#I still LOVE the show
iseathegalaxy · 4 months
was just talking to a friend about how the teasers at the end of each episode have very spoily things for the next one and all I could think was
they should've done gags. gags with the episode's side characters.
like, listen, just picture it.
it's the end of episode 2, after all the credits, and suddenly all you see is mr d, alone, sitting at the table in pure silence, trying so so hard to grab a bottle of wine
or end of episode 7, and all you see is a shot of the underworld, empty, and suddenly a ball goes by, bouncing, and, running after it, cerberus. hilarious.
give me post credit gags next season please
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hazellevessque · 6 months
Unpopular opinion BUT Gabe was not gabing as gabe should gabe. Like he didn’t inspire the same raw anger I feel every single time I hear his name. Even though Sally’s a Queen who doesn’t deserve it, Gabe being an abusive little shit was a big part of Percy’s arc and it made the ending of Sally turning him into a statue extra satisfying.
I kind of felt like this too. While I want Percy to be happy, Gabe is a part of his trauma and important. I think that maybe once the criminal allegations start coming up for Percy he’ll turn worse?
However, there are still many forms of abuse, not just physical and we have to keep that in mind
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PERCY JACKSON EPISODE 7 SPOILERS!!! (and also for the book if you haven't read it!!)
So, as always, FANTASTIC episode.... But..
There were soo many things that I waited the week to see, that they either changed, or completely left out.
A lot of the changes they did in the series are not changes that bother me or they're changes I really liked, but this time they did me dirty.
The struggle in crusty's??? The waiting room filled with dead people??? The whole oh no cerberus is after us what are we gonna do omg wait cerberus is just a big puppy that wants to have some fun???
I know they did still technically have that last one but it was very different from the book.
Now see, I don't mind that it's different from the books, this is Rick's chance to rewrite the book but with the knowledge he has of what happens in the whole book series.. But some things I think affected the episode a bit on the negative side.
Another thing that does annoys me at times, but truly isn't the end of the world, is that too often the characters just. Know. They meet a new monster and they immediately know who it is and what they do. Where as in the book they find out the hard way. Knowing that they've reached medusas lair before they see the statues to prove it, knowing how to defeat crusty before even walking into his shop (otherwise Annabeth wouldn't already be wearing her cap, fight me) etc. I think the overall show would be slightly improved, had they just added maybe 10 minutes to every episode, and used those extra minutes to show our heroes actually in trouble. Percy doesn't know how to properly fight yet, show him learning. They do that, but I think they could do it more.
I don't mind the telling, not showing, because the entire first book is just a huge infodump. The people that are mad at that, needs to read the book (again)
Also, that is EXACTLY how I envisioned hades to be. Not so somber, not the hadestown version of hades (tho I really do love hadestown hades) but the dorky, clever little bastard that was in episode 7. Thank you! I immensely enjoyed every second of those few minutes of screen time he had. But I do think some scenes were too short. Don't come for me, I know a lot of the "fights" from TLT are way shorter than some people might remember, but they did almost die in crusty's shop and I wanted persassy talking to charon and sailing the Styx.
I did like that they kept the shoes dragging grover to tartarus, that gives a lot of info to non readers about who the traitor is.. One thing about tartarus though... I clearly remember it as a cave with a huge bottomless pit? I could be wrong, and honestly, it being in a cave or the middle of a desert is not something that is too important to me, I just thought the cave set the whole mood. Ykno, with Artemis being trapped in there in TTC and all that. But again, not That important to me.
The only thing that has legitimately bothered me about this show, has been the lighting. As someone who is incredibly passionate about lighting, and wants to become a professional in the field, watching (or struggling to) some of the scenes, were so annoying. They could do better than giving Pjo the DC treatment. I watch the show on my computer, in a dark room, with the screen light on max, and still couldn't see certain scenes in the show (like the amusement park, the minotaur, fields of asphodel etc)
There's many ways to show the audience that it's so dark the characters might have trouble seeing, without the audience feeling the same way.
I'm so sorry about the length of this, I had stuff to say. But no one will ever get me to dislike this show. I love it, so so soo much, sometimes there are just things I'm insanely excited to see, as a book reader, that doesn't happen and I'm a bit sad about that, no matter how good bad or neutral the changes are.
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simplytolkien · 2 years
Wow, I’m getting a lot of aggressive messages about my opinion of Rings of Power. I knew there would be some push-back from our lovely modern internet society, but this is stupid. I never said the show was perfect, but I enjoy it, and I hate this snobby nit-picking. Why our society has come to believe that this sort of tiny-minded critical attitude shows how intelligent and sophisticated you are, I don’t know, but it’s frankly stupid. It just shows you up for being ignorant and lacking in grace. Especially since right at the beginning of the show it says ���based on The Lord of the Rings and Appendices by J.R.R. Tolkien’ right on the screen in the intro. Based on means not 100% faithful. In any project. And the complaints I’m getting about changes to the story show that people haven’t actually paid attention to the original lore anyway, and all but two of the complaints are about things that actually are accurate. They just seem to be riding the seemingly ‘cool’ wave of hate for the show that started long before there ever even was a preview released. Some people made up their minds when it was announced that it was going to be bad, and they seem to be controlling the narrative about it, which is a shame, and people who have such a need to be ‘cool’ follow along without their own opinions as usual. But I think the show so far is strong enough to overcome such narrow bigots and stand firm in its own merits and be loved by people for time to come, and if some people want to watch it and be angry and miserable, that’s their loss. I do know some people are actually not going to like it, and hey, that’s okay too. Just give it a fair shake before you actually decide you don’t like it.
Yes, there are a few issues with Galadriel so far. They are changing her story and timeline, but that isn’t a deal breaker for me. I don't mind her taking a more active role in the wars, just like I've said before that Arwen riding Frodo to the Fords, while not at all accurate, is still one of my favourite scenes in the movies, and they had more scenes filmed with her along those lines that didn’t make it to the films. As a woman who loves Tolkien, I understand that he definitely wasn’t the misogynist he’s often accused of being. He wrote many beautifully strong women and wrote several who expressed dissatisfaction with the ‘traditional’ notion of womanhood, Éowyn being the most famous. And of course, Lúthien, based so lovingly on his wife, was anything but traditional. Another favourite of mine is this quote and conversation between Erendis and her daughter in Númenor. I like that these projects are portraying strong women, even if it isn’t in the exact same places where Tolkien did. Galadriel fighting isn’t far-fetched to how her character was written. Tolkien even had her mother-name (one of three names elves are given) mean man-maiden because she was such a tomboyish elf, always riding and hunting and doing it all better than most of the men (and also because she was taller than most women and had a deeper voice). So far she is somewhat tactless, grumpy, and hasty, but I think it’s simply a case of early-episode overcompensation. I’ve seen it over and over in shows where they come out of the gate really hard with a character’s attitude for the first few episodes to firmly establish a character in viewers’ minds, and then they begin to mellow or soften their approach. It isn’t my favourite approach, but it is commonly used in the industry. I am hoping they give her more grace soon. And it isn’t Morfydd Clark’s fault. I think she’s doing an amazing job with what they’re writing for her and how they’re directing her. The only things about her that aren’t exact for the role is that she isn’t tall or deep-voiced, but she can’t change those... Otherwise, perfect.
But you have to understand that Galadriel was a rebel. She was a rebel and a leader in the rebellion of the Ñoldor when they left Valinor because she strongly desired to rule her own kingdom. She was full of pride and ambition, and that was her driving force for many many years, which was why she was still tempted by the Ring in the Third Age and had to resist to be allowed to sail back into the West. No, she never would have sailed for Valinor (which I think was included to portray her rebellion against the Valar), and yes, she should have met Celeborn by this time, but again, this show has five seasons planned. It’s only been three episodes. Give it time. Yeesh. And I myself am not sorry that we potentially get to watch her love story happen. But she wasn’t a ruling elf from the beginning. Eventually for a time she and Celeborn ruled a small group of elves sort of like a fiefdom under Gil-Galad before moving into what becomes Lothlórien, so her being a commander under Gil-Galad isn’t ridiculously far-fetched.
When it comes to Elrond, the theme in the messages I’m getting is that he isn’t being treated right because he’s a lord and not a politician, like he’s being treated like a nobody. Again, people need to read more of Tolkien than Lord of the Rings to talk about these very aged characters. Lord of the Rings was the very end of Elrond’s life in Middle-Earth. Rings of Power has his earlier role spot on so far. He wasn't Ñoldorin, who were the ruling elves at this point, or even a High Elf since he was never in Valinor. And he wasn’t full elf. He had some human and Maia. (I’ll post a cool breakdown of Elrond’s genealogy that 5ummit created after this.) He wouldn't have naturally had a high position with the Ñoldorin at this point, but it goes a long way to showing how he was valued that he was Gil-Galad's herald and a captain, which is lore accurate. He wasn't the heir of all major houses as such. He wasn't even a prince while Galadriel was a princess in both the Ñoldor and the Teleri. Elrond’s line was respected and loved since he was Lúthien’s great-grandson, but it wasn’t a ruling line (ringofsecrets is right; he was royal through Lúthien, but they no longer had a kingdom). It was just that after the first war with Sauron, he was one of only two elf commanders who survived, Cirdan being the other, and so Elrond became a ruling elf because he was loved and wise. He was offered the title High-King, having been connected with Gil-Galad, but he turned it down since he wasn't of the bloodline of the High-Kings through a male ancestor (even though he was through a female ancestor) and because so few of the Ñoldorin were left that it didn’t matter. And actually, Galadriel had a far closer claim to that title herself, being niece or great-niece or something close like that of the first High-King. (I get all the F names in her family confused when I haven’t read The Silmarillion in a while.) But I don't think anyone wanted the title. The four Ñoldorin kings all came to bloody ends... I do like that they made Elrond and Galadriel friends since eventually Elrond marries Galadriel’s daughter.
And then there was the comment on the post about the hobbits and their age, but it was worded oddly, so I’m not sure exactly what you’re saying? I think you mean the culture is portrayed as too old, like hobbits didn’t exist for another 2300 years? But again, there’s nothing objectionable here. In Tolkien’s lore the hobbits came from more primitive ancestors, the same ones Gollum came from, and if you remember, Gollum had found the ring over 500 years before ‘The Hobbit’ happened, and he was in an established group in the east where Isildur would have dropped the ring when he died. It was in the same region that Beorn lived, east of the Misty Mountains near what became Mirkwood. There were three breeds: Harfoots, Stoors, and Fallohides. The Harfoots and Fallohides were the first who over time travelled north and west to finally settle in the Shire because of various unrest and dangers, especially those caused by Sauron moving into and settling in what became Mirkwood. The Stoors, the breed Gollum was, moved around in the east a lot longer and interacted with the Dunlendings some before finally moving west into the Shire. These hobbits aren’t early. They’re simply living primitively in the east, just like Tolkien said the three different breeds who were the hobbits’ ancestors did before they came to the Shire and intermingled until they were one people. And unlike every other race in Middle-Earth, Tolkien didn’t once write an origin story for hobbits. He never described their creation. The first record of interaction with the ‘Big Folk’ was with the Éothéod, the ancestors of the Rohirrim, in far-away times and in the east, so no one knows when and where they originated.
I never said I thought Rings of Power is 100% accurate to the books. That never happens in any project, especially one that says ‘based on’. But I love that it seems so far like they're staying true to more than people think. Really, so far they’ve just changed some of the timelines or minor events. The actors have interviews explaining some of the thinking behind decisions made, and the creators themselves said that some of it would be different to the commonly held versions of Tolkien's works because Tolkien was ALWAYS changing things. I mean, he worked on this world for decades, so he was always fiddling with timelines and lineages and so on. Even some of the main characters and events in the Silmarillion changed quite a few times after the Silmarillion was written, including Galadriel and her whole family of Finarfin and Fëanor and such, who were changed enough times that it's still not clear who Gildor Inglorien is. That's why the creators of Rings of Power consulted Tolkien's grandson Simon. They wanted his knowledge of some of the more obscure information since Tolkien was changing things until he died. I think that's cool. It feels like they're honoring Tolkien's whole approach to his world instead of just saying 'this is what it was period end of.'
No matter what they do, there will always be people who want to gripe and complain, and then there will be people who legitimately don’t like it, and that’s totally okay. I mean, I hate Game of Thrones, but I don’t go around the internet taking it out on people who like it. Let them enjoy what they enjoy. I’ve learned to just let people be themselves and enjoy the cool things that can come out of that, even if it’s not necessarily what I would do. That doesn’t mean it’s wrong, and if this is how the creators want to honor Tolkien, they’re the ones who had the courage to approach studios and say, ‘Hey, we know we’ve never made a tv show before, but we love Tolkien and have this great idea.’ And then they put in the hours and hours and hours of work. Don’t tear down the people that do things if you’re too scared, lazy, unmotivated, or unable to try yourself. I know I wouldn’t be interested in doing it. I think they’re doing a beautiful job with cosmetics and graphics and just creating a beautiful world for these characters to live in, and I’m going to enjoy my journey through it, along with the other people who choose to live with gratitude and enjoyment and sent lovely messages and comments. :)
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adam-loves-specs · 7 months
just watched episode 12 of future man and saw that scene
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eahsideblog · 11 months
Bold take maybe (idk what the general consensus is) but
EAH Books >>>> EAH Show
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eternalera · 4 months
i love hazbin hotel but-
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the camera in it is actually horrible-
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like its so hard to follow everything and it makes you forget where the hell you are (i mean youre in hell but-.. that was a bad joke... im sorry-)
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like it was really bad in hell is forever like i get that it makes it cool but goddamn-
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like i get that its supposed to be kinda disorienting but still. there are other ways than moving the camera EVERY OTHER GODDAMN MILLISECOND.
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like this whole scene kinda hurt to watch like the animation is cool asf but like-
although that being said i do like the show <3
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actually-a-cowboy · 8 months
started watching the mandalorian to see timothy olyphant only to get to season 2 and find out he's in ONE episode
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Hey, remember when stranger things wasn't just fully depressing?
But rather sad and scary?
Remember when it was a show that could have moments that were genuinly just happy and didn't have a "dramatic scary moment"?
I still love it, I just love season one more
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abbyholmes · 2 years
Me, watching season 1 of 911: „Oh man I love Buck and Abby! I think I am finally on board with a ship that might become canon!“
Me, After Abby leaves: -.-
Me, 5 seconds after Buck‘s & Eddie‘s first interaction: „Enemies to lovers, 50 k words here I come.“
Me, after a couple of episodes full of Buddie interactions: „Naw, this is going to be a nice bisexual lovestory. Ryan Murphy doesn‘t queerbait, right?“
Me, after season 5: „HE WOULDN‘T, RIGHT?!?“ 😭
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kingsofeverything · 11 months
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missezramay · 1 year
Hey there! I read your post on the Ted Lasso finally and you didn’t ask, I guess, but I want to share my opinion because I’m one of those that are not mad with the ending.
For me the show has always been about Ted affecting the people around him and how some of them change for what we understand as “the better” but not being ready to make those changes on himself. This time, going back home to his son, I think he did choose to make those changes. He’s kept up with therapy, he has been working through his feeling towards his dad and how that affected him as a father and by choosing to going back to Henry he’s making the difficult decision of being a dad even though he has stated that he feels he’s gonna fail at that because of his experience with his dad. That’s why I’m ok with the ending. He moved to London on a whim and was not sure if he was making the right decision, he was just running away from something that was making him feel uncomfortable. This time though, he’s sure of the decision he’s making, whatever the outcome is he’s doing it, he’s believing in himself as a father, he believes he deserves to be a good father.
As for his reaction to the rest of the people being emotional about him leaving, truth is he’s always been really loud and excitable but about thing relating to other people, not his personal feelings. To me he’s not acting any different and he receives what the others do or say to him, and he replies in his own way. Is not like he doesn’t say anything to the team, he does before the second half, he also talk to rebecca and hugs her before leaving. He answers in the way he shows his vulnerability, leaving “excited ted” on the side and actually being vulnerable.
The thing with saying no to his name appearing on the book, for me, is also amazing and really smart. If it says “The lasso way” it makes you think that what happened to the team was only because of Ted and for it to happen anywhere else you need Ted there. If it’s “The Richmond way” it includes everyone on that club, which is what happened here, everyone was important, everyone put a part of themselves in building this amazing team and club, and this way you’re saying it can happen anywhere people work together and are good to others. It’s the ultimate “believe” to anyone reading the book.
Rebecca asking him to stay, to me, is also based on fear, fear about what will happen if this person that has been here for me from the beginning goes away. How am I going to handle things without him. She even says it, if you stay I stay if you go I go. She need to make a decision about the club for herself, not about her ex-husband and not about the only head coach she has work with. About herself and what she wants. And she does. And she likes being a part of the club and decides to stay and keep making it better.
I’m sorry for the long message, and the typos (it’s late here 🤦🏼‍♀️) and I’m sure you’ll still feel cheated by the finale and I get it, it has happened to me with other shows, but I wanted to share my thoughts in case, I don’t know, it makes sense to someone… 🤷🏼‍♀️😅 as you can see I also have a lot of opinions and not a lot of people to share them with
Hi! Thanks for your message and willingness to share your thoughts. Kind of sad you're anon, because you're hiding from me. Please don't be scared. I don't bite, promise!
Now that I've had a week to process, I've gone through all stages of grief and can now think rationally. It was definitely rough those first few days 😅
While I'm not completely on your side yet, I respect your opinions and there's definitely a lot of truth to what you're saying. As I mentioned, it wasn't the worst episode ever, just not an ending that left me fully satisfied.
I've come to the conclusion that I'm more of a visual person and so my impressions of the episode were mostly how I personally interpreted what was shown, which I truly felt was lacking not just in this episode but throughout the season as whole. So many unnecessary scenes and lacklustre dialogue that could easily be fixed. Overall, I truly feel like that there was room for improvement.
I actually would love to respond to more of what you said but only if you DM me! Happy to discuss further.
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tea-with--honey · 1 year
The Ted Lasso Finale has left me EMPTY. like man I knew they were gonna be kind of realistic about and it stuff but a lot of it just didnt feel like an ending to me? Do I think its probably what would happen if the show was completely realistic? Yes. Do I think it made ANY sense narratively? NO.
Like I'm actually very happy about what they've done with Roy and Colin and maybe maybe maybe Nate but thats it. Nate on paper worked okay for me but I just felt like he didnt have his big moment? That could have been intentional though.
I may ship Tedbecca/Tedpendent but I would have been fine without it if they didnt??? Do them so dirty like that???? Like they did NOT need to tease us like that throughout the entire episode that was just plain mean. Like hello????? the scene in Rebecca's house?? The 'you go, I go?' Ted actually saying that Rebecca pulled a rom-com moment on him? Hell Rebecca getting a first-class seat and Coach Beard leaving the seat next to Ted open? Its like they loaded MULTIPLE Chekov's guns that didnt fire. i would have been fine okay and THEN they pulled up with Boat guy coming back. What. Even. I hated that so bad.
And guys Trent not even getting a moment to really say goodbye to the man who he got fired over was so??? AHHAHSHSJDDGSB
AND IM MAD ABOUT COACH BEARD AND JANE. Especially after so many scenes that indicated that the better choice for Beard was to break it off. And also jane was just, incredibly toxic.
Also I would have hoped that they spent a better part of the season establishing that Ted needed to go home? Idk it just felt like I was waiting for Ted to reveal that he stayed in London the entire time. Henry is obviously a very important part of his life but we didnt even get to see Ted being fulfilled and being there for the reason he went back home in the first place!!! At least give us some scenes where Ted doesnt look like hes about to have another panic attack back in Kansas and he's actually spending time with his little boy.
Okay im just gonna put all the other things that bothered me in a list because im sleepy but I gotta get this all out
The way we have 0 idea what rebecca found out from the doctor
The green matchbox thingy not being addressed
The lack of Bex and the Rupert's ex assistant girlie in the episode. I know them going into Rebecca's house served as a plot point but I wish we still got to see them yknow
Not getting to see Sam's restaurant again
We literally dont even get to hear what Trent wrote in 'The Lasso/Richmond Way' I had hoped there would be at least a reading of it played over some 'future' scenes
Also that Ted looks so unhappy at the end and he just as always steps aside. WHERE DID HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT GO
Also how OOC Ted seemed this episode, I thought they were setting up him revealing to be just really upset hence the behavior but nope nothing nada
Lack of Jade
Doctor Sharon's reaction scenes feeling shoehorned in
While I do love her getting her own official position in the team I wish they just saved showing her character for that scene specifically. Idk the rest of her cheering scenes just didnt really add much
the lack of discussion on mr awful therapist
Ted seemingly still living in the same house as his ex wife who is currently dating his ex marriage counselor
Theres more I just cant think about it anymore
Anyways they did the Diamond Dogs and the Sound of Music routine so right but thats really it for me. Would love to rant about the ending with anybody so DMs are always open
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Re-Watching Teen Wolf. Thinking About How Badly I Want To Stick My Fingers In All The Plot Holes, Tear Tear Them Open, And Sew Them Back Together Until They Make Any Semblance Of Sense!!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Expertise can't help you here.
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bellwethers · 3 months
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