#I once received a review that I have grown 'in writing' in the sense that my skill has become much better and
luv4healy · 22 days
i do my best writing when it's about you!
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★ word count: 2816
★ this is chapter one: every corner of this house is haunted
★ notes: angst, romantic tension, eventual happy ending, song-inspired, pretentious & emotionally cautious oc!
★ enjoy! ao3 link here / masterlist here
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I’ve always loved writing. 
When I was sixteen, I entered my work into a local writing contest and, while I didn’t win, the praise I received ignited a high I couldn’t come down from. When I met Matty for the first time, his passion for music and lyricism kept that high going. We’d sit on the floor of my childhood bedroom and chat for hours, discussing different verses for his unreleased songs and critiquing choruses on songs that had just been released at the time.
That was years ago. Sixteen felt like a dream state.
Now, we’re both older and busier, and my new apartment has grown quieter as his workload picks up and mine keeps steady. He was preparing to release his second studio album with his band, while I continued with photography full-time and worked as a journalist part-time. 
It was sad not to have him around. In some weird, nauseating way, I could feel his presence in my apartment even while he was gone. It was like he left a part of himself behind, haunting me as I slept and following me around as I worked. I couldn’t stand it. I should be happy his presence lingers like it does, but instead of showing some fondness for his ghost, I found myself despising it. 
I couldn’t blame him for our distance, per se. After all, we both had our commitments. However, I doubted that I haunted him the way he haunted me.
Once finishing the final edits for a client’s wedding photos, I found myself holding onto my phone and unlocking it, opening my messages, and searching for Matty’s contact. He was pinned at the top, sandwiched between my sister and my best friend Vivian. I thinly smiled at the screen and clicked on his contact photo. 
“Hey, what’s up?” I texted, hovering my thumb over the arrow. 
I debated if this was a good idea. I fought with myself, battling back and forth if he’d even reply. Before I could back out of sending it, my thumb accidentally pressed against the screen, delivering the message to Matty. I cursed, angrily turning off my phone and throwing it towards the end of my bed. My hands covered my face, a wave of first-hand embarrassment coursing through my veins and raising my body temperature. 
My heart began to pound, rattling against my ribs as I awaited his response.
I waited there for a few minutes, my heartbeat slowing as I realized he might be busy, or that maybe he read it and didn’t feel up to sending a message back. But, right as my anxiety dipped and I let my guard down, my phone dinged and buzzed at the edge of my bed, lighting up against my covers. 
I sighed, reaching over and picking it up.
“Here with the band, reviewing material for the album. Otherwise, not much. You?”
It was surprising to hear he wasn’t busy. With a new album on the cusp of its debut, I would be swamped. I then realized the difference between Matty and me: he was nonchalant, almost too calm about the workload he threw himself into. I, on the other hand, didn’t know what calm meant, carrying a sense of workload anxiety along with me everywhere I went. 
“Really? That’s good,” I said. “Excited to hear the album when it releases.”
I was excited for him. I knew his passion for this project meant seeing him less, and while that made me upset, it did not waver the excitement and pride I felt. 
I’d always be his biggest fan.
Eventually, as I watched my phone screen for a reply, the text bubble popped up.
“Why wait? The guys and I are chilling at George’s place and listening through what we have so far if you want to come along. We have wine. I know you like wine.”
I read his text over and over, wondering if this was real. 
He asked me to join them.
I typed out a reply with wide eyes, throwing my legs over the side of my bed. “I would like to. For the wine, though,” I teased.
“Whatever,” he responded. “Hurry over, then.”
I liked his message and turned off my phone, placing my feet on the carpeted floor of my bedroom. I walked towards my closet. It wasn’t cold enough for anything too heavy, so I slipped into a pair of jean shorts and a band tee, a white long-sleeved turtleneck layered underneath. 
I smiled in the mirror. 
Maybe, in some wavering universe, the ghost of Matty that lingered around my apartment heard my thoughts and reported back to him. Perhaps he had my contact opened on his phone, too. I thought about all the possibilities as I brushed through my hair, deciding not to tie it back with a hair tie. It lingered against my face, tickling my cheeks as I grabbed my keys off my nightstand, pocketed my phone, and slipped sneakers onto my feet.
The drive to George’s place was solemn. I didn’t turn the radio on. I rolled down all the windows, feeling the wind seep through and kiss the bare skin of my arms. Once I parked my car along the street, I grabbed my journal from my glove compartment, thinking it’d be a good opportunity to get a bit of writing done. 
There was no need to knock on the door, it was propped open with a sneaker. 
I rolled my eyes, lingering in the doorway before walking in. 
Adam, who sat the closest to the doorway, was the first to see me arrive. He smiled wide and gave me a small wave. “Hey, look who made it!”
I waved back, tucking my journal under my arm. “Hi, everyone.”
“Wine’s sitting on the counter,” George replied. “Glad to have ya.”
I gave him a thumbs up, stepping through the doorway and looking around. My heart almost stopped when I saw Matty, whose eyes were already lingering on my frame. He stood up from his seat and met me in the middle of the room, hesitating for a moment before giving me a small hug. His lips parted, and I watched as his arms fell to his side as he released me. “For a second, I assumed you might not show.”
“Really?” I questioned him. “Were you nervous, or…”
He shook his head, shoving his hands into his pocket. “No, no. Just the distance, that’s all. I’ve been shit at making plans with you since our workload increased.”
“It’s fine,” I said. I was willing to brush it off.
Matty wasn’t, though. He shook his head again. “Would you stop that?”
“What?” I laughed. “It’s fine.”
He rolled his eyes. “Find a spot, we’re gonna run through the tracklist.”
“Don’t be a stranger, either,” George reiterated. “Help yourself to whatever.”
I nodded. “Heard,” I said. 
I grabbed a glass from George’s cabinet, filled it with wine, and found a seat. I sat next to Matty, directly across from Ross and Adam. Once settled, I set my journal on the table next to me. 
I’ve known these guys for years but sometimes still found myself nervous around them. It was weird. I knew we were all the same: we were artists, after all, but I couldn’t help but feel a tad out of place. 
George queued up the tracklist for their album and I settled into my seat, sipping from my glass. The red from the wine stained the corners of my lips. As the album played through, Adam sat up straight and focused his eyes on me. “So, how have you been? Are you still in the photography business?” 
“Mhm,” I nodded. “I love it. It’s so freeing.”
“I’m glad,” he replied. 
Ross perked up. “I saw you posted a few pictures not too long ago.”
“I try now and then,” I sat my glass down. “Keeps my Instagram feed organized.”
“Have you been writing?” Matty chimes in. 
I shake my head. “Haven’t been recently, no.”
He tilted his head in response, deciding against replying.
His silence stung.
Adam tried to add something else to the conversation but was silenced by George, who’s perched over his laptop. Matty dryly chuckled, the rough draft of their album playing through the living room of George’s apartment. 
It was beautiful. It reminded me of their self-titled album, but at the same time, it was completely different. It carried a whole new aesthetic. I hummed along, trying to learn the lyrics as the songs played out. Matty snuck a few glances. I could feel his eyes on me, even if I hadn’t been looking in his direction. For a moment, there was peace. No one spoke. We watched each other with a shared eagerness, the music softly surrounding us. 
It felt nostalgic.
I exhaled, pulling my legs underneath my weight.
When the final track came on, there was a heaviness that entered with it. I could feel it in the room, I could feel it in the air surrounding us. I could feel it next to me on the couch, burying itself into Matty and taking place inside his body. He adjusted, clearing his throat and prying himself from his seat. He grabbed a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket, silently excusing himself.
I looked around, watching as he stepped onto the balcony connected to George’s place. I turned to Adam, who shrugged with a slight frown.
“Is he okay?” I asked. It was meant to be louder but came out as a whisper. Like something got stuck in my throat.
Ross parted his lips. “The entirety of this album is emotionally charged. Sometimes when we replay it and search for things we need to edit, he steps out for a breather.”
George nodded, confirming Ross’ words. 
I pulled my legs into myself. “Yeah, I could feel the shift in tone as the tracks played out. I love it, though. Beautiful work, you guys.”
Adam mouthed a small “thank you,” while George nodded and Ross smiled. The tracklist finished and the three grouped around George’s computer, conversing over any final edits they should make. I released my legs from my grasp, allowing them to stretch as I stood up. I turned towards the balcony doors, stepping over and peering out. 
Matty’s smoking silently in the corner. 
I watch as he adjusts. He’s hunched over the balcony and observing the passing cars.
Sliding open the door just a tad, I slipped through quietly and stood there, waiting to see if he’d felt my presence or heard me enter. He does, but refuses to turn his head or move from his position. Ash falls from his cigarette. The wind picks up slightly, blowing through his curls and brushing past my figure.
“It’s quiet out here,” I spoke up. 
Other than the cars, the neighborhood was silent. It felt as if we were the only ones awake.
Matty nodded, moving the cigarette from his lips and flicking the butt towards the sidewalk below. “Yeah,” he whispered. “Dead silent, but peaceful.”
I scratched my head. It had been a while since we’d shared such an intimate moment, and I was almost unsure how to help, or if he even wanted to talk. 
“I liked the album,” I finally spat out. “Gorgeous work.”
“Yeah?” He questioned, sitting up and looking towards me. “I’m glad.”
I gave him a half-smile, stepping closer and leaning against the wall. “It might be some of the best art you’ve ever made. The writing is so captivating, I felt like I was living vicariously through you.”
He nodded but changed the subject, catching me off guard. 
“You haven’t been writing?” He asked.
I crossed my arms in front of my chest, watching him as he stood across from me. “I mean, I have been writing. I’m a part-time journalist, so I spend chunks of my time writing. It just hasn’t been personal or creative recently, I guess.”
“Why?” He asked again. “Wasn’t that your thing? Our thing?”
“Yeah,” I spoke up. “That hasn’t changed, Matty.”
That was partly a lie. It had changed. It felt weird trying to be creative without my creative partner. Even if I brought my journal tonight, it sat vacant in George’s living room. Things were constantly changing, and I couldn’t handle that change. 
Matty’s ghost haunted me frequently, desperately trying to fill in for his absence. I knew it wasn’t purposeful. I knew we were adults now and that our paths diverged, but it hurt coming to that conclusion. It would always hurt, I was sure of it.
“You don’t have to lie,” he said. “Please don’t lie.”
“What?” I said a little louder. “I’m not a liar.”
“You can say you’re upset with me, I can take it,” he muttered.
“I’m not upset with you,” I restated.
“Yes, you are!” He wants to shout, I can tell. He doesn’t though. He tries to remain composed, praying that his friends won’t hear him spatting back and forth with me.
I rolled my eyes in response. “Whatever, Matty.”
“Why haven’t you been writing?” He straightened his posture, focusing on me.
I didn’t want to say anything.
I stayed silent.
He looked at me with some form of anguish, trying desperately to pry the answer out of me. 
He parted his lips. “Well?”
I closed my eyes and exhaled, releasing a shaky breath. My words are almost muffled, coated in a certain silence. “It feels weird.”
Confused, he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. 
I watched as his eyebrow furrowed. “What do you mean?” 
“It feels weird to try and force something onto paper. God, it feels so strange creating without you,” I spat out. 
He glared, listening to me speak and trying to find something to reply with.
“I know it’s not our fault,” I continued. “I know we get busy, but it hurts. I can’t collaborate with you as often as we used to, and it feels so absent without your presence in my apartment.”
Matty frowns slightly, his expression shifting almost immediately. He sighed, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. “Nothing’s changed, though. You know that, right?”
“Honestly?” I said. “I don’t. I mean, they have. You can’t say they haven’t.”
“How?” He questioned me. “Just because of a little absence?”
“It’s not just the absence, Matty!” My voice raised in volume. I can hear Adam, George, and Ross in the other room. They’re shifting their focus towards the balcony. 
My arms uncrossed from in front of my chest, falling to my sides as I exhaled. “You haunt me,” I admitted. “Your ghost is tethered to me. It haunts me, and I can’t take it anymore.”
Matty remained confused, silent as he pieced together what I said. His silence spoke numbers. It was clear now that I was right. I didn’t haunt him. He didn’t spend every waking hour overthinking our friendship: if you could even call it a friendship. I didn’t know what we were to each other, anymore. Deep down, maybe I’d wished for more. 
His hands covered his face, dragging downwards as he thought over everything. “I’m sorry,” he had finally said. “I’m sorry for being such a shitty friend. I’m sorry for haunting you.”
I felt like an idiot.
“Don’t apologize,” I replied. “It’s fine.”
“I wish you would stop saying that,” he scoffed. “It’s not fucking fine.”
“One day it will be,” I said as I backed away from the wall. I looked towards the door leading back inside, contemplating making my exit. 
Matty watched as I did so. “Don’t leave, not like this.”
I lied again, muttering as I took small, calculated steps toward the balcony door. “It’s late. Can I text you tomorrow?” Once I left George’s apartment, there was no way I’d text Matty about this. I wanted nothing more than to forget this conversation existed, but I knew that’d never happen. The least I could do was shove it away and pretend.
Matty stood motionless. “Please,” he pleaded.
My eyes were glossy as he watched over me, my body now halfway through the balcony door. With a broken voice, I stepped all the way through. “I’m sorry, I have to go.”
I ran out of George’s apartment as quickly as I could, glancing behind me as I approached my car. Matty didn’t chase after me. I didn’t expect him to. I unlocked my car doors, slipped into my front seat, and sat there in deafening silence. I lingered there before turning the key in the ignition and stepping on the gas, tears threatening to fall on my way back home.
I was a liar. I was selfish. I had felt such obscure feelings, an idiot for even thinking they’d be reciprocated. 
Matty’s ghost reminded me of such, his presence heavy in the passenger seat of my car.
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rocknrollsalad · 10 months
Oooh, Stargyle has so much unexplored potential.
What about Steve and Argyle both going to community college for something hands on: woodworking, welding, pottery, plumbing--I don't really care? (Why? Steve is a very tactile, hands-on guy and not big on academics, and we see Argyle in woodshop.)
And they have to partner up for a project. They both turn out to be really good at one aspect of the project. Flirtation ensues.
OKAY, so I may have done a really shitty job of following this prompt. I read maybe seven words of it and rushed to a new gdoc. Immediately, I vomited out 1200 words and took it from there.
However, it's received some less-than-favorable reviews already so I stopped writing it. I'm kind of sorry. I'm more sorry about publishing it knowing it's neither finished nor as good as it should be. HOWEVER, here's what I got and I hope you get so many nice things for sending this to me in my hour of need.
tw: drug use (pot) word count: 2705
College was the last place Steve thought he’d be. Sure it was a community college and his parents made sure to let him know exactly how beneath them that was but it was still school. Something he thought he’d finished with because…school sucked. 
It was also the way forward. 
So, yeah, he was twenty-six and attending a full day of classes at some community college. He was also working part-time and somehow finding time to have something close to a social life. Occasionally. Not as much as he wanted on the latter and less in the way of dating but he was out of Hawkins and doing this on his own. 
He’d moved out west three years ago, the last of his friends went off to colleges of their own and left him looking at a ghost of town that held nothing special anymore. It was a necessary bit of sadness to push Steve toward following his dreams. 
Sun and surf, palm trees and tacos, and never a single snow day. Everyone wanted him to hate it, it was so far from them, but Steve hadn’t worn pants or a long sleeve shirt in 30 months. He’d been permanently tan for just as long and his hair found its way to something closer to blonde. The food was better, the people friendlier, and, yeah, everyone he’d grown up with was a plane ride away now but the good outweighed the bad. 
Not to mention, he breathed easier out from under the Harrington shadow. Carving his own way for the first time in his life had been more freeing than being allowed to wear flip-flops to work. Robin, Nancy, Dustin, Max, they’d all understand eventually. Especially if they’d make that plane ride. 
With a job at a daycare, Steve found himself a calling among all the naps on the beach. It made sense that he was good at it but it was luck he’d found out. At least until he got too comfortable there. His boss was the one who talked him into college, she had a list a mile long of things an early childhood education degree could bring him and, by extension, her. Steve wasn’t into the idea. Obviously, he’d done fine without it but she swore he could do so much more. After months of lectures and pamphlets and attempts at reasoning with him, Steve finally caved. 
Once he did, though, she was his biggest supporter. Something Steve actually needed in all this. He didn’t have a lot of faith in himself to earn this degree. On paper, it looked daunting. But his boss helped him pick courses and study for his assessments. Holding his hand every step of the way and crossing a few t’s Steve missed. However, she didn’t console him when the results came back and he was below college level on everything. It would mean a lot of math courses and even more English ones. 
Something he bogged himself down with for the first quarter. Wanting to speed run through catching up, all Steve did was depress himself and lose the desire to carry on. For the next quarter, they balanced things a little more. Classes for his degree and classes for catching up. 
His boss had pushed a course on nutrition, promising it’d be fun and though not directly part of his degree requirements, would come in handy with their new programs and funding. Steve wasn’t sure about the fun part but it sounded far better than another stab at algebra. 
So at ten o’clock in the god-forsaken morning, Steve dragged himself to a part of the school he’d never seen to learn about what foods were healthy. An easy A, Steve thought, the answer to everything here is just vegetables. Don’t give kids candy for breakfast. Carrot cake wasn’t actually healthy. It seemed like something he could do in his sleep. A fact he might put to the test at this hour. 
Claiming a seat in the middle of the room, against the wall in case he needed a nap, Steve readied his supplies in some weird impression of Nancy Wheeler. Trying to look ready to learn even if he wasn’t. Something about faking it until he made it or whatever people said. No one could tell him he wasn’t trying. 
Barely a minute before the class was meant to start (the teacher was nowhere in sight) laughter came from outside the door and followed a couple of guys in. Two other people stood up and they exchanged hi-fives as the jokes were explained and the laughter doubled. 
One guy among them was enough to make Steve sit upright and pay a bit more attention. A gorgeous man with a loud printed t-shirt and the longest hair Steve had ever seen on anyone. He laughed and joked with everyone and Steve couldn’t stop staring. Like everything else in the room had just fizzled away and he was left with this muted conversation and his heartbeat thrumming in his ears. 
This was also something new to California. Not cartoon hearts appearing around guys, that had always been there, but being okay with it. Losing the pressure to be the golden boy had allowed him a chance to experiment and Steve could, with confidence, now say he liked all genders. If only the increase in possibilities had led to less striking out. 
Almost immediately, Steve envisioned being rejected by this guy. He didn’t seem the sort to laugh in his face, maybe he’d let him down gently, say it wasn’t his thing. But a small part of Steve’s mind toyed with the “yes” of it all as he stared across the classroom. 
The teacher had apparently arrived because everyone started to find seats and Steve was left feeling a bit lost and more than a little confused as he tried to come back to the present. The man in the front of the room trying to settle everyone was everything TV made hippies out to be, he sounded like Cheech or Chong and flashed the peace sign seven different times in his introduction. He certainly wasn’t going to be holding any of Steve’s attention but, again, this was just meant to be an easy A. It didn’t have to be dynamic. At least he had a reason to show up every day. 
For days that drifted into weeks, Steve watched the other students arrive nearly the same way every day. This ball of energy and light, laughing and talking with everyone until the teacher made him sit down. Which he did with a casual apology and presented the floor to the man who had no command of the room. It felt like high school, hardly a higher learning situation but Steve’s boss had warned him, that college wasn’t as serious as people made it out to be. 
They were supposed to learn about nutrition and why it mattered but mostly the guy talked about his garden and how to keep pests away. Other students stopped coming but that happened in all classes. Those that stayed, Steve found out, were all in the culinary program and it was this or more practice chopping onions. They were thrilled to be here and didn’t care what the guy talked about. 
Which brought on a new feeling as the class list was an obvious clique and him. Steve was on the outside, not part of the group having fun, and it was a place he’d never been. Robin said it was good for him but he wasn’t so sure. 
Steve thought he was going to spend the whole quarter looking on from afar, not even knowing this guy’s name, and he’d begun to make peace with that. Wondering where just a touch of King Steve was so he could waltz in like he belonged like he was a blessing to them. Maybe he didn’t have to swing his personality so far the other way but there was comfort in being on the outskirts that Steve wasn’t ready to give up. 
Until a month into the quarter, the teacher didn’t show up. Everyone chimed in with different amounts of time they had to wait before they could leave but eventually, one brave soul made the call. Dismissed them all with a promise of an A for the day. Power they didn’t have but a joke the whole class shared. 
As those who weren’t in the culinary program packed up, Steve was approached by the guy he’d been staring at day in and day out. Whatever it was that had Cinderella able to make animals do her chores, this guy had. It was almost hard to be in the presence of and typically Steve wasn’t a fan of anything that made his confidence falter but he recovered in enough time. He hoped. 
“Yo, man. You sit in the class by yourself, like, every day and I keep thinking ‘y’know what? That guy needs a friend!’ so here I am! We’re gonna go across the street to the Erin’s. They both got the same name but one’s a guy and one’s a girl, and they’re dating. It’s not weird, I guess, but I don’t want to be saying my own name in bed, ya know? But, yeah, they got a few new recipes to try and, y’know, plenty of weed. If you wanna come?” 
There was a desperate “yes” on the tip of Steve’s tongue that he hated. “Yeah, I don’t have anything going on until later,” he lied. 
“Righteous! I’m not an Aaron, by the way. Name’s Argyle.” 
“That’s so easy to remember. You look like a Steve. Steven?” 
Steve nodded, not really wanting to claim the name in case Argyle wanted to start using it. 
Instead, he nodded for the door and made moves toward it. “Alright, so have you ever had tres leches cake? Tell me you’ve tried this.” 
“I’ve..never heard of it.” 
“Prepare to be delighted. This is a big day for you, man. You’ll never be the same after it. Tell your taste buds to get ready, their tiny minds are going to be blown clean off.” 
The description brought on a familiar feeling, Argyle was gorgeous and kind but under that amazing smile, he was as weird as everyone else Steve knew. And he knew how to hang out with the weird kids. 
On the walk over, Argyle talked about how he got into cooking, why he was in college so “late” in life, and his restaurant owning dreams for the future. Steve couldn’t get a word in but he didn’t trust his flirting or conversational ability so it was for the best. 
And Argyle didn’t seem to have a problem filling the silences or depriving Steve of them. Walking them around and introducing Steve to a bunch of people whose names he forgot immediately, feeding him snacks, and getting them both settled in the “backyard” where, for the first time, Argyle stopped talking. There were a bunch of other people to fill the silences though. 
Most of what was shared, Steve didn’t follow. They spoke with familiarity Steve didn’t have, he hadn’t earned yet. Instead, he listened, passed the joint around, and ate more cake in one sitting than he ever had before. 
All of it made it hard to stay focused. Steve realized his tolerance was not what it used to be and that made it that much harder to impress. Unless sitting quietly and nursing one drink because you were afraid you’d never see another beverage again in your life was now charming. Best he could tell no one seemed to mind but everything was really hazy so they could have been ripping Steve apart and he wouldn’t know. Just smile and take another sip. 
How he got home was a mystery but the half a cake on his kitchen counter said it was done so with kindness. As with any night under the influence, Steve prayed he didn’t make an ass of himself and for the first time, all quarter found himself dreading the nutrition class. 
But Argyle walked in the room and pointed at Steve, crowing out “He lives!!!!” before lowering his voice to add “Glad to see you among the living again, my man. You can not handle your weed.” 
“I’m out of practice and…from Indiana.” 
Argyle’s eyes went wide like the second point explained everything and before he could add anything else, the teacher came in demanding attention for another day of teaching them nothing. Steve moved up a row and relaxed some. Though he did spend more time daydreaming about burgers than cute boys who mock him. 
Not that he didn’t deserve it. He’d been so wrapped up in the new experience that he forgot to seal the deal and there was a version of Steve out there that never would have let that happen. Now he was back to not knowing where he stood but knowing full well he should just find out. He knew how to find out but years of bad luck, a personality shift, and maybe a healthy fear of rejection kept Steve in his seat. 
Every day after that, though, he got a little wave or nod from Argyle as he breezed into class with his group of friends. It was easier to pick out now that Argyle wasn’t the leader of the group, just a very devoted follower whom Steve had made the most important. A familiar scene from the other side. College wasn’t quite the same as high school though and Steve would kill for a pep rally to skip or dance to go to. 
Instead, he stuck to quiet greetings. Like all the other classes he’d had. A group project here or there brought strangers together but for the most part, it was a roomful of people living their lives. At least these guys now welcomed him into the laughs. Though there wasn’t another invite to sit on a square foot of dirt and eat amazing food so he wasn’t part of the club, obviously. 
By the time Steve had made peace with that, the invite to come out to have snacks at a friend’s was thrown his way. Though he was denied a chance to get high. Something he pouted about for far too long. It earned him sympathy but not drugs. He did remember the night this time and got himself home so maybe it was for the best. 
The week after it wasn’t a friend’s place but the kitchens at the school because there was a ton of beef wellingtons that needed to be eaten. Sure most of them were overdone, a couple were burnt, but it was free food, and eating a bit of charred pastry was hardly anything to complain about. 
After everything settled and people were hanging around talking, Argyle grabbed Steve and brought him through to an area with multiple kitchen setups. Lit only by the wall of windows, stovetops sparkled and the smell of bleach overpowered anything they’d been used for. Far beyond any home ec class he’d been in but he felt just as out of place. 
They head over to one of the setups and sure, maybe they were there to try some amazing dish Argyle had in the fridge. Perhaps he just wanted to show off his area or maybe they’d “break the rules” and cook something special. Okay, so that last one was a bit too Hollywood but Steve was lonely, his brain did things like this now. 
It also presented him with a fourth option that changed what sort of movie it was. All alone in a dark room with a guy he’d been lusting after for weeks, there was a very obvious choice. Far more risky than baking after hours, Steve wasn’t sure if he was picking up hints or Argyle just loved everyone but he’d never know if he didn’t try. 
So Steve sucked in a breath and crowded Argyle’s space until the man was backed against the fridge, waiting for any indication this wasn’t welcome. When nothing was said Steve leaned against him. From there instinct took over for both of them and their lips pressed together.
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darlingpwease · 2 years
why no one has yet figured out how to show... pictures... from the head... writing is difficult... I don't understand how to make words... bbbeautiful......
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neoculturetravesty · 3 years
We met in online class - Last Part
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Image adapted from here.
Pairing: Renjun x Reader Genre: College AU, romance, angst, fluff Warnings: Strong language Word Count: 3.4k
Navigation: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | You are on the Last Part
A/N: And so it comes to an end, and let me tell you guys, I am not okay 😔 This is going to be a bit of a longer A/N, so please bear with me. If you’d like to get straight to the story, I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND, so feel free to click Keep Reading!
Lowkey, I had a bit of a meltdown as I typed the final words on this fic because I hadn’t realized how attached I had grown to the characters. This is the first time I wrote three different chapter openers before deciding on one, because I simply couldn’t believe it was goodbye after this.
These mofos had constantly been on my mind for the past two months and a half. I would spend most days thinking about where to take them and then bringing them to life at night, after my entire day was over. When I wasn’t writing, I’d make little notes about thoughts I had into the night about them so that I wouldn’t forget them when morning comes. 
This was my first ever (and as of right now, my only) chaptered fic. I had no idea parting with it would be as emotional as it was. When I think back to when I first received the prompt for this, I had never even imagined I could write Renjun, let alone a series. But there was something in the prompt that had gotten my wheels turning. And I am so immensely glad that it did. There were days when I thought “Oh man, what have I gotten myself into.” Some days, the story would just flow. Other days, I’d keep staring at the blinking cursor not knowing what to type. But when I did, I found my emotions so deeply connected with the characters. I was happy when they were happy. I was sad when they were sad. So, parting with them is very hard to say the least.
But through this journey, I got to experience the joy of reading all of your reviews and comments and honestly, it made it all worth it. THANK YOU to every single one of you that read this story and waited on it and laughed and cried with it. You have made my life better in more ways than you can imagine.
In this moment, I want to thank 🍙 anon, because it was their prompt that put me in this mess in the first place. And so, it is only fitting that I dedicate the final part to them 💛
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“Oh, we definitely need a picture together. How about here? I think this place would fit everyone.” Kim Doyoung looks about, finding a spot best suited for the photo he wanted.
“I think right there on the platform would be better. We could get everyone in two tiers.” his assistant suggests.
“You’re a genius. Let’s gather everyone. It’s not often that so many NCTU grads and students come to Midnight Arthouse,” Doyoung nods.
“How many of us are here, anyway?” Renjun muses. The assistant looks at her iPad, checking once again.
“I think there’s 23 of you. So, let’s definitely go for the platform.” she nods.
“Okay, then.” Doyoung claps his hands together once, “Gather everyone,” he says to no one in particular and walks ahead with purpose. Renjun and the assistant’s eyes meet and they smirk. Of course this was directed to the both of them. So, they set about to work.
As it would turn out, gathering 23 people from a charity event with art and food and drinks would be a bit of a task. But somehow, they manage to gather all alumni and current students on the platform in three tiers instead of two for a somewhat chaotic picture. There must’ve been something in the water at NCTU because none of it’s students could stand still for very long. They get maybe one decent picture and several in which someone or the other was moving or pulling a face.
His friends aside, looking around at the group, Renjun realized that he recognized nearly all of them. Yangyang and Hendery and the rest of their frat were here. As were the 127s, old and new. Renjun recognized them all, except maybe two boys, who didn’t seem to know a lot of the others either. When the pictures were done and the main events were over and the crowd had started to dissipate, Renjun finally walked over to the artwork to observe it up close.
Honestly speaking, watching the work with his own two eyes left no doubt in his mind that this artist deserved to be spotlighted like this. This work was in a league of its own. Watching it makes Renjun smile; because looking at it makes him think back to a few months ago when he was sitting in Kim Doyoung’s office, thinking of himself as some sort of a big shot. But the truth is, there was no way he had that caliber then, and there is no way he has that caliber now, though he was sure as hell working on it.
“This is the piece I lost the bid on.” Renjun hears a voice and he turns around to see Zhong Chenle’s father observing the art with him. Renjun bows politely and smiles under his mask,
“I mean, this is a remarkable piece. You have good taste.” Renjun acknowledges.
“What about you? Why isn’t any of your artwork displayed here?” he asks and for a while, Renjun smiles a bit nostalgically. He could’ve been here, had he made something for the Annuale. Had he just selfishly taken that shot. Then again, there would’ve been no real guarantees. Because Kim Doyoung was pretty particular in the people he chose, whether they were recommended by his family or not. Working with him closely in the last couple of months had taught Renjun that. It had also taught him how underdeveloped his skill was in the real world context.
“I guess I still have a long way to go.” Renjun replies humbly.
“Don’t we all?” Chenle’s father nods, “Are you working here at this establishment?” 
“Um, I… I suppose I am. I am Kim Doyoung’s apprentice. He is my mentor.” Renjun nods.
“So I might see your work here soon enough, eh?” Renjun assumes the kind man is smiling under his mask because his eyes seem to be making the same shape as Chenle’s do when he smiles. So Renjun grins back.
“I mean… if I work really hard, I might get to shoot my shot in the next Midnight Arthouse Annuale.” Renjun fantasizes.
“Or maybe you’d get lucky like this young artist,” he points his chin towards the artwork.
Renjun smiles, “I would credit her luck, too if I hadn’t seen her work. But her talent is… it kinda speaks for itself.”
“Oh, no, you should definitely credit her luck. Talent isn’t enough. The stars have to align. Luck, talent, the right place, the right time. It all has to come together.” he says nodding. 
Renjun considers his words. They seem to be coming from the wisdom of experience. 
What if Renjun hadn’t received the phone call about his grandma back then? Well, then he probably would’ve made something lackluster and gotten rejected. Working with Kim Doyoung has taught him as much. It didn’t matter who had put a word in for him. At the end of the day, his work had to be outclass.
What if he had received the phone call and then still had enough time to submit something for the Annuale? Then he still probably wouldn’t have because… well, because of you.
What if he had gone ahead, regardless of you or his grandma and just made something and submitted it? Then he still would’ve been rejected. Because the truth of the matter is, he just didn’t have the caliber that artists associated with Midnight Arthouse did.
In that sense, Renjun supposes everything was in fact happening at the right place and right time now. Doyoung was mentoring him and he was getting better by the day. The stars were aligning for him. He knew it in his heart.
“Then I would wish that it all comes together for me, too.” Renjun says.
“When it does, young man, I’ll be the first one to bid on your work.” he says and Renjun doesn’t even have the time to react when he feels a presence breeze in his direction and invade his personal space.
Renjun doesn’t even have to look up to know who it is. He can tell by the way this body fits perfectly into his side. He can tell by how naturally his own body responds and just puts his arm around it’s waist.
“Oh man, I missed all of it, didn’t I?” you lament, as you loop your arms around his neck from the side instead of a hello.
“Not all of it. The guys just left but your brother and his friends are still here. Besides, you had work.” Renjun turns his head and looks into your eyes to reassure you. “Y/N, this is Chenle’s father.”
“Oh, hello!” you say cheerfully and respectfully bow and give you greetings. “It is so nice to meet you. Chenle looks just like you!”
“Yes, I’ve been told I’m a more handsome version of him,” he smiles then turns to Renjun, “And who might this young lady be?”
“This is my girlfriend, Y/N. She goes to NCTU with us.” Renjun introduces you and you bow again. Oh, the thrill he got every time he got to introduce you as his girlfriend. Fuck, he’s pretty sure he’d never tire of it, even if it had just been a few months. The serotonin boost in his veins is strong and he gets the urge to squeeze you and hold you forever.
“Oh, that’s very nice. Come have a meal with us before we have to catch a plane back home, okay?” Chenle’s father invites the two of you. 
“Oh, I would love to!” you say in your chipper tone before your eyes start darting around “I’m going to have to excuse myself for a little bit, I just wanna say hi to my brother.” you say and you politely bow before you start moving away.
“Babe, hang on…” Renjun says, holding you back by your hand. He brings his fingers delicately to the bridge of your nose and softly pinches down the mask over it so it sits more snugly on you. “There, it’s much safer now.” Renjun nods and watches the affectionate smile your eyes give before you move away. You looked so pretty today, even if you were just coming back from a four-hour internship. You were easily the most beautiful girl in this room, though Renjun suspected that you’d be the most beautiful girl in any room you entered. 
Albeit sometimes, Renjun had to wonder if your talent or your beauty was greater. Because you had become the only junior in NCTU to land an internship at the SMK Trainee Drive. And now that you were a senior, you were somehow managing to keep your grades up alongside it. 
Renjun, on the other hand, would find himself struggling with balancing his apprenticeship with his school work. So he knew firsthand how your discipline was something else altogether. Recently though, he had experienced a rise in his grades because you had been taking him on so many study dates that your organizational skills and motivation had started to rub off on him.
Renjun walks around the studio and the party and feels like it’s been too long till you’re finally back by his side. 
“Love in the Time of Corona,” you read the title of an art piece displayed in front of you. “That was supposed to be our thing.”
Renjun laughs and has no qualms in looping his arms around your waist and finally pulling you into himself.
“I guess we should’ve realized then how un-novel the idea would become in a few months.” he comments. 
“Un-novel is not a word, Huang Renjun.” you narrow your eyes at him.
Renjun laughs. “It is now,” he says and lets out a long exhale, “I missed you today.” he complains, though he looks down at you with warmth.
“Well, you’ve got me now. And you have me for the entire weekend.” you reassure him, your palms on his chest.
“Mhmm.” Renjun smiles and he wants to lean in to kiss you. But Kim Doyoung specifically had people assigned to walk around and make sure that everyone had their masks on when inside. “Also, we already have a thing.” he reminds you and winks.
You laugh, and say “I guess we do,” then let out a happy sigh as your eyes avert from his for a moment, taking in your surroundings. “Our Couple Thing should give you some ideas on what you can make when your work is displayed here in the 2022 Annuale. I won’t be late to that, I promise. I’ll take a day off from everything else in my life.”
Renjun's heart grows warmer still, and he’s sure his eyes reflect what he feels, “How can you be so sure my work will be displayed in the 2022 Annuale?”
“I don’t know, Huang Renjun. I just have a feeling about you.” you say and Renjun can see you smile even if your lips are covered by a mask. Your eyes always smiled before your mouth did, anyway.
“Y/N L/N, I have a feeling about you, too.” he retorts. 
“And what feeling would that be?” you raise an eyebrow.
“It’s a secret.” he says, but now he sees your pout, even if he can’t see your mouth because your cheeks have puffed up over the mask. It makes him laugh.
“You’re no fun.” you protest.
“I’ll tell you once we get out of here.” Renjun offers.
“Well, I’m ready to leave.” you jut your chin up. Renjun grins and offers you his arm. You grab it with your entire body and the two of you start walking out together.
You had plans for the weekend, after all. And Renjun was determined to keep you all to himself for once, with no one else demanding your time. Not your internship, not your assignments, not any of your friends, and especially not Lee fucking Donghyuck. He was finally going to take you away where it could just be you and him and nobody else.
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This moment felt way too surreal to Renjun.
The campfire had simmered down from a glorious roar to a comfortable burn, giving off just enough heat in the cool of an early winter evening. The sky was in it’s fading moments, where the pink of the light was slowly turning to violets and the violets were slowly merging into darks. 
Renjun remembered suggesting to you all that time ago that maybe you could go somewhere together. But now that he was here, he hadn’t imagined that the moment would feel as surreal as it did. 
Because now the two of you are sitting in front of your tent by the fire, entwined in one another. You’re sitting between his legs, arms around his neck, nuzzling your cheek inside his padded jacket while he supports your head on his arm and kisses you.
He’s holding you in his arms and kissing you and everything seems so perfect that for a moment, he has to pull away to watch your face and wonder if all of this was real. And though there is a gentle smile on your face, you’re not opening your eyes much. Because you know full well that Renjun’s lips would be back on yours in no time. So you play with his hair as they fall to his forehead and when he kisses you again, you press up into him so he would wrap his arms around you and hold you tighter. He does and he rubs his hands up and down your back and attempts to close his jacket around you.
“Are you cold?” he asks lovingly. You shake your head.
“No. I just want to crawl inside you.” you say, like it’s the most logical thing to be said.
“Creepy.” Renjun remarks but holds you closer still.
“You should be happy you haven’t seen my collection of your hair clippings.” you quip as you nip into the skin of his neck.
“Oh, sweet. That rivals all your used tissues I’ve kept in my shrine at home.”
“Aww, you shouldn’t have.” you coo at him and then lean up to kiss him some more and he laughs. But soon, he pushes the arm that you were using like a pillow up so your face would be closer to his and he could kiss you as deeply as he was truly craving. 
The two of you keep kissing like that till the sky is dark. It was an odd sort of trance, being so lost in one another that neither of you cared about what time it was or how long you had been sitting here, wrapped up in one another. Your phones were zipped away in your bags and you hadn’t checked them even once since you had parked your camping van and set up your tent. It was a slow, peaceful sort of bliss, just sitting by the fire and kissing and kissing with nothing else on your minds but being here like this with one another.
“Renjun?” you say, your voice sounding like it was returning from a deep thought.
“Hmm?” Renjun asks as he combs your hair away from your pretty face.
“You know, I learnt today that a cactus can live anywhere between 10 and 200 years.” you tell him, idly tracing the birthmark on the back of his hand.
Renjun leans in and presses long into your lips. “Yeah?” he replies and watches your face. It seemed hazily focused, like it was trying to catch onto a faraway thought.
“I also learnt that it can take up to 30 years for a cactus to bear flowers.” you say in an introspective, wistful tone.
Renjun looks away to hide his smile. Oh God, you were so cute. “Yeah?” he says again, but it’s getting more and more difficult to keep a serious face.
“Sometimes, a cactus doesn’t flower at all.” you say and then you turn your head to look at him like you’ve resurfaced from your thoughts and are now in the moment. Renjun’s grin grows wider. “Renjunnn…” you whine and so he has no choice but to tenderly hold your cheeks in his palms and stroke your hair.
“What?” he chuckles.
“You said you’d think you’re worthy of my forgiveness when the cactus bears flowers.” you whine again and Renjun has to plant a loving kiss to your forehead.
“Is that what I said?” he chuckles some more and then leans in to kiss the anxious realization away from your lips. 
“Renjun.” you pout and Renjun laughs and takes his beautiful, whiny, kindhearted girlfriend in his arms and hopes that his hold could chase away all the worries from her pretty, brilliant mind.
He kisses you because his heart can’t bear it any longer. How did he manage to hold a heart like yours in his hand?
Renjun feels an indescribable amount of happiness. Like he wasn’t sure that you were really here with him, in his arms, all for him to hold, with no worry or burden afflicting him. The happiness is so immense and so incredible and so heavy that for a moment, he feels it suffocating him. He wonders if he deserved this kind of happiness.
But right in the next moment, he stops himself. He knew how easy it was to relapse into those tempting, lonesome thoughts. But if there was anything that therapy was teaching him, it was that of course he deserved happiness. 
Though right now, holding you in his arms, this happiness was choking him. He felt like his heart was swelling and pressing against his lungs and his chest couldn’t bear it and he could no longer breathe. 
“Y/N…” he exhales, holding you back so he can look at your face and you could look up into his. He pauses to gather another breath. Then, he just says it. “I love you.”
And doing so does the trick. He feels his chest slowly getting lighter, because this is what it had been bursting with. Now, he’s told you. Now, it can be unburdened.
You look up at him and there is nothing but a sparkle in your eye, and tenderness in your smile. For a while, you say nothing, just looking upon his eyes like that. “Thank you.” you finally whisper back at him.
Renjun pauses for a moment. But then, he relaxes. This was okay. You didn’t have to say it back right away. Renjun was ready to give you as much time as you needed. So he presses his lips into your forehead once again till he feels you laughing against him. He pulls back in confusion and you grab at the lapel of his parka.
“Huang Renjun…” you say and he looks back at you with uncertainty, “... I love you, too.”
And Renjun can’t help it if he kisses you too hard. He can’t help it that he’s squeezing you too tight. He wouldn’t care if the night brightens back into morning and the morning fades back into night. He was going to hold you just like this for the rest of his life. 
So he lays you down and kisses you deeper, like he wanted to make up for all the time he had lost. All the time in his life when he hadn’t known you. All the time he had known you and didn’t let himself have you. He was going to make up for it all. And as he zips the tent up and shields you from the rest of the world, he wonders if he could spend all of his days just like this. Holding you and loving you and knowing that you loved him back; and if he could, today was a damn good day to start.
The fire slows to a simmer till all that’s left are embers that keep being carried away by the breeze. But the two of you remain inside, in your own world, happy that you had found one another, happy that you could finally have one another. Happy that you could hold one another and say that you loved each other and have nothing in the world hold you back, not now, not ever.
You were Y/N and Renjun, Renjun and Y/N, two names that were forever intertwined because that’s how people would call you now. You were the couple that belonged so perfectly with one another that people would wonder if you’d been together for years. And any time someone with a burning curiosity would come up to you and ask,
“So, where did you guys meet?” you would just look at one another, smile and say, “Well, we met in online class.”
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Copyright © 2021 NeoCultureTravesty. All rights reserved.
376 notes · View notes
sfb123 · 3 years
Sapere Aude - Part 11
Book: The Royal Heir
Pairing: King Liam Rys x Queen Riley Brooks
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Catch Up Here
Series Description: I developed a theory of what I think will happen in TRH Book 4, and I was encouraged by some very lovely people to turn my theory into a fic, so here it is. Basically, Riley is recruited to join the Via Imperii, this series will follow her as she joins them to try and bring them down from the inside, and all of the drama and bombshells she learns along the way. Sapere Aude is Latin for “dare to know” it seemed like an appropriate title.
Rating: PG-13 Adult language, discussions of death, conspiracy, blackmail, and other adult themes.
Warning: The Royal Heir Book 3 Spoilers all over the place.
Disclaimer: I have no current affiliation with any other Via Imperii themed stories. Any claims that I have pre-read anything are false.
Word Count: 2,909
A/N: First of all, I have a couple of new readers (hi, thank you, I love you) if this is your first Sapere Aude, stop here, go back, and start from the beginning. This series has a lot of bombs and surprises, so none of this is going to make sense, and it’s going to make it less exciting if you aren’t reading from the beginning. 
Sorry, another long wait for a chapter. I got stuck, and distracted, and like a million other things. The Choices Insider email last week kind of lit a fire under me. When I started writing this (in December) the plan was to have it finished before the last book came out, so I have like a month to get through this. I’m going full out on getting this completed now, I will be working on nothing but this until it is done, and am hoping to finish it in time for the next book to come out so that PB has plenty of time to steal my ideas. 
This chapter took a while for me to work through, but @jessiembruno was amazing and helped me every step of the way, and got like a million rambling text messages from me once the idea dam finally broke. And then pre-reading and leaving me some amazing love notes, and super helpful suggestions. She also kept encouraging me, and pushing me to work on it when my mind would wander into new ideas, or thoughts on some other random WIP that I started throwing together. I love you, and I am so grateful for this friendship that goes way beyond any of this. By the way, you are an AMAZING writer, and I will continue to shout it from the mountain tops as long as I live. 
As always with this series, I need to thank @txemrn for pre-reading. I was having SUCH a miserable day and feeling so shitty about myself (for non-fandom reasons), and your reactions to this chapter made me laugh out loud for the first time in what felt like forever. I appreciate you so much my dear friend. 
And of course, thank you @twinkleallnight for my beautiful series moodboard. 
Tags: Listed below, you know the drill. 
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Liam exited the bedroom and walked toward the sitting area. He paused at the end of the hallway to observe his wife and his daughter sitting on the couch. Riley had her blouse in hand, sewing on the button Olivia sent her for her undercover mission. She was showing Eleanor how to sew, talking her through every stitch. The princess was watching and listening intently, taking in every word her mother said. 
He leaned his right shoulder against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest as he admired his family. He didn’t understand how it was possible to fall even more in love every time he looked at them. All he wanted in this world was their happiness and safety, and now here he was, sending his wife straight to the enemy. 
“Hi Daddy!” The angelic voice of his daughter pulled him from his thoughts. 
“Hi Princess. Are you being a good helper for mommy?” He lifted Eleanor off the couch and sat in her seat, placing her on his lap. 
“Best helper a girl could ask for.” Riley held her hand out, palm up, and Eleanor gave her a high five. 
Liam enjoyed the company of his family for a few more moments, before placing a kiss on his daughter’s cheek. “Alright Eleanor, why don’t you go play in your room for a little while? Mommy and daddy have to talk about grown up things.”
“Yes, daddy. Will you come play after?” 
“Of course, I believe I am owed a tea party.” He gave her a hug before setting her down and watching her run to her room. When she was gone, he turned his attention back to Riley. “How are you feeling, love?”
Riley cut the lingering thread from the button and placed her blouse on the table in front of them before responding. “I mean, obviously I’m nervous, but I’m optimistic that I’ll come back with something we can use. How are you feeling?”
He sighed and pulled her close to him, kissing the top of her head as it landed on his chest. “Riley, I love how much you worry about me, but let me worry about you right now. Let me be your support system. Tell me truly, how are you feeling?”
“I’m...I’m terrified.” She pulled back and looked him in the eyes, tears beginning to pool in her own. “I’m trying so hard to be strong, to put on a brave face, but this is fucking terrifying. We don’t know how deep it goes, we know some of the people that are involved, but how do we know that that’s everyone?”
“You’re right, there are a lot of unknowns, and that’s scary.” He cupped her face in his hands, wiping a falling tear with his thumb. “But I truly believe that we are going to end this. That you are going to end this. Don’t forget, you are the Champion of The Realm.”
“Yeah, but I’m sleeping with the guy who makes those decisions, he may have been a little biased.” She shrugged, half joking. 
Liam removed his hands, his expression becoming more serious. “Riley, that’s not funny. You have earned every single thing you have received since you arrived in this country, our country. I don’t ever want you to believe that my feelings for you overrule my judgement when it comes to your abilities. You are the strongest person I have ever met. If anyone can do this, it’s you.”
“IF anyone can do this. What if nobody can?”
“Then we will face the fallout together. Like we always do, like we always will. We are the King and Queen of Cordonia, Liam and Riley Rys. We are a force to be reckoned with.” He raised an eyebrow as he parroted back her reassuring words from a few nights before. 
She smirked at him. “Hey, no fair, you can’t use my own words to prove your point like that.” 
“Yes I can, old negotiation tactic.” He winked at her and stood from the couch reaching for her hand. “Come on, we still have the whole day ahead of us. Let’s go have a tea party with our daughter, then I’m taking my girls out for dinner.”
Two days later, Riley was sitting in the back of an SUV heading toward the Fierro Estate. She was doing her best to quell her nerves, but she couldn’t help her hands from fidgeting in her lap. 
“You seem on edge, ma’am. Is everything ok?” The sound of Mara’s voice cut through the silence, startling Riley. 
“Oh...yeah, I’m fine Mara. I’m just not really sure what to expect from this meeting. Last time I went to one of these events, I found out my mother in law wasn’t actually dead. I don’t know if I could handle another surprise like that.”
Mara chuckled at her concern. “Don’t worry your majesty, this is a simple strategy meeting followed by a dinner. You have met all of the members, so there will be no surprise guests this time around.”
Riley nodded and turned her head, watching the scenery pass by as they continued to their destination. Her mind was racing thinking about what this meeting would have in store. She practiced taking pictures with the pen, and activating the recorder she had sewn into her shirt. As they got closer to the estate, she felt her heart rate speed up, and the knot in her stomach tighten.
When they arrived, Riley was ushered into the grand room, which had been set up with a large table. The other members were standing around in small groups chatting until it was time for the meeting to begin. Riley fidgeted with the pen, twirling it in her fingers before lifting it to her face and tapping it against her chin and clicking it several times. She hoped it came off as a nervous habit, providing cover for the fact that she was actually taking pictures around the room. 
She gasped and nearly jumped out of her skin at the feeling of a hand gently being placed on her shoulder. She whipped around to see Eleanor smiling softly at her. “Riley dear, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Oh, Eleanor. Hello.” Riley held her hand to her chest, trying to get her heart rate back to normal. “It’s ok, I’m just a little nervous. Not really sure what to expect from this meeting.”
“Don’t worry, I promise it’s just regular business, nothing earth shattering. Come on, it’s time to get this started, and you’re sitting next to me.” Eleanor wrapped her arm around Riley and led her to the table. The other guests took this as their cue to follow, as the meeting was about to get underway. As Riley sat, she adjusted her skirt and blouse, using the opportunity to activate the microphone embedded in her button. 
As the chapter president, Eleanor kicked off the meeting by greeting their newest member, Queen Riley, and explaining that she was there to help push their initiatives though with the King. Riley clenched her fist ever so slightly, a trick she used when she was trying to keep her expression neutral. They continued on, reviewing the minutes of the last meeting, it all seemed to be pretty mundane, things that wouldn't even necessarily cross hers or Liam’s desk. 
Then they opened up the floor to new business, and Neville stood to address the room. “I would like to revisit the Auvernal alliance.”
Riley was able to maintain her stoic expression, but her body tensed at the mention of Auvernal. She and Liam had made it perfectly clear that there would be no alliance. “I don’t believe there is anything to revisit there.” She chimed in. “King Liam and I determined that the alliance would not be beneficial for Cordonia.”
“Actually, I believe you determined the alliance would not be beneficial to you and your husband.” Neville rebutted, crossing his arms over his chest. “You didn’t want to marry off your daughter, you didn’t bother thinking of what the alliance could bring to our country.”
“Are you questioning the decisions of your monarchs? I urge you to remember your station, Lord Neville.” Riley raised an eyebrow and stood a bit taller. 
Neville scoffed at her threat. “And I urge you to remember that you may have slept your way to the top in Cordonia, but the Via Imperii is bigger than the monarchy, and in this society, I outrank you.”
“Well, if being the Queen doesn’t matter in this room, then there is nothing stopping me from coming over there and beating your a...”
“Ok ok ok, let’s all calm down here.” Eleanor grabbed Riley’s arm, stopping her from charging at Neville. “Let’s all sit down and have a rational conversation, weighing out the pros and cons of an alliance.” Riley and Neville both sat down and exchanged narrow glances. “Now Neville, since you have brought this proposal to the group, you will go first. Please explain to us your thought process on revisiting the alliance.”
Neville nodded and smirked at Riley. “It is clear that combining the financial security of Cordonia with the military strength of Auvernal would make us an unstoppable force. Besides, we need the extra protection given our country’s recent history.” He glared at Riley once again.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Riley huffed. 
“Look at the instability we have faced in recent years. Our crown prince abdicated, his successor, our current king, broke off a perfectly suitable engagement to marry a foreign commoner who was marred in scandal.”
“He released a statement that cleared that whole thing up. The scandal is irrelevant.” She could feel her cheeks heating up.
“Do you really think people stopped talking about it? You can’t really believe that it won’t be a part of your legacy as our Queen.” 
Riley slouched down in her seat. She knew she should remain composed, but bringing up the Tariq scandal hit a nerve that she didn’t know still existed. One of her biggest concerns in continuing her relationship with Liam, and accepting his proposal, was that his success as King would be overshadowed by the scandal she had faced. She had thought that after all these years, it would have been forgotten, but Neville bringing it up just brought everything back up and made her realize it would be something that was attached to her name forever. 
“Besides the personal problems our royal family has faced, there have been multiple attempts to overthrow them just within our own country. Sons of Earth, Duke Godfrey, Barthelemy Beaumont, just to name a few. Other countries are seeing this, and it won’t be long before they try to come for us as well.” Neville continued. 
“While I don’t agree with his delivery, Lord Neville does make some valid points.” Emmeline interjected, the rest of the room began murmuring in agreement. Riley couldn’t hide her shocked expression as she felt tears start to build up in her eyes. She blinked them away, she was not going to give them the satisfaction of seeing their queen cry. 
Eleanor took back control of the room before turning to Riley. “Riley, would you like to counter? You and Liam worked directly with Auvernal during the marriage alliance talks, you clearly have some insight that we may not be privy to.”
Riley took a deep breath to get her emotions under control before standing to address the room. “Aside from the fact that Bradshaw and Isabella are deplorable people with hell spawn children, the main reason that we decided an alliance was not in the best interest of Cordonia, was because it was clear that their interest was not an alliance, but a hostile takeover of our country.”
“Perhaps we would prosper under their rule. I haven’t heard of any coup attempts in Auvernal, it seems to me like they’re doing something right.” Neville spoke up. 
“So that’s it then? You all think Bradshaw and Isabella would do a better job as your king and queen, so I’m just supposed to convince Liam to relinquish the throne?” Riley threw her hands up in frustration and stepped away from the table. 
“Your majesty, we’re not making the final decision right here, right now, we just want to remain open to the idea and explore some options.” Emmeline tried to talk Riley down. “Perhaps you and King Liam could take a meeting with them, a friendly lunch maybe, just to open the lines of communication.”
“This is ridiculous. I can’t believe you all expect me to agree with this!” Riley was now pacing the room, overcome with a nervous energy.
Eleanor stood and lifted a hand to quiet the room. “Alright, that’s enough. I think we’ve gotten as far as we’re going to get with this conversation tonight. Dinner is being set out in the dining hall. I suggest we adjourn for the day. Let’s all compose ourselves and think about all sides of this conversation. We will pick up the conversation at the next meeting.”
As the members started filing out of the room, Eleanor approached Riley and gently placed her hand on her arm to keep her still. “Are you alright Riley?” 
Riley shrugged Eleanor’s hand off of her, anger clear on her face. “Of course I’m not alright. I basically just had a room full of my subjects telling me that my husband and I are doing a shitty job, and they think those monsters are better suited to look out for their best interests. Of course I’m not fucking alright!” Riley moves in closer, lowering her voice but not losing any of the anger in her tone. “I thought you were here doing this to protect Liam. Do you really think that this is protecting him? Handing his kingdom over to Auvernal?!”
“Riley, I always have Liam’s best interests at heart, I promise you that. Why don’t you head home, take a couple of days to relax and take everything in. I will set up a meeting for you and I later this week to talk about everything and work out a game plan.”
“Fine, I can’t stay here anymore anyway. And I definitely don’t have an appetite for dinner.” Riley walked out of the room, looking for Mara so that they could get back to the palace. She stepped into the dining area and saw Mara standing in the far corner talking to Neville. She clenched her jaw and took a deep breath before approaching the pair. “Mara, we will not be staying for dinner. We are returning to the palace immediately. I want to be home to put my daughter to bed.” She wasn’t going to give Neville the satisfaction of knowing she was leaving because of what he started. 
“Of course, your majesty.” Mara nodded and exited with Riley. 
The ride home was silent. In all the years that Mara had worked for Riley, she had never seen her this upset. She wasn’t entirely sure how to handle it, or what would be considered overstepping her duties, so she decided to stay quiet and let Riley speak, if she wanted to. She didn’t. 
They arrived at the palace and walked together to the royal quarters. As Riley placed her hand on the doorknob to enter, Mara cleared her throat to get her attention. “Your majesty, I know this was a difficult evening for you, but I do feel I need to remind you that discretion is key in the Via Imperii. His majesty cannot know what happened tonight. You will need to lock those feelings away for the time being.”
Riley pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded. She knew she was going to fall into Liam's arms and cry the second she saw him, and then she would tell him everything, but she couldn’t let Mara know that. “Liam and I will be staying in for the rest of the night. You are dismissed for the evening.” Riley walked into her quarters and shut the door before Mara had a chance to respond. 
As soon as she closed the door, she leaned back against it and dropped her head into her hands. Liam came walking into the room, the smile that appeared on his face when he heard the front door open quickly faded as he took in the sight of his wife sobbing at the front door. “Riley?” She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face as she tried to catch her breath. He rushed over to her and pulled her close, she buried her head in his chest as he stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head trying unsuccessfully to soothe her. “Shhhh, it’s alright love, I’m right here, I’ve got you. Tell me what happened.”
Riley could barely speak, but she slowly tried to explain everything that had happened that night. Liam walked her to the couch as she spoke, she needed to sit, anything to help her relax and calm down. He stared at her in disbelief as he listened to his wife tearfully recap her evening. 
On the other side of the door, Mara pulled her phone out of her jacket pocket, selecting one of the contacts and bringing the phone to her ear. “My lord, you were right. We will need to put your plan in motion.”
@anjanettexcordonia @athena-penrose @bbrandy2002 @chemist-ana​ @choicesficwriterscreations​ @choiceskatie​ @cordonia-gothqueen​ @cordoniaqueensworld​ @emkay512​ @gabesmommie1130​ @gkittylove99​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @jessiembruno​ @kat-tia801​ @khoicesbyk​ @kingliam2019​ @lucy-268​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @mile9213​ @mom2000aggie​ @pixie88​ @queenrileyrose​ @secretaryunpaid​ @sweatyrysconnoisseur​ @tessa-liam​ @theroyalheirshadowhunter​ @twinkleallnight​ @txemrn​
Sapere Aude:
@burnsoslow @busywoman @gardeningourmet @ofpixelsandscribbles
Liam x Riley:
@amandablink @yourmajesty09
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victoronyurionice · 3 years
Carry On Trilogy: AWTWB Review
So I know this is pretty much a Yuri On Ice exclusive blog, but this is my one and only blog and therefore I have nowhere else to put my thoughts, so please excuse this post if you’ve never read Carry On.
However, if I’ve found the right people, and you have read Carry On, hello!! Let’s be friends. Also this will contain heavy, heavy spoilers, so if you haven’t finished the trilogy I suggest you finish reading and then come back to this if you don’t want anything spoiled for you :) 
One last thing before I get into the nitty-gritty let me just preface this by saying I am NOT an author, or even someone with massive experience with writing. Therefore any critiques I have regarding the writing, the storyline/plot or characterisation is purely my opinion, and what my brain specifically expects. 
Let’s get into it!!
So I discovered Carry On through Tessa Netting (an amazing Harry Potter youtuber) and was immediately drawn to the idea of it when she said it was basically like Harry Potter but if it was a Drarry fanfic. Being a HUGE Draco and Harry shipper, I thought hell yeah and decided to give it a go. I took to it immediately (well maybe not immediately, the first couple of chapters were kind of confusing, there was a lot of information to process at once, but then again you do catch up very quickly). The dynamic between Simon and Baz IS the main reason for why I chose to read Carry On and was delighted to discover that there was a sequel and a 3rd book in the works!
Carry On left many, many unanswered questions, so when the sequel (Wayward Son) was basically a filler novel with no answers to these questions and barely any interaction between Simon and Baz, I was really disappointed. However we DID receive Shepard (my beloved) and Agatha became a lot more bearable.
Fast forward to the present day where I’ve read Any Way The Wind Blows anddddd... I have a lot of thoughts. Mostly good ones so if you were looking for a review that absolutely bashes Rainbow Rowell and the entire Simon Snow series, you’re better off looking at goodreads. Howeverrr I do not hold back on any criticisms, so be warned.
First of all: We were promised SnowBaz by RR and BOY did we receive. I kept savouring each interaction between them, thinking it was the last, thinking that it’s gonna blow up and there’ll be no more, but it just kept coming and I loved that. I’ve seen a lot of criticism saying that it was overtly sexual and the dynamic was odd, but I personally disagree: I think that at times, yes it was awkward, and yes it wasn’t perfect, but in my eyes, that made it all the more REAL. Each interaction, each conversation and each intimate moment felt like witnessing a proper relationship. Romantic standards and expectations of what a relationship should be has become untouchable and set on such a high pedestal, it’s quite frankly unreachable, but RR found a way to make it realistic and I adored that. 
What I will say though, was that there were some unnecessary moments. I agree when others say that Simon and Baz did not need to break up for the duration of 20 pages, it didn’t add much to the plot...
Speaking of the plot... this was perhaps the most obscure thing regarding AWTWB...I’m still not quite sure what it was about, and the jumps between each narrator made it hard to follow at some point. We go from Simon and Baz having not-sex and hunting down the not-chosen one to Penny and Shepard summoning demons, to Agatha doing... well I’m not quite sure what she WAS doing
Agatha’s role in AWTWB was not needed, her narration and the plot set out for her really added nothing to the book. Honestly, if I were to just tear out each of Agatha’s sections, the book would still make perfect sense. I’m not quite sure what to make of this, since I really did not like her character in Carry On, but she has grown on me after Wayward Son and AWTWB - her gay panic when Niamh cut her hair is my favourite moment and it’s absolutely EVERYTHING. But really and truly her role in the book was to what? Assist a goat in giving birth? The jury’s still out on that one.
I mean, the main ‘villain’ in the book isn’t even a villain as far as I’m concerned. His intent wasn’t even that malicious really, he’s really not even worth mentioning. 
The ending for me was bittersweet. I’m going to pretend the epilogue doesn’t exist because it adds absolutely nothing to ANYTHING except confirm that Agatha’s become the new goatherd, which I guess good for her? 
I was very anxious when the book was coming to an end, 83 chapters in and still no indication that Simon knows who his real family is. Thankfully, it gets resolved, but it feels rushed. Also the excalibur bullshit, surely there was a MUCH better way to find out, then being able to pull out a magical heirloom from the family dining table. I personally thought it would have something to do with the whole ‘rosebud boy’ thing - that would’ve been a major set up for angst (imagine: all this time Baz has been clinging onto the thought that perhaps his mother did love him enough, to call him her rosebud boy, and maybe she wouldn’t be ashamed of his vampire-ness. Instead though, it was Lucy calling Simon her rosebud boy, so what does that mean for Baz?).
The ending is very sweet, our final SnowBaz moment, and it shows real growth on Simon’s part, as someone who used to rely on no one but himself and was very rarely vulnerable, is now holding onto Baz for support. I was satisfied with the way the trilogy ended, but I can’t help but think about al the big questions that remain unanswered:
Everything to do with Vampires. I feel like only the surface was scratched when it came to learning about vampires, what they can and can’t do and what their limitations are. It’s never really explained. How does a vampire drink human blood without turning the human in question? Was Nicodemus correct in saying drinking only animal blood will prevent immortality? What else is there to know about the Vampire world?
Just everything about the goats. We’re told they’re magic and have some sort of significance, but huh?? How? What? Why? Just...so many questions about the goats
Simon and his wings was a massive part of AWTWB...but we never get told what he decides to do with them. As far as I’m concerned he still hasn’t changed his mind about getting them amputated, but then again he never really mentions the subject at the end of the book so I’m really unsure
On the topic of Simon, it’s confirmed he was in fact Lucy and Davy’s son... the son of 2 very powerful mages, meaning he was a magician all along, and could never have been a Normal. What does that mean for his magic? For anything? Again this is not really explained
Ok last one about Simon, but for god’s sake, he just found out that not only did he ‘kill’ his mentor and father figure...but he was ‘responsible’ for the death of his actual biological father (or as I imagine he’d see it himself). That’s really got to fuck someone up - so what happens afterwards? I’d like to know the aftermath
Dead Spots - We’re aware to the fact that magic hasn’t returned to the spots the Humdrum stole the magic from, but we’re not given a concrete answer/explanation as to why they remain ‘dead spots’
All in all I still think there are quite a few loose ends that I would really love to be tied up neatly, but this was always supposed to be a trilogy, and while I think we’d benefit from a fourth book, I don’t necessarily think it’s needed. Perhaps a spin-off where some of the questions are answered. 
I think my main takeaway from AWTWB is if you’re in it for purely the plot, you might find yourself slightly disappointed. I’m not one of those people, I was largely in it for SnowBaz and I received PLENTY and I could not be happier for it, so if you wanna read about how these two idiots manage to make it work despite the odds, you will really, really enjoy it :) 
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naralanis · 3 years
Fic Writer Review!
Thanks @mssirey for the tag! I totally didn't have a crisis with the very last question, not at all bwhahaha
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
41, soon to be 42. ASJKLDBLAHSDSD how. And also why. But mostly, how.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
565,934 EXCUSE ME WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I was going to check my unpublished works but ya know what. Maybe I've written enough akdjsa
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
Technically speaking, I've written and published fics for five fandoms. However, I only have one story for OUAT (and I have @shadowdianne to thank for that... or do I?) and one for Captain Marvel. Mirandy was my first love, Cissamione the second, and Supercorp has burrowed in my brain and just won't let go.
I've also technically written for Xena, Legend of Korra, and Criminal Minds, but since I never published those, we're going to pretend they don't exist!
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
Only two are WIPs! YEAH! They're the top two, but WHO CARES, here they are:
1) Perhaps, aka my baby, my child, my darling, the apple of my eye. If I ever had to choose to finish only ONE of my WIPs, this would be the one. This story has grown with me, and I think you can tell when you read. Or maybe not!
2) For the Better. If the former is my baby, this one is like... my moody teenager. I love it dearly, but... it takes a lot out of me. An ode to one of the first fandoms I actively wrote for, it sits unfinished, but nearly, oh so nearly done. I will finish it, damn ittt.
3) The Date. Honestly, this one really surprised me -- it's one of my oldest one-shots, and something I definitely dashed off between lectures back in Scotland, maybe alternating with FtB chapters. It's one of my first attempts at humour, I think.
4) Bits and Pieces. AYY, I wasn't sure Supercorp would make the cut, WOOOT! This one was the second Supercorp fic I ever wrote, and I did it because Lena Is Baby and the idea just wouldn't leave my brain.
And lastly, the fabulous number 5... Perfect. AKA Nara's First (published) Explicit Fic, featuring Praise Kink and an Enchanted Dildo (for... reasons). I'm not gonna lie, I am so HAPPY this one made it, because it has a special place in my heart. It's where Soft Butch Hermione comes to life, and if you don't love Soft Butch Hermione, I'm sorry, we can't be friends. I love her.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
Eeermmm... some? I do want to respond, but I'm terrible with keeping up with comments, I really am. For whatever reason, even when I do my best, I don't really love responding directly on AO3. I also turned off all email notifications for AO3 because turns out my brain WILL be distracted by even a single one.
I'm much more responsive on Tumblr, I promise!
6. A fic you've written with the angstiest ending:
Any of my Narlily works, I guess? Like... All Flowers Wither or Carry On.
Unshackled would be another one, though it's Cissamione... but I caved and made a happy(ish) second part for that one.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Nope! Crossovers just don't do it for me, generally speaking (reading or writing).
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
EvEr rEcEIvEd hAtE-- yes. Oh, yes. I've been told my writing is terrible, I've been told my stories were a 'waste of time,' or 'overhyped,' I've had people tell me there was only One Way to write a certain pairing and my way was definitely Not The Way.
The list goes on.
It used to really, really bother me--still does, but in a much smaller way. Delete/Block buttons are my friends.
9. Do you write smut?
I write an absurd amount of smut. I just don't publish any of it because. Fear.
My pretty, pretty pens have created some filthy, filthy things.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
A couple of times -- only once or twice like, straight up attributed to someone else who acted like they were the one writing it. The other times were reposts or translations (without my permission, so still. stolen).
11. Ever had a fic translated?
I've authorized a couple of translations of a few of my DWP works. I'm usually cool with people translating my stuff IF THEY ASK ME FIRST and GIVE ME PROPER CREDIT.
9/10 it's some Brazilian who translates it to Portuguese without my permission and then gets upset when I, another Brazilian, do not endorse it and politely ask them to take the thing down. Thankfully it's been a while. ASK ME, DAMN IT.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Nothing published bwhaha!
13. All-time favourite ship?
Right now SuperCorp is definitely barking a little louder, so to speak, but I don't really have one favourite overall. It depends on the fandom, sometimes! Cissamione is very dear to my heart, because it's just so fucking out there and literally every one in this ship has some of the most fascinating headcanons for this pairing and it's just. So wonderful.
14. WIP you want to finish, but don't think you ever will?
Eeeeuuughhh.... Right now? Probably The Appraisal. I forget what I wanted to do with it, I'm not sure if I'm still feeling the premise... IDK.
I think the same could be said of For the Better, but I PROMISED to finish it, and GOD DAMN IT, I am so close I can't throw in the towel just yet.
15. Writing strengths?
You want ME to say good things about MYSELF? I'm still learning how to do that asldkjbasdn it's a work in progress. But I think I'd say... maybe world-building, at least on my longer works?
I would also like to think I do pretty OK in... IDK, some of the punchy stuff? The 'oh wait a minute' moment? IDK if that makes sense!
16. Writing weaknesses?
Organizing. Plot (HAHA IKR). Consistency. Editing (which is rich from someone who literally edits shit for a living... but go figure). Pacing. Weirdly long sentences? Commas for DAYS.
I could go on.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I am a-OK attempting it in French/Spanish/Portuguese. It may not sound natural, but it will be correct. If I'm trying another language, I'll definitely get help! But I've got no problem with it.
18. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Harry Potter, Dramione specifically, and you'll never find a shred of it. I was like 12, and almost a decade later I figured out Hermione was much better off with Draco's mother.
19. What's your fav fic you've written so far?
I mean, obviously Perhaps is one of them -- it is my baby, that has been established. I think Little Bumps in the Road is also up there, because it was just a random writing exercise that got out of hand, and honestly? I'm here for it. Andddd.... I GUESS I'll put A Valentine's Evening up there as well, because it was the first time I didn't second guess every word I wrote when posting smut. I just... felt it, went for it, wrote it, and it felt really, really good to release some of that into the world lol
WHEW, this was a long one! I'll be tagging @intheinkpot, @shadowdianne, @delirious-comfort, and @16-pennies because I am a curious bastard. But, as always, feel free to treat this as an open tag. Go nuts!
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otheenglishsetters · 4 years
WIP (AKA, I never published my work on Tumblr before and I am TERRIFIED)
Hello! I finally gave in and splurged on a Xbox this year, which may have also coincided with my rising anxiety and boredom since I’ve decided to take a year off of college (my senior year to be exact). Luckily, my boyfriend and friends, knowing how I tend to throw myself into fictional worlds when I am stressed had recommended to me this sweet little game series. It was filled with space and wonder and characters so wonderful that they will make your heart hurt.
That, dear readers, was Mass Effect. 
I had already played a little of the first game of the original trilogy at the very beginning of 2020 at my boyfriend’s house, long before all of my post-college plans came crashing down (as did the world too!) 
So I finally invested my time (and money) into Mass Effect Andromeda in November of 2020. Let me tell you, after loosing control over everything else in my life [laying panicked in bed, constantly praying that the pandemic would not claim the life of my middle aged father after already losing my mother to lung cancer just two years prior], it was unbelievably refreshing to be able to have some resemblance of control in this fictional world (And yes, I realize that this is a video game and of course I have control). And the fact that what Bioware was doing was...pretty freaking great.
So, I apologize if this is coming off a pity-party, I promise, it isn’t supposed to be. It’s more like I had just finished my first playthrough of my first videogame ever and I am filled with feelings and emotions. I never post original content on Tumblr, and that’s mostly because I got scared off posting my work after receiving mean-spirited reviews when I posted my fanfiction on Fanfiction.com years and years ago (which is fair, because looking back my work wasn’t that great, but holy crap I was 14 guys!) I have not written creatively since my high school creative writing class in senior year, but this game and this winter, I thought I would try? And hopefully get to connect with other fans? Let me know what you guys think; I’m planning to add more chapters/content soon. Okay, I’ll quit rambling...
He notices that she tends to have a lazy eye. He’s not sure when exactly he notices this, but it’s becoming more and more apparent.
Which is not a problem, absolutely not. In fact, he thinks it’s adorable in a way, especially when she’s tucked into a pillow and loudly craving sushi. 
“I wondered if she was mocking me,” Keema notes one day. Out of all the Angara Reyes has had the pleasure to meet, she still seems one of the few who can truly read humans in a non-lateral sense. Her favorite so far was when she discovered the music genres of both EDM and metal in the same day, “it wasn’t until I was approving shipping orders from the docks the other day I realized why. The Pathfinder needs glasses.”
She also loses control of her lazy eye, it seems, mostly at night, usually by 2300 hours standard time. 
“I’ve been reading studies about team bonding.”
He hums as he rubs her back. Sara, despite commenting on the numerous things she’s done throughout her day, seems wired and intent on rambling. He’s okay with that. More than okay, it’s been years practically since either of them has had a free moment to even been able to just relax in bed and daydream. They probably both haven’t been able to enjoy this luxury since they were…teens? Finishing school and about to launch themselves into the military? For him, he figures it was before that, probably when he decided to work for that florist at 12. Sara gives bits and pieces of her life in the Milky Way but he thinks she was definitely a kid who tried to ‘help’ C-Sec with their cases, constantly looking for ways to help people in any way she can. He smiles. It’s probably a never-ending itch for her. 
And now? He’s just content that he convinced her to come down to Kadara to ‘inspect Ditaeon’, or whatever bullshit she told Tann. Luckily, it seems that life is, slower? No, that’s not it, people are more than excited to create themselves anew here. Stores and trading posts are popping up everywhere and another hospital has just been built in Prodromos. There’s practically a whole shopping district in Kadara now, with outdoor venues and a movie theater that plays cinema classics every night. It’s more like they both are finally properly settled into their positions, like when a CEO is situated in a new company. Sure, the CEO may face numerous problems at first, especially if it’s during a recession or the company is about to go bankrupt. The CEO may even have to intimidate secondary managers and fight to gain respect; however, once the dust settles, whilst there may be everyday problems, it’s nothing compared to what it used to be. Usually, these problems are solved by lunchtime, mid-morning if either of them are lucky.
In the old days, when she appeared to be this amped up, Reyes would subtly (or not so subtle, it depends on how you look at it), swoon her until they had sex. It probably didn’t feel that way at the time, but sometimes Reyes cringes when he thinks of how rushed their attempts at romance used to be. Back then, they didn’t know how long she would be in the area and they would race to make the most of the evening. Now he wonders how much he used to unconsciously push aside the thought that either one of them could be dead the next day. 
Errrr. Negative bedtime thoughts. Not good for sleepytime. 
“Are you listening?”
“You were just telling me how you were reading various theses on social exchange theory but then you were already anxious about the thing that you have yet to tell me so you decided to read something familiar like one of the works by Dr. Brené Brown,” he pauses to give a quick glance at the data pad in his right hand. “Mi cielo, I have been informed to tell you that your contacts have been delivered as they were just sent in, along with the rest of the Tempest’s supplies, this morning.” 
He liked to think he was a good boyfriend.
“I hate when you do that.”
“What?” Listen? Dearest, it’s part of the job description as your lover. Speaking of, remind me to pick up toilet paper tomorrow.”
“No, multitask.”
He sighs and reaches up into the upper center of her back. Oof, she really is tense there. “You do it too.”
“Not at nighttime!” She scowls and rubs her eyebrow. “Ew, when did I become an old prune as soon as it gets dark?”
He starts tenderizing the hard muscle. Mentally, he makes a note to remind her later when she’s not grumpy to do her prescribed yoga. “We’re all getting older dear. I’m thirty-one and the other day I heard my knees crack.” 
She was silent. Any other fool would think that she was lost in thought while others would be jealous of the close bond she shares with her AI. Honestly, Reyes is just grateful she spends any of her time with him, let alone his bed. And if she occupies a part of it in a mental showdown with SAM, who is he to complain. 
“SAM thinks you should get an appointment. Even if Dr. Nakamoto is busy, there’s plenty of others who are just as qualified. Also, I think Peebee and Jaal are sleeping with each other.” 
  Both he and Sara know the in(s) and the outs of their jobs so well by now, that he can probably predict easily what his men will ask for even before the message is downloaded on his office’ terminal. However right now, as Reyes stops reading a report on corn being grown on Havarl that he already skimmed over this morning over his huevos rancheros, all he can think about before checking to see if he is correct is how her left non-dominant eye is floating far out to the side. 
Hmmm, who knew fraternization would be cutting into his beauty sleep? 
If you made it this far, thanks so much for checking this out! I apologize for any grammar mistakes. If you’re confused, this is set to take place three years after the Hyperion first makes contact with the Nexus in the Andromeda Galaxy. I was just so intrigued by the dialogue between Jaal and Peebee. And then, after the initial curiosity, I was about to forget about it when I came across some interesting dialogue while driving the Nomad...
Jaal: Vetra, I catch Peebee looking at me. Frequently.
Vetra: Peebee likes new shiny things. Uhh… and why not? You’re genuinely interesting.
Jaal: Vetra, remember when I told you that Peebee was looking at me? Frequently?
Vetra: Yeah? Is it getting annoying? Want me to say something?
Jaal: No, no, no. It’s… just that… lately, I find myself… looking back. 
Vetra: Huh.
So of course I had to dig into that! And what better way to do so than by using my new favorite ship: Reyes and Sara? (Domestic times!)
Anyways friends, hopefully my writing isn’t awful and you enjoyed yourselves. I may wake up in the morning and delete this. Who knows. 
Have a great day guys!
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doomedandstoned · 4 years
Iron Man Cement 30-Year Career with Monumental Double Album (+ new song!)
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
Review by Billy Goate
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This is more than an album. It is more, even, than a portrait of quintessential New England doom metal. It is a testament to the enduring power of music and friendship to bring a collective dream to life and to sustain it to the bitter end.
The new double album 'Hail To The Riff' (2021) showcases 14 anthems by Maryland doom legends IRON MAN. With the exception of one previously unreleased studio song, the bulk of the material was performed live at Castle of Doom Festival in Pagazzano, Italy on Saturday, July 5th, 2014. It was the band's one and only trip to Italy, now being released for the first time (appropriately enough) by Italian label Argonauta Records.
Many of you know the Iron Man story. Founded back in '88 as a Black Sabbath cover band, the guys gradually started playing their own compositions and were ecstatic by the positive reception the original material received. Iron Man released their first album in '93 and over the course of many decades, went on to tour the world with the likes of Cathedral and Pentagram, composing many a doom standard along the way ("Hail To The Haze" will forever be my fav).
"In the beginning, Iron Man had two jobs," guitarist Al Morris told Doomed & Stoned some years back. "First, we were a Sabbath tribute. We were able to headline shows and get people talking about the band. Second, we were writing original music for a demo to shop. Everything went as planned! By May of 1992, we got signed to Hellhound Records in Germany. That kind of history, coupled with the internet, gave us worldwide exposure. The fans did not let us get frustrated! We are totally motivated by our fans. We have them in mind at all times." (Read the classic Doomed & Stoned interview with Iron Man.)
It should surprise no one that Hail To The Riff   is dedicated straight up to Alfred Morris III, who sadly died in 2018. As he was the longest-standing member of Iron Man and its most consistent face, it made sense when the group disbanded after the passing of its founding member.
"The Type of person my father was," Al's daughter reflects, "he never expected anything huge. He just enjoyed doing what he loved. Music was in his blood; part of his DNA and he wasn’t complete without it...As long as I can remember, Iron Man was a large part of my dad’s life, and mine. My first rock show? My dad’s band. The first live show I ever saw was Iron Man. Watching my dad perform, I saw him transform. He had this amazing stage presence. An effortless grace when he played guitar that was mesmerizing. Even though I had seen him play a thousand times, I was always impressed!"
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I spoke with Screaming Mad Dee Calhoun in 2018, near the 30th anniversary of Iron man and just a few months following Al's death. "Just on a personal note, I don't think anything I'm doing now," Dee reflected, in reference to his burgeoning solo career, "would have been possible without being a part of Al and Iron Man. Al was very supportive of my efforts outside of Iron Man, be it music or writing or what not. I can never thank him enough for just tapping me on the shoulder and saying, 'Hey I want you to join my band?'" Dee continued, "No one I ever knew who knew Al ever had a bad word to say about him. He was just one of those guys who was a positive influence on people. Once he touched a project, it was better than before he touched it. We certainly miss him.
As a follow-up I asked hnw people could get better acquainted with Al's contribution and really hear his spirit. Dee replied, "Just start with Black Night and work forward. He would want to be remembered by his music. Just sit back and enjoy what he had to bring to the world." That album's title track is no. 13 on the playlist below us, and Al shines just as bright on it here as he did on their cardinal opus. What band could hope for a better life than Iron Man had, with their unlikely success leading them to record five LPs and three EPs, crossing some of the world's greatest record labels?
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Hail To The Riff   begins with a cheering throng and the grungy downtuned riffing of Al Morris, to be joined in short order by Louis Strachan on bass and Jason "Mot" Waldmann on drums. At last, Screaming Mad Dee belts out hellfire and brimstone in his scratchy quasi-operatic style (who, it must said, has one of the most intimidating voices in all of metal). "Make some goddamn noise!" The crowd eats it up, of course.
At this point, I'd advise you to make any room corrections you need to, as live recordings tend to be a unique beast all their own. They always sound a little "thin" and "boxy" to me. I found simply turning the volume up a few notches more than for casual listening brought this live recording alive for me. I did not, however, tempt fate by listening with earphones (I'm already dealing with enough tinnitus from my many years of filming live shows).
"The time is here to strike fear. We are Iron Man, bringing you 25 years of Maryland doom!" That really fires up the festival for what would become the band's third and final live albums. If this had been your first time hearing Iron Man, you would encounter a group in top form with accessible songs like "Run From The Light" that capture so powerfully the spirit of metal, itself a kind of freak born of the age of electricity.
Since I don't have perfect pitch, I would be hard pressed to determine just where Al's axe is tuned for this set. Judging from tracks like "The Worst and Longest Day'' and "South of the Earth," let's just say it's low enough to confuse the guitar sometimes for the bass (and when you listen a second time, the bass is often hitting a similar if not lower range). Remind me to ask the guys next time I get a chance and I'll add a note to this article with their answer. I'll be there were a lot of fans that day who were really feeling that Iron Man vibe on a raw, gut level as the sound reverberated through from their internal organs, ultimately grabbing hold of their spine with a mighty grip of doom, and shaking their bones like a rattle.
I've always said the acid test of any band is their ability to pull their songs off convincingly in a live setting. So many things can go wrong, but the way a band bounces through the hurdles of that 30-60 minute set tells you everything. You know right away whether you're dealing with confident musicians who believe it to the core, or wannabes who are fronting a hype machine. To hear Dee make "South of the Earth" work without the cool vocal layering from the recording and still give you chills says everything you need to know about the integrity of Iron Man as a band.
Time for the bottom line. Hail To The Riff   is nothing less than a celebration of metal-making, friendship, and the mysterious power of the riff to compel us -- no matter who we are, what language we speak, or what our differences may be -- to assemble together as a sweaty mass under a hot Italian sun in the middle of summer and revel in the pure love of heavy music. If you close your eyes, you can almost picture yourself there.
Of course, the real treat for Iron Man acolytes is going to be the solemn 14th and final track, "Black Morning." The band recorded it in late-September of 2013, just days before South of the Earth saw its release on Rise Above Records (later on Metal Blade Records, too). Hearing the words and the instruments meet in such perfect execution and conviction brought a single thought to my mind: "These guys really get doom." Long live the ferocity and might of Iron Man!
The album is officially out this Friday on digital outlets, with a special gold vinyl 2XLP available via Argonauta Records. Right now, Doomed & Stoned is letting you revel in it all! So sit back, turn those speakers up, and...
...give ear.
Iron Man - Hail The Riff
The Fury
Run From the Light
The Worst and Longest Day
Ruler of Ruin
South of the Earth
As the Gods Have Spoken
Hail to the Haze
Sodden With Sin
A Whore in Confession
On the Mountain
Fallen Angel
Black Night
Black Morning
Follow The Band
Get Their Music
10 notes · View notes
peppusae · 4 years
How to say 'I love you' without saying 'I love you' | Chae Hyungwon pt 1
part: 1 of 3
other parts:  pt 1 || pt 2 || pt 3
pairing: chae hyungwon x reader
genre: fluff, little slow-burn and angst, smut
word count: 5.6k words
note: i had a dream about this plot so i must write this because after this dream hyungwon became my bias wrecker and i cry about him every day since pls send help gbye
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ugh i love him so much :(((
How to say 'I love you' without saying 'I love you'
What’s every kpop fan’s goal in life?
To meet their idols, attend a concert, and attend a fan sign, right?
Some others... They aim higher than that.
And you’re one of those people.
In fact, you love k-pop so much that you found your career took a whooping turn and you ended up majoring in language, for the very simple fact that you could apply to join an entertainment company and be a staff/writer, the latter which makes you feel the proudest of yourself.
But life….
Life can be super mean sometimes. And you learn this the hard way, when you get rejected by SM entertainment - your first and actually the only choice because you are a major Shinee fan and life is just NOT fair at all!
One way or the another, after multiple applying, you finally get a good job in another company - Starship Entertainment.
Now, Starship was definitely not one amongst your top 5 agencies. But you always try not to let that affect your work - and over time, you come to love your job.
Especially when you get assigned as Monsta X’s writer and interpreter.
You find the members of the group very very appealing, all of them having their own charms.
Hyunwoo, who goes by the name Shownu and has an appetite that makes everyone giggle; He is such a soft-hearted soul and you really look up to him because he is always kind enough to give you a hand if he finds you doing something like lugging some boxes around, and would give the prettiest eye smiles when he gets a compliment.
Hoseok, who goes by the name Wonho and is probably the person you would sacrifice everything for; because of the heartwarming smile he has to offer, the way he continuously asks you to go through the comments he received on his vlives, and would politely request you to review what fans are saying about him on his posts.
Kihyun, who is very much Korean down to the bone with his extremely polite mannerisms and the way he always makes sure the staff - you included - are always eating as well; even if it’s a show about them. And also, the way he had once asked if he was your bias, and looked shocked to hear he wasn’t - and then continued to do things to get your attention and ask “Am I your bias now?” in the middle, like an idiot.
Jooheon, who also occasionally comes to you and asks for mini English lessons, and then gets bored after learning two or three new words - and then instead likes to chat about random things like the cats he owns, and your line of cacti which he, for some reason, is obsessed with, and your chats with Jooheon usually end with a compliment battle, and he always made you feel proud because he always says that chatting about normal things like that always inspires him a lot too.
Changkyun, who you consider as your bias wrecker because he keeps his own cool, stays in his own bubble and get things done, and doesn’t brag; instead, he’s very gentle, always the first person to notice if you’re sitting out in the lounge by yourself racking your brains for new content, and uses you as a guinea pig for testing out his lame new puns or pickup lines.
And then… Hyungwon, who doesn’t talk a lot when he’s with the rest of the group, but you found to be startlingly talkative when he’s doing a solo vlive or with only a few members like either Shownu or Wonho. In fact, you remember being wide-eyed when he continuously chatted with his fans on a vlive for a whooping 2 hours, and you can’t forget the precious and warm smile he had on his face when you said you liked seeing him so lively and talkative.
“I have a lot of things up my sleeve which you probably don’t know that much about, [Name]-ah.” He had said that time, and sometimes, you can see the way his eyes would filter through the staff during shows and land on yours, and smile at you.
And finally, Minhyuk, who was your absolute favourite out of the entire group, your bias because he gets along so well with everyone, always making everyone - including the staff - laugh, and would not hesitate to call anyone out if they’re doing something they shouldn’t. It makes you giggle, the way he would approach you in the middle of a variety show shooting they’re doing and ask if you were the writer of the show and how you had the audacity to make them walk around like lunatics. He acts like a crackhead like that, but you’ve grown to be so attached to him when you realized that, beyond his bright personality, he also is an insanely sweet person; You found this out when you had mentioned applying to SM entertainment because Shinee was your favorite group ever, and Minhyuk -even if he asked how dare you talk about other men in his presence - met up with Shinee while hosting a show and got the members to sign, and even got Kibum, your Shinee bias, to sign you a message inside their recent album.
Undoubtedly, Minhyuk was your favorite, for a good reason.
But still, to be put frankly, Hyungwon was the member that has your heart, for the simple reason that he was so unpredictable and has his own sense of humour and personality.
Since you got assigned to work with Monsta X, your life has been a messy tangle of fun, a normal day being you having a chat with Hyungwon and then getting interrupted by Minhyuk who would have zero filters and ask “Are you two dating?”, which causes the two of you to flush red for no reason, while Kihyun would overhear this and say “Huh?! You’re picking him to date but you don’t think of me as bias material?”.
The cycle would be endless, with Wonho laughing while watching the entire scene unfold, while Jooheon would join in with Minhyuk while Shownu would butt in and say “Minhyuk-ah, we have to go back to practise now tho,” and Changkyun sticking his head out from his dorm room and saying he still has 5 more minutes to finish the session of his favorite game.
You’ve grown to love this cycle and it doesn’t feel like a job, doing something you love with good people to work with, and life has been even easier after you got a dorm room within the building.
So, even if you had a roommate - and she’s nice, just not too close - things at Starship has been working out well for you.
Your daily chaos started simmering down a little once the pandemic hit, and all of the staff got confined to their rooms for work.
Because some of the shows you’re writing the scripts for are getting approved easily, you feel lucky to be one of the few staff who is now allowed to go alongside the members when they’re out for shows.
The times when you’re working from your dorm room, you feel so tired - perhaps missing the chaos you were so used to for the past couple years.
One day, you get a kakao chat from Hyungwon, asking if he can come over to discuss something with you.
It’s early in the morning - 8:15 am, and you’re half awake but you let him in, trying your hardest not to yawn too much in front of the member you considered the most attractive from the bunch.
Your roommate, Dawon, was kind enough to clean up the room a little bit when you said Hyungwon was coming over - and you said it on purpose because you knew she called Hyungwon her type and admits to having a teensy crush on him even though she knows it won’t work out anyways.
Hyungwon is wearing a caramel sweater and grey baggy sweatpants, and it always warms your heart to see the boys dressed in comfy clothes because they have to spend so much time wearing clothes that probably look good but not feel as comfy.
“Hyungwonnie, come on in!” You greet him, and he reacts with a chuckle and he always does that ever since you started calling him by that nickname after the day he said you should use casual language with him.
Hyungwon gives a little nod to your roommate in acknowledgement, and waits until you draw the curtain separating the room, before he speaks.
“I have a magazine shooting next month, and these are the set of questions they’re gonna ask me.” He says, putting the big envelope he had in his clutches on the top of your desk after he takes his seat. “I need help coming up with answers.”
Hyungwon was usually one of the few members who always comes to use the opportunity; the artists are free to ask the writers for help with answers they’ll give for their interviews, and Hyungwon always makes full use of the opportunity, and Shownu and Wonho occasionally drop by too, as well.
You’re always happy to be asked for help, but today, you find yourself sweat-dropping at the thought. You were so sleepy, the only reason you’re not dozing off is because you had forced yourself not to sit down.
“You’re usually always excited when I ask for something like this, so why today?”
Ouch. Sometimes, much like you can read the boy’s faces and know what’s going on, they can sometimes do the same for you, too.
“Well, you see....”
“Have you been getting enough sleep?”
Double ouch. You knew the boys - at least, most of them - were good observers, but you didn’t expect Hyungwon to catch on so easily.
“I actually do get enough sleep, but these days, I feel extra sleepy for an hour or so after I wake up.”
This makes Hyungwon chuckle, putting the papers back inside the envelope and turning back to you.
“Welcome to the life of every human being. You sound like you’ve been babied too much.” He has to say, and you watch the way he gets up from his seat and places the envelope inside one of your drawers.
“Let’s get some breakfast.”
This makes the male raise an eyebrow, glancing around the room as if he was unsure if it really was you who said that.
“You’re acting as if we have never gone out for a meal together.”
“Well…” You say, because you’ve actually gone with him a couple of times over the four years you’ve been assigned to them.
That was probably because the boys enjoyed ordering in mostly, and eating at their own free times.
Anyhow, it was only a few times, so it definitely did surprise you.
“Okay. Where do we go?”
“I’m in the mood for some eggs and sausages, do you have anything you want to eat?”
“Hey, we’re gonna split the bill okay!?” You hurry to race Hyungwon outside, who goes out in a very knowing way, one that was like a deja vu of the times when he’d butt in when you’re trying to innocently pay for your delivered lunch tray and he’d ask to tab it over to him.
Kihyun was right, he really was different from the way most Monbebe actually looked up at him.
At the restaurant, Hyungwon takes his mask off only after you two are seated at one of the sectioned booths and have ordered your food.
“The pandemic isn’t good, but this is the only thing that I enjoy about it.” He admits, eyes going over to the lack of people inside the place which would usually be filled to the brim with office workers trying to grab a quick breakfast.
“This pandemic has made me a sleepyhead like you.”
You find yourself smiling so hard around Hyungwon because during breakfast and after you had forcibly paid for you two, on your way back when he offers to buy you coffee - and even remembers your usual order - and the next two hours he spent with you while you helped him write answers and edit what he wrote, it really does not feel like he’s a celebrity at all; but more so as a close friend who makes you feel warm in ways you’ve never felt before.
You snap out from your little trance and go back to typing your script on the laptop, when he interrupts you.
“Why are you smiling? What kind of madness of a show are you writing now?!”
“Hey! Don’t accuse me of writing madness when your Monbebe loves it so much!”
“Yah, that’s too much! Our Monbebe will love us anyway even if you show them us being normal!”
You giggle, because really. When has Monsta X ever been normal?
The next day, right after you wake up, you’re working on the itinerary for Monsta X’s upcoming vacation show - a little too late, you had to admit, and that too, when you’re feeling so desperately sleepy like you’ve been feeling lately every morning.
Dawon had gone out to grab breakfast with some of the other staff, and you’re munching on your melon bread, knowing well that the espresso shot you’ve had just a while ago won’t last you for more than 15 minutes.
And it doesn’t.
In fact, you’re actually snoring when your phone rings loudly, making you lift your sorry face up from your laptop keyboard and answering as soon as you pick up the phone.
“Yes, Manager-nim? I’ll send you the itinerary in fifteen minutes!” You say the impossible, because your task in barely done, and you had a feeling you’d fall back onto the laptop keyboard the second the manager hangs up the call.
The sound of familiar chuckling makes you raise an eyebrow and glance at your phone, horrified to see Hyungwon’s name on the display.
“I need it in ten minutes, not fifteen.” He says in a heavy voice, and it makes you huff in embarrassment, glad that he couldn’t see you.
“Very funny, Hyungwon. What did you need?”
“Nothing. Just wanted to wake you up.”
“I was up!”
This makes him laugh yet again, and you sigh, typing on the keyboard as you think about what good excuse you can say.
“If you were up, you wouldn’t have thought I was your manager.”
You let out a little groan, connecting your headphones to the phone so you could multitask while speaking to the male.
“Really, now, Hyungwonnie, what did you really want? Is there something you wanted to ask again?”
“No, I really just called to wake you up.”
“Well. Isn’t that sweet of you.” You say, sarcastically.
The mini banter and sarcastic comments continue for about ten minutes, by which you’d even finished up the itinerary.
So, even if he did laugh at your sleepyhead behaviour - as if he could talk - you made sure to thank him before you go out to take the printouts and finish off your task.
And then, that becomes a ritual.
Hyungwon calls you every day at 8 am, right when you’ve signed in for work and are about to head to get some coffee.
He makes small talk with you, talks about little episodes he’d had, and listens to your ideas.
After the first week, you don’t feel sleepy even if you don’t get the coffee; and you don’t even get sleepy after he hangs up.
Every day, it feels like he’s prepared something new, because he makes you laugh so hard that your sleep completely vanishes.
In fact, after a couple of days, he searches up English songs on Genie Music and sings, butchering up a lot of the lyrics on purpose - you know it’s on purpose because Hyungwon has a really good pronunciation when he tries.
One day, you’re butchering up the lyrics of a song along with Hyungwon while you’re writing talk segments for Monsta X’s comeback showcase. Your roommate has been giving you funny looks recently, especially after she asked who was calling you every day and you couldn’t lie and told her it was Hyungwon.
The sudden sound of your door flying wide open and a blonde Lee Minhyuk barrelling into your room makes you stop your singing.
“Oh. So it was you, huh.” He has to say, making himself comfortable on your beanbag chair, and drawing the cloth partition between your room when Dawon - your roommate - keeps staring.
Really, Minhyuk does not know what filters are supposed to be.
“What do you mean?” You ask, and from your headphone, Hyungwon hears his friend’s voice, so he dismisses the call after saying he’ll see you again later.
“So it was you Hyungwonie has been getting up every morning to sing his heart out, huh?”
You stare at him, baffled. “Well, he does sing some normal songs, but he mostly sings crack-”
“He usually never wakes up on his own even if he has schedules, and now he has an alarm to call you every day? What, are you guys dating or something?”
“Yah, Minhyuk, what are you saying!!” You hiss, horrified, because the cloth partition does little to block out sounds from the other side.
“I always tell people if they like someone, to stop being so obvious and just ask them out. It’s easy!!”
“It’s not easy and omg shut up!! He’s just calling me because he’s waking me up, he’s just being kind!”
“Hyungwon never wakes up for us, he’s never kind to us, then! And he’s always still sleepy even if he wakes you up, because he goes straight back to bed after he wakes you up!”
You sigh out loud in frustration, shaking your head. “Come on. What did you want, Minhyukkie?”
Minhyuk gives you a knowing smile before he shakes his head, handing you the binded notebook he had in his clutches.
“You’ll give me a read-over, right? I told you about the radio-show I’m gonna start hosting in a few weeks, right? The concept is clear, but I have some topics I want to talk about and I made some scripts about how I could continue the talk.”
“You got it. I’ll need some time, though, how does Thursday sound?”
“Perfect. Thanks!” He gives you a flying kiss that makes you laugh, and then he’s out as fast as he came barreling in.
You expected Hyungwon to stop the calling after the confining to your room rule gets lifted up and you’ve started to go to the office for work.
But he doesn’t, and he sounds as if he’s never been as prepared before as he is now.
Even when the comeback is near and he must be practising into the late hours of the night, he never misses a single day.
A few days before the comeback, you find him having lunch with Shownu, and it’s the first time you’ve seen him in a while - and you hadn’t seen his new hair till then too.
For the first time in the four years you’ve been assigned to work with Monsta X, you take a good look at Hyungwon.
A really, really good look.
At first, he hadn’t noticed you, and while you’re refilling your water bottle with chilled water, you notice the way he’s smiling a little while he listens to what Shownu is saying. The way he uses his hand to brush the fringe of his hair he’s dyed blonde is attractive for the first time - and you’d always thought he was a really, really handsome young man… But this is the first time he looks so attractive that you feel like you’re in a daze, staring at him until chilled water fills up your bottle and pours on your fingers, finally catching your attention.
What gives?
The little yelp you let out makes both Shownu and Hyungwon glance over at you - noticing you for the first time. Hyungwon’s eyes go wide, the top of his palm going up to cover his mouth.
“Ah, [Name]-ah. How are you?” Shownu calls over to you, ever so naturally, and you greet him with a smile when it looks like he’s motioning for you to come over.
“I haven’t seen you in a while. Are you doing well?”
“I’m doing good, Hyunwoo-oppa. You guys must be working super hard for the comeback, right?” You say, glancing at Hyungwon, and for the first time ever, you think he’s actually… blushing ?!
It makes you flustered, thinking about what Minhyuk had talked to you about, while he accused you two of dating. Really, Minhyuk had no filters, it never fails to drive you insane sometimes.
“Yeah! You can expect a lot, please do support us a lot!”
You turn to look at Shownu, beaming at his friendly and charming smile before you excuse yourself and head back before you felt your head would explode.
Now, what the heck was that all about!?
Whatever it was, you were definitely going to blame Minhyuk for this!
It absolutely surprises you when Hyungwon doesn’t fail to call you, even the following morning.
You guess you had just imagined it in your head yesterday when Hyungwon looked flustered to see you.
Stupid Minhyuk! It was all in your head after all.
“Now that today’s dumb song segment is over,” Hyungwon says, after he sings a butchered up version of Pretty Please, “I’m gonna sing a song from our album!”
“Oh? Will that be okay?”
“Well, you’ll hear the album preview later today, so, why not?” He has to say. “It’s one of my favorites from the album.”
And then, he sings up to the second chorus of Beautiful Night - a song you fall in love with instantly, because the lyrics are so beautiful and Hyungwon sings as if he’s doing so with his whole soul. It almost makes your eyes teary, and you can barely tell him that you love it, before you have to excuse yourself with a little lie.
Since when did Hyungwon’s voice sound this emotional? It’s been over four years, but his voice has always been the same, beautiful voice as before. You open up Genie music, playing some of the older albums, listening to Hyungwon’s voice in the songs, and you feel like you’ve missed out this side of Hyungwon completely, this madly romantic side of him that sounds so sincere that it makes your heart race.
What is going on, seriously…
As the days pass by, the little tingle in your heart whenever you see or hear Hyungwon keeps on getting more and more painful.
In fact, by the end of Monsta X’s three-week promotions for Fantasia X, hearing Hyungwon singing songs for you become almost unbearably sad.
Despite having to wake up earlier, or even having to excuse himself in the middle of getting his hair and makeup done, he makes sure to call you - even if you’re sitting and listening to him when he’s in the same room as you are in.
You realize you can’t hold out your expressions if it’s in front of him, so you make sure to get up and go away somewhere when Hyungwon’s call arrives every day at 8 am on the dot.
It’s a warm Saturday morning, and you’re on your bed, your earpods on and listening to Fantasia X on Genie when Hyungwon’s call of the day arrives.
Today, it’s different.
Usually, he sings a trot song, or a really ugly version of an English song with the hopes of making you laugh so much that your sleep completely vanishes.
But today, he doesn’t say anything and immediately starts to sing soulfully; today, he sings Newton, one of your absolute favorite songs by the group, and…
The way he sings it is so, so sad .
Something inside your heart feels like it is burning, and unknowingly, your eyes brim with tears, because…
All the things Minhyuk had told you, all the things you’ve been thinking about Hyungwon lately, all the little glances he sends your way and then looks away when he sees you’re watching…
You feel your emotions going haywire, and your wishful thinking makes you start crying and you pray to god that Hyungwon, who’s singing the chorus so beautiful and sincerely does not notice.
It’s almost unbearable, and you take off your earpods and have him on speaker, thankful that he doesn’t notice you’ve reached for tissues to wipe your tears.
Since when did I start feeling this way about him?
How can I think this way about one of the members I work for?
Why does Hyungwon sing as if he’s singing just for me, and only me?
Why does it feel like we are never able to meet eyes now?
You have so many questions and no answers, and your hands are shaking as you try to press record on your phone because he sounds so, so beautiful and your crying is not helping you in focusing on his sincere singing.
It is at this moment that the door to your room flies open, and your roommate, Dawon enter the room, then freezes when she sees you crying.
“What’s going on?!”
You’re only able to hand over the phone to her, and mumble a little “Please record it for me” through your sobs.
Dawon looks very confused, raising an eyebrow when she looks at the receiver and sees that it is Hyungwon, on the call.
At that moment, Hyungwon wraps up his singing, clearing his throat a little and speaks for the first time today.
You find yourself sniffling, glancing at Dawon who looks visibly upset now… and you can’t even blame her…
“[Name]-ah.” He calls your name again, and this is one of the things that makes you sad in regards to Hyungwon, because… He is a member of Monsta X, one of the manlier groups in the industry for sure, but… He’s so gentle and sweet, a kind-hearted soul, and he does not lack in anything, as he has proudly claimed so.
Even the way he calls your name out is so gentle that it makes more tears stream down your face, and you’re almost scared at how to answer whatever Hyungwon would ask from you.
“[Name]-ah. I have something I have to tell you, in person.”
Your eyes meet with Dawon, who now looks wide-eyed, and you were sure you would probably look the same.
“I… I have to tell you this in person, so, if you… If you’re willing, would you like to… go for dinner with me today?”
More tears stream down your face, and now you know you can never look Dawon in the eyes either so you bury your face on one of your pillows, heart aching too much to do anything else.
Dawon speaks into the speakerphone, and it makes you glance at her, wondering what she was going to say.
Hyungwon replies with a loud ‘Huh?’ in confusion.
“Hyungwon-ssi, I’m sorry, but [Name] is outside and she left her phone here.”
Dawon looks at you, lips pressed into a thin line. You feel so uneasy, and it felt like Hyungwon felt the same, because he starts to stammer.
“Wh-Wha? What?! If [Name] wasn’t the one who answered, then wh- Whaaaaa!” You hear a loud whine before the call gets disconnected with a quick mumble of “Sorry!”.
Dawon hurls the phone at your bed, and leaves the room without a word, and it pains your heart so much that you feel like you’ll die.
A text message pops up on your phone a little while later and seeing the text makes you feel a little dizzy, even.
‘If you’re freely going to allow other people to roam through your phone even, I don’t think I have any other choice but to come to see you right away.’
Wait, does he mean-
You hurry to grab your phone and iPad, wiping your face as best as you could and going out of your room. You find Minhyuk and Kihyun using the Xbox in the lounge, so you quietly take a seat near them, greeting them and opening up your iPad without another word.
“[Name]-ah, why do you look so weird?”
“Yah, Minhyuk, how can you say something so rude?!”
You shake your head and give a weak smile at the two, opening up your notepad and leaning against the couch.
A moment passes by, and Minhyuk moves closer to you on the couch, so close that you actually move a little back as well.
“I finished my game with Kihyunnie. So. Why? Why do you look so sad? Did Hyungwonie hurt you?”
Now, you’ve been doing a good job of not crying since you got out of the room, but seeing Minhyuk’s worried face and then remembering Hyungwon’s words - along with Minhyuk hitting a bullseye right away… All of that combine together and it makes you start to cry again.
“Wha? Hey?!” Minhyuk looks very startled, and he usually never looks surprised like he doesn’t know what to do, but today he looks like he’s at a dead end, and you allow him to grab your hand and tell Kihyun he’ll be right back, before he hurries to drag you over to the other end of the lounge near the vending machines.
“Yah, what is going on with you lately? Hyungwon really said something mean to you, didn’t he? Sheesh. Acting like he’s in love with you and then making you cry like this? I didn’t expect him out of everyone to behave this way.”
The more Minhyuk spoke, the worse you felt, and you’re barely able to ask him if he could be kind enough to leave you alone for a second when you hear a familiar voice calling your name.
“[Name]-ah…. Minhyuk-ah?!”
You and Minhyuk glance up to see Hyungwon approaching you, and you hurry to take your hand away from Minhyuk’s clutch.
Really, Hyungwon couldn’t have caught a worse timing.
Minhyuk shoots you a sad look, then gets up from his seat, goes to say something to Kihyun, then the two of them leave while Kihyun glances at you with a worried look on his face. You can’t get yourself to look at Hyungwon, so you’re looking at your hands, fingers fumbling while Hyungwon stands in his spot in front of you, not saying a single word.
More tears fall down your face when you remember Minhyuk’s words - and how wrong was he to assume the worst from the sweetest person you know, and it pains your heart because you knew if you looked in his eyes, you wouldn’t be able to stop crying.
Hyungwon says a single word, and honestly, that was the only thing you didn’t have an answer for.
Why were you crying?
You didn’t know.
Why can’t you look at Hyungwon?
You had no clue.
Why did Minhyuk know right away?
That too, you didn’t know at all.
Why can’t you answer him?
You had no reason.
So instead, you find tears streaming down your face, and you wish you could leave, but you felt like you owed Hyungwon at least this much, to hear what he had to say even if you felt like something was cutting through your heart.
“Stand up.”
It’s the first time you’ve heard him ask you to do something in that voice, an angry, impatient voice you’ve never imagined you’d ever be on the receiving end for.
You hum in response, eyes on the ground. Hyungwon lets out an exhale and you can feel your hands trembling because it’s while you’re looking at his shoes with an aching heart, that you realize something you’ve been wishing so hard was not true.
You were in love with Chae Hyungwon.
Out of completely nowhere, so naturally.... You were so madly in love with Chae Hyungwon; so much that looking at him now would be too much to take, now.
“You heard everything I said, didn’t you?”
Now, that’s something you didn’t expect to hear from him. He had sounded so worried and embarrassed on the phone so you didn’t think he would have any suspicious, but here he was, showing you that he certainly did.
It makes you look up at his face for the first time today, and it pains your heart.
It paints your heart, because he’s wearing clothes with a lot of creases - something he’s been wearing to sleep, and he has on a beanie that covers most of his messy-looking hair, and he’s looking at you with puffy eyes and a frown that hurts so much to look at.
You couldn’t bear to look at him anymore so you shake your head in response. Hyungwon looks visibly disappointed, like he knew right away that you were lying. You think he has something more he wants to say, because his lips part a little… And then, he lets out a sigh and shakes his head as well.
“If you are this burdened by how I feel, then…” Hyungwon’s voice trails off, taking a step back and then turning around. You watch the way he walks out of the lounge without a word, and if you felt like you’d never been more hurt before, you were completely wrong, because nothing pained your heart more than watching the male leave like that, as if he had so much to say and couldn’t…. Just like how you felt while you sink back on the couch and cry your heart out.
And from that day onwards, Hyungwon doesn’t call you again.
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haiky-u-lously · 4 years
King Kuroo and the Red Knights (9)
A Camelot AU where King Arthur is Kuroo Tetsuro, and the Knights of the Roundtable of characters from seasons 1-4 of the HQ anime. Eventual Kuroo X Reader.
Action/fighting/killing, dead bodies, Fluff, Angst, Humor, Eventual Romance
Mentions of stalking and abuse of power, Language, Angst in feelings, Gore and fighting, mention of explosion, mention of seeing dead bodies
Word Count:
For Chapter: ~2800words                 
Questions/Comments/Concerns/Ideas welcome as always.
-Admin Red
Hi everyone! First, I’d like to half-apologize for my sudden disappearance from the weekly updates. I say half-apologize because I do feel bad about it, but the first week was supposed to be a break because I’ve had some physical issues come up and it really really hurts to type so I was trying to take a week away from overly stressing my fingers and putting them through more than necessary pain. So like, it was going to be fully justified even though I did feel bad. 
But, after that first weekend without an update I got 7 anon and 2 not-anon asks and 2 direct messages all from individuals basically being hate messages. Regarding how I must be lazy for not keeping my posting up after only two weeks, regarding how the story is crap and they were happy I wasn’t flooding the tags with the b*s anymore. And for how few positive responses I have received regarding the story as a whole after 2 months of posting each week to receive so much after only 1.5 weeks...it was pretty much a punch to the gut.
I realize I am not a top writing for the HQ fandom, I realize that only like...maybe...10 people actually read this story each week, and I am truly grateful to everyone who does. But like that fact that I got so many rude messages as opposed to nice ones really tore me up, especially since in the absence (until yesterday) I hadn’t received any word that anyone was still enjoying the work.
This is why I would like to once again thank the anon who messaged me yesterday. As I said, the kindness you wrote to me made me cry because I’d been so down about this piece. And, I am really glad this work brought you any joy that it did, I hope it continues to do so.
Finally, I have a doctors appointment to get my hands checked out. After basically a month of being in pain with them hopefully something will come of it and I can get back to writing for this work. For now though, here is chapter 9. I hope those following for this piece enjoy it, and honestly if you only wish to send hate please keep it to yourself. Constructive criticism is fine, welcome even (as proven by the fact that I owned up to being wrong about certain characters being third years), but hate messages...those are just pointless.
I hope you like this next installment. Enjoy!
–Admin Red
Chapter 9: Morning of the Tournament
It had been a long few days as the castle staff, knights, and royals of Camelot prepared for the tournament they’d decided to hold. But everyone was in high spirits at breakfast that morning, even Suga and you who’d had a few close calls with your new hall-mate liking to barge in without so much as knocking to indicate his approach.
After the third scare of him walking in while you were eating, you’d started to use your magic to lock the door whenever your helmet was off.
“I still can’t believe how quickly he accepted that you just had (h/l), (h/c) hair when he saw the back of your head,” Suga commented biting into his eggs from his breakfast plate.
You laughed a bit before responding, finishing off your own mouthful of food. “Yea, he is very friendly though. I appreciate how true his comment was. Saying this was the most private hall of the castle? We only come across him regularly, it is pretty nice to be afforded the level of privacy I wanted. Even if there were a few mistakes at the beginning.” You smiled as you went in for more food.
Suga had finished clearing his plate before mouthing to you that he agreed with your assessment.
*knock knock*
When you heard the knocking from your door, rather than the whines of a knight who felt excluded from the so-called party, you knew it was someone other than the King’s right-hand man at your door. Quickly you put your helmet on, still hiding your true identity and removed your magic hold on the door so Suga could open it.
“Excuse me,” Futakuchi called upon entering your chambers. “Ah so you are both here, great! Makes this less work for me then.”
Suga laughed on both of your behalves at the attendant’s joke, having grown accustomed to his sense of humor as it was similar to your own.
“The King has asked me to tell you the order of today’s fights.” He said, pulling a piece of parchment from behind his back with a wide grin.
Suga’s eyes lit up as Futakuchi spoke, and you knew your friend was looking forward to this show of strength as much as any of the men of Camelot, and you smiled proudly behind your face-wear.
When a full minute passed without a word from the magician, Suga threw his hands out in exasperation, “Well then, what is it?”
“Oh, right!” The brunet fumbled the paper before moving to place it on your dining table to review with your pair. “So the first battle will be the most entertaining as the side by side matches should be--!”
His explanation was cut off by the ringing of bells from the courtyard.
“Another attack?” Suga questioned, not knowing the differences in Camelot’s alarm system since you’d heard it less than a handful of times.
Futakuchi shook his head, “No, it means a visitor. But I have no clue who could be approaching today of all days. Come, you should see who it is with me.”
Your group made it down to the front square of the Castle, only to watch as all of the knight’s you’d slowly begun to know over the course of the week run up to a pair of men riding in on horseback!
“You’ve made it!”
“What took you two so long?”
“Where have you been, idiots? The guests of honor arrived a week before you!”
“With Asahi and Ushijima here we are in for a real tournament!”
“Grand welcome for two of Camelot’s strongest! Welcome back to the castle latecomers.”
Watching the group, you realized the men were as close to one another as Suga and you were with your own band of Knights. You were grateful for the reminder of home, even if it made you miss your friends a bit more.
“Ah, so they really did show up today.” You heard from beside you and turned to face the speaker, “Pardon their inept ability to make proper introductions, Red Knight. The two newcomers are the pair I told you about before. Since they have arrived, I may make them participate in the tournament as punishment for being so late.”
You nodded to the King, indicating you’d heard him before stepping back to let him address his men from a better position atop the stairs.
“Thank you,” He smiled fondly before taking your prior position and screaming out to the men below him, “Ushijima! Asahi! Men!” The knights filed up at the base of the staircase, with the two new arrivals front and center. “Why are you so late?”
“Late?” Asahi asked, “You know, you all keep saying we are late, but we just got these summons a few days ago.”
Ushijima just shrugged and looked bored, “If we are supposedly late, we can just go back to where we were.”
The men around the pair started shouting obscenities at their friends’ casualness. You noted the joking manner between the group of twelve and realized that this kingdom truly did feel like they were in a time of peacefulness after the decades of darkness that befell them.
Looking to Suga, you noticed his eyes trained on the men below, joking and horseplaying as he had with his own companions, and you made a note to show how grateful you were to him once more. He’d left his home and friends to stay beside you, the least you could do is remind him how appreciative you were.
“--wever, the matter at fact is that our guests arrived a week before you. To top that, they fought on our side when the castle was attacked without all her guards in place. So I’ve decided you will join our tournament today, and I will not accept any excuses of being tired from your journey.” The King smiled down to his men. The pair grumbled about how unfair a punishment was being forced on them, the other men just showed excitement at the prospect of their friends joining.
“Yes! Yes! Yes! I want to fight Ushi!”
“Hells ya! Make them fight for their dinner while we’re at it!”
“I wouldn’t mind kicking some sense into the glass hearted giant myself!”
“Woaho! Fight time, let’s go!!”
Even the few not shouting out in pure joy had grins on their faces as they looked to and nodded at one another, all of them ready for what they now perceived to be a perfect tournament.
Waving your hand, you caught Suga’s attention, and holding your fingers up to make a triangle, you told him to ask about the tournament set up.
“Excuse us, King Kuroo.” He approached the royal, “This will probably change your line-up for the tournament?”
“You’re right! Futakuchi!” He yelled, to get the attendant’s attention away from joking around with the men below. “Come, we have to rearrange some things.” After his announcement, the King reentered the castle.
As he passed Futakuchi slowed to ask Suga a question, “How against are you showcasing your magic?”
Suga looked to you for your decision. Since showing magic would be the first test against the King’s ability to truly reconnect with the Order you decided it would be a fine move. 
You shrugged your shoulders to indicate you didn’t care either way, leaving it to Suga’s discretion since he too knew of the testing methods.
“If I fight another magician, I don’t mind.” He answered positively.
Futakuchi’s grin overtook his features as he bobbed his head before following after his king.
“You sure like them, don’t you?” You whisper asked your friend.
“Like you don’t?” He laughed back. “If it goes well, perhaps we really can trust this new King and then you can focus on your other mission.”
Behind your shielded mask, you rolled your eyes and stuck out your tongue before answering, “Perhaps you can shut up because no one asked you about that.”
He laughed at your ire, but brought it down to nothing more than a smile seeing the knights climbing the stairs.
“Oh let me introduce you!” Bokuto yelled excitedly seeing your pair atop the staircase. “Ushijima, Asahi, these are the Red Knight representatives. This is Sugawara, the Knight’s squire, and that...well, we just call him the Red Knight, I’ve seemed to have forgotten his name.” The Knight ended up drawing out his introduction as he racked his brain trying to recall it.
“Oh the Red Knight doesn’t mind, we’ve been doing it all week.” Terushima countered, defending his friend’s forgetfulness, and you stifled a laugh as you imagined it was because he too forgot the name you’d chosen to use.
“Wait, you’re Sugawara? From the Order?” A longer haired male asked, stepping from behind the other men to look at your friend closely. After what you guessed was further inspection he grabbed your companion in a tight embrace, “It’s been years! How are you old friend?!” The male shouted in his ears.
You’d moved to unsheath your sword, only to pause at Suga raising his hand towards you.
“It’s okay Yomimasu, I actually think I remember this man.” He finally said once released from the embrace. The taller male backed up and sheepishly scratched at the stubble of hair growing against his jawline. Suga did his own visual study before grinning from ear to ear and giving the man his own version of a soul crushing bear-hug. “Azumane, goor sir. It’s been a long while. Glad to see you’re still alive!”
Hearing the name Suga called, memories flooded your mind of Suga’s friend from the summer years back. A traveling group stayed in a town near your own and the pair met in the forest when Suga was searching for you. After enticing the over-grown child’s help, Suga made fast friends with the boy. Sneaking off himself to go teach him some sword fighting skills and some of the things you’d taught him as well.
“Wait!” Semi interrupted your thoughts and the pair’s reunion. “You two know each other?”
Suga nodded, and Asahi moved to explain, “I stayed a summer nearby to where Suga lived when I was a child. He was the one who taught me to use swords, and his cousin taught us both how to write. Thought I’d never see them again, honestly. What are you doing in Camelot?”
Being questioned, Suga fell back into his more reserved mannerisms, “Of course, I am here as escort to the Red Knight as the Order has sent us to determine if Camelot is worthy of being considered an ally once more.”
The official reason for your visit.
It still angered you that it was your only excuse, that you weren’t meant to share your other reasons. But things were the way they were, and thus you stayed silent, watching the encounter from the sidelines.
“What are you doing as a knight of Camelot? I thought only those in some roundabout way related to the King’s lineage were accepted as knights?” Suga questioned.
“Oh, Kuroo did away with that rule long before he even became King. Quoting about how men should be fighter’s by their merit not their bloodlines.” Yamagata informed your pair.
Aone got a disgusted look on his face that made you want to laugh out, but you swallowed the feeling, he asked, “Did you think we were all somehow related?”
Suga glanced at you, and you did nothing to indicate your own thoughts of the matter, he sighed in defeat and answered, “Well not recently, but yes I felt your family trees must have connected somewhere down the line to the King’s.”
The group of men before him burst into fits of laughter as they regarded the idea and its apparent absurdity. 
“What of your cousin? How does the Princess fair?” Asahi questioned, changing topics to try and save his friend some embarrassment.
“Cousin?” Daichi guffawed.
“Princess?” Atsumu and Osamu blurted out simultaneously.
Your body went stiff at Asahi’s question and you had to take a few deep breaths to calm yourself and tell your mind that they weren’t actually calling to you.
Suga grinned as if he didn’t have a care in the world as he answered his old friend’s question, “She’s happier than she’s ever been, last time I saw her.”
He turned to reenter the castle, probably to return to your room, but you weren’t sure. You were going to follow him  but stopped dead in your tracks as Bokuto, Satori, Terushima and Atsumu all followed after him, asking so many questions over one another even you couldn’t make any of them out.
“So who are you?” A tall man, with short dark hair turned to you. He felt like he’d probably be more intimidating than Aone, but as you were currently sporting a full suit of armor, and held a secret that none in Camelot, save your own friend, knew, you didn’t actually feel frightened.
Daichi and Iwaizumi both stepped between your figure and the large knight, hands up defensively.
“Actually, Ushijima, while in uniform the Knight cannot speak. It’s a little challenging, but we’ve managed pretty well this past week. It’s easier to ask simple questions.” Daichi informed, and you appreciated the complete switch in the knight’s attitudes since you’d first arrived.
Iwaizumi nodded, “The letter you received should have detailed the purpose of their visit, Futa did a great job explaining everything in ours at least. We did a shite job of first impressions the night they arrived and yet he still helped us defend Camlot’s castle. The Red Knight is good people, trust us on that in the very least.” 
It amazed you how much the male reminded you of your old childhood acquaintance. You wished you’d know the boy better to tell if he was the same man for sure, but alas, only Oikawa would have known...And, it’d been years since you’d seen him either. You felt the tear roll down your cheek before realizing you’d started to cry at the recollection. Closing your eyes you let your mind settle on nothingness to rid it of the negative memories regarding your ex-friend.
“Then perhaps you can answer simple yes or no questions?” The giant, presumably Ushijima questioned you. Upon seeing you nod, he hummed before continuing, “Are you really only here to see if Camelot can reconnect with your Order?”
While you knew how Suga would want you to respond, you also knew it wouldn’t be truthful. It’d been a long week developing trust with the members of Camelot’s court, and you the only way to keep that streak would be to stay honest. You shook your head in the negative.
Ignoring the shocked exclamations of the men around him, your interrogator continued. “Do you wish to bring Camelot or Kuroo harm?”
You stood at attention and shook your head once more, expressing clear displeasure at the mere idea.
The male hummed before bowing out of his inquisition, “I see. I look forward to getting to know you then.”
Watching him move inside the castle, you stayed where you were in anticipation of the other’s questions to follow your first answer.
“Aye, you weren’t being serious in having another motive, were you?” Osamu questioned, looking at you with disbelief dancing in his eyes.
You just bowed your head in apology.
“Does Sugawara know of your other mission?” Daichi questioned further.
You thought for a moment before rocking your hand side-to-side in front of you, telling the knights he kind of knew a bit about it, but entirely.
Semi shook his head and stepped forward, a frown clear on his face as he tried to find your eyes hidden in the shadows of your helmet, “Have you deceived us?”
His voice sounded so angry, almost threateningly so, but you knew you couldn’t answer that question without Suga by your side to explain. Thankfully you didn’t have to.
“Oi!” King Kuroo yelled from one of the windows overlooking the front gate. “Get to the main hall for review of the schedule!”
“In a minute!” Semi yelled back, still looking you up and down distrustingly.
Kuroo didn’t like this attitude in his knight’s defiance and yelled back, “Now!” Then laughed as he added, “Or no supper for any of the knights, Semi!”
The silver haired male tsk’d in annoyance before rushing inside.
“We trust you,” A voice called your attention from watching the others follow after him. “Not sure why it’s such a strong trust, but we do.” Aone looked at you directly, unbeknownst to him catching your eyes’ gaze with ease. “Don’t betray us.”
What could you do but bow in a show of understanding and acceptance. You really didn’t wish to betray them, and should they discover your secret in a manner not befitting your true identity, then the power will lie with them to do with you as they please.
Table of contents:
Chapter 8                                                     Chapter 10
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caitlynlynch · 3 years
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Bridie and Ben have actually been fighting on and off for the last ten years. And frankly, it was all Ben’s fault. He did Bridie very dirty when they were both just teenagers, and has spent a long time not apologising for it. Now his brother Cal is marrying Bridie’s best friend Hattie, and Ben and Bridie are thrust back into each other’s company… and Ben has finally grown up enough to start examining exactly why he’s never been able to get his focus off Bridie.
Hattie and Cal are an adorable couple who just want the best for Ben and Bridie, and get up to all sorts of hijinks with friends trying to get Ben and Bridie to see past their respective blind spots. Ben does, finally, understand just how wrong he was and does a massive grovel, and he and Bridie get together.
Up until that point I was loving the book because Ben and Bridie are so real and so funny with the way they sass and bicker, but the bizarre thing is that they get together shortly after the halfway mark. And then we get into a really strange plot - I can’t even call it a subplot, because it totally takes over the book - where Cal’s ex-girlfriend comes back on the scene and tries to break him and Hattie up, and Ben and Bridie have to team up to outwit her and keep the wedding on track.
Honestly, this just didn’t make any sense. It would have been so much more logical for Jojo to have been BEN’s ex, who found out he was seriously dating Bridie and tried to muscle back in. The way it was, the focus was off Ben and Bridie for probably a good quarter of the book, and it’s just way too much for a subplot.
There’s a lot to like about this book. The characters are so very realistic, down to earth Yorkshire lads and lasses with very ordinary lives - Hattie and Bridie are high school teachers, Cal is a mechanic, Ben leads adventure tours on the muddy moors - and they’re funny, with strong connections and relationships between them. The banter’s genuinely amusing. A couple of things struck me as odd, like Bridie having grown up in the town but having literally no friends apart from Ben and Cal who she’d known since her schooldays. That’s really not how small towns work.
The thing is that the plot is a hot mess once Ben and Bridie resolve their past issues. And no matter how much I enjoyed the writing and the characters, I just can’t ignore that. I’d like to see what this author could produce with an editor who could help them nail down a proper romance plot arc, but I cannot give this more than three stars.
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Love At First Fight is available now.
Disclaimer: I received a review copy of this title via NetGalley.
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Author Spotlight : Kurtswish Day 3
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Author : @kurtswish​
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
I revise as I go, and so does my Beta, then we read through it another couple of times before posting. I only post once the story is complete.
If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
I would love to go back and revise a lot of my older stories. Spelling and grammar are pretty sad, and I have grown a lot since I started. I think the stories themselves are fine but they need to be cleaned up.
What do you look for in a beta?
My beta is wonderful, she helps with spelling grammar and making sure things make sense. She also is great about asking questions and making me think deeper about my story.
If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
I don't think I am brave enough to touch anyone else's work.
Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
AU only baby, I only worry about canon when I want to :)
Talk about a review that made your day.
EsperantoWrites leaves the best reviews I look forward to them every chapter. She leaves the most detailed play by play reviews and they bring me life!
Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I have gotten a couple. They only really bother me on old stories. I always want to point out how old they are. I have had a few nitpicky reviews, but those don't bother me. I usually don't get many rude reviews though.
What advice do you have for people just starting to write?
Just write. Don't worry if you aren't good enough, you will get there.
Which fic do you most like to discuss with other people? Why?
I love talking about any of them really. I think there is a lot to uncover in the Avian Series so I would love to talk about that one most.
What's one aspect of writing fic that gets you really excited?
I love once it is finished and I can share it. It is interesting to me to see how they are received. It is exciting when you put it out there.
Check out Kurtswish’s Fics
Where Dreams Are Born -  Kurt Hummel always dreamed of New York, but reality doesn’t quite live up to his expectations. One impulsive decision could change it all. Thank you to Dblmalfunction and Buttonsandbows5 for being great betas! This story os complete and will post daily for the next few days Enjoy your quarantine.
Dance Me To The End Of Love -  While unwinding at a club, Blaine Anderson meets a stranger who promises him one night of passion. When the night is over, Blaine wants more, so does Kurt; but what Kurt offers him is not quite what he was expecting.
What Our Colors Don't Show -  Since first getting his mark Kurt dreamed of finding someone to really connect with but years in New York have left him still yearning for that connection. Is it really possible that he could find his soulmate in a club where for once he can proclaim his dominant status for all to see? The colors show who you are, but what’s hidden by the symbol, that is supposed to be who you are for.
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kookieskiwi · 4 years
Badboy!au with the quote "Yeah, well i shut everyone out. Don't take it personally." with a bit of angst pwease 🥺🥺 but a lot of fluff hihi i'm sorry i asked for a lot 🥺🥺🥺 i wub u ✨
(I love it when people ask for a lot because it gives me more to go off of ❤️ and I wuv you too!!) (I changed the I to we since I write poly stuff and no member was specified )
You had one of the most amazing personalities anyone had ever seen. You were always caring, you put others before yourself and you gave second chances to everyone; even those that didn’t deserve it. That character trait of yours always got you into situations that had you blaming yourself for stupidity and too much kindness. Prehaps it wasn’t stupidity but it was the fact you saw the good in everyone rather than focusing on their personas and negative traits.
Some people called you näive, others called you gullible, you’d been called just about everything since you began high school. It was normal; there would be people who hated you, loved you and those that took advantage of you. You were accepting to everyone, you helped tutor those who needed it and you gave up your free time and time to do your own work in order to guide those who asked for help through the phone in order to be discreet.
It wasn’t until you met the Bangtan boys that you realized just how much people relied on you for help. They first came to you a year ago when finals begun to ask for help which basically involved you suming up an entire years worth of material in a week. It wasn’t easy since you had your own to study for at the same time but it also counted as a review guide for yourself. Since then they’ve come to you in secret or you’d go over to their shared house to help one or all of them review a topic.
Over the past few months you and the infamous bad boys had grown close meaning what had previously been school related meetings became a friendship with meet-ups that didn’t involve school at all. They became some of the closest friends you had in a long time giving you a sense of connection you didn’t know you needed.
That was however until you overheard one of their conversations as you were on your way to your vehicle. “She’s too close, we let her in and allowed this to go on for too long.” It was Namjoon speaking as he informed the others of their mistake. “But hyung, she hasn’t done anything to make us question her intentions,” Jungkook defended you in your absence which you were grateful for. It physically pained you to hear what they were thinking of you. It was one of those moments where you could actually feel your heart tearing apart as tears welled in your eyes. “Exactly and we aren’t sticking around to find out what they are.” Yoongi chimed in with Namjoon, defending the man who wanted you out of the picture.
You stood there leaning lifelessly against the wall contemplating whether or not to make a run for your vehicle. That option seemed like the best one to choose until you were too late. Apparently they had finished up their conversation and were exiting the classroom only to be met with you; the person who had shown them nothing but compassion and helped them. The soul who was once positive now felt that fullest depth of betrayal you had ever felt before.
“No.” You snapped as you returned from your lifeless state to look through blurry eyes at the men who stood before you. “I will not let myself be spoken about behind my back by people who I’ve shown nothing but kindness towards. I have no ill intentions with anyone of you unless wanting to be friends is such a terrible thing. I’ve done NOTHING but be help you when you needed it, not to mention I was the only one who took you all seriously because of the face you put up. So no. Don’t explain because I heard everything you had to say.” You told them trying to hold your composure together until you got home. You would not show weakness now more than ever, sure the tears showed it pretty well but you wanted to scream and yell at their ignorance.
Without another word you walked out of the hallway and entered your car followed by a slam of the door shut before you exited the campus. On the way to the condo which your guardians bought so you had a safe place to stay while getting an education, you broke down completely. It hurt more than you thought it would, of course you were stupid to catch a slight case of feelings for seven different guys who happened to be dating each other (a secret you came you find out when you got closer to them, they made sure no one on the outside knew) but that didn’t stop your battered heart from skipping a beat every time they smiled or laughed.
When you did arrive home you went to unlock the door with shaky hands and after multiple times of missing the keyhole you finally unlocked it. Dropping your bags you shut and locked the door behind you, taking a second before sliding down it in utter distress.
The next day you skipped classes all together; something you rarely did unless you were ill even then, that was only because you didn’t want to get anyone else sick. You had a headache from crying all night, your nose was stuffy, eyes puffy and red and to sum it all up: you felt like shit.
You spent the day moping around at the loss of a friendship. When classes let out you weren’t expecting anything from the boys however you received a text message stating one simple thing.
Taehyungie: Come over please.
There were no emojis, no use of a nickname....nothing, which must’ve meant this was important. So, against your minds wishes your heart dragged you to their home with heavy feet. You looked horrible and felt it too, but here you were yet again, putting others before yourself.
You didn’t even have to knock before the door was flying open followed by both Jimin and Jungkook hugging you tightly as you just stood there too tired mentally to do anything back. You were confused and they could tell so they backed off allowing you inside. You were guided to the couch where you sat hugging the arm trying to be as far away from any of them.
“Y/n, please let us explain.” Jin began hoping for you to look up at any of them but you kept your tired eyes locked on the empty space in front of you. “We have a reputation we must keep up, we can’t seem weak or things will be different for all of us.” Hoseok stated in an easy tone trying to stay calm even though he had the urge to run up to you and hug you. “Letting people in isn’t weak, it’s called being human.” You argued in a monotone still not looking anyone in the eyes.
“Yeah, well we shut everyone out. Don’t take it personally.” Yoongi spoke defensively making you absentmindedly flinch at the harsh tone in his voice. “How am I not supposed to take it personally!? You have no reason to shut me out and I’ve given you every reason to let me in!” You begun standing up and finally looking at the men who wore shocked expressions at your tone. “I don’t know what any of you have been through but I promise you this isn’t the way to live your lives. Let me in, let me show you not everyone has bad intentions with you. Let ME be the one to change your mindset. Because damnit I’m tired of being thrown out when I do nothing but help.” Your voice wavered at the end of your sentence making you curse yourself.
“Let me in because I’ve shown everything I am to you.” You whispered as a single tear rolled down your cheek but you were quick to swipe it away. “Let me in because I love you all.”
“You what-“ Jimin gasped standing up in surprise as did the others. “I know- I know it’s stupid and you’ll probably think it’s a schoolgirl crush, b-but over the past few months when I’ve gotten to know you for you and not the bad boys everyone else knows you as...I fell. Fast and hard. Which is why I’ve been so upset over what you said because I KNOW you will be fine without me, I KNOW you can move on and shut people out like you do but I don’t want to be shut out like everyone else.” You explained giving up at wiping the tears which just kept falling at this point. It was hard admitting your feelings especially at this time but this was either the making or breaking point if everything so why not?
“If it wasn’t for you, we’d be so lost right now y/n.” Namjoon begun taking one step towards you as you remained still. “We’ve all been thinking about you a lot lately.” Yoongi stated from beside you where you didn’t know he was until then. “You are a wonderful person, never forget that.” Taehyung said making you think this was goodbye. “You deserve someone who values you.” Jin whispered softly behind you as more tears filled your eyes. This couldn’t be it, not goodbye. “Someone who will kiss away all of your pain and scars.” Jungkook said stepping forward as well. “You know the hardest part about finding someone you love but being apart even though you have six others? It’s the endless nights awake knowing that the missing piece that completes us is right in front of us but we are too afraid to take that leap of faith fearing that we’ll be rejected.” Jimin stated grasping onto Yoongi’s hand to squeeze it. “Y/n, we’ve made a complete fool of ourselves that past day because we aren’t the people who we want to be. We are so sorry little one, so sorry and no amount of verbal apologies will show it until our actions change.” Hoseok said motioning to the other men who were gazing at you with something you couldn’t identify.
Your mind was going a million miles an hour at this point. Why where they saying this? Surely they couldn’t mean you...could they?
“You deserve someone who will treat you with the most respect, give you all the love and happiness you deserve and protect your kind heart. If you’ll let us, we’d like to be those men.” Taehyung said grabbing your hands which had been fiddling with the hem of your sweater. You looked at them with the most innocent, pure eyes they had ever seen, you were in total shock at what they had asked. When it sunk it you chocked on a sob. This wasn’t goodbye, it wouldn’t be the end.
“Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.” You said in a mix of laughter and sobs before running into Taehyung’s chest to wrap your arms around him tightly. The others followed your suit as you all began to express the feelings you had kept up for so long.
“‘Us’ I like the sound of that, don’t you?” You said as you laid cuddled into Yoongi’s chest while everyone was spread amongst the couches. You weren’t aware of what had slipped off your tongue until Yoongi was putting his hand over his heart saying ‘Ahh too cute’ while squeezing his eyes closed.
“I love the sound of us.”
As always..any further ideas or chapters you want from a Drabble can be requested and I’ll more than happily do them! Part 2 or another Drabble with a quote relating to this one if requested!! With bunches of love -Kiwi (KookiesKiwi)
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siteeco15 · 3 years
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Share this article Share An elderly man with a walking stick is pictured wading into the fight and hitting people with it ‘Officers were on the scene quickly and arrested eight people who were believed to have been involved. The brawl then moves to the other side of the street where a group of people descend on the elderly man kicking him to the ground ‘One man was left covered in blood. The police and ambulance were called. Three people were taken to hospital with facial injuries and one having suffered a suspected broken hand, but no-one is understood to have been seriously hurt. A West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesman said: Three ambulances attended in total. Six men aged between 21 and 61 were arrested along with two boys aged 16 and
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Not mind-blowing, not terrible, just quite normal. But it was still very different to going on a date with a random bloke I met in a bar, or someone on Tinder. Both evenings ended at a civilised hour with a peck on the cheek — after which, Jo calls me with feedback — which is excruciating. As it happens, although I had a lovely time with both men, I felt pretty ambivalent about seeing them again, and told Jo as such.
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sae-what · 4 years
Fanfiction Year in Review - 2020
Yeah I know I’m a week late, but that’s what happens when you ✨procrastinate✨. Thanks for the tag, @ladyofthenoodle <3
1 List of fics completed this year in order they were finished
heart diagnosis (first Ladynoir fic, where LB takes a magazine quiz to see if she has a crush on Chat)
power couple (Love square identity shenanigans, Chat announces his relationship with Adrien - and actually, I posted this fic before the Adrichat fiasco back in April)
the first and last wish (Plagg and Tikki make a sacrifice)
uncharted territory (Ladynoir mutual pining and dates in disguises, LB denying her feelings for Chat )
you’re surprisingly light (my first, but not last, Adrigami fic)
It’s Nice to Have a Friend (Adrienette childhood friends to lovers, based on that TS song)
once upon a dream (Ladrien sleeping beauty AU)
i’d love to go on a date with you (#LetLadybugWearATuxedo2k21)
silly notions (Ladrien would literally die for each other, so this Medieval AU fic happened)
infinite (Ladynoir stargazing, Ladynoir July)
i admire you (Childhood AU for Ladrien)
he’s a little claw-strophobic (an Adrichat November fic)
for every question why (gabemoth was our because) (my Gabemoth fic :)...)
saying something stupid (like i love you) (Ladybug accidentally confesses that she’s in love with Chat, and they both think it’s a joke, fluff and mutual pining)
i’ve got a boy crush (Adrigaminette, unrequited Marigami, a whole lotta unrequited yearning)
drown in your green (Marinette experiences a panic attack and reoccurring flashbacks after the events of Chat Blanc)
In The Name of Adrichat (Love square identity shenanigans, in which Marinette gets Adrien and Chat Noir to go on a date)
2 Number of words written
50k+ published. I’ve definitely written more words than this bc I’ve had fics where I deleted them, and other WIPs that I never got back to.
3 Your most popular fic
power couple has the most kudos 
every morning, she’d climb up that sycamore tree (an AU of the book Flipped) has the most hits.
4 Your personal fave
My personal favorite has to be i’d love to go on a date with you, but I also want to put every morning, she’d climb up that sycamore tree up here as well.
I’ll talk about the first fic later (I also talked about why it’s one of my faves in this post), but the second is because it’s based off of a book I used to read as a child called Flipped. This fic has a special place in my heart bc it’s an Adrienette fic, one of my fave ships in ML, in the universe of my favorite book when I was young.
5 Your favorite scene
The scene in uncharted territory when Ladybug realizes that she’s in love with Chat Noir. She’s on a date with him in this one, convincing herself that it isn’t actually a date, but she’s still enjoying the time she has with him. Until Andre the ice cream maker slaps her silly with realization and makes her overcome the truth that she’s in love with him.
The yearning and the pining, Chat respecting her feelings, all of that is just… aaahhh I’m a sucker for it 🥺
6 A fic or scene that challenged you
Starting the fic i’d love to go on a date with you really challenged me. I was really going through a tough time writing it. I explained it on this post, but I got a lot of help, and it’s one of my proudest works bc of how I overcame the struggle to write it. Plus, Ladrien rights, and Ladybug in a tux, so for all these reasons, this one has to be one of my favorites.
7 A line of writing you’re proud of
Okay, I’m picking two because HECK.
This line from silly notions:
Adrien gently shut the double door, bringing with him the moonlight that still rested in his frame, and rested upon his lips was the kiss that could’ve been.
I think this was my first time writing something like this, like.. yearning, but not quite getting there yet, ya know? Ladybug yearning to be with Adrien, despite the fact that she shouldn’t, but she wants it, wants him. Aahh, Ladrien 💞
Also this in my Chat Blanc fic, drown in your green:
Ladybug could soak herself in [the] green [of his eyes] if she could. She would swim in it, would drown it in, beg for it if it meant it could never turn blue. Never turn dull.
When I first wrote that line, I was only just.. writing it to write. But then when I reread it, and saw the word blue, I was like.. “omg. It has a double meaning. Folks, it has ~double meaning~. Ladybug is desperate to go back to the times before she ever fought Chat Blanc, but also desperate to return to the days when she had only witnessed Chat Noir happy.
But overall, I really like the color symbolism in this fic aaahhh, proud of it.
8 A comment that touched you
Ahhh there’s a lot of comments, but I think there’s one comment that wins this one. I received a really touching comment for my Flipped AU from BurnDaBreadGetDaGirl on AO3, when I was really struggling to continue writing it. I asked on the A/N how to overcome the writer’s block, and she wrote by far one of the most inspiring comments I’ve ever read. Ever. She told me to just kind of.. bask myself in the character’s POVs, think how they think, and even go about my daily living just thinking about how the characters would react or think about certain things. I’m only paraphrasing, so my words can’t do justice to her comment, but it was so beautiful. I ended up getting in touch with her on Discord. 
Burn, idk if you’re ever going to read this, but your comment really touched me, even to this day, and I want to thank you for your support <3
9 Something that inspired you to write
Music inspires me a lot, I can’t even list all the songs I’ve listened to, but I know Taylor Swift’s songs is up there for sure. I wrote a fic for one of her songs, It’s Nice to Have a Friend. Also folklore and evermore inspired me a lot to write a couple WIPs I have.
Other people’s pieces of writing, fanfics from this fandom, but also fanfics from other fandoms, particularly The Umbrella Academy fanfiction. I read a lot of TUA fics in 2020 as well.
The lack of specific narratives, tropes for specific ships, certain dynamics, and all that. You know, when you have that thought where you go “Welp, if no one will write this, I guess I will!” Yeah, that’s me most of the time 😆 I wrote this fic, Little Red Riding Hood with the Blond Hair, because of that kind of thought. It’s a Misternoire/Adrinoire Folklore AU fic, and I hadn’t read anything like that so I decided, hey, why not. I love Misternoire/Adrinoire because Lady Noire is just a little shit, and I love her. I feel like there needs to be more of her in fanfiction.
And of course, everyone on the Miraculous Fanworks server on Discord really inspired me. They made me feel more confident in my writing. But not only that, they made me feel like I have a place in the ML fandom. Feeling a sense of belonging really made me have more confident with the things I post online for the ML fandom in general. I feel like I had a voice, and since joining, I’m much more eager to express myself and my ideas. I can’t thank this server enough, I’ve grown a lot bc of them <3
10 Your proudest accomplishment
Overall, just realizing that my writing has worth, and that I should write for me. This took a really long time for me to learn bc I felt really insecure about my writing. But then I realized that I write because I have a specific and unique narrative that I want to tell. My works aren’t comparative to other people’s bc each of one us has something amazing and beautiful to share.
11 Do you have any goals for next year
Mmm it would be nice to reach a certain word count? Maybe publish at least 25k words? Idk, I’m not too strict with writing goals. I just like writing whenever I want to.
I’m not tagging anyone but if anyone wants to do this themselves, then go for it!
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