#I tend to ramble a lot but I’m not very active on here
rust-spark · 6 months
What if I uhhh
What if I shared some stuff here about my Invincible OC(s) what then :0
nothing art related or anything (I can NOT draw ppl for the life of me) and I’m a bit nervous to share my art here but maybe just some basic info and rambles here and there :3
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myhaikyuuacademia · 1 month
Totally fake | Ant x Reader (Heartbreak High)
Fake dating, fem!reader A/N: it’s been a while since I watched s1 so forgive me if the timeline is a little wonky. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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You had no idea how you got yourself in this… situation. In this mess, honestly. Thanks to Amerie, the whole school life had imploded. Thanks a lot, Map Bitch. Now here you were, standing next to her trying to get a ticket for the party as Ant told her about how his mom reacted to the whole Darren wristy thing. Your face twinged up in sympathy. Somehow Quinni and Darren had adopted Amerie into your friendgroup after the whole thing, so here you were, supporting your new friend. Well, it was more like she dragged you along. Moral support or something. Ant ended up telling Ams to go ask Spider and she trudged away disappointed, but you stayed, hesitating. “Um, I’m sorry about your mom.” You offered. What a stupid thing to say, you cursed yourself. Boys made you nervous. “Yeah, it really sucks. I love Jesus and all but going to church 3 more times a week is reaaaaally boring.” He groaned. You began walking to your next class together. “Um.” You started talking before you could think. You were a fixer, it was a whole thing. A pathological need to fix things, which is why you couldn’t really be against Quinni and Darren taking Amerie in, you wanted to help fix this. But sometimes in your need to fix things you went a little overboard. You realized that that was what you were doing after you had already started talking, and now you didn’t know what to say. But being quiet now was also embarrassing. “What’s up?” Ant stopped and leaned against the doorway of your classroom. Looking at you expectantly. Fuck it. “Maybe I could help.” You looked at him. “With your mom I mean.” He looked confused, his brows furrowing as he tried to figure out what you were proposing. “How?” Taking a deep breath in, you began rambling the plan that had formed in your head in the span of maybe 10 seconds. Which in hindsight, perhaps was a sign that this was a really dumb idea. “Well. I’m assuming your moms problem is that Darren is not a girl. Because you’re Christian and all. Which, I don’t know, not very Christian, ya know? Loving your neighbour and all. But anyway. If her problem is in fact that, I am a very good liar, I know enough about like the bible and stuff, and I happen to be a girl…” You trail off. He looked as confused as he did before you started talking, which, honestly, you figured this would not be enough to get him to understand. It was just too embarrassing to finish. You felt cold all of a sudden. Nervous. Rubbing your arms for warmth, or perhaps in an attempt to rub the nervousness away. “I’m saying I could be your fake girlfriend until she calms down.” You finally huffed out. “Ohhhhhhh” You swore you could almost see the lightbulb that went off above his head. “Gotcha.” He nodded contemplatively. “You’re really smart, y/n, I’m impressed.” Still nodding. You were a little surprised he knew your name. People tended to not know it because you mostly kept to yourself outside of your friendship with Darren and Quinni. And you hadn’t talked to Ant before, like literally ever. Yeah you shared a lot of classes, but he didn’t really seem to pay attention and so far you had never been paired with him for any group work. “Let’s do it.” He grinned, excitedly. “Wait what?” Your eyes widened in surprise. “For real?” You didn’t know what you expected his answer to be, but for some reason you hadn’t prepared yourself for a yes.
“Yeah! I’m in! I only see positives honestly. I get to pretend to date the coolest girl I know and get my mom off my back.” Wait, what did he say? The coolest girl he knows? Huh? You blinked in confusion as he left you standing in front of the open door to go to his seat. Autopilot activated you went to your seat, in between Darren and Quinni. Completely zoned out your eyes trained on Ant who was sitting a couple rows ahead and to your right. “Earth to y/n, repeat Earth to y/n.” A hand was waving in front of your face and you blinked as you turned to Darren. “huh?”. “What’s wrong with you today, space girl?” They asked. “What?” Your brain hadn’t completely caught up yet. “Why were you talking to Ant?” Quinni asked excitedly. Why was she excited? “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you talk to him before.” She mused. Uh. What were you supposed to tell them? Both of them looked at you expectantly. Completely frozen, your brain refused to cooperate. “I.. uh. Amerie. Party. Slapband. You know?” The words were more stuttered out than said, and they did in fact not know what you meant.  Your saviour came in the form of a very out-of-breath Amerie, who was almost late to class, but just almost. She fell into her seat next to Quinni and immediately started babbling about whatever it was she was up to after she had left you and Ant, taking all attention off of you. And if they saw you staring at Ant the whole class, they didn’t say anything. Yet.
By the end of the school day you had bounced back, the whole Ant thing still nagging at a corner of your brain but not at the front anymore. Until you were walking out the school gate with Darren, Quinni and Amerie, that is. “Hey, y/n, Wait up!.” This caught the attention of your more than nosy friends. You stopped and turned around to see Ant jogging up with a stupidly cute grin on his face. “Um, hi, what’s up?” Your face felt unusually flushed. Your friends looked at you like they were vultures and you, and the ensuing gossip that would come from this, their prey. You didn’t need to look at them to know that. “Here.” He held out a slapband. “You don’t have one yet, do you?” “No, I don’t, actually.” You were about to tell him that you were not interested. Partys? Not your thing. But the way he looked at you, and the fact that he got you one and went out of his way to give it to you, rendered you incapable of rejecting it. He was waiting for you to take it, or do something to accept it, so you lifted your arm and held it out in front of him. He slapped it on your arm and you mumbled out a thank you. “No worries, babe.” He leaned in and gave you quick peck on the cheek before he proceeded to wink at you and then leave with a wave and a “See you later!”. You almost dropped to your knees. What the hell just happened. Wide-eyed you looked after him, hand lifting to touch the cheek he had just kissed, legs still awfully wobbly. “BABE?!?!?!” A chorus of awestruck half-yells ripped you out of your moment, seconds before your friends came into view in front of you and crowded you. This was… too much. You gave up trying to keep your legs steady and dropped down to the ground, sitting on your knees, before shifting to sit criss-cross applesauce. “Whoa, shit girl, you okay?” Amerie dropped down next to you. Not trusting your voice you simply nodded yes. “Oh my god, you and Anthony Vaughn?” Darren crouched down next, almost scandalized by what they had just witnessed. “Oh, are we sitting now?” Quinni, bless her, sat down next to you. “Yeah…” You just said, to no one in particular, nodding. “Oh my god, you’re like, a total goner.” Amerie laughed. “I am?” You turned to look at her with puppy-dog eyes. Before this day started, you had never talked to Anthony Vaughn before, and now, before it ended, you were apparently head over heels for him. You blamed it on hormones, or some kind of chemical inbalance in your brain. Because… there was no way, right?
This would make the fake-dating significantly harder, you concluded, after you had time to mull it over. You and your friends had continued sitting on the ground for a good 10 minutes, before you felt stable enough to attempt standing and walking again. Of course they all had a million questions, yelling simultaneously, trying to understand what they had just witnessed. You had no idea what to tell them. “I will tell you once I know.” You end up saying, which leads to more questions. “Seriously guys, not right now.” You couldn’t tell them anything before you lined up stories with Ant. Well, technically you could tell them it was all fake, but they were all huge blabbermouths, and you wanted to check in with Ant first, before doing anything. You hadn’t expected him to just… go and do that. Like, at least you had expected talking to him once, or maybe twice, about what being in a fake relationship entailed, you know, lining up stories, where, what, who, when…. What kind of person his mother was, how far to go, how much to do to make it believable. But now everything had kind of blown up and it had to wait. You didn’t even have his number, you realized, after you were finally alone. The gang had tried to peer-pressure you into making this a whole goss-sesh at the diner, but you managed to worm your way out of it. Now they would probably just do it anyway, but without you to defend yourself. Not that there was anything you could say right now. Frustrated you blew a piece of hair out of your face. This was gonna be one hell of a week.
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after-witch · 7 months
Horrorfest: Party Time [Yandere Mahito x Reader]
Title: Party Time [Yandere Mahito x Reader]
Synopsis: Mahito just wants you to have a nice Halloween.
For Horrorfest request: Mahito putting his darling through a House of Horrors.
Word count: 2823
notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, body horror and gore, Mahito is his own warning here
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Maybe it said something about your inherent ghoulishness that, when Mahito granted you the rare favor of allowing you to pick an activity to do outside the damp tunnel where he kept you, you chose this--going to a haunted house. 
A cheap one, too. One of those kinds that was retrofitted into an existing building during October and then packed out like a cheap weekend carnival on November 1st. The kind that ignored safety violations and tended to hire teenagers who showed up high or drunk or both. 
It was more cheesy than anything else. A series of dimmed rooms with strobe lights and spiderwebs, or people jumping out in mediocre costumes or revving up fake chainsaws. No, it wasn’t really scary… but to be fair, your definition of “really scary” had been completely upended the moment that you were kidnapped by a curse with a penchant for torturing people in ways you never thought possible before. 
But it was still a tradition, damn it, and if you couldn’t get through October without at least one Halloween tradition under your belt, you might just lose your mind. Or what was left of it, considering your circumstances.
Still, did Mahito have to be a spoilsport about it? He’d been grinning at the start, one arm slung around your shoulder, even though no one else could see him. By the time you’d gotten to the third room, he was pouting. Complaining. Whining. 
And now, at the end, as you walk out following one last jump scare involving an oversized doll costume, he’s rambling on and on about how these humans were terribly uncreative in their creation of a supposedly haunted house. Like you were just walking through the park and not a poorly lit room blasting spooky ambiance music as some tired teens tried to make you shriek. 
“I know humans are capable of better than this,” he muses, sourly, as you make your way out of the parking lot and back onto the side streets that will eventually lead you “home.” Not your home, never your home. But the only home you’ve known since he took you, and it’s better to consider it something familiar than to fully face the reality of your situation without a gloss of comfort.
“It wasn’t that bad,” you say, lightly, blandly. “I think you’re being too harsh.”
Mahito sighs, and pulls you closer. To anyone on the street without the gift of sight, you might look a bit drunk. Stumbling now and then, leaning into nothing at all. Mahito likes this, you think, and that’s why he does it all the time on the very rare occasions that you’re allowed out.
“But I’m not wrong!” You glance at him. The almost childish expression of disappointment is stomach-turning. “You didn’t even flinch or scream or anything fun. You weren’t scared.”
You start to answer, then stop. He’s right. A year ago you probably would have shrieked yourself silly, as simple and ridiculous as the haunted house was; but that was a year ago. That was before. 
“I’m… not scared of much any more.” Your words come out slow and carefully considered. It’s a habit ingrained in you by now. Mahito did love to take your words and run with them.
“Oh?” Mahito turns his head to look at you, and you catch the last moment of a grin that he pastes over with a solemn expression as soon as he sees you looking.  
“Poor thing,” is all he says. 
You don’t talk much on your way home after that.
“I promise, this will be fun!”
“Don’t worry so much, you’ll get wrinkles! Not that I’d mind, but I read this book from the 1980s on beauty perception and--”
Mahito pouts, puffing his cheeks out ridiculously. When he doesn’t say anything, you sit up straighter.
“I’m just saying this isn’t necessary.” You keep your tone gentle, sweet. You don’t want him to accuse you of being ungrateful again. The last time he did that--the less said, the better. “I already got my Halloween fix at the haunted house, really. And we watched a horror movie the other day, didn’t we? And you got me a book…” 
Your hand gestures ineffectually towards your nest of blankets, where a battered copy of Stephen King’s Pet Sematary lay. Mahito found it in a box of books someone threw on the curb and proudly brought it to you, like a cat bringing a dead sparrow to its owner.
Mahito’s expression turns sticky, and his voice coos to match. “Ohh, you’re being so sweet, pet! But I want to do this for you. Since you like Halloween!” He resumes setting out a small collection of large bowls, most with mismatched lids, humming a song you don’t know all the while. “I worked really hard on this, you know!”
“I…” You start to protest, but it doesn’t get far. There was never any use arguing with Mahito or even reasoning with him on most things. Curses did not have the same reason as human beings. That much you knew by now.
So you sit obediently on the ground in front of the beat-up coffee table he dragged in here not so long ago--for this very purpose, maybe?--and try to calm the writhing ball in your stomach.
“Where did you get this idea, anyway?” You ask. Your voice shakes a little, from the cold or worry,  you don’t know. 
Mahito hums, setting down what must be the last bowl and surveying his work. “I read it in a magazine of Halloween party ideas! Some of them look pretty fun. Bobbing for apples…” He looks up at you with an almost hungry smile. “Your hands have to be tied behind your back for that one. Humans sure get kinky on Halloween, don’t they?” 
Your cheeks heat up horribly but you don’t answer. It’s smarter not to indulge Mahito in any questions related remotely to sex. 
The line of bowls on the table looks like something out of a sad potluck. You wonder why he picked this idea, or anything in a book about Halloween parties.
You recognized the idea at once. It was one of those old fashioned party games where the host put food in bowls and told everyone it was something gross, like brains or eyeballs. You remember playing this game only once in your life as a child, and everyone thought it was dumb and boring even then.
Well, it was probably the easiest to do with only two of you; you’re grateful, anyway, that he decided not to go for apple bobbing, if what drew him to it was the rope.
“One final touch!” He practically skips over to you and holds out a ragged strip of black fabric. A blindfold. 
Oh, no. Nope, nope and nope. 
“Um, can’t we just turn off the lights?” There were a few flickering bulbs built into the walls--for service workers, you think, back when this tunnel was actually serviced--and Mahito kept a few battery powered lanterns around that he threw out and replaced whenever the batteries died. 
A pout. A shift on his legs, a hand on his hips.
“It’s more fun this way. Ugh, don’t be so boring…”
Ah, boring. The most dangerous word in Mahito’s vocabulary. And you aren’t being sarcastic when you think that, which is why you sigh and blow cool air out your mouth and nod at him. 
He giggles, and scampers behind you with the blindfold in tow.
“This is going to be so fun,” he says, practically trilling as he ties the blindfold around your eyes. The darkness is quick and artificial and awful. “Have you played it before?”
You hum something like assent. “Just once, when I was little.” 
Mahito presses a kiss to the top of your head and you fight the urge to squirm.
“If you don’t remember the rules, it’s like this: I put your hands in each bowl, and you tell me what you think it is!” 
Your heart begins to speed up, no matter how much you try to tell yourself to remain calm. It was just a blindfold, no big deal. It was just a stupid Halloween party game, no big deal.
It was just Mahito… well, uh, wait a minute. It was Mahito. You were right to worry. 
But you’re trying very, very hard not to--and that was as close as you’d get to remaining calm tonight.
You hear the sound of the various tops being pulled off the bowls, accompanied by little grunts and noises as Mahito perhaps struggled with the lids. 
Someone takes your hands--you jump, and Mahito laughs--and guides them to the edge of the bowl.
Something squishy and a little stiff. Wet, but only vaguely. Round, like bouncy balls. But they feel more organic than that. 
“Grapes,” you say. “They’re grapes.”
Mahito makes a choking sound. Did he not think you knew the tricks of the game? Maybe the first people to play the game decades and decades ago were caught unawares, but the answers were common knowledge by now. Grapes for eyeballs, spaghetti for intestines; some people got creative and made fake brains and stuff, too. 
He pulls your hands out of the bowl and sets them on the next.
Your hands plunge in and find not quite what you expected, but close enough. Instead of strings of spaghetti noodles, Mahito has chosen sausages. You suppose that was more realistic when it came to feel and size, anyway. They weren’t cold exactly, but that was nothing new--there was no fridge around here. 
“Sausages.” When he doesn’t respond. “Like, a whole row of them.” 
Mahito huffs. 
He’s such a spoilsport, you think. Maybe you ought to start guessing around to appease him. Or would he catch on that you were lying and get more annoyed at you treating him like glass? Or would that make him feel good? It was so, so hard to tell what you were meant to do sometimes. 
But he does take your hands, now a little slimy with cooking water, and set them on the next bowl.
This one is… a little different from the rest, and you couldn’t quite place it. It was soft, smooth, but almost sponge-like in texture. Like a gummy or…
”Gelatin?” You’re not quite sure for this one, and it comes through in your tone. Still, your fingers squish the mystery item. “Like, an organ?” You remembered once cooking beef liver for your dad and it had the same gummy, gelatin-like feel before it was cooked. Unpleasant and odd to touch, for sure. You didn't know if it tasted good.
“Yes!” Mahito sighs out the word, and at least he’s no longer acting like a pouty child when you guess right. It makes the ball in your stomach shrink down, just a little. Even if you’re still waiting for something to happen. Maybe he’ll try to jump scare you at the end or something. 
The next bowl is liquid, and you almost jerk your fingers back out by instinct. It couldn’t be water, it wasn’t thin enough. There is even a slight smell to it, almost artificial--red dye. Mahito would dye the fake blood red just to make it more authentic, wouldn’t he? 
“A smoothie, maybe? Or whole milk, or cream…” 
If Mahito cares that you didn’t give a singular answer, he doesn’t let you know. He only lets out a pouty whine and you wonder which of your three guesses was right. 
“Last bowl,” he says, before placing your hands on the edge of the plastic container. 
What in the world?
When you put your hands inside, your fingers are immediately met with a multitude of small, firm… somethings. Your fingers fiddle with one of them, feeling over the grooves. Wood, maybe? Figurines? You’re reminded, suddenly, of when cereal used to come with toys in the box. But you very much doubt Mahito collected a few dozen old cereal figurines. 
“I’m not sure,” you admit. “Really big wood chips? Figurines?” 
There’s a few moments of unusually heavy silence, and then Mahito whines. Whines! 
“You’re awful at this game. You only guessed one of them right! I thought you’d be better at it, since you’re into this human holiday…” 
You scoff, though you’re not offended. Just confused. And tired. And wary. Nothing new there, when you think about it.
“What do you mean? The only one I wasn’t sure about was this last one… maybe the one before it, but it’s hard to tell the difference between milk and cream or whatever.”
You feel the presence of Mahito leaning over the table, feel his fingers fiddling with the back of your blindfold, and blink as the artificial blackness drops away to reveal Mahito sitting in front of you with a pouty look on his face. 
And then you look down at the mystery bowl, your hands still resting inside, and bile immediately rises into your throat when you realize two hideous truths:
One. The bowl is filled with transfigured humans. Small distorted shapes of horror. A whole bowl of them, piled high, like a candy dish on granda’s counter.
Two. Your hands are red. Not just red, but red with slick, thick gore. Blood. There was no mistaking the feel of it. The second-to-last bowl is filled halfway with blood. Real blood. Human blood.
Your neck turns slowly, like you’re a broken, mechanical doll that can’t quite complete the movement. The acidic bile in your throat reaches your mouth and you swallow, swallow, swallow. But all you can do is cough and hope the real vomit stays down. 
It shouldn’t surprise you, what you see. But somehow your stupid self thought he was playing a party game, a copycat out of one of his magazines. 
The bowls are not filled with peeled grapes and sausages and blobs of gelatin.
The bowls are filled with eyeballs of all different colors, most of them still trailing red optic nerves like tails; with strings of intestines, thick and slimy and pale; with livers in varying shades of brown and red. 
“Oh,” Mahito says, perking up, when he catches you looking at the bowl of livers. “I wanted to show you, look at this one!” He grabs one of the livers and holds it up for you to see. “He had some kind of disease, I think… see the funny lumps?”
You’re only aware that your body is shaking when your neck jerks and twinges in pain. 
“What the fuck,” you mutter. “What the fuck.” 
Mahito quirks his head. You hate that you know the confusion on his face is real. He really is curious about everything, all the time. Especially human thoughts and feelings and behaviors. A mad scientist if there ever was one; but at least a mad scientist had some sort of lofty, if fucked up, end goal. Mahito just was. 
“What’s the matter?” He scoots on his butt around the table, not stopping until he’s sitting next to you. You don’t fight--you can’t--when he takes your hands and holds them. He doesn’t mind the gore being smeared on his own fingers, you’re sure.
You feel like your eyebrows would fly off your head if they could.
“What’s the matter? What’s the--you… you used real human body parts--real people--for this game. That’s what’s the matter! Christ--”
Mahito’s eyebrows furrow.
“But that’s the game! You put all sorts of creepy things in bowls and people guess what it is.” He squeezes your hands. “Are you sure you aren’t just a sore loser because you stink at guessing?” 
How many people are in that bowl, anyway? The thought comes and goes; it would be like playing some fucked up game of “guess how many beans are in the jar!” Only there is no knick-knack prize if you guess right. Just a solid number to the bowl of horrors sitting only inches away from you.
How many were there, how old are they, do they have family, did it hurt, did they scream--
Your lips are dry when you lick them and speak, voice shell shocked and dull. “It’s a party game. You’re supposed to use things like, like--peeled grapes for eyeballs or spaghetti for intestines. It’s a dumb party game because it’s silly and no one is really freaked out by that if they’re older than 7 years old.” 
The game isn’t meant to end with you realizing that you’d been feeling up the organs of murdered people, is what you should say. But you’re not sure Mahito would recognize that for the rebuke that it is. 
“Ohh,” he says, and you can see it all clicking into place in his mind. After a few beats, he grins with pride. “Well, my version is an improvement.”
You must look incredulous again, because he continues. “See, my version is more fitting ” He nods to himself. “I’m much better at Halloween than humans.”
For once, you can’t disagree--not even in your own thoughts.
His version is really scarier than the original
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stagehunt · 19 days
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, don't reblog.
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NAME:        vos AGE:         23 PRONOUNS:         they/them YEARS OF WRITING:          that  definitely  depends  on  what  you  classify  as  writing  but  i  discovered  rp  as  a  concept  in  2010  which  was  probably  just  a  bit  after  i  got  into  writing  little  short  stories  and  things  as  a  kid.  i  was  writing  them  by  hand  in  a  little  notepad  that  somebody  in  my  family  handed  over  to  a  school  teacher,  extremely  mortifying  ordeal  to  me  at  the  time  lmfao       
WHY DID YOU PICK UP WRITING?           i’m  pretty  sure  i  first  started  by  writing  shitty  warrior  cats  fanfics  actually,   and  i  didn’t  know  that  fics  or  fandom  in  general  was  even  a  thing  at  the  time  so  u  could  say  i  was  destined  for  this  sort  of  brainrot   fgdjkh   little  nine  year  old  me  also  encountered  rp  for  the  first  time  by  searching  for  warrior  cats  flash  games   (i guess??  idk  what  i  actually  thought  i’d  find)   and  instead  wound  up  on  some  random  webpage  with  a  chatbox.  moved  on  from  there  to  writing  awful,  horrible   (but  very  fun)   naruto  oc’s  on  a  website  that  i  think  was  called  chatango  some  years  later,   dabbled  a  little  on  imvu,   and  started  writing  on  tumblr  around  2015  iirc
DO YOU HAVE ANY WRITING ROUTINES?          i  wouldn’t  say  so?  sometimes  i’ll  listen  to  like…  instrumental  interludes  from  certain  albums  or  smth  that  i  won’t  enjoy  too  much  because  i  find  music  very  distracting,   not  just  for  writing  but  in  general,   and  sitting  in  silence  is  a  weird  feeling  to  me  too.  when  it  comes  to  other  things  i  need  a  podcast  or  video  essay  or  something  similar  to  be  at  all  productive  but  it’s  hard  to  focus  on  writing  with  someone  yapping  in  your  ear.  i  used  to  save  writing  for  nights even  when  i  have  free  time  throughout  the  day,   because  i  tend  to  feel  bad  about  sitting  at  a  computer  screen  all  day,   but  with  my  activity  in  its  current  state  i  have  to  sit  down  and  get  it  out  the  moment  inspiration  and  energy  align  themselves  for  me.    
WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT WRITING?         sorry  to  steal  your  answer  but  i  def  have  to  agree  with  what  layla  said  re  the  community  aspect  of  rp  actually.  it’s  so  nice  to  be  able  to  just  click  with  someone  over  a  shared   (sometimes  niche)   interest  and  love  for  certain  medias/characters/dynamics/genres  etc.  the  feeling  of  finding  someone  who  shares  your  vision.  and  also  stemming  from  the  same  thing,   i’ve  always  felt  that  my  favorite  and  most  “solid”  muses  are  the  ones  that  i’ve  gotten  the  chance  to  develop  alongside  another  through  plotting.  love  shared  canon,  love  affiliated  oc’s,  love  group  verses.  allllll  that  good  stuff.  
THREE THINGS YOU LIKE ABOUT YOUR WRITING.         gonna  break  the  format  we’re  following  here  because  i  have  to  ramble  and  idk  how  to  break  all  this  into  three  titles,     so  obviously  being  succinct  isn’t  one  of  the  answers  here   kfdjghd
i  always  try  to  capture  a  different  flow  and  style   (???)   of  prose  depending  on  who  i’m  writing,   and  i’m  never  sure  if  that  really  comes  through  for  others  or  if  i  just  seem  inconsistent,   but  whenever  i  look  back  at  old  blogs  i  can  see  it  for  myself  and  that  at  least  keeps  me  content   :)   i  want  to  read  my  writing  back  and  feel  that  it  has  character  outside  of  just  the  spoken  dialogue.
i  like  to  spend  a  lot  of  time  with  a  piece  of  writing,   which  realistically  is  not  to  my  benefit  in  terms  of  activity,   but  i  do  just  really  enjoy  drafting  and  redrafting,   rearranging,   nitpicking  at  everything  until  it’s  as  close  to  being  what  i  want  to  be  as  i  can  get  it.  so  that’s  more  about  the  writing  process  than  the  writing  itself,   but  i  think  it’s  still  important  to  allow  myself  to  have  fun  with  it  fkjghd
pulling  a  blank  on  a  third  thing  bc  this  is  actually  a  really  difficult  question  but  i’ll  come  back  and  edit  it  later  if  something  pops  into  my  head  kfjgdh
A question for the next person
HAVE YOU MADE ANY STRONG  CONNECTIONS  /  FRIENDS DURING YOUR TIME WRITING?          for  sure.  one  of  my  dearest  friends  in  this  world  is  not  a  writer  but  someone  who  i  met  as  a  mutual  friend  of  my  first  rp  partner.  i’m  not  really  in  touch  with  that  person  who  introduced  us  anymore  but  i  simply  couldn’t  live  without  my  bestie  and  i  consider  writing  the  only  reason  we  really  met and she gets to kinda "beta" some of the things i do write   dfkgjhd   i’ve  also  traveled  to  the  states  a  couple  of  times  in  my  teens  to  meet  a  rp  buddy  who  i’ve  known  since  i  was  around   ,,   twelve  or  so  i  believe.  
wouldn’t  be  right  not  to  shout  out  @ohchosen  here  either  because  i  was  very  close  to  leaving  tumblr   (and  also  probably  rp)   for  good  when  we  became  friends,   and  writing/plotting  tmkz  together  has  been  one  of  the  best  experiences  i’ve  ever  had  on  this  website,   where  friends  and  mutuals  tend  to  come  and  go.  you  never  did.  you’re  probs  the  funniest  person  i’ve  ever  spoken  to,   craft  the  most  beautifully  written  responses  imaginable,   you  put  a  world  of  effort  into  developing  your  muses  and  you  let  me  derail  every  single  one  of  conversations  to  talk  about  music  instead   gfjhdg   sorry  i’m  so  mean  to  you.  ily  a  lot.
there’s  also  a  handful  of  mutuals  who  i  don’t  necessarily  talk  or  interact  with  very  much  anymore  but  have  been  around  for  years  at  this  point  and  i  have  fond  memories  with  too.  always  so  so  so  glad  to  see  you  pop  up  on  the  dash,  it  makes  me  smile  every  time  so  i’ll  use  this  as  an  opportunity  to  wave  at  you, you know who you are    <3
NEW QUESTION: where  do  you  draw  the  most  inspiration  from  when  writing?  music,   other  medias,   ur  fave  author,  a  dream  you  once  had  etc.
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tagged by @oneireth tysm <3 tagging val take my love letter as ur tag, also hi @heliador @loetise @tiderider @yeonban @pearlcure @deathsmaidens @sungracd !!!!!
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mk-writes-stuff · 29 days
OC Interview
Rules: answer the questions as an OC
Thanks for the tags @kaylinalexanderbooks and @whatwewrotepodcast! Spent a little while contemplating who to do this one for, and I think I’m going to go with Cassiopeia. Fair warning that Cassiopeia is absolutely the type to lie frequently in casual conversation, so don’t take anything she says as necessarily truthful
CW for ableism/infantilization
Are you named after anyone?
“I’m named after the constellation Cassiopeia. She was a queen. It’s a good name.”
When was the last time you cried?
“I don’t cry often. It was probably after talking to Stellaris the other day. It’s so sad seeing him, knowing he’ll never really amount to anything.”
Do you have kids?
“Does my brother count? He’s basically a child. No, other than that, I don’t. I’m planning to soon, though, once my fiancé and I get married. It’s important for both of us to have heirs.”
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
“Sarcasm is highly impolite. I avoid it where possible.”
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
“I tend to notice how they’re dressed and how they look at me. Both can tell you quite a lot about someone.”
What’s your eye colour?
“I have heterochromia. One of my eyes is blue, and the other is purple.”
Scary movies or happy endings?
“I like scary movies. Happy endings are unrealistic.”
Any special talents?
“I can make lights flicker and such. It’s not very strong, but it looks impressive.”
Where were you born?
“I was born here on Sixth Station.”
Do you have any pets?
“To be honest, I’m not quite certain what those are, so no, I don’t believe I do.”
What sort of sports do you play?
“I’m not an especially active person. Musculature isn’t a good look for a noblewoman.”
How tall are you?
“6’3. I’m very tall, I know. I tower over everyone.”
What was your favourite subject in school?
“I always loved my diplomacy lessons. I like talking to people.”
What is your dream job?
“I already have it! I can’t imagine anything better than running Sixth Station.”
This was fun! Again, don’t take it too much as fact, she’s told multiple lies in this, but I figured that was more in-character, more fun, and less spoilery than her telling the truth
@illarian-rambling @shabriri @somethingclevermahogony want to play? Blanks are below the cut
Are you named after anyone?
When was the last time you cried?
Do you have kids?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
What’s your eye colour?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Any special talents?
Where were you born?
Do you have any pets?
What sort of sports do you play?
How tall are you?
What was your favourite subject in school?
What is your dream job?
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What’s the first thing you notice about people? What’s your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
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lestappenforever · 7 months
Am I gaining popularity ahsbDJKSANJSL (Body language anon here, btw)
I will definitely have to create a sideblog to store my F1 ramblings because my head’s so full of them… And for the record, I’m NOT lurking (I am), I’m just on sick leave and don’t know what do to with this much time on my hands (well, no, I do, I’m just actively letting the colours red and blue rot my brain). It’s a triple header with LOADS of content, what was I even expecting, honestly.
Okay, so, for the record, as an ace person, the reason I got soooo hung-up on Lestappen was because of the shared enthusiasm and love for the sport. Sure, the drivers discuss the races all the time, but Lestappen DISCUSSes it, y’know? Shoving rivalries and crafted narrative and paddock politics aside, even. Because if you think about it, F1 is a big institution, an establishment. Racing is only a part of something way bigger. The drivers are no longer just drivers – they are public figures, brand ambassadors, influencers, the price of entering the big leagues. It comes with several layers and masks you’re forced to wear in order to get by because this institution mandates it. In my eyes it’s similar to workplace etiquette and rules and dress codes. But these guys, they grew up through the racing ranks, they live and breathe racing. Even if they are to put on layers upon layers upon layers to complete their role to stay afloat in the pinnacle of the racing world, that won’t erase one of the deepest layers that has the most connection to their “true” persona: the racing driver.
Drivers do tend to find this connection, but Max and Charles ESPECIALLY. Like, I’m presenting this with a clear dramatic flair, but at the end of the day we are all (fanfiction) writers, it’s part of our charm. So, I think Max and Charles can strip each other naked figuratively, they’ve found each other’s racing persona under all these layers. No, rather they’ve never lost contact with it, given their shared racing history.
As long as drivers have cameras trained on them, they’ll act – staying true to a role the sport has given them, shoes to fill, if you may. But every once in a while se can witness moments of them shedding these layers and be the racing drivers they grew up as – and these moments are always there with Lestappen. They are not teammates, they are not forced to act silly in front of the camera, and even when they were painted as big rivals they still refused to play part. Although I think they kinda did (and still do), it’s just that the term “rival” has such negatíve connotations our minds immediately associates it with big angry emotions and otbrusts and hate speech, when in fact, rivalry is a sort of partnership. But I digress.
Lestappen moments are few and far in between (not lately though), but they are so gold and their interactions tend to jump out to me because of what I’ve discussed above. They manage to strip down these layers and be honest and authentic when talking with each other. When they are talking, they aren’t Charles Leclerc il predestinato and Max Verstappen three time world champion, they are two racing nerds who share their passion. It’s fascinating to see how much connection they are able to make with the other’s inner child as well. Two kids, always racing, always thinking about getting into Formula 1. Re body language, I think this cumulates in their body language because as others have pointed out, they are very animated around each other – excited hand gestures, fidgeting, lots of moving around in general. This is them, without all the layers this institution handed them to wear. They are laser-focused when talking, following each other’s eyelines, only breaking eye-contact when there’s an outside force making them, wild hand gestures that compliment whatever they say, nodding (oh my god, there’s so much nodding!! – it isn’t just a sign of approval, it is also a sign that you’re listening, even if you don’t necessarily agree with what the other has to say), lots of syncronised movements, walking in tandem, etc. They are clearly engrossed and enamoured, whipping their heads to the side when someone chimes in (also a sign that you’re so deep in a convo that it catches you off guard when someone else speaks up, and it disrupts the flow of your conversation).
Of course, this might just be PR, the “friendly rivalry” narrative to take a jab at Lewis because it surfaced after the 2021 season, so the timing definitely adds up, but it’s still ongoing - in fact, getting stronger and stronger –, and why exactly? Max and Lewis seems to have made peace, this narrative is no longer relevant, AND Charles and Max aren’t championship rivals either. Another argument to back this up: many times they seem to act like this when the cameras aren’t directed at them – when someone else gives an interview, or before the drivers parade when they are just mingling and there isn’t clean focus on anyone.
BUT BUT BUT. This isn’t all. These are big, exaggerated, fast, “LOUD” movements that are the testament of their engrossment in their shared passion. What I find equally as fascinating (if not more) is the tiny movements – movements you only pick up if you pay close attention. I’m classifying these tiny moments as something separate from the big and “loud” ones because I think they aren’t the same, they stem from something else, not their passionate and insightful conversations they usually have (probably about racing or something they have in common):
These tiny movements (like the foot tremble I pointed out in an earlier ask) surface during their intense talks as well, but get overshadowed by the big “loud” movements. However, when racing talk isn’t on the plate they seeem to be the dominant movements. So, and now the assumptions and guessing game can truly begin because I cannot yet tell exactly what these tiny, almost nervous movements are exactly. These guys are there, laid bare in front of each other in the middle of a loud and spectacular circus, and these movements are so quiet and soft and fond and gentle and genuine in comparison to the institution of PR and politics around them. Am I exaggerating this narrative? Definitely so. But I firmly believe these analyses do come from more than just a delusional mind of a writer.
You absolutely are, body language anon, and deservedly so!
I was so excited when I started reading this ask and as expected, I was far from disappointed by the end of it. Your insight into their body language and behavior around each other is truly astounding, and you have no idea how much I enjoy reading it. Not to mention how much I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to share your thoughts with me.
Needless to say, your analysis makes so much sense and is giving such value to watching their interactions now.
I'm so sorry to hear you’re still not feeling well, my lovely body language anon. I hope you'll get better very soon. And please let me know if you do create a blog for your beautiful F1 thoughts because I would love to follow it and talk to you some more. ❤️
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entomolog-t · 2 months
Hey! I’ve been a fan of G/T content for quite a while, but I’ve mostly stuck to Deviantart&Wattpad. Pretty recently I decided to create a Tumblr account in an attempt to find more content, and I’ve been amazed by how interactive the community is here! However, I noticed something that I find pretty weird, and just wanted to get an opinion from someone who seems to be a pretty active member of the community, at least from what I’ve seen.
In all the posts I’ve seen, I’ve never seen VR mentioned even once. I might just not be looking in the right place, but I just found it weird. I’ve been an avid VRChat player for a while, and having spent a large amount of time there I noticed the potential it holds for genres like G/T. I was expecting to find at least a single mention of it somewhere here, but I never have. I see lots of posts from both sides of G/T that mention something like, “I really wish I could just hold/be held by someone, etc.” and, well, I’ve had experiences like that. I’ve fallen asleep and woken up in a friend’s hands before. I’ve had friends sitting/standing on my shoulder. They don’t even know this community exists, these interactions just happen naturally. 
I just want to share some of the experiences I’ve had, and when I went looking, nobody here seemed to know it was even possible. So yeah, that’s what finally motivated me to interact directly with the community. To at least let someone know that it is possible, and far more accessible than most seem to realize.
I’ll also make a standard post, but considering the fact that I’m a very new account I don’t expect many to see it. Thus why I messaged directly. I know this was a bit of a ramble, I'm still a little nervous about finally interacting with something I've only passively watched for quite a long time. So thanks for taking the time to read through, and I’d love to hear your opinion on why it isn’t mentioned, or anything else you wanna say! Take care out there!
OH! This is quite the interesting ask!! I may not be the best person to answer as I am far from techie.
First off, that sounds incredibly fun! I've only ever tried VR with an escape room - which oddly enough had a silly sizey experience; There was an issue with the calibration or something on one of the headsets and a friend who's just a little over 5ft had their in game avatar show up ballpark around 7ft tall.
I love that g/t seems to happen naturally with your interactions too! I'd love to hear more!
Now for the meat of the question- why isn't this mentioned? Again, keep in mind, I'm no techie or avid gamer so this is really biased towards myself. In no particular order,
Price point
Tech Difficulty
Missing sensations
My first guest would be age. I myself am in my mid/late twenties, and just never really grew up with that kind of tech, so theres just a lack of knowledge and not more than a passing interest in it. I think with age there also comes issues with free time, though I'll speak on that more with privacy. I think in general there tends to be a perception that VR chat rooms have a lot of minors (whether this is true or not, I have no clue, but as an adult that is a concern).
My second guess would be price point. Now, again, I am not a tech wiz, so I really don't know too well what would be a good headset (if any ol' cheap one would work, or if the oculus is the way to go), but I know the well known headsets are not at all cheap, and do also require a something to run them on (from my understanding thats just a good enough gaming pc? I have no clue.) Basically, there is a monetary component at play.
Thirdly would be tech difficulty. Some people are just bad at technology, and don't want to learn a new form of it.
Now privacy is what I would think is a big factor- and not online privacy. Roommates, siblings, spouses, family- if someone lives with another person they may not be comfortable being seen interacting on VRchat (especially with how paranoid some of us get with g/t), and then finding alone time is just an absolute pain with work, school, clubs, responsibilities etc.
Lastly, I think some people are hesitant about the missing sensations. Essentially, "who cares if all I can do is see it, I want to feel it." I think for some people it may have the opposite effect, and the degree of realism mixed with the very obviously "not real" cues could be more upsetting- being so close to having something you fantasize about but being reminded its not actually real.
Those are just my thoughts- and I hope others will add some of their own! This is quite the interesting topic and I'd love to hear more about it! As I mentioned earlier, I have very limited experience with VR, but from what little experience I did have it was a ton of fun! I feel like VRchat could be something a lot of people in the community could enjoy if they knew more/had access to it.
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trust-sancus · 6 months
This has been on my mind for a while, but I’ve finally come to the conclusion that it’s best I step back from the tmnt fandom.
I knew going into it and making videos on tiktok would lead to an unhealthy obsession with creating and engaging in fandom content, to the point that I’d completely neglect my original art and other matters in my life. But I did so anyway for the momentary satisfaction that fandom brings.
But in truth, it has been eating at me that I am unable to focus my time nor energy toward my original work, and now it dawns on me that nearly an entire year has passed & that is a lot of time that has been wasted. Yes, it was fun, and I’m glad my work was able to bring some enjoyment to others, and that I was able to enjoy others’ work as well…..but ultimately, it has kept me trapped in place in terms of where I want to be in life.
I need to get back to creating original artwork, so I can build my business and really start toward the life/future I want.
I’ll always have a love for tmnt; that much is clear. I mean, I’ve loved them for the better part of 28 years, so I know they’ll always be a special interest of mine. But I need to keep that love contained, for my own sake, and not spend my time interacting as much with the fandom as I have been.
Not that I don’t care for you guys (you’ve been awesome tbh). It’s just that I lack the ability to focus my energy toward two things at once, and in this case, my dreams, my career, and my future livelihood have to come first. Sorry if this is a disappointment to anyone.
I really did want to create a comic for my tmnt iteration. Maybe someday I will, once I am further along with building my business. But really, I know that’s likely wishful thinking & it would be better to put my time toward original comics rather than fan comics, if I am to do any at all.
I might still draw my turtles on occasion and post them here (no promises though). And I will probably check in to maybe look at fanart occasionally. I may also randomly update my current fanfics, if only because I sometimes use writing as an outlet. But aside from that, I will no longer be very active on here, so please do not expect any prompt replies should you message me or tag me in anything.
The tmnt fan iteration blog still has a bit more scheduled, but I probably won’t reblog anything else there once it catches up, as I won’t be on here enough to look for new iteration posts.
Kudos to anyone who has actually read all of this. Sorry I tend to ramble. Didn’t want to leave any unanswered questions. Sorry if this all seems pretty sudden (it’s been a long time coming for me).
Thanks for being cool, and I wish y’all the best.
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alister312 · 7 months
What are your thoughts on prince gregory and knight christophe? i imagine christophe would resent the monarchy, but, if it’s the only life he’s used to and the job puts food on the table, he would accept it begrudgingly and use it as a means of protecting townsfolk from danger. i think he would really hate gregory to begin with (it is my belief that canon christophe is very much a socialist, i think this is all but confirmed) until they’ve been working with one another for a while and gregory begins showing signs that he resents his own royal status but knows no other life. anyways, im rambling and my brain won’t fill in the rest for me but I think any scenario here would end with them running off together. what do you think?
dude YES, that is absolutely how i imagine a prince gregory/knight christophe scenario to go!! while there’s definitely good motivation in Christophe using knighthood to try and do some good and protecting townsfolk, i personally would lean more towards it being something his mother pushed him into. mostly due to the fact that he seems to have no respect for the military in the movie (and in fantasy/medieval settings, that’s the role knights tend to fulfill) BUT he is scared enough of his mom’s anger to do things he wouldn’t normally do.
after his knighthood is a done deal though i do think Christophe would use it to actually protect people as best he can, rather than listen to what orders are given to him. maybe even try to actively sabotage missions/battles he knows aren’t right. he’d be widely known as a really disobedient knight and extremely frustrating to work with, so of course the crown prince Gregory would hear about him. being a secret/aspiring activist himself, i think he’d be able to figure out what Christophe is up to and he’d ask for Christophe to be made his personal knight attendant. Christophe would NOT want to do that (fuck authority, especially the monarchy, being his whole thing) but if the prince is personally requesting it, he wouldn’t have much say in the matter.
Gregory would want to spend a lot of time secretly testing Christophe, see if he’s really a rebel who will fight for the right thing no matter what, or if he’s just a grump with no respect for authority. not sure exactly what these tests would be, but Gregory’s inheritance to the throne is on the line if he gets found out as a traitor and there’s probably a LOT of people looking to get rid of him so they can be king instead. so no way would he reveal himself until he’s sure he can trust Christophe. it’d definitely take an equal if not greater amount of time for Christophe to trust Gregory back, but once they do trust one another, NOTHING is breaking their bond. they both put their lives in the other’s hands with the information they have on each other.
i’m hesitant to agree for sure that they’d run away together– it’s certainly the most dramatic and romantic ending and drama and romance are core pillars in the foundation of gregstophe. if both or even just one of them was found out to be a traitor and rebel, they would definitely escape and run off together. probably form a bigger rebel force and try again years later. but i could also definitely see them staying quiet and strategic until Gregory takes the throne. that way it’s just the two of them the entire time… gregstophe vs the world…
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friend-of-a-cat · 6 months
Hello! I'm Sadie (she/her), and I'm an artist, game designer/developer, writer, bookworm and full-time geek. I was mostly going to be using this as an art blog, but art posts are going to be scarce at the moment because my physical health isn’t going so great and, therefore, I can’t really... do art. Tragically.
I have a bachelor's degree in game design and for some reason thought it'd be cool and fun to go back and do another one in creative writing (it is actually both cool and fun, usually).
Some of my current obsessions (which, let's be real, have been my obsessions for literal years) include Persona, Fire Emblem, the Bravely series, Etrian Odyssey, SK8 the Infinity, Professor Layton, ATLA, the Simon Snow series, and Cardfight!! Vanguard, and you'll probably find that I will be posting a lot about all of them. I will not shut up about my Etrian Odyssey guilds and will find any excuse to talk about them (you have been warned). I’m also very much into Frieren and Dungeon Meshi now, so I’ll most likely be gushing about them a lot, too. Especially Dungeon Meshi. Also I'm a huge D&D nerd.
I unintentionally tend to post a lot about asexuality, too. I didn’t initially come here to do so, but I feel like it’s important to. It’s been great finding other people on here who are also ace and know all the ups and downs that that entails. Tumblr has been comforting for me in that regard (except for the bots - all my homies hate the bots).
I'm currently working on a couple of visual novels that I'm sure won't see the light of day for a while, but they're there, and they're slowly coming to fruition.
You can find my games and such here, and all of my other links here. I'm mostly active here and on Instagram.
Navigation: my art | my writing | my Etrian Odyssey stuff | my ramblings
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septembersghost · 2 years
Hi! A few words I wanted to add about Hank and about Jesse as well. There’s a video of some extra moments from Jesse’s confession tape. I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but just in case, I’m leaving the link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfvQIx8V14Q&t=205s&ab_channel=MoviesBreaker You know what hit me from the get-go? It’s Jesse, obviously very traumatized and suffering from PTSD, begging ‘No, no, I don’t wanna talk about it. Can we just take a break?’ (because it’s hard for him, he’s actively reliving his trauma and, I think, retraumatizing himself too), and Hank just cuts him off with a dismissive ‘Later.’ and pushes him to continue. Again, I like Hank, but he’s clearly not so kind, especially to Jesse. I’m also thinking about Marie. She must have heard this confession, right? And I wonder if she too didn’t really care, whether too betrayed by Walt and too obsessed with catching him (and she was, judging from her scene with a therapist), or whether she just completely shared Hank’s opinion. Or maybe she did care, maybe she was able to see Jesse as someone more than just ‘a junkie’, someone with a heart and a conscience? Like, did it leave an impression on her? And when months later, when Jimmy tried to play victim and told her ‘Jesse Pinkman and the others, they are out there, and they are to blame, I am not’, did it change anything for her? Did she remember that moment when Jesse was crying in their living room, crumbled with guilt, and maybe that’s why she looked at Jimmy with so much contempt and didn’t believe him even for a second? (pt 1)
(pt 2) Also, as I was rewatching this confession now, I remembered the Waterworks episode, the way Jesse was with Kim right then. And it’s CRAZY how much he’s changed. Crazy and so painful too. Those are two completely different 5-minute long moments of basically Jesse talking and recalling his past experiences, and just in a span of a couple of years, he’s a completely different person. His patterns of speech changed, his behavior, his eyes, his expressions, and it hurts. He was such a cheerful bumbling kid back then, just rambling happily (rather incoherently) about everything in front of him or whatever came to his mind, adding ‘like’ and ‘yo’ and ‘you know’ a lot, smiling almost all the time, doing his little cute gestures with sparkling eyes, and here he’s just… He’s just so in pain. Gone is that silly bubbling boy. His speech here is much more cohesive and coherent, he’s choosing his words, but god it’s so filled with grief and regret. The raw pain in his voice, the way he’s crying, it’s just… He broke my heart in this scene. I just want to hug him so much…
i saw what you wrote on the other ask i got about this and really appreciated it (i'm SO behind on properly keeping up with everything lately that going through asks keeps making me miss replies i want to reblog/respond to!). it's viscerally upsetting how little value is placed on jesse as a human life by people around him. he is constantly exploited and used. hank - who overwhelmingly struggles with ptsd of his own! so you'd think he'd have some empathy for it - only sees jesse as a criminal and a tool. he only sees him, in S5, as a way to get to walt. no real kindness or respite or even safety is offered to him. "kind" is not an adjective i myself would've ever used for hank, and that scene in the interrogation room was meant to represent all of the lives lost, but it was a tad jarring for me. marie's perspective about her late and beloved husband is certainly understandable, but it isn't wholly true, and i'd be fine with that except the scene kind of played it straight? you can misuse a badge like you can misuse a law license.
we only know so much from context, but unfortunately i tend to think marie agrees with her husband's views on criminals deserving less than humane treatment (see the scene after he's assaulted jesse for insight into this - she suggests he lie and say jesse attacked first. "it's some lowlife degenerate versus you doing the job you're supposed to. why should you be the one who pays for doing the right thing?" and to his credit, hank openly says it was not the right thing. yet he still goes on to treat jesse's life as a poker chip.) i don't think marie ever has a sense of sympathy for jesse, i just think she holds jimmy (saul to her) and jesse on similar levels of contempt.
breaking bad and bcs do an interesting thing regarding their views on individual personhood and criminal behavior. i think about wendy - she is treated abominably by basically everyone. kim is an exception. she sees her as a person and offers her assistance, should she need it. (and this could lead into a discussion of whether self-punishing as she did ultimately caused more harm to the world than good, because she removed herself from being able to help anyone or affect any positive change by obliterating her purpose so thoroughly. i'm not blaming her, it's just such a terribly sad path for her.) badger, skinny pete, combo. nacho. mike. jimmy and kim. we spend a lot of time with these people who do illegal and even reprehensible things, and it asks us to attempt to understand where humanity can still lie in that. jesse is maybe the most defined and biggest example of it. he does unquestionably wrong things, but we see the depths of his heart and the horrors of his suffering and suspend moral judgment, because at some point it's just not going to help. jesse was a kid who needed concrete guidance and support, and instead he's mistreated and rejected and looked upon with derisive cruelty and broken again and again. does it matter that he isn't "innocent"? at what point do we decide to prioritize compassion and realize that someone has been punished enough?
these stories asks us to look at how people get lost in life - to mistakes, to trauma, to abuse, to bad choices, to hurts internal and external - and to sort of do a there but for the grace of god go i... examination. we all make choices and slip up and struggle - how far could we fall given difficult enough circumstances? how much sympathy can we extend to those who are so damaged? how much trust can we actually put in the systems around us? i've mentioned this, but it's why boiling a lot of these characters down to just ____, just their worst traits, is incomprehensible and even hurtful to me.
jesse will never be that boisterous young man again, yet it's the echo of him we're left with as our final moment. maybe to remember how much difference it would have made if something could've turned his course around. instead, he is always going to carry that grief, those scars. he is always going to be changed. we have a much fuller picture of him than someone like hank ever could, or gus, or even walt. mike may be the only one who sees his whole a bit more clearly. we don't love him despite his wrongdoings, we love him because we understand who he is at the core. and that, to me, really matters, to understand not only the story, but also as (hopefully) an exercise in empathizing with others.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Finnie, my lovely gal, if it’s not too much to ask could I get a uhhh… no.9 with a side of you’re-a-really-awesome-writer jalapeño poppers and an extra sweet master-of-simp-fics iced tea please?
So I’m a Latina from Texas, but I am whiter than a damn ghost until around summertime where I get a little bit of a tan. ☀️ I have ADHD, anxiety, and depression, and I am somehow on the spectrum but not really (you can thank my psychiatrist) 🙃 I’m into drawing stuff especially if it’s fantastical and/or creepy. I like reading, gaming, doing stuff online, playing on my phone and lots of other stuff I rarely have time for 😅 Creepy stuff is my jam, as well as the colors pink and black and some cute things here and there. I love almost all types of music but I’m a BIG fan of classic rock and I love early 2000’s punk, Pour Some Sugar On Me is my favorite song while Green Day is my favorite band! Horror movies fill me with joy, not even kidding. I love weird facts and information. True crime stuff slaps 👌🏼Comedy shows like Friends and Golden Girls also slap 👋🏼 I have an eyebrow piercing, 5 tattoos (4 small, 1 big that was for my Nanna) and I definitely want more 😂😅 I have dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, a scar on my back from spinal fusion surgery and I’m pretty proud of it tbh!
I’m sorry for rambling and I hope I didn’t add too much ❤️🥲
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: ah peach this is perfect, i already knew lots about you but this was great because i know exactly who i would give you lmao💚 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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ok so let's break this the fuck down!
first off, i think this particular crane is an absolute beast when it comes to mental health, so not only would he find it absolutely fascinating to be able to work with you, he could also prove to be very valuable in helping you to do some healing... or he might be mean about it, just depends on his mood i guess
i think this jon is probably a fan of classical music, but there's something about the dirty, nasty, loud vibes of punk that would get him going and the general horror/gore emotions that the songs/bands/music tend to evoke would be right up his street. he'd probably tell you how the different movements in "jesus of suburbia" really echo the movements often found in a lot of symphonies, and then request to bang you to it
artistic expression is something he would admire in a partner, or even a close friend. i don't imagine he's very artisitic himself, but he holds a deep appreciation for artwork, especially if it's on the spooky side, and especially if it's related to a beloved horror movie
which, speaking of, he'd the biggest horror movie fan ever? like canonically, the man is a buff, a dork, an obsessive loser over horror movies. having someone to get equally as geeked out over them with would bring him so much joy!!
hello true crime fan, it's probably not great for your anxiety, and he will nag you a little bit about that, but he wouldn't be above creating some reading materials for you if it's been a slow week, if you catch his drift...
he has a great sense of humour, if not slightly weird... but he strikes me as the kind of guy who has lines from shows memorised and who will use them at the worst times, making everything he says even creepier. so a binge refresh would be a perfect couple's activity! that way the next time he has someone held at knife point, teasing them to watch them sweat, he can make "could you be any more scared" the most terrifying reference to chandler bing ever. what an accomplishment!
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discluded · 8 months
Genuine question but, why is there this seemingly constant narrative with M and A fans where they always think the people their favs are working for/with, are intentionally trying to “sabotage” them and their career? Why tf would someone who hired you to present their brand, to promote it in the hopes to SELL more and profit, suddenly turn around and decide to intentionally degrade or humiliate either of those people? Do people not understand that high fashion is art? It’s not street clothes. It’s meant to be over exaggerated (and I won’t waste time going into my own feeling about how fashion has gone downhill, even artistically, since the 90’s) and Dior unfortunately is ugly but it’s meant to stand out. Dior has always been ugly imo but what’s to gain by “intentionally dressing mile in ugly clothes”? What’s that really going to do for anyone? This is business. Dior hired them because they’re popular and it would give their brand bigger exposure to more demographics. These companies sabotaging their models and ambassadors would only harm themselves and that’s counterproductive to their goals. This train of thought just doesn’t make any sense to me but I keep seeing people say this about either actor for various companies/brands and, it all seems like it’s a reaction to not getting what they, themselves, wanted for M and/or A. Okay, I’m rambling now but this has been bugging me for a while because I just can’t find any logic in it. Just curious on your own thoughts as I’ve noticed you tend to be pretty level headed with a lot of the delulu around these here parts.
uh.... because ... people like.... conspiracies...
no really I was so mad when I found out that Build sabotaging Apo / MileApo promo under BOC's organization was real because like when you give conspiracy theorists an inch, they'll take a mile (pun not intended).
I mean many people found the emo fashion trend ugly when it happened. I actively find many tiktok fashions hideous. I don't think personal taste has to do with sabotage, you're right that it really does have to do with people throwing a fit over not getting what they want.
personally expressing frustration and exasperation that your blorbos are getting dressed in very mediocre, overpriced clothes is just that: expressing personal opinion. and yeah, it sounds like we're on the same page about dior's clothes.
but jumping to accusations of sabotage is just courting conspiracy. People think they're "too smart" for stuff like qanon to happen to them when group think and courting conspiracy is an easy first step into it. (on that note, so is analyzing real people's behaviors like they're fictional characters leaving hints leading to a narrative ultimatum).
also when brand ambassadors look bad in a piece from the brand... sometimes they're just not good models, or a good fit for the style and the company hired them only for the exposure. People would rather blame the brand sometimes than find any fault in their faves.
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momo-t-daye · 1 year
HP worldbuilding ramble primarily regarding comets and Voldemort
I rambled about this to @whimsyckle and @rubusart and now I’m tossing this idea up here to see if anyone wants to play with this concept/run with this idea/bounce thoughts around!
So, after several unsuccessful (and rather chilly) camping trips to darker skies (…when I wasn’t getting rained on/hoping that my tent wouldn't leak again) over the last few weeks, I wound up going to an observatory the other weekend where they could still pick up the “green comet” in the big telescope— it was pretty blurry and dim even so but, hooray, a comet! (I’m hoping we’ll get another nice bright comet soon, sure Halley’s comet is scheduled for 2061, but that’s still quite a few years down the road!)
And thus I may have had comets on the brain for a little while now and that’s begun to spawn some world building thoughts.
(Caveat lector: I’m not an astronomer/astrophysicist/historian etc.  I like having stars in the night sky and trying to find comets, but I enjoy meteor showers far more than trying to find Messier objects, so I am, at best, a very casual stargazer.  There’s a lot of Wikipedia under these thoughts under here)
Okay. The stars can be charted and are very predictable, certain constellations are always in the sky at certain times and some are always visible.  The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black uses stars and constellations as names, thus they are associated with the fixed and predictable heavens which reflects on their house being established and very important in wizarding society, right?
Then there are those bright planets (Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.  The others aren't particularly visible without telescopes) that seem to have their own strange pathways unrelated to the more predictable stars (the Greek word root for planet means something like "wanderer") that made them more important for astrological prophecy/divination (for example: “Mars is bright tonight” etc.; I suppose, too, that centaurs don’t have much interest in Uranus).
Comets (long-haired stars), which appeared in the sky unpredictably and for a limited period of time and with a path entirely erratic/eccentric compared to the predictable stars, were, historically (…and not just historically given modern cults and people buying gas masks out of fear of cyanide gas from Halley's Comet...), seen as omens/ill portents/signs of displeased higher powers/harbingers of doom (particularly for those in power).
Maybe the Wizarding World, which has classes in Divination and Astronomy taught to schoolchildren and has an important family associated with the predictable stars and might not know about Uranus, Neptune, and/or Pluto+, is likely to take comets as omens (rather than a 'dirty snowball' going through the solar system on it’s own orbit etc.). (Also, we get talking mirrors in the Leaky Cauldron, two-way mirrors, foe mirrors, the Mirror of Erised, maybe wizards aren’t about to put mirrors in telescopes and instead stick to older refracting telescopes)
Now then, Tom Riddle kinda has a very high/inflated sense of his own importance (unlike Harry, who was rather freaked out by the whole "Chosen One" thing), right? From his: "I knew I was different, I knew I was special. Always, I knew there was something" thing and giving himself a noble title, he rather strikes me as someone who would see astronomical or meteorological phenomena as signs confirming his significance.
So, there's the Geminid meteor shower in December, which tends to put on a good show (although it peaks in the middle of December, not the end) and the Quadrantids (which peak in early January) can sometimes be fairly active (for a few hours), but I’ve got comets on the brain at the moment.
I haven't found any records of a naked-eye visible comet in December 1926, but there was (the great) Comet Skjellerup-Maristany in December 1927 that was bright enough to be potentially visible in daylight and unusually golden.  It was mostly visible in the Southern Hemisphere, but towards the end of December it (or at least the tail?) could apparently be seen in the Northern Hemisphere.
For an AU/headcanon of Tom Riddle thinking of himself as special for having a comet visible around the time of his birth, I wouldn't be above changing his birth year (or having him lie about it/get a little confused because he was born on New Years Eve and the next day it was 1927 and does he even know math?).
A Voldemort born under a comet (or one that thinks/claims to be born under a comet) might then consider comets as auspicious and decide to take certain actions when a comet appears.
There were several very bright comets in the late 50s, the 60s, and the 70s (between Tom Riddle leaving school and Voldemort's first rise to power/war); I could see this version of Voldemort timing the creation of Horcruxes 3, 4, and 5 to comets. Perhaps the cup and the locket (both stolen during the murder of Hepzibah Smith right?) were made in 1957 with Comet Arend-Roland and then, a few months later, Comet Mrkos.  Maybe the diadem became a Horcrux in 1962 while Comet Seki-Lines was in the sky.  Perhaps he sees the brilliant 1965 Comet Ikeya-Seki as a sign that he should return to Hogwarts (only to have his job application turned down by Dumbledore; it would change the time between Hokey the elf's memory and Dumbledore's memory to more like eight years rather than ten, but that's a pretty minor detail).
In the first book, when Dumbledore and Minerva meet at Privet Drive in 1981, Dumbledore says something about having had little to celebrate over the last eleven years. So, in this headcanon/AU whatever this ramble is, perhaps the 1970 appearance of Comet Bennet spurs Voldemort into action again after stewing over the disappointing job interview. Maybe he starts getting serious about mustering political power, starts building support, starts to put himself into the public eye as the Heir of Slytherin/born under a great comet/destined and prophesized to be important/mystical cult leader-y type stuff. Maybe he runs for Minister of Magic in 1974 with Comet Kohoutek (which was rather hyped up in the media at the time and then, although it was briefly quite bright, rather failed to live up to the hype and faded fast)- and only fails to win the position because of a great deal of work on the part of Dumbledore and his allies; which would subsequently lead Voldy to seeking alternate methods of obtaining power. Maybe he takes the appearance of Comet West in 1976 (the year of SWM) as an omen to escalate DE activities and violence (maybe he only starts branding his DEs at this point, he’s been thwarted in his attempts to work at Hogwarts and to obtain legitimate political power, he’s at a point where he needs to reassure himself that his supporters won’t have a chance to abandon/deny him), so the first war with Voldemort (and tensions between houses at Hogwarts) really ramp up right about the time Lily and Severus’ friendship is disintegrating just like the comet's nucleus. 
Well, the 1986 regular visit from Comet Halley passed Voldy by due to his whole "attempting to murder the prophecy baby only to get hoisted by his own petard and left to float around as a wraith for a decade" thing, but when he made his physical return in the 90s there were some quite spectacular comets: Hyakutake  and Hale-Bopp (...Heaven's Gate one) in particular.
In this AU/headcanon/whatever this ramble is, I'd move the Azkaban mass breakout in OotP from January 1996 to late March when Hyakutake was shining in the sky- with Voldy delaying on taking major non-Nagini action post-resurrection until the auspicious appearance of a bright comet (…as opposed to not taking major action because his machinations have to line up better with Harry’s school year…). Then, Hale-Bopp starts to become naked-eye visible in May 1996 (around the end of OotP), which could be the sign that prompts Voldemort to finally lure Harry to the Department of Mysteries with the false vision.
Hale-Bopp was naked-eye visible for 18 months, twice as long as the previous record for a comet being visible (which was in 1811 or so).  Hale-Bopp was almost as bright as Sirius (the brightest star in the night sky) in late March/early April 1997 (so, during HBP) and only faded from naked-eye visibility around until December 1997 (or about the point in DH when Harry and Hermione went to Godric's Hollow and then manage to escape from Nagini); perhaps the combination of the comet that had been visible for so long fading from view and Harry escaping yet again drove Voldemort to more reckless moves to convince himself of his own importance/significance etc. since he'd not only failed to find the Elder Wand but also failed to kill Harry during the comet's reign?
Alright, so I am also very partial to the headcanon of a Severus with a childhood fondness for science fiction and fascination with space— as far as I’ve been able to find, the BBC aired the first episode of Star Trek on July 12th, 1969 and the lunar module would’ve landed around 8PM (GMT) on July 20th (if Sev stayed up until nearly 4AM into Monday the 21st, he could’ve seen Neil Armstrong walk on the moon.  Do I like to imagine he did?  Oh yes.  Perhaps Tobias took him to the Railview Hotel where there was a watch party, perhaps it was one of Tobias’ good mood days and Sev sat on his shoulders to see over the crowd and hardly nodded off at all.  Perhaps Sev had a sleepover at the Evans house, if July 1969 was a time when his da didn’t like much of anything. ...also, Sev could've seen "Amok Time" before going to Hogwarts...). Maybe a Severus who knew a bit more about space and such would've found treating comets like they were signs and portents a little embarrassing, it could've made him just a little less loyal/awed by the Dark Lord; but it could also mean that Sev would've heard about Hale-Bopp before it was visible to the eye/would’ve known that Voldy was going to see a sign to take dramatic action and would’ve dealt with that dreadful anticipation for nearly the entirety of OotP (Hale-Bopp was first detected in July 1995 (end of GoF) with telescopes, when it was somewhere between Jupiter and Saturn distances from earth).
In this, because I’m a little mean to evil Dark Lords/like things to be a bit more silly and absurd, I’d also put Dumbledore’s birth date and year as November 17th, 1882 (since we weren’t given one in the books and I know more about astronomy (which, again, is very little) than astrology). Not only should the Great Comet of 1882 have been visible at that point in time, that was also the date of a geomagnetic storm that resulted in a spectacular and very unusual aurora being visible in London (I think northern lights were also visible as far south as San Diego, California due to that particular solar discharge). Also, the Leonid (Leo the lion, Gryffindor connection there maybe?) meteor storm of 1966, while not visible in the UK, happened on November 17th (with peak rates of something like 10-40 meteors per second!?!). I just think it’d be awfully funny if Voldy, with an obsession over being special because of a comet around his birthdate, was tremendously jealous about how many fantastic natural phenomena happened on Dumbledore’s birth day (especially if Dumbledore, despite his best efforts to be or seem all-knowing, was entirely oblivious to that in particular).
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ermbabyel · 1 month
Hi! I just saw your submission to my matchup trade and I'm more than willing to do it with you! Here’s my half for the trade (Mystic Messenger/Stardew Valley)!
• Name/Nickname: Kaitlyn / Kit
• Age: 20
• Sexuality: Lesbian (However I don’t mind being shipped with fictional men at all!!)
• Pronouns: She/Her
• Age Range: 20-30
• Likes: Gardening, Cats, Ocean Life, Video Games, Coffee, Disney Movies (Frozen, specifically), Fall Out Boy (favorite band) || Dislikes: Fireworks, Hospitals
• Hobbies: Journaling, Writing, Reading
• Love Languages: Gift Giving
• Ideal Type: Someone to joke around with, who listens to me, who hypes me up 24/7
• Personality: I’m very shy at first and it takes some time for me to get used to new people. I tend to be very outgoing when in my friend circle and never really go out of my way to meet new friends, they always just come to me somehow. I like to believe I give good advice and am a good listener, and I back my friends up 100% of the time. I love to laugh and make jokes, and pretend arguing over stupid stuff that doesn’t matter is one of my favorite activities. I could ramble on and on about my favorite activities and I can tend to be stubborn when it comes to my favorite things.
• Astrology Sign: Scorpio
• Aesthetic/Style: My style fluctuates based on my mood of the day. Some days I will be wearing band t-shirts (usually Fall Out Boy) and ripped jeans, paired with a cat beanie, and some (silver) jewelry. Other days I could wear nothing but pastels and pink, paired with lots of sanrio and hello kitty accessories.
• Anything else you can think of: Appearance wise I wear glasses, have green eyes, blonde hair thats a little past shoulder length, and I’m 5’2.
(I’ll have your matchups posted within the next day!!)
Hello~! I’m so excited to do their matchup trade with you. I hope you enjoy your matchups~
Your Mystic Messenger Matchup is…Saeyoung~
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I think this man would love you to bits~!
He would be SO flustered when he meets you, but tries to play it off by cracking jocks. But we know this man will eventually FOLD hard lol.
Seven is your #1 hype man, constant praises and compliments every single minute of every day lmaooo. This sweet boy just wants you to know how much he loves you!
Absolutely LOVES your Hello Kitty/cat accessories! He will ask you from time to time if he can wear some of your accessories and will give some fashion advice here and there.
Playful banter all day long…this man is not holding back! Sometimes Yoosung will watch you two banter and tease back and forth as a form of entertainment lol.
He’d also be the type of person to ask if he can try on your glasses lmao and have you try his on just for the fun of it.
We all know Seven likes to invent gifts and let me tell you this boy has a few ideas up his sleeve! He wants you to use his gifts as mementoes of his love for you.
I believe Saeyoung would love how much of a good listener you are. He has gone through SO much and appreciates being able to confine in you when he gets flashbacks from his past. You are his safe place~ 💜.
Your Matchup in Stardew Valley is…Abigail~
I was debating between Leah and Abigail, but ultimately chose Abigail! I just think you two would mesh really well~
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You caught Abigail’s eyes the first time you walked into The Stardrop Saloon. She’d be absolutely fascinated by your piercing and would ask you so many questions about them lol.
She’s also the one to try to hide her feelings and might get annoyed when Sam or Sebastian tease her about it. But she’ll build up the courage to ask you out on a date!
This girl does not mind your ramblings at all and actually finds this trait of yours quite charming! She’ll ask you what your writing or journaling and will watch you with a gentle gaze as you get lost in your ramblings~
She can be a bit of a spit fire, but I think that’s something you can handle pretty well. I mean you’re not afraid to fire back when Abigail gets a bit sassy…all in good fun though!
You’ll be the type of couple who share each other’s clothes lmao. I think you’d be the one to get her hooked onto listening to Fall out Boy…so expect someone your band shirts “mysteriously” disappear.
I think you’d be the mom of the friend group with Sam and Sebastian. Sam is a bit of a dumb-ass and would appreciate someone to watch out for him lol. And Sebastian also needs a listening ear when he feels troubled by what he’s been dealing with at home. Abigail just appreciates how kind-hearted you are with her friends as well as with her.
I think Abigail would love your more outgoing side. I can see her trying to get caught up in some of her adventures like going to the mines, for example. She’d also would love to lay in bed, snuggled up with you and listen to your writings at the end of the day.
I hope you enjoyed doing this trade as much as I have! I hope you have a good day/night~! 🥰
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too-many-rooks · 2 months
Writing procrastination game!
Thanks @lastlymatt for tagging me, I got rambly so I’ll put this under a ‘read more’
Tagging @pigandpepper @known-concepts @countessrivers
1.) what’s the name of one of your wips?
My doc names are usually very boring 95% of the time I finish a fic and think it’s ready to post and realise I need a title. How about ‘Yassen Bedroom Visit’?
2.) Describe a Wip in the format of __+__=__
SCORPIA heir Alex + totally normal kidnapping and drugging in the middle of the night get to safety orienteering exercises = childhood trauma
3.) What tags/warnings will one of your Wips need if you share it?
Forced child seperation?
4.) alternative title to a wip?
I don’t really have alternate titles! Titles tend to come pretty late in the process!
5.) which wip are you most likely to update/finish next?
Probably one of my s3 aus I’ve got brewing, there’s a longer thing I posted the first chapter of today but I also have some one shots, one where Yassen gets wounded fighting off Alex’s enemies and Alex basically has to hold him down to say he cares about him, and another where Yassen comes to chat to him in the middle of the night (while Alex is sleeping) and they catch up.
6.) what is one of your wip’s document title, not what it’s name is but what you have it saved as?
Again, extremely boring. Some examples - ‘Tom/House introduction’, ‘stables’, ‘the ball’, ‘heir apparent 1-9’, ‘hunting’ ‘hostage’ ‘orienteering.’
On reflection, these are very badly organised. But, hey Ho.
7.) post any sentence from your WIP?
Okay this took me forever to decide bc I want to share like, all of my sentences, but here’s a sentence from my SCORPIA heir Alex thing where Yassen just tries to take a day off, but is interrupted by Alex sneaking out of school/the country and mountain his school is on
‘Rubbing his eyes with his forefinger and thumb, he blocked out the little blonde headache sat before him, and sighed, already imagining the state of his email inbox when he got back to his laptop, which he’d sworn would stay folded in its case for the rest of the day.
“And how long ago was this? When should I start expecting panicked calls from your father?”‘
8.) a scrapped idea from your WIP?
Not necessarily a scrapped idea but evidently one I forgot about and rediscovered as I was flicking through google docs - originally a pre-season 3 idea (but could work post s3) where Yassen retires, and decides it’s time for Alex to retire too, even if he doesn’t want to. Very “congratulations you are being adopted! Do not resist.” Meme with Yassen that I’ve seen on here, the bit I’d written was him contemplating the least traumatising way to kidnap him, to make sure they’re a happy family unit post-kidnapping
9.) what’s a story you would love to write but have yet to start?
Alex sees dead people AU - Ian knows, when he dies his ghost becomes bound to Alex, and helps take care of him/watch over him in the field, Alex bumps into Yassen at Point Blanc and immediately recognises the ghost bound to him as his father, especially as he begs the assassin to stop pretending like he can’t hear him for once and let him see his son, to protect him.
10.) how many WIPs are you actively working on?
Four - regency fic, darker Alex s3 au, two other s3 aus I mentioned earlier. Suprised myself by how much of this longer ‘SCORPIA heir’ Alex thing that I’d put off for a while I’ve actually written. That’s one that I really want to finish before I start posting bc I’m bad at doing work without an immediate emotional reward/it’s a longer than anything I’ve written before and I don’t want to give up on it when it’s half published. I had been delaying it till after s3 but maybe time to get to work (will try and finish regency fic first)
11.) is there a scene your struggling to write now?
Oh I mean so many but the most immediate stumbling block is with the regency fic, chapter after this one they go to a ball and that’s almost basically written and so is a lot of the next two chapters but there’s things I need to thread into this chapter that just don’t want to be threaded - I need Alex to start being a bit more suspicious of Yassen, and remember that whole thing about his uncle being murdered now he’s a bit passed the initial princess diaries revelation moment.
I was thinking like Alex waiting up for him on Christmas Eve or something and falls asleep then is woken by Yassen sneaking back in and Alex noticed he’s got blood on his clothes or something and Yassen just shrugs him off and reacts more strictly/authoritatively than he has before. But the scene is a bit sludgy I my mind atm.
12.) Not a question but a second kudos!
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