#I saw this key art and remembered this painting and just instantly ran to make this
kittiofdoom · 2 years
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They were given authority over a quarter of the earth, to kill with sword, famine & plague, & by means of the beasts of the earth.
the FIRST HORSEMAN rides a white horse, carries a bow, & is given a crown as a figure of conquest, invoking PESTILENCE.
the SECOND HORSEMAN carries a sword & rides a red horse as the creator of WAR, conflict, & strife.
the THIRD HORSEMAN, a food merchant, rides a black horse symbolizing FAMINE & carries the scales.
the FOURTH & FINAL HORSE is pale, upon it rides DEATH, accompanied by Hades.
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babylooneytoonz · 4 years
The Black Hand
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Fem! Reader
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Warnings: Violence, blood and gore || Angst with a happy ending ||
[My Masterlist]
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Just like a hundred odd marriages that had managed to break apart, yours was one of them but it was a long time ago— two years to be exact. Although it did hurt a lot the first few months, when you went over it countless times as to where had you gone wrong, what had you done for Tommy to fall out of love with you, or maybe it was the other way round, although you were sure it wasn't. It wasn't easy especially when the two of you shared something beautiful together— your three year old daughter, Avery. But like someone's rightly said, time does heal all wounds. And just like that, in the blink of an eye, or you would rather say, a whole year, you did finally get over it, get over him and move on.
You and Avery moved to London city after your divorce with Tommy, for you wanted the best for the little girl, and Tommy agreed, that Birmingham wasn't the best place for you to raise the girl alone, although Tommy was still in your life, and hers. But it wasn't just the same post the divorce, he would only be able to find the time to come visit her once every two weeks or so, although he did make sure that he was sending you money, although you could very well make your own living.
"Why can't you fucking stay at home and be with her? I'm sending you enough for the two of you, ay." You once remembered him saying, almost two months post the two of you had separated.
That night had been yet another night when you had found yourself screaming at the top of your lungs, not that he didn't yell back at you. It was as if he was giving you his own fire in retaliation to yours, "Why? Why do I stop living my life just because you fucking decided you don't want to fucking be a part of this family anymore?" You screeched, jabbing him in the heart with your hate filled eyes.
He shook his head, annoyed as he moved away from you, in a desperate attempt to shield him from your lethal gaze. "Not this again, [Y/N]. I'm not fucking going to go over this again with you."
"Really? The last time I remember, and the time before that, you never really told me why you wanted to call out, did you Thomas?" Tommy flinched every time you called him from his first name, it felt ruthless and hateful but he knew he deserved it. He swallowed thickly, and looked away, his fingers instinctively pulling out a box of cigarettes as he began to steer you away from this discussion again, "Well since you so clearly don't want to fucking do what I ask you to do, you might as well move to London, with Ada. At least I can stop worrying about her that way—" He turned towards Avery's room, glancing at the shut door as though he could see her through the wood inside and then turned back to you.
You weren't so opposed to that idea to be honest and did end up moving to London, moving into the apartment just next to Ada, because you didn't want to invade into her privacy, and let her invade into your own. She had a son, and she didn't need her nesting the two of you on top of it. You began working for a kind old man who sold paintings for a living. He was too old now, so he chose not to sit in the shop anymore, having hired you to do it.
Business had been running low for a while, and the fact that London city was all wet and in puddles, and the rains won't stop was another contributing factor to it. You sat idly in the shop, staring at the rain smeared windows, the heavy sound of rain the only source of noise in the otherwise calm shop.
It was as though it took you a second to make your mind, you stood up, the chair croaking as it was pushed back and you stretched your arms in the air. There was no point in staying at the shop anymore, and you wanted nothing more than to sit by the fireplace at your home, your daughter perched on your lap playing with her doll, while you drank a warm, soothing cup of tea. Pulling your coat on, you took your umbrella, using it to shield you from the merciless lashes out on the street as you locked the shop and began walking home.
You reached the front door, and climbing the front steps, you closed the dripping umbrella, letting it rest by the doorstep so it wouldn't leak into your new carpet. You shuffled through your purse, looking for your keys when your eyes fell on your door, and you realized it wasn't locked. You frowned, your eyebrows creasing into a thin line as you opened the door and stepped inside, a sudden pit of horror inkling through your blood. You were never as careless as to not lock the door, although you always left Avery with Ada and Karl so the worry didn't revolve around her, it was more around your own recklessness.
You were about to start striding towards the parlour when you heard the footsteps approach you, only to finally be able to see your ex husband, your daughter trotting behind him, her hand securely held into his own, his eyes scanning yours. You parted your lips, confused when Tommy began speaking, "I came over at Ada's. Found her there." He then turned towards Avery and almost bent so he was face level with her, her tiny blue eyes staring into her father's, "Why don't you go into your room, love? Once I'm done speaking to your mum, I'll be back with you."
She nodded, giving you a tiny smile that you returned and she ran off, her tiny feet thudding against the wooden flooring of your apartment. The two of you waited until she had run up the flight of stairs and then he pulled up a card, raising it in the air for you to see, "Do you ever fucking bother going through your mail?"
Your eyes flew to the card he was holding, and you tilted your neck, shaking your head in confusion, when Tommy sighed, clearly annoyed and walked up to you, placing the card in your palm for you to see.
"It's a fucking black hand, came for all of us. I assumed they would have sent one to you too, and I was right. They bloody did." Tommy's hand flew to his head, his fingers entangling through his hair as he pulled onto them for a brief second, his exasperation obvious. You had lived with Tommy, had been married to him long enough to know what a Black Hand meant. Your hand flew to your chest as panic arose inside of you and you instantly forced yourself to the wall, afraid your legs would betray you and you would fall.
Tommy grunted, and then his eyes softened a bit as he took a step closer, looking at you as he sighed, taking a drag of his cigarette, "They won't touch you, or Avery. I won't let them."
"How the fuck did they find us?" You gasped, still in shock, and a bit of denial.
"Just like they found Ada, which is why the two of you come back home with me—"
"But this is my fucking home, Tommy. Not Birmingham, because I clearly remember you being the one shunning me out and suggesting London," You snapped, cutting him off.
You felt him stiffen, and your eyes darted down to where his hands were, clutched to his sides, clenched into tight fists, his white knuckles peeking out, making you aware of his growing temper.
"I don't— You don't and will not let it go? Yes I fucking walked out of your life and sent you to London because I thought this was the only fucking way to keep you two safe, for fucks sake—"
You paused, taking in his words that had managed to flow out of his lips that instant. He saw the look on your face and he immediately stopped speaking, moving away until he fixed himself by your window and began staring at the rain, trying to avoid the questions that were growing now in your mind.
"Is that why you decided to end this—"
Your voice was reduced to a mere whisper, and it was suddenly so quiet, you were scared that even Tommy will be able to hear the sound of your heart cracking into two. Your lips trembled, your eyes suddenly cloudy as you waited for a few seconds for Tommy to say something. Anything. One. Two. Three. Four seconds. Nothing.
"Tommy, why? I need to know. I fucking deserve to know." Your voice beseeched him, breaking his own heart once again.
"It was a long time back," he mumbled.
"It wasn't, two years isn't long enough," you retorted.
You watched as he turned towards you slowly, but instead of looking at you, his gaze fell on a photograph on by the fireplace, a photograph of when Avery was a baby. He walked up to it, slowly grabbing it and lifting it into his hand as he began staring at the smiling baby, his expressions not betraying how broken he really felt.
"Father Hughes had said something years back, that he knows a way to get back at me, he knows my fucking weakness and he was going to bloody act on it —" His palm swiped over his daughter's face, a low smile breaking out against his lips as he imagined, just for a brief second, the first cries of his daughter and how happy he had felt in that moment when he had first held her in his arms, promising to himself that he was going to protect her with his life if it required. "I couldn't let him get his hands on you. Avery wasn't born yet that time, and that made you even worse of a target— my pregnant wife."
"You waited for her to be born, so you could.. send us away. To keep us safe. That's what you thought? That's what you thought would keep us safe?"
Tommy looked up finally, his irises meeting yours, and you could see the hurt hidden in those eyes, an art he was so well versed with, hiding his emotions— pretending that he had none. He was about to reply when Avery walked into the room, her palm rubbing over her eyelids, her doll clutched tightly in her other hand.
"Daddy, you promised you'll read me a bedtime story."
You hurriedly brought your palm up to your face and turned away, using the temporary distraction to wipe your tears away and walked up to Avery, kneeling down in front of her before you quickly planted a kiss to her forehead. You then straightened up again and nodded at Tommy, who lifted Avery up in his arms. Avery clung on to him, and his arm was wrapped around her waist, having held her propped up against his hip but his eyes didn't leave yours until you were forced to be the one to leave the parlour first and lock yourself on your room again.
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It felt surreal to be back in Birmingham again. This was the city where you were born, where you grew up and where you fell in love, with both, Thomas Shelby and the daughter you shared with him. And now, you were back at the Arrowe House once more.
The smile on Avery's face was heartwarming— you couldn't deny how her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when she sat on her father's lap in the evenings after Tommy came back from work while you busied yourself with Ada, and Karl, who was almost two years older than her, ran around with his toys, trying to get Avery's attention.
Today was just another day that had turned into a normal routine for you. Ada sat on the dining table, reading an old journal of some sorts while you stood by the stove, boiling some water for some tea. Just next to the breezy kitchen was Tommy's study, and you could practically hear your daughter's mindless babbles from here.
"But daddy, mummy says that if I eat more chotolate, all my teeth are going to fall off, and..and never grow back."
"Well, love. Mummies are always right, no matter what your mum says, my girl will always do it. Yeah?" Tommy's voice reached your ears making your lips curve into a weak smile that Ada happened to catch.
"[Y/N] —" Ada began, but you cut her off.
"Ada, I think I have a hunch about what you will say. Please don't. I'm not ready for it."
She sighed, while you poured the tea into two cups and walked up to her, placing one in front of her. Karl walked into the kitchen, grabbing a biscuit, shooting the two of you a warm smile before he rushed off to play.
"I'm not going to defend my brother, love. He is a fucking grown man and he did some bloody stupid things. But I still think that the two of you should talk. I mean, atleast for Avery."
You nodded and pulled out a chair for yourself, bringing the tea cup up to your lips so you could blow on it and take a sip, intentionally deciding not to reply to Ada because you didn't want to talk about this, or about Tommy. You were about to pull out a box of cigarettes from the pocket in your dress, when you heard a loud crash somewhere outside.
Your eyes widened at the sound and your head snapped towards Ada as the two of you rushed to the window, trying to peek out of it— but in the dark of the night, neither of you could see anything. You turned to Ada, giving her a confused look when the door kicked open behind you, causing the two of you to jump in a scare, only to find Tommy standing there, holding both Karl and Avery by either of their hands.
Upon seeing their mothers, the two children ran up to them, Avery now clinging to your leg as Tommy walked up to the two of you, his eyes tensed and his face showing worry.
"What's going on, Tommy?" Ada asked, Karl now hoisted up against her waist.
"Listen—" Tommy looked back towards the door, swiping his palm over his face. You could sense that something wasn't right, by the way your ex husband's body was tense and rigid, his eyes hollow and void as he looked from Ada to you and his eyes finally grew dark with rage, "Keep the children in and don't leave the parlour until I come and get you."
"Tommy, tell us what's—" you began.
"They are outside. The Italians," His gaze fell on Avery, and you swear you saw a glaze in Tommy's eyes before he turned towards the both of you, " Stay away from the fucking windows , draw the curtains shut and don't step out of the parlour no matter what you hear. Ey? There are guns in the topmost drawer of the cabinet, here's the key—" You watched in horror and numbness as Tommy slid you a key. Without uttering a word, you tightened your grip around the key and swallowed the lump forming in your throat.
"Come on, Avery, [Y/N]," Ada's voice pulled you out of your daze and the four of you began running towards the parlour. Upon reaching the parlour door, Tommy instead of following you turned into another hallway and your breathing hitched on the realization that he wasn't following you anymore, and your heart sank in despair, racing in worry. Hot chunks of tears started falling off your eyes, making you pull Avery to your chest, holding her tight as you sat down on an armchair, your legs trembling and your knees wobbling, your daughter held securely in your arms.
"Will he come back Ada?" You whispered, slowly lifting your gaze until you had fixed it on her and she gave you a sad look and turned away.
You don't remember why the time stood still after that. The two of you sat huddled in the parlour for hours perhaps or were they just minutes that kept stretching on, you weren't sure. The sounds of the bullets and the guns had finally died down, but Tommy wasn't back yet. You looked down at Avery, who had fallen asleep in your arms and then you looked at Ada, and Karl, giving them a weak smile.
Gently, you stood up, scooping her in your arms and not wanting to wake her up before you placed her into the chair.
"What are you doing, [Y/N]?" Ada asked weakly.
Before you could find yourself replying to her, you found yourself striding towards the door of the parlour that you had locked from the inside.
"[Y/N]! For fucks sake don't. Tommy asked us not to leave—" Ada began but you cut her off and unlocked the door, hurriedly stepping out.
"Ada, please watch Avery, I'll be back I promise."
Her cries fell on deaf ears after that for you were already running down the hall of the Arrowe House, ignoring her pleas to not go out. You held the gun securely in your hand, just in case as you ran out of the front door and were immediately greeted by a harrowing scene. Bodies littered the front garden, blood seeping through the grass and having turned it red. Men in Blinder caps walked about here and there, and the air smelled of death and gunpowder. Some of them were clearing the mess they had made, while other roamed aimlessly , perhaps waiting for an instruction from Tommy.
Panic was suddenly drilling into your ears as your eyes began darting around, looking for him. You grabbed one of the Peaky boys using the fabric of their coat and he turned towards you, frowning, "Mrs. Shelby, you are not supposed to be here, please get back inside —"
"Where is he? Take me to Tommy. Now." You were hyperventilating, practically gasping for air.
"Mrs. Shelby we can't—" Words got caught in his mouth and his eyes widened when you drew out the gun and cocked it, aiming it right to his face. You didn't know what you were doing and delirium had taken over you completely.
"I don't care what orders he might have given you. You are going to fucking take me to Thomas and you are going to do it now, lad," you growled.
"It's okay lad, get the fuck off and clear the fucking bodies—" Arthur suddenly stepped next to you and he admonished the young lad, watching him scamper off, his head in his tail. Arthur then turned towards you.
"Put the fucking gun down, [Y/N] because that is not a fucking toy," he threw out his hand towards you and you glanced down at it, your body still burning from worry mixed with rage. Reluctantly, you placed the gun into his hand that he swiftly pocketed.
"Where's Tommy, Arthur?"
"Yeah, alright, I'll take you to him, but you won't like the bloody sight—"
"Take me to him, I won't have it any other way." You mumbled.
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Arthur and you walked side by side towards the stables, and all through that thirty second walk, you couldn't stop your heart from racing with nervousness. The minute you stepped into the stables, all colour drained from your face at the sight before you.
Tommy was laid back on a makeshift bedding by propping up the sacks of hay together. His shirt was off, crumpled to the floor, red and stained with his own blood. A massive bullet wound spurted out blood from his gut and his eyes were weak, his face sweaty. He lifted his eyes just when you entered, and even in his condition, a frown managed to cake its way over his otherwise pained features.
"I fucking asked you—" he breathed in a punctured way, his lower lip trembling from the blood loss, while one of the men hunched over him, pulling out the bullet from his torso, "— Not to step out of the fucking house unless I get to you."
You gave him a cold, ghostly stare, your lips pressing into a firm line as you ignored him and walked up to the man that was now beginning to patch him up. You patted him twice on his shoulder and he looked up at you, and then down to your hand that was stretched out facing the ceiling, "I'll take it from here. All of you, just fucking get out. Leave us alone."
The men looked at Tommy, who pressed his lips into a thin line, and then at Arthur who nodded and motioned for them to move out. The man placed the needle in your hand and you blinked, watching the men leave until you were alone with Tommy.
All the while, you hunched over him, working over his wound to patch him up, he kept glaring at you, his breathing heavy. Finally, when you were done, you tossed the needle away, looking down at your blood coated hands before glaring at him, your nostrils flared, "You fucking bastard, you fucking piece of shit, you could have fucking died and I wouldn't have had the chance to fucking say goodbye."
"No Tommy, I'm done. You could have died, leaving Avery behind, and that child doesn't deserve going through the fucking pain, you bloody don't get it do you? You like to fucking play with fire, it's like you have a death wish or something—" You fired, holding on to Tommy's thigh to keep yourself steady, as your vision had clouded and tears had managed to seep down your cheeks, staining the neck of your dress.
"You think I don't fucking know that? Fucks sake—" he sat up, wincing and his palm flying to his wound as you smacked his hand roughly and he hissed, his eyes glaring at you with fury. You grabbed the bandage and tied it securely around his wound, your eyes finally softening when you saw the colour slowly begin to return to his cheeks, "I told you to bloody stay in for a reason, so you two could be safe, but you don't ever fucking listen to me."
"Forgive me Tommy if I can't bear the fucking thought of losing you to death, because you're not a fucking God and you can't cheat death. Forgive me for being scared for our daughter, thinking and worrying everyday as to what will become of her when you're fucking gone—" you threw your hands exasperatedly into the air before you took a step away from him, and another, and another until you were met by the wooden walls of the barn and there was no place left for you to step towards. You brought your fisted palm up to your mouth, pressing it hard against it to muffle the sobs that were beginning to rack through your body as you looked at him with menacing, accusing eyes, "Forgive me if I can't get myself to fucking stop loving you, even though loving you is like death to me, and I die every single time this happens, forgive me."
"Fuck," Tommy cursed under his breath when he looked at you, almost shaking his head as he weakly lifted his hand and threw it out towards you, motioning to you to come back to him, "Come here, love." He finally sat to his side, wincing slightly, his feet now resting against the ground, making space for you to sit down next to him. You blinked, wiping your tears away with your blood coated hands, smudging your face with it, but not bothering as you, with slow steps, walked to where Tommy was and sat down next to him, staring at your hands. He reached out, taking your hand in his, his fingers clasping around yours, but didn't speak. The two of you sat there in silence for the next few minutes, just listening to each other breathe, both of you tormented by your own set of thoughts, until he finally broke the silence.
"I never stopped loving you, not then, and not now. You think it was easy for me watching you leave? The fucking shovels were back again when you left, and I was bloody left to fight them alone."
You swallowed the lump forming in your throat, not daring to look into his eyes for you were afraid of breaking down again. So you just kept listening as he spoke, finally after all those months of keeping you in the dark.
"There were nights I was dying to come back to you, and to Avery, but I fucking stopped myself, love because I didn't want this to happen, for you and her to be caught in this mess, because of me—"
"Tommy, my love, this is where you went wrong," you cut him off, pulling your hands away from his, curling them against the fabric of your now bloody dress, "I married you knowing what I was getting myself into. And we were supposed to get through this together. What good came out of you leaving us just to keep us safe? We still got that bloody Black Hand."
He smiled humourlessly, turning away from you and began staring into the thin air, before you took his hand again, holding it tight so he couldn't pull out.
"You know—" Tommy mumbled, in a voice low, but loud enough for you to make out his words, "two fucking years and I haven't been with a woman."
You parted your lips, turning to him and blinked, before giving him a weak, teasing smile, "Tommy Shelby turned into a hermit, well that's just not believable."
"Neither did I kiss one."
"Is that your way of asking me if you can kiss me, Mr. Shelby?" You smiled and turned towards him, staring at his form, letting your tongue trail over your lower lip as you arched your body closer towards him, so you were close to his lips, feeling his breath over you.
"What would you do if I said yes?" He breathed.
"I would fucking do this," you leaned in, fluttering your lashes until you pressed your lips against his plump ones, kissing him.
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Permanent Tommy Shelby Taglist:
@really-dont-forget-it @thepeakygurl @baumarvel @captivatedbycillianmurphy @nyotamalfoy @peakyfooky @buckyxreader99 @theflamecrystal @milea
Want to be added to any of Taglist? Please drop in a message, an ask or comment and I will add you.
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blackvelvetwriteson · 4 years
                                              (  ~ Sero Hanta x Black Female                                                                   Reader Insert ~ )
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GENRE: Smut and Fluffy Fluff!                                                                  
FANDOM: Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: There are only mild warnings for today; mentions of cannabis, Dubcon on the account that Sero is high, and slight dacryphilia.
SUMMARY: Sero gets jarred by a nightmare, so he smokes and watches over Reader-Chan until she wakes up. They talk a little and she soothes him back to sleep. 
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Hey there! This fic is part of my 100 followers event that I’m hosting in light of recently reaching, well, 100 followers.. I WOULD LIKE TO NOTE THAT READING THESE FICS WILL BE SOOOO MUCH BETTER IF YOU READ THEN WHILE PLAYING THE SONG!! I PROMISE, IT’S A WHOLE VIBE!! If you’d like to request a scenario, a song and/or a character, I’m MORE than welcome and open to do that! My ask box is open!  Thank you so so much for your support!
(Headers are mine, but the art inside of them are not! Please don’t steal or repost without credit!)
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           “You’re not getting away this time,” was an ugly, disgusting voice that resonated in Sero’s head that, after a long series of nightmares, had him shooting up, panting softly with sweat sheening his muscular body, his arms hugging his legs to his body. It was 4:15 in the morning and he had to be up in a couple of hours, but he still couldn’t go back to sleep. He figured he’d take a day off and try to catch up on sleep that he’d been missing. He looked over at you who was sleeping peacefully in the bed. He admired everything about you for a long while, his hand caressing your face gently as his heart slowed to a healthy rate. He kissed your fawn cheek gently before he slid out of bed. Your soft breaths resonated in his mind and he smiled a little as he saw you take a deep breath and cuddle into a pillow.
“Te quiero, cariño. Duerme bien por mí, ya vuelvo. [I love you honey. Sleep well for me, I’ll be right back.]” He mumbled to you softly before he walked to your kitchen silently, adjusting his joggers a little as he ran his fingers through his hair making his bang run unruly as he leaned over the counter. As soon as he leaned forward in the dark, his head in his hands, he’d broken down. He’d been having nightmares from a previous intense mission for about a week, and this just happened to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Soon he was a mess of tears, his palms collecting every drop as he cried into the darkness of the kitchen. His knees were weak, his body burned with want to be a “useful” hero like Bakugo or Kirishima. He’d started to slip into a fit of insecurity while you slept in innocence in the room, the comforters like waves crashing over you and hugging your body. He let out a soft shaky sigh before feeling his way around the counter to find the coffee pot. He figured he’d be awake anyways, why not make some coffee for after his smoke. He gently spooned the coffee grounds into the filter, filled the pot with water and let the coffee brew as he sighed softly. He leaned against the counter again, grunting softly before looking over at a small box he kept on the counter. He grabbed the small container and a box right beside it. He stole a lighter from beside the set and he slid it in his pocket as he rolled himself a late night/early morning blunt. It’d been awhile since he smoked, but whenever he did, it always managed to make him feel more confident in himself, made him relax, and it made him overall just more laid back. That’s why he waited for that moment when he finally broke down to smoke, and he always waited until you were asleep so you didn’t have to deal with him as his insecurities told him you would. He walked to the small pocket in your room and the living room that contained a big beautiful bay window in which the two of you often cuddled.
From the window, you had a pretty secular view of the city and city lights and the sunrises and sunsets were absolutely otherworldly. He took his place, opening the window up while looking at the late night stragglers scurry along the pavement. He licked the strip that he had left out and smoothed it against the rest of the blunt, sticking one of the ends in his mouth, taking his lighter and holding it up to the tip but resting his head against the wall/ sill instead, taking the blunt from his mouth with two fingers and a heavy sigh.   “¿Qué estoy haciendo? [What am I doing?]” He mumbled to himself with a soft sigh before shaking his head and resting one of his elbows on his knee that was raised, his fingers tangling with his hair again. “A la mierda. [Fuck it]” he mumbled out to himself as he watched himself light the blunt with squinted, teary eyes. He took a long drag out of it and ghosted the smoke holding it in as he felt his brain get a little more hazy. He stared over at you laying on the bed as he forced his high. He flashed a soft smile before starting to cough quietly. When he exhaled, there was hardly any smoke left and he even looked surprised at himself. He admired the smoldering bud in between two of his fingers before he took another drag and hummed softly, leaning his head back against the wall again as he looked outside of the window, the sky slowly turning brighter shades of purple and blue. He knew it was getting later, but for once he didn’t care. He just watched you sleep, smiling subtly with a slight reddish tint under his eyes. “Mi hermosa niña... ¿Cómo he tenido tanta suerte? [My beautiful girl… How did I get so lucky?]” he whispered to himself as he took yet another drag from his blunt, holding it in until he got lightheaded and he blew the smoke out of the window.
“Dos ángeles perdidos descubren la salvación… [Two lost angels discover salvation..]” he mumbled quietly from a song he’d remembered you playing but he couldn’t quite pinpoint from where. He was too far gone at this point, but he noticed that that one line held weight to him even though he loved the whole song. He loved the songs you played possibly because you were the one who played them and when you sang them, you matched no other; because ‘music is the purest and rawest form of affection’ he always said. You started to hum softly in your sleep, stirring under how bright the moon was before the sun came up. You sighed softly and let your eyes flutter as you watched Sero smoking in the window, his slender fingers playing in the smoke clouds that he exhaled, that happy grin on his face, his squinted eyes as he got lost in himself and his thoughts of you. You couldn’t help but to notice how the moon and soft light of the fast approaching day illuminated his skin and this made you smile as you stretched in the bed still half asleep.
“Ah, see,” you giggled softly. “I knew I smelled somethin,’” you giggled as you watched him slowly turn his head towards you. “You had another nightmare or somethin’,” you asked as you continued to lay down and cuddle your pillow. He didn’t say anything, he just nodded and sighed softly. “Aw baby,” you say softly as you sit up and stretch again, yawning and rubbing your eyes a little. “Why didn’t you just wake me up,” you ask softly as you threw your legs over the side of the bed, adjusting the shirt that hung off of your body as you made your way over to Sero on the seat of the window.
“Lo siento, [I’m sorry,]” he mumbled softly as he blew smoke out of the window. “I didn’t want to disturb you because I know you have a shift today,” he whispered softly. “I just wanted to watch you sleep,” he said quietly as he let his arm reach in front of him, the blunt half smoked in between his fingers, his elbow resting on his knee gently. You made your way over to him and gently hugged him from the side, gently pulling his head against your chest.
“You know you mad cute when you get like this right?” You giggled softly as you ran your fingers through his smooth hair. He blushed a little and hugged your waist from the side, closing his eyes and completely relaxing into you.
“Honestly, no, cariño, that’s all you,” he said softly as he felt himself get emotional again. “Can you sing me that one song… Where he says.. Something about, ‘two lost angels discover salvation,’ sometime,” he asked and your mind instantly woke up. You smiled a little at the scent of brewing coffee sneaking into your room.
“That song by Miguel? Coffee?” You chuckle softly and sway slowly as you hum softly, always open to sing to your love even if it was entirely too early and you were low-key getting a second hand high from him.
“ I wish I could paint our love… These moments and vibrant hues… Love play, turns in to gun play, And gun play turns into pillow talk… And pillow talk turns into sweet dreams… Sweet dreams turns into fucking in the morning… Fucking in the morning…” you hummed softly to him as you felt his free hand hug your arm. He was getting glassy-eyed again loving how you felt against him so early, singing to him so sweetly as you tenderly held him.
“Sí mi amor, [Yes my love,]” he whispered softly as you sung to him, his head tilting back as his eyes closed. “That’s the one…”
As you usually did, you started skipping parts in the song to ones that you liked more. He hummed softly with you and he nuzzled his head into your chest as he took another drag from his blunt and listened to you. “Old souls, we found a new religion… Now I’m swimmin’ in that sin, that’s baptism... Pick a star in the sky we could both say goodbye… Old souls we found a new religion, now I’m swimmin’ in that sin, that’s baptism…” You looked down at him and his almost ashed blunt and you laughed softly as you saw how adorning his gaze was and he hummed with you softly.
“Two lost angels discover salvation.. Under bright peach skies watching the sun rise…”
“Dos ángeles perdidos descubren la salvación.. Bajo brillantes cielos de melocotón viendo salir el sol…” He mumbled softly with you before putting his blunt out and standing up, his hand resting at your waist before running up his shirt that you were wearing. He kissed you gently and slowly, gently running his tongue, which to him felt like cotton, over your bottom lip before sliding it into your mouth. He bit your bottom lip and fell into a slow rhythm, gently and slowly leading you to the bed, pushing you down as soft growls left him and he ran both of his hands up your body, gripping your chest, kneading into your breasts slowly and gently as you started to grind into him slowly and subtly, both of you halfway asleep, and Sero now sensitive because of how stoned he was. He bit your lip again and tugged with his teeth, gently and slowly pulling away, kissing down your neck as your hands guided his strong hips to grind into yours. His eyes looked a little fogged over and distant from what you could see, but in all honesty, you didn’t care. You’d had a bad dream and feeling him against you was exactly what you needed; having him love you down while you quietly showed him how to take care of you while slowly improving both of your moods. The soft, crisp breeze pushed through your room through the opened window and it cooled you down as you felt Sero’s teeth against your neck. You whined softly and ran your fingers through his hair slowly, messing his hair up as his strong hands continued to knead into your chest, his eyes closing as he let out soft hums against your skin. It got to the point where you started to hurt with how rough he was being so you gently caressed the side of his head and pointed him onto how to change and help you right. “A-Ah babe, that’s just a lil too hard,” you whispered softly as you felt him lift the shirt and you shivered at the sudden cold air over your body as his hands eased up on the squeezing and pulling.
“Lo siento, mi amor, [I’m sorry my love,]” he said softly as he pressed his lips against yours, his eyes running over your nipples before he hugged you close to him and slowly and gently sucked on one, his tongue swirling slowly and gently around the bud making your back arch into him, your fingers getting lost in his hair as you let out sleepy moans, that song running on loop in your mind as he tended to you. You gently ran your fingers over his chest and under his shirt to tease his nipples while he cared for yours. He let out soft shuddering breaths against your skin as you pushed your hips into a slow grind into his. “O-Oh fuck,” he whined softly as he nipped your neck again, practically losing himself as he slowly slid one hand in your panties, one finger effortlessly pushing into your dripping cunnie making you push into Sero some more, your eyes looking gone too. You looked up at him and pulled his head closer as you arched your back into him.
“Please,” you mumbled to him softly. “Please give me another finger,” you slurred out as you clung to him and started to ride his finger. He couldn’t do anything but oblige, his fingers curling sweetly into your sweet special spot as he added another, his hand slowly thrusting them in and out sloppily as his body tingled with his high. “T-Thank you! O-Oh f-fuck thank you,” you whined out quietly, slowly maintaining a slow rhythm so you didn’t overwhelm him but you still got your pleasure. One of your hands clung to Sero, gently peppering soft kisses over his lips, your teeth catching his lip occasionally, the other hand slowly stroking him through his joggers. He trembled and let his legs give out as he leaned into you, gently kissing you back, soft hums and groans brewing in his chest as he rocked himself against your hand. He couldn’t help his shuddering breath against your soft shapely lips in between every kiss and nibble you dealt. The way his muscles flexed with every movement as he tried not to cum had you dreamy eyed and wanting more. “S-Sero p-please, You whined softly as you tried to close your thighs, the way his fingers pressing against your special spot having your back arched and breathing hitched and stuck in your throat. “P-Please… I-I want you,” you whined out softly, wanting so badly to cum while he had you impaled on his cock. He looked down and then back up at you, his eyes halfway closed and bloodshot. He stopped grinding into your hand slowly and let out a choked whine against your lips, his hands worshipping your beautiful body. “Can I… G-Go inside,” he asked softly, gently kissing your cheeks, your lips, and down your neck as he waited for your answer.  Even while he was in his intense high, he was still just as respectful as ever; even as his muscular body hung over your seemingly delicate frame that he loved so much, even panting and gasping for air as he tried not to cum. You, of course, nodded and gently kissed his forehead gently.
“Yes, Sero,” you said softly as you spread your legs for him more. “P-Please… I want to feel you inside of me,” you said softly and sleepily. “Fuck me back to sleep,” you said softly before watching his eyebrows knit a little. He pushed his boxers and sweats down, slowly and gently trying to line himself up so he didn’t hurt you when he slid inside, sucking his fingers clean as he hummed softly. “Mi amor,” he whispered softly. “I’m not ‘fucking’ you,” he said as he let out a pleasured groan, slowly sliding the tip inside, arching his back and throwing his head back as he suddenly felt the intense pleasure, wanting more, but wanting to go slow. “I’m making lo-love to y-you,” he whispered, soft curses spilling out of him as he slowly slid himself in, inch by inch, his body becoming even more tense as he slowly bottomed out inside of you. “S-So t-tight,” he whimpered softly, his pelvis catching your clit when he did bottom out inside of you, his eyes glistening with tears of overstimulation already but you didn’t mind. The way he filled you up, a small bulge forming in your tummy as he tried to adjust, you clenching down around him driving him crazy. His lips quivered as he stared at you, his mind running circles, his heart pounding against his chest enough to shake his core, frantically swallowing as he choked back his own orgasm. “I-I c-can’t move,” he whispered softly sounding like he was going to break down into tears. “I c-can’t… B-Baby!” He whined loudly as he slowly grinded his hips into yours, tilting his head back as he lost control of his tears letting them dampen his reddened, hot face. He looked down at you and watched the moonlight catch your body, not being able to rip his gaze away from you, watching how your face beautifully contorted as you grabbed at him in a desperate attempt to get closer to him, moaning out soft curses after moaning out his name, how you pressed your body into the bed. He didn’t know that he had this hold on you with such slow and subtle movements, but it was obvious he was driving you insane and he loved it all. He took in the sight in front of him, falling in love all over again as he towered over you and rolled his hips into yours slowly and rhythmically. “I-I’m so-sorry! L-Lo siento! I-I’m g-gonna c-cum,” he whined out after a fit of choked moans. “Te quiero... Te quiero tanto, cariño- [I love you, I love you so much, baby-]” he whined out, his breath hitching at the end of his sentence, his hips fucking into yours dealing hard thrusts as he tried to milk himself using the grip you had on him as leverage. “F-FUCK! C-CUMMING! I-I’m c-cumming!” He moaned out as he completely broke down into overstimulated tears. You whimpered loudly and egged him on, your legs wrapping around his waist so he could reach deeper inside of you, your eyes glazed over as you looked up at him sleepily, feeling him tremble against you with soft groans.
“Y-Yes,” you moaned out meekly, drowning happily in all of Sero’s sounds. “T-Thank you! F-Fuck! Thank you thank you thank-“ Your breathing hitched as you were filled up, your eyes rolling back into your head as you came and clenched hard around him. “F-Fuck! S-SERO,” you screamed out, scratching into him roughly as you bucked your hips riding out your high against him, tears of your own threatening to spill from your waterline. His body was twitching and trembling as he whimpered softly at your throbbing insides tightening around him over and over again. “You d-did so good for me baby,” you whimpered softly, guiding him down to your level, gently positioning him so he could lay on your chest. He was a sniffling mess, stray tears falling down his face, his eyes glistening as he looked up at you while you played in his hair and rubbed his back still cockwarming him. “My beautiful boy,” you whispered softly, gently kissing his forehead, slowly drying his cheeks of his tears as he tried to get his breathing under control. He tried to speak, but his jaw felt as heavy as a cinderblock, he could only sputter out soft mumbles as you continued to coo at him and massage his back and neck. “Go to sleep, baby. I’ll call in later,” you whisper softly, gently kissing the top of his head, humming to him softly to lull him- successfully- to sleep as the purple-ish hues of the early morning melted into soft peaches and dim golds blanketing the both of you. You hummed softly and managed to hum yourself to sleep, just moving your hips a little to get him deeper inside of you as you slept. You loved the feeling of him filling you up, the scent of the brewed coffee now completely in your room making you slip off deeper into sleep.
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radiorenjun · 4 years
I just rewatched crazy rich asians and a sudden scenario popped up in my head lol. Can you do a nct dream reaction to you coming from an insanely rich fam but you did not tell them after years of being together (like they thought you were poor) I really like your fics uwuu💗luv youuu🥺
God now this is making me want to watch Crazy Rich Asians. Anyways.
Mark Lee
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You both have been dating since your first year in college. The day you told him you were the daughter of one of the most successful people in the country, his jaw dropped. I mean, considering how you live in a small apartment back when you two were in your early years of dating.
He remembers the day your mother decided to visit the two of you to meet Mark for the first time. Your mother was a very famous and inspiring talk show host and your father was the owner of a very well known hospital. You could barely hold back your laughter when you saw him practically try to scoop his jaw back up when he watched your mother walk out of a Tesla X car.
"You're (Y/M/N)'s daughter? One of the richest people in the industry?!" Mark exclaimed exasperatedly a few minutes after your mother left. Your mother had brought over fancy seafood with some rare caviar and 24k gold pieces sprinkled on top for dinner. 'I wanted to make a good first impression' she said with a casual shrug as you all sat at your dining table.
"Uh... I wouldn't consider myself rich, persay" you laughed. "Oh my god, you're the daughter of one of the most famous talk shows in the industry." Mark dramatically collapsed on the couch, his hand came up to cup his mouth dramatically as if he just found out you were secretly an alien disguised as Michael Jackson.
"Oh come on, it's not that of a big deal, Mark." you whined, sitting beside him and shaking his arm. "Chenle is probably richer than me," you added as you placed a peck on his cheek as he sighed. "I guess you're right."
"Can I ask you something, though?" he muttered, leaning his head against yours as you leaned against his shoulder. You hummed in response, moving your hand to play with his fingers. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked in a small voice, a pout evident on his lips.
You pondered for a moment before shrugging, "I don't know, I wanted to tell you at first when we started dating but then I forgot bout it. I rarely call my parents since they're so busy," you smiled sheepishly at him.
"That explains the Rolex watch you gave me for Christmas," he uttered. "Okay, for the record, those were from my own savings!" you shot back defensively with a laugh, smacking his arm gently. "Oh so now you're bragging bout being rich," he teased.
Huang Renjun
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You were both planned on going to a an art gallery date Renjun found on the internet for your two year anniversary. What you didn't know was that the gallery he was talking bout was actually one of your grandfather's art gallery. It was safe to say that the poor boy was practically trying to scoop his jaw back up when he saw the owner of the gallery he saw online giving you a big hug.
You were surprised his jaw was still intact with his face when you told him that the owner was your grandfather. He then remembered the time when you told him your grandfather really like to paint alot, hence your magnificent talent that landed you in a scholarship with one of the biggest art colleges in the country.
“So, your grandfather owns like, what, ten galleries all over the country?” Renjun gaped as you walked side by side down the halls filled with paintings after you introduced him to your grandfather. You shrugged sheepishly, staring up at one of the paintings, swinging your intertwined hands as you walked.”Does this mean you’re like rich? Crazy rich?” Renjun added.
“You’re blowing this out of proportion.” You chuckled, watching Renjun give you a blank stare. “I’m not! I’m just in shock that my girlfriend’s family are aristocrats and could end my life in a heartbeat!” he exclaimed, causing you to let out a soft laugh.
“I’m not necessarily rich like that. But I will inherit all this when my grandfather retires.” You shrugged. “Damn, I never thought I’d be dating a billionaire. This seems like an unexpected climax of a really weird movie” he muttered, running his thumb over your knuckles as you giggled.
“We’re not billionaires, you drama queen. Why does it matter to you anyways if my family’s kinda wealthy?” you raised your brow with a teasing grin, making your boyfriend let out a scoff. “It makes me seem like a peasant standing next to you, your highness,” he rolled his eyes in a sardonic tone. You laughed, smacking him lightly on his arm as you gave him a soft peck on his cheek.
“At least you’ll be my peasant.”
“That sounds like you bought me off of an auction for slavery. I didn’t know you were this kinky, Y/N.”
“Don’t make me dump you on our second anniversary in front of my grandfather, Huang.”
Lee Jeno
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He really didn’t see this coming. One year and seven months ago, you seem like the average college student joining sororities to not spend as much money, like he did. You seemed like the average broke college student, spending your days eating cheap ramen from the supermarket, making chocolate truffles with a coffee maker and trying out those Buzzfeed videos where they make three full course meals using house hold items.
Hell, even your friends didn’t know bout this. Well, maybe they did. But nothing would prepare Lee Jeno the absolute shock he was bout to feel when he found out that you and your older sibling owned a really fancy five star hotel that seems only celebrities went to. Hell, you even had your own personal presidential suite and an infinity pool!
“How did you even get money to pay for all this?” Jeno gaped as he entered the room, putting his bag on the chair beside the door that looks as if it costed more than his own life. It probably did, though.”Uh...” you bit your lip as you heard a loud booming voice yell out your name.
“Baby sis!”
Jeno’s eyes were wide and filled with surprise as he saw someone who could’ve been mistaken as the president’s child come up and give you a big hug and a pinch on the cheeks. “Is this the Jeno you’ve been talking bout to mom and dad? Quite the charmer, I’d say,” your sibling grinned, as Jeno stretched his hand out and introduced himself, masking his confusion with a light smile.
Jeno politely asked who this person who had their arm slung over your shoulder and pinching your cheeks red, causing your sibling to laugh. “You really went all out with the broke college act to the point you just don’t mention your own family anymore, huh?” they laughed. Jeno was beyond astonished to find out that your parents were extremely loaded that they bought a really expensive hotel for vacation purposes just for you and your relatives to use.
Turns out you had a whole broke college student act to discover a new lifestyle out of the rich and easy one. Plus, you really liked interacting with people, hence why you joined a sorority. Jeno would eventually get over it after you explained everything, still baffled that his girlfriend had the money to pay child support for his great great grandchildren.
“Am I in heaven?” Jeno jokes as he ran his hand over his wet hair, watching you get into the tub with him, holding a fancy cup filled with wine. “Don’t get used to it, Lee. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Tomorrow it’ll be back to making poached salmon in a coffee maker.” You laughed, taking a sip of your wine as you snuggled closer to his chest.
“Good to know, nothing has changed. Despite having a girlfriend that could cover my future descendants expenses.”
“You’re really not letting this go, are you?”
“You can’t blame a man for overthinking. Oh god, the day I’ll be meeting your parents would probably be equivalent to meeting the King and Queen of England.”
Lee Donghyuck
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Precious boy would be shocked but not that shocked. You get me?
He’s gonna act all dramatic at first, putting a hand on his chest how you just told him this big thing bout yourself after a year of dating. He found out through a really unexpected meetup with your parents, jaw gaping once he found out that both of your parents are rich ceo’s of really big insurance companies. 
Apparently, your parents decided to pick you up for a small vacation to Paris. Being the extras that they are, they made an extravagant dramatic entrance in your multimillion limo, offering Hyuck a ride home in the process. Lowkey the whole car ride was him just being so speechless that you, yourself was surprised to see your usually goofy and loud boyfriend so silent and speechless.
Low key he felt kinda insecure now that he’s met your parents. What if they don’t like him because they thought he wasn’t good enough to be a part of their family? Or rich enough to even be your boyfriend. Though the light conversation your mother had sparked up eased him, feeling relieved that at least your mom liked him, despite your dad being to busy with work to even spare him a glance instead of looking up from his laptop.
The next time you meet up was on a cafe date three days afterward. “I can’t believe I just met your richass parents.” was the first thing he said to you that day. You cackled at his horrified expression as he stares at you as if he had committed arson, chewing his muffin softly as he spoke.
“Relax you big baby, they like you already. They thought you were nice and polite, and quiet.” that last part sounds so wrong you instantly gulped down your milkshake. “If only they knew how much sorcery you have to make me still date you despite how you act like a worm on a heatstroke.” you shuddered.
He let out a sarcastic laugh in response, shoving what’s left in his pistachio muffin into your mouth to shut you up. You giggled, humming at the taste as your boyfriend chuckled.There was a brief moment of silence as you chewed the rest of his muffin before Donghyuck spoke up.
“I never thought my life would come to the day where I have a girlfriend who has a possible chance of being my Sugar Mommy.”
Na Jaemin
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He wouldn't be that surprised, really. Finding out that you’re the daughter of a famous k-drama director was quite unexpected considering he was the casted as the main character of this k-drama meaning he had to work harder to make your dad like him. He was beyond astonished to find you visiting the studio with your mother to celebrate your parent’s anniversary in a really expensive Korean Barbeque restaurant that seems even Lee Sooman couldn’t afford to get in.
After finding out Jaemin was THE Na Jaemin you were dating, your parents invited him to join you and your family for dinner. He was a nervous wreck in front of your parents. Not only they were successful and could get him kicked out of the role in a heartbeat if he didn’t make a good first impression, they were rich too. If he plans to marry you, he’s gonna have to be praying to God that this dinner goes smoothly.
Lowkey the thought of you being rich didn’t faze him that much but he was worried your parents might not approve of him considering he wasn’t as successful as they were. Of course, with the constant habit of bringing him up during family dinners that you had developed, they were quite happy to see such a sweet caring boy had the possibility of being their son-in-law.
Believe me, it was their words, not mine.
“MOM! You can’t say things like that!” you whined, burying your head in your hands as he giggled, his hold on your other hand tightening under the table. “What? You two are already in a committed relationship for fourteen months already, and you’re still in that honeymoon phase, unlike your father here who acts as if I was the bane of his existence.” your mother jokes.
“That’s because you are.” you father teased. “Jaemin is a nice boy, having him as a son in law would be great addition to the family.” he added as your face flushed red even more when you felt Jaemin squeeze your hand. Jaemin had a wide smile displayed on his face, his own cheeks flushed red at your parent’s words.
“Maybe one day,” he smiled to himself as he stared at your whole embarrassed being sitting in front of your millionaire parents.
Zhong Chenle
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I need more Chenle gifs. Anyways
Most definitely will plan to buy the whole SM Entertainment with you to prevent mistreatment for his foreign hyungs and dongsaengs. Honestly it’s just gonna be so funny for him to find out that you were from a wealthy family as well. No wonder you could afford the latest Dior bag the moment it got released, and bought him the limited edition of the latest Kingdom Hearts game.
At some point of his life, he thought you were secretly stealing money from the bank or something. He found out when he visited your hometown for the first time for a Summer Tour. He didn’t think he’d be staying at a private mansion-like villa. Of course, you invited the other Dream members to stay over so their manager wouldn’t have to struggle with finding a super expensive hotel with high level security.
From then on, every special event is like a gift-giving competition to see either who bought the most items or the most expensive one to make the other feel guilty.
“No. You didn’t.” you gasped, glaring at your boyfriend who just grinned mischievously, despite the fact that he had bought so much stuff that he doesn’t even remember which gift that was. “I did,” he grinned proudly as he watched you pull out those aesthetic acrylic photos with a spotify link on the top from tiktok. “Dammit, you beat me to it.” you pouted, pulling a shopping bag from your side of gifts to pull out an acrylic stand of the two of you on your first date with your shared playlist link on spotify on it.
“That’s so sweet, y/n. I love it, even thought you practically lost this one.” he grinned cheekily. “Lost?” you raised your brows, questioningly. "Honestly, this feels more of a competition than an endearing moment to remember," you mused.
"Not my fault you spoiled me, it's only fair if I spoil you back." Chenle laughed. "What kind of girlfriend I would be if I didn't spoil my hard working boyfriend?" you grinned, letting out a small giggle afterwards as you pulled out another shopping bag from your side to give to your loving boyfriend.
"A rich one," Haechan muttered as he entered the room.
Park Jisung
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The day he found out you were loaded was the day he finally got to sleepover at your house when he got a clear schedule. In your 8 months of dating, you two never got to hang out in your house as you both were too busy with your own things to even have a decent date without instant ramen and 6 other males involved.
He expected you to live in a normal minimalistic house. You've sent him hilarious pictures of yourself posing dramatically in your living room with the caption, 'paint me like one of your French girls' at the bottom. He knew you had some kind of minimalistic house with the beige couch and potted plants in the background.
But the picture on his phone was nothing compared to the reality of what your house actually looked like. He swore the entrance to your house was almost four times larger than his own size, and that's saying something. Poor boy was practically trying to scoop his jaw back up when he saw the gigantic chandelier hovering over the two of you in the living room.
"How are you not scared of being crushed by glorious diamonds every day?" was what he said when you dragged him to your room with his eyes lingering on the gigantic chandelier and your fingers wrapped around his wrist. You laughed, shrugging as you pulled him through the long hallway filled with gigantic frames of you and your family.
When he entered you bedroom, he practically dropped his dufflebag to the floor. "I brought my pillow for nothing then," Jisung gaped as he saw your king-sized bed that could fit three or possibly four people. "Are you sure you're not some aristocrat? You're basically living off of the We Boom era," Jisung chuckled incredulously as he watch you collapse on your bed.
"Excuse me, Mr. Idol At Thirteen. You're way more richer than I am," you giggled as Jisung walked over and slumped on the bed beside you, humming at the fluffiness of your freshly washed sheets. "That's clearly inaccurate, y/n. I feel offended you never told me that you're basically a billionaire," Jisung pouted jokingly.
You rolled your eyes, "shut up, Park. I live off of instant noodles and homemade omelettes, I'm no different from you." you booped Jisung's nose, causing him to scrunch up his face in an adorable manner. He looked up to see the paintings of baby angels on your ceiling, it was like some kind of museum.
"I bet you secretly have 60 credit cards in your wallet." he mumbled to himself, eyes still staring at you in disbelief as you gave him an incredulous expression. "Jisung. I'm not that rich, really." you deadpanned, "you saved me from going broke by refusing my offer to pay on dates." you joked.
Jisung laughed, "watch what you're saying, y/n. I don't think I'm ever paying for our dates ever again after this sleepover," he pointed a finger at you. You rolled your eyes, pushing his finger away from your face as you continued to bask in each others presence.
"Does this mean you're finally gonna let me pay though? I'm ordering pizza."
"Not happening, L/N."
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blessedsage99 · 4 years
Why Lapis and Pearl Could Work As A Great Pairing
It is without a doubt that most people agree that Lapis and Pearl would do absolutely anything for Steven. Maybe not anything as Lapis jumped off to the nearest solar system to get away from conflict, but he is in fact the one person she would indefinitely pull out extra stops for (ie; willing to indulge befriending Peridot, live on and try earth, go into the ocean once more, etc) . But I do not think that would be the one of the driving forces between their relation but it might be one of the factors to goad them into trying and befriending each other. And perhaps…. More.
Similarities On a surface level you can perhaps glean several similarities, perhaps similar shadow and body type, sasuke pointing hair… And then another layer and find their personalities are vastly different. Pearl is very educated, prefers order, dramatic, emotional, enjoys engaging in combat, very forgiving (ex; is quick to forgive Peridot once she actually makes the amends to not call her an object), and does her best to make up for mistakes (ex; several episodes of making it up to Garnet).
Lapis is very lazy and blase, the barn she and Peridot have formed together has no sense of order and moreso chaos, she instantly flies at the first sight of conflict, is the least forgiving gem out there (ex; holds it against the crystal gems for pretty much the entirety of the series, and Peridot goes lengths and miles to try and get Lapis forgive her and still is unable to and it takes Steven to intervene and scold her to make an attempt), and honestly? Lapis hardly ever apologizes for her mistakes versus Pearl. She shows signs of guilt but she never really apologizes to Peridot for anything she’s done to her nor Steven nor… Well, really anyone else, except in Future.
But that aside, it’s when you think about their more lighthearted sides and trauma is where most of their similarities lie.
As off as it sounds, it’s fairly essential in pretty much any relationship to cross over a few hobbies, even if you don’t share everything, it often all starts with something along those lines. And Pearl and Lapis share a huge chunk of their hobbies, believe it or not.
Both Lapis and Pearl definitely enjoy reading, Pearl being the educational beast she is and Lapis probably enjoys the relaxed activity. In fact their genres might be even similar as Lapis and Pearl enjoy reading odd textbooks (ex; The hairstyles book for Lapis, and the engineering book for Pearl) and both enjoy dramas (albeit, perhaps this might be different) like Camp Pining Hearts and Pearl was willing to write a play and overseer one in Jamie’s case. This perhaps is b-level canon however, in the comic issue Camp Pining Play, Lapis is willingly engaging in participating and acting out in a play, she even enjoys it.
If given incentive of enjoying the subject already, Lapis is willing to perhaps enjoy the drama of things along with Pearl.
Both enjoy singing, if we’re going off Lapis was previously like other Lapis, that would mean singing and dancing is looked down upon on her caste. So the fact she even makes the attempt to do so in Distant Shore means she’s practicing in it, and if we want to add another layer of it, in the game Unleash the Light, one of Lapis’s key items is the Crying Breakfast Friends Sing-Along. And who else enjoys karaoke? Pearl (ie; the commercial karaoke). Also Lapis does it in Future so like if you want canon material it’s right there in Why So Blue.
This is a bit of a stretch but it’s clear that Lapis enjoys the arts which her participation in the class and what the heck else she does with Peridot in the barn, and Pearl has at the very least has experience in it. (ex; the drawing she makes, despite her humble opinion, makes it clear she’s done it before, in fact I’m willing to bet she even painted that fucking painting of Rose Quartz) It perhaps could lead to some more experience and artworks together if you know what I mean…
Casting that aside, it’s clear the two have a main stream of things to enjoy together should they choose to versus some other couples. (And different ones should they choose to introduce the other, Pearl with baking and sword fighting and Lapis with farming and flying, etc)
Now this is the important part, I’m willing to argue they both can share extremely similar and relate to each other’s problems. They just have vastly different ways of coping with it, or well… They both have some similarities there as well, but we’ll address that in the next paragraph-ish.
But the biggest one? Both miss their homeworld. Dearly.
In fact it’s the driving force for Lapis’s introductory episodes and one of Pearl’s where she tries to get Steven into a rocketship back to her home. Both are ancient and dusty as fuck, or well, at least heavily implied to be ancient with the fact of Pearl commenting she learned the sword when she was only ten thousand years old (Sworn to the Sword iirc), the war was six thousand which implies Pearl learned before it. And Lapis, it’s merely conjecture however the fact that Lapis isn’t a vegetable after and still has a strong sense of identity after being in the mirror for 4 thousand years says something (ie; My name is LAPIS LAZULI!), the likely conclusion is the fact it’s because that’s not even close to how old she is. It’s only a fraction of her lifetime, which means both are… Well, old as hell. And even more likely? They come from the same ‘homeworld’ unlike Peridot or Amethyst who were made after and Garnet who has herself.
The second one is the one both of them likely have their divisive opinions on, especially as they were from opposing sides of it, is that they were both part of the War.
Both obviously have their trauma’s from it, as shown as Pearl in ‘A Single Pale Rose’ she’s still traumatized over the thousands of shattered gems (which is essentially corpses to her) she was forced to witness right after the war, and Lapis being forced to watch inside the mirror as everyone condemns her to being a crystal gem. I’m willing to bet she saw everyone die while inside the thing as well. As well as considering Lapis never really got over anything as she was gonna literally yeet herself away at the mere IDEA of the war… Well, who else could help her but another person who knows the horrors as well? And Pearl has experience as she had a support system unlike Lapis who got worse and worse purely just by being herself.
Moving on as I don’t have a cool and smooth transition...  This might be a bit of a stretch, but the last thing they both share very heavily over is the fact both were objectified.
Pearl was born to be an object, whereas Lapis was forced to become one, the mirror. And both consistently fight over the fact throughout most of the series. In the movie, the thing that makes Pearl remember herself is the freedom to be herself, and when she returns to her homeworld she’s forced to be reminded of her place when she talks to Holly Blue and returns to Steven in the final season. Lapis is obviously shook over it and holds it against the fact she always feels like she’s being used, (‘[...] AND YOU CAN’T KEEP ME TRAPPED ANYMORE!’) she longs for a safe place and to be free just as well just as Pearl does and the freedom to express herself (ie; her art). And who else but Pearl----- *coughcouhgcough*
I covered this in the first part where it's obvious the two have very vast differences when it comes to their personalities. But I find it important to have differences as both have something to bring to the table with their differences, no? Another essential part of a working couple.
And to quickly cover what I had before, their personalities. Pearl is literal and Lapis is sarcastic, Pearl is outwardly emotional and sobs and Lapis moodily and angrily exists, so on and so forth. How does this work? It’s also one of the hardest parts of their relationship, should they ever try it out because one of their biggest differences, is one of their flaws in a relationship as proven over and over.
Pearl is all give and no take, and Lapis is all take and no give. Which is a mix for a toxic relationship, as Pearl would constantly be giving to Lapis as Pearl’s entire worth as shown in her previous relation was all about what she would give to Rose, or else she was nothing. Even by the end of the main series she still needs to be reminded she’s still something without her. And Lapis’s emotional baggage? Let’s face it, Lapis is selfish and it’s all about her. She’s angry? She’s gonna fuck you up (ie; Jasper and the two Lapis), Lapis doesn’t want to deal with war? She doesn’t even think twice about what Peridot wants, and jumps away despite Steven calling out towards her.
But, but, but, but… It’s also a mix for something amazing as after their development, they’re kind of the perfect people to call each other out. In theory of course should they communicate.
Lapis would teach Pearl to be a little more selfish and care about her own needs, whereas Lapis needs constant reminders to actually take notice about what others want and feel (ex; the way she immediately rushes in and notices Steven’s expression at the last moment). It’s clear that Pearl isn’t willing to be treated that way should Lapis do so (ex; the way she snapped back at Peridot and towards Holly Blue) and Lapis upon caring enough? Is in fact willing to try to do better (ex; Why so blue, and Alone at Sea). It’s just that Lapis is farther behind on maturity (considering she ran away and panics instantly twice in a row). They can strike a perfect balance should they put the effort to do so, which would lead to the possible second problem they might have and would need to work through.
And the second difference the two of them have?
It’s the one trauma Lapis has that Pearl wouldn’t understand, and, it’s something Pearl clearly finds something addicting or to use above others. In fact she needed a crash course on it with the string of episodes of what she did to Garnet. Because Pearl is the kind of person who would desperately try so hard to not repeat the same mistake, she’s probably she’s willing to wait a millennia about it or even be fine with never fusing with Lapis. Because consent is important, but I think because of her actual experience with good and loving fusions? She might not be actually be a bad candidate for helping Lapis should she ever want to try again.
The Biggest Conflict
Now, for the biggest problem of the relationship. Uh, let’s be real here…. Despite all these arguments and nice claims and all.
Lapis doesn’t like Pearl, at all. Perhaps she even holds the biggest grudge against Pearl because Pearl was the one who literally carried her around in the mirror for a good chunk of time, doesn’t even bother to learn who she was, and even was willing to bubble her and trap her further. And Lapis probably has incentive to keep it against her for purely that fact as she was holding it against Peridot for the same fact, except for the fact Pearl has made zero amends to apologize for it. So why would Lapis ever want to talk to her?
You might consider the possibility of Steven but it’s not his job to make them friends. The only thing the two of them would do for him is to pretend to be friends, as shown in ‘Hit the Diamond’ and ‘Gem Harvest’ but otherwise, there’s clear distaste from Lapis’s side (ie; The New Crystal Gems) and her consistent ‘fuck the crystal gems’ attitude from the beginning. Maybe for him they might try something however I doubt it’s enough.
Regardless, I do believe an apology is due on both sides whenever they are ready. And that would be the start of perhaps their romantic relationship shenanigans which I consistently desire. Also I’m a slut for tense relationships to friendship to lovers if people would just---
Anyway I think there’s a lot more material for them to work with and they might actually be a pretty awesome couple
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harlot-of-oblivion · 4 years
The Devil’s In The Details
You're a detective of the Red Grave City P.D. investigating another strange murder when you find a possible break in the case.
After many months of daydreaming and planning, I'm finally starting a new series featuring Dante/Detective Reader! So, I hope you enjoy the first few chapters! 😘🥰
Warnings: Graphic depictions of a violent crime scenes and cursing.
Chapter 1: Another Day
Another day, another murder, you thought grimly as you arrive at the scene of what is assuredly another grisly crime.
It is early morning. The sun has barely peeked over the horizon, but that is not enough to deter several reporters from crowding around the police tape. You park your motorcycle just on the outskirts of the police barrier, assessing the best possible route to take around the crowd without drawing attention to yourself. A few bright flashes from a numerous camera makes you grumble under your breath as you hop off your ride. You straighten out your riding jacket and jeans before removing your helmet, flipping your hair back as you breath in the crisp morning air.
“Detective! Detective!”
“Is this at all related to the other murders around the city?”
“Does this mean we have a serial killer running rampant through our streets?”
“Detective, please! The citizens of Red Grave deserve some answers!”
The gaggle of clamoring news reporters and journalists greet your ears as you approach the police tape. You keep your head down and turn away from their prying eyes while you press forward, never slowing your pace as you forge ahead. And as soon as you get to the barrier, you quickly duck under and slip through before any of them can surround you with their mics and cameras.
A couple of officers rush forward to calm the crowd as you survey the scene before you: upscale house in the better part of town, no fence, and neighboring houses on either side of the home. You reach into the inside pocket of your jacket and pull out your glasses, quickly sliding them on before whipping out a small sketchbook. Your keen eyes scan around more thoroughly, looking for anything out of place as you walk up the long driveway.
The house looks like your typical suburban home: two stories of brick walls with the usual gothic architecture that is so common around this part of town. The lawn gets cut regularly and only a few stray dog toys sully its pristine state. And the garage is vast, big enough to hold two cars, but there is only one fancy sports car parked in there now.
You slide the pencil stored in the spiral spine of your sketchbook and begin to draw out all the possible inconsistencies you have observed thus far: stray dog toys means either no one’s been around to mow the lawn or that the owners do their own lawn work, the fact that the garage door is open strikes you as odd, and speaking of dog toys…your hand pauses as you double check for any sign of a doghouse in the yard before looking back in the garage, searching for anything might serves as a dog bed.    
Hmm…could be an inside dog, you ponder, squinting at your rough drawing of a dog toy that does seem to be quite small. You make a quick note about it by the sketch before moving on, drawing a car with a question mark beside it and a note about the whereabouts of the other car. When you are finished with your preliminary observation, you reach back into your pocket for a pair of rubber gloves and hurriedly slip them as you approach a group of officers waiting by the entrance.  
“Good Morning, Detective.”
The officer that greets you at the door is Tyrell Reed if you remember correctly. “Morning,” you mutter back with a nod of your head before following him past his fellow officers through the front entrance of the house. You take in your surroundings, noting that the entrance hall is quaint but still holds an air of old-fashioned wealth. After a few more quick glances over at the side rooms you ask what your colleagues refer to as the universal code for what crazy shit are we dealing with today? in the language of law enforcement.
“What have we got here, Officer?”  
“Same shit, different body.”
You chuckle dryly at his matter-of-fact reply before getting down to business. “Victim’s name?”  
“Giles Harmon. The husband of Mabel Harmon.”
You scribble down both names on a fresh page of your sketchbook. “And where is our newly widowed wife?” you ask while glancing down at your drawing of the sports car.
“A few of the neighbors saw her leave in the middle of night about a week ago, which just so happens to be how long the victim has been lying here dead.”
“Did they say whether or not she drove away in a car?” you question, looking up at the officer over the frames of your glasses. He nods and you quickly jot down that detail by the appropriate sketch before moving onto the next question. “Any kids?”
“One. A son. He goes by Paul and he’s a student over at RGU. He’s also the one who found the body, so he’s currently being held down at the station for questioning.”
“Excellent! What about the dog?”
“Dog?” Officer Reed’s brow furrows. “What dog?”
You flash him your drawing of the stray dog toys. “There’s evidence in the yard that points to them owning at least one dog,” you inform patiently before firing away with follow up questions. “Did you or any of the other officers first at the scene see or hear anything that may have been a dog?”
“Hold on a sec.” Officer Reed excuses himself and peeks his head out the front door. You hear him ask the officers your question and a variety of murmurings before he turns back to you. “No, ma’am. None of us heard no barking, but one of the boys did see some bowls on the kitchen floor.”
“Did any of the neighbors mention hearing a dog bark when Mrs. Harmon left?”
Officer Reed shakes his head. “Not that I recall, but I’ll be sure to send you their statements.”
“Did you see the son with a dog by chance?”
He shakes his head again. “Nope. I saw him myself as he was being escorted from the scene. He wasn’t holding a dog and there wasn’t a dog following after him either.”
“Alright,” you nod, finishing off the last of your notes by the dog toy sketch. “I’ll take it from here, Officer.”
“No problem, Detective. I’ll get outta your way and let ya do your thing.”  
Officer Reed tips his hat and heads back outside, leaving you to explore the rest of the house at your leisure. You head towards the kitchen, passing through what looks to be the dining room on the way there. Your eyes instantly spot the bowls previously mentioned on the floor by the end of a countertop. When you go over to inspect them, you see one is filled with water while the other is full of brown chunky pellets that look like your typical dog food. You bend down and pick up a pellet and give it a sniff, confirming that it is indeed dog food before making note of it in your sketchbook.
Your eyes flicker over and pause at the sight of a door. If I am not mistaken…that must lead to the garage, you surmise, slowly rising to your feet as you take note of a mat and a wooden key holder by the door. Multiple pairs of shoes are lined up across the mat, ranging from high heels and loafers to muddy sneakers and running shoes. You flip a page in your sketchbook and begin to draw, taking great care to detail the perfect formation shoes as well as the obvious gap in the middle of the mat…which could have possibly been the pair of shoes Mrs. Harmon put on before fleeing the scene.  
As soon as you are done sketching the missing pair of shoes, you glance over to the key holder and instantly notice an empty hook. You look closely at the other hooks, noting the pair of keys that belong with the sports car in the garage along with a couple of other mysterious keys. One of them looks like a key to a lawnmower while the other may be a key to a lock box or a safe. You quickly correct your previous note about the possibility of having hired help to at least not having it for lawncare before taking out a spare evidence bag. You carefully unhook the mystery key and drop it into the bag, making sure it is sealed properly before finishing up in the kitchen.  
You open a few drawers and cabinets, casually searching until you find a bag of name brand dog food in a nearby cupboard. The label boasts about being the best dog food on the market for small breeds, confirming your assumption from earlier when you first arrived. You quickly write that detail down and take one last hard look at the whole kitchen, letting what you have discovered so far tell their tale of what happened the night of the murder. All the little details fall into place and form an incomplete picture, but you can still glean some information from what you have gathered thus far:
The numerous pairs of shoes on the mat show no sign of being shoved out of place, which could mean the suspect felt no sense of urgency as they fled the scene. There is evidence that they owned a dog, but it either ran away or it’s hiding somewhere in the house…or perhaps a victim as well. And if it turns out that the latter is true, then the murder may not be the result a lover’s quarrel gone wrong.
The picture in your mind looks more like a preliminary drawing, but you remind yourself that even the best works of art take time to complete.
You check out the other rooms on the bottom floor only to find more evidence of this family’s luxurious wealth in the form of expensive paintings and furniture. Once again you see no evidence of a rushed exit, but that could simply be because the suspect did not have to enter most of the rooms on the way to the garage. You head back to the entrance hall and climb up the stairs to the second floor. The sight of more police tape blocking entry into one of the rooms tells you that is where you will find the body of the victim as well as the crime scene analyst scouring every inch of that room for crucial evidence.
Before you head in there for a quick debriefing, you take a quick peek into the other rooms and immediately deduce that the scene of crime happens to also be the bedroom.  You also take note of just how spotless each room appears to be, which may add more credence to this being premeditative murder. Easy there…don’t wanna jump the gun so soon, you mentally reprimand while nodding at the two officers on guard outside of the bedroom. You squeeze through a large gap in the police tape and your eyes instantly spot a most grisly sight.
Mr. Harmon is lying face up on the bloodstained carpet, dead vacant eyes staring up at the ceiling. You turn to a fresh page in your sketchbook and get to work mapping this horrid scene. The bed sits in the center of the room against the wall and the sheets are all rumpled. One of four pillows is on the floor while the others are strewn across the bed. The victim’s body is lying a couple of feet away from the foot of the bed and he appears to be wearing white cotton pajamas with a baseball theme pattern. Besides the messy bed and dead body, nothing else seems remotely out of place on first inspection. But that just means you need a closer look to add more detail to the sketch forming in your mind.
You draw out some final details before walking across the room towards Carmen Torres, the crime scene analyst currently snapping pictures of the victim. Both of you started out in Red Grave P.D. at the same time and have formed an amicable relationship over the past few years. She does not seem to mind your more serious and sometimes snarky attitude while you tolerate her eccentricities since behind her quirkiness lies a brilliant forensic mind. Plus, you enjoy her attempts at lightening the mood with cheery conversation while poking around a dead body.
The rotten stench of decay wafts under your nose before you can call out to get her attention, causing you to wrinkle your nose as you cough in disgust. Carmen looks back over her shoulder and flashes you a sunny smile. “Good morning, Quickdraw!” she greets, using her fond nickname for you despite all your vehement protests.
“There’s nothing good about it, San Diego,” you retort with a roll of your eyes while waving your hand in front of your face. “But I guess good morning to you too.”
“I see you’re as chipper as always,” Carmen jests as she reaches into her coat pocket and pulls out a jar of what she refers to as miracle smelly cream before tossing it your way.
“I’ll be a dazzling ray of sunshine as soon as I get some coffee,” you chortle while catching the jar. You unscrew the cap, scoop a small amount of its contents onto your finger, and smear it beneath your nose. When you give a test sniff to see that the stench is no longer as strong you screw the cap back and toss the jar back to her. “But until then…” you trail off, taking one last look around the bedroom. Carmen waits patiently for you to continue, already aware that this is just part of your investigative routine from all the other times you have worked together. You glance through your sketchbook one last time before asking the age-old universal code once more:
“What have we got here?”
“A little variety for one thing!” Carmen exclaims as she takes a few steps closer to the body. “Not every day that we see the wife beating the shit of her husband before finishing them off!”
“True,” you admit with a tilt of your head. “Domestic violence where the woman is the abuser is not as common, but it still happens.” You follow her and crouch down over the body for closer inspection. Despite being dead, Mr. Harmon’s expression seems quite indifferent to his current state. Multiple injuries mare his face, neck, and chest, indicating that there was physical altercation before his untimely demise. It all points to a classic case of domestic abuse, but all the bruises you see are still black and blue.
“Did you happen to find any more bruises that are older?”
Carmen’s face scrunches up as she ponders your question before answering. “Uhhhh nope. I’ll make a note of it for the medical examiner…Oh!” She sets the camera down on the floor before scooting closer to the head of the body. “You’re gonna love this!” she declares with a confident grin. “As you can see, there’s a real nasty contusion on his head, which could’ve been the cause of death,” she informs while pointing to a bloody spot by the victim’s temple before continuing, “but there’s just one problem with that theory.”
You reach over and examine the wound with your gloved hand, feeling around the injury before looking back at her. “Not even a dent or crack in the skull,” you conclude softly, adding it to your mental sketch of the crime.
Carmen nods excitedly. “Exactly! So maybe he died from blunt force trauma to the head, but we won’t know for sure until the autopsy.” She picks up her camera and switches lenses before snapping a few detailed shots of the injury as she continues. “If anything, I’d say he suffered from a concussion. And if that’s the case, then it’s possible that it played a part in his death. Well, that and the loss of blood.”
“Hmm…seems plausible,” you murmur more to yourself as you withdraw your hand. “Miss Murder beats him up, he falls unconscious, and she probably runs away thinking that he’s dead.” You hold your sketchbook in your lap while you take out another rubber glove to replace the one now sullied with blood. As you carefully pull off the glove and slip a clean one on, you think about the recent cases yet to be solved. None of them are related in terms of how the crime itself happened, but there is one tiny physical detail that connects them. The more you think about it, the more you start to get a hunch that so far has never let you down.
“Is there any indication that he may have been paralyzed?”
Carmen pauses her photo session. “Uhhhh besides getting smacked aside the head? No, not really.” She removes the camera from her face and stares up at the ceiling in thought. “It’s possible that his spinal cord could’ve been hit during the beating, but I dunno if Miss Murder could’ve pull that off.” She turns her head and meets your contemplative gaze. “Ooooh! Are ya getting’ one of your Quickdraw hunches?” she guesses eagerly, eyes growing wide as she leans over in anticipation of your explanation.  
You grunt in mild annoyance before indulging her curiosity. “Let’s look at his hands and arms.”
Both of you lift a hand from where you are crouching and push back the sleeve of his pajamas down to the elbow. You splay the victim’s arm out onto the floor and begin to draw out your findings in the sketchbook. The inside of his palm is a bit calloused, perhaps from doing his own yard work, but the rest of his hand is smooth and free from any kind of blemish. You note that Carmen is examining the left hand and that a gold band is around his ring finger. His arm has a sprinkling of freckles among coarse hair as well as some muscle. And again, there are no blemishes of any kind…no cuts, no bruises, no injuries whatsoever.    
“No sign of defensive wounds,” Carmen mumbles in awe under her breath.
“It’s human instinct to defend yourself,” you chime in absentmindedly while you make note of your discovery by the depiction of the corpse in your sketchbook. “We still put up a fight even if it seems hopeless.”
You grow quiet as distant memories bubble up from the back of your mind, but you suppress the hurtful images as you reach over and pull the collar of the pajamas away from the victim’s neck. All you see are more bruises and no other injuries, so you follow your gut instinct and move onto to inspect his chest. You peek under the pajama top and see something odd just under his left pectoral. Your fingers make quick work of the buttons on the pajama top and you flick it off his chest for better inspection. And just as you expected, there is a small puncture wound that looks terribly like the other previous murders that have cropped up recently.  
“Oh shit!” Carmen gasps as she fumbles for her analyst kit. “I didn’t think about-”
“It’s okay,” you reassure while the corners of your lips quirk into your first smile of the day. “Nobody would’ve expected you to search for injection wounds since-”
“He has obvious signs of blunt force trauma to the head,” Carmen finishes your sentence as she takes out a couple of DNA swabs and tubes. “Do you think this is connected to the other murders? Or is this just one big coincidence?” she asks, quickly catching onto your hunch while you put a big circle around the puncture on your drawing.
“Don’t wanna jump to conclusions just yet,” you respond calmly while readjusting your glasses with the pencil. “Not until we perform an autopsy,” you tack on while Carmen gives you a knowing smirk. You stand back up and flip through your sketchbook, intending to ask her about the missing dog and if she came across a safe in the bedroom, but the sudden ringing of your phone interrupts your train of thought.
You shuffle the sketchbook in your arms, carefully trying to remove the rubber glove from one hand. Carmen watches you for a bit while you struggle before offering to slip the glove off for you when an annoyed huff leaves your lips. As soon as your hand is free from its protective barrier, you pull out your cellphone to see who is disturbing your investigation. “Huh…speak of the devil,” you mumble, seeing the name of the medical examiner before swiping the screen to answer.
“Detective!” he greets you back enthusiastically. “I finally have the test results you wanted!”
“Excellent!” you exclaim while closing your sketchbook. “Mind if I swing by your office?”
“Oh gods yes! Please!”
You hear the definite sound of worry within his pleading voice. “Is everything okay?”
“Oh, everything is fine! It’s just uh,” he pauses for a moment. “It’d probably be better if I just explain it to you in person.”
“Alright. I’ll head on over shortly,” you reply, arching a brow at his curious behavior, but you are not too surprised since he is known for being a little paranoid at times.
“Very good, Detective,” he sighs in relief. “See you then!”
When the end of the line cuts off, you check the time on your phone before slipping it back into your pocket. “You got a break in the case?” Carmen asks inquisitively as she snaps a few more close ups of the body.
“I sure fucking hope so,” you grumble morosely, “or else the Lieutenant will have my ass for leaving so soon.” You take out the evidence bag with the mysterious key. “I found this hanging on a key holder in the kitchen. Looks like it can open a safe or a lock box. Have you-”
“Nope, but I’m not quite done here,” she quickly answers while taking the bag from your grasp. “I’ll keep my eyes open for it though.”
You nod. “Also, have you seen any sign of their dog in the house?”
Carmen shakes her head. “No…but I did collect some small fibers from the bedsheets that could’ve been dog hair. Now get outta here!” She gestures towards the door with her head. “And don’t worry, I’ll cover for ya,” she reassures with a friendly smile. “It did sound like Graves was a little spooked by something…well, more so than usual.”
“Yeah,” you murmur while stuffing your gloveless hand into your jacket pocket. “Don’t know what that’s about.”
“Maybe…” she trails off in thought before her eyes suddenly grow wide. “One of the body’s came to life and confessed their love to him!”
“Oh my god,” you groan, staring up at the ceiling as she expands her ridiculous speculation.
“And he, so overtaken by their confession of undying love, asked them to be their lawfully wedded zombie!”
“Okay! I’m leaving now,” you announce with an indignant huff while walking towards the exit, glancing over your shoulder at the very exhilarated crime scene analyst.
“Aww!!! He probably wants to ask you to be his best woman at the undead wedding!”
“See ya, San Diego!” you bark back with a half-hearted wave of your sketchbook before rushing out of the bedroom, shaking your head in exasperation at her facetious claims while climbing down the stairs.
You remove the other rubber glove and your glasses as you head out the front door. The officers standing outside bid you farewell as you make your way down the long driveway, steeling yourself with every step as the clamor of news reporters rings out in the morning air. You are once again bombarded with various questions as you cross under the police tape. Your eyes narrow as you walk up to your motorcycle, which is currently surrounded by a small group of journalists from the local newspaper.
Damn press! you seethe, but their presence is not enough to stop you from blocking their incessant inquiries by putting on your helmet before mounting your ride. The group spreads out and tries to block your only exit, but you call their buff by revving your engine a couple of times in warning. They all jump back at the blaring purr of the bike, giving you an opening to take off from the crime scene with a loud roar.
Another day, another murder…but I’m also another day closer to solving this case, you resolve with a determined grin while turning down the road towards your next destination.
Read Chapter 2
My Ao3
My Masterlist if you want more 💖 
Tagging: @bettybattaglia @drusoona and @exsultry
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changminmaneo · 3 years
𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓪𝓯𝓮 𝓷𝓸𝔀
The day Changmin ran from the blazing home he set on fire was the day he met the first person he could finally and fully truly trust. Soka, the name he remembered calling her when they were younger. had opened the door for him and let him in, his face covered in soot and soaked with tears, his old and ratty clothes smelling of gasoline and no shoes to be found on his feet, his body aching and a painful hunger causing his stomach to cramp up to the point he was nearly bent over from it. He stumbled into the home he remembered from when he was younger, it had been about three years since he last saw it. He remembered Soka’s father, a man he had mostly avoided, and a kind eyed older brother, though the voices and faces of the two had faded in his memory, however Soka and those kind eyes of the older brother had not gone anywhere.
Soka hadn’t really asked any questions yet, not that Changmin would be willing or be able to answer them at that point, and guided him to the couch in their living room. He knew Soka, even then it had been quite a few years since they had last seen each other, since he had last escaped to her house. The man with the kind eyes walked into the room soon after that, asking who had showed up before his eyes quickly darted to Changmin, and immediately left, bringing him back clothing that was much to big for the younger male, telling him to go take a bath that he had already drawn for him, directing him to where the bathroom was.
Changmin, still in his trance, obeyed and made his way slowly to the bathroom. Once he was in there, he got in the bath that was drawn for him, turning on the hot water, throwing all his dirty clothes on the floor and climbing in the burning hot bath. He stayed in there for a while, hearing voices whisper, what he assumed was Soka, the kind-eyed man, and Soka’s father. There didn’t seem to be anyone else there, which gave Changmin some sort of comfort. The fiery hot bath pulled him out of his haze, only slowly starting to realize exactly what he had done, what horrors he’d been through now that it was all over. No, no, he wasn’t ready to feel anything yet. It would be too much for him to handle alone.
Changmin had thrown on the clothes that he essentially drowned in, trying his hardest not to think, not to feel. He walked past the three in the kitchen, helping the kind-eyed man make something that smelled incredible, the hunger pains coming back from when he had first arrived at their place. He had been in too much of a catatonic state to truly notice them much before, but now that Changmin had been pulled from that state, he only just then realized exactly how hungry he actually was. The kindhearted older brother, he had since learned that his name was Luci, took his hand and gently guided him to their dining room table.
Changmin realized only then how he had lost time sitting on that couch, all the food they made being ready on the table by the time he was sat down. The boy had asked Luci many times if he was absolutely sure Changmin could eat as much as he wanted, and he was reassured each time with patience in the older mans voice that it was completely fine. After about the fifth or sixth time he asked and was comforted and told that it was okay, Changmin took something from every dish, putting as much as he could of each one on his plate and quickly ate all of it, however trying to be slow enough as to not make himself sick. He hadn’t had a homemade meal like this since he lived with his grandmother until he was eight, each bite better than the last. 
Once Changmin had eaten his fill, he immediately returned to the couch in the living room, his nerves acting up once more. The three were whispering again for a few seconds before the voices stopped. Angelo, Soka’s father, approached him at first, though Changmin was instantly terrified as his fear of any sort of father figure frightened him kicked in. The older male could see it on his face, and instantly backed away towards the kitchen again.
“He’s scared of Dad. Luci, you go. I doubt he’ll tell me anything, he wouldn’t when we were younger.” 
Changmin recognized that as Soka’s voice, although the trance he was in before was starting to act up again. He didn’t want to feel anything, and it was sending him back into that catatonic state once again. He barely noticed the kind-eyed brother, Luci, approaching him until he sat down next to the older male and slowly, gently placed a hand on his back, causing Changmin to flinch away at first, until he realized it wasn’t meant to hurt him, however snapping him out of his daze.
“What.. happened exactly?” 
Changmin shook his head and glanced at Soka and Angelo listening in from the kitchen, Luci realizing what he meant and waved the other two off. Once they had left, the younger male started explaining, in a monotone, emotionless voice at first, starting from the beginning. Saying out loud for the first time, he spoke of his grandmother, of his father and mother and their addictions, how they forced him to clean up everything after their fights, or his fathers drug induced tantrums. When the beatings started, how they became worse over time. The nights he was locked in the small closet. As his story continued, the more emotions started flooding out. Before Changmin realized, he was sobbing however still able to get the words out, Luci’s arms wrapped around him in a tight hug.
Trying to get his emotions under control and failing, Changmin was only able to get the end of the story out, how his father broke four fingers on his left hand, how he stole money from his parents, how he drenched them and the house in gasoline, how he lit it all up and danced, crying and laughing in the street in front of the house until he could hear the sirens and ran. Luci never said a word the whole time he spoke, only saying something once Changmin didn’t say anymore. 
“It’s okay, no one can hurt you now. Hyungs got you, they can’t hurt you now. You’re safe now.”
It was then that Changmin broke completely, painful sobs wracking his body with such force that he wasn’t able to do much except lean on Luci who still had his arms around him tightly, and eventually curling into a ball so tight all he could do was lay his head on the older mans lap, crying his eyes out so hard they burned, the not broken fingers gripping tightly to Luci’s shirt as he sobbed into it. At some point he managed through the sobs that the older man could tell Soka and Angelo, but he could not handle speaking of it again. Eventually he managed to cry himself to sleep, still on Luci’s lap, sleeping so deeply he had no dreams, at least that he could remember in the morning, finally feeling safe.
Many years had past since that day, and since then Changmins trust for Luci had only grown since then. The many nights Luci had spent holding him as he cried, never minding when the younger male woke him up at any hour of the night to talk to him about his nightmares, his sleep paralysis, or just memories that came flooding back to him and horrified him. The times he had called his hyung to pick him up from a bar when Changmin was too drunk, or after he had gotten into a fight and was too exhausted or too beat up to get home himself. 
The older man meant the world to him, and although he’d never admit it, Changmin trusted him with anything, more so than he did with Angelo, who was a very close second, Soka and Hansol who were tied for third. He had told Luci the story about every scar, at least the ones he could remember, every reason he got in a fight. He shared with his hyung all the anger he held inside him, shared every bit of sadness and terror with him. Changmin showed him the terrible drawings he had made to express what he couldn’t say, and Luci had allowed him and only him into his art studio, teaching him what paints looked like what and what each brush did. 
Changmin would create paintings, with Luci’s help at first, abstract art that he tried to show every feeling through and how his mind worked, using every color he could connect with. His hyung spent hours with him and no matter what they were doing, Changmin always felt safe with him. He could sleep just fine when he was in Luci’s arms, despite having nightmares nearly every night, reminding him about what happened to him. He had a key to Luci’s house, and would often walk himself over there just to sleep next to the older man, just to feel safe again.
It wasn’t like he didn’t feel safe at home, however Luci was the only one who could truly stop the nightmares, who had felt like home since the beginning. The one he told everything to first, the person who had given him all the patience in the world, never gotten mad at him, who always promised to protect him. While Changmin was afraid of Luci breaking his trust, the fear was small, barely there. He truly believed with all of his heart that he could always trust in his hyung, always know he would be protected, always knew that he would keep him safe to the best of his ability.
All Changmin had ever wanted, he found in Luci, in his new family, his true family. He wanted to feel safe, to be safe. His older brother was the one who showed him precisely what family was supposed to be, what it meant to care for someone and protect them with all their heart. Because of Luci, Changmin learned what the true meaning of family was. Because of him, he was able to trust in others again. Because of his hyung, he learned how to feel safe for the first time in his life. The words Luci spoke the day he ran from his burning past will stick with him forever, particularly the last sentence.
“You’re safe now.”
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Matchup Duo (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Hi hi, love! Thanks so much for the request! Also soz for taking sooooooo long hehe,😳 I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you have a good day! 🌻❤Also, side note I’m still new to writing for ikevamp so yeah.... keep that in mind  @orangenji​
So I match you with.................... Theo
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Selfie Matchup
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The first time theo sees you, his brain goes haywire
You have that same upbeat cinnaroll energy as his older brother and he can’t help but feel the need to get to know you better
The gruff man walks up to you and the first words that leaves his mouth is hondjie, not that he meant it as an insult at all, in contrary you remind him of a cute fluffy puppy, that he just wants to cuddle and gooooosh…
Just what are you doing to this poor man, he can’t even think straight, one look into those deep brown eyes has him completely captivated
They remind him of chocolate, rich and sweet melting with hues of love and comfort. 
It holds a sense of warmth and security and reminds him of cold snowy days spent indoor with his beloved brother drinking smooth sweet hot cholate by the fireplace
Yet swirling in your eyes is also glints of mischief and playfulness, speaking of endless amounts of fun, goofing around in the hot summer sun
Not even to mention your smile, full of warmth and radiance
One flash of your sweet smile has this boy falling absolutely head over heels for you
He low key has to resist the urge to reach out and touch your hair. 
It looks so silky smooth and soft all he wants to do is play with it, pulling his fingers through the depths of those soft strands for hours and hours.
He can already picture it, a life with you by his side, the two of you partners in crime, snuggled together in front of the fireplace on a cold winters day sipping on hot chocolate
 Normal Matchup 
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You can’t help but think the man with piercing blue eyes and soft brown hair to be rather rude. You didn’t speak dutch, but you knew enough to know that he had just called you a dog, and for crying out loud, he wouldn’t stop looking at you. You tried to say something but damn your awkward personality. It all came out like muddled words, not making any sense causing the brash man to laugh at you. Just then a beautiful angel of a man entered into the room, and in a soft, soothing voice he scolded the dog man. “Schei uit, Theo!” As he scolded his brother, the beautiful blond angel looked at you and smiled a warm, friendly smile. Looking at the two men was like looking at day and night, if Vincent was the angel, then Theo was most definitely the devil. Vincent introduced himself, and that’s when you found out the two men were brothers. You offered Vincent a shy smile and introduced yourself as well.
The next morning you went to wake Theo up for breakfast with a warm cup of coffee. You gently knocked on the door, and when there was no reply, you opened it and walked inside. You saw Theo sleeping peacefully and decided that the best way to wake him up was to open the curtains and let in the light. As you did this you head a groan coming from the sleeping vampire, “Its too early to wake up, just 5 more minutes.” He rolled away from the piercing light steaming through his window and covered his head with a pillow. You remembered that Sabastain had mentioned something about Theo loving pancakes, so you decided to mention it, “Wake up Theo, otherwise, I am going to eat all the pancakes that Sabastian made for breakfast.” That definitely caught his attention, as Theo bolted out of bed and ran downstairs to his waiting stack of pancakes. You chuckled to yourself as you made your way downstairs back to the dining room. You saw him in front of a giant stack of pancakes, and you couldn’t help but smile, he looked as happy as a little boy on Christmas day. “Oi, you forgot your coffee in your rush,” you beamed your angelic smile at him, and he thought his heart would melt at that moment. He muttered a thank you and quickly turned away to hide the slight blush forming on his cheeks.
The two of you sat and ate the pancakes together, and TBH, Theo found your awkward personality quite amusing. He spent the whole morning teasing you and making the funniest jokes. The rest of the mansion was fast asleep, and it was only you and Theo at the dining table, as he had to go off to work early in the mornings. Every morning like clockwork, the two of you would sit together and eat breakfast, occasionally you were joined by the mystery writer himself. At this point, you and Theo had spent countless mornings together eating breakfast and exchanging light banter, which caused you to slowly start coming out of your shell. It was always most amusing to both you and Theo, when Arthur would join the two of you for breakfast, as the two of you would gang up on the mystery writer and tease the living daylights out of him. 
The more Theo had come to get to know you, the deeper he would fall in love. He adored your playful personality, finally someone to team up with and get Arthur and Dazai back for all their pranks. And boy oh boy were the two of you an unstoppable team, you would legit pull the funniest pranks on Arthur ranging from replacing his shampoo with honey, to serving him shaving cream instead of normal cream with his pancakes. Theo also loved the light banter and joke the two of you would engage in.
At this point, you had also fallen in love with the gruff but sweet dog man. You had noticed that he would put up a rough and tough front but behind all that he was actually an adorable soft sensitive boy who would do anything for those he loved. Speaking of which a big art exhibition was coming up and he was in charge of all the arrangements. He had been working many late nights and waking up at the crack of dawn to go to work. One evening as you made your way to his room to bring him his 6th cup of coffee for the night. You saw his sprawled across his desk fast asleep. He was busy working on the marketing material for the exhibition, and it appeared that he was too tired to finish all the paperwork he needed to do by morning. You took the warm fluffy blanket from his bed and draped it over his shoulders, careful not to wake him. You then curiously looked at the paperwork he was busy with. You smiled when you realized that he was trying to figure out the most aesthetically pleasing layout for all the art. You carefully took the papers from underneath him and examined it, you then started rearranging everything. You had also helped him finish composing letters to some important people, to ask for their financial support. You smiled as you placed all the finished work in a neat pile on his desk. 
Theo woke up that morning in a panic. He never intended to sleep for so long, he had so much work he had to complete, his eyes then drifted to the neat stack on the side of his desk. He picked up the papers and was amazed, he instantly recognized your handwriting, and he was super impressed at the details and precision of it all. That’s when he found out you loved art and literature, and if you weren’t already perfect in his eyes, you sure were now. He also LOVED art, so to find out he had yet another thing in common with you, this boy was legit over the moon. He invited you to help him with that evening’s exhibition cause he needed someone else with a keen eye for art to help him out.
Since that day, the two of you have been working together. Theo loved that you were just as interested in art as him and so the two of you worked together discovering new artists, setting up art viewings and selling paintings. Theo had long ago fallen in love with you, but he just didn’t know how to tell you. He was low key scared you didn’t feel the same way about him, so he went to his dearest older bother for help and advice.
On one sunny afternoon, you finally had your first day off and you spent it, cuddled up in your room with a good book. Theo came by your room and asked if you wanted to go to the markets with him, to pick up some supplies for Vincent. The two of you often went to town together, and you really enjoyed his company, so you put your book away and told him that you would meet him at the front door in 10 minutes. Theo was smiling from ear to ear, his plan was now set in motion. 
You were surprised when you walked outside to find that there was no carriage waiting to take the two of you to town. Theo then pinched your cheeks and smiled, “common hondjie lets go for a walk, I have something I want to show you.” You eyed the man suspiciously but decided to go along with it, especially considering King had now bounced his way up to the two of you holding his leash in this mouth. You smiled as you grabbed hold of the leash out of the dog’s mouth and started walking with Theo to the surprise destination. You walked for what felt like hours when finally, Theo stopped, “We are here.” You looked around and realized you were at the edge of a huge flower field and in the centre was a giant willow tree, with what looked to be a picnic set up at the base of the tree. 
Theo gestured for you to sit down as King ran around the flower field chasing squirrels. The two of you sat there in comfortable silence when finally Theo looked you deep in your brown eyes and confessed his feelings for you. He was so happy when you had admitted to him with a shy smile, that you felt the same way. The two of you met in a sweet kiss
Which was ruined seconds later by a soaking wet golden retriever licking both of you. It seemed like the troublesome pup had found a nearby river and decided to go for a swim. The two of you pulled away and burst into laughter, as King shook and wet both of you. The two of you polished off the picnic and made your way back to the mansion walking hand in hand.
The two of you made the cutest couple. Theo was always there for you whenever you felt insecure or anxious. He would be by your side in a second wrapping you in his warm arms and telling you how much he loves and adores you. If you are having an anxiety attack, he will pull you close so that your head is resting on his chest. He will soothingly pull his fingers through your silky soft hair and tell you to listen to his heartbeat and breath in tune with it. He will then trap you in his arms for the rest of the day and give you his undivided attention. 
Good thing you are romantic enough for the both of you as Theo is not one who shows his love through romantic gestures or words, he is rather awkward when it comes to that department. Although he has surprised you on occasion with a romantic date or a candlelit dinner.
Theos favourite thing in the world is to have you snuggled up in his arms as the two of you talk for hours and hours about anything and everything, he loves that the two of you have that kind of relationship where both of you listen and try to understand each other. Theo knows that you are always there when he needs someone to rely on. 
The two of you are often out in town together walking King or buying some supplies for Sabastian or Vincent. After work, Theo would usually take you to a local café to indulge in your favourite strawberry cake, which according to you is the closest thing in this time period too, strawberry Oreos.
It is also not uncommon for Theo to come home from an outing with Vincent carrying a bunch of your favourite roses. Usually, when Vincent spend the afternoon painting in the flower field, Theo will spend that time picking roses to present to his dearest hondjie.
One night as the two of you was snuggled up together in front of the fireplace sipping on some coffee after having a fun day playing in the snow, Theo thought back to the first moment he met you. “Hey Theo what are you smiling about”, he kissed the tip of your nose and nuzzled into your neck hiding his growing smile, he definitely wasn’t going to admit that he fell in love with you at first sight.
Other potential matches............. Dazai 
I hope you enjoyed this dear and i hope you have a good day!❤❤🌻
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megsironthrone · 5 years
Choose Your Story Part 5
Here’s Part 5! You voted and, by one vote, chose A: Reader chooses to confront Sandor. *As always, familiar characters are NOT mine*
Prologue, part 2, part 3, part 4
Warnings: Modern AU, mentions of drunkenness and hangovers, angst, fluff!, Renly being Renly, a couple swears I guess, POV changes. I think that’s it for this part.
Pairings/Characters: Eventual Sandor x Reader, Renly
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Sandor's POV
         The first thing Sandor was aware of was the pounding in his head. He hadn't been that drunk in a very long time. The second thing he was aware of was that he was not in his bed or even in his own room. He was in yours. The third thing he became aware of was that there was a bottle of water and a dose of aspirin on the night stand. Thanking whatever gods there were, Sandor sat up and took the medicine, hoping it would alleviate the aching in his skull.  
         After stretching, Sandor slowly got out of bed. It seemed unusually quiet in the apartment but maybe that was because he was actually in the apartment and not on the other side of the wall. Or maybe you were just being polite. Sandor wasn't an idiot and it was pretty obvious what had happened the night before. You clearly helped him out.
         Sandor exited your room to find you sitting at your small table, a steaming mug of something sitting in front of you. Even from a distant, Sandor could see that something was troubling you. "Morning," he greeted. He knew his voice was still rough with sleep and the hangover he was experiencing.
         You jumped a little before looking at him guiltily. "Morning," you said softly. You didn't speak again for a moment. Sandor took the opportunity to gaze around the room. He was unsurprised to see two more canvases covered by  sheets on your easels, as well as a third uncovered one in the middle. "What do you remember from last night?" you asked. Sandor's brows furrowed. "Not much. Went to the bar, had a few drinks. I don't remember much after you walked in with those two friends of yours."
         "I was afraid of that," you muttered before meeting his eyes again. "You said some pretty interesting things last night." Sandor felt his brow raise. What could he have possibly said to make you act so awkwardly? He had to keep his eyes in his head when a thought suddenly struck him. Surely he hadn't? No. There was no way he, Sandor Clegane, had managed to spill his every thought just because he'd had a few too many.
         "Like what?" he asked, playing nonchalant. Your (e/c) eyes locked with his. "Like you said that I was attractive. That you think you're in love with me. And that if I told myself that you'd run me over with your bike. Coincidentally, Brienne brought your keys this morning." Sandor resisted the urge to run a hand through his hair. It unnerved and irritated him to no end that he couldn't tell exactly what you'd thought of his little drunken confession.
         "I was pretty drunk, Y/N. Can't take anything I said seriously." You let out a little hum before taking another sip from your mug. The tension could have been cut with a knife when you leveled your gaze at him yet again. "A drunk mind speaks sober thoughts." Now Sandor Clegane did not handle embarrassment well. Probably because he didn't get embarrassed by much. But he was embarrassed now. He'd confessed his love for you and felt like you weren't saying anything about it other than to throw it back in his face. Why didn't you just outright say you didn't have those types of feelings for him? Everyone else did.
         "I don't need to drink to tell you my thoughts, Y/N. If I felt that way about you, I'd have told you when I was sober." You hummed again, but the little tic of your jaw told Sandor he'd gotten a reaction from that. "How could I love someone that drives me absolutely insane?" He was being harsh, he knew, but he didn't know how to deal with his humiliation other than with anger. So that's what he did.
         You still didn't say anything, but one look at your face told Sandor all he needed to know. His words had hurt you. Without saying another word, he grabbed his keys from the table by the door and practically ran back to the bar where he'd left his motorcycle. He knew you'd probably find a way to get back at him later, but he couldn't deal with the growing awkwardness any longer. He had to get away.
Normal POV
         You sat there in silence for several more minutes. You had no idea what had just happened. He hadn't even given you a chance to admit your own growing feelings. He had instantly gotten defensive. Maybe it was your fault for approaching it the way you had, but you couldn't figure out how else to say it. Your eyes traveled to the covered canvas that held your latest work. You'd gotten inspired the night before, seeing Sandor with flushed cheeks and the way he flopped down on your bed before confessing his feelings.
         With a sigh, you stood up, forcing your tears to stay down. You had no idea how you were going to fix this. You didn't even know if Sandor would let you fix it. So you did what you did best when your emotions got the better of you. You turned to your art. You took the sheets off the new canvases and returned to your painting as you called your best friend for some advice.
         Renly was decidedly unhelpful. He was too hung over to really be of any use in the situation. His main advice was for you to either talk with Sandor or seduce him. Talking wasn't going to work. You knew that. Sandor was clearly not good with emotions other than anger. And as for seduction; there was no way you could if Sandor wouldn't even look at you. Teasing Renly about his uselessness, you hung up the phone. You had to get to work. You only hoped something would happen and you'd be able to get Sandor to sit and listen.
Sandor's POV
         A little while later, Sandor returned home to find your car gone. He breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn't sure he could deal with you again right now. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't you he would have to deal with. As Sandor hit the landing just outside your apartments, his gaze caught Renly's. Even hung over, the man didn't have a hair out of place.
         "Clegane, what did you do?" he asked simply. Sandor scoffed and moved to pass the smaller man. "Y/N loves you too, you know." Sandor froze. He turned to look back at Renly. "What?" Renly shrugged. "I've known Y/N for a long time. Trust me when I say, you aren't the only one in love here. And you aren't the only one struggling to talk about those feelings."
         "Talk? We didn't talk. Y/N sat there staring at me like a damn fish!" Sandor snapped. Renly looked unfazed as he fished something out of his pocket. It was a key. Sandor arched a brow, making Renly grin a Cheshire Cat grin. "What? Did you seriously think I wouldn't have the super make me a key to best friend's apartment? This building has really low security. Now come on."
         Sandor glanced around him while Renly went to work unlocking the door. Once the door was open, Renly wasted no time in going inside, ushering Sandor in after him. It was strange being in your apartment without you. "Y/N is probably going to kill me, but you need to see this," Renly stated by way of preamble. He motioned to one of the seats before disappearing into the room Sandor had woken up in just a couple of hours before.
         Renly returned a moment later, canvases in hand. What did your paintings have to do with anything? Renly turned one around. "This is from when you and Y/N first met. When you were fighting every damn day." Sandor could practically feel the anger and irritation coming from the painting. "What is your point?"
         "Shut up," was all Renly said before turning over another painting. "This one was done shortly after the two of you became friends. You're Y/N's knight in shining armor here." Sandor stared at the painting of a knight that looked suspiciously like him. The knight stood tall and proud, with a hound shaped helmet tucked under one arm.
         "You see, Y/N has a habit of letting emotions do the painting. Whatever Y/N is feeling is what goes on the canvas. And the picture I was sent this morning of the latest piece tells me exactly what Y/N feels for you," Renly stated. He then walked over to the covered canvases that Sandor noticed that morning. The canvas in the middle was simply two sets of hands clasping each other, but then Renly took the sheets off the other two paintings.
         On the left was you. You were smiling and seemingly looking at something like it hung the moon in the sky. Sandor followed the painting's gaze to the third painting. The one on the right. He swore all his breath left his body. Was that supposed to be him? The scars were there, but so was a soft smile and a faint blush. There was a gentleness and softness Sandor never would have associated with himself. There was tenderness.
         "See? Y/N sees you in a completely different light. While the words aren't being spoken, the feeling is there. The two of you just need to talk it out." Sandor didn't say anything as he continued to look between the three paintings. Were you really just putting your feelings on canvas? Is that how you saw him?
         "What the hell?!" Sandor hadn't even noticed that you were back. He glanced over at you. There was a fire in your eyes but for once it wasn't directed at him, but at Renly. The dark-haired man smiled. "Good to see you, Y/N. Gotta go!" With that, he darted from the apartment. You whirled on Sandor.
         "What are you doing here?" Your voice lost some of its power as you spoke. Your eyes flashed over the paintings and then back to him. "Now you know, huh?" You put your belongings down and closed the door behind  you. You pushed passed Sandor to recover the canvases, but Sandor's hand shot out to gently grab your arm.
         His eyes met yours and it was as if the whole world stopped. How had he not noticed that look in your eyes before? He'd never seen anyone looking at him like that, with such adoration. "Let go," you said. Sandor released your arm, but took a step closer to you. "What do you want?" you asked. Without even thinking, Sandor had his reply.
         "I want to kiss you." You arched a brow, but Sandor could the emotions raging in your eyes. "Then what are you waiting for?" you questioned softly. Your voice was barely above a whisper. Sandor leaned in. He could hear your shaky breath and knew his was just the same. His heart was beating in ways he hadn't experienced before. Then, just as his lips ghosted over yours, the door flew open. "Forgot my- Oh My GODS!"
(a/n: Hurray for part 5! Voting for Part 6 will be up in  about an hour! I’ve had to change things up a little this week for my b-day celebration this weekend! Anyway, i hope you enjoyed part 5!)
CYS Tags: @fallatyourfeet​ @songoficecreamandfireworks​ @emmice9​ @silversprings98​ @thatcutewerewolf​ (Tags are still open!)
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
My Harley X
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I yawned as I came out of work having to stretch a little where I had been in a meeting all morning fixing my hair as I got to my bike searching my denim pockets for my keys "See you next week Thomas!" My agent gleams as he walks to his car "See you" I smiled as I grabbed my keys what the heck did I out them in my helmet for? When I suddenly heard a loud rev coming from the main road probably some stupid kid with a silly exaughst on there Corsa until suddenly a really nice Harley Davidson motorcycle ride into Soho Square and parked up beside my triumph, it was dark blue with glimers in the paint that made it look like space a little with some beautiful art work down the fuel tank the rider turned it off and began slipping off there gloves "beautiful bike mate" I smiled trying to look more just as the rider took off here helmet, It was a girl with long y/h/c hair that flowed down as soon as the helmet was removed bright red lipstick and other 50's style make up she put her helmet down and fixed her hair "Cheers, this one of the new triumph's?" She asks "Uhhh yeah" I nod blushing a little "She's nice, soop her up yaself?" She asked "Hu?" I ask a little confused what she said "Work on her yaself? That's not the floor model I know I have this baby at home" she smiled "Ohh yeah, I ticker with all my bikes" I nod and she smiled unzipping her black leather jacket and she sighed happily clearly she was hot as she opened the jacket more I noticed she had only a red and black bralet under it and Uhhh nothing else, I tried my best to look away Don't be a perv, don't be a perv "Ya dick jump up into ya throat triumph?" She smirked "Ohh sorry, not often I meet a girl who knows this much about bikes" I blush "your not from around here are you?" I ask "No, I ride south often thought you twats have much nicer roads" she smiled "hey you wanna get a coffee?" She offered "Ohh uhh sure" I nod "Great," she smiled doing her jacket up "I know a good place you follow" she smiled getting her helmet back on so I quickly got sorted too and followed her off to wherever it was she was taking me.
When we got there we sat at the little place it was pretty much empty we sat for what must have been hours talking about the bikes we had and the modifications we had done on them until it began getting dark so we headed out "hey uhh... Could I uhh? Could we meet up again?" I ask her "I don't know, maybe" she shurgs "I'm sure I'll run into you again" she smiled going to her bike starting it up but I ran over "Wait!" I said "... could I get your number or your name at least?" "I don't think that's a good idea" she says "Please...I'd really like to see you again" I told her and she sighed getting a napkin from the coffee shop that she had in her pocket and writing on it she folded it up and kissed it leaving a red lipstick print on it an handing it to me "Cheers" I smiled "Your welcome" she smirked before driving off into the darkness I smirked putting it in my pocket and heading home.
'meow! Meow! MEOW!' my cat whines as I opened the door "I know I know!" I sighed shutting and locking the door instantly heading to the kitchen and putting there food in there bowls "there now shut up meowing at me" I laughed as they came to eat it "I don't even get a thank you?" I ask as they ate my phone went off and it was nothing overly important just a junk Email ohh right I need to put her number in so I got the napkin out my pocket seeing her little hand writing 'Triumph Xxx' along side her kiss so I opened it up '0826...SIKE! You think I'm that easy? See ya around We meet up again I'll give you my number, and we'll see if we can take a ride on that pretty triumph of yours XXX' "Oh shit! She didn't give me it" I sighed "well guess I just have to hope I'll see her again" I sigh
I yawned a little sleepy we had been at this bar for what felt like an eternity "Thomas? You want another one?" Jack asks gesturing to the empty glass "Ohh sure go on then" I sigh "have to be my last though" "Alright" he nods taking it to the bar so I sighed having a look around and as I did I spotted a familiar sight I had almost forgotten about her just as jack got back "so..." He began starting to try and chat about something "Sorry Jack just uhh... Keep my seat will you I got to pop out for a cig" I told him getting my wallet and my lighter and heading out as she was too I went out and saw her sat alone at a bench in the beer garden looking for her lighter "here" I offered handing her mine "Cheers" she smiled lightly hers up and handing it back so I sat with her and lit my own "You know, I rather did think I'd never see you again" I smiled "Hu?" She asked a little confused "It's me?" I laughed and she looked blank "we met like months ago" I laughed but nothing "you Siked me for your number?" I remind but nothing "triumph?" I remind "Ooohh hey, shit how you doing?" She asks as she remembered "Fine, what about you?" I ask and she shrugs "you uhh said on your note you wanted a ride on my bike?" I smiled and she nodded "Yeah? So what?" She asks "I have it tonight? You wanna go for a ride?" I offer and she smirked "Where too?" She asks "I don't know, hop on see where we end up. Isn't that your philosophy?" I smirk "Deal" she smirked "outside five minutes" she smirked before putting her cigarette out and going inside so I finished mine off and went in back to jack gathering my stuff "You alright?" Jack asked "Huu? Ohh yeah I'm heading home" I told him "What about your drink?" He asks "You have it" I told him glancing at the door to see her waiting for me in her normal leather I bit my lip looking at her "I'm off I'll talk tomorrow" I told him before I rushed off to meet with her "I'll lead, you follow me Harley" I smirk "I was thinking more along the lines off" she smirked wrapping her arms around my neck "how about ya chase me triumph" she smirked "Why would I chase you?" I asked and she smirked pulling me to kiss her it was amazing I instantly pulled her waist close so hardly an inch was between us kissing her soft lips back her lipstick tasted like cherry cola and she even slipped her tounge inside my mouth a little I was about to match her when she pulled away leaving my breathless and rilled up "You wanna ride your Harley, then you gotta catch her" she whispered before running to her bike it took me a minute before my head cleared and I ran to my own quickly starting up and racing off after her eventually after a...few broken speed limits and almost killing other drivers in the roads I got her following me so I went home and parked up and she parked up with me so I wrapped my arms around her "So? Did I catch my Harley?" I ask and she smirked "Depends what your gonna do next triumph" she smirked so I got my keys "Come on Harley" I smirk ...
As soon as we got inside my house her hands where all over me an I couldn't stop my hands going all over her I lead her up to my room and she pushed me down onto my bed standing between my legs I smirked at her "You wanna ride your Harley?" She asks and I nod bitting my bottom lip as I looked at her "well your Harley needs a little fuel first" she smirked getting on her knees and undoing my pants quickly wrapping those soft lips around my hard cock "Uuuhh uuuuughhh! Harley!" I groan going a little crazy as I haven't had a blowjob in so long grabbing the end of my bed trying not to scream throwing my head back in pleasure at her heavenly sucking trying hard not to buck into her mouth till she pulled away standing back up and wiping her mouth I noticed a lipstick line around the base of my Cock which made me smirk at her alot "Off triumph, else we won't be going for any rides" she warns turning away so I quickly got my clothes off and she got hers off too leaving her in Just some lacy underwear and sitting on my lap she kissed me and I happily kissed her back getting addicted to that cherry cola taste on her lips "Fuck me" I groan "What?" She giggled kissing down my neck "Fuck me Harley please" I begged and she giggled "Convince me" she growled "Ummmmmmm.... Harley please, come on Harley, don't you wanna ride your triumph all night?" I suggest moving her hips gently against my own and she smirked sitting up and putting my hands in a pair of handcuffs and attaching them to my bed frame so I had no escape from her not that I wanted one she slipped those little panties off and let me slip inside her raw "uuuuuhhh! Fucking hell Harley!" I moan fighting my cuffs already wanting my hands all over her she felt so good indiscribably good like I never wanted her to stop as she began to ride me "uuuhh uuhh ummmm ummmm Harley!" I groan "Umm rare triumph's are so big" she smirked Getting faster "Uuuhhh! Harley! Harley please, I'm close" I groaned but it made her speed up "please please HARLEY!" I scream getting closer but she stopped getting off me and letting me out the handcuffs she laid in the other side of my bed smirking at me so I bit my lip and climbed on top of her "you done riding your triumph?" I ask and she nods innocently "good... I get to ride my sexy Harley now?" I smirk but she shook her head "aww why not?" I ask and she giggled playing with her hair "ohhh? I need to rev up my Harley do I?" I ask and she nods "would have thought she'd be reved up Enough riding my cock" I smirk but she just blushed so I smirked giving her s kiss and kissing down her body till I reached her clit and o began passionately making out with her clit and pussy for what felt like hours I loved hearing her moaning and groaning under her breath trying not to scream so I pulled away and gave her lips another kiss "now...I'm gonna ride my Harley, and I wanna hear her" I smirk flipping her over to her stomach and pushing inside her it felt so good not as good as her riding me but I grabbed her hips and pounded her pussy like crazy she was moaning and screaming the whole time but so was I "Uhhhh uuuhh ugghr triumph" she moans "Ummm ummm uhhhh fucking hell.. Harley!" I moan back as I knew I was close and so was she it didn't take her long with our violent thrusting for her to cum her pussy tightening around me and it got me there too finishing inside her and collapsing next to her on my bed.
I yawned turning over in my bed, I could hear the birds in the tree in the garden tweeting loudly at the morning light, my soft bedsheets against my naked body, my room was dark enough to not hurt if I opened my eyes so I slowly opened them and had to rub them to try and get my eyes to focus, I saw my clock on my bedside table the red digital numbers spelling out 11:52 so I sighed turning the light away and having a sip of water from the glass on my table I yawned again and turned over wrapping my arms around the sweet body next to me "ummm good morning Harley" I smirk nuzzling close to her even giving her neck a few kisses "so... You finally gonna tell me your name now? Humm after everything last night I think you owe me that Harley" I ask but nothing I sat up a little opening my still blurry eyes more and saw it was nothing but a pillow in bed with me my clothes scattered around the bedroom floor, what the hell? Come to think of it? I don't remember putting a glass of water on my table last night? So I looked again and saw a note
'morning triumph, I see your finally awake, I had a great time last night but I have to bounce got stuff to do. I look forward to riding with you again, <3 your Harley X' Then a number with in little words 'you earnt it last night xx' and her normal lipstick mark I smiled widely at it I could smell her cherry cola lipstick and her nice scent of leather, cherry, motorcycle oil and lavender that whole half of my bed smelt of it so I put the number into my phone and laid more on that side nuzzling with the pillow while I texted her
'Morning Harley XXX I missed you this morning when you ran off on me, what was so important you'd abandon your triumph? Tell me when next your free and I'll happily arrange another little ride for us X'
And just as it was seen it rang so I happily answered "Humm morning Harley, miss me that much?" I asked "Uhhh mate I think she gave you a fake number sorry" a male voice answered "What?" I asked "Harley? My name's Mike, check the number dude but I think she might have given you a fake number... Thought I'm up for a ride if you are?" The voice answered "Uhh no thanks, I'll check" I answered hanging up and checking it no doubt I had out in the right number from the note She gave me a fake number! "Uhhhh! God dam it Harley" I sighed Collapsing on my bed.
I sighed checking my list for things I needed when I caught a glimpse of something though another Ilse so I walked a little faster towards the Ilse and I could have swarn I saw a flash of red and black and seemed so familiar to me I kept looking until "Owww!" I complain as someone walked into me "Hey watch it!" A female voice complains I looked up and saw her in a red little 50's dress and her hair held back by a red Alice band both the band and dress matching her lipstick as well as her red vintage sunglasses with a black leather jacket over it all I could smell the cherry cola lipstick from here she had a coffee in her hand with the lipstick marks around the rim and a basket in her other hand   "Harley?" I smiled very happy to see her "Triumph?" She asks moving her sunglasses and putting them on her head "oh my god hey" she smiled "Hey, uhh why are you wearing sunglasses In a Tesco?" I ask "It's dam brighter in here then it could ever be out there" she complained sipping her coffee "Fair enough, what have you been up to?" I ask "Just flat hunting" she shrugs "Really your thinking of moving down here then?" I ask and she nods "well I don't know what kinda price range you have but a couple places near me have just gone up for rent?" I suggest "Really? Honestly triumph I had that kinda Money to live in London I'd just be living with you" she smirked "I wouldn't be apposed" I smirked "you gave me a fake number last we met" I sighed "I did? I could have swarn I gave you a real one" she says a little puzzled "No, It rang some guy called Mike," I sighed "It did? You still have it?" She asks and I nod handing her my phone as I opened the contract "ohh shit I'm so so sorry triumph my mistake I put a eight instead of a six" she smiled typing something and then calling the contract on my phone and hers in her pocket instantly began ringing so she clicked it off "I'm running late triumph, I'll text ya later" she smirked giving my cheek a kiss and rushing off I blushed hard very happy I did finally have her number I continued my shopping until I noticed In a reflection that I have a bright red lipstick stain on my cheek and I smirked a little at it trying to rub it off all the way home.
I smiled just finishing off a shoot for today going to get in my bike to start my ride to my hotel "Triumph?" A voice asked and I turned to see a familiar girl on the other side of the street as she crossed I recognized her "Ohh my god Harley!" I smiled so happy to see her giving her a super tight cuddle "what the heck are you doing here?" I ask her "Just doing some shopping and stuff what are you doing here?" She asks "Ohh I'm working actually I'm on a shoot here for the next couple of days" I smiled "you uhh you didn't respond to my messages?" I asked "I didn't? Ohh shit it was before August I saw you last right?" She asks and I nod "dam I'm so sorry my phone for stolen a couple weeks after" she says "Ohh shit you okay?" I ask "Yeah, it was Blackpool it happens" she sighed getting her phone "here is the new one" she smiled giving me her new number "Great, actually...if you're not too busy I'd be uhh great to catch up" I suggest "Where were you thinking?" She asks "I don't know Harley, how about my hotel room?" I suggest "Ohh... Triumph what happen since I saw you last?" She asks "I missed reving up my Harley" I smirked with a shrug "Five minutes" she smiled giving my lips a little kiss and going off towards a car park...
As soon as we got to my hotel room she pushed me on my bed "ummm Harley darling I've missed you" I groaned as I pulled her close kissing her like crazy "Humm I've missed you too triumph" she's smirked "Umm come on Harley, ride your triumph all night... Show him how much you've missed him" I growled getting my pants off she smirked as she saw my hard cock "I have missed him terribly" she smirked getting her pretty clothes off and I got the rest of mine off to sitting against the head board she smirked climbing on top of me to kiss me more which I happily returned before she pulled back and turned away letting me slip inside her I smirked playing with her beautiful hair as she began her gently riding I held her hips staring at her sexy arse as she moves "Ummmm uuumm Harley!" I groan already loving it "Uhhh uuuhh triumph" she sqeuals "Uhh fuck yeah, have I found a very responsive place on my Harley?" I groan thrusting up into that place that made her sqeual and she did it again so I kept going over and over as she got faster I moved my hands from her hips to her breasts grabbing them groping them hard as I felt her starting to get close so I got as fast as I could which got her there screaming for me and riding me hard to Rideout her orgaum which got me there finishing inside her "Uhhh uuuuuhhh Harley!" I moan and shd smiled getting off me licking my cock clean and laying on me cuddling me tightly so I cuddled her tightly too giving her some lusty kisses she returned them if a little sleepy both of us very happy to do it all again...
I yawned feeling the warm cosy hotel room bed lucky I didn't have a call today else I would be very late I smiled as I heard a gentle sleepy humm beside me so I turned over and wrapped my still half asleep arms around her perfect waist uncontrollably shuffling closer so not an inch or us was apart I felt the warmth of her skin against mine and I could smell her familiar scent I gave her shoulder a kiss which made her stur a little so I moved some hair tidying it behind her ear and giving her neck a kiss or two making her stur even more as she began to wake "uuummm" I groan "good morning Harley" I smiled "Good morning" she answered sounding very tried moving herself a little clearly slightly stretching she turned over to face me slowly opening her pretty eyes "hi" she giggled "Hi" I smiled resting my head against hers "your still here this time" "Because it's ridiculously early" she laughs "It's like half ten Harley" I laugh "See early" she says "umm you tried me out" "I know, sorry... I just hadn't seen you in so long, you can't blame me for getting a little overexcited Harley" I smirk gently Kissing up her neck "Hummm triumph" she giggled slyly pulling he closer to her "Umm Harley" I groan pulling that sexy body closer and kissing those addictive lips of hers quickly getting her on her back against the bed "humm? How's my little Harley holding up? She ready for another ride?" I smirked grinding on her "No... She's running in empty" she complained slyly "Yeah? She need me to fuel her up?" I smirk stroking my hard cock and she smirked getting up and sucking every inch of me "uuuhh! Fucking hell Harley!" I groaned pulling her away "Well that wasn't nearly enough" she whines "Okay.. so I can't ride my Harley, you wanna ride your triumph instead?" I smirk laying back down on the mattress and I couldn't keep her off me Within meer seconds she was on top of me bouncing on my cock "Uhhhh uuuuuhh Harley! Yes yes! Harley!" I screamed rolling my head against my pillow and holding her tight she kept going open intentionally clenching herself Around me until I finished inside her again
When I woke up I noticed the bed was colder I say up and noticed her gone I checked my phone and I had a message
Harley 🏍️ X: Sorry I had to run off on you again, got to rush off to somewhere else, we'll talk when I get home, XXX
Triumph 🏍️: Okay Harley, have fun, we'll have to meet up again sooner this time, I already miss you X
Harley 🏍️: How much do you miss your Harley?
So I smirked stroking my still rock hard cock and snapping and quick picture and sending it to her
Triumph 🏍️: Picture This much my sweet Harley XXX
Harley 🏍️: Ohhh very very much I see triumph, well I'm sure I'll make time for you, until then my sexy triumph <3
Triumph 🏍️: Until then my beautiful Harley x
I put my phone down as my cock pulsed it missed her so much I groaned laying back a bit more and gently stroking my cock "humm you miss her don't you?" I ask "you miss our pretty Harley? Ummm Harley" I groan my storkes turning into pumping as I jerked myself off just thinking of my beautiful Harley all the amazing things she does and how good she feels Uhhh the feeling of her all over me ummmm I felt myself getting close biting my lip and my feet kicking I was so desperate Ben after the two days in bed with her I still wanted her like a lusting vampire "uuuuhh uuuuuhhh! Harley! Harley! Harley baby!" I scream as I finished my cum spraying across my chest and cock so I smirked getting my phone and getting another picture and sending it to her
Triumph 🏍️: Picture I couldn't wait, he missed his Harley to much Xx
Harley 🏍️: Ummm dirty triumph X it's alright she got a little impaient too picture
It was obviously a hotel room bed of some sort probably where she had been staying before she ran into me with a huge wet patch on the sheets where she had obviously been mastubating on it and just that alone made me hard again
Triumph 🏍️: Ummmm what a dirty dirty Harley, I'll have to clean you up next I see you Xxx
I sighed as I finished work having a stretch and a yawn going to my bike but struggling to find my keys anywhere "Looking for something?" A familiar voice asks I turned and saw a girl leaning against a Harley Davidson motorcycle and I instantly clicked "Harley?" I ask in shock surprised to see her again I haven't seen her in months kinda assumed I wouldn't see her again "You left them in the ignition, be more careful some people would have kicked her" she says throwing me my keys "Thanks... What are you doing here?" I ask her "I wanted to visit" she smiled "you busy?" "What right now-" I began "Now...till Tuesday you busy?" She asks "Uhhh.... No" I answered it was weirdly open I didn't have anything to do that I knew off "Good, race ya to your place and I'll explain" she says so I shrugged and followed her back to my place and we went inside "So what's going on?" I ask "Pack your stuff come on" she laughs running up to my room so I ran after her and she was digging thought my draws and my wardrobe "Whoa whoa whoa! What the hell are you doing?" I complain "Packing" she shrugs "What for?" I ask "I said from today till Tuesday are you free you said yes so your coming on a trip with me" she says as she diggs thought my clothes "Trip? Packing? What the-" I began before grabbing her hands to make her stop "Harley! What is going on?" I ask her "I'm taking you on a trip with me, we'll be back Tuesday night, pack minimal clothes we're going in the bikes" she explained "Harley... I can't I've got a -" I began but she kissed me ohh fuck it I can't resist my heavenly Harley so I kissed her back holding her tight almost pushing her down on my bed but she stopped me "They'll be Time for that later" she smirked "come on pack" she says going downstairs so I got some nice clothes into a bag and going down to see her stood outside on my drive smoking "So...where is it where going?" I ask "That's for me to know and you to find out triumph" she smirked grabbing my cock thought my pants I tried to grab her but she went getting on her bike with her backpack so I got on mine happily following her...
When we got to this little sea side place I was eaughsted I had no idea how far we where going to go we parked up in these little spaces on this dark site and she dragged me inside a shallet and pushed me on the bed sitting in my lap and starting to kiss me "Harley... Harley!" I tell her pushing her away "I gotta rest baby" I told her "Come on don't you wanna ride your Harley" she giggled kissing my neck "Umm of course I do, just...in the morning I'm exhausted I must have done a hundred miles and I had already been up like six hours for work, I'm sorry Harley in the morning I promise" I told her and she smiled giving me a little kiss "Okay" she smiled getting off me so I got up getting changed into my boxers and a old shirt climbing into the cosy bed Harley climbed in with me in her little silk nightie I smiled wrapping my arms around her waist kissing her head making her blush a little as she cuddled me too "goodnight triumph" she yawns "Goodnight Harley" I smiled giving her a gentle kiss I waited a little while just holding her in my arms watching her sleep fixing her hair from her face "your the most beautiful girl I've ever met Harley, I wish you could stay with me" I whispered giving her a kiss before drifting off to sleep
It had been a few days as had been here only really going out to smoke or for food the rest of it having lustful passionate sex on the bed, in the bath, in the shower, on the floor, on the kitchen counter top and even in the window sill at one point, I was stood at the window sill in just my boxers having a cigarette out the window as Harley laid in the bed the tiny lose sheet all that was concealing her from me "Harley?" I ask "Ummm?" She asks trying to fix her three days of bed head hair "Why do we do this?" I ask "What do you mean?" She asks "I mean ever since we met you've done this you turn up rock my world then... Your gone." I began "you never reply to texts or calls you hardly ever are here when I wake up in the morning" I complain "you just turn up become the centre of my life and then your gone for months on end" "I'm sorry" she says "I know your sorry" I sighed "I can't escape the feeling your not telling me something?" "Triumph it's not like that-" she began "That's what I mean, I've known you for two years now I don't even know your name" I sighed "look Harley... If this was just like a friend's with benefits or a quick roll in the hay every so often I wouldn't care but-" I began "I really like you, I mean look at you your everything I've ever wanted, your a 50's and 60's freak who constantly dresses like she walked of a 50's movie set, you ride a motorcycle and actually know what your talking about hell you probably know more then I do! Your kinky as fuck and your amazing to be around" I explain putting my cigarette out "your my dream harley," I told her sitting on the bed and holding her hand "Thomas ... It's not that simple" she says I was a little shocked I don't think I've ever heard her use my name before "Then tell me why?" I asked "You won't like it" she says "So what tell me anyway" I told her "Thomas it's not that I don't want to be here with you, if I could I would have moved down here with you and would happily be your little Harley forever" she smiled caressing my cheek "Then why not?" I ask "Because... I have a husband" she says and I froze "A husband?" I ask "then what the hell am I?" "Uhhh... The other man, I guess" she says "How long have you had a husband?" I ask "Long before I met you Thomas" she smiled "I haven't been happy a long long time so I started taking my Harley and just driving as far as I could trying to get away from him, but he always made me come home eventually" she sighed "Thomas... Your my sweet little triumph if I could stay here with you, then I would" she smiled giving my lips a kiss "If you're that unhappy Harley divorce him" I told her "I wouldn't have anywhere to go" she says "Ohh my silly little Harley, of course you would" I smiled kissing her head "Harley... I love you, and if you wanted to come live with me you'd be more the welcome my darling" I told her and she smiled pulling me to kiss her I happily kissed those adorable cherry cola lips of hers till I pulled away "I'll send the paper work off when we get back, I'm coming home with you" she smiled "Okay... Harley? What is your real name?" I ask "Y/n" she smiled "Y/n, it's a very pretty name" I smiled kissing her head "but... you'll always be my Harley" I smiled "Umm I love you" she smiled hugging me close "I love you too" I told her...
I yawned having a stretch as the kettle boiled grabbing the milk out the fridge to make my coffee I heard little steps down the stairs and soon enough little hands all over me "Hummm good morning" I smiled "Morning" she yawns "tea please" she giggled as she went past taking the milk to make herself some cereal "Coming right up" I smiled giving her cheek a kiss Which made her giggle pulling me to kiss her properly as the kettle finished up so I got he mug and made her some tea while my coffee was brewing in my mug she smiled taking her tea and as I took my coffee leaning against the counter as I had a sip she smiled standing between my legs sipping her tea "how's my little Harley this morning?" I ask her putting my coffee down to give her a cuddle she giggled putting her tea down to cuddle me too "Fine, how's my triumph?" She asks "Humm worn out," I smirk giving her some kisses "Mummy! Daddy!" A little voice whines "mummy mummy I want marshmallow cereal" our daughter yells as she ran into the kitchen in her little unicorn PJ's "Sorry Ariel, all we have is mummies fruity cereal" y/n told her picking her up to give her a cuddle "But I wanted marshmallow" she whines "I know sweetie I know," she reasured her "Daddy daddy! I want a crumpet" our son yells as he ran down the stairs with his dinosaur "Alright, you take your sister then and I'll make you a crumpet" I told him fluffing his hair "I wanna help" he whines "Go on," I told him and him and Ariel went and sat at the table waiting for there breakfast  once it was done I went and sat with my coffee and some toast watching them as Norton does have a bit of a mean edge towards his little sister "Crumpets and butter for Norton, and cereal for Ariel" y/n smiled as she gave them both there breakfast and sat with her cereal "Daddy? How did me an Ariel get our names?" Norton asked "Well kiddo, mummy and daddy are motorcycle nuts and Norton and Ariel are two of the best British motorcycles" I explain "What about the ones you have? Harley and the triumph?" Ariel asks picking at her cereal "Well... Those are mummy and daddies pet names" I smirk giving y/n a kiss "isn't that right Harley?" I smirk "That it is triumph boy" she giggled giving me a kiss "Can we have our name bikes?" Norton smiled "Absolutely not you'll break your neck" she told them "When your sixteen kiddo" I winked and the seemed happy with that
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btswritings1998 · 5 years
I hate u, I love u (Jhope au)
Hoseok x Reader
Genre: angst/ fluff
Summary: Hoseok was my soulmate. He had been since the moment I had met him in dance school. He loved me, yet he had another soulmate. No matter how happy we were and how many promises we both made, if she needed him, he always ran. I wondered, Was two soulmates ever a thing? The answer became clear on the day he fully walked out my life. Only thing is, what was I supposed to do now that I found out some life changing news?
Song recommended for this part: i hate u, i love u by Gnash.
“So is that why you came back?” I say
“What do you mean?” He questions
“You only came back to tell me how much you love me, only to grab your things and leave again.” I tell him
He puts his luggage down and moves closer to me. I take a step back without realizing it and I see the glimpse of hurt in his eyes. The very brown eyes that used to look at me with such love now look at me with pain.
“You know that’s not what I mean to do every time. You know I love you and you know how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He says now looking down at the cream carpet we both stood on
I stayed quiet. To be honest I didn’t know what to say to him anymore. All the promises we had made slowly got torn down one by one and here we were at the last one. Again, getting torn down.
“If you leave...if you walk out that door Hoseok, you can’t come back. Yes you love me, but you love her the most.”
“You know that’s not true. You know you’re the only one my heart loves and will always love.” He says
Something about his words sound so sincere, but when you’ve gone through what I’ve gone through it becomes hard to differentiate sincereness and lies. I was done with the pain. I walked around him as tears start falling down my cheeks. I open the door
“You only ever brought me pain and I’m sick of it. Have a good life with her Hoseok.” I say avoiding eye contact
I knew if I looked at him I would die from the biggest heartbreak of my life. I couldn’t break now. I had to be strong for both me and the baby....
It had been two years since I last saw him. Last I heard from Yoongi, one of his best friends, he had gotten married to her. The news broke my heart, but I knew that is what was going to happen. After all I did pretty much send him into her arms. It was okay though. I had focused on my baby and after birth I finished dance school like how I had always said I was going to.
I looked at the little babygirl resting her head on my lap. She was still so tiny and I couldn’t believe it was about to be two years since I had her. He left that day, I had just found out that I was pregnant....
I was about to tell him the news when he came rushing into his and my room. He seemed frantic. He was searching for clothes not even acknowledging that I was standing at the restrooms doorframe excited to tell him the news. He finished packing a bag only then to turn towards me. Tears were forming in his eyes. I hid the stick behind my back. My excited smile quickly faded and the shine in my eyes went dull. I automatically knew what this was about. It was her, it was always her. Anger ran through my veins as well as pain. This was nothing knew to me,both him and I had been through this countless of times, yet it still hurt like hell like the very first time. He stood there not knowing what to say, but his eyes said it all. She needed him and like always he was going to rush into her arms.
“It’s her isn’t it?” I barely mumble out
His eyes shifted from me to the floor as he nodded
“What could she possibly need from you now Hoseok?” The words fell out my mouth like daggers coming at him
I was pissed and when I was pissed, I was the most ruthless person you’ve ever met.
“Come on, you know it’s not like that my love. You know I have to be there for her as much as I am for you.” Hoseok said trying to make sense of the whole situation
“....You know I have to be there for her as much as I am for you.”
The words replayed in my head over and over in that instance. Did he just say that to me? As if I meant the same to him as she did to him.
“You know I love you so so much, but you know what happened between her and I. I have to go. I’ll be back.” He picked up his luggage and started to walk away
I moved from the restroom doorframe walking closer to him. My feet allowing me to step onto the cream carpet. I wanted to spit out the words that I was going to have his baby. I held back though and words of anger came out instead...
I had told him to have a nice life with her. That was the last thing I told him and it haunted me. I remember crying for days not wanting to eat let alone shower. Jungkook came around often bringing Taehyung trying to cheer me up with games and food and stories. Much to my surprise, it often worked until they left then I felt empty again. Jungkook and Tae, well, they had been my best friends since I was little and they had grown very fond of Hoseok. They warned me from the start that it was a dangerous game I was playing. Yoongi, who had known Hoseok since they were little, due to them being neighbors, knew what Hoseok had with that girl. He also warned me, but I still didn’t listen.
They had met in kindergarten and grew up together, she was his soulmate. Yet, she betrayed him again and again. She was the only one he had ever known. Until, he met me. He would tell me I was his other soulmate, the one he was truly destined to be with. I always wondered how that worked. Was more than one soulmate ever a thing? I kept replaying the question in my head the whole relationship. He was mine, but was I really his?
“Mami?” The little girl on my lap barely muttered the words
I instantly shook all the thoughts out my head.
I look down at her and smiled “Is my little stinky ready to eat?”
She nodded and I giggled. I sat her up on the couch and started to play the movie. She loved watching The Little Mermaid. I mean her name was Ariel, because that was always my favorite movie too.
“I’m going to go cook my love stay right here.” I say
As I’m heading to the kitchen the doorbell rings. My heart races. Jungkook and Taehyung usually just open it because they’ve had a key for the longest.
I hesitate to turn around and open the door. Yet my feet carry my body towards the door before I realize it.
I take a deep breath as I open the door.
“Jungkook! Tae! You scared me.” I say
“Sorry dinglehead over here forgot his key at the house and we didn’t realize it until we were in your parking lot.” Jungkook stated
You laugh and welcome the boys in. Automatically they run to the baby girl watching the movie with her. They had been very good uncles to Ariel despite them being busy all the time.
“You guys got here just in time I was about to make Ariel dinner and then maybe make myself something too.” I say
“Why don’t we just go out to eat. You haven’t left the house in days babe. Plus Ariel looks like she needs some sun.” Taehyung states
“Taehyung I’m broke... they fired me from work, remember?” I say
“We’ll pay. It’s the most I can do for you.” Jungkook chimes in
I nod my head and head to the room to get clothes for Ariel and I. I always tried not to take long getting dressed. Especially when it came to going out with Tae and Jungkook. I tried my best to put on make up and simple jeans with a cropped black hoodie. I ended up giving Ariel matching jeans and a black hoodie also.
“Okay let’s go.” I say as I came back into the living room
Moments later we were sitting in the restaurant ordering our food.  
“I’ll have chicken strips and French fries please. Actually two but one kids meal for the baby. Please.” I say as the waiter takes our orders
“You say please every five seconds.” Jungkook says
I scoff and giggle. 
“So what if I do. I’m just very polite,” I pout
“Yeah, more like anxious.” Tae mumbles
Through the first half of our dinner we laughed and talked about how the past few years of our life had gone. Tae had started to paint and travel the world showing his art. Making him a famous painter. Jungkook well, he did YouTube and became a huge director. Most of the time he would vlog or I would do some videos with him. I, well I stayed at home with Ariel most of the time except when I needed to work. At those times my mom took care of her for me.
“Yeah well being a single mother wasn’t exactly in my plans, but it’s the way things worked out.” I stated as we started walking out the restaurants door
As I bump into a person in front of me almost dropping Ariel.
“Watch where you’re going ass-” I say as I look up to who I bumped into “-hole.”
“Did you say single mother?” A voice I hadn’t heard in a while rang through my ears
I tensed up as I stared at the the figure of the voice whom I just had called an asshole. My heart quickly dropped to the pit of my stomach.
“Hoseok.” I say
I hadn’t spoken his name in years and I was not ready for this type of pain yet again.
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poisonivysparks · 5 years
Grace {Gabriel X Reader}
“Hey, Gabe, honey, can you grab the keys?” I asked my, well, I wasn’t exactly sure what we were at that point, was he my boyfriend? I didn’t know. He looked at me with a slightly sour look on his face. “Don’t call me that.” He told me kind of forcefully and I raised my hands up in surrender. "Sorry, won't do it again, trust me, I don’t want you goin’ all archangel on me." I told him, smiling a little bit. "You better not, cupcake." Gabriel said to me, and I sort of blushed at the nickname, it was still foreign to me with all the sweet nicknames. "Aw, did I embarrass you?" He asked and I shook my head no furiously. "No, we just have to go pick up Grace." I told him, kinda smiling, and, yes, Grace was her name, it was before I knew Gabriel, and of more angels and such. I knew about hunting and monsters, for my parents were hunters, I didn't take up the role, having been happy with not fighting things and then having Grace. "Well, let's go get her then." He told me, and I grabbed the car keys to my little Honda, that I would never let Gabriel take away from me, though he wanted to give me things, but I wouldn't stand for it. I didn't like it when people gave me things, it made me feel a little embarrassed, even though I liked to give gifts myself. I walked out the door swiftly, knowing that we lived about 5 minutes from the school, it was convenient, and I had gotten the day off from my boss, because apparently, according to him, I was working too hard. I hummed a little bit, and started to try to get in the car, but Gabriel poofed the keys away from me, getting in the driver's side before I even had time to react. "dude, I was gonna driveeeee" I complained to him, reluctantly getting into the passenger's seat. "Too bad.” He said simply and once I closed my door, we were off, off to my daughter's school. Once we were there, we got out, always going to her class and waiting each day to pick her up, she was always excited to see us. Gabriel smiled a little bit as we walked in the school, and the bell rang, my daughter with her purple backpack on her back at the front of the line and seeing us. "Mama!" She said and ran to us. "dad!" she gave me a hug before Gabriel, but gave him a fist bump too. She looked like me, little Grace did, with her little freckles and her hair was a light brown, which was lighter than mine, almost blonde, but she was 6, it was expected, really, her hair would darken over the years. Her freckles were abundant across her face and her arms, her whole body, really, her eyes were not like mine at all, and that confused me, they were a golden color, almost whisky colored, almost like Gabriel's. "How was your day at school today, sweet pea?" Gabriel asked her and she giggled a little bit. "It was fun! We had art and I drew you guys a picture!" She said excitedly as we started walking. We felt like a normal family, her hands were held onto Gabriel's on one side, and mine on the other, and she was swinging them back and forth, back and forth. "I'm glad, hopefully you can show us when we get home." I told her and she protested immediately. "But I wanna show you guys nowwwww" She said, and I nodded. "Okay, go ahead." I said and she stopped and rummaged through her bag, finding a painting, and handed it to me. It was a picture of us, our family, Gabriel on one side, me on the other, and her in between, our house in the background, the dog she so desperately wanted to get on the grass. It was adorable, to say the least. "Aww, Grace, this is adorable." I told her as she looked at Gabriel for his approval. "It's great, kid" He said and if he could ruffle her hair, he would, but it was in a braid, and she'd get a little pissy about it. "Yay!" She said and then put on her backpack, starting to walk again, lacing her hands with ours again. "Why is it you and daddy picking me up today instead of just him?" She asked me curiously, because I was usually at work when she got home. "Well, I got the day off, my boss gave it to me." I said, smiling down at her. She was happy having us both there. "That was awful nice of him, can we go out to dinner tonight, mama?" She asked and I nodded. "Sure, we could go to that pizza place that you like." I said and she celebrated in her little kiddie way Gabriel made a little bit of a face at the mention of that place. “We’re not going there.” He said matter-of-factly, and then my daughter started whining, the little bastard. “But Dadddddd.” Grace complained, and I looked at the archangel pleadingly. I knew he couldn’t resist it, and he knew it too. “Fine.” He grumbled and instantly, the little girl’s face lit up. “Thank you, daddy” She said and hugged his leg. He smiled a little and picked her up. We walked to the car and once we got there, Gabriel clicked her into her carseat. Grace sang along with the songs, and, contrary to her name, she was not graceful. She took ballet though and Gabriel took her there and waited with the moms he absolutely hated. He was a good dad, even though she was not his kid. She was the kid to always have her knees and legs scraped up, which always healed surprisingly fast, even though she was a kid. She was never one to cry when she fell, just got back up and kept right on playing, even if there was blood running down her leg. The teachers always had to stop her and get her bandaged up, even if she protested. Gabriel looked at me while he was driving, which, I will admit, is not safe, and looked at me. He looked serious, which was different to say the least. “Can I show you something when we get home?” He asked me and I nodded. “Yeah, of course, you know you can.” I smiled at him quite a bit. “Is it, uh, not k-i-d friendly or what?” I asked him, knowing that I could take her over to my neighbor, and best friend, Alexis, who, I will admit, was quite odd, but she was my best friend. Gabriel chuckled and shook his head no. “No, you don’t have to bring her to Alex’s.” He said, seeming to know exactly what I was thinking. “Okay, just making sure.” I told him, and we pulled up into the driveway. Gabriel got out, and I followed, but I beat him to getting little Gracie. I took her into my arms as she smiled up at me lovingly. “Mama, I’m hungry.” She said, and I knew for a fact that her and Gabriel ate snacks when I wasn’t home. “I know, I’ll make you a grilled cheese, a half of one, we’re going to dinner, remember?” I asked, and then set her down once Gabriel unlocked the door for us. “What are you gonna do with the other half of it?” She asked, curious, and I looked at her, and then at the kitchen, picking up her backpack, which she very much dropped at the door, and putting it on the coat hooks. “Well, I’m gonna eat it, I’m hungry too, y’know.” I said, looking at Gabriel, going over to him, and kissing his cheek before going into the kitchen. “Once I make her food, you can show me, it won't take but five minutes.” I told him, and then went in the kitchen, getting the things I needed to make one of her favorite things besides pizza. I was right on the times, giving her her half of the sandwich and eating my own quickly, since I hadn’t had lunch. I sighed happily as she sat at the tv, watching some kind of tv show that Gabriel had showed her and she liked. I went into the bedroom, where I knew that Gabriel was, I saw him go in there a few minutes before. When I saw him, I was shocked. 6, 6, gold wings were spread out in the room, and in all honesty, his wings looked a little cramped. “Woah, Gabriel, did you, is this what you wanted to show me?” I asked him, utterly in shock. They were beautiful, some feathers were a little crooked or slightly falling out, but they were beautiful nonetheless. “Maybe.” He said, seeming to be a little embarrassed, which was something that was weird for him. He was not the person to ever be embarrassed about something, really. “Gabriel, Gabriel, they’re beautiful, I love them, but-but why can I see them? I was told that humans can’t see Angel wings.” I pointed out as a little girl came in, obviously curious. “Mama! Daddy has wings!” She said excitedly, slightly pulling on them a little bit. “Hey, kid, watch the wings!” He said, kinda jerking them away, but I couldn’t blame him, angels’ wings were sensitive. Gracie looked up at him. “Sorryyyyyyyy” She said, looking up at him still with utter adoration and wonder. “Gabriel, Gabriel, can I..?” I asked and he nodded, still looking a bit embarrassed about the whole ordeal. It still confused me on why Grace and I could see them, but I didn’t question it again, at least for that moment. I reached out hesitantly, and touched the tip of one of his wings, the fluffy feathers feeling even softer than anything else I had ever felt. “Woah.” I said, and then looked to Gracie. “Honey, go-go back out into the living room, okay? Mama’s gonna stay here with Daddy.” I said and she smiled and obeyed. “I- Gabriel, wow, why-why was I not able to see them until now?” I asked him, eyes filled with wonder. He looked down at me, and they looked like he was full of love, and admiration. It made my heart beat rapidly and I didn’t know what to expect with his answer. “I had never brought them out before now.” He shrugged, but I could tell that it wasn’t the only reason. “But humans can’t-can’t see angel wings.” I stuttered, breathing a little heavily. “Can you sit down? You, you’re cramped.” I said, because he was, the tips of his wings were cramped on the ceiling, and it looked uncomfortable. He obliged, and I sat behind him, getting a face full of feathers. “Peh, Gabriellllll” I complained, sort of giggling. “You-you have feathers falling out.” I said, ghosting my hands over the down feathers by the base of his wings. “I- don’t-don’t do that.” He said, seeming to pant a little bit, his cheeks looking a little bit flushed. It was kinda cute, at least to me. He was never embarrassed. “Oh, I-I, I’m sorry, they’re, they’re sensitive, I'm sorry, I forgot, I'm sorry.” I told him, embarrassed, very embarrassed. They were incredibly soft, especially the down by the base. Gabriel looked back at me, kind of chuckling, which made me kind of embarrassed myself. “You’re always embarrassed, aren’t you?” He asked, and my eyes kind of widened. “You’re the one whose cheeks are red!” I pointed out, smiling quite a bit, and going to his front side, hugging him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “I really like your wings though, they’re amazing, Gabriel.” I said as he brought his wings around me, pretty much being protective of me. It pretty much bathed me in golden light and made me feel protected, incredibly protected. It made me happy. “What are you doing?” I asked curiously, because it was kinda cute, very cute. “Nothing, cupcake” He smiled at me a little bit, but I knew it was something, he was protecting me, he was being protective, and it was adorable. “Gabriel.” I kind of put my hands on my hips, shaking my head. “I know that it’s not nothing, you’re being nice, and protecting me.” I smiled and then kissed him quickly, knowing that quick kisses were kind of our thing, since I had a lot of things to do, and he did too, so it was little moments like that, where we could just be alone, without Grace interrupting us or something dire happening. “You don’t know anything.” He said, the warmth of his wings incredibly comforting. “Speaking of me not knowing anything, why can I see them, huh, Gabe?” I asked as his eyes slightly widened, he didn’t seem mad or anything, but his wings kinda flapped slightly. “Uh, you and I are what they would call mates, sweetheart.” he said and i looked up at him, confused. “Wait, what? Like mates? Wolf mates? Or is it more like soulmates?” I asked him, just completely confused and not knowing what really else to say, that’s what popped up in my mind. Gabriel was still a little flushed, which was adorable. “More like soulmates than anything, except for the fact that I don’t have a soul.” I giggled a little bit and hugged him. “So I can see your wings because we’re, um, Mates?” I asked, a little flushed at the mention of mates, it was weird, the word mates, at least to me. It reminded me a lot of some of the weird werewolf novels Alexis had read that one time. “See, you got it.” He smirked a little bit and lifted his wings back, releasing me from the cocoon. I moved back to where I had been before I gave him a hug and he made the cocoon. I ran my fingers softly through his feathers, a few loose ones falling out, which was probably good for him. “So… why can Grace see them?” I asked, incredibly curious, not touching the fluffy and soft down feathers because it seemed to get an incredible reaction out of him, which, at that moment, I didn’t want to give him. Gabriel seemed to think for a moment, not really making jokes, because it was a serious moment. “Well, she’s your kid, she’s my mate’s kid, of course she’s gonna see them.” He said, but it definitely felt like it was just different, I couldn’t tell if he was lying or not, but I didn’t want to say anything, really. “So, you sure that’s it?” I asked, and slightly ghosted my hands over the down, knowing that it would slightly drive him crazy, and I hoped if it was something, that he’d tell me what it was. He kind of groaned a little bit, and looked back at me by pulling his head back pretty much. “I’m sure” He said, seeming to chuckle a tiny bit at me. “You’re not going stop doing that, are you?” I giggled a little bit and shook my head. “No, I’m not, the feathers are just so fluffy!” I smiled, because they were fluffy, and soft, I just wanted to make a blanket about it, but that wouldn’t be good. “And you’re adorable when you’re embarrassed and flushed.” I told him, kind of scraping my hands through his hair. I loved his hair, it was always soft. “I’m not adorable.” He said, rolling his eyes, though I couldn’t see it, i knew that he was rolling his eyes. It wasn’t a bad ‘you’re so annoying’ eye roll, it was more a ‘you’re so weird but I love you’ kind of eye roll. “Honey, you are adorable and you can’t ever change that.” I, instead of just touching the down lightly, actually petting them. It was obvious that he was trying to hold things back. “You should send Grace to whatsherface’s” He said in kind of a breathy voice, and I kinda giggled, moving away from the down, and to the more feathery feathers. They were fun to touch and run my fingers on. “Is me touching your wings makin’ you all hot?” I asked, giggling quite a bit, sometimes I said things like that, but usually not. There was a little nod from him and i thought it over, Alexis was definitely home, she was always home, and Grace loved it there. “I might go take her, but you have to stay here.” I told him and stood up, sighing happily. He gave another little head nod, which told me that he was essentially giving me the okay. I left the room, and then went to Grace, who was sitting on the couch. “Hi, mama.” She said, and I looked at her lovingly. “Hey, baby, I’m gonna take you over to Aunt Lexi’s okay?” I told her and she nodded happily, grabbing her backpack off of the hook. She giggled a little bit. “Yay! I wanna show her my picture I drew of you guys!” Grace was out the door in two seconds and I followed. Alexis must have been inside, and I didn’t see my angel friend out on the porch or in the yard. She wasn’t exactly a yard person sometimes. I knocked on the door and not to my surprise, it was Castiel, who welcomed us in, and I saw Alexis sitting down on the couch. “Uh, hey, you guys, Grace, I just need you guys to watch her for a little bit. It would probably be a bit awkward for me to explain, but Gabriel.” Was what I said, and Grace jumped up on the couch with my best angel friend. Lexi looked at me in understanding, at this point, knowing slightly what I meant, or usually meant, but this was different, it involved wings. “We can watch her.” She said, giving me a little smile as Grace looked at the TV, and then up at her aunt. “Whatcha watchin’?” She asked curiously, and I nodded going to leave as Alexis explained what she was watching, or tried to, she didn’t exactly understand what she was watching still. I looked to Cas and smiled at him. “It’s nice to see you again, Castiel.” i told him kindly, because I hadn’t seen him all that much lately. “It is nice to see you again too.” He said, and I walked out the door, smiling quite a bit to myself, and then rushing back to my archangel. “Okay, I dropped her off.” I told him, smiling. He still had his gorgeous six golden wings out. I touched the tips of them experimentally, they didn’t seem to be as sensitive as the down was near his back. “Good, now we can be alone.” He said and I rolled my eyes in an ‘I love you’ way. “Hon, we’ve been together, alone all day, you could have shown me earlier.” I told him, taking a seat in his lap, well, his legs were spread out, so I wasn’t on his lap, just more sitting in front of the archangel. “Still doesn’t mean I don’t want to be alone with you now.” He said and I immediately thought of something my daughter corrected me with all the time. “That was a double negative, mister.” I said, giggled, and booped his nose cutely. “You need to go back to Angel grammar school.” I leaned into him, incredibly happy with having him, to which he made another golden wing cocoon around me. “So that’s where our daughter gets it from.” He chuckled. I wasn’t phased by the use of “our daughter” because he used that all the time, really. It was weird when he first used it though. “Yup, I am her mama after all.” I kissed his cheek sweetly. “I love you, Gabriel.” I told the archangel. “Y’know, even though she’s, uh, not your real daughter, she sure as hell looks like you.” He kinda shrugged, me having told that to him before, but I meant it every time. It was a weird phenomenon, him looking like her, it had been a thing I noticed of him about 3 weeks into him meeting her. He had her honey-colored eyes, and his demeanor, but I was taught that who you spend a lot of time with, you could turn out looking like them. It was because I had been adopted and people said that I looked like my parents, though I was not related to them, blood-wise, anyways. “She does, I noticed that.” He said, kind of chuckling at me, and wrapping his arms around my waist. It was seldom that we got moments like this, but it was nice.
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mainly-kpop · 6 years
Drunken Confessions
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She took a deep breath squinting at the canvas, paint layered on in swift, strong strokes with her old reliable brush, some brash and quick allowing paint to splutter and fall off the canvas, others gentle with so much care and detail. She glared a the canvas bending her body forward keeping her feet grounded about 2 feet away from the canvas itself, she was looking for any slight imperfections, something every creative person beats themselves up for. However, unable to spot any thus far she scribbled her quaint signature on the bottom right corner in a black fountain pen, she would allow the canvas to dry before coating it.
Gathering up her brushes she headed to the kitchen sink. This was the most satisfying part for her watching the colours quickly drain from the old worn brushes stained blue from the years of use, it was always a blue tint, the paint pallet she cherished looking like the art she wished she could make on purpose, splatters of colour here there and everywhere dollops of red and blue mixed with black strokes from trying desperately to thin the paint on the brush. It was the most beautiful sight to her but she could never recreate it. She rinsed the brushes setting them to the side and began cleaning up her art room. 
Taking one last look at the drying canvas she smiled, he could never see this, it was one of the many paintings she would keep to herself and hide away. The canvas had his face smack dead in the middle smiling slightly with his sweater paws up at his cheeks, eyes closed tightly as he let her take the photo, she had copied the photo, every detail of the man she loved painted by her hand. His fluffy pink hair which she knew he loved her playing with, even if he never said it out loud. His little cheeks pushed up by his hands making them seem so much chubbier than they were, plush lips pulled up into the sweetest smile and light blue sweater with the smallest specks of pink laced through it pulling the entire work all together. He truly was an angel. She sighed flicking the light off and closing the door gently behind her.
Snapchat from chim chim
She picked up her phone and smiled at the notification. Opening up the picture message and rolling her eyes, He was shirtless holding up a horrible orange and blue t-shirt with a quizzical look on his face captioned 'should I wear hyungs shirt to get drunk tonight?' She clicked off the photo sighing slightly knowing exactly what the rest of the night had in store. Giving in as always she pressed reply smiling as the photo snapped typing out a casual response, well as casual as she could with him snapchatting her shirtless. 
'oh yes, you'll get all the ladies' She sent back throwing her phone down. When Jimin went out drinking one of two things always happen, he ends up calling her to come get him because he's too drunk to call a taxi. Which when she thinks about it must be an excuse, he always goes out with the guys so why wouldn’t they call a taxi? Anyway eventually they end up snuggling all night and never talk about it again. Or he calls her to pick him up and they talk about feelings and cry until they pass out on the couch covered in popcorn and tissues, she confessed how she felt one night just before they fell asleep, but they never spoke about that again either so she decided to pretend it never happened and continue on. However she could never just pretend her feelings weren’t there, the rest of the boys could see it so why couldn’t he? She would guess that's why she drops everything for him, anytime he calls she's there. Like a little lost lamb looking her flock. It would be a matter of time before he called, all she had to do was wait.
'She says I would get all the girls in your shirt.' Jimin repeats to the eldest. Jin rolls his eyes looking at the younger man smirking.
'We all know there's only one girl you want jimin, now put your ugly shirt on and stop sending her nude Snapchats.' Jimin huffed flustered screaming after Jin slipping the shirt over his head.
'I WAS NOT NUDE!!' Jimin rolled his eyes running after him throwing the ugly shirt over his head. ‘I had boxers on...’ He trailed off walking behind him sulking. 
‘I don’t know why you don’t just tell her how you feel dude its so obvious how you both feel, the only people who can’t see it are you blind bats.’ Yoongi spoke smacking him across the top of his head. Jimin wanted to tell her, he really did, he remembered the words she spoke that night, the small confession falling from her lips before she could stop them. He remembered it all, he wished he had said something that morning, wished he had kissed her softly and told her, sober, that he felt the same way. He didn’t, he just pretended like it never happened. 
Call from chim chim
'Hello Jimin what a wonderful surprise, I wasn't expecting to hear from you tonight at all!' She speaks voice laced with sarcasm, she gets herself up from her bed and throws on her shoes and a jacket grabbing her keys and walking out her house. She climbed into her car and started the engine heating up the car while she waits, all she could her was him rambling on and some girl in the back screaming over the music at how good of a dancer he is. She rolled her eyes huffing out a sigh, could this girl just maybe back off? 
'Oh my godddd don't be such a meanie you know I love you. OMG get off of my arm I don’t even know your name, there’s a weird person touching me help.' He shouts over the music slurring 90% of his words, She let out a laugh at his predicament. Jimin never liked the thought of a nigh club or bar hook up, thought it was sleazy and dangerous, but he would never tell the rest of the boys that. 
‘I don’t know Jimin, are you sure you want me to pick you up? You seem like you’re quite pre-occupied...’ she held in a giggle as she heard him whine down the other end of the phone. 
‘Please, i’m begging you, get me out of here, i’ll give you so many hugs and kisses you’ll want me to go please.’ her heart skipped a beat, she knew he was just saying it so he could get out of there, but it didn’t stop her hoping.  
'where are you tonight Jimin?' She placed the phone on speaker placing it on the dashboard and reversing out the driveway.
'Me!?! You'd come and pick ME up that's so sweet of you!' as if he didn’t just beg her to remove him from this damn girls clutches. He slurs out the name of a sleazy bar and she set off towards it hanging up on him without another word.
She could never understand his obsession with going out every other day they get off, she could never understand what he got out of it, never understood why he always called her instead of just going home with everyone else. At the end of the day, maybe she just didn't understand him. Park Jimin was confusing, and that is the only thing she was certain of.
She pulled up getting out her car and stepping into the bar finding him in the usual place, the middle of the dance floor. She spotted the rest of the boys and gave them a small nod as they shot her a pained look. She walked over to Jimin as he whispered in the girls ear, she looked around at her, stomped her heel and walked away, Jimin reached out for her arm and pulled her in for a quick cuddle. 
‘I told her you’re my girlfriend, looks like shes disappointed.’ He whisper shouted oh so casually in her ear, it gave her goosebumps down her spine and she knew fine well he could feel her shudder under his grasp, she pulled away looking at his face he was smiling from ear to ear giggling innocently at her. She rolled her eyes and pulled at his arm to lead him off the dance floor and into her car.  
‘WAIT can we stay for one dance?’ He made puppy dog eyes as he looked at her, she melted under his gaze him towering a few inches above her, however she shook her head and dragged him away and out sending one last wave to the boys. 
‘Why did you do that, I wanted to dance with you!’ he shouted, she turned around with the most fed up look she could pull together. He was like a five year old most of the time and honestly she couldn’t understand how she had fallen head over heels for this idiot. 
‘Jimin, i’m going to get a ticket if we don’t leave come on, we can dance when we get home.’ He stomped to the car sliding into the passenger side crossing his arms like a child, she let a little snort fall out as she looked at him sitting all grumpy in the car. She slid in too, starting the car and driving them both home.
'Can you stop pretending to be in a huff at me please, it's rather boring.' She spoke keeping her eyes on the road. Jimin looked at her flabbergasted, how dare she insinuate he was pretending!  
'how do you know I'm pretending I could be really angry right now.' She took a quick glance at him just to make sure he wasn’t really mad, when she saw the side of his face she smiled knowingly. 
'you push your lips out too far when you pretend and you have a little smile pulling at the corner, you're such a faker Park Jimin and you know it.' He let out a little giggle and she knew she had cracked him, they pull up at her house and she locks the car before following a stumbling Jimin up to the front door.
'take a seat on the couch, I'll make us some toast or something.' He ran off to the living room as she went into the kitchen. The toast was finished quickly so she carried two plates through to the living room to find jimin no where in sight, instantly she thought the worst placing the plates on the coffee table she bolted to the spare room which she converted into her art space, Jimin wasn't there and she puffed out a breath of relief. Closing the door gently and slowly behind her she turned around to continue searching for him to find him standing right behind her trying to peer into the room. 
'Whats in there?' Jimin slurred, she jumped about a foot in the air placing her hand over her heart trying her best to steady her pulse. Jimin had caught sight of a painting hanging on the wall, it looked like flowers but nothing he had seen around before. Tae was really into art so if it had been popular or famous, Jimin would probably know about it. Although, his vision was still rather hazy, so it could have been damn butterfly for all he knew. 
'nothing, eat your toast you brat.' Jimin pouted but sat down on the couch none the less. 
'you never let me in that room, I don't understand what could be so bad, I saw a painting are you an art thief or something?!' He spoke with a mouth full of toast, she looked at him disgusted as crumbs and food fell out his mouth onto his jeans, rolling her eyes she began eating hers too.
'it's nothing bad Jimin it's just no one's business, also if i was an art thief don’t you think i would have a better house than this?' Jimin shrugged his shoulders. Usually she would let him see. He had been nagging her for a while about it, but she remembered the beautiful painting of him sitting on the canvas fully dried by now, he can't see it. He shouldn't see it. He wouldn't reciprocate it. He wouldn’t understand why she had painted him in such detail, why there was drawings and sketches, doodles and paintings of him everywhere in that little room, especially in his inebriated form.
'I'm your best friend! How could you not want to show me everything!' Jimin spoke flicking the TV on, he wasn't really bothered. Not all that much, its not like he didn't have secrets too, but curiosity would get the better of him eventually I mean the room is right there, just calling out to him. It would really be a shame if he was to just slip in there at some point... a real damn shame. 
'and what if I don't want you to be my best friend anymore? Hmm what if I think you suck?' She challenged him smirking at his face, mouth hung open in shock. He quickly gathered himself head still fuzzy from the overwhelming amount of alcohol in his system.
'I really like you, do you know that? The boys keep making fun of me, just tell her, tell her Jimin she might feel the same, funny huh? I couldn't do that I'm too shy.' He rambled, her eyes popped out her head for a second it was a random time to say it and then she realised. This happens every time. One of the many things that broke her heart, she would let it pass again, just like she always did.
'Ah Jimin, if only you remember how many times you've said this...' she said as far under her breath as she could, Jimin heard it. He always meant it, but like he said he was always so nervous around you, you made his hands sweat and his mouth dry, he couldn’t say something as stupid as 'oh hey you're cute wanna date?' god he wants to smack himself at the thought.
'Do you want anything else?' She spoke standing up with both plates in hand, Jimin shakes his head before turning back to the television. She placed them down on the counter and headed to the bathroom to turn the shower on, he stank of sweat and alcohol there was no getting passed it. She gathered a towel and a change of clothes for him and placed them in the bathroom shouting him through.
'is this a hint to something!?' he spoke raising an eyebrow trying to take off his shirt, she knew what he was suggesting and she was tempted, oh so very fucking tempted, alas she restrained placing her hand over the hem of his shirt pulling it back down the inch it had been raised, she rolled her eyes. 
'yes, you smell of sweat, women's perfume and alcohol. Get in the damn shower' She closed the door behind him letting him shower in peace. She began cleaning what needed to be done busying herself as much as she could instead of thinking about the naked man in her shower. She grabbed blankets and pillows putting them on the couch, walking through to the kitchen cleaning counters until she heard his feet come tapping down the hallway. 
'I love coming here you treat me so well y/n' He spoke in a low voice, he was still fairly drunk, that's why he had so much confidence to come into the kitchen in only a towel holding his old clothes in one hand and the clean ones in the other. 'can we wash these they smell too.' she turned around at the sound of his voice looking down his body, the water droplets falling from his hair rippling down his chest picking a path through his Abs. She always knew he was physically fit under all those clothes but she had never really seen it all that much, despite being friends all this time.
'you seem to like what you see.' He stated, no sass just facts. She cleared her throat grabbing the smelly clothes from his hands throwing them in the machine avoiding his gaze at all costs. He obviously knew the effect he had on her, and it was going to make him intensely annoying if he remembered any of this later. 
'I'm just wondering why you don't have clothes on Jimin, seems a bit rude to walk around someones home naked.' He frowned at her as she made eye contact once again trying her best to keep her eyes on his.
'on the contrary my love I'm not naked I have-' He snakes his hand around his hips pulling the towel off completely she covers her eyes instantly wanting to at least leave something to the imagination. 'boxers on! You ninny you thought I'd show you all of this, in your dreams!` she rolled her eyes smacking his chest and throwing the clean clothes at him.
'get dressed and join me on the couch you idiot, there's blankets and pillows there already.' walking through to the living room plopping herself on the couch she waited for Jimin. He put on his t-shirt grabbing a glass of water, he was starting to sober up a little and his head was going to start hurting very soon. He joined her on the couch shuffling as close to her as he could pulling the blanket over the top of both of them. He loved her company, the way she rolled her eyes everytime he said or did something dopey or how her hair falls perfectly without her having to do anything to it, how she smells like lavender and coconut and how no matter what she radiated heat, Jimin wanted to be close to her at all times. He took a quick glance at her out of the corner of his eye
She had her finger in her mouth, chewing on it gently, not enough to break the skin or her nail but enough to leave little Teeth marks. Eyebrows knitted together concentrating on the show they were watching, one Jimin had not payed the slightest bit of attention to. Hair pulled gently to one side so he could see her full side profile, she was beautiful, way out of his league if anyone was to ever ask, but no one would, everyone just assumed she liked him back, she never gave any reason to assume so recently. 
'I'm going to the toilet tell me what happens.' Jimin nodded as she scurried off out the room, now was as good a time as any, Jimin stumbled drunkenly towards the forbidden room. This might break the trust of the friendship, he knew this but he needed to know. He quickly pushed the door open so she wouldn't hear it creek open he closed it gently behind him and flicked the light on. Looking around all he saw were paintings beautiful ones at that, why would she want to hide these? Landscapes painted with blues and greens, trees and flowers dotted across it carelessly but beautifully. Self portraits and random scenes, he was mesmerised wondering what the most recent one she had painted was.
Then he spotted it maybe a little too late but he spotted it. Clear as day no mistake, it was his own face staring back at him, he remembered the day so vividly he wanted to hang out, she was feeling poorly and didn't want to go anywhere. Jimin had dragged her out to the nearest coffee shop and forced some random ass tea down her throat 'it's to heal you' He had said as if it was some magic tea. His face was all the healing she ever needed, he made her smile and made her so happy there was nothing she wanted more.
He stroked his hand gently over the colours on the painted sweater, careful not to smudge the paint, pinks and blues making the pinks of his cheeks even brighter, he was in awe at the painting he almost didn't hear the door swing open behind him.
'Jimin what are-' She began before she was instantly interrupted.
'did you do this? I mean not just this one, all of these?' he spoke softly, almost like if he spoke above a whisper something would break, his voice would crack something. He didn't look at her, not just yet, to busy eyeing up the paintings and the portraits of him, all the boys, her, pencil drawings thrown on the desk, coloured pencil sketches half finished. Paintings drawings, canvases and paper, it was messy but he felt there was so much more to look at so much he hadn't seen yet.
'yes.' she spoke if he wasn't waiting for an answer he wouldn't have heard her.
'They're beautiful, all of them.' Her eyes shot up to him watching his body move around the room. He didn't mind, he didn't mind she obsessively drew him, she let out a breath she was holding relieved.
'wait... You're not mad?' he turned around eyebrows knitted together in the upmost confusion, he was tipsy still but what could he be angry about?
'mad? Mad about what?' She walked further into the room closing the door behind her, she shut out her way to run away from this, she needed to face this head on, now or never.
'mad that I'm drawing you, I mean it's not just that one... There’s more... So much more.' She still avoided eye contact with him looking at the doodles of Tae or the doodle of Yoongi and Jimin looking at something on Taes phone. He put his finger under her chin, standing so much closer than he had been before she looked up at him pulling her lip between her teeth thinking about whether she should show him or not. He looked down at her lip putting his thumb on the top of her chin pulling the lip out from between her teeth. He watched the way it fell from their grasp, watched the way the blood rushed back to her lip and up her cheeks dusting them in the palest pink. She moved to what would have been the closet pulling the door open letting him see the canvases sitting on shelves and stacked against the walls, she stood aside letting him rummage through them.
Paintings of Jimin from coffee days out and shopping trips. When he was drunk on her couch or the pictures they took together painted on almost all canvases.  A few landscapes also thrown in the small closet that couldn't fit in the room anymore. Jimin picked up some of the notebooks he found flicking through them. Pencil drawings of her family, of the boys, drawings of Jin laughing and Jungkook smiling oil drawings of Namjoon dancing and Jhope scowling at his wrong moves, Jimin let out a giggle at that one. He picked up another book seeing his name scribbled on the front he frowned, she had retreated back to the canvas of him skimming her eyes over it trying to pretend Jimin hadn't seen it. Hadn't looked at it. Meanwhile Jimin was stuck on one drawing, in coloured pencil like she had coloured as she went. It was a picture of Jimin dancing in the practice room, he had been practising the spring day routine and she had caught a picture of him just as he had pushed his body up from the ground, the look of concentration drawn perfectly in his face.
'hey can I keep this one?' he questioned softly pointing at the drawing she raised her eyebrows In shock, I mean it was a decent drawing but she had done better, so much better.
'That one? Really?' He nodded softly smiling she walked over taking the book out of his hands, skimming through it gently, deciding she didn't really need any of the book she placed it back in his hands.
'keep it, it's my favourite one, but I'd like for you to have it.' He looked up at her surprised. ‘Actually take what you like, i’m sure the boys might enjoy some of it too.’ 
'you're something else you know that?' He whispered placing a small kiss on her forehead, she looked up at him eyes fluttering closed as she placed a small gentle kiss on his lips. His lips were soft and plump against hers, she pulled away quickly realising what she had just done, she cleared her throat quickly and backed away slightly. He panicked, he didn't want it to end, he didn't want her to just stop, he didn't want this all of this to just stop. Jimin was sober enough now to know what he was doing and what he wanted. Sober enough to say what he wants and mean it, he grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her body into his, her hand slamming onto his chest to stable herself. He pushed her head up to look into his eyes.
'I wasn't kidding about what I said earlier, even if I was rambling, even if I was drunk, I like you, and I don't want to go back to just being friends, I can't do it, not again.' He put his hand on the back of her neck pulling her in gently, pushing his lips back onto hers. She pulled away smiling, finally getting what she had been waiting on this whole damn time. 
‘I like you too you idiot I’ve been telling you for years..’ She whispered closing her eyes and resting her forehead on his chest. Jimin placed a small kiss on the top of her head smiling.
‘I know, I was just an idiot. Now what can I take home with me?’ 
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lizbywrites · 6 years
Le Visage Caché
“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”
-Oscar Wilde
The young man’s breathing was heavy when he finally stopped running from his near inevitable fate. Life would indeed catch up to him. In his right mind, he knew that he’d have to face both family and friends alike soon enough. He just hoped to put it off for longer, stretch out what he knew was coming. Once the realized everything happened for a reason, everything would be right again.
He didn’t know what would happen if they were to catch him. Would they even try now that he was in the wrong community? That’s what the lives of artists were these days; prodigies of certain fields roped in with other artists of the same passion. He was from Stanza, the writers’ living area. He was a beautiful, passionate writer. Of course he was; he was in love.
His love lived in Cadence; the musicians’ community. She was a singer foremost but, when sitting behind a piano, her fingers worked magic. The first time she performed in Stanza, he was hypnotized by the deep brown of her thick, wavy hair, her warm, wide eyes filled with a fiery passion as her long, slim fingers flew down the piano, pressing down the ivory keys with a memorized ease he could only wish for. After she rose from the glorious grand piano, he immediately went on a search for her. Strangely enough, she was waiting for him, legs crossed under her elegant gown, his latest novel resting in her lap. It was love at first sight.
To say that the entire world was as clichéd as the writer’s and the musician’s love story would be to tell you a lie. The world was still far from the utopia everyone silently prayed for. There was still war and famine, starvation and power-hungry politicians. However, they made the decision to choose beauty over ugliness; art over disaster.
There were four different communities spread across the land, surrounded by normal towns. The largest community was Cadence, for the mere fact that there were so many options on how to become part of the group. If a child worked hard enough, it could learn how to play guitar or play Beethoven’s 5
th nearly perfect on the piano. The second largest was Relevé, for nearly the same reason as Cadence. Dance was something that could be learned, yes, but what separated the two was grace. Grace is what kept many of the young dancers in their home community. Stanza came next, the people within it perfected the use of their words so well that, no matter if you wanted science fiction or mystery, you would instantly fall in love with their classics. Finally, there was Canvas, which was a mystery to most. Children were only allowed to enter Canvas when they could really portray their feelings through paint or sculpture, make others feel it as well. This, of course was a lost concept amongst the writers who had their words or the musicians who had their sound or the dancers with their movements.
No one was ever born into the communities; they were carefully watched throughout their young years. If the children showed even the slightest bit of ability, they were pulled out of school and put into a transition school, where they would stay for nearly a year. There, they would be tested everyday, still learning the basics, only focusing more on the area they were excelling in. If they proved their talent to be worthy of attention and no just a one time thing, they were immediately transferred to the new community, given a week to pack their belongings and tell their family good-bye for the last time.
The boy thought about how hard he worked for this, the fame he had gained himself before finally falling to his knees and passing out.
 “We found him asleep in Relevé. Figure he ran all the way there and passed out. He was an awful long way from home.”
“Yeah, this kid’s obviously not a dancer.” His head lolled to the side and, when he tried to open his eyes, he found thin strips of tape holding them down. He weakly tried to get his hands to his eyes and get the sticky, offensive feeling pieces away from his skin. He heard the two men share a laugh and tried harder to free his hands, now trashing his head about on the, what feels like, a hospital bed. He felt two strong hands on him, steadying it just to strap his head to the table along with his hands. He heard a shaky sigh and felt one of the men step away from him.
“Andy? You okay? You look ill.” He felt two calloused fingers running over his cheekbones and shivered, never keen on the idea of anyone touching him besides Victoria. He heard the man on the other side of him sigh and walk around, coming back beside his head, the sound of papers flipping flooding his ears. “Aiden Christopher Williams, Age 19.  Home community: Stanza. He recently published his tenth novel and is dating that singer and pianist, Victoria Roland from Cadence.” He cringed at the thought of these men knowing so much about him, and even more at the realization that they may know just as much about Victoria.
The more conscious Aiden became, the more he was mindful that he had no idea
where he was and the more he began to work himself up of the strange surroundings. He recognized the pungent smell of the gas they gave him to sleep the time he was in the hospital for a mindless surgery when he was younger. The memory of how sick he had become because of the drug made his muscles tense and he felt hands on his shoulders, as if they were afraid that he was going to start struggling against his restraints once again. Instead, he took deep breathes, like Victoria had told him to when he started writing lyrics for her.
That’s when the memories started flooding back.
He labored against one of the man’s hands as he felt electrodes being placed on his forehead and heard the man breath out an uttered phrase. “I know you hate this part, Andy. Why don’t you go get his mask?” Mask? Aiden tensed again and wondered silently where he was, running through his mind, trying to think of the last place he even saw a mask. Sure, he had written about them, beautiful anonymous love stories with hopelessly tragic, but romantic, endings, but where had he ever seen them? No longer was Halloween celebrated, so of course no store would ever sell them. He concentrated instead on his breathing as he heard footsteps walk away from him and the sound of a door opening and closing. He took and deep breath and held it as he heard a computer power up beside him, the man sitting close enough to him that Aiden could feel his breath on the shell of his ear.
“What’s you’re most beautiful memory, Aiden?” The man’s voice was harsh and gritted against Aiden’s eardrum like sandpaper against a newborn’s soft cheek. Aiden shook his head as much as he could, trying not to get sick due to the man’s foul-smelling breath. He didn’t understand the question, why this stranger would want to know. He didn’t want him to know, that was dear to him. That was his and his alone. The man grabbed his chin roughly and Aiden could feel him come closer to him, trying to hide the fact that the spot where the man was holding was bruising already. “You’re really in no position to not tell me, Aiden. What. Is. The. Most. Beautiful. Thing. You’ve. Ever. Witnessed?”
Aiden swallowed deeply and, if his eyes could’ve been open, he would’ve cried right there. Is this what happened after they caught you, even if you were a genius? He was going to die. He just knew it. He took in a sharp breath and found the strength to answer him. “The… The first time I met Victoria. How she was sitting there, in that gorgeous gown, just… just like I had pictured her… and she had my… my novel. She read it. She… she already knew me.” A sob escaped Aiden’s parted lips when he finished, and he wondered if the wetness of the tears that were escaping him would release the tape. He wondered if that’s what he wanted anymore. The man snickered and whispered almost too quietly for Aiden to hear.
“Oh good. I’ll know where to start.”
A sharp shutter went through Aiden’s body and it tensed as he saw Victoria that first night again, so vivid it looked like he could touch her. He remembered holding his first novel, hugging his parents good-bye when he was proven good enough for Stanza. He could almost feel his first kiss again, see the lights behind him. He thought sorrowfully of the ring that he had just bought Victoria and how perfect it was and how heavy it was in his hand. Finally, he thought of walked in on her and her guitarist, her milky white legs wrapped around his waist, her lips swollen from kissing the other man, and finally, red.
Then? Then it was all gone.
Aiden’s body went limp after that, a useless lump of a human being, knowing only his name. He felt something being slowly lowered onto his face and, in a sickly voice he could only slightly remember, he heard the last words he would hear before the gas was released and he fell asleep.
“Welcome to The Hidden Face, Scum.”
 When Aiden woke up, he’s not in his bed or the field or even the hospital bed that he hazily remembered falling asleep in. He finds himself in a warm white room, under a lush duvet cover. He turned groggily, his head throbbing on the pillows and saw a short simple note taped to the wall.
Welcome to Le Visage Caché. Never take off your mask.
-Markus Alexander
He hadn’t noticed the mask yet, not really, but now that he had, he had become over sensitized to it. The feel of the soft plastic molded to his face, the satin ribbon wound around his head and tied in a knot resting in his soft, brown hair. When he looked in the mirror, he touched the rounded edges of the crimson mask around his eyes. It was a beautiful mask; the rich color of human blood with shining jewels to add either an opulent look or to add texture, he wasn’t sure. Why couldn’t he take it off though? Where did the mask even come from?
When he left the (his?) house, he walked the street searching for something, although of what, he wasn’t sure. A reaction to the mask, maybe? Instead, he was met with more masked faces, eyes surrounded by brilliant blue, deep black and sparkling green. Aiden sits heavily on a bench and buries his face in his hands and wraps his slim fingers
around the edges of the mask. He wondered if he knew any of the hidden faces on the street, if they had once been his friend. Then, it hit him… he didn’t remember anyone. Even his parents, who he was sure had been proud of him at least once in their life, had been turned into a mess of distorted colors. The thought made him grip onto the mask harder, the ribbon tightening from the pressure and he wondered what would happen if he took it off. The warning he had received by way of a note wasn’t threatening, per say, but had a certain hint of authority that Aiden couldn’t ignore. Even his name, Markus Alexander, seemed threatening to him. He let his hands loosen and fall from his face and could practically feel the eyes of the person who had silently swept up next to him burning through the side of his head.
“You were thinking about taking it off, weren’t you?” He was met with mesmerizing brown eyes surrounded by an ocean blue mask and framed by chocolate brown hair. A soft smile graced her thin lips, but he could see through it to the ulterior motives he was sure it had. He simply nodded at her and ran his fingers through his hair, catching them on the satin ribbon that kept him here, kept him safe. He eyes caught this movement and she smiled bigger, brighter, making the mischief behind it very apparent. “We’re not supposed to, you know. No one knows what happens if you do… What’ll happen if Markus gets you.”
The temptation her voice held matched what Aiden felt whenever his fingers caught on a part of the mask. She simply stood and motioned for Aiden to do the same, muttered something about them going somewhere. “Somewhere to explore”, he thought he had heard her say. Nearly halfway through the walk past houses that looked identical to the one that he had come out of himself, she introduced herself as Victoria Roland, explaining that she herself had been there for only a few hours. Aiden felt at ease with her, followed her into her house without even worrying what might happen after that. She simply sat in the middle of the floor of the house that was, not only externally identical to his, but internally as well. She smiled at him and his stomach cramped as he sat across from her. The temptation in her voice rang through her ears again and suddenly, he felt like he knew exactly what she was asking of him.
“Don’t be scared, Aiden… We can do this. We can.” Her smile was bright as it had been when they met and it showed in her eyes. He was sure that, if he could see the parts of her face covered, they would be wrinkled by the brilliance of the grin. She held out one of her hands and Aiden looked at it hesitantly, grabbing onto it tightly to show that he was afraid. She squeezed back reassuringly and he slowed his breathing, trying to calm himself. Her other hand reached behind her head and Aiden repeated the action, catching one of the satin ribbons between his fingers, feeling it pull against the calluses there. His whole body was trembling and he closed his eyes, desperate to calm himself, not worry of what was to become of him. “Aiden… Open your eyes, please. Look at me. I want us to see each other.” He heard something familiar in the voice that made his eyes snap open. She smiled again and began counting.
“Three…” She smiled strongly, hopefully enough for the both of them. He swept his thumb over her knuckles and relished in the warmth of her soft skin. It felt like home to him. A place where, maybe, he didn’t have to wear a mask, have to hide himself.
“Two…” She blew some of her hair out of her eyes and Aiden nearly drowned in them. They looked like they had so much hidden behind them. She looked so put together while she had been here for shorter than Aiden himself and he was near falling apart.
“One…” Her voice wrapped around him and realization hit him. How come he hadn’t seen it before? It seemed like the simplest thing in the world, yet so complicated. He squeezed her hand tighter and smiled, and she looked at him questioningly. All fear was erased from his eyes and his body had stopped trembling.
“I love you, Victoria.”
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chocolatequeennk · 7 years
The Look of Love
After two years of friendship, James and Rose finally admit to the truth they've always seen in each other's eyes. 
This is a Ten/Rose Coffee shop AU, based on a Facebook post @jabber-who-key and I saw last year around the holidays. We both knew it had to be a fic, so this one is for her!
This is for @doctorroseprompts 31 Days of Ficmas, using the word, “love.” This is day 3 on my personal 31 Days of Ficmas.
AO3 | FF
Noble and Smith Coffee and Tea—Why not give a cuppa for Christmas?
Rose flushed with pleasure when she saw her own hand-lettered work in the window of her favourite coffee shop. She’d been doing their windows since her first year in school, but this year’s Christmas art really outshone everything else she’d done.
She’d painted an entire winter vignette, with children sledding down a hill and building a snowman. In the middle of the picture, couples skated hand in hand around a pond.
Rose stepped through the crowd of people bustling up and down the pavement so she could touch one of the happy couples. The woman’s blonde hair was loose and trailing after her in the wind, and if the bloke’s brown hair and arched eyebrow looked a lot like a certain coffee shop owner…
A twinge of nervous excitement joined her pride. She tapped the card she held against her fingers and tried to imagine how James would respond.
The bell over the door jingled merrily, adding to the festive sounds in the air. “Rose! I almost didn’t think you’d make it today—you’re later than usual.”
Rose took a deep breath and turned around to look at James Smith, the bloke she’d secretly been in love with for two years.
All her efforts to stay calm were pointless when she saw him leaning casually against the doorframe of the cafe. He was wearing his favourite brown pinstriped suit, but he’d set aside the jacket like he usually did when he was working behind the counter. Instead, his shirt sleeves were rolled up, revealing his freckled forearms. His tie hung loosely around his neck, and the end was tossed up over his shoulder so it wouldn’t dangle in the milk when he steamed it.
Then Rose saw his crowning glory, and the schoolgirl giddiness she’d felt when she saw him was replaced with a burst of laughter. Perched on top of his head was a set of reindeer antlers, complete with a jaunty bow and a bell that jingled when he shook his head.
“What are you…” James reached up to his hair. “Oh. Donna made me wear them, you know, since it’s Christmas Eve. She got them from her granddad.” His ears and cheeks turned bright red, and he took them off and tugged on his ear.
Rose shook her head and pulled them from his hands. “I think they look perfect,” she told him as she put them back on his head. “You look very dashing.” She giggled again. “Maybe you’re Dasher?”
James preened a bit when she called him dashing, but before they could continue the conversation, a gust of wind blew down the street and he shivered violently. “Brrr! What are we standing out here for? Come inside. I’ll make you my newest holiday drink.”
Rose followed James inside and slid her coat off. “And what’s that? Cinnamon swizzle mocha? Orange spice tea? Coffee with mulling spices in it?”
James arched an eyebrow as he ducked behind the counter. “You won’t be laughing at me in a minute, Rose Tyler.”
To Rose’s surprise, he reached up to the tea canisters instead of filling the espresso pod with grounds. “What are you doing?” She sidled closer so she could watch him work.
James smirked as he measured out a bunch of spices into a tea bag. “Not what you expected, is it Rose?”
“I was only joking when I suggested mulled coffee, James.”
He stuck his tongue out at her, then turned around to a slow cooker and ladled steaming liquid into the cup. The coffee shop was instantly filled with the aroma of cinnamon, clove, and orange peel. Rose couldn’t help her soft sigh of satisfaction, and James rocked back on his heels after she took the cup from him.
Rose brought the cup to her nose and sniffed. “Oh, that smells gorgeous,” she murmured. “What is it?”
“Hot apple juice, with spices. Basically mulled apple juice instead of mulled wine.” He shook his head quickly when she started to take a sip. “Let it cool for a minute, Rose. It’s hotter than most things.”
Rose nodded and took the cup with her to her table. She glanced back at James, working at the espresso machine on his own beverage. This is it, she told herself, her heart pounding when she put his card on the table in front of the empty chair.
When James joined her a moment later, his steps slowed when he caught sight of the card. “What’s this?” He set his coffee down and picked it up as he sat down.
“Just…” Rose licked her dry lips. “Just open it.”
His finger slid under the envelope flap, but his gaze didn’t leave her face, and Rose knew he could tell how nervous she was. His forehead was wrinkled in confusion, and she had to knot her hands together to keep from opening the card for him to get it over with.
Finally, he pulled the card out of the envelope. His giggle when he saw the picture of Santa falling into an open fire eased some of Rose’s nerves, and she laughed along with him when he read the inside greeting.
Then he picked up the two pieces of heavy card stock that she’d put inside the card, and she couldn’t breathe again.
“An Evening in the Stars,” he read aloud. “Rose, these are tickets for the planetarium show next month.”
She nodded.
His mouth dropped open as he stared at her. “It’s been sold out for months!”
Rose knew that perfectly well. She’d heard James talk up the show, then she’d heard all about his disappointment when he was sick the week tickets went on sale and he missed getting them.
“Well… You remember that week?”
“Only in bits and pieces,” he said drily.
“When I realised you were going to miss getting tickets, I ordered for you. I’ve had these since September, just waiting to give to you.”
James’ eyes widened. “But… you…” He opened and closed his mouth a few times, then looked at the tickets. “There are two here.”
Rose’s palms were sweaty, and she wiped them off on her trousers. “Yeah. Well… I thought we could go together? I love listening to you talk about the stars. And if I could see this with you… that would be fantastic.”
James didn’t say anything, and Rose almost lost her nerve. But she’d promised herself she would at least tell him how she felt, even if he didn’t feel the same way. She couldn’t handle not knowing, wondering if she were reading too much into his actions, wondering if he could possibly return her feelings or if he just saw her as a friend.
So after a steadying breath, she looked him in the eye. “I thought it could be a date, if you like.” James’ eyes widened, and Rose forced herself to continue on with the speech she’d rehearsed. “You’ve been my best friend for two years, James, ever since the first time I came into the shop on my way home from class. But… the thing is, I’ve been falling for you almost as long, and I keep wondering what it would be like if we were more than friends.” She shrugged, then gestured at the tickets. “So I thought I’d ask.”
Silence stretched between them, leaving Rose’s confession hanging in the air. Rose thought his fingers tightened around the tickets, but that was the only outward sign that he’d heard her at all.
Donna’s strident tone interrupted the moment. James’ head snapped around to the door between the kitchen and the front part of the shop. Then he looked back at Rose, and at the tickets in his hand.
“That’s…” He pushed his chair back. “I should…” He gestured to the door. “You know Donna.”
Then he whirled around and nearly ran from the room.
Rose stood frozen, staring at the open door between the backroom and the front of the coffee shop. Of all the possible reactions, she’d never imagined he would just run out of the room without even acknowledging that she’d just told him she had feelings for him.
She’d thought… two years of flirting, of teasing each other, of movie nights and long rambles through the park, of progressively longer hugs every time they said goodbye… Even though she’d been nervous, she hadn’t really thought he would reject her.
Guess I got him wrong.
Tears clogged Rose’s throat, but she swallowed them back. She’d already humiliated herself enough for one day—she could wait to cry until she got back to her flat.
She left her holiday drink sitting on the table and wrapped her arms around herself as she strode to the door. She was almost gone when Donna’s voice stopped her from walking out.
“You wrote an ode to her eyes!”
Rose couldn’t make out what James muttered in reply, but his voice went high-pitched and squeaky like it did when he was embarrassed. She turned away from the door and slowly inched back to her table.
James had written an ode to her eyes? A poem about her? Maybe Donna meant he’d written a poem for someone else, but given the immediate context, it certainly seemed likely that it had been for her.
She sat back down and waited for James to come back. Maybe she hadn’t gotten him wrong, after all.
James shuffled into the back room, his heart racing. Rose had asked him out? On a date? And she said she was falling for him? That was… He shook his head, hoping that would make it seem more real.
“Oh, what’s this then?” Donna asked, gesturing to the tickets he still had clutched in his hands.
He stared at them, then looked up at her. “Present. Gift. From Rose.”
Donna’s eyes lit up and a smirk curved the corners of her mouth. “From Rose, really? Well, maybe you have a chance with her after all. If you ever get around to asking her out, that is.”
James raked his trembling hands through his hair. “She already asked me out,” he said, and speaking the words out loud didn’t make it seem any more real. “That’s… the present, it’s tickets to this exhibition at the planetarium in January. I was telling her about it and she went and got tickets.”
Donna’s eyes widened. “Well, she seems to know what you like, at least.”
James shuffled his feet. Rose did know him, and it terrified him. No one had known him this well since his parents had died when he was just fifteen. Being alone was lonely, but it also meant no one had the power to hurt him.
He looked at the tickets, then towards the shop. Rose could hurt him, if he let her get any closer. The temptation to run was strong, but the pull towards her was even stronger.
“What on Earth is going on in that brain of yours now?” Donna’s voice pulled James out of his own thoughts.
He tapped the tickets against his fingers. “So… you think I ought to say yes, then?”
The back room fell deathly silent. Even the dishwasher chose that moment to stop at the end of a cycle.
“You. Have. Got. To be kidding me!!” Donna crossed the room and smacked him on the back side of the head.
James rubbed the sore spot and pouted up at her. “What was that for?”
“You have had a crush on her from the moment you laid eyes on her, and now that she’s taken enough leave of her senses to ask you out, you wonder if you should say yes?”
James scuffed his toe against the floor. “I do not have a crush on her!” he mumbled. He was head over heels in love with Rose Tyler—far more than a simple crush.
Donna crossed her arms over her chest and looked at James. “You wrote an ode to her eyes!” she shouted, and James’ gaze darted to the door. “‘They’re the colour of whiskey, and when I look into them I’m intoxicated.’ It doesn’t even rhyme, Space Boy.”
James’ fear that Rose would hear was momentarily forgotten, overridden by his wounded pride. He threw his hands up in the air. “It’s called blank verse! It’s an art!”
“Well speaking of art, there’s an artist waiting out there for you to accept her date—if she hasn’t decided you’re too much of an idiot and she doesn’t want to date you after all.”
James’ heart stopped. He hadn’t considered that Rose might not take his sudden departure well… that might actually feel like he was avoiding her after she’d taken the risk to ask him out.
He spun around and looked at the door, and a moment later, he felt hands on his back pushing him gently through it. “Go on, James,” Donna said, her voice soft now. “I promise you, it will be worth it.”
James stumbled over his own feet as he reentered the main part of the shop. His heart started working again when he saw Rose, still sitting at their table. She was facing the door, and he took a moment to grab her favourite chocolate muffin and put it on a plate before he swallowed hard and crossed the room to join her.
“I’m back,” he told her as he took his seat. “And I brought you something to apologise for running off on you just then.”
Rose turned around and smiled at him. “It’s all right, James. Donna asked for you.”
He shook his head slowly. “I didn’t run away from you because Donna called my name, Rose. That was just… convenient timing.”
Her face fell. “Oh.”
James kicked himself. “Oh, bollocks. I’m not saying this right.” He took a deep breath. “You’re not the only one who’s wondered what it would be like if we were more than friends. You’re just the only one brave enough to say anything about it.”
James thought he knew all of Rose Tyler’s smiles, but the shy one crossing her face right now was new. It looked particularly fetching with her pink cheeks, and he wondered if he could make her smile like that every day.
He blinked, trying to remember what she was replying to. As soon as he remembered, he reached out carefully for her hand, feeling giddy when she took it willingly. “Definitely,” he said firmly. “You heard Donna, didn’t you?”
Mischief sparkled in her eyes, and James felt positively giddy. “You mean the part about you writing poetry about my eyes?” She laced her fingers firmly with his. “I think I want to hear this blank verse of yours.”
James groaned. “I shouldn’t have brought it up.”
Rose shook her head, and now her tongue peeked out from behind her smile. “Oh, I would have asked about it either way,” she assured him. “What exactly did you say about my eyes?”
James looked at Rose, then at their hands, linked together on the table. It looked just as natural as it felt, like they’d been made to hold each other.
He looked back at her face, and one eyebrow was arched over the eyes he loved so much. Oh, blimey. She actually wanted to hear his poem.
“I said…” Rose’s warm brown eyes returned his gaze steadily, and he impulsively skipped over the beginning of the poem to paraphrase the lines that felt most appropriate. “When I look into Rose’s eyes, I see love reflected back. The only question I have is this: am I seeing her heart, or mine?”
Tears trembled on Rose’s eyelashes, and James reached out to wipe them away. “It’s my heart, James,” she whispered. “My heart has always been in my eyes when I looked at you.”
James’ heart raced, but the urge to run had finally faded. Rose loved him. His heart was safe with her. “I love you, Rose Tyler.”
Her smile took his breath away. “I love you, too.”
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memories; tom holland
pairing: highschool!tomholland x reader (also in high school duh) word count: 1,137 warnings: tom being a dick, bullying maybe? (not hardcore bullying, I don’t think it’ll trigger anyone), swearing. summary: you and tom were childhood friends, but everything changes once you go to high school.  disclaimer!: I have no clue what schools in the u.k. work like, sorry for the brits out there! And also, I don’t know what tom was like in that time of his life, I tried my best. He’s different here anyway, because he acts like a dick so lololol. Tom is good at a lot of things, I have no idea if he’s good at art. I couldn’t find it anywhere. But I just used it anyway.  my other work
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Inseparable. You and little Thomas Holland were absolutely inseparable. Since you two were neighbors and your parents were friends, you had been friends for a life time. You had shared the most special memories with each other. First day of school, first time on a bike, first time going to a zoo. You shared your whole childhood with each other. 
But that stopped when you went you went to high school. The fist day you had spent together. But people made fun of you for spending so much time together. So much that you both left each other to join different groups. Well, Tom did. 
For some reason the group that he joined hated you. They just did and they loved to let you know. 
‘Watch out, freak!’ someone yells and bumps into you. You drop your backpack and spill the drink you were holding all over the floor of the cafeteria. You turn around and open your mouth to say something when you look up to see: Tom Holland and his mates. You quickly close your mouth.
‘What were you going to say huh?’ he says with a cocky smirk. ‘Nothing’ You grab your bag and get the hell out of this scenario. They shout something at you but you don’t listen. 
Tom and your parents were still friends. So you are still forced to see each other. They have always pushed you to actually see each other, like go out. Your mum will just come up to you saying; ‘Oh come on, give the kid a chance’. You would say no and angrily walk off. Your parents didn’t know about the situation. They did not know that you were low-key being bullied by Tom and his friends. How could they possibly know? When the Holland family was around Tom did not even talk. He would be on his phone and you would be doing something with Sam, Harry or Paddy. 
Tom didn’t know it bothered you that much. That he pushed you around. He just joined in with his friends and thought you saw that it was just teasing. But it was tearing you apart. 
You put the finishing touches on the painting you were making for art class. ‘It’s stunning’ your teacher said. You were about to thank her when you heard a familiar voice taking your compliment. “Of course she wasn’t talking to you. Did you honestly think she’d appreciate you for once?” you sighed as you thought to yourself. 
You got all your stuff together to throw in the trash. You turned around and walked back, but you bumped into someone, again. It was Tom, who else would it be? He dropped his paint right on your favorite jumper and shoes. They were both ruined. This was the end of it, you were losing your mind. So you finally spoke up.
‘You enormous prick! You did that on purpose, just like you did this morning!’ you yelled in his face. He turned red instantly, you were yelling at him in front of the whole class and silence had dropped. He interrupted you. ‘No, you don’t understan-’. Well he tried. ‘No! You don’t understand! You have been treating me like trash and you have been acting like such a dick for several years now and honestly I am so done with it. You’re such a douchebag, how do you still have friends? You know how much this shirt means to me, ass!’ You were boiling with anger. Tom still tried to yell back at you. 
Then the teacher pulled you apart. ‘Enough! Both of you, DETENTION!’ she yelled and pointed at the door. ‘Yes ma’am’ both of you said, looking to the ground. 
You and Tom sat across from each other. Both faces glowing red. The teacher walked in with both of your paintings. She was right, his work was stunning. ‘This is a serious assignment, if you don’t obey I’ll go to the principle. You are going to look at each others paintings and tell one another what you like about it. Then you can talk all of this nonsense out and make up.’ She put down the canvases and disappeared. 
‘I think your painting is gorgeous, a piece of art if I may’ He said to break the silence. You looked up from the table. ‘Also, I am sorry. I deserve this’ He looked down. ‘You could’ve said that a little earlier’ You scoffed.
‘I hate when you act like this, I know you want to forgive me. Don’t play hard to get with me (Y/n)’. His eyes locked with yours. ‘It’s okay’ You said. ‘I forgive you’. 
‘Two years ago’ He began. ‘What?’. A confused expression showed on your face. ‘That shirt is from two years ago. When we went to our first concert together. We went to see (y/f/b). We shared out first kiss. It has important memories to it, that’s why it’s so important to you’ he gave you a little smile. You sighed in relieve, he remembered. 
‘Here’. He took of his sweatshirt and threw it at you. You gladly excepted it. ‘You’re piece is stunning, by the way’. You complimented him on the painting. A small blush creeped upon his cheeks.
‘Now tell me why you’ve been acting like a dick lately’.
‘Honestly, I heard you talk about this one day. You said you liked ‘bad boys’ to your friends. So I joined this ‘friend group’, but they like hated you for some reason and everything turned out way different than I planned. And it’s just all a mess’ He sighed and scratched his neck. ‘It’s okay. I guess’
‘I was gonna buy you a new shirt, but you can just keep my sweatshirt. It has a memory after all’ He said with a smirk. He walked towards you and took your hand in order for you to stand up. ‘What do you mean?’ you nervously chuckled.  
His hand went around your waist as he pulled you closer. He leaned in and before you knew it, his lips were on yours. A long passionate kiss took place. It felt like the old days. You finally had the old Tom back. ‘Well, it has a memory now’ he said with a goofy grin. ‘yeah, but maybe we should make another one’ you said as you pulled him in. 
You heard the noise of a door opening, but your full attention was with Tom as he lifted you up and put you on a table. He reconnected your lips. 
‘Thomas Holland and (Y/n) (Y/l/n)! I said make up, not make out!’ She yelled in disgust at the two of you. ‘Sorry, must’ve heard you wrong’ Tom said as laughed and shrugged. ‘Get out of my classroom now!’ 
Tom took your hand and you ran out of the classroom together.
I had a lot of fun writing this! Special thanks to @spoonfulofsexy for the support. <3 Requests are welcome!
see ya in the next one
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