#I swear he’s so fun and so cool I want to write fanfic of him immediately
jonnothyvase · 1 year
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I have labored to bring you…. Javid.
i started drawing him and then I was able to pull him which meant I HAD to finish it. he’s so pretty.
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epicrainbowsheep · 10 months
It's all in the hip position
Not really following the Stranger Things timeline, been a very long time since I’ve written fanfic, especially smut, the inspiration for this comes from years of reading fan fiction with the guys always having massive cocks, we need a variety people and I'm here to deliver! This is modelled after my partner, so I know what I'm writing about from experience but that is hard to put into words.
Warning this is smut
Enjoy average-sized dick Billy
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Billy Hargrove x Female Reader
The bell rang for lunch as the cafeteria of Hawkins High filled with teenagers, different conversations were happening all at once, about what they got up to over the weekend and whose party were you at; but one in particular managed to prick the ears of Billy Hargrove the most, coming from the table of girls behind him.
“Oh come on the guy had a massive dick right?!” Leah responded slamming her hands on the table in front of you, “Well yeah but he didn’t even know how to use it! Like seriously the sex was so awkward and really bumpy” rolling your eyes as you ate your lunch. “Really? Guys with massive dicks are normally meant to be amazing at sex, like bigger stretch and hits the G-spot easier” Bianca said adding to Leah’s comment, “I don’t know maybe but I can say Mathew has every right to say he’s got a big dick but I’m doubting bigger is always better” you sighed.
A hearty male laugh came from behind you, the tone already indicating who it was. “Having fun laughing at me Billy” you said turning around with a very not amused face. “Sorry couldn’t hold it in (Y/N), I could have saved you the bad lay last Saturday, thought you guys were just sucking face at Tommy’s party” Billy wiped tears from the corners of his eyes “But definitely did make my day better”.
His words made you more confused, your other friends pretending to talk as you turned your full attention to him “What do you mean you could have ‘saved me’?” wanting to know what he’d say you leaned in closer, as he did the same he said in a low voice “Last girl I slept with said that I was the best sex she’s ever had, that was Mathew’s ex, said he was a lousy lay” he winked and sat back up, making you feel the red in your face.
“Seriously? She always used to boast about how good he was!” You were baffled, he chuckled “Of course doll, they were dating then” he moved over to sit next to you stealing some of your food as his leg touched yours, “Wait Betty said that! You’ve gotta be lying” Leah enquired to Billy, who helped himself you your food again. 
“Swear on my reputation sweetheart” he leaned in making sure to look her directly in the eyes “And I can say if you keep after that Munson fella* you won’t be disappointed”, she looked shocked “How did you-“ Bianca’s laugh cuts her off, as you continued “Anyone can tell from a mile away Lee trust me” smiling at her she turned red, looking away from everyone at the table, the bell began to ring as you all got up and went your own ways. 
“From what I hear you’re pretty average in size, what makes you better anyways?” you teased as your friends walked in the opposite direction, your words made him smirk as you both walked towards the door he stops, leaning in to whisper in your ear “It isn’t the size darling, it’s all in the hip positions, more than happy to show you” He blew cool air down your neck, making you shiver and breathless, not knowing what to respond with, Billy just laughed again and walked away.
‘Bloody hell he’s smooth’ you thought, as you finally managed to walk away.
School flies by and it’s the weekend in no time, you’ve been having trouble all week trying to get Billy and his words out of your head. “He can’t be as good as he’s saying right?” you say to no one as you get ready for a party at Tina’s. The blasting of a horn from outside snaps you back into reality, managing to fix up the last of your make-up, making sure to lock the house on the way. Steve’s waved from the car and opened the door from the inside, you slid in and closed the door. “So ready to graduate,” Steve said as he began to drive, “Couldn’t agree more dude! Hawkins is a shit hole” you responded “Robin meeting us there?” “Yeah said she had her own ride or something”.
Rest of the ride was filled with the radio and talk with Steve until you arrived, “You need a lift back or fending for yourself, cause I’m bailing if I see Nancy making out with Johnathan” he said as you both entered the house “Fair dude and I should be right, there is always someone to catch a ride with, make sure to forget about her dude she’s 100% moved on” you gave him a sad smile “Want a drink?” you said while walking towards the kitchen, “Nah I’ll try and find Robin first, catch up with you after though” “Okay sounds good!” giving the thumbs up you walked away.
The next few hours became a blur of shots and beer bong, definitely feeling the buzz now, hearing the cheers from outside, around the keg stand people were cheering and shouting as Billy managed to beat his own time, his eyes managed to catch yours, smirking he stalked towards you and leaned on the wall next to you. 
“Managed to catch all that doll?” leaning in even closer to your face, “Definitely impressive buuutt” you leaned into his ear, the alcohol giving you a confidence boost, “I think you have something else your wayyyy better at that you need to ‘show’ me still” adding the air quotes with your smirk, Billy even cockier now than before, grabbed your waist and pulled you to his chest and smashed his lips to yours. His lips felt slightly chapped and warm, with his intense cologne flying up your nostrils.
“How ‘bout we get out of here doll” he growled and pulled you by the hand, leading you out of the house. “Let’s head to my place, my parents aren’t home” you said as you both shut the doors of his Camaro.
“Just show me the way babe” he said as he sped off down the road.
 You both stumbled into your room, hands were roaming over each other’s bodies. His hands grab your waist and throw you onto the bed, the suddenness leaves you stunned for a second before he’s crawling towards you with the look of lust in his eyes. “Baby I’ve had my eye on you for a while” one of his arms supports his weight near your head, while his other hand trails up your thigh, going underneath your shirt to grab your clothed breast. He kisses you as you moan at his actions.
He kisses down your neck, grabs the bottom of your shirt and you help him pull it over your head, before resuming the kissing, it turns intense as he slots his clothed crotch against you. Teeth and tongue get smashed into each other as you both sloppily make out, your hands let go of his white shirt and scratch down his back as he moved against you, both in a sea of bliss as each last item of clothing is removed.
You both pull away looking at each other, your body glowed under the moonlight coming from the window, Billy couldn’t stop staring at how the curves of your body complemented each other as he slid his hands from your thighs, squeezing the thickness along the way to your stomach, his mouth kissed all the way up, starting from just under your belly button, all the way up between the valley of your breasts.
His right hand makes its way between your folds, your wetness making sounds as he slides his fingers against you, slightly touching your clit “Fuck babe your nice and wet” you moan out for him as his fingers slide into you, slowly pumping in and out. Your hands grab his jaw and bring his lips to yours, his fingers start to pick up the pace as he hears your moans pick up, “Billy I’m so close! Please don’t stop!” his hands
His head hovers above you, he hazily looks into your eyes, realising your eyes were stuck in one position. “Babe what are you-“ his eyes  move down to what your staring at, he huffs. “(Y/N) get out what your thinking now before we get any further” “Is it average?” the look on her face is completely genuine.
Silence follows before Billy laughs hard, “Fuck (Y/N) seriously I’ve got tears in my eyes” he kneels up resting against his legs he grabs his cock, sliding a condom along his length, spreading his knees wide, leaning back his other hand sliding against his thigh, your ogling at him, your eyes follow the shadows against his body that the moonlight creates, to his smug look, then to his hard, throbbing cock.
“Baby you’re looking at the most average cock, size is 5.6 inches if you must know” He slowly starts crawling up towards to again, caging you in, lowers his mouth to your ear and huskily says “Will be the thing that makes you cum the hardest” he slides his cock into you, your walls stretching around his cock.
Both of you moan when he is fully inside you, he looks into your eyes silently asking if you’re ready, you nod and he starts slowly thrusting into you. He slowly picks up the pace, grabbing your legs and putting them over your shoulders and angles his hips down, reaching places you’ve never felt were possible. 
“Fuck Billyyy!” you moaned out, your head tilting backwards as he pounds into you. “Baby your pussy is squeezing me so tightly” he groans in response to your consistent moans, you’ve never heard a man so vocal in bed, he keeps chanting out your name.
“Doll you’re such a good girl taking my dick so well” he straightens his back and manhandles your legs so your feet are up by his head, the new angle allowing him to roll his hips in a new way that made you cum instantly “BILLY! You’re fucking me so good” you feel drool sliding out your mouth as you feel another orgasm coming on.
His hips piston into you as he chases after his own release, “Baby I feel another one in you, I’m so close” he groans out as he slams his hips deep into you for the final time as you scream out his name in pure bliss. 
He rests your legs down on the bed and flops beside you, he’s a sight to behold, chest gleaming from the sweat, the light bouncing off his body, used condom still on his half-hardened dick, you’ve never seen a more beautiful sight. He smirks at you, pulling you into his chest by your waist, “You checking me out (Y/N)?” looking up into his eyes, they sparkle with mischief.
“So what of it?” you say back as you snuggle into his warm body, he chuckles to himself. You both lay there in silence, enjoying the afterglow of sex. You break the silence “Don’t get an ego but your right” he looks at you his faced first puzzled then the realisation hits him, the sex made him momentarily forget, pulling a shit-eating grin onto his face.
“Told you size doesn’t matter” his head hits the pillow again and he closes his eyes, “What’s your secret anyways, that was the best sex I’ve had in a while”
“You really wanna know?”
“It’s all in the hip positions sweetheart”
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caribbean1989 · 10 days
It's Better Together - A Baby Lasagna fanfiction
Who: Baby Lasagna / Marko Purisic Request: maybe the reader is representing another country (doesn't have to be a singer maybe in the team) and after the behaviour of isreali's team (as many people said they treated them bad) she isn't feeling well and marko helps her and supports her. Requested by: anonymous Word count: 916 Warnings: some implied swearing and rudeness.
A/N: Thank you so much for your request. I have changed it a little bit, so it's not specifically about the Israeli team being the rude one, but it can still be read as such.
If you want me to write more Baby Lasagna fics, you can always make a request through my Ask Box. For more information on my Baby Lasagna fanfics, see this masterpost
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It had always been your dream to represent your country at the Eurovision Song Contest. This year, your dream came true true when you were selected as the contestant for your country.
After months of preparations, the moment was finally there. As soon as you'd arrived in Malmö it was everything you had hoped for and more. Your fellow contestants were really nice and supportive, the organization was flawless, and so far you were really enjoying yourself. You weren't the favorite with the bookmakers, but they still tipped you for a top 10 candidate.
The schedule was demanding, though. Each day was filled to the brim with rehearsals, interviews and other press-related obligations. Some of the interviews were fun, others were dull, but today you had had an interview with a journalist who was flat-out rude and even somewhat hostile. During the interview you were able to keep your cool, but it took every ounce of your self-control to do so.
Immediately after you were done, you stalked out of the room and made straight for the contestants' lounge. That area was only accessible to the performers, and strictly off-limits to any kind of media-personnel. Since it was late in the evening and most of the other contestants had already finished their duties for the day, you expected it to be empty. And some alone-time to cool off was just what you needed.
Without even checking if someone else was in the lounge when you stepped in, you angrily slammed the door closed behind you, and loudly released an entire string of curses in your native language.
A startled gasp from further down the room made you realize that you weren't alone after all. You let your eyes roam over the dozens of sofa's and armchairs crammed into the lounge, and indeed found one, halfway down the room, occupied. It was Marko who sat there. Your little outburst had clearly startled him, and he had jumped up from his seat. He now stood looking at you a little wide-eyed.
"I'm so sorry about that." You passed a hand over your face and took a few deep breaths to calm yourself down. "I survived," he chuckled, before a frown crossed over his face. "Are you alright?" "Yeah..." You sighed. It wasn't truthful, but you didn't want to burden him with your troubles.
But Marko wasn't so easily fooled. He cocked his head slightly to the side, and gave you an intense stare for about a second. "No, you're not." He stated quite confidently. You couldn't help but laugh. Of course you had met Marko in the previous days. You liked him, and you had had a few nice chats with him, but you two didn't really know much about each other. So the confidence in his statement surprised you.
"Please, don't take this the wrong way." Marko immediately second-guessed himself. "But I think you still look... upset." He wrung his hands together, clearly uncomfortable by his own words and wondering if you were going to get angry with him now.
"You're right," you finally confessed. You weren't nearly alright yet and still way too upset by how the journalist had treated you. Yet, you were strangely relieved that Marko was here and had seen that you were still distraught.
"Maybe you should sit down." Marko quickly recollected himself. You nodded quietly, before walking over to where Marko had been sitting and throwing yourself down in the armchair opposite him. "Here." Marko handed you a bottle of water and sat down as well. You gratefully accepted the water, taking a few sips of the much needed hydration.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Marko smiled shyly. "It's just... this journalist." You shook your head. "The interview I've just had was awful. So rude and disrespectful." "Ah..." Marko understood immediately. "I know exactly who you mean. If it's any consolation, he's rude to everyone. I had to do an interview with him yesterday, and... let's just say that I was glad when it was over."
Marko's words did make you feel a little better. If someone could be rude to a gentle soul like Marko, they were just mean and heartless.
Suddenly you remembered that tomorrow you had another, even longer interview scheduled with the same journalist. "Oh, no!" You buried your face in your hands. "I totally forgot I've got to do more press with that guy tomorrow." To your surprise, Marko chuckled softly. "You and me both. Quite literally actually." "What do you mean?" You looked up at him. Marko smiled crookedly at you, giving a one-shouldered shrug. "You and I are teamed up for press tomorrow."
You blinked stupidly at him for a few seconds. You needed a moment to remember that Marko was indeed right. In your fury and frustration that fact had completely slipped your mind. "So sorry," you mumbled, "I forgot about that." Marko smiled another shy smile. "It's fine."
For a few moments there was silence between the two of you. "I'm glad we're teamed up for tomorrow." You broke the silence. "You're a good guy, and I feel really at ease with you." Marko blushed slightly red. "Me, too. And if anyone is rude to us tomorrow, I'm sure we'll be able to get each other through." "Absolutely," you nodded happily, all the anger of just now quickly draining from you.
And suddenly, tomorrow's press day didn't seem so bad anymore, because you knew Marko would be there with you.
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fromriches-tosin · 4 months
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For the third day of ReiJean Week, I'd like to offer you some headcanons/a fic idea I really hope to write one day. I usually avoid posting my shippy headcanons in the regular Jean & Reiner tags, but since we're having the event, I'll allow myself to do that. :3
The prompt I chose for this day is crossover:
AOT/the Hunger Games
warnings: nothing is discussed in graphic detail (yet), but... a little bit of everything, I guess? This is what you get when you try to combine those two franchises.
If you read my fics, it probably comes to you as no surprise that "The Hunger Games" books are a big inspiration to me whenever I'm writing for ReiJean. Putting Reiner and Jean in that specific universe is something I was looking forward to for some time now, and I even discussed this idea with @lexio11 (<3) at some point, but let's dive into this concept together:
Jean can of course be described as Peeta Mellark of the AOT universe because of his good heart and the wish to remain himself no matter what tragedies befall him. Jean knows that if to defeat the monsters you have to become one, it can no longer be considered a victory for humanity. He could also be considered Peeta of the AOT universe because of his relationship with Mikasa (who we can obviously compare to Katniss), and because of the contrast between him and his romantic rival. While Eren, just like Gale, symbolizes destruction, violence and death, Jean and Peeta symbolize second chances, forgiveness and life. We won't be diving into those parallels and love triangles because that's not what my fanfic would be about (obviously), but I wanted to get those similarities out of the way first.
Now, the main and very delicious difference between Peeta and Jean is that Peeta is almost always soft, kind and loving whereas Jean... Well. That's where this lovely lady comes into the picture:
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I swear to god, whenever we talk about fem!Jean (@nine0505 <3), I have Johanna Mason in front of my eyes. She is fem!Jean to me, alright? I'll die on this hill. Anyway, Jean is obviously soft and caring at heart, but he also has a (charming) layer of bitchiness and saltiness to him — one everyone has to get through before they can see the real Jean.
So, yes, Jean is a perfect Peeta/Johanna hybrid in my head.
I wanted the fic to focus on the aftermath of the Hunger Games — Jean, a scrawny, bitter teen from District 7 (lumber), emerges victorious to everyone's surprise. Despite being fast and flexible, he doesn't manage to win anyone's sympathy or attract any sponsors before the Games begin (because of his extremely poor attitude and crude language, duh). He is also no match for the powerful and trained opponents from the richest Districts. So, how does he win? Well, by pure accident.
A sudden downpour causes one of the traps to malfunction and electrocute the Tributes three days into the Games. No one but Jean and one younger boy survive. That boy is Falco Grice — the only person Jean actually kills himself in a fit of rage and panic. Once he comes to his senses and realizes what he has done, he almost loses his mind and needs to be heavily sedated which in turns causes him to become addicted to certain substances that shouldn't really be used outside of hospitals.
As many Victors before him, Jean is forced to move to the Capitol where he is to become a plaything of the rich and the depraved. However, once he gets there, Jean discovers that... no one really cares about him. In the Capitol he's considered lame. Some people even call him a "Fake Victor" given the circumstances of his opponents' demise. Just because he managed to kill a child doesn't mean he's cool. So, Jean is ignored and made fun of. Even the other Victors look down on him because, let's face it, he's really nothing compared to them (the Ackermans, Jaegers, Leonheart, Hoover, Braun...)
Now, Reiner Braun.
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I won't be diving into Gloss or Cato's personalities because that's not the point. It was just recently decided that the actor portraying Gloss might be Reiner incarnated (@marleysfinest @oxygenbefore1775 come here), and I really want to explore the idea of Reiner being one of the most cruel and ruthless victors in the history of the Hunger Games. A glorified killing machine and a voluntary Tribute hailing from District 2 who gained his popularity a few years earlier for having killed all of his opponents within two days (Jean's childhood friend, Marco, included).
When Jean is thrust into the world of the Victors, he feels extremely out of place and consumes any illegal substances he can get his hands on. He can't cope with the fact that he killed Falco, a child, just like he can't forget the horrible things he witnessed in the arena. He's even more snappy and mean than usual, but he's also one or two pills away from killing himself. And he would probably die in a puddle of his own vomit, but Reiner decides to take him under his wing — which he does quite brutally, threatening Jean and scaring him into obedience. He doesn't fuck around in the least. It takes them a moment, but when Jean finally gets ahold of himself, Reiner suddenly becomes gentle with him.
It turns out Braun is not the mindless brute and devil incarnate everyone has him for. Despite his behavior in the arena, Reiner is no less haunted than Jean. He had been turned into a monster both by society and his own mother, but he has since come to regret everything he did. And he recognizes Jean's pain, he recognizes that Jean is not as rotten as most people around them. So, he wants to stop Jean from destroying himself.
Braun himself has fallen victim to the Capitol and its inner games, and he's being abused in a similar way to Finnick Odair. However, given the gravity of Reiner's sins, he has become almost completely indifferent to what is happening to him. Once Jean overcomes his hostility and distrust towards Reiner, and gets to know him better, he starts to care for him (probably more than he should). Either way, Reiner and Jean become each other's safe space.
Jean of course can't make peace with what is happening to Reiner and eventually tries to persuade him to run away. This results in a quarrel, and Reiner goes ballistic on him. He categorically refuses to betray the Capitol, but in fact he's simply afraid he won't be able to protect Jean in the wilderness. Thus, Reiner is set on staying in the Capitol no matter what happens to him. That is until one of the local officials sets his sights on Jean...
Thanks for reading my chaotic blurb, I will not be revealing anything else in case I manage to turn this into a fanfic. :3 I'll see you tomorrow with headcanons for a different prompt.
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gopped · 6 months
so… remember when I said I wanted to create the most 2015 out of character most cringe fanfic about durgetash and I had that pole asking if I should actually write it (as well as some actual serious durgetash which I will.) well…. I did it. Any bad use of grammar/ spelling are 100% on purpose, this is not a serious fic aka please don’t think this is how I actually write.
enjoy 984 words of pure torture.
Hey my name is The Dark Urge but everyone calls me Durge for short. I’m really poggers and epic because I was born from the blood of Bhaal, yeah Bhaals my dad, suck on that posers. I have ivory-white scales and eyes the color of blood being splashed on the deepest of rubies. And I’m a storm sorcerer, studying to do magic is for losers! Plus I have this super cool slayer form that literally makes me so badass. As the true spawn of Bhaal you could say I have it all, I have a whole cult at my beck and call, all the different corpses I can eat… but there’s one thing I don’t have yet. There’s this one guy….. The chosen of Bane, we made like this pact thing that says I can’t harm him but it never said I couldn’t fuck him. And by the gods I will. I want him to be my shmoopie snuggluffagus cutie pookie patootie pudding muffin, but my dad is like a total buzz kill so I have to apologize for even thinking about putting a ring on that. Anyways his names Enver Gortash but he prefers for me to call him Enver because we’re close like that and I’m special and all that fun stuff. Plus I’m so much better that the depressed pile of dust and bones we also have to work with, ugh he’s such a boomer.
So here I am walking into Moonrise Towers so we can start discussing our super foolproof evil plans for how to take over the world. My super platform docs stomp against the stone steps to enter the tower, I glare at a few of the various subjects of other cults, idk which ones though, all I know is they’re not as cool as I am. Their probably posers and preps for all I know. But again, I don’t care. I make my grand entrance into the throne like room, doves flying behind me as light shines behind me, I’m just that important to like the world and stuff. I whip off my super cool angular anime sunglasses and I look around the room I see my pookie schmookie goth fantasy man boo-boo bear sugar goober standing off to the side and I see the old decaying grandpa corpse sitting on the big chair at the end of the room. Ugh, he’s the worst, and not even in a fun way, he won’t shut up about how his daughter doesn’t want to talk to him anymore and how he’s literally only here because of her, like how boring can a backstory get? He begins to speak. “Ah how nice of you to finally join us, you’re over an hour late.” He grumbles out, I swear theres like a moth living where his brain should be doesn’t he know that you have to be fashionably late? “Umm yeah.” I say, “that’s the point, what kind of nerd actually shows up on time.” I say rolling my perfect blood red eyes, making sure I show my sharp teeth as I scoff at him for extra effect. “Whatever, let’s just start the meeting already.” The reanimated corpse groans out, bones cracking as he repositions himself in his high chair. I cross my arms over my chest because I’m mysterious and awesome as the guy begins to speak, I don’t pay attention my sister is probably around here somewhere I’ll just ask her for the spark notes version. Gods I want to kill someone. Like I don’t have to, but I’m bored and it’s something I enjoy doing. Then I notice something in the corner of the room, while the old man goes on and on I go and investigate, the something I noticed was a cultist, not one of mine of course, they knew better. Upon further inspection, they don’t even seem to be a cultist, their robes look homemade with no reference to what they’re even supposed to be wearing. And they seem to be snooping around too, ugh it’s probably some Harper spy or something. Well, might as well get my kill count up while I’m here I guess… I approach them and before they could even begin to utter an excuse I shove my dagger in their mouth, dragging it against the roof of their mouth and tongue and pushing it down their throat. I watch with glee as the fear in their eyes gets worse as they start to choke on their own blood. I wiggle my blade, making the gashes in their mouth wider as I do so. I could stop there, but where’s the fun in that? I pull my dagger out to watch them cough and sputter out their own blood, uselessly clawing at their throat. Ugh, what a poser, I bet that even before I did that they wouldn’t be able to name 3 MCR songs.. I shove the spy onto the ground as they look up at me almost pleading with their eyes. Ugh it’s disgusting. So I take my dagger and I begin to hit them, it’s at this point I notice that the boring guy stopped speaking and the room was silent except for the occasional blood gurgle. I pull out the persons intestines and that’s when Gorts and my eyes meet across the room. It’s like so romantic like I swear someone casted like stop time or something… him and his pepsi dark eyes… I tuck some of the blood around my tympanum, gods he’s like so hot. Like the hottest I’ve seen in my 40 years of dreadful existence. Then he walks over to me and my heart goes doki doki he knees beside me on the other side of the now corpse and we start making out. No lips no tongue, all teeth. And then we took control of the netherbrain and got married.
The end.
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ga-yuu · 1 year
Ikegen babies talking about their parents
Rindoumaru (Yoritomo x Yoshino Son)
Rindoumaru: "What do I think about my parents?"
Rindoumaru: "My Dad calls himself the seii taishogun and always works. He always wears a fake smile in front of outsiders but when he's with Mom and my uncles (Yoshitsune and the Shogunate gang), he wears a more genuine smile. But who cares about him? Let's talk about my Mom!"
Rindoumaru: "My Mom is the cutest human being on earth! Whenever I'm with my nanny, she always comes by after work to see me. Every time, I show her how much progress I've made in studying, she praises me and pats my head. That's the happiest feeling of my life."
Rindoumaru: "I love my Mom so much that I always want to steal her from Dad! And it's even more fun to look at Dad's face whenever I interrupt their cozy moment."
Rindoumaru: "My smug Daddy who always bullies Mommy, loses his cool whenever I come in to interrupt their secret time together. He gives his usual fake smile, but seeing the frustration hiding behind it is really fun. I know that Mom is cute and that Dad always wants to pull her soft cheeks but I think pissing off Dad for no reason is even more fun. Getting to see that annoyed face is what I'm living for."
Rindoumaru: "Hm? You think I'm a bully just like my dad? Well, I won't deny that. I'm after all the real son of Yoritomo, and Mom loves me more anyway."
Sagiri (Shigehira x Yoshino Daughter)
Sagiri: "Facts about Mama and Papa....hmmm. Ah! I heard from Tamamo, that Mama and Papa were lovers before they got married and it was not like any political marriage or something."
Sagiri: "Papa loves Mama so much even though he always denies it. Once I caught Papa, secretly writing a love letter for Mama. He writes something, reads it again, and started blushing out of nowhere. I couldn't help but giggle. Mama always reads them and replies back too. Even though we three live together under one roof, this routine of sending and receiving love letters is quite often even to this day. Just how much do they love each other?"
Sagiri: "Another thing, once when I went to see a friend, who just recently got a new dog. When I reached her house, her dog just wouldn't stop barking at me. The dog was cute but it didn't let me touch her at all. When I told this to my parents, papa especially looked guilty. I wonder why?"
Izumi (Kurama x Yoshino Son)
Izumi: "What!? Facts? .....Well, my parents are the weirdest couple in the whole universe, I have no doubt about it. Mom is cute but I don't understand Dad. Once when I entered their room, I saw my mom sitting on Dad's lap, feeding him slices of oranges with a happy smile. My Dad was also holding my Mom like a teddy bear, with a straight face eating the slices of oranges without a care in the world."
Izumi: "I thought this was weird. Do every parent do this?"
Izumi: "When I asked Yoichi and Sueharu, they burst out laughing, saying that Dad is just possessive about Mom."
Izumi: "I swear, Dad is possessive about everything. One day I was casually relaxing in Yoshitsune's lap and Yoshitsune was stroking my wings (like he always does) with a smile. I don't know why, but Dad was glaring at me. He's even possessive about Yoshitsune?"
I don't write fanfic but this is something I wanted to do for ikegen babies because I was thinking about how the male leads and Yoshino would look from their babies' POV. Also, these names of babies are canon btw for those who don't know.
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agirlswritingblog · 10 months
Beach Day At Emerald Coast 🏖️
Ok, so I know like nobody missed me buuuuuut, I’m back!
And today I have a special order of Jealous/insecure Sonic (because I need someone to project myself into.)
I’ve quickly come to realize that I think I enjoy writing more of Boom Sonic’s personality because he feels more ‘human’ In his personality. What I mean is I feel he has more flaws than like regular Sonic from the games.
If anyone is looking for a good Sonic Boom fanfic btw check out Cobalt Blue’s ‘Back For Seconds’ fic on Quotev. She is easily one of my favorite writers.
I’m done ranting now, I swear.
Sonic X Reader
Word count: 1,700+
Amy had called a bunch of us and asked if we wanted to spend some time at the beach today. Since the sun was shining and the temperature was hot, I thought it was a wonderful idea.
I knew Sonic wasn’t exactly fond of water neither was I but I still practically begged him to come, I knew he wouldn’t turn me down.
“Sonic, it’s not like I’m going to be in the water that much anyway, I prefer to lay on the beach and read a good book,” I explained to him as we were packing our beach bags.
“I can handle shallow water, but I don’t really care to get wet anyway, it messes up my quills.” He pouted with his arms crossed over his chest.
It was kind of funny when he acted like this, it reminded me of a little kid who was upset that their mother didn’t buy them an ice cream cone.
I rolled my eyes at his theatrics and contemplated over whether or not I would need to bring a second book, just in case I finished the first one.
“You try being this good-looking, it’s not as easy as I make it look.” He slicked his quills back in a exaggerated fashion.
I gave an dramatic sigh and continued packing my things
Finally, we made it to the beach, where we immediately where greeted by an estatic looking Amy
Amy excitedly jumped up and down, “We’ve been waiting for you guys for like FOREVER!”
I smiled and replied, “Sorry, I was being a bit of a procrastinater.”
“Now c’mon, some of us are playing volleyball. You two should play too.” Amy grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the volleyball court where Silver and a couple of others where volleying the ball back and forth. Silver sent a particularily nasty spike to the opposing team.
I was a little intimadated after that but, I could feel my competetive edge kick in.
“Sonic, Y/N, Knuckles, and Cream, You’ll be on my team.” Amy called from the sand court. Silver, Tails, Shadow, Blaze, and Vector formed to be our opposing team.
The longer the match went on, the more competetive Sonic got over beating Shadow. “Ha! take that Shadow!” He’d taunt from the other side of the net. Shadow would merely roll his eyes and scoff most of the time. Though the more taunting Sonic did, the harder Shadow would try.
Sonic (in his overcompetetiveness) accused Silver of cheating. Apparently, Silver was using his telekinesis to slow the ball so they had more time to reach the ball. Silver debunked that theory easily.
Sonic was very pleased with himself when we won the match. “Great job team!” He high fived everyone on our team with a wide shit-eating grin.
We shook hands with the other team and Sonic, of course, goaded his victory over the ebony hedgehog on the other team. “Better luck next time Shads.” He grinned broadly while shaking his hand.
Shadow being the cool-headed guy that he is simply nodded and said, “Good game Sonic.”
Shadow’s stunt seemed to deflate Sonic’s ego a bit, since he wasn’t smiling so widely anymore.
I reminded Sonic to apologize to Silver and he agreed that he probably should. Silver laughed a little when said hedgehog apologized and told him it was all in good fun.
I hugged Sonic and he was a little hesitant to return it. I knew Sonic wasn’t really the lovey dovey type in public.
Sonic and some of the younger kids like Charmy, Cream, etc. continued to play Volleyball.
Meanwhile I decided to go and chat with Silver, who I haven’t seen in a while. (Since he lives in the future).
I jogged over to the water where Silver was currently talking to Blaze. Silver and Blaze turned to look at me in unison.
“Wow Silver, I didn’t know you were so good at Volleyball.” I commented, impressed with his abilities.
“Thanks, I’ve been practicing in my time so I can be more of a team player.” Silver explained.
“Hey Blaze,” I greeted, “You traveled dimensions just to be here?”
“Yes, using one of Tails’ machines, Amy communicated to me across our dimensions.” Blaze clarified with a cool tone of voice.
Shortly into our conversation Amy rushed over and stole Blaze away from Silver and I, so they could go build sand castles with Cream.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” I asked Silver.
He smiled, “Sure!”
Silver and I walked along the shoreline, letting the waves lap at our boots.
“Sometimes I take the oceans of our world for granted,” Silver lowered his head solemnly. “When the natural water of my world is taken away, by Eggman or others, I realize how much I miss the lakes and seas.”
Silver almost looked ashamed of himself.
“Everyone takes things for granted everyday,” I said. “It’s part of what makes us perfectly imperfect.”
Silver looked up at me, “It’s easy for me to feel down about myself, when I’ve seen so much destruction and evil in my timeline.”
Determination set itself over Silver’s features, “In those moments, I remind myself of all the good I’ve seen and how I need to keep moving forward to new horizons!”
I grinned devilishly, “I think it’s time we start to appreciate the water!” I quickly pushed Silver so he stumbled and fell over backwards into the water.
I laughed fully, seeing the ivory hedgehog drenched in the water.
He sat up with a little smirk on his face.
Silver swiftly leaned forward and snatched my arm while I was delighting in my victory. He dragged me further into the water only to shove me hard against my back.
I tumbled face-first into the water and got a mouthful of water.
Sitting upright in the water, I spit the water out of my mouth and saw Silver’s hand reaching out to me.
I took his hand gently then, with a devious smile, I yanked him towards myself and he fell on top of me, joining my water logged state.
I swiftly pushed myself off the sandy bottom and took off running down the shoreline.
From behind I heard Silver laugh-shouting my name.
“Hey! Get back here!” Silver cried, arms waving wildly above his head.
A chilling sensation flushed over my body. I peered down at myself to see a teal glow embracing my form.
Silver had grabbed me with his psychokinesis and was holding me in place above the sand.
He spun me around so I was facing him.
“No fair Silver!” I squirmed, trying to break free.
He then, with the help of his powers, wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me round and round. After a few spins he let go and sent me skidding across the water like a skipping stone.
Little did we know that Sonic was spying on us from his lounge chair.
Sonic wasn’t typically the jealous type, but his girlfriend’s closeness with the silver hedgehog had bugged him ever since they started dating.
Right now, Silver was getting a little too comfortable for his liking.
Sonic finally decided to push his thoughts away and begrudgingly strike a conversation up with Amy.
After many volleyball games and Chao Colas later, I packed up our stuff to go home.
Amy reluctantly let us leave, but not without a lot of goodbye hugs.
Sonic elected to drive and I was relieved because I was exhausted from the long day at the beach.
Sonic was being uncharacteristically quiet while we packed up our beach bag, and was continuing that streak in the car.
Curled up with a blanket in the passenger seat, I glanced over to see him wearing a frown on his face.
That wasn’t like him at all, of course he was normally very chipper.
“Are you alright Sonic? You’ve been awfully tight-lipped for a while.” I asked, looking over at him.
His gaze was focused on the road and he made no sign of wanting to look at me.
“Yeah I’m fine.” He answered unconvincingly.
I wasn’t satisfied with his answer so I kept prying, “Are you sure? You can speak your mind if you’d like.”
He looked out his window for a second before facing forward again, he was biting his lip. He looked like he wanted to say something.
“There’s nothing to say,” he paused, biting his lip intensely.
His face told a completely different story, with his furrowed brows and upside down smile.
“You and Silver sure are close, eh?” Sonic stated bitterly.
My head shot quickly over at him, “Are you jealous?” I asked smugly.
Voice cracking slightly he replied with a classic, “What? No way!”
“What makes you even think that?” He asked defensively, glancing nervously at me.
“Oh, I don’t know, you’ve been practically silent as a mouse ever since I talked with Silver?”
“I have not!”
“You have!”
“Have not!”
“Just admit it, you’ve been pouting for the last hour!” I accused him, pointing a finger directly at him.
“Ohhhhh, as if you two weren’t getting cozy at all in the water!” Sonic groaned dramatically.
“He had his arms all over you!”
I couldn’t help but snigger at his behavior. It was truly heartwarming that he cared this much.
“Did you just laugh?” He deadpanned.
“Yes! Sonic, you have nothing to worry about.” Trying to soothe his worries, I intertwined our fingers together.
“Silver totally has the hots for Blaze, C’mon everybody knows that!”
Sonic looked pretty vulnerable at the moment, and I felt rather guilty for finding his concern funny.
“I’m sorry for making you feel this way, I love you.”
His grip tightened on the hand he was holding, “I love you too,” He paused for a few moments, “Sometimes it’s hard for me to watch you and Silver get along so well,”
He stopped talking and looked conflicted.
I peered up at him, silently telling him to continue.
“This is hard for me to say, but seeing you two together makes me feel slightly unimportant.” Sonic cringed hearing the words come out of his mouth.
“Sonic,” I sighed, “You are perfect, more perfect than I’ll ever be, don’t be too hard on yourself.”
“Thanks, but I’m nowhere neeeeeeeeear being perfect.”
I scoffed.
“Now for your punishment of doubting yourself, you get to listen to Taylor Swift the rest of the way home!” I smirked.
“You’re kidding right? I just poured my heart out to you and this is my reward?”
Sonic groaned and knew this was going to be the longest 15 minutes of his life.
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fandomfrolics · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @chainofclovers and @revolutionsoftheheart, thank you <3
Since I've only posted to AO3 for 2 fandoms and one is disproportionately larger than the other, gonna separate the two for my own curiosity.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
123 (77 Ted Lasso, 46 Marvel)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
567,878 (336,213 TL vs 231,665 Marvel over a...much shorter period of time😬)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently only Ted Lasso, previously Marvel (both MCU and comics)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
They Call Me Dad
In the Heat of the Night
Roll the Dice and Swear Your Love (for me)
what is (or what could be)
Situation Normal: All Fogged Up 
Ted Lasso
and in the morning we'll start all over again
lick me baby or leave me
my body fits just like a bruise
I don't wanna live like this (but I don't wanna die) 
Fun fact! My top Marvel fic has pretty much almost exactly 10x kudos as my top TL fic.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do but very, very slowly. As for why, idk I think it's just a nice way to engage with people. I like seeing authors' responses to my comments on their fics too.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
A <400 word established relationship Steve/Tony fic where one half of the pairing DROWNS and for what, who knows
Any angsty endings I had for TL were only chapter endings that were then undone by peer pressure (except, I guess, this one where Ted and Rebecca break up because his.....spoon.....is too big).
OH WAIT I forgot about this Rupodore one (but also the A/N does undo that angsty ending too sooooooo)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is a hard one because I'm not sure how to differentiate degrees of happiness but sorta related to the last answer, I'm going to say this established relationship Steve/Tony fic, where it SEEMS like Steve dies but he doesn't, mostly because of this comment that makes me emotional every time I remember it
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8. Do you get hate on fics?
Just once I think, on a kinky TL fic (thanks Kyle!)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Unfortunately (though that's pretty much a new thing for TL fic)
Idk what the kinds of smuts there are but: PWP, emotional/feelingsy, kink (for exploring dynamics/psychology of it re: certain characters), kink (horny)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Borderline? Idk if this fake dating fic featuring an unnamed-but-hinted-at actor counts as Ted Lasso/Actor RPF crossover.........
That's probably the craziest one but actually I guess this Marvel one where the video game versions of the characters visit the comics universe counts.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not wholesale but bits yeah
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, a bunch of Marvel fanfic got translated to Chinese and Russian but my top kudosed fic got translated into I think at least 4 languages (including off AO3), which is really cool!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes with @thatsrightjohngoodman <33 and it was a blast, even though the number of words spent talking about the fic >>>> actual words in the fic. Also I only did like 15% of it, which is probably also why I had a good time.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I don't really get into fandoms through ships, usually more through specific characters so idk if I have a fave. I'm pretty loosey-goosey about ships.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
OH BOY okay, well I'm still holding out hope for some of the TL ones even though I haven't touched them in ages but from the (almost definitely) abandoned ones, there's one about Ted dealing with executive dysfunction that gets in the way of like really mundane things like mail he needs to do something about (e.g. his TV licence) or using groceries before they go bad and how Beard and Rebecca and others help him help himself.
On Marvel, I have a CarolJess coffee shop AU that is like 90% done and contains some bits that are very personal and reflective of that period of my life and it'd be nice to put it out into world but. I probably won't.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been given the impression that it's.......sad shit lmao. But also like conversations between people that feel realistic. And at this point, I think unfortunately also smut.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Settings I think? I like actions and dialogue and I always have to go back and fill in like...where are they, what are they sitting on, that sorta thing.
Also endings, I never know how to end a fic, especially short feelingsy one-shots.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have no real thoughts on this tbh
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter, but only one fic that I posted on LiveJournal I think as part of an event
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
The first one that popped into my head was All Our Days Ahead, a Beard and Ted friendship road trip fic. It was written with more care than a lot of my other fics and idk I like it's energy when I reread it. I can remember exactly where I was when I wrote it too (and that it was raining lmao).
Honorable mentions from when I actually went scrolling through my works:
I like all my humour fics purely for how unhinged I feel when writing them but the body shots fic was particularly wild because of the insane live writing experience and Cannibal!Rebecca offshoot
I also have a soft spot for my episode tags. I don't really write a lot of fics that are related to specific moments in canon but I really like this Colin one about the impact of Nate's words on him, featuring my beloved actual Coach!Ted. Also one of the few fics where the title feels right and isn't just sorta there to fill in the field.
I think by now most people have been tagged in TL so ignore me if you've already done this but tagging some folks from both fandoms @theodore-lasso @howiehamlin @thatsrightjohngoodman @ishipallthings @onemuseleft @snoozingcat @bardingbeedle if y'all wanna do it
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essayofthoughts · 1 year
Same for you: 12, 19, 23 owo
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Like. If we're going for the villain pick, Ripley. I don't think you should think she's a good person - she's not - or that she's nice a woobie or something. She's fucking awful! But she's also awful in a really human, engaging way and I find her so fun to poke. I think a lot of people kind of forget the pure banality of evil, the way these people can have really simple, dull motivations - Ripley wants power and knowledge and she doesn't care how she gets it. Everyone is just a tool or a stepping stone in the goal of that.
And she's canonically a foil to Percy, so that makes her REALLY USEFUL in analysing him - and him in analysing her! - so for all of those people who like a bit of dark!Percy like... Ripley! She is right there!
And she's such a bitch. She refuses to swear despite being someone who tortures people, she's clever enough to replicate guns from second and third hand reports, she's always looking to her own advantage - and she's just. Awful! She's exactly the kind of person who looked at the structural inequality of the Dwendalian Empire and decided to do the amoral shit others got away with because of wealth and when she got arrested for it assumed it was purely because of class differences and not because she's just the Worst.
And the thing is these days there's so much moralising! Oh the villain must be woobified, oh they never did anything wrong at all ever (MCU Loki, Kylo Ren, even the Betrayer Gods in CR!) and frankly fuck that.
Ripley did do shit wrong and that's why I find her engaging. She wilfully tortured people despite it being useless for information gathering! She made guns and spread them around purely to fuck with Percy! She's an awful human being and sometimes it's really fun to look at that in the distance. Over there. Way over there. Down the barrel of a sniper rifle.
If we're doing non-villain, minor-character fic... it's Desmond, it's fucking Desmond, I know he's not really "Unpopular" so much as "ignored" but I don't care! I will fight you all on this hill, that Desmond Otham is so revealing as to Percy's own perception of his own guilt and failure to his family ("I want you to spend the rest of your life making up for the things you allowed to happen" says Percy and WHAT THINGS Percival! This lad is a carriageboy! He's about the same age you were when the massacre happened! What the fuck do you expect him to blame himself for!? Now you blaming yourself on the other hand...)
Plus I just think he's neat! I think he's a great example of someone with a lasting consequence from Percy's reckless actions - one of those people Percy mentions who may not see them as heroes for reasons that are completely justified. And if he is the courier or returns to Whitestone and takes up another job - he's got that reminder the rest of his life. Even away from Vox Machina, he has his maimed hand.
I think he's really cool, fuck everyone who disagrees.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
N/A, I think? There's nothing I like that I'm mad, ashamed or horrified over that I can think of. I like the things I like and I know why I do so I've largely resolved any conflicts I'd have of that kind. I've definitely figured some things out writing fic that kinda annoy me (i.e. I can write smut pretty easily when there's trauma and mental fuckery involved but not like... on it's own) but that's fanfic more than dealing with fandom as a whole or the canon itself.
So uh. N/A!
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
Again, I think N/A? I don't generally ship things, not to like... shipwar, this is my OTP or else kind of deal. I think that kind of thing is actually really unhealthy and often hoping for that ship can cause people to disconnect from the canon itself in order to back up their warped reading of the text, plus it just sets people up for disappointment! I'm a big believer in creating ships purely for the "I guess this could be neat!" kind of thing, and I don't generally get into it more than that.
Perc'ahlia is the exception, but that wasn't unwilling. They gave me too many fantastic squishy feelings and thinky thoughts, I didn't even hesitate.
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
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abyssal-cryptid · 1 year
Still thoughts about Tears of the Kingdom (SPOILERS)
The Great Fairies look like they want to eat the small man when they first emerge
Zonai Zelda is so cute
The memories bro the memories
Why cant I put flowers in their mane
Please let me marry Zonai Zelda
Rauru is like lmao Zelda I wont die *dies*
Rauru dont give Zelda more trauma she has been through so much already
Rauru is like "we will put this all on Link"
I will write angry fanfic about this
Gleeoks are so terrifying what the fuck
You can upgrade your horses
What did they do to my beautiful dessert
They let me in as a man??? Noooo I was waiting to enjoy the complicated feelings of Link's gender again
Riju looks so good in this new look
Its so hot everywhere
Nooo my coins my coins!!!
Again doing shrines because I need hearts and stamina
I am a well enthusiast
I caught the golden horsie
Trying to find a perfect colored 5* speed horse is hard
Why are there gleeoks everywhere
Outfits my one true love
My horses are so cute
Let me customize the big horses pleaseee
I need to murder more deer for coins
Need to go deal with the Lurelin Village Pirates
Sorry I write these while Im not playing so I dont always remember to go in order
Im also writing fanfic because of course I am look at me
Im having so much fun
Shrines are becoming less awful
Wait how is Zelda the descendant of Sonia and Rauru if Sonia died without children
I saved this man's goats
Satori mountain is said to have endura carrots. I need them please
Im pro-all armors that show off Link's cool arm
I looked up how to get to Hestu and
I know what I need to do but I dont have the strength to do it
No joke theyre evil for this
How do I get gloom resistant armor
Playing the Zora main questline
The sky island has moon gravity!!
Where is Kass
The new dragon is a Light Dragon
Finally some good fucking food (All the apples on satori mountain)
Me: oh shit blood moon should be soon
Literally the next night: blood moon
Im a psychic
You are correct Roman there is so many apples here you do deserve some here you go baby boy
The checkmark you get for caves is if you killed the Bubbulfrog in there
I need to kill more
I want the full mystic armor
I have one friend who isnt into LOZ and I could tell all this to her but its no fun if she knows nothing about it
She does send me Zelda memes tho. 10/10 friend
Finally endura carrots
I love Malanya so much
Best god
I love Sidon but my god is he just in the way during the Water Temple
On the way, making me waste my bubbles, why do I have to be next to him to get the bubble
Hearing Zelda being referred to as the Sage of Time >>>>
Also I will not shut up about how pretty Zelda is
I have to draw her
Im a simple lesbian
My switch camera is full of screenshots of her
Every cutscene has her be so pretty
Sidon made me my own copy of him
And this man isnt marrying me
I dont think I could have handled that
My camera roll is also full of screenshots of Sidon
Yona is actually really sweet Im just having a moment
A sad day for Sidon lovers everywhere
King Sidon is handsome
He literally got on his knees to swear a vow to me and gave me a ring and married Yona
Yona is cute and I love her
Like her voice too
She's adorable
Maybe we can do a triad
Political(ish) marriage + one crackhead who attracts all the trouble
No because I still actively avoid spots where there used to be guardians
I was at a stable and went "no cant go that way there's guardians"
Nightmares wont give up ever apparently
There has been so many crucifications. The Korok Space Program. Fire is involved
I've also seen people build bombers and mechs
I love it
It seems so wild to me because I dont build in this game
If I can avoid it
I do use the dispensers but thats because its gambling
But all the material spots just get ignored
Dont care
Im going on Roman (my horsie)
But I love everyone is vibing
But still. I need easy mode
These posts are how I process the game btw. Been surprised that people have liked them. I will keep going because I have to process what I feel about things (doctor's orders)
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daylander1000 · 1 year
I’m the anon that asked about Baela a long time ago and can I just say, these chapters did not disappoint. Her character development happened organically in a way that made sense with regards to her situation. Her and Rhaena’s interactions mean everything to me, the way their conversation goes was just so enjoyable for me to read.
And awwwww! Aemond almost feels like a kicked puppy, and the way he and Rhaena immediately go back to their dynamic when they were young of arguing and just pushing their heads in the sand when it comes to sentimentality but you just know they care about each other so much…. I am a parent of two divorced children! (Can they be divorced if they never got to be married?)
I also love the depth we were given about Laena and Laenor through the eyes of the girls. You’ve really painted such a deep,t rich and complex picture of both that the show seemed grossly uninterested in. Every time grand uncle Vaemond is brought up, Oh my heart hurts considering what’s going to happen!
I know you said you don’t like these chapters as much, but as a loyal reader, they’re great. This fic is great. You do some great stuff! Can’t wait to see more!
Thank you!!!
I remember this one. Somewhere along the way, I really wanted to just give up on Baela and move along to happy times. I was like "who is reading this rhaemond fic for Rhaena to go on a rant with her sister? It's already a slow burn, you're gonna turn it into an emotional bog." And then I answered your ask and was like "Can't delete it now, just keep going." 😅
Family is such a big part of the ice and fire worldbuilding. Sibling relationships play such an active role. And here we have Laenor and Laena who never speak to each other...
Everyone's not the main character, but every character should be the main character in their own story. Everybody should have thoughts, goals, motivations, etc. If I had time, I'd write a ton of fanfics for Laena. This girl did not claim Vhagar at 15 just to end up in the credits as Dead Wife #2. Laenor didn't claim Seasmoke just to run off to a farm up north.
Aemond 😹
I swear, he's half the fun. How could I not make him a disaster puppy?
Dude's only examples of relationships are his parents (where his mother is living under threat of having her tongue cut out); his mother and Criston (who are co-running an aroace book club where he's the only other member 😂); his brother and sister (who I'm head-canoning as the most awkward pairing to be around); and Rhaenyra's supremely ill-advised game of fuck-marry-kill. And then when you add in the brothel experience on top of that...
Suffice it to say that I'm not going with cool dude, romantic sex god Aemond (who's from the books???)
I'm going with this guy
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who just wants to start his own fireplace book club 👉 👈😕
And Rhaena's even worse off because when she thinks love/marriage/childbirth, she's like
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Neither of them are topping the EQ charts.
(I'm lolling so hard thinking about Aemond at a book club meeting looking at the time and trying to remind Criston they have fight club right after)
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writing-with-gremworm · 7 months
Train Wreck Pup, Adopted
Here's a little thing I wrote based on a TikTok I saw a while back. Crewel was the first character I thought of, so I decided to make a very indulgent fanfic chapter based on the concept. It's a modern AU and Ren, the Insert/reader, meets him on a train. This is probably the longest piece of singular writing I'll post for a long time, but oh well.
Crewel is a platonic/filial Soft!Yandere
Epel, Vil, and Neige show up in the latter half.
Non-Canon characters feature prominently.
This follows Indulgent FanFic tropes
Non-Canon Yanderes are included
This Universe has a fairly high density of Yanderes even if they don't showcase such features in the segment of the story.
Inclusion of a character sibling
TW: Yandere (In the latter half), Swearing, Mild Violence
“An E-Mail? Was I denied entry into the event? … Woah, Woah! I got in!! I still need a few more designs, but I can start actually putting some of these looks together in the frenzy! This is so cool.” I hop up from my chair and twirl around a few times, stopping and excitedly shaking my hands. “Yay! Oh, shoot- I need to leave tonight- Thank you organizers for the free ticket. But aaaahhh rushed prep time!” I add after glancing back at the E-mail.
Before long I’m out the door with a suitcase in one hand and my sketchbook in the other ready to board the train. While waiting for the train I open my phone and glance at the rules for the Flash Forward Frenzy fashion event
“Oh right, I should message Vera later. I can do that on the train. Rules first.” I mumble.
The event surrounded using old materials to create new looks. Clothes that were maybe used once and thrown away were collected to be used and made into outfits we could wear. The event itself was a massive hit, it was always fun to watch people create incredible things out of the most unexpected materials. But it was an even more exciting time this year since the esteemed Divus Crewel, Vil Shoenheit, and Neige LeBlanche were going to be there as guest stars designing alongside smaller names like myself.
I am well aware of the fact that I’m unlikely to run into big-name figures like Divus or Vil, but I’m excited to see their works regardless. Vil is also a prominent actor, so I’m certain that his presentation of works will have an air of drama and intrigue. My designs aren’t going to be as glamorous, but they will be different and interesting. I’m confident that they’ll fill in someone else’s niche desires if nothing else. Luckily the rules don’t say anything again the use of magic to process fabrics. Given this, I can use my ability to create a base from the drawings I’ve already made and the necessary fabrics and thread, which are provided for the event. I can only do this once or twice per day for extremely complex ideas due to the amount of magic it takes. I don’t want to risk an over-blot from excess magic use on stage, so I’ll save magic for my most intricate piece.
My thoughts are interrupted by the arrival of the train. The ride is twelve hours with various stops between here and the Glamour Isle. Needless to say, I have plenty of time to work on more concepts while I’m on the train. After about two hours someone sits next to me, but I don’t look at them since I’m busy and that could be rude. At some point in time, I hear a familiar disapproving sigh from their general direction. I ignore it at first to finish my sketches and notes for a piece from my fantasy set.
“Why does it sound so familiar though?” I mumble to myself before glancing over to where I heard the sigh. It feels like my face should contort in surprise when I realize who it is, but surprisingly I just stare blankly for a moment before shaking my head.
“Ah sorry for staring.” I quickly mumble as Divus Crewel of all people looks back at me and smiles with a tinge of concern, “You must be on your way to Glamour Isle too then?” I mumble awkwardly. I already knew that he was going in that direction, but I didn’t know what else to say since I had already begun to engage in a, perhaps one-sided, conversation.
“You don’t plan on wearing something like that in Glamour Isle do you?” Divus asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Ah, I mean I think this is fine? My work is going to be center stage with everyone else’s, I don’t really need to stand out, just my work does.”
“My my, and you have such an interesting design palette too. A pup like you would do well with proper grooming. No show dog looks scruffy on stage my dear, and neither should you.” Did he compare me to a show dog? Wait, he’s actually talking to me? I mean he’s belittling my pathetic messy dad aesthetic, but like, he’s talking to me?
“Ah- well. Yes. You’re correct, but in the case of show dogs, the stage is set for them to display their obedience, finesse, and beauty. I don’t see how this correlates to me specifically when a fashion show is about fashion and its resonance with the models and crowd. But I appreciate the compliment. I’m quite proud of my capabilities and I’m excited to share them.” I start a little nervous before settling into a matter-of-fact tone.
“Little pup, fashion is about far more than just aesthetics. Appearance has a larger impact than you may realize. As an aspiring designer, it’s important to note the politics as well.”
“I suppose that makes sense. Thank you for the advice. I’ll make sure to keep it in mind.” I say with a small smile. I look back at my work and sketch for a bit longer before giving my hands a break and doing quick hand exercises. I can’t help but glance over at Divus a couple of times after that just to see if he’s still judging my fashion or whatever caught his attention before. This was starting to feel like a dream. For one, no one was approaching Divus Crewel which is unusual, but he was sitting next to me to attend the same event which meant he might take a closer look at my work. Around the four-hour mark, Divus spoke to me again.
“It’s good to be serious about your work, but you still have a couple of days until the event takes full swing. For now, you should rest or you’ll be exhausted when you reach the Isle. Pups that exhaust themselves needlessly miss playing with their owners.” He chimes leaning back leisurely but still exuding elegance and an air of authority.
“I’ll be fine. But thank you for your concern.” I say after a small pause allowing me to process what just happened.
“There aren’t going to be many passengers in this train car. That can quell your concerns about taking up space or being a bother if that is what holds you back.” Divus states confidently.
“Ah, well that is one thing. But I’ve always had difficulties sleeping in moving vehicles. I can close my eyes and drift a bit, but any unusual movement or stop will jolt me awake. I’m not sure how much that little bit of rest would help haha.” I explain after a few moments of silence. I didn’t want to lie to him or come up with something that he could feasibly change for me that I just didn’t realize. I already felt like I was accruing debt by talking to him quite frankly.
“Have you ever ridden this train before? I think you’ll find that you can hardly tell when it has stopped.” I think back to earlier when the train stopped and Divus walked onto the train. He was right, it had not been super noticeable. In fact, it was so difficult to tell that I almost didn’t realize anyone got on until he sat next to me.
“Huh, I guess you’re right. I didn’t really notice when the train stopped to let you on. I mean, of course, the sound stopped, but there was enough other white noise from the lights and other cars that it didn’t register.” Though of course now I was far more worried about bothering the Divus Crewel rather than actually being tired. Naturally, I didn’t want to say that out loud though, it might be irritating. He must have noticed somehow though because his next words were:
“Don’t concern yourself with bothering me. I was the one who suggested you rest. You should simply follow my instructions like an obedient pup. I’ll even set an alarm for you if you’re a good boy.” What followed was an amused chuckle as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. I open my mouth to speak but instead let out a sigh and mumble a small thank you and smile before placing my sketchbook on my lap and leaning back in my seat. Divus stifles another laugh but the tapping indicates he really did set a timer for me. It’s strange to be so pampered by a celebrity. Though honestly, I doubt we’ll chat much after this, I didn’t even give him my name.
– Somehow I manage to fall asleep. I even begin to dream. Once in a while, I have vivid dreams that I recall after waking up. This already felt like one of them because I knew I was dreaming. “Oh good boy, you’re here on time. I wanted to introduce you to one of my students. I’m sure you’re well aware of who he is so there is no need for me to elaborate.” Divus states with a flourish of his hand gesturing to the Vil Shoenheit. “Ah, Vil Shoenheit, of course, why wouldn’t it be? It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Ren.” I mumble tiredly with a little wave. Vil crosses his arms and places a hand on his chin thoughtfully. “I see, I can salvage this, no, I will polish it into a diamond.” Vil nods lightly with an expression revealing he is already planning my demise. I mean my prettification. “Salvage? Polish? Wait- Divus- Sorry Crewel, did you want me to meet him to fix my wardrobe?” “You catch on quite quickly. But there’s a bit more to it than that. You’ll be working together on a project I have in mind. I expect only the best from you pups.” “Wait what?” Vil and I ask at the same time. Then the dream just ends. –
I wake up to the sound of quiet chatter and the alarm.
“Good evening,” I mumble groggily before sitting up. It takes me a moment to realize that sitting up means I either fell over or leaned over in my sleep, “Ah I’m sorry, I usually don’t move much in my sleep so I didn’t expect to fall over or anything.” I mumble apologetically.
“Perhaps you should have laid down from the beginning. You’d be less likely to hit your head that way. But you did sleep, so good boy. We’ll be arriving at the next stop in about half an hour.” Crewel informs me.
“Haha, yeah maybe. Ah, thank you.” I mumble before noticing my sketchbook isn’t in my hands, “Wait where did it go?” I mumble looking around before noticing that Crewel was holding it. I feel my face flush out of embarrassment. I doubt he looked through it, but I can’t help but feel a little bit flustered that he could have.
“I did look through a couple of designs,” Oh no, “They’re quite intriguing. I expect only the best from you during the event.” Oh no he looked through them. But he liked them so that’s good. But also why did he look through them? “I don’t think I caught your name earlier.” He adds with an expectant smile.
“Oh um- I’m Ren. I’m already familiar with you and your designs, it would be more surprising if I wasn’t. I’m glad you have such high expectations for me, it’s quite the compliment. Though I’m not sure I’ll match them. Thank you Crewel.” I say quickly, stumbling over my words a few times and rubbing the back of my neck.
“So that’s how you gathered I would be going to Glamour Isle as well. I’m a little surprised you didn’t ask for my autograph or bombard me with questions considering you ended up in my train car.”
“Wait- your train car?” I mumble before thinking things over, “Oh, OH, that’s why you said no one else would be here, no one else was supposed to be here. I can’t believe I just barged in I’m so sorry, you could have asked me to leave. I didn’t mean to invade your personal space.”
“Calm down little pup. Had I wanted you to leave I would have instructed you to do so. If you weren’t obedient I would have gotten them to take the rabid pup away.” Crewel states a bit amused, gesturing to the other figures in the train car.
“Ah right, they must have been your people then, or otherwise people with the association running the event to ensure your comfort. But I was here for two hours before you. Why didn’t they just ask me to leave then?”
“You’re not exactly intimidating, you’re also a child are you not?”
“Um … I’m not a child, actually I’m 20.”
“You are? Then you’re a bit older than most of my other pups, though your height wouldn’t give that away. You may be even shorter than Riddle. No matter, you weren’t a threat, and it’s clear you’re more interested in work than causing trouble.”
“Still though …” I start before thinking it over. Had they wanted me to leave this car they’d have taken me out. So I guess I had accidentally gotten permission to be here. Additionally, this chance encounter was going to be one of the most memorable meetings, so I’m not really upset about being here.
“Well since you were fine with it, thank you for letting me stay. It’s a lot quieter than the other cars would have been I’m sure.” I mumble with a small smile before opening my phone to review the E-Mail again. The organizers had established a room I would be staying in as well, which was awesome and unlike any other event I had attended.
“Do you know where the Glamrock Hotel is?” Crewel asks before I can look it up.
“Ah, no I’ve never been to Glamour Isle for an event before, so I don’t know where anything is actually,” I admit rubbing my neck again.
“Well as a teacher I suppose I should guide you,” Crewel states a bit amused with the strange logic he’d presented me.
“Uh- well I guess technically that would be accurate. You’re being quite generous. Hm, you said earlier to think about politics, what exactly do you gain from helping me? Not that there has to be an ulterior motive, but I am curious.”
“You catch on quite quickly little pup. Though I’m not asking for anything but your time at this moment. Additionally, If you meet my expectations like a well-trained pup, I’ll be in touch after the event.” Crewel says with an amused grin. I wasn’t sure why he was so amused, but I was certainly pumped to make the most beautiful set of outfits I could muster. The last half an hour felt like it flew by. Somehow I was making small talk with Divus Crewel in what I now knew was technically his private train car with trained mages around us. It was fantastical in nature and my heart was beating like crazy.
After we arrived on the Isle, Crewel accompanied me to the hotel because we were going to stay at the same hotel. It was strange but so cool. Admittedly if he was anyone else I would be wondering if he was trying to groom me, the negative kind, not taking care of myself grooming. But Crewel is well known to be skilled and generous, and his gestures were by no means romantic or sexual in nature, if anything it was like he was going to adopt a new puppy. Also, he had set up a number of events and attended even more as a guest and he did not tolerate nonsense. Had I bothered him, it’s possible I wouldn’t be in Glamour Isle, I’d be home.
Either way, when I made it to my room I smooshed my face into a pillow and let out sounds of pure excitement before pacing around my room and flapping my hands in excitement.
“Aaaahhh, I can’t believe the Divus Crewel spoke to me. This is awesome, I’m so nervous but excited for how this event is going to turn out oh my god.”
Since I slept on the train I wasn’t very tired so I decided to work on my designs a bit more and do some extra research before going to bed. When I did sleep I ended up having the same dream as before. I woke up early and reviewed the E-Mail again to make sure that I was keeping the dates organized in my head.
After taking a shower and changing into something slightly less dad-core, but still technically awful, I hear a knock on my door. I blink a few times before checking the peephole.
“!” I silently scream seeing the Divus Crewel on the other side. I quickly open the door before he knocks again and he grimaces upon seeing me.
“I couldn’t erase your disaster of a wardrobe from my mind, We’re going to fix … this. At least temporarily.” Crewel motions to all of me.
“Oh thanks, I’m so glad you remembered me for dressing like an unfashionable dad. But this is about the best I have in my suitcase. Wait, is this what you meant by asking for my time?” I admitted frowning a bit and looking over my outfit. It really wasn’t that bad, even normal one might say. Despite the dad-core vibes, it was definitely wearable.
“How astute an observation. Grab some of the clothes you aren’t attached to and come along little pup, this is going to be a very busy day.”
He was right of course. As soon as I followed him out of my hotel room I could tell he would be. He listed the plans for the day in order. It was kind of nice to be doted on in a weird sort of way. Though I was confused as to why I had Crewel’s attention at this point. There was no way he would actually keep in contact and introduce me to Vil Shoenheit after the event. It was just a weirdly realistic dream after all. Things are just weirdly lining up like that might be at all possible when I’m sure it is just Crewel being kind. Yes, just kindness.
Following that, our busy day started by heading to breakfast followed by a trip to the hair salon. After my hair was tidied up, though still the same hairstyle, we went to a number of different stores. All of them were sustainable and gave store credit for every item you traded in. Once he’s established the style I was comfortable with we found a few different outfits that looked good scattered throughout various stores. Each of the pieces could be rearranged, but they were notable on their own. Each pairing made a different feeling and it was very clear that some enhanced aesthetic while others undermined it. Some of the dark academia and cottage core pieces did not work well together.
After finding outfits and trading away my old clothes he took me to find accessories. I insisted that I should pay for everything, but he refused and simply stated that I can bring my ideas into reality well to pay him back. I can’t tell if that feels more like a compliment or a threat, but it’s certainly flattering. Somehow we fit all of that in before lunch and there was still more to do. By the end of everything I was exhausted, though extremely grateful.
“I’ll make the best version of my designs possible. That’s what you’re asking for in return right?” I ask on the trip back to the hotel.
“Good boy, you listen well. I’ll see what you can do in two days when it begins.” Crewel responds with a nod and a slight smile. – It's time for the event. We have two days to complete four outfits as a complete set using the magic tools and our own abilities to complete them as quickly but skillfully as possible. It's a challenge that many enjoy watching and admire. I’m a little nervous to be on TV, but I think that if I focus solely on my craft I can make it. Especially since I can essentially focus on one and use magic to create another since it's two separate days and I only need four outfits.
Now that I reviewed the game plan it feels less intimidating. The curtain opens to reveal the piles of clothes and materials we have access to before letting up find what we need. A few of the others sort through the pile with magic to locate exactly what they need. I sort through them by hand and feel the fabric textures before taking them back to my station where my assigned tools sit.
At the six-hour mark, we’re given an hour-long lunch and bathroom break. I definitely needed the food since I skipped breakfast. After the break, we get immediately back into work for the remaining six hours of that day. I finish the first piece two hours into the second half and use magic to form most of the second one before detailing it during the four remaining hours. By the time the timer goes off, I have two of the four outfits complete even. Additionally, I still have more fabric that can be used for parts of the first outfit for the next day set up at my station.
The next day I arrive early and notice that something is wrong with the more complicated outfit. Someone had cut it up. It was like a nightmare. It completely ruined my plan to make the clothes as efficiently as possible. Frustrated and upset I wanted to cry, but instead, I decided to improvise and alter the design slightly to include the visualization of the cuts rather than attempt careful and seamless mending. It takes two hours and I lose another hour finding more fabrics. So I decided to reorganize my magic use and create two bases with as much detail as I can manage before reaching my magic limit.
But the half point of the second day I’m exhausted but I manage to gain enough energy to finish and add the final details to the four outfits before the timer runs out. I stumble a bit feeling a bit nauseous now that the magic use and intense focus for twenty-four hours total were exhausting. After the timer goes off I sit down and wait for almost everyone else to leave before one of the people associated with the event walks over to me. I ask them to make sure that no one tampers with my outfits again overnight since someone had cut up mine and perhaps other people’s outfits the night before. They agree to tighten security and make sure that it was impossible for it to happen again. A bit uncertain of how successful they would be I start thinking of ways to justify asking to fix my outfits quickly before the show if I had to.
Using my magic to its fullest two days in a row was really pushing it. If I did so again I might end up sick. I don’t think that over-blots are supposed to make you sick. But it is convenient that I don’t go into a destructive frenzy overtaken by magic when I over-blot at least. I just almost die instead. Which I guess may be technically worse for me, but it is less awful for everyone else.
“Are you alright? I saw how tired you were earlier. I can get someone to help you back to your room, or you could stay in mine since it is on the first floor.” A familiar soft and slightly high-pitched voice asks. Looking at him I see it’s Neige LeBlanche.
“Ah I’m fine, thank you for your concern.” Why were all these celebrities so nice to me? I mean it has only been two so far, but that’s still a lot for me.
“Can I at least escort you to your room? You look a bit unsteady and I don’t want you to fall.” Neige voices his concern with a worried smile.
“There’s no need to go that far. I’m only on the second floor, so I’ll manage.” I say, though admittedly I was less confident about actually getting to the hotel than walking up a set of stairs.
“Then I’ll at least help you get to the hotel.” Neige insists.
“While that’s kind of you Neige, you don’t need to be concerned with them. I was already going to escort this pup back.” Crewel steps in unexpectedly. There’s no way that Crewel just told Neige LeBlanche that we were going to head back to the hotel together. It feels like a dad trying to keep a romantic interest away from his child. Which is funny because if anything he’s like a little brother. Well younger brother, he’s definitely a little taller than me.
“Oh, I didn’t realize you were acquainted with Divus.” Neige comments a little surprised.
“Crewel.” Crewel corrects.
“Crewel. But were you really planning on walking back with him?” Neige asks with doubt lingering over his words.
“Yes, we agreed to meet after the event since we had a chance encounter before this,” I explain, technically not lying, though assuming that since he came to find me he was impressed with my work.
“Oh, if that’s the case then we should meet again at some point too. I really admire your ability to work through challenges. Here, one moment.” Neige takes out his business card and hands it to me, “I hope you rest well tonight. You were Ren, right? I heard your conversation with the security personnel before.” That definitely sounded like an excuse, though I guess it’s possible for Neige to admire me. Just unlikely.
“Ah- yes my name is Ren. Well-”
“Well thank you Neige, but we should probably head back since the reveals and show are tomorrow. We wouldn’t want to be too tired now would we?”
“Ah yes of course. Well, it was a pleasure meeting you Ren, call the number on that card when you get the chance, I’ll see you around!” Neige leaves with his manager and a few guards.
“That was unexpected,” I mumble with a light sigh before remembering who was standing next to me.
“It was. Though I suppose he was right, you don’t look well. Perhaps I should carry you back.” Crewel muses.
“What? No there’s no need to carry me, I’ll be fi-” I begin before nearly falling over after another wave of exhaustion hits me. Crewel catches me.
“You’re small enough it won’t be an issue little pup. Besides which you look like you’re about to fall asleep. It would be unwise to travel on your own feet in that state. Tsk tsk, you really need to learn to take care of yourself.” He states picking me up bridal style.
“I- Thank you.” I conceded. I could tell he was right, I was exhausted. Even still I wanted to protest about how I didn’t want to owe him more, or how I didn’t think it was necessary. Despite those thoughts, my eyes were having trouble even staying open so I just closed them. – Before I knew it I was awake in my hotel bed, slightly disheveled and wearing my clothes from the night before.
“Oh. My. God. Did I fall asleep on Crewel again? Well I mean it wasn’t confirmed the first time but aaaahhh.” I immediately panic and place my hands over my face before realizing I need to get ready and look presentable for the showcase. “Ah, I don’t have time to panic,” I mumble before showering, dressing up, and eating an apple that was left on my bedside table with a small note not to skip breakfast in Crewel’s handwriting.
“Geeze, he really is like a dad at this point. It’s not like he adopted me as a pu- child though. It’s weirdly nice how comfortable he is to be around though.” I mumbled looking at the note with a bit of warmth filling my chest. It was nice to feel cared about.
With one big breath, I turn towards the door and head out. Though I had a weird feeling that something went wrong so I hurried to the venue where our outfits should be. I ask if I can check over my outfits quickly because they had been sabotaged before. Luckily I was let in since my outfits were all damaged in some way. It was devastating, and there wasn’t any fabric to fix them. Except for what I was wearing.
“I could use my coat and undershirt and still look mostly presentable while fixing them,” I mumble quietly, my voice shaking more than I wanted it to. Despite still feeling drained, I used my magic again, allowing it to flow through my fingertips to mend the fabric to the shape I desired it to with the fabric I was using in hand. It was a different colour, but the colour matched well enough that it looked intentional. Reaching the fourth outfit I could feel the strength in my legs waning, but I had to fix it.
Even if Crewel was already impressed, I wanted to fix this. To not let the stranger tampering with my work win. I needed to make them feel their efforts were wasted, that after everything I was fine. As my hands glided over the last portion that needed to be fixed a few people started coming in to check their outfits as well. Only mine had been tampered with. I felt my hands shaking as they let go of the now-mended fabric.
“Tsk tsk. What did I say regarding work and rest? Bad boy. You should ask for help if you’re in trouble.” Crewel scolds me before complimenting my handi-work, “It is well done, it looks intentional even. However, I can not condone overworking yourself because of the security’s lack of competence.”
“Haha, I remember. But I didn’t want to let whoever did this feel as if they’d won. I can’t let them feel like they’ve won. I don’t even know why they could be so upset with me.” Unless it is one of my old friends. They seemed to think the worst of me. But they wouldn’t do anything this devastating, would they? Well, Rachel might, but shockingly I didn’t see her here. I would have noticed someone I actively avoid.
“Hm, well your determination is a valuable asset. I suppose it’s a good thing I’m also a potions master. This will sustain you for the duration of the showcase, however, you must rest for the next couple of days.” Crewel states handing me a potion he had on hand, “Sigh. I can’t believe you used some of your only decent clothes because of this. I’ll have to start from square one training this pup. Don’t make this a habit.”
“Wait training?” I ask after downing the potion in one gulp.
“Yes, I’ll be taking you under my wing little pup. As you may have surmised you have impressed me. Though this still needs fixing.” Crewel again motioned to all of me. Suddenly I was reminded of my dream from the past few nights.
“Hey, this may sound weird. But by any chance is Vil Shoenheit also one of your pupils who happens to be the one who may or may not be responsible for fixing my self-care habits and everyday wear?” I ask before the potion fully kicks in.
“Oh? So the little pup is already aware. He must have spoiled the surprise, I’ll have to punish him later.”
“Ah, no, I’ve just had this weird recurring dream about meeting Vil Shoenheit under your tutelage. I wasn’t going to ask initially, I guess being tired made me voice my thoughts. But I haven’t actually met Vil yet.” I explain quickly. Crewel furrows his brows for a moment before an expression of realization covers the confusion.
“Ah, so you’re good at pattern recognition. It’s not uncommon knowledge that Vil is one of my pupils, and you took note of the fact I was treating you well. You’ll be an excellent student. If you pick up on things this quickly anyways. I expect only good things from you.” Crewel states with an almost proud smile before motioning me to come with him to his waiting room where a screen displaying the showcase was attached to the wall.
He discusses specifics with me while we wait for the showcase to reach the point where we all enter the stage and talk about our work and inspirations. Excluding Vil, Neige, and Crewel, the rest of us attending the event are lined up in order to head out second. The three notable guests head out to speak first.
“Sustainability in fashion is one of the greatest difficulties of this industry. But with the systems set up here in Glamour Isle, fashion waste is dwindling away and instead becoming fashion fuel. Isn’t that just incredible? Imagine all of the incredible things you can curate with such an array of fabrics, Imagine how much you can do exchanging materials and creating your personalized unique looks!” Neige starts, excitedly chattering about the benefits of sustainable fashion. Crewel and Vil both elaborate on this to varying degrees before everyone else is brought out and stood next to the models wearing their outfits.
I don’t notice the concerned look that Neige gives me. But I notice the fury of a familiar contestant near me. It was Dev-Ay. One of my ex-friends that happens to despise me. It shouldn’t be surprising that they’re here, they’ve always been skilled. But it does sting to think that they might have been so certain I was worth tormenting that they cut up my outfits. It also tells me that I probably didn’t notice people as much as I thought I would.
“I agree that sustainability and curating styles in this way are essential to bettering our society. It’s one of the reasons I was so excited to be a part of this project. Despite the unlikely mishaps, I had a blast creating designs influenced by the types of sustainable fabrics already being developed. It’s fascinating how through the use of orange peels or kelp beautiful sustainable fabrics can be created. My theme was Future Fantasy. Playing off of the alliteration of the event title, I wanted to curate looks that inspired the fantastical embrace of the future and the stories that such a future can hold. Imagine a sustainable world with glorious personalized fashion made for you. Fashion that makes you feel good and can aptly aid in your self-expression.” I begin as coherently as I can manage. Somehow my voice remains steady. Perhaps it is the desire to show Dev-Ay I am unaffected, or perhaps it was because I wanted to impress Crewel. But either way, I seemed to speak with a charisma I didn’t think I had. There was a prolonged moment of silence after I finished speaking before finally the live audience began to clap following Crewel’s and Neige’s examples. Their applause felt louder than any I had heard for me before and more impactful as it addressed my creations, it validated my ideas not some lame school speech. It was unexpected. Especially since afterward, the applause was noticeably quieter for the now flustered and disorganized Dev-Ay.
After the showcase, I felt my energy start to deplete rapidly. I figured that the potion was starting to wear off. Hopefully, I wouldn’t fall in front of Dev-Ay, I don’t want to give him fuel to berate me. While everyone else was chatting as the audience left and the models change, Dev-Ay approached me.
“Why? Why is it that you of all people did so well? Why couldn’t you just fold as you used to? Are you so proud now? Are you so proud after falsely accusing the one person that I love? You’ll never be anything but a pathetic liar who tears down other people. Are you upset because at least she liked being a girl? Were you mad that you couldn’t escape something that she accepted? Fuck you, fuck your whole fake-ass messaging. I despise you. I wish you would take a dive off the roof like you so badly wanted to before we were friends.” It took me a while to find the words I wanted to say. I didn’t know exactly what to say honestly. If he blamed me, then was there any way he would listen to me? Would he believe I was making excuses simply because I wanted to look good? Did he really want me to die because of this? Regardless I found my mouth moving before I could stop it.
“I don’t understand what my gender identity has to do with my distaste for Rachel. I was never upset at Rachel because she was cisgender. I think you of all people should understand that. Why are you so convinced that I lied to you? Do you love her so much you couldn’t see what she did to me? Has she never crossed your boundaries as she did to me? Or did you believe I actually withheld the information she conveniently forgot? That she claimed she forgot. I could be wrong. There is always the chance I misread her, but she hurt me and crossed my boundaries. I won’t go into the specifics again because you stopped listening to me years ago. But there’s no reason you should be this upset with me. The only way I hurt her was by telling her exactly what she had done and telling her that I couldn’t stay friends with her. I wasn’t wrong for standing up for myself like you never did for me. Your ability to trust seems like a blessing, but it may be a curse.” I respond with quiet, seething frustration, trying to remain as calm as possible but inevitably speaking poisonously. Before I know it I’m on the ground with blood pouring from my nose and a sore jaw. It takes me a moment to register what just happened. I try to get back up to my feet, but I can’t even move my legs to stand.
“Ren!” Neige called out with concern causing all eyes to turn toward Dev-Ay, Neige, and me. I bite my lip before trying desperately to tell my legs to move, but they simply shake beneath me on the floor as if they’re too scared to move. Too afraid that maybe they’re going to be hit next rather than my face.
“Dev-Ay. I was sincere when I told you I enjoyed being your friend and I was grateful for everything you had done for me.” I start, looking up at Dev-Ay who is clenching his hands into fists, “I don’t regret being friends with you, or stopping our friendship. I know that it was the right thing for me to do. I understand your anger. No, I understand that you are angry because you believe something I can not possibly fathom. But I never hated you. All I ask is that you let what happened to us remain in the past, it doesn’t benefit anyone to retain anger built on, at best, miscommunication.” I manage to say, smiling at Dev-Ay knowing it would make him angrier. Before he can respond Crewel and a few security officers walk over. The officers detain Dev-Ay who screams about how vile I truly am.
“That looks really bad Ren. Oh no, let me get some help.” Neige states with worry.
“I’ll take them to the nearest medic. You should calm the onlookers down.” Crewel states before picking me up again.
“Hah, I feel like a kid who got in a fight, and their overprotective dad came to pick them up,” I mumble in my exhausted delirium. The pain wasn’t even present anymore, I was just tired and numb.
“Haha, well I’ve taken a liking to you. Though next time someone punches you, bite back. Especially if it’s going to impact your precious face. You certainly have the charisma to back it up.”
“Aw, dad called me precious hehe. Thank you, you’ve really pampered me like a lil’ puppy while I was here. I feel weirdly comfortable with you. Man, I don’t want to fall asleep for a third time on you. It’s rude to use a celebrity like a pillow. And I’m not that charismatic, I’m just a bit silly.” I mumble with a yawn.
“You can fall asleep. You need it, and that potion, while good for a short time, does make you even more tired than before you use it. You did well, little pup. Though we have some training to do so you can do better in the future.”
“… Thank you,” I mumble quietly, avoiding leaning on Crewel with my bloody face as much as possible. I suppose he didn’t want the incompetent security to carry me this time, though I don’t know why he was compelled to carry me before. He really is like a father figure. I wish that I’d met him sooner. Maybe I wouldn’t have run into Rachel then. But I guess if I met him earlier I may have just been another kid, not someone of note.
The rest of the trip to a medic is in silence. When we get there the lady is nice and heals me with the stipulation that I rest for a solid two days to regain my energy. She asks if I have a guardian, to which I say of course, and that I will be fine under their care. Though how much of that will be true when I go back home is left to be decided. I don’t stay awake for too much longer, though I do hear a vague murmur of Crewel’s voice and phone chatter before I drift off to sleep.
– “Oh wow! This is amazing. Ren, you have to work with me on the next partner event that comes up. I would love to work with you!” Neige states as the dream fades into view. “Thank you. I’m quite flattered. Your designs are excellent as well.” I comment with a small smile before explaining that while it would be nice to work together I had already promised to work with someone else for the next event. Before I hear Neige’s reaction the dream shifts suddenly and I am in a cage. “I still love you you know. I was really hurt that you lied to Dev-Ya like that my sweet, adorable, Renny bird.” Rachel states with a certain sadness before reaching into the birdcage and caressing my face with her cold bony hands. “Why am I here?” I ask shakily before coughing a bit. My throat feels dry and my body feels cold. “Oh Renny, you know I can’t have you run away again. You’ll spread more lies and hurt more people. Unless I help you. Let me help you, I know I can fix you. Piece together the shattered pieces of you. Come here, I’ll give you a hug, just like before. We can make everything okay again.” Rachel says, her sickly sweet voice bouncing between the bars of the birdcage. I can’t say anything, I just stare at her as her arms elongate and weave through the bars to reach me. To touch me. To keep me trapped in this birdcage. –
I wake up with a start and sit up quickly before someone pushes me back into bed.
“What happened to you? Did you trip over the stairs? I warned you those long pants would make you fall dummy.” My sister Vera comments before sitting back down next to me, “Seriously though I was worried when I got a call to home about you being sick again. Did you overuse your magic?”
“Like you’re any better. Who are you to ask if I tripped on the stairs, didn’t you fall up a ramp that one time?”
“Oh shush you. You didn’t answer my question. What happened?”
“Dev-Ya punched me. I don’t know if he tried to sabotage my outfits yet, but I strongly suspect he was related to that too. Sorry I didn’t tell you about getting into the fashion thing. You weren’t home for a while anyways right?” I justify just recalling the fact I was planning on messaging her before and just didn’t.
“Ren, I wasn’t home sure, but you still should have told me! I would have come to see your work if it lined up with my work schedule.”
“Oh Vera, you’ll never guess who I met.”
“Oh really? Try me.”
“I met Divus Crewel.”
“Yeah I know that much, he was the one who called me. Imagine my surprise when the Divus Crewel was calling about my older sibling needing someone to drive them home. Bro, he asked if I was your older sister, how goofy were you to warrant that question?”
“Bro- It’s not my fault though. I just accidentally didn’t realize I got on the wrong train car and dressed enough like a hobo that he assumed I was a child.”
“I know bro.”
“Going back a bit, I thought Dev-ya cut contact with you after that gross nasty did the bad thing I shall not name.”
“Oh yes, thank you for not naming the bad thing. But yeah, I thought nothing would come of it, but apparently, he was really mad at me. I wonder if Rachel encouraged this. I don’t think he would have acted as extreme otherwise.”
“I mean yeah maybe. But he was always kind of ick though.”
“I know, you were right. You’re always right when it comes to people.”
“Damn right I am.”
“Hey Vera, can you hand me my phone?”
“No, I can’t.” They say handing me the phone anyways. I smile at them lightly and open up my phone to check a few things. Firstly, if I had been contacted by Crewel since apparently he had found out my sibling’s number he may have found my contacts. Specifically “home” or otherwise Vera called my phone, but I couldn’t pick up because I was deliriously exhausted.
“Oh right, I was supposed to tell the Crewel you woke up. He acts more like your dad than our actual dad did haha.”
“Yeah, right? I was thinking the same thing. If he was still alive I wonder if that would have changed at all. I mean, it was really mom who was the worse parent, at least dad had an excuse.”
“I guess. But whatever, not the time. Time to message your ‘new dad’ since you seemed to have picked one up out of nowhere. You better not abandon me for another family.” Vera states rolling her eyes.
“Thanks, dad, and of course I won’t, you’re the only blood-related family I want to stay in contact with at the moment,” I say playfully rolling my eyes back at her.
Vera messages Crewel and much more quickly than I had anticipated he is in the room with us. We talked about a few things. Who Dev-Ya was, why he was so upset, what relation it had to my outfits, and why I lied about having a parental figure at home.
“Come to think of it. You’re a celebrity designer, you’re quite busy. Why did you come here directly to talk to us?” Vera asks.
“Well, while Ren is a student of mine, I was thinking that I could provide you with a better job as well and a place much closer to my design studio. If you’re all the other has, it would be rather cruel for me to separate you for a lengthy period of time. Despite how my name sounds, I’m not unreasonable.”
“Okay dad, sure thing. You’ve been really soft with me though. I don’t see how you would be. You just have high expectations right?”
“Say what you will little pup. I’m sure you’ll find I’m not as lenient as you seem to think I am. Also, Ren. How is it that your sister dresses so fashionably and you dressed as you called it in ‘an unfashionable dad aesthetic’?” Crewel asks, raising a brow.
“I uh, make their clothes and they take care of their skin better than I do,” I mumble slowly looking away from Crewel.
“I told them I don’t need to look nice either, but they insist that I should wear nicer clothes. I’m not a seamstress like them, I’m a watercolour painter. So I can’t just make them nice clothes to wear as they do for me.”
“But you look so pretty though, you definitely deserve all the nice things.”
“No, I don’t, you do.”
“No, I refuse, you do.”
“It looks like two little pups in need of some retraining.” Crewel breaks up what was about to become a battle of the no-yous, “Anyways, after Ren fully recovers, I’ll take you to your new home and explain the job I have for you in greater detail. That should be suitable for you I presume?”
“Excuse me, but why would you help us? Did you just adopt my sibling and say I could tag along?” Vera asks a little skeptical about this sudden favor toward us.
“I mean it’s not like he doesn’t gain anything. We’re both skilled artists who could contribute to his business and we’re in a position where it would be best if we joined him to gain the benefits we would from this.”
“Okay, I get that, but I still don’t understand why us.”
“While I don’t need a reason and this little gremlin child would technically owe me under other circumstances, I have my personal reasons for this predicament. Also, I am deeply concerned by the fact you trusted me so quickly. I will tell you the rest eventually, but for the moment I’m sure good pups won’t question me further.”
“Oh, you’ve yet to see gremlin Ren my newly adopted father figure. Now that I’ve fallen asleep near you like three times, I think it’s safe to say you’ll see weirdness soon. You don’t seem like a bad person though? I mean, you’ve had plenty of chances to make my life significantly worse, but you didn’t.” I laugh a bit. Vera raises a brow at me like they were saying, ‘Do you have no sense of danger child?’
“Gremlin Ren? Like when you said ‘Aw, dad called me precious’? I suppose you may simply be a good judge of character, though I’d still be more careful.”
“Hebba debba ha- Shoosh, we don’t talk about deliriously tired Ren, and sure, I could be more careful I guess,” I respond quickly, waving my arms vaguely in his direction.
“Bro.” Vera vocalizes her surprise, crossing her arms and shaking her head.
“Since we haven’t yet, Ren, let us exchange numbers so that I can contact both of you if need be. I’d rather not call your sister every time.”
“Oh alright, yeah that’d be good, we won’t always be together, so that wouldn’t have worked out every time anyways,” I respond before remembering I had Neige’s number somewhere too. I completely forgot to mention him to Vera before, oh well I can bring him up later. For some reason, I don’t feel like I should mention him in front of Dadus Crewel.
We exchange numbers and chat a bit about my health, fashion, and my sibling’s art. Vera ends up being quite flustered but flattered by the compliments she receives. It’s quite cute actually. Eventually, Crewel leaves and I’m left to rest with Vera making sure that I don’t skip any meals. She knows that I won’t eat if I don’t feel like getting up.
There was a lot to think about laying down. What was going to happen with Dev-Ya and Rachel? Would I have to tell Crewel about Rachel? How was it going to be learning under Crewel? Would Vera finally meet her Idol since we were going to be in the fashion industry? What did the dream with Neige and Rachel mean? I could probably figure out a couple of them. My dreams tend to be tied to reality, though upsetting things always end up more abstracted or represented by different characters. The thing with Neige may actually happen, or something similar will occur if I don’t spoil the surprise again. The more abstract representation of Rachel means I might meet her again. There’s no way that I would actually be trapped in a birdcage right? That seems quite unlikely despite how unhinged Rachel can be. I’ll probably have to tell Crewel about Rachel if I notice anything off like with the outfits. Though given his resources I may not be the first one of us to bring it up. Maybe I’ll wait until he asks me about it.
Two days pass slowly with the occasional conversation with my sister and her excitement about having a potentially less dull job soon. We vaguely touch on the fact she might meet her idol and then she wonders if she’ll have to hide her fanart of him before remembering that the only art she gets is of fictional characters so it's fine. Besides which there’s no way that Epel Felmier would ever see her room anyways right? By the end of the second day, I feel energized enough to start packing things up. Though I take care to pack my clothes separately from everything else just in case they’ll be confiscated for use as scrap materials. Not that they would, but considering Crewel’s judgemental glances, I have a feeling it isn’t an unreasonable concern.
Vera convinces me to call Crewel this time since she had to do so last time and he arrives equally as quickly as before with a few people to help us pack up. He motions for us to follow him while the movers grab all of our stuff in storage containers of various sizes and random boxes. On the way, Crewel discusses Vera’s position on the creative team designated to Epel and she literally gasps.
That evening when Crewel isn’t within earshot Vera tells me they hope he doesn’t notice them because they would never be able to talk to him well and might even accidentally refer to him as “baby girl” which they know he doesn’t like.
Unexpectedly our conversation takes a pause when I receive a message from Dev-Ya. He had been the one to block me initially, so I couldn’t imagine anything good would come out of whatever message he sent me. Especially since the last time we spoke, he punched my face. I didn’t open the message, but I read the first bit of it that was displayed on my phone screen from the notification.
[I want to meet up to apologize to you properly.] It began. I had a feeling that he didn’t actually want to apologize. Though I could be wrong, it doesn’t feel like something he would do.
“What’cha lookin’ at?” Vera asks, breaking the silence.
“An unexpected message.” I say vaguely frowning at my phone before shutting it off entirely for the moment, “I don’t really want to look at it though.”
“Oh, did Elliot message you again?”
“Not this time, no. Also, I blocked Elliot, I won’t be receiving his messages unless he does something to get around being blocked.”
“You seem to have a lot of enemies,” Crewel adds walking into the room with a pointer that has two collars attached to the other end of it. He was usually depicted with it, so it’s weird he didn’t have it at the event.
“Well, when you’re a doormat you tend to attract people who want to use you. Not that I am as much anymore, but it does sometimes feel like it would be easier to be one again.”
“That’s why I told you not to deal with them in the first place dummy,” Vera mutters.
“Are you sure you’re not the older sibling Vera?”
“Oh come on. Besides Vera is taller than me which automatically makes her the younger sibling.” I say playfully gesturing dramatically to Vera.
“That was because you were malnourished, you’re taller than me now,” Vera comments in turn with a small frown.
“Well I was going to get right to business, but I have a feeling we should discuss what happened with Dev-Ya on Glamour Isle.”
“I would be totally cool with skipping over that for now. Business stuff ooh.” I point finger guns in Crewel’s general direction.
“Oh wait, was that who messaged you?” Vera cuts in.
“What lead you to that conclusion? But yes, Dev-Ya texted me.” I sigh lightly rubbing the back of my neck anxiously.
“Well, that is concerning. What did he say?” Crewel asks, looking at me pointedly.
“I didn’t want it to pop up read so I only looked at the part that popped up in the notification. I don’t know what the rest says, but apparently, he wants to apologize. I doubt he means to apologize given how volatile our last meeting was.” I explain tiredly, rubbing my eyes and sighing.
“Bro block him. Gross. I bet Rachel told him to apologize so she can try to get back on your good side after ‘that’.”
“I figured much the same … I guess I should tell you who Rachel is now that we’re staying in your care huh? You certainly picked a puppy with a lot of problems.” I say with a small laugh before taking a deep breath and thinking about how to start.
“You are by no means obligated to give me your life story simply because I’ve brought you here. Though it would be helpful to identify people to avoid or deal with later.” Crewel responds, mumbling the last part and hitting his pointer against his hand.
“I didn’t catch that last bit, but I still feel like I should anyways. I won’t go into specifics, but essentially I was in a relationship where I would give as much as I could to make Rachel happy, but she never listened to me or returned the affection I gave. It got particularly bad at one point, but I won’t get into that. It messed with a lot of my friendships though since that became my standard. Elliot, who was mentioned earlier, is similar, but worse in some ways. I’m lucky I found out who he was before I met him in person though.” I explain vaguely, pausing a few times, wondering if I should be telling Crewel all of this. He practically adopted us, I’m not even sure how things worked out this well, but I couldn’t help but feel like as soon as he knew more he was going to throw me away.
“It looks like you were surrounded by some pathetic mutts. I’ll make sure they don’t show up around you. For now, you should probably block any of them you’ve yet to and stay focused on something that won’t keep your anxiety up. I’m sure that all deeply impacted you. No one goes through upsetting events unscathed. I don’t really do hugs, but you two can speak to me about anything that is troubling you. It’s one of the responsibilities I signed up for taking you in as my students. A teacher's job is to make sure his students thrive in the learning environment.”
“You’re definitely acting like a dad now. You don’t do hugs? What's with carrying me to a medic instead of letting someone else do it?”
“I’m not sure actually.”
“Oh? You’re not sure? Sounds likely fatherly instincts ooh.”
“…” Crewel doesn’t reply, he simply places a hand to his chin thoughtfully, placing the hand with the pointer in it against his elbow.
“Hey, Ren you should block those nasties.” Vera points out before I can react to Crewel’s silence. I had already forgotten that blocking people was mentioned so my mouth forms an ‘oh yeah’ before I turn my phone back on. It flashes on a full brightness before returning to the lowest setting where I usually have it.
“Ow, my eyes,” I grumble before going through and blocking the numbers I had yet to block. It was Dev-Ya’s and some guy named Teiran I didn’t remember but had a negative feeling about for some reason. Rachel and Elliot were already blocked before so I didn’t have to worry about them for now.
“You came in here to talk business initially right? Let’s do that.” Vera states, taking a lead in the conversation. Probably in hopes that Crewel would leave as soon as he said what he planned to.
“Right, business. First of all, excuse me for barging in earlier. I can assure you this will not become a habit. I live separately from you and I’ll make sure to inform you if I need to speak with you both prior to my visits unless it's an emergency of course. Onto business, there is a large event surrounding new fashion coming up in six months, the Summer Unlimited Fibers Fresh and Economic Revolution annual event. You’ll be put into teams of at least three. Though these teams can be sorted out beforehand which is what we’re going to do. As you may have already guessed, I plan to assign you two to a team with Vil Shoenheit and Epel Felmier. Until then, however, we need to increase your prestige and credibility.”
“I’m mildly concerned by the fact it spells the out ‘suffer’ as the acronym, but I digress. So you mean you’ll be making sure we get into events to showcase our abilities? If this goes well, we’ll be working on one of the biggest events in the fashion world with some of the most well know fashion-related celebrities. But if you have other pupils, then why did you select us?”
“Oh, I suppose I should have specified. I’m also a teacher at Night Raven College. The students there are probably who you mean by my ‘other pupils’. As for why I chose you two, there are a few reasons. Most obviously, it brings diversity to the group. A non-binary gremlin with dark-academia vibes and a lady steeped in Ouji fashion pair well with the adorable Epel and glamorous monarch-esque Vil. It’s like a set of fantasy villains. Quite an eye-catching arrangement no? Additionally, you already work well together, I’m afraid some of my other students are too much like divas to work well as a group. Individually they all have strengths, but until they mesh, they’re like oil and water. While you have yet to work with Epel and Vil, you will be more willing to compromise with them when necessary.”
“Oh, I guess that makes sense. Diversity is an important note for intrigue. However, I’m under the impression that this is in part because of Neige’s potential group. Either they’re also trying to be diverse, or that group is going to essentially be a boy band right?”
“Correct. Given the previous year, it’s likely that Neige’s group is going to be more diverse. There was a lot of discourse surrounding some of the former members, though somehow that discourse gave Neige a popularity boost.” Crewel states, his voice dripping with annoyance.
“Right, weren’t Neige and Vil placed on the same team as two newbies who ended up being a mess all things considered?”
“So you don’t want the hosts to make Neige and Vil part of the same team again? But you don’t have much time to locate some new talents, and those you could reach out to would make things more difficult.”
“Considering that you came here almost immediately. You have something in mind to get us started right?”
“Very good. Yes, I have a few events lined up for you. I’ll handle getting you in, you are going to need to focus on curating new designs. I have more for you after this event, so don’t burn yourself out like last time. Since security was so lax at the last location, I can promise you I’ll ensure more reliable security this time.”
“Can you tell us the specifics like dates and themes?”
“I’ll go over it with you another day, but for now I’ll be E-Mailing you all of the relevant information. Though I’ll need to give you your company E-Mails and their passwords before you can use them.”
“Company E-Mails? Wow- that’s fancy.”
“Oh, we had those at my previous job.” Vera mumbles.
“Good, then you should be familiar with professional E-Mail etiquette.”
“E-Mails have etiquette?”
“…” Vera and Crewel look at each other, perhaps wondering how I had made it this far without knowing that there was such a thing as E-Mail etiquette. Crewel ends up discussing specifics with us anyways before handing us our company E-Mail information. After he leaves Vera and I unpack a few more things while bouncing ideas off of each other for the first event.
We head to bed soon after and both wake up early. Getting used to a new space was going to take a little bit. Everything was so much cleaner than it ever had been. There’s only so much progress we were able to make at the old house with my studies and Vera’s work. Regardless, we had things to do and not much time to dilly-dally about new surroundings.
The next few days raced by and before we knew it we were presenting in front of a crowd. Though this one was notably smaller than the one from the Flash Forward Frenzy. Unexpectedly, Neige was one of the guest judges alongside Vil. After the show is over Neige approaches us.
“I didn’t expect to see you here! Wow, your designs are still so impressive. Oh, a pleasure to meet you, Vera, I’m Neige LeBlanche!” Neige starts excitedly grasping my hands, acknowledging my sister after a moment's pause.
“It’s nice to meet you too. I’m Vera, Ren’s sister.” Vera introduces, looking at Neige’s hands and then back to me with a raised eyebrow.
“Hello again! Also, I’m sorry, I completely misplaced your business card, so I wasn’t able to add your number to my contacts after everything.” I apologize, wondering if he was under the impression that I just didn’t like him.
“Oh no, well I suppose it’s not unexpected. You were in really bad shape after the Frenzy. I’m surprised you were on your feet this quickly. Hmm, why don’t I just add my number to your phone this time? There’s no way you’ll lose it that way!” He states with a wide smile befitting a prince.
“Sure! That would probably be better.” I reply before pulling out my phone. Vera blinks at me, ‘Seriously? You know that Vil and Neige are rivals, you really want to die on the hill of befriending everyone until you get hurt?’ I hand Neige my phone and he quickly types in his number. I stifle a laugh when I see that he’s oh-so graciously nicknamed himself for future reference.
“Do people call you Neggy?” I ask curiously, looking at the little heart emote he’d added at the end too. I mean it was distinct, I’d give him that, but it felt a little unnecessary.
“Only friends do. I’d like to think we’ll be friends though so you can call me Neggy too!” Neige explains still just as bubbly and excited as before.
“Okay, but I’ll still refer to you as Neige in public.” I smile a bit. He was cute if nothing else. It was like finding a little brother. Though Vera would always be my favorite sibling. Before I can give Neige my number in turn Vil joins us.
“Hello, Neige. Sorry to cut your conversation short, but these two have a prior engagement.” Vil states with a practiced smile, elegantly placing a hand on his chin. I wonder how much of the conversation he heard when walking over. Regardless Vera’s assessment that being friendly toward Neige would give me problems was probably going to be a little too accurate. Vil was already displeased, I couldn’t imagine that our trip to the meeting room with Crewel and Epel was going to be comfortable.
“Yes, unfortunately, we do have something else to tend to. I’m sure we’ll meet again given the industry. Let’s head out.” I add, looking at Vera who rolls her eyes at me and also confirms that we should leave.
“Ah, goodbye Ren. I hope we have a chance to talk more next time. Safe travels!” Neige says before saying farewell to Vera and Vil collectively. We walk in silence until we reach our transportation. After the door shuts Vil starts to speak.
“So you’re friendly with Neige LeBlanche?” He asks with a smile that conveyed his displeasure.
“Well, I don’t have a negative opinion of him as of the moment. But we’ve only spoken a few times so it’s difficult to say if I’d ever give him preference. Though to be frank, my main concern is being polite since unlike you, my clout isn’t very good.” I explain. It was true that I was fairly neutral towards Neige, he may be cute, but he’s not very memorable for anything but that. Given the choice, I’d rather be friends with Vil since that would make things less complicated and Vil is also more interesting. The media is divided on how to depict Vil as his fashion sense and acting career have cast him as a villain. Do they show him as tragic, cruel, or even secretly good?
“I see. I suppose that makes sense. Though I will remind you to avoid being too friendly with him. Even if you’re just being polite others will take your politeness as affection and twist your image.” Vil explains, a bit softer and less peeved than earlier. Was he worried about me? “I have to agree with Vil. Ren, you’re too careless with people.” Vera adds quietly, glancing at Vil before looking at me, “You shouldn’t have let Neige grab your hands either, what if there were paparazzi? Neige has the barrier of being the highest-ranking celebrity, you’re not safe from being slandered and defamed.” Vera adds with concern, her voice shaking.
“Vera- I know. I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that the media is going to depict me as a playboy at this point. I mean, there’s no way that there aren’t pictures of Crewel carrying me circulating at the moment. With that, if there also end up being pictures of Neige holding my hands then I’ll be in trouble.” I apologize, sorting out my thoughts and realizing all at once just the predicament I had been put in.
“Usually Crewel is so careful about his image. But I suppose he has always had a soft spot for his students. Though he would never admit that.” Vil muses, “If you understand all of that, why aren’t you more guarded?” Vil adds with added annoyance.
“I- don’t have anything to say for myself. It’s just stupid.” I state looking down at my feet.
“We’ll discuss this with Crewel later. Vera, you weren’t at the Frenzy so I didn’t get to see your abilities in action before. I’m excited to see what you’ll do in the future. You seem quite promising, and perhaps wise.” Vil compliments Vera who smiles a bit before thanking Vil for his compliments. Eventually, it reaches the topic of understanding why Crewel said he’d need to fix my wardrobe.
“We already have plans to curate your wardrobe, unfortunately, there simply wasn’t time before this event, so you had to wear the ones from Glamour Isle. But no more. I shall make you shine like a diamond. And perhaps blind Neige.”
“What is it with people mumbling the last part of their sentences? I’m grateful for your time and efforts in this. I’ll try not to undermine your expectations.”
Eventually, we make our way to the meeting room where a few unfamiliar faces sit with Crewel and Epel. Most of them are dressed in business attire with some notes, but one of them looks completely different from the rest. Dressed in a dark feathered cloak with a crow mask and cane, the fae lounges at the head of the table. This also implies that he has a higher position than Crewel. Who is this guy?
“Ah! You’re all here. Yes, it is I. Crowley your beloved CEO and headmaster at NRC.” Yeah, I still have no idea who Crowley is.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Crowley,” I say with a polite smile.
“Yes, it’s lovely to meet you, Mr. Crowley,” Vera says in turn.
“It’s a pleasant surprise to see you attend the meeting CEO,” Vil states with an elegant practiced smile.
“There is no need to be so formal with me! Just call me Crowley. After all, you all are important assets to our company.” Crowley states in a sing-song tone, “Oh right, feel free to sit anywhere, there’s no need to stand so stiffly.” He adds with the motion of his hand.
“Thank you, sir,” I say before sitting one seat away from Crewel so that Vera can be seated beside two people she knows. Vil sits beside Epel on the other side of the table and introductions of everyone at the table begin. The table consists of Crowley, Crewel, Epel, Vera, Vil, Trein, Vanrouge, and I. The meeting covers schedules, the clean up for Crewel’s sudden dadittude, and current media standings. Admittedly during the more budget-oriented pieces of the conversation, I was completely lost.
After the meeting ends Crowley leaves immediately followed by Vanrouge. Epel and Vil head out after speaking briefly to Crewel. Vera and I decide to follow Vil out for the moment. We weren’t stopped so we left the room. Vil notices us and motions for us to walk a bit closer to the two of them. I can almost hear Vera internally screaming being so close to Epel.
“We have more to discuss outside of the meeting since they didn’t cover everything. You’re probably wondering who Lillia Vanrouge and Mozus Trein are. They’re investors in the company that happen to be on good terms with most of us. Since they have such a big say in our company, they tend to appear in official meetings discussing budgets and plans for the company's future.”
“You realize that Crewel probably would have explained all of that to them right?”
“Yes, but the conversations between Trein and Crewel tend to be lengthy. We have to wait anyways, it makes for better discussion if the other parties aren’t preoccupied with something else.” Vil says motioning for everyone to sit down in what is probably a waiting room or lounge of some sort.
“Eh- Yeah okay. Ahem. Hello again, I’m Epel. It’s nice to meet you both.” Epel says with a sparkly smile.
“Wow, I didn’t realize that people could literally sparkle,” I mumble thoughtlessly. Vera covers my mouth before I finish.
“The pleasure is all mine,” Vera states simply, smiling politely but definitely freaking out internally. After a bit, she uncovers my mouth and I am free to speak again.
“I guess we’ll be seeing each other a lot more frequently right? So wouldn’t it be a good idea to figure out some baseline things to avoid doing? For example, eating sounds really bother me. If I dine with others, it is usually in a noisy place so I’m less overwhelmed by the eating noises but rather the environment.”
“Ah, I suppose you’re right. Then I’ll state the obvious. Be more careful about your image and who you associate with. Additionally, do not needless contact Neige LeBlanche as that too could become problematic.”
“Ah, I get it, if anyone sees either party text the other, a deeper relationship will be assumed because it makes for a better story and more interesting gossip.”
“Exactly. I suppose that means you had no intentions of actually contacting him then?”
“Well, I was undecided initially, which is why I even mentioned the number again in the first place, but given this, it’s better to avoid contacting him. He’s been at the center of enough drama where everyone else ended up looking bad that I don’t really want to chance an ‘Oops, I didn’t realize they could see my screen lol’ moment.”
“I’m glad you’ve come to your senses.”
“I suppose if it's just us, avoid calling me cute or referring to me too fondly. I’d rather not be bombarded with those things outside of work too.” Epel adds, still sounding soft and polite.
“Ah, alright. If I had to add something, it would probably be along the lines of wariness around group chats or anything. I’ve had a friend or two in ‘secret’ group chats that were too careless about ensuring the excluded parties weren’t aware they were excluded.” Vera mentions with a brief explanation.
Before we could continue the conversation an announcement was made over the loudspeakers to find a place to hide while a situation was being dealt with.
“Well, that is concerning,” I mumble.
“What in tarnation? Concerning? That’s downright mortifying. What could possibly be happening?” Epel replies with a panicked expression.
“Let’s go into the nearest room. Now.” Vil states staying composed and ushering us all into a room that has a door that locks.
“It’s our first day here and something went wrong,” Vera mumbles, leaning on me and clutching their arms tightly.
“I’m not sure what’s happening, but it will be alright, we’ll just stay quiet. I’m right here.” I whisper as quietly as I can, placing a hand on Vera’s shoulder. The room stays silent after that. Outside of the room, we hear footsteps and a knock of metal on the floor.
Clack clack, clang, clack clack, clang
The person outside calls a name I don’t recognize, but Vil’s expression shifts into one of disturbed understanding.
“I know you’re here my love. Just come out and we can talk.” The voice calls out with a deranged laugh. ‘Ah, it’s someone’s crazy fan or ex.’ I think frowning a bit.
Clack clack, clang, clack clack BANG
The door shudders as a dent forms in it. It takes a moment to process that it was our door that had been hit until I see Epel standing before the door, magic circling his hands while he stands in front of us.
“Oh? Are those frightened breaths I hear? My my, you always were such a delicate thing weren’t you?” The voice exclaims, excitement dripping over their words as something crashes into the door again. I find myself wondering how this guy got here, how they possibly managed to get past security in this place.
The dent grows as the hinges cry out in pain.
The door squeals in agony.
BANG … Thonk
The door falls down slowly as an unfamiliar grinning figure peers into the room.
“Oh Icy, there you are!” The intruder exclaims looking at Vera. Vera looks confused and frightened. I find myself moving before I can think about it. I crash through the door we locked to get in here, pulling Vera behind me.
“GET BACK HERE!” They scream followed by the sound of fire crackling through the air followed by the whip of vines.
“Who the fuck is that?” Vera whisper screams, grabbing my hand tightly.
“I don’t know. But we need you to get out of here, or hide really well.” I say in reply, my voice sounding much calmer than the heart beating in my chest. My shoulder starts to throb.
“I-I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t know who that is.” She says panicked.
“I know, I know, it’s not your fault, they’re just a creep.” I console them, starting to lead them toward another exit from the waiting room.
“Eugh- I won’t let you pass through here!” Epel shouts after a sound of pain. Before I can stop her, Vera barrels back into the previous room and punches the creepy stranger back through the doorway.
“No one hurts my friends,” Even she must not have known what came over her, but hearing her idol cry out in pain led her to punch the intruder with a force even she didn’t know she had. They fly through the doorway and crash through the door across the hallways.
“Agh- My sweet- why do you pain me so? I came all this way for you.” The stranger pleads. I feel useless as I watch Vil, Epel, and Vera.
“She wants nothing to do with you. Get that through your head or you won’t be left with just a few burns and scars.” Vil states with a venomous smile spreading over his lips.
“How did they get here? I don’t think they should have been able to. Is there anyone who would want to hurt Vera maybe? … Could it be Rachel again? Is she trying to destroy what I have left so I fall back into her arms?” I mumble to myself before hearing another crash. Vil had thrown the stranger through another door.
“That’s going to be a pain to replace.” Crowley comments walking towards the stranger, “Sorry, but who are you? And why are you bothering us on such an important day?” He adds with a certain detached annoyance like he was talking to a bug. It was then that I managed to walk back toward everyone to see what was happening.
“I’m just here to see my dearly beloved!” The intruder insists.
“That creep has nothing to do with my sister. But he thinks he is.” I state walking over, my heart beating loudly in my chest, “I was trying to be nice earlier.” I add with a practiced smile.
“How is taking my sweet Ice rose away from me a kindness? You just wanted her for yourself.” As they argue I catch a glance at their eyes, they’re cloudy. I stare at them for a moment before something clicks.
“You drank it,” I mutter.
“It’s a miracle thing, isn’t it? Oh, I was so close to holding my love. If you weren’t here- if I get rid of you-” The stranger realizes, rising despite their disfigured form.
“I don’t think so.” Crowley states bonking the stranger on the head with his hand knocking the fool out cold, “Now, I trust you’ll explain what you meant by ‘you drank it?’” Crowley asks motioning for some personnel to get rid of the creep.
“No, you mean they drank that?” Vera cuts in, “It’s- it’s a monstrous potion. It relieves you of all worldly pain, but you lose your ability to perceive right and wrong, as it eats away at you you start to decay and you’re susceptible to others' intentions. If they really drank that- then that means Rachel is involved.” She explains, rushing over as I lose my balance.
“This Rachel is going to be a much larger problem than I initially assumed.” Crewel comments, supporting me from behind as well, “But that doesn’t explain how that mangy mutt got in here in the first place.”
“If the only benefit of that potion was the elimination of pain it wouldn’t be as tempting. If you know which one it is you can probably piece together what happened. But one of the things the potion does is amplify your magic until you overblot. You either decay or overblot, and neither is a pleasant end.” I explain further, scratching at my arms as the ickiness settles into my skin.
“Why exactly do you know all of this?” Trein asks, walking over with a tap of his cane announcing his presence.
“… That’s how my best friend died,” I whisper with a small, pained, laugh.
“I’m sorry for your loss Ren. It is never easy to lose someone. I am too old now to guarantee your safety under my watch. But I will support you the best I can in other ways.” Trein states, looking between Vera and me.
“Hm, well given the dire circumstances I think I could keep an eye on them. Besides, it would be like adopting wor- children.” Crowley states, absolutely about to say workers instead of children before he corrected himself.
“There’s no need for that Crowley, I’m already taking care of their housing, so I’ll be the one to settle them into a safer space if need be,” Crewel states in turn.
“Hahahaha,” Vera starts laughing.
“I hardly think this is the time to be laughing child,” Crowley states.
“I know, I’m sorry, it’s just- you all barely know us but you’ve already accepted us more than our family ever did. It’s just kind of funny you know? Maybe I’m tired.” Vera states laughing a bit more while tearing up. She sniffles and tries to calm down her tears but Epel hugs her.
“There there.” He states, patting their back.
Crewel notices before I do that I’m crying too. He wipes away my tears with a handkerchief and sighs.
“You always seem to get hurt when something happens.” He says, placing a hand lightly on my injured shoulder causing me to flinch, “Let’s get you patched up, we’ll discuss what to do about your safety after that at least.” He adds.
Vil looks at Crewel as though he’d grown a second head.
“You’re not going to pick me up again are you?” I ask with a sniffle before turning my head to look up at Crewel. He smiles a bit.
“That depends, can you walk this time?” He asks though the answer was quickly found to be no, “Hm, well I’m afraid you’re going to have to sit still and be carried this time as well little pup.” He muses. I sigh and just let him carry me. Crowley joins Vil in his baffled stare at Crewel.
“What- is happening,” Vil asks furrowing his brows and pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Dad instincts,” Vera mumbles through sniffles.
“I suppose he does have a habit of adopting promising children, or ‘pups’ as he calls you.” Trein muses, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
“Hah, this really is going to be quite expensive. You’ll need to deal with that Rachel person sooner rather than later.” Crowley comments before he takes his leave.
“Unfortunately I can’t stay for too much longer either. However, Vil, you have my number. I ask that you update me on the situation when you can.” Trein states leaving as well.
“I’m sorry, your jacket is soaked with tears,” Vera says seeing Epel’s now wet jacket.
“It’s fine. I don’t get the whole unsupportive family bit, but I’m all too familiar with being in an unexpected fight with someone you don’t know. NRC isn’t exactly full of friendly faces. ‘Sides, you were really something. I didn’t expect ya ta smack the bastard in gob like that.” Epel states, slipping into an unfamiliar accent. Usually, he sounds like a well-read nobleman.
“I just heard you get hurt and my body was already moving on its own. I can’t take too much credit for that. I’m not nearly as brave as it seems.” Vera explains quickly.
“Not many have such noble intentions. Well, I suppose you won’t be a burden despite the issues that seem to surround your sibling. Though my opinion is subject to change should you prove to be loutish.” Vil comments.
– “Ow- I didn’t think I’d dislocated it, it just felt numb at first,” I grumble, rubbing the arm where healing magic was applied.
“In an ideal world, you’d have time to rest, but for the moment we should discuss safety. Previously you would not be living with anyone but your sibling. Given the circumstances would you be more comfortable living in my house? Given my status, I have trained guards to deal with intruders like that person.”
“It would probably be safer to stay somewhere that secure. It’ll be a pain, yes, but I’m not going to deny any greater level of protection. Though I have my reservations about hired guards at this point.”
“That’s understandable. I can assure you, however, that my hired personnel will be much more reliable. Crowley and the owner of the organization that hosted the Frenzy prefer cost effectiveness to function.” Crewel grumbles.
“Da- Crewel! You shouldn’t say that in the building, slander the man later.”
“Pfft, but you don’t disagree.”
“Of course not, I’ve seen what happened- dude I was there. I mean last time was like two minutes ago. Eugh, I’m so tired now too.”
“You should get some rest here then. Would you prefer I stay here, or leave?”
“Thanks for that, do what you think is best.” I didn’t want to make him stay when there was going to be a lot of aftermath to sort out, and it was very unlikely that something would happen immediately after the last incident. Rachel doesn’t work like that, she eats away at you slowly until you give in to her.
Crewel ended up staying in the room, at least until I fell asleep.
– “Oh Ren, did you enjoy our game of hide and seek? I had so much fun finding you.” ‘No, I recognize that voice.’ “You were so difficult to get a hold of. Were you that confused my dear? It’s okay, I can help you now. Just trust in me.” ‘No. I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to be with her here.’ “Come closer, little Ren. I’ll make sure you’re safe in my arms.” Rachel’s arms wrap around me and begin to constrict me, suffocating me. It feels like all of the air is being pushed out of my lungs as the cold arms continue to snake around me and hold me closer. “My adorable dear.”
TL;DR: Ren meets Crewel on a train after accidentally entering the wrong car and Crewel notices their distinct lack of fashion. From there Ren participates in a Speed Fashion contest with an unreasonable time limit and manages to prove their worth. Given this, Crewel takes in both Ren and their sister Vera to contribute to his team starring Vil and Epel. In the midst of this an old 'friend' from Ren's past resurfaces as an adversary.
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deskofmaji · 1 year
Knight Writers Assemble!
I think that was a catch phrase in the 80′s wasn’t it?  Possibly!
In any case I think a misconception happens occasionally. I ran into an old friend not to long ago.  A friend who knows of my habit of writing because frankly he’s read what I’ve written.  He read what I’ve written back in high school and believe me...  That is absolutely not my writing style anymore.  Like any art, if you go back and look at some of the first things you did, some of the first pictures you took, some of the first music you wrote, some of the first art that you created, you’re not going to be happy with it.  Writing is no different.  I can barely read some of the things I wrote back then.  It hurts my soul, it literally hurts my soul.  But that’s not the point.  That’s how we grow.  I told him some of the things I’ve been working on and he mentioned “Oh yeah, I remember you used to do that Knight Rider stuff...”  Then I told him some of the other things I’m working on and his reaction was more along “Oh you write real stuff now too?  That’s cool!”
So my reaction might have been to pull from my Southern ancestors before me, smile sweetly and say ‘Oh well bless your heart, you know everything I write is real.’
By the way if a southern woman ever says ‘bless your heart’ to you, it ain’t a good thing.  Unfortunately he may have been here through high school but he’s actually from California and has spent most of his adult life in California as well so he did not hear the tones of hell beasts that were released upon a simple phrase.
So let me assure my fellow writers who might not see what they do as ‘real.’   If you put words on a paper, in a computer, in a type writer, in a phone (I’m not sure how ya’ll do that one, you’re more determined than I)  You are working on something real.  If you can tell a story you can write a story, if you put that story down, you’re a writer.  If you’ve never written anything but Knight Rider Fanfiction, you’re still a writer.  If you created something, you’re a creator no matter what the format.  So don’t let them people who scoff and go “Fanfiction writer?  Really?”  Don’t let them get to you.  In fact, come join us.  Cause we happen to have fun and if you want to turn that talent into something original?  That’s how you learn.  I learned that I loved writing by writing Fanfiction.  That led me to a job at a Newspaper and its what keeps me going those nights I seriously don’t wanna work on my book.  But I’m gonna keep hacking’ away at that too because it’s a labor of love.  
But for all those who need somebody in your corner, we’re here! 
We can help you critique, we can help hash out those ideas, we can help be a sounding board.  So come on down.  If you’ve got a story in ya, you can get it down on paper.  Especially if it means keeping a great show like Knight Rider alive so come on Knight Rider Fanfic Writers!
Hell if nothing else sometimes you just need to know if you can fit a body in the back of an ‘82 Trans-Am without Google judging you.  You can by the way, but we’ve decided it would be a pretty tight fit.  I’m a writer, I swear Google...
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taleasnewastime · 1 year
hii from your bookish anon again ~~
jimin in growing pains is so incredibly hot, but oc in the wake of your leave? that's a whole different story. her determination and drive is so attractive. the way she behaves is so cool. I love oc. if I were her, I'd never really come back, but she's so strong-willed and determined. role-model worthy, I tell you. and the way you made us FEEL the angst, heartbreak and the yearning-to-be-understood that the oc went through was just 😩🤌. fucking amazing, I swear. I rarely find fanfics or even books with such badass female ocs, and this is the perfect cup of tea for me, I didn't even realize i needed to read about a character like this.
I wouldn't say it's really E2L, for jimin and oc, but I get the tension between them, and their past. it's so.. how do I say it, full of tension. they way you described e2l from your reply on my latest ask would be fitting in their situation (given that there's a happy ending). i am loving this.
- dark romance books aren't everybody's cup of tea, the topic can be a bit heavy at times, because there can be a LOT of triggering stuff. fantasy's really fun to read tho, I loved almost every fantasy book I've come across.
- omg you have the whole shatter me series?? you should read it as soon as u can, it's actually good. i actually finished the first book of the series, you might not like the writing style, but that's what it's like inside the character's head, how she's thinking.
- the invisible life of addie larue is just on a different level than other books (at least for me). the way it's written? poetry. magical. amazing. I loved it. the plot? so intriguing i had to take breaks to take everything in. and the smut wasn't really smut, ik, but the way it focused on her emotions and the things she felt. loved it. bc you see a lot of authors write smut but some are just.... luc I found frustrating, but I can't blame you for liking him. he IS hot and attractive, the way he acts. and Six of Crows is actually on my tbr!!
- my book bf? have a few, but def cardan (cruel prince series). loved him in wicked king, but at the last scene tho... anyways he owns my heart.
- I'm really not a fan of colleen hoover either lmao. read it ends with us and was majorly disappointed with the writing style. you write so much better. idk the hype any her tho. and please I beg of you, if you don't want to come across really really really bad smut and an even worse plot, no development for an imp character, do not even TOUCH the sequel. traumatized me fr. but did u hear abt her wanting to turn the iewu book into a coloring book 💀 like what are we gonna color 💀 the stairs or ryle's fits of rage that didn't end well 💀. also have you heard of the movie adaptation?
- I actually haven't finished any Emily Henry book 😅, but I started/am almost through a few, book lovers, beach read, people we meet on vacation. love her writing.
- I think I prefer a series over a stand-alone. because it has more depth and keeps me busy for a long time (I get bored very easily). but when I just want to read to get my mind of something, I go for stand-alones, when I don't have enough time. what about you? which do u prefer, or does it depend?
-still waiting on the next part of the jimin mafia series tho, it was so good, I will wait forever if that's the time you need, can't imagine drifting away from the series, I keep rereading it!!
have you heard of jimin's online fansign for his new album (I love it I love it I love him)? do you read one book at a time or do you start a lot of books at the same time? what series/stand-alones are you reading now? anything more from your tbr you wanna share? how do you write so well? who is the most admirable/role-model worthy character you've ever read about? which book got you into reading? reading online or physical copy? paperback or hardcover? (if u read online) pdf or epub?
haha it's okay you responded late, you have things to do/going in your life. how was Dublin? I hope you had fun ^~^. anyways, have a great day, and good night, from wherever or whenever you're reading this ask. hope it wasn't too long hehe.
- 📚
Yo! Firstly, thank you so much for your kind words about Growing Pains and In The Wake Of Your Leave, it made me smile. I'm diligently working on the subsequent parts and let me tell you, there's lots more angst to come. Hopefully it'll be out in the not too distant future!! I am a little worry my 'twist' is going to upset some people, but you can't please everyone. I tried to make her as strong willed and someone who doesn't need anyone else as possible, so I'm happy that came across.
Dublin was great thanks! Have you ever been? I drank lots of Guinness and beer. Always makes for a great weekend! I went to Brighton the following weekend so I'm looking forward to some weekends at home chilling. Have you got any holiday plans coming up?
I've put the rest of my answer below the cut
I agree about The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. Have you read any other books by V E Schwab?
Oh yeah Carden as a book bf is a good choice. He was a bit rough in the first book, but he redeems himself.
Ah I'm so glad you're also not a fan of Colleen. Not that there's anything wrong with liking her stories but sometimes I feel alone in not enjoying her stuff. looool your comment about the colouring book had me creasing. I have heard about the movie, they have Blake Lively playing the main character? I'll be interested to see how they make the film.
Oh yeah, I do love a series and getting attached to characters and learning more and more about them. But I do also find stand alone books quicker and easier sometimes. It's a tough one because sometimes I want to learn more about characters and I get upset when a book is over but then with series I can find I get too much and I get bored or tired of the characters. Guess it ultimately depends on the writing and whether it's good and keeps me interested.
I tend to only read one book at a time, mainly because I know I'll favour one over the other and the one will go forgotten. I'm not one for DNF'ing, I try and push through no matter what. What's your preference?
I've just finished Icebreaker. Have you read it? I kind of loved it, kind of hated it. lol. I don't want to spoil anything and I would say it's worth a read if the synopsis appeals to you. I'm now onto Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow. Only 50ish pages in but I'm loving it. Can see why people rave about it. What are you reading atm?
My tbr is never ending. I am one of these people that views buying books as a hobby in itself, which is not good for my bank balance. I can always see my mum side-eyeing me when I tell her about another book I've bought. Some books on there that I'm excited about are The Kingdom of the Wicked series - I've read books 1 & 2 and I have book 3, might re-read from the start when I come back to it. Half a Soul. The Roughest Draft. A River Enchanted. And I've read Things We Never Got Over and though it wasn't my favourite I do want to read the next one in the 'series'. Have you read any of these? Or anything you think I should be adding?
I've always kind of being into reading, I used to love Twilight and The Hunger Games at school. When I went to uni I didn't read much, I think because I was having to read so much academic stuff the last thing I wanted to do was read in my spare time. It was the pandemic that got me back into reading again. All that time and nothing to do! Was there a specific book or thing in your life that got you into reading?
How do I write so well 😂 Thank you, I'm happy you think I do. Honestly, I don't know. There's lots of things I'm proud of when I read back but I've written but I also think I sometimes go into too much detail and it gets a bit boring. What I'm trying to say is I tend to think up ideas and then just write and hope for the best. I do honestly think reading a lot helps too, seeing writing styles I like and don't like and different ways of plotting a story. Do you write or are you interested in it?
I read both physical and digital books. I prefer paperbacks because they're lighter and I love holding an actual book, but I also have a kindle which is great for holidays. I've never really read pdfs or epub books, do you recommend? Where/what do you read them on?
The boys have been killing us with content recently!! Jimins online fansign!!!! I mean imagine! I can't even imagine what I'd say. I mean I don't speak Korean so I would feel awkward/bad about that. I'd probably plan for ages, stressing about what to say and then not be able to get a word out in the minute I have with him and regret it forever. But, we can dream right - think that's why I write fanfics, just trying to put out into the world everything I know I would never actually do but wish I could.
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shiftingwithmars · 8 months
Worlds apart-Kaitlyn Chesire, Descendants Dr fanfic.
A/N:A story about me telling the VK’s I shifted. This took me forever, please don’t let it flop😭. Takes place during descendants 2 after they all come back from the isle.
Warnings:Fluff, maybe some angst, maybe some swearing, overly wholesome, mentions of reality shifting, My cringy writing.
I sat nervously on the grass, Carlos’ arm wrapped around my shoulder. “You wanted to talk?” Jay questioned as he sat down beside me, Mal and Evie sitting across from us.“Y-yeah, uhm, there’s something I need to tell you.” I began, and Jay nudged me slightly, prompting me to go on.“Y-you know the ’theory’ about reality shifting?” I asked cautiously, and my friends all nodded. “Yeah, I’ve seen some stuff about it. It seems pretty cool to be honest.” Carlos said with a shrug. “Yeah well, it’s real.” I stated confidently, and Carlos tilted his head, his eyebrows raising. “How do you know?” He asked softly. “Because…I’ve done it. I shifted here, from another reality.” Carlos’ eyebrows raised and his eyes widened as I said this. The girls exchanged a glance and Jay just sat there silently. “Wait-so you’re from a different reality?” Carlos asked, and I just nodded. “So…who are we, in your reality?” He asked me with a sigh. “Well, this,” I waved my hand around, sighing softly. “Auradon, is fictional. You guys are fictional.” I explained. “You’re just characters in a movie.” I continued. The others say silently, taking the information in. “So, what, you came here just for fun? Just to rule your own little fantasy world?” Mal questioned angrily, her sudden voice shocking me a little. “I did come here for fun, yes. And I don’t regret it.” I grabbed Carlos’ hand, my fingers intertwining with his. “I fell on love with the world I saw on a screen. Watching it wasn’t enough. I needed to live it.” I exclaimed with a sigh. “Do you even care about us? Was this all fake?” Mal began, breathing shakily. “Mal, of course I care-“ I began, instantly cut off by Mal. “We have been friends for a year now. A year! Does that mean nothing to you?” Mal questioned angrily. ”Mal, I‘m sorry, but I wasn’t sure how to tell you guys.” I responded, tears threatening to slip from my eyes. “Guys, I swear I wanted to tell you, but I was worried it would ruin things between us-“ I began, instantly cut off by Mal once more. “There is no us! There never was!” Mal responded angrily, getting up and stomping off. “Mal-“ I called out, sighing softly. “I’ll go talk to her.” Evie stated as she got up, running after Mal. I sighed softly, resting my head on Carlos’ shoulder. “Hey, we gotta get to practice. We’ll talk about this later?” Jay asked as he got up. “Y-yeah, later.” I responded, watching as Carlos got up and followed Jay towards the amphitheater.
I sat in my dorm, my face buried in my knees as I sat in a ball on the floor. I sighed as I heard the door opening, ignoring the soft footsteps across the floor as someone walked into the dorm. I felt soft fur on my bare legs, and I sighed as I gently scratched behind Dude’s ear. “He says your belly rubs are are the favorite.” Carlos teased as he sat down beside me. I smiled as I looked up at Carlos, my gaze meeting his. “Carlos, you know I’ll leave this reality one day, right? Forever?” I asked softly, and Carlos nodded softly. “Yeah, I know. Everything is temporary, this was merely just one of those things.” Carlos responded, and I smiled. “I’ll still love you though. I think I���ll always love you, in every reality.” I responded, and Carlos just laughed. “Yeah, you’re head over heels for me, aren’t you?” Carlos teased and I rolled my eyes. “God, y’all are so perfect it makes me sick.” Jay teased as he sat down across from us, and I just blinked in surprise, having not heard him come in. Mal and Evie sit down next to him, both rolling their eyes in sync. “Oh yeah? And what about you and Lonnie?” I teased, and Jay just scoffed. “That’s different.” He muttered. “Were you being serious? About actually caring?” Mal questioned me with a sigh. “Mal, I spent months trying to shift here. I love you guys, and I don’t know what I’d do without you.” I replied, nodding softly. “We were born worlds apart, and I vowed to do anything I could to join you guys in your world, and here I am.” I noted, leaning my head on Carlos’ shoulder. “But, why? Why spend all that time trying to come here?” Jay questioned with a furrowed brow. “Because before you guys, I was alone. I mean-yeah, I had friends, but not all of them understood me. And at the end of the day. One thing stayed the same: I always ended up alone in my room, no one there to dry my tears.” I replied, sighing softly. “Not anymore. You have us now. You’ll never be alone again.” Carlos noted, and I smiled softly. “Never.” I replied, smiling as I looked at my friends.
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chiffaust · 1 year
Hello tumblr user fualst..
its me 🪄 🤗🤗
i hope youve been doing well these days !! i havent shown up in a while . so im making my appearance
i dont have much to report.. other than i am Not a keito fs2 haver 😔 although i am very happy you got him !! treat him well.. (also faust bday card yipee !!)
i got a turtle plushie (and a red panda lol) because it reminded me of souma ❤️❤️ its only right
on the keito angst .. if you feel so inclined id say Yes absolutely write it !! im not usually huge on angst (im big baby, the most i read is hurt/comfort jdndjejf) but i would give you my support regardless
on the wattpad account.. Absolutey make one .. i would read gentaro detective x thief everyday 🙏🙏
ALSO on the ask game abt the how did you find the acc thingy.. it was the keito fic you did where keito/yn essentially adopted a stray. Actually i had read the tori fic first scrolling through the enstars x reader and was like Ohh tori theres not many fics abt him. Thats cool 👍 i also read some others i believe but tori is standing out to me
then kkrkeito fifific (trips on banana peel) i was Drawn . and then i followed you . That fic fundamentally changed me as a person . i hope you know that . it was literally 5am and i was giggling n pausing every five seconds i swear . I was talking to my friend and i said i read the fic in the whole world . ii hope that doesnt sound weird dbdhdbhf but like. im different bc of that fic . so thank you <3
as always, i have your back fr 💪💪 i love your stuff and youre very silly i hope youre doing good ily !!!! (flips cape around me and disappears in a cloud of smoke)
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eueueueurje now yoiew making me kickinh mu feet in yhe air giggling toes wrigglingh hihiihihih❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
its ok 🪄 uou will get him later.. like he wasnt the nicest to me either during my first 40 pulls... he literally just came home bc faust did.. i hate keito he made me overspent. i spent my new years 2023 grinding for that fucking asshole and because of that he will be my punching bag for 2 weeks🖕🖕
and for you to get 2 plushies im jealous.. my parents didnt allow me to buy a reversible octopus plush OR a rowlet one since i just spent a lot of money on keito polaroids 😢 but it was worth it i think im so silly ajd normal :PP
and the keito angsttttt :33333333 keito sgnst :33333 gigggling giggling :333 im probably not gonna write it but i have an idea in mind but its probablu like... kinda fucked up..? idk im gonna have to tell my friends abt yhe idea first but theyve said that my angst are some elses psychological horror before :3
and the gentaro fanfic!!! i am so happy you would 🪄nonnie :33 i used to be gentaro yumenos biggest fan and i still am he was the reason why i wanted to write! i've made so many fsnfics of him in the past.. they all suck now but thats not the point... i had fun making those.. so i want to make him a fanfic thats less cringier and makes more sense. the least i could do after massacring him with so many of my cringy-still-in-draft fanfics.
uou are so kjdn gkfkdnn 🥺🥺 thabk you again for your support i really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart :3333❤❤ sjdjrhrktbyl
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