#I think I might have said like ohh gotta get a new one sort of thing or maybe I didn’t even
room4creation · 9 months
No guys seriously I can’t believe I’ve figured this out I don’t even know how it came into my head so that means it was GOD.
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fandomscombine · 4 years
Baseless Jealousy
Oliver Wood Cousin!Reader x Jealous!Fred Weasley
BG: Fred and y/n’s relationship is currently 3 years long strong. After a summer apart, it seems to be a 3rd party had become closer to y/n. Is it something that Fred has to worry about or is it just baseless jealousy?
a/n: The pairing the won for this fic is Oliver Wood Cousin!Reader x Jealous! Fred Weasley, Thanks so much for voting!
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You and Fred started dating 3 years ago. Fred would like to believe that the relationship is strong, other people believes it so too. However ever since the start of 5th year, something started to get on his nerves, or should he say someone.
See, Fred had noticed you getting closer to his Quidditch captain, Oliver wood. He didn’t want to blame it on the summer you two spent apart but he could quite help himself. You had spent the entire apart, no letters whatsoever. At first, he tried to be understanding, it was after all a summer you and your family spent in Italy while attending your aunt’s wedding, you had told him that this was the first time in 8 years that the whole side of your mother’s family was present as they were all scattered into various parts of the world. He understood the importance of family so he had let it slide that you and he hadn’t communicated in the past 2 months- besides, it must be really exhausting to overwork the owls to post cross country.
Which was why he was so excited to finally see you in person at Platform 9 ¾ on the first of September, to his dismay, you had arrived with Oliver Wood. Back then he had pushed his jealousy aside and concluded as a coincidence that you had turned up together at the barrier. You and Oliver are just friends, he told himself, and that was completely fine.
Fred had sneaked a hug behind you and whispered into your ear. ‘Had a great summer?’
You had jumped at the touch but once you realised who is was from you relaxed. ‘Ohh Freddie!’ You turned and hit his chest. ‘Don’t scare me like that!’ Earning a laugh from him. ‘I did, I had such great times catching up with my cousins! You wouldn’t believe how much trouble we almost got into. But of course.’ Your fingers played with the back of his head. ‘I missed having my love around.’
‘Hey love I’m off to Quidditch practice now.’ Fred informed, kissing your cheek. ‘Will you be there?’ Ever since you and Fred got together 3 years ago, you would go cheer him on during Quidditch practices whenever you can.
This year however, more are at stake.
During the semi-finals, Quidditch matches are dotted with professional quidditch team mangers in hopes to scout for potential recruits to join their team upon graduation.
It is rumoured that the manager for Puddlemere United would be attending the next match, Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor. Puddlemere United being Oliver’s favourite and dream team, he had been pushing the team with more frequent trainings then ever, hoping to perform the best game they would ever play, to further increase his chances to chosen to be part of the team.
You looked up from the letter you were writing. ‘Yep, just gotta make a quick stop to the owlery. I’ll soon you soon okay?’
Arriving at the owlery, a large parcel instantly caught your eye. ‘Oh mum..’ Examining for any potential damage, which thankfully weren’t any.
The barn owl nearest it hooted. ‘Alright! Alright! I was looking if there were damages.’ The owl flapped its wings in annoyance. ‘Here,’ offering your owl some treats. ‘You’ll need to store up some energy on the way back.’ Another hoot sounded, this time from a grey owl, that you recognised belonged too your mother. ‘There’s some for you too.’ After the 2 owls finished their food, you attached your letter your owl’s leg. ‘This is for mother, a thank you note on behalf of Ollie. I’ll write another when we see his reaction to this-I can’t wait.’ You bid the 2 birds goodbye, watching until they disappear unto the horizon.
Now you turn to face your major problem. You had thought that your mother would have had it placed in a box, rather what you got was a large parcel that is clearly wrapped with parchment, with no subtlety in hiding what it truly is.
You had finally manged to sneak the parcel into the Gryffindor boys’ locker room, though it had taken a lot more effort than you thought.
You were just leaving when you had bumped into someone.
‘oopf! Sorr-‘
‘y/n love! What are you doing here?’  Fred wondered, looking over your shoulder, trying to figure out what you were up to. ‘You missed the whole practice.’
‘ohh it’s nothing really----Ayyeee! Not so fast!’ You grabbed Harry’s shoulder, preventing him in enter any further. In all honestly, you hadn’t hidden Oliver’s surprise well, there aren’t a lot of hiding places in the changing room. Determined to not ruin the surprise, you need, you must get Oliver to see it first. ‘Had any of you seen Oli-‘
Right then you heard his unmistakably Scottish accent. ‘I’m just saying George, with this new and improve game plan, we are for sure going win the House Cup!’
‘Oliver!’ You shouted, pushing your boyfriend and Harry aside to reach him. ‘Come quick, I’ve got something to show you!’ With all your strength you hauled him to move faster.
‘What is it now y/n? Can’t you see I’m……..’ Oliver had come to a stop. Based on his sudden lack of complaining, you knew he spotted it.
‘It’s a gift from mum and dad. We thought it would future help your chances to be in the professional league.’ You noted. ‘I wasn’t sure which one of these was your locker, so I decided to just hide it behind the benches.’
Oliver hurriedly torn away the wrappings. ‘Oh my…. y/n! A FIREBOLT!’ He turned towards his teammates with eyes watery. ‘A FIREBOLT, A 1993 EBONY WOOD WITH BIRCH TWIGS FIREBOLT!’ He declared with glee.
Too caught up in your cousin’s precious reaction to your gift, you however had failed to noticed Fred displeasure.
‘I think I’m gonna be sick. So much for a girlfriend.’ He grumbled to George. ‘Excuse me.’ Shoving his broom to Harry, Fred walked out of the locker room.
The next thing you knew, you were spinning through the air. Oliver had lifted you in celebration, ‘Thank you y/n thank you so much!’ He mumbled into your hair. ‘Pass on my gratitude to Aunty and Uncle.’  
‘Wait? Did you just say Aunty and Uncle?’ voiced a very confused Harry.
‘Yea.’ Confirmed Oliver. ‘Y/n is my cousin.’
George’s bafflement turned into a startle. ‘You’re joking right?’
‘No, why would be joking George?’ You frowned. ‘Didn’t you know?’
‘Nope’ He replied, popping the “p”. ‘Now it clears everything up. Freddie is going to be--.’
‘Speaking of, where is Freddie?’ You scanned around, wondering where he might have gone to. Which was when you spotted Harry holding up not one but two brooms. ‘Harry…’
‘y/n listen…..Freddie is uhh ’ George was trying to come up how to break it to you gently.
When Harry blurted out. ‘He left.’
‘He whot?’ demanded Oliver.
‘He left, said something about being sick of his girlfriend.’ Commented Harry frankly. ‘owhh!’
Even though it would have been too late to stop Harry from spitting out more wrongfully worded sentences- the damaged has been done- It still made George happy to put some sense into him. Praying that a smack on the head would have made Harry shut up, George took control of the situation, hoping it could still salvage the weakening remain of his twin’s and y/n relationship.
‘Listen y/n. Regarding my idiot brother, you got to know that he, like everyone else in the room, had thought that you and Oliver were flirting with each other.’
‘eww!’ You couldn’t control your reflex.
‘yeah, his emotions got to the best of him when he witnessed everything that got down here and stormed out because of jealousy.’
‘Oh gosh.’ You head towards the door, you could see a red figure walking towards the castle, kicking at fallen leaves every now and then. ‘I’ve got to get to him.’
You felt someone grab your arm ‘No let me handle this y/n.’ voiced Oliver. ‘I’m part of this… complication after all, besides I bet Fred’s fuming right now and as your older cousin, I am willing to take the heat and make him see reason until he has finally calmed down to talk to you with a clear head.’ He explained reassuringly.
‘No buts.’ Oliver kissed your forehead. ‘Stay here and send for him back so all this misunderstanding could be sorted out. Now…’ he addressed Harry to get his new firebolt. ‘I’ve got a relationship to fix.’ Oliver hopped on the broom and sped away.
‘Fred! Fred!’ Screamed Oliver.
Fred choose to ignore him, picking up his pace.
Leaving Oliver with no choice but to cut him off.
‘WEASLEY!’ Oliver jumped off his broom.
‘Get Out of My Way Wood!’ Fred raised his hand to shove the other boy away but met with resistance. ‘I SAID GET OUT!’ Fred tried to free his fist from Oliver’s grasp, but the older boy was much stronger.
‘Not until you calm down and listen to what I have to say.’
‘Fine.’ Oliver let go of him, he raised his arms high in surrender. ‘y/n sent you, didn’t she?’
‘No. I came here on my own will. I told her to stay behind to protect her.’ Oliver confessed.
‘To protect her?’ scoffed Fred. ‘From what? From me?’
‘Yes, as a matter of fact.’
‘Oh of course, it’s HER who needs protecting and not me. Not me, after I see you both shamelessly act so close to one another, closer, might I tell you then her own boyfriend! If was as if I wasn’t there’
Fred brushed his hand away, ignoring Oliver’s interruption. ‘When did you two get so close anyway? You know at first, I tried to pass it off as friendship but as time when on, I could help but think-‘
‘Y/N IS MY COUSIN!’ blurted Oliver, unable to hear another person thinking that they were other than family. ‘THERE’S NOTHING GOING ON BETWEEN US!’
‘Apparently for some reason most of you lot don’t know. George and Harry were just as surprised too. But yes, y/n is my cousin, on my father’s side. My father and her mother are brothers and sisters. I thought with all these years we’ve known each other that you’d know we’re related. Guess I was wrong.’
‘I….I didn’t know.. I’m sorry.’
‘Apology accepted but we both know there is someone more deserving of hearing that apology.’ Oliver nodded towards the locker room. ‘She’s there waiting.’
‘Thank you, Oliver.’ He held out his hand. ‘Friends?’
‘Friends’ Oliver shook his hand, the stared straight into his eyes. ‘BUT…’
‘But if you hurt her again Weasley, you have me to answer for, that is of course after she’s done her share.’ Without another word, Oliver flew off, testing out his new gift.
Fred ran full speed ahead, praying that he didn’t completely ruin a wondering 3-year relationship with the girl of his dreams. Before entering the room, he conjured up a bouquet of your favourite flowers, hoping that could help out his image.
Testing the waters, he called. ‘y/n? are you in here love?’
‘In here’ you sighed. He hated hearing you so sad. He hated it more that it was him causing you to feel that way.
Cautiously he made his way to you with arms outstretched. You accepted the flowers, to that he let himself relax a bit, bringing them up to you nose, you noted. ‘They smell nice, thank you.’
Fred was grateful that you hadn’t scolded him off on his baseless jealousy, still he knew he had to apologize and win his girl back. Kneeling in front where you sat, Fred took your hands and poured out his heart.
‘Y/n, I am sorry. I made a huge mistake, I… I got jealous of how you had gotten close to Oliver this year.’ He confessed.’ Ever since the start of this year, I thought that Oliver was stealing you away from me. I thought that perhaps you two had something going on behind my back.’
Chuckling to himself he continued. ‘I didn’t even realise that you were cousins until he told me just now. I feel so stupid. 3 years together, 5 years of knowing you. It was so obvious.’ Fred closed his eyes.
‘Still, with my worries, I should have asked, asked what you and Oliver were.’ He stressed. ‘I should have come and talked to you, to sort this out like what a, healthy, trusting and understanding relationship would. But instead I keep all my doubts and insecurities brew, I went deep into my own conclusions that were without evidence, I let my jealousy get the best of me.’
Fred brought your knuckles to his lips. ‘y/n love, I’m sorry. I love you and if you want a space, I understand. But there is no a day in this world where I would not rather be back in your loving arms. I hope that you could forgive me.’
‘Freddie, I forgive you.’ You cup his tear stained cheek. ‘It was just a stupid misunderstanding.’
Gesturing for him to sit beside you ‘I thought it was common knowledge that Oliver and I are cousins. Apparently not. Yes, we weren’t that close before.’ You admitted.  ‘But we really did get to know each other in the summer. 5 weeks either being sounded by adult relatives or small children, we hung out often, being the only 2 cousins similar in age.’
You return back into a more serious tone. ‘Of course, I did wish you had voiced it out, we could have avoided this conflict altogether. So, promise me this. Whatever problems may arise, before we delved into our own assumptions, we would always talk it out. Alright?’
‘I promise.’
Taglist [All/General]: @gruffle1​
Tagging also all those who voted for the~Oliver Wood Cousin!Reader x Jealous!Fred Weasley~ Thank you! @jenniweaslee​ @ najiler @ im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11 @ gweaslvy and the lovely anons!
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twilightmalachite · 3 years
Fruitful OCTOBER - Chapter 2
Author: Nishioka Maiko, Happy Elements K.K
Characters: Kaoru, Nagisa
Translator: Mika Enstars
Proofers: moricchiichan & meteorgreen
“Ahaha, this keeps getting cuter! What, does this mean Yuuta-kun has a love life? He's so shy, if he's having any problems he should just come to me~! ♪”
Season: Autumn
Location: Starmony Hall Dorm Room (Kaoru, Yuuta, Nagisa's Room)
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Nagisa: ...Oh. Welcome back, Kaoru-kun.
Kaoru: Hi there, Ran-kun~! You have the day off today?
Nagisa: ...Mhm, that’s right. Though, you just missed Yuuta-kun.
Kaoru: Ah, I ran into him back there, actually. Speaking of, did something happen? He flew out so quickly.
Nagisa: ...I'm not sure.
...Oh. I believe he was just reading a magazine, exclaimed “Alright! Let's try it out!,” and then ran off.
Kaoru: A magazine? Oh, that one spread out on the bed over there? Hmm. It was left open, so it’s alright to look at, I guess? I wonder what he was reading about~.
Doesn’t seem like anything out of the ordinary, though... Hm? A page on grape picking?
Ohh? Isn't that elegant~? Autumn grape hunting sounds pretty cute, actually! ♪
Huh? But why would a page about grape picking have him in such a hurry? I'm not sure if it has much to do with it...
Nagisa: ...Indeed. I fail to see the relevance of it.
...Hm? Look, Kaoru-kun. Here.
Kaoru: Eh? Umm...? “Bring your love to fruition! ‘Fall’ in love with grape harvesting at our vineyard!”... What's this? What's all this bout?.
“Can these grapes really capture the heart of your special someone?!”...“Countless success stories from our patrons!”...?
Hmm... It says here that if you gift juice made from grapes harvested from this vineyard to the person you love, your love will apparently blossom.
Ahaha, this keeps getting cuter! What, does this mean Yuuta-kun has a love life? He's so shy, if he's having any problems he should just come to me~! ♪
Nagisa: ...? I've never heard of something like this.
...Grapes are nutritious and contain many different types of polyphenols, proving effective in helping recover from fatigue and preventing the thickening and hardening of arteries.
...However, I do not think they can cause infatuation.
...Or were new benefits discovered that I just do not yet know about?
Kaoru: Ahaha, you're so earnest, Ran-kun. It's okay. It's more fun if you suspend your disbelief and use your imagination, right?
Nagisa: ...Imagination?
Kaoru: Mhm. Though, it's just a rumor in the end. This small vineyard is just selling it as a little bonus alongside their grapes.
But still, does it really mean it's not real? Like, someone wavering on confessing their love might actually hit it off because of these grapes.
In that sense, it'd be more romantic to believe that there are grapes that make your love blossom, don't you think?
Nagisa: ...Hmm. So that's how it is.
Kaoru: And it's not like I don't enjoy these sorts of things, either~! It's a great thing to talk to girls about!
And look at this! Looks like they brew wine at this vineyard as well.
Wouldn't it be romantic to make wine there, let it age, and wait until the person you like grows old enough to drink to give it to them?
Nagisa: ...Maybe so. I'm not well acquainted with these sorts of things...
...But I can understand it, even if I can't sympathize.
...Love—Oh, could that be why Yuuta-kun went to Anzu-san?
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Kaoru: Cough!? Cough…! Hack…
Nagisa: ...Are you okay, Kaoru-kun?
Kaoru: I-I’m alright—Cough. Just choked on my own, uh, surprise...
Umm? Did you just say “Anzu-san”? Did I mishear you?
Nagisa: ...No, you didn’t. I’m certain I just said “Anzu-san”.
Kaoru: Ho—Hold on, wait. What do you mean by that? Why is Anzu-chan being brought up?
Nagisa: ...Earlier, Yuuta-kun had said, “I've gotta check it out with Anzu-san!,” and rushed out.
Kaoru: Huh!? Tell me more, right now!
Nagisa: ...There is nothing to specify... That's all he said. He said that as he rushed out, so I believe he went to her.
Kaoru: Why would Yuuta-kun go to Anzu-chan?!
Nagisa: ...Well, I'm not Yuuta-kun, so I cannot be sure, but...
...Judging from his behavior and the hints we've gathered thus far, perhaps... Yuuta-kun plans to give Anzu-san the grape juice to make their love blossom. Fufu, romantic, isn't it?
Kaoru: No it's not!?
Nagisa: ...Hm. That's not what you said earlier.
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Dear Wormwood
There before the threshold I saw a brighter world beyond myself And in my hour of weakness You were there to see my courage fail For the years have been long And you have taught me well to sit and wait Planning without acting Steadily becoming what I hate
Pairing: Dengar x (Gender Neutral) Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Injury Recovery, Amnesia, Fluff
Summary: After Dengar’s near-fatal accident, he’s not been the same man you remember. Read below the cut!
How it had happened was a mystery to you. To both of you, considering that he had forgotten anything about the event at all. In fact, he had forgotten a lot. He had forgotten the dangerous job he’d taken on, how reckless his experimental tactics had been, where he’d left his holopad, and most notably-- you.
You terrified him when he woke up. He had jolted awake, instinctively making an attempt to snatch one of his blasters from his hip. Only to realize he could not move. Dengar had sunk his teeth into a slab of meat far too big and tough to take a bite of. You’d tried to warn him, said the job didn’t sound safe, that he should reconsider. He had merely answered your worries with a pat to the head and a “bah, been on harder jobs!” 
That had been months ago.
Between then and now, he had gradually regained his strength and his mobility. However, the scars were stubborn, many of his limbs had required cybernetic replacement or assistance. Dengar had accepted the fact that you were here to help him, he was friendly toward you again. But he did not remember you. For what medicine could remedy a wound so invisible, intangible? Every day seemed to get more difficult to concede with the fact that he might never remember, but you had to keep trying. For him. Presently, the source of this complicated mess of emotions sat idly stirring a spoon in a mug of caf he’d made for himself. He was quite proud of it, he’d been unable to do even the most menial of tasks for far longer than he was comfortable with. He had been so dejected for so long, it melted you to see him smiling crookedly down at the dark liquid. Feeling your gaze on him, Dengar flicked his ocean gaze to you and snorted.
You mirrored that snarky smile of his, rolling your eyes. Although he didn’t quite remember why you were here, and why you cared so much about his healing, he did seem to understand that you didn’t mind his stupid puns and smoldering humor. He liked to flirt with you, but couldn’t see just how bittersweet and melancholy it made you. He saw you, he enjoyed your company. But that creeping, incessant, obnoxious nagging swelled in the depths of your mind with the meagerest smile. You could never share those wordless, sidelong glances the two of you shared when the sun had sunk low in the sky, painting the world a technicolor dreamscape, full of tender emotion. He could never understand the jokes you’d coined together, the words that could send both of you into hysterics based on a moment so brief, you were surprised sometimes that you could even recall it. You weren’t even sure if you could rekindle the fire that had once been there. He was a shell of the man he had been. He didn’t joke or laugh as much as he used to. He didn’t hum under his breath when he thought he was alone. He no longer drummed his fingers along the windowsill, rambling to you about all the things he wanted to do when he got the money. You might never hear another one of his poems, scribbled down on a discarded piece of flimsi. To see him so sullen and lost; it tore you apart.
“How’s the caf?”
“Ehh, nothin’ special,” as he muttered his reply, a hand reached up to subconsciously tug at the bandages wrapped around his skull. He’d been doing that a lot lately. He missed his hair. You’d assured him it would grow back in due time, but he wasn’t convinced. As he brought his hand back down, his muscles spasmed briefly, causing the machinery in his new hand to knock the cup of caf out of his other hand.
Both of you scrambled to catch it, he ended up grabbing the mug by the handle, his fist balled aggressively around it. Looking from the mug to you, his eyes were wide as his expression of shock shifted to a relieved sort of laugh. He chuckled and shook his head, moving to set the mug on the table. But his metal grip must have been too tight because the cup’s handle shattered in his grip. You gasped in shock, his smile faltered. The glass, broken off of its handle, clattered to the floor, the hot liquid splattering onto the tile. He didn’t even say anything, just hung his head in his hands, his elbows rested on the table. Cursing under his breath, his shoulders slumped and shook, a noise emitting from his chest. For a moment, you thought he was crying. Concerned, you approached him, stepping cautiously over the broken pieces and the spilled beverage. But you soon realized he was laughing. Somehow, that only increased your worry. Gently, you placed a hand on his back, rubbing it in slow circles. You tried a small smile, hoping to keep his hopes up.
“Ah, didn’t much like that mug anyway.” “You’re wasting your time with me, y’know?”
Taken aback, your rubbing abruptly stopped as you stared down at him. He did not meet your gaze. Furrowing your brows, you scoffed at that comment.
“Why? Because you dropped a cup? I’m a lot clumsier than-” “Pretty person like you could be anywhere you want and instead, you’re choosin’ to sit here with a trainwreck. I think it’s time you think about leavin’.”
An emotion you couldn’t quite place stirred in your belly as you glared at him. You knew he was just upset, that he didn’t know what he was saying. To him, you were just some good-hearted friend that pitied his horrible condition. But he was regaining his strength. Maybe he wanted to be alone. But you- you didn’t want that to be the end of it. You sat in the chair across from the one he occupied. Crossing your arms over your chest, you firmly shook your head, refusing his implications.
“Nope, not leaving you.”
There was anger, unbridled rage in those sky blue eyes of his as he lifted his head to meet your glowering. But behind that, there were tears. Almost immediately, your persona crumbled. Reaching out to him, he recoiled with a grimace.
“You never do listen, do you? I don’t need your help- never did, love.”
Standing, he seemed to be making his way toward the door. It wasn’t the first time he’d stormed out like this, but he’d never said anything like that to you before. He’d never shown you any hostility- not like this. You were dumbstruck, had to take a moment to process what had just happened. As soon as you came back to your senses, you chased after him. Of course, you caught up to him easily. He was still getting used to all those new limbs of his after all. Placing yourself between Dengar and the door, you huffed indignantly, he flashed you a look, growling in aggravation. What in hells was going on with him? Where was he even trying to go?
“Stop! Where- what are you trying to do?”
“If you’re not gonna leave, I will,” Dengar assured, snatching a blaster from one of the nearby shelves. “And you are gonna stay out of my way, got that?”
“Absolutely not. You need to stay here, with me.”
“Why’s that? Y’think I’m weak, dontcha? Sorry to break it to you, darling. But I ain’t weak.”
“I didn’t say that!” You were clearly exasperated, throwing your hands up in the air.
“Then what is it, huh? There’s gotta be some reason. Y’just feel bad for me? Ohh poor old Dengar, so sad and lonely, poor Dengar. Some kicked puppy you make me out to be.” There was venom in his tone, his lilting tone mocked your voice as he batted his lashes and clasped his hands together. His brow knitted together, regarding you with a pained kind of distaste.
“No it’s- I can’t- Dengar, you know I care about you!” “Do you?” he was feigning false understanding.
Before you could even try to say anything else, he was already pushing past you with an acquired strength you didn’t even know he’d had in him. He shoved you out of his way, but you grabbed his arm. Snapping his head to look at your hand, then at you, he wrenched it off. But you just grabbed him with your other hand. Taking him by both his shoulders, it just slipped.
“I love you, Dengar!”
Both of you were equally as shocked. Jaw slack, he stared, skeptical. Not knowing what to do, you pulled him closer to you and closed the distance between you both. When your lips met his, he wasn’t fighting it. Your mouth remembered the feel of his, you’d longed for it. You could have burst into tears right then, savoring this stupid moment of impulse. Dengar was stiff for what felt like forever. But then, you felt his hands rest on your hips. He slowly gave in, eventually returning your kiss. You gently pressed him against the wall behind him, tilting your head to deepen the embrace. His arms wrapped around you now, the kiss becoming much more heated and passionate. All those pent-up emotions- on both sides- poured out, spilling into each other with every movement. The world disappeared. Everything, all the fear, and the panic, and the heartache; it went away for just this short sliver of time. And for the first time in a long time, you thought maybe there was hope. Maybe he would remember you. Remember all the things you promised you would do together. Remember how extravagant he wanted your wedding to be, how absolutely sloshed he was planning on getting. How he’d have to ask one of the boys to be his best man. Remember the family he’d stayed up all night many cycles ago to tell you he wanted to start with you. All the plants he planned on filling the apartment with.
Feeling him pull away, you did the same. You were pulled back to the present, and realized now that he likely wouldn’t react in the happiest manner. But as you gazed into his eyes, his expression was tender, the tears had returned, pricking at the corner of those gorgeous eyes of his eyes. He reached out to cup your cheek in one of his palms, his voice choked as he murmured to you.
“I know who you are, now…”
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fleetingpieces · 4 years
My One in a Million Chapter 2
Thank you @inloveoknutzy​ for proofreading and support <3 and @lumosinlove​ for your amazing OCs!!
You can read Chapter 1 here
Chapter 2 - Bad habits
“So how’s that new apartment of yours?” Alice asked over the phone. “I can’t believe you didn’t call me sooner, are you already too much of a star for your commoner friends?”
Remus laughed goodheartedly as he sat down on his bed. He’d missed Alice’s voice.
“C’mon, I’m by no means a star. And I would never forget about my best friend, you know that.”
“Ohh good, I finally dethroned Leo?”
“Ok, let me rephrase that. I would never forget about my midget best friend,” Remus corrected and laughed again when Alice cursed at him. “I’m sorry Al, it’s just been a very busy couple of weeks.”
Remus glanced around his room. It looked much more homier now that everything had been unpacked and he’d gotten himself a few paintings and decorations. Everything looked exactly as he’d imagined, and Remus felt a sense of contentment at the image.
He closed his eyes, letting the sun warm up his skin and enjoying the light breeze drifting in through the open balcony door. But when he breathed in, a strong smell of nicotine wafted to his nose.
“Fuck, not again,” Remus groaned, raking a hand over his face with an exasperated sigh.
“What? What’s wrong?” Alice asked.
“My asshole of a neighbour. I swear to god Alice, it’s like he does it on purpose.”
Throwing himself down on the bed, Remus pinched the bridge of his nose. He tried to remind himself that the guy wasn’t technically doing anything wrong at the moment, but this little thing together with everything else was cutting Remus’ patience short.
“Uh oh, are you having trouble already?” 
Remus snorted.
“You could say that.” He focused on breathing in and out before launching on a rant. “I have this beautiful balcony with a view, but I can never leave the door open cause he’s always smoking outside and somehow the smell always gets into my room which is fucking annoying.”
“Well...I guess it could be worse?” Alice said uncertainly after a moment.
“That’s not all. He sometimes leaves the garbage right outside his door for hours. I don’t know what the hell he does at midnight, but I can hear his music at the weirdest hours, and then out of nowhere there are loud screams coming through the walls.”
Alice snorted and Remus rolled his eyes.
“Not that type of screams. Like angry screams?”
As the smell became too much, Remus got up and started walking towards the door.
“And the weirdest thing is, there’s so many people coming in and out from that apartment all the time. Every day. I swear, it’s ridiculous. Is he a drug dealer or something?”
Remus thought about the past week and how confusing it had been, as he’d bumped into a lot of weird, different people.
On Monday, when he was coming back from finally doing grocery shopping, he got into the elevator with a guy with messy hair and glasses. The guy was smiling so much it was a bit weird, but he was nice enough to hold the door for Remus when they were getting off. Remus smiled as well and nodded before going to his apartment and watching as the guy disappeared next door.
On Tuesday, a bloke with red hair was going out just as Remus was coming back home; they exchanged a ‘good afternoon’ and they each went their way.
On Wednesday a tall, dark, handsome stranger smiled and winked at Remus.
Thursday, a woman with red hair and green eyes struck up an animated conversation with him when he was coming back from his morning run. Remus had actually liked her, she seemed very nice and easygoing. He wondered if she was related to the guy he’d seen on Tuesday.
When Friday came around, he’d been slightly wary as he’d stepped out to take Cocoa to the park nearby. Almost as if on cue, he heard a door open and close when he was going to the lift, and soon he was joined by a shorter man with tan skin, a snapback on his head with dark curls slipping out.
He’d had to wonder if it was some sort of silly prank. It couldn’t be a coincidence. Cause every day, for a week, he’d bumped into a different person every time he went out or came back to his apartment.
All of them coming and going from apartment number 12.
Just how many people lived there? He'd casually asked the concierge about it and was surprised when the man said it was just one guy. Someone called Black, whose description matched the one of the first guy he’d met in the building.
Alice’s huffed laugh brought him back to the present as he reached the door and peered outside. And then he felt his breath catch in his throat.
Black was standing on the edge of the balcony closer to Remus’ own, and had his back turned on him. A very tanned, muscular, bare back. Remus cursed under his breath. The guy was only wearing a pair of sweatpants, and was leaning on the rail as he exhaled a plume of smoke. The way the sun reflected beautifully over his skin and dark hair had to be illegal.
“And he’s hot! Really, his back is so sexy it’s unfair!” he said as he closed the door a bit harder than he’d meant to.
Alice cackled on the other end of the line.
“Well Rem, at least you have something to look at,” she teased. “Why don’t you go say something to him?
“I would rather avoid confrontation so early on,” Remus said as he leaned back on the glass panel, ignoring Alice’s first statement. He didn’t want to have his first neighbor fight not even two weeks after moving in. But the guy was just getting on Remus' nerves, and even if he didn’t want to be that neighbour, he knew he would soon need to set some boundaries.
“I’m sorry about that sweetie,” Alice said in a sympathetic tone. Remus hummed in reply. “I hope it didn’t ruin the excitement of moving in.”
“Nah, it’s alright. It would be nice if we could get along, but worse comes to worse I’ll just have a talk and that’s it. We don’t have to be friends or anything,” Remus decided not to mention the issue with his Mum’s painting, otherwise Alice might just show up here to kick the guy’s ass herself. Smiling slightly at the idea of tiny Alice standing up to that guy, Remus glanced at the clock and cursed. “I’m sorry Al, I gotta run or I’ll be late for my first class.”
“Ok, I’ll talk to you later, yeah? Don’t be a stranger!”
“Yeah, yeah, bye Alice!” 
As soon as Remus hung up, he scrambled through his room to grab everything he needed. He stopped only for a minute to fill Cocoa’s bowl and pet him on the head before heading out, thanking the heavens that for once, there wasn’t anyone waiting for him in the hallway.
Remus had been working non stop ever since he’d started gaining popularity online, and took a few days off to adjust to his new living space before he started working at the new studio. Not that he’d completely stopped, what with making and editing videos for the page.
Some students were already waiting when Remus arrived, but he was just in time. For the first time ever he had a fully booked class, and even some people in a waiting list in case any space would free up. Remus was so thrilled, he couldn’t keep a smile from his face.
He looked around when he entered the room where he would be imparting the yoga lesson, and the first thing that caught his eye was a head of flaming hair.
The girl was wearing black leggings and a loose shirt, and Remus recognized her at once from last Thursday. She glanced up, and surprise crossed her face before she broke out in a smile.
"Hello! You're from Sirius' building aren't you? Are you here to take this class as well?"
Remus wasn't sure who Sirius was, but given the fact that she had been to the apartment next door, Remus figured it must be his dear neighbor.
Sirius Black.
Even his name was pretentious.
"Ah, no, I'm actually the new instructor," Remus said, smiling shyly.
"Oh that's great!" the woman beamed. "My friend Natalie recommended your class, said I would not regret it. So, you're Remus?"
Remus nodded, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah, pleased to properly meet you um.."
"Lily," she smiled, and Remus couldn't help but return it. It was so easy to talk to her.
Remus moved to start setting up his things while they waited for the last few students to arrive. Lily followed.
"Natalie should be here any minute, she was super excited about this. Apparently, you're pretty famous! I don't pay much attention to social media, so I haven't heard from you before." Lily smiled apologetically, but Remus waved her off.
"Oh that's not true, I'm just a normal guy that happened to have a bit of luck. I do hope you enjoy the class though." He bit his lip, wondering if he should ask the next question or if he would come off as a prying old lady, but then curiosity got the better of him. "What's the deal with all the people in that apartment? Do you all secretly live there?"
A dark look crossed Lily's face, but it was gone in a second and replaced by a small worried frown.
"No, that's just Sirius' home. I'm sorry about all the trouble, I swear it's not always like that,” she said, tugging at a strand of her hair. “Things should calm down soon...I hope."
Remus wasn't sure what that meant, but he knew asking more about it would be too nosy. It was none of his business after all, he just wanted some peace and quiet.
"Oh, I know!” Lily suddenly perked up. “We're throwing a Halloween party at Sirius' in two weeks, why don't you come over? That way you can meet everyone!"
Remus schooled his features carefully to avoid cringing. He didn't particularly like parties, the smell of smoke and alcohol, the inebriated people doing stupid shit, the many mistakes made in the thrill of the moment...yeah, Remus could live without all that crap.
"I don't know, Lily...I don't think I'm invited." And that guy and I don't really get along well, he thought.
But Lily just rolled her eyes.
"I just invited you. That flat is almost like my own home, so Sirius won't mind me inviting someone over, if that's what you are worried about."
Remus busied himself searching his bag for nothing in particular, wondering if Lily and Sirius were dating. They certainly seemed really close to each other, he could tell by the way she said his name; but how could someone as nice as Lily date that ass?
"C'mon, it'll be fun! You can make new friends, and that way it won't be so weird if you bump into any of them in the hallways again."
"I'll think about, ok?" Remus said to appease her, but he knew there was no way he'd be going to that party.
However, the look Lily gave him and the glint in her green eyes told him she wouldn't let him off so easily.
Later that night, Remus was sitting by the window of his living room, meditating. He’d gotten into the habit of doing it when he needed to wind down, or when there was too much on his head; and today, after a long day back at teaching, it was a good way for him to relax.
And for once, everything was quiet. No loud music coming through the walls, no people shuffling about all over the building, even the city outside seemed quieter than usual, and Remus basked in the silence that filled his ears as he breathed in deeply.
Or at least he did until he heard a loud whoop that almost made him jump out of his skin. What the hell was that?
A string of muffled words and a loud laugh followed as Remus sat there with a hand over his racing heart, trying to calm down. And even then, with his breathing completely messed up, Remus surprised himself thinking it was the first time he’d heard laughter from next door instead of just shouts, and how oddly familiar it sounded.
“For fucks sake,” he muttered, getting up.
He’d finally had enough. He’d tried to let it be and avoid confrontation, but was it really that hard to be considerate? Did he think he was the only person living here?
Breathing out, Remus made his way through the hall and knocked on the door. There was no response at first, but the noise inside quieted down. Remus waited for a bit before knocking again, a little louder than before. This time there were approaching footsteps on the other side, and he was pretty sure he could hear someone cursing.
Remus was going over his speech in his head, trying to figure out the best way to talk to this person, but as soon as the door opened, all words disappeared from his mind. Actually, every thought in his brain flew out the window as he was met by stormy grey eyes boring into his.
It was the first time he was seeing Black’s face, and why the fuck did he have to be so fucking gorgeous?
He had high cheekbones, and a jaw that was screaming to be kissed; his inky black hair held in a messy bun at the top of his head, with a few strands framing his face. Remus already knew he was fit as hell, but fucking God, those eyes.
Remus’ breath caught in his throat as he took in the slightly surprised look on Black’s face, who was looking him up and down. It was then that Remus realized he was so pissed that he hadn’t even thought about changing out of his yoga tights. His cheeks warmed up, and the thought of blushing in front of this guy annoyed him even more.
He glared at Black, who arched a perfect eyebrow.
“I’m sorry to disturb you,” he started, still trying to be polite, “I live next door, and I didn’t want to do this, but could you please keep it down? I’ve been listening to your music all week, and even if you have good taste it’s getting really annoying.”
You have good taste? What the hell was that? Remus chided himself.
Sirius glanced behind him at his apartment with mock surprise.
“There’s no music right now, is there?”
Remus rolled his eyes; he didn’t care how good looking this guy was, or how curious he was about the slight accent in his voice, he was absolutely obnoxious.
“Oh yeah, ‘cause the screaming is so much better,” Remus deadpanned. He thought he saw the corner of Black’s mouth quirk up, but he was still staring Remus down.
“Oh, I was just punishing the gang for not making the drugs faster,” Sirius said, and his mouth moved to the side, like he was biting the inside of his cheek to fight a smile.
Remus' eyes widened.
"Yeah, I'd invite you to come in and have a look, but it might be too hot in here," he continued in a teasing tone. 
"Oh my God, you heard that?" Remus fought the urge to cover his face, which he was sure was beetroot red.
"Just bits and pieces. You were talking pretty loudly," Black said, the amused smile finally appearing on his face. He leaned with a shoulder against the doorframe, looking Remus up and down again. “But hey, I could show you more of my sexy back if you really want to.”
Remus did his best to fight his embarrassment as he squared his shoulders, his expression going hard. How did this guy manage to make him so angry every time?
“I would never want anything to do with a disrespectful, self-centered prick like you." Politeness be damned, he was not going to stand here and let this man make fun of him.
Black's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and he regarded Remus with new interest.
"I -"
Some voices came from inside the flat, and Black looked over his shoulder. When he turned back around, he looked Remus straight in the eye with a penetrating gaze.
"I will try to keep it down," and without another word, he closed the door in Remus' nose.
Remus just stood there for a few minutes with his mouth hanging open, absolutely bewildered, before a scowl took over his face. He turned around and marched straight into his apartment, closing the door behind him and taking a few slow breaths to calm himself.
When that proved fruitless for the first time in a very long while, he went straight to his computer and onto Padfoot’s channel. A pleased sigh escaped his lips when he saw that he was going live and clicked the video immediately. Padfoot hadn’t made a new video in a few days, which had been slightly worrying, so Remus was glad to see he was back.
When the video loaded though, Remus frowned. A game was being shown full screen, but the character was just standing there, not doing anything, and the only voices heard were from other players. Padfoot wasn’t there. The live chat was going crazy asking what happened, saying everything seemed fine and then Padfoot had just disappeared.
But a few seconds later Remus, heard a small laugh and a familiar voice talking to the viewers.
“Hey guys, I’m back! I’m so sorry about that, I was just very rudely interrupted. Although I must admit, it was a very interesting interruption. Anyway, let’s crack this thing, I left my partner alone for a long time and we all know he is as useful as a chocolate teapot.”
“I protected your sorry ass while you were away, and that’s the ‘thanks’ I get?” another voice came from the video with mock offense.
“Yeah, yeah, I appreciate your efforts Prongs, but we both know who's the one that gets things done here."
“Oh, yeah? It’s always like this with you, whenever you do something awesome it’s ‘Oh, look at me, I’m amazing’, and whenever you fuck up it’s ‘Oh, we are a team’.”
“That’s how teamwork works!” Padfoot said in his most convincing tone.
Remus laughed at Padfoot’s antics, feeling a lot better than a few minutes before, and started thinking about everything with a cooled head. He would have liked to get along with his neighbors, to have a quiet, happy life, but he could try to ignore him. He didn’t have to see the guy more than was strictly necessary. He wasn’t going to.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Unicorn P1
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I smirked as I laid back on the bed gasping for breath my hand in my head as I calmed down best I could staring up at the white ceiling trying to avoid gus sat in his little bed watching us as he usually did, and d Salvador on the windowsill, at least he wasn't watching he didn't give a shit what was going on. "Tommy?" She asks beside me as she too stared up at the ceiling fixing her red lace nightie "Yeah?" I asked her still a little tried out "Do you ever get bored?" ".... What do you mean bored?" "Like, of sex? Together?" "What- what are you getting at here honey?" "Do you ever get bored of us having sex?" "No. I'm thrilled. I'm quite content darling. Why do you ask?" "Just thinking" "I like sex with you, do you... Not like having sex with me?" "I like it" "So... Why are you asking if I'm bored of it?" "I don't know, maybe we could... Spice things up" she encouraged "As in... Handcuffs? Spanking? Sexy lingerie? What angle are we working at here?" "Eh, that's all kinda boring still," she says "Honey. Will you please just... Speak your mind, even if it bad I just wanna know what you're actually thinking about" "I think I want to go unicorn hunting," she says laying her head on my chest "Hu?" I asked a little confused but smiled playing with her curly hair anyways "you can buy it on Amazon?" "Not an actual unicorn Tommy, that's just what it's called" "What what's called?" "Tommy... You remember when we went on holiday in the snow" "I remember it well" "And there was that nice warm hot tub in the snow" she smirked pressing kisses up my chest "And you decided to go in the snow completely naked?" I remind her "Wasn't that fun? And exciting? and sexy?" "It was, I did like hot tub sex" "And do you remember when we were in La and I kept kinda flirting with Chris" "Ummm I remember" I sighed still a little jealous I have to admit. "And you remember when we were in Germany for your show and I kept saying how cute Anya was?" ".... How long have you been thinking about this without telling me?" I asked sitting up "A year or two?" "So... Pretty much as long as we've been dating?' "Kinda, yeah" "Why do you have a weird fascination with making me jealous?" "Your fun when you're jealous" "So potentially you wanna bring someone else into... The sexy time?" "Yeah" she nods "Okay, not Chris. Or your housemate" "Why?" She whines "Because Chris is in La so it wouldn't be fair... And he's more attractive than I am. And not your housemate, he's already seen my dick and it's weird enough" I sighed laying back down "That's fair, and if we rule out everyone more attractive than you Tommy were never gonna find anyone" she laughed laying her head on my stomach "Hey!" "Love ya" she giggled "Love you too" I smiled giving her a kiss.
"Sophie?' she suggested as we sat in my car "Ehh. Not that into Sophie" I shrug "We could call Dylan?" "No. I'm not adding fuel to that Goddam fire of someone finds out about it" I sighed "and... I'd rather it not be a guy, not the first time we do it because it's going to be complicated so maybe a girl first" "yeah, I see your point. What about Jessie?" ".... Okay that's the best suggestion I've heard all week" "I don't think she would think?" "No?" "She's not as crazy as I am" "You said it honey not me," "Love ya" "Love you too, you can't keep saying that to get out of things you know" "It works" she shrugs "I know" I sighed ".. ooh what about that uhhh ohh what's her name, blonde hair, massive sunglasses, really likes gus?' "Chloe?"
"yes that one, I like her"
"I like her, don't wanna have sex with her," she says as we parked up
"Fair enough hun. Right, you're going to get your tattoo touched up, I am going for groceries?"
"Yep, and have a wander in the sex shop see if you can find anything fun" she says sorting her handbag
"I'm not going in a sex shop on my own, someone spots me it'll be on Twitter, or Instagram. The update time is only fifteen minutes remember"
"Twelve they got faster"
"Damn it. they're getting quick, we wanna look at sexy stuff we will do it on the computer okay?"
"Fine, see you in a bit"
"see you in a bit" I smiled giving her a kiss before she climbed out the car and went off to get her tattoo touched up, I drove down the street a bit to the supermarket to do some shopping. I kept thinking about it, I didn't know how to feel in all honesty I mean I'm not gonna turn down a threesome I'm not an idiot. But I don't know, I feel like I'm opening a door that I might not be able to close, still it's only a bit of fun. I could always put my foot down about things it it got out of hand, whether or not she'd listen to me is a completely different matter. I wondered around a good long while making sure I got everything and as I headed out my phone rang
'Gzi <3'
so I answered, "Aww Hi honey you all done?" I asked her
"Yep, all done at the coffee shop around the corner I'll order for you"
"Aww Thanks You know what I like"
"I do" she smirked
"What? what's that... smarty little tone for?"
"I uhhhh May have found someone" she whispered
"Yeah? who?"
"You'll find out" she smirked before hanging up
I was nervous, but egar to find out so I loaded the car and walked around to the little coffee shop where I spotted her sat at a table with three cups of coffee, so I headed over "Hey honey" I smiled giving her head a kiss as I sat down
"Hey Tommy" she smiled
"who have you found?"
"Someone... I think you'll like. and I like."
"Okay," I said a little nervous sipping my coffee Ohh I needed that, I need more coffee.
"This Must be Thomas then" A voice asked I looked up and saw a girl, with a plait of Y/H/c in a little purple dress with black fishnets, and what looked honestly like motorbike boots
"Uhhh yeah, Hi" I said getting up offering my hand she smiled taking it and giving my cheek a kiss before she sat on the other chair
"This is y/n, we met in the tattoo shop she was getting work done too" she smiled holding my hand clearly very excited,  I sat for a while sipping my coffee watching the girls talk, about clothes, about tattoo's, and all sorts of other things, I was listening mostly I could see why she got so excited about this girl, but someone she just let in a tattoo shop?
"So, what did you think? about what I was telling you?" she asked y/n
Y/n sipped her coffee, crossed her legs and turned to me looking me up and down a little "I'd be down if you are"
"Wait you... told her?"
"Yeah," "Honey, maybe it's not a good idea to go around telling people about this?"
"relax, your secret's safe with me. this wouldn't be my first unicorn hunt" y/n smiled "Look I gotta run but you guys can think it over, you have my number anyway darling" she smiled giving her a kiss and then my cheek a kiss before getting her backpack and heading off out the shop, we finished our coffee in silence and headed back to the car
"Are you mad at me?"
"I'm not... mad at you. How many people did you tell?"
"Just y/n, we were waiting in the shop and we got talking she's really nice I got her number because I wanted to chat with her honestly she seems really cool and fun, either way I made a new freind"
"Okay well I'm glad you like her, and honestly.... I like her too she seems cool definitely someone I wanna get a drink with maybe hang out in the garden and stuff but... I don't know if she's the one?"
"She's Bisexual"
"She is? Hu.
"And she's been a unicorn before so she knows how it works,"
"And she has great tits"
"she did look like she good tits" I said as I drove "... so how does it work then?"
"Like tinder, or like a friend with benefits does Tommy, we're horny so we call her up she comes over and we have sex?"
"wait, we have sex? as in me and y/n? You and y/n? me and you? or is this-"
"It's a freeforall"
"Okay, Can you have sex with her on your own when I'm... away for example?"
"Can I have sex with her if your away?"
"do we have to tell the other we did?"
"If you want I don't care, if she becomes our proper unicorn she'll just be there like an open relationship but just between the three of us"
"I am.... Okay with this. But I wanna meet with her again have her over again before we"
"Before we all fuck each other?"
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howdoyousleep3 · 4 years
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“put you on something new”-- part 5/5
The frat!Steve x jock!Bucky College AU by @the1918​ and @howdoyousleep3​
Read Part 4
warning: internalized homophobia (Steve honey, bisexuality is a thing)
we found it fitting that we write the last part together and we hope you enjoy these 6900 words (can’t make that shit up) of smutty bro smut. 😘
That’s what Bucky had called this. An experiment.
People experiment all the time in college, right? The first time Steve’s frat had made Trash Can Punch, it had been an experiment (one that they didn’t repeat). The first time that he’d made out with a girl with a tongue piercing, it had been— shit, shit-fuck, now he’s imagining Lucky Bucky Barnes with a tongue piercing and—
If Steve does this, it will just be an experiment. It won’t mean that he’s gay. Bucky isn’t gay, after all; he’d just said so, just told Steve very convincingly that he likes to fuck girls and eat them out. And Steve likes girls, is actually quite talented at eating pussy he thinks, so if Bucky isn’t gay and Steve isn’t gay, then…
Then how would Steve putting Bucky’s dick in his mouth be gay?
“Rogers,” Bucky says, breaking Steve’s thoughts, “look at me.”
Steve tries to shake the low-key existential crisis from his brain and looks up at Bucky’s face— which is how he realizes that he hadn’t been looking at Bucky’s face before but had instead been looking at Bucky’s crotch, his open belt, his newly-undone button and zipper and what looks like tight black briefs.
“‘Sup?” Steve says, extremely way too casually, looking at Bucky’s stubbled face and his dark eyes like the other dude isn’t two seconds from whipping his dick out on Steve’s bed.
Bucky looks right at him and asks, “This okay?” and Steve can hear the unspoken implication that if Steve says “no”, Bucky will zip up and buckle up and head out, no harsh feelings.
Steve doesn’t want to say “no”, so he says what he wants to say instead which is—
“Yeah. Yeah, bro. ‘S’all good.”
Bucky’s lips quirk into an amused smile and his pause lasts only a few beats more before he’s hooking his thumbs into his own waistband, holding his hips off the mattress a bit so he can start to work his jeans and briefs down his thighs.
“All good, huh?” he says. “Well, I sure hope so… bro.” And Steve knows that Bucky is teasing him with the last word and why is that so hot? But he doesn’t have any time to think about it because. Because.
Because Bucky’s dick is— shit, it’s nice. It’s thick and veiny and uncut, which Steve thinks is pretty rad. It’s a little bit bigger than Steve’s own cock. In the back of his mind Steve is trying to think if he’s always had opinions about what constitutes a nice dick or if this is new, considering if there might have been some sort of subtle clue hidden in all those times he was watching totally-regular-straight porn and wondering if anyone ever made videos from the chick’s point-of-view.
Bucky Barnes has his really very nice dick out in Steve’s bedroom. He’s on Steve’s bed. It’s exhilarating and new and foreigh but Steve’s mind immediately tries to visit something more familiar, tries to think about what it is he usually does any other time a human being whips their genitals out while sitting on his mattress. He tries to think of what he would do if this were a girl, and if it were a girl Steve would be trying to get her all worked up and feeling a certain kind of way, he’d be putting on smooth music he’d— shit, should he put on some music? Does Bucky like Jack Johnson? Maybe he’s more of a Dave Matthews dude.
“Stop thinkin’, Stevie. C’mere.”
So Steve decides against music. Putting on a suitable playlist would require getting up and finding his phone instead of doing what Bucky is gesturing for him to do, what Steve wants to do, which is to crawl in closer so that’s what is doing and— does Bucky want him to sit in his lap? He’s on his knees and kneeling between Bucky’s thighs right now and trying to figure where his body is supposed to go when Bucky grabs the back of his neck and pulls Steve down for what is easily the most mind-blowing kiss Steve has ever received in his life.
Steve had not considered that giving another dude a suckjob might also include making out with said dude but now that he’s doing it, it really does make a lot of sense. Bucky sucks Steve’s bottom lip into his mouth in a filthy wet way that makes Steve’s groan and Bucky wastes no time using the opportunity to lick into Steve’s mouth. Steve thinks Bucky is almost showing him exactly how he likes to have his dick blown. Steve tries hard to take mental notes. It’s nothing like the shotgun-kiss from earlier because now there’s no much more intent behind it, feels like there is a goal at hand, like Bucky is trying to loosen Steve’s nerves with his tongue and his lips while he gets Steve’s mouth ready to suck his cock.
“Nurgh,” Steve vocalizes, upon Bucky pulling away and leaving Steve’s lungs bereft of oxygen.
Now that Bucky isn’t kissing him anymore Steve realizes that he’s still kneeling awkwardly on the mattress between Bucky’s legs, which means that when he’s looking at Bucky he’s looking down and from this angle Steve can see the dark brown length of his eyelashes, the spit-slick shine of his red lower lip, and below all of that— the proud jut of Bucky’s hard cock where it’s pointed towards his navel, the heavy look of his balls where the waistband of his briefs is tucked under them.
It’s only because Steve is staring downward that he notices Bucky reach a hand out, and before he can consider where that hand is headed it’s cupping the outline of Steve’s very hard cock, grabbing him through his shorts and boxers and drawing a noise from Steve that is so feminine and small it’s embarrassing.
“You ever had another guy’s dick in your hand, Stevie?”
But Steve can’t focus on any embarrassing noises he’s making, not when Bucky is taking Steve’s wrist in a circle of his own fingers and guiding his hand to Bucky’s cock. Steve’s arm goes without protest as he’s shakes his head in response to the question— nope, never jerked another bro off before— and he’s surprised to find how natural it feels to close his hand around the shaft and find the both new and familiar sensation of holding a dick in his hand.
“Oh,” is all Steve says.
Bucky’s cock is warm in his hand and very, very hard. Something inside Steve is immediately flattered by the idea that Bucky is that hard for him and he’s surprising himself with the way he’s preening inwardly at the thought, feeling some bizarre kind of confidence all of a sudden.
Bucky’s hand covers Steve’s own, still immobile where it’s gripping the other dude’s dick. When Bucky closes his fist around it Steve can’t help but admire the way Bucky’s big athlete palms look when overlapping Steve’s. His brain is thinking about how Bucky’s hands must look when they’re covering the broad and textured expanse of a football, but Steve’s not thinking about it for too long because Bucky is sliding their joined hands downward in a way that tugs back Bucky’s foreskin and reveal the wet, purpling tip and—
Huh, Steve thinks, as his belly makes contact with the mattress between Bucky’s thighs. When had Steve’s body decided that his face should be three inches from Bucky’s dick?
“Huh,” Bucky—now above him—echoes. “Look at that. Ain’t nearly as shy as I took you for. Damn, Rogers…”
And then Bucky is using their combined hands to guide his cock outward while he uses his other hand to push down on the back of Steve’s head, and Steve’s mouth opens wide on instinct.
“...I think you are gonna love this.”
Dicks taste salty. It’s the taste of pre-come and Steve knows that part already, because like any other regular dude he’s licked his own slickness from his fingers before. So the taste may not come as a surprise to him but the way his lips want so badly to wrap around the head of Bucky’s cock is, takes Steve a little off-guard, but the hand on the back of his skull feels good and grounding so none of that really bothers him right now.
“Open up— yeah, there ya go. Shit, Steve, feel damn good already.”
Steve…Steve isn’t sure that he’s ever been, like— praised before, at least not for sex stuff. It’s a new experience, and one that makes his own hard dick twitch in his pants and his hips press down into the mattress in search of relief, but he tries to keep his focus on his mouth as he lets it sink down over the velvet-hot shaft between his lips. He does it for what feels like a mile but is probably less than two inches before, oh, the hand on the back of his head is in his hair now and it’s telling him what to do, pulling him back and then pushing him back down until he’s sinking just a little bit further.
“Gotta tuck those teeth away, Rogers. More lip, more—ohh there ya go, yeah, more’a that, shit.”
Steve likes to think he does well with constructive criticism and he suddenly feels a little bit perfect when he listens to Bucky and then adjusts, covers his teeth with his lips the way he’s seen girls do when they blow him. He’s starting to really get why Bucky said he’s got dick-sucking-lips when the pressure on the back of his head increases and he rises to the challenge, trying to take in more but finding too much friction to sink down comfortably any further.
“Here, pull— off, yeah, hold up,” and then Steve hears the absolutely obscene sound of Bucky spitting into his own hand, sees Bucky bring it back down to slather an impressive amount of saliva around the base and give himself a few firm pumps. “There we go, c’mon, back on it. Know you like it.”
Steve’s hips fuck against the mattress a little bit when he hears Bucky talk to him like that, and he listens when the other man urges his to hold the base, to “jerk off what your mouth can’t suck”. He’s thinks he’s almost found a groove when Bucky starts to lay on the praise again, and he realizes that he’s moaning around the dick in his mouth, registers that the vibration of it might actually feel really good for Bucky and Steve’s skin breaks out in goosebumps and the noises of approval his football idol is making.
“There ya go, yeah—gettin’ better with the teeth stuff already, huh?”
And that— shit, Steve is here and he finds that he is fucking living for that shit, doesn’t even care what that means about him because he’s too focused on doubling down his efforts, hand suddenly flying over the base of Bucky’s cock while his mouth tries to impale his skull on it, slurping noises filling the room and—
“Woah, hey! Careful Rogers. Don’t gotta choke yourself on my dick just yet, here. Hang out. Take a breather.”
Steve is furiously disappointed in himself and his gag reflex, embarrassed by the way Bucky had to pull his head back to keep him from aspirating on his own spit when he had just been doing so good. He takes a few steadying breaths, as instructed, looking down at the cock in his hand and glaring at it like it’s an ally that’s suddenly betrayed him. But, no—he reminds himself—this disaster was his own damn fault, and then Steve feels bad. He gives the head of the dick an apologetic lick. It might be a suckle.
The hand in Steve’s hair has softened its grip but it still has his head suspended just a few inches above Bucky’s slobbery erection. The other man pries Steve’s fingers off and replaces the hand with his own, nudges Steve’s head down, says, “gonna jerk myself while you suck on my balls, Rogers, c’mon.”
Steve has apparently reached the point in the night where he no longer has to hear Bucky say everything twice. He can’t remember the last time a girl really played with his nuts but he feels like it’s probably intuitive, knows what he likes himself, feels good about his decision to lave his tongue over Bucky’s balls to get them wet with spit before trying to suck one into his mouth, carefully, because “teeth— uh huh, you know the drill.”
He finds that he takes to liking a little bit of ball worship just as much as he likes having Bucky’s dick on his tongue, likes the way Bucky’s hand urges him to press his face in to fully enjoy the experience. Steve is really feeling himself when Bucky starts to pile on the praise again in that way that gets his dick rutting against mattress again, humping his own bed like a dog with a nice-looking leg
“There ya go, shit. Not gonna say you’re a natural but—fuck yeah— you sure got spirit, dontcha? God damn.”
Steve kind of really likes the lewd sound of Bucky’s hand squelching with the spit covering his own cock. He lets the wet ball fall out of his mouth, plucks a stray hair from his tongue, leans back to admire the sight. Bucky apparently takes his keen interest for what it is because then he’s nudging his dick back towards Steve’s lips with a little bit of cooing, with a, “Mhmm, there it is, c’mon and take it back, fuck.”
Time has definitely started to melt a little, so Steve doesn’t know how long he spends with his mouth once again wrapped around Bucky’s cock— sliding in and out, slipping up and down in a way that he’s actually starting to get pretty great at— when suddenly there are fingertips pressing against the stretched outside of Steve’s lips. Steve has no idea why they’re there but he feels like he should open his mouth a little wider so he does, lets Bucky push those two fingers into Steve’s mouth alongside his cock. Bucky is a good dude about it, tells Steve how good he is for it, how he’s “takin’ it so nice,” waits until they’re drenched with Steve’s spit before sliding them back out.
“C’mere, get—pop your ass up. Like that. Gonna help you out now, okay?”
And Steve is just real fucking good at taking direction by this point, practically a damn solider, so he does as he’s told and gets his knees under himself a little to help lift his ass in the air. Bucky growls, uses the hand that’s still on the back of Steve’s head to press him down some, fucks up into his mouth once like he just can’t help it, and Steve—
—Steve is so good he doesn’t even fucking gag.
“Fuck,” Bucky swears, and Steve can hear the surprised laughter in his voice. “Look at you, you goddamn champ. Shit, fucking proud ‘a you Rogers, here, ass— yeah, c’mon, try’na show you somethin’.”
Bucky has yet to lead Steve astray tonight, has yet to introduce him to anything that Steve did not end up finding really quite agreeable, so he’s not even nervous when Bucky stuffs his hand down the back of Steve’s shorts, over his boxers. He honestly doesn't think twice about any of it until two of Bucky’s fingers are pressing down against Steve’s asshole. The cotton that separates it is apparently thin enough that Steve can immediately feel the tell-tale wet, that tiny bit of slickness that says these two fingers are the ones that were only just in Steve’s mouth.
“God, eager thing like you would just love havin’ couple’a fingers inside’a you. Gettin’ something in your ass always makes suckin’ cock better,” and Steve must have a really done a bang-up job when he was getting those fingers wet because the fabric of his boxers is practically soaked, lets him feel the pads of Bucky’s fingertips against that tense pucker— definitely feels it when Bucky lifts them just a inch and then smacks the tips back down against his hole. “Next time, Rogers.”
Steve— Steve has never even considered that someone playing with his asshole could actually be pleasurable. It makes sense, given that some chicks and gay dudes like to get it up the ass, and Steve probably understood all of that in theory, but in no universe or alternate dimension did Steve ever think that Bucky Barnes rubbing his wet boxers into his asshole while Steve sucked his cock would make him moan like a whore and rut his dick down into the sheets so hard and so fast that it gets the whole bed frame moving.
“Fuckin’ knew it, knew this would get’chu,” Bucky teases, works his fingers in circles twice as fast while he holds Steve’s head down onto his cock and tells him to, “fuck the bed, yeah, wish you were kneelin’ and I could reach down, pump a little pussy toy on your dick.”
It’s that last bit that makes Steve feel like he’s coming already, makes him howl out, but then Bucky pulls his fingers tight in Steve’s hair on just the wrong side of painful and it makes Steve groan and sputter, makes his orgasm back right the fuck up.
He’s irritated about not getting to come but not as much as he’s concerned when Bucky is pulling him off of his cock completely. Steve’s immediate thought is that he’s fucked up. He goes as he’s made to but gives Bucky a panicked look, body trembling a little as he feels the fingers withdraw from his shorts. He makes eye contact with Bucky for the first time since he started blowing him in this dark room and drools out, worried, “‘S not good?”
Before he has even the chance to wipe the back of his hand over his slick mouth Bucky is tugging on said hand, pulling him forward, but forward means—
“C’mere, big guy up and—there ya go, sit right up here, get nice and close.”
That means he has no choice but to slip and bump knees and somehow land in Bucky’s lap, his own thighs looking lithe and slim sitting atop Bucky’s powerhouse ones. The way Bucky just…just moved him where he wanted, just pulled Steve and manhandled him like a chick makes his next exhale come out a little whiny. It clicks in his brain a bit, why ladies want him to be a little rough sometimes with a little slapping or choking, because his gut is molten hot with just one pull and squeeze.
Would he let Bucky choke him, slap him in the face?
He lets out another whine at the thought, akin to a whimper, and Bucky’s hands squeeze tight at his waist, hands slipping under his shirt, before they’re sliding up to cup his jaw.
“Oh baby, s’good so good,” Bucky purrs into his mouth, hips pumping up in slow pulses, physically teasing Steve into joining him. He feels relief, expresses this relief, his hands coming up to grapple at the collar of Bucky’s shirt as the athlete dips his tongue into Steve’s mouth. Steve loves kissing, has always enjoyed handsy makeout sessions as foreplay, enjoys the way he and another person can work together and give and take. He loves how intimate it can be and how wet it can be, the way someone else’s tongue feels against his own, in his mouth, on his lips.
Steve thinks Bucky might have the nicest mouth he’s ever gotten his own on. He’s been with pushy girls, girls who command some of their give and take, but Bucky has a fat bottom lip and knows how to suck on Steve’s tongue and Steve just wants to follow. 
“Y’so good, Stevie, gotta sweet mouth. Can’t wait to keep havin’ you use it on me, gonna get real good at suckin’ cock aren’t ya?” 
He’s—oh he’s—they’re gonna do this again? Steve’s head spins at that thought for so many reasons, all surrounding what this means if he goes to suck dick again or if Bucky is going to do that thing with his fingers on his asshole or—
“Can hear you thinkin’. Don’t like it right now, shouldn’t be thinkin’. Should be squirmin’ and moanin’ and touching,” Bucky mumbles into his mouth, Steve digs Bucky’s mouth, and then Bucky’s hands are leaving his face and running down to his waist, his ass. They feel, oh they feel good, pleasurable. It leaves Steve gasping, rolling his hips but being cognizant of Bucky’s dick out and against his shirt, the sin of some exposed stomach. Bucky’s hands are big, so capable, good for grabbing ass and for catching game-winning interceptions.
Steve is equally impressed with both.
“Shit, Rogers you got yourself quite the peach here, don’t ya? You’ve probably never let anyone put their dick in it n’that’s a worse shame than this mouth not gettin’ one...” 
Maybe Steve should be freaking out about the sudden thought of a dick being inside his ass but he’s distracted because Steve has never had anyone compliment his ass in such a way and he can’t help but feel a little…sweet? Is that what this is? Like he feels when he blushes when he gets a round of high fives from the boys for a sick touchdown pass in flag football or that one time he went an entire round of Team Death Match on Call of Duty without dying and he and his buddies creamed the competition. He’s proud of his ass in the same way in this scenario but this kind of compliment has him a little more breathless, makes him move forward to press their mouths sloppily together. 
“And this waist? Shit, Rogers,” Bucky groans, his hands moving up to knead and squeeze tight at Steve’s sides, “Like a little lady, ain’t ya?” 
Steve shouts. It’s a little noise, aggravatingly a feminine one to tie right into Bucky’s accusation, but the way Bucky’s hands feel almost encircling his entire waist and hearing those words in that gruff voice? Steve feels like he has no choice but to make such a noise. It makes him want Bucky’s dick back in his mouth, makes him want to mouth and slurp at his balls some, makes him want to hear more sweet words even though he literally just got some.  
What the fuck is going on?
Steve doesn’t want to think, doesn’t want to get wrapped up in his head like he so easily can sometimes, especially in Calc class. But he isn’t sitting in Calc right now. He’s sitting in the lap of Lucky Bucky, wiggling, whimpering like a bitch in heat as he practically begs for kisses on the other man’s lips.
“Take your dick out, Stevie, come on.” 
The command is pressed into his lips, against his chin, Bucky giving him kisses and bites—oh god, nibbles—on his jawline as his hands still dig into his sides, his waist. Steve finds himself tilting his head to the left, gives Bucky more room to work with because shit that’s nice, that’s nice. How has he never done this? Has he done this to a girl? Why hasn’t a girl done this to him? 
“Dick, Rogers let’s go. Wanna show you somethin’ else.”
Ignoring the way the back of his neck burns at the command coupled with another tight nip at his ear, his hands leave Bucky’s neck and go for the button and fly of his own shorts. He only has the few seconds he fumbles with his clothing, his waistbands, to focus on the fact that Bucky is about to see his dick, is probably going to touch his dick. He doesn’t know how to feel about his urge to impress the other man, the burn of hoping Bucky likes what he sees.
He’s never cared about whether or not a girl liked his dick; he has always known it’s a crowd pleaser. He’s never felt more pressure to show up than with this crowd of one though. 
The cool air hits his dick for maybe three seconds before it’s engulfed in heat once more and—
Fuck, Bucky is touching his dick. Bucky has his hand on his dick.
“Look at that, Rogers. This dick is as pretty as you are shit, baby.” There’s that word again—baby. He likes that word. He likes the way it sounds in his ears, the way it bounces around his brain like a Beer Pong ball, the way Bucky’s lips look when they purr it out. He likes Bucky calling him something he is so used to referring to women as. 
Bucky’s fingers are different from anything he’s ever felt. They aren’t a girl’s, tentative and slim, and they aren’t quite his own, familiar and albeit a little rough. They are somewhere in between the two, thick and capable yet gentle and firm and it knocks the fucking wind out of Steve’s lungs when Bucky makes a fist and tugs.
“Oh, oh f-fuck,” Steve stutters out, all hot air as he inadvertently presses his forehead to Bucky’s in a jerky movement as he looks down. He is in no way prepared for the way his dick looks like in a dude’s hand, in Bucky’s hand, is also not prepared for the way his everything reacts. 
This shit is dope and Steve thinks that’s an understatement.
Steve doesn’t know if he’s seen anything hotter than this. Bucky’s hands are big but Steve doesn’t quite realize how big they are until he’s got Steve’s dick in his fist. Bucky takes a few strokes, some time, to get acquainted with his cock, much to Steve’s unfamiliar delight, and makes his deepest noise yet when they both watch a drop or seven of his own precome leak from the tip. 
He thinks it’s mortifying, feels a bit like an easy slut, but Bucky marvels, “Ain’t that a sight, goddamn,” and tugs a bit more on his cock. Steve doesn’t say anything in response, almost entirely useless at this point, but he watches as Bucky touches his dick, strokes him off, and it makes his hips twitch, makes him sound like he can’t keep his head above water.
His knees dig hard into the mattress, tries his hardest to not sound like he needs to be resuscitated, but he watches as Bucky opens his palm and gruffs out, “Spit.”  
Spit? Like…spit? Into what? Bucky’s hand? Why would—
“Stick with me, Stevie come on now—Spit. Doesn’t need to be anything aggressive like you see in awful porn; just give me something to work with here.”
Bucky is still as calm as he has been throughout this entire ordeal, this night that feels simultaneously forever but not long enough, but there is an edge to his voice now, a bite to his actions. He’s being patient with Steve but it seems his own dick is at the forefront of his mind now that he’s seen Steve’s, now that he’s sucked Bucky’s cock, now that he’s here in his lap.
Steve’s brain short-circuits the connection that in situations such as this, people tend to get off, tend to make each other come, and that’s what’s happening here, that’s what’s going to happen. Bucky and Steve are going to—
He manages to push a glob of spit from his mouth and into Bucky’s hand, watches it fall and barely hit the football player's palm. Both he and Bucky make a noise, his a whimper as he tries to pump his hips, his dick, and Bucky’s is another one of those damned groans. Steve’s mind runs, spins, tilts and all he can manage to say as Bucky grabs both of their dicks in one hand is—
“You’re gonna make me come.”
Bucky stills.
“You’re gonna—? I’m not—”
“No! No, no you’re—you’re gonna make us come, you’re gonna—” 
Bucky’s hand moves a few seconds later, a bark of laughter bitten into his chin in realization of what Steve had meant and not what he had said. 
“Yeah, Rogers—I’m gonna make us come.” 
Fuck. Fuck, okay yeah. His dick is touching Bucky’s, is encased in a meaty palm and is just fucking pressed up right there against Bucky’s. It’s hot and slick and wet and fuck it’s so good, it’s so fucking good, Steve can’t keep his wits about him. Bucky’s grip is tight, his own spit coating their dicks as if they even needed it, as if Steve wasn’t leaking like a faucet already. 
“Gotta breathe, kid. Breathe,” Bucky whispers in Steve’s ear, his head basically having fallen onto a broad shoulder, eyes still downcast. He hadn’t realized he wasn’t breathing, didn’t want a single thing to take away from everything he is feeling, would rather die than not experience this in the fullest. He heaves in a few hefty breaths, cups his hands unintentionally around the column of Bucky’s throat. 
“Holy shit,” Steve hisses, words going desperate and turning into an almost hysterical groan, one that shakes his chest. Bucky’s fist is slow to move at first, slow sensual pumps, trying to get the hang of jacking off two dicks in one hand, as if Bucky needs practice. His fingers around Bucky’s neck dig into the hair there and fuck, he was right—Bucky’s hair is so fucking soft. It makes Steve wonder what other places on Bucky’s body are soft.
He barely notices Bucky’s other hand, the one not wrapped around both of their dicks, digging into his hip, kneading at his ass. It’s yanking, pulling at Steve’s hip as if Bucky wants him to move some, so he does what feels right and rolls his hips a little. Just like kissing, he feels the two of them work together, give and take to make them both feel so fucking good. This moment is what will pop into Steve’s mind any time he hears the word teamwork. 
“Bring that mouth back over here, c’mon,” Bucky breathes into his jaw but Steve wants to keep watching the other dude’s fist fuck over their dicks, fuck Bucky’s cock is touching his own, shit. Steve’s hips are twitching still, little pumps in time with Bucky’s hand, and he tears his head away and turns blindly with a sad little noise. 
Jesus Christ, Bucky has such a nice mouth. It makes his balls ache (oh god, are their balls touching too?), makes his gut turn, having Bucky’s hand on his dick and his tongue in his mouth. Steve can barely keep up, Bucky’s experience with this whole dude thing glaringly obvious compared to Steve’s own. He keeps his mouth open, keeps it moving, presses his tongue forward to slide against Bucky’s own in a movement that sends sparks down his spine. 
He isn’t sure he’s doing anything right, if Bucky likes kissing him until the brunette is pulling back with something short of a growl. 
“Fuck, Rogers bet you eat pussy like a champ with this mouth.You make ‘em scream with that tongue? Huh?” 
The last thing Steve needed Bucky to bring up in this moment was pussy. His brain doesn’t know what to think about now, split in two entirely opposite directions. All he wants to focus on and think about is the way Bucky’s fist pumps hard over the two of them together, the way he’s a little uncomfortable with how much he digs the sound of his spit on their cocks. But now this? Pussy? Even Bucky saying the word “pussy” has Steve moaning, has his fingers digging into chestnut hair and tugging. 
“Yeah, how could you not love eatin’ pussy? You love it, right?” Steve does. 
“Uh-huh,” Steve whines, nods his head against Bucky’s forehead before smearing his lips messily against his stubbly chin, pulling his eyes up to look at Bucky’s own. The fist around them tightens some more, makes Steve whimper through his teeth. 
“Fuck, you’d look so sweet with your face between a broad’s legs. I’d love to see that, d’love to watch this mouth work a pussy over,” and then Bucky’s licking into his mouth, tongue slipping across his bottom lip, straight up across both lips and Steve can’t help that he thinks about two things: Bucky showing him how he himself eats a pussy but against his own lips and Bucky fucking watching Steve eating a chick out. 
“Ohh,” is all Steve can spout out in response, his hands slipping back down to Bucky’s neck, his chest. Bucky’s fist is moving and he can’t help but look down, he wants to look down (??), wants to see their cocks hot together but wants to keep thinking about Bucky laying in bed with him and a girl. 
“Ah Jesus, Stevie I could take her mouth and she could have yours. Yeah? Wanna see me fuck a girl’s mouth while you make her come like the fuckin’ stud you are? Huh?” Steve doesn’t even need to think. 
“Fuck, fuck, yeah shit...yeah, dude yeah I’d—” 
Steve doesn’t even know what he’s about to say, his knees digging into the mattress with vigor, the headboard smacking against the wall for the second time that night. He’s losing his rhythm and feels like he’s sprinting to a finish line, can’t take his eyes off of Bucky’s steel-blue ones. It must feel like he’s trying to get away, it even feels that hysterical to Steve, because Bucky lurches forward a bit, wraps his spare arm tight around Steve’s waist. 
“Keep her lil’ pussy busy while I fuck her mouth, god, you’d be so sweet like that, wouldn’t you? So sweet for me?” 
“Fuck, uh-huh yeah so fuckin’ sweet, so sweet.” He’d be anything Bucky wanted him to be if he asked. Bucky wants sweet he’s got it; Steve will do it for him. 
“Fuck yeah you would, so sweet for me, baby,” and Bucky’s voice changes, alters, gets a little breathless, hand stutters over their cocks and gets a little messy. Steve wants to toss his head back and shout to the ceiling at hearing Bucky call him “baby” again. He loves it so much, loves being someone else’s baby, loves how it makes him want to blush and kiss Bucky on the cheek. 
Steve Rogers doesn’t even know who he is anymore. 
Bucky’s mouth mashes into his own, his breathing punched out with every roll of Steve’s hips, every downstroke of his hand. He’s panting into Steve’s mouth, heavy and wet, and Steve knows what this is, feels it himself. 
They’re going to come. 
Bucky is going to come and Steve is going to come and they’ll come together and Steve will get to see Bucky’s come and that is not something he ever knew he wanted to see. He thinks Bucky notices it too, makes his own whiny noise that sounds nothing like Steve’s, presses a line of slippery kisses up Steve’s cheek to his ear. 
“Y’think she’d like to sit back and watch me get my mouth on your pussy?”
Steve is going to come. 
“M’gonna—! Oh shit!” 
“Shit yeah, me too come on, come on, Steve lemme see you blow that pretty load all fuckin’ over me.” 
“I’m—oh fuck— ’m gonna nut, Buck I’m—” 
Steve enjoys orgasms. Who doesn’t? He likes the waves of pleasure, tends to be a little loud, enjoys seeing someone else come too, but this orgasm isn’t like anything he’s ever experienced in his life. He almost panics when he feels his balls draw tight (fuck, their balls are still touching), gasps when he gets caught up in that last second before he crashes over that cliff. 
He feels his fingers dig into Bucky’s hair, can tell that Bucky’s mouth is moving against the side of his face, whether it be from something that resembles kisses or from speaking is lost on Steve. He is far too focused on letting himself feel and letting someone be in almost total control of his own orgasm. He can’t stop making noises, ones that sound like he’s choking, is sure he’s saying Bucky’s name, can feel his own fucking come slick up Bucky’s hand even more. 
He thinks Bucky says something about him coming, but like everything else it’s lost on Steve. His hips are still pulsing, as his his cock, hands unable to choose one spot on Bucky’s body to lock onto, manages to look down between their bodies just in time to—
“Fuck yeah—” 
See Bucky come. The noise Steve makes sounds like one that indicates he’s in pain but the only pain he feels is never having let a guy give him a handjob before. He’s almost worried he’s going to come again when he hears the noise Bucky makes, a deep one but one that sounds a little like a sob, one that Steve wants to soothe with a kiss or some shit. Steve’s orgasm is one that is long, so long, one that he gets to enjoy right alongside Bucky. 
“Bucky, god I’m still—fuck.”
The other man chuckles into the hinge of Steve’s jaw in response, a noise a mixture of disbelief and his own pleasure. The arm around his waist gets uncomfortably yet perfectly tight, Bucky taking the opportunity to press his own hips up, to practically lift Steve in pulses as he lets his orgasm take him away a bit. His hand is still moving, still pumping wetly over the two of them, but they are long tugs, ones that milk the two of them together, together. The noises are filthy and wet, just like the ones that push him over the edge when he watches porn.
Bucky’s groans in his ear make his spine tingle, make him tip his head down and look between their bodies. 
Steve has come on his dick. It’s Bucky’s come. Mostly.
This is fine.
The room around them— the spaces beyond Bucky’s mouth and Bucky’s skin— slowly comes back into Steve’s awareness. It is a room. It’s Steve’s room, and he’s in Bucky’s lap. This is his room and it’s the same room where Steve just sucked a dude’s cock and kinda ate his balls too and this— this is the room where Lucky Bucky Barnes called him “sweet” and called him “baby” and those things made Steve feel really, really good and then his personal hero jerked them both off until they came and now Steve is looking down at their come and their softening dicks and realizing that he doesn’t know where his come starts and Bucky’s come ends.
This is. This is fine.
Steve can feel Bucky’s gravelly chuckle before he hears it. The larger man’s arm is still around his waist, still pulling them close, but it starts to loosen up as Bucky’s head tilts back and hits the wall with a thud.
“Chill out, Rogers,” Bucky laughs. “I just made you come like a fire hose. Enjoy the fuckin’ afterglow.”
Steve faintly registers that he must still be a little bit high because he’s reeling but he’s not totally freaking out, all things considered. And Bucky is, just… cool. As ever. Steve should be cool, too. Steve should enjoy the afterglow like Bucky says he should.
“But, uh, hey— not that I’m not really likin’ having you in my lap an’ all, but…”
Steve looks up at Bucky’s face, confused, sees Bucky’s funny little grin and his gesturing glance downwards, follows said glance with his own eyes like he’s going to look down and find literally anything other than two soft cocks and Bucky’s come-coated hand and—
“Oh, shit. Yeah dude, lemme…”
Steve feels like a newborn colt— stumbling, and also holding his open shorts up— when he finally extracts himself from Bucky’s lap and goes to find a towel for them. He wipes off his own dripping dick with one end before handing the towel over to Bucky. Bucky takes it with a roll of his eyes, uses the exact same end of the towel to wipe his hand and his own dick because oh, yeah, that’s both of their come mixed together so who gives a shit.
He’s watching Bucky clean up when it hits him: this was a one-night stand. It’s— it’s Bucky Barnes, for god’s sake. Of course he’s gonna fuck whoever he wants and never see them again. Steve fully intends to sort through all that is implied by the fact that he doesn’t want to be Barnes’s hit-it-and-quit-it but he is one hundred percent positive that he does not want that, wants to hang out with this dude again, preferably in a sexual capacity but he’s open to whatever. 
Steve mentally sorts through how to solve this problem as he sits down on the edge of the mattress. Bucky hasn’t said anything since Steve got up. He doesn’t look uncomfortable; the opposite, actually. Bucky is looking at Steve with an amused quirk to his lips like he knows everything that Steve is thinking and is highly interested in whatever Steve is going to do next.
Right. So. Steve just got handsy with someone he met at a party. He wants to see that someone again. Steve makes up his mind, decides to do what he would do any other time he’s found himself in this situation.
“Hey, uh,” he mumbles, “can—can I get your number.”
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bapydemonprincess · 3 years
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A brief story below the cut that I was inspired to make up after making this! 
Amy only gave the young reaper Adam a big, welcoming smile for about.. two seconds, before his.. different appearance truly crashed through her basic senses, as well as his deeply upset and wavering mental state, that seemed so overwhelming at this point, the young demon was surprised he’d made it to her at all without.. collapsing in some way somewhere.
“Adam- Adam, what the hell happened??” Amy immediately demanded, rushing up closer and reaching out.
The young man’s hands shot up as well, but instead of using them to take her reaching hands, his pushed at hers, and them fumbled to pull up his soft sweater further as it carelessly kept slipping down one drooped shoulder.
The black sweater as well as his other black suit jacket were always a bit big on his slightly below average form, but he normally was capable of keeping them up, as his shoulders never really had drooped this far down before.
“It’s nothin’, it’s nothin’, luv. I- I’m-... I’ll get over it, awright? It’s-”
“What’re you saying?! Clearly it’s not nothing, Adam! You look like you’d just gotten caught in a storm and tossed about and--” 
Amy cut herself off, as once again her young demonic gaze finally noticed something.
Something very different!
“Your hair! You- It’s- Why’s that bit on the right missing, did you cut it or--”
The demon’s pupils shrank and her arms folded in, hands balled up tight up to her chin.
Amy hadn’t been yelled at like that in ages! Certainly not since about three years ago, when she’d been much more of a youngling than she was now, and irritating the hell out of her older sibling!
But.. to have Adam yell at her like this..
...While still that frustration and sadness grew within him.. his soul a whirlpool of negativity...
Amy Michaelis scowled then, and dove forward to grab up the young man’s face, in both hands, and glare with those livid pink eyes of hers.
“Clearly, Mr. Borders, it does matter if you’re physically broken by its absence at present.”
“Wha- N-No I’m no-” Adam tried to start, eyebrows scrunched up, but Amy’s little black nails pinched his skin firmly, shutting him up.
“You shut screamed in my face a second ago, did you not? Do you really think you can get away with that and have me let it go, huh??” Amy growled, a bit of fang showing as she spoke this time...
A hint of.. fear started to seep in through the boy’s other emotions, and he drooped once again, this time ignoring the sweater sleeve falling off his arm.
“Come on, let’s sit.” The president of Hell insisted, and still while gripping Adam’s jaw in one hand, turned slightly to start walking towards an awaiting bench in the garden of Phantomhive manor.
Once she sat, and the reaper sat at the same time, ( but carefully with his face still in her grip..) Amy released him and brushed off her black skirts firmly and briskly.
“Now, tell me what happened before you managed to make it here.” She demanded.
Adam.. slouched, but a hand reached up in a familiar way.. and ran up through.. shorter bangs and back through the rest of his hair.
“Some other young reapers I know, uh, all currently studying too and all that... ganged up on me...”
Amu blinked and her eyebrows went down.
“Ganged up on you? I.. beg your pardon?” There were still English phrases she.. still did not know. How fascinating... But she did assume what he meant was something bad, most likely.
“Yeah.. it-it’s a bit o’ a new thing. It means uh, they surrounded me and started well..” He untwined his fingers to spread them as he shrugged a little while still hunched in, elbows on his thighs.
“Bullyin’ me, I guess.”
“And they brought something to cut your hair with from the start..?” Amy interjected.
“Nah, not right away. They were goin’ on on how manly I wanted t’be but uh.. um.... how.. girly.. my.. hair looked. Accordin’ to them.”
Amy’s face had gone stone solid serious, her mouth not even twitching to a scowl or a smile.
“I do not understand..”
Adam sighed and his head drooped, but nodded with understanding.
“Yeah, I mean I figured a demon wouldn’t--”
“Why the hell is one hair style more one gendered than another?? Why does your hair’s appearance dictate a certain.. label??”
Adam groaned and covered his face.
The sadness and gloom was disappearing and.. overhearing Amy’s opinion on these common human things that Adam and others simply.. had known since.. forever was very.. 
It was refreshing.
“I know. It.. it’s utter bollocks, really. I know it is. And- like- hair does grow back eventually so-”
“But the fact that they forced such a thing upon you, on your body, your hair. Things that you own, not them...”
Adam blinked, at hearing an inhuman growl rumble from the girl beside him, and quickly straightened, grabbing his slipping sweater sleeves on both sides, and pulled them up, and shot closer to her, hands up, in a way of instinctively trying to calm or soothe or.. something!
“It- it- It’s over now, Amy!! An’ that’s all they did really, they jus’ cut that bit an’ did nothin’ else!! C’mon!!”
Amy made a grunt, which certainly was a bit worrying, as it wasn’t just a typical noise of annoyance with air rushing out from her mouth or nostrils.
Smoke rushed out. Literally. From that tiny round nose on her face. And once again her lip curled to bare fangs..
“If only there was a safe way for me to cross over.. For me to appear before your fellow young reapers.. and show them how wrong it is to... TO TREAT ANOTHER FELLOW HUMAN AS IF THEY OWN YOUR BODY, NOT YOU!!! IT IS UTTERLY.. SELFISH!!”
Her clenched fists ignited into black flames at her shriek, and Adam had to pull back even if he didn’t want to..
“K.. Kindaaa glad you can’t, if’m bein’ honest, luv..” He hesitantly admitted.
Amy blinked, and then noticed her current predicament...
“HMPH,” The young demoness huffed, and the flamed vanished just as she’d crossed her arms.
“You may understand where they wronged you, but you are too soft, Adam.. Really, they deserve a punishment! Even other reapers could likely see that!”
“Ohh, I wouldn’t doubt it,” Adam agreed. Especially someone like.. Miss Sutcliff.. IF she ever finds out.. I mean she will see my hair an’ how it is right now and she might--
“Adam, what are you ruminating on now?” Amy prompted, lifting a brow.
“Oh, jus’ that.. I know one too many dangerous ladies..”
He smirked a bit though, this time, and actually.. felt it.
“Wh-what does that mean, Adam?? You- are you calling me dangerous?” 
She had a lilt to her voice, clearly showing she sensed too that the mood had turned, and possibly for good.
“Hmm, maybe. I said ladies, after all. As in more than one.”
The boy grinned.
Adam cracked up, and quickly jumped off the bench, to run off in a random direction.
“Oh no, oh no, the demon’s gone awol!! I gotta get outta here~!” He cried in fake alarm to no one.
Amy cried out again in a mockery of outrage, standing up to promptly run after him.
“You are such a rude human, Mr. Borders! Honestly, I thought that reaper academy would at least teach you some manners by now!!”
“Pffft, what, manners towards demons? As if..”
“Well, then I’ll have to teach those sorts of things myself then, won’t I?! GET OVER HERE!!” The young President of Hell commanded, and continued to playful chase.
And yet relief flooded her thoroughly, at the change in her reaper boy’s mood.
Despite the current new and drastic appearance of his hair, and how it had been forced upon him, he was clearly going to survive..
And Amy would make certain to help keep his mind from it as long as she needed to, if that seemed to be the way to help.
Until it would grow back again.
Despite the small tragedy that it had been, it had still meant to be a way of weakening the former mortal boy.
But humans could survive so many things.. small and large...
It amazed Amy how brave her human, and others like him, could be.
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ubernoxa · 4 years
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The Token: A Guns N’ Roses FanFiction
Chapter 11: Rhythm Guys Do It Better
Story Summary: Story inspired by the movie She’s the Man. A female Duff is tired of dealing with the bullshit of trying to make it on the strip as a female bassist. In a desperate attempt to make it big doing what she does, she cuts her hair and mascardes as Duff. What’s the wors that could happen?
Chapter Summary: Chapter title pretty much explains what’s gonna happen 🤷🏼‍♀️
Taglist: @viralwolf02 @littlemisscare-all @smokeandmirrorz @aratbaby @slashscowboyboots @achiweyow @queen-crue
I could still feel my cheeks blushing as I waved goodbye to Izzy as he dropped me off in front of my apartment.
“Welcome back Mich-Duff,” I practically froze at Macy’s words.
At first I wondered why she corrected herself, but once I stepped into the living room, finally able to see into the kitchen, I knew why.
“Duff, nice to meet you! My names Henry,” I offered Henry a quick wave, but I froze before I headed towards my (Michelle’s) bedroom.
Henry was one of Walter’s childhood best friends. Henry had met Michelle on countless occasions. He has been to this apartment before several times. He knew which door lead to Michelle’s room.
I was fucked.
Macy must have noticed my predicament when she handed me a grocery bag filled with god knows what.
“Duff, can you bring this to Michelle’s room? It’s some clothes I was going to donate, but if they fit her then she can have them,” I simply nodded before grabbing the bag and heading to ‘Michelle’s’ bedroom.
I let a sigh escape me once I was inside.
I put my bass and the bag Macy gave me on my bed before I quickly changed out of my clothing from the night before.
Originally I was going to wear a simple shorts and tank top because of the burning weather outside, but Izzy’s antics last night made that impossible. I unknowing let a soft moan escape my lips as I traced one of the many hickies that Izzy left from the night prior.
As I stared at myself I felt my hand slowly reach for my lips, all thoughts of how truly fucked I was with Henry being in the apartment had completely evaporated.
The only thing on my mind was last night.
How my heart raced at the look Izzy gave me when he realized that Slash had passed out for the night. The feeling of his lips on mine, the thought of him holding me down as he throbbed inside of me.
I was pulled from my thoughts as I heard a knock on the door.
“Hey, can I come in?”
“Yeah,” I quickly replied at the sound of Macy’s voice.
Before she could open the door, I wrapped myself with a blanket that was on my bed. Not to hide the face I was naked, but to hide the hickies that scattered my body. As roommates we had seen echo their naked undress of times, it was almost normal.
“What are you......” she froze as her eyes remained locked on me. I watched as a smirk formed on her face.
“Ohh my god!” She gasped as she took in the purple hickies that stained my skin.
“Shhh shhh,” I tried to hush her, but I wasn’t entirely successful.
“Who?” She immediately shot back.
“Just some guy...” I trailed off before digging through my dresser trying to find a scarf to cover my neck. I wouldn’t have guessed Izzy would have been so...territorial. I could tell that it turned him on as much as he turned me on as he painted my empty canvas of a body with splashes of purple.
“No, I know you Michelle. You wouldn’t do it with just a anyone...who?” Macy shot back even faster. She was giddy as a school girl as she talked.
“Izzy, I fucked Izzy last night,” I felt a smile plaster on my face as I finished getting ready.
She gasped at my comment as I looked at myself in the mirror. The scarf and long sleeves weren’t ideal for the summer heat, but that was Izzy’s fault. I was going to make sure I got even.
“You didn’t!” She seemed more shocked the second time I told her. Yes I fucked Izzy Stradlin.
“But I thought you hated him!” She immediately shot back.
“It’s more of his Indiana brother..Axl,” I replied back. Now that I thought about it, I really didn’t hate Axl.
“Ohhh God Michelle, you’ve got yourself into a pickle,” Macy teased, our laughter erupting and filling the room.
“Yes Macy...fucking my bandmate is my problem....not the fact that I’m dressing up as a guy to perform at gigs and lying to half my band,” our laughter only grew after I whispered that right back to her.
After a couple of seconds our laughter died down and Macy said, “Wait...WHOAH WHOAH WHOAH”
“Who else knows?” She quickly asked.
“Knows what?” I quickly shot back.
“Who else in the band knows? Axl? Ohh my god how are you still standing? I assumed Axl would either kick you out of the band or kill you? How are you not dead?”
“No, it’s not Axl who knows...it’s Slash,” I sighed and leaned back on my bed. I tried not to think about how Axl would react. I agreed with her, Axl would kick me out of the band. I might as enjoyed it while it lasts.
“And...how did he react...”
“He seemed...confused....and annoyed....and mad,” I admitted feeling like trash for lying to Slash.
“And ...how are you guys now?” I wished Macy would stop digging and asking questions. The thing is, I couldn’t blame her. I would be doing the same if I was in her position.
“I...I think we are okay? He seemed pissed, but then his snake seemed to like me...so....I guess he warmed up to me,” I mumbled as I fidgeted with my thumbs.
“His snake?” I looked up at Macy and by the expression on her face I knew her head was in the gutter.
“His pet snake, not his dick...Jesus Christ get you head out of the gutter,” I scolded her throwing the bag she gave me earlier in her face.
“Ohh ok ok,” Macy put her hands up in defense with a smile still on her face.
I jokingly groaned before lying back down on the bed.
“By the way...put this on,” Macy tossed the plastic bag towards me, and I immediate opened it to find a bright blue wig.
“Thought you could use a new wig. Sorry it’s not brown...blue was all I could get on such short notice,” Macy shrugged.
“I’ll look ridiculous in it....” I softly replied.
“Nah...you can pull it off. It’ll look punk-ish. Come on now....we gotta get moving. Walter and Henry want to go to the music shop around the corner, and I’m not going without you. Also if anyone asks, Duff is passed out on your bed,” Macy said before she hurried out of my room.
To be honest, I would give the wig a solid 9 out of 10. It was far less itchy than the old one I had which I now assumed to be in some junkyard amongst other trash. Don’t tell Macy, but she was right, it did look pretty punk. It only took me a couple of minutes to realize what was actually going on, and why Macy made sure to have me come.
It was awkward to say the least. Something was going on between Macy and Walter, and I wondered if this was originally supposed to be some sort of double date. It wouldn’t have been the first time Walter had hit on Macy, but it would have been the first time he asked her out. By the way she quickly joined me in the back seat, I had a feeling her answer was something along the lines of ‘No Walter I don’t want to date you’.
I was able to ditch the awkwardness once we arrived to the shop. Saying it was massive was an understatement. It was without a doubt the biggest on the strip. It was two stories tall and not only did it sell instruments, it sold sheet music and records as well. It was heaven.
I wandered the store aimlessly, thankful to be alone. I had somehow found a way into the bass section where I admired the basses that I couldn’t even dream of buying. This is where the greats bought their equipment, and sadly they were at a not so great price. Four months rent was a little steep for a bass right now, and that wasn’t even the most expensive one.
“Walter was saying you played bass...I thought you were a drummer?” I was once again pulled from my thoughts as the unwanted voice began to start a conversation with me. An unwanted conversation, if I may add.
“Yes to both...I also play guitar too,” I added once again sending a small smile back to Henry. I felt a smile escape my lips as I watched him inspect the bass guitars. He then spent the next couple minutes talking about his favorite bassists. This definitely caught me off guard. I didn’t take him for a music guy! Maybe this wouldn’t be too awkward. If only he stopped trying to flirt and touch my lower back.
He motioned for me to show him. I took one of the basses from the bottom row (aka the cheapest) and began to play a short melody from the first song that came to my head. He didn’t seem impressed, but I didn’t care. I continued to strum as I felt the music flow through my veins and hit my heart. I was a snake charmer, but instead of charming snakes it was my own heart.
“Do you mainly play pop music?” I rolled my eyes and turned towards him. Did he seriously assume pop while I live near sunset strip.
“No rock,” I probably sounded a bit snappy, but really pop music?
I felt my heart stop as I heard a familiar voice in the shop. Steven was here, which meant the rest of the band would be here as well.
Atleast I would be safe in the bass guitar section, none of them played bass...at least I don’t think any of them did.
“Hey...Michelle?,” I turned to see Steven standing by me. Fuck...part of me was hoping that the blue hair would help me stay incognito, but I was very wrong. If anything it did the opposite.
“Hey,” I froze for a second. Did Michelle know Steven? I racked my brain for a couple of second. Fuck.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” I decided to play it safe and pretend I didn’t know him. Better safe than sorry.
“Steven! I’m the drummer in Duff’s band,” His smile faded, but never disappeared.
“Congrats on your show last night I heard it was amazing!” I cheered back. This felt weird, no it felt wrong. I could feel my heart exploding out of my chest as I spoke to him. What if he recognized me? He was literally standing a foot away from me. The one thing I couldn’t change, no matter how much makeup I put on was my face was my face, and he was only a foot or two way from me.
“Yeah it was pretty insane! It felt like we were professionals, we had dancers and everything. You should come to our next gig! You’d love it! The after party was good too!”
“Duff came back this morning...I think he is still passed out back at the apartment,” I laughed back trying to find anything to say.
“Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in ages? Any chance you could give Duff some more of your coffee? The caffeine makes the band meetings so much more sufferable! Especially during those morning meetings when Axl rambles on and on,” I plastered on a fake smile and nodded along.
Fuck fuck fuck.
“I’ve been here and there....I ran into some family problems at the coffee shop, so I don’t work there anymore,” I shrugged trying to play it cool. I wasn’t entirely lying. Betsie storming in and beating me up definitely cause family problems...I just didn’t get fired for that reason. I watched as his smile faded.
“Is that why you...” he gestured towards my hair, and I nodded.
“Why not? If it ended up bad, Macy would fix it,” I shrugged.
“I like it! Looks good. Perks of having a hairstylist as a roommate,” he replied and I nodded back.
“Hey, I’m Henry,” I looked over towards Henry who I completely forgot was here. I felt is arm tightly wrap around my waist as he pulled me in closer towards him. I was immediately frozen in place, trying to understand what was going on.
Why was he being possessive?
“You guys....dating?”
Before Steven could continue talking, I pushed myself out of his grip and responded, “no, he is JUST a friend of Walter’s”
I watched as Mark clenched his jaw at my comment.
“Izz, hey look who I found! Our favorite barista, back from the dead,” I couldn’t help but smile at his kind words.
I felt my cheeks redden the moment I saw Izzy. He looked so damn hot without an ounce of effort. He could be wearing dirty sweatpants and I would still think he was hot.
“Well...she is no longer a barista....” Steven trailed off, sending me an apologetic look.
“So what, you quit your job as a barista to live out your dream of being a blueberry,” Izzy’s laughter filled the room as he spoke. I wouldn’t lie, I was hiding a laugh.
“Hey, it’s punk okay,” I shrugged back.
“Is it also punk to wear a scarf and pants on one of the hottest days in the summer,” he teased back. He damn knew why I I had to wear this. He knew I had to hide the marks he made while I begged for him to fuck me.
“You know what...you’re right this outfit is not very punk of me,” I sassed back taking off the scarf and shirt. Leaving me standing in a thin camisole and skin tight pants, hickies in full display. I stood still with a large smirk plastered across my face.
“So Henry, do you play?” Steven asked trying to break the tension that had filled the room.
“Yeah, I play guitar. You?”
“Drummer, in a band?”
Before Henry could reply Izzy asked, “Are you a soloist or more of a rhythm guy?”
“Soloist! And no I’m not in a band, but I’m working on it”
I sent Izzy a confused look, only to receive a smirk on return. What the fuck was he thinking about?
I quickly tuned out Steven’s and Henry’s conversation, and paid attention to Izzy who was making me melt just by looking at me.
“Actually, Shelly...I have a quick guitar question, got a sec?” I nodded and followed Izzy towards the guitar section.
From behind me I heard Steven say, “We should stay behind, I have a feeling they are going to be doing a little more than talking about guitars. I don’t feel like watching what they are about to do,”
Before I knew it, Izzy pulled me into the bathroom and immediately locked the door behind him. In one quick motion he pinned me against the wall and I heard my clothes drop to the floor.
“Really Shelly? A soloist? We all know rhythm guys do it better in bed,” Izzy grunted into my ear earning soft uncontrollable moans to escape from my lips.
I wanted to make a snarky reply, but I couldn’t think of anything. My mind could only focus on one thing.
He was right.
Holy shit, he was fucking right.
Rhythm guys do it better.
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cookieek · 3 years
Chapter 14: In which Arthur daydreams and thinks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Epilogue ao3 Wattpad
Edda was pretty much bouncing in place as they waved goodbye to Snurra and Nini, a big grin on her face as she put the hair ball inside her bag. It was her hand taking a hold of Arthurs, as they started making their way into Bergeleva, that finally snapped him out off just tantalisingly looking at her, he couldn’t help it, she looked so lovely when she was excited.
They stepped inside Bergeleva, the town looked to be fairly bigger than Hävelösa had been, as well as way more busy than Hävelösa. The sides of the street that they had walked into was covered with vendors selling their wares and people happily buying them.
Edda seemed to take a pause, her gaze traveling over the surroundings, moving off the street as she did, getting out of the way of a few other people making their way into the town. Arthur naturally followed with her.
“What sort of town like this doesn’t have a map by it’s entrance...” she muttered to herself.
“Maybe we could ask someone about it?” Arthur offered helpfully.
“Hm? Yeah, we should probably do that...” she said, throwing one more look around them through squinted eyes before turning to look at him properly. Her eyes widened a bit. “Oh, you haven’t put that on yet?”
Put what on? He followed her gaze to his other hand in which he was grasping the leather strip with the glass pearl on it. Oh, that.
“Don’t tell me that’s bad for your image too?” She snickered, putting her hands on her hips.
“What? No?” He looked at the glass pearl necklace in his hand again, the blue glass of the pearl glittered in the sun. Okay, maybe he was a little bit apprehensive about wearing it, it didn’t exactly fit the, well, image, he was trying to put out.
He looked up at Edda who was only raising her eyebrow at him.
Turning back to the pearl, he rolled it between his fingers in thought. Then again, he’d had his hair full of flowers just a day earlier, so what was a little pearl to that? He shook his head with a small chuckle, glancing up at Edda again. 
“Nah, my image can probably handle this too.” He lifted up the leather strip by it’s ends, moved it around his neck and attempted to tie the strip behind his head.
“Do you want me to help?” Edda said after he struggled for a few seconds. “I know a pretty good way to tie necklaces like that one.”
“Just let me-” Arthur muttered, his fingers fumbling with the strip. “I just gotta-“ one of the edges of the strip slipped out of his grasp and he was only just able to catch it before the pearl slipped off. “...Okay I might need some help.” he said sheepishly.
Edda, who he had heard let out a small gasp as the strip had slid out of his grip, gave him a soft and crooked smile.
“If you say so Arty.”
Arty, Arthur thought to himself, turning his back to her and pushing down his collar so she could get access to his neck. Her fingers touching his as she took the strip out of his hands. 
“...I’m sorry, was that too weird? I should probably not just call you something like that out of the blue.” She said, her gentle hands working around the back of his neck, he had to physically contain himself to not visibly shiver. What was that she said?
“No!” He exclaimed as he finally registered her words. “...I liked it.” He glanced over his shoulders to see her cheeks stained a pretty pink colour, instinctively he found himself turning back forward as her eyes almost met his.
“Oh...” there was a small, barely audible, nervous laugh. “I guess I’ll keep using it then...” the back of her fingers grazed his neck just below the hairline.
He closed his eyes a bit to enjoy the feeling of her hands behind his neck and the nickname. Arty... it echoed in his head. Arty...
“Arty! Put me down!” Edda giggled as he swept her off her feet and held her against his chest. Her face beaming at him through her giggles, and slight cackles, and her arms, despite her playful protests, clung around his neck.
He sighed happily.
“Hey, are you falling asleep on me?” Eddas hands moved away from his neck and his collar flipped back up. There was humour in her voice as her hand waved in front of him. “Your necklace is done Mr daydreamer.”
He turned to look at her, trying not to look too disappointed over that she didn’t call him Arty again. Apparently he didn’t do it that well as her face twisted into a look of concern.
“Is something wrong Arthur?” She moved her hands to touch the leather strip again. “Did i make it too tight? I can adjust it if you want?”
His skin tingled as she reached around his neck to adjust the necklace, her hands once again brushing against his neck. Not to mention how close she now was with her crouching in-front of him now, her grey shining eyes narrowed in concentration and her, oh so sweet looking lips so close to him, much like they had been back by the river. If she moved in, just a bit closer then they could-
“Is that better?” Her voice snapped him back to reality, her hands slowly sliding away from the back of his neck. 
“Oh. Yeah.” He said, still shaking himself from his daze.
“That’s good,” she smiled, “You can adjust it yourself anytime you feel like it. Tug at the string to make it looser, and just pull at the knots back here,” her fingers pressed at what felt like two different knots on the strip against his neck “If you feel the need to tighten it.”
“I would prefer if you where the one to adjust it.” He muttered out, only half conscious of what he was saying.
“It would be much less of a fuss if you just did it yourself though?” She said in a confused tone of voice, her eyebrows furrowed.
“Ha, right.” He mentally beat himself up for pulling out such a bad line, he could do better than that! ‘I doubt it would be as wonderful to adjust it myself than to you doing it’? No, too wordy. ‘Your touch is simply to sweet for me to miss out on’? Maybe?
“Either way,” Edda shrugged, her hands retracting from his neck, one of them trailing to his collarbone where the glass pearl rested just below. “This looks really good on you.” 
“Really?” Arthur suddenly felt way more attached to the necklace.
“Yeah,” she shot him a small grin and gave the pearl a small flick. “It matches your eyes.”
Arthur felt his heart pound in his chest, watching a sweet pink colour spread across her face as her eyes widened. He was about to grasp her hand to kiss it, but she hurriedly moved away from him and cleared her throat.
“Aaaanyway, let’s see if we can find a map... Or anyone that knows about a map.” She tapped her fingertips against each other, her face a deep red colour. 
Arthur, although a bit disappointed to miss a chance to kiss her hand, but not wanting to be pushy, rolled with the change of topic. 
“Alright,” he walked to stand beside her as she turned to face the town again. He held his hand out to her, “Let’s go then, Miss Edda?” 
Her face was still red as she looked from his face and his hand. For one second he was worried that he might have been to forward, but then a soft smile crossed her face as she put her hand in his.
“Yeah, let’s go, Arty.” 
His entire body filled with a fizzy feeling as they stepped back onto the street. He felt so fizzy that he almost forgot that his dwarf height wasn’t the most optimal when leading someone trough the streets filled with people. Edda eventually took the lead instead, not that he really complained about that. Just feeling her hand in his made him happy enough.
They walked around a bit, asking some of the vendors if they had any idea of the placement of the library or any map. One older lady selling mittens and hats made of sheep hide and/or wool pointed them to the town’s centre where a map apparently should be on a billboard.
“Everyone keeps telling the mayor that we need more maps for the people that visit around this time, but nothing ever happens,” she muttered to them. “He says that it’s not important since it will only be useful around this time of year, but I’ve sure have seen an influx of visitors in the last few years even outside of the festival season.”
Both Edda and Arthur stood there quietly listening as the woman complained at them, Arthur nodding politely as he shared a look with Edda, who’s smile was starting to look just a bit strained.
“-but does he ever listen? Noooooo. He said he did the maths and the money was better spent on getting that new winery set up, for ‘tourist reasons’. But how are they supposed to find the new winery without a gosh darn map!” She leaned back in her chair with a huff. “I swear, I’ve never seen a man with such skewered priorities.”
“Oh! Well, thanks for the help!” Edda said, pouncing on the lull in the conversation. “But we should go, we have important things to do.” She gestured towards where the old woman had pointed them before.
“Yes, Thank you ma’am.” Arthur added, bowing almost instinctually.
“Ohh, aren’t you two such dearies,” the old woman cooed, Arthur looked up, just in time to see that Edda had followed his lead and curtsied towards the old woman. “It’s always a pleasure to meet such polite young people. Don’t let me keep you, go have fun you two, the couple dances should be in a few hours, so you still have time to run around a bit before then, do not worry.”
Couple dances? Oh right, she had mentioned there being a festival here, so couple dances happening in the festival did make sense. Though to dance with Edda? He felt his lips involuntary tug into a smile. It would be nice to dance with her... 
“Couple- We’re not-“ Edda stuttered, her cheeks once again flushed pretty pink. “T-thank you for your help!” She repeated, before turning and hurriedly walking towards the direction off the town centre, Arthur in tow. 
“You’re welcome deary! If he steps on your toes just pretend you don't notice!” The old woman shouted after them.
Arthur chuckled at the old woman’s words, as if he would step on Eddas feet, he liked to think he was a pretty good dance partner. He looked around the street as they walked. They where right in the middle of a crowd of people, but as he looked up above them he could see large rings made of flowers and leaves adorn the sides of the buildings, along with a few arches hanging in between buildings, also decorated generously with flowers and leaves. It really did look like it was decorated for some festival of sorts. He wondered what sort of festival it could be, considering he didn’t know of any that happened around this time of year, around the middle of the summer.
“Hey, Miss Edda? You know what this festival is about?” He looked up at her expectantly, but she didn’t say anything, almost like she hadn’t heard him.
He noticed that she had started grabbing the side of her head, and flinching as she accidentally bumped into people as she walked. He immediately forgot his question as worry and protectiveness started welling up inside him, making him hurry up his steps so he was walking beside her again. 
“Are you okay Edda?” He asked, but she didn’t look like she even had heard him, her eyes scouring the surroundings.
He clenched her hand a bit, this time silently asking her if she was alright. She just nodded, not looking down at him, her head still in her hand.
If he had been his old princely self he would have taken her under his arm and held her against his chest as they made their way trough the crowd, but unfortunately, he wasn’t that at the moment.
Could he even dance with her in his cursed form?
He felt frustration swell up in his chest, but he tried to focus on the issue at hand, figuring out what he could do to help her. The best he could think of doing was holding her arm closer to him and trying to pet it soothingly, which he did. Though while she seemed to visibly relax a little bit more, her shoulders would still jerk up at the loud noises of people shouting in the crowd and her face still looked tense.
Looking ahead Arthur spotted, between the crowds of people, what looked like the billboard that the old woman had been talking about. He gently tugged Eddas arm and took the lead, doing his best to clear the way in front of them so no one would bump into her.
It thankfully seemed like the crowd cleared up as they reached the town centre, Arthur assumed that it was because the lack of any stalls that had littered the crowded streets, as there was only the billboard the old woman had been talking about, a few people currently working with setting up what looked to be a large tent, and a large statue that stood in the very middle of the town’s centre.
Arthur continued making his way to the billboard, Edda beside him, looking now noticeably more relaxed, her hand no longer in her head, but her face still somewhat tensed up. As they walked he couldn’t help to throw another look at the statue. It looked to be an older woman with a sword strapped to her side, in one hand she held what looked to be a wine bottle, in the other she held a large spear. 
He tore his eyes away from the strange statue and turned to look at the billboard, searching for the map. He didn’t have to look for too long as Edda found it soon enough, and started mumbling to herself as she hovered her index finger in front of it.
“Have you found it?” He asked, prompting her to look down at him, this time hearing what he was saying.
“Not yet,” she turned back to the map, “it should be here though, it’s not like the library at home would give me the name of a library that didn’t exist right?” She let out a small laugh, but then furrowed her brows as she squinted at the map. “Right?”
“You two need any help?” A voice piped up behind them.
Arthur spun around, accidentally letting go of Eddas hand in the process, to see one of the workers that had been setting up the tent, they cocked their head at the two of them with a friendly smile.
“Oh, well,” Edda begun. “I heard there was a library here? In this town? And I can’t find it on the map?”
“Oh that! Yeah, it’s not marked on the map, but it’s in the community house.” The worker let out a small laugh. “We really need to do something about that map.” They muttered to themselves.
“In the community house...” Edda said, and as Arthur looked over at her she had already turned around to the map again.
“Yeah, it’s right there.” The worker pointed at a specific point on the map which said ‘Community house’ with fancy lettering.
“Looks to be close by.” Arthur commented.
“Yup,” the worker retracted their hand and gestured to their right. “It’s the third house down Gyllene street, can’t miss it.”
Arthur followed their gesture to yet another street with a fair share of people. Third house, he repeated in his head, memorising the small direction, already planning on leading her through this crowd as well. He could probably tell when they had reached the third house even with his height disadvantage and the crowd of human sized humans. No what was he saying, of course he could!
“Ah, Great,” Edda said, Arthur looked up just in time to catch a shining grin from her, taking him out of his thoughts for a second. “Thanks for the help.” 
Wh- Oh right, he had almost forgot about the worker standing right in front of them.
“No problem, I know this town is pretty confusing to navigate for new people.” The worker grinned back, before returning to the tent where the other’s looked to be waiting impatiently for them.
“Alright!” Edda said, turning to Arthur, smiling brightly and taking a hold of his hand. “Let’s finally get to that library huh?”
“Yes,” Arthur said, before taking a small bow to her and shooting her a smile. “Allow me to escort you there, M’lady.”
Edda snorted.
“What? Think I forgot the directions so quickly?” She said tilting her head to her side with a small grin.
“What- of course not! I-“ Arthur sputtered, “I just thought- A lot of people where bumping into you before, and I can’t let that happen to a lovely you lady such as yourself.” Yes, he saved it!
“Okay then, Mr protector, go ahead.” Edda shot him an amused grin, but he could also just make out the tint of pink on her cheeks returning. 
“As you wish, M’lady.” He turned in time to hear a small cackling laugh from her, her hand squeezing his warmly.
And so he led her through the crowd again, his eyes both searching above and through the crowd to find the community centre, though with the directions from the worker it wasn’t especially hard to miss. Even more so hard to miss with the door to it standing wide open with people pouring into it.
The inside of the community centre was, almost as full of life as it was outside, and even with a few vendors selling stuff inside the building as well. Arthur didn’t get to much time to take in the interior as Edda quickly made a beeline towards the, surprisingly well signposted all things considered, door to the library.
As the library’s thick doors closed behind them he could hear Edda let out a sigh of relief.
“Silence. Sweet sweet silence.” 
Arthur watched as she took a deep breath and exhale, a brief look of serenity crossing her face. He realised how tense she had been out there, her shoulders stiff and her movement becoming more and more stressed.
“Miss Edda? Does crowds bother you?” The question slipped out of his mouth before he could even really think or stop himself.
She turned to him and blinked a few times.
“Well, yeah, I thought I made that painfully obvious.” She said, looking away from him. “Most of the time it’s the noise that’s the problem, which is only amplified by how small those streets out there are, the noise just bounces against the walls.” He could see her grimace a bit, turning her head slightly to look at him. “Makes It impossible to think clearly, or really hear anything.”
“It was the noise that bothered you?” He asked, feeling just a bit stupid over not realising it before, the way she had held her head in her hand should have made it clear.
“I mean, I also really don’t like getting my personal space invaded, so that also made it, notably worse.” She let out a stiff laugh.
“Personal space?” The times that Arthur had gotten close to Edda flashed in his head and he panically looked down at her hand which he was still holding. Oh no, had he completely flubbed it from the start? 
Edda seemed to notice his growing panic, and let out a small cackle.
“Don’t worry Arty, you’re fine! If you were making me uncomfortable I would have said so.” She grinned at him and squeezed his hand. “Anyway, that’s enough of me and my stupid complaining, we have work to do.”
Arthur wanted to interject that what she said wasn’t stupid, but he didn’t get the chance as Edda started walking into the library more and approached the help desk, immediately starting to ask about the placements of the books she was looking for.
As she did so Arthur begun looking around the room more, it looked like your typical library (or at least what he thought a typical library looked like, it wasn’t exactly the sort of place he tended to spend his time in before this whole thing), albeit a little smaller, a side effect of it not having it’s own building he assumed. It sort of reminded him of the castle library back home in Camelot, the one he’d had to drag Merlin out off on multiple occasions. Though this library looked way more worn down than the one in Camelot.
It was also pretty empty, only a few people walking around the old bookshelves. But speaking of Merlin, he wondered what his friends were up to. Was Snow and Merlins honeymoon going well? Were they still on their honeymoon? Had the other guys managed to break their curses yet? He hadn’t been gone for too long, but part of him was concerned with the well-being of his friends. Then again, it wasn’t like they couldn’t protect themselves, they were part of the Fearless seven after all. Also, he had learned the hard way that Snow could pack one hell of a punch.
“Thank you for the help.” Edda said to the librarian as they departed from the help desk, seemingly having gotten to know what she needed to know about the book placements. She wore a look of excitement as she let go of his hand to rush up to one of the bookcases, where she started happily pulling out a few books.
A small chuckle exited Arthur as he looked at her, leaning himself against the bookshelf, once more human, it was something admirable in someone being so passionate about their work, or at least he thought so. Not to mention that her excitement was sort of, cute? Arthur wasn’t sure if that was the word he wanted to use. No, cute didn’t exactly do her justice. 
Edda raised her gaze to the top shelf, her eyes widening along with the grin on her face and she started reaching out to the books on the shelf. Arthur, seeing a chance to impress, removed himself from the shelf and started moving towards her. Edda was standing on her toes but still not reaching whatever book she was trying to grab. Her face had morphed into a look of frustration, and she started raising her foot as if she was planning to climb the bookshelf. Arthur rushed up to her before she could do that.
“Whoa whoa! Hold on. I can get it for you Miss Edda.” He said, putting his hand on her arm gingerly, though it slipped out of his grip the moment she looked over at him and he shrunk back to being a dwarf.
“What? Oh, well I guess I could lift you up and you could then grab it. That would probably work.” She said, throwing a glance back at the bookshelf.
“Wait, no,” He said stepping behind her in hopes of evading her line of sight when she turned to look back at him. While he undoubtedly enjoyed being picked up and held by her, oh how he enjoyed being held, this was a thing he wanted to do without that being involved. “Which book  do you want? I’ll pull it out for you.”
“Oh! Uh, it’s that one.” She said, seemingly catching on to what he was talking about, and pointed to a large book on the top shelf. “I can just go and see if they have a step stool or anything, you don’t have to do this if you don’t feel like it.” She pulled her arm back.
“But I want to aid you M’lady.” He said softy to her as he leaned forward to reach for the book she had pointed at. “Please don’t look.” He whispered to her as he grabbed the book out of the bookshelf.
“I’m not.” She replied, her voice sounding odd. Arthur glanced down at her face, red on her cheeks and her eyes closed tightly. Oh, he realised how close he was standing to her, his chest practically pressed up against her back and neck. 
He hurriedly took a step back.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t making you uncomfortable now was I Miss Edda?” He said, what she had told him earlier about personal space still ringing clear in his head.
“No!” She spun around, “that wasn’t-“ the pile of books she was holding started sliding out of her grasp from her sudden movement, making her stumble forward. “Shit!” She hissed through her teeth as two books escaped her arms.
Arthur jumped forward to catch the two books. One falling on top of the book he was already holding with a loud smack and the other one slamming against his face, making him yelp, before plopping down in the other book. Oh, that did not feel good.
“Crap! Sorry! Are you- that’s blood, you’re bleeding.” Edda whispered to him, as he held his nose and groaned. He looked up at her, meeting her worried eyes and tried to give her one of his most charming grins.
“Don’t worry M’lady, Arthur here has dealt with much worse things than a book.” He started, but stopped as Edda put the book pile on the floor and leaned in to touch his face.
“It has already started to swell,” she muttered in a worried tone. She reached into her bag and pulled out a piece of cloth to swab at the blood that was running out of his nose. For one second Arthur forgot about the pain in his nose entirely, to busy getting lost in her sweet touch and caring eyes. That was until the cloth came in contact with his noise, prompting him to yelp again.
“Sorry!” Edda grimaced, taking one of her hands away from his face to rummage in her bag. “Let me just get some-“
“Is everything alright over here?” 
It had been a librarian that had gone over to check what the ruckus they where making was about. After noticing Arthur’s injury she had offered to bring some cotton from the first aid box they apparently had in the back, which Edda had accepted. 
Before the librarian had left for the cotton however, she had helped them move to a table, carrying some of Eddas books for her, or at least some of the ones that Arthur wasn’t already carrying. A little bleeding nose wasn’t enough to stop him from helping out, if anything he wanted to be the one carrying all the books, but that didn’t happen so he had to be happy with carrying the three books under one of his arms as he held the rag Edda had given him under his nose with the other. Next time he got the chance though, he was going to carry all of the books and make Edda really impressed, that he swore to himself.
It had been sitting by one of the libraries tables, with the pieces of cotton in his nose, as Edda pulled out the potion she had worked on on Snurra’s cart. She asked him to drink a little of it for the pain and then she starting to do something similar to what she had done by the river yesterday. Except with more of her touching his nose to make sure it didn’t heal weird.
“That’s the thing with bones,” she muttered, swabbing his nose carefully with the potion. “Gotta hold them in place if you want this healing method to work correctly.”
Arthur didn’t say anything in return, having gone back to simply enjoying being fussed over, eagerly awaiting the part of the healing that would involve her blowing on his nose. He had been healed by plenty other people before, many of them being quite lovely, handsome and receptive to his advances, but there was something different about being healed by Edda. He couldn’t quite put a finger on what it was, but whatever it was it made him feel happy and tingly all over, like she was someone he wanted to turn to after a hard fight in order to get pampered, and gently scolded over pushing himself to hard.
“...Thank you for helping me get that book down, by the way,” Edda said, softly exhaling with a small nervous smile, pulling away the rag she was swabbing his nose with. “I probably should have thanked you for that before, but well-“ she gestured vaguely with her hands “but, it was, really sweet of you, to do that.” 
She adverted her eyes away from his as she spoke. Arthur couldn’t help but smile at her mildly flustered appearance, reaching up one of his hands to gently touch her face.
“It was a pleasure to help you Edda.” Even if getting a book slammed into his face hurt like hell, her gently healing him and shyly thanking him had made it all worth it.
Edda snorted at him.
“That book to your face did not look like a pleasure.” She took a small swing of the potion. “Again, sorry about that.”
He just waved her concerns away with a laugh and so the healing process continued over to what was quickly becoming his favorite part.
After the healing was over they quickly moved over to the reason they had gone to the library in the first place, finding the thing that would break his curse, that wasn’t a kiss. 
Arthur flipped trough the book he had been handed, jotting down which pages seemed to have anything useful on a slip of paper. He wasn’t super used to do this sort of thing yet, sure he had been made to take a fare share of lessons back home that included flipping through books and writing, but the ones that had always stuck into his memory the most had been the ones about fighting and protecting people.
It wasn’t like anything learnt in those lesson was useful for the task at hand though, so there he was, flipping pages, occasionally glancing up at Edda. Her eyes were laser focused on the pages in front of her as she looked from the book to her notebook, flipped a few pages in her notebook, and then turning to look back at the book. She furrowed her brows and tapped her pen against her lips.
Arthur tore his eyes away from Edda and turned the page of the book in front of him, at first noting looked to be of interest to him, until his eyes saw the words ‘tracking sigil’. He felt his stomach turn as he read the spells description.
“A sigil that once placed upon a person or object will, with the help of an enchanted map (se page 57), let one keep track of wherever a person is at all times. In order to do this you will have...” Arthur stopped reading, the thought of someone using such magic to track a person made him feel such instant repulsion that he almost threw the book to the floor.
“What would lead someone to using such a nasty spell?” He grumbles to himself out loud.
“Huh?” Edda looked up from her book. “Did you find anything useful?”
“Nah,” He gestured towards the book, “just another spell to question the use of.” 
Edda raised her eyebrows and leaned over to look at the page herself.
“I mean, it could be useful for objects that you would want to keep track on,” she scratched her neck, “but yeah, it mentioning people is definitely a bit sketchy.”
“Yeah,” Arthur said through a grimace as Edda moved back to her work. “Have you found anything useful yet?”
“Sorta!” Eddas head snapped up again, a big grin on her face. “I thought I should look up the usage of troll hair and look what I just found!” 
She turned the book to him and pointed at a paragraph in it.
“...one possible antidote that might be used for such transformation spells is a salve made out of, among other things, wood cranesbill and hair from a troll.” She read out loud, her voice barely filtering her excitement. “It doesn’t seem like the writer is super sure about it’s usefulness, and it doesn’t explain the full recipe, or how to make it... but it’s a lead!”
She leaned back a bit in her chair.
“Or at least another possible cure to put on the list.” She shrugged. “We should probably prep stuff for this thing anyway, wood cranesbill only bloom around this time of the year, so it would be a shame if this was one that worked and we have to wait a year or so to get the chance to make it again.”
“Wait, there’s a list?” He asked, not sure if she had ever mentioned one to him before.
“Yeah, but it’s pretty short, and is meant to be used if I can’t find a weak point to exploit in the spell, which, so far, I have not. Or at least not something immediately useful or conclusive.” She flipped the pages in her notebook to show him a page with ‘John’s wort???’, ‘Rune spell amulet’, and ‘Loophole in conditions?’ written on it. The last point having a few small scribbles under it saying ‘fake kiss? Trick it?’.
“Well, whatever’s the case,” Arthur said, eyeing her endless notes as she wrote down ‘troll hair salve’ on the page and flipped back to her current page of the note book. She was really working hard on this. “I know you’ll figure something out, especially if you now have four plans ready to go.”
She gave him a gentle smile which made his heart warm at the sight.
“Thank you Arthur.” She turned back to her work. “Well, I better see if I can find the recipe for this salve now, and then I’ll return to look for weaknesses.”
“Alright!” Arthur threw one final look at Edda as she resumed her note taking and reading before returning to his own book and turning to the next page. The warm feeling he had gotten from her smile still warming his chest pleasantly.
12 notes · View notes
jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[Gakuen K] HOMRA Route: I wish to see your Ability Translation
*Translator’s note : MC’s name shall remain as my normal (水嶋ラン) *Done on a whim.  Gakuen K Masterlist ! *Spoiler FREE : Translations under cut !
Ran: Come to think of it, what job of yours was he talking about earlier?
Totsuka: Hmm...It’s not anything important, really. And I doubt it was really set into stone either…
Izumo: That’s true. He just somehow ended up being the person in-charge of looking after the new recruits one way or another.
Ran: Person in-charge…?
Totsuka: It’s by job to provide support, 24 hours, on the clock aid to newbies around here who still aren’t familiar with things, no matter how big or small your problem may be! Or so, I’d say...But 24 hours is really pushing it…
Totsuka: The Red Club isn’t a club with a set list of Club Activities or any goals in mind, unlike the other Clubs out there, you see?
Totsuka: Just like Kusanagi-san said earlier, we’re just a Club that does whatever we want to, whenever we want to while we gather together and we leave when it’s time.
Totsuka: We don’t have any of that sort of special Ability Training you were thinking of and the like, so...In reality, you’re already observing our Club Activities right now.
Totsuka: Have you come to understand how things work in this Club a little better now?
Ran: I see. Kind of, I guess.
Izumo: Hey, Totsuka. Don’t ya’ think it’ll be better to tell her that it’s not that easy to get in and not everyone gets accepted in here?
Izumo: It’d be sad if she couldn’t get in after she decided that she’d enter this club instead of any other Clubs out there.
Ran: Oh, I know a little about that.
Ran: My classmate told me that the Club President, in other words, Suoh-senpai, has to acknowledge me before I can enter the Club.
Izumo: Your classmate? You mean...Yata-chan?
Misaki: ...I don’t know who tattled, but it most definitely wasn’t me.
Ran: Yata-kun, Kamamoto-kun!
Izumo: Oh. You guys came at a great time! Did ya’ manage to get the French Bread I asked of you?
Kamamoto: ‘Course. Here’s the receipt from the Cooking Club.
Ran: Does the Cooking Club in this school sell bread?
Kamamoto: Nope. This one’s a trade under the table.
Ran: Trade under the table?
Izumo: That’s right. There’s nowhere else I can obtain freshly baked bread like this other than relying on the Cooking Club.
Izumo: Everything runs on a give-and-take basis in this world. Which means that I have to pay up for the cost of the ingredients and the effort they put into making something like this.
Ran: So that’s what it is…?
Totsuka: That being said, the Blue Club and the Student Council are adamant that this is a “Inappropriate sale of goods” and would never allow something like this to happen out in the open.
Izumo: It’s not like we’re tradin’ drugs or anythin’ like that. Geez! They’re such meddlesome people who can’t stop stickin’ their noses where it doesn’t belong.
Misaki: It’s a given that they’re just doing this to pick at us and find any small reason, no matter how miniscule, to pick a fight with us!
Izumo: That might be so. Sorry about this, the conversation totally moved off you getting into the club and into other topics…
Ran: Not at all. I don’t mind.
Izumo: I know that you’re aware of the requirements to enter the Club, but…
Izumo: Hey, can I ask something selfish of me?
Ran: Something selfish?
Izumo: Yup. Won’t you show me that special Ability of yours?
Ran: My Ability…
Izumo: You just look like an ordinary girl, albeit a cute one, no matter how I look at it. So, you can say that I’m a lil’ suspicious about all of this.
Izumo: About whether ya’ really have this Ability of yours that managed to attract the attention of that “Suoh Mikoto” of ours.
Misaki: Kusanagi-san! Are you suspecting Mikoto-san!?
Izumo: Don’t go saying such uncough things like that, Yata-chan. There’s no way I’d doubt Mikoto, but this is just a personal interest, you might say.
Kusanagi: Don’t ‘cha say it’s only normal to want to witness something you’ve never seen before? So, how’s it? Will you show it to me?
Ran: (Even if he asks to see it...)
⊳Choice: I’ll try.
Ran: (It’s not like turning him down’s a choice considering the atmosphere in here...)
Ran: Alright, I’ll try.
Ran: ……
Izumo: ……
Ran: (I thought that it might work out, but this just seems impossible...Maybe I should just tell him the truth.)
Ran: I’m sorry. I actually don’t know how to call up my powers…
Totsuka: You don’t know how to…?
Ran: Back then...The power that everyone witnessed was just something that happened by chance.
Ran: It’s not something that I can summon up at will, so I don’t really know how to go about doing it…
Misaki: ...And you accepted it despite not knowing anything?
Izumo: Yata-chan, don’t go sayin’ things like that! I’m happy enough that she’s willing to try, at least.
⊳Choice: Refuse.
Ran: ...I’m sorry, but that’s not something I can do.
Izumo: And why’s that, if I may ask?
Ran: Back then...The power that everyone witnessed was just something that happened by chance.
Ran: It’s not something that I can summon up at will, so I don’t really know how to go about doing it…
Izumo: Hmm...So you don’t know how to summon your powers? Maybe having an example would help…
Ran: (Ah, it’s Mikoto-senpai…!)
Totsuka: King~ The higher ups really do have their own flexible hours, huh.
Izumo: Great timin’, Mikoto! I know it’s sudden and all, but do ya’ mind showing us your flames for a lil’ bit?
Mikoto: ...What’s with that out of the blue?
Izumo: I know, I already apologised for asking this out of nowhere, right? I wanted to see this girl’s Ability, but it seems like she doesn’t quite know how to call her powers up.
Izumo: I was thinking of showing her an example, ya’ see? And ‘sides, your flames are flashy and cool to boot.
Mikoto: ...Only just this once. It’s not something I go around showing others.
Ran: !
Ran: (That was beautiful...)
Ran: So this is your Ability…
Totsuka: Yup. It’s something that’s limited to King alone, though.
Totsuka: You’ll be able to receive the Ability to control fire once you’re acknowledged by the Club President. You can call it a “bonus” of sorts for managing to enter the Club.
Kamamoto: Totsuka-san...It sounds kinda’ cheap when you talk about it like that.
Totsuka: Ahaha. But, it’s easier to understand that way, right?
Ran: ...I wonder if I can obtain that ability; one that controls fire…
Izumo: Of course; but that’s only if you manage to get in.
Ran: If I manage to get into the Club…
Mikoto: I’ve already shown you my power.
Izumo: Thanks, Mikoto. Now...It’s your turn next.
Izumo: Show us of the Red Club that power of yours.
Ran: (My power...How do I…?)
Ran: (Let’s try imitating what Suoh-senpai did...)
Ran: ...There!
Kamamoto: ...Huh?
Ran: H-Huh? There…! There!
Misaki: ...Kamamoto? That idiot’s flailing her arms around like an idiot...What’s she trying to do?
Kamamoto: I wonder…? Warm-up exercises, maybe?
Ran: (Oh no, what should I do? Nothing’s happening...)
Totsuka: Hey, are you trying to imitate what King did, perhaps?
Ran: ...Yes.
Misaki: What, so was the weird power I saw the other day just a fluke?
Ran: ……
Misaki: If it was a fluke then we have no need for you, right, Kamamoto?
Kamamoto: I guess that would be the case…
Ran: ...I’m sorry.
Totsuka: I’m sure you must be simply tired out from having just transferred into this school so you’re still fatigued by everything.
Totsuka: How about you head home for today since you’ve now managed to see how the Club’s like? We can talk about whether you want to enter this Club or not another day. Okay?
Ran: Okay. I apologise for taking up your time.
Totsuka: Oh, wait! I’ll send you till the School Gates at least.
Ran: No, I’ll be fine. I’ll return myself.
Ran: Thank you very much for today, everyone!
Totsuka: Dear me, she ran off in such a hurry.
Izumo: I’d bet it’s because Yata-chan said such harsh things.
Misaki: Wha-!? What do you mean harsh? I didn’t…
Kamamoto: Naaah, that’s harsh even for me. You’ve gotta be softer about this kinda’ things when it comes to girls- Ow!!
Misaki: Shut up, Kamamoto! Don’t say things as if you’re any better than me! I’ll really smack you, ya’ hear me!?
Kamamoto: Tell me that before you hit me!
Totsuka: Ahaha, the usual commotion’s starting yet again. Hey, King?
Mikoto: What is it?
Totsuka: What is it about that girl that drew your attention?
Mikoto: ...Who knows.
Totsuka: I see, what a pity. By the way, what piqued my interest was…
Mikoto: ...Not interested.
Totsuka: Ahaha, I see. What a pity.
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Ran: (Haa...I really wonder what in the world my Ability is...)
Ran: (It comes out whenever I don’t want it to, but yet it doesn’t appear when I want it to...)
Kukuri: ...What are you doing, staring all so intently at your hand like that? Palmistry?
Ran: Kukuri-chan!
Kukuri: Heya~! I’m just about to return to the dorms right now; how about you?
Ran: Same here.
Kukuri: I see, I see. Then let’s walk there together!
Kukuri: ...Hey, you seem a little down? Did something happen at the Red Club?
Ran: No, nothing happened. I just have some things to think about, personally.
Kukuri: Personally?
Ran: Yeah. Like how I can’t do things right even when I want to.
Ran: I failed at something of importance, so I was thinking that I’m no-good after all.
Kukuri: Hmm...I don’t think that’s something you should be too worried about.
Kukuri: Everyone worries about things like that all the time.
Ran: Do you do so too?
Kukuri: Of course. I failed a little during Club earlier too...Although what I failed at is a secret!
Kukuri: It’s best if you just think about how you’ll “Do it better next time!” than to worry endlessly about it, else that’s just depressing, don’t you think?
Ran: I’ll do it better...next time…
Ran: Thanks, Kukuri-chan. I feel much better about it now!
Kukuri: Yes, yes, that’s the spirit! A smile suits a girl best after all!
Kukuri: Ohh, yes! How about we go buy some sweets to celebrate since you’re feeling better now?
Ran: Sure! But does me feeling better and going out to buy sweets have any connection at all…?
Kukuri: Don’t fret about the details~! Come on, let’s go!
Ran: Ah- Wait for me, Kukuri-chan!
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Next Scene: Friends’ Encouragement
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enbiart · 4 years
Just a Gal from Gongaga
A little plotbunny, more-or-less. Basic premise is that Gast and Ifalna went to Gongaga instead of the Northern Continent, and managed to get the Fairs to take Aerith before ShinRa did.
"Zack! You get your butt back here, or so help me!"
"So help you, what?"
"Okay, okay...Jeez, Aerith..." Zack mumbled, pouting. His sister tapped her foot impatiently as he carefully made his way back from the creek they'd found, cheeks puffed in annoyance. When he finally stood before her, she placed her hands on her hips and scowled.
"Mom's told you time and time again to stay away from those things!" She scolded.
He groaned. "But they ain't even Touch-Me's, they're just frogs! Can't I catch a frog?"
"Uh-huh, and how'd you know for sure, huh?" She asked skeptically, eyes narrow.
He opened his mouth to reply, but before he got a word out she 'poof!'ed, dropping to the ground as a pretty pink toad. Behind her and previously unnoticed, a Touch-Me hopped away, having done its duty.
She croaked. Angrily. Zack winced.
"Oop- Sorry Aerith! Super, duper sorry! Here, lemme just, uh..." He blanched, and crouched down to pick her up. Her amphibian eyes squinted at him in accusation, and he dropped her into the front pocket of his overalls to avoid the glare. Even as a slimy little frog, she still managed to make him feel like HE was the little brother. It was embarrassing!
He hastily made his escape, dodging flora and fauna alike as he scampered back home. The longer Aerith stayed as a frog, the angrier she was going to be with him. So, he ran and jumped and sometimes even climbed as fast as he could back home, where they hopefully still had some Maiden's Kisses left.
All the while, she croaked threateningly at him, promising sweet death. Doubtlessly she was vowing to throw away one of his MonsterMon cards for every minute she remained unchanged. He had no doubt she'd do it, too (though he did wonder how she knew about them, he thought he hid them pretty well under their parents' bed), and the fear of losing his ultra-rare Tonberrichu card spurred him into running faster than he ever had before in his eleven years of living.
Minerva sang as he finally reached their house and flung the door open. It swung open with a 'BANG', startling their poor mother that was in the middle of making lunch. He ignored her, depositing his sister on the kitchen table and shooting off to rifle through the fridge.
"Aha!" He yelled in triumph, grabbing the woman-shaped bottle. He struggled to pull the cork off, even going as far as trying to use his teeth, before his mother tsked and took it from his hand. She opened the bottle effortlessly, probably because she's had plenty of practice, and poured it on the poor pink frog sitting on the table.
With a 'poof!', ten-year old Aerith Fair was once again whole, sitting cross-legged on the table and ready to tattle.
"Mo~om! Zack went catching Touch-Me's again even though you told him not to!" She whined, too busy glaring at the boy in quesiton to glance at her mother.
He was aghast. "You went with me, you broke the rules too!"
"Only to try an' keep you outta trouble! You're lucky I didn't eat a fly, or you'd really be in for it, idiot!"
"Mo~om! Aerith's calling me names!"
"Only 'cause it's true!"
They bickered back-and-forth, not even noticing that their audience had went back to preparing lunch. It was only when the clink of plates and silverware on the table appeared that they stopped their fight.
"Aerith, get of the table, dear. Could you two go make your drinks, please?" Their mother said, distributing the food. The children scrambled off with a 'yes ma'am', argument already forgot at the prospect of food. Their mother shook her head fondly.
Soon enough, the three of them were sitting aound the table, happily munching away at their meal. Silence didn't last long, though, as it never did around Zack Fair.
"Hey, hey, did you see that guy that was walking around earlier?" He asked to the both of them, bouncing in his seat. At their confused looks, he elaborated, "The cool guy with the sweater and the sword! His eyes were all glowy and he was super buff!"
"Ohh," Aerith said, nodding, "that guy. I didn't get a good look at him, I was too busy runnin' after you." At that, he huffed, and rolled his eyes. She stuck her tongue out at him. He ignored it, looking at their mother instead.
"I've never seen a guy like him before, d'you know who he is?" He asked her. She hummed, and tilted her head in thought.
"Glowing eyes, you said?" She asked. He nodded enthusiastically. "I think that might be one of those SOLDIERs I've been hearing about. I'm not sure, though."
His eyes lit up. He leaned forward excitedly."SOLDIER?! What's that?!"
His mother shrugged. "Some sort of...military that ShinRa's been starting, I think. All I know is that they've got glowing eyes, though."
Her lack of knowledge did nothing to dampen his spirit. He sat back, face alight with excitement. Suddenly, he turned towards his sister. "Hey, hey Aerith! Wanna come with me and talk to that SOLDIER guy?"
"Gotta keep you from making a fool of yourself, don't I?" She sassed, eyebrow raised. Her own eyes were sparkling with excitement, though, and he grinned. They started shoveling food into their mouths with new enthusiasm, wanting to hurry up and finish before the man left. Their mother sighed, eating her food at a more sedate pace.
Meal done, the kids shot up, said goodbye, and hurriedly ran out.
Collecting the dished, Mrs. Fair called after them, "Don't bother that man too much! Stay safe!"
Thankfully, the man was still in town. They caught him as he was leaving the item shop, putting away a new bottle of Maiden's Kiss. The kids shared a look, giggling to themselves. Touch-Me's always got travelers good.
The man looked up at their approach. Aerith's breath caught in her throat; His eyes really did glow! He was so big, and his sword was really sharp and shiny! It was...a little scary, actually. She stepped a little closer to her brother.
Zack, on the other hand, didn't seem intimidated or frightened in the least. He was practically vibrating in excitent, bouncing in place. He asked, "Are you a SOLDIER?!"
The man blinked, and raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I am. You heard of us?"
Zack squealed. The man winced a little, and Aerith hit him lightly. He looked briefly apologetic, but went right back to his questioning. "Do you fight monsters with that sword?!"
The man nodded. Then, smirking, he pulled the sword off his back, showing it off to the two kids. They stared at it in awe. Suddenly, the man was under a barrage of dozens of questions. Even Aerith, with her previous fear forgotten, shot out question upon question. Everything from "How come your eyes can glow?" to "Have you ever fought a dragon?" and "Why do you have three belts?" The SOLDIER laughed, and answered all their questions with an ease that showed it probably wasn't the first time he'd been hounded by children.
After a lull in their questioning, the man chuckled, and said, "If you kids think I'm so cool, just wait until you see the General." They froze, and looked back at him with wide eyes. He blinked at them, and asked, "What, you never heard of General Sephiroth?"
"General Sephiroth?" Zack asked, breathless.
He raised an eyebrow skeptically. "You kids seriously never heard of Sephiroth?" At the shakes of their heads, he whistled. He kneeled down to their level. "C'mere, listen closely..."
They did, leaning forward and listening with bated breath as the SOLDIER weaved the tale of the heroic General, the first SOLDIER. Only just barely older than them, and already leading the campaign against Wutai, Sephiroth was a master on the battlefield. Stories spread like wildfire of the Silver General, of his exploits on the battlefield and his prodigal prowess with a blade. The man described the Masamune, of how the General could wield a blade twice his size with more skill and grace than men with decades more experience. He explained how the General was practically a god of war with his genius strategies and strength to fight a whole army by himself and come out on top.
"...He once stabbed his sword into the ground, and it caused an earthquake so big that Mideel got hit with a tidal wave."
Aerith gasped. "No way!"
The man nodded. "Yeah, way."
Zack's mouth was wide open, amazement twinkling in his eyes. He snapped his mouth shut, determination setting his features, and said, "I wanna be a SOLDIER!" The man laughed, and ruffled his hair. He huffed. "I'm serious! How do you be one?"
"April 21st's the deadline to apply. Head up to Midgar, and recruitment posters'll be everywhere." The man answered, watching Zack with amusement. "Gotta be at least fourteen, though." Zack's face fell, and he pouted. The man laughed, and ruffled his hair again. Even Aerith giggled. The SOLDIER got up, then, and dusted his pants off. He gave Zack a assessing look. "Seriously, though. Grow up a little, and if you still think you got what it takes, then we'll be happy to have you."
Zack perked back up at that, and nodded resolutely. The man chuckled, and, wishing them both well, walked off, probably to finish whatever mission sent him there.
The children stood there for a moment, watching him walk past the outskirst and into the jungle. Zack watched him go in awe, clearly smitten with the heroism of SOLDIER. Aerith, though, frowned a little. She liked talking to that man, and thought he was pretty cool. Her intuition, though... Something about him set her nerves on end, made her feel uneasy. She glanced at her brother's starstruck expression, and hoped it was just the man himself that her intuition didn't trust. Her brother was obviously planning to go join SOLDIER, and she didn't want to feel this bad around him when that happened.
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mythopoeticreality · 4 years
For the reader asks: What do you wish more authors in your fandom would write about?, - What reader or write do you think most deserves a high five?, and Tell me a headcanon (and who you wish would write it)?
Ohh! Awesome! Just the questions I wanted to answer too! xD Thank you, you wonderful nonnie for sending me these!^^ I umm…I might get a bit long-winded here so bear with me….>.>
What do you wish more authors in your fandom would write about?
Oh dear…you just gave me free reign here to give you my fannish wish-list anon. Do you realize what you’ve done?!
Okay, no but, these are some of the ideas and characters I’ve most wanted to see more explored for such a long time now, so this might get a bit long as I’ve been thinking about some of these things for so long, so…let’s split this up by fandom:
More Tinfang please, definately! Probably my most obscure fav here,but he has so much potential? I mean, he’s this haf-fey pied-piper type figure and I just need like…all of the fic of him outwitting orcs and robin-hooding it up across Beleriand just basically ruining Morgoth’s day in his own small ways xD I love the idea of Tinfang being this folklorish figure amongst the elves, and I’d love to see more of that.
On that note: More Middle Earth Fairy Lore in general. Yeah I know most of this stuff is only half-canonical at best and pretty obscure, coming from the Book of Lost Tales, but still, it’s just fun? Again, I love the idea of elvish folklore, especially pre-Valarin folklore and I’d love to see more of it, and incorporating some of these older Lost Tales era ideas is such a great way to do it? Besides, the addition of fairies answers an age old question in Tolkien Fandom:
“…they were born before the world and are older than its oldest, and are not of it, but laugh at it much, for had they not somewhat to do with its making, so that it is for the most part a play for them…”
TELL ME THAT DOESN’T SOUND LIKE TOM BOMBADIL TO YOU!?! Case closed. Tom Bombadil is a Fairy.
Asside from Tinfang and Fairy lore, however, There are a couple of things I’d love to see more of in this fandom as well.
More Amlach would always be a blessing.I don’t really see why he is so often overlooked as a character either. Here’s this guy, he’s like, ‘Okay, I’m maybe not so cool with these Elves dragging us into this war of theirs that I certainly didn’t  sign on for’  but then Morgoth comes along, and sends one of his servants to impersonate him while he’s away. Amlach finds out is all ‘What?! You stole my face?! Oh it’s personal, now…” and then goes to find Maedhros and becomes one of his vassals to fight against Morgoth. He has to be one of my favorite Men in the Legendarium, and I can’t help but picture his relationship with Maedhros to be just…so full of snark. He’s not awed by these elves after all, he’s just here because Morgoth’s an asshole. Honestly, I can’t help but feel that if Amlach feels like Maedhros is wrong about something he will speak up about it. And..Maedhros actually appreciates that? Amlach’s honesty, I mean, maybe not the snark all the time xD I just want to see more of that relationship, and it’s development, blossoming into some kind of respect and friendship between the two. Basically Amlach is awesome and I want more of him.
Finally, I’d love to see more Eönwë/Mairon stuff? This is my ship! The whole tragic lovers-to-enemies dynamic that they could have going? Those moments where Sauron came begging to Eönwë at the end of the War of Wrath and things almost, almost looked like things could have been reconciled, where everything stood on a knife-blade and a held breath? YES, I am here for that. And yeah, I’m a sucker for redemption fics, so I’m here for AU’s where Sauron actually did turn around and seek the Valar’s forgiveness as well.
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell:
*slams fist on table* More JSMN Crossovers! I mean, the King’s Roads literally go everywhere, and I can’t be the only one who sees the potential there! You’ve got all of fiction and reality open to you! For instance: 
Send Childermass off on the King’s Roads exploring Faerie and Looking for a way to read Vinculus, and have him stumble on into the DC Universe to run into John Constantine! They can be Snarky Northern Bastards together and deal with Fairies and Demons and Magic! 
Have John Uskglass wander into Wizarding New York in 1926 and meet Credence Barebone! Can you imagine what that would be like? The Raven King meeting this orphan kid who grew up in pretty much the exact opposite situation to himself, In a world where magic is kept a secret, and who had to spend his life suppressing this magic he had? What would be going through John’s head in that moment? What would be going through Credence’s? Can the Raven King take Credence under his wing, get himself a new apprentice? He should. That would be really cool. 
Oh, or what about Strange and Norrell while they’re trapped in the Pillar of Darkness? Send them to Valinor! Imagine the reactions of the Elves and the Valar at the approach of this huge Tower of Midnight. What New Sorcery of Morgoth’s is this? Is this the arrival of some new evil into their realm, like Ungoliant? Imagine this army of Elven warriors – the very same ones that Durring the War of Wrath fought to take down the source of all evil in Middle Earth – all lining up and preparing for battle…only to discover a pair of fondly squabbling academics
Or you know what? We don’t even need the King’s roads for crossovers! One of the things I’ve been most wanting to see in this fandom is a Sandman/JSMN crossover just…focusing on the relationship between Uskers and Morpheus? Like, I could totally see Oberon’s Favorite Foster Son as having encountered the Lord Shaper over here during his time in Faerie? And just, as a being of Faerie, as a Magician, as a Legend in and of himself, he totally has this connection to Dream? And honestly….why wouldn’t I want to see these two being Melodramatic and Goth and Awesome together? I’d really love to see how they’d interact. (Crossovers involving Daniel would *also* be amazing too of course and I’d really love to see John dealing with the feelings of knowing but not knowing Daniel, of interacting with someone who is at the same time so much older and so much younger than himself. How weird does it have to get to begin to stretch at even the Raven King’s own standards for what is “normal?”) 
Other crossovers I’d like to see: John Segundus and Arthur Weasley hanging out because that would be just…the most adorable thing. And Also Henry Lascelles and Lucius Malfoy, because they just kind of deserve one another really xD
Asside from Crossovers I’d really love to read more things focusing on just the general history and world building in JSMN? I want to see like, the effects of magic on things like the Interregnum and the Restoration! I want to see what sort of History Play Shakespere wrote about John Uskglass and How opening night went! (You Know the Raven King showed up,watching from the shadows. You just know it.) I want to see Isaac Newton as a Magician, dammit! (speaking of that last one I got this lovely fic around Christmas Time about that very thing and I am eternally greatful for it, and y’all should go read it)
And honestly, more fics about the Aurate Magicians and John Uskglass would be amazing? I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I want an entire series of novels dedicated to the Aurate era of Magic. I want *all* of the medieval politics and drama. How does John Uskglass interact with say…Emperess Matilda or Henry V? How does magic change things and introduce new issues that have to be delt with? Also…the characters of this time period just *fascinate* me. Yeah, John Uskglass, but also Thomas of Dundale? William of Lanchester? Catherine of Winchester? Donata Torrel and Margaret Ford and their troop of women magicians? Thomas Godbless? Walter De Chepe? Lookit. I just need *all* of the stories about the Aurates.
Oh, and one more thing: No 80′s AU JSMN fandom? I am Dissapoint. I need John Uskglass hanging out in Le Phonographique as is only his natural habitat ;P 
What reader or writer do you think most deserves a high five? 
But there are so many awesome people in both my fandoms? I mean Just going off of the top of my head…
@jordenspuls and @somepallings just seem like all around really cool people and it’s always a delight to see their back-and-forth crossing my dash (even if most of the time I’m too much an awkward nerd to say anything myself) Not only that but they’re also really awesome writers and if you like Johnsquared you should definitely check out both of their work!^^
@ohveda is also super-cool and is also an awesome writer, especially– again – if you like Johnsquared. Also, it always makes me smile when I see a comment on one of my metas, because we’ve always had nice discussion in the past. 
Of course I’ve gotta mention @regshoe here, for loving the Raven King as much I do, for always being an awesome person to talk to and for writing such amazing fic as well as comments in my own stories.
And on that same note, theseatheseatheopensea is another amazing writer in JSMN fandom (seriously, the writing is just georgous. Go read that Isaac Newton story.) and always leaves such lovely comments in my fic as well!^^
Finally, @thearrogantemu and @prackspoor have both written some of my favorite Silm fics.
Tell me a headcanon (and who you wish would write it)? 
Okay, so for most of my headcanons and ideas I don’t actually have an ideal writer in mind for any of them. I’d just really love to see what would happen if anyone took them up and ran with them.
That said, because I cannot provide any actual writers for these headcanons, I will give three each from each fandom to make up for it 8D
The Silmarillion/Tolkien:
  More Fairy Lore from Arda: Before encountering the Valar the elves would often leave out small offerings to appease the fairies and spirits of Middle-Earth. A few berries, a piece of meat from a good hunt, a dish of milk left out on the doorstep. After meeting Oromë and going to Valinor, the offerings became more craft-oriented and were said to be for the Valar, rather than the Fairies. Many – especially amongst the Vanyar – stopped leaving out offerings all together, seeing them as relics of the misunderstandings of the past, too pagan a tradition to continue with. MírielÞerindë, however did continue to leave out small scraps of brightly embroidered fabric as a tribute to Vairë whenever she began a new project. Fëanor continues on in this tradition, leaving a small wire spiral out on his workbench whenever he starts something new – not for the Valar or to keep the Fairies from interfering – but as a tribute to his mother.
Curufin is actually the best rider and horsemen amongst his brothers and taught Celebrimbor to ride 
Arien and Sauron were actually really close before Sauron’s eventual betrayal. Being some of the few Fire-spirits who remained on the side of the valar gave them a particular bond, and  Mairon was someone for Arien to turn to when the feelings of grief and betrayal that her brothers – The Balrogs – left her with grew to heavy. Well that was untill…
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell:
Catherine of Winchester actually didn’t start out as a particularly impressive Magician. Actually, if anything, magic was fairly difficult for her at first. Where she was impressive was in her dedication to her craft, and her shear stubbornness in it’s pursuit was what actually impressed the Raven King enough to take her on as a student (this one is actually a fairly new headcanon for me, but there is something about the idea that I find so appealing…)
Thomas of Dundale is actually a huge nerd when it comes to Arthuriana and tales of Chivalry. He was actually kind of having a bit of a fanboy freakout when he first learned Chrétien de Troyes wrote a song about him. xD More seriously though, tales of Knights and Brave Deeds were what he grew up on before being stolen away to Faerie, and during late nights in the Brugh, when neither of them could sleep, Thomas would keep both himself and John entertained with the old stories his nurse used to tell him. Sometimes he even thinks of himself and John as a kind of reversed Arthur and Merlin. 
William of Lanchester was actually one of the Raven King’s apprentices in his youth. That first week within John Uskglass’s company was one of the most frustrating experiences in William’s life, and by the end of it he well and truely hated John Uskglass and his particular manner of doing things. It was just so much the opposite to William’s own approach? He swallowed it down and pushed on anyway, because he did want to learn, but he ranted to Thomas (who he got on with brilliantly from the start) a lot about John during those early years of their relationship. Thomas helped him stick it out, Thomas gave him space to vent and honestly? Thomas helped smooth things over between William and John when they clashed the most. “He takes growing used to. But he’ll grow on you, if given a chance.” Thomas would say to him. William would just scoff. “Yes. Like a fungus.” Yet by the end of his apprenticeship, William found himself as one of the Raven King’s most trusted advisers and closest friends – and the thing that surprised William the most? When he realized it, he wasn’t surprised at all.
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: Oi Jimmy: we forgot another one off the 💀💀💀 list Jimmy: you gonna stick or twist? Janis: 👊 me if you give a shit Janis: need all the ways at my disposal Jimmy: here you are then, hot glue gun Janis: 🤔 Janis: sounds like a bit of 💀👑 & 💀#2 if you take it to your 🗢 and slowly starve Janis: still leaning towards 🔪 personally Jimmy: Alright, I'll invite them over Jimmy: keep your jealousy in check, my dear Janis: Jealous of you or them? Jimmy: ain't goals either way Janis: Neither is you taking up crafting, tbh so Janis: why have you got a hot glue gun? Jimmy: these cotton wool balls won't stick themselves to a 👕 Jimmy: gotta get 'em on before 💀👑 and 💀#2 think I've put snacks on Janis: 🤢 Janis: new 😎 look? Janis: 👎 Jimmy: piss off, this 🥉💡's nowt to do with me Janis: Who's is it? Janis: they ain't wasting snacks Jimmy: dunno, some other dickhead online whose kid don't wanna be a 🐑 an' all Janis: Ohh Janis: one of the more creative nativity outfits too, unlucky Janis: no tinfoil 👑s or dubious tea towels Jimmy: still looks shit enough to make our kid 😭 Janis: and you ain't got enough days to ship a probably shittier version from China Janis: alright, hold on Jimmy: I get that you live in the middle of nowt but nicking a 🐑 for #inspo ain't gonna help Janis: yeah, way to ruin my fun Janis: but my ma has had enough kids to have some ideas so you owe me for how 🥱 but informative this will be Jimmy: be a right laugh for you, be another pet I didn't ask for and have to piss about with Janis: or sunday lunch Janis: pessimist Jimmy: he's 😭 already, dickhead Janis: and I thought you northerners were meant to be hard Janis: grim and that Jimmy: @iantaylor8 Janis: Anyway, you want me to surprise you with the 🥇💡 or do you just want the lowdown on where to go Jimmy: depends Janis: on? Jimmy: if I can unstick myself or need your 💪🏆 Janis: 😏 Janis: how about I get on the bus to town now Janis: and if you manage to deal with your sticky fingers before I get there, then you can go? Jimmy: how's your ankle? Janis: not even on the scale now Jimmy: might be after you've put your foot down 🚍💣 Janis: Keanu could untangle you in 90 minutes, I reckon Janis: easy Jimmy: he ain't been pissing about 🐕🏃 Jimmy: how many you done? Janis: loads Janis: 💸 'cos the gifts don't buy 'em selves and the 🐕 owners are too busy sticking cotton balls to t-shirts, clearly 🎄✨ Jimmy: nice one, Janet Jimmy: now I'LL have to keep my jealousy in check while you put your 🦶 up on some other 🚍 riding knobhead Janis: only fair Janis: especially as you've reminded me how rammed that fucking bus is gonna be now Jimmy: I'll give one of my 👮 mates a bell to get you a 🚔 escort, hang on Janis: 😍 the perks Janis: there had to be some Jimmy: 🤡 perks off you Jimmy: won't be no struggle getting yourself on that 🚍 however full it is Janis: I'm pretty flexible Janis: contortionist might be a bold claim but 💪🏆 Jimmy: but it ain't a proper flex til I say it Jimmy: 💔 for you Janis: that's a fake flex Janis: don't need you for nothing Jimmy: after what happened on the assault course it'd sound like a real pisstake Janis: 1. that's agility if it's anything 2. also your fault Jimmy: never said it weren't, just how it'd sound Janis: No need to tell me what it 🔊 like Janis: the DMs are on the up again, yeah? Janis: same Jimmy: tis the season Janis: cutting it a bit fine to get a decent gift out of it Janis: but I suppose the couply selfies you can take are a close 🥈 for them Jimmy: can't keep the receipt on chlamydia but you can blag you went somewhere nice for the hols Janis: girls are actually demented Janis: at least no lad is gonna try and put me in matching knitwear and make me meet his nan Jimmy: 🥇💡 idea though I'll get you a #goals gift that ain't a trip to the cemetery Janis: oh yeah Janis: I'll get you something as well, even though I'm not required to try as hard Jimmy: stick a 🎀 on yourself and have done Jimmy: what the rest of the lasses do Janis: yeah literally Janis: as long as I heavily imply I'm gonna suck your dick, all is well, all is #goals Jimmy: 👍 Janis: but if you don't do good that # is gonna be a read Jimmy: challenge accepted Janis: even if you get out the glue after me Janis: you can come to the shops too Jimmy: I thought you were gonna say even if you give me the glue gun #regifted Janis: I mean Janis: not quite handcuffs Jimmy: fuck's sake babe, let me leave my work at work Janis: fine Janis: the 🚔 escort will as you won't Jimmy: you and your stolen 🐑 Jimmy: dead romantic, that Janis: I'm not from the middle of nowhere, tah Janis: 🐑shagging isn't a hobby Jimmy: back to the drawing board for our fake break up Janis: all the shite songs they pump out have plenty of inspo in 'em Jimmy: nowt I don't know about 🎄🎵 been forced to hear 'em since November Janis: 💔 gutted Jimmy: no chance of 🎻 Janis: how have you not fully lost it yet Janis: only a few days to go Jimmy: how'd you know I've not? Janis: I'd have heard of a mass shooting Janis: not that out of it Janis: also my sister wouldn't be about no more which would be a bigger giveaway Jimmy: 👻 letdowns Jimmy: worst I can do is rattle a few cups Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Janis: I'm used to it Janis: the friendmas organisation is in full swing Janis: 🤡🔫 Jimmy: where's my invite? Janis: OMG, no boys allowed! 🚫 Janis: though bets on Mia breaking her own rule there just to torture Grace Jimmy: I'll 👗👠💄 and be a prettier lass than any of them Janis: 😍 what kind of fake gf would disagree Janis: aside from the fact that ain't a stretch on a good day Jimmy: tah Jimmy: when is it? Janis: [some day as close to xmas as you are allowed 'cos pretending we're such good mates like okay] Jimmy: alright Jimmy: 🖋🩸 Janis: like, no offence or anything, babes Janis: but I don't see you passing REALLY 😬 Janis: and even they might notice they've picked up another desperado Jimmy: 1. piss off would I not 2. call it my 🎁 seeing the look on 💀👑 when I bring her 🎄 cake Janis: it would be decent craic Janis: they never do it at ours though Jimmy: typical, that, can't get sodding rid the rest of the year Jimmy: have to get us an 💌 then, won't I Jimmy: hang on Janis: I get it Janis: you miss Asia Janis: don't think 💀👑 has 'em do team-building exercises 💔💔💔 Jimmy: yeah, cupid's arrow's got nowt on falling on your arse when the ground's near froze Jimmy: reminded me of home 😍😍😍 Janis: she's well considerate like that Janis: not so braindead after-all Jimmy: 🤞 Jimmy: don't wanna give 💀👑 the 🎁 of seeing I've had to flirt with her to crash their bollocks festivities Janis: can't play into her hands that hard Janis: keep your 😍😍😍 focused in the right direction Jimmy: 🚍 Janis: yes, this is your driver speaking Jimmy: be a 🚑 if your mum ain't cracked on to a way I can chuck this glue gun Janis: I've sorted it Janis: well my sister's shit taste in fashion helped Jimmy: usually get 💰 for 3rd degree burns, me Jimmy: how's that for a flex? Janis: You made a rod for your own back being the artsy one or what? Jimmy: weren't gonna let a 6 year old have a go, were I? Janis: and it's not Ian's thing Jimmy: dunno where he is Jimmy: might be work, might be the pub Jimmy: be a better shout to give it over to my sister, anger issues an' all, any road Janis: you can put it down and get yourself a drink now Janis: all I need you to have is a black marker, which I know you do Jimmy: #whenshereallygetsyou Jimmy: 🥃 cheers Janis: you know those sherpa jackets they all have Janis: makes them look like a giant 🧸 but not in the adorbs way they're hoping Janis: Penneys has loads of them, get a paper plate, glue it on the hood and colour it in black, cut another in half for the ears and ta-da Janis: and I'll just take the jacket so no need to pay me back Janis: only in favours, obviously Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: IOU enough 🚬 to send that cheap shite up in flames, I get it Janis: yeah, probably don't string some fairylights round his neck as well Janis: would've taken hers but it's almost pink and I reckoned that'd just make him 😭 more Jimmy: you'd have to nick them an' all for him to be in any danger Jimmy: and what kind of fake boyfriend would let you up on the neighbour's roof with that ankle Janis: you want some lights? Janis: it's the easiest shop to borrow from Janis: they must have some that aren't shaped like the 🍆 emoji or a fucking unicorn Jimmy: 💔 I ain't coming with, you've really sold it to me Janis: oh, duh Janis: you call it primark Janis: it's hell on earth, you'd love it Janis: when they ain't guzzling your over-priced coffee, they're getting fast fashion made by little slave kids 💖 so cute Jimmy: hang on, why the fuck do you call it something different? Jimmy: now I have to come, not gonna knit an ugly jumper myself and nan's 💀💀💀 Janis: adds to our delightful charm? I don't know Janis: imagine the atrocities Janis: I'm gonna find the best, by which I mean WORST, one Jimmy: I'll meet you there Jimmy: be enough dickheads to follow if I get lost Janis: follow the knock-off UGGs they've trashed in the rain and snow Jimmy: hot Jimmy: don't get enough wet 🐕 smell off of you as is or owt Janis: err fuck off Janis: I haven't even got a dog, you have Jimmy: I have nowt to do with it, you can't move for 🐕🐾💩 Janis: 1. I don't fucking smell, dickhead 2. you're well opposed to me showering so you'd have yourself to blame if I did Jimmy: I'll nick you a 🦽 and you can do what you like Jimmy: many cold 🚿 as you need, mate Janis: you just want me to freeze now Janis: and your ⛓ kink hasn't got any less blatant Jimmy: weren't the way you wanna 💀💀💀 Janis: It ain't Janis: so your genius plan better include a way to warm me up Jimmy: might do Janis: the ugly jumper don't count Janis: cheap shit, as mentioned Jimmy: don't remember chucking it in the ring as my 💡 Janis: I don't wanna dress up as a sheep neither 😏 Jimmy: 💔 you'd be a well fit and mysterious one Janis: the racial undertones of ba ba black sheep have already been pointed out Janis: very on the nose Jimmy: I ain't got as far as black facing our kid, what more do you want? Janis: yeah, minorities are WELL demanding like that Jimmy: that'll be why Ian's steering well clear Janis: 💔💔 of course Jimmy: 🎻😭💔 Janis: thank god this is fake dating Janis: don't need a get out situation, tah Jimmy: knew you were protesting too much about the ⛓ Jimmy: you love it, Jules Jimmy: don't even need the stockholm syndrome to kick in Janis: not so much I wanna try it with your dad Janis: that's more 💀👑 gig Jimmy: UGH FINE we won't pass you round Janis: 😂 you're vile Jimmy: 💕 Janis: not as bad as some of the 'people' on this bus though Janis: won't be too hard to pretend to be glad to see you, in case any of the herd as in Penneys Janis: glad to breathe clean air more like but 🤫 Jimmy: 🚭 I get it Jimmy: very subtle Janis: easier to get you to cut down if I just take half Janis: but alright Jimmy: stop having a go at my stamina, dickhead Janis: make me Janis: 🤐 Jimmy: 🏃 after your 🚍 ain't the way to go about it Janis: Impressive but also stalkerish, yeah Jimmy: turning every dickhead there into a fan ain't clearing either of our DMs Janis: I doubt all these 👵👴 have Instas Janis: but the single mums with the screaming kids, definitely Janis: don't wanna ponder the creepy guy at the back Jimmy: but have you double checked it ain't Lucas in a disguise? Jimmy: he'll be missing you SO bad by now Janis: 😱😱 Janis: my hopes? ⬆️ Jimmy: 🎁's have begun, Jasmine Janis: Good Janis: I do expect one every day tbh 💅 Jimmy: alright Janis: that's a joke though Jimmy: don't have to be Jimmy: 🏆🥇 me Janis: only if you're gonna steal 'em all Janis: don't need to waste real money for the fake #goals Jimmy: DUH Janis: then proceed Janis: I can slowly just put them in Grace's room, I'm sure Jimmy: we could use the glue gun to stick 'em to her ceiling Janis: now you're talking 😍 Jimmy: do 💀👑 an' all if that's where their friendmas is but probably need a ladder to reach her ceilings Jimmy: no standing on the bed when you're 💰💰💰 Janis: You love to carry me, I'll get on your shoulders Jimmy: 👍 Janis: I think it's at hers Janis: maybe 💀#2 but none of the others want their houses and lives judged that hard so they opt out Jimmy: we'll be able to get some more blackmail material either way Janis: Did you seriously get an invite? Jimmy: are you actually doubting me or what? Janis: I know Asia's thick as shit but Janis: what did you say? Jimmy: [sends her the messages cos it seriously wouldn't be hard since the flatwhites think everyone wants to be their BFFs even though the opposite is true, so all he'd have to do is be like soz about the school trip we're just SO IN LOVE WE CAN'T HELP OURSELVES] Janis: 🙄🙄 Janis: fairplay but 🤢 🤮 🤧 😷 🤒 🤕 new scale needed Jimmy: go on then Jimmy: where are you? Janis: Do you actually know your way about yet or? Janis: I'm still a bit away, though, if that's what you mean Jimmy: I did mean on your new 🤢 🤮 🤧 😷 🤒 🤕 scale Janis: 🤕 then Janis: clearly Janis: you? Jimmy: 🤮 Jimmy: weren't talking to 💀👑 Jimmy: directly anyway Janis: She'd not have said yes Janis: unless she's got some pig blood just waiting, like Jimmy: she's so #invested in our 💘 she'd say yeah near enough whatever I said Jimmy: probably reckons she can 💔 us before the pudding's served Jimmy: her 🥇💡'll be to have Asia in a sexy santa outfit ready to crack onto me or some bollocks Janis: nah, seriously Janis: wanna talk pimps Janis: one of Asia's only uses Janis: poor bitch Jimmy: I'll take my 🎻 Janis: as long as it don't look like you're 💔 you can't go there, fine by me Jimmy: I get that none of them can read body language but facial expressions are a bit easier Janis: and you are so expressive Janis: 😒😎 Jimmy: for you, baby, the 😎'll be off Jimmy: nowt to do with the 🌧 and 🌨 Janis: 😳😖🤤🥴 Janis: so many expressions 🏆 Jimmy: Oi, I wanted to give you the 🏆 Jimmy: pissed on today's 🎁 Janis: 😮 there's me, still acting surprised Janis: you can't say you're gonna give me something then not Jimmy: SUCH range, you Jimmy: where would I steal a 🏆 from? nah, you'll get something Janis: I take my wins in many forms Janis: you can just tell me Janis: that'll work Jimmy: you can just wait Janis: 🥺 Janis: original scale Jimmy: it'll be worth it Jimmy: famous last words Janis: can poison the dish we have to bring Janis: if you're ready to go 💀💀💀 Jimmy: I don't wanna go with them Jimmy: just you Janis: I can promise it'll be worth it then too Jimmy: alright Janis: am gonna make that meal fucking inedible for them Janis: even if it's coming straight back up in most cases Janis: and fucking with them however else we can  💭 Jimmy: 🤞 Bill's 👻 knows some others, Dickens would be a good shout to keep things on brand 🎄 Jimmy: but whether he do or don't I've had loads of piss poor dinners Jimmy: Ian knows how to pick well #goals girlfriends Janis: think he'd be the 'what's the point in you if you can't cook n clean?' type Janis: being mysterious runs in the family, clearly Jimmy: beggars can't be choosers, mate Jimmy: slim pickings round that office when you've already been done for harassment Janis: 😬 Janis: need to talk to Mia's dad, work out the legality of being a perv with no repercussions Jimmy: how he tells it he's had loads 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: woe's him Janis: woe's the stupid bitches still going there after, more like Janis: have a word, ladies Jimmy: sort your heads out Sharons Jimmy: need a new mum who's got her shit together, tah very much Janis: one who's handy with a hot glue gun Jimmy: or a sewing machine, why the fuck not dream big? Janis: steady on Janis: #mommygoals isn't a hashtag I wanna endorse Jimmy: 😏 Janis: take mine, if you like Jimmy: bit weird Janis: I only 🐕🏃 Janis: cooking, cleaning, hot glueing, not services I provide, soz Jimmy: I'll live Jimmy: more #goals to be fuming about your mother in law Janis: easily done Jimmy: with my mum an' all, soz you'll have to take my word for it Janis: you're unlikely to see mine Janis: unless you have a banging selection of herbal teas Jimmy: gutted she don't wanna see her 🐑💡 brought to life on stage Janis: reckon turning up when you ain't got a kid in it gets you on a register, no? Janis: my dad coulda, sure some of his spawn are performing too but alas Janis: she didn't have that many 🥈 Jimmy: Ian's seat's going spare is all, obvs it were front and centre, dad of the year that he is Janis: what's he got on? Janis: latest disciplinary Janis: is your brother gutted? Jimmy: he'd be gutted if I weren't there Jimmy: what a #humblebrag Janis: good thing you can be arsed then Janis: and you have a sister too, right? Jimmy: dragging her along, kicking and marding 💪🏆 Janis: know the feeling Janis: bribe her with maccies after and tell him it's a treat for being a ⭐ Janis: everyone's buzzing Jimmy: what've you got on? Janis: me and my absolutely packed schedule? Janis: only 🐕🏃 ain't far off, aside from what I wanna, which can be done any time I want, of course Jimmy: nowt 🥇 about mine but we could edit it to look like we're #livingourbestlives Jimmy: I live right by the school, you could wait for me there, take some 📷 or whatever Janis: It's actually not an awful shout Janis: they're all obsessed with the cute kid thing Janis: and actually, Asia might be there with hers so Janis: very goals Jimmy: do try and put it out my head there's more than one set of those 🦷🦷 about Jimmy: fuck it, come then Jimmy: least I know you'll be sitting down Janis: 😂 fuck marrying a doctor, she's gotta find a dentist, for the whole family's sake Janis: I'm not coming in a 🦽 though Janis: that's a bit much Jimmy: #ultimategoals Jimmy: just admit you want me to carry you, girl Janis: behave Janis: might not be OUR teachers, but they'll have no issue telling you off, I'm sure Jimmy: donkey'd be a bit much but as fake pregnancy announcements go, top tier Janis: so gutted I can't fake labour and give birth to the new lord and saviour Janis: really steal the show Jimmy: could if it's Lucas' and you're making a Christmas cuck of me Janis: um, it's God's Janis: keep up Jimmy: sure it is Janis: 😱 Janis: didn't catch Joseph acting up like this Jimmy: didn't give him any lines, did they? Janis: I think he gets to ask if there's any room at the inn Jimmy: Oi mate, give us a 🛏 Jimmy: brought my own ⛓ like Janis: don't even get a break mid-labour Janis: hardcore Janis: weren't you Joseph in your nativity then? Jimmy: that your guess? Janis: yeah, I reckon Jimmy: what were you? Janis: just a generic angel Janis: was going to be one of the wise men but grace threw a fit if we weren't exactly the same Janis: tah for the downgrade Jimmy: if they could 👀 you now Jimmy: oscar worthy fake girlfriend performance day in, day out Janis: obviously they didn't see my potential like you, babe Janis: she might have legitimately tried to murder me if I got to be Mary 😂 no she weren't a twin, like Jimmy: I actually were one of the wise men, soz, sweetheart Jimmy: could've been #fated Janis: bet you was frankincense 'cos you could say big words Janis: I'm so 😭 honestly Jimmy: as roleplays go, not my top choice, but owt for you, babe Janis: if anything is a test of how well you can fake it Jimmy: you testing me? Janis: depends Jimmy: ? Janis: if we have the time to make THREE costumes instead of one Janis: I highly doubt it Janis: 😏 Jimmy: challenge accepted Jimmy: tin foil 👑 weren't it? Janis: yeah, and some kind of bedsheet robe, bit of tinsel Janis: sorted Jimmy: bet they have a 👸🏽 I can nick for you if your description of that shop were owt to go by Janis: definitely Janis: even if the hen party ones have L plates and dicks over 'em, the Disney ones should be a bit more nativity appropriate Jimmy: steal the show piss easy Janis: LOVE making little kids cry, obvs Jimmy: same Jimmy: just ain't as good when they're deaf, you can't get the volume out of 'em Jimmy: gutted we didn't end up with one who always shouts, obvs Janis: I'm gonna assume you got that deaf free pass and not go there myself Jimmy: safer to take owt I say with  🧂🤏 Jimmy: all fake anyway this Janis: ain't forgotten, you're alright Jimmy: didn't hit your head, I remember Janis: wouldn't tell you if I had Janis: the drama'd be too much Jimmy: I'd have worked that much out Jimmy: northern and only a bit thick Janis: 😵😵 Jimmy: no excuses, pisshead Janis: I know, I know Janis: you pride yourself on being 🏆💪 at the whole fake caring bf thing Jimmy: you saying I'm not? Janis: didn't say that, nah Jimmy: what then? Janis: what do you mean what? Janis: nothing Jimmy: 👌 Janis: you're lucky you live in town Jimmy: about the only thing mine's got going for it Janis: yeah Janis: this bus ride has nothing though so take the 🍀 Jimmy: how long? Janis: gimme 15 Jimmy: [gives her whatever he's drawn her for the first advent doodle because I was hoping to find something but I've been cockblocked] Jimmy: [maybe it's her as a lil bub wise man though now cos live your dreams] Janis: [love that, when you dunno what to say for a hot sec so you post it first being fake but lowkey having to tell the real story somewhat 'cos like, why and what else so it can't be that fake] Janis: you are good at art, give you that Jimmy: @ Ms Howe Jimmy: 💰 on her having a real account but dunno what it is Jimmy: @artteacheroveralls73 Jimmy: @reasonswhyloadsofartistsareproblematic Jimmy: @ihatenortherners86 Janis: you aren't her fave? Janis: 💔 Janis: cliche affair could've cut out any need for fake dating Jimmy: not a lass with a bowl cut and 🖌 behind her 👂 Janis: you've got the same type Janis: bummer Jimmy: piss off Janis: 😂 Janis: we can say it is Janis: maybe one of 'em will chop off all their hair Jimmy: you'd have to an' all Jimmy: unless you're that 🥇 I've binned off my type Janis: Precisely Janis: no competition Jimmy: what's yours then? just 👴 who teach you or what? Janis: must be Janis: not a lesbian and that's the other guess Jimmy: 👍 Janis: tah Janis: well affirming Jimmy: didn't need telling that you weren't gay Jimmy: not that good of an actress Janis: rude Janis: basically got an oscar Jimmy: off who? Jimmy: don't count if you give it to yourself, Judith Janis: you Jimmy: you've had nowt off me but that top quality 🎨 Janis: only because you can't find a 🏆 to give me Jimmy: 'cause it's up to me what I give you Jimmy: and as rewards go, I can do better Janis: I like the drawing Jimmy: yeah? Jimmy: you can have it, instead of just a 📷 if you want Janis: alright Jimmy: alright Janis: what do you actually want Janis: in return Jimmy: what's #goals? Jimmy: other than all this nativity bollocks Janis: true, very selfless of me Jimmy: there you go then Jimmy: weren't wrong about the 👼🏽 casting even if you were fuming Janis: I can fake 👼🏽 yeah Janis: but it's not really that selfless with all the #content we'll be getting Jimmy: still, I'll leave off taking your halo for a bit Janis: 'til you get me my 👸🏽 Jimmy: only fair Jimmy: can't fit a bobble hat over a head that big and with all that hair an' all Janis: still not getting a bowl cut Janis: let it go, babe Jimmy: good Jimmy: hard enough to fake the 😍 as you are Janis: yeah right Janis: hear the 🎻 from here Jimmy: play them like you mean them, babe Janis: if you wanted this to be easy for you Janis: should've picked an art hoe you could get properly 😍 over Jimmy: you're alright, a lass like that wouldn't be impressed by owt like a quick 🖋🎨 Janis: so now I'm TOO easy, yeah? Jimmy: not a tweet I'll be sending but Janis: fuck you either way Janis: just because I'm doing my job 🥇 you're gonna have a go Janis: thank me, more like Jimmy: fucking me regardless is something an easy lass would do 😏 Janis: yeah but I only fuck you 'cos you're the perfect little boyfriend so don't matter Janis: no one knows how much of a colossal dickhead you are, remember Jimmy: be about right Janis: you haven't bumped your head and forgotten the plan neither Jimmy: not yet, like Jimmy: but hell on earth were what you said Janis: if you get in way of a big mammy and her Christmas deals, you might be in luck of a fair smack, yeah Jimmy: #kinkunlocked Janis: good 'cos I won't be saving you Jimmy: 💔🎻😭 Janis: 🖕 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: entertain yourself Jimmy: easy Janis: contrary to your opinion, not obsessed with your 🍆 or what you do with it Jimmy: got an inbox full of lasses who are, I'll live Janis: yeah, you're loving it Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: [a picture of him waiting for her wherever the bus comes in doing his own 🙄 because he's a nerd and also he's never gonna just wait for her outside the shop when THAT ankle] Janis: Wow, if you're gonna leave, politer ways to 💔 Jimmy: ruder ways an' all Janis: idk Janis: quite rude, that Jimmy: is it? Janis: suppose I don't have to fake my 😍 at your mug right now Jimmy: there you go then Janis: Not going to say thank you still Jimmy: 💔🎻😭 Janis: you don't need to wait though Jimmy: can't chuck myself under the 🚍 til it gets in Janis: not how you wanted it Janis: or how I said I'd do it Jimmy: never said it'd 💀💀💀 me Jimmy: you want a 🦽 or what? Janis: you want matching Janis: alright Jimmy: what could be more #goals? Janis: I quite like walking but you know Janis: as you like it Jimmy: dry your eyes, mate Jimmy: bit more nursing and you'll be well away Janis: you gonna let me go then? Jimmy: 💪🏆🥇 you Jimmy: not gonna have a choice Janis: thought you might finish the job Janis: 🦶🪓 Jimmy: did cross my mind Janis: No shit, Kathy Janis: the kink is blatant Jimmy: you could do worse, Lucas ain't gonna let you piss about in bed all day when it's his turn Janis: 🤤🤤 Janis: I like the challenge Jimmy: #blessed Janis: counting down the days Janis: #tilwemeetagain Jimmy: 🤞 you'll have him all to yourself in detention Jimmy: no tah needed Janis: you heard anything yet? Jimmy: he ain't using that for why he's not bothered to crack on with crafting a 🐑 costume Janis: 👎 Janis: he's gonna look cute Janis: not your dad Jimmy: I get it, no need for a poor man's Lucas when you can have the real thing 🥇 Janis: something like that Jimmy: 👴💕 Janis: [better show up gal] Jimmy: [resist the urge to immediately pick her up please sir] Janis: [when you're awkward like it's been ages just because there's been like a night or a day whatever reprieve love it, just like let us get to primark to get this sheep costume moment hun] Jimmy: [are we doing both on mobility scooters or him pushing her in a wheelchair/trolley because v different vibes but both iconic] Janis: [hmm, I assume their Dublin store would be big so I reckon we could go mobility scooter, you would find that more fun once you get into it too] Jimmy: [love that just don't do a me and knock a whole display of bras over yourself] Janis: [I did say we threw our bra on Mia's head so let's not reclaim that for yourself hen, though I do find them difficult to drive as someone who hasn't needed to so it will be carnage, like Primark at xmas isn't already hehe] Jimmy: [10000% am gonna say he takes off her shoes and won't give them back so instead puts on some OTT christmas slippers that are shaped like a xmas pudding or some nonsense because she's been on that ankle too much honey and we are cross] Janis: [we do not love ourselves or our lives enough to take a break so it's tea also that is amusant so yes because shan't be buying and that's the kind of mankiness you can expect from this shop or any high street one lowkey] Jimmy: [literally just gonna chuck them back on the floor or leave them in this scooter basket soz not soz, she's not walking around they won't get too trashed hens] Janis: [peeps do go feral so so can you lads, not to mention taking the piss out of all the weird things they put on clothes 'cos it do be wild] Jimmy: [they are gonna have a lovely time taking the piss out of everything and everyone tbh] Janis: [there should be peeps from school in there but like randoms so not enough to warrant a full show but as an excuse you barely need for couplish behaviour when spotted] Jimmy: [great idea cos you know there would be loads of peeps out shopping rn odds on some of them you vaguely recognise, I vote for some art hoes for the lols] Janis: [ha some art hoes out with their fam or something I live] Jimmy: [aesthetically doing the most haha] Janis: [just immaturely like there's your real girlfriend] Jimmy: [will get you with this scooter like they're bumper cars like oi] Janis: [when you don't know her name obvs so you're just shouting out really pisstakey ones like oi clem oi wren etc] Jimmy: [can't not lol] Janis: [sorry to this girl but we're not, just don't trash these scooters that we're using to bump into him/everyone/everything] Jimmy: [also not sorry for whatever he's chucking at her as the mood takes him] Janis: [just don't chuck that stripper jumper or we'll actually be raging] Jimmy: [can't wait for your jumper try on sesh when we reach that section lads] Janis: [oh lawd] Jimmy: [they should try on like onesies and all sorts so we have to have a full big disabled changing room moment] Janis: [the filmsy excuse like must you? yes obvs] Jimmy: [we live for a flimsy excuse in this era] Jimmy: [actually gutted the flatwhites aren't here because they have beds set up with xmas covers etc in the big primarks imagine the show they could've put on] Janis: [we must be prepping our low-cal xmas meal lmao] Jimmy: [Asia won't be making her sister's donkey outfit] Janis: [lmaooooooooooooooo what else can you do in a primark hmm] Jimmy: [I don't think we can get decs cos they all suck we're gonna have to steal them from elsewhere] Janis: [that fine, any other shop will have some that aren't horrific, primark might have the kind of make your own vibe that Bobby would like] Jimmy: [aww that'd be cute] Janis: [you crafty boi, you'd also know how to do it without a kit girl so if you wanna come through you can, as for primark, we probably get the vibe, unless there's anything specific we wanna say/do?} Jimmy: [I think we've covered it so you can go back to his gaff and construct this 🐑 lewk] Janis: [at least we've made your life 10x easier with this coat, also gonna be the first time you've been to his so probably just hanging about outside like am I leaving now or] Jimmy: [will carry you over the threshold like that was what was stopping you coming in even though he blatantly doesn't need help & make you tea so we can have that milk two sugars revelation] Janis: [just like sup bitch to Twix] Jimmy: [the beginning of the real love story] Janis: [not like we're pure awkward and like hi dog this I can do right at least] Jimmy: [I hope they've found a christmas jumper for you too Twix cos there's no festive cheer in this gaff] Janis: [casually assess how many decs we gotta get, also dread to think the jumpers you've ended up with] Jimmy: [give her that doodle you did and dramatically sign it like a nerd] Janis: [🙄but 😏 'get famous and I'll flog it'] Jimmy: ['you've posted it, bound to get insta famous' cue a fake dramatic scroll through his phone] Janis: ['if you have to put a word before it, it don't count' and mimes shooting him in the chest 'cos insta fame is all we have hunny] Jimmy: [does an OTT death scene] Janis: [twix will be trampling all over you like oh hey what you doing down here] Jimmy: [😒 but we secretly love her really] Janis: [just like it's your own fault boy but putting out a hand to help him up] Jimmy: [takes it and pretends like he's gonna pull her down which is accidentally saucy, remember that mud moment lads, but doesn't obvs] Janis: [😳 and lowkey pretending you're gonna drop him so he's reminded of Asia and the assault course instead] Jimmy: [puts her foot up and generally fusses like a nurse because we know it's fucked] Janis: ['you're meant to be drawing a sheep's face right now' 'cos you cannot like focus boy] Jimmy: [gets and chucks a bag of frozen peas at her so he can put a tea towel on her head like an even bigger nerd but then does get his craft on] Janis: ['downgrade' like where's me crown but staying put 'cos it'll be more fuss if you don't] Jimmy: [obvs does make her a crown that's actually decent because that bitch] Janis: [so amused 'cos impressive 'wasted on me and not quinn'] Jimmy: [takes a pic like it's not wasted now but really it's to hide our heart eyes/stop him saying something that he can't pretend is fake when there is nobody here] Janis: ['rather this than a sheep, I guess' like not a #goals lewk soz bobby it will be on you] Jimmy: [chucks all those cotton wall balls he couldn't attach at her like they are little snowballs because playfights forever] Janis: [just juggling with them like I too can be impressive lmao] Jimmy: [craft break while he tries to have a go/tries to get her to teach him how to do it because we're impressed but also competitive] Janis: [love that for y'all, I can't do it but I assume you'll at least be able to do 2 or 3 jimothy] Jimmy: [one should fall in his tea though because 💔] Janis: [devastation] Jimmy: [cue OTT pout soz for how distracting that always is] Janis: [getting up like calm down, I'll make another one, 'cos looking for an excuse to move tbh] Jimmy: [gotta push her back down into that seat before she can because sauciness forever] Janis: [just like OI but a LOOK too] Jimmy: [giving that LOOK back as standard] Janis: ['I can do it'] Jimmy: [putting out a hand to help her up for that parallel] Janis: [reluctantly taking it with a 😒 'cos omg we're fine even though we aren't but you know] Jimmy: [does the drawing a smile with his finger tip thing because if we actually touch her rn there will be no stopping us and this sheep isn't gonna finish itself] Janis: [run and make that tea gal distraction distraction] Jimmy: [likewise get crafting again jimothy] Janis: [let twix out the kitchen door 'cos she's being cray no doubt] Jimmy: [of course she is] Janis: how old is your brother Jimmy: 6 Janis: cute Jimmy: I'll pass that on Janis: the only kids I know are toddlers and babies Janis: have to be a bit less annoying at that age, right Jimmy: he's the only kid I know Jimmy: don't do my head in as much as the screaming 👶's at work Janis: yeah Janis: my oldest sister has a couple, they're nightmares Jimmy: 🤞 Ian's past it Janis: 🤞 his girlfriends are Janis: blokes never are Jimmy: depends whose arse he decides to slap at the photocopier this week Jimmy: 🤞 for a barren Sharon Janis: Christmas wish, or whatever Jimmy: @ Santa Jimmy: have a word Janis: plenty of sad christmas movies with that premise Janis: your brother really needs to be the ⭐ though Janis: you're well past it Jimmy: piss off am I Jimmy: every teenager on telly is played by a 35 year old, me and my crows feet are well in Janis: and I'm saying you pining for a step mum is for a whole different type of film Jimmy: dunno what you mean by that, Jenna Janis: 😇 Janis: [come back with that tea and the most dubious sure jan face] Jimmy: [😏] Janis: [shakes head like tut tut] Jimmy: [sips tea in a sassy manner] Janis: ['animal' and pointedly checking out his progress] Jimmy: [imaginary watch check time lol] Janis: ['never ends, eh?' squishes his face like poor boy] Jimmy: [a shrug 'not til you kill me'] Janis: ['better put in your appearance first for the kid'] Jimmy: [nods because no fucker else is gonna do it 'whatever they're using for the baby jesus might come in handy an' all, fake kid for you to remember me by' because we think we're leaving lol] Janis: [such an unamused face 'no thank you' like you don't know how rife teen pregnancy is in this fam lol] Jimmy: [a look like yeah it won't look as fit and mysterious as me but still] Janis: ['it's always some pale ginger kid anyway'] Jimmy: [picks up Twix and wraps her up in the sofa blanket like a little bub and hands her to Janis like there you go cos looks a bit like them being white but with whirls and she was a bit gingery when she was a pup] Janis: [when you can't just yeet this dog so you have to take her and give her some love but you're like 😑] Jimmy: [squishes her face like she just did to him] Janis: [swats him away 'prick' and is on our phone like we're very busy but we just don't wanna make this bad mood more of a thing] Jimmy: [Twix just kissing her face like ILY] Janis: [can't be mad at this pup at least, in reality we just seeing where nearby does decent decs that you can go and get] Jimmy: [meanwhile we're getting the bae painkillers cos we think that's why she's cross] Janis: [shakes head, 'saw Helena earlier'] Jimmy: [shrugs like suit yourself 'tah for keeping it off the 'gram' like she's cheating on you with Helena imagine] Janis: [? then like ugh 'turns out she sells 'em so well in' she does not and we did not, the utter lies girl] Jimmy: [we're ignoring that bollocks and drinking our tea/finally finishing this sheep] Janis: [ta-da gesture 'where is he, anyway?' like neither of us can model this sheep moment adequately] Jimmy: [looks around OTT dramatically like 😱 where IS he? cos can't just answer a question] Janis: [lifts up a cushion or something like hello?] Jimmy: [cue a silly fake hide and seek] Janis: [Twix will give you away so easily lmao] Jimmy: [eventually flopping down OTT dramatically basically on top of her like you're so knackered because always taking the piss out of his stamina] Janis: [acting like he's so heavy like you're gonna kill me] Jimmy: ['not the way you wanna go'] Janis: ['is that even a question?'] Jimmy: ['didn't draw owt' because he did draw ? on her with a fingertip during the school trip and it was very flirty] Janis: ['there you go then' like no need to answer] Jimmy: 'reckon we're on our own' like there you go then for that question you asked about Bobby's whereabouts but you're still basically all up in her grill so it's accidentally flirty as well as a no shit answer] Janis: [takes a picture to be like now we ain't] Jimmy: [do a little photoshoot so you can have an excuse to make out because it's been FOREVER as far as you're concerned] Janis: [when we haven't even processed any of this lowkey] Jimmy: [it's a headfuck kids] Janis: ['did you go to school this morning, after?' 'cos saying you clearly didn't] Jimmy: ['what kind of question is that?' cos clearly didn't either, nods in the direction of the sheep costume fail like] Janis: [shrugs 'maybe you give up easy' like he came home did ten minutes and was like nah] Jimmy: [a look like very subtle challenge there babe] Janis: ['piss off' and pushing him a bit away 'cos we haven't moved evidently] Jimmy: [gets up and starts cleaning up all the crafting mess like fine I can take a hint] Janis: [ah the frustration, getting up like well then 'what time's the nativity thing?'] Jimmy: [telling her whatever time it is] Janis: ['meet you there then' and peacing] Jimmy: [so many things he wanted to say but we're not saying any of them] Janis: [oh lads] Jimmy: [sends her a pic of Bobby when he tries on that sheep lewk] Janis: 👍 Janis: looks pretty good I reckon Janis: he happier now? Jimmy: he's moved to 😢 Jimmy: should've kept your 👑 'cause the only 🏆'll be the FUMING mum's 💔 they never 💡🥇 of pissing about with their old clothes Janis: it's an improvement, suppose Janis: nah, could've earnt it if I committed to taking my sisters and glueing a paper plate to it Janis: 💔 oh well Jimmy: far as thankless tasks go, it's got nowt on 👴👵☕ Janis: you can wear it then Janis: have to size it up Jimmy: you gonna give me a hand or what? Janis: you did such a good job first time 'round Jimmy: without the tweet singing my praises, how would I know? Janis: if you want me to post, just say so Jimmy: if I have to tell you how to do the job, might as well do it myself Janis: fuck's sake Janis: we're literally going to clog their feeds later with all this nativity shit Janis: don't act like I ain't doing anything Jimmy: didn't have you down for a part timer but alright Janis: what you have me down as is irrelevant 'cos you don't know me Jimmy: weren't about to start a Q & A Janis: Good Janis: I know how to do the job, so do you Janis: leave it at that Jimmy: I were only pissing about, what's your problem? Janis: nothing Janis: there's just no need to do anything else Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: okay Janis: don't forget the santas hat you said he needed for jingle bells at the end Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 👋 Jimmy: 😘 Janis: not worth a screenshot Janis: but I got the message, like Jimmy: what message is that? Janis: more 👏 content 👏 Jimmy: steady on, I ain't 💀👑 Janis: the point was bigger and better, weren't it Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt Jimmy: you said nowt Janis: when did I? Jimmy: no need to do owt else, weren't it? so there's no need to make me sound like a tory slave driver Janis: just forget it, alright Jimmy: forget what? Janis: that I said anything Jimmy: or what? Janis: why would you not? Janis: there's nothing to gain from this Jimmy: might be if you stop being a dickhead and tell me what's wrong Janis: I'll just stop Janis: if you do as well Jimmy: what have I done? Janis: do you think you've done anything? Jimmy: that's not an answer Jimmy: the answer's nowt Janis: there you go then Jimmy: stopping doing nowt means doing something, so go on, what do you want? Janis: I don't want anything Janis: alright Janis: I shouldn't have slept with you Jimmy: freezing weren't how you wanted to 💀💀💀 either Janis: what Jimmy: I weren't gonna let you sleep out there on your own Janis: are you serious Jimmy: are you? Janis: you've already called me desperate for it Janis: now you think I'd just do it for the warmth and you get to be some kind of gentleman for bothering Jimmy: 1. I've said nowt of the sort 2. sort your head out if that's where you reckon mine is Janis: You said I was easy Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: that were you, for a start Janis: no it wasn't Jimmy: bollocks Janis: it was you Janis: anyway, it was a mistake Jimmy: you legged it, you're calling it a mistake, nowt to do with me, that Janis: because I'm not easy and you've got the wrong idea if you reckon that Janis: so let's stick to what is actually working and leave it Jimmy: you're being a massive dickhead Janis: and what Jimmy: and nowt's gonna work if you don't leave it out Janis: that's literally what I've said Jimmy: fuck's sake Janis: how are you gonna have a go at me? Janis: you could've just shut the fuck up and it'd be fine Jimmy: how would it? Jimmy: you're sitting there 😒😤😭💔🎻 over some bollocks you reckon I said and you weren't gonna say owt Janis: don't take the piss Jimmy: or what? Jimmy: that's what you've been doing all day, mate Janis: fuck off have I, I've been helping you out Jimmy: suffering in silence 'cause I'm such a bastard, more like Jimmy: have a 🏆 Janis: you're the one being dramatic, I didn't say that Janis: I just didn't appreciate what you did, that's it Jimmy: you spent ages with me after I apparently called you a massive slag, what else do you call that? Janis: I was already on my way Janis: what am I gonna do, actually turn the bus around, no Jimmy: not be a doormat Jimmy: there's your mistake if you're looking for one, Jodie Janis: fuck you Jimmy: this is me being a prick since you need a hand working out the difference Janis: stop talking to me Jimmy: stop putting words in my mouth Janis: I didn't Jimmy: I don't think you're easy Janis: right Jimmy: Why would I? Jimmy: don't flatter yourself, alright, my benchmark for that is set at fucking half the north Jimmy: and even then, you'd have to really be dating me to get me to give a shit about it Janis: I didn't ask you to give a shit, nor do I want you to Janis: and it's hardly flattering but doormat is worse so yeah Janis: go away now Jimmy: 👌 Janis: I hope your brother doesn't totally hate it Jimmy: don't bother wasting your christmas wish Janis: well, he'll be fine, there are worse things than stage fright Jimmy: don't waste the reassurance on me either Janis: Jesus, whatever then Jimmy: there's nowt worse than having no parents about when every other dickhead does Janis: Yeah Janis: he won't be the only one Janis: and at least someone is there at all Jimmy: tah for that Janis: it's the truth Jimmy: most helpful you've been, pointing that out Janis: well what Janis: what else would you want me to say Janis: it's shit Jimmy: I didn't ask for you to say owt about it Janis: so you brought it up to what Janis: get a 👍 or 👎 Jimmy: you brought it up Jimmy: reckoning you know what's our kid's problem how you reckon you know what I think Janis: no, I was going Janis: I was literally just saying hope he doesn't have a terrible time Janis: don't have a go at me 'cos your dad ain't going Jimmy: leave it out Jimmy: I'm having a go at you 'cause you're doing my head in Janis: then I'll be going Janis: we don't need to talk to each other Janis: right now or barely at all Jimmy: 👍 Janis: when we need to do more fake shit, then we'll do it Jimmy: alright Jimmy: you know where I live Janis: Yep Janis: later Jimmy: [not gonna reply cos have a nativity to get ready for] Janis: [ah soz for the mess that has been made everyone, gutted we will not see the sheep costume in action] Jimmy: [how dare you arseholes ruin my festive fluff] Janis: [my boo is fuming, at least we can force you together easily enough after, and you did help with the costume] Jimmy: [we've ticked that and jumpers off the list, well done us]
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porkchop-ao3 · 5 years
A Thrill I’ve Never Known (Chapter 13)
A little chat with Abigail and some realisations.
(All chapters tagged with #ATINK and also posted on Ao3, username PorkChop)
Micah and I were sat going through his saddle bags at the table, well, he was watching me go through them while he idly cut chunks out of the table with the tip of his knife. He'd picked up any valuables he found, as well as anything that might come in useful like food or tools, he'd done a very good job of it too. 
"This is all great, Micah," I said, sorting things into piles so we could more easily work out how much we'd taken. We had piles for cash, jewellery, trinkets and collectables (he'd stolen a lot of pocket watches, some he said were worth a lot) and for things that we'd be keeping rather than selling. Each pile was pretty generous. 
"Why d’you sound so surprised? It's not like I haven't done this before," he said drily, looking at me from under his hat. 
"I'm not surprised you managed to find it all, I'm surprised at how much those people had. We uh, we really cleaned them out," I gave an unsteady laugh as I pulled the final money clip out of the bag and tossed it on the pile. 
"We sure did," he smirked at me, then noticed the look on my face. "That's a face that don't belong here, if ever I've seen one."
"What's that mean?" 
"Guilt. You're feeling guilty, ain't you? Well you better suck it up, darling, we ain't got time for those kinds of feelings," he warned, jabbing his knife into the table, hard. 
"I know. I'm fine, I'll get used to it," I shrugged and he let out a low laugh. 
"You stick with me and you will," he said. I looked up at him, caught off guard by the genuine look of encouragement on his face. "Anyway, you wanted guns, didn't you?" 
Micah rose to his feet and put his knife away, strolling over to his horse and waving me over. I sped-walked to keep up with him and when we reached his horse, he retrieved the Springfield Rifle that I'd spotted on the mantelpiece. 
"Happy birthday, darling," he crooned, handing it over to me. 
"Oh, yes! Thank you, Micah!" I grinned at him, then looked down at the weapon, turning it over in my hands and inspecting it. It was engraved G. M. S, I assumed Geoffrey's initials, in swirling script. 
"It'll need a clean, but it looks magnificent on you, brings out your eyes," he said, oozing sarcasm with every word. He stepped towards me and tipped my chin up with his finger. "Do I get a kiss?" 
"You're gonna have to do better than that," I snorted, removing myself from his grip and turning to store the gun on Rayna's saddle, who was hitched up next to Micah's horse.
"Was worth a try," he said, gesturing widely with his arms as he strolled backwards away from me. Over his shoulder I spotted Arthur, watching us as he changed his clothes. He was just buttoning up his shirt, and despite him being fully dressed, I averted my eyes anyway. 
Micah was with Dutch, no doubt explaining how the robbery had gone. I figured we'd made at least a few hundred dollars from our haul. I was heading over there to join him, but Arthur met with me half way and nodded at me in greeting. 
"You and Micah did that house together, then?" He questioned.
"Yeah, Dutch paired us up as soon as he got here. I'm not entirely sure who the man is, but he did a good job picking the house clean," I gestured towards the table and Arthur nodded. 
"The man is someone I reckon we ought to be careful around, but that's just my thinking," Arthur said, lowering his voice. I stared at him for a moment, not really sure what I was supposed to say. "Anyway, I thought I should tell you, I think if you're wanting to head off on your own, soon would be a good time."
"Why? Because of Micah?" I raised my brows.
"He's as good an incentive as any, but no, not exactly. The Pinkerton detective agency, they're after us and they know we're over here. I bumped into a couple of them when I was out fishing with Jack this morning, and it weren't exactly a warm welcome," he explained, tone hushed yet urgent.
"So, what, are you moving on?" I asked, eyes widening at the news.
"I don't know. Probably," he shrugged his shoulders. "I've got this train robbery on with John later, I guess we'll see how that goes."
"Is that a good idea?"
"Between you and me, I don't think we've had one of those in a long time. But we do what we can," he sighed. 
"Hey, cowpoke, she giving you the lowdown on our little job today? Am I in your good books yet?" Micah came over to us thumbs hooked on the waist of his pants.
"Micah," Arthur nodded tersely.
"She tell you about the part where I came in like her knight in shining armour when Mr. What's-his-face got a little too friendly?" He smirked between the two of us, practically puffing up like a peacock. Arthur frowned and looked at me. 
"No. What happened?" 
"It wasn't a big deal, Mr. Schwartz seemed to think he was getting something out of the deal that he wasn't. I was about to handle it, but Micah stepped in," I explained dismissively, shaking my head. I did not want a big deal made out of the fact that a man had stepped in to save me. Again.
"I told him, no one takes a crack at my wife 'cept me." Micah wrapped his arm around my shoulders with a dirty laugh. "Ain't that right, sugarplum?"
"Something like that," I narrowed my eyes at him and plucked his arm from around me, stepping away. 
Arthur looked between the two of us, analysing the situation before chuckling to himself. Micah shot him a questioning look. 
"Oh, now that's risky," Arthur said.
Micah seemed puzzled. "What is?" 
"Spinning far fetched stories, like you having a wife,"
"Ohh, come on now Morgan, you tryin'a hurt my feelings?" Micah laughed, taking a few steps closer to Arthur. "Mr. Schwartz, he believed it just fine, didn't he my sweet?"
Micah turned to me and snaked a hand around my waist, tugging me flush to him.
"Would you stop touching me?" I snapped, shoving him away from me. He held his hands up to me, giving me a look that was both indifferent and wounded, I couldn't tell which part was genuine. Arthur seemed thoroughly amused by the display. 
"I'd listen to her if I were you," he chuckled. He shook his head as he walked away, patting my shoulder twice as he did. "I've gotta get going. Micah, leave the poor lady alone." 
"Wait, Arthur," I spun around and caught his arm before he left. He turned back to me, eyes a little wide and confused. I was frozen for a second, what I was going to say completely evaporating from my mind. "Uhh, you'll be careful, won't you?"
"As careful as I can be, in this line of work. Don't you worry," he smiled, prying my hand from where it was still attached to his arm and giving it a gentle squeeze before carrying on towards his horse. 
"Good luck!" I called to him as he mounted up. I watched him as he gave me a quick wave and started riding, disappearing between the trees. 
"Now it all make sense," Micah said behind me. I didn't bother turning around. "You're all soft for Morgan, ain't you?" He scoffed. 
I was so damn obvious, wasn't I?
With a sigh, I walked away, ignoring Micah's words.
Sitting around the fire with a bowl of Pearson's stew, I had time to think about what Arthur had said. He'd encouraged me to leave soon, if that's what I wanted. I supposed the timing was right; I had Rayna back, I had a gun, I had a little money after our robbery. I could ride out already, go and buy myself a tent and be back where I started, I could get on with my life. It was what I wanted, after all.
But something in me felt incomplete. Leaving felt strange, wrong. Even more wrong than it ever felt being here with all these people. 
"Hey there," someone said. I looked up to see Abigail standing over me. "You look… brooding."
My mouth went a little dry, considering it was the first time she'd ever really spoken to me, and I was convinced she thought I was after John. 
"Yeah, I guess I am a little," I admitted. She sat down next to me, never looking away. 
"You worried about the fellers?" She guessed. I met her eyes and searched them for any sign of an ulterior motive, I wondered if she was trying to pry something out of me. However, I could only find sincerity.
"The train robbery? A little bit, I suppose. But I don't doubt they know what they're doing."
"That they do," she nodded. "I sometimes worry, of course. It's hard not to think that one day he might not come back from one of his jobs. By he I mean–"
"John," I nodded, taking a breath. 
"Yes," she smiled a little. "I uh, I overheard Karen… what she said to you. I was behind the wagon having a cigarette, I weren't listening on purpose." 
My heart was pounding and I could do nothing but stare at her. I wanted so badly to get up and walk away from the situation so I wouldn't have to face her, but I knew that'd only look bad. 
"Don't look so worried," she laughed a little. "At first I thought maybe there was something to it. But the longer you've been here, and I've seen the way you are with him, I can see that you're just…" 
I waited for her, she pressed her lips together and seemed to struggle with finding the words. 
"You're just a girl who's never been around men all that much. You're like me when I was younger, all nervous and awkward," she said, then caught something in my expression that made her back track. "I don't mean that to be mean!"
"I didn't think you did," I shook my head but looked down, avoiding meeting her eyes. "But I suppose the fact that you noticed embarrasses me a little. If you notice, they notice."
"I don't think so. Men don't notice things like that," she laughed, patting my arm.
"Arthur did," I said, thinking back to the other day, before we looked for Rayna. He'd noticed my nervousness around people; whether he knew it was worse around him, I wasn't sure.
"You like him, don't you?" She questioned. I didn't say anything, but Abigail decided to explain her reasoning anyway. "When Mary-Beth teased you about it, you didn't exactly deny it. Plus, I've seen you with him and you act different. You look different."
"Do I? I've only known him a little while," I laughed, shaking my head like I found the whole thing amusing.
"That's all it takes," she was smiling at me now, a playful smile. At least I was wrong in thinking she hated me; relief just barely overshadowed the nerves I felt at being called out like this.
"He's a lovely man," I said quietly, and shook my head again. "But he's… he's so much more than me."
"I'm sorry?" She cocked a brow, thoroughly confused by my words. I wasn't even sure I knew how to explain them. 
"I went with him to see Mary. I saw him with the woman he loved and she's nothing like me. She's older, prettier, she's experienced. Arthur is like… he's a real man, ain't he? I feel like a little girl in comparison. I don't think he's looking for anything right now, let alone with a woman like me who's barely even spoken to a man let alone kissed one." 
"That's sweet," Abigail laughed. 
"Sweet?" I cocked a brow.
"You think he ain't gonna look twice at you just 'cause you ain't done none of that before?"
"He ain't gonna wanna waste his time on someone who don't know the first thing about anything, a fine man like him I bet he could and does have whoever he wants. He's out of my reach," I admitted.
"You know, the fellers in this camp ain't shy about bringing women back here from time to time. Arthur, though, he's never… aside from Mary, once, but she weren't exactly here for a quickie," she said and I shook my head, feeling nosey despite not asking. 
"That's none of my business," I said quietly. 
"He ain't all that much of a ladies man, from what I've seen. Truth be told, he never really seems all that interested in anyone," she shrugged.
"Why're you telling me this?" I asked.
"Because I bet you're thinking he's this Casanova type, different woman in every town?" She guessed, the corner of her mouth lifting. I had to admit, she was kind of right. "I can't say I don't see why, he certainly could be like that if he wanted. But he ain't, I'd go as far as saying he's a little shy when it comes to these things. So, my thinking is, if you want him… you've gotta make the move."
I laughed, loudly. Abigail continued to give me this little smile. 
"Yeah, alright. I'll do that when pigs fly."
"Hear me out. You ain't gotta do anything grand, you just gotta find little ways of letting him know you're interested. Subtle, but not too subtle," she explained making dainty little gestures with her hands, sitting up straight. 
"Like what?" I still hadn't recovered from my amusement, this woman clearly didn't know me. Thinking I'd have the stones to even think of such a thing. 
"Well it's up to you. But one thing I would do, stop dodging eye contact. I can see you doing that even with me, but you've got pretty eyes. Let him see them," she said, tilting my head up to face her with a hand on my chin. 
"Eye contact for me is hard," I said, trying my best to keep my eyes on hers and feeling extremely uncomfortable in the process.
"It's a skill," she said, letting go of my chin. "It'd benefit you to learn it."
"Why're you giving me all this advice; you ain't doing this just 'cause you think I'm sweet on John and you're leading me off the trail, are you?" I snorted. Abigail chuckled, patting my arm. 
"No, I ain't worried about that. Especially not now. I'm doing this because I think it might be nice for Arthur to have someone, he's a good man and that Mary girl never did treat him right," she sighed. "Truly, I think he holds this gang together at times, he's always this rock, this solid presence. Always got his head screwed on. I think that puts a lot of pressure on him, whether he knows it or not." 
"He's incredibly loyal to you all," I nodded, admiring him for that. 
"He is. I just think, if he had someone like I have John – and I know he and I aren't exactly a model couple right now but you get my point – it could be nice for him," she explained. I felt a weight on my shoulders at that, feeling like she was giving me some sort of duty that I wasn't equipped to carry out. I sighed and deflected the conversation.
"You and John, I don't know what's happened with you two but I hear you arguing. I just wanna say, I hope you two work things out. You have a beautiful family, Jack is such a sweet boy," I told her and she seemed touched by my words. 
"Thank you," she said softly. "I hope so too. Just– John can be such a damn idiot, he makes me so mad."
"But you love him, right? That's what matters," I said, and Abigail nodded slowly, considering my words. 
"Yeah. You're right about that."
It was late by the time any of the men returned from their train robbery. I honestly felt sick when I saw Sean and Charles turning up without Arthur or John, but I overheard them telling Dutch that everyone was fine, and the others should be back later. Apparently the robbery had gone well in terms of take, but badly in terms of fall out. A lot of lawmen had turned up, far more than expected. They'd taken care of them though, and lost them long before heading back. 
I thought about what that meant; it was something I already knew but somehow I was a part of it now. These men had just got back from killing a bunch of people, taking men away from their families. This was such a different world to the one I'd lived in up until then. But what surprised me the most was that in my head, I easily brushed it off. The gang needed money, they went out to get it the only way they know how, how can they help it if the law turns up and they have to defend themselves? Either they shoot their way out of there or they get locked up, or worse; killed. They're doing what they need to do to survive, and they're doing it for this family that they'd built up. When I thought of it like that – and I so naturally did – I could understand in a way I never thought I would.
In fact, I found myself admiring their bravery. 
I could feel that I was getting sucked in. I knew that this would be a smart time to leave, just like I'd planned all along. But here's the thing; I no longer had that burning feeling in my gut, the push to get away, the odd sense of homesickness that wasn't for bricks and mortar, but for solitude. It had all dissipated and in its place I was left with a sense of security and belonging, here of all places, with a bunch of criminals and killers. I was beginning to feel frighteningly at home, and it felt good. 
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Tech Support
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"hello welcome to tech support how can I assist?"I cheerfully gleam As I know if I don't then I will get fried "Hu? Ohh thank fuck, hi yeah my computer has completely locked up and I have no idea what to do" the sweet sounding male voice explains "it's glitching out and it won't let me long in" "Okay, how long have you had the computer?" I ask "Like six months maybe" he says sounding unsure of his answer "Okay, what where you doing when this happened?" I ask "Why do you wanna know what I was doing?" He asked a little shocked "I am an adult man I do not have to explain to anyone what I'm doing on a Friday night alone" "Doing on the computer sir" I smiled "Ohh... right" he says clearly blushing "Is Uhhh is this being recorded?" "I can not tell you that sir, some calls are monitored but I can't tell you if yours is or isn't" I explain even if I can tell mine isn't "I know but just...like between us?" He asked "It's not" I smiled "Okay... I was Uhhh watching some internet videos" he explained "Okay what site where you on?" I ask "Uhhhhh... Just a site" he blushed "is it really important?" "Yes sir the site could have been the cause of the problem" I explain "I was on..." He began but then a very fast mumble of something under his breath that I didn't at all catch "Sorry sir could you repeat that please" I ask "I was on... HotvidsXXX" he said quietly "Okay, and what where you doing on the site?" I ask "Watching videos" he answered "Anything else?" I ask "Why do you wanna know?!" He asked sounding a bit shocked "I mean any downloads? Cookies that sort of thing?" I ask "Oooohhh... No, just watching" he answered "Okay, can I get the account name on the computer?" I ask "I think it's tbspersonal but that might be wrong" he answered "Yes sorry no names come up for that, can you give me a run down of your account profile?" "Thomas, 29, ..." He began going on to explain the email and such he had the account with and I found it "Mr sangster then?" I ask "Yep" he sighed sounding tried "The name is tbspersonal 160590 for future reference" I smiled "Ohh that might have been why it wasn't working" he laughs "Probably" I laughed "So any ideas why it's glitching?" He asks "Well that site does seem to have alot of reports of malware and viruses so I would suggest it was that" I explain "So what do I do?" He asks "it's signed in now what?" "I would suggest making sure you have any data backed up and doing a full rest on your computer you have a lot of stuff causing this" I explain "Okay, how long will that take?" He asks "Is the files are already backedup about half an hour" I smiled "Half an- uuuggghh! Fine" he sighed "I would suggest as well getting some kind of anti virus to stop this happening again" I explain "and I would also suggest somewhere like pronhub or Reddit next time Mr sangster much safer" I smirked "Really? Any good videos you want to recommend to me?" He smirked "Well that would depend on alot of things" "Come on tech girl don't kid me you see inside my computer you can see all my searches all my internet history, you probably know what I like better then I do?" He smirked "I'll make sure there is a text file full of links when your computer boots up again" I smirk making him a nice little file "Really? Humm is that what you think I like or what you like?" He asked "Both" I smirked "Yeah? Uumm ummm, I'll be sure to call you up again after and tell you what I thought of them" he smirked his voice sounding different deeper and like he was breathing more "so...we have half an hour till it boots up again" he smirked "you wanna... maybe you know" he smirked "What?" I ask "Well...you work for tech support you gotta be a smart girl, you know what I was doing when my computer broke" he explained and I blushed a little of course I did and it was kinda cute such a sexy sounding guy was obviously still horny "and you have a very sexy voice" he smirked "Ohh do I Mr sangster?" I ask "Yeah you do" he smirked "although honestly honey I was near completion when my computer broke, I didn't need much just a girl voice and i was gonna wanna do it" he smirked "Your video was only on for five minutes" I giggled "What are you implying?" He asked a little worried "Nothing," I smirked "so what video exactly where you watching?" I ask "Ohh come on you know how far into it I was you know exactly what I was watching honey" he smirked "Still for security" I lie "You little liar, alright, it was some couple on a underground train having a grope and a fuck" he smirked "Very interesting" I smiled "I always wanted to do that," he smirked "grope someone in the tube" he smirked "Perhaps you will soon" I smirked "Yeah? Tell me what stop and what time you get off work and I'll arrange it honey" he smirked "Perhaps some other time" I smiled as I noticed many of the people on my floor going off home leaving if almost empty so I finished off the file leaving my number and a little note on the bottom "your computer should have booted up fine now?" I ask "Yeah it did, thanks Hun now before you race off where did you hide that little file for me?" He asks "In the like fourth new folder with other new folders" I smirked "Clever girl" he smirked "how did you know that's where I keep it?" He asked "Lucky guess" I smiled "Did you look in the folder?" He asks "Maybe" I shrug I hadn't but I will now he mentioned it so I checked the file full to the brim with pictures and gifs all of them sexy and smutty "Hummm well... if your a curious little thing you could always go in the other folder in there? If you felt adventurous?" He smirked and of course after that I couldn't not look in it, it had pictures Mostly nice normal pictures of a very very handsome blonde guy but mixed in a Few that where...not so innocent "Why do you have these?" I ask "Sometimes it's easier to have them all done ready Incase a sexy girl wants to see" he smirked "in fact... That's pretty new one" he smirked as a picture just was saved in the file I looked closely and saw a phone in it clearly on this number as well as him clearly jerking himself off "Humm when was that Mr sangster?"I ask "About five seconds ago honey" he smirked "come on please... just let me finish sexy girl" he pleads "That would be very inappropriate" I smirk "I know, you know it too... but you haven't stopped me have you?" He growled as I could start to hear him with his fast pumps and harsh breathing I couldn't help feeling the ache between my legs hearing him so I slipped my hand under my skirt gently rubbing on my panties "what are... Uuuuuhh oh my god! Your really?" He asks "Of course it's my job to assist you" I smirk trying to keep quiet incase someone heard me "Uhhhh ummm ummmmm, fucking hell! I never got this my action out a sex call with my ex girlfriend" he smirked "uhhhh! I'm close honey, finish me please" he begs "Uhhh... Thomas" I whined "Uuuuuhhh! Uhhh uuuuuhhh! Fuck! Honey! Oh my god!" He moans as he clearly finished I went to stop but he must have heard me "Ohh no you don't, were not finishing this till you cum too" he smirked "come on honey cum for me, dirt that little desk chair come on I want it dripping down your fucking legs by the time I'm done with you" he smirked "Uhhh uuuuhh" I groaned rubbing harder trying to be quiet and not draw attention to myself "Quiet honey, Don't want someone to hear you" he smirked "uhh fuck you sound sexy your making me hard again already sexy girl" he smirked "Uuhh uuhh thomas-" I groan getting close "Uhh fucking hell ..., I didn't expect you to be this sexy, he's throbbing for your sexy groans honey.... Keep going honey, daddy needs to jerk of again while he listens to you" he moans "Uuuhhhh!" I sqeualed as I finished I felt it dripping down my legs a little I really did need that as I haven't gotten off in months "Uhhh uuuuuhhh uuuuuhh!!" He moans quickly finishing for the second time "whoa... Lucky you included the number honey I was about to ask for it" he smirked "I'll call you later, on this one talk about what I thought if these videos" he smirked "Very good Mr sangster, I'm happy I could resolve your issue" I smiled "Yes you did honey, both of them" he smirked "Excellent and how would you rate this tech support call?" I ask "Extremely satisfied honey" he smirked "but you already knew that" he smirked So I wrapped it up and called off getting my stuff to go home 'miss you already honey Xxx' came thought as I stood on the train home and I blushed a little as an idea came into my head
Thomas' pov:
I smirked as I got some tea after all that needing to get my energy back up I had sent her a text already if nothing else so she had my number when my phone went off so I grabbed it and checked Sexy tech support Xxx😘💜💦: Miss you too, wish you where here to...as it's something you've always wanted to do 😜 Picture
The picture was a very very cute girl stood on the tube in a little skirt and top gently and secretly groping her breast and I couldn't take it Mr Sangster💦😘💦: What stop are you getting off at?
Sexy tech support Xxx 😘💜💦: Why?
Mr sangster 💦😘💦: I'm picking you up honey X which stop? I'll be waiting outside for you
And soon enough she gave me the answer so I got my keys and hopped on my bike across town and as soon as I got there a sexy cute girl came up from the station I recognized her from the picture she saw me and smiled widely a little nervous "Hey" she smiled fixing her hair "Hey" I smiled "so? You wanna ride home honey?" I offered and she blushed with a little nod
Timeskip: I yawned a little feeling her arms tight around me so I smirked pulling her closer "ummm good morning honey" I smirk kissing her sweet lips "Good morning Thomas" she yawns "So? What do you wanna get up to this morning?" I ask her and she smirked climbing into my lap so I smirked pulling her closer kissing those beautiful lips holding her hips and the small of her back so we where as close as we could be "Thomas?" She asks sweetly "Yes my love?" I asked running my fingertips slightly across her thighs in little ways I know she can't resist "Do you think we should tell people the truth?" She asked and I smirked pushing her down flat on our bed wrapping her legs around my waist "Honey, knowone needs to know that we met when I had broke my computer watching porn, that is our little secret isn't it?" I smirk grinding my morning wood against her wet cunt "it's our little secret, all that when we first met... because if someone found out about it we would both be in the shit for that call wouldn't we honey?" I smirked kissing down her neck and chest biting on her nightie "Mummy! daddy!" We heard running down the hall so we quickly out some distance between us as they ran in "Yes alright kids hello morning what do you want?" I ask lifting the two of them up into our bed "what have we told you about bursting into Mummy and daddies room unannounced?" I ask "We did announce we yelled" Mel giggled "Still, you know after bed time and before breakfast is mummy and daddies privet time," I warn "But where starving" luke whines "Alright kids go on go set the table mummy and daddy will be down in a minute" she tells them so they jumped off the bed and ran off downstairs "When will they learn not to bother us in the morning" I sigh "They will learn, just like the learnt not to watch mummy and daddies special movies" she smiled giving me a kiss and going down to start breakfast
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