#I think it helps
technovillain · 1 year
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been wanting to share his little story for so long!!
Okay so it starts out like this. Sasha and Milla are called in for a mission when they were just about to take some time off. So they're understandably exasperated and irritated.
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Luckily for them, the mission doesn't seem that complicated. Maybe they can still enjoy themselves without too much stress. They have been assigned to check out a local disturbance in a nearby suburban area. There were reports of widespread confusion, possibly of psychic origin, and Sasha and Milla have to find the source of it.
They travel to the source of where they sense the disturbance and find a backyard with the gate left open. It is full of a large number of children and one adult woman, who appears to be their mother. Every person in this backyard is extremely disoriented, to a point where it could be potentially damaging. Sasha and Milla determine that questioning these people at this time is not a good idea. It could only mess them up further. They need time before they try and interfere.
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So they go out to investigate what the origin of this confusion could be. Milla notices a trail in the grass that has been singed intermittently, with patterns indicating pyrokinesis burns. They follow the trail all around the little neighborhood to the downtown area.
They entered several buildings and found almost all of them rustled and raided, and the store patrons and cashiers stunned by confusion. "Some sort of psychic thievery, I assume." Sasha says but is interrupted by Milla asking him to reconsider.
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"We could be looking for someone who needs a lot of help here." Sasha sees that she is right. Only food is missing. Only candy is missing. He sees a few plastic wrappers on the ground through the glass door of the building. "Or perhaps, someone who doesn't know any better looking for trouble."
They follow the trail of wrappers and random trinkets and trash to a bus stop. It is there where they find their suspect.
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They realize it's just a child. Psychic child outbursts were so touchy to handle. Especially if that was his mother that was so disoriented. They approach him regardless, and it sits up. Sasha and Milla prepare to talk to him.
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But they suddenly feel the kid trying to break their mental defenses with confusion. It almost catches them off guard. But they resist it. And the kid seems surprised at this.
The two start asking him questions, and he doesn't really talk. But he sort of answers their questions through actions. He shows them the other "tricks" he can do. Like the confusion and the fire. He burns a few bugs on the sidewalk to show how it works. It seems quite pleased with itself for its fun tricks. Sasha and Milla make eye contact and realize that they're dealing with a kid who has no clue what he is doing with his psychic abilities. And this kid needs help immediately. He's potentially scrambling the minds of himself and others from prolonged confusion and needs to be trained...
They extremely reluctantly take him back to headquarters after receiving written permission from his mother, who had no clue what she was signing or even what her full name was.
Check-ins with Gusty's family were highly frequent, including mental checkups. But recovery was very slow and gradual for his town. Gusty isn't an exceptionally strong psychic, per se, but he just got away with repeated confusion over and over due to the stunning effect of the power and that was really damaging. Really, he's only good at confusion and pyro, and eventually at mental projection.
So it becomes one of the "Motherlobe babies" aka one of the few kids whose living situations become increasingly unsafe and have to be taken in to be trained and don't really have anywhere else to go for the time being. The agents take really good care of him for the time being, especially Veranda.
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the-selfinsert · 8 days
*le gasp*! Feelings!
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sysboxes · 1 year
have u ever went to sleep and then ended up in the backrooms during REM but couldnt escape until u was violently shooken by ur friend who was sleeping over??? no just me?? i feel like death just came knocking and i barely missed it... terrified to go sleep now.
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ru-inn · 2 years
hey bylers how do you think byler would study? 
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abeluser · 6 months
the lines cut by the knifes jaw tingle in a way that is pleasant and painful consecutively. the knife licks at my vital fluid. the cool rain puts out the fire behind the wounds, leaving my arm cold and wet. it shines white beneath the dreary streetlamps like an exposed bone. to me it looks raw and pure with the way the blood and rain spills over the self-mutilation.
the world is shockingly harsh and honest in its hideousness. it cannot hide it. it cannot change. it is unforgiving. the streetlamps remind me of hospital lights. they glare, pinning my shadow to the concrete, exposing my entire being as if i'm a corpse laid out for an autopsy. nothing is left unseen. lies don't work here out in the real world.
unlike reality, my soft flesh is comforting in that it is malleable, predictable. it is easily molded and cut to be however i wish it to appear. my thirst for control cannot be quenched by anything but the liquid running in my veins. it can only be satiated when my knife's jaw unhinges to drink from my arm.
raindrops hit my face, and I momentarily feel lucid. the knife almost slips from my right hand, and I see that it is trembling. the blade is no longer thirsty, it's had its fill. I sheath the knife. like the jaw of a satisfied beast, it snaps shut.
I turn to leave, skirting around rising puddles, blood running from my fingertips to the ground, leaving a scattered trail of gore behind me. the knife mourns the waste, but i hardly notice. the rain will wash the ground clean, and it will be all be gone by the time the night is over.
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dbphantom · 2 years
I'm going through some of my H2O fanfic documents for... reasons... and I fucking forgot that I gave every single one of Lewis's family members names that start with L ahsggsgss. Do you think that his parents realized as soon as they had their first kid that they could do something extraordinarily funny. I think that's what happened.
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nthflower · 1 year
Now I am going to drink a huge coffee and trick myself to think I am energetic
Then I will clean my room and organise everything so nicely
Then I will finish my TV series/readings/colourings/crochetings etc. Whatever something I love
And my skincare I will do my skincare I hate makeup but skincare is so fun.
But first a little Tumblr time all of this later.
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demonboyhalo · 4 months
collection of useful things tumblr has taught me:
even if you can't fall asleep, laying down with your eyes closed will still rest your body
you don't have to brush your teeth standing up
you don't have to do any chore standing up, from dishes to showering
you don't have to shower with the lights on
if you can't brush your teeth, flossing and a tongue scraper gets rid of plaque and bad breath
if you can't do that, mouthwash kills a lot of bacteria
eating "unhealthy" food is better than eating no food
you can make the same meal everyday for however long you still want it
some pills come in syrups or chewables if you can't swallow them
kids nutritional shakes can be a quick way to get fuel if you can't eat/don't have time
if walking hurts/exhausts you on a regular basis, canes and rollers are for you, no matter how young you are
we have free will—if doing something "out of the ordinary" makes life easier for you, do it
if you have even a dollar to spare, please consider donating to Alaikum's family.
they're a large family at only 10% of their goal to evacuate, and could use any help you can give!!
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puppyeared · 27 days
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filipina miku!! my mom helped me with her outfit ^_^
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beastwhimsy · 27 days
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"I should draw Māori Miku!" I said to myself. "Just a fun sketch, it shouldn't take me long" I said to myself. Six hours later I come to with this in front of me and a wrist begging for mercy but holy fuck worth it. I love this trend this was so much fun
DISCLAIMERS AND NOTES ETC.... I'm Pākehā, meaning I am not of Māori descent. I hold so much respect for Māori people, for their values and traditions, and for the fierce pride with which kapa haka is performed. I thought if I was going to design a Māori Miku, it makes sense to dress her in a kapa haka kākahu, as her whole thing is singing and dancing!!! The moko kauae is not based off any real person's. I referenced the temporary moko kauae a lot of kapa haka performers wear!! Was tricky finding out whether or not depicting her with a moko kauae was a good idea, so I went the safe route- showing an aspect of Māori culture without stepping over any boundaries!! Brown eyed Miku is everything to me shout out brown eyed Miku.... I referenced like seven different outfits to put hers together!! I really hope this looks accurate or at least passable. Thanks to adorkastock for the pose ref!!
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nymphoutofwater · 12 days
And why? Cultural norms? Personal schedule? “Cause I’m always late to everything”?
Bonus points: Region and/or ethnicity?
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badolmen · 9 months
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I just think that 'animals are living intelligent creatures that have feelings and deserve to be respected' and 'when done properly farming is beneficial to both people and animals and there's nothing wrong with raising and killing animals for food, clothing, and other products' are concepts that very much can and should coexist
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callisteios · 6 months
i made a character uquiz. i 100% promise you that you will get a character you know AND like
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hinamie · 22 days
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
I think so many people are so deeply alienated from themselves that they have no clue how to exercise their free will and autonomy. For some, this alienation runs so deep that they are afraid of their own autonomy and humanity. It is completely understandable why one would have those feelings, but it can be worrisome.
I want to help others who feel this way, so here are small things I have done to exercise my free will:
Add "guilty pleasure" songs to playlists and actually listen to them (I have a ton of late 1990s-early 2000s music I listen to now proudly that I never listened to in the past out of shame)
Getting the décor item, bath set, bed spread, ect. in the patterns you like, even if it's "childish" (I got a dinosaur-themed wastebasket from the kids' décor section and I adore it)
Taking a new route to get to a place you go to often
Eat dessert first
Celebrate well, and often
Collect things that are "odd" or don't seem like an "acceptable" thing to collect (somebody on my "for you" page collects dandelion crayola crayons and it was so cool!!!!!!)
Incorporate one new piece in an outfit you wear frequently (e.g., a new chain, a necklace, ribbons, bracelets, ect.). Challenge yourself to add onto the outfits if you feel up for it.
Sing along to songs without worrying that you sound "good" or your intonation is completely accurate
Read a book from a genre you weren't allowed to read as a kid (comics, thrillers, mysteries, anything!)
Walk without having a specific destination or goal
Pick up a new craft without expecting yourself to master it or to ever be "good" enough. Get your hands messy.
I don't want to shame anybody for not feeling as though they have free will or that they are exempt from exercising it. However, I wanted to give ideas so that you might read this list and find your own ways to express your intrinsic autonomy and will. You deserve to be a person, to feel alive, not just living. That is what our lives are for.
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