#I say do you need a knife and dig mine out to hand it to him
kpgimpactor · 9 months
story time 👹
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unpr0mpted · 1 year
blood, blood, gallons of the stuff ! a collection of icky, bloody prompts for those who like to choose violence. actions are reversible. general warning for blood, violence, murder, death.
" that's a lot of blood. "
" it isn't mine. "
" what did you do ? "
[ sigh ] " what did you do ? "
" come on. have a taste. "
" holy shit, are you okay ? "
" it looks worse than it feels. "
" you should see the other guy. "
" it's a good look on you. you should get covered in blood more often. "
" lean on me. "
" oh my god. oh my god, oh my god, what the fuck ? is that what i fucking think it is ? "
" . . . gross. "
[ standing over a body ] " oops. "
" is that a fucking body ? "
" look, i'm sorry, okay ? "
" what the hell happened ? "
" before you say anything, it wasn't me. "
" at least it wasn't me this time. "
" look at me. this is who i am, no matter how much you pretend it isn't. "
" look at me. this is who i am, no matter how much you wish it wasn't. "
" i'm not scared of you. "
" you don't scare me. "
" shut up and let me help you. "
" i got your shirt all bloody. "
" let's get you cleaned up. "
" that looks like it hurts. "
" i'm fine, just. . . give me a minute. "
" we are so fucked. "
" what the fuck is wrong with you ? "
" are you gonna help me clean it up or not ? "
" the fucker deserved it. "
" red looks good on you. "
" what the hell did you do ; tap - dance all over the body with ice - skates ? "
" what, did you run over the body with your car a couple times after ? "
" i. . . i didn't mean to. . . "
" sorry. fuck, i'm sorry. "
" this isn't what it looks like. "
" it was an accident. "
" motherfucker ran right into my knife, i swear. "
" people need to look both ways before crossing. . . bullets. "
" would you believe me if i said wrong place, wrong time ? "
" hey, look at me. i don't care. are you okay ? "
" they deserved it, right ? please tell me they deserved it. "
" you're bleeding. "
" what the fuck happened to you ? "
" you're getting blood on the carpet. "
" sit down before you fall down. "
" that looks like a you problem. "
sender spits out a mouthful of blood at receiver's feet
sender spits out a mouthful of blood on receiver
receiver finds sender covered in blood
sender tries desperately to stop receiver's bleeding
sender helps receiver clean up after a kill
sender wipes blood from receiver's face with a washcloth
sender wipes blood from receiver's face with their thumb
sender licks receiver's blood off a knife
sender licks receiver's blood off their thumb
sender lights up a cigarette a foot away from someone they killed before offering one to receiver
receiver finds sender stood over a body
sender stitches up receiver's wound [ optional wound placement ]
sender digs their finger into receiver's wound [ optional wound placement ]
sender frantically checks receiver for injuries under all the blood
sender guides receiver's bloody hands under a faucet / water source and begins washing them clean
sender bites receiver hard enough to draw blood
sender tilts receiver's head back to staunch a nosebleed
sender draws a smiley face out of the blood they spilled :)
receiver finds sender cleaning up a kill in a daze
sender looks receiver in the eye as they shoot / stab / kill someone
sender ruffles receiver's hair, getting blood all over their hand
sender gets some of receiver's blood on them and makes a face
sender flicks blood at receiver to annoy them
sender stomps in a pool of blood to splash it on receiver
sender slips in their victim's blood but receiver steadies them before they can fall
sender steadies receiver when they slip in the blood sender spilled
receiver comes home to sender covered in blood and waiting for them with all the lights off
sender spits out a tooth and it hits receiver
sender tries to wipe blood off receiver but the blood on their hands just makes it worse
sender takes an injury meant for receiver
sender shows up on receiver's doorstep covered in blood
sender sits down quietly next to receiver after receiver kills someone
sender punches receiver in the mouth
receiver watches sender lick the blood off their fingers like its cheeto dust
sender helps receiver bury a body
sender hugs receiver just to get their victim's blood all over them <3
sender hugs receiver just to get their blood all over them <3
sender leans on receiver for support
sender kills someone to protect receiver
receiver finds sender in a frenzy maiming a body after they've already killed it
sender kills someone and the blood spatters on receiver
receiver finds sender desperately trying to wash the blood off of themself
sender kisses receiver to taste the blood on their busted lip
sender shoots / stabs receiver non - fatally as a warning
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moon-fics · 1 year
Pretend-Simon Riley/Ghost
A/n: I found another old fic of mine and decided to post it just to have it back up! I hope you all enjoy it!
Summary: You and Soap are forced to pretend to be a married couple on a mission. Ghost doesn't enjoy this in the slightest.
Warning: Swears, angst, jealous Ghost, bad jokes, Gender neutral reader
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You wander the streets hand in hand with Soap, gripping his as tightly as possible. You hate going undercover in situations like this because you’re barely armed. You have a single knife in the purse you were allowed to bring while Soap is unarmed. If things go haywire you’re stuck defending the both of you in an impossible situation. You’re just grateful that Ghost will be watching over you two. 
“This is the market we’re supposed to stake out, see if anything is fishy.” Soap reminds you, pulling you forward. He stops at the first stall where the fruit is being sold, some you’ve never seen before. You have to pretend to be madly in love with Soap and the idea makes you sick, you’d much rather have someone else in his place. Preferable a tall British man, but you can’t swap now.
“Aren’t these beautiful, honey?” You give Soap an adoring glance and he smiles at you. He agrees, picking up an apple from the stall and handing it to you. You pull out your wallet and hand the seller a random amount, and he thanks you gratefully. You assume you gave him way above the price, but you don’t mind. 
“Would you like to look at those wooden sculptures?” Soap offers, pointing to a stall where a woman is carving into wood. Her stall consists of wooden figures of a large variety. Your eyes land on a small skull sculpture and you instantly think of Ghost. “I’ll take the rose-carved one,” Soap speaks up. The woman stops carving and picks up the rose-shaped wood. She gives Soap a wide smile as he hands her money. 
“Of course, he would.” Ghost’s voice cracks through your com and you have to stop yourself from laughing. You’ll enjoy Ghost’s commentary on Soap’s actions, it’ll get you through this awkward mission.
“What a lovely couple!” She hums, handing over the figure. You can hear a grunt in your earpiece that’s hidden by your hair. She congratulates you and your eyes are still on the skull. “Oh, do you want the skull?” She asks, picking it up gently. You nod, digging for your wallet again. She holds up a hand and places the skull into your palm. “No need! It’s a gift for your wedding!”
You walk away from the stall after thanking her, taking Soap’s hand again. You’re about to drag him to another stall near a sketchy alleyway you want to check out. Before you can tell him about it Soap grabs your waist and pulls you against his chest. He places a finger over your lip and plants it on the other side of his thumb. Your lips don’t touch but it would be easy to assume you’re both kissing. You can hear more noise through the coms, but you can’t make out what Ghost is saying over your pulse rising. You aren’t attracted to Soap in any way, but the closeness is intimidating.
You want to ask why he suddenly decided to do this until a group of men in enemy uniforms stomps past you. You realize it was his way of blending into a crowd, because who wants to stare at a couple displaying PDA. He pulls away once he believes it’s safe, wiping his thumb off.
“Rude!” You tease as Soap rolls his eyes playfully. 
You’ve scoped out any suspicious activity in the area, to the point where you can name every stall with your eyes closed. Your feet are killing you and the heat of the day is making you too sweaty to be comfortable. You’ve already eaten your apple from that one vendor and yet you’re still starving. You just want to get back to base and eat an actual meal. 
“Are you ready to leave?” You ask, stretching your legs to give them a break from your weight. Soap gives you a mischievous look before grabbing you and picking you up. You don’t know what cogs are turning in his head but you know he’s planning something. 
He pushes his face against your ear where the com is, whispering as sweetly as possible, “I’m so glad you’re finally mine. Marryin’ you was the best day of my life and I’m glad we met.” Your eyes widen at his words. You don’t know where this romance came from and honestly, you’re confused about whether he’s being serious or still playing his part.
“If I knew any better I’d assume you’re whispering sweet nothings to Ghost.” You joke and earn a laugh from both men. Soap begins walking away from the market with you in his arms. 
“Just trying something out.” He explains vaguely and a part of your stomach drops. What does Soap have planned and why did he have to make sure Ghost heard? You’ll probably never get your answer from him.
Once you get close enough to the safe house without any risks of being seen, Ghost joins you. His attire stands out from the clothes you and Soap chose for your fake date. His mask is clinging to his face, the skull covering what the rest of the balaclava can’t. He’s looking straightforward, silent as a mouse.
“See anything we should know about?” You ask Ghost, Soap’s interest peaking. Ghost’s eyes look at you through the corners of them, the usual dead look in them. You honestly find his get-up interesting, it’s unique. 
“A few cars slowed down while passing the market.” His voice is monotone and you miss how he’d comment on Soap’s acting. You thought it was hilarious how he’d mock Soap and make quips whenever he spoke to you. Now he’s barely talking and you feel disappointed. If you’re being honest, you imagined Ghost being your date instead of Soap. 
“I invented a new word recently,” Soap speaks up and you just have to hear the word he’s going to drop on you and Ghost. “Plagiarism.” You let out a giggle but Ghost remains cold. You’re worried now, he usually enjoys these types of jokes. 
“I saw a guy spill a bunch of Scrabble letters on the road once,” You start your joke, hoping Ghost will join in after you. “I asked him what the word on the street was.” Soap pats your back with a grin.
“Tha’ was garbage!”
You sit on the bed of your room in the safe house. You were lucky the safe house was pretty big, but not a place you’d enjoy staying. It’s an abandoned house filled with cobwebs and rotting wood. Since the sun has set the house is ten times worse. Every shadow looks like a person and right now you really want a snack. Sadly, Soap left his protein bars on the first level of the house. 
You gather your courage to walk down the creek stairs. You feel like a child as you grab your flashlight and a knife. You shouldn’t be scared of the dark, you’ve spent a lot of time in it. But this house is terrifying to you. 
You exit your room, slipping down the hall past the other bedrooms. You get halfway down the stairs when someone clearing their throat startles you. You trip a bit and use the railing to stop yourself from falling down the rest. You spin around to see Ghost standing at the top of the stairs with an amused look in his eyes.
“You need a bell on you!” You hiss and Ghost chuckles. The tension inside you disappears at the sound of his laugh. It’s nice to hear it every once in a while, even though it’s not a full laugh. You’re just pleased to see him in a better mood.
“What are ya doing up this late?” He questions, still not moving from the top of the stairs. You have no idea how late it is, you assumed it was about 10 PM but from the way Ghost phrased his question you’d change your guess to past midnight. 
“I got hungry and Ghost left his snacks in the kitchen.” You answer. You conclude that he won’t bother you anymore and begin down the stairs again. You enter the kitchen and see a small bag that Soap uses for food. You zip it open and pull out three protein bars. You know Soap will complain to you once he realizes you took food from him.
You sit down in one of the rotting chairs, open a bar, and take a bite. The taste is nice but you miss the meals you’d be able to make yourself. You shut your eyes from exhaustion, mindlessly biting into the bar again. You rest your head on your hand, hoping you don’t fall asleep like this.
“You’ll choke if you aren’t careful.” As if he’s a profit you choke on the bite from surprise. You’re getting pretty pissed about how silent he is and you’re genuinely thinking about getting him a bell. You clear your throat and glare at Ghost. He’s no longer wearing camouflage and is instead in a black t-shirt and jeans, the mask still on but the skull is gone. His arms are covered in veins poking out, the moonlight from a window illuminating them perfectly. You can see his tattoos and they’re hard to see from how chaotic the scene on his arm is. You can make out a skull and a soldier, barely able to confirm dog tags. 
You both sit in silence while you finish your second bar, already full. You quietly hand him your extra bar and he stores it in his pocket for later. You stand up and begin heading back to the stairs.
“Do you like him?” His voice stops you. You spin on your heel but he’s not facing you. You’re not sure what he means and he must pick up on that, “Soap.” You wonder what happens if you lie or tell the truth. What are the consequences of your choice? It's not like this is any of Ghost’s business.
“Why does that matter? It’s not like anything will come of it.” You test the waters. You want to see his reaction being answering him. There has to be a reason he’s asking you besides curiosity.
“It doesn’t.” He responds. You’re not satisfied. He can’t just as a personal question after being so closed off and why even ask if it doesn’t matter? You’re upset now and you can’t pinpoint why exactly. Because he asked a personal question or because he doesn’t seem to care about you the way you care about him?
You thought you were close enough to consider yourself a friend of Ghost but now you’re not sure. You’re beginning to doubt if he even likes you or if he’s tolerating you. Have you just been making up answers for yourself this whole time?
“Then why ask, huh? Why are you so interested in my love life? For all you know, I’m madly in love with Soap!” You taunt and you can see his arm muscles tense up. You don’t stop though, “I get that you’re the lieutenant and all but what do my feelings have to do with this mission?” You huff. He abruptly stands up and marches over to you. His eyes are dark even with the moonlight reflecting off them. You stare deep into his eyes, trying to figure out what his issue is. 
“Are you?” There’s a long pause where your breathing can be heard. Your chest is rising and falling rapidly at the position you’ve put yourself in. He’s so close to you, you can feel the heat radiating off him. You want to reach up and touch his face even while angry, but you close your fists instead. “Are you in fucking love with him?”
“No.” You answer right after he finishes his question. You furrow your brows and frown. There’s no change in his eyes and you’re certain he’s going to scold you. You hate how many pauses you’ve taken in this conversation so you speak again, “Someone else.” You bite your tongue at your response, hating how it came out.
He steps away from you and cold air rushes to your skin. His eyes no longer harbor anger, instead, there’s a distance. As if he’s pulling away from you mentally as well. You can’t describe the emotion his eyes are presenting you but it makes your chest ache. You reach out and grab his hand, staring at the connection.
You partially believe he’ll rip his hand from yours and reject you in every way possible. Instead, he adjusts his hands to fit your better. “Me?” He mutters softly. You nod and avoid eye contact with him.
You hear fabric moving and your eyes are swiftly covered by a hand. His hands are rough but you don’t mind it. His other hand lets go of yours and grazes over your lips. You swear you can sense him smirking.
“’m gonna erase his kiss from your mind forever.” His voice is low, dangerously low. You don’t have the heart to tell him Soap faked the kiss, not wanting to ruin the moment. Ghost slams his lips onto yours, and crosses your cheek. He’s rough at first, hungry for anything he can get from you. After a while, he slows down and his kiss is more gentle. His thumb rubs up and down your cheek and your heart skips a beat. He removes his lips from you but his hand remains over your eyes, “You’re mine.”
“Who said I wasn’t?” You tease. 
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leeneir · 5 months
Hehy! If you are writing Yandere can I request canons for Iso?
Look at Me Please; Shy Yandere!Iso x Reader Headcanons P.1
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I'm working on another req fic as we speak, but I'm taking breaks to do this one bc him being "Mine all mine" is very appealing🥰🫶
And yes, part 1. This prompt just got my Iso loving brain rolling.
Pre Relationship
I want you to think of these like its u and him progressing, as if its a timeline of ur relationship.
- A shy possesive yandere. You are his, no questions. But he doesn't have the courage to show it enough (for now.)
- Iso was always forced to cut off his connections due to the organization, but the Valorant Protocol was different. He found someone there worth going against everything he's known all his life.
- The moment his eyes set on you, he had an overwhelming urge to always be near you and always wanted to know where you were and who you were with.
- He spots you and Jett having flirty banter in the hallway and later during training 'accidentally' shot a bullet which shoots through the wall right next to her head. He barely glances at the wind radiant and mutter a half-hearted apology, but that glance was enough to give Jett the creeps.
- You notice how he's always near or around you and you decide to befriend him like the friendly person you were, you'll notice how his eyes fixate on you as if you were a precious jewel in the muddy dirt but don't pay it any mind.
- While you were chatting, he suddenly blurts out "You're beautiful," and immediately goes red in the face and stammering out apology after apology while he pulls his collar up to cover his face.
- You laugh as you try to calm him down, saying that you were flattered that he thought so. You place your hand on his shoulder while his back is turned to you and he freezes for a good 3 seconds before he looks back at you, his eyes had such intensity as they met yours. You pat and reassure him again, telling him that you thought he was handsome too.
- He decided something that day. Killing Omen wouldn't be worth it because it meant he'd have to cut off the valorant protocol, meaning he'd never see you again. Being with you was better than having to deal with his employers anyway.
- You, and your voice he couldn't get enough of, and your amazing skill and talent both in and off the battlefield, and your pretty face, and your pretty body, and your enchanting self that he wants all for himself.
- Back to actual headcanons. He's always very desperate to get your attention but he's too shy to actually ask for it. Which is why he'll always make sure to outperform everyone during training so that he can receive sweet praises from you that he'll repeat in his head for weeks.
- When you get injured out on the field on the same mission, Iso will go berserk. Even if it's just a graze. All you can do is hope that he'll be ok when he goes silent on the comms.
- Iso does NOT listent to reason and destroys his earpiece as he slowy digs his knife deeper into the enemies throat. How DARE they ruin your perfect body.
- He's always watching. Always in the darkest shadows where you never even know he's there. He has his eyes on you more than Cypher.
- Speaking of him, Iso has threatened Cypher to keep his prying eyes and ear aeay from you. He doesn't deserve to even be on the same world as you. His arena has space for a new corpse if need be.
- He doesn't take snacks offered to him by other agents. If you offer though, he wouldn't even eat it. He'd place it in his room with all the other memoirs he's collected from you.
- As time goes on, he gets braver. He starts putting his hands on your back, he initiates conversations, he offers you private training sessions and more. But that doesn't stop the ever growing urge to hold you, touch you, and keep you all to himself and not let anyone else even look at you.
- No one will get in the way. And I mean no one.
- If you get hurt again, he'll insist he'll patch you up himself. There's no need to go to Sage when he has an excuse to touch you can fix you up too.
- One day, you shoot your shot. You ask him out on a boba tea date, and he has to take a moment to compose himself. YOU were asking HIM out on a date? Was this a dream? Was this a prank by you and the others?
- Either way, he agrees with a soft smile, saying how he's been interested in you for a while and also wanted to ask you out but never knew how to. You laugh, your sweet, sweet, deliciously beautiful laugh he wants to hear more of and you joke about how you beat him to it, before setting up a time and meetup location before going off to your room to get ready.
- You don't notice the way his eyes are eating up the sight of you, and you don't notice how his soft smile turned into one of pure ecstasy and hunger. His face completely red at the idea of going on a date with you and is just so happy that he almost forgot about his plan to cause a minor life-threatening injury to Yoru for being such an asshole to you earlier that week. Almost.
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spicyyy-muffin · 1 year
Hide n Seek
Scare kink, size kink, this is literally pure smut please be warned. 18+
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“catch me if you can”
i pressed my walkie on its specific channel to ghost.
“you’re an idiot y/l/n” he spoke through the Bluetooth device in my ear
“get outta my ear McTavish”
I climbed over old couches and rusted warehouse equipment. I needed to find a good place to hide that wasn't blown to pieces or see through.
turning off my walkie and even going as far as lowering the volume in the bluetooth device in my ear.
 I would never live it down if he found me.
“he's got tha name ghost fora reason, you daft dimbo.”
“don’t you think i’m aware?”
I crouched and squeezed in between a small space under an abandoned desk.
trying to make myself as small as possible, i curled up bringing any residue around me as a cover.
“He's gonna get you little one.”
The quiet groan of the door forced me to shut the device off completely.
his footsteps i couldn’t hear, aside for the slightest crunch in gravel beneath his combat boots growing increasingly closer to me.
looking through the cracks in the metal, no guns were drawn except for a knife in his right hand.
my heart sank, i trusted him with my life. but spooking a member of 141 was a death wish. and catching them at the wrong time would be a one way ticket to wherever my six feet deep hole waited for me. 
he slithered through the door, continuing to the next room while I waited for complete silence.
I opted for the door he came through, thinking he would be in an entirely different side of the building than me.
I kept my hands free of any weapon, preparing for the slightest sign I might have to run or crawl my way out.
I stood at the top of a flight of stairs. no sound, no lights, no gravel, I could have been alone.
a breath shot down my neck.
in seconds I was against a wall with a burly man pushing against me. his cool blade against the soft of my neck.
his eyes glowed into mine, heavy breaths breaking the silence.
"I thought you were the shit?"
I shuffled my arms underneath him trying to find a leeway. His eyes brightened in amusement.
The fabric on his face lifted revealing his mouth seconds before he dropped it to my neck.
The knife was digging into the left side of my neck, drawing blood in his wake. Hurting more the harder his kisses became.
“Ghost, Mctavish is- he’s right-” 
He brought his head up to look into my eyes, “at the bar two blocks from here. You underestimated my intentions for hide and seek sweetheart.” 
Pocketing the knife, his hands rustled with my clothing until they landed on the button of my jeans. 
On his knees he looked up to me. Even though he was supposed to be feeling vulnerable we both knew that I was the only submissive one here. 
“I wanna taste.” 
My fingers traced his plump lips first, short stumble scratching me.
I smiled looking down at him, trying to memoriize the outline of his beautiful face. 
“I want a kiss.”
In seconds his large hands covering my cheeks, lips ravishing mine as if we were running out of time. Time seemed to slow down when his tongue traced my bottom lip, pulling away to take a breath and pushing into me deeper. His hands were everywhere, m,y hair, taking a minute to wrap around my throat, he reached both of them down under my butt and lifted me on his waist. 
A few inches above him again he pulled away to look up to me. 
“Don know how long I can do this sweetheart.” 
He panted onto my mouth. 
“I wanna taste you so bad but another part of me is saying I should jus fill you to the brim.” 
A hot bolt of arousal shot down my stomach into my clit. 
I laughed against his lips kissing them one more time. “Maybe you should just hurt me.” 
He groaned pressing his forehead onto mine. 
“There you go saying some dumb shit again.” 
My back pressed against the cold concrete floor, combat pants somewhere across the room his head was in between my legs and he wasted no time. 
Switching between tongue fucking me and wrapping his lips around my clit and sucking so hard I knew I wasn’t going to last long. 
I threaded my fingers through his hair trying to mask my sounds. 
He pulled away his hand gripping my throat, “Unless the bar Soap’s in can hear you, you’re not loud enough. N what does tha mean angel?” 
My breath was shaky, “I don- I don’t get to cum.” 
“Mmmm good girl.” 
His mouth resumed and this time I let my noises be whatever they wanted. My orgasm consumed me. My lower back lifted from the ground as I pleaded with him to stop before he flipped me around and did exactly what he said he was gonna. 
He filled me to the brim. Hot pants on the back of my neck I tried to grip onto anything I could to distract me from the pleasure I was feeling from his cock hitting my cervix. 
“Sososo- so good, please don’t.” 
“Fuck baby, I’m not gonna.” Seconds, minutes im not sure how long until I could hear the slight sound of a phone buzzing. 
His phone. 
He flipped me around again, putting my legs around his neck he found new spots that drew me crazier to the edge. 
One palm covered my mouth as he leaned down to my ear, “Be a good girl and stay quiet for me.” 
My brows scrunched up before he reached his other hand down to grab his cellphone and he answered the call. I could hear our captains voice over his balls slapping against me. 
“Ghost, you copy?”
“Yes Sir.” 
“Yes Sir.” 
“I have one more important thing to discuss with you, when-” The Captain continued as Ghost screwed his eyes shut in pure irritation. 
“Yes Sir.” 
The call ended and he abandoned his phone near my head and removed his other from my mouth. 
“Fuckin prick.”
He smirked down at me.
“It turned you on, could feel you squeezing me harder.” 
“AsshoLE-” He pounded into me harder. 
“We can try that another time.” My vision turned murky as stars exploded behind my eyes. 
“Fuckin hell, I don't think I’ll ever get tired of that.” 
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lil-spider · 9 months
So Damn Pretty
Chapter 1
Part 2 : Here
Pairing: Johnny Slaughter X Female Reader
Summary: Johnny is sex starved and you’re very attractive, so attractive that he doesn’t want to kill you. Instead he finds ways to keep you around longer.
Note: I wanna turn this into a longer story as I really like the idea of a cruel pussy-whipped Johnny actually getting the reader pregnant and his family is shocked at his actions. For now I apologies if there is any mistakes since this is still a new hobby of mine.
Warning: This is 18+ and please do not read if your sensitive to heavy descriptions of non/con and violence. Including bondage, blood, assault, objectification and breeding/impregnation. For those who don’t mind, I hope you enjoy.
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Scrambling in the dark for a toolbox. I cringe harshly at the distant sounds of an angry, revving chainsaw combined with the gurgling screams of my friends. I hasten up my search for a lock-pick. Wincing as I make a lot of noise. “Yes!” I exclaimed, finding two lock-picks. “I still have a chance. Now, to get out of this rotten slaughterhouse.” I say determined with hope.
With this new feeling of hope, I quickly run to the end of the building, accidentally smacking into the hanging bones near the exit. “Fuck!” Desperate to escape I decided to keep going, reaching to a locked door. I unlocked it swiftly pushing the door to swing open, bolting down to the gated exit to make my escape.
“Shit!” The gate is being blocked by live electricity. “Damn, I gotta shut it off before someone arrives.” frustrated, I searching around for the power source. I find a yellow power cord leading to a car battery.
Walking towards the vehicle, I don’t take notice of a large figure coming up behind me.
All of a sudden, I’m slammed down hard into the car. I see a flash of white as I head-butt the vehicle. Falling to the ground in pain, a strong leg kicks harshly into my stomach. With the wind knocked out of me, I’m picked up and shoved flat on top of the hood of an another car. My wrists get clamped together behind me. A zip-tie going around them tight, leaving me immobile. “No one escapes me.” A gruff, deep voice whispered into my ear.
Back when I was searching for an exit. I was unaware of Johnny already in the building, watching me, relishing in my oblivious state. Getting ready to crush my hope.
Now as he ties up my wrists, he takes a closer look at my pretty face, smooth skin and thick thighs. He likes how I smell, the way my hair shines in the low light. He wolf-whistles pulling at my ripped mini dress showing off my smooth legs.“You’re just asking to be fucked aren’t ya? He says slyly. He’s feeling something more deeper then his bloodlust. More carnal, something he rarely gets to indulge on.
Disorientated and aching from the assaulted, I groan out and wiggle weakly against the man holding me down. He pulls me up again to turn me over, facing him. I realise my assailant is Johnny, the man that brought me and my friends into this hell. Staring at his handsome face, I still feel my attraction to him, even after his monstrosities.
“Pretty girls like you are very rare around here.” My anxiety spiked at his tone of voice. Watching the way his eyes look me over, focusing more on my face and chest. “Too pretty to be food” He says up close to my face smirking arms boxing me in. “To keep you alive darling, I need to put a baby in you.“
My eyes widen at his words. I sputter out words of disagreement but they fall on deaf ears. He pulls out his large knife from the back of his belt. Scared, I try to run, but he shoves my chest back flat against the hood of the car. Feet just touching the ground. My hands digging awkwardly into my back, the angle makes my chest push out.
Johnny uses it to his advantage and slices the middle of dress down so my breasts spill out. My hard nipples exposed to the cold air. His stare is intense. He slices my delicate skin going across the top of my breasts. Deep enough to let warm blood dribble over my nipples.
He looks into my worried gaze and smirks. He snaps his arms around my waist. Holding me still as he harshly sucks on my nipples giving each one the same treatment. He keeps eye contact with me. Trails his hot tongue from my left nipple upwards, grazing it across my bleeding cut to lick down to my right nipple, sucking it hard.
I feel his hard, heavy cock grinding against my clothed core. He groans as he cleans up my blood. “So sweet.” He whispers under his breath. I shut my eyes and roll my head back. I try to stay silent but soft pants escape me. My pussy throbs for some relief. He kisses his way up to my neck, leaving bite marks and bruises.
His right hand leaves my waist moves down to feel my wetness. “You cheeky whore”. He says in my ear with a deep chuckle. “You’re soaked.” He grabs his knife again and slices my panties off, nicking me in the process. Then dives down for a heated kiss using his fingers to rub my clit side to side. I close my eyes moaning into his mouth. He breaks his held away from my body. Places his left hand next my head to hold himself up while his right continues to play with my clit.
He sits up to look at my disheveled from with admiration; Arms restrained, chest heaving, eyes glossy and legs spread wide, grinding into his hand. He bites his bottom lip at the sight.
My moans grow louder from the stimulation. He replaces his fingers with a thumb that’s now rubbing my clit in tight circles. His two middle fingers instead slip inside me, fucking me, getting me closer. I almost cum right there on his hand. But he pulls away.
“I wanna feel you cum on my cock sweetheart.” Johnny goes to tug on my right nipple with his teeth as he plays with my pussy again. “Johnny!” I cry out his name. Spreading my legs wider, hungry for an orgasm.
“Begging for my cock now huh? Don’t worry baby girl i’ma give it to ya’.” He pulls away to flip me over. Johnny pushes the rest of my dress up so my lower half is exposed. He pulls my hips back putting me in doggy style.
While Johnny manoeuvres my body. I hear bloody screams. Guilt strikes me, remembering my friends. Johnny shoves his feet in between mine to stop me from closing my legs. He grips my tied wrists with one hand while the other goes to unbuckle his belt, letting his pants drop. “Don’t stop now baby, we are just getting started.” My clit throbs as he pinches it. Heavily aroused and aching, I grind my pussy on his hard cock. Giving in, wanting Johnny to fuck me.
“Good girl”. He slaps my ass and slowly inch by inch he guides his fat cock inside me, stretching me out. “Yeah, take my cock” Johnny doesn’t move once he’s fully inside. Giving me time to adjust. “Fuck, sweetheart is my cock too big for you?” He teases, watching me struggle. He gives a small thrust i shove back wanting more. “Johnny!” I moan, clenching around his cock. Making him groan.
“I’m gonna be the last man to ever cum in your tight pussy.” He states right before pounding into me. Gripping my arms he pulls them back using them as leverage to fuck me harder. I watch him through the reflection of the car, he notices the reflection too. He pulls me back higher so he can watch my tits bounce. He grips my ass hard as he thrusts in and out of my drenched hole. “Im gonna make you ride my cock everyday!” He’s hitting deeper while he talks dirty. “Such a good fucking pussy.” I ignore the brutal sounds of my friends dying. More focused on the man behind me, driving his thick cock in my pussy.
Hitting so deep I let out high pitch whines with each thrust, I bite my lip and thrust my hips back into him. I’m getting closer to my release. Moaning out to not stop.
He grunts at my demand. “Awe baby, are you about to cum?” I struggle to coherent a response as he fucks harder. “I feel your pussy getting tighter sweetheart! Come on give it to me.” I gush over his cock, quivering. My orgasm brings Johnny closer to finishing. The tightness sends Johnny over the edge.
“Fuck!” His movements go sloppy. I let out a cry from the overstimulation as he fills me up to the brim with hot cum, not leaving until he’s empty. Slowly he removes his cock, it bounces back against his lower stomach glistening from mix juices. He watches his cum dribble out of me and slaps my ass one last time.
He places me back on the hood, my wrist starting to go slightly numb. He pulls up his jeans and buckles his belt. He takes one last look at my chest before he tries to give me some modesty by rearranging the cut in my dress.
“Ya know I’ve always wanted to be a dad, raise em’ just like how my momma raised me.” He looks me over placing his hand on my stomach. “If you do end up pregnant then you may live longer.” He smiles at me. I just look into his dark eyes. Unsure of what to say, how to think after such rough fucking. He pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his back pocket to light a smoke. “Come on, let’s go check out your dead friends.” He grabs my arm leading me back into that damn slaughterhouse.
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inklore · 2 years
bleed so pretty
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premise: eddie leaves you with a reminder of who you belong to, that he’ll always come back for you, that you’re his.
pairing: ghostface!eddie munson x (f)reader
word count: 1k
warnings: eighteen+ content, dubcon (i wrote this with the idea that reader and eddie had agreed to all of this, therefore consensual noncon is also a warning), rough sex, knife play, blood play, branding (marking/carving), pain kink, possessiveness, dirty talk, hair pulling.
etc: it’s finally happened, i see the appeal of mr ghostface and i’m a dirty whore because of it. this is completely an anons fault ok!
i do not give anyone permission to translate or repost my work, please be respectful — if you enjoyed please comment or reblog!
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He has you on your knees, your face pushed into your pillows by one of his gloved hands. The hold he has in your hair makes your skull ache and itch from the pull. The screams you’re letting out scald your throat like you’re swallowing a pitcher of hot water.
Like you’re being fucked torturously hard, your insides over sensitive and burning from the pull and drag of his cock in your tightness; the head of his length continuing to kiss, poke, fuck all those spots that usually go unreached. That has your nails paining from how hard you’re gripping the plush of your comforter.
Your body is blazing, the only relief you get—the only cool thing that helps you breathe, that keeps you from passing out from everything—is from the tears that have stained your cheeks, coming down in pools and onto your pillow to leave you in a teary-snotted mess.
And then there’s the coolness from the knife at your hip. The one in his grip as he digs his fingers into your side to pull you back onto his cock, meeting his hard thrusts relentlessly and without remorse. Without a care that you’re a trembling screaming mess, begging him, pleading; for what? To be free? For him to stop? No, no.
“You don’t want me to stop. The proof is on my cock.” His voice is muffled from the mask, making him sound even more menacing and scary. Has your heart beating heavy, your walls clenching around him.
“I told you I’d come back for you.” The bite of the tip of the knife makes your back arch, body flinching, sobs hiccuping in your throat as your nerves mix in with the undeniable pleasure and pain that’s wrecking your body. He runs the tip of the knife down your spine, light, slow, all it would take is a little bit of pressure and it’d have you bleeding. “You’re mine.” A hard thrust has you crying out, “say it. Say you’re mine.”
You’re too busy choking on tears and pleas and whimpers that you can’t get anything out, the only response he gets is muffled and delirious and it’s not good enough for him.
The scream you let out from the tug of your hair, him pulling you head first up to him so your back is at his chest. The blade of the knife now at your neck. Your face feels raw and red from the friction of his thrusts, from your blubbering. You wonder if he’s smiling under the mask with the way he lets his gloves run along the tears before he grips your jaw tightly to keep you steady.
The pressure of the knife at your throat makes your body shiver, just as much as it makes your pussy clench. “Do I need to remind you how this works? That you do as I say? That you’re mine?”
You can barely shake your head from the hold he has on your jaw. But even the small movement you’re able to do is not good enough for him. The disapproving hum he lets out makes you look up at him with pleading eyes, with eyes that say you’ll do whatever he wants, just don’t hurt you.
It’s not good enough.
The whiplash you get from him slamming your body bad down onto the bed makes you dizzy. So dizzy that you don’t comprehend that the weight of his forearm is heavy at the your shoulder blades, his cock still inside of you but unmoving, the blade of the knife pressed hard into your lower back.
“Maybe I should give you a reminder. So you never forget who you belong to.”
There’s not time for you to process, to say anything before you feel the deep dig of the blade into your flesh; cutting, slicing, making you scream into your pillow for a whole other reason than you were seconds ago.
It’s a scream that doesn’t stop; that lights a whole other type of fire in your belly, a disgusting ache that’s unnerving and so good, one that doesn’t stop. Not until he’s done. Not until he finally pulls the blade from your shaking body, the pressure of his body from your back—his cock still throbbing and moving languid and slow inside of your pulsing heat, the speed picking up as he lifts your hips to put you back in position. An arm around your waist to hold up your wobbling body.
Your entire being is burning, stinging, aching, feeling a new kind of weak. Of wrecked.
You don’t have to ask, to reach back and feel your new wounds, your new brand, to know that he’s carved his initials into your flesh. The smell of copper stings your nose as you finally breathe in the air of something other than the pillow.
And with each hard thrust of his hips into you, has the ripple of your ass making the gashes pang and throb even more.
Like a tantilizing fucked up reminder that he’s marked your body forever, of him, for him. It makes you whimper in pain—laced with lustful anguish.
“Do you know now?” He grunts, deep, like he’s really enjoying this, like he’s never felt, saw, had anything more beautiful than you. “Know who you belong to?”
“Y-yes,” you choke out, your voice a croak of a sob.
“Good girl.” There’s a hiss coming from your lungs, your body trying to retreat from his again as he runs a finger along the brand. “So pretty,” your back is being arched again, pressed to his front, the knife still pressed at your hips where his arm is wrapped around. While his other hand brings itself to your mouth, his gloved fingers coated in your blood. There’s no asking, or request, just a silent demand as he shoves them inside of your mouth. Drool and spit meeting the taste of copper on your tongue. Your own blood being swallowed down around his fingers, “let this be your reminder. You’re mine.”
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auras-moonstone · 11 months
mad woman — ethan landry (part six)
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word count: 804
pairing: ethan landry x gf!fem!reader
summary: the moment y/n and the kirsch family had been waiting for finally arrived. will they succeed?
previous part ; epilogue
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THE PLAN WAS THAT Y/N SHOULD NOT REVEAL SHE WAS THE KILLER THE SAME TIME AS THE THREE KIRSCHES. They needed the Carpenter sisters to trust her, just in case something went wrong and they managed to escape. So, Y/N had to pull an Oscar award worthy performance throughout the whole revealing and chasing scene.
But the time she had been waiting for finally came. Tara, Sam and her had climbed the stairs to the second floor and Tara almost fell from the railing if Y/N hadn’t caught her.
“Fuck, Tara. I can’t… my hands” Y/N said, looking at her hands, covered a crimson red—Kirby’s blood.
“It’s okay… let me go” the black-haired girl said.
“Are you crazy?” Sam said, from next to them. She had her knife extended towards Quinn, who was slowly cornering them.
“Trust me, Sam” her sister said in a confident tone.
“Take this” Y/N said, giving Tara her knife. The latter nodded, and Y/N finally let go.
Tara fell, and Ethan stabbed her in the stomach “Gotcha!”.
The girl grabbed the knife her friend gave her and went to stab the brunette boy in the throat. It was a surprise to her when Ethan just smiled jokingly, and no blood came out. She took the knife out, and frowned when she saw it was fake. It was a retractable knife—she had been played.
“My girlfriend’s quite the actress, isn’t she?” Ethan smirked.
Unbeknownst to the revelation that happened downstairs, Sam looked at Y/N and subtlety signalled her head to the gun that was lying a few feet away from her. Y/N nodded in understanding.
“Do you really think you’re going to get away with this, Quinn?” Sam asked, hoping to distract the red-head while her friend took the gun.
“Actually, yeah. I’m very optimistic about this” Quinn replied with a cynic smile.
“We are two against one right now” Sam continued.
Quinn let out a laugh “Are you sure about that?” Y/N quickly grabbed the gun, stood behind Sam and pointed it to her head. “What a fucking plot-twist, right?”.
“Now, let’s join your sister, Sam. I’m letting you see her once more before they kill you, just because I’m feeling generous right now” Y/N said. “Hi, Tara! Did my knife come in handy?”.
“That was amazing thinking, love” Ethan told her, proud smile painted on his handsome face.
“Thanks, Eth” she blew him a kiss.
“You two are really perfect for each other” Tara said, clutching her stomach in pain.
“Thanks! We actually owe that to you two, wanting you dead has brought us together” Y/N said with a smile.
“You are mad!” Tara told her.
“You made me like that!” Y/N yelled in anger “And you know what I should do? I should gut your sister right in front of you, just like you did with Amber. But lucky for you, she’s not mine to kill. That’s their job” she said, pushing Sam towards Bailey and Quinn. “You on the other hand…” she said walking towards her, pressing the wound with her shoe, making her scream in pain “I’m going to take my time with you… cause you took everything from me”.
Ethan took a knife from under his cloak and gave it to Y/N “This is your sister’s”.
Y/N smiled gratefully before placing a kiss on his cheek, while adding more pressure to Tara’s wound “Thank you, babe”.
“Do you have to act all lovey dovey all the time?” Quinn groaned in frustration.
“Sorry, back to business” Y/N said, kneeling next to Tara, who let out a cry while Sam screamed “Don’t be sad, girls. You’ll be seeing each other again in a couple of minutes”.
Y/N didn’t waste any more time, and dig her knife on Tara’s stomach, just where Ethan had previously stabbed her. “This is not even half the pain you all caused to my sister”.
“She deserved it” Tara managed to say in between sobs.
“You think you’re badass, don’t you? Don’t you know that if you poke the bear, the claws will come out?” Y/N gritted her teeth as she spoke, dragging the knife upwards. Tara’s scream resonated on the room. “Oh, look what you made me do, Tara. It could have all been a little less… gory if you had kept your mouth shut”.
“Get over with it, kid” Y/N heard Bailey said. She took a look at the three people in front of her. Sam was laying a few feet away, lifeless.
“I’ll let you join your sister now. Bye, Tara” and with one stab in the heart, the only Carpenter sister left stopped breathing.
“Are you okay?” Ethan asked her, helping her up.
Y/N wrapped her arms around her boyfriend “Perfectly fine, Eth” He smiled and kissed her temple—they had done it, they had survived and succeed.
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author’s note: that was the last part of the mad woman series🥺 i know it was short compared to other parts, i just think that it was useless to keep the original revealing scene because we all already know the motive.
i also wrote the epilogue, which will be out tomorrow! expect a very romantic chapter because i’m a hopeless romantic even when i’m writing about two psychos!
tags: @marauders3 @multi-simp-page
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yourfatherlucifer · 3 months
This one is a doozy, there’s gore, there’s blood, there’s violence, there’s smut (consensual but slightly cnc in a way) so beware. Also toxic relationship
BIG SHOUTOUT TO @minheeskitten for the torture ideas 😩😩 @potatomountain for being my #1 supporter ily
1/2 out of two drabbles till my official hiatus. I went overboard with 1.1k words..
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“No, no, thank you, Wooyoung.” You had smiled at the Oreo hair colored male, “But I really appreciate this.”
Wooyoung had made you a plate of food because you felt famished.
San didn't like how Wooyoung's gaze lingered on you, his hand placed on top of yours for a second longer than he liked.
As you were about to place the fork in your mouth, San had come up to you and slapped it out of your hand, "What the actual fuck, Sannie?" You turned to glare at him.
He growled and grabbed you by the wrist, practically dragging you out of the dorm and to his, knowing no one would be home.
San shoved you into the dorm and slammed the door shut, "Fucking strip and get in the bedroom. I'll be there in a moment." His eyes were clouded in pure bloodlust.
You quickly ran to his room, stripping of everything and throwing yourself onto the bed with a very stiff and awakened cock. Meanwhile San was in the kitchen sanitizing his favorite knife and grabbing duct tape from a cabinet.
When San made his way into his room, not bothering with locking the door, he had a sinister smile on his face.
"Hey baby." San approached you, throwing his shirt across the room and ripping his belt off of his pants, wrapping it around his left fist, "I don't care how good Wooyoung or any of my members treat you, you're MINE." His uncovered palm slapped across your cheek, the skin reddening immediately.
You whimpered as your cock jumped at his action, "Sa-"
"Shut up, bad boy's don't speak unless I say so." He ripped off a piece of duct tape and pressed it against your lips, shutting you up for this steamy session.
The knife in his hand glimmered in the light, the blade slightly frightening you.
"You deserve this punishment, I don't care if you ask me to stop. I have told you and shown you repeatedly, that you are mine. I can't punish them but I can hurt you." He twirled the knife around his fingers.
The switchblade had been used on you multiple times before, the scars on your thighs very much said so. But you didn't mind, yes you hated the pain, but you loved San, he was an amazing person when he wasn't like this. Yet you continued to let him take his anger out on you.
Dating an idol who was seen as very protective and romantic was tough, knowing he was definitely protective, just not in the way people thought. He was violent behind the scenes, but only when someone messed with you. Even his members don't know how he truly is. He does love you though.
San's belt wrapped fist curled around your weeping cock and smirked, "Unfortunately, I won't be giving what you want or need. I'm going to be using you." He removed his hand and dragged his blade against old and healed wounds, reopening them.
You whimpered from the pain, eyes squeezing shut and unable to tell him how you feel. All you could do was take it.
The pain was over as quickly as it started, as he walked away to his drawers and pulled out a rope, "I can't have you squirming, you're gonna mess me up and make me stab you." He tutted with a smirk.
Tears were slowly streaming down your cheeks from the blood forming on your reopened wound.
"Awe, baby, don't cry, you did this to yourself." Once the rope was tied around your torso with your arms around your back, the knife was on your skin again, creating more pebblets of blood in their wake.
Precum was dripping down San's cock rapidly. He was extremely turned on by the pain in your eyes, by the tears running freely down your cheeks.
San so badly wanted to dig the knife into the plush of your thighs and drag it down, spilling blood everywhere but he knew he couldn't. He couldn't risk ruining his career and going to jail, or even risk killing or immobilizing you.
He pressed his lips to your bleeding wounds.
San’s lips were covered in your blood, he was grinning like a madman while you laid on the bed. The rope burning your skin. Tears lining your cheeks and spilling out of your tear ducts.
San cooed, “Awe, is my baby in pain?” He leaned up to your duct taped covered lips and smashed his lips against them, smearing the blood against the tape while you whimpered in pain.
He even slowly pushed his cock inside your hole, "Stop squeezing me or I'll bust a nut already." He growled.
He flipped your body already and pushed your head into the mattress. Your blood from your thighs was getting all over the sheets and creating a mess. The pressure on your wounds was so painful you just couldn't stop crying. Your own cock was being neglected, you couldn't even think about your own pleasure while San was using your body for his own benefit.
His hips jackhammered into yours, the blade digging into your side but not pushing into the flesh, only enough to draw some blood.
The duct tape was slowly coming off your mouth from the slobber and tears.
Your cries were emerging and San didn't care, he wanted to hear you but didn't bother to remove the tape earlier.
"Yeah thats it, cry for me."
He used you like the cocksleeve that you are.
The wound from your side was bleeding rapidly and you couldn't help but scream out when San pushed his finger into the wound, blood flowing around his finger.
That's when his door was kicked in and footsteps rushed into the room, shoving San off of you.
You couldn't see who it was but heard the fist colliding with his jaw.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, Choi San!"
You flipped your tied body around and saw Jongho on top of San, punching him repeatedly.
"Jongho, stop!" You managed to yell out despite the pain, San was just grinning with a bleeding mouth.
You whimpered as you scooted to the edge of the bed.
Jongho glanced at your naked and abused body, "Why? He's hurting you! I could hear your screams. Wooyoung told me how he has been acting weird. I wanted to see why and heard you." He glared down at his older friend and member.
San rose a brow, "He's my boyfriend, I can do whatever I want with him, frankly, its none of your guys business."
He pushed Jongho away from him and walked over to you, untying the rope, and grabbing his knife. He grinned with an idea and dragged the knife under your nipple, "See? He takes it like a good boy."
Jongho scoffed, "You're disgusting." He left the room in a very sour mood and bruised fists.
You held your bleeding chest and looked at the floor, "Are..we gonna continue?"
San nodded and pushed you back onto the bed, "Yes, I never got to finish anyway."
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blueicequeen19 · 1 year
Lay A Claim
Warnings: unprotected public sex, jealousy, FWB
I stiffen when an arm drapes over my shoulder and I inhale an incredibly familiar and intoxicating scent mixed with his warm cologne. The guy I’m talking to narrows his eyes at JJ and I fight back a grimace. What the hell was he doing?
“Sorry man, we’re fucking so beat it.” JJ cocks his head to the side in challenge and my eyes bug out.
“What the fuck!?” I hiss, pushing at his side but he doesn’t release me or look away from the other guy.
“She didn’t say she was spoken for.” He finally says, jaw clenched and not backing down. This was going to get so much worse. JJ was nice until he wasn’t.
“I don’t care. I don’t share. Find someone else.” JJ is tense as he tightens his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side. I dig my nails into his ribs but he doesn’t even budge.
“Knock it off, you caveman. We aren’t exclusive.” I growl softly but he only smirks. Clearly he was in the mood for a fight because if he didn’t get it from my date then he’d get it from me.
“I don’t think she wants you, dude.” My date says confidently. God, he was making this worse. JJ chuckles but not because anything is funny.
“The claw marks on my back say otherwise, dude.” JJ bites out.
“Goddamnit, JJ.” I shove at him, embarrassed now that this is happening.
“There’s also a hickie on her neck that she’s covered with makeup. That’s also from me.” A smug grin stretches across his perfect face as he stares back at my date. My date turns with a shake of his head and walks away without another word.
“You son of a bitch.” I try to squirm out of his hold but he doesn’t release me, only tightening his arms and pulling me into his chest. God he smells good.
“I lied. I don’t want to see other people. You’re only going to see me and fuck me.” The wind rushes from my lungs as I stare back up at him. I don’t get to argue before he’s crashing his lips to mine in a toe curling kiss. I can’t stop the moan that comes out. He’s cupping my face and our bodies are pressed so tightly together I can feel his heart racing. My knees almost buckle when his tongue slips into my mouth.
“Guys! Get a room!” Someone yells just as I start to sink further into him. I quickly withdraw as my brain curses at my needy pussy. I shove him in the chest with a snarl and stomp off towards the exit. I manage to dodge other lingering bodies and slip out the side exit and race towards my car, my heart in my throat.
Why did he do that? He didn’t want me like that. We agreed on that from the beginning. This was strictly sex. No strings. No emotions. Just two people scratching an itch.
It takes me all of two seconds to realize he’s got me blocked in with his truck and I grind my teeth, debating slashing his tires.
My arm is caught from behind and I sigh, knowing I’m caught. But I’m a fighter.
I turn and my hand is caught mid swing before he backs me against the side of his truck and out of plain sight.
His hat is flipped backwards, blonde strands hanging in his piercing eyes as he glares at me with raw need. Like he needed a fix and I was it. My wrist burns from the heat of his hold on me. My breasts are smashed against his chest and I can feel that massive hard on he’s got. I couldn’t catch my breath.
“Don’t leave mad.” JJ rasps, licking his lips.
“You embarrassed me.” I hiss and he nibbles his bottom lip, barely able to hold himself back.
“I can fuck you against his car. I know which one is his. Which would you rather?” JJ murmurs, letting his eyes roam down my body. My short shorts hug my ass so well they’re practically painted on and my crop top shows off my summer tan with a tiny bit of under boob. It was the perfect ‘fuck me’ outfit.
“He already fucked me in it.” I lie, wanting to piss him off even more.
“He must not have done a good job. You’re still able to walk just fine.” I roll my eyes, the sexual tension so thick between us you could cut it with a knife. I jump when his hands comes up to rest just below my ribs, goosebumps scattering across my skin. His hands were so warm. His touch made me dumb.
“Did you make him wear a condom? You know no one else gets to feel your pussy bare but me.” JJ growls, ducking his head into my neck and placing a wet kiss. I shudder.
“Why do you think I’m not wearing any panties?” I whisper into his ear. I feel him tense and his fingers dig into my waist. I bite back a smile.
“That better not be true.” JJ snarls, jerking my head to the side and silencing me with a hard kiss. My hands find the button of his jeans before I can stop myself.
“Find out for yourself.” I purr, licking his bottom lip as I lower his zipper. His hands slide up under my top to find me braless, pasties on my nipples.
“Goddamn girl.” JJ rasps, squeezing my breasts hard as I slip my hand inside his boxers and stroke him between kisses.
“You better fucking have panties on.” JJ nips my bottom lip before pushing me away and spinning me around. His hands slide down and undo my shorts, eagerly shoving his fingers inside. I bite back a grin when his chest rumbles angrily at finding me bare. The inside of my shorts are soaked as he cups my pussy, spreading me with his fingers as he palms my breast. I love when he’s angry.
I groan loudly when two thick fingers work their way inside me, already having me close to the edge. His hand leaves my breast to cover my mouth, his breathing heavy in my ear as he finger fucks me. I feel lightheaded and high on lust. I needed to cum so bad.
“Come on. Let me have it.” JJ rasps into my ear, kicking my legs wider apart and adding a third finger. My eyes roll back as my body quivers with my release.
“That’s it. Good girl. Just like that. Just — like — that.” I sink further against his chest, my head falling back against his shoulder as he brings me through my high. I’d made a mess and my fire was far from put out despite how breathless I am.
I moan his name as he withdraws his fingers and slips my shorts down just above my knees, holding my legs together.
“I’m not done with you yet.” A slap lands hard across my ass cheek before he pulls my hips back, running his thick cock through my slit.
“Fuck, you’re so wet.” JJ’s voice is low and sexy, fueling me further.
“Please.” I whimper, rocking back against him as he teases me.
“Please what?”
“P-please don’t stop. Put it in.” I rasp. I feel him at my entrance then he’s forcing himself in regardless how wet I already am. We both groan, our bodies tense as we engulf each other.
“JJ, oh fuck, JJ.” I cry as he starts to fuck me hard, pulling me back into every thrust.
“Shhhhh. You trying to get us caught?” JJ whispers, his hand going back over my mouth. I moan incoherently behind his hand as the wave comes crashing down again, forcing me to see stars.
“That’s my girl.” His words having me clenching harder as another orgasm creeps up. The slapping sound of our skin growing more and more erratic as he pounds into me. I felt like I could scream and cry at the same time
“You know no one will ever satisfy you like I do.” His hood tightens and I knew he’s about to cum. The thought has me teetering on the ledge again. I loved the thought of him marking me as his. Even if I didn’t want to be.
One hand flies back and my nails bite into his thigh as I start to lift up on my toes.
“I meant what I said. I don’t share. I won’t.” He angles his hips, hitting upwards and that’s all it takes. The domino effect takes hold as we both cum, breathing and moaning hard as our bodies tremble. I feel a gush of warmth between my thighs as he paints my insides white and it drips back out, marking me as his.
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glsneeg-enthusiast · 3 months
theyre not holy!! theyre bloody teeth and tongue and claws!! theyd kill eachother and kill for eachother and kill themselves!! theyre going nobody gets you like i do and nobody ever will and they both believe it!! theyre jealous and bitter and angry at eachother!! theyre exactly the same to the point they may aswell be the same person but they couldnt be more different!! theyre going i hate you i hate you i hate you while crying and holding the others dead body!! their fingers are breaking from holding onto eachother so tight!! theyre eating eachother in hopes that it will make them more like the other!! theyre taking a knife to their flesh and cutting chunks of their body out because the other is hungry!! theyre digging a knife deeper into the others spine whole gently holding their face and apologizing!! they have a gun to their head and the other one is laughing at them and saying they wont pull the trigger!! theyre in a burning building and pouring the gasoline to try to put the fire out!! theyre letting eachother starve in a fit of jealously and anger because they think they deserve it!! theyre bloody fists and bruised faces and cut arms and broken bones!! theyre biting eachother while saying its bad to bite!! theyre prying eachothers ribcage open because maybe if they get to the heart the other will finally understand!! theyre bashing eachothers skull in with rocks and telling god i am not my brothers keeper!! theyre dragging eachother down with them!! theyre choking on eachothers blood!! theyre engraving their name into bullets before putting them into the others head!! theyre bloody and broken and half dead and theyre still trying to rip eachothers throats out!! theyre cutting eachother open from tongue to abdomen and saying im sorry im sorry im sorry!! theyre buried so deep in eachothers bones that they will never be apart!! theyre dragging eachother by the leash and choking on the blood!! they will never be dead as long as the other one is still alive!! they love eachother like rotting dogs!! theyre digging into eachothers brains and tearing it apart with their bare hands!! theyre punching and kicking and biting even after theyre both bloody and mutilated and unrecognizable and one of them is dead!! theyre killing eachother and theyre both going im sorry for getting blood on you!! theyre going youre not my brother youre not my brother youre someones brother but you arent mine!! they do not know that they are eachothers graves!! they need eachother!! theyre the fire and the spark and the flood and the water and the dog and its teeth and the cat and its claws!! theyre brothers!!!!
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hereticpriest · 3 months
Roman Sionis + cockwarming
Making you sit on him while he’s doing his criminal meetings and all that, and not letting you move til he’s done 🥵
I apologise that this is rambly nonsense but I hope you enjoy! <3
Warnings: Female reader, Dom!Roman Sionis, exhibitionism, group of voyeurs, cockwarming, bunny kink, slight implied breeding kink, lil bit of role play.
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Several cold faces sit around the table before you, but only one draws your attention. Roman called you to join him for a meeting, and you obediently obeyed, dressed just as instructed in a little black dress with no underwear. He pats his lap as you approach, and you obediently perch on his knee facing him, pressing a greeting kiss to his cheek. He chuckles, pinching your cheeks between his index and thumb to give your head a little shake before turning you to face the men in the room.
“Pretty as a picture, isn’t she?” He asks, then gently slaps your face when you don’t immediately turn back to face him once he’s let you go. You know what he wants even if you’ll act ditzy just for his amusement, letting him rock your bare cunt against the fabric of his trousers for a moment while he talks over your head with the underworld bosses in the room. A slap to your thigh has you parting your legs wider, letting him manipulate your body until you’re sitting more fully in his lap. You unzip his trousers, sliding your hand in to pull his cock out and give him a few warm-up strokes while he ignores your presence. Once he’s ready, you take his gloved hand and swipe your tongue across the palm, then guide him to hold himself steady for you while he makes excuses to his colleagues.
“Just a second, guys, she’s just a bit clumsy. Always needs help, don’t you, bunny?” he coos, and you nod as you sit obediently on his dick, your mouth falling open into a gasp, “There we go, sweetheart. Now, sit still. I’m working.”
You hum your acknowledgement, face hot as you put your arms around his shoulders and tuck your face into his neck. It’s easy enough to sit still - you’ve got experience being Roman’s good little girl. He talks over your head for quite some time, while you zone out and wait for when he’ll eventually decide to lay you back on his table and make a sincere effort to blow your back out. You only tune back in when Roman gives your ass a sharp slap, then wrenches your head back via your hair.
“R’you delirious, bunny? C’mon, the boys wanna see you. Turn around.” He encourages, and you obey, carefully turning in his lap to face his ‘friends’. He pulls you down on his cock the moment you’re settled, and you gasp, drawing a chorus of laughs and jeering remarks that have your face hot.
“I didn’t know we were gonna get a show, Sionis.”
“It’d be a better show if she was naked. See those little titties bounce.”
“Bet she looks damn pretty when you fuck her proper. She’s desperate for it, isn’t she?”
“She looks like a little brat. Bet she needs that pretty cunt spanked until she cries. She’d look good with fat tears rolling down her cheeks, wouldn’t she?”
“She’d make a good party favour. If anything, he should pass her around.”
You freeze at that, your pretty little nails digging into Roman’s arm wrapped around your waist, fear spiking through you like a knife. He presses a soothing kiss to your neck, then licks his way up to your ear, biting the lobe sharply. 
“She isn’t for sharing, boys, sorry to say. Bunny is all mine. You can look, but anyone who touches will lose body parts.” He informs them, pulling you back to lean against his chest. The meeting continues from there as they realise that there won’t be a show, and you let yourself lull into the feeling of his thick cock filling you, the way the head nudges against your cervix, the feeling of ‘almost too much’ that makes you instinctively nervous every time you take him. His hand strokes over your stomach through your dress, and you sigh at the affection, shifting your hips a little only to get a pinch to the thigh. He tuts, and you pout.
His rule, first and foremost, is that you have to sit still when cockwarming him. Like a good girl. Whether he wants your mouth or your cunt, you have to be perfectly still. No swallowing around him to try and get him to fuck your face properly, and no wiggling to get him to rut into you like a mad man. You wait good and patient until he’s done with whatever he’s doing, and once he’s done, he’ll make you scream.
In retaliation, he seems to bring up new topics, just to torture you. Extending the meeting another twenty, thirty, and soon forty minutes until your brain is fizzling with desire. It’s all you can think about. You need to come, you need him to fuck you properly, you need him to empty his balls into you and make a proper mess.
Finally, the meeting comes to a close, and the men exit the room. Roman waits until the door closes behind Zsasz before finally shoving you down onto the table with a grunt that sends you reeling. You have no time to breath before he’s fucking into you, pinning you in place as his hips slam into yours. Each wet slap has you trembling, and he gasps out your name as you clench around him, his blunt nails digging into your ass.
“Such a desperate little bunny, aren’t you, baby? Can’t help but wanna hop in my lap and take what’s yours, can you? I can’t blame you, can I? My bunny is always in heat, aren’t you, sweet thing? So desperate to get bred that you’ll take whatever I give you, won’t you? As long as I plug you up nice and tight with my fat cock, make you come a couple times on it to get you to calm down so I can fill you up with my load. Don’t worry, baby, I’ll fill you up nice and maybe we can try that cute little plug I got you to see if it keeps all my cum inside you, huh?”
You moan wetly, tears running down your cheeks as Roman pounds into you, his fingers squeezing and rolling your clit until you can barely breathe. A simple adjustment to his angle has you screaming as he brushes hard against that spot inside you that drives you wild, and your cunt tries to push him out as you squirt around him, your orgasm hitting you like a freight train. Your vision becomes static as you claw at the table for stability, your feet coming up to push against his thighs. He doesn’t let you push him away, cooing in your ear as you come down from the high of it all that he knows you need it.
“Almost there, baby. God, you’re so fucking tight around me. So wet. Lookit you gushing like a fucking slut.” He groans, his hips slapping wetly against your ass as he gives a final couple of thrusts then stills as his release floods your sopping cunt. You slump beneath him, boneless in your satiation, and soothed by his weight against your back. He lets you rest while giving himself a break to catch his breath, but it doesn’t last long before he’s pressing kisses to your hot cheeks.
“C’mon, bunny, I got you some ears and a tail to try out. Put ‘em on for me and I’ll fill you up again, yeah? I know you want a nap, baby. I’ll put you to sleep on my cock.”
@tarrenterror25 @daenerys-skywalker @supernatural-lover @thegreatwicked
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Dungeon Meshi rewatch ep 11 notes
Marcille doing the spell magic circle thingie to bring down the building on top of the red dragon
woah red dragons go hard 60 km per hour damn
I remember this detail about red dragons clicking their tongues to ignite the fuel in their bodies and I love that
LOL the plan fails RIP
Kensuke ran away hahahah his faith in Laios did not withstand the red dragon
Mithril cooking knife to the rescue! lol at Chilchuck casually saying Namari might have killed Senshi for it
ahhhhhh Senshi got squished :(
:(((((((((( Laios
BACKSTORY FLASHBACK aw lil Laios and Falin so cute
Falin can see ghosts and she could expel one from Laios with just a stick, smol Falin awesome
she could also tell what was binding the ghost/spirit (the ring)
Laios comments that "adults are just scared of magic" when Falin asks if she did something wrong which makes me think that the people form her village/town had some choice words for her bravery and skill which figures (fuck them)
I think eelo pointed out this detail in the first watch, but Falin is holding adult Laios' hand here :(
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adult Falin appears in his dream too and says not to worry about her :(((((
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Marcille comments she needs to learn more defensive magic
she reattaches Laios' leg but it itches, and she helps Chilchuck and Senshi too and they all experience "recovery pain" which is what happens when you heal a big injury quickly - it hurts like a motherfucker
Senshi notes that digging around on the insides of the red dragon (they're looking for the stomach) reminds him of when he worked in a mine 👀 (I am genuinely upset at how little they're feeding us Senshi stans I NEED TO KNOW MOREEEEE)
the stomach is empty, Falin got digested :(((
so the red dragon uses the non-food parts of its pray as fuel for its fire breath (like hair and bones) and in there they find Falin's staff
and um a human skull
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good thing it didn't use any of the Falin bits for its breath while it was chasing them around ig 💀
random screengrabs:
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mustainegf · 1 month
Bro I need a fic where Dave Mustaine and the reader are sleeping in the same bed and a storm happens, the reader is afraid of thunder so to distract his partner, Dave masturbates and fucks the reader under the sheets (female reader)
I’ve seen other writers do this one and j think it’s so cute omg
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Thunder roared above us, and the air was so humid, you could cut it with a knife. "Come here," he murmured, pulling me close and kissing my neck while we cuddled together in his bed. "Dave, I-“ I stammer, jerking with a flinch as another clap of thunder roared from outside.
My heart thudded, and my breathing picked up, but he didn't say anything.
He just kept petting me softly until the next lightning struck. It was almost midnight, and I'd never been this scared before.
Dave Definetly noticed it this time, lifting his head up as he looked into my eyes. "Ohh, I see. Is it the weather, honey?" He cooed.
My face turned hot at his nickname for me. I nodded. There were times when I thought I would be okay with it, like today. But then a sudden crash of thunder made me yelp, and he wrapped his arms around me again.
"Does my babyy need some distracting?" He murmured, kissing up my neck.
I blushed, and I was suddenly wet. "Dave, I... I can't." He smirked. "You think I can't handle it?" He said. I knew I should have been embarrassed, but the way he said it made me want to do it.
I didn't respond, all I could give him was a soft whimper as his warm lips pressed at my jaw, he large hands roaming my body under the blankets.
"I’ll distract you, baby," he uttered, tugging down my shorts.
I shivered as he kissed my inner thigh. Another rumble of thunder had me jumping in his arms, but he held on tight. "Don't worry," he whispered,
"I've got you." Then he leaned back to look at me.
"I won't hurt you, Angel. I promise." I smiled weakly, letting him continue as he nudged down the mattress and in between my thighs. Soon, he lifted my legs up over his shoulders, taking a long, slow lick across my pussy, and then he slowly eased his tongue inside me.
His mouth watered over my pussy, and I moaned softly as his tongue caressed my opening and then swirled around my clit.
"Mmmm, sweet," he hummed, and my hand went to his hair, holding him in place. As I bucked against his tongue, I closed my eyes. "Don't pay attention to the storm, just focus on my tongue..." Dave muttered.
I tried to do what he said, but I couldn't help but wince when the thunder cracked loudly again. "It's fine, baby, just relax." He crooned, kissing my thigh. But his tongue just wasn't enough to ease my anxiety.
"I've got a better idea," Dave mumbled, sitting back up, pulling down his sweats.
I opened my eyes when I felt his hard cock slide inside me. "Dave..." I groaned, his cock sliding inside me as he kissed me again. "Let go of your worries, Angel. Just focus on me."
He whispered, thrusting deeper. Inch by inch, I took his cock until he was fully seated inside me.
We both groaned as he pushed in deep, his hips grinding against mine.
I arched my back, my fingernails digging into his chest as he moved his hips again. The rain pounded against the window, and the wind howled outside. But I could hardly hear it, I was too wound up with the feeling of Dave inside me.
"You're doing so good, so good with my cock inside of you..." he cooed.
When his hips began to move faster, I dug my nails deeper into his skin, the passion raging inside of me as the storm raged outside. "Dave, please don't stop." He started moving faster, slamming his hips against mine, making my tits bounce, and my ass rub against the sheets.
The air filled with our heavy breaths as I whimpered his name. "You like that baby?" He grunted, his thumb rubbing against my clit. "Yes! Yes, Dave!"
I gasped. And he rewarded me with a hard thrust, causing me to shudder and cry out. "Come on baby, let go." He growled.
Dave leaned over, grasping me in his arms as he whispered filthy things in my ear, holding me tight to his chest while he rammed his cock into me.
The storm raged on, but it didn't matter anymore.
All that mattered was him. And the fact that he was still here, with me. Inside of me. And I didn't want to ever leave this bed.
Ever. Even if I woke up alone tomorrow, it didn't matter. Because, tonight, I was with him.
"Such a good girl, are you gonna cum on my dick, baby?" He whispered.
"Yes! Yes, Dave, right there..." I whined in rambles, feeling my hole grip his shaft.
He continued to pump, his thumb relentless on my clit. A sharp crack of lightning made me jump, but he held me tight, not missing a beat. "Come on baby, come on my cock." He urged.
"Fuck! Fuck, yes!" I cried out, clutching his shoulders as my orgasm ripped through me. I shook uncontrollably, and my fingers clawed at him, crying out in pleasure. I came so hard, I couldn't breathe.
I was shaking, but Dave continued to fuck me through it. "That's it, you did so good.." he whispered, his hips jerking as I felt his fuck his cum into me. "Ah! S-shit." he cursed under his breath.
I could barely speak, I was so spent. When we were done, we laid there in silence for a moment, staring at each other. "Thank you, babyy." I whispered, yawning.
" Dave. Hummed, kissing my temple. "I'll never get tired of this pussy," he laughed, slowly pulling out.
I rolled my eyes, exhaling as Dave gently cleaned me up.
When he was done, he tossed the small towel aside, immediately getting into bed and wrapping his arms around me, pulling me close.
I hardly noticed the loud storm outside, I was too caught up in the post sex afterglow, and the feeling of Dave balding me so close.
It was amazing. I felt safe. Secure. And warm. So very warm. "Go to sleep, baby," he murmured. And even though I wanted to stay awake, I fell asleep before I knew it.
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ohitslen · 1 year
🌸Trigun fics recommendations🌸
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Links are attached!🌈✨
Dropping the fics I’ve read so far in my free time with summary and all that :) [in no specific order] oh and these are almost all Vashwood so brace yourself for that. I did put a warning in my description
‼️Be aware that most of these take place in Trimax so spoilers are a given‼️ it’s up to you to read the tags to have a better idea of its contents im just here to provide the list 🫡
1. “Falling stars” by Dozycerberus
“When a set of twins are found wandering the desert without any family in sight, Hopeland Orphanage is the only logical place they would end up.”
One of my personal favorites! If not my favorite. All I have for this one is praises.
2. “Love and it’s decisive pain (sunlight)” by FlowerCitti
“He hears a rumbling laugh, like the wisps of cigarette smoke and the crack of the first shot in a gunfight, like the pleasant sting of whiskey in his throat— “I take it that he was looking for you, huh?” A voice rasps from behind him, and everything in Vash feels like it comes to a halt. He knows that voice.”
Reincarnation fic (you will see a lot of these) that I willingly let destroy me. You will also see lots of Flower’s works here, they are great at hurt/comfort trust me.
3. “Donuts are one way to the heart, the other one is with a knife” by Dezace
Another favorite author of mine that you will see more works of on this list.
Vashwood antics, them being sweet and a angst sprinkled here and there.
This is actually a collection of works that I definitely could list individually but this list is way too long for that— so, feel free to check it out! How vague I know OAJSKW
4. “Tell me why your hands are cold (show me how)” by desertblooms
“Wolfwood eases him back down into the bed. Runs a hand through his own hair, digging his nails in just to feel the burn because he’s seriously starting to think he’s bitten off more than he can chew. “You idiot,” he breathes into the open air, “I’m goin’ to kill you when you wake up.” If the sickness doesn’t get to him first. But that thought goes unspoken.”
Sick fic you know how it is. “I need you” absolutely life changing.
5. “Forgive me father for I have sinned-Wolfwood (P.S. He isn’t sorry at all)” by Dezace
““I want to fuck a priest.”
“A good one?”
“I understand.”
“Good, good.” (Or: Vash and Wolfwood are fucking thirsty for each other and everyone suffers(Except Meryl, she has popcorn ready))”
Crack fic! Because it’s needed after you’re drenched in angst. I know what you read. You’ll appreciate a cackle or two.
6. “Bendición ” by varilien
“Having been dating for as long as they have, Wolfwood's known that it was only a matter of time before Vash popped the "do you want to meet my mom?" question, although admittedly he was hoping he could put it off a little longer.”
Modern setting in where Wolfwood meets Rem (she’s alive so that’s always a plus), and it’s so sweet and it’s pure fluff. That’s all.
7. “Bag of bones” by chaiku
“Not only was he fucked up physically, but he fucked up in front of Vash of all people. He was the last person in the world that Wolfwood wanted to see him like that: broken and helpless. And now he would also need to explain it all…His head hurt just from thinking about it.”
Wolfwood being vulnerable. That’s all I’m gonna say to hook you in.
8. “Who’s to say I don’t hold everything in my hands?” by Dezace
“Wolfwood likes to try and figure out Vash the Stampede whenever he had the chance. Traveling with him gives some insight into the man behind the bounty. He doesn't mind what he finds.”
Vash being the smarty pants he is! I love to see it. It’s so lovely I adore it.
9. “To the white of your eye” by Dezace
“Vash doesn't only have scars across his body. Wolfwood finds out and nothing changes.”
Face scar Vash is on.the.table. You’ll notice a trend in Dezace’s work of how WW is down bad for Vash no matter what and honestly I can relate to that heavily, we all love Vash.
10. “Hold my body down” by The_IPRE
“You're dead.” Vash's eyes are shiny behind the glasses, unshed tears barely held back. “We waited! We tried to bring you back! I kept them from burying you for as long as I could but you were dead!” Wolfwood lets himself follow the pull on his shirt, leans into Vash’s space to rest their foreheads together. “Guess I’m pretty hard to get rid of, huh?”
So basically, WW is all casual about coming back from being “dead” and Vash isn’t. Hurt/comfort mhm.
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topaz-witch-tea · 9 months
Hello! I just recently found your blog AND I LOVE EVERY POST. Absolutely adore them!
Headcanon about Yingxing's little mental breakdown in that post about Yingxing's parenting:
He tried to dismiss his breakdown saying that "it's stupid anyways"—like he's trying to defend the remaining of his ego or smth lol.
I can imagine that after Jing Yuan and Dan Feng coax him they are teasing the hell out of him for Yingxing's breakdown. But it's light-hearted ofc—
Sorry for brainrotting lol-
Hi! Aw, thank you so much!!! I really enjoy writing them!
No need to apologize I love reading people's brainrot and headcanons.
He absolutely would try to dismiss it. He's sulking the whole day at the Artisanship Commission and people start to notice and ask him what's wrong, to which he responds with "Nothing's wrong, mind your own business." Naturally, word gets around that the Furnace Master is in a bad mood so people start to leave him alone for the day. Just when he's feeling better, he sees the new Artisan whose work Yanqing is enamored with, and his mood is ruined all over again.
He goes to bed that night but instead of chatting with his husbands before calling it a day, he's just sitting in bed with his sketchbook out and going through all the weapons he's designed to see what he can improve on. Trying to find the slightest thing that could possibly sway his son's attention toward him again
Jing Yuan and Dan Feng kept exchanging glances at their husband's behavior. Word had gotten to them of his somber mood in the beginning and it seemed to have only gotten worse at dinner. They did not want to bring attention to it in front of Yanqing, instead hoping they would receive a response when they were in the privacy of their own room.
However, Yingxing had curled himself on the bed, papers, and sketchbooks strewn around him. He kept muttering "Could the design on this be fixed?" "No, this is the most efficient and stable it can get at the moment." His hands started getting shakier and shakier and Jing Yuan could start to see tears start to form in his husband's eyes.
Jing Yuan reached and gently touched his husband's shoulder. "My star? Is everything all right?"
Yingxing did not look up, instead opting to shove the General away before quickly wiping his eyes. "I'm fine. Nothing's wrong."
"My love, we know that's not true. Come on, tell us what's wrong." Dan Feng reached over, trying to collect the books and papers scattered on the bed.
"Nothing. I said I'm fine."
"Does it have something to do with Yanqing's new dagger?" Jing Yuan inquired.
Yingxing whipped his head around, his eyes angry and bloodshot and tears streaming down his face. "Well if you already know, why did you ask? Do you just enjoy digging the knife into my back?"
Both of them sat there shocked, never seeing such a violent outburst from their lover. Yingxing slammed his face into the pillow before full-on sobbing.
"I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean anything by it. Yanqing's just a child and children love new things. He doesn't mean any harm." Jing Yuan rubbed circles into Yingxing's back, not unlike what he does with Yanqing when he's crying.
"Yes, he's still carrying your swords. I don't think he'll ever replace his main sword with anything else but one you crafted." Dan Feng gently coaxed him to turn over lest he drown/suffocate himself in a tear-soaked pillow.
"But what if this is just the beginning. It's a dagger now but soon he will replace his other weapons too? They aren't even as good as mine. What if they break or malfunction in battle? What will happen to him?"
Dan Feng reached over to cup his husband's face in his hands. "Yanqing loves you and he loves your swords. He constantly blows his allowance to get the ones you've made in the past. Swords will always be yours and Yanqing's thing. This is simply him trying something new."
"Dan Feng's right. Yanqing will return to using your daggers in a week or so. How can those new daggers possibly compare to the ones you crafted specifically for him?" Jing Yuan chimed in.
Yingxing's tears had started to dry up and he sat up again, bringing his knees to his chest and hugging it.
"Pfft!" Jing Yuan bursts into peals of laughter.
"Jing Yuan!"
"I can't help it! Yingxing looked so funny! I've never seen him so distressed before!"
"Hey! You brat! At least show me some respect, I'm grieving here." Yingxing retaliated by smacking Jing Yuan on the arm. "Besides, you're one to talk. Weren't you upset by Mimi preferring Yanqing to you?"
"Yeah, but that's old news. Mimi's also shown more preference for Yanqing than anyone one. Besides, I've never sobbed into a pillow about it."
Dan Feng poked him in his ribs, causing him to curl up. "Yeah, who knows. Maybe Yanqing will start to prefer other artisans to repair his weapons as well."
Yingxing scooted towards Jing Yuan in order to escape Dan Feng's prodding. "Don't even joke about that. Besides, I'm the only one skilled enough to repair such a weapon. Anyone else would simply damage it."
Jing Yuan laughed before wrapping his arms around Yingxing's waist and Yingxing the side of his temple. "Where'd that sad, teary-eyed old man go?"
"I'll have you know that was a moment of weakness and I am not old. You're only 7 years apart from me. If anyone is old, it's Dan Feng."
"Nonsense," the High Elder said as he flipped back his long black hair. "I'm too beautiful to be called old. Besides, I would never cry over a silly thing to start with.
Yingxing's lips curled into a smirk. "Now, I know you're lying. You cried when Yanqing refused to continue learning the spear once he was good enough at it."
"I DID- OW!" Before Dan Feng could protest, Yingxing jabbed him in the chest as payback.
I hope you like it. I really enjoyed writing it.:)
Please feel free to send me more asks, I really enjoy responding to them. You're also free to message me, I love talking to new people.
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