#Important and gut-wrenching
Y’all ever think about at what point in the story Blanky first took Hartnell under his wing?
Part of me thinks it was happening in the background from the very beginning.
Hartnell demonstrates a feel for the ice right from Episode One when he’s the first to notice the descending pack ice, to understand the significance of it, and to call for Blanky’s advice.  But he’s also at his most vulnerable in those first few episodes. He’s rudderless and no doubt still grieving the loss of his brother. That’s half the reason he falls for Hickey’s manipulations at first and I have a hard time believing that any of that would’ve happened if he’d already had Blanky’s support behind him. 
I think the more likely option is that it came about when they were abandoning/preparing to abandon the ships. 
Hartnell’s grown a great deal already at that point - instead of dwelling in the past he’s very much looking forward to the future. He’s gained confidence and maturity but most of all, he’s absolutely full to the brim with hope and courage and I can see that being just as important in Blanky’s eyes as a knack for reading the ice. 
At the end of the day, that hope and courage is what it comes down to. 
I don’t think Hartnell would take up the challenge of learning the skills of an ice master in the first place if he wasn’t hopeful and completely convinced that he was going to survive. 
But I also have to wonder if Blanky, particularly after his injury and particularly having a better idea than anyone of what lay ahead, decided to pass on his skill and knowledge because somewhere in the back of his mind he was convinced that he wouldn’t... 
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roomba-mangga · 1 month
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Curry pt. i // Curry pt. ii
yeah alright okay. fine. cool. alright. yeah
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little-pondhead · 7 months
I’m Not The Sun
Y'know, when Kon ‘died’, do you think a grieving Tim could have mistaken Danny for his best friend? Do you think that, in a moment of desperation and exhaustion, he might've kidnapped a floating Danny in an attempt to bring Kon home? And when he realized he kidnapped a random civilian, do you think he still kept Danny for a while as a replacement for Kon?
Do you think Danny got tired of being called 'Conner' after the first week but was too distressed himself to correct Tim? Trying to leave or tell the fellow teen his name was Danny was obviously sending the kid into a spiral. He seemed to think Danny was the dead spirit of his best friend. Maybe if he played along, this Conner guy would show back up?
Hopefully, before Tim completes his cloning research. Danny's been doing everything he can to sabotage the equipment, but even with ghost powers on his side, Tim is a smart person. Every time Danny sets him back one step, Tim takes two steps forward. And since he's well outside of his haunt, Danny is starting to feel weak and ill from lack of ectoplasm. He's running out of time.
Do you think Kon would feel upset that his best friend replaced him?
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thepartysdone · 3 months
no more fics of jeremy apologizing for the bathroom scene. he was totally justified for most of the scene btw. "maybe i got lucky, is that so weird? i'd say with my history the universe owed me one." don't make jeremy take that back. you know deep down he means those words more than anything. make him apologize for calling michael a loser and every other hurtful thing he did but do not make him apologize for wanting to move forward with his life!! his methods ≠ motivations. yes he kinda did it all in a really bad way but he is not obliged to stay with michael forever. if he wants to move forward onto a life without michael then he literally can. bmc bathroom scene i love you... ppl only ever talk about the loser scene and brush off what jeremy is actually saying and it sucks so bad he just wants to feel like his life isn't shit for once and that he actually has control in it. is that so bad. friends don't stay friends forever guys sorry sometimes you're the one holding your friend back from their true potential sorry sorryyyyy and it's not like that's to say that they have to stop being friend forever it's just. i'm sure jeremy only ever thinks of himself as this attachment to michael. always stuck in his shadow, player 2, michael's friend, etc. and he can never actually grow into his own person if he just lets himself stay there. if michael keeps him there. not to pull a completely seperate media into this but nozomi and mizore from liz and the blue bird rlly. show what i'm trying to say here .
"Was the blue bird unhappy?" / "I don't know. But she wants Liz to be happy. I know that's true. That's the blue bird's expression of love. She has to fly away."
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parkitaco · 1 year
i don’t think i so much want to see mike wheeler suffer in s5 as i want the amount of suffering he’s already gone through to be revealed in the most gut wrenching dramatic ways possible. hope this helps
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i-wanna-show-you-off · 8 months
if I ever see anyone say “I’m the number one noah fan” it BETTER be owen. Otherwise you’re wrong
because this guy. this guy spent a WHOLE EPISODE trying to get Noah to laugh and I think that dedication earns him the title. I’m also pretty sure he said he wanted to “top his honor roll” (in reference to Noah) during world tour ???? I’m not even really sure what that means but in short. owen spends so much time trying to be an important and meaningful person to noah and does everything he can to make him happy
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uriekukistan · 1 month
the domestic itafushi i just wrote…..ouch
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blackbatcass · 4 months
I really really wanna know more about Donna Troyyy, so far I love her so much but I don't wanna be the type of person who claims they love a character then can't name 5 things about them. I wanna do her justice and really understand her character and purpose. I also don't wanna read something that completely mischaracterizes her because I'm aware that there's a LOT of that these days. I was hoping you could give me some recommendations to read after my tests?
Thank you so much if you do, and have a wonderful day! <3
I think I can help with that! Luckily donna's characterization is pretty solid & consistent in any comic up to around 2006. i would be wary of more modern interpretations of her but for most of her older appearances you don't really have to worry about bad writing.
The number 1 rec for donna is always New Teen Titans, that's where pretty much the majority of her appearances and character development take place in the 80s and 90s. The whole series is very long though so if you want more specific recommendations that focus on her I would definitely read ntt vol 1 #38, vol 2 #7-9, #18-21, #47, and #50-55. Issues 18-21 especially are probably my number one rec for donna if you're interested in seeing her flaws and struggles; those four issues took place when the titans were kind of falling apart, donna had to step up and call the shots, and it's a really neat insight into her character that i don't think gets quite as much attention as arcs like her origin stories. You'll probably honestly get a good feel for her if you pick any couple of arcs from NTT and read them through.
Wonder Woman (1987) #126-136 is a very important arc that reiterates donna's borderline horror dimension-bending origin weirdness. Titans '99 is a must-read for her, and jumping off that the Return of Donna Troy miniseries is like... Thee donna comic of all time so i would definitely recommend that. In between ntt and titans 99 she was in things like green lantern and darkstars but honestly the biggest things for her character you have to know from that time are that she and terry got divorced, she was dating kyle rayner, terry tried to take custody away from her, and terry & robbie died in a car accident.
There are way more detailed and comprehensive rec lists you can find in my donna tag if you're interested- I left out arcs like total chaos which are narratively very important for her but i don't think are quite as good a showcase for her as a character- but I think if you just want to get a feel for her character these are a good place to start. if you want like a primer on some of her major character traits i can definitely provide that lol:
donna is an incredibly emotionally intelligent and kind person who is a very good listener and always ready to help, which is why she's pretty much the #1 trusted person every single titan goes to when they need to vent. unfortunately being the appointed Fixer of All Problems Mom Friend when you're like barely an adult gets pretty overwhelming and is a very unfair weight to put a person; you can see this start to grate on her in titans 99 especially. something I like about donna is how open and honest she is with people about her struggles. most characters in the superhero genre would rather die than admit they need help and will never ever talk about their problems without being forced to, but donna isn't like that. if you ask her what's wrong she's going to be honest and tell you what's bothering her. she struggles a LOT with trying to appear 'perfect' in everyone else's eyes, and is really motivated by seeming to have it all together even when she doesn't. this is fueled a lot by her not being born an amazon and not knowing where she came from; the fact that for a lot of ntt she doesn't know her own history really gets under her skin. donna's identity issues are a HUGE part of her character especially later on as retcons and reboots get folded into her story. her past doesn't make sense. she has like nine competing backstories. she's one of the only people to remember the world pre-crisis on infinite earths and has literally been been forced out of existence and remade through pure memories, not to mention all the times dark angel forced her to live different lives until she reached rock bottom as a punishment for diana lol. in one origin she literally is not a real person and was just a mirror twin of diana. the main tagline associated with her is 'who is donna troy?' lol. which i think is fascinating and a very fucked up existence.
Anyway! I can talk about my girl all day. I hope this was at least a little bit helpful!
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torturedpoetdean · 4 months
it’s so hard to make amvs without encyclopedic knowledge of every single scene of a tv show im going insane making this buddie amv i think i need to rewatch 911 500 more times
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atla-suki · 5 months
guys quick do i abandon all hope of getting this uni assignment done on time to start planning for kyoshi era week (in july) early??? quick guys yes or no.?
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glsneeg-enthusiast · 1 year
im thinking about sneeg again. im thinking about how charlie had all this character development and all these cinematic shots and a death that was made specifically to hurt the audience and sneeg had. none of that. the only thing he had that was even remotely like that was the scene with that hat and that wasnt even for HIM. it wasnt for him to have some big scene where he finally gets to be important or a scene that finally makes the audience care about him the way they do for charlie. sneegs deaths werent ever about him. he never even died ON SCREEN. the death in the cabin was used to show the creature that the audience made and the death in the warehouse had austin as the mainish focus while he was screaming and fighting with ranboo while sneeg was just kinda there. his death with the security wasnt even to show that he almost escaped or that he was even dead it was JUST to show that security was there. his deaths were never talked about or acknowledged like anybody elses. you couldnt even SEE him with the security.
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odraziduse · 10 days
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Hozier, Butchered Tongue
god. i can't even begin to explain how IMPORTANT these lyrics are.
i know the original inspiration behind the song was the british taking the irish grounds but goodness gracious this is applicable to so many conflicts, both past and current
if you haven't listened to it yet i highly recommend it, it's definitely an emotional rollercoaster but so so impactful
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idk fr m2 should be considered brilliant game just bc of the "enemy of the state" chapter + that final cutscene w derek
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riverswater · 6 months
I don't know what is it, if it's the season changing or the new meds or the deep dissatisfaction I have towards my life (geez that's a lot of stuff) but I'm so fucking bitter lately. Sarcastic to the point where I'm mean. The thing I've been saying the most lately is "I don't care" and I mean that every time. Doesn't matter what I'm doing or with who, I'm always bored and I feel out of place and the only thing I want to do is be left alone. Then I'm alone and I get so bored I want to eat my hands. I don't have any curiosity or enthusiasm about anything at all. I'm in this loop where every day is the exact same so whatever, truly. Nothing interests me. Whoops I guess.
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jellieclogs · 8 months
some songs I don’t think I’ll ever hear the same again 
(I listened to these at the lowest points of my life and will break down crying if you play them)
i guess - mitski (my worst one)
two slow dancers - mitski
used to be friends - searows
exile - taylor swift
listen before i go - billie eilish 
suicide - isaac dunbar (2nd worst, cried to this everyday for a month I think…but genuinely helped me not to kms)
i was all over her - salvia plath (makes me sick oh god)
limerence - yves tumor (10 hour version)(if you see me listening to this shit I am NOT okay)
how to never stop being sad - dandelion hands
moon song - phoebe bridgers 
me - the 1975 (instaskip i can’t listen to this casually anymore)
i’m tired - labrinth (dear god I’m curling into myself just thinking about it)
will he - joji 
i don’t wanna do this anymore - xxxtentacion (dont like that man but this song is unfortunately a trauma response)
star shopping - lil peep (definitely crying every single time. I miss peep everyday.)
moments - alexander panos 
and finally, this specific tiktok of piano aquatic ambience by scizzie
it’s only because I’m deranged that I want to see other ppls lists sO bad .
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johnlockissess · 8 months
i realize that in fanfiction i always want to read the same thing over and over like i want the immense pining the heart beating out of the chest the longing the desire the i could never have this the utmost aching of it all. the hUGE LOVE DECLARATION i've been in love with you for YEARS could he reciprocate? no, he can't bear to entertain that thought, he can't possibly deserve it. the small delicate tentative kiss, he could pass out, he can't feel his chest, the kiss going deeper as they grow more sure. TURNS OUT HE WAS RECIPROCATED ALL ALONG
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