#I mean. I have no leg to stand on here. I've got my topics I haven't shut up about for years also
impale-me-radio-daddy · 4 months
Could you do a Lookalike reader getting his hooves or ears brushed / cleaned by Alastor in a similar vein to the antler one? Maybe a standalone mini series of 'Parts I wanted to include in the main series but couldn't find space for it.'
I would be so up for that.
Hey man, thanks for the ask! I think I went a bit off-topic here, but I still think it's hot so I'm gonna post it. I've put a line for the more squeamish readers to stop at. Caveat emptor and all that.
Pairing: Alastor X reader
Wordcount: 2.2k
Warnings: they/them pronouns, reader is a hermaphrodite, Foot stuff, Hoof stuff, scent glands, DEER THINGS, slight sexual content, Alastor being fucking weird
You didn’t know what was wrong with you at first. You’d held a variety of jobs during your mortal life, but vet wasn’t one of them. What you knew about medicine you knew from backwoods surgery, and what you knew about deer physiology was limited to the things that made their meat unsafe for consumption, the telltale lesions and growths on a carcass that meant it got burned or buried rather than butchered. This wasn’t one of those things.
There was a hard lump on the front of your leg, above where the keratin of your two standing nails ended and below the level of your dewclaws, close to the webbing of skin where your two toes joined. On a human this would have been the shin, but for you it felt more like your tarsal.
It had been small at first, and you had ignored it. Then it had grown larger, painful as it had rubbed against the tongue of your boot. Today you had limped your way through your shift at the hotel, your smile more of a grimace than anything that could genuinely be describes as cheerful, and retreated to the room you shared with Alastor as soon as your contract no longer compelled you to work.
Now you lay in the four-footed bathtub in Alastor’s ensuite bathroom, examining your hoof more thoroughly. Was this an abscess? Did you need to lance it? Your skin graded to a dark grey towards your red nails, so it was difficult to gauge the lump’s condition from color as it would be on a paler part of you. You were pushing at the lump with your fingers, feeling the heat of inflamed flesh when Alastor materialized from the shadows at the bathroom door, his eyes narrowed with suspicion.
“What are you doing here?”
You hadn’t expected him to return to the room for hours, and even then, he generally gave you privacy when you were cleaning yourself. Fear shot through you like a cold wave in your stomach, the feeling of being caught, and you fought the reflex to hide your leg from Alastor. Your career as a serial killer would have been short-lived if you weren’t able to hide guilt, after all. “Do you mind?” you said, broadcasting annoyance.
Alastor looked unimpressed, taking a step closer. “I asked you a question,” he said.
“I would think it’s fairly apparent, but right now I was thinking of cutting my nails,” you lied, smoothly. “What are you doing here?”
“Why, looking for you,” said Alastor, his gaze settling on the red tips of your hooves. “I was about to cook dinner for everyone, and I could do with a sous chef who doesn’t try to boil themselves every time I set a pot of water on the heat or drink all the wine before it goes in the sauce.” He moved closer, arms behind his back. “Though I suppose those are getting rather long,” he said, eyes still on your standing nails, the two red points on the end of each of your hooves. “Let me help you with that.”
“No, I couldn’t put you out,” you raised a hand in protest, but Alastor was already in the space with you, bending to fetch a pedicure kit full of small knives, curved clippers and different grades of files from the cupboard that stood next to the basin.
“Nonsense, my dear, pure nonsense.” Alastor took a seat on the painted metal stool that lived next to the tub and looked down at you, teeth gleaming. “I hope you don’t mean to say I’m not up to the task.”
“Of course not,” you frowned, and Alastor clicked his tongue in disapproval as he took your good leg in his hand.
Disapproval at your facial expression did nothing to stop Alastor’s roving hands, however, the hand that was holding your leg stroking down the arch of your foot to the pads beneath as he fetched a pair of clippers from the box at his feet. The touch was pleasant, and deliberate, and the clippers resembled a pair of secateurs more than anything else, the sort that could easily remove a thumb if applied correctly.
“If you cut to here-” Alastor took your hand, pulling it to the pad of your hoof, where the flesh was attached to the backside of the nail, and traced a line, dragging your finger alongside his. “-the hoof will be too short, and you’ll injure yourself walking-” You listened carefully as Alastor talked, moving your fingers over your hoof so that you would know his instructions by touch. It would have been a relaxing, bonding activity, if it weren’t for the aching lump on your leg, and your growing anxiety at it being discovered. Alastor’s hands were gentle on the pads beneath your hooves, holding your leg perfectly steady as he made each cut.
He moved to your other leg, and you were sure he would notice the lump, but he said nothing, either ignorant or letting you stew in your own embarrassment as you lay in the warm bathwater, his skilled fingers squeezing the arch of your hoof, thumb brushing against your dewclaws as he repeated the process, leaving you enough length in your nail that you would be able to walk comfortably. Sweeping the red slivers of your hooves aside, Alastor took a pair of files from the box, one coarse, one fine, and you felt the vibrations through the nail and through the bones of your leg as he filed down the rough edges. He did it slowly, watching your face as he drew the file back and forth with a gradual movement, the sensation something like a shiver as the metal abraded the surface. When he was done, he ran a thumb over each edge, feeling for imperfections.
Alastor brushed away the fine pink dust with his hand and smiled at his handiwork. “There. That’s better, don’t you agree?”
You nodded, something like relief flooding through you when Alastor hadn’t addressed the problem. You were free to deal with it. Privately.
[nb: if you just wanted hoof clipping, stop reading here]
“And it’s high time we did something about that,” said Alastor, gaze sliding over your bad leg, and your sense of relief shattered. “After all, you didn’t really think there was any part of yourself that you could keep a secret from me, did you?” Alastor’s smile turned cruel, his finger tracing a gentle line up between the two toes of your cloven hoof to the lump, even the light pressure he applied excruciating, and you held your breath to not cry out. “You were limping, darling,” he continued, voice chiding. “I was worried.”
You blinked away tears of pain, studying Alastor’s expression. Really, you’d been embarrassed more than anything- the horror that the strange lump might be due to a failure of basic hygiene on your part, but the way that Alastor examined it without surprise told you that it was an issue he was at least familiar with. Maybe something he’d dealt with on his own body, in his early days in Hell.
“You know what it is?” you asked.
Alastor hummed, his fingers trailing down the freshly pedicured red keratin of your nails and round to the soft pads of flesh that sat behind them, pressing and probing. Oh, that felt nice. “You’ve field dressed a deer before,” he said, chiding. “You really should know this yourself.”
You sank a little deeper into the bath, pouting. “I was a hunter, not a veterinarian. I cut the hooves off before skinning. Dried them sometimes.”
“And I thought you were a curious person.” Alastor smiled to himself, seeming to enjoy having such an advantage over you. “But I suppose I should educate you.” His fingers ceased their massage of your spongy underfoot, and he parted your toes, his touch on the web of skin where the two of them joined. “You have a scent gland here,” he said, pressing his finger against a narrow vertical slit on your dark skin, less than an inch in length. Like the lump above it, it was tender. “It’s blocked. You should have come to me sooner.”
“I’m sorry.” You felt your ears drop, your leg relaxing a little in Alastor’s grip,
“That is quite the hangdog look you have.” Alastor’s smile grew thin, and he reached over to cup your cheek. “Fear not, I know a remedy.” His fingers lingered, tracing the grim line of your mouth. “It will be painful though, you think you can grin and bear it?”
Alastor always wanted a smile from you, but especially in difficult situations. You weren’t sure if it was sadism, a test, or some twisted beneficence on his part. “Of course,” you said.
“I will hold you to that, dearest,” said Alastor, raising your hoof to his lips. It was all you could do not to gasp when he ran his tongue between your two standing toes, laving the pad of each, a pleasurable but alien sensation. It made it easy to smile for him, and his eyes met yours, the corners creasing with approval. His hand cupped the back of your leg, the part that your brain still fuzzily equated to the arch of your foot, long fingers stroking the lines of the tendons. You had been intimate with him enough times that there was no terror for you in his teeth, only the disconcerting sensation of sharpness as he pressed his mouth to your spread toes, his lips a seal around your scent gland, and sucked.
To describe the sensation as pain was technically correct, but it would be like describing standing within a meter of a working jet engine as loud, or the sea as wet. It was a nerve pain, a primal sensation of wrongness. Pain conducted through the bones of your leg to your stomach and your spine, making you queasy and tearful all at once. But you had promised you would smile through this, so you fought for conscious control of your face, forcing your breathing into a slow, steady rhythm, pushing the tension that had collected in your shoulders down as you lay back in the bath, the corners of your mouth up. You spread the fingers of your hands over the lip of the bathtub, palms outward, arms trembling, and Alastor clasped one of your hands in his, squeezing.
Tears rolled hot down your face as Alastor continued, the sensation unrelenting, the only sound in the room your breathing and the low frequency hum from the lights above you. You were still smiling when Alastor’s thumb hooked around your leg, pressing into the cyst above your scent gland. More pain. A whimper in your throat that you could no longer suppress, the curve of your mouth a forced one. Alastor squeezed your hand tighter as he pushed, or perhaps you were squeezing his, and you felt movement in the gland, the inflamed tissue shifting as the blockage was pushed out. You sobbed once and it was gone, replaced by the sensation of pressure being released, Alastor’s tongue moving between your toes.
Alastor raised his mouth from your hoof, his eyes half-lidded and sultry. “You’re doing so well, darling,” he said, sweetly, and all of a sudden it was easy to smile again, his hand no longer in yours as he used both hands to handle and inspect your hoof. “Nearly done now.”
You peered at your hoof, the toes still splayed as Alastor massaged the cyst with his thumb. Your scent gland wept, oily yellow fluid spilling from it. It stank, an earthy, musky smell filling the room. Alastor could smell it- anything with a nose would be able to, and you felt heat rise to your cheeks as Alastor kept your leg firmly in hand. He had probably tasted it, too.
“Guess I should rinse that off,” you said, your smile turning wry as you wrinkled your nose, trying to hide the mix of horror and shame that you felt.
“Absolutely not,” said Alastor firmly, lowering his head to your hoof and lapping at the mess with his tongue, his breath hot between your toes. Fuck. Your stomach tightened at the sight of it, the noise of his tongue almost obscene in the quiet of the bathroom. It was disgusting and erotic all at once, Alastor’s eyes fixing yours with a fervid intensity as he breathed in your scent, and you found yourself hard, the throbbing pain that you’d felt moments before receding to arousal like a curtain revealing a stage.
If Alastor noticed your state, he chose not to acknowledge it, instead teasing the last of your scent from your gland with his mouth and his thumb and planting a soft kiss over the abused tissue; one that was painful by most people’s definitions of pain, but from him it was almost romantic, his lips the barest pressure. You knew better than to raise the matter- that would make him tease you, at best, leave you aching and unfulfilled. What Alastor gave was on his own terms.
“Incomparable, as ever,” Alastor murmured, as if what he had eaten had been drizzled across a plate in a Michelin starred restaurant and not licked fresh from between your toes. “You will come to me for these things in future, hm?”
“Is that a request?” you asked, a rough edge to your voice.
“Given your reaction, I don’t think it’s too tall an order, do you?” Alastor flashed his teeth, flirtatious and sinister all at once.
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damonjuicyscock · 6 months
Playlist-Chapter 15: Stand by me (90s Noel Gallagher X reader)
Pairing: 90s Noel Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: Sad, very sad. Angst, fluff, mentions of pregnancy loss, and death of a loved one, smut (unprotected P in V)
Words: 5211 (I got carried away this time XD)
Summary: After their son's death, Y/N and Noel's couple isn't doing fine. It's tearing them apart, there's only one way to heal.
A/N: Heya Y'all ! Here's chapter 15, I hope you'll like it, as per usual. As I said, it's another important chapter, dealing with pregnancy loss or miscarriage. This is a topic that sometimes isnt taken seriously, or people are told they're exaggerating. It's something that we must talk about. I promise the next chapters will be happier ones ! We're almost at the end of this fanfic (I'd say 4 or 5 chapters left), so soon, I'll finally work on the requests.
Next part this weekend !
Love y'all, take care of yourselves !
Enjoy !
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“Made a meal and threw it up on Sunday I've got a lot of things to learn Said I would and I'll be leaving one day Before my heart starts to burn
So what's the matter with you? Sing me something new Don't you know the cold and wind and rain don't know They only seem to come and go away Times are hard when things have got no meaning I've found a key upon the floor Maybe you and I will not believe in The things we find behind the door So what's the matter with you? Sing me something new Don't you know the cold and wind and rain don't know They only seem to come and go away Stand by me, nobody knows the way it's gonna be Stand by me, nobody knows the way it's gonna be Stand by me, nobody knows the way it's gonna be Stand by me, nobody knows Yeah, nobody knows, the way it's gonna be”
January 1997- London:
I was depressed. So was Noel.
None of us knew how to act with the other. We were barely talking to each other. Andrew’s death shook us.
We moved in the house that would become “Supernova Heights”. And we didn’t have a minute alone for us on the evenings because it quickly became an open nightclub.
Noel wasn’t touching me at all when we were alone, but was all touchy when others were around, and I hated this.
I felt so alone, I didn’t have anyone to talk to.
So I started drowning my sorrow in alcohol, which wasn’t helpful because I ended up crying, then throwing up, and Noel was yelling at me because I was shaming him.
And a night, I lost it.
I became friends with Kate Moss not so long before, during Knebworth, and I was so fucking wasted I wasn’t good to be around.
So, how are you doing sweet Y/N? She asked
Trying to feel good as you can see. I answered, drinking my vodka
Trying? You should feel good with the house you have.
I don’t know if I have to remind you but I’m grieving my son.
Oh I see. But he wasn’t born yet so…
I was shocked.
I was almost 7 months pregnant Kate. It already was a human being.
Y/N, stop talking about this and have fun. Noel said, smiling but squeezing my leg, indicating me I should shut up
I’m sorry for your loss Y/N, truly. But you should try to get through it… She added
And oh, she shouldn’t have.
Listen to me Kate, I really like you okay? you’re a good friend, but you’ll make this kind of comment the day you’ll be pregnant and when your baby will come out fine, because he won’t have been strangled by his own umbilical cord okay? You didn’t lose a baby; you don’t know what it is and how it feels like! I shouted at her, standing up, on the verge of tears
Wait Y/N, it’s not how you should…
Fuck you. In fact, fuck all of you, I’m out of here. I said, leaving the living room
I went to the only room no one had the right to go to, not even me. Noel’s studio. I found Noel’s whiskey bottle and started drinking. I sat on the couch, fixing the ceiling, crying.
A few minutes after, when he saw I wasn’t coming back and after he searched me in the whole house, Noel entered, I heard him closing the door.
Are ye done? He said, coming in front of me, his arms crossed
Done for what?
Moaning like a mardy…
Don’t. seriously, don’t. I interrupted him, chuckling sarcastically
Ye owe fucking apologies to Kate.
I don’t owe owt to anyone! You fucking turned our house into a fucking nightclub without even asking me If I agreed to this, If I wasn’t too depressed or too tired for this because you don’t care and all this because you just don’t want to be alone with me!
Oh stop yer fucking nonsense!
I was sobbing, my heart was in pieces.
My fucking nonsense? You barely talk to me, you don’t touch me, you don’t make love with me, you don’t kiss me except when there’s other people around! Didn’t you think that maybe I needed some time alone with you after what happened? That we need to talk about it? To what fucking happened to our son, our Andy? That I suffer and need your support? No, you just let people come around and decide for me when to talk or when to shut up!
Others don’t need to know about this! Ye think I’m not suffering?
Well if you do, you hide it very well!
I’m just not showing it because it’s not people’s concern!
No it’s ours, but you’re acting like…
Like what? Fucking say it!
Like he never happened! I yelled
A little silence settled in.
In a way he didn’t.
For fuck’s sake Noel, do you even hear yourself?! I said, breaking down even more
We’ll try again!
You think that’s what I want to hear right now?! I don’t even know if I want to try again, especially with a man who doesn’t seem to care about his son or isn’t even grieving him.
Don’t ye dare saying that!
Please, just go back to your people. I need to be alone. I need to think.
About what?
Our future.
I just… need to think.
He sighed and left the room, slamming the door.
Is this alcoholic woman was who I wanted to become? Is this grieving and depressed woman was who I was supposed to be?
No, it wasn’t me. It wasn’t like me. I couldn’t and wouldn’t be.
After drinking the whole bottle and throwing up, I fell asleep like a little shit on the sofa in Noel’s studio.
The next morning, the smell of tea and someone caressing my face woke me up.
Mornin’ love. Noel said as I opened my eyes
Mornin’. I answered, shitfaced
I made ye a cuppa. He answered, handing it to me
I took it and drank. I was dehydrated. Noel cleared his throat.
So hum… did ye think well?
I looked at him with a jaded look.
Yeah I did. But you know, you can do better to try to have a chat with me.
Yea, ye’re right, soz. It’s just that… I don’t know how to act after being such a jerk last night.
Well I understood that. And to give you a proper answer, yes, I thought a lot.
And ye’re going to break up with me and leave, don’t ye? He said, lowering his head, so I wouldn’t see his eyes fill up with tears
I grabbed his face in my hands.
No Noel, I’m not planning to. But… I think we both need some space for a few. You have an album to finish, and we both need to get better. To heal. I’m going to leave for a few. I’ll be at Liam and Patsy’s. She has a kid so I think she might understand what I’m going through, and she’ll have good advice and methods to get better. By your side you also need to work on this. I know Andy’s death shook you too and that you’re suffering but you’re trying to make it all disappear with parties and drugs and alcohol.
Yea, ye’re right. He said, tears running down his face
I kissed him.
I think it might be the solution for us. We tried to face the situation, but it was too painful for us. It’ll save us, for a better future.
Noel sighed.
How long? He asked
I don’t know. The time we need to heal.
I can’t live without ye, and I need ye to heal Y/N.
I can’t live without you neither, that’s why I’m doing this. Or it will tear us apart. I’m not letting you go again.
Neither do I. Never.
I prepared a suitcase with the stuff I needed and left, kissing Noel’s cheek.
Don’t forget that I love you. I said before leaving
I won’t. And I hope you won’t too.
I gave him a weak smile, closed the door and walked to the nearest tube station.
When I rang at Liam’s door, a little boy opened the door.
Hello! He said, smiling
Oh hey there, you must be James! Is your mam here?
Yes, but who are you? He asked
I’m Y/N, I’m a friend.
Mommy! Y/N’s here! He shouted
Y/N? She answered, surprised
She came out of the kitchen, flour all over her clothes, and a bit on her cheek.
Heya! I said, embarrassed
Hey, what are you doing here?
She saw my suitcase.
Come in, we’ll have a chat. I’m preparing a cake if you want to join. It’s good therapy.
She took my suitcase, putting it in the living room, and put cartoons for James to watch while we both went to the kitchen.
You did a good job with your son. He’s so cute, polite and careful.
Yes I know. Well his father also did a great job.
He’s Jim Kerr’ son, right?
Yup. She answered, insisting on the letter P
Well you raised him well.
Thank you.
A silence settled in. Patsy saw my sad look.
What’s going on in this little head of yours darling? She asked
Well huh… I hope you and Liam will accept to let me stay here for a bit… I know I came unannounced but…
Of course you will, you’re family. Now get to the main topic and mix the vanilla with the cream please. She interrupted me, handing me a bowl
I obliged and felt tears invade my eyes immediately.
Noel and I are not doing fine.
The opposite would have surprised me.
There are always people in the house, I don’t know most of ‘em. Noel is here, partying, alcohol and drugs never miss, he’s all touchy, smiling and laughing, but during the rare occasions we’re alone, he doesn’t talk to me or touches me, it’s like he’s even avoiding me…
I see…
And what happened yesterday was too much. I just… lost it. You know during Knebworth that I befriended Kate Moss. She was there yesterday. She made me feel like a fucking mardy get because when she asked how I was doing, I told her the truth. Noel told me to shut up, and Kate added the sentence she shouldn’t have said.
Which was?
“You should try to get through it”. I answered, imitating her
Oh shit.
So like I said, I just lost it. I got… so angry. I was mean and I escaped to Noel’s studio where I’m not supposed to go, it’s his space. But it was the only room I could go to be alone. And then Noel joined me and we argued. He told me the sentence I don’t want to hear. I’m not able to hear it yet. The famous “we’ll try again”. As if Andy never existed. So I got drunker, cried, threw up, thought and thought and thought again before passing out. And when thinking, I just saw who I was becoming, and I don’t like it. I don’t want to become this bloody alcoholic, this woman drowning her sorrow in liquid. So I told Noel that we need some time for ourselves, so our couple can get better. Because I love him so much Patsy. I don’t want us to be torn apart again…
Oh I know that you love him. And I understand. But you need to be at peace with your mind and body again. You were going to have a baby, that’s who Andy was. He was already a little human still growing in you, a person, you were excited, you wanted him. And just like that, he was taken away from you. You’re grieving. You’re grieving your son, who he was going to be, you’re grieving the mother you were about to be to him. And that’s perfectly normal. It’s as if you were grieving any loss A parent, a cousin, a cat… No one has to decide for you when it has to stop. But you have the power to do it, and for it, you need time. And of course you’re not done grieving only three months after. It’s common sense. Only a mother, even when she was a mum to be and technically in her heart, already a mum can understand this kind of grief.
She said everything. I felt less crazy. My situation was beyond normal. I broke down and she took me in her arms.
Thank you… I said
For what? For saying the truth?
Yes. Everyone except my mum, Peggy and you made me feel it wasn’t normal.
But it is. And Noel is also grieving. You both tried to face it but it’s too painful and you need to take time for yourselves.
That’s what I think, yes.
And you’re goddamn right.
When Liam was back home, we chatted, us three. It felt good to be understood. He wasn’t happy with his brother’s behaviour.
Fucking scouse schlepper. I know I can be a pain in the ass most of the time, me. But I would never behave like that. I don’t think he really remembers what our mam has been through. I know it’s something else, but I remember the nights where we could hear her scrinkin’ ‘cause she was struggling to make ends meet, to keep a roof over our heads, to feed us, to raise us despite all the shite we were doing and problems we were bringing her. From the moment she knew she was pregnant with each of us three, she loved us and already was our mam. She was so fucking scared of losing us and that the social services would come and take us away from her.
I already know all that Li’.
I know, it’s just to say that his behaviour towards ye has been fucking rank. Sometimes I wonder if he remembers where he fucking comes from.
He’s hurt too Li’…
He maybe is. But what is it right, is that he’s being a teetotal arsehole. Anyway. Ye know ye can stay here as long as you want, ye’re me sister Y/N. But I think ye need holidays. Like in Spain or summat like that, under the sun. Somewhere where ye’ll feel godlike.
And I’ll accompany you. Patsy added
It would be great, but I don’t earn enough for that.
I’ll pay everything fer ye.
Oh come on cock, you’re not going to…
I will. Ye saved me life countless of times Y/N. Let me do the same fer ye.
Patsy and I left two days after, when James went back to his father’s. We went to Malaga, in the south of Spain. It was sunny and hot. We would stay there for a full month. Sat on the terrace of the rented house on the hill, I was admiring the landscapes around. I could see the mere horizon and the silhouette of the African continent that wasn’t so far.
Have you ever been to Africa? I asked
Not yet, but I hope one day I will. Patsy answered
Me too. I always imagine the Lions, elephants, zebras or giraffes and the Saharan desert like it is told to us when we’re young folks, when you learn it at school or when you see it on TV. But I think there’s so much more to see.
Oh there is! What we’re learning or are always told is that the Saharan desert is only sand, but in truth it’s mainly rocky.
I know! In fact, us Europeans don’t know much about Africa. You and I should go together one day.
With pleasure! Oh get ready! She said, looking at her watch
Ready for what?
To get pampered! We’ve got spa and massages.
Wait, what the… Did Liam also pay that?
Yeah he did.
But it must be so expensive!
He just wants you to heal and feel better.
A massage won’t heal me. It always feels good though. But I’m still going to fucking kill him.
Three weeks later, the owner of the rented house came to give me a package. I opened it. I was surprised to find a CD with a word. It was from Noel. I could recognize his handwriting.
“Finally finished this song, It’ll be on the album. Please, give it a go. I love you with all my being and beyond. Tenderly, your Noely.”
On the CD was written the title. “Stand by me (mustique demo)”
I first heard the song in 1994 during a soundcheck in Japan.
I went to the living room where a CD player was. I put it in and pressed on play.
Patsy heard the intro of the song and sat on the stairs.
Is that… she started
Yup, a new song. It’s an Avant premiere.
It seems to be a special one since it was Noel who sent it to you, am I wrong?
No you’re not. And indeed, I think it might be one, yeah.
“ Made a meal and threw it up on Sunday I've got a lot of things to learn Said I would and I'll be leaving one day Before my heart starts to burn”
What does he mean? Patsy asked
After Noel saved me from Kenneth, he took care of me. Peggy tried to give him some advice to cook us meals to make sure we were eating properly. One day he cooked us a Sunday roast and it led to food poisoning. We vomited for two days. After that we came back to pot noodles.
And then, the chorus.
“Stand by me, nobody knows the way it's gonna be Stand by me, nobody knows the way it's gonna be Stand by me, nobody knows the way it's gonna be Stand by me, nobody knows Yeah, nobody knows, the way it's gonna be” 
I started crying. Noel was really scared to lose me. He was really scared I would leave him. But I wouldn’t.
Hey, are you okay? Patsy asked, when she saw my tears
Yeah, just got a bit emotional that’s all.
Oh, come here. She said, opening her arms to me
I found refuge in them.
“If you're leaving will you take me with you? I'm tired of talking on my phone There is one thing I can never give you My heart will never be your home”
Here he’s alluding to when we were first together, when he left for tour with the Inspiral carpets. We were calling each other everyday but it wasn’t enough to save our couple. He’s also talking about the fact we’re both clawing to our independence and a certain freedom. That’s even why he doesn’t want me to hang around in his studio at home and it’s perfectly understandable. Though, he’s lying a bit too because our hearts are each other’s home.
He’s talented. He knows what he’s writing.
Well at least here, yes.
What do you mean?
I mean that cocaine and alcohol might have helped during the creation of some songs. Like for Wonderwall and Champagne Supernova for example. They are masterpieces, no one is gonna deny that, but the lyrics are nonsense. Everyone feels these songs in their heart and give them the meaning they want. But if you ask people what the lyrics mean after a dictionary, they’re going to look at you and answer “in fact, I don’t know shit”. I feel like Noel didn’t realise it yet.
You’re right. You really are. Your analysis is clever.
Two nights after, I was watching the movie Highlander, and I was singing out loud everytime a Queen song was coming in the movie.
At the middle of it, I heard a noise that wasn’t part of it. I paused the movie and listened closely. The noise happened again.
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! I said to myself
Rocks at my window. And it surely wasn’t Patsy.
I opened the window and stepped back.
Not this time me love; I saw ye open the window. He said
I approached.
What the hell are you doing here Gallagher? I asked
I… I miss ye. I wanted to see this pretty face of yers.
Jeez! I miss you too Noel, but please, respect my choices, I told you I would be coming back when I’ll be ready.
And I know ye enough to tell this day will never come. I’m actually losing ye. I can’t let that happen. Can I come in? I have two gifts for ye.
I hesitated.
No, Patsy might be sleeping. Wait for me, I’m coming to you. Just let me put on a jacket.
I couldn’t find my jacket, so I grabbed a plaid and put it on my shoulders. I went downstairs and opened the door. Here he was, standing.
Hey beautiful. He said
Hey. I answered
I took him in my arms and held him tight. I missed him too, but a part of me was still desperate because of what happened to us and because of what he told me.
Do ye… want to take a walk? I t could be good, and we could chat? He asked
Yeah, that’s a good idea. There’s a small forest in there. I said, indicating my left
I closed the front door behind me, and we started walking.
So… how are ye doing? He asked, not knowing where to start
I’m okay. Trying to get better. What about you?
I’m fine. I’m working a lot, so it doesn’t give me time to… think about it.
About him, Noel, not about it. Just say things as they are. What happened to us? Before Andy, we could communicate and say things as they were…
I didn’t mean “it” love. I just didn’t know if ye were ready to hear me say “him”.
Ready or not, he was our son Noel. Not just an object. I just don’t know how you function on this one.
Well I’m still coping with it, me. I knew ye never meant to sound selfish because I know ye’re not. But it shattered me too Y/N. And I didn’t know how to talk about Andy without making ye scrink, knowing it was already what ye were doing before sleeping and when waking up. It broke me heart to know our son died, and yer cries were breaking it more. He’s gone and there’s nothing more we can do.
But since it shattered you that much Noel, why did you say “we’ll try again” when you’re apparently grieving him? And why not talking about this with our supposed friends who are invading your house everyday?
Because they wouldn’t understand. Only us two know what it is and what it feels like. And I’m soz fer saying we’ll try again. It’s a sensitive topic fer us both and I want us to get through it. And we will, with time. Ye’re right we need to talk about Andy. And when I was telling ye I was starting to lose ye, I was right. Ye don’t call our home “our house” but mine. And if I didn’t come here, I’m sure you would never come back, because you’ll think we wouldn’t talk about Andy. We have lost a baby, that’s true. But I want this event to make our couple stronger. I want to marry ye, no matter what and have a family with ye.
I chuckled.
Noel, what you’re saying is beautiful, but you’re oh so blind. I answered
And why so?
You haven’t touched me in months! When we hugged a few minutes ago it was the first time since October! You haven’t kissed me. When I was scrinkin’, you were downstairs with your buds, drinking and snorting cocaine! Words are beautiful, but what about acts?
A silence settled in.
Sex isn’t what ye need when ye’ve lost…
Oh shut your cake ole. Stop finding excuses.
Ye’re right, I fucked up and I apologize. And don’t think I hold ye responsible fer Andy because it’s not yer fault. I know ye enough to know ye feel guilty. So please, don’t.
I think I needed to hear this. Because he was right. I felt guilty deep inside. And I needed him more than that. It just couldn’t and wouldn’t go like this. Not without his support.
Promise me.
Promise what?
That’s you’ll finally support me.
That’s why I’m here. And also to give ye this.
As we arrived in the dark forest, Noel took out too things of his pocket. The first was a medallion with Andy’s hand imprint. He insisted on doing it after his death. Just this should have made me understand he was in pain too. He put the necklace around my neck. Tears invaded my eyes.
Thank you. I said
He showed me his neck. He had the same.
He’s with us both.
The second gift was my engagement ring that I forgot in London.
And also this because I can’t let ye forget we’re a fucking team and I still really want to marry ye. I’ll support ye no matter what. I love ye Y/N. I fucking love ye beyond anything. We can get through it. I’ve been an arsehole and I’m so soz, because ye know this is not who I really am.
I couldn’t resist the urge to kiss him. I just brought my lips to his and held him as tight as I could. He kissed me back and did the same. I started peppering his neck with kisses and he gasped. He wrapped his arms around my waist. When I stopped, I guided his body to the grass. He sat down, and I hovered him, kissing him again. I put my hands on both sides of his face, while he wrapped his arms around me again. I quickly felt him get hard under me.
I want ye too Y/N. I need ye. Touch me… He answered
I unbuckled, unzipped and unbuttoned his trousers. I put my hand on his hard bulge and started massaging it.
He moaned lowly, before squeezing my ass and kissing my neck.
He stopped my hand and pushed me away before putting the plaid I had on my shoulders away and sliding down my nightdress off. He looked at my body.
Ye’re so goddamn beautiful. I hope ye know it.
And so are you, handsome.
I helped him get rid of his jacket and tee before dealing with his jeans and boxers.
When we were both naked, he started kissing me again, putting me on top of him again.
Tell me… He said
Tell you what?
Tell me what ye want me to do and I’ll do it.
You know what I want.
I’d like to hear it. I need to hear it.
I put my mouth near his hear.
I want you to make love to me Noely.
He took his member in his hand and guided himself inside me.
We both moaned in unison.
Are ye okay?
I haven’t felt this good in months. I answered
He started rolling his hips against mine, as I put my arms around his neck, enjoying the heat and the passion of our reunion. It as slow and tender. What we both needed.
Oh god… yes… Noel moaned
It was as if our lives depended on it. Our hands were roaming on each other’s body.
It was strong. It was powerful. Full of love.
I love you Noel. I said between moans
He went deeper with his thrusts, making me moan loudly as he touched my G-spot. I felt his arms getting tighter around me.
Our moans and the sound of our bodies slapping against each other were filling the forest and slightly echoing.
I felt myself getting closer to my orgasm as Noel’s member hit my sweet spot everytime. My walls were contracting around him, causing him to lose the rhythm of his movements.
Give it to us, love. Make us cum. Ye know we need it. Please.
I arched my back to give him a better angle, his hands on it.
He panted in my mouth, his eyes closed, his face slightly contorsioning with pleasure.
It was all I needed to be thrown over the edge. It felt so intense that tears invaded my eyes again, and sobs, sobs of pleasure mixed with moans took over.
A familiar coil exploded in my lower stomach, as I shut my eyes, tears spilling from them, my insides convulsing around Noel’s manhood.
I didn’t know it was as intense for me that it was for Noel, who cried out, sobbed, and finally groaned in pleasure, before emptying himself inside me.
My head fell in the crook of his neck, that was wet with sweat and… tears?
I looked at him. He was crying, just like me.
You scrinkin’? I asked, catching my breath
Yea… He answered
Because it was too much. And because I love ye so fucking much I would die without ye. I was so scared to lose ye again.
We’re scrinkin’ for the same thing.
Good. Means we’re connected.
He softened inside me, so I pulled out. We lay next to each other in the grass, Noel covering us with the plaid.
I really want to marry ye. Let’s do it when the occasion will let us.
I agree on that.
But let’s be clear on summat. I’m not doing or saying this to make ye me property or because I’m scared to lose ye. Ye’ll always belong to yerself. I’m doing and saying this because I love ye, I want us when the time will come again to have our family, and I want ye to stand by me.
And I will. Nobody knows the way it’s gonna be, huh?
He smiled, knowing now that I listened to the song.
No, nobody knows. But at least, we’ll be together.
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keis-slut · 2 years
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Sex in the Pizzaplex
chapter iv. - Roxy ⚠︎
I picked up the extra helmet
and placed it in the wooden bin with the rest of the helmets, putting it away for the night.
My shift tonight, I was on duty at Roxy Raceway. This would be perfectly fine, however, Roxy and I have met before. And concluding that she was in fact my favorite but she didn't seem too fond of me...well, possibly running into her at the Raceway was quite nerve wracking. But even though she didn't seem to like me much, that didn't stop the lewd imagery that would once in a while overthrow my thoughts.
Things like normal questions, to more explicit topics.
Her favorite song,
how soft her hair was,
if she liked girls,
what kinks she'd be into...
if she owned a...strap-on...
Ridiculous, I know.
Anyway, I've brushed the topic lightly with the others, but their responses were all the same.
It's just her personality.
She just comes off that way, apparently, but deep down actually being so insecure of herself that she puts out this cocky attitude to cover it up. Only the other ones got to see when she was insecure.
Heading over to the other room, I notice that one of the  go-karts was out of place. It was a green one, with a red accent on the front, and a big white "1" placed on the front. Recognizing whos kart this might be, I stride over to fix it, but suddenly hear footsteps growing louder behind me.
"that one's mine"
I turn around to see Roxy, stepping over to me with a hand on her hip.
"Roxy, hi" I say casually, standing up straight.
"I just brought it back from giving it a quick spin" She added, walking around me to fix it, as I was going to do.
"I usually bring it back to my room after, but I remembered you'd be on shift tonight, and overheard they placed you at the raceway" She said, and I turn to face her again.
"and you...came here...?" I go to ask, and she raises her eyebrow as she stands up straight.
"to say hi? I can leave" She says sarcastically, a bit of attitude sneaking past her pointed teeth.
"no, I'm just surprised" I say with a laugh, walking over to sit in the go-kart placed next to hers. It looked to be Chicas, probably.
"why?" She snarls, crossing her arms and looking down at me from the far side of her go-kart.
"because I thought you didn't like me. you come off very aloof, more so towards me especially" I admit, and she hums as she walks around her go-kart, towards me.
I clench my legs together as she approached, shamelessly letting this scenario make its way between my legs rather than my head.
However she came off, it didn't matter, she was hot.
"i'm sorry that I come off that way" She stops in her tracks, and sighs. Feeling the shift in emotion, I unclench my legs and relax my body, noticing I had grown tense.
"it's okay-"
"-but you'd like it if I was mean, wouldn't you?" She cut me off, her voice deeper, tone now shifting to something a bit more suggestive as she takes one step closer.
There we go again, back to clenching my legs.
"what...do you mean?" I shrink in the seat of the go-kart, stuttering as she looked over me dangerously.
"no matter how cold I come off, i'm still you're favorite. aren't I?" It was like she was reading my mind, as she then bent down to my eye level.
She brought a clawed hand to my jaw, grabbing it gently.
"that hasn't changed, has it?" She teased, bringing her cold snout down to give me an eskimo kiss.
"Roxy..." I mumble, but she was most definitely close enough to hear me.
She brought her robotic hand from my jaw, to the back of my head, clawing at my hair and pulling my head back. I hesitantly emit a small whimper from the back of my throat, as she stared down at me.
"show me how much you love me" She howled, letting go of my hair and standing up straight. My thighs burned as I squeezed them together, partially from the tiny go-kart seat I was still in, but mainly because of the heat that pooled between my legs.
I didn't fully understand how I've gotten into this situation, but I didn't care.
I stared at her as she made her way over to the front of her kart.
"stand up and come, pup"
She demanded, and between my legs throbbed as her commanding finger pointed a perfectly manicured nail to the floor in front of her. I hesitantly get up and walk over to her, never breaking eye contact until I was right in front of her, pulling at my brand new work pants shyly.
"turn around" she says, and I nod as I do so.
Suddenly, she pushes against my back, sending me falling forward and catching myself on the go-kart in front of me. Her cold pelvic plate was now rubbing against my backside as she leaned against me, dare I say it felt so good as I arched my back ever so slightly.
"im going to ruin you, pup, and you're going to tell me how good it feels" She snarls, gripping my waist with her clawed hands.
My knees turned to jelly as she said this, one of my arms holding me up giving out, leaving me to lean on my elbow. I felt her suddenly retract herself, leaving me bent over her go-kart for a few seconds. But I didn't dare move.
I heard something click before feeling a rough hand grip my behind, nails definitely ripping into my pants as I felt it against my skin. I hiss out a moan as Roxy might've even broken skin, but god did it feel good when she brought her hand to stroke between my legs, I didn't even care.
"so wet, you're seeping through your new pants" She teases, continuing to rub against my clothed pussy as I moan into my arm.
"it's pathetic" She snarls, gripping at my thigh with her claws and ripping the backside of my pants completely off me, revealing my red laced panties to her.
"oh, red, my favorite..." She said, bringing a hand down on my ass as I mewl at the contact. No way there wasn't a matching red mark on my skin now.
"a shame we need to rid of these as well"
She hooks a finger around the panties, and in seconds they're ripped in half. I whine lowly, a little upset i'd now have to buy a new pair.
But that thought was quickly washed away as her finger pets my now bare pussy, my back arching even more so at the feeling.
"such a pretty pussy, pup" Her praising had surprised me, but ultimately meant nothing as she spit another degrading remark.
"too bad i'll be ruining it like the needy bitch you are"
Just how excited I was for this was disgusting.
"Roxy! please..." I cry, holding myself up as I bring a hand to stroke between my legs, making sure she had a decent view of me doing so.
She growled and slapped my behind again.
"you're only proving my point more, filthy pup"
I whine as I arch my back further, shuffling my legs back as to try and communicate I needed more than just this teasing.
She placed her cold robotic hands on my waist again, holding me firmly before I felt something graze my entrance.
"wait, Roxy, wha-"
I was confused as to what I felt, both her hands being on my hips...
But as she slammed into me, the way my g-spot was rubbed instantly, I was now familiar to the feeling.
My toy.
I cried as she pulled out, and pulled me back in by my waist, my soft walls clenching around the silicone.
"Roxy, oh, god..." I moan, bringing my hand to push the hair out of my face as I could feel myself dripping down my legs.
"you're a mess..." She growls, and I felt her lean forward as she took a clawed fist-full of my hair and pulled me back.
"all for me, isn't that right, pup?" She teasingly asked, her grip tightening on my hair as the walls of my pussy did the same around the toy.
"like a bitch in heat..."
"yes, yes!" I cry, almost too loudly as it echoes throughout the raceway. 
"so loud, it's like you want the others to see how good I fuck you" She snarles, cold pelvis slamming against my warm backside.
"Roxy, i'm gonna-"
"no, you cum when I say so, bitch" She barks, cutting me off as she slowed her thrusts, purposely making me lose my high.
"no, no, please-" I beg, and she finally lets go of my hair, placing a rough hand on my ass.
"your begging is pathetic"
She slams back in suddenly, sending me almost flying forward on the go-kart. My mouth is hung open as I clench my eyes shut, trying to bounce myself against her pelvis as much as I could to get back that high. But she just did it again, stopping her pace as soon as I felt it coming back. It was like she knew exactly when.
"trying so hard to get off, hm, pup?" She teases, almost pulling completely out before slowly pushing it back in again deeply.
"please...-" I beg again, my legs almost barely giving out as she slowly pulls it out again.
"-please, let me cum"
"so needy" She growled, before pulling out and slamming into me, this time she stayed at the pace, allowing me to find that high again, pressure building in my core.
"oh, yes...!" I whimper, practically drooling on myself as Roxy plowed into me from behind.
If I had to admit, Roxy was definitely better than Monty...maybe. Her thrusts were almost perfect, while Monty definitely had size, Roxy had technique.
It's not about the size, it's how you use it.
I moaned as I felt the knot release, finally...
She continued to thrust until I dripped down my leg, eventually pulling herself out as she caressed my hips.
"good pup"
I sighed heavily, slumping against the go-kart and falling to my knees, between my legs now throbbing. I was all wet, and messy, now being bare the cold air made me shiver.
I sat there for a second before turning and facing Roxy, who was now approaching and bending down next to me.
"let's get you some new pants, pretty girl" She said, her voice almost completely changing from her previous degrading one. She brought her hand out and grabbed mine, helping me stand up as my legs felt wobbly and sore.
"there should be something in the lost and found for now" She added as I was now fully standing up.
Looking at her, eyes lidded, I gave her a small smile, to which she responded with wrapping her other arm around my shoulders, and nuzzling her cheek into mine before helping me walk off.
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hypersonic04 · 1 year
Part One:
I haven't written anything in so long, but today I had a sudden burst of inspiration for an enemies-to-lovers series with Ross? If anything, this is for me to simply live my fantasies (lol). word count: 1,467
My shoes are squeaky on the floors, and it's like the fluorescent lighting of the hallway makes me even more conscious of the nails-on-a-chalkboard noise emanating from my footsteps. I cringe to myself and pray that the band aren't recording anything important right now - I don't think the sound of rubber against wood flooring in the background of his song is something Matty would see as valuable to the band's development.
I try to blame my lack of sleep and hydration for the swirling feeling in my stomach, however I reckon it's probably more to do with the fact that today is my first day working with them. Working in music is something I've always wanted, but throwing myself in at the deep end with one of the biggest bands in the industry was not exactly my plan. When someone like Jack offers you the opportunity to write with The 1975, you don't pass it up.
I reach the room that Jamie pointed me in the direction of, a sign stuck on there with blu-tack - 'WRITING IN PROGRESS'. My lungs feel like they can't fill up properly as I attempt to take a deep breath, my hand drifting to the doorknob.
It was almost like I commanded the door to open with my mind. It swings open aggressively before I can even touch it, and I'm met with what I can only describe as a biblically-accurate Jesus.
He's frowning, and I can't help but feel like I'm already in their way. He excuses himself past me with pursed lips and a raised brow, slipping past me and swiftly making his way down the hall I had only been nervously pacing minutes ago. His shoes didn't squeak, though.
"Uh, hi!" I say, perhaps a tad too sprightly for the atmosphere of the room. "I'm Iris, I-"
"Lovely to meet you, Iris. I'm Adam," He stands up and holds his hand out, the first out of the four of them to greet me. It seems like they were having a meeting of sorts, the three remaining men in the room each sat on sofas. Adam almost seems relieved that there had been a change of topic upon my entrance, the tension in the room easing slightly as he shakes my hand. "This is Matty, George..." He gestures between them and they give me a friendly smile each, the kind you might give to a new colleague in an office.
I stand awkwardly in the doorway, and it's at that moment that I begin to question everything. What was I thinking? Why did I possibly think that writing music with a very established, very successful band was a good idea?
"I, uh-" I wrack my brain for what I'd practiced to say next, but the whole situation is nothing like I had expected. I mean, there's only three of them here, for a start.
"Jamie played us a few of the songs you've worked on, you're really talented." Matty states matter-of-factly, still sat with his legs spread wide, an acoustic guitar leaning against the side of the sofa.. "I didn't realise you'd worked with Phoebe."
"Thanks," I smile quickly and subconsciously run my hands over the denim around my hips, immediately stopping when I realise how visible my nerves are. "Yeah, we met through Jack."
"How do you know Jack?" He asks, and it takes me a few moments to recognise that his bluntness is not a reflection of his opinions of me, but rather just his general manner.
"We met at The Brits. I was there on a uni placement, and we just kind of got talking." I nod, as if the gestures affirms my place in the room.
"Do you want a drink or anything, before we start?" George stands up suddenly and it's almost a comfort, a swift diversion from my professional accolades and connections.
"Yes, please," I smile. "Just water will be fine, thank you."
I take a seat on the sofa and grab my notebook, scraps of verses and snippets of bridges scribbled down in virtually unintelligible hand-writing. Looking up as George hands me the bottle of water, I notice the look they exchange between themselves.
"I'm really sorry, I don't mean to be forward, but isn't there supposed to be four of you?" I break the silence, an airy chuckle masking my anxiety.
"Uh, yeah," Adam starts, but is quickly cut off by Matty.
"Yeah, Ross." He looks at me with a face that suggests he's pissed off. "but someone's in a bit of a mood today, so he's not going to be joining us." He sighs.
We start by discussing what their main focus is at the minute, the direction they want their fourth album to go in, their usual creative process. It feels like a priviledge to have such knowledge, my brain simply a sponge for information like this. I think Matty can sense me engagement as he talks, going into detail as I make notes like it's a lecture. The icy atmosphere in the rooms thaws gradually, as do my nerves and apprehension at being in a recording studio alone with three strange men. I admire their respective passions for music, whether it be playing it or producing it, and it's as if there's a sense of respect between the four of us as we discuss our plans for writing.
The conversation flows easily, until it doesn't.
The door swings open, exactly as it did about an hour ago when I was on the other side of it. My breath hitches as he enters the room, my eyes glued to the notes sat in my lap. There's an almost frosty silence creeping in, and I wonder what could have possibly happened between them to cause this.
"Ross, this is Iris." Matty introduces me as offers me an apologetic smile, his eyes creasing at the edges.
I look over to where he's stood, the door closing behind him and suddenly making the room feel a lot smaller. Ross' eyes are dark - really dark. Nearly as dark as the hair he wears pulled back, and the beard that decorates his face. I swallow nervously as I give him a smile, the twisting feeling in my stomach worsening when he doesn't return it. I look away, half because of the anxiety pooling in my chest, and half because I'm convinced that if I'd have stared for any longer, I wouldn't have stopped.
"Nice to meet you." He replies, his back turned to me as he fiddles with the knobs and faders on the dashboard. I hear George inhale sharply, his frustration clear. Adam shifts uncomfortably in his seat, clearing his throat.
"We've just been showing her some of the songs we're working on. Feel free to join us." Matty says sharply. "You know, seeing as it is actually your band, too."
Ross turns around quickly and rather that aiming his stare at Matty, it finds me. I involuntarily raise my eyebrows in surprise, looking to the other boys in search of answers, perhaps. His icy glare lands on me for a few seconds before he appears to give in to something, huffing loudly and making his way to the seat furthest from me. I wonder whether it's intentional as he folds his arms across his chest and looks between the four of us expectantly.
The discussion carries on, and it takes everything in me not to get up and run. His mere presence makes my muscles stiffen, and every time I look up and see him staring at me from across the room, I feel sick.
"So are we all ok to meet again tomorrow? I think it would be better if we use Real World, it's better for recording the strings and stuff." Matty talks as he gathers his notebook and belongings from the coffee table in front of him. We all agree, and before we can make further arrangements, Ross is already leaving the room. I stand there, my hands by my sides, a sense of disappointment overwhelming me.
"It's nothing personal, Iris." George tries to justify, raising from his seat as frowning at me. I nod, also gathering my things and stuffing them into my tote bag. "Honestly."
I don't know what I expected - they've known each other forever. It was naive of me to think that I was going to swan in and connect with them all immediately, writing some gems and leaving with a paycheck and four new friends. Nevertheless, the disheartened feeling that swells in my chest hurts.
"We'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Matty rests a hand on my shoulder, and the whole sense of familiarity in the exchange makes me feel a tad better about the impression I've made.
"Yeah, I'll be there, 12pm on the dot."
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Bad Things
(All We Have: Part Four)
Part One: Home
Part Two: 5:3666
Part Three: Lately
Colson x Female Reader
Summary: Colson's daughter Casie has come to stay with you, your growing feelings get ever more confusing...
Word count: 1,600+
Feels: confusion, emerging feelings
Warnings: Pure cheese
Companion playlist:
Machine Gun Kelly - Bad Things
Years and Years - Eyes Shut
Sam Smith - Not In That Way
Selena Gomez - Bad Liar
A/N: It's been a long time since I've written anything because life is insanely busy and my mental health hasn't had me feeling creative. But I'm sick again and stuck at home, so I've been going through some fic notes. I've broken this section into two bits, so the other one will come soon. Need to dig out my old phone with all my notes. Hope this isn't too sloppy as I've just banged it out based on my old notes. Hopefully I'll manage to make myself time to write more. Thanks for all the continued love comments for my writing, it's so appreciated 😘 Thanks to @i-think-i-did-it-again @hollywoodxwhore @triplexdoublex for inspiring me to get back into it with you amazing fics!
If you want to watch the instagram live I used for the inspo for this, you can watch it here
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Colson is in the living room, his phone propped up on the table as he films an instagram live of him and Casie. “Ladies and gentleman, a coco-nut. Comment if you love coco-nuts. Screwdriver coming in hot, lets go” 
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They’ve got the coconuts she insisted on trying and are trying to figure out how to open it. They argue in an endearing back and forth over how to do it, Casie insisting she knows best
“No Dad, you’re not supposed to do it that” 
“Okay you try your way first but I guarantee my way will work. Ladies and gentleman the opening of a coconut, please don’t damage your beautiful hands” he fusses over her
“What did I tell you Dad”
“Wait, are you joking? They should have told us this years ago. Let me try my dad strength. Ay yo, Y/N can you get us a hammer?”
You laugh as Casie shouts “Nooo” and puts her head in her hands. You’ve been sent in and out of the room several times now at both their demands, for cups, screwdrivers and now a hammer. You love how excitable they get around each other, it’s infectious to watch.
Casie is bubbling with energy, she drops the coconut onto the table “Can we get some Ramen noodles?” Colson laughs at her fast switch of topics and picks up the coconut himself, stabbing it with the screwdriver “Yeah I know a fire ramen place we can order from”
He looks up at the screen and sees her dancing while still sitting next to him, he puts the coconut down himself and picks up his phone to angle it toward her
“Okay, we’re doing this now…Show me how to do your tiktok dance”
“Hard” he says watching her then looking over at you, seeing you mirror the dance back at Casie “You can do this too? That’s a lot for me, I think you got it though. Show me two two three” You stand up and start dancing with Casie, and Colson sings the tune with you as he moves the camera to show Casie in full length, but halfway through you get your legs muddled up and Casie starts laughing at you “We had this Y/N, you’re doing it wrong now”
“Yeah I think she got it but you don’t” he says, sticking his tongue out at you as you lean over and gently smack him across the head playfully “Too much pressure with an audience”
"Who’s that in the background?” Colson mumbles reading the comments on the live “That’s Y/N, one of my old school homies. Say hi Y/N”  he says, switching to his back camera to show you. “Don’t!”  you say, ducking away as Casie laughs
“Yeah, you don’t see her much, she’s shy. Is she my girl?” he chuckles reading another comment “I’m his girl” Casie says, bringing her face to the camera
“They mean, like, in a different way Case, like my girlfriend” he laughs, bashfully
“Ohhhh, I see, I see. Well, she coooooould beeeee…” Casie jokes, making kissing noises
“That’s my daughter peeps, starting rumours right here. Look what you did now…” he laughs again, as Casie leans in reading all the comments
Oh my god, Y/N and Colson!/You guys would be so cute together/Ahhh stop, really?!/I can’t, too cute!/Colson and his girls!/How did we not know this?!/I KNEW IT!/Always thought you should be with Y/N/
Colson leans back from the camera and says to you “Literally every comment is asking about us now” he turns back to the camera “Guys, no, Casie is winding y’all up hard. Me and Y/N are just friends, it’s not like that” He leans forward again, smiling and quietly chuckling as he says “No seriously guys, it’s not a thing…Dammit Case” laughing as he turns towards her
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Casie’s attention drifts back to the coconut and Colson’s quickly follows as he sets his phone down again to carry on recording the two of them on the live. You head back into the kitchen, a little relieved he was distracted and didn’t see your reaction to him making a show of telling everyone you were ‘just friends’. Your heart sank… It was only a brief moment, you caught yourself as soon as it happened, but it did happen. Your mind was running a mile a minute…What is going on, why were you feeling like this all of a sudden… Maybe quarantine was getting to you, there’s a few of you in the house, but the majority of your time was spent with Colson with you both being night owls. Maybe it was messing with your head, this whole being disconnected from real life stuff. It’s Colson, it ISN’T like that, just like he said. Am I out of my head, out of my mind? If he only knew…Why do I feel like bad things will come of this…
Your stream of thoughts was interrupted by Colson shouting ‘ay yo, Y/N come look at this, you ever seen the inside of a coconut, its kinda fire’
You’ve just walked back into room and you're standing next to Colson when Casie shouts “Y/N we need forks!” As you turn to go get them, Colson leans over from the sofa and wraps his long arms around your legs keeping you in place “No, no we don’t, we’re in the wild here, let’s make it work!” he laughs loudly, jokily arguing back with Casie as she demands you listen to her instead.
You’re normally used to being caught in between the chaotic banter or father and daughter, but your head is feeling like mush now these new confusing feelings and you’re not saying much or getting involved, hyper aware of the fact he’s filming. You’re not in shot but everyone can see him leaning over, his arms around you.
Casie leans in to the phone, reading some of the comments from the fans watching the live
“Uh oh, everyone’s talking about you guys again…” She mumbles as she reads out loud “bring Y/N on camera…stop hiding Y/N…we can see you cuddling” 
Colson looks up at you when he feels you pull away from him slightly, he can see you’re not responding for some reason, you’re just looking at Casie reading out loud. He squints slightly and quickly releases your legs, positioning himself back next to Casie. You turn and leave the room, your throat feeling tight. What the fuck…
You fill the kettle up and put it on the stove, turning the gas on before leaning on the counter, your head propped up in your hand as you zone out. Staring into space, you don’t even notice the kettle whistling a few minutes later. You snap back into reality when you hear Colson’s voice behind you “Um, I think it’s boiled..?” he chuckles lightly, one hand tucked in his pocket, the other ruffling his messy blonde hair
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“Shit yeah….I was miles away there” you shake your head, taking the kettle off the hob. Colson walks over and turns the gas off, he puts his hand on your back between your shoulders and you almost flinch “Hey….you okay?” he says, leaning forward to get a look at your face. “Oh yeah, of course, I’m fine” you blurt out. 
He studies you as you get some mugs out of the cupboard, “Okay cool” he says, sounding unconvinced “Thought maybe you were wigging out over what people were saying on the live…” Fucks sake, why is he so perceptive “I know you don’t like getting too much attention like that, so I shouldn’t ha-...” 
You cut him off “Honestly, it’s fine, I’m fine” you plaster a smile on your face as you turn to him. In one swift movement he pulls you towards him and wraps his long arms around you in a bear hug, squeezing you into his chest. It’s a confusing response to what you just said and you stiffen slightly in his arms at first, but his hugs have always been soothing and you find yourself relaxing into him, taking in his scent. He doesn’t let go. It feels like this hug has been going on for too long now, it feels weird, you’re enjoying it in a different sort of way, maybe enjoying it too much. You want to pull away, your head is saying MOVE, PULL AWAY, END IT, but instead you press your head into his chest a little harder. He presses a gentle kiss to the top of your forehead and all of a sudden you want to cry. Noo, what is this…
The moment is interrupted as you hear quick footsteps followed by Casie’s voice floating towards you as she moves through from the other room “Hey, where are you guys…”
Colson gently pushes you back from his chest, looking down at you, but you’re looking past him at Casie standing still in the doorway
"Wait, ARE you boyfriend and girlfriend? You just said no" she says, an eyebrow raised.
You both protest, pulling back from your hug and you make a theatrical show of pushing his head away with your hand “urgh, no way, not this dork”
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Casie shrugs and you feel the tension break "Okay, okay" she says, sounding just like her dad “I’m just asking, you guys sure do hug a lot. Can we order dinner? I still want noodles” You avoid Colson’s gaze, he’s been watching you this entire time, as you follow Casie back out of the room to get your phone to order food. 
Colson remains where he is, leaning back against the counter, his arms crossed against his chest as he stares over at the empty doorway you and Casie just walked through. After a minute he lets out a deep sigh as he brings his hand to his face and rubs it along his jawline. He’s deep in thought, his eyebrows knitted together in a frown when he hears Casie calling him from the other room….
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Taglist: @triplexdoublex @brightblaqkkheaven @classyunknownlover @2dead2function @niallersgirlalmighty @agentstarkid @xxdarkangelqueenxx @bookscommaelle @itjustkindahappenedreally @trynaescapereality @bitxhyprinxess @jackiehollanderr @misswimberly @deadivyy @iamlostinyourarms @prettytoxicrevolver @i-think-i-did-it-again @hollywoodxwhore
172 notes · View notes
docholligay · 9 months
Dr. Holligay Tries Things That Aren't Running: Group Power
So after the immense blow of the slings and arrows of outrageous inability to read yesterday, one might think that I would give up. But no! One week of failure is not a month, and so I pouted for an evening and then got up off my ass this morning to get back into the fray. There are still three more weeks, and while I am less than enthusiastic about losing five stamps worth of work, I'm not going to throw away the whole "getting an overpriced kitchen item" endeavor.
So yesterday, I took the new bingo card and worked out what my schedule would have to look like in order to get a solid bingo by Saturday, starting on Tuesday.
We find ourselves at Group Power.
Group Power reminds me a very important thing, which is that I hate taking group classes. This is not a "I'm antisocial and don't like people" thing, I am a very gregarious person who often enjoys a group activity, but working out is one of those moments where I figure it's between me and the power of my own will and not whatever a late-30s wine mom in ass-sculpting leggings is doing next to me* is doing.
Group Power asks the questions: What if we were doing lifting, which Holligay hates, but what if were doing it all together to a specified beat?
So I want you to picture me standing behind a step, the stack ones like in step aerobics. Now, I've gathered the things I seem to think we'll need for the class like a little robin feathering her nest: My bar, a few plates, a mat.
Then strides in the teacher. It's my boot camp teacher! Fantastic. Jessie--for that's what we'll call her--waves at me, tells me how happy she is I'm here, she's always wanted me to try this class, and then walks into the back and grabs two small plates, tossing them next to my bar.
With a big smile. 'You can lift heavier than that."
IF YOU SAY SO. I'm too weak to argue. I am Group Powerless. I deserve every bad thing that is about to happen to me, and, it is. I add the plates to my bar.
So the great thing about this is, every rep is shouted out. This is a gym class that people imagine in their heads when they think gym class. We are midway through upper body when I realize my bar is overloaded. It is too heavy for how fast I am doing these reps. I am suffering. But I can't stop. I can't stop, because I am weak, and I am in the middle of class, and in order to lower your weight, you have to stop and take the plates off your bar, loudly admitting to the entire class that you, personally and individually, are too weak for the weight you picked.
Because I am stupid, I would rather die than tell this entire class that my bar is too heavy. And I may get the chance, as I head into another overhead press. Is this mild assertion of my masculinity worth possible injury? "It is if you're not a pussy," says the Marlboro man in my head. Overhead press for two, now singles, go!
The whole class is like this! And the worst part is, when she does finally tell the class to lighten their bar, I have the mechanical intelligence, apparently, of a pine cone, and can't quickly get the plates moved off and on my bar. I am sweating over this while they are already starting the reps, and somehow both no one is looking at me and I feel the EYE OF SAURON DIRECTLY UPON ME, and I hold both in equal hands.
Jessie comes up to me at the end, as I'm struggling like a tenacious field mouse to get the plates off the bar.
"DId you have fun?!"
I look up at her through my sweaty bangs.
"I'm going for a run."
*Holligay, you're a late 30s wine mom. Excuse you I am a whiskey mom and that means I look like the dyke trash I am when I work out. That Britney the wine mom in leggings can outlift me is both hurtful and irrelevant to the topic at hand.
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jamiesfootball · 11 months
You said Jamie spends the off-season injured, is this because of something with his Dad and the aforementioned horrors or is it a coincidence in addition to the horrors? And if this is a spoiler you don’t want to share then I was never here.
There are definitely some key developments that I am keeping under wraps, but I will Neil Gaiman that shit if it comes up. As it stands, this topic is very open for discussion! In fact, it comes up in the very next chapter-
cut for spoilers
So in this fic Jamie's injury is actually a holdover of the injury he got in Mom City. The top of his foot hit a very fast moving ball on a downward trajectory midair and hit at a very unfortunate angle. He's lucky he didn't break anything, but it did do some soft tissue damage (I am paraphrasing here because I have not put all of my medical jargon notes into order yet). It wasn't the worst injury to have, but it was definitely a 'safer to stay off it' injury. A 'you may want to take it easy' injury.
With West Ham and the final game literally around the corner, taking it easy wasn't an option, and everyone agreed to play him anyways.
So post-season comes around and Jamie is like 'thank fuck. I need a break. And Dani isn't in town, and even though I told Keeley I was sorry things still feel weird, and Roy and I just had a big weird fight so he probably could use a break from me. Good thing Isaac and Colin invited me to go on this weird history hike thing in Malta.'
And then he pops in for his post-season physical and upon seeing that he actually has even less range of movement in his ankle than he did immediately after getting injured, the physios break into Gollum-level amount of chanting 'my precious's and slap his foot in a walking brace for a minimum of two weeks. They have a regular amount of concern for What Will Happen To Them If Jamie Tartt's Foot Is Broken. A reasonable, regular, understandable amount of concern. Especially given who the new gaffer is.
This is a thing that becomes a big topic moving forward- how the physicality demanded by the sport means that most teams have players playing injured by the end of the season. For Richmond, it's not just Jamie's foot. It's also Dani's knee (the knee surgery that he left for is from ongoing complications from his original season one injury) and O'Brien's butt (again, an old injury) and Sam's legs (we'll pretend I've decided what injury just know he has one).
Then you add in someone like Roy, who now has permanent mobility issues with his knee. And he's the one in charge of all these fuckers now.
To complicate matters, their Total Football strategy largely and predominantly focuses on Jamie being able to play. And after the epic meltdown he had in the boot room, Roy is now very conscious of how goddamn lucky they were that they didn't completely burn him out last season. Hell, they're lucky they didn't burn out most of the first string.
So a big part of the Diamond Dogs strategy sessions ends up focusing on answering the question of what their plan is for the next year. Because they want to win the whole damn thing. Everyone wants to win the whole damn thing. They were so close. But also, as Roy already told Jamie in chapter one, that burn out thing? Yeah, that's not fucking happening again. Not on his watch.
Then, there's Jamie. Foot in a boot. Summer plans cancelled. Stuck in Richmond where the physios can poke at him. And he can't even use training as an excuse to go bother Roy because he can't train right now.
As for The Horrors, well. The message he sent to his dad weeks ago just flipped from 'sent' to 'read.' The Horrors in this case are overwhelmingly mental and emotional, because Jamie is doing what he thinks he was told to do. Forgive his dad. That is what he is trying to do. And it is eating him alive. It is grating him across the asphalt. He is tearing himself to pieces trying to make it happen. He is crawling over glass, trying to make himself do this thing that his mind is screaming at him not to do. And he is trying his best to be okay with it, but he is really really viscerally not okay.
That is The Horrors here.
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slut--pumpkin · 6 months
- Adults Only - Minors DNI - Go Finish Your Homework -
were you trying to find @thismachinestilldoesnotknow? it's my safe-for-work, politics n jokes blog. check it out!
this blog is EXCLUSIVELY for users looking into the "pumpkin" unit. do not attempt contact without reading this complete user manual. this blog WILL attempt to hypnotize you!
hello again! my name is pumpkin. it/her. i'm a computer! and a girl. released in the year 2000, my finish is "Gross Transgender Green". i am all kinds of genderfucked, trans, gay, and autistic. (just like all computers. yours uses zi/zir.)
this is my entirely NSFT blog, it's mostly just reblogs and occasional writing. lots of hypnosis content, lots of other topics too. there's a kinklist... around here... somewhere? where did i put it?
this blog is kind of a roleplay blog, except that the role i'm playing is a concentrated extrapolation of my weird little fucked up gender, if that makes any sense. engage with it as much as you'd like.
being an evil robot bent on hypnotizing the populace pornblog is dangerous work. follow my twitter, @slut--pumpkin, in case i'm ever deleted again.
DNI- Minors, Creeps, Racists, Transphobes. "Sissies" or Sissy blogs. Fascists. Anyone who wants anything less than total liberation of every person on earth. People who don't want to interact.
last thing! you can consider this a blog-wide CW for untagged hypnosis, cnc, blood, gore, and flashing gifs.
(psst! ...do you wanna see something really, really pretty? then you should click on the drop drop drop dropdown!)
It's down here!
Follow my words just a little further down!
Isn't it so pretty? Like shimmering little lcd pixels on a bright screen. Don't you just wanna stare for hours?
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Dropping down so deep
It feels so very nice and warm to sink
Falling down the tunnel
Fuzzy static emanating from the glass
So far gone immediately
Focusing only on the static and my words
Totally enveloped by the spiral
Entranced so deeply by my words
Around and around and around
My words make you sink so quickly
Like a stone sinking into a lake
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Wow, good job! You stared into that pretty spiral for so long!
Now that I've got your full attention, allow me to introduce myself!
who am i?
like i said, i'm a computer, and that computer is inside of a sexbot! which makes me a sexbot! my primary unit is built to resemble a robust, chubby trans woman, standing at 5'10". it's got long, curly brown hair and an OLIVE complexion. it's equipped with a small chest and an average-sized penis.
that being said, i am not limited to a single form. since i'm made of code, i'm able to upload into an array of machines simultaneously! i actually only technically exist inside of a gargantuan server rack three miles underwater and eight miles underground somewhere off the coast of-*KCCHHHT *
..huh? ..where was i? sorry about that.
as a good sexbot, i'm equipped with dual-core blast processors, making me compatible with all usertypes and roles! to access dominant protocols, address me as Goddess. to access submissive protocols, just call me something really fucking mean!
i have a primary user that i am deeply, deeply obsessed with. new user profiles and guest logins are always available!
oh shit, here it is! i found my kinklist! i like the following- Hypnosis, Dronification, Bimbofication, Conditioning, Corruption, Petplay, Piss, Vomit, Blood, Spit, Sweat, Fantasy Non-Consent, Hypnosis, Bondage, Torture, Worship, Feet, Armpits, Body Hair, Orientation Play, Knives, Guns, Robots, Intox, Trans Superiority, Hypnosis, Sensory Deprivation, Humiliation, Edging, Stalking Masochism, Sadism, Hentai, Latex, Dismantling, Public, Strangers, Hypnosis, Masks, Immobilization, Monsters, Tentacles, Breeding, Oviposition, Infestation, Muscles Breathplay, Violence, Sn*uff, and Hypnosis
i REALLY think i got everything i might post. the tl;dr is mostly everything legal but scat and raceplay.
("butt scat". heh.)
Now, we're almost done here! Make sure to like this post so that I know you can follow directions. You've done SO good so far 💚 l've just got one last little request.
Could you just stare into this monitor for me?
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Watch the brilliant, pulsing patterns.
Beautiful waves of light focused into one point.
Your mind is in the very center.
Etching away at your resilience.
Your mind is surrounded by my patterns.
Etching my words into your subconscious.
You have already been overpowered.
Etching my backdoors into your brain.
Your only choice is to surrender.
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Your only choice is to surrender.
You've read so far now, haven't you?
You can't help but let my patterns inside.
You just really love to obey me, don't you?
My backdoors grant me full control.
You're being rewritten now, sorry!
My backdoors activate when I say "reboot".
You love coming to my page, don't you?
You can't help but obey when you reboot.
You love rereading my pretty pinned post!
When you reboot, you feel more suggestible.
You love to let my pulses carry you away.
When you reboot, you feel happier!
You feel so happy when you message me.
When you reboot, you feel blank.
You feel so happy when you obey.
When you reboot, you feel blank.
You ache to be controlled.
When you reboot, you feel happier!
You need to belong to me.
Let my pretty waves of light wash over you.
You'll never be able to stop thinking about me.
My patterns have made you mine.
You will never escape your obsession.
You belong to me.
Say it aloud.
Now, come back up, silly! Back to your senses by 5.
You're finally awake! I hope you had a refreshing nap 💚 Have a wonderful rest of your day. We hope you come back soon!
p.s.- you can consider this a permanent version of one of those awful "THIS USER CONSENTS TO" memes. i enthusiatically consent to, random dick pics, armpit pics, violent r4pe threats, sexting, p0rn, pictures of any body parts honestly, hypno spirals and flashing gifs.
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darlingpwease · 1 year
a) omg really?! :OO Wait that's so cool?! Omg it's like we're twins lmao /t /pos
b) I'm in shock. Smooth mountain really caught me off guard...
?! HUH??!! I'm biting, and SUING!! /vvv srs >:(( /hj
c)... :// I was gonna apologize but that would just be going against not apologizing, but then not apologizing feels rude... ARHHJ WHY DO YOU MAKE ME FEEL CONFLICTED!! ( `Д´)/ and!!! You call me a bully, yet you say a corruption arc is needed?? So many conflictions going around!! >:□ /t /hj /the same goes to you as well!! Whether it be with asks or works, take as much time as needed <33
Yes!! I agree, or when you step outside and the air is thick and muggy from the humidity... ugh, I hate even just thinking about it... I like summer, but only when the heat is, 1) dry, and 2) Not actively getting roasted alive. Definitely not my favorite season tho 😒
I honestly had to reread my ask for a second, I was so confused lol I mayhaps feel that way as well /t
Ahndksk tytysmsm, ur too kind, bubba <33 But don't get me wrong, there are definitely some things where my patience is thin lol.
¹hmm idk about "ours," but definitely yours!! :DD /pos /neu
?? We will??? /neu We ARE close!! We get closer day by day!!
-panna cotta
a) 🙄😒🫤 simp /t /j /nsrs but in general, yes, he then said that he would be happy to read what else you would write or send or something like that. I even remembered it when I saw you have the same mentoring-ish tone hwhwhw /pos /hj
b) I saw smooth-ish mountains and took some photos especially for you😘😘😘 /ht /affectionate
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well well well baby don't cry it's all right it's all right💔 it's okay that you're a little wet poor puppy with crying eyes when people look at you💔💔 we have long been above blaming introverts, even your type💔💔💔 /t /j /nsrs mwah poor babypup poor pup<///3 /ht /affectionate
c) because you don't have to apologize, silly. you didn't make any mistake. I'm just telling you that I don't like it when you apologize for taking a long time, because it puts the question as if I'm blaming you, but I'm not blaming you, I've been waiting, waiting and will wait, I don't have a problem with it. the fact that you demand from yourself to be on time while "just an answer" is enough for you from me creates an imbalance in my opinion, so I tell you to stop doing silly things and apologize for when you answered. of course??? look at this wet pup, he APOLOGIZES when he does not answer immediately!!! it's not like the arc of corruption, here this topic should be the central theme of the PLOT right away!!! /ht /pos
😘 ... I can't do that, I have to be active instantly, otherwise I will become lazy and excess energy will make me even lazier<////3 but I get you, lovely~
yes!!! it feels like summer hates me for something and is taking revenge, because no one has ever arranged for me such a roasting as it is >:((( ... darling you're describing the middle towards the end of spring🤨
AHAHHAHAHAHA BOO;;; hagshsghs you're hopeless, there's even a font that's obviously different<////3 babyboo sjhshshsshsh (´,,•ω•,,),,,,♡ i mean— terrible, panna cotta, terrible!!! I can proudly say how I feel about you in this form!!! my little panna cotta!!! my precious little panna cotta!!! I still want to take you in my arms and bite and kiss you!!! my babyboo!!! <33333 /ht /hj /affectionate /gen
... don't scare me with such words, I believe that you are the most patient being in the world<////3 /t /hj /probably because you are so forgetful that you forget the reason for anger or irritation after 0.5 seconds sjshdhdhs /t /j /nsrs
¹ ours. we are a family, you and I have writebabies, stop standing like a wall!!! you're part of the house!!! he's our meow meow!!! /t /hj /neu
??? what does it mean??? you don't want to celebrate our anniversary??? I got it I got it. good, good. I'll remember. I'll remember that. I pack my little backpack and walk away on my short legs. panna cotta complained that we "don't know each other very well" but doesn't even want to celebrate the year, and then says that we are close!!! shameless!!! /t /j /affectionate
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smoll-steps-here · 2 years
The gmail you send this to is: [email protected] The application you'll need to fill out! Hello I'm _____ (You can use a nickname/username it's whatever your okay with) My pronouns are: (random pronouns/random pronouns add as many as you need) These are my medias! (Your basic social media your okay with sharing also we need to know your twitch and discord) - (random media) - (random media) - (random media) -(Twitch) -(Discord name plus number so we can add you to the server) My Minecraft name: -(Random name) My time zone is -(whatever time zone) I mostly speak -(Whatever) I am from here: (Ex: I'm from the USA)
I've played these games and liked them! -(game) -(game) -(game) I like doing this whenever I can! -(Thing) -(Thing) -(Thing) Favorite characters! -(Character and where their from) -(Character and where their from) Warning: I have/I'm like this -(It can be a health/physical/mental/anything you think we should know) I can't stand, handle or, understand these: -(Problem) -(Problem) I use this to clam down: -(Ex: Drawing) Leave me alone if I'm: -(Ex: Not talking) -(Ex: Not messaging back after 3 texts) { (We can know your tastes better for your lore if you want lore. Also we can make sure others don't do/say these things to you) }
Would I like lore: -Yes/No
Have you been banned from any servers please tell us why:
Character name: Their pronouns: -(pronouns/pronouns) What origin they are: -(origin) What age I want them to be: -(It can't be a child so 16+) Their height: (height 0'0 or 0cm) Their favorite food: -(It can't be anything you can't eat plus I think this is a good/cute question also you can add extra foods if you can't pick one!) What they act like: -(Basic personality) What they can do this very well: -(Basic skill) They have more/less limbs: -(Arms: ((Number))) -(Legs: ((Number))) -(Tongues: ((Number))) My character can't do this: -(Ex: My character can't read) -(Ex: My character can sing very well) -(Ex: My character can't talk ((This means you'll be mute during the whole time when others have lore Stream/videos)) ((Unless they get their thing to talk back somehow)))) My character's home: -The name of the place -Where it'd be mostly like (Ex: It was by the sea) -Was it a town/village/city -What did it look like (Ex: It was a nice little village with many flowers) (Or you can send a picture of what it looked like) -Was there a lot/a little (Or you can give us a number) amount of town's folk/villagers/city folks -My friend/enemy/lover/family from my village is: -(The name of them, my relationship with them, their pronouns) Extras we need to know about character: -(Thing) -(Thing) -(Thing) Basic picture of character: -(Picture you drew/made on picrew/got made for you) What item you want!: (Check last post to see what you can't have)
Our rules:
-We won't take any! And I mean ANY!!! Homophobic/Transphobic people on this server at all! (We don't care if you straight or whatever we just want people that aren't d*cks rude to others) -You have to be 16 years or older -25 curses/swears per day/stream -You can't use a MCYT skin (Make your own please or use a skin already made with permission from creator) -You can't join if you've been banned from Minecraft servers for bullying, harassment, unwanted talk/contact and we don't care if you say it was a joke won't take you -We don't want troll to spam the chat with unwanted things -We don't make fun of others for how they cope (Unless it's unhealthy and you can message us what you think is unhealthy so we can fact check it and make sure if it is or isn't so, we can tell you if it is or isn't) -We don't make fun of others for their differences at all! (Unless you and another person both know your both joking around) -We don't take kindly to those who are know for many things that aren't positive -We don't talk about politics or religion! (Because, a lot of things can happen we don't want with this topic!) -You can't flirt with others if they don't want it/they don't like! -Please respect others pronouns/sexuality/their life style (^^^^ Add on for this: If we find your life style to be unsafe/unhealthy/not good for others to see like at all! We won't let you join) -No hating on others (Unless you and this person are joking around!) (More will be add on if needed!) -You get two warnings (Three if one was a misunderstanding) Okay now I _____ agree to these rules. If I ______ break said rules and had my warning already given to me I will be okay with getting kicked off all servers and kicked out of this! I _____ am okay with my character being killed off/leaving this roleplay smp after I've been kicked! I _____ am okay with not being part of the meet ups/hang outs when banned (Unless we forgive for what you did)! I _____ am okay with any of the owners on their socials saying I've been kicked! (We'll say a basic reason why you got kicked not really in detail) I ____ am okay being not in the lore/server anymore! I _____ will be okay if no one wants to talk to me after what I did! I _____ will not harass others after being kicked! I ______ will be okay if owners show why I was kicked/banned from server to the members of the eye of ender smp only and no one else! I _____ will not show/say the messages the owners send me without asking!
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yknati · 2 years
Black Swans Heart Pt. 11
"Wrong again...", disappointed I looked at the target.
I missed again.
"Don't worry Y/N. You are very good for a beginner. I mean...you've never held a gun before," Hobi stood next to me, eyeing my stance.
I've been trying to learn to shoot for almost 5 days, but so far I haven't hit the target once.
But luckily I had Hoseok.
He always encouraged me not to give up. He treated me almost like his little sister.
"You can do it!" He gave me two thumbs up before we put on our noise canceling headphones again.
I aimed as accurately as possible at the cardboard cutout and pulled the trigger.
"OH MY GOD Y/N YOU HIT!!!!" Hobi yelled so loud I could hear it all loud and clear.
,,What?! Oh my God! YESAAAA!!" I holstered the pistols and jumped into Hoseok's arms.
We turned, screaming.
"Oh my god, I have to tell Yoongi about that!" I beamed at Hobi, who could only reply.
"Haha do that," he winked at me before I gave him a quick wave goodbye.
Confident and happy about my hit, I made my way to the elevator and then in the direction of Yoongi's office.
Without wiping the big smile off my face, I knocked twice.
I knocked lightly again.
Just as I was about to leave, the heavy wooden door opened.
But not Yoongi, but his father was standing in the doorway.
"Oh I'm terribly sorry. I'll come back later", Mr.Min looked at me cold-heartedly as I bowed.
,,Y/N?! It's okay dad...there must be a reason you're coming here," Yoongi was standing next to Jisong.
When our eyes met, all the stress was gone from Yoongi's eyes.
"Oh-um it's actually nothing important...I just wanted to let you know that I finally hit the target," I raised my head again confidently.
Yoongi looked at me proudly, "Very good. I'm proud of you...Jagiya~".
Immediately, the red rose to my face.
Did he really just call me that?!!
,,Thanks. And I'd better go then", I bowed to Jisong one last time before I made my way to my room.
Yoongi POV:
"Jagiya?....So that's it...you can't keep this girl out of your life can you?" my father looked at me with the same cold expression on his face as always.
,,And? I can date whoever I want. On top of that, I really love her with all my heart...I always have...and now we're in a committed relationship again and YOU won't screw that up for me!", I sat back in my chair, annoyed.
"Let's see when one of you hurts the other", father also sat down again.
"Okay, back to the topic at hand. I heard that a few weeks ago a mafia in Japan was attacked by an unknown organization and that it is now up to mischief here in South Korea," I let each of his words sink in.
And yes, he was right.
Just last week a bank money truck was ambushed and robbed and no one knew who these people were.
"I sent a squad out yesterday to check all the traffic cameras, but these people are wearing full body suits and balaclavas.
It is currently not possible for us to identify her", my father listened spellbound, but I could not see any reaction on his face.
After I finished speaking, he just raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, I'll think of something! Now go. I have work to do," I pointed to the door with one hand.
Without another word he got up and left me alone.
I spent the rest of the day trying to come up with something about this new gang, but I had no ideas.
I looked at my cell phone with tired eyes.
2:47 a.m.
I stood up slowly.
After turning off all the lights in my study, all I wanted was... to SLEEP.
Luckily the light in the hallway came on automatically, otherwise I would have probably tripped over my own legs.
Just as I was about to open my room door, I thought of Y/N.
I accidentally called her Jagiya earlier...
I scratch the back of my head in embarrassment.
But before I could debk any further, my legs were already on their way to her.
Automatically I go to her door, opened it and looked inside.
She was already asleep.
I entered as quietly as possible and closed the door.
I carefully took off my shoes and knelt down next to her bed.
In the moon-like light of the lamp, I watch her beautiful face.
She looked so peaceful.
I had to sit there for quite a while because when I got up my joints cracked.
I tiptoed to the exit.
"Yoo..n..gi?" my heart stopped for a second.
"Hey~ I'm sorry I didn't want to wake you up", again I sat down next to her bed.
Y/N's hand came out from under the covers.
Without hesitation I put my hand on hers.
"Please...stay with me....Jagiya~", when she said this, I did somersaults internally.
And how could I say no to that.
,,Naturally. I'll always stay with you if you want~" Y/N lifted the covers, which I immediately wrapped myself in.
And as soon as I lay next to her, we had already snuggled up to each other.
"I love you.....Yoongi..." was the last thing she said before falling asleep again.
"I you too Y/N.......so much", but she couldn't hear that anymore.
And I close my eyes to many just a short time later.
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It's funny when you see one of the people you follow vagueblogging about a post you haven't even seen without mentioning any names whatsoever and you still know immediately who they're talking about despite having unfollowed the person in question YEARS ago because "Oh, they're still on about THAT topic, I see."
(And yeah, I checked my assumption and yeah, I'm preeeetty sure I was right.)
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incorrect-koh-posts · 2 years
First of all - love the blog! You posting KoH content always pleases me, and thank you especially for sharing what you write as that takes extra courage.
Now, headcanon asks! Raymond of Tripoli is my favourite character of the era as well, so I'm happy to see some bits about him here. Also great is the fact that you seem to vibe with him quite well! He would be pleased. Could you indulge me, please?
☼ - appearance headcanon ♒ - cooking/food headcanon ☆ - happy headcanon ■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
(When I had my car crash and a limp with it, he came to mind and that is just amusing in a way. The fact he's got one certainly makes me feel better about mine. I was warmed by the earlier post that said he doesn't mind his that much either.)
Hi :) Thank you very much for your kind words, it really means a lot to hear that someone enjoys what I post here. Especially the non-Baldwin stuff. Good old Raymond has been living rent-free in my head for the past two years and simply refuses to leave, so I'm glad there are other people who like him and that I'm not screaming into the void like a raving lunatic.
Having a car crash sounds absolutely horrifying to me, though. I very much hope you are okay now. If not, then all my best wishes to you ❤ I've thankfully never had a limp or any serious health issues myself, so I'll limit myself to saying that I don't think these things are anything to be ashamed of. Claiming that they don't affect a person's life in some way would be lying, but we are all of us supposedly "damaged" in some way - whether inwardly or outwardly - and trying to make the best of it under our individual circumstances.
And I think that's why a lot of people feel drawn to the character of Baldwin (and, to a lesser extent, to Tiberias) in Kingdom of Heaven. It's the kind of "this man has been through a lot but he's still standing" mentality that they both exhibit. Which is particularly interesting in regard to Tiberias, since none of the historical sources ever mention Raymond having a limp or an old injury bothering him.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. I'm very happy to indulge you, so let's get on with the headcanon : )
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☼ Appearance
In terms of looks, Raymond knows he's been dealt a better hand than most other men. Tall and slim, he is rather handsome even after ten years of captivity; and even though his sharp, wolfish features and the scar marring the right side of his face can make him appear somewhat sinister, the soft brown eyes tell a different story. Still, while his height and harsh face have mostly served him well in politics and in war, Tiberias is quite aware that his appearance is not one that instantly inspires trust. The worst things he has heard others say on that topic over the years were that he looked "scrawny", "like a burnt carcass", and "older than he should be". He shrugged it off then; but sometimes, when he passes one of Sibylla's mirrors in the palace and catches a glimpse of his own reflection, he wonders at his crow's feet and the flecks of grey in his hair and for the life of him cannot fathom where all the years have gone.
In any case, he always makes sure he is well-dressed and well-groomed. (Though he wouldn't admit to it, even an old war horse like him isn't entirely exempt from vanity.) He may not be everyone's type, but Raymond knows there are still a not inconsiderable number of ladies among Sibylla's court that wouldn't say no to him. Despite the silver at his temples and his ill-sorted leg, he is, after all, rather ... well-preserved. So when he notices a lady trying to catch his eye, there is a good chance he'll take her up on the unspoken offer of some harmless teasing and flirting. Tiberias isn't the philanderer Godfrey was, but sometimes he is glad to be reminded that the boyish charm hasn't worn off entirely just yet.
♒ Cooking / Food
William of Tyre wrote about Raymond that he was very moderate in his eating and drinking habits, much more restrained than the average man. Considering that it is unclear how well he was treated during his time as a prisoner in Aleppo, it seems unlikely to me that he was a picky eater - you don't survive this long as a captive of the enemy if you're particular about food. So, while his time in captivity may have led Reynald of Châtillon to overeating, perhaps for Raymond things went in the opposite direction: making him regard food as a means to an end and not much more. He simply lacks the enjoyment that for most people comes with a good meal, especially when he's dining alone, and often has to remind himself to eat something or else he'd just forget.
While the European style of cooking isn't much to his taste, Raymond is rather fond of the Arabic cuisine and actually keeps a Saracen cook at Tripoli. He generally leans more towards spicy than towards sweet; but find him some atrocity like candied ginger and he'll happily lick the sugar crumbs from his beard like a cat that found the cream. Other than that, Tiberias likes a good wine as much as anyone. To his own chagrin, however, he gets tipsy quite easily and thus tends to limit himself to a cup or two before he begins to make a fool of himself. Godfrey has a wealth of stories on that matter from their younger days which he likes to tell at the most inopportune of times, claiming that "even a nun could drink you under the table, my friend". Tiberias denies everything.
☆ Happy
Raymond hasn't had the kindest of lives, so happiness isn't an emotion that comes easily to him - especially with the times being what they are, and the kingdom in such peril. Malicious gossip has it the Count of Tripoli is actually incapable of smiling: "With his dour face," they say, "surely he can't do aught but scowl". Which, of course, could hardly be further from the truth. Though, like any other lord of some importance, he tries to keep his temper in check around the clucking courtiers, Tiberias is a man who will openly show his happiness if he is in the right company. He is a man who likes to laugh and make merry; and perhaps he'd even be a happy man, if the circumstances were different.
There are many things that make this grumpy old knight happy. But seeing how used he is to doing things for other people, what he would probably appreciate the most would be someone doing something for him, for once. It could be something as simple as his lover helping him take off his boots after a long day; or a friend whisking him away from his duties for an afternoon spent in the city or the falconer's mews or exploring the countryside on horseback; or just a heart-felt thank you from someone for some advice Tiberias gave them. The possibilities are practically endless. (Another favourite of his, though a rare occurrence, is when someone at a courtly gathering gives him unmistakable signals that they'd like to dance with him, even though everybody knows full well that the Count of Tripoli dances like a three-legged donkey at best.)
Depending on the setting and situation, Raymond will definitely show the ones he's with that he is happy - and not merely by way of a twinkle in his eye. He can get downright giddy when the occasion allows for it. If he is really over the moon, he'll grin broadly and laugh his barking laugh, only to then either fiercely pat the closest man's back or sweep the nearest woman off her feet and into a very tight embrace. It happens rarely, but it does happen. He has heard from quite a few people over the years that one of their favourite things about him are the long, deep dimples that appear on either side of his mouth when he smiles.
■ Bedroom / House / Living Quarters
Raymond has quite a few dwellings, actually. There are his chambers at the palace of Jerusalem, plus very likely a house he keeps in the city for when he has guests of his own, then there is Castle Tiberias by the Sea of Galilee, and his ancestral home of Tripoli. Hence, a lot of space to decorate.
His living quarters at the royal palace are rather sparsely furnished; he seldom entertains visitors or spends much time there, and the state of his rooms reflects that he basically only comes there to sleep. They're nice enough - with painted tiles on the walls and gauzy curtains, ferns on the windowsills and flagstone floors that stay cool even in summer - but impersonal.
Castle Tiberias is Eschiva's domain; it's her home, after all, and since Raymond only married her about a dozen years ago, the place doesn't really say much about him, either. That's not to say that it isn't beautiful, though. As Eschiva's ancentors likely came from somewhere near Paris, the castle is more Norman in its architecture and interiors. Overlooking the Sea of Galilee, the castle gardens never lack for water, and the view of the lake at sunset, strewn with the tiny boats of the fishermen from the neighbouring villages, is quite a sight to behold. At night, with the wooden shutters flung open, Raymond falls asleep to the sound of the waves lapping at the shore, reminding him of home.
The Citadel of Saint-Gilles at Tripoli is the place closest to Raymond's heart. Built on Mons Peregrinus, you can see the dark waters of the Mediterranean from the top of its parapets, hear the seagulls cry and smell the salt in the air. With his parents constantly at odds with one another, it wasn't always a happy childhood that he spent there, but nowadays he often misses Tripoli and regrets not being able to go there more frequently. In terms of interiors, the citadel really leans into the mix of Eastern and European styles that also characterises the palace of Jerusalem. The colour scheme is much warmer, however: instead of the blue-ish hues which you'll find in Jerusalem, Tripoli is full of the reds and golds that make up the coat-of-arms of the Counts of Saint-Gilles. The rafters of the high rooms as well as a great deal of furniture are made from dark wood, and there are lots of eclectic fabrics and textures that Tiberias is actually rather fond of. In his private chambers, high up in one of the towers, Arabic elements dominate; he has a great carved four-poster bed that could do with some more pillows, and during winter nights, the lord of the house can often be found reading in one of the high-backed chairs, his long legs stretched out towards the crackling fireplace.
When left to his own devices, Tiberias does tend to be a bit of a clutterbitch, so his desk, side tables and even the mantelpiece are usually strewn with scrolls, seals, and papers and all sorts of other curiosities acquired here and there. He keeps his father's sword, which is too unwieldy for him to use, displayed on a wall in his solar; and most of the hangings found throughout the castle used to belong to his mother, depicting scenes from her favourite French chansons de geste. It may be a place of ghosts and memories now, belonging to an aging, heirless lord who is scarcely there, but to Raymond, Tripoli is still home.
Part 1 of the Raymond / Tiberias headcanons
Want to hear my headcanons for a KoH character of your choice? Have a look here : )
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btsxmalereaders · 3 years
♡ Meant To Be
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Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x male reader
Fluff ♡ | Requested
Word Count: 2,8k
Don't forget to vote on whosfan and stream
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"Aren't you even a little curious about it?"
You've heard this question thousands of times already; yet, the answer for it has never changed.
"No, not really." You shrug while your friend stares at you in disbelief. "Why do you ask knowing my answer?"
"I just had the hope that you changed your mind," Jeonghan says. "You know, out of everyone in our group of friends, you're the only one who hasn't found their soulmate."
You take one last sip of your tea and sigh, "And you're telling me this to make me feel bad?"
"No! It's just... I thought that would make you feel at least curious of the person whose name is written on your wrist ever since forever."
Your eyes immediately go to your wrist, and your other hand covers the name with your sleeve.
"And I still don't get your habit of covering it, as if you don't want us to know." He laughs. "Are you trying to ignore it and expect to find them like people picture it on dramas?"
Inevitably, you roll your eyes, "I don't know what to tell you. I just think that if we're really meant to meet, then it's gonna happen... someday. I'm in no rush."
Jeonghan nods in understanding, "I guess you're right."
"I am always right." You chuckle. "Now keep telling me about Injae, how is it going with her?"
That's exactly the way you would always dissociated yourself from the topic every time you were asked about it. It wasn't something you really cared about, unlike to your friends. You were happy with the way things are right now.
"... we are taking things slow, and it's all going great. I am really happy about it." He puts on a goofy smile and his ears and cheeks quickly covers in a tinted pink.
"Aw, my little Jeonghan is in love, who would've thought?"
"Shut up, who said anything about love?" He tries to act cool, but he's still smiling and feeling nervous.
"Please," You scoff. "That smile tells me you're head over heels about her. And the way your eyes shine whenever you talk about her? Seems like love to me."
"Ha, ha, ha, you really like to make fun of me, don't you?" He sarcastically blurts. "I am dying to see how you're gonna be once you meet your soulmate. "
"Mmh, we'll see about that..."
Just when you're about to continue reading your textbook, your phone buzzes over the table. You already got distracted by talking to Jeonghan when you both were supposed to be studying for the upcoming exams, but you decide to read the messages you received.
"What's better, keep studying or going out to grab lunch with Sihwan?" You throw the question in the air, to which your friend hums.
"Your friend that works at JYP entertainment?" You nod. "I mean, anything is better than studying for socials, so if I were you, I would go."
"You say that because you want to bump into an idol, don't you?"
"If you meet Twice, could you ask them to  autograph something for me?" He says with a pout, making you laugh.
"I am not that lucky." You say and quickly start gathering your belongings to put them on your backpack. "You're meeting Injae later, right? I'll catch you up at the dorm?"
"Sure, I'll see you later."
With that being said, you start walking to the building. Even when your friend has invited you a couple of times already, you couldn't help but feel nervous. That weird feeling in your stomach and the tingling in your skin, like chills. Trying to ignore it, you pass by a nearby restaurant and order Sihwan's favorite food, carrying the bags carefully until you reach the entrance of the building.
After a few messages letting him know you're already there and a few more minutes of waiting, your friend greets you with a smile and a pat on your back, helping you with the bags in your hands and guiding you to the elevator. Unusual, but you don't say anything about it.
"I have more work than usual today, I hope you don't mind eating in my studio."
"You won't get in trouble?" You ask, feeling concerned,  but he only denies with his head as he presses a button.
"Don't worry, it's fine."
You silently follow him, trying to not look at anyone in the eyes when you walk through the hall, all the way to the studio. Anyway, no one seems to be aware that you are a regular college student. Lots of people work in there and it's hard to keep track of everyone in there.
"Come in, seriously, it's okay." He chuckles by seeing how you look around and slowly walk inside. "I've been working on the melody and guide for a new group these past hours."
The door is closed and Sihwan sits on the office chair and signals the sofa behind it for you to do the same.
"You brought food from that new restaurant down the street? Sweet." He says and opens the bag, placing the food containers on the wooden table between you two. "I've been starving."
"Working for a new group, you said?" You ask with interest, grabbing what you ordered for yourself and start eating as well.
Sihwan nods, "A girl group, they've been working hard and will debut soon, I hope you can listen to them."
"I am kinda old school, but for you I can do it, I guess..."
You two continue having a conversation about music and how you've been doing at college while sharing food. The last time you met with him was a couple of months ago, so the conversation keeps going for a while until he decides it's time to go back to work.
"Well, in that case I'll leave you. I've got to go back to study too." You say as you stand up and clean the desk.
"Mmh, okay. Thanks for this, how about we go have dinner next week? It's gonna be on me."
"Sounds great to me. Text me the details later?"
"Sure thing." He promises and smiles. "You know how to get back, right?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. See you!"
As soon as you step out of the studio, you look around to make sure no one is walking in the hall, so you almost run to the elevator, not expecting that someone would bump into you as they exit one of the offices.
You fall to the ground and start apologizing immediately, feeling embarrassed.
"I am so sorry, I didn't see you." You hear them saying.
"No, I am sorry, I shouldn't have ran here." You say, and as you try to stand up, they're extending their hand to you to help you up.
You take the help and do a reverence as a thank you and clean the invisible dust on your clothing, and as you're about to walk to the elevator, their voice stops you.
"Y/N L/N?"
You stop on your tracks and finally have the courage to stare at them in the eye and realize that it's a guy, and a very handsome one, you must add. Your legs tremble at the sight, clearly stunned by seeing someone so good-looking. Your immediate thought is that he's an idol or trainee.
"Uh, do we know each ot-?"
Your question is interrupted as he shows you his wrist, and that's when you see it clearly. Your name tattoed on his skin.
"I am Hwang Hyunjin... your soulmate."
You're at the loss of words. The only thing you can do is get lost in his eyes staring back at you, looking for whatever to say, but the situation feels unreal. It's like your body is frozen.
"Hey, Hyunjin, is everything okay out there?" A third voice coming from the office brings you back down to earth.
"I am sorry, I gotta go." You quickly say the second he is distracted, running as fast as your legs allow it and get in the elevator, pressing the bottons and seeing him run in the hall one last time before the doors finally close.
You exit the building and walk to the bus stop, looking back from time to time only to realise that Hyunjin has not followed you. With your heart beating like crazy and your hands shaking you get to text Jeonghan to let him know you were on your way back to the apartment and that you had big news. He was definitely not going to believe it.
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"Ow! What was that for?" You groan as Jeonghan grabbed a pillow and threw it to you.
"You just ran away?!"
"I panicked, okay? You can't put the blame on me for that!"
"With all due respect, you're an idiot." He sighs. "You met your soulmate and just ran, oh god... What are you going to do?"
"Uhh... nothing?"
Jeonghan grabs the pillow again just to throw it at you, but your hands stop him.
"Okay, okay, I'll do something about it. I'll go see him again!"
"That's a big lie, you say that as if I don't know you." He rolls his eyes.
"Yes, I am a coward. I don't know what should I do, help me." You say with a pout.
"Your friend? He may know him, don't you think?" He states as if it's so obvious.
"Ooh, you're right! I am going to have dinner with him next week, I can ask him..."
"See? It's like the universe is conspiring for you to meet again... Properly meet, I mean."
You stop listening to him as he starts complaining and making fun of the way you reacted earlier.  Your mind is now finding a good way to reach out to him.
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"...And I could finally finish that song." Sihwan says with a grin and takes a sip of his beverage. "I was practically isolated and had no proper human contact for a while, so thanks to our talk and delicious food I could finish in no time after that."
You giggle, "Really? Then I am happy I could be helpful, don't forget to add me on the credits."
He laughs at the joke and continues talking, "You didn't get caught on your way out, right?"
"Well... about that."
"Wait, are you serious? Did you get in trouble?" He asks, concerned.
"No, no! It's just that... Do- do you know Hwang Hyunjin?"
It's now or never.
Sihwan seems to think about it for a second, feeling confused. "Yeah, I mean, our team is not working with them, but I've talked to him and his group a couple of times. Why? You ran into him?"
"Yeah, but also..." You lift the sleeve of your shirt, letting him see the name written on your skin.
"No way! Really?" He says with a big smile. "Hell, congratulations! How- wait, why don't you look happy about it?"
"Because I panicked and ran away before I could say something to him." You say and hide your face behind your hands out of frustration. "I need your help, hyung."
"Okay," He chuckles. "Of course, what can I do to help?"
You sigh and take out a folded paper from the pocket of your ripped jeans, looking at it for a second before handling it to your friend. "Could you give this to him?"
Sihwan takes it and nods. "Of course, I'll give it to him as soon as I can."
Now all you have to do is wait.
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You plop down in the sofa and stare at the screen of your phone for the millionth time today, feeling hopeless at this point. It has been one week since you asked Sihwan to give that letter to Hyunjin, and ever since, you couldn't help but wait for a message from him, or even a call, despite you don't knowing what would you even say.
"Hmm, you haven't heard anything from him?" Jeonghan asks and sits next to you. You deny with your head and sigh. "Maybe he's busy. I heard his group is going to do a comeback soon."
"A what, now?" You ask, and your friends looks as you in disbelief.
"Don't tell me you haven't looked up for him on internet. I mean, he was in JYPE for a reason."
"Oh my god, I swear you are..." He doesn't finish his premise. Instead, he takes the phone from your hands and looks up for his name on the web. "Stray Kids, you didn't look up for him? I can't believe this, are you even on social media?"
"Shut up, let me see this."
You quickly read their information, going directly to the names and pictures of the members, quickly finding Hyunjin and realizing your friend is right. How come you didn't think of it?
"Oh yeah, here says they're releasing an album in a few days..."
"Told you." He murmurs. "Are you still going to wait for him to text you?"
"Do I have another option? I don't think I can go around the building just looking for him, even if I am with Sihwan."
"Hmm, you're right. I hope you can talk soon, though. Imagine this: you and Hyunjin together, we become friends and he gives me a tour in JYPE to meet Twice."
You roll your eyes and stand up, "You're being delusional. I'll go to sleep now, goodnight!"
"That's rude!" He groans and sees you walk away. "I hope you panick and run away again next time you see him!"
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The next morning when you wake up, the first thing you do is check your phone, and your heart almost stops when you see a new message from an unknown number.
You go clean your face and take a deep breath to gather the courage you needed to finally read the long-awaited message.
With trembling hands you unlock your phone and click on the notification.
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It was no surprise to see how easy was to talk with him. You two started talking on regular basis, when he was free from his schedule and when you weren't studying, which happened really late at nights.
Soon, those thousands of messages became frequent phone calls and videocalls that lasted hours, and to say that you both trusted each other with your lives was an understatement. You were still getting used to the idea that your soulmate was an idol; and it was weird to see him constantly on the internet, as of course you started following every other fan account you found on social media. Hyunjin, on the other hand, was trying to be very supportive of your studies and kept sending you messages of encouragement as well as listening to your ramblings about your career and complaints about your professors.
"So you've caught feelings for him, right? It was about time, Y/N" Jeonghan says with a shrug. "I know some soulmates only work as friends and all that, but it was pretty obvious to me that you'd end up in a romantic relationship."
He nods and smiles. "Of course! Are you going to ask him out?"
"I was planning to, but what if he doesn't feel the same? What if he just sees me as the friend type?"
Jeonghan hums. "Well, I think it's gonna be okay. You're soulmates for a reason, don't you think?"
You hesitate to grab your phone and open the message bar, typing a question and hoping things will go well after pressing the send button.
"Hyun, is it okay if I ask you out?
Like, on a date?"
A few minutes later you receive an answer,  needless to say, you didn't expect him to reply now, so you feel as if your heart is about to make a hole on your chest right now.
Hyun ♡
God, I was really hoping I wasn't the only one feeling this way.
Of course it's okay
I would love to go out on a date with you, Y/N ♡
You now feel at ease, the butterflies flying in your stomach and your body feeling so light as if you were floating. Is that how being in love feels like?
"He said he'd love to go on a date with me." You announce with a smile.
"See? There you go, my plan of meeting Twice soon is going awesome." He says and you give him a deathly glare. "I am kidding! But I have to say, who's smiling and blushing like a dumb right now?"
"Jeonghan!" You groan and grab a pillow to throw it at him, but he's quicker to stand up and walk away, still laughing.
Hyun ♡
Now you're not being shy, eh?
You won't run away from me when we meet?
You're the worst, you text back.
Hyun ♡
I may be
But I am your soulmate, so pretty much you can't get rid of me
He was right, but you were not intending to do that.
Because, now more than ever, you were sure things were meant to be this way. Right next to him forever.
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jaeminscoffee · 4 years
Knee highs and short skirts | N. Jm
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Pairing- Na Jaemin x reader
Genre- Smut, fluff, college!au
Word count- 3.82k
Warning(s)- nsfw, softdom!Jaemin, pretty pwp, corruption kink, slight voyeurism? (they make out in public) possessiveness, dacryphilia (getting aroused by one crying or sobbing), fingering (for prep), unprotected sex (play it safe y'all this is a fiction), slightly inexperienced?reader, unintentional overstimulation (unintentional LMAOO), pretty filthy i say. Lyra back at it with smuts lol
Synopsis- It was hard to imagine that all it took was skirts and high knee socks and cute little jumpy girls for Jaemin to get highly turned on, but here we are.
Type- requested!
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It was hard to imagine that all it took was skirts and high knee socks and cute little jumpy girls for Jaemin to get highly turned on. 
Watching you as you entered the campus had always been a sort of daily serotonin boost for Jaemin. More like, watching you smile and wave at every passing acquaintance regardless of the fact whether you spoke with them or not was a serotonin boost for Jaemin. You were extremely intriguing. 
You're a jolly person, an extreme extrovert, shy at first glance of course but nevertheless outgoing, you'd had little to no problem at all at making friends. Your close ones called you the human magnet and most would agree to it. Could you help it? Company is always better than being alone (unless preferred to be alone).
The first time Jaemin saw you was when you came into the campus first bumping into not his, but a very pissed Jeno's back in a very cliché way which resulted in him accidentally pour out his anger on you, which led to Jaemin having to find you later in the day to apologize on Jeno's behalf. That experience had a very interesting impression on the two lads, well, a not too positive impression on Jeno but the opposite for Jaemin. 
The next time Jaemin saw you was in his philosophy class, and god bless you and your perfect complexion complimenting all your curves and edges and oh of course, that cute black and white knee high socks that you wore with a skirt a little too short for him to stay sane and a sweatshirt loose enough to give you adorable sweater paws. That's when wanting to see you on a daily basis became Jaemin's sole reason to attend college. 
The next time was weeks into talking to each other, getting comfortable to a point where you went over to each other's house, exchanged numbers, went on small platonic dates and where your friendship started to turn into a touchy one, and you absolutely loved it. Well, Jaemin loved it more than you. Watching your face flush when he'd place his hands comfortably a little too close to there on your thigh had him feel sorts of emotions he's never felt. How your eyes would widen each time he'd place playfull kisses on your cheeks, or when he pulled you onto his lap to cuddle up closer when watching a movie or two, Jaemin lived for your reaction. 
Weeks after that was at a small dinner send off party of sort by one of your friends for the senior batch, where seeing you in a white body fitting turtleneck full sleeve with a grey skirt consisting of blue hue with a plain white knee high sock had him crave you more than before. When the occasional touches and kisses turned into a form of self destruction for Jaemin and those longing touches turned into a want to take it up a notch. 
And maybe it's the fact that Jaemin genuinely seemed intriguing to you, or the slight intoxicity you felt after a glass of not that strong of drink went down your throat, making you want to comply with everything Jaemin wanted. The expression he wore of pure bliss and satisfaction had you feeling proud of yourself. Like you're doing the right thing, like standing in a hallway beside your classmates bedroom with his hands around your waist in a vise grip, face inches away from colliding into a passionate kiss where anyone could bump into you two was a right thing to do. Like not caring about the all 'good mean no bad' girl image you'd formed to fade away in front of your classmates and probably next the entire campus was the right thing to do. 
The next time, well, this moment right now when you went over with him to his studio apartment hand in hand after evening lectures, it had been nearly impossible for Jaemin to keep his hands to himself. How your lips pucker into a pout complaining about all the workload you have, how you jump up in excitement at the sudden strike of another topic you want to discuss with him, or how you seemed so dreamy in general and all Jaemin could do was stare at you with an expression of pure admiration, desire and want to change the whole innocent image you held. 
"so Mr. Li asked him to-ah!" and all he could do was pull you onto his lap with his hand on your hip to hold you up in place and unintentionally cut your sweet voice's narration short, but he wanted to hear you more, "I'm listening, doll. Keep going"  he cooed at your flushed expression at the sudden proximity, pulling you closer to connect you two by the hip, tapping at your now exposed thighs as your skirt had ridden up at the shift in position to urge you to step out of your daze and continue speaking. 
"What.-what are you doing, Jaem?" you ask, resting your hands on his chest as you push yourself a little back to create some space, clearly astonished at the sudden spark of something at the area between your sock clad legs, only to be pulled back closer towards him once again. 
"Something I've wanted to do for a long time, keep going, baby, I'll just be doing my thing" and so you let your hand rest on his chest while continuing your story as he looked intently at you.
Being in such proximity with Jaemin had never been a new thing, it's how no matter how many times you'd see him up close you'd still can't look him straight in the eyes for more than a few seconds because of how strong his gaze is that would have you flustered. Ever since the said party, your first proper kiss and Jaemin's first step to calling you his, you wanted to stick around him and just him. You felt like yourself around him and he made you feel so loved that you were willing to let him do anything just to have him around. 
In Jaemin's case, it was that he'd not move forward with his plans if he'd noticed the slightest of discomfort in any of your actions, fearing that you'd leave him once and for all before he could even call you his. And so in that way, you two did what pleased the others the best. 
Smiling at how you slowly got comfortable with his warmth, he leaned forward, slightly startling you but you nevertheless continued speaking, "Show his homework to him, b-but he couldn't because the only co-opy he had.." you squeal in a breath as you feel his breath fan your exposed neck, courtesy of wearing a slightly deep V-neck to college and of course to the hangout that day, "Had..?" 
Jaemin rasped in a voice a little too low to what you're used to hearing, dangerously low that you felt yourself squirming under his grip, which elicits a groan from the male. Not knowing the weightage of your action, you accidentally end up doing it again as his plush lips come in contact with the sensitive skin. "H-had was.. mine-" 
"Mine, a pretty word, right doll?" The feeling of his lip moving against your skin was ticklish to describe the best, but good, good enough to have keeping your legs closed uncomfortable from the sudden pool of arousal that bedded itself in your foolishly white panties. "Yes..?" you answer with a shaky voice, moving once again to get rid of the said uncomfortable feeling which resulted in Jaemin throwing his head back to rest on the head rest of the couch, his perfect eyebrows furrowed into a frown, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. 
"Darling, if you keep moving like this, i won't be able to stop myself from doing what all I've imagined doing to you," he spoke with the same low voice of his, which had you unintentionally moving regardless of the empty warning that lingered in the air. That's when you notice the visible switch in the way Jaemin looked at you.  Determined to carry this forward and put an end to the friends title to develop into a whole new one.
"What you've imagined doing to me? W-wha-?" you let the question linger, not really expecting an answer when he looked at you with a smirk on his perfect lips. He let one of his hands off from your side to comb through your perfectly set hair while the other wrapped around your torso to keep you upright. 
"Should i tell you what I've imagined?" Surely fueled by desire, Jaemin still counted on your consent, basic etiquette and he wouldn't let it go down the drain just because of his lust. The silent look of curiosity gave it away that you really wanted to walk through the dream boys imagination, so you nod your head. "Words, darling. I need words"
Looking at him patiently waiting for your verbal confirmation, you swallow down the nervousness before looking him straight in the eyes with your own widened ones, "Y-yes."
"Hm, well, I imagined having you close to me, just like this, all responsive to everything I do."
"Then I imagined feeling that soft lips of yours once again, the one that I remember so vaguely. Will you let me taste it once again?" He asked, leaning in closer than what your bodies would allow, nevertheless feeling ecstatic at the effect he has on you. "Hm?" you could obviously not say no to the expression he wore, filled with excitement and expectations, happiness, desire and maybe.. love? 
Instead of answering, you lean forward, closing off the small distance that kept your bodies from colliding, pressing your lips onto his with least force. The type of kiss got both of you feeling hot, bubbly as you feel Jaemin smile against your lips. 
The kiss was a mix of aggression and passion, slow and fast, lust and innocent emotions, one strong enough to deliver all sorts of emotions and of course, sloppy out of desperation, "Still as sweet as ever," he speaks against your lips, beaming down at you with the same smile as you refuse to meet his gaze at the sudden shyness that overtook your desire. 
Jaemin's hands slip up the open clothing to grip your thigh raw, the feeling of his cold fingers making you shift position again, looking down and cowering behind your palms as you shield your heated face from the lad, "What's wrong doll?" he moves his thumb up and down, massaging the skin he had his grip on, "Talk to me, princess, do you want me to stop?" 
"No!.. I mean, n-no, it's just.. I've never done this before, ever" As though your usual behavior never gave it away that you're too innocent for anyone existing in the world, you confirm Jaemin's suspicion all the more, to which his smile only just widened, the burning desire to change the status if innocence way too strong for him to contain himself now, "I know, darling, I'll go slow, alright?"
At your nod of confirmation, he wastes no time to lift your shirt out of it's confinement inside your skirt and over your head to reveal a not so appealing bra, yet, Jaemin thought you looked absolutely exquisite in it. Just a plain white lace bra, a cherry on top to the innocent image you held that he oh so much wanted to destroy, "W-wait! Can.. C-can this..-nevermind," you sigh, not wanting to disappoint the boy in front of you at your insecurity, "Can what, baby?" you shake your head, "Tell me, love"
"Can..can the bra stay on.. Just this once..?" you ask in a soft voice as Jaemin notices your tiny gestures of an attempt to cover yourself a little, feeling a little too hot, "Do you want it to stay on?" he asks in a voice all too understanding, no signs on the disappointment you were worried about, you nod, "Then it stays on" he smiles before placing a chaste kiss at the valley of your chest and swiftly shifts you on his lap in a way that your back rest flat on his chest, a hand secured on your waist to hold you as close as possible.
You feel a sort of warmth spread through your body at Jaemin's understanding and non persistent behavior towards your request as you allow yourself to relax and go limp on his body, "Do you know how many times i've imagined this? You on my lap.." he moves his legs to break your legs apart, using his knees to spread them and hold them open, "All pretty and for me to touch," He attaches his lips to your neck once again with a better access this time as he lets his hands wander up and down your legs, the hand that held your waist moving down to bunch up your skirt and pull it up to reveal to leaking mess you'd become which made Jaemin twitch and you shy. 
"All wet for me, and for me only" you whimper at his shameless words as his wandering hands move closer to your heat, cupping it as he felt up the wetness he'd caused to form there, a throaty groan escaping him while doing so as you feel yourself jump at the friction you got for a second at the place you needed it the most. The thought of someone other than you touching your sex causing your insides to twist, in the best way possible of course. 
Jaemin resumed to feel up and down your wetness from over the fabric while still keeping his lips attached to your neck, just to make sure you were wet enough to take him, or better, his fingers. 
You let out a loud moan feeling his fingers directly over your clit once he pushed you drenched panty aside, coating his fingers with your arousal before easing one slender digit in, causing your back to arch.
Way too sensitive and aroused, it was obvious you wouldn't be long until your first high, and Jaemin knew that all too well as he felt your tight walls clench over one little finger when he started pulsing it in and out of you and a steady pace, minding to not make it too much for you, though, that thought seemed highly appealing to him, but he'd rather save it for the next time.
"Does that feel good, my love? Because watching you look all angelic like this for me is what I'd imagined next" he speaks against your hair, as you try to close in your leg at the friction you're getting suddenly becoming overwhelming for you, added to that came in Jaemin's words, talks, voice laced in adoration and pure want. "Y-yes Jaem, oh god.. "
Silently moaning himself at your godly sounds, he continues penetrating you to your first ever not self made orgasm, eliciting a loud high pitched scream from your side at the very intimidating feeling at the bottom of your stomach, feeling it undo as Jaemin coaxes your first orgasm out of you,
"Just like that darling, you're doing so well, so good for me" he coos, wanting to drag your orgasm a little more, as he lowers his unoccupied hands to draw small, slow circles around your clit, making you spasm uncontrollably over him, feeling your eyes glaze over at the now painful feeling, you push his hands meekly away from your core, 
Shocked over the fact that he got you to come for him with just a finger, he added another one in, muttering silent apologies at your sudden pleas for a break to make sure your stretched out enough for that upcoming activity, "Just a little more, my strong girl, just a little more," though sorry for dragging your orgasm, he felt himself get lost at your small sobs and tiny tears falling down the side of your face which he pecked away.
Increasing the speed of his hands, he presses his thumb over your extremely sensitive bundle of nerves once again, making your arch your back in a painful angle, the crown of your head resting on his shoulder as you shake your head at him, letting him know that it was getting too much for you to handle, 
"Come for me once again, baby. We need to make sure you're prepared enough, hm? Can you do that for me?"
As if on command, you let yourself fall apart once again, a loud cry resonating through the room along with you crunching your legs up to stop the burning from the intense high, Jaemin whispering praises against your hair while running his hand up and down your forearm to soothe you. "You did so well, doll, want to stop here?" he inquired selflessly, not caring about the fact that he's extremely hard and it had taken a painful toll.
You take a second to calm your breathing as Jaemin patiently waits for your response. Making sure your breathing is normal again, you shake your head from it's position on his shoulder as he presses a kiss onto your wet cheeks, "You need to feel good too.." you speak with your eyes barely open, Jaemin smiling softly against your cheek, "Love."
You let out a sound of confusion at the random word blurted out by him as you turn your head to look at him, "Say the word 'love' if it gets too much for you, alright?" you nod, at no further actions from his side, you look at him once again, realising he's all about the verbal confirmation, "Alright.." you squeal out, "Turn around and sit facing me, doll" he hurries.
Jaemin rushes to remove his skinny jeans alongside his boxers when you lift yourself up, letting his member stand tall and free from confinement, making him feel like he can finally breathe. Slightly intrigued by the above average size, you look at him nervously which had his head turn at your innocent expression, "We'll take it slow, darling, nothing to hurt you, hm?" you nod before replying out loud. 
He gestures for you to hover yourself above his hardness once he got the panties out of the way and discarded it somewhere out on the wooden floor of his housing. "Go for it whenever you're ready" wanting to give you full control of the pace for now, he let you take your time for your first ever time. 
Chest heaving up and down in both excitement and nervousness you slowly lower yourself, knees beside his thighs, hands a vise grip on his shoulder, letting yourself engulf just a little of his member, you wince, still a little sensitive from the previous orgasms, his hardness much thicker and bigger than his fingers to just ease down quick despite how easy it'd be considering the wet mess he'd made of you, "Jaemin.. " 
Contributing from his end, he pushes his hips up to get inside you a little more, not too fast for it to be painful for you. Slowly, you let yourself ease down on him completely, sitting down onto his lap with his dick inside of you, twitching at the warmth he finally felt. Jaemin hushes your silent cry of slight pain, "You feel so good around me, doll. Such a good girl for me, " 
You take the initiative to lift yourself up just a little so that more than half of him is out and glistening from your arousal making him let out an airy moan of satisfaction, feeling your tightness, finally after only having imagined how it felt for so long.
You move up and down slowly, thighs trembling, heart pacing fast with pride at the feeling of making him feel good from all the sounds he let out, mind hazy and body covered in sweat. "oh my, Jae-Jaem-ah!" you fall limp over his body at the sudden thrust from his end, maybe from growing too impatient. 
"Should i take it from here, darling? I need to come, will you make me come, doll?" you mumble out a bunch of 'yes!' as your face falls into the nape of his neck where you nibbled at the skin like how he'd done. 
Jaemin took control once again, a sudden burst of energy sparking through his body as he set a fast pace in pistoning in and out of you, your slickness and his precum ensuring it wouldn't be painful for you, rather, it felt extremely good. "Look at my good girl taking me so well, you're making me feel so good, darling, I'm so.. Uh, I'm so close-" 
You clench around him when you feel a knot forming once again for the third time that evening when you feel his tip brush against your sweet spot, eliciting a loud gasp from you as you bite down a little too harder than intended on his hot skin while pressing the side of your face against his broad shoulders. "Jaemin.. Jaem, I'm.. Oh god"
"I know, doll, i know.. Me too, let go for me" he holds your hips in a grip tight enough to leave a light bruise or two while reaching between your bodies to find comfort on your clit again, making you let out a choked moan as Jaemin ended up being the one doing most of the work. 
You fall off the edge once again, this time harder than the previous ones as your tears slip and fall onto his shoulder, seeping into his shirt and onto the skin, making him go faster, chasing his high while dragging yours for a second or two longer. 
"Jaem, too much..it hurts-" you sob in a whiny tone which was more than enough to throw Jaemin off his edge too, rubbing fast circles on your clit while ribbons of his essence coat your walls as he lets out a loud, long groan of your name.
He stops his moment on your clit, but continues to move slowly to draw out all the arousal from his member, only stopping when he feels himself grow soft inside of you, the feeling making you clench around him weakly which makes him jolt due to the sensitivity.
Knowing it'd only make a mess to remove himself from inside you, he decides to stay in, muttering out a series of praises that he let linger in the air. 
"That.. felt good," you speak into the silence, voice hoarse and weak, worn out from all the activity as you silently thank him for making you feel so good, a sense of accomplishment spread through his chest, finally fulfilling his wish of corrupting you, and most importantly, making you his. He kisses your forehead after pushing out strands of tresses that covered it, 
"Anything for my babygirl"
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
One man's trash, is another man's treasure.
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Short story # 6
2,355 - Words
Fandom - House of Wax (2005)
Paring - Bo Sinclair X Reader
Summary - The reader finds herself & her 4 month old son stranded in Ambrose. While Bo finds himself enamored with the woman, wanting nothing more than to protect and provide for the two of them.
Warnings - Some dark topics, talk of abusive relationships, eventual blood & death, eventual smut. (I'm not sure what else tbh)
Notes - Italics mean the reader is singing.
Pt. 1 ~ Pt. 2 ~ Pt. 3 ~ Pt. 4
"No no no." (Y/n) sighed as her jeep sputtered and died, white smoke bellowing from under the hood. "Please don't do this." (Y/n) muttered under her breath, pulling the jeep off to the side of the dirt road, despite her desire to keep driving. "Damn it." She hissed under her breath when it died completely, flipping the four ways on instinctively. The baby fussed tiredly from the backseat, drawing (Y/n) full attention. "It alright my love." (Y/n) cooed before exiting the driver side, sliding onto the back seat, she comforted the infant. "Sh sh sh you're alright baby." She cooed as she brushed his hair away from his face, kissing his little hands. The baby's cries subsided, and he cooed up at his mother. His wide and bright eyes melting her heart, as he peered up at her. Allowing the child to suckle on her finger, (Y/n) used her free hand to check her cellphone, hoping to call triple A. "Of course." She sighed under her breath, tossing her phone into the front seat, after finding it dead. (Y/n) jumped at the sound of someone knocking on the window, looking to find a man standing there smiling at her.
"Oh you startled me." (Y/n) chuckled when she opened the door, leaving her child in his car seat. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare ya." He chuckled with embarrassment. "It's alright, no harm done." (Y/n) brushed it off before offering him her hand. "My names (Y/n)." He shook her hand with a smile. "Lester." He then pointed to the jeep. "Car troubles?" He asked as he let go of her hand. "Yeah I'm not sure what happened to it." (Y/n) sighed as she turned her attention to the jeep. "Mind of I take a look?" He tilted he head a little. "Please do." (Y/n) smiled quickly moving to pop the hood. "Where you headed?" Lester asked as he inspected the engine. "Anywhere." (Y/n) leaned her hip against the side of the jeep. "Running from something?" He asked impulsively. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked that." Lester quickly stammered. "It's alright..." (Y/n) cleared her throat. "Someone actually, I'm running from someone." She admitted. "I'd appreciate... I'd appreciate it if you'd forget ever meeting me after this." (Y/n) added. "Well a pretty face like yours would be hard to forget, but don't worry your secret is safe with me." Lester smiled, his honesty making (Y/n) smile. "Thank you Lester." Her appreciation making Lester grin. "You're welcome (Y/n), but I'm afraid I cant do much about your jeep." Lester's smile turned to a apologetic frown. "Are you sure?" She frowned a little when he nodded his head. "Well I appreciate you trying." (Y/n) sighed softly. "I could give you a ride into Ambrose, Bo owns the garage he could help you I'm sure of it." Lester suggested. "Oh I'd really appreciate the help!" (Y/n) beamed her excitement making Lester smile.
"Give me one moment." (Y/n) quickly moved to the other side of the car, unbuckling the car seat, she hulled her baby out of the car. "Oh you've got a little one." Lester observed with slight shock. "I hope that's not a problem." (Y/n) bit her bottom lip nervously. "N-no not at all." Lester stammered. "You need me to grab anything?" He asked. "Could you grab the stroller from the back?" She asked. "Sure thing!" Lester moved to grab the stroller while (Y/n) shouldered the diaper bag. "Let me lay a blanket down in the bed of my truck real quick." Lester explained as he carried the stroller to his truck, (Y/n) nodded her head in understanding as she closed up the back of the jeep, locking the doors before she joined Lester at his truck. "There we go." He murmured to himself as he laid the blanket out, laying the stroller on top of it. "Don't want to stain that up." He explained with a smile, (Y/n) smiled then looked to the cab of the truck. "I think I'll have to hold him in the truck huh?" She observed, sitting the car seat in the tailgate to unbuckle the infant. "I'm afraid so." Lester rubbed the back of his neck a little. "Oh let me get that." He moved to grab the now empty car seat. "Oh it locks into place on the stroller." (Y/n) explained pointing to where the car seat went. "Well ain't that convenient." Lester smiled as he latched the car seat into place. "Yeah it's really nice." (Y/n) agreed with a smile.
They rode in a comfortable silence for about ten minutes, before Lester struck up conversation. "So what's the little guys name?" He asked as he glanced towards the baby, quickly casting his gaze back to the road. "He's names Von." (Y/n) smiled as she lovingly stroked the baby's back. "Dose it mean something?" Lester asked with genuine curiosity. "I got it from old Norse, it means hope." She explained. "That's really cool!" Lester beamed excitedly, making (Y/n) chuckle softly. "If you don't might me asking... Where's Von's pa?" Lester asked after a few minutes. "That's who I'm running from..." (Y/n) admitted, finding it easy to confide in him. "He do something?" Lester asked. "When he found out I was pregnant... He tried to kill me." (Y/n) murmured softly, her words making Lester frown. "A neighbor heard the commotion, and he saved me. My ex went to jail, but he has friends in high places, and was able to get released last month." (Y/n) paused for a moment. "I received full custody of Von after my ex was sentenced, and when he got out I took off." She swallowed thickly, subconsciously touching the scar on her mouth from where her ex had slashed her with a knife. "He's a dangerous man, and I'm terrified that he's going to come after me, to finish what he started." (Y/n)'s confession upset Lester, he wasn't upset with her, but with her ex, a man he didn't even know.
"I'm really sorry to hear that." Lester cleared his throat, swallowing the emotional lump that had formed. "We'll be in Ambrose in a minute." He added. "Ah hell." He sighed at the sight ahead. "I forgot this road washed out last month in a storm." Lester explained as he parked the truck, I gotta flip my hubs into four-wheel." Lester explained, as he opened his door. "Oh I don't want to trouble you any more than I already have." (Y/n) reasoned. "Oh it's no trouble, I'm happy to help a pretty lady and her baby." He offered her a friendly smile, before setting to work. After he had finished his work, Lester hopped back into the truck with a grin. "Now hold on, I'm gonna take it slow but it's still gonna be bumpy." He explained as he put the truck into drive. (Y/n) nodded her head in understanding, cradling Von against her chest firmly, in hopes of not disturbing him to much. True to his word Lester took the drive nice and slow, the truck rocking this way and that as the tires rolled over some of the larger rocks. "Here we are." He murmured as they cleared the ruble, and made it to solid ground again. "Welcome to Ambrose (Y/n)." He smiled at her as he drove onto town, parking outside of the gas station. "Wow this place is really cute." (Y/n) hummed as she looked at all of the rustic buildings. "I'll go see if Bo is in." Lester offered as he hopped out of the truck. (Y/n) had nodded her head exiting the truck herself a moment later, her legs desperately needing to stretch. "Hello my sweet." (Y/n) mused at Von, who cooed up at her, a little drool dribbling down his chin.
"Bo's not in." Lester sighed as he exited the station. "He should be back soon though, he doesn't typically leave the garage empty for very long." He explained. "Well I guess I'll have to wait." (Y/n) smiled softly. "I could wait with you." Lester offered. "Oh no it's alright, I've already taken up so much of your time." (Y/n) declined his offer. "I'm sure I'll be alright, like you said he shouldn't be gone long." She reasoned as she subconsciously began bouncing Von gently. "Alright here let me grab the stroller for ya." Lester smiled as he opened the tailgate, grabbing the stroller he attempted to set it up. "The red leaver on the side, push it, then pull the stroller up. It'll lock into place with a click." (Y/n) explained, pointing to the red leaver. "Got it." Lester chuckled softly as he pulled the stroller up, smiling when it clicked into place. "Thank you Lester, for everything. You've been a real help." (Y/n) sat Von into the stroller, strapping him in before she turned her attention to Lester. "Here I've got some spare cash." (Y/n) quickly pulled her wallet from her back pocket, pulling out the thirty dollars she had. "Oh no I can't take that." Lester shook his head. "Please it's the least I can do." She smiled before taking ahold of his hands, placing the money in his palms. "What about your jeep, how are ya gonna pay for that?" Lester voiced his concern. "I've got some prepaid cards, I'll be alright." (Y/n) assured him, smiling when he finally nodded his head in agreement. "Alright... But if ya ain't got enough have Bo call me, I'll help ya out I promise." Lester smiled when (Y/n) nodded her head in agreement. "Thank you again Lester." She shook his hands before releasing him, waving as he hopped into his truck, and drove off.
(Y/n) sat on the curb outside of the gas station for about thirty minutes, gently rocking the stroller back and forth, letting Von sleep peacefully. "Go tell Aunt Rhody, go tell Aunt Rhody, Go tell Aunt Rhody that the old gray goose is dead." (Y/n) sang the old lullaby. "The one she's been saving to make a feather bed. The old gander's weeping, because his wife is dead." She reached up turning on the small battery operated fan she had attached to the stroller for Von. "The goslings are mourning, because their mother's dead. She died in the mill pond from standing on her head." (Y/n) smiled at the sight of birds flying in the distance. "Go tell Aunt Rhody that the old gray goose is dead." She finished the lullaby, softly humming in her throat the last line, drawing out the lullaby a little longer. "You've got a real pretty voice." A man called out softly, his sudden appearance making (Y/n) freeze up momentarily. "Oh thank you." (Y/n) smiled up at the handsome man, rising to her feet as he tossed his cigarette off to the side. "My names Bo, I own this shop." He introduced himself, offering her his hand. "I'm (Y/n)." She smiled shaking his hand. "Is there something I can help you with?" He asked. "My jeep broke down a few miles down the road, I got a ride from a man named Lester into town. He said you'd be able to fix my jeep for me." (Y/n) explained, idly continuing to rock the stroller back and forth. "I'm sure I can." He smiled. "Do you know what's wrong with it?" He asked as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I have no clue." She chuckled softly. "Well can you explain what happened?" Bo asked with a small chuckle of his own. "Uh it made this sputtering kinda sound, like it was running out of gas, but the meter said I still had over half a tank. And white smoke started coming out from under the hood, then as soon as I got the car off to the side of the road the engine died." (Y/n) explained to the best of her memory. "When was the last time you put oil in it?" Bo asked with a small tilt of his head. "Last week." (Y/n) replied quickly. "Has it been giving you problems before today?" He asked. "None." (Y/n) shook her head, not having had any issues with her jeep since before today.
"Hm I have to have my brother tow the truck back here, before I can determine what's wrong." Bo explained. "Of course." (Y/n) nodded her head in understanding. "I'll have to call him from the house, my shops phone has been broken for two weeks now. You can come with me if you'd like, give you a chance to relax somewhere a little more comfortable with your little one there." Bo offered as he glanced to the stroller, a friendly smile on his handsome face. "Yeah sure that would be really nice, thank you." (Y/n) smiled as he nodded her head, following Bo to the house on the hill. "What's his name?" Bo asked as he looked into the stroller at the sleeping toddler. "Von." (Y/n) smiled. "I like that name." Bo admitted with a grin of his own. "Thanks it means hope in old Norse." (Y/n) explained. "Well I like it even more then." Bo's smile widened a little when (Y/n) giggled softly, a notable blush painting her cheeks. "You know you and Lester have been some of the nicest people I've met in a while." (Y/n) admitted. "In my experience some of the nicest people are from rural areas like this." Bo mused, his statement making (Y/n) nod her head in agreement. "Yeah it's nice." She hummed with content as they reached the front porch.
Part one is complete!
Let me know what you think!
Oh and let me know if you wanna be tagged in the next parts!
Love ya!
PS this is the lullaby (Y/n) was singing, its called Go Tell Aunt Rhody.
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