#I simply do not care about what fandom has decided about my faves their opinions are irrelevant
fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
No, you know what? *ignores popular fandom ideas about my favorite characters*
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thighzp · 13 days
I'm genuinely asking so please truly explain to me why people are comfortable jumping to Nick's defense when people just say he should have been at the Emmys but will not say a single fucking thing about the bigotry and racism swarmed on Taylor daily. I know you haven't ever but almost everyone else that is jumping to Nick's defense hasn't so you aren't the only one. I need an explanation on why you refuse to acknowledge and call out the bigotry. Is it you doing it? Your friends? Do you agree with it? Do you not care about it? Do you not give a fuck about Taylor? Why do you people refuse to say absolutely anything at all about it? Just please explain it.
Okay this is the last anon I will be responding to and then I am turning off anons. It's fun sometimes but it gives people too much of an excuse to hide and say really nasty things. So that being said, let me answer your questions and then I will carry on with my day.
"jumping to nick's defense" -> i reblogged one post outlining a variety of reasons why someone decided not to attend an event and suddenly im on trial. i don't know nick galitzine's personal life and he is a grown man who can defend himself (though I still struggle to understand what he needs to defend himself for... the behavior of some of his fans? just fucking be better, people)
"why i refuse to acknowledge & call out the bigotry" -> people continue to say I have never said anything about it, despite many times I have literally said hollywood needs to do better, or engaged in discourse about how fucked it is that poc are having to start their own production companies just to get a crumb of recognition. there is legitimately no way to know what someone has or "has never" spoken about online. you know nothing about me outside of what I choose to reblog on the reblogging website, including the fact that I posted about this on my personal instagram yesterday when the new casting came out. sorry that everyone isn't privy to every personal thought i have. that being said. the bigotry in this industry, and currently rampant in this fandom, is SEVERELY fucked up and DEEPLY upsetting.
is it me doing it? -> no
is it my friends doing it? -> no
do i agree with it? -> no
do i not care about it? -> i fucking care about it a lot, actually
do i not give a fuck about taylor? -> i give a concerning amount of fucks about taylor and think he deserves the WORLD and if you spent more than one milisecond on my blog you would see the praise i am constantly showing this man
why do people refuse to say anything about it? -> because it will inevitably come with a slew of vicious anons who think they know everything about a person from one opinion they read online. i know people tend to have big opinions and big feelings about their faves, but just like be fucking nice to people. i have thick skin and have been able to laugh most of this off because i have better things to do with my life than argue with people online over grown ass men who don't need all of us little minions online jumping to their defeses.
so miss me engaging in any of this ever again, and if anyone still wants to call me a coward WHILE ON ANON, well that's simply why i'm disabling anons as soon as i post this.
have the day you deserve :)
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archivalofsins · 11 months
In seriousness-
Addendum: This isn't about the person in the last reblog. Even though I understand why it came off that way in hindsight. I don't vague about people. In this case, I failed to properly articulate my point and take into consideration the timing of my words, which wound up hurting someone's feelings. Being vagued about can lead to great emotional distress. This is something I have no excuse for failing to recognize. Regardless of my personal feelings at the time or intent, it doesn't change the impact my actions may have had.
The point of this was to complain about something that's been continuously occurring and explain why I've been so short in reblogs lately. Not place blame on any singular individual.
Because at the end of the day, it is a personal issue that has developed over the course of my involvement with the series and fandom. That I'm trying to navigate better. So, if I'm short with anyone outside of the things I state in that post directly to them nothing else I say after is about them, but my perception of events which I know can be wrong.
I'm sorry for my carelessness here. Taking accountability is important. This was my error for not being as specific as I should have been.
This shit is tiring at this point. It's like every day someone wants to be like,
"Let me have a debate with you."
This is why I think your point is incorrect, and I totally can't make my own post and just say that far away from you. No, I have to do the equivalent of egging your house and then asking what's wrong politiely. For something that isn't even actually a debate or based on anything factual but fully rooted in my own personal feelings. Along with what I'd find narratively interesting.
Okay, cool why did I have to be involved here at any point? Why? Well, because your post made me think this, and I thought you needed to know how harmful putting this forth was and how inaccurate I believe it to be. Especially the way you presented it. Okay, I know now and? And what? Don't you want to say why you think I'm wrong?
Further support you're point with more evidence.
No, I don't, actually. I'm super tired and I'd really like to just open this app one day and not have to debate against other people's personal opinions. Because that's not fun to me. Talking about facts is fun , and most of the people who do this don't have any. Because they are not interested in them. There's a difference between people who really want to know and engage with various other opinions and someone who just wants to talk somebody else's down.
It's an incredibly easy thing to spot as well. I actually do care about how people feel on other prisoners and why. I actually do want to see people defend their worse qualities and stick by them regardless of what they did. I actually would like to talk about the social issues Milgram addresses and the environmental factors that lead to the prisoners committing their crimes.
Discuss the economic stresses, societal expectations, and discrimination they faved that cause them to get to the point they're at now. The minute visual evidence throughout all the prisoners' music videos. That stuff is fun.
Debating people on their personal feelings and what they consider a sin comparable to murder is not fun. It's depressing. Because what a good amount of this fandom considers a sin I simply fucking consider people living their everyday lives. Like lying, abortion, or being a clingy romantic partner.
So, to set the record straight as I have said before-
I do not consider anything short of killing someone with one's bare hands with malicious intent murder. I don't consider someone else deciding to take their own life because of something someone else did murder, I don't consider abortion murder.
I don't consider someone going,
"Aww shit- Wouldn't it be cool if I dropped this coin off this thousands of feet in the air building you know just to see it fall.'
Then that coin somehow managing to slice the throat of someone walking down below murder. Just like I do not consider something that was clearly an accident or directly out of anyone's control murder such as a gun misfiring murder. There is criminal negligence, sure, but when the word murderer is used, I have a clear understanding of what that word on an individual level means.
I'm not going to debate people based on philosophical constructs that they keep making up and changing to suit their individual needs and keep coming to me with. Ultimately, that makes these sins less interesting to me and hamper my engagement. Making Milgram less enjoyable as a whole.
Especially when it feels like some are going completely out of their way to misinterpret my statements in new wholly unique, more interesting ways, in order to one up the last time it happened as the days continue. To each their own, though. I don't go vaguing about people looking for other people's theories or just starting debates for no reason. I don't even go in the tag. Because chances are some fuck is going to be vaguing about me at the top of it because that's happened several times before.
To the point that I can either say as little as possible or risk being a bitch for no reason. Simply going, I don't know what to say, actually. I'm just going to elaborate further on my point since you didn't fully understand it seems and leave.
Honestly, at this point, the alternative is to literally go each day I stray closer and closer into the belief that media literacy is a myth. Along with getting extremely close to pulling a Hinako Mukuhara in real life as I sit looking at my balcony like man wouldn't that be nice.
Should have did that several years ago when I had the chance when they took the old balcony fence down to replace it with a more stable one and the guy putting it in said jokingly why it was completely gone and he was leaving,
"Ha, ha now, don't you go jumping off now."
Then I chuckled like ha, ha, good one and went to my room. Because I'd been sitting there thinking about it the entire time watching him take the shit down like huh maybe he'll leave for a second while it's completely gone. Then he made the joke, and I thought man ya know what, I'd be such a shit person if I did that after he made that joke it wouldn't even just ruin his day that would ruin his life. That'd be rude as hell, so I went to my room and stared at a ceiling instead.
I do not want to have emotion based debates. Because I am sick of hurting people's feelings. By going well actually - I just want to talk about the thing I like the way I like to talk about it. Because I simply like to talk about it that way. It is not fun feeling like the one raining on everyone's parade all the time and getting worried sick about,
"Oh, what will I say wrong this time. What are they going to vague about me on anon to the confession blog about today? Should we even talk at all? I don't really think I'm doing this right. It doesn't feel like I'm doing this right."
Whelp, fuck me I guess I can't do it right when I want to do it right and I can't even do it wrong when I want to do it wrong.
Fuck it just keep rolling. I don't even have to be rolling anywhere anymore it can just be this forever until it's over. It is what it is. There are times in life when you have to be a responsible adult and realize things aren't about you they aren't about facts or feelings. They aren't about anything. Sometimes, it truly is about nothing.
And that's fine, that's totally okay. It is what it is. It'll stay what it will be. Just keep moving, and don't stop ever. Because they won't, so why should you. Just chill. And thank god that Deep Cover was fucking delayed so a break is on the horizon after next month.
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thelonelybrilliance · 2 years
a couple thoughts about fandom
I'm not a meta writer (that's @itspileofgoodthings) but like...let me just speak on something briefly. My entire approach to fandom depends on me vibing with what's happening in canon, because that's the sandbox. If canon goes WRONG for me, like if I feel like there has been an insurmountable betrayal of the fundamental premises of a work/a series/whatever, I...will simply jump ship from the fandom. I don't mean I won't hold parts of it in my heart, or occasionally revisit what I loved about it, but I'm not going to have it occupy center space in my heart & mind & hyper-fixations.
The story is the story. You have to decide whether it works for you or not. If it doesn't, that's fine, but you also need to be honest with yourself about whether that "fundamental betrayal" has actually happened or whether you wanted something other than what has actually been foreshadowed/developed from the jump.
If see or read a sequel, or jump back into oh, I don't know, a season of television that's been divided into two parts, I pay attention to how the surprise plot-twists feel to me, and I pay attention to how my own predictions pan out. If I've correctly predicted a lot of story beats and plot points, the fact that there's a fandom furor over the "totally unforeseeable outcome" of something doesn't hold me in its sway at all. If I predicted things correctly, I chalk it up to paying attention to what was actually unfolding in front of me. If I feel good about the developments (expected and unexpected), I take it as a sign that this piece of media is probably meant for me.
One of the reasons I love watching & discussing things with @itspileofgoodthings so much is that we work together (hilariously, profoundly, if I do say so), to make sense of things. If we don't care for the core premise of a piece of media, we don't try too hard to engage with it. If we feel deeply attached to a character (let's be real, it's always about the characters), we try to understand their place in the narrative.
The best stories, in my opinion, are character-driven. The best visual media has the added dimension of actors taking characters out of writers'/creators' hands sometimes, and making those characters their own. This can sometimes have such an impact that the narrative itself changes. But not always--some side characters are there to capture your heart for a little while, but primarily to advance the main characters' stories, and when they've done that, their time is up. Some characters are cold-hearted, but not evil. Some characters are deeply annoying, and you're meant to be annoyed, but then also see past that. Other characters, who aren't well-written or well-acted (we know it happens! all the time!) may annoy in a jarring way, which shows that something didn't fit together quite right in the story-telling equation.
I guess my point is that I'm not interested in writing off half of a story that I love as "bad storytelling" unless I've really sat with it, really followed the threads I can detect from the start, and can only come to the conclusion that someone screwed up real bad somewhere. I love angst. I love rekindlings. I love callbacks to former moments, former selves. I am not interested in any kind of agenda being layered over a character, such that the only way fans of said character could only be satisfied if their fave took on a role in the narrative that was clearly never meant for them.
If I'm writing scads of fic (my true calling) for a story, that tells you all you need to know. It tells you that I love something about it deeply, and I'm trying to make sense of it. Even characters who aren't my favorites will receive the most insightful treatment I can muster. I want you to read fics of mine and not be able to tell whether I like or dislike a character because it's not really about that when I'm supplementing a story.
Oh, and it never hurts to interpose a dignified silence when you're sorting things out or coming up empty.
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lossie92 · 3 years
Hiiii!!!! Madara for the ask game😁
Hello! My fave Uchiha? Sure thing! 😌
favorite thing about them
Is "basically everything" an option? Because if so, then that lol
least favorite thing about them
That he let himself be so easily manipulated by Izuna and Zetsu. And yes, I think Izuna manipulated Madara emotionally, using his terminal condition to push for more conflict because of anger and spite. I believe it was, for the most part, caused by Zetsu (or at least that's my theory, since canon, as always, gives us scraps only), and I understand that Izuna has trust issues, but still, I don't like it.
Also, I've read this super interesting MadaSaku fic a while back where Madara was revived after the Fourth War and decided to take a trip over the world to retrace his footstep and find out when Zetsu actually started manipulating him. The theory was that it happened much earlier than he imagined and yeah, that just made me hella sad for him, but also made me realize that Madara has a tendency to try and please everyone, which in the end ends up pleasing no one, including Madara himself.
favorite line
I have two, because despite being unhinged for the majority of his screen time, Madara actually says a few very smart things imo.
1. "Talking about peace, whilst spilling blood, it's something that only humans can do." This hits soooo hard and is very, very true. Nothing like starting a war to bring peace, eh?
2. "When you fall in love, you love with all that you’ve got. You must learn to bear anger, hatred, keep your ego and attitude aside and handle things with care, calmness, and love." This, once again, is very true. It also makes me sad for Madara. He certainly had a lot of capacity for love. If only the was no Zetsu and if he hadn't made some very questionable life choices...
Again, I have two: HashiMada and MadaIzu.
The first one... I simply prefer them as friends nowadays, largely because I think they work better this way, at least in my head, and also because I ship them romantically with other characters.
The second, because I obviously dig brotherly bonding and we got so little of it with these two, which is a shame, but I still love it.
MadaTobi! Obvious answer, I know. They have been living in my head completely rent free for close to a year now and there are no signs of it ending any time soon, which I'm very happy about, actually. Tbh I haven't drawn or written this much for a ship before, and I have been in this fandom for a loooooong time, so...
The other Madara ship that I enjoy (if done well!) is MadaSaku.
Anything with even hints of incest is automatically a no and, as mentioned before, I prefer HashiMada as a platonic ship these days.
random headcanon
Madara smokes weed to help with stress management. The specific mixture he uses was prescribed to him by a medic and this is actually what he puts in his kiseru.
unpopular opinion
Gotta be honest here, I don't care for the overblown flailing. There is very little evidence of adult Madara failing, even though he certainly has a temper, and I just think it doesn't particularly work with his character. Nothing wrong with it if you like him this way, obviously, but I just prefer him being written closer to what I gathered about his character from canon, I guess.
song i associate with them
Hmm I'll go with Razorlight's "Hostage of Love"
favorite picture of them
Not a picture, but a gif. I love this fight scene in general, but this particular fragment is just immaculate imo
Tumblr media
Send me a character...
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skullhaver · 4 years
It's 2021, and I'm watching Buffy for the first time.
The Virgil on my Buffy journey is my long-distance girlfriend, who has loved the show for years. We just finished season 4, and I wanted to write about my favorite episodes so far. I suspect some of my faves are beloved by most fans, but others are weird, personal picks. Buffy fandom, please don't come for me.
I thought this post would be short but I was wrong.
Hono(u)rable Mentions: "Band Candy" S3E6 and "Halloween" S2E6
Both these episodes have fun premises where the Scoobies run around Sunnydale after it was upended by zany, chaotic dark forces. "Band Candy" is fun for devil-may-care teen Giles. "Halloween" is fun for 18th-century-ditz Buffy. These are both very good, and are the sorts of episode I can imagine happily rewatching in the future. I just have more to pontificate upon for the other episodes on this list.
10. "Ted" S2E11
I can’t say I enjoyed this episode, but it did take me for a wild ride. Probably nobody else has strong feelings about this weird story where Buffy's mom dates a stereotypical cheesy family man, who turns out to be a controlling abuser, who turns out to be a robot. I remember shouting at the screen, "Did Buffy just kill a human man?? Is it okay in the moral logic of this show for Buffy to kill a human if he's a direct physical threat to her??" I knew Buffy would have deeper stories than the monster of the week formula we'd seen so far, but this early in season 2, I had no idea when or how that would happen. This was the episode that finally taught me that Buffy is largely not interested in moral ambiguity, or in exploring what it means to be good or bad. Except for season-defining exceptions like Faith and Angel, evil characters are simplistically, essentially evil. But it was wild to believe for a moment that Buffy murdered her mom's abusive boyfriend and would have to live with the consequences.
9. "Helpless" S3E12
When Buffy tries to be genuinely scary, it succeeds with aplomb. The premise of this episode is dumb and contrived ("Giles has to remove Buffy's powers without her knowledge for a seeeecret test by the Watcher's Council") but the chase and fight in this episode are some of the most tense and spooky scenes of the whole series so far. Buffy's vulnerability makes the stakes feel real in a way few other episodes manage. And Buffy's victory is all the more satisfying because she can't punch her way out of this problem, she has to be smart and creative. The fridge horror, of course, is that Giles would endanger her like this in the first place, but that gets sorted out over the emotional arc of the next few episodes.
8. "I Only Have Eyes For You." S2E19
Another spooky episode, this one a classic ghost story of forbidden love ending in murder - but with the twist that the ghosts possess people's bodies to have them reenact their final moments. I love stories about breaking a doomed-to-repeat cycle. I love weird shit like the snakes manifesting in the cafeteria. And I really loved the choice to have Buffy and Angel come to understand their feelings about their own relationship by embodying these ghosts - especially how they embodied different genders than their own to better fit the "roles" of the haunting story, thus subverting the expected pattern. I found this episode clever, poignant, and effective.
7. "Who Are You?" S4E16
"Faith and Buffy switch bodies" is a wild premise, but the real joy of "Who Are You?" is watching Sarah Michelle Geller being an extremely talented actress for 45 minutes, portraying a totally different character. Watching Faith confronted by kindness and love from Buffy's mom, Riley, and her friends, then getting launched into an existential crisis over it is so great. Also, I just dig a good church fight.
6. "Hush" S4E10
As stated above, love an episode that reminds me that these people are talented actors! Featuring demons that render all of Sunnydale unable to talk, we get to watch great physical comedy right next to tense, silent fight scenes. The visual creepiness of the Gentleman and their straight-jacketed weird little helpers is hard to beat. "Hush" is such a clever episode that it ascends monster of the week status to become almost Twilight Zone-esque. Also, for the first time, Buffy sees Riley doing his Initiative thing, and Riley sees Buffy being the Slayer, but they can't talk about it?? That's good shit.
5. "The Wish" S3E9
Both "Something Blue" and "The Wish" feel like the writers decided to use fanfic premises on their own show... so obviously I like them a lot. But getting to watch a dark timeline AU with interesting world-building and attention to detail, a hilarious and horrifying Cordelia POV, AND a smirking kinky vampire Willow? Hello?? And the fact that the Wishverse comes up again in "Doppelgänger" (another truly fun episode) only improves my opinion. I imagine this is the kind of episode fans simply love coming back to.
4. "Restless" S4E22
This David Lynch-ass dream sequence was a weird choice for a season finale, but an extremely ambitious and cool episode. I should say up front that I love David Lynch-ass dream shit. There were creative and well-executed scene transitions as characters moved seamlessly from one dream room into another. Several memorably neat shots - Willow running between endless curtains as she tries to get onstage, Buffy alone in a vast desert with a weirdly high camera angle. And I got myself all excited thinking that the First Slayer would maybe become a different kind of antagonist - maybe not even fully revealed in this episode, or maybe an Id-like aspect of Buffy herself. But I forgot Whedon gonna Whedon, so the First Slayer had to be someone Buffy could punch in the end. And the First Slayer is sadly yet another primitive-themed, emotionally-stunted character of color for this show. Most of her lines in this episode are literally voiced by a white woman speaking for her, and of all the dumb quips to make, Buffy had a line about her hair being unprofessional? Also, I'm a lesbian, so the fact that the most explicit act of intimacy between Willow and Tara this show has allowed us to see occurs in Xander's horny dream sequence... it’s unforgivable, Joss. This episode was one of my favorites ever, deeply marred by some bad writing choices.
3. "Lovers Walk" S3E8
Spike, perhaps the best non-Willow character in this show, is back in Sunnydale, a hilariously heartbroken mess of a man, hell-bent on getting his former girlfriend Drusilla back. (Drusilla left him for a fungus demon.) So Spike breaks into a magic shop to get ingredients for a love spell, where he runs into Willow, who is getting ingredients for a de-lusting spell, because she is worried she and Xander will be too thirsty to behave appropriately in public with their actual partners, Oz and Cordelia. This is a hilarious moment just to exist. This is all the episode needed to do to satisfy me. But the fact that Spike then kidnaps Willow, and it ends with tragic stakes of everyone's relationships coming apart, not to mention me genuinely thinking Cordelia was dead for a minute there - wow. Chef’s kiss. The episode is balanced shockingly well between Spike being an ominous villain, and being the sort of lovable semi-evil (more gremlin-like) side character he'll become in season 4. What a wild ride.
2. "Graduation Day" S3E21-22
I'm counting this two part season finale as one because it's my list and I'll do what I want. "Graduation Day" feels like a quintessential Buffy episode executed to perfection. It has Buffy reaffirming her position as a moral heroine, sacrificing her own blood to save Angel's life even when she thought she had to kill Faith to save him. It has Buffy and Faith (or Buffy/Faith, as I prefer to think of them) getting to square off in a dramatic, tough fight. It has a lot of Mayor Wilkins, a character I truly adore for some reason. Nothing like a public administrator who plays mini golf in his office, wants you to chew with your mouth closed, and will kill a graduating class of high schoolers to gain immortality. The catharsis of the whole school getting to fight back against evil, instead of just Buffy against the world - a real joy. This episode misses the top spot for two reasons. "A special vampire poison and the only cure is the blood of a Slayer" is too contrived for me to let slide, and also I had to see Cordelia and Wesley kiss.
1. "Becoming" S2E21-22
Buffy’s season finales really do have good stories and satisfying payoff. First off, Buffy starts this episode by punching a cop and fleeing from the law. Later, Spike also punches a cop. A.k.a., Buffy said blue lives don't matter. Second - I haven't gotten a chance to comment on this yet, but all throughout season 2, evil Angel is such a joy to watch. As regular Angel, David Boreanaz makes exactly one face ("I am a kicked, angsty puppy") and bless his heart, it gets so tiresome. As evil Angel, he is so expressive, dynamic and terrifyingly creative in his badness. And I love his weird threesome energy with Spike and Drusilla. But also, it's so hard to watch Buffy suffer as she deals with her evil boyfriend doing evil things. Her ultimate choice in this episode, to kill Angel even as Willow's spell restores his soul, gave me some real big feels! Also, this episode marks the first moment of Willow doing big, plot-shifting magic on her own, solidifying her transformation from computer nerd to witch! 
Also, shout-out to the many good smaller moments in this episode: Spike making awkward small talk with Buffy's mom, Buffy constantly dunking on Principle Snyder, and Giles being tortured by visions of Miss Calendar (RIP Miss Calendar, I was your biggest fan.)
"Becoming" is an excellent season finale and the kind of Buffy episode I imagine I will want to re-watch in the future just for nostalgia's sake.
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jonthethinker · 4 years
Alright, this is going to be a long post, but I like Critical Role a lot, so here goes.
Something to consider as the new CR Discourse boils over: fandom discourse is no substitute for activism, and if your emotions are so wrapped up in it that you feel enraged with a righteous fury or utterly devastated by a development in certain aspects of your favorite entertainment product, you may need to back away.
I understand what’s going through the heads of the people on both sides of this discourse. Critical Role feels like this safe place to feel a little less alienated and depressed about the world we live in. This is the same for many entertainment products. The people seem so open and fun and accepting, and we just layer all of these feelings and expectations on people we don’t have an actual personal connection to in real life, because we’ve spent so much time watching and listening to them and come to feel like we know them and are connected to them more that we actually are.
I get it. In this world we have very little in the way of actual power. Most of the power we have is what products we choose to consume, and so in a roundabout way, what you consume become a moralistic decision; you can be considered a bad person for listening to a certain podcast, or disliking certain characters, or having certain opinions on celebrities. We come to focus more on what people think than what they do.
There’s this quote by a civil rights leader named Stokley Carmichael I think about everyday that goes, “If a white man wants to lynch me, that's his problem. If he's got the power to lynch me, that's my problem. Racism is not a question of attitude; it's a question of power.“
I have come to believe this is true about everything; racism, sexism, religious bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, classism. All the major problems of our world are caused because certain groups have power to dis-empower and harm others with little to no consequence. This isn’t because of the group they belong to, but because they have that power in the first place. It may be an unpopular notion, but I believe that if you went through history and reversed every power dynamic the other way around, you’d still have the same situation. If women had the power men have had for all of history, misandry and in this case matriarchy would probably be just as bad as misogyny and patriarchy are in our current world. The problem isn’t the group, it’s the power.
So you have these folks online, who in real life are probably alienated and exhausted and depressed and they turn to an entertainment property to make themselves feel a little better and make it through the day, and in this instance, it’s Critical Role. And because everyone’s morality is all wrapped up the products they consume instead of the actions they take, it is Capital G Good to watch Critical Role. I mean, they support the charity, and say the nice things, and seem so fun and genuine, and so they are Good.
But then a problem arises. One of the Cast says or does something that goes against what they like. Maybe this is another in a long list of things they have done that have been deemed Problematic by certain sectors of the community. And seeing as these people have so little power in their lives, to demand better wages at work, more consideration from the halls of power, more protections from the many harms inflicted upon them by those with more power, they decide enough is enough. They don’t have the power to change their material circumstances, but if they can join forces with enough like-minded people online, they can perhaps forcibly remove the Problematic Element through social pressure, or at the very least, harass the person they don’t like into one hell of a headache.
But alas, there are others in the fandom community, here to save the day. They too see themselves as Good for consuming the Critical Role product, and they may very well like this thing suddenly labeled Problematic. And you see, it can’t really be problematic, because they like it, you see, and they are Good People, who only consume the Good Things, and if some aspect of this were Problematic, it wouldn’t be Good anymore, and that, in their minds, is a flat out impossibility. The Goodness of Critical Role, and by extension their Goodness for liking it, is at stake. That just won’t do.
So this second group proceeds to scold and harass the other group in mass, bitterness seeps in deeper, trenches are dug, and a fandom is further divided, its members further alienated, and everyone hates everyone else just a little bit more. In one fell swoop, the world is a little worse, and a little harder to navigate, all because some well meaning folks wanted to protect what is Good by using the power they have.
Critical Role is a show made by well meaning, upper-middle class white professionals who live in the Los Angeles suburbs. They seem to have a lot of compassion for others, I wouldn’t deny them that, but they make this product to make money. That is what it is for. They may try to do some Good with it, but that Goodness is going to be shaped by their well meaning upper-middle class white perspective, and all the blindspots that entails, and at the end of the day, if it didn’t make them money directly or indirectly, they would stop doing it, regardless of the Good they could do.
This does not make them Bad, and I’m not suggesting so. We live in a Capitalist society. We all want to be able to live comfortable lives with our dignity intact, and under Capitialism, in order to do that, you have to make money. So that’s what they do. I have empathy for that motive. As I do for Critters who want to hold them accountable with what power they have to Be Better, as I do for the Critters who hold those Critters accountable with the Power they have, and so on and so on. We all want to be Good. I just don’t think this is how you’re really going to do it.
I don’t care what products you consume. There is no ethical consumption under Capitalism. You’re going to be hard pressed to find a product in the world that doesn’t involve someone being exploited or tricked somewhere along its production or consumption (and while you can and should seek out those that do the least harm where you reasonably can within your means, it is unavoidable under our current system to avoid benefiting from someone’s exploitation). As much as it hurts me to say this, it is almost certainly true for Critical Role as well. And that is a hard pill to swallow. Especially if you’ve based your entire identity on consuming the Good products, instead of the Bad ones. This is why I don’t care about the products you consume, I care about how you use your power, however big or small. That is what defines you. Not your ships. Not your faves. Your actions.
There is a real hunger to do good in this community. I see it all the time. Think of all the charity drives CR has handily met the targets of. That desire is real, and it’s beautiful. I am here simply to encourage another avenue besides online discourse for you all to act upon all those good intentions. There are many organizations and political bodies that would love your In Real Life support, that will simultaneously allow you to do good and build real connections with the people around you in your own communities, and start the delicate, difficult process of empowering the dis-empowered and holding the powerful to account.
And I know you may feel tired and beaten down, anxious and depressed, socially-limited and uncouth in comparison to what you imagine the members of these organizations to be. But I promise you all of them started out feeling the same way. It is through those efforts that you can truly do good instead of just feel good, and create a purposeful, meaningful life for yourself along the way.
It is through solidarity and cooperation towards mutual goals that we make this world more livable for ourselves and the most vulnerable among us, not bitter infighting and petty online squabbling. Maybe I come off as an a real ass for saying all of this, and for that I’m sorry. I don’t mean to or want to hurt anyone. I too just want to do good, and maybe this will help, in some small way.
Don’t forget to love each other.
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breannacasey · 4 years
Fic Masterpost
Since I just made it to 100 posted works on my ao3 since I created it in January 2014, I thought I’d make a masterpost on here of all of them to celebrate. Also, shameless self promo. I’ll also include some of my upcoming things, because they would make it 100 without counting the translations.
I’ll put them by fandom and in the order I started writing for each fandom. And I’ll put a  ⭐ next to my personal favourites. And 🌟 for my faves of faves.
Fandoms I’ve written for in alphabetical order: 911, 911 Lone Star, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Criminal Minds, Hannibal, Harry Potter, House md, Leverage, Limitless, Lucifer, New Amsterdam, Prodigal Son, Sherlock, Supergirl, Supernatural, White Collar
Total per rating: General (21), Teen and Up (72), Mature (7)
Total per warning: No Archive Warning Applies (85), Chose Not To Use Warnings (1), Major Character Death (10), Graphic Depictions of Violence (3), Rape/Non-Con (1)
Supernatural (10 works)
Let Me Go (series, 2 works, 1 354 words, Teen) Castiel/Dean Winchester: Dean Winchester struggles with suicidal thoughts.
A Crowley Valentine (one shot, 1 899 words, Gen) Castiel/Dean Winchester: It’s Valentine’s Day and Crowley is tired of Dean and Cas not admitting that they’re in love with each other so he decides to take action.
Never Stop Fighting (multi chapter, 9 chapters, 21 274 words, Teen, Graphic Depictions of Violence) Castiel/Dean Winchester, Lucifer/Original Female Character: The brothers go investigate a weird occurrence but they end up rescuing someone who might be able to help them fight Metatron and put heaven back in business. But could she have an agenda of her own?
Demon Love (one shot, 1 117 words, Teen) Castiel/Dean Winchester: Dean uses his demon powers not exactly in the deadly way Crowley had hoped.
There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done (one shot, 1 076 words, Gen, Major Character Death) Castiel/Dean Winchester: Dean dies and goes to heaven
A Different Kind Of Family (one shot, 1 455 words, Teen) Castiel/Dean Winchester: Sam and Dean go on a hunt for what turns out to be zombies.
A Good Combo (multi chapter, 5 chapters, 11 680 words, Teen, Pizza Place AU) Castiel/Dean Winchester and more: Castiel meets Dean at a weird time in his life. He just got out of a relationship and, with the death of one of his siblings, he isn’t sure if he is ready to jump into another one just yet.
Please Stay With Me (one shot, 906 words, Gen) Castiel/Dean Winchester: Set some time after 11X04 “Baby”, Castiel is still staying in the bunker, resting and getting better, but the brothers are barely ever there and Dean won’t even stay in the same room with him.
+ one crossover
Criminal Minds (3 works)
Prentiss’ Secret (one shot, 1 209 words, Teen) Aaron Hotchner/Emily Prentiss: Prentiss left the BAU to work in London. Now she’s coming back to help them, but she has a secret.
Outside The Comfort Of Innocence (one shot, 1 354 words, Teen) Aaron Hotchner/Emily Prentiss : As a kid, Emily Prentiss and her family move in next door to the Hotchners. Hotch and Prentiss grow up best friends, but a dark secret brings the real world into their childhood. ⭐
Everybody Loves Halloween (one shot, 991 words, Gen) Aaron Hotchner/Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau/Will LaMontagne: Emily comes for Halloween and the Hotchners go trick-or-treating with the LaMontagnes.
Sherlock (8 works)
Filling The Holes (series, 6 works, 8 960 words, Gen, Teen and Mature, Major Character Death) Sherlock Holmes/Jim Moriarty: This is a series that goes on in the spaces between what we see on the show. It takes place after Reichenbach Fall. ⭐
John Watson’s Missing Wednesday (one shot, 854 words, Teen) Sherlock Holmes/Jim Moriarty: At the wedding, Sherlock mentioned a time when John missed an entire wednesday without even noticing, what happened that day?
The Dead Are Busy Too (one shot, 618 words, Gen) Sherlock Holmes/Jim Moriarty: Nearly two years after the events of Reichenbach Fall, Moriarty’s network is close to being a thing of the past.
Harry Potter (20 works)
1998, or the year everything changed (series, 18 works, 77 224 words, Gen, Teen and Mature, Major Character Death) Various ships: A series taking place the months following the Battle of Hogwarts. Each story focuses on a different character, but they all interlock with one another. (aka I didn’t like the epilogue so I made my own.) ⭐
Light in the Darkest of Times (one shot, 742 words, Teen) Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley: Feeling his constant support of Harry Potter in his magazine might cause the Death Eaters to try something, Xenophilius has Luna stay in Hogwarts for the holidays, thinking she’d be safe there. But things aren’t the same in the castle since Dumbledore’s death.
The Potion Master’s Daughter (multi chapter, 14 chapters, 67 001 words, Teen, Major Character Death) Luna Lovegood/Original Female Character and more: Severus Snape had a daughter several years ago. A year behind the famous Harry Potter, she’ll navigate her years at Hogwarts, punctuated with all kinds of events, like the opening of the Chamber of Secrets, the Triwizard Tournament and Voldemort’s return. 🌟
Hannibal (1 work)
Love and Dogs (one shot, 137 words, Gen) Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter: Hannibal wakes up at Will’s place
Limitless (10 works)
Screw, Marry, No Kill (one shot, 1 317 words, Teen) Brian Finch/Ike, Brian Finch/Mike: Brian thought having a one night stand with a coworker wasn’t a big deal, but not everyone had the same opinion.
Distracting Thoughts (one shot, 1 508, Teen) Brian Finch/Ike: Brian takes too much NZT and suddenly gains the ability to hear thoughts.
Keep You Safe (one shot, 832 words, Teen) Brian Finch/Ike: Set during 1x22 Finale: Part Two!! With Brian under side effects from the NZT, Ike worries for the man’s life.
Undercover! Again! (one shot, 2 601 words, Teen) Brian Finch/Ike: Brian and Ike are sent on an undercover mission, but things don’t exactly go as planned.
Rebecca Harris’s One Sick (Valentine’s) Day (one shot, 1 137 words, Gen) Rebecca Harris/Lucy Church: Rebecca was about to head off to work, but when a surprise visitor shows up at her door, she has another idea.
The Influence A Person Can Have (multi chapter, 3 chapters, 10 340 words, Teen) Brian Finch/Eli Whitford, Brian Finch/Ike: Sometimes, you meet one person and it changes your whole life. Everything else after that would’ve been different. For Brian, it all comes back to that moment he met Eli. It seems some people are simply meant to enter your life at the right moment, to stir you in the right direction. From figuring out who he is to falling in love for the first time to getting his life together and even meeting the love of his life, Brian’s life wouldn’t have been the same. 🌟
A Little Bit of Ice and Rube Goldberg (one shot, 1 875 words, Teen) Brian Finch/Ike: When freezing rain takes over the city, everyone goes home while it’s still safe outside. Brian insists on finishing what he’s working on, forcing both he and Ike to stay alone in the office to weather the storm.
Fulfilled, Not Finished (one shot, 4 861 words, Teen, Major Character Death) Brian Finch/Ike: When the squad finds a potential witness for their case, Ike volunteers himself and Brian to go check it out. But things take a dark turn. ⭐
Curve Ball Field (one shot, 7 196 words, Teen) Brian Finch: When Brian gets kidnapped for ransom, the CJC isn’t clear on how to handle the situation, or how to reassure his family. 🌟
+ one crossover
House (2 works)
Lean On Me (one shot, 1 414 words, Teen, Major Character Death) Gregory House/James Wilson: A short evolution of House and Wilson’s relationship, from their first meeting to their last. ⭐
Don’t You Know I Care? (one shot, 1 364 words, Teen) Gregoy House/James Wilson: House ended up in a hospital bed, again, but this time the familiar face of Wilson is missing from his bedside.
Supergirl (4 works)
My Hero (one shot, 650 words, Gen) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor: When Lena gets pushed off her balcony, Supergirl is there to rescue her once again.
When It Starts (one shot, 1 908 words, Gen) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor: Lena loves being Kara’s friend, but she wouldn’t say no to being more than that.
Hero in Need of Saving (one shot, 2 180 words, Teen) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor: When a gunman shows up at Catco, Kara gets hurt and ends up stuck in the elevator with Lena and some kryptonite. ⭐
If I Could Find The Way Up (multi chapters, 3 chapters, 4 959 words, Teen) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor: Lena Luthor is depressed and she doesn’t understand what she calls an obsession for Kara Danvers. Kara who keeps cutting their time together short, maybe on purpose. Lena is struggling to deal with all that pain she feels inside and trying to figure out what she feels around Kara might mean.
Lucifer (1 work)
Grow On Me (one shot, 4 051 words, Mature, College AU) Lucifer Morningstar, Marcus Pierce: Lucifer and Marcus are college roommates. When Lucifer learns Marcus doesn’t have plans for the holidays, he convinces him to come to a cabin with him and pretend to be his boyfriend to get his siblings off his back. ⭐
Prodigal Son (7 works)
Bright Ideas (one shot, 3 560 words, Teen, Graphic Depictions of Violence) Malcolm Bright/JT Tarmel: Because Malcolm is Malcolm, he goes after a suspect on his own and gets taken. And then JT helps.
Unleashed (multi chapter, 8 chapters, 53 452 words, Mature, Graphic Depictions of Violence) Gil Arroyo & Malcolm Bright, Malcolm Bright & Martin Whitly, Gil Arroyo & Martin Whitly, Gil Arroyo/Jessica Whitly: Martin Whitly has escaped. He is finally free to get back at those who have hurt him. Everyone is anxious for him to be found and locked up again. And worried about what he might be planning to do. 🌟
On An Island (one shot, 1 704 words, Teen) Malcolm Bright: While on vacation, Malcolm finds he misses home and reflects on the past.
Shivers and Soup (one shot, 1 340 words, Gen) Malcolm Bright & Dani Powell, Malcolm Bright & Ainsley Whitly, Dani Powell/Ainsley Whitly: Malcolm has a cold and is sent home
Hold You Close (one shot, 2 077 words, Teen) Dani Powell/Ainsley Whitly: Ainsley gets injured while covering the team’s latest case and Dani decides to check on her.
Only One Safe (one shot, 2 609 words, Teen) Dani Powell/Ainsley Whitly, Malcolm Bright & Ainsley Whitly:  When blackouts spread across the city, Malcolm’s friends lock him up to make sure he won’t get himself into trouble. He worries about everyone else.
+ one crossover
911 Lone Star (12 works)
Stranded in Smoke (one shot, 2 339 words, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Owen Strand & TK Strand: During a fire, the floor collapses under TK’s feet, his radio stops working and he finds himself completely separated from the rest of the crew.
There For You (one shot, 1 235 words, Gen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand: When Carlos doesn’t show up to work and cancels their plans, TK wants to make sure he’s okay.
Not Your Choice (one shot, 3 236 words, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand: A man holds up TK’s therapist office and Carlos is the officer sent in to deal with it.
My Only Sunshine (one shot, 2 553 words, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand: Carlos gets hurt while pursuing a suspect and, despite Michelle’s advice, he insists he’s fine and doesn’t need to go to the hospital. He is wrong.⭐
Late Night Bruises (one shot, 2 385 words, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand: TK gets himself into trouble, but Carlos is there to help.
Classic Happiness (one shot, 1 021 words, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand: TK invites Carlos over to the house for their first actual date.
Don’t Leave Me (one shot, 2 384 words, Teen, Major Character Death) Owen Strand & TK Strand, Carlos Reyes/TK Strand: TK had been the one unconscious, on the edge of death before, and he knew it had to hurt for those around him, but he never fully understood what it felt like until he was the one standing over someone he cared deeply about, begging for them to wake up.
A Long Day (one shot, 4 245 words, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Marjan Marwani & Paul Strickland, Marjan Marwani & TK Strand: Some days, nothing truly bad happens, but without anything good either, small things pile up and drag you down.
Pain Leaves Traces (multi chapter, 3 chapters, 5 958 words, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Owen Strand & TK Strand: TK is getting closer to Carlos, but there is still a part of himself he’d rather he didn’t know about.
Stay Behind, Make A Friend (one shot, 524 words, Gen) Carlos Reyes & Paul Strickland: Paul is alone at the firehouse when Carlos shows up, so they hang out.
Another Heart Robbery (one shot, 4 886 words, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand: When the building he’s robbing catches fire, Carlos thinks he’s the most unlucky man on Earth. Then comes a very handsome firefighter.  🌟
Off Balance (multi chapter, in progress, 8/10 chapters, 10 399 words and counting, Teen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Carlos Reyes & Michelle Blake: What Carlos thinks is a simple cut, turns out to be much worse. 🌟
Leverage (4 works)
The Past Job (one shot, 1 565 words, Mature, Rape/Non-Con) Damien Moreau/Eliot Spencer: Damien Moreau learns Eliot wants to leave his organisation. He decides to deal with it himself, and why not enjoy it while he’s at it. ⭐
The Protection Job (one shot, 1 785 words, Teen) Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer: Eliot falls off a roof during a job, leaving Parker and Hardison unprotected. ⭐
+ two crossovers
911 (15 works)
In My Heart (one shot, 2 410 words, Teen) Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz: While on a call, Buck gets exposed to a toxic substance and it makes Eddie put things into perspective.
Worry, Worry, Worry (one shot, 3 238 words, Teen) Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz: No matter how many times Buck gets told that he will be safe, when Eddie accepts to be serial killer bait, Buck worries about him. ⭐
Who’s First? (one shot, 1 322 words, Gen) Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Howie Han & Hen Wilson: Hen and Chimney bet on who, between Buck and Eddie, will be the one to make the first move.
A Gay Old Time at the Mini Golf (one shot, 2 004 words, Teen) Hen Wilson/Karen Wilson, Evan Buckley & Hen Wilson & Karen Wilson & Michael Grant: When Buck gets woken up by the sounds of people in his apartment, he doesn’t expect the day to turn out so fun.
When Things Are Bad, Better To Laugh It Off (one shot, 1 525 words, Teen) Howie Han & Tommy Kinard, Howie Han & Hen Wilson: The story of how Howie Han became Chimney.
His First Choice (one shot, 1 209 words, Teen) Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz: Buck feels lonely, like everyone around him has a family, someone who cares about them more than anything, but he doesn’t. Turns out he is wrong. ⭐ 
Always Come By (one shot, 1 196 words, Gen) Evan Buckley & Bobby Nash: Bobby’s afternoon alone is cut short when a sad Buck shows up at his doorstep. ⭐ 
Beautifully Cold (one shot, 1 463 words, Gen) Bobby Nash & Grant Family, Athena Grant/Bobby Nash: The Grant-Nash family goes on a trip to Minnesota in the middle of winter.
Give Her The Comfort She Needs (multi chapter, 2 chapters, 2 912 words, Teen) Evan Buckley & Maddie Buckley, Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz: Eddie, Buck and Christopher are having a morning like many others when Maddie shows up to take her brother to a funeral he doesn’t seem keen on attending.
Let Me Take Care Of You (one shot, 596 words, Gen) Maddie Buckley/Howie Han: Maddie is sick and Chimney takes care of her.
Loving Exasperation (one shot, 571 words, Gen) Evan Buckley & Maddie Buckley: Maddie comes home for Thanksgiving during her first semester of college. ⭐
At Least We Have Each Other (one shot, 666 words, Teen, Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings) Howie Han & Karen Wilson: Something happened to Hen during a call and Chimney is the one to deliver the news to Karen.
Wait Happy (one shot, 650 words, Gen) Maddie Buckley/Howie Han: After they learn about it themselves, Chimney and Maddie have to wait to tell the others about the pregnancy.
Gratefully Together (one shot, 632 words, Gen) May Grant & Michael Grant: Michael helps May move into her dorm room.
Barbie Boy (one shot, 618 words, Mature) Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz: Buck’s karaoke performance has quite the effect on Eddie
Supernatural and Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
Nobody Picked The Family Business (multi chapter, 6 chapters, 14 796 words, Teen) Dawn Summers/Sam Winchester, Tara Maclay/Willow Rosenberg, Spike/Buffy Summers, Castiel/Dean Winchester: When Sam doesn’t get a scholarship to Stanford, John lets him go to UC Sunnydale, hoping all the stuff going on there will convince him to keep hunting.⭐
White Collar, Leverage and Limitless:
The Grey Area Job (multi chapter, 4 chapters, 15 992 words, Teen) Neal Caffrey/Eliot Spencer, Sophie Devereaux/Nate Ford, Alec Hardison/Parker, Brian Finch/Ike: When he and Peter encounter a particularly complicated case, Neal calls his friend, Sophie Devereaux, for help.
White Collar and Leverage:
The Informant Job (one shot, 2 675 words, Teen) Neal Caffrey/Eliot Spencer: While searching a warehouse, Eliot finds himself in a situation he wasn’t expecting.
Prodigal Son and New Amsterdam:
Stay Right Here (one shot, 5 129 words, Teen) Malcolm Bright, Iggy Frome: After being kidnapped, Malcolm ends up at New Amsterdam to get treated for his injuries.⭐
Du Poison (vf de Poison, Supernatural)
Je Tiens à Toi (vf de Don’t You Know I Care?, House)
Quelqu’un Sur Qui Compter (vf de Lean On Me, House)
Une Vie que Personne ne Choisit (vf de Nobody Picked The Family Business, Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Henren Week: Everything I Need (one shot, 534 words, Gen) Hen Wilson/Karen Wilson: Hen and Karen enjoy a quiet day off together. ⭐ 
Buddie Week: Good Things Don’t Come Easy (one shot, 1 272 words, Teen) Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz: Eddie couldn’t fall for someone like Evan Buckley, but the heart hardly ever listens to logic. ⭐
Buddie Week: How To Handle Friendship With Smart Idiots (one shot, 836 words, Teen) Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz: Carla is tired of watching Buck and Eddie being oblivious about their feelings for each other, so she decides to get involved.
Tarlos Week: The Best Farmer’s Market Find (one shot, 810 words, Gen) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Carlos Reyes & Owen Strand: TK wakes up to the sounds of his dad making breakfast, not alone. ⭐
Owen Strand Week: Snow Day in Austin (one shot, 1 060 words, Gen) Owen Strand & TK Strand: Owen has been feeling down and missing the New York winter, but he has an amazing son.
Evan Buckley Week: Under The Stars (one shot, 532 words, Gen) Evan Buckley & Christopher Diaz: Buck and Christopher go camping. 
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
Why do you think the majority of RWBY watchers can't see the issue with the last 2 seasons? tons of people think 6 and 7 are peak RWBY yet on here you've constantly talked about the many issues in them.
Different tastes + different ways of approaching a show. To provide an example on my end, I really enjoyed Steven Universe/Steven Universe: Future. I also watched both sporadically with my brain completely turned off. I knew - because you can never actually avoid analyzing something at least a little when you’ve been trained to do that - that there were various issues in the story, some of which briefly rang as RWBY-like alarm bells in the back of my head, but I deliberately didn’t poke at any of the things I noticed. I just let them pass me by and continued to enjoyed the show. If you’d asked me during this time what I thought of the show you would have gotten a very simplistic, “That show is great!” as a reaction and, if someone had pushed me to say what about the show I enjoyed, I wouldn’t have had the knowledge to support those things in the face of criticism. I couldn’t prove that what I remembered liking was also done well. I simply didn’t (and admittedly still don’t) remember enough of the lore to support those points and never approached it critically to begin with. My ‘evidence’ for “Steven Universe is a great show” boiled down to “It made me happy when I watched it.” Which isn’t an aspect we should ignore, but it also doesn’t (necessarily) speak to the writing quality. 
Now, a few weeks after the show’s finale, I’m interested in seeing what people took issue with in a show that I, for years, simply saw as a Very Good Show. Having consumed a lot of meta recently I can say... they’re right. I don’t agree with everything I’ve watched/read, but the vast majority of criticisms I’ve come across are persuasive. People who watched the show expecting a certain level of consistency and respect towards various issues are right to say that, in many respects, there’s “bad” writing going on. Doesn’t mean you can’t still like it - I do - only that there are issues that other writers should keep in mind and attempt to address in their own work. 
With RWBY, my position as been reversed. I approach the show very critically because at some point (two years ago?) I decided to take up writing recaps as a hobby which necessitated approaching the show with certain expectations and a careful cataloging of information. Not every viewer does that, but they nevertheless still love the show. Which results in people insisting that such-and-such happened a certain way without checking that with a re-watch. Or making very broad claims based on their feelings towards certain characters or events, not evidence. Or, bluntly put, digging in their heels and refusing to admit that something you enjoy can also be something that’s incredibly flawed. I’ve had a lot of practice in maintaining that kind of approach to storytelling - and it does take practice - so for me it’s not at all difficult to switch between, “I love Steven Universe!” (which I do) and “Fucking hell, Steven Universe, what were you thinking when you did that?” For others, criticism (particularly the kind of heavy criticism I engage with here) can feel like a personal attack: you’re not allowed to enjoy this thing because this thing is “bad.” When in fact the only request being made is, “Please consider that this story is very flawed and don’t make up/uphold unsubstantiated claims in order to ‘prove’ otherwise.” A lot of fans, perhaps even most fans, view Volumes Six and Seven as peak writing because they’re approaching it from a place of emotional investment (and let’s be real, the fandom is invested in the girls, so as long as they’re winning/being badass it’s very easy to maintain a satisfied approach to the story. If RWBY started dunking on the girls like it does the adults there would be a very different reaction and, indeed, we see that reaction on my blog a lot. Many fans don’t want to hear anything against their favorite characters, either from the creators or other fans) rather than taking a more objective approach of, “Does this make sense? Has this been retconned? Is this in character? Why did this happen off screen?” That pure, emotional investment is the way I originally approached Steven Universe: Future. Now it’s, “Ah, yeah. You have a good point about that being a problem. Even a huge problem. I can admit it’s an issue while still loving the show. Or if I decide I don’t like having a fave of mine criticized anymore I’ll just... stop reading the meta. Their opinion of the show shouldn’t feel like an attack against my own, especially when I have the very easy ability to not engage with that opinion.”
That’s what I attempt to do here. I write my recaps, I occasionally write side metas, and I answer the many, many asks people toss into my inbox. All of this occurs on my personal blog and I only engage with people who have chosen to engage with me first. All of this is done to teach - let’s deconstruct this show and talk about how something we like could be a whole lot better - as well as because I simply enjoy the act of analyzing shows. If fans are willing to approach a story they love with a critical eye, great. My blog is (partly) here for that. If not, not following me - or even blocking me - exist for just those reasons. No one needs to understand/accept that RWBY is flawed, especially when it’s so easy to watch it in a way that makes accepting that difficult. 
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zankivich · 5 years
A few honest questions: if you believe that Shawn is racist and is willfully surrounding himself with other racists, why not leave this fandom? Why reblog photos of him praising his appearance? Why use him as a face claim in your fanfiction? Why not devote your time and energy to someone else?
ayo these are wonderful and absolutely fair questions to ask. I wasn’t in a mental space to answer them when I initially asked this, and I’m still really not doing well but I guess I’ll give it a go anyway. I can understand how on the basis of a lot of my posts it may appear that I hate Shawn, or that I have some deep ill will for him. I think what’s important to recognize from my posts and my debates that I end up having with people is that I am usually stepping in to defend and rationalize hurt. Like all day on my dash I see white Stans attacking my black counterparts for genuine and deep hurt. The shit with Camilla, the shit with the tweets and the sweeping it under the rug, these are incidents of vulnerability for people. And the vast majority of you do not have the tact or the heart or the ability--I genuinely do not know which it is--to empathize with us, to sympathize with the pain of an artist that has brought you joy and pleasure situating themselves in anti-black rhetoric. And I know that I’m very privileged to be able to voice my opinion in a way that comes across articulate, in a way that many can understand, and that is not a privilege that I take likely. So, I do speak out. I speak out loudly and proudly and I fight for the ability for black people to feel emotions, because at the end of the day some of y’all really need to hear shit like that. And there are times that are absolutely random where I get PISSED. Where I get SAD. Where I get LIVID. And that is valid. There is no script for me that states that I have to hold onto those emotions 24/7 though. I am allowed to be absolutely pissed at Shawn for the shit he’s done, AND I am allowed to continue to support him. These two things aren’t mutually exclusive. And while I can understand why it might be a difficult concept to understand how those two things can exist right next to each other, I truly do find myself in that head space. Please let me try and explain why. 
My studies in university and my life experience and my understanding of the creation of whiteness and thus the creation of a hierarchy of race in which white supremacy becomes the dominant ideology for essentially all of culture (and please really think about this and revel in this because it is not a matter of opinion here. This one is just simply a fact) tells me that all white people are born into white supremacy. This is not something that can be helped. This is not something that they ask for. But our world and our societal discourse has historically, and continues to as well, perpetuated the understanding that white people are superior, are God-lier, are smarter, are more moral, are more intelligent, etc. etc. And I don’t mean to give you a critical race theory lesson, but I ask that you understand what this looks like in practice. It means that all white people are racist because they are born into a society that creates them to be. (and this is a startling concept and it’s not necessarily popular in the larger discourse) And so I actually believe that to use the word racism anymore to describe what are actually perpetuations of the white supremacist agenda that is again engraved into the very fabric of our nation and our world, isn’t actually a meaningful use of the word anymore. It means nothing for me to say you’re being racist, because lowkey you are probably being racist on a daily basis just from the culture alone. What is actually probably more useful, at least in my opinion is to determine what are acts of terror or violence, and then what are the more minute day-to-day acts of aggression that perhaps can be moments of opportunity for growth and education. It is a lot more complicated than this, and there is so much grey area but this is the way in which I kind of situate it in my mind. 
Essentially what I think is that Shawn is racist. Shawn is racist in the way that Justin Bieber was racist when I stanned for him, in the way that Jesse McCartney was before that, in the way that Ariana is, or Harry Styles, or Taylor Swift, or literally any white fave that one might have. What I as a black person have to decide, and have to wrestle with on a daily basis, is the distinction between the assimilation into a racist society that prioritizes whiteness above all else, and a deeper more vile attack against my humanity. So Shawn said the n-word years back and gave a really shitty apology for it. But, does he support policy that goes against my ability to live. (This is where for me there’s a difference between someone like Shawn and someone like Stirling for example). Does he actively participate in discourse that negatively impacts my livelihood or other black people’s livelihoods? So, yes he’s racist but did he in a sense create a culture within his own fandom to viciously attack and dehumanize a black woman every second of every day continuously (and yes this is a direct comment towards Camilla, bite me) These aren’t easy decisions to make, and my decision is gonna be different from one person’s decision to the next and so on and so forth. 
Ultimately for me there is still a really deep connection to Shawn on the basis of music. His music and his energy around music make me feel a way that is comforting, that is uplifting, that makes me happy. And that is worth it to me in this particular moment, which is not to say that it might not change one day. But it is also worth it to call him out on his behavior, to push him a direction of social justice and equity. I LOVE writing for Shawn because I get asks on a daily basis saying that people had literally never thought they would read a story where someone like him could love a fat woman. A black woman. Can you imagine that? That before I started writing there were people who thought these stories would never exist? I believe deeply in the humanity of people and I care so deeply about those around me that it is engraved into every fiber of my being. I want to educate. I want to destroy the status quo. I want to elevate us to a better place, because I think we deserve it. I think Shawn deserves it. I think Black women deserve it. I think we all deserve that shit. And honestly stepping into white dominate spaces is the exact place where the discourse has to change, and the conversations have to be had. So, I’m here. For now. And I really enjoy the content that I create and the people I create that content for. And I genuinely do really still enjoy Shawn. But please don’t ever ask me to separate my experience as a human being from being a fan of blind negligence and unwavering support. I can’t do that. I won’t. And I don’t think Shawn, or anyone else deserves that tbh. 
This feels like an inadequate attempt to answer your questions and maybe you got bored and left already. But I hope It makes a little more sense. I really did try. Thank you for your honesty. I hope you can accept mine as well. Have a lovely day. 
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falneou17 · 5 years
BanG Dream! Favorite List
So... people have been requesting I made this for quite some time now, and I decided that I might as well. It might be a nice thing to look back on the past three years and see how I have formed and changed my opinion on the various characters.
The main reason why I held back with it for so long, aside from wanting to avoid giving off the wrong idea with who my least fave is, is because I was playing on the JP server while conversing with people who were only playing on EN. I stopped playing JP about a year ago now (the last event I remember playing on the JP server was Babyglow, actually), so the EN server has more or less caught up to what I remembered from the JP side of the franchise; which means that there is still a decent chance that my preferences might change from this point onwards. Not to mention that the third season will air next month, too.
I want to do these regularly-ish, but with how “fixed” the rankings have been ever since RAS’ introduction I wonder how often that can be done.
Icons are taken from the bandorisorter tumblr.
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1. Yamabuki Saaya Same old song and dance, she has been my favorite BanG Dream! girl since day one. She radiates an aura similar to Saten Ruiko from the Raildex franchise (who also happens to be my all-time favorite character), and this, coupled with her supportive, sacrificial, helpful nature really helped Saaya in solidifying a spot in the #1 spot. The only way I can feasibly see her drop from this spot is if she doesn’t receive any character growth and development because she has been, admittedly, rather static in this department.
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2. Aoba Moca A name people still think is my fave of the franchise, she might really become it soon depending on how much Saaya grows in the future. A “simple” character at face value, I really started finding out just how deep her character is when I started getting more into her design and learned more about her. She is overall a really fun character to work with and nothing says that more than the fact that she has been the centerpiece of all my multi-chapter fanfics for this fandom at the time of writing this.
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3. Mitake Ran Ran goes almost hand-in-hand with Moca, but where Moca had the element of surprise and curiosity to keep her high on the list, Ran felt like this mixture of two characters of a different franchise I really enjoyed, combining both their strong points into who we now know is Mitake Ran. And I am sure you all already know how much I like Ran considering the BlueFlora works I have done since April of 2017.
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4. Hazawa Tsugumi Tsugumi is probably the easiest character, at least among the Afterglow girls, for people outside the BanG Dream! fandom to relate to, and for good reason. She’s a hard worker, remains positive, and you know things will go south when Tsugumi isn’t being optimistic and charging forward like no tomorrow.
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5. Imai Lisa Lisa shares a lot of similarities with Saaya, or at least how I described Saaya. Nevertheless, there are still a handful of factors that would explain the gap between them. The first is that I saw Saaya on the screen first, so Lisa was doomed to become “similar to Saaya” as a result (the way the first season animated both girls didn’t really help). The second is the way Lisa is shipped by the general fandom that makes me feel a lot more restricted in using her freely. The final point is not Lisa’s fault, but while Nakashima Yuki has done an amazing job at taking over the role... she is not Endō Yurika.
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6. Uehara Himari I make fun of Himari a lot, but she is still an amazing character and a great gear in the Afterglow machine. And while I personally feel like the English translation of Himari’s catchphrase is not doing it justice, I am very much aware of how important Himari is to the chemistry of Afterglow. She is the leader of Afterglow, after all.
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7. Shirokane Rinko What started out as just a playful headcanon has really gotten traction and popularity amongst my readers and helped Rinko rise up to this spot, managing to even beat out the fifth member of Afterglow in the process. Although very different from the characters I usually wrote for, Rinko manages to be this breath of fresh air to allow for a different pace than what I usually work with. The only reason that is holding Rinko back is not even her own fault: Akesaka Satomi made Rinko into the character that I’ve come to know and love; she was Rinko, so losing her was and always will be a big blow to me. Shizaki Kanon is doing her best, and I respect her as a seiyuu in her own right, but... she’s never going to replace Akesaka Satomi as Rinko in my eyes.
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8. Udagawa Tomoe Tomoe is a weird one. On the one hand, she’s very fun, energetic, and is tunnel-visioned enough to be fairly predictable in a fun way. On the other hand, she is the most static character in her band and one of the most static of the entire franchise, so... she’s still really high up thanks to the Afterglow bias in me, but who knows for how long that can last?
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9. Maruyama Aya I really am unable to talk about Aya without bringing up her seiyuu, Maeshima Ami, because the phrase “the seiyuu is the character” rings very true when it comes to this one. And she is a very fun character, too! I am not really good with stumbly fumbly characters, but watching Aya on the screen has never been a bad thing. It also helps that her singing voice matches Misawa Sachika’s so much, reminding me of Misawa Sachika’s Polaris mini-album and even convincing me for a short period that Misawa Sachika was Aya’s seiyuu.
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10. Okusawa Misaki/Michelle I am not really breaking the mold here, having Misaki be my favorite Hello, Happy World! character, so I don’t think I need to add much to it. In a nutshell, Misaki is to Moca as Lisa is to Saaya. But instead of being put in a band I like overall, Misaki was put in what is arguably my least fave band of the franchise (mostly because the style of music does not fit me, personally, and I like the other five bands more)... which really limits how much Misaki can rise in my list.
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11. Wakamiya Eve I only have one thing to say about her: BUSHIDO. In all seriousness, Eve is adorable and her fascination with Japan can really act as a parallel to how some fans adore the culture. In short, much like the vocalist of her band, there is never a dull moment when Eve is around.
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12. Asahi Rokka Rokka is a really fun addition to the cast through the second season that aired earlier this year. And what is really interesting about her is that, while the other four RAS girls have been a hit or a miss in the fandom, Rokka seems to be almost universally liked. She is just an adorable bundle of cute, what’s more to say about her?
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13. Tamade “CHU2″ Chiyu So remember how I said in Rokka’s entry that RAS’ characters tend to be a hit or a miss? Well, CHU2 is, in my experience, the most polarizing of the RAS girls; people either love her or hate her. I personally really like her, because while she may appear as a brat at first there is obviously a lot more going on beneath the surface. And I enjoy watching those characters develop, so here’s to hoping that season 3 is nice to CHU2.
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14. Nyubara “PAREO” Reona Now unlike CHU2, I can’t really pinpoint what it is exactly about PAREO that makes me like her. But I do, she is enjoyable, her dedication to RAS and CHU2, while bordering something else entirely, is still... quite admirable to see, in its unique way.
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15. Ichigaya Arisa Arisa is a weird one. I enjoy watching the subtle actions she does in the background to show that she cares for and supports her friends, but at the same time... she’s competing with Himari for the title of “who can be the butt of all jokes”... which is a bit of a shame, but oh well. Another thing that is kind of holding her back is the fact that one of her defining qualities, being a tsun, is... not the most unique personality trait in the anime world, to put it lightly.
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16. Tsurumaki Kokoro Kokoro is... an interesting case. I think I mentioned earlier that I am not really good with eccentric characters, and Kokoro is exactly that with a capital E, but on the other hand... the few times when we do get to see through that bubble of energy we get treated to a surprisingly deep character. It also helps to share birthdays with me, I suppose.
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17. Hikawa Sayo Another really weird one to place, and one that will probably define the rest of the list. Sayo, by far, has received the absolute most character growth of any of the other girls. That is normally a good thing, but in Sayo’s case it kind of acts like a double-edged sword; while she grew to be a better person and a better sister, above all else, she... lost things that really defined who she was in my eyes. And because of that, I don’t quite know where to place her... I do enjoy her and still like her, but... I dunno...
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18. Hanazono Tae Tae has always been a fan favorite ever since she first appeared in the anime, but... she faces a problem I have mentioned before: she’s pretty static. She’s still fun and the fact that I am kind of looking forward to the way her seiyuu continues to grow will probably keep Tae up, but not too high.
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19. Udagawa Ako All right, so Ako being here should already tell its own story, but... generally speaking, when a character is “created” with its whole purpose being to surpass another specific character, they will never come close to that character on my list simply because I end up thinking of Ako relative to Tomoe (in Ako’s case). Ako is fun to see and her chuunibyou side makes for some cute interactions, but aside from that... with the fall of Rosela came the fall of its members...
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20. Satou “MASKING” Masuki At this point in time, we don’t really know that much about her. She had like... what? Five lines in the entirety of season two? From what I have seen of her so far, however... she catches my interest, but depending on how well her character and backstory are handled she can rise or fall accordingly.
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21. Minato Yukina So remember the whole “fall of Roselia” I mentioned? It is not really their fault, losing Endou Yurika and Akesaka Satomi was a big blow, but the effects it had on both the characters and their respective seiyuus are still... there. Yukina in particular also suffers from the whole notion that she is introduced as this super professional singer with more talent than she knows what to do with, but... in part due to the seiyuu shift of Lisa and Rinko, Roselia’s songs have taken a hit in how much I enjoy them (to emphasize this point: I haven’t really enjoyed a new Roselia original song ever since Akesaka Satomi left Roselia). The only two things keeping Yukina in this “tier” is that she is still somewhat interesting to work with and her rivalry with Ran can provide... quite the amusement.
Above Neutral
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22. Shirasagi Chisato Once we’re in this tier, it... really is a bit of a blur as to who is placed where relative to each other. I can say that Chisato is probably at the upper end of it by the process of tiebreakers: BanG Dream! Livestream and events involving their seiyuus. Uesaka Sumire is always fun to watch on the screen and has made me warm up to Chisato in the process.
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23. Matsubara Kanon Pretty much exact same reasoning as above, with Kanon being slightly lower simply because I tend to like serious characters more than those that fumble around. I will say, though, that the few times when we get to see a confident and determined Kanon on the screen, it was a lot of fun to see.
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24. Hikawa Hina So remember my point with Ako about characters who are focused on their relationship and interactions with one specific character? Hina serves as this unreachable goal for Sayo to reach, and with a lot of the scenes that are being shown use Sayo’s perspective to do so... Hina’s innate genius is also somewhat of a double-edged sword for her ranking here, because while scenes involving Hina are anything but dull, I... prefer characters who work hard to get where they are above someone who is “born” with the ability to stand out.
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25. Wakana “LAYER” Rei I feel kind of bad putting LAYER all the way down here, but as a character, she is rather... static and uninspiring, at least at this point in time. As a vocalist, however, LAYER is probably my second favorite in terms of the singing voice, so I am hoping that the third season can catapult LAYER up a couple places.
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26. Toyama Kasumi The “face” of BanG Dream!, so to say. I will say that, for a typical happy-go-lucky energetic female lead, Kasumi has a lot more depth to her than others. Unfortunately, being the character we see the world through, I’ve never managed to really relate to her. So while she is almost in the next tier, she barely misses it.
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27. Yamato Maya Maya is, actually, a really interesting character with a lot of room to grow and become her own person. Unfortunately for Maya, she did not catch my eye early enough so by the time I got used to characters like Moca and Ran running around, Maya... kind of faded into the background.
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28. Ushigome Rimi I don’t know how to say this without being too mean to Rimi, but... Rimi has been really static. Rimi interactions and scenes, more often than not, either consist of her love for Choco Cornets and/or her relationship with her older sister. A lot of potential, a lot of possibilities, but none that have really been taken advantage of...
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29. Kitazawa Hagumi Hagumi suffers a really horrible fate, and I think that she would have been a lot higher on the list if she wasn’t in Hello, Happy World. Hagumi’s character and personality traits overlap with Kokoro’s a lot, and with Kokoro being the vocalist of the band Hagumi has really been living in her shadow... which isn’t doing her a lot of favors.
So, that’s my list. Oh, I missed somebody? Right right, let’s fix that~
Unsalvageable/Very Bottom
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30. Seta Kaoru Where do I begin to properly explain how I feel about this character? For starters, Bang Dream is a gacha game where we grind up resources, save for weeks, sometimes even months, for that one card we want (unless we’re spending money on the game i.e. whaling). So what do you think will happen to the character who keeps dropping in a banner she is not even a rate-up in while you really wanted a limited card you have saved eight months for? Or if she keeps arriving as the guaranteed 3* in like 80% of all your pulls for over a year? For reference, I managed to get the skill level of her Phantom Thief 3* to level 5 by using duplicate copies of her Initial 3*. And vice versa.
The gacha side of my reasonings aside, the actual reason why she is and always will be at the bottom is for a reason that cannot be removed without changing who she is. Her over-the-top, flirtatious attitude really, there is no going around this, annoys me, and even if it is just a front... I’ve already associated at least three people I know irl to her, and since I despise those three for how they behave irl... I can never see myself saying that Kaoru is not my least favorite of the franchise.
The only way for Kaoru to no longer be at the bottom is for BanG Dream! to introduce a character I despise more. Which, to be fair, is a possibility with Argonavis, but not only am I just not interested enough to properly invest time in checking them out, they are also in an alternate universe or something if I remember correctly... so comparing the girls to the boys in Argonavis is like comparing... Railgun characters to Index characters, in a way, which isn’t really “fair”. I probably will if I decide to check out Argonavis, but don’t be surprised to see this one at the bottom still.
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whstletomyheart · 6 years
Why YG TREASURE BOX is a complete mess and YG is playing with us. (A rant?)
First, its important to understand what or YGTB is and how it was promoted for this we should understand the events that happened before.
NOTE: YG will be referred to as a they since there are other people besides YHS Making the Decisions.
All of YG’s boy groups were made through survival shows.
So it was pretty obvious that they would reuse this concept for their new bg.
Now its safe to assume that the group was set to be made around Bang Yedam, he’s popular in Korea plus that he was the moat famous trainee .
Now this is the general assumption that the original silver boys lineup ot11 were the lineup set up to debut. This is the reason why they were promoted through Mixnine (GonSukKyu) and Stray Kidz (YG vs JYP). But we all know Mixnine failed and that some trainees left making YG To rethink their concept and lineup.
Now we must remember that prior to the show starting YG teased that Yedam, Hyunsuk and Raesung were basically confirmed members.
Raesung, due to personal reasons decided to not participate in the show (the best decisions honestly).
Currently YG as a company is at a point were every fandom in it has problems with the company. This is all due to the amount of mismanagement towards the majority if not all the groups and artists. YG despite being the house of great and unique artists doesn’t know how to mange them which leads to long hiatus, less music and cbs,etc.
Now lets analyze the problems with the shows format. Moat idol survival shows have the same format. Which is simply individual competition. This means that the contestants will be evaluated and the voting will be individual or 1 pick (produce 101).
YGTB showed the beginning to be more a team survival show in other words a group compete with other groups (Win). But around the second and third episode its revealed that the show will be individual, shifting the format. This is first seen strange since a consistent theme in YGs previous groups is their teamwork but this is because since predebut the trainees are grouped into groups.
In the show we are never truly explained about how the show works and if it is its vague and very contrictdactory. Plus a lot of unfair and frankly weird things are shown ( compared to other survival shows)
Examples of this are:
• Number of final lineup is always changing: from 7 to 9 to 7 to 6 to 5 to 7 it would change depending the mood od the ceo.
• YHS changes rules at whim: YHS changes or adds rules
• Missions: the missions to compete against the treasure team were barely explained. Winpink came to the show mostly just for name Dropping cause they didn’t show why they chose who they chose. The ep were winner 2seung was going to examine their performances was cut to almost nothing more than click Bait.
• The rounds or missions made little sense , at the beginning it 1:1 , then 2:2 (duo), then team genre(?)/concept (in my opinion they weren’t that different in my opinion to be a concept eval but oh well)and putting a position battle at the end ……makes little sense
In Produce and other shows its usually a cover, position, concept and then original song evaluation. Showing the growth.
• Lack of original ygtb songs most survival shows make their own songs fir the concept and final evaluations (example Mixnine). YG is company that prides on self production but not once was this used despite various trainee being able to ( Yedam, Hyunsuk, Byounggon, Asahi, Yoshinori, etc.) . Even if the boys couldn’t yg producers could’ve made songs just like in Mixnine.
• Lack of fan events besides liking a trainees video and channel there weren’t chances for the fans to feel really close to them. With the individual channels they could’ve done random lives but no. Or fanmeetings.
Despite this the show did release a series of interesting content that honestly saved the show.
• Not letting all the trainees participate in the treasure swap and cutting and not airing the performances certain trainees made. Leaving the fans to have to watch fancams.
Now to explain the real mess, throughout the whole show fans were confused on how they could help their faves in terms of voting. YG opens voting till the last 2 episodes and makes it a group voting meaning you have to vote for a group of trainees. According to fans this means that the lineup with most votes will have an advantage to debut. On the last ep its revealed that Isn’t case at all. The trainees only got extra points depending on how many ranks or lineups they were in. In other words again it was individual voting. They didn’t explain this till ep 10 when the voting’s was done. Along with this they added the final nail to the coffin. These online votes were only worth 20% of the final score. With onsite votes at a 30%. But YHS gets 50% of the score, so basically YHS gets to choose at the end od the day so fan votes mean close to nothing. If a trainee did well on votes but isn’t YGs fave they wont pass and vice versa.
On top of all of this YG makes sure fans aren’t in the recording of the ranking to obviously avoid discord and only announces half the lineup for what we can only assume is for drama. Only YG and some staff know the lineup. Instead of releasing it all its adding more anxiety and desperation . Which can be seen in the fighting, the rumors and spamming.
Now that we’ve established that YGTB is a mess of a show that makes Mixnine look good, lets talk about favoritism and screentime. And why I don’t understand YGs intentions and the lineup.
Ok let get this out of the way YG/YHS always plays favorites, this isn’t new at all. We can see in the show that there are trainees YHS likes way more compared to others. In other words he tends to be very biased. On top that he likes to brag. The first ep is basically look at all the visuals I got.
All it takes is to watch the show to know who Yg/YHS like more baaed on screentime and arcs made. Lets Look at the confirmed members most got solid screentime. Yedam is pushed from the get go to being a super star trainee that is basically god where other trainees don’t want to be against him. Junkyu is cute and talented a good future asset, we see how he gets screentime from the start with his confidence arc. Plus its important to note that in Mixnine YHS’s fave was Junkyu . Haruto from the start was the Japanese trainee YG was interested in and he Gets the most screentime from the Japanese trainees. Jeongwoo was promoted through his vocal and how yg likes him, he gets attention. Junghwan On the other hand gets way less screentime then the other member but still way more than other less known trainees.
That being said a lot of the team b, team c and team j trainees get very little to no screentime. Jongseob who won Kpop Star didn’t get much screentime and performance was cut. Mashiho’s screentime is mostly reactions or being a friend.
Silver boys got the most screentime overall they focused a lot on their teamwork and bond giving fans the hope that they would debut. Which is were im frankly confused and would love to understand the why.
Why make silver boys participate in this show and emphasize so much on them for basically nothing?
Why bring Jihoon back?
Why bring Seunghun back?
After hours and hours of thinking and reading opinions. I came to a few theories:
A) YG wants to debut a fresh, young and visual new bg. For whatever reason, so choosing the younger trainees makes sense. Probably modeled around Yedam for a more pop sound in comparison to WinKon Some accounts state that a lot of kfans were pushing yg for a younger and visual group. Basically discarding the older trainees. Also this lineup has YGs faves who were the younger ones. If this is true YG will debut Yoonbin and Masiho or Yoonbin and Jaehyuk (his screentime in the last episodes makes me think so). Basically in this theory YG had an idea from the get go and they only used the silver boys for clout. This is the theory that makes me the saddest tbh. But still it doesn’t explain why yg would care so much about silver boys. Like bringing them back and emphasizing so mucho on how they’re a team. Plus it discards the power Hyunsuk has with one of the most stable fandoms.
B) The theory before the lineup was dropped was that yg Is testing the silver boys for the last time which made sense till the last episode. But SB stans have been very loud and spammed his Instagram, trended a hashtag and are contacting companies. This means they have a strong fandom so this might help.
C) YG will add more members to the lineup I think 9 is more realistic than 11. Based on screentime maybe Hyunsuk + Seunghun.
D) YG will debut all of ot13, doubt this since YG hasn’t have that big of a group and I don’t think YG can handle it. If it was SM yeah but not this. (I like this one tho )
E) YG will debut ot13 but in 2 teams a pop team and hip-hop team. Pop=treasure7 Hip-hop=silver boys +a member (I love this)
F) YG will debut SB but under the black label.
G) YG wont do anything except debuting the og treasure7 . And the sbs will leave the company and split up.
These are all the theories I have.
Tldr: YGTB has a lot of flaws as a survival show being extremely unfair and the situation with the lineup is the most chaotic thing ever. Whatever yg does will make people mad.
The worst part is that it worked as always YG doing the minimal manages to pull us in just to disappoint us. Just that he managed to drag more people this time.
At this point I’m done with the guessing and the rumors, I just really want to know what’s going on and the security that my faves are ok even if they’re in or not in the group. Cause not debuting in the group isn’t the end they can debut with another group or go solo. My point is that it isnt the end for their careers.
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putschki1969 · 6 years
Hi Sarah-chan! O((^o^))O Thank you very much for replying my question regarding the girls voices! It was really helpful! (I was so sad to see how some people bash the girls voices T.T but I'll let it pass, I found very interesting things!). Thank you one more time! You're very kind! ~^u^~
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Hi again!
Sorry for the late reply, it took a while to write this.
You are very welcome. I am glad I was able to be of some assistance at least. Like I said, I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to all the technical aspects of singing and music. That cpm thread I linked to is generally a great source of information because lots of people have been sharing their knowledge (although I am not sure how many of these so called “experts” are self-proclaimed and how many of them are actually well-versed in the matter). But yeah, those 50+ pages are also filled with a lot of bullshit unfortunately. I certainly do not appreciate all these random posts by people who feel the need to share their uneducated opinions. And I am definitely not a fan of people outright bashing Wakana’s voice. Under no circumstances that will ever be acceptable to me (not even when it is done under the guise of concern).
Once again, you are very welcome (♥ω♥ ) ~♪
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Not 100% sure whether this message is from the same anon but I thought they fit together quite well so I decided to combine them in one post. If you are a different anon than the one from before, I am really sorry! I hope you still see my reply.
And yes, the forum isn’t exactly a pleasant place, most of the time the atmosphere is negative and borderline toxic. I try my best to stay away and I usually advise others to do the same.
**** Long rant ahead ****
People have told me again and again that I am overreacting, that the forum isn’t as bad as I make it out to be. People have accused me of looking at everything “through rose-tinted glasses”, of being “too sensitive”, of being “a snowflake” (a term I despise btw), of “playing Kalafina-police”, etc…There is nothing I haven’t heard before…
But honestly, people can call me whatever they want, I stand by my opinions. Contrary to popular belief, I have nothing against people expressing dislike, there is nothing wrong about critcism per se. I myself dislike a lot of things and I am certainly not always happy with every performance. For example, there has never been a performance of “ring your bell” that I truly liked. I usually like parts of it but generally I am really not a fan of the voice Wakana uses for the chorus. I am not scared to admit that and I will usually mention it in my reviews/reports. But do I choose to focus on a performance I didn’t like just to bash on it for the fun of it?? NO! I am acknowledging that it didn’t sound good (at least to me) but other than that I am simply accepting it as it is, I am shrugging it off in order to move on to something I actually enjoyed.
Unfortunately, I seem to be one of the very few people with this approach. Most fans focus on what they DON’T like and they choose to express their dislike in a very disrespectful manner.
For me, fandom has always been about fun, about celebrating the things I love, about highlighting the positive aspects, about respecting the things I love. Yes, there will always be lots of stuff to criticise (you can’t make everyone happy) but if I only ever focus on the negative stuff, if I am literally desperate to find something I can hate on, it takes all the fun away for me. I am over 30 now and I have been in many fandoms in my life. Fandoms have never been perfect of course but people definitely used to focus more on the positive things. Back in the day (ages ago) I spent YEARS in various big Star Trek and Stargate forums and I can’t say that I have ever come across the kind of hate that is omnipresent now across all fandoms. I feel like throughout the years fandoms have become increasingly more negative and it’s getting worse every year.
Don’t get me wrong, I understand why people love bashing and hating, it’s in the human nature to be like that. But personally I choose to hate on things I actually hate and not on things I claim to love. And should I realise that there is nothing left for me to love or that I am having a hard time finding things I can appreciate then I simply move on to find something else. I have enough negativity in my life as it is, if my fandom doesn’t give me joy, there is no need to waste my time with it.
Also, I have noticed that a lot of the negativity stems from a severe case of entitlement. It isn’t even any sort of valid criticism. Just people thinking they are “owed” something. They have all these expectations, they want THIS and they want THAT and if they don’t get it they get bitter and frustrated and start complaining. And the worst thing about it, those who feel most entitled, those who complain the loudest, it’s usually the ones that haven’t done a single thing in their life to support their favourite artist/musician/show/franchise/etc. Not saying that those who spend a fortune to uspport their faves are somehow more entitled than others but I think it showcases how hypocritical a lot of fans are.
Focusing on the negative aspects, bashing, hating, these things have become cool and trendy. It’s the negative stuff that generates most of the traffic online. People just eat it all up. They are like vultures, the nastier the content the better. It’s like people are getting off on seeing things they “claim” to love being torn apart into shreds by so called “critics”.
No one cares for all the good stuff anymore, I guess it’s too boring for most people. Everyone just takes the positive aspects for granted and they don’t think it’s necessary to mention them. OR people simply overlook them because they are too busy trying to find things they can complain about.
Just go to Youtube and compare the views on videos titled ”Why I love xyz” and “Why I hate xyz”. The hate videos get a ton more views and it’s not just that. The love videos are usually written off as crazy fan talk, not to be taken seriously, only to be ridiculed. On the other hand, hate videos are praised for their so called “honesty” and “objectiveness”, every single word is taken at face value, no one even thinks to question what is being said.
I hate this trend. It’s hard to find joy if everyone around you is dragging down something you love. Most of the time I can handle it because I make sure to keep my little corner of the fandom positive but yeah, sometimes it’s difficult.
Anyways, sorry, this got a little out of hand. I didn’t intend to go off on a tangent and write an essay about the changes in fandom. Not even sure what I was trying to say here. Guess I just wanted to rant a little. Over and out..
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benjaycaptain · 3 years
awesome! i've figured out what i'm going to do for your gift. excited to start working on it!
i like to see a lonnie with layers. she likes dressing girly, she's very caring and considerate, but she believes she should be able to do everything the boys can do. not that she wants to be an army general or anything, but she likes to prove that she can do things lmao
yesss i loved how they had her be curious and unafraid of the villain kids. and when she became their friend, she was loyal to them and didn't want her friends to be sent back to the isle.
oh good. after i sent that message, i was worried i was a little too harsh about mal/evie. i don't hate them. i've just gotten pretty tired of the ship and there's so many better evie ships out there imo lmao. yeah, i have gotten a little tired of that other ship too. i don't mind it as much if i see it in a fic, but i don't go out seeking fics where they are the focus.
ooh i hope you get the chance to sketch on christmas break! i don't really get a break for christmas, but i am taking a couple of days off work, which will be nice.
i just got the devastating news the jatp has officially been cancelled. so fandom's ideas for s2 are the only ideas we'll be getting. 😭 i'm definitely going to have to find a good s2 fic to heal my wounded heart. you have the best taste in jatp characters. those are my faves too. i go back and forth on luke because sometimes i just love his energy, other times i just don't care as much. and fandom has ruined reggie for me (and the most popular ship involving him). i'm just gonna stay in my corner enjoying willie/alex lmao
i can't believe we've just got one more week til christmas. i am totally not prepared lmao. what's your favorite christmas-themed tv episode or special (of a show that isn’t christmas-centric)?
- gifter anon
oh yeah definitely like layers to characters. i just meant i didn't like the abrupt shit that d2 did for her, you know? i liked her just fine as is in d1, and i wouldn't have minded a legally blonde type of thing with the swords like a "what, like it's hard?" as she showed her skill, but for her to go full on she-warrior type of mode was a little disappointing
but still! i do like lonnie xD she will remain a fun character to play with, and she should probably be used more than she is [i say as if i read fic lmao]
oh no trust, you are completely safe with speaking "unpopular" opinions or whatever with me, mostly because i am the king of that apparently always lol a lot of people find it funny that i wrote and am still writing my trash fic the way i am because i am so very much indifferent to the two main "gay ships" of the fandom as well as carlos, the fandom darling, as a character. but like. it's fine, as i am capable of keeping characters in character lol
well, i say christmas break, but really i only have four days off, but! i will be teleworking from my aunt's house until the 7th, so i'm treating that as a whole break away from my home lol but i'm still hoping to maybe start sketching again
and you've just now given me the news that it's officially cancelled. i wish i could say i'm surprised, but i never trusted netflix after they cancelled dark crystal age of resistance. they simply just don't care how well a show does with either gaining fanbase or awards. so i knew what i was getting into the moment i decided to watch jatp
maybe another network will pick it up, maybe it's just over for good. either way, i still love what we got
and i know!! i still need to make cards lmao AND OH GOSH i think my favorite christmas themed episode has to be comfort and joy from justice league!! i love it sooo much especially j'onn and clark my boys!! got damn i am such a dc girl at heart, and everyone even dc themselves can pry the dcau from my cold dead fingers
oh, also, the episode from hey! arnold as well. i remember crying lmao
i'm excited to see what you have in store, nonnie!
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aijee · 4 years
for once i have to disagree with you. the damage the initial translation has done will be irreparable, is irreparable. people are still labelling mg as an assaulter/abuser/r*pist, etc. things he weren’t, things he aren’t. the fact that she also added things that weren’t even the original post is also something you cannot ignore: a sign of the translator having a dislike towards mg in the first place, along with other proofs in her old tweets. i agree with not sending hate in any form, but don’t blame people for harboring negative feelings for the translator, especially those who didn’t take her words as the truth in the first place and decided to be more critical.
TW: abuse, sexual assault, threats
Hi anon, your reasoning is very fair. The consequences of the mistranslator’s actions will echo for a long time, especially considering how entrenched K-Pop culture is in Internet culture at this point. Mingyu, Seventeen, and his team will continue to be affected by this person’s actions, which, as you mentioned, held ill intent. There’s a part of me that honestly continues to feel bitter it happened at all. Fans are fully justified in being critical of the mistranslator. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been critical of being critical, which itself requires a level-headedness and broad consideration of context alongside the parties involved. I’ve been critical of extreme reactions of extremely overprotective fans of a K-Pop idol they don’t know personally.
The reason why I’ve held back on criticizing the mistransator is that (1) I don’t want to beat a dead horse with a million spotlights on it, my criticism aligns with many already; (2) I still believe that the gullibility of netizens is not the fault of the mistranslator, that is a consequence of Internet culture, clickbait titles, and existing haters who latch onto anything to be hateful; (3) my support and love for Mingyu/SVT is very personal and not contingent on interacting with Internet communities. The last point essentially means that I minimally consume fandom content and prefer what is released by the boys or Pledis. What matters to me is my relationship with the boys, not others’ relationships. I know the former is not in a vacuum, the boys are impacted by others. But at this point, I simply do not have the energy or mental bandwidth to argue with a username. That’s their prerogative to be hateful. I’d rather help in rebuilding what has been damaged with positivity than fight anger with more anger; a broken building won’t be repaired by breaking it down even more.
Something to consider is that my opinions and your opinions don’t necessarily conflict, in the same way siding with the victim(s) doesn’t conflict with believing in Mingyu’s innocence. We both agree that being intentionally and excessively malicious towards the mistranslator is not acceptable; death threats, wishing bad health outcomes, demonizing, etc. Again, those types of people are who I’m being critical about—individuals who are choosing to fuel their hate disguised as care for the sake of the target of an ultimately parasocial relationship (link to the definition enclosed). Caring for an idol is valid, because they are very much human, too; don’t misunderstand, I am also concerned about how Mingyu is doing. But I think it’s important to deconstruct why we feel so strongly about them, and how much that empowers us to act or behave in certain ways.
Would we be this defensive if the accused was not an idol we love so much or feel so close to? Are we being protective because our internal reality can’t possibly associate squeaky-clean Mingyu with such serious accusations? How much would our emotions/opinions change to these questions if Mingyu’s name was replaced with a different name?
As someone who has been, frankly, abused by someone whom I saw as trustworthy, kind, couldn’t possibly hurt me—I tend to be wary of fans’ reflex protectiveness of public figures as a whole, not just idols. To be clear, this is NOT an accusation of Mingyu whatsoever. But as a very general statement, an abuser can literally be anyone. Blind, immediate trust in fans towards their faves undermines the journeys of real victims who are seeking justice (just like fabricated stories of abuse—again, it’s not a black-or-white, either-or thing. The world is not compartmentalized. It’s messy and complicated).
Thank you for pushing back against my statements in a civil manner. You’re welcome to still disagree. I will say that, at this point, I’m putting the situation behind me. I’ve felt the resentment against the mistranslator, deconstructed it and analyzed the situation in my own time, and decided to move on instead of dwelling in the negativity. Something my therapist told me was “Continuing to interact with toxicity will continue to make you feel sick. If you want to feel better, step away from what’s poisoning you.” 
But I know everything above accounts for me/how I feel and not necessarily you or anyone else, so take what I write with a grain of salt. Always. This is my blog, after all! I hope you’re safe, healthy, and taking care of yourself, anon.
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problematic-camren · 7 years
This is random but when did you decide to unstan camila? And why exactly? Its weird considering how all camren shippers are resolving to one side or the other. And all the one who still pretend to be ot5 are just a bunch of delulu/hypocrites in my opinion considering the amount of hostility between both sides. I get that some relate more to lauren but i wanna know your reasoning. Especially since camila is the one who doesnt make shipping camren feel like a crime.
1. First of all, I never said I’m unstanning C. Was there a memo?
I don’t know why I have to explain to any one of you, when I don’t ask C stans why they decided to unstan 5h and stick to C? My quick answer? It’s life. We jump from one popstar to another. it’s totally acceptable and understandable. That’s how music and pop culture is – one distraction after the other.
That being said, I’ll still try to give you something. (Hopefully this won’t attract pressed anons because guess what, we can stan one artist without automatically hating on others).
THIS IS GONNA BE LONG AF BEC I’LL TRY TO SAY EVERYTHING IN ONE POST JUST SO I DON’T HAVE TO ANSWER FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS. (Anons, please don’t start.) because why are we still talking about this, it’s almost 2018. We all are living in an era where this fandom is so divided that it’s almost impossible to glue it back together. Even ot4s are fighting over which single is better, or which fan loves their fave the most – yeah, 5h fans are further divided into sub-stanning. At least camilizers only have one fave to defend (and one group to hate on), while ot4s have camilizers and outside fandoms to fend off, solo stans to fight, and fellow ot4s who fight over singles/non-singles/unreleased tracks. Like for real? Am I in a playground? Or royal rumble?
2. To be clear, I still listen to Camila, although I’m not as updated anymore. But that doesn’t mean I’m unstanning. It’s just a matter of allocating my time and interests. Especially when I’m going through my own personal shit rn.
What I said was, I stan 5H MORE, but I still respect and acknowledge Camila’s talents. I’m still a fan of both, even though unequally. I’m not a die hard stan, so I can casually admire both sides without harboring any ill feelings. I mean, just weeks ago I have introduced Havana to my parents (which they’re now humming every now and then) – is that me unstanning?
So while I agree (and I’ve said this before) that there’s no such thing as “ot5s” anymore, it’s still possible to be ot5 as in “neutral”. When I say there’s no ot5, it’s because all of us are leaning towards one side. People may deny this, but it’s true. Ot5 is just a term now for fans who decide to stay in between, who choose to not feed on the hate, and choose to not be involved in drama or Stan wars. They still enjoy both 5h and cc, BUT, you guys must admit (at least to yourselves) that even if you claim you’re ot5, you still lean towards one side (even if it’s just one percent higher), whether you prefer 5h more or CC, you simply have your favorite. You may secretly wish that one side will chart higher than the other (but of course wish that BOTH will do well), you may wish that one side will win an award first (although you’ll be vocal that you want both sides to win)… In short, we can still clap for both 5h and CC, but we’ll be clapping extra harder for one side (maybe secretly… Maybe your ass will be clapping so as not to be obvious).
That’s reality, at least that’s what I’ve noticed in ALL of the people I have interacted with in this fandom. All of them claim they’re still ot5, but all of them admit they stan one side more than the other. No hard feelings. It’s life. People are free to stan whoever they want.
3. This is the explanation I can give you why I stan 5H more. It’s because I stan 5H as a group. When I got into this fandom, I fell in love with 5h as a group before I fell in love with Lauren lol. Camren may have introduced me to 5h, but my shipping doesn’t affect my love for the group and all of its members.
Because I wanted to see them grow and leave their mark AS A GROUP. I wanted to see them make an impact as TLC or DC or SG did during their time, which I never did with PCD or any other GG in recent times. I simply didn’t care before. 5H made me care.
I stan them as a group because they made me care about stanning a girl group. They even brought back my interest in mainstream music. The group did that, not Camren, not Lauren. The group. My solo fave is just a bonus. Because I have been a fan of solo artists here and there, but never did they make me waste my time, my entire day and attention, like 5h did. Even with my most favorite bands, I never felt as heartbroken as I did when 5h split up. That’s what 5h did to me – the group made me feel something. I love the girls individually, but I love them more as a group. As 5H.
I’m a harmonizer first before I am a solo stan. And I’m afraid that once 5h breaks up, I’ll move on. I may occasionally check up on L and the others, but I feel like once the group is over, so is my passion as a harmo. That’s life.
I never stayed (I’ve come so close to leaving this fandom just these past few months) here for individual stanning. Although I’m an L girl, and I believe in their individual talents (and I know they’re all capable of doing something individually), my major reason why I’m still in this fandom is because of 5h as a group and what they’re capable of.
Basically, what I stan is their potential to leave a legacy reminiscent of their predecessors, and that’s why I’m still here in this fandom even if I’m seriously sick and tired of this drama bullshit.
I stan 5H for what they symbolize. A group of girls realizing their dreams against all odds.
4. Whether I ship Camren or not, it’s irrelevant. Idk what’s the correlation of shipping Camren and stanning 5h.
Are you saying that since Camila has not openly denounced Camren and ranted it was never real ever, that I should automatically stan Camila harder? Is that your point?
Because while Camren brought me to this fandom, as I’ve said above, I stan 5h (even when Camila was still in the group) as a girl group, NOT as a group with Camren in it. My Camren shipping is another story. I can separate reality vs fantasy. That’s why it’s easier for me to ship Lauren with anyone else other than Camila. And I do respect Camila’s gracious and kind treatment to CS and Camren, but like I said, I don’t stan 5h because of Camren.
To end this long ass bullshit, I want to clarify that just because I stan 5H more, doesn’t mean I don’t like Camila.
Just because two sides are fighting now, doesn’t mean that a fan has to pick a side and be bitter towards the “enemy” and can’t be a fan of both. It’s not automatic that if you like one side, you hate the other. It’s not how it’s supposed to be.
Just let stans stan who they want to stan. Instead of questioning people why they don’t stan certain artists, question people why they have to hate on people to validate their love for their faves.
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