#I really do dig his androgynous look
estbela · 6 months
Me: i honestly really do like hws Romania's design
Also me: changes his hair & eye clour (and sometimes ig i do make his hair longer than in canon)
I'm sorry I just can't give him red(or whatever colour that is. It kinda looks like pink ig) eyes. I really can't. And he is NOT blonde to me. The hair length? Well evetytime I draw him his hair accidentally gets longer. Idk how lol
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summer scions!! I absolutely love the new portraits for all their smug happy expressions. Except Y'shtola, who is not going to deign to give a camera a proper saucy look because that's silly. Urianger is smirking twice as hard on her behalf.
Glam review under the cut!
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I unlocked Alphinaud first of the twins and didn't know Alisaie had a little necktie yet, so I'm deducting a point from my first impression because the sheer delight that he had a silly little necktie of some sort no matter the situation delighted me so thoroughly. Since they're still engaging in matchy twin dressing to some degree, I have to assume they either like it and won't admit it after digging in so hard, or Ameliance sent them off with cute outfits and matching backpacks, and they still don't really shop for themselves.
He's got the practical watch/compass gloves which are good for a technically proficient Sage and probably the most practical gear he's ever worn except for when he was poncho Alphy, but wearing ankle-length jeans seem like the least weather-appropriate choice of the Scions if we assume their average skin coverage is a good weathervane for the temperature in Tural. I chalk it up to teenage awkwardness.
8/10 unless he and Alisaie chose their outfits themselves, in which case it's a 9/10
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I think Alisaie is the only Scion to keep a single piece of their default gear, and those are her usual gloves. She's colour-matched around it.
Because of the gloves and boots, she looks the most ready for hardcore hiking, somehow, and her matching Alphinaud with a cute button down shirt with rolled up sleeves along with that particular choice of baggier shorts (when she normally wears more form fitting shorts) do give me the closest to butch vibes it's probably likely to get for main characters. So I'm giving her an extra point I stole from Alphinaud for the lesbian vibes.
9/10 or 10/10 if she made these choices all by herself.
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Everything about this cracks me up, from his portrait above to the image of him tanking open shirted once he pulls mobs.
Believe it or not, he's getting an additional point for those shoes simply because the competition in practicality in tanking is G'raha.
I had a moment of excitement when I thought the necklace was pink because that's always a cute Ryne/Minfillia thing fanartists give him with ribbons and such, but once I got zoomed in on him it was red, so I guess he's just been shopping. Although, the turquoise shorts are her eye colour and the actual large diamond shapes are secretly Mothercrystal coded in those colours, which just cracks me up that you can pick out one of the worse days of his life (Urianger's grand Warrior of Darkness plan) in his Chill Summer Beach Vibes look.
Douchebag beach bro shell bracelet as well, which really makes me double down on him and Urianger spending way too much on tourist bait along the stalls in the Famous Turali Market. The hat and sunglasses are giving him one of the Most tourist-y looks thematically reflecting how a lot of the Scion guys were just here to hang out, narratively or literally. Maybe he's trying not to get such an intense tan again, which is the only reason he's not entirely topless.
11/10 I could not stop laughing when I got him and Urianger to 100 and Beheld The Brilliance in the same moment.
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Please note the raised sunglasses in Urianger's portrait, which are not the model his character uses.
I am delighted that I had been incorporating that island watch into my healer glams on both the logic you need to know your clock positionals but also they're largely the smarty pants jobs (WHM being vibes only aside - it gets its own glams :P). And here's Urianger and Alphinaud both using watches.
Now, I had a moment of being vaguely disappointed he had trousers not a skirt or something else swishy and androgynous, but then I did realise that I, a nonbinary weirdo who relates to Urianger since he made me nonbinary, have actually gone to a couple of garden parties dressed in some variation of this exact outfit of light trousers and a nice button up. Plus, the earrings are in both ears, so no "Google, which ear is the gay one?", these are just straight up cute femme dangly earrings with his favourite little dudes on.
More importantly, the colours he's repping are those of Lopporit Radio. He probably tunes in every night for his broadcasts :')
Mirrored sunglasses for the guy notorious for keeping thoughts and plans close to his chest and choosing deliberately to be enigmatic even when it serves zero purpose except for I guess gender affirming care. (The gender is Weird Bitch.)
I can't tell how I feel about those dad sandals. I suppose it depends if he's wearing them like a fashion model (brand new and clean with perfect pedicured feet) or if those are REALLY dad at the beach-like and, since I'm not a foot person, this for me is only a choice between "not off-putting" and "AURGH".
9/10 the proximity to Thancred hauls him up several points of misgivings I had, and the lopporit shout outs are killing me :')
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I unlocked Y'shtola last and holy fuck I am a lesbian. I don't even recognise where those boots come from, so either a really expensive glam or something I just have not stumbled on. She has toe rings I think? And painted nails? I have no idea if the garter (?) is part of the boots glam or a custom thing as result of not recognising the boots and how much of them is normal. I feel like they customised a lot on her anyway - the back of her top has purple beads that match her staff (not dyable on the real piece)
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and I think the necklace has to be part of the top instead of a separate necklace piece with the way it hangs, AND the bracelets are a glove piece with the original summer glam, but I assume they're layered with the false nails, also in the glove slot. All in all it's giving the sort of effort which is starting to creep up to what I'd expect from the modding community not the game. I mean, not THAT good but getting close. Baby steps towards what fandom can make :P
She really is god's favourite meow meow.
Anyway I can't really judge this fairly because it's really hot and I love her so I'm just going to give it 100/10 and move on. :)
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how did I get a picture where Estinien looks like he's stooping to get in the frame...
The fact he has Azure Dragoon Blue Top and then Violently Nidhogg Fuchsia shorts is the colour theory that absolutely killed me. When he lights up during his burst and starts glowing pink all over his shorts are like. Taking him over like the eye once did I think.
love a guy who can embrace his past trauma and dress to match all that has passed before and all that he intends to do now (kill something large and tasty, grill it on the beach, fall asleep with a beer in hand until the waves come in and wake him up).
I gave him that wooden bracelet in the glam he has on my desktop screen so once again I'm feeling weirdly vindicated.
Other details: no ponytail despite the warm weather because he's got enough ventilation. The fact there's cactaurs on his shirt when he's on record for eating them is amazing. We should imagine he's wearing his jobstone like that pendant (since he's one of the only guys with a confirmed jobstone despite being the Guy Without A Job notoriously that one time.)
Unlike Thancred's hat and sunglasses combo, which seems fun and boisterous somehow, he seems the most walled off of all the sunglasses wearers even though he's not the most mysterious. The visor really helps make it a sort of wall. Maybe just because his terse upfront personality and somehow despite his clothes horse habits THIS amount of whimsy seems the most out of character at first glance, but he DOES look uncomfortable to me.
Somehow I find everything about this outfit excellent for his character but also like maybe he was forced into it, everyone cornering him and telling him the Scion Beach Party was a mandatory work event and he was not allowed to beg off of it and he did put some work in expressing himself but also is going to go find a much quieter corner to lurk in for the day, when not competing with Thancred (can't grill, loves it) for the barbeque (Estinien can grill, would only do it because the threat of Thancred doing it wrong is too high).
confused 7/10 mostly because I think Krile is blackmailing him and not because I don't love everything about this.
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Here's how G'reenha Tia can still win -
Anyway here's the deducted point for tanking in flip flops (PERFECTLY acceptable BLM gear btw but he's Mr Versatile.)
(I joke but the main character of my novels is a flip-flop wearing menace who could and would tank in them)
Between the padlock and key necklace and the woven bracelet right after we all went feral over the Thavnarian bracelets for couples thing so recently (and Corvos is just across the water!) he's absolutely dripping cutie pie love interest coding yet again.
(Also yes I know the lock and key thing is very funny because we were introduced to him learning he was a fancy key to a big door.)
Gains a point back because the other green g'raha thing is I'm pretty sure people use this shirt glam because it kinda looks like it has weed on it.
Don't quote me on that, vibes only.
Anyway he came colour coordinated (with his original eye colour and hair colour not the bright Allagan dalamud red dye that goes with his normal outfit) so so precise and neat, like he's going to some sort of formal event, and even with flip flops he really does seem incredibly put together like the twins or Y'shtola, just for full outfit cohesiveness.
As someone who would hold G'raha's hand on the romantic gondola vibe, 10/10.
3 out of 10 and a huge cringe if you would not. He's got to stop Striving.
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Hey it's the star of the show!! Adorable hairstyle out, cute plot-important earring on, and wearing her exact character colours but adorable beach wear :)
I love that she looks kind of like she went to the girls for advice and got the top from Y'shtola and the shorts from Alisaie, and she probably was very serious and stressed about getting this right even though there's no rules and no one's judging her -
Anyway the ballet shoes are adorable and go with all the cute picto spins and twirls :)
I think the strict colour scheme does speak to the slight lack of fleshing out she got so far in the story (we don't really have any real character reason that picto in particular spoke to her and this glam isn't one of the many fun takes people had on how to dress to meet that brief ). I don't think DT did more than just repeat that she's serious and sweet and trying really hard to get out of her shell and be more fun and creative and also she's been practicing dodging really hard she shouts mid-Trust combat (bless her). But ALSO getting out of the shell is really hard and she only found out everything and got some closure in the final level 100 quests so there wasn't really much to do with her after that.
This is like her First Non-Plot-Critical Whimsy Moment and losing the hood or any cat ears entirely (and there are perfectly functional cat ears to wear in game) is a good step considering we know she wears it precisely because she needed a sort of advance PR campaign to make her look cute and approachable before she opened her mouth and started bringing down the vibe (serious scary children are SO funny though and i love that for her). Having the same top as Y'shtola is a good thing for trying to make her less childish and have her trying to show that now as she takes this huge step out from the background. I mean, it still has a slight sense of her costuming herself and pushing herself out of comfort zones as she always does, but it's 100% in character so I adore it.
1000/10 because Krile is great and there's so much going on here and it's so fun when a character's whole personality is a costume and then they're like aurgh wait do I even want that??
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hayakawalove · 2 months
mommy geto?
A/N: I don’t really do requests but I just needed to write this. Writing kinks I don’t even have, although mommy suguru wakes something in me.
CW: Vaginal sex, mommy kink except you call Suguru mommy but he is still male, creampie, gender neutral reader, discussions of gender
W/C: 832
Credit to adornedwithlight for the banner
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Suguru knew he was pretty.
It wasn’t a secret by any means.
He knows he looks feminine, with his long luscious locks and soft grin. It’s never bothered him before, no matter how many times he’s been teased for it (usually by a certain white haired man).
He’s comfortable with his sexuality, comfortable with the way he presents himself.
He never went out of his way to appear androgynous, it just sort of happened.
And it has its upsides.
Mainly being the way you react to him.
The longing look in your eyes is not lost on him, nor is the way you linger to gaze at his hair when he’s freshly out of the shower.
And it’s entirely possible he goes out of his way to buy that one conditioner you like, he tells himself he likes it too, and he does - but he’s convinced you like it a bit more.
Suguru is undoubtedly a man, but he doesn’t see any harm in experimenting with the way he presents himself.
You haven’t ever really commented on it, not until now that is.
His hips are starting to ache with the pace he’s set, which is saying something, Suguru has great stamina and he knows it.
Sweat is beginning to form on his forehead, lining his pale skin, demonstrating just how hard he’s working.
He doesn’t mind being on top, doing all the work, in fact he likes how you look beneath him. Always perfect, if not a little helpless.
“So good, so good,” you’re a babbling mess.
Suguru can hardly form out the words you’re mumbling. He thinks it’s cute, though.
Your fingers are digging into his back, the burn of it going straight to Suguru’s cock.
How are you so perfect? He wonders, grinding his hips against yours.
Suguru almost loses himself to the pleasure, but he hears you speak again, so he forces himself to strain his ears.
He leans down closer into you, no doubt practically suffocating you, just so your mouth can be beside his ear.
Did he just hear what he thinks he heard?
His lips part, he’s about to ask you to repeat what you said, but you get there first.
“Mommy, h-harder” you wrap your legs around his hips tighter, subconsciously picking up on the fact his pace has faltered.
Suguru’s chest pinches at the sound of your voice, at the word you just spoke.
You had never discussed this before.
Yet Suguru still finds himself interested, his cock stirring at the foreign name.
“What was that, baby?” Suguru murmurs next to you.
You freeze beneath him, shaken from your cock drunk stupor. Suguru can nearly hear your brain rattling, trying to come up with some excuse.
“I um, I didn’t,” you flounder.
Suguru arches a brow, not that you can see it, and grins next to your head. So damn cute, he wants to say.
Suguru wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t tease you just a little bit.
“You want mommy to fuck you harder?” He coos, pressing his lips against your cheek before he pushes himself up to look down at you.
He feels your pussy clench around him, tighter than he thinks he’s ever felt before. Shit, you must’ve really liked that, huh?
Suguru’s realizing he did too, if he wasn’t completely engulfed in you, you would be able to see the way his tip is leaking at the word.
You look up demurely, your teeth digging into your bottom lip. Suguru can see that you’re starting to get nervous, the sight making his heart clench.
He wants to make you feel better. It’s all Suguru’s ever wanted to do.
Your lips part and it looks like you’re trying to form words, but Suguru can’t hear you.
“Come on baby, speak up. Tell mommy what you want.” He keeps his voice low in an attempt to disarm you.
It works, because not even a second later Suguru watches the way your eyes roll back into your head. Your nails start to dig into his back once more, scraping his tender flesh.
“Harder mommy, please please I want,” you groan.
Suguru smiles to himself and starts to slam into you, his own body shivering at the feeling. He can’t take his eyes off you, you look so damn beautiful beneath him. Your moans are filling the room, the sound so perfect Suguru almost thinks you can’t be real.
He can tell you’re close by the way you’re beginning to shake underneath him. He isn’t very far behind you, the momentum of the night completely turning, bringing him to orgasm faster than anything else has before.
“Fuck, fuck!” You’re sobbing, teeth digging in your lip as you finally fall off the edge.
“Shh, shh, mommy’s got you.” He murmurs, fucking you through it.
He holds off long enough for you to finish, before he follows shortly after. He silently tells himself to remember to ask you to call him that again.
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sugar-omi · 9 months
TRANS MASC COVE TRANS MASC COVE (sfw +nsfw hcs pls,, id love your thoughts)
NO BC NOW YOU'VE PUT THOUGHTS IN MY HEAD N I NEED HIM DESPERATELY eta while im in the middle of writing: after this i... i can no longer hold onto my fem!cove thoughts. n i am eating up trans!cove like a starving ANIMAL.
tags : SFW + NSFW, transmasc (ftm) cove, switch cove/reader, some mentions of body/gender dysmorphia, im sure theres 1 transphobe walking around sunset bird so the smallest mention of that clown
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i've been seeing a lotta top surgery scar tattoos on my twt timeline lately, and pls some of them i need for myself bc they're so!!!! pretty!!!!
so i can definitely see him getting tattoos there
not because he wants to cover em up, i just think he sees so many flash sheets over time that he's SOLD
mmm i wanna say that fem/afab!cove would have small boobs
or B cups at most
either way, i almost wanna say that his boobs before surgery wouldn't bother him as much unless someone was sexualizing him or he was exercising n his boobs were bouncing too much or smth like that
even then its usually complaints of, "ugh, this bra isn't supportive..." or something like that
ofc he still has his moments
i also think he only binds sometimes, rarely
doesn't do it often since it's often hot outside, or especially if he's sporty, its uncomfortable
(also looked it up just to be sure) but since he's always on the beach its inconvenient/unnecessary to wear if he can't wear it in the water
but like i said i think he'd be pretty flat/small anyway, so i think he's okay
mm definitely doesn't give up having long hair, or wearing the occasional dress/skirt ofc
but will correct one of the old sunset bird residents if they try and say "see honey, it was a phase, you're wearing a dress today!"
also idk abt yall, n this is more of a general thought, but i feel like step 2 cove's impulse control is. deathly low.
so one day, he has long/long-ish hair
and the next he has a mullet, wolf cut, or buzz cut.
he's so chaotic to me pls
now i've had fem!cove on my mind for weekssss now
so i'm not just saying this
but cove is still buff
thick muscly thighs, NICE ARMS. REALLY NICE ARMS
mm so i feel like he looks pretty androgynous or masc anyway
now im projecting here.
but cove has irregular periods, n they're pretty heavy most the time
or lasts awhile (ok im done projecting. sorry cove</3)
also think he deals with cramps (IM SORRY COVE)
i think his period is the biggest trigger of his body/gender dysmorphia too
although i think fem!cove would hate her period anyway altho tbf who doesnt
he'd definitely appreciate some comfort!!!
bring him another heating pad, your comfiest hoodie or blanket and snacks
he's very happy for the thoughtfulness and the company
step 2 cove would definitely be moved by such thoughtfulness... he's in tears
so after the first time it's a trend to spend time together in his bed, watching movies or something while he's cuddled into your side or next to you in a cove-rrito, all sleepy n comfy...
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had to stop writing the SFW to write this bc i had a thought
cove laid out all pretty... his chest rising and falling and he's all teary eyed as you're between his legs, eating his cunt until he's seeing stars.
pls his cunt with be so sensitive, and he'd be so pretty to fuck
would shake so much too
his thighs quivering so bad he clamps around your hand
you'd have to hold his legs up so he doesn't nearly flatten your head between his thick thighs
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"y/n!" cove cries, his hands tangled in your hair and he's trying so hard not to squish your head between his thighs, but your tongue is flat against his sensitive clit, sucking and bullying the poor button while your fingers make a loud, sloppy mess of his hole.
he whines, hips shaking in your hands.
you tighten your grip on his waist, your fingers digging into the flesh, grumbling irritably around his clit but cove just cries out a loud moan and slurred word, torn between your name, a cuss word, and a cry for god.
you pull of his clit, your fingers still curling against that spongy spot inside his sloppy walls. "stay still, you're gonna crush my head..." you start to kiss his thighs, small kisses turning into you sucking deep hickeys into his tan skin, and that turning into biting.
cove gasps for air, his eyes fluttering closed as he squirms.
"fuck, y/n, please..." he mumbles, tugging at the bedsheets.
you stop the assault on his thighs, leaning up on your elbows so you can give cove a kiss, your lips lazily moving together...
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anyway... horny aside for a moment<333
mm i could see cove not getting or really wanting bottom surgery
i think trans cove would be pretty comfortable with his body's appearance overall
and he's probably read into it a lot since it's not like he hasn't thought about it, i could just see him probably deciding its not something he wants
ahh. cove holding you down or folding your legs against your chest while he slams his hips against yours...
his strap hitting your poor prostate / cervix, he'd coo about how cute your whines are and that you're making him leak
would definitely upset he can't fill you up w cum
especially if you wanna get pregnant, rambles about how much he wishes he could fill you up with his cum again and again and again...
arghhh fuck imma lose my MIND
definitely takes advantage of those squirting dildos
can at least admire how you look oozing milky lube
omfg definitely wakes up all excited to tell you if he dreamed about it too...
has an array of straps
we already know he has a tentacle dildo or two deep in his closet...
yeah tries them out on you
"don't get tired yet, i have one more.. and it has a knot!!!"
he just likes to experiment on you a little~~ bit <333
ohh please tell him he looks handsome/sexy while you're giving him head
he'll die.
yeah he's still the same cute, secretly horny, big crybaby pookie <3333 i love him pls
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courtingchaos · 1 year
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A/N: You get a graphic so you know what I’m referencing. It’s just some fluff about putting makeup on Eddie 💋. Also, listen to this while reading. It’s what prompted it.
“You’re only allowed to stay in here if you stop pinching my ass, Ed.”
“You keep leaning over the counter, what do you want me to do?” He’s sitting on the toilet lid watching you do your makeup, choosing the most opportune time of eyeliner placement, to pinch your butt through your soft shorts.
“You could have done it when I was putting on my foundation, not when I have wood near my eye.”
“I can put some wood near your eye.”
“Jesus christ…”
He leans his chin onto his folded up hands on the countertop to look up at you. “You love me.”
“Yeah, but right now I’m about to donkey kick you.” Dragging the liner across your eyelid you can see him moving slowly toward you. “I’m serious. Pinch me and you’re gonna end up with a face full of makeup.”
His hand shoots out and he pinches you a few times in succession. You stare at him while he does it, tongue poking out of his mouth.
“So, do you want me to do your make up?”
He won’t look up at you instead keeping his fingers wound up in the fabric of your shorts.
“Maybe.” Suddenly bashful. Awfully quiet. That bouncing energy snuffed out in favor of nuzzling his cheek into his own hand still laying on the counter. “Nothin’ crazy. I just can’t ever get the eyeliner worked out.” His fingers move to the curled hem of your shorts to tug lightly and you feel your fondness for him grow another root.
“Baby, I can do it for you if you want.”
“I don’t want to interrupt.”
“I mean…you kind of already did that.” You smile down at him. He gives you a half nod of agreement and drops the hand tooling with your shorts. “So what are you looking for?”
“Something simple I think?”
“We leaning more Simmons or more Snider?”
“Jesus, neither. Too much.”
You consider him for a moment, tapping your pencil against your chin. You picture his big brown eyes in dark winged liner, grey smudged up under his eyebrows. A brush of blush up his cheeks. You could define those and the sides of his nose and really give him that chiseled look. You’re already subconsciously digging through your cosmetics bag for your Fire and Ice tube; you picture that blue toned red on his soft lips and you’ve made up his mind for him. There’s a merging of the cover from an old Hit Parader magazine you have hidden from Eddie and, well, Eddie.
“How do you feel about going the Tommy Lee direction?” You ask finally and Eddie gives you a grimace. He curls his lip at you and groans. “Unfortunately, yeah. I think so.”
He sits still while you work. Lets you do foundation and bronzer and blush and only asks questions in between your movements.
“Is this how much you use?”
“Let me smell that.”
“These brushes are soft.”
“That tickles, how do you do this every day?”
“Sit. Still.” You warn him, standing over him with his knees between yours. “I don’t want to poke your eye out.” You sharpen your eyeliner to a point and then grab his face to tilt it. “Close your eye.”
He keeps looking at you for a second while you stand close before he obliges and you use your thumb to pull his eyelid taut.
“You want a wing or you want it smoked?”
“Whatever you’d like.” He says in a hushed tone before pressing a dry kiss to your wrist. You watch him stay as still as he can under you, his half smile warm and relaxed. You take your time with drawing on the wing, making sure to not catch his long lashes. His eyelids twitch under the unfamiliar pressure but you go gently. You’ve got his head titled up so you can see better in the bathroom lighting and his breath breezes over your neck. He brings his hands up behind your thighs slowly so you don’t jump, just to rest them there while you lean over his face. You get the liner done and he stays leaned back but peeks out at you from low lids.
“Ah, not yet.” You drop the liner and dig around for your little quad set of grey shadows. “I got this and lipstick left.” You hold the little plastic case up with the tube of lipstick.
“Lipstick too?”
“You said you wanted makeup, I’m giving you makeup.” You rub your thumb into the shimmery grey and smudge it under the front of his eyebrow in the divot there. He pinches his eyebrows close when you do that, huffing through his nose.
“Oh you’re fine.” You drop the shadow and move to open your lipstick but he opens his eyes and looks up at you with shining eyes. His hands grip a little tighter on your thighs and you take a deep breath.
“You have such pretty eyes.” You push his hair back, dragging your thumb over his forehead.
“Thank you.”
“Seriously. Got them big ‘ol cow eyes.” A kiss on the tip of his nose. “Big brown cosmos.” Another kiss between his brows. “What secrets are you hiding in there? Hm?” Two light kisses on the crinkled outer corners of his eyes so you don’t disturb his makeup. Eddie laughs, his cheeks pinker than the blush you’d brushed on.
“What?” You run your hands into his hair to hold him back. “Telling the truth? Do you want me to lie Eddie?”
“No but…”
“Is it because I used pretty?”
Eddie rolls his eyes but doesn’t make contact with you again, instead choosing to stare at the plain white shower curtain. “No, pretty is fine.”
“You are though.” You give his head a little wiggle so he looks at you again. “Pretty. Especially your eyes.”
He keeps blushing and laughing quietly, a small pinch in his smile that makes you keep going.
“I’m serious. All you gotta do is flash those cry baby eyes at me and I’ll do whatever you need.”
“Pfft, sure.”
“You wanna try it out, sucker? Ask me anything.”
He searches your face full of glee before he makes his eyes big and round, a little pout on his lips.
“Will you pretty please finish this makeup so I can look?” He says in a rarely used baby voice. You gasp comically loud and pop open the lipstick with your thumb.
“For you baby? Anything.” You make your voice low and husky on the ‘anything’. Pinch his cheeks between your fingers so he’ll purse his lips and he makes like a goldfish and makes kissy noises while you try to smooth on the bright red lipstick.
It’s a feat for sure and you only have to wipe away a few mistakes but you lean back finally and observe your work, his face still pinched between your fingers.
“Can I look now?” He mumbles.
“Let me fix your hair.” You rake it back down his forehead and fluff up the crown of his head to try and get that hair sprayed look. “Okay. Don’t laugh, I’ve never done makeup on a boy before.”
He spins up off the toilet lid to grab the counter and stare closely at himself. You hold your breath, hoping he doesn’t think you’ve made him look like a clown. His eyes zoom around all corners of his face and he pokes and prods at newly painted skin. He moves his head around to different angles and when he looks down his nose you bite your lips between your teeth to hold in an excited whine.
He looks like the cover of that Hit Parader. Eyes half lidded, mouth open on a slight grin.
You’d die if Eddie found your small stash of Motley Crue posters, but he’s giving you a pretty solid copy of Tommy Lee and you have to hold your hands together to stop from groping him.
“Do you like it?” You whisper behind your clasped hands. Eddie raises his eyebrows and looks at you in the mirror over his shoulder.
“Did you make me look like that magazine shoved under your mattress?” The way your face falls makes him laugh and turn around. “Oh baby, it’s okay! They’re pretty I get it!” You try to back up but the door stops you and Eddie gets his arms wrapped around you so he can smush you into his chest.
“Eddie! Why are you digging around my room!” You yell into his shirt and he just laughs at your minor distress.
“I was looking for a vibrator that I’m sure you have and I found your dirty secrets in that shoebox.” He shifts side to side rocking the two of you while you pound weakly on his chest with your trapped fists. “Motley Crue and Poison? What terrible taste in music!”
“It’s not the music it’s the men in lipstick! I was weak! I am weak!” You wail, still pounding.
“I know baby, pretty boys in eyeliner.” He places a fat kiss on your cheek, leaving a big red lip print. “Oh now that’s pretty.” He gives you another one next to that and when you start laughing he starts pecking around your face until you look like a bugs bunny cartoon. “All you need are little hearts coming off your head and I’ve got a whole Tex Avery cartoon to myself.” He laughs and you slap his shoulder.
“Do you like it?”
“I love it.”
He walks you into the door and you run the tip of your thumb along the feathered edge of his lips.
“Do you like it enough to let me make a mess of it?” Your thumb pulls his lip down to create a smear of red down his chin.
Eddie gets a look in his eye. “Are you trying to Kickstart My Heart?” He can barely make it through his terrible pun without laughing and you groan like you’re in physical pain.
“Please get the fuck out of my house.”
“Nope, I’m Dr. Feelgood and I’m here to make you feel alright.”
“That wasn’t even good!”
Eddie shuts you up with a kiss, lipstick sliding over your bare lips and you forget about his teasing. When he turns you back to the counter and helps you sit on the edge he wedges himself between your thighs and gets in your space, breath mingling with yours. His eyes flick down to your lips to survey his smeared damage.
“That color looks good on you.”
“It looks good on you too.”
“I think it’d look good in other places too.” He wiggles his eyebrows and leans in to attack your neck and if he spends the next hour leaving red marks in hard to reach places, that’s between you and him and your hidden posters.
(Sacrifice for the read more)
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itstheoneshot · 11 months
Kinktober Day 24
Gender Swap - Hendery
!sub Hendery
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Convincing Hendery to put on a skirt was easier than you had thought. You had probably worn him down already, with your own fluid gender expression and your ability to look hot and androgynous in any style of clothing, it made him curious. You had given him a few options from your clothes that you thought may fit him, but left the rest up to him. He took them into your walk-in wardrobe, and closed the door behind him so that you could not watch him change.
“Fuck,” You breathe as he re-enters the room, “Holy shit, Hengi.”
Hendery is wearing a black and white plaid mini skirt, and a tight black cropped singlet. His legs look incredible and you almost lose your mind just from the sight of him, fantasies running wild in your mind, but you remind yourself that this is real, and you can take him like this.
“Do I look okay?” He asks, the question is genuine, his cheeks are bright red and he looks so unsure, “Tell the truth, please?”
You stand up to meet him, striding across the room until you are only inches away, your hands settling on his bare waist, needing to feel him, see him, be with him. You let your fingertips dig in slightly, and he winces from the ticklish pain, but does not move away.
“You look more than okay,” You assure him, “My baby girl.”
Hendery lets out a gasp at the new pet name, and you feel his body tense up, assessing and processing how he feels about it, “Say that again.”
“Say what?” You tease him, letting your hands roam now, you travel down to the hem of his skirt, barely covering his ass, “That you’re my baby girl?”
Hendery squeezes his eyes shut, this time a quiet moan leaves his lips, oh he really fucking likes that, and you are obsessed with his reaction, “Yes, sir,” He responds, using the masculine term for you, one that you always enjoy, “I am, I’m your girl, only yours.”
He crumbles so quickly, liking this even more than either of you had thought. He eagerly leans into your touches, waiting for permission, and soon you tug him down to kiss you. There is something indescribably hot about having him dressed up and submitting like this, so different to any of the ways that he has submitted in the past.
“You’re so beautiful,” You murmur, breaking apart from the kiss to try and catch your breath, “I think I could keep you like this forever, all dressed up and pretty just for me.”
Hendery looks overwhelmed at the praises, falling apart so quickly, the blush on his cheeks is burning hot as you guide him over to sit on the edge of the mattress. You drop down onto your knees on the hardwood floor, hands on his thighs, you spread them apart easily, getting an incredible view under his skirt of his thick, hard cock, visible through his underwear. You run your hands further upwards, under the skirt to the top of his thighs, and he spreads his legs even further in anticipation, he is so flexible, it isn’t difficult for him at all.
“Does my beautiful girl want her dick sucked?” You ask him softly, letting your fingertips trail over his length, “I think she deserves it.”
Hendery gulps, nodding furiously, planting his feet down flat on the floor to keep himself still, “Please sir, please, please suck it,” He stutters, “You always make me feel so good.”
He begins to move to undress himself, but you take his hands to stop him, “No, sweet girl,” You chuckle, “You can leave the skirt on and we’ll just take your panties off, okay?”
Hendery looks so embarrassed by this, but lifts himself up so that you can hook your fingers under the elastic of his briefs to tug them down. Freeing his cock, it stands up, aiding you in rolling his skirt upwards so that you can reach it. You lean up to get into position, taking your time, you lick from the base to the head of his cock before closing your mouth over the tip. He instantly moans while you lower your head down, but you keep your eyes trained on him, smiling lazily around his dick whilst staring up at him through your lashes.
You speed up, loving the way that he feels in your mouth, his hands in your hair, you are so turned on by the feminine, sweet version of your boyfriend that you have in front of you, making him feel good is addictive. Even his moans are more high pitched, breathy, airy, than they usually would be, as if he were trying too, to sound as feminine as he looked, and he is succeeding. You feel his cock twitch and you know he is close, so you pull off him, much to his dismay, and laugh as he whines in disappointment, but this doesn’t last for long as you stand up and push him down onto his back, dropping your pants as fast as you can to move on top of him instead.
Dripping wet, it is easy to take his cock, no need for preparation and only the littlest sting from the stretch, “My pretty doll,” You purr, “Sir needed your beautiful cock, too, it’s not fair if he doesn’t get to cum as well, now, is it?”
Hendery knows what you’re insinuating, moving his hands to your hips to help you build momentum, knowing the best angles to thrust into you, ones that have your eyes rolling back and filthy words falling from your lips. He is close, and you are closer, and he moves to touch your clit, other hand on your chest to tease your nipples, whimpering and whining in time with your own moans, fuck, oh god, it’s happening.
You cum hard and fast, head falling forward into the crook of his neck, biting and sucking at the skin as your thighs shake, cunt clenching to him too as he follows shortly after, streams of cum spilling from the tip of his cock into the deepest point of your cunt as you ride your highs to completion. Slowing down, you rest comfortably in his lap with him still inside you, and you kiss his forehead softly before kissing his lips.
“I love you so much,” You mumble, “No matter what gender.”
kinktober masterlist
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good morning, you box says request are open but if they are not you can ignore . . .
Noé x afab reader who comes from a noble family like the De Sade's but isnt noble-like at all. They just kinda do their own thing. They dress more androgynously and are loud mouthed and sarcastic and aren't ladylike and because of that, they dont get courted very often and get really flustered when Noé courts them.
Hello! Good day, afternoon or morning!
Thank you for requesting!
Please let me know what you think. 
Tsuki's note: I wrote in HC format, hope that's ok?
I also took liberty to do some additions, hopefully that's ok.
• You were born in one of the most noble vampire families.
• The only female child to be born, all of your family members around your age were all boys. 
• That doesn't mean you weren't close! On the contrary.
• You were always together, playing around the mud, playing wrestling and climbing trees and other high places.
• Those activities were frowned upon when you tried them - you were the little princess, you shouldn't get dirty or hurt or crawl around.
• But you always managed to run away and play around.
• To be more comfortable you took out your cute dresses and wore pants or shorts with a dirty and ripped shirt.
• You met Noé when you were kids.
• You were running around a castle during a party and bumped into him.
• Domi came forward to complain about you running around, but you just shrugged it off and asked if she wanted to climb the tree too.
• Thus you, Noé and Domi were climbing a tree with your cousins.
• You grew up to be a beautiful young lady that despised wearing dresses and skirts.
• You were always seen with shorts or pants, suspenders and a blouse.
• You had your hair short, never passing ear length.
• Many tried to woo you - both because you were gorgeous and because of your status.
• But you always rolled your eyes to them, be it men or women, doesn't matter.
• You always had a stock of sarcastic comments for them.
• Some family members asked if you would be the cat aunt - never marry anyone - it annoyed you a lot.
• Whenever you were upset by those comments, your white haired childhood friend always seemed to have the right words to cheer you up.
• He would say how lovely and gentle you were.
• How he loved your adventurous side and how you stand up for yourself.
• How you would find someone that loved you very much.
• And everytime he said such sweet words you blushed.
• You blushed and sent a snarky comment his way, something like " I could almost believe it if you didn't always had something good to say".
• To your surprise he would always comment how your snarky self had charm too - " see? Even that dry attitude is quite lovely!"
• You scoffed and rolled your eyes, but you had a smile on your face.
• You felt so stupid and small whenever Noé said something sweet and kind to you.
• At moments like those you wished he would scoop you up and take you away.
• That wish made you want to dig up a hole and hide there indefinitely.
• You wondered why he kept babling like that whenever you were put down.
• Little did you know that Noé noticed how happy you got whenever he talked to you.  
• He knew that under that husk of sarcasm you had feelings too.
• What he didn't know was that those feelings were pointed towards himself.
• You were told by you cousins to just be honest to your feelings, but you could never bring yourself to say it.
• To say how much you adored being pampered by him and to have his hand holding yours.
• To say how much you hoped he would twirl you around during a party.
• How you wanted to keep him safe from people, people he did not noticed that wanted to hurt him.
• He was that much of a good soul.
• Always looking for the good in people, including you.
Thanks for reading! I feel like this is short and very ooc.
I am sorry. I hope this could at least help a bit?
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*transes your blorbos for my personal benefit*
Cat duo au
Nonbinary (They/them) Adrien and genderfluid (he/she) Juleka
Juleka has been pretty androgynous most her life, so once he realize he preferred to be perceived certain ways it wasn't that big of a deal at home. That being said, she had experience in in presenting himself as a genderless entity.
Adrien lowkey gets gender envy from Juleka.
When Juleka learns about Adrien's identity she's really laid back about it and Adrien is like "????" because they are having a crisis.
Juleka does his make-up differently depending on how he's feeling, but its usually never picked up by anyone other than Luka and Rose and later Adrien.
When Juleka can't tell if its a boy or girl day she'll ask Luka (or Adrien if they had a sleep over) to flip a coin and decide for him.
Juleka doesn't teach Adrien how to do their makeup, instead watches youtube tutorials with them. I feel like Adrien has some prior knowledge of makeup because of modeling but they don't fully grasp the process or how to make it look a certain way.
Adrien tells Juleka the crabby patty secret formula to altering the super hero suit so she can look more masculine if she feels like it.
Juleka gets a slight undercut that is very visible when he transforms because her hair is in a ponytail. When Adrien knows Juleka is feeling more masculine they will call him tiger instead of tigress. Some fans catch on, some don't.
Rose likes to pet Juleka's undercut.
When Juleka realized she was genderfluid he was also praising the universe that Rose was panromantic.
Anarka: "Oh, daughter o' mine-" Juleka: "son" Anarka: "Oh, son o' mine-"
Natalie, walking in on Adrien cutting Juleka's hair while in a skirt: "... you're going to clean that up..., right?"
Also, once Chloe joins their sleep overs, deep late night talks lead her to realize she might not be entirely cis. They also lead Juleka to believing he has the power to steal people's gender.
Adrien never really comes out. Once Marinette and Rose pick up on Juleka only ever using they/them for Adrien they both start doing it somewhat subconsciously. After that the class catches on.
Chat has done patrol with the nonbinary flag around their shoulders. Same with tigress, but the genderfluid flag. (I almost typed Panthera instead of tigress)
Anyways, I think I'm done with asks for the night.
Ur so correct for this actually
Juleka gender fluid is so real and true. Also I planned nb adrien so long ago and just never said it get out of my head
(Ps. I also always say Panthera and then just redo it into tigress. Panthera has a grip on a specific group of people that will never leave)
Also. Chloe has demigirl swag I will not accept any contradictions I am correct
ALSO JULEKA UNDERCUT canon. Like I'm pretty sure I can dig up a convo with cap I had abt that when crocoduel came out Bc we are deranged
I also
physically wheezed from krabby patty secret formula to changing the suit
Pov. I accidentally ignored all my asks yesterday because I was listening to the Magnus archives season 1 for the first time and playing Minecraft
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queerlyyoursygo · 1 year
No gender in the Mesozoic by UnknownLifeform
Oops, got a little behind but next we have “No Gender in the Mesozoic” by @unknown-lifeform!
Tyranno stopped the car, and looked over at the small group of people gathered in the dusty parking lot. Ve recognized professor Stuart, digging through his backpack. Not Tyranno’s favorite person by far, but it was undeniable that he was excellent in his field, and so ve would have to put up with him.
If ve had survived multiple otherworldly beings trying to kill ver throughout ver teens, ve could deal with an annoying professor for a few days.
Ve didn’t know the other people. Four of them so far. Tyranno had never met most of the students involved in this dig. Ve was just here because one of ver professors had put in a good word for ver, so ve was a bit of an outsider. There should be a guy Tyranno knew, but he wasn’t here yet.
A brief moment to take a deep breath, and Tyranno left the car with a smile. Ve wasn’t looking forward to Stuart, but ve wouldn’t let him alone ruin the trip. It had taken a lot of work to get into ver doctorate program, pushing past people who didn’t think someone with a background as a Duel Academy student had what it took. Getting to work in the Hell’s Creek Formation, with all its fossils waiting to be discovered, was a dream come true.
“Good morning!” Tyranno greeted. It wasn’t even nine in the morning, and the heat was already uncomfortable. Ve would be sweating ver ass off soon.
“Ah, Kenzan,” Stuart said, with a smirk. “Move aside, Williams, we’ve got our real gender minority here.”
How Tyranno would like to land a punch on this guy sometimes. But he was the boss here, and ve would have to suck it up and swallow the microaggressions. How ve wished this was still high school, with the Academy’s unhinged teaching body who could be put back in their place with a good duel.
Williams, Tyranno guessed, was the only girl of the group, or at least the only person who was visibly not to a cis man. She eyed ver up and down with a strange expression.
“Professor,” Tyranno greeted, trying to keep ver voice neutral. “What are we gonna do?”
“Wait for the others, clearly. Here, take this.”
Tyranno took some papers from his hands. Maps of the area, a large geological one, then a few smaller topographic ones. Stuart could have told them to print and bring them on their own, but he was an old fashioned kind of man, with his own ideas on how to work. And on life in general.
Ve turned to the other people, and smiled. “Hey there, nice meeting you. Tyranno Kenzan.” “Tyranno?” one of them repeated, sounding slightly disbelieving.
“Yep. Picked it myself!”
The other nodded, mouth opening. “Oh, so the thing about gender minorities is…?”
“I’m nonbinary,” Tyranno said. Some days ve wished that wasn’t one of the first things ve had to talk about whenever ve introduced verself, but it was what it was. “And I use ve pronouns, before anyone asks.”
“What is ve?” another person asked.
“Well, you can say, ‘ve is Tyranno, and ver name is the damn best there is’.”
“Sure,” the guy laughed.
Williams, the girl, looked at ver up and down. “You’re not pulling our leg, right?”
Tyranno blinked at her. “No, why?”
The guy standing next to Williams spoke up. “You are really… nonbinary?”
“Yeah?” Tyranno replied.
“Huh. Don’t think I would have been able to tell.”
Oh for–
“Why not?” Tyranno asked, not sure what answer ve was hoping for. Maybe ve should have ignored the comment, but ve had never been too good about ver temper.
He shrugged. “You’re… Well, you are very masculine.”
And there it was. The usual assumption that because Tyranno didn’t look like an androgynous twink ve couldn’t be serious about being nonbinary. Because according to some having muscles that would make most cis guys seethe with envy was an automatic sign ve couldn’t be a gender minority.
It wasn’t like anyone ever dripped femininity on a paleontological dig, so Tyranno didn’t know what people expected. No one would show up with make up and a skirt while hiking in the dust. Maybe ve did look like a cis man whenever ve dressed practically, that didn’t mean ve was anything but what ve said ve was.
Before ve could reply – and in ways that might have been less than polite – another car drove into the parking lot, the wheels dragging up enough dust to make some people cough. A couple men got off, and Tyranno’s eyebrows raised up into ver hairline.
“Jim!” ve shouted.
“Surprise, mate!” Jim laughed.
Tyranno walked up to him, and dragged him in a hug. “What are you doing out of Australia?”
“I’ll have you know I can survive not seeing a kangaroo for a few weeks. Got a last minute invitation to join.” He gave a firm slap on Tyranno’s back, and stepped away. “Been too long. Karen will be so happy to see you.”
“Did you bring her?”
“Do I ever go anywhere without my girl? Hold on, gotta go introduce myself.”
Tyranno leaned against the car as Jim and his companion went to greet Stuart. Ve couldn’t believe he had said nothing. Jim stuck to Australia most of the time, ve highly doubted he would just be randomly invited to an American dig. He must have planned this.
And he had known full well Tyranno was here, because ve had been gushing to him about it for months now.
“Jim Cook,” he was saying to the professor.
Stuart raised an eyebrow, looking unimpressed. “Ah, the one with the emotional support animal, right? Seems right you’re friends with the gender minority.”
Jim glanced at Tyranno as Stuart went to dig out some maps for him. Ve just shrugged.
“You’ve brought a dog?” one of the other people asked.
The guy Jim had been in the car with snorted. Tyranno didn’t know him, but if he was Jim’s friend he had to be a nice guy.
“Karen’s not a dog.”
“What is she, then?”
“I’ll just let her out, poor girl must be feeling cramped in the car,” Jim said, having gotten his maps.
Everyone gathered by the car, only to scream when the large crocodile crawled out of the backseat with a hiss.
Tyranno crouched. “Hey girl, remember me?”
Of course Karen did, she was the smartest reptile Tyranno had ever seen. She crawled to ver, and ve rubbed her head vigorously, so that she could feel it even through her scales. Ve was rewarded with a deep exhale.
Jim crouched down next to ver. “She deserves a good prize after being in the car for hours.” He held out a sausage to her, and she took it from his hand with infinite gentleness.
“Prof giving you trouble?” Jim whispered to Tyranno.
“Nothing I can’t handle.”
“I know, I know.” Jim patted Karen as she swallowed. “Just tell me if you need help.”
Tyranno appreciated it, but ve was fine. Ve had always been tough, and just because ve couldn’t solve all ver problems with card games anymore it didn’t mean ve couldn’t take care of verself. Prof would have to eat his words by the end of the dig.
And as for what the other people thought, well. If Sue the T-rex could use they pronouns, Tyranno could do whatever ve wanted too. Ve’d show them gender had nothing to do with being a good paleontologist, and after all ve had a much more direct experience with dinosaurs than anyone else here.
“Don’t worry, got thicker skin than your girl here,” ve said.
Jim huffed in amusement. “If you say so.”
Karen was doing her best to shove her face inside Tyranno’s pockets to check for more treats. Ve hoped Jim had brought lots. A hungry Karen could be a much bigger problem than any mean professor.
“Don’t be rude,” Jim chided her. “Anyways, will we rely on your dinosaur sense to find the fossils?”
Tyranno grinned at him. “I’ll sniff ‘em out like a T-rex on the hunt.”
“Hope we don’t find your distant cousins.”
“Why not? We can make it a family reunion.”
Tyranno might be considered a weirdo by human standards, but ve was more than sure the relatives of the dinosaur whose bones ve carried would not see ver as any weirder than any human in the world.
“Alright, we only need to wait for a couple more people,” Stuart said, outloud. “And you, Cook! I don’t know what kind of quack doctor said that thing could be your emotional support animal, but you’ll better keep it under control.”
“Will do,” Jim said.
Tyranno stood up, shaking ver head. Such discrimination against archosaurs around here.
The guy Jim had come with held his hand out to Tyranno. “We haven’t met before, right? Name’s Damien.”
“Tyranno. Nice meeting you,” Tyranno replied, shaking his hand.
“So you’re one of Jim’s old schoolmates, right? Was that card game school half as insane as Jim says or is he pulling my leg?”
Tyranno grinned. “Jim was only in our branch one year. He has no idea.”
“Pretty sure I would have died if I’d been in your branch the whole time,” Jim piped in, putting one arm around Tyranno’s shoulder.
Maybe he should have said, died more than once. However, that wasn’t the kind of thing they could mention around most people.
“Sure,” Damien said. “I don’t believe either of you.”
Tyranno shifted ver weight. If only Damien knew all the things they said were real, and that not all the unbelievable things had to be connected to the Academy either. Everyone in this parking lot would have a fit if they knew there was an actual fossil in ver leg.
And they wouldn’t be in the wrong. Back then, Tyranno had been thrilled to have a real piece of dinosaur in ver body. Nowadays ve recognized how bonkers those doctors had been.
Heh. Ve was the gender minority and species minority here all at once, if one wanted to get nitpicky about it. Real special snowflake and all. Last person who had called ver that had gotten hit in the nose.
Another car pulled over. At the wheel was Alex, that Tyranno had met before a couple times. A second person was in the passenger’s seat, but that was all Tyranno could make out from behind the dust cloud.
“Morning,” Alex said, hopping out.
“And we’ve got out last ones here,” Stuart said. “Hurry up so we can start.”
Jim clapped Tyranno’s back. “Let’s get these dinosaurs.”
Hell yeah.
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amegeddon · 2 years
I wrote an abridged as hell from memory version of TFOTA and then google translated the shit out of it last year so here's a little compilation of funny parts because why not
I have yet to do one for The Stolen Heir but I have done the main trilogy + the little spinoff one that followed Cardan.
Idk if anyone wants the full thing instead of just contextless bits from it but if anyone does then feel free to ask and I'll post (I can post the translated and untranslated versions btw)
Anyways, this probably contains spoilers for the series but it's also really hard to understand without prior context so idk, read at your own risk I guess lol.
"Stupid Judd, speechless in the clouds, very rich on one of them, but androgynous, would not admit in the second half of the book ... apple"
"Cardin also loved Baywood, so he was quickly kicked out of the band. You understand)"
""I'm Crazy About You" is an old-fashioned group that asks enemies in the 80's to make a film about a boy, but yes,"
"he embarked on an FBI trip led by one of Cardan's brothers"
"Bad locks."
"Cardin's career failed miserably. Is he stupid, even if Judd can't solve it, maybe he can help solve problems?"
"The Rock once fooled Judas because he dragged him to a party at his home while digging in a camp. house."
"he does know that Locke goes back to Book 2 and somehow enjoys smoking."
"Judd says, "Why am I Dunbar more than him?" Yeah and Nekasia says she's like an ambassador because you like having a daughter now she's not okay, should my mom talk to her?"
"Kadan should be ruled in the land of the fish, that is, the fishing system."
"Only members of the royal family at Greenbury announced the impending destruction of the United States."
"Judd looked up nervously: "Wow ... what a beautiful donkey.""
"Oh, no twins,"
"Cardan was about to take responsibility for something (probably because they were stupid)."
"destroy the part of the palace with the snake. I think some people ate at this point,"
"so I grabbed him a little bit and then cut off his head"
"stating that if he did not apologize he would do all the work on the fish farm,"
"Nothing really interesting happened to the terrorists."
"Carden decided that it would be better for him to get drunk for the rest of his life, so he drank heavily, talked at the door several times, went downstairs, cried down the stairs,"
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peaches2217 · 1 year
2, 21, and 25? 🫶
Yay! Thank you! (In regards to this prompt)
2) Describe your pronouns. What are they, and why?
She/Her and He/Him! I'm bigender, in my case being male and female. (I got called "Cis+" as an insult in an NB group once, but honestly that's not a bad way to look at it - both of my genders are binary, but they coexist rather than being mutually exclusive opposites.) I don't really prefer one pronoun set to the other; rather, I prefer to be called by both interchangeably!
To that extent, please, please don't refer to me by they/them pronouns (unless you just forget/don't know my pronouns and do it out of respect, in which case that's totally cool!). Admittedly that was the catalyst for the Cis+ comment (something to the extent of "Lol you claim to be nonbinary but your genders are binary and you're adverse to they/them? Looooool you're literally just an indecisive cis person"), so I've been especially sensitive to that ever since 😅
21) What are your favorite things about being multigender?
I'm gonna be corny here: I just love knowing who I am! I kicked around being bigender in high school, but ultimately decided I was my AGAB with tomboyish tendencies. But throughout adulthood, the signs that it was more were always there: I've always identified more strongly with male characters in media, and as a writer, I find it easier to write from a male POV. I've always love being perceived as male; I have short hair and look fairly androgynous from the back, so at work customers would sometimes get my attention with "Excuse me, sir?" They'd apologize profusely when I turned around to reveal a baby face and a sunflower hairclip, but I'd be on Cloud Nine all day and I could never quite explain why.
At the same time, I never thought I was trans. I've always been perfectly happy being a girl. I spent most of my life shunning my femininity (my formative years were smack-dab in the middle of the Not Like Other Girls trend), but in my early 20s I began really embracing it, letting myself wear makeup and dresses and bright colors, and I've loved it ever since! But I could never shake my ties to masculinity. I couldn't explain it.
Last year I finally got fed up and did some soul-searching with friends; they suggested maybe I was a demigirl or demiboy, but those labels didn't feel right, because I'm not partially either, when I dig down deep. When asked who exactly I am, "I'm a woman" and "I'm a man" both feel right, but suggesting I'm more/less one than the other doesn't. "Bigender" came back up, and I was like "Oh. Maybe 17-year-old Peaches really was onto something."
ALL THAT TO SAY: My favorite part of being multigender is being able to understand and embrace myself to the fullest. I'm not a girl with masculine tendencies and I'm not a guy in touch with his femininity. I'm a man as I am a woman. Discovering that has been life-changing.
25) What's your favorite art/music/writing/etc about being multigender? (Things not explicitly written as such are OK too!)
Not sure if it counts as art, but this symbol:
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because it perfectly encapsulates and answers the mystery of my own identity. Not all bigender people are male and female or masculine and feminine; the beauty of the nonbinary is that everyone's experience is so varied! But as someone who's only recently come to realize she can be both at the same time rather than having to choose, that simple, silly little symbol just makes me so happy.
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radellama · 2 years
Magus and/or Flea
First impression
Ohhhh big cape evil dude with one of the coolest boss themes I've ever heard!?
Impression now
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Favorite moment
Sighhhhh there's so many... When you really look at him he has such nuance and everything is linked and I LOVE thinking about him (been almost 15 years lol...) It's really hard to just pick one. For now, let's just say his iconic line
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Idea for a story
Men of Mystics
For real tho, I've wanted to do a cool horror/creepy pasta type story about Magus in relation to the black wind. I just don't know how to get the really good feeling out into words or art so it's been a few years in the back of my mind. Just something about being so young and losing your mum to the black winds, and watching your sister slowly succumb to the same thing, all before you start to hear it yourself... Yeah, I wish I had in inspiration to pull it off how I want
Unpopular opinion
A vast majority of the fandom reduce him to a gross and/or incorrect flanderization of self. That, or glossing over him entirely, when he adds so much to the narrative of ct as a whole. I still see fucking terrible takes on him as recently as 2022 lol and it makes me a bit sad. I know my interpretations won't be to everyone's liking but I've put effort into looking into him (and most the ct cast as a whole) and picking up the subtle things that are laid out right there in the source material. Looking only at him (or anyone for that matter) PURELY through a fandom lens gets tiring for me to see sometimes...
Favorite relationship
FOR REAL THO, ALL THESE YEARS LATER AND HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH SCHALA IS STILL SO NICE.... EVEN THO most of that relationship is his one sided view on it, he still dedicated most of his life working to try and avenge/save her. It's strong enough that it prevailed through to both sequels (to varying degrees and missed opportunities 🙄) because he just cared that much. Even when he's a grown man, he's still that little kid who's sad cause he misses his sister!!!!
Favorite headcanon
That the use of magic changes your appearance. I had a whole theory about hair colour and magical affinity, which explains why Magus has such a beautiful icy blue colour. It also explains why his ears got pointy, and I like to further that by imagining that he overall looks very sharp and angular, as much as a human can. I try to express that with most art I make of him, I know he's really hot and even if it's so subtle most will miss it, I try to keep him looking sharp.
First impression
(fun fact, flea was one of my very first glimpses of ct, before my very own playthrough I used to sit with my dad in his office and watch him play, and he was going through Magus' castle one of the first time I watched him!)
Impression now
Favorite moment
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Idea for a story
Hmm... Honestly, a lot of the stuff I wanted to explore for him (+the other generals) is gong into men of mystics. I've always just wanted to kinda explore the behind the scenes lives of everyone leading up to the war in 600ad, and that's exactly what men of mystics is - all that boring stuff, but harland is there :p
Unpopular opinion
Flea is not trans fem. Let trans mascs have this one, he literally says 'hey, I'm a guy'
I'm not saying this as a dig at trans fems, if they see something in him and connect with him that way I love to see it - I'm saying as a trans masc myself who often feels like people hear the word 'trans' and think it only means 'trans woman,' let us have this one and respect the masc despite appearing androgynous/feminine, I talked about it a little while ago here
Favorite relationship
Honestly? With slash and ozzie. I'm soooo interested in how the dynamic between the three of them plays out, I love thinking about the antics they'd get up to while they were rising to general status
Favorite headcanon
Honestly not so much a hc but more trying to bring back the aspects of Flea that were lost through translation. Mainly the amazing pun on his name making him talk real flirty. I wish there was a way we could have all the little nuances brought over to eng, I could talk about them all day....
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ravenwolfie97 · 2 months
yeah y'know what fuck it it's time for vtuber men smash or pass with one very gay and asexual person LET'S GO
idk how long this will be but considering the thread resulted in a 2-hour stream one can only assume here's the thread these are from too if you wanna look closer or play along at home
all tha bois will be under the cut, hope you enjoy reading my indulgence
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damn dude your bobbies very business-slutty and a little spooky, but the cute lil cow plushie gives him a soft side SMASH
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there's something about this guy that i can't quite get behind he looks arrogant and whiny and pompous and i don't dig it PASS
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this dude's outfit and design go hard but they do not make me hard HKJBJKLKJ idk something isn't clicking with im for me. i think he's too bulky PASS
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a little unimpressed by this deer boy. he looks so stiff. does he need a tetanus shot. idk his model is really off-putting the pic on the bottom left is really nice tho PASS
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COVER THOSE TITS UP, SLUT the slightly feminine energy is v nice on him but i don't have a big opinion on him. v cool tho PASS
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these men and their fat tits istg- okay but he looks nice. he looks like he would give good hugs SMASH
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bro from the original video is opposite of me i love me a femboy and i found this guy recently on twitter already he's cute and very gay and this pose in particular is very provocative SMASH
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oh a sleepy boy... he looks so eepy... and also he's secretly ripped apparently what the hell idk he's cute but i don't feel any particular way towards him PASS
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this man is Built he is Thicc oh at first i really dug the look and considered it but then i looked at his face... something about it disturbs me PASS
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he's cute! too cute. not smashable. he just looks very nice :3 PASS
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ooh i love me a pretty demon boyyyy however. hm. his outfit makes him look. chunky. y'know what i mean like he is so wide and for what. dominance? bitch you're a twink i'll snap you in half, beanpole SMASH
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he's got homophobia in his eyes :0 ngl this design is super solid, i really love it SMASH
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lil dogboy butler man. the androgynous vibes from design alone are very good i dunno. you're not interesting enough for me, sir PASS
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honorable mention since i'm doing this from the future when his new model ref actually got done yeah no this is the butler vibes but way better and way cuter look at the little star-shaped cutout for his lil bunny tail! that's cute as fuck yeah no he's hot uhm SMASH
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the vibes intrigue me but. these are pictures of four different people these cannot all be of the same guy hkjkljkl get some consistent characteristics plz settle for something PASS
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GASP A CEL-SHADED VTUBER. A BROTHER IN ARMS oh he's a little shy w it tho... he's a little coy nah he's cute as hell yeah i'd SMASH
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my first thought was this is basic as hell but no it's got a little bit of flair going for it i like the lil dragon guy. that's bonus points idk it is still so very basic i am not getting any charm points from you PASS
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the lil tentacle horns... that is cute though the little schoolboy-ass look is not doing it for me PASS
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yeah this fucks. i don't think i need to say more SMASH
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okay dragon daddy- JHKBJLKNLK who said that i won't lie. all of these looks are hot. a good mix of hardcore and laidback attitudes SMASH
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oh this one has a fem model too ah. the fem model is bad. and frankly so is the male model but in the sense that it's boring and not in the sense that it's broken and gooner-headed as hell PASS x2
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the way my interest was already piqued bc he's a femboy bjlbjbmn i mean. idk what to say tbh he looks fun and flirty and we could have a nice coffee date before the SMASH
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oh this is fem hold the boy i like the look but from these images i cannot catch the vibe PASS
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omg this guy is adorable i really like him yeah i'll vibe with turtle man, and since he's got a sensual side i'll try for the SMASH
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utterly fascinating. but far too much for me to handle PASS
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oh a bit of a yandere vtuber boy, i mean i do dig the vibes and the outfit but also. scawy ;3; who am i kidding, you know i like characters like this SMASH
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this feels like a 180 from the last one hkbkjlk i do love the novelty of this guy in the vtuber sphere, and the design is super cute listen, bears aren't really my type, but for you i would SMASH
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dragon mannnnn boring looking dragon mannnnnnnnn PASS
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a good ol demon man i really love the mask... that looks sick as hell otherwise uh. idk you sure are a guy PASS
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ough the model itself is rough but the other arts are very nice i'm not really hooked on ya tho PASS
welp it looks like i've run out of image space so there will be a part 2 so far i have the tally: 13/30 smashed
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genderqueer-karma · 2 years
having thoughts about mana. my brain’s working overtime today, so feel free to ignore.
so i was trying to show my classmate about mana sama and went to the wikipedia page about him.
after i showed her the information i’d been looking for, i decided to scroll and look to the sources and do some reading, mostly for fun. naturally, most of the sources had very vague, surface-level information about him due to how private he actually manages to keep his personal life, which i’ve come to expect and also admire. (nowadays i prefer to know less about people i look up to. keeps me stable, so to speak.)
anyway, multiple of these sources highlight his current and very famous androgynous fashion and general appearance along with how he (seemingly ironically) disliked femininity and feminine styles in his youth.
most importantly, a few of these claim that he himself claimed to have discovered his “inner woman”.
to my little genderqueer heart, that’s a very interesting notion, particularly the part about being very “macho” and “hating” femininity. that specific narrative reminds me of one i’ve heard tossed around in regards to many trans/genderqueer people and discovering their identities, which is that they tried to over-perform their assigned gender at birth before accepting how tiring that really was.
given the time period he would have most likely experienced his adolescence in, the above sentiment goes double. not speculating, but it is quite an interesting thing to think about.
naturally, with being very private about his personal life (even his age is technically a mystery, though people have made guesses based on context clues, plus for a very long time he just straight up lied about that type of shit in interviews and stuff) aspects of his identity, including and especially his gender identity and sexuality, are unknown. of course, i’m not here to make assumptions, but i find the seeming fluidity/ambiguity of his gender in particular to be intriguing and inspirational.
as a young person who never actually gets to see genderqueer people represented outside of fictional characters and headcanons, seeing someone who embodies a very specific presentation and feeling of gender (regardless of actual identity) and who isn’t white*** is quite … it makes me feel … warm? having a role model who has supposedly claimed somewhat queer feelings without being tied to any labels that give him a concrete queer identity is genuinely something i greatly appreciate.
as someone who actually fluctuates between multiple labels in regards to their own identity and thinks of gender more as a fun piece of flavoring rather than a concrete thing, hearing about “dual nature” and whatnot from a person i admire for things unrelated to gender is something i hold dear.
long story short, mana and his 4d chess gender captivate me, regardless of his actual specific label, because i think fucking around with gender is fun and cool 👍
*** yeah yeah whiteness is a western concept and there are prominent genderqueer people i could look up to, but idk. he has a certain air about him that i’m just very drawn to. plus he’s a very talented person in many different ways. more often than not, people aren’t exactly known for being a jack of all trades (and arguably a master of the same ones). plus i feel like most of the prominent genderqueers out there are white. i don’t vibe with mainly seeing one type of person be the gq rep i get anywhere, ya dig?
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
yesterday I was just in town at my hair dresser but there was a song that was on the radio it's a korean song.But what caught my attention was my salonist talking about kpop songs/kdramas and kpop artists etc..But the client that she was discussing this with mentioned jimin "Jimin from that big kpop boy band" those were her words.She said she isnt a fan of kpop. i was really curious and i joined in their conversation by showing them the bts group photo and without hesitation she pointed at Jimin.But she was mixing up the names of members 😭like she just knows jimin.And it's an ongoing thing in the fandom that people always joke with locals only know jimin like jimin is like the face of kpop.all locals know jimin and its not a joke btw his name always pops out in random places...So I was asking why do locals only know jimin the other members are popular too so I don't understand why just him?.Why is he the only one who is popular among locals
That's a difficult one to answer but look at him👀
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He's so cute you want to slip him in your bra and run away with him 😫
It's becoming a cliche to point to his talent, hardwork and charisma as that quality that draws people to him- when truth is there are so many talented hardworking people out there we care nothing about even if we came across them. This is because they lack something that JM has in abundance.
Mystery is one of the most attractive traits a person could have. Some do well to cultivate it through their actions, fashion choice, personality or even sexuality. But for JM it comes so natural to him because it is how he has been made by God herself.
Truth is Jimin is outstanding to most because he is effortlessy and divinely mysterious. It's easy to look at someone like Jungkook and say he is an attractive young man. Taehyung is beautiful. Jin is a boy over flower type of guy but Jimin is hard to place in a box because he doesn't fit into any gender stereotype. He is quite androgynous and androgyny is a mystery to most.
As Virginia Wolf says, in each of us two powers preside, one male, one female. The androgynous mind is resonant and porous; naturally creative, incandescent and undivided.
And as another poet writes, a great mind must be one that is androgynous. To embody both masculine and feminine divinaties.
Throughout history artists and philosophers have been obsessed with androgyny and in one way or the other deemed androgyny as higher a form of being and beauty. Androgyny never goes out of vogue.
Jimin is such an experience.
For a lot of people when they come across him, they are experiencing the the charms of the Illucebra Arcanus for the very first time.
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His beauty and androgynous looks invites you to dig deeper into him. To unravel his mysteries. You become curious about him, fascinated with him and very soon captivated. And when you are captivated that's when he puts you under his spell.
Androgynous people are bound to stand out wherever they find themselves, leave an impression, make you intrigued by them and ultimately bind you under a spell. It's true of Jimin, Harry Styles, Michael Jackson, Prince and the others like them.
When you look at Jimin you say wow to yourself a lot.
My guy is just pure art.
He is a trendsetter
His style is also a contributing factor to his popularity. He is one of the biggest fashion and lifestyle influencers in Kpop. He cares about his looks and what he wears and everything he puts on is interesting. We all want to be Jimin.
Even Doja Cat used his hairstyle as inspiration for her music video get into it
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He has an interesting choice in clothes, jewelry, and make up that for someone looking to glam up or step out of their comfort zone or be interesting, it's easy to look to him for inspo.
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He is a muse
There has been so many books, songs and movies authored by famous and talented artists all over based on the personality of JM from his looks right down to his features.
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Even our own V uses him as muse for writing his songs. He is welcome.
His looks aside, his personality and masculinity is consumable.
This is the Era of the Soft boy. While I won't clasify JM'S physique as soft, his brand of masculinity is so easy to digest. I think I've mentioned this before... yea I have. He has a great personality, he is kind and warm and open. People are attracted to such traits also.
He is right there with the likes of Timote chalamet and the ROCK. We are tired of the aggressive violent markers of gender associated with traditional expressions of masculinity. They are shoved in the trash where they belong.
Due to this, Jimin is also especially popular among the younger fans. I've seen kids mistake him for a girl and try to play princess with him😩
There is a viral video going around of a kid crying because she wanted her Jimin plushie not chim🤣
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He steals the show
He stands out in almost every single BTS music video because he is a wonderful performer hands down. 🤧
He is a born star. And that's an understatement.
Regardless of the screen time he gets, he outshines every body easily.
Sorry to the others but facts are facts.
His discipline, talent, exquisite brilliance and marvelous interpretation of concepts through channeling every thing that makes him unique makes him such a rare artist to glance over. And he does all these consciously through deliberate choices in movement, landing, sensual expressions, camera interaction, shock value and serves brilliance yo the audience.
When you are looking at him you are not just looking at a person you are looking at passion personified, drive and ambition anthropomorphized. He means business. His intention is to Wow you and he ends up succeeding.
He adds spice to every single song and performance and takes everything up a notch. He is beautiful to look at, his voice taste like honey and his musical technique is just wonderful.
He is cool
This ties back into the first two points I raised on his looks, his style and his artistry.
He has the swag. He got the jams.
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Just stunning.
All in all he is a spectacle to behold.
But damn, I have no idea why he is so popular among locals 🥲
Must be the big dick energy.
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bts5sosempire · 2 years
as yours (vii); sugar & spice
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sukuna ryomen x reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 2,703
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: fluff, comedy(?), a hint of violence, college au, mention of gang fighting/ involvement, a sprinkle of angst (future updates), cursing and swearing, SIMPKUNA
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲:  "as a child, you have harbor a massive crush on Itadori Yuji; it wasn't until that college happened you dared to ask him. Trying to give him a letter, the one who you ended up giving to was no other than his no-good twin brother, Sukuna Ryomen."
𝐚/𝐧: this took me forever istg, almost got the semi-writers block. we getting to the good parts of the story here *evil smile* let’s see what happens next!
chapter 6 ✿ chapter 8
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You felt that the bathroom was starting to be some meet-up point or something. In front of you was a woman with white shoulder-length hair, with a strip of red pink going across it. They somewhat resembles a koi fish, in a way. They also had dark pink eyes and a blank expression; you couldn't make out if they were a man or woman by their androgynous appearance and body shape. But they sure do wear some expensive clothing brands close to more than your father's yearly salary.
"I am Uraume," they introduce themselves to you with a monotone voice; they dig inside their expensive coat pocket without taking their eyes off you. You eye Uraume suspiciously. It hasn't even been a week since you were cornered not too long ago by Sukuna's Fanclub, and you shouldn't expect less if they were with the girls too. Like Uraume read your mind, they tried to assure you, "If you think I was like those girls the other day, I'm not. They're pathetic." They handed you a yellow paper that was folded neatly. "I was ordered to deliver this to you; please do not disappoint the sender."
Looking at the paper, then at them, you look at the article again before taking it off their hand slowly and then with a quick swipe. Uraume then left you alone in the bathroom to ponder as they didn't bid you anything else.
Examining the yellow paper, you turn it around before opening it. You wonder who it was from. What you see inside almost made you want to crumple it immediately. Sukuna had scribbled his name and number on it along with a message, but what caught you was what was written at the bottom corner of the paper.
["Don't stand me up either, or I'll come to you if you don't come on time."]
'Some nerve he has!' You fume out before shoving the paper in the back of your pants pocket.
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Sukuna waited patiently against his costume-made car. He was playing with a lighter, opening the lid and closing it as the sound of metal clinging against each other made a nice ring. There were barely any people around since there were not that many people who occupied the street or his chosen area. Sukuna's attention pitched up when he saw a taxi pulled near the meeting point. He could see you in the back seat, chatting with the fare driver and paying them.
"Thank you, have a nice evening!" Closing the car door, you walk towards Sukuna. Sukuna let out a low whistle at what you're wearing before putting the lighter back in his pants pocket. When you're near enough in front of him, he has a smile of fondness and adoration floating in his eyes. "What's with that stupid look?"
Sukuna: "Why? I can't admire my woman?"
You: "We're not dating."
Sukuna: "Yet."
You roll your eyes dramatically, "What are we doing here in a rich bourgeoisie area?" Crossing your arms together, you look up at Sukuna, who pushes himself off his car and steps closer to you; he uses a finger to wipe away a piece of hair behind your ear. And you, slap his hand away.
"Would you believe me if I said I live somewhere around here?" Sukuna motion a hand behind you, and you look around all these modern houses that have large yards, even double garages. Not to mention two stories.
You: "No, not really."
Sukuna: "Look at me; I'm the real deal."
You: "Haha."
Sukuna: "What do you say we get out of here?"
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The drive was quiet; the soft scent of cedar filled the car. You were focused on the view as the car drive-by the ocean across the bridge. There were ferry ships with glowing lights and people lounging/ mingling together.
Sukuna side-eyes you out of his peripheral view, seeing you being enchanted by city lights in the distance or anything that glitters across the night sky; he felt the familiar thumping of his heartbeat that races for you and your presence.
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"We're here," Sukuna announces, stopping his car in a parking lot. Up in front of you was a fair/ carnival. Colorful lights of any shades and hue decorate the expansion landscape. You were in awe; it's been a few years since you had last visited any main fun attraction.
Sukuna saw how the very sight once again enraptured your eyes. Excitement danced in your eyes, rambunctious energy exuded from your persona, and you could barely contain it. But yet, you still maintain that sassy attitude, "You're trying to get me to date you faster by taking me to these events?"
"If it helps, then yes." Sukuna took off his seatbelt; he leaned over the car and got close to you like he always does. He pulls a small gift bag and hands it to you. "For you."
Reluctantly taking the bag from his hand, you peer at what's inside by removing all the colored tissues to the side and see a gift. "What's this now?" It was a red velvet box with gold lining across the case, making sigils and symbols. You opened it, and on the inside was a gemstone of your birth month with a pair of matching earrings. The jewelry shimmers under the dreary light brilliantly before you close the case and set it back inside the bag. You had to admit; that even if it was in the form of simplistic, it's still pretty enough for everyday wear. "This is nice, but it's too much for me."
Sukuna: "I had it made for you."
You: "Dude, we aren't even dating."
Sukuna: "And as I said before, yet."
"You're so insufferable," you push him aside and set the gift bag back into the backseat. Unbuckling the seatbelt, you got out of the car. Walking ahead of Sukuna, he follows after you. Waiting in line, he was right behind you, and Sukuna's body heat almost buried you when a few people stepped back and were close to hitting you with an arm swing in the air. He had an arm wrapped around your waist and one to shield your head.
"Sorry!" One of them apologize.
"Watch what you're doing next time," Sukuna warned them, eyes drooping low in the process and voice suddenly cold. The one apologizes for sweat-drop at Sukuna's stare when a shiver of danger skittles down their backbone. Suddenly they and their friends were far ahead all of a sudden.
You ignored what Sukuna had said to them, but your mind went blank when you landed in his arms. His thumping heart and the sound of his heated breath all enter your ears. It's all so clear that when Sukuna tries to get your attention, you owlishly blink back to reality. A little bit dazed.
"Am I that cuddly that you didn't want to let go?" Sukuna teases out. Peering down at you, a blush dusted across your cheeks that you pulled away in embarrassment. A sensation of chill rushed through the gap and your warm skin.
"Don't get too happy, Bakakuna." Creating a space that two people could fill, all Sukuna has to do is close it in one step. He set a chin on your shoulder, nose tickling your cheek when he nudged it close, and you shrugged his face away in annoyance by leveraging your shoulder out of the way.
Once you got inside, Sukuna paid for the entrance price and bought a hefty amount of tickets to play for each game. And whatever your eyes linger on or slightly glance at, he got it all. You never took him as a person who got competitive or enjoyed giving things out; as long as his money covers it, he will get it. Sukuna had rented out a few lockers to put all the winning prizes that he got for you to put in.
The time went eventful, with him paying for all your needs and wants. You're just thinking about how much you'll owe him once the night ends. A part of you somehow feels about what he wants when it's over.
Through the sea of people, you spot a familiar head of pink salmon hair and a pretty woman. You thought that seeing Yuji would make your heart hurt, but seeing him now doesn't hurt as much as it was before. But after helping Yuji a few times, contact had been almost nonexistent besides the little small talks. Sukuna noticed your precipitous mute and watched where your eyes lingered, he found where your attention went, and a sense of jealousy eased its way in, such an unnecessary feeling he was letting it grow. But a part of him wanted to prove that he's a much better man than Yuji, despite not knowing what you're going through at the current moment.
Sukuna: "Let's go say hi to them."
You: "Wait, what?"
Sukuna dragged you by the wrist, which you didn't opposed. A resolute look was etched into his face, catching your observation. Your focus went to his hand, where his thumb caressed your wrist with benevolent affection. Sukuna thought you would tear your wrist away in detest like you always do when it slipped away, but it slid to the soft touch of your palm. A rush of adrenaline/ dopamine filled his heart and head, the way your finger slithers into his when it gives a few reassuring squeezes to make it grasp and tight. He does it right back, but he has to admit, you almost threw him off track even though he didn't anticipate what you said next.
"Sorry, a force of habit," you told him, "my mom almost lost me once as a kid during a shopping outing, so she made me hold her hand like this."
Sukuna: "All the better, the closer, the better."
You: "You know what? I change my mind."
Sukuna: "Oh? So you did want to hold my hand?"
You: "In your dreams! And I said it's a force of habit!"
Sukuna: "Nice dream indeed; the chances of holding your hands are slims to none."
With Yuji and Shimei getting closer and closer, Sukuna greeted, putting his charming semblance on. "Hello there." He stops in front of them with you right beside him, still holding his hand. Shimei notices the closeness, and a spike of envy strikes her heart, but she masks it with a shy smile. Instead, she even got closer to Yuji.
"What a surprise to see you both here?" Shimei pretends to be joyful. Sukuna's awareness of her sudden change in mood made him feel elated, so he pulled you even closer, to which you didn't object as you had no clue what was going on. "Yuji told me a lot about you." Shimei extends a hand for you to shake, and you sheepishly shake her hand back, in awe of her beauty.
No wonder Yuji likes her.
"Are you dating my brother (Name)?" Yuji asked, which surprised you as you were going to answer, but he rambles on excitedly, "You know I'm happy for you since he-"
"Yuji," Sukuna cuts him off with an icy glare and a tone notifying his younger twin to shut up. Yuji nervously looked away, almost slipping up, and whistled away while scratching the back of his head like he didn't do anything wrong. You wonder why he would do that. "(Name) and I are nothing like that, but we're close to it."
That caught your ears, and you slapped your free hand to his chest. Sukuna puts a hand over the spot you hit and pretends to be in pain when you shout in immediate denial, "No way in Hell!"
"Little Spitfire," Sukuna hums out the nickname, "holding hands like lovers say something else otherwise." This time you're tugging your hand away, and Sukuna finally got some death grip of a boa. He tuts and clicks his tongue away when he tries to calm you down from fighting against him.
Yuji and Shimei were like the third wheel, seeing something they're not supposed to. It's like you and Sukuna were an old married couple that quarreled daily but still managed to fit into each other perfectly. Shimei's bubbling bitterness almost spilled out, but she held herself back. She reminded herself not to overdo it when that same smile she wore resurfaced. "It was nice meeting you both," Shimei then tugs on Yuji's arm, wanting to leave immediately. "But Yuji and I need to continue our date." Hauling onto Yuji again, they both disappear into the multitude of crowds.
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Sukuna had left you alone for a bathroom break when you were on your phone with your friend group chat, but three pairs of shoes entered your vision with a cane. Looking up from the glowing screen, a shift of intolerable feeling seizes you. "Can I help you guys?" They all wore baggy clothes, mainly grey and black, and tattoos crawling all over their body; not even their face was saved. But a sizeable noticeable red and black color of a Kingsnake snake tattoo was scribbled on the back of their left palm.
"You're (Name), right? The name is Majima." The middle one asked; he leaned down to your level, head cocking left and right, scrutinizing your appearances, "You're even cuter upfront and better than the photos." As he was about to cup your chin, you swat his eager hand away in disdain. Majima looks at his hand, not believing that you dared to do that, before switching his attention back at you. His curiosity grew.
"Please leave me alone," you inform them; the ever-growing feeling of discomfort that is spreading is hammering your flight or fight response. The three men were much more burly than you in size and height; if you were going to pick a fight, maybe taking one down is only your best shot.
"I think we should get to know each other better. Let's get out of here." He cooed at you, tried to reach for your chin again, and got the same response.
"What do you freaks thinks you're doing?" Sukuna showed up in time, anger glowering off of him slowly. You never felt a sweet relief from seeing Sukuna before.
The guy on the left tapped Majima on the forearm to grab his attention. Majima turns his head to see Sukuna, and his smile widens. "Nothing, my bad. You're with her?" Majima's back was from you, and he held his arm up in surrender, "I thought this pretty lady was alone. Didn't know she was here with a date."
You watch Majima limp away with his crew, and when he nears Sukuna, he bumps their shoulder with a fake apology. You saw the alter of Sukuna's face change but couldn't make it out what Majima had said to make him look so angry. This is the first time that you saw Sukuna losing his cool. You weren't sure if that indicated a dark road because of the gut feeling that this wasn't the first time Sukuna had met them.
"Sorry, are you okay?" Sukuna dissipates the rage once he nears you.
You: "Who are they?"
Sukuna: "Not important."
You didn't want to push the question further, seeing how he locks his jaws at the mention of them. "Let's go; fun is over." Sukuna, hold your hand and gives you a firm tug to follow him. One thing about today for Sukuna is that if Majima is here today, then it's something he's after, and he's not taking chances with you as his priority.
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Majima hides in the shadow, eyes glinting at the sight of you and Sukuna leaving, but his eyes linger the most on the way the both of your and Sukuna's hands interlace together. Like a red string of fate that he couldn't wait to cut. "Sukuna, just you wait; I will take what you value the most." Majima's eyes veer to his leg. The very leg that Sukuna had broke that night in the warehouse caused him to be the disabled man who is now relying on a came for the rest of his life.
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taglist: @fxckingsimp @valoruzky @2guysonascooter @zairuko​ @mistalli​ @gourcuffiana​ @agentdedf1sh​ @monotoneclown​ @certaininternetkryptonite @soupasoup​​ @http-problemchild​ @acehyacinth​ @cloudsinthecosmos
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