#I talk a lot about the music i think crosshair would like because a good chunk of the music i like gives me Him Vibes™️
cc-kote · 9 months
Hunter would listen to Nickelback once and have an out of body experience.
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Why I Love Crosshair- A Story About Persevering
I talk about Crosshair so much on my blog. With TBB ending in a few days, I wanted to share with y'all why he resonates with me so deeply. This show and these characters have touched the hearts of so many in this fandom. I'm curious, which Batcher has resonated with you? Anyways, here we go!
Crosshair's hot. That's it. I'm a simple woman. Moving on.
He's really freaking cool- I'm not gonna like, seeing Crosshair make those trick shots has me on the edge of my seat. It's just so much fun to watch someone do an incredible skill whether it's dance, playing music, or in Crosshair's case, take out several battle droids with one shot. I love it.
His character arc- Crosshair is one of the most interesting and complex characters I've met in recent years. I'm not going to lie, it's refreshing to see a really well-written morally grey character. Crosshair's one and only loyalty is to his family (plus a few others). He will do anything for them. However, Crosshair isn't drawn to some bigger cause like Echo or Omega are. From my POV, it's something interesting to think about. What makes a good person? How far is one willing to go for someone they love? At what point does that loyalty and love turn selfish or self-destructive? These are all questions that Crosshair's character brings up.
I also appreciate the love and passion put into his character. Jennifer and the team took their time to give Cross a proper redemption. It wasn't as simple as "Crosshair just flips on a dime" or "he dies proving he still loved them." No. The change had to come from Crosshair. Crosshair had to be the one to make the steps towards coming home. It had to be his choice and his choice alone, not something that was forced onto him. I really appreciate that tbh. People are so complex and we all make mistakes. Crosshair made some pretty bad choices (not that he was 100% in control). Still, he had to figure things out for himself and when he was ready, he decided to come home.
His story- Crosshair's story is one of struggle and persevering in my eyes. "The Outpost" is one of the best depictions of what it's like to struggle with mental health. It's why I love it so much. I see a lot of myself in Crosshair. So often, it's much easier to just lie down and quit. But Crosshair doesn't quit. No. He fights. He fights so hard and in the end, he makes it. To see Crosshair come home after so long meant the world to me. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You can and will make it. And he didn't do it alone. Omega continued to be a light in his life. Crosshair reminds me to never give up. Even when it all seems impossible, we need to keep going and there is hope for the future. When he meditates with Omega, I almost cried. That episode reminded me of my mom because she's constantly encouraging me and supporting me. She always tells me that I have to be the one to help myself. It's difficult and she will be there, but I can't just expect things to fix themselves. Similarly, Omega told Crosshair that he needed to help himself. I don't think I've ever related to a SW character as much as I have with Crosshair.
Crosshair has taught me so much about myself. Through him, I've learned that there's a lot going on in my head that I need to work on. I realized why S1 Hunter pissed me off so much. Because like Cross, there are times at home where I feel like no one listens. He taught me to keep going, to keep fighting, especially in times of great uncertainty. Crosshair and Omega's relationship shows just how special the impact of one person can have. I see their relationship reflected in my life in many ways. There's so much more I can say about Cross, but we would be here forever lol.
I am so grateful for Crosshair. I am so grateful for his story. He might be just a character, but he's really helped me tackle some rough times in my life. I love him with all my heart and will forever be thankful to TBB team for bringing his story to life.
Thank you DBB, Jen, Brad, Michelle, and everyone on TBB team. Thank you for everything ❤️
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l0thcat · 5 months
I keep thinking about TBB and how it ended. Or the whole season i should say, the ending was pretty good with a few flaws ( in my opinion ).
And you know, I'm not surprised, as much as i LOVE this show, I'm used to cartoons getting shit. Its been going on for far too long.
Its Disney AND Netflix. And here is a list of shows that were doing good, got told mid season its getting canceled, and a rushed ending.
The Owl House
She Ra and The Princesses Of Power ( 2018 )
My Little Pony G4* and G5
Steven Universe*
OK KO lets be heroes.*
Star Trek Prodigy*
Kipo and the age of the wonderbeasts.
The Mandalorian ( i know its not a cartoon but it has the same vibes as TBB ).
And probably many more. It sucks, so bad, for animation. And I'm saying this because i fully believe Disney or whoever was going to cancel TBB if it already isn't. They just didn't want to announce that.
Other notes:
*Centaurworld ; Was meant to be an ADULT cartoon and very much has left overs from that, however Netflix decided it was too MLP-esc so they made it for kids instead which ended up just being a bunch of fart and butt jokes. And then got canceled anyways so everything had to rush and wrap up in season 2. Which SUCKS because it is so beautiful when it can be and has beautiful music.
*MLP G4 is not Netflix nor Disney and while it did get multiple seasons and an ending, it had new writers during, i don't know, s6 or s7. And things slowly went backwards. And the end felt rushed imo. It wasn't a bad one but it didn't feel.. satisfying.
*Steven Universe ; i love Steven Universe, it was canceled because the creator got an Sapphic wedding AND kiss scene on screen, on a kids cartoon. But they compromised by after the finale they would get a spin off and a movie. The finale is good. Whats rushed here to me, was the spin off. And again, this is not Disney or Netflix, but Cartoon Network.
OK KO and Star Trek prodigy are also not Disney or Netflix ( which apparently Netflix is trying to save Star Trek Prodigy ) but also kicked the bucket.
All this to say ; there is a huge problem within the animation area and I'm tired of CEOs or whoever forcing creators and writers to cancel or shorten their stories.
The Bad Batch s3 is no better in my opinion. I loved a lot of scenes of it and I'm grateful for a lot of it and I'm not honestly sure if this is Disney or Jennifer or someone else but it really hurts.
Here is why it bothers me:
I'll just get this one out of the way first. Tech. Tech COULD have been sacrificed. He COULD have died. In a way that was actually meaningful. Omega got captured anyway, she was probably going to whether Tech went home with them or not. His death IS sad and i DO see them trying to honor it, i do. But its bad to me because it really does feel like "gotta kill the autistic person". Its really annoying when shows try to have an autistic character and then mistreat them ( She Ra 2018 as well but Entrapta didn't die but she does get mistreated a lot ). Its annoying and hurtful. Especially with the writers and such teasing his fans so strongly. There was no reason to. Its not a spoiler.
The TALKS in between that we missed. Tech talking to Phee about Crosshair. Crosshair learning about Tech's Death from Omega. Omega talking to Emerie about her brothers. Crosshair coming back with Omega, we don't even see them just silently watching him walk into the ship. Its just nothing. I'm sure i am forgetting some because it happened, SO much during this season.
What happened to Cody. Like its fine if he's being saved for another series but then perhaps say that.
Creators do not have to be extremely secretive about everything. Fans who don't want spoilers don't go looking for it. I'm not implying they need to spoil the ENTIRE plot, but saying Tech is dead-dead is not something to be secretive about, An hour long finale is not something to be secretive about, etc.
The other Clone X's, while they are very very cool and supposed to mirror CF99... they weren't overly needed honestly. It felt so rushed. Like I'm not saying they needed to be someome either, they don't need to. But i wasn't fearful or full of impact when i saw them my genuine reaction was "this is too much now". It was like if they DID decide to put Darth Vader in it at last second. Like i fully believe Omega was supposed to be home with Crosshair for a little longer and help Echo and Rex with the clones. And then these new CX clones were supposed to show up in s4 and be the ones to get her again.
The fans.. would have wanted.. season 4?...... i don't know why its so bad to want that. And honestly atp, i don't get why its so bad to have plot filler. Its BAD for series that got canceled or shortened, but its not bad for a series that you want more of, because then you get more time with them or more lore if you're lucky.
It occured to me there was not one flash back. Not one about the past. The most was Omega talking about how she watched CF99 be made and that it implied shes older ( and is ) than them. Could you imagine the emotional impact on us and for Omega, watching her, watch them grow up. I don't think Rebels or TCW really had flash backs either but they usually did it in other ways.
I'm not like.. a good writer, so maybe writers on here will disagree and thats okay, I'm open to that.
TLDR: I'm tired of Cartoons kicking the bucket too soon for far too long. I feel like The Bad Batch s3 also had this treatment and it isn't fair to the fans.
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whyoneartheven · 4 days
Okay while we're on the subject of The Bad Batch. You know how I wrote that dissertation on Crosshair a few weeks ago? Yeah well I'm gonna be real with you: a lot of that came about because I was thinking too deeply about him whilst on a musical journey of discovery. So have a mini-playlist because I am going to share those songs with you
(Note: this one is actually on a like, 180-degree pivot from my regular music taste, and unfortunately it does include. one expletive. BUT it is actually for me at least a very good concise summary of like, the first two or three paragraphs)
THIS ONE WAS ACTUALLY THE DEFINITIVE SONG FOR THAT DISSERTATION and the one that cemented in my mind my views on this guy. I swear I'm getting to like, the same level mental illness on this guy that I have for Fives
okay and then this one is like the last paragraphs. You know the ones. Also "You're so cold that you're afraid to touch your hands" do not talk to me i am fine (the words of a liar)
Anyway. Music
anyways this is me rn:
Tumblr media
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majorbaby · 2 years
Re: Your Retention Please MASH writers I am once again asking, have you even met Maxwell Q. Klinger?
Honestly, I think it’s a fair question because we see Klinger take on a lot of things that are cast off by other characters (gay banter with Hawkeye post-s3, being the dog one pets once Radar is gone, occasionally the buttmonkeyism that I enjoyed when it was Frank on the receiving end) or he’s molded to fit whatever agenda the show needs because while Klinger the character isn’t expendable, his characterization certainly is. This is how you end up with all of these late-seasons Klinger subplots and traits that either completely contradict everything we know about him or tbh, outright play into racial stereotypes. Like when he’s all of sudden really into  money-making schemes, or the weird friendship he strikes up with his exploitative boss, or when he takes a lot of racist, classist abuse from other characters (usually from Charles and sometimes Potter, but everyone gets a turn) lying down. This is the man who got into a fist-fight with Frank and then afterwards came back with a grenade to blow him up after Frank told him he couldn’t wear his lucky scarf. 
This disregard for his character is how you start off with Klinger in a dress*, gun-toting, back-talking, practically fire-breathing (and hella risk-taking, considering he is a Corporal) all over Majors Burns and Houlihan in the early years and end up at Your Retention Please. 
*I’ve read that Klinger stopped wearing dresses at Jamie Farr’s request which, while I respect his reasoning for that, I still feel we the audience and Klinger the character deserved a mourning period and a damn good, in-universe reason for him to have suddenly flipped like that especially after we saw the effect wearing the uniform has on him in Change of Command. 
Though he may not have the emotional weight that comes with being a drafted doctor forced to fix people up just to send them out to get hurt worse or possibly die, his belief in the utter uselessness of the army is indistinguishable from Hawkeye and Trapper’s (BJ too, but by the time he’s settled in, the army is in the crosshairs less and less and the Klinger character starts to waver) and anyway he’s affected by having been drafted in his own personal and no less tragic way. 
I’m on board with the way the recruiter goes after Klinger. First off, he goes after everyone. Secondly, it’s a common recruiting tactic, to this day, to go after the disenfranchised, the destitute and the desperate, particularly when those traits intersect with race. So there’s some realism in how hard the recruiter goes after Klinger - however, while I know that, these writers likely do not. There’s no race awareness going on. Par for the course. 
And let’s talk about that scene  with the recruiter for a moment: the slow music that sounds to me just the slightest bit sleazy. The way the recruiter doesn’t just offer a drink, he takes the empty glass from Klinger and places a full one in his hand and then he puts his arm around Klinger and leads him to sit down. The repeated closeups: the recruiter’s smile showing off his yellowed or missing teeth (nothing wrong with having imperfect teeth and idk if it was intentional, but it’s a common physical trait for a villain) and Klinger’s clearly zonked out expression. Klinger says, “You’re right... who are you.” and the recruiter responds again by being overly familiar, saying they’re buddies and that the army is his friend and family. Like if nothing else, I’ll give them this - there were numerous ways for us to read that this guy is a predator. It was appropriately unsettling, but my praise ends there. 
Maybe I could buy that Klinger might drunkenly agree to sign up Nope. I started typing it out and I got midway before I decided I would finish and then cross it out for dramatic effect. 
The writers forgot who main-cast member Klinger is yet I’m supposed to remember who Laverne is and believe that Klinger is so broken up about her leaving him after she’s already left him (3 seasons ago! hello???) that he decides to do something as drastic as signing up for the army, whether he’s drunk as a skunk or stone cold sober? I don’t buy it. I don’t buy it anymore than I would if it were Hawkeye in that position, but they figured it was easy enough to do such a thing to Klinger. I think he (Klinger) gets this plot because it can’t be given to Hawkeye, BJ or Charles, which is funny because one of those three flew off the handle when his wife got a job, so if there’s anyone I could see doing something very drastic (though, tbf, even then not as drastic as re-enlisting) if his wife were to leave him, it’s not Klinger.
Klinger wants to go home but he’s not overly specific about why. He doesn’t have the same attachment to Laverne as BJ does to Peg - he’s not cheating on Laverne but he says about as much about her as Trapper does about Louise. In addition to wanting to be home, I think Klinger, like Hawkeye, is philosophically opposed to war.
He has that very touching scene in War of Nerves where he’s actually given space to tell us why he doesn’t want to be in the army - and it’s way more essential than just ‘I want to go home’ - he does want to go home, but he also doesn’t want to be given orders to do something that would violate his beliefs and he works tirelessly to try to avoid that fate.  
In his dresses for 7 years, he’s a walking a protest, or as Sidney aptly puts it, “a monument to hope in size 12 pumps”. He does not believe in the mission of the army, opposes its authority over him and how powerless it renders him as people die around him - who does that remind you of? If you had to call any other character “a monument to hope”?
The other characters on the show are to different degrees opposed to war, with the exception of Frank but consider their reasoning - Margaret and Potter find the army fulfilling but are morally opposed to war, Charles is opposed to his life having been interrupted by the draft, BJ shows a great deal of compassion towards the wounded but his resentment towards the army also comes from how he’s been taken from his family (not a dig at BJ, completely valid for him to feel that way, it’s just different from what Hawkeye feels) and finally Hawkeye is opposed to the army I suspect long before he’s drafted and remains that way long after he goes home. 
Getting back to Your Retention Please, I have to pass on setting up Potter and Hawkeye to “rescue” Klinger from his bad decision. Hawkeye I’ll let slide - I have my reservations about the white saviour-y undertones but I’m more fine with Hawkeye being the (white) saviour here than I am with Potter, the regular army guy, getting to be the hero and undermining the anti-military message. 
And finally, i can’t accept this at all because we already have an in-character example of Klinger’s reaction to Laverne actually leaving him in Mail Call 3 - he deserts. He returns, blessedly not because he wants to ‘do the right thing’, but rather because he doesn’t want to be a fugitive. The icing on the cake is him declaring that when he does leave the army it’ll be the honourable way, via Section 8 - that’s Klinger!
Have you ever been upset that Larry Gelbart trolling-ly suggested that Hawkeye would become a right winger post-war? That’s how I feel about this episode and the difference is it actually happened, they really did that to Klinger. He deserved better. 
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vinxwatches · 5 months
the bad batch season 3
well the fallout show was shit. hopefully the bad batch is better. getting back to Omega who i 100% head cannoned as trans will be nice. last season ended with the death of Tech, but i still call bullshit on that.
episode 01 confined
of course Omega is her usual optimistic self. but did Crosshair lose his sharpshooting ability? that's can't be good for his psyche.
aggressive paragoning. i love it. she's growing into the roll of leader.
she really is the goodest girl.
damn, an entire episode of setting shit up. and showing the the work method of both Omega and the people she's up against, and demonstrating who will win.
also damn i missed that music.
episode 02 paths unknown
this is something you can only do with a big multiseries world like starwars. crossing the pikes means something. you can just say it, tell don't show, but it works because of all the setup for it.
insane number of last seconds, i love it. WAIT?! the carlack pit?!
setting up a clone savehaven. nice ultimate goal for the series.
ep 03 shadow of tantiss
kind of odd general grievous is in the opening considering how he's dead and irrelevant.
damn, are we going to find out what's wrong or right with Omega? i'm still thinking jedi, even if the series has shown no sign of it, it's the only thing that makes sense.
"we were in need of a shuttle, thanks so much for bringing one to us"
is it just that she's a perfect clone? didn't we already know that?
ep 04 a different approach
wait... m count transfer? m for midiglorian? so i was right?!
a confrontation that happened multiple times, finally on the same side again (sort of)
ep 05 the return
i love the Omega Crosshair banter.
time to relive some Crosshair trauma.
ep 06 infiltration
energy crossbow is cool, but i miss the energy bow.
i'm beginning to think Tech may actually be dead. since no one talks about him anymore. they moved on, and that stage of grief is rare if he's alive. but why kill him? too powerful? group too big? i don't understand. especially since he seemed to be in the middle of a romance arc.
well shit. the resistance v0 is about to die a quick death. NO YOU CAN'T END AN EPISODE THERE AT 0.07 FOR ME!!!
ep 07 extraction
you know when clones are around people are going to die.
i love some convincing the enemy to not act simply because it's the right thing.
ep 08 bad territory
they keep mentioning Tech. now in part this makes sense: he was one of the central cast that had a huge impact on every other main character. but on the otherside it gives the vibe that they don't want us to forget the character for one reason or another.
oh love the personal mission Omega gets.
"you don't like anything" "true" such great lines
betrayal? or asking someone to deliver info in person? probably the former.
ep 09 the harbinger
ventras? IT IS! i like her redesign. and i like that she didn't disappear from the universe, as we now see she found a new life.
like how she started not lit, but now is half lit, i wonder if that'll continue.
guys, seriously? stop it.
she and crosshair would be a fun pairing.
but surprisingly few answers for an episode that seems so set up to give answers. it seems to suggest that yes, she is force sensitive, but is lying to her about it. but not quite?
ep 10 identity crisis
is this Omega being in crisis between being a clone and a jedi? also if this is about Omega add it to the pile of Omega is trans.
oh this suddenly feels a lot more star wars rebels, the episode of protecting a kid from the empire going after those force sensitive.
we have seen her softer side, so her getting a higher position is quite positive. wait... that was behind the big ol vault door? also what's "project necromancer" about this?
do, it's not that Omega is force sensitive, but she can replicate it. in the creepiest way she'd the perfect host... the perfect artificial jedi mother.
oh no, not him.
got to love that they made the stormtroopers bulkier to make the clones we've grown to see as friends evil again.
oh. it's just an entirely grim episode. also not about Omega, but about the other female clone, so my trans reading persists (even if it was about hunter it would still persist)
ep 11 point of no return
that title does not instil confidence.
haven't seen Omega's girlfriend in way too long, and that was way too short.
well... fuck. they really just blew up the ship. their home.
oh this is weird. these aren't the new ships. this is the old, the stuff the good guys used to have.
i remember seeing a clone trooper with that big gun and thing "fuck yea big gun" and now it's terrifying. it's so cool how everything transitioned.
well... fuck. everything is awful now. they don't even have a ship to hunt for Omega anymore.
ep 12 juggernaut
they won't have Omega be stuck for 3 episode until the end of the finally... right?
"they'll detect our electronics if we got close" "not if we turn of all electronics" "but... we're flying in the direction of a planet?"
they used to be 5, often 6. now they are 3, and it feels so small for them to be able to do things.
the terrifying thing now is that wrecker can totally be killed. like Omega is save, hunter is the leader which makes him really hard to kill, and crosshair has an arc to complete. but wrecker? he's in the same position as Tech, and well.
also i was fully right on my last hypothesis on Omega
ep 13 into the breach
ok, i Love this Omega. like how her blood can grow with the midiglorians of others she has grown with the power of the team. she's now a leader like hunter, exploring smarts reminiscent of tech, and is likely going to hack into the droid controls like echo can innately. but where will we see wrecker in her?
don't make me hold my breath like that, i only have so much.
ep 14 flash strike
god i love the absolute trust in echo.
half way through, and it's now i learn that this isn't the finally, that's the next one, which doesn't appear to be out yet... fuck
ends in an evil laugh from me.
ep 15 the cavalry has arrived
final episode hype. please let it end on a positive note for once.
50 min episode? that bodes really well. that means they have time for a more complicated story, or a larger victory.
and setting up wrecker for death... please no? longer episode can also mean more complete defeat.
fuck, multiple escape plans at the same time resulting in some failing.
ouch the self condemdantion. and more setting up death with plan 99. "echo's handy work? or Omega?" in unison: "Omega". such good lines. same with Echo's line "because that's exactly what i would have done."
i don't like how calm he is. what is your plan that hasn't been countered? a clone? what could make these clones that good?
oh no. they have their own clone force 99, i guess clone force 100.
god damnit i came to this show to get away from living amputation. i get it, it's star wars. it's tradition at this stage. but still WHY!!!!! (echo may have a spare hand for you to use.)
Echo doesn't argue with Omega not leaving yet.
oh no i know what you're going to do with one of those. and why are you still with the empire. you could have joined the injured and left.
fuck yea Omega will stab a bitch.
the end of this project will mean the start of the death star. but it means clones will probably be left alone. those that are left that is.
the message of the show is that it's good to be able to be whatever you want. with that as message/theme of the show it only makes thematic sense for Omega to be trans and/or lesbian. to go against conventions, to go against what the while old men want you to be.
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the-bi-space-ace · 10 months
For the character ask, I'm going to be wild and ask about two characters: Crosshair and Teal'c. Feel free to only do one, if you'd like, or both!
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Oooooh I'm excited about these two!
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Crosshair - He was a 'I have to touch the stove to make sure it's actually hot' kid (I was too so this is a self burn (lol burn... bc the stove is hot... I'm sorry). He's gotta learn the hard way. Ya know, Crossy, you could just not learn the hard way. You could just not do that.
Teal'c - (I hate saying anything bad about you my darling boy I'm so sorry) my least favorite thing about Teal'c is that he doesn't always get that people are hurt by his actions because he did them for reasons he believes in. Like leaving his family when he started fighting for the freedom of Jaffa. It fucking hurt his wife and son and he just... didn't get that for awhile. Or when he undermines Ishta. Again, he is doing and fighting for what he believes in but he doesn't seem to get that just because he is doing something for the right reasons that doesn't erase the hurt and pain caused by them. He learns. He grows. But it's frustrating to watch him not get it sometimes.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Crosshair - you know what would be funny? Dropping him in a musical. I'm talking Grease or Mean Girls or Cats. Just. Any musical. And make him aware that he's in a musical and has no clue what's going on. Do you know how funny it would be to watch him try to talk to people and have them break into song????
Teal'c - Parks & Rec. Why? They would love him. I think April would love him so much and he'd just have such good comedic timing. Imagine him looking into the camera with judgement on SG-1. Also maybe he'd eventually get to be a fire fighter like in that one episode where he was seeing himself in an alternate reality and I just think Teal'c as a fire fighter was really cool.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Crosshair - Good 4 U by Olivia Rodrigo. The drama. The angst. The lyrics. That is a Crosshair song to me. Like yeah. Good for you! You're doing so well and loving life without me isn't that great WELL I'M NOT! Idk. It just really hits for me.
Teal'c - Born For This by The Score. Just. His commitment to his cause. The way he has such faith that one day all Jaffa will finally be free. He will fight for every single last one of them. He doesn't give up.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Crosshair - maaaaaaaaaybe. On one hand I think he'd stick to himself and mind his own business and like having cats around and also scare away unwanted visitors with his general demeanor and protectiveness so that part I like! No strange men would literally ever try anything bc I mean... look at him. No one is messing with him... on the other hand I feel like he'd wander around in the dark and throw knives at the wall and be really territorial over his stuff to the point of me being afraid to touch anything so... it's a solid 5/10 chance we'd get along. I lived with 7 other people at one point and all of them had very different personalities so I can get along with a wide variety of people but he's a good toss up for me.
Teal'c - yes. 100%. I've seen the episode where he has his own apartment and that man is a perfect neighbor and probably a very respectful roommate. He's sweet! He watches out for people! He'd have a lot of candles which I like! And quite like Crosshair he'd scare away unwanted visitors. He's a quiet person and I'm a quiet person so we'd be able to sit in silence and it be okay and I looooove that. He also likes star wars so we're gonna do movie nights :)
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Crosshair - I love Protective Crosshair in fics. It's my weakness. Give me protective Crosshair any day. A man who is grumpy and snarky and petty but loves so fiercely it's almost scary. Someone who doesn't know how to show how he feels so he covers it in snark and still covers the people he cares about in his own brand of love.
And something I don't like... okay... Sometimes people pretend he doesn't gaf bc he's evil or whatever. OR they act like he doesn't exist. Both things bother me. SO he's either overly callous in a way that is just plain mean and nasty and not callous in the way Crosshair actually is. Yes he can be mean. Yes he is sharp and he speaks his mind and he's grumpy and all of that is true. But his portrayal can veer into something that is less a personality trait and more an outright evil villain caricature. It's a double edged sword in fics. There's a weird idea that he doesn't have a single good trait and he's clearly just evil and it makes my blood boil. IT'S EITHER THAT OR I'VE SEEN STUFF WHERE HE JUST HATES ECHO ALL OF THE TIME. Like... I'm not sure we're all watching the same show... but... I don't think he would constantly belittle and try to harm Echo and I've seen plenty of fics where they simply never ever get along and I just don't know where that comes from. (I'm sorry I have so much to say about this ohmygoodness)
Teal'c - THAT HE'S FUNNY. And he's a good person at his core and even though he doesn't always talk very much in fics his personality is still there. I haven't read many Stargate fics yet but anytime Teal'c is in them I am hoping he's got a pretty good role in it because he is just so entertaining.
Sometimes he just stands in the background. AND LISTEN okay I know in the show a lot of the time he doesn't speak bc he's not much of a conversationalist BUT HIS PERSONALITY STILL SHINES. He's still funny and kind and interesting and sometimes he's just forgotten. So forgotten. I love him pls don't forget him.
I had so much to say thank you for coming to my TED Talk :)
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Hi! I was wondering if the blind date thing is still open?
I'll use my middle name, Lin, for this. I am INTP-T, I enjoy speaking to people and having colorful conversations, but sometimes I can get overwhelmed and need a little quiet time to be alone with myself.
I love cold chilly cloudy days where I can curl up and be warm. I love coffee, a little bit of country music and a lot of EDM. I love writing, drawing and I value family, friends, love and simplicity.
I prefer a male pairing (I'm fem) I like shady star Wars characters because of the mystery behind them (like crosshair from tbb,)
Hm, shady you say? Well unfortunately Crosshair is unavailable, I tried asking if I could set him up on a date and he just about murdered me with his eyes so yeah, not doing that again. But I do know of another dark and mysterious sniper who owes me a favor...
Your date is...
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This guy is not well known, and honestly, he likes it that way. But he is honorable and when I asked him to do this in order to square away his favor to me, he simply nodded and asked what time to pick you up. If he has feelings one way or another about the situation, neither of us will ever know. That's just how he is.
His preference is to take you somewhere as far away from 79's as possible, so that he is less likely to run into anyone he knows. He likes to keep his private life extremely private. But during your date, he will answer any question you may have honestly and sincerely. He doesn't talk with people often and can't think of any good questions for you in return, so he just ends up asking "and you?" after everything you ask him. Over time you'll learn he has a dark sense of humor but also deeply cares for his family. And he'll learn just as many intriguing things about yourself.
Sev understands the desire to have alone time after a while, so your date doesn't last longer than either of you are comfortable with. You end things cordially and it seems like he's going to just fade into the night sky forever... but after you turn to head home, you feel a tap on your shoulder and hear his timid voice, asking the first original question he's had all night. Would you maybe want to do this again sometime?
Want to be set up on a blind date with a Star Wars character?
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photogirl894 · 3 years
Bad Batch Headcanons: Favorite Art Medium
My good friend, @oneshot-one-kill , and I were having a discussion on Discord and we got to talking about the Bad Batch doing art because Clones only get to express themselves through haircuts and tattoos. We then determined what we think each Bad Batcher's favorite art form would be!
Hunter: Wood carving
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This would be a given. Hunter loves doing things with his vibroblade and so, while having downtime between missions, he would choose to do some whittling on some wood he would find, which would then evolve into actual wood carving. As a gift, he would choose to carve things maybe like the sun and stars for the person he loves or a rendering of their favorite creature.
Echo: Digital Art/Baking
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Echo would find digital art/3D art very relaxing and maybe even a stress reliever. He would have a lot of creative ideas, whether it's designs for the squad or just drawing for fun that he would love drawing out on a datapad.
We also thought baking would be good for him because we love picturing him in an apron...and he would have his own whisk attachment for his scomp arm 😅🤣
Wrecker: Pottery
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Wrecker, I think would enjoy pottery. He'd love messing with the clay and just squishing it in his hands, but I think he'd also love making fun things out of the clay, especially for Omega. He would be so careful and make sure everything fits and is molded together just right, especially if he's making something for someone else like one of his brothers, Omega or a significant other.
Crosshair: Dancing
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You can't look at Crosshair and tell me he wouldn't be a dancer! 😜 His whole physique and physicality just screams dancer! He'd be super embarrassed about it, but he's actually very graceful. It helps clear his head, especially between missions. We think he'd either do ballet or modern or possibly interpretative dancing as his main form.
Tech: Music/Pointillism
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Tech would enjoy music, I think, and composing. He finds the science of music intriguing and would have a finite understanding of music and how putting a song together would work.
I could also see him doing some painting, but a certain style of painting: pointilism. He's usually so precise with everything, so I could see him enjoying the art of pointilism because he would be so careful and concise with every dot in the image and he'd create something so spectacular.
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botboots · 3 years
O: hello! I just saw your post
Can I ask for transformers bayverse Optimus, ironhide, and bumblebee meeting sam's little sibling?( 2-3 years younger) Haha I been thinking  about this recently and I though It would be so cute, sam's sibling is just a cinnamon roll, they are just too pure for this world (It can be platonic or whatever you want)
Just the reader being a complete sweetheart. Thanks uwu.
hi!! tysm for sending a request, its super cute! i didn’t have a ton of motivation to write out full stories, but hopefully this is alright <3 wrote optimus and ironhide as platonic relationships (but it can be romantic if you squint) and im on a bee craze rn warnings: none word count: 497 (GN reader)
Reader meets them because they walked out to see what the hell was going on in their yard. Unfortunately, Sam couldn’t do the same thing as he did with their parents.
Thinks you’re absolutely adorable
Loves taking you on pointless drives (especially when it’s on an open road)
Since he has the joy of being boss-bot it can be hard for him to make time for you, but he manages
You’re actually a huge stress reliever for him
Doesn’t like to burden you with most (if any) of his problems, but he lets you know that your company is enough for him
If he’s really pissed off he’ll rant to you about how immature some of his soldiers can be
Always willing to listen to you rant about whatever, it’s kind of amusing to him
Loves putting you on his shoulder whenever you hang out, or if he’s working because you’re too nice for him to send away
Ratchet lowkey got jealous at some point but got over himself pretty quick because why is he jealous of a human hes a mf giant robot
Isn’t exactly impressed at first, thinks you’re weak, but for some reason the weapons specialist takes a liking and warms up to you
The other bots, specifically Hound and Crosshairs, tease him about hanging out with you and say he’s going soft
Both are simply told to piss off
He genuinely thinks you’re a good companion though
Post-mission stress? You’re his go-to
Like Optimus, he’ll rant about some of his more frustrating teammates to you (you play guess who sometimes, if he hasn’t already said their name)
Hanging out sometimes consists of him showing off his weapons as he cleans and fixes them up
May have gotten distracted once and almost shot you (you both decided it would be good to take a break from chatting while weapons were being handled)
Boasts about cool shit he’s done on missions
As he’s in the middle of telling you, one of the other bots call him out on exaggerating and that he did not, in fact, land that 180° hit on a con
This bot in ENAMOURED with you - thinks you’re literally the sweetest thing to ever exist
Like seriously, when he tells you he loves you he means it, you’re adorable
Loves physical affection, even if your sizes make it difficult sometimes
Particularly likes sunset drives while you jam out to music together
You buy him flowers and he loses his goddamn mind
Doesn’t mind PDA at all! But if you’re ever shy about it, he’s fine with reeling it back a bit
You’re probably one of the very few people who can calm him down after an argument (usually being another one with Crosshairs) because honestly, it’s a lot harder for him to be mad around you, especially if you’re talking to him
Sam complains about ‘Bee spending so much time with his sister when he’s supposed to be his guardian
“Insert mocking radio snippet”
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ashesandhalefire · 3 years
okay but why didn’t they spread this hallucination plot over like three episodes for the maximum unhinged psychological drama effect
michael and alex get actual development in the first half of the season and are back together by 3x06 no i won’t justify or explain just know that i’m correct. we cut the vision plot and anything else that wasted time and accelerate the lockheart machine and jones because those are the ones that are a) semi-interesting, b) purposeful, and c) relevant
we actually see michael or alex asking each other out on their very first real in-public date because that’s a big fucking step for them and i think it’s dumb that we got told it happened in some dialogue
it can be that it wasn’t going to be for another day or two because hello they have other priorities like kyle, who is mentioned every other sentence in my version of s3 because everyone in this town loves him and is horribly repentant over how they’ve underappreciated him <3, and max, who is also unconscious while a sexy maniac borrows his body
anyway they spend time apart working on their respective side plots and that is okay! because we’re getting indications that they’re thinking about each other either from direct mentions or glances at texts or dumb little post it notes from each other that they keep on their desks
and we actually get to see that conversation with sanders because michael being able to confide in someone about this is a big fucking deal and again i didn’t deserve to be told about it in some throwaway dialogue like it wasn’t a scene that had the potential to shatter me
alex is working on the lockheart machine in the meantime and he genuinely thinks that he’s accessing an alien visual guide for the machine because it’s nora! nora is good! nora can’t be evil! and she’s generally unhelpful and speaks like a guide he doesn’t understand how to use properly and then he notices the project shepherd insert and thinks - oh! duh! - she’s corrupted! but technology is his thing and he’s going to figure this out, so he keeps working
and we get a scene of him going to visit kyle, who is safely being cared for at deep sky, where their scientists are working on waking him up under ramos’s constant, intense, unyielding supervision, which coincidentally alleviates the confusion of “why is this coma patient in a random barn” and “why has nobody noticed alex sitting around for two days even though all the walls are glass”
and alex gets to have a little self pep-talk with kyle about how he’s nervous and how he’s trying to resolve the machine issue before it becomes a problem like everything always does, and he also gets to be a little teary and say that he misses working with kyle and that he wonders if maybe he hadn’t been distracted by deep sky things and if they had stayed a team if kyle would’ve still been in so much trouble now
so alex feels guilty and helpless and he goes hard into solving the machine, and he does something - he moves the turquoise closer, he turns a knob, he prods at the project shepherd insert a little too hard - and suddenly the nora that he’s talking to is a little different. she’s a little more personable. she’s kind. she’s friendly. she still doesn’t have a lot of super helpful answers for him because she’s still kind of corrupted. but he doesn’t mind talking to her.
we can still get the same “how’s the office honey” convo because that was cute, but i think alex should be surprised when michael calls because he hasn’t realized how long he’s been working. he didn’t realize that his safety window expired. he didn’t even hear the alarm. he didn’t realize he turned it off. and nora is there the whole time, just smiling and being fond, and alex swears that he won’t forget their date and hangs up.
the music starts playing again, and nora tells alex that there was no music on the planet where she lived, and then alex gets caught up in telling nora about michael because for a second he forgets that she’s not nora. that she’s just a visual manual. she’s not actually michael’s long-lost alien mother that alex accidentally got killed when he brought two civilians along on a recon mission
but she likes alex, which is appealing in a way he can’t explain. she thinks he’s smart and she believes he’s going to solve the machine and she likes knowing that he’s been trying to take care of michael. he leaves deep sky to do other plot related things in town, to visit kyle, whatever, and when he comes back, she’s there and she’s smiling and she’s so happy to hear about her son. her beautiful son that obviously loves alex very much and who alex has worked very hard to protect
but she doesn’t like that he hasn’t always been successful
she doesn’t like that alex was the one that put michael in jesse’s crosshairs, and she doesn’t like that alex didn’t have the foresight to think twice before bringing michael to the shed, and she doesn’t like that he’s made michael feel like he was ashamed of him, and she doesn’t like that he lied about having the console piece - that he tried to trap michael just like every other manes man was always trying to do - and she doesn’t like that he got her blown up. that she lived all those years, that she survived the worst that jesse manes had to offer, that she had hope of escaping and finding her son, all until alex came along. and even after that, alex didn’t learn. even after getting nora blown up, alex still tried to trust his father, still took the console piece back and got himself kidnapped and made it so michael had to build a bomb that would kill what was left of his family just to save alex from his father
and now it becomes clearer that alex’s progress with the machine isn’t really progress. it’s still turning off and on at random. he can’t reach the project shepherd piece. nora isn’t speaking to him kindly anymore, and her clothes are tattered and her hair and face are dirty.
she prods at him again about the ways he has put michael in danger, and alex argues back that he has worked very hard to make sure nothing his father did could touch michael. he looks tired, frazzled
and nora thinks this is especially amusing because maybe the one thing that alex should be making sure isn’t touching michael is himself. maybe alex himself is the one manes weapon that he hasn’t considered.
and the conversation devolves into the same fight and comes to the same conclusion - that alex fears his capacity for love is not enough to overcome his father’s capacity for hate
and alex knows that she isn’t real. she isn’t real, she isn’t real, she isn’t real. she’s a hallucination, she isn’t real
but she doesn’t need to be real to tell the truth, alex. she doesn’t need to be real to be right. all it means for her to be a hallucination is that alex has known the truth all along, that deep down alex has always known that he isn’t enough, that he’s broken inside, that michael is better off without him.
and - oh, look! - the balcony door is open
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soclonely · 3 years
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I posted 3,569 times in 2021
1931 posts created (54%)
1638 posts reblogged (46%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.8 posts.
I added 1,916 tags in 2021
#star wars - 670 posts
#the clone wars - 325 posts
#khai come get ya juice - 187 posts
#sw - 152 posts
#star wars the clone wars - 151 posts
#captain rex - 117 posts
#the clones as - 95 posts
#the bad batch - 92 posts
#commander cody - 64 posts
#arc trooper fives - 63 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#waking up at 3am with your screen tv bright as nhl 96 intro plays on repeat because 8 yearold you passed out while playing with your cousin
My Top Posts in 2021
The Clones as Their Reactions to Seeing Themselves on Tumblr
all the clown clone content we post. How do you think the boys would react? Rex-”OH COME ON I DYED IT BLUE ONCE! And I do sleep sometimes thank you very much. Hm, I could be a werewolf you say?.. Now that you guys mention it General Skywalker does throw me a lot” Echo- “I am pegged as the more responsible one? *looks over at Five* I could see it” Fives-*whistles as he goes through his fan art* “Man do I look good or what?! And I even have a ‘simp’. Whatever it is sounds hot!” Jesse- “Wait why is my helmet on a stick with other helmets in this gif?” Kix- “Pirate Kix? *snorts* as if. Why is Coric the only one having emotional breakdowns in the medbay? I do too” Tup- “Murder, kittens, AND these cute drawings of my with great hair? Man you guys sure do know your stuff ” Dogma- *mumbles something about his tattoo not being THAT hard to draw* Hardcase- “Oh we were supposed to be looking at our own stuff? Im sorry I was busy reading some of these crack fics. People are hilarious and mildly disturbing!” Coric- “Musically inclined?” *pops out headphone* Bly- “My Dump truck what????? Wait. Aayla and I are a number one ship? *sniffles*” 99- “They all think I am the best *smiles shyly* But its really my brothers doing all the work you guys should do more content on them. i don’t deserve much. Just doing my duty” Fox- *Looks down at chest, then at the three empty caf cups on his desk* I mean, they aren’t wrong on the tiddies and coffee. But I do sleep when Thorn opens his mouth to talk Cody- “I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH GENERAL KENOBI.. Also, I don’t just kick droids.. I throw a few good swings in too.” Waxer and Boil- *sobs at all the numa and waxer boil art* Wolffe- *eyerolls* “I don’t even bite...” Sinker and Boost- “Hey why are we the stinky ones?!” “I don’t Sink! I can swim ya know!” Hunter- “Tired dad just trying to survive? *looks over at Wrecker shoving explosives in his pants pocket* Accepted.” Wrecker- “I’M A HIMBO? NICE! WHatever that is!” Tech- “They keep calling me ‘baby’. You know I have read about this kink and I for one-*Hunters hand covers his mouth* mMmmmmMmmMm” Crosshair- “I-why am I such an ass? *glares* I’m not that bad you all just like the regs too much!”
574 notes • Posted 2021-02-04 18:30:27 GMT
Just give me a show like the National Geo ones about the rainforest, oceans, or mountains  Except make it Star Wars and each episode is a planet from the galaxy exploring the people, culture, animals, and geography of it. But... still narrate it like the Nat Geo Documentaries.
834 notes • Posted 2021-01-19 18:51:59 GMT
99 teaching a small dance class on Kamini if cadets. They perform for the ARCs and Visiting commanders sometime.
BABY FIVES WAS A LITTLE TREE ONCE. When he saw shaak ti in the audience he waved frantically and excited
985 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 17:50:57 GMT
LMFAO it really went...
Imperial Stormtroopers: Can't shoot for shit
Gregor: *schoolgirl giggle* Oops my bad
1149 notes • Posted 2021-07-30 15:20:27 GMT
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When you are in the middle of a briefing during the spring and a butterfly decides to interrupt to give you kisses. One of my favorite pieces from @celiansartblog​  thank you for making my spring not as stormy🥺
1266 notes • Posted 2021-04-18 20:16:29 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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imagineyourworld · 3 years
Rockstar AU
Hunter x Genderneutral!Reader (Cinderella Story)  Wrecker x Genderneutral!Reader (Love at First Sight)  Tech x Genderneutral!Reader (Enemies to Lovers)  Crosshair x Genderneutral!Reader (Second Chance Romance) Echo x Genderneutral!Reader (Friends to Lovers) 
Warnings: Slight bit of language, mean fans in the last one 
Hunter would for sure be the lead singer
He’d be the one most people simp for, including your friends 
The same friends who dragged you to the concert, and the same friends who abandoned you the next day because they just had to spend the afternoon at the bands known hang out spot to try to meet one of them 
Little did they know that Hunter wasn’t there that afternoon, in fact he had the same plans as you, to spend the day aimlessly wandering the city streets, a new city for you, one you’re just visiting for a few days, and a new home for him, one he still needs to familiarize himself with 
You exist a small café, where you had just gotten yourself a drink, when you first met. In real movie meet cute style you walked right into him and spilled your drink all over his shirt, and the light grey material did little to hide the stains 
“I am so, so sorry”, you said over and over again as you began to search for bag for a tissue to wipe off the worst of it. To your surprise he just chuckled. It was a low and raspy sound, one that sounded somewhat familiar. Only when you stopped your search and actually looked at him did you realize why you knew that chuckle, it was the one your friends had shown you over and over again in a ton of different videos. Just your luck, that you didn’t just spill your drink on anyone, it had to be Hunter from The Bad Batch. 
“I gotta say, this is a new way of meeting fans.”  You raised your eyebrow at his words.  “Who said I was a fan?”  There ist was again, that chuckle. Even though you told yourself that it didn’t affect you, you were only human and couldn’t deny that Hunter was incredibly attractive.  “The look in your eyes. It’s alright, I get it all the time.”  You scoffed. Who did he think he was? He was a singer, not some god.  Based on the expression now overshadowing his face that wasn’t the reaction he had been hoping for. 
You apologized once more, even offered to buy him a new shirt, before you made your goodbye and tried to walk past him.  Hunter’s hand on your wrist stopped you. To be honest, you were a second away from janking your wrist from his grasp and asking him who he thought he was, a question that wouldn’t stop running around in your head.  “Before you go, how about you buy me a coffee? You do kinda owe me for ruining my shirt”, he said. Though his words were arrogant, it was his kind, almost joking, tone and the hopeful expression in his eyes that made a small smile appear on your face.  “I don’t know, what’s in it for me?”, you asked, trying to match his tone.  Hunter just shrugged.  “At the very least an interesting conversation.”
Of course it wasn’t the conversation that made you agree, not at first at least. But it did turn out to be good. So good that it made you forget who you were actually talking to, and good enough that by the end you even gave Hunter your number.
When he texted just half an hour after you parted ways, asking you whether you wanted to have dinner the next day, you realized that you would have a lot of explaining to do with your friends. 
I don’t know why, but I feel like Wrecker might be the guitarist. 
Other than Hunter I don’t think Wrecker would have the biggest fan base, but his fans would be the most dedicated and loyal 
Wrecker would be most likely to date a fan. While he might not be looking for a romantic partner amongst the fans, he does try a bit of flirting here and there if someone catches his eye. 
That’s actually how the two of you met. You had been saving to buy tickets for the concert and the following meet and greet and ever since Wrecker saw you in line his eyes had been glued to you.  “You’re not exactly subtle, you know”, Tech told his brother as he followed his stare.  Wrecker nudged him with his shoulder, which made Tech stumble a bit due to his strength. That’s when he heard it, the one sound that was better than music in his ears.  “That’s not very nice”, you told him with a sly grin. 
Honestly, you had no idea where you were getting your sudden confidence from. You were standing right in front of The Bad Batch and yet here you were, making a joke. 
Embarrassment coursed through Wrecker’s veins, making him rub the back of his head nervously.  “I know. It’s... a bad habit”, he finally admitted.  It was your laugh that told him you weren’t really mad or scolding him at all, and without thought he joined in. Your laugh, if possible, sounded even more beautiful than your voice. 
“What’s your name?”, he asked.  You told him, a small blush making its way to your cheeks. Of course you had expected the band to be friendly, but never in your wildest dreams did you ever imagine Wrecker being this kind. And if you weren’t mistaken he was even flirting with you. But that couldn’t be, right? He must have thousands who flirt with him every day, why would he be interested in you of all people?  “(Y/N)”, you told him.  After his next action there was no doubt left in your mind that he actually was flirting.  “(Y/N), Wrecker repeated as he lifted your hand to press a gentle kiss to your knuckles.  You didn’t know what to focus on. His soft lips on your skin, the way your hand felt and looked so much smaller in his big hand, or the way he said your name. 
Leave it to Tech to interrupt your little moment.  “You need to move it along, there are others waiting”, he informed his brother.  Of course he was right, of course you shouldn’t expect Wrecker to continue to talk to you when there were others waiting for his attention. But little did you know that letting you go was something Wrecker wouldn’t dream off. “This thing ends in half an hour. If you want to, you don’t have to but if you want to, you can wait for me in the lobby of the Park Hotel in about an hour and we’ll continue this conversation, (Y/N).” 
Part of you knew that there was the possibility that he was only looking for a one night stand, but the bigger part told you that Wrecker was genuinely interested in your company. It was that part that made you agree. And you were so glad you did, because the rest of the night spend with Wrecker couldn’t have been better. Apparently he felt the same, because just before you left he slipped a small note with his number in your pocket. 
The usual instrument for a band might be drums, but I cannot imagine Tech playing the drums. A keyboard however? That’s so Tech. 
I can’t see Tech dating a fan, but a fellow musician would be a dream come true! There is just one slight issue... 
“I can’t stand that guy! He never stops talking, every time he opens his mouth I just wanna punch his stupid glasses right into his eyes”, you grunted.  Tech had been about to round the corner, in his hands he had the setlist you had requested for your band, which was opening for The Bad Batch.  Now, after hearing those words and realizing that the friendship the two of you had been building had all been fake, that Tech had been right in trying to shove his developing feelings down, he just threw the pieces of paper in front of your feet.  “There”, he grumbled before turning around and leaving again.  You shot your friend, who you had been talking to, a confused look. 
Your band opened for The Bad Batch for a couple more shows before you parted ways. They went back to recording, while you had your first solo tour, which went incredibly well, since only a year later you reunited at a music festival where both bands were asked to play. 
“God, Wrecker, did you grow?”, you laughed while Wrecker enveloped you in a hug and lifted you a few feet into the air.  “I think I’m a bit too old to continue growing, but who knows”, he replied with a grin.  Tech tried his best not to roll his eyes. How could his brothers still be friendly with you? Wasn’t it obvious to them how much you hated him? Wasn’t blood thicker than water?  You moved away from Wrecker to greet Tech next. Your previously joyous smile growing nervous, but it still ignited something Tech wanted to put out.  “Hey, long time no see”, you started. You reached out to touch his shoulder, but before you could Tech took a step backwards, knocking over Hunter’s water bottle.  Tech saw this as his way of escape and quickly offered to get a new one, though Hunter, who knew what he was up to, shook his head.  “Take (Y/N) with you, they know the location better and can show you around.”  Tech wanted to disagree, he really did, but he knew there was no use in arguing with Hunter shortly before the concert. 
You did show Tech around, at least a little bit. You even tried to chat as best as you could, but his answers were reduced to “yes” and “no”, if he even gave you an answer that is.  Finally you reached a small supply closet in which you knew most of the snacks and drinks were kept.  “They have your favourite chocolate, I checked the second I heard you guys were showing up”, you told Tech with a smile, hoping at least your shared love for chocolate would break the ice. It didn’t.  What did break a second later, almost as soon as Tech followed you into the small room, was the door.  With a loud bang it closed behind Tech, and no matter how hard the two of you pushed or pulled, it wouldn’t budge. 
“What now?”, you asked, chewing on a piece of said chocolate.  Tech was just shoving his phone back in his pocket.  “I texted the others, one of them should come around with maintenance in a few minutes.” A moment of silence followed.  “Hey, Tech”, you started softly, nervously. “Why do you hate me?”  Finally Tech tore his eyes away from the water in his hands and looked at you, really looked at you.  “I didn’t hate you until I found out that you hate me. I still don’t hate you, no matter how hard I try-” The last part was mumbled, so quiet you almost didn’t catch it, but you did.  “I don’t hate you! Why would you think that? God, Tech, I was starting to fall in love with you during your last tour, but then you suddenly got all cold and never talked to me.”  This made Tech raise his eyebrow. He ran a hand through his hair and avoided eye contact.  “You were?”, he asked, his voice soft before it suddenly hardened again. “Then why did you tell your friend that you wanna punch me?”  Confusion and realization chased each other across your face, finally it dawned on you.  “Tech, you idiot, I wasn’t talking about you, I was talking about my neighbour.”  He opened his mouth and closed it again.  “Oh... So, you don’t hate me?”  You shook your head. “In fact, I’d like to take you out to dinner. As a date. If you’d like.”  Of course Tech said yes, there was lost time to catch up on after all. 
Crosshair might play the drums, it gives him an opportunity to be in the background (and let all his aggressions out)
The two of you had been dating for only a few weeks when he left the band. Afterwards he told you that he needed a bit of space, wanted to be alone for a while. You weren’t exactly happy, but you understood, though when he still hasn’t reached out to you after almost two months you decided to give him a call, only to find out that his number had been disconnected. 
It wasn’t until a couple of years later that the two of you met again. It was actually your friend who pointed Crosshair out in the crowded café and encouraged you to talk to him, to find out why he had ghosted you instead of simply breaking up.  
“Why did you ghost me instead of simply breaking up with me?”, you opened, having stolen your friend’s exact words.  Crosshair, with sunglasses and the usual toothpick between his teeth, looked up from his phone. His face didn’t betray any emotions, but you knew him well enough to recognize a hint of shock in his eyes.  “What are you doing here?”  You didn’t answer, instead you pulled up the chair opposite of his and sat down at his table.  “I asked you first.”  There it was, that laugh you had first learned to love and later to hate. It wasn’t a mocking or cruel laugh, instead it reminded you of his reaction whenever you would do something he found cute.  “How old are you?  You rested your elbows on the table and glared at him, a look that you knew from experience was one of the few things to truly make him uncomfortable.  “Old enough to be tired of your bullshit. Now answer my question.” 
Crosshair had never been a man of many words, his answer just proved that all over again.  “I wanted to start my new life without any baggage from the old one.”  Even though you had been hurt after the initial breakup, you considered yourself to be stronger because of it and over Crosshair, but his statement hit you hard.  “Is that what I was? Baggage?”  Finally he reached up to take the sunglasses off and really look at you. You hated the part of your brain that thought that he still looked good, and as if this conversation didn’t affect him at all.  “You didn’t let me finish. I never thought of you as baggage, but you were a connection to my old life, my old band, that I couldn’t take with me into my new life. But I soon realized that I made a mistake, you were more than a connection, it only occured to me after it was too late that I loved you.” 
To say you were shocked was the understatement of the century. Of course you had liked Crosshair, but even back then you couldn’t say whether you were actually in love with him.  “I know I messed up, but maybe we could meet for dinner and try again.”  Those were the last words from the longest monologue you had ever heard him speak. Crosshair put his sunglasses on again and left without another word, though he did leave something behind. You picked the piece of paper up and realized that he had given you his new number, the number you would only have to call to rekindle your relationship, but was that what you really wanted after what he did? 
No doubt, Echo plays the base. It’s the backbone of a band and often underestimated, just like Echo. 
The poor guy’s start with The Bad Batch wasn’t the easiest, he joined the band shortly before Crosshair left and many fans thought he was the reason behind the split (which of course he wasn’t, but you know fans). Needless to say that this resulted in some trust issues. 
You had been working for the band for what felt like ages, basically from the very beginning and the second you met Echo you were intrigued. It took a bit of time, but he finally started to open up to you and now the two of you were good friends, you were actually one of the few friends Echo had outside of the band. 
Though one day your friendship was put to the test.  You were backstage, in Echo’s private room, which on itself wasn’t unusual, you spend more time with him than any other band members. What was unusual, and made Echo stop in the doorway, was the fact that you were going through his mail.  “What are you doing?”, he asked, not yet angry, but not exactly calm either.  He could have sworn that you actually jumped in shock before you turned to face him, guilt written all over you.  “Echo, I was just...”  “Going through my mail?”, he finished the sentence for you.  You knew there was no use in lying, so you simply nodded.  “Why?” 
The million dollar question, to which you knew the answer would hurt Echo, and possibly your relationship.  “I was looking for fan mail.”  A gentle smile was now on Echo’s lips. He stepped closer to you, so close that he could take the envelope you were holding out of your hand.  “You’re doing a terrific job, but I don’t think you get any fan mail, especially not send to my room.”  As if to prove his point he opened the first envelope and started reading. At first his expression didn’t change, then it darkened. Before he could finish you ripped the piece of paper away and threw it in a far corner of the room.  “Is that what you were looking for? Hate mail?”  You knew there was no sense in denying it any longer.  “I’ve been trying to hide it from you, but you get a lot of letters like that. Everyone gets them once in a while, but ever since Crosshair left it’s been a lot.” Echo’s eyes flitted from your face to the letters you were still holding in your hand.  “You’ve been doing that all this time? Why?”  For some reason the obvious shock and disbelief in his voice broke you more than any words directed at him ever had.  “I don’t want you to take what those idiots say to heart. You... You’re perfect just the way you are”, you told him, whispering the last part.  Echo stepped even closer to you, so close that you could feel his body heat through both of your clothes. So close that you had to lift your head to continue looking him in the eyes.  Slowly Echo took your chin in his hand, his thumb caressing your jaw. The other hand found its way around your waist and you cold feel the cold prosthetic through your thin shirt.  “I think you’re perfect as well”, he whispered.  Your eyes widened at his words. He had heard you, and he thought you were perfect. Perfect!  “Echo, I-”, you started, but he interrupted you.  “Since we’re both perfect, maybe we’d be perfect for each other.” A blush crept up his neck as he said those words. You reached up to wrap your arms around the reddening skin.  “Maybe we could find out over dinner tonight.”  Echo smiled at you, a smile that made you question how anyone could hate him for what had to be the millionth time.  “I’d like that”, he said as he leaned his forehead against yours. 
This AU just popped into my head and I had to write it down. At first I wanted to make the 501st a band, but I wasn’t quite sure what to do with Anakin and Ahsoka in that scenario, but then it occured to me that the Bad Batch as a band would fit even better, I hope you agree. 
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bimormondisaster · 3 years
A list of random headcanons I have about the Bad Batch. (This came out longer than expected but I have many many more so if you want to hear them let me know)
-Hunter can easily get overwhelmed by touches because of his senses so after a rough mission while everyone else is piled together he’s right off to the side, as close as he feels comfortable.
-On the same note he often wears earplugs when they know the mission will include a lot of fighting
-(also I think that’s why he uses a knife more often than a blaster)
-Crosshair was the closest to Tech because he let Tech talk without interrupting him. He would often clean his guns wherever Tech was working so Tech could talk.
-I also feel like Tech was the one to get into the most fights when they were cadets. He could keep his cool until a reg insulted his brothers then he’d escalate.
-whenever Hunter gets overwhelmed Crosshair would make him tea and sit just outside of the door in case he was needed. Tech (and eventually Echo) would keep Wrecker as quiet as possible on the other side of the ship.
-He usually sits in the Cockpit. Sometimes in his bunk.
-before he was dragged away Wrecker would give Hunter Lula because it always helped him so why wouldn’t it help Hunter?
-Now with Crosshair gone Echo makes the tea then leaves to the other end of the ship.
-Hunter won't admit it but he misses hearing the breathing and heartbeat right outside the door (and the tea never tastes right)
-Tech can read Crosshair better than anyone and vice versa
-Crosshair was extremely protective of Tech (and still is)
-Crosshair has anxiety. That’s why he chews on toothpicks
-Hunter is Demisexual
-Crosshair is gay
-Wrecker is Pan
-Tech is bi with a preference for women
-Echo is bi with a preference for men
-Once Echo joins the team Tech can be a little overbearing for him. Tech just wants him to feel accepted and part of the team but it can be smothering.
-On the flip side Wrecker tried to hold back his affection (especially touches) because he didn't know how Echo felt about those. So for a while Echo thought Wrecker hated him.
-Eventually they find a relationship that works and become pretty close
-Hunter and Wrecker love to dance. sometimes they can convince Tech and Cross to join them. Once Echo joins the team he gets invited to dance. At first he feels stupid but even just the fact that they asked him to join in helps him feel like he belongs.
-Don't get me wrong Hunter and Wrecker are awful dancers but that doesn't stop them.
-In fact, Tech is the best dancer but only because he had to learn for a mission.
-Echo is pretty good once he gets used to his new body (Or lack thereof)
-When Omega can't sleep or wakes up from a nightmare Wrecker or Hunter will hold her close and sway to some slow music.
-If it's Hunter he'll hum along
-Omega feels close to Crosshair despite only knowing him for a short time.
-When Tech is alone he'll talk to Crosshair's stuff.
-Echo asks his old squad to take care of Crosshair while he can't
-Echo loves seeing space. Or really just looking out of the big window in the cockpit. It doesn't matter if they are in space or on a planet he's most likely there.
-He usually sleeps in there as well because he finds it relaxing.
-Crosshair would always say that Hunter was the touchy-feely guy who dealt with the squad's emotions however more often than not Cross was the one to sit with his brothers when they couldn't sleep or had a nightmare.
-They don't talk unless it's Hunter (if it is they talk about anything and everything both working through whatever is bothering him and distracting him) But he's just a calming presence.
-Omega loves to sleep in Crosshairs shirts. It helps her feel connected to him.
-Echo lost a game of chance to who was going to teach Omega how to shoot. No one wanted to do it because they all felt like it should be Crosshair. However they couldn't put off her training.
-Whenever Omega shoots, the boys (Especially Hunter and Tech) feel guilt because it reminds them of Crosshair.
-The Bad Batch never says I love you. Their version of it is "I'm proud you were created" (Yes it's from Oliva Rodrigo's I hope you're okay)
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✨Bad Batch E14 Spoilers✨
Sooooo I'm about to say a whole lot of not very polite words......
Let's have a look at my brain melting during this episode (there's a lot oops):
- Commando armor? Slicked back hair? HOLY FUCK GREGOR OMG THE BOY!!!!! WE ACTUALLY GET TO SEE THE BOY!!!!!! (wait hold up does this mean we might see Wolffe too? Not asking for a friend I'm asking for me)
- Eek this is giving me very much "Ahsoka being hunted by Trandoshans" vibes
- Hunter doing knife tricks....that's...well....AHHHHH
- Omg Omega trying to copy the little knife spins is so cute
- REX!!! HIM!!! MY FIRST LOVE!!! HE'S BACK AGAIN!!! YAY!!! Sweetheart that poncho is fantastic!
- Is he ok? IS REX OK??? WHY IS HE RUNNING???
- Here's the thing I love Gregor but like they were a bit too quick to go after him and they still haven't talked about Cross soooooo hmmm
- Ok I have a feeling we are gonna get some Echo character development in this episode. The way Echo looked at Hunter was what got him to cave in and agree to go rescue Gregor. He knows it's the right thing to do and it's so interesting to me that Echo seems to have the strongest sense of moral obligation (aside from Omega). I have a feeling like this might clash with Hunter being the leader and honestly I wanna see how they handle that as a team.
- Nothing would bring me more joy than to absolutely DECK Rampart on behalf of Cross, Howzer, and Eleni Syndulla
- speaking of cross....CROSS!!! YOU'RE HERE!!!
- Wait hold up are they leaving Kamino?
- Also what happens to all the cadets? Like they're little kids...I'm scared
- Ok imma have to go on a whole rant/info dump about Kaminoan history and society later so y'all have that to look forward to in the morning
- Awwww Echo talking about Rex makes me want to cry. He looks up to his older brother so much and it's honestly so sweet
- Hunter using his special abilities? Hunter using his special abilities!
- Omg its just gonna be Hunter, Tech, and Echo?! TECH AND ECHO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT???
- Look at those boys go! Climbing up a whole ass mountain while I look at a flight of stairs and go "ewww why"
-Ok is it just me or does the whole bottomless pit style base with a lot of red accents gives off Empire but make it First Order Aesthetic...? Just me?
- Tech's eyes are just so ✨p r e t t y✨. That's all.
- "i'm thinkin'." whispers Wrecker mindfully.
- I don't know what it is, but i just love this shot:
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- Concept: into the spiderverse but it's just clones jumping off elevators and somehow gracefully free climbing on the walls
- Commando armor is just soooooo cool!!!! Like seriously! Also the TK trooper armor is....interesting
- "That's CAPTAIN traitor."
- Gregor really do be out here holding up the standard that you have to be a special kind of pretty to be a Captain in the GAR
- Also can we talk about how absolutely jacked Gregor's arms are? Like sir no wonder you aren't wearing any armor on your arms! How would fit! Damn dude
- I miss 99 so much
- Boys using stun rounds. No (intentional) unalives. Good for them.
- Echo and Tech working together and having each other's backs makes me beyond happy
- Tech really does yell in all lower case doesn't he?
-When I tell you I thought Tech was gonna get shot too.... my god I don't think I would be able to handle that in any capacity
- SPOILER WARNING FOR REBELS: Gregor talking about surviving getting shot hurts me. This hurts my feelings. It hurts my feelings a lot.
- Ok but Tech casually blowing up that air vent grate thing was hot. No I will not elaborate.
- Echo carrying Gregor through the air ducts reminds me so much of Rex carrying him on Sako Minor
- WAIT HOLY SHIT OMEGA IS FLYING THE SHIP BY HERSELF!!! LOOK AT HER GO!!! Tech has to be so proud of her. I just know he is.
- Gonky helping + increased theme music = ahhhhhhh yay!
- TECH BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE FUCKING SEXY FLIGHT MANEUVERS!!!!!!! My stars I love that man. I'm speechless. It's like almost 4am and I legitimately screeched
- Tech: *flying like a badass* Gregor: bitch what are you doing this is not the time nor place for this shit
- How tf is Hunter still alive??? Like I'm not complaining but still
- Yo on top of all that Lama Su just got straight up unalived
-hunter in a jail cell......................CROSSHAIR
- Ok but until the very last second, that was the least scrunched up face I have ever seen Cross make. Like you too have lovely eyes it's a shame you're so grouchy all the time. ANYWAY thoughts on that face because my brain is very full rn
- I just love clones more than life itself. Look at the boys go. I love them. I wanna give them all hugs (in regards to Tech…I will not kiss and tell).
- Gregor has and always will be so precious. Love that quirky boy so much.
- Echo played such a major role in this episode and honestly I'm so glad. I still think there is so much more room to grow his character, but at least it's something.
- Gonky being that bitch this episode 👑
- Not sure if you've noticed, but my soul is no longer attached to my physical form. Tech has it. Tech owns my soul. I am more than ok with this.
- The last 5 minutes really just did that didn't it? Like jeez bro that was a lot
- Cross? Breaks? Hunter? Out? And? They? Both? Escape? After? Having? An? Emotional? Reconciling? PLEASE???????????
Overall, while I did really like the Ryloth episodes, I honestly think this might be my new favorite episode.
The episode itself was well paced
The stakes felt rather high
Fantastic action
Echo played a main part in the storyline
Contributed to not only the plot of the show but added context for how Gregor and Rex meet up
Tech flying and looking hot while doing it...that's very important to the overall ranking
It was engaging and intense with one hell of a cliffhanger at the end
So yeah I really liked this episode! I'm super excited to see what happens next (omg there's only two episodes left oh no scary)!
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ladykatakuri · 3 years
Our Dance
Tech x F Reader
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 2175
Lyrics used from the song All about us performed by He is We
Summary:“I believe you might have to come to her aid soon. The senator currently trying to keep her attention on him is well known for his more….illustrious desires when it comes to women.” The concern in her eyes immediately urges him to spring to action and before she can even finish her full sentence he is off to the rescue.
Here it is, the Tech fic i was working on. Somehow i had several songs that inspired story idea`s and ofcourse it is with the guys from the Batch and yes i also have something in mind for Omega. Hope you like it and comments / tips are always more then welcome here <3
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It was one of those evenings, once more. A senator had decided that it was time for an early celebration of, well something important on his home world and of course that meant guests, a lot of food and drinks, caterers and guards. Normally not a big problem, any time that you were invited to a party by a good friend you would happily accept and you did, but this evening turned out to be a huge annoyance to you and a strain on your self restraint.
During your time serving food and having nice conversations with people from all layers of society you came to be very fond of the clones you met. The Coruscant Guard became steady customers of the shop where you served caf and breakfast most times and all the others were a steady stream of visitors at 79`s, the bar where you would have evening and night shifts, waiting on tables and just having a good time with your new found friends. But this party? You would be happy to leave and if you could leave after giving some of the politicians there a piece of your mind then all the better!
It began with the senator of Scipio and delegate of the Banking Clan, Rush Clovis, mentioning to another senator he did not see why there should be any consideration for the clones. Their conversation was caught by you as you walked by on your way back to your friend who had invited you in the first place, Padme Amidala, but it was more than enough for you to already hate the man. Unfortunately it was not an uncommon feeling among people with a seat in the senate to think of the clones as nothing more but meat for the grinder. They were created on Kamino to fight in the war effort, and when they died? Well there were more where they came from.
With a slight tremble you move forward, handing out the drink to a friend you found among the guests and had a nice conversation with. In the meantime you knew that several clones were there by special invitation. The senator that was hosting this party wanted to display his power and thought it would be fun to have some of those clones around to have fun with. In this case that fun meant that the guests who wanted to, could either talk to the clones or even dance with them. They were no more than props on display for most of the people there and you hated every second of it. Especially when you realised one of your favorite groups of men were also there. You were about ready to leave the party and grab some sleep when you saw that special group of men, especially one very special, tall, goggled man who had been haunting your daydreams from time to time.
When Tech heard that they were ordered to attend a party he was seriously confused. “They do realise we are considered to be defective clones? Not many senators or other high placed figures would want us around them on purpose.” Rubbing his head he looks at his sargeant and leader, Hunter.
With a deep sigh, Hunter looked at his brother. “Yes Tech, they know. I believe that is exactly why they want us to attend this thing. I suppose there is some ulterior motive to it, but we have to follow this order in any case. So, suit up and be on your best behavior.” The last sentence has the sarge glance at the two most troublesome of his brothers, Wrecker and Crosshair. They were the least likely to really behave, but that was a concern for later.
Tech felt uncomfortable in his black suit, but orders were orders in this case and at least Senator Amidala had been kind enough to start a conversation with him and Echo. Both were surprised at her kindness and how she was genuinely interested in their feelings about the war. Echo had stopped him from rambling about the war too much by pointing out the one person he knew would draw more attention than anyone else in the room.
Take my hand, I'll teach you to dance
I'll spin you around, won't let you fall down
Would you let me lead? You can step on my feet
Give it a try, it'll be alright
For a moment it seemed as if there was only one person in the entire room, and that person was you. Tech looked in the direction Echo pointed at and there you were, walking around greeting and conversing with some of the guests in the room and looking picture perfect while doing so. A string of hair escaped your ponytail and the annoyed glance aimed at one of the senators only made you seem more beautiful. Looking at the senator that seemed to have annoyed you so much, he immediately understood why you seemed ready to hit the man with your fist. Senator Clovis was known to be ruthless when it came to clones and clone rights. When asked, he would always say the exact same thing, “Clones are mere tools in the warmachine. A cog perhaps. They are easily replaced and so, we have no need to mourn the loss of any of them. I see no reason why we would even have to spend any credits on the recovery of the wounded.”
A small grin formed on his lips as he watched you stalk away from the man and move to stand somewhere calm and quiet. Senator Amidala, still in conversation with Echo noticed the slight change in attitude as his eyes followed you around the room. “If you pardon my intrusion, Tech is it?” Her hand taps his arm as she turns to speak to him.
Tech looks at the senator as he answers. “It is indeed, senator. How may I help you?”
Amidala looks at the man currently shifting attention between her and the woman he keeps an eye on as she moves around the room. “I believe you might have to come to her aid soon. The senator currently trying to keep her attention on him is well known for his more….illustrious desires when it comes to women.” The concern in her eyes immediately urges him to spring to action and before she can even finish her full sentence he is off to the rescue.
You know that the man currently speaking to you as if you are just another nobody, who is lucky enough to have been invited to work the celebration taking place is also the same man who not only is a senator, but also well known for demanding personal time with all female personnel and even demanded coruscant guards to remove some women he has used when they became too much of a bother to him afterwards. This time he seems to have set his eyes on you and you are just not having it. “Senator, I must return to my friend now. I apologize for cutting this wonderful conversation short, but if I do not at least spend some time with Senator Amidala this evening, I would be a poor and ungrateful friend.” Though you smile it is obvious even to the senator you only mean the polite refusal to continue the conversation, as much as you refused to dance with him.
“I know you're nothing important in the senate, just a person that Amidala befriended from the lower regions of this planet. You will dance with me, because any offer such as this from the likes of me is an honor and then we will continue our conversation in private.” Just when he reaches for your hand to drag you back, your hand is taken by another man.
As fast as he managed to take your hand before the senator, Tech took the drink from your hand and gave it to another waiter nearby. His arm is already snaked around your waist as he turns you around and walks you to the middle of the room. “I believe you agreed to give me the first dance once you finished your round in the room Y/N. I noticed you were on your way back , so I suggest we make the best of it.
Surprise and gratitude quickly appear and leave your eyes as you smile at the man guiding you away. “Thank you Tech. I almost lost track of time.” The blush on your cheeks as you feel him turn you around to face him brightens when you take him in once more. He looks absolutely dashing in his black suit and light blue dress shirt.
The room's hush hush and now's our moment
Take it in, feel it all and hold it
Eyes on you, eyes on me
We're doing this right
The orchestra plays a slow song as Tech gently moves the two of you around the room. Despite his tall figure and the appearance of a soldier most times, he is absolutely graceful as he leads you in your dance. His hand, warm on the small of your back presses you closer to him while he softly squeezes the hand he holds. Leaning in closer to you his lips almost brush your ears as he whispers. “It seems you needed a rescue. Though from the look you gave that senator, it is highly probable I actually rescued him.” His low chuckle sends a shiver down your spine as he straightens out and swirls you around. “I shall thank Senator Amidala for warning me in time.”
Amidala, your friend. A senator who usually makes her way through all the layers of society and who does her best to help all people. She even spoke to you about clone rights and how to see to it that they would be treated more decently, after she found out that you were one of the people who were strong advocates for clone rights. Soon after that, the two of you struck up a friendship based on mutual respect. She invited you to this evening because of your shared passion for the rights of clones and your contact with many of these men. She felt it might make them feel at ease, seeing a friendly face in the crowd.
Grinning you look up into the brown, bespectacled eyes of your hero of the evening. “I will thank her for sending me a hero.”
The music stops and you are ready to step away from Tech so that he can walk back to his brothers. Tech however is not moving an inch and he is not letting go of your hand. Pulling you back in at the same moment another song is started, Tech gently guides you in another dance.
“You know, people will stare at us. They might even start to talk about us.” A gentle blush on your cheeks, you whisper to him.
'Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love
Spotlight's shining
It's all about us
It's oh, oh, all
About uh, uh, us
And every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling you never felt dry
It's oh, oh, all about us
Tech has always been kind to you from the moment you met. His brothers, all with their own sense of humor and fun way of flirting quickly became good friends of yours. Tech as well, though you also developed a crush on him rather fast. His fast knowledge of pretty much everything and witty remarks only served to make you fall harder for the man. And now here you were in his arms, dancing to beautiful music, still a little insecure on whether or not you should let him know how you feel.
Without paying any attention to the room, Tech moves the two of you a bit more to the edges of the room. No longer swirling around with all the other couples on the floor, the two of you softly sway on the sidelines. Still in a warm embrace of his arm around you and his hand softly holding yours, he looks down at you and smiles. “People always find reasons to talk about others. It is in their nature to try and find common ground so as to divert attention from themselves at such events.”
You sigh softly and move the hand that was resting on his shoulder all this time to his face. Carefully brushing his cheek. “You could just tell me to let them watch you know?”
A chuckle escapes him as he leans in to you and his lips brush yours. “It's all about us anyway.
When he moves back, he pulls you in closer against him, your head against his chest, his arms around you as you keep swaying to the music. Nobody else in the room exists at that moment, but the two of you.
“All about us.” you whisper, a promise for the rest of the evening and all the days still to come.
@loth-wolffe @catbustours @reluctant-mandalore @nahoney22 @hellothere-generalangsty @allamarisss
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