#I saw my dad but I was tired and he left work and our conversation was like
g0thnico · 5 months
Me (autistic bitch) and my partner in crime (autistic grandma) spent the whole day at the mall looking for things for the wedding of my bro (autistic dad) and his girl (stepmom without any type of mental disorder)
I'm completely exhausted
But I have a 7 cm platform shoe so fuck everything I HAVE A PLATFORM SHOE THAT IS 7 FUCKING CENTIMETERS
I don't talk about my personal life but I don't have the energy to mask my neurodivergent ass
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marymary-diva17 · 5 months
she my wife my wife
Tsu’tey x reader
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So when you decide to marry Tsu’tey you had thought your marriage with him will be good. As Tsu’tey is a wonderful husband he had accepted, your wishes of going between your avatar and human body. You had respect and honored Tsu’tey role in the clan was warrior and clan lifestyle. Even due Tsu’tey and many other Navi were coming, to understand their human mates or friends there were some stuff they had fully understand. 
Y/n “ ……..” you had waken up early in your mates home as, you need to get back to the human base for more oxygen packs. You soon removed your husband arms around you and got out of bed, making sure to cover your husband in the blanket.
y/n " okay just need to get to the human base and it will be good"
????? " yawne" you soon stopped dead in your tracks as your heard, tsu'tey your tall blue warrior husband had called you. It was dumb of you to think that you can get pass him and not him notice at all.
y/n " ........"
tsu'tey " I know you are up and not in bed with me anymore, so don't act like you can get pass me" you soon sighed knowing you were not going to win this game against him.
y/n " hello my husband" tsu'tey soon got up from the hammock and looked at you, he sighed before he bends down to look at you.
tsu'tey " where do you think you are going"
y/n " I need to get some extra oxygen mask I will run low by this afternoon"
tsu'tey " why most you get them and not later"
y/n " if I get them later I will forget it as we are always busy with stuff, and avatar body"
tsu'tey " well why don't you give up your human body and be navi for a day, and spend time with me and our family"
????? " wow dad trying to ask for a date with mom like that nice move" you and tsu'tey soon looked and saw spider standing there as avatar.
tsu'tey " oh hush boy"
spider " oh come on day I'm just playing around"
y/n " oh come on we can fight about this later on my husband, but I need to get these air packs for me and spider if we stay here as humans"
tsu'tey " okay I just worry"
y/n " there is nothing to worry about my husband" you had kissed tsu'tey check making him smile, the mighty warrior had never thought he will find love until he meant you. He also thought he will never have a family until you and him welcome spider into your family.
y/n " I will see you to later kiddo"
spider " yes mom see you later" you soon left the home and head off towards the human base, you were able to see there were enough oxygen packs for everyone and new ones being made as well.
max " hey there y/n it good to see you"
y/n " hey max"
norm " good you were here your avatar body is fixed and perfect for you to use again,if you wish to use your avatar body again"
y/n " I was just having a conversation about my avatar body with tsu'tey .... you know I will love to use my avatar body again"
max " good lets get you ready" you had nodded your head as you soon followed max and norm towards the avatar link bods. The team along with you had gotten everything ready and soon enough the process had happened.
y/n " wow it worked perfectly"
norm " good to see you in blue again"
y/n " happy to be back as my avatar I missed having times like this life with mask, all the times get tiring after a while" the two man laugh at your statement, and now you were back as navi walking around the base and helping around.
norm " I still can't believe you married or mated in navi terms with tsu'tey"
y/n " he a good husband and person he makes me happy"
norm " I still remember when grace found out you and tsu'tey were becoming closer then friends... oh she was so shocked"
y/n " oh yes I remember that day she said she was shocked that, I and tsu'tey were becoming so close then she had thought she even predicted that we will become a couple and she was right"
Scientist " hey none of us knew we will be making our lives here on pandora, and that some of us will become very close to the navi"
max " so should we be expecting you and tsu'tey to be having some kids, and have more avatar and navi kids running around here with Jake kids and spider"
Scientist 2 " that will be funny will they be like tsu'tey or be like you"
y/n " we have had the conversation of kids before so maybe"
max " well do what you want"
y/n " thank you max"
Scientist " hey quick question for you y/n"
y/n " sure"
Scientist " is your husband going to fight us or kill us" you soon looked and saw tsu'tey sitting on his dire horse he was glaring at, the humans that were so close to his mate.
Scientist 3 " if looks could kill we will be all dead"
Scientist 4 " I thought we were on friendly terms with the clan"
y/n " don't worry everyone he harmless"
Scientist " harmless are you sure"
y/n " yes when he not mad about something or fighting and hunting, but he very nice and respect you all"
Scientist " then why is he so mad"
norm " well I think he overprotective of you y/n navi are protective of their mates, and will chase or fight anyone who trying to steal their mate or cross some lines"
y/n " that my husband"
max " oh here comes your husband" tsu'tey had gotten off his dire horse and soon walked towards, you he soon wrapped a arm around you and looked at the others.
tsu'tey " I know you all her friends but if anyone here tries anything ... we are going to have some problems I hope you all understand well we will be leaving now" tsu'tey soon dragged you away as you looked at your friends some of them seem shocked and scared at the same time.
y/n " sorry" you had mounted sorry to them as they nodded their heads towards you, but soon stopped when tsu'tey looked back at them. Tsu'tey soon helped you onto his dire horse and soon took off making sure to spend the whole day with you.
y/n " you know you are cute when you are jealous"
tsu'tey " I'm not jealous I'm just defend my wife my wife that all" you soon laugh making tsu'tey look away but deep down he was smiling as well. Even due he could be overprotective at times he was still your husband and, you wouldn't change anything about it.
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luciferlightbringer · 4 months
Love in a Hopeless Place
Chapter 10
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Chapter 9|Chapter 10|Chapter 11|Updated through Chapter 12
Lucifer x prostitute fem!reader Word Count: 3.6k CW: Slowburn, Angst, Prostitution, Hurt/comfort, trauma, fluff, depression, anxiety, insecurity,
Over the next couple of days, Charlie and the hotel crew started to prepare for their little "intervention" dinner with her dad. Charlie and Vaggie worked together to make up dinner while the others made sure the place was kept up, mostly Niffty.
Later that night, Charlie heard a knock on the front door. Was that him? Why didn't he just teleport in like usual? Charlie went to open the door and saw Lucifer giving his big focused smile.
"Charlie! It's so good to see you," he said enveloping his daughter in a big hug. It had been weeks since he had hugged anyone, the sting of how much he missed it had started to grow back.
"Hi Dad," Charlie said hugging her father back tightly and swinging him around. "I've missed you so much, it's been weird not having you around as much."
Lucifer tightened his grip on Charlie as they hugged, "I'm- sorry about that sweetie, I just... got busy. I'll try to be better about that, I promise."
Charlie loosened the hug enough to study her dad's face, it was tired and worn out, he looked like he hadn't slept in days. Lucifer tried hard to keep his facade up, but he knew his daughter was trying to read him.
"Dad... are you sure you are ok?" Charlie asked with concern.
"Yes. Why do you ask?" he said still trying to hold a smile, holding a silence but futile prayer that he could find a way to fool her into thinking he was ok.
The other members of the hotel, Angel, Husk, Niffty, Cherri, Vaggie, even Alastor started to walk in from the shadows of the hotel lobby.
"Cuz, with all due respect your highness," Husk chimed in "One, you are a bad liar, two, we actually do care about you," Husk looked over to Alastor out of the side on his eye, "well... most of us care about you, and three... we are also worried about (y/n)."
"Ya!" Angel added in, "You two were a couple of peas in a pod, she was even talkin' 'bout wantin' to move in here, den 'poof', ya both are nowhere ta be seen fa' weeks. What gives?! I thought we mattered to you guys!"
"Ya! I miss you and our girl, where is she?!" Cherri pipped in, "We loved watching you two hangin' out here togetha."
"She was a bad girl! But she was really nice! I liked when she would listen to me talk about my bugs fights!" Niffty added, holding up her knife.
Alastor sighed, "Honestly, I'm mostly here for the entertainment of your sorrow... but (y/n) was important to the growth of the hotel and it's community. Plus, she amuses me. I had grown unfortunately fond of her charms," Alastor said with a wicked smile, his comment made the room pause a moment, Lucifer glared at him.
"We miss both of you, sir, it's just not the same here without you. We just kinda feel like we've been left in the dark," Vaggie added, rubbing her arm.
Lucifer sighed, he didn't realize just how much you had meant to not just Charlie, but to the entire hotel. That you guys together had been. It was important for them to know the truth.
"Ok, ok... I'll tell you the truth... but it isn't going to be pretty," Lucifer said with shame painting his face. Lucifer went to go sit on the couch and the others came to sit around him and listen to the story. Lucifer gave an abbreviated story of the last several months of his time with you, truth that you were actually a prostitute he had hired, the story with how it all started with the conversation with Ozzie, the first appointment and the chaos and joy that cam from it, how you had helped him to connect with Charlie and the hotel again, how you supported either other through the stresses of the war with Heaven, how he protected you, how he realized he had fallen in love with you, and then the last night you were together, the blur and confusion of it all, and how finally you had banned him from being able to be scheduled with you again and how you had been told that the whole dynamic was just her acting like she cared about him. He didn't blame or try to paint you in a bad light, he was just defeated and sad.
During the story, the group went through a series of emotions, all of them now understanding why you had not able to talk about your relationship with him at all.
"Damn it! No wonder I liked her so much! She's in da same industry as me!" shouted Angel when the story was over, "She felt so kindred and I couldn't fuckin' see it. Oh, she is good."
"So... none of your relationship was real?" Charlie asked, sadly.
Lucifer shook his head, "No... no I don't think it was."
Husk shook his head, "You're wrong." Everyone looked at him. "Something here doesn't add up, Angel, Cherri, you remember our conversation with (y/n) the night before the war with heaven?" They nodded, Husk looked at Lucifer, "The only lie I have ever seen (y/n) tell you was that she was sad that night because of the war, which... she still was... but the reason she was sad before you came over to check on her was because she was sad that she could not be honest with us about your guy's relationship. We had asked her about what was up because you guys seemed more than friends, and she told us she could not talk about it. And she has tried to bluff some things about how she presents herself before when we first met her, probably all just to protect the secret you guys had. Trust me when I say, she was never fake with how much I saw she cared about you."
Lucifer shrugged, "It doesn't seem to matter though it though... in the end, she banned me."
"Why?" asked Angel, "Did she tell you? Did you ever hurt her?"
"No. Someone else at the place she works called me and told me, she was gone or... something. I don't know if I hurt her, never physically, but I was so drunk at the end of our last night together... I don't know what I did or why I got banned... and I'd never want to cross a boundary like that... she's had too many fucked up people in her life... I don't want to add to that club any more than I already had," he buried his face in his hands, "it sounds like keeping the secret was already a lot of weight on her, I didn't realize..."
"King, listen, I've been in the sex business for a long time, nothin' about this situation makes sense ta me, both from a sex worka' standpoint or from what I know about her. Did you pay her well?" Angel ask inquisitively.
Lucifer nodded, "Ya, I gave her big tips too, I wanted to to be happy and get what she needed."
"No good sex worka' in their right mind would full on ban you for one weird night, even if you did rough 'em up a bit. You told us there was some other client that had been roughin' her up a bit that you took care of. Tell me, did she ban him on the first night of havin' any issues with him?" Angel asked. Lucifer shook his head, starting to think about Angel's words.
"Right. So unless she was stupid, which I know she aint, she wouldn't've cut off probably the best paycheck in hell just because you had one sloppy drunk night where something may have gone weird. Also, on top a dat, sex worka's can be good actors and can pretend like they care. But they try not to get attached, and like Husker said earlier, she got attached, and boy it was obvious. That's probably a big reason why I didn't sus her out sooner. By da time we met her, nothin' about ya relationship was actin' anymore, on either side. Cuz you love 'er, dontcha?" Angel pointed while he leaned back on the couch.
Everyone looked at Lucifer, he nodded, "I do, I love her."
Angel nodded, "And you would do anythin' to make 'er happy, including keepin' yourself away from her if you thought it would make her happier, isn't dat right?"
Lucifer started to tear up, "Yes..." Charlie started to tear up and hugged her dad.
"Therefore... there is something fishy happenin' here, there must be some form of miscommunication, or... a third party that likes messin' with shit," Angel looked up at the ceiling thinking.
"How do you know all this?" asked Vaggie suspiciously. Angel looked over at Vaggie and have her a sly smile, "When you're life was spent in da Mafia and your afterlife was spent around shitty desperate sex worka's that are dying to get a taste of your success by any means necessary, you pick up on a few things, baby."
Charlie perked up, "You think someone at her work did this?"
Angel shrugged, "It's very possible, not 100%, but it's possible. Lucifer, did (y/n) ever talk about having any issues with other girls at her workplace?"
Lucifer thought a moment, "Hmm... she mentioned there being some annoying girls that she some sometimes needed to put in their place, but nothing this crazy hostile. But then again, she didn't like talking about the Lounge much, and I didn't like asking because I started to get more sad whenever I was reminded that I was just a client to her."
"The Lounge, like the Luxurious Lady's Lounge in the Entertainment district?" asked Angel.
"Ya... you know it?" asked Lucifer.
Angel smiled, "Know it? Ha! Sure do. I know exactly where it is too. May have even seen 'er once or twice without knowin' it"
Charlie smiled at her dad, "Dad, if we know where she is, we should just go and talk to her!"
Lucifer shook his head, "Oh. No, no, nonononono, Charlie... I can't do that."
"Why not? Dad, come on, we can try clearing all this up!" Charlie pleaded.
Lucifer sighed, "I just... until I know for sure that she didn't actually ban me, I won't want to risk that. It's just not a good idea... Plus, I don't want to attract more attention to her if she is having issues there," Lucifer hung his head.
Charlie thought for a minute, then a lightblub went off, Charlie got down to Lucifer's eye level, "Dad, she may have "banned" you for seeing her... but not me! I could go talk to her!"
"Charlie, hold on, dis is a bad idea," Angel piped up, everyone looked at him confused, "Rememba' what happened when you tried to talk to Val for me?" Charlie thought for a second remembering the disaster that was, feeling the guilt return at the memory. Angel smiled, "Obviously I need to go with you!" The room erupted into laughter, Angel almost had them for a second, even Lucifer managed to crack a smile in his down mood.
"You guys are really willing to do this for me?" he asked looking to Charlie and Angel.
Charlie looked at Angel and back to her dad, and grabbed Lucifer's hands, "Yes, for you... and for us."
Lucifer smiled, "Ok... but can we actually have dinner before you go? I was anticipating an actual dinner instead of an intervention, but I guess I should have expected both." The room filled with laughter again and the group set up for dinner before Charlie and Angel would head out to find the Lounge, and more importantly, you.
Later that evening, you were hanging out in the lobby of the Lounge, the same way that you had the nights before Lucifer had started to take up more of your schedule. You were still getting clients, but it was back to the old torturous monotony as before, but it somehow felt worse now that you had gotten a taste of love... or what you thought had been love. Every client made you wish you were back in Lucifer's arms, wanting to explore Lucifer's body... not this shithole and all it's shitty clients.
You felt yourself grow more bitter as you saw Cynthhhhia grow back in popularity with the customers, it seemed her few days on the phones really scared her into staying in her lane, especially because Larry had apparently made her take all of the calls during those three days. Something did not sit right with you about her more recent success, but you didn't want to turn into another her. Plus, the happier she was, the more she left you alone. Guess there had to be a bright side, somewhere.
You were sitting on your favorite couch in a long, blue, shear, flowy robe, when you saw a tall pair of individuals walk into the lobby. But not just any two tall people, two that you recognized, Angel and Charlie. You eyes went wide, and you quickly slinked off to the dressing room to hide.
'What the hell? What are they doing there?!' you thought to yourself. You hoped they hadn't seen you, even though your time with Lucifer was up, you still wanted to keep his secret about the two of you.
Charlie and Angel walked up to the front counter where Larry was standing he did a double-take seeing both of them.
"Whoooaaa, Princess Morningstar! And the famous Angel Dust! What an honor to have you two in to join us this evening. Are we interested in having a little fun tonight? I am surprised, I didn't think one of Val's best boys would be needin' to pay for fun. Unless... you are looking for a change in employment?" He flashed a sharp smile.
Charlie piped up, "Hi! Uhh, Charlie is just fine. And no, neither of those things. We are here looking for one of your girls, (y/n)."
"Is she here tonight?" Angel added.
"Uhh... ya. What business do you have with her?" Larry asked, wondering how they knew her.
"She's a friend ah mine," Angel chimed in, "She's mean MIA for a few weeks and we have been worried about 'er, we were wantin' to check in on her. Charlie has gotten to know her a little too and wanted to come with."
"Can we pleaseee see her?" Charlie pleaded.
Larry thought for a moment, "I don't know, she is still on the clock for several more hours. I can't just let her off early." Charlie and Angel look at each other and nod, Charlie pulls out an bunch of cash, "Will this cover her for the rest of the night." Larry smiled as the amount of money in her hands, it was more than enough.
"I do believe that will work Ms. Mornin- uhh, Charlie," Larry said taking the cash, "Let me go get her." Charlie is glad that she learned that in some situations like this, money talked more than words or power. She came more prepared than she had with her conversation with Valentino over getting more of Angel's time.
Larry searched around before finding you in the dressing room, "Hey Babydoll, you've been bought out for the rest of the night by some friends of yours, Angel Dust and Charlie Morningstar. I didn't know you knew them." He said giving you a look.
They bought you out for the rest of the night? Did they come here specifically to find you? How did they know you were here? Did... did Lucifer tell them? You felt some fear and hope bloom in your chest.
"Oh, haha ya, you know me, I'm just not one to talk about my personal life at work," you gave Larry a big smile. He laughed, "Alright, keep your secrets, sounds like they wanted to talk to you about something, worried about you. Go show 'em a good time tonight, ok?" You nodded, and quickly switching out to a more solid less see-through robe, before walking out to the lobby.
Angel and Charlie saw you coming, Charlie ran to you but you stopped her short of you, "Not here, come with me," and you led your friends up to you apartment. Once you were inside you room and the door was locked, you said "Ok now you can hug me if you want to."
This time, both Charlie and Angel want to embrace you at the same time, starting to tear up a little.
"Oh my god, (y/n)! It's so good to see you! We were so worried about you!" Charlie asked.
"Ya! When you and Lucifer stopped showing up at the hotel to visit, we started worrying, babe," Angel added.
"Wait... hold up, Lucifer stopped showing up to the hotel? How did you know I was here?" you asked.
"We sat my Dad down and he finally broke and told us the truth about everything," Charlie said.
"Ya, he spilled da beans on your guy's relationship, you don't have to keep his secret from us anymore," Angel added.
Tears started to well up in your eyes, "I don't?!" The two nodded. You started to sob and hugged them back. "I- I'm so sorry, I- I didn't want to lie to anyone but he wanted to keep it discreet, which I understand, he is the King! And it was so confusing, and then, one night he got really drunk one night, and it worried me, he wasn't acting like himself, and told me he loved me, but, but I didn't know if I could believe him. And he was getting all touchy and doe eyed, and I didn't know what was really what he wanted because it was all so sudden. So I ran! I ran because I was so scared, and- and- and-" Charlie and Angel both hugged you and tried to shushed you through your crying.
"It's ok, no one is mad at you. That sounds like a hard position to be in, it sounds like there was a lot of confusion on both sides," Charlie said.
"Confusion?" you sniffled, "Is that why he hasn't called to schedule with me again?"
Charlie and Angel looked at each other then back to you, "You didn't ban him then?"
You blinked, "WHAT?! Why on earth would anyone think I blocked him?! No! I freaked out and went on a trip for a few days to clear my head. I came back and I was told that he said he would call to reschedule, and then he just never did! I thought he hated me!"
"No!" Charlie cried, "No, Oh my god, he is a total wreck without you! He misses you like crazy! He thinks he was put on your "No Kiss List" or something"
"We can't even say your name without him shuttin' down and lookin' like we killed his dog or somethin'," Angel added, Charlie gave him a look, "What?! It's true!"
You sat down on the couch and stared out for a minute, thinking, "Why didn't he come to ask me himself?"
Charlie shrugged, "He doesn't remember what happened that night, he is convinced that he hurt you terribly and that it's why you banned him. He didn't want to hurt you so he respected that wish. We tried to get him to come tonight but he was scared in case you really had banned him."
You thought for a few more moments, who could have caused this? Who would have done this to you both. Your eyes widened. No, could this have been... did Cynthhhhia do this? Would she have been the one to make the calls that day since that was her punishment. You were pretty sure, but you didn't want to act without proof. You clenched your fists, starting to fill with rage.
"Is he at the hotel?" They nodded. You thought again, "Can you take me to him?" They nodded again with more excitement.
"I have just one question for you, before we go," Charlie started, looking into your eyes, "Tell me truthfully, do you actually care about my dad, not just for an income, but as a person?"
You took Charlie's hands in your own, "Charlie, I really do... more than anything... in fact... I'm pretty sure I'm in love with him." Charlie and Angel squealed and jumped up and down.
"That's all I needed to hear, let's do this!" Charlie declared.
You took a few minutes to get dressed, and soon you were off to see Lucifer again. Cynthhhhia eyed you a little as you left, wondering what you were doing with the most famous porn star in the Pride Ring and the Princess of Hell. She rolled her eyes and went back to chatting it up with her next client out it the lobby, it was probably nothing of substance, and she already had big enough fish to fry to keep her focused on herself. Although, she did briefly amuse herself with the idea of seducing the Princess' father, oh how wonderful a dream that would be, but she knew better than to put more thought into that. Why would the King of Hell ever need a prostitute? She laughed to herself.
You, on the other hand, were so full of fear and excitement at the idea of seeing actually Lucifer again, it felt like a dream and you were scared to wake up. But if Charlie and Angel's reaction was any indication of anything, maybe Brooklyn had been right after all.
Thank you for putting up with torment! I made sure to get through this one quickier so that there was a return of hope. Next chapter they will finally talk in out, and then... a certain someone may see justice 😈
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half-oz-eddie · 3 months
🎁 ❤️
Max was not supposed to be in Billy’s room. She knew better. 
But it was 7:30 AM and she really wanted to leave something for him on his desk. 
She quietly crept in, sliding her slim frame through the ajar door and tiptoed to his desk to gently place something on it. 
“The hell’re you doing?” A groggy voice startled her. 
She should’ve expected the hyper-vigilant teen to wake up while she was there. 
“I was—I just wanted t-to leave something here for you.” She nervously stammered. 
He narrowed his sleepy eyes at her. “Give it here.” 
Max slowly walked over, handing the surprise to Billy. 
It slowly exchanged hands and Billy examined it closely. 
“I-I know you don’t have a record player but I saw the posters in your room and I thought you’d want to—like—have something to collect. So Steve drove me to a record store to get you a vinyl.”
He stared at the Mötley Crüe vinyl for a few moments, then handed it back to Max. “Put it on my desk.” He said as he laid back down. 
“Y-you don’t like it?” She frowned. 
“Never said I didn’t. I’m just tired.”
Max slowly walked back over to his desk and set the vinyl down. 
“Why’d you buy that for me?” He asked. 
“Don’t you know what today is? It’s your—“
“I know that.” He said in a snippy voice. “I’m asking why the hell you bought me anything. You never cared before.”
“Well, last year, I tried to buy you something with my allowance and my mom said Neil would be mad if I used my money on you, so she wouldn’t take me to the mall.”
“And you said Harrington drove you? Why the hell did he do that?” Billy continued to question.
“We had a long talk about that night at the Byers and we came to a realization of how unfair we were being to you. So I—I didn’t wanna lose you forever. We don’t get along but like, we had our moments, where we’d talk to each other a little bit. Now we don’t speak at all.”
“You stabbed me with a needle.”
“You were gonna kill Steve if I didn’t stop you.” Max sighed. “I’m sorry, okay?”
“You don’t need to be. But whatever, guess I’m sorry too.”
Max smiled.  “I’ll let you sleep. Happy birthday.”
She closed the door behind her upon exiting and went back to her bed.
It was nearly 11AM when Max woke up again. Neil and Susan were already at work. Susan left a note behind with instructions for heating up lunch. 
This year, there was no school on Billy’s birthday, so Max decided to heat up the lunch for both of them. 
She set down two plates just in time, as she heard Billy resurfacing from his room.
He stepped through the quiet house and stopped by the table, glaring at Max.
“Nobody’s home?”
“No. Mom left lunch for us, so I heated it up.”
Billy looked down at the chicken Parmesan. Susan normally only made it for holidays, but Easter wasn’t until Sunday. 
Max figured it was Susan’s subtle way of giving Billy a little something special for his birthday.
“There were some breadsticks too.” Max mentioned, grabbing them out of the toaster oven. “I put some of that garlic and herb stuff on them because I remembered that you like it.”
Billy glared at Max as she started eating. 
“What?” She asked with her mouth half full.
Billy shrugged and rolled his eyes. “Nothin’. Forget it.” 
They ate in complete silence. Billy finished first and got up from the table without a word.
Max didn’t expect much conversation from Billy, but he wasn’t as unpleasant as he could’ve been, so it was fine.
She washed the dishes and sat back down at the table reading a magazine when Billy returned once more with his jacket on.
“Where’re we going?”
“Somewhere. I can’t leave you here by yourself. Susan and dad would bitch about it.”
Max grabbed her jacket and slipped on some shoes, then followed Billy to his car.
The drive was brief and they stopped at the quarry.
To Max’s surprise, Billy invited her to sit on the hood of his car. He offered her a soda and cracked open a beer for himself.
They clinked their cans together and drank as they quietly watched the early afternoon scenery. 
“It’s surprisingly warm today.” Max initiated small talk. 
“I think the groundhog saw its shadow—or didn’t see its shadow—or whichever meant a late winter.”
“It’s…when he sees his shadow.” She paused. “I think.”
Billy snorted. “Why are we listening to a big ass rodent about the weather anyway?”
Max softly giggled. “Tradition, I guess.”
“Yeah, well, it’s stupid.” He mumbled in response as he brought the beer can to his lips.
Silence returned again, and Billy glanced over at Max.
“So y’said Harrington drove you to the record store. That’s like…across town.”
“I wasn’t alone with him, if that’s what you’re worried about. Dustin and Lucas went too.”
Billy quickly responded with a scoff. “What’s so great about Harrington anyway? You defended him over me that night—“
“Is that what made you so upset?”
“No. But you defended him and I’m asking about it.”
“Well, he’s really nice. He looks after all my friends, everyone around town knows him and his family—“
“So he’s just the opposite of me.”
“W—I—I mean, you’re nice sometimes. You’ve been nice to me 4 times and I remember them all.”
Billy shrugged. “Yeah. Anyway, thanks for the gift, shitbird.”
“You better get me something nice for my birthday too!”
“When is it again? April…may…tember…”
“July.” She snapped.
Billy laughed. “I know when your birthday is, don’t be such a baby.”
“I’m not.” She fired back. “You’re just a jerk.”
Max scoffed. “You’re so lucky it’s your birthday or I’d—“
“You’d what?”
Max chugged her soda and tossed the empty can at Billy.
“You piece of shit. You’re dead!”
Max jumped off the hood of Billy’s car and ran off laughing, with Billy not too far behind. 
When Billy finally caught up to Max, he chugged his beer and tossed the can at Max.
The out of breath siblings glared at one another, before their expressions softened and they began to laugh.
“Hey, d’you wanna go to the movies or something?” Max offered. “I’ll buy you popcorn.”
“And I get to pick the movie?”
Max groaned. “Fine.”
“You know I pick better movies than you do, anyway.”
“Bullshit! Your movie choices suck ass!”
The two bickered all the way back to Billy’s car. Sure, this was a nice day, but Billy couldn’t figure out why he couldn’t stop thinking about Steve Harrington driving his little sister across town to get him a gift.
‘Maybe I should thank him too…’
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povlnfour · 8 months
series masterlist | prev part | next part
lando norris x fem!horse rider!reader
yourusername just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by landonorris, flo_norris_showjumping and 210,331 others
yourusername i CANNOT BELIEVE i am writing this post😭 so so so insanely excited to announce that mr. bean and i have qualified for paris 2024!!!!! we have an insane year of training ahead of us, but i could not be happier. thank you to every single person who made this possible. i’m gonna go cry now. maybe get drunk. WE ARE OLYMPIANS BABY‼️
view all 47,029 comments
user3 omg i’m officially an olympian stan
flo_norris_showjumping AHHHHH y/n congrats!!! knew you could do it from the first time i met you🫶
yourusername i miss you crazy girl, let’s meet soon!
flo_norris_showjumping @/yourusername i’m sure you’ll be at family dinners soon enough🤪
user1 omg mr. bean is a living legend
charles_leclerc congratulations, friend!
yourusername thank you charles!❤️
user8 i love how y/n changes the colour of her hearts based on the drivers’ team😭
landonorris guess i’ll meet him now he’s an olympian🙄 congrats though, y/n/n🧡
yourusername posted stories ੈ✩‧₊˚
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twitter reacts ੈ✩‧₊˚
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landonorris posted stories ੈ✩‧₊˚
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f1updates just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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f1updates lando norris and y/n y/l/n snapped cosying up on holiday to celebrate y/n’s olympic qualification👀 the duo were joined by alex albon and lily he as they played around in the water. couples holiday, perhaps?
view all 104 comments
user7 please just let them figure this out on their own terms
user1 oh guys we’ve lost him. he’s whipped
user4 no fr that photo SCREAMS couple👀
landonorris just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri and 218,119 others
landonorris back to work and another p2 baby!!!!
👤 tagged alex_albon
view all 12,303 comments
user3 so proud of you🥹
lilymhe mom and dad? @/yourusername
yourusername a plot twist i didn’t see coming…
user1 soooo mr. norris are we gonna talk abt those photos
yourusername was gonna call u cute then saw what u texted me🙄
user5 expose him queen
landonorris i take it back pls give me praise
yourusername @/landonorris fine🙄 ur cute ig
landonorris @/yourusername 🥰🥰🥰
mclaren posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri and 90,461 others
mclaren belgium race weekend! who’s excited?🧡
view all 1,006 comments
user11 LETS GO AGAIN‼️
yourusername ME ME ME IM EXCITED MCLAREN!!!!
liked by landonorris
mclaren we 🧡 you!
user3 she’s such a fangirl this is not what i had on my 2023 bingo card😭
f1updates posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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f1updates lando norris’ rumoured girlfriend y/n y/l/n seen leaving the belgian grand prix EARLY. sources say she seemed tense all morning, and left the mclaren area for williams mid way through the practice sessions yesterday👀
view all 270 comments
user9 finally😍
user1 ur awful. get a life?
user3 no but she was so excited :( why would she leave early?
user7 f1updates get out of everyone’s business challenge
user1 she looks tired :/
user4 read a source that said she and lando were seen having a ‘heated conversation’ earlier :(
yourusername posted a story ੈ✩‧₊˚
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a/n: that’s it for part 3!!! cute holiday and then boom. angst???? gonna have to come back to find out what happens👀
get added to the taglist here
- giselle xx
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heavyhitterheaux · 15 days
Not a Baby Anymore
First Babies of Private Garden Fic
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Synopsis: You and Jack have to get on the same page regarding Axel, who clearly lets you know that he is tired of being treated what he believes is unfairly by you
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Axel hadn't been your biggest fan after he had asked you if he could go to soccer camp after school was going to be let out in a few weeks. You had your hesitations of him being away from you for a long period of time and even though he was getting older, you weren't quite ready for it. So, of course you told him no. That led to him catching an attitude with you and running straight to his room but not before telling you that ‘You never let me do anything. I wish dad was here more.’
You were trying to explain your reasoning to him, but he didn't want to hear it. Jack was due to be back later that evening and you had a strong feeling that he was going to try and convince you otherwise.
Once Jack had made it in the door and saw you sitting in the living room on your phone, he simply sat down next to you before sliding you onto his lap. Your arms immediately went around his neck and he gave you several kisses.
“I missed you.” You whispered against his lips before giving him another kiss which instantly made a smile come to his face.
“I missed you too. Where are all my babies?” Jack asked as he wrapped his arms around you.”
“Ivy and Autumn are in the backyard, Cam and Cash are with my parents, and Axel was in his room the last time I checked. Nova is working on her science project.”
“Hmm, that's weird. He's usually all up under you. I'm surprised he lets you breathe sometimes.” Jack knew early on that the bond you and Axel shared was special since the both of you almost lost your lives.
He remembered when he was going back and forth from your hospital room in the ICU to the NICU to see the triplets and how he was probably either going to lose his wife or one of his children. Those were the longest few days of his life and he didn't know what he was going to do if you left him before he properly got to have a chance at fixing your marriage.
“Aht! Not too much on my baby boy.” You answered while playfully hitting Jack who laughed.
“Our baby boy is almost fourteen.”
“Your point!? But I know he missed you.” But you didn't mention the argument that you two got in earlier which was why he was now in his room. Because he didn't want to be near you.
“Well let me go check on them. I'll be back.”
Jack slid you off his lap before kissing your forehead and going upstairs to see Axel.
He noticed that his door was open and he poked his head in, excited to be reunited with one of his oldest babies only to see him angrily wiping tears away from his face.
“Ax what's wrong? Did something happen?” Jack asked as he stepped fully into his room and sat next to him on his bed.
“I want to go to soccer camp.”
“Okay, just let me know all the details about it and we'll pay for you to go. Why the tears?” Jack answered, but he could tell that there was something else.
Axel shook his head no and Jack looked at him confused.
“I already asked mom and she said no.”
“What? Did she tell you why?”
“No, I walked away from her. She never lets me do anything especially when you aren't here. She lets my sisters do anything they want, but I have to stay home.”
This was the first time that Axel vocalized this to Jack and he quickly grew annoyed with you.
“You want to go?”
“Yes. All my friends are going.”
“Then that settles it. I’ll deal with your mother.”
“I don't understand why she always tells me no.”
“Don't worry. I’ll talk to her.”
“Can we have pizza for dinner? If I had asked mom she would have probably told me no too.”
Jack stifled a laugh before answering him.
“We’ll order it when Cash and Cam come back.”
Little did Jack know that you had been standing on the top step listening to their conversation and was going to confront him about it. You quietly snuck back down the steps to sit in the living room and bide your time.
Jack stayed with Axel for another twenty minutes before going to see the girls and then made his way back inside.
“Jackman….” Jack heard you say his name as he heard your footsteps approach from behind him and he immediately sighed because he knew a shitstorm was coming. He had just left Axel's room for the second time and had made his way downstairs to find something to snack on.
“Yes, baby?” He replied as he turned around to face you.
“Why did you tell Axel that it was okay for him to go to soccer camp when I specifically told him no?”
“Because you are overprotective of him and never let him do anything.” Jack said being completely honest as he shrugged.
“What? No I'm not!”
“Babe, yes you are. You aren't like that with Ivy and Autumn and let them do anything that they ask within reason. Why doesn't Axel get the same treatment?”
“I do give him the same treatment!”
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself? You let me teach him how to play and it took me months to convince you to say yes. Our baby boy is growing up and it's about time you accepted that.”
“Well yes! He has asthma! That was my entire reasoning.”
“That is well controlled. He hasn't had an attack since he was 6 and takes his meds on a daily basis.”
“But what if something happens and I'm not there? Did we forget that we almost lost him?”
“Y/N…. Thirteen years ago. He is fine and going to make good choices. All of his friends are going and I don't want him to feel left out.”
“I still don't know. The thought makes me nervous.”
“He's not going to be far from home and it's only for two weeks.”
“TWO WEEKS? No, that's too long for him to be away from us. Absolutely not.”
“So let me ask you this. When he becomes an adult because you know that's eventually going to happen, right? Are you going to be babying him like this? And sheltering him? How is he supposed to experience anything? I'm convinced that you're going to go to college with him too.” Jack explained, but all you did was roll your eyes.
“My answer is still no.”
“And I told him yes. My second born came to me in tears, upset and told me how when I'm not here and he asks you to do something nine times out of ten you tell him no. This is something that he really wants to do and his mom shouldn't be ruining that for him.”
“But he's my baby.” You quietly said as you were trying to blink back tears. All of your children held a special place in your heart but you admit you took extra precautions when it came to Axel because he wasn't dealt the best hand when you brought him into the world.
“And he's mine too. I want all of them to be able to experience things and have opportunities but one child shouldn't feel like he's being left out.”
Just then you heard footsteps and turned to see that it was Axel who was trying to wipe the remnants of his tears away before you saw them making your heart break.
“Axel…” You started to say, but he immediately went over to Jack.
“She won't let me go will she?” He asked as he looked up at him and all Jack did was sigh.
“Ax, turn around and ask her.”
“Why? She's probably going to say no like she always does.”
“All I want to do is protect you.” You said as your eyes started to water.
“I'm not a baby anymore! And I'm tired of you treating me like one. I take my meds every day and I haven't been in the hospital since I was six. I want to go to soccer camp with my friends!”
Crossing your arms, you gathered your thoughts before responding.
“I know that you aren't a baby anymore, but this is hard for me. I know I say this all the time, but I didn't even think that you would make it to six months old. So can you understand why I`m so hesitant. But if this is what you want, okay.” You responded while shrugging.
“Wait, that's it?” Axel asked, thinking that you were going to put up more of a fight.
“But there are going to be rules that you have to follow.” Jack piped up and Axel eagerly nodded.
“You call us everyday, set an alarm on your phone for your meds and take your inhaler with you. If at any point you don't feel well, you tell them immediately so that they’ll be able to get you the help you need. This will be the test to see if you can be responsible enough to be away from us.” Jack explained while Axel was actively listening.
“Okay, I will. Promise.”
As you stood off to the side, Jack looked at Axel and nudged his head in your direction while you weren't looking.
Axel didn't respond, but instead hugged you and you tightly hugged him back.
“I promise that I'll be fine.”
“I know you will.”
“That woman has one more time to look at you before I go off.” You told Jack as both of you were at Axel's championship soccer game for his team. It was the last day of summer camp and you could tell that you and Jack made the right choice even though it took a little convincing on his part to get you to say yes.
All Jack did was laugh before wrapping an arm around you and kissing your cheek.
“Baby, please don't. We're here to see Axel play.”
“She is giving you bedroom eyes. I can focus on two things at the same time!”
“The only person that I'm going into a bedroom with is you so she can forget it. But focus on Axel!”
“Fine, but when the game is over I'll deal with her.”
It was down to the last few seconds and the game was tied when Anthony, Axel's best friend and teammate passed him the ball which he kicked right into the net and scored, winning the game.
You and Jack erupted in cheers as his teammates gathered around him and picked him up.
Once the crowd died down, you and Jack made your way onto the field and Axel immediately ran to the both of you. Once he reached you, both of you immediately brought him into a hug.
“So proud of you.” You whispered in his ear as he hugged you both tighter.
“Thank you for letting me come.”
“Anything to see our baby happy. Now where are we going to celebrate your amazing championship winning goal?”
“Hmm Wing Stop?”
“I… seriously?” Jack said as he looked at the both of you.
“Momma's baby. You should already know.” You responded while shrugging.
The three of you were walking back to Jack’s car when Axel turned to look at him.
“Hmm, I guess you are a good teacher after all.” Axel told Jack.
“Obviously, you get your talent from me.”
“I thought that I got it from mom?”Axel playfully asked.
“WHAT? Since when does your mom play soccer?”
“See? Our son knows he got all his good qualities from me.”
“Not that attitude.” Jack shot back and you immediately rolled your eyes as Axel laughed.
“But being a soccer mom does look good on you.”
“I make anything look good.” You said while winking.
“Including dad.”
“HEY! Don't you two start! But I have to agree.”
“Mom, do you think I'm good enough to go pro?” Axel asked as your eyes went wide.
“Um Ax, let's just get through the rest of today first. I don't think your mom is ready to have a constant series of panic attacks if you play professionally.”
“Only if I come with you to every practice, workout session, and game of course!”
“On second thought, never mind.”
“I'll get us all matching shirts.”
“Dad, make it stop.”
“Nope, you asked for this.”
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moonxmagix · 1 year
Dad's Best Friend NSFW
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Pairing: Frank Iero x Fem Reader
TW: smut 18+, age gap
Summary: You and Frank have a magnetizing pull to each other. Who will crack first under pressure? Like the title says, you're fucking your dad's best friend. Will you get caught?
A/N: part two is posted pls check it out 🥹
My dads friend was special. I’d frequently stand propped up against the door frame exchanging stares between him and I. I’d wear a shorter skirt or dress that day just when he was around. I was a tease, I’ll admit. When I turned 18, now 19, I’d really never had sexual desire for men or boys my age. I had never thought about a man as much as I did Frank. I'd frequently write in my journal about him and write his name over and over again until my wrist would give out.
Luckily Frank was over all of the time which means I got to see him and watch him glare at me and my body. It was like a game to see who would crack first. One day my father, known as Gerard Way, came up to me and told me to get ready for dinner. “Are we going out?” I asked. “Yeah, get dressed please. We’re leaving in 20,” my father said, kissing me on the head. 
I stayed calmed on the outside but on the inside I squealed. I ran to my closet and picked out something simple but hot. Usually after we eat we go out to do something like an arcade. I remember one time we went and Frank won me a cute Hello Kitty plush.
I wore a System of a Down t-shirt, black jean skirt, converse, and silver chain necklace. For makeup all I did was tight line my eyes, added blush, highlight, mascara, and a lip gloss. Didn’t wanna go too heavy. I looked at myself one more time before I left my room and felt contempt with how I looked.
I walked out of my room and my dad saw my shirt, “Did you steal that out of my closet?” I frequently took things out of there because he had shirts of bands I really liked. He introduced me to them, “Possibly,” I said with a smile. 
We went to the car and headed to the food place to meet everyone there. I got out of the car and fixed up my appearance a bit, I saw that Ray and Mikey brought their kids who I was kinda friends with but they were a lot younger than me. Frank didn’t have kids, which sucked because I could’ve used them to my advantage to get closer to him but I’ll play the hard game.
“What’s up? Good to see you again Y/N,” Frank said to me. I haven’t seen him in a few weeks because he’s been touring a bit doing solo projects. His breath smelled of mint gum.
He hugged me for a little longer and squeezed tightly. Whenever he did those things it never came off strange or weird to the people around us. We were all very affectionate towards each other considering how close everyone was.
We walked into the restaurant and my dad and I sat at complete opposite ends of the table. Frank sat near the edge of the booth and I sat next to him with Ray next to me. Everyone talked amongst themselves and I sat quietly, I wasn’t much of a talker especially around a large group of people. Anxious people problems.
I think Frank noticed and whispered in my ear, “You alright?” He had a look of slight concern on his face. “Yeah,” I whispered back, nodding. "I've got ya," he said reassuringly. We both turned our attention back to the table when I felt something poke my thigh.
It was Frank's pinky finger gently rubbing my thigh and the edge of my skirt. Chills ran down my back and all over my arms. He slowly but surely worked his entire hand on my thigh, I could feel his cold rings rubbing against me which made my legs get chills.
He left his hand there and rubbed his thumb, it was driving me crazy. I was so desperate for him, in need of his touch. Oh how I’ve been waiting for this for so long and it is finally here.
We ate our food and I stole a few bites from both Ray and Frank's plate. After I finished I felt a bit tired and rested my head on Frank’s shoulder. I started to fall asleep and took a good 30 minute nap. God these people talk a lot. I woke up and yawned, “Someone’s tired,” Frank said teasingly. “Nah, just bored and ready to party,” I said jokingly. Which he chuckled at.
After that we drove to the arcade, this is my chance to get him alone. This place is dark and huge so I have plenty of places to hide both of us in.
We all kinda went our own way after getting cards to swipe on the machine. I told my dad I was gonna go to certain machines but I wanted to scope things out, but not too suspiciously. If I can’t find anything then to the bathroom it is!
I see Frank playing a game and I go to the one next to it, skeeball. I started playing and bent down to pick up the ball and made sure he could see under my skirt. I made sure to wear skimpy underwear for him. I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist.
I finished playing and before I could leave I felt a body stand behind but next to me. I turn to see Frank and my cheeks turn red, “You think you can tease me like that?” he whispers in my ear. “N-no sir, I’m just playing the game,” I was so flustered. “Game my ass, come with me,” he said, pulling my hand.
He took me to the family bathroom and locked the door immediately. He pushed me against the wall and our lips met, I was hungry. Our tongues fought for dominance and I moaned into the kiss. “I’ve waited for you to make the first move, Y/N,” He said, pulling my skirt down.
He turned me around and pulled my underwear down sliding himself into me. He told me to keep my moans quiet so he covered my mouth. Frank took my virginity. I can't believe it. Something about it was so hot and risky.
“You’re mine, you’re fucking mine Y/N,” he said while pounding me until my legs were shaking profusely. I came all over him and he pulled out. We cleaned ourselves up and went to the pizza bar as a cover.
We got our pizza then went to sit down at a table, a part of me was scared to be alone with him but this is what I’ve wanted for so long. We sat at a table and I was way too nervous to talk, “Don’t be so shy baby,“ he winked. “Sorry, I can’t help it,” I smiled slightly. “I had fun,” I said.
He smiled, “Me too! We’ll do it more,” he said, winking at me. It kinda shocked me, does he want this as much as I do? I could only hope so. After that we went back to the arcade and finished playing games. Thankfully no one suspected us or where we went.
We walked to the car and my dad stopped to ask me something, I felt my stomach drop to my ass and I expected him to ask where we went. But instead he asked me if it was alright if Frank stayed a few nights with us in-between his tour. “Yeah I don’t see why not,” I said shrugging. Fuck yeah. But also huh??? 
Frank got in the car with us and I had to sit in the back now, mostly on my phone while they both talked. We got home and I went to my room immediately, I was ready to get out of these clothes! I changed into some fluffy skull pajamas pants and a black tank top. I was blessed with a bigger chest and I knew Frank wouldn’t resist me when I looked like this. I washed my makeup off and threw my hair up in low pigtails.
I went down stairs into the kitchen to get a drink and ran into Frank making coffee for him and my dad. “You tease,” he said, pushing me against the counter pressing his lips to mine. He twirled my pigtails in between his hands and fingers, then moved them around my face. 
He released and tapped me on the butt before grabbing the coffees and about to leave the room. He stood in the door frame and said, “I’ll see you tonight.” 
“See you tonight,” I said smiling.
It was around 12  am and Frank still hasn't come around. I sat there in bed and sighed heavily, I wasn’t tired any bit so I decided to play a bit of guitar by the window. I decided to play Cherry by Harry Styles. It was such a comforting song to play and listen to, I’d hum along.
It wasn’t until I heard my door crack open and saw a familiar face. I motioned my hand to invite him in and he closed the door behind him quietly. He sat next to me, “What’cha playing?” he asked. “Just Harry Styles, I’ve been waiting for you,”  I said, smiling at him, blushing. When he looked at me I felt my entire body glow with red and the warmth of a thousand suns.
“Oh really? I’m sorry it took so long, I’m here now sweetheart,” he said pushing my hair behind my ear. I sat my guitar down and he immediately grabbed my face with his tattooed hands. I grabbed his  hand and took him to my bed. We laid next to each other just cuddling for a while until we made out once again. 
It got heated pretty fast and next thing you knew all of my clothes were off and he was rubbing his warm, rough hands all over my body. He got down to my pussy, rubbing his fingers all around me, teasing me. “Frank please,” I begged. “Please what?” he smirked, inserting a finger. “Please sir, fuck me,” I said moaning quietly. He inserted another finger moving them quickly until I came everywhere on them.
“Open your mouth,” he said,  so  I did. He put both fingers in my mouth and told me to suck. I could see how hard he was under his pajama pants, he took them and told me to get on the floor on my knees. I opened my mouth for him, he took my hair in his fist and slowly inserted himself in my mouth. He pulled my face down on his cock, making me gag. I bobbed my head on his cock, making his head lean back in pleasure.
“Fuck, you’re such a good girl,” he said, which made me feel so giddy. I deepthroated his cock making him cum all down my throat. He tasted so sweet. I wish I could have this all of the time.
“Get back in bed,” he said, smacking my ass. As I was about to lay down he pulled my body into a doggy position. I shook my ass inticing him to fuck me, he inserted himself into me once again. Oh how I’ve been missing this feeling, I felt whole with him inside of me. “Fuck  Y/N,” he moaned moving faster and faster. He put my arms behind my back pushing my head into the pillows with his other hand.
I was moaning pretty loud, “Shut the fuck up you slut. Shut that pretty mouth,” he growled. I shut my mouth, moaning into the pillows and sheets which muffled them by a lot. I came again, he then flipped us to where I was now riding him. My boobs bounced up and down and he grabbed them gripping hard, “You’re so beautiful, Y/N.” Hearing those words made me go faster and harder on his cock. He was biting his fist, he smacked my boobs and played with my nipples which made me bite my lips. 
“I’m about to cum,” he said. I got off and started sucking him off again so he’d cum in my mouth. He came in my mouth and we both collapsed next to each other. He got up and put his clothes back on and so did I. We snuggled up against each other and fell asleep. What a night.
I groaned as the sun flashed in my eyes. I rolled over to see the other side of the bed empty and the sheets pulled back. A small frown appeared on my face knowing I wouldn’t be waking up with him. I reached for my phone on the nightstand but felt a piece of paper on it, it read;
I’m sorry I left you all alone this morning but I had to go. I got a call unexpectedly and I have silly tour stuff to do. I miss you already. Make sure not to tell anyone about our special night and our special relationship. ;)  I left you a few cigarettes too,  text me when you wake up. Frank xo
I folded the paper up and slid it into my journal.
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storiesbyjes2g · 8 months
3.39 Baby's first date
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At some point, Eleanor had spilled all the San Sequoia tea and went on with her day. No one was more surprised than I when Dad suggested we jog around the lake next. He looked so happy with the sun beating down on him and wind in his face. Gleeful, even. Did our rest give him a second wind? Or did his new friend inspire him? Wishful thinking. I knew that. The lake's trail was even longer than the Arboretum, so we took more breaks. At the end of the trail, Dad said he was beat and went home. I was so proud of him. After two long runs, I probably should have been tired too, but it was such a nice day. I wanted to stay out longer and see what I could get into, so I walked around until I found more neighbors to meet.
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As much as I wanted to socialize, my stomach assaulted and hemmed me up until I agreed to give it what it wanted. But socializing didn't have to stop just because I needed to bail. I could call one of my friends to dine with me. But which one? Sophia was the first name that popped into my head, of course. But I just saw her and didn't want to appear as anxious as I did yesterday, even though we had a pending date on the books. I probably should have chosen Maira because we really needed to talk, but that wasn't the conversation I was looking for. I was still on my beautiful day high and was not ready to come down. Chi Chi was fine as hell and always enthusiastic about hanging out, but I wasn't sure about what indulging her would mean, despite my decision to give it a shot. We should talk as well so I could gauge where her head was because I didn't want to start a casual situation if she were looking for something serious. And even if she didn't want anything serious, what about the kid? Sure, I told her we were just friends, but kids are smart. If after a while I decided I didn't want to date Chi Chi anymore, that affected Karmine too. Being a kid who was hurt by similar adult decisions, I didn't want to do that to her. That left Yasmine, which was perfect because she was the one I knew the least. She always had a sexy, mysterious, almost sinister smirk, like she took pleasure in knowing I was ignorant. Hopefully, by the end of the night, I'd be ignorant no more.
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I invited her to the pizza place in the Magnolia Promenade. I hadn't been there since I was a child and didn't realize it had a dress code. So despite it just being dinner, we definitely looked like we were on a date. Maybe we were. I always thought dates were supposed to be some formal, scheduled event we both agreed on, not some random "hey you wanna hang out" thing. But the way Dad talked about it seemed like anytime I hung out with someone I was interested in could be a date. If that was true, did that mean I'd been dating Maira this whole time? Wow... Look at me. I'm dating.
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"I like your hair," I said as we got seated.
She tucked it behind her ear.
"Thank you."
The server came quickly to take our orders.
"I'll have a pepperoni pizza and a Wutaheftibir," I said.
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"And for you, miss?"
"Two slices of Canadian bacon and a Berry LlamaPower Pop. Thanks."
She watched the server as she left, then whipped her head back to me.
"You're gonna eat a whole pizza?"
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I chuckled.
"I'm hungry!"
"I'm hungry too, but I'm not having an entire pizza!"
"I did two long runs today and didn't have lunch. I think I could eat everything in their fridge right now."
And there was that look again. I would pay good money to know what went on in her head.
"I see," she said. "Do you do anything else besides workout and teach yoga?"
That was an excellent question, and my answer would surely disappoint her.
"Not really."
"So, what do you do for fun, then?"
"Yoga and working out is fun."
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She nodded in an approving manner.
"I can respect that. I like fitness too. But you know what I mean. You have hobbies or anything?"
Yoga was my hobby, and I turned it into my profession. I felt like I was failing at this date thing.
"I like spending time with my friends."
Who were all women I found to be very attractive, heh. Speaking of, I should catch up with Justin Walker sometime. Or I could go visit Chris Michaelson. He seemed pretty cool when we met. My life lacked testosterone.
"And my parents," I added.
"Where is your mom? You're always with your dad."
"Oh. They're divorced. That was her house you went to. What about you? What are you into?"
Not that I didn't want her to know me, but I didn't think getting into childhood trauma was good first date material.
"I'm a water baby. I love to swim."
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"Is that why you live in Copperdale?"
She looked away, as if to consider my question.
"Maybe. I didn't choose it for the water, but maybe the water called to me."
"Why did you choose it?"
She shrugged.
"The rent was cheap, and it's quiet."
"That's as good an answer as any... So like, what's your goal in life? What do you want to do in the end?"
Was that too serious?? I wish I could have talked to Dad about this first and got some pointers.
"I don't know," she said. "I don't have a particular career I want to do for the rest of my life. I'm just going where the money takes me for now."
"That's cool. But what are you passionate about?"
"Really? I think that's great. I hated school."
"Nooo, really? School was fun!"
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"I am so intrigued right now! So tell me...were you a nerd?"
She laughed.
"One hundred percent!"
Wow. She was definitely the most beautiful nerd I'd ever seen.
"I love learning," she continued. "I wanna know everything, read everything..."
"Have you ever thought about going to university?"
"Yeah, of course, but what would I study? Like I said, I don't have a particular career I want to get into, and I sure as hell can't afford to study everything. Besides, I can learn just about everything they teach by reading books. And they have skills classes I can take if I need a certification or something."
I loved that approach. University wasn't for everyone, yet they pushed it down our throats in high school like it was the only way to be successful. I was glad to be in good company with sims who proved how flawed the system was every day.
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The food came finally, and we took a moment to eat and enjoy. She busted my chops again about ordering a whole pizza. We chit chatted in between bites, and I learned she liked love songs on the radio, and her favorite color was blue. I also learned she was quite a bit younger than me. Like, nine days. As much fun as we were having, swapping stories and sharing tidbits about ourselves, it was time to get serious and find out what she looked for in relationships. Could she be someone I could do life with? Yes, I was just supposed to be dating casually, but I also didn't plan to date these women forever. At some point, I needed to narrow down my options and cease these dating shenanigans. I may as well gather information now, right?
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"So like...what do you want your future to look like?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like...will you be married? Kids? That stuff."
"I definitely want kids, but I don't know about the marriage part."
"How come?"
"Don't get me wrong. When it comes time to have kids, I want to be in a serious relationship because single mom is not the move for me. I like non-exclusive relationships. Marriage is so...permanent."
There was definitely a story there. Maybe one day she'd tell it, but at the moment, I was so confused and a little disappointed. Narrowing down my list of potential girlfriends was what I aimed to do, but I didn't necessarily want to cross off any names. They were all special in their own ways, and I enjoyed all of their company. We're friends! Why did I feel like I was on some secret dating show no one told me about?
"But...how can you want something serious yet not commit to it?"
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"It's not like that," she said. "I'll be committed to whomever I'm with, just like a husband and wife are committed. I just want the freedom to entertain whoever I want...if I want."
If she was serious enough about someone to have his baby, why would she keep looking and dating other guys? It sounded like a recipe for disaster, honestly. Maybe she wasn't yet mature enough to see that. That sounded funny coming from me, also a young sim and late bloomer. But maybe that was it. Maybe life experience wasn't required to come to such a conclusion because it seemed like common sense to me. Either way, she and I could keep having fun, but I wanted nothing to do with her non-exclusive nonsense.
Need to catch up? See what you missed or start reading here!
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elirastudio · 2 years
Shadow King AU
I got inspired by your last story hope you like this one! 💜
After escaping from the trap that the wretched Spider Princess made for him and the kid, Wukong stood near at the top of a building watching as how Xiaotian and Liu’er embraced one another. Xiaotian looked hurt in a way, for what reason he didn’t know but he was sure it was about their conversation.
When he was told he was spoken about with
‘love and admiration’ and being the ‘hero’ of Macaque’s story, he could’ve sworn that his face got warm.
“He never abandoned us…unlike what we did”
Wukong didn’t respond to the young king, he only watched as the boy’s friends came to hug him. His eyes drifted from the boy to his father. Macaque didn’t remove his hand from his son’s back. His eyes were filled with relief and happiness.
The happiness he saw when he saw him during the journey
The happiness he saw when they he killed Tripitaka.
Wukong turned away and left the family, unbeknownst to the now confused Great Sage, the pilgrims and the warrior god arrived to help and check on the kids, their brother, and his son.
“Is that so?…did…did he hurt him?” The king asked his shadows as he caressed his son’s head, sleeping peacefully with his father next to him. Both shadows shook their heads much to the king’s relief.
“Stay with him, Wukong is still out there and im not sure if he’ll do anything to him… we’ll be leaving dawn” the king ordered and informed the shadows, as both himself and Erlang Shen need to rest one more night before continuing their search for Wukong.
“How did you know?”
“How did you know that Liu’er still cared?…He kept us locked up and alone!”
“Locked up? yes….alone? Really? You heard the boy, he still cares about us…he begged the Jade Emperor to grant us mercy and kept us home…Listen, if He didn’t care he would’ve killed us…with our staff”
Wukong thought about it looking at the silver chains on his arms. He remembers the day he was locked up, hearing a soft and gentle “sorry” from his warrior. He remembers the times when Macaque came to give him food, bathed him, and took care of the then imprisoned monkey. Every day he’d arrived just in time in his visits, other days he’d be a few minutes late all because of Guanyin. Until Xiaotian came to his life, the six eared monkey’s eyes glow and his smile grew wider when he told all the silly adventures the child was in during the day, ones he knew of course.
“The kid isn’t Tripitaka…none of these humans are…”
Wukong nods and let the young king speak.
“Surely you know he’s a good kid…or in your word…‘a pet’”
Wukong shot a glare at the small Monkey whom did not flinch at the look. The king looked at himself with his arms crossed. That talk they had work quite well for both the former king and the prince. He could hear the whispers from where the corrupted king stood
“Do NOT call him a PET….Anymore”
Here my secret, I write so I inspire you and that other sweetie of mine to write this BEAUTIFUL THING that feels what I miss✨💕
But I guess that you understood how much I love everything you do ✨
I want to add that Xiaotian won’t stop showing his dad that he leaned 72 transformation with wukong, to get out of there, until he tired himself out and fall asleep.
Also this is like the perfect in between with what I wrote here and when wukong will leave to go to a certain person that was very important for him, but he never talks about him; if you know him you know him.
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zoebelladona · 4 months
hello hello !! this is me inviting you talk about your titan army ocs (if you want to ofc) !!!!
i always want to talk abouy my titan army ocs. i love them so much i plucked them out of pjo and now i'm writing an entire original work with them as the main characters. but that's a conversation for my main blog @encrucijada
the ocs are part of an ongoing au/rp between me, @on-the-river-lethe and a friend of ours who's not on tumblr. we each created an oc to play as and things unravelled from there. this is going under a read more because boy there's a lot
piedad narváez (my oc). daughter of urania, muse of astronomy. they/she. claimed soon after arriving to camp, has an okay relationship with her mum but only because she's an only daughter lol powers are orpheus-like in that whenever she plays music they can entrance people, can also navigate using the stars. then while doing research i realised urania had a prophetic aspect and now piedad sometimes receives premonitions when looking at the stars. weapon of choice are knives and has a violin as a support item for the music stuff, the bow of which turns into a stiletto knife.
hudson moretti (fluffy's oc). son of hypnos, god of sleep. he/him. big guy but a huge softy, a sleepy jock if that's a thing. less than having a bad relationship with hypnos he just doesn't have a relationship with him at all lmao because hypnos is bad at checking in on his kids. has the standard kid of hypnos powers like inducing sleep and also dreamwalking and dream discarding. uses a sword as weapon. him and piedad obviously stayed at the hermes cabin and they were sort of the de-facto counsellors of the claimed kids with no cabin. everyone uses him as a pillow because he makes sleeping safe and cosy.
ericka mulligan (oc of our other friend). daughter of demeter, goddess of harvest. she/her. starts out as the counsellor of cabin 4 until deserting before som. demeter favoured her for being the counsellor but everyone in cabin 4 knows mum will never love you as much as she loves persephone. the "manager" of the team, in a way, she has a schedule and a list for everything. standard demeter kid powers like plant growing, etc. i actually have no idea what her weapon is?? gotta look it up. one-sided crush on luke rip. would have put her hands on the fire for him.
adam rubio (another oc of mine). son of apollo, god of music. he/him. i specify god of music because adam got the music aspect of his dad's attributes, if he sings or plays an instrument he can do all sorts of things ranging from inducing sleep to inducing pain. has no opinion of apollo one way or another. not actually part of the titan army! he stays behind and it's a huge conflict with the others. main weapon is the recurve bow but knows how to use a sword for survival reasons.
allegra anders (npc). daughter of tyche, goddess of fortune. she/her. she and her twin sister rachel were staples in cabin 11, until rachel joined the titan army and left allegra behind. haven't really explored her character in depth but i know she has a special coin she fidgets with a lot.
robin holloway (npc). daughter of hebe, goddess of youth. she/her. another staple of cabin 11, doesn't join the titan army just like allegra. hudson's ex-girlfriend lmao probably the nicest girl you will ever meet. we wanted conflict and also to populate camp with more "older" demigods, that's why these two girls are here.
and we also did stuff like ageing up malcolm pace to be luke's age and now he is the counsellor of cabin 6 because annabeth was literally 12 in tlt. she's co-counsellor due to being a lot more proactive than malcolm. and we also aged up alabaster torrington to be one or two years younger than luke, just because i doubt a bunch of demigods in their 20s would have been like "yeah let that 15yo participate in meetings". we always saw the titan army as more a congregation of young adults than teenagers, basically the demigods who've been here too long and are tired. not featured here are some "name only" background characters like counsellors for other cabins, because we stuck to what annabeth says in tlt about all counsellors except her being of college age. in our take of pjo these counsellors would leave for the army and leave their teenage siblings at the head of the cabins, which would be the counsellors we see throughout pjo
okay with the stage set now let me Actually talk about these guys
@on-the-river-lethe (aka fluffy) and i have done most of the work here. our other friend isn't as insane about pjo lmao. on top of the changes to some ages and whatnot we also did a crucial change regarding luke's quest mates not dying in the garden of the hesperides, instead he is accompanied by piedad and hudson who are both brutally injured by ladon. luke gives up the chance to take the golden apple while ladon is distracted more or less killing his friends to help them. piedad does lowkey die and while passed out receives a premonition of luke with golden eyes. we have an overview of how the quest goes and to add insult to injury hermes sent luke on a fetch quest just to keep him from getting antsy, it wasn't for anything heroic.
things go back to business as usual with all three of them baring the scars of the failed quest, it hits luke the worst. when kronos starts stirring things up in his brain ericka, hudson and piedad don't follow because of kronos but because they believe in luke. luke is their friend, luke is the best of them, luke is the poster-child hero, if anyone can bring change it's luke. ericka and hudson abandon camp before the events of som, piedad sticks around. the premonition is worrying and they're not sure what to do about it. but life at camp without her friends becomes unbearable. she's just another cabin-less demigod in cabin 11, she's a low risk cabin-less demigod in cabin 11. before the events of ttc she makes the switch fully.
because we discovery write a lot of the details i can't say exactly what happens while they are all in the titan army proper. i know piedad doesn't desert camp until the battle in camp at the end of botl, they'd gone back in the summer to be a spy. we know that when luke suggests bailing on everything once he realises kronos used him hudson in particular gets on his case about it (slams luke against a wall) and yells at him about how they risked everything for him, he can't run now, they won't leave every demigod that believes in them to die. we know they go with luke to see may castellan and she grabs piedad by the shoulders and yells about luke's fate to her face. piedad had kept the premonition to themself this whole time and luke, obviously fed up about his fate being kept from him, snaps.
i have written a couple of one-shots for this. i have one about piedad having a conversation with kronos where she bluffs about him getting to the throne room in olympus and luke dying (she was right) and probably has some of my favourite quotes. one of the immediate aftermath of the garden of the hesperides where apollo warns her against telling luke. this monstrosity about adam, the son of apollo mentioned above, who took over my brain and is set after the events of tlo.
(we call the group of luke, ericka, hudson and piedad the "generals" btw.)
the aftermath of everything is a little clearer than the actual events within pjo. ericka, hudson and piedad move to chicago where hudson is from. they stay with hudson's mum for a while before getting their own place. they are pretty much war criminals now, son of magic style, and the olympian council wants them out of the picture. they may not be children of the big 3 dangerous but they did grow in power while being generals of the army. they did not stay to receive any possible pardons or sentence, following the battle of manhattan they simply fled. apollo offers piedad a position as a sibyl, due to her prophetic abilities, it's not a pardon of any kind but it is a bit of protection as harming an oracle is strictly forbidden. they never set foot in camp again.
i like to picture them as a possible pit-stop during tlh. jason, piper and leo would be running from a monster and see this neon sign advertising a sibyl of all things and offering card readings. they go inside and what they find are former titan army soldiers. a guy drinking a large cup of coffee. lots of plants everywhere. and the sibyl is a short scarred enby.
not everything is set in stone and we have much to explore still, like morpheus (hudson's brother) siding with kronos. ericka probably never spoke to demeter ever again, or more like demeter never spoke to her again after she disappointed her so. and just because this is our au and we can do whatever, the generals meet nico and form a bit of a relationship with him. not that we need an excuse apart from "fluffy and i really like nico and we want our ocs to interact with him", but it does fit nico's tendency to just be in on everyone's business. and i think it would be hilarious if he knew about the generals, was friends with them, stayed at their place sometimes, and just never mentioned it at chb.
uh. what else. um... piedad/adam is a thing because i wanted my daughter of a muse oc to have a thing going with a son of apollo. we made malcolm/hudson a thing and it's amazing. i could talk for hours about adam, but right now i'll say he becomes head counsellor of cabin 7 after lee fletcher dies in botl (lee in our version would have been a veteran camper, older than luke).
man this ran long oops. sorry for mostly talking about my oc, it's because they're my oc. i talk even more over on my main blog, about the pjo versions but also the original versions (the worldbuilding is based on dreams).
so, yeah!
thank you for asking <3 sorry you released the flood
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bangtan-yn · 2 years
Yours Only
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Yoongi x Fem Reader
Fluff, romance, angst, cursing, 18+, slight smut, arranged marriage au
Y/n: "What the hell is wrong with you Yoongi you have never reacted that way." She threw her bag that was on her shoulder and tried to grab Yoongi's shoulder. Upon feeling her hand on his shoulder he jerked off her hand and moved forward.
"Do whatever you like Y/n. Just don't ask me anything ever again."
"I just,... I don't understand Yoongi what wrong have I done to deserve this treatment?" He sighed feeling her tremorus voice and ran his fingers through his hair to push them back. "You never did anything wrong Y/n. It's me...!! It's my fault... You can go with whoever the fuck that man is."
"What the hell.!" She turned his shoulder towards herself. "He's the same man we have known for ages Yoongi.. and we are going with friends." She brought her hand towards his wrists to grab them gently. "You were perfectly fine with the whole idea until Jackson's name was mentioned. What is wrong, Yoongi. Tell me.."
"Just go Y/n! I just came from work and I am tired." He removed her hands from his wrists and turned around to move to his room
"Fine, I am going, Yoongi. I was a fool to listen to my parents and marry a Cold Fucking Bastard like you."
In a blink of an eye he pinned her to a nearby wall. "I am the same Fucking Bastard who used to be Your best friend Y/n" she lifted her eyes only to be met by his obsidian ones who were peering at her with pure rage. She seemed weak in front of him but schooling her expressions she countered.
"You are the same Fucking best friend who left me. You left me for your father's fucking business."
"And I am the same Fucking Best Friend who came back Y/n" he slammed his palm on the wall near her head frightening her to her core that made her flinch visibly. But gathering all the courage she had, she spat back, "No you did not... Our parents forced you into this. They knew we were best friends. The day I told my mom that Jackson asked me out I was informed that our dad already engaged us without us knowing." She sighed trying to control her but not being able to contain anymore she yelled again. "We were never given a choice, Yoongi. So, don't you dare claim you came back for me Min Fucking Yoongi."
He cupped her face with his hands observing the tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes. "You are right. Y/niee you were forced into this... Our parents never gave you a choice. I never gave you a choice." He mumbled the last part in gruff tone which was barely audible to her ears.
"Huh??? What do you mean?"
"Nothing. Y/n I am not going to stay in my study today. And the maids have left as well. Take the keys with you." He attempted to take the keys from the stand and placed them in her palms.
Y/n was on the edge of crying and controlling her anger. "You cannot back out from this conversation. You always do this to me you Idiot." He gave a faint smile and brought his coat from the stand and placed it securely on her shoulders. "They said, it might be snow falling in the night so be safe and warm."
"Yoongi, I am talking to you." He just spared a glance towards her "Yeah, Take my car with you. Driver is still outside. Ask him to take you." Saying that he turned around and left her.
"Fuck, what kind of a wild cat he is... I never understand."
After spending 2 hours in his room, tossing and turning, trying his best to sleep that never came, Yoongi came out and saw the lights in the kitchen on.
He went near the kitchen only to see Y/n standing near the kitchen island.
"What are you preparing for dinner?"
"Kimchi stew and Ramen."
He bit his lower lip upon realizing that she is making his favorite things and he ran hand at his nape ruffling his hair. "I thought you left."
Observing the spectacles and files in his hands Y/n spoke while stirring the meal she was preparing, "And I thought you weren't going to go in your study to work."
He pursed his lips together and shoved his hands in his sweatpants pockets, "I wasn't able to sleep actually."
Y/n rolled her eyes and smiled faintly, "And why is that Pabo?"
"Maybe because I made my wife upset." Y/n left the ladle for a moment at his statement. *My wife* how beautiful it sounds when it comes from him.. But being the savage ass she is, she continued working and pretending not to be affected by the statement.
"O really. Now you care." She tried to pass by him to place the plates on the dining table. He pulled her wrist and took the plates from her placing them on the table. "I always do Y/n"
Y/n sighed and thought that he was again trying to pick up a fight. "Dinner's ready.. let's talk over the dining table."
He pulled her arm towards himself, "But there's something that you need to know that I had been keeping it to myself and you should kno..."
Y/n just sighed and said "Yoongi-ah, the food is getting cold. Let's just have the meal.", saying that she went near the dinning table and poured the meal for both of them till he came and started eating.
Yoongi kept taking small glances towards Y/n while she kept eating with her head hung low. Both of them silently ate the food. No voice was heard from either of them till Y/n got up to put the plates in the wash basin. Yoongi silently followed her and pulled her arm again. "Why the fuck are you avoiding me Y/n?"
Y/n slightly smiled not bothered by his action, "that's what you always do Yoongi and I am not in the mood for a conversation where just I am going to speak. I know that you don't love me and you were forced in this relationship but what you do is cruel, the way you ignore me is making me sick now as if I don't even exist for you.... You know what!! leave it be" she jerked off his arm and was about to go but stopped on her tracks upon hearing. "I was not forced into this relationship Y/n. I convinced mine and your parents for this wedding hoping that one day you'll love me the way I do. I didn't know back then, that Jackson already has asked you out and you were ready to get married to him. I just feel bad that I got selfish and dragged you into this marriage."
Y/n looked at him with tears in his eyes and started hitting his chest, "You bastard, You Fucker. Fucking Min Yoongi."
"I am sorry Y/n. I didn't know at that time tha......"
"Kiss me now" She said pulling the collar of his shirt.
"Huh!!" he kept staring in her eyes that were sparkling with tears accumulated in her orbs.
He didn't even waste a second and connected his lips with hers. He was kissing her slowly savoring the taste of her lips. Y/n tangled her arms around his neck and pulled a few locks of his hair that made blood rush throughout his body and he encircled her petite figure in his arms kissing her passionately, pouring all his love in that one kiss.
He noticed Y/n crying so he broke the kiss and looked her in the eyes, cupping her face. "Hey, why are you crying."
She hit his chest again, "You stupid, Idiot, fool. It took you ages to confess this. I told my mom that Jackson proposed me I never said yes to him." she looked him in the eyes, "because it was always you. Always you whom I loved." She looked down again. "I wanted to hear this from you but you never sa......mmm" before she could even complete her sentence she was pinned on kitchen island and her lips her locked in a passionate kiss.
He lifted her in his arm bridal style and moved towards his bedroom. He laid her on his bed never leaving her lips for a second. he kissed her face multiple times, moving down to her jawline, her neck leaving open mouthed kisses making her lips to leave a gasp. "Yoongi-ah what are you do...."
He kissed her lips again not letting her speak, "I have dreamt of this moment so many times. You in my arms, underneath me. You are making me insane Y/n." In a swift motion Y/n's shirt was thrown somewhere on the floor. He trailed kissed along her earlobe and neck to the valley of her breasts. She tried to cover her naked half body in front of him as he unhooked her lacy bra from behind,
"Don't you dare hide it from me. I have all the rights on my wife."
"Yoongi." she looked at him innocently.
"Too late to act innocent Wifey. Your body says the otherwise."
She noticed her pathetic self and her body that was begging for his attention on it right now.
"What happened to my little brat Y/n who was cursing a while ago.?" she felt embarrassed and tried to hide her mischievous smile in his chest.
He pulled her back and took off every piece of garment on either of them. Connecting both their bodies as one, loving her to the extend in order to satiate his soul. Her moans being the beautiful rhythm for ears and his own name seemed as a beautiful melody.
"Fuck, Min Y/n you are going to be the end of me. I love so much"
"I Love you too, Yoongi."
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strangesmallbard · 2 years
okay i just watched an episode of call the midwife that made me abruptly confront several grief-related traumas at once and i feel the need to talk about them, like make everything exist outside my head and join the human experience, or something. please feel no obligation to read this or respond but if you're going through The Grief yourself, know you're not alone.
tw for death, cancer, suicide, alcoholism
i lost three people in a year, and didn't really get to say goodbye to any of them, and that's like? fucked up doesn't describe it LMAO. i lost my grandma and a work supervisor in june 2019, and my dad at the very beginning of 2020. my grandma died in her sleep; she was 89, so it wasn't unexpected, just sudden. she was very anxious toward the end of her life and we didn't have many meaningful conversations. i wasn't medicated or grown up enough to have those conversations, and mostly i wish i'd validated her deep anxiety about death and her anger at her own body when it stopped working. right now i'm acutely grieving her house - it was sold a year later, and i don't think i'll ever forgive my uncle for that.
my supervisor died by suicide. we weren't very close, but he had a strangely large place in my life - he was previously my college professor several years before and i chose that school because of his work in particular. he was also the first out gay person i saw at my school during orientation, and that memory's always stayed with me as i formed a community there.
the last time i saw him was a work event the night before (opening night of a play - i worked at a theatre company.) we sat next to each other and i noticed he seemed sad, tired, or off. i was annoyed with him about a work-related thing that doesn't matter anymore, but i was still friendly because i always try to be friendly. i hoped he was alright. a few days later, my other supervisor told me what happened. he was a kind-hearted guy who was passionate about his work and changed many, many lives for the better. i think about him a lot.
my internship ended right after this without much fanfare or Unpacking. i just left a grieving community and dived right into my first gig, basically running on fumes lmao. my internship was very, very toxic, and i wouldn't realize it for another year. i didn't think about my grandma or my supervisor. i spent the whole summer wanting to call my supervisor and talk to her about what happened. she came to watch closing night of my play, and we didn't talk about what happened. the next day, i plunged into a Huge Depression involving an alcohol dependency and eight seasons of house md.
as i vaguely began to exit my depression, my dad was deadass. DEADASS. diagnosed with stage four lung cancer from smoking cigarettes. like omg. DUDE? the last time i saw my dad was at my grandma's funeral!!!! fucking on the nose. anyway. he was diagnosed in early december 2019, after seeing a doctor for back problems. the back problems were several tumors. everything happened very quickly. the last time i saw my dad alive was in a hospital parking garage on december 24, 2019. we hugged goodbye, but not Goodbye. he was in a rush to get home because he was sick from radiation treatment. i don't remember our last conversation at all.
my mom and i got the call he was dying after i schlepped her to urgent care for a separate medical issue. my mom was too zonked to get on a plane, so i went to the airport. five minutes after i got there, i learned he passed. it was very crowded. i canceled the ticket while crying, and i didn't explain why i was crying. my lyft driver asked if i had a good trip. this now strikes me as hilarious. i learned that his family let him know i was coming. this was likely the last thing he heard. i can't really sum up my dad in a sentence, but he was brave in his own way, a great storyteller, and loved me very much. i wish he realized we had a lot in common, and i wish we had more time. thanks for the adhd dad
anyway, guess what happened in march 2020! yeah shit's been weird. most days i'm honestly fine, and then i remember i designed my dad's headstone (it looks banging) and he'll never meet any kids i have. in three months it'll be three years since we last spoke and i hate that. i'm a very different person, and i've only become this person because three people in my life died in the same ten months. my mom's also been sick and it's a very particular kind of lonely. wow this was cathartic! if you made it here, i love you. if you didn't, i love you! feel my love telepathically! i am 65 years old in vibes, especially if you count the osteoarthritis. i am also maybe 3 or 4 years old and i want a nap and snacks and my stuffed animals, etc.
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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Today was such a good day. Man am I tired.
I actually slept really well last night. And I did wake up a few times because I have anxiety about missing my alarm but it wasn't the worst I've ever had. When I woke up for real at 8:00 I got out of bed and said good morning to Dad and went to get washed up and dressed.
I was a little dazed. I didn't a 100% feel like myself today. But that was alright. I would be okay.
I would sit with dad until it was time to go. We talked. I love when we can have good debates and conversations. He has always been willing to hear me out. I wasn't the best debater today. Just to tired. But I was happy to be there. 
Mom did not want me to go. But we got lots of hugs in and then I brought everything to the car and it was time for me to go. I brought the mail up for Mom before I left and sorted myself out. And then I headed down town.
GPS thought I was going to take 35 minutes to get there. But it took almost the full hour. I left at 9:00 and it took me kind of a weird way. To broad Street then I got off like it told me to and it turned out there was a marathon down there and it was people everywhere and trucks and roads were closed and the GPS didn't know it was happening so it kept trying to get me a turn onto the marathon. And I was very frustrated and so I was texting Jess letting her know and she apparently had run into the same thing. And it took her a very weird way. So I just had to trust and if I kept getting away from the marathon it would eventually reroute. And it did but it was very stressful and I hate marathons so much.
I got there about 10 minutes before 10:00 and got a parking spot pretty quickly. I saw Jess and Kerry waiting for me. And I was so excited this even. I'm also just really happy about just got me out of parallel park recently because while I still don't like I don't have the overwhelming fear and I successfully pair will burn today in a very small spot that was really proud of myself. Apparently she had told Kerry that she was not worried about me because she had taught me a parallel park and she was totally right.
And the class was really fun. I wasn't sure how much of the actual work we were going to do. And it's an intro it's only a couple hours. But it ended up being great.
They started with a demo and we got to see the whole process. I have watched a lot of people do glass blowing so I had a vague idea of the steps and everything. We weren't sure if we were going to be able to choose our own color but we were and so I was very pumped. I already knew I wanted to do a purple pumpkin. I had made that decision a while ago. That if there was the color choice that's the color I wanted. And I was just really excited to get started.
The whole process took about 20 minutes per pumpkin. So they would get the stick which is a pipe they would collect the glass out of the furnace and heated up and shape it and use a mold and different wooden tools that are wet. And there's blowing involved but because of COVID they have come up with this system of using what's essentially like a stethoscope pump and I thought that was a really ingenious. So we don't all have to have our mouths on the same thing. And the color that you add onto it is called frit which was neat to learn. I kept calling them forbidden nerds. And I kept trying to make just laugh all day like at one point I asked her what she thought the water that the tools was in tasted like. And then she was just like you're not allowed to try it and I was like but what if I just.... And then she would yell at me. 
They broke us into three smaller groups. Our group was us three and two sisters. And they were really nice. Jess went first and she did such a good job. I wanted to be the best at taking videos and pictures from all angles so I was just running around all over the place to make sure I got the whole process. And it was really fun getting to see everyone's choices and our group didn't have any mistakes at all I was great. Jess chose her pumpkins color to be strawberry for the body of the pumpkin and pistachio for the stem. Then one of the other girls went and she chose a black pumpkin with a jewel tone mix stem which is black with rainbow. 
Then I went and I had so much fun. I got to talk to the girl about how there are similarities in bronze casting and she was really nice and a very good instructor. And it was neat to turn the glass I did squeeze too hard at one point when I was using the tool because it was more give than I thought it was going to have and that was very cool to see. And my pumpkin was a lot rounder I felt like that everyone else's. I also used a lot more fret for mine so it won't have dots hopefully and will be more of a solid color. Which is what I wanted.
I chose my pumpkin to be purple with a dark blue green stem called lagoon. And I think it came out so pretty. I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's all cooled down all the way.
The other girl went next and she chose teal pumpkin with a white stem and finally Kerry went And she chose an opaque yellow body and a white stem with rainbows in it called party mix. And honestly everyone's came out so cool.
For the first one Kerry volunteer to use the pump tool to put air into pumpkin and she was so good at it that she did everyone else's and she was so so good at it that one of the other interns thought that she was an intern and tried to make her do work and it was very funny. We really why are you so good at this. Because them when it was her turn last just took over on the pump and it turns out it was really difficult so maybe Kerry has a new job or hobby in her future.
The class was scheduled to go to one but we actually only stayed till a little afternoon. And then we all headed out and Jess will come back for the glass next weekend. I hope that we can take another class there because it was a lot of fun. Maybe we'll do a cup or something next time that's functional.
Just had figured out which restaurant we were going to go to for lunch already but we accidentally took the wrong way so we had to walk uphill for like 10 minutes. And poor Kerry breathes worse then either of us do and And she was so winded and was so angry at just for making us do that much walking but we would get to the restaurant it would be fine. And the restaurant was great it was so cute and the food was very very good. We talked about drama and family stuff and ate too much bread but it was very good bread.
And then all of a sudden everyone in the restaurant's phone starts going off with alerts because there have been a chemical spill in the Delaware River. And it was just like seriously. Apparently it was a latex spill near Bristol which is near my parent's house. And I looked at the map that the alert included and we were like right dead in the area that was potentially infected. And so everyone was like do we still drink the water that we have on the table but the alert said that it would be fine until 2:00? I've never seen anything like that before but I assume it's because of the way that the water system works it wouldn't be hitting the pipes for a while. And from what I'm seeing online now they're saying now you can drink it until midnight? But at that point people already gone crazy buying up all the water in the stores because they told you to use bottled water. At least hear when that happened and they told everyone they had to use bottled water because of something contaminating they provided water stations and gave people water away. This just seemed to be not handled well. Philadelphia is the sixth largest city in America and that's wild that that many people are without safe water right now. Hopefully that gets fixed very fast because I don't know what people are going to do. It's very scary.
We walked back to the car and went of much quicker way. No hills involved. And then just came to my car so I could give her her ceramic that she made last time she was with me. And she gave me a Band-Aid because I wouldn't stop picking at my thumb. And then it was hugs and time to go. 
My drive home was kind of rough. Originally I had thought it was only going to be an hour and a half because I was already in the city but getting out of the city from where I was took a while. There was a lot of traffic for some reason I'm assuming the water issue and the marathon. And honestly I had a lot of trouble keeping my eyes open once I got on the highway I was very tired. So I put on music instead of a podcast so I can please sing along to it which would keep me active enough. But I was not having a good time. After the first hour I did stop to use the bathroom and just shake off some of my tired feelings. And I would make it home in one piece.
I beat James home by a couple minutes so I brought all the stuff I could carry inside and gave sweetp a big hug and then James was home and I was giving them a big hug. And I unpacked my backpack and told James I needed to lay down.
I slept for like 2 hours which was not when I planned on but I really needed that. When I woke up Brandon was over with James working on their fantasy draft. And I went to the bath and I have been hanging out with sleepy who's being very very lovey with me. Now though I think it's time to get ready to go to sleep. Tomorrow me and James have the day off together which is great and we're going to do a dry run of honeymoon packing and we have laundry and groceries to get and maybe we'll go for a walk. I hope it's a nice day. I hope that you will have a great night. Sleep well and be safe. I hope your water is uncontaminated. Love you bye!
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jackiewriter1228 · 25 days
I would say family over everything but that would be untrue. Fights breaking out all the time, Mom threatening to leave everyday, Dad keeping secrets and lies beyond his grasp and a brother who I thought I’d have a good relationship with but, unfortunately never did for the last 12 years. No contact, no support from him in the same house no asking, ”hi sis how you doing?”
Being without love or support from my parents was hard for me. Growing up in a Muslim household in a Muslim community where I had to live up through the expectations of my parents was difficult and because I’m a girl, it was that much harder. For my brother, however, it was the complete opposite. He is expected to be the heir of the household someday after my father, but after years passed, my brother drifted away from my parents little by little. I remember major fights would happen between my father and brother things breaking, physical altercations, my mom holding my brother and my dad back from each other, and I was always in the middle crying.
Their constant fighting stressed me out to the point where I had to worry about panic attacks and seizures. My mom saw my mental state and quickly started to calm me down doing my usual breathing techniques. It worked surprisingly. My brother and dad saw what had happened to me and stopped fighting. Then after sometime, my brother left and decided to stay over his friends place for a while and dad just stood quiet most days (except when arguments were going on of course).
With my mother, that took a different turn and since my brother wasn’t here I had to take on the responsibility for the household. I had to be the son and daughter all in one. I had to be the crazy glue to put everything in place again after another fight broke out with my parents, it was exhausting at times but you get used to the numb feeling of sadness and depression. I always hid behind a wall: the wall of depression. I never expressed it or came face to face with it. I always hid behind it for the last twenty two years of my life. But after a causal conversation with a coworker of mine, he asked me, “I always see you around never smiling, you always have a depressed look are you ok?” I answered, “oh no I’m not depressed I’m just tired because I have to take care of my family all the time.”
After that little encounter, I was on my way home and sitting there thinking about what my coworker said. I started tearing up and after that, I realized maybe my coworker was right. I am depressed and I’ve been depressed for last twenty two years. I needed help. After getting home, my parents had another fight over the same topics: property, money, or even siblings who they never speak to anymore. It was ridiculous, but I knew the more I got in the middle, the more I started to resent them, and live in my own world at home.
I started smoking to ease my anxiety, but that wasn’t much help either, after months and months of fighting my brother who had left told my parents he had gotten an apartment and is leaving permanently I was distraught because I knew if my brother left, I would be the one dealing with everything here by myself more on my plate, after my brother leaving, things had gotten worse than before. My parents and brother would argue non stop, my brother would do selfish things to hurt my parents, but since he’s far away my parents would say the same excuse, “he’s not with us anymore, he’s our son we still love him regardless of what he does.”
That took a turn in my head because if I were to do something small that never pleased my parents, I’d be the bad daughter, the daughter who would apparently bring dishonor to the family even though when my mom would cry herself to sleep because of my brother, I’d wipe her tears and say “everything will be okay, youre a warrior,” but I guess that wasn’t enough, because my parents would always put my brother on pedestal on everything did or said.
After many encounters, I decided that to better myself and my mental health, I have to remove myself from the life my parents expected me to live, and live my own life. I’ve lived up to the expectations of a Muslim girl for so long. The girl who couldn’t even wear clothes that showed the littlest bit of skin…who couldn’t drink or get tattoos or can’t stay past 8:00 p.m. with friends. I had to get straight A’s in school or I’d be a failure in life, I would have to become a doctor, lawyer, or engineer because being a writer wouldn’t get me anywhere they would say, but my brother, being a boy and having “the right genitals in between his legs” could do whatever he wanted when he wanted with whomever he wanted.
I lived up my parents side of their dream for so long I couldn’t get the chance to experience my own desires and dreams until now. The reputation, double standards, the repressed sexuality that runs through the Islam community has many people, especially kids, put down in shame because they want to be on their own person and not the person their parents want them to be. After so many times of trying to be the daughter my parents wanted, I gave up and started to live for myself and not for anybody else. There is a saying I always tell myself when I’m in the predicament of being let down: that is, “I pay my own bills, I make myself look, feel, do better, I wipe my own tears and make myself laugh and at the end I’ll do whatever right for me”, that’s the quote I started to live by after many times, trying to fix my broken home , but that’s impossible with my family. Though, I’m alright with that, because as long as I have myself at the end of the day, and I realize the importance of prioritizing my own journey in life, all the rainy days I had to deal with eventually lead to the sunlight I’ve always knew I deserved.
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bearpillowmonster · 1 month
I'm gonna vent again because I just keep falling into it.
Every day is the same day, but I go to work and resort to making home my blueprint, trying to find a way out. Once I get my current writings done then I'll feel at some sort of peace with having tried. But every day I come home and I go straight for the shower and my dad goes "Who's there?" or something stupid and I get tired of it because it's every damn day and you still don't get the routine? Yeah, it's me, get over it, I'm half naked already by the time it takes you to notice.
I don't say hi because it's like I never left, I live here for gosh sake, it's not like they're gonna throw me a party, it's not like I have any news or conversation, we don't eat with each other or have those pass the salt moments, you saw me 3 hours ago for lunch. But because I didn't fake anything and just said "yeah" my dad thinks he's looking into it and says "well that was a sad yeah." or something along those lines. "Yeah, it's nothing. I don't know what you want." and he digs deeper and he asks if I'm mad. Of course, I wasn't mad before this but pointing it out does indeed make me mad because it reminds me that "oh yeah, there is something going on and I can't do anything to stop it." He pries and has the balls to ask for money all in the same breadth and I just say to leave me alone for a while so I can get over it.
I shower, eat, play a game to get it out, my dad seemed to drop it and show me his plane jpg that he saved on his computer that he was excited about and all isn't so bad...then he comes back and he does that ear grating knock, I don't know how to describe it but you know exactly what it is, it's a classic tune of pop goes the weasel or something I don't know. But I turn because I already know who does that knock and I already know this situation is about to be brought up again. It was.
The thing about someone talking about being angry is that it's not just me having a conversation with you, it's me having a conversation with myself and you at the same time which turns into an internal fight that goes beyond our conversation and I try to decide how to mediate it. "Fighting myself, I always lose" but he says that he has a suggestion and it's a kicker. Whether I considered online dating. And I was like- "yeah". I didn't clarify that I tried very nearly every site without paying and ended up deleting them all because they sucked. Here's just one of them. It wasn't really the way I wanted to go about it anyway, it was more to experience what it was but he ticked that "since I don't go out and do anything." uh, yeah, I just said that and complained that that's part of what's wrong with me and said I don't have enough money to do anything like that to which you responded to give you money. So he says that I'm getting in my own way.
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What do you want from me? Now I'm all unsettled again. I flicked it off and said that I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't want to explain my love struggles or what I really think. I've considered getting a therapist but insurance is a fraud anyway, I don't even know why I have it if I still need-
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So I guess premiums don't count? I get all my pills at a discounted price ($60 a bottle which isn't great but better than list 325) so it was either 11+ bottles of pills to finally hit the mark or use the coupon, I couldn't do both apparently to make it count. You see why I get so worked up? That 125 is actually the therapy charge that was supposed to be free for the first visit...I reported it as fraudulent on my card so it might not even stay there. Shouldn't I get rewarded for not getting hurt? Like wtf. Next you're gonna tell me that people in my area are getting hurt more often so my rates have gone up. The therapist wasn't very helpful either, I might've talked about it already, I don't know. Therapy would be a perfect excuse to build up that deductible but-3700 could be used towards so much, I just can't submit to subscribe to anything.
I saw Scrooge McDuck saying that money shouldn't be dormant, it needs to circulate and that's true if everyone does it and I like that theory but where can I put it to work? Where can I spend to make? I don't like gambling and that's basically stocks so...I'm not sure what specifics he had in mind.
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fatedwithmbc · 1 year
My “flu” was a bad reaction to my 4th COVID vaccination. They’re tryna kill us immunocompromised under the guise of protection! <- Just kidding, I’m not an anti-vaxxer- but damn, did I feel awful. Luckily I had a quick bought of the reaction and was able to resume day-to-day after one more day of rest.
I saw “E” on NYE- watched Michigan lose, much to his disappointment. Watched Georgia win, much to his glee (because he can’t stand Ohio). We were in bed before midnight, didn’t make use of our champagne and shared a cute little “Happy New Year Kiss” before snuggling in for the rest of the night. I wouldn’t have it any other way. At 37, I’m content to act like 60 year olds on MYE.
The puppy took over my blanket and snuggled between us which simultaneously warms my heart and frustrates me as that means it will be a very platonic night They said my drive for intimacy would decrease- I think it’s increased. What do doctors really know?
We woke up around 9am and I promptly fell back to sleep after being lulled by “E” giving me a light back rub (which I begged for when I was sick). He pays attention to what I say and shows me the little physical affections I crave for for reassurance. After waking up later in the morning, we dressed and began our inevitable dance around saying goodbye.
He put the Eagles emblem on my car for me. We chatted - seriously - about where we stand. He said the word “boyfriend” is difficult for him and not because of me or lack of caring about me, because he does— just doesn’t like the pressure and after things were so rough with his ex-wife, I get it (to an extent). I desperately want to call this amazingly kind and caring man mine. But I need to exercise the patience he deserves from me and keep “enjoying each others’ company,” which is the phrase he uses to describe our situation.
I left, very reluctantly and full of uncertainty after that serious conversation. To his credit, he listens and has empathy and understands - but we need to do this as it’s right for BOTH of us, not just what I want.
Things are normal so I know our conversation didn’t shake him. And I think he knows we need the touch of sincerity around it as a check in every so often.
Enough about me and “E” - I could go on all day.
I got to Oreland and watched the first half of the game with Danny and Brian. I noticed a picture of Dad at Danny’s I hadn’t seen before and tried not to be too obvious scouring it into my memory. At the half, I headed home for a nap. I’m so tired of sleeping, but my body CRAVES it.
I really don’t know how I’ll go back to work on a normal basis. I’ll need a modified schedule for sure and for who knows how long. I miss my job. But doubt my ability to perform the way I used to and as needed moving forward. I’ll have to be honest with Dr. Fidler about my exhaustion and nausea which also seems constant. I’m down to 158. I started this journey at 182 (my heaviest ever). I don’t think it’s too noticeable— but I can tell by my clothes. My major symptoms continue to be pain, exhaustion and nausea. The hot flashes are also in full effect. We’ll see how my Jan 9th appointment goes. We’ll also see if my pain management MD refills my pain meds. We’ll also see if my blood counts do anything good on Jan 6th— that’s a lot of “We’ll see’s”.
In absolute “this is some fuckery” news- my bank account was hacked. Almost $800. $800 for 1-800 Pet Meds. Hope Fido enjoys his insulin. The bank filed a claim, closed my card, is sending a new one and should reimburse all of my money. I was amazed there was someone to answer the fraud line after midnight but also extremely thankful. I guess the hormones are responsible for my laughing about it versus crying or frustration. Thankfully, I have a back up account/card I can use until my replacement comes through.
Now, I’m just laying here— not sure what else is worth getting into or if I’m done. So— I gather I’m done. Hope you’ve enjoyed the love saga, cancer update and fuckery.
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