#I think it links back to his relationship to death in some way I can't quite articulate yet
Y’all ever think about at what point in the story Blanky first took Hartnell under his wing?
Part of me thinks it was happening in the background from the very beginning.
Hartnell demonstrates a feel for the ice right from Episode One when he’s the first to notice the descending pack ice, to understand the significance of it, and to call for Blanky’s advice.  But he’s also at his most vulnerable in those first few episodes. He’s rudderless and no doubt still grieving the loss of his brother. That’s half the reason he falls for Hickey’s manipulations at first and I have a hard time believing that any of that would’ve happened if he’d already had Blanky’s support behind him. 
I think the more likely option is that it came about when they were abandoning/preparing to abandon the ships. 
Hartnell’s grown a great deal already at that point - instead of dwelling in the past he’s very much looking forward to the future. He’s gained confidence and maturity but most of all, he’s absolutely full to the brim with hope and courage and I can see that being just as important in Blanky’s eyes as a knack for reading the ice. 
At the end of the day, that hope and courage is what it comes down to. 
I don’t think Hartnell would take up the challenge of learning the skills of an ice master in the first place if he wasn’t hopeful and completely convinced that he was going to survive. 
But I also have to wonder if Blanky, particularly after his injury and particularly having a better idea than anyone of what lay ahead, decided to pass on his skill and knowledge because somewhere in the back of his mind he was convinced that he wouldn’t... 
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illyrianbitch · 8 months
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✨ indicates smut ♡ indicates a series ✰ indicates a one shot ↯ installment of series but can be read as stand-alone ☼ indicates a drabble ❥ are personal favorites last updated: 9/13/24 helpful links for palestinian aid
♡ . —One Summer✨ (On-going)
One beach house, one festival, one summer to fall in love.
♡ . —An Education in Malice✨ (On-going)
With the sharp tongue of your notorious family, you are Azriel's most tantalizing challenge yet. It only takes one small meeting before you both realize that the line between hate and desire is dangerously thin.
♡ . — The Anatomy of Dependence (Coming soon)
You and Azriel are drawn together by an unbreakable bond, encountering obstacles and triumphs across the centuries and finding your way back to each other again and again.
✰. —Death and His Reaper ❥
After suffering a devastating injury in battle, Azriel finds himself on the brink of life and death where he meets you, The Mother's reaper.
↯. — Back to Our Roots
With the Acheron sisters out of town, you and your family plan for a quiet night in— just like old times.
✰. —Where I Left My Lover
After a brush with death, Azriel makes a difficult decision to protect you.
✰. —What We Make of What We're Made
When Azriel overhears Feyre's concern about your transition to fae life, he agrees to check on you.
✰. —When the Heart is Still Longing ❥
Azriel thought you were the one. Now, he can’t move on
✰. —Pretty Little Shadowsinger
Cassian walks in on you dressing Az in one of your dresses.
✰. —An Evening Reunion
Azriel comes home from a mission. You talk to him about your day, but he’s far more interested in you—and your silk nightgown.
✰. —Memories
While packing some boxes, Azriel is overwhelmed by memories of your relationship.
✰. —What Lies Between Us (On-going)
Azriel has spent years trying to escape the ghosts of his past, retiring into a self-imposed exile despite a promising career as a talented detective. When you turn up at his door asking for help on a recent case, his world is disrupted.
✰. —Body Count
Anxious about how your lack of experience compares to Azriel's, you ask him about his body count. Unfortunately for him, he misunderstands the question gravely.
✰. —Safe✨
Azriel's night is troubled by a nightmare. He finds a soothing remedy in the arms of his mate.
✰. —Winner
You and Azriel are both sore losers. But when you cheat in a game of cards, winning takes on a whole new meaning.
♡ ↯. —And I'm Thinking About Your Lips ✨ ❥
You and Cassian have been best friends since you were teenagers-- just friends. But one night at Rita's changes everything and now you cant breathe when you're around him and he can't stop imagining how you'd taste. ↯ Part One, ↯ Part Two
↯. — A Hobby for Two ❥
Cassian surprises you with a small gift. You spend the night teaching him how to properly enjoy it.
✰. —A Place For Dying
A mission with Cassian goes terribly wrong.
✰. —Words of Affirmation
Even the Lord of Bloodshed gets insecure sometimes. As his mate, you always know the right words to say.
☼. —Tender
Cassian cuddles with you when you have a migraine
✰. —Insatiable ✨
There are countless reasons why you and Rhysand don’t work… but those reasons don’t seem so important when you’re tipsy in a bathroom with him inside you.
♡ . — Lights, Camera, Love! (On-going)
Rhysand, Hollywood's hottest heartthrob, has everyone smitten—everyone except you, his co-star. But when rumors of your feud begin to affect the show's ratings, your producers propose a last-ditch solution: a fake romance to salvage your public image and reignite fan interest.
Lucien Vanserra
♡ . — Hidden Things (Coming soon)
Following a cryptic vision from Elain, Lucien finds himself seeking out an enchanted artifact at your shop in the heart of the Day Court. What he finds instead is a profound connection with you—and a version of himself he believed he had lost.
Eris Vanserra
♡ . — A House of Hunger (Coming soon)
Every Autumn court citizen is hungry for something; beasts starved for influence, desperate for control, ravenous for power. Your tastes are no different—albeit a bit specific. It's a deep craving that boils in the pit of your stomach, hot and heavy, all consuming. You’re hungry for revenge.
✰. —Blessed
Angered by Nesta's actions, the Cauldron turned you into a fae different than your sisters— a lesser one that resembled more animal than human. Now living in Autumn, Eris shows you a new perspective on yourself.
✰. —Of Our Own Devices
Desperate to reunite with Lucien since his exile to Spring, you find yourself paying an unexpected price to his older brother. Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six
✰. —Handsome as Life and Poison
Defying your father’s sacred command, you wander to the grove where Spring and Autumn blend, only to encounter a sinfully divine figure with glowing amber eyes.
Bat-Boys (Reader x BatBoys)
✰. —Worth It
It can be hard to remember why you’ve put up with your best friends for centuries-- until they remind you why they're worth it.
✰. —A Helping Hand
Even most powerful males in Prythian need relationship advice from their best friend.
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♡ . — Mirthroot Mini-Series
Between dodging death and saving Prythian, its always nice to make time and enjoy one of The Mother's greatest creations: mirthroot. Reader x ACOTAR Characters
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lylahammar · 9 months
People always talk about how Laios is a character who gives fat vibes even if he isn't technically fat in canon which is very true, and I have some thoughts on that!! (this will be a long post lol sorry)
There's a lot of material in the dunmeshi extras that show how fatness factors into dungeon exploration, which shows that only the most skilled adventurers are able to keep weight on while in the dungeon (thank you to @savaralyn2 for the translations! links to the individual posts these panels come from are added on the pics):
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So we know, at the very least, that most of the characters are kept thinner than they would be naturally through the strain of death/revivification in the main dungeon. We also see that Laios has some fat on him, which through the text means that he's skilled enough to at least keep some of his weight (which makes sense, he doesn't die very often in canon).
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(to be clear this ^ doesn't constitute as "fat," he is built as fuck here he just has some fat on his body which shows his prowess as a fighter in this universe) HOWEVER my personal little pet theory/headcanon is that Laios actually has a difficult relationship with food! I know that doesn't make much sense at first since he's shown to eat a lot in canon, but hear me out. In pre-canon, before he reunited with Falin, he's shown to be extremely gaunt:
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But after partnering up with Falin, he gains weight and looks much more healthy very quickly. Part of this is definitely because of his unstable living situation/mental illness, but he and Falin still live in very poor conditions after this and he still manages to gain weight/get healthier, so I believe it's mainly due to her making sure he eats enough. We also know that Laios is. most certainly autistic. Nobody argue with me on that it's like pretty much widely accepted as canon for a lot of reasons lmao. So my theory is that he's actually food sensitive. He's shown to not really care about food that isn't monster-related. Even when he eats regular food, he's usually imagining it being a monster instead.
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He has never eaten squid before, which is totally normal, but could also support my theory in a way :P it being a monster still can't save it from the autistic sensory bad experience in this case, though.
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So I think that his adventurous eating during the course of the story isn't because he's actually an adventurous eater normally, it's purely because of his special interest (monsters, duh). During his journey to recover Falin, he's able to build up a healthier relationship with food through Senshi's guidance and the involvement of his special interest.
By the end of the story, after he's retired from dungeon exploration and living in comfort/safety, and with his newly healthy diet, he's finally able to gain a lot more weight. Imo, his is a story of someone who's naturally meant to be fat, but is only able to reach that point when in a stable and healthy environment.
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(for the record I know he's not that fat in this post canon comic, but this is only a year and a bit after the end of the story so there's still time lol)
alright I'm goin back to drawing now just had to infodump for a minute ✌️ keep it sleazy
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mysticheathenn · 3 months
Messages From The Past
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is all about messages from the past. These could be messages from a situation with a past friend, or ex-partner, or just things you have went through in the past in general that you may not have healed from.
This is a general reading, remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help. Tarot should be used as entertainment and not a for sure answer to your problems but as a guide, a sense of hope, and amusement.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
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Pile l:
What are your messages from the past? Tarot: 5 of Wands, The Hermit, 5 of Swords, 9 of Swords (reversed), Death, King of Wands | Oracle Cards: It Is Safe For You To Love & Release Your Ex
You may have been seeing angel numbers 555, 55, 99, or 999 pile l. You don't have to but for a few of you, this may have been reoccurring in your life for a bit now. Either way, this change that I feel for some of you may have happened recently for others of you this has happened a year or so ago but for most of you this energy feels fresh where you had to release someone who wasn't good for you. This feels like an ex where they have caused you to look at love from a different perspective that dimmed your light because of how they treated you. They may have been emotionally, mentally, or physically abusive or they just weren't emotionally and maybe even mentally unavailable towards you in your previous relationship which caused you guys to have a lot of arguments and conflict because you felt as if they didn't care for you the way you cared for them. This energy feels very much of a healing energy as right now you are most likely in your hermit era where you just want to be by yourself. Some of you know what you want from this period of solitude and others of you aren't too sure what to do with yourselves to the point it's causing you anxiety and making you think that maybe breaking up with your ex was the wrong thing to do or possibly hitting up any and everyone you can think of because it's not often you are alone/single. This is your period of getting to know who you are pile l. Getting back to the self. Knowing and accepting things that align with the person you want to become. Being alone in your solitude so you can develop more of your self-worth so you aren't wasting time like you did with your previous relationship. For some of you, I am hearing you were with the person for up to 4 years maybe even on and off. Know that one bad apple shouldn't spoil the bunch for you when it comes to love. Love did nothing to you, the person who lacked love and passion for you did. There are people out there looking to give you the love you give but you need to have some discernment about whether someone in your life wants to be with you or just play in your face. When you develop discernment make sure you have the strength to pull the plug and not give the benefits of the doubt because of potential or maybe things will turn around.
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Pile ll:
What are your messages from the past? Tarot: 2 of Cups, The Moon, The Devil (reversed), King of Swords, The Empress. | Oracle Deck: Passion, Give Your Relationship A Chance, Heart to Heart Conversations
"Should I stay? Should I go? I don't know Your hot boy style drives me wild But in the back of mind, I know Even though I wanna see How you put that thing on me I can't let you get the best of me" - Best of Me Part 2 by Mya
Similar to pile l but the energy feels a bit different. Instead of the energy feeling toxic, this feels more between a right person wrong time and I chose and love me more scenario. You may have been drawn to Pile l but again the energy feels different. It feels lighter and has more clarity because you know your worth pile ll. This person you wanted to possibly build a life with but there was something always in the back of your mind or just in general that felt off that you couldn't put your finger on it. Or you kept ignoring a problem because you wanted things to work out. Either way, something possibly came to light or you decided to listen to your feelings and put yourself first. This may have been a relationship where while you didn't fight often you felt as if you had to keep expressing how you felt about situations and you kept giving the relationship a chance but it kept going in circles where they would change for maybe a week or month and then go back to their old habits leaving you frustrated and feeling as if they don't care. Some of you know this person cares and has some feelings for you but you wished that things could have been different. This feels more like your previous partner had a lot of growing up to do. You were possibly dealing with a man-child for a few of you. The partner's energy reminds me of Nick Miller from New Girl (TV Show). Nick wasn't a bad person and he literally would have done anything for Jess but it literally had to take her nagging, begging, and sometimes even just giving up on the relationship or caring for him to get shit done. He hated seeing her upset but he also didn't want to feel as if she was pushing him to be someone else. This may have been the scenario for you as well pile ll and you both couldn't come to an agreeance. For some of you, this relationship could go another round and become something that leads to marriage but this person needs to show they have grown up and for others of you...it's best to keep moving forward.
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Pile lll:
What are your messages from the past? Tarot: The Chariot, 10 of Wands, 9 of Cups Strength, The Tower, 5 of Swords. | Queen of Pentacles Energy
"What about us? What about everything we've been through? What about trust? You know I never wanted to hurt you And what about me? What am I supposed to do? I gotta leave but I'll miss you" - Gotta Go My Own Way, HSM2 Vanessa/Zac
This pile feels like a mix of romantic and this being about life in general. A lot of you have gone through a period of trials and tribulations and always feel like you are getting the short end of the stick. There was an event that forced you to really look at your life and really see the bigger picture along with some small details and forced you to make the change in your life for the better. You decided you wanted to be happy even if it cost you losing friends, family, or even a relationship. You felt that in your previous situation, there was no room or growth for you and it was eating you alive to the point you may have developed panic or anxiety attacks because you felt as if you were drowning in a sea of living a life that wasn't you anymore. Either way, you developed this strength to walk away from what was causing you a burden but it didn't come with some conflict from those that you have left behind. This could even be a job that always thought about you last even though the place would fall apart without you and I am hearing for some of you it did fall apart. This season you are in, you are choosing yourself more. You are loving yourself more. You are walking the path that was always meant for you but you couldn't see through the rose-colored glasses you had on. I just want to let you know that the tower moment is still lingering in your energetic field. I feel some of you have been feeling this for some time now that there is a change on the horizon and you are right. You are meant to come on top with the Queen of Pentacles energy. The Queen of Pentacles gives me the same energy as the Queen of Wands and the Empress. She is all about not just her coins but stability, how can she level up and be the best version of herself, she is all about creating and nurturing the ground they walk on so they can reap the benefits of what they have sowed. This is the energy you are walking into pile lll. I must say there is a small few of you who keep trying to look back on the past and reminiscing...please stop. There is nothing there for you anymore. While it's okay once in a while I feel some of you are starting to feel the wave of nostalgia too heavy to where you think about going back. Even though you know you shouldn't.
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Pile lV:
What are your messages from the past? Tarot:
"It's all a-bout me You, know I'm a star 'Cause I work hard To get to this point in my life I'm going up, so don't hate Just congratulate The whole world revolves around me Pen-ney, I'm a princess, a diva, and it's all about me" - It's All About Me, The Proud Family (Early 2000's) (Link)
Pile lV you probably felt a little drawn to pile lll. This pile feels like the moment where you feel the energy shift between you and those you have sworn would be your ride or die and day ones. This is the moment where you realize that you can't take everyone where you are going and you are seeing that. This isn't a bad thing even though you probably had a hard time letting go because of so much history and the possibility of feeling guilty as these people probably did nothing to "deserve" you slowly drifting away or even flat-out ghosting them for some of you. But you knew that walking away needed to be done in order for you to have the life you deserve. The people who used to be around you I feel probably didn't have the same beliefs, their mindsets were limited, and they had nothing positive to say and always complained about life but never had any solutions to their problems. This pile feels as if you had a spiritual awakening and decided one day that it was time to go after the things you want and to align with people who want more for themselves or even align more with those who are more spiritually intuned, hold themselves accountable, etc instead of always wanting to play the victim or keep themselves in situations that they know isn't good for them but keep doing it. You may have been called selfish, cold-hearted, and a few other names when you let others know that you are no longer a) speaking to certain people or b) you want more for yourself and won't be entertaining anything less than the frequency that you are on. I heard you are looking for your soul tribe. It reminds me of the luxury pictures I see on Pinterest and even here where people are looking for their soul tribe that they can shop, travel, and do yoga/spa days with no problems. When I say no problems I mean the kind of friends that don't stay in the group chat wishing and talking about traveling together but actually doing those things because they have their priorities together and go after what they want. Some of you may even feel sad from time to time because you do feel somewhat guilty over how you may or may not have handled a situation. Just remember you don't owe anyone anything you are free to leave anything that no longer serves you at any time. Sometimes that involves ghosting especially if you know that person lacks emotional maturity and other times you can have a heart-to-heart convo. You did what you had to do for the growth of you.
Thank you for liking and reblogging my readings. I always appreciate you guys on here and on Patreon.
Stay safe and be blessed
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pain-in-the-butler · 3 months
what are your favourite black butler fanfics?
Hello! Though I've made a post on my favorite Dadbastian fics, I suppose I haven't done one on my favorite Kuro fics overall. Some from the previous list will be included regardless, and also I won't be including unfinished fics here.
ad perpetuam memoriam by redrobin1989 I linked this in the previous post, despite not being an actual Dadbastian fic, strictly because it's just that good. Around 130 years after Ciel Phantomhive's death, a couple of students begin to uncover the history of who he really was. And they aren't the only ones interested in his name's revival...
bottom of the deep blue sea by sunflowergiorno I can't laud this fic enough. It perfectly encapsulates the angst and sweetness combo I so love in a Dadbastian fic yet so rarely find. Takes place during the Campania rescue on the trip back to England. The way Francis is written is the cherry on top.
Everything's So Green! by Cr4shjay Some heartwarming fluff by my friend and the editor for Coattails, Jay! A sweet story about bonding between the Phantomhive servants early on in Bard's career. Wah!
Front Page News by TheArchaeologist Another I included on my previous list, though it's not really about Dadbastian, having more to do with the servants finding out about the Campania sinking and their fears as they wait to see if Sebastian and Ciel are coming home safely, let alone at all. Mey-Rin's perspective is lovely.
His Highness, Comparative by three-sixtynine-hexose I don't often read fics that are about season two, but this take on the relationship between Alois and Claude is far better than the canon. This is not a lighthearted romp but a poignant and bittersweet look inside the head of a kid desperate for affection, whose designated caretaker is basically an emotional brick wall.
Jurassic Butler: The Butler, the Butler, and the Dinosaur by Cherumie Okay, obviously this one is a humor fic, and it's mainly going to be enjoyable to people who are familiar with Phantom & Ghost, but how could I not recommend it. I got my start in writing fanfic with parody, a genre that you hardly see explored anymore in this fandom, so I have to give it some props.
Sensorium by othercat A short but sweet read that I linked in my previous post. Explores the early contract days in a way that I think is more realistic, showing that Sebastian needed to reintroduce Ciel to his own humanity before he could possibly hope to cultivate his soul.
Singing in the Silence by Kimberly_T A fantastic Phantomfam story about the servants learning how to keep their young master safe "from any and all enemies… even enemies they can't actually see." Absolutely heartwarming. Mey-Rin's appreciation for music in Coattails is actually a small nod to this fic.
The Boy Who Called Down a Ghost by ivoryandhorn Probably the most unusual entry on here and not for everyone, but I remember being intrigued by this fic's unique voice. A rewrite of the contract scene if it took place in a cyberpunk future.
This might not be the list that you were expecting — I actually have some relatively specific tastes and it's not often I find something that suits them. But I hope that this can give you some more material to read as we wait for the manga to return! Thanks for reaching out!
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tenpintsofsundrop · 1 year
Stop? (Baby, Don't Stop)
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Sub!Gar Logan x Dom!Fem!Reader Smut Blurb
Concept: Gar can't say no to you. But he can't bring himself to see that as a problem.
Word Count: 1,800
Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link
If you want to be notified whenever I post a new fic, make sure to follow my library blog @sundropslibrary and turn on notifications there.
List of detailed warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: spoilers for Titans S1, S2, and S3 if you haven’t seen the show before and want to watch it unspoiled, this is set during S3 when the Titans are staying at Wayne Manor, passing mentions of Gar’s trauma (him being killed during Trigon, him being kidnapped by Cadmus, his parents’ death), dom/sub dynamics - Gar is more submissive and the reader is more dominant, the reader calls Gar ‘baby boy’, the reader and Gar have an implied pre-established relationship, Gar (kind of) goes into subspace but it’s not explicitly mentioned or described as such, the reader has a vagina, penis in vagina sex, the reader rides Gar, overstimulation - the reader rides Gar through his orgasm and overstimulates him, possibly dubcon - the reader oversimulates Gar when he is not expecting it and he’s in a murky headspace but he does enjoy it and it’s stated in the narrative that he does not want it to stop (hence, the title), finger sucking (Gar sucks on the reader’s finger), unprotected sex, sloppy sex, hopefully that is everything. Just know that this is in line with my usual brand of filth.
A/N: One of my favourite smut tropes (kinks?) is riding a guy through his orgasm and overstimulating him - vastly underutilized. And I randomly got thinking about this + Gar this morning, so have this. I missed my green haired boyfriend, so there will definitely be more smut with him coming soon (I am thinking some stuff with virgin!Gar maybe? let me know what you think of that idea lmao)
Gar was someone who had experienced a lot of hardship in his life. 
His parents dying when he was still so young, him suddenly having a set of metahuman powers that he wasn’t prepared for - powers that he was kind of terrified of and definitely didn’t know how to use responsibly. Him literally being murdered by his dearest friends while they were under mind control, and then being brought back again and having to heal from the mental and physical injuries. The severe medical torture and resulting mental shitshow that Cadmus had put him through. 
It was a lot to have to push down during everyday life, having to pretend he was okay - having to put up a front for everyone else when they simply assumed that he was. 
But there were a lot of times when he could forget about all that. Times when he wasn’t actively suppressing his trauma because you made things okay - because you distracted him in the absolute best ways. Times when he thought that literally everything in life was just perfect. And most of those times were when you were on top of him like this. 
He would consider this nothing short of literal heaven. 
The feeling of your sweet, wet cunt clenching down on him as he laid flat on his back, splayed out on one of the many luxurious beds of Wayne Manor. 
(“You need to relax.” You had told him, taking him by the hand and dragging him into the random bedroom. “You’re worrying way too much about everyone else right now. Someone needs to take care of you.”) 
And while he had not at all put up any physical resistance against you, pliant under your touch as usual, that conversation had originally started out as him protesting against your thesis. He had told you that: no, he was worrying just the right amount about everyone else, that they needed him. But his protests had quickly died down when you shoved him back onto the bed and drowned out his voice with your tongue. 
Gar always had a very hard time saying no to you. 
He wasn’t sure if it was selfishly motivated. From the outside looking in, others probably say that it was. Considering that he was a guy, and you were just as horny as him - he never felt the need to say no to you. Especially considering the fact that he had never felt a greater sensation than that of your wet pussy surrounding his cock. 
And usually with the promise of that dangling over his head, you had gotten him to do a great number of compromising things, both minuscule and potentially life changing. Or perhaps it was because you were the sweetest little vixen that had captured his heart. And any time you batted your eyes and asked him to do something in that sweet voice, you might as well have been casting a spell on him. 
And he knew that it wasn’t just a weak spot he had for you. 
You had worked that magic on Conner and Jason before. Gar was actively working under the firm belief that if you simply approached Jason and asked him to stop killing people nicely please, then he would take off the Red Hood mask and surrender himself politely, no questions asked. 
But all of that was the farthest thing from his mind as you bounced on his cock. 
With your hands sitting on his shoulders, your nails digging into his bare skin. His shirt had been lost at some point while his pants were shucked off around his ankles and caught up against his shoes. But he could barely even focus on his lack of nakedness or your own because he was obsessively caught in the feeling of your cunt warmly hugging around his hard cock. 
Though he was slightly wishing that your shirt was off, but far too pussy drunk to simply reach out and lift it off so he could enjoy the sway of your tits in his face without obstruction. 
You were a perfect wet vice around him, leaking wetness down over his heavy balls and smearing it up over his stomach as you bounced. And all Gar could really do was take a gentle hold on your hips and appreciate the ride. His face was absolutely knit with pleasure in a way that made you giggle with delight, watching his almost caveman-like expression of tight brows and a heavy set jaw as he stared at the place where you were joined with utterly intense concentration. 
You had never seen a prettier man in all your days - those big brown eyes entirely rapt with pleasure, soft lips and a glisten of sweat across his skin that made you even more intent on ruining him. 
“You gonna cum for me, baby boy?” Your voice laced around the words, breathy yet so commanding, so strong, holding the power over him as you always did. 
It was enough to send a rumble through Gar’s chest, a sharp echo of pleasure from your words. 
That was the sacred question. 
Of course, Gar never wanted it to end. Ultimately, he just wanted to stay like this forever - buried deep in your sweet cunt, feeling that intense warmth hugging him, having your perfect scent surrounding him and having every worry in the world pushed out of his brain. 
But he did feel all the telltale signs - that almost painful tingle in his balls and that deep twisting in his gut that told him it was going to he over too soon. He was going to cum for you, just like he always did. 
All he could gather in response was a choked off grunt. But you knew his language well enough by now - you knew him when he was swimming this deep in pleasure, and you certainly didn’t need words. You knew it just by the expression on his face, the growing look of tight-knit desperation, the gentle whimpers that began to escape his lips. 
Something so enticing that it caused you to run a thumb along his bottom lip, finding the curve of his mouth to be all too pretty when he let out those sweet little sounds. Naturally, he drew the digit inside and began sucking on it, enjoying the tang of your natural skin oils, something that only pushed him closer to the edge. 
Feeling that that sharp whine punched out of his chest, vibrating around your finger only caused you to double down. You bucked your hips harder, riding him with an almost vengeful kick, as though you were trying to push his entire body down through the bed. It was something that caused a loud, pornographic wet smacking to echo through the room - a blatant signal to anyone walking by that the two of you were going at it like rabbits. 
If Gar had any sense left between his ears, he would have been thankful for it being such a large house. He would have been thankful for some sense of privacy. 
Instead, he was totally brainless as the feeling of orgasm overtook his body. His mouth went wide around your thumb as he released a litany of almost pathetic moans and whimpers and he arched back into the bed, a pure exorcism of pleasure overtaking him. He mindlessly endowed his animal strength onto you - digging his fingers into your hips and forcing you down onto his cock for a few moments, forcing you to still on top of him as he shot his load of hot cum inside of you. 
This caused a few hot moans from your lips, nothing but pure enjoyment as you watched the radical pleasure rock him. 
It was such an intense orgasm that it made his muscles seize and jump, it easily made his balls ache. By the time his cock had spurted those last bits of cum into you, he thought that his dick would willfully go limp and fall out of you, being just as tired as he was as he collapsed back onto the bed. But he was still semi-hard and throbbing inside your pussy, tingling with overstimulation as you unconsciously clenched around him. 
You leaned down to his panting lips, sealing him in a hot kiss. 
Gar let out a strangled shriek when you began bouncing your hips again. 
A shockwave of hot pin needles flew up his body from the point where you were joined, erratic hot overstimulation overtaking him. His cock forcefully filled with blood again as you clenched down on him harder. Clearly, you were gaining some thrill out of feeling the extra slickness of his cum sliding between the two of you, out of hearing just how wet your thrusts were now. 
Gar let out another sharp whine and moved his very limp hands back to your hips. In his mind, it was an attempt to shove you off him, to take a fucking breath. But his fingers only dug into your flesh harder and pulled you down onto his cock with force when he felt a particular hot streak of pleasure flare up through his gut. It was almost against his will - but your pussy was just too fucking good. 
“Too much.” He moaned out weakly, a hot puff against your lips, the first thing he had said in an hour of more. “‘s too much.” 
You found the way he slurred the words to be entirely adorable - as though he was quite literally drunk on your pussy. The wide gape of his mouth, trying to draw in breath as you continued to punch it out of him, and the tears pricking the edges of his eyes only made it more beautiful. 
“Do you want me to stop?” You asked, slightly breathless yourself. 
You continued to slam your hips down on his cock, over and over again planting yourself in that filthy puddle of your mixed cum. 
It was a traitorous question. 
It was too much of a strain on his body, but it was everything he wanted. He was breathless and brainless and nothing else in the world existed except for your wet cunt squeezing his aching cock, your natural smell filling the world around him, the hot press of your tits against his chest. 
The word ‘stop’ didn’t seem to be in his vocabulary. 
He let out a strained choking sound, and found himself unconsciously bucking up into you - he found himself enjoying the painful sting that ran through him. Tears leaked from his eyes, and when you reached up to wipe them away, you gave him one last thoughtful sentiment. 
“Tell me to stop and I will.” You whispered quietly against his cheek. 
But it seemed that you already knew what his answer would be. 
Gar put a hand on your back, cradling you close, shoving his face in your neck and breathing in that perfect aroma of your sweat. 
You ground your hips down into him, creating nothing but a filthy wet ache. He choked on a moan and found himself holding you still once again so he could fuck up into you harder. 
“Please.” He moaned weakly against your skin. “Please, don’t stop.”
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mykingdomforapen · 5 months
LC's Link Click fic shout-outs
I worry I'm going to come off as nagging but I do feel strongly about it. Link Click has some INCREDIBLE fic, written by people who put a lot of time and energy and effort into writing, but they don't always get a ton of reader interaction. I feel like I often find a fic I enjoy, scroll down to comment, and find I'm maybe one of 2 or 3 people to comment on it.
Link Click is technically not a small fandom--on the contrary, it's so incredibly active! But it seems that unless a fic was published in the s1 era or happens to get lucky, this is the norm. Which strikes me as sad, because the fandom is popping and active on other platforms.
So here are a handful of fics (by no means exhaustive) of fics that I've thoroughly enjoyed that I had scrolled down and went, They deserve so much love! (again, not exhaustive!)
liminal by Anonymous
Qiao Ling and Lu Guang talk. Much is left unsaid.
It's such a subtle fic, but so effective in showing Lu Guang's emotions, Qiao Ling's worry, and the nature of their relationship in conjunction to Cheng Xiaoshi. It's truly just so soft and nice.
stain by HeavenlyDusk
The only way for Cheng Xiaoshi to be dead is for Qiao Ling to have died first.
I just love a Qiao Ling confronts Lu Guang about Cheng Xiaoshi's death fic, and this one really captures big sister Qiao Ling and how much she cares about both of her boys. I love it!
resolve and reverberations by macrauchenia
Lu Guang rarely fumbles, rarely cracks, and rarely steps up to the sparring mat first. Nevertheless, on a random day in the middle of September, he does all three. Alternatively, Qiao Ling and Cheng Xiaoshi can't figure out why their best friend seems so *wrong* for no explicable reason.
A slice of life fic that adds such a delicious sprinkle of angst at Lu Guang's expense hehe. But it makes me feel so sad for Lu Guang, who just is so traumatized of losing Cheng Xiaoshi, and then it gives him a soft encouragement at the end. It's so sweet.
Instinct (Part One) by JordannaMorgan
Hired to solve a wealthy client’s personal mystery, Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang discover there are even darker powers in the world than they realized… and the damage left in the fallout will not be easily fixed for anyone.
Man, this fic is so CREATIVE. It is great at suspense, kept me on the edge of my seat from chapter to chapter, and the Cheng Xiaoshi angst is so delicious. And then the ENDING. gahhh, I cannot wait for Part Two and really hope that it will come!! I think about this fic so often
A Day Like Any Other by rane_ne
After three long years, for the very first time ever, Lu Guang finally gets to turn 20.
It's just ... gahhhh. Cheng Xiaoshi is my blorbo, yes, but Lu Guang being so relieved and emotional at the end because he's finally done it, and is turning another year older because he no longer has to dive back because his friend is alive??? GAHHHHH
Memoriam by JordannaMorgan
Even for those who have no powers, photographs are powerful things.
This is a lovely case fic that is so thoughtfully, emotionally, and tenderly told. I love the compassion that the story has for the characters, and it gives me the feelings that the Earthquake arc concluded with--finding joy and kindness even within the tragedy. I really love it.
sept, oct by Toothpaste_Fresh
The first time around, there are no rules, and Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi must learn all of their lessons the hard way. The first time around, Cheng Xiaoshi is the seventh of Liu Min’s victims. The second time around, there will be no seventh victim.
Gosh, this fic is so goooood. I love the speculation of what the first time round was like, and GOSH it's just such a gut punch of dramatic irony, of both CXS and LG being bold and idealistic and naive, and then how it tragically leads to CXS' death. It's EXCELLENT.
Golden Hour by StuckIn_aTimeLoop
The salty breeze feels nice. Cheng Xiaoshi smiles as he kneels down in the sand, happy they managed to make it in time for golden hour. Cheng Xiaoshi holds up the camera to capture his shot.
I LOVE ME SOME PARALLEL SCENES THAT ARE CONNECTED AND INTERTWINED BY AN EMOTIONAL MOTIF!! The juxtaposition of two types of golden hours is done so well, and both are so full of energy of opposite kinds in such a well balanced way. I was so excited when I heard this fic was being written and I was so happy reading it.
the shine in your eyes reminded me of the moon by StuckIn_aTimeloop
Cheng Xiaoshi was barely a child when his parents died. The king took him in, raised him as his own. Now he's older, it is time for him to choose his own knight.
Prince Cheng Xiaoshi and Knight Lu Guang. Need I say more??? It's so indulgent and I love it.
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videogamelover99 · 1 month
[Gravity Falls] A Short Reunion
Summary: Ford had traveled the multiverse without a hint of Bill Cipher's presence in his dreams or nightmares. But a reckless leap into an unknown dimension reestablishes a connection Ford had hoped was long gone. [AO3 Link] Characters: Stanford Pines, Bill Cipher Pairings: BillFord Rating: G
A/N: Yeah idk guys Alex Hirsch really said "Bill and Ford's will they/won't they take over the world relationship" and I had to run with it. The toxic yaoi is canon. Enjoy.
"Sir, you sure you wanna go that way?" The border guard, a squat, four-eyed creature in an itchy-looking uniform, asked quietly.
Ford pulled the hood down further on his head. "I must. Why do you ask?"
The guard scratched his head, looking worried. He glanced back at the titanium door to Dimension 76*, and Ford followed his gaze.
He could see the perpetual lightning storm surrounding the entrance and beyond it the dimension itself. It was quite like the depictions he’d come across a few weeks ago, a long narrow, cylindrical corridor, like the inside of a watertube, with walls of electrified mist and an air overflowing with strange fumes.
Supposedly, the corridor stretched out into infinity.
"Uh, no reason," said the guard, "it's not like it's any of my business, but...why'd you wanna go there? No one goes out of their way to seek out visions. They're a bad time, y'know?"
Ford knew. Most visitors to Dimension 76* saw either their death or some kind of impending catastrophe they could not prevent. Most stayed clear away. But if there was a chance he'd see a vision that could help him stop Bill, he had to take it.
"I must," he said again.
The guard shrugged. "Suit yourself, I guess." He stepped away from the entrance.
Ford approached it slowly, peering inside. There didn't seem to be any form of gravity, and so he took a breath and leaped into the corridor.
He felt a slight breeze pick him up as soon as his boots left the ground. He floated slowly away from the entrance, and couldn’t help scrambling to hold onto…something. It was useless of course, he just drifted further.
A bolt of lightning crackled just a few yards away, in the mist.
"Oh yeah!" The guard called out, "It's pretty leaky, mind-wise! Watch out for anyone who'd wanna get into your head."
Oh no.
Before Ford could call out, the guard shut the door to the entrance. An ominous CLANG echoed down the tunnel. Ford shuddered.
It would be fine. Despite the wanted posters and the headhunters constantly after him, Ford had not seen Bill since he'd fallen through the portal. There was no reason to think-
He felt it. A wave of drowsiness bowed him over. He knew it was the onset of a vision before his eyes fell closed, heavy with sleep. He struggled to stay conscious for only a moment, before letting it overtake him.
It would be fine. No need to panic. He'd be just fine.
Ford heard the echo of that familiar, horrible laugh before he knew everything had gone wrong.
But by then it was too late.
Ford woke up to see his own familiar mindscape, and it instantly filled him with dread.
"Heya, smart guy!"
Ford turned around so fast he stumbled. The flash of panic and deep-rooted anger evaporated when he saw what Bill was holding.
Bill's eye followed Ford's dumbfounded gaze to the bouquet of flowers in his hand. "Hey, heard it doesn't hurt. Token of my goodwill." Bill shoved the flowers into Ford's hands. They smelled like an acid pool and some other, inexplicable flowery scent that wasn't bad, but made him uneasy.
Suddenly, the flowers erupted into a dozen hungry, sharp little mouths, snapping at his face. Ford cried out and dropped the bouquet. The flowers melted into a dark puddle of blood.
"Hey! Kinda rude to throw out a gift, doncha think?" Bill petulantly folded his arms over his front, before his eye crinkled. "Oh, who am I kidding, I can't be mad at you, kid."
His arm extended, a familiar gesture to ruffle Ford's hair, and Ford violently slapped his hand away. "Get out of my head, Cipher!"
"Still mad, huh? Geez, and they say I hold grudges."
Bill winked out of existence and appeared next to Ford with a POP. Ford jerked away, startled. "Come on, you can't be mad at me forever! So I fudged a few details, big deal, it's what I do!"
Anger threatened to bow Ford over, a good part of it aimed at himself. "What are you doing here?"
"Great question!" Bill looked to the side, "Saw you were getting pretty close to an access point and figured 'Hey why not?'" He shrugged. "Haven't had my EYE on you in, what, a week?"
"Five years."
"Oh yeah," Bill said, "Time scales that small get all jumbled up. Who needs seconds? Speaking of!" Bill opened his palm, and a shiny, golden stopwatch materialized in his hand. "It's about time we talked, dontcha think?"
"I have no desire to talk to you."
"Ha ha ha! That'll change."
"What does that mean?"
"Oh, you know, I'm about to drop some real bombshells here! So if I were you, I'd hear me out! You're on that whole quest of 'stopping' me and all, who knows what kinda secrets I'd spill if I'm not careful."
Bill had a point that Ford had, unfortunately, considered, if they'd ever meet again. It didn't help that Bill was the one who brought it up in the first place, and it was doubtful he'd give Ford anything more than some dead-end nonsense.
But if Ford said the right thing, and got Bill on edge, then maybe-
"Fine," Ford snapped, "what is it?"
"Good boy," Bill said smugly, and with a snap of his fingers the stopwatch vanished. "Great you decided to stick around, 'cause I'm about to change your mind!"
It's not like I have a choice, Ford thought bitterly.
"I don't think you understand what you're getting if you stick by me, Sixer!"
"I told you, I'd never-"
"INFINITE POWER! Do you have any idea what that means?"
Suddenly, the mindscape around them erupted with light. Ford stumbled, looking down, to see what could only be described as millions of supernovas going off at once.
"You'll never die! Never get old! You'll know everything and get to stick your curious nose into anything you want, just how you like it."
The glow was coming off of Ford's clothing and his hands. He felt like he was on the brink of collapse and bursting with energy all at once, and indescribably ecstatic feeling.
"Infinite possibilities! Infinite choices! Do whatever you want however you want, you get to choose who's right and who's wrong. What do a bunch of ignorant mortals know, anyway? Are they really worth all this? You, running around, getting shot at left and right, are they worth all of that when they couldn't even see who you were beyond some freakish fingers?"
"T-that's irrelevant," Ford tried to shake off the rush of energy, but it clung to him. It was the first time he felt so...
"You'll never be alone."
The words went straight to the bottom of Ford's stomach. He swallowed.
He didn't have to listen to Bill. He didn't have to listen to any of this.
"I don't care."
Bill looked at him for a long time, pupil wide and piercing. "I don't think that's true, kid. Aren't ya tired of running?"
He was. He was tired, hungry, and driven by anxiety and anger every waking moment.
Sometimes, when he got low enough to think, he'd remember his house. He'd trashed it after Bill had betrayed him, but the comfort of a ripped couch was better than the hardness of alien rocks. He'd had food, he'd had a shower.
Sometimes, he'd remember a different home, one near the sea. His mom's terrible cooking, his father's stern, unwavering face.
He made sure, in those moments, not to think of his brother.
"I'm right, aren't I?" Bill said.
Ford turned to look at him, a newfound burn in his chest. "It doesn't matter. I'd rather be alone than give in to you."
Bill let out a frustrated noise that Ford had never heard before. "Oh, come on! That's just petty! You're seriously gonna spend your time eating alien rats when you could be top of the food chain?"
Something didn't sit right with him. "Why do you want me on your side so badly?"
"That's-!" Bill sputtered, sputtered! Ford didn't know what to think. "This isn't about me, wise guy! This is about-"
"Why are you here, Bill?"
"Because you need to get over yourself!"
Bill's shrill voice bounced off the nonexistent walls of the mindscape. Ford uncovered his ears, just to be met with another tirade. "We get it, you fancy yourself a BIG HERO, you wanna play hard to get, but we both know that's never what you're after! You wanted to get rich and famous off some big discovery because you can't stand not getting the attention, well guess what, I'm offering all that on a silver platter! And you're turning your nose up because, what, you're too good for it?"
"I'd never-"
Ford shut up.
Bill blinked, "I sure got mad there, huh."
It had felt personal. For a moment, Ford thought (hoped?) that Ford's refusal had truly gotten under Bill's skin. If it was even a fraction of the betrayal Ford had felt. That it wasn't just Bill trying to manipulate him.
"Is that," Ford breathed. "Is that all?"
Bill scowled down at him. "Whatever. You'll be back. We both know you'll be back." He raised a hand. "See ya in your nightmares, kid."
He snapped his fingers.
Ford woke up, breathing ragged. He looked around.
He was lying on something solid, a small patch of grass underneath his head. It wasn't Dimension 76* anymore. It had spat him out.
The vision was already slipping away from his memory. There was something odd about it, wasn't there? Something that Bill had said-
But it was gone from his mind, and something told Ford he shouldn't try to remember.
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vhstown · 11 months
miles g morales ★ general headcanons
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warnings: sort of angsty, mentions of his dad's death, money being tight and such 😞
a/n: hi my little piranhas im feeding you today say AHHHHHHHH.... all my random non-relationship miles g thoughts dumped into one! he has 6 lines but less is more right 😁 im okay i promi
Let me just geek out about his non-existent gear functions for a moment 😞 Miles is all about little modifications and improvement so when he messes around with his uncle's gear he decides to make some adjustments to the design and also the functionality. Has his own spin to all of his gear cause a part of him really wants to be like the superheroes he sees in comics with their own sort of persona. But of course it has to be functional so...!
All of his gear is coordinated and he has a mode where he can turn off all the lights for stealth and such! The lights are actually off most of the time but he puts them on to show off mostly or make himself known when he's bored of waiting.
A really cool function would be if he could redirect or offset his lights so when he's fighting in complete darkness he can easily confuse his enemies. Tends to scope out places and mess around with the power supplies — uses the occasional smoke bomb too. He's in his element in dark, maze-like places, which essentially makes Brooklyn his concrete playground.
Scarily good at lockpicking. Has broken into his own house multiple times from forgetting his keys. He can open most doors with simple tools and disable electronic locks with a little work.
Can I just mention his shoes as well... they're like the jumpy shoes from Subway Surfers you can't prove me wrong until the next movie comes out like— Okay no but seriously I imagine he can stick to surfaces and things and maybe they can propell him upwards? You see those glowing lights idk figure it out 😞
Also somebody (I have no idea who but here's the link to the original post) had a headcanon that he'd have a high auditory intelligence, so for a while, he spends time developing a voice modulator. He likely has one anyway to keep his identity a secret, but what he really wants to do is is create a device that can replicate other people's voices.
Because he's good with sound and physics he makes it work in no less than a few weeks. The first voice he tries is his uncle's and he says a bunch of dumbass stuff. (Aaron is a little annoyed but more proud of his nephew than anything.) Eventually it gets to the point where he can calibrate it with a couple clicks since he has such a good ear for frequencies and the like that deceiving villains is no trouble at all.
I think Aaron and Miles would still have that cool uncle and nephew relationship but its also a mentor and student one. While Miles is good at the tech stuff I think he's a pretty lousy fighter at the beginning and Aaron has to teach him a LOT.
Uncle Aaron probably used to fight for sport back in the day (boxing mayhaps? 😁) so a lot of Miles' technique stems from MMA due to its versatility (anything hand-to-hand at least.) Even then, most of the problem is being able to think quick and act quicker, so Miles goes through lots of practical training (so he's being chased by the Sinister Six from day one 😭) It's well worth it though because without the Spider-powers he has a lot of catching up to do.
While training with Aaron he's exposed to a lot of his old records and develops a taste for jazz. He comes to associate certain manoeuvres with the way the music goes, so he tends to hum to himself while casually knocking the wind out of people. His uncle finds it just a little creepy, but again, he's glad to see Miles coming along.
In fact, Aaron is relieved. His nephew had been reserved and was pretty much holed up in his own room for weeks after his dad passed. Of course the passing of Jefferson was hard on Aaron, but Miles has it even harder. Eventually, they decide to paint the mural together, and Miles lets Aaron know what's on his mind. He's always been close to his uncle but especially then spending time roaming the streets, painting, boxing and listening to old records was his lifeline.
Miles figures out his uncle is the Prowler before Aaron even lets him in on it. After seeing how determined his nephew his is, that's when it all started.
But with everything going on in his vigilante life, his normal life is something he has has to be careful not to fall behind on. At the age where college applications are coming up, Miles is driven to the bone with school, despite not actually being there half the time. Still, he's somehow averaging As and the occasional B, easily the top of his class in AP Physics and Calc.
He doesn't try to talk to people in school like he might've before, but he's not antisocial by any means (sometimes his bluntness is mistaken for talking back though 💀)
He's also the type of dude to do homework as soon as the teacher hands it out, because he knows he will not have time later (and to avoid all the night-before crises of freshman year.)
Rio is being pulled thin too, always covering shifts for her colleagues at the hospital just so she can have a little extra pay. She's been saving for Miles' birthday since his last one, always checks his clothes for holes or if they still fit, and makes sure there's something in the microwave if she can't be there for dinner. Rio makes sure he always has everything he needs, even while paying bills and rent. They're not struggling too much, but it's not like they can do whatever they want.
Despite that, they're managing; what she doesn't know is that the sigh of relief she breathes every month is because of him. Miles always makes sure to take care of his belongings, put in any cash he makes from his "part time job" into her account, just doing whatever he can to help. Also, he's become more and more protective of his mom, and he always takes the opportunity to do errands for her, especially when it's getting dark outside.
Miles is actually more paranoid than her when it comes to saving. Even when it's winter, and she tells him to turn on the heating whenever, you best believe he's throwing on his jacket in his own room and firming the cold. It's entirely unnecessary of course, but he can't shake the guilt when he feels the only reason his mom works so hard is because of him. They've moved twice already and there's no way they're moving again, so if the landlord gives them trouble he'll just give them hell (let's just hope it won't come to that.)
Miles learnt how to treat his own injuries from Rio. She taught him basic first aid at the very least, and on a couple of occasions he's tried to learn things himself with the clunky old first aid kit at home. Rio never asks why the stitch on one of their pillows is done with dental floss, and looks strangely like that of a suture (a very bad one at that.)
His Spanish also improved a lot too. After his dad's passing, he met a lot of relatives from his mom's side that he doesn't remember ever seeing before, but it encourages him to learn how to speak better. Long gone are the days of silently observing family drama over the phone — he has to keep up now, and he'll defend his mom cada día de la semana (even if she's somewhat embarrassed by it.) Essentially he's at that level of fluency where he can be rude without being rude 😭 (just saying some of the things his relatives say are NOT helpful.)
With all of this going on in his life, it's no surprise that sleep doesn't come easy. Or maybe it is, considering how much he works his body. Either way, he's left staring at the ceiling or curled up on his side most nights, the untouched toys and collectibles in his room to keep him company. Miles used to sleep at 8pm on the dot and wake up at 6; that was when things were good, and he didn't have his whole universe on his shoulders. All his bed is now is a place to collapse, and close his eyes until it's light outside. Most days, he's exhausted — bone-tired — but the most he gets is a light, forced, uncomfortable sleep. It's one in which he wakes up more tired than he was the night before, but he presses on, getting exercise in during the morning and trying to make breakfast for his mom because he knows a slice of toast is the most she'd bother to have.
And despite all that's changed since his dad has passed, Miles is still a kid. He has a thousand pictures from the time he went to Comic-con, a sketchbook full of drawings he never finishes, meticulously-organised playlists, college applications — all in the midst of a city that's falling apart at the seams as much as he is.
But he's okay, for now. As much as he can be.
"Keep your head up, son."
It's what his dad would've wanted, at the very least.
@phoenixinthefiles @qiupachups
forget miles IM being pulled thin ... half of this may or may not be projection... schrödingers headcanons anyone 😞 anyways ive been like busy. so . SOON! (lying in 4K)
reblogs appreciated!!! 😘 FIND MY MASTERLIST HERE and urrrr my 42 x reader headcanons here if you're interested ?
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thefallennightmare · 4 months
Fwb with Noah and accidentally getting pregnant hc?
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@thescarlettvvitch @mitchhbitch @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @lookwhatitcost @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @burning-outx @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee @pathion @flowery-mess @tashka
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Oh shit.
Oh shit.
You stared down at the positive test in your hand and felt bile rise in your throat.
One of the reasons why you took this test.
Another was because your period was two weeks late.
"This can't be happening," you groaned while falling onto the closed toilet lid and ran a hand over your face.
Would Noah be upset?
You had no idea how he would react, especially since this wasn't part of your agreement.
When the two of you started sleeping together, that's all it was supposed to be.
No relationship. No strings attached.
Just casual hookups when one of you needed to release some pent-up aggression.
But pregnancy was a huge string that was attached with a thick knot that couldn't get undone.
Noah's voice rang out in your apartment and your heart sank, trying to think what to do.
He texted you earlier in the day asking if he could come by tonight to "catch up."
Code word for sex.
You knew you had to tell him, he deserved to know.
But you were so afraid of how he would react.
His schedule with Bad Omens and everything else he had going on did not have room for a baby.
And to be honest, you didn't know if you were ready for a baby yet.
"Y/N?" His voice was closer now, in the doorway of your bathroom.
The positive pregnancy test was still in your hand as you glanced up at him, tears welling in your eyes.
Noah's eyes landed on the test then back up to your face.
"Is that-?"
You nodded. "I'm pregnant."
He stood still, not breathing, for a long moment and just as you were going to speak, Noah knelt in front of you.
"From the time at Matt's? In the bathroom?"
You thought back to the memory of a month ago when you all were hanging out at Matt's house and you and Noah snuck away for a quicky in the bathroom.
Both of you weren't smart that night but you didn't think it would be that easy to get pregnant.
"Are you upset?" You asked with a quiet breath.
Noah gave your knee a gentle squeeze. "I'm scared to death but no, I'm not upset. I was there that night too, Y/N. This is something that we can deal with together. Whatever you decide, I'll support you."
Your bottom lip trembled. "I don't want you to feel like you have to stay with me because of our baby."
Noah's lips twitched at the mention of our baby.
"I actually had plans on asking you out on an official date tonight," he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
"You did?" You wondered with a raised brow.
He nodded before pulling out his phone to show you a text between him and Jesse.
There's no way she won't agree to a date, Noah. Y/N is crazy about you.
Your heart soared into your throat.
So Noah linked your hands together and brought your knuckles to his lips for a kiss. "We'll figure this out together."
You brushed away the hair from his forehead so you could lay a kiss there, "Okay."
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theoi-crow · 7 months
TW: religious trauma, threat mention, weapons mention, child neglect, homophobia, abuse, coercion and religious PTSD.
Why fearing a deity keeps me from developing a genuine relationship with that same deity.
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I grew up Catholic and one of the first things my mother taught me was the concept of Heaven and Hell. Essentially after death one gets judged based on the actions they took while they were still living and is either rewarded with heaven or punished with hell. It was a simple concept to understand but it brought up a question that ultimately made me leave the religion.
Do I genuinely love God or am I afraid of his wrath? (Like a held hostage who is coerced into choosing options that won't upset my captor out of fear of his retaliation)
Even the reward of eternal bliss felt like it was designed to lessen the threat of eternal damnation as a consolation prize for all those years of panic attacks and anxiety over the thought of being sent to Hell. I always hoped for a third milder option that allowed me the freedom to develop a genuine relationship with God without said god having to rely on coercion. I wanted to experience an honest relationship without a weapon pressed against my back in case I made the wrong move or asked the wrong question.
Due to this looming threat, the relationship I had with God felt transactional and lacked genuine affection because I knew God's love for me was conditional and depended on me following arbitrary rules from a book written by a lot of different people (each author having their own agenda different from the rest so they were constantly contradicting each other because the different entries were written in different time periods and places with vastly different political movements specific to their locations and situations but were combined together, like a mass Tumblr post with over 50 blogs that don't all agree on what the rules should be).
The many rules always made me feel like Alice playing a game with the Queen of Hearts with rules that were unclear and no one was interested in explaining them to me until I did something they didn't like and were able to find something in the book that condemned me for it.
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Having to adhere to these rules in order for me to be rewarded and not punished felt like a relationship between a gay child and homophobic parents that expected said child to act a certain way. If that child obeyed, they were rewarded with affection and approval, but if said child didn't, they were kicked out and forced to fend for themselves against a world that wasn't built to protect and help gay children. Being Christian felt like I had a leash around my neck being held by an entity that constantly told me he loved me, so long as I did what I was told.
I didn't think it was possible to love a deity without fearing them until I met my gods.
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According to the ancient Greeks: Once a human dies they go to Hades. Unless they make some kind of undeniable mark in the world everyone goes to Hades.
If you were a famous and exceptional human that changed the world in a positive way you'd go to Elysium but you purposefully had to do something so extraordinary your legacy and name became well known because according to the Elysium wiki, in the beginning "only mortals related to the gods and other heroes could be admitted past the river Styx. Later, the conception of who could enter was expanded to include those chosen by the gods, the righteous, and the heroic." (LINK) The ancient Greeks believed the gods were in charge of giving people fame because those who were famous were often related to the gods (for example: people believed Pythagoras (the one that the Pythagorean theorem is named after) was either the son of Apollo, or Apollo himself: (LINK)
Tartarus is strictly for gods and humans can't go there but the worst humans are still punished by Hades as shown in the myths of Sisyphus (LINK) and Tantalus (LINK) but you have to royally eff up. You have to do it on purpose like enacting laws that target vulnerable people (both Sisyphus and Tantalus were kings and politically involved) or commiting mass genocide as examples of the severity I'm talking about. These are crimes against humanity you cannot accidentally do, they involve terrible deeds that are premeditated with the intent of destroying the lives of innocent people.
But if my main problem is the concept of Heaven/Hell, why am I bringing up Elysium, Hades and Tartarus, concepts that influenced how Heaven and Hell work? (LINK)
Because unless you choose to dedicate your life, time and energy and become famous for making an undeniable mark in history (an effort that isn't just you doing normal good deeds or making mistakes you later regret but actually dedicating your life and becoming well known for your efforts like activist Greta Thunberg, or purposefully hurting innocent people like serial killer Ted Bundy) everyone else goes to Hades and I love that because when I work with my gods I may not get automatic access to Elysium but there is no threat of eternal punishment either.
Which means I interact with my gods because I want to!
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Not because I'll be rewarded or punished but because I want to interact with them and develop a genuine connection with them! There's no condition of me needing to convert others, in fact I don't even have to tell people I believe in them! (the gods understand the world can be a dangerous place for their followers due to the many religious wars and religious politicians in power).
I'm not required to talk about them! I'm not even required to keep this blog but I do it because I genuinely love them and I love talking about them! I've even changed majors mid semester in order to dedicate my life to learning about them. I'm studying to become an archeologist who specializes in the ancient Greek religion in order to make that information more accessible to Hellenic Polytheists and anyone else interested in the gods. I don't do it so the gods will reward me because I don't need them to, they will be just as happy if I delete this blog, quit my career and go about my day living my life. I do it because I love learning about the gods and I want to share the information I learned in case it helps those that are interested learn more about their gods too!
I've even made it my mission on Tumblr to share what I've learned about the gods to hopefully help others connect with their gods more easily especially for those who are having trouble connecting with them. And this was all unprompted. The gods literally had nothing to do with this. It was my own choice because there is a specific god I sometimes have trouble connecting with due to varying factors and it makes me feel awful when I can't connect with him, especially when I need his guidance the most so I want to help others avoid experiencing that feeling by letting them know they're not alone and helping them figure out what's blocking their connection because it can be a miserable experience.
My favorite part about a lack of reward and punishment is having the confidence to say I seek the gods because I want to seek the gods.
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I walk with the gods because I want to walk with the gods. This is my will, my choice, and mine alone. No one is forcing me to do it and there isn't some big prize at the end if I do, I can stop anytime I want and nothing will happen. I have made an independent choice to seek the gods, meet them and got to know them and I can genuinely say I love them more than I ever thought was possible. I do.
I love my gods.
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mixelation · 8 months
reborn au thoughts on [plasticity SPOILERS]
so i mentioned this big-ish spoiler is another post, but, at some point in the near-ish future of plasticity, tori will learn she functionally can't die. so some ways i want to play with this in reborn au include:
i think interacting with the shinigami should have consequences. i think it should be an experience that makes you confront your own mortality. i WISH i'd decided this slightly earlier bc i would have writtent the scenw ith tori, obtio, and zetsu slightly differently. but. meh.
anyway!! i also decided that seeing the shinigami is what really pushed orochimaru over the edge in his obsession with immortality. and tori obviously is interested in shinigami-related jutsu because in mutagenicity, she would like to know if she's still immortal or not. so i want to him and tori to have a few conversations about the shinigami, edo tensei, etc and have him be very dramatically be like "this will CHANGE YOU FOREVER" while tori is like "#not like other girls"
she also has a bizarre relationship with her own mortality. "That ninja could kill you in his sleep, tiny genin" COULD he, though? sure he could MAIM her, but---
i think the eventual fallout with danzo involves team 4 very carefully maneuvering him to summon the shinigami. it's very much itachi being like "we have to use force to make him do what we want" while tori is like "no no, if we just offer him what he wants, he'll go for it and perish under his own hubris." but their powers COMBINED they can back him into a desperate little corner where he thinks he can make a power grab this way <3
(something i need to pepper in more is i want the danzo-minato dynamic to be super tense. minato tried to force him into retirement and danzo was like NO and now danzo is constantly undermining him. he thinks minato's leadership style is too weak/forgiving and he let other shinobi villages take too much in their peace treaties. so itachi SORT OF has minato's blessing to just get rid of him, but also all those conversations were incredibly oblique and minato never officially was like "oh yeah, murder." he thought itachi meant he had a way to distract him. T_T)
anyway! so i think this does get kind of out of tori's hands and danzo attempts to feed her to the shinigami. and it just. it does NOT work. so the shinigami takes him and everyone else nearby instead.
tori trying to explain how she's still alive: okay well CLEARLY he didn't have very good control of the jutsu. i just got lucky, i guess?
and everyone has to accept this as the explanation because there is no other logical explanation. and even then tori is obviously linked to danzo's sudden spiral into bad decisions and death, no one can prove a causal link, because he did all that shit himself. what could tori have possibly done? she was restrained, and knowing her track record, her chakra was shut down somehow.
and now tori knows she's still an immortal freak!!! also this does wonders for itachi's opinion of her
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loquaciousquark · 3 months
hello quark! i've gotten to the szarr palace again in bg3 and am now super curious about tavish and astarion's thoughts about amanita szarr and vellioth! i imagine personally that astarion had no idea amanita even existed, and that finding out about vellioth's rules might give him a knee-jerk but ultimately conflicted rejection response—something about how those rules are why cazador treated him so poorly, so he rejects them on principle, but also his life experience has been such that he actually agrees with them... it'd be a tangle for him to try to work through, i think, but what about you? what are your thoughts?
I! LOVE! THIS! QUESTION!! Thank you so much for asking!
I definitely agree that Astarion had no idea Amanita existed. That Cazador had turned a full vampire and then imprisoned her in their attic; that she was resisting her compulsions and defying Cazador's orders; that a powerful vampire hated Cazador as much as Astarion did? No way. No way does Cazador ever let Astarion or any of the other spawn even get a hint of her existence. I don't even know if she knew very much about them, actually; I think if she really thought there was someone she could help or someone she could ally with in this very lonely, isolated existence, her journal entries wouldn't have been quite so despairing.
(Sidebar: I adore the tragedy of the attic in the Cazador mansion being the only place that allows in some shafts of light. I bet he did that to her on purpose.)
After finding out about her existence, I think Astarion would be conflicted at first, then decide that if she's abandoned them all, he's not going to waste another thought on her. He didn't know her, she didn't know him, and if she fled without helping them, he's not going to worry about where she's gone. He'd have even less of an interest in her outcome than his siblings, I think, and those relationships are already contentious at best.
Now, Vellioth--I think that's another story. Finding out that Cazador, who has effectively set himself up as god-emperor to the spawn, the source of all pain and pleasure and the total sum of their universe, couldn't even come up with his own base set of rules? Finding out that Cazador is just one more link in an endless chain of suffering?
Man, I think it'd be rough for Astarion. I can easily see him going in a circle of laughing at Cazador for being a pathetic copycat -> a pathetic copycat enslaved me for 200 years -> does that make me even more pathetic than I originally thought -> is my escape therefore worth less in the grand scheme of justice -> no, what I did was great and good -> Cazador was pathetic but he was also powerful -> it is admirable that I killed him and therefore he must have had intrinsic value as an enemy -> Cazador was powerful in his own way even if he stole from Vellioth -> Cazador stole everything from Vellioth & was nothing more than a pathetic copycat, and so forth. Exhausting!
Once he got over the initial surprise, I do think he would have looked back at his time under Cazador and wonder if it needed to be reframed. The account of Cazador's impalement is horrifying. The brutal murder of Cazador's friend (Cazador had a friend!) is horrifying. And at the end of that horror, Vellioth still made Cazador a full vampire.
What does that mean for Astarion? Did Cazador really think he was being merciful by only imprisoning him for a year? Would Cazador have ever fully turned him if the ritual hadn't come into play? Probably not--probably he's just as cruel as Astarion always thought he was, and likely even more, but I think it's one last element of rug-pulling viciousness from Cazador to Astarion right at the end, one last time. Cazador dies, and Astarion can't even be unquestioningly happy about it.
As far as Astarion internalizing those rules, I think post-Cazador's death, he has a kneejerk rejection of anything like them for himself, just like you say. I do think if he's not checked by Tav/his LI, he may unconsciously lean into similar rules for them (see: the nearly identical ruleset he gives a turned Tav after Ascending), but I think a spawn Astarion with a healthy relationship could be coaxed out of that mindset given enough time & support.
An incredible question. Thank you so much for asking! :D
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amber-laughs · 19 days
I was thinking here and had nobody to share, so what do you think Jon's relationship with his siblings, or rather, cousins ahaha, will be like after they reunite? Do you have any headcanons? Arya and Jon? Click right away as before or nah? Bran and Jon? Jon and Sansa? Jon and Rickon (at some point)?
Sorry for the ask, I'm just like bored :)
Please come to me with all your bored questions I love answering them! I wanna start off by saying I don't think Jon will be as devoid of emotion as some people theorize he will be. We have two cases of resurrection but they are very different scenarios than Jon's. First Catelyn to Lady Stoneheart: Cat went mad before she was killed, her mind was already heavily altered in her final moments then her spirit was seemingly sifting about aimlessly until Beric brought her back. Beric has been resurrected six times and he says it take a toll on him every time and theres less of himself each time, meaning his memory was nowhere near as bad the first time it happened. But most importantly neither of these characters are wargs like Jon is. Jon's spirit will be in Ghost who is spiritually and mentally linked to him which I think will be a saving grace. I don't mean to say Jon will have no change but he most certainly will not be a walking zombie, he will still be able to have heartfelt connections with the people around him in my opinion. So:
Arya and Jon: I think that Arya will hear about Jon's death before she gets back to Westeros and it will absolutely devastate her which will make their reunion all the more touching. Jon thought she was dead until ADWD and I assume will think she's dead again if he learns about the Jeyne Pool switch so I think their reunion will be one of relief. I've made a post about this before but Arya thinks she knows who Jon's mother is right now, Edric Dayne told her it was Wylla the Wetnurse and she explicitly says she can't wait to tell Jon. I think this will go one of two ways: Jon will finally be at peace to know the truth and then BOOM! he finds out the The Truth or he'll know about Rhaegar and Lyanna before hand and have to decide if he's going to lie to Arya and the rest of his siblings. I think the R+L=J situation will create a bit of a rift between them because it will feel like a severed bond but I imagine they'll heal that by the end.
Sansa and Jon: I think Littlefinger is going to massively get in the way of this dynamic. Littlefinger wants Sansa to have the North. Jon is Robb's named heir which throws a wrench in those plans. Not only that but George has said Littlefinger gets confused when it comes to Sansa, sometimes she's his daughter with Cat he never had and sometimes she is Catelyn. Grrm called Sansa Petyr's teenage fantasy that's come back and when you have mini Ned Stark walking around the halls that will cause problems on top of the fact that LF will definitely be sniffing around trying to find out who Jon's mother is. He'll try to cause as many problems as possible for them I think. That being said I think Jon and Sansa are a now more alike than ever not only has Sansa experienced being a bastard but Jon has experienced his first love and having that torn away from him. Jon went North essentially wanting to be a great knight and finding out Castle Black is not what he heard in the songs and stories just like Sansa when she went South. I think LF will be their main issue along with some tension over Sansa feeling like Robb sidelined her for Jon and I'm not exactly sure how or where it'll end up but I'm excited (I do not under any circumstances believe that they'll be romantically involved)
Jon and Bran: I know this is gonna sound weird because Bran is only 9 but I see their relationship becoming a little co-worker like. Bran will know all about the Others by the time they meet up and Jon and him will spend a good chunk of time trading information I think. On top of that I think Bran will end up becoming something of a warging teacher to Jon the way Jojen was to him. I don't think I believe that Bran will be the one to reveal R+L=J to him, I think that'll be left to Howland.
Jon and Rickon: Personally I see Rickon dying before he reunites with Jon. If that doesn't happen I'll be curious to know if Rickon remembers him. There's a section in the Cushings Draft of Feast for Crows where Ghost can sense Rickon and Shaggydog in Skagos I know it was deleted so that sort of nullifies it but we know Summer senses the other wolves and like I said with Jon's memories staying safe in Ghost I wonder if the direwolves' connections will have an effect on Rickon being able to remember his siblings despite his age. I personally think that he will remember them if he lives because narratively I don't really see a reason for him to not, I mean I know logically he was 3 when Jon left but he's only 5 now its not much of a stretch.
But to give an overall base answer yes, I think all of them will click right away with love, relief and familiarity but that the problems above will come down the line and can't be swept under the rug
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dot-png · 3 months
bryce Hfj Nd Headcanons u Say... ? Share them Pretty Pleas? wuld Love 2 Hear ur Thoughts Bout that Guy..
i see him having anxiety, clinical depression, c-ptsd and autism
the depression part is kinda obvious as to why if you pay attention to his character but ill elaborate later
the anxiety part is actually technically canon, since he has thalassophobia, which is an anxiety disorder (plus the fact i dont think airy would just randomly add a fun fact to their extra sections - a phobia caused by an actual disorder differs from just an irrational fear so yeah (also caney has epilepsy listed in his extra sections which is a disorder)) i'd like to incorporate that along with the cptsd part since it causes anxiety obviously
as for autism its more of a headcanon for fun rather than with factual basis but ill elaborate on it also
my reasoning for him having c-ptsd is not because of the competition but his childhood, his mom's behavior was so bad that stella had to out of her way to keep bryce away from her
i say complex ptsd specifically because of how he asks if she's having "another one" so we can assume it happened consistently. he also didn't have any way to escape (aside from stella distracting him) considering it was domestic. i dont really think his mom abused him in some way ? but the consequences had to be destructive enough for stella to assume their own home was unsafe for a small child. we don't see much about bryce's relationship with his mom (or his parents in general) but that 100% carried on to his adult self - especially if it happened frequently, and it was super early too because i dont think he was any older than like 7 in that flashback
another factor for this is stella's death ofc, we know how much their relationship mattered to him and how losing her affected him so i dont think i need to overexplain it
as for the way its shown in the show: compared to everyone else, his startled response feels more severe for me, like he always goes on fight or flight mode rather than just freaking out a little. i want to point out one 10 specially
liam shows up at bryces door after 7 months and just stays there for an entire night, during all that time liam just rambles about one and his mere presence is a reminder of one for bryce. one was a traumatizing experience for everyone, but bryce processes it differently, being reminded of that just sents him into shock:
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he can't think of how to react until 10 hours later. the way liam reacts at first suggest he thinks bryce is just being rude and purposefully ignoring him, he thinks bryce shouldn't avoid talking to him because he thinks he didn't go through the same amount of pain he [liam] did on the plane and he shouldn't act like he did; but he isn't aware of how anything that remotely reminds him of a bad experience can send him spiraling back to that place, he may not have stayed as long and not have suffered as much (or worse) as liam, but he's been living with this mindset for so long that it's just an automatic reaction. he can panic at anything:
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(and i wanna point out how on the first one the shot focuses specifically on him)
and that may seem obvious like, yeah of course he would panic in one 10 of course he was trying to process seeing liam out of nowhere after almost a year but i only went on this tangent and brought that up bc i wanna link it to another thing ....
in one 13 bryce says how "his life was miserable before the competition" and "now that its over he has an incentive to do something with his life". kylie also says that after bryce came back she feels like "he's taking his job more seriously". what i wanna touch on is how the way they put it seems like bryce is trying to like find a purpose in his life, but not exactly find peace ? i don't know exactly how to put it. like he says he was pretty miserable and demotivated he had a stupid chungus life whatever. it feels like he was trying to get his life in order and get more done, rather than facing what was holding him back in the first place and try to make peace with that. he felt unproductive when that's not really the main cause of his misery. which brings me to..
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his whole thing with the waiting room. he didn't have any panic reaction, but he was definitely clinging to the past, in this case his childhood and the moments he got to feel safe with stella
now i know the waiting room is designed to make you want to go to whatever's calling you no matter what, but metaphors exist ok . so im gonna consider it a metaphor for his cptsd in bryce's case
he spends the entire episode clinging to the manifestation of stella, but liam stops him from actually going w her because he wants them to solve the whole airy thing first. by the end of it, bryce stops seeing the suburbs as well as stella. when liam and bryce finally get to rest, he says:
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he didn't realize that his tendency to ignore his suffering in the past doesn't prepare him for when it pops up again. it send him into terror, he can't help but go back to reliving it, this cycle just kept making him feel worse but he insisted in doing better instead of reconciling with himself
his childhood and one were two different traumatic experiences, but accepting he can't just live what he went through in that competition behind makes him realize he doesn't need to be scared of his past so often. he had to realize he can't just constantly try to repress what happened and move on without reflecting on the way what happened scarred him and continues to affect him; even if he supresses it, it will come back one point and make him go through all that all over again (which is another reason for me to think that people saying bryce dislikes liam is stupid but thats not the point !🙄)
as for his depression season 1 implies it a lot, specially with the flashback sequence in one 7 i can see him having executive dysfunction and it being one of the reasons as to why he tried changing so much after one he also has problems with sleep, and the irritability that comes with experiencing depression in general. also stella's death once again contributes to it
i see him being autistic mainly because he's this trope basically:
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(sorry this image is the only way i could put it . you have to understand . ) kylie says how he's not very expressive, and we see how he really isn't. monotonicity is very characteristic of asd, in his case it feels specially like a symptom considering how, in most cases, people don't mean to be as monotone as they are. we know bryce isn't exactly the most chill person in the world he just has a hard time managing and expressing his emotions
bringing up executive dysfunction again, its also a common trait in asd
another thing is his hypersensitivity (which i already talked about a lot), overstimulation can lead to panic attacks you get what i mean. i think he fits as being sensory avoidant
the way he handles most social situations in the show (specially on the plane and with liam on season 2) i can see him being oblivious to social cues
not exactly factual basis just a little analysis, i interpret him being low empathy but high compassion. i think the low empathy would be more related to his irritability
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twopoppies · 6 months
But I think with hs4 will be different tho, HSH was wrote from 2019 (considering little freak and boyfriends) to 2021, so he "was dating" OW during just some months when it was finallyzed, its's easy to create another narrative, but now with hs4 he has been writing it since probably 2021, we'll 100% get something ab holivia
I disagree. I think the original intent was to market that album along with that relationship. The GP (and even most of the fans) would never have known when he wrote what if he didn't go out of his way to bring it up over and over again. He went out of his way to say Love of My Life was about London––he rarely ever says what songs are about, and that one could easily have been interpreted as being about her.
Plus, I'm still convinced that he re-recorded his interview with Zane Lowe. We had pretty good confirmation that the interview was shot and being edited in January or February (I can't remember now). And then the interview dropped and he was suddenly being interviewed at Coachella. I just think that it became clear that linking that album to her was going to be a bad thing in the long run, and they changed course. I don't see why they'd bring her back on HS4 unless maybe he's writing a song about escaping a fate worse than death or a song about a narcissistic demon. Anyway, we'll see soon enough. Perhaps I'm wrong. But I'd just be surprised if she shows up again. She's like Voldemort. Don't summon her.
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