#I still really like Chibs btw
alevolpe · 7 months
Would Sailor Chibi Moon exist in your Sailor Moon AU?
In the main timeline, no. Tbh not in any timeline I plan to explore, but in a future timeline I plan to explore a little, Chibs is the main character.
It's kind of like a side story, centered in Crystal Tokyo, where Chibs is growing up with the 4 inner senshi acting as her caretakers cause the Queen has fallen ill shortly after her birth. It sounds cute and it kind of is, but it has an overall darker tone that my general AU, CT is not a good ending future and I wanna explore that.
Regarding the main timeline, I go back and forth if to include her in the last season as Usagi's actual child (Usagi and the others are in their 20s), but idk, on one side it's super cute, but on the other it might be too depressing since I don't see Usagi coming back after fighting Galaxia and the prospect of leaving a child that was just introduced motherless feels a bit cruel.
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bellamysgriffin · 1 year
Doctor Who :)
Favorite episode and why
vincent and the doctor <3 it's just such a warm aesthetic and it has a lot of what i love about doctor who. curtis' writing is just so great and i think the whole last act is just wonderful. it's also got some gorgeous visuals.
Funniest/crackiest/it’s-terrible-but-I-still-love-it episode/scene
oh man. i really love love and monsters and i don't care how dumb the alien is it's truly such a comfort episode for me
It’s-terrible-and-I-hate it episode/scene
oof there are a lot of moffat era i don't like. i hated day of the doctor i HAATE let's kill hitler, i hate girl in the fireplace and. i love u chibs but i didn't love the flux storyline
Best episode/scene for my favorite character
oh man. rose tyler has so many great moments but i love her monologue in the s1 finale where she says "it was a better life and i don't mean aliens and spaceships and stuff that don't matter. the doctor showed me a better way of living your life. you don't just give u;. that you don't just let things happen. you make a stand you say no!! you have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away and i can't --" all of that was from memory btw that's how much i luv her. and that's the ep she becomes the bad wolf so it's great for that reason too!
Best episode/scene for my favorite ship
ohhhh man. im pretty obsessed with nine's regeneration scene for him and rose, and i really love tenrose's last scene in end of time it's so gorgeous. and as sad as it is, doomsday is really a great episode for doctorrose.
Best episode/scene for a particular supporting character
so martha doesn't really count since she's for real a main character but.... human nature/family of blood is a GREAT storyline for her
Best episode/scene for a character I don’t usually like
oof i really dislike river song but her introduction episode is awesome. and part of why i dislike her bc how do u. see that much potential and do That
Most visually beautiful or interesting episode/scene
oh god doctor who has SO MANY that's really hard. u know what, returning to the van gogh episode i quite love when the night sky turns into starry night
Most emotionally affecting episode/scene
well i mean... doomsday obviously... but i think i cried the most during i don't want to go and wilfred its my honor. that was BRUTAL
Most powerful use of music in an episode/scene
murray gold is so wonderful he's just brilliant and i could never pick between his themes, but i kind of ADORE a dazzling end like instant chills when that bass line shows up whew
Episode/scene that changed my perspective on the show
dalek is kinda when it all changes bc it just gets so real u know!!!
Episode/scene where the acting stands out
oh wow i love the whole cast, there's really no main cast actors that i don't think absolutely knocked it out of the park. i guess i would like to mention jenna louise coleman's performance during face the raven, but tbh clara is a character i don't really love writing-wise but jlc is such a talented actress that she breathed a lot of life into what i thought was a somewhat poorly written character
Overall best-written episode
BEST written? that is so hard to do on a show like doctor who. i mean blink is blink and it's brilliant and i could never dispute that. but i might have to go with human nature and family of blood its so brilliant and subversive and well acted and structured
send me a show!
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Hi I'd love another headcannon for chibby x juice? I can't decide if I've read one from you or not (think that's down to 3am brain rot)
I've just watched the episode where Chibs kicks him out of the house and its making my heart hurt so I've turned to tumblr for help
BTW I love your profile pic 💝
Happy, healthy Chibs and Juice are the only Chibs and Juice who exist here 😌
Juice is the type to stay up all hours of the night. Meanwhile, Chibs will always take advantage of any opportunity he can to sleep. He knows better than anyone that there are going to be times when they don't get many opportunities.
Which leads to a lot of nights with Chibs passed out on one side of the bed, while Juice is wide awake on the other side typing away on his laptop or scrolling on his phone. Chibs can sleep through a bomb going off so it's not really a big deal. But every now and then, when Juice stays up too late too often, that's when his brain starts to get away from him. That's when he goes out of his way to wake Chibs up.
Chibs does not like being woken up. Don't poke a sleeping bear. Don't poke a sleeping Chibs. So at first, when Chibs is roused from his sleep, he's grumpy and annoyed. But once he's coherent enough to hear the worried tone of Juice's voice, he adjusts accordingly. He still sounds tired, and still a little grumpy, but he at least is comforting at the same time. He won't hesitate to smack the phone out of Juice's hands or push his laptop closed.
"Should've turned that shite off hours ago. That's the problem."
And Juice will try to argue, about to go off on another spiraling tangent, and that's when Chibs just pulls him closer. The partial smothering is sort of to comfort him, sort of to shut him up. It's effective at doing both. Despite Chibs still having his eyes closed, he still keeps Juice pulled closed, tiredly mumbling the reassurances that he needs until they both fall asleep.
I love them your honor.
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(Also tysm, my profile picture is from picrew 🥰)
Send me a “📂” and I’ll give you a random/useless headcanon that I have!
(Also tysm, my profile picture is from picrew 🥰)
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thismustbetheblog · 2 years
Also Yaz's character has been given absolutely nothing to do other than stand there and say: "You're great Doctor" "You're amazing Doctor" for 4 years and howmany whatever series?? I don't even remember what series we are on at theis point.
Like is she still a cop? Does she still struggle with her MH? If so how has travelling with the Doctor affected that? How has her disappearing for ages affected her family?
There was SO MUCH there and Chibs was like no, nope, not going there, use your own imaginations guys!
As bad as Moffat was you got a sense of the companions' life, relationships, thoughts and feelings.
With Chibs you get nothing.
Also yes I am still really pissed off that we got a character with dyspraxia (which I have btw) and they never fcking mentioned it or dealt with it other than him not being able to ride a bike in one ep.
I honestly don't get how people enjoyed Chib's run. Fair play to those who do but I physically and mental cannot understand how people find the work he has presented over the past 4 years enjoyable or well written.
Because for me it has been 4 years of wasted ideas, characters and actors. All culminating in that sh*t show tonight. RTD cannot come back soon enough. Even his worst. I'm talking Fear Her people (yes I know he didn't actually write that ep but he was in charge of curating it), excels compared to the hot messes that have served up this past 4 years
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rowanthestrange · 3 years
I don't trust the prophesy to be that clear cut. "Beware the forces that amass against you and their Master." The reading I'm seeing the most is "Beware (the forces that amass against you) and (their Master)." but that seems too obvious for... everything we've been through. what if the prophesy is meant to be read as "(Beware the forces that amass) against (you and their Master)"? Maybe I'm reaching and it really will be that clear cut, but. The text is there.
Well, there’s one thing I know it isn’t. And that’s the Master and whatever’s going on with him.
Not that he isn’t going to come up. I’m still here for my baby trying to become the head of Division because he is the Spy Master (god he was so proud of that), so he can wipe them all out by pulling reality’s strings (mirroring how he souped the spies) while also trying to keep himself and his Doctor together while causality screams.
But ultimately got to be a double wording, and I do like that one as a read - good use of parenthesis btw. Cus it does have to be Empire versus the Master and the Doctor at the end of all of this regardless. Though ultimately it won’t be explicitly stated “OH, that’s what the prophecy meant”. Probably. Unless Chibs thinks people really are that stupid, though given everything I’ve seen from the masses, that would have been prescient of him.
I’m going on the basic thing to be wary of being whoever Di really is (You’ll get me off my Romana soapbox when the last episode airs and not before) and the force being the Division/Time Lords. Making a very Empirey but understandable stand against writing out the reality they know (and rule) for the sake of saving a single child.
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uhthor · 3 years
so i have theories about this “new ship” that anna mentioned and whether it could be:
- lucas and keely (or lucas crushing on her when she and cooper break up but nothing ever happening): chib said that he liked them as a ship so maybe it’s just a crack ship? i don’t think keely would ever do anything but the ship could still be a thing in the fandom/amongst the cast etc.
- janae and addy: addy definitely not but i have a feeling that janae could crush on her after she’s so kind to her and they become close. maybe janae tries to kiss addy and is rejected? this is the thing i think has most probability of happening in the show and on a video of them on the oouil insta jess commented “addytj shippers don’t come at me”.... don’t be suspicious don’t be suspicious
- maeve and janae: i feel like maybe janae was jealous of maeve and simon (which is fucking weird btw she totally hated him in the book) because she liked maeve herself (her liking simon is too cliche and i don’t think it would happen) and the two of them being friends in the past may bring them back together after simon is gone and rather janae becoming stressed and depressed over not being able to hold it together in front of addy, she can’t hold it together in front of maeve
- the last thing i think it could be is addy and tj: i feel like the show might go that step further than the book and actually put them together in the end instead of having addy reject him like in the book which i really would not enjoy... addy’s journey is about finding herself and loving herself independently and if they put her with tj in the end it would just ruin all of it
ALSO not a new ship that anna would necessarily ship but i just have to talk about jake and vanessa... i really think they are in on something there have been many instances where they are closer than average and they tell each other personal things (jake told vanessa about the peanut oil in addy’s locker etc.) and i feel like the show could have devised it so that vanessa had a part in the final plot. why else would she ride so hard on other theories so falsely? in the book she moves on jake after he and addy break up but it wasn’t reciprocated so maybe they took it a step further for the show?
idk this is rough stuff but lmk what you guys think!!
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chibsytelford · 4 years
A Broken Heart
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Anonymous asked -  Hii, could you please break my heart? Jokes aside, angsty imagines about Chibs are seriously lacking, so it would be super cool if you wrote one. Maybe with the help of the prompts "41. “If you care about me you won’t do this.” "8. “This is a lot harder than it looks, I don’t think you realize that.” "23. “What you’re feeling right now is regret.”. I love your work btw! 
Authors Note - Thanks to whoever the Anon was that requested this - this was something completely different for me to write about, especially with Chibs - as my other fics are more funny and fluffy. So seriously, thankyou so much for requesting this - i really enjoyed going out of my comfort zone and writing some really angsty and heartbreaking stuff for Chibs. I hope you enjoy this and it’s what you were looking for!
Warnings - swearing, angst, heartbreak, pregnancy.
Taglist - @agirllovespasta​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @naytraydr​ @rebel-without-cause-x​ @whyisgmora​ @jadesamhart​ @talicat713​ @fangirlingaesthetics​ - if you would like added to my taglist just send me a message :)
You always thought when you met the love of your life, it would be a magical meeting. You had dreamed of being stranded at the side of the road, and your knight in shining armour would come and save you and you'd live happily ever after. That's not how you met Chibs. You met him through your mutual friend Unser. You met Unser when you reported your car stolen at the Charming Police Station 5 years ago. You hadn't set foot in a Police Station before and Unser was a kind older policeman who helped you to fill out a stolen vehicle report. Ever since then if you had any problems Wayne Unser was there to help you. He was like the father you always wanted. He introduced you to the Sons 4 years ago. You needed some work done on your new car and he took you to Teller Morrow to get it fixed. And that's when you met Chibs. You hit it off with him straight away and you've been dating ever since.
It was your 4 year anniversary with Chibs today, so you decided to make him lunch and take it to the clubhouse to surprise him. You made him his favourite cheese, pickle and beef sandwiches, with some shortbread and some coffee in a flask. Nothing special, but his favourite. He had been a bit more quieter than usual around you, and he sometimes didn't even come home anymore, or when he did he was always up and out before you were awake. You put it down to club business worrying him, and didn't ask him about it.
You arrived at Teller Morrow to find it eerily quiet. The bikes were all there, but nobody was outside. You headed over to the door but stopped when you heard your boyfriend talking. You peeked through the window and saw him sitting on a stool at a table with Jax, Opie, Juice and Happy. He looked torn.
"A don't know what to do brother, a don't think a love her anymore" you heard him tell the men. "Am trying to stay away from her as much as a can, hell I've been staying here most nights".
"You need to tell Y/N Chibs" it was Jax who spoke. "You've been together 4 years, what happened?"
"A wish a knew, it's just not the same as it was 4 years ago, hell, it hasn't felt right for me for months now, that's all a know" Chibs took a gulp of his beer. "Am going out for a cigarette, and ti clear ma head".
You couldn't move from the door fast enough and your boyfriend came charging out, stopping in his tracks when he saw you standing there.
"Fuck Y/N, how long have ye been standing there?" He asked you as he tried to reach for you.
"Long enough to hear that you don't love me anymore" you answered as you took a step back. You tried so hard not to cry but the tears were threatening to burst out any second. "Why didn't you tell me? What's wrong with me? Why don't you love me anymore?" The tears finally came and you were sobbing uncontrollably. Your family abandoned you years ago. They told you that you brought them shame and they couldn't stand to look at you anymore. And now here was your boyfriend of 4 years breaking up with you, and leaving you, just like everybody else did.
"Am sorry lass, ave been meaning to tell ye, it's not you it's me, a just don't feel the same way about ye anymore" he explained.
"If you care about me, you won't do this" the heartbreak was evident in your voice. "Please Chibs, I love you, these past 4 years have been the best of my life, I had nothing before you, and you gave me everything and more" you were now shaking and the tears were still flowing down your cheeks. "This seems so easy for you!" You spat at him. "You're not even bothered are you?"
"This is a lot harder than it looks, I don't think you realize that" Chibs said. "A feel like a dick breaking up with ye like this, in the parking lot of ma work, in the parking lot where we first met, but a can't help how a feel".
"I just wish you had told me this much sooner, before I fell so deeply in love with you. I don't think I can live without you". All you wanted to do was reach out and kiss him, reach out and run your hands through his hair which he used to love you doing, reach out and trace his scars on his cheeks. But you knew that could and would never happen again. "I won't make this any harder for you, goodbye Chibs" and you walked away. You walked away from the man who owned your whole heart, and then ripped it out.
Chibs headed back into the clubhouse with a look on his face.
'What you're feeling right now is regret" Juice spoke this time as he stood up to give Chibs a hug "We heard everything man, are you OK?"
"Nah brother, a don't feel regret, a feel sad obviously, but most of all a feel relieved, hopefully we can both move on with our lives now" Chibs returned Juice's hug.
That was not how you planned to spend your 4 year anniversary.  You expected Chibs to be happy to see you, and you would sit and eat lunch together. But that didn't happen. And it would never happen again. The whole drive home you kept asking yourself what was wrong with you that everyone you met wanted rid of you. You wish you had the answers, so you could change, and make everyone love you.
***2 weeks later***
You had been throwing up for the past few weeks, every morning without fail. You were eating more, and craving all types of weird food. You knew you needed to go to the store and buy a pregnancy test.
The drive there consisted of you thinking about how you would tell Chibs. He was obviously the dad, but you didn't want to tell him for the fact he might take pity and take you back. You only wanted him back if he meant it, which you were sure he wouldn't. Grabbing 3 pregnancy tests to make sure, you headed to the checkout to buy them and headed home to find out.
Your timer went off and you inhaled deeply. You always visioned Chibs being here with you, waiting with you in the bathroom while the timer ticked down to 0. But you were alone, and you knew he wasn't coming back. With a big heave, you stood up and picked up all 3 pregnancy tests. 2 lines on each of them. You were definitely pregnant. You were so happy, you have always wanted a baby. A mini you. And you knew the baby would be well loved by you.
You decided to tell Chibs sooner rather than later. You were secretly hoping there was a part of him that would just pull you into his arms and tell you he loved you and everything would be OK. Heading to Teller Morrow you felt like you could throw up any second, and it wasn't the pregnancy causing it this time.
You found him at the bar sipping beer. He turned around when he heard the door open and was surprised to see you.
"What are ye dain here?" He walked over to you curiously.
"I have something to tell you Chibs. I'm pregnant". You watched his face go from confusion, to anger as he tried to process the words.
"Aye nice try, a knew you'd try something like this". You couldn't believe what you were hearing. The once kind and loving and gentle man was being so cold and hard to you. You didn't deserve this. You handed him the pregnancy tests.
"It's true Filip, I'm pregnant, I'm going to make a doctors appointment to find out how far along, do you want to come?" You asked him.
Just then a woman you had never seen before emerged from the door which leads to the dorm rooms. She came straight over to Chibs, turned him around and pressed her lips against his. He was still holding the pregnancy tests, but he wrapped his arms around the woman and deepened the kiss right in front of you.
"You're a fucking dick do you know that Filip, I've came here to tell you I'm having your fucking baby, and you say I'm lying about it, then you decide to play tonsil tennis with that whore!" You were more angry than sad this time. You knew if Chibs could treat you like this after 4 years together, you had dodged a bullet. You grabbed the pregnancy tests from him and headed to the door to finally leave the clubhouse forever. You turned back one more time and saw Chibs looking at you.
"Don't come looking for us. You had your chance to step up and tell me you wanted this baby as much as me, but instead you showed you don't want me or the baby. I hope you'll be happy with your new girlfriend" you said softly. You had no more anger to give and as much as you tried to hate Chibs, you couldn't bring yourself to. Your main focus now was the baby growing inside you.
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roxannepolice · 3 years
Now that genuine joy at Whittaker getting some acting space, relief at ttc getting dropped in a freezer and excitement at the prospect of the Doctor's little meow meow dropping by have gone down I sat down to think a little and...
Just, let me try to get this... not straight, I don't demand straight in DW, but into something resembling a causal sequence:
Meta ancient alien Doctor pops up through a wormhole to Gallifrey, maybe from parallel universe, maybe not don't event get me started on her needing exposition on multi-verse, Four spent a good deal of his life in a different universe and brought a friend back also there was this rather big deal about another companion getting stuck in one.
She's picked up by Tecteun and clearly Gallifreyans have some civilization of their own, not time travel, but still.
Ruth!Doctor does... stuff... to Ravagers and now Time is trapped in space wtv that means?
And she does that with the Division?
And Time being controlled seems to be a rather big deal for life in general seeing what the Ravarers do when time is on the loose?
But also Time is an impartial b*tch which is fine but talks to the Ravagers like it really wanted to be freed wtv that means? Did it lose a bet against the Force or sth?
So... either:
Somehow civilizations evolved before structure of reality as we know it was formed BTW meta-ancient alien Doctor is now responsible not just for Time Lords civilization but for the very shape of reality you're welcome?
The universe ->life -> civillizations evolved roughly like humans conjure, but the Ravagers popped up and "freed" Time so the Doctor had to reestablish status quo ante?
Ruth!Doctor travelled back to the beginnings of reality and established a causal loop?
Regardless, she did that with the Division which is depicted as plain evil no symmetrism here unlike with space amazon?
Just... what? What tf does Chibs think time even is? And my real worry is that there wasn't really much thinking involved...
I'm really not trying to nitpick here, timey-wimey's fine, I'm not b*tching at Claire knowing the Doctor before meeting a WA on October 31st despite returning to her normal timeline on December 5th. I am bitching at trying to change a time travel lore that may not be flawless, perfectly consistent, let alone uwu pure, but developed over half a century and at least pretended to throw basic physics jargon in for educational points - done by someone who seems to be so uninterested in the topic as to not have rewatched bloody doctor Emmet Brown explaining why Marty can't meet himself before he was conceived.
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I'm just going to assume Chibs got high one day and started talking to his wristwatch about how horrible it must for time be to be stuck in such a small thing.
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queenrisa14 · 5 years
Mamoru for the character ask????😍😍
Thank you for the ask!!
How I feel about this character: I LOVE MY HOME BOY!! Love my baby and all his faults and his tragic backstory. I read in a character description on Sailor Moon wiki I believe that described Mamoru as “a quiet, studious, mysterious, and stoic individual with a golden heart” and YES, yes, I love that description!! And you know what, he grows from that description but also retains that golden heart and honestly that golden heart part got to me 😭😭 Gonna keep this short and sweet: I love him and he’s like my favorite character. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: UsagiUsagiUsagiUsagiUsagiUsagiUsagi. In my eyes there is no one more perfect for him. Like come on that is my OTP!!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Any of the senshi really. Ami because those two could bond over so much nerdness and I love it, Rei I feel because they have similar personality traits, Makoto because that shared tragic backstory that was NEVER talked about btw, and Minako because I feel she would be his annoying friend that’s still a close friend. There’s also Motoki and Seiya and-you know let’s just give my boy all the friends and say I Brotp him with everyone. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: I like Anime Mamoru as much as Manga/Crystal Mamoru. There’s negatives about Anime Mamoru, let’s acknowledge that but he still holds the same amount of space in my heart with Manga/Crystal Mamoru. He has his moments and I’ll always love him as a Mamoru version. 
One thing I wish would happen/had happened in canon: I wish we knew Mamoru parents more and there was more light shed on his growing up. I have this thing with Mamoru’s parents, every time a fic brings in the story, my HEART cries and especially when it’s a pregnancy story or Usagi and him are getting ready to have Chibs and it’s like Mamoru’s parents never get a chance to be grandparents and meet their granddaughter and it’s just….*runs over to cry in a corner* it’s too much for me and I wish that somehow, some way Mamoru got to meet his parents or at least remember them? Just a wish I have and I feel like it wouldn’t fit in the series but I can still wish it in the back of my head!
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(Here’s a gif because I think we all deserve a smiling Mamoru gif in our lives)
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isagrimorie · 6 years
[initial reactions] Doctor Who 11x01 - The Woman Who Fell to Earth
Overall, I liked it! Except for one thing, and I’ll go over the one thing in the section I’ll call: Oh Chibnall, No! 
1) I like the Friends/Companions! And I think I kind of get why they are being called friends. It’s because Yaz, Ryan, and Graham do start of that way. They’re actually in the same vein as Bill Potts was. Twelve got to know Bill before the Doctor invited to mentor Bill. Instantly, I find myself liking Yaz and Grace. 
Ryan’s still a bit rough but I can see the Doctor looking at both Ryan and Yaz and unconsciously adopting them. 
BTW, it’s so strange to think that Ryan and Yaz are the same age as Rose was when the Doctor first met Rose. 
2) I’ve recently come off of Torchwood, and one thing I hadn’t expected to notice about Chibnall’s Who is that it felt more Torchwood! I didn’t know what I was expecting, more Broadchurch, maybe? 
3)  The music is a lot more ambient (is that the word?) which is something to get used to, I got used to Murray Gold’s very in your face ‘FEEEEEEEEEEL THIS NOW’ music, which isn’t a bad thing. It’s just Segun Akinola’s musical sensibilities are a lot different. 
4) One thing I also noticed, Moffat’s brand of wit and sense of humor really seeps into his scripts and into his Who. I admit, I kind of miss that, Chiball’s a more serious writer I think. And more... Classic Who style of writer. 
5) Okay, I danced around it enough let’s talk Thirteen! 
Jodie Whittaker got it. She is the Doctor, a temporarily amnesiac, still in the process of cooking, Doctor. 
Also, I know Chibnall said this is a recruiting year and that new viewers didn’t need to know all the previous history of Doctor Who. He’s right, of course but there are easter eggs and presents for long time fans too! 
Since Capaldi’s Twelfth Doctor I’ve now started to consider that the previous experience of a Doctor informs the next Doctor in the regeneration and I feel that it holds true with the Doctor’s transition from the Twelfth to the Thirteenth. Twelve made sure that this time around, all his hard fought lessons will keep and from the word ‘brilliant’, Thirteen is exactly as Twelve wished his next regeneration would be. 
I know that there are a lot of people who say Thirteen had shades of Eleven and Ten, and it’s partly that but for me too I see an unbroken line from Twelve to Thirteen and in fact the moment Thirteen turns around and questions Yasmin’s skepticism the Doctor had shades of Twelve. 
I was initially worried that Thirteen won’t have the Doctor’s penchant for anger, and I am so glad to be proven wrong! 
 Thirteen might be a ball of energy and charm (and boy does Whittaker pull it off!) underneath that is an undercurrent of anger. Thirteen seems ready to scrap with any being out to hurt other people; where initially in series 8 Twelve was a live nerve of emotions suppressed with an armor of seeming indifference, Thirteen felt like her easy grin can fall away in the face of her righteous fury.  
(Also, I just wanted to mention there seems to be a lot of moments where Jodie Whittaker looks like she’s freezing!) 
Thirteen, much like Twelve before her, isn’t enamored by grand titles by others and for herself. Grandeur, as Paul Cornell mentioned in a recent podcast, always seem to sit poorly on the Doctor’s shoulders so the way Thirteen says ‘she’s just a Traveler’ felt so good and real because the Doctor’s finally achieved what they’ve been trying to do since she was Eleven: go back to the basics. 
I don’t know if it’s just me but does anyone else feel a sort of Second Doctor vibe with Thirteen? Especially when Thirteen answered Ryan and Yaz’s question about dealing with her grief. Her answer felt like an echo of what the Second Doctor told Victoria (one of the very few good things from Tomb of the Cybermen). 
Post-regeneration and Tim Shaw (the irreverence! I love it!) kept Thirteen in Sheffield but I wasn’t surprised when Thirteen showed signs of wanting to move on. 
Thirteen has no intention of staying in one place especially when she spent most of her Twelfth regeneration staying put. Thirteen’s determination to find the TARDIS tripled to the point that she’s opting to use unfamiliar and dangerous technology to find her TARDIS. 
6) Thirteen’s description of undergoing regeneration, every cell in their body burning and fizzing. The matter a fact way she stated it, even though it sounds like the most horrific thing. I can’t help but remember the Day of the Doctor novelization and its description of regeneration, that it’s like walking into an inferno and a hurricane and the person who walks out the other side is another person. But I like Chibnall’s addition here: that the Doctor was still the same person, but there are new instincts too to the new person they come out as. 
And now for the things I did not like:
- This is going to be a bit unpopular but I didn’t like the direction of the episode, I could blame the script for some of the slow downs but most of the time I feel like it’s actually how a scene was shot that gets me. I.e.:
The first time the Doctor confronts Tim Shaw and instead of doing a wide shot we see a really tight shot to Tim Shaw’s face or the moment on the crane where Thirteen pats herself down to find the switch, it should be funny except I felt like the camera should have pulled back a bit to sell the funny moment. 
- Oh Chibnall No: What was that with Grace?! There was no call to kill Grace! There must be a twist here somewhere! Because between Grace and Graham I know who I want Thirteen to bring along with her! 
I am both mad and disappointed Chibs. 
Because what a way to mar an otherwise lovely episode! I hope the other writers step up and take Chris by the shoulders and shake him when he’s on the way of writing something like what happened with Grace: No, mate. No. 
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jacksonroseroth · 6 years
This Charming Life Chapter 1
A/N: This is my first attempt at an SOA fic. I’m sooooooooo not well versed in the fandom and stuff, but I like where it’s going so far! I’ve taken lines from the show to keep up with the plot. It starts just after Juice gets jumped trying to sell the Adderall. Hope you guys like it! :D Btw I’m gonna start with a clean taglit, only really gonna tag one or two people. If youlike what you read and want to be tagged, let me know! I’ll add you to the list! <3
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Moodboard made by me, none of the pics are mine, two edits are
Juice knocked on the door and sighed, glancing around the neighborhood. He didn't like showing up on her doorstep all bloodied and bruised, but he knew her place was the best place to be aside from the clubhouse. After getting patched up at the hospital, he just wanted some time away from the guys, but not alone. The door opened and a dark, curly-haired young woman appeared behind it. Her green eyes watched him, glancing around her street, as she tugged on a cardigan, wrapping it around her bra and panty clad body.
“Juice. Hey. What are you doing here?” She asked, holding out her hand to him, letting him in.
“Hey. I’m sorry to just burst in like this, Tawni.” Juice said as Tawni shut the door and turned to him.
“What happened?” She asked, tugging on his arm, trying to make him turn toward her. Tawni was Chib’s niece, though everyone in the club swore she was really his daughter from how much alike they were and they constantly teased her that perhaps she was Gemma and Chibs’ love child from how much she and Gemma looked like twins. He brought her with him when he patched over from SAMBEL to SAMCRO when she practically begged him to. Since then, Chibs did his best to keep her out of SAMCRO business and relationships with the guys, though she had a few flings with a prospect or two, but never a member. Yet, Tawni was ever the little Irish rebel and her and Juice had been flying way under the radar since they started sneaking around to be together. “Hey.”
Tawni finally gripped his arm, making him wince and turn to her to get her to let go. Tawni blinked and pulled her hand away, but stepped closer and gave a small gasp when she saw his face.
“It’s nothing, Tawn,” Juice said, turning his face away. Tawni put her hands on her hips and said, “Dinna bullshit me wi’ tha’. Ye’re face looks awful!”
At Tawni’s natural Irish accent breaking through in irritation, Juice smirked as he stepped away, going to her kitchen. Tawni sighed and followed him. After being in Charming for most of her life, her Irish accent faded to a more sophisticated California one, but it came out to play when she got worked up.
“Juice...I swear ta God…” She said, tugging at his hoodie to make him stop. Juice sighed and turned to her as she reached up to push his hood down and take his face, gently. “Oh, babe...Juice, what happened? Tell me.”
As much as Chibs wanted her to be kept away from club business outside of what she saw at the clubhouse, Juice told her everything. He knew she wasn’t stupid, by any means, and she would figure shit out sooner or later, as she’d proved in the past, so he decided to be honest and let damn near everything spill and Tawni became much the talented actress, acting like she knew absolutely nothing around the guys. With an irritated sigh, Juice finally said, “Two CL jumped me. I was meeting with the Chicken Man to sell the Adderall. Son of a bitch double-crossed me.”
Tawni sighed and shook her head, stepping into him and lifting up to kiss his uninjured cheek. He rested his hands on her waist and sighed, not looking at her.
“I’m sorry, Juice. Where were the guys when it happened?” Tawni asked.
“We went to Lumpy’s, sold the roids. I called Chicken and he said it was all good to go.” Juice shook his head and sighed, took her hand from his cheek, rubbing his thumb over her black-tipped nails, breaking a soft, brief smile. But it dropped quickly as he continued, “He gets paranoid. I said I’d go alone…”
“Juicy…” Tawni said, softly and sympathetic. She looked up at him, seeing the guilt in his eyes and she pulled him closer, kissing him softly. “Juice. It’s not your fault.”
“They took my Kutte, Tawni,” Juice said, pulling away from her and going to the couch. Tawni huffed at him, always irritated when he was stubborn, but followed him anyway and sat close to him, scratching her nails over his head.
“Juice, you couldn’t have known the CL would have been there, that Chicken would have tricked you...That’s not your fault.” Tawni said. Juice shook his head and sighed, sinking a little lower. Tawni gave a soft chuckle and slid her head to the back of his head then along the base of his neck. Juice looked up at her as she held out her other arm to him. Juice smiled as Tawni settled herself down on the couch, head resting on the armrest, and Juice tugged off his hoodie before snuggling up with her, head resting on her chest, nuzzled between her breasts. He slid a hand under her cardigan, over her warm skin and smiled, giving a soft sigh. Tawni couldn’t help but giggle at her big, strong biker man taken down by a cuddle and tits. She kissed his forehead as they cuddled and said, “You know the guys will still have your back no matter what.”
“Yeah, I know,” Juice said, his voice muffled slightly by Tawni’s breast. She giggled and closed her eyes as her nails continued to slide over his head, lightly, Juice running his fingers over her skin, soon sending them both off to sleep.
Juice gave Tawni a ride over to the clubhouse the next day to start her shift working the bar. While it didn't quite agree with Chibs, having her working there, she managed to find a waitressing job in town and was able to split it with her time at the club. She slung beers and coffees, passed out shots over the counter until it all died down around noon. The guys had gathered, half out front, half in chapel as Bobby made calls to figure shit out. Tawni and Chuckie walked out to Clay, Tig, Piney, and Opie, Chuckie refilling Opie and Tig’s coffee mugs as Tawni handed Clay and Piney each another beer. The door burst open and Bobby walked out with Jax, Chibs, and Juice, talking on the phone. Tawni glanced up at them as she moved to insert herself next to Opie, leaning on his chair, as Juice sat in the chair next to them. He passed her a quick glance that she returned with a sweet smile.
“Yeah...Yeah. Thanks...Yeah.” Bobby snapped the phone shut and sighed as Clay looked up at him. “The ten grand we sent to Serg’s guy in Vancouver? It’s gone.”
Clay sighed and Opie stood, pacing for a moment. Tawni bit her lip and glanced at Opie, then looked to Jax. Everyone in the club, members and a few choice others, knew what was going on with Abel. Everyone was concerned and wanted to see Abel back home, safe with his family.
“Guess mercenaries aren’t real big on refunds,” Bobby added.
“An’ the money we made on the roids, was in the bag the Mexicans stole from,” Chibs pointed at Juice and finished, “Idiot.”
Juice glanced up at Tawni and sighed as he sat back. Glass shattered from behind them as Opie threw his coffee mug into the empty lot in frustration. Tawni gave Chibs a look, but he ignored it.
“We’re tapped,” Bobby said. “And we have a very expensive excursion in front of us.”
“You guys, why don’t I just reach out to-”
“Don’ ev’n finish tha’ sentence, Tawni,” Chibs said, pointing at her. “Ye’re not gettin’ ‘nvolved in this.”
Tawni shot him a look and crossed her arms, annoyed, slipping down into Opie’s vacated seat.
“What about the other drugs?” Jax asked, nodding to Juice. Juice shrugged and said, “No street value. Black market scripts. We need a way into the clinics.”
“What about Tara?” Clay offered. Jax looked at him, staring. “Think she can help us move those scripts?”
“That’s not happening,” Jax said, firmly. Clay looked at him and said, “She’s your old lady.”
“I don’t care!” Jax shouted. “I said no.”
“Guys, seriously, let me reach out to a friend,” Tawni said. Chibs sighed and looked at her.
“Jax dinna wan’ Tara ‘nvolved, I don’ wan’ ye ‘nvolved, is tha’ clear?” Chibs said. Tawni shifted, narrowing her eyes at her uncle, slightly.
“Oh, aye. Well, ye need help movin’ them scripts, Filip! We only ‘ave so many options!” She said. Chibs growled at her, leaning toward her a little more, before taking a few steps away and sighing.
“Chibs, it’s either Tawni or Tara...One of you needs to make a decision and get it fucking done.” Clay said, looking from the Scot to Jax.
“Chibs, you know I can get you in,” Tawni said. Chibs rubbed his hands over his face and turned to her. He walked back over, pointing at her as he said, “Ye better make sure tha’ son o’a bitch, Brady, knows tha’ if he fucks this up and screws ye over, ‘e’s a dead man.”
Tawni smirked and uncrossed her arms, bouncing over to Chibs to kiss his cheek.
“Yeh, yeh, yeh…” Chibs said. Tawni chuckled and gave his arm a small squeeze, then said, “I’ll go give him a call now.”
Chibs sighed as Tawni walked off toward the garage, whipping out her phone and dialing a number as the guys started talking about something to do with Alvarez, but Tawni was well beyond earshot to eavesdrop. She glanced back at Juice, who had cast a glance out to her. She sent him a sweet smile, making sure Chibs wasn’t looking first.
“*Yeh?*” The voice that clicked onto the call was surrounded by absolute noise and Tawni sighed, knowing, already, this wasn’t a good sign.
“Finn? I can barely hear you. Where are you?” Tawni said, plugging her other ear to try and listen to him a little better.
“*Tawni! Hey, love, ‘s tha’ ye?! Long time, babe.*” Finn chuckled. Tawni suppressed a groan, regretting making this call, even making the suggestion, but she wanted to help out the club, so she’d endure it.
“Yeah. It’s been.” Tawni said. She took a breath and sighed before she added, “Look, I need a favor. The club needs funds and we have some scripts that need to get taken care of.”
“*Eh? Hmm. Well, I don’ really t’ink I have those connections anymore, sweets.*” The lilt in Finn’s voice told Tawni he was lying and just wanted a booty call from her, but she prayed he was back home in Ireland and she didn't have to actually fake it out.
“Hmm. That’s too bad. They’d probably get you in good with your men. Black Market scripts. HIV meds and shit like that.” Tawni said, putting a hand on her hip.
“*Really?! How t’e fuck did they get their ‘ands on them?!*” Finn asked.
“Wouldn’t you like to know…” Tawni said. Finn chuckled and gave a soft sigh.
“*Sweetheart, I’d really love ta help, but most o’ my guys aren’t in t’e game anymore.*” Finn said. Tawni sighed and closed her eyes. She really thought Finn would eat those meds up and she’d be able to help the club, but now that she knew Finn was no longer reliable, she held a small rejoice in the fact she never had to bother calling him again.
“Are you serious?” Tawni sighed. “Alright. Well...Thanks for entertaining the notion, I suppose.”
“*Yeh, sorry, love. Oi, when are ye comin’ back ‘ome? We miss ye over ‘ere.*” Finn said with a sultry sounding tone. Tawni rolled her eyes.
“Goodbye, Finn.” She said before ending the call. Tawni groaned and rubbed her temples before shoving the phone in her back pocket and making her way back over. The guys had gone back in, probably to vote the transfers in, since she recalled seeing Happy earlier and now saw Tig and Kozik talking as she approached. She watched the exchange carefully, knowing the history between the men, and was thankful when Tig walked off without trying to throw a punch at him. Kozik sighed and shook his head, turning to pace a little to cool off before heading inside. He smiled when he saw Tawni.
“Hey, Tawni.” He said. Tawni smiled and gave him a tight hug, Kozik returning it. They had a fling once before, mostly sneaking off at club parties. They managed to sneak around Chibs that first night, despite them both being drunk and rather loud during sex, but her schoolgirl crush on him eventually faded and they kept in touch as friends.
“Hey. I heard you’re looking to transfer.” She teased as Kozik slipped an arm around her neck and walked in with her.
“Yeah…” Kozik looked at Tig, giving a brief glare, before adding, “Hoping.”
Tawni chuckled and shrugged. “He’ll get over it eventually. He has to. You can’t hold a grudge that long.”
“Yeah. He can.” Kozik said, finally tearing his gaze from Trager and smiled down at Tawni. “I’ll see you, Tawn.”
Kozik kissed her cheek before heading into chapel. She sighed and went back behind the bar to wait on the three nervous-looking boys sitting there. She smirked.
Prospects. She thought. They get more timid every year.
“What can I get you, boys?” Tawni asked. The guys looked at each other as Tawni raised an eyebrow at them.
“Uh, some water?” The big one said. Tawni chuckled and shot him a wink before ducking down to grab three glasses and filled them. As she slid them over to the trio, Tig appeared in the doorway and beckoned the guys.
“Come on. Come on.” Tig said as they shuffled over. Tawni smirked and wiped down the bar, getting ready to start telling the possible new prospects what they needed to do. Before she knew it, she heard the cacophony of ‘Shut the door!’ being yelled at the prospects as they left chapel.
“You made it? Congrats.” Tawni said, half sarcastic. The boys glanced between each other and looked at her. Tawni blinked. “You do know I’m Chibs’ niece? I’ve got fucking seniority on you. Let’s move it, boys. You. Go get another case of beers. Down the hall and to the left. Well?”
The boy with the striped shirt that she had picked out jumped and took off down the hall.
“You, clean the shot glasses and line ‘em up. They guys will want to celebrate. Let’s go, honey.” Tawni said, waving the smaller one over.
“I’m Miles, by the way.” He said, smiling at her. Tawni blinked and said, “That’s nice. Get to the shot glasses.”
Miles nodded and started pulling the glasses up onto the counter and wiping them out. Tawni let an amused smirk pass before she turned. All the new prospects thought they had a chance with her, assuming she was just a Crow Eater. But Tawni earned her respect and position in the club, despite the fact Chibs was her uncle. She was fierce, tough, and knocked one or two of the visiting members out cold when they got too drunk and touchy-feely.
“Uh, what can I do?” The big one said. Tawni looked up at him and said, “Clean up the tables.”
She tossed a rag at him as she poured herself a glass of water. The chapel doors opened and the guys came out, Clay first, followed by Tig and Happy. Tig turned to Happy and grabbed him, saying something Tawni couldn’t quite make out. Happy growled out a happy ‘Yeah!’ as Tig let him go, turning to head to the bar as the striped shirt prospect came back with a case of beers.
“Come on, come on, come on, come on.” Tig prodded, impatiently, waiting for his beer. The others filed out and came over to the bar, Chibs slipping in next to Tig, Opie at the end before Piney joined him, bringing Happy along with him. Bobby came up to him, holding the two decals that read Redwood Originals, teasing Happy with them before putting it in his hand. Tawni smiled at the exchange between brothers. She liked Happy, he was rather amusing to be around. He got intense and intimidating most times, but when he was able to relax, he was fun. Juice waited until Chibs was distracted, talking to Chuckie and the new prospect Tawni had cleaning shot glasses, Miles, to go to her and sneak a quick kiss.
“Ooh, you are just looking for trouble, Ortiz.” She teased. Juice smirked and chuckled, giving a shrug.
“Hey, thanks for letting me in yesterday.” He said, swiping his thumb along her jaw, quickly. Tawni glanced up at him, tucking her curls behind her ear and smiled as she cleaned more glasses.
“Well, I’m not going to just turn you away, Juice. You’re my old man.” Tawni said, soft enough only he could hear her. Juice chuckled and smiled, taking a step closer to put his arm around her, but he stopped when flesh on leather sounded, followed by a painful groan from Tig. Tawni and Juice looked up, Juice revoking his step toward her, taking two more away from her, ready to jump into action, but with a small smirk on his face. Kozik shuffled, ready to fight as Tig stood up and turned to him. Piney helped him up, holding onto his arms to make sure he was okay, as Tig stared at Kozik. Tig shifted, reaching up to rub the shoulder Kozik punched.
“You son of a bitch…” Tig said.
“No fun getting suckerpunched is it?” Kozik taunted, shifting again.
“No. It’s not!” Tig growled into a shout, grabbing onto him and pushing him back toward Jax, Clay and the pool table where Clay observed. Kozik managed to turn Tig and slam him down on the table, causing an amused Clay to move as the guys started shouting. Juice moved quickly, moving the chairs and tables out of the way, then quickly getting out of the way as well, going back to Tawni. Tawni shook her head and chuckled as she put away the glasses.
“Fucking children.” Tawni chuckled as she stole glances as she worked. The big prospect took a few steps closer, but Jax stopped him with a hand to his chest, moving to lean on the table behind him, crossing his arms to watch the fight.
“Should we do anything?” He asked. Jax looked at him and smirked.
“Yeah.” Jax started, “Get some brooms. There’ll be a lot of shit to clean up.”
Tawni giggled and looked up at them. Jax looked at her and laughed softly as she waved the prospect over, before turning his attention back to the fight.
“What should we do?” He asked her.
“Just what Jax said. Brooms and other cleaning shit is in the closet in the kitchen. Just keep an eye out of what breaks and deal with it once it’s over.” Tawni said, gently moving Miles out of the way as he and the other prospect watched the fight. Tawni moved the shot glasses back under the bar, shifting all the other drinks off in case the fight moved over. Kozik and Tig were going at it and the clubhouse was filled with shouts and hollers of the other members egging them on as they did.
“Don’t dance, hit him!” Happy yelled, smirking. Chibs leaned forward between Opie and Piney with a laugh and a loud ‘Oh!’ Tawni shook her head and sighed, just waiting for the fight to be over. Finally, before they killed each other, Jax and Clay began to pry the men apart, Happy and Chibs joining them to pull them away.
“Alright. Alright. Ye’ve both made yer points.” Chibs said, inserting himself in the space between the men. “Yer’e both pret’y.”
The guys laughed as they moved Kozik and Tig as far from each other as they could to patch them up. Chibs took Tig into chapel while Tawni excused herself from the bar and went to Kozik, taking him from Happy and leading him down to one of the rooms. Tawni sat him down on the bed and opened the first aid kit she snagged from the kitchen.
“Told you,” Kozik said, shrugging off his Kutte and tugging off his shirt. Tawni gave him a look.
“From what I saw, you threw the first punch. That’s called instigating, Koz.” She said. “Now hold still…”
Tig didn't really have time to pull off his rings before beating them into Kozik’s face. He already had a wicked bruise blooming over his left eye and a nasty cut above it. Tawni scooted closer to him on the bed and pressed a rubbing alcohol soaked cotton puff to the wound, making Kozik squeeze his eyes shut with a hiss and grip her arm with one hand, the other snaking around her waist and gripping her hip. Tawni shook her head and smirked.
“Ye big baby.” She teased. Kozik opened his right eye and chuckled, letting go of her arm. Like her uncle, Tawni was well versed in medicine, mostly having learned it from him when he left the army and joined SAMBEL. So she became the go-to if both Chibs and Tara weren’t an option, which happened rarely for the big stuff, but Tawni was the one who patched up most of the members after fights and the like a majority of the time. Tawni dug through the kit for a cold compress to break up and slap on his face as Kozik looked her over and smiled.
“You look good, Tawni. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.” Kozik said. Tawni glanced at him as she continued to search. While their fling was short-lived, that didn't mean his feelings went completely away like Tawni’s did. She was much younger than him, but he always saw her as more mature than the other, older, Crow Eaters, which attracted him even more.
“Yeah. It’s been a few years, Koz.” Tawni said. Kozik pulled her close, making her turn to him as he ducked his head to kiss her. Before he could Tawni turned her head away and sighed. “Kozik...You really shouldn’t…”
“What? You got a boyfriend now?” He asked, surprised and a little unconvinced. Tawni nodded and scooted away from him.
“Yeah. I do.” She said, packing up the kit and tossing the used puffs. Kozik chuckled and said, “Who? Chibs didn't seem on edge about it.”
Chibs was always protective of his only niece. She did date outside the club, but every time she revealed who her uncle was, the relationships ended and Tawni sought the comfort of her uncle. Anytime she told him she had a new beau, he was always on edge whenever she showed up out of the blue, just waiting to hear what poor, pathetic sap hurt her this time. Tawni glanced at him and closed the kit.
“He doesn't know yet.” She said. Kozik raised an eyebrow, surprised.
“Who is the kid?” Kozik asked, watching her. She sighed and turned to him.
“Koz, please. Jus’ drop it ‘nd dinna tell Chibs, yeah?” Tawni asked. “When i’s t’e right time, I’ll tell ‘im. But if I ‘ear ‘e ‘eard it from ye, I’ll give ye a matching eye, yeh?”
Kozik smirked as he tugged his shirt back on. “Alright, alright. Don’t go all Irish on me.” He teased. Tawni gave him a look as he grabbed his Kutte and made his way out, kissing her cheek and thanking her for patching him up before he left. Tawni closed her eyes and sighed, giving her head a small shake before she left the room and stowed the kit away, back in its spot.
About three days later, Tawni woke up and stretched, feeling around Juice’s bed, but meeting a cold spot. Her eyes snapped open as she finally registered the sounds of drawers opening and zippers being pulled. Tawni yawned and sat up, watching Juice as he packed.
“Hey. Where are you going? You got a run?” She asked. Juice glanced at her and shook his head.
“No. Um...We’re going to Ireland.” Juice said. Tawni blinked.
“Excuse me?” Tawni said. She scrambled out of bed and started packing a bag of her own. Juice zipped up the last pocket and turned to try and grab at her as she brushed passed him.
“Hey, hey! No. There is no way you’re coming.” Juice said, catching her upper arm and dragging her away from the dresser. Tawni gave him a look.
“You lot really think you’re going to Ireland without me?” She asked.
“It’s going to be dangerous, Tawni! We’re flying overseas as felons in a fucking cargo plane. If we get caught and you go down with us-”
“Then make sure that doesn’t happen, Juice,” Tawni said, pulling her arm out of his grasp. “I’m not going to be left behind while you all go to my home without me. Besides, I still have connections there if you need anything. I’ve used them before.”
Juice groaned. “Tawni, please don’t do this to me,” Juice said. “What is Chibs going to say when we show up, together, and packed?”
“You’re going to drop me off at home so I can pack, then you’re going to take me with you to the clubhouse. We’ll make up some excuse, that I overheard the guys at the bar talking about it or something. But I’m going.” Tawni said, tugging on her jeans and shirt from the day before. Juice sighed.
“Fuck. Why am I dating you again?” He asked, slinging his bag over his shoulder as Tawni shoved a pair of jeans from the dresser into her bag. She turned to him and smiled, kissing him softly, and said, “Because you love me?”
Juice smirked as she bounced out of the room. “Yeah. I’m beginning to question that love…” He chuckled to himself.
Hope you guys liked it! If you want to be tagged in future fics/chapters, let me know! I’ll add you to the tag list! <3
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kimtotes · 4 years
Ugh I remember some disgusting jokes Sutter did about Juice,knowing the guy you can imagine about what they were🤮But not long ago he got a Q about if Chibs felt a little bad about what happened to Juice and Sutter was an ass like”sure,keep dreaming”I just hate the guy🤣I almost never agree with him,he kinda agreed with the Maureen haters,who btw also blame Tara for the letters but never Clay or queen Gemma🙄He does the same with the love stories,he always say nice things about Gemma/Clay or Gemma/Nero,or Opie/Donna or Lyla,but barely talks about J/T,lately he said Jax always loved Tara deeply and the thing about sharing his feelings with her,but he will never say the corny romantic shit he wrote about a little character like Winsome,sorry,I cant get over Sutter saying Jax realized he was still capable of love with a girl he knew for two days🙄and it was to troll J/T fans bc the question was about her resemblance to Tara ugh!😒
Yeah I’m sure they were absolutely disgusting, Sutter is absolute trash 😤. That doesn’t make any sense! Yes Chibs felt betrayed, but you could tell that there was still love there! Chibs and Juice were really close and he took care of him after he tried to kill himself. How can you agree with the Maureen haters???? That’s absolutely insane!! I love how he blames everyone but Gemma, you know the one who actually murdered her husband 🙄. Idk what his issue is with J/T, I really think he just hates the fandom. I mean J/T were the biggest ship in the show and most of the fans who shipped them were big Tara fans. He just hates the Tara fans because we call him on his shit! It had to be him fucking with us because that’s just completely out of nowhere! Like Jax hooks up with this random girl, yet we’re supposed to believe Jax thought he could be capable of loving her?? He doesn’t even know her! All they did was bang and he started crying because he was thinking about his dead wife during, shut up Sutter 😑
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keyofjetwolf · 7 years
Hey so quick question so far what is it you like most on the R Arc of the Manga and Compared to the Anime which version do you prefer? I personally love Second Season because of Chibi Usa/Rini btw I want to publicly apologize for accidentally using my personal Anime Porn blog before to reblog and discuss about Rini being 900 years old I'm still getting used to having two blogs I truly truly apologize for that mistake. I hope you can forgive me for that.
I make mistakes with how Tumblr works all the time, I get how it is. I’m still not completely sure I understand the points you were arguing for, and I’m not sure what you were trying to say came across as intended, but I’m all for putting the whole thing behind me.
To your questions: what I most like in the R manga arc so far is probably Chibi-Usa. I’ve felt particularly compassionate toward her. I talked about this in more detail not too long ago, but basically I think her character has been well-served by the faster manga pace. She’s come across as a very sympathetic character to me, and my heart goes out to her.
As for preferring the anime or manga R arc, that’s really no contest: THE INNERS ARE ACTUALLY IN THE ANIME ARC. I hate the breakup storyline and feel we could’ve shaved about fifteen episodes from the bloody thing, but at least the girls are THERE, and getting some excellent stuff, and there’s Aunt Rei and Chibi-Usa and UGH I FUCKING LIVE FOR AUNT REI AND CHIBS. Plus all the awesome shit with the Ayakashi, who are right up there for my favourite mini-bosses.
Yeah, no question. Even with the stuff about R that I don’t care for, I’d take the anime every day.
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Forbidden Fruit - Part Five
A/N: First attempt at Sons of Anarchy fanfiction. It's been awhile since i watched the show, so i'm sorry if my characters aren't in character. This is part 5 of 7. Feedback is always appreciated. Thanks to my beta @thorne93. You rock.
Characters: Reader x Jax, Chibs.
Warnings: a little violence, language, fluff. Angst.
Wordcount: 943 (I know it's short… sorry)
*Not my GIF*
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The punch came so fast that Jax had no time to react and it hit him right in the jaw, sending him to his knees. Behind Chibs he could see Happy and Tig running towards them, yelling at Chibs to stop.
“You stay the fuck away from my little girl, you hear me?” he yelled just as Hap and Tig caught up.
“I'm sorry, Chibs, but that's already too late.” Jax was back on his feet, ready to take the next punch, but it never came.
Chibs ran a hand over his face, trying to calm himself down so he didn't beat the shit out of his VP. He had fought so hard to keep you away from the club for all these years. “Well, shit,” he breathed out.
“Look…” Jax started.
“I can't look at you right now, Jackie,” Chibs interrupted, shaking his head. “This is not okay,” he said before walking away.
“I'm fine,” Jax assured the other two as he watched the scott go back inside. This conversation was far from over, but for now he would give your father some time to cool down. He dug his phone out of his pocket and sent you a text.
 Hey. Heading back home now. House is empty btw;)
You smiled at your phone as you read the text, typing up a quick reply.
I'll be right over.
“Jax?” you questioned, opening his front door when he didn't come to open.
“Come on in, I'm in the kitchen.”  
“Oh my God,” you gasped as he turned around, giving you a great view of the bruise still forming on his cheek. “What the hell happened?” you asked, reaching out to him.
“It's nothing more than I can handle,” he assured, pulling you towards him and placing a soft kiss to your lips. “Hi.”
“Hi,” you smiled up at him, leaning into him. “So, how did you get the shiner?” you pressed.
“Told Chibs I was in love with his daughter. He didn't take it all that well,” he shrugged.
“You told him what?” you breathed out, probably as shocked as your dad was to hear those words.  
“I told him that I am in love with you,” he repeated, his eyes flitting between yours, a serious expression on his face.
“I love you too, Jax,” you confessed. It was so good to be able to say those words to him, and to hear him say them back. You had wished for this moment for as long as you could remember. “I'm gonna talk to him.”
“But first..” He gave you that devilish grin of his before he started placing openmouthed kisses over your jaw and down our neck.
“Really, Jax?” you chuckled, letting yourself get tempted by his antics.
He mumbled a “really” into your neck as he pulled you towards his room.
“Is this how you treat all your guests?” you teased after you both had regained your breaths.
“Only the really pretty ones,” he assured with a cheeky grin. He stretched out his arm for you and you didn't hesitate to cuddle into him, letting your light fingers mindlessly trace his scars and tatoo.
Jax was obviously making a joke, but you couldn't help the little pang of jealousy you got at his words. The thing about dating a Son was that they had this ‘what happens on the road, stays on the road’ deal, and you weren't really sure how, or even if you could, handle that.
“You know this isn't some kind of rebound thing for me. I don't mean to put any pressure on you or anything, I just want you to know that I want this, I have wanted this for a while.” You turned around so that you were lying on your stomach, chin propped up on his chest so that you could look into those beautiful blue eyes of his.
“I wouldn't have gone through the trouble of telling Chibs if I didn't think this was something real.” He looked into your eyes as he brushed a strand of hair from your face. “I know you’re worried about everything, like Wendy and Abel and the club, but you’re it for me and no one is going to fuck that up, not the club, your dad, my ex-wife, or even a random croweater.” He knew you were worried about the infidelity, but the truth was that he wasn't interested in anyone else, he wanted you and if that meant that he had to keep it in his pants on the road, that's what he would do.
“I wish i could stay here and do this all day, but I'm gonna go talk to my dad,” you informed, pushing yourself off the bed. “Can we meet up later?”
You stopped by the liquor store on your way to see your father, bringing him a bottle of his favorite scotch in hopes of buttering him up a little. You were just about to unlock Opes truck that you had borrowed, when you felt something pressed against your back, pushing you forward.
“If you don't do exactly as I say, I will put a bullet through your heart right now.” Caseys voice in your ear sent shivers down your spine as fear took over your body. “Nod if you understand me.”
You nodded, fighting against your tears.
“Now unlock the door and climb in.”
You did as he told you and you climbed over the driver's seat and into the passenger seat, handing him the keys as he jumped in behind the wheel.
“Now hand over your purse,” he demanded, his gun pointed at you the whole time.
Tags: (let me know if you want on/off) @spontaneousam @michaelreaderreblog @girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine @avasmommy224 @pixellarious @spn05winchester @coldwarsagas @lucianshuman @grlwtskulltattoo @fangirltrash-25 @thatbrokengirl34 @daughterofanarchy997 @deadlystiles @karissadarling @idorkish @sxbering @svtvn-hvs-a-cvrch @bertbert08 @frozensunshine @rohz148 @whys0sinful @sparklemichele @mogaruke @clairese1980 @ly--canthrope @thran-dulis @mementomori-mementoviviere @nlsupernatural @small-town-wayward-daughter @jared-jensen-misha-are-lovelyy @percussiongirl2017
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shadysadie · 8 years
Sailor Moon 90s Dub Names
So some of the name changes in the Sailor Moon DiC dub really baffle me. (Keep in mind I did not watch Sailor Moon as a kid, I was vaguely aware of it's existence, but I never watched a single episode until I was a senor in high school, so I started with the sub and have no nostalgic ties to the DiC/Cloverway dub. However I did read the Mixx version of the manga so I was exposed to the changed names there and later I heard so much about the dub I went and watched a handful of episode out of curiosity)
Lets start with the title character
Usagi – DiC name: Serena – Mixx name: Bunny
Okay Usagi is weird because she actually has two dub names, obviously Serena in the anime, but a lot of people don't seem to know in the first American printing of the manga she was actually called Bunny. Now I don't know which came out first in America the manga or the anime, and I'm too lazy to look it up, but I'm going to guess the manga did just because of this reason. Changing Usagi to Bunny actually isn't too stupid, Anime hadn't quite taken over America yet so a lot of people still got rattled by super foreign names. As I get older I do start to understand localization was the thing in the 90s. Since Bunny is literally what Usagi means I didn't find this too stupid. Plus it shows why Usagi is obsessed with rabbits.
 Serena though? I don't think Serena fits the character AT ALL! Not only does it simply sound like it doesn't fit the character, but look at the name meaning: "clear, tranquil, serene" none of those things could be used to describe Usagi. And yes, I know the same could be said for Serenity but Serenity was Usagi's PAST LIFE, not who she is now. I've gone off on what I think of keeping her Princess name the same a few times on this blog so I won't even go there in this post.
 Now, in fairness, this one I actually was given an explanation for at a con, at a panel with John Stocker (one of the men who originally helped write the dub script) I asked why they didn't just use the name “Bunny” and he said it had to do with syllables, the mouth movement for “U-sa-gi” matched the mouth movement for “Ser-ren-na” better than “Bun-ny” But since everyone but Rei and Chibiusa use honorifics, I'm calling bullshit on this excuse. (Victoria was also in the running for a dub name, which fits Usagi even less than Serena, but at least the syllable excuse would work for that one.)
Mamoru Chiba– DiC and Mixx name: Darien Shields
 I have to admit, I find it hilarious that they do try to capture the name meaning here. Mamoru literally means “Protect”, and so I laugh that they just literally make his last name “Shields”. To be honest, while I find it a kind of boring name, I don't think it contrasts him too terribly much because I kind of find Mamoru to be a boring character. (sorry Mamo) Like I could totally see him as a Darien, that's fine, it's the 90s, whatever. But again, like with Princess Serena, do we really need to make his past life's name “Prince Darien” Seriously? Along with it being lazy. Darien does not sound royal to me, particularly not fantasy/mythology status royal. And Endymion is a great name with a great story behind it! Like why did we have to cut out that mythological tie? In Greek Mythology an astronomer (or shepherd depending on variations) name Endymion fell in love with the goddess of the moon and was cursed by Zeus, that's a great detail that totally gets erased.
Chibiusa (Usagi Small Lady Serenity) – DiC and Mixx name: Rini (No official princess name to my knowledge)
 This one totally disproves the syllables excuse because there's no way in hell anyone thought “Chi-Bi-Us-Sa” was the same mouth movement as “Ri-ni” But I suppose this one makes sense since Chibiusa is a nickname for Usagi, Rini is a nickname for Serena. I suppose the name fits her well enough, though I do think in the Black Moon Arc the enemy kept referring to her as “Small Lady” instead of “Rabbit”. Like, okay, whatever, her name isn't Usagi, Rabbit wouldn't make sense. But then at one point the enemies try to trick her by appearing as Neo-Queen Serenity and she calls her Small Lady, and Chibs is all like “My mommy would NEVER call me Small Lady, you're not really her” like, no bitch, that's your name! It's not a title, Usagi was just that corny when she named you. DiC DON'T CUT USAGI'S CORNINESS!
Ami Mizuno – DiC and Mixx name: Amy Anderson – Cloverway: Amy Mizuno
Okay Ami, Rei, Mina, and Michiru I can't criticize too much because they're just the American translation of the Japanese names so I don't really mind, they're spelled different, but so what? But Ami baffles me because she's the only one of the girls with a different last name. Like, why? Seriously, why? Even Usagi's last name stays the same and that's arguably much more Japanese sounding than Mizuno. I mean, don't get me wrong, Anderson's my last name, it's a good last name, but why is she the only one with an American last name? But what makes it even better is Cloverway then changes it back to Mizuno and no one ever mentions it again.
Just for fun I'm also going to point out that “Blue” was in the running for a dub name for her and I think that's the funniest shit ever. “What should we name this character?” “IDK, what's her color scheme?” “Blue.” “Good enough!” I'd actually like to thank the dubbers for sticking with Amy.
Rei Hino – DiC and Mixx name: Raye Hino
Can't say much about Rei. It's spelled weird, I would have gone with Rae, but whatever. Dana was apparently in the running for her, again, glad they decided against changing it.
Makoto Kino – DiC and Mixx name: Lita Kino
I actually think Lita fits Makoto pretty well. Almost just as well as Mako-chan. Sara was also in the running which I also don't think would have been a too terribly bad choice, Lita's less generic though.
Minako Aino – DiC and Mixx name: Mina Aino
Again, same name, just a different variation of it. Artemis even calls her Mina as a nickname in the original so whateves. Carrie was in the running for her which would have been a fucking awful fit, so I'm glad they stayed with Mina.
Haruka – Cloverway name: Amara – Mixx name: Haruka but also sometime Alex
WARNING: Raging hate boner rant coming up!!!!
This is the name that actually got me to write this whole thing!
Out of all the name changes Haruka's pisses me off the most. It's SUCH a bad fit. I don't hate the name Amara itself, I actually think it's kind of pretty, but it does NOT go with this character! You give the most gender androgynous character one of the most feminine names? It doesn't fit. It sounds weird, it doesn't mesh with her personality, it seems weird every time they call her that!
And what's most baffling to me, THEY STILL PLAY THE 'IS SHE A GUY?' GAME! When Usagi and Minako meet her, they still pad after her thinking she's a guy. Haruka is a name that while typically more common for women, is gender neutral. Amara is definitely not. How can you not hear the name “Amara” and not instantly think, “Oh, shit, that's a chick”
Now the Mixx Manga did something weird, because they introduced the character as Alex Haruka, but only for the panel she was introduced in, then she was Haruka exclusively until one panel in the Dream Arc when she's called Alex again, but that's it. So...great proof reading there guys. Honestly Alex should have been her name in the Cloverway dub. Sure it doesn't fit her as well as Haruka does, but it fits a hell of a lot more than Amara. And more importantly it's one of the most gender neutral names ever.
Also her first draft name was Corinn, can't decide if that's better or worse than Amara. Seriourly dub, why didn't you take Alex? Or another gender neutral name? Riley? Sam? Ash? Jess? Skyler? (BTW I totally just googled “gender neutral American names” to give these examples and had to laugh cuz Skyler would have been the best, corniest pun ever)
Michiru – Cloverway name: Michelle
 Again this one I have no qualms with because I've seen plenty of animes where the name Michiru and Michelle are used interchangeably depending on the dubber and the VA's accent. Again, same name different language.
Nerissa was supposed to be her dub name, which is fucking stupid, I'm glad they stayed with Michelle.
Setsuna – Cloverway name: Trista
Okay, so this is actually the reason I know all the names that were in the running, because I actually had to look up Setsuna's dub name, not cuz I hadn't seen any episodes of the dub with Setsuna in them, but cuz the name Trista to me is really forgettable. I don't know why, it's just a super forgettable name, Setsuna, more than any of the others, even more than Haruka really, I can't see having any name other than Setsuna (other than Plu of course) though that brings me to a little side tangent. Because Chibiusa doesn't call her “Plu” in the dub, she calls her “Luna P” which, no, I'm sorry, no, just no! Luna P is Chibi's toy, not Pluto, Luna P doesn't even remotely make sense as a nickname for Pluto. Yes she does talk with Pluto using Luna P (which I think is called “the Luna Sphere” in the dub) but that doesn't mean we get to degrade a badass character such as Pluto down to the status of a stuffed floating cat's head. Bad dubbers! Bad!
Also, her almost name was Celia, which again, no, sorry. Setsuna is Setsuna.
Hotaru – Cloverway name: Hotaru – Mixx name: Hotaru, but also Jenny just a couple of times.
Last but not least, my favorite character, Hotaru. Now obviously I can't get mad here because they didn't change her name, but I am really confused as to why. Seriously I still can't figure out why they changed ever other name that sounded too Japanese but this one character. Unlike Rei or Mina, this isn't even one that can be an American name too. Hotaru definitely sounds Japanese. Why does just this one character get to keep her super Japanese sounding name? Absolutely no idea. Like Haruka the Mixx seemed to have wanted to rename her but decided against it and not been very good at telling everyone they decided against it because the name “Jenny” pops up a few times in the Manga, but only after Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna adopt her so take that as you will. I'm glad they didn't rename her, but if they would have chose to I don't think Jenny would have been a god awful choice
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greezyscumbag · 8 years
Hello! I'm who asked for the Chibs imagine and I LOVED IT!! thank you so much
Thanks for requesting, I loved the idea, so unique! I'm really glad you liked it and thank you for your compliments :) yes requests are open, although I still have like 11 to write lol but yes feel free to request! Xx
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