#I mean I guess in THEORY you can go get one whenever you want that's the point of open world games huh
emile-hides · 1 year
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They were not kidding, you really can go anywhere anytime in this game huh
#Emile's Arts#Pokemon Scarlet#Guess who may have cheesed a jump you're not supposed to make until after you unlock the rideable legendary#And then proceeded to get creamed by a Dunsparce#Not to worry my starter was already level 13 and he handled it marginally better#(was able to run away)#Besties I am SO lost ALL THE TIME in this game#I got lost in the swsh wild area you think I can play a whole GAME BUILT LIKE THAT#It's me an Pachirisu against the world here I have no clue where I am any of the time#I don't like it I don't get the love for open world games I feel so lost and like I'm making no progress ever#And I'm scared to interact with anyone or anything because what if it's 40 levels above me how could I possibly know#I have a route planned but I still get the liner game itch to search every nook and crany for items and stuff#Also I'm broke is anyone else just??? Broke???? All The Time in this game???? What's up with that????#Every time the game gives me a pop up that I can go back to school and take a class I get so happy#YES! A SMALL SPACE WITH LIMITED MOVEMENT OPTIONS AND CLEAR GOALS#Take me to school I do not want to do the treasure hunt#Grandpa PLEASE let me stay in school#I have basically all the Pokemon I want at this point I already have a team of 5#No idea who the 6th should be I want it to be the sushi dragon fish but they aren't till late late game huh#I mean I guess in THEORY you can go get one whenever you want that's the point of open world games huh#But it's still a level 50 wild Pokemon and I am just now getting my team to their 20's soooooo#Pass....#Yo the map turning to match what direction your facing is there a way to??? Turn that off????#Can I lock the map or something PLEASE????
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frogchiro · 4 months
Since Andrei is from Australia we can assume that he tans and I imagine he likes to tan as it is his excuse to sit in the Sun for hours doing nothing but relaxing
It means that whenever you go to Australia he is dragging you to a private section of one of his favourite beaches where he knows no one will bother you two. He takes off his swim trunks and puts his towel down. He basks in the Sun for hours upon hours with his dick and ass out
You have to stop yourself from doing anything irrational since you just want to smack that perky ass of his or ride his dick that is now erect from seeing you in your bikini. While Andrei is just waiting to see how long it takes his pretty to take the hint and act in accordance to his display as he normally never tans while naked
You have no idea how much this ask rotted my brain like it's insane-
cw: for slight exhibitionism I guess since it's a public place in theory but it's on a very secluded, private part of the beach and no one comes even close to catch you but sill <3
Andrei tans an impeccable bronze, like it's almost crazy how well he tans. The moment you settle in his apartment when you're both visiting Australia he whisks you away to the beach even if you whine and giggle that you still have so much unpacking to do but he just waves his hand with a cheeky smirk and tells you that the beach and sex are now the most important <3
He takes you to his favorite part of the beach; a very secluded and private part about which basically no one knows besides him and his friends from his teen years when they used to come here to party and smoke and now he has the honor of bringing you, the woman he loves so much, here and show you a place important to him <3
Since he likes to tan nude to get that nice tan everywhere, the moment you set your secluded little nest up, he will teasingly slowly pull his swim trunks down making you flush and suddenly become shy as he chuckles as the article of clothing falls down and exposes Andrei in his full glory; his large, well build body tapering down to nice, strong broad hips, followed by a thick happy trail and down to the deliciously long, thick and veiny cock already chubbying up while Andrei is biting his lip while smirking.
He's a proud man and therefore he's very proud of his huge, well maintained body. Even more now with you in the picture since you're cooking for him and all of those delicious meals made him chub up a bit which he is stupidly proud of :((
Andrei would try to make you take your bikini off too to match him but after a squealed and flustered no he just chuckled at your sudden shyness and let it go, he knew that eventually you'd do something since he didn't try to hide anything in the first place; proudly showing off his body to you and only slightly wincing whenever his cock made a little twitch or pulse and spurted out precum but it only served to make him chuckle and make him even more turned on because he knew you were watching him like a hawk <33
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hetrosjistin · 4 months
All of you talking about how Alastor is bound to Lilith are sleeping on Zestial.
Seriously, all of you are ignoring ALL the signs. Been talking this over with a friend several nights in a row, and it's such a better theory than assuming that Lilith owns him (that's not to say that Alastor and Lilith aren't in cahoots SOMEHOW, but that's something for another post)
Now there's not a large sample size, but let's start with this one. Alastor's contract chains do not match his emissive colors at all, nor the colors of his magic. He has red and black as his demonic magic motif. Why does this matter? Well the only other sample we have for contract magic is Valentino with his smoke chains on Angeldust, which is identical to his magic.
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Above you can see Valentino's emissive color, the color of his magic in full force, and the color of his contract magic. Now let's do this with Alastor
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Emissive colors, magic colors when he's personally about to fuck someone up without calling on his shadow minions... and... his contract magic... huh...
Extra ones of him doing deals with charlie as a bonus:
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So a bit of wild theory crafting now.
What happens if you are bound to someone else and you go around and get someone to sell their soul to you? What if your soul contracts roll up to the guy who owns your soul? So your contract magic uses THEIR colors?
Okay, then who DOES have the same emissive colors (those used for magic in almost every case).
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Zestial is the only one who comes close, even if he's more yellowy, I blame that on the overall lighting of the scene.
Further evidence?
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The ONLY time Alastor looks even REMOTELY frightened is when he's speaking with Zestial. Even when he's with other overlords he's irreverant and playful, NOT with Zestial, he's cagey, he's polite, he's watching what he says.
Further, during this conversation the subtext is CONSTANTLY on a back and forth of 'oh I know where you've been, and YOU know where you've been, but we're in public so we have to speak in code' plus the scene CONSTANTLY focuses on the fact of how they are under observation either by direct persons or through electronic means (but stealthily elides this by implying it's just the impact 2 overlords walking around in public would have on society)
Oh, and did you notice? The demonic stitching that appears on Alastor's body? Same style as the stitching we see Zestial's hat and other bits of clothing.
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Then there's the fact that he's one of the only characters with consistent COLOR THEMING to his songs, whenever he does songs, (ESPECIALLY those having to do with deals or trying to maintain his deals), he's got green and... purple?
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Why the fuck purple? Purple doesn't turn up anywhere. This is where the theory falls apart a little, but if I had to guess? It's an allusion to something. What could it be?
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But why then is his contract magic showing in these songs? Does Zestial have some deep interest in the hotel?
I think not, but Alastor has very DEEP contract related reasons for his interest.
Let's take a quick aside to another of Alastor's song pieces. Let's consider the pit as Alastor prepares to leave his tower during his breakdown song in the season finale. The center of Alastor's power is his broadcast tower, it's painted everywhere in his colors, from top to bottom. The last time he sang in here, all of his emissive colors were black and red... hell, even when he ENTERED it, it was HIS colors.
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but now with him beaten, broken, and focused on the deal he so desperately wants to escape...
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Oh look, Zestial's colors again.
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Alastor's power is a shadow cast by Zestial's light. He is chained to it, it's what keeps him alive and gives him his power... but all the same, he wants out.
He's looking for a loophole. A way out of the deal.
If you get to heaven, can a Overlord still own you soul?
This helps explain why Alastor was willing to come out of hiding fo the hotel, why he's so nervous around Zestial, why Zestial is poking for reasons, subtly, about what the fuck Alastor is doing in their conversation with one another going to the overlord's meeting.
So smart money says that Alastor made a deal with Zestial before he died, and became Zestial's catspaw. How was he able to fuck up everything and everyone he came across the moment he turned up? Because he had a tutor and a big old battery backstopping him. Zestial is the most subtle of the overlords, he wants to remain in the background, he wants to play things safe and is always happy to be underestimated and underrated... so he comes along and takes the hammiest, loudest, most attention grabbing soul he has in his portfolio the moment they get down to Hell, and puts him to work CLEANING HOUSE.
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sirenologyyy · 3 months
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modern!sejanus plinth x fem!reader
✮ summary: in which I live out my truth as a Sejanus Plinth truther and write modern headcanons abt him if he was your bf!
✮ author's note: why can't God make men like him anymore istfg!!! (Guys di na nakakatuwa.)
✮ warnings: cussing cuz yeah
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modern!sej who's basically just a POC Peter Parker variant, they're so alike it is sickening.
modern!sej who's had a crush on you since the start of high-school when you and him wound up in the clinic because he had a bad case of influenza and you had a stomach bug.
modern!sej who'd drag Coryo around the campus just so they'd bump into you. (you'd smile and he'd greet hello with three consecutive O's and Coryo was not pleased, often rolling his eyes at Sejanus' giddy grin when you'd be a few steps past them.)
modern!sej who listens to you ramble and talk his ear off with conspiracy theories, realizations, gossip, chiming in every now and then. (He usually tells you off for talking people behind their back but he loves it gossip as much as you do if not more.)
modern!sej who I personally feel like is into a ball sport nobody would expect him to be in to (like volleyball) and he's one of the most kick-ass players out of the entire team and whenever there'd be matches against other schools you'd be cheering the loudest yk and you'd be wearing his Jersey and all that HEDGSHSH.
modern!sej who'd sometimes switch seats with Coryo when the teacher in the class he's in does a count off for groupmates just so he'd be grouped with you.
modern!sej who loves spoiling you with his dad's money just because he can and he absolutely will.
"Sej, just because I tried all these clothes on does not mean I have the intention of buying them."
"Well you aren't buying them, I am. Plus if I'm not getting them for you now, sooner or later you'll have them all in your closet somehow."
modern!sej who loves taking you to aquarium dates to go see the jellyfish and the sharks.
modern!sej who plans out everything he'll say to you in his mind before he says them out loud so he doesn't end up embarrassing himself in front of you.
modern!sej who always gives you the bigger half when he breaks food into two parts.
modern!sej who is DEATHLY afraid of heights. (When you first started dating you joked about how everyday was practically a living hellscape for him because he was so tall.)
modern!sej who's saved the most dazzling contact photo of you while you just have a horrendously lighted 0.5 pic of him you took at 5 in the morning.
modern!sej who'd purposefully drop sordid drawings he managed to doodle in the middle of class into your backpack so during the next period you'd find them and you'd start giggling to yourself and your classmates would give you stares.
modern!sej who is definitely the big spoon (but wouldn't be opposed to being the little spoon either.)
modern!sej and you who would pass notes in the middle of class as well, even if you two were at the very back of the classroom and sitting next to eachother.
Arachne's voice is making me want to kill myself
Don't say that, that's mean
Oh come on Sejanus, even you aren't too saintly to admit her voice sound terrible
Fine, I guess it's sorta irritating
Her voice sounds like if a dog's squeaky toy crawled off to have sex with a bagpipe
(then you two would burst out into silent laughter.)
modern!sej who is SUCH a fucking nerd (he's one of the top 5 highest grading students in your year, in decathlon, the debate team, men's volleyball varsity, the school paper) sometimes when he recites in class he'll subtly glance your way to see your reaction to his answer.
modern!sej who let's you pick out as many books you want from the library he has conjoined to his room. (When he gets them back there are ALWAYS annotations scrawled out on translucent sticky notes.)
modern!sej who is anxious af and he always fidgets in his seat whenever he's stressed or worried or scared and you'd let him doodle on your hands to make him feel better (plus I think he's really good at drawing too.)
modern!sej who will absolutely drive you to McDonald's if you're hungry at 3am (chances are he's hungry too.)
modern!sej who is obsessed with old film cameras and digital cameras, most often than not you're his subject and every other photo in his camera roll is a candid picture of you.
modern!sej who can recite every riff off word by word of the Pitch Perfect trilogy without missing a beat.
modern!sej who'd bring you baked goods whenever you were upset saying they were made by ma plinth, but in truth, were made by him.
modern!sej who wonders every second of every day how you ended up with him.
modern!sej who gets jealous when you hang out with festus or felix a little too long after class. But never makes it obvious.
modern!sej who's funny unconventionally. His sense of humour dosen't make everyone laugh but it sure as hell will get a snort and a giggle out of you.
modern!sej who'd eat the things you'd pick off of your food. (olive theory HDHSHSH)
modern!sej who remembers the littlest things about you too, how you take your coffee, the certain type of pens you prefer, your favorite author, your favorite type of flower, favorite swear word.
modern!sej who'd never hesitate to help you with schoolwork if you were having a hard time understanding the topic. (He won't stop until he makes sure you have a firm grasp on the topic and you're convinced he could make an amazing teacher.)
modern!sej who looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
modern!sej who'd blush whenever ma plinth would bust out his old baby photos whenever you'd come over to their house.
modern!sej who'd participate in cringy couple tiktok trends if it would make you happy.
modern!sej who'd get incredibly competitive just to win you a prize at the carnival.
modern!sej who collects little trinkets that match the color of your eyes and randomly give them to you.
modern!sej who'd listen to you yap and find it adorable
modern!sej who loves photobooths and would always convince you to take photos with him. (Your go to pose is to flip the camera off.) Then you'd get the top half and Sej gets the bottom half.
modern!sej who hates coffee and loves to drink tea (he dosen't do well with caffeine.)
modern!sej who is a sore loser when it comes to card games.
modern!sej who'd write prose and poetry about you (but he wouldn't dare show it, he wouldn't want to make you cry.)
modern!sej who is a GOD at karaoke (he also may or may not be a Broadway kid)
modern!sej who'd instantly agree and laugh when you'd send him things and say "this is so us."
modern!sej who would come over to your house whenever he'd get into a fight with his dad, he'd get so angry while trying to let go of all the pent up emotions he'd start crying and you're always there to comfort him.
modern!sej whose love language is acts of service, would always without a doubt be up for anything, he'd always be there when you need help, whatever the job calls for Sej seems to be always overqualified. When you feel like the world is against you he'd remind you that it's him and you against the world, neither of you were going to be alone in this fight anymore as long as you had eachother. (Then you'd laugh and tell him how incredibly cheesy it was.)
modern!sej who loves watching films, so more often than not you two would be found at the movie theater munching on some free popcorn because the guy that works the concessionaire stand knows you guys well enough to just give you guys free food.
modern!sej who is a munch. Enough SAID.
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Before I begin, I wanna say that I already sent an ask that was an unfinished version of this. I had to painstakingly go into Google Docs and copy/paste all my writing/theorizing on here because for some reason when I write a slightly long ask my tumblr just has a meltdown. I meant to delete that first ask and send this one instead, but I couldn’t see anything because of said meltdown and accidentally sent it. Hope you see this finished version instead! Would be really embarrassing if you didn’t…
So yeah. Everything after this is copy-pasted and then continued from the unfinished version. Thanks for your patience!
Yes yes, I’m back! I disappeared again for a while but I have returned once more to offer my theories and thoughts! And oh boy do I have thoughts…
Okay so first off I wanna disregard what I said last time about Sonic asking for Shadow to come inside earlier because uhh… Idk what I was thinking. Wow. Hot take from me lol. Guess I was losing the hype from rereading the page a buncha times in a row or something, because I don’t know what I was implying with that. So uh yeah sorry about that I guess.
Anywhizzle with that thankfully out of the way, I can continue on to the meat of these new pages! Sonic himself.
Bro needs himself a snickers-
I’m kidding, (No I’m not) but with jokes aside, this page just gave us something huge! Not only can Sonic transform in the daytime now with limited shade, but he can also transform if he feels just the slightest bit of negativity/anger, and he also doesn’t even turn into a Werehog anymore! He’s gone full Gaia mode now! He honestly looks like a coyote mixed with a wolf if you squint. Pretty cool! But this honestly just opens up so many more doors for so many more questions! What does this mean for Dark Gaia? Will it affect Chip? Can Sonic turn back into his hedgehog self? If so, is it based on a time limit, his emotions, or can he turn back whenever he wants to? Does he even know that he’s transformed yet? Does he know it’s him? AAAAAUUUUGHHGHHH SO MANY QUESTIONSSSSSSS!!!!! 😫
I do also wanna say that Sonic is so definitely right. I don’t really remember what Shadow said, but I do know it wasn’t this. Instead of Sonic ignoring his problems, now it’s Shadow, and that’s the exact opposite of what this whole entire comic has been about. Throughout this series, Shadow has always been the more level-headed of the three, (Sonic Chip and Shadow) and he was always the one to help Sonic get through the night when he transformed into the Werehog. I think he even wanted to spill the beans to someone once or twice, but refrained because he just couldn’t do that to Sonic. Pretty sure I’m remembering things wrong on that front though so. But you get the idea. Shadow ignoring his behavior and ignoring Sonic after everything they went through together… It isn’t like him. Yes, he’s a loner. Yes, he’s pretty edgy. Yes, he’s an idiot. But he isn’t stupid. He isn’t ignorant. Shadow is not like this.
Now Shadow trying to explain away his anger and behavior towards Sonic and his distance by saying “Oh, well, I just got really pissed and I lost control.” But then Sonic hits him with the Uno Reverse and transforms into his new Gaia form right in front of his face, snarling at him and getting all angry in front of the ebony hedgehog, hardly saying anything but a few clipped words. Sonic sees the hypocrisy in Shadow’s words and is not about to let him live it down. He sees the guilt, sees the negativity, and knows.
Which is why, when he turns into probably the scariest version of himself so far for the first time ever, he doesn’t scream or howl in pain or act irrational about it. Sonic, despite everything that’s been going on, remains in control of himself and his actions. He stares down at Shadow and says “And…?” As if he’s making a point. Like he’s calling someone out for their crimes or whatever. And he is. To Sonic, Shadow’s ignorance is like a slight on himself, a quick jab at Sonic’s character. And after everything they’ve been through and after what just happened in the cave, the blue blur ain’t gonna take such an insult very well. But again, despite his anger and despite himself and despite his brand new transformation, Sonic doesn’t really lash out at Shadow, instead showing him that “Losing control” is not a good excuse. Shadow may have lost control of his body, but to Sonic, that’s just an everynight thing now. He doesn’t care about that, doesn’t care about what Shadow looked like or how he felt, and instead cared about his actions.
I’ve been going on and on for a long while now with my “Sonic still is going to hide his emotions and feels like crap and still feels bad about himself” mantra, but this scene in particular is making me reconsider that. I feel like before all this happened, Sonic wouldn’t do what he just did now. I don’t think he would be so blunt/careless. I mean he isn’t being careless, there just isn’t really a better way to explain it. Beforehand, Sonic would’ve believed such an excuse and would’ve been like “Oh yeah I guess that makes sense.” But now he seems a lot more controlled, a lot more in his element. He seems more like himself. 
Despite everything, it’s still him.
So maybe Sonic is learning. Maybe Sonic is growing. Maybe he’s finally understanding that he’s still himself and that he doesn’t have to hide. Or maybe I’m being too hopeful and sleep-deprived to really get the true message. I don’t know. 🤷‍♀️ 
All in all, this took me half an hour to get through due to technical difficulties and because I had to put my sleep-deprived brain to work for this one so I am gonna leave it here and brush my teeth. Thank you so much for reading this hunk of junk, means a lot to me! Have a great day/night!
(I’m also so excited for the next page lol)
by chaos, despite everything, it’s still him.
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noirvette · 1 year
[band smau]
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To say you were nervous was an understatement. You genuinely had no clue how the conversation was going to go the minute Kyle arrived. Part of you feared the worst, after all he was asking to come over to discuss this.. whoever this is and IN person too.
Wild theories ran through your mind, is it the same person who hacked Kenny? What if this person is linked to your stalker? What if they're the same person? What if it's Kenny doing this? Among other what if's. You felt guilty for the last thought, Kenny wouldn't do something like this to one of his best friends. Besides, if it is the same person who hacked Kenny's twitter account, what would that imply? That Kenny faked his own hacking? The idea was just silly.
Knocks at your door is what shook you out of your thoughts and you got up to open the door; there stood Kyle. The tired look on his face managed to increase tenfold since you had last seen him just a few hours ago. Stepping out of the doorway to let him in, he enters silently but the silence speaks volumes to you as you watch him drag himself around your apartment and into your living room.
Closing the door and following him, you sit down across from him. Kyle has his head in his hands, looking down at the floor.
"Kyle?" You ask.
He doesn't respond for a few minutes and you can tell the stress of whatever has happened over the last few hours has really gotten to him.
"Kyle?" You ask again.
He deeply sighs and looks up at you, "Sorry, Y/n."
You wave him off, "it's alright, just start talking when you're ready."
You watch as he takes a few moments to compose himself and he sits up straight.
"The person has repeatedly contacted me, never called though which is great. I still can't block them, the numerous amount of times I have, the number always manages to reach me again," Kyle explains, "What gets me is that they keep talking about this thing of 'World breaking news'! but they jump around the subject whenever I try and bring it up."
"Kyle it sounds like you need to leave your phone be for a while."
"Yeah, I probably should but a part of me wonders if this is like, deadly serious and if I ignore it, someone dies or something." Kyle stresses, nervously playing with his hands.
"Okayyy," You sigh, "That kind of thinking isn't going to help you in any way and now I know you need to stop watching those drama crime shows with Stan and Clyde."
That gets Kyle to let out a huffed laugh and you can even see a small smile on his face, "BOOM! Got you to laugh," You stand up, "Want anything to drink?"
"I'll take a water, thanks Y/n." Kyle smiles awkwardly as you give him a thumbs up and head to your kitchen.
Coming back with two glasses of water, you set one down in front of Kyle and you hold the other, taking a sip as you sit down, "Now, realistically this person sounds like they're just trolling you. Hard."
Kyle nods and you continue, "And I'm not meaning to alarm you but it seems like they're well versed in well...cyber security...technology.. whatever you get my point here. So why don't you take your phone in and see if the people there know of a way to fix this phone number problem? You never know if they hack into your phone next."
Kyle's eyes widen and his mouth opens and then closes a few times, "What you think it's the same person who hacked Kenny?"
You shrug, "Good of a guess as any, I mean two technological events or, whatever this is called, happening? Within days of each other? Seems convenient and too coincidental to be two separate people, you know?"
Nodding, Kyle can't help but check his phone and for the first time in minutes, he hasn't received one text message. He lets out a sigh of relief and looks back up at you, who's looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Sorry, I know, leave my phone be." Kyle mutters out, puts his phone back in his pocket.
"Well? Did you get anything though?" You probe, curiosity causing you to be a bit nosy.
Kyle shakes his head and you also let out a sigh of relief, "You see! This is what I mean, this.." You stumble at a loss for words of what to call this person.
"Asshole?" Kyle offers.
"Yes asshole, is probably just trolling you." You finish.
He nods and the two of you now sit in silence one more, sipping on your waters.
A ding goes off and the both of you freeze. Kyle looks at you expectantly and you shake your head, your phone is on do not disturb at the moment, so you know it isn't yours.
Kyle clenches his jaw and takes his phone out of his pocket once more and you already know it's the person Kyle's been mentioning as you watch how his face contorts to one of pure exhaustion.
He turns his phone on, reading the message and you sneakily scoot closer to him, trying to catch a peak. Kyle after reading the message looks up at you and can't help himself letting out a snort at how you look before just handing you his phone.
"Go ahead, you're interested and it's the least I can do considering how you're helping me handle this, besides I have no clue what this screenshot is supposed to even be."
You look down at his phone to read the screenshot Kyle is talking about.
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You hand Kyle's phone back to him with the biggest look of confusion on your face, "What the fuck? What is this supposed to be?"
Kyle shrugs, "I have genuinely no clue, if this is the 'world breaking news' this guy was talking about then I hope the world isn't dependent on a riddle, because I cannot solve the meaning behind this at all."
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TAGLIST: @captivq @kimiesstuff @bwljules @the-cooler-kira @1one1person1 @kenny-the-ken @neenieweenie @n0tangeliccc @revzxn @mirophobic @gonefiishiing @musiclovebot @bootsieboo @bonez4brainz @s0l4riss @1996kj @sweetadonisbutbetter @scinclaitnoir @okarigold
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mxnsxngie · 10 months
Meant For Me (P.S): Chapter 9
Warnings: little bit of language, SMUT, oral (female receiving), fingering (female receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, biting and marking, choking, breeding kink
⚠️Minors do NOT interact with this au⚠️
Word Count: 3166
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The conversation between you and Seonghwa the whole drive back to your place flowed as easy as ever, filled with easy conversation, plenty of laughs, and just as many stolen glances at each other when you thought the other wasn’t looking. Before you knew it, he had pulled up to your place and came rushing around to help you out of the car.
He smiled down at you as he offered his hand for you to take to help yourself out.
“Thank you” you say as you smile up at him with a slight blush.
“You’re welcome” he says, shutting the door and adjusting your hands so he’s holding yours in his own. “Lead the way?” He says, looking at you.
“Follow me” you say as you lead him by the hand up to your apartment. A comfortable silence falls over the two of you as you climb the stairs to your door and you open it, the both of you going in. You turn on the lights and set your purse down as he takes his shoes off before looking around a little.
“Your place is really nice” he says as he glances at the art on your walls while walking to where you’re standing in the living room. He smiles as he takes you in his arms, just holding you as he looks at you, that same adoring look in his eyes.
“Thank you, I put a lot of work into it” you whisper as you look at him. “I guess we should talk about things, huh?” You ask shyly.
“We probably should. You know I want to be with you, but we should probably talk about it more, since our friends seem to know more about how we feel for each other than we do” he chuckles as he plays with your hair.
“That’s true” you laugh as you take his hand, leading him to the couch to sit with you so you can talk. “So I take it by how things at dinner went that you likely feel the same way I do” you smile as you let him hold your hand, his thumb rubbing over it as you talk.
“I’d say that’s a safe bet” he says with a smile. “But no, in all seriousness, I meant what I said at the restaurant. Take soulmates out of the equation. I want to be with you, I want to be yours. There’s just something about you. Whenever I’m around you, I just feel like I’m home. I’m at peace, and comfortable, you feel like home. And when I’m not with you, I can’t stop thinking about being with you. I know it sounds weird, and I can’t explain it really. It’s like, I don’t know? Like-”
“Like you were meant for me” you interrupt, knowing exactly how he felt, how you felt.
“Yes! Like you were meant for me” he says, a look of calm washing over his face as he realizes you get what he means and he’s not making a fool of himself.
“I get it, I feel the same way. And when we almost kissed those couple of times, it was like I was burning up the closer you got, and I loved it” you whisper, slightly shy at your admission.
“You felt it too?” He asks in surprise.
“I did” you nod, smiling now that you know you weren’t the only one who felt it.
“Maybe our friends were right” he mutters as he looks deep in thought.
“Right about what?” You ask in confusion.
“I want to test a theory, but before I do, now that we’ve talked” he pauses, taking your hand. Will you be my girlfriend?” He asks, a little bit of a pleading look in his eyes as he looks at you, waiting for your response.
“Of course I will” you smile widely as you squeeze his hand before rubbing your thumb over his hand. “Now what’s this about a theory?” You ask, confused at what he was thinking your friends may have been right about.
“I just want to try something, do you trust me?” He asks as he leans closer to you, his eyes flicking down to your lips and struggling to look back to your eye.
“Of course I do” you whisper as he continues to lean closer, your body feeling warmer and warmer the closer he gets, just like both times before.
“Good, because I’ve been dying to do this” he whispers, a centimeter from your lips, before leaning in and capturing your lips in his, his hand cradling the side of your head and back of your neck as he does.
The second your lips connect, the warmth you’d been feeling explodes under your skin, consuming you from head to toe before fading into tingles across your whole body. You moan into the kiss at the feeling before pulling back just enough to speak, still keeping your lips close.
“Was that?” You whisper in shock,eyes blown wife, realizing what he had been wondering about.
“Yeah, they were right. We’re soulmates” he whispers against your lips and you can feel the smile spread across his lips.
“Thank god it’s you” you say, unable help the giddy giggle that leaves your lips before you’re both diving back into each other.
This kiss is much needier than the last. It’s full of passion and heat and is more intense than any kiss you’ve had before and you’re still tingling everywhere. You’re both putting all of the built up tension and relief of finding your soulmate into the kiss. Your hands are tangled in his hair and his are wrapping around you to pull you onto his lap. You both groan into the kiss as he settles you on his lap. You break away for a second to catch your breath, both your eyes wild and needy, before kissing again.
This time, you can’t hold yourself back, everything about this, about him, feeling more right than anything. Before you can stop yourself, you’re grinding yourself down against him, his grip on your hips tightening at the euphoric feeling as you both moan into the kiss. The feeling of him hardening under you is addicting and all you can do is continue grinding yourself against him, moaning at the feeling of his hands gripping you so hard that you’re sure you’ll have bruises. Nothing had ever felt as right as he does.
You moan into the kiss as he unexpectedly reaches a hand up and tugs at your hair and your mind is clouded with nothing but Seonghwa. You can’t get enough of him, can’t get close enough. You need him. As you grind down against him again, he surprises you and picks you up, breaking the kiss so he can carry you towards your room.
As he's carrying you towards your room, you can't help but lean in to kiss his neck. You start where his neck meets his shoulder, slowly working your kisses up his neck until you hear his breath hitch at one particular spot. You giggle with a smirk before latching back on to the spot that made him weak. You start with light kisses before slowly working up to sucking and nipping to leave a mark, causing him to gasp. You giggle against his neck as you suck at it again, causing him to let out a small moan as you feel your back being pressed against the wall. You pull back to look at him with a gasp. He rests his forehead against yours, panting against your lips.
"You drive me insane in the best way possible" he whispers as he looks at you, his eyes filled with passion and lust for you.
"I've barely even done anything" you say in surprise, breathing just as heavily as he is.
"Everything about you drives me insane, you don't even have to do anything. Look what you've done already" he groans as he grinds his clothed length against you. You let out a surprised moan at the feeling, tugging lightly at his hair.
"Fuck, Seonghwa, I need you, I need you so bad" you moan, your head tipping back against the wall as you grind back against him.
“I got you, don’t worry baby” he groans, kissing you as he pulls you both away from the wall, kicking the door to your bedroom open as he carries you to your bed. Without breaking the kiss, he carefully lays you on your bed, moving to hover over you. He finally pulls back to look at you, panting to catch his breath.
“You look so beautiful princess” he whispers before leaning down to trail kisses along your neck, nipping here and there as he goes until he finds the spot that makes your breath hitch.
“Hwa, please” you whine, your hips bucking up to grind against him, desperate for any friction you can get.
“I’ve got you, gonna make you feel so good kitten” he whispers in your ear before pulling you up to help remove your shirt and bra. He lays you back down and starts kissing down your chest, pausing to nip and mark your breasts as he undoes the button on your pants and helps you out of them and your underwear as he continues kissing down your stomach as if he has all the time in the world. And he does.
You can’t help the whines and sighs escaping your lips as he worships your body, kissing everywhere he can as your hips rut up against him. He pins your hips down with his arm as he moves his body lower, so he can be eye level with your pussy for the first time.
“Fuck, you look so beautiful like this” he mutters against your inner thigh as you feel two of his fingers glide through your folds, gathering wetness along the way before they catch against your clit, pulling a startled moan from your lips.
“You’re so fucking wet. And all for me” he groans as he starts slowly rubbing circles on your clit as his tongue licks through your folds for the first time.
“Fuck, you taste fucking perfect” he groans before diving back in, cause you to let out a loud moan at the contact. He ate you out like a man starved, his tongue fucking in and out of your dripping hole while his fingers on your clit sped up, pulling a constant stream of whines, moans, and cries of his name from your lips. His long tongue reached depths in you that you couldn’t even reach with your fingers, causing your hips to buck against his face.
You were starting to clench around his tongue before long, your hand tugging on his hair as your walls started fluttering and your moans for higher and louder as you tried to warn him of your impending orgasm.
“H-hwa. I’m gonna cum, fuck. Please don’t stop” you cried as the knot was just about to snap in you. He only hastened his efforts, slipping two of his fingers into you as he pulled back so we could watch you.
“Cum for me kitten, all over my tongue” he said before attaching his lips to your clit. With one strong suck, you were falling apart on his fingers in the most earth shattering orgasm you’d ever experienced, tugging tighter on his hair as you moaned his name. He slowly worked you through your orgasm before removing his fingers and licking them clean as he looked down at you. You couldn’t help but stare up at him in awe.
“Fuck you’re good at that” you pant as you catch your breath, watching him smile as he leans down to you.
“Only the best for my girl” he says and you can’t help the butterflies that swarm in your stomach and the fluttering of your heart when you hear him call you that.
“Claim me as yours then” you whisper as you pull him down to you, kissing him with all of the love and passion you could put into it, trying to show him how thankful you were to have him.
He groaned into the kiss before pulling back to quickly strip himself before crawling back over you, grinding his cock against your soaked folds as he reattaches his lips to yours.
You moan into the kiss at the feeling, as you grind yourself against him.
“You’re so big” you whine, trying to find some friction against him.
“I’ll be gentle, don’t worry” he says, kissing your forehead as he starts to line himself up to slide in to you.
“No, don’t be gentle. I’m not made of glass. I want you to ruin me and claim me as yours” you tell him as you look him in the eye. The second the words leave your lips, his eyes darken and a switch flips in him.
“Just remember, you asked for this kitten” he says before sliding into you, causing you to let out an almost pornographic moan at the feeling of his large cock filling you up.
“Fuck, you really were meant for me” you whine as you buck your hips against him, trying to urge him to move.
“So were you, you feel fucking perfect” he says as one of his hands grabs your hips and pins them down against the bed while the other grabs both of yours and pins them above your head as he leans over you. “But you’re going to be good for me now, keep those hips still for me baby” he whispers.
The next thing you know, he’s thrusting into you hard and fast, hitting deeper than you’ve ever felt before. The moans pouring from your lips only spurring him on more as you try your hardest not to fuck yourself back against him like he told you. You want nothing more than to cling to him, to grip his hair and neck, but his hand holding yours down won’t let you and that only turns you on more.
“Perfect, you’re fucking perfect, fuck” he groans against your neck as he bites down, leaving a mark on your collarbone. The bite pulls an unexpected orgasm from you, causing him to groan as he feels you flutter around him, but he doesn’t stop.
“My naughty little kitten, so good for me. Now, let’s give you one more, yeah? I know you can do that for me” he says as his hand that’s holding yours slides down to rest at the base of your neck.
“Is this okay?” He asks as his hand rests there, waiting for your permission.
“Yes, please choke me” you beg him, your eyes pleading. With your new found freedom, your hands are immediately flying to grip to his back to ground you.
“God, you’re going to be the death of me kitten” he says, his hand tightening around your neck just the slightest bit, causing your head to go a little fuzzy.
“Oh you really like that, I can feel you gripping me tighter. My precious kitten. I want to breed you so bad” he says, which prompts one of the loudest moans of the night yet from you, which is impressive considering his hand on your throat, and you to clench down on him hard as you squirm in his grip.
“You like that? You want me to breed you nice and full? Make it so everyone knows you’re mine? Maybe even get you pregnant?” He whispers, removing his hand from your neck so you can breathe and respond to him.
“Yes! Fuck, please! Please breed me sir. Please, want to be nice and full of you, wanna have your kids. Please fill me up, please” you beg through your moans.
“Fuck, how can I say no to that? Whatever my little one wants” he groans, his hands sliding to move your legs to rest on his shoulder as he bends over, quickening his pace.
“Hwa, fuck! I’m so close” You moan, feeling the familiar knot tighter as he’s hitting even deeper inside you than before.
“So am I princess. Gonna fill you nice and full like you want. Cum for me kitten, I’m right behind you” he says as he reaches one hand down to quickly circle your clit to help get you there. It was all you needed before the knot is snapping and you’re falling apart all over again, scratching at his back as your orgasm takes over you.
The feeling of your spasming walls clamping down on him makes him let out the neediest whine as he comes, thrusting sharply into you, rutting all of his cum into you as deep as he can get it, biting your neck as he does, causing you to let out a small moan at the feeling.
The room is filled with heavy breathing as you both try to catch your breath, coming down from the best orgasms you’ve ever had. The wifeys weren’t wrong when they said soulmate sex was on another level. And you finally understood what they meant. You’ve never felt more pleasure in your life, nor as complete as you do now.
You feel Seonghwa slowly place light, gentle kisses where he had been biting down on your shoulder as he slowly comes back to you, causing you to let out a content sigh at the feeling.
“Are you okay? I wasn’t too rough was I?” He sweetly asks as he leans up a little to look at you, moving some of your hair out of your face.
“No, you were perfect. That was amazing. Hands down the best sex I’ve ever had” you say, smiling up at him as you leave a gentle kiss on his lips.
“I’m inclined to agree. And I definitely get why the guys were holed up for days after finding your girls now. That was incredible” he says, looking at you with nothing but adoration.
“I was just thinking the same thing. I already can’t get enough of you” you say, melting under his intense stare.
“Oh don’t worry, I’m far from done with you princess. We just need to catch our breath” he says kissing your forehead as he plays with your hair.
“Can’t wait. Soooo we’re going to explore that breeding kink of ours more, right?” You whisper, immediately feeling him twitch inside of you and begin to harden again at your statement as he groans in your ear.
“You really are going to be the death of me kitten. God I love you” he says with a chuckle.
“I love you too Hwa” you smile. “But is that a yes or?” You say, cutting yourself off with a gasp as he gives you one sharp thrust in warning.
“Oh it’s a yes. But just remember, you asked for this” he says with a smirk on his face and a dark look in his eyes.
This was going to be a long night.
Tag List: @yxngbxkkie @channiechxn @imagine-a-life-like-this @maeleelee @bunnyiix @acrylishly @hobasimp89 @cadenonlinelive @babyboyquokka @l3visbby @kpop-in-new-albion @adoringsof @jisuperboard @zoe8stay @i-love-ateez @thatfavouritesong @okkkcausewhet @bouncyyunho @smally97
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nightfurylover31 · 10 months
With stories of Tails and Knuckles, time to finally write something with Amy for @starrjoy's Pandora AU. This was the trickiest to figure out, but thanks to some theories about her around here, I finally got something. I hope you enjoy!
 After the events of Sonic Frontiers, the gang is getting ready to set off on their own separate adventures. Before leaving, Amy decides to do some fortune readings. However, Sonic soon learns his most cheerful, optimistic friend didn’t always have such a happy life.
Amy had just finished shuffling her cards. She drew three and looked them over. She seemed quite pleased with what she had. Just then, she heard a knock at her door. She went to answer, but she already knew who it was. 
“SONIC!” She happily greeted the blue hedgehog as she opened the front door, even before she got a look at him. “I knew it was you!” 
“Well, you were expecting me, right?” Sonic placed a bag on the table next to the couch. “Here's the supplies you wanted from Tails.” 
Amy went to check the contents of the bag. “Thanks. I’m not sure what I’ll face out there, so I want to be prepared. You can never be too careful.” 
“I guess, but-" 
“Where’s the fun in that?” 
The two laughed as Amy joined in on Sonic’s line.
“You want some tea and cookies? I made a fresh batch.” There was not a soul out there who could resist Amy’s baked goods.
“Sure. I could go for a snack.” Sonic sat down on the couch, and just as he was about to put his feet up, he saw Amy’s cards on the table. He picked up one with a large emerald on it. “Trying to guess the future again?” 
Amy placed the tray of drinks and cookies in front of them. “Fortune reading is not guessing, Sonic. It’s a mystic art to gain insight into the past, present, and future. I wish you would take it more seriously. We did meet because of my fortune cards, remember?” 
Sonic shrugged. “I still question how those cards told you Little Planet at that specific time.” 
“It’s about interpretation!” 
“Right... anyway, it’s not my thing. I don’t like being told what to do. Prophecies are not for me.” Sonic said that with his typical ‘too cool to care’ attitude, but there was a deeper meaning behind it. He tried to fulfill a prophecy once, and it cost him everything.
“Fortune reading is not the same as a prophecy, Sonic,” Amy corrected as she sat down beside him. “They’re meant to help guide you on the journey through life. For example, the cards may have led me to meet you, but I was the one who chose to follow you. I decided my own path.” 
This made Sonic pause for a moment. The choices we make... how we interpret them… it wasn’t as set in stone as he had initially thought. Though he had made it a habit to break through everything that was. How many could fight giant gods and win? And on more than one occasion at that?
“These cards may seem silly to you,” Amy continued, “but they have helped me through a lot of hard times.” She picked up her tea and took a sip. “Especially when I couldn’t count on anyone else before…” 
“What was that?” Sonic caught something Amy said under her breath. She blinked and quickly turned her head. 
“Oh, uh, nothing! Nothing at all!” She tried to make it sound casual, but it came out quick and panicky. 
“Ames…” He bent over, leaning his elbows on his thighs. He raised his eyebrow and gave her the look she would give him whenever she was annoyed. 
Amy just stared at her drink. There was a long silence. The only sound was the wind chimes outside. After what felt like an eternity, she finally spoke. 
“Let’s just say I don’t have the best relationship with my parents.” 
“Your parents?” All the time he knew her, Sonic never heard Amy mention anything about her family. He assumed she visited them whenever he hadn’t seen her for a while. Actually, he never even thought that. He never considered anything about her past. Boy, did that make him feel like a jerk. 
“I don’t want to talk about it, okay.” Amy put her cup down and crossed her arms. Not like she was mad, more like she felt vulnerable. This was not Sonic’s strong suit, but even he couldn’t ignore this matter. 
“Amy, you’re always trying to convince us to open up and talk about our feelings,” he reached out and placed a hand her shoulder. “You should be able to talk about yours.” 
The pink hedgehog rolled her eyes, letting out a small sad chuckle. “You’re really using my advice against me?” 
“If I have to.” 
There was no getting out of this. As much as Sonic disliked talking so opening about his deeper emotions, and would prefer not to dig too deep into others’, it felt like it needed to be done. 
Amy took a deep breath. “My parents were… are basically always busy. Not just focusing on their jobs, but every aspect of their lives. They put so much time and effort into everything they do… except me.” Her ears began to fall back a bit. “They weren’t even always home. Sometimes one was gone, sometimes both. There were times when I would days, or even weeks, without seeing them. And even then, they hardly spent any time with me.” 
This story was already starting to put a knot in Sonic’s stomach. You’d think parents would put their kids first. Amy picked up one card. It looked like it had some sort of knight on it. 
“These cards were one of the few things they gave me. I had to ask though, they thought card readings were stupid and unrealistic. But they’re how I got by. Something to do, and to look forward to. Back then, when I got this card… I had always wanted to see Little Planet. A rare phenomenon that only happens one month out of the year. Even though my parents weren’t home at the time, I ran off. To see my supposed ‘destined encounter.’ And sure enough…” 
“You ran into me,” Sonic finished the thought. “Though it was actually more like I ran into you.” He tried adding a little joke to lighten the mood. It seemed to work; Amy giggled a bit.
“By the time all that was over, I knew my parents had returned. I had to tell them everything.” Amy went quiet again. She lowered her head, balled her fists up. “But when I got back… they didn’t even notice I was gone!” 
Sonic’s mouth fell agape. Didn’t notice?! He tried to think of a logical reason. “Well, there was the whole mess with the Time Stones. Maybe--"
“It took me two days to get to Never Lake from my old house! Even with the stones, I was gone for almost a week! And they had been home for days! Even when I told them I was captured and threatened, they brushed it off! ‘You got back. That’s what counts.’ How could they not have been worried?!” 
At this point, Amy was crying. She hid her face in her hands, trying to control her sobs. “Parents are supposed to yell at you when you do something wrong! They’re supposed to shout and punish you! Tell you not to do stuff like that! That’s how they show they care, isn’t it?!” 
The more she cried, the more Sonic’s heart ached. Not just for her, but looking back. How often his own mother would scold him for doing things. How she spoke of acting out herself when she was young to get attention. Sonic had thought she was just trying to control everything at the time, but she wasn’t. She was just trying to protect him. If he had listened, if he had understood, then she, his siblings, everyone on Christmas Island. They’d still be here. 
Still, all this time, Sonic had no idea of the weight on Amy’s heart. Since she was so cheerful and outgoing, he figured she had a happy upbringing. 
“I couldn’t take it anymore. Eventually, I left that place. I had money, so I could rent out places, like my apartment in Station Square. If they weren’t going to be there for me, I would find my own way. My own adventures. I chose the path of the one who didn’t let me down.” 
“You mean me?” Sonic asked in a depressed tone.  
Amy nodded. “Sonic, you were the first person I met who was there for me. Even when you ran off, whenever I was in trouble, you always came to help me. You didn’t… you didn't abandon me.” 
Her voice was still shaky, but her crying was more controlled. Steeling herself from vulnerability. 
“Have you… spoken to them since?” Sonic was sure he knew the answer, but asked anyway. 
“I’ve… made attempts reach out. They haven’t. Honestly, it was probably a huge relief. I don’t think they wanted a child in the first place. I wasn’t worth their time.” 
“Don’t say that!” Sonic’s voice came out louder than expected. He almost slammed his fists on the couch, but he was mad. Amy looked quite surprised by this. The blue hedgehog lowered his tone as he continued. “Amy, you’re an amazing person. You’re kind, brave, thoughtful, and do what you can to help anyone who needs it. They should have realized they had the best daughter they could ever hope for. If they couldn’t see that, then they aren't worth your time.” 
Amy’s cheeks turned bright red. She tried to cover it while also wiping away any remaining tears. She looked up smiling. “Thanks, Sonic. That really means a lot.” 
Once again, Sonic put his hand on her shoulder. “I mean it. You’re one of my best friends, Amy, and my life is always exciting and unexpected when you’re around. Meeting you was one of the best things that ever happened to me. You, Tails, and even Knuckles.”  
Amy couldn't help but hug him. To finally unload all that baggage and to have some comfort. Sonic wrapped his free arm around her and patted her back. With that reassurance, the room became quiet again as they finished their snacks. The tension in the air began to settle and ease. It was now Sonic's turn to speak. 
“I’m sorry you had to go through all that. I can understand now why you always go out of your way to help people. You don’t want them to feel hurt like you were. If I had known… I would have given your 'so called parents' a piece of my mind.” 
Amy let out a small laugh. “It’s alright. I’ve put that behind me. Besides, if that didn’t happen, if I hadn’t taken that step, I probably wouldn’t have met so many wonderful friends.” 
Amy’s words suddenly hit Sonic harder than any of Eggman’s robots ever did. If that didn’t happen, I never would have met you guys. He thought hard. Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Shadow, and so many more. All these amazing friends, they wouldn’t be in his life if he hadn’t gone through with Pandora’s scheme. It was a bittersweet truth he never realized. On one hand, he would still have his family. On the other, he wouldn’t have the family he has now. 
Tails was mechanically gifted, like Manic. Knuckles was super strong and hardheaded, just like Sonia. And Amy, she had the same loving and overbearing heart that his mother had. In a way, it was like his previous family’s spirit found their way into his new one. A strange sensation filled Sonic’s heart. He could feel his eyes burning. He wasn’t sure if it was sadness or joy, or something in between. Just an emotion that took over his whole being.
“Thank you, Amy.” 
“For what?” She became confused by the look on Sonic’s face. She could sense something strange going on in his mind.  
“I’ll tell you about it another time.” Sonic pushed aside any form of confession. If he told her now, a flood of feelings he spent years burying would come pouring out. Instead, he changed the topic by picking up another card. “Why don’t you do one of your readings for me?” 
Amy gave him the side eye. “I thought these weren’t your thing.” She was sporting a smug grin of satisfaction. 
“You’ve convinced me. Maybe I’ll at least get a good laugh out of it.” Sonic was starting to feel more like his in control self. 
With that, Amy took the card he had, gather the others, and shuffled them together. She did so carefully, but also with a great deal of showmanship. Once she was done, she spread out the cards and gestured to Sonic. He picked three cards and gave them back. Amy flipped them over, inspecting them. Her expression started simple, then a little more serious, followed by wide eyed concern. 
“So… is it bad?” Something about the look on her face made Sonic a bit nervous. 
“It seems like you’ll be facing a great trial soon.” Her voice low and almost stoic. 
“Not like I haven’t done any of those recently.” The blue blur eased. This didn’t seem new. He loved challenges. 
“This is different,” Amy pressed. “It may be something about your past. Some sort of tragedy coming back with vengeance. Pushing you in a way you never have.” 
“Again, how did you get all that?” Even though Sonic played it cool, there was a small chill that ran down his spine. It seemed as of late he had been thinking about his past more often than he had in years. Was Amy somehow picking up on that? She did seem to have way of sensing things like that. But even so, that was all water under the bridge… poor choice of words.
“Aren’t you even the least bit worried as to what this means?” Now it was Amy’s turn to give that look Sonic gave her earlier. Despite the twinge in his heart, he showed no signs of it affecting him. 
“Whether it’s true or not, I’ll face it like I do with everything. Head on.” 
“What if it’s not something you can face head on?” The concern in her voice was clear. With all the dangers Sonic had been in lately, how close she had been to losing him, it’s no wonder.
Sonic gave her his trademark wink. “Then I at least know I've got a team to back me up. It’s nothing we can’t handle together.” 
Boy, how those words came back to bite him. He didn’t give too much thought into that reading. Now he was heading right into it. As Sonic stood between the wings of the Tornado for shelter against the pouring rain, so many thoughts raced through his head. His past truly was coming back to haunt him. 
The only thing that gave Sonic any comfort in the moment was that Tails, Knuckles and Amy were with him. Tails had just gotten the full story, but he hadn’t said anything to Knuckles and Amy. He knew he would have to tell them as well, but for now he just wanted to focus on the task at hand. Get the Chaos Emeralds and stop these… water wraiths. And prevent Eggman from making the same mistake Sonic did years ago. And hopefully, no definitely, not lose his new family doing so. 
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copperskeleton001 · 10 months
News Article Analysis (Q!Jaiden theory)
Since the News Article was posted, there has been a lot of speculation on the title of Q!Jaidens section. The “When I don’t remember you…” sentence could have been a direct reference to the Adventure Time song “Remember You.”.
A first look at it made many think that it was Q!Jaiden or Cucurucho saying this line, and it could be a link to the CaretakerJaiden theory or the Project BlueBird theory. I personally think it could be interpreted either way and it could help hint at the possible lore to come for Q!Jaiden.
 If we are taking the PBB theory route for this song, then the line “When I don’t remember you” could go for both Cucurucho and Jaiden, but more so for Cucurucho. Cucurucho was theorized to be rebooted and often times would lose their memories of events on numerous occasions. Knowing there are two Cucurchos, we could guess that the Cucurucho that is fond of Jaiden was reset whenever an imperfection would occur in order to avoid him becoming more like Osito Bimbo (the silly Cucurucho). I think that Osito Bimbo was a sort of failed Cucurucho that would only carry out minimal tasks as a test of their behavior. (Ex. BBH’s question.)
The line “forgive me for whatever I do... when I don’t remember you.” can be interpreted as Cucurcho's fear of hurting Jaiden due to the programming or orders given to him by the Federation. If we take into account Cucurchos’s words, “Years ago you helped us. Me.” We know that Jaiden had some part in helping Cucurucho, whether directly or indirectly. In the Federation's eyes, life is expandable and can be replaced or perfected. By meeting Jaiden, Cucurchos may have developed a better understanding of the importance of life. He developed emotions that the Federation had not warranted but allowed because they ended up making him “perfect”. If we read throughout the lyrics of Remember You in the mindset of Cucurucho saying this, things start to click a bit for the PBB theory. He was a caretaker/teacher and was scared to hurt the person who brought him happiness in the bleak walls of the Federation. 
If we read the title as a hint at the Caretaker Jaiden theory, then the roles would be reversed, but with a twist added in. 
In the CJ theory, Jaiden was the one who created the Cucurucho worker(s) and helped shape them into the perfect workers the Federation wants. A small thing I saw floating around was that in attempts to create more Cucurucho’s workers, the Federation created the code, then promptly neglected or lost it. It is an interesting thing to note. 
If we look at the title, “When I don’t remember you...” It is a bittersweet sentence that links to Jaiden's memory loss. She doesn’t remember working with or for the Federation at any time before the island. She also doesn’t remember creating the Cucurucho’s before the island either, yet she is still fond of both of them because they were the creations that she worked on. 
Then, if we look into Cucurucho's words, “Years ago you helped us. Me”. It could have a hidden meaning in that Cucurucho was finally perfected in some way by Jaiden. She could have helped him get better in the past, and that is why he didn’t turn out in a chair like Osito Bimbo. 
Final thoughts: 
Either way, this title could hint at any of the theories. It is assumed that Jaiden will help “correct” Osito Bimbo’s behavior or potentially (and this is a stretch) fix the code. She helped the Federation YEARS ago. And while the theory of time going quicker hangs around, I don’t think it applies in this case. The years ago implies that she was once a worker similar to Cucurcho or Walter Bob (if not higher up), and she did more than just tasks. She helped Cucurucho, but with what will be unclear until the next stream. 
With that said, let’s all add another day of people not realizing Jaiden is in the Federation building. ;-; (No, she was not kidnapped; she went willingly but also cautiously. I will take criticism on anything else I’ve said besides this lol) 
Anyway, thank you for reading!!
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mydarllinglover · 3 months
Stars Collided || Ten
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So many thoughts were whirring in Lovisa's head, not just about what she had witnessed Anakin do to those two men, but how Ahsoka had barely reacted.
She then thought’s about other times she had seen Ahsoka act differently, or so to speak, similar to Anakin, but also how she somehow always knew there was something going on, like she just sensed it, and she was very in tune with her intuition.
"Anakin, can I ask you something?" Lovisa decided she'd get to the bottom of it.
"Of course, what is it?" He asked, glancing at her.
You know how you just know things, as in, if somethings going on you can just sense it, or you can feel presence."
"Yes, with the force, that's what allows me to." He said, slowly, letting her continue her train of thought.
"Right, is there a chance that anyone could be like you, like a Jedi, but they're not one?"
"I guess, I wasn't discovered until I was nine, and that's considered a little too old, most younglings were found as new borns, or toddlers."
"So one could slip under the radar, but it's not common?" She continued with her questions.
"Yes, I suppose, why do you ask?"
"Ahsoka, tell me again how you knew we were leaving." She turned to face the girl. "Truthfully."
"I- uh, I don't know, I just- I am not sure how to explain it, it was like something in my head telling me to leave my room, that something was happening that I shouldn't miss, and this feeling came over me, it felt, familiar."
"And have you felt it before?" Lovisa urged her to go on.
"Yes, Its normally whenever we're apart, I know when you're near, before you appear."
"And those .. people, back there, you knew they were there, before we even saw them."
"Whats this got to do with anything, Love?" Ahsoka sighed.
"Christ, have mercy on me." Lovisa prayed to herself. "Nothing at all, Snips, it all means nothing."
"She thinks you're force sensitive, like me." Anakin stepped in, sensing the girls anger flaring.
"That's impossible." Ahsoka laughed.
"Well, I'm not turning the idea down." Anakin shrugged.
"What? As in you agree with her?"
"Yeah." He looked between the road, and her, "Can't know for sure, but it makes sense, and I can feel it."
"So you're not just agreeing, because you're hopelessly in love wit-"
"All I'm saying" He cut her off. "Is that, it's a theory I'm not rejecting, but I wouldn't be able to know for definite."
"This is so unfair!" Lovisa huffed, as she held Threepio to her chest. "Why do the both of you get this, and I have nothing. I'm just... normal."
"Lovisa, you're a princess, and the future queen of Naboo." Ahsoka reminded.
"oh, God, I forgot about that, I thought it was a terrible dream." She sighed. "...Sorry." Lovisa then sent Anakin a meek half smile. "But it's beside the point, I was just... I don't know, born into that status, but anything could've happened, and I'd just be... some peasant, a farmer, I could even be one of the people working in the palace, nothing about me is special but who my parents are, but you guys-"
"I'm not like him." Ahsoka interrupted. "Thankfully."
"You guys, are different, you're strong, and you have intuition, or whatever it is, I wish I was like that, wish I wasn't so useless to myself."
"You're not useless." Anakin told her.
"I've had people looking over and taking care of me, since before I could walk, I had a royal guard, who was supposed to follow my every move, my whole life, I can barely dress myself"
"You got dressed all by yourself, in this." Ahsoka touched the fabric of her dress.
"Thanks." She smiled, but it was forced.
"You're the only person who's ever bested me in a spar."
"What?" Lovisa scoffed, with a slight eye roll.
"I'm being serious." He pressed.
"Ani, we were ten, trust me, I am not gonna fight you now."
"But what if I want you to."
"I'd lose."
"I wouldn't let you."
"So you'd let me win?"
"That's not what I said."
They looked at each other, Lovisa bit her cheek, as the corner of her mouth lifted, as she stared into his eyes, that were on her, not bothering to look away or even blink.
"Ahem, hrrm." Ahsoka cleared her throat. "I'm still here, by the way."
Anakin shook his head, as he looked back at the road, before looking around the area.
"We're nearly there." He said, encouraging the horses to pick up the pace.
"I've never been this far away from the kingdom, before." Lovisa shared, giving him a small smile.
"You should feel glad about that, Princess, I fear that my home has nothing grand, to offer you." She could tell by his voice, that he was embarrassed of Tatooine, that he thought this place, and maybe himself, was beneath her, and she hated that he felt this way.
"It gave me you, I'm quite grateful for that." She stated.
Then she had thought about what she had said, and slightly shifted, so that she was facing Ahsoka, more than straight ahead, as she fought the urge to shiver away the embarrassment of speaking her thoughts.
"Way to play it cool." The girl teased.
"Shut up." She hissed.
Eventually, Anakin had stopped the carriage, when they had entered the busy town centre, tying up the horses to a post, before helping the two women out of the cart, he then took their satchels, to hold on each shoulder.
"Stay close, no running off, I gotta find someone." He told them, passing Artoo, to the princess, so that she was carrying both puppies in her arms.
"Yeah, yeah." Lovisa nodded, distractedly, as she looked around.
"Hey, no, promise me you won't leave my sight, this isn't the kingdom, alright." He pointed a finger at her, his gaze bored into her.
"I promise, Ani, I won't run off like an insolent child."
"You, too." He turned on Ahsoka.
"What, I'm innocent." She held up a hand, Seven in her other hand.
"Fine, fine, we won't sneak off." She rolled her eyes.
"Good. I still have the cuffs on me, don't make me use them." He turned on the princess, again.
"Are we allowed to look around the market? Or does Ser Anakin forbid it?" Lovisa asked.
"Yes, you can look around, just stay in this area." He circled around with his finger.
"Thank you." She reached up to kiss his cheek, before juggling the two puppies in one hand, and grabbing a hold of Ahsoka's arm, pulling her towards the various stalls, and people.
"Total buzzkill." Ahsoka rolled her eyes, as their arms linked at the elbow.
"He hasn't been here in a decade, give him a break, he might be nervous bringing us here."
"Oh, oh wow, this is a first." Ahsoka's eyes widened, as she looked at her friend.
"You, you're actually giving someone the benefit of the doubt, are you feeling okay, Lovey, feeling under the weather?" She raised the inside of her wrist to the princesses forehead.
"I'm completely fine, come off of it." Lovisa slapped Ahsoka's hand away. "Though, it is rather hot here, I'm saddened, that I forgot my fan."
"I didn't." Ahsoka reached into her satchel, handing the fan to the girl, and taking Anakin's puppy, to free up her arms a bit more.
"This is why I love you."
"Oh, how charming."
"Come, I wish to find something for our new comrades. So that they do not have to be carried around, everywhere."
"Excellent. Seven seems to not appreciate it much."
"Stop holding him high up, then."
"Well if he just did as I said, I wouldn't have to."
"He's a pup, he doesn't know any better."
"You're doing it again."
"Sorry." Lovisa sighed.
The two looked around the stalls, until eventually they had found what they were looking for.
"Hello, sir." Lovisa greeted the salesman, who's store appeared to be for domestic pets. "As you can see, we are with three dogs, and are hoping you can equip them properly." She smiled, politely.
"Yes, of course, I can help you, you'll be wanting these." He reached under his table, and pulled a box onto his stand. "Dog collars." He said, looking at the three, before rummaging through his collection, I make them all myself." He shared, then he set three out in front of them.
One was a red looking leather, with a clasp, the other was a shiny yellow metal, and the other was a plain denim looking one.
"Yes, these will be perfect." Lovisa grinned, as she picked up the yellow one, to put around Threepio, as he wiggled his head about, but eventually, she had managed it.
Ahsoka placed the red one around Sevens neck, and then Lovisa put the last one, the blue denim, on Artoo.
"You'll be wanting leashes to go with them." The salesman added, as he handed the girls three ropes, "And I made them special, see, they have hooks, so you can attach them straight to the collar, instead of messing about, tying and untying all the time. Handy, see?"
"Yes, that is genius." Lovisa agreed, as she clipped two of the ropes, to the two dogs, holding tightly to the other end, as they sniffed around the floor, investigating the place, for the first time.
"That'll be all?" The salesman asked.
"Yes, amazing, thank you, kindly." Lovisa grabbed out her pouch, as she handed over more than enough coins, dropping them into his expecting palm, and he was quick to count them.
Without mentioning the extra coins, he simply nodded at them, and hid the money away, and that was their cue to walk away.
The two girls, called at the three puppies, letting them know their names, but also steering them to follow, as they continued to look at what the different stalls were selling.
"A blacksmiths." Lovisa noticed, her voice came out in a gasp. "Come on."
"Why? Why do we need to go to that one?" Ahsoka asked.
"For you, silly." Lovisa smiled at her friend. "If you are to be a Jedi, then you shall require an weapon."
"Lovey, do not be ridiculous, I am not to be a Jedi." Ahsoka scoffed.
"Yes you are, I will personally see to it." Lovisa spared her a serious glare, as she continued to march towards the blacksmiths.
"Hello." She greeted the man, with a certain type of authority, in her tone, so that he would know she means business. "I see that you make weapons, and I am hoping that you would be able to find a weapon suitable for my friend, here, and I will pay generously."
"Fair enough." He nodded, taking a hard look at the girl, studying her. "You fight?"
"She will, though, she is about to begin training." Lovisa butted in.
"Interesting." The man rubbed his chin. "I have an idea." He held his palm up to the girls as he walked away, further into his space.
They stood there, as cluttering and clanging filled the air.
Then, he emerged once more.
"Here, these look like they could aid you." The man said, as he stood in front of Ahsoka, holding out two weapons in his hands.
Twin swords.
They were thin blades, and looked lightweight, which would come in handy for a girl of Ahsoka's size, instead of the type of sword Anakin and other Jedi carried around.
They were shiny, too, beautiful.
"Wow." Ahsoka let out a harsh sigh, as she stared at them, longingly.
"You'll need a sheath, to go with them." The blacksmith decided, as he turned back to his shop.
"Lovey, I can't accept this, this is just too kind." Ahsoka's brows furrowed, as she looked at the girl. "Your family have already and always done so much for me."
"Snips, you are like a sister to me, and I haven't done nearly enough, for what you have done for me, please, take this, because I will be purchasing it regardless. You are my best friend, and I do not wish for you to waste your life away, waiting on me, that is not what I want for us, I want you to stand beside me, not behind me, fixing my hair, or my dress." Lovisa told her. "No matter our paths, we shall always be equal with one another. I shall be queen, and you shall be a fierce Jedi Knight." She whispered the last sentence.
The two stared at each other, with so much love, before the Blacksmith interrupted, placing the two swords in the sheaths.
Lovisa handed the man plenty of coins, and the two bid him a good day, as they tugged their pets along.
They looked around, trying to spot Anakin, and eventually they saw him.
He had been talking to a short round man, with a large nose.
"Should we join him?" Lovisa asked, when he had looked over, to nod at the two girls.
"No, he's found out what he needs to." Ahsoka replied, and she had been right.
Anakin eventually left the little man, and marched towards them.
"I found out where she is." He greeted. "What did you do to Artoo?"
"We dressed them." Lovisa smiled, as she handed Anakin's puppy's rope, to him.
"Who were you talking to?" Ahsoka investigated.
"Waddo my old... master." He adverted his eyes from Lovisa, as he quickly turned around, heading back for the carriage.
Lovisa and Ahsoka shared a look, before following behind.
He had said Master, Lovisa was sure that she definitely did not hear him wrong, but what would he mean, Obi-Wan was his master, and that man looked like no Jedi.
"Ani-" Lovisa started.
"Uhm, I found out that she got married, she made it out, so that's good, but it's a little far from here." He shared, quick to avoid whatever Lovisa had to say.
"Yes, that's good, so she should be okay, maybe she's happy." Lovisa told him, as she grabbed for his hand, intertwining their fingers. "Have faith, Anakin."
He looked at her, carefully, before nodding slightly, wanting to believe what she was telling him.
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mixelation · 10 months
I’ve been wondering. What is actually keeping the akatsuki members stay in the akatsuki and not just defecting? For kisame and itachi it makes sense, but with people like sasori and kakuzu, who you can assume have been missing nin for a long time, why don’t they just up and leave? What’s making them stay on and work with the circus that the akatsuki is and listen to pein?
I think this question is one that Akatsuki fans largely actively avoid delving into, because it's very frustrating to answer. Like I'm not even 100% sure why Deidara can't just leave whenever he wants if he hates it so much. I mean, yes, in theory he could end up with a bunch of very dangerous people hunting him down.... but also the in-canon reason we seem to get is "he's bound by high school rules of combat bc Itachi was mean to him." So I think there must be parts that Deidara does enjoy, because he sticks around even after it gets both his arms blown off and the one other artist ninja dies and they give him an annoying idiot to work with.
If you want something vaguely canon, there's this video which goes into how different members were recruited. It is actually, as far as I can tell, a bunch of cut-scenes from a video game, so it is what i would call "canon only if you like it." But it's animated well and some of the characters do state reasons for why they go with Akatsuki. I'm not going to rewatch it right this second, but for example, I think Sasori says something like he wants to meet interesting people and see if he can find new art. (He finds Deidara. YOU'RE WELCOME.) Just keep in mind that because it's video game cut scenes, every encounter is set up to be the lead-up to a fight, and then there's a fade to black for the actual fight because that's the part where you're supposed to be playing the game.
For me I think there's multiple reasons, and different characters are going to weigh them different in their motivations:
It's basically a missing-nin union. It's a shit show and Kakuzu might kill you at any given moment, but there's steady work and theoretically protections from hunter-nin, and also even if your coworkers are assholes, you can call in their expertise. I think this was part of the pitch to Hidan in the video game movie: yeah he's immortal, but that doesn't mean he's immune to being imprisoned or sealed away or blown up and buried in a hole. Even immortal dudes benefit from having a partner.
Opportunities to do interesting things. I think several characters felt their talents were under-appreciated in their hometowns, but Akatsuki encourages people to be the best horrible monsters they can be. Oh, you want to blow up a castle? We have three jobs for that, AND you'll get a paycheck out of it. Also: even missing-nin need a sense of fulfillment. Like Kakuzu has gotten along fine by himself for decades, but I bet he secretly finds managing Akatsuki's finances to be satisfying.
Meet interesting people! You're immortal? So are THREE OTHER PEOPLE HERE-- Oh, you're into art? Guess who we just recruited--
All of these characters grew up in ninja villages, so I think they at least subconsciously perceive this sort of vaguely structured mission-system as how work is supposed to be done. And I think this cultural aspect of it means that they're predisposed to at least kinda sorta agree to some baseline rules, because that's just what you do. So, in my personal take on Deidara, I think he hated the structure and rigid rules of Iwa, but he's not against getting paid to blow shit up, and Akatsuki is a lot more loose with mission parameters so his art isn't completely stifled. He likes having cash to buy art supplies and hot meals, yeah. On the flip side I think Sasori liked having a lot of rules and structure; he just didn't like when the rules restricted his art, or when social rules meant he was "going against human decency even for a ninja" smh. So I think he'd actually be pretty willing to compromise certain things for the sake of buying into the ninja union, as long as he could still be churning out art.
One thing I think would be interesting to explore is what the consequences of Orochimaru defecting are. Because it seems like there never were any consequences for him, but no one looked at his example and went, "Oh, so I can just leave at any time." Maybe instead it had a unifying force, like EVERYONE is pissed they can't hunt him down and skin him alive. Deidara is like "oh, he just.... lost a fight to Itachi and left....?" and Sasori is like, "Yes, and now if any one of us multiple S-rank threats find him, it's on sight." And Deidara is like: "Well, only a COWARD would flee like that anyway, yeah."
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marshallpupfan · 5 months
Going Back to my Rubble & Crew Theory...
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Back in December of 2022, I wrote up a theory based on how Rubble's backstory might link up with his yet-to-air-at-the-time spinoff, "Rubble & Crew". If you like, you can click here and check it out. If not, here's a recap of what I said.
Rubble's family had a big, big job. They were incredibly distracted and inadvertently became neglectful of their youngest, Rubble.
Due to his age, Rubble wasn't allowed to help. He didn't get why everyone was gone so often, thought no one loved him anymore, believed himself to be on his own, and ran away.
Months pass. His family can't find him and later accept he might be gone for good... but deep down, they never gave up hope.
Rubble encounters Chase, Marshall and Ryder. Rubble impresses Ryder during a mission and later joins the PAW Patrol.
A year later, Rubble's made a name for himself in Adventure Bay, but nobody thinks to look for him in such a small town.
The events of the first theatrical film happen. After being involved in a big rescue in a big city, Rubble & the other pups end up on the news and are regarded as heroes. This news broadcast is seen all over the country.
Rubble's family sees this broadcasts and finally discover their little Rubble's alive, well, and has grown to become an experienced construction pup.
They quickly head to Adventure Bay to meet up with Rubble. Many hugs and tears soon follow.
The family apologizes for neglecting him, but Rubble also apologizes to them, realizing now the burden they had and why they were gone so much.
The family wants him to come back with them, but Rubble says he has a new family now and they all love him, thus he doesn't know what to do.
Conveniently, they have a new job in an upcoming town called "Builder Cove", which just-so-happens to neighbor Adventure Bay. He doesn't have to pick which family to stay with now!
Keep in mind, I wrote this before knowing that much about Rubble & Crew or even how things might continue in the next theatrical film, "The Mighty Movie". All any of us knew was A) Rubble now has a big family, and B) "Builder Cove" is new and will neighbor Adventure Bay. I took a pure guess based on these two details.
I thought it'd be fun to go back and see just how the spinoff connected with Rubble's backstory, as well as just how much of it I got right! Here's a list of what they did...
Rubble suddenly has a big family because Spin Master said so.
All that stuff about Rubble being alone and not having a family? Well, never mind that.
Look, just pretend "Pups Get a Rubble" doesn't exist, even though it still airs on TV and can be found on Paramount+.
And there you go! I was....... 0% correct! :D
...no, really. I'm not trying to be cynical. That's honestly it.
While I haven't seen much of Rubble & Crew (I've seen exactly two episodes, and only because Marshall and Chase were in them), I have heard others talk about them. And yeah, going by what they've said, they really did just flat-out ignore Rubble's backstory. Out of lazy convenience, I imagine. That's a shame, if you ask me. To think, I put in way more effort than anyone at Spin Master.
Viewers, and that includes older fans, love these characters. You want them to have some meaning behind them, and backstories often accomplish this. However, they lose that meaning when the very studios behind their creation disregards these details whenever they feel like it. You all know I'd love to learn about Marshall's history, but I want it to matter and not just be something that pops up for a single plot of a movie, never to be references again... or simply tossed aside when it becomes inconvenient to a writer. I feel like these characters deserve better than that.
Well, what can I say? Hey, that Rubble & Crew episode involving Marshall was pretty cool. Wait, what does this have to do with this post? I don't know... but have a cute pic from that episode, anyway.
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raygirlramblings · 6 months
The fact we still don't know HOW Eden got a new Rayman to be their spokesperson after the real one rightfully called out racism on live broadcast is pretty nerve wracking. We know Rayman's the last of his kind thanks to the Rabbids (heh, meta commentary) so WHERE did they get this one?? Is he a clone? Some kind of advanced robot? And if he's either of those two then what does that mean for the resources Eden has and is fully capable of???
Well that's just it! we have so many QUESTIONS. Like...this hyper capitalistic corporation has it's hand in universal finances, media control, medical experimentation and the military AND the scientific resources to create a gun that can open portals into other dimensions? They literally have a Power Rangers team and a GUNDAM as part of their defence force. It's bananas the power and reach of Eden, and yet there is also a level of flimsiness to them where their whole board of directors can be taken out by one gun wielding madman.
Considering the medical/tech advances they have to produce Dolph's cybernetic enhancements it's not out of the realms of possibility that they would have cloning or advanced cyborg capabilities.
...though this does bring up a theory I have had about S2....which I'll put below the cut ;)
With Dolph dying at the end of S1 and ending up in some kind of cyber network space with Sam Fisher the question of how they're going to bring back the lead for a second series is an important one.
Either you can follow the theory that Eden and everyone in it is part of a simulation, Matrix style, and Dolph dying in Eden isn't actually real so it's easy to just pop him back into the world like in a video game.
Eden has cloning technology and they have a clone of Dolph just waiting in storage.
This would explain the Rayman clone. Eden developed the means of cloning certain important or vital people to keep them safe, and when a person dies the new clone is brought in, implanted with a backup of memories (OR fabricated memories as Eden sees fit!) and sent back out to carry on in the world.
Dolph used to be a highly celebrated and respected member of Eden's military. A marvel of science and biology and a formidable soldier. It would be logical for Eden to keep a clone of him handy just in case he died in conflict. Just like Rayman they could use his prestige as a propaganda tool.
'But Raye! If they had a clone of him why didn't they bring it out to use when Dolph went rogue?'
Because Eden wanted to subdue Dolph first. They couldn't just roll out a clone with the real Dolph running around committing crimes with Alex Taylor. Far better to detain him, kill him, and then roll out the clone with a 'look we fixed him he's good now!' narrative.
They didn't have to do this with Rayman because they believed he was too weak and powerless to do anything, and they needed him immediately to maintain his TV appearances and public image. They could just send Red to get rid of the original whenever (lolololol).
SO my theory is once Dolph went rogue Eden started preparing his clone for a time when they could catch the real one and then take him out. But Sarah Fisher got in the way and snapped up OG Dolph as her personal plaything for the Ghosts, and because of her influence on the board they let her do it. So his clone is just chilling in storage at the moment.
With Dolph seemingly dying in the wasteland fighting Red it's the perfect time for Eden to re-introduce the clone to the city, but my guess is that Sam is going to use his hacking powers to basically shove original Dolph's consciousness back into the clone body (don't ask me how, just say VR did it XD).
Eden is going to end up with what they think is a perfectly reformed and clean Dolph, all the while his original memories and consciousness are riding piggyback in the clone brain waiting for a chance to fight back. Or waiting for a trigger* which will override the clone's mind with original Dolph's (*BULLFROG I MEAN BULLFROG).
That's my theory :3
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fruitytiff · 18 days
Ok ok, lemme explain what I meant. A few weeks ago, me and @noddynods made a joke about how Dreambert was secretly fanboying over Antasma because his the only person to actually title him king, like in the games, Antasma never referred himself to king. He did say he wanted to be king, but wanting to and already being one is completely different. Now recently, my Exam-illed mind wandered back to that random ass convo because I was so sick of studying and actually began to dwell on that. What if...the Antasma we see in the game...is only half of what he actually is. Lemme explain some more, Antasma, as portrayed in the game, isn't exactly a bright cookie (Dawg got betrayed by BOWSER of all people). He isn't stupid either but his farrr from intelligent, in fact his very emotional in all sense, he often screeches loudly whenever he gets angry, happy, or sad???? And just generally expresses his feelings openly a lot. Now what do I meant by this? I meant that this verison of Antasma...might be his right brain. I theorize that the Antasma we see isn't actually who he really is, its only half of him. Ok now this is a little bit headcannon-y but hey, what the fuck, lets go. I need a explanation, a theory, so here we go.
You know how in the Dream World, theres Dream's Deep. Like a really deep pit of where the..un...deepest consciousness resides, like thoughts or some shit. I dunno, that's what I think anyways. We also do see that there's a Nightmare World, now, we don't know if the Nightmare World is a completely different realm then the Dream World or just a extension of itself, but assuming that the Nightmare World is a different realm that only produces nightmares, we can assume that the Nightmare World also has it's own Dreams Deep. Now we don't know what Nightmare World's own version of Dream's Deep is called, or even if it exists at all depending if the Nightmare World is a extension of the Dream World and not it's own thing. But if it is. I would like to guess that Antasma's other half, his Left Brain was trapped in there. His intelligence, his cold cunning calculated side was locked away in a even more deadly and dark prison. Which makes sense, high intelligence has the risk to yield incredibly dangerous people. Especially when given to one without any moral standards. Now why did I specify Antasma's Right Brain being more emotional and creative while his Left is more intelligent and cold? Because science lmao, it had been recorded that people who are more in the creative fields has a more responsive right hemisphere compared to the people in the analytical fields. Now obviously this has been debunked as it shows creative people also using the left hemisphere of our brain to do creative stuff, but our right hemisphere still "drives the wheel."
So I'm not exactly being completely scientifically right right, but its a generalization of how the human brain works. And why I think this is applicable to Antasma. I mean, just look at the current in game Antasma, he does prove to have skills in planning even though I had said that his not as smart cuz his the right brain and all. So it doesn't disprove my theory. Now...lets think, assuming that the Nightmare World is it's own realm. what would it's own version of Dream's Deep be? I think....It's a completely opposite to the Dream's Deep in the Dream World.
A World of WHITE
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This image of 7-1 from Ultrakill was just a concept or idea of what the Nightmare World's Dream's Deep looks like. And trust me, I have a good reason to think why the Nightmare World's Dream's Deep would look like this. There is a well known psychological torture method called The White Room. Where the victim is dressed from head to toe in white clothing and forced into a bright spotless white room that is constantly blowing cold air, illuminated by blinding white lights, and forced to eat white rice and drink milk for as long as they would stay there. The room is also outfitted to be completely quiet too, which would leave you in isolation along with intense sensory depravation. Victims who are reported to be tortured with this method become depersonalized by losing personal identity and suffers from hallucinations or psychosis. The torture basically turned your brain against you.
And it's one of the worst things for a human being to experience, no matter who they are.
And this...is the perfect set up for the Nightmare World to create, a suffering of your own mind, the brightest torture method to exist. And this place would also be where Antasma's Left Brain is trapped in, desperately trying to find a way out of this place that he had been stuck in for the past 1000 years. Now why do I think that Antasma has a split brain personality? Mainly because of the Pi'illo's vagueness, even though they said that they don't know where he came from...how did they know his a Dreamy Bat in the first place? Like, Antasma could've previously been something that's probably not a Dreamy Bat, maybe a different species of bat all together. So why do they know what he was before? My guess? They're LYING Why did Dreambert refer Antasma as King even though he had literally never called himself that, why did the Pi'illos' all insist that his a Dreamy Bat even though they clearly stated they don't know where he came from??? Questions QUESTIONS!!!!! Why does Antasma holds a grudge against the Pi'illos? At first it could be assumed that its because they trapped him for a thousand years, but the way on how fiercely he fought Dreambert suggests that his rivalry with him lasted WAYYY longer than just him eating nightmares and being evil.
Maybe...It's because the Pi'illos' was the ones that screwed him over in the first place...
Remember when I said that I was confused on why Dreambert calls Antasma a king when he himself doesn't call himself one? Yeah...that...
Perhaps...Antasma was actually a king before, a King of the Nightmare World. Maybe he was actually a Dreamy Bat turned Nightmare....but he only resided within the Nightmare World. Cuz like, how tf was there only one species of him when bats are known to have a habit of pooping out babies faster then you could say: Ey patoto tser matata. On puenes corron brangar coram brangan yaay geigoronama todoro nomonam sugoro bravo and congregay. Postono tunitena tuna na sena tona gamama brrrr senanana seradenanana raba tane e. Ano no no no see vetera el borocone teno done de. Atono coro todei trae bosto arapa to to de seca dota. Deya toma todo ropo tuno ge arapa to. Arapada ohto otro es ey su otro apada veh ito. Amos traedo roho serapade toro o or na paed poro. Amarato toro sorei baro. (Luigi's Italian gibberish) Which is where this theory that I had comes into play, Antasma most likely devoured other wannabe species of himself before he began building his kingdom in the Nightmare World. Which suggests that Antasma probably only resided and existed in the Nightmare World, until the Pi'illos' came around and found out.
There's a very high chance that the Pi'illos grew fearful of the kingdom that Antasma build, so they most likely infiltrated his kingdom through various diplomatic means, (his kingdom was probably very powerful). And attempt to kill him from the inside because of the power he has.
Now obviously this did not work and only succeeded in splitting his brain/body apart. Which explains why Antasma does not wear a crown in game, it most likely got split in half from the attack or completely destroyed.
This most likely lead to a series of disarray in his kingdom, resulting it being torn down by the panic masses and the Pi'illos. Obviously, the more emotionally and feared driven side of him immediately went into revenge mode. Leaving his weakened intelligence side to be captured and trapped into the Nightmare World's Dream's Deep.
The emotional side probably stole the Dark Stone and shattered it like how Dreambert said he did, but out of revenge for his fallen kingdom, and for the Pi'illos' betrayal.
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katiesautisms · 8 months
Apologies to everyone who reads my posts, but the hyperfixation demands this.
Soo, Minecraft lore, if youre close to me then you know that I have been theorizing about Minecraft lore for a good while. So, here is one of the first theories ive came up with that I really like:
Heat has magical properties
Now, what do I mean by this? Well, ive noticed that in minecraft, things relating to magic (like potions, xp, etc.) can be the result of a huge ammount or sudden burst of heat!
Lets start with some small peices of evidence first: furnaces (and smokers [and blast furnaces])
To explain furnaces, I need to beifly go over xp. Xp is a PHYSICAL thing in the minecraft world, it is NOT just a gameplay mechanic. This is proven by xp bottles and how the Illagers have xp bottles in outposts (the reason for that, plus illagers in general, have to be discussed for another day, but I have the feeling that they are extremley important)
Now, furnaces, what the FUCK do they have to do with magic? Well I'll tell you!
In minecraft, you need to smelt raw ores for them to be useful, doing this grants you xp. The thing I want to direct your attention too is how ONLY ores (aka raw ores I guess, you get it) give off xp when smelted. In real life, it takes ALOT of heat to melt minerals. Possibly so much heat that the magic manifests into xp?
I do think its important to keep track of where you get xp from, since it is confirmed to be a physical item
Anyways, peace of evidence #2: more ore stuff
Coal, Redstone, Diamonds, Emeralds, Lapis, Quartz, and nether gold ore, they all drop xp.
Xp = magic = heat
All of these real life ores are made with heat or can conduct heat in real life, meaning that it makes sense that they give off xp. Redstone also conducts electricity, which gives off heat obviously, so it makes sense that theyd give off xp too
And as for nether ores, theyre in the *nether*, ofcourse theyre gonna give off heat
Admittedly im not too sure if ancient debris gives off heat, whenever I find some im too excited to mine it that I dont notice if they do or not lol
But anyways, on to #3: Lightning
Lightning in minecraft is really weird. It can convert, and even CREATE mobs that it strikes. Villagers turn into witches, pigs turn into zombified piglins, mooshrooms turn a different color, and it charges creepers (admittedly the less important attribute here)
Let me spell it out here
Witches use potions, potions rely on magic
Pigs become more sentient, smarter, and they give off, get this, MORE xp when they drop
Not sure why it converts mooshrooms though, mushrooms in general are their own can of worms
Now, for my final peice of evidence: PORTALS
The nether portal, the end portal, and that structure in the ancient city that was a portal until it wasnt, they all seem to require heat to power up for atleast ONE ingredient
Nether portals are obvious
End portals were built above lava by the Ancient Builders, ofc you dont need lava to activate it but that could either just be game mechanics throwing us a bone, or the ancient builders assumed that theyd need heat to activate the portal cus, yknow, heat = magic
And that huge part of the ancient city had soul fire beneth it. I know it isn't a portal anymore, but it definitely was at some point, hence the design implementation
One thing that could disprove this is that getting rid of fire or mining things like netherrack dont give xp, but its possible that those just arent hot enough for xp to form
Anyways, thats all I have for now in terms of Minecraft lore. @bulbasauryeee likley has more details I didnt talk about since we both theorize about the game's lore together :]
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descendant-of-truth · 2 months
So I was thinking about what Klug could realistically know about the book demon and its connection to Sig, given that it's so rarely elaborated on, and my conclusion is: more than he wants you to think he does.
Exhibit A: the ending of Fever 2
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The first thing that needs to be addressed is the fact that Klug is Right There while Ayashii is monologuing. I guess we don't really know what it's like to be trapped in a book, so there's nothing to suggest either way if he can hear anything... but we do see him look at stuff. Even if he can't hear, he can definitely see, so I think it's reasonable to assume that he'd notice a shift in Aya's demeanor when it sees Sig.
And if he wasn't looking at Aya, then surely he noticed that Sig's hand started glowing and his other eye turned red, right? Hopefully? If he wasn't too busy wallowing in despair, I suppose. Oh, the limits of character portrait-based cutscenes...
He doesn't seem to forget that the possession happened, though. When he's returned to normal, he's not confused about what's going on, he just tries to save face by saying it was all totally according to plan. And while he never brings it up again, I don't think it's ever been strongly implied that he forgot about it - if he did, one would assume that it'd be mentioned in his new Puzzle Pop bio, since it already references the event directly.
So, he likely remembers this, and if he was being observant enough, he could've at least noticed something was up with either Sig or Aya - maybe even both of them.
Exhibit B: Sig's story in 20th Anniversary
So, this part of the theory relies a lot on Klug's line delivery, so I'll include a link to the scene I'm going over. (It's got the timestamp ingrained in the link, but just in case, it starts at 12:49)
Structurally, this scene is... kind of odd, if you take Klug at face value? He's quick to ramble about everything he knows regarding Sig's arm when prompted, no arguments involved, but then he just. says that he doesn't know what any of it means, and demands a Puyo Battle as compensation for wasting his time.
Like. ???
You mean to tell me that Klug, the guy who's obsessed with gathering knowledge, who prides himself on being the know-it-all who can answer any question thrown at him, would be satisfied with saying he doesn't know something? Yeah, I don't buy it.
Let's go over what he says in more detail, and pay special attention to those line deliveries.
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Klug speaks very softly during this whole section, as though he's lost in thought. I want to draw special attention to the line, "in comparison to the book I have here..." It's subtle, but his voice actually wavers a little bit on the last syllable. And he all but whispers the last half of "It's as if it's identical in nature," as if he's talking more to himself than Sig at this point.
He keeps up this vaguely ominous, deep-in-thought tone for the rest of his dialogue, until something very interesting happens.
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As he's going on about the Weird Vibes he gets whenever he's around Sig, he seems like he's about to go into more detail... and then Sig makes an innocuous "huh" sound.
Which is exactly when Klug pivots to sharply saying that he has no idea what they are. He doesn't sound irritated or panicked, just... I dunno, comfortably back in his usual, uppity tone.
Amitie proceeds to theorize that the blue thing that sometimes comes out of Sig's back may have a connection with the red thing in Klug's book, and what do you know, Klug actually stutters when he denies the possibility.
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Awfully bold of Klug to say that there's no way the two things could be connected after he just said that Sig's arm and his book feel like they have the same power, by the way.
This whole exchange reads to me like Klug got carried away with the topic of Sig's arm, and ended up saying a lot more than he planned to. He only snapped out of it when Sig's voice alerted him to what he was doing, and then he started hastily covering up his tracks. He had to dismiss Amitie's theory, not because he genuinely thinks she's wrong, but because he knows she's right.
And for some reason, he can't let them know that.
So I gotta ask. Why? What's he trying to accomplish by covering up what he knows? He likely doesn't even know the full story, so what does he think will happen if other people find out?
Maybe he just doesn't want anyone else learning about the book before he can make its power his own. He is rather possessive of it, continuously renewing it from the library with no intention of ever giving it back. Even with his tendency to blab, I could see him wanting to keep something like this a secret. Not just for the eventual power, but as a special something he knows that nobody else does - anything to boost that sense of superiority, even at risk to himself.
...And maybe, in the depths of his tsundere heart, he's trying to protect Sig a little bit, too. He knows that the demon is dangerous, and probably doesn't want to find out what would happen if Sig started pursuing it for answers. Plus, if he did notice Aya gunning for him back in Fever 2, then all the more reason to be wary.
(I'd still posit the idea of him trying protect himself as his primary motivation, and the only one he'd ever acknowledge, but I'm taking my "Klug cares about his friends" crumbs wherever I can, okay)
Of course, if his ears were working in spirit form, then that suggests he knows way more than I've been assuming, but. I'm not sure his behavior really matches up with that idea? He sounds like he's genuinely speculating about Sig and the book here, which would be a little weird if he heard it point and shout "AYO THAT'S MY DESCENDANT AND/OR TRUE FORM. GIMME"
...not that Sig himself seemed to hear that either, but that's besides the point
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