#I mean we don’t see a lot of routine and bonding time in game
alyjojo · 1 year
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Advice to Work on Yourself 🙈 in September 2023: Leo
Temperance - 8 Pentacles - 10 Pentacles
Regarding: 10 Swords rev
I’m getting a major work/home conflict with you, or this could be a partner’s issue too, but I’ll read it as you & apply however. In your home there is heavy stress, major conflict, possible mean things that have been said or petty back and forth behaviors to “prove a point” but like…no one cares about any points being made, because of the behavior, it’s not healthy mature communication, whatever has been said/done. And while these things do occur…probably regularly, no one addresses them. Everyone acts like this is fine, this is normal, this is how we do things - Temperance.
It could be you, or it could be someone else (particularly a child) that is about to blow the roof off of this dynamic, because 9 Swords, heavy stress and anxiety, mental anguish, the walking on eggshells game has gotten old and they/you can’t deal with this crap anymore. You’ve been silent, patient, kind, and maneuvering around conflict and possible stonewalling?? long enough. I’m not sure if the silence is awkward or if it’s enforced in some way, like people don’t want to “deal with you”. Or again, could be a kid/spouse/etc. that you don’t want to deal with. Or don’t have/make the time.
Work specifically or something you (I assume) spend a lot of time on IS the 3 Swords in this connection, from what I can see, it’s created a situation where people are not committed the way they should be, there is no solid relationship dynamic (routine?) and everyone just kinda does whatever, while avoiding each other and avoiding the problems. None of these cards show to end it, to leave, something is done, it’s toxic, no. They all say “you have to do something”. It’s possible one person in a family unit is losing their MIND and everyone else is “lalala” has no idea, everyone lives on autopilot, Sunday turns into Friday and it continues on forever. It’s like a whole family rut. You could be the one going bananas 🍌 here. But you don’t speak up, you’re stubborn 💯 and you allow something to continue hurting you because you’re waiting for other people to address things they may honestly be clueless about.
If this is a child, you have to listen to them, even if they’re being inconvenient at the moment, with this reading I’m getting there is no “good time”, you have to “make time”. 5 Swords is a painful argument that’s not been approached whatsoever, someone is going to blow the roof off this shtick, and when they do, I’m getting they’re absolutely right 💯 Maybe that’s you, there is a LOT of advice here about you needing to express yourself more, whether it’s journaling, dancing, enjoying yourself, talking with your family, talking their ear off in some cases even, feeling more bonded and connected as a unit…not just a bunch of single adults in a house living life. Especially with kids, I’m getting they just want some time if they’re involved with this at all. Everyone gets stuck in autopilot mode sometimes, this reading is just like “let me help you out of robot mode”, so everyone is having a more authentic and heart-centered experience, together ❤️
Animal Oracle: You have two
Grouse 💃
“Express yourself through rhythm and movement by drumming and dancing.”
Your first experience of life in a physical body was the rhythm and vibrations of your mother’s heartbeat and her voice. You would flow with the harmony - or disharmony - of her moods and movements. If you’ve ever tried drumming (or any percussion), dancing, or the two together, you know that they touch something very deep and ancient in us - something tribal, a deep chord of where spirit and body coincide. Rhythm and movement draw out sensual expression and merge with the sensuous world around you. By allowing yourself to surrender to the pulse of whatever rhythm is guiding you, you connect more completely to your body. When you engage in some form of rhythmic dance on a regular basis, you’ll feel more relaxed and in the flow of life. So cut loose and enjoy yourself! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Dog 🐕
“Your loyalty and faithfulness is misplaced by serving too many masters.”
“Whom do you serve?” is the question. When you compromise your integrity to placate others out of fear of disapproval or disappointment, you give away your power and deny your own inner authority. You become their servant, and they your masters. You allow this by assuming some other person or organization has more of something, whether knowledge, spiritual power, confidence, beauty, and you therefore put yourself in a “lesser than” position. While some people do possess these gifts, you can honor them as teachers, not masters.
Children start out leashed to their parents for wisdom and guidance, and as they grow the leashes stretch and eventually are severed as they make their own way through life. Over a number of years, you’ve allowed many leashes to be put around your neck, you’re serving too many people and it’s diminished your sense of self. Cut all of the leashes off and free yourself.
- If committed, stay committed.
- Posthumous recognition requires a paper trail.
- Use the daylight to face the night.
- Create a New Exercise Habit 🏋️‍♂️
- Learn How to Build Mini Habits
- Start Journaling
Saturn 🪐 on 10 Swords rev is a complicated energy, because 10 Swords is an inevitable ending or something that has to end but maybe you’re fighting this actually happening, or someone else is. There’s been no progress at putting a very difficult situation to rest, but other cards here show things *not* ending, so it’s the lack of movement in addressing things that needs to end, not the whole of whatever this regards. If that makes sense 🫤 Saturn describes limitations, discipline, career, “father/boss energy” like setting boundaries, authority, maturity on all levels. To be blunt, the message can be “grow up and handle this”, regarding 5 Swords - mean behavior, winning at all costs, proving people wrong, snide actions and hurtful things being said, conflict.
Little Prince 🫅 on 5 Swords is the story of the boy that got what he wanted, he’s traveled many planets and has met many fascinating people, and by the end, he only wanted what he started with and wished he could go back. This can be a longing for things that don’t exist or apply to your life anymore, maybe relating to these conflicts and painful situations. The point is to finally deal with these things, because no movement has been made towards authentic expression with those around you. Conflict may have messed up a good thing in your life and you just want things how they were.
Arrow ⬆️ on Van Gogh is “the point” and in this case is feeling like 8 Wands, which is a flurry of urgent communication, a text war, an argument, things that have been said (5 Swords) or needing to be said. Again, someone could pop off, and if they do, it’s about time 💯 Whatever is said should be illuminating with “using the daylight to face the night” bringing light to toxic behaviors in your world. Now for someone, the arrow is pointing at Van Gogh’s bandaged ear (we all know why), but it’s showing harsh communication (maybe long rants of mean toxic bs even) causing damage to the people around you, and it’s either you doing it or someone else around you, and enough is enough.
Emerald Star ⭐️ and Comb 🪮 on Mini Habits can be Taurus/Empress related with Emerald, regarding things like grooming, hygiene, plants, food, security & savings, children and pets. Taking care of the things and people around you that need care, even if it’s just time and attention. Checking homework. Spa nights with the girls on Thursdays. Mini is small, but consistent check-ins are needed. Self care ❤️ You need that too, some of you have been like pillars of strength for everyone else (especially work) and need to reconnect with your heart space and your family, realizing what’s really important, and how to better balance these things moving forward.
0 notes
dojunie · 2 years
ITWD [CH4]; New Bloom
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[★]; TWO BOYS. TWO UNIVERSITIES. TWO RIVALING TEAMS. And then there’s you, stuck weightlessly in the middle of it. The time left on the clock is running out— and soon, you’re going to have to pick a side.
[itwd masterlist] [previous part] [next part]
sneak peek; “Seriously, Y/N, there’s not at least one guy? I mean, I totally understand writing off all of those sweaty weirdos—” Guyeon gestures towards the locker room doors, which you assume means she’s referring to Jaemin and the rest of the basketball team, and the mildly disgusted look on her face makes you laugh. “—But I stalked the photos on the GDSC Timberwolves roster last night after we called and there is not a chance you don’t think any of those dudes aren’t stupidly attractive.” “Okay, first of all, creepy,” you respond, grimacing, “And second of all, I never said they weren’t attractive. Just… y’know. I’m not ‘wired for romance’ like you are, Gu— they just look like dudes to me.”
wc; 8.2k
warnings; none!
a/n: so... its been a minute 👀... as compensation for waiting 100 years for the next installment, uh... have 8 thousand words of pre-yonsei x gdsc build up with absolutely no immediate pay-off :-D
taglist; @aedreamzy @grassbutneo @sweetlyocs @bffbangtan @huskyhunny @luvenshitiiti
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IT'S ONLY BEEN A WEEK SINCE SCHOOL STARTED; a week since you’d been fully enveloped into the red and black world of the Gamdogja Timberwolves, and in that time Your easy friendship with the DDeumi’s crew has solidified into something surprisingly familiar in the short five days you’ve known one another.
(Practice every day will do that, you suppose, but even if you excluded the hours you were mandatorily tied together—the amount of time you spent with them this past week would still be slightly concerning.) Donghyuck had a way of making you feel like you’d known them for years instead of days, Jisung and Renjun insisted on tugging you along to every hangout and every random outing, and watching them all bicker and make up and crack jokes has quickly become one of your favorite activities. (And that's without even mentioning how addicting the little night time routine you’d fallen into with Lee Jeno was becoming.)
In the grand scheme of things your future at GDSC was looking brighter than it did over the summer, and that's all you could really ask for.
But enough about them. You'd spent every waking hour with the boys over at GD and now you were reminiscing about them too? Oh, the tantrum Chenle would throw if he knew you were focusing on any other team on a day like this; smiling to yourself over some other dudes on arguably the most anticipated night of the YSU’s basketball season until preliminaries.
You pull into the familiar parking lot and blue and white is everywhere the eye can see, Yonsei banners, crested insignias, sky-colored jerseys and t-shirts and school-pride merch, the baby blue you’d grown so fond of over the years.
There are students peppered throughout every grassy inch of the university's main quad, also dressed pretty much head to toe in YSU colors. Most are just hanging with their friends and milling about as students do in the hours before the stadium opens for seating, some are playing little games of soccer and badminton to pass the time, loud laughs carrying in the cool air. You even recognize a few of them when you get out of your car but you don’t stop to talk. 
As a matter of fact, you avoid the faces you do know like the plague. 
Why are you suddenly acting like a B-Rate Bond spy, sneaking across the pavement and pulling your hood tight around your face in some attempt at obscurity?
The short reason is that tonight you’re going to surprise your best friend.
(And the long reason is that last night you’d had an… idea. A plan, if you will— a prank, if you wanted to get technical with it. The premise had come from a few hours of exhaustion scrolling after practice with the Wolves last night. You were too amped up about the weekend to sleep but still too tired from running after the team (ie; Donghyuck and Yeonjun) to do anything but glue your eyes to your phone screen and aimlessly scroll in bed. But then you saw it.
‘Surprising My Boyfriend On His Birthday! Spoiler: He Totally Cries!’
What a title, right? And it was the first post on the screen. The video itself wasn’t anything revolutionary in the world of birthday pranks as all the girl had done was ignore him all day after canceling their date and then show up in his apartment with all his friends that night, but it was the idea of a surprise that intrigued you, not the specificities. 
Especially not the specificities. Because there were actually quite a few differences. Like the fact that Jaemin was your best friend, not your boyfriend. And you weren’t going to sneak into his apartment and pop out of a giant gift box— your original thought was to hide behind a door or something and just leap out at him like some sort of spectre. Maybe you’d make a sign. You weren’t quite sure. What you were sure of was that he’d probably quicker laugh in your face than scream out of fear, but whatever. The vibe was there. And that was all you needed for the wheels to start turning.)
You’d told Chenle of the plan early this morning and handed the reins to him once he bullied you into insisted he help ‘set things up’. 
He texted you three context-less instructions thirty minutes later: make up a lie to shill to Jaemin about why you wouldn’t be able to make it to tonight's game, get to YSU half an hour before toss up, and to not let anyone see you when you got here.
Now half a day later here you were. Waddling into the campus athletic building like some sort of baby blue criminal. 
[You, 6:37PM] im here!!!!! where u at [You, 6:37PM] eagle 1 is in the nest… or whatever you said this morning :3 [CHENLELE, 6:39PM] Eagle 1 is nesting is what I said [CHENLELE, 6:39PM] Oh wait you’re Here here [CHENLELE, 6:39PM] Go to the practice gym [CHENLELE, 6:39PM] If you still remember where it is [You, 6:39PM] Har Har 
Convenient. You’re already outside of the practice gym, having wandered towards the basketball wing subconsciously as you awaited Chenle’s reply, and don’t bother pulling out your phone again when you feel a few more notifications.
Whatever he just sent he could relay you in a few moments when you meet up with him, right?
Or… maybe not. Because when you push through the gym's double doors expecting maybe two or three people, Chenle obviously among them as he’d been the only one you told— you apparently walk into an athletic conference instead.
“Y/N?” you manage to hear. But which one of the thousands of people in here is calling you, you’re not sure. “Y/N!”
You slow to a complete stop as all activity ceases, obviously startled. Maybe you’re exaggerating a little; it’s not thousands. It’s not even a dozen. But there’s much more activity than you’re expecting, Dejun and Guangheng, Seonghwa and Jungwoo, others scattered about in the middle of their own little tasks— all members of the team, you realize, already in their uniforms.
Even as they all rush you, you’re not quite sure what the hell is going on.
“Noona!” someone in the pile-up wails. 
That has to be Jongin; he’s the only one young enough to call you that besides Chenle and the last time Chenle used an honorific with you was the day you met him. 
Hands pat your head and ruffle your hair, arms wrap around you in spine-crushing like vices, and when Jungwoo finally gets his hands on you he thrashes you around like a puppy with a brand chew toy.  “Little Ace!” he coos. “How long has it been? Months? Years? You haven’t misplaced us while fraternizing with those awful GD boys, right?” 
He abruptly sets you down and in the same breath squishes your cheeks between his palms, frowning and glancing between you and his grinning teammates. “What do you guys think? You think she forgot us? Doesn’t she look kind of… frazzled?”
“I look frazzled because you all just jumped me,” you attempt, “And as vice captain, aren’t you supposed to be unbiased? They’re not awful. What are you all even doing here?”
(“I reserve my right to judge,” Jungwoo says petulantly.)
“Chenle asked us to help you with your thing,” Sunwoo answers. 
“Help me with what thing? All of you? What help could I possibly need with just popping out from behind a door and scaring the shit out of him?”
A few of them look at each other. Jungwoo grins. Sunwoo has the decency to look at least a little apologetic, though you have a sinking feeling whatever he’s about to explain to you is definitely Chenle’s doing.
You sigh. “Where is he, anyway?”
“Getting the cake from the staff fridge upstairs.”
“The cake?”
“Yeah,” Sunwoo sighs. “Seems like there’s a lot we need to catch you up on. I’ll fill you in while we finish glittering the poster boards, but… Actually, you wouldn’t happen to be any good with a hot glue gun, would you?”
Up until the actual ‘surprise’ part, things are going pretty well. 
By the time Chenle returns, there’s no time to ask him the details of the fifty-part plan he’s trying to pull off. He comes into the gym practically running, heaving something about Mark and Jaemin leaving early, that they’re three minutes out— which sparked chaos among the rest of the team— and in the ensuing shuffle of poster boards and party poppers, you lost him.
You’d ended up in the moth-ball smelling equipment closet somehow. Shoved in by somebody, you barely remember who. Through the gap in the door you lamented your life’s choices and watched as the team scattered and attempted to hide, some rolling under bleachers, some behind ball carts, (and you think you saw Jongin jump into a rolled up gymnastics stunt mat) before the gym descended into the type of charged silence only loud-people-trying-to-be-quiet could incur.
And seemingly not a second too soon. Because the sound of the double doors on the other side of the room swinging open is next; and you cut your commiserating short.
“I’dunno, J, Coach Hyo said she wanted to talk to you in here.”
Mark? Mark! 
“I don’t know what about. She’s in the office, I think. You want me to wait for you?”
“Nah,” Jaemin replies. It’s quiet, muffled from all the distance, but at the sound of his voice live in stereo you still grow a little giddy. You must have missed him more than you thought… your heart is thudding. “With my luck today I’m about to get scolded or something, so I’m sure it’ll be quick. If you want to do me a favor you can find me the other half of our team, yeah?”
“They’re at the sauna. You didn’t see the group chat? Chen posted about it like half an hour ago.”
Mark laughs at this, but you don’t know why. “Your phone has been glued to your hand for the last week and you’re choosing today to ignore your messages? …You know, you’ve been in a bad mood all day too. It wouldn’t happen to be because of—”
“Like I’m not already aware,” Jaemin interrupts, sighing. “So are you gonna go and get them or what? Call time isn’t getting any father—”
The lights shut off.
You don’t know if Mark is in on it or not but you can only assume from the way he doesn’t respond to Jaemin’s immediate, ‘What the hell— Mark?’ that he must be as complacent as Chenle and the others. 
A few seconds pass. There’s shuffling, the obvious sounds of people moving about in the darkness, and, “Mark, please tell me you’ve just grown fifty legs and that's you running around in here,” before the lights flip back on and the sounds of the entire team’s shouts instantly fill the gymnasium. 
Typical Jaemin— still joking even in the face of what you would have probably thought was a scene from Freddy Krueger— but there’s no time to snicker at his predictability. That’s your cue.
“Not quite!” you hear someone shout. “Happy birthday, Little J!”
More cheers. There’s a beat of silence and then he laughs, disbelief thick in his voice when he reads aloud a second later, stunned, from the glitter-splattered cardboard each boy is proudly holding to their chests. “...Nana… rocks?” 
Then, “This is what you boneheads have been doing for the last half hour? Planning this?”
“Of course not,” Jungwoo sing-songs. “We don’t like you enough for that.”
You wish you could see his face, but from the other side of the gym you’ll just have to settle with seeing his blue backside; hoodie pulled up over his head, little twig legs sticking out of his basketball shorts.
“Yeah, right— No way you came up with this yourselves. Who then? Chen put you up to this?”
Nope! Right behind you, Jaem.
You pick up the speed once again in fear he’ll turn on a whim, face about to split from your smile, and you’re almost there. You can see the finish line. The fraying threads on the hem of his lucky sweatshirt. 
All there’s left is to leap and shout, something cheesy and cute and very very loud in an attempt to startle him and complete this overcomplicated plan, then everyone will laugh and cheer and you’ll go beat some Dulim University ass.
(…But of course it doesn’t go that smoothly.)
Your phone rings. Half a blip. Just that. A misdial maybe because it ends as soon as it’s started, but your stupid ringtones are about as recognizable as you are and Jaemin flinches and whips around like a bomb had gone off instead. Fuck.
In the millisecond you have to make a choice, you decide that you’re going to jump on him anyway. You're already right there. Too much has gone into this. And there's no way you’re going to let some damn spam call ruin what you’ve been waiting all week for—
But the force Jaemin spins around with has his hood flying off of his head,
—And, suddenly, going so fast is the worst idea you’ve ever had. The smile slips off your face and you lose the rhythm, the image of an angel suddenly burned into your retinas as you stumble and flail: only it’s not an angel. It’s not an incredibly beautiful disciple beckoning you into heaven with a growing grin that could rival the sun in terms of pure radiance.
 It’s… Jaemin. 
And the person you’re hurling towards continues to be Jaemin as you smash your face into his stomach at possibly a hundred miles an hour and the two of you crash into the court like a couple of car-accident test dummies.
He doesn’t stop being any less blonde as you come to your senses a moment later. His groaning laughter is physically felt through the hands you’ve got on his chest to leverage yourself out of the pile-up— but the embarrassing position you’re in right now doesn’t even track.
“Way to go, Humpty Dumpty.” 
You look up. Chenle is staring at you with the biggest shit-eating grin on his face when you finally tear your eyes from Jaemin’s scalp, arms folded and phone— that you now remember he’s recording with— still trained on you. “Show him how much you love him by knocking his brain loose. I totally get it.”
As a matter of fact all the guys are watching you with various looks of amusement: Jungwoo and Guangheng cackling loudly and openly at your misfortune, Shotoro trying to hide his laugh behind a closed fist, the others just smiling and looking at one another as you clear your throat and scramble off of your temporary cushion like a bullet out of a gun. 
“That last part was not supposed to happen.”
“I figured,” Jaemin says breathlessly.
Despite the haphazard entrance he’s still smiling ear to ear when you hoist him to his feet, a little dazed like he’s still not sure if you’re really here. 
You get a good look at him again as the rest of the team fills in around you and damn. Damn. The last time you’d seen his eyebrows this clearly had to be from back in middle school when his mom got a little too trigger happy with the scissors the night before picture day. Now they’re here in high definition, all golden brown and perfect to match the new pale blonde, arched as he shakes his head in disbelief at the sight of you. 
Good lord. Has he always looked like this?
“Ah, I should’ve known better,” he whines. “Seriously— you? Putting schoolwork over me? On my birthday? The earth would quicker fall into the sun.”
“Way to make me sound like a slacker,” you laugh, but it comes out a little dry. "But, yeah, um. Yeah. You… What’s up with the, uh…?”
He lets you go. He looks confused for quite a few seconds, obviously trying to figure out what you’re so tongue-tied about as he stares down at you— and has he always been this tall, too?— before he follows your gaze up to the white strands drifting over his eyes and it clicks.
“Oh. This?” He runs a hand through it absentmindedly and God, it doesn’t even look damaged. “You know Vivian, right?”
“Ningning,” Chenle supplies from somewhere beside you. You don’t actually know anyone named Vivian or ‘Ningning’, but you’re so preoccupied with Chenle’s sudden involvement that you don’t think to question it. The phone is gone now but he’s still watching your conversation with apt interest, arms folded casually like he’s not just standing there staring at the both of you. 
You give him a questioning look and the boy only winks.
“Yeah,” Jaemin confirms. “Ningning. We have the same Econ class this semester and a few days ago she said she was ‘searching for heads’ to do some cosmetology projects on. Like styling and cutting and stuff. And you’re always getting on me about cutting my hair, so…”
He shrugs casually, like he’d only let Vivian borrow a few class notes.
“So you just let this person have a field day on your head?”
“Yep! And I’m not bald, so I think she did a pretty good job.”
Understatement of the century. Vivian did better than a good job; the girl performed magic. With the power of a good pair of scissors and 40 volume developer, she’d managed to turn Jaemin into someone you didn’t immediately recognize. Like… you thought you’d seen an angel. An ethereal being. Not your best friend, but some handsome (and apparently stumble-worthy) guy inhabiting his body. 
And the more you think about it the more the feeling confuses you, but before you can fully dive into why that is, someone clears their throat very loudly from the outskirts of the group— and all of you turn to an awkward looking Mark Lee.
“Sorry,” he says quickly, “I don’t mean to interrupt the festivities, but, uh… Call time is seven minutes out, Jaem.”
Oh. Right. Right. And just like that, the atmosphere shifts. The first game of the season. That's what you're here for, isn't it. Temporary captain duties on Jaemin’s end, no less; with the reminder he, along with a few others, suddenly look a little ill.
An entire school’s worth of Yonsei students are probably streaming into the other gym right as you all stand around here and chatter about hair dye. 
“Right,” Jaemin exhales slowly.
“Come on, what’s with all the long faces?” you gripe. There’s a few smiles at your blase tone. “You’re not nervous, right? You guys? Seoul’s reigning Central Conference Champions?”
They pretty much all see through your intentions to loosen them up a little bit. Coach habits die hard, you guess. “You’re going to go out there and show me what I drove all the way back here for, right?”
There’s a few cheers. Mostly nods and smiles. But from the back, after the world's longest, fakest cough, Jungwoo doesn’t miss his chance. “Jaemin is already right in front of you,” he stage-whispers.
…You should have seen that coming.
Still, you can’t be upset that everyone is now laughing too hard to focus on being anxious. Jaemin is smiling too, proudly, smugly, like he has no qualms with their joke at all, because of course he doesn’t— so you let Jungwoo’s joke go. Mostly.
“Yeah, laugh it up, Kim. Because God knows if I came to see you make a basket, I’d be here ‘till graduation.”
Jungwoo only puts a hand over his heart, feigning the recoil of an arrow to the chest, before the ever-punctual Mark starts to herd him and then all the others out of the practice gym.
You missed this. With the series of hair ruffles and hugs you receive as they leave, you can only assume they missed you too.
Once the cat is out of the proverbial bag about your arrival, not a second goes by before the game starts that you’re not hugging, waving, or catching up with people you haven’t seen all summer. After your welcome tour (which you say lovingly, but the sheer amount of people who try to flag you down is still astounding; like you’ve been gone for a few weeks, not a hundred years, but you’re not complaining), you finally manage to make it to courtside with a few of your old teammates.
The cheerleaders are doing something fun on the court, the stands are filling up, the atmosphere is electric and Twice’s ‘Ooh-Ah’ is practically deafening; your friend Guyeon has to shout at you to be heard over the music. 
“You can’t seriously tell me that out of all those GDSC boys you’re surrounded by, that you’re not interested in any of them. You’re aware that lying is a sin, right?”
“I usually don’t condone her pestering,” your other friend Jihara adds, nudging you with one of her jersey clad shoulders, “But even I have to admit that Cupid has a point this time. That Instagram story you posted yesterday with the brown haired guy; that kid was holding onto you like he’s known you since birth. Even I know that's suspicious.”
This topic again. This topic again. It only took Guyeon ten seconds after you sat down to start the interrogation this time— her new personal record.
If only you could ‘forget’ to respond, like you’ve been doing for the past week every time they tried to interrogate you about the Timberwolves through text.
“Donghyuck is just like that,” you say defensively. “The first day we met he tried to bench press me inside of a BBQ restaurant to prove a point. It seriously doesn’t mean anything. Shouldn’t we be paying attention to the game?”
“The game doesn’t start for at least another five minutes if the cheerleaders are still on court. I know that. You know that.”
Damn. “It was worth a try.”
“Seriously, Y/N, there’s not at least one? I mean, I totally understand writing off all of those sweaty weirdos—” Guyeon gestures towards the locker room doors, which you assume means she’s referring to the men's basketball team, and the mildly disgusted look on her face makes you laugh. “—But I stalked the photos on the GDSC Timberwolves roster last night after we called and there is not a chance you don’t think any of those dudes aren’t stupidly attractive.”
“First of all, creepy,” you respond, grimacing, “And second of all, I never said they weren’t attractive. Just… y’know. I’m not ‘wired for romance’ like you are, Gu— they just look like dudes to me.”
Guyeon opens her mouth quickly, presumably to talk at you some more about repressed feelings and ‘healthy sexual urges’, but a rising chatter from the other Yonsei students filling the stands behind you catches all of your attention. When you look up you realize the cheerleaders are leaving, doing that cute little jog-skip-run thing they do and waving at everyone before they disappear into the home tunnel. The stadium lights fully brighten once they’ve all left and the energy of the stands grows tenfold— the game is about to start. 
“This conversation is not over,” Guyeon says quickly.
An echoing shout bursts from the direction of the home team tunnel and you forgo responding to Gu’s threat just in time to see Jaemin’s jog out of the entrance, to the cheers of what sounds like everyone in a five mile radius. The rest of the team is right behind him as well, whooping and jumping and passing their hands along the students close enough to the tunnel to high-five like the excitable, powered up athletes they are— but you have a feeling it wasn’t any of them that the freshman girls behind you just gasped about.
The team finish their introduction and crowd around their bench, which just so happens to be in front of you, Jiara and Guyeon.
‘Oh my God, Chaer, do you see that one,’ one of them whispers. ‘Ow! What? Who? Number 13? Jesus, Okay, I see him! Stop hitting me!’
If you didn’t know any better you’d think that Jaemin heard them, because right as it leaves the girls mouth he perks up like he’s just remembered something. 
You watch as his eyes flit around the student section, water bottle forgotten halfway to his mouth, and for a moment you’re seriously thinking he somehow grew superhuman hearing when you weren’t around when he looks right behind you— but then his gaze finds yours.
“Holy shit,” Guyeon whispers.
He winks, like he always does when your eyes meet.
Then he blows you a sleazy kiss when you pretend to gag. When he finally gets a laugh out of you he grins like he’s won the lottery, a wild and unruly thing that stretches across his face in the teasing way it does whenever he’s trying to piss you off and knows he’s succeeding. It absolutely isn’t anything new… but something about it makes your insides squirm this time. 
Suddenly feeling off, you can only think to wave; then the whistle is blown for the starters to make their way to half court and he’s gone. 
(“Oof,” one of the freshmen from earlier snickers behind you. “Sorry, Lia. You seriously thought a guy like that wouldn’t already be with somebody? Looks like he’s spoken for.”)
“Holy shit,” Guyeon says again, and this time you do look at her, still a little unsettled. “Are you sure you’re not a lesbian, Ace?”
“Guyeon,” Jiara hisses.
Gu immediately puts two hands up in surrender but the glint in her eyes is anything but. You can see it written all over face; your later interrogation is going to be severe.
At the very least, Jiara’s scolding finally puts an end to the pregame chatter. The two of them like basketball as much as you do and quickly get absorbed into the game once the referee makes his appearance. They both cheer when Yonsei wins the toss up (though your voice kind of outweighs theirs when the first basket of the night just so happens to be Chenle’s easy three-pointer) and they sigh when the Dulim Rovers manage to get a free throw on a traveling technicality a few minutes later. 
Yonsei games are always pretty electric but tonight is something different and by the time the Dulim calls their first time out halfway into the second quarter, you’re already hoarse from cheering. 
“I’m going to go and get something from concessions before the half-time crowd hits. Any orders?”
It’s like they barely hear you. Guyeon grunts something that sounds like ‘lemonade’ and Jiara doesn’t say a word, practically glaring holes into the scoreboard as the numbers blink in red cacophony: 14-14. 
Not phased by the very common occurrence of their jock brains taking full effect, you just nudge Jiara out of the way to get to the sidelines, jogging towards the exit so as to not block any other students from seeing the game. The score may not be favorable yet, yeah. But you’re not worried. If Jaemin is on the court, you don’t have to be.
You take your time once you get out of the gym. 
All hot food at the concessions bar is always made in bulk in the ten minutes before halftime so you’re already aware that you’re going to be waiting for a little while as they prepare, but you didn’t mind. If anything, you enjoyed the quiet of the desolate lobby. It was a welcome change from the ever-present noise of the gym, and your night was going to be long— you might as well stock up on quiet moments now while you have the ability, right? And it’s not like you had anything else to do. So you close your eyes and let your mind wander, leaning against the booth wall.
You think about everything and anything. The art history assignment you have due on Sunday night, is one. Unwelcome of course but present regardless. You wonder how Sunghoon is doing after rolling his ankle during practice this morning and in the same vein, the pulled shoulder Dejun was posting about a few weeks ago. (You’d have to remember to tell him not to push himself too hard when you saw him again later.) 
Halfway through pondering about just how many drunk people you’re going to have to babysit tonight, you hear it. 
“Where did she go?”
The voice is vaguely familiar but also quite distant, so you don't rouse. They could be talking about anyone, right?
“Damn it, Hyuck! I thought we said we weren't going to—”
“There! Mini!”
This, however, is jarring enough for your eyes to shoot open. 
“I told you that was her!” Donghyuck whines.
And lo and behold. Possibly the last people you’d be expecting to see in the lobby of Yonsei University; number 03 and 06 respectively, practically bouncing across the linoleum to get to you faster.
The forward reaches the concessions booth first, easily sliding under the que dividers to reach where you are, and Renjun comes chasing after him with his face already torn into an apologetic grimace.
“Donghyuck?” you say belatedly. “Why— What the hell are you two doing all the way over here?”
“We know a few guys from Dulim,” Renjun explains hastily, elbowing Donghyuck hard when he’s close enough to reach. The taller boy barely even flinches, too busy making smiling-eyes at you. 
“I knew you’d be here,” Donghyuck says smugly. “Jun and the others didn’t believe me though, but I knew.” 
“Hey! We never said we didn’t…” Seemingly remembering all at once that arguing with Donghyuck is always a losing battle, Renjun sighs and forgoes that train of thought altogether. He turns to you with a ‘Can you believe this guy?’ kind of look and you laugh at their antics.
“We had a feeling you’d be here but this is the first time you’re seeing your friends again in a while, right? We didn’t want you worrying about us so we said we’d leave you alone if we saw you, but this one,” Hyuck smiles sweetly even though Renjun’s tone is anything but pleasant, “Just couldn’t help himself when we saw you come out here. Sorry. I tried to use force, but he’s like an eel.”
“A cute eel,” he butts in. “The cutest eel, and it’s not like you mind, right? You love me. And I missed you. A whole lot.”
“You saw me this morning,” you respond, still a little surprised. “And you didn’t like me then because I was making you do sit-ups. How many of you are here?”
“I forgive easily,” Hyuck says amicably at the same time Renjun actually answers your question, “Just No-Jam and Ji. The Dulim guys are more Jeno’s friends than ours, but it’s not like we were doing anything else tonight.”
You guess it’s not that big of a coincidence…?  It wasn’t like you were the only person who could visit other schools. They’re here for Dulim but aren’t dressed head to toe in yellow like the rest of the visiting crowd is, Hyuck in all black besides his gray bomber jacket and Renjun the complete opposite, cream hood of his hoodie pulled up over his head. You wonder how you hadn’t already noticed them in this state. 
The concessions worker calls your order while you’re talking with the two, residual shock giving away quickly to amusement as they clamber on about how big Yonsei’s campus is and how ridiculous traffic was on the way, and after you collect your food they even walk you back to the gym entrance. It splits off into two doors, visitors side and home, and you slow in front of your stop.
“Bet you’re probably tired of seeing us at this point,” Renjun says, laughing, but he still sounds apologetic. “Go back with your friends. Maybe we can see you after the game?”
“You say that like we’re not also friends.” You feign a pout and try not to break when Renjun’s eyes go wide.
“Great job, stick in the mud,” Donghyuck chides.
“What? No! I just meant— We’ve kind of been dragging you around lately, I thought—”
Renjun stutters and you laugh, his frown immediately turning into a scowl when he realizes you’re just screwing with him. You’d stay out here and talk more if Guyeon’s lemonade wasn’t freezing your hand, and he had a point. It wasn't like they were going to disappear at the buzzer.
With a promise to meet them out in the lobby after the final whistle, you part ways.
Unlike when you’d left, Guyeon and Jiara’s eyes are all on you when you return. Maybe it’s because the score is much better, 15-24, and they don’t have to have their gaze as sharp on the court. Or maybe it’s because—
“Did you get lost?” Jiara asks. “Gone for a week and already forgetting the hallways, huh? We thought you’d been kidnapped.”
Yep. Or maybe it’s because they want to terrorize you further. You hand Gu her demonic drink and shake the feeling back into your fingers. “Didn’t know I was being timed.”
“Birthday Boy sank a three while you were gone,” Guyeon shrugs. “He looked over all proud before he saw that you weren’t here and then his frown was like, almost comically adorable. I think it even shifted my heart a little. Made me want to stab you for not being here to receive it.”
“Where’d he make it from? And I saw a few friends in the lobby. Got caught up.”
Jiara snatches a nacho from your tray. “A little behind half court I think, and what do you mean friends? What friends do you have besides us and those blockheads on the court? The woman at concessions doesn’t count.”
You scowl at her. Should you even tell them? Guyeon might blow a gasket if she finds out that there are Timberwolves in the building after her earlier tangent, and you’re really not sure you can survive another round of interrogation so soon after the last. Your phone vibrating in your pocket gives you at least a little reprieve in answering… but not for long.
[Hyuck, 7:32PM] we see you ;) [Hyuck, 7:32PM] middle section, third row [Hyuck, 7:32PM] jisungie is waving
Foolishly, you look up.
Park Jisung’s lanky arm swinging around (paired with the puffy cheeks full of popcorn) is pretty easy to pick out now that you know what you’re looking for. Hyuck and Renjun sit to his right and perk up when you meet their eyes, grinning and waving like you didn’t just see them thirty seconds ago, and to Jisung’s left sits Lee Jeno who simply nods when your gaze runs across his.
You’re preparing to wave back when Guyeon grabs your arm. 
“No fucking way,” she hisses, and you tear your eyes from them before you can do anything but yelp. She’s looking at you like you’ve just called her a bad word. Shit. “They’re here? You brought them here?”
Gasket, blown. The only thing that saves you is a whistle blaring and when Chenle, wet and sweaty like he’s been dipped into the campus pool, comes crashing down between you and Guyeon not even a second later. You startle and look back to the court and see the rest of the Eagles coming towards the bench in similar disarray, panting and grinning and saying things that you can’t quite make out over the sudden chattering and movement of the crowd behind you. 
Half time. Thank God. Guyeon’s eyes focus on Chenle and you know you’re free.
“It's too hot in here,” he says, grabbing for her lemonade, whining, “Let me have this. C’mon, please, you know I’ll pay you back!”
“I— Yeah, whatever, take it,” Guyeon says quickly. “I didn’t want it that much, anyway.”
He grins and tosses half of it back while Guyeon tries not to look like she’s staring, even though she is totally staring, and you turn back to where Donghyuck and the others are but they’re not looking at you anymore. Damn. 
“If you’re thirsty you need to hydrate properly,” you tell your younger friend blithely when you spin back to them, squinting, “Sugar isn’t hydration. What if you get a cramp?”
“Then you’d massage it for me like you always do.”
“Watch it,” another voice says for you. “You get a cramp, you go to the infirmary like a big boy, yeah? And she’s right— lose the lemonade.” You don’t have to turn to know who’s just slumped down into the other half of your seat.
Guyeon, more wary of Captain-Mode Jaemin than she is heart-eyes for Chen, quietly takes her drink back. “You always say she’s right,” Chenle mutters.
“Because I am always right.” 
“What is it you always say about rice?” you ask aloud, turning to the man of the hour behind you, “Bowls of rice?”
Jaemin laughs. He’s got his arms crossed over his jersey and he looks properly exhausted— sweat rolling down his temples, cheeks pink with exertion, still breathing a little ragged— but when he looks at you, he smiles like he’s not tired at all. 
“You’ve eaten more bowls of rice than he has.”
“That’s the one! Exactly. Which means my word is as good as gospel. Go get your water before I pinch you.”
Chenle grumbles, but he goes. Coach Hyo calls Jaemin back to the bench not too soon after this but he makes sure to steal another nacho from you and mess up your hair before he goes. So much for proper game diet, right? Brat.
The minutes of half time tick by until the game begins again, stands refilled with viewers and their concessions raid, and it’s not too surprising to say that Yonsei cleans house. 
You knew they would. They played too well, practiced too hard, and simply worked too well together to not send North Dulim scrambling for points in the second half. Jaemin’s effortless two-pointer is what signifies the end of the game, buzzer ringing in tandem with his white sneakers hitting the ground: 37-29. When you relay the score to your dad later he’s definitely going to have some things to say, ‘Not a big enough gap. What, are they slacking now that we’re not there?’ but you can’t really pretend you’re not pleased. 
When the game is over you usually just wait in the stands for the rest of the crowd to clear out (because fighting with traffic to get into the lobby is a little dumb when you know you still have to wait for Jaemin and the others to shower anyway) but with Donghyuck and the others waiting outside, it seems like tonight you’re going to have to brave the masses. 
But… before that. You’re going to have to deal with the bouncing ball of black-haired energy on your right.  “Guyeon,” you sigh.
“What? You don’t even know what I was about to ask!”
“So the holes you’re burning into the side of my head don’t have anything to do with the fact that you want to come with me?”
“Come where?” Jiara chimes in. “I want to go. Where are we going?”
“To meet the Timberwolves Y/N tried to sneak in here,” Guyeon whispers. She dodges when you try to jab her and Jiara’s eyes narrow when you don’t immediately shut your other friend down.
“I didn’t sneak anybody anywhere, you little conspirator!"
Your phone vibrates again. 
[Hyuck, 8:05PM] we’re by the big eagle statue thing outside, by the main doors!!! come out!!! didn’t i say i missed you????!?!
“If you’re coming you better behave,” you hiss. “Seriously, I coach these guys Gu. None of your matchmaker shit.”
“You don’t coach them officially. So even if…” She shrinks immediately when you stare at her. “Fine! Fine, gosh. Lead the way.”
With your two new shadows, you maneuver through the traffic of moving Yonsei students and parents and staff, both beelining for Lucky Eagle and dragging your feet at the same time as you pass through the gym doors. (And you didn’t even think about it until now, but God, Donghyuck and Guyeon in the same group? At the same time? Maybe it’s not too late to call this off— the thought of dealing with them both at once almost gives you hives.) 
You see Jisung’s head of dirty blonde peeping over the smattering of students before you can really mentally prepare and when he sees you his eyes go wide. He says something you can't quite make out to someone beside him, and then, “Mini!”
Your trio rounds upon Lucky Eagle. 
“Mini… and friends?” Donghyuck corrects, raising an eyebrow, but grinning all the same.
“And friends,” you confirm, sighing. “Timberwolves, meet… Well, you’ve got tongues. Go ahead, you two.” 
You can practically hear Guyeon vibrating with questions, things to say, thoughts flying through her head in the midst of these guys she admitted to cyberstalking not even an hour prior, but thankfully she heeds your earlier threat and actually acts like a normal human being.
“Kwon Guyeon,” she says with a small bow, smiling sweetly. “Third year point guard for the Yonsei Warriors. Nice to meet you!”
“Son Jiara,” Jiara nods. “Power forward I guess, if we’re doing that.”
Donghyuck laughs. “I’ve always said that knowing what position someone plays is almost better than knowing their blood type,” he says. “Donghyuck, also power forward. I’m sure you’ve already heard of me, since I’m Mini’s favorite over at—”
“Okay,” Renjun cuts in. “Anyway. Park Jisung, Lee Jeno,” he points at each respective boy as he names them, completely ignoring Donghyuck’s scandalized noise. “Huang Renjun. All starters at Gamdogja, under Y/N’s watchful eye.”
“Like you need the introduction,” Guyeon laughs. “Any basketball team in the central conference knows GDSC.”
…Okay. This is going pretty smoothly so far, you think. Good. That’s good. Seeing your old friends and your new friends interacting so easily is a little weird, but soon enough they’re talking like old-buddies without your input at all; Guyeon mentions something about Baekhyun when an EXO song comes over the speakers and Donghyuck practically leaps at her, Jisung asks when the first women’s game is being held and both him and Renjun end up wandering behind Jiara as she shows them the season schedule board on the other side of the lobby.
Somehow it’s only Jeno that’s been left converationless, looking around with his hands trenched in his pockets when you come over, lost.
“Why is it always you that gets left behind, Lee?” 
“It’s a talent,” Jeno shrugs easily. “Your friends are pretty cool.”
Guyeon is too busy laughing over something on her phone with Donghyuck to feel your eyes on her back, and you only shrug. “Don’t think too much of it. I threatened them before we came out here, so they’re on their best behavior.”
“Big threat or small threat?”
“Big threat, like when your eyes get big and your mouth gets really small? Or small threat like how you yelled at me this morning during FT drills?”
What? “I didn’t—” 
‘Unlock those knees, 01, before I unlock them for you!’
Oh. You hesitate, and this gets him to crack a smile. “If you thought that was intimidating, you’ll cry the next time I have to tell you to stop tensing up when you shoot. Seriously, you’re going to pull something one of these days.”
“It’s been working for me this far.”
“Yeah ‘cause you don’t know any better, rookie. Staying loose is stuff they teach in, like, elementary school.”
Jeno spares you a glance, raising one dark eyebrow like he’s unsure of what he’s just heard. “Rookie?” he echoes. “Have I been playing with a different L/N Y/N? Because from what I remember it was definitely you who airballed twice a few nights ago—”
“I tripped!”
Yes, twice, and you do not take kindly to being reminded of how hard Jeno laughed at the look on your face the second time you completely missed the basket. You scowl at him while he looks away, obviously attempting not to grin and set you off again, and cross your arms with a huff. There isn’t even anything you can defend with either. Both he and you know you didn’t trip. Ugh.
“You want to talk about threats? Just you wait until the next time I catch you with your knees locked, Lee. I’ll bounce a ball off the back of your head.”
“I’m not worried. You might airball that too.”
He’s only saved from your elbow by Donghyuck who chooses this time to return, flinging a heavy arm around your shoulders. “God. This is the conversation I’m coming back to? Do you guys ever talk about anything besides basketball?”
“Do you ever do anything besides talk?” Jeno barks back.
You hadn’t even noticed him approaching. Guyeon is right behind him, a giant smile on her face. She gives you a look when your eyes meet, an approving glance towards the boy draped across your side when you only squint, and you can only assume this means he’s passed whatever silent vetting process she’d no doubt set upon him. 
You’re not surprised. Donghyuck could probably make a pile of rocks fall in love with him. 
“Don’t be like that. Why are you cranky? Are you tired? Is it time for bed? A nap, perhaps? Does cranky Baby Jeno need—”
Jeno turns to look at Donghyuck with an intensity you’ve only seen once or twice in the short week you’ve known them, but you know what’s coming and swiftly remove yourself. You’ve only just realized your phone is ringing again anyway, Honne whispering through the recesses of your hoodie pocket.
“I’m going to take this,” you attempt, but the pair are already fighting. Oh well. At least Guyeon hears you. 
“Tell him to hurry up, yeah?”
“Will do.”
“Why aren’t you in the gym?” Jaemin whines. You step swiftly away from the others, picking a random direction to wander as you wince and notch the volume down on your phone. “I can’t leave yet because Coach Hyo wants me and Mark to talk to some dude from University Daily. My shoulders hurt. And I’m lonely.”
“Mark and I. And your shoulders always hurt. What dude? And where is Chenle?
“Still showering. You know how he is with that. And a reporter, I think, because Coach said something about scheduling an interview, but I wasn’t really listening because I was looking for you.”
“Why are you so nosy? You know I wouldn’t have left the building.”
You’re chastising him, but still smile a little at the idea of him looking for you. “I’m in the lobby with Gu and Jiara, by Lucky Eagle if you have to know. And listen, I’m only telling you this now because I don’t want you to be weird about it, but a few of the Timberwolves are here. And no, before you ask I did not invite them. ”
A beat of silence. There’s shuffling on the line, and then, “Sounds like something someone who definitely invited them would say. But if you’re telling me that because you’re worried I’m going to like, bark at them or something, then I’m thoroughly hurt.”
“Just this morning you called Yangyang a fedora-hobbit. You said he looks like he bites people.”
“Because he does and until that little troll apologizes to you, I'll stand by that. Tell me he’s not in our lobby.”
“He’s not. It’s the cool ones I told you about, from DDeumi’s.”
“Good! Then there won’t be any problems. Looks like Coach is coming with the guy now, so Lele and I will probably be there in a minute or two. Don’t miss me too much. Later!"
He hangs up before you can get a word out. Annoying. 
Either way you heed his timing and head back to the statue, of which your blended group has now returned to mingling around.
Conversation drifts— from how you like GDSC so far, to the boys majors, from their favorite NBA teams to eventually spilling scary injury stories like every athlete pretty much ends up doing in the presence of other athletes. 
Donghyuck is in the middle of describing (in terrible detail) the time he tried to juke a rival in middle school and broke both of his wrists (“And sprained an ankle!” he cries, “Like, how unlucky can you get?!”) when you hear it. A soft rising noise. Chatter, and then as more people join it becomes a straight up cheer; you turn just in time to see the first familiar wet head pop out of the basketball wing corridor. Then another. Then all the rest, Dejun and Shotoro and Seonghwa, everyone, grinning from ear to ear as the lobby shout their congratulations. When you finally see Chenle emerge, floating out of the hallway like a man who’s just won the lottery with his arm around Jaemin’s neck… you sigh.
“Incoming,” Jiara snickers.
Incoming indeed, because it seems like your night is about to get a lot— “Ace!”
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cf56 · 3 years
The progression of Dr. Scratchansniff’s character in the original Animaniacs is so strange. I’ve put together an episode-by-episode analysis of this, but it’s kind of long so I hid it behind the break.
Here are his major appearances by episode:
Episode 1: He first meets the Warners and tries to make them normal. They drive him crazy, starting his dislike for them.
Episode 5: He tries to teach the Warners good manners for the party, and actually succeeds. This is the first hint of him showing sympathy for them, when he’s forced to throw them out even though they behaved.
Episode 14: The Warners successfully get Scratchansniff out of a ticket. This presumably increases his good will towards them.
Episode 43: The Warners like Scratchansniff enough to get him a birthday present purely out of good will. He’s touched by this, until the present is unwrapped.
Episode 52: He bonds with Wakko in the elevator, even if he still can’t stand some of his antics.
Episode 53: The Warners ruin his date, making him understandably upset.
Episode 65: He chaperones the Warners at their 65th Anniversary. I believe this is the first instance of him acting as their parental figure, showing a lot of growth in his attitude towards them.
Episode 69: He takes the Warners to the carnival, seemingly just to give them a good time. He’s now becoming very established as a father figure to them.
Episode 71: Scratchansniff and Wakko bond more at his bingo game. He gets exhausted at his antics, but never seems truly angry. (Just gotta say that Wakko’s really cute in this one.)
Episode 79: He attends the Warners’ big party and seems happy to be there.
Episode 82: He takes the Warners out for another trip, which seems to be a routine for them now. He gets along really great with them, learning to appreciate Wakko’s two note song.
Now, this is where things get weird. So far, we’ve seen Scratchansniff have a pretty coherent character arc. He started off hating the Warners but slowly warmed up to them over time, becoming like a father to them in these last few episodes I listed. Episode 82 is the height of their relationship- he doesn’t have much of a problem at all with them, and seems to enjoy their company.
Then, it all inexplicably goes downhill. The next major episode featuring the Scratchansniff-Warners relationship is Episode 87, Anchors-a-Warner. This episode is notorious for being one of the worst in the original series, partly because of the point I’m making here. It makes no sense to the characters of Scratchansniff or the Warners. If you haven’t seen it, basically, Scratchansniff goes on a cruise specifically to get away from the children, but they of course join him anyway. They then constantly annoy him in a really mean way, worse than they’ve done for almost any of their special friends over the years. He simply can’t stand being around them, and they don’t seem to care much for his feelings either.
Where did all of this come from? We’ve spent the entire series watching this pretty wholesome character development. Then, it all goes away with no explanation, and they hate each other again. It makes no sense and is in fact pretty depressing seeing their positive relationship go down the drain. Did the writers simply decide they didn’t like the way it was going? Was it too wholesome for them in a show that had gained a reputation for raunchiness? I’ve heard that in later seasons they used scrapped episode concepts from the earlier seasons. Is this one of those cases? Was this supposed to be like a Season 1 or 2 episode that was resurrected without much thought to the overall story?
Anyway, after this strange episode, things don’t get better. This is in fact the last episode featuring the Warners-Scratchansniff relationship. In the final episode of the show, we see a clip show that ends with an old clip of Scratchansniff catching the Warners in a net, presumably implying that he captured them and locked them back up to end their relationship for good. It feels horrible to end it that way, honestly. In Wakko’s Wish he barely interacts with the Warners at all.
Worst of all in my opinion, when he returns for the reboot he seems to be back to hating them, and them treating him like an antagonist, completely disregarding all of that character development just like the old show did. Why couldn’t we have had a positive ending with Scratchansniff fully embracing the Warners, or just not reverting to his previous self with no explanation? I know they stayed away from mushy plots like that in general, but I think it would have been really rewarding to see. Much better than what they ended up doing.
There’s still time. I hope the reboot writers latch onto the positive Scratchansniff threads going forward instead of keeping him as an antagonist. I really want to see that relationship reach its logical, heartwarming conclusion, rather than staying in this depressing cycle of hatred. The synopsis for the Scratchansniff episode in Season 2 gives me hope.
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devildomdisaster · 3 years
Hi can I ask for the reaction of the demon brothers to the mc who always behaves fearlessly, but is afraid of a sharp clap and hides behind them?
Hi anon, this is my first ask for this blog so I hope it's what you wanted.
I got a bit carried away with this one so it ended up a bit long.
Normally fearless mc who hides behind the brothers after a loud noise
Initially, Lucifer thinks that a human who has little to no magic ability (at least at first) is going to be helpless and frightened of almost everything. This is the Devildom after all, and demons would love to eat a sweet human soul.
But you routinely stand up not only to his brothers but to him.
Honestly, he finds it frustrating.
With no way to intimidate you Lucifer’s normal tactics to ensure proper behavior are rendered useless.
Not only that but you encourage his brothers to act up as well.
But your fearlessness has also endeared you to him.
Even more pride than normal radiates off him when he sees you put some lower-level demon or his brothers in their place. Even if he has to step in sometimes.
Lucifer discovers your fear as you walk into Ristorante Six and a waiter drops a tray of drinks behind you as you are being shown to your table
The tray hits the ground with a loud clatter
Lucifer turns at the noise but otherwise thinks little of the situation
You however are immediately hidden behind him, hands fisted tightly around handfuls of the back of his coat
He is surprised but quickly schools his expression into one of concern.
His first thought is if you are alright, did something on the tray somehow hit you?
He turns to you, taking your clenched fists into his hands.
For all intents and purposes you seem physically fine just…scared. Truly frightened.
Later when you have calmed down he might ask you about your reaction. But for now he will simply comfort you.
He pulls you into his arms whispering lowly into your ear, “there is nothing that can hurt you while I am here Mc. It’s alright.”
Once your breathing has slowed he’ll ask if you’d like to leave and go back to the house of lamentation.
If you were just startled he’ll spend the evening as planned, although he is far more aware of the movement of the surrounding demons. And any possible loud noises that could startle you again.
If you do want to go home he will gladly take you, he’ll propose a quieter evening, relaxing in his study listening to his records perhaps?
Oh, his fearless human!
He is oh so impressed at your bravery.
It’s almost reckless at times how little fear you seem to have in the face of demons.
This boy loves to watch you stand up to other demons or handle situations that others would consider frightening (especially for humans).
Your fearlessness makes you the perfect partner in crime for his schemes.
He loves the rush of getting away with his schemes and loves having you there to share that rush with even more.
Of course, when you do participate in his less than honest scheming, or even his honest ones, he is always there to protect you.
Watching you be fearless is fun but if anything could actually hurt you he is always aware of it. Ready to step in front of you at any moment. You’re his human after all. It wouldn’t due to have something harm you when he can prevent it.
You’re not even outside the house of lamentation when a rather peeved Lucifer comes into the kitchen. “Mammon!” he thunders with a loud slap of his hands on the counter.
You jump behind Mammon, face pressed into his back
One of Mammon’s arms unconsciously reaches behind him to shield you even more.
He is shocked at your reaction but the instinct to protect you kicks in instantly.
“Lucifer” Mammon warns quietly with a quick glance towards you behind him “could we maybe do this later I think Mc…” He trails off
Once Lucifer is gone, seeming to have gotten the gist of the situation, Mammon turns to you. one hand stroking your head gently until you look at him.
“Hey, Mc you’re ok. What’s gotten into ya?”
“The noise” you mumble. Half embarrassed, half still trying to calm your racing heart.
“Geez Mc, ya don’t gotta worry ‘bout stuff like that when I’m around”
He doesn’t quite understand why a loud noise would scare you but is more than willing to listen if you want to explain.
Levi doesn’t get you.
How can some magicless normie human not be afraid in the Devildom? Surrounded by actual demons? Whatever it’s not like he gets normies anyway.
But then he gets to know you and he actually likes you. You’re his Henry now, his player 2 or… whichever you prefer Mc. Even admitting this to himself is sometimes so hard.
Your whole fearlessness thing still confuses him, but it’s impressive too.
He enjoys being able to play horror games with you or watch horror anime without you being terrified.
It’s like nothing phases you. You can face down anything the Devildom throws at you. Levi thinks you’re so cool, it’s almost not fair!
He kind of wonders what actually scares you
He finds out one night when Asmo throws the door to his room open so hard it bounces off the wall with a loud slam.
Asmo is crowing about family bonding night and repainting Levi’s nails “because gaming isn’t all that matters Leviathan, and you should have been in the living room half an hour ago!”
Levi groans at Asmo’s outburst. Then pauses, blinks slowly, and realizes you’re hidden behind him quaking in…in fear?
His demon form slips out quietly and he wraps his tail around your waist protectively.
He doesn’t understand why you’re frightened but he’s got you covered normie.
“Ohhh, I didn’t know you were playing that kind of game!” Asmo grins purposely misreading the situation. “You and Mc can come down when you’re done.” he sings, shutting the door behind him as he leaves.
Levi’s face is so red, he opens and closes his mouth several times before any words make it out.
“M-mc did did Asmo do something to you? or?” He’s trying to figure out what’s got you so scared.
But he’s still so flustered from Asmo’s teasing that he can’t turn to face you. Instead, he keeps his tail protectively and hopefully comfortingly around your waist.
“No” you sniff “the noise. When the door, it just”
“Oh, good. Not good-good! I mean good that Asmo didn’t do anything.”
You’re both silent for a long moment as Levi composes himself and turns around. Levi finally has time for his surprise to hit him. This is what you are afraid of? He never would have guessed. Still, he doesn’t think any less of you. How could he? Everyone’s got their things, their fears.
“Thanks, Levi,” You say, tapping his tail gratefully.
You get to watch the red bloom across his face this time.
You being fearless is intriguing and impressive.
He has read about all sorts of phobias and a part of him wants to expose you to some common ones just to see if any of them scare you.
But he won’t.
He likes you too much for that.
You aren’t afraid of pranking Lucifer with him.
Or of late-night library searches, or cursed books, or most importantly of him.
He expected you to be afraid of him, he is the avatar of wrath after all, and his anger can and has made him lose control.
But you're not the least bit afraid of him. He truly appreciates that.
While cooking dinner the loud clatter of a pot falling to the floor and splashing its contents to the ground makes him curse and then sigh, but it makes you jump behind him.
hm? Oh. Oh!
With one hand gripping his shoulder and the other clutching his shirt, it only takes a moment for him to recognize your fear.
He realizes pretty quickly that it must have been the loud noise.
There’s a part of him, the same part that had wanted to test you for hidden phobias, that is immensely satisfied with this new information about his favorite human. Excited even.
Satan feels that knowing there is something that scares you makes you more real.
He almost chuckles at your reaction.
Instead, he guides you to a seat and as he straightens lets his knuckles brush your cheek gently.
“Are you alright Mc?”
He waits until the shock and fear have worn off before cleaning up the mess on the floor.
He knew there had to be something that scared you, he just hopes this fear isn’t tied to any…unpleasant people or situations in your life. Just the thought of that erases all his satisfaction at discovering your fear.
If you’re still a bit rattled he’ll keep you distracted, while he finishes cooking, with tales of the Devildom and the new installment of his favorite mystery show or the new novel he’s reading that he thinks you might like.
If you have recovered he’ll gladly accept your help finishing dinner.
Asmo loves your fearlessness.
He thinks it makes you even more attractive.
He says that other than your magical potential it was one of the things that led him to make a pact with you.
“Nothing seemed to phase you, I just had to know more!”
Drags/brings you shopping a lot partly just to watch you stare rude demons down.
Of course, he is always there just in case a demon doesn’t get the point, but he takes a kind of pleasure in seeing demons try and fail to intimidate you, before leaving in shock and shame at being unable to scare a mere human.
He doesn’t let you get into dangerous situations if he can help it. Being confident and fearless is all well and good Mc, but you are still a human and demons can be dangerous.
During one of your shopping trips, there is a loud clap of excitement from a demon when they find what they were looking for.
You gasp and duck behind Asmo.
He turns an amused smile on his face.
“Mc, how can you possibly help me look for my size when you…oh!
As he sees your face he understands. You’re afraid.
He is flattered that you chose to hide behind him for protection. He thinks it shows how much you truly trust him.
He takes your hand in his, even as his head tilts slightly trying to figure out what scared you.
It all clicks a moment later. The noise.
He grips your hand a bit tighter and guides you out of the store, away from the situation.
Asmo knows that your reaction could have just been from being startled but he also knows that it could be tied to a deeper fear of something or someone.
He hopes you were just startled but makes sure you know that he will always protect you from your fears. Minor or serious.
If you let him he will have a whole self-care spa day with you after you get back to the house of lamentation.
Beel is impressed by a fearless human.
Especially one with little to no magic when first coming to the Devildom.
But he is also concerned for you.
He worries you might do something reckless.
So he makes sure to be around in order to make sure you stay safe.
Will 100% eat a lesser demon who tries to harm you.
Beel wants you to be safe.
But he is glad that your fearless nature gives you the confidence to explore more of the Devildom than just RAD classes.
He is so happy when you want to go somewhere new with him, maybe to a restaurant or cafe you haven’t tried yet.
The first time you hide behind him is after the wind blows a chair over at a nearby table outside a cafe.
You are on your feet in an instant
And in the next, you are almost cowering behind him.
Beel is startled.
He doesn’t understand why you seem so afraid.
But he pulls you into his arms anyway.
Beel comes right out and asks you about your reaction.
When you explain that it was the loud noise Beel nods.
He wants to ask if you were just startled or if there is more to your fear but doesn’t want to overstep.
He’ll wait until you are headed back to the house to ask.
Whatever your answer is he’ll accept it and in the future act accordingly to prevent you from being afraid.
Honestly hates how fearless you are at first.
It annoys him and he wants to make you afraid of him…until he doesn't.
And the complete 180 surprises even him.
He still wonders how a human can be so fearless and kind of wonders if it's all an act you use to protect yourself.
Even so, he’s still impressed that you can be fearless in the Devildom.
He’s another one who likes to see you tell other demons to get lost.
He thinks that a human chasing off a Demon in the realm of demons is hilarious.
On the way to RAD one morning what sounds like a loud clap causes Belphie to turn and see another demon being slapped.
He goes to make a snide comment to you, only you aren’t standing next to him anymore.
Instead, you are tucked behind him holding tightly to his uniform jacket.
“Um, Mc? What exactly are you doing?”
And that’s when it all comes out.
The noise had scared you so much you had hidden behind him.
Belphie just shrugs. It’s surprising sure, considering all the other things you’ve seen and experienced in the Devildom. But hey you are a human, something was bound to scare you eventually.
He’s curious if you are just easily startled or if you have a fear of sudden loud noises.
Unlike his brothers (*Satan) he is curious enough to test you and see which it is.
Unless you come out then and there to tell him you have a fear of loud noises he will plan out a ‘prank’ to startle you again.
If it turns out it’s not a fear caused by anything serious and you are just easily startled he will use it against you occasionally, at least until he is bored of your reaction or you ask him to stop.
But he doesn’t want to hurt you, emotionally or physically. If it’s a genuine fear he’d never use it against you. And he’d personally end anyone who did.
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floatingcatacombs · 3 years
A Year Of Metal Gear – Part 1
12 Days of Aniblogging 2021, Day 4
Yes, the Metal Gear franchise is anime. That should be obvious.
All the way back in January I persuaded my girlfriend to play through the first Metal Gear Solid game with me, agreeing that we'd would continue through the series if she liked it. This went spectacularly well, and by September, we had completed MGSV and everything that had come before it. Playing through all the Metal Gear Solids has somehow been a great bonding activity, and with their batshit narratives and surprisingly complex themes, it’s given us endless things to talk about even after the fact.
Since all of the games are relatively fresh in my head, I’d like to carve out some blog posts this year to just ramble about what each Metal Gear game intends to say, and what messages actually come through. There are plenty of thematic threads to follow across the series, but, being me, I will focus in on the gay shit. I will likely be spoiling every game I talk about. It’s showtime.
Metal Gear Solid (1998)
There’s a reason this is regarded as one of the most influential games of all time. The first Metal Gear Solid not only popularized a genre, it brought in-engine cutscenes to prevalence, established the standard of actually having cinematic direction in your games, and most importantly, set the standard for what a “Metal Gear Solid” game is.
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Despite me routinely edifying Kojima’s writing, the specifics of Metal Gear Solid (1998)’s plot are not the most relevant part of it. The premise and execution of its story are overshadowed by the games that elaborately respond to it, 2 and 3. There are specific story beats that fall flat, such as Meryl’s arc as a means to discuss women’s capabilities on the battlefield and pastiche the damsels-in-distress of the 80’s action movies Kojima loves so much. The MGS franchise as a whole has a lot to say about gender, as you’ll see throughout these posts, but interfacing with these questions too directly can bring out Kojima’s more misogynistic and uninteresting writing tendences. His heart clearly lies with men, combat, and sexual deviance through men and combat, not a tomboy who wants to experience the battlefield but is secretly too inexperienced/pure of heart/feminine to get anywhere.
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Pretty much everything else in the story is perfect though, and what you’re getting is an 8-hour romp through an extended spy movie full of twists and theatrics too stupid for Hollywood. Our Snake-hero is sent into a secret facility to defeat the terrorists and stop a nuclear launch, only to arrive and gradually realize that everyone, including his benefactors, are lying through their teeth about what’s going on. The game weaves its way deftly through sob stories and hilarity, remaining a deeply entertaining romp until about the three-quarters marker, where it switches gears and becomes dead serious in comparison in order to soapbox about its main themes, which here are Genetic Destiny with a side helping of Love On The Battlefield. The titular Metal Gear is destroyed, any victory for the Snake-hero is largely pyrrhic, and the player is left to interpret the hodgepodge of themes as they will. This is the format the rest of the games run with, and the first Metal Gear Solid is a near-perfectly-executed template for all future games to look to.
Don’t think “template” means “normal” though. Even in its most base form, Metal Gear is still fucking weird. Right off the bat, we must face a central paradox of its world: the setting is high-tech but largely grounded in realism, except there’s also just some guys running around with actual magic powers, and this is contradiction is never addressed in-universe. Every MGS game worth its salt has a Villainous Team whose powers range from “good with a weapon” to “can control animals” to “straight-up psychic powers”.
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The occasional supernatural characters aren’t even responsible for a most of the franchises’ textbook strangeness. Most of it comes from the tone of the games themselves. A Metal Gear game always takes itself seriously, even as a man gets his arm cut off by a cyborg ninja or a psychic reads the player’s Playstation memory card and asks them if they like Castlevania games. This humor comes from the endlessly hammy voice acting and the overlong cutscenes containing full emotional rollercoasters in of themselves.
Otacon is first introduced hiding from the previously mentioned cyborg ninja, pissing his pants while cowering in a locker. Once rescued by Solid Snake, he goes right into his tragic backstory, delivering a long-winded speech about how scientists like him are routinely lied to and exploited by the government and used as tools of war. He then clarifies that his name stands for “Otaku Convention” and starts talking about how anime influenced his career. The greatest thing MGS does with its humor is that it refuses to create joke characters with it. You will be forced to seriously care about Otacon, because no matter how stupid his introduction is, he ends up a deeply compelling character.
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A lot of hypermasculine media is branded as “secretly gay” but I think Metal Gear Solid is the one series that truly deserves that, no matter how many times its practically-textual sexuality sails over straight player’s heads. The very first Metal Gear game is already a tour de force when it comes to this. In plot order:
Solid Snake, our protagonist with a tactical harness and a nice ass, meets Meryl, the Girl of the game. He snidely dismisses her for her femininity and her combat virginity.
Snake encounters Revolver Ocelot, a man with countless secret schemes and an unquenchable thirst for any man bearing the “Snake” codename. During their fight, Ocelot delivers the line "I love to reload during a battle! There's nothing like the feeling of slamming a long silver bullet into a well greased chamber." This man is down bad.
Snake faces off against the Cyborg Ninja, a man plucked from the battlefield by the U.S. government and experimented on until he becomes a half-dead machine in a constant state of anguish and insanity. He begs for release, but not before meeting a real match in combat, forcing Snake to use his fists instead of his firearms. Towards the end of the fight he stands still and shouts “Hurt me more” repeatedly, practically begging for it. It’s very apparent how much he’s getting off on his pain.
Snake, having rescued the Girl, is ambushed by Psycho Mantis, a weirdo even by Metal Gear standards. He is very obviously clad in fetishwear, from the O-ring chest harness to the leather to the gas mask. At one point while mind controlling Meryl, he taunts Snake about “not liking girls”.
Snake gets captured by the enemy and wakes up shirtless, strapped to an electroshock machine. Revolver Ocelot looms over him and reveals that he is also a torture expert/fetishist. Ocelot repeatedly electrocutes Snake to try and force a confession out of him, using very specifically coded words such as “submit” when talking about giving up.
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Having normal ones
If Solid Snake submits to Ocelot, Meryl dies and he has to escape the facility with Otacon. The two share a surprisingly vulnerable conversation about their true names and leaving behind their past lives, using a 2001: A Space Odyssey joke about going to Jupiter to propose forging a new path together. This is not the ‘canonical’ ending but it feels more sincere than the ‘true’ one, which aims for a more standard action movie resolution about getting the girl. By the events of Metal Gear Solid 4, Solid Snake and Otacon are living together and raising a child, so I believe that this ending is fully vindicated in tone.
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So there you have it. Underneath the façade of tactical espionage action is a tale of men expressing strange but sincere intimacy with other men through the guise of a war zone. When Otacon asks if love can bloom on a battlefield, it’s hard to ignore this lens, especially since the scene is set up in such a way that it totally looks like he’s about to confess to Snake.
BONUS: Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
The Twin Snakes is a Gamecube remake of MGS1 using the same engine as Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3. As such, its visuals are more in line with those games. The voice acting is redone to mixed results, and the backported first-person aiming is fun but does break a boss fight or two. However, the most drastic changes are in the cutscenes. Kojima, otherwise uninvolved in the project, requested that The Twin Snakes differentiate itself from the original. The new director, having presumably just watched all the Matrix movies, went to town. What we get is a Metal Gear Solid that throws subtlety through the roof, exchanging restrained fight animations for bullet time, backflips, and all sorts of then-trendy choreography. It’s a matter of taste at the end of the day, but I’m of the mind that it rules. Some of the quieter, more emotional scenes suffer a bit, but I’m willing to go to bat for The Twin Snakes as a perfectly reasonable way to experience the first Metal Gear Solid, especially if you enjoy the more overblown parts of the series.
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
This is where things start to get really interesting. Metal Gear Solid 2 aims to be not just a sequel but also a deconstruction of Metal Gear Solid 1. This was groundbreaking stuff in 2001 and it’s still a cut above when any other big-budget game tries to be “deep”. This metanarrative is compelling, and the main themes are perhaps the best in the series, tackling information warfare, censorship, memes, and post-truth society effortlessly, years before the real world was plunged into these same dilemmas. There’s a million angles to poke at it, but I primarily want to analyze MGS2 through its main character, Raiden.
In the first Metal Gear Solid we are Snake, the gruff everyman retired soldier who happens to be a stealth expert. MGS2’s most famous trick is making us think we’re getting another Solid Snake game, then killing him off an hour in. This leaves the player with a poor imitation of Snake, the blonde bishie himself, Raiden.
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Raiden is about as far from Snake as you could get, despite wanting to be him so bad. He’s a rookie with feminine grace and fragility as opposed to toughness. He bickers and whines, and his ass is terrible. MGS2 is obsessed with emasculating Raiden, in the same way that MGS1 is obsessed with sexually tormented men. Raiden fails time and time again at his mission objectives. He argues with his girlfriend over the codec, who is both worried and fed up with him, as their relationship breaks down in real time.
In fact, the moment Raiden steps onto Big Shell, the Colonel starts explains that his sneaking suit is cutting-edge. Raiden complains that there’s a lot of pressure around his crotch, and the Colonel responds that it’s meant to be skintight to maximize performance. That’s right, Raiden’s objectified into the “sexy catsuit girl” role yet still forced to run around and pretend like he’s doing something to save the day. He is mocked relentlessly by everyone involved, and he kind of deserves it.
I can’t talk about sexuality in MGS2 without bringing up Vamp, the infamous miniboss who sucks blood and has superhuman speed and can shrug off all wounds, who is not named ‘Vamp’ for any of this, but rather because he’s bisexual.
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It may seem like a non-sequitur, but Vamp’s sexuality really is a threat a Raiden! Vamp is openly and flamboyantly queer during a time when Raiden wants so desperately to be what he thinks Snake is, a tough straight-laced hero. In this sense, Vamp is as much an ideological foe as he is a physical one. Though the relationship between Vamp and Raiden is not overtly sexual (you’ll have to wait until MGS4 for that), it does place Raiden as the submissive one between them due to his lack of experience and personal values he's willing to fight for. Yet again, Raiden is emasculated.
This is all vaguely subtextual until the President of the United States grabs Raiden’s dick.
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Once Raiden finally accomplishes something and rescues the president from the clutches of terrorists, he learns that the villainous Patriots have already extracted all the information they needed from him. The president, expecting the Patriots to send a female assassin to finish him off, gropes Raiden’s crotch area and is genuinely surprised that he’s a man. This is perhaps the most emasculated you can get! The person in the highest symbolic position of power in the world not even parsing you as a guy. I’d willing to chalk this scene up as a jab at the then-recent sexual sleaziness of Bill Clinton, but it slots in perfectly with the rest of Raiden’s degradation. Future Metal Gear games go on to establish the dick grab as a marker of dominance and exposure of fraud, effectively canonizing this moment as more than just a random joke.
When Solid Snake finally shows up again, having cheated death, the game makes it clear that this man really is just better than Raiden. The climax of MGS2 has Raiden being tortured by…you guessed it, Revolver Ocelot, in an elaborate recreation of Snake’s torture scene from the last game. When Raiden escapes, it is not heroic but rather his lowest point. He is bare naked, forced to cover his crotch from the player’s eyes, sniffling from a cold, and bombarded by taunting messages from a rogue AI pretending to be his girlfriend and his boss.
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Raiden was selected for his mission specifically because of his weak-willed nature. The malevolent Patriots wanted to see if they could bend even the prissiest brat of a soldier into a Snake-like figure in order to test their own image training and information control programs. This makes Raiden a vessel for ideology, with every character he runs into imprinting a bit of themselves into him, whether he likes it or not. This will be important in understanding his role in MGS4 and particularly Rising. At the end of Metal Gear Solid 2, Snake tells Raiden to think for himself and pass down the cultural memes that he thinks are the most valuable to the world. Of course Raiden laps this suggestion up, but it’s hard to say whether he really gets to put it into action, because by his next franchise appearance, he has thrown away that ideology for something different yet again.
Of course, most straight Metal Gear fans failed to understand any of this and concluded that they didn’t like Raiden because he was a pussy, or whatever.
Tumblr only lets you add so many images to a single post, so I'm going to cut this one here. Tomorrow, we'll look at the third and fourth Metal Gear Solid games with the same critical eye.
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retvenkos · 3 years
“would it be terribly cheesy if i said ‘it was always you’?”
so first of all, you and ej knew each other long before you ran into each other in high school. because, you see, you went to junior high together, and in those days, both you and ej were on dance company 
(you can pry dance company! ej from my cold, dead fingers)
you were arguably the better dancer, and seventh grade ej really wanted to prove himself. a baby competition sprouted between the two of you, but it was nothing big.
you both liked to show off in order to taunt the other, and you both got a kick out of trying to one up each other.
but at the same time, you were teammates. you did everything together.
so the bond between you and ej was strong. it was a competition, yes, but it was friendly competition and you both actually hyped each other a lot. 
plus, dance company does a lot of things as a group, so it was unavoidable. you were going to end up liking each other at some point. luckily, it happened sooner rather than later, and the two of you built up a nice rapport with one another - a closeness forged in friendly competition and last minute studying parties.
but all that changed when you went to north high and ej went to east high
now, since north high is completely fictional, i get to create the dynamic between the schools, so listen up everyone!
north high clearly has the better arts department, and they also have the better tennis and softball team.
east high has the better stem department as well as a better swim team and any other swim related sports.
west high has the better sport teams overall - basketball, football, volleyball, etc.
(that's why we never see any uber jocks at east high—)
now, clearly you have your boundary school, but people get on special permit all the time, and when you say you’re going to north high ej is like ???? but why ???
“they have a better arts department, ej, you know that!”
“well, yeah, but east high is the best. we always said we were going to be wildcats!”
“ej.... they’re actually leopards.”
it wasn’t a super emotional goodbye. you promised to stay in touch, and it wasn’t like it was hard. you still saw each other around the mall, you still followed each other on instagram and what not but.... time just got between you.
you slowly stop texting, you see each other less, when you see each other in public you do that thing where you give a smile but then don’t go over to say hi, because you’re wrapped up in other people. it’s not pointed things, you just... stop talking.
and you still like each others photos on instagram but you’re just... there. 
all of that changes, however, when carlos asks you to help him choreograph hsm.
at the time, the rivalry between schools wasn’t big, it was just a low simmer, and the reason carlos approached you was because once upon a time, you, ej, and him had all been in dance company together for one (1) year (it all comes full cIRCLE) and for one of your performances, you had done something hsm related.
carlos wanted to know if you remembered the routine and could help him come up with something slightly more advanced.
and while you and carlos hadn’t really kept up with one another, he jokingly brought up a time where he did something for you, and how you always said you’d pay him back one day and maybe now it was time to cash it in??
you decided why not? you’ve done a lot of stuff for north high’s dance company, but you’ve never helped out in a musical before (and as you can imagine, north high is very competitive in their arts)
so you joined the hsm cast as co-choreographer.
now, because you had your own north high dance company stuff to deal with, you end up missing a lot of rehearsals. you mostly brainstorm with carlos and add tweaks to the choreo. carlos is the one to really ~teach~ things.
which means that while you are present for ~the drama~ that was ej-nini-ricky, you actually miss a lot of it. you feel the tension, but exactly why it’s Like That is beyond you.
you tried to ask carlos once but he said he wasn’t going to get into that, thank you.
and honestly, you have competitions to keep up with, so you’re not fixated on it. you’re just hoping that they’re not still pissed at each other on opening night, when ej has to strap ricky in for “getcha head in the game”
and while you’ve chatted with ej a couple of times, you haven’t had much time to catch up.
you actually bond a lot with gina, who is on the same level as you in terms of dance. you end up talking and mention how ej was once on dance company, and that rocks her world because ej???
and that’s when you show her all of the old videos you archived on your instagram from your junior high days. carlos, ej, and you all in dance company. they’re precious.
and when ej’s friendships are strained and he doesn’t have anyone to turn to, he sees you and gina laughing and crowding over your phone, and he comes to say hi.
and thus, the friendship begins again.
it is, of course, slow going because so much time has come between you, and gina and carlos (the two you hang with the most) are not on great terms with ej, but you guys grow really close all over again. ej is glad to have another senior to talk to about college, and you’re glad you have an old friend to talk to because it’s easy to feel out of place in this school that isn’t yours.
and on opening night, you know ej gifts you something - maybe it’s a jacket or beanie with the wildcats emblem on it.
“it’s kinda stupid, but we always said we were going to be wildcats together, and we did it.”
“huh, i guess we did.”
and for some reason, you chest is really warm, and you can feel the heat sneak up to your cheeks.
“this is really sweet, ej.”
“well, you know me.”
“yeah, i guess i do.”
and then it’s his cue to get ready to go on stage.
“oh! and there should be another surprise coming, don’t hate me for not telling you!”
and you’re ??? but it turns out to be gina.
you all clearly go to denny's afterward to celebrate, and if ej feels his heart seize in his chest everytime you laugh or steal one of gina’s fries, it’s not an unfamiliar feeling. because really, it had always been like that, with you. you never cease to amaze him.
and once you’re on the east high theatre group chat, you never get taken off of it, so you know everything that’s going on with your theatre buddies, after hsm has finished.
and this is where a conflict of interest really comes in...
because, you see, once hsm is a hit, some of the theatre kids at north high think you’re a traitor. you gave east high their secrets, and now east high is an actual contender. uncool, (y/n).
so you kind of get iced out by a lot of north high kids. like i said. competition there is  s t e e p  and you’ve been accused of fraternizing with the enemy..
but when zach roy shows up and he hears about the drama surrounding one (y/n) (l/n), he gets an idea... so he approaches you one day after dance company practice...
“he asked you to do wHAT?”
you’re texting ej, carlos, and gina in a group chat
“he asked me to co-choreograph their show.”
“are you going to do it?” - carlos
“of course they are! do you think opportunities like this just fall out of the sky?” - gina
“i don’t know, though, i feel like he’s working some angle with me. there’s something about him that doesn’t feel genuine.”
“it’s those piercing blue eyes.” - carlos
“i have piercing blue eyes!”
“and you’ve never done anything underhanded?” - gina
“we did that together!”
“what should i do?”
“accept, clearly!” - gina
“i’d be careful, if i were you. miss jenn doesn’t trust him for a reason.” - carlos
“it’s up to you, (y/n). you’ll do great, and it’s a great opportunity.”
and everyone can feel the pause - the conflict where ej doesn’t know what to say.
“but nothing! this is a HUGE opportunity! he’s dancer extraordinaire derek hough zach roy! i’d be the villain of your eventual documentary if i were to try to hold you back.”
“okay... i think i’ll do it. you know how competitive things are, here. this could really give me a boost.”
“hell yeah, (y/n)!” - gina
“spy on their production for us?” - carlos
“anything for you <3″
i imagine you clash a lot with lily, but you actually become really good friends with howie and antoine. but that’s beside the point.
and while things are on good terms at first, your bond with your wildcats stays strong, and you’re carving out a place in north high rehearsals, lily is quick to find out that you’re on the east high group chat.
and because this is hsmtmts, i get to have some fun with this premise.
lily gets some kind of tech nerd on her side, and she gets him to make it so that somehow, the text that you get from the theatre group also send to her phone, for maximum stalking of the competition. that’s how she always gets one step ahead of east high.
and as north high seemingly continues to have insider info on east high, someone suspects there’s a leak.... which leads to you. who else has access to north high? so they send a fake text and wait to see if north high takes the bait.
they do. so now east high thinks it’s you.
but at this same time, you keep noticing that suspiciously, whenever you get a text from east high theatre department, lily’s phone goes off to. literally at the same moment, you’re doing your own test to see if somehow she hacked your phone.
(you had your suspicions because lily is actually terribly bad at hiding her hand and constantly makes remarks that make you Think™.)
you confirm lily to have hacked your phone, and so you go old school and show up to east high, hoping to tell them what happened and find some fix (since east high is the mother of all tech schools in this universe.)
but when you walk into the auditorium, the cast is being really passive aggressive toward you? and you’re so confused? what happened?
of course, ricky is the only to confront you because these days, it seems like he’s always one (1) moment away from blowing up.
and you explain that you were played just as much as they were - it was never your intention to betray them. east high is your family.
“oh, yeah? i’ve never known an east high leopard to go to north high.”
and so now we’re in shambles! we’re divided! 
you leave, upset, and ej catches you in the hall. he tries to explain that ricky’s been on one, recently, that none of his anger was really meant for you, and that he believes you - truly. he knows you’re the last person to ever betray them. you’re not like that. that’s more him than it is you.
and you just give him the world’s biggest  h u g .
now you’re probably wondering why i insisted on this particular plot line, but let me tell you - ej never really understood completely what a complete breach of trust it was for him to steak nini’s phone and violate her privacy like that. now he can see how deeply it affects you - how it can really ruin people in ways you never intend. it’s about the learning curve.
anyway, it takes you a while to build up trust with east high again, but you say “hey, why don’t you guys continue to send false leads to this group chat? make another for yourselves, and continue to spread misinformation to me.
ej is like... do you really want to sabotage your own show? but you tell him something along the lines of “our show is still going to have superior choreography, lily is just going to waste her time doing pointless side missions. it has nothing to do with the quality of my work.”
and ej loves this competitive and devious side of you so much. but he’s also deathly terrified of telling you how much he cares about you, because he always manages to screw things up.
and gina finds hilariously endearing because of all people to be self conscious... ej caswell? the ej caswell? she would be his hype woman if she wasn’t so busy finding this all too Good to be true.
eventually, lily will find out, but when she confronts you and threatens to tell the cast that you’re the reason they’re so behind in their production, you tell her that to do that, she’d have to confess to stealing your phone, hacking into it, and using it to spy on you which breaks like 23 different school rules. but sure! tell everyone! you’d love to see how the principal reacts when you film it and show it to them on monday.
(this is getting really long, let me see if i can wrap it up, quick)
clearly, ej is an Idiot when he’s in love, and even though he’s deathly afraid of telling you his feelings, that doesn’t stop him from expressing them.
both of you are in your respective musicals, and your rehearsal schedules align really nicely, so a lot of the time, ej will drive up to north high afterward so he can give you a ride home. (you don’t have a car, okay?) you guys always stop to get fast food or a drink at starbucks or something, and you have little “dates” where ej parks the car and the two of you eat in his car, just chatting about your day.
or on weekends, you and ej go and drive up to the state college that ej was admitted to, and you walk around campus, trying to envision him there. and if you’re also going to a school nearby, you do the same for you. (bonus points if you’re going to the same college, so you walk around and pick out the places where you’ll chill together.)
and if these little excursions of yours are the highlight of your week, and all you want to do is hold ej’s hand forever, singing in the car with the windows down and driving into the sunset... well, you just hope that ej wants the same.
and since ej is in av club, and he’s really trying to dig in and figure out what his story is, he’s always got a camera of some kind out, and some of his best work, he swears, are pictures and videos of you.
anyway, at some point, you confess to ej that you have a crush on him (howie probably pushed you to do it because he was tired of seeing you pine).
it’s a weekend and the two of you are procrastinating on your respective school assignments (study sessions being interrupted with senioritis? sounds about right) so instead you’re just sitting on the floor, staring at the ceiling, talking about whatever. and i think it just slips out, and when you realize what you’ve said, you’re vvv embarrassed, and you don’t even want to look at see how ej reacts, but he calls your name and you turn to him, a deadly mixture of dread and hope rooted in your stomach and shaking you to your core, but ej is smiling and in his eyes is something brighter than the sun, and when he tells you he’s feels the same, it’s like that dread in your stomach blooms into pure joy and when he tells you he’s had a crush on you since you were eighth graders and you were a better dancer than him, you can’t help but laugh until all of that warmth in your stomach has escaped into the air and hangs around the two of you like low hanging stars - so close, you can reach out and touch them.
anyway, cue lots of sneaking around north high - not because it’s a secret but because it’s fun hiding in the back of the auditorium and sneaking into the empty dance room.
cue cheering for each other at the menkies and congratulating each other when east high gets best musical, and north high gets best choreography (amongst others).
cue going to denny’s to celebrate and laughing until your sides hurt, stealing each other’s fries, and holding hands under the table.
(also... ej 100% would kiss your fingers when your hands are intertwined and that’s truly a blessing)
cue going to pool parties together for no other reason than i want all of the east high kids to do an impromptu rendition of “all for one” and ej gets to hit ricky with one of those blow up beach balls “for revenge” on the basketball moment in season 1.
plus, a pool party would do wonders for destressing, don’t lie.
taglist: @maybanksslut, @theletterhart, @brokenandheadoverheels, @neelia-thedaughtherof-athena @kitsdeadwife, @amortensie // add yourself to the taglist here!
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drymbp · 3 years
jisoo as your girlfriend hc
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How you met <3
sundays are meant to be spent in your room, while playing games, and having snacks. that's what jisoo's idea was.
but rosé had other plans. she wanted to check this dog café across han river, to buy her hankie boy some toys and treats.
jisoo had every right to say no, but the puppy eyes she had gotten from the latter had made it difficult for her to say no. resulting in her standing outside fur house.
however, looking right through the glass, she spotted you talking to kids, with a kind smile, probably about the puppy they were holding.
the more she kept looking at you, the more she felt this warm feeling.
and she wanted nothing but to get to know you better.
on the other side, you didn't know what fate had in store for you.
upon the bell chiming, you walked towards the door to greet your customers, but instead felt your eyes gravitate towards this certain brunette, kim jisoo.
How you became friends <3
jisoo knew she wanted to be more than friends with you, and she made it clear.
whenever rosé wasn't paying attention, she would stare at you, and would send you a smile everytime you caught her eyes.
to be honest, you were intimidated by her at first, but she had turned out to be the most humane human being you've ever met.
so when they had to leave, she had walked up to you with a sly smile.
"you like dogs, i like dogs, i think we're a paw-fect match."
a dumbfounded smile made it's way to your face as you examined the beauty, for any trace of humor. finding none, you nodded your head.
"so how about we bond over puppy love? there's a really good café across my company."
"only if I get your number in return, turtle rabbit kim."
What being friends with her is like <3
the both of you decided to not pursue a relationship. it just didn't cross y'alls mind once you got to know each other.
you guys are best friends who sometimes flirt.
random 3 am gaming battles is a must. nobody can stop gamer jisoo.
when you beat her ass in the game, she gets all sulky that you end up buying ice-creams for her.
y'all go out once a week, and have korean street food, it may be hard with jisoo's schedules, but she always makes time for you.
she has her soft side reserved only for you.
remember how she gets mad when the members disturb her when she's balancing the bottle on her head?
let's just say you're her favorite.
sometimes you join her to see who's better at balancing.
she would do everything to make you smile, and hates to see you cry.
she's your go to place for advices, hugs and comfort.
doesn't mean you don't do the same, whenever blackpink's schedules get too hectic or when she feels overwhelmed, you stay by her side, and get her through it.
you guys don’t really fight, both of you are mature enough, and understanding.
even if it gets out of hand, you guys walk away from the fight and give each other some space and talk it out the next day.
random nicknames, she once called you eongdeong-i (엉덩이 - butt) for a few days until you threatened to throw away her gaming console.
you're her #1 fan, whenever blackpink has a concert, you end up fully dressed in jisoo's merch from head to toe.
jisoo loves it and you know that, even if she doesn't say it out loud.
you guys are the typical best friends who would do anything for the other, but would get all cringed while saying thanks.
The confession <3
you guys were watching riverdale, and everytime there was a kiss scene, you could feel jisoo looking at you, more precisely your lips.
Smirking at yourself, you turn around, now facing her. "You know, you could just ask me for a kiss." Jisoo stares at you with her mouth wide open, clearly surprised by your offer.
"I-You? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" She yells out loudly, making you go deaf in the process. You chuckle at her, while she takes in a deep breath, before asking for your consent one more time, "So, if I ask for a kiss, I'll get one?" You nod your head at her and scoot closer, thighs almost touching.
As you intertwine your fingers with hers, she closes her eyes anticipating the much-long awaited kiss.
"Took you long enough." You confess, before leaning in, and pressing your lips with hers in a gentle but full kiss.
What being girlfriends is like <3
the weird nicknames finally got promoted to jagi, love and baby.
likes calling you her girlfriend.
brags about you to everyone, even to lisa's cats.
y'all have each other's photos as wallpaper.
and an album which has meme worthy photos.
you guys have this weird challenge going on, to see who can click the most embarrassing photo.
oh! did I mention? jisoo loves wrist kisses, and does it often, and you get all shy, yet ask her to do it again because it's too soft.
would kiss you out of nowhere, this one day you were getting ready for a meeting, girlie came up, pulled you by your tie and pressed her lips onto yours. y'all kissed for a few more times, and you were late for the meeting.
loves holding you, hence the big spoon.
not much of a pda person, but likes having you near her, and if you're not around her, get ready to be attacked with cuddles later.
loves back hugs, especially when you're making dinner, she would come over and wrap her arms around your waist and just stand there with you.
doesn't stop gushing about how delicious your cooking is.
jokes about wanting to be your wife because of your cooking and you're like - where's the ring?
that gets her all excited, searches for the best ring, and promises to ask you out in a few years.
loves coming back to find you sleeping with dalgom. you guys fill her heart with so much love.
sends you random snaps of herself, or the place she’s at, including the trees.
you guys order chicken and just pull up an all nighter watching blackpink videos.
jisoo appreciation hours open.
you get all mushy when she speaks english.
you guys end up worn out by the next day. too tired to do anything, you guys order take out once again, and sleep the whole day.
unhealthy vibes.
after a long day, she’ll just fall right into your arms, and nestle her head into your neck.
your parents love her a lot, and often ask her about grandchildren.
and you're like - good god, shut up.
you buy her soft toys, since she tends to sleep with them when at dorms.
and she buys you souvenirs everytime she visits a country.
y'all don't get jealous with people.
jisoo gets jealous when you play with the dogs at the café and come home late.
and you get jealous when she practically ignores you because of a game.
but you guys make up with kisses and cuddles.
yet the next day, the same routine follows.
A/N : I decided to keep my headcanons this way, and I hope y'all like it this way. Thank you for taking your sweet time to read my work :)
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harrysweasleys · 3 years
a familiar tune // b.b
summary: bucky may have lost a lot of himself throughout his life — but he hasn’t lost his dance moves.
warnings: major tfatws finale spoilers!
word count: 1.4k
a/n: my first mcu fic, and of course it’s for bucky, the loml. thank u to @feetoffthetablee​ for helping me brainstorm this ily 🤍 requests are still open!! also, i don’t have an mcu taglist yet but i will be making one! :)
[i do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other platform]
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To say the world had changed would be an understatement. Ever since people had returned from the snap, society was crumbling and life was beginning to get complicated. You had been lucky — if lucky was the proper word to use here — because you had been snapped away with Bucky. Meaning, you didn’t have to deal with having to maintain a daily life without him. So, yes, you’d consider yourself lucky.
But now, with humanity struggling to get back on its feet, you had been one of the few who managed to find yourself somewhat at peace.
For the last few weeks, Bucky had been away with Sam. You were following his situation rather closely — new Cap, an abundance of unregistered super soldiers, and something about breaking Zemo out of prison — and you had to admit, despite the hot mess that the situation had panned out to be, you did feel rather proud. Watching Bucky’s progress over the five months since your return as he crossed names off of his list made an unmistakable swell of joy grow in your chest.
And now, with Sam being crowned Captain America, and Bucky finally getting some time off, you honestly couldn’t be happier.
“Buck,” you mumbled against his neck, the two of you sprawled out on the couch as a muted game show played on tv, neither of you really paying enough attention to put the volume on.
He let out a “hmph” and turned to face you. You still had to get used to seeing him with short hair, having only known him with it being long. But it did look rather charming on him. He looked rather like the pictures of himself in the 40s that he had shown you throughout the course of your relationship.
“Were you a stud back in your groovy days?” you asked, fingers coming up to toy with the soft brown strands on his head.
His eyes fluttered shut and he let out a breathy chuckle, “Back in my groovy days? I’m still in my groove, doll.”
You scoffed, “You’re like, a hundred years old. You probably dance like a stiff old man.”
Under your touch, you could feel him sit up straighter, causing you to sit up as well. His body was tense, but you knew he was relaxed. You could see it on all his features; his shoulders were slouched, a lazy smile was on his face, his arm was draped loosely around your waist, and his eyes held a playful gaze. He was different from the Bucky you knew from before the snap. Different — improved, maybe. He felt better about himself and that’s what mattered to you.
“Is that what you think?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
You rolled your eyes, lifting a finger to poke him in the nose, “I should actually be asking about Sam. I’m sure he knows how to lead a lady on the floor.”
He let out a scoff, his pride taking over, “Oh, is that how we’re going to do this?”
You knew that him and Sam hadn’t been on the best of terms after the snap, starting with Steve giving Sam the shield, and then him having to sit back and watch as Sam gave it up. But they had grown, they had improved, and they had formed a bond that you’re sure would last quite some time.
However, Bucky would still take on any possible challenge to prove himself (especially against Sam), and you were certain this was no different.
“Yup,” you exaggerated and popped the p, “Do you have his number? I should give him a call.”
“No, no. You want to see me dance?” he questioned, his cold metal fingers tracing the skin under your shirt, “Let’s do it. Get up.”
You let him stand up, following suit. The both of you now faced each other in the middle of the living room floor.
“Oh, alright,” you grinned, letting one of his hands slide to your waist. You could feel the cold of his touch through your shirt, but at this point, it didn’t affect you as much anymore. You had gotten used to the sensation of metal on your skin — in fact, you had found comfort in it. Bucky hid his arm from you for so long, and now that he was confident enough to use it and be casual about it while around you, you were going to love it as much as you loved him.
You linked one of your hands with his, the other resting on his shoulder and toying with the short hair at the base of his neck. His eyes were gazing into yours, the piercing blue accentuated under the afternoon sunlight, but they were warm. Familiar. The only eyes you wanted to look into for the rest of your life.
“We have no music,” you chuckled, pulling back from him to go get your phone, but Bucky’s arm held onto you tight enough that you couldn’t go anywhere.
“We don’t need music,” he mumbled, pulling you close enough that his lips were against your forehead.
You chuckled, letting your head fall against his shoulder. His skin was warm under yours, and you could feel the steady thump of his heart against your own chest. You could also feel it begin to vibrate as he started humming a tune — one that wasn't overly familiar to you, but one that you had heard him hum before.
“It’s from the old dance clubs,” he would always tell you, “They’d always play the same song every Friday at eight.”
So he’d hum it for you all the time; while you were cooking, while you two laid in bed at night, while you two bathed together, and right now, as you two danced in the living room like the world was fading away around you. Like you were alone — completely alone.
You had gotten familiar enough with the tune that you could hum along with him, letting him lead you two in a slow dance. Neither of you were anywhere near being in sync, but the bright smile on his face was enough for you to not even focus on trying to line your feet up with his. You were focused on his eyes, and his eyes alone.
“I told you I was a decent dancer,” he smirked, his hand pulling away from your waist so he could give you a quick twirl before pulling you back against his body, “Sam is no competition for me.”
“I wouldn’t say this is a great routine,” you said, letting out a laugh and tilting your head to the side, “but you’re not so bad, Sergeant.”
You leaned forwards, pressing your lips against his for a quick kiss, loving the way he tugged you closer to keep the intimate gesture going.
“I think this is pretty great,” he mumbled against your mouth, his eyes fluttering shut as one of his hands moved up to the back of your head, pulling you in once more. His lips were soft against yours, and you could feel every bit of trust and love that he was giving you. Bucky wasn’t the best at expressing his feelings through words, but he really did show you through his actions and gestures.
“Is this how you danced with all the ladies?” you teased once you pulled away, raising your eyebrow and poking a finger to his chest before interlocking your hand with his once more.
He shook his head, “Definitely not.”
You grinned, leaning closer, “Glad to know I’m the only one who gets to experience your moves.”
His lips pressed to your temple as your head fell to his shoulder once more, and you swore that if time stopped right now and this was how you’d be stuck for the rest of eternity, you would be happy. More than happy, really. This moment felt perfect.
“I love you,” you mumbled against his neck, feeling the way he shivered under your touch.
His hand gripped your waist tighter and his voice was barely a whisper, but he replied, “I love you.”
Bucky didn’t say the ‘love’ word too often, preferring to save it for the most intimate, private moments. And though you knew he loved you — he showed it through everything he did — the words never caused a flutter to erupt in your heart.
“So, do you still want Sam’s number?” he asked, the teasing tone in his voice making you grin.
“Nah, I think I’ll be alright without it,” you pressed a quick kiss to his neck before pulling your head away and locking eyes, “You’re the only one I want to dance with anyways.”
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meher-sumedha · 3 years
Okay so I have a few
1. Drunk az mistakenly confesses his feeling for Gwyn in front of everyone.
2. Gwyn and az making bracelets together.
3. Gwynriel’s first official date.
4. Az and Gwyn on a spy mission together.
Okay so I'll write the first one first cause I really really like it and really want to write it. Also, this is my first time writing like smut, smut so. FORGIVE ME. As you know - 2 am. my mental health is fucked. Anyways ENJOY!
Gwynriel Headcanon : Gwyn's Little Crush
(I know just trust me on this)
Gwyn and Azriel had been dating since a year now. And last month only the mating bond had snapped for Azriel. It had made Gwyn's life shit.
As much as she wanted to be with him, the mating bond had made their lives shit. Like really shitty. They couldn't leave their room without Azriel killing someone.
After one week Azriel had convinced Gwyn that he was okay and was gonna behave. He did not. They had gone to a restaurant in Velaris, as a dinner date.
He almost killed the waiter because he looked at Gwyn when he gave her her dish. On their way back home he kept telling Gwyn he was okay.
"I swear to god Gwyn, I'm fine."
"Az you almost killed the waiter"
.... "Well I controlled myself in front of the receptionist"
"WELL, I, I"
Azriel was silent after that, he knew Gwyn was right but wasn't able to spend any time with her. He was like a freakin dog. That couldn't behave.
When they kept walking and Azriel didn't respond, Gwyn stopped in the middle of the road and came in front of Azriel. She took his face in her hands, and pulled it so close that their foreheads were touching.
His hands instinctively wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer. "I'm sorry" Whispered Azriel, his shadows thickening around them.
"Az, I love you with all my heart" And then let out a small chuckle, "but we can't risk you going and killing people". This made Azriel smile, everything she did made him smile.
Azriel then said, "I think we should wait before I get out of my room again" And chuckled. So did Gwyn.
"I agree" She said and smiled. But then Azriel pulled his head away and pulled Gwyn closer to him, so she was now looking up to him. He frowned and said, "But then how-how would we spend time together without anyone knowing?"
Gwyn rested her head against his chest. Trying to listen to his heartbeat to calm her own. Trying to figure out a solution. And then it hit her.
"Well, uhmm, I-I could move in with you if-if you like cause you know we've already done the deed and, and I already sleep in your room like three nights of the week and I-" Babbling. Azriel realized Gwyn was babbling.
So, he stopped her before she could panic more, "I'd love that" He said. And Gwyn stopped. Smiling against his chest.
"How does it feel" She asked. "How does what feel?", she then looked up to him and said with a cheeky voice, "How does it feel to be in the presence of your mate". Azriel pulled her even closer, and told her, "It feels like, like, I-I don't know how to explain it".
Gwyn chuckled and said, "Well you never were to one for words" And stood on her tippy toes and kissed him on the nose. A small, simple gesture that still made Azriel's heart leap. But then Azriel looked at her with such intensity that Gwyn couldn't help but stand normally, grab the collar of his shirt and smash her lips onto his.
Azriel chuckled into the kiss and winnowed them, to his apartment. His apartment, their apartment.
When they arrived, Gwyn broke the kiss and asked, "Where are we?" And started to look around the room. The simple room with a black cupboard and a black desk. With a brown bread.
And when she started to walk away, Azriel pulled her back into his embrace and just stared at her. Imprinting her beauty to his mind, not that he could ever compare it with the real deal.
When he did stuff like that, he could see that Gwyn became as red as a tomato. But usually it ended with cuddles in bed. Right now, Gwyn grabbed his collar and smashed her lips onto his, she then slipped her hands under his waist band.
Azriel then let out a thirst groan. In one smooth movement Gwyn slipped her hands out and took off his shirt, breaking their kiss for a millisecond. And then smashing her lips again. This time, she slammed Azriel into the wall with that powerful of a kiss.
Hunger, desire, all was shining through the bond for Azriel. He had sensed her scent change the moment they arrived. All was left of the scent of flowers and lillies, was arousal and arousal only. But Azriel couldn't loose his self control. Cause he knew if he did, he could hurt her.
So as much control as he could muster, he picked Gwyn up, his hands under her hips and took her to the bed and laid her down with utter gentleness. He FUCKING tried, tried to control himself but she just wasn't fucking giving up.
So Azriel thought, fuck it, she wants it rough, fine. I can give her rough. When Azriel's hand slipped under her leggings, Gwyn smirked into the kiss. She knew, she knew Azriel would loose his control and she knew what she did to him. Yet she didn't stop, still testing his limits.
Before today, Azriel had made love to her, but-but today, he was gonna fuck her. He was gonna ride her until she couldn't stop screaming his name.
So he did, all night. All night they tested each other. All night seeing who would break first. It was mostly Azriel. And that night, Azriel discovered, that if he wanted her undone, he was gonna have to do a lot more than just thrust into her with his long length. Gods, he loved it. Loved the rush, the pleasure. So he did, he took it as a challenge, and as Azriel didn't like loosing, he soon got a hold of her tell. Of what got her undone.
But, he only used it in extreme times, when she wouldn't break. For he would never want her to know his strategy.
Even though it was a game, it wasn't at the same time. As much as Azriel loved the sex, he loved the little cuddles, the silent training, the talks they had after one had a nightmare, the simple walks alongside the sidra, the flying with Gwyn screaming in his ear, the sleepovers, the getting drunk. He loved her, and every single fucking thing about her. He loved it.
And today, after a month of isolation, Azriel was finally gonna meet his brothers. He hoped that he had some control over himself, and that he doesn't fuck this up and ends up killing everyone.
They were at the house of wind, where Nesta and Cassian were hosting the dinner. They had just had dinner and a few drinks and were sitting on sofas. Gwyn was playing with Nyx on the floor as she was the only one who was not drunk.
"Gwyn" Said Cassian. "Mhmm", "Gwyn", "Mhmm", "GWYN", "WHAT". This had become their new routine, Rhysand pesturing Gwyn and Gwyn being annoyed. As much as Gwyn pretended she hated it, she actually loved it.
Gwyn then looked back to her high lord, who had Feyre resting her head on his shoulders. "I heard you have a crush" And as soon as he said that, Azriel's eyes shot up from beside Gwyn. Gwyn then put her hand on Azriel's thigh, he was sitting cross legged with Gwyn, which made him calm down.
"You told him?" Gwyn asked Nesta, angered slightly laced in her voice. Nesta shot her hands up in surrender position, "I swear to god I didn't" But then her gaze fell away from Gwyn. And when Gwyn followed that Gaze, she saw her eyes were on a smirking Cassian.
Gwyn took the pillow that was with her and threw it at Cassian's face, which made all of them chuckle. It erased the smirk he had on his face, but not for long. "Fork you" Gwyn muttered and Azriel raised his eyebrows. "A kid's here, I'm not gonna be the one to teach him bad language, you all already do enough of that" And it brought out a laugh in all of them which even made Gwyn smile a bit. . (Nesta, Cassian, Feyre, Rhysand, Azriel (emorie is currently, well somewhere and elucien is on a honeymoon in the day court)).
"Anyways" Said rhysand and he continued, "we thought it might have been a good idea to invite him". Azriel was getting impatient, so he asked, "Who the hell is he?".
And then suddenly, fucking suddenly, Stefan Salvatore walked into that room.
Everyone knew him. I mean who didn't? He was a legend. The only one of his kind. Stories were written about him, the only fae, who was also a vampire.
"Hello love" He said and Gwyn's cheeks reddened. He was hot, hot hot. And suddenly Gwyn's little fangirl was awakened. She wanted to ask him so many questions, did he really drink blood? Did he drink people's blood?
"Hi," Gwyn said and he came closer to her, gods, he was so tall, probably an inch taller than Azriel.
"“You don't know what it's like being in love with you. You know, when you and I were together, every single atom in my body told me that it was the right thing, that we were a perfect fit. And that kind of love, it can change your whole life.”
Gwyn was speechlees. She clumsily stood up and she could've sworn she heard Nesta chuckle. These lines, these lines were Gwyn's favorite when she was a teen. In her room in sangravah, she had these lines written on her walls, so many of them.
For a moment, Gwyn had forgotten Azriel was there, and that was her first mistake. It didn't take Azriel even two seconds to get up and take stefan flying out of the balcony. "Shit shit shit shit shit!" Gwyn muttered to herself.
"What's wrong Gwynnie?" Cassian asked cheekily. "Yeah, is something wrong Gwynnie?" Rhysand joined. "FUCKING DO SOMETHING! HE'S GONNA KILL HIM". "Oh why o why would Azriel do that" Nesta asked.
"NES! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE ON MY SIDE", And Nesta chuckled. Azriel then flew in while slamming stefan to the ground, stefan was trying to fight but he was failing. Gwyn was smart enough not to go in between them.
After 15 mins of thrashing stefan, Azriel stopped, and said, "You fucking even look at my mate like that, I will fucking kill you, and I swear on my life, that it will not be an easy death."
He then got up and walked towards Gwyn, all of them were trying to contain their laughter but even they were speechless, of course they were, they knew about them but they didn't know that they were mates. Gwyn was well speechless.
She was just gonna start his rant about how he shouldn't have done those things but then Azriel took her hand and said, "I'm sorry" And then Gwyn didn't know what to do. She had prepared a whole speech on how he shouldn't do such shit and now, now she was speechless.
Rhysand then broke the silence, "So... Mates huh?" .
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snelbz · 4 years
Light Up the Ice - Chapter 10
Summary: Aelin Galathynius has never really been into sports. Yes, she likes to keep in shape, and she works out, but watching people run up and down a field, trying to keep a leather ball away from each other? It’s always seemed a bit childish to her, and decidedly NOT a way for a grown adult to make a living.
Rowan Whitethorn has recently been drafted by the Terresen Staghorns, one of best teams in the EHL (Erilean Hockey League). And since he moved to Terresen from Wendlyn, it’s been hard for him to get more than 30 seconds alone from someone demanding a picture with him. Getting drafted straight out of college wasn’t exactly what he had in mind, but he’s not complaining. Until he accidentally meets a girl. More specifically, until he accidentally meets his neighbor. She seems to have no idea who he is and for some reason, that’s refreshing. But will she still want to be with him once he shows her the truth?
Light Up the Ice Masterlist
My Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
Co-written with @tacmc​.
Warnings: language, smut - this chapter is 18+.
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Rowan’s phone rang for the third time since he’d made it home from practice less than an hour ago. He had two papers due in the morning and his professors didn’t give a shit if the Warriors were heading to the finals in less than a week. They cared about the history of Wendlyn and its allies.
His girlfriend, however, clearly didn’t give a shit about either.
He answered, his tone clipped. “Hello?”
“You never called me when you finished up.”
He pulled the phone away from his ear and sighed, before returning it and saying, “I’ve only been home for about fifteen minutes. Coach made me spend some extra time in the weight room.”
“You’re going to put on too much bulk if you keep going to the gym,” she said, pointedly. “You won’t get drafted into the EHL if you don’t have the speed, babe.”
Another heavy sigh. “I’m just doing what my coaches say, Maeve. They’ve gotten me this far-.”
“No, Rowan, you’ve gotten yourself this far, with your ability, not your coaches,” she said, and he could hear her getting into the car. “You need to quit going to the gym and focus on your puck-handling.”
When Rowan had met Maeve his freshman year, after Lyria’s accident, he thought dating someone in the sports medicine program would make his life easier. A good distraction from life and his feelings, but the longer they stayed together, the more Rowan regretted ever asking the dark-haired beauty out to dinner.
She’d been great at first. She was as interested in hockey as he was, so he didn’t feel like he was bothering her by asking her to come to his games. But as she inserted herself into his life in more and more ways, Rowan knew that they weren’t going to last.
“I’m leaving my apartment now, I’ll be there in just a bit,” she said, completely ignoring his lack of reply to her suggestions.
He sighed. “I’ve got a lot of homework, Maeve, I really think I should-.”
“You’re in college to play, baby,” she replied with a scoff. “You need to focus on your future, your studies are just a stepping stone.”
This was becoming a frequent conversation between the two of them. Maeve was adamant that Rowan should drop out and see if he could get drafted as soon as he could. Rowan knew that even if he was to get drafted early, one game, one bad hit, one concussion, one injury could end his career. He didn’t just study to ensure he could play for the University of Wendlyn.
He studied because he wanted a backup plan.
Maeve, as single-minded as she was, didn’t understand that. She didn’t understand a thing, not about Rowan, anyway. All she saw was a man that made her look good, a guy that was well-liked around campus and in his hockey community and their group of friends.
“I need to-.”
Maeve was already interrupting him. “I’ll be there in a minute.”
She hung up.
With one last heavy sigh, Rowan closed his laptop and prepared for her arrival.
Rowan pulled out his phone the moment she left. It was on his ear, ringing, as he checked the stovetop clock to see if it was too early to be drinking.
Brello answered on the third ring. “Whitethorn.”
“Hey,” Rowan began, hesitantly. “I-.”
“Did you see the new therapist?” Brello interrupted. “Havilliard mentioned you were planning on getting started today.”
“Aye, coach, I did, but there’s a minor problem-.”
He was cut off again. “You can’t get back on the ice for at least two games, Rowan, I’m sorry. Those are the rules. Just follow the at home therapy routine Dorian left you and you can come back to practice on Sunday.”
“The problem isn’t me not getting to play.” He rushed the words out, not meaning to sound disrespectful, but wanting to speak before Brello hung up the phone. “It’s with the new sports therapist.”
Silence met him on the other side of the phone. “Give her a couple weeks, Whitethorn. I know you were used to Sorscha, but even she says Maeve is highly qualified, and highly recommended.”
“I’m sure she is, but it’s more of a, ah, personal conflict,” Rowan said, pacing around Aelin’s apartment. He’d come back after Maeve was done. Dorian had left a note on top of the stack of paperwork he assumed was his therapy, letting him know he’d headed back to the arena and to call him with any questions.
Another pause. “A personal conflict?”
“Maeve is my…” Rowan cleared his throat. “Maeve is my ex, sir.” Brello was once, again, quiet on the other line. “Sir?”
Brello sighed, long and heavy. “Look, Whitethorn. I respect you, and you and I have never had any real issues. You’re a great player, and a great asset to the team. Because of that, you need to get the hell over your personal issues and keep your eye on the end goal here.”
Rowan closed his eyes. “But-.”
“You need to take the treatment being given to you or you won’t be playing any time soon and that’s final,” Brello said, his voice conveying one thing: that his words were very much final.
When Rowan didn’t answer, Brello’s voice filled the silence, yet again. “Is that clear?”
Rowan’s voice was strong but quiet when he replied, “Yes, sir.”
Brello hung up without another word, which left Rowan standing there, his phone still held up to his ear. After a moment, he pulled it away and looked down at it, at the ridiculously adorable selfie Aelin had set as his lock screen . He wasn’t sure when she’d done it, but he couldn’t help but smile as he looked into her gorgeous eyes.
He froze.
Shit. How was he going to tell her?
Good news, babe, I called the team therapist. Bad news, she’s my ex.
His phone lit up in his hand, taking Rowan by surprise. “Hey, man,” he answered, falling back on the couch. Which was a mistake. He immediately groaned.
Lorcan snorted. “I take it you saw Maeve. I have the same reaction when she puts her hands on me.”
Regardless of the fact that he loved Aelin, regardless of the fact that he could hear the joking tone in his teammate’s voice, Maeve was still his ex. And Rowan hated the feeling that rose in him at the thought of her hands on someone else’s body.
When Rowan said nothing, Lorcan followed, “That was a joke, asshole.”
Rowan cleared his throat. “I know, I was just thinking of how I’m going to tell Aelin.”
Lorcan snorted. “Tell Aelin? Tell her what?”
Rowan blinked, even though Lorcan couldn’t see him. “About Maeve.”
“Why the hell would you do that?” Lorcan asked, without missing a beat.
“Because I’ve learned my lesson about keeping things from her,” Rowan snapped. “Last time it didn’t work out so well for me.”
“Didn’t it?” Lorcan chuckled. “You got the girl, I think it worked out alright.”
Rowan was about to reply, about to tell him that Aelin wasn’t a prize to be won and that he was lucky as hell she decided to forgive him. But Lorcan cut him off. “On top of that, all it’s going to do is make the princess pissy and jealous, which is only going to make her hate hockey more. And I don’t see that working out well for you in the long run.”
Lorcan had begun to call Aelin the princess and Rowan sighed as he used the nickname. “Shit. I didn’t think about that.”
“Exactly. You gotta think long term. You tell Aelin that your ex is your massage therapist and she’s going to be so jealous, she can’t see straight,” Lorcan said, and Rowan could hear the beeps of the treadmill as he picked up the pace.
“Are you at the arena?” Rowan asked, praying that they weren’t having this conversation while Lorcan was around the rest of the team.
He sounded offended when he replied. “Hell no, I’m at home. You know I don’t run at the rink. But speaking of being at the arena, we need you there. Not in the box, not suspended on the bench, and sure as shit not on the injured list. You need to quit this dumb shit with the fighting.”
They’d had this conversation once before but rather than over the phone, they had been in person.
It ended in a fist fight.
Rowan sucked on his teeth. “I promise, it’s done with. Now that I have Aelin back, I just-.”
“Stop, stop with the mushy shit, I don’t want to hear about it.”
Rowan frowned. “You’re a jackass, you know that?”
“I do,” Lorcan said, between heavy breaths. “A fact that I’m proud of.”
Rowan just shook his head. “Of course, you are.”
“Be at the game tonight?” Lorcan asked.
“Yeah,” Rowan replied. “With Aelin.”
“Good,” Lorcan huffed. “Bond, keep her happy up in that box of yours. Keep Maeve to yourself. Trust me.”
Trust me. Those words from Lorcan Salvaterre typically didn’t sit well in the pit of Rowan’s stomach, but Rowan had to admit that this time, Lorcan had a point.
He just got Aelin. He didn’t want to ruin it with petty jealousy coming between them.
Besides, it was just a little, white lie.
When Aelin got home, she found Rowan on her couch, wearing a very nice suit, that was tailored to immaculately accent his muscular form, watching highlights from the games the night before. Her eyebrows rose as she took him in. “I already feel underdressed and I haven’t even changed yet.”
Rowan chuckled as she set her purse down on the kitchen counter. “If I didn’t have to wear this to games, I wouldn’t. Unfortunately, I don’t get much of a choice.” He stood and met Aelin in the middle of the room. “How was your day?”
“Insanely busy,” she said, wrapping her arms around his waist and smiling up at him. “But that meant it flew by. So it was good.”
Leaning down to kiss her, he replied, “Good.”
She raised up on her tiptoes and met his lips with hers before pulling away and heading for her bedroom. “I need to get ready, come tell me about your therapy appointment today. You look like you aren’t hurting as bad.”
Rowan rubbed at the back of his neck, but waited until she had rounded the corner to answer. “Nothing of consequence happened. Got the massage, my trainer gave me some physical therapy exercises to do at night, and relaxed the rest of the day. Just like I said I would.”
Rowan walked into her room and found her in the bathroom, piling her hair into a messy bun on top of her head. She looked at him in the mirror and raised an eyebrow. “Nothing of consequence? You sure about that?” She asked, before reaching for her makeup bag underneath the vanity.
Rowan swallowed hard, the abrupt change in her tone having immediately put him on edge.
How had she found out? Lorcan was the only person he’d told about Maeve. Rowan was fairly sure that he hadn’t said anything, since Lorcan didn’t even want him telling her himself.
“No, nothing,” he replied. “A pretty boring day, honestly.”
Aelin ran a spoolie brush through her brows, but smirked and said, “Liar.”
Rowan’s blood went cold.
The smile on her face surprised him until she said, “You didn’t tell me Dorian was your trainer!”
He released a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. He chuckled and scratched at the stubble on his jaw.
“We’ve known each other for years,” Aelin went on, checking herself out in the mirror. “He’s such a good guy. I didn’t even know you knew him, which is ridiculous, considering how often I talk to Dorian.”
“Yeah, he’s great,” Rowan said, nodding along. No more questions, please, no more questions.
“Maybe we’ll see him at the game tonight.” Aelin reached up on her toes and gave Rowan a kiss on the cheek. “Let me change and touch up my makeup, then we’ll go?”
Rowan cleared his throat. “Sounds good.”
Rowan had hung his jersey on the door so Aelin could wear it, but after holding it up to her frame, it was agreed that it was far, far too big.
“We’ll get you another one from the Pro Shop when we get to the arena, get one in your size, yeah?” He chuckled, pressing a kiss to her forehead as she pouted about being unable to wear his.
She tossed on a light jacket and they were out the door. True to his word, as soon as they emerged from the stairwell leading from the staff and player’s garage, Rowan took her into the Pro Shop, much to the amazement of the crowd inside. They were hardly stopped though and a handful of minutes and one Jersey purchase later, they were all alone. The privacy of the box was a nice reprieve for Aelin. She was not used to being stared at for such long periods of time and she found she didn’t much care for it.
“Is this always how it is?” Aelin asked, as she sat her purse in one of the chairs. “Everyone being starstruck?”
Rowan shrugged. “Only when I’m here. I’m rarely recognized elsewhere. You know, unless they’re diehard hockey fans.”
“Which explains why I didn’t know who the hell you were,” Aelin chuckled.
Rowan grinned. “I liked that about you.”
Aelin smiled and walked toward the open end of the small room, facing out over the ice. The plush chairs were set far enough back that unless you were standing right on the railing, you couldn’t be seen. But the railing is where Aelin ended up and she whispered, “It’s so much to take in.”
The arena opened up before them. He knew exactly what she meant, but on a completely different scale. He’d ruined two hockey games for her though, and he wanted her to enjoy this one.
“Do you want a drink?” He asked, brushing a long, loose strand of hair behind her ear
“Yes, please,” she smiled. “A Jack and Coke.”
He nodded and pressed a kiss to her forehead, before placing their order on the small iPad on the counter. A beer for himself and her drink, plus miscellaneous things they could snack on.
“So what do you want to know about hockey? He asked, after they’d sat down on one of the many plush loveseats. The box could seat as many as twelve, but Aelin and Rowan weren’t complaining about their privacy. He wrapped his arm around her and drew small shapes on her shoulder as he watched his teammates warm up.
She shrugged, snuggling into his embrace. “I’m more of an ‘ask as you go’ type of person. I’m sure I’ll think of something though.”
Rowan snorted. “Fair enough.”
It wasn’t five minutes later that someone showed up with their drink order and appetizers, then politely left them alone.
Aelin took a sip from her drink as she watched the players skate gracefully around the ice. Aelin could faintly remember the last time she had been on ice skates, she couldn’t have been older than ten.
And she hated every second of it.
She had constantly fallen down and her ankles were sore as hell afterwards. After that, she had never wanted to go ice skating again. Even if she found the sport beautiful.
Hockey players skated in an entirely different way, though. They were brutal, ruthless, but still so graceful with every glide of their skate.
“You look mesmerized,” Rowan muttered, cup of beer tipped against his bottom lip.
“It’s…intense,” she admitted, trying to follow just one of the little black pucks sliding across the ice as the players warmed up.
“It is,” he said, focusing on the activity below. He watched as his line followed through the warm ups he did with them every night. It felt so foreign to be up here, so far from the ice, instead of with them.
Aelin’s hand rested on his arm. He tore his eyes from the ice and the figures gliding around.
“You really do love this game, don’t you?” Aelin asked, smiling at him.
He paused and gazed back out over the ice. “More than I can explain, Aelin. Hockey… It may just be a game to some people, but it’s my entire life. Everything I am, everything I have, I owe to this sport.” His pine green eyes caught hers when he turned back to look at her and he cupped her face with one hand. “You have no clue how much it means that you’re here with me, darlin’. Thank you.”
Aelin melted. “Thank you for asking me to come with.” He took her hand in his and she chuckled as she ran her thumbs over his knuckles. “I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have come to a hockey game with anyone else.”
Rowan snorted. “Fair enough.”
The game began and Aelin wasn’t ashamed to say that Rowan had to explain every little thing that happened.
When the crowd would cheer, she’d try to decipher what had happened. When they’d yell and boo, she’d try to observe the game. It didn’t help that she couldn’t see the puck, sliding across the ice at ridiculous speeds. More often than not, she’d have to ask what caused the reaction from the crowd. And the goal horn nearly made her spill her drink the first time it rang out, after Gavriel scored a goal on the power play.
He never acted like her questions were a bother, though he may hold up a finger to indicate he needed to watch for a second longer to process what had just gone down. But then he’d grin and explain what happened, or if it wasn’t in the Staghorns’ favor, his brow would crinkle and he’d tell her what went wrong.
Then he’d tell her what he would have done that would have kept it from happening and wink at her, and she’d shake her head, laughing quietly.
She understood the basics of the game, but after her third stiff drink in the first period, Aelin wasn’t really worried about learning the in’s and out’s. There was time for that at a later game and the way Rowan’s warm hand was resting on the inside of her thigh had her focused on something else entirely. His calloused thumb rubbed small circles into the denim of her jeans, but even that touch was enough to ignite something within her.
All the while, her own hand was resting on his leg. Through those expensive suit pants, she could feel his muscular thighs and every time something major happened, he’d scoot forward. The first couple of times, Aelin would write it off as something from the game, but she knew what lie beneath those silk-spun slacks, beneath the boxer-briefs.
Right before the end of the second period, Aelin turned towards Rowan right as he turned to ask her a question, and she felt it.
Rowan’s cheeks were heated. He stammered an excuse out. “There’s a lot of adrenaline running through me, Ace,” he breathed.
He was rock hard inside of slacks.
It may have been because of the game, he may have not been lying, but Aelin couldn’t resist.
“How private is this box,” she whispered, brushing her fingers along the definite bulge in his pants.
Rowan hissed quietly, his pine-green eyes went wide, but his tongue darted out to wet his lips. “No one can get in unless we open the door. No cameras either.”
“Hmm.” The response was quiet and Aelin went back to watching the game, sipping on her drink.
For another few seconds, Rowan watched her, all too aware of the ridiculous hard-on straining against his slacks. The regulation clock ticked down to 0:00 and as the players skated towards the benches for the intermission, Rowan was about to suggest ordering one more round of drinks, when Aelin slid off the couch, settled on her knees, and started undoing his belt buckle.
He didn’t dare move, didn’t breathe. He was perfectly aware of every one of her movements, perfectly aware of where her eyes remained as she unbuttoned his slacks, and moved down the zipper.
Rowan’s jaw hardened as those slacks slid down, just to the tops of his thighs. His cock stood proud.
Her hands were like ice, frigid, thanks to the arena being, well, literal ice, but he didn’t care. Not when her touch made him feel like he was on fire. She stroked him, slowly, carefully, but not like the other night, when she’d surprised him after the shower.
Her grip was more firm, and Rowan could see the lust in her own eyes.
“Does this happen every game?” She crooned, spreading his legs wider and scooting in closer.
His eyes fell closed of their own accord and he nodded. “Mostly all of them, aye.”
“Hmm.” Once again, a short, quiet answer. He didn’t have to press her through. She continued, “And you usually take care of it yourself?”
His eyes opened and he looked at her. He nodded once.
“Maybe I should come to more games then,” she said, smirking. He groaned softly, and she leaned and pressed a soft kiss to the tip, before looking up at him again. She was almost sure he wasn’t breathing, but his eyes… His eyes burned for her.
He cleared his throat, and his voice was husky when he said, “I can get pretty…rough after games, baby. What we do out there, it’s a pretty aggressive sport.”
Aelin ran her tongue along the underside of his cock, from the base to the crown at the top, which glistened with Rowan’s precum. It was practically begging for her lips around it. “What if I told you I like it pretty rough?”
Rowan had to fight the urge to take her then and there.
“Nothing to say to that?” Aelin crooned, her grin wild and mischievous.
“Wouldn't be the first time you’ve left me speechless,” Rowan answered, attempting a joke, but his voice was far too rough for humor.
“I call that a success,” Aelin breathed, her breath warm against the tip of his cock.
Rowan fell back in his chair as her lips wrapped around him, and he couldn’t stop his hand from slowly reaching out and gripping the back of her head, her fingers tangling themselves into her golden locks.
Twice now, he’d had Aelin’s mouth on him, and twice now, he felt as if the blood in his veins had turned to fire. He tugged on the strands and Aelin’s turquoise-and-gold eyes opened, finding him gazing down at her. As she bobbed her head, taking him deeper and deeper with each pass, a quiet whimper left Aelin and Rowan’s grip tightened on her hair, groaning as Aelin began to work him with her hand as well.
Rowan had the vague recognition of the teams retaking the ice and roar of the crowd, but his sole focus was the woman on his knees before him, worshipping his cock.
He began to hope that his words before had been true. Hopefully no one would walk in. Hopefully, no cameras would find a way to catch them. Then again, did he truly care?
The feeling that swept through his body made him not care a single bit.
“Aelin,” he breathed.
He could feel her lips curve upward as she worked him.
He growled, “Fuck the rest of the game,” and pulled himself from Aelin’s mouth.
He quickly resituated himself and Aelin, bless her, had the foresight to sit back in her seat before standing up. She adjusted her hair and grabbed her purse, asking, “You don’t have to stay the whole time?”
“Didn’t have to come at all,” Rowan said, coming up behind her. He turned her around and tilted her chin up so that she was looking up into his handsome face. “But you do, so we need to go, and we need to get home as quickly as possible.”
Aelin blinked, staring up at him for a moment, shocked by how upfront his words were. The grin that graced her lips though, was one of wicked delight.
“Who says we need to go all the way back home for that to happen?” Aelin whispered, caressing his cheek with the palm of her hand.
Rowan looked around the box, even though they were alone. “Are you saying what I think you are, Galathynius?”
Her grin only grew more feline.
Licking his lips, watching Aelin, Rowan warred with himself inside his head. But he wouldn’t fuck her in a private box at a game.
Not the first time, at least.
He leaned down, his lips at her ear, and breathed, “I want to take my time with you - to learn…every inch of you. And this box doesn’t have the thickest walls. I don’t want to have an audience,” he added as he pulled back and let his lips just barely brush against hers, “when I make you moan, Aelin.”
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rqnvindr · 4 years
Hiiii !!! Cannn I request some hcs for semi, Tendou, yoshi, goshiki and Shirabu with his s/o during quarantine 👉👈? thank youuu so muchhh
semi, tendou, ushijima, goshiki, and shirabu in quarantine with their s/o
warnings: manga spoilers
semi eita:
-tries really hard to stick to a normal routine, but ends up getting really lazy since now he doesn’t have to go anywhere, which equals more time to sleep in with you
-you try to encourage him to stick to a proper sleep schedule but he just groans and buries into the crook of your neck
-“no (y/n), you smell so good i don’t want to get up”
-not that you’re complaining about getting to hear his husky morning voice 
-you teach him new recipes and also watch him practice his music 
-performs mini concerts just for you, cause you’re his :((
-semi likes to have you in his lap while he does his day job work online, and won’t let you leave even when he’s done
-overall becomes so much more clingy now that you guys are alone at home 24/7, a side that this tsundere rarely shows in public
tendou satori:
-someone help this boy, he has WAYYY too much energy
-while others may feel sluggish with the odd change in lifestyle, tendou finds different things to do everyday so that neither of you will be bored
-teaches you how to make chocolate and is SO cheesy throughout the entire process, licking his fingers to tease you and making one in the shape of a heart for you
-it’s been a while since he’s played volleyball but it still remains special to him, so he also teaches you how to play in your backyard
-buckle up, there’s a high chance you won’t be able to keep up with him
-and of course he’s always down for cuddles in the comfort of your home, what else is there to do when you can’t go out? 
-“well, we’re stuck with each other, but i’m not complaining~” 
ushijima wakatoshi:
-for the most part, you guys do your own thing, with him independently practicing volleyball and you working from home
-you guys bond a lot from the extra free time, since you guys were always so busy. it feels like a refresher for your relationship to have alone time
-meals are the prime time for you two to chat. ushijima especially looks forward to them because he loves your cooking
-and never forgets to thank you for it :’) he’s not the best with words but the smallest words of affirmation go a long way
-ushijima knows that he’d be lonely, and rather lost without you during these unexpected times and helps out with chores as much as he can to show that he cares
-considers grocery shopping a date since it’s the only thing you guys go out for. he just loves the domestic feeling of running errands with you 
-the adlers’ sometimes put together virtual movie nights, and pretend to be all grossed out when you cuddle up next to ushijima, joining them
-“get a rOOM you two!” hoshiumi cries. 
-“we are already in a room, hoshiumi, i don’t know what you mean.” ushijima’s legitimate confusion causes you and his teammates to burst into laughter, he’s a volleyidiot, help him
goshiki tsutomu:
-baby boy is really sad he can’t go out and play volleyball or see his friends :((
-is at least happy to be with you though !! 
-when he’s not practicing, he’s going to want a lot of cuddles but will be too shy to ask, you’ll always be down though, and will curl up next to him on the couch while watching tv and he’s like !!!!!
-“i don’t know what i’d do without you during these times, (y/n). i’d be so lonely.” :(((
-you really just want to hold goshiki forever, he deserves it 
-will take you on walks around you guys’ neighborhood to help you stay active and also as an excuse to hold your hand 
-goshiki offers to do all of the grocery shopping as well to give you less work to do, and surprises you with your favorite snacks when he comes home 
-he’s overall so wholesome and loving, please give him lots of kissies
shirabu kenjirou:
-he stays locked up in his study most of the time, keeping up with his online classes for med school and only coming out for meals
-you refuse to let him overwork himself though, so after days of watching him bury himself in textbooks and lecture presentations, you drag him out to the living room, commanding him to take a break and play mario kart with you
-“fine, only for a little bit though.”
-‘a little bit’ soon turns into 5 matches. shirabu grows so competitive over a game he never cared for until now, because you keep beating him 
-realizes that while school is important, he has to make time for you too 
-offers to help you cook when he has time, and gives you new recipes to try
-he probably is a really good cook too so you’re like “wow if you weren’t in med school you could be a chef!” 
-shirabu doesn’t mind you sitting in his lap while he works too, he loves the feeling of you leaning into his chest and pressing soft shoulder kisses occasionally
-and the moral support you give him from your presence alone :)
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Dark Obey Me AU Outline, Breakdown, Game Mechanic + Specifics, + Some Other Stuff
{Previous post}
Kickoff and Quick Summarization:
Leviathan won a new preliminary horror game with VR aspects from a contest to test the game out before its actual release and invited Mammon and Yuki (MC) to play. This experimental immersion becomes too realistic when Yuki's latent powers takes the experience of the game to new levels when the entire House of Lamentation is sucked into the virtualization. Yuki, now alone and confused to the rules of this blended world of reality and simulation, has to venture through the house and recover the brothers from the game's influence. The game seems a little rigged the more Yuki advanced, so is someone actually pulling strings off screen or is paranoia seeping in?
Type of AU:
Mirror Universe, Interactive AU (you can help build up the world of this event)
Potential tags:
Horror, Psychological, Bloody, Dark, Angsty, Possible Sexual Assault, Death Is Allowed, Bodily Harm
Brief (and Liable to Change) Explanation of How the Game Will Work:
-After the House of Lamentation is shifted and adapted into the game's world, the seven demon brothers are also adapted to the elements of the psychological horror genre and placed as progressively harder bosses that MC has to get through to advance the game and undo the effects of what happened.
-The brothers that MC has converted back to normal will stay on their side and aid them in rescuing the other mentally manipulated boys, some even serving as necessary requirements to further progress. They can roam around the house and their rooms can serve as a temporary safety spots, but MC has to be with them to ward off the game's influence from trying to appeal to their cardinal desires based on their sin they govern and controlling them again.
-MC can try to appeal to any brother at any time, but if they don't meet requirements the struggle will be a lot harder and the emotional toll will be more effective on the chosen brother. If MC fails to convert the brother, not only does the next attempt become tougher, but MC takes damage deemed appropriate by the game based on the sin of the brother.
-The only exception to this rule is Mammon. Mammon is basically the tutorial. He's a mandatory scripted event to teach MC how the gameplay will be, and how they'll make it further in the game.
-Each brother is equivalent as a boss. The only way to progress to the next milestone is to release the grip the game has on the brothers' minds, but it's not as simple as breaking a curse like MC can canonically do with their powers. MC has to make a connection to the altered version of the demons, and to reach that connection they have to tackle each brother's insecurities and issues. Not like resolve them entirely with a heartfelt speech, and voila, they're okay again, but really reach into their hearts and remind them that they're not what the game has turned them into, that they're more than their sins and valued individually by MC.
-Thus having the proper brother on MC's side makes that connection a lot easier when it comes to certain brothers. Once that connection has been made and the game has less control, then MC can use the pact they made in the real world as the final move to disconnect the hold the game has in the virtual world.
-Again, however, it's not as simple as a few deeply passionate words and the veils are lifted from the brothers' eyes. Certain items can be found in each bedroom that helps strengthen the pact to mean something aside from a vow between a human and a demon. Requirements are necessary for progress.
-The pacts MC has with the brothers is a key relevancy to progressing the game. Without trying to appeal positively to their insecurities/fears the game has a strong hold on their minds and the use of their pacts aren't as effective
Rundown of What I Mean:
Mammon is the first demon MC bonded with and that applies itself strongly to their connection and relationship, especially in this event. I might be biased here, and not to mention I'm trial and erroring the story with my MC, Yuki, but I believe Mammon has the strongest connection with MC because of how he feels for them, how empathetic he is, and how emotionally aware he can be.
Mammon governs greed and already easily succumbs to his wants in the real world, but as of now in the canon story, he's grown a bit away from his sin, because of his relationship with MC, like most of the boys have. He can put MC above his own desires, and that influence deals a lot with how MC saves him after he attacks them in their room.
Mammon wants to sell MC's body, bit by bit, blood, teeth, hair, organs, nails, etc., as a means to pull in some serious money in the black market. Greed completely takes over Mammon, and he has very little regard for MC's life. When MC tries to use their pact's powers on Mammon the first time not much is really done, because the connection wasn't made. However, being the tutorial, Mammon becomes less influenced quicker than the rest of his brothers. MC has to remind him he's not a total scumbag that loves only money while Mammon is choking them out. So time is of the essence, because MC is physically harmed in this reality and can die as well.
I'll have a rough draft of this scene up later to better explain the process.
So Basically:
MC has to find items or something meaningful to assist them in helping the brothers become aware while under the game's manipulation, and then making a connection to their actual selves that helps absolve the mind control before using the pacts MC has made to finalize the severance, although it's not totally gone.
How I Plan to Progress the Event (Susceptible to Change) and Suggestions That Have Been Implemented by Other People So Far:
-MC starts the event off at the Lord Demon's castle with Diavolo and Barbatos before returning to the HoL to play with Levi. Before MC leaves Barbatos gives them two coins and a cautionary warning [credit to @jinxed-rose ]
-The unstable powers of MC conflicts with the game and locks the HoL and its residents inside the virtual reality.
-The game treats the brothers as bosses and turns their worst qualities up to 11. The small glimpses of how we saw the brothers in the beginning of the game before warming up to the MC is how they're portrayed in the game. They're meaner, deadlier, and heavily warpped from their original selves.
-MC can physically be hurt and/or killed, so the more of the brothers they can rescue the easier the game will be to traverse.
-The brothers are ranked by the order of when they got a pact with MC. So the optional progression between the brothers would be Mammon, Levi, Beel, Asmo, Satan, Lucifer, and Belphie. The longer MC has been in a pact with the boys the easier it is to sway them out of their brainwashing, but it doesn't have to be in this order [credit to @felix-the-lemon-king ]
-Another option of progress with the brothers can be psychological fortitude. What I mean by that is the boys' durability to withstand breaking down from their insecurities being provoked. So Mammon's biggest fear is MC getting hurt so he's automatically the first boss and Lucifer would be among the last to confront because he's mentally strongest and that's where the issues would lie. [credit to 13ineedpills13 on AO3]
-Levi is an optional boss that can be done early or late in the game, it doesn't really matter. If MC goes for Levi first, he'll be relatively easy to return to normal, but if MC doesn't get to him until later then he'll be a lot harder to help. If MC attempts to rescue the others before Levi and succeeds the game will make him aware of this. Levi will get more and more enveloped by envy and jealousy and his insecurities will worsen, making it harder to appeal to him. [credit to @sunshine-apprentice ]
-The reason Levi is an optional boss to go after at any time is because he has a mystery that reveals itself later as the event starts ramping up and big reveal towards the end. It's not really a secret if you read the notes on prior posts, but shhh. [credit to @felix-the-lemon-king ]
-Lucifer is the assumed main person to look out for, because he is the elder, head of the house, and most powerful and sadistic. He watches from the shadows and sets up elaborate snares and ambushes to sike out and slowly breakdown MC. Beel is more frequent around Lucifer's bedroom.
Somewhat Established "Rules" of the Game:
-Each encounter with the brothers during the actual moments of fighting and struggling will be violent and dangerous. Injuries will be painful and won't magically heal after the fight is done. [credit to syvintri on AO3]
-Death is very much possible, but it's tough for the brothers to die. It's not that hard for MC though. So, perma-death is plausible, but it's evened out with the two coins MC gets from Barbatos.
-The end goal is in Levi's bedroom, but it won't be accessible until after the brothers have all been released from the grip of the video game.
-MC's room is the only actual safe room in the house, so it's basically the headquarters
-Beel is the guard that routinely patrols the hallways, but he can be lured away with food from an area for a bit of time
-Each brother's room has a way to help figure out how to un-brainwash the boys, but they are dangerous to go into
-Overcoming the boys' insecurities and sins are a key relevance in progressing the game
-Line up of the boys in order as bosses (potentially): Mammon, Asmodeus, Belphie, Beelzbub, Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan
Concerns and Questions:
There's still a lot of gaps and unfilled holes that I'm not entirely sure how to connect properly. Trying to figure out how to write the encounters between the brothers that are being manipulated and MC/the brothers rescued is going to be tricky. Making sure the boys' characterizations stay close to how they would be will be a challenge.
So my questions for you will help me figure out what people would like to see and also help me connect dots in the story and plot.
A matter to discuss, for instance, is what a comment said on AO3:
"I think them interacting in a proper manner storywise when they are brainwashed is impossible, and such a drag to read. They should only interact during battles, and after battles, as they go on and save the others."
How should I go about writing the progress of the story?
Should I write it like an actual fanfiction, all detailed and specific and going at a constant pace, or should I skip moments instead of writing every scene that could occur to stay fresh and steady-paced, or should I try to base the chapters like actual event lessons in-game where stuff happens briefly and isn't very long?
Or another comment:
"So maybe this is just me, but I think it'd actually be more horrifying if the 'game' wasn't perma-death. Especially if everyone remembered despite any sort of revives or resets and with in-game injuries actually being painful. There's a high potential for angst is all I'm saying. But I guess that lends itself better for a normal fic rather than a choose your own adventure thing"
How should I write the "fight" scenes?
Should they be brief yet detailed or meaty with the conflict as MC tries to resolve the situation before anyone gets too hurt oor would this be good moments for turmoil between the brothers to arise and brawls break out ooor... I don't know what else.
How would the angst and heavy trauma best be applied according to y'all?
What kind of angst would each brother go through as MC tries to rescue them?
Some other questions:
Is the line up of the brothers as bosses okay, or should they be reconfigured to make more sense? Should it be linked how psychologically weak to strong they are or how their sins correspond to the next?
What would they be like at their absolute worst? How far do you think they could dive into their sins if they didn't have morals?
How dangerous would the brothers be?
How would the game use each character's insecurities and fears as their driving point?
How would you like to see brothers interact with MC during the confrontation? Or with each other before/during/after?
If MC were to die what would be the best way to take them out that would really fuck up the boys and devastate the psyche? Any brother is liable to maim or hurt the MC, but which one(s) could actually kill them? Or if a brother took a hit meant for MC, who would be more inclined to step into the line of fire?
These aren't all the questions that I have knocking around in my head and stumping me, but they're the biggest ones. I would like to hear inputs from others, BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't feel inclined to answer everything that I've listed. Those are just questions that I thought of and put on this post as examples of what I'm trying to figure out.
Finishing Off:
So yeah. That's the progress I've made so far, both on my own and from suggestions and opinions from other people.
I'd love to hear what y'all have in mind or would like to suggest or a take on a matter for any scenes, interactions, or whatever. Even if it's ideas of your own that relate to something that hasn't been brought up or mentioned, feel free to comment it or send me an ask.
Something this extensive will require a lot of thought and work to be done right, so that's why I had the notion of making this an interactive AU
So, if you're interested or wanna talk about the concept, hit me up! I'm dying just to ramble about potential stuff or read viewpoints about the brothers that you want to see happen or stances for whatever.
162 notes · View notes
ichorai · 4 years
cellmates ; four ; j.wy
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pairing ; jung wooyoung x reader
summary ; stuck in jail after stealing a necklace off the princess, what happens when your new cellmate with an impossible escape plan comes along?
words ; 5.2k
warnings / includes ; medieval fantasy au, blood and grime and death and everything in between, some curse words, future ateez cameos, future suggestive / mature content, cellmates to (future) lovers !!
a/n ; surprise !! here you go stop crying >:( kdjffj jk i hope yall enjoy !!! the plot thickens up quite a bit in this one 👀 ,,, there are also a couple surprises sprinkled here and there :DD to make up for what i did to yall last chapter lol
cellmates masterlist.
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As a child, a popular tale you often heard was one depicting a man stranded on an island, throat dry with thirst and stomach void of nourishment. He passed out in exhaustion by the beach, just on the brink of death. But before his soul could fade away, the mermaids took pity on the man of skin-and-bones and brought him underwater, breathing life back into his lungs. He contentedly lived the rest of his life as a merperson.
Although stories like those always had happy endings, they could never really make you smile, unlike how all the other children reacted. What about the people the man cared about when he was on land? Had he just completely forgotten about them to selfishly live an easier life underwater?
The same thoughts ran through your pounding head repeatedly as you dully stared out into the gleaming ocean. From where you were, bound tightly against the main mast, you had a clear view of both the ship’s deck and the waters. You couldn’t really remember how long you’d been tied up… if you could recall correctly, they had only thrown Wooyoung overboard just last night. That felt like an eternity ago. 
All thoughts of mermaids and fairy tales and Wooyoung dissipated from your mind once a pirate stepped into your view. In the daylight, they were far less scary than when you had first encountered them. The pirate had bronzed skin verging on being sunburnt, and sharp eyes of molten gold. A red bandana held his hair out of his leering face, and you noticed a dark branding burn of a sword ran through a skull embedded on his chest, partially covered by his loose tunic.
The man tutted, grabbing your chin between two fingers. It was then that you realized just how tired you were; you hadn’t gotten any sleep, instead spending the night struggling against your bonds and crying after Wooyoung.
“Let me go.” Your voice was so hoarse that it didn’t sound like yours anymore.
The pirate merely grinned and shook his head.
You wracked your brain for a second before spitting out, “Isn’t it bad luck to have a woman onboard? Your ship will sink if you keep me here.”
“Why, you must have nothing but worms between your ears,” He cackled in a sinister manner. “That’s just a silly little myth, sweetheart. Women are more than welcome here.” With those words, he ran his eyes over your tense form. A predator surveying its prey.
Much to your relief, the pirate stepped down. That feeling didn’t last very long, however. Just as he slid back, more pirates filtered into your view, clearly just having woken up to start the day. There were so many eyes on you; some curious, some disinterested, and some boldly staring with unsavory expressions.
“I say we make her do the dirty work,” One with golden teeth chimed. “Scrub the decks, clean the chamber pots.”
“We should toss her overboard. We don’t need another mouth to feed.”
“Keep her tied up there! A pretty thing like her should be on display for everyone to see!”
“We can drop her off at the next port and sell her off as a slave. We could use the extra gold.”
“Awh, don’t you think we should keep her? Ain’t half bad to look at.”
Those were only just a few snippets you could make out in the midst of the tumultuous roaring of the pirates as they yelled their suggestions over each other. They grew progressively louder as more ideas came into mind on what they should do with you. Panic brewed within you, but your limbs were tired and your mind was numb. All you could do was stand and watch.
The pirates immediately quietened once a one-eyed man with a peg leg hobbled out of the navigation room. The soft clunk, clunk, clunk of the wooden leg against the planks was not unsimilar to the rapid thundering of your heartbeat.
This is the captain, you thought. It was obvious, what with the way the pirates shut their mouths tightly and bowed their heads down to their chests. Some even trembled on the spot. If Wooyoung were here, he’d laugh at them.
Oh, how you missed him. 
The captain had a voice of pure silk, a stark contrast to his ragged appearance. In a quietly powerful tone, he stated firmly, “We leave her here until we reach Aurecia. Then we sell her off.” After a tense pause, he sternly added on, “Nobody touches her until then. Aurecians pay well for unspoilt women, so if any of you lot come remotely close to her, I’ll have your heads.”
The diminutive consolation you received from the captain’s commands ebbed away slightly when you thought more about what he was saying. They were going to sell you off as a slave in Aurecia. And if you could recall the map correctly, Aurecia was the opposite direction of Virelis, where you were supposed to be going. To top it all off, Cerulea and Aurecia were trusted allies, and that could mean nothing good for you.
“No!” You suddenly interjected in a croaky voice, throat so dry it felt like you had sandpaper in your mouth. “Please, don’t take me there. I need to go to Virelis. Please, you can sell me there!”
Everybody stared at you in complete befuddlement. The captain gaped at you with one narrowed eye and spat out, “Virelis doesn’t take slaves. Don’t play games with me, girl.”
Out of desperation, pleading words frantically poured out of your mouth before you could stop and hesitate, “Then don’t sell me! I’m useful, I swear!”
“Forgive me if I have difficulty believing you,” The captain said in a bored tone, gesturing to your bleeding, tied up form. 
A frustrated huff escaped you as you hissed out, “I’m Y/N L/N! I was the one that stole the princess’ necklace! I’m a valuable asset and you’d be lucky to have me on your crew.”
A stunned silence washed over the pirates. Then, one by one, they started laughing. They snorted and chuckled and slapped their knees as if you had told them the funniest joke in the world. You half-heartedly attempted speaking again, but your voice was drowned out by their howling laughter.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I FEED YOUR SORRY ASSES TO THE SHARKS!” The captain bellowed, his velvety tone long gone. He had his arms crossed tightly over his chest, a scowl pulling at his lips. 
The lot of them snapped their mouths shut so quickly you could hear their teeth clacking against one other. 
“Y/N L/N is nothing but a legend,” The captain stepped closer to you, his one eye narrowed in suspicion. “I don’t know, nor do I care for why you’re lying, but it better not become a problem. I’ve already got one crew to deal with. I don’t need to add a raving lunatic onto the list.”
“Please!” You wiggled against your bonds slightly, wincing at how the coarse rope fibers scratched at your chafed skin. “Why would I lie?! You’ve got to believe me, I’m Y/N L/N, I’ve been in jail for a long time and I’ve only recently escaped with the man you tossed overboard. Please, we can go bring him back, he can tell you, I - !” 
The words lodged in your throat. It was pointless, trying to convince a haggle of savage pirates to go back for someone they tossed to the sharks. There was a sort of heavy pain deep down in your chest, and you brokenly blew out a sigh. The feeling churned at your insides uncomfortably. It might’ve been the sea sickness, but you knew it was a nasty combination of guilt and panic and regret.
The captain noticed your abrupt change in demeanor, but decided not to comment. Instead, he said stoically, “Y/N L/N is a wonderful character in a legend told to scare children and I would absolutely love to meet her. But unfortunately, I don’t think I’d ever get the pleasure to. She’s not real.” You stared into his one eye, tears welling up in your own. “And about the man we tossed over… he put up a real fight and he wasn’t worth the trouble. He’s probably long gone by now. It’d do you good to forget about him.”
Pirates behind the pair of you started snickering, but were quietened when the captain straightened and just about snarled out, “DON’T YOU HAVE WORK TO DO? GET ON WITH IT, YOU STINKY BASTARDS!” 
They scrambled in a panicked fashion, a few of them running into each other as they dashed in opposite directions, others clumsily slipping on the damp plank wood, and some merely ran like headless chickens with no definite direction in mind. 
“They’ll treat you well in Aurecia, girl,” The captain slipped back into his velvety tone once more. You supposed this was his way of apologizing… or, the closest thing to an apology you’d ever get from a pirate. “Just try to accept it and it won’t seem as bad. This lot here won’t hurt you in the meantime. I’ll make sure of that.” He gestured to the rest of the men who were settling back into their daily routines. You were surprised to see that they were already hard at work; manning the sails, scrubbing the decks, navigating the ship, so on so forth. The life of a pirate definitely wasn't an easy one. 
You said nothing in return, staring blankly at the glinting ocean. The hollow clunk, clunk, clunk of his peg leg fading away was a sure sign that the captain was gone. You couldn’t bring it in yourself to watch him go.
This was most probably the worst possible time to cry. At this point, you were surprised your sore eyes could still manage to produce tears, considering how dehydrated you were. It was obvious that some of the pirates were still watching you, pausing mid-job. You tried to ignore them and hung your head sullenly as dry sobs rumbled in your chest.
You were stuck floating in a gigantic cesspool of saltwater, and yet your body had the audacity to produce even more. It was this very water you were bobbing on that most probably filled Wooyoung’s lungs as he gave up his last breath. The thought did nothing but make you weep harder. 
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Pirates really had no designated time to have luncheon and supper, but their stomachs all seemed to revolve around roughly the same hours. By the time the golden of the sun was grazing against the deep green waters and the sky was bleeding a strange shade of amaranthine, they were all shouting out complaints of hunger and trotting to the small kitchens below deck to have supper. 
You were hungry, but also sure that if you had even a morsel of bread, you would heave it right back out. The day was spent with you gazing at the rocking waters, bustling pirates, and the large, tattered flag that hung proudly way above you. On occasion, you tried pleading to the pirates who were passing by, but none of them so much as glanced towards you. It seemed as though they took their captain’s orders to heart. 
And so, after hours and hours of being neglected, imagine your surprise when one particular pirate sheepishly walked up to you, a little after all the others had disappeared below the deck to eat.
At first, you hadn’t noticed the quiet man because you had your stinging eyes shut, trying to block off the last and harshest glares of the sun as it sank under the edge of the world.
He cleared his throat once, and your eyes flew back open, startled.
“You must be starving,” He said. 
The first thing you noticed about him was the strangely soft shade of pink his hair was. It wasn’t unsimilar to the color of Yunho’s hair, and you found yourself wondering how the kind giant of a man would react knowing that you lost Wooyoung. 
“Oh,” He gestured to the brightly-hued strands on his forehead. “I’m half fairy. Everybody looks at me funny when they first see my hair.”
Snapping out of your thoughts, you observed the man in front of you suspiciously. You had little to say in reply to the strangely personal fact he told you, and so you bit down on your tongue and let silence further consume you.
He had an angular face and complementing sharp features, but he bore a timid expression in an unexpectedly stark contrast. What was this fairy-man doing on a pirate ship? He didn’t look at all like the rest of the crew. The others were sunburnt and filthy and rugged. He, however, was somewhat well kempt, skin void of burns and scars and dirt. A loose cream-hued tunic was hung over broad shoulders, barely slung over his hardened chest, a leather belt tightened around the small of his waist and tucked into black trousers. It was quite a dignifying outfit in comparison to the rest of the crew clad in dirty rags and stolen clothes that didn’t match in the slightest. But for that, you could understand. Seeing the pirates randomly throw on haphazard articles of clothing, you thought back to when you were on the run with Wooyoung, stealing clothes off of drying lines and changing into whatever would fit.
The only thing that pushed the strange pink-haired man more towards the ‘rugged pirate’ side was a silver lip ring glinting with the late sunlight from the side of his bottom lip. In his eyes you saw gentle kindness, but you knew better than to trust him just yet. 
“Are you hungry? I can sneak something up for you while everyone’s busy stuffing their face full.” He had a voice of honey and silk, tempting you to accept his generous offer. But you kept your mouth shut.
“I understand,” A sad, empathetic look crossed his face. “Sea sickness is the worst the first couple of days. From there, it’ll gradually get better once you get used to it. But please, drink some water.”
From out of nowhere, he brandished a pretty silver chalice and held it up to you, the metal stingingly cool against your lips. You would’ve been stupid to turn down the water, so you leaned forward slightly and slurped at the drink so quickly that some sloshed down your chin and dripped onto your chest. 
“I can get you some more later,” He said, pulling the cup away as you gasped for air. “But I have to tell you something important first. My name is San, by the way.”
He had a name that roughly translated to ‘mountain’ in Old Cerulean. You thought it was a rather pretty name… fitting for such a pretty man.
“I just wanted to say this while no one was around,” San sucked in a deep breath, steeling his quaking nerves. “I believe you.”
The water had certainly drowned away the scratchy burn in your throat, so you were free to painlessly stutter out, “W-What?”
“I believe you,” He repeated. “It’s like you said… why would you lie?”
“You believe that I’m Y/N?” Your voice raised an octave or two higher, to which San shot you a warning look and glanced behind him as a precaution. If anybody heard or saw either of you, the captain would have his head. “Why?”
Hope was a dangerous thing. It muddled your brain and clouded your consciousness, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. So you looked upon the pink-haired pirate dubiously, furrowing your eyebrows.
“I might be the most gullible man out there,” San snorted, raising a hand to rub against the back of his neck. “You kinda fit the description in all the stories and legends. And you don’t look like you’re lying… I don’t know… it must be the fairy blood in me. My mother always knew when I was lying or telling the truth. She used to tell me that good people only truly lie when they want to protect others. But… you don’t have anybody here to protect. Not anymore, anyways.” There was a guilty, remorseful sort of look that flooded his face. 
You were so relieved that you could’ve burst into tears right then and there. 
“And… that man the others threw overboard… he kept saying your name. You might’ve had reason to lie to us, but he didn’t. Especially not then.” San spoke gently in a low tone, as if he were speaking to a frightened child. Something painful twisted in your stomach at his words. “So… yes, Y/N, I believe you.”
Then he leaned forward and quickly swiped his cool thumb over your damp cheek. You only then realized that you were crying again, flinching away from his touch at first, before relaxing your tensed muscles. 
“Thank you,” was the only thing you could properly croak out. There were so many things you wanted to tell him. Help me. Let me out. Bring Wooyoung back. Take me away from here. Why are you helping me? What are you doing here?
Although none of your erratic thoughts were heard, you sagged in relief when he said, “I’ll try to talk to the captain about making a stop in Virelis.” As a tentative afterthought, he added, “I’m sorry about your friend.”
“I loved him,” You croaked out, surprising even yourself. “I didn’t know that I did.”
San flashed you a sad smile, “Some people never realize. You’re lucky that you did.” Then, he murmured after gesturing to your bloody hands and wrists, “I’m also sorry about them hurting you. I have a special coconut extract lotion that treats wounds and burns very well. I’ll try to sneak up something for you to eat, as well. We’ll have to wait until it’s completely dark, though.”
You had so much to tell him, so much to ask, so much to thank him for. The fairy-man rotated on the stub of his heel to walk away, and you whispered out, “San!” He glanced back at you with a curious expression, and you nodded your head, sincerely grateful, “Thank you.” The questions could wait, you supposed.
A smile so wide spread across his lips that his eyes almost disappeared. Around savage pirates practically all his life, he rarely ever heard those two strangely comforting words. He dipped his head politely and walked away, leaving you to your own overwhelming thoughts.
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Sleep had taken you under its dark wing a little while after San left, however fitful and sporadic. Your head pounded as your swollen and aching eyes fluttered open, somewhat surprised to see that it was still dark. Where was San?
Then, as your consciousness shook away the foggy webs of sleep, your brain registered a faint singing voice. However, it wasn’t just any rotten pirates’ singing voice; it sounded as if a woman was wailing, but in the most beautiful way possible. The trembling vocal chords pierced through the night sky, high-pitched and ringing in your ears melodically. It was a song in a language you couldn’t understand, but the warbled words molded together sounded pure and whole, just about placing you under a trance. But of course, you were still quite dazed and confused from slumber, unable to clearly hear the singing voices. On top of that, the water seemed to be extra loud, splashes and waves thundering against the boat almost every five seconds.
Tired, you rolled your stiff neck. Strangely, you noticed that the deck in front of you was void of any pirates. Glancing to the side, there was not a single soul to be seen manning the navigational wheel. Your neck ached as you craned it to look upwards, squinting at the crows’ nest, just to see that it was equally empty. Where are they? you thought absent-mindedly.
The singing was getting louder, and you had to physically shake your head to get your mind out of the gutters. The ropes strained against the skin of your raw wrists even more when you shifted to look behind you.
The sight that you were met with had you reeling against the mast in panic. 
Sirens. Dozens of them, sitting on moldy rocky ledges jutting out of the ocean waters. They were beautiful creatures, smooth skins tainted a faint green and shimmery silver hair just long enough to drape wetly over their breasts. They bore seductive expressions and parted their full lips to croon out the mesmerizing song in unison.
And the splashing against the boat? With a choked gasp of horror, the undisputed mystery of where all the pirates had gone was answered. One by one, they were marching off the planks, plummeting into the salty ocean waters, swimming as if their life depended on it, closer and closer to the beckoning sirens. They all held entranced expressions, some with gaping mouths and others with fully blown pupils of adoration and lust.
The sirens were far enough where you weren’t fully under influence, but much too close to be clear of mind. You had to count yourself lucky for being female; it was known that sirens had stronger effects on men. But you didn’t have much time to spare.
You suddenly became short of breath in panic. Where was San? Had he already jumped off? Blowing out a shuddering sigh, your neck trembled with great effort as you angled yourself to look back again. It was easy to spot his brightly-colored mane, the pink starkly bright in the moonlight.
“SAN!” You screamed to the best of your abilities, voice scratchy from your previous slumber. For a second, the fairy-man seemed to twitch slightly into your direction. A particularly high-pitched note echoed across the waters, just about slicing through any hesitation San might’ve held. Just like that, he turned completely away from you with a stupefied look, before hopping off the ship and plunging into the ocean.
A scream of protest ripped through your throat. There was no time to think… you could already feel their lulling voices numb the corners of your mind…
No. No, I have to get out of this. 
With a quick glance back, a flare of hope ignited somewhere within your chest when you spotted a dagger just behind you, buried in the fraying wood of a grog barrel. Its handle was jutting out in your direction, the crooked blade void of rust and gleaming with reflected moonlight. Excruciating pain shot through your right arm as you twisted your wrist about, desperate to be freed of the knot. The hardest part was getting your hand through the tight loophole, groaning at the throbbing sensation.
After frantically yanking yourself upwards, you managed to wrench your right wrist free, covered with blood and scratches and blisters. Then, with no time to spare, you reached as far as you could behind you, towards the barrel. Your bones ached and cracked under the strain, but you pushed through with gritted teeth. Tears ran down your twisted features from the pain. With a final shriek, you lunged and wrapped your blood-slicken fingers around the hilt. The sick sound of your left shoulder popping had you screaming in pained misery, but there was no time to lament. You’d fix it up later.
It took little effort to extract the blade out of the rotting wood. You prayed not to drop the dagger as your hand trembled ruthlessly. Swallowing dryly, you raised the blade to your left wrist, and began hacking away at the ropes.
They were tough, coarse things, but gave way eventually, unraveling with each strand. You didn’t even have to cut through the whole thing until it was weak enough to break on its own. 
You were free. 
The sirens’ song grew louder and louder, and frantically, you wobbled away from the mast and to the side of the ship, steadying your shaking legs against the rail. Every fibre of your being screamed at you to stop and jump into the water, swim to the beautiful melody that came from just over there…
“No!” You managed to moan out. Your left arm was completely useless; you weren’t able to move the limb at all. The tearing of your shirt as you somehow managed to rip off the sleeve rang in your muddled head alongside the foreign words quavering through the air. You used the dagger to slice the cloth in half, and shoved each piece into your ears. It was disgusting and uncomfortable, but it would have to suffice. The sirens’ voices sounded little other than muffled hums, and though you had to stay cautious, you could already feel your mind clear tremendously.
The last of the pirates had just clambered off the side. You would’ve heard the large splash he made as he cannon-balled into the waters if it weren’t for your make-shift ear plugs.
You were tired. You were thirsty, aching, sleepy, and just about every other bad feeling one could possibly have. Unfortunately, the ship was still heading right towards the sirens, no doubt turned off-course by a crewmate heavily under their influence.
And so, you dragged your heavy limbs over to the navigational wheel, letting out a soft tormented wince when the small act of curling your quaking fingers around the wooden spokes were enough to send what felt like great electric shocks of pain up your spine. Then, you spun the wheel one-handed, over and over and over again until the massive beauty of a ship leaned away from the sirens (who were clearly enraged, hissing and baring their sharp teeth), silkily gliding over the waters. Warm ocean air billowed into your face and tousled your hair, and for the first time since you’ve gotten onto the ship, you didn’t feel like throwing up. 
A part of you felt bad for leaving San, the only pirate to show you even just a morsel of empathy. Who knows, maybe he’d survive. He was half fairy, after all. You muttered out a soft soft wish of good luck for the pink-haired man, though you doubted that would do much.
Your mind was quick to leap from the fate of San to a man who’s been in your life for much longer. Where would you be if it weren’t for him?
Wooyoung wasn’t one to just… give up like that. He couldn’t be dead. Perhaps you were being a fool for holding onto hope, but you would gladly welcome that title if there was even the slightest chance that he was still out there, alive and breathing.
And so, you steeled your nerves by drawing in a grand breath. Your lips settled in a firm, determined line.
You were going to go find Wooyoung.
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Where were you to start?
Dozens and dozens of maps and scrolls were tossed about as you pillaged through the papers, in search of a chart that would actually be of use to you. Much to your dismay, there weren’t any maps whatsoever that held the directions to Virelis. There goes that plan down the drain. Where else was there to go?
The sling that held up your left arm was procured hastily from the medbay after you popped your dislocated shoulder back into its socket with a quailing shriek. The pain had faded into a dull ache, but at least now you could wiggle your fingers. That was a good sign, you supposed. Your stomach was full with what you could find in their kitchen pantries (which was mostly just stale biscuits and half-cooked fish), and to be honest, you felt better than you have in a long, long time, despite the circumstances.
There was still the problem of finding him, though. If you could recall correctly, you were only around a days’ sail away from where they had kicked Wooyoung off.
But that would mean turning back to Cerulea. And that… definitely didn’t sound smart. You rubbed your fingers against your throbbing temple, taking a long swig of refreshing water from a pitcher. Gentle light was filtering in through the small circular window, illuminating the yellowed maps in such a way to make them look golden. There was no time to appreciate the simple beauty of this, however, because a stupid, moronishly foolish, plan was forming in your head.
What if you went back to Cerulea? Would Wooyoung be waiting for you there? Maybe he was staying with Yunho while he got back on his feet. After all, it’s not like he could swim all the way to Virelis, especially with how injured he was. Cerulea was a much closer, safer plan. It was the only place he could go, right?
Unease twisted your stomach at the thought of going back to the country that locked you in a dark dungeon for moons upon moons upon moons. Deep down inside, you knew that no part of Wooyoung would ever willingly go back to Cerulea. Not after all he went through trying to get out. But what else were you to do? And even if he weren’t there, at least you’d be able to inform Yunho on what happened. Then the sweet giant of a man could help you find him.
You stood up, compasses and maps slipping off your lap, respectively clanging and fluttering towards the ground noisily. With large, determined strides, you exited the navigational room and to the main deck, where the steering wheel was situated. Warm, salty breeze whispered against your ears, calm and encouraging.
“I’ll find you, Wooyoung,” Your words were swiftly stolen by the wind. You hoped that gale would be kind enough to carry the message over to him, however impossible it was.
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Halfway across the world, laid an unconscious dark-haired man, clad in nothing save for his smallclothes and bandages tightly wrapped around his skull. He was situated stiffly atop a narrow bed, scars and bruises still quite fresh and clearly visible against his paler-than-usual skin.
Wooyoung awoke with a startled choke of a gasp, sore eyes flying wide open. There was a searing pain in his abdomen as he sat up, wheezing and hissing in agony. He took in his surroundings with a panicked demeanor, gaze landing on the mildly surprised fair-headed figure with striking green eyes standing by the doorway, fresh bandages in his palms. He’s an elf, Wooyoung realized after a long moment of gaping, noticing the ever-so-slightly pointed ears poking out beneath silvery locks and the infamous nature-woven clothes only elves wore.
“Took you long enough,” He said in a thick Elvish accent, followed by a beguiling snort. “I thought you would stay asleep forever. I’m Yeosang.”
Wooyoung blinked sluggishly once, twice, and a third and fourth time for good measure. He knew very well that he should probably answer. After all, elves were widely known to be an easily offended kind. But for the love of everything he held dear, he just couldn’t seem to crack his lips open. 
The two stared at each other awkwardly for a second more. Then promptly, his eyes rolled into the back of his skull as his upper half crumpled onto the bed, instantaneously returning into the sweet relief of unconsciousness.
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i-need-air · 4 years
OKAY OKAY I'M READY I'M SO HAPPY!!CONGRATS FOR 200 AND IMMA STOP SCREAMING! I love your content so much i 👉👈 Could you write soft married hc for Aizawa? I loved the Hawks ones so mcuh and MERRY CHRISTMAS
I just realized I never wrote anything about Aizawa and I just stared into distance silently for some good minutes because the audacity I have, I'm—
I'm so happy that you're happy and thank youuu 💕 I really loved these soft married hcs so I'm glad I'm getting to do more too!! Sorry it took me a few days, anon, but Christmas was time consuming. But it's here now! So thank you for the request, it made me super giddy. Merry Christmas to you too [ a day too late hueh ] 💕💕💕
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AIZAWA SHOUTA: Soft Married HCs.
× he's the type of man that goes with the flow
× as a more laid back, calm man, he'd appreciate more a smaller wedding with the people that he cares most about
× but at the end of the day he doesn't really care how it happens as long as it's with you
× it might come out weird but that's who he is: Aizawa wants to marry you because of you and that's it
× want a big wedding? cool, he can take it
× just do not make Present Mic sing
× lmfao who are we kidding, that man has a whole ass show prepared for you but that's another story;;
× so ✨The Big Day✨ comes
× doesn't lose his nerves or anything, he's very chill about it since you're both in your separate rooms to prepare yourselves and stuff
× but once he sees you? babe, he's soft
× i totally mean it
× we simp for this man because we know how soft he truly is, yet I feel you don't get how fucking soft he is for you
× his heart melts, his dark eyes are just on you as you approach him, mesmerized, absolutely in love and it shows
× he has this soft smile on his face that's just so perfect and peaceful...
× gently takes your hand to guide you towards him faster
× and i feel that if you reached marriage point with this man, even this small gesture is so natural for both of you, the intimacy of it repeated so many times that it's only natural for you to reach and grab it without hesitation, you get me?
× [ and that's how he realized he'd ask you to take the next step in your relationship, when it dawned on him that you complete each other; the comfort, the love, the intimacy, the harmony you shared... becho ass he asked you while cuddling in bed or something, in the middle of a snuggling session, voice low, hums shared, iddle conversation going on and he just... does ]
× a tease in his vows, but lowkey
× he knows when to step up his game and knows how serious this is, so he'll make you fall for him all over again in just a few sentences; then proceeds to end it with teasing and a half smirk
× Eri is the ring bearer, fight me on this
× it's a known fact he basically adopted her at this point so it's a package deal but for real, who wouldn't love Eri? like get out
× he knew this already but nothing changes after the wedding
× that's not bad, that's perfect for him
× the difference is the wedding ring he has on his finger that he always plays with whenever he's about to fall asleep, or stares at when he's trying to overcome a hard day
× it's the comfort that it gives him, you know?
× knowing that the love of his life is there for him is what gets him through all of it
× he seeks a routine, a safe spot and life at home is that for both of you
× a place to relax and seek each other's company
× he's a silent man, so being in the same room and each doing your own thing is still quality time for Aizawa, as long as you're there
× even sleeping together
× this man will definitely 100% no doubt use you as a human pillow
× his head? on your chest
× hey, quick tip: play with his hair, pretty please?
× overgrown grumpy cat man definitely loves that
× imagine this: rare free day for both of you, the sound of food sizzling in a pan in the kitchen as you play with Eri in the living room, not knowing a black pair of eyes watches you both fondly from the door
× full apron and messy bun on his head and gentle smile on his features
× everything falls in place for him from time to time
× or more likely, through his chaotic life, coming home to you and being able to observe these types of sceneries just fills his chest with warmth and makes him realize that yeah, this is what he wanted and needed all along
× if you want a pet you're definitely getting a cat
× but only after a lot of begging
× a lot
× he knows he's busy so he might not be able to take care of it all the time, so you better accept some responsibility
× will talk to the cat like it's a grown ass human being, full conversations complaining about everything
× "you get me, right?"
× meow
× "hmm"
× inside jokes and teasing
× all while having this sweet sparkle in his eyes, adoring this bond only you two share
× Aizawa loves silently yet he doesn't hesitate to tell you
× although he mostly saves those words for whenever you're both about to fall asleep, almost dozed off just to get a sleepy, comfortable "I love you too" back because those are his favorites
× will verbally destroy anyone that dares to even attempt to talk shit about you [ ik it's random but i had to drop it somewhere ]
× bc he is protective
× looks laid back and definitely has no problem with you dealing with your own stuff since he knows you are capable of handling it
× but he will cut a bitch, just sayin
× only his close friends know about you; he doesn't see the need to talk about you or mention he's married unless let's say someone is overstepping
× you know that one couple that always bicker like old married people? that's you guys
× throwing shade at each other while you fight a grin
× complaining about each other jokingly
× all that adorable squabble gives him life
× so yeah, Aizawa has his own way of loving you
× but there won't be a day that passes without letting you know in his subtle way that he is thinking about you or about how much he loves and appreciates you
× he's so thankful to have you in his life
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YGO Protagonists
*Oldest brother... Literal dad
*Is very protective over the rest of them
*Seriously don't touch a hair on their heads because you will lose your soul.
*He totally has Kaiba on Speed dial and calls him over the dumbest things to get a rise out of him (but they are friendly?( Seto would also murder you dead if you hurt these munchkins he just won't admit it... (I will not apologise for this)
*Does not understand memes (mee mee's?) but tells dad puns for days.
*Always gives compliments and gives great life/dueling advice to the rest (puts a hand on their shoulders with that knowing and proud look).
*Will spend hours bragging about how far Judai's come, how smart and talented Yusei and Yusaku, how Yuya and Yuga created original dualing rules, how Yugi is awesome. He will tell anyone and everyone (they all secretly love it)
Yugi Mouto:
*Younger older brother? (identical twins but younger of the two)
*Super optimistic, always there to lend a hand and is very pacifistic... but will throw hands if the situation requires and without hesitation.
*Has Kaibaman in his deck to spite Kaiba (it works every time)
*Yes it can pierce a wall... It was for science.
*Usually the one to help escalate the chaos, and than pretends to have no idea why the house is upside down... And on fire... And the fire is green.
*Is the only one other than Atem to get Yusei to go to sleep.
*He loves puzzles, telling riddles and leaving little clues around the house for the others to solve (and they always get a present even if they get it wrong because they tried.)
*Doesn't see anything wrong with his fashion sense.
Judai Yuki:
*Problem child 1, needs a hug
*Memelord, will constantly troll Atem with movie references, and anything he can think of. (Yes he does quote the star wars prequels during duals.)
*Yubel makes sure he's looking after himself and has woven their way into the family. They and Astral have fun conversations. (Pharaoh the cat gets on very well with Atem... Werid.)
*Either he's happy, outgoing and herding the younger kids into various pranks. Rounding up Yuya, Yuma, Yuga and Yugi into his antics, (we don't speak of the Eggwitch incident). Sometimes he manages to drag Yusaku in to join them, giving them all a part to play and praising their efforts (they haven't been caught)
*OR he's depressed, haunted and full of guilt. He finds comfort by spending time with the others, hating being on his own. Everyone even those fairly reserved pick up on his mood and direct him to different tasks. Especially with Yuya, both of them can talk for hours about what ifs, shoulds and shouldn'ts.
*Favourite non dualing activity is helping Yusei to bake, he has burned many a cookie but he loves icing cakes.
*Very protective, will tap into the power of the Supreme King and Yubels abilities sometimes as unconsciously when one of the others are upset, or he's pushed into a corner.
Yusei Fudo:
*Oldest after the twins, literal mum
*Can't take care of himself to save his life but cares deeply for the others. Packing them lunches, helping them with school work etc.
*Takes Yusaku under his wing as soon as he sees his tech skills, both of them stay up for hours working on projects until Yugi scolds them at 4 am.
*Always half asleep, covered in oil and holding a cup of coffee (no he doesn't have a problem.) He mumbles codes and always seems to fall asleep holding a wrench.
*Usually he's accompanied by Yuga or Yusaku, either sitting and asking questions about their projects or working on a shared on/Yusaku's own stuff. He doesn't like working alone so it works out.
*Can do the "Mum look" and it has stopped the Supreme King, Dark Zexal and Zarc in their tracks.
*Card games on Motorcycles...having his bike borrowed by the little ones who want to play a card game on a bike but aren't old enough or know how to drive.
*Likes to bake, learned from Martha to give the others birthday treats and finds it fun.
*Claims he can never get sick... Liar.
Yusaku Fujiki
*Problem child 2 (all problem children need hugs and therapy, Kaiba get your wallet)
*Tried to stay closed off from the others but finds he enjoys their company and their antics.
*He has a Metapod hoodie that Yuya won at a carnival and gifted him. He wears it all the time, its cosy.
*Pretty Awkward, very cold sometimes without meaning it but somehow there all able to understand what he means without getting upset or offended.
*He spends hours working on projects with Yusei, neither talk much and it's a comfortable silence. Yuga often accompanies them, full of questions and joy and he enjoys sharing his work.
*Prefers to watch the others dual than to dual himself, absorbing the strategies and while he doesn't quite understand their motives... He finds himself smiling at Yuya's shows, wondering what he means with his smiling routine.
*Offhandedly told Kaiba that he fixed some holes in his security system. Kaiba went on a firing spree (yes with his firing people coat) and his was promptly hired. He actually enjoys it, and is now Kaiba's favourite brat.
*Also... The missing persons list is growing after Yusaku finally opened up about his past.... Werid.
Yuya Sakaki
*Problem child 3 (see above)
*Smiles go for miles
*Finds a lot of comfort from the others. The first time he let slip about Zarc, Judai was right there with his glowing green/orange eyes and they bonded instantly.
*He tries to only dual for entertainment and fun but that can't always be the case, though it really rattles him up afterwards. Do not make him mad in a dual if you value your life.
*Plays a lot with Yuma and Yuga, as the oldest of the trio he tries to set an example... He never said it was a good one....hes part of Zarc.
*He always has a game, an idea and the others will always be his faithful audience. He's made real solid dualing into an art, Atem and Judai have made his monsters real at times without the need for the tech (it was beautiful)
*Starts the appreciate Dragons Fanclub with Yusei and Kaiba.
*Yes to capes (Sorry Edna)
*Fusion dimension isn't available at the moment... Or the forceable future.
Yuma Tsukumo
*Second youngest, space boy
*Atem gives him advice and praises every one of his duals even he loses, teaching him that every one can be used as a step towards success.
*Astral befriends Yubel, and often makes remarks at the Zarc fragments, he and Yuuri get on the others nerve.
*He spends most of his time with Yuya and Yuga, either dualing, watching Yuya dualtain or pranking. He started their lengendary prank war against Judai and Yugi...(Yusei was out of the house for a week and Atem gave up). It was a battle for the ages.
*He does worry at times that he's so behind the others skill's levels but as he gets closer to them it matters less. He cheers on every one of them, bragging about how cool they are.
*He takes up other hobbies, baking, cooking, and dragging everyone into family game nights. Which all end fine and do not result in a pissed of Zarc threathing Wario before kicking his switch out of a window... Nope absolutely not.
*Has a constellation book.
*Likes using big words he doesn't know the meaning off. And than trying and failing to convince everyone he knows exactly what he just said without googling it... While Astral facepalms, definitely picked it up from Yusei.
Yuga Ohda
*Tiny baby
*Yugi picked him up once and everyone starting to sing "it's the circle of life."
*He loves watching Yusei and Yasuke work, because they answer his questions properly and look at his inventions with respect and a critical but kind eye. They slowly teach him his to improve and it shows in his work.
*All of them were interested in his Rush duals and listen to him explain, finding it interesting and another new way to play.
*Yuya teaches him how to dualtain, both of them putting on hippo-tastic shows for their friends and loved ones. Fulfilling their goals to have fun.
*He steals everyone's hoodies and jackets, doesn't care how big they are he will steal them and wear them. And look adorable despite his argument that he isn't.
*Everyone is the most protective of him as he's the youngest and while he's touched, he's super protective over them and offers himself as a cuddle buddy whenever anyone has nightmares.
And there all one big crazy family
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moon-kn1ght · 3 years
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: mentions of high school, mentions of shrek the musical (i’m sry), fluff, pining, 
A/N: this is for @emmikmil! I’ve had so much fun writing this for you and dropping by your ask box often. I hope you enjoy! thank you to @wyn-dixie for the beta! 
listen to a similarly vibed playlist here || masterlist
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“I just don’t get how I was able to spend so much time away from you Marcus!!” you laugh at your friend on the couch next to you, “Eight years later, and your movie commentary is still making me laugh my ass off.” The credits roll on the movie that you two had been watching, and even though the movie had not originally been a comedy, Marcus Pike had made you laugh so much that your abs hurt.
“Now that we’re both in D.C., I can tell you that you’re going to get tired of it. I may be older but my time in the FBI has stunted my humor level back to where it was in high school,” Marcus jeered. His smile had the same youthful exuberance that it did when you two were kids, working for the government hadn’t taken that away yet. His eyes still held that warm kindness that had drawn you to be his friend all those years ago.
You and Marcus were best friends back in your shared hometown of Troy, Ohio. You two had bonded at age fourteen over a desire to get the hell out of your small town. While your friendship was built on a mutual distaste of home, it grew to be much more than that. Your high school years were remembered with moments of utter joy with Marcus by your side.
There were summer adventures into the countryside to find streams to swim in to beat the unbearable heat. There were late night ‘study sessions’ that routinely involved borrowing Marcus’s older sister’s car to go get McDonald’s and sit and talk for hours. You went to every single one of his football games (even though he was third string). And you were there the one game in four years that he was on the field and caught a pass that resulted in a game-winning touchdown.
He was there for your break-out role as the Gingerbread Man in the school’s production of Shrek the Musical. He saw it every night. And he was there when your date to junior-year homecoming didn’t show up, and even though he vowed to not go to a school dance that year, he stepped in as your last-minute date (and funny enough, your original date showed up with a black eye on Monday, but you never heard the details…).
Maybe you’ve been apart for longer than you two actually knew each other, but the friendship that you two shared in those years could have been enough to last a lifetime. Luckily, with both of you now working in D.C., it doesn’t have to be. Maybe now you can experience another lifetime of friendship, but this time as adults.
You have been silent for a moment too long when Marcus interrupts, “Hey, you still here?”
“Sorry, yeah,” you respond. “I was just thinking about how you never told me how my ex-homecoming date, Brian, ended up with a black eye after he stood me up?”
The memory makes him laugh, “That information is on a need-to-know basis.  But what I can say is that conversation was quite helpful to draw on when I was learning interrogation skills at Quantico.”
“I KNEW IT!!” you yelp. You grab the throw pillow from your side of the couch and reel back to playfully hit him with it, but he’s too quick—he reaches and yanks it out of your hands, landing his own solid thwack against your stomach. This elicits a squeal from you, “HEY! Not fair, Mr. FBI. You can’t use your super-agent skills against me, that’s got to be a ground rule.”
“I was only acting in self-defense,” he contends, but releases the offending pillow from his grasp. “But if you insist, I will let you take a retaliatory hit at me, to keep things fair.” 
“Hmmm. Now I don’t trust you, Pike. I’m pretty sure you’re the type that would remember where I’m …” You were going to finish the sentence with the word ‘ticklish,’ but you can see the shift in Marcus’s eyes, meaning he knew the end of your sentence before you said it. He lunges towards you, and you’re able to call out an “OH NO!” before he’s on top of you, hands attacking the spots on your body that, of course, he does remember are ticklish.
Everything devolves into laughter. Radiant joy fills your living room, joy that you haven’t experienced in so long.
When you’re able to squirm away and catch your breath, you release a thought that had been on your mind all night, “Marcus, I missed you. I missed you so much.”
You could live forever in the incredibly tender way that he looks at you.
“I’ve missed you too, Ging” he says, reminding you of your high school nickname that formed from your silly but wonderful role in the musical. Like old times, Marcus can still sense the melancholy that hides behind your smile, “hey, we both did it. We made it out. And now we’ve found each other again. Nothing is going to take you away from me now, friends for life, remember?”
You two hug, and time could stop for all you care.
“I can’t believe I let you drag me to a Quantico bar!” you grumble humorously as you slide out of the Uber you and Marcus shared back to your place. “I know So Many great bars in D.C. proper, and I let you drag me to the suburbs, just to be ogled by a bunch of middle-aged men in ill-fitting suits. I’m never going to forgive you for this one.”
You both are laughing in earnest at your condemnation of the rather dive-y establishment you both got probably a little too toasted at for a Thursday night. You were right, the place was filled with the Special Agent-type that Marcus worked with every day, which is likely why it was tinted in rose-color in his memory. 
“In my defense, I am not a woman, so how could I…” the words drunkenly tumble from Marcus’s lips. “Wait I take that back, let me rephrase…”
You spin around to shoot lasers into Marcus as his drunk ramble verges on being problematic. You wag your finger at him, “Hey, watch it captain.” He stops in his tracks and you, tipsy as well, step towards him, maintaining eye contact and continuing the silly motion of your finger, until you two are a breath apart.
He doesn’t back up, in fact, he leans into the proximity of your bodies. “Yes ma’am, I’m gonna shut up, I promise,” he blathers. You rest your palms against his chest, fingers grabbing at his wrinkled dress shirt. The alcohol coursing through your veins is giving you a confidence that you weren’t quite ever able to manifest in all those years ago. His hands come up to rest against your upper arms, not pushing you away but also not yet closing the remaining distance between your bodies.
“Yeah, you better. If you don’t, I’ll have to…” your thought stops short from completing as what’s left of your sober brain starts to comprehend how much contact you have with Marcus. Heat and energy pass through each junction of your bodies, his fingers on your arms, your hands against his muscled chest. Were your feet touching too? 
“Or you’ll have to what?” Marcus probes, finally releasing the breath he took in the moment your bodies touched.
His voice prompts you to look up from where you had been staring intently into the wrinkles of his once-pristine dress shirt. His eyes are boring holes into where he’d been staring at your head, desperately waiting for you to do something.
Gods, you want to kiss him so badly right now. You want to kiss him hard and desperate to make up for all the years apart. You want to kiss him soft and tender, so he’ll never leave again.
But what if he doesn’t feel the same way? You can’t destroy this absolutely magnetic friendship that you’ve regained after all these years, just for one kiss. But what if he does feel the same way?
You break away from Marcus. You can feel the energy that’s been coursing through your body from his break as you sever each individual point of contact. You can feel each finger leave the surface of his chest and travel through the suddenly chillier D.C. air. His hands slide down your arms. The last of the contact of your bodies breaks as he squeezes his thumb and pointer finger against your pinky.
“I should go,” Marcus says, fracturing the prolonged eye contact by looking down to the pavement. You look down too, your energy shattered by the sudden loss of contact. “Let’s do this again.” The sound of his voice still holds the joy that filled you both tonight, even as his eyes search the ground for something better to say.
He always smelled like cedarwood. You can still smell it around you as you close your front door and lean back against it. You know you're going to feel this emptiness tomorrow, a different kind of hangover than the tequila sitting in your stomach threatens you with. 
Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door and you jump out of your disappointment. You look out the peephole and it’s Marcus, fidgeting awkwardly. You open the door, “Hey, did you forget some...” you start to ask but he cuts you off.
“Hey sorry for probably scaring you, but I felt something back there. I don’t know if you felt the same thing, but I was wondering if I could kiss you? And if the answer is no, we can forget …” Now it’s your turn to interrupt him. You grab a hold of his shirt in the same place you held him in the parking lot. You pull against him and he leans down and kisses you.
It’s like something in each of you breaks. A floodgate of emotion opens, channeled through this kiss. Your lips search each other for answers you’ve been longing for since the beginning of time.
One of his hands holds your face, while the other finally roams your body. It’s almost as if he’s charting himself a map, so he’ll never lose you again. It traces down your neck, across your shoulders, phantom fingers on your breasts. You’re not sure if his hand is leaving icicles or flames in its wake, but he has every nerve in your body standing on end.
You break from this kiss, but you don’t travel further than to just murmur against his lips. “Marcus are you sure?” you whisper.
He looks down at you and his eyes shine with more joy than you’d ever seen. You cup his cheek in your hand and all his words, all his ability to profess his love dies in his throat because of the simple gesture. He smiles and nods and whispers your name. You could get used to this, the feeling of his lips on yours and your bodies locked together.
“Let’s stay like this forever,” Marcus says, reading your mind.
“Yes. Forever,” you reply and kiss him again.
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