#I miss being in college
marginal-notes · 1 year
Love serenading in the new year by realizing that I’m repeatedly getting my ass kicked while writing fic because I keep trying to apply the wrong legal system in my worldbuilding. At this rate I’m going to hunt down a course on civil law systems, jfc.
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lowcallyfruity · 6 months
Noble bell being silly 🥰
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spamgyu · 4 months
Pretty Boy // College!Mingyu – Love Language and Worms
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Started off as this prompt: no bc college!mingyu as someone who lives down the hall from your dorm and you always run into him doing something questionable [College!Mingyu Masterlist]
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They weren't together.
Not officially that is.
But they also weren't what they once were; they no longer danced around each other, pretending to ignore the very obvious feelings they felt for one another.
And it wasn't like they both didn't want to make it official – but it was all still quite new.
They were, what most who were in the grey area of pre-dating called, talking. A stage in which they were definitely exclusively only seeing each other, and no longer in that playful flirting stages – allowing for very couple like interactions.
Such as moments like this; the two relaxing in her dorm, with his head on her lap as she raked through his hair as rested from a long day of classes and practice.
It had become a daily routine for Mingyu to head straight to her shared room after practice, instead of his just a few doors down; claiming that she was the break he needed from his busy day as a student athlete.
And she was not complaining, after the third day of him doing this; Y/n looked forward to his visits, having a meal ready for them to share as they talked about their day.
She could have sworn that she hated doing anything remotely close to couple like activities, cringing anytime she saw anyone being a little too lovey-dovey with one another.
Turns out, she was just like any other girl.
"I got physical touch and quality time." Y/n giggled, turning her phone screen to show him her quiz results.
Cracking his eyes open, a smile formed his lips.
During their dinner, sitting cross legged across from one another on her bed, Mingyu had spilled to her his love language results of words of affirmation and physical touch; earning teasing from the girl claiming that he was ran through.
"How do you already know that? Your are so ran through."
Choosing to brush it off, he convinced her to take the quiz – for research purposes, of course.
"That's good to know." He hummed, making a mental note to use this to his advantage.
"I mean I could have told you that." Y/n rolled her eyes, setting her phone down.
There hasn't been a day since she had confessed her feelings for the boy that she hasn't welcomed his unannounced visits and plans to spend time with her. Her once calculated actions towards him were now thrown out the window, reaching for his hand that was hanging over her shoulder – locking her fingers with his as they walked.
"Just wanted confirmation." Mingyu reached up to take her hand in his, toying with the silver ring on her middle finger as he shut his eyes once again.
Y/n bit back the large grin that was threatening to form on her lips as she admired him – something she realized she had been doing quite often. It wasn't that she never thought that he was beautiful; his gorgeous face catching her attention during move in day.
But with the walls she had built up slowly coming down, Y/n was now more relaxed around him – openly allowing him to catch her stares.
"Want me to set an alarm for 15 minutes?"
Sighing, Mingyu nodded – holding her hand to his chest. Usually he would hug a pillow to sleep but this was much better than any feather stuffed cloth.
And she wasn't protesting.
Picking her phone back up, Y/n followed his requests before switching to her current favorite app; Tiktok.
"Ladies, ask you man if he would love you if you were a worm and if he–"
"Yes." Mingyu deadpanned without allowing the creator to finish their sentence; his eyes remaining closed. "A worm, a lint in my pocket, a water bottle."
"You love me?" Y/n moving her phone away from her eye-line, raising her brows at him.
She was obviously teasing; knowing it would fluster him.
"Wha-" His eyes snapped open, taken off-guard by her follow up question. "Wait– I, well–"
He was tired and wasn't thinking much of how the creator chose to word the current social media trend he had seen circulating around. Mingyu knew it wasn't long before she would jokingly ask him this question.
He just didn't think that she wouldn't veer off the script he had written in his head.
They liked each other.
Love wasn't something they talked about. Not yet at least.
They had strong feelings.
Very strong feelings, but love? That was a hefty word.
Especially for two people who were definitely not in an established relationship.
Y/n began laughing, seeing he had become at a loss for words – his eyes darting around the room as the gears in his head began to turn.
"We– Look," He sat up. "I mean– we're not off–"
"Mingyu, I'm kidding." She settled down. "Noted on that answer though."
A wave of relief washed over him, a pout forming on his lips. "You– My sleep is gone!"
"Sucks." Y/n shrugged with a giggle, her heart melting at his adorable state.
"I'll get you back, you know that."
"No you won't."
Rolling his eyes, he settled back down on to the bed. "I know." Mingyu grumbled, hugging her hand against his chest once again.
He never could tease her the way she did. She was quick to her feet when it came to jokes, at times unable to keep up.
Not that he was complaining – he enjoyed her sense of humor, even if it left him stumbling on his own words.
It was one of the reasons why he was so enamored by her.
Whether she was a worm, a gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe, or a piece of lint in his pocket; Mingyu will always be under her spell. He will always let her win their playful fights and allow all her jokes.
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@thegirlwhoimagined @forcheol @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @f4iryjjosh @akeminy @yonabutnotyuna @tacosandbitch @aaniag @bettybotterboughtabitofbutter @xbaekcult @alwaysalmostthere @ashkuuuu @morkswatermelonnnn @isabellah29 @lottogyu @bubbly-moon @lllucere @bo-fairykim @pluviophile-xxx @daegutowns @jenoxygen @niktwazny303 @aahvii @fragmentof-indifference @leah-rose03 @haolistic @eclliipsed @joshuahongnumbers @gyuguys @yaaaridk @christinewithluv @yoonzinoooo @jaebammie @livelikejinki @watercolureyes @whoa-jo @primoisellerose
(for some reason it's not allowing me to tag some who wanted to be added to the perm tag list ... cries... pls check ur settings so i can for future posts)
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unluckyprime · 1 year
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nero-neptune · 4 months
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“Roy was the engineer, and anything related to engineering, in any specialism, would have to pass through his hands. This included assembling the plane’s radio, just like he’d fixed the small battery-operated Spika radio and made it work.
“Adolfo sat down beside him. He explained to Roy that it was not a matter of expertise in electronics but one of ignorance, and pointed out that Roy was the least ignorant of everybody in that department. Roy argued that he had never seen an airplane radio in his life, not even in a book. Adolfo put his hand over Roy’s. ‘I know that, Roy. We all know that. I only wanted to tell you that you were the best one at handling the wires and the terminals, that’s all. But right now that’s a lot, it makes a huge difference … you are the engineer.’
“Roy, almost breathless, added something that his older friend already knew: ‘I am barely in my first year in Engineering, I’m only twenty years old, and the only time I’ve ever been remotely close to anything like this was when I helped instal a damn audio system for my cousins.’
“‘And you fixed the Spika radio,’ Adolfo responded, as if it were a thermonuclear station and not a basic portable radio the size of a pack of cigarettes. Before Adolfo even said the next sentence he knew clearly that it was as painful for him to say as it was for his friend to hear it. ‘Roy, the group needs your abilities. All we’re asking is that you try.’ ”
– “Is Anybody Listening?” from Society of the Snow: The Definitive Account of the World’s Greatest Survival Story by Pablo Vierci
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lesbianshepard · 1 year
they should invent a driving a car that isn't scary
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onesockartist · 8 days
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Sometimes you want merch so bad you just have to make it yourself ….
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a-list-of-moods · 7 months
I see a calc problem and I puff up like a scared cat
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when you make me do calculus this is who you're doing it to btw
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reineydraws · 7 months
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i just. wanted to draw them kissin'. so here's a modern au mistletoe thing. :') happy december!!! also i think shanks would look amazing in a cream-coloured cable-knit. 😌💞
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saradiation · 1 year
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College John 
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triona-tribblescore · 1 month
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Every time I make a Pro-Palestine post, I get sent death threats and hate mail by alt-right Zionists. As does anyone brave enough to speak out on the genocide that’s currently unfolding. Yet y’all want me to have sympathy for Taylor Swift because she would be risking her “safety” if she spoke out on “political” matters??? Y’all are so out of touch with reality it’s sickening.
Take a minute out of your insular lives to check out the college students risking their education and their safety to protest genocide. Or the long list of celebrities such as SZA, Hozier and The Weeknd who have shown solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Or the millions of people all across the world who show solidarity through protesting, donating or posting.
Please, stop telling me you’re worried for a billionaire’s safety. Specifically a billionaire who used to speak out on issues because she wanted to be “on the right side of history” but abandoned that rhetoric once she rose to the top of the charts again.
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lucasoliko · 4 months
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Tried to remember how to draw riddler while I watched my best friend play through arkham knight
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moviesstoriesandbooks · 3 months
Kim has a chipped tooth , but the chipping is inside , and very very small. It can't be seen and he won't get it fixed.
It's a souvenir from the very first time he defeated Chan on hand to hand combat. Even Chan doesn't know that, THAT hit, did so much damage.
Chay on the other hand , knows.
After their first kiss on his shaggy old couch , and the many more that followed that night , he could wax poetry about all the edges and softness of every single crevice on Kim's mouth. He had whimpered when it accidentally grazed his lips , and had grabbed onto Kim's shoulders at the time.
But after that one night Chay never got to kiss Kim again. He never saw the warmth in his eyes that melted and re-moulded his entire world. Not even when he begged in front of Kim to tell him some part of whatever they had , was true.
Afterwards when he tried to move on , when he tried to fall into the arms of strangers who creeped all over him lustfully , the kisses never made him * feel*.
They were just a way to distract the minds of these poor replacements , so they wouldn't notice how empty Chay's ministrations were. They always closed their eyes when they kissed , and so Chay's unsatisfied frown went by unnoticed. His anger at the reminder , the lack of friction when they tried to dominate him, only made him pull back to lead their attention elsewhere, which they mistook for throes of passion. Hopefully.
When Chay finally was picked up by Kim at Yok's bar one night , Kim was shocked seeing how very much Chay had to drink , and how lax the security around him had been , especially considering their ward had been inebriated. Chay could barely recognise it was Kim half-carrying him out of the bar. Porsche had mentioned to "Make sure Porchay is being safe , Yok called and said he's drinking now. I know , shocking!" , Kim hadn't expected to end up with whole armful of drunk lanky Chay with flushed face and pouty lips.
Kim decided then and there to take him to his penthouse to sleep it off, so he could lie to Porsche about how drunk he had been and maybe so noone else could see his Chay like that.
Once a slightly sobered up Chay took in the piano that stood against the backdrop of a starlit Bangkok skyline , he tearfully broke down and tried to push Kim's aid away.
Only for them both to end up on the rug overlooking the balcony , holding each other , Kim trying to bask in the aroma that was simply his Porchay , and Chay trying to claw his way into Kim's leather jacket.
Finally , finally; Chay got to taste him again , and his whimpers got louder each time Kim grazed his plump lips with that one chipped tooth.
Some vague part of Chay's consciousness revelled that it couldn't get better than this , for Kim to choose that moment bite his lips with full force and draw blood. Chay started to shake like a scared fawn when Kim's fingers climbed underneath his shirt and headed to his chest.
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xrenyaa · 4 months
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same gojo, same
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socialc1imb · 8 hours
I miss being in college what the heck
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