#I prefer to see it not as a result of the possession but just genuinely something he can do
chibishortdeath · 1 year
There are only three posts on this whole website under the Soleil Belmont tag (one of them being one of mine where he’s not even the main focus) and I’m the only person following said tag, so now I’m kinda sad about that. I should draw the silly floating sword Belmont soon hmmm—
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kyuuumie · 20 days
this is just a ramble about billdip/billford since i’ve seen a bunch of posts and want to share my thoughts on it!
i find a lot of the comparisons between billdip and billford to be a bit off the mark. while it’s true they share some surface-level similarities—mainly because they both involve bill cipher and a “smart guy”—their dynamics are vastly different. in billford, ford initially placed an enormous amount of trust in bill. he practically revered him, as seen in the tapestries in his lab and all the one-eyed triangle symbols throughout the mystery shack. ford’s trust was so deep that he allowed bill to lead him down a dark path, ultimately resulting in betrayal. bill has since been shown relishing in taunting ford, making their relationship one of broken trust and regret.
on the other hand, billdip presents a way different dynamic. dipper never trusted bill in the first place. from the very beginning, their relationship was antagonistic. unlike ford, dipper wasn’t lured in by the promise of knowledge or power; he had to be manipulated, and even then, he was extremely hesitant to allow bill to possess him. bill never had dipper’s trust to betray, which sets the stage for a completely different kind of tension. in billford, the conflict stems from a deep betrayal of trust, whereas in billdip, it’s more about the struggle between manipulation and resistance, with dipper trying to outsmart someone he knows he can’t trust.
i want to clarify that i don’t hate or even dislike billford. they have an undeniably interesting dynamic, and under different circumstances, i’d probably be more invested in it. however, my enthusiasm for the ship is dampened by the behavior of some of its shippers. it often feels like many people ship billford not because they genuinely enjoy the dynamic, but rather out of a desire to distance themselves from billdip. it’s as if shipping billford has become a way to proclaim, “at least i don’t ship billdip.” but spite shouldn’t be the driving force behind creating content for a ship. shipping should be about passion, about enjoying the dynamic and wanting to explore it through art, writing, and discussion because it genuinely interests you.
that said, i do wish people would keep the discourse civil and avoid leaving hateful comments about either ship. unfortunately, that might be asking for too much in fandom spaces. but it would be nice to see more respect and understanding for different preferences, even if we don’t all share the same ships ૮꒰ ˶> ༝ <˶꒱ა
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bookishgalaxies · 3 months
Crayon Colored Hearts
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summary: you as a teacher of small children with a few genshin boys as partners :)
type: headcannons, not proofread
pairing: albedo x gn!reader, wanderer x gn!reader
warnings: children
a/n: i tutor small kids so this is self indulgent yes-
✧ albedo
Has so much respect for the patience you possess
Sure, he can handle Klee…but the thought of having to teach more than 1 child below the age of 7 is terrifying to him
Is very understanding of when you are exhausted after work on particular days
He can always tell when your class was particularly rambunctious by the tiredness in your voice when you get home
Sometimes you two will go on scenic drives in silence if you both have had particularly long days
His hand resting gently on your’s as you both admire the nature outside of the car windows
On days where it is only you that is worn out, he will make you your favorite meal for dinner
Sitting with you as you both enjoy a homemade dish
He’ll talk if you want to but is also okay with sitting in silence
There was one particular day you had woken up late and had been in a rush, resulting in you forgetting your lunch at home
Albedo notices the brown paper bag sitting on the counter after you had left
He takes it to work with him and decides to use his lunch break to take it to you
His co-workers were quite surprised when he took the break, considering he normally works through lunch
You would hear your stomach grumble right after your kids went outside for break and realize you had forgotten your lunch
You walked outside to your car, hoping to find a granola bar or something you may have left in there
Only to find Albedo standing next to your car holding your lunch out to you
“I believe you may have forgotten something.” He would say with a small smile
“You didn’t have to bring me my lunch.” You would reply, leaning to give him a kiss on the cheek as you take the bag out of his hands
“I’d prefer it if you didn’t go hungry while managing children.” He said, pulling you into a hug
You two would sit in your car as you shared your lunch with him, spending the small bit of time you two had away from work together
✧ wanderer
He genuinely does not understand how you do it everyday
The thought of being around children for more than three minutes makes him want to hit something
You told him one time about how a child wiped their snot into your shirt and instantly you saw him shudder
He would never admit the fact that his heart warmed the time he saw you calm a kid from a meltdown in public
Helping the child find their way back to their parents
“You really didn’t have to help that little shit you know?” He’d comment while you two are walking away from the child and their family
“They weren’t a “little shit”, they were just scared.” You’d reply, a small smile on your face
Oh and the time you two were grocery shopping and a child ran up and tackled you in a hug
“I can’t believe you’re here! What are you doing away from school? Who is that man with you? He looks pretty scary.” The child would babble on and on
You’d hug him back and exchange polite greetings with his parents
Watching them walk away with a warm feeling in your chest that the child had recognized you and cared enough to give you a hug
You’d see a grimace on Wanderer’s face as you both continued looking for groceries
“Is something the matter?” You’d ask, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder
“The little brat said I was “scary”, maybe the kid just needs to grow up.” He’d grumble to himself, pushing the shopping cart
You’d laugh and kiss him lightly on the cheek, watching the tips of his ears turn red
“Well, I think you’re great either way.” You’d reply, watching his cheeks heat up
thank you so much for reading !
have a wonderful day/night !
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aphroditelovesu · 11 months
Yandere Straw Hat Pirates Headcanons (Platonic)
❝ — 👒 lady l: This is, by far, the biggest headcanon I've ever written and I confess that I'm very satisfied with the result! I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes!! ❤️
❝tw: possessive and obsessive behavior, overprotection, unhealthy platonic relationships, and implied murder.
��👒pairing: platonic!yandere straw hat pirates x gender neutral!reader.
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The Straw Hats are a really different crew of pirates than the rest. There is no direct hierarchy between them, they respect each other and have affection for each other. Although they obey their captain, there is no tyranny between them but genuine friendship and care.
You were a resident of a small and little-known island in the East Blue, it wasn't really important or rich, so pirate activity was very uncommon there and you were grateful for that. Having grown up and taught that pirates are bad and everyone is a murderer and thieve, you had no desire to meet one.
You were a very calm person and lived humbly and peacefully and liked the way your life was. Until the day pirates arrived on your island. You were immediately alarmed, as were the other residents by their arrival, except that they were not ordinary pirates but the Straw Hats and your life took an unexpected turn.
They arrived and, contrary to the stories your parents told you, they didn't seem threatening or murderous but rather good people. This caught your attention and you were kind to them and even offered them food. Little did you know, that was your biggest mistake.
Their captain, Monkey D. Luffy, found himself attracted to you and he knew he wanted you to join his crew. When you politely declined the offer, he was determined to convince you to accept. He met with the other members and they all agreed with him.
It wasn't easy to get you to accept becoming a pirate, considering you never liked them, but you found yourself attracted to the offer. The idea of being completely free and being able to see the world was what made you accept, albeit reluctantly, Luffy's offer. You have officially become a member of the Straw Hats.
Monkey D. Luffy is very charismatic and funny, kind and a great friend. You adored him and respected him as your captain. Luffy was so pleasant to be around that you never really observed him closely as his actions are quite selfish towards you.
He is selfless, but Luffy still has a selfish side and doesn't want to share his attention with anyone. He is not possessive, but controlling. Luffy wants to know everything about you, where you're going, who you're with and what you've done. He demands to know and will get angry if he doesn't know. Luffy watches over you a lot, not only as your captain, but as his friend. He just wants to make sure that you are happy and satisfied with your friends and, most importantly, with yourself.
Roronoa Zoro, although a little more distant, has a troubled affection for you. He's not close and has that air of arrogance around you, which made you think he doesn't like you. But the truth is that he doesn't know how to deal with you, with the feelings he has. So he thinks it's best to stay away, fearing for his own sanity.
But Zoro can't do it. He wants to be close to you and he will, his main reason is when he feels jealous of your closeness to the rest. He doesn't want to be left aside, so he decides to become close to you. Zoro is possessive and arrogant, he wants to be preferred and feels jealous when someone steals his attention. He's not very easy to deal with, but Zoro knows how to be nice when he wants to be. He is very overprotective and will fight anyone to protect you, including his own friends.
Nami is relaxed and fun, she likes to take you to have fun with her, usually to drink. She is very persuasive and manipulative, you can hardly say no to her. Nami is cunning and doesn't usually get into fights, preferring to let her friends get involved, but for you, she won't care and will get into fights to protect you.
She wants to be your favorite, your number one and the one you go to for comfort or guidance. Nami is very worried about you and cares a lot about your well-being, she gets easily upset when you are sad or angry, and will take satisfaction from anyone who hurt you. However, she will not recognize if she is the cause.
Usopp is very anxious and insecure, although he tries his best not to show it, there is no denying that he feels very bad about himself often and will count on you to pull himself together. He is very sentimental and is easily hurt and will be furious if it is you who hurt him, but will become unbearable if someone makes you sad.
He loses his cool very easily and cries so easily it's ridiculous and Usopp will always go to you for comfort. He values you so much and it will get to the point where he will pretend to be sad just to receive any form of affection from you, he lives for that. He has no qualms about lying to have you hug him or whisper words of comfort to him.
Sanji is calm and rational, always very polite and it is very rare to see him lose his calm. He is very careful around you and loves to load you up with food, cooking your favorites and prioritizing you at every meal. Sanji is very nice and always makes you laugh, loving to hear you laugh or smile. He makes you feel comfortable around him, with his unwavering politeness and calm.
He never acts without thinking and everything he does is carefully planned, especially when it's about you. Sanji is the one who takes care of you the most and is always checking up on you, whether it's listening to you talk or watching you, he never fails and is always calm and smiling. Although he is very kind, Sanji will have no problem having to deal with anyone who dares to harm or hurt you.
Tony Tony Chopper is very kind and attached to you, more than he is to Nami. He is very shy at first, preferring to hide and watch you from afar, fascinated by you but afraid to get closer. He loves to imitate you and takes care of you, especially when you are hurt and need medical attention, often freaking out before realizing he is a doctor.
He is a great friend, very fair and loyal, constantly following you and making sure you are well and comfortable. Although he doesn't feel as comfortable with humans, the affection and care he feels for you is undeniable. He smiles and dances happily when he is praised by you.
Franky loves to flirt with you and does it constantly, even if he is just joking. He loves showing off for you and does it very often, going shirtless around you and trying to get your attention. Franky is a spirit and loves breaking the rules and will try to convince you to break them with him, he is always encouraging you to do what you want without caring what you think.
Although he acts this way, Franky is very protective and kind towards you and knows when to act maturely around you and is always trying to make you smile because he loves your smile. He takes great care of you and is selfless to the extreme, always putting himself first when you are in danger. Franky wants you to be well and happy and he will go to extreme lengths to make sure you are safe and happy.
Brook is eccentric and a shameless pervert and he flirts and hits on you more than anyone and feels no shame or regret in doing so. However, he truly enjoys your company and is kind to you, always prioritizing your wants and needs above anyone else's. He despises meanness and will go against anyone who is mean or acts wrong towards you.
He is very fair and compassionate towards everyone, but when it comes to you, there is an obvious preference and care. Brook is very polite, but he has his limits and will become furious if something happens to you. He has his morals and is empathetic, but that quickly changes when you get involved.
Robin is the calmest of the crew, always calm and reserved, it's impossible to know what she's thinking and she's not as open or transparent as the others. She rarely shows her emotions and this reflects on the way she acts towards you. Robin is very calm in her obsession and no one will be able to notice what she feels for you, her feelings are very well disguised and controlled.
It's very rare to see her lose her cool or get angry and when that happens, everyone gets scared. Robin has become less calm after meeting you and she, although reserved about her feelings, will make a point of taking care of you and showing you all the care and affection she can offer you.
Jinbe is very proud to be a fishman and has great honor. He hates pirates, even though he is one. He has mixed feelings for you, he admires you but hates the fact that you're a pirate and doesn't usually spend so much time by your side, but he cares deeply for you in his own way.
He is not dangerous and will never hurt you or show any violence towards you, he wants to take care of you and will do so in any way he can. Jinbe is very kind and tries his best to make you happy.
The Straw Hats are very overprotective of you and everyone cares and cares in their own specific way, but what they all have in common is the care and affection they have for you. They will fight anyone who thinks of causing you any kind of harm. After all, you are a member of the crew and they will take great care of you.
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teojira · 4 months
[Caesar and Proximus' day to day life] [headcanons]
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Summary: You're a human companion to the two apes, this is little things to expect as you live with them and in addition, the rest of the apes.
Word count: 900+
Warnings: None that I can think of! This is mostly platonic, some romance in Caesars if you squint.
Pronouns: Not specified.
A/N: first Planet of the apes request!! I'm so excited, shoutout to the other writers on ao3 I've looked up to for years. I hope this is okay anon! I couldn't reference back to your ask since I lost it and I hope this is the general idea you were hoping for 💀🙏
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For the sake of this, Caesar did NOT die at the end of war, and you're immune to the disease! (Nova is also fine here bc fuck you that's my daughter)
Truth be told it was very very very fortunate for you that you appealed to his good side after all this time, He's tired.
Tired of being hurt, tired of losing family, but he has no choice but to push on, when you offered at first to help him with any injuries or issues that arise in the colony, it's a firm no.
Despite everything he's been through, Caesar does love humans, he think a part of him always will, so just keep trying and you will crack his shell.
Once you two finally have something akin to friendship, is when he finally learns that he can rely on you.
It isn't uncommon to see you holding Cornelius and walking to and from different parts of the colony, Caesar trying in vain to tell you to let the boy down, saying you'll start to spoil him (it's too late, Cornelius will start to go to you for when his dad tells him no.)
Caesar doesn't really think he'd ever find another mate, but without his notice, you start to fill in that role.
Spending the most time with him, helping him make decisions, taking care of Cornelius, helping the other apes learn and sign, you take on the role fairly well.
It isn't uncommon for you to tend to his wounds, he prefers to go to you versus the others, he acts akin to a child when in your care though, hissing dramatically when you rub a salve on his forearm. It results in you slapping his shoulder and it makes him laugh.
Speaking of laughing, he never thought having you around would lighten the weight of the world he constantly holds over his shoulders, you make him feel young again. Before all of this.
He grows fonder of you when he sees some aspects of Caroline in you, noting just how loving and caring you are not only to him, but to everyone, Maurice, Rocket, even Bad ape with how much of an odd ball he is.
Caesar may be the leader (and old, you remind him. He ignores you.) but it doesn't mean he can stay at the colony all day, he goes out to hunt with the others, and when he does, he'll come to you and do a palms up, waiting for your permission.
He doesn't need it, but it makes you feel better when you see him off.
Maybe this is me projecting but he is SO possessive of you, he's lost so much, he lost Buck, Luca, Blue eyes, Cornelia, Koba, Will, his grandfather.
It puts him on the defense, never wanting you to go anywhere without at least one ape to protect you. It'll lead to arguments you Will not win.
Sorry if you just want to go to the river to wash up, either he's coming with you or Rocket is. Too Bad so sad.
Other apes come to you to ask you to ask Caesar if they can do something they Know he would never approve of, it's because they know out of everyone here, with the exception of a handful of apes, you're his soft spot.
Many apes were concerned with you joining them, but you've earned your spot among them, you are loved and trusted.
Koba would be rolling in his grave, seeing you work alongside Caesar, being a genuinely good person and a loving companion.
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It's canon that Proximus has a fondness for humans, but it's so severely different than Caesars, no matter how much he claims to be like the former.
You're more so of a toy to him, similar to Trevathan, but while he reads the Bonobo literature and teaches him things, you're like a pet. You keep him entertained.
This isn't to say he treats you cruelly though, all things considered, you're taken care of fairly well with a lot of luxuries the other apes under his rule are not privy to.
You wear a collar, which is demeaning, but it is better than having a chain connected to it, so everyone knows you're his.
Poor Sylva being forced to be your guard when you ask if you can go walking alone the beach, he doesn't want to do it but he WILL (he becomes fond of you begrudgingly, partially out of respect for Proximus but you're too nice for your own good, asking him how his day is going and whatnot. He hates you.)
Proximus calls you pet, btw. He knows your name but will only use it when it's the two of you or for special occasions.
Brings you out into the colony to show you all the progress being made, he's looking for his ego to be inflated, go ahead and do it so you two can head back inside and get out of the heat.
He likes to show you off while he does, telling his subjects that you're special, like Nova was to Caesar. He's delusional and Caesar would be fucking pissed to be compared.
He doesn't need you to do much honestly, you're meant to sit there and look pretty and make him feel important. Maybe help him out with grooming and taking care of his belongings. He trusts you to mend and keep his crown and his attire in good condition.
Likes to play with your hair, the texture is different than apes, and he finds it soothing to run his fingers through it or just pet your head. Once again, it is very demeaning, but it could be worse.
Like Caesar, he is possessive and will try and limit your contact with the others in fear you'll like them more. Your little trio consists of you, himself, and Sylva. He lets you interact with Trevathan, but it's not an everyday thing.
He does care for you more than he'd ever admit, but it doesn't mean he'll particularly change for your sake, at least not intentionally. He's kinda insane and kinda a piece of shit, and you're aware of this.
Makes you sit next to him when he hosts dinners, making sure to pat your head and coo at you (When Noa first sees you at the table getting treated like how he'd treat an eagle, he gives you one of his signature side eyes bc lmao what the fuck is going on)
When it comes down to the ending of the movie when he dies, you're at a loss, Mae frankly thinks you're too far gone, and Noa is not willing to take a chance to offer you a home.
All you have really left to do is to go back to the colony and what's left of it, back to the remaining apes and humans still left unattended. Telling them they're free to go.
At some point among the years of being the closest to Proximus, you do care for him, and it's hard to think he's gone, he offered you a sense of security and belonging, but it's gone now.
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴏɴ!
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silent-sanctum · 7 months
You know in honor of Valentines Day, how about I make a list of Valentines headcanons about Jotaro Kujo:
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♡ When someone asks what flag color he is, one would most likely say red because of his rude, standoffish, and aloof personality (mostly seen in his teenage years)
♡ However, if you think about it aside from the rough exterior, he's actually a subtle green flag. Let me explain-
♡ This is one of those instances where you have to look past his awkward loner-esque personality and observe how he treats people that don't constantly piss him off.
♡ There's a reason why some of us compare his "heart of gold" to the Amazon Forest that is Jonathan:
♡ Jotaro respects boundaries. As someone who's space often gets violated by unwanted fangirls, he's very aware of the importance of personal space. He won't force you to do stuff you don't want to.
♡ Jotaro is open-minded. He likes to explore his surroundings a lot and isn't exactly rigid with preferences or routines. He's willing to accompany you to wherever you want to go and would try out stuff you'd like for him to try out. After all, he did surprise Joseph when he said India was a neat place to be in.
♡ Jotaro is an active listener. Unlike Jonathan, he can't really offer you solid words of comfort. It's not his expertise. But to make up for that, he'd lend a ear to whatever you want to say to him. Sure, he won't talk much but at times, when you really need someone, he'd be there for you- help you out by giving advice on how to not get hurt again, and help provide you logical reasoning that validates your feelings.
♡ Jotaro is loyal and caring. Yes, he's all "mean and grouchy" no one's denying that, but behind that tough skin is someone that loves his friends and family. He values their security above all else and is willing to put his life on the line just to keep them safe from danger. He also isn't one to condone cheating as evident by his statement about Joseph's infidelity.
♡ Jotaro's love languages are Acts of Service and Quality Time. He likes company but he just can't express it well. At times, he'd spend some of his free time just being by your side, lowkey glad seeing you happy with him around. He can tell when you're upset just by reading your body language or can tell what you need from piecing together recollections of your words. As a result, he'd find ways to make you happy using the methods he can do. He'd buy stuff you like, offer you dinner dates at a restaurant that serves your current cravings, put on your favorite movie or music etc.
♡ Jotaro isn't as possessive as you'd expect him to be. He's very aware he's shit at being an entertaining guy, so he isn't in the position of being all high and mighty of wanting you to just be with him. If anything, he likes seeing you enjoy your day hanging out with friends... but he'd really appreciate it when you'd often have him in mind and you invite him to hang with your friend group. Whether he accepts or declines, he's happy you considered inviting him. But if he sees someone blatantly trying to make moves on you, then he has to intervene to remind everyone that you're taken.
❣️ When Valentines arrives... ❣️
♡ Honestly, don't expect him to show up in public being head-over-heels with some grand display of affection because he's not Jonathan nor Joseph.
♡ Instead, you'd find him waiting for you to finish your tasks and either tells you ahead of time where they're going to spend the day or asks you where do you want to go.
♡ Either way, you engage in usual banter and conversation, just how you both liked it over the months, and continue to do so even when dining or spending time in said place.
♡ You both don't show much PDA as an average couple would, and you didnt mind it one bit. But there are times where Jotaro wouldn't mind holding your hand in public. He'd slowly reach your hand, hold it, and place your interlocked hands in his pocket. And you find that genuinely endearing.
♡ Depending on his impromptu plans, he'd either bring you out in a quiet area of a park or ask you if you'd like to hang in his place or yours. And when reaching somewhere private, it's only there that you find out he actually bought you a bouquet and a gift containing something you wanted.
♡ With the way he approached you all bashful under his hat throughout the entirety of the day, you're reminded why you fell in love with him despite the awful first impressions.
♡ To end it off, you both finish the day either by cuddling to sleep or having an intimate session before going to sleep.
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mindstriker · 3 months
Been thinking a lot about Borderlands 3 and Rhys lately and since I've seen people posting a lot about the things they dislike about the way Borderlands 3 handled... literally everything, from previous games' characters to their strange and sudden insistent belief that "some of the megacorporations that make weapons to profit off of the galaxy being unsafe and constantly engage in inter-corporate war to steal things from each other are good actually" I thought I'd add a few of my own thoughts into the ring, this time specifically about Rhys- one of the characters who I found to be both dumbed down in 3 (although to a lesser extent than characters like Vaughn, who was pretty much just reduced to a bit character.) Cut because this is gonna be a long one, folks.
I think something interesting is the fact that Borderlands 3 really took away some of the snide, prideful behaviour Rhys had in the original Tales, kinda stripping him of some of his less "cutesy" personality flaws while giving him new ones he didn't necessarily have before- like accidentally making him seem incredibly shallow in quests like Space Laser Tag- where he's mainly concerned about trivial things like his favourite spots being destroyed while the company he fought to rebuild for the past SEVEN years is also being crushed. This is largely because instead of portraying him as the flawed but OVERALL currently well-intentioned (to some degree) character he is, they wanted him to be little more than an "adorkable" goofy type of character- and acknowledging his past of scheming ambition and potential to be incredibly dismissive of others doesn't fit that.
The thing *I* personally like the most about my perception of Rhys as a character is the dissonance between his character arc and his actions beyond the original Tales. I think it's important to spearhead this conversation with the fact that I don't like buying into the idea of Rhys being possessed by Handsome Jack post-TFTBL, trying to bring him back, or even still being in possession of his infected ECHOeye. Whether he sided with him for the majority of the original Tales or not, I prefer believing that the canon ending to the game inevitably resulted in Rhys finally discarding his idolization of Jack and resolving to veer his own life away from following in Jack's footsteps and towards creating his own ideal future with Atlas.
Does that immediately make him a morally perfect wonderful guy who's not still questionable by sheer virtue of INSISTING on making a return to the very corporate hellscape that pushed him to do everything from get unnecessary body modifications (still forever thinking about the fact that he did NOT lose that arm, my man had it purposefully removed for the sake of career success). No. The FUN part of it all is that Rhys is simultaneously right- he isn't like Jack, and I really don't like that the new Tales really switched up his behaviour to resemble his more- and wrong. Because at the end of the day, he's now still the CEO of a large-scale weapons manufacturer taking advantage of the unrest between planets and corporations just like every other big corp.
I think more than anything, I like Rhys best when he's a well-intentioned person (with glaring character flaws like a persistent love for the corporate life and lingering ambitions) who genuinely cares about Atlas and believes that it's the key to bettering the world he lives in- while simultaneously only REALLY managing to be, at most, a lesser evil. Someone snarky and occasionally snide, who's lightened up into the more affable, comfortable, almost silly persona we see in 3- but not missing the flaws that were definitive of his character in the past, either.
I wish we'd seen him have a stronger reaction to Katagawa Jr. and the possibility of losing Atlas, instead of the played-up-for-laughs kind of upset he displayed over things like a donut shop vs. the literal potential destruction of the company he scavenged out of a bad situation and brought back from the grave. I wanted to see him take it more PERSONALLY. To me, Atlas is in part Rhys trying to prove to HIMSELF that he doesn't need to be like Jack. It's proof and reassurance that when he tries to tell himself he's better, he's right. It's freedom from the corporate rat race he used to live in, because *he*'s in charge of it now, and he's running it with a lighter hand. To me, it's his own (flawed, yes, but I should've made that clear already) attempt to spit on everything Hyperion represented as a corporate environment.
If I'd had my way with it, honestly, I would've played a bit of a more emotional angle with the ideas Borderlands 3 lays out for you. I really love Katagawa Jr. for a lot of reasons, but one of them is the fact that he's a character that really echoes a lot of Rhys' own (past and present) character traits right back at him, and I think that should've been emphasized more. I wanted it to hurt more! Let Rhys look dead in the eyes someone who is, in many ways, eerily similar to himself- opportunistic power-grabbing and all- and realize that he's going to have to have him killed to protect what he's built for himself. I wanted him to realize that this was the only way things were ever going to turn out- because there's no happy ending when you go corporate in the Borderlands universe. It's going to be backstabbing, conflict with other manufacturers, and destruction all the way down.
Anyways I have a *lot* more to say than this (autism does that to a motherfucker)- but I see a lot of discourse? Discussion? Who knows- anyways. I see it a lot regarding Rhys, and I think my take is essentially, TLDR:
He doesn't need to be the pinnacle of evil, a new clone of Handsome Jack or someone stepping into his footsteps, just another heartless corporate fuck who underwent no character development whatsoever and is just as bad as Maliwan, or Tediore, or anyone else. He also shouldn't be reduced to "the good one". I know that Borderlands 3 itself is for the most part completely allergic to nuance, especially in character writing, but I think it's fascinating to play with the idea of a character who is trying to do their best to BE "the good one" and succeeding to some degree- while still failing to break the status quo in a way that matters. He also doesn't need to be entirely a goofy piece of shit that's obsessed with action figures, OR a conniving, snide asshole who's way too overconfident sometimes. He could've and should've been a bit of both, y'know?
Thanks for coming to my TED talk. If you read all this, you have my commendation.
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oddly specific maybe, but could you please write a smut fic w habit and a reader thats the lead singer in a band? gn or ftm, either or X3
I love this one!! I'm so sorry for the wait :(( I hope you like it!! This is a the first time someone requested a ftm fic and I love it.
HABIT x FTM,lead singer Reader
WARNINGS: biting, blood, mild possessiveness, idk playful slut shaming?
I envisioned gerard ways stage performances when I wrote this I hope that comes through
The set had just ended, and lord was it a high-energy show. By the time you’re done packing up, you’re still covered in glitter and sweat, your throat is raw and sore, and all you can think about is falling face-first into the bed of your motel and sleeping for a week. And that’s just what you do.
Not long after picking up, you’re struggling with a finicky keycard. You sigh, jamming the keycard in the slot and shoving your shoulder against the door. Surprisingly, that worked. You open the door to see Habit sitting on the bed in the center of the room, staring you down with a sinister grin that you don't take the time to acknowledge. Instead, you walk straight to the bathroom, leaving the door ajar. As you wash your hands, Habit greets you in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe and staring you down. You give him a look as you shake the water off your hands, waiting for him to say something.
“I saw you out there. Pretty impressive, y’know.” His voice is plain, you can’t tell if he’s genuinely impressed or not. He seems bitter. You roll your eyes light-heartedly as you walk past him, sitting on the edge of the bed to take your shoes off. “Was the moaning into the mic really necessary though?” There it is! He’s being a jealous bastard. You let out a small laugh before tossing your shoes towards the door.
“Well, yeah, it’s written into the song.” You put your feet up on the bed, stretching yourself out and thanking everything that you chose semi-comfortable clothes to perform in.
“I know damn well it wasn’t! C’mon, you really did not need the fan service.” You aren’t paying much attention to what Habit’s saying, you’re more focused on the fact that he’s within perfect kicking range. So you kick him. Gently, of course, but enough to earn a surprised scoff. He throws his head back, putting the back of his hand against his forehead theatrically in mock betrayal. “I can’t believe you! First, you act like a harlot on stage, and now this! I just can’t believe you.” You scoff in response, putting your hand to your chest.
“Harlot?” You say in mild surprise. “Who do you think you are?” You sit up, supporting yourself with your hands behind you.
“Oh sorry, would you prefer manwhore? A complete and total slut?” You laugh, but Habit seems very committed to being serious. You take the opportunity to play tackle him, which quickly ends with you being pinned against the bed. He’s very proud of his victory, and you suppose you’ll let him have that. He moves to press a rather aggressive kiss to your lips, and that’s all it takes to make you aggressively aware of how this is gonna work out. You can’t help but wonder how much glitter is gonna be on Habit at the end of this. He trails one of his hands up your torso, landing it right on your throat for higher leverage. He squeezes lightly, just enough to constrict your breathing uncomfortably. He bites your lip, shoving his tongue in your mouth the second you open it. As soon as you let your guard down his hands are all over you.
Habit moans into your mouth, moving his knee in between your legs, pressing against your crotch. You yelp when he nips at your tongue, slapping his shoulder and getting your wrist pinned above your head as a result. He spends a while feeling you up like that before moving down to bite your neck, and he bites hard. You think he’s trying to rip out your jugular the way his teeth are digging into you, and when you try to shove him off, he just bites down harder. You’re so sure you’re bleeding, but by the time he gets off you his hand is down your pants, fingers toying with your tdick. He gives you a long, deep kiss before pulling away.
“Oh so loud rabbit. Tellin’ everyone around how good I’m making you feel, huh?” You nod, closing your eyes tight. It really shouldn’t feel this good, but being on the road and all, you haven't really been touched in weeks. He teases your entrance a while before shoving his middle and ring finger into you, angling everything just right—you just about cry, and he’s not even close to done yet. He’s not even making an attempt to stretch you out, he’s just looking for reasons to mock you for being sensitive. “Rabbit I’m surprised, you normally last a lot longer than this don’t you?” He speaks so condescendingly, leaning down, his cheek against yours, and you're pressed tightly against him. He couldn’t have been touching you for more than three minutes, and you’re already at your first whining orgasam.
Now, Habit is lifting you off the bed slightly, enough to get your pants down and as soon as they're off he's undoing his own. He just can't help it, I mean how else is he gonna prove you're his? You deserve a treat after such a good performance. Or maybe you deserve a punishment for painting yourself like that in front of so many people. Habit can't decide which, so he'll mix both. He barely has to line himself up he knows your body so well, and as soon as he's ready—which is the second he has the chance—he's ramming into you so hard you're about 80% sure he's gonna shatter your cervix if he goes on like that.
All of it aside, Habit still has you screaming and grabbing at the sheets like your life depends on it. He keeps his pace and intensity as he bends down to suck dark hickies into your neck. The combination of him biting—practically chewing on your neck and how full he's making you is almost unbearable. It's just not enough for Habit, though, so he has absolutely no choice but to reach a hand down and jerk you off. That sends you into an absolute frenzy—you're arching your back, pressing yourself against him and simultaneously trying to get away from him, and he's not sure if he's amused or annoyed by your defiance. He moves to grab both of your wrists in his hand, pinning them above your head and getting more aggressive with his biting. This time, you know he drew blood, ‘cause when he comes up to kiss you it's dripping down his chin and smeared across his lips, and when he goes in for a kiss you taste it—salty and metallic.
Habit moves down to lick up the blood he drew, and as he does so he hits something just right it makes your dick twitch and throb against his fingers. He moves just a little faster, almost growling. “C'mon rabbit, cum for me cum on my dick.” You nod, moaning his name loud enough the people next door bang on the connecting wall. Habit laughs, leaning in to lick all the way up the side of your face.
“My good rabbit, huh?”
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gurokichi · 8 days
My yan + darling types!
Click on the underlined words to see the original type posts and read through them for context on what these mean!
Yandere enneagram: 479 - The Romantic (The most accurate one in my opinion if you were to go look at my type)
Yan MBTI: RAML (Reverent, Aware, Manipulative, Lenient)
Yan types: LSMT (Lucid, Submissive, Manipulation, Tame)
Soft yan: CDWI (Covert, Distant, Wary, Impulsive)
Big five: OCDAF (Open, Casual, Discreet, Agreeable, Fragile)
Darling MBTI: C(A-W)DP (Composed, Aware-Willing, Dependent, Paranoid)
Elaboration on my thoughts about these under the cut. I tried to choose what I thought fit me best! Some were tricky, though. Feel free to do with this information what you will! ♡
Yandere types:
Reverent: I would much rather die than be cruel to my obsession unless they wanted that treatment. I’d feel so guilty upsetting them. Aware: I’m kinda both, tbh. It swings wildly depending on how I feel, but most of the time I’m aware of my behavior and how it impacts our relationship. Manipulative: Once again, kinda both. I lean more towards manipulative. It depends on if they’re as “crazy” as I am. I fear telling people about the extent of my obsession, as I don’t want to scare them off, so I usually hide most of it. I try to do things that’ll make them turn to me over others. Lenient: I don’t mind what they do as long as I’m still important and they come back to me at the end of the day. Not to say I can’t get possessive, though.
Yan types:
Lucid: I’m aware that my feelings may be wrong, but I do struggle with putting my obsessions on a pedestal. Submissive: I would do anything to make those I love happy; I want them to stay with me because I’m loved by them!! There’s not much I wouldn’t do to keep their attention and love. Manipulation: I’m too weak for violence, and I’d hate to hurt anyone. Tame: I’m aware that most of the things I think of doing wouldn’t be good, and so for the most part, I don’t act on my thoughts.
Soft yan:
Covert: I think I can be a mixture of both covert and overt, depending on who I’m talking to. I’ll hide my more intense behavior if I’m unsure of how someone will react to it, but if someone were to encourage my behavior, then I’d try to be more open about it. Distant: I prefer they come to me of their own accord! I wouldn’t want them feeling smothered, and as a result, not like being around me. Wary: I find it hard to believe that someone truly loves and cares for me, even if they say they do. It takes me a while to actually let my guard down around others. I feel like I need to cling on and be useful so they’ll stay. Impulsive: I do plan things, but I do much more in the spur of the moment! I’ll get an idea and instantly want to enact it.
Big five:
Open: While I’m not too open about it, I tend to test how much I can get away with being open about. I felt this fit me much more than being closed, as I don’t get mad or feel shame over my obsession. I tend to quickly pursue those I’m interested in and try to get the relationship that I want with them. Casual: I believe that as long as I continue to be useful, be in their life, and do things for my obsession, then they’ll like me over others. Who wouldn’t like someone who cares for them lots? Discreet: I try not to share how obsessive I actually am, as I don’t want to scare anyone off. I can hide my less than desireable behavior pretty well, usually! Agreeable: I genuinely love and care for those I obsess over, and I just want them to be happy above all. Fragile: I can easily become discouraged from doing something if the person I’m doing it to doesn’t like it or seems upset. I just want them to love me back, and I’d do anything for that.
Darling type:
Darling MBTI:
Composed: I absolutely do want all their attention, but I’m capable of waiting for it as I understand they may have things to do. As long as they love me lots, I don’t mind doing so. Aware-Willing: I’m entirely aware of the behavior that may come from yanderes, and I’m fine with it! I encourage it, if anything. It makes me feel wanted, as that’s the way I love. I’ll be just as crazy back for them <3 Dependent: I don’t want to do anything without my obsession. I need them around; nothing matters besides them! What’s the point of living if not to be theirs? Paranoid: I need reassurance often that they actually love me as much as they say they do and enjoy my behavior. I worry easily that I’m secretly a burden and that they’ll discard me.
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animeyanderelover · 6 months
Anon: Yandere alphabet with Asano Gakuho?
Since you didn't specify which letters, I just chose four.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, forced relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, controlling behavior, monopolizing behavior, isolation, manipulation, gaslighting
Yandere Alphabet
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Death-How messy are they? Do they feel guilty/sorry for the lives they take?
🏫Gakuho may never drive a knife in another's heart and he may never use a gun to end someone's life but I would argue that the methods he uses make a normal death through a weapon seem preferable. He may not be an assassin yet he has tremendous influence and power in his hands. The things he can do are numerous and one option is as terrifying as the next one. You would know best just how terrifying Gakuho is as you are the unfortunate victim of his obsession. Gakuho, who believes that Ikeda's death was his own mistake, has since voted to never be so careless again in his life and let another mistake happen. This mindset can be perfectly applied to this topic as well as he does not let anything slide, no matter how harmless it might be. He seeks out total control and that not only includes his school and the students in it but also your life and the life of the people surrounding you. He wants perfection and if the people around you do not fit into his image, he will remove them.
🏫He ignores basic morals in favor of perfecting everything to his own image. He never feels any pity for the people he teaches a lesson as he always sees it as taking care of the pest before it can cause any damage. Obviously a huge part of the isolation he forces on you is a result of his own controlling personality yet I can't help but think that another reason he always reacts so quickly is because of the lingering guilt he feels for Ikeda's death. His former student was driven to suicide due to the intense bullying he had to endure and that memory that has led him to change his very foundation has led to a very intense overprotective instinct as Gakuho grows obsessed with you. If he eliminates the tender bud before it can grow into anything threatening for you, he genuinely believes that he does you a favor. You may not think the same but that's to be expected. You have a soft and good heart after all. He's just making sure that your heart doesn't crumble like his student's heart did.
Earnest-How intense and dangerous are they really?
🏫​Gakuho is a freaking monster and he doesn't even hide it as he believes his methods and the way he sees things to be the correct one. Everyone is one way or another intimidated by him although he possesses just as much charm and charisma to convince everyone of his decisions. It is honestly the sum of everything that makes him arguably the worst one of his verse. He has the influence, the money and the power that it takes to imprison you forever. He has the intelligence, the looks and the charm to influence the hearts and minds of the people around you even without having to use his position. He is very controlling and possessive which means that you have essentially no time for yourself as he has a schedule for your own life yet he is confident enough in the grasp he has on your life to even let you wander around freely if you have earned it as he knows that you have no means of freeing yourself from him.
Fight-How do they feel if their darling fights back/says they hate them?
🏫​It takes some courage to say this to a man who always emits such an intimidating aura and he gives you credit for doing so as many others wouldn't have the guts to do so. You are going to be the only one agitating yourself as Gakuho is terrifyingly calm as you do so. If he is doing something else whilst you fight back or run your mouth against him, he continues with what he is doing all whilst glancing occasionally at you to tell you that he is listening. You might think that he would punish disobedience but he is quite unbothered with your little temper tantrum. You may spout such claims but do you have any means to defy him? It is the knowledge that by the end of the day you won't be able to do anything that gives him such calmness. There is no need to get worked up over your empty threats after all. Instead he's hoping that venting your emotions out like this will help you to cool down and think rationally again.
Game-Do they see this all as a game?
🏫​No. Gakuho has never viewed anything as a fun game anymore since his own student committed suicide and the same counts for his feelings for you. As cruel, controlling and scary as Gakuho can be and will definitely be, he has always made sure to show you that the feelings he harbors for you are sincere. Even if his love may be twisted and dark, he has never considered you as anything less than his lover and partner he plans to keep with him until death tears you two apart. It is instead precisely because he holds you so dearly that he has done all the things he has done so far. He loves you and he protects you in the way he deems to be the right one and whilst those actions are extreme and without any morals attached to them, he does them because he is serious and dangerously committed to the relationship he has forcefully built with you.
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thatguywhodoesstuff · 5 months
A Golden Goose Idea
After putting some thought into it, I’ve decided to hop back online for a moment and share some ideas I’ve had for a Mammon X Stella fan kid. I probably won’t do much of anything with with the character, but I felt like sharing my vision of a gremlin child for this glorious ship, while also borrowing from some of the ideas posited by @prof-ramses.
Ideas Under The Cut:
While Stella had experience from when Octavia was still an egg and was for the most part pretty reserved during the incubation period, Mammon’s nerves were shot and his dread over something going wrong before the egg hatched led him to act (more) aggressive and impulsive towards those outside his family. During the months leading up to the hatching day, Greed as a whole was walking on pins and needles for fear of provoking its ruler’s fury.
When the day finally came, Mammon and Stella welcomed a bouncing baby boy into the world and in that moment both felt like they were at the top of Hell.
They named him Merch.
Physically, Merch takes heavily after his father (same general build and four arms, but his head is more blocky and he has four visible eyes), with some attributes from his uncle Andy (he has some sparse crystalline/icy feathers). Overall, he draws a lot of inspiration from a Peacock Spider (Arachnophobia Warning).
Personality wise, Merch has the innocent, but chaotic energy of Spooky Month’s Skid and Pump mixed with the scheming and quick thinking of Louise Belcher. Merch is also possessing of a boundless sense of curiosity and a complete lack of understanding of boundaries or warnings, often resulting in him leaving chaos in his wake when left unattended.
Has a really close relationship with both of his parents, often helping his mom with her art projects and being overjoyed whenever his dad takes him to any of his various businesses (especially Loo Loo Land).
I like to think Merch eventually grows up to be an architect/engineer/imagineer that specializes in making fair rides and amusement parks as a tribute to both of his parents’ interests.
His relationship with Octavia is a bit distant given the significant gap in their ages, but the two get along pretty well and often turn to one another as someone they can vent to.
When it comes to his extended family, the Sins are (for the most part) overjoyed to have another little one running around they can dote on and guide towards eventually becoming a new superpower in Hell and Charlie just lights up whenever she sees him and he’s always excited to hangout with his cousin.
As for uncle Andrealphus, Merch follows in his dad’s footsteps in stringing him along and subtly insulting him to his face. Mam has definitely taught him to do the same to Ozzie and Fizz under the guise of it being a game.
While Camio and Furfur are overjoyed that Stella and Mam have another kid and they do genuinely care for Merch, after their first (and last) time babysitting him, they prefer to be around him with his parents or sister also being present.
The only person Merch legitimately dislikes is Stolas because, even if Merch doesn’t know all of the details, he knows that Stolas hurt his mom and sister. Stolas is probably the only person Merch actively schemes against in the hopes of making his life more difficult.
While Stella and Mammon are pretty involved and present parents, Merch is pretty much free to wander and explore Greed unattended, the same applying to Octavia, with no fear of either of them being in any real danger. Everyone in the ring knows better than to mess with them because, unlike Ozzie, Mammon would be far more active in ensuring either of his kids’ safety, even if it means cutting a bloody swath through his own territory.
In terms of voice, I can only really picture him as sounding like Pump.
I really like the idea of Merch wearing clothes emblazoned with a cent sign as a nod to Mammon’s design incorporating dollar signs.
I also like the idea of Merch just generally being larger than the rest of his family as an adult, while keeping most of his easy going and cheerfully chaotic personality despite maturing.
Merch has a tendency to say corporate buzzwords and shill Mammon brand products. He doesn’t really understanding what he’s talking about, he just wants to imitate his dad. Mammon and Stella find this habit adorable, while Octavia is left more than a little exasperated by it all.
Merch is every bit as touchy-feely and has the same personal space invading tendencies as his father.
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comeonsherry · 3 months
Cherry Blossoms
I finally got around to uploading this Jonlock fic that nobody asked for on here, lol. I mostly upload to AO3, and I turned a lot of my fics to private on there recently for reasons partly discussed in a recent post on here haha. Anyway, here's a hurt/comfort-esque fic. I LOVE it when people hurt each other and apologise for it. Genuinely my favourite type of hurt/comfort. Jon and Sherlock are sweeties. You can take this as platonic or romantic, I don't really mind!
Featuring a gif that I didn't know was by my mutual @spiteful-crow until I used it LOL
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Jon had been pissing Sherlock off all day.
It wasn’t a nice feeling, to have someone you care so much about make you feel so desperately overwhelmed, yet, that was how Sherlock was feeling. He was certain of it, and it wasn’t often that he was certain of many of his feelings at all.
Jon did like to talk, he truly did. He preferred talking over everything else in the world, even Sherlock’s wellbeing, it often felt like. Sherlock often reminisces on a night when they were children, Jon simply couldn’t stop talking about their recent case. He was like a man possessed, Sherlock had thought, but then, Jon simultaneously often reminded him of himself in some ways. It’s strange what fantasies the mind will create to stop you from seeing the worst sides of yourself. Even if those worst sides happen to be the side of you that is desperate to talk relentlessly about yourself.
That didn’t mean Sherlock had to enjoy it. He was feeling especially… twitchy, that day. Almost every repetitive noise would set him off into a spiral of being desperate to just… scream, and maybe use the gun he had holstered in his pocket.
“Sherry,” Jon grinned, giving Sherlock a kick from under the table, sending a ripple of annoyance through him, resulting a harsh glare being sent his way, something his enthusiastic companion struggled to care about. “Look over there.” He pointed at the dock below them, where two seagulls seemed to be committing some sort of… inappropriate act together. The young detective barely suppressed a disgusted shudder, turning back to Jon with an eyeroll.
“Honestly, could you be anymore immature, Jon?” He snapped, narrowing his eyes and clenching his fist around the glass in his hand. He could see the other man thinking up a witty remark, and the very idea of it pushed Sherlock over the edge, cutting him off before he could even try. “You’ve been irritating me all day. It’s been constant talking, it’s always talking with you! Would it be such a burden for you to try being quiet for once?” He snarls, getting to his feet and pointing an accusatory finger at his oldest, and closest friend. Perhaps his only friend. “I’ve been on a thin string with you today, my friend, but instead of realising it, perhaps trying to offer a few steadying words, you’ve taken a pair of shears to it and snapped it right in half.” Sherlock rifled through his wallet, his usually pale face remarkably flushed with anger, a very rare sight. “I truly hope you’ve enjoyed yourself.” He finished, slamming his drink payment down on the table and storming off before his stunned Jon could say anything.
Sherlock found himself in his childhood bedroom not even an hour later, curled up in a not-so-gentlemanly way, his knees tucked to his chest, his holster, jacket, and waistcoat long since discarded to the floor, one hand running tensely up and down his arm in some pathetic way to self soothe. Jon hadn’t shown himself since Sherlock had berated him, and embarrassed himself in front of a cafe through of people by ranting quite heatedly at thin air. He liked to pretend that his absence was due to wanting to give Sherlock some space, but deep down, (though, perhaps not too deep down, because he knows Jon better than anybody else does), he knew that it was because he was in a huff. Another childish ability Sherlock convinced himself he had lost years ago, that Jon had somehow managed to keep.
“Anything to say for yourself, then?”
Clearly, Jon wasn’t so upset with his oldest friend that he couldn’t come and drag a disgruntled apology from his lips.
Sherlock simply grunted in response, rolling his eyes and pulling his knees tighter to his chest. Who said Jon deserved an apology? If anything, it was Sherlock who deserved an apology. His needs had been ignored all day, he’d been emotionally and sensorily trampled on every five seconds. It wasn’t fair.
Jon’s voice broke Sherlock’s preferred silence, causing him to pull the pillow over his ears.
“Right, and you say I’m the one who throws tantrums.”
Sherlock sits up, indignation clear on his flushed face. He glares straight at Jon, his blue eyes piercing the man’s soul, if he even has one. Which Sherlock assumes he does, because how could a man with so many emotions not have a soul? Perhaps that makes Sherlock soulless. He doesn’t particularly understand such things, and he doesn’t particularly try to.
He takes a deep breath, shutting his eyes. “I do realise that I’m not often one to apologise for things,” Sherlock pauses, his eyes slowly opening, pupils focusing back in on Jon like a cat’s on its unsuspecting victim. “But I suppose, in this case, it is necessary. I,” He breathes, “am sorry, Jon. It was wrong of me to have said such terrible things about you, and in fact, I usually find your chatter to be quite refreshing.”
Jon tilts his head, eyeing Sherlock up and down before giving him a brief nod, coming to sit beside him on the bed, where the other had now swung his legs over to have his feet meet the wooden floor. “Thanks, Sherry.” He offers a small smile, the gesture is enough to make Sherlock’s heart twist, a strange, awfully guilty sensation resting heavily in his chest. “I know you only said it because you were upset.” Sherlock shakes his head, hesitating for a moment before placing a cool hand on Jon’s own. “No,” He stops him. “That’s not any excuse. I still could have asked you to stop talking in a more pleasant way,” His eyes dart to the floor once more, “Jon, I never want you to think that you are unwanted. You are not. You are my closest companion. My friend. My… partner.” The words fell from the consulting detective’s lips like petals from a cherry blossom tree; soft and easy. Sherlock had never found it simpler to convey his feelings than with Jon. The man was his other half, in more ways than one.
Jon blinked, half-blindsided by the sudden words of kindness, half-filled with his own chest-aching guilt. “I know,” He gave Sherlock’s hand a squeeze. “I know. I really do.” He sighs, brown eyes meeting blue. “I owe you an apology as well, Sherlock.” It wasn’t often Jon used Sherlock’s full name, it was often some variation of ‘Sherry’, which Sherlock never protested to. Still, he wasn’t going to protest to this, either. “I pushed you too far today, I did. It wasn’t fair, I knew you were upset, or– or overwhelmed, or… whatever you were today, and I still pushed it. You would never have snapped at me like you did, had I not been the one to shove you over the edge.” Jon gives a hesitant nod, a way of recognising his own mistakes from the day. Sherlock appreciates the gesture, a weak smile crawling onto his face; the only one he can force his overworked facial muscles to produce at the moment. “For that, my friend, I am truly sorry.”
Sherlock lets his hand be guided to Jon’s lips, feeling their softness press to the back of it as his face flushes, practically cherry red. He looks down at the floor, almost too embarrassed to meet Jon’s gaze. “Thank you, Jon.” Thank you.
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rfxiii · 1 year
First time saying “I love you” for the North Yankton boys:
(TW: angst in Trevor’s story)
(fem reader)
[1260 words]
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Michael Townley:
He’d brought you out to see an old reshowing of one of his favorite movies at the local drive in theater. He’d brought pillows, blankets, and bought you both huge drinks and enough snacks to last a week.
You’re cuddled up in the front seat, with Michael’s arm wrapped possessively around your shoulder as the old black and white film flashes across the screen. Michael is more than engrossed, but surprisingly not on the film. He can’t tear his eyes away from how interested you look- your eyes glued to the screen and a little smile on your lips as your fingers fumble absently for the bucket of popcorn.
Nobody has ever liked the same classic movies as him, but from your very first date, when you’d mentioned going to the cinema and watching one of his favorite films, Michael had known you’d be the one.
The movie ends far too soon in his opinion, and as you both fold blankets and toss pillows into the back seat, you haven’t stopped chattering about the movie.
“And then he says ‘I loved you once Tony, but there’s nothing between us. Now that I know you prefer dictation.’ I love that line! Thank you so much for bringing me tonight, Michael” you coo, grinning wide and leaning up against his shoulder.
A soft chuckle slips from Michael’s lips- his heart is fluttering while he still tries to comprehend how perfect you are,
“God, (y/n)… I love you.”
A breathless giggle escapes your lips as you try to process his words. Michael is a true gentleman, he’s kind, a bit withdrawn, but still passionate about the things he loves. And according to him, you were one of those few things,
“I love you too, Mikey.”
A smile grows on Michael’s lips, and when he leans in and pulls you into a deep, romantic kiss, you feel just like a character in a romance movie.
Trevor Philips:
You hated when this happened. It wasn’t his fault, and you know that. But you still wish there was something you could say or do to fix it. His mother had been to visit this morning, and as it always happened when she stopped by, the visit had left him a sobbing mess on the floor.
You’d known she was coming, and made some excuse to leave. You’d always hated that vile woman, but you’d learned very quickly not to speak ill of her to Trevor. He idolized that witch of a mother of his, and the first and only time you’d mentioned hating her, it had resulted in a nearly day long argument between the two of you. So you keep your mouth shut and excuse yourself whenever you catch wind of her sporadic visitations.
But it’s times like these, when you come home to find him in such a pathetic, broken state, that you genuinely feel guilty for leaving him alone with her.
You sit on the floor beside him, silently pulling him into your lap as you stroke your fingers through his tangled mess of a mullet. His face is blotchy red and soiled with tears and snot that both soak the fabric of your jeans as he clings to your thigh.
You stroke his hair, holding him close as you rock him gently and offer soft words to calm his heartbroken tears,
“Sshhh.. It’s ok, Trevor.. I’m right here.. I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry.. It’s alright now, baby. I’ve got you.. I’m not going anywhere.”
He crawls up your body like a clingy cat, practically seating himself in your lap as he wraps you up in a tight, desperate hug,
“I love you.. I love you, (y/n).. Don’t leave me.. Please don’t go..”
The wet, desperate pleas break your heart. But you can’t truly do anything to fix it. You want more than anything to fix the pain of his childhood, to make his mother love him like she should, to take away all the pain in his heart. But you know you never can. So you hold him tight and give him all you have to give- your love,
“I love you too, Trev. I love you so much. And I’m not ever going anywhere. I promise.”
Brad Snider:
He can be so dumb sometimes, and so childish, but in such a cute, endearing way. The snow is coming down in sheets, and it’s accumulated to nearly your mid-calf. But he’d had the genius idea to go outside in it. You’d had your back to him, enjoying the quiet tranquility of the snow softly falling across the small yard in the trailer park he’s residing in when the first snow ball hits you. Soft, icy snow explodes against your back, chilling you further as you let out a yelp of surprise and spin around to gap in shock at his brightly grinning face.
“Brad! What the hell!?”
“Aww, come on, babe. Don’t gimme that look~” Brad taunts, stepping back quickly as he sees you gathering snow and forming it into a projectile.
“Don’t you run from me, Bradley Snider!” you shout, chasing after him as you throw the snowball in his direction- missing pathetically as you do.
“Ooh! Ya gotta be faster than that, princess!” Brad cackles, hurling his own snowball at you and hitting you in the chest as icy snow slips down into your shirt.
“Ugh! You fuckin’ suck!”
The snowball fight goes on forever, and for a while it’s honestly like being a kid again. He makes you feel that way alot- you’re both always laughing, going on silly little adventures, staying up watching movies, and playing silly games like this. Your thoughts are snapped back into the present when another snowball hits the back of your head and his laughter fills your ears. With a growl, you run at him, throwing your body into his- the impact having no effect on him, but he gives you the satisfaction of thinking you’d done something by letting out a groan and pulling you down atop him into the snow.
“You’re terrible!” you giggles, swatting at his chest as he holds you close and tries to stifle his laughter.
His laughter is infectious, and you find yourself unable to look away from his beaming smile and bright, blue eyes. He can be a lot, but you really wouldn’t want to be spending this time with anyone else in the world. He sees the way you look at him, how you smile for him, and he knows better than anyone just how lucky he is to have you..how lucky he is that you chose him.
“Fuck.. You know I love you more than anything, (y/n)?” Brad chuckles softly, reaching up to tuck hair behind your ear.
Your eyes widen in surprise, and for a moment his heart nearly stops for fear that you’ll reject him and leave. But his fear his quickly dashed when your look of shock is quickly replaced with a wide grin as you lean down and press a soft, sweet kiss to his lips,
“I love you too, Brad.. Even if you are an asshole.” you giggle, grabbing a fistful of snow and pressing it to his cheek.
He gasps in shock, and before he can get his bearings you’re on your feet and running for the house,
“Oh, you’re fuckin’ in for it now, babe!” he shouts, getting to his feet and sprinting behind you with a wide grin.
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sketching-shark · 2 months
Laios Dungeonmeshi- i mean, Laios Touden for the ask game, cuz i think you've already been asked of all of the JTTW crew alot
Thanks for the ask @seasonalsummers! And apologies to you and everyone else who's sent me asks only for me to take 5 billion years to reply (X_X)
But Laiooooosss...seems like everyone and their mother is talking about him these days, and for good reason lol. I guess for the most part I'd go with the majority of saying that he's a neat character for a number of reasons, from being a genuine freak but not a pervert to his strong desire for friendship & the way that gets messed up and repaired to the way his love of monsters is significantly defined by how alienated he feels from much of humanity. I can't remember who said it, but he kind of reminds me of this quote I stumbled across where the speaker was noting how a reason many prefer the company of animals to that of humans is the way that animals are often very direct with their intentions and desires, whereas humans have a habit of hiding who they are and what they truly want. So especially for a manga that's all about the nature of desire, the potentially cataclysmic consequences of misreading intent, but also the absolute necessity of forming bonds with living things of all kinds to survive, Laios does make for a great protagonist.
I honestly didn't really ship him with anyone on my first read-through of the manga, but after seeing some posts on how well the compliment each other Kabru x Laios is growing on me. I think it really helps that both Kabru and Laios have goals, interests, and friend groups that lie outside of each other, but that they can complement each other so well thanks to each one possessing skills that the other one lacks and both sincerely wanting to help their loved ones. I do think it helps as well that Ryōko Kui didn't feel the need to demonize or dumb either Laios or Kabru down to make their friendship work. Hell, while Laios does become king Kabru becomes his advisor, and the manga itself stands testament to why that's a partnership that's likely for the best.
AUGH it's really hard to pin down but one non-romantic OTP for Laois given how much he loves each member of his party, but I guess ultimately I'd have to say Senshi. Besides being a fun character it was thanks to this dwarf's culinary skills with monster bits that Laios and his party were able to make the attempt to get Falin back in the first place, after all! More importantly for me however is the way Senshi has a deep understanding of the cycles that need to be maintained in order for a world of eating and being eaten to continue, and his explanation of them is something that I do think helped inform Laios's decisions which ultimately resulted in him saving the world from being consumed.
I don't think that it's a deeply unpopular opinion, but I do agree with others who've said that Laios's bouts of insensitivity and even outright bigotry shouldn't be dismissed as just him being autistic. Ryōko Kui made it pretty clear that biases of all kinds have an important hand in shaping what the world of Dungeon Meshi is like, and it definitely decreases the richness of the story to pretend that the main characters, Laios included, don't have any.
I do think that Dungeon Meshi ending where it did makes a lot of sense, but tbh I wish that we had seen more about what Laios is like as a king dealing with the more mundane day-to-day tasks of ruling. I do like that he apparently spends a lot of time and energy on the production and distribution of food, but I'd be keen to see what that would actually look like in practice, especially given the state of the island and the way a lot of the fantasy races which have long histories of being hostile towards each other are living alongside each other there. Dungeon Meshi is quite clear about Laios having a lot of difficulty reading people, and it would be interesting to see how that would play out with him in a position that's largely all about telling what people want and why and responding accordingly. Of course keep in mind this is coming from someone who's list of favorite books includes Moby-Dick (which contains lengthy descriptions of what's actually involved in boiling down whales for their oil) and the obscure sci-fi Grasp the Stars (who's hero is a middle-aged woman dealing with diplomatic emergencies at a space port), so my desire for this kind of expansion of Laios lore is probably not what most people want lmao.
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stoneyweezin · 3 months
when i think of a stereotypical stoner i think of pauly shore in encino man. like saying “don’t tax my gig so hardcore cruster” is my favorite thing in the world so… i present to you stoner!reader being adopted into the party (before argyle of course) and more than likely pissing off all the adults.
not proofread
mentions of drug usage. reader is of age.
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first person to catch on to your antics was eddie.
he saw how you were the most functioning high person he’s ever seen.
specifically because his bud would have him pretty chilled out.
it was a dead giveaway after you all had basically fought in an alternate dimension and all you could say was
“these vibes are so grody.”
your tongue sticking out as you fake gagged
on the top side, they had entered the upside down through your closet, surprisingly. billy and steve standing watch, while simultaneously hating each other.
the room smelled like your favorite scent and weed.
steve knowing the smell all to well while it took billy a minute to catch on.
not really liking you or the party but mainly was in it to protect max and also himself from getting possessed again
he mainly didn’t like you because while he was in recovery you told him he looked like “sunshine in a bar”
whatever the hell that meant
but he took it wrong and from that point resented you and your stupid curly hair
speaking of your curly hair… you’d hide joints in it
eddie was jealous he hadn’t thought of it first
mainly picking into your fro hoping you had a spare, which resulted in you two slapping at each others hands like cats in an alleyway
joyce had pulled her humorous moments from you
enjoying how you panicked not so much compared to the rest of the group when things were getting hectic
hopper was sick and tired of you being an absolute ditz at times
you’d look at him with so much confusion when he’d speak, he felt his inner cop wanting out
“ hey hopper, my pal, i get you’re a narc but this is life or death here… i prefer going out with a lil kick in my system yeah?”
he couldn’t stand you and your teenage madness
el had her times where you made her laugh even though she was fighting for her life and others
“hear me out primo, you got some abilities nobody else has. now does that make us useful? not at all but we’ve got heart. we fight, you fight, it’s fair game.”
for some reason pep talks from a person buzzed out their mind was a lot more genuine
it was even once with billy, the brawn, didn’t want anyone to see him panicking about going into the creel house
feeling slight guilt about max being the target after all her trauma…
hence him almost dying
“you freaking out aren’t you?”
“fuck off.”
“hey don’t be so sharp! if it were up to me i’d have you smoked like a chimney but i get you’re struggling buddy.”
your hand would lazily lay on his shoulder as you two sat in front of the creel house
he’d lean into your hand unconsciously but ignoring the look on your face
when the earthquake happened, your house basically fell apart
steve offered you to stay in his house
his parents taking you in with crooked grins because of the fact you were clearly a stoner
it was nights after the earthquake where you’d lay on his floor and talk about everything
“i mean… el is pretty rad. she closed an entire gate to a world just because the chick was pissed creatures were fuckin with her friends.”
steve would nod as he watched you blabber
“if you had powers what would you have?”
your elbows would be at the edge of his bed, eyes gazing into his before his lips would go into a thoughtful flat line
“uh… i don’t know what’s that one power rogue has”
“that chick with the white piece in her hair? so a copycat”
“no not a copycat”
“soooo a copycat.”
you’d fall on the floor giggling at steve trying to save his reasoning
after everything you’d all often help out at the school, sometimes going out and looking for any survivors
obviously you and eddie would catch yourselves sparking up
billy wanting in but once in a blue moon, as well as steve.
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heroinelace · 4 months
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fem jeff x ej, yes they're dating your honor.
Hello! if you've been here you probably remember me saying tested concept designs for fem jeff (jennifer) and EJ, ( jacquline) this is what i came up with
Jennifer has strabismus, but trust me, she can still see and aim very, very well. she's overly erratic and aggressive. Cocky and conceited, i can describe her as overactive including in her tendency to yap a lot which EJ doesn't mind.
Jen prefers to impulsively kill others, not being strategic as it takes away from the purpose of killing in her eyes, she keeps three blades on her. A large hunting knife and two daggers in case of emergencies.
Jen typically targets unsuspecting couples or teenagers. she doesn't enjoy killing kids at all, but maybe a pet instead.
Jaq is like a still lake, with a gator just below the surface. Rarely making others known of her presence until its perfect timing.
Jacquline is more on the hunting side, she can't see very well so she relies on her sense of smell, taste, and hearing. she is considered a top predator in the food chain next to something like the Rake.
Her targets are anything she can feast on, including other monsters or things larger than herself.
She prefers other predatory creatures. Often viewing them as trophies that she collects.
Yeah, that's Jaqculine.
The two of them together is a weird mix, Jen climbs and messes around with Jaq a lot, expecting a reaction of some sort but nothing occurs other than a gentle kiss by Jaq. Jen appreciates this as she's rather violent and tends to only feel remotely calm around Jaq.
Jaq is very territorial of Jen, she is more of the jealous and possessive one. Often she would rid of anyone she felt was either a genuine threat to Jen, or trying to take her away from her. Jen acts like she isn't aware to this, often playing coy, and sometimes places others in that position knowing the result of what's to come. including the aftermath for herself. (iykyk.)
As far as builds and appearances go, Jen is skinty, short, and very flexible she can contort her body in odd ways, and Jaq likes this, for reasons. Anyway! Jen has long thick hair which is as you can tell red and black. she likes tight fit clothing and punk accessories. she could be considered the more flashier type than her girlfriend.
Jaq is muscular with a large frame, her hands are claws and built for hunting, and despite her tall, sturdy figure, she is incredibly fast and quick on her feet. she wears a mask decorated with black lashes that forms two distinct teardrops, her mask also contains two open holes on the area for the septum piercing.
She likes to wear tight and loose fitting clothing, compression shirts and sweats or cargos is her choice of appearance.
it is rare when she is seen without her mask, even for Jen. Jen is more use to her lips and some of her nose.
Jaq has double fangs, and a long tongue, her jaws can stretch open and she is capable of eating a human whole.
Anyway, i'll probably share more as time goes on, i'd consider this the start of an AU if anything. lol
tell me what you think? if you're seeing this!
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