#I sometimes feel like I'm spamming some of you with my drawings
ponury-grajek · 2 years
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academic year has started so I'm drawing my comfort characters because, woof, I'll need a lot of comfort
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zyliezyliezylie · 15 days
Welcome to my blog!
All my photos are under #zyliezyliezylie
I mostly repost, but sometimes I might post a pic or two of myself
Consent is key!
(Please note, I am still a human being with a life outside of this, so please be patient and respectful)
DMs and Asks are open!
Fund better photo equipment!
Cashapp: $Reazier
Venmo: @Reazier
About me!
I'm 18 and I live in Southern USA
I love cats! They might as well be my spirit animal!
I like playing video games, watching anime, and drawing~
I can play Flute, Piano, and I'm learning guitar!
I wanna be a tattoo artist!
I have a VERY unhealthy candle obsession
-Primal play
-Blood play/Knives
-Rough, Whipping, Marking, Slapping, Biting, Scratching, Spanking
-Bondage/sensory deprivation (ie. Blindfolds, headphones)
-Degradation + Praise
-All holes getting used
-Edging/Orgasm Denial
-Multiple Orgasms/Overstim
-Toys (planning on getting some interactive ones soon!)
-Ownership or Dom/Sub
-Mindfuck/cum drunk
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DNI if:
-You're under 18
-You plan on trying to meet me
-You spam DMs when I don't answer
(My DMs are OPEN! There are quite a few of you so please be patient, I'm trying my best!)
I do look at your profiles before I decide to message back
I won't answer if you don't have MDNI in your bio
If I don't feel safe talking to you, I won't answer
Please don't spam! You will be blocked!
I will NOT hand out any socials for safety and privacy reasons so please stop asking <3
Yes, I've got meat on my bones, No that does not mean you can go into my DMs and bodyshame me. You WILL be blocked. Stay respectful, this is a safe space for everyone, including myself.
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justladders · 7 months
A Thing About Asks
Just wanted to talk about something that's been happening to me a lot more as of late and figured it needed to be its own post.
I get your all's asks. I see them and get an idea for something to say back. Since this is an art blog, a lot of the time the ask is something art related, which means drawing something to answer them.
I have a lot to do irl, outside of the internet, outside of this site. When I get on Tumblr, I want to look at/laugh with/share art and whatnot. This is basically the one place I go for that. When I'm free at home, I get to spend some time of that time drawing for myself, for projects, and even for answering asks.
I like getting asks. I like when people have something they're curious about, want to share, or want an opinion on, and it's nice to know there are people that are comfortable with bringing some of those questions/ideas to me. And yet, asks are not my #1 priority. I have things I already want to make. It's why I do any art at all. I have jokes, designs, concepts, and stories that I want to put down and be able to share. Replying to asks that bring something new to the table is fun too, and sometimes that's what I feel like doing when I get my free time.
I have some very old asks that I still haven't gotten to. It's not even that I don't want to answer them, but I find motivation to create certain and specific things to be extremely fickle. I'll answer asks out of order: some very old, some literally as soon as I get them. I don't try to pick and choose, I just draw whatever whenever I have the drive to.
Spamming the inbox doesn't make me answer faster. In fact, it makes me want to not answer at all, because I don't condone or want to reward that kind of behavior.
An ask is not a free pass to *demand* art. I should make a point that I don't think of a lot of asks I get as being like this. I understand that the thing about being an art blog means lots of questions for/about/of characters that I draw, and I like that. It's fun to create interactions and that kind of thing. I don't think everyone that has an ask about potentially drawing something is "trying to get free art," there are just some people that will repeatedly hound as if they are owed something. (It's sometimes hard to tell if an ask even sent -I know, I use this site too- so I don't consider it badgering if you're like, "I can't actually tell if that worked so sorry if this is a repeat.")
Asks are not a contract. And certainly not a timed one. In relation to the last point, I and other artists are not "obligated" to get to asks "on time." Receiving an ask doesn't mean the artist has to drop everything to go answer it, use up their free time, etc. If they want to respond, they will. You might not even know them. You might just be a complete stranger to them. You might not know what their day or schedule looks like. They don't have to set aside whatever they're doing to answer.
This isn't because I'm mad, it just feels like this doesn't ever get addressed and needed to be.
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cheesycatz · 2 months
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"Spamton G. Spamton is just a normal spam program making ends meet by tricking darkners into buying his garbage. At least, that's what he tells a blue addison he accidentally wins over, as well as their friends. He won't fall for their genuine words and pure compassion, though. A salesman and a manipulator are one and the same, and neither can trick the other.
AKA: Spamton, but he represents a computer worm as a darkner. He's some sort of 15 foot long fluffy parasitic alien centipede worm creature, and the Sweepstakes worm represents what his species's parasitic hatchlings look like after they slowly consume and kill their host from the inside out. Spamton is the last of his species left after they were exterminated (representing a computer worm being downloaded onto a computer and eventually fought off). He wears a disguise to hide his worm status so that he may interact with the general public without being reported and killed by an antivirus. He doesn't meet the addisons until after the extermination of his species. Hope he doesn't form any emotional attachment that would be severed if they found out what he really was, haha
This AU exists mostly in the form or art and text posts, but I am currently working on a fanfic about Wormton and the addisons, which will start being posted to ao3 once I finish the entire rough draft.
Links below to all: lore, art, question answers, marketable plushies, and fic updates ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Lore (art included)
Initial lore post
- The basics. Describes the general characteristics, infection process and behavior of malworms (darkner version computer worms). Also describes the extinction of Spamton's species, his origins, and the setup for his interactions with the addisons.
More malworm biology
- More information on malworm culture/biology and Spamton's specific species (the BIGSHOT malworm). Woah, say that 10 times fast...uh, also more information on the extinction of Spamton's species.
Size comparison and more biology
- A sketch dump showing a size comparison between the addisons and masked/unmasked Spamton. Also features some general sketches of BIGSHOT malworms and some more information on their biology.
Spamton before he met the addisons
- A sketch page + text on some scenes from Spamton's life from before he met the addisons.
General info/designs of malworm genera
- Not much Spamton here. It's just a look at what the other types of malworms might look like.
Art (sometimes a smidgen of lore)
Spamton and the addisons (pre-reveal)
Annoying Mouse Room™ Infinite Food Hack
The Worm Nest
How Wormton's costume works
Pros of not having a spine
Late night worm posting
What a Wormton NEO would look like
Wholesome Wormton Content
Malworm Hoodie Design
My asks are open, so feel free to ask me any questions about my AU or art in general (within reason, obviously)! I like drawing responses when applicable, so feel free to give me a wormton drawing request and I might consider it.
Asks from Instagram about lore
Can malworm/wormton fanart be made? (Yes pretty please I would love fanart)
Why did I make ten spamton worm plushies? I fear that number may increase
My Worm Collection
Spamton Plush Wormton Outfit
Fic Updates
Sometimes I post art and some thoughts about the Wormton AU fic I am working on. I won't be publicly posting it until I finish the rough draft of the entire story. I'm doing my best, but I'm also dealing with life's responsibilities and making other art. I have no idea for a release date yet, but I don't plan on giving up.
Once the entire story has reached a first-draft state, I will finish each chapter one by one and post them as I do. As previously mentioned, chapters will be released on ao3 once finished. As of 06/05/24, it is: 120k words long
86k words update
100k words update
111k words update
120k words update
Thank you for enjoying my silly little AU, I love reading your tags
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netherworldpost · 1 month
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Netherworld Post Office's Unscientific Yet Very Amusing Survey Something or Other Fancy Name to be Written is coming along nicely.
I want to create... a lot... of fun, weird surveys. I LOVE making these on Tumblr, but there are limits.
I can do both -- run them externally and host them on Tumblr -- and then just combine Tumblr's data into the open version when the former times out.
I was originally going to do this with Google Forms but I've decided to build it on Mail Chimp, after some testing. MC does not require a poll taker to add their email address, which was critical
I do not want to limit the audience of those whom enjoy polls to those whom also will sign up for a newsletter.
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I make jokes, memes, and greeting cards.
Some folks prefer a social media platform, maybe more than one, to see the new and remember the old.
Some folks prefer email.
Preferences switch.
Sometimes that switch is to pause or turn off.
More on this at the end.
Tumblr's Survey Culture has lead me to develop a few key rules into how this is going to be set up
Individuals must have the ability to answer anonymously if they desire. As a a matter of fact, answering anonymously should be the default.
Individuals must have the ability to answer without being anonymous if they want. A lot of people tag their answers.
Spam answers to purposefully skew results can be really, really funny. Tumblr's version of this is when a popular account reblogs a poll with a comment, influencing the results. My version of this is not limiting answers.
I make jokes, memes, and greeting cards.
Not marketing decisions for you as a person on how, how often, and where, and when, you see said jokes, memes, and greeting cards.
I write this as a combination of transparency in business practices, but also, as someone who is a fan of neat indie art and whom is wary of social media continuing to host it, I feel it goddamn critical to share with others who make stuff that there are infinite ways to connect to audiences.
And when they go away it's less about "winning them back" (I hate this marketing term), and more about being easy to remember when they've been gone for 6-24 months and are trying to remember your name at 3 AM.
It's about respecting folks and not badgering them.
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Thank you for the ramble time
Tomorrow closes this segment of "figure out marketing" and I'm about to enter a several day period of "draw a lot of stuff."
If you would like to sign up for our newsletter (next one goes out late May) and/or browse fun and spooky greeting cards: https://netherworldpost.com/
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
I saw your post in which you defended Mace Windu and it is such a good post. Thank you.
At the moment I debate with someone on twitter and it is super frustrating because they are saying Mace is a potential villain because he hates the Sith and wants to kill Anakin in episode I (even through he doesn't admit it).
I'm slightly shocked that someone thinks like this. Could you maybe help me to argue that Mace isn't a villain and a potential child killer?
Hey there!
I appreciate you asking me this, but honestly it looks to me like this is a debate you just won't "win" and you should quit while you're ahead.
Firstly, because those are two arguments so ridiculous and baseless that they have to either
be made in bad faith, AKA you're arguing with someone who's literally grasping at straws and making bullshit arguments for the sake of having the last tweet. In which case you can quit interacting with them because this is a victory in and of itself.
be made by someone completely insane and/or who has made their own headcanon about it. In which case, you might as well quit because there's no way you'll change this person's mind.
But, secondly, being pro-Jedi on Twitter is hell.
I'm not kidding, there's literally SO many people who think the point of the Prequels is the Jedi's failure that if you try to dispel the notion, a rain of (factually incorrect) anti-Jedi arguments falls floods your notifications, and it inevitably devolves into "this guy missed the point of the Prequels".
I'm training myself more and more to take a page out of the Jedi's book and just "let go" because the shit I see sometimes is just infuriating. Like this one, I saw last night:
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Out of 154 collected quotes where George Lucas talks about the Jedi, their relationship with Anakin and their rules (namely the attachment one), he is only critical about them twice.
But I didn't reply to this.
I drafted the tweet, then deleted it because this is such a big subject that you're not gonna be able to dispel it with a single tweet (and fuck getting Twitter blue, are you crazy? but even if you did, you really think anyone will read your essay of a tweet?)
And also because last year, I got into an argument re: if Qui-Gon was a better master for Anakin than Obi-Wan (my opinion is "nope"). And I argued the hell out of my case. You know what I got in return?
Fucking nothing.
All I got was the people I was arguing against (who kept piling on on like the 5th tweet in a thread instead of reading everything from the beginning, which was messy in and of itself) just... stop replying.
At some point when you're in that deep, you think it'll inevitably end with your "opponent" going:
'well argued sir, you have completely changed my mind for I have now seen the truth; jolly good show'.
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Instead all you get is... nothing. They stop replying.
You don't get the satisfaction of an admission of defeat and you don't wanna be the person spamming "WELL?! NOTHING TO SAY?!" because that's just pathetic.
So all you're left with is an hour of your life gone, WASTED proving "I know more about a fictional universe than you, Internet stranger".
My suggestion is: break the wheel, turn that outrage into creativity and instead of getting into debates with people whose minds you'll never change, write a fanfic/draw a comic/shoot a short film that will transfer the emotions you feel re: Windu to anyone witnessing it.
It's a much more productive approach than arguing with someone whose either grasping at straws or genuinely thinks MACE WANTED TO KILL A CHILD????!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
a modified list of rules for requesting for TADC! for the most part its the same as the original post, but with some important modifications! The inbox part is especially important as I will likely close and reopen requests several times depending on how many are sent in! While I did have loads of fun doing all the requests last week it was very overwhelming and extremely taxing on my mental and physical health <\3
That said, yahoo, I'm back!! Not sure how active I'll be today (11/4), since I'll be spending a lot of the day drawing and prepping for tonights dinner. But !!!
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How to request!
sending in a request is simple! you can go into my inbox and send in the character(s) you want! you can describe what kind of reader you want, as well as put in any scenario you want! If you are unsure on whether or not my requests are open, you can refer to my bio, which i keep up to date with of the request status! What all you can request will be detailed below!
What you can request/What I will write!
Please note that if you send in a request while they are closed it will not be answered**, so its best to hold on to your requests until theyre opened or to find another blog !!
**anything sent in while requests are closed will not be answered even after they were reopened; otherwise there wouldn't. Really be much of a point of the open/close system, yk?
you can request most anything so long as it is not listed in the will not write section! if anything slips by and makes me uncomfortable i will let you know!
romantic, platonic, and familial hcs are all welcome here!
the reader is GN by default, you can request a gender if you want, however due to the style of my writing it wont make much of a difference
you can request anyone from the entire TADC cast (save for bubble and Kaufmo), however i will note that occasionally some characters will be left out of full cast lists due to the admin not having any worthwhile ideas for a character. this is less of a "dont request certain characters/less characters" and more of a "hey this is headsup and this is a case by case thing but overall i do do the entire cast"
readers that are similar to existing characters! just a headsup that if i dont know the character i will rely on a character wiki or a friend who knows about the character! So theres a solid chance I may do a disservice to the character in question, heed this warning (/lh)
im also down for character x character! again if the ship makes me uncomfortable i will let you know so you dont have to wait on a request/can move on to a different blog to answer for you,,, should note I rarely do character x character so quality on these will be especially shotty
What you cant request/What I will not write!
no NSFW or kink related asks, please. this blog is SFW, anything that is NSFW or kink-adjacent will immediately be denied
no yandere. while i do write for jealous partners and readers, full yandere stuff is where i draw the line as i am not personally comfortable with the trope/the romance stuff surrounding it
general no no stuff (ab^se of any kind, active** SH, ect ect)
SH is allowed so long as its about healed wounds rather than the act itself being written
full fanfics and oneshots
I have the right to deny any request for any reason, be it discomfort or feeling underqualified to write about a certain topic. It is nothing against you, there are some requests I simply may not be able to complete. I urge that you respect that and to not push me to answer a request I have already denied
please do not spam or try to push me to answer your request sooner, i tend to answer requests in the order they have been sent; so while it may look like im answering a bunch of people and ignoring you, it is likely not the case! as well as this, sometimes tumblr eats stuff so sometimes it could also be that and i am unaware that you have requested something
my posts tend to be a short paragraph per character or a list of bullet point hcs, i am not at all confident in my skills of writing actual. fanfics, so uh uh .. yeah
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nana-kom · 2 months
Bonjour ✨️🎀
I offer you today a precious plot my friend.
imagine, Changbin who one night receives an email in his spam saying that he has been selected by the wish factory to grant him a wish from the moment he reads this email. Changbin, not believing in it, then sarcastically wishes to gain 50 kg by the end of the year. And strangely after that moment everything was put in place so that he could gain weight (closed gym, new fast food, constant hunger, a metabolism that stored fat very easily and a boyfriend who liked to see him eating so well)
How do you think he will react? 🤭
Bonjour 💜💫
Hope you’ll like it ! 🤭
Make a wish
While he should have been resting all day, all Changbin had been doing at the start of the year was administrative work and sorting documents on his computer. It's not that he didn't like it, but he would have liked to spend the day with his friends, or at least have a good meal. But as the day was drawing to a close, he was finally going to get some rest, until one of the e-mails caught his eye.
Changbin rolled his eyes at the spam in front of him, sighed and rise from his chair, not noticing that the page had opened in his browser. He then went into the kitchen to start making himself a meal for the evening.
"Thats so stupid...a wish ? Come on. Thats never going to works...Im not that stupid Internet..." He laughs as he continues to cook. "Like I'm going to say: a wish ? Oh yes dear internet browser make me gain 50 kilos before the end of the year!" He said, continuing to laugh as he cooked himself his meal.
What he didn't notice was the page on his computer refreshing itself at the sound of his voice, then closing itself as if nothing had happened. That evening, Changbin went to bed for the first time on a full stomach: not only had he finished his meal, but the gurgling of his stomach had drawn him to his desserts, which he had just emptied from the cupboard. It was unusual for him to eat so much, especially in the evening, when he was usually careful. But his mind scrambled, taking him down a new path, a new constant hunger, and a stomach in need of food.
It wasn't long before these events occurred with increasing frequency. Changbin found himself ordering home in the evenings, having food delivered, passing a patisserie and buying a dozen before going to work, enjoying the sweets on offer in cafés, accepting meals from friends, and even cooking a larger proportion for himself. The most surprising thing was that his gym had closed, preventing him from regular physical activity, and a new feeling took over in his body, the laziness of doing sport, and his old desire for sport was replaced by the feeling of preferring to be at home and eat a good meal. What he didn't even notice in his changes was his belly becoming more and more prominent, those tshirts finding it harder and harder to contain, but Changbin didn't seem to notice. His appetite over the last few weeks had increased tenfold and he was taking a certain pleasure in eating so much, as if there was something behind it.
But even if he wasn't paying attention to all these little changes, someone, his dear friend Minho was noticing that his friend was looking a lot plumper than before. Changbin's face had become rounder in recent weeks, almost giving him a younger look, his muscular arms began to jiggle more and more as he walked, and his thighs even began to touch as he walked. It was the same for his belly, which must have been much softer, and he sometimes found himself gently massaging it as he ate, feeling a pleasure inside him that he'd never felt before. When Changbin noticed that his favorite pants didn't fit him anymore, he looked at himself in the mirror and was quite confused: how long had his face had a double chin ? And why was his belly starting to cover his pelvis ? Changbin shrugged his shoulders without really seeming to care. He then put on one of his jogging suits and joined Minho in town, who had offered to take him to a buffet, which Changbin couldn't say no to. Minho was quite observant and had noticed every change in Changbin's body, and he intended to make the most of it. Minho had noticed the changes in his friend's body, and he would have been a fool not to take advantage of the situation. After all, what could be better than his lifelong crush turning into the feedee of his dreams ?
Changbin arrived at the buffet and Minho greeted him, and headed for the restaurant's banquettes, before taking a seat opposite him. Changbin was surprised to see that his belly was touching the table in front of him, and wanted to move back, but there didn't seem to be enough space between him and the bench. Minho watched the scene unfold before his eyes with a smile, observing the way Changbin didn't really know how to live with this new body, as if he thought he was still fit and muscular.
"Something wrong binnie ?" Minho asked, Changbin lifted his head and droid again, and his belly suddenly slid under the table, finally making him some space.
"No...its just...I thought space was tight... "
"Yes thats the same for me actually...dont worry" Minho said with a smile, and Changbin felt reassured that it wasn't just him, even though Minho unlike Changbin seemed to have plenty of room to be comfortable whereas the only thing that was wide on Changbin's side was himself.
"Do you want me to choose for you? Looks like its gonna be difficult to...stand...because of the space you know..." Changbin looked at Minho, slightly surprised by his proposal, but agreed. After all, he'd already come on foot, and he didn't know why, but recently walking had become more...complicated...as if he'd become heavier somehow.
Minho wasted no time in getting up and filling plates for his friend, who was waiting patiently for Minho to bring him his food, which he was already salivating over. Minho then placed a few plates in front of him, before leaving to serve some more. Without a moment's thought, Changbin began to eat, and Minho saw him start from his side of the buffet and hurried to fill the plates, not wanting to miss out on the show his friend was about to put on for him. He then returned to Changbin and began to eat in his turn, but I couldn't help but look at Changbin who was practically inhaling his food, everything was going so fast and he almost had the impression that his friend didn't have control over his body, and if he did then he looked more like a pig than a human. Minho then swallowed and Changbin continued to fill his stomach, feeling that he still had room to put more inside, he felt so much better with so much food around him. The sushi were delicious and every mouthful delighted him, the side dishes were just as excellent and little by little his stomach demanded more, it was almost as if it was made for him to gorge himself to the max. Changbin then continued to lose himself in the food under Minho's watchful gaze, and everything came to a sudden halt when Changbin's T-shirt, far too small to contain his enormous belly, began to roll up under his breasts, revealing his big, full belly. Minho's eyes widened and he barely had time to react when he saw Changbin shrug his shoulders and continue eating as if nothing had happened, while all around them everyone had noticed this obese man gorging himself like a pig.
"Youve seems to enjoy yourself recently right binnie ?"
"Mmh...what?" said Changbin with his mouth full, Minho then stood up and slid next to him on the bench seat before grabbing his belly in his hands.
"How can you ignore this wonder, you look so cute with these big fat cheeks and that belly of yours...how did you do this to yourself ?" Changbin look at Minho a little bit confused and then look at his belly, yes he was fat but...had it changed that much?
"M'not that fat." replied Changbin as he continued to eat, not wanting to lose his rhythm, while Minho continued to gently massage his belly, allowing him to release the air that was blocking him but also to take pleasure in this now sensitive area. Minho smiled softly and whispered to himself.
"For now... "
The months passed and the relationship between the two grew, Minho continued to ask Changbin to see him and Changbin was always enthusiastic about spending time with Minho. Minho who gave him the best belly rubs, Minho who took care of cooking for him, Minho who never came without dessert, Minho who brought him clothes in size XXL and more, Minho who did everything for his little Changbin...well not that little. Because with this new lifestyle, this new way of eating, he was getting fatter and fatter, stretch marks had appeared on his belly and thighs, redecorating his body. His belly now formed a double belly, which usually protruded from his T-shirts, wings of fat had formed on his back, and his double chin had become so prominent that it prevented him from lowering his head properly. Changbin had even had to adapt his apartment to his new size, taking care to change some chairs for sturdier ones, and as Minho was practically living with him now he hardly needed to do anything to get food, simply waiting for it to come to him, and Minho had everything to fill the black hole that had become Changbin's stomach.
And finally the end of the year arrived, Changbin's body had changed drastically over the last few months and his body was now composed of pure fat, his belly fell so low in front of him, that sometimes he was embarrassed to walk, his arms also formed several rolls that jiggled when he deigned to move, yes Changbin could walked. But he changes so much that even Minho was discoing more to love everyday. And finally at the new year, when midnight came, and the year end Changbin felt as if he had come to his senses, he looked around and the only thing in front of him was a pile of food waiting for him, Minho with food in his hands for feeding Changbin and his protruding belly facing him. Changbin straightened up and hurried (well, at his own pace) to the bathroom, set his eyes on the mirror and was surprised to see himself in it. What could have happened ? How could he be so fat ? He felt like his old self has disappear, but on the other hand, it was as he'd absorbed his old self in fat as far as the eye could see. Changbin then climbed onto his scales, which hadn't been used in months, looked down and was surprised to realize that he couldn't see his feet or the number on the scale; he felt his heart pounding and flashbacks of the year came back to him as he went along. *Why did I let this happen?* he asked himself. And suddenly Minho came up behind him , confused and when he saw him on the scale he looked at his lover with a smile, finding it adorable how Changbin looked on those scales but unable to read his weight.
"Need help babe ?" Changbin turned around in surprise.
"Minho what happen to me ? How can I be this fat ? Look at that ! My belly...how can I have a double belly ?"
"It's more like a triple but whatever...I mean how would you like to be ? Skinny ?" Minho start laughing. "With the way you've been eating all this year there's no way for you to be thin."
" But...how ? I didn't... " Suddenly Changbin remember his wish. " Minho how much Im weighting right now ? " Minho looked at the scale, caressing his boyfriend as he passed, it was always a pleasure to touch Changbin's bulges specifically those on his buttocks.
"You're 132 right now...oh woh, you're such a big boy...look at you my lovely piggy..." Said Minho as he cuddled him tenderly, taking his belly in his hand and starting to play with it.
"I GAIN 50 KILOS THIS YEAR ? FUCK. I know what happen !" Changbin then said, heading into the living room before picking up his computer, followed by a confused Minho.
He then opened his e-mails and began to search through his inbox for e-mails from the past year, but nothing had turned up. Sighing, he looked at Minho, who sat down beside him and continued to cuddle him, as if to reassure him. Changbin smiled softly, it's true he'd put on weight, but in addition to his 50 kilos he'd also gained a tender and affectionate boyfriend. He then kissed Minho gently on the cheek, and Minho was quick to return the kiss, showing how much he loved him. Suddenly they heard a notification on Changbin's computer and turned their heads towards it. Changbin clicked on it and the e-mail appeared.
Did your wish come true ?
click here for one more wish, so much to gain, nothing to loose
Minho looked at Changbin, who seemed confused, and realized what must have been going on all year. Minho stroked Changbin's belly before moving his hands up to his double chin.
"No need to wish more Binnie, I'll make you weight gain myself. I'll make you into my perfect Dwaekki."
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cffeine · 9 days
When I was younger I found it hard to accept compliments, especially when I hadn’t done anything special. I would stare at them confused and say “oh, thank you I guess? I don’t know what I did” because I really didn’t. I was built under the notion that you have to do something to be acknowledged. At the same time I’d compliment others without thinking, left and right, usually for their own achievements. Like “oh your art is so good” or “I love your writing style”. And this made perfect sense to me, and sometimes I complimented looks too because that’s a social norm. But at some point I came to a friend who was like me- wouldn’t take anything but would always try to give. Quick disclaimer that this isn’t a “love yourself to love others” story. But when I asked them why they wouldn’t take compliments, they said what I thought all those years ago “there’s too many, I haven’t done anything special to deserve them”. Both of us have some room to improve and there’s no fairytale ending where our self esteem sky rocketed because we were like?? Teenagers at the time? Have you ever met a teenager with genuinely high self esteem? But we’re better, and we’ll get better. And in the name of all the compliments I’ve given, I want to give you one too. Whether you feel like it’s genuine or not (it is). Your writing is captivating and all of your stories draw me in every time. Your sense of humor is pretty great too. I believe in a wonderful future ahead of you, or a future that will improve. And I hope that if you, like me, can’t find it in yourself to genuinely believe the compliments you get, that at least others will give you some anyway. So when you finally can take them in, you’ll have an endless supply of support. <3 Stay safe and take care okay? The world would be emptier without you
why are you on anon i feel like i should know who's trying to make me cry. actually though, thank you so much :( the urge to just keyboard spam here is insane but i don't feel like doing so will properly convey the way i've read this three times without blinking. this is so randomly poetic and i need desperately for someone good at it to make like. blackout poetry of your whole message. i spent ages debating over whether or not i should just keep this in my drafts because a part of me wants to keep this to myself but i'd feel bad not even giving a response to such a sweet message. i'm genuinely going insane over this :( <33
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manofthepipis · 7 months
how do you write spamton's dialouge? i feel like so much of the original message is construed by his glitching and your ad interuptions are always so consistent and original. like what's your method for writing it out lol
ooo i've been hoping to get a question like this!! i love talking about spams dialogue :D
with some of it i use irl junk mail messages that wind up in my spam mail folder and incorporate those when i draw a blank on what to make him say. He's really wacky and like, referencing a lot of his dialogue in-game and sweepstakes, it can be either 1. relevant to what he means or 2. completely and utterly unrelated to what he means. sometimes i'll just throw in a reference that combines the two (like using a single word for what he means with other unrelated context) and just trust the reader to interpret it that way. i feel like writing his dialogue is risky at times cuz u don't wanna get too confusing which is why i'm like so happy when his point gets across to readers as intended!! Most of his little interruptions just kind of pop up in my head since i've been writing him for so long!
his speech is honestly a free plane with little rules, but like i tend to stray away from references that are too recognizable for us (like mentioning an irl name for example like home depot or starbucks), and instead go for vague advertising/memes i've seen/heard in infomercials/ads/on the internet that are just forever stuck in the crevices of my brain somewhere until they're unearthed from being buried by the passage of time. idk, for me, too obvious references in spamton-centered fic can really take me out of their universe and it's hard to mentally get back in. it's like a bad reality whiplash. if i REALLY want to reference something irl, i'll lean into a "if you get it you get it" mindset
(like i think in one chapter i made his tics reference the tumblr post of the 'down with cis bus youtube poop audio' and i literally couldn't hold myself back from that it was too funny to not include)
overall he's just too fun to write for once you get over the challenge of facing his daunting manner of speech. He can get as funny/scary/flirtatious/mean/crazy/etc without even meaning to be so. i've gone for the approach that he can't control the stuff he says, so my method is establishing the tone of the conversation/scene first before i get creative with what he actually says
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xxlea-nardoxx · 2 months
Hey, I'm Lea and I'm the creator of the Universes AU! This is the masterpost for said AU. (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Most of the content is drawn, but I make text posts and write small texts for a drawing sometimes. Check it out⬇️
🩵If you look into the tags of this post, you can find the most important ones. Feel free to scroll through them, like and reblog them! I don't mind spamming, I love seeing the notifications pop up!🩷
The Au Family
- Lee
- Raphie
- Don
- Mike
- Malea
See more underneath the cut⬇️
The canon Turtles' designs
- Donnie
- Mikey
- Raph
- Leo
General Stuff
- The Family "portrait"
- Height chart
- The Cover
- The Au Kids' life stages
- The Au Kids' school-backpacks
- The Au Kids' ninja designs
- The struggles of Germans and Americans being friends
- The canon turtles work with cartoon logic
- A small fan-fanfic
Small fanfic-snippets and texts
- Don's medbay stay
- Lee's eventful day
- Don's lie
- Baby-fied Don
- Raphie's find
- Don and Raph having a talk
Lore/Info drops
- Don's gender crisis
- Mike's private tutor
- The Au Kids' first day of school
- Don and Donnie are inseperable
- The Medics™️ and their headcanons
- Dons glowing eyes
- Don is...ambidextrous?
- The pet cats
- Callies origins
- Dons personal caretaker
- Don walks softly
- Some random answers to questions
Small comics
- Dons desk
What if's/other concepts
- Body swap???
- The Baby Raphie timeline
Actual Fanfiction links
- "Late night shenanigans" (Oneshot starring Don and Donnie)
- "Cat-sitters"
The future
- Introducing my Fankid, Thea!
More to be added with time!!!
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i feel EXTREMELY late to doing an introduction... so. here goes nothing...
hello, as you may already know my name is jamezz or just james, i'm a redheaded, mush brained, teenaged metalhead who has a bit of an obsession with thrash metal, the 80s and metal culture. i play guitar and bass and i'm slowly learning how to PROPERLY sing without fuckin dying, i've been playing guitar for about 2 years now and bass for a couple of months.
more info on me BELOW the cut.
BIGGEST OBSESSIONS: expect posts surrounding the topic of...
metallica (mainly the 80s)
80s culture in general
retro video games
vinyl/cd collecting
dave mustaine (wow who knew)
anything to do with metal/rock (UNLESS IM NOT FOND OF IT)
making gifs
human anatomy
there's a lot more but that's the most important ones
some of my favourite bands:
judas priest
iron maiden
limp bizkit
suicidal tendencies
guns n' roses
alice in chains
and... once again. A LOT more. boundaries below.
i only want interaction with people here ABOVE 13, i like, DON'T want literal children looking at the shit i post because some of it is.. rather... um. questionable.
please be respectful with things you send in my asks like dawg, i had someone hitting on me once in my asks... um that was AWKWARD.
if you ever repost my gifs or use my gifs that i've claimed are MINE, please credit me or whatever because sometimes these gifs take a lot of effort to get out there.
don't be overly SEXUAL with your asks if you're asking me to write something for you as some of that stuff... grosses me out.
just... don't be weird (you can see i'm running out of ideas for boundaries)
don't spam my asks, if i don't answer right away... just be patient, i'm not as active as i used to be on here so, don't expect a response in a millisecond or so.
anyway, moving on from my boundaries... i'm just gonna link a couple of things below my carrd
my spotify
my youtube
everything else is linked on my carrd!!! um... thank you for your time and getting to know me!
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instaquarius · 8 months
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Full Resolution of the Commission sheet here
What you can do with your art once finished:
After getting your commission from me there are few thing you should know:
        1. You can (should) upload the art to your gallery though pls credit me if you do so. Otherwise do whatever you like with it<3 It is made FOR you after all, therefore you're allowed to repost as the customer.         2. You can use the art anywhere you want. On forum, sites etc. You can reupload it anywhere.         3. You can add details or text. I know that especially on RP sites your character may change - eye color, scars etc. You can change them of course! It is yours after all. (Just again, remember to credit me as the original artist though if anyone asks) It helps get more recognition etc.         4. Do not remove my Watermark. If you do, then please remember to add a different one and to write me in description of the work. That's all I ask - It's easier to see who made the art.
Information form: 
Comment below if you're interested, send me a note, or contact me through discord/etc. To order send me a note here or on DM me on discord InstaQuarius#9023 containing important informations ir you can even just use the template to make it easier:
Type of commission: (Sketch, Lined, Single Shading, Deluxe, Etc.) Info about character: (What are they like, Personality, basically any basic info so I can get a feel of how to draw your character) References: (Send multiple, I'll ask for more if I need it!) Poses/What's happening: (What do you want them doing? Sitting, jumping, emotions showing, etc. Make sure to give enough info so I won't have to change much in the drafts.) Of course, if you don't have any and want to leave it for me to take care of, then just say so.
I'll start a basic sketch and send it to you. Tell me what you want adjusted, changed, etc during this phase. (NOTE: I will NOT be able to edit anymore once I've started the Lineart process/coloring.)
You can pay half first, before I start the sketch. After the sketch is done then I WILL require the rest of the pay before I start the coloring/lineart if you asked for any of the higher tiered commission options I am offering.
I always send WIPs (even sometimes spam them in my personal server on discord for progress, especially if I'm just REALLY happy with how an art project is turning out so be warned. lol) But also sometimes I will not respond right away, possibly because I am busy with work, or just simply stressed and need some me/down time but please do not be rude about it if I take forever on a drawing.
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Examples used in this sheet  (for better res):
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artastic-friend · 10 months
Info Post!
Current account status: so.. incredibly tired…
Hi, my name is March, I'm a 21 yr old masc-presenting, non-binary artist and biology/ecology major. I like to draw.. mostly fandom stuff and OCs.. but also I love spiders and studying them! Many other animals too haha! Looking forward to potentially becoming an arachnologist in the future, or an entomologist or even herpetologist… idk- just someone who studies silly lil guys, yanno? Oh.. I'm also A massive simp for the Giant Robot DJ from FNAF SB...
My pronouns are they/them and it/its but I am also ok with he/him
MUSIC MAN ART BOARD INFO POST + LINK (feel free to message me about it if you wanna join)
FNAF Art Board (Public, Free to join)
Here are some of my most-used tags:
My Art - any of my art or doodles!
DJ Music Man - self explanatory 💀 about 85% of what I post…
OC - any posts that focus on some original characters of mine ^^ (or others')
My Spider Pics - If you want to see pictures and videos of my irl spiders, or any that I find. You can see them here!
and here is my linktree including the link to my Etsy if you would like to find me on other platforms and/or support me!
My ask box is always open! Feel free to send me an ask anytime, and/or a doodle request! No promises that I will draw the thing you ask though. And sometimes I might just take a while to respond!
@artastic-foe is my reblog/spam account! I like to reblog a lot of stuff but also don't want to spam my followers with it, so most of the stuff I reblog will be over there haha! Though recently I’ve been trying my best to reblog on my main more! Especially stuff from mutuals ^^
Here is my persona. This is how I draw myself. To clarify, I do see this character as an extension of myself, and they are very personal to me. Though I know ofc they are not literally me. I like to creature-ify them at times and sometimes will even make alturnate versions of them for fun.. but in the end I still see them as a representation of me. They share my name and are designed after me (but with added features) after all!✨
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I'm honestly not too sure of what my sona is meant to be- but I see them as like... A satyr?? but if the goat aspect of said satyr was actually a deer mixed with a unicorn?? Hence the long tail and single "antler"..
Idk lol. Just.. I guess be careful with how you treat this character, because whatever you do with them I will interpret that as something you are doing to me 💀
Anyway!!! I'll also clarify that I don't mind people drawing this character! If you do, I will actually be eternally grateful! Just don't draw them doing anything weird or sexual💀
speaking of which..
I am a sex-repulsed Asexual! So please do not comment or send me anything implying sex or sensual activities.. It makes me very uncomfortable. If it's low-key and just light joking then that's fine, just nothing explicit please. (For clarity, bodies are not sexual on their own. Nudity does not bother me. It is the sexual implications and behaviors and acts that bother me personally TvT)
Do not steal and re-upload any of my art! Even if they are just little doodles. If you would like to for any reason, DM me about the specifics, but If I do not respond, that is not permission to do so anyway!
Please do not refer to me with feminine terms. If it’s an honest mistake, you’re ok, but if you are doing it on purpose, I will either not acknowledge you, or if you continue to do so I will block you.
Just… don't be weird lol- Be kind and respectful of people!
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munchkin1156 · 10 months
There’s my brother to blame for that, feel free to ask for context, keeping it until I change it back :D
. . .
Now that that's out of the way...
Who am I?
❤️My name is Munchkin! I'm your casual g/t enthusiast, and I do writing, art and also some irl stuff making! If you see someone going by the name ✨anon✨ on your blog, offering you cookies, then that's me. I enjoy content, and sometimes do my own! Right now, I'm mainly obsessed with Mcyt g/t (which is either dsmp, or when I come back from hiatus, hermitcraft as well) or oc stuff :D Nice to meet you, viewer/reader!! :D ❤️
What is g/t?
G/t stands for giant/tiny, and it's a community for people who enjoy being (you guessed it) giant or tiny! Usually, it's a form of comfort, feeling the need to protect or be protected, but it can also be used as a kink. That is NSFW G/T. This blog is strictly SFW G/T. I will not hesitate to block you if you do that, for it makes me uncomfortable and I am not okay with it. (Sorry if this description is bad, there are better ones-)
Do I do g/t vore?
Nope! To be clear, I am perfectly fine with the concept and anyone who posts it, (occasionally reading it as long as it's safe) though I am aware some of my followers are not, so I will not be posting/talking about vore on this blog.
Do i take requests, and if so, what kind? (REQUESTS ARE ✨OPEN✨)
Yes. I take writing and art requests, including fake fic titles, prompts, au ideas, headcanons, etc. Do not pressure me to finish your request though, it will not help at all and will make me more stressed. If I am uncomfortable with your request, it will be deleted.
Now, my posts so far... (Stories/art and other posts under cut-, most of this is old writing, again once I'm back I will probably add some more stuff that is new and better! Enjoy!)
. . .
(Note: Most of this work rn i find old and not very good. There will be better stuff eventually...)
My main au!
✨Upon Clouds we Dream...✨
Chapter One and Chapter Two is out, but Chapter Three is non-existent. (yet)
Then there's the other au that I have stuff for, but I'm not sure what it is or where i was going with it and i'm pretty sure it's dead but oh well-
Make new friend's but keep the old
Chapter... One? Chapter... Two? Maybe?
Art for it
Becky ask!!! (small infodump)
✨I have fallen (but have faith, for I shall rise once more)✨ (mcyt g/t au)
Brick ask :D
✨Dystopian au✨ (mcyt g/t au)
Becky ask (technically infodump)
He started it!
Horror and HELP
✨Other- (stuff like wips, fake fic titles, art, oc's that i have drawings of, hc's, irl stuff :])✨
Wip game thingy
Munchkin character sheet
It's- a stick figure. In a hamd.
Taming the beast
G/t headcanons (Zombie apocalypse style)
Borrower house no.1 (not very good)
Borrower house no.2 (better)
shitpost (and my first post)
shitpost (not my first post)
shitpost (honestly how many do i have?)
shitpost (another one??)
shitpost (:D)
stuff that freaks me out in g/t #1
stuff that freaks me out in g/t #2
✨My tumblr fam✨
My Tumblr mom, the wonderful @.I-am-beckyu, my Tumblr aunt's, @.brick-a-doodle-do and @.a-xyz-s.
@.orchid-harmony, @.da3dm, @.krazycat49, @.justarandomsloth and 🕶️ anon are my siblings :D
Aaaaaand that's about it! Will update when I should!
❤️ You made it to the end! ❤️ Great job, dear viewer/reader, have some more cookies! 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
-Your neighborhood Munchkin
…spams bread
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sweetest-honeybee · 11 months
I'm going to be starting my very first commissions soon! I am very excited but do you have any tips on what I should and shouldn't do?
Oh that’s very exciting! Hmm I have a post somewhere but I’ll just answer anyways 😂 This is gonna be insanely long
- Don’t be disappointed if you don’t get a huge amount of people asking at first. It’s all about drawing people in and growing an audience! If you don’t have an audience yet, it’s always worth it to market and advertise pretty well. Multiple social medias, using common tags, promoting in say, is discord server if you’re in one or something, all that jazz
- Pricing is very difficult and it’ll fluctuate and change over time. You’re not gonna get it down first try, and they’ll change with your workflow and what you realize you can and can’t do/handle! Personally, I took the amount of time I take on each canvas and estimated some average times (I.e. a rendered bust takes me 1.5-2 hours) and multiplied that by ah, $30 I think at first? And then doubled my prices later down the road
- Additionally however, pricing in such a way that you make good money for your time is important but, and I can’t stress this enough, PLEASE consider the people you’re advertising your work to and who follows you, what communities you’re in, etc. For myself, I’ve recently began to aim for higher quality clients who can pay more all at once and so I can get more money with less commissions stacked in my queue. Thus why my lowest price is still quite high. If you want more frequent clients, most often it’s best to keep your prices relatively low but still good value for you. Again, it’s all about finding that balance and figuring out your workflow
- Speaking of workflow, there’s no one right way to do commissions. Your process is your own and from my experience, I’ve gone through a bunch of different processes with different people! Haha, I’ve even signed a contract once to really seal the deal on the terms and conditions. Make it your own! Be as professional as you feel the need to or not. Do whatever makes you comfortable as long as it’s not at the expense of the client, of course
- You may or may not be contacted by spam bots and other accounts about your work. Believe me, it’ll happen once or twice that you might be scammed if you’re not careful (it’s happened to me twice) but if I could say, it’s usually accounts with names that don’t match their icons, using little/terrible punctuation and very automated repsonses, requesting work that’s not what you do usually, requesting work of family members/pets, offering very large sums of money, whatever else. Just be safe!
- Hmmm what else….
- Make sure you have plenty of examples of your work and the style of art/coloring that you’re advertising. If you’re offering something new, just get like 3-4 examples in and have a consistent process before having people pay money for it. I love my current rendering style but I had to wait til I had a few to know how I wanted to go about offering it as a new coloring style and how it’s different from what I would typically do
- Some clients are definitely rude and pester. It’s okay to put your foot down and say you’re not comfortable working with them. Personally, I offer up other artists if that’s the case (within reason, I don’t send rude people generally but sometimes clients get frustrated with you because you’re not the kind of artists they’ll end up wanting to work with) or if I’m just not able to do a commission because it’s, for example, out of my skill level or something. Always good to send people to artists who are open for work
- I’m actually learning this myself but if you’re working with someone who’s well known (I.e. I worked with good ol Xisumavoid), having T&Cs is useful for those larger clients. Xisuma actually gave me his terms and conditions to fill out in the invoices so if the client has that as well, it works that way too! And again, if you have questions or you’re uncomfortable by someone else’s T&Cs, say that! Believe me, they’ll work with you if they truly intend to use your work (bless that man, he was so kind and transparent about the whole process)
- Of courses you are just starting out but you never know!
That’s pretty much he main stuff. Just make sure it’s seen and clear, you’re valued and understand your value, and that everything you’ll be doing is all up to you. If you have artists friends (or myself) that you’d ever need input from, give them (or me) a holler! This is all just me, other artists have more or different ways they’d suggest going about things so if you don’t agreed with anything I’ve said, that’s alright 😌
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