expert, and thus has to take out a bomb hooked to the organics with Rewind's help. Also of note is that Rewind and Chromedome are fighting.
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Rewind is PISSSEEED Chromedome keeps hacking heads, while Chromedome is mad Rewind won't stay out of action. So naturally it's the perfect time for Rewind to go boom as the two little guys simply can't stop it. Rewind stays to mitigate the blast... and Cyclonus tosses Tailgate out taking the blast himself.
The prognosis for both.. isn't good. Rewind is a tiny bot.. and that means it's harder for him to bounce back from this, with Red Alert floating his Spark Jumping idea from his intro arc, a nice call back I honestly forgot about. Of course it'd crop up again and naturally, Chromedome is a spark type match for Rewind.
While Chromedome recovers from it as the process.. isn't exactly plesant. So while he recovers he talks to Tailgate. Chromedome admits when he's told Cyclonus still survivied that it's a shame... though what I like is when Tailgate asks him fi he really meant that.. he admits it.. but also admits he shouldn't of said it to Tailgate and apologizes, admitting thigns are just stressful. Tailgate calls rewind Chromedome's best friend
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That flub aside, Chromedome admits that he's not #1 in his boyfriend's heart.. there's someone else, just above him.
So we get Rewind's backstory which as usual is important for later: Rewind was a member of what was called at the time "The disposable class". There aren't many left and it's easy to see why as the disposables were basically slaves, with Chromedome flat out admitting that's what they'd call them now. It makes him one of the oldest and is why he has a memory stick of all alt modes: he was made for just one purpose and that purpose was being a comically large usb drive.
This changed when Rewind met Dominus Ambus, Scientest, Doctor, Author Explorer and that one ex of your partners you can never live up to. Tailgate for his part says he hates the guy. That's a good friend tailgate.
Anyways Ambus used Rewind as a memory drive but treated him kindly, giving him premium energon instead of the cheap stuff and realizing in the process that the disposables were just autbots and just as sentient as any other, and started campaiging for their rights. He seemed to succeed but trying to find a cure for Cybercocis he and Rewind left to find Luna 1, Cybertron's missing moon because like any missing thing of legend, you just gotta assume it has the cure for anything.
They failed, and what's worse they came back to a planet at war. All hell had broken loose and the two underwent the right of the autobrand.
So cut to years later in the war and Chromedome, already not having the best mental health for his years in psi ops and other traumas, has decided to unalive himself. Which is harder than it sounds for a transformer: their bodies are built to be nigh on indestructable and Chromedome can't really try sucicide by comabat as it'd put others in whatever unit he was in at risk. So instead he went to a relinquishment clinic, with what clinics left offering assisted suicide.
This ends up saving Chromedomes life as he hears a scream.. and it turns out to be Rewind who was checking the bodies. And that, dear readers is the main reason Rewind's on the lost light, the reason for the snuff film footage he got earlier: he's been looking for Dominus anywhere there's bodies in hopes of getting closure with Chromedome along for the ride. Dome assumes that's why he goes into battle.. but Tailgate has a more optimstic take: Rewind loves him and simply wants to be there to support him.
Either way things aren't looking good as it turns out chromedome's spark has a low yield. As he stated earlier he was born dry and thus dosen't hae a lot of ennermost energon. Ennermost energon is a brilliant concept: it's the energon closest to a bot's casing, their essence. Being robots, Cybertronians naturally run into a ship of thesus paradox oftne with most of their original parts long gone. The innermost energon is the part of them that's always there, the one part that, along with the spark itself, will always be then
So as a gesture of love when someone is dying, possibly may survivie may likely not, a bot puts a portion by them. Tailgate hearing this.. decides to do the same for Cyclonus. This being Cyclonus he's not only not quite dead, but an asshole about it, saying he dosen't care about tailgate they don't have a bond, etc... but in a touching moment instead of keeping up his abuse of the poor guy after smashing the jar.. he goes to help him pick it up. Despite trying to distance himself, despite trying to push Tailgate away.. they have a bond. And he can't deny that.. I mean he will, it's Cyclonus, he has the emotoinal maturity of a very angry stump, but he's at least TRYING to not be as closed off.
As for Chromedome he's not doin so hot and in his lowest moment a mysterious voice says something VERY prowl like: the decpitcons are still a threat and this proves it and there's something Chromedome can do to help. He wants to show him something in the basement.
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Thankfully Rewind's alive, and of all people it was whirl who donated.. and whose uncharcatristically nice. It's almost as if he's hiding something and.. yup as we find out in the final pages turns out he locked the door to attempted murder cyclonus and Rewind got caught in it.
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Cybertronian Homesick Blues
CHB is a fun issue, what SEEMS to just be some fun shenanigans and an excuse to make human forms for the cast.
So Mags is wound tighter than usual, having thrown several people, Swereve included in the brig for general nonsense.. which as Rodimus notes is all kinds of fucked up. I mean it'd usually just be two or three kinds, but they have dangerous criminals down there now along with Fort Max, who is dangerous but isn't out to hurt anybody anymore, so he's not exactly going to prison shank anyone.
Rodimus can see a problem coming and decides to help: the Lost Light's approaching Hedonia, a vacation planet ala Risa from Star Trek, but saying the quiet part loud. He asks Swerve to take him to relax, threatning the bar if he dosen't, and Swerve to his credit genuinely tries to bond with Ultra Magnus, bringing most of his close friends to help with the task: Rewind, Rung, Skids, Tailgate and Whirl. Whirl isn't exactly a close friend but you try telling Whirl he can't come and see how many limbs you have left.
Due to anti robot prejudice , our heroes can't enter EVERY section so they set up Holomatter Avatars to go into those sections and drink it up, having disabled Mags DiD chip. Said chip keeps fuel from hitting transformers at full impact, i.e. keeping them from getting plastered unless they WANT to get plastered.
Naturally as you can imagine Mags is going through something and is thus a pretty depressed/angry drunk and has a full on breakdown
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It's very obvious that Ultra Magnus.. is having a crisis of faith. His whole point is to be unflinching unchanging and as seen in the Annual the idea of NOT being that is propsterous to him.. and now we see that even with his acceptance in that story.. ti's not easy. Change.. often involves a lot of backsliding first. Personal growth is not easy, take it from me, so naturally the idea of being more than the tight ass he's SUPPOSED to be is tearing the poor bot apart. He also takes it out on swerve saying people like him because he's funny and that he's shirking his responsibliteis iwth the bar plan, not beliving Swerve's half hearted defense of it... causing the little guy to open up.
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It's a deeply painful sentence.. and one that's all too damn relatable. I often feel this way wondering if people like me for anlysizing shit and being mildly amusing or for me.
MOst of the rest of the issue is holomatter hyjinks, as our heroes are forced to cary Magnus, who accidently drank something REALLY strong across a human section in their disguises. The disguises.. are really neat, with special note to Tailgate as a baby, Rung's neat hat, Whirl as a murder child and my faviorite, Magnus.. using Verity's likeness. A nice little nod, make sme hope the two do actually meet again.
At any rate our heroes succeed, but we have some important story stuff before we move on to the main event: first I forgot how the story really started.. with Drift busting in to stop Cyclonus from.. singing. Turns out no one was in danger, it was just ancient cybertronian and beautiful, with Rewind recording it.. only to be hastily shouted to get out.
While this seems lke Standard cyclonus.. he was covering. Turns out Tailgate's stories about being in the primal vanguard, being important, all his big puffed up stories are a lie. He wasn't even bomb disposal, he's WASTE disposal, he was just able to bluff himself through the bomb just enough. It's all a lie. Yet it wasn't to feel special or anything.. it's for much more tragic, entirely understandable reasons.
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It's a painful moment.. and an understandable one. He should've been found easily.. but got lost for CENTURIES.. and no one cared. No one noticed. It's not hard to see why the little guy didn't want to admit that. While cyclonus is right Tailgate can't keep lying forever.. he sees why he started it and sees that Tailgate might be the ONLY person who understands his pain, the only person who knows what it's like to wake up in a world that just left you behind and dosen't seem to have a place for you. So he teaches Tailgate how to sing cybertronian.
And from that heartwearming moment.. more depression as this issue was Swerve trying to commuincate with Blur.. only it turns out like Tailgate that was a lie. The two never knew each other, swerve only met him once with a plan and the bar is sipmly.. trying to fill the space with something. He also offers Ultra Mags to be roomy.. but Mags coldly shoots him down, saying their not friends. It's a pretty solemn ending to what SEEMED to be a wacky one off... and it's only going to get worse from here.
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Rememberance Day:
We begin wtih the story of Overlord's birth. Two hapless minors find his, call it in and their superior calls for someone to come down. That someone is Three of Twelve, one of the functionist council, a loose council that preached functionism, aka alt mode dictates class, the kind of prick Dominus Ambus was rallying against. These guys will be important next season but for now he's just here to point out how important that is, give the guy who called it in an award and tell the miners they have 6 hours to live from the radation.
Overlord is a point one percenter. A point one percenter is a green spark found in the tiniest fraction of the cybertronian population. Said sparks are treasured and their wielders are often the toughest, most nigh unstoppable bots out there. It's why Overlord is such a juggernaught and why it took so much to bring him down on Garrus 9, as well as a retroactive reason why the deceiptcons he had under his boot didn't just revolt. Other phase sixers for scale include Fortress Maximus, Ultra Magnus, Optimus Prime, Megatron, Scorponok, Shockwave, Tarn, Roller and of course, He, Grimlock, with Megatron weaponziing this fact, hence why so much of this list is purple.
We then cut to the finale of Last Stand of the Wreckers, just before overlord went boom.. and find an univitied guest; Chromedome. Turns out he's been going into Overlord's mind looking for something, and makes the fatal mistake of telling him about it, mostly becaues he needs to rummage. Overlord is a Phase Sixer, what Megatron would call in to finish off a planet along with most of those guys mentioned. As a result the only person whose really easlily pummled overlord.. is Megatron himself.
After a few more cups of punch to the face we find what Chromedome's after: the memory of Overlord's true birth. He was put in Megatron's fucked up super solider program, using a very unstable very rare Ununtrium, the same stuff used to make Sixshot. While Rossum, the tech and likely the person responsible for naming Rossum's trinity, pumps him full of goo. Megatron isn't AS suicidal as he sounds doing this sort of supervillian origin story, having had SHockwave throw in a killswitch. Overlord awakens.. and takes after his new dad, smashing Rossum's head as his first act of new life.
This seems to be the end: Rossum warned during the procedure the heat could kill him and the substance itself could kill Megatron: While he's currently assumed dead by the crew, Chromedome is sure he'll come back.. and is right as he returned towards the end of RiD season 1 and plays a key part in both Dark Cybertron and this series from Season 2 onward.
Then.. things take a turn. Overlord remembers where he met Chromedome before: the New Institute. Turns out Chromedome was a brainwasher, with Zeta Prime redubbing the insittute.. but not really changing it and using it for the same brainwashing. Overlord broke in in the early days of the decepticons and stole Trepan, who we met in Shadowplay.
And that theft is WHY Overlord now has taken control of the situation and is going into Chromedome's memories instead: turns out Overlord tried to dabble in mnemosurgery, thinking he could use it against shockwave and undue the killswitches. Megatron isn't stupid though and the second he got wind of what was going on killed Trepan. So while Overlord can't hack int oa mind, he learned enough to take it over, not helped by the fact that Chromedome is scared shitless of the guy , as anyone would be and despite his attempts to hide it, overlord easily picked it up.
So we instead go back to the day of loading.. and a conversation we hadn't seen. In a twist i'd honestly forgot but is entirley brilliant.. Prowl had already MET with Chromedome... and it was about Overlord. As for why he's in tact, Bumblebee has mercy and didn't want to abuse POW's, so he rebuilt the body.
Prowl's intrest is in making their OWN phase sixers: while most Autobots, Chromedome included, assumed they were just freak accidents of nature, Prowl is right about something for once: there's so many that are decipticon, WHY is that. So he wants to find out why, and wnats Chromedome to do it despite being a MASSIVE risk.
Chromedome, as you'd expect tells Prowl to go fuck himself in the poltest manner possible: the war's over, this really isn't necessary, and Rewind really woudlnt' want him doing this. Prowl then enters peak dickhead.. and for once actually suffers for it.
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It's a horrible act that has legit consequences over in RID, leaving Prowl free to be brainwashed. Yet.. it's hard to feel too bad as Prowl was trying to blackmail his ex to do something highly shady and ENTIRELY not approved by the rest of Autobot High Command, something that would've likely destroyed Cromedome's relationship anyway. So it's a bad act.. but it's on a deserving victim and seeing Prowl crying no as he's abotu to be brainjacked is just.. so satisfying.
We then finally get the face behind this conspiracy: Drift. The last person you'd expect as he takes Chromedome to talk to Brainstorm. Brainstorm made the cell and is in on it.. but unlike Drift knows what a stupid idea this was, calling it project: total insanity and project :end in tears. Both accurate. The only people who know about this , as far as Drift says, are in this room as Shock and Ore did the loading but as we know both died horribly. Drift is the one who suggested the idea nd brings up the slow cell, Overlord's prison that slows down time for the user.. and that despite his best efforts to stop it, Chromedome's memory shows Overlord how to unlock.
Overlord locks Chromedome in and since, as Overlord figures out, Chromedome did this without anyone else knowing, Overlord now has a lead to go kill people. As he chillingly puts it "Run as fast as you can Chromedome, your already too late".
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Under Cold Blue Stars:
Before we get to the tragedy above.. we have to get to the tragedy bellow: Chromedome escapes.. but thanks to the slow field it's been half an hour... and what he finds...
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Yeah our heroes.. aren't doing so good. It's something that, despite reading this comic twice before this... had never registered; Overlord.. is strong enough to take on the ENTIRE lost light and WIN. It's taking EVERYONE they have just to hold him BACK. It does make perfect sense: not only is overlord a literal monster, able to tank hits he's spent his career wiping out planets and autobots and his last experince before this was months as the horrifiying dark god of his own planet, most of which was a game of "how many ways can I have my minons creatively murder and torture autobots?". Our heroes, despite their ragtag nature on paper, are GOOD, but their in tight quarters trying not to hit each other while overlord would gladly use one of them to smash through the others omniman style if he had a way to. He wants to kill EVERY , LAST, BOT simply as a warmup. He COULD leave to go find megatron, maybe by killing everyone on cybertron and using the bodies to spell out "HI DAD". But he just can't resisit the torture it'd put chromedome through. He's a sadist... while his main motive may be
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He has hobbies.
So you may say to yourself: well, how did we get here, so we go back 30 minutes to the start of this rampage. We see Pipes again, who I honestly forgot existed and whose asking blaster if commuincations are back with Cybertron yet, and since Pipes intended recipient is a friend of Blasters, Blaster goes ahead and forwards it while Whirl, whose naturally there to blow shit up, mocks him.
I didn't think much of this... till Pipes runs into someone.. overlord, who gladly squishes him under his boots with Pipes getting a fairly effective and horrifying death: bleeding out, scrunched to hell.. he uses what little spark he has left for one last push to do the one thing he CAN do to warn everyone else
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It makes me tear up.. and again, I FORGOT THIS GUY EXISTED. Roberts is just that good a writer, taking a character whose last major part in things was back in issues 3 and 4 and then NOTHING, and making you feel gutted the poor guy is dead... using what he had left to warn everybody.
So we then rewind again to where everyone was when the emergency alarm went off:
We start naturally with Rewind, whose worried about Chromedome and came to Brainstorm's lab to talk to him. Swerve's just here to accidently activate a meta bomb that gives him forth wall powers. Or make him thinks he has them, like with Deadpool it's left vauge. Rewind is wondering where his boyfriend is and is suspcious of Brainstorm since CHromey keeps saying Brainstorm's name.. though not in a sexy way but in a screaming it as he wakes up way. Brainstorm for his part, while very good at subterfuge to a point. .blabs about a secret project, wtih Swerve distracting them before the alarm goes off.
Rodimus is having Perciptor, the less fun genius aboard look at the map to the knights of cybertron and after having him dumb it down a few shades we get to the point: the thing can't be copied. This setup with the finale is interupted and we go to Rung, whose gone to Visit Fort Max. Max invited him down.. to apologize, planning to give a speech but realizing that was more for him and admitting the shock, waking up after garrus 9, he was in bad shape and genuinely asks if Rung can forgive him. And Rung.. instantly does. Not only has Rung been around for eons.. but he's a therapist. He spent the whole hostage situation trying to talk max down best he could. He can forgive.
Finally we have Skids wondering why Cyclonus is on the warpath.. thankfully JUST a metaphor, otherwise there'd be more than two corpses today, but he's mad Tailgate is hosting movie night at their place.
We end this catchup with Ratchet, whose pissed off Rodimus is being caviler about this, both because these don't go off for some reason.. and he made a joke about Ratchet's hands. Come on rodders.. that's way too easy. You can do better.
Drift is out and about to investigate.. and happens to benearbye as both bots see Overlord. We also get a really nice moment of bonding with the two, showing tha tbeneath their constant bickering.. they care about each other. More over time but we'll get to that. When Drift tries to get Ratchet to barricade himself in.. he refuses. He'll lock down the clinic.. but they fight and if needed die together. Ratchet calls Rodimus to get EVERYONE down there and tells him if he dosen't make it.. tell first aid he's ready and tell all his patients they'll have to make new apointments.
Thankfully one of the best characters in this comic dosen't go down swinging as everyone arrives to throw down. They do their best, but naturally their best bet is the only other .1%er they have... Magnus. And while he SEEMS to do well, pounding Overlord's face in as he heavily regrets not being there on G9 when everything went to shit.. only for that classic reveal that always means your fucked.
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IT's a shocking, horrific moment as one of the main cast, one of their leaders and seemingly their best hope.. is down. Magnus hoped to make up for Garrus 9.
It's also why I feel last stand is necessary to read these books after this read througH: while you CAN without it, Overlord's appearnce just dosen't have the same impact till AFTER this.. and just how badly Magnus falls here dosen't. After feeling he was slipping more and more.. he once again fails.. this time in a way he simply can't cope with. And the consequences.. will not be great.
And not suprisingly "Sword through the chest" seems incuriable: his spark is detaached and while First Aid can slow it down.. he can't stop it, and while everyone else is trying their best.. they can't do much. So drift has Swerve give him the com to call for backup.. the one person whose NOT here.
So just as Overlord has Rodimus by the throat he makes the mistake of asking for last words.. as the natural "Till All Are One" you'd expect... sends him panicking .. and leaves him wide open for..
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God that felt good. It's not remotely over though as we find out why Fort Max had this opening: turns out Domey , while recklessly charging into a known mass murderer's brain, was still JUST smart enough to leave a trigger in there in case Overlord got out, something that would make him feel he was loosing which , since Overlord is deathly afraid of defeat, would send him spiraling. And in one of the best uses of a gag as a chekov's gun i've seen, only topped by something in next season's finale, he made it till all are one because Rodimus won't stop saying it.
As Rewind lays in shock,w ondering what the helld omey's been up to, Chromedome inacts plan b, asking Fort Max to drag overlord over yonder back to his cell. While Prowl is many things, most of them varations of rat bastard motherfucker, he IS prepared and made Overlord's cell detachable for if, or if your smart like Brainstorm WHEN this stupid plan backfired. Problem is there's a sword jammed in the way of the hatch... someone has to go pull it out.. and rewind is small enoguh, brave enough, and sad enough to pull it off, saying a tearful goodbye to cromedome as the pod detaches. To make matters even worse... Cromedome then has to blow the fucker up as he'd rather not leave the love of his life who was just about to leave him anyway with a sadistic murderer. And all that's left.. is
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IT's one of the saddest moment sin the whole comic, and trust me there will be more and one of the best character death's i've seen. A big as screwup as bringing overlord aboard, a bigger one of him getting out.. it needed weight. LIke I said, Roberts knows it's best to kill a character when it's NECESSARy.. and Rewind going out lik ea hero sacrifcing himself so his friends and lover can escape, sadly bidding farewell knowing he's about to go through hell? It's a lot. It's a perfect sendoff to a great character, and a truly painful moment. Also if your wondering about the blood, Rewind took Chromedome's arm along with his heart.
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The Gloaming
The gloaming starts with foreshadowing for the next arc: we see a bunch of ops with Ultra Magnus from the war.. but two things are off. The first is that he looks slightly diffrent each time.. and the second is he looks very dead at the end of each one.
This will make sense later but for now we're in the aftermath of overlord's attack: Drift is being repaired, and Ratchet is TRYING to repair mags.. but it dosen't look good. Using a death clock, a device that predicts how long a bot has left, he only has ten days at best and poor Tailgate breaks down over how unfair it all is: one friend is dead, another close to it...
And there aren't easy answers for everyone else either: Chromedome responds a little to Skids but it's very clear he's not remotely okay, while Rodimus has torn up his office. Rung tries to help.. but he's held back by the fact he dosen't know why Rodimus is REALLY upset: Rodimus thinks it's magnus, Rung thinks it's because he lost.. which is a good guess.. but it's not the right one. We'll find out why next time but for now with Rodimus launching an investigation into the incident.. he and Drift need to have a talk.
After that we get the funeral: Rodimus gives a wonderful speech as he's returned to the stars spock style pointing out how EVERYONE he met was better for having known him. Except Prowl, nothing can make that guy better> it's a sweet earnest speech.. which makes it odd that Rewind's actual partner.. can barely say a sentence.
Brainstorm notices.. and goes to confront dome. Not about the speech, most bots would likely chuck that up to bottling up his grief. But it turns out these two go back a ways.. and as a result we find out just WHY Chromedome has so little innermost energon and I really wish I could share the full scene as it's powerful and shows a more emotional side of the usually flippant Brainstorm we haven't seen till now: He knows what Chromedome's abotu to do and to prove it rattles off a bunch of names. All ones Chromedome dosen't recognize.. because they were all former Conjux Endura's. And after they died he wiped his memory of them to not deal with the pain. It's a hard reveal, and a well done one and throughly proves Rewind right about mnemosurgery being an addiction for him: After all grief is hard, loosing someone even harder.. if you had the option to just make that pain temporary it'd be incredibly tempting, near impossible to turn down. You loose the person.. but you also loose the knife in your gut every time you think of them and realize their gone. Sure you could say "Well i'd want to rmemeber them i'd want the pain" and the strongest among us probably could turn that down.. but it's harder when you have that option. It's why i'ts such a comeplling hook here and why the next part hurts so damn much
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It fleshes out their friendship and Brainstorm a lot: he's had to watch his friend erase those he loved again, and again and again, tried and failed to talk him out of it time and again. All because he KNOWS what it's like to loose someone.. and that while the pain never goes away, it's better to have them with you. We'll get into how he knows that pain next time. For now the slug is the only reason history may not repeat itself.
So we get two scenes intercut: One is Rodimus before the rest of the crew.. as Drift takes full responsiblity for what happened and is stripped of his autobrand, banished and boo. It's a loss that hit harder this time as i'd gotten more attached to the guy, seen him nearly sacrifice himself, his deep faith, his argument flirting with ratchet.. it's hard to see him go even if he damn well deserves it after all this cost. There's no.. joy in this.. no catharsis. he screwed up, sure.. but it dosen't bring Rewind or Pipes back. It dosen't undue the pain and grief everyone has or fix anything. It's simply assining blame. I'm not saying Drift or a certain someone else we'll get to next time shoudln't be held acountable, but it dosen't make it easy to see him go.. or see Ratchet be the only one to comfort him showing that despite arguging constantly.. they ultimately were close as anyone could be. With this... Rodimus is alone, his command staff gone and it's not going to be easier to wear the crown going into the finale.
The other is a touching moment I can't really share in full here, two page spread and all, btu Rewind pieced together a message for Chromedome, knowing what he'd do if he was gone. He begs his partner to go on without him, that injecting will kill him.. and that he deserves to be happy. The New Institute isn't him anymore. And as one last note because he dosen't say it enough
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It's a scene that's now become one of my faviorite: while it's hard to follow because of the various footage, when you put it all together.. it's a message of courage. Despite the guilt, despite the pain, despite al lthey went through.. rewind loved chromedome, as he was, for who he was.. and wants him to stay that way. To keep him with him. And so .. Chromedome , for the first time, sheethes his claws.. and chooses to live with the pain.
We then end on a cliffhanger: Ultra Magnus.. is missing. Someone stole him, he's just gone.. and if that wasn't enough.. Tailgate goes under the death clock light.. and dosen't have much time left.
If it wasn't obvious by now I love these issues: their heartbreaking, well done and read even better this time around: It's a tragic loss that's expertly crafted, and used entirely to push the characters forward, to really push them with one forced to leave, one seemingly kidnapped and one facing his own crippling issues.. .and finding the courage to live
Next Time: We finish season 1! If you thoguht things coudln't get worse for the lost light.. your wrong as they face an attempted genocide , a character we've seen named a lot but not actually met till now, an old foe and a cool as hell new one. Until then thanks for reading
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derryqueenx · 1 year
Just Fantasy
A Used As Bait fic
If you were to look up the definition of 'horrible person' on the internet it would probably say something to extent of: someone who starts a fanfic, gives you multiple chapters of build to the big crescendo, writes a cliffhanger chapter, and then disappears for 2 years.
And for that, i am very sorry. I honestly wasn't going to finish this, but every couples of weeks i would wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, panting and panicking our precious little flower that is Vince Noir still stuck with Lyle and remember that i'm that one that put him there and i should probably get him out sometime soon. And then, i went back and re-read the previous chapters to get myself caught up with what exactly was the trauma that i put him through and voila! here's a new chapter some 2 years later...
For those who need a recap, or those who may only just now be stumbling upon this, you can find all the previous Used As Bait chapters here
“And how was your day today?” Lyle asked from the kitchen, the smell of grilled onions filling the room from the pan in which they were currently grilling. Homemade burgers it seemed was on the menu tonight. Beef, buns, lettuce, tomato, cheese… the lot. Including those onions. Something Lyle knew Vince didn’t like, but he didn’t care. Lyle liked onions, so onions they were having.
Vince wasn’t going to complain, though. If the onions made Lyle happy, then so be it.
Vince shrugged, thinking back to his adventures for the past 9 hours alone.
He cleaned, he tried his hand at cooking – someone really should have told him how to use an oven before today – he tidied himself up before Lyle came home. All the usual things. “Nothing too extraordinary.”
Oh, and the visit from Akala.
“Your Shaman popped in for a visit, though.”
The sound of the tongs scraping against the pan echoed through the air, Lyle’s breathe caught in his throat as he must have swallowed down the wrong pipe, coughing and spluttering suddenly as his arm came up to cover his mouth, eyes shooting across the room to where Vince sat on the floor. “What?”
Vince started to move on instinct to go and help Lyle from his coughing fit, but when he saw Lyle’s concerned eye he opted to stay right where he was. “Oh- your, uh, Shaman.. Alkana? Kalana?”
“Yeah, him.” Vince beamed. “He was here earlier.”
Lyle’s lips thinned. “Why? What did he say?” He began walking away from the stove, hands coming to rest on the counter before him to almost stop himself from toppling over from shock any second.
“Nothing really. He was a bit weird at first, asking me a lot of dumb questions. But he said he just wanted to check in on me.”
Lyle took a deep breathe, eyes never leaving from Vince as he studied him. “And what did you say to him?”
Vince could tell now that he’d done something to upset Lyle. He didn’t mean to. Lyle asked about his day so Vince told him? Vince swallowed, taking a somewhat shaky breath himself as he pondered his answer. He didn’t need to lie to Lyle because he didn’t say anything wrong, right? “Um..” He started.
“What. Did. You. Say. Vince?” Lyle repeated, more emphasis plastered behind his words now.
“Well, nothing, really. I told him I was okay – that we were okay. There was nothing to worry about. I don’t really know why he was here to begin with, actually… he didn’t take anything with him for potions or Shaman stuff, ya know?” Vince tried to soothe it over, ensuring Lyle that everything was fine because he truly believed it was. Akala was Lyle’s Shaman – they were friends. Friends don’t betray friends.
“And what? He just left? Just like that?” Lyle probed deeper, clearly sensing some sort of threat or danger that Vince didn’t see.
Vince nodded. “ Just like that.”
“He didn’t say anything else to you? Think hard here Vince, it’s important.” Lyle’s knuckles were nearly going as white as Vince’s were on the apple he threatened Akala with only hours earlier from where they gripped onto the counter top, clearly trying to remain calm.
Vince did think. Hard. What was Lyle wanting? Nothing stood out to him from his conversation with Akala that would cause any need for concern from the other man.. “I swear, that was it. He said sorry and then he just vanished.”
“Sorry?” Lyle’s head cocked to the side.
“Sorry for what?”
Vince shrugged. “I dunno – for stopping by unannounced, I suppose? It is a little rude.” He pressed. “What if I was in the shower? Blimey, I don’t want him seeing me like that!” Instinctively Vince began covering up, bringing his hands to his chest to further prove his point of discomfort.
Lyle didn’t seem to believe it. He paused, humming to himself as his gaze fell somewhere between Vince and the bench counter he was leaning on, pondering. The silence continued on for a few seconds, Vince left awkwardly unawares as to what was going through Lyle’s mind and why he was so interested in this briefest of conversations – maybe Akala wasn’t allowed to be here? Was Vince not supposed to have talked to him? Was it a test that he had failed?
The silence ate away at him, so in response he ate away at his bottom lip, chewing at it nervously as he waited for Lyle to snap at him or berate him – just something.
When he couldn’t take it anymore, he decided that anything was better than nothing, even if was in the wrong if would rather Lyle just tell him already. “Are you okay?” He nudged, his fingers fidgeting on the carpet beneath him.
Lyle seemed to remember his presence, being snapped out of his train of thought with a deep inhale, like he had forgotten to breathe. He looked up, offering Vince his best smile as if nothing was wrong and he hadn’t had just spaced out. “Everything’s fine, dear. I’m just going to make a quick call, alright?” He said, making his way out of the kitchen, hand reaching into his pants pocket to pull out his phone, clearly moving on from this conversation with Vince and proceeding it with someone else.
Vince opened his mouth to protest, to question further about Lyle’s odd behaviour, but he knew better than that. Lyle had given the instructions about what was going to happen from here and those instructions didn’t involve Vince.
As he closed his mouth, ready to sit in silence until Lyle returned, continuing with the destruction of his bottom lip in nervous habit, he heard the muffled voice of Lyle from down the hall. “-‘ve got a problem…”
At least 30 minutes would have had to have passed before Lyle emerged from the bedroom again, his demeanour carrying even more worry and urgency than it did before. Vince looked up when he heard the other man come back suddenly, waiting to be yelled at for leaving his spot when he realised Lyle had left the stove on about 5 minutes after he initially walked away, but no such outburst came. Instead..
“Go grab your things. We need to leave.”
It took a second for Vince to understand the words properly, as he stared dumfounded at Lyle. “Huh?” He said like a proper ballbag.
Lyle made his way to the pantry, pulling out a duffle bag that Vince had never seen before, seemingly with stuff pre-packed and ready to go. He didn’t spare Vince another glance, simply repeating with more authority, “Get your things!”
Vince knew he was walking on a thin string right now, as he slowly started getting up to his feet, but he still wasn’t quite sure what Lyle was wanting him to do. “But I don’t have any-“ He began.
“I put a bag away for you in the wardrobe in the bedroom, above the shoes and next to the watches. Hurry!” He insisted, spinning back around but still not looking at the confused raven haired man standing in the living room watching it all unfold and still have no clue what was actually going on.
Why did Lyle have a bag for him? When did he put that together? Where were they going? Why all of a sudden? Who was on the phone? What the hell is going on?!
Sensing the urgency and realising he wasn’t going to get any answers any time soon, Vince scrambled from the living room and down the hall to their bedroom, making his way to the wardrobe in search of the bag. After not really being sure what type of bag his was looking for, Vince felt pretty confident he’d found the right one when a very out-of-place floral decorated bag showed itself to him in the exact place Lyle told him to look. “There’s a few shirts in there! Put one on!” Came Lyle’s voice again, sounding like it had moved from the kitchen and somewhere else further down the house, but Vince didn’t focus too much on that and moreso on the instructions. Put a shirt on.
Ever since day 1 Lyle had never let him put on a shirt unless he had guests coming over and he needed to look ‘presentable’ or to ‘stop wandering eyes’. Based on the urgency of the situation, Vince didn’t think they had anyone coming over, in fact, Lyle specifically said they were leaving so why would he need to put on a shirt?
Surely Vince must have misheard him. “Wait… what did you say?” He shouted back, hands moving on their own to open the bag and peak inside. After a couple moments of silence, Vince assumed Lyle must have been somewhere else in the house and unable to hear him, so not wanting to dare put on a shirt if Lyle didn’t actually tell him to, Vince made his way out of the bedroom for validation of the demand. “Lyle?” He called out just as he made his way out from the hallway, reemerging into the living room where he expected to see either an empty space or Lyle fussing around still.
Well, he did see Lyle.
But he wasn’t alone.
The voice rang through the air, as smooth as it ever was, almost a fairytale that Vince hadn’t heard since he was a child, the sound of it causing goosebumps to raise on his fair skin as he stared into those brown eyes in pure shock.
Howard breathed, ever so quietly, as though he was afraid speaking too loud would scare him off like a lost and wounded animal. “Vince?”
HA. Imagine dropping a chapter out of nowhere and STILL leaving it on a cliffhanger. Couldn't be me.
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dreaminae · 2 years
If you hadn't watched 5.11 don't read this. If you have then proceed. I'm not if this is a recap or review, but I want to say this is far from my favorite episode. I feel like Taye Diggs' exit from the show was well done, but far too abrupt. It was so sudden that it mirrored the true events of everyday life. Billy's death conveyed the actual turmoil of losing a loved one out of the blue. It showed how quickly one person could be alive and then gone the next. From how Spencer lost his chance to say a proper goodbye to how Billy's family was able to speak to him only for him to die a few moments later. Going further this will no doubt show more characters the importance of appreciating every day with the people they love.
Whether it be Spencer living for the moment and getting back with Olivia. Or Jordan and Layla finally coming out of dark and enjoying their time together for all to see. I don't know how the show writers plan to go from a funeral scene to a carnival. But in light of Billy sacrificing his life to save Jabari's, the carnival may be a way to honor Billy's life instead of mourning his death.
All I know is I hoped the show writers wouldn't kill off Billy, but after reading several articles about Taye Diggs' initial decision to leave the show, I won't spend too much time dwelling on Billy's death. Before tonight's episode aired, I had planned to publish a rewrite of the rage room scene with a somewhat happy ending. In light of the events of tonight's episode, I'm leaving the decision up to the readers. I know some people grow attached to their favorite characters, so I respect if some of you guys still need time to process tonight's episode with new Spelivia content.
But if some readers are looking for some lighthearted Spelivia content that wants that rage room chapter let me know. I will happily go through with writing it. As such remember to take what you can from tonight's episode as a eye-opener. Seize every moment like it's your last.
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sendmelovebaby · 10 months
sunday 11/12/2023 around 8:30pm
it's been awhile but hey... they always come back!
i got written up at work today. maybe i'm always ready to be upset about something i did wrong. it doesn't surprise me they grew tired of me being late practically every day, but it does surprise me they took the time to find the name of someone who got a slightly negative review.... "server was aloof". bitch read the room, it was a show night. i was busy.
anyways one night i had done something i normally was doing with my managers before (since i started serving) which was give a recap about the night and how i felt about it. highs and lows type vibe. they never really asked anyways. so i thought something was off and uptight about Tom. i told him how i had forgotten to ring a drink in, and it ended up being fine. i don't remember what i said word for word in that moment (this was like 2 or 3 weeks ago) and he quoted me apparently being happy that a guest pounded his drink, the drink i had forgotten to ring in (and ended up doing so, obviously)
i don't know if writing while i'm drinking is actually what will help me in the long run
i think writing while smoking helps me narrow/streamline my thoughts, and when drinking my writing turns into emotion filled out pours of my innermost thoughts, yet it feels so messy
it's like i can't keep track of where i start or where i end but maybe that doesn't matter
getting lost in the words is what matters. for the time being.
so yes i still want to go to miami and study to get my masters and portfolio work from miami ad and fiu. it's the only thing giving me hope that i feel i can actually count on. anything else giving me hope is unfulfilled or unreliable. i don't want to say unrealistic but it's not as attainable under my control as my education seems. or maybe i'm misunderstood and i have more control than i allow myself to believe
either way, feeling lonely at the bar and being written up at work tonight is why i'm here typing in my phone at momos at 8:49pm on a sunday
it's raining and i'm sitting under a heating lamp out on the patio, enjoying a vape. they know people like to smoke cigs and drink, so it works perfect that i can vape while i drink out here. it makes the drink go down easier
it still makes me sad that Brendan ignores me at work, or at least tries to, and he maybe even actively tries to avoid me. i want to say whatever, i do every fucking time i want to laugh about it. but i can't. hearing his voice alone made me cry, knowing whatever the fuck i did makes me worthy of being ignored like that. even when he saw me, he went on his phone as if that's not the rudest shit ever to do to someone you know..... ..... .... zzzzzzz and i'm back to whatever
it's raining harder and something about it is comforting. it's interesting being 25. so many directions and possibilities it seems easier/easiest to sit down and do nothing. but at the end of the day i'll feel better getting things done, seeing people i care about, and quite possibly maybe most importantly -- doing things that make me feel good. writing write now feels good. but i know there's a lot of things that are bad for me that could make me feel good. i don't want to restrict or punish myself, it's not as godly or christly as i may think from time to time
hearing people yelling at the bar is alarming. but also entertaining, it's more fun when i'm here with my coworkers, but this gives me a different perspective on my surroundings. there's another girl here sitting at a table by herself near me reading. it makes me more comfortable knowing i'm not the only one who goes out alone and can enjoy a drink out without needing to be with friends you knew prior.
being out at 9pm in the winter feels like being out at midnight. it's always so refreshing when summer rolls around and it's dark til 9pm
i'll probably check back in but i want to get mac and cheese soon. because by the time i'm halfway done with my drink it'll be here. yep im going to go do that. brb
0 notes
angelst4re · 2 years
As You Are- Jamie Campbell Bower x Plussize!Reader (part 2)
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recap: you meet jamie at a bar on your 25th birthday and you start talking, he takes a liking to you but you don't feel it's genuine, however, he's determined to show you your worth. [or read part 1 here!]
summary: you begin dating jamie, dress shopping! and you want to show him how much he means to you <3
note: i hope this shows up on tags... i'm having an issue again haha, but i NEED to write a part 3 to this now...
warnings: reader has a bad relationship with food + public eating, oh and smut! don't read if you're uncomfortable my love <3
You and Jamie had now been dating for just over a month. You had pushed yourself into doing things you had never done before because you feared judgement, this included going on a date and eating dinner in a fancy restaurant. 
Jamie picked you up at 7, like he promised, and took you to his favourite restaurant which was 40 minutes away from your home. You were pushed out of your comfort zone as you walked by his side, feeling everybody's eyes on you, they were probably thinking ‘what has she done to get him?’ or ‘he must be out of his mind!’. You tried to push these thoughts away, but it was impossible. You began to think of some excuses to go home, just in case things got too much. 
When you were taken to the table and handed the menus, you had told Jamie you weren’t hungry, although you hadn’t eaten since lunch. You had told him you would have the salad, but he looked at you in shock.
“Salad?! Darling, you are allowed to enjoy yourself, you know. You can have anything you want, it’s fine! I’m paying.” 
“I mean it, I’m not hungry, Jamie.” You tell him again. He sighs and gives you a gentle smile. 
“Love, I’ve taken you out tonight to have some fun, for us to have a nice evening, I want you to enjoy yourself, okay?” He says, reaching over the table to take your hands, stroking your soft skin with his thumb, “If you’re worried about what over people think, then fuck them. Fuck them all. Do what you want, not what they want.”
You took in every word he spoke. You’ve lived the majority of your life worrying about how you looked to others, you did everything to please others. It was time you finally took back control over your life and did what you wanted. It was clear that Jamie cared about you, you could tell his intentions were truly genuine now. You had nothing to worry about any more. 
After dinner, you went back to his house. It was beautifully decorated and very tidy, quite the opposite to your home. The two of you talked even more, you opened up to him about your past and he opened up to you about his. By the end of the night you felt like you were finally ready to start a relationship with him, but you weren’t sure how to ask him or what to say. You didn’t want him to reject you, although you had just spent the entire evening together, after getting to know you he may only want you as a friend, he may think you’re moving too fast, he might-
“So, can I see you again tomorrow?” He asks as you get ready to leave. 
“Of course, I’m not doing anything.” You smile. 
“Great, call me when you get home, okay?” He says, stepping closer to you, his hand placed gently on your waist as his eyes fall to your lips. You swallow thickly, your heart beating at superspeed as he leans down slightly, capturing your lips with his in a deep, passionate kiss. Your fingers slide from the back of his neck up to his hair and tangle in his soft, blond locks. His hand on your waist pulls you closer to him, pressing your body into his, wanting to feel you as closely as possible. 
When your phone dinged, you pulled away, yet he didn’t let you, still placing kisses against your lips as you grin. 
“Jamie, I have to go, my friend’s here!” You giggle as he lets you go, his hands still on your waist. 
“Alright,” he frowned, “but I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” 
“Yes!” You sighed, still grinning as he opened his front door for you to leave, “see you tomorrow, Jamie.”
“See you tomorrow, love.” 
A week later, he asked you to be his girlfriend. You said yes without a doubt, and you have not looked back since. It had now been a month, and you believed you were ready to take things to the next level. Going public. 
Jamie called you one night after you had finished work, telling you about a YSL fashion show he had been invited to and how he wanted to take you as his date. You were unsure at first, it would put you in the spotlight, showing you off as Jamie’s girlfriend. You would probably receive a lot of hate from his crazy fangirls, but it would also be an experience you would never forget. 
So you said yes. 
In preparation for the event, Jamie paid for you to get your hair and nails done, which you had never gotten done before. He went with you, and after you were done he told you it was time to go shopping for your outfit. At this, you were flooded with fear again. You didn’t want him knowing what size you were and comparing it to his previous partners, you didn’t want to find something you really liked and then find out it wasn’t in your size, you didn’t want to embarrass him. 
“Is everything okay, love?” He asked as you pulled your hand away from his. 
“Yeah, I’m just tired. Maybe we should come back tomorrow?”
“But we leave tomorrow, baby.” He frowns. 
“Then I’ll get Georgie to come with me, we’ll go early and then I can surprise you with the dress when we get back! I packed everything last night so there’s nothing to do tomorrow other than-”
“Darling, you’re talking too fast, losing me,” he chuckled, “what were you saying?” 
“I’ll ask Georgia if she’ll come dress shopping with me tomorrow. When I get back, I’ll surprise you with the dress. That way, it’ll be easier for the both of us. We won’t get swarmed by people asking for photos with you, and I, well, I’ll have to be quick so I can get back before our flight.” 
“If you’re sure then, sweetheart. I’ll give you my credit card, get whatever you want- oh, and I’m wearing black so maybe you could get something to match?” He says, taking your hand again as he walks you to his car. 
“What about this? This looks hot!” Georgia grins, pointing at a black mini-dress. 
“But my thighs, Georgie! They’ll rub and- God it’s so painful. It’s pretty though!” You examine the dress. 
“You could wear shorts underneath?” 
“Yeah but it could be see-through. I don’t want to make a wrong move and then have my shorts on show!” You sigh. 
“What about this one?” She points to a long one with a slit on the side which goes up to the thigh. 
“Same problem.” You frown, “maybe I should just tell Jamie to take his brother or someone.”
“No. Y/n, you are not missing out on this.” Georgia holds on to your shoulders, looking you dead in the eye as she speaks, “I won’t let you. We’re going to find you a dress and you’re going to wear it. Everyone will look at you and wish they could look like you, because it will be the dress made for you. Even Jamie will be shocked, he’ll be on his knees! Okay? Now come on, there’s more over here!” 
You follow her and that’s when it catches your eye. The dress she was talking about. The one to turn everyone’s head, to make them jealous. 
It was a strapless black minidress, and from the waist down there was a sheer/mesh overlay which was long at the back and got shorter towards the front. Your jaw practically dropped and you pointed it out to Georgia, and she went to find someone to ask for you to try it on. 
When in the dressing room, you couldn’t believe your eyes. It was beautiful, it was sexy, it was breathtaking. It accentuated your waistline, and made your hips look amazing. You almost cried whilst looking in the mirror. The only problem was that it was a little bit long, but if you wore heels, it shouldn’t be a problem. You wondered if this is what all girls feel like when they go shopping and find something pretty in their size, you had never felt so beautiful before. You felt like you could conquer the world. 
“C’mon, let me see!” Georgia whined from the other side of the curtain. As you pulled it across, she gasped. Her hand slapped over her mouth as you twirled for her to see it all. “Holy shit! You look like a prom queen!” 
“Yeah, well you were prom queen at school. I didn’t even go-”
“That’s why this is your time to shine, babe! Are you going to get it, or should we look for some more?” 
“No, I think I’ve found the one.” You smile, going back to the mirror to admire yourself once more. “Did you ask to find out how much this was?” 
“Yeah… Jamie’s paying, right?” 
“He wants to, but I think I might go half-”
“Babe, you wouldn’t be able to afford even a quarter of this.” Georgia states. 
“It’s just over 2,000…” She says, gritting her teeth. 
“You sure you don’t want Jamie to pay?” 
“I’ll have to call him, I’d feel bad if I made him pay this much-”
“But I’m sure he’d pay it twice if he saw how fucking stunning you look.”
Jamie did in fact pay for the dress. So you and Georgie decided to go for a trip to Victoria’s Secret. There, Georgia bought a few things for herself, but everything in your size looked ugly. So you dragged her into a different lingerie store, and you both left with two bags full. You decided to pay for what you bought, wanting to surprise Jamie with what you had bought.
“So have you two fucked yet?” Georgia asks, very straightforward. You almost choked on your drink. 
“Not yet. I wanted to take things slow, he’s been with so many partners and, well, I’m not so experienced.”
“But you fucked Ben in my bathroom when we were at college-”
“Yeah, well I was drunk. I don’t want to be drunk when I’m with Jamie. I want it to be special.”
“Why don’t you do it tonight, maybe surprise him with-”
“We’re leaving tonight, we’ve got to fly to… somewhere. I don’t even know where-”
“Then why don’t you go back to his soon, get changed and wait for him to come home?” Georgia suggested, sipping on her coffee. 
You did as Georgia suggested. When you got back to Jamie’s house, you let yourself in with the key he had given you and went straight to the bathroom, where you had a shower before going to the bedroom where you changed into the black lingerie set you had bought, then covered it up with an unsuspecting fluffy robe. 
You went to his kitchen to make a smoothie, watching the time. He said he’d be home by 3, it was currently 2:30. You sat around, waiting ever so patiently for him to come home. 
“Hello, love. I got back a bit earlier today,” he says, putting down his keys and slipping off his shoes. 
“Baby I’m in the bedroom,” you call out, nerves and excitement filling your tummy, “I’ve got something to show you!” 
You hear his footsteps approaching and you take the bag with your dress in and place it on the bed. 
“Oh, don’t you look cozy!” He grins, talking about your fluffy robe. You just smirk, taking your dress out from the bag carefully. “Oh my… it’s gorgeous, darling! Did you get any accessories to go with it?” 
You grin, setting the dress back into the bag and placing it down by your suitcase. You step closer to your boyfriend, taking a deep breath to calm yourself. You had never shown anyone this part of yourself before. 
“No, but I did get this…” You untie the robe and let it fall to the floor. 
Jamie’s eyes widen, and his heartbeat quickens. You were so beautiful. An angel on Earth. His angel. 
“Baby, can… can I touch you?” He whispers gently. You say yes, allowing him to place his hand on your shoulder where the strap of your lace bra laid, his fingers tracing down your arm, to your waist, where he pulled you close, his fingers lingering on the waistband of your underwear. “You’re so perfect. What did I do to deserve you?” His eyes were blown out in lust, wanting nothing more than to lie you down gently and have you moaning his name, but he wanted to do this at your pace. He didn’t know how much or how little experience you had, he would take it slow unless you requested otherwise. 
“I love you, Jamie.” You admitted, fiddling with his tie, “I’ve never felt this way before about anybody, you make me feel comfortable, you make me feel like I’m capable of being loved. I want to give myself to you.” 
“I love you.” He says, his lips inches away from yours, “I love you so much, y/n.” 
The distance between you disappears as he crashes his lips into yours, his hands on your waist as you cup his cheek in your hand, keeping him in place so he wouldn't stop kissing you. 
It wasn’t long until you were underneath him on the bed, he was stripped down to his underwear as he grinds his hardened length into your clothed core. You let out soft whimpers against his lips as he smiles into the kiss. 
One of his hands come down to your lace panties, where he pulls back slightly to ask for your permission to take them off. You practically beg him, wishing for more pleasure. Your core ached for his touch. 
His eyes stayed focused on your pussy once he had taken off your underwear. He dragged a finger from your core to your clit, causing you to pulse under his touch. His face inches closer and closer to you, and before you realise it, his tongue is pressed against your clit, his fingers spreading your folds. 
“Oh my god!” You moan, your fingers tangling into his hair as he eats you out. His hands come around your thighs, keeping them in place for him as his tongue works your clit. 
He looks up at you, and the sight drives him wild. Your head thrown back, one hand covering your mouth as your eyes screwed shut. He experimented, sliding his tongue down your slit to your hole, where he prodded at your entrance with his muscle. 
“I want to hear you, love.” He says against your heat, referring to the hand covering your mouth. 
You let out a string of moans as his tongue fucks you, his nose nudging your clit, the pleasure building up too fast. 
“Jamie,” you pant, “more… please.”
He pulled his face back, moving his right arm, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before rubbing his fingers in small circles on your clit. Your back arches and he’s quick to replace his fingers with his mouth again, suckling and tracing circles over your nub whilst his fingers come down to your entrance. He gently pushes one inside and curls upwards, when he enters with ease, he feels safe to slip another finger inside. 
“Fuck.” You groan, feeling a knot form in your lower belly, “Jamie, ‘m close.” You whisper. 
“Let go, sweetheart. Cum on my fingers.” He says against the skin of your pussy, placing kisses around your sex before returning his mouth to your clit, sucking it between his lips as you approach your high. Panting and moaning his name, then you cum around his fingers with a pornographic moan. 
“Shit, shit, oh fuck…” You curse as his fingers work you through your orgasm. 
You whimper as he pulls his fingers from your hole, feeling empty, missing his touch already. You watch as he takes his fingers into his mouth, tasting the last drops of your arousal before coming back up to your mouth. 
“Do you want to keep going, baby? You look quite fucked out already.” He smirks. 
“Wanna keep going,” you say as you pull his face down to yours, capturing his lips with yours, “need to feel you inside me… please.” 
You feel him pull his boxers down his thighs, spreading your legs further, whilst making sure to not break the kiss. You feel his cock press against your inner thigh, you reach your hand down almost instantly, wanting to feel him, but he stops you. He takes both of your wrists and places it up above your head with a devilish grin. 
“Don’t move them, okay?” He tells you, you nod your head. 
He kneels between your thighs, and you feel the tip of his cock rubbing against your clit, leaving you squirming due to the overstimulation. One of his hands grabs your hip while the other lines himself up with your hole. As he sinks into your pussy, he lets out a small gasp. 
“Such a perfect girl,” he whispers to you, too lost in pleasure to realise what he’s saying, “such a perfect pussy, taking me so well, love.”
When you feel his pelvis press against you, you realise he’s fully in. You swear you can feel him in your belly as he stays in that position, trying to hold back from cumming right there and then. Which doesn’t help when he feels your walls clenching around him. 
He begins to move, pulling out of you to push back in, going slow and hard, though you’re begging him to go faster. 
“Please, baby. Faster.” You beg, his face buried in your neck as he fucks into you. He sucks on the delicate skin, you knew you were going to see some bruises there afterwards. 
He grants your wishes, and his hips thrust into you faster and faster, his thumb coming between your bodies to play with your clit again. 
“Fuck, you feel so good.” He mumbles into your skin. 
One of your hands tugs on his hair, whilst the other is placed on back, holding him close to you. The way his cock brushes against your walls feels so delicious, hitting your g-spot as he angles his hips in a certain position, taking your breath away. 
“Baby,” you whisper, “I’m gonna cum again, please… please don’t stop.” You beg once again. 
“That’s it, cum for me again. Cum on my cock, pretty girl.”
And with a loud groan, you come undone again. Your legs begin trembling and you feel your tummy tighten as you fall over the edge into another orgasm. Now it was his turn, you wanted him to finish too. 
“You feel so good inside me, baby. Your cock… it's like it’s made for me.” You pant, your mind still blurry as he continues to thrust into you, working you through the aftershocks of your high. “Cum for me, baby. Please…”
He pulls out of you, too worried about the consequences of filling you up. Instead, you take his cock, pumping your hand around him, needing him to feel the same pleasure he has given you. 
“I’m gonna cum, darling.” He whispers, stroking your hair. 
Your hand works faster and faster, and when he finally cums on your lower belly, your strokes slow down, not wanting to overstimulate him. When his cock twitches one final time, you pull your hand away and lay back, collapsing against the mattress. He does the same, lying down beside you as he catches his breath. 
Curiously, you dip a finger into the mess he made on you and bring it to your mouth, tasting him the same way he tasted you. 
“Oh my god.” Jamie sighs, after catching his breath, “that was incredible.”
“You weren’t too bad, yourself.” You smile, turning your head to the side to face him. 
“We should probably take a shower before we leave… and change the sheets.” 
“Sounds like a good idea, I’ll clean up then-”
“No, baby.” He stops you as you begin to sit up, “you stay here, I’ll clean you up, we can cuddle for a bit then get ready.”
“Sounds even better.” You say with a lazy smile, yawning as you turn back over. 
“Looks like you should take a nap, too. It's okay we still have a few hours before we have to leave.” He says, heading towards the bathroom. 
“Jamie…” You say as he comes back, more like a question. 
“Yes, sweetheart?” 
“No one’s ever made me… finish before. I’ve always had to go to the bathroom after and do it myself. You made me cum twice!”
“I know, I’m great aren’t I?” He teases, “darling, you’ll never have to ‘do it yourself’ ever again, okay. Now spread your legs, I need to clean you up.” 
You take one final look in the mirror before coming out of the bathroom, ready to wow everybody with your dress, your hair and- of course- your boyfriend. 
“You’re a literal angel.” Jamie states as he sees you in the dress for the first time, “fuck I can’t wait to show you off. My beautiful girlfriend.” He grins, leaning in to kiss your lips. 
“I’ve got lipstick on!” You warn him, yet that doesn’t stop him from kissing you. His smiles against your lips and when he pulls back, you wipe the traces of lipstick from his lips. 
“You ready to go?” He asks. 
“Almost, there’s just one last thing I need to do…” 
You take your phone from your bag, and drag Jamie over to the mirror where you take a few cute pictures to post on your socials later. To let everyone know he is finally yours, and you are finally his.
taglist- @jamiesleftsock @autumnbower @jamesmcavoyfan1 @missyviolet123 @lov3rsl4ke @batmvx @slutforphoebebridgers @jamiehale @papivolturi @fallingforunrealisticromance @juneb3rry (there were a few people it wasn't letting me tag :( if you think that was you then i'm so so sorry!! i'll keep trying, but if it still doesn't work turn my notifications on! i'll only post fics at weekends for now as i'm super busy in the week, so you'll know if it's a fic or not!)
214 notes · View notes
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
02/24/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&CrewSightings; Samba BTS; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Damien Gerard; Guz Khan!; SaveOFMD Crew Billboard; AdoptOurCrew Saturday Sillies; Making A Difference; Articles; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
Been a long Saturday yall. Hope you enjoyed the BTS and general clown/honking going around!
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Samba Schutte Feat. David Jenkins! =
Samba's back with more BTS for us today!
This time the Crew Shoutout is for Chaos Dad himself: David Jenkins! So good to see Chaos dad having such a great time BTS. We love you David!
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Videos on Tumblr:
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
= Rhys Darby =
Rhys decided to take it up a notch today on his Tiktok/Instagram and tell... someone they've created a monster. Who might that be?
== Damien Gerard ==
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Our crew-mate @patchworkpiratebear got a Cameo from our lovely Father-Teach, Damien Gerard! There's a bit of a story behind it, see below! Cameo link
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== Guz Khan! ==
Hey! It's been a hot minute since we've seen our friend Guz Khan-- and now he's showed up on a cat! Good to see you sir!
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== Save OFMD Crew ==
There have been questions raised about the billboard that the SaveOFMD Crew have been posting teasers for on their socials. The Crew had a meeting today wherein they discussed the concerns of the fandom, and have taken that feedback to heart. They are currently working on a clear information packet regarding the logistics of the current billboard efforts. They have kindly asked for your patience while they finish putting those last touches together!
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== @adoptourcrew Saturday Sillies! ==
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew were kind enough to set up a new Saturday Sillies this week! This time they made custom OFMD Wordles! There were WAY too many images to include in the recap, so if you'd like to check them out, please visit the tumblr post below!
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Wanna play? You can visit a tumblr post here
== Making a Difference! ==
Thank you to everyone who contributed to, or shared the fundraiser for Trans Pride Brighton! They've finally met their goal and can stay open another year! You made a serious difference in the lives of trans and non-binary folk in that community!
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== Articles ==
Deze HBO-serie is gecanceld, maar had een 95% op Rotten Tomatoes
Schwule Romanze zwischen Piratenkapitänen
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. I hope you had a fun Saturday/Sunday wherever you are. I know some of you are already closing out the weekend. We made it through another day-- and there's all sorts of action going on across all the platforms. I hope you got a chance to have fun, but also to rest. I know you know this, but even though I do too I often forget it. Rest is so very important. It's so easy to burn out, especially when we're constantly exposed to so much online. I think to myself "oh it's fine I'll just get a few more things done" and then it's suddenly 3 hours later and I've had only 4 hrs sleep in the last 30. Please please please give yourself self care today. Go brush your teeth, or take a shower. If you feel like you can do more, brush your hair, or make yourself a nice cup of tea. Do something for you that makes you relax and feel rested. On your last day of the weekend, make sure to take a few moments to yourself and just remember how awesome you are. You may not feel like it sometimes, but I can tell you now you truly are Awe-some. You bring so much life and love to this world and you deserve all beautiful things you want. Anyway, I'm very sleepy and I'm rambling again (what's new). Sleep well and enjoy your day lovelies, see you tomorrow.
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
I'm being lazy tonight again yall. Just two goofy gifs that caught my eye, sorry I am running on fumes. Tomorrow I'll try to find some themed ones for ya <3
Rhys Gif: Courtesy of @fandomsmeantheworldtome
Taika Gif: ohnotheydidnt.livejournal
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110 notes · View notes
Sorry, I know you probably get these a lot but could we recap
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(The posts tagged with “#tsrpgau recap” summarize the events of the comic and asks, and lore that has been revealed thus far!)
inter-comic recaps: First  /   Prev  /   Next  /   All.
Contains: (Recap #24) Asks 123.2 (Interlude 3) - 125
(The Main Story)
While Logan and Virgil are still in the party, you ask them about Roman’s Werebear status; what Virgil called a “guy'ya athiyk.” 
Virgil explains that the bear Roman turns into is sort-of the same person, but also a completely different consciousness; a ghost-bear made of Fae magic who is possessing his body. He has the same personality as Roman, but a different brain and different memories...
Essentially, who Roman would be if he was born an animal.
Virgil, as a Ranger, is able to communicate with these Fae animal-ghost-things, hence his ability to talk to Robear! Annie can as well, since she is also a Fae magic-spirit creature. (she’s just the personification of an element, sea water/foam, instead of a beast)
Logan has done some research on the curse, and he has good news and bad news. 
Good news: Roman should have some cool new powers! His lycanthropy basically got an upgrade after he killed Jasper, the werewolf who turned him.
Bad news: The “upgrade” also means that Roman’s lycanthropy will be significantly harder to cure. PLUS, if he doesn’t learn to cooperate with it soon, eventually the Bear will take over his body entirely. This will erase his humanoid memories, and Roman will, essentially, die.
Logan and Virgil discuss some plans on how to continue Virgil’s sorcerer training!
Even after Elistraee’s warnings, Logan doesn’t seem keen to let Janus help in their lessons. (01, 02, 03, 04)
Logan doubts that Janus’s personal experience as a Sorcerer will be much help. There is no way to prove he and Virgil are even the same kind of sorcerer, and Janus isn’t trained to teach other people magic, which is a very dangerous field of work. But, he is persuaded to let Janus observe their classes, at least.
Janus seems to have a similar opinion towards Logan, assuming himself to be the most qualified teacher. It does not look like these two are going to get along...
You take a break to talk to the Empress for a moment, worried that something dangerous might be stalking the boys tonight. (01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07)
Virgil had mentioned feeling watched in the ballroom, and you caught Marissa somehow scrying in on him and Roman earlier... Could there be a minion of the Dragon Witch with us tonight?
The Empress thinks its possible, but...
They would have to be a team; one accomplice/minion wearing a Touchstone magic item (like Logan’s earring or Virgil’s insignia) who is in the party tonight, and a magic user as powerful as the Empress or even stronger who is using that magic item as an antenna.
The accomplice would either have to be relatively weak and nonthreatening themselves, or if they were a powerful creature, able to cloak themselves under the radar of another creature of the same type. (Example: A powerful Celestial may be disguised by the presence of Roman and Remus, while a powerful Draconic creature may be disguised by the presence of Janus and Virgil, or a powerful Fae disguised by...well, everyone at this party.)
The accomplice could not be someone faithful to Lolth, or the Empress would have found them already.
We know Marissa is the magic user, but who is her spy?
You warn the Empress to have her army watch the ballroom closely, but that’s all you have deduced thus far...
The third hour is spent with Patton, who is encouraged to meet Remus in the combat ring!
Patton has let his tail loose as part of his costume! (Partially so the locals he meets will stop assuming he’s a human/dwarven teenager.) It seems to be littered with bruises, though you aren’t sure if they are from earlier in the party or from being tied to his leg these past few days....or years?
(Remus looks particularly annoyed when Patton says the bruises were from him “just being clumsy.” But, strangely, he doesn’t push the subject?)
The two front-line-fighters goad each other into a fight, Monk VS Barbarian!
The fight is neck-and-neck for a long time, with Patton doing way more damage, (like four times as much,) but Remus is soaking it up like a sponge with his insane HP. 
About 18 seconds into the fight Remus only has a fourth of his HP left, and in response to the pain he flies into a Rage! Magic light bursts out of him like a flashbang, blinding Patton and the drow spectators!! Patton is able to blindly climb up his back and try to choke him out before he escapes the ring and kills someone (or Patton himself,) but he’s not quite strong enough to manage it; both of them have only 2 HP left...
...And then one of the guards recovers from blindness and knocks Remus out with a blow to the head.
The guard, Commander Tsubya, admonishes Remus for blinding everyone in the room and losing control, kicking him out of the ring for tonight. They also congratulate Patton for lasting that long against “Malla A'ni De’anonen's mad dog.” The fight is ruled a tie.
Remus, enraged at the thought of a tie and very excited by Patton’s potential to be an equal challenge for him in combat, demands a rematch! 
Patton absolutely refuses. 
He also tries to pry into Remus’s rage ability, worried both for Remus and for the people around him, but Remus brushes him off about it.
Both of them have one Exhaustion Point from the fight.
Patton expresses some worries about what the group is meant to do from this point on, if they’re even still a group once they get to the capital... (01, 02)
You get a snippet into Patton’s childhood and adolescence; a montage of him “being clumsy” with his tail. 
You get to see Patton’s parents, who are all enamored with Patton’s cheerful and over-excitable nature, even when it leads to him unknowingly knocking things off of tables or spraining his tail from wagging it too hard. 
Then you get to see his ex, who seems to be the first to suggest that Patton should tie his unruly tail down...
Patton explains a bit about Halfling’s tails (tail-wagging, connection to mood, etc) and can’t seem to avoid bringing up his ex-fiancée... (01, 02, 03)
The fourth hour is spent with Roman, who finds Patton resting at the bar after his fight!
They talk about lots of things, mostly what their two groups did over the last day/week, the current state of their respective crushes, and their new looks!
They both dote on each other, Roman assuring Patton that he looks very attractive and cool with his tail out and his puffy coat, and Patton insisting that Roman still looks very regal and handsome with his new weight and hair. 
Roman decides to tell Patton the truth about he and Virgil’s duo time, even when it comes to the fight he started and the mean things he said. Patton appreciates his honesty, apologizing for holding him to a mean double-standard over his Aasimar secret. Their relationship is greatly improved! 
Roman delves into a mental monologue over his confusing experiences of romantic attraction, or partial lack thereof, which he doesn’t seem aware that you heard...
It is revealed that the two of them have discussed their toxic exes (Marissa and Richard) before to some extent.
You get an illustration of Marissa while Roman mentions her in his recap, but....she doesn’t look like the Dragon Witch??
Roman is worried about where he and Virgil stand. Patton reassures him that Virgil is clearly interested, and they’re also able to figure out that Virgil’s stressed about them possibly losing their memories to the Faewild!
Patton also reveals that he still has the purple worm-poisoned knife Virgil gave him, and suspects Logan still has his as well.
Patton mentions his fight with Remus, and Roman is furious. Patton is barely able to calm him down, but despite Patton’s protests Roman continues to speak hatefully about his brother...
The two of them drink as they talk, (Patton drinking much more than Roman,) and both are Tipsy by the end of the hour. 
They also haven’t been sticking as strictly to the nickname rule as they should have been...
...And right before their hour is up, Roman senses something dangerous near Annie!
Somehow able to track her location somewhat thanks to their fae-familial bond, Roman heads back to the Ballroom with Patton close behind!
(In Other News…)
Virgil worries about what to do the next time he sees Janus. (01, 02, 03)
Janus, for his part, asks all of you to vote him and Virgil as the next group in the minigame so that he can actually find him.
Logan and Virgil end up talking about the state of Virgil’s surface sickness, and the possible (but temporary) treatment provided by the Colony! (01, 02)
Virgil is half convinced to give it a shot, but he still worries that it will add too much time to their trip, or that he might hurt a Priestess in the process...
You and Virgil ask Logan about dragon hoarding behavior! (01, 02, 03)
You discuss the Elven religious/spiritual belief of Soul Splintering with Virgil and Logan. Logan seems somewhat disdainful of the concept, but Virgil really believes in it, even if some other elves use it cruelly. (01, 02, 03)
Virgil talks about his sisters, who he wasn’t actually related to, but they were all supposed to pretend they were actual siblings. Some of whom he genuinely cares about... (01, 02, 03, 04, 05)
Virgil (and Dragon Witch, and the Empress) elaborate on the “love potion incident” in his backstory, including the boyfriend who Virgil killed that night and one of Virgil’s own powerful nicknames. (01, 02, 03, 04, 05)
You tell Virgil about the NPCs in various rooms of the party that know him. (Brondhar and Illia, 02)
You ask the Empress how long Illia'Jhaerza has been in the colony, and she says she’s only been here for about a month, but she seems as trustworthy as recent-underdark-escapees go. She tells you to keep being wary of her, but that she’s no child of Lolth, either. (01, 02)
You learn more about Remus’s backstory, including the Barbarian tribe that took him in! (01, 02, 03, 04, 05,)
You learn more about Patton’s backstory, including his little siblings and his monastery! (01, 02, 03)
Patton talks about a new friend he made while making his costume, who helped him find clothes sized for Littlefolk. It’s Brondhar, the Dwarven Ranger who is allies with Virgil!  (01, 02)
You ask Remus about Celestials; what the categories of them are, where Aasimar fit in, what Domains are, how he and Roman are seen by Sune’s clergy, etc. (01, 02, 03, 04,)
He also talks a bit about Sune, like how she used to visit them as kids, which she apparently hasn’t done since. He doesn’t seem to believe that she’s in any danger; he thinks she’s just ignoring him as much as he’s been ignoring her. (01, 02)
You ask Remus and the Empress about the Curse of Achranoma, aka why someone’s magic manifests in a specific color! (More specifically, why is Roman’s red?) (01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06)
Janus clarifies that his future visions will be less useful going forward, since he can’t predict things that will happen in his general vicinity or his own immediate future.
You also get some snippets into Janus’s backstory, though they are confusing and contradictory...? (01, 02)
The Empress refuses to help the boys avoid the Faewild’s memory loss, as is custom for the Colony. 
Roman seems more than a little reluctant to tell Remus about what’s been going on with Sune and her clergy.
Roman is asked about how Remus’s Rages started. (01, 02)
Though he seems interested in the idea, Roman elects not to pursue training as any other class than Paladin as long as he is still an Aasimar. (01, 02, 03, 04, 05)
You ask Remus, the Dragon Witch, and Roman about when Roman and Marissa were dating, and while DW is uncharacteristically avoiding the question, Remus and Roman have a lot to say... and what they say also contradicts earlier claims by DW? (01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06)
Come to think of it, her timeline never made any sense... Has DW been lying about being Marissa???
(Game Mechanics)
You got a chart about who feels what for who! (it seems to have a glitch?)
You learned about Piety Points! (01, 02, 03, 04, 05)
You are able to access the Levels of each Party Member, including their current Statistics and Skills! 
Annie seems to have improved since last you checked, having somehow gained a level in Cleric, and you can see the contrast between Virgil’s current skills and his old ones if you squint....
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speedypandaweasel · 2 years
A Change of Plans - A Yancy and Reader Story
Where we left off:
...Boggs said, placing a soft hand on the Prisoners shoulder already starting to get teary-eyed. He still couldn't fathom why such a gentleman would choose to stay here, but each to their own. He drew out his handkerchief to blow his nose. "Sorry, I'm an emotional guard."
"Dat's why we'se like ya" Yancy half-smiled.
The Guard tucked the handkerchief back into his pocket and escorted Yancy around the front towards the entrance...
~ Chapter 2 ~
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The Kitchen's clock hit 21:45pm as you finished your last dish. Curfew was ages ago, but hopefully, they didn't mind you still being in here.
Dipping the plate into the sink and slotting it onto the silver draining board, your back straightened up, gladly feeling the blood rush back into your shoulders. Dizzily, your head adjusted its coordinates and our eyes came back into focus. Who would have thought that staring at a soapy sink would cause eye strain? Blinking like you had stared into the sun, you recapped everything you did today. Which was not a lot.
But today wasn't so bad, the plan was still intact and Boggs had done his part, so nothing new that you should have been aware of. Again.
Finally aware of what you're doing, you tiredly looked around the room whilst scanning the room of things you potentially could have missed or anything that needed an extra sweep or scrub. The marble tiled floor was mostly clean, just a couple of minor tough red wine stains, and the wooden cupboards appeared as though they were freshly set up. Leaning over the drying serving counter, you saw the matching hatch window was dusted, your reflection seen staring back at you.
Satisfied with the result, you plucked the keys from the coat peg and locked the kitchen door with a solid *click*. The Kitchen entered and bled through to the Main Cafeteria, so it wasn't so bad mopping by yourself. However, you saw your dried footprints through the floor and with a frustrated sigh, you marched over to the damage.
You passed several tables and chairs, their four legs placed upside down like an uprighted woodlouse, the scent of lemon and bleach hung strongly in the air.
"Come on Y/N, we're going to be late!" A strong voice echos through the Office kitchen.
"Yeah hold on, let me just finish up" You reply, chugging the last of your luke warm coffee.
It's turning midday and you have your hands full of paperwork and considering the fact that there's only the two of you on-site, only increased the amount of it.
You dump the mug into the packed dishwasher and briskly hopscotch through the trashed staff room. Your stomach is still digesting your rushed lunch and you just know that it is going to bite back at you when you finish tonight.
Passing through the long and narrow corridors of phones and printers, you stop and say hello to the cleaner, Margret. Margret isn't the kind of one to talk but once you got her started, she wouldn't stop talking about her job. You had never met someone so enthusiastic about what Mop or Broom to use, and on what floor type. Even her walking stick is a Broom handle.
Now that is dedication.
"Running late again are we Mx L/N?" The woman croaks. "Old habits die hard I see"
"Yeah I know I know," you say. Your briefcase which was suffocating underneath your hands is overflowing with odd ends of paper and files. "Couldn't you tell?"
"Come here sweetie, let me fix it for you," says the woman. You walk to her and hand her the briefcase. "I'm talking about yourself, not the briefcase. I don't care about what's inside that brain dump of yours."
Hurriedly placing the briefcase on the floor, the two of you set to work. Margret's frail fingers smooth out your collar and you attempt to tame that mess on top of your head. Her hands may have been fragile, but she has you shining from head to toe. Wiggling your toes, you can see your face stare back up at you. This woman is awesome.
"Now, stop looking at your feet and pick them up!" The cleaner urges.
Remembering that you were running almost 20 minutes late, you stride on. "Thanks Margret."
A ragged cloth was smeared onto the floor as you muttered stupid nothings to yourself. Cleaning alone was like being left-handed: whenever you went to clean something, you always mucked it up, or stepped your grubby foot into the recently wet floor. It was annoying yes, and it did add 15 minutes on to your schedule. All worth it for those extra "prison points".
Tiredly, you staggered back to your feet, your trousers slightly damp from where you were kneeling, and you made your way back to the cleaning closet. The strong smell of lemons and bleach was going to linger in your nostrils for quite some time after this. You didn't know how but your flimsy apron was still intact and your hair was still stuffed into the stupid cap that they made you wear. Why did you do this to yourself? None of the others wear it when they do cleaning duty so why should you? Well, they can get away with it, you muttered especially the short one, but nOoOoOoO, you wore it like an idiot.
Forcefully chucking the cleaning products back in the tired shelf, you fumbled with the keys in annoyance from your stupidity and self embarrassment. Grabbing the dirty apron, you shoved it into the disposable bin and turned the cafeteria lights off.
Great, now you couldn't see.
Why did you do this to yourself? Again!?
Grabbing at nothing for a while, you eventually found the tiny door lock. Thrusting the rusty key into the door, you silently opened it. A wonderful relief of fresh air rescued your lungs and they welcomed it heavily.
Making sure you didn't lose its place, you cautiously turned around to lock the Cafeteria door behind you. Finally.
You tucked the Cafeteria key into your prisoner pocket but you heard it clink to the floor, the quiet noise causing a ripple in the dead hallway.
Shit. Shit.
Paranoia slammed into you as your mind began to race. What if someone heard you? Would you be sent to solitary again? You hoped not, that place gave you the creeps. Just hurry up and grab the key!
"Ah fuck." You whispered. Back on all fours and acting like Velma Dinkley, you scrambled to find the key, your ears pricking up any slightness of noise through the empty corridors.
Finally touching its cold material, you stood up.
You literally took two steps before a numbing pain hit your nose.
"What the Fu-"
"Heh, watch it d'ere".
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darkisrising · 3 years
BobaDinLuke bdsm fic, by DarkIsRising
Can’t decide if this is something to continue or if this is as far as it goes. So, I’m just gonna dub it a Tumblr fic for now. If it picks up steam then I’ll add to it, edit it, and throw it onto ao3. CW: Very very spicy, bdsm, a host of other stuff probably but rest assured everything here is consensual.
They meet at a sex party, which in hindsight shouldn’t be a surprise. It’s just about the only time Luke can be talked out of leaving the house these days.
He shows up in a hood that hides his features save for somber brown eyes and the plush spread of his lips; the black latex so shiny that Luke can just about see his own reflection in it. He wears leather like a second skin and even without being able to make out a single feature on his face, save those eyes and lips, or a single detail of his body, save his exposed cock, he is the most beautiful man Luke’s ever seen.
Luke, of course, is naked. His knees are hitched up to his chest, held there by his own arms that he knows better than to lower, and the words Load Count are scrawled in extra wide Sharpie from one nipple to the other. He’s already gone two rounds and there’s two lines beneath the words to show for it. Boba’s turn came first, of course. It was his privilege as Luke’s dom and he'd taken it with one finger hooked around the collar that marked Luke as his. And then after Boba there had been a guy that Luke hadn’t recognized with a nice enough cock and a regrettable tribal tattoo across his shoulder.
There’s something about this third man that gives Luke pause. Something in the way he takes his place at Luke’s ass— something so hesitant and careful and precise and apologetic as he pulls himself hard enough to sink into Luke’s body— that is awfully endearing. Luke wishes he could tell him it’s okay. That he’s here because he likes doing this sort of thing. That his dom is somewhere nearby, watching from the shadowed corners of the room, to make sure that despite all the calls to wreck that twink’s ass and fuck him up! and do it so hard he won’t be able to walk no one actually does anything that Luke isn’t into.
He can’t, of course, because his mouth is where Boba’s left the Sharpie, a neat solution since the last time they’d played this game the Sharpie had been lost to the dungeon’s dark and sticky floor within the first five minutes. Instead he tries to show it with a widening of his eyes and an encouraging grunt for every tiny thrust he gives as he fucks inside of Luke, the wet from lube and release slicking his way. When he’s all the way in he rests for a moment and it feels like the kind of moment that Luke could live a lifetime in for the way he meets Luke’s eyes, the way his gloved thumb reaches down to rest against Luke’s chin, the way he stretches Luke’s ass with just the right amount of cock to set the base of his spine sparking, but not so much that Luke’s worried he’ll be split in two. 
“Ready?” he asks and his voice is so low it very nearly gets lost to all the moans and groans and demands for more that writhe like eels through the air. His eyes gleam dark in the dim dungeon and Luke can’t look away. He nods, entranced, and for the first time that night Luke’s not thinking about all the men that are going to follow, he’s only thinking about the one that’s inside of him. 
I want to kiss him. The thought hits him— blinding as a bolt of sunlight that’s been hidden behind a cloud— and it’s the most that Luke’s wanted something so chaste in so long he doesn’t know what to do with it. Not that he has many options in this position with a Sharpie clenched between his teeth. All he can do is stare at this man’s lips and yearn with an intensity that carves into his chest as this man’s cock carves into his ass and Luke can’t say of the two sensations which is more intimate. 
“You’re so tight,” the man rasps out and Luke can’t stop himself from clenching down, his hips jerking at the compliment. It’s something he’s heard a million times from countless, faceless other men, but oh the way this man says it makes him flush all over.
It’s over before Luke’s really ready, but one glance over the man’s shoulder and Luke can see a line is forming. Usually it would make him hard in anticipation, to see so many that want to use him and fill him until he’s leaking. This time he wishes he could have more time with just this one.
The man takes the marker out from between Luke’s teeth and Luke wishes he’d replace it with two of his leather-covered fingers. He doesn’t, though, only marks a line on Luke’s chest and then in the same soft, sincere way he’d told Luke he was tight says “Thank you,” and in that moment Luke is pretty sure he’d do just about anything for this man. 
Which is a terrifying, thrilling thought. And a dangerous one, seeing as his rash, unchecked impulsiveness is why he needs a guy like Boba to keep him in line to begin with. 
Before the man can cap the Sharpie again, Luke darts to snatch it out of his hand. The weighted shape of Boba coming out from the shadows, called forward by this change of script.
Luke ignores him. He ignores the line of waiting men stroking themselves hard as they watch Luke with interest as he grabs this man’s hand.
“May I?” Luke asks in as submissive a voice he can muster, and Boba would be so surprised to hear it come out so easily, but Luke can behave when he wants to. Most of the time. “Please, sir,” he adds when the man says nothing.
A slight incline of his head is all the answer he gives, and Luke wastes no time in peeling away his brown leather glove. He writes out his cell number as clearly as he can with a marker that’s a little too thick for it and then, when he’s done, he holds that brown gaze as he bends down to blow the ink dry. 
“Thank you, sir,” Luke husks, heart beating wildly. The man doesn’t say anything back, he only takes his glove and works it back down over his hand and then he’s gone, swallowed by the dark.
“Is there a problem?” a voice growls near Luke’s ear. Tugging on the collar around his neck brings Luke’s attention to Boba’s familiar, scarred frown.
“No, sir,” Luke says, turning his face into Boba’s neck, nuzzling in, but Boba steps away, keeping him at arm’s length.
“That’s only for good boys that finish what they start. Are you going to finish what you started, little one?” It’s a warning as clear as the shake of a rattlesnake’s tail: dangerous and low.
“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.”
Two hands take Luke by the shoulders and lay him back down. The marker is plucked from his hands and recapped with a snap. “How many loads have you had tonight?”
“Three, sir.”
“And how many did we agree you’d take?” Boba asks, catching Luke beneath his knees, hoisting them back up against his chest and into position. 
Luke shivers, as the humid air meets the wet of his hole, breathing cold, while the hot, hungry gazes of the waiting men meet among the slick. “Eight, sir.”
“Then get to it.” The Sharpie is slid back between his teeth and then Boba’s hands are winding through his hair, pulling just enough to bring a jolt of pain. Luke’s breath catches in his throat. “No distractions this time.”
Soon enough another guy is penetrating Luke, brought forward by Boba’s commanding nod. He’s rocking into Luke, fucking him with an intensity that makes a dull thwack every time their bodies meet. The next guy is huge, so big that Luke has to bite down on the plastic hull of the marker in his mouth to keep from screaming. Tears squeeze from Luke’s eyes, wrested out with every incredible thrust in. Luke loses track after that. The pain becoming pleasure, the pleasure never quite becoming enough to spill over into satisfaction, only transforming into something else. Something intense and terrible and blessed and more. The men change, the girths and lengths that hold him open and fuck him apart change, and Luke takes them all.
Through it all Boba stays where he is, supervising with an unforgiving hand in Luke’s hair, the pain a constant that Luke can depend on, focus on, until it becomes awash with a dull, glowing haze. This is what he’s here for—  this feeling— this euphoria where he’s horribly small and he’s unfathomably large, together. He’s an object to be used and discarded. He’s more precious, more vital, more necessary than he can comprehend. 
A kiss on his forehead cuts through the fog, and Luke realizes he’s not being fucked anymore for all that he can still feel a phantom grinding between his cheeks. His fingers are made to unclench from where they’ve dug like claws onto his flesh and his legs are lowered. The wet mess that’s been left to leak out of him is a turn-on but even that is a distant thing. There’s no immediacy to it, no driving need to slack his lust, just a thrum of appreciation for this proof that every man that’s had him tonight has left behind.
Drawing him in, Boba cups the back of his head until Luke’s pressed into the cradle of Boba’s neck. He was denied this privilege earlier. Now it’s being freely given. The difference sets him shaking, or maybe that’s just the come-down.
“That was good.” Boba’s voice is a rumble that Luke can feel through the places they are pressed together. The steady jump of Boba’s pulse is calming against the bow of his lips and Luke closes his eyes to savor it.
Time gets away from him again, and somehow he’s been cleaned enough to stuff his legs into pants and a warm sweatshirt is pulled over his head. The black hood comes up, as good as blinders on a horse, and then he’s led out to where there are sofas and water and people speaking soft as a passing brook.
The lip of a water bottle is pressed to his mouth and Luke obediently drinks from it without thinking. Boba sits in a plush armchair and though he’s shorter than Luke, there’s so much of him that Luke can curl into his lap and disappear behind the safe, steel beams of his muscular arms. 
“Your boy did good out there,” Fennec says, dropping into a nearby seat and Boba’s agreement is another rumble for Luke to savor with his eyes closed. “I haven’t seen you two in months, I was surprised to see you came out for this.”
There’s a question in her words, a careful line to walk between curiosity and concern, that normally sends Luke into a tailspin in the outside world. Here, though, he isn’t Luke Skywalker: wounded veteran and broken hero. He’s a pet— Boba’s pet— and he lets his dom navigate the social interaction while he sinks deeper into his embrace.
To Boba’s credit, he makes no mention of the malaise that’s grabbed hold of Luke lately, pinning him to the bed and keeping him there for days. Instead he huffs a harsh laugh. “Yeah, well. Maybe if Fortuna hadn’t turned this place into such a shithole we’d be over more.”
“Can’t argue with that. Say what you like about Jabba, but at least things weren’t always breaking on his watch. Did you hear about the ceiling that collapsed a month ago? When someone was in the sling, too.”
“Oh, shit.” Boba says and then they are off, trading gossip and wry quips. Luke is content to close his eyes and listen, secure that the only thing he needs to do is exactly what he’s doing right now. Every now and then Boba strokes his back through the thick cotton of his hoodie or turns to nuzzle at Luke’s temple, and every time Luke’s contentment spreads thick like molasses.
He surfs this subspace all the way back home where he lets Boba get him clean and dressed in pajama pants and poured into bed. The last thing he does is release the buckle on Luke’s collar and then, with one final squeeze to the scruff of Luke’s neck, the scene is over.
“How are you doing? Want me to grab the ibuprofen?”
“Nah, it’s not that bad,” Luke answers, shifting so that the ache in his ass becomes a little more noticable. “Been awhile since I did anything like that.”
“Yeah, no kidding. Was proud of you, though.” There’s a chair by the bed and Boba sits there, staying close but careful to give Luke his space now that they’re done for the night. “That’s two more than the last time you took on a train.”
“Mmm,” Luke agrees lazily. The writing on his chest hadn’t totally come off in the bath, and he pushes his blanket down enough to trace the lines on his chest, lingering on the third one.
“Wanna tell me what that was all about with number three?”
Number three. He of the shiny latex mask and the deep brown eyes and the lips that Luke can almost feel against his own for how much he’d wanted them to be. It’s enough that he almost asks Boba to bring him his phone so that he can wait around like a lovelorn teen for a call or a text, but he’s still coasting enough on endorphins from earlier that he doesn’t want to completely tank his chance at sleep by keeping vigil over the glow of a phone screen all night.
“Not really,” Luke admits at last. “Wasn’t anything bad,” and Boba accepts that with a nod.
“Fine. Keep your secrets. Let me know if it becomes anything I need to worry about.”
Boba stands to leave, a lumbering swing to the motion that Luke knows means his prosthetic is giving him problems, but he knows better than to mention it. “Don’t worry about making breakfast tomorrow. Sleep in. I’m in meetings all morning, anyway.”
“Yeah, okay.”
When Luke closes his eyes, the ache from his over-used, well-fucked body is finally enough to quiet his demons. For once, sleep is swift as death, and just as inescapable.
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dokidokitsuna · 2 years
Spoiler-Free Reactions to the RWBY:IQ Premiere! (Part 1)
Gonna talk about something fun for a change~
So as many of you may or may not know, the first three episodes of RWBY: Ice Queendom were released early on select platforms just the other day. I...have no idea why this was done, and in all honesty I think just one early episode would have been enough (maybe these first three really are that unimportant to the rest of the story. Who knows)
Anywhom, I was really tired after work today and I didn’t feel like moving, and considering all the RWBY channels I frequent on YouTube the site is quickly becoming a spoiler minefield, so I decided to just go ahead and watch the episodes tonight. ^^ And without further ado, here are my spoiler-free thoughts on Episode 1!
Overall grade: B. Not great, but not bad. The pacing is very awkward, but when they finally decide to just focus on one scene without interruption, they do a good job.
Animation is a bit...mmm...overall it’s good, there’s no doubt about the technical quality. But I think the way they tried to re-interpret some of the characters’ movements in the Black and White trailers is definitely inferior to what we originally got. The Black Trailer in particular got the short end of the stick-- not only do we not get to see much of it, but Blake’s fighting style just does not look as cool anymore. :/ And the way they decided Gambol Shroud’s ribbon should work is just objectively goofy. XD Like, whyyyyy
Personally, I think Ruby’s fight (the one we got a preview of in the first IQ trailer) was the best. Lived up to and surpassed expectations despite the short length; AAAA+++ work. ^^
The Black Rock Shooter cameo was so cute~
I’mma be honest with you guys-- it’s looking like Yang’s gonna get sidelined again. I hope she won’t; I’ve seen some spoilery statements that have convinced me to wait before I judge, but...as of right now it’s lookin’ like she doesn’t have much to do. :T Fingers crossed
I love how they made an effort to briefly flesh out Team RWBY’s family members and give them meaningful screentime. ^^ I think that was this episode’s biggest strength, and a step in the right direction. The girls’ backgrounds actually feel...important; there’s a sense of community now that we didn’t get in the original series, especially with Ruby and Yang. THEY THINK AND TALK ABOUT EACH OTHER EVEN WHEN ONE OF THEM ISN’T AROUND! THEY FEEL LIKE ACTUAL SISTERS!! ...Man, the bar is low, ain’t it
Weiss is so sweet and polite, omg...can’t wait to see how that changes once she gets to school...^^;;;
I really can’t deal with Oz looking so neat and clean; it creeps me out. o_O Please bring back his bed-hair
Adam is here, hooray! :D At least one of my precious boys is gonna be in this series (1 down, 2 more to go)! ...Despite that, I don’t think Adam was very impressive in this first episode. ^^; To the point where I feel like talking too much about him would be spoilery, because he just...expectations were not met, okay
I had a feeling early on that production on this anime was a little rushed (I’m not sure why, but I did) and looking at it now...I feel like I see what I was afraid of. ^^; Again, it’s not bad, but it also feels very...economical. Like, only certain parts of the episode are really allowed that attention to detail, and other parts just have to struggle by on what’s left of the budget. Basically, anyone who wants to hate on this anime will have plenty to make fun of in Episode 1 alone. ^^; I just hope that this is due to Eps 1-3 being low-priority recap episodes, and not indicative of the quality of the series as a whole. Although, even if it is, all is not lost. For those of you who are new to anime-- anime series often have clean-up work done for the Blu-Ray re-releases after the initial broadcast run. So even if IQ looks a little jank right now, it can still get polished up later on.
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sfb123 · 4 years
Quit Your Life
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I am participating in @wackydrabbles​​ prompt # 80 “Stop looking at me like that.” which will appear in bold.
Song Inspiration: Quit Your Life - MxPx
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x MC (Riley Brooks)
Author’s Note: This story is a little something that popped into my head yesterday, and this weeks prompt fits in famously. It takes place toward the beginning of the social season, it pretty much follows canon, but it’s one of those ‘in between events/chapters’ moment.
Also, personal side note, the song inspiration is actually my wedding song, so it holds a very special place in my heart.
Word Count: 1,749
Rating/Warning: G - Romantic fluff, maybe one or two minor curse words.
“Please Riley? You have to come!” Maxwell begged.
Riley sighed and shook her head. “Max, is it an official social season event?”
“Well, no but...”
“Then I’m good.” It had been two weeks since Riley had arrived in Cordonia. Two weeks filled with balls, tea parties, etiquette lessons and meals packed with people she didn’t know constantly sizing her up. The only real time she had to herself was when she was asleep. So when she was told that they had a night off, she was excited to be able to lock herself away and turn off her brain for a few hours. Then Maxwell showed up and told her everyone was going to check out a new club in the capital and invited her to go along.
“Liam’s going to be there.” He raised an eyebrow thinking that may be just the thing to convince her to come.
There was a brief moment where that statement almost made her change her mind. Ever since she met Liam that night in New York, she had felt this connection with him. She couldn’t explain it, but she knew it was something worth exploring. Unfortunately, that also meant competing with several other women to win his hand. “So will all of the other suitors. They’ll be fawning over him all night, I won’t be able to get near him.”
Maxwell pouted, giving her the saddest puppy dog eyes he had ever given anyone.
“Stop looking at me like that. It’s not happening.” She crossed her arms over her chest, firm in her decision.
“Fine, I’ll go. But it’s not going to be as fun without you.” Maxwell lamented.
“I’m sure you’ll still have a great time. And I’ll tell you what, let’s have breakfast here tomorrow, instead of going downstairs with everyone else. You can give me the full recap.”
“It’s a date.” He pulled his friend into a tight hug, and made his way out the door.
A while later, after changing and getting herself comfortable, Riley was about to dig into the pizza she had ordered from a local restaurant, when there was a knock on her door. She placed the slice back in the box and stood up, leaving the comfort of the seat that had just molded perfectly to her body. “Max, I swear to god, my makeup is off and my sweatpants are on, I am not leaving this room.” She opened the door and her eyes went wide when they locked on to Liam’s.
Liam’s breath caught in his throat when he saw her. She was wearing baggy sweatpants and a tight tank top, her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, her fringe bangs framing her makeup free face. He already thought Riley was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, but seeing her like this, she was perfection. This could be the first thing I see every morning. He felt his heart beat faster at the thought.
“Oh Prince Liam! I’m so sorry, I thought you were Maxwell.” She curtsied. “He was trying to get me to go out to this club tonight. I’m sorry for my appearance, I wasn’t expecting company.” She stepped back and motioned for him to come in.
“No need to apologize, you look beautiful.” He caught the blush in her cheeks before she dropped her gaze to the floor, making him smile. She’s adorable. “You didn’t want to go out?”
“Nah, I needed a night to recharge. The past couple of weeks have been a lot.”
Liam’s face fell slightly. He was so glad that she was there, that she had traveled all this way for him. If she were to get too overwhelmed, would she leave? What if she didn’t think he was worth it? “I’m sorry to have bothered you. I’ll leave you to recharge.”
“No no, don’t go. I ordered a ton of extra food, you’re welcome to hang out for a bit.”
He noticed the pizza box and other containers spread out on the coffee table. “You ordered takeout?”
“Yea, what a pain in the ass trying to get food delivered to the palace! First it took me 15 minutes to convince the guy at the pizza place that it wasn’t a prank call. Then there’s the whole getting the delivery guy through security thing.” She plopped onto the couch, patting the seat beside her.
“You know we have a fully staffed kitchen, right? They could have made all of this for you.”
“I know, there’s just something comforting about eating food out of takeout boxes.” Riley shrugged and reached for a slice of pizza.
Liam made a mental note to have the kitchen start stocking various take out containers, for Riley’s future orders. “Did you order take out a lot back home?”
“I tried not to, maybe once or twice a week. I love cooking, so I would usually just whip something up for myself.”
Liam imagined entering the Royal quarters at the end of the day to find Riley in the kitchen making dinner, their children playing in the next room. Then they would all gather together at the table for dinner. A real family, we would laugh, and joke, and share stories from our day. His heart started speeding up again.
“What’s your favorite dish to cook?” He was trying desperately to keep his cool, all he wanted to do was to pull her into his arms and kiss her. Every second he spent with her, he could feel himself falling deeper.
Riley sighed and smiled to herself. “Nothing fancy, pretty much any of my grandmother’s old recipes.”
“I would love to try them sometime.” He casually draped his arm over the back of the couch. Riley smiled and leaned into him slightly.
They spend several hours eating, and talking, and watching some of Riley’s favorite shows.Since the day they met, Riley had done nothing but tried to get to know Liam, regular Liam, not the Crown Prince. He used this opportunity as a chance to return the favor, and he loved every second of it. The more he learned about her, the more incredible she became to him. She was funny, interesting, and smart. She was so expressive when she would tell stories about her family, and her life back in New York. She had only been in his life for a few weeks, but he couldn’t remember what it was like before she became a part of it, and he was absolutely certain he didn’t want to go back to that place.
Liam checked the time on his watch, and his heart sank when he realized how late it was. He knew he was going to have to leave her. He so desperately wanted to stay the night, if nothing more than just to know the feeling of falling asleep with her in his arms, but he knew he had to get back to his quarters before everyone started returning from the club. It would be quite a scandal for the prince to be found in a suitors bedroom. The last thing he wanted was for Riley to face a scandal that could potentially hurt their chances of ending up together. “I really should be heading back to my room. I had a wonderful time with you tonight, Riley.”
“Yea, it was a lot of fun. I’m glad you stopped by.” They both stood and started walking toward the door. “I’m sorry I talked about myself so much, that must have been so boring for you.”
“Not at all. You are an amazing person, Riley. I want to know everything there is to know about you, and tonight was the perfect start to that.” He cupped her face with one hand, placing the other on her hip.
They stared into each other's eyes for several moments, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore, he had held himself back all night. He had to kiss her. He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, gently at first, but soon their lips parted and their tongues met. Riley’s knees started to go weak, she wrapped her arms around his neck to steady herself. Reluctantly, they pulled their lips apart. Their eyes remained closed, foreheads pressed together.
“Goodnight Riley.”
“Goodnight Liam. I’m really glad you came by tonight.”
“Me too.” As they separated, Liam lifted Riley’s hand to his lips.
Liam exited the room, and Riley shut the door behind him. They both leaned their backs against the door, taking deep breaths to recover from their dizzying kiss. It was different from the others they had shared, there was something there that they hadn’t felt before, but they both felt it, and wanted to feel it again.
Liam snapped out of his daze and immediately stood up straight. He had been caught. He looked to his left and saw Drake looking at him with a questioning glare. And relaxed a little’ “Oh Drake, it’s just you.”
“I thought you were going out with everyone tonight?” Drake quirked an eyebrow knowingly.
“I made an appearance, but it wasn’t quite my scene.” Liam shrugged.
“See, now what I heard just then was, ‘I showed up, and Brooks wasn’t there, so it wasn’t worth my time.’”
Liam felt his face heat up at Drake’s words. He should have known that his best friend would be able to see right through his flimsy excuse. “Yes well, I had a wonderful night regardless.”
“I’ll bet you did. You’ve really got it bad for her, don’t you?” Drake patted Liam on the back.
“She’s amazing, Drake. I didn’t think it was possible for me to feel like this about someone.” Liam got a far off look in his eyes thinking about Riley, and the evening they had just shared. “Thank you for watching out for her during the social season. I can’t always be there to protect her, it makes me feel a lot better knowing you have her back.”
“Don’t mention it.” Drake stopped walking in front of his bedroom. “Well, this is me. I’ll see you at breakfast?”
“Of course. Good night, Drake”
The pair shook hands. Drake entered his room, and Liam continued to walk to his, thinking about Riley the entire way. The rest of the social season seemed like a waste of time at this point. He had found his choice, his bride, his Queen. He had found Riley.
Tags: @txemrn @texaskitten30 @kingliam2019 @anjanettexcordonia @twinkleallnight @mile9213 @kittypryde-bipride @motorcitymademadame @kat-tia801 @bebepac @gkittylove99 @khoicesbyk @jessiembruno @queenrileyrose @athena-penrose @pixie88 @eadanga @choicesficwriterscreations @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie @annarenee355 @burnsoslow @shewillreadyou @imturaxamara @wackydrabbles
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maeviana · 3 years
Lorelai Gilmore & Luke Danes Analysis & how I would change the story
A Lorelai Gilmore analysis because apparently I'm doing this for everyone on the show now!
Lorelai Gilmore...how do I begin to describe Lorelai Gilmore. There are times when Lorelai can be my favourite character and times where she can be my least favourite character. 
 I think Lorelai denying the fact that she is still very privileged despite leaving her parents world when she was 16 is one reason she can drive me up the walls. Lorelai is a conventionally attractive white woman who fits the trope of 'single mom but my child is really smart so men don't see it as a turn off' - she seems to be able to get any guy she wants, the whole town falls at her feet and are willing to do pretty much anything to help her, she was promoted to Manager seemingly above Michelle (who actually went to school to train to be a concierge or whatever he is and who we know started at the same time as Lorelai) Lorelai has all the advantages of someone who spent their whole life in a small town but whenever she needs it or wants it she always has her parents money to fall back on or their connections which I get makes her uncomfortable and I don't hold her privilege against her - no but what I can hold against her is the fact that Lorelai Gilmore is not a pay it forward kind of gal.
When I say that Lorelai is not very "pay it forward" I'm going to talk about three incidents where Lorelai benefitted from something in the past which she does not need anymore and which she very begrudgingly relinquishes.
1. The first is when Suki wants to ask her if Rune can sleep in the potting shed while he is out of work. Lorelai's response to this is "Suki that's where Rory and I stayed when she was a baby" Just to recap Lorelai was allowed to stay in the potting shed rent free when Rory was growing up until Rory was 11 until she could afford to get a place of her own. Which is fine. But Lorelai has her own place now and now she is in a position to help someone else who could use the same help that she was once given and her first instinct is to keep it for herself which is made worse by the fact that Suki is asking her - Suki is Head Chef at the Inn and so she equals Lorelai in rank - as long as Rune staying in the shed doesn't interfere with the running of the inn, it should not be Lorelai's place to deny her.
2. When Jess comes to town. When Jess comes to town Lorelai doubts Luke's ability to care for a rebellious teen - which again is fine. She tries to reach out to Jess twice and ....things don't go well which I also think is fine (except for her essentially telling Jess that Dean is better than him ummm wtf Lorelai he's 17) ...look I could do a whole other post about Lorelai and Jess' interactions (Jess is my absolute favourite character on the show so you can probably guess what I'm going to say) and why they don't get on but I'm going to focus on Lorelai's reaction to the car crash and what she says to Luke in 'Teach Me Tonight' when Luke tells her he has an obligation to Jess and she responds that he had an obligation to the town and to her and to Rory. We are shown and we are told that Luke has done a lot for Lorelai and would do a lot for someone that he cares about, however, I think again that on some level Lorelai thinks of Luke's generosity towards her as a special privilege just her own. I don't think Lorelai views Jess as someone like herself who needs a "Mia" or a "Luke" to help him get through a difficult time to let him stay in a metaphorical emotional "potting shed" but look having said that she does cut Jess some breaks and does help Luke understand things about Jess.
3. Her not wanting Mia to sell the Independence Inn because she wanted a memory home....ummm what. the. fuck?
Growing up Emily tried to control almost every aspect of Lorelai's life and this has impacted Lorelai by her being ultra controlling in her own life. I think her need to have complete control over her life made it very difficult for her to get serious with anyone because to do so you need to have a 50/50 say in a shared life. I think it's really telling that her two major love interests even over the guy she was engaged to are two men who have been in her life the longest.
I think at the end of the day when it comes to relationships Lorelai just wants someone to love her and to listen to her. She wants someone who would be willing to sleep on a park bench outside her window and someone to call at 2am. i think Emily and Richard we’re a real unit in their household and I think Emily was a Wife first, a lady of high society second and a mother third. Richard was well emotionally shut down and was all about appearances. But Emily and Richard work well as a unit, they are kind of like Lorelai and Rory that way they have their own way of doing things, their own language. I think it was hard for Lorelai growing up an only child next to that kind of relationship but not on the inside. 
The story line I'm most annoyed about the writers dropping for Lorelai was the story line of her now living her life as an adult woman without a child - about her not wanting to be pregnant. The offer from her Dad's friend to buy the inn and for her to go travelling by herself! But if there is one thing that comes for all television characters in shows in the 00s it's hetero normative ideals those relentless bitches! Because...here is the thing I think that the life Rory thinks she wants for herself travelling and seeing the world as an independent woman that life is really the life that Lorelai wants. Lorelai is very like her Dad and she even says that she wants to travel like her Dad always travelled and I'm so annoyed that THAT wasn't the major Luke and Lorelai conflict instead of April Nardini. (who I think was in part written as a way to give Luke a biological child of his own and still get with Lorelai ....because again hetero-normativity) (its a trope *cough* How I met your mother *cough*) That's why the whole "Wild" trip was written for Lorelai in my opinion it's because Lorelai does want to go out and have an adventure and she does want to find herself. What's more annoying about this story line being dropped though is because the seeds for it being a major Luke and Lorelai conflict are there. Dean telling Luke that Lorelai wants more than Stars Hollow, Lorelai's curiousity about the job offer from her Dad's friend and Lukes reaction to that, Lorelai realising that some of her aversion to certain paths in life come from her parents wanting them for her which may include "going corporate" which could open doors for travel. That’s how Luke lost the last love of his life - Rachel. It was potrayed that she was always leaving - but it could also be interpreted as Luke never following her. Then Lorelai wants to travel to run incorporations of an inn that Rachel introduced her to through her pictures. 
Think about it Luke's major character flaw is that he finds change very difficult. He lives in the same town he has lived in his whole life, he doesn't change his clothes, he can't make a move. This made sense for Luke before - he needed to be so solid because his family was so erratic, he needed to be there for his dad, he needed to be there to bail his sister out but at the end of the show Luke has no reason not to change, his business is well established enough that he could trust Ceasar to run it while he was away, he (would not have had) any children, any real reason to stay in the town other than stubbornness.
I don't find April annoying as a character - I find why she was written annoying. Luke didn't need a kid. The show is filled with biological parent child relationships that don't work, that show that bonds are more about being there for someone than being in their DNA. I feel like writing as if Luke needs to have a child is just weird (it's stated and shown on multiple occasion he in fact really doesn't like kids), when he's been a relative hermit up to age what 35/40 means that maybe he'd be ok without kids and the fact that Luke is loved like a father by Jess and by Rory but no Luke needs biological children because? why?
And then Jess (who was always ready to leave and never shows his cards when it comes to love) could show up and tell him that he should go be with Lorelai wherever , that he’ll make sure Liz and TJ don’t join any vegetable cults. Because Luke now has someone else in his family that he can rely on and he doesn’t have to plan funerals and interventions for his crazy family members on his own and also the this plot line would fall in nicely with the GG theme song but that’s not that big of a deal. 
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