#I see him letting things play out as he doesn’t want to intervene and possibly lose out on a soul that he could have EXTRA fun torturing
atrueneutral · 15 days
Just read the last chapter of HWBASK (I somehow missed that chapter 😅) and... I've got to ask...
What does/did Raphael do when a current/potential client insults Tav?
What does/did Raphael do when a current/potential client tries to flirt or make a pass at Tav and/or tries to include some funny business involving her as part of their contract with the devil?
What does/did Raphael do when a current/potential client does both?
“Color me not surprised to see the Hero of Baldur’s Gate here,” said the brute of a man who had come to the Devil’s Den seeking a deal - as anyone always ever did.
Since arriving a minute ago, full of swagger, he was pegged by Tav to be ugly, arrogant, and unpleasant.
“Is it true, hero? You’ll fuck a devil to save a person’s soul? How many fiends have you spread your legs for?”
Ah, and what he had for brawn was there to compensate for his lack of brains.
But, to answer his question, she’d spread her legs for two fiends to be exact. One of which she fucked on a regular basis - irregardless of a soul hanging in the balance.
The very fiend (who looked quite handsome as a human) stood not too far away from where she sat pretending to read her new favorite romance novel. Being a lawful fellow (though still evil in many regards), Raphael cooly leaned against the writing desk with no outward reaction to the salacious attack against her reputation - outward being the key word. She snuck a glance from over her book and could tell he was visualizing a future where the man’s soul was nothing more than a tasty meal.
“Are you deaf, hero?” asked the man.
“Speak to me, not to her - you are here for a devil’s deal, are you not?”
The man snorted in her direction before turning his attention to Raphael.
“Alright, devil. Let’s talk.”
“Then we have an accord?” Raphael oozed warmth - his steps slow in taking him from the desk to the man. “You are to procure a Bag of Devouring and personally deliver it to me in this very room - in three weeks time. In return for completion of this task, I will see to the end of your rival and his gang. If you are unable to deliver the item I seek within the allotted time, then there is the unfortunate matter of a price to be paid.” 
“My soul, is that it?” asked the brute, smiling with yellowed teeth.
“Why, yes - your soul would be a fine price,” responded Raphael, smiling with devilish charm.
Anticipation burned in his eyes.
The brute was not so brainless to accept on the spot; he mulled it over for about half a minute, but it was clear he predicted a favorable outcome.
“Agreed - and I think I’ve heard of this schtick.” The brute regarded Tav. “You’re gonna travel with me, yeah, sweetheart? Help me out?”
Rather than read (for the fifth time) the paragraph in which the protagonist and antagonist expressed their hatred for one another before kissing, Tav pondered on ugly, arrogant, and unpleasant souls and what they tasted like to fiends.
Something flavorful, she supposed, for behind his mask of congeniality, Raphael was gnawing at the bit for a bite.
An infernal pairing of contract and quill appeared in front of the brute’s face - conveniently obstructing his view of her.
“All that’s left to do is sign,” Raphael said evenly.
The brute snatched the quill from the air with his meaty hand, pointed tip and ink was put to parchment, and the words blazed after a quick scrawl of a signature. Little time was given to the man to read anything (as if his tiny brain could understand Infernal in the first place) for the signed contract quickly disappeared in a plume of smoke and embers.
“Best of luck to you,” Raphael purred, allowing a sneer to eek through.
“I’ve had worse odds before,” the brute replied with a cocky shrug. “But, speaking of luck, how about it, sweetheart? How about you give the devil a good fucking when I leave? A good fuck for good luck - all for my dear, sweet soul.”
“Infiltrating Zhentil Keep for a Bag of Devouring…” Tav whistled as she flipped to the next page. “I remember doing something eerily similar not too long ago. Whether or not you make it out as I did… well…”
She pulled a face that said: unlikely.
“Aren’t you coming with me?”
“I might be too busy fucking the devil - not for luck or for your soul, mind you.” For the first time, she met the brute’s stare - his arrogance was fraying into worry. “But because I enjoy it.”
“You’re obligated to do this with me!”
Tav laughed, “Says who or what? The rumors?”
“I put my soul on the line because of the guarantee!” The brute snarled, moving towards her in anger.
There was a flash and burst, and a large, pointed red wing fanned out to block the brute’s path. Tav was saddened that she could not witness the man’s reaction to seeing Raphael’s true form -  especially when her cambion looked so wonderfully antagonistic.
“A fool shall run a fool’s errand,” Raphael announced. “Run along, little fool.”
The brute snarled again in anger, and his bootsteps stormed for the door.
“Wait!” Tav shouted. The steps halted and Raphael refocused his glare on her. “If I were feeling up to a journey, when and where would I meet you? No guarantees, of course…”
An audible sound of relief.
“The bridge from the Lower City to Wyrm’s rock - dawn.”
After a moment, the door opened and then shut with a slam.
There was another flash and burst of fire as Raphael returned to his mortal disguise.
“Don’t look so peeved with me,” Tav scoffed. “I’m peeved with you! You know I hate Zhentil Keep…”
“You are under no obligation to go. It’s the fault of your own moral code - helping any and every mortal who steps into this den...”
“He’s not the first asshole and he won’t be the last.” Sighing, Tav closed her book and stuffed it into the pack that laid at her chair’s feet. “But, in all honesty, I won’t be too upset if you win this one either. The odds aren’t looking favorable - given your stipulation of three weeks.”
Raphael smirked. “A fair stipulation.”
“Says the devil,” came her droll reply. She stood while throwing her pack around her shoulder. “I think I’ll walk home tonight and will probably hit the hay as soon as I get back - early rise and all.”
“Mm, I’d join you on your stroll, but there are other matters I must attend to.”
Tav headed for the door. “Don’t take too long - I’ve unfortunately grown accustomed to you being in my bed.”
When she reached for the handle-
“Does it bother you?”
Raphael did not need to clarify his question; the remnants of his play, particularly the gossip that overran the city and followed the local hero wherever she went, had evolved into other less-than-savory rumors. Seeing the futility in denying the slander, Tav leaned into taking each blow on the chin and hoped that rumors of her good-deeds would one day overtake the bad.
“Some days more than others,” she answered truthfully.
Raphael blinked at her, something on his mind, but he merely nodded for the exit.
“Hurry home, dearest.”
“I will, under the fair stipulation that you hurry with your business - it’s cold out and I’ll want to wrap around my personal furnace.” She twisted the handle and opened the door. Pausing, Tav threw a last look his way. “I’m happy, if that’s what you’re wondering.”
“And I’ll be happy - when this man’s soul is mine,” said her beloved antagonist.
To counter, the protagonist held her head heroically high. “Not a chance in Hell, you rat-fucking-bastard.”
At that, Tav left the Devil’s Den with a smile on her face.
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fuckyeahisawthat · 8 months
“I don’t think that is what God wants. And I don’t think you want it either.”
This line of Aziraphale’s in the Job minisode keeps sticking out to me. Because this is the heart of the problem, right? This is how Aziraphale can see Crowley so completely and also not at all.
Because yes they suck at open communication and yes it’s because they had to hide their relationship for thousands of years and have so so so much trauma and fear to work through. But ALSO they actually do have a profound difference in how they see the world that keeps coming between them, and it’s not just theoretical but deeply personal to both of them.
Because Aziraphale still wants to believe that God is good. He can’t let go of that because his whole identity is wrapped up in being an angel of the Lord, and if God’s not good then what has he been doing for his entire existence?
And so when bad things are happening he falls back on This cannot be what God wants. The whole of season one, he refuses to believe that God could really want the world to end—even though we now know he knew this was a possibility before the world even started. He keeps going up the chain of command, trying to find someone to intervene. “That’s why I’m going to have a word with the Almighty and then the Almighty will fix it.” As if God doesn’t have all the information or hasn’t been paying attention.
And really, the events of season one reinforce this worldview for him. Because if the Archangel Fucking Gabriel isn’t sure what God wants, then maybe God did want them to stop Armageddon. Maybe it was Aziraphale and Crowley who were doing God’s work after all.
He’s gotten as far as realizing that Heaven’s orders are not the same thing as God’s will, but he still hasn’t detached the concepts of Good and Right from God in his worldview.
Crowley is a good person who does the right thing so he must still be an angel deep down. “I know the angel you were.” The only way Aziraphale can conceptualize Crowley saving Job’s children is, “Come on, you’re a little bit on our [God’s] side.” So Crowley’s fall was a mistake; Crowley belongs in Heaven, where he was so happy before the Fall. Why wouldn’t he want to be an angel again? And yeah maybe Heaven sucks now but God is still good, so there’s hope that the system can be reformed with a change of leadership, and Heaven can be made to actually do good, the way God always intended.
But that’s not how Crowley sees the world at all. He is operating with an entirely different understanding of reality. Because he figured out a long time ago (at least by the time of the Job job, but probably long before that) that you can’t base your sense of morality on what you think God wants. Not just because you don’t know for sure, but because sometimes God’s plans are fucking awful. God in Good Omens is not kind to Her creations. She doesn’t tolerate questions or doubts or disobedience. She’s capricious, turning on the creatures She made and killing a bunch of them when She’s in a bad mood. She punishes indiscriminately and disproportionately. She wagers human lives like gambling chips. The kids were supposed to be dead no matter who won the bet.
I think it’s interesting that Crowley is the one who introduces the idea in season one of “What if the Almighty planned it like this all along? From the very beginning.” That’s probably a comforting thought to Aziraphale, soothing his anxieties about going against Heaven right when he is feeling acute distress at the idea of no longer having a side. (And, in that particular moment, no longer even having a bookshop.)
But it’s not a comforting thought to Crowley. Have you seen what happens when God has a plan for you? It fucking sucks. Woe betide you if you’re the Barbie God decides to play with today. (At bare minimum, you’re coming back with some burn marks and a weird haircut.)
I’ve brought up the line “There are no right people. There’s just God, moving in mysterious ways and not talking to any of us” before, and I tend to focus on the “there are no right people” part. But also, there’s just God.
Aziraphale tends to draw a distinction between God’s will and Heaven’s orders when it suits him, and collapse that distinction when it doesn’t. Crowley almost never differentiates between God and Heaven. There’s just God, and She’s not going to explain why this is happening or listen to pleas for mercy (although Crowley still tries). You can’t trust Heaven or Hell, and you can’t count on God to show up and make everything all right. Sometimes God is in fact the reason that things are not all right. You’re on your own.
(And. Look. Crowley is right on this one. There are certainly aspects of their relationship where they’re both equally responsible for things being a shitshow, but the text is pretty unambiguous about Crowley, a demon, having the most accurate read on the nature of God in the world of Good Omens out of any of the metaphysical characters.)
Crowley rebuilt his entire sense of self, alone, after the Fall. He created himself anew and developed his own moral compass and sense of identity independent of both Heaven and Hell. “The angel you knew is not me.” When Crowley does the right thing, that’s not his angel-ness shining through; that’s just Crowley.
And from a like, trauma recovery point of view, it’s actually very healthy for him to have the realization that sometimes God’s just kind of a dick. He didn’t do anything to deserve getting kicked out of Heaven. None of them did. Just God messing them about because She didn’t like being questioned, or She wanted to see what would happen, or She needed two sides for Reasons and didn’t much care who was on one or the other, or She’s playing some fucked up little game for Her own amusement. (And if there was some Great Plan that required Crowley to fall…well, that is also fucked up. Because it doesn’t matter if there was a reason. It still hurt.)
And while Crowley in general is extremely patient with Aziraphale and his slow, halting journey away from Heaven…it’s gotta sting, every time Aziraphale doesn’t want to believe that God could be cruel, when Crowley is standing right fucking there. It’s gotta hurt when Aziraphale refuses to see something that Crowley knows to be true through his own lived experience. Because it should be enough. What happened to him should be enough to make someone who loves him walk away from Heaven and never look back. And it isn’t.
But of course Crowley is one hundred percent not going to talk about this, if he is even fully self-aware about having these thoughts, because it’s far too painful and vulnerable. (He talks to plants, goats, God, and no one in a bar at the end of the world, but never to Aziraphale.) And so he says “Tell me you said no” and “I think I understand a lot better than you do” because he can’t say Choose me. Just this once, choose me and he can’t say Believe me.
And Aziraphale is not going to think about all this and work it out for himself, because he has a massive lump of denial centered around exactly this thing, that sometimes God hurts people who didn’t do anything to deserve it. I’m sure he’s thought about the Fall in abstract terms, enough to be afraid of it, but not in terms of this is a thing that happened to a person I love. And he has certainly not allowed himself to draw any conclusions about the nature of God from it, because that is far too scary a prospect.
And so they’re stuck. Until they can figure out how to remove this massive landmine from the center of their relationship, they are going to keep having the same fight over and over again, and they’re going to keep hurting each other without fully understanding why.
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tteokdoroki · 11 months
aali………please please tell us exactly what Rin said about Isagi not being able to fuck that had Egoist Yoichi baby boy fuck reader right in front of Rin 😭 i KNEED to know I must know babes or I’ll go insane
*ੈ🌩️‧₊˚—  lost in the lights, out of my mind + yoichi isagi, rin itoshi.
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૮˶ᵕ ༝ᵕ˶ა synopsis — rin itoshi has a bad habit of dishing out what he can't take and a locker room fight with his rival, yoichi isagi, leaves him in the most vulnerable place he'll ever be in. all because of his little unrequited crush on you.
⭑ warnings — please read + mdni ! heavy!smut, porn with some kind of plot, characters aged up to 20s, established relationships (with isagi), unrequited love (rin lmao), some crushing, manipulaton, reverse cuckholding (?), voyuerism, unprotected s!ex, clothed s!ex, fingering (f!receiving), finger sucking, nipple play, body worship, dry humping, multiple orgasms, male masturbation, overstimulation, edging, orgasm control, aftercare, light!degradation, light!dacryphilia, light!sub/dom dynamics, sort of a threesome, creampies, psychologically tormenting rin lmao!!! pro player!yoichi isagi, pro player!rin itoshi, fem!reader - not beta read !
⭑ words — 8.5K.
⭑ notes — happy birthday tew me!! this is my gift to you all, i feel like its such a tradition for me to post something on my bday like i have for the last three years so here you are!! anon, i am so sorry this took so long, i hope you like this... i lost my mind writing it but it was sososo much fun!! enjoy my loves <3 m.list / fic that this refers to (you dont need to read it to understand!) ✩
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if there’s one thing rin hates more than anything, it’s losing. after a sour defeat, three goals to a frustrating two, emotions are running high and the locker room fills with an atmosphere so tense even a butcher's knife couldn’t cut through it. it suffocates the boys as they flood into the room, defeatedtly shoving their cleats and water bottles into their cubbyholes — their breathing ragged and muscles aching. 
the silence is shattered by a vicious snarl from blue lock’s main star, yoichi isagi, as he walks in last and heads straight for his rival. “way to fucking go, rin! your stupid little act just cost us the entire game.” the striker bares his fangs, frothing like a rabid dog. “you happy now?” 
“oh fuck you, isagi. were all your shots supposed to be that half-assed? or was that just a weak attempt to impress your little girlfriend up in the stands.” rin fires back, equally as riled up, throwing his sweat soaked shirt into his designated cubby for this game. 
the rest of the team knows not to intervene when two of their best players go head to head, slowly retreating to the showers and changing out of their kit. rin is too highly strung, everything is his way or the highway and everyone is beneath him. isagi is hot headed, switches up on you faster than you can say your own name — and only gets worse if you mention his girlfriend during a fight. 
for a moment, the dark haired striker’s face falls and his deep blue eyes cloud with something rin itoshi only ever sees on the pitch. but isagi quickly recovers, offering the other player a tight lipped smile. 
“let’s keep her out of this, yeah?”
that only makes rin want to double down. 
his relationship with isagi is complex — he’s better than the guy in every way he knows is possible, and yet he envies him. no matter what rin does, his fellow player will always have some kind of leverage over him. whether it be sae’s approval, ego’s favouritism, you. the history between the three of you is even more confusing and flustering, and to this day, rin still doesn’t know who he wants or hates more. jealousy reaches its boiling point at  the forefront of his mind, it’s perplexing and he hates the way it makes him feel — like he’s out of the loop, out of control and it only makes rin want to lash out at isagi more.
so he does. 
he pokes and prods at isagi, twists at the parts of him that really set him off because he has no other way to cope and no other outlet for his build up of emotions. 
“she must be embarrassed,” rin drawls as if he’s enjoying taunting his teammate, though his face shows no signs of it. “to have a boyfriend who can’t even play soccer without looking luke-warm or mediocre. this is your job. your life. and yet, you’re still not getting it. you’re nowhere near being on the same level as me.” 
isagi grits his teeth. “i’m warning you, rin. quit while you’re ahead.” 
but he can’t, he won’t. not until he makes isagi hurt the same way he does. for losing this match, for losing control.
“if soccer is your life and you’re this bad at it, then i wonder what else you suck at,” the younger itoshi brother adds coldly with the petulance of a child still learning how to navigate how he feels. standing up to his full height, rin smirks as if he’s finally put his enemy into place. he lets his emotions spill into every word he says until they weigh down his tongue and all he can spit out are phrases of malice. “being a good boyfriend? fucking her right?” 
satisfaction curls around rin’s beating heart as isagi looks to him; wide eyed and bewildered. there’s nothing like reminding someone where they belong in the food chain. beneath rin itoshi and never above. isagi flounders like a fish before him, searching for words of defence that never come and when rin thinks that the shorter of the two might finally say something — the door to the locker room creaks open and in comes…
if there’s another thing that rin hates, it’s how weak you make him feel — especially when he knows that you’re out of reach. not his to touch. to hold. to keep. you can’t be the reason he feels so open an exposed, like a patient on an examiners table, because he can’t have feelings for you anymore, because you belong to isagi. your heart beats for him and that makes rin sick. 
he wants to hate you, even though you’re sweet and kind and understanding. even though you step into the room wearing isagi’s number with doe eyes that glisten underneath the white artificial light. even though your voice fills him with warmth when you call out for your boyfriend (not him) and say. “yoichi, is everything okay?” in that mawkish tone that sends shivers down the length of rin’s spine. 
and like he’s been snapped out of a trance, isagi looks away from rin’s face and searches for comfort in your own — his body instinctively gravitating towards you for affection. “yeah precious, what are you doing here?” he grins at you like he wasn’t just about to rip rin’s throat out with his teeth. “thought i was meeting you outside.” 
“yeah but…some of the other boys and your manager got worried that something was happening between you and rin, so i came to check on you…i hope that’s okay?” you’re so good, well behaved and it’s all for isagi. it makes rin want to scream, rip his hair out, hurt something but he can’t. he won’t because he’s never been good at feelings. he has his older brother to thank for that. 
rin watches the interaction between you both like he’s on the outside looking in. isagi treats you like you’re the world encompassed into one being. yet, there’s a glint swirling in those ocean eyes rin despises so much. “more than okay, baby…actually, i think you might be able to help us make up.” isagi hums, twirling you in his arms until your back is to his chest and you’re facing rin now too.
“…i can?” regrettably, your interest is piqued. isagi has that look in his eye, the one that he gets when he’s scheming and he has all the cards in his hands. except this time, he’s not looking at you. 
rin itoshi seems to be the target of your boyfriend’s games tonight — and you, a mere chess piece on the board. 
“mhm…” yoichi’s voice drops, brushing over the patch in your brain that controls your pleasure. you know that voice, you’ve heard it a million times before…during showers, early in the morning, right after games. the way he speaks switches up whenever isagi wants you. “you see, pretty girl, rinnie over here—“ the striker juts his chin out in the direction of his rival, using the sweet little nickname he knows you have for him. “doesn’t think i can be a good boyfriend, thinks i’m embarrassing, thinks i can’t fuck. would you say any of those statements are true?”
you frown, lips drawn into pout and brows creased where they meet in the centre. “n-no! of course not.” 
and rin thinks he might die there and then, with you looking at him like you’re disappointed in his opinion. 
for as long as he’s known you, you’ve never cared about the feud between himself and your partner but this particular comment seems to bother you. upset you. and as much as he pretends to be indifferent towards you, the last thing rin itoshi wants to do is hurt your feelings. he’s never quite known what it’s like to care for someone — aside from sae, pre-spain. so for him to consider your feelings with every interaction you have is weird, at least for him. you’re a baffling enigma to rin, he finds himself drawn to you like a moth to a candle flame and finds comfort in your sugary conversation and polite laughter. 
you seemed to like rin, for all his awkwardness and lack of charm. you had once called him cute despite his rough exterior and cold nature — leading him to believe that he could maybe try a little harder for you, be with you. that was, at least, until isagi came along and swept you off your feet with boyish smiles and rose tinted cheeks.
isagi could do with you what rin couldn’t do for himself. 
be open with his admiration for you.
for a second, you cut the connection between rin’s aquamarine eyes and your own to glance back up at your boyfriend. 
“we should prove him wrong, then.” 
“but rinnie— i mean, rin,” you correct yourself when isagi tightens his grip on you as you try to diffuse the situation as best you can. “he wouldn’t… he doesn’t care about stuff like that. i know you’re a good boyfriend. isn’t that all that matters?” but in a twisted sort of way, you like that he’s a little pissed off, that rin is there watching you all loved up on each other too.
you feel his excitement press into your behind, arm wrapping around your tummy this time. “you’re all that matters to me,” isagi affirms because it’s true. he shouldn’t really care what rin thinks, but he left his rationality on the pitch. he’s pissed off and he lost and all he can think about is fucking you up and proving his point. soothing his ego. his flirtatious voice tickles the shell of your ear and sends a strong current of electricity straight down to your centre. “but baby, i wanna fuck you. don’t you want him to watch? help me prove that i’m so fucking good to you?” 
he just can’t let it go, not this time. 
is it because he thinks rin’s words are true? that he’s not good enough for you? that you might even deserve better than a man that puts his heart and trust into soccer? 
yoichi loves you so much he think he might rip stars from the sky, and maybe the the sun if you’d asked him to. he’s so good to you, he knows that. you know it too, but he wants to prove it. 
have the one up on rin just this once. 
you give a slight nod of your head because maybe you’re just as much of an egoist as isagi. you don’t want him to doubt himself, he’s the best in japan. in the world. at soccer, at loving you too. he deserves to show off that much. so you agree, hesitantly, “but, yoichi… rin is still…” you say. not that you care, you’ve partially forgotten that itoshi still exists — isagi’s loving touch as he feels you up from over your jersey provides a perfect distraction. 
he’s always like this with you, makes you feel like you’re the only two people in the room.
“don’t worry precious. he’ll look but he won’t touch, unless he asks and you say yes. right, rinnie?” 
it’s the first time in minutes that either of you finally acknowledge rin. the stretching silence filled with ragged breathing and the rustling of clothing as rin watches you lose yourself to lust. to isagi.
“right.” he scoffs like he doesn’t care, barely able to tear his eyes away from your slither of skin revealed as you pull up your jersey to give isagi better access.
“spread your legs baby, lemme see that pretty pussy. wanna show her off.” isagi hums in satisfaction but he doesn’t push, letting you lead. “you want it any way, precious? tell me what you need, i’ll give it to you.” his hands run down to your soft tummy, resting just above the hem of your boy shorts while he grinds into you from behind. “just wanna make you feel good.”
choices, choices.
the ghost of yoichi’s touch along your skin, a thumb on your faint adam’s apple, then over your nipple — it makes saliva pool heavily on your tongue and your eyelashes flutter. “w-what do you think, rinnie?” you gasp, lifting your head to face him. 
the younger itoshi swallows thickly. “fingers.” he says without hesitation. “you gotta prep her first, idiot.”
“still so rude, rin,” your boyfriend tuts mockingly. “c’mere. get ‘em nice and wet for her.” isagi points to his mouth — gesturing for his rival to open up for his fingers. 
“fuck off, isagi. i-i’m not— you’re not going anywhere near me.” 
“oh come on, you’re the one that wanted to prep her. my girl can take it with or without.” isagi presses, the corner of his mouth twitching up into a cocky smirk. “this was your decision, remember?” 
the mere thought of doing anything remotely sexual with yoichi has the fortress of rin itoshi’s mind crumbling, starting with it’s foundation. he’s not disgusted by the idea, no, but he fears letting his mask slip. “if you’re not willing to take care of her properly, then you’re just proving my point. you’re half-hearted. lukewarm. you don’t care to fuck her proper.” rin scoffs, ignoring the shake in his voice.
“please, rinnie,” you hiccup. “he won’t touch me if you don’t…p-play along.” 
but when it’s you, rin can’t ever seem to say no to you.
you’re like a siren calling out to him to drown himself in all that he desires — your saccharine and salacious strings of words setting his insides alight with wanton. begrudgingly, rin strides towards you both and grabs your boyfriend’s wrist with flaming cheeks, heart hammering in his chest so hard he’s afraid you might hear it and think him weak. 
the gentle part of his lips encircle two of isagi’s fingers and is tongue, once tucked away behind rows of brilliant white teeth, breaks free from its barrier to roll over the slender digits — glazing them in a of spit. rin feels degraded, it pours through him in the same thickness as his blood and replaces all the oxygen in his lungs. but then you look at rin like you want him, dainty gaze honed in on the way his tongue weaves between your boyfriend’s fingers and soaks them in his claim. he can’t help but grow more confident in the action.
but then yoichi reminds you both of his presence, thrusting into rin’s obedient mouth until his gags and his tropical ocean eyes blow wide in shock at the sound. isagi’s own blue pair drown in mirth. 
“satisfied?” rin let’s your boyfriend go with a wet smack of his lips, rasping his words out as he regains his breath. 
“not really, but she can help with that.” isagi sounds like he adores you, plunging his spit slicked fingers past your swell of your plump lips so you can get them even wetter for him. you seem eager, sucking on them as if you’re chasing the younger itoshi sibling’s flavour and the visuals make his cock twitch behind his elasticated shorts as he pictures you mouthing at the ache between his legs. 
once isagi is truly satisfied, he pulls out of your mouth and pats your cheek lovingly. “did such a good job, precious. i’m gonna touch you now, okay?” he doesn’t wait for you to respond since you’re too delirious, giggling on trickles of ecstasy from being pampered in your lover’s hold. his hand slips in between your plush thighs and underneath your clothes easily, yoichi dragging a single digit along the length of your puffy folds to get a feel for just how messy you are. you’re dripping with sweet juices, the scent of you intoxicating and potent to both boys as isagi eases the finger past your clenching hole experimentally. 
you hiccup and tremble, your head rolling back against his shoulder the more his thickness presses into you and stretches you out for later. rin can see just how much you make isagi’s skin shine with your wetness, clear strings of it oozing down your thighs and into the seat of his rival’s palm — all this from being barely touched? from watching rin suck on your boyfriend’s fingers so pathetically? you’ve barely been touched as it is.
it only makes the throb at rin’s core that much more painful. 
“don’t you even think about touching yourself to this. you’re lucky enough to even be watching her,” blue lock’s shining star grunts out to rin possessively, his voice laden with a lust that scratches at his throat. you whine out for more, hips jutting downwards to chase more of isagi and his attention switches back to you. “sorry for the wait, precious. there we go, is this alright? is this how you want it?” his softness has you melting like butter in a pan, isagi easing a second finger alongside the first before he curls them to bare down harshly on your g-spot.
the moan that escapes you is a far cry from your angelic nature in rin’s eyes, reminding him that isagi’s the one who cast you out of heaven. “m-more yoichi,” you squirm impatiently, back arching away from the striker’s chest as he used his free hand to toy with yours. “faster, c’mon—!”
“alright baby, relax. we’ll do whatever you want.” isagi moans back desperately, as if your pleasure is his pleasure. he changes the angle of his hand so that the back of it is facing rin, creating the visual of him cupping your sweltering, glistening pussy. you drool into the seat of his palm while he works you open, stroking your velvet and sopping insides like the tide lapping at the shoreline to indulge you and build the pressure that bubbles just under your naval. “oh, you like that? want me to rub your clit too? just like that precious,” 
the rough pad of his thumb draws signatures of love against your budding clit as your arousal pearls on it it. every push and pull of isagi’s fingers have you a syrupy mess, glinting under the artificial lights and only drawing rin’s eager gaze to the treasure between your thighs. when he looks to your face all he sees is your insatiable appetite and dire need to run after the high your boyfriend plans to give you. 
rin’s tongue darts out to wet the crack on his lips and he attempts to swallow the saliva that coats his tongue and floods his mouth — making it difficult for him to breathe. and if he does, manage to breathe in, the scent of you is intoxicating and fills rin with a level of desire his body can’t even handle. shame brews below the surface level of his skin, intertwined with the blood cells that surge through his veins and right to the tip of his shaft. 
he flinches as it pulses to life inside his briefs, pathetically wet from how wet you sound. 
“listen to that, fuck,”  isagi groans, his lashes fluttering against the side of your face the deeper he plunges two fingers into you. “cunt sounds so pretty baby. sucking me in like that, s’like you never wanna let me go.” 
the way isagi touches you is intoxicating — casting a dark veil over every thought that dares to cross your mind and clouding your better judgement. with him it’s easy to be this vulnerable and allow yourself to crumble to pieces in front of the hawk-like gaze of someone you know all too well. you find yourself not caring about the way rin watches you, pools of tropical ocean eyes dropping from your eyes to your pulsing sex where your boyfriend pinches and toys with your folds to get you wetter and wetter.
you’re fucking enjoying this. isagi knows it. rin knows it — the three of you trapped under the spell and vulgar scent of sex that mingles with the air you breathe in. you hardly feel bad for teasing the poor itoshi baby like this, finding the shaky mewls and squeals that you usually save for your boyfriend are a little louder than usual — spiking even higher when blue lock’s star egoist pulls back the hood of your clit to maximise your sensitivity and receptiveness to his touch, rubbing your juices into the little nub. 
“tell him how good it feels.” yoichi is so loving but oh so condescending, commanding the will of your body as he curls his fingers just right to brush over the spongy spot inside of you to make you see the gates of heaven. 
your pretty pussy gushes in response before you can, milky white running down isagi’s forearm as it gathers in the seat of his palm. you’re desperate to speak, but your mouth feels as if it’s been stuffed with cotton and your words are replaced by shaky and choked moans. between being finger fucked to the brink verge of collapse and watching rin try to grind against his boxers for friction — you don’t know how your boyfriend expects you to form a cohesive thought, let alone speak. 
still, you manage to stutter out some kind of praise to him. “oh god, f-fuck, yoichi!”
when isagi hits your g-spot, you spasm so hard you think you might die and at the same time, rin’s needy whimper echoes around the locker room as if to taunt him.  “she’s close,” rin bleats, the pain in his cock becoming too much to bare as he fumbles over the front of his shorts to reprehensibly relieve himself. “aren’t you gonna make her cum?” 
the question is meant with no malice or harm — more innocent than rin allows himself to appear and isagi quickly picks up on it, licking a hot stripe up from the base of your neck to just behind your ear. “you can always tell when my precious girl is close,” he scissors his fingers along your insides, clear strings of your arousal keeping him tied to you. “she clenches so fucking tight around me, like she wants to make me a mess and claim me. keep me all to yourself, right precious?” he coos to you slyly, stroking you into the shape of him and flicking at your clit — arousal gathering copiously between your pussy lips. “you wanna cum so bad, don’t you.” 
“y-yes!” you nearly scream, legs buckling beneath isagi’s ministrations, pumping in and out of your velvet walls with newfound motivation. 
pleasure grows inside of you bit by bit, as if isagi has laid the foundation for bricks of pleasure to stack up high and the fact that rin itoshi is watching you just cements it all together. “make yourself useful, and hold her up.” he instructs, lazily sucking marks into your skin. “so selfish, rin. just like always. getting yourself off while my precious girl’s a shaky mess. you could have been helping all this time.” 
a smile that could rival the devil’s tugs at your boyfriend’s wet lips when rin staggers forward to hold you up in the comfort of his arms. the path to what he wants has always been clear and isagi plays on that like it’s a part of the game you all play — knowing that rin would never give up the chance to hold you this close. you can feel the outline of his bulging cock against your tummy, the thought of it grinding inside you alongside isagi’s fingers doing nothing to sedate the desire coursing through you. your selfish need to cum. 
blood rushes through rin’s ears at he way you cling onto him life a lifeline. you might be creaming on yoichi’s thick fingers, letting them stretch you out in preparation for his even thicker dick, but right now — you need rin to ground you and keep you back down on earth. 
“can’t,” you whine over the lewd slushy sounds reverberating from between your thighs,  and bat your eyelashes up at the younger itoshi — pride internally rumbling in your chest as the black abyss of his pupils swallows his pretty green eyes. “can't hold it, ‘ichi.” there’s nothing greater to you than humbling someone like rin itoshi. he forgets that while you follow whatever pleasure is given to you, you’ll always be loyal to yoichi isagi. hearing you moan his name only shatters rin’s confidence. 
“let go for me, baby. cum all over me like the good girl i know you can be,” a deep groan takes hold in isagi’s chest, roots intertwining with his lungs and his very being. much like a sturdy tree. his thumb goes back to signing his name over it, gaze honing in between the sinful movement beneath your clothes. “get on your knees, rin. see how i fuck her nice and good.” 
doing as he’s told, rin bites back his humiliation and sinks to his knees before you — keening into your fingers as they move up to grip his broad shoulders and your nails dig into his milky flesh hidden by his kit. from here, gets a front row seat to your gushing sex and how it soils the tiny threads of your boy shorts stuffed between your fattened pussy lips. 
sex crazed hormones drift into the air, rattling about and colliding with kinetic energy as isagi picks up the pace — the seat of his palm now grinding against your clit, rubbing you raw and relentlessly. he bites down on your pulse point, and that’s really all it takes to throw you over the ledge. the stacks of ecstasy that had been building within the depths of your soul finally come crumbling down and your release shoots out of you, slapping to the floor in a crude manner.
“o-oh! ‘m c-cumming!” you cry out, feeling evidence of your orgasm blaze a trail down your inner thighs in clear streams as isagi guides you through it. rin doesn’t bother fighting his biological instincts, craning his head up for just a taste, a smell, anything — your sugary and musky scent sending him spiralling while heady precum oozes from his time painfully. 
“ah, ah fuck, baby. keep that orgasm goin’ for me, keep cumming. so pretty.” soft praises fall on your ears despite the white noise that overwhelms you, letting yoichi control the way you twitch and react with his large hands still working you through it all — perfectly nestled between your trembling thighs. you came so much, so sweet.” 
it’s like yoichi is in awe of you, kissing your cheek as you come down from your high — still clenching and fluttering around his fingers. the pair of you forget about rin sitting on the floor between your legs — bearing witness to the way your orgasm rhythmically drips out of you. it’d be foolish for both boys not to become obsessive over the way you guys. slowly, one of your hands leaves rin’s muscled shoulder to grip your boyfriend’s hair and tug him into giving you a wet and loving kiss.
“you always make me cum so hard, yoichi,” you praise him, your shaky voice sounding angelic to both men. “thank you, baby.” 
still licking his way into your mouth, isagi sighs in content, circling his hips into your ass. “all i wanna do is make you feel good,” he breathes his want into you. “are you okay to keep going? we can stop right here. rin doesn’t have to see anymore.” 
it’s only then that  you remember rin between your legs, discreetly humping the floor for some relief — practically shaking at how bad he wants you.
“you need me,” you say, hunger curling around the tone in your voice. “we can keep going.” 
isagi fucking loves you. he’s sure he’s never quite met anyone on the same level of ego and desire as him. maybe you’re both insane, beyond the brink of normalcy with enough danger between you to destroy the whole world — but instead you stick to ruining the man before you both, ripping his ego down until it’s nothing but measly pieces and rin itoshi can no longer look either of you in the eye.
a pair of eager lips land on yours once again — tasting of freshly cut grass and the sweat on your lover’s Cupid’s bow. you suck and bite on one another, leaving your claim visually on each other while your hearts remain tied. isagi grabs at your fleshy ass cheeks, takes your tongue down his throat and lets you own him just as much as he owns you while rin bares witness to your boiling and passionate love. 
familiar hands yank down your shorts and underwear in one go — desperately exposing your hot skin to the air conditioned room, causing a wave of goosebumps to erupt over your body in anticipation. excitement. “i wanna fuck you so bad, i can’t ever get enough of you, precious girl.” he whispers menacingly against the shell of your ear, like it’s a threat but instead directed towards the man at your feet. “‘m so lucky,” his hands wander again, cupping your cunt squeezing your waist and pulling the sweetest sounds from between your lips. “being the only one to have you like this.”
once again, you collapse forward and dig your nails into rin’s shoulders — relishing in the way he looks up at you like you’re a forbidden prize to be won. an angel. a diety. you smile at him, innocent and cute, whimpering a breath’s width away from rin’s lips as isagi arches your back for himself — peeling apart your juicy ass cheeks to set his sights on your glistening pussy. your squelching hole pulses around nothing, sending beading droplets of your arousal through your folds.
“hi rinnie,” you simper and struggle to keep your gaze focused on the athlete, feeling isagi rub his seedy hot cockhead against the entire length of his sex. teasing the both of you. “how’s are you doing?”
there’s so much he wants to say to you. to do to you. if rin had a little more confidence and higher self esteem — maybe he could acknowledge his feelings, he could kiss you, make you his, make you forget all about isagi. but rin is a coward paralysed by his own fear of feeling something real. he lets you walk all over him instead. both of you. 
“i’m good, how are you feeling?” he mumbles in response, all needy-like. you almost feel bad for him, revelling in the way rin tracks your moans, his mouth dropping open just like yours when yoichi drives his hips forwards and bullies his heavy cock past your fluttering entrance. “f-fuck, you’re so…”
“so what, r-rinnie?” 
“so pretty.”  
his eyes shine when he speaks, glossy with desire causing pride to curl around your heart and fan the flames of debauchery inside of you. isagi pulls back, his brows creasing in the centre of his sweaty forehead as he adjusts his tender grip on your hips and pulls his cock from the snugness of your drenched heat. he thrusts forward, hitting every pleasure spot he’s ever mapped out along the length of your slippery walls, making you shudder and press your forehead to rin’s for support. 
“pretty girl, how are you still so…” isagi grunts, high-pitched and borderline whiny, choking on the spit that pools against the pad of his tongue and slips out of the corner of his mouth. “so fucking tight. god, i needed this. needed you.” 
the way in which isagi yearns for you will never fail to make you melt, following your biological instinct which tells you to push your hips back and throw your ass back on him too. “it’s all for you, yoichi,” you drawl, a wet sigh lying on your glossy lips while your boyfriend's milky tips drags along your insides, churning you up just as he kisses your cervix. rin’s face crumples and you feel a little mean for getting lost in his rival right before his very eyes — but the other half of you enjoys the psychological torment  you’re putting him through. 
you like how at any point he could have gotten up and left yourself and isagi to your fun. but rin stays, because he likes the position of vulnerability you put him in. he trusts you, both you and isagi. 
yoichi pacifies himself by latching into your shoulder with pointed teeth, licking over the bite marks as his chest rumbles in content and his hips set a steady stream to fuck you with. his dark hair tickles your skin every time he pumps his cock in and out of you, feeding your body his lust for you and painting you with opaque layers of pre between your thighs. it mixes with your arousal, clear strings slinging against your legs each time isagi’s balls tap at your sensitive clit.
he breathes his ego into you, making your face burn, making you cry out until your throat is raw. isagi has always been able to fill you up so good, his cock is pretty — decorated with spiralling blue and green veins that hit spots you can’t reach with your fingers while is shaft slightly curves, up just enough to never leave your g-spot. even when he’s fucking you from behind. 
“oh precious girl, that’s it, throw it back on me,” isagi slurs, hardly able to focus on anything aside from the way you take him in — the lewd pap, pap, pap of your pussy rippling around him. “show me how you want it. how you want me to use this cock for you.” 
isagi tells you encouragingly between thready breaths. he’s always been a giver, his pleasure has always been your pleasure and his end goal to make you see stars when you cum. like you, isagi always finds a way to get what he wants. and he wants you to lose your mind to him. in front of rin. 
“right there, yoichi — need you right there!” comes your heavenly little whine as you throw your head back onto his shoulder for the nth time that evening. your attention tears away from rin for only a second, giving him the perfect view of your breasts that bounce as yoichi pounds you from behind and the crystallised beads of sweat that run down the collum of your throat. “y’so big, oh my god.”
“you, hah, you hear that rin? she keeps cryin’ my name, praising me like i’m her fucking god.” he somehow manages to snap to his rival.  
you have an inkling that yoichi going insane since his voice drips with a huskiness that lowers its octave.  he seems to lose his goal, however, succumbing to your selfish cunt that refuses to let him pull out and forces the striker to keep his thrusts deep and targeted inside of your heated core. 
bliss is pungent in the air, lays heavy across every inch of your mind and you find yourself succumbing to it — once mover digging your nails into rin’s shoulders until they form pretty crescent moons on the expanse of his milky flesh and you can use him as leverage to fuck yourself back on yoichi’s creamy dick. 
everything sounds so fucking nasty, and rin really can’t fucking help it. all of his shamefulness that once painfully panged at each of his nerve endings seems to have fizzled away into shameless. he finds himself no longer caring that his cock is pulsing from watching his friend ( his rival, his enemy, his … crush? whatever …) fuck the girl of his dreams to high heavens and back. with his emerald gaze laser focused on darting between your viscous and drenched cunt sucking yoichi in, and your angelic expression ( creased brows and perfectly pouty lips) — rin let’s his hand slip beneath his shorts to finally relieve himself of the ache. 
he hissed at the first contact with his erection, the sound quickly turning to pathetic blubbers that make his ears burn red at their tips — because it feels so good. finally touching himself in sync with isagi’s thrusts, getting himself off to the way he fucks you, loves you. torn between wanting to be either of you. it’s a large thing to admit to himself, sifting through a maze of lust, attraction. rin has been chasing after the want to be loved for so long and somewhere along the way it morphed into wanting to be between you both.
he won’t admit it out loud, however, but he feels lucky enough to watch right now. grateful that he pushed isagi this far.
the sounds of him jerking off his crying cock, rubbing at his slit from time to time, merges perfectly with the sinful symphony of your mewls, your cries and the weightly slap of isagi’s skin against your own. his guttural moans too, and his breeder’s balls smacking down wetly on your equally wet, puffy cunt. you catch on first, teary eyes drifting down to the movement beneath the younger itoshi’s clothes and then back up to his face — which looks lighter, relieved and less tense. 
“oh rinnie,” you coo, voice rising an octave — delighted by the sight in front of you and the way in which your boyfriend eagerly chases the hot grip of your abused, leaky hole. “y-you’re so cute… you like watching me get fucked that bad, hm?” 
“y-yes, god yes.” he lets out a choked moan in response, his throat dry from holding back and not having spoken in a while. 
you grin lazily and lift a hand from rin’s shoulder to cup his cheek, brushing away a stray tear with your thumb. one that he didn’t even know had fallen. “you’ve been such a good boy, watching so well ‘n listening to ‘ichi up until now…” even though your voice wavers, and you’re just as submissive to your boyfriend as rin is to you right now — you somehow manage to reach out to him, lick at the longing parts of his soul that crave affection like this. 
“he’s pathetic is what he is,” isagi rears his jealous head while slumping over you — aiming to steal your attention away. he’s rutting into you so fast that you swear you see a blinding white light, gushing down his dick and slicking him all up with your early release. “rubbin’ one off on your stupid cock to my girlfriend even when told not to. seems like you never listen, not on the field. not here. you just live to piss me off, don’t you man.” 
it’s humiliating for rin, but he likes it. stuck between your loving praise and isagi’s harsh words. “seeing her cum for me wasn’t enough for me to prove my point to you, but now she’s on my dick and you still won’t admit it.” he barks but doesn’t let up on fucking you senseless.
the hand that squeezes and tugs at rin’s sorely, hard cock only seems to move faster the more mean, embarrassing shit isagi spews at him. tearing the younger player down but making him feel this amazing. he can’t ignore the small spurts of pre cum that his iron hot tip releases just from having the two of you watching him. it’s evident in the dark stain that seeps through the fabric of his soccer shorts. 
his cheeks are flushed and his eyelids droopy as he looks up at you, palming himself to your very vision of beauty. the three of you are a mess. you can’t help but sequel like a lamb being dragged to slaughter between rin and isagi — who tears you apart by plunging into you as deep as he can go and pieces you back together with sloppy kisses to your back, tonguing at your neck possessively. 
isagi’s veiny hands grab at your ass next to pull you onto his thrusting cock, pushing anything that leaks out of you back into your clenching hole. he peels his sweat soaked chest away from your back and you whimper at the loss of his body heat — only to let out a surprised sob when he spits onto the point at which your bodies join, fucking the froth past your entrance. 
everything your boyfriend does to you, has a snowball effect on rin. he no longer holds back, wildly bucking his hips into his hand wishing it were your sluice sex, or your mouth. dying to have his hands all over you the way isagi does. you terrorise his thoughts but your moans and squeaks soothe him — dragging him closer and closer to his high. you’re dangerous, rin concludes, but it only makes him want to see you like this even more. 
meanwhile, you’re in no better condition — every time isagi bends you over and ravages you like this, you’re reminded of the many reasons why he is blue lock’s star player. his strong build from playing soccer all around the world pays off in he’s with you, making good use of his new found stamina to wreck your entire being and pound you all the way to hell. though yoichi is shorter and lean where rin is taller and agile, he never fails to make your brain void of any thought and your legs soft thighs  with how wet you are. he fucks you like he hates you, like he’s mad at you for your own existence but he speaks to you in ways that emulate love.
“you’re milking me, precious girl,” he mutters as if he’s in awe. “you want my cum that badly? you want me?” yoichi purrs, sending shockwaves through your system and right down to your pelvis — adding to the orgasmic knots that twist there, threatening to unravel at any second. “you’re so pretty, grinding up on me. so dirty, loving how rin watches you. my precious girl.”
“‘m yours, yoichi,” you reaffirm, preening into his touch as it cascades up and down your body like a rushing waterfall. “wanna cum, wanna cum f’you.” 
your admission is like a bullet to the chest for rin but he doesn’t want to give this up, revelling how you look down at him, his milky white dick and his blushing face  with an expression so sweet his teeth might rot and his ears fill with your honey-like voice — melting his brain. he wants this for as long as you’ll give it to him, for as long as isagi will allow him to witness it.
“i know baby, but you know what i want, feels so much better when you wait for me,” your boyfriend’s thrusts begin to grow sloppy and irregular — indicating the approach of his own high. but isagi knows you and your body better than anyone else, knows how to make you cum so hard that you might black out. you love to be edged, and you love him even more so. you’d do whatever he wanted and then some. and he would do the same for you. 
he throbs within your tightness, your pussy papping and pulsating, smeared with isagi’s thick precum that douses your puffy folds in white. the mix froths, creating a foamy ring of white at the thickest point of his length. “p-please, yoichi. i don’t think i can,” you wail in denial like you always do, the sound causing both boys to squeeze the base of their cocks and groan in unison — attempting to stave off their orgasms. “hurts so good.” 
rin is reminded of just how good his rival can fuck you. even when you’re desperate to cum (and he’s just as desperate to watch it happen again) — you still have a burning hunger for isagi to control your ecstasy. he wants to give up control like that too. with you, or with his destined enemy. liquid lust rolls down rin’s dick in large waves, his eyes threatening to roll back as he listens to your moans get higher and higher the closer you are. yoichi is in no better condition, growling and chasing after your cunt as your hips attempt to run away from him. 
“she wants to fucking cum, you idiot.” rin grunts, finding his voice amidst the sound of crying, moaning and skin on skin. “please, let her cum.” 
“why? so you can bust a nut to my fucking girl. jeez, rin. get a fucking grip.” 
maybe this is what makes isagi the bad boyfriend rin so desperately wants to make him. putting his pleasure above your own even though rin knows that’s far from the truth — almost relenting while he jerks off to the same pace that isagi fucks you with. but then you call out to him, like a siren from the high seas.
“rinnie, please touch me. h-help me cum.” 
his body moves on his own accord after that, the hand that’s not getting himself off to you and his so called friend reaching between shaky legs and salty skin to fumble with your clit awkwardly. rin has never touched a girl a girl before, not even like this. but he tries to recreate it in the way that isagi does, to listen to you moan for him and see you tremble above him.
“h-how’s that?” he breathes, watching in awe as your eyes roll back into your skull. 
“more.” you say. barking out the command while your cunt spews a fresh wave of juices onto rin’s hand.
your body seizes up, pleasured from all angles. between yoichi’s cock and rin’s calloused thumb drags random shapes over the pearl between your folds. “motherfucker….”  the curse spills from isagi’s lips before he can stop it and admit how fucking amazing it feels to have you tense around him, warm and wet. it’s worse when rin accidentally catches his cock as it slips in and out of you rapidly, churning up your insides. “fucking bastard. at least touch her properly, rub in circles.” 
rin does what he’s told, following the simple command and obediently flicking at your clit. it’s totally worth it, surrendering his autonomy to the older player just to have you tug at his hair and squeal his name. you jut your hips back and forth, meeting both boys in their bid to make you see heaven. your limbs threaten to give out on you, you pulse and pleasure tremors through you like an earthquake.
“oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” you chant like it’s a prayer.
the world around you falls away as you’re finally pushed over the edge — a bright white light flooding your vision accompanied by static fizzling in your ears. rin watches you cum a second time as if he’s witnessing the eight wonders of the world, your cunt flooding with isagi’s cum at the same time that you squirt with ease. his load floods your womb, filling you up to the brim and you feel so good you might die. a scream tearing in your throat and the knots in your lower tummy rapidly unravelling. the both of you cumming together, at last.
you can’t help it, surging forward to press your lips against rin’s, kissing him hazily, your tongue prodding through his lips — licking into his mouth. rin creams his pants at the very sensation, damn near sobbing into your open mouth. “f-fucking christ, that’s so hot.” isagi whines, slowly pulling out of you and letting the crude mix of your arousals hit the floor. 
it’s only then that rin realises love is not binary.  there are no clear paths to achieving the perfect love. there hat tricks or dribble techniques. love is unwinding and binding and there are too many possibilities. and that scares rin, for him to love a girl he can’t have.
your knees buckle under the exhaustion of it all and rin reaches out to catch you before you can pull away and the oxygen from reality floods his brain again. he misses you when isagi reaches you first, coddling you in his arms and kissing all over your face to calm you down and reassure you. loving you in ways rin isn’t sure that he’s capable of. 
nosing your cheek, isagi coos out to you — his personality doing a complete 180. “you okay, precious. i wasn’t too hard on you, right?” 
you’re so happy to be in his arms, close to dozing off. “‘m okay, yoichi. you were perfect. you always are. i love you.” 
“do you need help getting to the showers? i can carry you there.” 
eyeing rin on the floor, you look back up to isagi and shake your head adoringly — knowing that they’ll probably need to talk this out without you.
“i’ll be alright, find me when you’re done here. okay?” 
the striker lets you back down and accepts a kiss on the cheek from you. you pad away to wash off — leaving him in silence with his younger counterpart. the tension fails to dissipate as they fix themselves, tucking away their dicks and floundering to speak. 
rin watches the way isagi longingly looks at the door, wanting to be with you instead of dealing with the consequences of his actions. it dawns on him then, that he literally cannot win against isagi, that perhaps he is better than rin in all ways possible. he’s a loser. he lost to you and to isagi. 
“i’m… i’m a good boyfriend. for her, yanno,” isagi says awkwardly after some time, scratching the back of his head shyly. “there isn’t anything i wouldn’t do for her…but how much i love her doesn’t reflect in my plays and she knows that. the way i love her and love soccer are different. i could never blame my mistakes on how much i care for her. it would be on me. like today was on you.” 
rin can only blink back in response. “that’s true. i’m—“ he wants to apologise, but something inside him, something that he’d worked so hard to undo this past hour doesn’t let him. he can’t submit, be truthful and vulnerable. not when the setting isn’t as intimate as before. 
rin still can’t let go. 
something familiar — akin disappointment swirls in the blues and azures of yoichi’s eyes, but he doesn’t comment on rin’s silence. 
it reminds rin of his brother, sae. 
with nothing left to talk about, isagi nods quietly and shoved his hands in his pockets to head for the showers — no doubt to check up on you, be with you openly and happily, but pauses just shy of the door. he throws his head back to address rin once more. 
“oh and by the way,” isagi mumbles, pushing his tongue around inside his mouth and against his cheek. looking for the right words. as if he’s holding back — saying whatever comes next against his will. “she did really like you. so, every day i have to prove to her that i was the right choice, the better one. a good boyfriend. so don’t get it twisted. alright?”
he makes his exit shortly after — leaving the younger player with no time to respond.
and rin can’t tell if those words were supposed to comfort him or not. in fact, all they do is make him feel worse. 
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kikyan · 1 year
Yandere Ignihyde Headcanons
TW: Dark content up ahead!! Yandere headcanons means yandere content y’all! Mentions of abuse and violent acts either towards the reader or the character!! Mental instability, gaslighting, manipulation, obsession, stalking, possessiveness etc. (I don’t think I’m missing anything but as always, please let me know if I miss anything!!) This is your TW please proceed with caution!! 
DISCLAIMER: These are my interpretations of his/her/their persona and none of these is 100% accurate. I don't condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional and should be taken as such! Underage characters will ONLY  be given SFW headcanons, please respect this decision!
As always, the lovely banner was made by @herestrish​ and they worked hard on it, so please don’t steal (or I’ll send Ortho to air strike you)
Also, while Ortho does have some headcanons they’re NOT romantic but rather platonic and how he helps Idia get with his S/O! I REPEAT NOT ROMANTIC THE MINOR IS SAFE! 
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Idia Shroud 
So some part of me wanted to wait until the end of book 6 so I could get a more accurate picture of his personality but because book 6 won’t be fully out till the end of March (even though I finished the book through a YouTube translation. . .) and Book 7 dropped the biggest fucking cliffhanger of them all, it’s my mission to get Ingnihyde and Diasomnia completed asap. A good writer admits their faults and the previous sentence is long enough, don’t make your sentences that long. That being said, Idia’s traits include clinginess, possessiveness, stalking, overprotective, and obsessiveness. 
Unsure how to format them, but let’s get this out the way, even as a yandere he will have low self-esteem. In fact, I think it gets lower. He feels he’s unworthy of being in the same room as you, let alone breathe the same air. He would worship his darling but that’s a point for later. The biggest thing with Idia is how he approaches you or in this case, how he doesn’t. He’s stalking you all the way. If he ever goes out in public he’d follow close. He’s a bit clumsy at it so you may catch a couple of glimpses of him but he tries his hardest to make sure you don’t find him. That would be more embarrassing than it already is. Emphasizing his stalking and obsessiveness. His eyes will watch you like a hawk, taking in any information he can get. It doesn’t even have to be useful, he takes it all in. It could be what you have for lunch on Fridays but he’s already built a whole schedule surrounding that tiny piece of information. This hour you do this, when you get like this you do that, you listen to this playlist when you get upset, you study in intervals, etc. Like Rook, he’s not picky with the information, he just takes it all in. I think he would be the type to install cameras or hack into existing ones to keep an eye on you. 
This would help tie in his overprotectiveness. Would he outright come and save you? Probably. . .but he’d rather stay in the shadows. If you played the new years event while waiting in line I believe the line was rowdy causing someone to push Ortho and Idia defended him. Even going into battle and then his dorm backed him, it was so sweet. :)) Meaning when push comes to shove, he’s willing to shove back but this would be a last resort. Mind you, I think he prefers stalking you through cameras as opposed to in person. I think he would have a monitor just to keep track of you and may even have it as background noise. If you do something unexpected it would get him interested as he closely follows you through each camera. He’s honestly playing FNAF with you as he tracks you down. Maybe something unexpected happens and you’re getting stopped by some upperclassmen? He would see through the cameras and maybe ask Ortho to intervene, but if Ortho isn’t there I can see him setting up a live broadcast with the footage and possibly scaring them. Maybe you as well. If he is following in person and Ortho is nowhere to be seen, he’s the type to throw a rock in the other direction in hopes of drawing their attention. When they’re distracted, take that chance to run. Maybe, just maybe he’d run out to grab your hand and take you with him but until then, you’re going to have to learn how to pick up cues and signals. 
As I mentioned briefly, he prefers to be the savior in the night and stay in the shadows. He won’t bite off more than what he can chew but he’s down to play hero as a last resort. That being said, knowing where you are and what you’re doing at all times brings him comfort. Animes and series following the same plot devices sometimes gets repetitive and take the fun away, but it's different when it’s you. He can breathe easily and avoid heart attacks if he knows you don't stray off from the schedule he’s created. Despite never meeting/his lack of interaction/his low self-esteem, he’s quite possessive. He’s unworthy of breathing the same air and being close to you, but so are they. The world is a cruel place and anyone is out to get you. Why would you talk to them? Sure he gets maybe talking to someone from the main cast (breaking the fourth wall I think) but some side character? Someone who isn’t popular? You can’t be serious. He’s not that special, but surely he has more to offer no? His possessiveness stems from worry though, not a sense of keeping you his per-say. Literally, he’s the “nobody gets them but me”. Nobody gets you, they may think they do but they don’t. Idia does, sure he may not look like much but at least he’s not lying. Leading me to my second point, I think he would kidnap you. What? Kidnap?? Rest assured it’s not a conscious decision. He regrets it the minute he does it but he can’t exactly let you go now, can he? It’s going to be an awkward situation for sure. On the rope-chain-saw scale (mind you the scale is mostly used for how restricted/uptight they are) he’d be a rope. It’s awkward and he certainly doesn’t mean to keep you here, but he can’t let you go because who knows what you’d say? Likewise, you’re not a prisoner, and by no means does he intend to treat you like one. He doesn’t impose too many restrictions and if he does, it’s caused by his anxiety. He regrets kidnapping you but he can’t let you go in fear of being found out so he probably taped your mouth or has you bound with rope. 
He’s the type to anxiously state, “if I take the tape off promise not to scream?” When he does, if you do scream he’d probably put it right back. He’s anxious and goes about it the wrong way, but he doesn’t mean any harm. The end goal is for you to be able to roam freely in his room or maybe go back to NRC without saying anything. He wants a connection with you, imagine you choose to stay by his side, play games with him, maybe enjoy the same shows he does and get along. Corny (I don’t want to say player 2 because that’s so overused but it’s similar) but I think all he wants is someone to get along with him and understand him, you know? That’s assuming it goes well, of course, bringing me to his unique trait. Despite all, I think Idia wants your attention on him 25/8 to the point he doesn’t care what kind of attention it is. You could be in his room all day and be around him all day and he’s content. After he kidnaps you and you hate his guts, as long as you direct that hatred toward him he’s content. He doesn’t care if you insult him because that means your words are being thrown and directed AT HIM. If you get physical and start to punch and hit him, he doesn’t mind because it’s YOUR hands on him. I don’t want to say he’s a masochist but honestly? He might be as long as it’s you. Spew insults, degrade him, praise him, hug him, hit him, love him, hate him, wish for his downfall, or pray for his success. It doesn’t matter because as long as it’s FROM you, he’ll eat it up. 
I want to say as a danger, he’s maybe a 5/10. He’s smart and has a lot of available resources but he probably would never hurt you. Do I think if provoked he may say “damn it all to hell” and lash back? Maybe, maybe at some point, the power dynamic gets to him and he’s finally the boss(cue book 6 content) so he’s the one calling the shots. It takes a long while for that to occur so in the meantime you’re alright. Again, he can be a danger but I think above all he wants you guys to get along. 
Ortho Shroud 
BEFORE ANYONE SAYS ANYTHING THESE ARE PLATONIC!! ORTHO IS A WINGMAN!! Sorry, I need to say that before people come for me. Promise, Ortho is a wingman for y’all relationship. Seeing as how I don’t have traits for him the formatting will be a bit off, but nonetheless, here we go! 
Ortho is over the moon that Idia likes someone! Ortho is someone who wants Idia to be happy and succeed in life. I think in book 6 (granted spoilers but I’m not caught up to the English server) when the kidnapped students and Idia, along with Ortho are on lockdown they play games. Idia talks about a game he really enjoys but explains how it’s not going to have a sequel. Vil offers that Idia can get the creators to continue the series or if anything, Idia can do it himself. While Idia expresses that it’s impossible, Vil comments how if you don’t try then the chances are always going to be 0%. If you try though, even if it’s 0.001%, it has the possibility of being 100%. All Ortho wants, if for Idia to live his life to the fullest. Honestly, pulling out a sad headcanon because I don’t think it’s been confirmed, Ortho wants Idia to live a life where he doesn’t feel guilty for what happened to him. I know that Ortho is 100% a robot and that aside from the memories that Idia managed to give him, he has no connection to the original, but his creation is proof of that. So if Idia manages to like someone, Ortho will do everything he can to make sure Idia does try to court you. 
Ortho would try to get Idia to be the subject of the conversation. If Idia isn’t present in the conversation with the others, he’ll sneak him in. Do you like those games? Sweet, his brother Idia plays that game as well! He’s actually really good at it so if you need any pointers ask him! Do you like that brand of sweets? What a coincidence, so does his brother! If anything, he’ll bring him up so much that you feel the need to ask about Idia. He’d be so happy! You’re asking him about his brother? Well, where should he start? Ortho is just a wingman doing his best to help his brother. Idia and Leona are quite similar in the sense that they both accepted their fate. Leona will never be king and Idia well, he’ll always be a slave to the land of woe and his family's occupation. Having someone who can help you, whether it be a best friend or a possible love interest helps a lot. If Idia saw you talking to someone else and lost motivation, Ortho would run ‘scans’ to test your compatibility. “Even if they were to date, they would have a 78% chance of breaking up before the first week so it doesn’t mean anything. Your compatibility is around 83%, higher than anyone else at the college, don’t lose hope!” 
I see Ottho as being the type to create situations where you have to meet. Though I know he takes online courses, he has to go out eventually. That is when Ortho strikes. Imagine Idia goes to get food at a later time when nobody is out and suddenly on your magicam feed you see an ad for food. Totally not Ortho somehow being involved to get you to go, “oh boy am I hungry” resulting in you and Idia being in the same room as each other. Though he’s awkward and it’s mostly you conversing with him (a one-sided conversation), Ortho would encourage Idia to comment or at the least say something! Since Ortho is probably the one getting more information out of you through legal and ethical means, he probably brings up a series that you recently watched. “So how did you like that episode [Reader] of [Series]” then suddenly, Idia is intrigued. He’ll start to confirm if you really did watch the series, what are your thoughts on it? Who did you like the most? Suddenly, you two get into a deep conversion where you analyze each and every character, the plot, and hidden easter eggs. Ortho lets you two talk, this mission was a success! 
If we’re talking about Ortho after you’re together or when he’s stalking/kidnapping you, Ortho is your source of comfort. Ortho would do what he can to make you feel at ease and make your stay more comfortable. If you’re together with Idia, he’d be the one who sometimes monitors you or has your location on at all times. Maybe even escort you to class and back! I can see the both of you trying to break Idia out of his shell little by little, honestly, he’s so sweet and happy that you’re with his brother. If Idia is stalking you, he may send Ortho to keep you safe. If someone tries to mess with you they might get an air strike warning or Ortho does what he can to memorize that student so that Idia can ruin his reputation online, of course, nothing tracing back to him! If you’re kidnapped and chilling in his room because he can’t let you go, Ortho would be nice to you! He’ll reassure you that Idia means no harm but he just acted without thinking. He’d do what he can to bring you guys together and to break the very well and much reasonable distrust you have against Idia (Just because Ortho is trying to help Idia I’m not excusing or condoning this behavior).
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Hi there, could I please request some yandere Blackmore headcannons?
Thank you and have a wonderful day!
Alright finally let’s do something for this guy, I rather enjoyed his character the little bit he was in SBR. Little bit of speculation on my part of how I think Blackmore works Yandere, hope you don’t mind!
Yandere! Blackmore
Being the calm analytical type, he starts off casually remembering little things about you. Frivolous details most others wouldn’t pay much mind to, such as your hand writing. How you might write a letter versus the next person he sees in the room. Which he finds pretty important considering how loyal he is to Funny Valentine. Although your style of doing things seems to stick out to him.
It builds up over time as he keeps note of more things that don’t seem very pertinent to his work. (You don’t even have to be working for the government either). When Blackmore has more free time on his hands he spends his time unraveling his feelings towards you, perhaps he should do research just to see where you’re around.
He’ll dig up anything immediate family or cousins, friends, acquaintances, and eventually he finds himself popping up somewhere you might need to get supplies from. Something casual no matter whether you stay at home or work. From there, he might overhear a conversation or two. Something clicks once again and he finds another quirk about your voice. Whether you have a lisp, an accent, or mispronounce something he finds it cute.
He’s certainly a stalker type taking his time to get to know all your strengths and weaknesses. Blackmore is careful to not make you aware of his presence completely, and most certainly takes advantage of utilizing Catch the Rainbow when the weather is fitting for it.
As for anyone else you interact with, he is rather blasé about their relationship with you. No, they’re not really all that interesting to be talking to you in the first place. Though he does keep in mind how often they interact with you, and where they place relationship wise, platonically or romantically. If it’s the later he may see to it, that he may have to intervene eventually if he truly wants to pursue you.
He’ll catch you out in the rain one day, making it appear as if he had crossed paths with you for the first time. Did you perhaps slip and fall in the mud that had formed during this unsettled weather? Or perhaps you needed a reprieve from the sudden downpour with his umbrella. He can give off an unsettling disposition as he softly offers to help you out, but personally tries to encourage you to take him up on his offer.
Since he’s stalked you for long enough to get a soft profile of your personality, Blackmore is firm to strike a casual conversation that piques your interest. All while being unassuming to a stranger or even a close family member.
He won’t hesitate to take out anyone he believes to be a threat to his pursuit of you. The way he does it, he will find a way to frame it as a mere accident or a conflict with a different person they may have had tension with. Keeping in mind your reactions and your emotions all while doing so.
Even if at the slightest possibility of you getting cold feet and running off, he refuses to let you get away. It takes a lot of tact and patience, but he’ll find a way to manipulate things to his advantage. Somehow getting authority to look after you depending on how he plays his cards. He doesn’t mind if you start having chills at his ‘scuse me when he ends up saying it. This man adores you either way, but he simply won’t have it of you going off to someone else. So there is a small chance he might use Catch the Rainbow against you but merely for subduing you (pending on the situation).
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bloogers-boogers · 9 months
Do you have any South Park hot takes/unpopular opinions? 👀
Both for the fandom and the show itself
Hmm... well I haven't like thought of it too much cause I don't like to get involved in the fandom itself when it comes to discourses! I suppose my unpopular opinion is that I truly don't take south park seriously! I see it as it is. Completely satire with the purpose of making jokes about real world problems and getting out some laughter from it. That's how I see the episodes with no shipping goggles until after when I can actually just enjoy the content people make out of it and go crazy with theories and hcs for fun and enjoyment jhshqhsjs
I also see it meanless to pin people down when it comes to fictional ships nothing justifies a person sending d3ath threats/harassment to a REAL person over something that ISN'T real. And I dislike how people disrespect others when it comes to them actually liking the show for what it is. Technically when fans take fanon as legit from canon! fans shitting on people who don't go by their fanon/ship over them going with canon.
The other day I was reading a post about fans shitting on cryle. Dude it's fictional they're not doing any harm whatsoever! Creek is canon shipping that specific ship is not gonna take that away just like it won't take away stendy for shipping style:)
Please, I just can't. I cannot comprehend when fans take fanon too seriously.
Also— when people make Kyle ultra feminized. I'm sorry for those who do and like, idc if you do but I just personally don't like it. Same with Tweek. I just keep my distance and mind my own business. There's no need to be disrespectful for those who see/take things very differently than you and that's okay as long as you don't cause any harm or force anyone with them:"D
All the kids are assholes. Actually the whole town is! Cartman is an ass, yes. His character is intended to be an antagonist but that doesn’t take away the other shit anyone else from the show has done:)
Butters is a dick! He ain't no pure uwu boy he has his moments and IS friends with Cartman even if some say he's a victim. Like, it's shown in the show when Butters can't take Cartman's shit anymore he stops playing around! (In his own way he gets back at Cartman. Like that video tape of him dancing with a cut out of Justin timberlake, taking his hotdog business away or dragging cartmans ass back to the bus refusing to let go of his hand.) And he also finds Cartman bigoted comments funny too.
Besides, Victor was not a creation by being abused from Cartman in PC. Butters created that person for himself as a copping machine from taking ALL of the boys shit (bullied from everyone) (he literally points out all the other main boys issues in that Hawaiian ep atleast Stan and Kyle. Not just Cartman.) and IS a victim from his parents. It was a choice Butters made for going the Victor route being influenced by the environment he had to endure.
Also Liane is a bad mother she is no sweet angel. She has been shown to be more stricter in recent seasons but that doesn’t erase the fact that she has done shit to Cartman just as much as he has done to her. Maybe even more:"D
People who want Cartman d3ad is like asking for Garrison, Randy (and anyone that goes against their fanon) gone. It takes the essence of the show entirely. Cartman is literally south park.
Besides, if Cartman isn't there who do you guys think would be pin as the new asshole in town? Everyone there is shitty, the possibility is endless:)))) (main three?? Stan, Kyle, Kenny:333)
I dislike the fatphobia in this fandom. No more take on this cause this is a sensitive subject I do not want to take part of!
Main boys ARE Cartman's friends. It's as obvious as day those three care in their own way. That one percent episode they literally went to ask the kids they thought were the cause of the fire to stop harassing their friend. People who don't care wouldn't even bother to intervene.
Liking a bad character doesn't make you a bad person! I personally like Cartman, he's my favorite. I can admit he has problems and is very problematic! And I would never follow by all the shit he says, realistically I would NOT be around a person like that. However the way he's written drove me to like him and the fact that he's just a fictional character~ also PC has proven that Cartman can change:)
Just a reminder that these are just my takes! No one has to follow them or am I attempting to shove my opinions onto anyone. And they're not always consistent. My views on things change a lot.
I love reading diffrent opinions on things, hc's, ships just as much as I like to read when it comes to character analysis, lore, theories. I'm opened to listen and take diverse opinions from the show/fandom.
This is fictional it's not real! So I would never take it to heart:) <3
Sorry this is mostly about the fandom I truly have nothing against the show unless being tired of the tegrity farm gag 😭🤣
Also my bad for the long rant malu (I did not intend for this to be long) 💀
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asfodelle · 6 months
As tragic as it is to see He Tian battle so hard to get out of what his family has decided for him, I’m gonna be screaming into the night about how sweet it is to see the other three be dead set on not leaving him behind.
Jumbled thoughts incoming
And like, it makes total sense at this point. Mo has been looking for He Tian like a compass seeking North whenever he’s not on sight and ZhengYi are Loyalty Personified but I love that all three not only wait for him, but take an active role to go and look after him. (And it’s Mo leading the operation!! And He Tian sees it!! And that he’s touched by it!!) They could consider he’s with his family and to not intervene, ZhengYi could be leaving together but nope, they were four when they arrived, they’ll be four when they leave. Which also makes me wonder if Jian Yi already has an idea of what could be going on, he’s already got kidnapped, is somewhat aware of his family’s endeavors and how they’re tied to He Tian’s. 
We’ve often seen both He Tian and Jian Yi being alone, pensive, surely burdened by what their future could entail. So far, we’ve had a better view into He Tian’s mind and where the antagonists want him but not a clue (unless I forgot them) as to what happens to TianShan during high school or when they’ll meet again precisely. Narratively, it would make sense for He Tian to leave now that they’ve made their bond official through the piercing but ya know, let me hope that they still have cute moments together before the big sad hits.
Almost on the contrary, the timeline for Jian Yi is set in stones but the motives and the amount of knowledge Jian Yi has about his fate at that point are a bit more blurry and more complex? (Like it would appear his mom and his grandpa have contradictory goals, maybe neither he nor his mom know what'll happen because why would he even enroll in high school?) And it might be wishful thinking but I badly hope pushing ZhengYi into comic relief has a purpose for the story more than just being a way for them to be included during the TianShan focused arc. Maybe Jian Yi is in a phase where he’s hiding his own anxieties and fears behind a facade of naivety and cheerfulness? All things that could return to hit him in the face when he sees He Tian can’t escape no matter how much he tries. 
To return to him, I have no idea whether we’ll still see what happens to He Tian once he’s separated from the rest but there’s a possibility we’ll have parallel storylines, him alone on one side, the other three on the other, and part of me would love to see that and learn more about his family dynamic but there’s also the possibility that he’ll just vanish for us readers, just like he’ll vanish from Mo’s point of view.
No clue how it’ll unroll because let’s be honest, TianShan is what caught a lot of the more recent readers and if we’re a little cynical, maybe the author doesn’t want to just cut them up completely for a very long number of chapters. I could totally see visual parallels of them alone in their respective rooms, we don't even know if they'll go completely no contact for years but if they do, it'd be harsh to just... not see He Tian anymore. Though Old Xian has very very often decided to not show us everything, so I wouldn't rule that option out completely.
Either way we’ll get long chapters of sad lonely Mo??? Thinking he was abandoned soon after coming to terms with his feelings??? Who still decides to keep the piercing and the guitar and to keep working hard????? So no matter what I’m getting my heartstrings played with but if we could have a little insight into the He family as a compensation and heavenly sent ZhengYi development, I wouldn’t mind it. 
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fanficfanattic · 3 months
Goal, Chance and/or Away (purely taking words from this football commentary rn lol)
I am once again impressed with the gems my recent word challenges have excavated. Six fic snippets under the cut.
1. From a fic where a newly returned Jamie sees a man drug a lady’s drink at a bar and intervenes. But without context it just looks like Jamie got in a bar fight.
He knows it plays into the idea that he is a prima donna, a moody little bitch, feels like its proof that he’s more trouble than he’s worth. But he can’t help laying in bed; with the team that can barely stand him downstairs watching a movie, while he’s been fucking grounded to his room like the child Roy always said he was, and feeling desperately alone.
He hadn’t cared about being alone, before Ted. During most of his time with Ted, even. His dad had always made him either actively drive people away or that was just the practical application of conforming to his demands. He’d been used to it. It was all he’d ever known.
And then Keeley said he should stop battling the people trying to help him. And he sacrificed the reminder he’d taken from home, of home, when he left it. And danced around a bonfire after Roy Kent said he was right about something. Dani had thrown his arm around him. He’d sung with the lads…
It was fun, and it made it hurt even more when the next day he’d gone back to how it had always been. He didn’t tell Ted how much time he’d spent fantasizing about what it would have been like to have gotten to stay. To develop those tiny first buds of friendships.
To have never relegated Richmond. To be playing in the now with his teammates but versions of them he’d grown alongside for months. Who never got extra pissed at him for shit talking them on tv, and destroying their Captain’s career, for sending them down.
To be trusted. Before, the only thing a team had cared about was wether they could trust him to score. Which was still technically true. But they hadn’t ever wanted more from him, and he certainly hadn’t been putting extra out there for free. Besides he hadn’t trusted anyone else much either. Maybe Man City to be good players and to work together towards a common goal. And Richmond to pass him the ball to score the first time around.
Now he trusted Dani to smile at him even when no one else would. He trusted Jeff to subtly nod, but not more than that, because he had greeted Jamie when he returned before realizing how mad everyone else was at him. Not that Jamie blamed him. He’d gone out of his way to message the man saying the small nod was probably better for both of them.
He hadn’t realized it until the moment Ted didn’t even let him talk that he’d trusted the man to be fair. He talked a good talk, but he had trouble walking the good walk, and was pretty lousy at both when it came to Jamie.
2. Now that the team has been gelling, and Roy understands how Jamie’s mind works more, he’s got a plan to run circles around West Ham.
“Kent, the fuck mate! You said you could keep in position!”
“Fuck you Tartt! Maybe if you weren’t-“
They had been yelling about the play in the heat of being pissed off at each other. Jamie had telegraphed the pass to Roy very clearly. And the defender who was supposed to be on the left, loosely marking Sam, tore off to be another line of defense between Roy Kent and their goal.
Unfortunately for them, even when Roy and him had been out for blood against each other, they’d have never been that stupid. Jamie doesn’t even twist his body fully the way it should be for the kick. It still rolls smoothly to Sam who buries it in the back of the net from his completely cleared lane.
1. From the Investigative Journalist epic.
“…for as long as I remember, when I heard people say things, I always thought they meant it however the worst possible way is. But a lot of people say it while meaning it in the best possible way turns out.”
“And how does this relate back to you thinking people are rude when they talk around a subject?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m trying to do that more.”
“What more?”
“Identify when I’m doing that kind of thinking that what someone is doing is the worst version it could be. So, society probably isn’t trying to be rude by talking around things. I think it’s accidentally rude.”
“Do you mean incidentally?”
“What’s the difference?”
“They both mean something happened by chance. Accidental implies that the thing happened by carelessness while incidental indicates it would still happen this way even if people were taking care.”
“I think people want to believe it’s that last one but I believe it’s more often the first one. Cause I can be the same way. I normally don’t think much before talking, and if I did that more, I’d say things differently or maybe not say anything at all.”
2. This is also from the platonic a/b/o fic I didn’t realize had so many scenes already sketched out. The scenario is that James had a shady doctor prescribing Jamie pills that included an (i fucking guess) untraceable dynamic suppression med. When his dad is too busy to deal with a refill, Jamie asks Richmond’s med team to prescribe him a new vitamin pack.
“Oh that bastard. I’m gonna kill him this time, Simon, I am!”
“Georgie, c’mon, let’s focus on Jamie now and murdering later, yeah?”
“Fine, fine! So doctor, what about that? Like I believe his father would hurt him, cause that’s his way, but the how doesn’t make any sense. With vitamins?”
“Well, we don’t know if there is anything different between the vitamins his dad got for him and what we provided here. The best way to find out is with a blood test.
And you’re Jamie’s medical health proxy. So-“
“Yes, you’ve got my. You need to do a blood draw? Run tests?”
“Yes ma’am. You’re granting permission for the draw?”
“Yes, of course. What the fuck. How-how soon will you know? Does he have to go to hospital? It’ll take us almost four hours to get there. Do we-“
“Georgie, she can’t answer any questions if you don’t give her a chance, love. Take another deep breath for me, okay? In and in and in. Hold and hold and hold. Out and out and out. Okay, again.” And after she kept at it, he addressed the doctor again.
3. From that evil fic I teased about. I’ve played coy about what happened before now but you caught me! Rebecca walks onto the practice pitch ‘without Jamie’, Ted notes to himself.
“Jamie’s parents were in a car accident this morning. That’s why I called for him. His mother is being held overnight for observation and is quite understandably shaken. She called Man City to get a hold of Jamie, and when she explained what was going on she was able to talk with Pep. He promised he’d talk to Jamie so she could rest.
And then he called me directly.”
It was silent for a moment, and she was tempted to look around to better gauge player reactions. She kept her eyes on Ted, instead, because his was both more important and certainly more interesting. As she’d begun her story, he’d paled alarmingly.
And he failed to spill forth some folksy American tale to talk circles around everyone. Instead he hoarsely asked only one question.
“And his father?”
It gave away a weakness he had, which Rebecca was sure he neither realized he’d done nor that it was one. And why would he be worried about that, she reminded herself, when he also doesn’t realize he’s in game of your making.
“Ah, I should have been more precise in my language. His biological father divorced his mother when he was still an infant, I’ve been informed. It was his stepfather that was driving and took the brunt of the impact. He died on scene.”
She didn’t say it icily or meanly. She just said it without warmth. And that impacted the players more than she’d thought possible. Unfortunately it took time for her to understand that, because at the moment everyone just appeared to be in shock.
Ted didn’t ask anymore questions, and the silence was getting uncomfortable even for her.
“Well, since she took her late husband’s last name, there is a chance this won’t make the papers without the name Tartt attached. Still, if it does, Keeley made some excellent points about how we want to look. So no one go on your socials until she’s spoken with you.
Back to training now.” And she turned to walk away, not once looking back.
1. ^ Chance #3
2. ^ Goal #1
3. I shamelessly stole this idea from a fic where Ted has Jamie stay with Roy in a similar manner as hockey players sometimes do? Apparently. So season 2 Jamie returns to Richmond. And Ted cooks up a thing where Jamie is going to room with Sam. Help them get their differences settled. And then…and then James Tartt shows up.
Jamie sort of unthinkingly says “Oh, Ted knows about me da’”. And Sam is sure that Jamie must have misunderstood what happened until he hears about Ted walking away but sending the soldier. And the conversation Jamie and Ted had in the Crown & Anchor.
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zimthandmade · 5 months
I’m a little late but…Happy birthday to our boi Mello! Was yesterday lol SO…Question. 
Does M&M (Matt&Mello) feel jealousy of each other? I mean, Matt did say in canon that he finds Misa hot and Mello did have a toxic obsession on getting the upper hand with Near every time he layed eyes on him (don’t know if this aspect of their relationship is in your headcanon’s but I saw they had fights when they’re kids in one of your posts sooo idk). Sorry if I misspelled something here, just minor curiosity, english isn’t my first language but I love the way u draw the Wammy’s kids and ur headcanons!
The short version is: Oh yeah, Mello is jealous on main. As friend AND lover. Matt is a lot more chill about it.
Here’s some scenarios I can see play out in both 2.0 and 2.1, if you feel like reading:
Neither at Wammy’s nor in L.A., they both don’t have many friends for different reasons. Matt is a loudmouth, Mello has attitudes. Let’s just say they’re both pretty unpleasant to have around most of the time if you’re not in on their humour. At Wammy’s, Matt one time bonds with some kids over video games or something and Mello instantly tries to intervene, being afraid they’re stealing his only friend. Mello keeps interrupting, trying to steal the show, talks down on everything Matt seems to have a shared passion with the other kid and he’s being such a nasty wanker until Matt’s had enough and fists start flying. “I CAN BE FRIENDS WITH OTHER PEOPLE TOO, YOU KNOW?! GIMME A BREAK!” “BUT I ONLY HAVE YOU!!” ”THAT’S NOT MY PROBLEM, MELLO! YOU’D HAVE OTHER FRIENDS TOO IF YOU STOPPED BEING A PISSPOT EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE!” They avoid each other as much as possible the next days. Matt hangs around at his new friend group while Mello is just bitterly watching them from afar. Maybe he actually makes the efford to talk to other people out of desparation? Matt enjoys the new company for 2 days before he gets bored. The conversations are dull, nobody laughs at his brilliant jokes and they openly gossip about Mello. He hears rumors about him that he would rather not have heard and he starts to feel sorry for him. But he doesn't want to apologise either - Mello was clearly being a prick earlier. I don’t think Mello ever apologises, things just fall back in place someday. I can see them sitting in class - Matt with his new buddies at the front, Mello at the back, but within earshot. And Matt makes some insanely stupid comment, some joke NOBODY laughs about. He hears a chuckle behind him. Matt turns around, Mello grins at him, Matt grins back. And that's it.
Another time at Wammy’s, Mello gets an enormous bottle of the most balkan aftershave you can think of (what the fuck, Nikola, the boy is like 13 or something) for his birthday. Matt unknowingly mistakes the stuff for some really expensive shampoo or something and empties the whole thing on himself thinking “It burns like a buttcheek on a stick, that means: it works.”. It’s all croatian on the bottle, so he can’t read anything anyways. The shower can’t be used for over a week because of the stench. Ivanka (Mellos mom) is over for a visit a day after and comments on how Matt reminds her of Nikola and she gets overly sentimental and touchy with Matt. Nothing perverted happening but it’s just the whole vibe of this visit is OFF, everyone is so uncomfortable. Once Ivanka is gone, Mellos slams the door shut “You wanker, you did that on purpose, didn’t you?!” ”’scuse me??” Another fight breaks out, Mello punches first. ”-JUST BECAUSE YOU NEVER HAD A MOM DOESN’T MEAN YOU CAN THROW YOURSELF AT MINE!!” ””THROW MYSELF AT—” WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU IMPLYING MELLO?!” Again, they don’t talk for a few days after that. But this time, Mello apologises. ”Hey man, I overreacted earlier-” “-greatly, yeah.” “Yeah. Sorry. I mean, nobody wants to smell like that voluntarily, am I right? Are we cool again?” ”Sure.”
I headcanon that Matt works in all kinds of different jobs, like, as a cashier at a GameStop, at Walmart, Starbucks, maybe even something like an IT guy or a software developer at small tech companies … just some stuff on the side while Mello is doing “the more important stuff” - they’re still working towards the whole “catch Kira”-mission after all. Mello sometimes stops by at wherever Matt works at the moment and sees him interacting with female coworkers or trying to unsuccessfully flirt with customers. Especially when Mello starts crushing on Matt, seeing this play out makes him feel like throwing up. It’s one of the tell tale signs for him to realise he feels more for Matt than friendship. I can see him downright interrogating Matt about who his regular contacts are, all under the pretense that they “mustn’t lose cover, can’t reveal their identity” and he pressures Matt into not getting too close to anyone.
I can see this play the other way around too though, when Matt is crushing on Mello. Mello showing up at Matts workplace, with a biker look, you know, cool ass leather jacket, helmet under one arm, whipping his hair back, looking SLEEK AS FUCK, only thing missing are the guitar riffs playing in the background as he enters the store. He asks the girl behind the counter if Matt is here and without taking her eyes off Mello shouts a “MAAAAATT-” “huh?!” “THERE’S SOMEONE HERE FOR YOU” Matt comes stumbling out from some backrooms and has the widest smile when he sees who’s here. And the girl watches them outside through a window talking, eyeing Mello respectfully. Matt comes back in and she goes “Matt, who was that??” “My roommate - why?” “OOHH Is he taken?” “Uhm, I don’t think so…?” “Nice. Can you, like, invite me over sometime??” “What, why??” “That guy is HOT.” And Matt feels the jealously well up and his mind starts racing, picturing Mello with this girl in various situations and him being the miserable third wheel. The girl notices Matts reserved reaction and goes “OH WAIT, NO- YOUR “ROOMMATE”?? Are you two…?” “NO NO It’s not like that! We’re just- just friends…”
And yeah the thing with Misa haha Notice how they start with Matt following Misa and after hearing his comments about how Matt thinks she’s cute, Mello is promptly taking the job on listening in to her? And Mello refusing to switch despite Matt asking for it? He is 100% mocking Mello with the whole “your job would be better since you can listen to a cute girl”. He knows Mello is jealous and tries to mess with him a little. At least that’s my interpretation wearing heavily mellodramattically tainted glasses.
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Obey Me! Side characters as yanderes
TW: yandere, mentions of non-con, manipulation, drugs (?), violence, kidnapping
Wants Stockholm syndrome to set in already
He doesn’t want to hurt you, but he will if you try to escape
He just needs to teach you it’s wrong :(
He tried to invite you to him softly, and Devildom royals don’t take rejection well
What did you expect him to do? Let you go
He REALLY wants a family really bad but he won’t do anything TOO bad without asking, after all, he doesn’t want his progress to disappear
He will force gentle affection though, soft kisses to your forehead and warm embraces
He’ll give you a plentiful amount of gifts
Seems to love you so much, but then you remember that he kidnapped you, keeps a tracker implanted in your neck and has Barbatos get rid of anyone who gets in the way 
The brothers will try to intervene, but will fail due to the subtle threats thrown at them and realise he is too far gone into his delusion of love
When Stockholm sets in, he will be OVER THE MOON, you can have a little more freedom, with someone he trusts (someone like Barbs) to stalk you, what if it’s an act?
Get ready for at least 2 kids, adopted or biological, he doesn’t really care
Will try to be as loving as possible to you, but lose his grip sometimes when things don’t go his way
They are your choices, play out his fantasy or be injured and beaten into submission
Sadistic originally 
He managed to lure you into his trap with sweet treats and sweeter touches
When you were there, he slowly grew worse
By the time you realised what was happening, it was too late 
Deep down he was always like this, but he knew it was wrong, but also didn’t care
After all, he only wanted to show his intense love
He will use your fears against you, scared of spiders, all of a sudden you see them more often, and call him to help you
He loves seeing you need him
Long story short, he wants you to constantly rely on him and feel afraid without him
He will use torture you if you don’t obey him. Depending on the ‘crime’ you commit, punishment will be worse or better, yet always an overreaction
When you try to escape, all that will be heard in the soundproofed room he uses, is you screaming and begging for his mercy and forgiveness. 
If that doesn’t teach you, he will do it again, and find a way to make it worse
He would baby-trap you, consensually or not. He would rather have it but if not, he needs you to be his grasp
Knows where you are all the time. 
Very manipulative
The brothers wouldn’t know, if he slipped up and they did, trust me when I say they couldn’t do anything
After you are moulded to his wants, he could be the best partner on the surface
But what you don’t see is how he plans every step for you, even when you think you are, how he manipulates you
All you see is a man who loves you
he seems to get you as another human, well other than the obvious factors
When he takes you as an apprentice, you are overjoyed 
He shows you how to defend yourself to basic things, he wants you to be safe
Then he gets a bit worse, after an attack
He realises you aren’t strong enough on your own, he can’t lose you
So he uses a potion on you to make you stronger. 
He uses this fact to prove you are in great debt to him, but you can make it up to him on a few dates?
It was fun, but you didn’t feel a spark
He seems angry when you say no, so you decide to say you were joking. Who knows what he’d do?
But he can tell you are lying to him, but continues in the dates
Well he wants you badly
Slowly he started to increase dosage of a certain demon weed in your drinks. 
It usually wouldn’t do much. But he changed its genetics using a simple spell you would be able to block, if you knew it was there
Slowly, due to his magic, it increased lust to him, he had picked it within Asmodeus’ circle. 
Eventually you couldn’t resist him and fell into his arms
He continues, not knowing the effects of too much, turning you into a zombie like state
He doesn’t mind, at least you do as he says without question
The brothers… those under a pact protect him, and they don’t want to hurt their brothers. Sorry, MC, you aren’t getting saved here
( I had no ideas for him sorry)
This Angel has never felt this so strongly… or ever
You are the one for him, the only one
But he holds up the friends act, he won’t act until he is sure you love him back
But then he sees you talking to belphegor, the one who killed you. 
And after you run to him giddy and say you are going on a date with him?! Why him?! You can do so much better
That won’t do, originally he wants what makes you happy. But then again… why cant he be greasy for once
Besides you might feel like Belphegor is the only person who loves you, when you see how Simeon feels, you will say you do too. Then everything will be great! Right?
When he confesses, and you push him away to say you like belphie, he thinks you are putting belphegor. 
He thinks the only way to change that is to eliminate him
The holy dagger carried to fend off demon is put to use, through his chest. 
He sinned, but nobody would know, after all he was an Angel and demons killed each other all the time. He was too far away for Micheal or The Father to know. 
He is your shoulder to lean on, he loves seeing you so vulnerable for him. It makes him smile
That’s when he takes you in his wings and holds you against his chest, blocking your air until you fall limp 
When you wake up, you beg for him to let you go but he won’t let you leave
Surprising as it is, he is one of the less forgiving yanderes
He won’t let you outside the garden, except for school. Even there he will escort you though
Why all this protection? Well he wants you to be with him in the celestial realm so that beautiful soul of yours can’t be tainted
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beauty-and-passion · 6 months
FSS3 Episode 1: What is art?
Welcome back, everyone! We can finally start with the first episode of season 3 of Sanders Sides. From now on, I'll post 3 episodes a week, until the last one. Then, after the last episode, I will write a closing post.
But let's not get too ahead of ourselves: for now, let's start with season 3.
What is FFS3 - Introduction - Season 2 finale - next episode
AO3 link for this episode
DISCLAIMER: As said in the introductory post, Fanders Sides Season 3 (season 2 finale included) could have triggering themes/scenes. Please keep that in mind before reading.
The episode takes place a few months after the season 2 finale.
Thomas has some doubts and, as always, he’s asking his Sides’ help. He recently got two auditions, one for the hero of a romance movie, the other for the serial killer of a horror movie. In the past, he would’ve picked the hero’s role only, but now… he doesn’t know. Should he try auditioning for them both?
Logan’s advice is to audition for both. First of all, Thomas doesn’t have any ongoing projects at the moment. Second, his finances are not particularly good. Consequently, it would be very recommended to take every new chance he gets and give them a try.
But they’re two completely different roles, Virgil replies. And Thomas never played the role of a serial killer: he doesn’t even know where to start! It’s way out of his comfort zone and forcing himself to try it might do more harm than good and over-stress Thomas a lot.
But Thomas cannot stick to always playing the same role either, Logan reminds Virgil. The best actors are known for the variety of roles they play.
And that’s much cooler than always playing the goody-two-shoes!, Remus intervenes. That’s fun! That’s different! Thomas always does the same shit, it would be fun to play something different for once.
Since Remus is in favor, Virgil is even more sure this is the worst possible choice. They should ditch the serial killer role: Thomas should stick to something that gives him peace of mind.
Patton intervenes and he tries to see the good side of this experience: it will be fun to experiment with such different roles. Thomas will play new things, meet different people, find new friends. It can only bring good things.
That’s nice to think about that, but what if I’m not good?, Thomas asks. What if I suck?
You won’t suck, Janus reassures him. Does he have to remind Thomas he has two Creativities? And one of them knows everything about gruesome serial killer shit?
Virgil becomes, if possible, even paler than usual. On the other hand, Remus’ face shines with chaotic joy: yes, he is more than willing to help! He will give Thomas all the inspiration he wants!
Thomas turns to Roman: he asked for more time for himself and Thomas doesn’t want to force him to do anything he doesn’t want to. But Thomas just wants to know what Roman is thinking. Is this okay for him, if his brother tries to help? He’s free to say if he’s not! He’s free to say whatever he wants!
Roman thinks about that, he looks at his brother, who shines with excitement. Then, he says Remus can try.
Remus immediately starts suggesting actions, lines and behavior for the serial killer role: Thomas should give long stares and blink way fewer times than normal. He should bite his lovers and say he wants to eat a piece of them. He should mention his mother while masturbating. He should suggest a couple having sex if he can watch them, then bring a knife and a candle and ask them if they enjoy some pain.
Roman’s expression slowly shifts from confused to disgusted. He stops Remus and shakes his hands: no, no, this is too much. The “biting a piece of people” thing should end with an “it’s just a joke”. The mention of his mother should make him stop masturbating. The knife and candle should also end with an “it’s just a joke” excuse.
Remus rolls his eyes: boooring. A serial killer that jokes all the time? Where is the creepy stuff? Where is the dirty stuff? Would you like to put people who have sex under some blankets too? With these stupid additions, Roman is ruining his art!
This isn’t art, Roman replies. Art is pure and beautiful, art is symmetry and perfect shapes.
Remus burst out laughing. Art as something pure, that’s hilarious! Art is not pure!
Well, Roman insists, art isn’t this disgusting stuff either!
No, it’s not, Remus confirms.
Roman’s expression shifts from disgust to confusion. Oh. But, wait… if art isn’t pure nor disgusting… what is art, then?
Remus laughs and tells him art is both and neither. Art is art. Art is feeling something, anything. Does it make you happy? Art. Is it disgusting? Still art. Both art.
What if others don’t like it?, Patton asks shyly.
Then, fuck them!, Remus replies. Thomas should be free to do whatever he wants because this is art. Being a villain, being a goody-two-shoes, being both and neither. This is art.
Patton doesn’t seem to understand it very well, Virgil sulks, Thomas is confused. Only Logan seems to understand: he even confirms that yes, this is the actual definition of art, so what Remus is saying makes sense.
On the other hand, Roman ponders every word Remus says, without interrupting him. Then, he thinks, in silence. He lowers his gaze and looks at his hands.
In these past months, he slowly says, he was questioning himself about his persona. Should he still be a prince? Should he become something else? Should he find a new role to fulfill? 
But now, he understands: maybe he doesn’t have to choose one role. Maybe he can play all the roles. He can be Prince Roman, brave and heroic. But he can be evil too. He can be mean. He can be a villain. And he can play the role of a serial killer, if he wants to.
Roman looks up: Thomas is looking at him with a smile full of affection and support.
Do you want to try it?, he asks.
Roman, however, does not smile. He says this changes a lot of things and he needs some time to… adjust, to what he just learned.
Thomas is 100% supportive: Roman can take all the time he needs. There’s no hurry.
Well, just a little bit. Virgil reminds him. Thomas still needs his main Creativity for the auditions.
But Roman looks at Remus, for enough time to make his brother reply to his gaze. Then, he says Remus can help.
Everyone is surprised, even Remus. The first one to recover and accept this decision is Logan: Remus can help Thomas, sure. He will do a good job.
Thomas turns to Logan. He looks worried and skeptical, but Logan reassures him: Thomas won’t be left alone with Remus. Logan will be present too and he will guide and take care of Remus. Thomas will always have a Core Side in control.
Remus accepts without a single word of protest: on the contrary, he happily announces he and Logan will be a great duo and have a lot of fun together.
Patton doesn’t look too convinced, but he tries again to see the good side of things and hopes that it will be fun indeed.
Janus, on the other hand, gives Remus a very long stare and tells him to not make Logan’s life a living hell. Remus puts a hand on his heart and promises he won’t. (He’s smiling, but his tone is serious.)
Roman warns Remus: he’s giving him ONE chance, so it’s better if he doesn’t waste it. If he fails, there won’t be other chances in the future. Never.
Remus replies with a salute and by sticking his tongue out, but there’s no real mockery in his expression or his tone. He knows Roman is serious and he got the message.
Since a solution has been found, all Sides sink, one by one. Virgil is the last one left: he is still wary and warns Thomas one more time. He should not rely on Remus, never and ever. Remus is dangerous. He might seem harmless and maybe he is, but he’s still his intrusive thoughts and…
Thomas stops Virgil’s ramble: he knows Remus is a lot of things, especially bad ones. But he won’t be left alone with him. Logan will be present too - and Logan already proved he can deal with Remus pretty well. Virgil doesn’t have to worry - well, not more than usual.
Virgil says he will keep an eye on Remus anyway. Thomas accepts it: if he wants to join, he can do it. He thanks Virgil for always being so vigilant.
Virgil sinks, but his expression is still a bit worried.
We see Logan in a room with a big window: he’s standing in front of a library, picking a few books to put on a table behind him.
Janus appears and slowly moves closer to the desk. He glances at the titles of these books: they are about theater, tragedies and a few about how to work alongside your intrusive thoughts. It looks like Logan is doing his homework, he says.
Logan stops his research. With a cold, stern tone, he says that he accepts Janus’ presence in the group but doesn’t condone any mockery from his side.
Janus’ tone shifts: he apologizes. He didn’t want to make fun of him. To be honest, he paid him a visit, because he wanted to give him some advice about how to deal with Remus, since… well, since Janus took care of him for most of their lives.
Logan turns around, his tone softens: in that case, he says, he would gladly accept Janus’ advice. He thinks he is perfectly able to handle Remus by himself, but more help coming from his best friend is very well received.
Janus sighs: he admits he has thought a lot about paying Logan a visit or not. He knows the logical Side can do a lot of stuff and is very skilled, but a small part of Janus still thinks no one can do anything, except for him.
I hope to prove you wrong then, Logan says. By working together, they can achieve a lot of things - way more than their old, isolated selves did in the past. And they should do it soon. As soon as possible.
The two Sides exchange a glance.
Did you feel it too?, Janus asks and Logan confirms: there is a storm coming. Things will change and shit will go down. Roman’s breakdown was the beginning. More will come and things will forever change.
Janus gives him a long stare. Then, with a serious expression, he asks Logan how he knows these things.
Logan repeats he just knows. He can see them coming. And he knows Janus can see them too.
Janus looks away from him and confirms that the instinctual forces have always had good foresight. But if now a Core Sides is catching up too…
He looks at Logan again. Who are you working with?, he bluntly asks.
Logan looks away. All he says is that Janus already knows.
Janus turns around. He says he won’t stop him, but warns Logan to be careful and not lose control. Then, he leaves.
What better way to start season 3, if not with the dear, old formula of Thomas standing in his living room, talking with his Sides about an issue?
In this case, the two auditions are just an excuse to talk about art and to push for character growth.
Art is a theme they never really talked about and Roman needed someone to tell him that hey, art can be anything you want. You don’t have to do perfect stuff only. Roman needed this, to understand that if art can be good and bad, he can be good and bad too.
And if he can be good and bad…
Remus, on the other hand, needed a chance. Right now, he’s seen as something unstoppable and chaotic and even dangerous - and don’t get me wrong, he is. He’s still intrusive thoughts. And this is why I wanted to emphasize how he needs control from the other Sides. Even in the future, Remus will never be absolutely, 100% free to do what he wants.
Still, in order to reach that moment, he needs at least one chance to prove his worth.
Two last words on the end card: sure, it has some foreshadowing because I love it, but it’s also a way to show Janus’ character growth. The fact that he’s right on a lot of things doesn’t mean his character growth is over. He still has to learn how to cooperate with others and this was my way to show how he’s trying his best to do that.
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liannelara-dracula · 2 years
Hello it’s me :0 just I question what will the diabolik lovers do if they fell in love with someone who’s the opposite from them and the person they in love with is In love with someone else like the person they I love with hates them and calls the “picky” or like mean things
And the diabolik lovers just fell in love with them and doesn’t know why?
(It’s confusing I’m sorry)
Update to ask: They like a girl who is mean to them and the opposite of them and she likes someone else.
Hi Love,
No worries, I’m glad we broke it down and made it clearer now. I hope you’re okay with this being short, I don’t have too much to cover on this but I’ll do my best.
Requests are open
Warning: *certain words have been censored for Tumblr guidelines.
He wouldn't be bothered too much with getting her attention.
Like, he’d try at first but after the second time he gives up.
Cause he’s like whatever I can’t be bothered with this/it was stup!d anyway.
However, if you like someone else he will tea$e you about it.
And it gets you to be so annoyed.
“You’re all over someone who doesn’t give you a second glance.”
Or in a worse case, he’d say something like, “Liking him is your excuse to not be my s|ut.”
And he likes girls with mouths, ngl he gets a kick out of it.
Can't accept it and never will.
He would approach it if he has a chance.
Well, he always thinks he does cause he's Rei.
Will sabotage your chances with the guy.
And he'll succeed he always does.
Might even try to force you to like him.
He will downgrade you for your "poor taste"
As much as he doesn't tolerate disobedience he does like a girl who is a bit of a brat, but not too much.
It's something he won't admit either.
He will leave it alone tho depending on how much he likes her.
He tries to get your attention.
And you being mean doesn't bother him at all.
He tends to like it when the chick is mad.
If you're on a date he will ruin it too.
You don't like him for that reason too.
Doesn't care what you think.
And believe me, his feelings are not genuine.
Will give it up if it bores him but intervenes if you break up with your bf.
It's his way or the gr@ve.
Being mean to him?
Not a smart move at all, honey.
That gives you a one-way ticket to he||
He WILL ruin any possible relationship.
He might let it go if he can't understand how he feels or whatever.
If you’re already in a relationship he does kinda like to see what your like in one so he won’t end your relationship, because he wants to see it actually.
He’ll like study it and wants you to flaunt yourself with that guy cause he’s interested to see it.
And then if you break up with the guy he wants to slip in when your most vulnerable to get you to be trapped.
Like he’d have you fall right into it and be his play thing.
Which is his whole goal.
is so b*tt hurt that you don't like him.
doesn't like that mouth.
he wants things to be easy.
Will make an effort tho to get you to like it.
If he can't get you to he will at some point give up.
He’s mad that he can’t be it tho.
May even approach you and ask that.
And don’t flaunt your relationship in front of him he’ll act out.
If you had a bf he’d try to challenge him over something stup!d and be like winner gets the girl.
Doesn’t like that you’re mean.
Idk if he’s into it too much.
Wouldn’t approach you tho bc he’s to damn nervous.
Although at some point he’ll get the courage too.
But he gets your attention by tripping you or by having you run into him which gives him the excuse to say something to you.
If you like someone else he keeps his feelings to himself. He’ll distance you as soon as he finds it out.
Like Ayato and Shu.
He's a mix of both in this department.
Like he will try to get her attention.
Probably will give up after like a month of trying of course.
Maybe more.
But he's quite persistent.
Doesn't mind her mouth too much.
Like, it's something he can deal with.
He's very cunning and secretive.
Although he would try to get her to change her mind.
He might even succeed because he's convincing.
With her being the polar opposite of him he might be a bit surprised but also intrigued.
Of course, it would depend.
If he's not that interested in her he'll drop the whole thing.
If he likes her to a good degree he'll be an a$$hole and be like, "He's never going to like you back."
And even if you were with someone he'll just say that he's not good enough.
He'll even ask you things like: "Is he that good? . . . Does he make you feel good?”
Ruki loves to tea$e about it and ask questions about it bc he knows he could give you a better s*x life.
(I'm not going into what he says but you get the point)
He believes he’s better than your crush and just says your missing out.
He doesn’t care if you’re mean.
It fuels him tbh. Because he does like a brat but like any of them don’t push it.
Would be annoyed.
Can't understand why you don't like him.
Will brother you about your feelings.
Keeps getting involved to not have you have a chance with your crush.
Doesn't understand why you have a crush on a certain guy either.
"I don't get it, whatta ya like about him?"
Doesn’t try too much to get your attention he’s annoyed by your behavior too.
I know it’s hard to believe but he seems like the type to be kinda embarrassed to talk to a girl he really likes at first so he doesn’t know how to act nice.
So with you being mean as well he’ll just think you don’t like him.
Jealous if you have a man.
I mean he's two-faced so no more Mr. nice guy.
Can’t focus on you a lot tho because he’s got a fan base and all that.
Is trying to get you to like him but you just don’t budge.
He can’t understand why you don’t.
Does try to corner you tho.
“C’mon kitten I know you like me~ there’s no way you don’t~”
Hurt, just hurt.
He is too nice and maybe can’t take a hint at first.
The girl might take advantage of him it’s very possible.
He is always nice tho.
Bc he likes her he also doesn’t have the heart to do anything to her.
Oh and he admires from afar he wouldn’t approach at all.
he doesn't want to accept it.
Like the King of Founders has unrequited love?
How can this be!? Women love him? 😂
But believe it or not this girl doesn’t
If she’s mean to him he doesn’t want to deal with her.
Actually it’s a turn off tbh.
However if she’s not he still can’t except the fact he’d like someone sophisticated bc she’s the opposite of him.
He can’t even believe that either.
So he won’t admit.
And shin will tea$e if he knows about it.
If he really likes a girl he’s going to charm her with all the thing bc s he knows and his way of thinking.
He’s also elegant so it just makes him entrancing with everything that he says.
He’s also very mysterious so points for this man.✨👍
will not accept it.
Keeps persisting to admit who you like.
“There is someone on your mind, love?”
“There’s no one. Now, leave me alone.”
Will try to convince you that you have feelings for him.
“Your heartbeat tells me otherwise.”
You’d try to walk away but he just corners you.
“Shin, drop this already. I’m not interested.”
“You’re excited to see me. Go on and admit, love. It’s just us.” He’d sm!rk.
Keeps telling you that your crush is not interested.
Or will point out that the guy you are with is not worth it.
“He isn’t want you need, love. He doesn’t care for you.”
Is always trying to get your attention to the point of you getting annoyed.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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stories-me · 1 year
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Potential Character for Mrs. Kelsey and Tumblr 4/25/2023: 
 Baelin the Fisherman, Surprising Badass: 
 Appearance: (See above). 
What he’s from: “Epic NPC Man”. 
“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” 
-       William Shakespeare, in a play in 1601-1602. 
“Mornin’! Nice day for fishin’, ain’t it? Hu ha!” 
-       Baelin, only line. Like, ever. 
 Baelin is an NPC (Non-Player Character) in the (fictional) MMORPG, “Skycraft”. He walks his route, fishes, and says his only line repetitively. For the most part, he’s unaware of anything beyond this. 
But, then, one day, a rather short-tempered adventurer (or PC/Player Character) recruited him in a side-quest to rescue a girl from some bandits. Finding himself dragged on, he and the girl and the adventurer found that a “Fast-Travel Sign” wouldn’t work due to the quest, resulting in them forced to walk to their destination (Denethil). Along the way, the girl noted that the adventurer didn’t seem like any adventurers she had met (commenting that he didn’t seem to even want to be there), and the adventurer got increasingly annoyed by Baelin’s inability to say anything other than his only line, eventually threatening to murder the poor fisherman if he said his line again. At this point, the girl intervened, pointing out that the way ahead was blocked by the Royal Guard, due to the nearby city of Wraith being overrun by orcs. 
Frustrated by the guards’ refusal to let them past (despite the adventurer’s insistence that they weren’t even GOING to Wraith), the adventurer attempted to force his way around the blockade, but the girl (Willow) refused to stray from the road, resulting in the adventurer threatening to “end this quest” (by killing her) if she didn’t “come with [him] RIGHT NOW.” 
At that point, Baelin got involved, proving to be a surprisingly capable fighter with his fishing rod (as he did before with the bandits), and killing the adventurer. Baelin and Willow then fled, rather than wait for the adventurer to revive. 
Eventually, Baelin began developing a friendship with Willow (and some self-awareness) after protecting her from some orcs. At one point, Willow, who apparently couldn’t believe that this “adventurer” was just a humble fisherman, attempted to guess the true identity of Baelin (including the possibility that he was actually the High Wizard, a cursed prince, or even an orc disguised as a human). Baelin denied all these guesses… albeit by saying his only line over and over again (the girl understood what he was actually meaning to say). 
Eventually, they encountered a guard, who revealed that Willow was, in fact, the Princess of Wraith, and that her parents were waiting for her. It turned out, however, that the guard in question was, in fact, a powerful orc general disguised as a guard. Fortunately, Baelin rescued Willow, using his fishing rod to rip off the orc’s head. 
Delivering Willow to her parents, Baelin hugged his new friend goodbye, then returned to his quiet home in Honeywood (which seems to be the starting point of adventurers in the game). 
How he is like me: 
We both have some scripts and routines and the like, but occasionally find ourselves involved in matters beyond our comfort zones. I occasionally try to get involved in matters beyond my fan fictions. Not very often, mind you, but I think it DOES occur… Like the other day, I talked with some folks at Inspire about various things. 
 Kelsey’s Notes: 
Activities Michael participates in at Inspire: 
Works at the Inspire Store 
Volunteer at Fountain View 
Go out to lunch 
Creativity Shell 
Occasional parties and events 
Baelin is a drifter, doesn’t do much 
What is a non-player character?  A background character, he doesn’t have a quest or sells things, he just says one thing the entire game 
The adventurer got frustrated with both Baelin and Willow, threatening murder- he was trying to complete a side quest, he recruited him for help 
He basically “hired” Baelin without realizing that Baelin was not appropriate to help in a quest 
He is capable of being helpful in combat, just because he’s good at it does not mean he wants to engage in that kind of activity for a job or more often than necessary 
Willow is like Rocket and Baelin is like Groot in some way 
How can I vary what I say outside of my normal scripts?  
When at a level 5 maybe say something like ‘I’m not going to make a verbal threat right now” to replace the script that is the verbal threat 
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Jealousy [Genshin Impact]
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Characters Included: Kaeya Alberich, Diluc Ragnvindr, Venti & Razor
Notes: Heyo! I was inspired to do this while playing Genshin Impact. Sorry if some may seem OOC, especially Razor’s. Hope ya’ll enjoy this and have a lovely day. 
Reader’s Gender: Neutral
Warnings: None
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Kaeya Alberich
— I can see him as someone whose jealous not that often. Like he’s actually more amuse at the fact that someone is flirting with you when its obvious you’re dating the cryo-wielder knight.
— This guy is so chill (pun not intended) ngl. He leaves you be because he knows you can defend yourself from them. Though he will tease you afterwards.
— It just shows how much trusts he has in you. He loves to initiate affectionate things like hugging or kissing or picking you up bridal style. So pretty much everyone in Mondstadt knows you two are together by this.
— But if he sees that someone is clearly making you uncomfortable, its time for him to intervene. He will smoothly slide to your side, with a hand on your waist pressing you to his side, while smiling (or smirking) at the person. He will act his cheery self until that person takes a hint and go away.
— If you started hanging out with Diluc more often, he wouldn’t get jealous at all. In fact, he encourages you two to hang out. He loves the idea of his (adopted) brother and partner getting along. Though if you start hanging out with the pyro-weilder more often, Kaeya will surely drag you away to make you notice him. Leaving an bemused Diluc behind.
— Overall, Kaeya isn’t gonna be jealous, even if you tried.
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Diluc Ragnvindr
— I can see him being more of a jealous-type than Kaeya but not too much. Like he trusts you to not leave for another.
— If you start to hang out with opposite gender, Diluc would leave it be. He lets you have the freedom you want. But if he sees that you’ve been hanging out with them a bit too much, then he’ll get jealous.
— How is he when he’s jealous? He grumbles while glaring at the person from afar. You can also see a pout on his face as he stares (reads: glares) down at the person. This usually leads to someone (ie: Kaeya) to tease him, much to Diluc’s dismay.
— Diluc wouldn’t say anything about it, since we all know he’s not much of a talker. He usually do something to attract your attention to get his daily dose of affection from you (like tugging on the back of your shirt, twirling a strand of your hair, or just standing in front of you). But unlike before, when he’s jealous, he’s much more affectionate. Like he’ll initiate a hug or kiss (or maybe sex) with you. But expect him to be blushing while doing it.
— You can instantly know when he’s jealous. Please don’t tease him though lol
— He is not a person who easily meddle with other people, especially your’s, affairs. But when he sees that someone is clearly making you uncomfortable, he wouldn’t hesitate to stand in front of you and stare at the person. No matter who it is, they’ll take a hint and run away (well, except for people like Kaeya or Lisa).
— The person he’s jealous of is none other than Kaeya. He is instantly a bad mood when he sees his adopted brothed talking to his significant other. He likes the idea yes, but he prefers with distance and not THAT close! He would definitely push Kaeya back, pick you up and bring you somewhere (preferrably at his house) while leaving a laughing Kaeya.
— Overall, it’s easy to make him jealous.
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— He’s an easily-jealous guy, even though he’s a God 😐. Out of all the guys here, he’s the one whose easily jealous. (Let’s hope that this wouldn’t turn into a Yandere one 😐)
— Venti spends the last 500 years all by himself, so of course he wants your undivided attention. But he knows that its important in the human cycle to gain and lose people, so whenever you hang out with other people, he’ll pout and sulk but he understands.
— But he usually just join you and the person you’re hanging out with, it goes two ways. One, the other person being uncomfortable in Venti’s presence or, two, a trio hang out :)
— Venti is jealous of most people since he knows the sad truth that you’ll someday leave him to find another of your kin or die. Venti is scared of these possibilities. And that resulted in him being so insecure.
— He might comes off as clingy but please don’t leave him 🥺 He just doesn’t want you to leave him just yet.
— Believe it or not, he’s actually jealous of the Traveler, Aether (the male protagonist). For some reason, whenever he sees you two together, it sets a horrible feeling in his stomach. He hates it.
— Venti loves affection, just like Kaeya, but much more extreme. So expect him suddenly kissing you out of nowhere and hugging you unexpectedly. If you’re shorter than him, expect him to wrap his arms around your waist with his head on top of yours and sway you left and right. I can’t help but gush at how cute it all seems.
— Anyway, if he sees someone making you uncomfortable, he will appear next to you, smiling innocently, as he begans to talk with that person. I don’t think anyone would take him seriously so whoever that person is would ignore him. Venti would probably get annoyed at that, so you might need to drag him away before he could give that person a “piece of his mind”.
— If he sees you hanging out with Aether, he will definitely sulk or whine about it. If he sees someone else, let’s say Diluc, he would pout but wouldn’t whine. He grew to respect Master Diluc ever since the Dvalin’s incident. Besides, free drink :D
— Overall, he’s easily jealous and it wouldn’t be hard to make him jealous.
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— I recently got him and just got his mission (bc I just finished the Dvalin’s Prologue thing), so yeah. Sorry if he’s a bit OOC.
— He doesn’t understand the emotions very well, since you know, he was raised by wolves. But I feel like he’ll be easily jealous, he just doesn’t understand what that feeling is.
— So if you start to hanging out with other people, he would feel lonely and (actually) envious. He will pout but wouldn’t call your attention, instead, just watches you from the shadows.
— Razor can’t talk fluently and actually doesn’t like to talk since it’s hard for him. So he prefers just doing the action, albeit similar to Diluc in a way. Though you might need to teach him how to do some things about being a couple.
— He’s jealous of everyone, not even the same gender is out of his list. He’s jealous because of how fun you seem to be having with them than with him, and how you look so animated while talking.
— Razor’s an insecure wolf boi, so he might copy what other people are doing with you. Like intertwining your hands, hugging you from behind and other things. He might also start giving you things like meat, flowers, etc.
— You might need to reassure him that you wouldn’t leave him all because of his “unique” traits.
— If he sees someone making you uncomfortable, he would raise a brow while frowning, clearly not knowing what’s happening. Yet despite this, he decided to go near you and ask if you need help. The other person might mock him because of his “language” and appearance. This time, it’ll be him trying to drag you away.
— If he sees you hanging out with someone else, he would follow you and that person around. He’s actually quite sneaky when following you, with a few close-calls. Though you might catch on once you notice a strand of light blue hair sticking out of a rock.
— Please just ask him to join :)
— Overall, he’s a jealous-envious kind of person.
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hetalia-reacts · 2 years
Can you please do yandere Allies and/or Axis (and Lithuania, if possible 👉👈) accidentally completely breaking their s/o? Like, s/o was unlucky to be already mentally unstable and fragile by the time of abduction, and after some time just couldn't handle the experience anymore - shutting down, becoming an empty shell of a person
I hope such detailed request is okay,,
Detailed requests are very welcome! I would hate to misinterpret a request or fall short of what you want so the more detailed you are the better imo :)
Looking at your emotionless and near lifeless form kills Alfred inside
Alfred isn’t a harsh yandere, more of a middle type, and this was never his goal
He never wanted to see you so….dead
You just follow whatever he says, robotic and thoughtless
He could ask you the most horrific request and you just do it
Alfred doesn’t know what to do
He doesn’t want to see you like this, but he doesn’t want to throw you out, he can’t return you either, and Alfred isn’t mentally ready to try and end your life
In the end, he decides to just care for you as much as he can, hoping one day you return to him
Arthur can’t believe it when he sees you just give up
Arthur is a softer yandere, not seeing the point in hurting his beloved, and he can’t believe you just gave up
He can’t comprehend how stressful it was to be stalked and kidnapped, how sad you were before this
Arthur is likely to just drop you off back home
It’s not that he’s given up on you, but he can tell you won’t come back to him if you’re here
He watches from afar for as long as it takes for you to get better before he makes another move
Francis becomes depressed at the start
He knew it was coming, he could tell since before kidnapping you that you weren’t strong mentally
But he never truly thought you’d become like this
Francis decides to dedicate his life caring for you
Even if he doesn’t succeed in making you ‘wake up’
He even plays a sick game of house in a way
He takes you on walks, to stores, and restaurants and just pretends you’re his wife who had an illness that left you like this
Matthew is so incredibly distraught
He didn’t mean to do this to you, he never ever wanted to hurt you
But now you were just an empty shell of the person he loves
He doesn’t know what to do, and for several days he essentially lets you rot away in a room
Matthew can’t stand seeing you like this and decides to give you back to your family
This experience probably scars him so bad he never attempts to get you back ever again
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want or watch you anymore
He can’t help but abandon you when you become a shell of yourself
Ivan isn’t strong enough to properly deal with the situation
But he can’t let you go back home and he feels to guilty to leave you outside in the cold of Russia
Instead, he locks you away in a room and lets you pass on
It’s not like he didn’t attempt to let you live
But he can’t spoon feed you everyday and force water into you
So he leaves you with food and drink and allows you your own private bathroom
He gives you everything to survive, but when you can’t take care of yourself he doesn’t intervene
Yao has no issues with this
Not to say he wasn’t bummed out when you suddenly stopped talking and reacting to things
But this doesn’t change much for him
You were like a doll in the first place
He loves you and wanted to just take care of you and make your life amazing
So either way you would’ve become some kind of doll to him
Yao treats you like a doll as well, props you up, feeds you, dresses you, and he acts like you’re perfectly normal
Unlike France though, he will never take you out and play pretend
So terribly depressed
Feliciano can’t do anything for you anymore
Not to say he has no means too, but he can’t
It hurts too much to see the persons he fell in love and became obsessed with look so dead and lifeless
Feliciano will let your family have you again, it’s easier this way
He’s always on the look out though
If you ever recover and try to live life again Feliciano will stop anyone from having you and make sure to keep you for himself in a different way
Kiku is very disheartened about you breaking
He blames himself and becomes even more of a shut in afterwards
But he makes sure to care for you
He will never let go again
Kiku is your new full time care giver, making sure you are fed, hydrated, and clean
He will try desperately to fix you, but in the end even if you never come back Kiku doesn’t mind
Ludwig takes a long while to recover from doing this to you
He hates that he wasn’t careful enough and couldn’t care for you like he wanted too
But ever the opportunist, Ludwig vows to care for you even better than before
He will take care of you for the rest of yours and his life if that’s what it takes to make you comfortable or bring you back to him
Ludwig will also play pretend and act as if he lost your mind to some illness a few years back
Toyls might go a little crazy if you broke on him
He loves you so, so much he doesn’t think he can live without you
Even if you aren’t technically dead he feels like you might as well be
He will, however, swallow his base desire to just get rid of you and his guilt and make sure to care for you properly this time
He might even find some shady or underground therapist to see if that will bring the old you back to him
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whiteqnn · 3 years
PURE [2] - Corpse Husband x Fem! Reader
Pairing: Corpse Husband x Fem!Reader
A/N:  443 notes?! THIS IS INSANE! Thank you guys so much for all the love under the first part of this, I was so shocked to see how many people enjoyed this story! I hope this one will be just as fun for you as the first one ^^
part 1
part 3 
part 4 
part 5
PURE [2]
Corpse stared at the red screen with the word IMPOSTOR written in the middle, his eyes widened, a small smile tugging at his lips. 
“No way” he murmured into his microphone, no longer holding himself from breaking into laughter. “Do you guys see this? I wish I could see Y/N’s reaction.”
It took his audience just a second to respond, his chat being flooded with lots of comments about the said girl. 
“SHES SHOOK” he managed to read one from the hundreds of comments, once again bursting into laughter. “Yeah, I can imagine.”
He decided to follow Lily for a while to make himself less suspicious. He probably didn’t need to do that this time, since the others usually suspected him when he was innocent. Ironically, each time he was the impostor, they seemed completely blind to every murder he committed. 
They were both doing their tasks in O2 when the first body was reported. 
“Woah, Y/N is fast” he mumbled, before unmuting himself. 
“Okay,” Lily began speaking first “Corpse is 100% innocent, we were together this whole round, doing our tasks in O2. That’s all I have.”
“Yeah I saw you guys in there,” Felix said. “Where’s the body Sykkuno?”
“Um, so first of all I can also vouch for Dave and Y/N, we were hanging out all this time. So in the beginning, we were all in the upper engine, protecting each other like good friends that we are, and then we headed towards the medbay. And that’s where it gets interesting because I’m pretty sure I saw Poki leave medbay and run to the cafeteria.”
“You really think I would kill my best friend in the first round?”
“Yeah well, some people do” Sean scoffed, clearly referring to the last game when he was murdered by Felix. “Besides, I saw you guys when I was leaving Security so it looks like you were with her the entire round.”
“Wha- Okay, let me defend myself. I would never kill her if I was the impostor, which I’m not because she’d literally come barging into my room to murder me. She’d kill me for killing her first.”
Toast, who seemingly still held grudge against Corpse’s fellow impostor, decided to call Y/N out “Y’know, we all played with Rae before, so we all know how furious she gets after being killed first... but there’s one person who doesn’t know that.”
“Y/N/N?” Sean’s voice blared through their headphones “As much as I know how hard it would be for her to make the first kill, I can actually see that happening.”
“What?! Sykkuno vouched for me literally seconds ago, where the heck did you get that from Toast?” she asked in utter shock. Corpse glanced at his chat and leaned towards his mic, making sure that he was muted in the game.
“Y’know guys, if I didn’t know she’s the impostor, I’d believe in her every word. I mean, she’s so innocent, just listen to her.” he said with a smile, not expecting in the slightest how his audience will react. 
“Aww, he goes soft for her ^^” 
“The duo we need but don’t deserve”
“What?” he almost stuttered, quickly going through the growing number of such comments. “I mean-”
“Ooh, someone’s getting angry. Where the heck? That’s aggressive, Y/N” Felix’s amused voice brought him back to reality, and even though Corpse didn’t use a webcam, he still tried to hide his pink-tinted cheeks in the material of his hoodie.
“It was not me! I swear! I was doing my tasks all this time, making sure that no one murders Sykkuno or Dave!” 
“You’re pretty defensive for someone who claims to be innocent,” Toast said with a smirk hiding in his voice. 
“Give her a break guys, she was literally with us all this time. I’m sure we would’ve noticed if she killed somebody” Dave stood up for her, but it seemed like all the attention was directed from Poki to Y/N. 
“Well maybe the other impostor is either you or Sykkuno and you’re just trying to clear each other?”
“Um, if there were two impostors among the three of us, the third person would have to be a crewmate. I mean, it would be impossible for them to kill somebody without a crewmate seeing it.” Sykkuno pointed out, much to Corpses’ relief. 
“I knew Sykkuno would vouch for her” he told his chat, before unmuting himself to defend Y/N as well “Haven’t we already established that Poki is sus as well? She was last seen near the body and has no alibi.” 
“I didn’t do it. The only person that could vouch for me is dead, we were with each other the entire round. I leave her for a few seconds and somebody kills her, but it wasn’t me.” 
“I don’t think she’s lying guys, I mean, if she killed Rae she’d probably be dead already” Felix chuckled “Let’s just skip this round, we don’t have enough evidence.”
“Alright, but Y/N,” Toast said, as everyone pressed the skip button “I have my eyes on you.”
Corpse could hear her sigh before everyone muted their mics. 
“We’ve gotta get rid of Toast guys, he’s too suspicious. I don’t want him accusing my partner in crime, even though he’s right” he chuckled under his breath, following Toast’s character into Admin. “Alright, Felix is with us as well, good. If I just pretend I’m doing card swipe, they’re gonna both vouch for me since everyone knows I’m great at this task.” he shook his head with a deep laugh escaping his throat. 
He could see the other two astronauts running around admin, before they both decided to leave, which gave Corpse a perfect opportunity to frame Toast. He killed the lights and chased his victim who, much to his joy, was now completely alone in comms. 
“Hi, Felix. Bye, Felix.” Corpse snapped his neck before speeding out of the room and venting into Navigation.
That’s when someone fixed the lights. And Corpse jumped out of the vent, only to come face to face with none other than Toast. 
“SHIT” he laughed in panic, seeing that he couldn’t use the kill function yet. “Shit, he must’ve seen me.”
And indeed, it took Toast just a split of second to run out of the room and speed towards the emergency button, Corpse hot on his tail, even though he knew he wouldn’t avoid getting ejected. 
“I’m busted guys, there’s no way they’re gonna believe me” he told his audience, watching as Toast’s character approached the button. However, Corpse wasn’t sure if he was just seeing things, but he thought that he saw an outline of another character appear out of nowhere just mere seconds before Toast called the meeting...
“YES” he almost screamed, at the same time laughing hysterically, when he saw the red cross decorating Toast’s name. 
“WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!” Sean yelled, similarly to every other player that remained alive. “HOW DID THAT HAPPENED?!”
“Oh my God.”
“But- I don’t get it. What just happened?” Y/N’s soft voice sounded out, making Corpse laugh even more. 
“Someone killed Toast the moment he called the meeting.” Sykkuno explained, barely holding himself from laughing.
“Is that even possible?” she asked confused, her voice sounding so innocent and sweet that the other impostor couldn’t stop himself from grinning.
“Oh my god, she’s just- I can’t.” he chuckled deeply “She’s too precious guys, I swear I’m gonna do everything to keep her alive.”
“Yeah, that’s some big brain move. And since Toast is dead, there’s only one person with balls who could do it” Sean said, clearly very sure of his next words.
“CORPSE!” Lily chirped into her microphone, her voice soon being followed by others who eagerly agreed with her. 
“Okay, I admit I saw them in admin where I was doing the card swipe, but then they both left and I haven’t seen them anymore.”
“Were you in admin this whole time?” Poki asked. 
“Um- yeah, pretty much. I tried to beat my own record in failing a card swipe.” he replied, making everyone laugh. He thought of it as a good cover, unless someone entered the admin after he left... 
“Sykkuno where are you?” Poki directed her next question to the lime astronaut.
“Why am I accused again?” he asked confused “I was with Sean in medbay, I think Y/N joined us for a moment to do the scan, then she left, and then Toast called the meeting.”
“So maybe it’s her?” Dave commented “I mean, medbay is right next to the cafeteria, so she had quite an easy access to the emergency button.”
“Yeah, that would actually make sense” Lily added.
“Oh no, they’re gonna vote her off...” Corpse mumbled under his breath, deciding that he had to intervene. She just saved his ass, he couldn’t possibly just watch her get ejected because of that. 
“Guys, I didn’t even know it was possible to kill someone this way. Trust me, I played only a few times and Jack made sure not to reveal any of his big brain moves.” she scoffed at the last part, making Jack let out a loud laugh.
“How can we be sure you’re not just acting all innocent? I mean, you exposed Felix last game, being one of the last people to stay alive.”
“Y/N was with me when Toast called the meeting, she is innocent” Corpse decided to finally speak up. The silence settled among other players. “She found me in admin and made sure nobody killed me when I failed the fucking card swipe.”
“Why are you saying this just now, Corpse?”
“Cause he’s fallen for her god damn trap! I told you!” Sean argued.
“What trap?” Y/N asked confused.
“I mean, who wouldn’t? It’s like listening to an angel” Corpse said, before he could stop himself. Everyone on the call went wild, just like his chat did... He didn’t know why he said that, it just slipped before he really thought about it.
“Corpse, you do realize you’re simping only makes you even more suspicious?” Poki asked with a laugh, and Corpse felt the blush rising up his cheeks. Even more, when Y/N completely ignored this comment, deciding to suddenly stay quiet...
Did he make her uncomfortable with such comments?
“Seriously though, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t her. We watched each other’s back, so I’m also clean.” 
“As much as I hate to do it, I have to agree with Corpse on this one” Sean suddenly said. “That she’s innocent, I mean. I’m sure Corpse just follows her around like a lost puppy and I didn’t see the two of them, but I doubt Y/N knew it’s possible to kill somebody like that. No offense kiddo.”
“See? Guys, it wasn’t me!” she exclaimed. 
“Wait, why do you hate to agree with me?” Corpse asked in confusion.
“What? I just told you my alibi, weren’t you listening Jack?”
“We have twenty seconds left” Lily reminded, cause everyone seemed to forget about the voting time. “We don’t skip at 7, right?”
“Alright, I’m voting Corpse, I still think he’s sus even though I agreed with him.” Sean announced, much to Y/N’s dismay. She quickly objected, trying to defend her fellow impostor:
“It’s NOT him, I watched him fail that dang card swipe!”
“I’m also voting Corpse, he must be one of them.” Lily agreed with Jack.
“Sykkuno, I hope you’re not doing what I think you’re doing” Y/N asked the lime astronaut, who was silent for the past few minutes.
“I um- I don’t know, they kinda have a point Y/N...”
“Sykkuno, listen to me.” she lowered her voice, trying to convince him “Corpse is not the impostor. You know you can trust me, right?”
“Sorry guys...”
Corpse burst out laughing, seeing that out of seven remaining players, five of them decided to skip. 
“She’s too good” he chuckled, quickly running up Y/N’s character when they started the next round. He circled her white astronaut, and she seemed to get his message because she eagerly followed him into Electrical to fake the tasks and wait for someone to show up. 
Soon enough two figures waltzed into the room, only to be simultaneously decapitated by the two impostors, who then swiftly vented into medbay and locked the door to their crime scene. 
“That was smooth” Corpse smiled, happily running around Y/N’s character. “I love being impostors with Y/N, it’s so much fun. The best thing is that no one besides Toast really suspects her of doing something wrong.”
Corpse figured Y/N sabotaged the oxygen because the next thing he saw was Lily running past medbay to stop it from depleting. 
“Ladies first, Y/N” he mumbled, and even though she couldn’t hear him, her small character sped up and left the medbay, chasing after Lily. He waited a few seconds, before bursting out laughing.
“That was... I would never guess it was you!” 
“I’m sorry guys, I really didn’t want to kill any of you” she laughed apologetically, but Corpse could sense she was smiling “I just had no other choice...”
“Yeah, I’m sure you killed us by accident” Toast’s voice blared out, followed by loud laughter.
“What was that again? I didn’t even know you could kill someone this way?” Felix mocked in a high pitched voice, making them laugh hysterically. Corpse also found himself unable to catch a breath between his giggles.
“I told you guys they’d fuck us up.” Rae spoke up “But I was actually glad Y/N killed me first, watching her kill Toast was so much fun.”
“Ha ha, thanks, Rae!” Toast exclaimed ironically.
“Y/N and Corpse are just complete serial killers, I don’t know how else to comment that” Felix chuckled. 
“Well...” Corpse mumbled, unmuting his microphone “I can’t disagree. She’s a perfect partner in crime.”
“NOT AGAIN WITH SIMPING CORPSE” he heard Sean’s response, and once again felt awkward when his all his friends laughed at him, and Y/N remained quiet. 
That was, however, until her soft voice effectively quietened everyone. 
“It was.. an honor to murder my friends with you.” 
Corpse never thought his face could hurt from smiling so much...
“Alright, who’s up for another game?” Felix asked after a few moments, and received a chorus of me’s from almost everyone. 
“Unfortunately I have to go now, but it was so fun playing with you guys!” Y/N said, making everyone (Corpse included) object rather loudly:
“One more round, please? I want to see you kill someone again!”
“C’mon kid, what else do you have to do?”
“Stay with us Y/N, I need someone to protect me!” 
“I’m sorry but I’m really tired. I’m sure I’d just fall asleep on my desk and Toast would come up behind my back to murder me.”
“Well, that was actually my plan...” the man in question replied with a chuckle.
“You sure you don’t wanna stay?” Corpse finally asked “Killing won’t be the same without you...”
“I know, and I’m sorry... But I was working the whole day and my eyes just hurt and I feel like I’m gonna faint” she replied. 
“Alright, but just so you know, we’re playing again later this week, and I better see you entering the lobby on time” Felix said, trying to sound threatening, but failing at it. Y/N giggled to herself, the sound making Corpse smile almost unknowingly. 
“I wouldn’t dare to miss a chance to murder my new friends!” 
“Oh my god, she’s too adorable!” 
Everyone said their goodbyes and soon Y/N left the call, her small astronaut disappearing from the lobby, much to Corpse’s disappointment. He wished she’d stay a little longer, playing with her was something he found incredibly fun and quite relaxing if he was completely honest. Or maybe aside from playing itself, listening to her voice was what kept bringing a smile to his face every time she spoke up. 
“Guys, I think I’m also gonna call it a day, it was really fun.”
“What? It’s not even been over an hour!” Rae protested. 
“Yeah, I um.. I know but-”
“Don’t push him guys, he can’t play without his partner in crime” Toast’s teasing voice made everyone burst out laughing, and Corpse just shook his head, glad that nobody could see how red his face became.
“Fuck you guys, okay?” he chuckled into the mic, before finally saying his goodbyes and leaving as well. He thanked his viewers for watching and promised to stay longer next time, before closing the discord. 
He sat for a moment in his chair, staring at the black screen, a smile slowly widening on his lips. It was one of the best games he had ever played in Among Us, and he couldn’t wait to be Impostor with Y/N again. 
“Perfect partner in crime... I’m such an idiot” he mumbled under his breath and felt himself blush, shaking his head at how awkward that must’ve sounded. He pulled his phone out and checked his Twitter, only for his eyes to widen once he saw the top trending hashtags. 
“Oh my God...” Corpse yelped, covering his eyes with his hand as if it would make all those tweets disappear. “Why am I the way I am?” 
He considered texting her, trying to maybe make things less awkward than they already were, but decided against it. He feared he’d make even more of an idiot out of himself... 
Convinced that all those comments about simping and now those hashtags made her uncomfortable, it didn’t even cross his mind that Y/N might be looking at them at the exact same moment, with adorable blush tinting her cheeks, and her lips turning into a small, shy smile...  
A/N: I think about writing 3rd part... 
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