#I mean they mightve never dated
mintaikk · 1 year
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thecosmosdefys · 1 year
hi how u doin?♥ would u do general relationship hcs for ghost and könig pls?? :)<3
What dating Ghost & König would be like
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Pairings: Ghost x GN ! Reader, König x GN ! Reader
Warnings: Violence, Cussing, Death
Synopsis: Just headcanons of how I would think Ghost or König would be in a relationship!
Author's Note: HIIII! Im doing good thank you so much for asking! Also I wasnt sure if you meant like? Ghost x König or like X reader headcanons so I went with what I thought you mightve meant? If this isn't what you wanted don't be afraid to put in another ask for my inbox!!! Also just want to note how excited I get when someone puts an ask in my inbox- I get so excited- It literally makes my day! Love you guys <333
Dating Ghost
I feel like if you dated ghost, at first he would seem a little cold around you? Like he wouldn't know what to do with emotional or physical intimacy. He doesn't give you the cold shoulder but he is so awkward at it at first.
Don't expect him to say I love you first, or even realises he loves you? Like before you guys start dating he is always around you, and picking to go on missions with you if your apart of the 114, but he doesn't seem to realize even though everyone around him does.
Once he starts getting comfortable with the relationship, he is like showing you off to everyone. You're like his prized trophy and he could not be happier. Like he's telling everyone all the time about you, and even your little accomplishments, god he loves you so much!
He will do things he doesn't want to do, if it means he gets to see a smile on your face? Like he hates christmas parties, but if you find yourself wanting to host one? He's already making a list of who's invited and what you might need. (He may even wear one of those ugly christmas sweaters for you but don't count on it.)
Physical intimacy? To him thats just even holding hands and it takes months for him to open up to you like that. But after he opens up, god hes all over you. In the mornings he's hugging you from behind. Never stops kissing you in public. He is disguting with his PDA, hes all over you all the time, and sometimes its cute and then other times your like "Simonnn stoppp" and he will... for 3 minuites-
He is so domestic when he is at home. If you need anything he is absolutely helping you. He will be your little apprentice when your cooking and everything. Sinks broken? He's fixing it. You are missing an ingredient for your food or baking stuff? He's on his way to the store to get it for you. You haven't been able to clean up the house? He's on his hands and knees scrubbing.
If you have a mental illness? He's helping in anyway he can. Even when he's away hes making sure your taking medicine if you're taking it, or reminding you about your therapist appointments. He is all over helping and doing his best to help make life easier for you even if just by a little bit.
Dating König
Literally what the fuck. He is the biggest god damn teddy bear you have ever seen. Out in public he is brooding and angry looking, but in private? He's on his knees doing anything you want him to do.
He is the biggest fan of soft touches. If you're out in public at the grocery store he's 100% rubbing his thumb over your knuckles, or just being sweet. He might brush your hair out of your face if it's in it or hindering your sight.
He will do your little routines and when I tell you it is hilarious to see this big beefy man, with a pink glittery face mask on his face, man its hilarious. When he's home he's doing your little haircare and facial care routines with you. He's oiling his hair, or putting face masks on, maybe even little cucumbers on his eyes. (of course you're taking pictures for blackmail.)
He remembers the little things about you. Sometimes when he comes back from missions he will have picked up something, or bought something that reminds him of you, or something you like. You had mentioned to him that you love forget-me-nots and you came home one day noy realizing he was home, and there was a bunch of pressed, perserved, forget-me-nots in a frame. (He ended up hugging you from behind and almost scaring you into dropping it a few seconds later but that's irrelevant)
He may not be super public about your relationship with him, but it is pretty obvious. When your out in public, he's behind you scaring the shit out of anyone who may bother you. You're his and he wants everyone to know that. Maybe you hang out with the crew one day and he has his arms slung around you, or wrapped around you in some way that screams "This is mine".
He may not actively always do things in the house, but he hovers around. He also loves to leave little things so that when he is gone you remember things that are important for you to do, he knows you have a bit of a bad memory.
Just like ghost, if you have a mental illness he is all for supporting and helping you. If you need someone to talk to he is holding you in his arms as you talk to him. He even makes sure your meds are always accessable to you, and helps in any way he can.
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jemmo · 2 months
his man 3 ep 9 + 10
consider me gagged. literally gagged. i tried so hard to avoid spoilers all day and im so glad i did bc wow ep 10 alone had changed so much for me. like i had to grab my laptop to write this so i could type fast enough to keep up with my thoughts. anyway.
and let me start off with what im a little less invested in, which is the youngjoon and myeongkyun situation. i was busy on holidays for a couple of weeks when this was picking up so didn't write about my thoughts, but it was safe to say i was more on youngjoon's side, not a staunch hater of myeongkyun but bc i liked youngjoon a lot at the start and also feel for the frustration of someone giving vague answers when you're trying to talk something else bc man ive been there. but with this conversation, it puts myeongkyun's behaviour in such a different light thats easier for me to understand and empathise with. like... if you were invested in a relationship that ended vaguely but you always kept some amount of hope alive all this time, only to be met with percieved coldness and harshness when you see that person again, i see why you'd tense up, which explains why he always seemed somewhat uncomfortable in the house. and i also understand why he seemed to 'pester' youngjoon, bc he's either conciously or uncounciously defaulting back to the dynamic and level of friendliness they had before. for youngjoon, he easily ended a relationship he thought neither party was too interested in, only to still be contacted by that person and then have that person pester you in the house. like that seems like someone who is trying to get at an ex. for myeongkyun, this is all a much longer process of him coming to terms with the fact that yes, he was more invested in this relationship and yes, he maintained some level of feelings and hope they'd come back together, and seeing him having to face the fact that he was the only one thinking that and whatever he was holding on to never mattered... ngl i cried a bit. the fact is him and youngjoon just are different when it comes to dating, youngjoon is very hot from the go, but if he feels nothing in return he backs off with nothing lost, whereas myeongkyun takes a lot longer to develop, realise and then admit his feelings, and so you can easily see how these two people would misunderstand each other. and i also wanna say how interesting i find myeongkyun's presentation and journey on the show. he came in with this big impact both bc of him being presented as this handsome and confident guy and bc he had a history with youngjoon. together, its easy to jump to the conclusion that myeongkyun was the one who did something to youngjoon or was in the wrong, when that wasn't actually the case at all. it also makes me wonder what kind of myeongkyun we wouldve gotten if youngjoon wasnt also there. would we have gotten this confident hottie? bc i think, bc youngjoon was there and all of this history was brought up (history of a first relationship by the way!! no wonder it got to him so much), making him face it revealed a much softer and more sensitive side of him that mightve taken longer had this not all happened, which in a twisted way im glad of bc it means he can now get closer with other people, and im interested to see how he will shift now, if we'll be able to see this goofy side of him but a lot more carefree. anyway, all of this is to say i ended up liking myeongkyun more than i thought bc suprise suprise, people are a lot more complicated than they first appear. and honestly... i might like him more than youngjoon now, but dont tell me from 3 weeks ago that.
and now to the juicier stuff. this whole love triangle that is apparently turning square. i really dont know how to put my thoughts into words bc im somehow both sad and happy?? i guess i wanna say there's people im happy for and people im sad for. first of all im sad for hwi, but also really glad this conversation at the end of ep 10 was had. we've seen too many examples on this show of people not knowing how to give up on pursuing people, and even more examples of people that are poor at communicating where their interest lies and letting people down when its needed, so this made me happy. after how overwhelmed he was in earlier eps, im glad seongmin is feeling some clarity, even if i disagree but we'll get to that and i guess its his feelings that matter, and im glad he communicated clearly where he's at. but man did my heart break for hwi during that chat. there's that youthful passion and naivety to his feelings for seongmin that just feels horrid and cruel to squash, but also necessary, and i will very much second seongmin and seungjin's sentiment that he can date other people and should know that seongmin is not the only person in the world for him. in this season, it seems people have so quickly and easily found their one person they want to commit to and easily formed couples, but that doesnt mean they're right, nor does it mean that's the only person for them, and the show seems to be encouraging them away from this too. hwi was just so enamoured by seongmin, it feels like he found someone that he thought was absolutely perfect, and so letting go of that feels impossible. but for me too, i did love them together, it was so sweet and cute at the start, but things can and do change and when they do, we all need to realise it doesn't lessen anything that happened. for those couple of days, everything they felt was genuine and they were happy and that can still be remembered fondly while mourning the fact that you won't have that same happiness with that person again.
and i also wanna say im kind of sad for jaeseung. i said just that i was happy about this clarity seongmin has now, but for jaeseung, i feel sad that he just seems so on edge all the time, like how people can be on the edge of getting angry all the time, except for him it feels like he'll spiral into his worst thoughts at the simplest things. like when hwi would talk about jaeseung, yes he'd be mad and jealous, but until the end of this ep, it didn't feel that deep, like he'd joke about getting mad but i wouldn't feel that much tension. and yes while hwi did get more frustrated in these eps, for a lot longer jaeseung has been so tightly strung and will so easily get mad just when he sees hwi and seongmin together. and im like... yes ok get jealous whatever, but you can't actually get that mad when he's equally entitled to spend time with the person he likes and try to win him over. and if its bc he really does like seongmin that much then im sorry but i don't think jealously to that much of a level is sweet. you aren't a thing yet, so just take a minute and breathe bc at the end of the day, seongmin and hwi will feel and behave however you want and thats out of your hands. and i know on some level its bc he's jealous of the fact that hwi is able to express his feelings so openly and blatantly while jaesung cant, like that is what he always focuses his frustration on as if hwi doing that is bad when actually its just completely within his right and jaeseung is equally allowed to express his feelings. plus i hate to say it but i just dont feel seongmin and jaeseung's chemistry yet. if i see it later on then im more than happy to change my mind but their date was so bland and matter of fact, they don't share any interests, and since that date there's been nothing that's made me vibe with them as a couple. it feels convenient instead of something that started with feelings but hey, if genuine feelings do develop i will stand corrected, but all i say is just bc something seems like it should be right, doesnt mean it actually is.
and my final piece of happiness will of course be for seungjin bc as much as im sad about hwi losing seongmin... hwi and seungjin has so much potential to be the perfect friends to lovers to put bridgerton s3 to shame. i just think theyre fantastic together, they get on so easily and match each other's vibe so well and i'd be so happy if something developed, but i dont want to get too excited bc hwi has been so focused on seongmin that i don't know if or how his interests for others will develop now.
but all in all i liked these eps, ep 10 especially, and im very interested to see how this new love square will resolve (remember, polyamory exists too)
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xeungwannie · 17 days
the girl without a name
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i alr got a second part planned out. also how do yall do this writing shit while still living an adult life bc omfg im so over it lol. i also semi-halfassed writing this one as i couldnt come up with a decent enough "plot".
julie x f!reader (fluff. theres like one peck of a kiss)
“come on! its an open invite! hosted by the rich! we HAVE to go!”
you rolled your eyes at your friend, winter, quick to remind her you didnt like going out.
“what happened to eating the rich? AND THERES GONNA BE PRETTY WOMEN! i know you cant say n-”
“no.” you stared at winter with a stern face.
“itll be the last party i invite you to…”
and with that you started to get ready, still letting out sighs here and there with the goal to see if winter would allow you to just stay home… you failed.
pulling up to the party, you and winter were both handed two masquerade masks that covered from your eyes to the tip of your nose. giving each other a stare, you two were quick to let out a laugh before making your way into the house.
upon entering all you could do was look around stunned at just how big the place was. winter was quick to say your exact thought while sipping on a drink she randomly got from the trays of the men walking around.
“we're not even five minutes into this party and youre already drinking? whered you even get that?”
“the man with the drink tray. see! right there!” winter points to the man while taking another sip.
you were quick to drag winter to the man, getting yourself a drink too to ease up your nerves. you knew it wouldnt be good for you as you were trying to stop from drinking so much but it was your only way to feel better. after an hour had passed, your friend was nowhere to be seen and you were now alone with your sixth drink in your hand.
“ive never seen eyes wander around so much.”
you turn to your left finding a girl standing there giggling to herself at your confusion.
“im just trying to find my friend…” you tell her.
“arent we all?”
you look back into the crowd trying to decipher if she meant that in a sarcastic way or not.
while looking around, you suddenly felt a hand grab at your wrist. thinking it was winter, you were getting ready to slap the absolute shit out of her arm until you turned around to find the girl still standing there with her being the owner of the hand on your wrist.
“holy shit! im so sorry! i thought you were my friend!” you quickly apologized, putting your hand on your chest to calm yourself down from almost slapping someone you didnt even know.
“you guys must slap each other a lot for you to immediately want to throw hands at someone you thought was your friend.” she laughed out.
“i didnt mean to scare you though, just thought since we're standing here together we mightve as well get to know each other.” she quickly adds on.
you agreed and followed her to the bar to sit and talk.
as time went on you forgot to even care about continuing to look for your friend. the conversation was smooth and calm, the perfect way to draw you in. the girls voice was also a plus, it was sweet sounding, something youve never experienced before but loved the feeling of.
“wanna get away from all the noise? i have the perfect place where we can be alone and actually hear each other.” she asked with anticipation.
again, you agreed and followed her.
“tadaaa!” she smiles with her arms extended.
you stood there, speechless, fully taking in the view from the rooftop. youve never seen the stars be so visible before, it felt like the perfect place for a late night date.
“this is absolutely so bea-” you pause at seeing the woman without her mask on, the view meant nothing to you now.
you were shocked to see such a beautiful woman in front of you. it felt like a dream… a dream and she was an angel.
“youre free to take yours off too.” she says laughing at your sudden pause.
“not many people get to experience this part of the house, i like to keep it to myself. of course my friends know about it but they dont come up as often as i do.”
“THIS IS YOUR HOUSE?” your eyes grow wide.
“everyone says that when i tell them.” she lets out a little laugh.
your conversation with her was as amazing as it could get: everything was finally heard without trouble, no one was bumping into you two anymore, and nothing was interrupting you two at all.
everything was perfect.
all except one…
you still didnt know her name, never once did you two introduce yourself to each other.
“i dont think we eve-”
“hey! sorry to interupt but i think your friend is looking for you downstairs. the only blondie right?” you turn to look at the woman at the door guessing shes one of the friends that knew of the place.
you gathered your things and started to make your way to the door. a hand grabs at your wrist again before you could leave.
“i had a lot of fun getting to know you.” she says giving your cheek a little peck before letting go of your wrist allowing you to go to your friend.
you smile at her before hearing a loud yell from downstairs with you immediately following the voice knowing it was your friend who was more than likely drunk.
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inaisabelle · 2 years
bachira brainrot = bachira headcanons
can you tell how in love i am with this guy
birthed from the canon info we already know about him (estp, spontaneous, social, worry-free, goes with the flow, likes receiving gifts, loves his mama/mamas boy n loves her art), here r bachira headcanons !!!! <3
i like to think that his receiving and giving love language is physical touch, aside from receiving gifts (receiving) !!! he seems like a guy who wants hugs every millisecond esp from u
hes most probably also good and knowledgeable in art considering his whole environment is art itself <333
if he played genshin i think he'd find himself in venti due to their similar nature !!!
probably pretty emotionally available; he spent years alone and with himself n so he probably has room for really understanding another
during the start, at least, he played soccer not for the career but because he enjoyed it -- methinks he kinda determined and is settled with what things provide him joy and what don't
grown up bachira, free from blue lock, finally a pro player, and most likely your husband, would probably have an art ig account <333 he posts his paintings n art and tags his mom in each post, to which she never misses to leave a sweet comment
mamas boy. you can NOT tell me otherwise. mama bachira is the sweetest human being out there, supporting, accepting, and loving him for who he is and wants to be.
brings you to spontaneous dates. just knocks on yo door, "y/n !!! i bought ramen from the store <333 lemme in and ill make us soME"
guy doesnt resort to the usual "yeah ill come over and we can watch a movie" NO. he wants to come over because he wants to talk and bond with you -- he'll do it through the sweetest of little things.
to bachira, the littlest of things mean the most. he will melt over you making him a simple peanut butter sandwich just because you thought he mightve wanted a snack. ??? you were thinking aboUT HIm AND HOW HE FELT <3 its the thought that counts (<- also canon bachira info, he thinks)
bachira is just life incarnate <3 loml, truly
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captain-hen · 1 year
Hey! So now i cant stop thinking the celphone cases and the fact that eddies green is darker than bucks blue great! I really do think bucks death (3 mins and 17 secs) as eddie knows very well, couldve have been eddies wake up call, like that was the moment he realized his feelings for buck... i wonder if theyll bring up again the shooting also like i saw many say which i agree and i Wonder if it mightve been bucks realization moment. What do you think?
hi! i'm gonna be perfectly honest with you, and while this is probably an unpopular opinion—i don't think buck has had his oh moment yet. in fact, i don't think he's gonna realize his own feelings until he's confronted with the depth of eddie's. buck plays his cards very close to his chest (ha!) when it comes to eddie, especially when it's come to the more recent seasons. he never even tells eddie what he thinks of him to his face, although we all know fully well how he feels about him. that coupled with buck's neverending quest for meaning in life and a family easily tells me that he hasn't realized what he, eddie and christopher have, and it's very likely that he won't for a while yet.
as for eddie...i know popular opinion is that he realized his feelings during the shooting, but i disagree. i think he was on the cusp of something, but the trauma from what happened, that dredged up everything else he had been repressing, pushed him further into himself and into the 'safety' of his relationship with ana. i do believe that he's realized his feelings (but doesn't think he has a chance), and i think the likelihood of that having happened due to the lightning strike is very high. however, i don't think he'll ever fully be able to come to terms with it until all the details of what happened during the shooting are laid out between him and buck. whether eddie was telling the truth, and he really doesn't remember, or he was lying and remembers a lot more than he lets on—both scenarios are equally revealing, imo. i'm very interested in seeing what eddie's new venture into dating might reveal on this front.
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
Sometimes comedians do go too far bt tbh idk i dnt feel bad for leo in that regard lmao his pattern is odd and mightv been one fo the few timea somebody actually called him out on it
Yea, sometimes comedians do go a bit far....I think the whole Will Smith/Chris Rock slap that was heard around the world at the Oscars a few years ago was a huge sign of that lol 👀
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Re: Leo....
Yea, his dating habits frustrate me too, but at the end of the day, those women he dates are all consenting ADULTS. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Plus, I mean, it's been like 30 YEARS lol....I highly doubt he's gonna change his dating habits after 30 YEARS. He's almost 50 years old lol 😆
Also, we really don't know what Leo has been through in this industry. 😔 Not to make excuses for him or anything, but he grew up in this Hollywood industry around a time where things were "open secrets" around set, but never talked about. And there was no "MeToo" movement, and things were just swept under the rug. 😔
He also comes from a divided family where his father and mother divorced at a young age. 😔
Again, I'm not making excuses for him, but we really don't know what someone is going through, what they battle with, what they've struggled through, what may have caused them to "regress" or not feel like they can have a rlshp with a woman around his own age, etc. Maybe he knows a woman his own age wouldn't take his "demons" or other stuff he's been through. Like, who knows?? 🤷🏾‍♀️
He certainly has a type..... 👀 And it really hasn't changed in 30 years.
After 30 years of dating the SAME various women, and him knocking on 50s door REAAAAAAL HARRRRD lol, I really don't think there's anything anyone can say or do at this point. 🤷🏾‍♀️
He might not even be capable of really truly falling in love with someone for all we know.
I just sense that he has a lot of inner demons that we don't know anything about. That's why I just appreciate him as an actor, and that's that!
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abyssalpriest · 1 year
Ramblings about figuring out one of Lev's masks around me growing up just under read more bc it's long bc I put pics
leviathan being like "no I was around you before 2021, Ive possessed you before now, I was around a long time" and me like "yeah I mean youve been suggesting that you existed around me but? You were HERE here? Did I just get you and my ex mixed up sometimes thinking you were him??"
MOTHERFUCKER OH MY GOD. The fucking "plague doctor healer" spirit who was a demon who hid his face who I thought was a system member (when I misunderstood all this as system stuff) based off an OC, but it never fit right and I could never figure out who the fuck that was when I figured out I'm not a system, I just have identity issues that coincide with spiritual things... The plague doctor called Johnathan spelled like that also known as ABYSS you fucking bastard. Affectionately. Oough. Of course I figure it out when my url is abyssalpriest too. That was Lev. My god
And it suddenly makes this picture of Abyss make sense too because. This might be about to get a little complicated but lemme see if I can say it simply.
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He has short hair, that's a veil I felt I should put and like... This picture............. Would freak me out because it Accidentally came out looking like this character
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Who at the time was fucking based off one of Lev's brothers... But one of the dickhead nasty spirits I was around at the time Pretended to be this character in order to scare the shit out of me with him so I avoided the fuck out of that first pic of Abyss (because I was rightfully scared shitless of looking at that second character), I think it mightve even been my past pic of Abyss at least uploaded, as in the pic looking like this character may have been part of why I never touched drawing him again.... But like. That fucking second character eventually then came to represent Ahi as described and created by Lev in the story he's in because Lev has a huge influence on and input in that story, and eventually came to look like this and I'm like.
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God fucking damn it. To be clear: yeah it's obvious that Abyss was him because Lev expresses himself like that. Not even mentioning in that first pic he's got the veil, the black hat w feathers, the fucking RAIN... I tell everyone Lev talks a lot through fiction and this is nowhere near the first fictional mask he's put on by far but I'm like.... I was wondering who the fuck Abyss was. Abyss was there for a while and then vanished and rarely came back, but would come back and was... Not vivid but definitely real. Which. Is how Lev comes around where he's not vivid at all most of the time, hes so fucking subtle, but he is so distinctly a self? What the fuck man. This is a mystery almost a decade old. Last date I saw on a piece of art of Abyss was 2015. Hi. Holy shit
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sanspuppet · 6 months
if u ever get to go to ateez concert which i wont bc expensive lol please just make a sign that says san choke me, itll get his attention fr. sometimes i wish san couldve been an oppa or a footballer he wouldve been fit as an older kpop idol, rip me cause ik i will never get to date him. i mightve already known of him if he did football or soccer. i mean theres only 5 months difference between me n him but i do feel old when i look at jonghos age. so rip me someday. tis a shame i didnt have kpop when i was in school or at least i didnt know of it at all
HAHAHA yeahhh surely i will lmao
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tsurumiau · 2 years
i remember before i started dating my gf i was super scared of relationships bc every single time someone showed interest in me i gaslit myself into thinking i also had feelings for them and the "feelings" went away in 2 weeks and when i finally dated someone it lasted 1 month bc i just couldnt handle it ,, and like ive had this looooong history of friendzoning ppl and i always felt so bad after having to friendzone someone (LIKE I CRIED A LOT) bc i love making people feel loveable yk i want them to feel good and i love giving love but i always had to end up friendzoning bc if i didnt they were gonna fall completely in love with me so I HAD TO DO IT bc i KNEW i couldnt handle being in a relationship ESPECIALLY knowing i didnt have romantic feelings for them
anyways i started thinking i was aro (and i AM in the arospec) and i felt like a huge piece of shit for hurting people even if i didnt mean it yk I JUST WANTED PPL TO FEEL HAPPY BC IT MADE ME FEEL HAPPY
this was mostly when i was 14-16 and i was confused as hell like i was questioning my gender a lot but at least i was sure that i was bi ,, BUT STILL thats not an excuse i was a dumb teen and to this day i still feel bad for all the people that i mightve hurt but at the same time it was the best i could to atm like at least i stopped before it could get worse (and thankfully i still talk to most of them)
WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY IS idk if it's bc im older now but gabri has made me feel extremely comfortable and loved since we first met and all the people that loved me in the past ALSO made me feel loved but it felt wrong and like i was kinda forcing myself to reciprocate the feelings when they were completely platonic on my side ,, and i never thought i could be in a relationship and last more than a month i swear i was TERRIFIED of dating someone bc i was afraid of doing it again
to sum up ,, im extremely grateful that i met gabri i love fox so much and even though this year had some ups and downs regarding my mental health i will always cherish it because it's the year i met gabri and hes sosososo silly and has helped me realise so many things
i never thought i could date someone for almost seven months now ,, im thankful and full of love :]
message for gabri in case u see this:
ure stinky (ily my shitboy)
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daedalusdavinci · 9 months
ao3 wrapped 2023
taken from here. i did this last year and it was fun so im doing it again
1. How many words have you written this year?
i published 110,143 words this year! written...... no clue.
the first half of this year was mostly spent working on the jdau, but the second half was mostly spent on working on oc stuff that i dont post anywhere. i have no way of tracking how much i wrote for that bc this year i shifted all of my oc works from google docs to saved files on my computer, so the dates are all fucking wrong. ; ; if you add that mystery number onto the mystery number of scrapped projects and wips..... theres no telling. theres no telling.
2. How many works did you publish this year?
i posted 12 works on ao3 this year, not counting the fics i rewrote. i posted 9 drabbles on tumblr. this wasnt a great drabble year for me, i think.
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
i like the afterlife drabble i wrote about jason and nico. i feel like every time i write about them theres just something so bittersweet and punchy about it. it was a cool idea that kind of leaves me thinking about the world behind it, but not in a way that needs to be elaborated on.
as far as fics psoted on ao3, maybe under the skin? its such a different dynamic, and the tension is drawn so taut, it walks the line perfectly between violence/hatred and grief/love. its one im always second guessing myself about, but i had so much fun with it, sometimes i just have to remind myself its okay to make things just for the sake of exploration/indulgence.
4. What work of yours has the most hits?
snow day, with about 1k hits. i think thats the fic where a lot of people stop reading the jdau. its short, its fluffy, and i do actually still love this one a lot. i wrote it when i needed it.
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
i feel like a lot of my drabbles this year were really weak, so ive been surprised by the number of notes some of them have gotten. otherwise, mostly oc stuff? ive always struggled with sharing original content bc it never feels interesting enough, but the few friends i have shared it with have been so supportive and it means everything. @roomfulloferidans and @ashysiashy especially are always encouraging me and motivating me to keep making more, and i mightve given it up a long time ago otherwise tbh
6. Favorite title you used
oh thats gotta be The Family Disappointment actually. i like how much meaning and interpretation is embedded in it. if youve been reading the jdau, you might think its jason, but seeing that the fic centers damian, you might think its him. both boys struggle with feeling like theyre bruces biggest disappointment, but the fic is about brotherly solidarity, and recognizing that maybe bruce is actually the disappointment.
honorary mention to under the skin, bc i think that one was very funny/clever. i also named some oc works "the debilitating fear of garage doors" and "the inherent eroticism of handholding" and i like those a lot.
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
its a fucking miracle. for once, i didnt use any.
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
i guarantee it was bruharv again. bc the jdau. ive finally finished it tho, so who knows what the next will be?? the world is full of possibility.
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
im going to be so real w you. my ocs. their dynamic is so much fucking fun.
10. What work was the quickest to write?
i guarantee it was one of the drabbles. altho i did spend much more time agonizing over them this year
11. What work took you the longest to write?
the jdau. but specifically, im sure it was retirement, bc that one is the longest by miles.
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
one!!! im working on a hs fic for the first time in ages, tho i dont have all of my plans for it 100% solid yet. ive got threeish chapters written tho, so i think i will end up finishing it. ill probably start another wip soon so i dont contaminate this one w the urge to write nonsensical fluff.
13. What’s your longest work of the year?
its retirement. its definitely retirement. its 46k and everythign else doesnt really pass 10k
14. What’s your shortest work of the year?
one of the drabbles. on ao3, its off book.
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
the aforementioned. its davesprite centric and so far its a lot about family and growing up.
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
probably “Harvey Dent Adopts Jason Todd” again. god im so glad im done w that au
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
my ocs. otherwise, im going to say 2f bc he is so babygirl to me w his sexy trauma and anger issues, and rose, bc rose <33333333
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
bruce fucking again i hate writing him so much its unreal hes barely even a person to me hes been written so many different ways so many different times the source material is basically a suggestion and i HATE IT. also, nepeta. i cant get her voice right and its killing me and i refuse to write in pesterlog format im NOT DOING IT
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
eridve baby im coming home <333333 (<- insane) but probably also a lot of hal ships eventually
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
i have reread the jdau so many fucking times reviewing for the next chapter its fukcing unreal and insanity inducing. if i reread it any more im going to start hating it
21. How many kudos in total did you get this year?
772. this feels liek nothing compared to last year but its so much compared to the previous years so i think im doing good and last year was just a fluke
22. Which work has the most comments?
snow day w 7 comments, which tracks, bc it also has the most hits.
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year?
nope! not this year
24. Did you write any gifts this year?
most of my drabbles were requests, and i definitely wrote some fics w specific ppl in mind, namely @roomfulloferidans (Calming a Storm) and @ashysiashy (some oc stuff), but i didnt technically tag any gifts on ao3 this year
25. Did you receive any gifts this year?
nope! im kind of the writer of my friend group so fics are not generally smthn i receive. however, trustymikh drew this drawing inspired by my mermay bruharv drawing inspired by their mermay harvey drawing, so maybe that kind of counts?? i was delighted to see my bruce design in their style, at least. @roomfulloferidans drew a very nice drawing of my oc rogue that i cherish, @mudp1es and another friend of mine drew our spidersonas, and i participated in an oc art trade where another friend drew my oc barbie. i think those count as gifts, even if its not Ao3 Gifts(TM)
26. What’s your most common category?
M/M again bc i think its hot when men
27. What do you listen to while writing?
i tend to just loop playlists or single songs, unless im really struggling to concentrate, in which case ill switch to white noise.
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
my oc fic, the inherent eroticism of handholding, which im 99% sure i did write this year? it captures a very specific kind of uncertain tenderness where a crush is new and theyre feeling out flirting still. i think about the scene where theyre lying together in the dark while everyone sleeps and holding hands for a reason they cant justify, not looking at each other, talking about nothing, all the time. i also rlly like the oc fic i just finished a lot- domestic(ated).
that i published, i guess under the skin for reasons i already talked about.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
im just gonna collect a few here, bc its hard to pick when i write so goddamn much:
Two Face hesitated. Carefully, he asked, “Do you think they want to get rid of you?” Jason’s eyes flickered away from him, his mouth opening, and then closing. “Yeah?” he said, finally. He sounded unsure.
Water dripped from Two Face's curls and slid off of his nose, spattering against the symbol on Bruce's chest. He found himself blinking hard, his breathing coming fast and tight. "You told me- You were supposed to be- Not even in death. Not even in death, would you have ever told me."
The Backroad Home
Eridan kissed like a fire slowly burning him from the inside out. He tasted like liquid courage and saltwater spray, sticky sweet like taffy the way he stuck in Dave's chest. His hands left scorched trails behind when they slid over Dave's skin, haunting, dizzying, warm like the inside of his mouth.
Calming a Storm
back when he and Bruce had lived so deep in each other’s pockets that the line between his and mine had vanished.
To Late Bruce Wayne
For a while, Two Face just let the breeze wash over him, ruffling his hair as his skin prickled from the chill. A siren blared somewhere in the distance, and he sucked sauce absently from his thumb, setting aside the tupperware. “I care deeply about this city,” the TV crackled. “That’s why I’m donating-” Two Face tucked a cigarette between his lips, pulling his lighter out of his pocket. There was a ritual to it. The slow inhale, the gradual exhale. The wind pulled the smoke from his lips, and it disappeared over the rooftops. Bruce’s laugh washed over Two Face. It was vapid and fake over the airwaves, but the memory of it rattled around Two Face’s chest, warm and startled as they rolled in the sheets in Bruce’s dorm. Longing took hold and ached.
Under the Skin. there are a lot of great lines from this one, but this may be my favorite
Spectre's chin bumped gently against Rogue's shoulder, inches left between them, and Rogue thought about how easy it was to steal things in the dark. "Tell me about something," Spectre whispered. "Anything. And I'll sleep."
the inherent eroticism of handholding. this whole fic was very quoteable and so is Domestic(ated) but i will make this my single oc quote.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
that people would like my ocs, really. moth tenderly cares for them like real blorbos and i still dont really know how to process that
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drivemysoul · 4 years
god i’m such an idiot
#taylor.txt#in a fandom i used to be in there was this person who i thought was really cool and they were always so sweet and nice and i wanted to be#i wanted to be their friend and im an idiot and i regret everything now but i didnt know how to make friends so i just said i was super into#super into this group they were also into and i mean i do like that group and their music and stuff i just wasnt quite as big of a fan as i#as i pretended to be and then that person and i became friends and some shit happened that i feel so guilty for and then we were doing okay#doing okay and i thought we were finally back to normal but i made this stupid post like i never even liked that group and now my friends#my friends upset and feels used and feels like i only pretended to like the band to date them and that isnt it at all i didnt even feel like#feel like that about them until months after but i get why theyd think that way and i hate myself so fucking much for it i wish id just been#just been honest and told them like hey we dont really have much in common aside from we both like this anime but do you wanna be friends#because we ended up having stuff in common outside of this music group and i really do love them and i think of them as one of my best frien#best friends and someone who means so much to me and makes me feel so understood and safe and happy and i just#i dont wanna lose them but i think i mightve fucked up really badly this time#i messaged them to apologise and try to explain and i asked if we could talk so i could explain and apologise#i just wanna start over with them and i just want us to be okay#because they mean the world to me#theyre family to me and i dont think i can handle losing them
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mccn-bcys · 2 years
pairing: marc spector x reader
summary: a date at the arcade is going well...until you get to the last token of the night.
warnings: fluff, I decided marc deserves a night of happiness, brief mentions of established relationships with steven and jake.
authors note: this is a little short but I thought this was cute! Im actually proud of myself for starting and finishing this in one day! for reference this was the challenge post I saw that I'm trying to do every day this month. anyways i hope you guys like this! lemme know what you think!
word count: 1,361
marc could honestly say he was having the time of his life. he hadn't been to an arcade in years. he had almost forgotten what it was like to just relax and not worry about a certain moon god and any missions he might be sent out on.
and his favorite part was that he got to do it with you.
he loved watching you play the arcade games. you would get so competitive, sometimes even throwing out some trash talk. he knew you didn't mean anything by it, you just liked to win. your nose would scrunch up in concentration. there was a spark in your eye, and he loved to watch it. as did steven and jake.
'I'm surprised theyve got it in them to even make those threats.'
'yea it is pretty cute when they threaten to rip our arms off,' jake thought, the adoration dripping in his voice.
marc just ignored them and kept watching you. he'd never tell you that a few games he let you beat him just to see you jump with joy.
you were also having the time of your life. you hadn't done anything like this in years and your inner child was overjoyed. you also loved that marc was able to relax and have fun. it wasn't very often that he allowed himself to and you were happy that he felt comfortable enough to let his guard down around you, even if for a moment.
whenever he wasn't looking at you, you were stealing glances at him. your favorite face of his was when he was concentrating. he's furrow his eyebrows ever so slightly, and his tongue would stick out just a little. and if he won? the giant smile on his face? and the laugh of victory? oh it was like heaven on earth.
you had both chipped in for a bunch of tokens, enough to last a couple hours. and you agreed that you'd put together the tickets at the end of the night and buy something from the counter, something you would both want. you had your eye on the giant stuffed animal hanging up there.
and before you both knew it, a few hours had passed. the token pile was diminishing and your ticket pile was steadily growing in size. you both were quite proud of yourselves, besting each other in different games. you learned that he was incredibly good at skiball and air hockey. he was not that great at whack-a-mole, however. he would miss it, and he would start getting frustrated which only made it worse. you, however, found it funny whenever he would get frustrated about hitting the plastic moles. and then you'd play it and be great. he'd stare at you with admiration, jealousy, and disbelief and that look would also get a laugh out of you.
he was pulling you into the direction of another game, you reached into your pocket to grab a token, and that's when you stopped, which caused him to jerk to a stop. he turned around to look at you, wondering silently why you had stopped.
"is something wrong, babe?" he asked you, worried that he mightve said or done something wrong.
"marc, we only have one token left," you said softly, showing his your hand that held the last token.
his hands immediately felt for his pockets, looking for maybe any that he might have. alas, he had none. the game he had wanted to play needed at least two tokens.
"whatre we gonna do?" you asked, looking around at the other games around you, trying to find one that you both could play for one token.
"we're gonna make it count," he said definitively, grabbing your hand, eyes targeted on a game, as he pulled you towards it.
when you stopped in front of it, you looked at him questioningly. "marc?"
"this is Pac-Man," you pointed out.
"yes is it," he answered, a proud smile on his face.
"how're we both gonna play this?" you questioned, wondering why he chose this one.
"together. we both hold the stick. we both get to decide where he goes. we win together or we lose together."
and as sweet as that was, especially since you both liked to win, you still were uncertain.
"oh come on! this game is a classic, baby! even steven knows that this game is essential to any arcade experience," he looked to his reflection in the game's glass, and getting a nod from his alter, then looking back to you like you as if to say 'see!' as if you had seen stevens nod. "plus, i haven't played this game on so long! i used to play it all the time with ran—when I was younger!"
you had caught his correction. and of course you knew why and what he was going to say. he had told you about his childhood and all that stuff. you obviously knew steven and jake, considering that you were also seeing steven, and you and jake were just talking and flirting at the moment. but you heard his slip in his excitement.
you could clearly see how much this meant to him, how much he wanted to play it, and how much he wanted to play it with you.
"okay, let's do this," you said, cracking your knuckles, as if to show you mean business. he laughed and cheered as you agreed.
so you let him call the shots. you put the token in and you both grabbed the joy stick, his hand on top of yours as you both directed the yellow ball across the screen. you both probably seemed like mad people, laughing when you tried to go in different directions, yelling in worry when you almost got caught by the ghosts, or yelling in joy when you'd get the fruit or one of the big blue dots that let you eat the ghosts. but you both were enjoying the game, enjoying being so close to each other.
"YES!" both of you yelled as you won the game, fists raised in the air in victory. you turned to each other, hugging each other, before he leaned down to kiss you real quick before grabbing all the tickets you had won.
"now let's get these bad boys to the prize counter," you said, making him laugh as you both had handfuls of tickets.
and when you got to the counter, you had to bury your face in marc's shoulder to keep from laughing at the look of terror on the face of the poor kid working the counter. he laughed quietly to himself as he wrapped his arm around you to keep you close.
"you guys happen to know what you want?" the kid asked. you think was worried you were gonna take a long time, getting a bunch of small stuff.
"yea, can you get us the giant duck up there?" marc answered, causing you to look at him.
"i thought we were gonna get something we both wanted?" you said, wondering why he was getting the duck. you didn't think he would've wanted it.
"well i know you've been eyeballing it, and if it's what you want then it's what i want," he smiled at you, causing you to smile hugely.
"you still have enough tickets for another prize," the kid at the counter said, handing over the giant stuffed animal.
"let's get the blow up hammer," you said, looking at him. upon seeing his confusion you explained: "that way jake can get his anger out without bruising your knuckles or putting holes in the walls." you said making him laugh out loud as marc heard jake scoff and steven laugh as well.
"and now I can play whack-a-you," he said laughing along with you, as he lightly tapped your head with the inflatable hammer as you guys walked out of the arcade to head home for the night.
you were very happy with this date. you both spent time together, laughed together, yelled together, lost together, won together. you were just...together.
especially after when it came to one final arcade token.
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jade-04 · 2 years
Dove (Part 6)
first part | part 5 | part 7
Eddie Munson x fem!Henderson!reader and Steve Harrington x fem!Henderson!reader
Summary: Dustin Henderson’s older sister finds herself in a predicament having to choose between Steve “the Hair” Harrington and Eddie “the Freak” Munson
a/n: First, (Y/N/N) means your nickname. Second, I feel like this is a very dialogue heavy chapter. 
Warnings: swearing, fluff, little bit of angst from Steve
taglist: @happiejoon @simonsbluee @nervouslaught3r
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You spent all of Sunday cleaning around the house with your mom and Dustin. You were in the midst of cleaning your room when your brother called up to you from the kitchen.
“(Y/N)! PHONE!” Dustin yelled.
“Coming!” You yelled back, leaving th feather duster you had on your bed. 
When you got into the kitchen, Dustin handed you the phone. “It’s Robin.” 
“Hey, Rob. Whats up?” You said taking the phone from Dustin.
“(Y/N/N). A little birdie told me that you were on a date with Munson last night?” You could hear Robin’s smirk in her voice. 
“Would that little birdie happen to be Steve?” You said, eyebrows raised even though she couldnt see it.
“Maybe… but is the little birdie correct?” 
“Yes, Robin, that little birdie is correct.” You felt a smile creep across your face remembering last night. 
“Oh. My. GOD! Thats awesome! You have to tell me all about it. How did it happen? Are you guys like an official thing?” Her voice had a tone of excitement in it. You could tell she was happy for you. 
“I will tell you all about it on the drive to school tomorrow. Ill pick you up at 7:30?” You wanted to end the phone call fast so that you could finish cleaning and start your homework. 
“Works for me! Bye!” You heard the click as Robin hung up and put the phone back on the hook. 
You started to walk back to your room to finish cleaning, but were stopped when you found your brother standing in the hallway, next to the the hall phone. His face was all scrunched up, he looked a little mad, but also a little happy. 
“You went on a date with Eddie?” He said a little too loud and accusatory for your liking. 
“Were you listening in on my phone call with Robin?!” You said also a little to loud and accusatory for both of your liking. You herded him into your room and closed the door.
“Maybe, but answer my question!” Dustin said, quieter now.
“Yes, I was, Dustin. We had a rehearsal after I got off work and so we both decided to go out to dinner and call it a date.” You said with an exasperated sigh. 
“Are you guys a couple?” He asked now with a lighter tone to his voice. 
“I dont know, Dustin. We didnt talk about that.” You sat down on your bed. Personally, you wanted to be an official couple with Eddie, you just didnt know how to say that, and you thought it mightve been too soon. 
“Okay, just if you guys do become a thing, let him know that if he hurts you, he a goner. Okay?” Dustin came to sit next to you. “Also, if you hurt him, youre also a goner. I just really care about both of you and dont want to see either of you get hurt.” 
“Thanks, Dusty.” You said wrapping him into a hug. “But never listen in on my phone calls ever again, okay?” There was a slight scolding tone in your voice. 
“Okay.” He said hugging you back.
“I mean that, Dustin.” You said pulling away from the hug. “Now get out of my room, I need to finish cleaning.”
“Alright. Okay. I’m going.” Dustin said walking out of your room. 
You spent the rest of Sunday cleaning your room and doing your homework. You also spent the rest of Sunday deciding whether or not you wanted to approach Eddie about being in an official relationship with him or wanted to wait for him to bring it up. You kept racking your brain and decided to just leave it alone for now. You began to slowly drift off to sleep. 
You woke up at around 6:30 and started to get ready. You showered, brushed your teeth, all the usual stuff you would do to get ready. Today, your outfit of choice was a short, brown, dress you thrifted and your dads bomber jacket. You found yourself wearing your dads old jacket a lot recently. Your mom gave it to you for your 17th birthday stating that he was going to give it to you then because he got it when he was 17. You never had the urge to wear it until eary August came around, and now you wear it often. You had finished getting ready and put your shows on. Leaving for Robins house around 7:15, luckily Dustin always rode his bike to school with Mike and Lucas on Mondays, so you didnt have to give him a ride 
Pulling into the driveway, you noticed Robin was already sitting on her porch ready to go. She was dressed up nicer than usual today, but she also seemed a lot more anxious then usual today. She hopped up and made her way to your car, plopping down into the passenger seat. 
“Whats the occasion, Robin?” You questioned.
“Well,” she took a deep breath, “I was gonna try an ask Vicky to the homecoming dance today, like as a friend. I mean, obviously as more than a friend, but you know for obvious reasons I can’t do that. I know homecoming is a month way, but why not ask, right? So, I figured if I was gonna ask, I might as well look nice right?” Robin drew in another breath after rambling.
“Shit, I completely forgot about homecoming.” You sighed. “But, good luck today with Vicky. It’s gonna go well.” You nodded with reassurance.
“Soo, you and Eddie, whats the deal with that?” You could tell by the tone of Robins voice that she had a huge smile across her face.
“‘The deal’ is that we kissed a couple times and went on a date. I stil dont know if were anything official, I mean that would be great if we were, but I dont know if he would want that.” You said, blush creeping across your face.
“Hold on, back up. YOU KISSED!?” Robin yelled with surprise. “Okay, now you have to tell me about how that happened.” 
You laughed a little, but obliged. You spent the rest of the ride to school telling her all about your Saturday night with Eddie. Occasionally she would interrupt you with questions or gasps, but overall you could tell she was happy for you and she could tell that you were happy. You pulled into a parking space by the library entrance at school and parted ways with Robin. She decided to head to the band room to practice for a bit before school started and you wanted to go check out a new book before heading to your locker. After walking through the library for a bit, you decided to check out “The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath because Nancy could not stop talking about it at the newspaper meeting last week. You put the book into your bag and made your way to your locker where you were met by Eddie. 
“Hey there, Sweetheart.” Eddie said, leaning against the locker next to yours. 
“Hi Eddie.” You smiled before going to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. When you pulled away you noticed he had something in his hand. “Whats that?” You asked pointing to it.
“Oh nothing.” He presented it to you. “Just a mixtape I made for my favorite girl.” You couldnt help but blush at the way he called you his favorite girl. It made you feel all special and warm inside. 
Eddie spent all of Sunday working on this mixtape for you. It only had 5 songs on it, but all of them reminded him of you. The songs were: Rock You Like A Hurricane, Edge of Seventeen, Cant Fight This Feeling, Talk Dirty To Me, and I Was Made For Lovin’ You. Obviously 3 of the songs you had sang and the other 2 described his feelings. He was so excited to give it to you so that you could listen to it and see how much he cared. 
“Oh, so I’m your favorite girl?” You beamed at him with bright eyes and blush coming across your cheeks.
“Shut up, (Y/N).” He looked away with a smile, blush spread across his face to match yours.
“Make me.” You said, mocking him from the other night with a smile.
Eddie put the mixtape in your locker before grabbing your waist to pull you in for a kiss. You kissed him back wrapping your arms around his neck. The two of you looked like those couples in the movies who kiss in the rain, but instead of the rain, you were kissing in your empty highschool hallway. You guys only pulled away when your heard Dustin and his friends’ voices.
“Gross, dude. That’s my sister.” You heard Dustin say. 
“Seriously, Eddie. In the hallway?” This time it was Lucas’s voice.
You and Eddie both turned to face the boys, one of his arms left wrapped around your waist. 
“Come on boys, Im allowed to kiss my girl in public, even if it grosses you out.” He leaned to kiss the top of your head. The mix of the kiss and his words causing you to grin. You couldn’t believe Eddie had just called you his girl. You guys may not have been official yet, but there was an already obvious understanding that you were his and he was yours.
“Wait, so when did this happen?” Mike questioned looking back and forth between you and Eddie. 
You opened your mouth to answer, but were interrupted by Dustin. “Saturday. She told me about it yesterday.” 
“So what, are you guys like officially a thing?” Lucas asked the question you’d been dying to know the answer to for the past 48 hours.
You and Eddie both looked at eachother before he opened his mouth to answer. “I say we are, as long as thats okay with (Y/N)?” He raised an eyebrow at you looking for the answer he was hoping for. 
You smiled at him. “Thats perfect with me.” 
You couldn’t believe it, Eddie was your boyfriend. Yea, the relationship was moving a bit fast, but you were so excited to be with him. Throughout the school day, you were in a daze thinking about that morning when you made it official. You and Eddie even sat together at lunch that day. Some people had stared at you, since you looked like such an unusual couple, and Dustin, well he didn’t mind but it was so weird for him to see his idol with his sister in his lap. Nonetheless, he was happy for both of you. The way Robin had questioned you after lunch at the beginning of English was also funny to you. She was suprised on how quickly you and Eddie were the talk of the school by the end of lunch and how she didn’t find out from you before hearing from some random dude in her math class. You didn’t care that people were talking about the two of you. If people wanted to say you were taken to the dark side, then so be it, you were happy. At the end of the school day, Eddie met you at your locker to walk you to your car and with you for Dustin to come out, even on the days he biked to school, you always gave him a ride home.
Steve was already waiting in the parking lot so he could pick up to Robin to take her to their shared shift at Family Video. In his boredom of sitting outside his old school, he noticed you and Eddie walking together, hands interlocked. He couldn’t help but feel jealous of Eddie and how badly he wanted to be him. He was brought out of his trance when Robin knocked on his window.
“Whatcha lookin’ at there, Stevie?” Robin said getting into the car.
“It’s nothing.” He said, sounding a bit out of it. Robin looked at Steve and followed his gaze to where you and Eddie were leaning against your car. 
“Steve?” Robin said, now waving a hand in front of his face. “I know you like her man, but did you really expect for her to think you liked her with the amount of dates you go on?”
Steve snapped out of it. “I just wanted to give it time to see if maybe she had any reciprocated feelings towards me.” He sighed, hand running through his hair. “I guess I was just too slow. Now, Munsons got her.” 
“If it makes you feel better, she never really mentioned him until they kissed a few days ago.” Robin offered up a smile.
“They kissed?!” Steve looked over at Robin with shock in his eyes. “I mean I know I saw them on a date, but shit they kissed.” 
“I think you just need to drop it for now, Steve. Munson makes her really happy, but if you want to get her, you’ll have to confess soon. They just started dating, maybe you’ll be able to slip in their.” Robin was doing her best to give advice to Steve and make him feel optimistic, but she also didn’t want to see you stressed and anxious with your emotions. 
“I don’t want to be that guy.” Steve said, sighing. “I know I could get any girl I wanted, even if that meant (Y/N), I couldn’t make her feel lost like that.” Steve really wanted to tell you, he even thought about telling you on Friday night, maybe inviting you over a bit before Robin so you could talk alone. Then again, he didn’t want to ruin your happiness. 
Steve was stuck. He really wanted to be with you. He’s been pining over you since June when he saw you walk into the store across from Scoops Ahoy. Since a couple weeks after that when you would always come in to annoy Robin. Since after the whole deal with the Russians and the mall coverup and the way you took charge. Even though, he had more of a past with you, could that really change what you have with Eddie. Throughout his whole shift, Steve questioned telling you, he decided that he would tell you Friday night before the movie. Maybe it wouldn’t change anything, he was okay if it didn’t, as long as you were happy. If it did though, Steve would be the happiest man alive. 
(a/n pt 2: Im sorry this part took forever to come out. I was feeling really depressed for a bit and I myself am stuck in a jumble of emotions like Steve rn, but pt 7 should be out by Wednesday if this week is nice to me :). I've also been working on some new fics that I cant wait for you guys to see!)
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Chapter 53! @gyubby99
When the group got settled at the north pole, north began throwing a victory party. "Jack, there are extra rooms back there if you want to have talk with elsa alone," he stated as he gestured to a hallway behind everyone. Jack smiled. "Thanks," he stated before walking around Elsa. He wrapped his staff around her waist and pulled her toward him. Elsa laughed. "What are you doing?" She asked with a smile. Jack chuckled. "Come with me," he stated before he took her hand and led her to one of the extra rooms. "What are we doing here?" Elsa asked as she sat on one of the chairs. "Well we haven't gotten to really talk yet. I thought this might be a good place to catch up," Jack replied. "Ah I see. Well... um..." elsa trailed off not really knowing what to ask. "How long did you know I was jackson?" Jack asked. "From when we saw each other again up until.. well.. now obviously," she replied. Jack nodded. "I didn't tell you because I remembered our fight all those years ago and I felt you needed to find yourself on your own! I didn't mean to keep it from you... I'm sorry," Elsa ranted. "Are you angry?" She asked as she fiddled with her hands. Jack looked at her. She was still her. Still the same girl who hugs herself or fiddles with her hands when she's anxious. "Not anymore. I was when pitch was here only because he kept putting ideas in my head," Jack replied. "I'm sorry I left you there with the guardians... if I hadn't of done that pitch would've never captured you and i-" "Hey hey, you have nothing to be sorry for," Elsa stated. "I'm also sorry for our fight 300 years ago. I think I was still grieving for Jackson.. or you... and I guess when I looked at your face I could only see him," Elsa replied. Jack pulled elsa into a tight hug. "I'm also sorry about the lake," elsas voice cracked as tears began to spill from her eyes. Jack pulled away. "What? Why?" He asked. "I couldn't freeze it back over and I don't know why it just kept cracking and cracking and i-i I couldn't do anything.. and you fell in and i-" elsa sobbed. Jack took her hand in his and cupped her cheek. "That was not your fault," Jack stated as he stroked her cheek. She looked at him, her bright blue eyes clouded with tears. "But it was.. if I would have just.. worn my gloves or-or taken your place... I could've sacrificed myself!" Elsa stated. "No no. Elsa. You were meant to live. You're the fifth spirit. And if you had died then I mightve never become who I am now," Jack explained. The two hugged again. After a few moments Elsa stopped crying and the two pulled apart. "What happened to anna?" Jack asked. Elsa smiled. "Well... she and Kristoff got married and had kids. The oldest girl was named Arynn. And.. the youngest boy... his name was Jack.." elsa began. Jack's eyes widened and he smiled. "Anna eventually died of old age after Kristoff passed," Elsa finished. Jack nodded. Anna and Kristoff had long lives. He was happy for them. Now it was he and elsas turn. "Elsa. Weve done this twice now and each time it doesn't turn out the way I had always hoped it would. Proposing to you that is," Jack stated as he slowly slipped the ring off of elsas finger and got down on one knee. "Jack what are you..." elsa asked as she smiled. "Queen Elsa of Arendelle, 300 years ago I never thought I would be proposing like this. I thought we'd be on the beach under the stars where we had our first date, I made up an entire plan on how I would ask you. But right here right now, looking at how beautiful you have always been inside and out, here and now is the best time to ask," Jack stated. Elsa started tearing up again happily as she smiled. "All I want is to spend our immortal lives together. You deserve a proper proposal and not just one while we fight one another or a foe. Will you marry me?" Jack asked. "I've said yes twice now and I'm not going back on that. Yes I will," Elsa stated before pulling Jack up by his hoodie and kissing him.
When the two pulled apart, they leaned on one another. "Elsa?" Jack muttered. "Yes my love?" She asked "Thank you for always believing in me," Jack stated. Elsa pulled away from him and smiled as she looked into his eyes. "Thank you for always giving me something to believe in," she replied.
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tenthgrove · 3 years
Can i request LS headcanons where their s/o brings them flowers but for really no particular reason? Just cuz they saw them and thought of their favorite assassin?? I just know these guys mightve not gotten either many or any flowers before and id really like to bring them some 👉👈
Sweet As A Rose
La Squadra x Reader (G/N), Romantic, SFW
Formaggio- As much as he tries to act classy around his dates, Formaggio just isn't used to flowers as a love gift. Nobody in his family did it growing up (and can you blame them? Flowers are bloody expensive) so he never got into the habit. Still, he understands the sentiment in you giving them to him so he's chuffed to pieces nonetheless. He shoves them in a drinking glass and presents them proudly on his counter.
Illuso- Gifts are a big part of Illuso's love language but flowers aren't typically what comes to his mind. However, the look of joy on your face as you present them to him is just too much to ignore. He can't help but accept them with a smile. He ruffles your hair, and holds the flowers close to smell them. Now he thinks about it, they really are wonderful. You truly know how to please him, even if he sometimes doesn't.
Prosciutto- It's no surprise that Prosciutto loves traditional dates, so he adores the use of flowers as a love gift. Invariably, your dates now begin with exchanging flowers between the two of you, putting them in the back of the car until you can get them home. His favourite are roses because of the obvious romantic connotations, particularly deep red. He wraps the flowers in beautiful gold paper, just for the extra effect.
Pesci- He absolutely loves flowers! Whether it be an extravagant bouquet or a simple daisy plucked from the field he thinks it's an adorable gesture and will be thrilled if you get him any. He wants to return the favour but often leaves it too late, so has to make do with finding some wildflowers last minute and wrapping them in gift paper. They somehow still look amazing. If you like, he can show you the fields he got them from. He has a knack for finding these things.
Melone- He's the sort of guy to know the symbolic meaning behind every type of flower. You'll pick up on this very quickly and, if it's in your price range, may want to consider customising your bouquets for a specific occasion, e.g. getting Red Carnations after a period of unavoidable separation or Goldenrods when the team is hoping for an advancement in status. It turns almost into a game of who can get weave the best story with the flowers you choose.
Ghiaccio- He literally doesn't have the foggiest clue where to start with all this romantic shit now you're together, but he's glad that at least you do. The flowers are really pretty, a beautiful burst of colour and texture. He can't help but run his hands along the soft petals. Sometimes, if you get him something particularly gorgeous, he'll freeze it with White Album so it doesn't wilt, and keep it in his room until you find something even better.
Risotto- You really are wonderful for him. He'll be in his office exhausted out of his mind, and you'll come in with a sprig of wild lavender. It might be a small gesture but it really cheers him up to know you're thinking of him. Sometimes, if you're getting him a whole bouquet, he takes out his favourite flower and slides it into your hair before kissing you. You look so sweet with flowers in your hair.
Sorbet and Gelato- At this point in their relationship Sorbet and Gelato have tested out every love language they can think of, so they're no stranger to getting flowers for each other. Unfortunately, Gelato has hayfever so Sorbet doesn't get them very often, but Gelato doesn't mind sneezing and encourages you in your special way of showing your love to him. Just don't be offended if he pulls some of the flowers apart afterwards. He doesn't mean any harm by it, it's just really fun to him.
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