#I think of fluid as it’s own sexuality however
sleepybbie · 8 months
Your Dan Feng thirst makes me so... Oonga boonga.... Thank yew for the meal op 🙏 if I may humbly ask for a blurb of thirst can we have Dan Feng showing Dan Heng the ropes on how to make you—Dan Heng's (and maybe soon Dan Feng's as well)—partner feel great in bed? After all!! What better way to learn how to please your own partner than yourself!!
𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 | dan heng & dan feng drabble
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a/n: ahhh another dan heng request! >.< it’s not so surprising to see how popular my first hsr fav has grown ^o^ <3 yet still, i’m excited to see more works of mine regarding him because he’s the most requested in my inbox rn :3
dan heng il x fem!reader x dan feng
warning: smut ;3 some fingering here and there ^^
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“i refuse to believe someone like you is my reincarnation.”
DAN HENG clicks his tongue in annoyance, sweat slowly dripping across his face as he pathetically watches DAN FENG spreads your legs apart with his long fingers, perfectly along with scissoring open your cute little clit as you squirm and whine, his tail wrapping around your waist to keep you still.
this was not what he meant when he needed slow guidance on how to please you better, as a sweet lover. his goddamn irritating incarnation however just had to pop out of nowhere and give him a ‘lesson’ on how to take you to a seraphic paradise. you were vulnerable, unable to move from your lover’s incarnation’s tail, your bare back from your disheveled clothes pressed against dan feng’s chest while his other free hand toys with your tits.
“..deciding to want to make love with your beloved when you don’t know how to treat her in bed properly…”
“i don’t need you teaching me how,” dan heng tells him, an angered expression written across his face. dan feng scoffs, his digits rubbing your cunt in slow circles, feeling your fluids drip slowly out from your cavern while you mewl loudly. “then why are you looking so intensely while i fondle her?” the former high elder speaks, his gaze never leaving dan heng’s.
dan heng anxiously swallows a lump down his throat, his aching cock pleading to be freed from his pants as the male desperately tries to refrain from touching himself right at that moment. the sight of you being touched and pleasured by his incarnate, makes him annoyed…yet at the same time, it was quite the sight to witness. your breasts about to pop out of your clothing, lips leaking few drools while your pretty cunt was displayed in front of him, glistening like a gem as dan feng teased your hole with his fingers.
“i must say, she is sort of acting like a woman with sexual innuendos.”
“are you saying she’s a ‘whore?”
“is that how you people call it these days? hmph. then, yes..you’re quite lucky…she’s not lucky however…” dan feng removes his hand from your tits, grabbing your chin to make you face him as he continued to speak to your lover, his reincarnation. aeons, he and dan heng really look alike, but instead—dan feng’s gaze was a little more colder, a little more stern. “she’s supposed to make love with someone who’s supposed to be my reincarnation, whom ends up not knowing how to please a woman.”
dan feng slowly makes you face back to your lover, who’s cheeks were red, panting heavily as he sits there and watches his incarnate prod open your pussy wide, drips of your impurity leaking from your hole as a loud whine escapes your lips. dan heng jolts.
“if you want to please a woman, it’s best to know how to do foreplay. first, you’d want to rub her clit down, just like this..” dan feng slowly repeats his steady massages down your weeping cunt, watching as you quiver at his touches, long sharp fingers kneading them down, your whines never fainting away. he’s…good. you love dan heng with all your heart, but his incarnation was talented with this. the former high elder chuckles, “what a loud mouth she has. it sounds like she’s wanting more, don’t you think?”
“quit yapping and come here. you look like you are about to pop over there if you don’t touch her,” dan feng cuts him off, shushing him down as he commands your lover to come over closer. oh no…
dan heng approaches, not so eagerly, but slowly, his red face sending dan feng a death glare when he arrived close to you. a small smile appears over dan feng’s face, like he was smug about dan heng holding back to a pretty girl like you. “do not hesitate now, touch her.” dan feng tells him, removing his hand from your clit as he grabs dan heng’s wrists and places his fingers on top of your hole. he stops for a moment, looking at you with a nervous expression, breath heavy as his chest pants. you were so…pretty, so helpless, you were pleased. that’s all he ever wanted.
dan feng rolls his eyes, “what are you waiting for?”
“s-shut up…”
forgive me, y/n…
dan heng was fumed by his words, it was all over his face. he was frustrated and turned on. you looked at him, feeling dan feng’s tail pushing you further up to him before dan heng slips a finger inside your cunt for a brief moment. you cry, and he pulls it out again, flustered. he looked at his finger, and saw how drenched it already was from your fluids.
“see? she’s liking it. do it again, with two fingers this time.”dan feng orders him, his hands still continuing to play with your breasts, twirling your hardened nipples around.
dan heng did just what he was told, giving his forefinger and ring finger a small lick, before splitting you open with his fingers. a loud moan escapes out of your throat, head pushing back on dan feng’s shoulder as the two vidyadharas pleased you with ease. dan heng focusing on his fingers in your cunt, while dan feng parades you with praises, licking your earlobe, toying around with your tits.
oh fuck, dan heng thinks. the face your giving right now…he’s so fucking hard from the sight you’re making him receive.
“feels good, darling?” dan feng questions to you, and you nod. dan heng looks at him, looking like he’s about to stab him with cloud piercer any moment now.
“don’t forget who she belongs to.”
“ah, a shame. it appears she likes the both of us…”
fuck yeah you did. it was clear dan heng was jealous, and so, he leans in, giving you a passionate kiss, muffling your cute noises. with dan heng’s fingers, mouth and dan feng’s praises that were suddenly being possessed by filth along with his rhythm of his palms that presses down on your nipple, you won’t be going to last long. you were growing louder and louder of every minute. dan feng pulls dan heng away from you, resulting in a very irked dan heng.
“what the hell?!”
“patience. look at her, she’s close.”
dan feng was right. the knot in your belly was about to be cut open, hearts moulding into your pupils as a euphoric sigh passes your lips. it didn’t take long for you to squirt your release out, dan heng closing his eyes as your orgasm came to the edge, spilling some on his face and mostly on the ground, your hazy dreamscape of pleasure weighing down on your mind as you came down, panting hard. dan heng too was panting, face flushed as you heard him cursing underneath his breath.
“impressive. seems like you made a girl squirt on your first try.” dan feng says, before he bends you over, your face hitting the area of dan heng’s fabric pants before the former high elder hikes your skirt up.
“next, you should know how to let her take cock.” he says, and you knew you were going to end up very sore afterwards.
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pigdemonart · 1 year
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Battle Subway Depot Agents (by pig-demon)
When I made designs for these guys last year I didn’t really think they needed colored references/master post, but since then I’ve drawn them a lot! Also people have added them to their fanfics and drawn fanart! So I figured it was time I made a post for easy ref. :]
These designs are obviously free to use, just give credit (and link me your work if you're comfortable, because it makes me happy to see!) All I request is to stay respectful to their pronouns and skin colors, ya knooow… 👍 note: The pokemon on their cards are all companions, not the ones they use on the Battle Subway. Except Jackie...the litwicks are just there to fill space/give them company.
More info under cut:
Edit: Important disclaimer:
These are again my designs/interpretations for the agents. Please don’t treat them as canon or as the only, quintessential designs for these literal background npcs. Many people have done takes on them before and after me, even back in 2010. It feels silly to ask, but due to past experience, I ask that you please DONT hunt down anyone that does a different take on the depot agents!! 👍
I'm gonna start tagging them individually, but for now all Depot Agent comics and art on this blog are tagged under Depot Agents.
Height chart:
I’m not too strict about heights, so I don’t really care about actual measurements. Here’s an approximation of what I tend to visualize though:
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Sexualities/Gender Identities: I don't have official labels for each and every agent because I like keeping things fluid for characters to develop these traits on their own. However, as a queer person, I enjoy designing characters who are also queer, therefore I can safely say none of these characters are straight. The ones who are set in stone are Ramses (gay man), Cloud (lesbian woman,) Jackie (non-binary.) Furze uses he/they pronouns but their gender is undetermined. I also welcome anyone giving the agents a different gender identity to suit them (as long as it's done respectfully.)
Notes about each agent...
- Cameron dyes parts of his hair blonde and keeps other parts in black. This is because he is a big fan of Elesa and her fashion choices.  - Though there have been a few occasions to meet his idol, he is always way too nervous to approach her, feeling deep down that he'll mess up somehow. - He practices modeling poses in secret. He loves flourishes and flare, but is simply too insecure to put it on display. - Of his coworkers, he gets along the best with Furze. He's the easiest to talk to because Furze will do most of the talking. - Cameron is easily intimidated — even mean Pokémon can make him nervous. Though, his two worst fears are being left in a room alone with Jackie, and being left alone in a room with Isadore. - He takes advantage of his height to sometimes hide behind some of his coworkers. - Cameron is much better at Pokémon battles than he gives himself credit for. Emmet and Ingo were pleasantly surprised by this, since Cameron was promoted to fit a temporary role on the Battle Subway. They happily made him a permanent member when he proved himself capable. - His Dwebble (Pebby) is secretly very strong, and rushes to protect Cameron when it can. Cam sometimes thinks Pebby helps him feel more confident in himself too.  - If he stumbled into any of his coworkers outside of work, he would simply explode of embarrassment. - He is the youngest child and only son of his family. He lives in his own apartment in Nimbasa.
- Cloud (like Ramses) knew the twins when they were very young. - She used to be an ace trainer in her youth, even going so far to compete in the Pokémon league. Winning and becoming the champ was the most important part of her journey, but something happened along the way that changed that outlook. - It seems with age, her competitiveness has mellowed out. However, she maintains an intense energy when battling.  - Her favorite types are Psychic and Flying types. Swoobat (Sweetie) is her ace.  - Her favorite hobby is baking, and she often bakes sweets for the crew. She knows all their favorite flavors by now! - She prioritizes keeping a friendly relationship with all her coworkers and thinks of them fondly. She considers Ramses family after all the years of working together!  - She is a big fan of Brycen's movies and can recite the lines. - She lives with her wife in Anville. - Cloud loves doing maintenance work both at home and in Gear Station. She enjoys bringing her own tools and industrial flashlight.
- Furze only has one volume setting (mid loud,) but he finds himself feeling right at home when talking to either one of the twins. - Furze has ADHD, and this is reflected in some of his habits, most visibly is his fidgeting when sitting still for too long. - He rides a bike to work every day. When he is late, Cloud clocks in for him so he doesn't get in trouble. - This is a kind of a guy that sits crouched gargoyle style on chairs. Only outside of work, of course. Bad posture could get him in trouble. - While working on the Battle Subway, there will be times Furze feels sorry for his opponents and offers to quietly let them pass anyways. This...has also gotten him in trouble. :[ - He went to the same elementary school as Isadore in Castelia. Though Isadore seems to have forgotten their short-lived acquaintance, Furze has not. This is part of the reason Furze claims they are in fact good friends!!! - Furze is the middle child of a big family. He lives with his mom and takes care of her, along with his many Darumakas and Darmanitan. All of his Pokemon have famous trains names. - He collects model trains. Naturally.
- Isadore had plans to become the station master the moment he was hired as a depot agent, but alas... (sad trumpet sound.) - As a youth, he was more interested in science and engineering over Pokemon battles. He enjoys the strategizing aspect, at most. Not so much the competitiveness. - In addition, his Pokemon are all rescues and not used for battling. He's had his Watchog (Winston) since he was in his late teens. - His Electrode (Gregor) and Voltorb (Leonard) were rescued from the likes of Team Plasma. - Isadore admits he understands Pokemon better than humans. This has been apparent his whole life. - In spite of acting like a sitcom villain, Isadore cares about the management of Gear Station and the safety of the passengers to an incredible degree. He sees it as a personal life goal to assist in the management of Gear Station, as well as the success of the Battle Subway. - Though it pained him to become a subordinate to the twins, he begrudgingly accepts it for the greater good. - His almost militant efficiency certainly made up for his years of antagonizing the twins before they became the bosses. Ingo and Emmet understand this better than anyone. - Isadore keeps tabs on all of the staff members. So he very well knows all their birthdays and makes it a point to celebrate it. This is by no means a -happy- or -festive- event. It's just customary. - Like Furze, he was originally from Castelia, but now resides in Nimbasa. Isadore's only family is his mom and she lives in his childhood home with their Stoutland. - Isadore would have probably been voiced by every glasses guy ever J. Michael Tatum had he not already been cast as dear Emmet lmao
- Jackie is a mystery and they like keeping it that way. When they talk, it's practically impossible to determine what is a lie or truth, especially if the subject is themselves or their background. - They love scaring Cameron the most and will ask to be paired with him whenever possible. They claim Cameron is their "favorite coworker," while Isadore is the least favorite. - It's plain to see why -- Jackie is the only one that doesn't passively tolerate Isadore's tirades. - Though my comics sometimes may allude to Jackie being a ghost/supernatural, this is not confirmed nor canon. I just personally enjoy toying with the concept. : ) That being said...
- Item #: SCP 7453
- Object Class: Euclid
- Special Containment Procedures: The ████ ██████ is ██████ within ████-██████. - Ingo and Emmet choose to not question anything about Jackie, since it's clear they're one of the more efficient workers. However it can be a safety concern... - Cloud and Ramses have worked with Jackie for a long time, though they've forgotten somehow. They believe Jackie is a new hire since they appear to be young. - Anyone trying to make sense of Jackie's employee records simply can't bring themselves to any conclusions. It's better to ignore the inconsistencies. - Jackie has never been seen to leave Gear Station. Jackie has never been seen in anything but their uniform. Jackie has never been confirmed to eat, drink or blink. Jackie knows your secrets. Jackie thinks it's... amusing.
- Ramses sometimes misses having a full head of hair, but he thinks his signs of age make him look distinguished. (he is correct.) - Ramses is sort of the "mom friend," making sure everyone's concerns are heard, as well as trying to keep the peace whenever a conflict might arise. - If another coworker is feeling low, Ramses will try to cheer them up with a lighthearted joke or offer advice if they'd like it. - When the twins were promoted to bosses of the Battle Subway, Ramses cried because he felt so proud. - In most circumstances, he is a very simple and logical man. He is quick to find solutions and tries not to fret over the little stuff. It's not good for his heart after all. - His ace is his Pikachu (Musa,) though the mouse is more of a lap pet now. At home, he also has an Audino (Sara) and a Manectric (Nubi) who keep Ramses' husband company. His Klinklang (Moli) is the only one of his personal pokemon that accompany him to work nowadays. - Ramses considers Cloud family. They are best friends and love having family gatherings outside of work. They also gossip a lot, and don't mind when Jackie decides to join. - Ramses jokes about looking forward to retirement, but really doesn't want to leave until he is physically incapable of working anymore. Gear Station is like a second home to him.
In-Game Quotes
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The most important reference of all are their in-game quotes, of course, so I'm adding it to the post. A lot of their personality traits can be extracted and interpreted from these few lines. And I personally love that about Pokemon NPCs -- there's a lot of room to explore and play with. Some appear very obvious. Cameron practically announces that he isn't ready for the battle that's about to ensue and seems genuinely surprised to win. Furze comes out the gate talking about the subject they actually care about, which is their job and their love for trains. The two of them are very easy to understand. Now, Ramses lines allude to a gentle and simple personality. He views himself with humility, and maybe even with a bit of humor comparing himself to a train and to his opponent to a station. If he loses he shows no signs of disappointment, he just accepts defeat with one last honest quip. It s also amusing to see the Depot Agents all use train metaphors to describe themselves since it falls in line with how Ingo and Emmet talk.
In comparison, Cloud does the same thing calling herself the terminal instead. Immediately, she is way more daring, though still keeping a sense of professionalism. To me, it's obvious she is competitive as she even admits she was expecting to win ("Ah...I didn't see it coming.") Jackie's lines are fun since it's up to interpretation if they are being literal or lying. It's almost like they are more interested in confusing/creeping out their opponent than actually beating them. To me, it gives off a mischievous vibe. Isadore's opener "There are only two roads in life." is a curious one because it almost feels like he is trying to be philosophical. Definitely a guy who views himself as an intellectual, regardless if that’s true or not. I like to think it's a saying he really believes in, and it applies to his life. The road he likes (long route) vs the road he hates (shortcut) -- fighting tooth and nail to become boss vs biting his tongue and accepting Ingo and Emmet as the Subway Masters.
Those are just my thoughts on how I write these characters. Please have fun playing with these lines too!
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gothicayomi · 3 months
Edit: I made a post about Alex’s reponse: Here
Okay. The Alex callout is so fucking wishy washy that I’m genuinely getting whiplash. When I first read Ven’s callout document several days ago, I honestly skimmed it because I’m the type of person who has always just assumed callouts are fully honest. And siding with the victims immediately is always a must, especially if it’s about grooming minors, or severe abuse. At that time I was also under the impression DB was a minor, thus I automatically denounced Alex Kister. However, last night I wanted to see any updates regarding this development and I’m so glad I saw Ven’s tumblr post before he updated it, because it provided vital information (such as reminding everyone DB is an adult during all this) and I was able to see people’s responses to it. I decided to reread the document with this new, updated information in mind and I’m very upset with how badly this has gotten. Particularly about how feeble Ven’s doc is and how some of the things they said rubbed me the wrong way. For now, I’m just pointing out some things that really stood out to me with how much it didn’t make sense or it was particularly antagonizing toward Alex.
So… in the tumblr post Ven made, they were saying that the point of the doc wasn’t to say Alex was a groomer. And yet they made it VERY CLEAR that Alex’s gender identity was, in their opinion, a way for Alex to “lure victims”. Basically calling a transfem a predator cuz she expressed her gender identity AND sexuality relative to her gender identity to her partner and not minors. but Ven was also backing up from that claim, which clearly was the whole point of the doc???? But it was never stated in the introduction of the document. So first of all, I thought that was weird. It just said “Alex’s predatory and manipulative behavior.” Here we go.
So. Apparently a content creator wanting to make friends and connect with people is parasocial? Sure, content creators have to be aware of their “high status” or whatever, but i think people are also weird for idol worshipping in the first place. Alex (which I’ve seen stated uses any pronouns) has been self aware about parasocial relationships from the beginning and he’s not saying he never was aware of it. 😐 but several screenshots of him explaining himself tells that he never even thought about the potential power imbalance— he wanted some fucking friends.
These screenshots would show someone expressing their discomfort and assert their boundaries. And Alex always seemed very genuine in their apologies and would acknowledge the person’s feelings wholeheartedly. None of it was brushed off by her in the screenshots. She never downplayed anything. And yet you guys are still offended???????????????? Let me get this straight. You want someone to own up to their mistakes and apologize for making you feel weird, but when they do, you’re somehow still upset? Hm. Make it make sense. Like what the fuck you want, blood from a rock??????
By the way, what’s transphobic to one trans person might not be transphobic for someone else. As a gender-fluid person, I’m not going to be pissed off if a different gender fluid person “”“changes their gender every day”,””” (i say this particular thing because I’ve seen people act very upset over it while others aren’t) because it’s not my fucking business and it doesn’t affect me or my daily life. If they’re comfortable and happy, that’s all that matters. I have no say in what other trans people makes them comfortable with themselves. What’s transphobic is invalidating another trans person’s gender identity, expression, and sexuality, (which CAN co exist by the fucking way) and demonizing it just because you don’t like that person or you don’t want to try and understand them. Just so you know. :) that’s like misgendering someone on purpose just because they’re a terrible person, or saying neopronouns are invalid.
Here’s the thing: when you’re exploring gender identity, you’re not going to get it on the first fucking try. From what I’m seeing in the docs, this was Alex around the time they were first stepping into that comfort zone. They were trying new things. Wanting to feel comfortable. Wanting to be validated. Wanting to connect with other trans people. That’s what every trans person wants. You seriously shamed her for that? To the point where Alex admitted they felt so ashamed of their gender expression that they lied about saying it was joke? All to reassure everyone and make people feel better? Fuck you. You don’t fucking get to say what someone should and shouldn’t do regarding their body and gender— he wasn’t saying explicit things to the minors. Not stuff similar to what was said to Ven or D8 so why the fuck is anyone tripping??????
I will say that I understand why Ven would be concerned about this in the first place since when they dating Alex, Alex did make sexual comments about wanting to wear their clothes and look like them. I get it. But Ven, you were his partner, obviously when you guys were comfortably having intimate discussions that he’d be willing to share vulnerable desires with you regarding gender identity woven with sexuality. But why did you automatically, outside of your personal conversations with him, try so desperately to search for that in his convos with other people? When they had nothing to do with you I understand wanting to be concerned and looking out for other people but this was so blown out of proportion that it’s insane.
Alex trusted you so much. And one thing I was really disgusted by was the creepy ass way of you posting screenshots of his sexual fantasies. If Alex does decide to post YOURS you sent to HIM, you have no fucking right to be upset over it, okay? :) fair’s fair, my dude.
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So this screenshot being posted after Ven writing in the document “venting to a minor about his sexual frustration” all I have to say is Ven what the fuck are you talking about? being touch-starved isn’t Inherently sexual. Why the fuck is Ven saying this is sexual frustration. ?????????????????????????????????????????? So it’s sexual when it’s said to a minor? Oh okay, good thinking, Ven. /sarcasm. I didn’t know cuddles and hugs were bad. I guess grown adults shouldn’t cuddle their children, or adults can’t hug their child family members. Idk what to say about the “I wish you lived closer thing” tbh because i don’t know what the person said— it could have been taken out of context. Which brings me to my next point.
Ven stated there were people who came forward with their own screenshots of what Alex said. But if someone is going to crop them into tiny little boxes and obscure what the victim said before and after, it’s going to be pretty fucking difficult to even make a proper judgment on whether or not the context is inappropriate, or if it was said to the actual victim themselves in the first fucking place. Sure, the screenshots aren’t fabricated, but we don’t know who the fuck they were sent to. That’s on y’all.
Btw I’m so fucking convinced none of these ppl have ever experienced normal, healthy friendships or relationships, oh my fucking god. No fucking basis for proper judgment, imo.
One thing that also pissed me off was Ven targeting Alex’s mental health and symptoms throughout the doc. They targeted Alex’s paranoia and suicidal tendencies. First off, I’m pretty sure everyone part of tmc + the fandom know that the most prominent themes of tmc are SUICIDE and religious trauma. I once saw Alex post a tweet about various poetry written during his high school years venting his depression and suicidal ideation. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had been struggling with depression and suicidal ideation way before that. I’m gonna be so honest, after seeing the way Ven twisted a lot of this around, when I look back on Ven saying “Alex said he’d kill himself if I broke up with him” makes me think Alex could have said something like “you mean a lot to me and I’d be devastated if we split.” like. I can’t be the only fucking person who thinks this. Alex has always been self aware. I know he’s really struggling right now.
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LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO BITCH YOU ARE SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!! You either genuinely don’t know what paranoia is (symptom of mental illness) or you, of course, are genuinely trying to demonize an aspect of someone’s symptoms they can’t control. All to justify your bullying against Alex. Maybe research what paranoia is, and you’d be more understanding of Alex.
Mental illness doesn’t fit into your neat little boxes, by the way. And everybody experiences mental illness differently, so don’t act like you 100% know what someone is going through. I understand wanting to see the people you care about getting therapy and professional support. But you don’t have the right to demonize them when they aren’t being outright shitty.
Not to mention, every single fucking time Alex would explain their feelings and perspectives, Ven, you would shut them down in the doc. Invalidating Alex’s feelings. That’s the sort of thing manipulative people do, just so you know, Ven!! The same type of person you claim Alex is!!! Don’t throw stones in glass houses. That’s coward behavior, and projection is damaging to both parties.
Im gojng to be so deadass right now. If I could nitpick every single little detail in Ven’s document that I found weirdly uncomfortable or suspicious or confusing, I’d be making my own goddamn google doc which would be two or three times as long as Ven’s.
This entire matter genuinely could have been dealt with privately. Alex even expressed that and Ven shut him down!!! Do you know how fucking frustrating that is? And no, Alex never shut you guys down so don’t even try and twist the blame back onto him. You wanted him to own up to what he’s done and said, but y’all don’t want to do the same. Sigh!
Also, what the fuck is the takeaway supposed to be? Y’all said he isn’t a groomer. Ven said somewhere in the doc that people aren’t trying to be transmisogynistic. But clearly you are fucking using Alex’s gender identity against her. I hope you burn in hell. Also, since none of the minors were being groomed, what the fuck are you trying to prove?????????? That wanting friends is fucked up and evil???? That you and D8, grown ass adults who were consensually engaging in sexual conversations with Alex, were fucking manipulated? Evidence shows you guys were comfortable with expressing your discomfort and asserting boundaries, but like I said, y’all are still pissed off Alex took accountability. You’re adults. Act like it.
I could go on and on about this shit but these are the key points I wanted to bring up. I saw the post that donut made and I read through it thoroughly but since there is no evidence suggesting Alex was grooming minors, and he was genuinely apologizing for making Donut and other people uncomfortable, it honestly came off as a kid (kids shouldn’t even be in online without a fucking parent’s supervision anyway) being a kid: immature. So I genuinely do not give a fuck. Have your parents watch what people say to you online.
I’m a 23 year old adult who’s been in both toxic and healthy friendships and relationships with people and I can honestly say y’all are fucking stupid for even writing these dumbass callouts. I’m looking forward to Alex’s response and I will be supporting him unless there is substantial evidence showing Alex is a bad person. Ok?
Feelings and perspectives are valid and important on both ends. You don’t need me to tell you that. The point of this post is that the doc was very feeble and lacked proper documentation at numerous points. you shouldn’t purposely misconstrue Alex’s words and actions just to make him look bad, especially if your evidence (screenshots, in this case) isn’t consistent or fully exposed. I will mention what I said earlier: plenty of people here, from what I saw, were able to express their feelings and assert boundaries just fine and Alex was completely open, and whoever needed that help definitely got it. Despite everything that has happened, I’m glad people did have others who understood what they felt.
I may be editing this post if I find I think certain things need to be (re)addressed or corrected. Because like I said, there are various things I want to point out. Stay updated or not!
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skellymom · 3 months
Hunter x Jedi Fem Reader Supporting Character. SMUTTY++
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Background: This one shot starts out very similar to my "Hunt and Peck" one shot. However, it's not just a Force Sensitive, but an actual Jedi. And, his Batchmates aren't in on the shenanigans. This is the VERY dirty version of "Hunt and Peck" but Hunter goes "solo".
I wanted to write a smutty fic from INSIDE Hunter's head space. We hardly ever really know what's going on in there. Well, now you do!
Word Count: 2.1K
WARNING: Male masturbation, oral sex, genital sex, spit kink, swearing kink, dirty word kink, praise kink, names of various sexual positions, bodily fluids, lots of dirty nasty sexy stuff. Lots of it. Very LEMONY content! 
The Batch finished up their latest mission, picking up a new passenger along the way.  Y/N was a Jedi hitching a ride to a planet they would be passing on the way to Kamino.  She would only be staying a few standard days on the Marauder, and the crew made sure she had a comfortable stay. 
Within two days Hunter was smitten.  He usually kept his infatuations to himself as best he could...ESPECIALLY with female Jedi.  But...well, this one was different...and difficult to ignore.  Of course, he still engaged with her politely and respectfully.  Being a Sergeant and host on this transport, he kept some distance. 
Y/N was attractive.  Not conventionally, as he wouldn’t consider himself attracted to just ANY pretty face.  But she had that...thing.  An essence?  Something that just took him out at the knees.  It was elusive... 
...and she smelled SO GOOD.  Hell, even when she was sweaty, dirty, just got woke up in the morning...heady scent of her body odor with the slightest tang of her sex... 
Hunter shifted in the pilot’s seat.  His armor codpiece felt tight.  Dammit, he NEEDED to stop getting distracted.  He was supposed to be sitting watch on the ship. 
Technically Echo was to stand this shift.  However, he was under the weather and now lying down like the rest of his brothers. 
Hunter could hear Crosshair breathing, Echo’s ticking mechanical heart, and smell Tech’s drool...as he slept face down with mouth open.  Wreckers' snores were like a power tool, until his sleep apnea kicked in. Hunter would count the seconds unconsciously holding his own breath too...until Wrecker finally inhaled. 
Hunter inhaled deeply just thinking about it... 
...until Y/N sighed in her sleep.  The sound brought his attention back to the heat and tightness in his groin.  Hunter’s cock was now becoming painful with an intense pressure against his codpiece. 
Oh STARS!  How did the other Clones deal with this???  Commander Bly following Aayla Secura around while she exposed all that beautiful blue skin.  Or Deepa Billoba with her pretty braids and deep scarlet lips... 
...then there was his first crush: Shaak Ti.  A tall stunning Togruta with her long montrals and head tails. 
DANK FERRICK!  Y/N did look at him a lot and smiled. He could sense her body reacting to him MUCH differently than his brothers.  The thrumming of her presence on his senses.  Something he guessed was her Force sensitivity.  It would tickle his nerve endings and make him shiver...in a VERY good way.  Was Y/N flirting with the Force?  Hunter wasn’t exactly sure.  Was that even ALLOWED? 
Hunter ripped the codpiece off and tossed it onto the Marauder’s dash.  His girthy engorged cock staining through his blacks...and leaving a wet spot.   
These Jedi women are going to be the death of me! 
Who was he kidding...WOMEN drove him crazy!!! 
The last thing Hunter wanted was to cause any trouble...especially with a Jedi. 
He had to take care of this situation...and put IT to “rest” ...NOW. 
Walking back to the refresher wasn’t an option.  He didn’t want to wake anyone, and he was supposed to be on watch. 
Listening again, Hunter could perceive everyone was asleep and accounted for.  He slid down comfortably in the pilot’s chair.  Noting that Tech left one of his hand rags for mechanical maintenance hanging up in the cockpit, Hunter grabbed it for clean up later. 
Looking around and listening one last time, Hunter gently rolled down his blacks and released his cock.  Its meaty girthiness sprung up at attention.  Uncut and big enough to satisfy, but not so large as to be painful.  Poor Wrecker...Hunter thought fleetingly.  So big he must hold back constantly to not injure.  Gotta be stressful.  People would give Hunter shit for being the smallest of the group.  Heh, average ain’t bad.  Especially since he exceeded at technique. 
What was the saying on Kamino?  Yeah...It’s not the size of the ship, but the motion of the ocean. 
The head of his penis peeked out from the uncut foreskin.  Hunter smoothed his thumb through the large drop of precum and rubbed gentle circles on the top of his cock.  He shivered from the sensation but held back a gentle moan.  He needed to be extra quiet.  Keeping his mouth shut, Hunter also regulated his breathing. 
Next, he cupped his cock in hand and gently but firmly pulled back his foreskin.  Then he gave his shaft a few good pumps. 
... A very feminine scent wafted from the pallet Y/N was sleeping on the bunk room floor.  She must have been having a hell of a dream...as Hunter could smell her wet arousal.  To her credit, she was extremely quiet. 
The smell drove him crazy.  More precum leaked from his cock.   
Hunter closed his eyes and imagined what it would be like to bury his face in Y/N’s pussy.  He inhaled her scent and pictured himself licking and sucking her clit.  How she would look from that point of view.  Staring up over her mons pubis to see her writhe and sweat.  Hair messed, face and chest flushed as he teased her to orgasm over and over again.  Screaming his name, asking for more.  
FUCK, he LOVED EATING PUSSY!  LOVED watching his lovers lose themselves in ecstasy.  Loved when they praised his talent for the job.   
And, if they wanted to be fingered while he dined, he happily obliged.  Gently of course...unless she insisted on it being rough.  He followed directions very well and kept the channels of communication open.  How many fingers?  How’s that feel?  You like how I’m fingering you?  Tell me.  I wanna hear you tell me.  Yeah...whatever you want.  I’m your man.  Mmmm...You’re so FUCKING beautiful!  
Pumping his cock, occasionally coming up to rub the leaking precum across his head and frenulum with his thumb.  The mental image fueling his desire and the tingling of his penis. 
Hunter also LOVED breasts.  Big, small, he serviced them all.  Lick them, kiss, twist, cup.  But, he wasn’t in a hurry.  No, Hunter wanted to appreciate the other parts of his lover's body and work his way there.   
Nibbling Y/N’s thighs, tender kisses on her stomach.  Women worry too much about their bellies.  Who the fuck made them feel so insecure?  Hunter wasn’t gonna get mad.  He didn’t have time for that.  Bring that belly here and let me worship it.  The asshole that made you feel bad about that part of your body isn’t here...I AM.  Look me right in the eyes.  Yeah, hold that eye contact.  Listen to me.  I’m gonna make your body SING tonight.  I wanna make you feel desirable...’cause you are.  Now, grab my hair if you feel ya gotta hold on tight!  
Pumped his wet cock a bit more... 
AND ASSES!  All sizes.  Firm and jiggly...flat and flabby... 
Fuck the guy who told you your ass wasn’t pretty.  Probably the same dipshit who razzed you about your other body parts. 
I’m here to tell ya:  Your body parts make my cock wanna give you a standing ovation.  I’ll happily kiss ANYTHING on your body, if it’ll get you off.  Even the stuff you might be worried is too nasty and dirty.  I’ll be as clean as you request or dirty as ya care to ask for. 
Hunter needed to stay on track.  All the blood was rushing to his lower extremities, making him a bit punch drunk.  His eyes were half closed with horniness. 
And he needed a bit more lubrication. Hunter leaned over his swollen member and spit on it delicately. The extra slide felt amazing. 
Oh yeah...Hunter was getting ahead of himself.  In his mind Y/N requested he kiss and suckle her breasts. In his mind, she moaned and raked at his back. Mmmmhmm...I wanna hear you. Tell me how much you like this. He moved up to lavish her neck with kisses, grinding his slippery member through her sex. The sound was loud and wet. Smells sooo good. Whispering in her ear, pressing his nose against her cheek You feel so good! FUCK...Hunter shivered, his cock twitching with anticipation. 
Are you ready for me?  Yeah?  Gonna take my time, okay?  I’m in no hurry...unless you WANT me to fuck you hard and put you away wet?  I aim to please.  So swollen and hard right now...could grab you around the legs, hoist ya up, and nail ya silly.  Missionary?  Doggie style?  Cowgirl?  Reverse Cowgirl?  Vertical or Horizonal, I’m strong enough to get ya there.  
No?  Ok.  Just give me the word.  And I’ll take it nice...and easy.  
Hunter slowed down the momentum on his cock.  Stroking gently to prolong his arousal and not cum too soon.    
What about me, you say?  Heh...REALLY enjoying my time with you.  I’m a man of variety.  Whatever you want, I’m along for...ahem...the ride.  However long it takes. 
You wanna suck my cock?  Well...chuckles...I won’t say NO to a good blow.  Just ask you tease me a bit.  He imagined the wet softness of Y/N’s mouth on his member.  Swirling her tongue over his head, shaft... 
...her hand firmly gripping his balls and he gripped them now... 
...pumping his cock...gathering momentum. 
Wanna blow my seed in your cunt, while I’m holding you.  Full body skin on skin contact while I’m inside you.  My uncut foreskin rubbing your pink jellybean clit while my cock caresses your G-spot.  Bonus if I get to taste your mouth while you moan into mine. 
Hunter lifted his pelvis off the seat, bracing his legs and abdomen...adding pressure to his core and the root of his sex.  He slid his cock back and forth through his wet hand, gritting his teeth, and sweating. 
I’ll do EVERYTHING in my power to take you over the edge ONE more time before I do.  I got the stamina to fuck, suck, and caress you all night if it’s what you request of me.  Over and over again. 
As Hunter came, a very sudden and explosive scream erupted from the bunk room!   
Hunter let go of his scrotum and slapped a hand over his mouth to hold back his violent moans.  An intense, warm orgasm shot through his body. Hunter came SO HARD it hit the ceiling of the Marauder’s cockpit with an audible THUMP! A climax so sudden and strong, he shook and was unable to stand. 
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The bunk room erupted in chaos. Wrecker had fallen off the top bunk from sheer terror. Tech started awake and flung his datapad across the room...hitting Crosshair in the head. Only Echo remained unscathed as he slipped unaided by his prosthetics from the bottom bunk to the Jedi’s pallet on the floor. 
He put his one intact arm around the Jedi. “Ma’am, are you ok?” 
She, sweating, flushed, and breathing heavily, “Oh...” stammered, “A dream.” 
“Sounded like a NIGHTMARE!” Wrecker recovered from his fall. 
The Jedi laughed nervously. 
Tech finally found his goggles amongst the bedcovers, slapped them on, and ran to the refresher. “I’ll retrieve a glass of water for our guest.” 
Crosshair rubbed the goose egg developing on his forehead. “Bring a bacta patch while you’re in there too!” 
“Where the HELL is HUNTER???” Echo thundered. 
On command Hunter slid into the bunk room. “What happened? Must have fallen asleep on watch!” 
Echo turned to Hunter “Our Guest gave us quite a scare.” He looked puzzled as Hunter NEVER fell asleep on watch. “Due to a dream.” 
Tech ran in and handed the Jedi a full canteen of water and a small towelette for her sweaty brow.  
“Thank you, Tech.” She dabbed herself and sipped from the canteen...purposely keeping her eyes averted from the Sergeant. 
“Bacta patch?” Crosshair growled at Tech. 
“I ONLY have two hands, Crosshair!” Tech sassed his way back to the refresher. 
“Looking a little FLUSHED too, Hunter. Sure you’re FEELING well? Crosshair sneered. 
Hunter was just about to tell Crosshair to shut his pie hole when the Jedi interrupted. “I... think I’m ready to go back to sleep.” 
“Alright.” Echo got back into his bunk. “You need ANYTHING, we’re right here.” 
“I’m feeling better now.” She sighed.  "Thank you Echo."
Wrecker leaned down and handed Lula to Y/N. “Lula will help you sleep the rest of the night.” 
“Thank you, Wrecker.” 
Crosshair sneered at Hunter who turned to go back to his watch station. 
Tech unpeeled the bacta patch and slapped it over Crosshair’s pie hole, then turned out the lights.
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Next morning the Marauder landed at the Jedi’s destination. She thanked The Batch and descended the gangplank. Sergeant Hunter was the last to say goodbye and salute her. 
“I must thank you, btw.” She blushed demurely and smiled. 
Hunter looked confused and glanced to see where his Batchmates were at. They had already retreated into the ship, preparing to leave the planet. 
“Uh...for what?” 
“For being...MY MAN... last night.” 
Hunter blushed crimson red... speechless but had SO MANY questions. 
“I know what you’re thinking Sergeant. Jedi CAN have...relations. They just can’t be possessive attachments. And... technically we never physically touched...” 
She winked and walked away towards her destination. 
And that was how Hunter was literally mind-fucked by a Jedi. 
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cookie-crumblr · 6 months
Red Lily Down
GN! Reader x Bunny Hybrid Harem
Part 2~
Their Info: 💐🐰✨
Part: 1 2 3
CW: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, GN! Reader, No pronouns used for reader, no genitalia descriptions mentioned for reader, bunny hybrid reader/mostly all of the harem is an animal hybrid of some kind, NSFW: sexual themes all throughout, every named character wants you, non con touching, smut, no sex yet! Reader gets called beautiful and pretty(u r), real furs, non con stripping, non con pet play, imprisonment, dark spooky forest,
Disclaimer: This harem’s theme is based off of a mix of Roots of Pacha and Watership Down. Not intended to represent any real or specific person/time/place/ or culture!
You aren’t just gonna lie down and let Aster win.
Definitely not!
You decide to go scout possible foraging locations. It’s starting to become dusky, however. You forget how fast night actually falls, once the sun starts going down.
The moon and billions of stars light your way, bouncing off of the shining leaves of the canopy above you. Thankfully, you aren’t lost, but you’re a little bit more scared than you’d like to admit.
You see the flickering light of a small fire ahead of you a ways, but it’s the opposite direction of the warren.
Eventually you step out of the brush into a small clearing where you find, August’s wagon!
“Why hello there,” a voice carried on a little breeze made just for you, graces your ear. You spin to face a fancy looking bunny guy with two toned hair.
“Hiya, August!”
“I brought you something really special tonight…” He goes to rummage around in a trunk on the back of the wagon. He’s always bringing you such elaborate treasures. You try and peer over his shoulder, but he blocks you just like always.
“Everything you bring me is special!” you roll on the balls of your feet, deciding to face away from him and respect the surprise. Not too soon later you feel warm arms wrapping around you. “Wha—”
His hands gently encase you, and his head rests on your shoulder.
“Let me take you away from here… I can show you life away from the warrens.” His voice is soothing, but is that something you want? “Here, it’s too late tonight, I’ll take you back home.”
“No way, August! It’s not that far.” You laugh.
“Only if you’re sure, Y/n, I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you.” He slowly let’s you go and pats you on the head.
You’re in your own little world when it happens.
Thinking to yourself about your options…
It appears you have a lot.
All of a sudden, a burlap bag comes over your head, it scratches your ear, and you yelp out with more than just surprise!
You hear mumbled chatting but can’t make out any full sentences, when…
“Mmmf… My head…” You’re dizzy and your head is pounding. It feels as though your skull is in the jaws of a tiger.
“Ahh, you’re awake, good.” A ginormous white rabbit hybrid man sits beside you on a massive bed. He’s intimidating to say the least, and you audibly gulp, mouth dry. “Here, you need fluid.” He holds a clay cup to your lips and has you drink.
Your headache is already subsiding, “Thanks…” Your voice is quiet. “Where… Um…”
“You’re home. I am Hellebore. You are my mate and you will rule over this warren with me.” He speaks as though his words are law.
“Wha—” You notice the bed is covered in soft… Furs… Your eyes widen in horror. Your warren doesn’t kill anything so you aren’t accustomed to it. His loincloth is leather too. And now you’re looking at his crotch… His length isn’t even hard and you can still see the sheer size of it.
“Good. You’re understanding your situation, my little mate.” He brushes your hair from your face and runs his fingers down the side of your jaw, then under your chin. “You are so beautiful,” His ear flicks, and he sighs, “I have to go for now, I will see you again soon.”
You’re left to cool off on your own… Gods, today has been so long! You think about resting your eyes… But you’re way too nervous for when Hellebore will return.
You shoot up. “Who’s there!?”
“S-sorry! M-my names Dandelion! I’m h-here to help y-you escape” She squeaks it all out hurriedly.
“Why?” You narrow your eyes, she’s standing in the doorway looking around frantically, she doesn’t seem like she’s lying, but why’s she helping you?
“Y-you’re r-really c-cute!” She blushes.
“Aww!” she’s so adorable! your own face is warm, you bound over to her, immediately forgetting the world just to hold her hand.
You do, you take her soft hand in yours and kiss it, “My hero, let’s go!”
Her face is a blaze of red, smoke would probably be flying out of this poor bunny girl’s lopped ears! You have to take mercy on her for now. She looks like she can only handle so much at a time.
She pulls you along through a pathway in the trees when that feeling of being watched hits you again, this time however, it’s too late to be any help.
Your ankle snags in something, it hurts but not too badly. It’s some type of snare you think, but it’s too dark to see.
“There’s that pretty bunny I’ve been hunting”
“AHHH!!!” Dandelion screams “I’ll get help! I promise!!” She runs, her fluffy lil tail flailing up and down. You trust her.
This human man completely either didn’t hear her, or is just disregarding her. Either way, you already feel frozen and small, and like talking to him would be pointless.
“No bitin’ now, I’m only getting this off,”
“Why would I bite you?” You think he might be deaf, he doesn’t seem to have heard you. “Woah!” Your equilibrium shifts as he hoists you up into his huge arms. He sets you on one arm as if it’s a chair made just for you. You feel a little bashful, but, “Where are you taking me?”
Still he ignores you.
You decide to shift and get more comfortable for the ride rather than waste anymore breath.
“We’re here,” He pulls back a branch, revealing a beautiful clearing filled with white moonlight. There’s even a waterfall behind his cabin! You kinda want to jump in, but it looks a little scary too. “Now, what to call you,”
“You can call me, Y/n.” You fold your arms, there’s no way he’s deaf. He’s pretending he can’t hear you!
“How about I just call you, Bunny, for now…” It’s not a question. You end up with a straight face, already fed up with this human man and his weird shenanigans.
“I’m a hybrid. I’m not a full bunny, ya know,” You say.
“You make such cute little sounds, Bunny.” After he hangs up his thick brown fur coat, he approaches you, looking into your eyes fully.
You feel scared suddenly, like he’s finally actually seeing you. But you’re completely exposed.
“I’ll be right back,” He puts his hand under your chin and tilts your face up to look at him.
When he returns he picks you back up, you hold onto his arm, it’s so thick, you wonder for a second what the rest of him is like…
“Bath time, little Bunny,” He pulls at your top, you try to hold it down and end up huddled in the cold dirt.
“D-don’t!” He pays your plea no mind.
Huge calloused hands squeeze your thighs, and pull down fabric from your skin. Some of it tickles madly, some of it feels too rough to bare.
Soon your stripped completely naked, and covering yourself with your hands and legs. For a second you think you can see red adorning his cheeks. You willingly climb in the fire heated bath.
He takes a sponge, and washes your body, thankfully not spending too much time in any one place.
He puts you in a cotton shirt that’s baggy and soft, before carrying you once again. This time he drops you off in a hutch. Possibly the most cruel and inhumane thing you could ever think to be put into.
“No way. You can stop now!” You grab onto the bars and try to pull on them.
He ignores you and goes back inside.
“LET ME OUT!!” You keep screaming until you hear something in the brush on the edge of the clearing. “Hello…?” You peep.
“Hello…” Possibly the deepest voice you’ve ever heard echos you…
“Um… I’m uh… Stuck… C-could you… h-help?” Your heart pounds in your long, fuzzy ears. You swallow painfully while you wait for seconds of absolute silence for the man to do anything at all.
Footsteps crunch through the pine needles.
You behold him as he steps into the moonlight, a gorgeously rugged wolf man. More rough around the edges than even Winter. You watch him wide eyed, as he unlocks the hutch.
He grabs hold of your waist and hoists you out.
“You should follow me. ‘s not safe.” He doesn’t talk much you can already safely assume. Instinct takes over and you grab his hand. He doesn’t pull away, but he doesn’t hold your hand back.
You almost want to thank him, it’s so late now that you know predators are just lurking around every dark corner… Predators like big dark wolf men in the middle of the dark forests, but you don’t think of that, do you?
He takes you into a lively and bustling wolf pack. They’re dancing around a big bonfire in the middle of the tribe.
“Safe. Sleep.” He says, and lays down on a fur covered slab of rock with his back to you.
It’s not as comfy as what you’re used to at all… but you manage to sleep for a little while at least.
“I’m here for them.” a deep woman’s voice rings out like a beautiful and slow song.
You open your eyes and it’s even darker out now.
It’s Gloria! The chief of your sister warren. She’s gorgeous, as tall as Hellebore, too! You practically drool as you imagine her stepping on you. You jump up and excitedly rush over to her.
She smiles when she sees you. “Ah, it’s wonderful that you’re alright, darling. Now, come.”
You follow her all the way to your home. She takes your face in her hands once inside your canvas walls.
“I… Was worried. I’m going to discuss treaties with the woods tomorrow. You’ll be able to go where you wish.” She kisses your cheek and runs her finger down your jaw. A sigh leaves her plump lips, “You’ll thank me next time. I unfortunately have to go for now my sweet little darling.” You hug goodbye.
Your body burns.
You’re beyond exhausted as you trudge your way through the warren. It’s so quiet and creepy, but the gentle snoring wafting out of the open windows all around comforts you. It was really a very short walk.
“Y/n?” Azure yawns…
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always-andromeda · 1 year
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𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐦 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 ⭐︎ 3,416
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ⭐︎ so. here we are. I have been bewitched by this gorgeous golden himbo. absolutely do not come for me on my knowledge of Marvel canon and me talking as if I know everything about the Sovereign because I don't <3 we're just winging this thing based on the little research I did. thank you to my wonderful best friend, Storm (@quietsounds) for helping me with brainstorming different ideas for this thing!!
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ⭐︎ smut (we know the drill, minors, please do not interact), light mentions of mommy kink, free use kink, praise kink, temperature play, descriptions of p in v sex, oral, and handjobs, little bits of fluff but mostly pure filth, nothing else I can think of!!
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𝐀 = 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 (𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲’𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐱)
He means well, but he's definitely a little clueless about the whole aftercare of business. Mostly because he himself doesn't need too much of it himself. He can go a few rounds and barely even break a sweat so he'd almost expect you to bounce back just as quickly as he can.
Not to worry though, he's pretty quick and eager to learn. The more attuned he becomes to what you need, the quicker he is to offer it as soon as you're both done. Need to be cleaned off? He's up as quick as a flash and wetting a washcloth. Need to be held? His arms are ready. Need to be talked down? He's fantastic at checking in and making sure that you're feeling okay.
𝐁 = 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 (𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫’𝐬)
Adam isn't all that interested in the aesthetics of his appearance. Though I think he does slowly become aware of how attractively he was created. But if he absolutely had to choose...he'd say his hands. He's quite relieved that the High Evolutionary decided that hands were the ideal tools for him to wreak destruction with. However, with him being a very tactile sort of lover, he gets to use them in many other scenarios. From scissoring you open with his fingers to caressing your cheek with his thumb, he's glad he has them to show you just how passionately he feels.
On the flip side, any sort of softness you have, Adam loves it. Especially your stomach. He'd love to just wrap himself around you and lay his head on your tummy while your fingers card through his hair. Maybe it's a dash of mommy issues, but he's obsessed with sinking into your plush skin and really feeling the warmth of blood rushing beneath it.
𝐂 = 𝐂𝐮𝐦 (𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐮𝐦, 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲)
The Sovereign have no need for sexual reproduction so he's not exactly the most familiar with cum? Therefore, any sort of fluids you produce? Automatically the most fascinating thing to him. He'd stare at his own fingers, holding them up to the light and admiring how you cover them. This man can do a range of impressive things but you better believe he's entirely captivated by something as minute as the way you cum.
𝐃 = 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 (𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲, 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐬)
He gets...weirdly needy. It makes him kind of possessive and paranoid. Though he knows firsthand that you can take care of yourself perfectly fine, he makes it his personal mission to be trailing behind you almost all the time.
And to Adam, it's a complete secret just how obsessed he is with you. He thinks he's the master of keeping his cool and being the most normal boyfriend of all time. Never mind the fact that he's immediately at your side asking, "Is this guy bothering you?" the second he catches someone he doesn't know talking to you. He almost can't help it. He's never known affection like this and it's incredibly intense for him.
Throw him a bone. And by throw him a bone, I mean drive him absolutely insane and tell him that you're his during sex. Watch his chest puff up with pride and his stomach tense up as he ruts into you harder. Whenever you can affirm that you truly want him, he can't express enough how wild it drives him.
𝐄 = 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 (𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲? 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲’𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠?)
Considering he's still pretty fresh from his cocoon, this guy has no experience whatsoever. It’s all completely brand new for him. So he definitely has a great deal of curiosity about basically everything. Be prepared for him to tilt his head in wonder and furrow his brow in confusion over almost everything you teach him.
𝐅 = 𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠)
This man is so strong that he'd have no trouble picking you up like a bag of potatoes and doing whatever he wanted with you. And sometimes he does. But he likes it more when you show him your power too.
He'd really like it if you took control, straddled his muscular thighs, and let him feel just how badly you wanted him. He'd be looking up at you through those piercing eyes, head tilted back and anticipating your lips on his neck. Then, when he's had enough of you warming him up, he'll put his hands on your hips and drag you along his cock at an almost punishing pace. That's when it becomes obvious the kind of strength he has working for him.
𝐆 = 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐟𝐲 (𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭? 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬? 𝐞𝐭𝐜.)
He's very serious about sex at first. Mostly because it's an act that he's so unfamiliar with and he knows how special it is to humans. He doesn't want to risk screwing it up, especially since he's got superhuman abilities on his side.
The first few times, you can tell he's holding something back. All these new sensations blow his mind but he won't let them really hit him because he's afraid of going a little too far. He remembers all too well how he injured you the first time he flew into Knowhere looking for Rocket and he isn't looking to do anything like that ever again.
So it takes a little while to break down his walls and really let loose. It would be the little things that would eventually make him crumble. You kissing his nose during the calm before the eventual storm, making him scrunch his nose and squint in confusion. You rubbing his arms comfortingly, sending shivers up his spine and easing his nerves.
"You humans and your strange ways of showing affection," he'd mumble as you turned him to jelly. It takes a little while to soften his serious demeanor, but it's completely possible.
𝐇 = 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫 (𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲? 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐬? 𝐞𝐭𝐜.)
The High Evolutionary absolutely seems like the kind of guy who would view almost any sort of body hair as unsightly, so I wouldn't put it past him to design Adam to be almost completely hairless aside from what's on his head. So do what you will with that information.
𝐈 = 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐲 (𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭? 𝐭𝐡�� 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐚𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭)
Romance doesn't come very easily to Adam. He's not smooth and doesn't exactly exude charisma. The not thing he does have on his side is how down bad he is for you. And the way it comes out in the moment...sure, that could count as romance.
Sometimes it takes the form of him giving you little kisses on every bit of skin he can see. Or it's him when he first buries himself in you, groaning, "I wish I could stay here forever..." before he begins to thrust. It's also him raking his fingers over your flesh as he takes you from behind, trying to anchor himself to any part of you that he possibly can. Neediness is how he expresses romance.
𝐉 = 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐟𝐟 (𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧)
When he gets turned on, he's honestly not quite sure what to do about it. Power courses through his veins almost all the time and it's difficult for him to differentiate that from arousal. So the majority of the time he's humping his pillow; chasing a release that he hardly even knows where it'll lead him. Luckily, where it leads him is somewhere beautiful.
𝐊 = 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤 (𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬)
Adam definitely has a bit of a thing for a little free use. Blame his unrelenting appetite. Or the fact that he's obsessed with you. Either way, he can work himself up at the drop of a hat and before you know it, he's nipping at your neck and murmuring in your ear that he'd love to touch you. And, god, when he's like that he is very convincing. That's the best kind of power he can imagine having; making you fold with just a few of his words.
Also, praise kink. All the way. We all know this guy just wants to do his best for you. This is present in all aspects of your relationship but goodness gracious is it glaringly obvious when it comes to sex. No matter how much he loses himself in the feeling of you, he will still be asking if he's doing alright. And besides, knowing that you do like it only sends him further down the rabbit hole.
Maybe a bit of a mommy kink. Not enough so that he'll be a completely whiny sub. But just enough that his stiff demeanor would definitely falter a little when you start to take care of him. Bury his face in your chest and take his cock in your soft hand and...oh...he wouldn't mind that. Not at all. Not even a little bit.
𝐋 = 𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨)
From the beginning, location isn't exactly the biggest concern for Adam. He has no concept of normal human boundaries and the risks associated with voyeurism. So very little stops him from initiating things almost anywhere. It's not like he wants to get caught or gets off on it exactly? He just has very little shame in that department. And he's a needy, horny little fiend.
Which leads to countless quickies on the ship that you hope and pray that Rocket will never find out about because he'd probably never let either of you on a mission again if he knew just how many times Adam's had you softly moaning into his hand against the wall of the ship. 
𝐌 = 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐨𝐧, 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠)
Adam is very reactionary. So something as simple as a small kiss can get the wheels turning in his mind. He's so inexperienced that it's hard for him to not get completely worked up at the smallest bit of affection. Your softness is something that also goes a long way for him. If he catches you taking care of Blurp or one of the children, it sets off this strange little spark in his mind. And it's strange because he can't quite understand how in this moment, he can feel your humanity just radiating from you. And it only makes him want you more.
𝐍 = 𝐍𝐨 (𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐝𝐨, 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐬)
He has a massive aversion to causing you pain. Whether that be him accidentally holding you a little too hard or even just a bit of overstimulation, he's not into it. And considering it's so easy for him to go over that line, he's usually a little on edge. With the amount of self control he's exercising and the way he pays attention to your responses, he's constantly prepared to apologize for anything.
𝐎 = 𝐎𝐫𝐚𝐥 (𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥, 𝐞𝐭𝐜.)
This man is a giver all the way. If he could drown in your cunt, he'd be the happiest living being in the galaxy. He unabashedly buries his face into your mound with the flat of his tongue. It's sloppy and it's loud and you can tell he's having the time of his life. He definitely needs to be taught how to actually be good at eating pussy, but he is always incredibly eager about it.
Anytime you go down on him, he's very polite despite the fact that you can tell how badly he's crumbling inside. He tries his absolute best to keep his thighs still since he doesn't want to risk you gagging or choking (because we all know that he's pretty decently sized). He'd be holding your hair back or brushing it off of your face out of pure respect. You may be on your knees, but he'd do whatever he could to communicate that you're the one with the majority of the control over the situation.
𝐏 = 𝐏𝐚𝐜𝐞 (𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡? 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥? 𝐞𝐭𝐜.)
Adam is a superpowered being. And a fairly new one, at that. He hardly knows his own strength. So there are many times where he'll exert that force a little bit more than he probably should. It's not on purpose, of course not. He'd never want to hurt you. He just gets...enthusiastic.
One minute he's looking at you. Your eyelids fluttering, mouth open, and your whole body bending to his movements. That image is intoxicating to him. It makes him lose control for a few seconds, his fingers will dig into your thighs a little harder. He puts more power into his thrusts, just to make you convulse even more. In those moments before you finish, he's so lost in soaking all of it up, using it to fuel his own climax.
Just know that as soon as Adam comes down from it all and notices the little marks on your thighs, he's immediately filled with remorse. He wraps his arms around your legs and rests his head against your plush thighs. His breath is warm as he breathes on them softly between small kisses and hoarsely whispered apologies. 
𝐐 = 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐞 (𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐧, 𝐞𝐭𝐜.)
I see him quite liking quickies, actually. Not that he doesn't love having one of those long, multi-round sessions. It's just that the urge hits him often and he's not the kind of guy who's eager to wait for release. Besides, it fills him with pride that even just five minutes with him before a mission can have you walking funny. The Guardians would tease you about you being off your game. Adam would stand there with folded arms and a wide smile, holding back a snort and knowing full well that regardless of the teasing from the others, you don't regret your little moments with him whatsoever.
𝐑 = 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐤 (𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭? 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐬? 𝐞𝐭𝐜.)
He's pretty open to experimentation. He's inexperienced and he's also just a curious guy by nature. There would be a lot of questions and a lot of him trying to work out the logistics of activities beforehand to make sure that both of you feels safe. But for the most part, he's honored and open if you want to explore new territories with him.
𝐒 = 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚 (𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐠𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐫? 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭?)
Oh boy. This man doesn't quit. And sometimes that's both a blessing and a curse. If you're on the same wavelength as him, we're talking hours of pleasure with multiple positions until he's got you so fucked dumb that you're seeing stars. If you let him know beforehand that you're only up for one or two rounds, he'll understand it, of course he will.
But that only encourages him to make his one round as good as he can possibly get it. It's one of the few occasions where he prefers edging both himself and you. Finally, he'll slow things down just a bit. His touches are more intentional and a little less selfish. He doesn't enjoy being mean, but there is a little cruelty in how he'll build you up and up and up, only to take his hand or his mouth or cock away, letting you plummet to the ground just so he can do it all over again. Then he'll whisper reassurances that he'll give you what you want, you just have to be patient with him. By the end of it, he'll have you shuddering and nearly as exhausted as when you go four or five rounds.
𝐓 = 𝐓𝐨𝐲𝐬 (𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐲𝐬? 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦? 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬?)
He himself doesn't use toys, but he takes a great interest in yours. The day he comes across your vibrator and asks you what it is, he takes it as a challenge. After all, he can manipulate energy. Something tells me that before too long he'd be able to figure out how to do the same thing with just his hands, rendering your toys obsolete.
𝐔 = 𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫 (𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞)
Not really the biggest fan of teasing, both taking and dealing it. He just doesn't see much of a point in putting off the real action. He's not waiting. Life is too short to wait when you really want something. And if you want him, he'll give himself to you. 
In fact, it's the only time he'll really get whiny at all. Sure, he's all for you going at whatever pace you find comfortable, but god, he's so spoiled and can't take the teasing. Especially since by the time you get to teasing he's probably been aching for something more for quite a bit already. It's no matter though, Adam would make sure he gets his way by kissing you hard and fast, trying to communicate as best as he can that he needs you now, not later.
𝐕 = 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞 (𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞, 𝐞𝐭𝐜.)
Oh, Adam is vocal alright. He has almost no concept of shame or subtlety so he'll let out those grunts and groans with little hesitance. He'll grit his teeth and bite his lip, but that does little to suppress how much he enjoys every feeling running through him, both emotional and physical.
𝐖 = 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝 (𝐚 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫)
Here's the deal, Adam can manipulate energy. Usually this would be beneficial in fighting off enemies with the Guardians, sure. But I'm sure once he gets a better hang of his strength, he could find a way to use them for your benefit.
This manifests not only in him creating vibrational waves just for your pleasure but also bits of temperature play here and there. It's almost a point of pride when he can warm you up and get you squirming with a simple touch. It's never enough to properly do damage, just enough to get you on the track that he wants you on.
𝐗 = 𝐗-𝐫𝐚𝐲 (𝐥𝐞𝐭’𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭’𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬)
We all know that this man is packing. We're talking seven inches of straight up gold heat. This man is armed and possibly dangerous since he's kind of clueless on how to use it at first. It definitely takes a lot of adjusting to fit him and it takes a while for his technique to catch up with the equipment he's got. But make no mistake, while the High Evolutionary created some awful things in his lifetime, this specific part of Adam is not one of them.
𝐘 = 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐱 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞?)
Oh, it is so stupidly high. Sometimes his behavior is akin to a horny teenage boy with how needy he gets for some sort of contact. He can learn to control himself over time, of course, but that doesn't defeat the fact that occasionally...he is an absolute fiend who needs you like he needs air.
𝐙 = 𝐙𝐳𝐳 (𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬)
The Sovereign are so evolved that if Adam does need sleep, he doesn't need much. But still, he's not the type to get tired when you do. So if you say you're done, then he's usually down to tuck in for the night.
He used to be kind of awkward about the sleeping part, actually. Was he supposed to stay there? Just...looking at you while you slept? Was that weird? He could never really figure out what was and wasn't weird and he sure as hell wasn't going to wake you up to ask. The one thing he knew for sure was that you wouldn't want him to leave. He was able to grasp that having sex with you and then leaving in the middle of the night was probably the worst thing he could do.
So he stays as quiet as he can. Then he holds you close to his chest. And eventually, when he's sure that you're fast asleep, he'll hum some tunes. He's quite fond of seventies rock music and it shines through in his choices of lullabies. It's a mix of Fleetwood Mac, Steely Dan, Eagles, Foreigner, and whatever else he's picked up from his time consuming human culture. At that point, with you steadily breathing and him holding you in his arms, he doesn't feel quite as weird or alien anymore. It makes him feel...good. Like he can be good.
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fanficapologist · 24 days
Of Dragons and Maelstroms
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Themes and Warnings: slow burn, enemies to lovers, blood, violence, explicit language, sexual violence, period-typical misogyny, sexual themes, smut, tension, marriage, jealousy, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, attempted sexual assault, breastfeeding, major character death, divergent timelines
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood/Game of Thrones characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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Chapter Seventy-Eight
Maera’s initial instinct was to turn away, her dislike for Alys still lingering. But as she watched the other woman’s distress, a pang of empathy tugged at her heartstrings. With a hesitant step forward, Maera approached Alys, her uncertainty masked by a steely resolve. Though their interactions had been fraught with tension, the sight of Alys in distress stirred something within her, prompting her to set aside their differences, if only momentarily.
"Is it the babe?" Maera inquired softly, her voice laced with worry as she drew nearer to the witch.
Alys nodded, her breaths coming in shallow and labored. "I think my time is coming," she admitted between deep inhalations, her grip tightening on her belly.
Maera glanced back toward Harrenhall, weighing the distance in her mind and silently debating whether they should attempt to make their way back. "Shouldn’t we get you inside?" she suggested, her concern evident in her tone.
But Alys shook her head vehemently, dismissing the idea. "No. The pain is not coming consistently. I will be fine after a moment," she insisted, her voice determined despite the discomfort etched on her features.
Maera observed Alys's breathing through her contraction, her own memories of childbirth flooding back. She remembered the varied experiences she witnessed at Rain House, each labor unique in its intensity and duration. Some women endured the pain with stoicism, while others vocalized their agony. Maera's hand instinctively drifted to her own bump, a silent acknowledgment of the impending journey she too would soon undertake.
True to her words, Alys soon straightened up, a few settling breaths, signaling the end of her discomfort, casting a tender stroke over her bulging abdomen. "I would rather be outside, listening to the Gods. And smelling the lavender," she confessed with a serene smile. However, there was an unsettling undertone to her expression that made Maera uneasy.
A wave of apprehension crashed down on her at the thought of Aemond’s child by Alys being born. Maera was not stupid and knew the dynamics would change when another silver-haired child entered the small court within Harrenhall, with the witch no doubt using her status as mother to the Prince’s first-born child to gain influence.
Breaking the uneasy silence that followed, Maera hesitated before speaking. "What have the Gods been saying?" she asked tentatively, her curiosity mingled with apprehension.
"Many things," Alys replied casually, her gaze sweeping their surroundings once more. "I just want to ensure this is what they want."
Alys retrieved a dagger from her sleeve with a fluid motion, causing Maera to instinctively recoil, her hand protectively cradling her swollen belly. With a swift, deliberate movement, Alys sliced through her palm, a deep gash welling with blood. Maera's eyes widened in horror as she watched the crimson liquid spill from the wound, staining the ground below.
"What are you doing?!" Maera exclaimed, her voice tinged with alarm and disbelief.
Alys met her gaze with an unnerving intensity, her eyes gleaming with an enigmatic resolve. "I must apologize, Princess Maera," she began, her voice carrying an unusual solemnity. "I have been wrong, on many fronts. The vision the Gods put forward to me… I do not think it will come to pass."
Maera's heart quickened with apprehension, her senses on high alert as she warily watched the witch's next move. Alys motioned for her to come closer, and despite her inner resistance, Maera found herself drawn toward the spilled blood, compelled to heed the witch's call. With hesitant steps, she approached, her gaze fixed on the crimson droplets falling from Alys's hand to the stone below.
As the blood pooled and trickled across the rough surface, Maera couldn't tear her eyes away. Each rivulet seemed to carve its own path, weaving a macabre tapestry upon the stone. A sense of foreboding settled over her, the sight of the blood's journey leaving her unsettled and apprehensive.
"Do you see how the blood makes its way through the gaps in the stones?" Alys questioned, her tone solemn yet strangely impassioned. Maera nodded silently, her eyes fixed on the crimson trail.
"It flows freely, going where it is meant to go," Alys continued, her voice carrying a sense of revelation. "But look there," she pointed, her finger tracing the path where the blood ceased to flow, halted by a cluster of obstructing stones. "There are stones in the way of this path. Therefore, the blood cannot pass through."
Maera's brow furrowed in confusion, her mind grappling with the significance of Alys's words. Glancing to the side, the Princess’s green eyes locked onto the knife in the witch’s hand, adorned with sapphires and emeralds. After a few moments, her breath caught in her throat, recognising the blade as her own, previously decorated by Aemond as a gift
Her thoughts spun wildly as she tried to make sense of the situation. How had Alys obtained the dagger? Had she been in Maera's chambers? The violation of her privacy left Maera feeling exposed and vulnerable, a sense of unease settling deep within her. There were two possible solutions; Alys had forced her way in or she had allies within the castle that allowed her entry. Either way, it filled Maera with dread.
"There are obstacles blocking the path of the Gods' vision too," the witch surmised, a small smile playing on her lips. "And they must be removed so the Prince that is promised can come to be."
Maera felt a chill run down her spine as the atmosphere shifted, the air turning cold and ominous. As the dagger glinted menacingly in the sunlight, Maera's mind raced with a thousand unanswered questions, her heart hammering in her chest with panic. Her muscles tensed, every instinct urging her to flee, to put distance between herself and the dangerous woman before her. But fear rooted her in place, her body refusing to obey her desperate plea for escape.
Swallowing hard, she managed to muster a meek question, "What obstacles?"
Alys's smile widened into a knowing grin. "You."
With a sudden, swift movement, the witch lunged forward, wielding the knife in her hand. Maera reacted instinctively, ducking to evade the attack. As she tried to push herself away from Alys, the witch seized her by the hair, eliciting a sharp cry of pain from Maera.
"Get off me, you bitch!" Maera screamed, her voice filled with desperation as she fought against Alys's hold. With a surge of adrenaline, Maera managed to break free, her heart pounding with fear and determination. As Alys attempted to strike with the dagger, Maera intercepted her hand, gripping it tightly to prevent the blade from reaching her heart.
"Through the binding of a son and daughter, the King of Kings will be born, to unite and conquer the world," Alys growled, her eyes gleaming with a manic fervor as she struggled against Maera's resistance. She tilted her head, a twisted grin spreading across her face. "What a shame it is that it won't be your daughter, though. A waste of my efforts."
Maera's blood ran cold at the witch's words, her mind reeling with horror and disbelief. With all her strength, she pushed against Alys, their struggle intensifying as they grappled with each other.
"You are insane!" Maera shouted, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and outrage as she confronted the deranged witch before her.
Alys pushed Maera back against the tree, the rough bark digging into her back and stealing her breath. Maera’s heart pounded with fear as she desperately tried to fend off the dagger wielding witch. With a surge of adrenaline, she managed to grab Alys’s wrist, but her strength waned against the relentless force of her attacker.
“I am a mother. And I am ensuring the safety of my son,” Alys sneered, her face contorted with malice as she pressed the dagger dangerously close to Maera's skin. “You cannot fault me for that, surely.”
Maera gritted her teeth, her muscles straining against the pressure as she fought to keep the blade at bay. But Alys’s strength proved overwhelming, and Maera felt a searing pain as the dagger plunged into her upper left arm, piercing through muscle and bone with merciless precision.
Agony consumed Maera as she cried out in anguish, the sensation unlike anything she had ever experienced, even in the heat of sparring. Beads of sweat formed on her brow as she struggled against the overwhelming pain coursing through her body.
As Alys attempted to strike again, driven by a sinister determination, Maera summoned the last vestiges of her strength. With a surge of adrenaline, she delivered a fierce headbutt to Alys's face, causing the witch to stagger backward and collapse to the ground in a stunned heap.
Despite the searing pain radiating from her arm, Maera gritted her teeth and applied pressure to the wound as she attempted to flee from her attacker. But as she sprinted past, Alys's hand shot out and seized Maera's ankle, causing her to lose her balance and fall backwards onto the ground among the fragrant lavender. Desperation fueled Maera's actions as she placed her hand on her bump, her senses heightened as she scanned her surroundings for any sign of help.
Alys's bloodied face bore a twisted expression of malice as she crawled closer, her intentions unmistakably sinister. Maera's instinct for self-preservation kicked in once more as she lashed out, her foot connecting with Alys's body in a desperate bid to keep her at bay. But the witch's relentless pursuit proved unyielding as her arm descended once again, driving the dagger into Maera's upper left thigh with a sickening thud.
A cry of agony tore from Maera's lips as she writhed in excruciating pain, the sharp sting of the blade sending shockwaves of torment through her body. Each movement seemed to intensify the searing agony as she fought to protect herself and her unborn child from the malevolent intentions of her assailant.
With trembling hands, Alys withdrew the knife from Maera's thigh, sending a spray of blood across the lavender field. Maera's cries pierced the air as she watched in horror, her heart pounding with terror. Before she could comprehend the next move, Alys's gaze shifted, her eyes narrowing on Maera's swollen belly.
In a desperate surge of maternal instinct, Maera lashed out with her uninjured arm, delivering a fierce blow to Alys's face. The force sent the witch tumbling to the ground, buying Maera a precious moment of respite. Despite the searing pain radiating from her thigh, Maera attempted to stand, her screams mingling with the rustle of lavender in the breeze. Every movement was agony, but driven by sheer determination, she began to limp back towards Harrenhall.
“Someone please help me!” She yelled in desperation.
But Alys was relentless, her laughter echoing ominously, a chilling sound in the quiet clearing. “Who is coming to help, Princess?” she taunted, her voice dripping with scorn as she attempted to pick herself up off the floor, blood covering her face and dress. “Your husband is gone. Your protector is gone. Your brother-in-law is gone. There is no one to help you.”
As despair threatened to consume her, Maera found herself surrounded by the harsh sunlight, her senses overwhelmed by the scent of crushed lavender and the metallic tang of blood. Every breath felt like a struggle, each heartbeat echoing her growing panic.
Then, like a beacon of hope, a familiar shadow fell over the clearing, casting a comforting darkness that offered solace amid the chaos. A loud, guttural roar followed, echoing through the air and sending shivers down Maera's spine. It was a sound she knew well, a sound that promised salvation.
With a thunderous thud, the great blue and black dragon, Ēbrion, descended upon the lavender field, his massive form dominating the landscape. His wings, spanning wide, seemed to blot out the sun, casting a cool shadow over the ground below. The sheer power and presence of the dragon were awe-inspiring, a reminder of the strength and protection he offered.
As Maera limped toward him, each step a battle against pain and exhaustion, Ēbrion lowered his head to meet her gaze. With a soft trill, he welcomed her, offering a sense of security in the midst of turmoil. The Princess reached out to touch his chest, feeling the reassuring warmth of his scales beneath her fingertips. Maera struggled to stay conscious, each breath felt like a battle against suffocating darkness. Her vision blurred, the world spinning around her in a dizzying whirl of pain and exhaustion. With every cough, she tasted the metallic tang of blood, a grim reminder of the wounds she had sustained.
Amidst the haze of agony, Maera's senses sharpened at the sound of Ēbrion's trills morphing into menacing growls. With a surge of determination, she turned her gaze to the great dragon, her loyal companion, who stood tall and imposing, his eyes ablaze with fury.
Ēbrion fixed his gaze on the figure of Alys, the witch who had dared to harm his rider, Maera watched as the air crackled with tension. Alys's eyes widened in shock, her cat-like gaze filled with fear as she met the dragon's menacing stare. In that moment, Maera realized that there was no mercy left to offer, no forgiveness to be found.
“Ēbrion!” The Princess called up to her mount, who turned his head slightly to look at her, but Maera’s gaze remained fixed onto the witch. As Alys locked eyes with her, a flicker of fear and perhaps a tiny glimmer of hope danced within the depths of the witch's gaze. But as Maera's expression hardened into one of anger and determination, Alys's facade crumbled. The hope in her eyes extinguished like a dying ember, replaced by a stark realization of her impending fate.
“Dracarys!” The dragon gladly complied, unleashing a torrent of searing flames upon Alys and the surrounding lavender field. The air crackled with the intensity of the blaze as flames danced and licked hungrily at the once serene landscape. Maera stood her ground, refusing to look away, as she watched Alys and the vibrant blooms around them succumb to the inferno.
In a matter of moments, both Alys and the tranquil field were consumed by the merciless flames, reduced to nothing more than ash and smoke. As the blaze subsided, leaving behind only charred remnants and smoldering embers, Maera’s strength wavered and she slumped onto the ground against her dragon, as the sound of shouting could be heard from a distance. She began to close her eyes, succumbing to the darkness, exhausted and weakened.
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“You can rest easy, Princess. The babe is unharmed.”
In her chambers, Maera lay on her bed looking out of the window, the soft light filtering through the glass casting a gentle glow upon her weary form. Her hair, usually meticulously kept, was now a tangled mess, strands falling loosely around her shoulders in disarray. The color had drained from her face, leaving behind a pallor that spoke of the ordeal she had endured.
The room itself bore signs of the recent invasion by Alys, with scattered items lending an air of disarray to the usually neat surroundings. A sense of solemnity hung heavy in the air, a silent reminder of the violence that had unfolded just hours ago.
She attempted to piece together a timeline of events, her mind wandering back to the moments before she had lost consciousness in the lavender field. The memory was hazy, blurred by the fog of pain and blood loss. She vaguely recalled the sensation of Ēbrion's presence, his towering form offering both protection and solace amidst the chaos.
Footsteps approaching had signaled the arrival of the guards from Harrenhall, their presence a welcome relief in her dazed state. Surprisingly, Ēbrion had allowed them to take her from his side, as the beast must have sensed their intention to offer help.
Once back in her chambers, Maester Cain had tended to her wounds with skill and efficiency, her lack of consciousness sparing her the sight of the cauterisation and stitching. Despite the pain and the scars that would mark her body, Maera's thoughts were consumed by one concern above all others—the safety of her unborn child.
Upon regaining consciousness, her first question had been about the well-being of her baby, and the maester's reassurance had brought her a measure of peace in the midst of turmoil. As Maester Cain attended to her, Maera felt a mixture of discomfort and detachment from the light-hearted interaction.
She watched silently as the maester measured her bump and felt for the baby's movements, her thoughts consumed by the recent ordeal she had endured. When the baby kicked the maester in the face, eliciting a chuckle from him, Maera couldn't muster a smile in return.
The weight of what had happened bore heavily on her mind, casting a shadow over the momentary distraction provided by the baby's antics. Despite the assurance of her child's safety, Maera found herself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. The innocent life within Alys’s womb that had been lost left her questioning her own role in the tragic outcome. She felt a profound sense of responsibility, unsure of what it meant for her identity and her place in the world. The ordeal had left her grappling with existential questions, her sense of self shaken to its core.
As Maester Cain tended to her injuries, Maera found herself engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions. Confusion, anger, anxiety, despair, shock, and a pervasive sense of distrust for others all vied for dominance within her. Yet amidst the cacophony of conflicting feelings, an overwhelming numbness settled over her, cocooning her in a detached state of mind.
Once the maester had finished his ministrations and Maera was made presentable, she accepted his arm for support, feeling the lingering effects of her injuries. Though her mobility would gradually return with time, the wound on her thigh would make walking difficult for the foreseeable.
Rounding the corner, Maera's gaze fell upon Lord Unwin, who swiftly rose from his chair with an air of respect, acknowledging her presence with a nod. Despite the turmoil raging within her, Maera managed to muster a sad smile in return, silently grateful for the semblance of normalcy his presence provided. Taking the seat beside him, she felt a measure of solace in his company, his quiet support offering a beacon of comfort amidst the storm that raged within her.
“Princess, thank the Gods you are alive,” Lord Unwin exclaimed, his voice heavy with relief. Maera found herself unable to respond, grappling with a profound sense of ambivalence. What significance did her continued existence hold in the wake of the harrowing ordeal she had endured? Broken, maimed, and traumatised, Maera struggled to discern any tangible value in her survival, her inner turmoil eclipsing any semblance of gratitude for being alive.
When Lord Unwin reached out to touch her hand, she allowed the contact, though her expression remained distant and troubled. “I have spoken with the guards about their lack of presence today,” Lord Unwin continued, his tone reassuring. “It will not be repeated. There will be no more threats outside nor inside this castle.”
Maera remained silent for a long moment, detached from reality as her thoughts were consumed by the haunting memory of her confrontation with Alys. The details of the guards' presence, or lack thereof, held little sway over her now, offering neither solace nor closure in the aftermath of the witch's attack.
Alys had attacked her cruelly, with the intention to kill Maera and her child. But now nothing remained of the witch, or the babe she carried in her womb. Just the indelible mark of her actions, etched in the charred remnants of the lavender field where justice had been meted out by the flames of Ēbrion's breath. Upon Maera’s own command.
The hatchling will be scorched by dragon fire in the castle of the old Kings Curse
Finally, Maera spoke, her voice barely above a whisper, thick with anguish. “I am a monster.”
The Maester's gentle voice interjected, his expression filled with empathy. “Do not say such things, Princess,” he urged, his eyes conveying understanding. But Maera shook her head, her anguish evident.
“I killed her,” Maera stated, the admission weighing heavily upon her. “I killed her baby. Who was just about to be born.”
“You were protecting yourself. And your child,” Lord Unwin declared firmly, his tone unwavering as he sought to offer solace and justification for Maera's actions.
Yet she continued to grapple with the weight of her actions, she found herself mired in a profound moral quandary. Despite the undeniable necessity of defending herself and her unborn child against Alys's malevolent onslaught, Maera couldn't shake the unsettling parallel she drew between her own actions and those of the Rogue Prince Daemon, who had ordered the death of Jaehaerys and orchestrated the recent attempt on Maera's own life, gnawed at her sense of morality, blurring the line between righteousness and retribution.
Was she truly any better than Daemon, whose transgressions had wrought sorrow upon the realm? The realization that she had extinguished not only Alys's life but also that of the innocent babe nestled within her womb weighed heavily upon her soul, leaving her adrift in a sea of moral ambiguity.
Raised in reverence of the faith of the Seven, Maera found herself grappling with the teachings of the late Lady Gael, who instilled the Mother’s mercy in her daughter. But how could she reconcile her devout faith in the teachings of the Seven, particularly the tenets of mercy and forgiveness, with the stark reality of her role as arbiter of life and death?
The Princess rested her head in her hands, feeling the weight of her guilt bearing down on her. She took a deep breath, attempting to steady herself amidst the turmoil. “The Gods will never forgive me,” she whispered, her voice heavy with remorse. A sudden worry crossed her mind, and she looked up at both men, her expression filled with apprehension. “What will Aemond say?”
Lord Unwin's response was swift and unforgiving. “The Prince should have slain her long ago,” he scoffed, his tone sharp with disdain for Alys and the threat she posed.
Maera furrowed her brow as she thought about her husband, her nails digging into her palm with resentment. Aemond had stated he had never wanted this child with Alys, nor would he acknowledge it when it was born. And yet he was the one stupid enough to lie with her, as well as spare her life even though she had deceived him, allowing the child in her womb to flourish.
The realization that Aemond had left her vulnerable at Harrenhall, to run off into war and fight some battle in the name of duty and glory, exposed to the machinations of Alys, fueled Maera's anger to a fever pitch. She couldn't fathom how he could have allowed himself to be ensnared by Alys's deceitful promises, putting not only himself, but his wife and their unborn child at the witch’s mercy.
The Princess had had enough. Fuck him, she thought. When he returned, if he even did, Maera knew that their relationship had been irreversibly altered by the events that had unfolded, leaving her to confront the harsh reality of their fractured trust and the lingering wounds of betrayal.
A sudden sense of clarity washed over her. Time and time again, Aemond had put his duty, his own selfish wants above Maera, for the sake of some ridiculous prophecy he had convinced himself was real. That was one thing, but putting his vision of greatness about his unborn child’s well-being? That was the final straw.
Despite claims of love or being bound by something greater than themselves, Aemond had possessed her through manipulating Maera’s world. To him, the cost did not matter. Not the cost of her family’s life, not the cost of proposals, not the cost of Maera’s own happiness. Yet she forgave him constantly. But the love she held for the child in her womb was leading her down a different path this time.
Would the Prince truly expect that everything would be fine when he returned? That they could all go back to carry out the fairytale of Prince and Princess bound together by fate and destiny? How could he continuously ask Maera to endure but not expect her fury in return?
There was a moment of heavy silence before the Maester intervened, offering his counsel to the Princess. “You have been through quite an ordeal. I advise bed rest for the next few weeks, and to refrain from riding until the wound is fully healed.”
Maera couldn't help but laugh bitterly at the suggestion. “Then we are vulnerable,” she declared, frustration evident in her voice as she gestured in defeat. “Be it from the north or the west, someone will come for Harrenhall. It is the closest war fortress to King's Landing.”
Lord Unwin stepped forward, offering a solution to bolster their defenses. “Allow me to make some arrangements, Princess,” he proposed, retrieving a scroll and presenting it to her. Unfurling the parchment to reveal a map of Westeros, he continued, “We can move some of our men throughout the Riverlands and station them at various points. This way, warning will come quickly if an impending attack is spotted.”
Grateful for his initiative and support, Maera nodded in agreement. “Thank you, my Lord,” she replied, her voice filled with gratitude for the ally who offered counsel and assistance in her weakened state.
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As the nights stretched on, Maera found herself trapped in a cycle of sleeplessness and discomfort. The mental torment of her recent ordeal with Alys weighed heavily on her mind, refusing to let her find respite in slumber. She could not stop thinking about how Alys’s blood dripped onto the stone path, how Alys had attacked her with her own dagger, and how she had ordered Ēbrion to set her ablaze.
The physical pain from her wounds, despite the Maester's efforts and the milk of the poppy, persisted relentlessly. Every movement brought a fresh wave of agony, making even the simplest tasks unbearable. Maera longed for the oblivion of sleep, yet found it elusive amidst the throbbing ache in her arm and thigh.
Adding to her discomfort was the incessant activity of her unborn child. Despite the turmoil Maera experienced, the babe within her seemed unaffected, its movements becoming increasingly vigorous as the nights wore on. With only two moons left until they would be born, the baby had grown considerably, its kicks now strong enough to jolt Maera with a sharp jab to her ribs.
After a week of enduring sleepless nights, the Maester, concerned for Maera's well-being, finally prescribed her essence of nightshade. Relieved at the prospect of finding some reprieve from her insomnia, Maera accepted the Maester's recommendation and took the concoction with a soothing cup of tea before retiring to bed.
As she settled beneath the covers, the essence of nightshade began to take effect, slowly easing the tension from her body and coaxing her weary mind into a state of tranquility. The weight of exhaustion lifted from her shoulders, replaced by a gentle sense of drowsiness that washed over her like a wave upon the shore. However in the depths of slumber, Maera found herself once again trapped within the confines of a haunting nightmare that she knew all too well.
The throne room of the Red Keep loomed before her, its grandeur and majesty casting a sense of foreboding that chilled her to the bone. The room was vast, with towering marble pillars reaching up to support the vaulted ceiling adorned with intricate carvings and golden chandeliers that bathed the space in a soft, flickering light.
“Muña?” Mother? Maera whispered, tears beginning to stream down her face.
As Maera's eyes swept across the room, her heart constricted with a mixture of sorrow and dread as she spotted the familiar figure of her late mother, the Lady Gael, standing at the foot of the Iron Throne. Lady Gael's once radiant silver hair hung in disarray around her shoulders, and her night dress was stained with crimson blood. Unable to resist the pull of the haunting vision before her, Maera approached her mother with hesitant steps, her heart heavy with grief.
She reached out to her in a desperate attempt to save her from whatever unseen threat lurked in the shadows. But before she could reach her, Lady Gael stumbled and fell, her body crumpling to the cold marble floor with a sickening thud. As Maera knelt beside her body, Lady Gael ominously pointed a finger into the distance, directing Maera's attention towards the Iron Throne itself. Confusion clouded her features as she tried to decipher the meaning behind her mother’s cryptic gesture, uncertain of what significance the throne held.
“Skoros kostagon nyke gaomagon, muña? Ivestragon skoros naejot gaomagon!” What can I do, mother? Tell me what to do! Maera weeped, holding onto her mother’s form as if her life depended on it.
Lady Gael, weakened and dying, reached up to tenderly brush a strand of hair from Maera's face. A feeble attempt at a smile flickered on her lips. “Ziry iksos vējes, Maera. Volpe ondoso Jaehossas.” It is fate, Maera. Foretold by the Gods. The colour then drained from her violet eyes, the smile faltered, and Lady Gael succumbed to the relentless grip of the dream's cruel reality
As Maera knelt on the cold floor of the throne room, her gaze drifted to the steps leading up to the Iron Throne, where an array of melted swords stood as a testament to the power of House Targaryen. But amidst the familiar display, she noticed something amiss. Several objects littered the steps, each one a grim reminder of the tragedies that had befallen her family and those she held dear.
The first to catch her eye was the headless body of four-year-old Jaehaerys, his small form lying motionless as blood pooled around him, staining the marble steps a deep crimson. Beside him lay a small, blood-stained cloth, a poignant symbol of the unborn daughter Helaena had lost, a miscarriage brought on by the anguish of losing her beloved son.
Above them was another lifeless body; The husband of her sister Wynni and one of the perpetrators of the attempt on Maera's life, Lord Alan lay lifeless, his throat slit and eyes vacant, a grim testament to the brutality of the world she lived in, as well as the necessity of the heinous act in order to protect herself and her child.
Beside Lord Alan Tarly's lifeless body lay another gruesome sight that sent a chill down Maera's spine. The charred, burnt remains of Alys Rivers, the witch who had brought chaos and suffering into Maera's life, lay before her. Her flesh was blackened and blistered, smoke still rising from her charred form. Despite the devastation, her decomposed hand cradled her large, blackened bump, a grim reminder of the innocent life lost in the chaos of their confrontation.
As the faint sound of a baby's cry pierced the air, Maera felt a wave of guilt wash over her. The knowledge that she had ended the life of an innocent child to protect herself filled her with a deep sense of remorse. She pressed her hands over her ears, trying to block out the haunting sound, but it echoed relentlessly in her mind, a reminder of the choices she had been forced to make.
When she finally opened her eyes, expecting to see the specter of her mother's death once more, Maera was met with a sight far more chilling. Resting in her lap was the lifeless body of Aemond, her husband, his once-vibrant violet eye now dull and lifeless. Blood oozed from his mouth, staining his colorless face, while his silver hair was matted with crimson.
The sight of Aemond's corpse sent a shockwave of agony through Maera's heart, and she felt as though the world around her was collapsing in on itself. In that moment, she was consumed by grief and despair, the weight of loss crushing her spirit as she stared down at the lifeless form of the man she had loved.
As Maera's consciousness clawed its way back from the depths of her nightmare, she found herself gasping for air, her chest heaving with each ragged breath. A desperate, blood-curdling scream tore from her throat, echoing in the silence of her chambers as she fought to shake off the tendrils of the dream that still clung to her mind.
With trembling hands, Maera reached out to her swollen stomach, seeking solace in the reassuring kicks of her unborn child. The gentle movement beneath her touch served as a grounding force, a reminder of the life growing within her amidst the chaos and turmoil of her thoughts.
But as her gaze swept across the empty space beside her in the bed, Maera's heart clenched with a pang of longing and sorrow. In that moment, all she could think about was Aemond – her husband, her betrayer, the man who had torn her life apart with his ambitions and prophecies.
The realization of how deeply entwined her fate was with his sent a shiver down her spine, filling her with a sense of dread and apprehension. If Aemond were to die – if the nightmare were to become reality – it would destroy her all over again, leaving her adrift in a sea of grief and despair from which she feared she would never escape.
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Notes: wheeewwweeee 😬 I await your thoughts and questions 🖤
Tags: @0eessirk8 @magicseahorse @blue-serendipity @abecerra611 @saltedcaramelpretzel @marvelescvpe @watercolorskyy @shesjustanothergeek @thelastemzy @kckt88
Thank you so much for reading! Comments, feedback, likes, and reblogs are greatly appreciated 🖤
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myseungsunglove · 7 months
Ksm | Breaking Point
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Pairing: Kim Seungmin x reader
Warnings: sexual tension, suggestive but no smut, language
Word Count: 2.7k
𖠫Summary: You're the 9th member of stray kids. You eat, sleep, and breathe this group. They mean the world to you. However, there is one relationship with a member that you would be able to cut the sexual tension with a knife for several months now. Maybe it’s been longer, but it was finally pointed out to you by some of the other members and now the thought plagues your mind. You make it your goal to slowly chip away at Kim Seungmin’s resolve, bringing him to the breaking point. Little do you realize, he may be the one to break you.
✎A/N✎: I saw a video of Seungmin’s body roll during the choreography of “Hall of Fame” and another one in Megaverse and it made me think things. So, as a result, this little diddy was born. Who knows where these things even come from. Not me.
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「© October 22, 2023 by mysweethannie」
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You are close with all of the members of Stray Kids, but after a particularly interesting conversation with Hyunjin and Han, you’re starting to see one member in a different light. There is tension in the relationship that you had never noticed until those two 바보 pointed it out. They may be idiots, but now that your eyes were open, you could see what they were talking about. The little shits putting ideas in your head that now you can’t shake.
Suengmin has always been a little more playful with you than the others. He loves to tease you and is always in close proximity. In interviews, your eyes meet constantly. He’s always looking to check your reaction to whatever answer has been given by himself or the other members. Lately, however, his close proximity has intensified. He has started to include slight touches when he talks to you and bumps into you innocently randomly throughout a day, but now that you’re really paying attention to it, it might not be so innocent after all. This has brought you to the point where you have decided you are going to break him and make him admit that he feels the tension between you, that he is contributing to the tension; and most importantly, that he wants to act on the tension between you.
Knowing Kim Seungmin, you realize this won’t be an easy task. However, you’re always up for a challenge so during practices and dress rehearsals for the upcoming Unveil concert in Seoul, you set out to break Kim Suengmin. Little do you know, he is determined to do the same to you.
Your first attempt comes during dance practice. You’re working through the choreography for Hall of Fame and Seungmin catches your eye in the mirror. You can’t help but notice that his body rolls have significantly improved over the last year or so. His broad shoulders move gracefully as the fluid movement travels down his torso and into his lower body. His hips are absolutely intoxicating the way they move forward, as if they are trying to draw you in. You have the briefest thought of wanting to bite into one of those hips before the thought flees your mind, running away like a scared puppy who is afraid of getting caught doing something bad. If you weren’t a professional, this particular body roll would have stopped you dead in your tracks. It was that entrancing, the way he moved. From that point in the choreo, you couldn’t peel your eyes away from Seungmin in the mirror, not giving much attention to your own moves.
“Yah! Y/N-nah!” Lee Know yells. “Pay attention. We have three days until the concert,” he chastises. Your eyes meet Seungmin’s in the mirror and he is the picture of professionalism, his dark brown eyebrows scrunching together, scrutinizing your inattention. Butterflies erupt in your stomach. This is definitely a first. It breaks you from your trance.
“Right,” you agree, shaking your head, trying to clear the Seungmin shaped cobwebs from your brain. “My head was somewhere else,” you admit, running your fingers through your short, deep purple hair, recently colored for the unveil.
Lee Know sighs in understanding, albeit frustrated understanding. You swear you see his eyes dart over to Kim Seungmin, a curt nod exchanged between the two before he speaks.
“Let’s take a break. We’ve been at it for,” he glances down at his wrist. “Damn,” he murmurs in surprise. “It’s been four hours. Drink something. We’ll take 30. Clear the fucking distractions,” he says pointedly as he looks around the room.
You move to the padded bench, bending over to grab a water bottle and suddenly you’re knocked off balance by someone bumping into your hip.
“What’s gotten into you today?” Seungmin asks from beside you.
You, you want to retort, but you know being that forthright with him might not end the way you want it to so you try a different approach.
“I’m just in my head about one move in Hall of Fame,” you offer, straightening up and taking a long swig from your water bottle.
Seungmin’s eyes rove your features, his gaze calculating, as he tilts his head slightly considering your words carefully.
“Is there anything I can help with?” he asks.
It can’t possibly be that easy, right?
“Actually,” you swallow, reaching out and brushing his arm with a feather light touch, your small fingers dancing along his forearm. “You might be just the person to help.”
Goosebumps prickle up on his skin from the interaction and you know step one is a success. He glances down where your hand made contact like you had set him on fire.
He places a tentative hand over the spot and rubs at it lightly, willing the goosebumps away and quickly meets your gaze.
“Okay,” he answers simply, your eyes meeting again. He doesn’t look away almost as if he is challenging you. Then you realize he is just waiting for you to continue.
“Right, okay,” you clear your throat. You look around the room and see that some of the members have stepped out. However, Han and Hyunjin remain and they are eagerly watching the two of you. That won’t do, you decide.
“Let’s go across the hall,” you suggest, reaching out and grabbing Seungmin’s hand, dragging him from the room.
He stumbles after you in surprise, but quickly regains his balance. Surprisingly, he doesn’t shake away your hand, but instead squeezes it lightly as he walks in step with you out of the practice room and into the smaller one across the hall.
You reluctantly drop his hand, enjoying the warmth of his large, slender hand a little too much, and flip on the recessed lighting that lines the other side of the room. It leaves most of the room pretty dark, only the row of lights in front of the mirror illuminated. You walk over to the mirror and assess yourself before glancing back at Seungmin who is unabashedly staring at you. He gives you a little smirk when your eyes meet. Butterflies again. Who is breaking who, here? You think to yourself.
“Get over here, nerd,” you chuckle, motioning for him to join you in front of the mirror.
“I’d be careful who you call a nerd,” he warns as he stalks toward you. “You wanted my help after all.” There’s that stupid confident smirk again.
“Oh whatever, you love it,” you tease, grabbing his arm when he is within reach and pulling him to stand next to you, both of you looking at each other in the mirror. He doesn’t refute your statement. In fact, he chuckles and shakes his head slightly.His laugh is low and adorable and rumbles through you in an unexpected way.
“So how can Master Kim help?” he asks, cocking one eyebrow at you.
You shake your head and roll your eyes. Time to see if he will fold.
“That fucking body roll in Hall of Fame,” you groan, emphasizing your displeasure. “I look utterly ridiculous when I do it.”
“You don’t,” he says immediately and you turn to stare at him.
“I don’t?” you repeat dumbly, and can’t help but wonder how often he watches you. You didn’t think he’d ever watched you do the move or any moves for that matter.
He shakes his head in reply.
“Let’s see it then,” he responds, turning back to the mirror. “I’ll do it with you.”
You go through the eight count before the body roll together. When you get to the roll, you fumble it as hard as you can. In fact, you’re trying so hard to screw it up, it really looks like you have no idea how to move that way, your body moving awkwardly.
Seungmin immediately bursts into laughter, doubling over in front of the mirror before straightening back up, trying to keep the tears at bay from laughing so hard.
“Fuck you, Seungmin,” you bite out. It’s all a front, but you’ve gotta convince him you really need help. “I should have asked Lee Know,” you add with a stab. You know that will shut him up.
“No, no,” he says, shaking his head, frantically waving his cute little hands at you. His demeanor is suddenly much more serious. Mission accomplished. “It’s just that you have literally never moved like that before in your life,” he says, and he can’t help but let out a small chuckle.
“Dude, I seriously move like that every time,” you complain. “Maybe you should pay closer attention.” You reach out and slap his shoulder lightly.
“I do,” he mumbles.
“Huh?” You ask with a tilt of your head even though you are certain you heard him.
He clears his throat and ignores your response.
“Watch me,” he says, stepping up to the mirror.
“No,” you groan, flopping your arms at your sides dramatically. “I’ve watched,” you whine. “It hasn't fixed the problem. I need you to show me.”
His eyebrows furrow and he turns to look at you again.
“Show you?” he asks, clearly confused.
You can tell you have the upper hand again.
“Yes, show me,” you repeat, stepping in front of him in the mirror and backing up closer to him so that his front bumps against your ass. He doesn’t move away from the contact, but he is watching you intently in the mirror, a deeply contemplative look etched on his cute puppy-like features as he tilts his head to the side, looking around your head in the mirror. “Hands on,” you add, grabbing one of his hands and placing it on your hip. “I’ve seen it countless times. I think I need to feel it to really understand,” you clarify.
“Hmm,” Seungmin hums softly, his other hand landing on your hip as he pulls you back against him tightly so that your bodies are flush against each other. “You need to feel it,” he repeats, and it’s almost a whisper right by your ear, his cheek grazing your face gently, his eyes locking with yours in the mirror.
You swallow hard but don’t break eye contact with him.
“Together then,” he says. He gives a lead in count but when he reaches two, his hips roll against yours, pushing you forward clumsily. You weren’t ready.
“Distracted again?” he asks, his head tilting teasingly, a devilish glimmer in his eyes.
You clear your throat and shake your head slightly. He’s toying with you. It was supposed to be the other way around.
“Just wasn’t ready,” you say. “Again,” you add, placing your hands on top of his on your hips, determined to have the kind of effect on him that he is currently having on you.
You feel his fingers ripple against yours before he leads in the count again and this time you're ready, allowing him to pull your body back against his as your hips roll together in perfect unison. You can feel him through his sweats against your ass and he makes no attempt to hide it.
When your movements stop, he doesn’t let go, snaking his hands fully around your waist, bringing his lips close to your ear.
“You’ve always been a quick learner,” he whispers, his breath hot against your neck. “Are we going to keep playing this game?” he asks.
You play stupid.
“Game?” you breathe out the question innocently.
Without warning, Seungmin takes the opportunity to spin you around in his hold, and a surprised yelp escapes you. This doesn’t stop him as he pushes you backwards with his body until you bump into the mirror you were just facing. One of his legs presses in between yours, his hips pinning you against the mirror. Both of his hands are caging you in, framing your face as he leans in to speak.
“Yes, this game,” he repeats. “Where you act like you don’t know what you’re doing so you can get help from me and tease me until I break and make a move. I see right through you, Y/N-nah,” he scolds, his round eyes moving back and forth between yours.
You take a deep breath.
“It worked, didn’t it?” you counter.
He scoffs at you.
“You pinned me against the mirror afterall. Not the other way around,” you add with a smirk and a tilt of your head, your hands moving daringly up to his broad chest and grabbing a fist full of his t-shirt.
His hands drop from the mirror then, landing on your hips once more as he pushes his body fully against yours, his hard length pressing into your middle as his lips find yours in a bruising kiss. Your mouths slot together, tongues chasing after each other, eager to taste the other as your hips slowly roll against his, your hands still in fists on his shirt, clinging to him like he is the only oxygen you want from here on out. Your hands slowly release their hold on his shirt and move to his face, your fingertips dancing along his skin and you can feel the goosebumps pop up again as he shivers against you. You smile into the kiss, satisfied at the reaction his body has to you.
“You drive me absolutely crazy, you know that?” Seungmin mumbles against your lips, his forehead falling against yours as you break the kiss, sucking in fresh air after the longest most spine tingling kiss you’d ever experienced.
“Ditto,” you manage, your voice breathy and unstable.
“There’s plenty more where that came from, jagiya,” he teases, his lips forging a soft, wet trail along your jawline and down the column of your neck.When he meets the place where your neck meets your shoulder, he licks a long stripe and bites gently before pulling your shirt to the side and moving over and sucking a deep purple mark into your collarbone. Luckily it’s where it can be easily hidden.
“Mine,” he growls against your skin.
“Yours,” you agree with a desperate nod, both of your hands on the back of his head as you hold onto him, your head making a thunking sound against the mirror and arching your back so that you give him better access to you.
“YAH! I said thirty minutes, horn dogs,” Lee Know suddenly yells into the room. “I’d expect this lateness from Seungmin, but you Y/N,” he tsks. “Never you,” he teases.
“Fuck off, Lee Know,” Seungmin teasingly growls against your shoulder before turning to look at him with a condescending look.
“Gladly,” he smirks mischievously. “Though it looks like you were the one about to do the fucking, not me,” he adds triumphantly before pulling the door open and strolling out confidently.
“If I hadn’t been so rudely interrupted, maybe!” Seungmin yelled after him even though Lee Know was long gone.
“Not here you wouldn’t have,” you protest. “Not where anyone could have caught us and did,” you add, nodding your head at the door Lee Know had just exited.
“But you want that, yeah?” Seungmin asks, his round hazelnut eyes meeting yours in a question.
“Definitely,” you agree, pulling his lips to yours once more. “You’re gonna show me what other moves you’ve got tonight, Kim Seungmin,” you mumble against his plush lips.
“Just you wait,” he teases, his hand moving up under your shirt slightly, grazing the soft, smooth skin of your stomach, causing goosebumps to erupt. “Just you wait,” he repeats, kissing you again slowly before stepping back and grabbing your hand, pulling you away from the mirror and out of the room.
You enter the practice room across the hall to cat calls and general teasing as everyone sees you step through the door together hand in hand. Hyunjin and Han high five each other and burst into a pile of laughter together.
“You owe me twenty bucks,” Chan says to Felix with a smirk.
“Oh my god,” you laugh embarrassed, burying your face in Seungmin’s shoulder. “You guys are fucking incredible.”
“I know,” Changbin smiles at you. “Glad you see it. Though you obviously think Seungmin-nah is more incredible than the rest of us according to Lee Know,” he teases.
“Shove it, Changbin,” Seungmin finally says. “Aren’t we supposed to be getting back to practice?” he asks, looking around the room, his eyes landing on Lee Know pleadingly.
“Right!” Lee Know claps his hands together and moves back to the front of the room to continue to lead the practice.
“And no more talking about these two making out across the hall,” IN adds and everyone bursts into laughter.
“Innie!” you protest.
“What? I said no more,” he shrugs, looking at you innocently.
You had gotten what you wanted from Seungmin, but none of it had gone the way you planned. You suppose it doesn’t really matter how you managed to cut the tension between you and Seungmin.
Seungmin squeezes your hand and pulls you closely to him, kissing your lips quickly before letting go completely. You blush and he smiles proudly, like this had been part of his plan. You can’t help but wonder if he was really the one trying to break you all along.
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mono-blogs-art · 4 months
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So, the first week of Tsukutabe season 2 is behind us!! 4 new episodes out, and I'm just so delighted to have them on screen again, both with the old charm and warmth, and a fresh feeling of novelty. Not just with the new characters - it really feels as if the whole series has gotten an upgrade. New locations, more fluid and fancy editing with the new opening sequence. Plus, Sayama got a haircut! I also really loved the throwback to the very first episode of Nomoto speaking to the wall in a dramatic fashion. It really gives the impression of "We're back!!"!
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Speaking of Sayama, I love that she was kept around as a character, despite her not being in the original manga. It's nice to have her carry over from season 1 and be a buddy to Nomoto after she's already made such a big impact on her and been so supportive of her journey before. And also, she's just a fun character :D I am curious however how much she and Yako will both help Nomoto with her self-discovery - in the manga, Nomoto has no friends except for Kasuga and then Yako (& Sena), so all of her talking about her sexuality is with Yako, who is a lesbian herself, versus now all these talks about love and dating have been with Sayama, who is straight. I'm curious to see what they do with all of that.
The biggest new thing so far has been the introduction of new character Nagumo Sena, the middle neighbor! And I'm seriously so happy with what they've done with her in these 3 episodes she's been in now. She's exactly as quiet, awkward, and nervous as I imagined her to be, without it feeling over the top or cringey. She's just an anxious kid, but I feel that she's really gonna open up. Her 1on1 interactions with Kasuga are cute, and awkward too, the two of them are just both so alike and quiet that it made me chuckle a bit. Still, Kasuga immediately gives off the feeling of wanting to take care of her too, and it's gonna be really nice watching them become friends.
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On a smaller scale, obviously we're gonna be putting our two mains through the ringer again. Nomoto is already going through it, giving her personal journey more and more thought as she delves deeper into lesbian culture (I guess?). Watching movies (and crying about it, she is so me), connecting with others on social media, and seriously thinking about her feelings for Kasuga and how far they go. Similarily, Kasuga is (probably? hopefully?) gonna have her own big story arc this season, some of which has already been teased for next week. I'm so excited for that to play out and see how they adapt it.
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It's also nice to see the two of them in slightly new formations. With new characters joining the gang and with their relationship becoming tighter and tighter, now they speak in unison more often, spur each other on, talk honestly to each other... and stand shoulder to shoulder, a shot that we haven't seen much yet but that I just love!! (height difference...)
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I'm so glad the show is back and better than ever. The girls are cooking. Literally. And also falling in love of course.
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fairy-switchblade · 6 months
Okay, so a few questions that might be asked around butch/femme culture are Why identify as butch over masc? Why are butch and femme still relevant terms now, when they’re almost 100 years old?
Here is a helpful infographic.
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We have reached a stage in queer culture, as of 2023, where most aspects of the queer individuals experience are divided and categorised. We think of each individual element as a separate area of our life, and use neat terms to describe them as such. This has its uses, and is an essential process for some. However, in this case it lacks a flexibility and subtly which many people need to adequately describe their experience in a way which is empowering to them.
Now lets look at the next picture.
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Butch and femme are very special because they are able to transverse not only the boundaries between gender and sexuality, but also gender roles, sexual roles as well as orientation, and our shared history. Butch is, all at once, a gender, a social role, a historic position, a sexual orientation, and a sexual role. It is necessarily fluid and ambiguous, and for this reason can be very freeing. We need to words to describe how our sense of gender and sexuality merge.
Now you could say that “queer” will do the same thing, and lots of people do prefer it which is of course, entirely up to them, and fair enough. However queer on its own will not have enough of a ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’… flavour to it, if you like, which ‘butch’ and ‘femme’ respectively do. “Masc” also does not have quite the same complexity, and from what I have seen is more specifically used to talk about gender presentation alone. There isn’t anything else quite like butch, and femme.
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lucixfers · 11 months
—𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐟’𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ༆
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pairing. chrollo lucilfer x female reader
18+ MDNI.
warnings. heavily sexual/suggestive content, smut (not very explicit), mentions of toxicity, morality, the use of the word divinity and salvation but not in a religious sense lol
wc. 882
note. don’t let the first part bore you. I like build up and will go hours and hours into character analysis.
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His allure was undeniable.
He drew you in a perilous dance of desire and darkness. Morality? What is morality but a fluid concept that exists within a realm of gray where absolutes fade away.
Atleast, that is what he had said.
Morality stifles your true potential.
You found yourself torn between Chrollo’s dark charm and the knowledge of toxicity that seeped from his very being. For underneath the surface of his intoxicating charisma lay complexity, a web of manipulation and self-interest that permeated his every action. Yet, here, you yearned for his touch, even if you at times found yourself recoiling from the hidden venom that dripped from his lips.
Can love truly blossom amidst such darkness?
You scoffed at the thought. Love? Your own concept of love was quite twisted. The dark shroud of intoxicating infatuation is quite suffocating. His presence increasingly consumes you, until you find yourself clawing out and gasping for air.
Yet, amidst the toxicity, there were glimpses of something deeper—a vulnerability that surfaced in fleeting moments when his guard slipped. It was in those instances that you caught sight of the tortured soul beneath the surface, a soul aching for solace.
You think back to the conversation once more.
“However,” Chrollo continued, his tone softening with a touch of introspection, “that does not mean our actions are without consequences. We understand the price we pay for defying society’s norms. Yet, in our pursuit for liberation, we embrace darkness within us, navigating its depths while remaining true to our own code.”
It was an unapologetic celebration of freedom. Chrollo’s morality was a delicate balance between chaos and purpose, a dance between self-interest and loyalty.
“Morality stifles your true potential.”
As if he knew the turmoil brewing beneath you, Chrollo approaches you, regarding you with a knowing look. His voice carried a subtle intensity as he responded to the battling thoughts in your head.
“Morality, as I mentioned before,” Chrollo lays a gentle hand on your temple, “is a collection of societal norms that shape our behavior.” His eyes follow his fingers that move down behind your ear.
“But love and desire,” his mouth was now where his fingers once were, “they exist beyond the confines of morality.” He sang in your ear.
The ghost of a touch had you rise up from your seat. Your hips, as if they could hold back the desire no longer, happily leaned into the hands that gripped them. Chrollo’s mouth was still hot against your ear, your bodies were unknowingly in a gentle sway.
“To deny yourself the expression of your true feelings,” his breathing grew heavier, “to suppress this passion,” he paused. He pulls back, only enough to press his forehead against yours. His eyes bore into your soul, demanding its full attention.
“—would be to deny your own existence, my love.”
Heat coursed through your entire being. Your legs shake, and you would have fell, had it not been for Chrollo’s knee that had somehow pried its way through your legs, and was now pressed against your warmth.
“Breathe my darling.” Chrollo stroked the top of your head, his knee shifting, knowing that it would elicit that beautiful sound that will grant you salvation from your thoughts.
Chrollo’s words carried quite the rebellion, urging you to break free from the constraints that held you back.
“Chrollo, I—” you sigh.
Chrollo throws his head back, his arms that once supported you were now raised in the air and his voice boomed through your soul.
“Embrace, my darling! Embrace the intensity of your emotions, for they are the essence of your humanity.”
You gasp. His words were the divinial hand that pulled you from the shroud, and gave you the strength to stand on your own. This new-found resilience has encouraged you to explore your liberation. Your fingers, once limp, now claw themselves up Chrollo’s chest and lace themselves in his hair. Your head falls back as his lips that spoke the words of your freedom just moments ago, latch onto your neck.
You let arousal stir within you, letting him deepen the kisses that were now trailing down your chest. He stops just short of your heat, and looks up at you with such enigmatic eyes.
The ball was now in your court.
Your expression darkens as you bend down slowly to meet his gaze, cupping his face to really look at him. You’re enraptured by those paradoxical eyes.
You let the tip of your tongue roam across the line of his mouth, encouraging him to pry apart those pretty lips, and just when he did, you rose once again.
Chrollo smiled his dark smile and without breaking eye contact, returned his hands to the back of your ankles. He slid his hands up and down until your dress rode up. With a swift hook of his fingers, he pulled down the lace fabric, exposing the feast he had been craving since he first laid his eyes on you. His eyes, that were vacant and hollow, now held those glimmering, shifting hues, that were only granted to the finest of treasures.
“Oh, Chrollo,” you let your head fall back.
And with one final kiss to your stomach, the thief finally allowed himself the pleasure of playing in gold.
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hanlimz · 1 year
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synopsis: jungwon loves you, in sickness and in health. pairing: jungwon x gn!reader genre/warnings: pure fluff, However .. reader is in the bath .. clothing is left ambiguous, but 1) this is in no way by Any means sexual and 2) i did write this scene w them wearing a bathing suit in mind (i just didn't write it explicitly bc it was awkward to work around) word count: 1.3k (me when i'm so normal and chill and cool and normal) a/n: this is for @nyxvrse bc hopefully soft won sickfic will make being Actually sick a little bit easier :,,((&lt;33 (it's also partially for me bc midterms r almost over n im Emotional)
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[7:07PM] jungwon thinks there's an innate beauty in not being able to reach one's own back; to him, it reinforces the indubitable nature of being human—weakness, fragility, the ability to be torn apart and put back together by the existence you thrive in, but are inevitably doomed to. paradox after paradox, he sits and combs through one after another like he always does to your hair after you arrive home from a stressful day at work. jungwon loves the feeling of your head in his lap; its soft weight grounds him in reality, and it floods him with a strange sense of gratitude—inexplicable, all-consuming, tender.
"won," you manage to croak out through all of the mucus that has collected in your throat, "i feel so gross. my head hurts, and i'm sweating—and, my snot is all over your sweater, and i'm so sorry ..." your tears begin to breach the cotton material of his hoodie as you burrow further into his stomach, and jungwon finds himself physically fighting the urge to giggle at the sincere apology. he appreciates the way in which you've made a home for the two of you inside your heart; jungwon feels the warmth of your love like a plush blanket being tugged up to his chin on a cold winter's night.
he thumbs at your ear and almost flinches at the sheer heat that radiates from your body. "you don't have to apologize, [y/n] ... i just wish i could make it go away," jungwon hums, attempting to coax you out of your hiding place. "i know how you hate being sick ... i could make you some ramen, or i could run you a bath—if you want."
you pull away from him with a feeble smile, and he has to force down another bout of laughter because good god—jungwon is nothing if not a fool for you. the sight of your puffy, bloodshot eyes is enough to send him into cardiac arrest. there's a prominent indentation of the fabric of his jeans present on the side of your face and a matching patch of drool on his thigh that he notices when you glance up at him. your expression is glassy and faraway, and he resists the calling to snap a picture of you and set it as his new homescreen. jungwon thinks you look as gorgeous as ever. he thinks you look human, even if you don't feel it at the moment, and that is beautiful.
"bath would b'nice, won," you reply, "think i wan' to lay on the tile ... c'n you bring me to the bathroom?"
jungwon nods while helping you onto his back, and he begins to meander through his own thoughts once again. they all come back to you, but he doesn't mind; jungwon would choose to think about you forever if that were possible. he sees you in the fluid dance of cirrus clouds above his head, he feels you when the rays of the sun shine on the apples of his cheeks, and he hears you in the stillness of night. the smell of vanilla and citrus always seems to follow close behind you, and he realizes just how much he's begun to associate his existence with yours. jungwon is full when you're with him.
the two of you reach your destination, and he sets you down on the porcelain, white tiles, watching as you visibly relax as they cool down your skin. jungwon reaches to turn on the water, making sure to keep the temperature moderate as to not aggravate the illness holding you hostage even further. outstretching an arm, he brushes his knuckles from your temple to your jaw and begins to hum an old folktune.
it's one that you recognize from your childhood, and the fog that clouds your brain manages to transport you back in time. the grass outside of your grandmother's house seems to be a more vibrant green, the continuous hum of cicadas is transformed into a delightful melody as opposed to their usual drone, and jungwon is there. one moment, he's chatting with your mother while helping her weed the garden and making her laugh. the next, he's pouring your grandmother a glass of fresh lemonade with one of the brightest smiles you've ever seen. your grandma loves him, your mom loves him, you love him—
after a firm squeeze of your shoulder, jungwon catches the subtle fluttering of your eyelids; he welcomes you back into the land of the living with that same blinding grin you had seen mere seconds ago. "bath's ready, sweetheart," he says, helping you to your feet. "i can go make some tea for after—"
"no," your denial is resolute, and it makes jungwon's body go rigid. "stay—stay with me, please."
jungwon's heart bursts in his chest; the resounding pop of every single blood vessel is deafening, and the only thing that stops him from floating away into the abyssal darkness of the cosmos is the feeling of his sleeve trapped in your fist. he chooses to reply with a simple: "anything you want," because anything more would've resulted in the loss of his dignity. no words are exchanged as you begin to undress; the quietude is soft and comforting as though it's welcoming you back from a long, tiring journey. it envelops the both of you in an embrace that neutralizes any negativity threatening to seep through from the earlier happenings of the day. jungwon, though so accustomed to planning things ten steps ahead, thinks it's nice to live in the present with you.
"won ... you added bubbles?" your voice wobbles as you ask your question.
he laughs—free and open, this time, "i just thought you'd like them."
"thank you," you respond, voice heavy with emotion.
jungwon shakes his head and motions for you to step into the water; he holds his breath as you settle against the wall of the tub and relish in the way the warmth seems to soothe the ache in your bones. soon after, however, he cranes over the mountain of foam you've collected and grabs the huge bottle of strawberry body wash the two of you share; its sweet aroma permeates the air as he squeezes some into his hands to create a thick lather. with a cautious touch, jungwon rubs the soap into your skin; he traces over the expanse of your shoulders with the utmost care, almost as if he were trying to memorize all the tendons connecting each muscle to its respective bone. and, jungwon is, if he's being truthful; he wants to know every part of you like the back of his hand.
"lean forward for me?" he coos, giving you a gentle push with the tips of his fingers.
like a marionette wooed by its strings, you find yourself hanging onto jungwon's every word. his voice is barely above a whisper, and the mere conceptualization of this sacred togetherness has the color returning to your skin. as jungwon's hands massage the tension from your back muscles, tears well up behind your eyes once more. "thank you for taking such good care of me, won," your voice cracks, and you sniffle while trying to will away the impending cough making its way up your throat. "you love me so well ... makes me feel complete."
jungwon's breath hitches before he chuckles and presses his lips to the top of your head. words always seem to fail him in moments like these; his mind—thoroughly beguiled by you—is unable to conjure up any semblance of a coherent reply. but, in all honesty, jungwon isn't even sure an hour long speech in front of every living being in the world would suffice when it comes to expressing his the pure adoration he has for you. he wants to scream out; he wants to thank the universe and expound upon how grateful he is to have found the person he can be human with, but he chooses to remain silent.
for however long you let him, jungwon will continue to wash your back.
and, when the time comes, he knows you will wash his.
that is more than enough.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
I find it striking that the show gave us two shots of Trent stopping a door right before it closes, in back-to-back episodes, with the first instance inevitably informing our reading of the second. Meaning, once that particular, distinctive shot is associated with Trent following Colin to come out to him/reassure him about being queer, seeing that shot again - especially so soon - automatically makes us go, "Okay, so what does this have to do with the themes of queer sexuality and coming out? Is this another case of Trent, on a literal level, running after a queer man?"
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In a very general sense, this scene did have Trent 'come out' again: as a "dork," as autistic (based on many fans' reading of his enthusiasm and body language), as a total convert to the "Lasso Way," as a genuinely happy person after nearly three whole seasons of playing the cool, collected, despairingly cynical journalist. However, the takeaway is not just that Trent is finally comfortable enough to fully express himself, it's that he overtly acknowledges that Ted is the one who brought this about. Remember, "sport" is the metaphor and here everything Trent discusses about Total Football is really just a figurative expression of his love of Ted.
He's not even subtle about it, what with his language entirely focused on Ted's individual influence, rather than emphasizing the work the team has put in, or their own significant influences. (It's a biased focus that Trent indulges in despite Jamie straight up saving the day an hour before with Trent right there, watching him do it). He starts the scene by screaming Ted's name, says the strategy will work because of the Lasso Way, you haven't switched tactics, you've done this over three seasons. Trent might think that the fourth point doesn't matter, but really he's already discovered it. The last piece of the puzzle is Ted (or more broadly, the love that Ted helps flourish). A team can have conditioning, versatility, and awareness, but if they haven't formed the kind of bond we see when the boys are putting that water bottle into Will's basket, all of those others skills will come to naught when pit against the fluid, trust-based tactics of Total Football. That's the final condition that Ted has brought about and Trent's celebration of it is, by default, a celebration of Ted himself. Coupled with our opening door-stop that invites a, 'What gay quest is Trent heading out on now?' question, it's no wonder I've seen so many, "I thought Trent was going to kiss him" comments the last 24 hours. YEAH because that's how this scene is framed! Trent is newly out to the audience. He's paralleling his previous queer-focused plot-line. He's the most himself we've ever seen him while enthusiastically celebrating the existence of the man in front of him. What isn't romantic about that?
I also can't help but think about the door itself as a metaphor; of a possibility almost closing... only to be halted at the last possible second. We have the expression "When God closes a door he opens a window," yet in this episode we're explicitly told that God is not a part of this dynamic, so instead it's Trent - the supposed "observer" - who stops the door before it can close in the first place. He kept alive the possibility that Colin could find peace with someone about his sexuality and now he's keeping alive Ted's faith in his own coaching style... as well as the possibility for their romantic involvement (canon-based or fanon-based).
I know the "straight" comment disappointed a lot of fans, but the way I see it we have an episode where Ted's sexuality is framed in the past tense, while we get a shot of Trent giving him a I Know What You Are look similar to what Colin received, right after Ted gushes over loving a great head of hair + a clean-shaven look (Trent's vibe), alongside the meta (Lance's interviews) and canonical ("No, Sir / Yes, Ma'am") queering of Trent's gender, during a stint where a whole group of men are tied together by red strings of fate, right before one of those out men literally runs rom-com style after another to gush over how much he adores him while they're connected by their own strip of red.
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[gnashing, wailing, etc. etc.] I BELIEVE
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skellymom · 3 months
Hunter x Reader Supporting Character Smutty One Shot
(With comedy mixed in)
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(Credit for Pinterest photo: mishusheadache)
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(Divider credit: @cafekitsune and @4gelic-wh1spers)
BACKGROUND: Hunter converses with his anatomy. We get to be in BOTH heads at once!
WARNING: Swearing, references to sexual organs, sexual sounds, reference to the sexual act, mentions of body fluids, angst, sexual pining, dirty humor, wing men, unspoken consent to the sexual act.
Inspired by a post about Hunter typing "Hunt and Peck" style by" @im-no-jedi
This silly movie scene from the 1980's flick "Real Genius"
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The Batch finished up their latest mission, picking up a new passenger along the way. Y/N was a Force sensitive hitching a ride to a planet they would be passing on the way to Kamino. She would only be with them a few standard days on the Marauder, and the crew made sure she had a comfortable stay. 
Within two days Hunter was smitten. He usually kept himself from developing any attachments to nat borns. But...well, this one was different...and difficult to ignore. Of course, he still engaged with her politely. Being a Sergeant and host on this transport, he kept some distance. 
Y/N was attractive. Not conventionally, as he wouldn’t consider himself attracted to just ANY pretty face. But she had that...thing. An essence? Something that just took him out at the knees. It was elusive... 
...and she smelled SO GOOD. Hell, even when she was sweaty, dirty, just woke up in the morning...heady scent of her body odor with the slightest tang of her sex... 
Hunter shifted in the pilot’s seat. His armor codpiece felt tight. Dammit, he NEEDED to stop getting distracted. He was supposed to be sitting watch on the ship. 
Technically Echo was to stand this shift. However, he was under the weather and now lying down like the rest of his brothers. 
Hunter could hear Crosshair breathing, Echo’s ticking mechanical heart, and smell Tech’s drool...as he slept face down with mouth open. Wreckers' snores were like a power tool, until his sleep apnea kicked in. Hunter would count the seconds unconsciously holding his own breath too...until Wrecker finally inhaled. 
Hunter inhaled deeply just thinking about it... 
...until Y/N sighed in her sleep. The sound brought his attention back to the heat and tightness in his groin. 
Cut it out Peck! Hunter internally warned his cock. 
Yes, Hunter nicknamed his pecker. And he admitted it to NO ONE! Although, he came close one time when Echo confidentially revealed to Hunter that he named his scomp. 
Oh Broody...you’re such a tight ass PRUDE! 
Hunter shot up from the chair looking around the cockpit. He SWORE he heard a whisper so close...unsure if it was outside or INSIDE HIS HEAD!!!  
KRIFF, I’m hearing things. Although, it was his THIRD consecutive day of chronic insomnia. Was he hallucinating? 
Listening again, Hunter could perceive everyone was asleep and accounted for. He sat back down. 
Broody...it’s me! Peck!!! In a strangely soft but high-pitched voice. 
Then the voice started clucking. 
Hunter spun around in the chair. He felt for CERTAIN there were NO CHICKENS on the Marauder. Shit...he REALLY needed to start taking that nasty tasting sleep medication Tech concocted.  
Finally lost my mind...was bound to eventually happen. Lack of sleep, having to look after his bonehead brothers, save Echo, and... sitting here alone in the starlit darkness. Running his hand down his face and resigned himself to having an internal discussion with his own cock. What would it hurt? Besides everyone was asleep. Let’s just go with it and see... 
Peck? Hunter called out with his mind. 
Yeah Broody? 
I’m NOT a prude. Just polite. 
Y/N is a grown ass woman, Hunter. You CAN talk to her. 
What would I say? 
She needs MORE than those furtive glances and puppy dog eyes. Show her the WOLF you are, Hunter. 
She’s our guest NOT a sex object! 
Oh...so she’s NEVER had an impure thought about YOU? 
A very feminine moan and a sigh wafted from the pallet Y/N was sleeping on the bunk room floor. She must have been having a hell of a dream...as Hunter could smell her wet arousal. 
Hunter’s cock was now becoming painful with an intense pressure against his codpiece. 
Clucking...C’mon ole boy. Would you deny yourself the opportunity of a grown woman’s consent? 
You DON’T KNOW if she even thinks about me THAT WAY! 
Hunter ripped the codpiece off and threw it behind him. His girthy engorged cock staining through his blacks...and leaving a wet spot. 
Ohh...THANK FORCE you let me out! Suffocating in there!!! Clucking... 
SHUT UP! Hunter pushed his pecker down between his legs, then crossed them tightly. 
Mmhmm, hmm, mhm mmm... Muffled speech. Clucking intensified. 
DANK FERRICK! She did look at him a lot and smiled. He could sense her body reacting to him MUCH differently than his brothers. The thrumming of her presence on his senses. Something he guessed was her Force sensitivity. It would tickle his nerve endings and make him shiver...in a VERY good way. Was Y/N flirting with the Force? Hunter wasn’t exactly sure. 
But he didn’t want to take advantage and come off as a creep. 
Hunter was so caught up in his head he barely registered a rustling... 
...and swung the chair around to face... 
...Y/N standing there, blanket wrapped around her shoulders, eyes hooded in desire. 
Hunter sprang up out of the chair and his cock sprang up from between his legs. His expression was of dumb embarrassment due to all the blood rushing away from his brain. 
Her gaze lingered on his cock. Then she stared him straight in the eyes... 
...and dropped her blanket. She was buck naked. 
Hunter’s jaw dropped. Y/N giggled seductively, strolled over to Hunter and pressed everything she had up against him. 
He almost died of heart failure but managed to gently slide both hands up her back in a tender caress. 
“Are you sure???” 
“Yes, Hunter...PLEASE EAT me and FUCK me!” With that she grabbed two handfuls of his luxurious hair and devoured his mouth. 
Hunter, ever the gentleman who could follow directions to the letter, obliged her. 
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“Permission to FINALLY stop drooling upon the sheets? Feel like I’m still on Kamino...” Tech whispered. 
Quiet moaning from the cockpit area. 
Echo whispered back on the comm channel “Everyone, the coast is clear. Target engaged.” 
Everyone received the order via earpiece. They could now relax and drop the ruse of being asleep. 
Tech sighed, “Now I can FINALLY get in the refresher. He was spending an abnormal amount of time in there lately...”   
“Look who's talking, Mr Clean. Wrecker piped up. “Shiniest dick in the galaxy.” 
“At least Hunter cleans the cum off the shower walls.” Tech shot Wrecker a baleful stare 
“Ey, can’t help I got a big dick.” Wrecker smiled like a shithead, nodding at Tech’s crotch. “Can’t help making a BIG splash...and miss some at times.” 
Echo interrupted on comm, “Will the two of you QUIET THE FUCK DOWN! Our target will disengage...and Y/N will not acquire the asset!” 
Wrecker giggled, “Oh, she’s definitely acquiring that ASS-ET!” Getting louder again. 
Echo and Tech shushed him again. 
Clucking continued over the coms... 
Echo slid to the edge of his bunk and looked up. Crosshair lay on the top bunk, pillow pressed savagely over his face. He was shaking and clucking like a deranged farm fowl. 
“If I had known you’d carry on so much, would have been the voice myself. Plus, you SERIOUSLY veered off script!” Echo sneered. Wondering if he was the only one on this ship, save their guest, to have at least one brain cell. 
His musing was interrupted by much louder moans, sexual swears, and the wet slapping of flesh. 
“Engage ear protection. Sound cancelling level 10. NO eavesdropping, men. We may be feral and efficient commandos, but we STILL have some semblance of morals!” 
The clucking turned to coughing. “That’s what YOU think!” Crosshair finally got a hold of himself. 
Echo rolled his eyes and threw the covers over his head. Thankfully N/A being Force sensitive was able to help them by dampening their ambient noise to Hunter's senses and... 
Echo’s eyes popped open realizing...she ALSO had to give CROSSHAIR access to the mental conversation in Hunter’s head to be as effective a voice as possible! 
And... Crosshair laughed all through it like a fucking MANIAC! 
Echo sighed. That boy ain’t right.... 
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*Bone-us content: This vintage tune from my young adulthood (1990's) popped into my head...and thought I'd share. Hunter diggin' that bad girl and how she smelled.
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transmutationisms · 6 months
ok maybe this is just me BUT. the thing i disliked the most about triangle of sadness was the vomiting scene. it seems to be a trend to use large amounts of vomit or diarrhea in art movie these days and i'm not even emetophobic or anything (i'm literally bulimic) but it feels so forced and gross for absolutely no reason. it doesn't feel like it's making a point or accomplishing something deep. it just feels like an eleven year old making fart jokes.
that was ultimately a really frustrating sequence to me, and one that i think is emblematic of a lot of the film's shortcomings. initially i thought it could go in a few different directions—using bodily functions as symbolic of the way wealth can produce misery even for those who have it; using the breakdown of a fine dining scene as a microcosm of the capitalist class's attempts to ignore crises that are occurring right in front of their faces; using the juxtaposition of waste and opulence to say something about the cost and production of luxury. i could have gotten interested in any of these reads, or others; there's a lot to say about how and when we depict bathrooms, excrement, &c onscreen.
however, i think 'triangle' ultimately gets stuck on a pretty superficial "eat the rich" line, and the whole food poisoning sequence end up being indicative of this sensibility. i'll go ahead and compare it to 'succession' because they're contemporaneous, about the ultra-wealthy, and depict bodily excretions. however, what works for me about the bodily functions and fluids on 'succession' is that the show is much more interested than 'triangle' in the psychologies of its characters. invoking piss, shit, or vomit on that show generally tells us something about their emotional states; it's also effective because we see specific ways in which those characters are uncomfortable with the idea that they have bodies, and continually try to deny them. 'triangle' doesn't develop its characters nearly so well (the most developed are both models, ie people who in fact are intimately aware of their own embodiment), so when we see them vomiting and shitting uncontrollably, it's not so much a psychological beat for them as it is an ostensibly cathartic (for us) way of humiliating these wealthy villains. this ties in with the film's suggestion that the characters have brought the food poisoning on themselves (by demanding the staff entertain them, thus causing the food to sit out too long), which give the whole vomiting sequence a pretty moralistic tone, like we're supposed to be smugly watching them get their comeuppance.
using incontinence specifically in this way is pretty casually ableist (again, it's less a psychological point where we're meant to understand that the characters themselves see this as particularly humiliating, and more a didactic point where we're invited to gawk at the spectacle of these people losing control of their bowels because they 'deserve' it), and it's consistent with an overall sensibility throughout the film that invokes superficial regurgitations of anti-capitalist politics and transforms them into mean-spirited retributive 'justice' presented as catharsis. there are numerous points in the third act specifically where it seems the film is interested in using the 'uninhabited' island setting as an opportunity to question and problematise established social forms by dialectically contradicting them—the flip in carl and yaya's relationship, abigail distributing resources to those who labour for them, the way carl being coerced into a sexual relationship and jarmo killing a donkey make explicit the positions they were perviously implicitly occupying in wealthy society as, respectively, a model and a tech mogul.
however, the film really fumbles an opportunity to do much of interest with this setup, because it's never willing to go beyond its insistence on punishing its characters for their previously luxurious existence. carl gets a partner who's using his body rather than his wallet and instagram followers, as he perceived yaya was doing. paula is stripped of her managerial role and treated like an employee, plainly echoing how she used to talk to abigail and the others. jarmo and dimitry are placed in a situation where they can't make themselves valuable by wealth, and instead must become bodily resources if they want to survive. none of this is developed or goes anywhere—it's stuck on, again, a sensibility of punishing the characters. i don't get the sense that anyone writing this film was interested in how these social forms come to exist, what sustains them, how they might be altered or broken—instead it's just a series of unsubtle attempts to match each character 1:1 with a suitable comeuppance. this is also why abigail, by far the most interesting character in the film, is so underdeveloped (to the point of not even existing until act 3!) and why the film doesn't succeed in saying much of interest about how, eg, racism or ableism produce and interact with structures of class exploitation. the most it can do is gesture in the direction of the things it wants to talk about (nelson and therese are both written really disappointingly in this respect).
i don't really find any of this cathartic, and it's often so heavy-handed as to strain credibility (every scene with the weapons manufacturing couple). ideologically it's deeply moralistic in a way that is incapable of saying much beyond a condemnation of rich people (which is not the same as a condemnation of riches, or the social forms that produce them). although i didn't initially read the food poisoning sequence as funny, in retrospect i do think it was intended that way—which is, again, ableist in a pretty insidious way, and is also just not really successful imo as a piece of comedy. as a film it's really no more interesting or insightful than any of like a thousand other milquetoast gestures toward the same superficial understanding of capitalism as little more than a result of wealthy people being greedy or lazy. justice (a better film) for abigail 2k23
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aphrostarot · 1 year
Astrology and the Sexes: Cancer Men
Cancer Man:
Title: "The Player"
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For simplicity's sake, I will use the pronouns “he/him” for the male versions of the signs and “she/her” for the female versions of the signs. This is not to say that the people who identify with the male or female versions of each sign identify with those pronouns. This post is focusing on the different sexes (male vs female) not gender. Gender is fluid and I am in no way labeling people with these posts. Also, these posts are focusing solely on the Sun signs of each zodiac, other birth chart placements may cause someone to not fit into everything I have described.
Mind (how they think):
The Cancer Man is the zodiac’s prince charming. 
He is a self-professed perfect gentleman who is clean-cut, polite, coolly composed, and seemingly tailor-made to the specifications of a traditionally-minded person.
The Cancer Man is the embodiment of the female gaze.  
He personifies the male role in what he sees as a matriarchal world. He recognizes women as the authority. 
Out of all the zodiac signs, he is the most likely to save himself for marriage. 
He plays the role of the savior in his relationships. 
He wants to be the ‘provider’ in his relationships which tends to make him career-minded. 
He is the best at understanding the female mind. 
He has a unique ability to empathize with women and view life from their perspective. 
He is generally a pretty cool and collected character so he looks to the women in his life to provide outpourings of emotions and when they do, he sucks it up like a sponge. 
He surrounds himself with women because he feels the most comfortable around them. It is women with whom he takes most of his life advice.
He is very guarded around men. 
He is scared of being judged by other men so he learns at an early age to wear a mask around men. He masks his thoughts and disguises his emotions in an attempt to go along with the guys. 
During his sexual development, he is intensely apprehensive of being ridiculed for his inherently sensitive side. As a result, he ends up becoming the most shut down instead of the most sensitive in the zodiac. 
He is a born romantic. However, he may be well into his twenties before breaking through his adopted nonchalant exterior, letting his softer side show. 
It isn’t until he “secures” a steady relationship that he will feel comfortable revealing his more delicate sensibilities. 
Like actual crabs who can live on both land and water, the Cancer guy inhabits two worlds at once, presenting himself as a concrete, down-to-earth type while possessing a murky and mysterious sensuality. 
He was brought up in a household with a paradoxical image of mothering. His mom was vaguely emotional but incredibly passive and needy. She portrayed herself as a victim most of the time which takes the entire household emotionally hostage. 
Most of the time he is raised in a female-dominated household where he takes on the motherly role to his siblings and even to his own mother. 
He has more of a brotherly relationship with his dad who he views as lovable but weak. 
His dad could even be missing altogether, or be so detached that he makes little impact on his son. 
Body + Soul (what they look like inside and out):
He prefers to look like he is rich even when he is not. So, he almost always has the perfect watch, a classy car, a tasteful wardrobe, etc. 
He tends to look more like a Mr. Nice Guy more than any other male in the zodiac.
He is the type of guy that someone would feel comfortable bringing home to their mother. 
He tends to downplay his appearance and will oftentimes escape notice. 
He usually will hide behind an overgrown haircut, glasses, and/or inconspicuous clothing. 
When he is with his friends he will huddle in close circles, typically only addressing those within earshot. He may even prefer to have his back to the crowd so people won’t notice him. 
Usually he will be around five-nine or five-ten. 
His face is moon-shaped, or oval. 
His chest and stomach are not very toned, more on the soft side. 
His nipples are highly sensitive. They may be a source of great pleasure for him. 
He may have an hourglass figure in some way. 
He is usually less hairy than the other men in his family. However, his stomach will be the area on his body that has the most hair. 
He has an average sized penis. 
His penis may bend/curve slightly with a bulbous mushroom head. 
He is very animated while talking to people. He will nod along, throw his head back, talk with his hands, etc. 
He is very quick-witted. 
There is something goofy about him and the way he expresses himself that many find endearing. 
He usually has lighter eyes than the other members of his family. For example he may have hazel eyes while everyone else in his family has brown eyes, or he may have pale blue eyes while others have deep blue. 
He has a somewhat beaky nose and a pinched upper lip. 
Cancer man much like an Aries man likes to focus much of his grooming efforts on having freshly cut hair. 
He has very nice hands. Strong but gentle, artistic, graceful, and capable. 
Overall, his appearance is one of utter sweetness. 
Sex + Sexuality (what they are like in bed and what they look for in a mate):
Cancer Man Interested in Women:
He is made whole by the flood of feelings he invokes in his lover, not pure romantic love or lust, but such sentiment combined with a sense of mothering protection and, and dash, of pity. 
He looks for a motherly figure in a lover—someone who will take care of him and lead him to his true potential. 
He looks to attract a powerful alpha woman, one who he can breed with and who will provide a nourishing, motivational environment where he can feel psychologically whole. 
This is where many stereotypes get it wrong. In no way is the Cancer Man looking for a coddling mommy to make his life easier; rather he seeks a home environment that’ll challenge him into accessing latent greatness, and with a woman who’ll put him through his paces. 
He wants to be “adopted” by his partner's family. Preferably a family filled with powerful women. 
He wants a wife or partner that will do everything for him. He wants a life where he will show up and just do what he is told. 
He prefers to never have to cook, clean, or plan anything. He wants his partner to do it all for him. 
He wants to be the breadwinner in his partnerships. Typically he will go after creative careers that allow him to tap into his sensitive side and communicate with a large array of people. He would prefer his career having to do with his humor. 
However, if his partner is the breadwinner in their relationship he will take on the role of the stay at home husband and take over all of the duties I mentioned above. 
To the Cancer man there is no such thing as sharing these roles. One person has to be the breadwinner and the other will take on the more domestic roles. 
His partner will become his mentor shaping his character, providing the appropriate all-important healthy and motivating environment in which he can grow and achieve his goals; so long, that is , as he puts himself, completely, into her capable hands. 
In most of his relationships his partner will become the ‘boss’ while he is her ‘slave’. 
He will play prince-charming in order to get exactly what he wants out of a woman. Which usually is offspring. 
He grooms himself according to what he thinks women like. 
He makes women feel secure. He wants her to feel as though he will be eternally by her side, because once he decides on a partner he will never leave their side. 
Women often find themselves opening up much more than they ever would have around a cancer man. However, if they really look they will notice that he is only half listening to them, he will just be pretending he is listening because he knows that's what a woman wants. 
He is very good at making a woman feel that she is endlessly interesting, which works like a charm in paving the way for the relationship to progress-quickly-to the next level. 
He is not very dominant in bed. This is because he would much rather be told what to do rather than be the one who is doing the telling. 
At some point he will leave behind his ‘grateful-little-boy routine’ and embrace the role of ‘big daddy’ (his actual dream).
His biggest turn on is the assertion of female power. 
Pressure to perform makes him nervous, and he risks losing his erection or cumming too soon if he is in a more dominant role. 
He needs to have emotions involved in sex in order to get off. 
He loves to kiss, hug, spoon, etc. 
He wants his partner to be on top so he can watch her get off on him while simultaneously barking orders at him. 
He may have urolagnia (urine kink) because Cancer rules pee. 
He is not opposed to anal sex but if his partner does not want it he will not mention it again. 
He dreams of being a woman's slave in sex.
However most Cancer men do not explore their kinkier side because they fear they may lose their partner if they do so. 
They have a breeding kink and wish to impregnate their partner. 
Cancer men tend to marry pretty early and have very few sexual partners in their life. 
He is not opposed to period sex.
He also will want to have sex constantly when his partner is pregnant. 
He likes morning sex and sleep sex. 
Once his partner gives birth his new obsession will be her breast milk.
There is very little a woman can do to turn the Cancer man off.
Cancer Man Interested in Men:
Cancer men who are interested in men may still be sexually aroused by women. Or simply the sight of a man fucking a woman with his main focus on the man rather than the woman. This is why he will typically reach for bi porn. 
In his lifetime at least one of his friendships with a woman may cross the line into sexual territory. 
He prefers to be friends with younger women who share his desire to land ‘Mr.Right’. 
He goes on many dates but will rarely go on second dates. Until he finds his ideal partner who is a ‘daddy’. They will be connected, cultured, and hopefully brimming with cash. 
He looks for a man who will provide him comfort, security, and the means by which he’ll be able to concentrate solely on his creative or intellectual pursuit without having to concern himself with a temp job.
He will usually want a separate room from the one he shares with his lover that will be filled with things that reflect his true self. This is because he may have grown up in an environment that required him to share with his siblings constantly and may have never had a space to himself.  
He’s often attracted to straight men. Or men who have been with women in the past. Or simply just ultra masculine men. 
He sees himself as the better-looking, more pleasingly put together, or generally youthfully spirited one between him and his partner. 
This attitude comes out in sex as well. He would prefer his partner to do all the work while he is the subject of their adoration. 
He is pretty much into anything when it comes to sex. However, he will typically draw the line at anything to do with pain. 
He loves love and all things that come with romance. He is once for tender romance, loving scented candles, champagne, and taking bubble baths together. 
He wants to be of service to his partner. Preferring to get his partner off rather than himself. 
He is one of the most romantic gay men of all the zodiac.
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