#I realise now after drawing this that you only said the drink was hot chocolate and not that it was in a wine glass specifically
missholoska · 8 months
Your Adult Chara makes me think that they act like a sad dramatic wine aunt who has always the widest stories, the wisest advice and a drink in their hands (it's hot chocolate) in their mid 20s, is it accurate or am I being insane?
100% accurate, chocoholic auncle chara is the role model the children deserve 👍
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(the ghost in question was frisk, they're just saving that detail for the end of the story)
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raz-writes-the-thing · 8 months
Snowed In (Good Omens One-Shot)
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Aziraphale x GF/GN!Reader / requests are open
Summary: It's time you came out to Aziraphale as genderfluid.
Fic type: fluff
GOMENS: @coffee-and-red-lipstick @quickslvxrr @clarina04 @motionlessindoubt @stevekempscocktails @go-bonkers-go-foolish @peytonpenguin37 @florduarte @complimentary-breadbasket @thekirbishow @jaziona92 (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The snow was usually one of your favourite things about Winter. The cold, brisk air, the soft puffy jackets and layers, and the crunch of snow underfoot as you went about your business from place to place. 
One of the only things you weren’t keen on though was getting snowed in. Not unless you had company, of course. Then it was alright. 
The snow had fallen quite thick last night, and because of this, you found yourself stuck in Aziraphale’s bookshop. At least until the snow started to melt and you could escape into the street again. 
Not that you were all that upset about being trapped there, anyway. The Bookshop was one of your favourite safe spaces. The only thing was, well, you had something you needed to tell him. 
“Goodness, don’t you just adore the snow?” He asked, coming out of the kitchenette with two mugs of cocoa. “I must say that God certainly knew what she was doing there. Who knew little white flakes could bring so much whimsy?” 
You couldn’t help the affectionate tilt of your lips at that. Aziraphale always had the oddest of things to say. It was like he viewed the world through a classic Disney lens. 
“So true,” you replied, eyeing the soft flakes through the window. Taking the mug of hot chocolate from him, you took a sip before placing the mug down. “So, uh, Zira? I’ve, uh, got something I wanted to tell you.” 
Aziraphale tore his attention away from the window immediately, casting his full attention upon you. He sipped at his drink and encouraged you to sit down opposite him. Your fingers twisted together anxiously. 
“I- I think I better stand for this, actually,” you said, unsure. Perhaps today wasn’t the best day for this, after all. There was nowhere to run if it didn’t go well. You were completely snowed in. Oh, Jesus, this was going to be a disaster. 
You took a shaky breath, forcing your nerves to calm. 
“Oh, right, yes, of course,” Aziraphale nodded, standing up again. He watched you quietly, waiting for you to utter whatever it was you wanted to tell him. If he was concerned at all by your anxiousness, he didn’t let on. 
“I, so, oh God, uh, you know how sometimes I- fuck, let me start again,” you panicked. Aziraphale stepped forward, mug suddenly sitting on the coffee table beside his armchair even though he hadn’t moved. He took your hands into his own and softly rubbed his thumbs over the back of your hand. 
“So, I’m, you know how sometimes I refer to myself as a guy, and sometimes as a girl when I’m joking around?” You asked carefully, drawing strength from his soft touch. Aziraphale nodded quietly, giving you an encouraging smile. “I’m, uh, I’m genderfluid.” 
There it was, slapped out on the table like a newborn. Vulnerable, naked. Afraid. You didn’t even realise how tense you were until he let out a breath, and you copied the motion. 
“Genderfluid,” Aziraphale tested the syllables on his tongue. “Gender- oh, yes, is that the one where what you identify with changes from time to time? Yes, I think I read about that in a magazine somewhere.” 
You blinked, not surprised by his instant taking-to of your identity, but surprised at yourself. You were so used to bracing for disaster that it almost felt like a blow to the senses when it actually… went well. 
“I- it depends on the person, but, yeah, that’s the one,” you replied barely above a whisper. Tears started to swell in your eye line, blurring the man before you. Aziraphale tutted and brushed a thumb over your cheek comfortingly. 
“Now, now, my dear,” he said affectionately. “There’s no need for tears. No, no. Ah, yes, see, that’s better. A shame to hide such a handsome smile.” 
A soft blush tinted your cheeks at the compliment. 
“Now, I simply must know,” he said seriously, though there was always that smile in the corners of his mouth. “Are we my handsome, strapping buck today, or my stunning, beautiful doe?” 
You gave your answer, and Aziraphale gave the smallest hint of a nod before reaching to put your cocoa back in your hands. 
“Okay. I think given the unfortunate circumstances of our weather situation, perhaps we can reorganise the biographies today. What do you think?” Aziraphale looked warily towards the biography section in the dark corner of the shop. “I had been avoiding it as much as possible, but perhaps I should take this as a sign.” 
You snorted a laugh behind your mug and gave Aziraphale’s hand a squeeze with your free one. 
“Sounds like a plan, dearest.”
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bookwormscififan · 5 months
Hybrids and Humans, Chapter 2
Why We Lock the Doors
Read on AO3!
Part 1
A/N: More of the fox Mad AU that I wrote the other day! Just wanted to get something out that didn't need that much thinking...
“What happened to the rest of your pack?” Mare handed Mad the mug of hot chocolate before sitting in the chair beside him, nudging his glasses up his nose with the back of his finger. “How come you’re alone?”
“We got separated,” Mad answered quietly, sniffing the mug before taking a sip, ears twitching at the sweet flavour that touched his tongue. “I stopped to get a drink at the creek, and they didn’t notice. Then I got a bit lost, and now I’m here. I’m sorry I didn’t wait to be invited inside. Usually, the houses I come across are empty, so I can easily scratch the lock off the door and get inside.”
Mare listened to Mad speak, eyes darting to the lump under his cloak spread out around him. His attention drifted as he began to wonder how much of Mad was human and how much was fox, whether the lump was a tail he was hiding. Against his control, he started to think about how Mad’s tail would look, whether it would be soft and bushy or wiry, and without realising it he was leaning toward Mad as curiosity got the better of him.
The soft sound of Mad clearing his throat uncomfortably brought Mare back, apologising with a red face as he leaned away in embarrassment. Mad’s response was soft, a low whisper of dismissal, before he turned amber eyes toward the musician.
“Do you have somewhere I could sleep? I’ll only need a few hours, then I’ll leave. You won’t even know I was here.” With the contrast of his ears, the amber of his eyes was closer to a burnt orange, a pale brown with the faintest flecks of a fire in them.
“Oh, uh, yeah, I’ll set up the bed in the guest room,” Mare stammered, blinking away the way Mad’s eyes captivated him. “It’s just down the hall there. There’s a bathroom as well if you need to clean up or anything.” Stumbling out of the chair, Mare headed for the linen closet to fetch some bedding, watching out the corner of his eye as Mad finished his drink and stood up.
“Thank you for the fire and the drink,” Mad whispered, reaching out to softly touch Mare’s hand in farewell before pulling away, drawing his cloak tighter around himself and stepping back. “You are… one of the nicer humans I’ve crossed paths with, and I won’t forget how kind you’ve been.”
Mare fumbled for a reply, ending up staring dumbly at the closed door of the guest room before shuffling down the hall to clean the mugs and head to bed.
He was woken by a clattering of dishware and thudding the following morning, slapping his hand over the bedside table in search of his glasses and sloppily putting them on before heading out of the room.
“I don’t care that you’re leaving! I want to know why you were here in the first place!” Mare felt his chest tighten at the fearful yet fierce tone of his brother, sprinting down the last few steps to find Phantom standing in the main room with his bow and arrow pointed at Mad.
Mare wore a terrified face, hands held up toward his chin as he stared Phantom down, ears folded back on his head and tail pressed between his legs. With his cloak off, Mare could see the soft black fingerless gloves Mad was wearing as well as the well-worn black boots covering his feet.
“Phantom, stop,” Mare called, placing a hand on his brother’s shoulder to encourage him to lower his weapon. “I let him in last night after I found him scratching at the door. It was cold, and he said he’d leave in the morning. I don’t think he’d hurt us.”
Phantom frowned as he listened to Mare, arms lowered but arrow still cocked in the bow. His eyes held a fire as he glared at Mad, stepping to the side slightly to shield his brother before sighing and returning the arrow to its quiver.
“Get out.” He watched as Mad swiftly took his cloak and left the house, barely making a sound as he bolted out the door. “This is why I tell you to lock the doors, Mare,” he said softly, shrugging off Mare’s hand and moving to sit down. “You could have been hurt.”
“But I wasn’t,” Mare argued, sitting opposite Phantom and hugging himself. “All he wanted was to sit by the fire for a few hours and get some rest. He’d gotten separated from his pack; he had no intention of hurting me.”
“What if he was lying?” Phantom pressed, looking at Mare with a hard stare. “What if you opened that door and got tackled by a pack of six hybrids? You can’t guarantee your safety by just looking at someone.”
“I didn’t sense any danger from him,” Mare mumbled, moving to cross his arms as he pouted. “He’s scared and alone, just like we were. I can’t look at someone like that and just turn them away, I’m not like that.”
“Save the bleeding heart confessions for later,” Phantom snorted, reaching forward to pat Mare’s knee. “You couldn’t turn him away because you were drawn to his freckles. I know you, Mare. It’s too dangerous to pursue these feelings you have for him.”
“Yeah, no shit,” Mare scoffed, standing up and stepping out of Phantom’s reach. “It’s more than his freckles, though. He’s soft spoken and cute. The fox part isn’t the whole of it, and I know it’s dangerous to fall for a hybrid, but it’s not like I can turn that off.”
“Yeah,” Phantom sighed, looking down at his hands as memories surfaced. “I just want you to be safe, alright?”
“I promise that I’m being safe,” Mare stated, heading back upstairs to bed.
@iamvegorott @brokentimewatch @dungeon-dragons-dragons @rattyboyisemo
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Agent whisky (Teacher) x New agent (student). As you’re both fighting, you both get hot and bothered and reader throws him against a wall and the rest in folds. (Fem reader)
After Class [Jack Daniels x Reader] SMUT
Word count: 2.4k
Rating: 18+
Warnings: SMUT, p in v, creampie, choking, teacher x student, exhibitionist kink, implied age difference
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He was insufferable. He was your teacher — and oh, you hated him. You hated how he'd come into class smelling like sweet, honeyed cologne, causing all the girls to swoon at the mere sight of him. It was laughable, really. He wasn't anything special. He was attractive, sure. He had the charm of a king and the politeness of a saint. But it didn't matter because you hated him, and you wanted him to know that you hated him. So you'd talk during his lectures and you'd roll your eyes whenever he tried addressing you directly. He had this know-it-all attitude, he had these deep, chocolate brown eyes that were so easy to get lost in. The Statesman Academy shouldn't have even hired him. It was so easy to get lost in those damn eyes.
His eyes were just a few shades darker than his hair, which he kept hidden under a cringe-worthy cowboy hat. But you'd be lying to yourself if you said you hadn't dreamt of wearing it while you ride him. The dirty fantasies about Mr Daniels (though he'd have you call him 'sir') didn't become regular until a few months ago. Now it was every single class where you became hypnotised by his attractive looks.
You hated his perfectly groomed mustache and how the thought of it brushing against your cunt haunted you during his seminars. You hated the perfect curve in his nose and how you imagined it nudging against your clit as he performed the most life changing oral on you. If only he knew about the things that went on in that filthy little mind of yours.
You practically gasped out loud when Mr Daniels dropped your assignment on the desk in front of you, a circle with a big red 'F' marked on. He quirked an inquisitive eyebrow at you, before moving on to hand out the rest of the essays. No way— there was no way that your essay has been marked fairly. You might have been slacking just a little this semester (due to Mr Daniels obnoxious handsome looks), but not to the extent of getting an F in your finals!
"Well done class, we all performed exceptionally well this term. There is however one person I need to see after class, she knows who she is," Mr Daniels glanced briefly at you and you narrowed your eyes, folding your arms over your chest. "But have an excellent vacation and remember don't party too hard." He winked cheekily before dismissing the class. Once the students filed out of the room, and the bell rang, signifying the end of the day, Mr Daniels stalked back into the classroom. He said nothing, didn't even spare you a look. He padded over to his desk, sunk into his chair and began to go through paperwork.
You waited for something— anything. The silence was deafening, and you began to tap your feet against the floor impatiently. Why the hell was he holding you hostage in his stuffy classroom on the last day of term? You assumed it was due to your abysmal grade on your essay, but he hadn't even mentioned it. He was ignoring you and once again, you hated him for it.
You were staring him out with absolutely no shame, taking in all his features. You admired his broad shoulders and watched his bicep flex as he wrote comments on the work he was checking through.
He'd noticed your staring too. He always had. He tried to contain the blush that crept up on his cheeks as your eyes burned into his body, watching his every move. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife. If he was going to speak to you about your essay result, he'd need to have a drink first. After a few more minutes of silence, he excused himself and left the classroom. Each professor at the academy had their own affinity for alcohol, Mr Daniels' beverage of choice being a glass of warm whiskey. He poured it into a small tumbler, admiring the amber liquid as he dropped a few cubes of ice in, letting it clink against the glass. The mere thought of you in his classroom, waiting for you, was enough to make his cock stir. He sighed, gulping down the liquid and made his way back to the classroom. It was the first time you and Mr Daniels had some one on one alone time. He hadn't drank enough to get intoxicated, but it was enough for him to lower his inhibitions.
He walked into the classroom and locked the door behind him, before turning to face you.
"Why am I here?" you asked with an unamused frown.
"You went from being a straight A student to getting an F in your most important exam of the year," Mr Daniels huffed with a disappointed shake of his head. You didn't care— no, you couldn't let yourself care about your professor. But seeing the despondency written across his face was enough to make your heart yearn with guilt for letting him down. "What happened?" he quizzed you eventually.
You considered his question. You weren't a dishonest person, and you knew exactly what had happened. You had been so distracted by your professor's ravenous demeanor, that you'd become too overcome with sexual desire to even focus the slightest in his lectures.
"You happened." you said, regretting the words as soon as they left your lips. Your voice broke slightly— you sounded pathetic.
"Excuse me?" he asked, raising both of his eyebrows in disingenuous surprise. You wanted to wipe the smirk that you saw creeping up on his lips. Your education wasn't a joke.
"I was doing fine in Agent Tequila's class," you acknowledged. "Maybe it's your teaching." you shrugged.
"My teaching?" Mr Daniels gasped incredulously.
"Oh quit playing dumb," you said, suddenly rising to your feet. Your chair scraped against the floor as you stalked over to your teacher. "I know my worth Mr Daniels, and it's not an F."
"Please, call me Jack." He hummed, reaching out and caressing your cheek. You subconsciously leaned into his smooth hand as his thumb rubbed gentle circles into your jaw. You hadn't even realised how close he had gotten to you as he admired your face, and the intimacy began to take effect down below.
"Oh, first name basis?" you spat sarcastically, pressing the palm of your hand against his chest, threading your fingers through the buttons of his white shirt so you could gently graze the skin of his tan chest. "How polite."
"Manners maketh man," he smirked, quoting the Statesman mantra, and you wanted to wack that dumb cowboy hat off his head. "Let me translate that for you," he pouted condescendingly, letting his hands fall to your own chest.
He squeezed your tits through your blouse, drawing a few wanton moans from you. "Wh- what makes you think I need that translated?" you asked your professor, trying to keep your cool. This is exactly what you had dreamt about for the past three months. His thumb rolled over your hardening nipples, pinching them now and again so he could watch you squirm underneath his touch.
"The F on your paper?" he shot back. Your eyes widened and you pushed him into the wall, his back slamming against the concrete as he groaned from the pressure you'd placed on him. He would be lying if he said it didn't feel good though. It was rare he'd have a lady take charge — especially not one as young and bright eyed as yourself.
"I hate you," you snarled as his fingers dipped under the hem of your short, pleated skirt. He chuckled darkly, sending a frenzy of butterflies erupting in your stomach.
"Oh sugar," he drawled, the smell of scotch lacing his breath as he pressed a soft kiss into your jaw. You couldn't contain the small whimper that escaped your lips. He smirked, knowing exactly what he could do to you— how he could make you feel. "Look at you… got me pressed against the wall. I'm your teacher." he reminded you with a small tut.
"You drive me crazy," you admitted in a fluster, your hand falling down his button up shirt and resting at his oversized belt buckle. The coolness of the metal stung your skin as you parted your legs slightly, rubbing what you could on his jean clad thigh. "When you stand up there, in front of the class, talking all that shit about, about-" you couldn't even get your words out as his fingers graced your cunt, feeling out your clit under the material of your dampening panties.
"What?" Jack murmured, his teeth grazing your jaw as he sucked softly against your skin. "What is it?" he urged you to continue, your breathing jumping as he continued to softly press his thick fingers along your aching core. You tried to answer but nothing except lewd moan came out, and you felt your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. "You joined the academy. You wanted to train as an agent. Maybe you'd prefer it if I transferred your classes to, let's say, Agent Champ? Or the sweet Ginger Ale?"
You curled your fingers around his leather belt. "N-no," you growled. "I want you," you revealed as you unclipped it and tossed it to one side. You groaned wantonly as you felt his erection press up against your thigh. It was clear that your professor wanted you too. "You know if- if Principal Champ finds out about this…" you moaned, working your fingers at Jack's zipper.
"He's not going to find out about this," Jack snapped, his harsh tone causing your eyes to snap open.
"O-okay cowboy," you bit your lip seductively, finally pulling his zipper down and freeing his hard, aching cock. You immediately wrapped your hand around him, smearing his precum down his length and started to pump at his erection, satisfied with the string of curses falling from his tongue.
"Fuck- so good," Jack praised as you worked his cock with your hands. "But I want more… I want to bury my cock in the warmth of your pussy. Would you like that baby girl?" he hummed, both his hands grabbing on your shoulders as he turned around and pushed you into the wall. You gasped as he ripped open your blouse in one swift manouver, the buttons popping and falling everywhere. His hungry lips pressed against yours as he slid his tongue into your mouth, kissing you roughly and with passion.
"Someone could just walk in." you gasped as Jack yanked your skirt down, letting it pool around your ankles.
He groaned longingly as he played with the waistband of your panties. "Lace? For school? I knew you were a dirty girl." he chuckled darkly before pulling them down. He wasted no time, pressed two fingers into your weeping cunt and rubbing between your folds. He stroked tight and precise circles into your clit, desperate to pump an orgasm out of you before he even entered. Your eyes snapped shut as you pressed your fingernails into his still clothed back. "Oh, you like that don't you?"
"Mm don't stop," you begged, rolling your hips against his fingers.
"Is this what you think about during my lectures?" Jack cooed. "Or do you imagine my cock?" He pressed his blunt tip against the inside of your thigh, pushing himself in between your legs. "So fucking wet and all for me." your professor shook his head in slight awe. You pushed the hat off his head and tangled your fingers in his dark brown hair, tugging teasingly in attempt to gain a reaction out of him.
Without warning, two of his fingers pushed inside of you and began to scissor you open. "If you want my cock I gotta make sure you're able to take it," he whispered huskily.
His fingers worked like magic and it wasn't long before your walls tightened around him and you reached your climax. "Greedy pussy." Jack sighed, removing his fingers and sucking them clean.
"Please sir, fuck me," you begged, your hands cupping his face as he lined himself up with your entrance.
"I told you, call me Jack," he growled before pushing himself deep into your quivering hole.
"Fuck Jack," you whined once he was fully seated. He was bigger than you had ever taken before, and he set a brutal pace. The classroom filled with obscene wet sounds as every single thrust became harder and sloppier as his balls slapped against your dripping cunt.
Jack kept up his pace, not halting once. "You always- you always fucking answer back," he whispered, digging one hand into your hip and bringing the other to your neck, squeezing it just enough for your eyes to widen slightly.
"Mm you always give me a reason too," you shot back and Jack's grip around you tightened as he fucked you senselessly.
"Shit, gonna cum. Gonna cum inside you and you're going to take it— understood?" he asked breathlessly. You nodded in affirmation and it only took a few more messy thrusts before he spilled his salty seed inside you.
He carefully sat you down on the edge of his desk as you came down from your own high. "Are you okay?" he asked you as he tucked himself back in his pants and adjusted his tie.
"That better have earned me an A," you muttered, biting your lip and shooting a seductive glance towards your teacher.
"Fair is fair," Jack shrugged. "You can leave when you're ready. Have a nice vacation." he smiled, back to his usual polite professor self. It made you sick— the way he could just fuck you with no remorse against the wall of his classroom and then pretend like nothing happened.
You stood up, taking your clothes from the ground and lazily sliding back into your skirt. "I don't have a fucking blouse," you mumbled, your eyes following the abundance of buttons that trailed across the floor. "You ruined it."
Mr Daniels took his suit jacket and wrapped it around your naked torso, buttoning it up gently so you were all covered up. "Do you need a lift home?" he asked.
You bit your lip, remembering your parents weren't home and smiled. "Actually, yeah please." you told him, wondering if he'd be interested in a round two.
Taglist — let me know if you wish to be added!
Permanent: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja190 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
You Love Me ~ Bang Chan [Request]
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↬↬↬Word Count: 1.8K
↬↬↬Genre: FLUFFY, friends to lovers, non!Idol!AU, Coffeeshop AU
↬↬↬Pairing: Bang Chan x Gender Neutral Reader
↬↬↬A/N: I hope this is fluffy enough for you my love!!! I also made it Chan as I do want to get into writing more Stray Kids on my account 
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Chan watched as you began serving the group of teenage boys that had just come into the cafe, he titled his head to the side as they began to flirt with you but you either blatantly ignored them or didn't notice that they were flirting with you. He smirked as you took their names for their cups and then moved onto the next customer, the look of disappointment on their faces was quite funny for Chan to see, he could tell just how annoyed and upset they were that you'd ignored their advances the way that you did.
"What are you smirking at?" You questioned taking his mug from in front of him and trying to take a peek at what he was drawing but he slid it away from you,
"You never let me see." You whined sitting in the booth across from him and pouting, that simple pout that made your eyes light up Chan would give you everything you wanted if you weren't careful with that pout.
"You never show me anything you work on so it's payback," You repeated the sentence back to him in a mocking tone and he rolled his eyes,
"Why is my best friend so immature?" He groaned rolling his head back against the window he was sitting in front of, you giggled getting up to finish your shift. You walked up next to him to whisper in his ear,
"You love me." You patted his shoulder promising to bring him a new mug of hot chocolate back but he just watched after you thinking about what you said,
"I do," He whispered looking at you as you began happily making a drink for him. Not a single care in the world as you did so, you just looked like nothing could bother you.
The bell above the door signalled that someone had walked inside so you looked up ready to greet whoever it was but it was the regular elderly book group ladies, you knew their order like the back of your hand so you could make it when you got back from Chan's table, you and Chan had been best friends ever since he moved into the flat about the coffee shop you worked in, he started teaching music lessons up there to make some extra cash outside of his real job.
"Chan-" You stopped speaking and walking when you noticed a group of three girls all gathered around his table, twirling their hair around their fingers and giggling at everything Chan was saying even though it wasn't funny. Your smile dropped when you saw the way he looked at them, his eyes were bright as he smiled wider than he ever did with you. Jealously twinged through your body despite you and Chan not being an item, the thought of him flirting with someone else sent your stomach into a put and you couldn't help but get angry at the girls flirting with him.
"He's not yours to get possessive over," Your boss - Minho - told you as he came out from his office, he'd caught the look on your face when you turned back to the counter.
"I'm not possessive,"
"Tell that to your face baby," You ignored his comment and put the tray down onto the table looking at the time,
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"I'm out. Take that to Chan." You mumbled untying your apron and throwing it down onto the counter, Minho knew you were just in a mood so he didn't hold it against you he just let you walk out of the shop without stopping you.
"Minho? Where's Y/n?" Chan asked full of concern, the girls all looked at him wondering what he was talking about and why he wasn't paying attention to them.
"Y/n finished, they're going home now." He frowned, normally when you finished your shift you'd go and sit with him for a bit to talk about your day or to see if he was going to hang out for a bit.
"When?" Minho handed him two take out cups of hot chocolate telling him that you hadn't left that long ago, that if he ran he could probably catch you before you got to the bus stop down the road.
"Y/n! Wait!" You turned around in the rain to see Chan running after you, bag by his side as he held two take out cups in his hand,
"You normally sit with me," You swallowed the lump in your throat as you shivered from the rain, it wasn't forecasted today but here you were standing in the pouring rain that only seemed to get heavier the longer you stood there,
"You looked busy." You snapped, you didn't mean for it to come across so mean but it made Chan smirk at the thought of you being annoyed he was sitting with other girls,
"Come on, my place is closer and I'm not letting you go home cold." You didn't have a choice but to obey him as he began pulling you under his arm and walking you to the coffee shop again, rushing down the alleyway and up to the back stairs that went into his apartment.
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"Here," He handed you one of his black hoodies and some leggings you'd left there before. You'd stayed over at his place a million times that you had clothes, spray and everything else there you would need.
"Thanks." You mumbled waiting for him to leave the small bedroom,
"Oh! Right! Yeah, I'll go and put our drinks into mugs." He walked out of the room blushing as he thought about you changing in front of him, he'd caught you once but it was a happy accident.
"Do you want a movie on?" He yelled out not realising that you were now fully changed and standing right behind him,
"Why are you yelling?" You questioned making him jump and almost drop the lid off the cup he was holding,
"You change fast," You giggled taking the hot chocolate he'd put into a clear koala cup for himself and going over to the sofa,
"You can't have everything that's mine!" He yelled as you snuggled onto the sofa waiting for him to pick a movie, he was referring to all of his stuff you seemed to steal.
"You gave me those hoodies,"
"No, correction-" He came over and sat close to you on the sofa, laying a blanket over your legs he came close to your face. You were inches away from one another,
"You stole those hoodies that I LENT to you." You giggled at him and he shook head at you, he hated how cute you were it would make him give you anything you wanted. You could tell him to rob a bank with that look and in a heartbeat, he would try it for you.
"What?" You questioned when he stared into your eyes for longer than he probably should have been, he shook his head his eyes not leaving yours.
"You just-" You cut him off by kissing him softly not being able to stand the closeness anymore, he was shocked at first not kissing you back until he felt you pull away. He wrapped his arms around your body, placing one of his hands on the back of your neck to pull your face back to his. The small kiss began to turn heated quickly, you lost control of your hands and dropped the mug of hot chocolate onto your legs and on the blanket.
"Fuck," You whimpered looking down at the floor which was now covered in the hot chocolate,
"Paper towels," He whispered pushing you up from the sofa gently so you didn't get stuck in the liquid and you went to grab everything you would need from the kitchen.
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"Better?" Chan asked as he sat back down onto the mattress, the sofa was pushed back against the wall so it could dry so Chan pulled the mattress down from his bed placing it in front of the TV for you to watch a movie together.
"No," You mumbled looking at him, he was sitting so far away from you now and neither of you had spoken about the kiss. Panic rushed through him as he thought about something being wrong,
"Come and sit next to me," You whined, he shook his head at you laughing as he mumbled to himself about how cute you were. He moved closer to you and you pushed him to lay down on the mattress,
"Whoa, taking charge?" You rolled your eyes at him and laid your head on his chest, keeping your eyes on the screen as he ran his hands down your back smiling.
"You know I like you right...That kiss wasn't just a kiss between friends." He whispered softly, he'd been trying to think of a way to bring this topic the whole time you'd been cleaning together.
"A kiss between friends? Friends Kiss?" You asked sarcastically laying your chin on his chest,
"Shut up," He mumbled bringing you into another kiss as you laid on the mattress together, the movie running in the background as he pulled you closer to him once again.
"I wanna watch the movie," You mumbled as he pulled away to get some air,
"So watch the movie," He mumbled as he placed his lips on yours again not wanting to stop now he was able to finally kiss you,
"I can't, this little leech keeps kissing me," He brought your ear to his lips and smirked,
"You love me," He repeated what you had said in the coffee shop earlier and you groaned at him pushing him away with your wrists only for him to pull you back with them and give you another kiss.
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The next morning Chan woke up to an empty mattress,
"Morning cutie, you snore." You mumbled flipping through a book, he was going to say something snarky back when he realised you were going through his lyric book.
"Hey! Eyes to yourself!" He grumbled getting up and rushing over to you but you jumped out of his reach and ran around to the other side of the room making you chase over to you until he pinned you to the wall beside the front door.
"Now where are you going to go?" He smirked licking his lips while he stared into your eyes,
"Do my eyes really sparkle in the dull coffee light shop light?" He groaned at the thought of you reading everything that was inside of there, some of them weren't real lyrics just his thoughts all written down into the book.
"Shut up and give me the book-"
"Give me a kiss and you can have it," You pouted out your lips for him to kiss you when a knock on the door sounded,
"It's Minho!" Your boss called out, Chan didn't move from in front of you, he just reached across and opened the door.
"Am I interrupting? I brought you some drinks," You took the hot chocolate and slipped out from under Chan's arms going to read through the rest of his thoughts while he watched you closely.
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Tagline: @jooniesdarlingdimples​ @peachyhan​ 
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v-hope · 4 years
Coffee shop, 5:29PM — Tiger Flower
Thanking the waitress after she had placed your order on the table, you focused your attention on Jeongguk, watching him take a sip of his usual order of hot chocolate whenever the two of you went out together, before your eyes unconsciously travelled —for what could easily have been the hundredth time — back to the bouquet of flowers he had gotten you not even thirty minutes ago.
After almost crying and having thanked him over and over, the two of you had decided to take a little detour from your way back home to go get some coffee together instead —or well, one coffee, one hot chocolate, and one piece of cake to share, to be more precise— and, whatnot, spend some more quality time just the two of you for a little longer.
And as Jeongguk put his cup back down on the table, he couldn’t help but smile adoringly at the way you were ever so dreamily staring at the flowers.
“Have you always loved flowers this much?” he couldn’t help but wonder, drawing your attention to him.
“Liked them, always” you smiled softly. “Loved them, since high school”.
“High school?” his heart skipped a beat.
“Mhm…” you nodded, taking a small sip of your coffee. “I don’t know if you knew, but I used to have a secret admirer back then,” the heat reached your face at the mention of that, missing the way it had also reached Jeongguk’s on the other hand. “He would leave flowers on my seat every week… There was a point everyone in the classroom was talking about it though, so you might have heard”.
Jeongguk cleared his throat, nervously grabbing his fork and taking a bit of cake with it. “I did,” he rushed to swallow. “Everyone was really into trying to find out who it was”.
You laughed at said memory, taking a small bite of cake as well. “Yeah… I remember that”.
“So you love flowers because of that then?”
You nodded. “It’s more than that though, I…” a sigh escaped your lips, receiving a small nod from Guk for you to go on. “This is gonna be really emo and sappy,” you warned him, only to receive another nod for an answer. “But after Junseo cheated on me for the second time I was really miserable,” the sound of said name, along with hearing the way he had made you feel back then, made his blood boil. “And I became really toxic towards myself, like… I don’t know, I just kept bringing myself down and hating myself, because for some reason I thought it was my fault—”
“The only one at fault was that worthless asshole” Jeongguk spat, earning a cackle from you; both because of said insult and the bliss you felt at the fact that he was always so eager to defend you.
“I know that now,” you smiled sincerely. “But back then I didn’t, and for a good while I thought I was not good enough and no one would ever really love me, because honestly everyone always chose Sooyeon… or someone else over me…” your previous smile turned melancholic, and it took everything in Jeongguk not to reach for your hand right then. “And then when I was doing a little better I remembered the flowers and my secret admirer,” you lightened up, becoming visibly shy. “And I don’t know… I just thought, that maybe there is someone out there for me, who would choose me, and... ugh, this is turning so sappy”.
“It’s okay,” he was fast to reassure you when you covered your face with your hands, gently grabbing your wrists for you to let him see your face once again. “You can tell me”.
At his reassuring words and the way his soft eyes remained on you, you smiled, placing your hands back on the table, as he let go of them, and taking a deep breath before you went on.
“I mean, I’m not saying that my secret admirer particularly is the one for me, it’s been years after all,” you shook your head as a light laugh escaped your mouth. “But the fact that there was one person who felt that way about me, who for an entire year took some of his time to make me feel special, gives me hope that maybe there is someone else out there who will see me that way, too”.
“I’m sure there’s more than one person…” he mumbled, bringing his cup up to his mouth so he could take a sip of his hot chocolate.
And although his voice had been barely audible, you managed to hear his words nevertheless — a shy smile curving up your lips at the sound of that.
“So uh… yeah, that’s why I get so happy whenever I see flowers. They’re like a nice little reminder of that new mindset of mine” your eyes fixed once again on the bouquet, causing Jeongguk to smile wholeheartedly.
“Yeah… the look on your face whenever you see them says it all”.
“I guess I can’t really control it at this point” you chuckled, leaning back on your chair. “Although it was mostly one particular kind of flower, which I don’t really see much around… You know, like this orange lily with a few dots on it—”
“A tiger lily” he informed before he could stop himself.
“Yeah!” you agreed cheerfully. “You know them?”
“Uh, yeah…” he shifted on his seat, clearing his throat once again. “I saw you with them a few times and got curious, so…”
“I had to google the way they looked like to find their name as well,” you obliviously laughed. “I had never seen them until then”.
“Me neither” he lied, like it was so normal by now regarding this topic.
“But yeah, in the end I just ended up loving all kinds of them” you admitted, bringing your coffee up to your lips. “It would’ve been nice to know who it was though…”
“You never knew?” he went on, acting as oblivious as you.
You shook your head no. “I was really sad when no one confessed to me at our graduation…” you recalled. “I mean, it was a whole year, I really thought the flowers would be followed by a love confession or something, and everyday I waited for it... but then the year went on and no one did… and I was like ‘okay, maybe they plan on doing it at the graduation’, but nothing happened again and I…” you sighed. “I was really hoping for someone to come up to me and be like ‘hey there, I’m your flower boy, let’s date!’ but oh well”.
Jeongguk couldn’t help but laugh at that particular confession, shaking his head in amusement as you stared at him quite puzzled.
You were really something else.
“Hey there, I’m your flower boy?” he repeated in disbelief, laughing harder when you nodded ever so determinedly.
He had came up with and practiced so many lines during that year for the moment he confessed, and not once had he thought of such words. Then again, it was you the one he was confessing to; he should’ve guessed a simple, upfront and quite amusing confession would be what you would be content with.
“Yah! What’s so funny about it?” you crossed your arms over your chest when he chuckled once again.
“I don’t think anyone would confess that way, petal” he broke it to you.
You rolled your eyes, trying to hide your amusement. “Why not? Gets the point across”.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right”.
“I wonder why they never did…” you puckered your lips as you were deep in thought, finally locking your eyes with his. “You would’ve confessed, right?”
That question alone was enough for him to almost choke on the hot beverage he had just sipped on. “W-What?”
“If you did that for the person you liked, I mean,” you elaborated, managing to calm him down at the realisation of you not assuming it had been him all along. “You would’ve confessed, wouldn’t you?”
“Yeah…” he answered quietly, recalling that being his plan for a good while. “But, you know… maybe he thought you’d reject him if he ever did…”
“I would have never”.
“You’re just saying…”
“No, honestly. I’m being dead serious” you stated, causing his heart to jump at your determined semblance. “I was truly willing to give anyone a chance. Someone who makes such effort for me deserves at least that”.
“Maybe they were the exception…” Jeongguk shrugged. “Maybe they knew you wouldn’t feel that way about them no matter what”.
“No, I mean it” you stood your ground. “I… fuck, Guk, I wouldn’t have cared if it was one of my closest friends or someone I barely ever talked to, or even if it was a girl for that matter, I’m really not closed to the idea of love at all. Although I ended up narrowing it down to two guys, according to my own analysis” you laughed breathily, proudly nodding at your conclusion. “But yeah… I get that a relationship is more than just giving someone flowers, and maybe we wouldn’t have worked out in the end, but they would’ve had a chance with me for sure”.
And right then, for the first time, Jeongguk had to bite his tongue not to speak. Because having the person you currently have feelings for, who also happens to be your high school crush whose secret admirer you used to be, right in front, implicitly telling you she would have given you a chance if you had confessed back then, was enough to want to confess all over again.
But he was three years too late.
And he was your friend now.
And you had feelings for his best friend.
And, last but not least, the 18 year old Jeongguk who had been told you would never feel anything for him, no matter how hard he tried or how many flowers he got you, was still too insecure to ever let you know he had been your secret admirer all along; because, although you had just told him otherwise, he could not help but believe you truly wouldn’t have wanted him in particular to be it.
So, he said nothing.
“So you narrowed it down to two guys, you say?” he asked instead, having another bite of cake.
“Mhm…” you nodded quite eagerly. “Dohyun and Jinwoo”.
Jeongguk took another sip of his drink.
Dohyun, one of your friends back then who wouldn’t even try to hide his crush on you.
Jinwoo, the guy who would always get your attention by annoying the hell out of you.
He wondered why them. Why them and not him. What did they have and he didn’t, what made them eligible as your possible suitors and not him.
But he wouldn’t get there, he had already asked enough. And you not suspecting of him was actually good, right? Your friendship wouldn’t become awkward because of something he did as a teenager.
And yet, a part of him really wanted you to notice it was him. Because he had came up with the idea of anonymously giving you flowers with the whole point of confessing to begin with, and having two other guys —who had never done shit to win you over— unintentionally taking the credit for it, did make every single effort to win you over he had ever made seem worthless than ever.
Fuck, he wished he could just stop giving a damn and tell you the truth for once and for all.
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a/n: i know there might be a few things you guys won’t get (if you do tho you’re awesome), but everything will make sense (hopefully) the next part 👀
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adhdsix · 4 years
i gotta sleep soon so ive decided i will finally dump a buncha my headcanons here aswell adfhsf theyre all in here but im gonna copy paste them as a post as well because i wanna ill be updating the doc a lot but i probably wont edit the post much notes slight spoilers but not much? i dont think? mono is written to be the tallest because rcg is more like a bonus i guess? but she is the tallest + oldest (this goes for other similar things written abt six, mono and/or rk) some of these are more like what-if scenarios (ex. modern stuff mentioned like cars) that could fit maybe in an au of sorts rather than entirely canon all links are safe
Tasteblind, but sensitive to certain food textures
Shortest by a lot, youngest but not by much Zero sense of time
Likes lullabies, gets Mono to sing them to her (likes to make up her own versions sometimes) Short attention span, unless she’s insanely invested in something
Definitely bites ice cream Uses Mono like a cat tree, climbs all over him, loves to sit up on his shoulders or just literally drape herself around his neck like a scarf (Mono eventually gets used to it, but she still can’t stay there for long or it starts to hurt) (possibly a little random but think like .. them + )
Likes most toys but hates dolls, usually tears them apart/messes with them for fun Not a huge fan of rain, but the sound is calming, and she loves the aftermath, which includes the smell, dew on grass, just how everything looks, worms and snails coming out of hiding, and splashing in puddles
Likes teddy bears (big and cuddly, plus, reminds her of Mono)
You are not immune to her puppy eyes. Raincoat Girl is probably the only person who is
Collects things a lot, gets attached to certain items for a random amount of time When she learns a new phrase or word, she loves to repeat it to herself ( not really in the “ look at me i learned a new word and i'm gonna use it all the time “ type way, she just finds it entertaining, kinda like vocal stimming ) Does a similar thing when she finds something that someone else said funny, mocks them by repeating it and giggling
Likes making "nests" out of her stuff
Definitely occasionally runs on all fours, it's usually not for too long though.
Most of the time it’s momentarily while she's already in the middle of sprinting, to give herself a boost with a bound or two, or if she trips or feels herself falling forward while running she'll shift onto all fours which is is how she originally developed that "reflex", to prevent herself from falling while running, but eventually she started using it a little more often 
She can also just walk normally on all fours too but she usually only uses it while running 
She likes to show off her object collections to Mono, he’s very supportive :] Loves long car rides, as well as Runaway
Brings mono gifts (usually dead rats, birds, etc. or bizzare objects from her collection that reminded her of him for whatever reason)
Hates drinks like soda or sparkling water, anything fizzy is a no-no
Likes shiny things Her pupils widen (that cat thing) when she sees something interesting, or something/someone she likes Plus her eyes shine in the dark / in photos sometimes, they usually look red
Mono gave Six their lighter
Heterochromia, their right eye is a dark, reddish brown, the other is milky white
Always chewing on stuff
Fidgets lots, stim buddies with Mono Six stims by rocking on her feet, bouncing, cracking her fingers and shaking fists most often She also vocal stims lots, mostly by repeating animal noises
It’s got tons of freckles
She likes to sing, and is very good at it but doesnt get to very often
it’s favorite things to sing are hypno and sunshine ( 11:11 hypno, sunshine )
Not super into arts, but loves to draw, and is very fascinated by origami
Often refers to Mono as a nerd (affectionate) (also sometimes dork)
Purrs, growls, hisses etc. Because she doesn't talk much, she adapts more animal-like ways of communication, not only vocally but also physical stuff (slow blinking, headbutting stuff, mostly cat-like traits and reflexes. also she likes to drop stuff off of shelves and tables just bc its fun)
Doesn't know her own strength a lot of the time
Very touch starved (they all are) even if she doesn't realise it
Flinches and/or swats others away when touched Eventually they get used to Mono, he's the only person that can touch her at all, but she still has limits
No sense of others personal space though
She’s great at tracking things, mostly small animals
Super ticklish, not very happy that Mono found out 
Very visual memory
She really loves all types of music, ranges from things like 100 gecs type stuff, to calm instrumental kinda things, literally anything with maybe a few exceptions Shark teeth, very sharp, loves making dents in stuff with them
Cat-like claws too (retractable maybe?? why not.. it usually has them out though) Love-hate relationship with snow, they find it weird and kind of icky, but Mono teaches her how to make snow angels, forts and snowmen, and she loves snowball fights (Mono regrets teaching them about those though), plus she adores going back inside and just drinking hot chocolate with Mono and sometimes other friends :]  Mono he/she Tallest of the three, oldest as well  Colorblind He has vitiligo Loves all sorts if arts and crafts, often drags Six into making stuff with him Her hair is very soft, even if it doesn't look like it Very touchy-feely, with others and with objects Knows and respects others boundaries. Six does not He will often push his own boundaries though He’s very protective, usually feels the need to put others safety and health in front of her own A little naive, will protect even if she isn’t getting anything in return from the person(s) Likes skirts! Mono loves to learn about his friends and their personalities, strengths, weaknesses etc. to use for their own benefit! For example, he has a different way to cheer up each friend, and does his best to include them in stuff he thinks they'll also like Loves any happy sounding music the most, but listens to lots of other stuff too (a few songs that remind me of him not lyric-wise but like, sounds like he'd listen to them, are She Wants Me (to be loved), Dancing in my Room, Sunday Best and Sunkissed type stuff, I don’t know music genres so) Favorite drink is probably coffee Loves all sorts of soup!! Has lots of nicknames for Six! Mostly uses kitty and shortcake (it hates them but gets used to them, only from Mono though; some of the other kids use them to get on her nerves, doesn’t end well for them) Love loves bugs! Six likes them too, but isn't as interested as Mono and Runaway (she likes to eat them) Runaway he/they Almost as tall as Mono, noticable difference though He loves chocolate milk and tea Probably the most reasonable out of the three Despite this, he still likes to annoy them (mostly Six) Similarly to Six, he sucks at keeping track of the time Likes goldfish snacks a lot His nomes are always nearby when he is Really likes coloring books and puzzles They love the sound of pianos, not the best at playing it but likes messing with them in his free time with Six (their rare bonding moments) Loves any instruments really, pianos are just his favorite Has the biggest sweet tooth Also loves bugs!! Mono and him are bug buddies His favorite bugs are caterpillars and butterflies, he isn’t a very big fan of spiders though (Mono didn’t used to mind them, but after the hand incidents in the hospital, he finds them icky; too similar) Bonus; RCG  she/they Tallest as well as oldest (again, not oldest by much though) Big sister vibes Super supportive Usually in charge of keeping others in line, doesn’t mind a little chaos here and there though (even if it doesn’t usually end well) Also has a few freckles, not nearly as much as Six Lots of energy that often rubs off on the others when she’s around Probably the most responsible, great with kids younger than her Loves teaching the others how to do stuff, has the longest attention span which makes it easier Very playful and teasing, but still knows and respects boundaries when it comes to that kinda stuff Gets easily stressed out and nervous when she doesn't know what to do, as she feels like she always has to be responsible aaaand thats all 4 now! i might do more characters like comic kids if i get enough ideas but thatll be in the doc if i ever do pleas share with me ur hcs and ideas too!!!! if u wanna i would love 2 see them!!
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Bad Days Don’t Always End in Bad Nights
Ao3  | Word Count: 1.2k | Tarlos 
In which TK comes home to a quiet Carlos who, as it turns out, had a bad day at work. Now he does what any good boyfriend would do and comforts his partner in his own way.
Carlos was quiet.
He was quiet when TK got home and wrapped his arms around his waist as he pecked him on the cheek when he joined him in the kitchen.
He was quiet as he continued to cook without music playing, working through the recipe mindlessly, seemingly lost in his thoughts.
He was quiet, and TK was perplexed, having never seen him so completely unaware of what was going on around him.
It was one of the few times in a month that they had the night off at the same time, allowing them the opportunity to have dinner at a reasonable time together for once; Unlike most times when the end of their shifts didn’t align, causing them to eat sporadically at different times, sometimes completely missing the other.
And TK was determined to make the most of it by carrying on as if there was nothing wrong, prattling about his day, in hopes that it would bring back the warm spark that seemed to be hidden within the depths of Carlos’ thoughts.
All he got in response, however, were mild hums of agreement as the man he loved picked and played with his food barely eating a bite, despite the fact that it was him that wanted to make it tonight because it was one of his favourite meals.
As much as he tried throughout the meal, TK eventually ran out of things to talk about, losing steam without getting any returned response. So, he did the only thing he could think of that might draw Carlos back to the present.
Once he finished eating, he moved their plates to the kitchen before returning to Carlos’ side pulling him up from his seat with a kiss to the back of the hand and lead him to the couch, pressing him down into his usual spot before calmly straddling his legs without any sexual intention. It was a dirty move, but it served his purpose, jolting his boyfriend from wherever his mind had taken him and capturing his full attention.  
Confusion flit across his features as Carlos rests his hands on TK's hips, tipping his head back to look up at TK, a question in his eyes as he takes in this suddenly intimate position.
TK caresses his jawline with a soft smile, lightly stroking the crest of Carlos’ cheekbone with his thumb, “What’s been going on behind those gorgeous brown eyes of yours?”
Carlos’s eyes widen in understanding, “Oh god, I’m sorry, I haven’t been paying attention all evening, have I?”
“I’m pretty sure you haven’t heard a word I’ve said since I got home.” Confirmed TK mirthfully, superseding the concern he felt for the man as he tries to read his partner’s face.
“I’m sorry,” Carlos repeats with a sigh before falling forward to rest his forehead against TK’s chest, “It wasn’t the best day at work.”
“Did you want to talk about it?” TK asks softly, loosely wrapping his arms around Carlos’ head, combing his fingers through the hair at the back of his head, and pressing a kiss into the crown of his head. He felt Carlos tense slightly at the question before relaxing against him under his ministrations as he let out a long breath.
“Not tonight. There’s a lot to talk about and I don’t think I have the energy to get through it all.” He murmurs against TK’s shirt.
TK leans back and moves his hands to cup either side of his boyfriend’s face, tilting his face up. “Alright, whenever you’re ready, I’ll be right here, okay?”
“Okay,” answers Carlos with a smile, one that reached his eyes, bringing back that spark that TK was missing.
At that, TK presses a fleetingly tender kiss to his lips and then climbs off his lap causing Carlos' brow to knit once again in confusion, apparently thinking more was going to happen considering the position they were in.
“I think tonight calls for a hot chocolate and a rom-com. What do you think?”
“That sounds nice.” Carlos barely answers in return before TK begins to bundle him up with the fluffy throw blanket that takes residence on the largely unused armchair that sits in the corner of the room.
He presses the remote into Carlos’ hand, “Good. You pick the movie, and I’ll be back in a minute with that hot chocolate.” _____________________
A minute did not end up being a minute Carlos soon realised and from the sound of it, TK was doing more than just use the instant chocolate mix he usually used. He paid it no mind as he scrolled through the rom-com selection, eventually landing on one of their favourites.
TK returned shortly after that, gingerly carrying two mugs topped with a generous swirl of whipped cream and chocolate dust. Carlos watches as he sets them down carefully on the coffee table before turning back to him and joining him beneath the blanket. Reclaiming the mugs once he was settled, TK hands one to Carlos with a warm smile which he immediately returned.
It’s then that he smells a waft of cinnamon coming from the drinks and he focuses his attention on the one in his hands, taking a careful sip from the steaming mug. What he’s met with is something he wasn’t expecting, and he turns an incredulous eye to TK who was watching him with bated breath.
“This is my hot chocolate! How did know how to make it?”
“You told me the recipe once ages ago when you make this for me on a bad day,”
“And you remembered?” he asks in disbelief, not thinking that anyone could remember something like that.
TK shrugs nonchalantly, “Well, yeah, of course, I did. Wanted to make sure I could do the same for you if you ever needed it.”
Feeling both touched and overwhelmed that TK thought it was something worth remembering Carlos sets his mug down and takes TK’s from his hand placing it with his before pulling TK in towards him and places a chocolate sweet kiss to his lips.
“How did I get so lucky. Thank you,” he murmurs against TK’s lips before falling into another longer, tender kiss. TK broke it moments later with a smile as he pulls back slightly.
“Pretty sure it's me who is the lucky one, and there’s no need to thank me, I’m just doing for you what you do for me,” TK responds lowly as pats his chest above his heart before changing the subject to the matter at hand, “Now, we have a movie to watch and I’m no expert, but I think we’re supposed to drink these hot chocolates while they’re still hot.”
Entwining their legs together beneath the blanket they repositioning themselves with warm mugs in hand, TK starts the movie and Carlos took the opportunity to burrow himself into TK open chest, allowing himself to be the vulnerable one, knowing that TK will be there when he was ready to talk about his awful day.
That’s all that he needed, and with that knowledge, sleep came surprisingly easy with the both of them falling asleep right there on the couch, bellies full of the warm velvety chocolate and bodies entangled together as the movie continued to play like a sweet lullaby.
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rosy-wooyoung · 4 years
🎄 Day 8 of Christmas project🎄
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pairing : yeosang x fem!reader
"Are we ready to go?" You asked as your boyfriend slid on a beanie, correctly placing it on his head. While grabbing his keys, Yeosang looked at you before frowning. "Do you really wanna wear this light coat? It's getting really cold outside, you might get sick if you don't dress up more," he said as you felt your coat, shrugging as you thought the weather wouldn't be that bad.
Seeing that your boyfriend was still staring at you with slightly raised eyebrows, not moving an inch, you understood that his suggestion was the best for you and you should switch coats with a warmer one. You opened the wardrobe next to the door and took out your long-padded coat, the one you kept for when the temperature would approach the negative numbers. You could have been Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in this coat, but you didn’t care. At least you were warm.
You had just arrived at the Christmas market with Yeosang, admiring the small wooden houses decorating the park. After spending a while wandering in the small market, the wind started to blow out of nowhere, feeling the cold passing through each layer of your coat, leaving you shivering and with very cold hands. You thought that you had gloves in your inner pocket but turns out that since you switched clothes last minute, you had forgotten them in the one you initially wanted to wear. Mentally cursing yourself for forgetting such a crucial element to your little date at the Christmas market, you tugged on your boyfriend's coat sleeve, hoping to get his attention in the tumult of the crowd.
“Yeosang,” you whined, rubbing your palms against the fabric in your coat pockets, “my fingers are going numb.” The young man stopped in his tracks and turned to you, grabbing your forearms to take your hands in his. He joined your hands together and started rubbing against his, creating a sort of friction to warm them. Seeing that it wasn’t truly working, he started blowing air on them, but he gave up when the pouty look on your face didn't subside. He took off his mittens and put them on your hands, even if his hands were bigger than yours. The gesture on itself was enough to make you feel warm again, but Yeosang thought otherwise.
“You should’ve told me earlier, babe. Let’s go to a café, we’re going to drink something warm.” "But you looked so into the Christmas market, I didn't want to ruin the mood," you explained but your boyfriend shook his head. "Being warm is more important than the Christmas spirit. Come on, let's go," he said as he grabbed your hand, letting you know that the conversation was over. You stopped in a local coffee shop that was surprisingly almost deserted at this time of the year, and Yeosang ordered two cups of hot cocoa before coming to the table you were sitting at. While waiting for your drinks to come, Yeosang forced you to keep his gloves, his hands pressed against yours to keep the warm concentrated in your digits. 
You felt a wave of relief when an old retired woman came into sight with a trail, carefully carrying two steaming drinks and two waffles. Your boyfriend helped her slightly shaky hands as she handed you the drinks, only to see the man in front of you frowning as she put the waffles between the two of you, giving each a small fork before smiling. "Excuse me ma'am," Yeosang spoke up, drawing the woman's attention as he pointed towards the warm waffles, "I’m sorry but we didn't order this." "It's on the house my son, you and your girlfriend look like you could get used to eating something warm, so here you go," she said as she smiled, and you thanked her profusely. You were really happy because they smelt extremely tasty and, well, who could say no to waffles? She even came back with some hot melting chocolate and powdered sugar to top your waffles with. The old woman was an absolute sweetheart, she reminded you of your grandma, always trying to shove food down your throat at any opportunity she had.
You were relieved when you could feel your hands again, keeping them well pressed around the large cup. Yeosang found you adorable with your reddened nose and cold fingers, his arms sometimes getting across the table to lovingly pinch your cheeks or poke your nose. He would also lean over and lay his warm hands on top of yours, making you instantly sigh of content when the warmness hit your hands. Wanting to be even closer, Yeosang stood up from his spot in the booth and sat next to you as you snuggled to him. “You’re such an angel Y/N, keep behaving like that and my heart will burst,” he gently squeezed your hand to grab your attention from the people passing by the café, his heartbeat going quicker at every second. “I’m behaving normally?” You stated a bit confused, not understanding where he was coming from. “You’re just too precious, I can’t help but fall for you every day even harder.” He confessed as he leant to give your temple a kiss, his lips lingering on your skin before pulling away.
"Do you want to go back?" you asked after taking the last gulp of your hot chocolate, feeling satiated after the waffles and the heavy whipped cream of your drink. "Sure, we'll buy you some gloves on the way as well," your boyfriend said as he stood up, grabbing his coat. You didn't even have time to open your mouth that he pointed his forefinger towards you, his smile betraying him as he couldn't stay serious. "You can't tell me otherwise," he stated, and you raised your hands in surrender. "I didn't say anything," you feigned innocence, but Yeosang shook his head. "I know you," he said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, bidding farewell to the old lady. "Thank you for your visit! I hope to see you soon!" she said as you closed the door, waving at her one last time before walking away. 
"She's so sweet," you cooed, and Yeosang let out a chuckle, nodding at your words. "We'll come back soon, what do you say?" he offered, and it was your turn to nod. "For our next date?" you asked as you snuggled against his forearm, giving him your best puppy eyes. Yeosang stopped as the crowd was blocking the way, rubbing your noses together as an answer. "For example, or we can go just to spend some quality time together as well," you smiled and so did he, his eyes becoming two crescent moons. You bite your bottom lip to repress a smile, but you were already too excited for your next date. "Calm down, love, let's finish this one already before moving on to the other," he whispered in your ear, smiling at your eagerness. You let out a giggle, suddenly getting distracted by a small knitting shop on your left. The man was taking the customers' payments while the woman was sitting in a small cabin, knitting at an impressive speed. While staring at the woman's works, you didn't even notice that you had let go of your lover's hand, almost yelling when you felt someone wrapping their arms around your waist.
"I didn't even realise that you had stopped, you let me talk on my own," he sulked, and you smiled, too mesmerised by the woman's hands working with dexterity. The latter noticed, and she smiled, pausing for an instant. "Do you want a pair?" your boyfriend asked as he gestured to the gloves and you shook your head, suddenly feeling shy and indecisive in front of the seller. "Take your time to choose," the woman said with a wink, and she eyed you and your coat, taking out some pairs that could match with your long coat. You thanked her, and she went back to knitting, her actions preventing you from focusing. "Those are nice," you said as you grabbed a white pair, feeling the soft and warm material underneath your digits, "they look great." 
"Alright," Yeosang said to the man, followed by you handing him a bill. Your boyfriend tried to take the money from you, but the man amusingly took it before your boyfriend could do anything else. He looked at you with a surprised look on his face, but you just shrugged it off as you took the change and put on the pair of mittens. "You already paid for the food and drinks, now it's my turn. Plus it's for me," you argued, and Yeosang shook his head, grabbing your now warm hand before pulling deeper into the jam-packed area to continue your visit to the Christmas market like the two lovers that you were.
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zonkyhands · 3 years
In the Dumps (Not for Long)
Fic one of my maybe posting spree... I really like this one and it’s similar to a few others I’ve done but this is my favorite one I think.
Title: In the Dumps (Not for Long)
WC: 810w
Summary: Taako’s a little down and Magnus knows him well enough not to prod too much. He might start prodding in other ways though...
{ao3 link}
From what Magnus could tell, Taako, despite his ostentatious personality, was quite a reserved person. Over time Magnus had come to respect that and no longer asked questions when Taako sat a little closer to him on the couch than usual. That didn’t mean he wasn’t curious about what went on the elf’s head though. 
When Magnus walked into the living room after a training session he found Taako curled up on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate and staring at the wall. He jumped when he walked in and settled when he realised it was just Magnus. 
“Oh, hey Magnus.” 
“Hi. What’cha thinking about there?” Magnus asked.
“Not much.” Taako said, returning his gaze to the wall. Magnus furrowed his brow and sat down next to his friend, putting a hand on his shoulder. 
“Wanna talk about anything?”
“Not really.”
Magnus could see he wouldn’t be getting anything serious out of Taako today so he let it slide in favour of his new mission: cheering him up. His face split into a grin when he spoke next.
“Nothing about… a certain tall dark and handsome man that may or may not have tried to kill us?”
Taako’s eyes widened and he choked on his drink for a second before regaining his composure and sitting up properly, depositing the mug on the table and pointing a finger at the fighter. 
“Who told you that!” he said, eyes narrow. 
“Nooo one. But you’re pretty bad at hiding the fact that you’re in looooove with him~” Magnus said, making a heart shape with his hands and making kissy noises. Taako went bright red.
“Nope, no no no no this is not happening today!” Taako said, hurling a throw pillow at Magnus’s head. He caught it and threw it off to the side before scooching forwards on the couch.
“Come on gimme the deets! Have you kissed him yet?” Magnus teased, now wrestling with Taako whose low strength really wasn’t helping him at all. Somewhere in the tussle one of Magnus’s hands got a hold of Taako’s side and squeezed, making the elf’s breath hitch when he jolted. The two of them froze in place, Magnus’s face lighting up with the new information while Taako’s dropped in apprehension. 
“Well, Taako. Since you so clearly aren’t going to give in without force, I guess I’m going to have to find your death spot and tickle it out of you.” 
That started Taako’s desperate scramble out of Magnus’s grip that failed as soon as fingers began properly exploring his sides and drawing peals of laughter from him. Magnus kept one hand spidering and squeezing his side while the other dug into his torso, hoping to find a spot that made him squeal. 
“Not there, not there, oh, this looks promising! Y’know, I bet there’s a spot round here that’ll make you scream.” 
Magnus’s devilish hand reached his ribs and counted between each one, expertly avoiding Taako’s attempts at batting him away. He kept up his kneading and moved the hand on his side to his stomach, slipping under his shirt to skitter light tickles across his skin. Taako laughed and laughed and laughed while Magnus tickled him beyond an inch of his life, hysterics rising to a fever pitch when a spot on the back of his ribs was brushed over. 
Unfortunately for Taako, Magnus had been watching his reactions with an eagle eye and immediately picked up on this new development, shifting his hand back to that spot and fluttering over it. Sure enough Taako shrieked and squirmed wildly under the new sensation, confirming Magnus’s suspicions. 
“Found it! Are you ready to tell me about your boyfriend or do I have to keep torturing you?”
“You… you are not getting anything out of me!” Taako wheezed through giggles. Magnus shrugged.
“Your funeral.” he said, and then pushed both of his hands under Taako’s shirt and up to find those tickle spots again, mercilessly attacking them. Taako screamed and squirmed and cackled throughout but still didn’t give in to Magnus’s demands. That was until Magnus leaned down and blew a raspberry on his tummy at the same time as tracing tiny circles over the most ticklish spot on his entire body. 
“Okay ohokay! Fuck, please! No more tickling!” Taako said, gasping for air when the hands assaulting his ticklish spots finally left him alone. 
“Soooo? Tell me about ~Kravitz~!”
Taako glared at him, chest heaving before he broke out in a grin. “Hey Magnus?”
With that, Taako cast Tasha’s Hideous Laughter: Tickly Edition on him and sprinted into the hallway, laughing all the way. Magnus dissolved into giggles as the spell took hold and tried to stumble after him but quickly collapsed on his knees. But no matter, the cantrip only lasts a minute. Then he was going to get revenge. 
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Let’s stitch this up (ft. G Dragon)
Jiyong draws the line.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
Word count : 3343
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
I know it’s been a while, but I hope you enjoy this one :))
Features appearances from OC Mirae and Kwon Dami.
Warnings: Angst, cursing, surgery (Appendectomy) 
You sighed as you looked down at the counter, face slightly pale, thinking back to your doctor’s visit earlier today. You were scared. You had never had surgery before and you didn’t know an appendectomy was an emergency procedure. You shuddered lightly before groaning, putting your face in your hands. It was early, but you had had a long day. You just wanted to hit the bed and get a good night’s sleep, but the only problem with that was you wanted to discuss your health with your boyfriend Jiyong, but he wasn’t home yet. He was working and, on some nights, he would go out for a drink, and get late. You were just about to change into your pajamas and lightly complain about him not being home to yourself when you heard the front door open. Through all your worry, you felt a light smile spread across your face. Jiyong was home. You just needed a little comforting, and no one was as good at comforting you as Jiyong. You walked towards the front door, smiling and wrapping your arms around him. 
“Hi Ji. How was your day?” 
You were more than surprised when he shrugged you off harshly and turned around looking furious. You took a few steps back, shocked at his reaction. Before you could ask him what was wrong, he said very sarcastically, 
“I don’t know Y/N. You tell me.” 
Your eyebrows shot up, too shocked to say anything. He rolled his eyes and started off. 
“Why did you ditch my sister, Y/N? You know how important she is to me. Even if you don’t like her, just be civil to her! Why can’t you even do that?” 
Your face furrowed up in confusion.
 “What? Jiyong, no. I love your sister. I didn’t ditch her. What happened-” 
Jiyong got even angrier.
 “Oh, for fuck’s sake Y/N. Don’t lie to me. Why did my sister call me asking where you went?” 
He paused to glare at you. Running his fingers through his hair, he said, 
“All you had to do was have lunch with her Y/N. Why was that so hard?”
 You were on the verge of tears. You had a long day. You didn’t ditch his sister. Halfway through lunch, your stomach began hurting furiously, so you apologised for leaving and left for the hospital, where you got diagnosed with appendicitis and had your surgery fixed. You were scared, you were in pain and you didn’t mean to hurt his sister’s feelings.
 “Ji, sweetheart, listen to me. That’s not-” 
You paused when you saw the look of sheer disbelief on his face. He rolled his eyes again and scoffed. His voice furiously low, he said,
 “Oh, come on. Don’t give me that crap. You know you crossed the line here.” 
You could hear this ringing in your ears and you felt your gut twist a little. You voice soft, you asked, 
“There’s a line?” 
He snapped.
 “Of course, there’s a line Y/N. This is my family we’re talking about.”
 Your voice was still deadly quiet, so much so that he couldn’t hear the small break in your voice when you said,
 “And I’m not?” 
And when he didn’t reply, you knew you were both on different pages.
You stood there, frozen in shock, trying to comprehend everything that was happening, but Jiyong sighed and said, 
“I’m going to go talk to my sister and fix this.”
 And he left. Just like that, he left you. You knew what you had to do. You knew you needed to end the relationship. If Jiyong drew a line and never considered you his family, then you were both worlds apart when it came to where you wanted things to go. You wanted nothing more than to start a family with him, but this wasn’t right. He didn’t even let you tell him what actually happened. He didn’t notice that you were sick and in pain. You scoffed. Wow, what a day. You didn’t want to dwell on what happened too much, so you went to pack your stuff for the hospital. You could ask your best friend Mirae to pack up the rest of your stuff later. She was super busy with work, so you couldn’t ask her to stay with you for the surgery and while you were in the hospital, but you also knew she would kill you if you didn’t tell her about this. So, you called her. She answered on the third ring with a groan. 
“Oh my god Y/N. Get some sleep!”
 Normally, you would have had a snarky comeback ready, but you didn’t have it in you. 
Immediately, Mirae was more alert.
 “What’s up? You okay?”
 And that’s when it all came rushing back to you. You choked on a sob.
 “No, no I’m not.” 
Mirae, perpetually ready with sarcastic comebacks, could only say, 
“Oh honey, I’ll be there in ten minutes. Do you want to stay on the call with me?” 
You managed to get out a muffled no, telling her to focus on her driving and to be safe, opting instead to just let yourself cry for a while. You didn’t even realise when Mirae got there until she slowly hugged you and pulled you up from the floor.
Mirae patiently waited until you finished crying and calmed down before asking you what happened. She also waited patiently until you were done and didn’t even say anything. She just hugged you and helped you relax. When she finally spoke, she said,
 “Listen, Y/N. I’m always going to be here for you. No matter how busy I am with work. I can’t believe you weren’t planning on telling me about the surgery. I’m going to cancel my flight to Japan right now and then we can go to the hospital.” 
Oh no. You couldn’t make Mirae miss out on the huge project she so painstakingly planned over three months. Taking a deep breath, you shook your head. 
“No, Mirae. You have to go. Your flight is only in the night. My surgery is in the morning. You can wait for that and make sure I’m okay and still make it in time.”
 Mirae eyes lit up, because the project meant a lot to her, but she still sounded a little unsure. 
“Y/N, but what about moving all your stuff out of here? And staying with you in the hospital?” 
 You shook your head.
 “You’ll only be gone for twenty-hour hours. I’ll be in the hospital for three days after my surgery. That’s plenty of time to get all of my stuff from here. And I’ll be fine staying in the hospital alone. It’s not a big deal. You’ll be there for the scariest part, the surgery.”
 “Y/N, are you sure?” 
Hiding just how scared you were, you nodded. 
“Yup. Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.”
 Jiyong groaned as he slammed his car door shut. He was irritated by you, but he was angrier at himself for having said those things. He just hadn’t realised it yet. He walked into his sister’s house, not realising it was late. She jumped up from the couch, nearly spilling her hot chocolate.
 “Oh my god Jiyong. What are you doing here? Is everything okay?”
 Jiyong couldn’t stop pacing. 
“Everything’s fine. I just wanted to apologise for Y/N. I don’t know what got into her. I’m so sorry she ditched you.”
 Dami looked very confused. 
“What’re you talking about?”
 Jiyong couldn’t help the eye roll he let out. 
“You told me on the phone earlier today that she left halfway through lunch.”
 Dami groaned.
 “You cut the call before I could finish talking, didn’t you? Jiyong, she didn’t ditch me. She apologised so many times for having to leave. And I didn’t call you because I was mad. I called because it looked like she left because she wasn’t feeling well, and I think I heard her ask the taxi driver to take her to the hospital. I called because I was worried about her. It looked pretty bad. She was so pale and tired.” 
Jiyong froze for a minute, slowly trying to process everything Dami just told him. He suddenly looked up, eyes widening. 
“What have you done?”
 But Jiyong left before she could complete that sentence. Jiyong was so frustrated. Why was he so mean? Why did he have to do that? Were you okay? He didn’t remember what he said. He just knew that he hurt you. 
“Fuck Jiyong. What did you say to her?”
He got back to your apartment at around 5 am the next morning. It was a really long drive. And he walked in, heart sinking when he didn’t see you on the couch. Usually, when the two of you fought, both of you would wait for the other to calm down and talk things out on that very couch. Well, he had fucked up very, very badly. Jiyong nervously wrung his hands as he walked closer to the bedroom. “
Y/N, love, I’m sorry. I don’t know what I said and why I said it. I’m so sorry for taking everything out on you. I heard you aren’t feeling well. What’s wrong, love?” 
There was no response from you. The panic in him rising, he opened the door to your shared bedroom and when he saw you weren’t there, he felt his heart stop for a minute.
After his brain started working again, he rushed to check whether you had taken your things with you. You couldn’t leave him. 
“Please, god, let her things be there” 
was the only thing he could mutter to himself over and over again as he checked your closet. What he found just confused him further. Most of your stuff was there, but your favourite hoodie, that you wore nearly every day, was gone. he was just about to try calling you for the millionth time when he heard the front door open. He rushed out, hoping you were back, but he only saw Mirae walking in. His heart sank again, but he knew she would know where you were.
 “Mirae, where is she?” 
Mirae gave him a sympathetic smile before saying, 
“I’m not telling you.”
“What?! Mirae please.”
“Then why are you here?”
She shot him a pitying look.
“I’m here to start packing up her stuff.”
Jiyong just fell to the floor, in shock.
“A-are you saying she’s leaving me?”
“Mirae, no. Please just tell me where she is. I need to talk to her. I need to apologise. We can fix this.”
Mirae sighed before turning to face Jiyong.
“Look. I’m mad at you for the way you treated her, but I told her that I think she should talk to you first. That she shouldn’t just leave. That if nothing else, she needs closure. But she refused. And she told me she doesn’t want you knowing anything about where she is. So, while I don’t think she’s doing the right thing, as her friend, I will do everything she wants me to. I’m sorry.”
Jiyong didn’t get up from the floor. He couldn’t. he couldn’t stop thinking about losing the relationship that finally felt right. Mirae started packing and left, but he was still there, on the floor, head in his hands.
 2 months later
Jiyong was in the supermarket. It was 2 am, and he desperately wanted those snacks he tried a while ago. At least, that’s what he came there for. Somehow, he found himself in the wine aisle.
 “Ah, should I get one more? “Fuck it, let’s buy it. Just another night of having sad grocery store wine and falling asleep on the couch crying.”
 He was about to reach out to pick the wine bottle when he felt someone else also reach for it. He jumped back, apologising immediately. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realise- Y/N?”
 You froze like that, but then quickly pulled your arm back down. In your cropped hoodie, he would have been able to see the scar from your surgery if you waited too long. You were too late though. His eyes were wide and his voice was serious when he said, 
“Y/N, what was that?”
 You looked away, refusing to answer. His voice rang a little louder. 
“Y/N, please. What was that? Did you get surgery?”
 You sighed, not wanting to talk to him. You managed to cut him out of your life, but you weren’t over him. In fact, you were very much in love with him and wanted a bottle of wine to get drunk and rant your woes out to Mirae. You didn’t want to talk to him and spiral again. He reached for your hand, only for you to back away. Jiyong’s eyes were hurt when you looked up. You gave in. 
“Fine. I guess I owe you that. We can go back to your place for a bit.”
 He winced when you said that. His voice was obviously pained when he said, 
“Our place Y/N. That’s home.” 
You missed him too. You didn’t want to do this either, but what you had wasn’t a good relationship. You forced yourself to sigh and look bored. 
“Jiyong, it’s been two months since I left. We’re done.”
 His face fell and he could only whisper, 
“Y/N, please don’t just write us off yet.” 
You remained silent. You didn’t have it in you to lie and tell those trusting eyes that you didn’t love him when you clearly did.
The car ride back was silent. Jiyong was driving and you were staring out of the window, thinking about how you were going to manage to pull this off. As soon as Jiyong shut the door behind you, you were about to turn around and say, 
“Listen, Jiyong, I can’t do this. We can’t be together.” 
But you never got around to that, because Jiyong’s hand gently brushed against your hip, feeling for your scar. 
“Did it hurt?”
 You gasped lightly when you felt his hands on you after so long. Only Jiyong could make you feel that way. Although you wanted to let your knees cave and let him hold you, you didn’t. You tried to stay strong. You reached around to grab his hand, but you couldn’t throw his hands off you. You didn’t have it in you. All you could manage was a pained whisper.
 “Jiyong, please don’t.” 
Jiyong’s thumb lightly brushed over your scar again before turning you around to face him, forcing you to look into his eyes. 
“I’m sorry, love. I ‘m sorry I wasn’t there for you throughout all of this. I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you. I’m sorry I took out my frustrations on you.” 
You couldn’t help the whimper that escaped you then. That was all you wanted during the surgery. You were scared and you just wanted your boyfriend there. 
“I know you’re hurt. I know I said some horrible things. But can we please try talking about this? I can’t lose you.” 
You took a deep breath and tried to gather your thoughts. 
“Jiyong, I can’t do this again. You made it very clear that you didn’t think I was as important as your family. Which is fine. It really is. But I can’t be in a relationship like that, because if things are already like this, the family I start with you will also never be as important to you.” 
Jiyong looked taken aback. 
“Y/N, what did I say that would make you think that? Oh, I’m so sorry. That’s not what I meant. At all. I want a family with you. And you are important to me. You’re the most important person to me.” 
You couldn’t help the small stray tear the slipped out when you said,
 “That’s not what you said then Jiyong.”
 He held your hand, trying to look into your eyes. 
“Y/N, love, I know this is going to sound bad, but I don’t remember what I said to you that night.” 
You laughed. A biting, hurt laughter. 
“You said all those horrible things and you don’t even remember them? Wow, guess that makes it clear how much I mean to you then.”
 He winced, but persevered.
 “Y/N, that’s not what it is and you know it. You know I love you. And I really am sorry I hurt you. I hate myself for that. But you know the reason I don’t remember anything is because I didn’t mean a word of it. You know I remember things that I mean. I was being an asshole, not listening to everything that happened and trying to pick a fight with you. But can you please tell me what I said? I want to know so that I can apologise properly.”
The two of you sat on the couch in silence for a while, you sipping on the cup of tea he made you while he waited nervously. You finally started.
 “You told me I crossed a line when I ditched your sister.”
 His eyes widened.
 “And I was hurt, so I asked you whether there is a line I can’t cross, and you said that they’re family. I asked you whether I wasn’t family and you never responded. You just left for your sister’s place.” 
Jiyong looked shocked beyond measure. 
“Love, I’m so sorry. I promise I didn’t mean any of it. You’re my number one priority and I want a family with you too.”
 His voice turned small. 
“I wanted to propose, but I didn’t because I didn’t think you wanted to get married and I didn’t want to put any pressure on you.” 
You sighed, looking at him for the first time, and continued. 
“I ditched her because the pain got too much for me and I had to go to the hospital. They told me I had to get an appendectomy done the very next day. I was terrified. I wanted nothing more than your unconditional love and support, but you left me alone. Mirae was there for me, and I know she always will be, but where were you when I needed you? You never let me tell you what happened. You never listened. Jiyong. Why shouldn’t I break up with you?” 
You wanted to hear his reason, whether he’d be able to find one, because deep down, you wanted him to. Jiyong moved a little closer to you. 
“Well Y/N, for starters, we both still love each other. I never stopped caring about you. And I was not there for you when you needed me, and believe me, I regret it. But it wasn’t because I didn’t care. It was because I didn’t know. My fault again, but I want you to know that I care. I will change. I will be more careful about the things I say, and I will definitely never snap at you for no reason again. But I know I love you and I want you to be my home. I want us to start a family together. I know you used to want that. And I think it’s tough to find love like that in the world. So, please. Let’s give us another shot.” 
You looked into his eyes and you knew he was being earnest. You still hadn’t forgiven him completely but those small glitches could be worked out in a while. You gave him a very light smile before saying, 
“Well, marriage and family is a bit much for now, but let’s try and work this out and see where we go, hmm?” 
And before you could put your cup of now cold tea down, Jiyong roughly pulled you onto him, kissing you deeply as though starved. Your tea had spilt all over the two of you and Jiyong ended up pushing a book off the couch by accident, but that didn’t matter. All that mattered was the smile on both your faces as you wrapped your arms around him and kissed him back, letting him sink back into the couch.
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binnie-loves-dark · 4 years
Strangers in the night (Changbin x Y/N)
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A content sigh left your lips whilst reading a book, sitting atop your camper van admiring the beauty of the luscious green fields and valley below. You lived a simple life. Just you and your faithful feline friend Ziggy to keep you company. The sun was beginning to enter its journey of setting, a signal that it was time to move on to your next location for the night before night truly fell.
You turned the keys in the vans ignition only to be met with a merciful groaning sound scaring both you and Ziggy in the process.
You held back a chuckle at the poor cats response “Sorry buddy! I didn’t mean to spook you, sounds like Daisy doesn’t want to start. Let’s try that again shall we?”
Nope she definitely didn’t want to go. “Great” you cursed aloud and hit the steering wheel. The night sky was begging to draw ever closer followed by the quiet echos of coyotes howling in the distance. You knew you should have left earlier rather than risk getting stuck in the middle of unfamiliar territory.
Opening the drivers door you grabbed the torch stored away in the glove compartment. Popping up the hood of the campervan nothing looked unordinary or suspicious. A few taps and nudges here and there usually did the trick to fix any problems, but this time it was not the case.
You knew the basics of how to fix and take care or your campervan but never anything too technical. The nearest garage repair shop was at least a few miles away, much too far to walk this late at night - especially alone.
Admitting defeat you were busy fishing out a couple of blankets from the trunk which you kept for emergencies such as this deciding the only choice you had was to spend the night here. That was until a set of headlights came into view nearby. Seeing this as an opportunity to potentially get some help or at least a ride to the nearest garage you stepped out towards the rubbly road and stuck an arm out to try and grab the drivers attention.
It didn’t look like whoever was driving had noticed you and wasn’t going to stop. However a few meters past you down the road red brake lights suddenly appeared. You slowly paced up to the drivers side hoping it wouldn’t be anyone with sinister intentions. The window wound down and you were met with a set of sparkling bright eyes paired with a rather sharp but also elegant looking face which took you aback slightly.
“Can I help you?” The stranger coughed.
Dammit! You didn’t realise you had been staring for such a period of time that would be deemed uncomfortable to anyone.
“Oh umm I’m so sorry. Aha!” You giggled awkwardly. “Umm I kind of could do with some help. My campervan doesn’t want to start and I’m out of ideas of what it could be. Would you possibly mind taking a look and see if I’ve missed anything obvious?”
“Sure.” Was all the stranger hesitantly replied, his cold attitude and words certainly didn’t match his looks.
Turning away from his truck you slowly plodded back to your van not holding out much hope for him to find a solution. You tossed the keys over to him so he could start looking at what could be the issue.
Grrr...grrr...grrr was all that could be heard from your beloved van again. He stepped out from the drivers seat and moved to the hood of the vehicle and started doing the same basic examinations and tests you had previously done under your torch’s spotlight.
“Can you keep the light still, I can’t see where anything is if you keep moving!” He grunted.
“Sorry! I’m just cold that’s all” It was almost the dead of night after all.
“Here, take this” suddenly you were engulfed by the hoodie he previously wore. “Oh thanks” you shyly blushed. No one had ever made this sort of gesture towards you before, always keeping yourself to yourself resulted in spending a lot of time on your own. Not only was he helping try to fix your van but you now had his hoodie to stop you freezing from being exposed to the elements. It smelt faintly of his cologne, a woody scent with a slight citrus spice to it. It strangely comforted you for some reason which didn’t go unnoticed by him.
“My names Changbin by the way.” He said looking at you whilst scratching the back of his head.
“I’m Y/N” you quietly replied. “And thank you for all this. Having any luck yet?”
He sighed “I think it’s something possibly to do with the conversion unit. But I’m not entirely sure, that kind of thing is way past my expertise level and is probably gonna be costly to get fixed.” Disappointment was strewn across your face, you felt absolutely devastated. A slight tear started to emerge from the corner of your eye, the reality of the situation starting to dawn on you that your most beloved and prized possession had given up.
A hand reached to your shoulder “Hey don’t be upset. I may not even be right! Guess he means a lot to you?”
“It’s a she actually!” This came out much colder than you anticipated it to but blamed it on your emotions getting the better of you. “She’s called Daisy and yeah we’ve kind of been through a lot together. Apart from dear old Ziggy sleeping in there she’s the most special thing to me.”
“Daisy, oh it’s a cute name” He had rested his back on the now closed hood of your van. “You had her for a long time then I guess?”
“You could say something like that. I’ve had her since high school, we’ve travelled a lot which kept me sane and helped me find my true self along the way.”
“Oh right. It’s nice you have a story and she’s in really good nick. Just a shame she’s decided to pack up now”
“It’s fine honestly. I’ll just wait for sunrise and take a walk to the nearest stop and see if they can help get her started again. Thanks for trying though.” You circled round to the other side of the truck gathering up the blankets once more as a puzzled Changbin took a hold of your wrist.
“You’re not seriously going to stay out here all night on your own are you?” He looked down at you, creases forming between his eyebrows from frowning.
“I’ll be fine!” You brushed him off of your arm. “I have blankets, some spare food and some water so I’ll be fine until then. Honestly you don’t need to worry about me.”
“Y’know you could always come back with me. I’m only a couple of miles away from here. Only if you’re comfortable to though, don’t feel pressured. I just can’t consider myself a gentleman if I don’t even offer.” He scratched the back of his head again, this must be what he does when he’s nervous. Initially you thought there was no chance you’d go anywhere with this stranger, but a part of you also realised the contrast to how he acted towards you in the beginning. Maybe he wasn’t as bad as you first thought.
“Okay, but don’t try anything funny. Otherwise I’ll... I’ll set Ziggy on you!” He smiles followed by a giggly laugh and you once again realised how breathtaking his features were. His smile kind of made you feel weak at the knees like you were school girl all over again.
“Is that supposed to be a threat?” He grinned whilst raising an eye brow at you.
“You betcha it is! Are you sure you don’t mind? Hopefully it will only be for one night.” “Of course not! Why would I offer otherwise. Now come on, grab your basic things and put them in my trunk.”
You scrambled some of your essential belongings together into a satchel as quickly as you could. Also making sure Ziggy has his harness and lead securely fastened before picking him up from his luxurious pillow seated on the front passenger seat.
Locking Daisy up you felt a pang of guilt for leaving her here for the night. “It’s alright old girl. I’ll be back in the morning and hopefully we can make you as good as new again”. You made your way to Changbins truck and found Ziggy already asleep in the backseat. He probably had no care as to what was going on and was just happy to be in a warm cozy bed wherever it was situated.
Securing your seatbelt you turned to face Changbin to thank him once again for all of this. “Y/N you don’t need to keep thanking me. What kind of a human being would that make me if I left you out here all alone tonight.” He set off on the journey home. You both made awkward small talk the whole journey and realised you actually had more in common than first thought. Sharing a passion for photography and travelling amongst other things.
The journey wasn’t too far and you were soon met with a log type cabin which you assumed is where you’d be staying for the night. It didn’t look much to the eye but considering the beauty of the surrounding area it blended in perfectly.
You dumped your satchel by the front door and went over to help Changbin who was busy preparing two hot chocolate supremes to warm you both up. It was the most delicious looking drink you had ever set eyes on. The deep dark chocolate at the bottom of the glass soon blended into a more faded colour the closer it got to the squirty cream which was topped with marshmallows, grated chocolate and a slight sprinkle of cinnamon.
You both sat on the sofa facing the wood fire, hot chocolates in hand, sleep starting to overcome the both of you. It was you who gave into sleep first. Changbin was in mid conversation when he heard your slight breaths turn heavier and indication you were sleeping. Instead of disturbing you he grabbed one of your blankets and placed atop of you before lightly brushing back a streak of hair with his index finger that had fallen into your face. It was at that moment he realised the natural beauty you carried so effortlessly. How had he not noticed sooner? For some reason unbeknownst to him he felt a pang in his heart. He felt like he had known you forever, not just mere hours and could have watched you peacefully sleep all night.
Instead he slowly got up and placed a small kiss to the top of your head “Sweet dreams love” before placing himself in his own bed and allowing sleep to consume him too.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Witness ~ KTH [M] [Request]
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GENRE: Smut, fluffy, first time together, cute
PAIRING: Kim Taehyung x Fem!Reader
WARNING: fluffy smut, no big warnings, oral - male receiving, multiple orgasms for the guy, protected sex
A/N: Spin off to ‘FAKE FIGHT’ I’m really bad at the whole small talk thing, so I hope this is okay for you my love!
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"You think it's good to flirt with women who are taken!?" The statement caught your attention and you glanced around the bar. Jimin - one of your close friends - was now standing next to the tall blonde you'd been eyeing up for most of the night. The blonde looked as though he was about to burst into tears as someone yelled at him. The guy yelling you'd seen around before but you couldn't place where you knew his face from,
"Jungkook please-" A young girl, who you were assuming was Jungkook's girlfriend as she tried to reason with him. Touching his chest trying to soothe him but Jungkook seemed to get angrier as she touched him.
"No! This fucking good for nothing thinks he can flirt with you!" You saw the fear in the blonde's eyes as Jungkook yelled, you weren't going to sit here and listen to this. Jimin glanced at you when he saw you stand up in the corner of his eye so you made your way over to him. Standing behind the boy Jungkook was yelling at as you listened in to what was happening.
"Sorry Jungkook...H-He was just so hot-" The girl Jungkook was with wasn't helping the situation at all, in fact with that comment she seemed to make everything worse. Jimin's hand gripped onto the towel he was using to dry glasses with but you knew he wanted to throw the couple out of the bar only he couldn't. The placed was packed and it wasn't as if Jimin was the largest of guys so he couldn't kick them out himself.
"You are my girlfriend!" Jimin turned to you and so did the boy from in front of you, you were all wide-eyed as you watched the couple exchanged looks with one another. That was when Jungkook's girlfriend smirked at him and said something that none of you had been expecting.
"What will you do? Punish me?" Jungkook wrapped his arm around the girl but the girl didn't even bat an eye.
"Is that what this is about?" He roughly pulled on her waist bringing her so close to himself that his chest was pressed against her.
"You're not going to answer me, baby?" That was when he gripped onto her hair tightly, yanking it back so that she would look up at him and only him. It had to be some kind of fetish for them, to go out and do all of this in public.
"Is this what the little slut wants?" Your mouth dropped open as she stood there and let him call her that in public. Jimin kept blinking expecting that he would wake up any second and be in a dream.
"Good little kitten," Jungkook praised right before kissing his girlfriend hungrily as if they were in the privacy of their own home and not in the middle of a club. The sight alone was turning you on but you looked away from them when you heard the boy Jungkook had been yelling at speak,
"What the fuck?" He whispered to Jimin as Jungkook and the girl wandered off together,
"I second that." You breathed out turning to Jimin as he slid both you and Taehyung a shot each, pouring out himself one as he watched the couple walk out of the door.
"They do that a lot. They'll pick fights together just to make up later." Jimin told you both before downing the shot,
"Taehyung this is Y/n, Y/n this is Taehyung. My friend, I was telling you about before." That was right, Jimin had mentioned meeting up with another friend of his tonight and this must have been him.
"I'm not good at remembering names, mostly faces. Nice to meet you Taehyung." You greeted him with a handshake and he almost looked shooked that you were talking to him. The truth was he'd been eyeing you up from the other side of the bar before the girl and her boyfriend had come in. He was going to ask Jimin to slid you a drink but now he didn't have to,
"Nice to meet you too Y/n," He breathed out, taking your hand in his and shaking it slowly. Jimin watched you both with a smirk on his face, he'd seen the way you'd both been watching each other before he wasn't blind. Jimin also knew that both of you had been looking to date, searching for that right person and so he knew just what to do.
"Just call me cupid," He chuckled to himself, leaving you both alone at the side of the bar as he went to go and make some more drinks for other customers to stop himself from looking at you.  
"What brings you out tonight then? Other than being a pawn in someone's sex games," You questioned him while trying to hold back a small laugh. Taehyung laughed along with you as he pulled out a bar stool for you to sit next to him on, he had a huge smile on his face which was nice to see in comparison to the scared one he'd had on before.
"Jimin finishes early tonight, we're going to go out for a drink." As you heard the answer come from Taehyung your eyes flashed over to Jimin who was avoiding you - something he did when he knew he would be caught in a lie.
"What about you?" You smirked into the glass of wine you were drinking and looked at Taehyung,
"Jimin finishes late tonight, I came for moral support." That was when Taehyung began to register what was happening, it was just last week Tae had been complaining to Jimin that there was an office party coming up and he needed a date.
"Jimin seems to be playing cupid," He chuckled as he looked up into your eyes, you were smiling at him so it was a good sign.
"I told him I needed a date for a party next month...This must be his strange way of getting me one." You laughed softly, but Taehyung seemed to be hurt and you instantly began shaking your head and stumbling over your words.
"I didn't mean that-that you were strange...I-I just meant that there are s-so many different ways that Jimin could have done this f-for us!" He chuckled watching you stumble over your words, it was cute to see that you were so concerned over his feelings even though you hardly knew him and he reached out to touch your hand.
"It's alright, I think it's nice that Jimin did this for us." You smiled softly as he looked at you. His hand still not leaving yours as you exchanged looks with one another.
"Well since we've both been lied to, would you like to go and get something to eat? I can drop you off at home after. We'll get a taxi though since we've been drinking." He was starting to ramble on his words now as he asked you to dinner, you could feel your body heating up at the sudden attention you were getting.
"Are you asking me on a date?" You whispered as you bit down on your lip and touched his arm carefully,
"I am," Taehyung wasn't sure where his sudden boost of confidence was coming from but he was going to roll with it if it meant you would say yes.
"I'd love that, maybe then I can hear myself think." You joked about the loud music and Taehyung stood up. Holding his hand out for you to take as he walked out of the bar. Jimin watched with a giant smile on his face before realising neither of you had paid for the drinks he'd given you.
"That's what I get for interfering," He grumbled, sliding the two shot glasses into the tray for the dishwasher.
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The taxi pulled up outside your apartment and you glanced at Taehyung. The night had been so nice since you went out together you didn't want to have to say goodbye to him yet. Dinner together was wonderful and then he took you out for a night walk, grabbing a hot chocolate as you walked by the river together. Exchanging stories of how you'd met Jimin, getting to know one another on a personal level and it made you yearn to know him more. You wanted another date just like this because there was nothing more perfect. It was as though the whole night had been something plucked out of a romance novel, something you'd never thought you could have again.
"Would you like to come up for a hot chocolate?" You offered, your heart thumping against your chest at the thought of him saying no to you. Taehyung's heart was leaping as you asked him to go up with you. He'd been trying to think of anything he could do to make the night last longer or to ask you out again but he'd been drawing blanks on how to do it.
"Sure," He whispered, leaning forward to pay the cab driver and get out of the car with you. Both of you walked in silence towards the elevator,
"I have to warn you, I make a great hot chocolate." You giggled as you stepped into the small elevator, it was only meant for three people max so it wasn't the biggest of places for you to stand together.
"I'll hold you to it, I think I can make a better one." You scoffed at his statement as you pushed the top floor button,
"Puh-lease, we shall see." You teased him as you poked his blushing cheeks, that was when your hand stayed on his face. Neither of you moving as you stared into one another eyes,
"You have really pretty eyes," You whispered to him as you stared up into them, it was the first time you were seeing them in such good lighting.
"Y-You too." He whispered back to you, your hand slowly began to lower from his cheek but he rushed his hand up to keep it on his face.
"I-I like it," You felt the back of your neck and face heat up as he said this to you. Taehyung reached down and cupped your face in his hands this time, running his thumb along your lower lip as he stared at you.
"Can I do something probably totally inappropriate for a first date?" He questioned slowly as he looked at you, you nodded at him. His touch was making you feel as though you could do anything, you'd never experienced anything like this before. That was when he began to slowly lean down to you, your faces inches apart. He left a gap as his lips hovered above yours but you were far too impatient for him to close it. Throwing your arms around his neck you kissed him sweetly, your stomach flipping as soon as you kissed him. The elevator felt as though it was starting to spin as he kissed your back. Running his tongue along your bottom lip as he asked for entrance, you gladly gave it to him. Letting your tongue explore his mouth as he bent down to pick you up in his arms. Your legs automatically wrapped around his waist as he walked you out of the elevator,
"B-Bottom door on the left." You panted against his lips as he continued to make out with you, he chuckled as you whined at him for stopping.
"Keys?" He chuckled as you began kissing his jawline, reaching into your pocket for your apartment key. He let you down carefully as you fumbled with the lock to your door, as you struggled Taehyung took this chance to kiss the back of your neck, and up to your ear.
 "So pretty the way you whined out just then," The whispered words made your legs shake as you pushed the door open, dragging Taehyung in by the shirt he was wearing. He chuckled against your lips as you hungrily kissed him again, tearing off the coat he was wearing as he did the same to you.
"Are you sure about this?" He questioned as you began pulling him towards your bedroom, you were half-naked from the stripping you'd done in the living room. Standing in nothing by a pencil skirt and your bra while Taehyung was in nothing but the suit trousers he'd worn that day.
"I-I am, are you?" You swallowed the lump in your throat as you looked at him. Using the tip of your finger to trace the outline of his abs that were on display for you.
"Never been so sure about something in my life," He admitted as he brought you into another kiss, taking you over to the bed where you laid him down and straddled his lap.
"Mmm, Tae." You whined out as you ground down against the tent in his trousers, he let out a loud groan as you finally gave one another some kind of friction you'd been longing for.
"I need you." You whispered to him as you bent down to kiss him again, rolling your hips up and down on him as you made out on the bed.
"I need you too," He panted as you began to kiss down his jawline and down his chest, looking up at him to make sure that this was okay. He nodded at you and you smirked reaching his trousers, you began to undo the belt from around the pants and he blushed as he was watching you.
"Fuck you feel huge," You mumbled in surprise as you began to palm him through the fabric of his trousers and he groaned out, rolling his hips up to meet your hand. He was blushing deeper at your words so you began to pull down his trousers and boxers, throwing them somewhere in your room as you took him into your hand. He was bigger than expected and your mouth watered at the sight of him.
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" He was concerned as he watched your eyes glaze over, but you were filled to the brim with lust.
"I'm sure," You began pumping in your hand slowly before you placed your lips over the tip of his cock. Sucking softly as he threw his head back against the pillows moaning out loudly. It gave you that sudden boost of confidence you needed so you began to take him deeper into your mouth, looking up at him as you pumped what you couldn't fit into your mouth.
"J-Just like that," He panted out as you began to move your head faster, bobbing your head quickly as you closed your eyes. Ignoring the need to gag every time his cock hit the back of your throat. Taehyung cried out your name, bucking his hips up a little as his hands made their way into your hair. He glanced down at you to make sure this was okay, you pulled off his cock. A string of saliva and precum still connecting you both together. You just nodded at him as you spat down onto his cock, massaging it in as you began to grow wetter second by second.
"Oh god," He moaned out as he watched you pull off your bra and skirt. Within seconds your lips were wrapped around his cock again, swirling your tongue around the head of his cock as you listened to his angelic moans. It was enough to get you off on its own.
"S-Shit, s-stop or--or I'm gonna c-cum," He strangled out a moan but you wanted to see him cum, you wanted to taste him so you picked up the pace of your head. Pushing your face down so your nose was against his pubic area and he grunted loudly.
"Oh fuck!" He held onto your hair as he came down the back of your throat. Hot bursts of cum making you moan out around him at the taste.
Slowly pulling off you locked eyes with him as you swallowed all of his seed, giggling afterwards as you saw the look of lust take over his face. He was still hard as he brought you up into a kiss, not caring that he could taste his cum on your lips. He wanted to be inside of you desperately,
"D-Do you have any-" He stopped questioning when you reached into your bedside drawer and pulled ou a condom.
"Put it on me," He whispered, you licked your lips and pulled the condom from the packet. Carefully rolling it over his member while he ran his fingers over your folds. Pushing two fingers into you,
"Dripping wet, just from sucking me off?" You nodded at him, whining out as he pushed his fingers in and out of you slowly. Curling them when he hit just the right spot for you. It was as if he'd known your body before you'd gotten to this point.
"T-Tae," You cried out, moving your hips backwards to meet the pump of his fingers as you pumped him in your hand.
"F-Fuck me please," You begged him and he moaned out at your voice, laying you below him as he held himself at your entrance. Teasing you with the head of his cock as you whined out for him to fuck you already.
He slowly slid into your pussy as you both let out loud moans, looking into one another's eyes as he began rocking his hips back and forth steadily. One hand resting on your hip as he thrust in and out of you slowly.
"F-Faster," You whimpered running your hands down your body and began rubbing your clit rolling your head back as you moaned his name.
"Oh g-god," He moaned out thrusting into you a little faster but it wasn't enough. You giggled as you flipped you both over. Resting your hands on his chest as you began to bounce up and down on his cock quickly.
"Holy fuck," He grunted loudly as he gripped onto your hips and dug his nails into your skin.
"R-Right there," You whimpered out as you continued to rock back and forth on his cock. Your head rolling backwards as you continued to hit yourself in all the right places.
"Y-Y/n...I-I'm close," He mumbled trying to hold back his orgasm for as long as he could but it hadn't been long since his first and he was sensitive to your touch. You clenched around him as you moaned out,
"D-Do it, T-Taehyung I'm close." You whispered as you felt your stomach beginning to tighten each time you rode him. That was when he took over.
Taehyung gripped onto your hips and began thrusting into you as fast and hard as he could. You clenched around him as your mouth fell open. Nothing but whimpers and loud moans falling from your lips as you felt pleasure rip through your body. It was something you'd never felt before,
"Oh fuck!" You cried out, digging your nails into his shoulders as your stomach snapped and you came hard around him. Yelling out his name as you came down from your high. Taehyung wasn't far behind you, a couple more of his thrusts and he slowed down to a stop, cumming into the condom as he moaned out your name panting heavily as he did so.
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You were laid on his chest as he drew small invisible patterns on your skin, just holding you in silence as you both tried to catch your breath.
"W-Whoa," You whispered as you rolled off to lay next to him,
"I-I really did want to invite you in for a hot chocolate," You added as you looked up at him, praying that this wasn't going to be a one-time thing between you. The chemistry felt too strong for it to just be a fling.
"Well, I'll tell you what, if you make a hot chocolate I'll cook breakfast in the morning." Your heart swelled up at the mention of breakfast,
"You're staying?" He nodded his head, reaching out to cup your face and run his fingers over your cheeks.
"I-I want to ask you out again...Another date?" You nodded at him, a giant smile taking over your face as you leant in to give him a kiss on the lips.
"I would love another date," He chuckled kissing you again as he pulled you closer to him on the bed. 
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Tagline: @fluffyjoons​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @fan-ati--c​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @rjsmochii​ @bisexualmess007​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​
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infinitevariety · 4 years
May Your Days Be Merry
Having never been able to celebrate previously, Aziraphale and Crowley decide to embrace the festive season and make the most of their first December together since the world didn’t end.
Chapter Twenty Three: Love (AO3)
Secrets are revealed when Aziraphale pops by Crowley's flat unexpectedly.
Crowley is bored. It’s a few too many hours early to head to the bookshop. He and Aziraphale have spent time together every day this month, and with the visitors they had yesterday Crowley wants to give Aziraphale time to decompress and be alone with his books.
Which is why Crowley is lounging on the sofa in his flat, his second favourite Christmas film playing on the TV and music blaring from another room. He’s not paying attention to either of them, instead playing a festive edition of Candy Crush on his phone and absent-mindedly sipping on his drink.
Crowley’s eyes glance to the time and he curses internally. It’s still too early to leave. Of course it’s still too early. He only checked the time two minutes previously. He focuses even harder on the little candy canes, Christmas trees, baubles, and bells.
The noise of the TV, music, and game, along with Crowley’s determination to distract himself, in hindsight, is a mistake.
“Crowley?” Aziraphale’s voice is loud in an effort to be heard over the various devices, and Crowley suspects it’s not the first time Aziraphale has said his name.
As his eyes move from his phone screen to Aziraphale, Crowley jumps up from the sofa and immediately panics. He wasn’t expecting this. He snaps his fingers, lowering the volume on the TV, music player, and his phone to a more sedate level. Then he glances around the room, remembering the state of his entire flat.
“Crowley,” repeats Aziraphale.
“I can explain!”
“I don’t think you need to, my dear.” Aziraphale isn’t looking at Crowley. His eyes roam over the room as he continues to speak. “I suspected you might be giving me some time to myself, but I missed you. So thought I’d pop by. There was no answer when I knocked so I…”
“Barged in?” Crowley completes for him.
That, at least, draws Aziraphale’s attention. He turns to look at Crowley with soft eyes and a tilted head.
“There’s no need to get defensive, dear. I think this is lovely.”
Crowley physically cringes. “Of course you do.”
“Ah,” says Aziraphale. A look of understanding crossing his face. “The problem isn’t that I like it, it’s that I now know that you like it.”
Aziraphale draws closer to Crowley, smiling. Crowley avoids Aziraphale’s eye. Instead, he looks around at his flat.
At the Christmas tree set up in the corner, with glittery baubles and flashing coloured lights. At the Let it Snow banner hung across the doorway. At the red neon Hohoho sign on his coffee table. At the fairy lights around his television. At the TV screen where Mark is confessing is love to Juliet on a series of signs. At the rapidly cooling mug of hot chocolate sitting by his phone. At himself, wearing a black jumper with candy cane striped words on it declaring Crowley to be Festive AF.
They are silent for several long seconds as Rocking Around the Christmas Tree plays from the other room. Then Aziraphale reaches out to Crowley, grasping his hand and squeezing. Despite himself, Crowley feels reassured by the gesture.
“It’s stupid,” mumbles Crowley as he looks down at his woolly sock clad feet.
“If you think this is stupid you must have hated spending time at the bookshop with me all month.”
“No, angel—” Crowley quickly raises his head to look at Aziraphale, who’s smiling back at him.
“I know you haven’t, Crowley. I know you’ve been having a wonderful month doing festive things with me. I already know you like Christmas.”
Crowley shrugs, but doesn’t speak. He doesn’t count it as conceding the point, but he also knows Aziraphale doesn’t need him to.
“Now, what’s an angel got to do to get a mulled wine around here? I know you must have some on the go—I can smell it.”
“I’ll go fetch you one.” Crowley smiles. “Get comfy on the sofa, maybe we can watch a film?”
“What film is this?” asks Aziraphale, looking at the screen, where Judy is leaning in to kiss John. “It looks nice.”
“Oh, no, that’s just some nonsense rubbish, I wasn’t even really watching it. We’ll find something else,” says Crowley dismissively. Aziraphale might have realised Crowley is fond of Christmas but he can’t find out one of his favourite Christmas films is Love Actually.
He wanders to the kitchen, and by the time Crowley comes back with two steaming glasses of mulled wine, Aziraphale is curled up under one of the blankets unwrapping a chocolate coin. He also has his Santa hat on.
“Nice hat,” says Crowley as he hands Aziraphale his drink.
“Well, I had to match you, my dear.”
Crowley’s eyes widen as he absently reaches up to confirm that, yes, he put his reindeer antlers on this morning. Aziraphale, the beautiful bastard, just beams up at him and wiggles with joy.
“What do you fancy watching, angel?” Crowley scrolls through the Christmas selection on Netflix, hoping for inspiration or for something to catch Aziraphale’s eye.
And something does catch Aziraphale’s eye. Just nothing on the TV.
“Are those my presents?” asks Aziraphale innocently.
Crowley turns to look at what Aziraphale has seen. Off to the side and poorly hidden under a side table are several Christmas gift bags in various sizes. Crowley hasn’t bothered to hide them away properly, because Aziraphale wasn’t supposed to have come over.
“Whether they’re your gifts or not—” And really, who else’s are they going be, when they exchanged gifts with their friends yesterday? “—they aren’t being opened until the 25th.”
“Or tomorrow,” counters Aziraphale, “if we stay up until midnight.”
“Don’t open all your presents while I’m asleep!”
“Don’t go to sleep, then.”
“Or you could sleep with me.”
“I—” Aziraphale seems lost for words.
“I just meant—” Crowley fervently hopes they’re on the same page about this. “—sleep.”
“I—” Some tension seems to leave Aziraphale’s posture. “Yes. Perhaps we can try that.”
“Want to try one of these?” Keen to break the tension fully, Crowley holds out a tray of Ferrero Rocher.
Aziraphale squints at him suspiciously. “Absolutely not.”
Crowley laughs. “More for me, then.” He unwraps one of the perfectly normal chocolates and chomps delightedly on it.
“I’m going to get another mulled wine,” says Aziraphale as he stands up and wanders off to the kitchen.
While he’s gone, Crowley finally settles on a film (Trolls Holiday Special—Aziraphale is going to hate it), and works his way through three more Ferrero Rocher.
“Crowley?” Aziraphale calls from the back of the room.
“Hmm?” Crowley gets up and wanders over to him.
Aziraphale is standing at the card holder Crowley put up a week or so ago, after his windowsill got full. In his hands are a couple of cards that he’d pulled down to read. Crowley peers over his shoulder to see. One is from Roger, the young bloke in one of the lower flats, and the other is from Florence, the old lady who lives directly below Crowley’s. What both cards have in common, Crowley now realises, it that they include a message thanking Crowley for his card.
“Crowley,” repeats Aziraphale, “did you send all of your neighbours Christmas cards?”
“Ngk—yes,” admits Crowley.
Aziraphale turns and looks up at Crowley in wonder. Crowley knows the jig is up. It’s time to be honest.
“You were wrong, earlier,” he tells Aziraphale. “I don’t like Christmas.”
Aziraphale eyebrows draw together and he looks unaccountably sad for a moment. But only for a moment, because Crowley isn’t finished.
“I love Christmas. I told myself I was doing all this stuff for you—the decorating, the films, the traditions… and I was, at first. Making sure you’re so happy is my mission in life. Then, I don’t know exactly when, and I’m sure not even God knows why, but at some point, I just started enjoying it all myself, too. It’s gaudy and full of friendliness and I’ll never like tinsel, but… it’s actually a lot of fucking fun.” Crowley shrugs, not knowing how to follow up his admission.
“I love you.” Aziraphale says it urgently, like it’s been living inside of him just waiting for the right moment to make its escape. Maybe it has. “I love you for loving Christmas, and for so much more. For everything.”
Crowley smiles. If this is what happens when he admits how much he likes something, maybe he should declare his love for dumb shit more often.
“I love puppies and kittens, too.”
Aziraphale rolls his eyes.
“Oh, and helping old ladies across the road.”
“Shut up,” says Aziraphale, before pulling Crowley into a hug.
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leejeongz · 4 years
first date with cravity
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🔅i hope you enjoy! thanks for requesting hehe🔅
serim: going on a run
When he first asked you, you weren’t really a fan of the idea. Arun for a first date? Has he lost his mind? But he somehow managed to convince you and you’re glad he did. He showed up at your house at dusk, he was wearing shorts and a plain white t-shirt, it was so simple but you couldn’t help but think about how good he looked. his hair was messy, he didn’t bother styling it because he knew it would just get sweaty and become messy anyway. You stepped outside, it was cold so you already had to complain.
“I’m freezing, can't we just stay in and get pizza?” you pleaded, a pout present on your face hoping your cuteness would persuade him.
“No, that’s not a good idea for a first date,” he started running before he’d even finished his sentence so you chased after him. You caught up to him and he lowered the pace a little.
“It’s so freeing to run. You can talk, but you can also stay silent. You can listen to music or you can just think about things. It's something that makes me happy” he confessed. Suddenly, you were glad to be sharing this time with him.
Soon enough you reached a park, where you stopped jogging for a bit to sit on a bench and rest a little. you’d forgotten to bring out water so serim offered you some of his. You wiped the top of the bottle that he had drank out of which earned a little laugh from Serim, “I don’t have any germs, it’s okay” He teased.
You drank a little and handed it back to him, not wanting to drink all of his water even though you could have drank a whole ocean at the time. He stood up in front of you and held his hand out, “We can walk back if you want? And when we get to your place we can get a pizza of your choice as a thank you for coming out with me!” he smiled at you when you took his hand, agreeing to his plan.
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allen: the zoo
You’d been planning to go to the zoo as friends for a while but you wanted to wait for a sunny day (that he had off,) which was clearly not going to happen any time soon. When the day finally came, you opened the door with a smile, and grabbed your bag as quickly as possible, not wanting to waste any time.
“Ready for our date?” he asked, knowing what your reaction would be.
“Date?” you looked in his direction, trying to not seem as eager as you actually were. You did both like each other, it was no secret, but he’d never labelled an outing as “a date” before.
“Yes” he replied, “do you not want it to be a date?” he asked, looking back at you making you avert your eyes. You shook your head and laughed, obviously this is what you wanted.
He drove you both there and opened the door for you to get out. He paid for your ticket to get into the zoo and walked over to the map, dragging you with him. You didn’t know at the time that he wasn’t going to let go of your hand all day, but you didn’t complain at any point so it’s okay.
“Where first, babe?” he asked, eyes darting all over the map to see if he could find the zebras.
“The zebras” you responded, they were your favourites so of course you were gonna say them. Unlike him, you had found them straight away and pointed them out to him as you said it.
“The penguins it is” he teased, heading in the direction of the zebras anyway.
You spent the whole day laughing with him and joking, teasing each other nonstop. The first serious moment you shared was when you bought his favourite sandwich from the cafe, he was so honoured that you remembered. From that moment on, he knew he wanted to ask you to be his as soon as possible, even if it was only the first date.
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jungmo: watching fireworks
Since it was november, it was the perfect time to take Jungmo to a bonfire, he said he’d never been before. Unfortunately, he had caught a cold and so going out in the cold weather wasn’t an opinion. He told you to go with your other friends if you wanted to go so badly but you wanted to go with him, especially since you’d both recently confessed you had feelings for each other. A few hours before the intended bonfire, he sent you a text asking if you wanted to come to his house that night instead of going to the bonfire, how could you say no to that?
That evening, you went to his house, taking a bunch of usual “bonfire snacks” so you wouldn’t feel left out. He invited you in and you both went straight to his room. Although this was your first time at his house, you felt so at home. He plonked himself in his window seat and patted the empty space next to him. You were kinda confused but he quickly clarified why you were sitting there.
“I was doing some investigating” he started, shuffling closer to you, wrapping one arm around you while the other pointed outside, “we should be able to see the fireworks from here, in that direction.” You smiled to yourself, he really thought this through.
The fireworks started and Jungmo hadn’t moved a muscle, only to let out a few gasps. Your head was now resting on his shoulder, you occasionally looked up at him, he was smiling at the fireworks in awe every time you did so. The fireworks stopped after around 45 minutes and you were both pretty hungry.
“Want a marshmallow?” you got up to grab your bag of goodies “we can’t toast them but marshmallows taste good as they are anyway” you offered him the bag.
“Better idea, how about we make some hot chocolate and eat some with that?” he asked, knowing you would never say no to that.
The next morning you woke up with a cold, you’d definitely caught it from Jungmo but oh well, it was worth it, you thought.
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woobin: ferris wheel
“That ferris wheel down by the beach looks so fun, can we go?” you asked him over text. He read the message and his face lit up, he was quick to reply with an “of course”.
The following afternoon/evening you met up on the front, about half a mile from the wheel itself. you walked together, his hand brushing against yours, he was still too nervous to hold it but you didn’t want to make the first move either. You finally reached the wheel and you stood in line, the sun was just setting and so the queue was quite long but you both knew it would be worth the wait. Not once did you run out of things to talk about, not until you got onto the wheel. you sat beside him and you both kept your hands in your laps, you were both too nervous to rock the little pod you were sitting in so neither of you moved. The views really did render you speechless, you’d never seen the city like this before, always talking about how bad it was, when really, it was beautiful. All Woobin could focus on was you, the sun hadn’t quite set yet and what was left of its light was shining on you, you looked so effortlessly beautiful that he had to capture the moment.
“Let me take a picture” he said, you thought he meant of the view but his camera pointed directly at you. “Have i ever told you how beautiful you are?” he whispered with a shy smile on his face.
“My turn” you exclaimed, taking out your phone to take a picture of him, one you knew you’d set as your background when you got home. “I want this moment to last forever, I love it up here” you said while putting your phone back in your bag.
“Me too” he smiled at you, drawing your attention away from your bag. He looked away from you at that moment, adoring the view that he hadn’t really paid attention to before now, absentmindedly taking your hand in his for the first time and resting it in your lap.
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wonjin: ice skating
he REALLY couldn’t skate. He was embarrassed to say it but he wasn’t going to let it stop you two from going on your first date right this second.
“Can we go ice skating?!” you asked enthusiastically. your friends all shook their heads in unison, saying they had to go home now or making up other excuses, all except one.
“Sure, I'll come” Wonjin put up his hand, scooting you friend over to stand by your side. There had always been a little chemistry between you two, and so your friends whooped a little. They didn’t know you’d already confessed to each other so it was quite ironic really. The group dispersed as you and wonjin made your way over to the rink. You paid and got your skates from the man at the booth before sitting and putting them on. You stood up and helped wonjin up too, it was understandable that he couldn’t walk on the carpet in them, especially since it was his first time, you gathered.
You stepped onto the ice and grabbed hold of the side, getting your balance before turning to see a struggling wonjin at the gate. You guided his hand to the side and grabbed his free hand. He looked so cute, struggling to even get onto the ice. His nose was red and it made you giggle a little.
“Hey, don’t laugh, it’s my first time” he pouted.
“I'm not laughing at you” you said, clapping slightly to see him finally on the ice before realising his hand was still yours. “You have a bright red nose, you look so dumb, Rudolph” you giggled with him.
He looked up from the ice for the first time in the past 5 minutes “I would laugh if I was you, yours is exactly the same” he laughed back, his feet slowly moving over the ice.
You both went around like this for a while, he had one hand on the rail and the other in your hand. That was until he felt confident.
“Let me see if i can do it without assistance” he gulped, only realising what he had just subjected himself to by saying that after he said it. You released his hand from yours and he reluctantly removed his hand from the side of the rink. You must admit, he was a little shaky, but a lot better than you could have anticipated when you first saw him getting onto the ice. You smiled in his direction as he skated away from you. He turned around and smiled back, he hoped you were proud of him, but that was an understatement on how you actually felt.
“Thanks for coming with me,” you said once you were off the ice, onto the safety of carpet in your own shoes.
“It’s okay, anytime. Spending time with you out there was real fun.” he held your hand and started swinging it as you walked away from the rink.
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minhee: painting pottery (for each other)
Although it was your idea, minhee wished it was his, he’d been thinking of the perfect date in his head for a while now. He wanted your first date to be special and was thinking about it since he confessed, but when you presented him with a leaflet for pottery painting, it was hard to say no. He thought about the date for the whole day before, imaging how cute it would be.
You arrived at the pottery place mid morning and had a tour of the factory, the whole while your arm was linked with his comfortably. You were both as interested as each other and any nerves you had for the date had disappeared.
“Time to paint!” the lady giving the tour announced. She showed you to a table for 4 and so you sat beside each other thinking another couple would join you but no one ever did. Since the pottery had already been made (neither of you trusted yourselves enough to throw it, even if it would have been fun) you got straight to painting. It finally gave you and minhee some time to talk, and that you did. Although you wanted to make this the best art work you’d ever done since you were giving it to minhee, you couldn’t stop looking at him while he spoke to you, his good looks were so distracting. He felt the same way about you too, he wanted to concentrate on his painting but he wanted to listen to you even more. The conversations you had were a little silly, things like “if you were a stuffed animal, what animal would it be?” but you felt so much more connected to him and you were both comfortable, despite all his teasing about your strange responses.
“This is for you,” he said at the end of your date, extending his arms out towards you to present to you his pot cutely. On it, he had painted something you briefly remember talking about.
“Minhee, you’re the best” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck with his pot now in your hands. You pulled back and grabbed the pot you’d painted for him from the table next to you, you really hoped he liked it now.
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hyeongjun: cat cafe
You weren’t exactly the biggest fan of cats, but you were the biggest fan of hyeongjun so any date he invited you to, you said yes. Recently, a cat cafe had opened in town and he really wanted to go and who better to take with him than you, the person he’d liked for years who had recently confessed their feelings for him.
You waited for him by the door, he could see you fidgeting and so when he greeted you, he did so with a hug to calm you down. “You smell nice” he bubbled “shall we go in?”
He pushed open the door and let you go in before he did. The waitress by the door showed you to an empty table and placed two menus on it. Admittedly, the cats nearby really intimidated you, you were scared of cats but for some reason you felt really off.
“We don’t have to stay,” Hyeongjun said, starting to get up, noticing your apprehension to stroke any cat that came close to you.
“It's fine, let’s just order, I think I'm going to have the chocolate cake and a strawberry smoothie,” you said with a fake smile on your face.
After a while, you started to get more comfortable. Hyeongjun admired how well you were playing with the cats and how you were keeping them entertained, even if at the beginning you were a little nervous. He took plenty of pictures and made sure to post a lot about your date on social media, he really wanted to show you off to his friends.
You finished your food and drink and left the cafe, thanking the waitress on your way out. You stood outside the cafe’s window, his hands were in yours and you were both staring lovingly into each other’s eyes, giggling a little, “I had a great date” you confessed “but next time can we please do something with less… felines?” you giggled.
“So we can’t go to Tashirojima island?” he joked, faking a cute little pout.
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taeyoung: waterpark
Even though you were going with other friends, Taeyoung still insisted on calling it “our date” whenever he spoke to you about it. The day of the date, he came to your house bright and early, sporting an excessively large gym bag. “I got us matching swimwear so people know it’s a date” he announced while welcoming himself into your house. He pulled a long sleeved swim shirt out from his bag along with a pair of swim shorts. “Go change! I'll change in your bathroom!” he said excitedly. You did as he instructed and put your clothes on top, ready to take off once you got there to save time.
You met up with your friends outside the indoor waterpark and went in together. After getting out of your clothes, you went out of the changing rooms and found taeyoung who was ready way before you.
“Rapids?” he asked with an excited look on his face. You nodded with the same level of excitement before departing from your group. The rapids were always your favourite part of waterparks, this specific one you could just swim around, no need for a ring. Taeyoung went in first, grabbing your hand to pull you into the rapids with him. You were having so much fun, his conversation with you made you want to never leave, but just while thinking about it he’d already pulled you out, heading towards a slide.
“This is um quite high,” you faltered while standing at the top, looking down at the large pool that you were to land in. The guy at the top told you to sit down next to taeyoung, ready to race each other, but of course, taeyoung being the best boy he is, he grabbed your hand so you could slide down together.
Although you didn’t really get to know him much more than you already did throughout the day, you couldn’t have asked for a better first date and you felt even more comfortable around him than ever before, you couldn’t wait for the next day you spent together.
(i feel like i use these gif for everything i write i’m so sorryyy)
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seongmin: pedalo
The lake nearby always had swan shaped pedalo boats in, but you never had any intention of going on them, not until seongmin wanted to anyway.
“Pleaseeeee” he pleaded down the phone, not taking no for an answer “we can get ice cream after.”
“Fine” you agreed finally “but you had better not splash me, that lake is dirty.” From the moment he put the phone down, you started planning your outfit for the following day, actually excited to ride the swan boats for the first time ever.
That morning you put on your planned outfit and checked yourself out one last time before heading to the lake. Seongmin was already there waiting for you to arrive, somehow you’d matched outfits without even knowing, a bit spooky, you thought.
He wasted no time getting on the pedalo, he sat on the left leaving you the space on the right, he knew you would feel the most comfortable on that side. For the most part, he let you steer, he put himself in charge of the conversation and led it while you both peddled at a steady pace. You talked about the unimaginable, the date exceeded your expectations and you started to fall for him more than ever. He really was the sweetest boy you’d ever met. He also stuck to his promise of getting you ice cream after, he chose your favourite flavour and let you choose a flavour for him just for fun.
“I had a really good day today” he spoke while wiping his mouth on the small napkin. You had to agree, your cheeks were hurting from smiling so much. “You look really pretty here and our outfits fit in with the surroundings, I’m gonna ask that lady to take a picture of us, if that’s okay?” he asked, hoping you’d say yes, which you did.
After the picture was taken, he sent it straight over to you (which is when you noticed you were called “y/n❤️” on his phone) before setting it as his lock screen.
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gifs aren’t mine
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justimagineitblog · 4 years
“You Used To Love Me” Michael Gray Fan Fiction - Chapter 4
A/N:  Hi loves! Chapter 4 is a longggggg one so strap in and get some rum, whiskey, tea, coffee, water, hot chocolate, whatever works and settle in for this one x 
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When I walk into the pub, Tommy freezes in his spot.
He hasn’t seen me yet since Michael’s gracious return this morning. And I guess he assumed I wouldn’t be coming in for this shift.
He feel him watching me nervously as I begin my usual work routine, setting up the bar, straightening out all the chairs, wiping down all the tables. I can’t even bring myself to look at him.
“Izzy I-“
He stops immediately when I shake my head. With tears in my eyes threatening to spill already.
“I can’t, Tommy” I breathe
He nods sullenly, walking over to place a gentle hand on my shoulder.
“We had no idea about Gina… he’s just shown up after 6 fucking months and-“
“Tommy, please” I cut him off “I can’t talk about it-”
“Okay” he steps back, giving me some space “But just listen to me, just for a moment yeah? You’re still our girl. Our family. We’re all on your side, eh. Me, Poll, Arthur”
I nod, closing my eyes.
Of course they are. They’re just as shocked as I am. Up until this morning we were all in the dark about Michael. Where he was. What he was doing. I guess in a way, we all still are.
“I know” I sigh. Hearing him say those words stings, when I know that in 6 hours time I’ll closing up the bar for the last time and handing him my apron.
“Poll got a call this morning, from Michael, saying he was arriving to Birmingham in an hour, with someone for her to meet. First time she’d heard from him since he left. She’s been crying, I saw her. Says she can’t believe her own son would do something like this. Say’s she keeps seeing your face when you first saw him again-“
“Did he say why?” I question, un able to help myself from asking. It’s not like I haven’t been wondering that all day anyway.
Tommy shakes his head “Poll lost her shit. We all did. Told Gina all about you. About you and Michael. But he just fucking stood there… like a fucking ghost”
“Yeah, I know the look” I reply, flashing back to the cold, dead stare in Michael’s eyes.
“You know you don’t have to work tonight you can go home eh, try and rest, I’ll see you tomorrow night”
I clench my jaw, wishing he’d never said that. I can’t avoid it now.
“I won’t be in tomorrow, Tom” I begin, looking up at the ceiling and hoping that some God might just finally strike me down once and for all.
How am I supposed to do this.
I thought I had reached my limits of what I can bare this morning, but life seems to have decided that today is my ultimate test. If my sanity is still remotely in tact tomorrow, it will be a fucking miracle.
“If you need to take a few days Izzy it’s fine, Finn can cover for you. It’s about time he start leaning how to pour beer anyway-“ Tommy replies sympathetically, not understanding what I’m trying to say.
“No, Tom, I won’t be back tomorrow because I’m not coming back” I hold my breath “Today is my last shift”
Every word was harder than the next, as I forced myself to drag them up and out of my mouth.
Part of me wants this. Part of me want’s to run away from any place where I might see Michael. Jesus, I can’t believe I’m even thinking this but maybe this was the silver lining in him having the audacity to ask me to quit to stay out of his and Gina’s way. Because I won’t have to face seeing them together either. But actually say it, doing it, and breaking it to Tommy like this is incredibly painful.
“Oh” he breathes slowly.
Slowly, I begin to undo my apron. I can’t do this. I need to get out of here. I need to go home. Let my bed and whatever alcohol I have swallow me up. I don’t know how long for. And I don’t care.
“I’m sorry” I say in a harsh exhale as I hand him the apron.
He shakes his head, looking down at the floor almost like he’s to ashamed of how his cousin has broken my heart to look at me. He reaches for my hand to squeeze “No, I’m sorry”
Unable to hold back the tears that have been biting at my already red and glassy eyes, I quickly rush past him, my hand slipping out of his grip.
The next 3 days are a drunken stupor. Coming in and out of consciousness. In and out of sleep, to eat a mouthful of something before washing it down with another mouthful of something strong.
It’s not until the 4th day when I’m woken at 7am by the sound of kids laughing and shouting as they play a game of cricket below my window. I try to muffle it by smothering myself with my pillow, but irritation and anger when it doesn’t go away draws me out of bed. I shuffle over to my window and slam it shut, earning looks from the children, before they forget seconds later and go back to playing.
From there I head straight to the kitchen. An Irish coffee constitutes as a nutritional breakfast, right?
As I let the kettle boil, I open my cupboard for my tried and true whiskey. And I find it… but I find it empty. Luckily that is, knowing in the back of my mind that I’m one more drink away from a hospital visit. But in that moment, I could have smashed the bottle over my kitchen counter in a tired, hangover fuelled rage.
Don’t they always say the cure for a hangover is more alcohol? Or have I just been around drunks at the pub too long?
I sigh. The pub. Over the past few days I have racked up a decent amount of memories that I wish to never remember. One of them, was seeing Michael… shortly followed by seeing his new wife Gina… then coming up at a close third is having to tell Tommy that I was quitting without any explanation why. That’s what the alcohol was for. To forget all that.
Now that I don’t have any alcohol left to immediately distract myself, I’m forced to really take in my surroundings. I look at my kitchen painfully as I count the bottles on my counter. Five. Empty. Bottles. I drank all that.
Jesus Christ, maybe I really am a Shelby.
God Michael would die if he saw this. Part of the reason he cherished me was because I wasn’t like his family. I loved them. I fit in with them. But I still had ‘a humanness to me’, as he called it one day. ‘A kindness.’ He said I kept him soft in a world lacking it. He’d only seen me truly drunk once. I was never a big drinker. I guess I’m not that girl anymore. Just like he’s not the Michael I knew anymore. I guess the only commonality we have anymore is our… dissimilarity.
The irony.
Unable to drink now, and sure as hell not leaving my apartment in this state, I spent the rest of the day moving slowly. Picking up whatever pieces of myself that I can. Showering. Changing clothes. Cleaning up what looks like a bomb site.
When night falls, and I realise I haven’t been shopping days and don’t have enough food to make anything decent, I decide it’s time to leave the house. Beside’s, everyone is going to be inside eating with their families and loved ones, and it’s dark enough anyway to hide myself in the shadows to avoid being seen.
With my biggest coat wrapped around me tightly, and an over the phone take away order placed at a restaurant down town, I head out into night. The cool, night air feels nice, like a splash of cold water on my face, and I’m so sure that I won’t have to face anyone that I begin to relax.
But of course I couldn’t really relax, could I. Because sitting inside the restaurant with a friend, is Polly Gray.
I pause in my tracks, almost tripping over from stopping so suddenly. I want to turn around and run the other way, immediately. And nothing is stopping me, besides the fact that I have nothing to goddamn eat.
“Fuck” I hiss to myself as I keep my head down, angling it away from her as I quickly slip into the restaurant doors.
“An order for Isabelle” I say urgently in a hushed voice at the counter as the worker greets me.
“Good evening ma’am” he grins eagerly as I hand him the money.
“I’ll just get your change” he nods joyfully and I grab my food. Daring to turn around, I peak over my shoulder to find that Polly is already looking at me. Once we make eye contact her eyes widen in shock and begins to stand up, making her way to me.
“Shit, shit, shit” I hiss, grabbing the food from the man quickly and beginning to walk out of the restaurant.
“Ma’am your change!” He calls after me
“Keep it!” I call back as I pick up the pace, jogging out the doors and into the street. I hear Polly’s voice call after me, and I hold my food close to me as I keep jogging, praying she will give up.
“Isabelle stop!” She shouts, and I slow to a stop. My head falls back as I sigh in defeat.
She finally catches up to me and I turn around to face her, but avoid eye contact.
“Izzy it’s me, what are you doing?” She asks as she catches her breath, staring at me in bewilderment.
God I can’t do this. I can’t. I’ve missed Polly so much. I’ve missed Tommy. I’ve missed the pub. Arthur. Finn. Michael. But I can’t be around them. Michael asked me to stay out of his and Gina’s way. I can’t do that if I’m still seeing everyone in the family. And it’s breaking my own heart.
“I just can’t talk right now Polly” I shake my head, praying for this to be over. For her to just accept that and go back to her dinner.
“Isabelle I’m worried about you, no one has seen you for day’s. Tommy said you quit the pub… Isabelle did Michael put you up to this-“
“No” I cut her off immediately. I’m lying. I know I am. But what difference does it make if I tell her Michael told me to keep out of everyones way. That will only make her and everyone hate him even more. And I can’t stand to see them all lose Michael the same way I did. I would never wish that upon them.
“Just talk to me darling-“
“No Polly,” I snap. Not out of anger, but out of sadness. Pain. I know what I have to do. What I have to say to make her stay away from me and fulfil Michael’s wish. But it’s going to kill me to do it. I take a deep breath as she waits for me to speak nervously. What’s that saying. Be cruel to be kind? I have to be cruel, I have to pushing them away. It’s easier to push them away. It’s better for everyone. Then Michael can live with Gina, the Shelby’s can be at peace without me around.
“I don’t want anything to do with your son, or your family. Have I not made that clear enough. I am not your family. I am not a Shelby. Now please leave me alone”
Polly stares at me, mouth open but no words following. I fight to keep her eye contact. To not falter. So that she think’s I’m serious about this. But it hurts. Never did I think I would have to be breaking her heart like this. I can see it breaking, I can see it in her eyes.
Is this what I looked like? Is this what Michael saw when he broke mine?
“I have to go” I manage to say before turning on my heels swiftly, leaving her standing in the street alone.
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