#I think I’m overthinking it
sapphymayeyeplease · 2 months
I sent doggirl oc marriage proposal to all my friends this is like actually humiliating but also so swag
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pixlokita · 26 days
Being in fandoms is weird because you can dislike a character in some aus and feel bad for them in others or like them in a few depending on people’s interpretations of them
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phatcatphergus · 6 months
I think something so wonderful about sunny is that she is such a little girl. The admin that plays sunny does such a good job of giving her a distinct personality but in a way that everyone who was a little girl can identify with. I’ve seen so many people talk about how they acted like sunny did as a kid or would remember specific memories with their dad that they made as a kid that sunny and tubbos dynamic brought back to the surface.
Sunny being a little firecracker and “spoiled” girl while also being incredibly shy and kindhearted and wanting to be friends with everyone. The way she has an idea of what people like (money, fame, respect) and trying to demand that because she wants to be someone important and respected like a leader or princess would but still giving “poor” members diamonds to become rich because she would never want to turn away a potential friend.
It’s genuinely so sweet and beautiful that so many people can relive personal parts of their childhood as a little girl/kid and remember the good times and awkward time and see how they’ve grown as a person just from a Minecraft egg. It’s so fun to watch sunny interact with tubbo and think of how often I would “help” my dad with projects or how I would demand wearing a dress over a skirt because I wanted to look fancy for dinner.
It really just reminds me how we are all people and all experience similar things growing up. No one had the same situation, or the same family or even the same country, but we all had the same emotions and feelings and we can all identify with them by watching a Minecraft egg as silly as it sounds
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myfandomhalf · 2 months
Been thinking of Aventurine a lot and the fact Ratio never uses his name
When Jade was talking to him his name was still Kakavasha and right before that the IPC news mentions a “Egyhazo Aventurine” fraud case and Jade mentioned how he lied to the Intelligentsia Guild so it seems very possible to me that Ratio met him before he was Aventurine and maybe that’s why he only ever refers to him as gambler? Maybe he actually uses his real name but knows he can’t say it on Penacony? Just seemed odd how he NEVER says it, not even when talking to other people about him. The only time we hear Ratio say the word “aventurine” is when he’s talking about the stone to Sunday, but he never says it in reference to the person Aventurine.
I’m probably overthinking this but it just seemed like the dialogue was going out of its way to keep Ratio from saying Aventurine, but when there was no way around it they just had him say gambler
Edit: Should add that I play in English and haven’t looked at the other languages, so maybe it just so happens that he never calls him Aventurine in English even tho he does in other languages? In that case this wouldn’t matter at all but I have no idea
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goldenhypen · 3 months
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ik he wouldn’t want us to worry but when he says that he finds the song relatable, when he’s usually a smiley person but here he’s rarely smiling, and when that rare smile doesn’t reach his eyes, i can’t help but have my heart break. i’m literally crying into my pillow rn yall it’s so bad. you can see how sad his eyes are as he talks about this. i can’t count how many times he smiled cuz i don’t remember a time he rlly did during this live. and if he did it never reached his eyes.
he also chose the song cuz he thought a lot of ppl could relate to it and he wants everyone to know that it’s ok not to be ok. we’re all human and need to express our feelings and say them out loud even if they’re not always positive. because it’s healthy. ugh he’s so :( im so glad he’s expressing his deep feelings tho cuz ik he doesn’t v much. so :(
but literally this project was all his vision and he’s worked so hard on it and put lots and lots of effort into the song and the video. so pls support him <3
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kadextra · 1 month
still the scariest thing about q!bad right now is we never know when the character could blackout and go horror mode like with missa and bobinho ;;
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litrallytyrus · 10 months
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their dynamic (homosexual relationship) means everything 2 me
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raviposting · 1 year
One of the best little details Succession adds in is showing us that Iverson is probably Rava and Kendall’s biological child without ever saying it, through Logan’s treatment of him.
Logan calls Iverson over at Thanksgiving. He’s reading a book to Iverson after Kendall’s attempt. He has Iverson eat the food. Logan never acknowledges Sophie or refers to her whatsoever, even though she’s often in the same room/scene as him. It’s Iverson, as the biological child (and lbr, as the white kid, because Sophie’s race definitely also comes into play) who gets the attention. It’s not good attention, obviously, but Logan seems him as family while Sophie Roy May as well be an NRPI.
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buddiebitch · 1 month
call me crazy but i thought of a parallel i didn’t notice before
in the s4 episode treasure hunt, when they’re all teaming up to secretly look for the treasure, Eddie asks Buck to team up with him but he’s already teamed up with Taylor.
in s7 Eddie asks Buck to go to the bachelor party as Crockett and Tubbs, Buck doesn’t think for a second before saying absolutely, despite the fact that he’s currently dating someone he could wear a couples costume with instead.
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cheese-water · 9 months
I can’t believe the Qsmp is at this point now where I don’t want Slimecicle to login. Selfish, I know, but I have my reasons why I don’t want him to appear. For him to see the ruin the server has fallen into while he has been gone. For him to realize why there’s so much destruction. Why the people he once called his friends, family even, are unrecognizable. Why there’s a cloud of grief looming over every inch of the island, not just his house anymore. But worst of all, I don’t want him to find the solution to all his problems.
The Pills.
An easy way to regain your happiness after life has fucked you over again and again and again? A painless procedure to get rid of the apathy lodged in your fucking chest, slowly consuming you whole? A one-way ticket to forget all that shit that was bothering you in the first place? A chance to see Flippa again? It’s a dream come true! This is what Slime wants—not to heal, not to move on, not to deal with therapy and the feelings and paperwork that comes with it. He wants to be happy again. And the Federation’s treatment is quite literally his perfect medicine!
Almost too perfect...
What if the Federation had originally created the medicine Slime and it consequently worked on the other islanders? But wait, no, that doesn’t make sense. If the pills were made specifically for Slime, then why wasn’t he prescribed them? I mean, there would be no reason not to; the Feds were never particularly fond of Gegg given the rampant threats of arson. So why are we seeing them now? Or, a better question: why did the Federation create them in the first place? How were they able to have the pills on hand in case of mass hysteria and the destruction of the island?
It’s almost as if the Federation had the perfect control for their experiment. Someone who initially grieved not with tears or deals or a shoulder to lean on, all of which would come later, but with a wrath so volatile it could tear the server in half. Someone who’s parental rage could only be quelled through resurrection, a feat never to be taken lightly. Someone who would be their worst-case scenario if their ire were ever directed towards them.
It seems as if the Federation was prepared for the worst-case scenario. The antidote to an islander’s worst qualities; best taken when vulnerable. And it’s all thanks to Slimecicle! Without him, who knows what the Federation would have done with our favorite melodramatic president? Everyone is a cog in the machine, whether they know it or not! :)
If Slimecicle realizes this, I’m not sure whether he’ll survive the weight of the guilt on top of what he already forces himself to carry. Therefore, what you don’t know can’t hurt you.
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i-am-a-fan · 2 months
Crazy how in lego monkie kid blue has now come to mean death, chaos, and destruction while Sandy is still there. Like the number one Blue guy ™. And he’s the calmest member of the team who only shows his violent strength when pushed to the point of needing to use it, and even then he’s fully in control of it.
Really silly that pigsy also introduces him as a violent warrior that even he fears and would have preferred to have never contacted again. Someone that, before the group met him, meant death and destruction to pigsy.
Crazy that he was the only one to keep getting silver stars when under training in season four. Showing that he’s the perfect balance of grace and power. Showing that balance is possible if you want it and work for it.
So silly that his color pallet is his complementary color with orange, a color that’s been associated with Mk and Wukong, and blue.
Anyways that’s just something I noticed.
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itspileofgoodthings · 5 months
I think it’s such a lovely thought that the stuff you’re going through now is preparing you for the things you want.
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flowersforfrancis · 1 year
Every time I fear I’m being a burden, I just think to myself: at least I’m not Bunny Corcoran.
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shima-draws · 13 hours
My boss: Schedules a Teams meeting titled “Check In”
Me: Ah. I’m going to be taken out back and shot
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chaosduckies · 13 days
Restoration (Chapter 12)
The chapter that will hopefully fix everything that I’ve done! :D (I regret it all) I don’t really know how to feel about the way I wrote this since my editor and other reader were not available, sooo I’m just gonna wing it and hope it turned out okay. I’m very sorry 😞. Otherwise, enjoy!
Word Count: 3.8k
CW: loneliness, that’s everything!
12- Nathan 
I lazily opened my eyes, pushing myself off the mysteriously soft fabric underneath me. It feels like I’ve been asleep for days… I looked to where my alarm clock should be, but only seeing everything around me enlarged and up to a bigger scale. Oh right, I feel asleep on Ryker. Oh. I fell asleep on Ryker. 
I let out a yelp, studying the area where I was at and seeing that the fabric underneath me belonged to his pillow. Oh god I really slept on top of him… My thoughts were thrown into a panic as I tried to wrap my mind around everything. I just remember it being cold outside, Ryker scooping me up extremely quickly, crying… Oh gosh. I cried in front him. I groaned, leaning back until my back hit the cushiony surface behind me. I-I was crying on him and he was there hugging me close to him the entire time which I mean it didn’t even feel bad it actually felt amazing but I can’t believe I just did all of that in front of him and oh my gosh it just felt so good to cry and- 
Calm down Nathan. 
I took a few deep breaths, calming down my fast heart rate and looking around again. I couldn’t see his alarm clock from where I was at, but I did smell something amazing. My stomach growled, but I just ignored it like I have been for the past week and a half. Where was Ryker at anyways? I didn’t want to move from my spot in case he comes back in looking for me. I owe him such a big apology… Why did he stick around for all of that last night? He could’ve left me. But he didn’t. And that just made my heart flutter at the thought that he cares about me. 
A few minuets later, Ryker walked in, peeking his head in as I hurried to sit up. I heard him chuckle a bit before walking in, he had a different  pair of sweatpants and sweater that had a skull with roses on it than last night. How did he even get me on to the pillow in the first place? Maybe that shouldn’t be the first question I ask. I’ll just stay quiet for a while. 
“Morning.” He sat a little ways from me, leaning against this arms behind him. 
“Morning.” I replied back in a tired voice. What do I do? I was alone with Ryker. In his room. Sitting on his bed that I couldn’t get off of on my own even if I tried. Was he going to leave me here? Or would he kick me out and send me back home? I wouldn’t be surprised if he did either of those things. I’m still in shock that I just slept on him last night, and he’s sitting next to as if nothing ever happened. 
“You slept for a while. I had to move you onto a pillow.” Ryker laughed, a light shade of pink on his cheeks. I brought my knees up to my chest, nodding embarrassingly. 
“Hm? For what?” Ryker turned his head to face me, making me feel even more insecure than I already was. Did I really have to answer that question? I felt my face heat up just the slightest bit as I sucked in a shaky breath. 
“For… s-sleeping. On you.” Ever since Lucky had asked me that stupid question a month ago my mind has been all over the place. I’m so confused almost all of time every time I’m around Ryker. I question myself everyday if I really like him or if I’m just confusing my emotions with friendship. Usually I would have asked my mom for help but… she wasn’t here anymore. And that just made my entire world come crumbling down to the ground. 
“Oh that? You were tired. I don’t mind. I kind of fell asleep a little after you anyways,” Ryker sighed, laying down on his back and facing the ceiling, “I didn’t want to wake you up, so I just left you there and checked up on you every half hour.” 
I nodded my head, still feeling a little awkward. Should I go home? Thank him for everything, go home, then see him when I’m forced to go back to school? A part of me thinks that was the way I should do this, but another part of me thinks Ryker would really help me. I mean, he has gone through this before because his parents also… You know. Maybe he knows how to help me? I haven’t really been able to take the best care of myself, and I just feel like Ryker might be able to help me get back up on my feet. Then again, I could just go to a therapist so I wouldn’t waste Ryker’s time. But since when has a therapist been able to help you? 
My mind wasn’t wrong. 
“Are you hungry? There’s some breakfast in the kitchen.” Ryker asked, sitting back up and waiting for my answer. Physically? I was starving. Mentally? No. Not even in the slightest bit. At least I figured out what that amazing smell was. 
“N-no. But thank you th-“ It was then in that moment that my stomach decided to growl. Not loud, but loud enough for Ryker to hear and smile sadly at me. He offered his hand palm-up, waiting just as patiently as ever. I always admired him for that. I don’t know how he puts up with me half the time. 
I carefully stood up, a little wobbly on the cushiony surface below me. I tried my best to keep my balance, clinging to his thumb as soon as I could so I wouldn’t roll off his pillow. Now that would be something to be embarrassed about. Luckily I didn’t. 
The kitchen smelled like pancakes, which just so happens to be what I was craving right now. How did Ryker even know? What surprised me even more was that there were human-sized plates sitting on the counter, like they were just waiting for me. For the first time in forever I really did feel like eating. Why did it take me to go through all this just to be able to eat and feel just the tiniest bit better about myself? 
Ryker set me down, saying that If I wanted I could cut off my own piece of pancake while he went to go grab a blanket from another room. I gladly did, my body enjoying the much needed energy that I’ve been neglecting it for the past two weeks. It tasted just like my moms… I blinked back the tears. There was no time to think about that. I didn’t want to cry in front of Ryker again. Plus, I didn’t really want to cry anymore in general. I knew it felt good, but I’m trying not to seem like such a burden for people. 
It took Ryker a while to dig out an extra blanket from the closet, because by the time I finished my plate he was barely coming back. I placed my plate with the other dirty dishes where I hope would be the best place to keep it until I can wash it later. Again, I didn’t want to be a burden while I stayed here. 
Ryker sat on top of the kitchen island across from me right after he threw the blanket on one of the couches. I sighed, taking my phone out of my pocket and seeing that it was already midday. How long was I asleep for? Nearly twelve hours? I shoved my phone back into my pocket. I guess I’ll go home in a little bit. I don’t really want to though, but I can’t just keep leeching off Ryker for forever. I’ll go to school, finish it up, and then I don’t know after that. I haven’t really thought that far ahead. 
“When will you go back to school?” Ryker asked. I didn’t have answer in reality. I didn’t want to go back, but my parents would probably like me to finish it up with only five months left. 
“Next week? M-maybe? I, um, don’t know.” I stared at the countertop below me, trying not to make eye contact. Was I the reason he wasn’t going to school either? I should have answered his calls while I was in the hospital… Maybe then I wouldn’t have been this bad. 
Ryker pushed himself off the counter as he laid his hand flat out in front of me. I stood up, lifting myself up onto his palm and sitting down in the middle before he started moving to the living room and carefully sitting down against the armrest with me still in hand. Usually he lets me down first. 
“D-did you want me to m-move?” I asked, looking back up at him. He shook his head with a smile on his face, “Not unless you’re uncomfortable.” 
I wasn’t. The opposite actually. But I wasn’t going to just blindly show that to him. At least not again. 
Ryker put on a movie, which I wasn’t really watching but pretended to anyways. I kept thinking about why he wasn’t even complaining about me being here. Why I didn’t hate the fact that he didn’t even acknowledge what had happened last night even though I wanted to forget all about it. Oh. He knew I didn’t want to talk about it. 
In truthfulness, I have no idea what I’m even doing anymore. Everything is so confusing now. What do I do at this point? I wouldn’t even be here if we had never gone to that stupid store in the first place. I would have been happy, my life would have been turned around for the better and I wouldn’t have to worry about anything else. Instead, it’s the complete opposite and I’m having to rely on everyone just to help me. I felt useless. Or maybe that wasn’t the word I was looking for. 
I guess I made the right call to not talk about what happened last night. Nathan looked exhausted. Physically and mentally. I know how it feels, but obviously there was something else bothering him besides what happened this past month. I didn’t know if it had to do with me, or not, but I really just wanted to help. Not be the reason he’s suffering even more. 
I wasn’t really paying attention to the movie, and I could tell neither was Nathan. I didn’t know whether to turn off the movie or to just leave it on. What would be the right call here? From what I’m getting at he just didn’t want to be lonely right now, which I mean of course, but I guess he’s also touch starved? As far as I knew Nathan was never really a fan of anyone touching him, and now all of a sudden he clings to me like a lost puppy, and every time my heart falters for just a split second. 
“Hey, um, do you just want to hang out in my room? Neither of us are really watching the movie sooo.” I laughed, trying to cheer him up. A slight smile cracked on his face as he nodded his head. At least it’s something. How long did it take for me to get better? Three months? Four? I hope he doesn’t take as long as me. 
I turned everything off, grabbed the extra blanket that took me forever to dig out of the closet, and shut the door behind me after I walked into my room. Did I know what we were going to do? No, not in the least. I was just trying to keep his mind off of everything, and I have zero idea if it’s working or not, but I think I’m doing a decent job. 
“Ryker,” Nathan played with his hands while I cleared off my desk. I turned my head to him, waiting for the rest of the sentence, “Never… never mind.” He sighed in defeat, sliding off my slightly tilted palm and onto the black wooden desk. I did want to know what he was going to say, but I can wait. Instead, I just nodded my head, sitting down in my chair and grabbing one of the small sketchbooks I have. I haven’t really drawn anything for a while, and while I was extremely insecure about other people watching me draw, Nathan would be the only exception. And that’s coming from a person with five younger siblings. 
Nathan sat a little closer, interested in what I was doing. I flipped to any empty page, not even knowing what I wanted to sketch in the first place. I leaned to the side, my hand holding my head up as I just scribbled all over the paper aimlessly holding that would spark something in my clouded mind. Lately it’s been a little lonely, but that was just because nearly the entire school was on that field trip to some amusement park. I’m too used to having so many people around me. 
I wasn’t really paying attention to the time, nor whatever the heck I was conjuring up on the paper. It jus kind of looked like a dead cheery blossom tree at this point. It wasn’t bad, but not exactly what I had pictured in my mind. Which was nothing, but still. I sighed, placing my pencil down in the middle of the book and apparently not even realizing that Nathan was trying to climb over my arm I involuntarily placed in front of him. I didn’t dare move a single muscle as he struggled to lift himself up onto my wrist, dragging his leg onto the other side, then nearly falling over as he tried to bring his other one across. I started laughing without even meaning to as soon as he slid down back onto the desk. 
“Sorry, sorry,” I apologized, moving my arm away from him as he hid his face from me, “It’s just that you could have asked me to move. But I guess that way works too.” I heard a quiet chuckle right before he turned to look, his jaw immediately dropping the second he sees it. I bit the side of my cheek, suddenly subconscious about myself. 
“Woah.” Nathan kept studying it before I decided to softly close the book in front of him and shove it back in the cubby I pulled it out from. Subconscious wins. 
Nathan turned back to me, a worried look on his face. Is he worried about me? It should be the entire opposite! But still, I couldn’t ignore the fact that he cares so much about me. I had high hopes that after we graduated we would stay friends, but I still had no idea. Maybe he had his own plans. 
I checked my phone, reading that it was already three in the afternoon. How long was I drawing for? I sighed, leaning back in my chair and watching Nathan sit down and play with his hands again. I felt really tired, but I didn’t want to leave Nathan alone. Usually when my siblings are gone I try my best to clean up as much as I can and get as much rest as I can. It’s nearly impossible to keep up with everyone during school. My bed honestly looked as welcoming as ever right now. 
Last night, in truth, I didn’t get much sleep. How could I? I had a small human practically passed out on my chest and I didn’t want to wake him up. Plus, I kind of freaked out because I didn’t know what to do and I knew what could happen if he stayed on me while I was asleep. I tried my hardest to stay awake, but there were times when I fell asleep and found Nathan in the same spot as before. Still, there was still the fact that he slept on me. I didn’t mind at all. My mind was all over the place, I was a little flustered, but I realized that he must’ve been pretty tired to fall asleep like that. There was no way he would have willingly done that, right? 
“Do you… want me to go back home? I don’t want to, um, bother you.” Nathan asked, his tone lined with sadness. He think he has to I guess. I turned towards him, not really knowing what to say. He’s never bothered me. I don’t think he could either. It’s just the thought that he would think I would be annoyed by him. I don’t know what happened before he moved to the city, but it’s obviously changed the way he thinks. No other human would think that way unless something bad happened. Something I shouldn’t ask him about right now. 
“Only if you really want to, and you’re not bothering me,” I sucked in a shaky breath, “I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to stay here for a while. Of course you don’t have to! I just noticed you weren’t taking care of yourself and I’d like to help, you know? Plus, what kind of friend would that make me if I didn’t at least try to help you?” 
That technical promise I made to his mom before she passed away was stuck to my mind. I wasn’t going to tell Nathan, and I planned on keeping that promise until he leaves. I do care about him. A lot. And I hated how he looked last night. He looked broken and torn apart, and at the same time fragile and gentle as ever.  
Nathan looked surprised at first before smiling and nodding his head, “I-If you don’t mind.” I didn’t. 
I yawned, covering my mouth and my eyes slightly tearing up, “You don’t mind if I take a nap, right?” He shook his head. I laid my hand out flat, watching him try to keep his balance as he stumbled to the middle of my palm. I was just going to place him on the ground so he could do whatever. I wasn’t going to keep him in my room with nothing to do.
As I lowered my hand down, Nathan’s expression looked confused before he hurried to grab onto my sleeve. I stopped for a second, confused myself. What was he doing? It’s the same thing as last night. Oh. Right. He doesn’t want to be lonely. My heart fell the same way it did last night as I walked over to my bed, keeping Nathan in my hand and getting myself under the covers. So what do I do? 
“S-sorry. I d-don’t even know what I’m doing.” Nathan apologized, slouching down as I pressed my back up against the head of the bed. No matter how many times I tell him it’s fine he won’t believe me. Maybe he’ll believe me if I show it? 
“It’s okay, Nathan. You’re just touch starved, I get it.” I whispered, placing my thumb behind him and laughing when he jumped. He didn’t back away though. I laid down, Nathan still cupped in my hand. Just don’t move your hand. No other words were said between us before my eyes shut closed. 
“If you like him so much why don’t you kiss him already?” 
Ryker really just fell asleep. How tired was he? I didn’t know, and I was sort of tired myself even after sleeping for twelve hours. But still, I can’t believe I was doing this to him again, and he doesn’t even say anything. He’s allowed me to stay here for a while, which I was so grateful for, but I can’t keep leeching off of him. It was a bad habit, and he won’t always be there for me. I guess I should cherish what I have right now. Ryker was right. I really was touch starved. 
He didn’t really move much, but after about an hour was when he was getting twitchy. I was thinking I should probably move, but I didn’t want to. I was just being selfish, and I was going to tell him that, but I just couldn’t. Would he think the same way? Was he only letting me stay here because he was just sympathizing? That doesn’t really makes sense if he said he’s going to try to help me. Still, I didn’t erase the possibility. 
It was quiet, and I would have fallen asleep if I hand’s occupied myself with just exploring his room from the view I was at. Otherwise, I was just laying down in his palm still, hanging onto the little part of the cuff of his sleeve. Then, Ryker started twitching again, this time somehow gently getting me in a fist and bringing me close. The worst part about it was that I couldn’t get out even if I tried. 
I was just slightly freaking out. He was basically holding me like I was a small stuffed animal right up against his chest as he stirred around for a little. My face turned a bright red as Ryker yawned again, groggily opening his eyes and opening up his palm I was in. The panic in my chest diminished as he blinked away the bags under his eyes and smiled down at me. I smiled right back. I wouldn’t tell him about that. Plus, it’s not like I was hurt anyways. 
Ryker pressed his thumb against my back gently, stretching out the rest of his limbs before sitting up and pressing his back up against the wall. I completely forgot about the blush before he squinted and weakly chuckled before wrapping me in a hug. Well, he was only pinching me between two of his fingers but I get the gesture. I just didn’t know why. But it felt amazing all the same. 
Actually, this entire day it seemed like I had forgotten about all that happened. I couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but I’ll just have to hope for the best. I’d have to thank Ryker for that. 
“You feel better?” Ryker asked. I nodded my head in response. I’ve never felt better. He yawned again, covering his mouth and bringing his knees closer to his chest. He studied me for a while before sighing and getting up. What was that about? I had no idea. I didn’t even know what I was doing today. All I knew was that I wanted nothing more than to just be held and safe and wanted. Which was everything Ryker was giving me. 
“Do you like Ryker?” 
I stopped breathing for a second, losing my focus on everything around me. That stupid question again? I’m pretty sure I don’t. Right? I was just mistaking my feelings for friendship. Right? My heart started beating faster when Ryker looked down to check on me. 
What was this?
Again, my editor and beta reader was not available (they’re the same person but still) so this probably turned out to be one of the worst chapters or you guys actually like it and I’m just over thinking this TwT
I hope you guys enjoyed it though! Chapter 13 will be the last one! But I do have some little scenes after the story I want to do sooo they’re not going away anytime soon don’t worry :D
Taglist: @da3dm
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
"It's too silly to make jyl's cutie mark soup" - the artist who made an entire equineswap au with lore seemingly spontaneously
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