#I think it's pretty funny how some of the most popular ones notice stuff tbh
synintheraven · 7 months
Totally unrelated but maybe lowkey related to my last reblog I just wanted to say the tlk cast is actually pretty cool as most notice fans and that's very unusual with actors and celebrities in general 😌🧐
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fatuismooches · 3 months
Random Dot analysis:
The interesting thing about Dottore is that while the most popular fanon about him is that his underlings fear him, canonically it's the complete opposite.
He deadass has an army of simps working for him, I had never ran into a Fatui NPC that has expressed fear about him, and instead they speak about him in reverence.
The most obvious one is during the AQ where a fatui agent expressed disappointment upon realising that Dottore would be leaving Sumeru soon, saying that he had only seen the lord once.
And it seems that Dottore actually talks to his subordinates often, especially when in the same conversation, the agents (who didn't know about the segment's existence thus not realising that they spoke to different versions of the Doctor) casually compared how their conversations went, one said that Dottore was dismissive while the other said he was all smiles.
The people who work for him are ridiculously dedicated, the fungi event with that one guy who for some reason - thought that a device that controls fungi would impress Dottore, he did all that to earn his recognition. (It would have been more impressive if the device controlled literally ANYTHING besides fungi, but eh whatever) Note: The guy has said in CN expressively something along the lines of "beloved/dear" lord, not the direct translation but it was affectionate.
Then there's that one dude who stayed behind after the (failed) aranara lure experiments, I don't remember much about him but I don't think he said anything bad about Dottore, other than saying that he had stayed behind because he felt responsibility to take care of the kids after subjecting them into a mission like that.
Cut to the two Fatui peeps on Mondstadt who gush about him after the Sumeru quest, and I'm pretty sure we met another fatui dude in the desert who decided to go against orders and go the extra mile of attempting to kidnap desert dwellers to present as test subjects to again - impress Dottore. I think this was a Jeht quest?
Oh, and in the manwha, it's briefly mentioned that Dottore does reward efforts handsomely.
Fanon - Dottore is cruel, he terrifies everyone who works under him and they always walk around eggshells with him.
Canon: Dottore gives high reward for efforts, he has too many simps that sings him praises and they're literally scrambling to be in the same room as him.
Conclusion, we need more dottore simps in fan content. Because not only is it more accurate, but its also funnier for Dottore to be followed by a hoard of fans.
ALRIGHT YOU HAVE ME THERE... I went back and reread the dialogue for the agents for when Dottore was leaving and phew you're right, lol now that i realize it's pretty entertaining!!
But now i have questions. How many agents know that Dottore has segments? The ones that do know, are they not allowed to spread this...? I'd think the news would be all over the recruits but I guess not. And I guess these segments are ridiculously similar physically/appearance wise too. 😭 And the ones that don't know, do they just think their Harbinger has multiple different personalities or something?? I need more NPCs talking about Dottore.
ELCHIGEN. THE FUNGI NPC GUY WAS SO FUNNY. I still have screenshots of when he spoke about Dottore omg, bro was DEDICATED. Literally created a whole scheme and put his life on the line just to get Dottore to notice him... i respect the energy tbh. I do wonder why he loved Dottore so much in the first place, i really think there's a lot more to his character than we've seen firsthand. I also went back and reread the other stuff you mentioned on the wiki and omg 😭😭 i cant believe i forgot this stuff happened, it's been so long since Sumeru 😭 it's so funny to think about how they're piling more crimes on themselves just for Dottore 😭 i wonder if he's aware of how favorable these agents view him?
Though I do think it may differ from segment to segment. Krupp was pretty scared of Webttore. It's also kind of funny to think people were more scared of Scaramouche than Dottore. 💀
You have me thinking many thoughts, and this has given me much brainrot, will keep in mind for future fics, i have been enlightened.
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
What I think class 1b were like as toddlers because I cant stop thinking about it <3
Awase - definitely got in trouble a lot for welding shit together, he would welding his toys together to make these big as sculptures to give to his dad and it would be so cute but such a pain in the ass at the same time. He tries to be helpful with his quirk though <3 one time he was holding the light for his dad (universal experience) and welded the light to his forehead only to blind his dad when they looked at eachother.
Sen - he was a good kid for the most part but I think he would test peoples patience and pick fights with litterally everyone. Like some kid down the street looked at him wrong so now hes chasing him down the street screaming with a handfull of water balloons. Has 100% threatened to drill people with his quirk <3 took pictures of anything and everything with his moms phone.
Kamakiri - spent 100% of his time outside catching bugs or frogs or something. His mom would constantly get onto him for bringing bugs and shit into the house so he would go outside with a little grass hopper in his hands and sulk on the porch </3
Kuroiro - he would mostly keep to himself and just draw or play alone simply because he preferred it that way but the one game he always loved playing with others was hide and seek, only because he was a GOD at that game. 100% made a babysitter almost cry before because they thought he ran away or something when he was just hiding in the shadows (quite litterally)
Kendo - pure angel. Nice to everyone and everything and helped with anything she could help with <3 she seems like the type of kid that would hold your hand or something if you were sad or do something for you that makes her happy and omg I love her sm <3
Kodai - quiet kid. She did 100% use her quirk oh her toys though. Like she would take a small dino figure and size it up to take up her entire room to be more accurate to the game shes playing. Mostly kept to herself and was akward around others but definitely liked helping <3
Komori - problem child. She grew mushrooms everywhere and would pretend to make mushroom soup with the mushrooms she grew <3 definitely had to go to the hospital before because 'pretty mushrooms cant be poisonous' (the pretty mushroom was in fact poisonous)
Ibara - had one of those pocket bibles that she carried with her all the time. Stereotypical christian kid <3 not much I can say tbh exsept I feel like her vine hair would get caught on stuff a lot
Shishida - such a big kid for his age but shy asf. Hid behind his moms leg when he met new people. People constantly thought he was a short teen for how hairy he is when hes like 5. Idk why but he gives me 'doesent like loud noises' vibes. Asked his mom for shades to look cool and they stayed with him ever since
Shoda - shy kid that hides behind his moms leg 2.0. Idk why but I feel like he was a leash kid. Not because he was a problem child but because he would just wander off and no one would notice. Almost got cps called on him mom like 12 times for child neglect because he just walks away lmao
Pony - she the kid that walks up to strangers at pools and stuff and says shit like "my mommy says that her sister is a narcissistic bitch that deserves to rot in hell, watch me do this, its really cool!" Then she just jumps in the pool while whoever shes talking too goes through the 5 stages of grief.
Tsubaraba - problem child. Definitely was one of those kids that made up jokes that dont make sense (He thinks theyre funny plz laugh) also a very talkative kid. Not in the pony way but he would walk up to you and tell you everything he knows about dinos <3 ran out of breath quickly when he was a kid (cuz his quirk) so he had a little inhaler on him all the time
Tetsutetsu - outgoing popular kid that everyone likes. Everyone wants him on their dodge ball team <3. Knew different cuss words but not what they ment so he would say shit like 'son of a fuck you bitchin butt fart' or shit like that. Almost bit his tongue off before because he was talking while eating. (I wanna say he learned his lesson but he did it again a week later.)
Tokage - really liked legos as a kid. Her entire bedroom was just legos and her pet lizard named after some character from a movie she liked or smthn. She would confidently shout the wrong awnser in class (thinking shes right) and get hella confused when the teacher says shes wrong. Pony type talkative <3
Manga - his parents fridge never had enough room for his drawings. The only trouble he would cause is drawing on the walls or his bed sheet and stuff like that. He was pretty good at controlling his quirk but he was still really careful to not say certain things that would lead to house fires or his family being crushed lmao
Honenuki - adorable kid. He would constantly go up to strangers and compliment them <3 he would steal his dads ties and stuff and walk around with them on to feel like an adult and it was always so cute. Definitely the type of kid thay would take his moms phone to take pictures of random flowers and shit.
Bondo - taller and bigger than the rest of the kids his age. He preferred playing with bugs and other small animals than the other kids. One day he came home from school and his mom saw that he had a rabbit? For some reason? Next thing ya know they have a pet rabbit called carrot stick and it was his best friend <3
Monoma - he was cannonly teased and made fun of a lot as a kid for his quirk so I think he had some hannah montana type double life. Like at school he was being bullied and kept to himself and just kinda sit there and take it but at home he would be talking about how he rulled the school and was treated like a king there because of how awesome he is </3
Reiko - watched a lot of horror movies as a kid. Like her babysitter would be like 'you cant watch that its too scary' but then the babysitter is the one that ends up scared while reiko is drawing a little doodle of whatever movie monster is in front of her <3
Rin - angel child. Definitely shy but will talk your ear off if you ask him about dragons <3 his mom has the entire 'how to train your dragon' movie franchise memorized because of how often rin would watch it. He would pick flowers (or weeds that look like flowers) on his way home from school and give them to his family.
They were all so sweet im gonna cry </3
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ranler · 6 months
Ooc: another announcement/boundaries
I come back here after noticing a weird phenomenon in the fandom. Yes I did leave, even blocking tags and unfollowing a lot of people, and this is coming especially from some friends who realised it as well, since I totally cut everything with the fandom and I don't really know what's going on lately.
What "phenomenom" I'm talking about? The blantantly copying, of course.
What I mean by that is that some of us realised that some people in the fandom, instead of coming up with original ideas, decide to shamelessly copy our concepts and make it their own. And it's not only with others who deoncelerized, no, sometimes it's even with ocs who are still -lers.
Now don't get me wrong, I think gatekeeping especially in the art community is disgusting, I cannot stand people who are like "you're not allowed to use the same poses or colors as I do." Because it's absolutely stupid, you cannot copyright things such as colors or poses.
But when it's about characters... It's a little more delicate. Especially in such a small fandom, where it's impossible that it is a "coincidence" if your character happens to have the same gimmick or color palette as another.
Maybe for some of you, it's alright if someone gets inspired by your oc to make their own, and it's your choice. But listen: if you really want to use the same gimmick as another oc, maybe ask first? Instead of blantantly taking the concept and claiming it your own, making people believe it's your original idea when it's pretty obvious you just ctrl c ctrl v someone else's oc. And what's the most hurtful is to see that these "bootlegs" are often more popular that the originals.
So I'm coming here to put a quick boundary:
Please, even if I left the fandom, do not shamelessly copy Ranler's concept. If you really want some kind of radioactive oc, please be original. Come up with your own concept and idea, and do not, under any circumstances, copy anything I did, I'm just not ok with that. I've been here since early 2021, been working on my oc for so long, and I would be really upset if someone copy paste his whole concept and design and claim it at their own.
Along these lines, I am also not ok if you "impersonate" Ranler. What I mean by that is, I'm not ok if you roleplay as him, or create a blog acting as him (example: I left the fandom but you still want a Ranler onceler blog, so you make one yourself). It makes me really uncomfortable. I don't really think anyone would be THAT attached to him, since I got lot of hate when I first made him, but tbh I'm just writing all that as a "I warned you" if I see anyone copy my stuff and use it as their own. Don't cry if I DM you saying you copied me. Like I said, this fandom is so tiny you CAN'T pretend it's a coincidence, it's simply impossible, and it makes me really uncomfortable to see some of my friends' concepts are being shamelessly ripped off and they somehow get more popular [isnt it funny how the 2021/2022 wave felt excluded and our concepts disliked but now so many people copy them? Crazy]
Anyway, that was just me writing down my boundaries. If you read this, I really hope you understand. And if you're reading this and copied someone's oc, I really hope you reconsider what you are doing, and maybe ask the original owner if they are ok with it, and do not be upset if they tell you to stop, you should respect people's boundaries, and you'll always be at fault for shamelessly copying an idea someone spent months or more writing.
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TXT minisode 3: Tomorrow review
Imo, their first minisode is excellent and one of my favorite TXT albums, but lately their albums are only mediocre - the tts are catchy and solid, but the bsides are generic and lack TXT's initial charm.
I'll See You There Tomorrow - the choreo is fun and 100% something BTS would do. The track is nice and light, albeit a bit repetitive; vocals sound decent, but some of the low notes are unpleasant (eg. Soobin's). TXT are not strong vocalists and I find myself noticing that more and more. 7.5/10
Deja Vu - this track grew on me a lot. It's catchy and the choreo is good (very early BTS coded). I used to love Taehyun's voice, but sadly I think it sounds strained and kind of whiny now. He reminds me a lot of Jungkook though, especially lately (re: his stage presence and dancing). Imo Taehyun suits the center position pretty well, and they're doing well giving him some of Yeonjun's center time and dance breaks. Soobin and Beomgyu's voices are very limited and sound really weak imo. Yeonjun's voice sounds the best to me lately - he has the fullest, most natural sounding voice, as well as the most versatile and catchy. Hueningkai's tone has never been pleasant to me - it sounds kind of muffled, but he's a capable singer. 8/10
Miracle - kind of an annoying song tbh, very Avril Lavigne. There really isn't much to say about it. 6.5/10
The Killa (I Belong to You) - this track is incredibly cringy. Hearing Soobin say "I want you to take me now" in the most innocent and flat tone is... well... I get that people think he's hot, and that's surely why they put him on this track, but Soobin is just not an expressive and versatile idol, except perhaps in variety content (I don't know enough to say). Moreover, this song has such a generic beat - it's so flat and by the book -, it's not sexy at all. They also don't have the vocals for it. Yeonjun does well, but why on Earth did they choose Soobin for this? Because he's the most popular and sexualized along with Yeonjun? Beomgyu is much better at pulling off sexy than Soobin, and their singing is kind of on the same level. 6/10
Quarter Life - more rock stuff, I really want TXT to drop this sound. Kai fits this genre well, but this track is annoying and genetic. Taehyun sounds strained too, unfortunately. Beomgyu has pretty much no lines... 6/10
Anyway, this minisode is okay, but imo TXT are very much hindered by weak vocals and awkward stage presence (and beyond). They're very popular, but they could probably be more popular. Imo, TXT lack the IT factor in many ways. Besides lagging behind in vocals and stage presence, they're not that funny or charismatic. I think they fall behind pretty much all other BIg4 bgs (+ other popular bgs). I'm being "objective" about it, since TXT are certainly not going to read this, but I kind of question how Hybe put the group together. They're maybe the only boy group I found boring on Jonathan's show. I often don't know any of the groups who go on that show that well, or at all, but end up finding them charming and funny - like "Ah, I get it. This is why fans like them". Not TXT. Every time I watch interviews or variety stuff I think they seem stiff, don't interact very well with each other, and their humor is off. Imo, that's why Enhypen and SKZ surpass TXT in terms of overall popularity. SKZ are great performers who sing live and now how to engage fans. Enhypen are much better singers than TXT overall, with better stage presence and capacity to draw in fans.
Anyway, this is my opinion, but TXT are a group with the potential to be greater - perhaps with a different lineup, or if they learn to make their "weaknesses" less obvious. TXT's appeal to me was always unique and unconventional music, but now that they've lost that and sound a lot more like a "normal" kpop group, I think their limitations have grown more pronounced.
Surely, most people will disagree with me, but anyway... I'm fond of the boys as a person, but as a consumer less so.
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zeynatura · 8 months
So for Ace Week, I'd like to share a recent revelation I had about my experience in middle school, this may also be a dig to amatonormativity.
I was thinking about all the "crushes" I said I had on popular guys at school, and there was really no romantic feelings at all, I just thought they were cute, aesthetically pleasant or gave me gender envy, but the reason I pointed them as my crushes was because of my friends.
I unconsciously wanted to "fit in" and mostly to contribute to their conversations about their crushes so I would pick a random guy and join them. Mind you I realized this just now, back then I thought that was how "crushes worked" (?).
And while none of those crushes ended up being fruitful I did have a good time gossiping with my friends about them, it ended up being a good friendship bonding medium.
I even made a friend over one of those crushes, she also had a crush on the same guy and at first she hated me, because petty teenagers, and at one point I got tired of her insults and decided to talk to her and then I "gave up" on my crush on the guy cause I didn't want to "fight over him". She was so surprised that she also gave up on the guy and instead wanted to be my friend and so we did.
In highscool I had a similar experience, this time a very insistent friend asked me for who I thought was the most attractive guy in our classroom and so I chose a guy I've never talked to but whom I thought had a pretty face and after that I actually got the opportunity to talk to him, we worked on projects and were seated next to each other, and apparently the guy found out I "liked" him (I had a suspicion my friend either told him or talked about it very loudly) but didn't mention it to me so we continued to be good classmates.
That is until I got a boyfriend, a friend of mine that was in a separate class, and this guy got jealous ??? that I didn't like him anymore (even tho I never did, but that was the idea he had) and some friends and even my family noticed him looking at us (my boyfriend at the time and i) funny, as in jealous and mad.
I have no idea why he was like that xD he did ask me about my relationship once but never commented on it after that and someone said that maybe he liked me (but why didn't he said anything then?)
Maybe is me being autistic but if you like someone why not tell them? Especially if you know that they like you back, cause that was the knowledge he had, that I "liked" him but he never showed interest in me until after I got a boyfriend, I don't know, we talked less after that and then we graduated so we'll never know.
I figured out I was asexual in my first year of university so all the previous experiences I had was when I thought i was allosexual, and most of them when I thought I was cishet 😬 I figured out my gender, or lack of it, way before that, 1st year of highschool to be exact.
So I've known I'm ace for almost 8 years now and I'm still finding out stuff about myself and realizing some of my experiences in the dating and crushing territories were because of my asexuality, very cool tbh
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sj0228 · 3 years
astro notes for fun lol
HEY! this is my first astro observations post so don't be too hard on me lol unless u wanna then sure maybe i can improve them somehow BUTANYWAYZ this is for entertainment purposes only!! obviously these are just my own observations so if they don't resonate with you don't get offended or you're a big ol' 🅱️uss so here they are!! also SHOUTOUT TO MY AMAZING FRIENDS fyi i got sum help from them by asking them billions of questions to confirm my suspicions so uh hope that makes the observations more accurate LOL ANYWAYS HERE THEY ARE!! i'll probably make more in the future cuz i think they're super fun to make :D also if u couldnt tell uhm this isnt very professional im not professional BUT I TRIED TO MAKE IT PRETTY so pls dont be bothered lol im just doing this for fun i didnt even wanna make an astro page so yea </3pretty unreliable LMAOOO
👩🏻‍🦲 the house your mars is in is what pisses you off the most!! (eg. 1st - people assuming things about you, 5th - people beating around the bush, 7th - things that disrupt the harmony of your environment, 9th - the need to hold back your opinions because others get bothered by them being "offensive")
👩🏻‍🦲 cancers are true ambiverts and i've truly never ever seen a cancer who wouldn't be both introverted and extroverted at times. they are always either social introverts or quiet extroverts lol. or both!! (somehow 0_0) they enjoy people's attention, whether it's wanting to be noticed or appreciated or generally cared for, and they need their alone time. they tend to be very productive at those times, too.
👩🏻‍🦲 ok i have a lot of notes for cancers so it's gonna be a lot lmao sorry anyways!! i've also noticed they LOVEEE breaking loose every once in a while, if not every time they're given the opportunity! thing is, it's usually only if someone else is there to convince them or do it with them. they don't like taking risks alone! they are very impressed and fond of the 'wild child' persona people because they bring out the cancer's wild side!
👩🏻‍🦲 libra moons are absolutely loved by people, it's so crazy! like, no matter what they do they always have attention on them. this can manifest badly if the moon person is actually pretty horrible, things they do tend to be overlooked and others move on pretty quickly from their mistakes, letting them do whatever they want. i wanted to give an example but uh,,,,, i shall.. refrain😳
👩🏻‍🦲 libra suns with water moons are so scary when they're angry..
👩🏻‍🦲 cancer moon is what i deem as the zodiac sign cute-ifyer lol. literally any "tough" sign like capricorn, scorpio or aquarius becomes a super cute goofball with this moon. WEIRDEST THING EVER THOUGH is that it doesn't work for cancer suns?! like if a cancer sun has a cancer moon this just makes the person very confusing but very funny. they can brighten anybody's day without trying!
👩🏻‍🦲 okay JUST SO THIS WHOLE ARIES MENTION ISN'T JUST A POINTLESS LOVE CONFESSION - i've noticed a lot of ♥aries♥ people use the laughing crying face emojis (😂,🤣) unironically and it's honestly.....the best thing ever
👩🏻‍🦲 taurus suns do this sometimes as well
👩🏻‍🦲 THE MOST UNHEALTHY PERCEPTIONS OF ZODIAC SIGNS ARE PUT ON FIRE SIGNS, NOT THE WATER SIGNS AND THIS IS COMING FROM A PISCES!!!!!!1 every stereotype is always showing fire signs as those sunshine of the group people, the baddies, and the ones with the biggest 'idgaf' attitude. and while this can totally be true sometimes, most of the time it's super different! sad fire signs break my heart pls i just wanna hug you guys T-T they have it the hardest because unlike water signs who are already expected to be emotional, they often repress their emotions for the sake of others and because of the fear of betrayal or judgement, or just generally the idea of "it's better to have fake friends than to have zero friends". YOU GUYS PLEASE. cut these people off from your life you deserve soo much better i know it can be super hard to open up for you u just need a hug omg EVERYONE PLEASE CHECK UP ON YOUR FIRE SIGN FRIENDS ASK THEM ABOUT THEIR DAY N STUFF THEY WILL APPRECIATE YOU CARING FOR THEM! pls stay best and take care sweethearts ily!!!
👩🏻‍🦲 i've also noticed that some of the signs tend to show their sadness through anger - this is not just astrology though so if your friend has been jumpy lately please just check on them they are probably going thru sth😳 anyways the signs i mostly saw this in are pisces, aries and libra.
👩🏻‍🦲 cancers with feminine moons (earth and water) tend to be pretty introspective. they often think they're the ones being mistreated, and while this of course might be true, in reality it usually goes a lonnng way back lol. they often pay very little attention to others!! (masculine moon sign cancers (fire and air) can often be too focused on others more than themselves) this can be good because they don't snoop in other people's business but oh my god, guys, please pay attention to your friends, too! this WILL lead to lost friendships because, let's be real, nobody wants a one-sided friendship with someone who only cares about themselves! i don't want to target anybody here but this is just a pattern i've noticed wayyyy too often, so you might want to look into it and if you think this is you all you need is just to enlargen your perspective and it will all be okay. but please, PLEASE. think about your friends
👩🏻‍🦲 i needed to get this^ out because people often put this on leo placements but tbh i notice that leo placements are THE MOST generous of the entire zodiac and they always think of others first and that's what really makes them so popular. they very rarely are as egocentric as everybody says, they're just really loving and that makes them very lovable!
👩🏻‍🦲 scorpio risings are the prettiest people i've ever seen. not even kidding bruh i could stare at them for EVER their eyes are absolutely gorgeous and their mannerisms are just perfect pls marry me
👩🏻‍🦲 gemini and taurus placements make an individual soooo chill to the point where it often makes them lazy and a biig procrastinator lol. tho i love how they make light of it by using their amazing humor!
👩🏻‍🦲 you most definitely have your IC be one of your family members' sun sign or one of their personal planets. i have a taurus ic and my sister is a taurus sun!
👩🏻‍🦲 sagittarius suns are the best huggers cause THEY REALLY NEED A HUG SO GO HUG THEM RIGHT NOW. pls guys why r u so sad..
👩🏻‍🦲 scorpio mars aren't even as sexual as everybody says tbh. but they definitely do have some interesting.....interests ;)
👩🏻‍🦲 pluto aspects to personal planets are very prominent, but very hidden. if you have them, most likely you will be the only person to know about this side of you and it can be pretty dark..
👩🏻‍🦲 planets conjunct your sun will be the people you attract most in your life (venus conjunct sun - taurus and libra, jupiter - sagittarius and pisces, mars - aries and scorpio EVERYWHERE)
👩🏻‍🦲 your moon sign will be the sun sign of most of your friends
👩🏻‍🦲 if you don't quite relate to your ascendant, look at the sign you have in your 3rd house and at your mercury sign. this is how you communicate, convey your ideas etc. and will often be a major factor in people's first impressions of you :)
👩🏻‍🦲 lilith aspecting your sun may mean there's a side of you nobody knows.. 👁👁 you're also probably very convincing and people can be very drawn to you and they can't explain why. this also goes for lilith in 7th, especially in girls!
👩🏻‍🦲 you and your friends probably have each other's sun signs as your personal planets!!
👩🏻‍🦲 the kindest person you know is probably either a virgo or an aries.. and the meanest person you know is also probably a virgo or aries LOL
👩🏻‍🦲 capricorn suns & risings are THE hardest to read!! if they don't say what they mean people will just assume and they're never going to be right it's wild 👩🏻‍🦲 also capricorns definitely have the most dad energy, while sagittariuses are more like actual dads jdbshxcvb
OKAY THAT'S ALL!!!! im sure i have more but its 2 am i have school tomorrow or actually its today now so bye uh anyways there will most likely be more so if u liked these stay tuned!! oh and let me know if they were true witchu :o thats it love u stay awesome and super cool i love u byebye!!
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
Christmas With the Karasuno Boys (HC’s)!!
Part 2: Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kinoshita, & Narita
Part 1 (Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, & Ennoshita) here!
A/n: Tumblr said my word count was too much so I’m splitting this bad boi up into two parts :p Enjoy!!
This boy has a secret soft side for Christmas istg
He HATES showing it to other people on his team and shit
But holy bejeezus he is mesmerized by the holiday in every way possible
Lights, sweets, snow, just like,,, the general magic of December is the most awe-inspiring thing to him
Since he is still a sporty and pretty active mofo, you decided to fuel that on your holiday-themed date as Kags had noted that he’d never gone sledding before
Your jaw was on the FLOOR when he first told you because he would 10000% enjoy the hell out of it
And so you dragged him out to this popular sledding hill that you frequented as a child and taught him what to do
Not gonna lie, he was kind of nervous
“Well you’re experienced at it. I don’t wanna mess up”
🥺🥺🥺 bubby
“You won’t, Tobio! I can already tell you’re gonna be a sledding pro”
Feels a little better after that, but he asks you to help him out for his first run down the hill
He sits behind you with his arms secured snugly around your waist and his head nestled on top of your shoulder
Which would probably seem really funny to passerby because this boy is tol and intimidating in most other situations
As soon as the sled started down, Kags tightened his grip and made this cute little yelp of surprise
But you were laughing insanely hard at the combination of going really fast downhill whilst also having your boyfriend cling to you for dear life
And then when the sled stopped safely at the bottom he started to chuckle
That shit is rare
Y’all stayed at that hill for half the day because it was so fun
You got him a new, very high quality athletic roller for Christmas because his old one was just not cutting it anymore
And you also gave him this really cute bracelet with a volleyball, his jersey number, and a little strawberry milk set of charms attached to it
It matched this really pretty and subtle chain he’d bought for your birthday
His blueberry eyes got all wide with affection dfjdskfjsdk—
Got super blushy and couldn’t get a handle on his speech for a fat minute
He thinks you’re the coolest person ever no I do not take criticism
Geez you’re both adorable together, ideal “stoic boy becomes warmer during the holidays around his love” movie plot and I love it
He is all in on Christmas. Not a chance this boy doesn’t get excited as hell
Will openly go into holiday mode as soon as November is over
Was secretly already listening to his Christmas playlist before then
He is one of the sweetest gift givers, that is FACTUAL
If you want something really badly, he will take notice and get it as your present immediately
He’ll also gift you an extra thing that’s handmade 🥺
Like some pastries that his mom helped him make, or a specially made basket of soaps with your favorite scents in it
It’s absolutely adorable and you cherish those ones especially
Is happy if you simply get him something; mans doesn’t care what it is
New practice volleyball? A brand new sweatshirt? Elated either way
You had seen an advertisement for a friendly match between Japan and Poland’s men’s volleyball teams, so you waited online on the ticket sales website until the minute it opened
Spoiler alert: you got some banger seats 😌✨
Shoyo may or may not have tackled you when he read the ticket details, letting out his excited giggle (you know the one)
“I can’t believe you got these, angel! You’re coming with me, right? You’ve gotta! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Gives you sweet little kisses between each individual ‘thank you’
“Of course I’ll go with you, Sho! I’m really glad you like it!”
He will give you the brightest smile of all time — that shit makes Christmas lights pale in comparison
“Have I told you how much I love you?”
Hold his hands to warm up together when temperatures drop pls :)))
It’s become a weekly December tradition to watch a Christmas movie with Natsu at the Hinata household
She’ll sit in your lap while the three of you are cuddled under a blanket together, and Shoyo will lace his fingers with yours all discreetly
In conclusion, I am a sucker for holiday Hinata 🥺🥺🥺
His room is decorated to the very minimum simply because his mom and brother had insisted on him being festive
You know those holiday instrumentals that are really calming and jazzy and stuff? Yeah, that’s the only Christmas music he will tolerate in his house
While he’s still got his usual icy demeanor, this blond bitch does get slightly less snippy with the Karasuno boys
Is always on the nose with getting you the exact thing you wanted for a present
You don’t even have to bring that shit up beforehand, he just KNOWS
“Tsukki, how did you—?”
“It’s pretty obvious, with the way that one ad kept showing up on your phone.”
b r u h
How does he pay such good attention without even letting on??
As for his own present, you’ll usually get him two: one gag gift and one more serious gift
His dino plush collection size is partly due to the former’s contributions this time of year
Yes the dinos have names
You exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve with all the team (you made him go) and he saved your more serious one for last
It was a scarf that you’d gotten custom made, which had a Spotify code knitted into the fabric
Scanning the code opened the app to a playlist you’d created especially for him
He got pretty quiet when figuring it out and scrolling through the playlist
Would let out a certified Tsukki Nose Exhale™ when he came across certain songs
The more subdued reaction was expected because it’s Tsukishima
His little chuckles and warmer eyes were enough of a giveaway to tell you he very much enjoyed your gift
But on the walk home, he took the scarf and wrapped it around you both, and then brought his arm around your waist
“Thank you.”
You deadass almost combusted because it was so unexpected??
“You’re welcome. Merry Christmas, Kei”
Way to respond calm and collected 😌👍
But on the inside your body was in freak out mode
He wears the scarf all the time jdfsklfjdsk
Take the most tooth rotting fluff you could imagine
And then double that and put a fucking cherry on top
That’s the equivalent of what Christmas is like with Yama Yama
Y’all are like kids in a candy store — literally
For your Christmas dates it’s all about sweets and shared giggles, so frequent trips to the candy and baking isles of the grocery store is a must
Making gingerbread houses, peppermint tasting (mostly trying those different and wild ass candy cane flavors), you name it and it’s there
Stomach aches? I don’t know her
Yeah you do but they go away with enough butterfly kisses 🥰
Tadashi is exceptionally good at decorating gingerbread houses for whatever reason
He put a poll on his instagram between yours and his final products and he won by a landslide
It’s not like yours was necessarily bad, more like he’s just an icing master
You also might have eaten too many gumdrops which left your rooftop lacking in ✨spice✨
But it’s okay because Tadashi donated some of his leftovers to you
He’s such a sweetheart uwu
Please for the love of everything get him something heartfelt as his present
You know those long distance bracelets for couples?
Basically if your s/o taps the icon on the bracelet it’ll send a little vibration to the other person’s as a notice that you’re thinking about them
This boy seeks constant reassurance, and you love to give him his deserved love and validation, so it was the perfect present
It takes a second for him to figure out what it is, but after reading the directions and testing it out, the most adorable smile erupted on his face
And then since you already had yours on, he tapped the little icon again with a giggle
“Hey there”
It becomes common habit to tap it at least once every couple hours
He is just so soft this time of year, give him all the love and he will return it tenfold ☺️
This boy is absolutely an awkward cutie and an avid romantic
Give him the cliches and he will eat em up, no doubt
It naturally gets more apparent around the holidays
He’ll take you on pretty winter walks, give you lots of little gifts (while blushing a hell of a lot), and is just a professional at stumbling upon some mistletoe
Wow wonder how it got there, Hisashi
He’s quite a bit more confident when simply alone with you than in a crowded space
And that definitely shows when he takes you out on a secluded sleigh ride around town
Yeah you heard me
A fuckin’ sleigh ride
Horses and blankets and everything
Don’t even ask how he managed to pull it off, because he loves watching the cogs turn in your head and simply will not give you a straight answer
Of course there’s the nice driver guy who’s there, but in the back alone Kinoshita’s confidence goes 📈📈
Lots of flirting, tons of skimmed touches and shared giggles throughout the ride
I legitimately simp really hard for him
Anyways it was a gorgeous ride through town and super fun
On Christmas Eve you both exchange gifts together and tbh whatever you got him will leave him happy and flustered regardless
But when he opens the wrapping paper to find an entire set of vintage VHS tapes, he’s stunned
He owns a VHS (actually canon!) and honestly loves it to death, and the fact that you’d get him tapes of pretty high quality for his collection meant a lot
Gosh he’s so underrated but a definite sweetheart, give him all the holiday love
Another underrated bby 🥺
He’s so chill and is pretty open to anything during the holidays, so long as he gets to spend ample time with you, his friends, and his family
Definitely more of an indoor person despite being accepting of most situations
Hence why you thought a cute little indoor winter picnic would be right up his alley
Which it absolutely was 😌✨ nice work
You’d made plans while in secret communications with his family members about the whole thing
He’d been pretty stressed lately with trying to handle his schoolwork, while also helping out others with theirs
Despite being a wonderful tutor, it was clearly becoming a bit overwhelming as he tried to grapple with so much at once
So when he came home one day to find a pristine house with you settled on a blanket in his living room, he was quite surprised
There’s a cheese plate, soda cans in a cute ice box, sandwiches, snacks, a presparked fireplace — you and his family went all out
Really adorable I cannot lie
“I thought you said you were going gift shopping today?”
“I might have maybe lied :P”
So he gives the sweetest little smile and sits across from you
Y’all stay there and talk for hours
After finally getting through everything previously laid out on the blanket spread, you slid him a little rectangular box that he looked at curiously
“Already? I haven’t wrapped yours yet!”
“Mine can wait a bit! Just open yours”
And so he does, and you watch with a face-splitting grin as he looks down in awe
You got tickets to see his favorite rock band in concert while they were on tour
He sprung onto you and pulled you into the tightest hug ever
“Holy shit you’re the best I love you so much how do you get even more loveable every day—!?!l”
It’s a jumble of words but you’re able to put it together and it makes you giggle
He deadass sprints upstairs to go get your gift and make sure that you feel as equally appreciated as he does
In simple words: wholesome holiday sweetness 🥰
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jenomark · 3 years
Tell us random things about each member.. anything that u probably noticed and didn't say it before... random stuff or notice 💚
+I thought about how I should answer this for a long time. I never notice anything different than all of you do. These are just random observations and things I notice and find cute. As always, any speculation is not meant to be taken seriously. This is for entertainment purposes only. ❤
Taeil: He's always appeared so happy to me. He's chilling. He's enjoying the ride without ever expecting it to last too long, you know? If you ever get a chance, look at him in the background of any shot he's in and tell me that man does not have stars in his eyes.
Johnny: I'm sure people have noticed before, but I think he's actually really charming. His flirt game is sometimes a little cringe-y but that man can be so smooth sometimes.
Taeyong: I never notice anything different. He's very open. The only thing that ever keeps me captivated is how lovingly he looks at the people in his life.
Yuta: This isn't a secret but his sex jokes and the looks he gives people like there is some sexual inside joke is...oof. Also, flirting to make people uncomfortable for fun is such an interesting move to make.
Kun: He's so dominant (not talking sexually). He really knows what he's doing. He has so much skill in dealing with things and people that it's so, so attractive. 😅
Doyoung: He's a follower. He likes being led. He likes being taught. It's easier for him. He may put up a fight, but if he trusts someone, he's giving them all of his trust.
Ten: He makes a joke and wants to know that people find it funny. That's a pretty common thing that people do, but I find it really cute when he does it.
Jaehyun: He gives me the worst secondhand embarrassment. He's just so awkward. Again, this isn't really news to anyone but it's always what I think of first.
WinWin: He is so sassy. He talks back so much, and I actually think he's really funny. I don't think he gets enough credit for being one of the funniest members.
Jungwoo: He's so popular. I've always known he was, but I guess I never saw him as that popular. I feel like other idols want to be his friend all of the time.
Mark: He's exactly his age. Though wise, he doesn't come off as older than 22. He's such a typical 22-year-old man, in my opinion. The things he says, the way he speaks, and the way he acts are so...it's like he spends his life on the internet.
Xiaojun: He's ! Just ! So ! Full ! Of! Love ! And ! Light !!!!!!! You know when they say it looks like some people are on their first life? He feels like one of those people.
Hendery: He looks like he hates people. Well, not hates them, but he looks like he has no patience for rude people.
Renjun: Sometimes he looks sad, like he misses being younger. It's the way he talks about certain memories that makes me feel this way.
Jeno: A true introvert. I can't believe I never noticed how introverted he is??? The more he lets us in, the more I'm realizing that he is perfectly content being on his own.
Haechan: I always notice when he's annoyed the most. Since he always looks like he's having a good time, the moment he gets annoyed and shuts down is so interesting. This usually happens when there is disrespect involved.
Jaemin: He's hard to read. Noticing things that he does that are different are rare. I will say that I can tell that he's working on himself. I can't give examples, but he feels like he's growing.
YangYang: I've written this before, but I definitely think he's the glue to the family that is WayV. I think he also takes charge more than we think he does. He's like Kun's little apprentice.
Shotaro: This is probably not going to be as deep as the others, but he has the fattest butt???? Also, he's losing a lot of weight and I hope he doesn't feel pressured to.
Sungchan: My man is nervous in every single situation he's in. Nervous...but..adaptable? He would make a fabulous actor, tbh.
Chenle: He's such a good person. Once I got to know him a little bit better, I can honestly say he has a really lovely heart. He cares for people so deeply and it definitely shows in subtle ways.
Jisung: If he makes a face on camera, he changes it before it can be misconstrued. I can see that he also thinks carefully about what he says because he's afraid someone won't understand what he's saying and will be hurt.
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realcube · 4 years
What BNHA Heroes have their s/o saved as in their phone
Class 1A x Reader
+ Aizawa and Shinsou
tw// cussing, cringe smh, lots of love <3 
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Class 1A
Yuga Aoyama 
he has you saved as ‘my ✨star✨’
and honestly you love it because he calls you that in real life too 
Mina Ashido 
she has you saved as ‘bubs 💞💓💖💝💘💕’
 the only reason there isn’t more hearts was because of the limit smh
she changes it every few weeks to a new pet name though
also she calls you that irl sometimes
Tsuyu Asui
she has you saved as ‘my flower 🌺’
honestly, the only reason she put you as that rather than your name because of your intense love for flora
every date you take Tsuyu on is always to somewhere with beautiful scenery and an abundance of flowers
Tenya Iida 
he has you saved as ‘beef stew’
he originally had you saved as ‘(Y/N) (L/N)’ 
but you showed him that you had him saved as ‘Honey’ so he wanted to save you under a pet name too
however, he couldn’t really think of one so he asked for you assistance and you told him that most cute pet names come from food
“So, what food do I remind you of, Iida?” 
“Beef stew.” 
Needless to say you both were laughing your asses off for a while after that 
but it’s still cute because beef stew is his favourite food just like you are his favourite person
Ochako Uraraka
she has you saved as ‘(L/N) <3 ’
she wanted to use a heart emoticon but her flip-phone doesn’t let her smh
Also she doesn’t have a pet name for you yet but she is working on it 
like she tried calling you ‘baby girl’ but then you explained to her the sexual undertones to that name so she stopped and she’s been too embarrassed since then to try again 
Mashirao Ojiro
he has you saved as ‘tail boy’s s/o 🤪’
y’all had a whole-ass discussion about this one time lmao
y’all were brainstorming ideas for what you should save each other as in your phones
you didn’t want to have something basic like ‘babe’ or ‘my heart🥰’ but rather something funny and you suggested (jokingly) to save his contact as ‘tail boy’
and rather than being offended like you thought he’d be, you both ended up laughing your asses of together for a solid 5 minutes (at least)
so you saved his contact as that and since he couldn’t come up with a funny nickname in relation to your quirk, he just saved you as ‘tail boy’s s/o🤪’
 Denki Kaminari 
he has you saved as ‘ASH CECHUM 😩😳💦🌚💓🧀'
plz don’t ask about the emojis idek
anyway, he saw that you saved him as ‘Pikachu <3′ which makes sense considering his quirk..
so he took it upon himself to save your contact as - in his own words - “That guy who owns the Pikachu from Pokémon’ 
however, despite the fact he has watched Pokémon before, he had no idea how to spell Ash’s second name and apparently the thought never came him that; ‘hey, maybe I should google it.’
so he just sounded it out 
as for the all caps, contrary to popular belief , he does know how to turn it off
he just chooses not to for the aesthetic and also it takes a lot of effort 
that is why he doesn’t use proper punctuation either 
Eijiro Kirishima
he has you saved as ‘love bug’
honestly, you’re not too sure of when or why he changed your contact name after y’all started dating but..
you thought it was cute but..a bit cringe
obviously you didn’t say anything about it though, you weren’t trying to be mean to your boyfriend for no reason
it’s not like he called you that irl
however, he’d be out of his mind if he thought you were gonna save him as something like that 
the best he’ll get from you is ‘Kiri babe 🤘' (get it? bc...rock!)
Kouji Koda 
he has you saved as ‘love bug’
like it makes sense because he like talks to insects and stuff and you’re his lil love bug cause you are his lover and stuff hhhhh
also because of the size difference between you and him, i mean, you are basically the size of an insect compared to him 
in short, Koda supremacy  🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️
Rikidou Satou
he has you saved as ‘sugar pie’ 
honestly, poor man
he was completely clueless when you asked him to save you as something cute 
like, he know what you meant...but he had no idea what to go for 
so you chose for him 👍
and you made a pretty good decision tbh I mean, it’s cute! it relates to his quirk and all
and he has started to call you that irl sometimes and it always makes your heart go brrrrrrr
Mezou Shouji 
he has you saved as ‘hunk’ 
ok, i know i said Satou was a poor man but let me just say
you told him it’d be cute if you both saved each other as cute pet names in your phones and dead ass him response ‘you’re not my pet though..’
so after a lot of explaining, as an example you whipped out your own phone and showed him how you had saved him as ‘hunk’ 
...he really went and just copied you
you thought that was so funny and precious though so you didn’t ask him to change it
Kyouka Jirou 
she has you saved as ‘my melody 🎶’
ok, so it started when she noticed that you use the same pen everyday - a My Melody one
she thought that was so fucking adorable and she kinda started teasing you for it; not that you minded though
she also thought it was so cute when you’d get all flustered 
so one day she just decided to change your contact name to that 
it also kinda tied in with her love for music (but mostly her love for you uwu)
Hanta Sero
he has you saved as ‘my honey nutter butter biscuit’
after Kirishima called his s/o ‘love bug’ infront of y’all that one time, you both spent the next hour taking the piss and laughing at how over-the-top couple nicknames are sometimes 
so just #for the meme he saved your contact as a hyperbole of what those cringe couple pet names are like
oh and you have him saved as ‘My beloved sweet peach taco’
Fumikage Tokoyami
he has you saved as ‘Helena’
yeah, he wanted to be edgy and save your contact after a MCR song
(no, he does not know that Helena is about Gerard’s grandmother but don’t you dare tell him)
Shoto Todoroki
he has you saved as ‘(Y/N) (L/N) 💖’
you texted him something during lunch one time to see his reaction while you were sitting next to him but then you noticed that your name in his phone was simply ‘(Y/N) (L/N)’
you mentioned it briefly but you didn’t make a fuss out of it because it really wasn’t a big deal
however, he asked to see what his name in your phone was and you showed him
you had saved him as ‘Babey ( •̀ ω •́ )✧’
he went home and did some research on some good pet names to save you as in his phone
after that, his search history kinda looked like;
‘pet names’
‘pet names for humans’
‘pet names for lovers’
‘cute nicknames for my girlfriend’
‘cute emoticons’
he deadass came in the next day and the first thing he did was pull out his phone and show you the emoji he put next to your name
“Look, (L/N). I found this emoticon and put it next to your contact name in my phone.”
yes, he sound like boomer..obvs
he spends 90% of his free time training rather than on his phone 
and the time that he is on his phone, he isn’t using emojis, he is searching shit like 
‘how to hack into a credit card without the PIN’
Tooru Hagakure
she saves you as ‘❤😘’
no, she doesn’t need to save you as your name to remember who you are 
she’s not a peasant
Katsuki Bakugo
he has you saved as ‘pretty stupid face’
originally it was just ‘stupid face’
but you noticed it and just dropped a subtle comment like “hey, that’s mean.”
so he came in the next day with ‘pretty’ added to the start
“i am genuinely too nice to you sometimes.” he’d say
“Wow, tch, such I gentleman-”
Izuku Midoriya 
he has you saved as ‘sweetest love muffin’
you that one couple i mentioned in Sero’s headcanons?
yeah, that’s y’all
you are both literally that couple
“No, you hang up.”
“No, you hang up!”
“Nooo, cause I’ll miss you”
“I’ll miss you moreeee”
he literally threw a bunch of his favourite adjectives into a pet name lol
also your contact name for him is something on a similar wavelength
Minoru Mineta
I know most y’all would’ve even give him your number lol
but for those who would 🤮
he has you saved as ‘sweet cheeks’ or sumn 
Momo Yaoyorozu
she has you saved as ‘My McMuffin’
ok so she let you take her to McDonald’s cause you wanted to see her reaction since she is used to gourmet cuisine or whatever
so it was sure to be entertaining 
and it was 
but not in a good way
she was almost sick after she had a bite of a big mac and then she tried to wash it down with the Sprite but then she fainted for like a solid 10 seconds
once she came back, she obviously wanted to leave..so you did 
A year later, y’all are in the town and both of you are starving 
But Momo realised that she didn’t have her card on her or any money but that was fine because at least you had your debit card on you 
You had enough money on it for a taxi back to Momos place and a McMuffin each
Obviously she didn’t want one but when you started eating in front of her, of course she wanted a taste
and so it was love at first bite
she loved it so much so of course you bought another one for her and she consumed it in a millisecond (not literally)
so now she has your contact saved as the one thing competing against you for her love - a McMuffin
Shota Aizawa
unfortunately he does not have your contact saved as ‘kitten’
instead, in his phone you are saved as ‘The One  💙’
simple, yet it effectively shows his admiration - just the way he likes it
 and he only added the emoji to make your name stand out more so he could easily tell whether he was gonna ignore the following message or not
because if Mike is texting him telling his that he needs the extremely important documents that Aizawa keeps in his coded filing cabinet, Shota will be like -.-
but if you text him asking for him to pick up chocolate on his way home, he’ll be like 🏃‍♂️
Hitoshi Shinso 
he has you saved as ‘big daddy’
plz don’t ask 
it’s an inside joke between you and him
okay well, if you must know 
y’all were trying to come up with the most absurd nicknames for each other that kinda sound legit 
some other gems 
‘Big scary snookums’
‘sexy giant’
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arsenicpanda · 3 years
Hey! You seem to ship fairly similar Riverdale pairings to me, so do you have any fanfic ideas? Unfortunately, I have writers block and I don't have access to any maple mushrooms to get through this one.
So, I do have a few that don't fall under "I actually want to write this myself", you are correct, and I am a wordy bitch, so let's put this under a cut
-Jabitha + Jughead and Veronica friendship post-college au: so, we diverge from canon in 5x03. Betty still leaves Riverdale, but Veronica stays, and she and Jughead slowly bond over film, pretentious references, criminal fathers, and the whole getting cheated on thing. Maybe throw in Reggie and the other Serpents too if you want to. When Jughead becomes homeless (again), Veronica eventually notices and invites him to stay with her, and it's awkward at first, but then they get used to it. They develop a brother-sister bond. So, then when they go off to college, they keep in touch and stay friends. Their friendship keeps Jughead from being supes lonely at college, which means he stays and learns how to actually fucking write, so his book is actually good and not just successful, and also he doesn't take up drinking and drugs. And their friendship also keeps Veronica from dating assholes like Chad, so she never even gets close to that terrible marriage. But after they graduate, Jughead moves to NYC and they live together and she becomes the she-wolf of Wall Street and he becomes a successful author (genre undetermined) and maybe also journalist (look, I am just too fond of this headcanon, and most authors need second jobs anyway), and neither of them pine over their exes. Veronica can settle down with Reggie, Josie, Katy Keene, or someone else or no one else, but she is successful and happy. Also, Tabitha goes to school in NYC, settles down there, works a six-figure job for a while, and then opens a Pop's franchise. Now, it can go two ways from here:
Veronica and Tabitha become friends in college. Veronica keeps trying to set Jughead and Tabitha up with different people she knows to no success (she keeps trying to set both of them up with intimidating women (partial success and bi Tabitha 4 life) and himbos (zero success, they both prefer smart people, and also bi Jughead 4 life), until one day she's complaining about it to Katy Keene or Reggie or Josie or someone and the other person is like "V, why don't you just set them up with each other?" And she's like "ohhhhh" and she does, and they either hit it off pretty quickly or Tabitha is like "wait, are you the guy who mooched off my grandpa for years??" And he's like "pardon??" And she dislikes him until he proves himself/Veronica explains the situation (Jughead was neglected and poor and Pop helped him out). But then they get along and swap stories about Pop and fall into some weird investigation and fall in love, and Veronica is like "Victory is mine!"
Tabitha starts franchising Pop's in NYC, and when Jughead finds out he's like "sus, very sus" and goes there and eats and is like ".....this is actually pretty spot-on". And he becomes a regular (who actually orders food and pays because he can now), and Tabitha is supervising the diner for a time, and they start to chat on late nights when he's the only customer left but the diner isn't scheduled to close for another two hours, so Tabitha could use the company. Jughead doesn't realize she's Pop's granddaughter, and Tabitha doesn't realize he's her grandpa's favorite customer (and known moocher, in her opinion), and when they find out, they're both very shocked. They clear up the moocher thing and keep falling in love, and it's beautiful, and Veronica spends some her spare time prying into Jughead's newest late-night haunt and then teasing him about his crush on the owner and later "of course you fell for Pop's granddaughter, of course".
-Jabitha or bugabitha: Jughead cooks his tired (future?) girlfriend(s) dinner because yes, he does know how to cook because he loves food, so obviously he learned how to cook, and also he notices how much his girlfriend(s) work and wants to take care of them.
-Jabitha: Tabitha teaching Jughead how to cook some of Pop's recipes one late, slow night, and yes, they kiss at the end and/or when he makes her something on another late, slow night or slow afternoon or one morning when he opens and she shows up later
-Bugabitha: Tabitha needs help with a mystery/situation and goes to Betty and Jughead's PI agency to hire them (whether Betty and Jughead are together is up for grabs), and they are both charmed as fuck by her, and Tabitha tags along on the investigation for idk reasons, and they all fall in love and also solve a mystery
-Jabitha: smut/pwp of Jughead eating Tabitha out in Pop's while they're both still in uniform
-Jabith or Bugabith: like three students trip and fall into being way too invested in their teacher's/teachers' love life/lives and become convinced that something is going on between Jughead and Tabitha (and maybe also Betty) and start snooping while also documenting it on a popular "my English teacher is dating his other boss (and also my shop teacher)" or "my English teacher is two-timing his boss with my shop teacher" TikTok series that Jughead and Tabitha (and Betty) don't know about it until it goes viral after the kids finally get proof they're together / find out that it's not that Jughead's cheating with Betty and/or Tabitha's cheating with Betty but that the three of them are dating (see: that one fanart I commissioned of the Elite meme). Told from the kids' pov, very comedy-heavy (more comedy than ship fluff, tbh), includes replies to the TikToks and other social media stuff. Still considering writing this myself, but I don't know if I'm funny enough, tbh
-Bugabitha: how they do or do not celebrate holidays and birthdays, especially if the holidays involving shuffling between/avoiding their families and Betty recounts the disaster that was Jughead's birthday in 1x10, right down to (lovingly) roasting him for the "I'm weird, I'm a weirdo" speech (she will be kind by including how sweet he was in the diner, of course)
-Bugabitha: Alice finally finds out that Betty, Jughead, and Tabitha are all dating when Betty moves out of the Cooper house and into an apartment with Jughead and Tabitha. It includes something like the following exchange, Alice's last-ditch effort to convince Betty not to do this:
"Elizabeth, you cannot think that moving in with your ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend is wise."
"Mom, I'm not moving in with my ex and his girlfriend, I'm moving in with my boyfriend and my girlfriend, and you're making me late for lunch with them, bye." And then Betty leaves before Alice can respond
And then it's very important that Alice freaks out. If you want, you can also include FP and Gladys finding out (v chill) and Pop finding out (the most wholesome and supportive)
-Jabitha: Pop playing matchmaker with Jughead and Tabitha at any age, could be in an au where Tabitha comes to visit Pop every summer and Jughead kinda falls for her from afar as a teen, could be Jughead gets a job post-senior year at Pop’s during the summer when Tabitha is working there that summer, could be during the canon s5 or an au s5, could be any time, idk
- Jabitha, bughead, or bugabitha: Jughead's editor says that his novel needs a sex scene for whatever reason, idk, idc, but his POV character/narrator is a woman, and he's like "how do I write this without finding myself on one of those lists of 'men who can't write women?'" and bemoans this one day, and, idk, somehow his friend(s) Tabitha and/or Betty trip and fall into ~helping~ him by being very explicit and descriptive of how it feels while they bone
I think that’s it? Let’s say that’s it for now.
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sparkles-and-trash · 3 years
Modern ATLA AU Headcanons Meme
Reblog this post, and your own answers!
I love myself some modern AU's, and I love how different they all are, so, I made this so we can all share, and feel free to add characters if you want, and just not do any of these if the character isn't important to you!
Bending? Yes! Always!
Monarchy? Nope
Our world or theirs? Their's all the way
Animals? Boring ones from our world, it's what I know the best lol
Tattoos? yes, always, and I keep the inspired by the ones in the movie (the movie is awful but the tattoos are cool and actual rl inspired?
Home life/family/upbringing? I usually go with him being raised by Monk Gyatso, and keep everything else kind of vague
Major/job? I go back and fourth, but I like him as a tattoo artist, or as a vet, anything with animals, or as a nurse, preferably a pediatric nurse!
Hobbies? Skating, in any form, yoga, meditation, painting and art
Vegetarian or Vegan? I think he's be cruelty free as far as it's possible
Appa and Momo? Big, fluffy rescue dog and small, shifty cat
personality compared to canon? Pretty similar, maybe a tad less traumatized considering the war didn't happen, but he's still the Avatar, and he still suffered great loss very young
how long have they've known the Gaang? Toph since always, water sibs since middle- or high-school, Zuko either middle school or uni, spending on the story, Suki in high school when she dates Sokka
some random headcanon(s)? he doesn't drink, but he does occasionally enjoy some ouíd at parties or when others drink
Home life/family/upbringing? Their mother died when they were really young, and Hakoda married his lifelong best friend, Bato. They're generally a happy family.
Major/job? I love doctor Katara, and vet Katara, but also Katara in Politics, working hard making the world a better place!
personality compared to canon? Extremely similar, kind, brave, not afraid to speak her mind, awkward in certain situations, a pesky but loving younger sister, etc.
how long have they've known the Gaang? meets Aang and Toph early high school, Suki pretty fast after, Zuko late high school or uni
Hobbies? Sporty, likes to play all sports but doesn't do any seriously, swimming, surfing, writing, reading
some random headcanon(s)? she very good in school, but she's not a goody-two-shoes, she likes a good party as much as anyone
Home life/family/upbringing? Their mother died when they were really young, and Hakoda married his lifelong best friend, Bato. They're generally a happy family.
Major/job? I always like him as some type of engineer, but anything clever and creative is cool!
personality compared to canon? Similar, but maybe a little less... insecure? in that he never had to protect for his entire Tribe very young, and he did very well in school and had lots of talent, but also he has enough struggles to not be a dick? Extremely competitive and protective tho.
how long have they've known the Gaang? meets Aang and Toph early high school, starts dating Suki soon after, Zuko late high school or uni
Hobbies? Surfing in summer, skating, always, drawing and painting, gaming
some random headcanon(s)? has ADHD, is a bi-king, very comfortable with that, and is somehow good friends with all of his exes
Home life/family/upbringing? Similar to canon, just a modern rich asshole version of Ozai, who's either a huge criminal or just inherited a lot of money, Ursa out of the picture, Iroh as caretaker from a young age, but still lived kinda sheltered and was very lonely in his kid and teen years
Major/job? I like tons of stuff for him, either him managing a Jasmin Dragon, preferably with him adding a book café, but also a writer, photographer or tattoo artist
personality compared to canon? very similar, but since I usually write them uni aged or older, he's more mature? But he does still have some anger management issues, can be oblivious to social settings, awkward, brash and has very little knowledge of some basic stuff due to growing up rich. But he's also very loyal, loves his friends so much, and wants everyone to be okay, all the time.
how long have they've known the Gaang? Aang either middle school or late high school, Toph from a young age, and the others either late high school or uni.
Hobbies? Writing, photography, reading, fan fiction, musical nerd, bad gamer
Scar story? Ozai, in some way, preferably when Zuko speaks against something evil he did in front of the wrong people, so similar to canon
some random headcanon? used to have a pretty bad stutter, and even tho it's almost not noticeable anymore, he's very insecure about it
Home life/family/upbringing? Extremely sheltered, barley got to go to public school, snuck out a lot, moves out the second she can and has a tense relationship with her parents
Major/job? I never know tbh, so many possibilities, but I like her as some sort of teacher, either in earth bending, or martial art!
personality compared to canon? Pretty much similar as canon? Loud, unapologetically herself, fiercely protective over her friends, funny af
how long have they've known the Gaang? Toph and Aang since childhood, water sibs since early high school
Hobbies? passionate about good music, is a talented drummer, knows piano from childhood, is a fairly popular youtube gamer/streamer
some random headcanon? demiromantic bisexual, she teaches Zuko how to play the piano and he loves it sm it's their thing
Home life/family/upbringing? Was raised by a single mom and has a bunch of siblings, not poor, but lower middle class, but comes from a loving home
Major/job? Professional athlete of some type, then a coach when retired
personality compared to canon? The same as for what we know! Good attitude, including, funny, very passionate.
how long have they've known the Gaang? most of them from high school when she starts dating Sokka!
Hobbies? Surfing, gaming, material arts, music, plays the bass
some random headcanon? flannel bi, has lots of freckles and big, green eyes
Home life/family/upbringing? Similar to canon, but her mom divorced her father around the start of high school, and they had it a lot better then. She loves her little brother a lot, he's pretty similar to her and looks up to her a lot.
Major/job? Forensic Science major, usually
personality compared to canon? Similar, very similar. Quiet and calculating, but loves her friends and family dearly. Witty, in a quiet way.
Hobbies? plays the violin, reads a lot, goes to a lot of concerts
some random headcanon? I think of her as a lesbian, but I like aro ace Mai, too
Home life/family/upbringing? Same as Zuko, but she moves in with Iroh a little later than him. No contact with her father after that tho, goes on the fitness stand against him after the Zuko thing. Very protective of Zuko, and she doesn't hide it, but she can be ruthless with him, too.
Major/job? Leadership, of some kind
personality compared to canon? She's definitely still Azula, she's amazing at reading people, can be cunning, and mean, but not cruel. Had a major psychological breakdown a few years after their father got sent to jail, a reaction to pushing everything away for. so long, and spent some time in a psychiatric hospital, and dealt with a lot with the therapists and doctors there. A very loyal friend.
Hobbies? material arts, advanced fire bending, fashion and reading
some random headcanon? was the leader of the debate club in high school, became a straight up legend in that crowd.
Ty Lee:
Home life/family/upbringing? Basically the same as canon
Major/job? professional gymnast
personality compared to canon? Same as canon
Hobbies? Dancing, cosplay, fashion
some random headcanon? Knows everyone's name, always.
Idk, tag a few people if you wanna, but no pressure to ever do it!
@flamelo @littlespoonsokka and literally everyone who wants to sorry I'm so bad at tagging jslkgg
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bamf-jaskier · 3 years
I really don't think there's a correlation between the Coën's actor and how little he appears in fanfiction. Aiden shows up a bunch probably bc he's basically a blank slate and there were a lot of plot holes around his whole story. And the idea of asshole clown Lambert having a friend/more than a friend is intriguing to explore for a lot of people. Coën doesn't get a whole lot of screen time anywhere (which is disappointing tbh, I fricking love him just based off of his interactions w Ciri in BoE) so there's not a lot of... the kind of emotional situations to explore with his character that you'd get elsewhere (aka Lambert and Aiden). He's books only (RIP), so someone who's only played the games/seen the Netflix show very easily could have never even heard of him. The Aiden stuff is much more visible and you don't have to slog thru Sapowski's obsession w breasts to get to it 🤷‍♀️ idk just my thots
For reference, anon is referencing this ask. 
I think there is a bit of correlation. Now, Coën was never the most popular character. He is mentioned in the the first Witcher Game during the memory of a blade quest in Chapter 2. He is also in Blood of Elves and appears in one of Ciri’s hallucinations in Lady of the Lake. 
He is very upbeat and plays with Ciri a lot while she stays at Kaer Morhen and even is one of the Witcher training her in swords. He’s actually very sweet towards Ciri and it’s really nice to see someone treat her like a real kid. 
So yeah, Coën isn’t mentioned a whole lot I think he’s in three scene total in the books and one quest in the games and all we really know about him is that he is funny, same age as Lambert, has yellow-green bloodshot eyes and a beard he uses to hide scars from childhood, and is a Witcher from Poviss. Coën is a member of the Kaer Morhen Witchers at least while Ciri is there. He is a pretty blank slate and there’s a lot to explore with his story but there is a solid base to work with as well!
With Aiden, he is not in the books at all and only mentioned in TW3 during the Following the Thread quest where we are told he was a friend of Lambert’s who was killed and Geralt and him go on a merry chase to avenge his death. There’s some great lines here about Lambert and Aiden being friends and working together but we never actually meet Aiden. 
Here’s where is gets interesting. There are 172 works on AO3 that have Coën as a character and only about 5 of those were posted before his casting was announce in Feb 2020. Compared to Aiden who has 497 works on AO3 and around 450 of those being posted after Feb 2020. And most of those Coën fanfics? Have him as a very minor character at best while many of the Aiden fics pair him with Lambert or have him play a larger role. 
Aiden really isn’t that visible a character unless you really dive into the fandom and you want to slog through CDPR’s obsession with Triss’ breasts. However, Coën’s name has been floating around for a while now since his casting in the show meaning he has been getting publicity as a character while Aiden’s character has gotten nothing of the sort but he still remains the much more popular choice. And just to clarify, both can be awesome characters and you don’t have to decide between one or the other. Use both! Write both! They aren’t polar opposites and they aren’t ultimatums of each other. 
There isn’t really any obvious direct connection between Coën’s character being cast as a poc and the lack of content. No one has said “I didn’t write Coën in Kaer Morhen raising Ciri with the others because he is a poc now”.
But I do think we have to look at the fact that despite many articles talking for almost a year now about Coën, Eskel and Lambert being the Witchers we will meet in season 2, the fandom has largely chosen to write Coën, a canon character of color, out of the Kaer Morhen and raising Ciri fandom narrative. It comes down again the how the subconscious choices we make as a fandom seemingly reflect this sense of bias. 
I don’t even know if most people have noticed this before these asks have brought it up. Maybe you haven’t kept up to date with any of the casting news and had no idea they cast someone as this Witcher named Coën you have never heard of. That’s all fine!
It is just interesting how Coën is so excluded while another minor character with a similar backstory and given fandom personality (many people write Aiden as the mischievous, fun loving type similar to Coën) is given so more attention. You can use these two side characters to see a parallel of how fandom treats a canon character of color like Coën.
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soopysoap · 3 years
Uh, I read your post about having an 80's au for the foreigen kids. And since I'm a Foreigen kids stan, can you tell me more about it?
They're really just random n messy ideas and i forget how many there are but i'm throwing them all here
so the whole thing takes place in highschool and mainly surrounds the cockswolds cotswolds (mainly mark but rebecca is usually there too)
most of them are seniors, rebecca's a junior
mark is an unpopular nerd, therefore the main character because it's the 80s. so is rebecca but she's not the main character
uhh everyone else is kinda just there
like there are no side characters all the foreign kids are kinda equal focus- wise but the main one is mark i guess
like the leader of their group idk idk
estella is the stereotypical rich popular girl, but she's also a closeted lesbian they're all closeted tbh so she's trying to hide that from her mom. Her mom, instead of being all 'Blah blah blah brrak hearts to fuel my life' or something she's just obsessed with status and how popular Estella is. She's always pleased when Estella has a boyfriend, but it's not often. Basically Estella is more smiley and happy than she usually is, but she's stil usually indifferent. Smiles either when she's genuinely happy or wants something. Most of the time she's deadpan or rolling her eyes
Gaydamien is the rich popular jock, his ego is huge. His dad (since he cant be the son of satan in this one) is the principal of their school. He usually gets what he wants, no matter what. Instead of "You dare [insert something here] to the Prince of Hell????" its that but with "Damien Thorn???" yknow because of his last name. He's been dating Estella to boost his ego, mainly. Doesn't realize he likes guys yet. Estella and Damien hate each other, but everyone believes they're dating because they're too scared to say otherwise. They complain about each other to each other AND to people in private.
Pip is just- he's less of a nerd but more of a kid that's just. There. He isn't nerdy but he definitely isn't popular. At all. He's just a pushover man idk what to tell you. He's usually being bullied. He has a huge crush on Damien, because he got him out of trouble with some other jock like. Once. Always gets giggly around him, it's funny to watch. Also very passive aggressive @ Estella because she's dating him. They have very few classes together, but whenever they do he's always like "hey :) so hows damien" and she responds with "why would i know" and he's like "because??? youre dating him???" and she looks really confused for a second and then is like "OH- Oh yeah okay uh. I don't know. So." and then she starts complaining about him or something and pip is all ":) why not just break up?"
Pip also hates Christophe
Which, speaking of, Christophe is also an annoying egotistical jock who plays football with Damien. Damien and Christophe are best friends. Christophe and Gregory are dating in secret
Gregory is the stereotypical gay kid. No other way to put this. If Ryan Evans from High School Musical had a superiority complex. He's a theatre kid, and takes pride in tha- OH MY GOD. Rachel??? Maybe he's Rachel Berry from Glee??? it would kind of work idk,, ok uh anyway yeah he's always bullied for being openly gay and it sucks but he took defense classes in Yardale (yes he's still a transfer from Yardale, yes he constantly mentions it) so he's able to hold his own. But Christophe usually steps in to get Gregory out of there and tend to his wounds.
Rebeccaaaaaa she's the unpopular girl, just started school and doesnt know shit about it after being homeschooled almost her whole life. Has a little crush on Estella, but Estella "Doesn't" notice her. (Estella just thinks of her as some pretty girl who isnt worth her time) Rebecca usually keeps to herself, is usually gossiped about. Estella never gets involved, but whenever she'd get asked about it, instead of defending Rebecca she just says "I hardly believe any of the rumors. She was homeschooled, not taught in witchcraft or satanisim. Or whatever else everyone's saying. Everyone should really calm themselves, if they were so worried about what people thought of them when Rebecca started going here then they should get that in order first before ruining Rebecca's social life. God. You all have to grow up." So, not necessarily a defense but also not an insult. Rebecca still finds it sweet.
Mark is a neerrrrrrd 80s main character. Minus the popular love interest and yearning 😩 And also if the main character had a god/superiority complex.. he's bullied the most other than Gregory, mostly by Damien n Christophe. Girls don't like him, guys don't like him, he really only had Pip and Rebecca for a while. Pip because he's overly nice to almost everyone and wanted to befriend Mark immediately. Usually during lunch Mark sits with Pip and Rebecca. Mark has to hear about Damien all the time from Pip though, so that's annoying.
Uh I know that Pocket is TECHNICALLY a foreign kid but idk shit about him and dont really think about him but he's Estella's cousin and often hangs out with her since he doesn't really have a friend group. He's also really good friends with Pip. BUT since this is a horror au he dies off early
After theyre all friends some stuff happens yada yada yada Gaymien realizes he's pan and has a crush on Pip, Estella takes Rebecca out for a makeover , Christophe gets severely injured because this is a horror au as well, Damien and Pip make out at some point-
Estella and Rebecca both know that theyre Lesbians but they refuse to admit that they like each other
Kinda thinking of this as if it was stranger things or something so i definitely want there to be like... a series of bad events. everyone thinks everythings cool and fine and whatever and there are moments where our group kinda just get to chill n' be kids. idk i just want there to be a falling out in the group and then they all realize they need each other or something dumb like that
also for some fun chill moments we can have estella and rebecca walking around holding hands and laughing n' stuff bc they love each other idk idk
and after the falling out when they all join together again estella is the first to see some scary stuff but she was also the first to drop everyone except damien and christophe (because of her mother) and so she blames herself and doesnt think she can go to them and just has to deal with it on her own
eventually she tells damien who immediately tells pip who immediately wants to get the group together again
everyone's (the cockswolds) are reluctant to hang out again because of the way they were just forgotten so easily, but they go anyway. because of the horror stuff. they both are pissed at estella though
at some point estella gets badly hurt and rebecca saves her and starts nursing her back to health
estella: why are you... why are you doing this. dont you hate me?
rebecca: i'm doing it because i actually care for you, idiot.
estella: i care for you i just... couldnt...
rebecca: what? spend time with a lowlife like me?
estella: you know thats not what i meant-
they go on like that for a little while longer until they wind up confessing to each other "Because I love you! Is that so fucking hard to believe?!" Would be rebecca's and Estella's would probably be "I don't hate you! You're my favorite person, and I hated having to stop hanging out with you! I love you, okay?!" it would be :) fun
damien and estella come out to each other first. well- damien doesnt really come out he just tells her how confused he is and they hug it out and estella tells him she's a lesbian and they both talk a little while longer and decide that breaking up would be the best idea
thats all i've really figured out for sure,, i have some more ideas but this is. a lot already so. i'm just gonna stop before i write too much 👉👉 anyway, anon ily ty for this. also sidenote: the horror stuff has to do with weird sacrificial cults. i know i have nothing for that and really only talked about how everything starts and drama instead of the interesting stuff but 🥴 i have no defense i just love my kids ok drama is fun
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by n0b0dysp3rf3ct
What’s your favourite song to sing to? These days it’s Sweet Night by V, but it always changes tbh. I don’t really have an all-time favorite song to sing along to.
What’s your relationship like with your exes? Nonexistent. I’m good at blocking off people and memories like that, no matter how special the relationship had been or how much time we spent together. I don’t feel guilty about it; I actually feel more at peace this way.
What mistake do you find yourself making over and over again? Procrastinating and putting off things I could literally finish in 10 minutes or less. I’ve been better about it, to be fair to myself; but the habit comes out every once in a while and I always end up kicking myself in the ass for not already knowing any better.
What are you afraid to lose? Hmm...probably people, especially my friends. I’ve been starting to think more about this these days. My two best friends are in very good, committed relationships, and I know that one day they’ll have lives and families of their own, maybe even move out of the country. I’m finally acknowledging the fact that maybe I am afraid of getting left behind and ending up alone. Those thoughts make me sad, though, and I hate being stuck in feeling sad, so I try to shake them off and focus on my happiness in the present.
What’s one of the hardest decisions you’ve had to make? Agreeing to break up with Gabie. I never liked admitting defeat, so that was a particularly brutal afternoon.
Have you ever gave up on a love interest as they acted differently around other people? I’ve never been in this situation.
Do you think you’re ready for love? What does love even mean to you? I’m taking a break from it, actually. I was in a relationship that I put a lot of effort in for a long time, and I don’t mind focusing on myself for now especially considering I put myself in the backseat for the entirety of said relationship. I feel no need to jump into another relationship any time soon.
What was the last thing you turned down doing? Angela was showing me some shops that were starting to put up offers for the new BTS Hybe Insight photocards. Those photocards are only being given away to visitors who go to the new Hybe museum, and we didn’t want to technically pirate them, so we both chose not to buy. We can wait till we can travel to South Korea together and get the photocards for ourselves :)
Have you ever fell for someone who was clearly bad for you? Technically...yeah? She eventually ended up being bad for me, but I didn’t know it at the time.
Are you a party animal? No. I like attending parties, but I never want to be the center of attention.
Who are you the biggest fan of? My best friends.
When was the last time someone really let you down? I haven’t felt that disappointed in anyone in a while. 
What song can you not help but dance to? Mic Drop.
You’re DJ for the night - first track to get everyone going? ...Now that I mentioned it, Mic Drop. The Steve Aoki remix in particular. Sorry folks, y’all are getting K-Pop tonight.
Have you ever been too scared to tell someone how you felt about them? Yes.
Where do you feel the most inspired and creative? Erm, never? I never feel creative. But when it comes to being inspired, I usually feel it when I have one-on-one talks with Bea. She schedules a brief talk with me once every few months just to catch up and ask me how I’m doing, work-wise and growth-wise. I find that it really helps and I always exit the call wanting to perform better at work.
Have you ever been hit on by a pushy person? No.
When’s the last time you met someone for a coffee? I’ve never done that.
Describe the ideal man or woman for you: Kim Taehyung. That man is doing a stupid great job ruining everyone else for me.
What place in nature would you love to visit one day? Somewhere with auroras.
What accent do you find attractive? Like I’ve said on previous answers, I like Florence Pugh’s accent, whatever it is. I could listen to it all day.
What do you think you’re really good at? I’ve always loved writing and I’m pretty confident in my skills.
Do you have something you’d like to tell someone right now? I know Jo is going through a breakup and I want to reach out and share a few reassuring words, but I’m not very good at that kind of stuff. And since she isn’t initiating, it might mean she wants her own space for now too.
Have you ever had feelings for a friends partner? Never.
What career would you love to pursue: I’m more than okay with my current field. But had things turned out differently, I’d most likely be taking up law.
What was the biggest lies you’ve told? I never like lying so I try to make the ones I make as trivial as possible.
How can you tell if someone loves you? Idk for the most part I believe people have different love languages, so expression is always different for everyone. I don’t wait for people to act a certain way for me to deduce that they love me.
What’s one of your fondest memories? Front row at a Paramore concert, 2017. I went alone and danced without a care in the world and sang along to every song, and it was one of the nicest couple hours of my life.
What’s your favourite thing to do that doesn’t cost much? Taking surveys is literally free.
What do you feel unnecessarily judged for? I feel like I would be judged for having an entire blog just for surveys, which is exactly why I don’t share about this hobby with anyone. Not even my ex knew about it until much later on in our relationship.
What are you proud of yourself for? Still being here is a big thing.
What relaxes you after a busy day? As is pretty obvious already at this point, BTS. I like looking for funny compilations or interviews of theirs to watch to de-stress.
Have you ever known someone who suffered from drug addiction? Nope. Not that I know of, at least.
Why did your last relationship end? She wasn’t in it anymore.
Who do you have a crush on? Taehyung :/
When was the last time you stayed up all night? I was up until 4 AM earlier, if that counts. I don’t really do entire all-nighters anymore; latest I can do is either 4 or 5 AM.
Have you ever been someone’s rebound? No.
What would you fight LTR for the right to do? I don’t know what that is or who they are.
When did you last apologise? What was it for and was it accepted? Some work stuff came up today and it was something I needed to ask my manager about, so I had to message her. I apologized profusely before and after my main message since it’s a weekend and I HATE making my co-workers think about work on weekends, but the matter was a little urgent and it couldn’t wait. But eventually the thing got sorted out, so I followed up with a message asking her to disregard my question, and I sent her a heart GIF as well.
Have you ever been to Cuba? I haven’t, but I’d like to visit.
What do you feel positive about? That I am most likely ordering Frankie’s tonight because I’m having a serious craving for spicy Korean wings that I can’t ignore anymore.
Do you know any Spanish? I’ve retained the words, sentences, and verb tenses I was able to learn when I was still training on Duolingo; and Filipino has a lot of Spanish influences, so I wouldn’t say I’m completely unfamiliar with Spanish. I wouldn’t be able to last a conversation, though.
If you could go on a road trip now, where’s you go? Continued from this morning. I’d probably just go back to Tagaytay. La Union could be a great road trip spot as well.
When in danger are you more fight or flight? Flight. What makes you irrationally angry? When people speak excessive Taglish, especially in a work setting. Most Filipinos are fluent in both, so I’d wish they’d pick one and stick to it. I find code-switching pretty unprofessional for the most part.
Do you feel self conscious about a certain body part? Sure.
Is there someone you’ll always be there for? If so, who? My best friends.
Have you been accused of being manipulative? Gab probably did a few times, but I barely remember those memories anymore.
What’s the most romantic thing someone has done for you? I literally can’t remember anymore.
What or who do you miss from your childhood? The ability to be carefree and the greater space to make mistakes.
Do you miss late night calls with a certain somrone? No, I hate calls.
What would you like to do again some time? Be able to go back to coffee shops.
What’s your least favourite season? Summer.
Do you know someone who’s ridiculously arrogant and entitled? A lot of boomers and older Gen X-ers.
Have you ever considered violence to solve your problem? No.
Who’s the best dancer you know? That I know in real life? Aubrey. Overall, Park Jimin.
What’s the best bit of advice you’ve received? I can’t seem to remember the exact same quote they gave me, but it was Andi telling me a few months ago not to rush my healing so I can avoid potentially harming myself in the process.
How good a swimmer are you? Not very good. I just like swimming leisurely.
What’s your favourite baby animal? Puppies and baby elephants.
What’s the best compliment you have received? It’s always nice to be told I’m strong.
What’s your favourite gemstone? Don’t have one.
Do you bounce back well when things go wrong or does it take a while? It takes a while, but I always get there eventually.
What’s an underrated colour/shade you really like? Not sure; the colors I tend to lean towards I think are pretty popular choices.
What insult or label would hurt you the most to recieve? Being told I’m useless or a burden.
How often do you notice the attractiveness of strangers? I rarely find strangers attractive.
Are you good at hiding your emotions? No, I practically wear them on my face.
Are you romantic? More than I’d like to admit.
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komatsunana · 4 years
My Reincarnation Isekai Villainess Rec List
So.  I’ve gone and found myself in Isekai/Reincarnation/Villainess hell.  For those who don’t know Isekai is a genre in which character(s) are transported to a different world.  Initially you might be thinking “oh, she’s gonna share a both a series like Sword Art Online.”  Oh no.  You have underestimated the amount of taste I have.  By which I mean I have none but that SOA is a taste I’m not here for.
Now a very specific sub-genre of that is the reincarnation one, particularly in which a character is reborn as a character from one of their favorite books or games from their previous, modern life.  An even more specific sub-genre of that one is in which the MC is reborn as a villainess from that book or game, thus creating a bit of a challenge as villainesses usually are destined to die in the source material. 
So! Here are my favorites, many of which are all 3 but some combine one or two of the above tropes.  It’s my list so I do what I want.  And most of my faves have a shojo genre tag, or at least a romance tag, because that’s where all the good stuff is: 
Survive as the Hero’s Wife by Nokki
Canaria is reincarnated as the villainess of a popular cliche novel. Based on the novel, she is destined to be executed but can she prevent this from happening before it’s too late? 
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Why *I* like it:  So this one was the one that really got me into the villainess reincarnation isekai genre!  And it remains the top of my list. The huge draw for me in this one is that I actually really like the main couple!  Like not even just lukewarm, I really like it!  I’d read fic for it, if that existed.  A lot of the villainess genre tend to portray the original heroine as vapid, unworthy of their status of heroine, or the actual villainess but in this case Gracie just turns out to be just an amazing strong woman who doesn’t actually need a man.  (In fact I ship the three together full stop tbh lol).  In fact, it’s a subplot that Gracie realizes (because of MC’s words) that if she wants to inherit her father’s title even though the law says a woman cannot... That she just should strive to change the law rather than be a tool with no use outside of marriage.   And not to spoil anything, but she will definitely do just that.
And since I’m mainly finishing the rough draft of this list out of absolute RAGE at being made fun of for being into this genre.... A compilation of the main love interest, Cesar, because he’s absolutely beautiful.  Look at those eyes!  He’s such a great example of the sullen, dark love interest because he’s not those things when he’s with his wife, the MC!!!  He’s so soft for her.  And the whole point is that the love interest shows a different side to their lover right??
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And like the great thing is Canaria, the MC, totally doesn’t notice for the longest time.  She read the novel in her previous life so she’s *convinced* that one day Cesar will fall for the novel’s original leading woman, and she makes plans accordingly throughout their early days of their marriage.  She completely hadn’t thought about the fact that since she’s not being a villainess this time around and not abusing him and everyone around her, and makes friends with Cesar... Like of course the course of events change.  It utterly baffles Cesar when his wife keeps bringing up divorce because he’s so completely in love with her and you just gotta eat that shit up with a spoon because it’s so good and perfect drama but also funny.
There’s even a Halloween chapter where everyone wears costumes and basically I believe I was pandered to specifically.
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Tbh, the arc going atm is sorta losing my interest but that’s because there’s political intrigue and I’m like just here for the romance lmao.  So someone looking for substance and not just fluff might be more pleased than I. But it’s still on-going so.  It’s just all in all a fun and great introduction to the genre imo.
I Reincarnated into an Otome Game as a Villainess With Only Destruction Flags by Hidaka Nami (Art) and Yamaguchi Satoru (Story)
Eight-year-old Katarina Claes is the only daughter of a duke, living her life peacefully and without incident until she hits her head on a rock... and then remembers that she is not actually the duke's daughter. She used to be an otaku who died on her way to school after spending the entire previous night playing Fortune Lover, her favorite otome game. After noticing that her current surroundings seem oddly familiar, she is shocked to discover that she has been reincarnated into the world of Fortune Lover as the villainess.
The villainess in the game usually winds up dead or exiled, so Katarina decides to use her knowledge of the game and its routes to avoid any bad situations. But is it even possible for the villainess to reach a good ending?
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Why *I* like it:  Ok ok ok, lol. So this one is probably one of the most well-known of the villainess reincarnation isekai genre atm!  Particularly because of the anime currently running.  And for good reason... the MC is so brilliantly stupid in the best of ways.  While she plots on how to escape her fate of being killed or exiled by learning to sword fight and how to garden, she’s more or less seduced every capture target in this dating game... AND all the female rivals to boot AND heroine.  The thing is that she is completely unaware and continues training for the day she is inevitably killed or exiled, as per the game’s original ending.
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It’s just a silly, fun series and all the women’s feelings for her are taken about as seriously as all the guys’... Which isn’t much because absolutely no one really has a chance of getting this woman to understand they are all madly in love with her.  Not a series to take seriously which is part of it’s charm, but it retains a lot of heart especially when it comes to the MC Katarina (affectionally called Bakarina by fandom) remembering her friend and family from her past life.  
This series also has a manga spin-off about what if she’d been reincarnated while already in high school and bullying the heroine instead of a child... So basically she’s in hard mode, and yet she still succeeds in getting even more people into her little harem she has for herself.  
Whether you chose to watch the anime or the manga (or the LN, which I haven’t got to) you can’t go wrong.
It Seems Like I Got Reincarnated Into The World of a Yandere Otome Game by  Hanaki, Momiji (Story) and Setsuri (Art)
As a precocious child, Lycoris suffers from a strange sense of deja vu. On the day her father told her about her fiancé, she realizes that her fiancé was a character from an otome game she once played in a previous life.
“I am the heroine’s rival from the game?
And in the bad ending, I get stabbed to death?
What a joke.”
A story in which the protagonist is determined to avoid a yandere situation.
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Why *I* like it: Hear me out! I know what you’re thinking... Yanderes??? But here’s the thing...  Just by the MC being kind and getting 2 of the “yandere” characters out of abusive environments, they no longer end up as yanderes as they grow up.   They aren’t those tropes any more!  While the characters remain protective, they aren’t possessive and are happy to see MC branch out, if a little lonely.  And the yandere that remain aren’t treated as hot, but annoying.   So like sorry to disappoint if you think yanderes are hot but this isn’t the series for you.
Additionally, unlike other series of this trope, the MC is pretty quick to realize she just needs to trust her lover, that he will not turn on her and kill her as he did in the game nor will he fall for the heroine instead of her.  It’s somewhat refreshing, as a huge part of the trope is the MC typically doesn’t realize until it’s spelled out that by not acting as a villain.... the rest of the characters don’t want to harm them... And might even have fallen in love with them.
Another fun aspect is how MC doesn’t remember things immediately, but only remembers things from her past life (and of how the game went) until it comes up.  Additionally, she wonders some interesting things that aren’t even mentioned in other series like... What if she’s destined to be exactly like the game character? Will she be forced to be exactly like her? It’s a fun exploration of some common reincarnation isekai villainess tropes if you have experience with the genre!
Ascendance of a Bookworm by Shiina You (Art) and Kazuki Miya (Story)
A book-loving student and soon to be librarian ends up crushed to death by the pile of books during an earthquakes and wakes up as a five year old girl named Main in another world where books are scarce only available to the elite.  Main, retaining her memories of her past life, decides to create and print her own books so she can read again.
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Why *I* like it:  So here is we depart from solely the villainess sub-genre (but only briefly!)  Because there is another sub-genre of reincarnation isekai and that’s in which the MC uses the things they learned on our planet earth to re-invent things like shampoo and the printing press.  And no other isekai does it better than Ascendance of a Bookworm imo. Main’s love for books leads her to recreating things she took for granted on Earth and starts selling them from a young age... Which might just end up saving her life as she ends up having a terminal disease that ordinarily she’d only be able to survive by being a slave to a noble... But by selling her products she has a chance to save herself!!!  And the products she creates are available to commoners, not just the nobles who of course make it impossible for the poor to have nice things.
Additionally, a majority of this trope centers around nobles and royalty (and all the best ones are historical settings)... The fun thing about this one is that it actually centers around a povert stricken family.  It’s a good break from the noble hierarchy within most isekai.
Finally, this series is the one that hits most closely to my feelings if I were to be reincarnated in another world... Which is to cry at the realization that I will never finish any of the on-going books and manga I had going on.  That’s absolute hell, I don’t know how any of these MCs deal!! ;_;
btw there is an anime and manga both. Also LN but tbh almost all of these have LN.
Isekai Omotenashi Gohan by  Shinobumaru (Story) and Medamayaki (Art) 
Akane, an ordinary office lady, gets summoned to a different world along with her younger sister and pet dog. There, she ends up treating rare guests one after another with hospitality through meals!! Can she satisfy the citizens of a different world with home cooking...?! 
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Why *I* like it:   Continuing our brief deviation from the villainess trope, Isekai Omotenashi Gohan is my favorite example of another subgenre of isekai - one without reincarnation - but one in which a “hero” is transmigrated to another world to save it... The problem? Oppsie, 2 people were taken.  Sometimes in this sub-genre there is a question who the true savior is but in Isekai Omotenashi Gohan’s case they figure that out pretty quickly.  They quickly figure out the MC’s younger sister is the savior.  At first the older sister (Akane) is set aside as unimportant... But her sister only wants to eat the food her sister makes and it quickly becomes obvious that Akane’s role is important.
Akane makes lots of allies and friends by sharing the food from Japan and of course has a very subtle romance going on with her guard.  But honestly I just enjoy this series as a person that likes food manga, like that’s it lmao, so much so that don’t be surprised when I make a best food manga list and yeah sorry Food Wars won’t be on it.
But fr, even if you don’t love the food manga genre try it!! It’s a sweet series and mixes domestic with fantasy in a great way.  Plus only a few series are complete, with the rest being on-going, so if you want a complete and finished series try this one!
The Duke's Fiancee, Why She Had to Go to the Duke by Milcha (Story) and Golae (Art)
When Park Eunha dies in modern-day Korea, she awakens in the body of Raeliana McMillan, the eldest daughter of a nouveaux riche baron. However, this is no ordinary world; it's the exact same one as a novel she once read. Beloved by her family, it would seem as though she is in a fairy tale. But Raeliana is far from the main character—she is a mere plot device, whose murder at the hands of her fiancé instigates the entire story.
Raeliana has no intention to accept her fate quietly. She sets her eyes on someone in a position of great power—the vieux riche male protagonist Duke Noah Volstaire Wynknight—aiming to completely change the original story. Using her knowledge of future events, Raeliana offers information to Noah on the condition that he acts as her fake fiancé, but the Duke's two-faced nature throws a wrench in her plans! 
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Why *I* like it:  This one is a fun one!! It really plays with different concepts that don’t often get explored in reincarnation isekai like where did the original consciousness of the character the MC became go??? Because MC only remembers her life on earth and is otherwise treated as though she has amnesia.... But is it amnesia?  Is she another person entirely?
Also the humor is... great.  Listen I refuse to give the best joke in the series just to make you read it but... the series is worth it just for this running joke.
Of course the romance is good too. The dude is kinda an asshole but she gives as good as he dishes out and it quickly becomes flirting anyway.  I don’t want to say too much and give any thing away... but s’good!
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Who Made Me a Princess? by Plutus (Story) and Spoon (Art)
The beautiful Athanasia was killed at the hands of her own biological father, Claude de Alger Obelia, the cold-blooded emperor! It’s just a silly bedtime story… until one woman wakes up to suddenly find she’s become that unfortunate princess! She needs a plan to survive her doomed fate, and time is running out. Will she go with Plan A, live as quietly as possible without being noticed by the infamous emperor? Plan B, collect enough money to escape the palace? Or will she be stuck with Plan C, sweet-talking her way into her father’s good graces?!
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Why *I* like it:  Ok, big sigh.  How do I explain the pull ‘Who Made Me A Princess?’ has on me?  Now a lot of the pull for many people is how cute the budding father daughter relationship the MC (Athy) has with her dad.  But like, her dad is the worst and I want to fight him.  On the other hand, most of the fandom hates Jeanette, the MC’s sister who has done literally nothing wrong except make everyone around her miserable but it’s not her fault ok, and I’ll fight the entire fandom in her honor.  So it pains me to rec this series knowing that more than likely anyone who picks up this series because of me might have Wrong Opinions and I invite you to tell me just so I can shake my head about another wrong person existing in this world.
Never the less, this series is very cute!  All the other series I have recced had the MC remember their past life at early childhood at the earliest, if not as a teenager.  Athy? She has the misfortune to remember as a *baby* and it’s exactly as hellish as it sounds for an adult to be stuck growing up as a baby and suffer through the absolute embarrassment of having people feed and wipe her ass. 
The MC was an orphan in her previous life and the book that she wakes up in is a shitty book even by her standards but then she really only skimmed it it sounds like that’s what interests me.  As Athy makes changes to the original events of the novel and depth is added to the world, I start to wonder if the added depth was in the original novel or if the world had to add its own depth to stand as an actual lived in world?
Additionally, since I made the cover image Athy and her dad you might as well see her with her 2 love interests (and Jeanette!).  People need to know who to ship, I get it.
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Also I need a moment to appreciate, up close, the beauty of Athy’s eyes. So gorgeous. 
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Living as the Tyrant’s Older Sister by Aperta (Story) and Chyobab (Art)
When I opened my eyes, I was inside a fantasy novel world! The beauty I see in front of the mirror is the future tyrant’s older sister, Alicia! She’s not even a protagonist or an antagonist, but a character that doesn’t appear much and gets beheaded by the (upcoming) tyrant little brother. My life is all about escaping that fate from the novel. In the end, I seduced the male lead’s merchant friend who also doesn’t appear much and was about to leave the country with him. How-e-ver. The face of the man who spent the night with me was extraordinary, and was the male lead himself!
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Why *I* like it:   ……………...keke. Ok so this one is one I like just for the laughs.  The love interest is an arrogant asshole, but see… The important detail the summary leaves out is that the MC’s… cousin (?) wrote the book that she woke up in!  Moreover she’s the one that told her cousin to change the MC of her novel and make him good at everything and also make him a freak in the sack.  Like who is really at fault here??? Lmao.  Especially when she goes out intending to seduce a character she remembers being rich from the novel and accidentally bags the MC from the novel, aka the dude who kills her and her brother in the original novel.
In seriousness though, it really is funny.  The facial expressions of the MC is just… chefs kiss.  She’s got a pretty face but then she makes all these goof ass faces and I love it.  If you need any more reason to at least give it a go, just know that at one point the male lead comes to check on her, expecting to find her crying and instead…. Walks in just as she screams FUCK at the top of her lungs and then begins a tirade of very creative curses including "Bitch oompa loompa ass bitch" which how can you not love her?  Anyway the face the male lead makes after that has me maintaining that’s the moment he fell in love with her lmao.. but this is not Confirmed so it’s not a spoiler!!
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EDIT: as of August 2020, I’ve since dropped this series. It remains on the list since I’d still rec it to people looking for a laugh.
Seduce the Villain’s Father by bia and dalseul
Upon opening my eyes after a bus accident, I found myself in the fantasy world of a webnovel I enjoyed reading... the only catch is, I reincarnated 20 years before the novel begins! Reborn as Princess Yerenica of the small Lebovny kingdom, I'm determined to change the future in order to prevent the series of unfortunate events that will soon occur!
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Why *I* like it:   How many times have you yourself had a suuuuuper side character be your favorite in a series and be depressed to see them done dirty?  Well MC has a chance to fix that, to save a character that basically one appeared in prologue and basically prevent the birth of the villain character that later kills his own father… by seducing his dad, before he can marry the villainess!!
Yerenica is just adorable in her attempts to thwart the original novel.  And like, I have to give her lots of respect for seeing the villainess character and having herself a good moment where she had to consider seducing her instead lmao.  She knows when to let well enough alone though so she immediately boards back on the dad train, much to his chagrin because she keeps calling him father……………….. Even though he’s like…. Not a dad yet.
The characters are still relatively early on in their romance, but I have high hopes for it yet!
Edit: As of August 2020, I’ve dropped this series.  It remains on this list because I think it’s a cute series and I think anyone who feels really strongly about the main couple will enjoy it.
Death Is the Only Ending For The Villainess by Gwon Gyeoeul and SUOL
Penelope Eckart reincarnated as the adopted daughter of Duke Eckart and the villainess of a reverse harem dating sim. The problem is, she entered the game at its hardest difficulty, and no matter what she does, death awaits her at every ending! Before the "real daughter" of Duke Eckart appears, she must choose one of the male leads and reach a happy ending in order to survive. But the two brothers always pick a fight with her over every little thing, as well as a crazy crown prince, whose routes all lead to death. There's even a magician who's enamoured with the female lead, and a loyal slave knight! But somehow, the favourability meters of the male leads increase the more she crosses the line with them!
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Why *I* like it:   So this one is another relatively new one added to my list, but it’s shot high up rather quickly!!  The other otome game isekai’s that I have on my list are just like the real world, but the interesting thing about this one, is that it also retains otome game mechanics such as she can see the love interests love meter and also she can chose to use the video game script choices to reply to the characters, in the hopes of raising their love meter.  This adds challenge, since she knows that if she gets any of the dudes to -10 she’ll be killed even as she sort of wonders if she truly would die or wake back up in reality.
What’s interesting also is that while she is the villainess character in the game… It ends up that the character was actually abused for years and that her title as a villain is unfair and that the game can be played as the villainess as even a player as a ‘hard’ mode compared to the heroine character.  It’s up to her to turn things around and it’s actually a fun take on the villainess genre.  I’m really looking forward to how things proceed even as my fears about which dude she’ll end up with continue to increase.
Finally, another layer I enjoy is that the MC lead a similar life in her previous life.  She’d only just escape her own abusive family before she’d ended up here and MC just desperately wants to escape once again… using any means necessary.
The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass by SanSobe (story) and Ant Studio (art)
With the marriage of her prostitute mother to the Count, Aria’s status in society skyrocketed immediately. After leading a life of luxury, Aria unfairly meets death because of her sister Mielle’s schemes. And right before she dies, she sees an hourglass fall as if it were a fantasy. And just like that, she was miraculously brought back to the past.
“I want to become a very elegant person, just like my sister, Mielle.”
In order to face the villainess, she must become an even more wicked villainess. This was the new path Aria chose to take revenge on Mielle who murdered both her and her mother.
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Why *I* like it:   If you thought that this list might be in descending order, guess again!  This one is one of my favorites.  Now this one lacks isekai, but is a reincarnation of a villainess!! Rather the MC was an absolute horrible person in her past life, but finds out at the last minute that her ~pure~ sister had been leading her by nose into acting like a brat just seconds before she is executed.  Now that she has a second chance, she’ll be a proper villainess and turn the tables on her sister.
In her last life, Aria never bothered educating herself so now that she’s a teenager again she actually has to learn things again (it’s not just like she gets to act like she’s a genius and good at everything) but she works hard at maintaining a sweet image and making everyone love her, even as she snickers behind their backs, all the while subtly setting her sister up for failure.
This is a proper revenge story, I’m promised by those who read the LN!! Revenge stories about women are rare to come back, especially one that doesn’t make revenge look like a total evil thing lol.  What can I say, I have my interests.  Anyway, it’s super cathartic to watch Aria slowly unfold her masterplan to foil her sister’s plans and take everything that her sister had cherished in her previous life. And all that not to mention the certain powers that Aria later discovers she has at her disposal... :3c
Beware of the Villainess by Bbongdda Mask (story) and Pureunkanna (art)
I became the villainess of a novel! Do I hate it? No! I find it rather nice. A duke’s daughter equals a jobless rich person. How can I miss out on a chance like this?! This is the best chance to just enjoy life. I should throw out the main plot and just live life how I want to! Not long after waking up as the villainess, I witnessed my fiancé, the crown prince and the novel’s male lead, cheating. I saw him embrace a lady other than I and he was smiling so bright. I was brought to tears… Just kidding, I didn’t cry! My tears are worth too much to be wasted on that garbage. Instead of tears, I yelled out, “Your highness, are you trash?”
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Why *I* like it:   Listen there are 2 ways to react to waking up as a villain of a series you once read… Either you turn the tables and become a good guy OR you can embrace it!  The world the novel is based on has the basic premise of the pure and good heroine winning the affection of 4 bratty, horrible men.  MC is the fiance of one of them and says fuck that.  She also has some thoughts that none of these dudes deserve the heroine of the novel but this one is still pretty early on so the jury still out on if she’s going to save this poor girl from her fate of ending up with any of these absolute assholes.
This one is along the veins of the previously mentioned Living As the Tyrant’s Older Sister, in that the pull for this series is even less of the romance and more about the comedy aspect… Also MC’s facial expressions are…. Choice.  Just so good. Enough with pretty girls making pretty faces!!  We need more girls being ugly.  It’s what we deserve.  Yell at cheaters!!!!!! Tell them to fuck off!! Yes please.
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Accomplishments of the Duke’s Daughter by Reia (Story), Umemiya Suki (Art)
Although she had reincarnated as the daughter of a Duke's house, by the time she regained her memories, the Ending was already here.
"After he cancels my engagement, the story would have me confined to a church. Where can I find my happy ending?"
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Why *I* like it:  I never read or watched Wolf and Spice but I imagine this is isekai Wolf and Spice… Well it’s got a lot about the economy at least lmao.   That’s literally the only thing I know about Wolf and Spice.  Anyway!!  The twist in this one is that the MC remembers her past life just as she’s about to be exiled, the end of the original game.  What the series focuses on is her life afterwards, as she scrambles to grab at any semblance of a good life… And she does so pretty quickly!
Her past life comes in handy as she sets to work managing a dukedom and fixes the economy!!  Moreover, even though it pains my heart whenever two women are pitted against each other… It does a great job of putting into question the original heroine’s pure shtick as she spends extravagantly on dresses and would rather just donate to the poor one day, instead of Iris the MC who sets to work on fixing the economy and creating jobs for the poor and putting money into bettering their lives in the long run, rather than throwing money at them and running.  Also, she’s grabbed the attraction of a mysterious man who takes a job helping her even though he is a prince aka the brother of her ex-fiance who he is fighting for the crown for.
And that’s it!! My list for now!! Tbh by next month there’ll likely be even more faves as I continue to add more and more series to my read list lol.  Because this isn’t even a fraction of all the reincarnation isekai series I’m into, just the best for certain reasons.
BTW, if you’re like... wow this list sure is straight then true unfortunately. I’m waiting for the day “I Favor The Villainess” gets adapted somehow.  Also there are several isekai in which a straight girl reincarnates into a yaoi novel but I haven’t found a true gem among them yet.
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