#I think when most people think of ''Mexican food'' they think of food that involves a lot of cheese.
warcrimesimulator · 2 years
I realized that Tex-Mex cuisine is probably what many people think Mexican cuisine is. "Real" Mexican cuisine (for lack of better word) does not use fuck tons of cheese, that's one notable difference.
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sillybigbird · 6 days
It's Mexico's independence day so heres some facts I know, but you can tell my favorite subject and the only one i could really pay attention in elementary school was History
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Independence battle was started in 1810 (15-16 of september) and ended in 1821 (September 27th)
The revolution also started in a 10, 1910. (This was a revolution against the dictador Porfirio Diaz)
In 2010 the goverment make so many conmemorative events for it since it was 200 years from the independence and 100 of the revolution i even have a bill of that year
We find funny the stereotypical characterizations of the Mexicans. We are actually proud and glad of the interest.
We almost got governed by a French man, in fact, a lot of historians think we would be better if he made it to the power (he was executed after the French invasion)
The 5 of may conmemors the victory of the Puebla's forces against the French army (it was literally pure peasants with machete against French troops, it was a huge win even if we lost the thing after that lmao)
Where I live theres a huge seasonal fair that the goverment puts bc here was the main battle. The fair is next to the forts of the battle, and its crazy expensive so It's been years since i visited it)
Mexico City is actually constructed over a huge lake, where in the prehispanic times Tenochtitlan used to be. Tenochtitlan was full of man-made islands that held pyramids, villages, plantations. It was huge genius. The civilization settled there was the Mexicas (me-shi-cas) or better known as Aztecs. But with colonialism (1521) arrived and they literally burried all of that, the lake is still there and México city sinks over 3 cm per year.
Colonialism lasted over 3 centuries.
We actually have royalty: when we first were freed, the democracy wasn't implanted over the first couple of years as a free country. We had like 3 emperor until a new constitution was made and we were able to vote for our presidents. The last descendants of the last emperor are alive and residing in europe
Our famous president is Benito Juarez a peasant who scaalled until president, was built like a penguin and his most famous phrase is "Respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz" (Respect for the rights of others is peace). It's an inspiration for a lot of attorneys here. During his presidence the country's capital changed over 5 times because he was the one who had to held the French invasion.
Women vote its legal since 1952
Our presidencys lasts over 6 years.
We're going to have a new constitution soon and we're all fucking scared
We have an inside joke that in the north states the people dates their cousins (sweet home alabama Monterrey)
We all hate Santana (The guy who sold half of our contry)
The main religion practiced here its not catholicism. Its "Guadalupanism". Because theres a myth of an appearing of a Mary Virgin in (also) México city. 12 of december is another huge date bc of that. This religion is practiced over the 60% of the population (according to inegi)
In september 13th (also by the time of the French invasion) there was a confrontation Mexicans vs Frenchs in the Chapultepec Castle (Home of next to be French-mexican emperor) where the French tried to take over, but they were running so low in forces they needed help of the military academy with spldiers between the 12 and 19 years old. The history books said that was 6 kids that leaded and defended the castle, all dying in battle in such heroic ways (one of them involved himself in the flag and jumped of a rooftop to land over a French troop). There's a monument where their tombs are supposed to be. But this was recently discovered to be a myth and there's not actual historical evidence of this event. They were called "Niños heroes" (Hero kids)
For most of us, independence day is just an excuse to drink alcohol, eat a lot of typical food (I love my Dad's pozole. I LIVE FOR MY DAD'S POZOLE) and commit Arson.
My Dad makes such a delicious traditional Pozole.
Did I mention that i love my Dad's pozole?
My favorite food of here is cochinita pibil (traditional dish from Yucatan). And my favorite pastry is napolitan Flan, and impossible cake (a variant of Flan but with chocolate cake), my Dad recently taught me how to do Flan. I stand for Hibiscus Water bc im lactose intolerant and i cant drink horchata. My favorite candies are Santa Clara's Cookies and camotes (both typical from my region).
I like parties, how are made here. They're so fun.
My country is going to the shit and I'm so fucking scared
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bobcatmoran · 2 years
Against my better judgement, I'm watching the GBBO Mexican Week since the following week's episode will be coming out here in the US tomorrow. Disclaimer that I have zero Mexican heritage. I just like me a pan dulce and am an award-winning baker for non-Mexican bakes.
We start off on a "high" note, with Noel and Matt in eye searingly bright ponchos and sombreros, saying, "I don't think we should make Mexican jokes, people will get upset."
"What, no Mexican jokes at all?"
"I don't think so."
"What, not even Juan?"
This seems to be setting the tone for the episode quite nicely.
Or something.
More beyond the cut for the sake of everyone's dashes who haven't turned on the annoying thing where it cuts off long posts. This is gonna be LONG. And very spoilery. Fair warning.
Signature: Pan Dulce
After 2 bakers being off for "illness" (covid?) last week, everyone's back in the tent.
The little clips from the bakers as they walk in do nothing to instill confidence that anyone is coming to this from a perspective where they actually know anything about Mexican baking or that they've done much in the way of research to prepare themselves.
"I don't really know much about Mexican cuisine, so this is an absolute adventure."
"When someone says Mexican food, my mind goes only to fajitas."
"Mexican food's fun, but Mexican baking? What do the Mexicans bake?"
Carole at least acknowledges that she did do research, because she wasn't familiar with Mexican sweet bakes. I salute her for choosing pan de anise, something other than the conchas most other poeple are doing, even though she can't pronounce it to save her life.
Abdul straight off the bat says he's never had any sort of pan dulce before, so he's not sure what they're supposed to be like. I can't entirely blame him because I don't think Panaderias are as common in the UK as they are here (even in suburban Minnesota I have at least two within a 5 mile radius). I do salute him for doing as much research as he could for his besos, though Paul is like, "No, your research is wrong, they're supposed to be a completely different texture, I have just been to Mexico."
Prue decides that it's a good idea to correct Janusz, who was born in Poland, that "cacti" is the correct plural of "cactus," not "cactuses." Because that's what's important.
I'm quietly dying inside at how the scriptwriters clearly decided that craquelin was the best term for the topping on conchas. (later addition: oh gods, the judges are calling it that, too)
Sandro, I love you, but that's PUSHING the definition of conchas, having a filling and a salted caramel base.
Break while the hosts decide that Mexico is definitely a real place. Like Oz.
I'll admit that I've never made conchas, but I've made the close Japanese cousin, melon pan (got a couple awards for them yay), and much sympathy for all the bakers going that route because getting the tops rolled out to the right thickness and scored nicely is sooooo fiddly. Not all of them manage it. Sandro, I love you again, but those "conchas" are. Tall. My dude, did you look at any photos of what those are supposed to look like? (later addition: given all of Paul's comments on shapes, apparently this is what Paul thinks they're supposed to look like? Taller than they are wide??)
Paul complains that Carole's pan de anise "aren't Chelsea bun shape."
Techinical: Tacos
Tacos, which as everyone knows, require baking.
Oh, wait. No they don't. What the heck, Paul Hollywood. Why did you set that as the technical.
Corn tortillas made from scratch, steak, "spicy refried beans," guacamole, and pico de gallo. So many baking skills involved in this. Wow.
Paul: It's Mexican Week, Prue. It has to be tacos.
He then goes on to mispronounce pico de gallo, which Matt somehow managed to get mostly right.
I am dying over how everyone, especially Paul, is pronouncing "taco."
Instructions are brutal, including steps that are "Make the Pico de Gallo." [capitalization as though it's a proper noun] "Make the refried beans." "Make the guacamole." It looks a bit more involved for the tortillas, so there's a bit of mercy there.
Oh gods, at least 3 of the bakers have never even heard of pico de gallo.
Oh noooooo, Janusz has the "cilantro tastes like soap" gene. Nonetheless, he goes ahead and adds it to his pico de gallo mixture since it was on the ingredients list for it. "Spicy, soapy, salty, and sour. Great," he says, tasting it.
Carole, bless her heart, is peeling the avocado for her guacamole like it's a potato. Her tortillas are. Uh. Well, she tried. In her defense, how could she know that Mexican Week would have a technical that involved ZERO baking.
Syabira, who seems to be the only one in the tent who's made Mexican food before, is unimpressed that they are not provided with a tortilla press and are instead asked to flatten the dough with a casserole lid.
Kevin says the most true thing ever, "Everyone's got an opinion on steak, and everyone thinks you've done it wrong."
As the judges approach, Matt mentions that the bakers have been asked to make a taco that include, among other things, "a tangy guacamole," which is not an adjective I'd have thought to apply to guacamole.
Paul complains that there's some color on some of the tortillas, and that's a garbage statement right there.
Prue states that one of the tacos has too much salt "in the taco." She clearly means "in the tortilla," but. Y'know.
Showstopper: Tres Leches Cake
Ok, first of all, the bakers are required to make a cake that has at least 4 layers, which is not something I've ever seen any one do with a tres leches cake. Its very form lends itself to a single layer cake, since it's so moist. I'm getting shades of Jürgen, Actual German from last season, who pointed out to the judges that they'd assigned a traditional German cake to be made in layers which is never ever made in more than a single layer.
At least this requires baking.
Dangit Sandro, you were my favorite coming in, and here you are, being like, "Oh, Mexican? Ok, I will put a GIANT MOUSTACHE on my cake." My dude, did you do your research for this week by watching Speedy Gonzales cartoons? Like, I know he has serious baking chops, knowing why certain things work the way they do. But. Yiiiikes.
Matt suggests to Abdul that since he's making a Dia de los Muertos themed cake that he'll get him some poison. Abdul points out that the holiday is about honoring the dead, not making more of them. Noel is excited for this theming.
Paul is BEWILDERED by the very concept of Syabira incorporating sweetcorn into her cake. Corn??? In a baked good?????? (my Midwestern soul wants to crawl into the TV and punch him)
Quietly dying at how everyone pronouncing "tres leches." Like it has a "z" at the end of the first word.
Kevin, quite sensibly, points out that tres leches sponge is not made for stacking. He is right. He loses points when he says he's making an Aztec temple for his cake, Paul asks him if it's Mayan or Aztec, and he then replies, "There's a bit of overlap, isn't there?" (no, no there is not. Not geographically, and not temporally).
I do wonder now, seeing which types of chili peppers the bakers are choosing (a lot of birds-eye chilis, which I personally associate more with Thai food than Mexican), what sort of availability you get in the UK. Like, they're all developing these recipes at home with the ingredients they can get. And I'm fully aware that Mexican ingredients are lot less available there than they are in the US.
Carole is using an angel food cake as her base to be soaked in the tres leches, and oh boy. She's another baker who, going in, I loved, but she's really struggling this week.
Further discussion amongst the hosts as to whether Mexico is a real place, and omg can we please stop doing this bit.
Janusz says what we're all thinking. "It's a four hour bake. You're not gonna make it perfect, will you?"
The judges are stunned and bewildered at how Syabira managed to have sweetcorn in her cake and make it taste like sweetcorn. Inner Midwesterner continues to scream. Especially after Paul says, "it's not for me."
Ready to shove both Prue and Paul off one of those Aztec pyramids where they used to do human sacrifices after all their complaints about uneven soaking for making a layer cake out of a cake that, by definition, includes a saturated crumb, which is not a thing that is structurally sturdy.
Paul continues his theme of being unable to stand anything much spicier than ketchup. For Mexican Week. Prue is in the same boat.
Two bakers eliminated this week to make up for last week, apparently. Ugh.
Anyway, even with German Week last year, they effed up some stuff, according to the Actual German in the tent. For the love of little green apples, they need to bring in someone who's actually from that country or at the very least someone who's deeply studied that country's baking tradition for these Ethnic Weeks. No, sending Paul Hollywood to the country for, like, a week does not count.
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the-goblin-cat · 5 months
would it be too weird to ask for a 🐗 for enrique 👉👈
Not at all! He's just less developed than some of my other guys so these answers may not be very long or interesting lmao
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
It's just a nice name lmao
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
late 20s, early 30s
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Originally I was on the fence about whether or not he loves his wife, Charlotte, but have since decided that he does indeed
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Enrique comes from two worlds, an aristocratic father and indigenous mother. As such he loves a wide variety of food. The most bougie thing he enjoys is jamon iberico croquets, and the least is just rough-milled corn tortillas with chile.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
He is an anthropologist writing a book about his homeland, Tlatoque. In real life he would probably be doing the same for Mexico.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Technically, I suppose, alchemy. It is not a legitimate career but rather an occult amusement of the wealthy and overeducated. It is real however.
🎯 -What do they do best?
Enrique is a better writer than he is a fighter or sorcerer (though he has to dabble in the latter frequently)
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
He loves doing his job, he hates getting involved in other peoples' conflicts (though he will often find he must)
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
He did not have the happiest childhood, but most likely his favorite memory would be something involving himself, his brother, and Charlotte. In their youth they formed a sort of outcast trio among the nobs of their age group.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Probably the time he was executed by firing squad. He got better though.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Yes. I created him, oh, seven years ago? for a short story, nd have not revisited his series much sense, despite having big plans for the setting. So he hasn't changed much.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
His story emerged setting first, on a day when I saw an episode of a bloodborne LP and then found a black votive candle for Lady Death at my local hardware store. Wires crossed in my mind and I thought "mexican bloodborne" and worked outward from there.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
latin gothic
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
One brother (deceased)
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Not a fan of his father. Liked hismother but she died when he was young.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
I love the trope of a scholar forced into having adventures
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Not often!
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Maybe at the end of the series, I haven't planned that far ahead.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
He doesn't have one per se. The plan is to have all his stories be serialized and mostly self contained, though there is an Entity masquerading as his brother that he's trying to find, and of course, The Actual Devil frequently show up to taunt him.
🎓 🍥 - these shouldn't be different questions
I think I said 7-8 years ago earlier lol
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mochinomnoms · 8 months
I prefer the book of life i find the whole "these people that look like wooden dolls are meant to be the ones from the history while real people outside of the history don't have the wood look" amazing and a great detail and LA CATRINAAA??? gorgeous woman (also I should say that idia could be the xibalba in the Catarina and Xibalba dynamic there is just this vibe yk yk)
Book of life came before Coco (plus Disney didn't own the century whatever company that book of life originally was from) and when Disney did make their own Dia de los muertos themed movie they tried to TRADEMARK EL DIA DE LOS MUERTOS TO MAKE MERCH? Insane.
(Making Pastel de choclo and other chilean dishes like pebre but it just isn't the same with regular ingredients instead of your country ingredients yk? LIKE HARVESTED ON YOUR MOTHER COUNTRY it doesn't taste the same I would include that as a step in the recipe that I am giving Azul totally knowing my country doesn't exist in twst and Azul is taking that step seriously lmao)
Oooh so I didn't have time to answer this yesterday since I was busy at work. But my general thoughts are that while I enjoy both movies and their portrayal of Día de Muertos, the book of life feels (and is) a story made for and by Mexicans for other Mexicans. You can tell from the music styling, the humor, and the artistic style itself! There are for sure some liberties taken (Xibalba is not a god in mythos it's the name of the underworld roughly) but it feels very true and faithful as an experience. Coco, while I enjoy it, feels more like a group of well intending white Americans wanting to make a movie about Día de Muertos, though I'll give credit they did have Latino artists and cultural workers involved. The style of the movie just also feels more American and, as part of a study I did in undergrad, most Mexicans and other Latinos in general feel that it was made with a very general audience in mind rather than Mexicans or Latinos at all.
La Muerte in the book of life is a very interesting version of her and her design is beautiful! Los muertos in general in the first movie have a more fun, varied design to them, while the second movie just looks and feels like another Pixar film. I don't think it's a bad movie, I loved it and the music is wonderful, but it doesn't feel as genuine, especially watching as a Mexican.
If you like the book of life, the creator also has Maya and the Three (set in the same universe) but also created the nickelodeon show Le Tigre and the CN show Victor and Valentino. He's a Mexican animator, so all his shows are set with that background in mind, but it's very enjoyable for anyone to watch! If you're a fan of the music the composer is Gustavo Alfredo Santaolalla, who also did the music for the Last of Us games and show, Brokeback Mountain, and also Maya and the Three.
As for the Disney trademark thing, I know their request was either revoked by Disney themselves or denied due to the backlash. For anyone not super familiar with Latin holidays and stuff, Disney trademarking Día de Muertos is the equivalent of Hallmark trying to trademark Christmas. The only thing they can trademark now is their specific characters and imagery associated with their film, but there's a lot of drama surrounding that and using the likeness of real people and their art in the film without permission.
(I feel you about the food tho, I can't make certain dishes without a very specific brands and items sometimes. I would actually refuse to cause it won't turn out right, and I'm not damning myself or my cooking abilities lmao. Azul would probably get so stressed out with both of us aslkjdalkj)
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lumine-no-hikari · 4 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #167 (Part 2)
Okay!!! So!!! Here's the next part of today's letter!
We set up our tent in a relatively shady spot, because boy howdy it was hot out, goodness me!
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...Somewhere along the way, when we were looking for spots, I found that one of the spots had pre-sharpened marshmallow sticks! We were the only ones onsite at that point; no other tents were left up, and so I assumed they were left behind by the previous people who were camping there. So I grabbed them up and brought them to our spot!
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Once everything was set up and the plane was put somewhere out of the way, J and I grabbed a couple of the bikes that were offered from the main office, and we rode into the nearby town! It's been a very long time since I rode a bike regularly, thanks to the weird rib injury (kinda makes exercising and moving around in general rather difficult...), but I managed, sorta! J and I went to a deli called Yoshi's first, and they had a meat shop with bacon and other goodies, and I immediately had an idea:
But we wanted to explore the small town a little bit first; I would return for the bacon later. We were told of an Irish pub by someone else who was visiting the airport's main office. So we went there to get a snack:
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...They had a lot of standard American food here. "Standard American food" where I live is usually a kind of a fusion between European, Asian, and African food, with a teensy, tiny little bit of the foods that were already native to this place (like corn, beans, and squash) mixed in.
In my part of the country, it's primarily a mixture of German, Italian, Irish, Chinese, and Mexican food. In other parts of my country, you'll see foods from different parts of the world as part of "standard American food", like places from Greece, France, and various parts of the Caribbean. Other parts of the country will have other combinations of influences from other countries. That's because the history of this place involves a lot of people coming to this continent from all over the world.
...And that sounds good in theory, but if you look at the history, what it really means is that white colonialists from Europe led the slaughter, displacement, and erasure of the peoples who were already native to the North American continent, while also abducting dark-skinned peoples from other continents and forcing them into enslavement in order to support their colonial agenda. Because, you see, one of the really weird and awful things about my world is that the people here have a long history of thinking that the paler your skin is, the better a person you are. And this is absolutely false and terrible and just... it makes absolutely no sense. I literally don't understand why this is a thing, because it is absurd. This thing is called racism. We have a lot of very unpleasant "-isms" in my world, actually...
So for example, if Barret came over here by some small miracle, he'd have a really hard time in this place just because of his skin color, and it's really unfair and fucked up. Lots of people are trying really hard to get this to stop, but we have centuries of cultural entrenchment of racism, and lots of people (especially old people, and the ones who come from families who enslaved people) don't wanna change their ways and their beliefs about it for reasons I don't understand; you miss out on a lot of really smart, amazing, awesome people if you think like the measure of someone's worth lies in how pale their skin is.
The peoples that were native to the North American continent had dark skin, and so they were seen as "savages" (they weren't!!), so instead of learning from these peoples, the white-skinned settlers from across the ocean instead killed most of them, forced the rest to relocate, and then forbade the ones that were left from practicing their own culture, demanding that they practice the culture of the white settlers instead. So a lot of languages, cuisines, and history is just lost now, and it really fucking sucks. And that's why in most parts of my country, "standard American food" is primarily a mixture of cuisines from other continents instead of a rich mixture of the cuisines of the native peoples. It's really sad and I don't like it, but I can't change what my ancestors did, and my own sphere of influence is very small; all I can do is refuse to let it slide when I see people being mistreated, and vote for people who will destroy the systems that perpetuate inequality.
...In any case, J and I split an order of Bangers and Mashed:
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...You might notice from this that Irish food is rather similar to German food. Like the Mixed Wurst that I got from the German place, with its french fries and sauerkraut, this dish also primarily consists of a sausage, a cabbage, and a potato; it's just that the preparation and exact ingredients vary a little, based on what's readily available in the geographic regions in which these dishes originate. Anyway, it was really, REALLY good, so I asked the nice service lady to tell the chefs they did an amazing job, and it seemed to make them happy.
We explored the rest of the town on our bikes shortly after that, and then we went on a quest to gather s'mores supplies! Here are the pictures that I took of our exploration:
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...We went to a couple stores looking for s'mores supplies before being directed to a place called Shaw's, so we were actually out for a really long time. But we did manage to find graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows! J carried them in his backpack, and we stopped at that Yoshi's deli place to get that bacon, too!
...It was very good to leave town, admittedly. There was beautiful scenery, but we also caught sight of a number of Trump flags and Confederate flags, and since we know what those stand for, J and I were understandably rather spooked, so we left quickly. For context, because you aren't from here and wouldn't know the history and meaning of these things:
The Confederacy happened because 163 years ago, the southern half of my country was so angry that they might not be able to enslave people of African descent anymore that they started a war over it. 163 years is maybe the length of 2 human lifespans in my world, so it's really not that long ago, and the prejudices from that are still woven into the fabric of our culture, legal systems, and institutions. People are working to break these systems of oppression, but there are also very wealthy and influential people (and a number of regular people who worship them) working to preserve them, and that's why progress is slow.
Nowadays, there are only two kinds of people who wave Confederate flags: people who think that Black people are only good for being enslaved, and people who are in denial about the fact that they think Black people should be enslaved. Both of those kinds of people are VERY scary, because, for reference, they'd like to see Barret doing backbreaking work in chains and being whipped when he cannot operate with the efficiency of a machine, just because of his skin color. I wish they'd stop thinking and hoping for such terrible, cruel, and horrific things.
The Trump flags are very discouraging, too, because the kinds of people who want Trump to be president are usually the kinds of people who think that only wealthy, white, heterosexual, cisgender Christian men who were born in North America count as people, and that everyone else should either be enslaved or exterminated. These are the kinds of folks who think that women and brown-skinned people should not be able to own their own house or have a paying job or vote or have any say in anything, ever. These kinds of folks are also very scary, and I wish that anything could be done to change their minds... My world has... goodness... so many very heartbreaking problems...
...It's good that we left.
Anyway, J is very fond of covered bridges, so on the way back, we stopped at one that he had spotted that was out of the town:
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I left the bike I was using here while I explored:
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...Do you see the spooky rock cave just behind the bike I was using?
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...Hey, Sephiroth? What, if anything, do you suppose lives in there? I thought about going inside to find out, but it was dark and spooky and I was afraid of getting stuck, so I didn't. What does your imagination tell you? I wonder...
Anyway, I hopped on a rock in the middle of the flowing water:
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...And then I took a picture of the underside of the bridge:
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...And I took a bunch of other ones in this area, too:
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...Once we were done exploring this place, we biked back to the main office of the airport. We had been out on the bikes for a very long time, so we were pretty tired!! So we put the bacon in the office fridge, and then I gathered tinder and kindling to make a fire. I'll tell you all about that in the next letter, because I've run out of space to put images, ahahaha!
I'll write the next part in a jiffy!!! Love you!! Stay safe!!
Your friend, Lumine
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cacio-e-peppino · 1 year
Pizza Tower Headcanons: The Noise
I think it’s about time to share more headcanons, this time looking at everyone’s favorite off brand mascot, The Noise ^^. I've been thinking about this creacher:tm: a lot recently, so I have a lot to say. Headcanons under the read more
So, this first one does have some Sugary Spire influence, but I think The Noise is genderfluid. It takes him a really long time to figure it out though. I think after seeing Peppino's top surgery scars enough or Peppino passing up on an opportunity to go toe to toe with Theo finally causes The Noise to work up the courage to ask Peppino how he knew he was trans. Since, seeing those things in the first place is what got The Noise to revaluate his identity in the first place.
Before meeting Peppino, The Noise tried really hard to suppress the feminine part of her identity. I also think this is where part of their anger towards Noisette comes from; he's jealous that Noisette gets to be unabashedly feminine while he feels like he can only be masculine because "that's how men are" (and Noise struggles with the nature of their fluidity identity and feels like a freak for wanting to be referred to in more feminine terms sometimes). Though, I think through encouragement from Noisette and Peppino, Noise starts experimenting more with her identity and starts to become more comfortable to it. Noise becoming more secure in their gender identity really patches things up in his relationship with Noisette : )
Eventually, Noise gets to the point where they'll use a colored patch to single how they want to be addressed that day- blue for he/him, pink for she/her, and orange for they/them. Despite how much Peppino wants to wring his neck, he'll always insult them respectfully and follow the patch code (once he learns it).
Noise truly does love and care for Noisette. On camera the whole "wife bad" angle is mostly played up "for laughs" and Noise doesn't really like doing those bits. Though, they both understand it's just part of the job. This isn't to say they never fight or argue, they absolutely do. Though, Noise gets a bit prickly when people start implying he doesn't care for Noisette at all
The Noise is the only one allowed to bully Peppino. He will drag Peppino through the mud and rake him over the coals. But the moment someone else bullies Peppino and The Noise isn't involved? There's gonna be problems
That being said, Noise is a born troublemaker. She loves causing chaos and mischief and problems for others on purpose and will only really apologize if someone seems legitimately offended by it. For example, he knows pretending to be dead and most explosive based pranks are off the table with Peppino since it will cause him to spiral and disassociate for the rest of the day.
I don't ship Noise and Peppino, but I do think they have a very interesting relationship in the sense that they are always at each other's throats but if someone else is threatening them, they'd go up to bat for the other. They want each other dead, but only by their hands. And, when once is legitimately having a problem, the other is there to support them through it.
While The Noise is canonically Mexican, I do think the idea of him being unable to handle spicy foods is funny. He vastly prefers sweets to savory foods, and also enjoys British food like fish n chips and tea (with extra milk and sugar). He got real sick of pizza after getting a gig marketing it, but it pays too good for him to stop. Tequila is just water to him, but he can't stand any form of dry wine and doesn't understand how Peppino or even Noisette does it.
Noise does not have a very broad palette when it comes to food and is a picky eater. This contrasts with Noisette, who has a very broad palette and will eat nearly anything once
Noise is very short, like 5'3" and that's part of what makes him such a good acrobat- low center of gravity. Peppino likes hanging out with her because it makes him (5'6") seem tall in comparison
I could easily picture The Noise having a similar personality to Scout from TF2
Like all the other Pizza Tower bosses, I think Noise was some how manipulated into working for Pizzahead. Probably promises of riches or fame or something, honestly I don't think Noise would be that difficult to manipulate. I could see him working with Pizzahead prior to the construction of the Tower though. Perhaps it was Pizzahead who gave Noise the mascot gig in the first place.
I think Noise is human, but I do love all the depictions of Rat Noise, they are fantastic
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athousandbyeol · 1 year
get to know me tag game ✨
thanks for the tag my wonderful liz @hoppipolla <3
RULES: bold the ones that are true and tag 15 people to do it.
Blonde hair // I prefer loose(ish) clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic (honestly i'm not sure about this but my parents and friends say i am artistic...) // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami (i can only do a heart... does this count? xD) // I prefer movies to tv shows (it depends, but i do enjoy watching movies more. i also love going to the cinema whenever there's a new horror movie airing.) // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year (i read jojo moyes's me before you trilogy. i'm now trying to read the final book hehe) // I enjoy spending time with (a) friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year (i've been single since the day i was born xD i've never been in a relationship before hehe. but i'm content with what i have now. solitude is wonderful too) // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends (i tend to give advice to friends i'm not that close to. but when it comes to me and my best friends, i'm the one who usually seeks advises...) // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep (i listen to music every day hehe) // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colours (oh, yes. i adore colours and their meanings so much) // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favourite season (although i live in a not four-seasons country, i like autumn the most. i like the vibes hehe)
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle (oh, my. it's almost embarrassing how fast i fall asleep once the car moves xD) // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote (many quotes, tbvh...) // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love (i'm just a hopeless romantic, really) // I make up scenarios to fall asleep (these days i'm thinking a lot about topmew/forcebook. i need help hahaha) // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
tagging @forcebook @forcebookish @ellasaru12 and anyone who sees this ^^ it's ok if you decide not to do this. no pressure :)
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delightfulemerald · 11 months
get to know me ask game
This is the first time I've ever been tagged on here, so thanks @lelephantsnail!
RULES: bold the ones that are true and tag 15 people to do it.
Blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings (2 on each ear) // I have at least one tattoo (upper back and left side of chest) // I have dyed or highlighted my hair (currently it isn't dyed, but I've probably spent around half my life with my hair dyed) // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails (they aren't currently painted but I prefer them painted) // I typically wear makeup (I rarely wear makeup, though I have a big makeup collection) // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas// I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument (I played piano for my entire childhood, and though I don't really play now, I still feel like I can if I really want to) // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition (sort of, I have a trophy from the local theatre awards for Outstanding Ensemble) // I can cook or bake without a recipe (I guess I can cook without a recipe but I rarely cook anything) // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks (sometimes, it's depends a lot upon what my husband and our 2 kids want) // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship (married for 22 years!) // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years (I have 3 best friends, one I have known for 32 years, one for 16 years, and the other for 9 years) // my parents are together (they divorced when I was already an adult) // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends (try and stop me, but seriously I don't understand not being interested in advice) // I have made an online friend (I have made some online acquaintances but not sure that any of them have ever truly developed into friendship) // I met up with someone I have met online (we had mutual irl friends but she reached out to me online (through LiveJournal! Ha!) and we did eventually meet in person at Burning Man! Haha!)
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season (I love all of this except sleeping to music, those couple non-bolded things I feel like I have to try now)
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend (yep, since I was a kid) // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities (is this meant for kids? I have hobbies, is that the same thing?) // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love (I think different people mean different things when they talk about true love or love in general. I certainly believe in something that could be called true love, but I feel like most people do?) // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
That was a delightful diversion. Even though I loved being tagged, I feel weird about tagging other people, but if you want to do this, just act like I tagged you!
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c1nto · 1 year
get to know me ask game
thank you @cryingatships for the tag 🥺🥺 you're too kind
RULES: bold the ones that are true & tag 10 people to do it.
I’m over 5’5” (just under 😭😭) // I wear glasses/contacts // blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings (i took out my normal ear piercings last year because i was sick of them so i guess i have none now :0) // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair (it's usually red on the underside but i last dyed it in april so it's very pale now) // have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily (i'm white) // I have freckles (i'm aussie) // I paint my nails (i used to paint them black all the time but we weren't allowed to have painted nails in cooking class so i haven't painted them since) // typically wear makeup (just eyeliner but yea (: ) // I don't often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language (if know means can fluently speak than no i only know english, but if not i took japanese in high school xx) // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim (i'm aussie) // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing (that's what i go to the clubs for :p) // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends (who's not bolding this one?) // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who l've known for ten years (close :/ we're going on ninth this year) // my parents are together (they shouldn't be xx) // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have had a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise (we live on the side of aus where we see the sunset over the beach so i guess i haven't purposely seen the sun rise) // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire (there was the bonfire at biology camp <3 and also there's a little bonfire at our local burger place) // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season (autumn is the most mid season but it's when my birthday is xx spring is probably my favourite because it's warm but not too warm and that's when halloween is :D)
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle (i'm really bad at falling asleep spontaneously i almost never nap) // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food (we only really have texmex here which is fine i guess) // I can drive a stick shift (can't drive 😞) // I believe in true love (i think people can have multiple different types of loves and none of them are better or worse than each other - soulmate stuff is much less interesting to me because the love feels less purposeful. love a fate-less love) // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // l am multiracial // l am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
>>> tags: @buckystilinski @emmathedoodlebug @sadwetcatray @neo-neos @itsmaiavil
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yuzu-adagio · 11 months
Get to know me tag game
tagged by @torstenerikssonvt
RULES: bold the ones that are true and tag people to do it.
Blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo //I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
(flat affect baybeeee) (I TRY to wear makeup but am frequently running late and go out with just mascara)
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing* (it comes to me sometimes but most often not) //I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year// I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
(I USED to be able to do soumersaults and handstands. I....don't think it would be a good idea to test whether I still can.)
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
(I get little fluttery crushes oddly easily, but I'm not on the market so thankfully they never progress into anything serious)
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
(I have to be in the right mood for thunder or rain, but when it hits it HITS. I had bad experiences with hiking growing up but I kinda want to try again.)
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
I never know who to tag in this kinda thing and Torsten got a lot of my mutuals anyway lol. Do it if you wanna, don't if you don't!
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ajoytobeheld · 11 months
Oh our lives (San Francisco)
April 16th, 2009
I have no idea how on earth we got ourselves into this situation. Three years ago we formed a band through boredom and thinking we could be better than the bands that played first on at every gig we went to at Cardiff Barfly. Now, April 2009, I wake up in the same hotel as Glasvegas, with a stinking hangover, after an evening of party with Sky Larkin, Yoni Wolf, Girls and drag queens. Thank you for enabling us to do this. I swear we are making the most of it.
Some Notes…
We’ve never been able to spend as much time in SF as we’d like to.
Show was rad. I owe a massive, massive thank you to Vanessa, who came through with the ventolin, which means I can get as drunk in the desert as I want, and not have to worry about dying (through an asthma attack. Alcohol poisoning or melting is still very much a possibility).
Our Tour Manager, Joke Puleo, has had the pleasure of touring with Why? in the past, when they’ve supported Yo La Tengo.  Subsequently, Yoni made the trip from Oakland to come hang out and watch us play. He’s a lovely, funny man, and in ultimate flattery, he wanted our record after the show.
Also in attendance were our pals Girls. They’re signed to the label I mentioned being “involved with”, the other day. They’re San Fran residents so were able to tell us the cool hangouts to go after the show. Choice had to be made between Paradise Lounge or the Eagle. An employee of the Paradise place described the Eagle as “butt-fucking, hairy chests”, so that’s where we headed. Girls are the best people. They’re touring the UK soon, so I get to see them play at Bristol Dot To Dot Festival. Very excited.
Really fun drag act, called Anna Conda. Me and Doug chatted with her lots afterwards, and she knew our band. She thought Ellen was the girl from the Ting Tings though.
When we got back to the hotel, Neil heard some Scotch people talking, so he did the British thing and went and spoke to them. It was only motherfucking Glasvegas.  He said they were very friendly, but me and Neil were mostly just jealous because they had an entourage of girls with them, and we just end up alone in our rooms every night, talking about mexican food or Football Manager. Also, someone from Glasvegas has a shared library (Glas Vegas’ Library) on iTunes (shared librarys annoy me generally) and they only had two Cocteau Twins albums (Treasure, and Heaven And Las Vegas), which I thought was strange (I think that’s just based on them being Scottish and wearing black a lot). They did have TWO mp3s of Caravan Of Love by The Housemartins though, which redeemed them in my eyes.  And yes, nice people, I hope their show in SF tonight goes really well.
Sky Larkin have left us now, to go back to Yorkshire. We first played with them in Bradford, on September 13 2006, and have remained the best of friends (or perhaps Awesome Pals) since. They are amazing people and an amazing band, and we love them dearly. Me and Katie were debating last night whether if we pretended to be going out it would make us get more famous. I cannot speak highly enough of them.
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mermonkey · 1 year
Suffering as Grace
For most people, when you say that suffering is Grace it seems off the wall to them. And we’ve got to deal now with our own suffering and other people’s suffering. That is certainly a distinction that is very real, because even if we understand the way in which suffering is Grace – and the way in which it can be a vehicle for our awakening, it’s quite different to look at somebody else’s suffering and say it’s Grace. And Grace is something that an individual can see about their own suffering and then use it to their advantage. It is not something that can be a rationalization for allowing another human being to suffer. And you have to listen to the level at which another person is suffering. And when somebody is hungry you give them food. As my guru said, God comes to the hungry person in the form of food. You give them food and then when they’ve had their belly filled then they may be interested in questions about God. Even though you know from, say, Buddhist training, or whatever spiritual training you have had, that the root cause of suffering is ignorance about the nature of dharma. To give somebody a dharma lecture when they are hungry is just inappropriate methodology in terms of ending suffering.
So, the hard answer for how you are able to see suffering as Grace, and this is a stinker really, is that you have got to have consumed suffering into yourself.
You see, there is a tendency in us to find suffering aversive. And so we want to distance ourselves from it. Like if you have a toothache, it becomes that toothache. It’s not us anymore. It’s that tooth. And so if there are suffering people, you want to look at them on television or meet them but then keep a distance from them. Because you are afraid you will drown in it. You are afraid you will drown in a pain that will be unbearable. And the fact of the matter is you have to. You finally have to. Because if you close your heart down to anything in the universe, it’s got you. You are then at the mercy of suffering. And to have finally dealt with suffering, you have to consume it into yourself. Which means you have to–with eyes open–be able to keep your heart open in hell. You have to look at what is, and say, “Yea, Right.” And what it involves is bearing the unbearable. And in a way, who you think you are can’t do it. Who you really are can do it. So that who you think you are dies in the process.
Like I am counseling a couple who went to a movie and when they came home their house had burned down and their three children had burned to death. Three, five and seven. And she is Mexican Catholic and he is a Caucasian Protestant. And they are responding entirely different to it. She is going in to deep spiritual experiences and talking with the children on other planes and he is full of denial and anger and feelings of inadequacy. And in a way, that situation is so unbearable and you wouldn’t ever lay that on another human being but there it is. And what will happen is she may come out of this a much deeper, spiritual, more profound, more evolved person. And he, because the way he dealt with it was through denial, may end up contracted and tight because he couldn’t embrace the suffering. He couldn’t go towards it. He pushed it away in order to preserve his sanity.
In a way, there is a process in which suffering requires you to die into it or to give up your image of yourself. When you say “I can’t bear it.” Who is that?
They talk about the saints of India as the living dead, because they have died into who they thought they were. And they talk about the saints for whom all people are their children. So that everybody that is dying is their child dying. It’s easy to say “Well, it’s not my child.” or, “It’s not my brother or my friend.”
Ram Dass
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March 6, 2023
Hello everyone! I thought I would be blogging a lot more when I first came here, but after my first post, I accidentally completely stopped! I’m hopping to blog more big things, but for now, here are some of the biggest cultural differences I’ve found in Italy compared to the U.S. 
Note: I am planning to come back and edit this and add more! I will also be translating it into a second Italian version.
The stereotypes here are, to a certain extent, true. Italians are expressive. I wouldn’t call it yelling, but I will say I have quite a few times mistook some other emotion for anger. 
We know the Italians for the likes of chaste kisses to the cheek and perhaps a strange sense of touchiness, but a societal comfort with physical touch runs much deeper here. Especially young people are comfortable hugging, one-arm hugging, patting, cheek-kissing, patting on the back, and so on and so forth with everyone, especially those of the opposite gender, unlike an American teenager demographic known for being rather bashful physically. I, for one, prefer it here! At first it was a bit of a shock to see a boy with his arm around a girl and whisper in her ear while they both have respective significant others, but I’ve realized that it’s how friends are with each other. Call me old fashioned, but I do believe non-sexual physical affection is really important, and something the world could use a bit more of. As mentioned in my American comparison, it makes relationships feel closer, more casual, and more relaxed with each other. I would say a mixture of sexual taboo and aa heavily misogynistic sexual culture in America are the reason for a social overreaction and move towards politically correct distance in the past few decades at least. I think comfort inside human bodies is something very valuable.  
As all of anyone would expect, food has a different cultural standing here. It’s simply more important, for one. For lack of a better term, it’s more of a ‘thing.’ Many people leave work and school and head home for lunch everyday, so most businesses here close around the hours of 2:00 to 4:30 PM give or take. My host mom cooks both lunch and dinner every day, but lunch serves as the biggest meal of the day here, as opposed to dinner in the U.S. And, in fact, it is almost always pasta! There are exceptions, but pasta is the norm. If the pasta is simple, or there’s some reason for the meal to be bigger, there will sometimes be a second course with meat or fish, and bread is always on the table. We usually follow a meal up with some fruit, and desert if we so please. 
My favorite Italian grocery store products: 
Nutella Biscuits
Duplo bars
Plum Cakes [These do not have plums, by the way]
Biscotti with cornflakes 
My favorite handmade foods:
Una carbonara bellissima 
My host mom’s Tiramisu
Pasta with chickpeas
A good pesto
CHEAP pizza
My morning cappuccino 
Foods I miss the most:
GOOD mexican food
Good middle-eastern food [Zankou] 
Trader Joes
I do not like Italian school. Apologies to the cultural differences, but I cannot stand it! Every time I have to wake up at 7AM on a Saturday morning a part of me dies. There are many, many differences between Italian schools and American schools, especially Poly. For one, you specialize quite early. Most high schools are five years and students have a few options: Liceo, with broader specialization, [Scientific, Classical, Artistic] which is followed up with university; Instituto Tecnico, which involves more specific majoring and, in the final year, internships, and which also often leads to university; and Instituto Professionale, which functions for students to go straight into specific labour fields right out of university. A host sister with my initial host family, at 14 years old, was studying to become a ship captain at an Instituto Professionale.
Within the schools, there are many more differences. For one, you're with the same class all day. Instead of choosing your own classes and moving around to different rooms all day, freshmen students are randomly assigned their classes from an alphabetical list, and stay with that class in one room for every class, while teachers are the ones who rotate through. As long as they pass their classes, they also stay with this class for their entire high school experience, meaning those 30 or so kids are the only ones you see during school, save a short break.
Speaking of, the schedule is different. School goes from 8:10 AM to 1:10 PM, getting out in time to return home for lunch, with a single 10 minute break at 11 AM. If a teacher is sick, often the class will start late or leave early, or, if thats impossible, the class will have a free hour midday. Sometimes this hour is supervised by a substitute teacher who doesn't teach, sometimes not.
I’ll start by saying that it’s funny how Europeans want to talk about how unhealthy Americans are, and yet… when one ventures outside into the school courtyard for our short break, a sea of teenagers smoking cigarettes or a uniquely Italian (and Japanese, actually) invention, IQOS(es), will stretch as far as the eye can see. 
There is a very popular stereotype that Europeans– and especially Italians don’t work. This is a joke more than anything that really has more to do with the uniquely fast-paced American ‘hustle culture’, however there are plenty of folks here who work quite minimally, at least compared to what I’m used to with my own family. As mentioned, they usually come home for a chunk of about two or so hours in the middle of the day, and school finishes by 1PM in time for lunch. My host mom works for about three to four hours on either end. 
For American teenagers, the idea of “going out” doesn’t quite exist. We hang out with friends, and have parties and dances and whatnot, but it is distinct to how Saturday nights function here in Italy. Despite my city having a population of about 100,000 in total, about 1/40th of Los Angeles (not including suburbs!) When I leave my apartment in the center of Lecce, the streets are completely filled for almost all of downtown, which stretches over a couple kilometers. Ive never seen the amount of people that go out like this in all my time in one of the largest cities in the world.
Now this stuff really depends on where you’re from and how tolerant your family is in the U.S. and ditto in Italy, but drinking is generally less taboo outside of the U.S.– if I had to guess probably a leftover affect of the American prohibition. In the 21st century it really depends on the family. In mine, for example, my host sister is generally not allowed to drink in family situations. Other exchange students Ive talked to have reported the opposite. Either way, with a lowered drinking age, (Even under 18, purchasing alcohol is illegal, but drinking is not technically prohibited) it’s much more socially acceptable to see youngsters out drinking in public. On Saturday nights, many bars play music and serve as large gathering places for dozens of mainly highschool-ers to gather and drink. On holidays, even the most conservative families often offer younger ones a glass of Prosecco or wine. 
Separately, day drinking is way more common. While there are weekend exceptions, in general and especially on a work day it’s not normal for people to drink with lunch in the U.S. Perhaps it’s the fact that lunch is a the biggest meal of the day for Italians, but day drinking is much more common. 
Buon Spritz!
Italian Flag / / / / Italian High School Students Smoking
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American Flag / / / / American High School Students Drinking Coffe Drinks
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There was a time I actually considered in the back of my mind, there may be some kind of good intent on behalf the Program in my targeted situation. I genuinely hoped and believed despite the madness of the tactics "played" against me, there must be some silver lining underneath it all, like maybe in their own warped out way, my enemies were trying to "help" me better my life and personalities some kind of way. For a few years they'd indirectly said as much, even growing frustrated when I'd air my critism towards their hostility.
After today, I not only understand but accept, there is no true positive intent towards Targeted Individuals from the Other Side. They basically set you up with lies to fit into their hateful agenda, and from that moment on, they twist just about every little thing you say and do against you to further their hate campaign. They can set you up as anything they want, but the worst thing they can damage your rep with is lies of being a pedophile. Everyone hates pedophiles and once the Elites have brainwashed the masses into running with this lie, they're all off like marathon runners, spreading their diseased lies around like prostitutes. As a Targeted Individual, whatever lies they spurn becomes impossible to fight against. You can be the most loving, caring person who'd give the shirt off your back to a complete stranger. Doesn't matter. You've now got hoardes of blood thirsty monsters at your throat. Nothing you say or do in opposition ever changes their minds about you. Many have been paid off, some actually believe they're doing the work of "god" and most just want to feel better about themselves, "powerful" and "superior" over someone they've been conditioned to believe is "below" them. There is nothing truly humble about any of those involved. First opportunity they get, they WILL stomp all over you, either with words or actions meant to humiliate and degrade you. From relatives to complete strangers. Everyone gets a hardon at some point to put you down and boost their own selves up.
I had to go out in public today. There wasn't a single place I went to where I wasn't dealt verbal cruelty by those passing by me. Everyone involved knows what's being done against me to the most extreme, cruelest degree. Not one ounce of empathy or remorse from anyone I came in contact with. No one. One black guy, trying to look like the world's coolest pimp stared straight ahead as he walked past me, but said loud enough for me to hear: "That's what you get. You deserve it!" While getting some food with my aunt, a Mexican-looking woman with a boy by her side, called me a bitch while standing behind me. I couldn't make out what else she said. But when I turned and moved away after putting my order in, it was impossible not to notice the proud smirk on her face, and she kept watching me out of the corner of her eye. Lucky for her, I'd forgotten to carry my blade on me. It's probably a good thing I didn't. In the mood I was in, I would've made a scene more than likely, ensuring the cops would be called to haul me away for attempted murder. People think my anger and rage are something to play with, until it isn't. Her little boy, who looked about 12, had stared at me for a moment too, a smirk on his face as well, and yes, I'll admit, I did snap at the kid asking what he was looking at. Unlike everyone else, I own up to my shit. He never did answer, his smirk just kinda deepened as he turned away.
I've gotta start wearing my body cam again. People aren't so bold and "brave" when I'm all suited up collecting evidence to share across social media.
Of course when the B.Y. Neighbors realized my mind kept playing on some of the cruel words aimed my way, they snatched it up to play on it, adding it to their V2K rhetoric as well as hyping on the lies they choose to believe about me. I had to deal with a lot of shit today, there were more instances of people talking at me as I'd walk by them but those are the most memorable. I couldn't make out in totality what others were saying anyway.
The B.Y. Neighbors are in the backyard smoking weed and talking loud. They've got company over, sounds like. They like to talk and act even bigger and badder when they've got their friends gathered around. Yet the 3 times I showed up at their house, nothing but crickets. They didn't say shit, that last time they hid behind the curtains. It was obvious one of them was home and aware I was on their property. Yet out of all the sick, evil shit they do against me, not a one of them could confront me in person. Only hide like the typical cowards they are.
Funny how that works. I don't need a crowd, don't have a crowd, it's always JUST ME when I breach the scene because I'm a strong ass bitch. I don't need groupies backing me up to make me feel bigger and badder about myself. All I've got is ME and there is still no one who can take me without hiding behind the fake ass bullshit of the Program, throwing rocks and hiding their hands to keep themselves covered because they know I'll physically fuck them the hell up if they got in my face with their shit and didn't have enough sense not to keep moving like the scared bitches they are.
Anyhow, I heard a young sounding dude shout out, "Yeah, I love pedophiles! I know how to handle you!" I didn't even respond. Just cued up one of my favorite reality tv shows as a distraction. Now more than ever, the masses are pumping up that lie. Every time I think on how I once wanted to get married and have kids of my own, they jump all over it calling me "sick" and keeping with their stupid accusations, all lies. I'd have more respect for these people if they just came right out and said they're doing all this extra evil shit against me because they simply don't like me as a person, my personality is just too aggressive and confident for them. They USED to call me a big ass bully for the way I'd defend myself and since I've never been perfect, in a sense I probably did come off as a bully in the past to different people once I'd snapped and had enough of bullshit. It'd make more sense for them to come at me for that than to hype over some false ass lying ass shit they've gotta make up to try and "justify" the vile shit they like doing against me. I really would have more respect for them and understand shit just a little, but nope, they just hype up the lies so it's whatever.
I just sat back on the inside watching and listening to shit go down all day, eating it all while trying to carefully mask my feelings. Once they force you into this position, you have to learn to stomach a lot of shit you normally wouldn't. Not because you want to, but because you know if you fight back the way you really want to, you're gonna be in prison for the rest of your life. Something they all want. It's always just a matter of whether it's worth it or not.
I'm not dead on the inside, but today definitely opened my eyes a little more. These people WANT to believe the lies, to make me out as something I'm not and they're going the extra mile to make shit look the way they want it to look by still Sickening me out everyday with their DEW's. They want to take you all the way down, and as a T.I. you have to fight to bring your own self back up. To better yourself from all the abuse they constantly put you through, and put your body through with no remorse, all because of a damn lie they want to beef up to serve their own corrupted agendas. Sometimes they claim it's all merely a "game" and I'm "losing." Other times they say it's "serious" and my life's in danger. I no longer believe and damn sure don't trust anything coming from their end. They're snakes; they switch up way too much, and snakes are never worth trusting because their hearts ain't right. They don't even see themselves as needing to change. They see nothing wrong at all with what they do to me on the daily. Abusers can only change if they want to change. These people don't want to change. Hurting someone they believe they can get away with it against is way too much "fun" for them. Yet they call ME evil.
Yeah. Rethink that.
And to think, the REAL reason I'm enduring this hateful bullshit is because I didn't choose the man who signed me up for all this. All of this because I made the wrong move in walking away from him? THEN when I came back, several times mind you, he played me like a damn fiddle to further play into the shitstorm HE started in signing my life away.
Yeah, I've definitely learned a lot about humanity, especially today.
And when I make it in life ending up better than I've ever been before, I'll say it right now, I don't want any of the people battling hard to make me feel like shit all day everyday trying to kiss my ass. Nope. Save it. Don't try and explain yourselves when the time comes, don't flip the script. Just remember your endless lies andwhat you're doing against me NOW. Because the only forgiveness you'll ever get will be from God.
Not from me.
And Michael, you damn sure better watch your back, Backyard Neighbor from Hell. I've got a complete hardon for taking your ass out. Fuck going after Brinley, YOU will be my first target. Keep thinking I'm playing. I'll show you a demonized stalker. You'll see one day, and you won't see me coming until it's too late. Remember this shit you keep putting me through. Remember it.
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Dream SMP Recap (July 25/2021) - The Wilburger Ranvan
Wilbur comes up with his new calling: selling burgers in a burger van! At Phil’s suggestion, Wilbur teams up with Ranboo to do so, setting up their new business on the outskirts of Las Nevadas.
A brief summary of the week’s total events can be found at the end of the post.
Wilbur Soot
Captain Puffy
- Wilbur and Phil hang out in the Arctic. Wilbur has a proposition for Phil
- He says he met up with Quackity and it was a nice time. The one conclusion he came to is that Quackity is very resourceful
Wilbur: “As much as I may disagree with your views on anarchy, I must say, it’s pretty harmless. I -- I can’t hate you for it. I can’t hate you for enjoying literally living in a peaceful little village in the snow, I mean the server’s never been this peaceful since -- since all the countries and nations and cities and everything is gone. So Phil, I came to you with one question, one question...do you think Quackity should be allowed to be left unchecked?”
- Phil says no. The issue is, there’s no government, no police force. What Techno’s done is left a power vacuum and now Quackity’s come in with an unethical establishment, gambling...
- Wilbur wants to make a burger van
- They get interrupted by an Enderman ascending from the basement
- He knows there’s a bit of déjà vu, but the difference is that the burger van isn’t going to sell drugs this time. He wants every steak to have a name
- He’s done with being a source of authority, a president. His calling is just burgers, no ulterior motives
- Phil knows someone who would help out: Ranboo. The richest, most knowledgable man on the server, and he’s run out of things to do on the server
- Wilbur doesn’t want to play with Ranboo, but Phil threatens to kick him out if he doesn’t so he does, annoyed at being treated like a child
- Wilbur gives Ranboo his proposition
Wilbur: “I like to think, you know, let bygones be bygones, let’s bury the hatchet, let’s be -- Ranboo I’m gonna go out on a limb here...do you wanna be friends?”
- His next progression, after being a dead-terrorist-president...is to be a chef. Ranboo is onboard 
- They start walking over. Wilbur asks if Ranboo’s heard of Las Nevadas, and Ranboo mentions their abandoned cookie post that was causing trouble. He wants to create competition for Quackity’s business. Eventually, maybe Quackity will have to make a deal with them, maybe even be their friend
- Ranboo wants to keep it respectful. Wilbur assures him that they already has the land necessary
- Wilbur wants to pick Ranboo’s brain and asks his thoughts on Quackity. Ranboo says he just hasn’t seen him in so long. Their last interaction before everything else happened was just that they were in the same cabinet of New L’manburg
- Wilbur didn’t know that Ranboo was part of L’manburg’s government
- Wilbur asks if he dislikes anyone. Ranboo says not too much, just people that he doesn’t agree with. Everyone is just a product of what they’ve gone through, so if you understand that, you understand the person
- If you align yourself with everyone, isn’t that more complicated? Ranboo says that’s why he’s just been living with Phil and Techno away from everything, trying not to involve himself in much, but he has a terrible radar on what’s involving himself and what isn’t
Wilbur: “What about Dream?”
Ranboo: “Well that’s -- well, with Dream it’s kind of like...all I’ve heard of Dream, all I’ve seen with Dream is just been like the really bad things that he’s done and everything, so I would say that I -- yeah, I don’t really like Dream, but I mean, he’s also not really someone that it matters whether or not I like him ‘cause he’s just away in that prison for a really long time, so I mean...”
Wilbur: “No trial?”
- They reach their competition and go into the fast food restaurant
- He peeks into the casino, but holes it back up. This building doesn’t benefit the consumer
- Wilbur places down some signs insulting Quackity’s burger place, guaranteeing those signs will never leave since they don’t care about the customer
- Wilbur shows Ranboo his area, which he's thinking of naming “Paradise.” Ranboo says it could be a neat play on words...pair-of-dice
- Wilbur and Ranboo decide to make the place red and white, retro-themed. Ranboo gives Wilbur Ranord and Wilbur goes off to gather some red
- Wilbur likes Tubbo since he’s strong-headed and doesn’t let people push him around
- Ranboo says when you can’t change someone’s mind, it’s no use to needlessly argue. Wilbur points out that Ranboo seems to be a bit more dynamic than a purely neutral, peaceful force. He’s somehow appeared in almost every conflict the server’s had since Wilbur died
- Ranboo says it’s because he’s bad at discerning things, but he’s been doing alright with his situation recently. He wants to help people, and sometimes he lets that desire to help people get in the way of what he says about himself
Wilbur: “Ranboo...why did you help to help me?”
- Ranboo needed something to do, and he also thought that Wilbur’s an alright person, so he wants to get off on a better foot because he doesn’t like having people not like him
- Wilbur asks why he doesn’t think Wilbur’s a bad person. Ranboo says he did bad things, but also went through things that made him that way and now he’s changed as a person since he died. He’s optimistic in that
Wilbur: (sniffs) “Good, uh...that’s nice. Thank you. Uh...I think I needed to hear that.”
Wilbur: “Can I be real with you man? ...I think I scare people.”
Ranboo: “I mean...yeah, I do the same thing.”
Wilbur: “No, not in -- no no, I mean I...I don’t think I...I think a lot of people share your idea, but they share your idea in trying to -- trying to keep me from hurting them, you know? Like they’ve seen what I can do and they don’t want me to do it again, so they adopt your emotion in order to do it.”
- He demolished Jack Manifold’s house twice, he completely ignored him in the war, and what it took for Jack to forgive Wilbur was just a sorry. 
Wilbur: “And I know -- I’ve spoken to Tommy about Jack Manifold! And Jack Manifold is not the sort of person to forgive someone like that with a sorry! Imagine if Dream said sorry to Jack Manifold! What’s Dream done to Jack Manifold, huh? Barely anything! I imagine if Dream said sorry to Jack Manifold, Jack Manifold would ignore him. Do you know why? Because DREAM’s in prison, and I’m not!
“Dream is -- he’s had his comeuppance and I’ve not! My comeuppance was apparently not good enough for these people! They’re just waiting! Waiting for the next thing for me to slip up on them -- Ranboo, I’m not gonna fucking slip up, Ranboo, I’m different. I’m not Dream...god, I wish I was! Sometimes I wish, I wish I’d gotten that comeuppance but Ranboo, I’m not Dream. And I’m not gonna be Dream, and that’s...”
“I’m living in eternal Limbo...again. I’ve been through Limbo. I’m out of Limbo. And socially, I’m still in this Limbo, and man, Ranboo, hearing you say those words that you said to me? Do you remember what you said?”
Ranboo: “Y-yeah, I do?”
Wilbur: “You said...(sniffs) I think people can change, that’s number one. And number two, you said you’re scared that people don’t like you.”
- He tells Ranboo that they’re kindred. They have the same neuroticism, their strongest point. But anxiety is not their downfall. Wilbur’s parents are alive because they were anxious and didn’t let anything take them down
- Ranboo says they’re both thinkers. They may think in different ways, but they think at the same level
Wilbur: “I think you might be a bit braver than me in showing your true colors. I feel like with you, Ranboo, I never have to be guessing your next move. I never have to be guessing your hand, you know? I feel like life dealt us the same cards, and the difference is you build your trust by showing people your cards whilst I keep them close to my chest, and I feel like that might be the big difference.”
- He asks Ranboo what he feels about thievery. He’s going to steal Las Nevadas’ cows to make into burgers
- Ranboo makes some concrete and starts building the van. Wilbur rides off on a horse looking for some sheep
- Wilbur asks Ranboo about Tubbo and Ranboo talks a bit about Snowchester. Wilbur thought Techno was successful at getting rid of all the nations, but Ranboo says it’s not a nation. Wilbur doesn’t know about Kinoko Kingdom either
- Wilbur gets to the spider farm, which has Kanye West in it
- He heads back and they discuss names like Paradise or Wilburger
- Wilbur asks Ranboo’s opinion on Tommy and Ranboo thinks he’s great. Tommy’s gone through a lot, but it’s made him a good person. 
Wilbur notes that he seems to think that everyone’s gone through something. Ranboo says yes, the only bad people are those who are evil without a reason why, but there’s not many people like that
- Wilbur names the first burger “Wilburger Vol. 1″ and puts a watermark on it
- Wilbur wants to ask Ranboo one last make-or-break question
- Chat suggests the “Wilburger Ranvan” and they like it
- They go to Quackity’s restaurant and Wilbur wants Ranboo to smash the windows. Ranboo does
- Wilbur goes inside and places TNT. He hands Ranboo the lighter and tells him to detonate it
- Ranboo does so. Wilbur tells Ranboo to go back to the van. He’s passed the test
Wilbur: “Ranboo, I’m proud of you man. You’ve -- you’ve taken a side.”
- Wilbur goes back and places a sign at the crater:
***** Wilbur + Ranboo  Did this together
“I love that guy.” (laughs) “I love that guy.”
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7/19 - Nothing much happens.
7/20 - Sapnap and George speak with Mexican Dream
7/21 - Foolish creates Philzavilla and breaks into the prison
7/22 - Nothing much happens.
7/23 - Nothing much happens.
7/24 - MCC, no updates
7/25 - Wilbur and Ranboo make a burger van
Upcoming Events:
- Captain Puffy’s Lore Stream
- Wilbur’s 11 planned streams
- Egg Finale Stream
- Tales From the SMP: “Space Race”
- Ponk’s prequel stream
- Ponk’s current-day lore with Sam
- Puffy’s Lore Cast
- Sapnap’s lore
- Dream’s lore video
- Quackity’s casino opening
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