#I need to make cute tags for my moots </3
margumis · 8 months
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i think it was the holy spirit? i haven’t been to church in a great many years!
I checked god's internet annnnd
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im so proud of you for remembering <3 clearly the church taught me nothing
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aureatchi · 4 months
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⚕ ᡣ𐭩 . ° . AND IF THERE WAS A PLACE I HAD TO CHOOSE…IT’D BE IN YOUR ARMS TONIGHT. (bedroom session) ft. dazai, chuuya, fyodor, akutagawa, sigma
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— how the bsd men treat you when you’re sick. (& more)
a/n. started writing when i was sick djsjsja. tagging my moots who were under the weather anytime this month <3 to them & anyone else unwell, feel better soon !!
info. fem!reader. fluff. established relationships. light angst & hospital in akutagawa’s. chuuya plays the guitar. you play the piano in fyodor’s. sigma’s a chef. some inspo from RED for dazai & fyodor’s (our hcs!)
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DAZAI will cuddle with you anyway, even when you are buried under bundles of blankets. he still thinks you need a little more warmth…and you look just too cute wrapped up in what resembles an igloo to not nuzzle with you! however, don’t be surprised when he blames you for making him sick once you recover, as if it wasn’t his fault.
“A-choo!” Your eyes were watery, you felt too cold for your liking, and it was harder than usual to breathe through your nose. Your sneeze made you sit up in discomfort, and you hastily pulled the covers toward you.
“‘Bella? Are you alright?” Dazai sat up next, meeting your eyes as you turned your face toward him.
He noticed how flushed your cheeks were and how watery your eyes were as you frowned—no, the first thought Dazai had wasn’t Oh no! You’re sick!
“Aw, love! You look so cute!” And he tackled you back down.
“Osamu!” you shouted as he lay practically atop you, squeezing you like a teddy bear.
“‘Samu!” you repeated once more. “You’re going to suffocate me!”
“You feel so cold, though, darling!” His reply was muffled as he buried his face into your neck.
“It’s like you’re trying to get yourself sick!”
He sat the both of you back up.
“H-huh? What’d you mean? Why would anyone willingly get sick?”
“Oh, I’m not sure either!” you exclaimed. “Maybe so you can use it as an excuse to skip wor-“
You sneezed again, interrupting your statement, seeing through Dazai’s plan.
“Bless you ‘bella!” he replied, a bit too excited. “What were you saying?”
“I. Was-” you sneezed again. And then twice. And then thrice.
“Aw, my poor baby!” Dazai spoke in his infantile voice. “Looks like you’re super sick…don’t you worry your pretty head about that. I have a solution.”
“Yes, please,” you responded—as best as you could with him pinching your cheeks—thinking Dazai would finally get up and bring you medicine so you didn’t have to do it yourself. That was, in fact, a terrible assumption.
“You trust me so well you didn’t even wait for me to tell you!”
He then proceeded to pepper your entire face with kisses.
“Get-well kisses! They work better than medicine, trust me. Because these ones are made from lo-ove~.”
“Osamu!” you shouted. “You’re really going to get sick!”
“Do you really think I care, pretty?” He moved his face so his nose was touching yours. “I’ll tell you a secret. I know why I’d get willingly sick. So that I’ll be taken care of by my favorite girl in the world-“
“You’re so stupid!” you facepalmed. “You see being ill as a reward?”
“Yeah, I’ll make you believe so by the end of the day,” he winked. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Thankfully, Dazai did give you medicine to clear your stuffy nose. And then he told you to stay in bed while he would prepare you…breakfast.
“Oh no,” you said, knowing well that you mostly cooked the meals for a reason. Dazai was good at many things, but there were exceptions. He wasn’t the worst cook, but he certainly wasn’t the best.
“Wait, please trust me on this one!” he pleaded before you could get up. “I promise you I won’t burn the house down.”
The brunette was staring at you with dramatic puppy-dog eyes, and you were too tired to object any further.
“You have to make sure it’s edible, too,” you glumly replied.
It felt like almost an hour passed. You started to get worried—was he really struggling with cooking you something? You imagined the kitchen would be a chaotic nightmare by now, and it was enough to make you want to check on him.
But the moment you decided to get up, the door opened with Dazai bringing in a bowl of hot soup. Surprisingly, you could smell the aroma—and it was good.
“You really underestimated me, ‘bella?” Dazai smirked as he placed the bowl on a portable bed tray. “Bon appétit!”
“I haven’t even tried it yet,” you smiled back. “It might be the worst soup I’ve ever had.”
It wasn’t bad. You hated to admit it, but it tasted delicious.
“The virus must’ve affected my taste buds, too,” you chuckled. “Because for someone whose forte isn’t cooking, this tastes really good.”
Dazai wiped his head with a phew! “I actually…put in a lot of effort. I wanted to make sure I did it all right for you. Sorry it took so long.”
You wanted to hug him. You found it so adorable that he had really taken his time to make you something.
“Awe, thanks, Osamu,” you responded. “This was really sweet.”
“So…do I get a few kisses and back rubs as a thank you?” he asked.
“Sorry, back rubs? I’m the one sick; you should be the one giving me them!”
Dazai ended up giving you the massages in exchange for continuing to cling to you without complaint. You accepted and were defeated at this point—the man really wasn’t going anywhere.
He continued to stay with you until you felt better, and very unsurprisingly he spoiled your recovery celebration by becoming sick himself.
“Heh…” he mumbled as you looked at the thermometer with a frown. Contradicting was Dazai with a large smile, despite just finding out he had a fever.
“Your turn, ‘bella!” he exclaimed. “I already called Kunikida saying I’m going to be out for another week! This almost beats a vacation.”
“What? Any time spent with you feels just as amazing. And this is just a result of how well I’ve taken care of you.”
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CHUUYA wants to make your recovery as comfortable and entertaining as possible—he doesn’t want his darling feeling mopey the entire time. after all, enjoying something distracts one from the botherations of being sick, right?
You hadn’t done as much as you would’ve liked today. Unfortunately, you were sick, but not to the point where you had to visit a doctor or were stuck in bed. It was an inconvenient gray area, where you were still able to do things but accompanied by the mild symptoms of a cold.
“Nah, doll, you’re just a workaholic.”
Chuuya laughed as you pouted while trying to do your laundry. Just because you were sick didn’t mean you should skip your chores. You would probably still go to work the next day, too—as long as you weren’t dying, you’d be alright.
You sort of felt like you were, though. You were overcome by a haze of debilitation, whether you wanted to admit it or not. But you couldn’t just sit around all day.
“I’m fine though, Chuu,” you replied, but a contradicting sneeze immediately followed.
“Your nose is saying something different,” he replied, handing you a tissue. “If you’re so bored, how ‘bout we do something actually fun? And won’t exhaust the life out of you?”
“Well, what are you thinking?” you asked, curious as you wiped your nose.
Chuuya had you sat by the table with a bowl and a box of cornstarch.
“Out of all people, it was Q who showed me this.” You raised an eyebrow. “Don’t worry, baby, it’s not dangerous. It’s weird, but I can’t deny this entrances me.”
Chuuya poured some cornstarch into the container and added a cup of water. “It gets a little messy, but…” he started combining the contents until it became a gooey mixture.
You started giggling. You didn’t know what you were expecting, but it definitely wasn’t the sort of crafts experiment you did as a kid.
“Chuu, this is quicksand. You’ve never made it before?”
His eyes widened in surprise. “Quicksand? Nope. But look—if you play around with it, it becomes solid—isn’t that amazing? But if you let it go-“
“It turns back into liquid, yes,” you replied before you sneezed again.
“It’s so weird! What kinda manipulation is this?
You couldn’t help but laugh at how the Port Mafia executive was captivated by such a simple science project. You watched as he played around with the oobleck.
You realized you could live this day simply as well. You proceeded to make your own cool mixture as well.
“You got some on your face,” Chuuya said a little after you were finished with your venture and were washing your hands.
“Where?” you asked, about to touch your head.
“Right here,” you felt his thumb gently rub your cheek and then move around your neck to tug you closer.
“Just kidding.” He stole a kiss in its place.
Chuuya sat down on the edge of the bed with his guitar. It was late afternoon, and you decided for once a very needed nap. But not before your lover entertained you with one more thing.
“I’m gonna give ya a little performance.”
He strung his guitar several times and ensured everything was correctly tuned.
Your widened eyes in curiosity made his heart warm. You were so enamored with everything he did—just as he was utterly obsessed with you.
He started playing a familiar tune. Your favorite song. You immediately smiled despite your oncoming headache.
“One day, I think I’ll write my own song for you,” Chuuya said. “You work so hard, how couldn’t you be the inspiration of a ballad?”
You cherished times like these. Even though you were sick, you had the company of the soft, sweetheart side of the Mafia Executive.
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FYODOR is full of surprises, and you falling ill is no exception. unexpectedly, he decides to let go of his schemes and responsibilities for the day, to make sure you’re feeling better.
He could already tell by your unusual exhaustion yesterday evening. You didn’t do anything that required more exertion than usual, and it was too frigid in the year for you to feel so hot.
Fyodor already knew you wouldn’t feel so good when you woke up the following day. Your cheeks were flushed, and your head was pounding. It even ached to sit up. It was the worst combination.
Feverishly, you sneezed. A tissue was immediately placed over your nose.
“Blow, milaya.”
You looked up at Fyodor, who was standing by the bed. His amethyst gaze fell upon you—his usual amalgam of tranquility and complacency looked a bit different today…was there a hint of concern shining through his eyes?
You took the tissue from his hands and blew your nose.
“You’re supposed to be at work, no?”
You tried your hardest not to get sick because of this reason. You would be another hassle on Fyodor’s list of endeavors. You hated the thought of contributing, especially when he was already stressed and occasionally neglected his own needs with what he already had to do.
“You would really expect me to when I had to carry you to bed last night?”
The previous evening was a blur. Sometime after dinner, the weather immediately flew over you, and all your energy just drained out.
“Ah.” You sneezed again into the tissue. “Well, I think I’ll be fine on my own. I know you have a lot on your hands. I can take care of myse-“
“Please believe me. You’re not being a burden,” Fyodor cut you off and directly addressed the point you had been dancing around. His hand found yours and started to massage your fingers. He felt ice cold against you—or perhaps, you were on fire.
“Is your throat sore? I’ll make you some tea.”
He didn’t leave you alone for too long. Fyodor returned with a cup of hot ginger tea that you immediately took, desperate for some relief for your throat. Your nose was quickly soothed by the warm, sharp aroma of the ginger as you held the mug close to your mouth.
If there was one thing you learned, there was a type of tea for every occasion. Fyodor had an entire cabinet dedicated to those beverages—all precisely arranged.
“Is it alright?” Fyodor asked as you sipped, the liquid alleviating the soreness in your throat.
“Yes, of course,” you replied. “Maybe after I can try to get up…” your voice trailed off as you struggled even to shift your position.
“What’s wrong?” Fyodor moved beside you again as you frowned.
“I feel really sore. Like I ran a marathon without stretching at all yesterday,” you dryly chuckled, even though that had not been the case at all. Your whole body ached; it felt uncomfortable to move anything, and you felt awfully weak.
Fyodor didn’t respond for a moment, thinking.
“You can still entertain yourself without moving. Do you want to read? I’ll bring you to the living room.”
You curtly nodded your head and picked out one of the many books on the large shelf before Fyodor carried you to the sofa in the next room.
“Stay on my lap,” he said, holding you by your waist when you tried to move away.
“I don’t want you to get sick too,” you replied, confused.
“I won’t, don’t worry. Besides, I’m doing a favor for you.”
He motioned for you to enjoy your book and not pay attention to him. So you did as he said—you flipped to the page you left off on and tried to immerse yourself in the plot.
It got easy to do so and lose track of reality because Fyodor started to massage you—hands moving in circular motions on your shoulders to ease and relax the pain on your joints.
You felt both too hot and cold alone on your bed earlier. But here, in the embrace of your lover, you could see the end of your little tunnel of fever.
“Thank you, Fedya,” you whispered sometime after.
He got up to do something on his own a little later, but not before tucking you into the softest blankets you owned on the couch. He admired you for a moment right after—a touch of amusement in his eyes.
“What’s so funny?” you asked with a pout. You felt like you were made into a burrito.
Fyodor had thought the same.
“Milashka,” he simply smiled.
You thought he went away to attend to the business he was able to at home—Fyodor was infamous for being a workaholic after all, but you were surprised once again when amidst your reading, you heard a melody coming from the other room. Rich and resonant, you realized he was practicing his cello.
You placed your book down and freed yourself from the warm blankets before making your way over to the next room, disregarding the dull pain that still accompanied you.
Fyodor didn’t pause as you entered and sat down on the piano’s stool. You opened the cover and placed your fingers on the keys before smoothly joining in with the composition you had secretly been learning while he was away so you could play with him.
He probably suspected it anyway, but you still smiled and felt a little pride as you harmonized with him without error—and while sick.
There was a moment of silence after the final note. You felt at peace. The tune made you sleepy.
Fyodor stepped towards you, and you lifted your head to meet his gaze.
“You played it perfectly, lyubov,” he said before kissing your forehead. “How about a nap now as a reward?”
After a glass of water and an adjustment of the heater, Fyodor tucked you back under the covers. He checked your temperature with the back of his palm, and he was appeased to find that your fever had noticeably gone down.
You suddenly giggled, catching Fyodor off guard.
“Why are you giggling?”
“I had an observation,” you chirped. You wanted to tell him it was evident he had been stealing physical affection from you throughout the day and that he wasn’t sly, but alas, exhaustion had overcome you again.
You took his own hand in yours. “Wash your hands after,” you whispered before placing a kiss on his fingertips. “This was nice. I feel better because of you staying.”
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AKUTAGAWA feels that the roles have been reversed because it is usually him who is sick, and you helping him get better. however, this time it’s you, and so he wants to repay all the care and love you showed him. for once, not to prove something, but to show proof of your adoration towards him.
You didn’t want Akutagawa to visit you that day. You had sent him a text earlier that you were sick—your pneumonia was so severe that you were admitted to the hospital. He immediately rushed over right after.
You told him he didn’t have to—truthfully, half of your heart didn’t want him to because of his already weakened immune system and his tendency to get sick easily.
Yet he still showed up at your bedside with a “get-better” box and pink tulips, a mask covering half his face.
“Ryu, I appreciate this so much,” you told him, a cough accompanying your statement. “But I promise you don’t need to stay—I don’t want you to get sick too.”
He didn’t respond before striding over to the sink as if he were in his own house, grabbing a vase and filling it with water. You watched him trim your flowers, place them in the container, and then putting it on the counter.
“You’re in the hospital. Do you think I could just go about my day like my girlfriend isn’t sick?”
Even though his tone was straightforward, his hand gently brushed away the hair covering your eyes.
He was visibly bothered. He hated seeing you in the hospital gown, lying on the bed. He hated the IV line attached to you and the distant beeps! of your vitals. Akutagawa went through this experience more often than not, and if not painful, it was always irritating and unpleasant.
He would never want you going through this, even once.
“Are you comfortable? Should I move you to one of the VIP rooms?”
“That’s not necessary, thank you though,” you replied. You noticed the exhaustive distress in his argentine eyes.
“I’m going to be okay, Ryu,” you reassured him. “I promise. Just don’t touch me for now.”
Akutagawa nodded. “Are you hungry? Is there anything you’re craving?”
“I want…something sweet,” you bashfully replied. “All the hospital food was savory…they missed a dessert.”
You could see the corners of his mouth slightly lift up—an unlikely smile, especially in a place like this. “No explanations are needed. I’ll be back.”
He returned with one of the sweets you always picked up whenever you went grocery shopping and a couple of figs for himself. Akutagawa didn’t like sugary things that much, but this fruit he could eat for days. He indeed ate one a day—you were able to observe how long he would be gone on a mission based on how many figs he brought with him.
Akutagawa had brought two today. Was he planning to stay with you overnight? You knew he hated the hospitals—he would never willingly go to one.
Yet here he was, pulling up a chair by your bedside.
“I brought a book,” he said. “Can I read to you?”
“Of course,” you replied. “I didn’t feel like using the TV here anyway, so nothing’s been entertaining.”
The onyx-haired pulled out a book from his coat.
“Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest,” he started.
When Akutagawa was sick, you often read him children’s stories to combat his restlessness. He was calmed by your voice and fell asleep faster than any over-the-counter medication ever worked.
The first time you had found him in the hospital before you were even in a relationship with him, you introduced him to The Little Prince. At first, he scoffed and turned his back the other way, pretending not to listen. But his furrowed brows relaxed, and his frown lifted as you continued with the story—the theme of the openmindedness of children compared to adults, loneliness, love, and loss all gave him something to think about.
Eventually, the book became a source of comfort and light to Akutagawa, and now he had his own copy.
"‘And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.’” By the time Akutagawa had gotten to that part, you had dozed off into a nap.
When you finally awoke, the curtains were closed, and the only source of light came from an ambient lamp on the nightstand. And in this night, you also felt a soft pressure on your legs—Akutagawa’s head. He had fallen asleep too, with the book still flipped to a page.
You felt both adoration and woe in your heart. He was sacrificing comfort and possibly his health for you. You desperately felt the need to stroke through his white-tipped raven hair, but you didn’t want to heighten any more chances.
You fell asleep again after minutes of watching your lover’s chest delicately rise and fall, just as he carried his true self without his violent front.
Akutagawa stayed until you woke up the following day. He went out to do some errands and then returned with a small gift for you he picked up during the day. That was the routine he followed for the next three days, always content to find you better than the previous day until you were all better.
A nurse came in with a final evaluation and discharged you. You changed into new clothes Akutagawa had brought you before running up and embracing him.
He hugged you back tightly, relieved that you were finally out. He turned to the vase of the pink tulips, which were starting to wither.
“Just in time,” he said.
“The get-well-soon flowers,” you giggled, taking your first good look at them. You loved how he knew of flower symbolism.
“Let’s get out of here,” Akutagawa said, holding out his hand for yours to take. “I despise dwelling in this place any longer.”
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SIGMA is worried sick, even though you’re the one sick. how could he not, especially when he isn’t with you? are you feeling alright? drinking enough water? eating well?
“You’re sick?” Sigma asked over the phone.
“Is it my fault? I mean, I was feeling unwell last week, but I got better in a day, so I didn’t think it was that serious…”
“No, it wasn’t; please don’t worry,” you replied. You hated when your lover blamed your problems on himself. “But yeah, it sucks. I even lost my smell! I can’t smell anything.”
“Really?” You sensed his worry through the call.
“Do you need to go to a doctor? I can pick you up and take you there—or I can call the doctor to your house if you’d prefer that-“
“No, it’s okay! It’s not that serious; I’ll be fine in a few days,” you said. “I just wanted to let you know because I won’t be able to see you for a week. But don’t worry about me. I’ll update you.”
“Oh, I see,” Sigma responded. “Alright then.”
Firstly, Sigma was most definitely worried. Secondly, you couldn’t smell? He knew how much you loved the dulcet scents of the desserts he created and the delicate fragrances of your favorite flowers. You must’ve been even a little upset when you realized that sense was gone.
Of course, he wasn’t going to leave you to battle the viruses alone, despite you having just said you didn’t plan to see him until you got better. So, the part lilac, part pearly-haired immediately set out to plan a sweet surprise for you.
The next day, Sigma showed up at your front door with a homemade bento box and a few bags of groceries.
“What are you doing here?”
“I at least have to check if you’re eating well.”
One thing that hadn’t changed since meeting Sigma was the butterflies in your stomach feeling. He always showed nothing but ultimate consideration and compassion towards you, treating you like royalty.
“I’m trying,” you replied honestly. “Everything tastes the same. I can’t smell any of it.”
“Maybe it’ll be more appealing if the food looks nice.” With that, he walked to the dining table.
“You haven’t had lunch yet?” You nodded, expectably to him.
“Sit down, love.” He pulled out one of the chairs. You followed him, taking a seat as he prepared your meal—putting a placemat on the table and setting the bento box on top.
You opened the container, and you were revealed with an assortment of the prettiest foods. For the first time this week, you were hungry.
The ones that caught your eye the most were the rice balls decorated to look like chibi versions of you and Sigma. A part of you didn’t want to ruin something so cute.
“What—this is so cute, Sigma! You’re so creative,” you complimented him. “It’s like you cook with magic.”
You noticed Sigma’s cheeks tint a rosy pink. “T-thank you. Go ahead and eat while I prepare your dessert.”
“Dessert?” you asked as you eyed the remaining grocery bags he was holding.
“You’re going to bake here?” You weren’t complaining, but you wondered why he didn’t decide to do it at his place.
“Yeah. That way, it’ll taste the best. Everything tastes the best when it’s freshly baked.”
You ended up eating everything. Sigma’s cooking never failed to impress you, even for a previously sated stomach.
“I finished!” you exclaimed, earning a smile from Sigma in the kitchen.
You hadn’t paid attention to what he was making in the meantime. He had put the tray of mystery into the oven a few minutes ago, so you were unable to see what it was.
“It’ll be done in twenty minutes,” Sigma said, walking over to you and taking your hand. “Was it good?”
“Very tasty; I’m full now,” you replied, looking up at him. His ashen eyes shone a gleam of fondness once he made eye contact with you, causing him to fluster again. He was so cute—at times, Sigma still acted like a schoolboy with a crush on you.
“You know your body makes room for dessert,” he noted coyly.
He guided you to stand up, and as you did, a familiar scent softly breezed past you.
The smell of your favorite muffin—and the smell of Sigma’s kitchen. It was faint, but it was there. Your eyes widened in wonder.
“Wait, Sigma—I can smell this!”
Even though it was a bit dramatic, you were cheerful to finally be able to smell any thing after a couple of days. You spun with Sigma around the room in delight. Surrounded by the aroma that made you feel truly at home and the sunrays through the windows, you started to dance together.
“You’re sure you’re okay?” he asked, a bit concerned you were spinning around while feeling unwell.
“Yes,” you reassured him, drawing Sigma into an embrace. “I’m just thrilled right now. I think you’re cooking does have magic.”
The muffins were out and looked mouthwatering. Sigma took the first one from the tray and peeled down the wrapper.
“First taste is yours,” he said, taking your palm and placing the pastry in your hand.
“Today, I’ll be Sigma’s food critic,” you joked among the two of you. “He’s baked my favorite muffin—I’m rea-ally picky about this dessert, for your information. So I’m going to be really harsh on this review…”
Catching him off guard, you ate the entire sweet in one bite. You started laughing when Sigma abruptly gasped.
“Mm! That was delicious!” you declared, trying to sound like you were trying this for the first time. However, it contradicted the way you were reaching for a second one. Sigma had made this for you hundreds of times before—there was never one time you refused a muffin from him.
“Eleven out of ten!”
“And so are you,” Sigma added, bopping you on the nose. “If my cuisine does involve magic, then I hope that the food works better than medicine.”
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bea’s acoustic songs are always so calming & pretty; in my mind, this is what chuuya plays for me. <3
i saw you said you were sick on the dash this month, i’m glad you’re feeling better by now/feel better soon, this is for you <3 @lovedazai @cheriiyaya @chuuyrr @osaemu @atlasnessie
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i heard if you rb, your fav will give you get-well kisses until you feel better !! reblogs are cherished; they are what support me the most <3
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© AUREATCHI 2024. no reposts or translations. do not steal. dividers by cafekitsune.
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
IM SURE THIS DOESNT SURPRISE YOU BUT!!! for the 1k event i was thinking soulmate au with azul (HEHE) except its the doodle one? LIKE WHERE YOU DOODLE ON YOUR BODY AND YOUR SOULMATES GETS THE SAME MARKINGS YK
and i have a habit of doodling sea creatures like octopi and morays on my arms and hands so i think it'd be cute for him to like, take his gloves off one day and just see a little eel on the back of his hand :((( squishy guy <3333
headcanons or a drabble is totally fine, whichever one is easier for you!!!! thank you for easing me into this fandom :(( i will never be able to thank you enough for making my anxious ass WAY less nervous <3 and no pressure if this doesnt inspire you ofc hehe you're never obligated to write anything !!! :D
the doodles that drew us together
Pairing: Azul Ashengrotto x gn!reader
Synopsis: Azul thought all his life he didn't have a soulmate...
Tags: soulmates au (doodling), reader is yuu, fluff, comfort, reader likes sea creatures, bot proofread
Word count: 591
Notes: aubbie thank you so much!!! I'm so glad we became moots, you're one of my closest friends and everything I see something azul related I think of you haha! I hope you'll enjoy this azul soulmate au ♪⁠ヽ⁠(⁠・⁠ˇ⁠∀⁠ˇ⁠・⁠ゞ⁠)
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Azul had been fascinated by the idea of soulmates as a young mer
it was something that gave him hope, that despite all the other mean mers who would make fun of him, there was someone out there who would understand him and love him
and so he kept drawing on his arm, doodles of shells and other fish that caught his eye
but there wasn't any response.
maybe his doodles were too ugly and his soulmate didn't like them?
and so he learned to draw better, drawing again and again, hoping he would get a response
but still not a single mark would appear on him
it had been a tough blow to him, but he eventually accepted that he didn't have a soulmate
if he was going to be alone for all his life, then he had to take care of himself (because nobody would)
he became super greedy and selfish, always prioritising himself and his materialistic needs
although he also had a friendship with the tweels, he really only befriended them because they could help him out (but he did get attached to them over time)
and so, he opened the mostro lounge and became the sly businessman that we all know
on the first day of his second year, as he was going over documents after closing the lounge, he felt a slight tingle in his hand
Azul's eyebrow rose in response to an unexpected sensation. A peculiar warmth, like a gentle caress, emanated from the back of his gloved hand. Intrigued, he swiftly removed his gloves, revealing smooth, pale skin. A gasp of astonishment escaped his lips as his eyes fell upon a minuscule masterpiece, a tiny, adorable octopus delicately inked in pen.
"Is this...real?" Azul murmured, his voice tinged with disbelief. A surge of hope surged through his entire being, dispelling the weight that had burdened him for far too long.
With a trembling hand, he grasped his own pen and cautiously began to sketch his own octopus upon his wrist, with one tentacle reaching out, holding hands with your octopus.
And he can't stop he smile that graces his lips when a little heart appears between the two octopi.
What a hectic day it had been! For a magicless student to arrive in NRC and for him to finally connect with his soulmate!
Oh. Azul had to speak to said magicless student as soon as possible.
when the two of you start being a couple, Azul does everything and anything for you
when you're in exams and your nervously doodling sea creatures, he'll draw some flowers nearby to help calm you down
no he doesn't help you cheat by writing you the answers, he's already given you the perfect study materials, you shoud put in some effort too
he gets jealous if you draw other sea creatures too much though, especially moray eels
he lets you work at the lounge with a very high pay, making sure you're not working too hard, and always offers to tutor you if you're struggling
his soulmate had to go to a different world just to find him, you'll be sure he helps to settle in and hopefully never leave again
Insert clingy octopus wrapping his tentacles all around you because he can't bare to let you go
when you have dates and appointments, he'll help remind you by writing on his arm
this man has waited for you his entire life, he's ready to lay the world down at your feet if you ask him to
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if you liked this post, don't forget to reblog!
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heartrender6 · 1 year
most of the kuwei hate in this fandom is absolutely racially motivated and most of it is probably subconscious but i NEED to talk about this.
and not because i think people r thinking "i hate kuwei!! he's asian and i hate asians!!" tbh most anti asian racism on the internet goes way deeper than that.
basically, what i believe to be the most prominent type of racism against asians, especially on the internet, is stereotyping. specifically "uwu-ification." the east asian entertainment industry likes to paint asian people as cute, submissive and sweet because it markets disturbingly well to american audiences, and whether people mean to or not, they internalize it and it affects the way they think of asian people as a whole. This mostly happens to east and southeast asian women, but definitely a lot with men too, especially in more recent years with the whole yaoi culture thing (i fucking hated typing that) becoming more popular. simply put, it's fetishization.
so how does this relate to kuwei? well, when kuwei is introduced to us, and im not gonna dance around it— he is pretty stereotypically asian. he's shy, innocent, small, good at math/science and— you guessed it— no speaka engrish. leigh bardugo lays the perfect trap for fandom white girl weeaboos to gush over this guy. once i came across a modern au where kuwei's whole northern chinese-mongolian ass is a "shy japanese transfer student." i really wish i was making this up.
but then we find out that kuwei is actually a conniving little shit who is really quite terrible at science and spends all day making shitty drawings of his crush instead of doing math or wtv. The turning point where we are told this is the jesper kiss. This is the point where we find out kuwei is not the yaoi uwu baby we thought he was. and how does fuckin 2/3 of the fandom react?? hate. instant hate. If you search "i hate kuwei" on twitter there are tweets both defending and attacking him, but there is significantly more of the latter.
most of them claim to hate him for kissing jesper but like... jesper kissed him. He doesn't say anything because, in his own words, "we're all probably going to die anyway." does no one see how tragic that is?? he let his first (probably) kiss be taken by someone who he knew didn't even like him because he thought it would be the only one he'd ever get.
and yet the only thing people see is that he "got in the way" of wesper and he's evil. throughout the series kuwei is given no agency, and that's the point of his character. everyone on the planet treats him as a weapon or a bargaining chip. he gets tossed around like a rag doll and to white (or otherwise not asian) audiences, that makes him the perfect picture of a little asian cutie i almost vomited typing that holy shit. but the moments where he takes something for himself— insisting on going to ravka, kissing jesper back— that's what makes people hate him. and don't even get me started on the way people project their hatred onto the other crows, especially wylan. yall will act like wylan loathes kuwei with all his being. he doesn't!! wylan is not a hateful person and he always defends kuwei!! but nooo, kuwei sucks and he deserves it for daring to be a person instead of an idea.
and hey?? guess what?? kuwei was NEVER in the way of wesper. there was no love triangle. narratively speaking, there was never any threat that kuwei would end up with jesper instead of wylan. never ever. the kiss was literally only put there to create drama for wylan and jesper. we never even hear how kuwei feels about it. stop using that as an excuse to hate on kuwei when we can all see it's because you're subconsciously mad at an asian person not being nice.
also disliking kuwei does not automatically make you racist, im just saying a lot of hatred towards kuwei is rooted in racism.
tagging my fellow aapi moots (that i know of) because i wanna hear yalls thoughts on this! @hauntedacousticversiontv @dramaqueentruther
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wonryllis · 4 months
、ㅤ🪷 ⋆ ࣪ 午 MY LOVES (MOOTiEs) ᵎᵎ ✶ 𝐒𝐅𝐖 so srry for the tag.
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@jaesvelvet ( cha ) my soft corner, love her so much and miss her so damn much all the time talking to her is healing
@seungstarss ( sei ) my first ever fan turned bestie :( miss you babes,, i literally survived half my time of tumblr becuz of her
@maiverie ( mai ) the humour goddess, fics are top tier plots filled with crack you never gonna find another like her, my second bestie <3
@luvhyun3 ( kana ) my love who is almost never on here anymore but i still love her, we're in long distance atm pls understand.
@hoes4hoseok ( piper ) her brain, brains so hard, the creativity is off the charts and so underrated like people are blind if you don't know her.
@ctrlemis ( art ) bestie who's perhaps as crazy as me if not more, we had a super talking stage but our situationship is kinda off rn :( miss you
@jangwonie ( fae ) she's my baby don't touch her. a pretty little sweetie angel, so caring, mwah :3
@nyukyujs ( kya ) the sweetest purest person ever like the most beautiful angel inside out! taught me so much about spreading love and positivity
@heecyon ( bee ) she's my wife, i love her a lot but we haven't been talking for a long while now, if you see this beebee i miss you a lot let's catch up wyf.
@koishua ( vienna ) didn't talk a lot but i love loved her works, it was everything, sad she left but it's a part of life.
@boyfhee ( caelin ) the reincarnate of shakespeare? hello? and so sweet and humble too a literal babe. period.
@www-jungwon ( elena ) another one i haven't gotten dirt on yet,, soon though. she's my high achiever mate who writes cute masterpieces
@okwonyo ( jiah/bambi ) always sending suspicious anon asks +_+ and making it so obvious omg she's an amateur baby
@eeunoia ( psyche ) the prettiest sunghoon girlie of all time, the most talented, and lastly my idol that's i'll never roast or dig up dirt on ☆‿⁠☆
@leaderwon ( luna ) another baby of mine that i absolutely need to protect. she be so me can't let her end up like me damn.
@tyunni ( may ) we not that close but i love her account and i love her works and i love her vibes so bingo! riki to my won.
@jjunae ( kae ) hold on for a little im busy finding pick up lines for this gorgeous right here,, let my rizz not fail
@stariekis ( uri ) an angel who showed up one day and took me to her hometown where i found out i was the lost angel from their village. oh.
@lheebra ( dani ) my dear little love who will always have VIP passes to my blog. a sweetpie with limitless talents!
@isoobie ( ri ) she's a student of how to do it like yeonie school and lemme tell you, she's an ace already aimming for the top spot, beware.
@fakeuwus ( nic ) uwu uwu uwuuuu uwuu uwu uwuwu uwu uwu uwuwuu (she's my uwu who understands my uwu language, my uwu soulmate)
@lilyuwon ( yev ) one of the first persons i talked to on this blog, and im so glad we still do, love interacting with her and absolute lovely being!
@ms-no1kpopstan ( mickie ) cutiepie who's such a sweetpea, haven't been talking for long but she's really nice and supportive, adore her :3
@theyluvvaubery ( ? ) haven't been able to interact or talk much but she's a sweetie!!
@sainns ( anna ) my fellow sunghoon hoe keeper, we are protecting him from the locals who always ask for him. we gatekeep and share!
@stwrjvke ( ash ) she boops as much as she loves and guess what she booped me infinite so.. i bewitched her at my annual royal ball.
hmu if you wanna be mutuals/frnds im always up for it!
୨ৎ . . 𝓂o𝐨𝐭 𝓰a𝗺𝗲s ᵎᵎ
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moots in prompt generator with bias and i rate them.
moots as tropes assigned with any idol.
moots as kpop idols they'd be.
moots as songs, webtoons and who'd be travel buddy + sibling vibes
moots as favorite drinks.
moots as kpop songs.
moots on the level of delulu-ness.
moots in winx club.
moots as tropes they suit. (2)
moots as kpop idols i see them as. (2)
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74 notes · View notes
kimetsu-chan · 6 months
Welcome to my blog!!
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Hello! You can call me Kimmie or Kim (some nicknames my sweet friends gave me 😋)
I am not going to disclose my exact age but I am a minor
I do art and sometimes I’ll write!
I am a pessimist— (I will hate on my art sometimes)
My birthday is December 4th :D
My persona (needs to be updated)
Here is my OC Masterlist!
I do take requests for art and writing, and you can find those rules, here!
The things I have written are here :)
My gamejolt is my BSD focused area, although I will post BSD here occasionally. The username/tag is the same as here!^^
and @soyyyyaa is my twisted wonderland focused blog :3
⚠️ I do take emergency requests and those will take top priority no matter what. Emergency requests will almost always be open, even if normal requests aren’t. If I have a request I am actively working on and I receive an emergency request, I will let the person who sent the first request know that their request is being put on hold until the emergency request is finished. Consistent misuse of emergency requests will result in a temporary ban from placing requests. I will ultimately decide what qualifies as an emergency request.⚠️
More info about emergency requests here
I have a roleplay account for my oc, Yuna at @ask-yuna-handa
Male Kny oc, Zeno Arakawa, can be found on @ask-zeno-arakawa
My time zone is Eastern Standard Time!
These are my emoji coded tags:
🍁 is my writing tag!
🌾 is my mental health tag. I use it whenever I post something related to mental health or when I’m sad
🪻 is my drawing tag. I use it whenever I post art that I made!
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These are my moots! They are lovely people and I recommend following them!
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@natsukishinomiyaswife (SUPER talented writer and has adorable art! Also super super sweet :D )
@zenitsustherapist (ISA, BESTIE, ILYSM. MWAH MWAH!!<3)
@shjsjskshsjs (we have the occasional super long convo and it’s a lot of fun, I like yapping with her >:3)
@nothingtoseehere1-2-3 (I don’t interact w/ her a lot, but she’s cool!)
@midnightmah07 (SHES SO NICE OMG- my twst mootie :3)
@local-giyuu-simp (my twin that I tried to eat in the womb)
@gyutarowritings (my child :3)
@donkeybro (VERY NICE. Very fun to roleplay with too! :D)
@your-local-demon-slayer-nerd (very funny, would do stupid crap with)
@ame-delights (our ocs have become Milo’s guardians)
@ayunakatsukiwolfhashira (jaw dropping amazing fics. I should’ve followed her sooner. She’s also rlly nice :D)
@mooechi (beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, delectable art. AND THEY CAN RECREATE THE KNY ART STYLE SO PERFECTLYYYY)
@saffron0v0 (certified sweetheart. I think you could stab her and she’d forgive you— don’t do that though.)
@squidifier (such cute art omg—)
@ta-ni-ya (amazing art yum yum)
@night-mince0 (my other child >:3)
@scrimblyscrorblo (one of my art idols. I freaked out when we became moots)
@tinyperson00 (very nice, Akira is so pretty)
@naramaiz (Amari makes the best cookies yum)
@larz-barz (she’s literally an angel omg—and she is my wife, my one and only I love her sm)
@shycroissanti (another art idol, is so so nice. Says im her art idol too??!! EugfakgeGHWVDUY)
@kiyokatokito (the human embodiment of straight up sugar)
@muichiroslovermwah (I would like to adopt you please :>)
@boo-simplified (YET ANOTHER ART IDOL)
@tokito-dulya20 (very yummy art and fics)
@cloudymistedskies (ANOTHER ART IDOL—)
@mrs-k0zume (she said I could officiate her and Kenma’s wedding teehee)
@rion-isnot-an-ai (literally an angel #2)
@silliestsakura (i foam at the mouth bc of how pretty her art is)
@aceofstars0 (my first mutual and second follower!! ILSYM ACE.)
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87 notes · View notes
larz-barz · 16 days
As if it was fate
Warning(s)/info: Characters might be a lil ooc, cuteness, fluffy lil bbies, Civilian Milo au
Tagging: @bottlecapsandotherthings @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @rosalinastan1 @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @pinkwisteria @nimmie-nugget @kimetsu-chan @slayfics @night-mince0 @frostburn-shoto @floofgryph
plus the Rengoku moots<3 @risingscorchingsuns @demonslayerdoodles @shycroissanti
Senjuro hears a knock at the door and goes with his brother, Kyojuro, to see who it is.
They open the door to see Giyuu Tomioka, the water hashira, with a girl around Senjuro’s age.
The girl is small and really cute, hiding behind Giyuu.
“Hello Tomioka! Who’s this?” Kyojuro asks with a smile, motioning to the girl.
“Kyojuro, Senjuro, this is Milo… She’s the girl I was talking about at the last hashira meeting…” Giyuu replies calmly.
Senjuro can’t help but smile and blush a little when he gets a better look at Milo.
‘She’s so cute… She wouldn’t like a guy like me though…’ The youngest Rengoku thinks to himself.
Milo locks eyes with Senjuro for a brief second before looking down shyly and nervously as a bright blush erupts on her own cheeks.
Senjuro snaps out of his thoughts when his big brother nudges him gently. “Senjuro? You alright? You spaced out on us!”
Senjuro’s face gets a bit redder as he shyly nods. “Y-yeah, I’m okay! It’s nice to meet you, Milo..”
As he speaks to the adorable yokai before him, he feels himself getting shyer.
Just as Senjuro thought Milo couldn’t get any cuter…
“…I-i-it’s nice t-to meet you t-too…” Her voice is so soft and sweet, Senjuro wishes he could listen to her talk all day.
“So, Tomioka, did you need anything else? Would you like to stay a little longer, Milo?” Rengoku asks with a kind smile towards the younger girl who gives a nervous little nod.
“I was wondering if Milo could come to stay here while I’m gone on missions..? I don’t want anything to happen to her while I’m not there to protect her…” Giyuu’s voice holds affection(?) towards the girl as he speaks.
Kyojuro nods with a bright smile. “Of course she can! Is that alright with you, Senjuro?” He asked the boy who is spaced out once more.
“Sen-” As Kyojuro starts to call out Senjuro’s name, the young boy snaps out of his little day dreams of Milo.
“Huh-? Sorry-!”
Kyojuro laughs softly and ruffles Senjuro’s hair before repeating the question.
“O-oh, yeah, that’d be alright with me..!” He responds, almost too enthusiastically.
Senjuro looks to Milo who is now blushing again.
Giyuu puts his hand on Milo’s shoulder. “I need to go train, but you can stay here as long as you’d like as long as you’re back before sunset.. My crow will come tell you if I have to leave for a mission, and if I do just stay here until one of my kakushis come to get you..”
Milo nods and Giyuu pats her head before leaving then the Rengoku boys move to let Milo come in.
“Hey, Senjuro, do you want to give Milo a tour of the house while I go help father with something?” Kyojuro asks his little brother with his signature bright smile and he nods sheepishly.
“S-sure! C’mon Milo.” Senjuro motions for Milo to follow him and she does.
Senjuro begins giving Milo a tour of the Flame Estate with a smile.
He looks at her and notices she’s smiling too, causing himself to blush more.
‘Oh my goodness, her smile is so beautiful!’ He thinks to himself as his brain gets all scrambly from how precious Milo is.
Senjuro wants to be the one to protect that smile.
He wants to keep Milo safe from all harm.
He’d heard a little about her previous situation and he wants to make sure nothing like that happens to her again.
Later, as Milo is preparing to head back to the Water Mansion with Kyojuro she sees Giyuu’s crow flying over.
It explains that Giyuu is on a mission so she needs to stay with the Rengokus until further notice.
“Alright! I’ll get the kakushis to set up the spare bedroom for you!” Kyojuro says happily and Milo nods with a slight smile.
“Hey, Milo?” Senjuro calls out after a moment and Milo’s ears twitch and she smiles at him, causing his stomach to flutter.
“I-uhm- I was wondering if you’d like to come watch the sun set with me…?” He asks shyly and Milo’s tail starts swaying happily.
“S-sure...!” Milo responds with her usual adorable smile.
Senjuro feels an overwhelming joy from Milo trusting him and being happy with him.
He gently takes her hand, blushing when she squeezes his hand, and leads her outside.
As they sit in the soft grass together, watching the sun set, Milo grows sleepy.
Senjuro smiles as he looks over at her then he gets a little worried when he notices her tiredness. “Do you want to go back inside so you can sleep?”
Milo shakes her head. “N-no, I’m alright… Th-thank you though…”
He nods and adjusts his position a little then a few minutes later Milo falls asleep and lands on Senjuro’s shoulder, causing his face to erupt in a bright red blush.
He takes a moment to just admire her soft features as the setting sun lights her up in golden hour.
‘She’s so beautiful…’ Senjuro thinks while gently brushing her hair out of her face.
It has to be fate that the two shy teenagers met each other.
They’re too perfect for each other for it not to be…
~the end~
*new otp unlocked*
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ryn-loves-cheese · 8 months
Hi! ৻(•̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)⊹。 Welcome to my tumblr page! I’m Ryn I go by they/them! And I’m pansexual/demiromantic
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fandoms I draw for:
•demon slayer
•jujutsu Kaisen
•sk8 infinity
•Tokyo revengers
•the owl house
•the Magnus archives
•hazbin hotel
•sky: children of light
•bungo stray dogs
•Luigi’s mansion
•doctor who
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☀️I TAKE ART REQUESTS☀️I can’t promise I’ll get to them but if you have any do send bc my ass always has art block- ill be doing two at a time at most
I will draw your ocs or any characters I’m okay with ships but i can say no if I’m uncomfortable with the ship that also goes for any other drawing I can refuse if I’m uncomfortable
Things I’m ok with:
oc x oc
oc x canon character
Canon character x canon character (DEPENDING ON THE SHIP)
Chibi characters
Regular animals: parrots, cats, dogs, lizards, snakes, fish, tigers, chickens, anything like that
mild gore or candy gore
any of the things on that list I will draw :]
Things I’M NOT OKAY with drawing! You will be blocked if you ask for some of these things!:
proshipping(minor x adult)
racist or homophobic shit
heavy and graphic gore
Anthro/furries (i don’t have a major issue with them i just don’t know how to draw them 💀)
mechanical or mecha stuff
also if it’s a oc I will require a picture of them
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this is my oc ryn!
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my moots/freinds :]
@bin-s0 (lovely artist and very sweet :] and my gf they are literally one of my favourite people 🩷🩷🩷)
@boo-simplified (also a banger artist and a very wonderful friend i know them irl and they are so goddamn nice✨)
@mercurymaceo ( EDIBLE ART. Need I say more! And a very close friend ⭐️✨)
@kimetsu-chan (LITERALLY SO SWEET OMG 💖💖very pretty art and a good writer)
@thesimp-nicki (very nice very delicious chibi art)
@thesilliersakura (ART IS VERY SILLY AND ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS and very silly freind)
@swisscheeselovers-blog (he is another close irl friend of mine dose some silly doodles once and a while. SO FUNNY ONG very goofy and silly friend 🫶💖)
@shycroissanti (some more edible art has one of the silliest ocs ever and is so nice!)
@clownpalette (ART IS SO SILLY AND CUTE!!!)
@aceofstars0 (so sweet makes some SCRUMPTIOUS ART- I wanna eat it please follow them :] )
@rion-isnot-an-ai (yet another underrated artist who is also very nice! Makes lovely art!)
@silas-png (bro im bouta eat your art if you’re not careful THE RENDERING THEY DO IS JUST 😭💖✨🤌)
@pearlymoonn (OMG they are so nice iv spoke with them before and they’re lovely fncndhshchvu they make very cute art!)
@cloudymistedskies (if you like Muichiro I suggest following them they have so many good fanarts of him :D)
@scrimblyscrorblo (very silly doodles iv spoken with them a couple of times and i absolutely adore they’re art its so goofy and cute and are also very nice 🫶)
@delirious-dan (THE ART <3 so good and they are very silly and cool)
thanks for reading and welcome to my blog :]
divider creds to:
my art tag is #Ryn’s art 💜
.                    .           ✦         ˚   . ✦     .        .       ゚     .       •        .   ,                                 .         .               ✦ .   •        ✦         •    ˚                             .     .           .   .     •     ✦ .  .      .                       .       .   .          .   ゚      .              ✦       ,       .                    .      ✦     .      . ☀️          •             .          .                  .     . •         .      .                      .                   .
✦    .             ✦             .                                                        ✦ . • .
       •   .     .   🌏                              🌙   .         .               ✦ .   •        ✦         •    ˚                             .    .       .    .   .     •    .        . ✦ .       .          .     .        .       .   .     .     .   ゚  .   
​ .      .     .      .  .                   .  .       .  .                ✦ .   •        ✦         •    ˚                       .      .     . •             .          .        .          .     . •         .  .     •     ✦        .    .    🪐     .          .       .   .          .   ゚      .              ✦       ,       .     .               .      ✦     .     •     ✦        .          🌘    .         .       .   .    .      .   ゚      .              ✦       ,       .                    .      ✦     ✦ . ��� •        ✦         •    ˚        .                     .  🌕    . •  .           .          .            .      .   .     ✦     ✦ .   •       
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planetkiimchi · 3 months
spread some love !
talk about your favourite mutuals and why you like them
hi anon !! first off, thanks for this ask, i'm always up for appreciation posts! secondly, sorry for getting back to you so late 🥲 thirdly, i did mention some moots that i haven't spoken to in a while, i'd love to catch up with y'all sometime 💗 and anyone i didn't mention: feel free to drop into my inbox!
@a-gay-mushroom | let's start with aster! you probably never see me talk about him here LOL bc i'm pretty sure they don't have access to their account anymore but we still talk on discord and he sends us lil updates on his life 🥺🥺 like how cute is that
@realparkminkyun | seok is a REAL ONE cuz why is he the only one that appreciates my wayv posts :/ also among one of the first mutuals i made here when we were both kinda figuring tumblr out lol
@blue-jisungs | ofc axe is on this list LOL my first writer mutual !! she's super cheerful and nice and sends the server lots of great edits and likes my translations of wayv vids hehe
@alterenjun | don't talk to nae very much but she makes really pretty moodboards! also she's super sweet
@fylithia | moon always has smth to say and also they tagged me in a bunch of stuff and has cats.
@wheeboo | rania is so cool !!! she gives rlly good advice and is super mature and i love seeing her life updates
@jisungsdaydreamer | dreamy has rlly good writing and also never faults me for forgetting to talk to them sometimes 😰
@eternalgyu | hannie brings much-needed chaotic energy into my life lol the only thing is we don't stan the same groups 💔 except svt
@wqnwoos | hana has the prettiest writing ever ?? and she's so sweet i love interacting w her!
@kyrjnie | val has sent me multiple check ins even when i fail to interact w her regularly 🫶🏼🫶🏼
@welcometomyoasis | we live in the same country !! also kind of like an older sister bc she has more life experience HEHE
@slytherinshua | makes presentations to help us stan new groups and has writing for almost every kpop group she stans (which is. a lot) and also leaves amazing comments and replies to my rbs of her work ?4&!//
okay i think thats it!! love y'all <3
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stariikis · 3 months
ship ur moots with idols & why
omg i've been waiting for this i love this!!
@rikizm --- jay. i saw your pinned post about the workout motivation and i was like ohhh she needs to be paired with a gymrat 😭 and who else but JAY who's hardworking - just like you <33
@jungwoniei --- han for sure! you're one of my only skz stan moots, and i think your blog is so cute and totally han's vibes 😭 then again we don't interact that much but i'd love to talk to you more !!
@wwonwonism/@copyhanni --- jungwon. isn't it obvious?? one account is like the softest, prettiest shade of pink and the next slaps you in the face with a deep red. the duality??? it's soooo jungwon.
@ashtxrie --- sunoo!! you are literally the cutest soul ever, super super sweet and friendly and i always look forward to your comments and rbs when i post fics <33 sunoo to my riki forrealzz
@nikiswifereal27 --- sunghoon, like lowkey you and your blog give off his vibes. like his goofiness is so you how do i explain it??
@suzurio --- heeseung! something about your blog vibes, minimalistic yet elegant, exudes lee heeseung. and your rbs too! the way you tag text is just like how i imagine him to be ~~
@chaseyikis --- riki ~~ ayyy bias matchers! anyway, all your vibes totally point to and match up to nishimura. the aesthetic and the humour too, i think they all align perfectly. ^^
@lilacnini --- hanni 🥹 you really give me this soft aura, and you are super super sweet and gentle ^^ when i interact with you i always feel at peace.
@nishimurasone --- yunjin ? i feel your personalities would really match. both of you have such a pretty aesthetic ~~
@jlheon --- jakeeeee bestie... he would literally fall in love with your style and humour 😭
@mewhenwonbin --- taki! i saw your jo fic and i got so excited that i've got an &team stan moot (i love jo). anyway, at first i was debating between harua and taki, but your writing style and theme just point to taki TT
@stariekis --- moka ~ you both exude so much confidence and are so sweet and friendly. your fics are absolutely top tier and you have so much variety! it's reflective of how moka can pull off any concept on stage <3
@ms-no1kpopstan --- yeonjun! just like him, you're an untimate extrovert for sure and i admire how quickly you make friends with people ^^ (ps im looking forwards to your new ficceess)
@enwonz --- soobin gegegeekekek do i need to explain
sorry this is long and have a good rest wherever you may be my loves ᕙ( ~ . ~ )ᕗ
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fizzywashere87 · 2 months
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Fizzy | 15 | She/Her | RoTMNT, TMNT, and MHA | Othello Von Ryans wife | Kirishima Lover <3 | I write for TMNT - self shipping fanfics
(Don't mind my mood board)
Rules | M.Lists | DNI LIST
Request status | Closed for now, I got a lot cooking!! :)
Recent Works | We Love You Anyways, Ma (HCs)
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-This blog is made for my entertainment, I don't take much seriously on here!
-I have phases where I won't be on Tumblr a whole lot and phases where I'm on it all day, the amount of time it will take for me to do your request may vary.
-I couldn't choose between the shit memes and aesthetic blog so you're looking at both rn :)
-Don't be shy to lmk if anything I say bothers anybody on here, I promise it wasn't my intention if I have!!
-I'm Lebanese, when I make boater jokes I'm not being racist <3
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Special Tags!
#fizzytried (this is just me, whenever i post)
#fizzywassummoned (for when i answer any non-fanfic asks)
#fizzyusedabraincell (when i finally do your request lmao)
#notfizzy (it was me[shitposts])
#fizzyshatitout (when i shit out a piece of writing nobody asked for)
#boater-type-shit (something i do or say that makes me look like a first gen Lebanese)
#dumbass (i'm probably talking with my moots)
#amor-i-found-u! (my moots @/amorisbackandbetterthanever she's my bestie and my voice of reason)
#souly-damn-you-fat-bitch! (my moots @/soulynummy she's a fucking hottie and she's my slightly more chaotic voice of reason)
#rocky-shat! (my moots @/fluffyr0cky they're adorable and we need to start talking more <3)
#angel-flew-over-here! (my moots @/angelcherryblossoms she's a cutie and we need to have more conversations! <3)
#fuck-nuggets! (my moots @/dinosaur-nuggets who is very awesome and likes the fuck word!)
#lee-spawned-in! (my moots @/did-i-mention-the-shirt who is super funny and cool! i can't wait to have more conversations! :D)
#sniper-my-pookie! (my moots @/snipersiniora who is super awesome and i love interacting with you!)
#beetle-boo-boo-bear! (my moots @/jinxed-things-ringing who you should totally interact with!! i promise they're superrrr cool!!)
#sunny-bum-bum! (my moots @/lotus-sunn who is very very awesome and ur such a sweetheart!!)
#the-better-eyebrow! (my moots @/donnieslefteyebrow9000 who is super cool and i can't wait to interact with you more!)
#kit-kat-waddle-wat! (my moots @/stargirlly who is such a talented writer and i alr know ur a sweetheart! can't wait interact with you more!!)
#pam-pam-certified-badass! (my moots @/thegreatgodpam who seems like a certified badass!)
#kitty-wiz! (my moots @/kittykittyanon who is super super sweet!! i can't wait to start talking with you more!!)
#dani-with-the-gun! (my moots @/acutiewithagun who is super awesome and cool! you're so sweet :D)
#oliver-arrived! (my moots @/olisix823 who seems like a certified sweetheart!! i can't wait to talk more with you!)
#blair-bae! (my moots @/baecakie who is super sweet! can't wait to talk more!!)
#finnister-my-man! (my moots @/finleyforevermore who is super cool and awesome!! i can tell we're going to be besties forever!)
#ollie-ollie-dude! (my moots @/tvb0y who's super super cool i can't wait to talk more with you!)
#baddie-barbie! (my moots @/real-hot-girl-shi who's so cute and funny i love interacting with you!!)
#ace-ace-baby! (my moots @/actuallyacerrr who's super awesome and sweet!![SORRY FOR NOT ADDING THE TAG SOONER I THOUGHT I HAD IT ALREADY])
#marzipan-bam! (my moots @/scrunchiesandquips who seems super cool and awesome!! i can't wait to interact with you more!!)
#crazy-for-art! (my moots @/b00tyyyshker9000 you're super awesome sauce!! hope to interact with you more!!)
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credits to @saradika-graphics for the dividers! (I use them on all my posts)
special thanks to @soulynummy for helping with my pinned post!
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nozunhinged · 6 months
10 (5) BL Boys I Want Carnally
"If you want to play, consider yourself tagged!" said @ginnymoonbeam and I took that personally.
Hot damn I'm so excited. I don't even know of I'm doing this right but I need these boys in a single post. Also, I only have five (5) bc I'm fairly new to BL dramas but those five I want so carnally they count at least tenfold.
Let's goooooooo!!
1. Boeing (Only Friends) / Mond Tanutchai
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I dedicated a whole ass essay to the stuff his character did to me as you can read here. I think thats enough of an explanation as to why he takes the No. 1 spot.
2. Tharn (The Sign) / Babe Tanatat
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The things BABE - not Tharn the character - does to me is next level. My infatuation for Mond walked so the one for Babes could run. I almost wanted him to have the top spot although The Sign has only been running since like yesterday. I'm so delulu about him, I regularly need to mentally slap myself and remember that he is a living breathing human being with a life. I'm so glad The Sign is still running.
3. Daou Pittaya
I watched Love In Translation but what got me was Daous buzzcut and his bedroom eyes on Insta. I have a REALLY bad weakness for buzzcut-boys. So no character, just irl attraction here.
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4. Prom (Playboyy) / Shell Thakrit
Prom, The Daddy Dom Of My Dreams. Cute, soft, glasses but oh so naughty. You do not want to mess with him. Please show me your leash collection, smother me in aftercare and let all of my switch-dreams come true. Let me use your pretty frame to tie you up. Soothe my bruises with soft kisses. I don't care if you're a (potential) criminal, where do I sign so we can make an appointment for our first session.
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5. Fan Zerui (Kiseki: Dear To Me) / Hsu Kai
You have no idea how much I am in need of a gangster who turns into a baby girl just for me. Well I didn't know before until Zerui turned up on my screen and awakened all of this in me.
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Yai (The Sign) / Gap Jakarin
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I may not have the brain capacity to simp for 10 boys but the list wouldn't be complete without at least one (1) gorgeous tiddy holder and the only reason I chose Yai is because he's also funny AF and his GF is so damn hot.
If you see this consider yourself tagged and flood your moots TLs with gorgeous men hehe
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deetealeaf · 3 months
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hi and welcome to my blog! stay awhile, if you'd like<33
this blog is a proclaimed @florsial fan blog!!!! anyone who dares to be rude or mean will be lightly murdered <3333
About me-
my name is dee! im alright with nicknames tho, so go ahead
im queer, i go by she/her but will adore you forever if you sprinkle in some they/them
im mostly unlabeled when it comes to sexuality and gender, but i do use certian labels to make it easier for others to understand
i am a cancer sun, child of apollo, if you're into that
i am a minor, please dont be weird- i have a block button and im unafraid to use it :)
i love people, so talk to me if you'd like! dont be scared to start a convo<3
Things i like-
Music ->noah kahan, maisie peters, renee rapp, baby queen, beth mcarthy, conan gray, taylor swift, boygenius, lucy dacus, julien baker, hozier and tons more! but i mostly listen to specific songs, not specific artists.
Fandoms -> the marauders era, heartstopper, the batfam, harry potter(fuck jkr btw), percy jackson, heathers the musical
Books -> one for all by lillie lainoff, frankenstein(tho im not done reading it), dracula, the perks of being a wallflower, solitaire by alice oseman, as you wish by chelsea sedoti, kween by vichet chum, the gentlemans guide to vice and virtue by mackenzi lee, gwen and art are not in love, and so much more that im not remembering(i also love book recs btw ;))
My tags-
dee's reblogs- stuff i think is important or just super cute
go to sleep dee challenge- mostly used at the unspeakable hours of the morning, basically shitposting
dee's music- rarely used, self explanatory i think
dee's gender- used when i need to panic about my gender on main, also very rarely used
dee's art tag- it is the tag where i art.
dee talks too much- new tag!! text posts
best ivan tag- tag for my lovely moot ivan<3
my fav dragon!- tag for my dear moot dragon<3
My blog-
right now i only have this blog, which doesn't really have a theme, but ive been toying with the idea of a writing(vent tbh, not really writing) or art sideblog. ill tag it here if i do create it!!!
HAHAHAAH IVE DONE IT!!! I created an art blog, but if yall wanna find it, ill make a post or something :)) just ask!!
have a wonderful day friend, and thanks for stopping by! i wish you the best<33
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ceo-of-kimona · 4 months
What to do with Scott…
A question that many many Kimona enjoyers face in our time is thus: “where the hell do we put Scott Pilgrim?”
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The guy is a weird case. He’s the main character, the damn series was named after him, he’s integral to the life and stories of both of these women. Although; he is also a massive cockblock (or vag block?? Idk) and must be obliterated in order for the two to be happy. So, to prevent Kimona fic writers (also known as the greatest and most noble heroes of our time) from needing to contend with this great query again, I shall compile a list of potential things you could do with Scott to get him the hell out of the way. In no particular order.
1. Break Scott and Ramona up
Probably the most direct and simple answer, especially if you’re going for a more cannon compliant, post cannon universe. Though it does kinda invalidate all of the shit they got through to get together if they just split up like that. So I suggest that if you do break them up, make it on good terms. Make it so that it’s mutual and mutually beneficial and mature. Less of a “I hate you and I never want to see you again” and more of a “it was fun, you helped me a lot, but now we gotta go our separate ways in life.” Their development shouldn’t be rendered moot by the breakup, instead make the breakup part of their development.
2. Create an AU where Scott does not exist
A fairly easy one, if Scott doesn’t exist, you can just go along your merry way with your shipping. Fics where Kim finds Ramona before Scott or fics where Scott doesn’t ever fall in love with Ramona for whatever reason also fall under this category. These are good, but a bit bland. There isn’t a great lot you can tell here cause Scott’s douchery kinda holds together the plot pretty much. It is only by him being a rat-ass fuckboy that anyone ever meets anyone in the comics. Also, without having her relationship with Scott, Ramona just doesn’t have her vital character arc that the relationship brings. She’s always gonna be the same ol Flowers when she comes to Kim.
So unless you plan on retelling the entire story of the… everything with Kim instead of Scott, you’ve gotta very flighty and traumatized Ramona Flowers on your hands for the entire fic. Now, this is perfect for angst fics, as using pre-arc flaws to create a tragedy has been a a tool for angst fics since god damn Shakespeare. Also fluff doesn’t really need the “primest character development” in order to be good, so if you’re planning to either make angst or simple fluff then AU is your best bet. If you wanna make something more cannon compliant or lighthearted yet complicated, you’re out of luck.
3. Polycule
Self explanatory. Why not have both? Keep Scott and Ramona’s cute dynamic; and just bring Kim into the mix. While this can be very fun (I’m actually writing a fic where this happens at the moment) it isn’t great for every fic. Cause let’s face it: if you’re here and queer for Kimona, so maybe you do not want to write for the feelings of the dude who got here first so he’s also tagging along. Some people just don’t wanna write Scott, which is perfectly valid. Also, polycules are messy and complicated, both in real life and in fic writing. While complications can create some good drama, it’s also a lot of moving parts to manage. You aren’t getting a Kimona + Pilgrim fic down to 2k words without sacrificing a lot. This one is not built for oneshots or general Pilgrim-haters.
4. Send him off to be with Wallace
Probably one of my favorite options to use. It’s kinda an extension of the “breakup” idea, but it gives a happier ending for Scott, as it lets the breakup make sense. Scott falls in love with Wallace and can’t bear the pining so he communicates with Ramona about it, and they mutually agree that it’s for the better for them to split so he can be with Wells. It also will keep the Scollace shippers at bay, may their apocalyptic wrath be kept at bay /s.
If you don’t really have much stuff outside of Kimona in your fic and don’t know how to get Scott out of the picture, try this one. Just throw in a sentence about Scott being with Wallace and everything will make sense and be chill. Truly an option for us lazy bitches out there who just want yuri. It can also potentially set up some Scollace content later down in the fic if it comes to be of a larger scale, but if you just want your yuri you can throw out a “Scott is with Wallace” line and not need to elaborate further, we get it. All around a flexible, powerful, potent, and fun option. Though if you have any Wallace pairings already set up in your fic and you can’t fit Scollace in, this option obviously won’t be that useful to you.
That’s all of the “bye bye Scott pilgrim” tropes for Kimona fics that I could think of. Now for which one is the best… prepare yourself, the answer is disappointing.
None of them!
No one of these is always gonna work for everything. These tropes are all just tools in your toolbox at the end of the day, and which one you use is up to what you’re writing and how you’re feeling. So don’t be afraid to try multiple of these for your fics, throw shit against the wall like spaghetti. Maybe you’ll find something new that you’ll like.
But that’s enough yapping from me. Now go forth and WRITE!
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urszn · 1 year
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🍧 ˚ ⋆ ࣪. ₊ ˚ 🤍 ༉‧₊˚✧ . ˚. 🪷 ₊ ༉₊˚
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HEART TO HEART from esther.
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( @soov ) REI ! — to be honest i was quite surprised that you even followed me back, lowkey was scared of u maybe bc i thought u were cool and i’ve seen ur pics in my recommended all the time, your so sweet tho and super funny ! i love when we gang up on ppl (..sia and mari) absolutely love when we do tomato tomato, anyways i look forward to ur fics since ur so talented! love you rei <3
( @wonieleles ) SIA ! — my pookie oh my god! ur fics are so good like scrumptious LMAO ok but fr i remember liking ur jungwon smau and then u asked to be on my taglist and i said how i liked ur smau, i was so scared to say if we could be friend and then like a month later i think we followed each other and you sent an ask saying hi and boom we started texting, so glad u sent that hi ask bc imagine if u didn’t omg? ur so smart and talented seriously tho ur such a nerd which i love abt u ! even tho sometimes i bully u, ur writing is so good and i hope you know that!! also u give such a good advise and ur so funny, love you sia !!
( @lov3niki ) KIMMY ! — rizzy kimmy omg i remember the day you followed me, someone tagged me in one of those games and i reblogged it and then u followed me bc u also participated in the game,, tell me why i was so shocked and excited when u followed me cause i fr ate up ur smaus and i think i sent an ask saying hi and the rest is history. ok but i love texting u abt ideas and i love feeding into ur delusions abt riki and then sending u those sneak peaks of my smaus omg,, seriously appreciate u always liking all my posts and commenting, one of the best ppl on this app fr and u definitely deserve all those followers bc gosh u make such good fics,, excited for ur upcoming work kimmy, love you always.
( @aerisfy ) AERI ! — no bc seriously ur blog is breathtaking!! ur so talented? ur carrd, ur account and basically everything you do makes me happy, if i’m not mistaken i think u tagged me in the game thingy and i was lowkey really happy bc most of my moots never interacted with me ! i love talking to you? ur so relatable and fun to text with, and pretty sure ur like one of the first ppl to actually me, i love giving u advice and helping with stuff and all ur smaus sound so good like ?!???! they’re so good !! always text me when u want to, i love you <3 mwah
( @flowers4thalia ) QUINN ! — even though we don’t interact much i always see you like my stuff like fr it’s so nice and whenever you do send asks they’re always to positive and cute !!! i can’t say much rn but please definitely interact with me more <3
( @yenqa ) YEN ! — i’ll be honest i was scared of u. NOT IN A BAD WAY i just felt like reblogged a lot of ur moots posts and UR ACCOUNT IS PRETTY no seriously so pretty and i love ur riki smau omg it’s so good and i think ur in my taglist for my smau so i was like ahhh anyways thank you for supporting me!! i’ll continue to support you too ur so kind and supportive and everyone needs a yen(qa) in their life’s, love u pookie <33
( @mokiverse ) MOKI ! — THE MOST DOWN TO ESRTH SWEETEST KINDEST PERSON EVER. my little mochi <33 everyone needs to send ml a inbox message that says just positive things!!! theme is so pretty first of all, so glad we did those matching profiles with kimmy, already have a lot of respect for u even tho we texted like a little bit but seriously,, ur funny, talented, positive, gives good advise ?!? like what so sweet i’m def adding more to this later but already my little mochi, continue smiling and being urself my love <33
( @trsrina ) INA ! — now where do i start…ina my first moot my love my pookie my yunjin my 1/2 number one honestly, u and yeni my fav ppl seriously, so thankful u started texting me!! i think i already showed u that ss of when we were interacted, genuinely so happy that i’m able to see ur account grow, ur fics are so good, i’ll be ur number one supporter no matter what idc, every time we talk it’s just like a stress reliever like ur so understanding and patient everyone who’s moots with you is so lucky bc ur just so kind and lovely, and ur funny ur such a green flag like ?!?? love you so much ina idk what else to tell u,, u basically saw my account grow with me :( like i think i had barley 100 when we started texting, and i’m just super thankful for you,, my yunjin!
( @yeniiverse ) YENII ! — I COULD NEVER FORGET MY CHAEWON gosh ur so funny, make me laugh out loud 24/7 i remember meeting you omg i was taken aback bc u were funny like i’m so serious everyone go talk to my chae bc she’ll make you laugh and SHES TALENTED GUYS !!! like wtf best combo fr me you and ina my loves,, i think you followed me like when i had 200 and i was scared of taking to ppl but YOU omg so glad u said hi !! and you’ll always listen to ppl like i can’t appreciate you enough !!! the chaewon to my sakura, my pookie, my 1/2 number one, i’ll add more for you soon dw ml tbh i’m tired!! but expect there to be more later ;) stay being funny and making ppl laugh <33
( @hanniluvi ) SOPH ! — maknae of saf <33 ok so i think i told u already but u fr scared me, u were actually one of the first ppl who i followed after i saw u talked with sona LMAO no but i fr was scared to even check ur account cause like u always posted for ur smaus and they’re actually good like ?!? i was impressed cause u fr remind me to update im so serious like ajajkaka ok but now that we talk wowow most nicest, understanding, interesting, funniest person ever, ur so sweet and ofc sonas other half, u seriously deserve everything !! like u update constantly and give good advise too !!! love u it girl soph,, hopefully yk who sees this cause they’re ur biggest fan LMAO love u soph <33
( @son4taa ) SONA ! — SAFS FAKE MAKNAE AKA OLD GRANDMA AKA ANCIENT,, IM JP IM JP my fav old lady tho, even though u have L rizz and ur ancient ur actually really cool, soph other half yk, ok but… fun fact ur the first person i followed apparently,, which is cool bc we didn’t start taking till like a couple weeks but seriously so talented ,hardworking , show stopping, entertaining, funniest ppl, u also scared btw like how tf do u post consistently?!!! no but fr everyone needs a sona GO FOLLOW SONA,, love you ancient pookie <33
( @sunoksunny ) SUNNY ! — AMAZING SPECTACULAR SHOW-STOPPING, like everything evey single time u say something it’s just the facts, rei’s gf OMG !!? no but i always saw u in my other moots accounts, but did i ever say anything ?!? nope :( but it’s okay cause we talk now !! BUT UR CARRD AMAZING !!! i think i saw some videos of u in the gc of u dancing ? not sure but if yes then ur so talented what ?!?? i did ballet like for a bit BUT SERIOUSLY SUNNY IS SUNNY , my lil sunshine yk always backing me up tbh against sia LMAO but fr stay being urself and don’t let other bring u down
( @blossomnct ) MEG ! — oh em gee MEG BÆ seriously love you, ur so sweet and chaotic, everyone loves meg seriously aka i do, always will be megs cheerleader, so happy we’ve became moots, and also always interacts with me !! and when you say hi to me when i say hi in the gc >>> like meg never ignores anyone, i love meg, meg is life. love you pookie.
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just a little something to appreciate my moots
more ppl to be added ! want to be added comment here !
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garoujo · 1 year
give ur moots a valentines day ship!
@anantaru + sae :albedosmirk: stop but if i seen yoru + sae out 4 valentine’s day i’d literally cry cause they both scream expensive + i know sae would be so doting and romantic about it .. send me pics of ur cute d8 plz <3 [kaiser is reporting all the stories u post]
@killsaki + me kisaki .. OTP BRO ! literally nobody speak 2 me i am the biggest dallas x kisaki stan in the world it’s insane ! fave couple ever idc me + shuji are gonna send you both valentines chocolates ! ugh kisaki would just be such a romantic STOP IT <3
@crysugu + suguru literally u + sugu are like little atoms that are spinning around in my mind like ur both soulmates istg it makes so much sense .. whenever i think of u both i get like a brainwave of yes this is everything 2 me <3
@bbiemilk + alhaitham i feel like hes very meh about the holiday because he loves u w all his heart everyday so he’s like ??? why must i celebrate wen i always love coco ??? like ehhh coz i said so .. coco needs a whole day 2 be extra loved + wrapped in his huge biceps <3
@torufilms + isagi AAAAAAA MY BBIES <333 i love u both sm !!! w my whole heart !!! literally cutest couple in the world i am skipping around + liking all the stories u post !!! isagi is so obsessed w xi + xi is so good 2 him they r perfect !!!
@tinymaru + vash honestly i’m ready 2 put all of ur blorbos in an arena + make them fight 4 u [b4 i ultimately jump in and seize victory] i’ve not even watched trigun yet but ur all i think about wenever i see him now ily mwah <3
@ohsatori + tendou STOP !!! the valentine’s day chocolates he would make 4 u i have tears in my eyes this ship is so very special 2 me haley istg !!! i just couldn’t leave it out .. it has such a special place in my heart ily both sm !!! <3
@saetoshis + noel noa grrgrgrgrvrgr noa being all romantic + soft and giving u sweet little forehead smooches — i feel like he’s so subtle w it but he is very doting and ugh just a big chunk of a man u must climb him it’s the season !!!
@gojoest + gojo !!! the way he wud be absolutely spoiling you omg he is such a DRAMA QUEEN .. the overwhelming amount of chocolates + flowers hes so annoying w it but ugh u deserve all of it <333
@itoshi-s + rin literally ur both attached at the hip in my brain like u can’t have one without the other it’s INSANE ! ITS FATE AT WORK HERE ! plus rin would just be the sweetest ! would give zari the absolute world as he should, they deserve it ^_^ <3
@benkeibear + benkei ! ur literally all i think about whenever i see him i’m just like AAAAAAA so cute i think he’s very obsessed w u [as he shud be cause same ily] <3
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