#I think it’s just for Vee
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Meet my nomad V
She likes to keep her hair short so she can feel the airflow on her scalp when she rides her bike
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cringefailvox · 2 months
canon vox would destroy pilot vox btw. pilot has a more sinister design but he was a kind of a softie who took silly photos with the vees and had a shark dog and let val smack him around like a battered housewife. canon vox manipulates val into compliance within like three sentences, mind controls the masses into obedience, and is a power hungry overlord who regularly exploits and violates people's privacy for his own gain. yes he is silly in the company of the vees and deeply cringe about alastor but he would still think pilot/pre-canon vox is a spineless loser
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allastoredeer · 3 months
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The Hotel Crew lost a bet and now Alastor has to be one of the Vee's for a day.
(Sorry if the image is fuzzy)
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onesidedradiostatic · 22 days
I feel like there's an interesting aspect when it comes to vox and huskerdust in that there's a non-zero chance that vox also has a sort of indirect relationship with husk along with the already existing indirect relationship he has with angel, like yes there's the former overlord stuff but they may also know each other a bit more personally due to vox's past association with alastor, like how mimzy knows husk and niffty, so huskerdust to him is like… the weirdest crossover of all time to him, val's whore getting together with alastor's pet lmao
honestly bonus points if he also calls husk "husker" like alastor and mimzy
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vhstown · 8 months
i don't think some people understand that hobie is like... actually an anarchist. and against capitalism and corruption and that it's not just an aesthetic or gimmick 😭
it's not like he clocks in to Rebel & Co every morning and does a funny little "capitalism amirite" in his london accent and goes to bed. it's his character's entire purpose n it's a shame that it's been so watered down
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sunlit-mess · 3 months
I saw your Human Vox and I love him-
No pressure but will we ever see him interact with Human Valentino or Velvette?
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i've been thinking about it too
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v-arbellanaris · 2 years
still working plotting for my main fic and yknow. i see a lot of posts laughing at cassandra/the inq/justinia/whoever for wanting to recruit hawke as the inquisitor but like there's actually a lot of really disturbing tones to it, when i thought it through.
cassandra recruits cullen into the inquisition. and yeah, he comes in as a military commander, despite the fact that he has no military experience, but i think that's more related to like. the roots of the first inquisition. they later became the templars and the seekers -- cullen is military commander not because they expected to have to fight anyone but because justinia was going to use the writ to build the chantry's military strength if the bloody conclave didn't work out. cullen was hired because he's the fucking knight-commander of kirkwall, and justinia wants him to rebuild the templars. i know people like to laugh about it because it makes "no sense" but the military commander was never meant to do the kind of fighting they ended up having to do in the game -- it was intended to remake the templars. cullen trained hundreds of templar recruits in kirkwall and he's one of the only few that hasn't broken away from the chantry despite the dissolution of the nevarran accord. he's the most obvious pick for commander, when you consider what the inquisition wants.
bw canon hawke is a mage hawke who sided w the mages in kirkwall. they recruited a templar that knows him personally, that has had an antagonistic relationship with him in the later years, that knows how he works and thinks. if they had gotten their hands on hawke, do you actually think they wouldve politely asked him to lead the inquisition?
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bigfatbimbo · 2 months
too tired to write but i’m thinking about the vees and they’re collective boo thing! Can’t get silly little self care nights out of my head, because your too tired to fuck them but they still what your attention. So Velvette is painting your nails and Val is doing your skincare routine while Vox rests his head in your lap 😕😕
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candyskiez · 1 year
a thing I can't help but think about is how masha recognized vee almost immediately. like, they'd JUST started interacting
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within the first few words vee said and the first few things she did, masha immediately started thinking "huh, she seems awfully familiar."
vee looks nothing like luz with her chosen human look. they're completely different.
and just from her kicking down the door with a little battle cry, going huah??? and how she talked in that little bit, they're already going "Have I met this person?"
really makes me think they really bonded at camp. only explanation for how immediate that recognition was and how uniquely vee it was.
they really, really know her. and considering how much vee wanted to belong somewhere?
I can only imagine how much that must mean to her.
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velvet-games · 8 days
I think I've said a couple times that seeing too much radiosilence angst made me want a fluffier qpr version, but tbh I still want all of the angst; it just needs to be framed as eventually leading to a happy ending.
alastor and vox hating each other is thematically inevitable. I am in love with the fake enemies trope; I tried playing around with that, but there is no universe where these characters are remotely close to canon and actually like each other lmao. I think it needs to be more "vox pretends he only hates alastor and alastor pretends he doesn't care about vox but they actually both understand that they really had something and destroyed it because of mutual differences." like, symbolically, it's old vs. new, right? and alastor is good because he values what worked in the past and cares about artistic integrity but bad because he refuses to see progress or accept change; vox is good because he's innovative and ambitious but bad because he's tacky and too profit-driven. that dynamic has way too much potential for us to skip the part where they grow to see the good side of each other's perspectives while keeping their own identities intact.
AUGH the angst would just be too good; vox and alastor kind of being on the same wavelength at first when they weren't too far apart era-wise, alastor not really taking his ambitions seriously and finding them entertaining, vox actually caring at first about making TV as a legitimate creative endeavor and them connecting over a love for entertainment ... but eventually vox gains power, he starts getting distracted by money and takes shortcuts, he stops creating almost completely because it's easier to make contracted souls do it instead. alastor's cute plaything (that maybe was actually interesting to talk to and had good ideas ...) becomes this tacky capitalist that he can't manipulate as easily, so he gets bored of him. vox is so happy when he finally becomes an overlord; alastor is gonna be so proud! only for him to realize that alastor never saw him that way. alastor never actually liked him, did he?
cue them getting mad at each other and starting a feud that is much more comical on the outside than it is privately. vox is still a little confused and very much in pain ... he knows his own flaws but his greed has too much of a hold on him to make him actually change for alastor (vox: I'll do anything! just tell me what to do, what to change, and I will. please just stay. alastor: would you give up your company? power? money? would you stay with *me*? vox: ...). alastor is disappointed and tries to make it seem like he really had no affection for vox, but those memories of drinking together on sunday nights, listening to how excited vox was about a new invention ... maybe, in the very back of his mind, he realizes he misses that. that he feels left behind.
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zyrafowe-sny · 10 months
Excellent job, everyone - all these appear before Nimona & Bal
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tmmyhug · 6 months
ok i just saw @/bantaro-bird on my dash so quick reminder that they made several transphobic and homophobic comments in the past. used to go by bananimation (as it says in their bio). i do not know if they have walked these statements back or apologized. they have all their messaging/asks turned off so i cant ask about it.
EDIT: just sent an ask to their alt, bantaro-alt. will update if they reply.
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full link with archives: https://fluxphage.tumblr.com/post/659263745202208768/fuck-it-formal-post-bananimationofficial-is-a
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skunkes · 7 months
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doodles from last year but i am thinking about vee...
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veemimis · 7 months
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Entertaining the idea of this ship is hilarious 2 me
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onesidedradiostatic · 1 month
Hear me out
Transfem alastor
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I mean honestly live your dreams anons I'm open to any of these hcs but I wanna be transparent that I am a #cis girl, gender stuff isn't really my Area of Expertise since it doesn't fit under my experiences as a cis person
that being said, transfem alastor, kinda real, hated men so much he said actually fuck being one
and I could see the vees' one, not much to say here (vox does canonically get hard but I respect the energy here. although one could question how hell works in reincarnating you when you die, if you're trans and want your gender's biological parts will it give it to you. although arguably vox IS part tech so maybe he... alright I will stop this line of thought)
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homicidal-slvt · 10 months
My mom said last night "Gender doesn't matter. A hoes a hoe." And I feel like that's a TRUE inspirational quote. LMAOOO
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