#I need to do that. Get outta here. Go do literally anything else
solradguy · 4 months
There have been a lot of days recently where I'm scrolling through GG tags/feeds and it just isn't fun. I'm too involved, I think; I need to find some other way to distract myself when I'm bored before I explode
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cherry-cola-on-ice · 10 months
Can you write a story that has Thomas Hewitt getting jealous at a guy flirting with his S/O please love your work🙏🙏🙏🙏
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Jealousy Jealousy
It shouldn't bug him so much. Especially after all this time.
It wasn't your fault after all. Anyone with eyes could see how beautiful you were. Everything about you was crafted by some higher being, sculpted from the stars and the skies. And you were so sweet, so kind. You brought a smile to even Uncle Monty's face.
And most of all, he knew you loved him. He repeatedly told himself, saying it over and over again in his head like his own personal mantra. As long as you loved him, he didn't need anything else.
Thomas's eyebrows furrowed as you laughed at the joke. He couldn't tell you jokes. But this stranger could. This handsome, younger man with perfect teeth and perfect hair. He looked like one of those men on the front of the harlequin novels Hoyt steals out of suitcases.
You laughed again, head thrown back. God, you were perfect. Too perfect for him. This stranger was the type of man you deserved.
From the back room of the gas station, Thomas shifted his weight nervously. He knew he should have left you at the house. It was a bad idea, just like Hoyt said. You brought to much attention to yourself. Unknowingly and unwittingly, of course. Never your intention.
But you had a magnetic power around you, drawing people in.
Your soft eyes were what made him fall in love with you. When his family first found you, hiding out in their barn, crying your eyes out, he felt a pang in his heart that was new to him. You looked scared and you were alone. Everyone else had left you, all meeting their ends by his chainsaw.
He asked you why you didn't struggle and you always shrugged "I guess they were never really my friends to begin with. They tried to leave me for dead. "
And he didn't question it at first. After all, it all brought you to him. You were his now.
You should hate him. You should fight him. You shouldn't be able to stand the sight of him. You were better off with this man, this stranger who could give you the life you deserved. The overwhelming feeling of despair hit him like a shot to the stomach.
But then you turned to him. And smiled. That sweet smile, the one that lit up a room and light up his life. And it was directed at him. It was his smile.
And for a moment, all was right in the world. You chose him.
But then-
"So, I gotta wonder... What's a sweet thing like you doing in a shit hole like this?"
From afar, Thomas could see you bristle, your demeanor change from jovial to defense "What's that supposed to mean? There's nothing wrong with here."
The stranger laughed "Yeah, it's cute in tetanus shot kinda way. But nowhere such a hot piece of ass such as you should be. "
Thomas ought to punt this creep straight into a grinder. His fist balled up and he began stalking towards him-
Except you beat him to the punch. Quite literally.
The stranger fell to the floor, holding his bloody nose. Whimpering. Thomas was surprised, he didn't think this guy would go down that easily. The man wasn't as tall as him, but he was still a sizable man. And you floored him.
Looking back to you, he watched as you shook your hand out, cursing under your breath "Fucking hell, dude! Your face made out of concrete?!?"
"Yeah, and I'll do it again if you don't get your ass outta here!"
The man, holding his bleeding nose, lifted himself off the ground, shooting daggers at you. Instinctively, Thomas placed his body between the two of you, glaring back at him.
The stranger, though looking absolutely terrified, feigned confidence and scoffed as he walked by. You grabbed Thomas's arm, shouting as the stranger left the store "Yeah! Get out here, you-"
Thomas spun you around, grabbing your face in his hands. He looked you over, looking for any signs of harms. You scrunched your nose "I'm fine, Thomas!"
Thomas huffed, pulling you close to him. You laughed in his arms, standing up on your tip toes to press a kiss to his mask. Thomas looked down at you, taking in the lovestruck look in your eyes.
Yeah, he had nothing to worry about.
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pagannatural · 3 months
2.03 Bloodlust
-Sam flirts with Dean by telling him (and the Impala) to get a room. Meanwhile he’s looking at Dean like this and the two of them are, literally, getting a room.
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-Sam tells the bartender “we’re looking for some people” and the bartender says “sure, hard to be lonely.”
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Sam blinks wide, grimaces. Dean looks at him, assessing. Sam looks down and then at Dean while he says “yeah, but, um…” slowly, then he regroups and pulls out a fifty, “that’s not what I meant.” There’s a sexual implication to being lonely and looking for someone at a bar, and the brothers share a very loaded look about it. It’s like this bartender accidentally hit on a truth.
Sam has been lonely for Dean. He’s been trying to get Dean to talk to him and spend time with him since their dad died, and Dean has been shutting Sam out emotionally. Sam knows Dean is lonely for him too, even though he won’t say it.
-Sam notices something is off when Dean says he’s been itching for a hunt. He and Dean also make prolonged eye contact after Dean kills a vampire and his face is spattered with blood, and Sam notices Dean is unsettled. They give each other strength just by staring into each others eyes. Sam’s always paying attention to Dean.
-Dean also notices right away that Sam’s off and asks him if he’s okay. Noticing Sam, for him, is less watchful and more like noticing the orbit of his own moon. Gravity’s off, something’s up with Sam.
-Sam went from correcting Dean every time he used Sam’s nickname to “he’s the only one who gets to call me that.” It’s so possessive, like he’s saying I’m his not yours. Dean notices and smiles to himself. Then he says “Sammy remind me to beat that buzzkill outta you later” you’re gonna do what to him later?
-Sam’s development from telling Dean he has to let him go to identifying him as the only one who can use his nickname is also the change from Sam seeking distance to Sam acquiescing to being Dean’s.
-Dean tells Gordon a story about killing a monster at 16 while Sammy waited in the car. He didn’t need to mention where Sammy was, he wasn’t a part of the story, but he has a condition* that makes him talk about Sammy to strangers whenever he’s not there (*wretched, soul-crushing love).
-Dean tells Gordon he always thought of his dad as indestructible. Now he’s questioning everything about his dad’s teachings and realizing the version of John in his head is not the only one.
-Sam says he sees through Dean’s fake smile and knows how Dean feels, because he feels the same way. When Sam says that Dean’s behavior is “an insult to [John’s] memory,” Dean kind of nods and raises his eyebrows like “you have no fucking idea” before punching Sam in the face.
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-For once, Sam is way off about Dean. He has no idea how Dean feels or what he’s dealing with. The idea of insulting vs honoring John’s memory is complicated for Dean right now. He’s seeing Sam being protective of John for maybe the first time ever and I can just imagine Dean thinking, I raised you, and the man you finally want to respect as your father asked me to kill you.
-Dean looks regretful after he punches Sam, like he’s realizing he took it too far, and Sam looks hurt and taken aback, his eyes searching to and away from Dean and his mouth open. And then Sam tells Dean, “you can hit me all you want. It won’t change anything.”
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There are some potential layers to that.
1. They’re arguing about something else here, at the same time—whether or not vampires can choose to act ethically or if they’re inherently evil. Sam implores Dean not to kill them, believing the former. Dean wants killing to be black and white due to Dead Dad’s Last Words reasons. Hitting Sam won’t make the issue any clearer.
2. Sam’s words could be interpreted as “you can hurt me all you want and it won’t change how I feel.” About Dean. Or “whatever you do it won’t change the way things are.” Between them.
3. Sam has been begging Dean to give him something real and emotional, he’s been pushing and pushing him to get a reaction, escalating and becoming more desperate. Now Dean has responded. He’s hurt Sam, but that means he’s touched him out of uncontrollable emotion—or better yet has chosen to inflict his feelings and needs upon Sam’s body. The pain is better than nothing.
It’s hard to be lonely.
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-When I first saw this scene I was shook. Dean hit his baby brother! My best guess is that Dean has never punched him like this before, outside of the context of sparring. I might be wrong about that, but the way Sam accepts the punch and turns slowly back to Dean with that disbelieving look felt too significant. I thought Sam was going to feel betrayed or scared, but Sam’s resolve strengthens, he gazes after Dean, and then he follows him.
And then things go right back to normal between them.
-Another thing Sam is missing is that Dean trusts Gordon partially because Dean can identify with Gordon. Gordon said he hunts vampires because vampires killed his sister, and Dean trusts another protective brother.
-Sam tracks the nest and Dean says “you’re good. You’re a monster pain in the ass, but you’re good.” Just like that they’re reconciled. Sam’s face is probably still throbbing, it’s been like 3 minutes.
-When Gordon pulls a knife on Sam and admits he killed his sister himself, it’s over for him. Dean is not having any of that.
-Dean punches Gordon in the face in front of Sam, then moves really close to Sam to tell him they can leave now. It’s like he wants Sam to see what he’ll do to anyone who threatens him. Dean is the only one who’s allowed to hurt Sam. He also asks Sam to punch him to get him back, so he clearly feels guilty.
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-Dean’s true nature is a huge theme in this episode. He’s trying to understand who he is. Gordon tells him that he was “born to hunt” and “a killer like me.” John wrote the same things about child-Dean in his diary.
At the end of the episode, Dean tells Sam that he has the instinct to kill and would’ve killed the vampires. That’s how he was raised, it’s what John told him to do. I love how Dean is a caregiver and a killer in equal measure, he takes naturally to both violence and nurturing.
Sam reminds him he made the right choice. Dean says “yeah cause you’re a pain in my ass.” He made the decision because of Sam. He’ll kill for Sam but he’ll also decide not to kill for Sam.
Sam says “I guess I might have to stick around to be a pain in the ass then.” Dean thanks him and gazes at him intently. Even here, notice the mention of their connection being painful.
Sam is now agreeing to stick with Dean not because of what John would’ve wanted but because he’s accepting his role as Dean’s guiding light, the one thing that gives him a sense of purpose and good.
Dean’s purpose is not killer or caregiver, but protector. He’s guardian of Sam’s soul.
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porcelainseashore · 6 months
Teenage Headache Dreams (2)
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: High School! College! Leon Kennedy x Dancer! Fem! Reader
Summary: You’re a bored, but ambitious high school student who can’t wait to escape small town life and make it in the big city. You thought you had it all figured out, until you unwittingly befriend the resident golden boy, Leon. A series of events beginning from junior year to college until Resident Evil 2 Remake.
Warnings: 18+ Swearing, Recreational Drug Use, Eventual Smut, No (Y/N), Ambiguous/Open Ending
Content: High School AU, College AU, Pre-Resident Evil 2, Fluff, Romance, Cliche, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Lack of Communication
Author's Note: Cliché alert and mostly fluff in this chapter! There’s been a mini time skip, but I wanted to show that Reader x Leon became fast friends in the meantime and are relatively comfortable with each other. I made Leon a lot cheekier this round, but I feel like he uses mischief to mask his true feelings.
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Chapter 2: More Than Meets the Eye
The first couple of weeks of the new term had already flown by and managing your tight schedule of school work, actual work, dance and cheer practice left you with literally no time for anything else. Sighing as you yanked open your locker to retrieve your school books, a familiar figure popped up at your side, slouching against the metallic compartments with a loud thud.
Without even turning your head in its direction, you already knew who it was. “Hey, loser,” you called out, smiling inside.
“Hey, yourself,” came his gruff reply.
As you finally faced the culprit, you and Leon laughed at each other’s greetings.
“So, since it’s a Friday, wanna hang out and watch something tonight?”
Both of you had been almost inseparable until school started, and that’s when you guiltily kept postponing your regular meetups in favor of working on your future goals.
“Uh… I don’t think I can.” You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly. “I seriously need to get some studying time in and I have cheer practice after school.”
“What was that again?” He put a hand to his ear, listening for something non-existent and pausing for dramatic effect. “All I heard were excuses.”
“Come on, relax.” Placing his hand on your shoulder, he gave it a tiny squeeze. “School’s only just started. You’re gonna burn out if you keep going like this.”
“Leon…” It came out a lot whinier than you intended.
His eyes widened as you caught a brief glimpse of something devilish in them. You knew it was too late to stop the bullshit that would come out of that filthy mouth any second now. 
“Mm, say it like that again.” Ah, there it is.
Groaning internally, you smacked his hand off your shoulder playfully. “Ugh, you know there’s no way-” 
You turned your head around, checking behind you before lowering your voice. “-I’ll ever get outta here, if I don’t push myself from the start.”
He straightened up a little as he considered your words. “You hate this place that much, huh?”
“You think?” It came out almost as a whisper.
“Shame,” he muttered. “Well, tell you what,” he glanced quickly to the side before looking back at you. “Since you’re so damn keen on this study session, we could do that and then grab some burgers after. Maybe even a movie. How’s that sound?” He puffed his chest and looked almost victorious, as though he knew it was an offer you couldn’t back out of.
Fuck Leon and his persistence. “Yeah, fine,” you grumbled as you shut your locker in defeat.
Once again, that smug grin flashed across his face. “Great, so uh, see you at 5?”
“Mm hm, library,” you nodded reluctantly.
“By the way, your girl gang is here,” he motioned with his head in the direction behind you. “Guess that’s my cue to leave.” Before you could respond, he had already walked ten paces away.
Nobody likes gossip. Ever since you had started hanging out with Leon, people talked and they assumed many things. How far the rumors reached, you didn’t know, but you didn’t want to ruin things between the two of you. You cursed small town gossip under your breath. This was probably one of the few genuine friendships you had, so you tried to keep things as lowkey as possible. Thankfully, Leon agreed to play along. For now.
You tightened your grip on your books as you spun around, plastering a bright smile across your face as you greeted your teammates, who were still sporting tans from their holidays and bubbly chatting with each other.
“Hey, babe,” Kayla, the cheer captain, moved in to give you a quick hug. You caught a whiff of her tropical-scented, coconut vanilla perfume. “So where did your boy run off to?” She winked, giving you a side smile. The other girls around her immediately broke out in hushed whispers.
There wasn’t anything malicious about her question. In fact, your teammates were nice enough, but they could be rather superficial and nosey. You tried to downplay it with a look of confusion in your eyes, shaking your head as you remarked, “He’s just a study partner, Kayla.”
Some giggles broke out and your ears burned. Great, they didn’t buy that a single bit. Defending yourself would just raise more suspicion, so you unhappily resigned yourself to the fact that you were probably doomed for the rest of the term.
“Yeah, whatever.” Kayla waved her hand dismissively. “Was about time anyway, and he’s quite the catch.” She licked her lips suggestively, but quickly added, “Not as good as mine though.” Of course, her obnoxious football boyfriend. You tried to hide your grimace. 
Flipping her shiny, raven-colored locks, she continued, “Still, very cute. I approve.”
Your mouth ran dry. Why couldn’t they just mind their own business? You swallowed your anger as you tried to change the subject. “Um, cheer practice at 3, right?”
She snickered, seeing right through your act. “Yeah, same as always.” She turned to leave, wiggling her fingers as a form of goodbye. “Oh, and you’re leading warm-ups today. Ciao, babe.”
You could hear audible groans coming from the rest of the team as they trudged off with Kayla. They definitely weren’t looking forward to your intense warm-up session, but to you, warmer bodies meant lesser injury risk and better preparation for stunts and routines. Pursing your lips at the less-than-ideal conversation you just had, you tried to shove it to the back of your mind as you hurried off to class.
As you flung open the double doors leading to the school’s indoor gym, you were greeted by the unfamiliar sight of another group you didn’t exactly recognize next to your cheer team. It seemed like Kayla was speaking to their coach, as she nodded a bit too enthusiastically - a nervous habit she displayed when she was irritated but didn’t want to show it. Slowly, you inched closer to listen in on their conversation.
“There must have been a double booking-”
“I’ll sort this out with the admin right now,” Kayla offered.
“It’s just going to eat into practice time. Anyway, this lot won’t need much space today. Functional training.” He sucked his teeth and gestured towards the group. That’s when you spotted Leon, sitting at the side with his arms across his lap, chatting merrily with another girl on his team.
Just my luck, you sighed, folding your arms as the coach continued, “I’m sure you girls won’t mind sharing?”
You saw Kayla clenching and unclenching her fists as she hesitantly agreed to the proposal. With that, she spun around and called out shrilly, “Ladies! We’ve gotta share the space. We’re taking this half.” She drew an imaginary line with her arms as if to stake her claim, before brushing past you seething, “They always think they can sideline us, like we’re not important.”
At this point, Leon made eye contact and waved over. The girl beside him suppressed a laugh and you weren’t sure whether she was embarrassed or making fun of you. Furrowing your brows, you gave a hasty, lopsided smile before heading over to your side of the gym, making a mental note to question Leon about that exchange later.
Wasting no time for further pleasantries, you proceeded to blast your high-energy mixtape on the cassette player as loudly as possible, secretly smirking as you heard the coach swear under his breath at the intrusion.
“Ok, everyone! Let’s get those heart rates up!” You hollered, running through the exercises as they copied you dutifully, breaking out in a sweat and panting furiously. 
Your eyes filtered through the crowd, checking for anything they could improve on, as you continued calling out prompts. “You can lift your legs higher than that!” Hm, that sounded rather… You ignored that prickly feeling at the back of your throat and continued, “Face up, not to the floor!”
When it came to the stretching section and the music toned down, you suddenly heard the unmistakable yell of a reprimand being given from the other end of the room. “Kennedy! You can stare at girls after training!”
Wait, what? Your head darted in the direction of the bellowing. Sure enough, you saw the coach glaring at Leon, who seemed pretty flustered as he denied the accusations with a feeble “I wasn’t!”, which was met with roars of laughter.
Really, Leon? Getting distracted by a bunch of cheerleaders? You were oblivious to what actually happened there and decided to pay no more attention to it. Instead, it was time to go through the routine and fortunately you were relatively decent at compartmentalizing.
“Alright, a few things I wanted to point out,” you began. “This part’s looking good, but it would start off even more amazing, if you frame your body like this.” Adjusting your shoulders with your arms slightly back, profile tilted a smidge upwards, you angled yourself in a semi-diagonal position, shifting your weight towards one leg as you lengthened the other for the prep stance. The other cheerleaders shuffled around, attempting to imitate what you showed.
Kayla motioned for you to demonstrate the full sequence before she took over and you obliged. “Ok, watch me.” You danced through the routine dynamically, hitting all the accents and flowing through the softer parts more sensually. Whipping your hair around as you transitioned from a body wave into a hip roll, you swung the pom poms above your head at the same time and trailed them across your body.
It all seemed to happen in a haze, but after coming out of the next spin, you somehow ended up holding a gaze with those same piercing blue eyes that had caused you so much trouble today. They widened and flickered, but didn’t break away for what felt like an eternity, until-
“Leon Scott Kennedy! I swear to god!”
Uh oh.
“You either train, or you can leave!”
Leon’s cheeks flushed bright red as he bit his lip, stammering, “Sorry coach, won’t happen again.”
You’d never seen Leon get this unnerved, which concerned you. He emanated a natural sense of confidence and was usually laid-back to the point where nothing could ruffle him. In any case, you were also sure as hell everyone heard and saw that commotion, especially since a number of students were now looking between him and you, mumbling to each other.
Nothing could beat the relief you felt when Kayla took over your position, as you stepped away from the center to join the rest of your team. Just when you thought you were in the clear, one of your teammates scooted over to you, whispering seductively in your ear, “Ooh he definitely enjoyed the show you put on.”
The minute practice ended, you bolted straight for the restroom, just so you didn’t have to deal with anyone else for the time being. Hiding in one of the cubicles for a good 10 minutes until you could hear the last footsteps trickle out of the hallway, you unlocked the door and stumbled over to the wash basin, splashing cold water on your face. Checking yourself one last time in the mirror to make sure you looked presentable, you inhaled a deep breath before exiting and making your way towards the library.
From afar, you could see Leon waiting patiently outside of it, as though he fully trusted that you would still show up after that little stunt he pulled earlier. Walking gingerly towards him, you cleared your throat.
“Oh, hey. So… what’re we studying today?” He asked casually, while browsing through his pile of books, as if nothing had happened.
“Math. Definitely Math,” you concluded, also pretending to ignore the white elephant in the room. “If that’s ok with you?”
“Sure, I suck at it. So why not?”
The study session went by rather sluggishly and uneventfully, with both of you going through equations after equations and figuring out the logic together. It was a wonder you could concentrate at all with the events of the day playing back in your mind like a broken record. 
You were thankful for Leon’s earlier suggestion of burgers when it was time to pack up to leave. He gave you a knowing smile when your stomach growled and you placed a hand over your belly instinctively, as you cast back a self-conscious glance. It seemed like he had thought of everything again, where you often had trouble remembering your own basic needs when you were lost in your schoolwork.
Both of you plopped down on the cushy, retro red seats opposite each other in a booth at the only diner in town, getting in your orders as quickly as possible. You suspected that he was just as famished as you, but trying his best not to show it. During the waiting time, the two of you caught up with and exchanged news on all the goings-on of the past weeks.
When your orders finally arrived, you snatched up your burger, devouring large chunks of it, while Leon looked on amused as he bit into his.
“Wuhhff?” You managed to cough out with your mouth stuffed with food.
Almost instantly, he mimicked your reaction, resulting in a fry being thrown in his direction, as he ducked to avoid it while snickering.
“Here, you got some sauce on your chin.” He reached out with a paper napkin, gently wiping it away, as his bright blue eyes bore into yours. That prickly sensation you felt earlier in the school gym started to bloom again, as you squeezed your eyes shut and cleared your throat. “Is it gone now?”
“Uh… y-yeah.” 
Fluttering your eyes open, you caught sight of him looking down at his plate, suddenly completely engrossed with his meal, as he chucked the used napkin to the side. You were quite certain you spotted a pink tinge dusting his cheeks while he slowly chewed his food.
The table grew silent as you muttered a quick, “Thanks.”
Giving it a few minutes before you attempted any form of conversation, you casually decided to bring up the topic you had both been avoiding till now.
“So…” you breathed, testing the waters.
“So…?” Leon questioned, raising an eyebrow, still munching the last bits of his burger.
“At the gym. What was that all about?” You picked at your fries nervously, as you felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through your body in anticipation of an answer.
“What do you mean?”
Ugh. He’s deflecting again. But you weren’t about to let this go so easily. “Don’t play dumb, Kennedy.”
Leon paused, and you could see the wheels turning in his head as he considered his words carefully. It only took a moment for his face to light up as if he hit the jackpot. “I got distracted, that’s all.” His signature smirk broke out across his lips, before adding, “By you.”
The boldness of his answer caught you by surprise, as you choked on your food. Patting your chest, you gulped down some water before sputtering, “Excuse me?”
All at once, he was back to his usual, composed self, as he remarked, “You dance really well. Can’t I admire that?”
“Um… y-yeah, I guess.” You weren’t sure how to respond. Coming from a background where dance teachers often gave you tough love and criticisms in an effort to spur you on, you never really learnt how to accept compliments.
“A ‘thanks’ would be nice.” 
Clenching your jaw, you wished you could wipe that stupid smirk off his face. Trying to approach it from a different angle, you blurted out, “But, people talk.”
Leaning back against his seat and placing his hands behind his head, Leon seemed unfazed. “So let them talk.” Noticing your frown, he continued, “What’s wrong if they think we’re dating? Am I really that bad to be with?” He mentioned it as if it was the most normal thing to say in conversation between two friends, and the worst thing was that you didn’t know how to counter that.
“No, you’re gre-,” you quickly corrected yourself. “I mean, you’re fine.” Sighing, you explained, “I just don’t want things to be awkward between us.”
His gaze softened as he reassured you, “It won’t, trust me.”
Since he was that calm about it, you decided not to pursue it any further. Maybe you were thinking too much into things. However, another question popped up in your mind. “Who was the girl you were speaking with back there?”
He propped himself up again, a little taken aback by the quick change of topic. “Oh, you mean Val? Yeah, we sometimes participate in relays together. She can be a real handful though.”
“She seemed to find me amusing,” you pointed out.
“Really? I didn’t notice,” he shrugged and scoffed down the remainder of his fries. You searched his eyes to detect if he was messing with you, but couldn’t find anything of the sort. “I told her about you.”
Well, that explains it. Crossing your arms, you prepared to release an earful until you were interrupted by the grinning idiot in front of you. “Do I even want to know-”
“I said…” He drifted off, taking his time to sip his soda, leaving you hanging on purpose. You subconsciously leaned in closer as your patience started to wear thin. He lowered his voice, presumably to utter something serious. “You’re the coolest kid I met over summer.”
“You’re such a dork!” You exclaimed, as you punched his arm lightly from across where you sat.
“Ouch! And here I am baring my soul to you.” He rubbed his arm melodramatically and feigned a hurt expression on his face, which only served to encourage you to taunt and play fight with him further.
Sometimes he could be so infuriating. But funnily enough, that was part of what drew you to him in the first place. 
It turned out that Leon had rented some VHS tapes from Blockbuster, so you had the choice of either heading to the local cinema for a late night screening or watching a movie from the comfort of his home. Naturally, you picked the latter. Going to the cinema together would seem too “date night”-like and you had endured more than enough gossip that day to last a lifetime.
You greeted his parents as they kindly let you and Leon hog the living room TV. Before heading upstairs to their bedroom, they gave a half-hearted reminder not to stay up too late, that they knew would go unheeded. They were friendly and way more relaxed than your parents, so much so you preferred hanging out at Leon’s place over yours.
After making some hot chocolate, you settled onto the couch as Leon popped the tape into the video player. Relaxing into the cozy atmosphere, you hugged the warm blanket he offered you and savored the steaming drink between your hands.
Unfortunately, the day’s events probably caught up to you, as your eyelids grew heavier as time went by and you were fighting a losing battle to keep them open. At some point, you must have drifted off to sleep and then accidentally used Leon as a makeshift pillow. He swallowed thickly, as you curled up beside him, resting your head against his shoulder and nuzzling his neck, completely unaware. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest that he was afraid he would wake you. Something made him instinctively wrap his arm around you, even though his mind was screaming to do the exact opposite. This is just gonna make things worse, he sighed, but he didn’t feel the urge to remove it and maybe he could get away without you knowing. So he let you sleep soundly until the credits ran.
“Hey.” He called out softly, as you stirred. “The movie’s over now.”
Blinking groggily, your vision was still blurry as you tried to make out where you were. You weren’t sure if you felt an arm around you or just the back of the couch, as you rubbed your eyes.
“You fell asleep,” he explained, as he let you go and tried to shift away from you as stealthily as possible, hoping you wouldn’t recall the previous position you were in.
“Hm?” You stretched your arms out, yawning lazily as you scratched your head. “Uh, what time is it?”
“Just past midnight.”
You jerked upwards, startled. “Shit, so late?” Your face swung in his direction. “You didn’t wake me?”
He bit his bottom lip, eyeing you apologetically. “You looked like you needed the rest. I didn’t want to disturb you.”
You buried your face into the bunched up blanket on top of your knees, groaning, “Ugh, my parents are going to kill me.”
That drew a faint laugh from him. “Don’t worry, I took care of it.”
You turned towards him with a puzzled look.
“I called them before-” he stopped himself abruptly, as you noticed him tense up.
“Before what?” You questioned out of confusion.
“Nothing.” He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and refused to meet your gaze.
You narrowed your eyes at him, trying to figure out if something out of the ordinary had happened. It started off as a vague recollection of falling asleep, maybe leaning against something and the smell of fresh citrus and musk… which smells exactly like- Oh god, no. Your stomach dropped. The realization that you had snuggled with Leon in your sleep dawned on you and your head was whirling.
At this point, Leon knew you had worked out what happened, so he did the only thing he could do in such a situation. “Man, you were heavy.” 
That snapped you out of it and earned him a slap to his chest. “It was a joke, jeez!” He raised both hands up in defense and quickly moved to a different topic, “Anyway, as I was saying, your parents told me to walk you home when you woke up.”
“Oh… thanks,” you shook your head and sighed. “Sorry to put you through the trouble.”
He waved it off. “It’s really no big deal. I’m just glad I finally got to hang out with you again.”
“Yeah, me too,” you admitted. “This was nice.”
As you got up from the couch to prepare to leave, it seemed like Leon had another idea. Grabbing your wrist, he coaxed, “And?”
You knew what he meant and nodded in agreement. “And… I promise I’ll make time for this in the future.” A random thought flashed across your mind as you grinned cheekily. You had to get him back after all his teasing. “How about…”
“I’m listening,” he mentioned with a hint of suspicion in his voice.
“...we meet for more study sessions?”
It was his turn to groan, as you giggled uncontrollably. “That’s such a cop-out!” He responded accusingly. 
Placing your hands on his shoulders and bending down to meet him at eye level, you pleaded, “Come on, we could do something fun after too?”
Rolling his eyes, he rebutted, “You’re kinda driving a hard bargain here.”
You weren’t ashamed to play dirty though, so you turned on the best doe eyes you could muster, and insisted, “Please?” You knew he was a lost cause now.
“Damn it, that’s not fair,” he grumbled, though he eventually gave in. “Ok fine, but only if fun’s a guarantee.”
“Deal.” With that, you took his hand in yours, giving it a firm handshake.
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im-am-not-a-weenie · 1 year
The gang with a reader who gets taken by the O’Driscolls. Also, I am very excited to find someone who writes for Red Dead! I love your writings! 💖
Omg thank you, getting this request made me so happy lol sorry it took A while to finally get to life’s been crazy I’m just gonna do how they react to the news and how they save you (only happy endings for our cowboys) if you want a more detailed version I’d be happy to write it 🤠
Not beta read
🍓The gang when the reader gets taken by the O’Driscolls🍓
GN reader
See end for a/n
🍓Arthur Morgan
As soon as he hears the news he immediately thinks it’s his fault. How could he let someone get to you 
He starts to assume the worst “what if I’m too late.” or “it’s my fault I shouldn’t have left them alone.”
His next reaction is to go out and get you, not thinking about the consequences or what could happen to him. He just needs you to be ok
Hosea has to step in and be the voice of reason “you couldn’t have known Arthur, I know you love them but we can’t just go in there guns a-blazing we need a plan”
After they get you back the first thing Arthur does is hug you, being gentle just in case you were hurt.
“Arthur baby it’s ok I’m not gonna break.” “I know doll, just let me hold you for awhile.”
And you let him. You find yourself cradling his head in your hands and wiping away a few tears (ok it’s a lot of tears but you’re crying to)
“It’s ok Arthur I’m back I’m not going anywhere.” “Damn right you’re not you aren’t leaving without me every again”
And you’re ok with that
🍓John Marston
John doesn’t know what to do at first. He sits there in shock for a couple of minutes.
He probably would’ve stayed there longer is Arthur hadn’t snapped him outta it
“Hold what exactly happened” “I’m sorry John it was a job gone bad, we didn’t know they were waitin for us we were ambushed.” “Are they?” “Alive yes, we’ll get them back John I promise”
And get you back they did
I don’t think the others have seen John so focused on a job
“John you should probably get some sleep, and when was the last time you ate.” “I’m fine Dutch.” “Ok son, don’t worry we’ll get them back”
When they do get you back you can’t pull John off of you, literally like for the next three days they have to pull it off of you
Everyone just got tired of it and just decided leave him be, not that you mind
Everyone else might not know it but John has always been a cuddle bug it just took a traumatic event to show it publicly (but that’s neither here nor there)
“John, sweetheart I’m not going anywhere.” “And you won’t be for like….the rest of your life”
🍓Sean McGuire
Sean is heartbroken all he says and First is “oh” and walks off it’s not that he doesn’t care but it’s that he needs to process
Arthur fines him starring of into space with a lost look in his eyes, he and the rest of the boys have never seen Sean so effected by anything
The one who was always smiling and laughing and probably the loudest was a broken mess on the ground
“What happened out there Arthur.” “honestly I couldn’t tell ya Sean, we were walkin in town they said they needed to grab something from the store and all I heard was the scream before they got ‘em.“
“We’ll get her back Sean.” “We better, them O’Driscolls are going to feel all the pain they’ve felt and more”
They find you passed out, gaged, and tied up in a chair in the corner
You think you’re dreaming at first, the voice bringing you back to conciseness couldn’t be your Sean you struggle to try to open you’re eyes
You felt a hand on your face caressing your cheek you jerk trying to get it off
“Don’t fucking touch me you dirty bastard” “shhh, lass it’s ok it me you don’t have to fight anymore” “Sean?”
He holds you the hold ride back and them some. Trying to help you with the aftermath and trauma you most likely gained (unless ur built different) every time he gets up you hold on tighter
“What’s wrong?” “What if they take me again Sean? “Don’t worry love, you’ll never be taken away from me I promise”
And that a promise you can trust
🍓Hosea matthews
His calm and collected demeanor is gone, well not totally he still wants to get you out as soon as possible but also as safely
He goes into action mood, he moves so fast no one else has time to question or process
“Hosea let’s just think about this more a moment.” “I did think about it Dutch and getting them sooner is better than later.” “Now let’s just-“ “damnit Dutch I’m going to get them now it’s up to you if you wanna come with me or stay here”
The whole gang pitches in on this one because no one dares to say no to angry Hosea or get in his way
The gang works quick and quietly Hosea is all rage until he finally sees your face you only had a few bruises but he will worry that at camp he just wants to get you home
As soon as you have your arms around him you’re sobbing and pulling closer or as closer as you can possibly get
He’ll hold you close too and gives you what you need he rubbed circles on your back and tries to calm you don’t be let’s be honest he’s crying too
“Shh it’s alright love, I got you…that’s right deep breaths, can you do that for me baby c’mon breath with me” putting your hand in his chest so you can match his breaths
As You start to calm you can hear his praises “There you go love that’s it”
you look up to meet his eyes
“Hi.” “Hi love.” “Thanks for coming to get me.” “My dear i’d fallow you too the ends of the earth.”
🍓Dutch van der linde
The news hits Dutch the hardest
He starts to panic, he can’t lose someone to the O’Driscolls again
He starts pacing and muttering as he’s walking back and forth he starts to fidget with his hands
The gang hasn’t seen their leader like this it makes the rest of the group nervous too
 “Dutch if you keep that up you’ll start to run yourself into the ground.” “Huh?”
He hasn’t noticed the pacing what felt like seconds was actually minutes. 30 to be exact he decides it’s time to do something. Time for a great Dutch van der Linde speech
“All right gang as you know a tragedy that has struck today, we can sit here and think about the worse OR we can go out there and show those O’Driscolls what happens when they mess with us”
Of course everyone was with Dutch
When they found you the first thing Dutch did was grab you and lift you up in an tight embrace spinning you around
“Dutch baby.” “Yes dear?” “I can’t breath”
He immediately let you go well not totally but he let up a bit
You reach up to cradle his face in you hand to which he immediately lent into the touch . You wipe a tear from his face telling him how you’ll never leave him again to which his response is
“And I you”
🍓Hey everyone I’m so sorry if this absolutely sucked lol but I tried it’s been awhile since I posted or wrote anything but I wanted to put something out again sorry but this was not beta read so I apologize for the grammar and spelling errors, also thanks for all of the well wishes and I hope to start posting regularly again and finish everyone’s requests love you all-Rhys🍓
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oogaboogaspookyman · 6 months
Let's fucking go i'm feelin' silly goofy with the idea now lol let's get impulsive and fanservice-y
Running in the snow, far away from his sister and her apparent new friend after witnessing the horrible things in the bathroom. Bodies everywhere, arms and legs and hands and heads, there were the missing prom kings and queens found nowhere else but in Cyn's own bathroom, the suit is still making him feel embarrassed at the thought of being perceived with it on him... What the hell happened to his dear little sister?!
Suddenly, "oof-!" He stumbles upon a running tall figure, falling down on the snow surface
"What the-... Uh- U- Uzi???" Nathan questioned in surprise of what he sees
There she was. Serial Designation Z, nicknamed Uzi by her BEST FRIEND! Best friend... Nathan, in a whole glittery purple dress with a thigh cut and a apparent flower on her hair despite Copper 9 having no vegetation whatsoever, only snow, ice, random buildings and dead bodies, human and Worker Drone alike littered everywhere
"Nathan?! Wha- what are you doing out here?!" Z shouted in fear, mostly for Nathan's safety considering the state of Copper 9 overall, but there's a hint of guilt in her voice... "And why do you still call me Uzi??"
"It's..." Nathan was dissociating at the sight of Z's new look for the prom situation, interrupting his train of thought with the image of his best friend in a dress. Somehow Z doesn't notice his visor filling up with diagonal yellow lines
"Nathan? Helloooo?" Z approaches Nathan to tap onto his visor, getting a really bad burn on her finger, "ooh ouch-!" She puts her finger in her mouth to relieve the pain from the burn caused by... Apparently Nathan heating up, who's also waking up from his dissociation
"Wha- whu- wh- u-uhm- Uzi! You look uhm-... How- how do i say this-" Nathan stuttered, still blushing and cooling systems doing their hard work can be heard
"It's the dress, i know, Nathan..." Z looked away, also visibly blushing but not as much, from the embarrassment of honestly just being perceived with the dress on at all, she'd much rather wear that shirt and jacket over anything else
"Okay- sorry about that, i don't wanna be rude- and also uhm- so my sister Cyn is gonna kill everyone in the prom aaand i'm gonna need some help with that..!" Nathan chuckled nervously, for literally everything just became intense straight outta nowhere
"But i doubt you'd wanna help me with that, since the things that happened back there..." N remembers the exact words spoken just by him, running around his guilt-ridden head...
"T is going to kill everyone at prom, and i don't want any more oil spilled around like this... I actually would like you... Being there..." Z felt a strange, almost out of place feeling, trying to speak the words one by one...
What... Are you things..?!
What... Are you things..?!
What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!
"With me..." Z couldn't help but blush... This feels so off and out of place, why is it there..?!
Nathan smiled at this, the precious thoughts interrupted and fading away. His best friend doesn't hate him, turns out! Things can get better, they can be good! Things don't have to be so terrifying and painful! He couldn't help but jump behind her and put his left hand on her side, the other in the air in joy. "Dapper buddies!"
Z wanted to slap his hand right off her, but also didn't want to, subconciously... So she sucked it up, it's not the worst thing right now
"You look good in the suit too, Nathan..." Z spoke one more time...
"Ah- uh- th- thanks! I- i guess? Eheheeh..." Nathan blushed once more...
... Before they set off to stop Cyn and T's carnage at the dance floor
@lumineary-arts i had to your dumb little au got me hooked
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static-sulker · 6 months
Okay so. How I think the bg3 companions hug. If you even care. If you ever wanted to know I guess….
Karlach? Oh she’s a STRONG hugger. At first after her engine is more or less settled, she’d be a very big hugger but she wouldn’t be the best at it at first. Like she has the energy but doesn’t know what to do with her hands at first. She has been wanting to give affection or hug or literally do anything with people for 10 years, so she is a bit excited to try it all out. She does learn quickly though due to so many fuckin options for hugging. She has a warm embrace type of thing going on which is pretty nice in mix of Astarion or maybe Shadowheart? Also, she is a LONG hugger. Type to have your limbs swaying all about if you get hugged by her.
Wyll is a very good hugger. The type who does a little sway during the hug. Like he’s normally the one rocking the other or soothing your back or something. It's less that he takes charge, but he does try and comfort first. He’s just a nice guy for a good hug. let’s be honest he’s a really nice guy. FUCK I love Wyll. He doesn’t do it all the time, but he doesn’t detest hugs, so if you ask he’s gonna give you a hug. He’s the blade of frontiers, so he is gonna be giving buddies hugs. Part of the code and shit.
so Astarion is changing with the arc here. Act one? If you even get the chance, he may hug you but it’s nothing to long or intimate. It’s usually just a step to something else or more of…A grapple I guess????Unless needed or brought up by somebody else, he's not up for hugs in a platonic or less sexual fashion. Act two he is not gonna be the one initiating the hug still but won’t try and squeeze out as often. Kinda just tucks himself in and can almost relax. Act three and epilouge? Oh bro is just lookin for hugs at that point. Not from anybody mind you, but from the people he trusts? A good hug seems to settle him. He's a bit cold so it's nice for hot days or after a burning battle or something. Normally the one getting hugged, so he has a bit of trouble sometimes taking charge in the hug but bro sometimes tries.
Lae'zel has probably never been hugged in her fucking life. She probably doesn't care for it greatly, probably batting you away at first. She seems the type of hugger to more shield instead of soothe? Like would wrap an arm around somebody when like yelling at an aggressor like an angry sister or parent would. Intimacy that isn't a trick or just sexual doesn't seem to fit well for Lae'zel usually, but I don't really know if she'd HATE hugs. would probably get ringed into one by Karlach a few too many times tho.
Gale is probably a GREAT hugger, not one to go out and give them all around willy nilly but would do like a cradle type situation. Just wrap you in and sway a bit. Definitely a LONG hugger and seems pretty invested in affection. Will put his entire self into the hug just outta nowhere. Like "Oh, thank you for giving me that artifact this morning, it truly was a lovely gesture." and just give you a heart-throbbing hug. His entire thing is that he will do anything for people he cares for and that probably bleeds into his hugs. Also, it's noticeable that Gale wasn't given much physical connection with Mystra, more of the spiritual kind that he describes in his romance scene. He's probably a bit new to it and DEFINITELY starved for it.
Shadowheart is a bit complicated. Act one? Like B-grade hugger. Isn't asking for any and probably won't give many, but she would be okay at em. Hasn't been given any in a long while, probably sense she got taken by shar's followers. If she continues to follow Shar, shitty ass hugs. No doubt it's just quiet and nothing ad no real intimacy. Shar denier? OH THE BEST HUG. Soft and supportive. It's a wild card with Shadowheart. Either the sweetest little hug you'll get after a soft moment or like cold and way to fast.
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Lesson #2: Friends Help Friends Cum.
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A/N: this wasn’t supposed to be posted until next week. But , I think in light of the current state of Twitter, we could all use a reset. So, here you go. warnings: smut.
"Wanna get the fuck outta here?" Matty walked straight up to her in the crowded room, drink in one hand, a blunt in the other.
She all but jumped out of her skin. "Holy shi- hello to you, too!" All this time and self-restraint she'd wasted trying to avoid him, not keep her eyes on his every move or watch his every interaction at the party, not think about his hand between her legs the other night, his voice encouraging her, his touch lighting her up, he has ruined it all in 5 seconds.
"Seriously, this party's kinda depressing. Wanna go someplace else?"
"Did you have somewhere in mind?"
Matty shrugged, "not really. could be out on the front steps for all I care. Just- something about being surrounded by all of this" He waved his armed in no specific shape or direction, "it's just- sad."
she nodded. Matty took her by surprise when he grabbed her hand and led her, confidently, through the crowd. She was devastated. She never imagined herself to be such a cliche. The whole "inexperienced, bumbling idiot catches feelings for the bad boy who occasionally sleeps with her" thing is such a tried and tired trope. And, yet, here she finds herself, sweating through her top because he's holding her hand when he didn't necessarily NEED to. She always thought if she were to make a fool of herself over a boy, she’d at least be original about it. But the truth is that her experience is one she shares with all the women in his phone.
"I have to say, I never thought I'd see the day that Matty Healy willingly leaves a party early." She took a sip of the drink he'd brought with him, passing the glass back to him. "I mean, we're literally four feet away, on the stairs, but still."
Matty laughed softly, looking up at the sky and considering her words, as if an answer were written in the nights stars. After a moment's pause, he simply shrugged. "Just trying to grow up, I guess."
"Pathetic ?"
"Hot, actually." the words that left her mouth surprised her. She blushed instantly, internally kicking herself for being so careless with her tongue. If Matty was thrown off, he didn't show it.
"I thought you liked my, umm- wait, what did you always used to call it?"
"Sophisticated dickhead act." she reminded him. It sounded more like condemnation.
"Ah, yes! ‘Sophisticated dickhead.’ that's it."
"You pulled it off beautiful, don't get me wrong. But, doing the difficult thing and being a responsible adult, that's...gonna get you so laid."
They both laughed.
"Speaking of getting laid." Matty quirked an eyebrow, looking at her suggestively. "I'm just the right amount of sad, horny, and stoned. Wanna go somewhere?"
"My place."
“Lay down for me?” Matty adjusted the pillows on the bed, fluffing them up so they’d be comfortable for her. She blanked for a moment. Focusing a little too much on the “for me.”
“yes- okay.”
“thanks, Darling.”
Oh, she was so in for it. Desperate for a change of topic, she said the first thing that popped into her head. “So, what’d you have in mind for today?”
Matty giggled. “You make it sound so clinical.”
“well, we’re not exactly, making love or anything.” She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. Matty hesitated for a moment, his brows curled. “No, I guess we’re not- anyway, I, umm, was going to ask you if you like getting head?”
Now, that, was a swift transition. “I- uhh- sorry, what?”
“do you like it when guys go down on you?” He asked, bluntly, yet again.
“I, uhhh. No. Sorry.” She squirmed away in embarrassment. “No, don’t apologize! I’m glad I asked first!”
unprompted, she began to offer up all sorts of explanations. “It’s always boring. Either doesn’t feel pleasurable at all, or feels kinda gross like they’re drooling on me or something. And then there’s that weird feeling of guilt. Like- like, they’re at least trying so I have to be nice about it. I can’t tell them to stop, can I? So- umm…I just end up faking it to get them to quit.”
“Oh, I see.”
“what?” She could see a look on his face that she wasn’t able to read. “Nothing, nothing.”
“Matty, tell me!”
“It- well, it just sounds like these guys didn’t know what they were doing. And- I mean, if we were to do it, I would never make you have to fake it.”
“oh, really? Is that so?” She smiled, mildly intrigued by the idea. “yeah, I mean- this is, like, the wankiest shit I’ve ever said- I don’t mean to mansplain the female orgasm to you- I just- I’ve had great reviews is what I’m saying. But, I don’t wanna push it. If you say you don’t like it, then you don’t like it. We’ll just do something else-“
“no, no. Hold on a minute. I wanna try.”
“you do?”
“yeah, I mean, that’s the point of this-“ she stuttered for a moment, “this sex education course…”
“Is that what we’re calling it, then?” Matty chuckled, making her wonder if he meant anything by this question. Did he want it to be what they’re doing? Did he not? “Alright, let’s give it a try. But if you feel uncomfortable or change your mind at any moment, you let me know and we’ll stop, okay?”
she smiled, nodding. “if you’re too overwhelmed to speak in the moment, just squeeze my hand three times and I’ll stop. Okay? That’ll be our signal.”
*** She couldn’t deny it. Matty was right. He knew exactly what he was doing. Of course, as she’d suspected, it was all in the foreplay. The way he’d delicately touched her, whispered into her ear every single obscene thought that he looked forward to “showing” her and “teaching” her. The way his hands grazed past her nipples, ran down her legs. Hover over her thighs. She was already wet before his tongue had even touched her. “Relax, darling. Don’t worry about a thing, yeah? No pressure.” There was that ‘darling’ again. At long last, he dipped his head between her thighs, licking into her. She gasped, her body raising slightly, before Matty’s firm grip over her waist kept her in place. Something about his strong arm pinning her down so effortlessly stirred desire within her, so when she felt his mouth at work again, she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming. “Holy shit! Matty- I- ahh”
Soon, she’d abandoned the idea of remaining quiet. She was begging and moaning for him. Matty pulled away from her with an obscene slurping sound. “How’re we doing, honey? Still feeling good? Havin fun?”
she appreciated the check in but she also desperately wanted him to shut the fuck up and get back to eating her out.
“Yes, yes, yes. Fine. Fun. Just please-“ her hand reached for his hair, shoving him back down. She imagined that he was smiling. *** ”hey, you look…all blissed out. So it wasn’t fake then?” Matty grinned down at her as she struggled to catch a breath after her orgasm. “Absolutely not.”
“good to know.” He winked. “Okay, now your turn.” She sat up on her elbows, looking at him with anticipation.
“what?” He laughed nervously. “you scratch my back; I scratch yours. Drop your jeans, Healy. Let’s go.”
“we don’t have to do that right now, you know. It’s not a transaction. That’s not the point-“
“I want to. Please? C’mon. Unless you’re not in the mood, then-“
“For you? Im always in the mood.”
*** “Fuckin hell, baby. So good for- just relax your jaw- open up a bit more, that’s it.” Matty mumbled something under his breath, his head tipped backwards, his eyes clothes. “Fuckin perfecttt.”
She felt her breathing flatten, fighting the urge to move her mouth, she kept going, even attempting, at one point, to surprise him and take more of him into her mouth. Unfortunately, her eagerness was not reflected in her gag reflex.
Matty’s eyes shot open, looking down at her. “You alright? Gosh, why did you do that for. I didn’t say you needed to!”
“sorry, sorry, I’m fine! I just thought- I don’t know what I thought.” She look downwards, still heaving and coughing, and now embarrassed. Matty reached over and wiped at the drool with the back of his hand. “Good students follow instructions. Just do as I say, will you?”
she nodded. “You wanna keep going?”
“yeah” as soon as she opened her mouth back up, she realized that she did, not, in fact want to keep going. She reached for his hand and squeezed it three times, instantly getting his attention. “what? What is it, baby?”
“jaw is tired. Don’t wanna do this anymore.”
He pulled away immediately. “Alright. That okay. Thanks for telling me.”
“so, how’s that jaw?”
she rolled her eyes. “It’s fine, Matty! Just like the last five times you asked.”
“And your knees?” His arms squeezed her closer to his side. “my knees never hurt in the first place. Cuz you set down a pillow and all.”
“okay. Just makin sure.”
“You don’t have to worry about me. Your dick is not that powerful. You ah end broken me.”
Matty chuckled, shaking his head. “Alright, let’s go to sleep then.” He turned his back towards her for a moment, to turn out the bedside lamp. “Hey, what are we?” He asked, flicking the switch off. The darkness hid her shocked and confused expression. “What?”
“I mean, I know I’m showing you all these things…but, I guess I never know if that’s all it is?”
“w-what do you mean?” Her heart drummed with anticipation. He feels it, too. He thinks about it, too. It’s not all in her head. “I mean, I never know where the boundaries are…like, am I allowed to kiss you? Like when we greet each other and stuff?” He paused for a moment. “Nah, that would get too confusing, wouldn’t it? Guess I just answered my own question, didn’t I? We’re friends. Friends don’t kiss. Yeah?”
“y- umm- right. Yeah. Friends don’t kiss.”
“okay. Glad we cleared that up. Goodnight.” he rolled over on his side, eventually falling asleep. Leaving her wide awake right by his side.
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notroosterbradshaw · 2 years
“Hey,” Rooster frowned, wandering in to find you in bed, staring at your phone, snuggled under the covers in his ratty, old Navy tank. It was pretty early, about 6pm, so it was either a really ordinary day -
“My period came early,” you sighed. “I feel fine, I am just exhausted. I didn’t feel like cooking, or standing... to be honest.”
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“Okay,” he nodded simply. “Do you need anything?”
“Nah, just probably an early night will be enough.”
“Cool. Do you want me to cook, or order anything?” He wandered in, sitting on the edge of your side of the bed, his palm grasping your ankle through the duvet.
“I kind of feel like everything and nothing.” You hated that indecisive feeling.
He gave you a gentle kiss on the lips. “So, bed pizza outta the question?”
“Sounds great,” but really, you didn’t care.
To now you’d been pretty lucky. You’d not had a heavy period in years, and truly you felt ok but just as everyone says, no two periods are the same and this one started spontaneously. BONUS! “Ok, I’ll get you some tea and be right back. We can have a pizza party in here or something,” he cupped your face and kissed you again. “You don’t need any meds or a heat pad?”
You shook your head, feeling as vague as you sounded. “Go to the bar if you want. I’m not going to be much fun tonight.”
“I’d much rather be here with you,” he winked and wandered out again. “I see those jerks every day.”
Smiling slightly, you wondered if there was truly anything he wouldn’t do for you. He came back a few minutes later, tea to your bedside table and peeling his tee off, tossing it in the hamper, before sliding off his boots, socks and jeans, body hard after his workout and muscles, quite frankly, bulging and proud as he was left in his boxer briefs.
“Arm day?” You teased as he flexed his biceps and thick forearms.
“What gave it away?” he sheer arrogance of him.
You smiled. “You know, this was just what I needed. You watching you will be just fine for me.”
He laughed and slid into bed beside you, enjoying the soft sheets in his skin. “You’re very easily entertained.”
“It’s a gross misuse of hormonal stimulation.”
“Is that code for you’re horny?” he frowned but was deeply curious.
“I could pretend to be bashful, but yes. I shouldn’t be but wholly blame you. I don’t want to gross you out, or the rest that goes with it.”
“I’ll happily fuck you through it if it’ll help. I’m a big boy,” he admitted. “Stuff like this doesn’t freak me out. And if it makes us both feel good, we win,” he wriggled his brows mischievously.
“I’ll bank the idea for next time," you pet his cheek tenderly.
“Whatever you need,” he kissed your hair, as you rolled your eyes, knowing he was still showing off and he laughed quietly too. “You know, I must be getting old. Bed at 6 o’clock is wild.”
You laughed, shuffling closer and snuggling. He tightened you in his grip. “Ew. Don’t make me laugh.” It felt like a goddamn flood.
“I have literally nothing else going for me if I can’t make jokes,” he joked again as you wriggled uncomfortably. “Sorry, sorry. I will behave.”
“You don’t know the meaning of the word.”
He nodded with an amused pout. “True,” he massaged the nape of your neck and kissed your temple. “Do you wanna watch something or just relax?"
“I want to watch that new serial killer one.”
“Should I be concerned you just went from horny to murder-y in about 2 minutes?”
“Someone has to keep you in your toes, big boy,” you pet his shoulder as he grinned and queued the show on his iPad.
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thecondimentgal · 2 months
Like, oh my seasonings — is this where everyone else is? What a bore, literally.
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Whatever, I guess I have time to answer some stupid questions.
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જ⁀➴ ♡ SHE • HER
Salt's my ultimate BCFF, so you'd better back off if you think you have a damn chance. We're closer than a pair of heels, and that's like, the literal truth.
OJ better watch his back. I don't understand how Salty-Salt is so obsessed with him — god, he's nothing compared to me, not that I care, or whatever.
ೀ🪻🪽 TAGS
#Chatterbox: Pepper answering your asks, no matter how big or small!
#Condiment Catastrophe: Pepper's thoughts about the one and only, Salt. Her beloved best friend in the whole wide world.
#Gossip Session: Pepper spilling anything, and everything that she knows about other residents in Hotel OJ. It won't be pretty.
#Bryce Bothers: The mod appears, what a surprise! What's he doing here?
જ⁀➴ ♡ RULES
Don't be a weirdo, gah! Have some respect, literally!
No nsfw asks, but mild sexual implications are alright. Nothing too raunchy, kay?
Shipping is okay, but don't go completely haywire..
No, don't ask me anything about fetishes, i won't answer..
Proshippers, get outta here!
~ Pepper is lesbian, using she/her pronouns.
~ She has a STRONG dislike for OJ, purely because Salt focuses on him too much, when they could be doing better things, which isn't starting at his face all day.
~ She enjoys sewing. Even though she's just got into the hobby, it's something that she likes to do in her free time.
~ Of course, she swears! Maybe a little more than Salt, but what can she do about it?
~ Trophy is somewhat of a.. brother, I suppose. They just happen to get along well.
~ Fashion design is her favourite. If someone is wearing a horrendous outfit, you bet that she's making a move to help them fix it up.. it's needed.
~ Millionaires. She likes their music.
જ⁀➴ ♡ OOC
hey, hello!
~ i go by he/him, and she/her — mainly he/him, though!
~ ran by @zombieefish, all art (pfp, headers and stuffs) also by @zombieefish
~ this is my first ask blog, so let's try to be patient.. i may not answer very quickly, but i'll try my absolute best to get to them all! i might ignore asks that make me uncomfortable, though.
~ some stuff i say may stray from canon, since i do have my personal headcanons on here, but no worries!
~ of course.. you can draw fanart of the human version i have.. don't be shy ^_^ I ALSO LOVE ROLEPLAY.. ROLEPLAY WITH ME IF YOU'D LIKE
ೀ🪻🪽 Like, thanks for reading, I guess.
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honoviadakai · 5 months
Rating team Urameshi based on how likely they are to get your coffee order right ☕️ 💚💙♥️🖤
He’s not the worst but like…he’s not the first person I’d send on a coffee run
If your order isn’t complicated, you’re probably safe and he will get it correct 9 times outta 10
He’ll only get it wrong if he’s feeling like messing with you/a little mad at ya
If your order is complicated however….
Just go get it yourself, he’s gonna fuck up like 5 of your 6 instructions
Also absolutely will drink some of your drink on the way back
“Other people’s coffee orders just taste better for some reason” 🤣
Great person to send on coffee runs!
He does his absolute best to remember your order regardless of how easy or complicated it is
But the more complex the order, the more nervous her is about messing it up
And he might actually mess up like 1 part of your order once he hits the front cuz he panicked
He will be SO apologetic if you tell him he even made one mistake
Like it could be as simple as putting oat milk in the order when you asked for coconut milk and he will apologize like he’s committed a war crime
He’ll even run and grab another order that is 100% correct this time
He’s not perfect at getting orders but I will never be angry with him if he messes up. Ever.
This man
Right here
Is the coffee run god
First of all
Let’s talk fits
Cuz he makes walking into town look like a god damn art from
I’m talking perfectly coordinated outfits with matching accessories and a walk that would have the entire modeling industry quaking
now for the actual orders
It legit does not matter how complicated your order is
He has that shit memorized
Never gets it wrong.
Hell, he’ll sometimes order you an extra drink or food item if he think you need it and it’s always EXACTLY what you need/want that day
Like let’s say if you have work that day but you also planned to go to the gym later
Well obviously you need a little extra protein and carbs to get you through the day so he’s getting you a breakfast sandwich and a protein smoothie the way you like it, substitutions and all
He does double checks the orders before he leaves because sometimes the baristas get the orders wrong
I can’t even fault them, he stepped into shop, I’d forget how to do my job too
Oh why
Oh fucking WHY
What in the ever loving hell did you smoke that made you think asking HIEI of all people to go of a coffee run for you was a good idea????
First off
Do you honestly think this man knows what a Starbucks is?
Let alone how to order from places like that???
Best case scenario, he sneaks in, uses his jagan eye to manipulate a barista into making your order, for free, he takes it, comes back and it’s the completely wrong order
Worst case scenario, you have to bail him out of jail or hide him from the cops
God help you if your order is anything other than a simple black coffee because that’s all he’s getting
Whatever you just said you wanted him to get was you speaking a foreign language as far as he’s concerned
Literally just sent someone else!
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silversodas · 5 months
There Is A Song That Vox and Val Remind Me Of
Lose Control by Teddy Swims.
So starting with Val’s temper tantrum and what Velvette said about waiting for Vox to calm him down. I thought that was…odd, especially for a grown ass man. When he gets to the suit where Val is fuming is where the song part comes in
“Feels like the walls are all closing in, and the Devils knocking at my door”
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The Red smoke is the social poison that Val carried around in life that manifested itself as a literal poison in death. He is sitting and stewing in his own poison and wants relief given by Vox
“Outta my mind, how many times, did I tell you I am no good at being alone? Yea It’s taken a toll on me, trying my best to keep from tearing the skin off my bones”
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I thought that was just to show how dramatic of a bitch Val was (and he is) but think it’s to show he suffers from his own bullshit, his own poison, and Vox is what gives him relief
“I am falling apart right in front of you can’t you see!!”
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Val was more or less trapped in his own bullshit cloud and making it everyone else’s problem, and it’s only when he vents it to Vox that he is starting to noticeably get better. And honestly I feel pretty bad for Vox here, because we kinda know now that they are dating, and Val is venting about some other fucking dude that he obsesses over. I mean I totally get why he doesn’t seem to like Angel now. (Even though Val is the one at fault) What’s interesting though is he doesn’t enable Val like a lot of piss babies like Val go to their S.Os for
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(I borrowed some of these images from a video called Vox being a mood and that’s why only some images have texts on them)
I love that Vox’s old time tv voice sounds more distorted and demonic the angrier he gets, he could be as creepy as Alastor if he wanted to be
“I lose control when your not next to me”
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What do you think chasing whores around town will do for our image?
Uh..fuck it up?
Feels like you could have come to that conclusion yourself there Val. I mean yeah maybe he is just stupid, but it feels like Vox is 100% of Val’s impulse control, he keeps Val from losing control, not only that, he seems to help Val think more clearly and without so much poisonous emotion
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I really wanted to shoot someone
Well, let me send up the lowest earners this month
At this point Val sounds completely snapped out of it, and doesn’t sound angry anymore. And Vox, while he doesn’t enable Val, he does coddle him and that’s not any better, if anything it just encourages Val to act like this when something is wrong and Vox will come and fix it.
It seems that Vox has not set boundaries with Val that he can’t act like that to get his attention and that if he needs him when he is distressed then he needs to talk to him, not kill employees and destroy work property. And because he coddles Val’s behavior it keeps happening and Vox resents him for it
And to make things worse, Val does the opposite for Vox, he spreads his poison and encourages Vox’s impulses and bad emotions
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(Seriously! I looooovvvee how creepy his tv voice can sound, hmm maybe it’s just another way he and Alastor are alike. Also his voice actor did such a good job with the delivery of this line! It’s so unsettling)
You can see the poison taking effect when it’s coming out of the side of his mouth
Teddy Swims said he wrote the song based off of toxic relationships and how addictive they can sometimes be. And I need to see more of their relationship, but I definitely think that’s the case with these two
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Back To The Way They Were
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
(Pairs with Lose You to Love Me)
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, druski2funny, saweetie, mortirolo, danivalentine, cozane, and 3,459,182 others
y/ninsta: classy ratchet bitch, real trendsetter 😘💖
saweetie: got DAMN you ate this shit UP!
urbanwyatt: 😍😍😍
softtcurse: you looking amazing 😍
2forwoyne: softtcurse I- never mind 
softtcurse: 2forwoyne ???
quiiso: not the time for that at all. moving on. First Lady looks amazing
urbanwyattsource: uhhh what is all that about?!
jackharlowsource: urbanwyattsource I wanna know too. I though her and Yasmin were cool?
urbandjack24: apparently not and someone needs to spill the tea
jackandy/naremyparents: how are we supposed to spill it if no one knows but them? and they aren’t about to say anything
jackandy/naremyparents: jackharlow look at how pretty your wife is! I'll marry her if you drop the ball and mess up
claybornharlow: jackandy/naremyparents get in line 😫
danivalentine: CLAYBORN!
claybornharlow: danivalentine yes? 😌
druski2funny: y/ninsta I thought we were going on our date?
jackharlow: druski2funny are you lost?
druski2funny: jackharlow 👀 oh um didn't realize I'd be running into you here
jackharlow: druski2funny 🤨
druski2funny: jackharlow I'll see myself out
jackharlow: druski2funny you do that and take claybornharlow and dualipa with you because I know her ass is on here lurking 🙄
dualipa: jackharlow not you calling me out when I'm trying to be discrete
jackharlow: dualipa you and discreet in the same sentence? Try again
jackharlow: y/ninsta you look gorgeous baby 😍
y/ninsta: jackharlow thank you smush, love you 💕
jackharlow: love you more ❤️
jackharlowsource: oh? did our parents make up? What's happening?
allthingsy/n: jackharlowsource she was at the GQ dinner the other night with him 👀
urbandjack24: finally because my heart cannot take this shit no more
jackandy/naremyparents: jackharlow y/ninsta I am putting in a formal request for a joint tour and a joint album in the future 👀
jackharlowsource: jackandy/naremyparents they would EAT! 😭😭😭
mortirolo: oh I see he’s not acting outta pocket like last time
danivalentine: Nicole, not now!
mortirolo: dainvalentine I didn’t even do anything!
urbandjack24: I honestly don’t think Nicole likes Jack  😭
mortirolo: urbandjack24 of course I do!
druski2funny: mortirolo God is watching, please stop lying on Beyonce’s internet
mortirolo: druski2funny I AM NOT LYING
2forwoyne: mortirolo all of PG begs to differ lmao
saweetie: mortirolo now Nicole...... lmaooooo
jackharlow: I need to start a support group for people who have been terrorized by her, Nicole’s victims anonymous
danivalentine: jackharlow PLEASEEEEEEEE 😭
quiiso: jackharlow you’re definitely the president lmao
shloob_: jackharlow can it be combined? Nicole and FL’s victims anonymous
y/ninsta: NOW WHY AM I IN IT?!
acepro: y/ninsta we all know shloob is scared of you lmao
y/ninsta: I don’t even be doing anything! I rap and fuck my husband? Likeeee that’s literally it?
urbanwyatt: here yall fucking go 🙄
jackharlow: y/ninsta and you do it so well. them thighs are calling my name 😍
y/ninsta: jackharlow something else is calling your name too 👀
claybornharlow: CUT THE SHIT
jackharlow: claybornharlow no. 
jackharlow: y/ninsta you do be terrorizing Urban, baby girl....
y/ninsta: jackharlow I DO NOT! urbanwyatt you better get in here and defend me
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta defend you from what exactly? I see no lies
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt oh okay wow. consider yourself evicted. 
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta how am I getting evicted if I’m not even living with you right now?
jackharlowsource: oh? URBAN MOVED OUT?!?!
urbanwyatt: jackharlowsource I planned on going back the week of her birthday but she’s acting outta pocket right now in front of company
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt don’t bring your ass back once you get hungry and don’t bring your ass back at all. that ramen can only hold you over for so long.
danivalentine: y/ninsta girl please. you can’t live without your husband and you can’t live without your best friend. urbanwyatt she’ll have the door unlocked for you and accept you with open arms
y/ninsta: danivalentine you ain’t have to call me out like that. I know I’m a simp for PG. 🙄
2forwoyne: yesss more food for us!
y/ninsta: 2forwoyne don’t get excited. I still remember your ass eating my entire pan of cheesecake that was FOR NICOLE!
mortirolo: 2forwoyne you on my list now. watch your back
jackharlow: 2forwoyne we’re taking new members for our group every week 😭😭😭
2forwoyne: jackharlow I think I’m going to need the premium subscription 😭
claybornharlow: y/ninsta gorgeous as always 😍
jackharlow: claybornharlow I thought I told druski2funny to exit to the left and take you with him?
claybornharlow: jackharlow I’m her baby, she’s always going to want me around 🥰
jackharlow: y/ninsta get him before I do
y/ninsta: jackharlow isn’t he YOUR brother? And you better not touch a hair on my baby’s head!
jackharlow: y/ninsta EXCUSE ME WHAT?!
y/ninsta: claybornharlow I’m sorry you had to be a witness to him acting outta pocket
jackharlow: y/ninsta the only people acting outta pocket is the two of you! and mortirolo
mortirolo: jackharlow watch it curly 😡
jackharlow: mortirolo see? that’s why I need the support group
y/ninsta: jackharlow you are so dramatic sometimes smush lmao
jackharlow: y/ninsta oh? dramatic? me? how about you the other night acting as if I was trying to kill you as if you were running away from this dick?
y/ninsta: jackharlow I plead the fifth
jackharlow: y/ninsta mm hmm. I knew that would shut your ass up
y/ninsta: jackharlow still talking smush
jackharlow: y/ninsta wait until your break from tour....
theestallion: jackharlow oh?
normani: can’t wait for the group chat about that one!
druski2funny: jackharlow I get to watch right?
dualipa: if druski2funny gets to watch, so do I
jackharlow: druski2funny dualipa consider this me uninviting you both to friendsgiving
lilnasx: lmaoooooooo more food for meeeee
druski2funny: jackharlow hold on now! I have an important role
lilnasx: druski2funny you’re bringing the drinks because we know your ass can’t cook, your job is not that important
dualipa: y/ninsta if jackharlow messes up.... you know where to find me
jackharlow: dualipa nobody will be able to find you once I’m done with you. CUT THE FUCKING SHIT NEOW
dualipa: jackharlow always so violent smh
jackharlow: dualipa I still have my bb gun. don’t test me.
claybornharlow: oh! you know what I just thought of? jackharlow and y/ninsta??
jackharlow: claybornharlow whatever it is, you better not say it
y/ninsta: claybornharlow if you say it, I’m not making your birthday cake this year
claybornharlow: jackharlow y/ninsta the senior prank the two of you pulled with the rest of PG
y/ninsta: claybornharlow DO NOT FINISH THAT FUCKING SENTENCE
jackharlow: claybornharlow KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT
claybornharlow: bubble wrap. elevator music, and selling a house. kbye.
saweetie: claybornharlow GET BACK HERE AND EXPLAIN!
y/ninsta: claybornharlow count your days
jackharlow: y/ninsta forget days. his ass has MINUTES
jackandy/naremyparents: so happy that these two are back to the way they were before 🥰
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straightupsickfics · 10 months
best friends, ex-friends til the end | royjamie
(better off as lovers)
this is definitely something that i wrote to get out of my own head after thinking about it literally since the show ended.. but maybe someone else will enjoy a little (~2.1k words) sick jamie + reluctantly caring roy kent <3
Sicktember Prompt #2: “What happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?”
Jamie really doesn’t think anything of it when most of the lads (...and Ted, Trent, Rebecca, and Higgins) are all out with some kind of mysterious cold throughout the early fall. He felt bad for them, yeah, course, offered to bring Colin and Isaac and Dani soup, even. But it didn’t occur to him that he should be, like, “worried about germs,” or whatever. 
Jamie Tartt never gets sick. 
Like, ever. 
He has an unbeatable immune system, and, according to his mum, he always has. Not that any of his ill teammates seem particularly interested in hearing about that particular fact when he shares it on one of his soup drop offs. Isaac had actually told him to “fuck off outta here with that gloating,” while Colin cough-laughed beside him. 
Well, fine. Jamie knows when he isn’t wanted. He leaves, confident they’d be fine in a few days, no doubt thanks to the soup he’d left them. Then, they can all make their way back to normal on the pitch. The whole dynamic’s been off for weeks with everyone being taken out one by one by this thing, and Jamie’s getting sick of it. He needs everyone there to really dominate the way he’s used to, even if it means he has be “a bit of a fucking prick about it.” (Roy’s words). 
It turns out, all of that ass crack of dawn training is paying off after all. Like, really paying off — Jamie is better and faster than ever now, all thanks to his supreme commitment to the game, and his unmatched talent. 
And Roy’s training. 
Okay, mostly Roy’s training, but he wouldn’t be admitting that much out loud without more than a few pints in him. And since Roy isn’t letting him drink at the moment, Jamie figures he’s in the clear. 
So, yeah, Jamie Tartt’s life is fucking mint as of late. 
Now, leaving Isaac and Colin’s, he looks down at his phone and finds a message from Roy himself, think of the devil. 
Granddad: McAdoo just said you’d been by… WTF are you thinking?? You want to lose a week with whatever fucking bubonic plague’s going around the club???
Jamie: Christ, do you get tired of yelling at me, old man? It’s FINE. Jamie Tartt don’t CATCH the plague 
Granddad: 🙄 If you say so, but don’t come crying to me when you’re laid up in bed you absolute muppet. Get some sleep, I’ll see you at 4:00 AM. 
Jamie: Be there with bells on ♥️
The next few days go by in a blur of training, post-training FIFA with Roy, and sleep. He’s been feeling knocked on his ass every night this week, overtired and exhausted in a way he usually isn’t, thanks to Roy’s brutal workout regime, but he can hardly complain with the way he’s been playing. He’s been getting home late most nights, too, always a little reluctant to leave Roy’s and go home to his own empty flat. 
It’s not like Roy seems to mind either, though. He’s been making them dinners almost every night, after all. Or, well, he makes dinner and sets out two plates and doesn’t tell Jamie to get lost, which is basically the same thing, right? It’s nice, having some company. Having Roy for company, has become something he never knew he needed. 
Or maybe he just never let himself even think about asking for it. 
After one such night, Jamie showers and climbs into his bed (empty, always empty, these days, something a former version of himself would never believe let alone enjoy). He thinks about Roy. Thinks, tiredly, how nice it might be if Roy were here now, and then shakes the thought away. Since when does he think about Roy Kent in bed? 
(Since always, he’s had a poster of him over his bed since he was thirteen.) 
Thoughts of Roy are replaced with thoughts about water. His throat’s been dry all day, and a glass of water sounds killer right now, but Jamie’s asleep before he can do anything about it. 
Jamie wakes up to something jackhammering. 
No, not jackhammering. It’s his phone, vibrating on his nightstand. 
Fuck, why is it so loud? He pulls himself up to look at it, but he feels like he’s been him by a ton of bricks. Bad idea. He feels like utter shite if he’s honest, like he got hit by a truck in his sleep. His head’s pounding, for one thing, he can’t even think straight, and the dry, scratchy throat from last night has grown into a monster of a sore throat. Plus, he feels sweaty all over. 
Roy was going to kill him. 
Shit. Roy. Their training. It’s that thought that gets Jamie into an upright position, at least enough so that he can grab his phone before laying back down with it. There are five missed calls from Granddad, and a handful of texts and other notifications that Jamie ignores for now. 
Somewhere in his scrolling, it hits Jamie that the sun is coming in through his window. It’s almost 8:00 in the morning, and he’s completely missed their training. He’d slept through his alarm, missing the training with Roy, and, judging by how entirely fucked he feels, would likely miss the team training today, too. 
Jamie swallows and winces. His throat feels like he’s swallowing burning knives, but he calls Roy back anyway. 
Roy answers on the first ring, and by some act of Jesus Christ himself, doesn’t sound pissed off. 
“What the fuck, Tartt, are you alright” 
No, he definitely doesn’t sound mad, he sounds… concerned. 
“Mm? Yeah, grand.” Jamie tries to sound relaxed, but his voice sounds awful, hoarse and gravelly and blurred with congestion. 
“Fuuuuck,” is all Roy says for a minute. Then: “Let me in, I’m outside.” 
“So, what happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?” Roy says when Jamie finally makes his way to the front door and lets him in. 
Jamie tries to roll his eyes, but even that hurts his head. “First time for everything, yeah? What’re you doin’ here?” 
“You didn’t show up for almost four hours!” Roy explodes. “You weren’t answering your phone, no one had heard from you, I was—” Roy stops himself, looking at Jamie and then away, suddenly finding the cars in the driveway extremely interesting. 
“Aw, you were worried about me,” Jamie supplies. It would be much better if he could actually enjoy this moment, but as it is he feels like he could collapse at any moment, so he holds onto the cool granite of his kitchen island. 
“Fuck off,” Roy growls. 
“You came to me in me hour of need,” Jamie says, then turns to the side and coughs, ruining the moment. 
“To be fair I thought you were dead in a ditch somewhere, had to make sure I didn’t need to see about finding a replacement.” 
“I’m irreplaceable, hello? There’s no replacing an icon.” Not that he feels like much of an icon now, with his nose starting to run and an annoying itch starting to form somewhere behind his sinuses. He scrubs a hand over his face, wishing Roy was here in his flat on literally any other morning. 
“Muppet,” Roy says, shaking his head and studying him in a way that always makes Jamie feel all squirmy inside. 
“S-shit, gimme me a second,” Jamie says, breath catching as he turns away and sneezes four times in quick succession. “Hh’itsh! Hpt-ISH! Uh-hu’ishhiew! IshhIEW!” 
“Were those sneezes? Y’sound like Phoebe’s cat when she sneezes.” 
Jamie just groans, turns around, and flops onto the couch. He doesn’t even have the energy to argue with Roy, and he loves arguing with Roy. 
“Bless you, by the way,” Roy says, voice just marginally softer as he follows Jamie to the living room. 
“Sorry I missed training,” Jamie says, voice half lost to the pillow he’s currently trying to disappear into. “Y’can find a new way to punish me for it next week, m’sure.” 
Roy’s quiet for a minute. “Think you get a pass. Team spirit, lookin’ out for the lads when they needed it and all.” 
Jamie lifts his head up, arches an eyebrow. “Thought you said don’t come cryin’ to ya?”
“I came to you, didn’t I?” 
“‘Cause you were worried about me,” Jamie says, smiling despite how bad, well, everything feels just now. 
Roy’s here. Jamie’s flat feels warmer with another person here, which helps, since he’s freezing on top of everything else. 
“Do you have any tea in this place?” Is all Roy says in reply. He’s already back in the kitchen, navigating around Jamie’s cupboards like he lives there, and Jamie’s thinking how nice it all is when he falls asleep again, right there on the couch. 
When he wakes up again, Roy is still there, Jamie’s feet in his lap, and it’s much later in the day, he can tell immediately. He must be so sick he’s hallucinating, because there’s no way Roy Kent came over to watch him sleep, covered him with a blanket, and is watching You’ve Got Mail on his TV. 
“Ah, you’re alive. I was starting to think I should call someone,” Roy says when Jamie stirs. “You look like shit. Take that,” Roy continues, pointing to a bottle of something and a glass of water on the coffee table. 
Jamie feels, impossibly, worse than he had this morning, his head feels like it weighs about a million pounds. He doesn’t argue, just swallows the medicine and water and grimaces at Roy.
“Didn’t have to stay here,” Jamie says. His voice is wrecked. 
“Fuck, you sound fucking awful,” Roy says, his hand on Jamie’s ankle — how long had that been there? He moves his thumb up and back absentmindedly, and suddenly it’s all Jamie can focus on. 
What is happening?
“Well, never drank that tea you were on about earlier,” Jamie says.
Roy nods. “Never do want to listen to me,” he says, but his voice is different now, softer. Kinder. Fonder.
“Took the liberty of ordering a takeaway, should be here soon. Soup for you,” Roy says. His hand is still there, warm on Jamie’s ankle. 
“huh-IItshh! IishhIEW!” The sneezes catch Jamie completely off guard, shivering out of him before he can do anything but lean into it. “Sorry,” he mutters, sniffling. He looks pathetic, he knows that, and he’s torn between elation that Roy’s here and complete humiliation. “You’ll be down with this next,” he warns.
“Bless you. Y’really do sneeze like a cat, Tartt.” 
Jamie’s laugh turns into another coughing fit, and when Roy leans up to rub his back, he decides that happiness wins out over embarrassment. 
They’re side by side now, closer than they’d usually sit for FIFA, though not by much. They’d been getting closer in just about every way these last few months, and Jamie realizes he’d like nothing more than to lean into it. Let Roy deal with all of it in that growly, take-charge way he has about everything else. He’d feel better soon if Roy said so, right? 
“Food should be here soon, if you want to close your eyes for a few more minutes. This prick hasn’t put Meg Ryan out of business yet, so…” Roy trails off, eyes trained on the screen rather than Jamie, who nods. His eyes and head are still so heavy. 
Daring a look at Roy out of the corner of his eye, Jamie lets his head rest on his shoulder, sniffling into the soft fabric of Roy’s ubiquitous black t-shirt and yawning. He could get used to this, if he let himself. Whatever this is…
“You’re thinking really fucking loudly,” Roy says, voice impossibly close to his ear. He doesn’t sound mad about it, though, more like amused. Jamie’s still half convinced he’s dreaming this entire day. Jamie Tartt doesn’t get sick, for one thing, and Roy Kent doesn’t play nurse with his players. “Close your eyes.”
“Fine, but only to stop your yelling, Granddad,” Jamie says with another yawn. He doesn’t lift his head from Roy’s shoulder, and Roy doesn’t say anything else, just turns his attention back to the movie.
Jamie’s ninety-nine percent asleep when he feels it, the faintest, softest brush of lips against his sweaty forehead. 
Maybe this is something after all. 
Maybe Roy Kent does play nurse when it matters. 
And maybe Jamie Tartt does get sick, though he decides then and there that it’s not too bad if this is what he gets in return. Pretty fucking mint, in fact. 
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sinnaminttoast · 6 months
We got a balance update and I’m here to give you my nonsensical commentary/thoughts on it
Oh boy am I ready/nervous for what awaits me in this video.
Will I have a nervous breakdown about the possibilities of what this video will contain? Maybe, but you’ll never know.
Anyways…onto my thoughts
Oh??? So smartass is gonna be caught up on what’s going on. Alright…I mean I think we only ever had Geordi’s reaction to magic so this’ll be interesting.
SMARTASS REMEMBERING THE CARDS THING 😭😭 oh they are…let me date smartass plzzz
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Smartass just already knowing magic exists “like yeah…I know people with cool powers exist. So what?”
Yo if I was smartass and someone told me “this involves kidnapping and conspiracy..”
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I’M…I’m not mentally equipped for this one Aar bear 😁✌️
Elliot and Smartass are both of my brain cells theorizing about what the fuck is going on.
Someone strong enough to sneak in and sneak out you say??? 🤨
I think I know of a STRONG stealth who can SNEAK around…👀
Not Asher catching strays for no reason. PAPERWORK IS UGLY OKAY?? I understand him.
“Or maybe he just got better at hiding it.” OKAY! Alright! That line right there….WOW OKAY! Let’s not even open that one because as someone who is anxious…😬 oh it’s rough. Let’s just say that line hit a little too close to home.
Okay me and Elliott can be anxiety buddies…
I know I can be unserious but let’s be serious for a sec.
It’s actually so amazing how Erik makes sure we remember how awful the tragedy of the inversion was. Yeah sure we had the inversion videos to guide us through it but even now Erik makes sure we know that it still affected people outside of those characters.
That it left the department in disarray and with people feeling completely lost about what had happened.
Was not expecting to hear a southern accent but I’m not mad.
I want to know how the department has been dealing with Closeknit …CAUSE NO SERIOUSLY! They literally just kidnapped someone 😭
Oh wow…I didn’t know you…okay mysterious agent tell us your violent fantasies of what you’d like to do with Close Knit.
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Oh wow!
Elliott is gonna be sick y’all.
“I can’t lose them Aaron.”
So does Erik want me to jump off the edge rn?? /J
“They were so scared… in the dream. I tried to tell them what they had to do to fight it. I tried to help…but I couldn’t. I couldn’t do anything. I’m supposed to be able to protect them. Dreams are the one thing I’m good at. The one thing I know better than anything else…and I couldn’t help them.”
Send the flood. I’m being so serious.
WELL THE MISSION HASN’T HAPPENED! According to the summit…Closeknit is still up and running so 🫠
I imagine that even though it is killing him to think about Sunshine…he needs them like the air he breathes.
(Yes I stole that from a Conan gray song and yes it hurt me to write that.)
“They were a good balance for one another.”
I’ll go get Sunshine myself if no one else will!
And we end with a kiss and uncertainty
So that was the end of that video….
I usually end with a meme but how do I end this without furiously sobbing???
I really tried to be light hearted with this one BUT IT WAS A STRUGGLE TO NOT CRY!
When I catch you Closeknit…oh it’s gonna go down…ESPECIALLY YOU BLAKE😺
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I’ll make him eat my foot 🦶 and I’m so serious
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lipglossanon · 1 year
OMG MY TUMBLR KEEPS CRASHING WHILE IM TRYING TO TYPE THIS OUT RAAHHHH anyways, i saw this edit earlier of a re4r mod that like, adjusts the camera and so there’s this one clip where u can see leon just straight up manspreading and it was so hot HES SO HOT i just wna sit on his lap and cockwarm the shit outta him, you feel me?
and ofc this is gna turn into another thirst for stepbro leon bc why else wld i be here 🤭 i just imagine like, leon trying to study for college exams or smth and reader is laying on his bed, scrolling on her phone, bored out of her mind before suddenly feeling that familiar neediness springing up when she looks over at leon, sat at his desk, studying his books and notes, man spreading a lil in his chair and looking so studious, and asks, “leon..can you take a break? i need you” she says while pouting but only gets a, “no, sweetheart, i’m sorry, but finals are coming up” (this just reminded me that i have finals coming up too NOOOO💔💔💔) and ofc she’s whining and making somewhat of a fuss abt it but is just getting ignored by him which slightly annoys her before she tosses her phone aside and gets him, crawling under his arms and sitting in his lap. at this point, leon just lets her do it since she isn’t really doing much. right? WRONG. she starts to quietly whine in his ear, talking abt how much she needs him and it gets to the point that it’s annoying him that he eventually grabs her by her throat with a mean glare and a slight squeeze
“you wanna be a needy slut, huh? want my cock so bad?”
and she just nods eagerly, thinking she finally got her way as he pulls his pants down, pulls her shorts and panties down to just hang off her ankle before sliding his cock into her already soaking wet hole before cooing at her with mock sympathy, “there, happy?” but she’s just too cockdrunk to pick up on it as she nods and tries to move against him, but before she can even move so much as an inch, he’s holding her hips harshly and bruises are probably going to show up later
“you have my cock, now be a good girl and sit still, or you won’t get anything”
and she’s on the verge of crying out about how unfair he’s being before she sees the look in his eyes, as if daring her to disobey him before she meekly nods and tries her best to not move around as leon goes back to studying, thrusting up occasionally just to get a little reaction out of her before going completely still again
😵‍💫😵‍💫 brainrot, SORRY IF ITS NOT GOOD I AM NOT A WRITER😓😓 i was also having thoughts abt exec!leon fucking virgin!reader bc i can not get that one part of the fic outta my head..but that’s gna hv to wait for another time bc i hv a 5 page rough draft to write for my writing class tomorrow😀😀👍
🪷 anon, never apologize for writing because you’re brain has beautiful thoughts 😵‍💫 😵‍💫 (and like a link to that mod vid—for scientific purposes of course 😌 😜 )
And you wanna know what’s insane?? I’m literally in the middle of writing a cockwarming fic for stepdad Leon 😱 so surprise I guess *jazz hands* 😜
But oof Stepbro Leon making her sit there while he studies for finals 🥴 🥴 I’m gonna have to take this and add it to my list (which is predominantly Stepbro Leon; he got everyone in a chokehold 🤤)
Haha no worries!! Thank you for sharing cause that’s so hot like it’s not even funny 🥵 🥵 and exec Leon is way more popular than I thought he’d be (very pleasantly surprised! 💜) and good luck with your rough draft!!! 💕
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