#I mean... it all in a fictional movie in a fanfic so like... I dunno.
multi-lefaiye · 1 year
!!!!! multi!!! im glad youre back!! ive missed seeing your icon on my dash! ive been working so much on my silly little stories with my silly little guys, idk if ive told you about them but its my time traveling story, im finally beefing my characters and getting to know them better! ive been using a prompt list for june and forcing myself to write something for this story everyday and its been going really well!! (i can tell you more if youd like) i keep making everything really sad and tragic tho..... dunno whats up with that lmao. is there anything youve been working on recently??
RUNS AT YOU hiiiii!! :D yeah yeah!!! i never like. reallly left but i'm not gonna pretend i haven't been a bit MIA lmao......... have not had the energy to engage with people that much lately. BUT today is a new day and i am beating the sleeby boy allegations.
YEAH YOU'VE TOLD ME A LITTLE!!! oh that's so fucking cool OMG i'm so excited you're having so much fun with them and developing them more! i love your little guys okay they mean SO MUCH to me!!! and OHHH YES YES HELLO??? okay, if you don't mind, can you PLEASE send some of that my way??? or if you want please feel free to tag me in it if you post it! because i love your stuff so so much and i want to go off the shits.
and regardless, you're always welcome to come into my inbox and talk to me about what you're working on. at all times. i encourage you to do it!!!!! also that's so real. something about giving fictional people problems........ intoxicating.
but yes yes!!! so like i said i haven't had much energy to work on stuff lately, but i do have some things i've been bouncing around! a big thing is a tftgs fanfic character study i'm tentatively titling "in case you don't live forever," centered around jack and his relationship with his ex-girlfriend sabine.
sabine is such a fascinating character to me for loads of reasons, many of them being the fact that we learn basically nothing about her. she is the epitome of a character who haunts the narrative, at least in my opinion, and this started as like... me exploring what i think she was like. what kind of person she was. it then evolved into an exploration of what might've happened if sabine had *lived* and gotten to be happy.
so it's an au where she and jack run away together and start a new life in a new state. it's super emotional and tender and sweet and writing it is really cathartic and healing for me. i'm also using it as an opportunity to explore concepts that are tried and true multi-lefaiye classics: mental health, trauma, queerness, and how they all blend together at times. most of all, though, it's about healing.
i'm including an excerpt under the cut!
It’s just after two in the morning on a Saturday night in mid-2007, and for the last time, Sabine Lemoyne stands alone in her childhood bedroom.
She’s had this room since she was eight, and the decorations haven’t changed much in the following decade. The walls are the same soft, muted purple she adored growing up, plastered with posters for old movies and bands she hasn’t listened to in years, and it nicely complements the pink shag carpet beneath her feet. Her immaculate bedspread is bright and cheery, covered in colorful illustrations of grinning flowers and vibrant greenery. Her favorite childhood stuffed animal, a little pink cat named Eevie, sits on the desk across from her bed, watching her with vacant glass eyes.
Her room has always brought her some modicum of comfort, a sanctuary of peace and solitude in a tumultuous world, but now, standing in the mausoleum of times long since passed, it feels stifling. She can’t breathe in here.
Sabine has to leave. And that’s exactly what she intends to do.
The duffel bag on her bed has been packed for days now, and she’s only just finished packing the backpack leaning against it. Inside the duffel bag, she’s packed clothes, books, and an extra pair of shoes; the backpack, meanwhile, holds her toiletries, six hundred dollars in cash, and two laminated folders. Inside one folder are two bus tickets, set for departure in one hour.
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burntotears · 2 years
🤲👀💁‍♀️ for the writer emoji asks =)
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask Game
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic? (I think this is the one that was meant... I don't see the other emoji on the list)
I was talking about this in the literal skeletons discord the other day−when I was 12 my brother found my slash boyband fanfic on my PC (I had my own computer because dad is a PC technician and built us PCs) and "outed" me to my mom. It was a weird conversation, but didn't really result in a lot, honestly? I didn't get in trouble, she was just kind of baffled but I started writing other generic fiction too and posting that online so it became a whatever thing. Dunno if she realizes I still do it and I'm sure my brother has forgotten all about that happening.
My husband knows I write fanfic and that I RP too, obviously. I ask him weird/random questions all the time when doing research or am looking for the right words. He just rolls with it−he's a good sport.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I talk about a lot of them, but I guess I will mention the new one sigh. I decided to write a holiday fic which I don't usually do, but I read one of the prompts for the RNM New Years Countdown and got inspired to write a Malex fic based on the 2006 movie The Holiday, which is basically one of my favorite holiday movies ever for reasons unknown.
It's going to be long and that's not what I wanted to happen, yet here we are. So now I'm just going to say it covers three of those prompts or something because ugh. Also it's going to be background Greg/Isobel because reasons. I have a thing for that pairing and I wanted it instead of kybel.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip? From The Holiday AU:
“Hey, Iz,” he said and headed back toward the primary bedroom. “Did you conveniently forget to mention that your brother would be coming here?”
“No,” she replied, sounding offended, “but he lives like five minutes away so it’s not hard for him to stop by.”
“Not Max. The other one.”
Isobel was silent for a few moments. “Right. So… I might have forgotten to tell him I wouldn’t be there.”
“No shit, Iz!” Alex rubbed his temple, exasperated.
Isobel scoffed. “You didn’t exactly mention there would be a sobbing man on your sofa either.”
“What are you talking about?” Alex frowned. 
“Looks like you, says his name is Gregory and he lives here?” Isobel prodded.
“He’s not supposed to be there.”
“From what I have gathered, his girlfriend broke up with him,” Isobel said, sounding disinterested.
“Shit. They were supposed to go on a cruise.”
“Oh god,” she replied, sounding upset.
“I know,” Alex agreed.
“No, that they would go on a cruise. They’re so unsanitary.”
Alex groaned. “Really not important right now, Isobel. What about your brother? Can’t he go stay with your parents?”
“Would you subject your brother to your parents?” Isobel asked skeptically.
“I thought that you liked your parents.”
“Yes, but Michael has a… difficult relationship with them.”
Alex raised his eyebrows. “Okay…” What the hell did that mean?
“Look, just… he’s really nice once you get to know him.” Isobel didn’t even sound convinced of it herself.
“That’s not the ringing endorsement you think it is.”
“He’s got Nora there, so he’ll be even better behaved!” she tried. It sounded like one hell of a fishing trip she was on.
“Wow, you’re really talking this guy up.” Alex deadpanned. “Does he know you think so highly of him?” 
Isobel snorted. “I have to deal with your sobbing mess of a brother here, so the least you can do is look at my hot brother for a little while.”
“Did you just call your brother hot?” Alex shook his head. “No, not the point. Anyway, you don’t have to deal with Gregory, he can just go…” Alex tried to think of someplace in Roswell Greg could possibly spend the next two weeks.
“Yes?” She prompted.
“Fuck.” There was nowhere for him to go. Alex sure as fuck wasn’t going to send him to their dad’s place.
“Exactly. So we’re both stuck, looks like,” she said.
He sighed. “Fine. I’ll give it a few days, but if he’s still as obnoxious as his first impression was, I’m not making any promises.”
“Of course. Maybe Gregory will stop crying long enough that I could even watch TV,” she shot back testily.
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staceymcgillicuddy · 1 year
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I posted 178 times in 2022 (which is saying something considering I only got started this blog in November)
That's 178 more posts than 2021!
41 posts created (23%)
137 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 158 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#don't mind if i queue - 89 posts
#hellcheer - 32 posts
#eddie munson - 21 posts
#chrissy cunningham - 21 posts
#chrissy x eddie - 20 posts
#eddie x chrissy - 18 posts
#fanfic - 17 posts
#edissy - 15 posts
#bsc diaries - 12 posts
#hellcheerxmas - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 92 characters
#there is nothing like that hit of pure adrenaline that comes with a new comment notification
My #1 post of 2022
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Day 3: Chimney
December 1986 Hawkins, Indiana
“But how would it even work? The chimney thing?” 
Eddie blinks into awareness and looks at Chrissy, who’s been using his lap as a pillow since they finished passing their second joint of the afternoon back and forth. 
“The chimney,” she repeats, gesturing at the television, where Babes in Toyland is still playing. Chrissy’s choice, and he has no idea where she’s getting chimneys from because that movie is fucked up, even for her, but Santa’s not a participant. 
“Chris. You gotta… like. Ten thousand feet, sweetheart.” 
She gets what he means, even when he doesn’t. Lifts her head and twists her little body around, so she’s facing him. “Your chimney. In here. You guys don’t have one, so what did Wayne even tell you?” 
“That’s what you’re concerned about?” 
Blue eyes blink, and she worries her lip between her teeth. Eddie has to kiss her, so he does, only it doesn’t erase the frown marring her pretty face. 
“Eddie,” she says in that voice that means sex isn’t solving my problem, which, yeah, fair. 
“I dunno, it wasn’t, like, a thing? I never really believed in all of that.” Santa was well and good for some kids, but Eddie’s long been disabused of anything fantastical happening in real life. That probably explains the DnD thing—wanting to escape, blah blah blah—if he’s gonna get all psychoanalytical about his shortcomings. Which he isn’t. Doesn’t. Won’t.
“You didn’t?” Her voice quivers, and God, Eddie shouldn’t be so into how his childhood makes her all sweet with him as if he’s some sad Victorian waif, and she’s, like, round yon virgin, so tender and mild. 
(Only she’s not a virgin, and he thinks the tender and mild bit might be about Jesus, but whatever. The point stands.)
“Wayne did shit for me, don’t worry about it,” he says, waving it off and wrapping a hand around the back of her head to pull her close, fitting his thumb into the groove at the top of her neck like he’s done a hundred times before. “And, I dunno. The chimney thing is like… it’s magic. Probably Santa’d come through the roof vent if he had to.” 
Chrissy sighs, and she doesn’t seem satisfied, but she lets him kiss her anyway. 
Two days later, Eddie finds an elaborate cardboard chimney stuck to the outside of his locker, accompanied by a note taped to a candy cane within. 
Just in case. XOXO, C
75 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Tagged by @bisexualchrissycunningham and it only took me four days to get to it, so I'm tagging anyone who hasn't done it yet!
Favourite Colour: a very particular and pleasing shade of blue that straddles the line between 'baby' and 'cornflower'
Currently Reading: Kate Morton - The Distant Hours, and Colleen Hoover - It Starts With Us because EVERYONE I KNOW is reading it and I feel obligated to at least know what's going on. Non-fiction, I'm reading Bi by Julia Shaw
Last Song: Gold Lion by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Last Series: I don't watch TV anymore, I just cry when I think about consuming new media. No, but actually, it was She-Hulk.
Last Film: Rewatch, Fellowship. Brand new, Do Revenge, which was so dumb but my God is Maya Hawke hot.
Sweet/Spicy Or Savoury: Yes
Currently Working On: The Hellcheer Christmas one-shot that was promised, in which Chrissy wears an itchy santa outfit and Eddie is really into the idea of ringing her bell. I'm also still stuck on Chapter 12 of Soul because there is a VERY SPECIFIC moment I want to get right, which means I've stopped writing altogether out of anxiety. So that's been SUPER SWELL.
In my professional life, I have a book that's back from line edit that I haven't even touched, lol. It needs proofread and, like, published? I guess? So I can make money and eat? And then I probably need to write another book or two. But Hellcheer is so much more fun. :(
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terminaxshowtime · 2 years
45, 44... 30, 26, and uhhh 24
(about the weird ask game :] )
45. Can you remember what happened yesterday?
Uh... I was about to say no and it took me 3 minutes of sheer concentration to remember. I worked on my art assessment thing for school, volunteered for an hour and a half at this bird rehabilitation centre I volunteer at, and then went to see a movie with my family. And then I collapsed and wrote 2k words of fanfic.
44. You get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
Personally, I'm too young and dumb to kill anyone important, so maybe I'd keep the pass until I'm older so I can figure out which of my enemies I should slaughter.
30. Is there dishes in your room?
There's a cup. So, yeah. I keep forgetting to take it downstairs...
26. A scenario that you've replayed multiple times?
Assuming this means REAL scenarios and not ones with fictional characters...
It would be sometime near the end of a term, and the music teacher would ask us to show a song that we really liked. I would be picked, make an act of not wanting to show a song, and then picking Big Shot for no reason, but at this point my friends hadn't played Deltarune Ch. 2 and I wanted to be a gremlin and spoil them. I don't know why but this kept popping up with different songs, but that was the original.
Worst part is this ended up happening in real life and a bunch of people I hated got picked. They played shitty rap music with no tune at all and emo lyrics.
24. If we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
Throwing people off the roof. Or just sacrificing people in general. Dunno what to. Just. Murder. :)
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jouska-the-deer · 6 years
A Bit Much, Part 2
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Here’s part 2, and part 3 should be posted very soon. 
Part 1: Amy helps Shadow decorate his house for Valentine’s Day.
Part 2: Sonic spends the afternoon with Amy.
Part 3: Sonic spends the evening with Shadow.
With a delighted squee, Amy ran up to her door, answering the knock she just heard. She swung the door open, revealing Sonic standing on the other side.
Before any conversation was made, Sonic got a look at Amy’s outfit for the day. She wore a long frilly red dress with matching high heels, a red headband similar to her usual one only this one was decorated with fake roses, and long white gloves instead of her usual short ones.
“Woah. You look really good.”
“Thank you!”
Sonic blushed, handing her a bouquet of handpicked flowers and a heart-shaped box of chocolates.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Amy.”
“Thank you so much! And, Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, Sonic.”
They leaned down, sharing a brief kiss before Amy stepped back into her house.
“One moment. I have to put these down and grab something.”
“No problem.”
With that, Amy rushed into her house, arriving back in seconds. She expectantly held a card out for Sonic to grab, her heart racing as he took it from her.
“I made it myself- well, I bought a blank card and decorated it- but still. I hope you love it!”
Just glancing at the card showed the time and effort that went into making it look beautiful. The most noticeable thing on the front was the huge red heart in the center, with golden colored cursive spelling out “Happy Valentine’s Day, Sonic”. Looking a little closer revealed all the small details in the background, including a bunch of little hearts and roses drawn in patterns that made up larger hearts. Intricate patterns of hearts made up the edges of the card, giving it an almost professional feel.
As Sonic opened the card, he noticed that the pattern of hearts around the border of the card were the same on the inside. There wasn’t a bunch of hearts and roses drawn in the background though. Instead, there was a neatly written poem spanning both sides of the card interior. Sonic began to read it, knowing that Amy definitely worked hard on it and wanted him to.
Thank you for the unending love
You make me feel each day
Even if you’re not next to me
I feel it anyway
The past was often filled with me
Trying to be your bride
You never could evade my hugs
No matter how you tried
Today I know it was unkind
To stick to you like glue
But after decent time and space
You let me close to you
And then before I knew
You came to love me too
Sonic couldn’t help but blush bright red as he read the poem. He was only halfway through it, and he could already feel his heart pounding.
Thank you for all the time you spent
Making my life so fun
The adventures you’ve given me
Beat any vacation
There were some days I doubted that
You’d come back in one piece
As time passed and we got closer
Those worries didn’t cease.
But here you are still by my side
Despite all that you fight
Smiling the way you always do
Ridding me of most fright
Each day and every night
Keeping my spirits bright
Helping me feel alright
When Sonic looked up from the card, he noticed Amy blushing as well. She was looking away bashfully, but once she glanced at Sonic and saw he was done reading, she gave him a hopeful smile.
“Do you… like it?”
Sonic returned the smile.
“I loved it.” He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around Amy and pulling her into a hug. “And, I love you.”
Amy hugged him back, sighing happily. “I love you too.”
They held each other for a brief moment, enjoying the contact a few more seconds before stepping back.
Sonic glanced down at the poem in his hand again.
“This is even better than the one you wrote last year.”
“I hoped so. I’ve been practicing so that the poems I give you are even better.”
“I can tell.”
“Thank you.”
For a second, Amy giggled happily at the compliment, before jumping at something she was forgetting about.
“Wait! I’ve got stuff for us to do today!” Immediately, Amy grabbed Sonic’s free can and began pulling him somewhere. “Come on!”
Sonic chuckled, putting the card safely into his hammerspace.
“I’ve got a better idea.” With one quick movement, Sonic scooped Amy into his arms and held her bridal style. “Just tell me where to go and we’ll get there in no time.”
Blushing deeply, it took Amy a moment before she could reply.
“This is it. Just stop over there.”
Sonic slowed to a halt in front of a pleasant little cafe that appeared well decorated for the holiday. Valentine’s Day balloons were tied to the outdoor tables and chairs, and each table had a bouquet of fake roses in the center. Carefully, Sonic set Amy down.
“This place looks pretty nice,” Sonic commented.
“Yep! Perfect for a romantic date with the person you love~”
Once again, Sonic couldn’t help but blush, scratching his quills as Amy lead him forward. Quickly, Sonic jogged in front of her, holding the door open.
“Aww. Thank you.”
“No problem, Amy.”
It wasn’t long before they were seated at a table for two near the front windows, with each of them ordering a drink before their waiter walked off to help the other customers.
The meals they each had were well presented and tasted nice, well worth the small amount of time they had to wait for their food to be finished. While they were eating, Sonic couldn’t help but notice how Amy kept looking at him dreamily, but he didn’t appear to mind. He continued to eat his food happily while Amy did the same.
Wit their meals now finished, Amy nervously looked at Sonic.
“Hey, Sonic?”
She looked away, her cheeks turning bright red.
“Um, would you like to…” After a few breaths, she forced herself to look at him. “...Share a milkshake with me?”
Sonic blushed just as hard, clearing his throat as his heart raced.
“Well, uh, okay- I mean, sure- I mean, I’d be cool with it. Uh, yeah.”
Amy squeed loudly in excitement before covering her mouth, letting out a more contained giggle of joy after. Sonic smiled as Amy grabbed the dessert menu.
When the milkshake was finally delivered to the table, it was about what Sonic was expecting when he heard Amy order the “Endless Love, Valentine’s Day Milkshake Special.” It was definitely a strawberry flavored shake, and he could see chocolate stripes running down the sides of the glass it came in. The milkshake was topped with plenty of whipped cream, and covered in tiny heart-shaped sprinkles. Two straws were sticking out of the top, one facing Sonic and the other facing Amy.
Amy leaned in to sip the milkshake, giving Sonic a look that told him she really wanted him to do so as well. He too leaned forward, taking a sip of the shake as she did.
For a brief moment, Sonic thought about how good the milkshake actually tasted, before his nose bumped into Amy’s and he was pulled out of his thoughts. They both blushed. Amy backed up and looked away while Sonic sat up rigidly in his chair. Sonic then noticed Amy starting to giggle, facing him after a moment.
“I love you.”
Sonic relaxed a little bit, giving Amy a smile.
“I love you too.”
A short moment later, they both went back to sipping the milkshake together. Their noses touched for a second time, but only Amy backed away that time. She smiled bashfully with her lips hovering near the staw, her eyes drifting away. Her attention was caught when Sonic leaned forward more, purposely bumping his nose against hers. Amy couldn’t help but giggle, nuzzling her nose against Sonic’s. Shortly after, he nuzzled back, causing Amy to feel even happier. They continued to share their milkshake.
Sonic set Amy down again, looking up at the building she led him to.
“A movie theater, huh? So, what’re we seeing?”
Both him and Amy began walking in.
“The Violet Nightgown. It’s a captivating love story about an adventurous pilot who crash lands in a small farm town after getting caught in a dangerous storm. As she repairs her plane, she falls in love with a beautiful farmer who warns her of a curse on the town. Everyone who stays there for more than a week is forced to stay there forever. As her days there get closer to seven, she’s forced to choose between staying with the woman she’s grown to love, or flying away and continuing her life of adventure.”
Sonic smirked. “It sounds like you’re quoting the trailer or something.”
They both stopped at the ticket counter.
“That’s because I am.” Amy then turned to the person behind the counter. “Two for The Violet Nightgown, please.”
Once they got their tickets, food, and beverages, they walked into the theatre and found a good place to sit. It was a good thing that they managed to arrive pretty early because it wasn’t long before many other couples walked into the theater as well. After sitting through a seemingly endless barrage of commercials and trailers, the movie finally started.
Not too long into watching the movie, Sonic noticed that he kinda related to the protagonist, a thin white snowshoe hare named Cirrus. She was cool, adventurous, and loved flying around in her plane. It didn’t have a cool name like ‘The Tornado’ or anything, but that didn’t really matter too much. He watched the opening shot of her flying through the air enjoying the wind, until a weird storm starts and a bolt of lightning hits her plane, causing it to crash into a farm town. A little bit later, a strong yellow silkie chicken helps her out of the wreckage, introducing herself as Fennel and asking Cirrus if she was alright. The look they gave each other made it very obvious that they were already falling in love, and Sonic reacted by awkwardly looking away from the cheesy moment of them staring into each other's eyes. He glanced at Amy, who seemed to be eating the moment up. Slowly, Sonic turned his attention back to the screen.
A bit further into the movie, Cirrus was walking around outside at night, despite the warnings that Fennel gave to her earlier. She was investigating some weird noises she heard and saw a bunch of ghosts roaming around the town. Cirrus then noticed one ghost that looked a little different from the others. Instead of a mostly featureless ghost, it was clearly the ghost of a middle-aged mouse woman who wore a violet nightgown. Sonic figured she must be important to the story if what she was wearing was the title of the movie. The ghost ended up chasing after Cirrus, but she managed to escape and run into Fennel’s house where she was staying. This led Fennel romantically comforting Cirrus, which made Sonic awkwardly look away again. Amy still appeared to be enjoying the movie though, which made Sonic smile.
An idea then popped into his head. Slowly, he wrapped his arm around Amy’s shoulders, briefly getting her attention. Despite the low light, Sonic could tell Amy was blushing, but the smile she wore showed him how happy she was about the situation. She leaned against him, letting out a sigh of content as they continued to watch the movie.
Sonic could feel the end of the movie getting closer. Cirrus and Fennel were speaking to an old townsperson, who was telling the story about the woman in the violet nightgown. It turns out that her name was Alison, and she lived in the town before the curse was cast. She was childhood friends with the mayor’s son, a red rooster named Rhubarb, until he left the town in his adulthood to follow his dreams. Alison would have followed Rhubarb, but she had children she had to take care of in the town. Many years later after her children grew up, he came back to spend some time with his father, also spending time with Alison again. At the end of the week though, Alison learned he’d only be there a week and chased after him on the last day at night still in her nightgown. She was too late and he was already way out of town. The old townsperson then said that everyone suspects she cursed the town, because, after that, she screamed about not letting anyone else leave and locked herself in her basement, never to be seen alive again. After hearing that, Fennel informed Cirrus that she knows where Alison’s old house is, and Cirrus says they should check it out. It was very obvious that Sonic was more invested, as he was listening more carefully to what was going on.
A catchy pop song played as the credits rolled, prompting everyone to get out of their seats. As Amy and Sonic walked out of the theater, Amy started a conversation.
“So, what did you think?”
“I thought it was pretty good. How about you?”
“I loved it! You could really feel how much Cirrus and Fennel loved each other throughout the entire movie!”
“Uh… yeah…”
“What was your favorite part?”
Sonic took a brief second to think about it.
“Probably the part where Fennel breaks down the basement door to get to Alison.”
“Really? I think my favorite part was when Cirrus took Fennel on the plane ride out of town at the end. It was so romantic!”
Sonic and Amy threw their empty drinks and food containers in the trash and stepped out of the theater. They both stopped just outside the theater out of the way of the entry doors. An idea came to Sonic as he thought about what Amy said.
“Hmm… How would you like it if I took you for a ride in the Tornado?” Sonic looked off into the distance while thinking out loud. “It’s at Tails’ place right now so we’d have to pick it up, and we wouldn’t have too much time in the air before I’d have to land and bring you home so I can go off to Shadow’s place… uh…”
He glanced back at Amy, her eyes shimmering with excitement and smile one of the brightest he’s ever seen. “So… is that a ‘yes’?”
Amy let out a squeal of delight and rushed toward Sonic, hugging him tightly. Sonic hugged her back with a smile, letting out a small chuckle.
“Alright.” For the third time that day, Sonic scooped her up in his arms. “Let’s go!” He rushed forward, hearing Amy giggle helplessly as he went to pick up the Tornado.
“So how’s this for a romantic Valentine’s Day experience?”
Amy giggled, leaning forward from her seat in the back of the Tornado and giving Sonic a kiss on the cheek.
“It’s perfect.”
Sitting back down properly, Amy enjoyed the feeling of the wind blowing through her quills, as did Sonic. He looked around, enjoying the sea of green below him and the sound of air rushing by. He sighed contently, quietly saying to himself, “this is more like it.”
“What?” Amy sounded concerned.
Sonic jumped, trying to keep his composure in the pilot's seat.
“What did you say?”
“N-Nothing!” Sonic was already terrible at lying, but the thought of making Amy upset at that moment didn’t help.
“It sounded like-”
“It doesn’t matter! Alright?” he interrupted desperately. “Just uh, keep having fun up here.”
He let out a whine, knowing that he wasn’t getting out of this.
“It sounded like you said, ‘this is more like it.’ Did you?”
Sonic sighed. “Uh, yeah…”
“So… you didn’t enjoy everything we did today?” There was a clear amount of sadness in her voice.
“No! No. It’s just…” Sonic ears folded back as he hunched down a little in his seat. “I’m just… not really into super romantic stuff…”
“Oh… I just thought that, you know, since you looked all happy while we did romantic stuff together in the past, that you liked it.”
“Well, I like kissing and holding hands and stuff like that, but… romantic movies, poems, and meals… just aren’t really my thing.”
“Hey uh, I still had fun today. Don’t think that I didn’t.”
“But… how could you? You said you didn’t like that stuff?”
“Well, I don’t really. But, seeing you enjoy yourself, it makes me really happy.”
“Still, you really should’ve told me sooner. I wouldn’t have dragged you into everything if I knew you wouldn’t really like it.”
“Hey, I did like some of it. The poem was sweet, and the food tasted good, and the movie was pretty cool… when it wasn’t being cheesy. I’m glad we did all that stuff. I still had fun, even if I wouldn’t normally like that kind of stuff. I’m sorry for not telling you sooner, though.”
“It’s okay.”
“Let’s just enjoy the rest of the time we have together, alright?”
“Thanks for all the fun today, Amy.”
“It was my pleasure, Sonic. And, thank you for the plane ride.”
“No problem.”
Sonic stood with Amy in the entryway to her house, holding hands with her as they smiled together. Gently, Sonic reached to Amy’s waist as she reached to his back, drawing each other closer until only a small gap was between them. Their eyes drifted shut, slowly leaning forward and closing the gap, letting their lips connect in a soft kiss. Sonic released a soft breath through his nose, melting against Amy’s loving touch and pulling her closer. After their lips parted, they continued to hold each other in a calm embrace, enjoying the last few moments they had together that day.
“You know,” Amy spoke softly, “I wouldn’t mind doing stuff like this next Valentine’s Day.” She sighed contently. “It may not be a huge celebration, but, it’s still really nice.”
“You think so?”
They gave each other a gentle squeeze before letting go, smiling as their eyes met again.
“See you later.”
“Bye, Sonic.”
With that, Sonic gave Amy one last kiss and ran off to Shadow’s house.
Amy closed the door slowly, hearing it click shut. As she turned around and began walking toward her living room, a weird feeling kept gnawing at her, like she was forgetting something important. She sat down on her couch, trying to figure out what was wrong. The realization hit her like a truck.
She immediately got up, pacing around her house in a panic.
“I made him do a bunch of super romantic stuff for Sonic, and neither of them are going to enjoy any of it!”
She quickly pulled out her phone, planning to call Shadow before Sonic got there and rectify the situation. As she got to the contacts page, she remembered something else.
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nightshadedawn · 4 years
Persona 5 Royal Playthrough pt3
I ended up going through two Palaces before I could update y’all. Oh well.
...Yeah, no, quit calling me Miss Special Snowflake's boyfriend. It's not happening.
Ryuji, Morgana, and Yusuke having a conversation in the laundromat: "It's like he's our mom," says Ryuji... the mom friend.
Every time Morgana is like "I have to turn into a human so no one else can have Lady Ann!" then expects no one else to hear him makes me laugh. Like, bitch, no.
I have the restaurant in my Thieves Den 'cause I like it. Yusuke, Ryuji, and Morgana are there. They're so precious.
I got a three in a row Tycoon on cutthroat!!!
Ryuji and Ann just keep going "Shoulda figured" and other versions of the statement every time I win.
Ann just rejected Morgana's feelings HARD. I am happy.
Ryuji is too good, honestly. Why would anyone not like him? He's... He's always trying to build the team up, make them proud of themselves and what they've done. I will admit that he has his moments of being not a great human, but they're teenagers who were given absurd powers, so honestly, can you blame them?
I didn't know darts was an actual minigame! There's so many minigames. I'm so happy.
I don't like Akechi. I don't know why some people do. Like, his death scene was a bit... too late for a redemption for me, right after he tried to kill Joker, several times. His pain is understandable, but still... I can't.
Their "two sides of the same coin" also doesn't seem particularly fair. It's totally uneven in everything but color schemes.
Guys, GUYS, please, PLEASE decide whether you're going to react to my teasing or not.
"We don't have to deal with them directly," Ryuji says joyfully about the mafia. Oh you sweet, sweet, innocent child, if only you knew what I do.
I literally can't play this game around anyone else because I tend to yell "BABY!" to Ryuji, Ann, and Yusuke and "BITCH" or "FUCKER" to... a rather long list of villains in this game... and Makoto.
I can literally feel Yusuke's anxiety about his painting when you take him to Leblanc to see Sayuri.
How can you say Yusuke isn't gay when he says everything I do is beautiful?
I love Ryuji's 9th social link. It's LITERALLY written like a confession scene. This also means I kinda hate it because... I can't date him.
I actually kinda thought that the new scene for Ryuji being a crossdresser is kinda funny??? Is this bad??? I wanna see him in a dress, tho. I gotta agree, he'd be a natural. Not the like, painfully obviously not taking it seriously from the dancing game, though.
Though I do think it's valid that he freaks out when two strange adults come up to him and try to take him somewhere, especially in a place known for being shady, and at night.
...When Ryuji complains about it, I do feel bad about ditching him. Then again, I blame the cat.
Ryuji may be my ideal type on paper, but I'm also highly attracted to Yusuke and this is so totally unfair.
*softly chanting* butlers butlers butlers butlers
Don't mind me just... *makes meticulous plot to avoid having Makoto join the team that i may or may not write a fanfic about*
Makoto is one dumbass bitch. Like, honestly, there's nothing she does that's in any way remotely smart.
...I thought I'd just skip Makoto's scenes until she became relevant, but here I am, still skipping her scenes. Does that mean she’s still irreleveant?
"Witch" I suggest, and Makoto complains! "Would you prefer "Bitch"? I can use that too.
I put Yusuke on the team in the middle of the palace through settings, replacing Morgana, who had been standing right behind me. Which made Yusuke stand right behind me. It looked like he was holding onto my waist and standing uncomfortably close. Bro, babe, I love you, but not in front of my boyfriend and girlfriend!
Just accept the compliment, guys, I'm not going to compliment Queen.
...Opening chests with Ann or Ryuji is just so sweet because they're so affectionate and touchy feely. Especially Ryuji.
Math. Fucking. Sucks. I should not have to use math in a game. I hate this. Obviously it's the Palace Makoto comes in that this happened.
Well, I finished the Palace in a day. I love the feeling. But it was getting close there. Joker and Yusuke were down to no spells...
...Yoshizawa hasn't showed up yet. When is she getting shoehorned in?
My very first playthrough I didn't execute a single execution except for the first one we have to do. It  really screwed me over my second playthrough...
...I broke the electric chair. That's certainly something that happened.
147 games of Tycoon later and I've only been a beggar 31 times in total, versus the pure thirty wins in just Cutthroat.
They're in their summer uniforms and it makes make miss warmer weather already. It's fucking snowing outside. Grrrr.
Beat Kaneshiro! ...Wasn't a fan of his new boss battle. I'm even playing on safe mode! But whatever.
Makoto is a DISASTER at Tycoon. She exclusively got beggar all three times I played with her!
Ann, sweeties, baby, you're doing so well.
She confessed to me, then in the call afterwards it was basically insinuated I proposed... WHICH IS LIKE FUCK YEAH 'CAUSE SHE ACCEPTED IT.
It makes me think of the future conversation where they're talking about marriage.
Anyway, if you haven't noticed, l love Ann.
My next playthrough I'm not gong to date her, though. I'm a completionist and I want ALL of the possible awards. But... I refuse to cheat on Ann. So I'll date everyone else then just hang with Ryuji... despite how cringy some of the date things are.
...If Akechi wasn't, you know EVIL and tried to KILL ME, SEVERAL TIMES, I might, MIGHT, like him. But in truth, I think that's really just the Persona 5: Revival talking. We get... into some stuff during that.
I know that either Atlus or the translators know EXACTLY what goes on in the Persona fandom because otherwise "He's too pretty to be wrong" would not be an option when talking to the newspaper girl about Akechi. I have to agree with her that his looks aren't really, you know, awesome enough for that.
Also, I read it as "He's too petty to be wrong" at first and I think that's an accurate sum of his character.
...fucker fucking giving me shit about my fake glasses...
If you COULD date the boy out of mod, Akechi would definitely be the one they were pushing you to date. Like Makoto. Or Yoshizawa.
But hey, at least I get to not be nice to him.
I remember seeing this picture where Ann, Ryuji, and Joker kept going to the movies together and seeing 3D movies, and Joker couldn't wear the 3D glasses properly because of his own. I keep imagining that picture during this event with Caroline and Justine.
You know what? Some people call Joker a loli lover because of them, but nope! He's just adopted two more siblings. That is my stance on it.
I get very pissed about this, and it's worse with Hades.
7/4 is the day I am screaming at, if you were wondering.
My dad asked me if the other students think Joker's stupid because every time I answer a question right they get all surprised.
I don't really like Makoto, as I'm sure you've noticed, but she was super nice about Ryuji's special move idea. And that put her ahead of Akechi in my book.
Yusuke and Ryuji are good boys, the best boys. And they're so awesome about their special move.
AND RYUJI OFFERED MONEY FOR YUSUKE'S FOOD. And implied that he did it before???? Ryuji, you best boy.
This boys' outing DOES make me happy, though. Like, insanely happy. Dunno why.
Maybe because Joker gets to be so flipping cheesy.
...fuck you, Yoshizawa.
HONESTLY WHAT THE EVER LOVING--- Grr. Too many choices while with her. Too many. OOC Joker when with her. 0/10.
And you know, it's really hard to choose between Lala-chan and Ann, but... GONNA TAKE ANN ON A DATE
Got her some flowers. Lets see if we can give them to her this time!
"Such a good FRIEND." Babe, we're DATING. For like, TWO WEEKS NOW.
Ann called Yusuke a pretty boy, but then she's missing out on the REAL pretty boy, Pretty Boy Ryuji.
Ryuji, why're you so worried about other girls when you've got ME?
"I like the shade." "What are you, moss!?" Oh, admit it, Ryuji, I'm growing on you.
Cargona. Snrk. Gods, I love you, Ryuji.
Dome town with Ryuji! "Isn't it all couples?" That's the point!
Sadly, I bought those for Ann. Ryuji, you get the noodles.
"It feels like I really captured Ryuji's heart!" FUCK YEAH I DID
Gonna give Yusuke the bracelet when I get the chance.
Why is everyone color coded in the chat room? Kawakami, Akechi, Mishima, and the reporter are all ORANGE. What's the point? Well, Akechi's more of a golden orange, but close enough.
While Mishima is not my first choice for a date, he's definitely not my last.
...But the boy really needs some fucking sleep. He's not drawn with the bags under his eyes, but I can see them!
It's not fair that they give Akechi a kicked puppy sprite. I'm... goddamnit, they're trying to make me not hate him.
When Makoto doesn't know something, I'm brought great joy.
First day in Futaba's Palace! I've gotta say, this is my second favorite palace. Kamoshida, Futaba, Madarame, Sae, Okumura, Shido, Kaneshiro, Holy Grail. In that order. I HATE Kaneshiro's place and dealing with the Holy Grail. But whatevs, man. I love this game. (Vanilla, at least, this one is still on the fence)
I found out a cool little thing. On the uphill sand slopes in the town (don't know about anywhere else) if you're running and turn back quickly, Joker will do a little animation to steady himself. It was cool and made it seem, I dunno, more human? Anyway, while I was admiring this, Ryuji and Yusuke just stood at the top of the slope and Ann followed me while I was running. Best girlfriend ever.
Kin-Ki is looking pretty kin-ky if you know what I'm sayin'
Please don't murder me because I do terrible puns.
*we fall through the trap door* *Ryuji starts screaming* Same, baby, same.
...Makoto is seriously annoying. Like, she's got no business acting as familiar with Futaba's situation. The one who WOULD be the most familiar is Yusuke, and I'm glad he recognizes that. It's not the exact same, none of their stories are after all, but I feel like those two get each other better than even Ryuji and Joker understand each other.
Yusuke and Ryuji's special attack is THE BEST
Ryuji and Joker getting up close and personal in the shadows. All those fanfics coming true, man.
I thought Futaba was sloth, not wrath? Why are her Will Seeds called Wrath?
Beat it in one day! It's so satisfying to watch all those achievements when I leave the palace.
You know, I'm thinking of wearing the Christmas outfits for the final battle. Just to be kinda funny.
Spending a relaxing day with Yusuke after going through Futaba's Palace... kinda want to take him to the bathhouse to check out that new scene, but I also REALLY wanna feed the boy... gonna feed the boy.
Apparently I can only make 'decent curry.' Which is fine. Because "I" can't make curry at all. Joker, you've done much better than I.
...Broooooo, the way you talk about your manga is how I talk right before I start shipping.
Took him to the bathhouse, 'cause I don't gotta worry about Mama Sakamoto feeding him.
...Can I take Ann to the bathhouse?
Asked Ryuji to move in. He was all up for the idea until he remembered that I live in an attic.
I'm Charismatic now!
...I was all hoping Ann would stop by but then Akechi asked me out. Laaaaaaaame.
Ryuji's smile is so fucking cute.
...I say we just be honest, and everyone's so fucking stupid about it until Makoto explains it. This pisses me off. They're not that dumb... At least, they weren't until Makoto showed up.
Futaba's hiding in the closet. ...I've spent too many weeks making jokes about closets to not have a joke about it.
Really, Yusuke? You see those books and think she can't understand?
...Wait, that sassy tone of voice... You were TRYING to pull a reaction of her. I knew I shipped those two for a reason. OTP and BroTP. Doesn't matter, they're both awesome.
I love you Ann, but I don't think your situations were the same at all. It's not like both are valid and bad, but... different.
Joker is SO fast compared to the others, especially when he's speeding.
What the...
Holy fuck...
Damn, Joker has my heart too.
I kinda wish we could see Futaba's costumes in her Persona. That would be pretty neat.
The moment right before Wakaba appears is so aesthetically pleasing.
...Futaba being happy is almost enough for me to accept Maruki's offer, and I haven't gotten there yet.
Ryuji and Ann keep smacking each other out of their ailments. Like, you guys just love each other so much! It's awesome.
Joker has lackluster responses to Wakaba... I'm hoping that isn't one of those "Answer these wrong and you break her!" things... Not that I think I was, but still.
I liked Futaba's new animation for when she defied her mother.
I wish the anime looked more the cutscenes. I'm trying to rewatch the anime so I can pinpoint specific moments for future editing purposes, but it's kinda painful.
1- This is the SECOND TIME you've landed on Yusuke while running from trouble.
No Makoto, I don't want to go see Futaba with you! I can go see her myself.
So, I like Takemi's new voice with her lines during this scene.
Sure, she collapses every so often and sleeps for a while. Stays like that for a few days. Sorry that I put her into a coma for a month, Boss...
Guys, we have a month. Stop worrying.
Damn, Joker's dying to the amusement of two little girls.
I'm kinda disappointed I didn't get results for all that training. But I liked the scene.
Yusuke just casually be lugging bigass paintings around.
Taking the girls to the church may have been one of the funnier moments. These cement them as Joker's little sisters. With Futaba. Damn, Joker, you got no brothers.
Yusuke promises to come by every day and we can tell him to take his clothes off. ATLUS, you have some EXPLAINING to DO.
..And Yusuke took it and ran with it. My sweet summer child, I don't think I could handle you in as little as possible on the day to day.
"The heat induced delirium made me think outside the box." Same.
Guts takes sooooooooooooo long to level up.
"Punish me more" he says, as if Takemi won't do it.
"Good god. Well, none of my medicine can cure THAT." AT LEAST WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME PAGE
Awe, he had fun. :)
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sailormoonandme · 3 years
Why I think Sailor Moon lends itself so well to fanfiction
It’s no secret that there is a very active Sailor Moon fanficiton community.*
Whilst every fandom has its fanfic authors in my experience Sailor Moon fanfiction proportionally forms a far larger part of the fandom than in many other fandoms, the only exception I’ve encountered would be say Harry Potter. I do not for example find as many people posting or discussing fanfiction within Power Rangers, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, DC or Doctor Who circles.
Oh, there are plenty of people who talk about ideas and concepts they have. But there seem to be far fewer actually making stories themselves, or at least willing to post/share them, nor even discuss making them.
Why is this?
Well, I’m sure there is a discussion to be had regarding fanfiction, female authors, female audiences and obviously that’d tie into how Sailor Moon is primarily aimed at (and enjoyed by) a female audience.  
But I’ve not really researched that so I don’t feel confident enough to dive into it.
To me though, when we break down the nature of Sailor Moon’s story, I very much feel it practically encourages fanfiction and taps very directly into the sort of things fanfiction writers and readers seem to like.
One stereotype of fanfiction that, in my observations, is absolutely true is that there is A LOT of romantic and/or sexual content. In fact it’s an open secret that professional erotic fiction pales in comparison to the breadth, quantity and quality of fanfiction ‘smut’.**  
One might argue ANY story that features romance in it is therefore ‘encouraging’ such fanfiction. But the situation with Sailor Moon is a little different as romance is utterly baked into its foundation. The first story arc, initially intended as the entire story, revolves around Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask’s relationship. Between the manga and the anime the love life’s of almost every single major character is touched upon one way or the other. Minako’s affections for Allan. Rei’s disdain for men in the manga and romances with Mamoru and Yuichiro in the anime. Makoto’s sempai and her tragic string of men even vaguely similar to him. Ami and Ryo’s relationship in season 1 and her shyness about anything romantic thereafter. Even side characters like Reika, Motoki, Unazuki, Umino, Naru, Nephrite, Zoisite and Kunzite make their love lives at least discussed.  
Then of course you have Haruka and Michiru, who’s relationship also clearly hints that they’ve become physically intimate.  
Often with more sexually explicit fanfiction the authors are diving into parts of the characters’ lives rarely even discussed (if at all) in the original canon. Whilst Sailor Moon’s focus upon romance made sex a logical leap, the show plays a Hell of a lot with innuendo, symbolism and subtle hints to the point where it was giving fic authors plenty of ‘ammo’ to work with already.  
This of course extends into the realm of queer pairings. Another stereotype of fanfiction (and again, I’ve not really researched this so I dunno how true it is) is that they engage in romantic or sexual stories where the characters have a different sexualities from their (apparent) canon ones. Perhaps the most famous (infamous?) example is Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. Between Haruka and Michiru, Mamoru and Fiore, Zoisite and Kunzite and implications a plenty in the manga and anime (especially under Ikuhara’s rule) writing the characters as interested in people other  than the opposite sex was a relatively easy and believable leap, hardly even breaking the verisimilitude of the canon.
Speaking of verisimilitude, Sailor Moon…didn’t make sense. I love it and adore it but we all know this is true. Even beyond the mindblowing miraculous magic it employed there was more than several instances where characters did not behave realistically or even consistently. Contradictions in the anime especially were rife.  
Regardless of what that does or doesn’t say about the canon, for the purposes of fanfiction, this is something of a boon. It enables all sorts of wacky riffs and directions that aren’t going to create too large of a cognitive dissonance for the writer nor the reader.  
Want to write a story that wouldn’t be realistic? So what? This was the story where the world almost ends but society is never fundamentally changed.  
Want to write a story with elements that’d be anachronistic So what? Our heroes were named after planets that didn’t get those names until thousands of years later.  
Want to do a story that unfortunately would contradict a canon fact or canon characterization?...Have you watched SuperS…?
The flipside to the messier parts of the canon is that it equally encouraged some authors to engage in fix fics, to address what they felt were problems with the characters and narratives.***
It’s very much a getting your cake and getting to eat it too situation!
Additionally, the ‘monster of the week’ format for the show enables all sorts of wacky riffs and spins to be imposed on the characters and narrative since these monsters each had their own gimmicks. Body swap characters? Make them shrink? Make them evil? Alternate Universe? Space travel?  
Ostensibly anything and everything is on the table for fic authors to work with, just as it was for the official creators of Sailor Moon.
Alongside the ‘monster of the week’ format, the innate concept for Sailor Moon encourages the creation of original characters. There is no end of stories about ‘Sailor Sun’ and ‘Sailor Earth’ of course. But since any planetoid, celestial body or what have you in theory could have a Guardian authors could go nuts, drawing upon real list astrology or simply invent their own planets for whatever story they are doing. So the story is ripe for world building and expansion!
However, things need not go to that scale. Sailor Moon, especially the anime, revolves around the everyday lives of teenaged characters. Their ages means authors have the opportunity to write the characters growing up or having grown up and take them in any direction they like and again not create too much of a cognitive dissonance with the canon. And they can do that by drawing upon their own life experiences fairly easily without having to consider what the first day of college might’ve been like for someone on Middle Earth or whatever.
Furthermore, because romance was baked into the story, there was a greater focus in the stories upon the characters internal thoughts and feelings. This wasn’t strictly about their romantic feelings, but my point is a good 2/3 of your average Sailor Moon episode will be taken up with slice of life stuff before the Senshi go into action.  
Why is this relevant? Because that kind of internal exploration lends itself far better to the prose format than action set pieces, especially action set pieces trying to emulate those of a visual format like a manga or an anime.  
All the above actively encourages the creation of fanfics but there is aso something deeper going on.  
After all, plenty of movies leave room for characters to be expanded. Plenty of manga offer opportunities for world building. Plenty of TV shows make the creation of original characters a synch. Plenty of comic books have contradictory continuity that warrants patching up. And romantic elements are present in the overwhelming majority of fiction, even fiction that isn’t predominantly about that.
What makes Sailor Moon a particular strong candidate for fanfiction though is that it has all those things whilst also having strong concepts, endearing characters and a rich mythology to hook people in the first place.
In other words, the fact that Sailor Moon was good made people love it. And that love I think is the essence of why they wanted to read and produce more  of it.
*For the purposes of this post you should understand that by ‘fanfiction’ I’m specifically referring to prose fanfiction, i.e. the stuff you’d find on FFN and predmonantly on Ao3. Obviously audio plays, comics, art, cosplay performances can all fall under the label of fanfiction to one extent or another. And in some cases these are far more prevalent than prose fanfiction.  
E.g. there is plenty of fan art in the Marvel fandom and there is a frightening amount of audio based Dr. Who fanfiction.
**Even I know that and I do not typically care for that type of stuff myself.  
***Or expand upon characters they felt there was more to do with. I know many people who feel that way about the manga versions of the villains and the Senshi (sans Usagi), the anime version of Mamoru and the supporting cast like Usagi parents.
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n0ct0urn1quet · 2 years
I JUST saw this hiiiiiiiiiiii bestie uwu im putting it under the read more caaaaaaaaaaaaaaause those are a lot of questions <33333
1. do you have a crush on anyone?
i bet ur sitting here like "say it!!!!! say the line!!!!!! say the funny crush line!!!!!!"
and to that i say
can you even call it a crush anymore
@fuckshitassbitchcockballs lol
2. what’s your favorite candy?
fuckinnnnnnnnnn i duno . kit kats i suppose SJKHKDSJ i dont rly have a favorite honestly <3
3. favorite love song?
4. what was your first kiss like?
shut thte
5. what was your last kiss like?
fuck up
sexual/romantic orientation?
lebsibanb baybee, .. .. . . also demisexual i think SHJDBDJBHJE
do you prefer poems or love letters?
LOVE LETTERS ............................. but also poems r nice if someone ever wrote me a poem i think i would cry (affectionately)
favorite fanfic trope?
guhhhhhhh fukin uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i honhestly do not rly know . does angst count as a trope ?????????? cause if it does then uhhhhhhhhhhh yeah yeah
have you ever been in love?
what do you think,
((the answer is yes))
favorite milkshake flavor?
choccy :)
dinner dates or brunch dates?
BOTH ??? i like both <3
favorite flowers?
every time i get this question i always have to be like "oh i cant say i dont have one or else that make sme look CRINGE" but at this point i am embracing the cringe. i do not have a favorite flower <3 i like them all <3
favorite perfume/cologne?
cannot handle perfume/cologne smells . too storng. hurt head
favorite candle scent?
same as prev question <3333333333
what’s your ideal first date?
honestly dunno SDBHJBJH ig just stayin at home n watching a movie n maybe cooking together or somethin, id like that maybe :]
favorite love story?
the one between meadowheart and spottedcloud from my stories <33333333333333333333 i love me some gay cats <3333333333333333333333333
(i know it doesnt rly count but idk what else counts as a love story so <3)
what’s the most attractive thing a person could wear?
fuckinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn idk man . bestie u are prebby in generall anything u wear is proly attractive sooooooooooooo anythin i guess JSKDHJKBHJE
chocolate, vanilla, or red velvet?
UHHHHHHH i like red velvet. vanilla is good but is sometimes 2 bland, choccy is same but sometimes too Rich but i feel like red velvet can b too sweet sometimes but it tastes fine if done right <3
snow, rain, or sun?
snow or rain <3 sun my detested <33333333
sweetest romantic memory?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that one time we were in a vc togther and we jus kept saying "i just love u!!!" to each other back n forth . idk if u remmebr that or not but <3333333 oug <33333333333
favorite dating sim (and favorite character)?
does ddlc count
fictional crushes?
bestie my fictional crushes hsave turned from "i want to be with them" to "i want to be them" so i have no fictional crushes but i CAN give you my kinlist :)
what’s your dream wedding like?
honestly i think about our wedding more often than id like (I MEAN THIS IN THE MOST POSITIEV WAY POSSIBLE i just remembr you saying you didnt wana get like legally married (or maybe that was a dream ??? idk) but idk i jus . would lov to do that. ig i dont rly have an Idea for a dream wedding buuuuuuuuuut if u have any (if u do end up wanting 2 get married that is) u can telle me
what makes you blush?
everything <33333333 u calling me pet names n saying u lov me in the vc ESPECIALLY makes me blush cause like !!!!!!!!!!! idk hearing u say that stuffs out loud jus makes me very very haby,
do you believe in love at first sight?
guhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah ig DBHJE
do you believe in soulmates?
sure why not <3
denim jackets, leather jackets, or bomber jackets?
hghhgbg gg., . ,.., ... , . ,, leahter jackets ,,, . . , , , ., ,. .,
what’s your sign?
im assuming this is zodiac sign so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh taurus (the best sign, fight me)
are you single?
u tell me bestie <33333333
((the answer is no and u of all ppl should know that HJSJAHAHBHJGBHJG))
do you prefer to charm, or be charmed?
boooooooooooooth???????? i gues?????????????
guitar or piano?
BOTH but hghgbh,,,,,,,,,,, guitar,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, im so sad i wish i had an acoustic guitar but i DONT and im SOSAD
favorite romcom (or any romantic movie)?
dont have one every romcom my mom's tried to make me watch made me ridiculously uncomfy <3
do you fall in love easily?
nah <3
valentine’s decorations: yay or nay?
fuckinnnnnnnnnnnn sure why not HJSDHJDS
would you prefer to propose or be proposed to? what’s your dream proposal?
HONESTLY i dont really know . i know that if u proposed to me i think id actually like . cry (affectionate). but also i am the type of person to get emotional oevr everything so id prolly also start crying While Im Proposing To You because I Am Simply Just Like That JSHDBJHNGKJBHJG
and same with the dream wedding thing, i dont rly Have a dream proposal, idc rly where either of us propose honestly,,
cloud gazing or star gazing?
STAR GAZING cloud gazingng smelly. "oh look at that cloud it looks like a cat!!!!!!!" no it doesnt. that is a blob of cloud and if you see a cat ur stupid (affectionate) ((if u wanna go cloud gazing thats okay though BSJHDNKBJHE i do not mind))
do you like to dance?
I DO BUT.......... NOT GOOD AT DNACING........................ but another thing id love to do is jus like dance toghether in the kitchen or something like that eeven if neither of us kno how 2 dance <33333 i jus think itd be ebic <3333333
what’s your OTP?
DONT have one im not rly much a shipper anymore . but i mean ig if i had to choose one id choose uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk . leafpool n crowfeather. the only straight people i can tolerate (but crowfeather is absolutely trans and leafpool is ABSOLUTELY nonbinary . love em both)
kittens or puppies?
KITTENS......... babis.,.....................
coffee, hot chocolate, or tea?
hot choccy or tea as long as its sweet iced tea <3
favorite soda?
cherry soda, OBVIOUSLY THE BEST SODA EVER . average fucking coke enjoyer (you) vs THE CHAD PEPSI ENJOYER (me, who is so much more epic than you are, bitch)
do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically over the sofa?
both <33333333333 i loooooooooove laying dramatically over the sofa its like my favorite thing to do HJSDBJGNKJHBJA
favorite ABBA song?
fuck/marry/kill? (anons name 3 people of your choice)
the j
favorite pajamas?
UHHH i dont hav a favorite pair of pajamas, im rly fine with anythin, as long as its comfy <33333333333
favorite liquor?
im 15 i dont drink <3
do you think about love a lot?
i do ! i think abnout a lot of things but love is one of them ! i am simply just a very affectionate person <3
a walk in the park or a walk on the beach?
park <333333
hand kisses or nose kisses?
booooth bestie <333333333
what’s your dreamhouse?
dont rly have one honestly SDHBJNJKGBHJE im coole with whatever, prefer something Big n Open though, big kitchen n big open living room n maybe medium-big bedroom or somethigne, also we neede a big kitchen with LOTS of cupboards and drawers because if we're gona be cooking/baking a lot we're gonna need the counter space n stuf HSJDBDJHNKNKJG
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shay11a · 4 years
New Rules, an overly long review
Alright, let’s do this.
I’ll just start with a little disclaimer that english is not my first language and although I’m usually fluent-ish some of my sentences might not translate very well from french, so please bear with me. Also this i like barely edited so sorry about the mistakes.
I’m here to talk about my favorite fanfiction, not only in this fandom, but in all fandom (and trust me, I’m a part of a lot of fandoms), and of all the fanfictions I’ve ever read (and trust me I’ve read a lot) : New Rules by the amazing @tayegi
The first time I read, I binge read it, but make no mistake, I don’t mean that I rushed though the story in one day, oh no, I mean I couldn’t do anything else, every minute of my day that I wasn’t in class or adulting, I was reading it, but it’s one of those rare fictions where I knew I was reading something just that good that I needed to make it last as much as possible. Imagine my struggle, balancing the need to know what was going to happen next and my visceral need to make it last as much as possible because I knew I could never experience this first reading again. 
That’s how much I love this story.
Unfortunetaly, there came a time I caught up.
So I re-read it.
And Again.
To this day, I often come back to it, re-reading entirely or picking up at any point to enjoy again a moment that I particularly like. I do this often with fiction I particularly liked, but one thing that I find amazing with NR is that, contrary to most fic, no matter where I pick up, I know what is happening, what happened before that, because the plot is just so wonderfully crafted that everything has consequences, every character is relevant and their actions have consequences that they are held accountable to by the plot (dunno is this makes sense but it does in my native language sorry) I regret not posting a review under every chapter as I read, it was selfish on my part, but I needed to continue, I have some notes from this review at the end but they lack the specificity of first impressions, I apologize for that. 
I also have to mention that this review is NOT spoiler free so if you want to read it please, PLEASE New Rules before that there is absolutely NO way that you won’t thank me (and Tayegi of course) afterwards, and don’t ‘I don’t mind spoilers’ me this story DESERVES to be read spoiler free.
Alright, buckle up kiddos, let’s do this.
I. The writing
The way the plot unveils is downright cathartic. I recently re-read it entirely to make this review and going back to the first chapters and seing how everything just MAKES SENSE and how a small thing happening has consequences over everything later. Just HUH brilliant. (I’m thinking about OC’s crush on Jimin here and how through the prism of Mijoo we later see that her crush was her projecting // Jin, now THAT’S WRITING) 
The smut, how do I put it, is bomb but it doesn’t feel like smut smut, it feels like actual sex described, not idealized and in my opinion it just adds to the quality of the story, because sex is an essential part of the story, not something added to satiate the hormones of horny readers (as an ex-horny teenager, I want to thank people writing this kind of smut and say that there is nothing wrong with writing this kind of smut) or just for the sake of it because apparently having sex is the culminating point of a relationship. Sex scenes tell a story as much as argument scenes, if not more. First, because as a sex friends to lover AU (smh) it is inherently part of the story but also because the characters don’t just stop having a backstory, emotions and emotional baggage when they have sex, all those things are still present and they influence the way they act in bed. And THAT is satisfying to read.  
On many occasions, in the fanfic writing community, you can hear (read?) people saying, « this fiction could / should be published like an actual book » I’m not here to further the debate on real literature, fanfiction and so what not, but this fiction is one that, more importantly than it being published, I feel like I could study in english class, take an extract and study the amazing characterization, how the scene furthers the plot, what are the literary devices used to do so. I feel like I could study the running metaphors, the sub plots and how they correlate so well to the main plot and further the characterization of a character, the plot itself or something else. Everything feels like a neatly knitted masterpiece. 
In that aspect, one scene that I particularly liked was the one where OC is hidden listening to JK and Hyejin, and as she hears what he says, she crushes the rose in her hand. It’s such a simple and yet telling idea: her bourgeoning love and hope for a romantic relationship symbolized by the ultimate romantic symbol : a rose, and JK’s words make her try and crush those feelings, but she hurts herself doing so, because the action itself is a painful one — trying to refrain hope / trying to suffocate feelings — but also because love, just like roses has thorns that may hurt, that’s why JK is so afraid of committing it seems, and the irony is that he is doing exactly that to someone else. (My explanation is so messy plfnmesdmflfmqf sorry)
One recurring idea/plot device that I have noticed is the one of misunderstanding / misreading each others. OC and JK constantly misread each others (I’m thinking about the scene in the bar where she rubs his back affectionately and he interprets it in a sexual way) and idk but something about this really hits me hard, because it’s human, so inherently human, this makes the characters feel like human beings not fictional archetypes. Because in real life, we can’t take a step back and have a view of the bigger picture the way we can as an omniscient reader who remembers very well what one said or did earlier that explains their behavior. In real life we dont know and cannot guess why people act a certain way based on some hinted at tragic backstory that would explain their commitment issues.
On a lighter note, the writing is just so freaking FUNNY, like I can’t count how many times I cackled like an idiot reading. + Tayegi has a way of cutting from scenes to scenes or from dialogue to dialogue that is just so FUNNY (if it was a movie I would talk about editing because it’s exactly how it feels, like when you got A saying ‘I will never do that’ and it cuts and the next frame is A doing exactly that)
More on the writing in the notes for every chapter further below.
II. Feminism, social justice and me relating to everything 
Ok this part is going to be a bit more personal but I had to address how much main girl and her struggles resonated with me. As a feminist myself I VERY often struggles with the same problem : that is when my beliefs come brutally crashing with the social constructs I have internalized and have yet to deconstruct as well as the people surrounded me who don’t necessarily share the same belief. And the way Tayegi portrayed this is spot on not to say borderline genius. 
Her mixed feelings when facing Hoseok « not like other girls » comments or the conversation where she struggles to explain why she is fucking the notorious fuckboy despite her talks about hook-up culture were punches in the guts to me, because feminists are always the ones to be criticized the most easily (I am aware that my phrasing here is horrendous but I don’t know how to word this differently again sorry English is not my native language) and the slightest slip-up will be pointed at by people who aren’t even feminist but see an easy way to gaslight them. So, to read this, to read another woman facing the same situations and being as utterly upset and sometime powerless as I felt, god was it cathartic. 
And don’t get me started on the way she always ALWAYS sticks by her principles of sorority, even to the women that have been nothing less than mean to her and how hard it is to support other women when we live in a society that always pit women against each others. I FELT that. But nevertheless main girl tries to, she compliments Somin on her dress, Hiejin as well even though they both have been openly hostile (and even mean sometimes) to her. I truly felt this, all theses little moments, just a sentence here and there, but I felt them in my guts.
III. The characters 
The characters, oh god, the characters. OC ? Marry me. JK? Marry me (also I want to slap him but it’s another story). Taehyung ? Marry me. Mijoo? Marry me.   
The relationship between OC and her BFF is in my opinion one of the best thing about the pic and one that really remarks it from other, the twist about twist alsmot made me believe it would be like every other pic where oc ends up with virtually no friend (especially female ones because like everyone know girls cause drama riiiight ) but it happens so early ? How could it ooooh it’s not like that, OC and her BFF and mature enough to discuss it, it still has  consequences, the scene where OC accuses BFF of pushing her onto Jk to make herself feel better about jimmy still gives me chills because, yeah, it makes sens that she would, and it kinda feels like she did with how insistant she has been, but again, we are told the story from OC’s perspective, so obviously she feels bad when BFF insists that her and JK are meant to be bc she knows that JK wouldn’t date her, but again, as readers, we can kinda see from BFF perspective, they indeed look perfect for one another and only misunderstanding and insecurities and Jk’s past seems to be in the way (okay granted when you say it like that it seems like a lot), but in the end, Mijoo also seems genuine in the way she pushes them together, even though, yeah she might have, consciously or not done it for that reason.
i don’t know if I want a happy ending for OC and JK, I want one because they are so good and sweet together and after everything they’ve been through I feel like they sort of deserve it, but after everything they’ve been through, especially the way JK has behaved, it seems hard for a happy ending to happen. I feel like it’s going to take a lot of time and talking (including his backstory that has been hinted at a few times wink wink) for them to work things out, if they work things out.
I’ve mentioned that before but : THE SORORITY oh lord where do I start? OC standing up for Hyejin and Somin even when they had a few rough patches, sign me the fuck UP. OC not turning totally on her best friend Mijoo (my girl btw) and overlooking their friendship and what she had done for her in the time of Jin because Mijoo made a selfish mistake ? Yes please, MORE.
Hoseok is, in my opinion, spot ON. It took me some time to exactly pin point who he reminded me of but then I realized he is exactly what I call the 'apolitical guy’, who is convinced to not have controversial opinion and would deny ever having prejudice when he clearly has (i.e. the scene where Oc calls him out on his misogynie
I have to admit that Hyejin and Somin are amongst my favorites because even though the plot (and the fact that we are basically supposed to be on OC’s side as the story is told from her perspective)  makes them very unsympathetic, your writing allows us to understand their actions and empathize with them. Learning about Hyejin’s past with JK makes her look like the character of a fan fiction where she could have been the main character unfortunately for her, this is OC’s story so Hyejin can’t get the guy in the end. But truly, her backstory feels like an entire other ff in the story and to be honest basically every other character’s backstory as well as the subplots feel this way. And Somin, well Somin is basically going through the same thing as OC but with Hoseok so how can we mock her for it while crying for OC ? That’s impossible and that’s why your writing is so powerful, there is no clear ‘bad guy’ (appart from J*n but who cares about that roquefort face) and everyone is in that gray, humane area. 
Every character has so many layer (I don’t count JK and OC in this because at this point we can’t talk about layers anymore it’s a damn millefeuille) and getting to discover more about them is amazing. 
Basically, every side character reflects something on OC and JK and further the plot, the themes while feeling like their own individuals with their own complex thoughts and problems and I think that’s fucking brilliant. 
And now onto my notes for every chapter (it’s low-key very messy sorry)
Chapter 1 :
Lord to thing that it started with a simple friend request :’)
I love how in the very first line, OC telling Mijoo how she knows JK instantly characterizes him to the reader, it’s smart BUT also characterize OC as someone quick witted and serious/professional but also very sarcastic, funny and taking no shit from anyone. Incipit done well here. I mean, so much exposition is crammed into the very first lines but it just feels soooo natural!
I also love how the dynamic between Mijoo and OC can appear « basic » but will later be revealed to be so much more complex and profound and that’s basically how everything in this fic just keep getting better and more complex as you read.
Also, I love how OC and JK’s first encounter is because they are both trying to help their best friends, I missed it in the first reading but it’s so telling of their characters. Also I appreciate OC not hating on JK just because she hates him from afar and he suddenly notices her and gets turned on by that (like in a lot of ff let’s not lie, I love myself some bad boy!AU but it’s getting redundant), she genuinely seems to not give a fuck about him and it’s so funny to me somehow, my girl just minding her business, getting her straight A’s and doing charity work, we stan. Also, the entire part where they complain about Jimin and Mijoo is downright hilarious 
I really like the way JK says the poetry assignment is easy, hinting at the fact that he is, in fact, not a stupid fuckboi cliché (+ what happens with their presentation and him working his BUTT of)
The entire part where OC and Jk act like they are together is so DAMN FUNNY but at the same time it just shows that they have great chemistry from the get go and I love that. (But seriously it’s so f*ing funny)
I love they way OC’s crush on Jimin is brought up, it’s not outwardly said, but the way he is described form her pov makes it obvious and her helplessness when looking at him and Mijoo is just so heartbreaking (+ getting to me on a personal level since I’ve been in a very similar situation for years so :))) like, you can feel that she doesn’t want to be feeling this way, and is obviously trying to help her BFF and be selfless but cannot help but feel jealousy.+ JK immediately catching up on her crush, showing he is more observant than you’d think.
JK and OC being dumb & dumber AND partner in crime is everything I’ve ever wanted
The description of the feeling of loneliness post-parties is so accurate, and the way she feels is so relatable and heartbreaking. 
The part about anguish and the way she feels suffocated by her feminine attire got to me and honestly I got really close to cryingThe end of the chapter upsets me in the best way, to see JK be so oblivious to how vulnerable and lonely OC is, man it really makes the entire thing so much more gutswrenching.
Highlights (basically lines that made me laugh or that I find particularly well written) :
“then I don’t know why he’s friended you”
“should I block him too?” 
“can you get you get more obvious without tattooing ‘Park Jimin’ on your ass? It’s obvious he owns it anyways”
“why does this kid has so many shirtless selfies”
“it’s like this boy is like a walking cliché of the world’s most basic fuckboi” I see what you did here ;)))
“Ah… you knew?” The way I laugh EVERY time at this line
“Would you be really mad at me if I poured this all over your boobs?“ alkfnenfmefnkgjh Mijoo is my queen
“try her ass instead” JK you absolute moron genius
“Mijoo as been trying to get you laid since freshman” I looove how this just sounds so random and plays into the cliché of the extroverted BFF trying to drag OC to parties and get her laid but with OC’s backstory // Jin it makes SO much more sense
“I won’t feed you lies” he, said, you know, like a liar.
“Your worth as a woman isn’t defined by your purity or whatever bullshit” love the hint at the later reveal that JK is, indeed, a woke king. We stan
“But unfortunately, you aren't the altruistic saint you wish you could be. You suffer from the same human emotions that plague everyone. And they aren't pretty.Despite what the artists and poets claim, the world works in a logical way. It's a simple mathematical formula. Girls like Mijoo end up with their princes. And you remain a bitter stepsister, helpless but to watch their happily ever after from a distance. One that you'll never achieve.” God that part.... 
“Here is a man who actually wants you. Not you, but your body, a little voice in the back of your head reminds you. But it doesn't matter. All that matters is that someone might actually desire you…  ... He feels so thick inside of you that for a moment, the hole in your chest is filled”  This is what I mean when I say that the smut in this story makes SENSE
“You wish you could cling onto this feeling forever so you'll never feel empty again.” The way this scene is supposed to be all smut sexy time but it is actually one of the most emotionally packaged and heart wrenching scene, really I can’t with your writing </333 
“He grins at that, "I thought you knew me better than to take anything I said seriously?“Jk you manipulative mf I hate your fuckboi ass
"Ugh, please don't tell me you're a cuddler," you grumble as you twist in his embrace. "I'm not," he denies, but the way he buries his nose in your hair says otherwise, "And don't think about asking me to stay the night, because I'm not that kind of guy." The dynamic of the entire duo summed up in one paragraph
Chapter 2 :
The moment she reassures Mijoo and see what she is missing is :((
I remember than the first time I read new rules and feminist JK came clean I was honestly shocked (years of being guarded around men’s misoginy and fake feminism I guess) but re-reading it, it’s so nice to see the hints everywhere that he genuinely is and it warms my heart.
The convo JK and OC have about relationships and meaningless sex is not only such a good foreshadowing of the problems they will face later when it comes to coming clean about both their feelings (looking at you JK you moron) but also such a relatable feeling of ‘I know I said men are trash but I’m still vaguely heterosexual and would really like to believe that some aren’t and I know it sounds like I’m reassuring myself and honestly I am because it’s starting to become hard to really believe that’
The twits oh god the TWIST!!! The heartbreak it gave me, I was going to put some sentences in the highlights but honestly I almost ended up putting the entire scene so I gave in but it’s just so well written and nerve wracking to see what could have been and to realize that the friend that OC has been putting so much effort into helping betrayed her.  Like, I can emphasis enough how much I cried reading this, considering I have been in a very similar situation, and that’s probably why this struck a chord so powerfully but wow. 
The blowjob scene is simply another brilliant double meaning smut scene, the way OC is trying to regain control over something, someone, even if it’s not the one she wants, the way she makes him beg to hear compliments, heartbreaking (I know I’ve said this word like a million time and we’re just on chapter 2 but your writing really is something else) 
The scene where she confronts Mijoo is in my opinion one of the BEST I have ever read, the way you can feel her heartbreak and her powerlessness but also the maturity she exudes, the way she tries to be the bigger person and do what’s right, lord I see myself here and it fucking hurts.
“He really likes you, Mijoo. Don’t let him slip away… You’ll only regret it.”  The double meaning that applies to OC here is killing me  
“On any other day, this is the kind of party you would protest, running around with a half dozen other of your feminist friends as you collect signatures for a boycott.” <3
“Wait… what makes you think that we’re supposed to be the hoes?”  <3 <3
“Yeah. You really do.” Jk sometimes I really like you 
“No, sweetheart. You’re the childish one for not being able to accept grown up emotions. Why is falling in love and caring for someone outside of their physical appearance so shameful to you? You need to grow the fuck up and realize that feeling for another human being does not make you weak.”<3 <3 <3
“Frat brothers are despicable…except this one, of course.” Absolutely love how first reading makes it sound like her crush is speaking and second reading shows her idealization of him here 
“You swallow the lump in your throat. It would be one thing to see them wildly making out or grinding in the mosh pit like all the other horny kids. But to see them so enveloped in each other, content to just hug for the rest of the night… It hurts you more than you can express. You’d rather walk in on them fucking. This display of the purest affection… No one has ever held you like that before.You’re jealous. It’s shameful how horrendously jealous you are.”</3
“You need me?” you repeat in a small voice.” OC baby I get you I love you and you deserve th world ;(( </3
“You feel like such a villain, grilling this angel and making her upset. It’s such an irritating feeling, but you can’t choke it back.“It’s not like I liked him anyways…” Lord what have you done to my heart and I think it’s my favorite sentence in the entire story !
Chapter 3 :
OC protecting and looking out for Yerin is just so adorable I CAN’T
The discussion with Hyejin, the foreshadowing!!!!!!!
The way OC is self-aware and thinks JK only wants her body (and at the time it was highly likely) just makes the scene that much more heartbreaking, which makes me realize that all the smut scene up until now have been that way. 
The entire chapter feels like a BIG call out to me thanks for that I guess. (I’m kidding it was wonderful and actually got me reflecting a lot on my habits and self deprecation)
“the ugly cage around your heart loosen a bit”
“Wow, your fungal cream is so nice. I hope you get that infection checked out." We love a considerate and caring man
“You would take this over the hollowness in your chest. You would gladly take the meaningless sex, the hard pounding of your pussy without a single gesture of affection. Who needs an emotional connection when you can have the pain beat out of you? Who needs someone to like you when you have someone to use you?”  No words.
Chapter 4 :
I don’t know if I said that already but I just looooove the way you sprinkle hints here and here about everything ! Foreshadowing events and future revelations it’s just so nice to read and makes second (and third, and fourth) reading sooooo much more entraining and satisfying <3333. Like Oc and Mijoo are drunk and we get a snip at what happened freshman year, there were other hints previously but this just makes the reader WANT to know what the f* went down. And it makes up for Mijoo betrayal, it’s a nice way of explaining why OC « brushed » over her betrayal, we know that she was there in such a hard time for OC and yes it really builds the suspense around that whilst portraying Mijoo as more than the fake BFF who betrayed, I love that.
I love the way you use the word ‘ugly’ and how it’s very often associated with jealousy.
I want to address how much I adore your side characters and sub-plots. Like all of them are so likable (even Somin) and feel like genuine people with their own complex thoughts, seriously your characterization is out of this world! (special shout-out to Yoongi who is spot-ON imo). Like, I want to hangout with these people and be their friends. 
ALso I feel like we are really starting to see Jk and OC’s chemistry (unrelated to being evil little matchmaker) and it’s SOOOOOO good, it feels so natural and seeing them slowly slide into a romantic relationship (don’t tell Jk) seems like the most  natural thing (+ everyone thinking they are actually together and honestly they are)
"Hey so you like kick around a ball or whatever?" I love your humor I genuinely laughed at this 
"Balls?" he says pointedly.” Same here
"Who are you talking about?" Jungkook asks in confusion, "I don't have a—ah you mean ___?" You sure didn’t think for long jk 👀👀and you didn’t even deny it 👀👀👀and you came as soon as being asked 👀👀👀👀👀👀sus 
"Beats me," he whispers back, "I didn't even know we had a soccer team until this week!"LMAOOOOOOOOO
Chapter 5 :
The foreshadowing with Bang telling JK he is worried about his performance !! That’s why I love this fic so much! EVERYTHING is here, nothing happens out of the blue, you just have to pay attention to things to see things coming and not in a predictable but rather gratifying way.
The scene where OC hugs JK ? a masterpiece. I don’t know what more to say about it, it’s one of those things that touch on such a level that deconstructing it feels impossible and would break the spell, the intimacy I felt between the two of them and the stark contrast with Hyejin are perfect to characterize their relationship. Feels natural behind closed doors but lacking the words to clarify what they are, especially when faced with other people, and themselves. I L O V E it.
“you watch Taehyung roll around in the grass with his high-tech camera” don’t know why this is so funny to me but it is 
"Are we not speaking the same language right now?!" Jungkook barks into the receiver, "Are you fucking high?" The fact that he barks it makes it even funnier
Chapter 6 :
Oc’s conversation with Taehyung about hookup culture (and her behavior at large) just SCREAM ‘I have had such a terrible experience with love before that I cannot even begin to think about letting it happen again otherwise I will never love again’ and it HURTS. But! The way she approaches things with such maturity and is so in touch with her feelings is simply admirable. 
When OC is caught between Hoseok and JK at the party !!! It’s so frustrating but in the best  way possible because they got soooo close to actually talking things out clearly and making things better but their pride and whatever got in the way and we know it! JK and Oc I love y’all but also you’re so stupid. (Also it’s exactly what I was talking about in my ‘misunderstanding each others’ part. I feel like this is during this chapter that they really start to fuck up the communication because that’s the chapter where it becomes abundantly clear that feeeeelings are starting to get into the mix, they both try to distract themselves (unconsciously or not) with someone else, HYejin and Hoseok, and miserably fails. 
Also the domesticity!! That’s cute and fluffy and I’m blushing like I’m 12 year old again. 
“You’re right, » he says « I have to get more creative” I have said that Taehyung is hands down the funniest character here ?
"I want someone to choose me," you admit in a small voice, "I want someone to fall for my personality—to love me because of my hot temper and annoying disobedience, not in spite of it. I want this person to be surrounded by prettier, nicer, sweeter girls, but still seek me out… I'd rather them fall for my personality first, then settle for superficial traits like my lacking appearance… Is that really too much to ask?" Once again, thanks for calling me out also I’m crying this is one of the best paragraphs you have written
“He's like a character from a 1950's romance novel stepped off the page” Oc sweetheart remember something else about the 50’s 👀👀 Like ... the sexism ?
“The moon is high in the sky at this point of night, not shrouded by dark clouds for once, and illuminating the entire rooftop with its luminous silvery gleam. But for some reason, it seems like all the moonlight concentrates into a single beam on Hoseok, surrounding him in a brilliant white halo. You swallow tightly and drop your gaze as though burned.” The imagery here is beautiful and I like that you associated him with the moon when he is usually the sun 
"Oh, honey… You don't have to pretend to be strong in front of me." And there goes my heart.
"Did you think I was going to let her sleep on the streets or something?" is his sarcastic reply.You roll your eyes, "Thanks, Yoongi." We love character development (their friendship is so endearingly funny)
"Right… But um… what happened after the game on Saturday… uh…" A blush suddenly suffuses his cheeks, coloring his skin a lovely shade of rose, "I… I just wanted to—""Ah, that's right. There's another game next week," you hastily steer the conversation away, terrified by what he might say. "Don't worry, I'll be there too. I really need to start writing this article.""Oh, right… That's exactly what I was going to say," he says, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.” I want to slap some sense in these idiots’ heads 
"Yeah, but the problem is that I don’t want to." I am S C R E E C H I N G
Chapter 7 :
The scene where they wake up together and he smiles and calls her pretty and the misunderstanding scene makes me want to slap them you belated idiots
SO MUCH things happen in this chapter and I think it’s one of my favorite!! I have to say that the scene where OC protests against the date auction and faces the resistance of her sorority hit close to home. It’s always so heartbreaking to see fellow girls complying to sexism. 
Also also, feminist JK keeps me up at night. Fuck yeah. (You know the lisa simpson meme with the orange juice, that’s me with feminist JK, give me MORE of that. 
Also, her performance : I C O N I C
"You're just exclusive fuck buddies… Even though you don't do casual sex and Jungkook doesn't do exclusive. It totally doesn't feel like you're hiding your feelings." My thought exactly Mijoo
“Staying so guarded might protect you from pain… But it'll also protect you from any happiness." *Slow clapping*
“Why would you go for someone who doesn't see your worth? You deserve to be with someone picks you out in a sea of people. Who likes you the best." 👀👀👀
"…Do not resuscitate… Got it," you solemnly note.” You’re so funnyykekzldk
“You aggressively bid from backstage, even as Taehyung motions for you to get lost” I laughed out loud at this
« sold » HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIfhehfqenfoneqlfnqdkfncqefnlmzfkbnrdbfksvm kjnefkenfe hAAAAH ????!!! flefnekf HIIII ç!!!!ç!uj
Chapter 8 :
I’m sorry there is not much commentary about this one but I can for the life of me read it with a critical eye since I’m too caught up in the suspense and the fact that a million things are happening, the only thing I can think about is that your fiction, although it is a college AU is so versatile and you touch on so many other genre (here : sport) and manage to successfully make every single one enthralling and further your plot!
"Please, ___. Please don't go."But sheer panic flashes in his eyes when you attempt to shake him loose. "Don't leave me," he croaks out in desperation, "Please, ___. Don't leave me…"Not like she did." Don’t think I’m not seeing what you’re doing here 👀👀
Chapter 9 :
I feel high-key stupid because that’s like the 6th time I read New rules but I just realized that there might be a parallel going on between Jk and OC’s story, it’s obvious with the hints that you’ve sprinkled that something bad happened with JK’s past girlfriend but it’s just now re-reading Oc’s backstory with Jin that I realize that JK might have been in the ‘fucking around to get back/over his ex’ stage of his breakup like OC in the summer Freshman year, which led to him having his fuckboy reputation despite not ‘really’ being one (i.e. him saying that he hates hookup culture when Oc talks about her story)
Also, empathetic, feminist and understanding men make me w*t. 
"Yes," he says, a smile tugging at his lips, "Yes, you did." I sEE YOU 
"I don't know what goes through that fantastical imagination of yours” This might be my favorite line ever
“But you don't move one inch. Because you know Jungkook better than that.” Aaaawwwwwwww
Chapter 10 :
This is some greek tragedy shit right here. Mijoo trying to push OC and Jk because she feels guilty about JImin (she way you write it makes it seem so believable but I can’t decide if it’s true or not because we are seeing Oc’s perspective here and she knows she actually crushed on Jimin while Mijoo doesn’t, which would be a huge factor in her pushing OC towards JK) and also because she is the only one with a brain? Oc refusing to believe it and opposing semi-logical semi-bullshit arguments to convince Mijoo and even more herself that this isn’t happening because she heard JK talking to Hyejin ? Jk saying that because he’s an insecure asshole (and also very probably because of his ex girlfriend wink wink) whilst acting like the most belated man, ever ? Na a TRAGEDY!!!!!
Also, the entire speech that Mijoo gives, everything she says ???? A punch to the GUTS! ! ! 
He finally breathes when she says his name I’m :(((((((((
“it wasn’t fun” Love how this simple line implies that Mijoo and Jimin have problems and arguments of their own and makes them feel like human beings who have a life outside of the story.
“Or was your image of him so perfect and unrealistic that you couldn't tolerate these humanizing details?" Ouch!
"You're only pushing Jungkook on me to ease your guilt for stealing Jimin away from me!" I don’t have the words to explain the way I felt when I first read this line except : oh fuck. Goosebumps. Literal goosebumps.
"I like him," you abruptly confess, your soft voice breaking through the tense silence the same way the brilliant meteors abruptly burst across the darkness of night. "I like him so much." Masterpiece 
“It's equally horrifying and an absolute relief to finally admit this deeply harbored secret after so long. After all these months of repression, it feels like a dam has burst with the way your emotions come tumbling out, threatening to choke you and sweep you underwater.” I said MASTERPIECE ! !
“Mijoo," you gasp, "What do I do?" Im crying. This isn’t a figure of speech. This isn’t an exaggeration. I’m crying. This entire scene is so powerful 
“You know your role. You're just the side character—the best friend or comic relief. You have no right to even dream about a life by Jungkook's side—much less to feel this amount of pain and jealousy seeing him with another girl” .... talk about being relatable 
“The loud electronic beat is pulsing through your veins with the same painful intensity of the tequila beating against the soft tissue of your brain. You feel like you’re being consumed by the powerful sensations… and yet, it's not enough to protect you from the helpless thoughts drifting across your mind, no matter how much you try to ward them back.” You really shine when it comes to making me cry 
"Can't you just let me be petty and sulk for once?" Baby :(
“How could you have misinterpreted the situation so horrifically?” Well we have this saying in French that goes : love makes you fucking blind 
“At this point of night, the moon has fully risen overhead, and its silvery rays cast down across the ocean, illuminating everything in white-gold. Awed, you can't help admiring the way the moonbeams kiss the top of Jungkook's black hair and the angles of his face, sheathing his figure like a cold halo.The waves continue to beat against the sandy beach like clockwork, and you  sway with them, as though lost in a rhythmic dance lulled by the force of the moon. Your thundering pulse acts as a metronome in this dance, pounding away at a dozen beats per each drag across the shore. You are cold. So cold that you've lost all feeling in your hands and legs. But for some reason, you don't feel the need to shiver anymore.” <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
“Could it have possibly been a defense mechanism? Was he just trying to protect himself in advance?” We are making PROGRESS
Chapter 11 :
My heart is non existent.The way Oc swallows her feelings to protect Yerin and stands up for her ❤️
I want to thank you for introducing a gay character in your story also Yoongi is one of the most interesting character in the story.
The way everything is slowly coming to a conclusion and every piece of the puzzle settles in the right place is so damn satisfying UGH
The scene where OC confronts Jk is so fucking satisfying, a masterpiece, 10/10, everything I wanted to hear come out of her mouth, my girl knows what’s up and won’t let this fucker get away with it.
"I've told you since day one that I'm not that kind of guy. God, can you even imagine me in a relationship?" he says with a derisive snort that feels like a punch to your stomach, "Did you honestly think that you could trap me into one with sex, ___? Or with a kiss? Come on. Get real." Your insecurities are showing asshole
"I hope you get over this soon, ___," he tells you in a sincere tone, "So we can get back to the way things were." Fight me in a parking lot salopard de merde
“Well, at least you've learned your lesson now.” I had to take a pause after this part 
"What if they were my parents?" he asks in a quiet voice, "My siblings? My community back home? The people I love most in this world? What would you have me do then?" As a closeted bisexual this one hit close to home
“But Yoongi turns to you with an incredulous look, "You can't be serious. Anyone with eyes could tell that Kook is completely whipped for you. Where is this coming from?” Yoongi is my man 
"You're a fucking coward." My thoughts exactly
Chapter 12 :
Getting through this chapter without crying is genuinely hard..All the girls standing up for themselves and not taking shit for the shitty men in their lives ???? YES PLEAse. And thank you for not only that but also including the girls that the story pushed us not to like that much up until now like Hyejin and Somin when really they were going through the same things as the holy trinity of best girls OC, Mijoo and Yerin. 
I have… mixed feelings and I feel like these feelings are exactly what OC has been feeling all along with the conflict between her beliefs and her heart. I wanted them to go through this and by being « willing » JK would have eventually just realized everything and stuff  because I love romance and shit. But I also want OC to get what she deserves, and it’s not that. I want them to have this happy ever after end but I feel like we won’t get that before long because as Hyejin pointed out, JK clearly needs to grow the fuck up.
"Oh, ___," she sighs your name.” Don’t mind me I’ll be crying over there 
“For a split second, you consider feigning ignorance. It would be so damn easy to laugh along with him and continue living this lie of being the cool, sporty tomboy who doesn't care about stupid "girly" things. After all, Hoseok isn't a bad guy. He's so handsome, popular, and kind. And he likes you. Someone actually likes you. Isn't that better than being alone? For a split second, you're tempted to grab his hand and flash him an award-winning smile. For a split second, you contemplate giving up all your morals and living a life of comfort with this lovely, charismatic man.” I love you so much for writing this
"Sexist?" he repeats in horror, "The fuck are you talking about?! I'm no sexist!" You’ve perfectly channeled the  and OC’s entire speech to him should be taught in school 
"We're just in different places right now," you inform him in a small voice, "It'll never work out, so please don't make this harder than it needs to be." I’m dying but also proud, producing
"I think I'll channel Somin and cut the toxicity out of my life." Attagirl 
To wrap up this overly long review, I want to say thank you to Tayegi for writing this piece and feeling generous enough to share it with us, reading this story and seeing the plot unravel, characters be introduced and developed was a true privilege. I rarely connect with the « reader » in reader fics and just say a random name in my head (or even 'your name ») but here, here… Never have I been so close to actually feeling like I’m the one in the fiction, not for the romance but for the way she is portrayed, for her ideas and how hard it is to stand by them sometimes, for her past and traumas. New rules is a masterpiece, and the fact that I connected to it on such a personal level, which, arguably could cloud my judgement, doesn’t make it any less.
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fight-surrender · 4 years
30 Days of Carry On (At Once)
This was kinda fun, thanks @captain-aralias for doing this! 
1. Favourite major character: god I love Baz with every fibre of my being, but I think Simon is my favorite. 2. Favourite minor character: Fiona because she is who I wish I was. 3. Character you relate to the most: I answered this one earlier, but Simon, always Simon. His feelings of worthlessness resonated so viscerally, it was painful to read and still hurts all these months later. Frankly, his discovery/exploration of his sexuality was a wakeup call for me too. 4. Which character would you like to go to lunch with? Baz. I love cracking open prickly people and getting to their squshy soft side. Plus I think it would be fun to trade snipes. Granted, this would have to be a boozy lunch because in reality I’d probably freeze up and not be able to think of anything to talk about. Maybe I’ll change my answer to Simon because he’d probably be much easier to talk to? Maybe not WS Simon though. I dunno, lunch with strangers is kind of scary, actually.  5. Favourite non-Snowbaz ship: Shenelope. Fuck Micah. Penny deserves better anyway. 6. Favourite non-romantic OTP: god bless Penny & Baz. Their every interaction makes me so fucking happy. 7. Favourite Baz outfit: My knee-jerk reaction is the Gucci rose suit, but I also really love the Christmas eve dark greenish-black suit with the fucking blood pink tie. I love that visual so much. 8. How do you feel about Wayward Son? I can hardly think about it. Still. It cut me to the core
9. Favourite scene from Carry On, besides Chapter 61: I want to be your terrible boyfriend. 10. Favourite scene from Wayward Son, besides Chapter 41: I think the scene at the Hoover Dam where Blue spoke with Simon, it gave me hope. 11. Remind us about something in canon readers might have forgotten about: In Chapter 7 of CO, The Mage vows to protect Simon with his life. I think that’s why Penny’s spell & Simon’s words killed him. It was the only way to protect Simon. 12. What are your hopes and fears for Any Way the Wind Blows? All I want is for Simon & Baz to work their shit out and fucking talk. And have an actual relationship. With kissing, lots of kissing. I fear that Rainbow is going to fuck my life once again with some kind of horrible “real life” twist. 13. An unpopular/cracky opinion you hold, *whispers fearfully* So, I think CO Agatha is kind a bitch. I like her much more in WS though. 14. Something from your head fanon: Simon isn’t bumbling or awkward or dumb, he’s brilliant, just tangled up in his head. 15. Favourite quote(s) “It’s not like I’m a militant vegetarian” And just like that, Simon is ok with Baz and is ready to move on to just being his terrible boyfriend. Plus it’s funny af. 16. Favourite location other than Watford: I think it’s Baz’s house, it’s just so cleverly written, with the wraiths and gargoyles, hauntings and goat sacrifices. Not to mention the Japanese toilet. Thanks to @captain-aralias, the wraith will always be Nigel to me. 17, Favourite location in Watford. Simon & Baz’s room in Mummers House. It’s where all the magic happens. 18. What would be your favourite subject at Watford? Maybe elocution? How to use your voice to make the spells work sounds pretty interesting. 19. What would your magical implement be? My engagement ring was kind of boring, I mean, it was a nice diamond thingy (I’m not going to think about where it came from, I got it in the 90’s before I knew…) Anyway, it was never “me.” For a big anniversary a couple years ago, I had it redesigned in a more organic style with birth stones added for each family member. Now I love it so I guess it would be that. 20. Favourite magical creature. And/or invent a pun-based one. There are no unicorns in Carry On, (well aside from the edible ones in WS) but them. Always unicorns. Although my second love is Dragons. Then Merwolves. I refuse to think they’re all mean, just misunderstood. 21. Favourite canon spell. I haven’t really thought much about this, maybe “Kiss it better” for that moment in WS (you know the one) 22. What would your eighth year spell at Watford be or do? “Cheer up buttercup” which eliminates depression/anxiety. 23. Who would you want as your roommate? Baz, because he’s neat, studious and snarky. 24. Favourite item of merchandise, official or unofficial- Definitely the Baz cutout. 25. Favourite book cover design- The Kevin Wada Carry On cover. 26. Do you want a movie? If yes - any fan casts for the movie? Yes, desperately, yes. Rob Raco as Baz & and Sean Delaney as Simon. 27. If they made a movie, what scenes do you think they’d cut that you’d be furious were missing? Hm, that’s tough. Oh god, I bet they’d cut swaths of the epilogue. That would kill me. 28. If you could ask Rainbow Rowell one question, what would it be? (If you have already, you can share if you like) Not so much a question as a statement, I really, really wish she had marketed Wayward Son as part of a trilogy from the onset. Not knowing that, and reading the book thinking it was a standalone was such a sucker punch. I’ll never forget (maybe never forgive) reading WS, slogging through the pain, desperately hoping against hope for a happy ending, then getting—not that. I literally felt like I’d been punched. I preordered 5 copies of that book and feel really kind of stupid for having done it. Deceived. I really should get over this, but I’m still a little bitter. Needless to say, I’m ordering one copy of AWTWB and I’m waiting til other people read it so I know what to expect. I’m not going through that again. 29. Have you read any of Rainbow’s other books? Yes, all of them. 30. How did you get into Carry On and/or Carry On fandom? I read CO August of 2018. I fucking fell desperately in love and needed more of this world. Those boys. I reread Fangirl. Then tried to find fanfic (which I didn’t know was an actual thing) on fanfix.net (fictional!) I stumbled on to some fanart on Pinterest and noticed that a lot of it came from Tumblr (which I had no idea existed.) Then I joined Tumblr and things snowballed from there.
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fireflake-art · 4 years
this is just a dump don’t worry about it
And i’ll break their ass down
Felicity Smoak
How I feel about this character
I’m love her. Felicity is the main reason why I kept on my Arrow binge, and now it’s one of my favorite shows.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Oliver, of course! Let’s go down the list, in order of which I shipped them; Sara, Alena, Nyssa, Black Siren. Probably more but i haven’t rewatched the earlier seasons in a while
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Curtis, bffs
My unpopular opinion about this character
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
More badass moments. Felicity is an amazing hacker, but I truly believe she would have advanced in the field as well if trained. Sure, I love Morally Gray! Felicity, but this part of her was quickly demonized by her friend group and I dunno that’s just uncomfortable for me. Felicity ain’t allowed to carry a gun so she can feel safe? She’s been kidnapped how many fucking times and Oliver’s throwing a shitfit now that she has the means to protect herself? It just doesn’t make sense. I feel like Oliver would object to Felicity killing, but also, she’s already commited mass murder? That’s the entire reason Ragboy left? Like she’s already killed people, Oliver, she’s been to the dark side before, dude, you can’t “save” her. I think he would’ve been more likely to train Felicity so she can defend herself properly so the gun wasn’t her only source of defense just in case it was used against her. Honestly all the teams need to train their more brainy members how to fight in general, you cannot have a person involved in something that could get them killed and not do that guys
Killer Frost (The Flash)
How I feel about this character
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Caitlin, OTP. I’ve never created so much art for a pairing before, whether it be fanfics or drawings. Silver Banshee and Livewire is my favorite crack ot3 for her. Probably makes passes at all her boys’ girls, like Iris and Kamilla and Sue
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Ralphie! They’re bros
My unpopular opinion about this character
Gagagagagagagaagay, socially awkward tsundere, just wants to be loved, will punch you in the face if you find out, panic attacks 24/7, so much anger issues
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
More soft moments with the team. I think she and Iris would work really well as passive-aggressive friends, y’know the type whose love language is insulting each other constantly
Cisco Ramon (The Flash)
How I feel about this character
I wuv him. Third favorite in the Flash, behind Frost and Cait respectively. Long hair, don’t care, nerd boy, i have a big gay crush on him, I really connect to his whole ‘i-was-emotionally-neglected-by-my- parents-and-fictional-characters-raised-me’ vibe. Also hair. pwetty. run hair??? run fingers through hair? ples
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Alright I’m poly and a multishipper so this is gonna be a long one. Keep in mind that I personally headcanon Cisco as bisexual aromantic, but as a subset identity called cupioromantic; my basic understanding of it is that though this label has no romantic feelings, they desire relations that are romantic-esque. Let’s go down the list! Ralph Dibny, Sue, and Kamilla as an ot4 absolutely melts me, Iris and Cisco are so good but Barco is neat too! Them as an ot3 could be so cute. Ronnie x Cisco is a gem. OH and he and Hartley used to date but broke up
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Caitlin of course! They’re best bros! The nerdy scientist and the professional doctor, both emotionally stunted idiots. I like to think they bonded over a shared love for horror movies, and that’s how they became friends. Also a bit of Killer Frost! Of course Cisco would have some relationship with his best friend’s alter. They’re not best friends (Frost considers Ralph her best friend), but they’re close. He introduced her to Game of Thrones. Frost calls him “Cissy,” “Transco” and “Vibeboy.” Cisco overuses “White Walker” way too much when talking with her.
My unpopular opinion about this character
A good boy?? I dunno, I can never find any content for Aro Cisco. I like to think that he’s emotionally stunted because his parents weren’t affectionate, and he developed a broad fixation on escapist fantasies for comfort and stimulation, like tv shows and comics. This could just be a projection ha 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish Cisco would just get confirmed as trans already! And he should talk about the fact he has a dead brother more often, that sting doesn’t just go away after a few episodes. Also give him and Iris more of a relationship. Also make him talk to Ralph more. Also there needs to be more chemistry with Kamilla, like comeon guys let’s see some banter over here rn he has more canonical chemistry with Ralph’s girlfriend
Caitlin Snow (The Flash)
How I feel about this character
My socially awkward darling.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Killer Frost. Just,, Frostie. Killersnow is my jam, I still chug out content for it to this day. Also Patty x Cait is a fun crackship, maybe throw Iris in it, too. Probably has a small crush on Kara and Kate. Way bigger crush on Lena and Alex. Buff smarties are her bread and butter, probably why she was so into Ronnie. Otherwise I generally see her as asexual
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Cisco, Barry, Ralphie. Cisco especially, they’re besties, everyday, inside jokes, binge-watch together, dumb idiots with wildly different coping mechanisms, I think that;s why I like their friendship so much? Cait sort of just shuts down, ignores it, pushes herself into something she views as more productive than her thoughts and feelings. Cisco de-constructs his emotions by putting them in ways he can easily understand, into comics and characters, because tv was his only escape from the emotional neglect his family offered. Caitlin focused solely on getting out and being someone Thomas could be proud of, y’know? 
My unpopular opinion about this character
Ace, bi, poly. Neutral, polite, aloof, superiority complex, inferiority complex, definite imposter syndrome-- idunno i fell in love with s1 Cait and I wish her canonically life-long tendency to repress and deny would show up more. Definitely the smartest in any given group (and she knows it), but is nice about it. Remember in season one when she called a brain freeze the long-ass scientific name? Instant love, I’m love her, I wish she did that more, clearly she loves science and medicine and biology so so much and I really hope they show more of her being a fuckin dork for it, it makes her feel so much more human, she’s just. great
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Just went on a rant about it in the above text. Let Caitlin be a dork! Let her be repressive and emotional and I-can-do-it-on-my-own-y! Let her be all this and more, a human whose conditioned herself a robot, I love that concept so much. Let Caitlin be herself!
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mischief-pixie · 4 years
I wrote a fanfic for me and Sherlock as a coping mechanism for some things that have been happening in my life lately, and it really helped. I wanted to share it with you guys, so here it is!! HOWEVER, I will have add a TRIGGER WARNING for self-hatred, and it is a semi vent. 
. . . . . . . . 
  Mint was crying again. They didn’t like crying. The feeling of tears rolling down her cheeks was wet and unpleasant. And yet lately every little thing made them cry. They had cried during a movie, they had cried when they saw a kitten in the pet store, they’d cried when Sherlock and John had gotten into a tiff and raised their voices, and then they’d cried when John had stormed out of the flat for some coffee. And that was just in the past three days. But this cry was different, in a bad way.
  Mint threw the covers off of their bed and pulled the hood of their sweater up before trudging to the bathroom. A glance in the mirror confirmed their anxieties. 
Do you think you deserve a boyfriend like Sherlock? You’re wrong.
You cry at everything. You’re so over-emotional and no one wants to be around you. 
You’re not smart enough to be Sherlock’s partner.
You don’t deserve your life.
  They shook their head and sat on the bathroom floor, against the door, trying to stifle their rising sob. They knew deep down that those words weren’t true, but it didn’t make them hurt less. And it didn’t stop the poisonous doubt from slipping into their head that; maybe those words were true after all. At least the flat was empty, so no one could hear her being a crybaby. They paused and held their breath, listening for any sign of life before letting out their sobs and sinking into that comfortable abyss that is self-hatred. And then a door opened. The front door, to be exact. Mint froze and listened to the person walk up the stairs. Hastened pace, skipping steps says Sherlock on a case, but he doesn’t slam the door, so he’s not in a hurry.
  “Mint!” Sherlock’s voice rings out from the living room as he flops into his chair. “I solved that particular problem with the Lionels! It was really rather clever of me. Would you like to hear how I’ve done it?” he pauses for a moment before walking towards the hall and the bathroom. “Mint?” 
  “I’m sorry, I’d love to hear about your case, Sherlock. I’ll be right out.” Mint bolts up, wiping the tears from their face fervently. “I’m sorry, really.”
  “What for? You haven’t done anything-”
  “I dunno. Just felt like the right thing to do.” Mint opened the door and shrugged, slightly slurring their words in that “I’ve just cried, like, a lot, but I’m not ready to talk about it so I’m pretending it didn’t happen” sort of way.
  “Mint.” Sherlock took both of their hands in his, examining their knuckles for a moment. “Come on.” he grabbed a jar from the bathroom counter and then picked Mint up delicately, carrying them to the couch.
  “Sherlock, I’m really not worth-”
  “No.” He looked at them and took the lid off of the jar. “First of all, don’t let your hands become so neglected. You have lovely hands and you put effort into finding a nice hand cream, so use it.” he rubbed some hand cream onto each of their knuckles as he spoke to them. “Second, we’ve been working on your apologizing. Just because something feels off doesn’t mean it’s your fault. And third,-” he kissed their forehead and pulled them into a hug. “You are worth everything to me.”
  “But I shouldn’t.” Mint pulled Sherlock close as tears welled up in their eyes once more. 
  “You’re more intelligent then you give yourself credit for. You have a talent with words and people and making people trust you. You can make people see the logical side of things in a kind way.” 
  “I’m not nearly as good as you are at logic.”
  “But you’re kind. You’re kind to me even when I’ve hurt you. Even when the world is against you, you’re kind, and that kindness will endear you to nearly everyone you meet.” 
  “You and John always fight, and I can’t do anything about it. And I cry all the time…”
  “You can hate yourself all you want your entire life, but I will always love you.” Sherlock pulled away from the hug to place gentle kisses on each of Mint’s cheeks. 
�� “But John is coming home again, right?” 
 “We’ll see.” 
  “Sherlock!!” Mint pushed him playfully and he fell backward onto to couch with a sigh. “I’ll message him.” She grabbed Sherlock's phone from the side table. 
  “No point on my phone. He’s probably shopping.” 
  “Speaking of shopping, if I get dressed real quick, can we go to the library and then get doughnuts? My book on ancient Greek culture came in.” Mint had already dropped the phone and had started rooting through the pile of clean, unfolded laundry in the basket on John’s chair. 
  “You’re changing the subject from your deep-rooted self-hatred again. Your therapist would not approve.” he rolled onto his feet fluidly and picked up a  berry-patterned blouse from the floor, handing it to Mint. 
  “I don’t have a therapist. Also, I’m not changing the subject.” they rubbed their arm as they spoke in softened tones. “I’d just rather not talk about it today.” they took the blouse from Sherlock's hand. “Thank you.”
  “Thank you for being alive today.” 
  “Bold of you to assume I was ever alive in the first place.” Mint leaned up to kiss Sherlock’s cheek before darting off with their articles of non-pajama clothes, leaving him sighing in the living room.
  “That incredible person.” he chuckled, shaking his head slightly at the antics of his person. 
. . . . . 
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Any cool small businesses in your area? So many. Metro Manila is generally quite a small area so it opens up a lot of room for small businesses to thrive and not be eaten up by bigger companies. People in my age group are also more likely to check out small businesses, so it’s served as fuel for more and more to pop up. My favorite would be the bar that my college friends and I regularly went to before lockdown, it’s called Tomato Kick but we all call it TK. I also used to go to this shop called The Common Room that sold all sorts of stickers, stationery, knickknacks, plants, oils, etc. but unfortunately they’ve permanently closed due to the pandemic :(
If you use libraries, what is the largest overdue fine you've ever had? Something like ₱300-₱400. The overdue fine in my school was like ₱2/day though, so do the math and you’ll figure out just how long I didn’t return my books loooool, it was pretty much unreturned for the entire school year. I’ll never forget how surprised the librarian looked when she computed my total fees lol.
Do you ever borrow things other than books from the library? I don’t think so. I definitely should have made the most of our college’s library though - they let us borrow old and classic films, and I just never availed of those services.
Are there still any movie rental places left where you live? No, pretty sure everyone here is all over Netflix now.
Do you ever buy secondhand books (or DVDs, video games, CDs)? Or do you prefer them to be brand new? Of course. The smell of a brand new book is always nice, but it’s SO satisfying to see something you really like at a secondhand goods shop and see that it costs 1/3 or 1/4 its original price. I’ve had awesome finds at used book stores.
Have you seen the version of The Addams Family with Tim Curry as Gomez? No, I’ve never seen any versions of it.
What was the last TV show you were hooked on? THE CROWNNNNN. I haven’t been able to continue it for around a month now because I’ve been stressed and depressed, but goddamn is it a good show.
Have you ever started a book and never finished it? So many times. I have more unfinished books than ones I was able to read all the way through.
Do you have a favorite drummer? Who? I don’t have a favorite but watching Whiplash did get me so amazed by Buddy Rich.
What about a favorite guitarist? Who? No favorite either, but I’m biased towards Lita Ford’s guitar work with The Runaways. 
Do you ever write fanfic? Of what? I used to write them when I was 12...they were all very bad. I’m cringing just thinking back to it lmao. That was the one venture I needed to try to know I wasn’t cut out for fiction writing.
Do you ever READ fanfic? Of what? Tons. I mostly read ones of my wrestling ships, especially CM Punk and AJ Lee back when they were a couple on-screen.
Do you have a favorite poet? Not into poetry, so I don’t have a favorite. I do love my girlfriend’s poems though. She gets poetry bursts very rarely but when she pens one, they are always very nice to read.
How many members are in the last band you listened to? Three at the moment. They used to have five, then three, then two, then one, then now three.
Do you have a favorite classical composer? I do not.
Do you ever accidentally clip your toenails too short and they hurt? Just a couple of times, but it’s a big reason why I stopped trying to cut them too short.
Have you ever had multicolored/rainbow hair? If not, would you ever want it? No, and no. I’m okay with dyeing my hair but I really prefer to have it in just one color.
What kind of hats, if any, do you like to wear? Beanies, caps, and sun hats.
Have you ever thought somebody was cute but no longer found them attractive once you got to know them better? What specifically about them turned you off? This is gonna be such a mean thing to say now considering the circumstances lol but I remember when my friends and I were all still new applicants for our org, we found Nacho super attractive (he really was, objectively speaking) but he was always too awkward when at a table with us and initially came off as a lousy conversation-er. I specifically remember how that turned me and Jo off. Now I miss him a lot and would do anything to see that mug again.
Have you ever thought somebody was plain-looking, but found them attractive once you got to know them better? What specifically about them made them so beautiful? It’s happened here and there. A common trait of them all is that they’re all very good speakers and are able to speak their mind eloquently and intelligently, especially when standing up for their opinion or beliefs.
What is your #1 dealbreaker with friendships? (Why you wouldn't be friends) Betrayal of trust.
Who is your favorite character on Bob's Burgers and why? (If you watch it) I don’t watch it.
What songs do you never get tired of? Paramore’s ;)
Have you ever had a retro celebrity crush? Like a crush on an "old" celebrity who was most famous a long time ago or is long dead? Lol yes, a bunch of them...anyone who’s followed me for a while would know. I’m really into Audrey Hepburn, Vivien Leigh, Grace Kelly, Joan Crawford, Olivia de Havilland, Greta Garbo, Cary Grant, and Gregory Peck.
Before buying something in a store, do you look online to see if you can get it cheaper there? Not usually. I don’t shop online, so.
What type of things do you prefer to purchase online? It’s not a question of the type of thing I’m buying, but if I’m purchasing something online it’s largely because I don’t have anyone to buy it with at a physical store at the moment, and I hate going to the mall by myself.
Are you interested in fashion? Not so much. I keep up with the trends in my age group and like being updated with new shoe lines from my favorite brands and such, but I don’t watch fashion shows or know the name of all models.
Do you prefer beef or chicken tacos? I don’t really like tacos, period. I don’t even know what’s the standard meat in them...I guess I’ll go with beef, I know I love them in my burritos.
Have you ever tried fish tacos? How were they? I haven’t. I dunno how to feel about it honestly; my Filipino palate’s only ever had fish in stews, with rice, or in sushi. But I know it’s popular in other parts of the world so I guess fish tacos are good too.
Have you ever worn leather (or imitation leather) pants? No. That sounds highly uncomfortable, and I’m just reminded of that episode of Friends where Ross wore leather pants as part of his new year’s resolution lol.
What part of your body seems to get cold the most? I normally don’t feel cold in certain parts of my body. If I’m cold, my entire body is.
What do you like better, pants or shorts? Shorts. Pants are only nice if they’re high-waisted mom jeans, but in this climate I mostly find them uncomfortable covering my entire legs.
Have you ever wished you had a different eye color? Sometimes, but through the years I’ve learned to embrace my dark brown eyes.
Do you know anybody with two different colored eyes? Yes.
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spacefoxy-irl · 5 years
Get to know me tag!
Got tagged by @terraqua111 - Thanks!
1. Dogs or cats?
Cats. Doesn’t mean I hate dogs or something. I’ve never owned a dog but I have owned several cats so that’s why I’m leaning more towards them. Also they are very independent. I like that.
2. YouTube Celebrities or Normal Celebrities?
*shrug*  I dunno... I guess normal celebrities.
3. if u could choose to live anywhere where would that be?
I like the area I live in, I just wanna get the hell out of this building lol! So to somewhere that’s better maintained and I don’t have crazy people as neighbors...
4. Disney or DreamWorks?
5. Favorite childhood TV show?
I watched a whole bunch of TMNT and Biker Mice etc cause I’m totally the target audience xD
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?
No idea. I’m gonna have to look this up, hold on... Yeah uh after checking a list, there’s nothing in there that really interests me.
7. Favorite book you read in 2019?
Chronicle vol. III (warcraft stuff)
8. Marvel or DC?
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member?  
uh I answered *shrug* cause I’m totally indifferent xD So ummm... I’m saying nothing!
10. Night or Day?
night obviously
11. Favorite Pokemon?
All the eevees!
12. Top 5 bands/artists: (these are in no specific order necessarily)
Def Leppard
Bon Jovi
Mötley Crüe
Frehley’s Comet
13. Top 10 books
Uuuhhhh my book interests are very specific, I don’t really read novels or the kind. So uh... it’s just be a list of biographies and paleoart/paleontology books and other scientific shit. So I’m gonna pass!
14. Top 4 movie
The Jurassic Park/Jurassic World series. Boom. Done.
15. US or Europe?
Europe I guess. I live here so...
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
Tumblr. Don’t have/use twatter.
17. Favorite vacation destination?
Somewhere peaceful is all I ask for. The less people the better.
18. Favorite YouTuber?
The Yogscast, Good Mythical Morning, Kitboga, Pyromancer, Bellular
19. Favorite author ?
Idk, anyone who writes fanfic! That’s the only fiction I read these days xD
20. Tea or Coffee?
21. OTP?
Wouldn’t you like to know? xD I always feel really weird answering these questions because I fear the judgement of anyone who happens upon my blog.
22. Do you play an instrument/sing?
Nope. I can only play one nursery rhyme on the piano and my “singing” will make your ears bleed.
I tag.... no one!
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mashumiwu · 5 years
I mean,,, you know haha,,,,,,,, all of them? haha 😬
You know what, i love you for asking me to do all these 💙
salmon — what songs do you listen to when you want to feel happy?
Already answered!
watermelon — what books do you need to read?
Ahhh, well i have this series of books that i still need to finish
rosewood — what very popular thing could you not give less of a shit about?
Honestly, have no idea?
magnolia — what is your hogwarts house?
Already answered!
carnation — who is your godly parent?
frosting — do you make a lot of dad jokes?
Nahh, those are my friends
french rose — what fictional characters do you have crushes on?
Main characters lmao
hydrangea — what is your favourite object in the room you’re currently in?
The fucking tv lmao
wild berry — what is your love language?
Korean, French, n Vietnamese
jelly bean — recommend me some fanfics!
Ahhh, there's a lot!!
satin — what is your fave rarepair?
fuchsia — what’s annoying you the most right now?
My friends being crackheads
bubblegum — tell me about some of your fav ocs
Do my ocs count? Well, Hwa-Young is kinda shy, but she is brave and stands up for her friends or anyone else that is in trouble. Beth, is a very brave girl who loves to explore a lot, but she also gets scared easily. But i love them both!!!
powder — what is a strange fear you have?
Fear of holes
soap — what fandoms are you really into right now?
Nctzen and STAY
tutu — what sports/activities were you in as a kid?
Soccer, dance, and gymnastics. Dance and gymnastics i still do
melon — favourite fairy tale?
Don't have one hehe
blush — how good is your memory?
Not very good
orchid — favourite cryptid?
W h a t ?
pastel — what do you eat for breakfast?
I didn't eat breakfast 😬
sakura— tell me about a video game you love
cotton candy — tell me what you think about me
A big mess, but i mean aren't we all? Also very funny and cool!!
quartz — do you still have any of your childhood toys?
lotus — do you like taking baths?
cherry blossom — what are some things that relax you?
prom — what are your gender/pronouns/sexuality?
Female/she/her/bi cerise — tell me about your favourite musical
Don't have one :)
strawberry — tell me about your crush
lipgloss — describe your appearance without looking at yourself
Ugly ://
pig — what games do you have on your phone?
Kpop games?
magenta — how much do you lie or use sarcasm?
Lie : 50% Sarcasm: 100%
raspberry — tell me about your favourite cartoon
Don't have one
taffy — tell me about your siblings (or any relatives or friends if you don’t have any)
My lil baby bro is super cute
ruby — who is the person you trust the most?
My bestfriends
passionfruit — what are your passions?
Honestly, hard to explain cuz i have so many!
hot pink — do you prefer loud or quiet environments?
shortcake — what movie soundtrack is your favourite?
flamingo — if you were a superhero or supervillain, what powers would you want?
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
gingerjab replied to your post “ANYWAY. The petition/prayer circle for Michael Trevino to be cast as...”
I’m forever an asshole obsessed with fire/ice ships so Thunderbird or Sunfire, fuck the inhumans one off and St. John. Also, Rahul Kohli as Neal Shaara/Thunderbird/Agni. Also I’m sposed to be asleep so ignore if this is a shit idea.
For the record, I actually kinda like the Inhuman guy, cuz I mean, its not his fault he’s part of a trash franchise. I think it probably helps that I’ve only ever read one issue with him, so as to render it absolutely impossible for his writing to piss me off. I like to just close my eyes and pretend he’s a mutant. Y’know. Like I do with Kamala!
Who is obviously a mutant.
(And like.....let’s be real. The dude is a pyrokinetic with a demon form, the codename INFERNO, and his REAL name is DANTE Pertuz. DANTE. INFERNO. Like, that’s the on-the-nose-fuck-your-subtlety-we-came-here-to-be-pretentious-as-fuck-with-our-literary-references-look-how-dignified-it-makes-our-character balls to the wall character concept I am HERE for. I’m like OH HAI I SEE WHAT U DID THAR. And they’re like “oh yeah? You got it? Hahaha, we were worried nobody would, phew, good job tho. Totally adds to the character right? Pretty clever of us.” And then I’d be like Hahahaha no, not even a little bit, but ‘scool, I like him anyway cuz I’m easy like that. I put out for puns.” And then they’d be like awwwww, dammit, we worked so hard on that. And I’d be like....well, that doesn’t speak highly of your abilities, I mean it was a super obvious joke. And then I stopped making up conversations with hypothetical people in my head.)
Also, in defense of comic book St. John Allerdyce and absolutely NO OTHER VERSIONS EVER because agreed, they all suck....
Comic book St. John is a snarky Australian asshole who in between acts of mutant mass destruction, has a side career as a successful romance novelist under a pen name.
(I’m not even joking. Comic book St. John, in canon, writes romance novels in his spare time as a hobby. LOLOLOL c’mon, how is that not a great character beat for a supervillain slash occasional kinda-if-you-squint-superhero).
I too am also trash for fire/ice ships because SCREW SUBTLETY, WE SHIP THEMATICALLY. But like, its gotta be the RIGHT fire/ice ship. I weirdly have standards with my fire/ice ships? Probably just because I’m obsessed with Bobby Drake but whatever, who cares, how is that relevant.
I mean, OBVIOUSLY, you have your proto-fire/ice ship, the one, the original, the Word I came out of the womb prepared to preach and ship and like, spread to the masses....Bobby Drake/Johnny Storm. Because like. They are elemental dorks whose competitiveness is only matched by their dumbness, how can you not love them, I DEFY YOU TO SAY.
I’m kinda meh on Iceman/Pyro, because like, original comic book Pyro and Bobby never even interacted I think? And in cartoons they’re always totally different generations/age groups, and in the movies they’re like....boring and stale and not even all that attractive and also did I mention boring, omg no offense to whomever wrote them, but I tried reading Bobby/Pyro movie fanfic years ago because like, that’s the only movie Bobby fic there is, unless you want to read about him being an asshole to Rogue and/or cheating with Kitty and just generally driving Rogue into the arms of the much (much much much much, like ewww) older Logan or Gambit. Because srsly, so appealing. So obviously, I caved and tried reading Bobby/Pyro fics because like, they had the word ‘Bobby’ in them, and the bar is too low in my X-Men fic reading habits. And omg I fell asleep. I just. It was all just the standard m/m cookie cutter generic ‘good boy plus bad boy uwu yaoi-zowey’ bleh starring two not at all deeply written or well-acted meh-looking white dudes, and just. Why.
But that’s what I mean when I say I’m wary of fire/ice ships, because sometimes with powered characters like, authors think oh hey, LOOK ONE IS FIRE AND ONE IS ICE, THIS TOTALLY COUNTS AS THEM HAVING OPPOSITES ATTRACT PERSONALITIES AND THUS I DONT NEED TO GIVE THEM A PERSONALITY, RIGHT? Like. They’re just very boring and unimaginative in execution, just because they expect the basic premise of fire and ice/’obvious opposites attract, obviously’ to do all the work for them.
(Katey if you’re reading this I’m super for sure not talking about YOUR superpowered romances, because you are wonderful and GOOD at writing and imaginative, and thus none of this applies to you. Requisite disclaimer.)
So, when they did this random Bobby/’New Pyro Dude like where did he even come from I still dont know’ hook-up, I was prepared to like, yawn endlessly, because I figured it would be more boring imaginationless ‘ooh look what an obvious pair they are and yet still praise me for how clever I am for pairing them’ crap. 
And I was absolutely right!
(But I mean, it was written by Marc Guggenheim, the odds of it sucking were totally in my favor. Betting against them being well-written under his pen might feasibly be construed as cheating. Whatever).
And also, the art did them ZERO favors, like I know they’re both generic blond dudes in their twenties, but I LITERALLY COULD NOT TELL WHICH WAS SUPPOSED TO BE WHICH in any of the panels that they were like, in bed together or dressing or talking or literally anything until they started using their powers to fight bad guys. It was soooooooo bad. Like the art just manifested every ‘look at the white gay date his mirror reflection lol what is variety even’ cliche and beat you over the head with it.
(Also Bobby is supposed to have brown hair, which at least would’ve helped a LITTLE bit. Meh. Still was gonna suck because like, nobody had any intention of WRITING them together, like, developing their characters and laying the groundwork for a possible relationship. It was just ‘oh look, the fire and ice dude got drunk at a wedding and hooked up, cool deal, now on with the story.’)
Anyway, the ONLY redeeming potential for a Bobby/Simon relationship in my opinion is ENTIRELY due to a fic I read with them. Its probably the only fic written about Simon ever, lmfao, so its not like the writer’s characterization of him has any competition among either canon or other fans’ renditions of him. But it was pretty well written, I actually liked their portrayal of Bobby, which I’m SUPER picky about in fanfics, and they actually invested time in developing Simon and his POV and giving him an actual personality and shit, that wasn’t half bad. So if Simon was written like that in the comics and their relationship progressed in similar ways, I could feasibly be on board with them.
But it won’t, so I’m not. Meh. Anyway.
I actually really REALLY like both Shiro AND Neal, with the caveat that I hate Neal’s stupid offensive-ass codename, I know Claremont only named him Thunderbird because he introduced him in an anniversary issue that was supposed to be a call-back to the original Giant Size lineup, and he needed a stand-in for John Proudstar, but like....wtf Claremont, just use your brain and save Neal to introduce a whole issue later and stick Jamie in John’s place the way everyone else does. He literally went by Thunderbird in the comics already in his Hellion days, which YOU wrote, so why the fuck did you feel the need to be stupidly offensive and act like Native American people and traditions are interchangeable with those of a guy from India? Ugh he’s so....gah.
Anyway. So I actually like both Shiro and Neal, though pretty much only when people other than Claremont are writing them, lololol. Which is admittedly...rare. Because of all his pet characters, they’re both at the top of the list of ones nobody else has any interest in touching. Bizarrely, my favorite run involving Shiro was when he was randomly shoe-horned into that Alpha Flight relaunch in the late 90s, that only lasted a couple years? Dunno if you know what I’m talking about, the team with Radius, Flex, Murmur, Heather as Vindicator and Mac was a robot or some weird shit.
I have no real thoughts on either of them with Bobby though, for a fire and ice pairing. Tbh I can’t really see Bobby/Shiro like, at ALL lmfao. For one, Shiro’s always felt written as though he’s a good ten years older than Bobby at least. Like they’re not really compatible dialogue-wise lol. And he’s pretty much never had any patience for Bobby in the comics, which has a lot to do with most of their interactions being written by Claremont himself, and Claremont infamously haaaaaaates Bobby’s character and trashes him any chance he gets, aka the few times editorial makes him actually use Bobby in a script. But I also think even under other writers, like....Shiro honestly is not the type to have any patience for Bobby’s antics or brand of humor, like.....he’s like JP but without the superficial crush JP used in canon to view Bobby’s idiosyncrasies as endearing instead of migraine inducing. I don’t think any readers would buy someone of JP or Shiro’s personality-type crushing on Bobby twice, lololol.
I DO however kinda like the idea of Neal/Bobby? If someone ever actually brought Neal back and gave him a new codename and stuck him on a team with Bobby? They’ve also barely interacted in canon, and the only time I can think of, Neal was super rude and dismissive of Bobby, because like, Claremont was writing it of course, so it made total sense for him to have the dude who’s literally been an X-Man for two issues talk down to the X-Man of several decades like the latter had no clue what he was doing, lol. Oops, still slightly salty there. 
But honestly, I doubt anyone who didn’t have hyperfixation fueled grudges on a fictional fave’s behalf would ever even remember that one canon interaction, and tbh Neal’s pretty much a blank slate character wise. His only defining traits from what little he’s been used are that he’s fairly young, in his early to mid-twenties, from a wealthy family, a little full of himself but in a ‘really wants to impress people and prove himself’ kinda way instead of an overly entitled ‘i genuinely believe I am superior to all you buffoons’ kinda way. And he was always endearingly enthusiastic and eager about new stuff he encountered from being with the X-Men.
(He was also randomly obsessed with Psylocke, but I truly think Claremont was like, well I’m just gonna write him like I would Warren Worthington because why not. So yeah, obvsly he’s super obsessed with Betsy. Duh.)
Anyway - I would like someone to do something interesting with Neal, and I think his and Bobby’s chemistry has a lot of potential and they could bounce off each other well. 
Also, I like Rahul, but I was randomly fancasting some of the more obscure X-Men awhile back for Reasons (I forget what they were tbh, but I’m sure I had them. I usually do). I came across this Indian actor named Karan Tacker and was like ohhhhhhh he totally looks like he could be Neal Shaara.
I mean, I’ve literally never seen him act, so who knows what his acting is like, but since we’ve established Neal’s character is essentially whatever the person to actually use him next wants it to be, I don’t think that’s a big deal lol.
So this is totally superficially based casting, like I think this guy looks and ‘feels’ the way Neal’s typically been drawn and the kinda vibe he gives off.
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Also, incidentally, having absolutely nothing to do with anything, let alone my selection process, by pure coincidence the dude just so happens to have abs for daaaaaaays.
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But I mean. Like I said, that is neither here nor there. Obviously.
Of no relevance whatsoever. I didn’t even notice, tbh. Don’t even know who hijacked my body and ghost wrote these last few sentences, quick, call an exorcist.
....oh noes, is this one of the consequences of being an ‘anti’? IS THIS MY COMEUPPANCE? *flees*
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