#I thought we were prepared for coma!buck to come through
makorragal-312 · 2 years
It’s been two days since the premiere of 6B and 911 is STILL in the top trending here and Buck is STILL a trending topic on Twitter.
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monsterrae1 · 2 years
I don't know what this is but it's @eddiesbleps fault, so this one's for you Gee!
Stop time right here in the moonlight.
It had been weeks now.
Weeks of waiting to hear any news about his state, weeks of keeping a bed side vigil at every chance he could, weeks of holding Buck's unmoving hand and plead him to wake up. Weeks of crying confessions while tightly holding his hand, weeks of watching him breath through a tube and hearing the heart monitor beat in a slow rhythm.
It had been weeks, and the only thing that seemed to change in Buck was his hair, and his beard. Both hadn't stopped growing in the time he had been laying in that hospital bed. Eddie had taken the job of carefully trimming down his beard without disturbing his breathing tube, and making sure his hair didn't tangle.
If Buck had been awake, he'd be telling Eddie that the average hair growth per month was half an inch, and that finger nails grew 3 millimeters per month. Eddie would've laughed and told him it was disgusting.
But now, now when according to the inch and a half growth of Buck's hair he had been gone for three months. Not gone, no. Asleep, in a coma, whatever, he wasn't fully there and that was what was killing Eddie slowly.
He ran his finger slowly through the long curls, the longer it got the wilder the curls got, Eddie had experience with Chris hair, so he started to bring brushes and once or twice a week he would just sit there and brush out the tangles made by time, by the nurses moving him around and not paying attention to his hair - Eddie didn't blame them, he knew that they were busy - and he'd tell him about his day.
"Chris drew you another picture" He said that day "Can't lie, kid's getting better, we might have to look into some art classes for him, if he wants to"
Naturally, Buck didn't answer. They had taken out the breathing tube two days ago, he had started to fight it in the middle of the night and everyone thought it meant he'd wake up soon. But he was taking his sweet time to do so.
"I miss your eyes, how stupid is that?" Eddie admitted as he got settled into Buck's side, close enough to brush his hair out without issues, they had been cleaning it with dry shampoo and Eddie usually brought some leave in conditioner to keep it from drying out. He knew how picky was about his hair, and he didn't want him to wake up and hated what had happen to it. "I also miss your laugh,
I never noticed how bright it was, until…” He shook his head, falling into silence as he focused back on his task. These weren’t thinks he hadn’t said before, he felt like maybe he’d been saying it every week for the past three months. 
Once he was done with his hair, he moved down to his beard. Thanks to the breathing tube it had gotten a little out of control, and Eddie knew how much he hated having a beard, so he had come prepared this time, draping a towel over Buck’s chest and tucking it around his neck, taking out his scissors and starting to trim down the long hairs.
“I could go pro by now” Eddie mumbled “I’m gonna bill you for all of this once you’re awake” A nurse laughed on the other side of the room, attending to another patient. “Sorry” He apologized “didn’t see you”
“It’s okay, you must love your husband very much” she said with a sad smile “We keep seeing you here, and you’re so devoted to him, we’re all rooting for him to wake up soon” 
Eddie smiled “Thank you, we’re too” 
He didn’t correct her on her assumption, he didn’t want to have to say, we’re not married, I’m hopelessly in love with him and he’s slipping through my fingers. No. No. He rather they think he was a devoted husband, and not a broken hearted best friend. 
Eddie focused back on his task, carefully spreading the shaving cream around his cheeks, chin and neck. Taking the razor and slowly started to remove the hair, being careful to not cut him. 
“When are you going to wake up Buck?” Eddie said once he saw the nurse leaving “Please don’t take your sweet time with this, please, please, come back to me” 
Buck didn’t wake up that day, or the day after that, or the one after. But the next week he did, just as Eddie was running his fingers through his hair and reading a book to him, he waited until Eddie was done with the chapter to let him know he was awake, and after jumping out of bed and dropping the book to the floor, Eddie finally, finally was able to see those beautiful ocean blue eyes staring back at him. 
“Hey Eds” Buck said with a raspy voice from disuse. 
“Hey Buck” Eddie smiled at him.
He knew he had to call the nurses in, the doctors too, and that Buck needed to be checked out by everyone, but he was awake, and Eddie knew, he was done wasting time. After all, he knew that tomorrow wasn’t promised to anyone.
Taglist under the cut:
Tag list: @swiftiediaz @elvensorceress @lostinabuddiehaze @idealuk @imaginger @mr-and-mr-diaz @yelenasbuddie @ldntommo @jacksadventuresinwriting @spotsandsocks @buckleyobsessed @ci5mates @aka-hawkguy @buddierights @prettyboybuckley @peaceofficerdiaz @lightningbuck @loveyourownsmiilee @eddiediazisascorpio @rogerzsteven @satashiiwrites @dickley-buddie @daughterofbuddie @bekkachaos @the-likesofus @shortsighted-owl @jobairdxx @alyxmastershipper
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ravenforce · 4 years
Stark Legacy 6
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Carol Danvers x Wanda Maximoff x Maria Hill x Reader but Natasha Romanoff x Reader centric for this chapter.
Summary: I have no words to summarize this one. I feel like this is a whole story on it’s own. Nat x Reader, with a few flashbacks.
Word Count: 4207
A/N: Please, let me know what you guys think. I poured my heart into this, Idk why I tend to do that whenever I write for Natasha. HAHA. Also, I deviated a little bit on the coma/death arc for the reader, sorry.
Previously: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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Natasha walks inside the gym a little later than she normally would and fully expecting her blonde girlfriend to be there since she didn’t wake up with her on the bed either. To her surprise, Carol’s not there too. She shrugged and went on her gym routine with a furrowed brow. The next day, without even meaning to, Nat woke up to Carol trying (unsuccessfully) to silently slip off Wanda’s embrace and off their massive bed. Nat gave her girlfriend a good fifteen minutes head start before tailing her. 
Nat tried not to think ahead but Nat being Nat, she was still prepared for all possible outcomes but out of all the scenarios she thought Carol would drive to, she never - not even once - thought that she’s driving to SHIELD Headquarters. Nat’s eyebrows furrowed while waiting a few blocks away for Carol to be cleared to enter the premises. She knows for a fact that Carol’s not due for her weekly meeting with Fury because they all maintain a synchronized calendar to keep track of everyone’s schedule. 
“What are you up to, Danvers?” she whispered to herself. 
Nat sat on the parking lot for another ten minutes before following Carol inside. Nobody in their right mind would ever question why she was there even without an appointment. Natasha went through the command center to see if Deputy Director Hill is on her station but, she too wasn’t anywhere to be found. 
What is going on? Where is everyone? She thought to herself while walking along a deserted hallway. When she rounded the corner, she roughly bumped into someone. The deep frown on her face was immediately erased when she saw who she bumped into. 
“There you are!”
“You’re here too?”
They spoke at the same time. Nat chuckled for a second before registering what Maria had said. Before she can ask, Maria spoke first. 
“Does the Earth mightiest heroes have nothing better to do on their free days than loiter around here?” Maria teased before pulling Nat for a quick hug. 
“I don’t loiter -” Nat grumbled on her girlfriend’s shoulder. When they pulled apart, Maria’s sporting a teasing smile. Nat rolled her eyes playfully. “I am not loitering. I’m looking for Carol.”
“Yeah, she’s here,” Maria confirmed while tucking a stray red hair out of Nat’s face. Nat bit her lip in an attempt to keep herself from blushing at the softness her girlfriend’s showing. 
”Didn’t she just met with Nick yesterday? What’s her business here today?”
At the mention of Fury’s name, Maria stiffened as she remembered that she’s already running late to her meeting with the man himself. She cursed under her breath, hurriedly plants a soft kiss on Nat’s cheeks before sidestepping the redhead and practically running out of there. 
“Carol’s in the gym with Agent Stark,” Maria said loud enough for Nat to hear from the other end of the empty hallway before she disappeared. 
Nat stood there frozen for a minute before she turned on her heels to see what you and Carol are up to. “Y/N Stark -” she whispered to herself as she walks towards the gym. Nat can’t deny the fact that her heart started beating wildly on her chest at the mere mention of your name.
It felt like an eternity has passed since Nat ever heard your name at all. So much has happened between then and now including your supposed death and the world literally ended, Nat didn’t really have time to dwell on all of her unanswered what-ifs. What if you didn’t die? Would she have had enough courage to feel she deserve you if you both were given more time?
Nat was enamored the moment she met you while she was undercover as Tony’s assistant. You were unlike no other she’s ever met before. A genius in your own merit was yet content to live peacefully behind your brother’s dark and long shadow. Funny without being obnoxious. She was sure she’s in love with you when you fought side by side while infiltrating Hammer Tech. 
“I didn’t know you could fight, princess,” she teased while trying to catch her breath after taking down most of Hammer’s security. 
You rolled your eyes at her, pretending to hate that stupid pet name. “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, Natasha Romanoff -” you fired back. Enunciating her name indicating that her cover was blown with you for a while now. 
“Let’s change that after we’re through with this -”
A new batch of security emerges that forced you to go back to kicking ass. “Are you asking me out right now?” You punched one man on the throat, knocking him out effectively. 
Nat’s chocking another on her side of the hallway. “No better time than the present, Stark. So what do you say?” She squeezes the guy a little harder, making him go slack on her arms. Nat was just catching her breath when another man appeared behind her. She almost doubled down when you threw a knife that you procured from your knee-high boots behind her. 
“Nice -” she said a little breathless, partially from being tired and also a little turned on. 
You walked up to her to give her a hand from the floor. She took the help gratefully. “Yes.” 
Nat understood immediately. “Let’s wrap this up quickly then,” she said with a smirk. 
A few days after sparring with Captain Danvers at SHIELD, you visited the compound one morning to make a quick delivery. The compound was eerily quiet for eight in the morning, making you wonder if you came in too early. Your wandering stopped when you heard the hopeless clanking of pans in the kitchen. You smiled, hoping that it is who you want to see that’s making all the noise. You leaned against the doorway, watching wild red hair rummaging through the cupboards. 
“After all this time, you’re still hopeless in the kitchen,” you said to announce your presence. 
Natasha stood abruptly, bumping her head on one of the open cabinets. She turned around with a frown while clutching the top of her head. “What the hell! You scared me!” 
Her frown only deepened when you won’t stop laughing. It’s not that you didn’t want to stop, you just couldn’t. She looks so adorable with her scowl and wild bed hair bathed in the early morning sunlight streaming through the massive windows in the room. You walked towards her. 
“I’m sorry but, this isn’t my fault -” you stopped two feet away from her. “ - no one’s supposed to sneak up on the Black Widow, right?” You teased while rubbing the top of her head. 
“No Black Widow business until I have my second cup of coffee, you know the rules.”
Of course, you do. You can’t forget anything about Natasha even if you want to. 
“I’m sorry,” you said sincerely. You didn’t really mean to startle her - that badly. 
Nat looked at you from under her lashes, and had your knees been human they would surely buckle under that look. “Kiss it better,” she demanded.
“What are you, five?” you teased to diffuse your nervousness but, Nat can see right through you. 
You huffed before pulling her towards you and kissed the spot where she hurt herself. “There! Happy now?” 
Nat smiled. “I am now.” 
Before you can say anything else, the rest of the inhabitants of the compound trudges in the kitchen including Maria, Carol, and Wanda. 
“Hey.” Everyone greeted monotonously indicating that none of them are fully awake yet. You just smiled politely to everyone to give them time to fully shake the sleep off their systems. 
Sam strode in last. He was sweaty and looking alert, probably from doing his morning jog. “Y/N!” he exclaimed when he noticed you. Everyone bristled at his volume, which probably won’t be acceptable regardless of the time of the day. “What brings you around? Not that we don’t want you here. Did you finally realize that you’d like to join our team now?”
“What?” Maria asked after registering Sam’s line of questioning. 
“No offense -” 
You decided to cut Sam off there. Any sentence that starts with no offense is often kind of offensive. “No, Sam, I’m not joining the Avengers.” Maria visibly relaxes at that while Sam deflated. “I just came here today to deliver you guys this -” You fished out an envelope from the inside pocket of your brown trench coat. 
Nat who was still standing next to you reached out and took the envelope. “It’s an invitation,” she mused. Everyone’s looking at you expectantly. 
“Yes. Pepper’s throwing me a homecoming party, and I don’t have the heart to tell her no,” you smiled. “Pun not intended.” 
The kitchen erupted in excitement while freshly brewed coffee was being passed around. “This is so cool, it’s been so long since we had a Stark party,” Bruce commented, earning a soft elbow from Bucky and poorly concealed side-eyes from the girls. Bruce opened and closed his mouth, unable to form an apology. 
“It’s okay Bruce but don’t expect it to be as grand as Tony’s parties,” you said smiling. “So?”
“Count as in!” Sam jumped at the opportunity to change the topic fast. Bucky sighed, resigning to his fate. “For you, I will be there, doll.” 
“Thanks, Buck.” 
While everyone was distracted about talks of the party and what to wear, you turned towards Natasha. “You’re coming too, right, Tasha?” 
Nat smiled at the use of her nickname. You’re the only one who likes to call her that. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, princess.” 
The party was in full swing when the Avengers arrived at the Tower. Aside from the team, Pepper invited a select few Stark Industries people, from investors as well as your old lab team. Nat didn’t expect anyone else aside from Maria to be invited. So she was surprised to see you standing amongst Agent Colson’s team. Nat’s sure that you saw them arrive but, you made no move to excuse yourself from listening to Agent Simmon’s surely interesting story. 
Pepper did excuse herself and greeted the Avengers. “Hey!” She gave everyone a quick hug. “Traffic? Come on, let’s get you guys some refreshments.” 
“Yes! Let’s get hammered!” Sam cheered too enthusiastically. 
A couple of steps though, Pepper turned back to see the girls still rooted in their place at the doorway. “Coming, ladies?” 
“Ah, I think we would say hello to Y/N first,” Maria and Carol answered at the same time without taking their eyes off of you.
Pepper followed their love-struck gaze and chuckled. She assumed it’s a pack thing, so she didn’t bother asking Nat and Wanda anymore and just followed the boys to the catering table. Nat watched Maria and Carol strode confidently towards you, and efficiently inserting themselves into the conversation. Nat watched her girlfriends, subtly inserting their bodies on both your sides, creating a barrier between you and Agent Johnson and Agent Simmons.
Natasha can deal with the fact that all her girlfriends have a crush on you. She doesn’t see herself having trouble sharing you with her pack if it came to that. It’s the others she’s worried about. You’re too bright that everyone’s gravitating towards you like moths to a fire, like Icarus to the sun. All night, Nat tried to get you alone but, every time she thinks she finally does, someone else would come over and make conversations with you. 
Nat thinks you’re too polite to tell them off. So she excused herself when Agent Simmons came over to talk to you again (for the nth time that night). You smiled at her before turning back to Jenna. The bartender put four tequila shots in front of her the moment she sat on the bar. Bucky then turned to her. 
“Thought you might need a stiff drink,” Bucky grumbled over the rim of his beer bottle. Nat downed one shot before glancing in your direction. Bucky didn’t miss how the redhead’s frown dipped a little deeper. “Didn’t think you’re one to walk away when vultures are trying to snatch your girl.” 
Nat downed her second shot and slammed the glass down the counter. She’s not my girl, she thought bitterly. She knows full well that you’re not hers to hate Agent Johnson for simply wanting to be near you or for laughing at something you said and her hand landing casually on your biceps. You’re not hers for her to be jealous, she knows that painfully. 
She couldn’t watch any longer. She downed the last two shots before turning towards Bucky. “I think I’ll get some fresh air,” she whispered, eyes downcast. “Thanks, Buck.” 
Bucky only nodded before Nat hopped off her stool and walked out of the party venue. Nat didn’t turn back to see you watching her leave. 
Nat snugged a bottle of expensive wine from a passing staff on her way to God knows where. All she knew was that she needed to step away to clear her head or drown her feelings and her regret.
You and Nat have been casually dating for a couple of months, even with your brother’s utter disapproval of the relationship. For the first time in a long time, you were standing against your brother on a matter but that was Nat you were talking about. You weren’t going to give her up without a fight. Eventually, Tony relented but without threatening Nat that if she ever breaks your heart, she’ll be the first person on his non-existent hit list. 
Everything was fine. You both were happy until Nat suddenly decided she’s not ready. You didn’t know what happened. All you know was one day, she came back from a mission and decided she’s not ready to be tied down to one person.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, but I’m not built for this -” she waved her hand. Indicating not only the domesticity of sharing the same living space but also everything that comes with it like building a home with another and shedding walls to letting people in. “I’m sorry.”
You didn’t cry, and Nat knew you were letting her go gracefully. Even when she was breaking your heart, you were still thinking of her. “It’s okay, Tasha. I understand,” you said simply. You gave her a small smile before kissing her one last time.
Nat took a long swig of the wine before acknowledging your presence behind her. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at your party?” she spoke without taking her eyes off of the city skyline. The view from the rooftop of the tower was spectacular.
You chuckled nervously. Nat only goes to the rooftop when she needed to think and breathe. You wonder if you’ve done something through the night that might set her off. “I saw you leave the party, I was looking for you.”
“Why?” She took another long swig, making her head spin a little bit.
“Why not? I’ll always look for you when you’re gone.”
Nat suppressed the urged to groan, opting to chug the wine, but you were lightning fast. You caught her wrist before her lips could touch the bottle. You fished the wine out of her grasp. “What’s wrong, Tasha?”
“Nothing,” she answered automatically. Her eyes are darting back and forth from your eyes and your lips. There’s a sad, hungry look on her face you couldn’t understand. You decided to ignore it for the time being and just confront her about it when she’s not one shot away from being drunk.
“Okay, if you say so. Let’s go back inside, it’s cold out here.”
You started to walk back towards the only door to the rooftop when Nat tugged you back roughly to her. “Tasha!” you exclaimed in your surprise when she pinned you between her and the deck railing.
Nat held your eyes for a second before she laid her forehead on your shoulder. “Do you enjoy it? Having everyone wrapped around your fingers?”
You can hear the hurt in her voice. You wanted to question her about it. You want to understand what she’s talking about, but the words wouldn’t come. Especially, when you felt her turn her head slightly, and her left hand caressed your cheeks.
“I can’t get you alone all night,” she whispered as she noses her way from your jaw through your neck.
“Tasha -” God knows you tried not to make it sound like a moan, but it came out exactly like that.
The rest of the words died in your throat as you felt Nat plant the softest of kisses on your neck and her right hand found your leg through the long slit of your dress. Suddenly, it wasn’t so cold anymore. The fire that is Natasha Romanoff warmed you immensely, and you were ready to burn for her again, still.
“You were mine first,” you heard her whisper before she pulled her head away from your neck and smashed her lips against yours for a minute. Then she’s running away, again.
MH: Meet me at SHIELD.
WM: What’s wrong, Mar?
Nat frowned at the demanding chat from Maria. She waited patiently for an explanation; she tried not to jump to a conclusion. But at the back of her head, she prayed it’s not another alien threat. She can deal with Hydra, but she doesn’t think she has enough to give to fight and lose people to another Thanos level problem. 
MH: Y/N’s down. Otw to the lab with Happy to get started with repairs. 
Nat paled, and for a minute, she couldn’t move. Fear gripped her, the past flooding back to her.
She rushed into the hospital when she heard about the accident. Relief flooded her senses when she saw Tony and Pepper alert and awake on their hospital bed. Steve and Rhodey were already there. When the group noticed her, Tony immediately averted his eyes while Pepper started bawling. 
“Is the baby okay?” Nat asked, worried that something happened to the baby.
Silence. Nat turned to Steve and Rhodey. Rhodey just frowned, lost for words too. Steve looked like he was trying to string a sentence in his head. “I’m sorry, Nat -” 
Nat became even more confused. “For what?” she asked. “Guys, you’re scaring me.”
Tony took an audible, deep breath, catching Nat’s attention back to him. This time, he held her gaze. “Y/N’s home, Nat,” he said. “When we found out that Pepper’s pregnant, we told her, and she came home.” 
Nat didn’t know that. No one told her that you’re home, which was understandable after she broke your heart. “Okay,” she nodded. Still, a tad confused as to where this conversation was going. “Do you need me to call her for you?” 
“She’s gone, Nat -” 
“Wha -”
“She’s dead.” Tony decided it’s better to rip off the bandage clean. Pepper started sobbing again. “She was with us tonight.”
Her phone vibrated on her hand again. She looked at the message from Wanda. 
WM: Breath, Nat. She’s inhuman now. 
And at that moment, Nat was so thankful that Wanda’s an empath. She released a breath she didn’t know she was holding and closed her eyes for a second to center herself. When she opened her forest-green eyes, she fired a quick text to the group chat before nearly running out of the compound. 
NR: I’m on my way.
Nat was cursing in Russian under her breath as she power walk through the hallway of SHIELD towards the labs. She made a mistake of jumping on the first available vehicle in the compound’s parking lot, instead of using her MV Augusta F4 RR 312 motorcycle. It would have taken her to the HQ in no time. 
She was rounding the last corner before she arrived at the lab when she bumped into Happy. 
“Hey.” The man looked exhausted even though the machines in the lab did all the work, but Nat understood it completely. The idea that you got injured affects those who knew you before you were inhuman than those who knew you post-human. “I’m beat. I’m going to crash upstairs.” 
Nat nodded with a smile before adding, “thank you, Happy.” She hopes the simple words convey how much she appreciates the man for taking care of you after all this time. 
“Anything for Y/N,” Happy answered, smiling. He was almost on the other end of the hallway when he called for Nat again. Nat stopped in her tracks and look at him quizzically. “Be quiet when you get there.” 
Then he disappeared. Nat just shrugged and continued to the lab. When she got inside, she floated to the room where she knows you would be and found you sandwiched between Carol and Maria. 
“Shouldn’t you be the one sleeping?” she teased softly. You looked up when you heard her voice from the door and smiled. 
“I would if I needed one, but I don’t. You, on other hand, look like you can use a nap too.” You tried to speak as softly as you could as not to disturb your sleeping friends(?), but they still manage to stir and look at Natasha. Together they patted the only space available in the bed for her. 
Your lap. Nat quirked an eyebrow at the two before looking back at you. You smiled before raising your hand to beckon her to you. Nat decided to throw all her inhibitions to the window and gracefully climbed on the bed with you. It took a bit of squirming around to accommodate her on top of you, but you managed. Nat laid her head on where your heart should be. 
Suddenly, Nat felt exhausted. Like all the stress and emotions - the confusion, the disbelief, the longing - she desperately tried to run away from ever since she found out that you’re alive caught up to her then. Her eyes started to close as you run your fingers through her soft red hair. 
“I’m still yours,” you whispered, confident that Natasha has joined her softly snoring girlfriends in dreamland. It was quiet for a minute. The only sound in the room is the whirring of machines from the lab outside.
“I’m ready now,” Nat mumbled loud enough for you to hear before she completely went under.
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chancelloramidala · 3 years
Staring at the Sun ➤ Evan Buckley
Chapter One: You’re Fucking Joking.
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Warnings: shooting, gunshot, blood, hospitals
Injuries on the job, especially as a firefighter, was nothing new. You had to be ready to endure whatever came at you, it was apart of the job description to be frank. But nothing could prepare Marceline Pierce for getting fucking shot, not once, but twice. The first bullet hit her in the thigh, luckily barely missing her femoral artery and stayed lodged in there, while the second on swiped clean through her left abdomen.
The call was to an cocaine overdose at a suburban mansion, and whilst everyone else was helping the victim, Marceline and Buck searched the rest of the house for the person who dialed 9-1-1. They made the stupid decision to split up so they could more ground because when I tell you the mansion was huge, it was. That’s when Marceline found who they were looking for in the bathroom.
It was a white male, early thirties and completely coked up by the smudged white lines on the marbled counter along with the white power covering his nose. He looked severely disheveled and was waving a gun around, muttering to himself and pacing back and forth. Marceline tried to talk the guy down, keeping her hands up to show that no she wasn’t a threat but didn’t keep her guard down. If worse came to worse, she was going to try and take the gun.
After that, everything was kind of... hard for her to remember if you could believe it. There were certain things she could remember, like how she was carefully walking towards the guy, Johnny that was his name, when Buck suddenly entered the room in search for Marceline. Johnny then pointed to gun at Buck, the last person, she wanted to be near a fucking gun.
So she acted on instinct, her mind yelling at her to make sure Buck was safe. Marceline charged towards Johnny, and when her hands were wrapped around his wrists, it went off and her left thigh was on fire. But it didn’t matter, Buck was still in danger. She groaned, biting through the pain as she staggering towards Johnny when he shot at her again but this time aiming for her side.
That’s when she finally fell, sort of slow-mo like as she bled onto the tiled floors.
Bobby was suddenly hovering over her, so was Chimney. Talking was hard at the time, so she just stared blankly at her Captain as one of the paramedics tried to stabilize her for transport. Buck was suddenly there too, he looked angry and seemed to be shouting but to be honest, Marceline couldn’t hear what he was saying.
But... where was Johnny?
Was the gun away?
Was Buck safe now?
Her mind was spinning.
She was then inside of the ambulance, Bobby beside her and holding her hand as he and Chimeny told her to stay awake. And Marceline tried, she really did. 
But, fuck, her eyes were heavy, almost as if someone put bricks on them.
So against her Captain’s orders, she slept.
Later, much later, Marceline woke up in a hospital room to the beeping of machines she was hooked up on and a cartoon playing incessantly on the shitty TV. Sitting beside her was her best friend, roommate, and ex-girlfriend Nicolette Bishop.
Apparently, she’s been out for four days from a medically induced coma after the shooting incident. Her team has been visiting since then, leaving small gifts and reading to her until she woke up. Even Nic’s daughter, Gemma came to visit a few times and proof of that was her poorly painted toenails and drawings left by her bedside.
Even though she was glad to be alive, Marceline couldn’t help but wonder if Buck was okay. Her chest was tight with anxiety at that thought.
Were her efforts in vain?
Did she really get fucking shot for nothing?
“No, Buck’s fine.” Nic told her as she fluffed Marceline’s pillow for the hundredth time that hour. “He visited you while you were out, just talking about random things, I didn’t really hear him.”
She relaxed at that, inwardly smiling at the fact that he was here when she was asleep.
The doctor said she’d be out of commission for at least a month and a half to heal properly and then another for physical therapy and check-ups.
Marceline fucking hated that. She verbalized that to her doctor, who wasn’t surprised and just shrugged before leaving.
What was she supposed to do till then? Sit her ass on the couch in front of the television and watch shitty reality TV? Plus, she knew Nic was going to baby the hell out of her till she could walk by herself.
But Nic wasn’t the only person ready to help Marceline.
By the time Marceline was released from the hospital, the 118 had already prepared a schedule where they’d take turns to spend the afternoon with her when they had the days off.
The last thing she wanted as her team to step into her home, one of the few places where she could separate her work life with her home life. But it’s not like she was able to have a say in any of this.
Nic was absolutely thrilled for the extra help, knowing that she’d be a little preoccupied from her job as a caretaker to take anymore personal days off, when only the month before Gemma was sick with a stomach bug.
For the next two months and a half, Marceline was bombarded by Bobby’s cooking, Chimney’s horrible jokes, and Hen’s warm hugs. As for Buck? Well he visited a little less than the rest of them, continuously thanking her for basically saving his life. The poor woman didn’t know how to respond to this, only lamely shrugging and picking at her nails while saying, “I just did what anyone else would do...” for the one’s they love...
In between those heartfelt visits, Athena Grant came by to give her a stern talking to about charging at someone with a loaded weapon. For as long as Marceline could remember, Athena was the mother-figure she never had growing up in the foster system and always fretted when she did something a little too reckless on the job.
“What the hell were you thinking? That druggie had a gun pointing at you, Marceline! You’re obviously not bulletproof!” Athena would go on a tangent, wagging her finger at the younger woman. 
“But he pointed the gun at Buck too, Athena!” Marceline shot back with a type of ferocity that the cop never saw before. “I...I didn’t think at the time, I know that but... I didn’t care what happened to me.” she chewed at her lower lip as she stared at the older woman. “Buck was in danger, I just- I had to- I would never forgive myself if something-” happened to him.
Marceline broke down, her hands now shaking as tears spilled out of her eyes. She broke eye contact with Athena, covering her face with her shaky hands to hid how embarrassed and vulnerable she felt in this moment.
Athena watched the young woman that she considered one of her own as she was struck with a realization. “You’re in love with him, aren’t you sweetheart?”
Marceline whimpered, curling herself in a ball that wouldn’t break her stitches.
“Oh, baby,” Athena sat down next to her and wrapped her arms around the weeping woman before pulling her into a side hug. “I’m sorry for giving you a hard time, I was just worried about you.” she placed a kiss to Marceline’s hair. “But I understand. We do crazy things for the people we love.”
Marceline was finally cleared to go back to work in the next two weeks. Her confession was only known to Athena and Nic (the latter only learning this piece of information months beforehand with a drunk Marceline going on and on about why she loves Buck), and was never spoken about again.
But after her sort of near death situation, Marceline decided that she should tell Buck how she feels. Even if he was a self-diagnosed sex addict. It didn’t matter. Life was too short to have any regrets, right?
Marceline came to her first day back with anxiety settling in her bloodstream, her blue duffel bag hung over her shoulder. She was glad that there was no one greeting her or anything, it was as if she never got shot. All she wanted was to get back to work and have everything go by smoothly. Then she walked over to her locker, “PIERCE” written in neat, bold handwriting and stuffed her things inside.
“Mars, come up, breakfast is getting cold!” Bobby shouted over the railing.
She grinned. God, she missed Bobby’s cooking. Not that she didn’t have constant access to it because there were literally tons of leftovers currently sitting in her fridge, but it was different when Bobby cooked at the fire station. Now, it was actually a home cooked meal.
“Alright, Bobby, hold on,” she yelled back at him before ascending up the stairs, holding the railing because wow did these steps get bigger somehow?
And as she finally reached the top steps, she almost immediately wanted to turn around run away.
“Welcome back, Marceline!” everyone cheered and smiled excitedly underneath a large, brightly colored banner hung up above.
Fuck, this is not what she wanted. “Oh gosh,” she started, her hand finding it’s way into her hair. “You guys really didn’t have to-”
“Ba-ba-ba,” Chimney shook his head and stepped forward before slinging his arm around her shoulder. “Yes we did, we’ve missed your brooding presence inside the truck and had to celebrate your return.”
"Look, we know you didn’t want a big welcome back kind of party, so it’s just us, some cake, and pure vibes.” Hen looked at Marceline thoughtfully with a small smile.
It really was just Bobby, Hen, Chimney, and Athena. The presence of Buck was missing, but that wasn’t too surprising, he tended to be late to almost everything.
Bobby then held up a cake with a bright smile. “It’s ice cream cake, your favorite.”
Yes, ice cream cake is indeed Marceline’s favorite. And, yes, she really did not want to make a big deal about her return... but the hopeful and expecting looks on her teams faces made her throw away her previous reservations.
“Alright, fine.” she sighed before playfully shoving Chimney’s arm off of her shoulder. “I guess, I’ll enjoy myself until we have a call.”
“Ah, that’s the spirit!” Athena smiled and clapped her hands together. “Okay, here are the plates and the utensils-”
“Hey guys, sorry for being late,” Buck’s voice filled the air and Marceline almost instantly whipped around with a dumbest smile on her face. “But I wanted to bring Abby,”
Abby? Who the fuck was Abby?
Marceline’s smile wavered at the sight of a redheaded woman who was at least double her own age standing behind Buck. With closer inspection, they were holding hands.
“That’s alright Buck, c’mon and get some cake before Marceline eats the whole thing,” Bobby smiled at the other man and waved the couple over.
"Well, I felt a little silly coming here without anything so I brought brownies,” Abby smiled lightly, holding up store-bought brownies as she walked over.
“All food is welcomed,” Athena replied in kind to her before sneaking at glance at Marceline who stood scarily still and was obviously biting back a few emotions.
Abby nodded and placed the brownies on the table as she took a plate that Buck handed her before turning her attention to Marceline. “Hi, I don’t think we’ve met, I’m Abby, I’ve heard great things about you”
Marceline hated how almost on sight she hated Abby’s guts. And it was over a stupid fucking reason, a boy. God, way to be less of a fucking feminist, Marceline.
So she put on one of her best “this is fine, I’m perfectly okay” which meant a tight smile plastered on her face and shoved every dark and ugly emotion she had into the deepest parts of her soul.
You could do this, you can fake being nice and perfectly okay, you’ve done this your whole life.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Abby, I’m Marceline,”
@skyslowalking​ & @beelarson 4 u darlings <3​
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the-pale-goddess · 4 years
Breakfast at Tiffany’s - Ethan Ramsey x MC (Tiffany Addams)
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Tiffany surprises Ethan with a fancy breakfast.
It’s all cute until it turns to filth. Then it’s fluff again. Aaaaand back to slutty. A three-course, self-indulgent breakfast, if I may convey.
Rating/Category: Explicit / smut with a side of fluff
Warnings: p*rn with no plot, language
Author’s note: Coming back to my OH2 more or less canon fic business!
Here’s the smutty part of the little band aid I promised for all the harm I’ve done to you with Home With You AU. I just wanted to give you something sweet before we proceed with the emotional rollercoaster in Chapter 3...Well, I did my best, but my filthy mind would never allow me to write some pure and innocent fluff 😅 Hope it’s not too slutty for you lol You’ve been warned!
Please, forgive me the title - I just saw the opportunity and I took it lol
Ethan opened his eyes with a sinking feeling this Thursday would be out of the new ordinary. His bed was cold and empty. There was no cascade of black hair unwittingly waking him up with a gentle tickle on his skin, no tender caress begging him to stay in the sheets a tad longer.
Another surprise awaited when an overfamiliar appetizing smell hit his nostrils, forcing him to rush out of bed in order to investigate the unexpected scene.
The missing piece of Ethan's morning routine was dancing her way through the kitchen, wreaking sweet havoc with a pile of dirty dishes and different ingredients scattered all over the kitchen island, just to cook a tower of flawlessly fluffy pancakes – now proudly placed on display near the oven. They looked perfect, but not as perfect as Tiffany in the weak morning light; her dark wavy hair falling down on bare shoulders, in contrast to the lacy white lingerie set that flaunted all her curves. She was swinging to the tune she whistled to herself, oblivious of the lurking admirer.
„I don't think I'll ever get used to this view.” Ethan's voice got her spinning around in a flutter to face him. He was leaning against the fridge, an adoring smile playing on his lips as his eyes were roaming over her silhouette. She flushed furiously under the intensity of his gaze, trying to hide the sudden clumsiness of her movements with a sheepish beam.
„Your girlfriend cooking breakfast for you in nothing but her underwear?”
He eyed her intently, biting his bottom lip before he answered with a poker face. „My kitchen in disarray.”
Tiffany shook her head incredulously, as she strained the freshly made raspberry sauce through a sieve. „Trust me, it'll be worth it. And don't worry, I'll clean everything up later, Doctor Terminator.”
„It already is.” He pulled her body close to his, causing her back to collide with his chest. „I can't believe you're still using that nickname.”
„You have to admit it's catchy.”
„Mhm. Do you need any help?” His arm draped over her shoulder, hugging her tight.
„Sure. There's a dozen of pancakes waiting for you. Hope you're ready for a sweet death topped with whipped cream and a home-made raspberry sauce.”
„I didn't plan on falling into a food coma, but you had me at pancakes. Meaning yes, I'm ready.” The powerful combination of Ethan's soft lips and his scratchy chin glued to the sensitive skin on her neck, peppering her with featherlike kisses.
„Someone's clingy today.” She gave him a loud peck on his forearm.
„I'm starving, Tiffany.” A husky whisper rolled in her ear, the words followed by a gentle bite that sent a red-hot shiver down her spine. She chuckled to herself.
„Good! I was genuinely scared that you'd hate the idea because of your love-hate relationship with pancakes. The sauce will need a few minutes to cool down a bit, and then – Oh!” Tiffany stopped dead in her tracks when the hard evidence of Ethan's hunger pangs pressed against her butt. She dropped her jaw in surprise, slightly amused by the realization she didn't get the hint quite right – it was a different kind of appetite. She spun round to face him, the wicked smile suggested she was more than eager to play along.
„On second thought, I suppose we can have a taste of what will be served today.” Never breaking the gaze, she dipped her finger in the whipped cream and offered it to Ethan. He licked it clean, keenly watching Tiffany's face turn crimson red.
„Not bad for a mixture of fat and sugar. Though it's far from what I expected to be on the menu.” Tiffany raised her brows, fake offended, her expression elicited a hearty chuckle from Ethan.
„Well, aren't you a picky eater, Doctor Ramsey? Luckily, I came prepared.” Her finger dived into the bowl with raspberry sauce. „Try some of this.”
„Mmm, delicious.” He gushed, his tongue slithering around her finger. „But yet again...That's not what I crave the most.”
”I wonder what would that be...” She bit her lip seductively as she reached for Ethan's hand. He swallowed loud and moved a bit closer just when she slipped his thumb into her mouth. The provocative movement had his imagination run wild. „Aren't you gonna tell me?”
„Tiffany, I...” Ethan failed to articulate his thought, too absorbed in sinful visions almost melting his brain.
„Tell me what do you crave, Ethan.” She demanded and he suddenly felt even weaker. His thumb got trapped in her mouth again, her other hand massaging his inner thigh through the material of his pants.
„You.” His voice dripped with wild need.
„How do you want me?” Tiffany released the thumb with a heady pop, holding his stare the entire time.
„I want to...”
„Do you want to come in my mouth?” She used his finger to brush her bottom lip, then grazed it with her teeth mere seconds later.
„Fuck...Yes, please.” He muttered, pressing his forehead together with hers.
Smiling magnetically from ear to ear, Tiffany crashed into Ethan, kissing him hungrily with their tongues twisted together. The prelude wouldn't last long, and in a flash she moved down his body – already hot and shivering with primal need. Her lips glided over every inch of his skin, placing open-mouthed kisses along the way. Just when she was low enough, she flipped her hair and dropped on her knees, pulling his pants down with her.
Ethan could swear that the very sight of her mischievous smile dancing around his throbbing cock was enough to make him come. He shuddered in tense anticipation as he watched her tease him with graceful strokes of her tongue wandering around his abdomen.
„Could you...” A tantalizing base-to-tip lick shut him up on the spot and took his breath away. She followed the same path with a soft touch of her lips, quietly humming with relish. His hips bucked involuntarily, overpowered by the tender sensation, begging for more.
The unspoken request was yet to be fulfilled – her slim fingers began stroking him at the base, while her mouth covered the sensitive tip. He groaned in response, his body temperature rising to a dangerously high level. His hand instinctively tugged at her hair, tying any defiant locks in his handy grip.
When Tiffany slid his whole length into her luscious mouth, the divine warmth took away the last bit of control he had, and made him gasping for air. Fighting back the tears was a feeble effort with his huge member hitting her throat, but she rose to the challenge, gagging violently before she adjusted to a safe and steady rhythm.
Ethan marvelled at the view of her watery emerald eyes gazing into his blues as she sucked him like her life depended on it, her precise tongue and skillful hand working him up to a blissful fever. The overwhelming feeling of pleasure had him moan ecstatically, bringing him on the verge of madness. Encouraged by the guttural sounds reserved only for her, she quickened the pace, bobbing her head up and down. His muscles reacted in an instant, tensing even harder, demanding an immediate release. A few moments later, he reached his high and spilled inside her mouth; the obscene groan of his climax ringing in her ears like a favorite song. She took the load with a triumphant smirk, swallowing every drop.
„This is grossly unfair.” He leaned on the nearest countertop awestruck, satiated and out of breath, struggling to keep himself standing.
„What is?” She got up, climbing up his body, and bit down on his shoulder blade.
„The power you have over me.”
Tiffany grinned, pressing her cheek to his broad back as she wrapped her arms around his chest. „But you did like the first course of your breakfast, didn't you?”
„I haven't eaten anything yet.” Ethan turned around, falling into her embrace with a pointed look.
„All right, I'll fill you up with these pancakes now.” Chuckling softly, Tiffany took a step back, seemingly ready to start the day, but Ethan kept her in place by holding her wrist. A gleam of lust reappeared in his eyes as he was slowly regaining his energy.
„Pancakes can wait a little longer. Let me eat you out.”
Before she managed to form a sentence, Ethan's fingers skimmed through her back and unclasped her bra, tossing it to the ground. His greedy hands began exploring her body, tracing her curves, only to slide his fingers behind her panties and pull them off, so they would share the fate of the bra.
„You know that I've never really understood the purpose of art, but looking at this absolute masterpiece right in front of me?” Tiffany raised her brows in surprise, returning his worshipful gaze. „I think I might modify my stance.”
„Wait, is that an actual compliment, or you're quoting some lines from the poetry book you'll soon be releasing?” They both snorted with laughter that quickly died when their lips fused in the hastiest, sloppiest kiss.
„I'll let you win this one, you deserve it.”
„Oh, what a lucky day!” She chirped in sarcastic tone. Ethan shook his head and lunged for her neck, sucking at her skin.
When his lips abruptly broke away from her, she yelped in protest, but little did she know what Ethan had in store for her. The burning desire in his eyes instantly set her body ablaze. He turned her around, brushing her messy hair away from her back, and began kissing her along the spine, inch by inch, moving excruciatingly slow. His beard rough against her silky flesh, scratching her pleasantly. She closed her eyes, relishing the delight of Ethan's touch. Suddenly, a piercing smack flew across her butt.
She jumped, flabbergasted, as her blood boiled with excitement. „Ethan Jonah Ramsey!”
„You liked that, didn't you?” He let out a supremely confident laugh and spanked her again.
„I plead the Fifth.” She giggled, biting her lip. His hands squeezed her bum and lifted her up. A moment later she lay flat on the kitchen island, legs spread wide and waiting.
Ethan wasted no time – his lips continued the journey across Tiffany's aching body, nuzzling her hips, kissing her thighs, licking her belly, sucking on her breasts. They were everywhere, except where she needed him most. He noticed how hopelessly she tried to catch his attention with the suggestive movement of her hips, but he decided to torture her for his own enjoyment, savoring the exquisite scent and taste of this very special meal.
Her impatience eventually rubbed off on him. At last, he nestled comfortably between her legs, and sunk his tongue directly into her soaked folds. She didn't even make an effort to tone her moans down and Ethan was quite grateful for that. His tongue worked its magic, lashing at her clit, knowing exactly where to suck to bring her over the edge. Her hips rolled to the rhythm of Ethan's licking, begging for more friction. He immediately read the sign, inviting his fingers to join the fun. He rubbed her expertly, all the while licking her swollen clit. She was so close, already sweaty and shivering, with hands on both sides of the countertop, her knuckles white from all the force she had to use to keep herself from falling down.
When Ethan kept his pace up, she knew he was going for the last bite. In the blink of an eye, she arched her back, coming hard as the outpouring of bliss washed over her. She fought for her breath, lying still with her eyes closed and mouth open.
„Don't get too comfortable there, Rookie, I'm not done with you.” She could feel him smirking against her skin when his lips moved down her trembling leg.
„Is it because last night I fell asleep during your precious documentary and we missed our daily dose of inappropriate snuggles?” Tiffany cracked up and Ethan soon followed.
„Yes and no.” He leaned his chin on her knee, meeting her gaze. „I know how much you hate both cooking and waking up early. This is the least I could do to make this morning more tolerable for you.”
„Keep spoiling me like that and I will literally melt.” A beam of unfiltered happiness spread over her face, her eyes filled with utmost adoration. „Besides, just to clarify: I hate cooking, but I enjoy doing it for you.”
An intimate silence washed over them as they stared at each other, basking in the glorious feeling of these small gestures of affection. Ethan shook his head in wonder, his mind racing. He wanted to tell her. He was certain she knew that already, probably even long before he had realized the nature of his feelings...And yet, his words failed him, offering a blank space instead of a proper way to name the drums echoing in his heart at the very thought of Tiffany. He quickly gathered himself, stood straight and cleared his throat.
„Enough chit-chat, we're on a very tight schedule. Stand up.” With a little help from Ethan, Tiffany jumped off the countertop and hooked her arms around his neck.
„Oh, I'll show you tight, sir.” She avowed with a devilish grin.
„God, you're impossible.” Ethan heaved a long sigh in response, right before their lips melted into a deep, fervent kiss.
Cutting to the chase, Tiffany turned her back to Ethan, colliding with his body. Without any hesitation, he entered her with a hefty push, filling her up in a way she'd never experienced before. She was perfectly accustomed to his size, but the standing position was brand new to them. She didn't expect that a slightly different angle could leave an all-consuming, almost agonizing feeling of fullness before he even began pounding her. A series of vehement whimpers escaped her mouth without her permission. Her chest heaved as she struggled to control her breathing. If it wasn't for his firm grip, her legs would surely give up.
Ethan immediately noticed the unconcealable shift in her demeanor. He cupped her cheek, slowly pulling out of her.
„Baby, is everything all right?” He whispered, his voice full of concern. „Do you want me to stop?”
She instinctively grabbed his hand and locked her body on him in a desperate cry, every word a torture. „I want you inside.”
He nodded, relieved, pulling her as close as it was humanly possible. Her head lolled back, resting comfortably on Ethan so they could still glance at one another. They exchanged a blithe smile, reflecting the dizzying sensation of each other's presence. His lips brushed her forehead in a sweet kiss just as he began moving inside of her.
He started off slow, pulling in and out as gently as he could, keeping her steady in his protective arms. Her previous remark proved to be right – she was insanely tight and dripping wet, her scent and unrestrained moans only adding to his arousal. He knew he wouldn't last long.
„Harder, please.” She whimpered, tightening her clutch on his arms. He willingly complied, deepening his thrusts, setting a merciless pace. The sound of slapping flesh punctuated by their heavy breathing and pleasure vocalized in the most indecent way.
Everything was Ethan – he invaded all her senses, emptying her mind, leaving nothing but his name. Tiffany could feel the thunder in his heart pounding on her back; his hands were mindlessly roaming over her curves as she remained trapped in his strong embrace. His fingers snuck to her clit, rubbing her with expert precision while his cock kept on ravishing her. She was mere seconds away from another orgasm, unable to communicate in any form other than shameless moaning.
Ethan was right behind her, chasing the finish line. His deafening groans got more desperate, thrusts slower and rigid, his fingers pleasuring her frantically, until they both cried out in unison – their bodies twisted in overwhelming ecstasy.
Tiffany toppled over the countertop, breathless – her blazing flesh took comfort in the cold of the marble, with fingers skimming blindly across its surface in a desperate attempt at keeping herself steady. She had no time to recover, as Ethan's body clutched at her tight, his burning skin clamping around hers. His ragged breath hovered over her ear, just as his hand dived into the damp mess of her hair, pulling her locks aside to gently suck on her neck.
„Oh, God...We should...” She panted with her eyes closed, tilting her head to give him more access.
„Mhm.” He hummed with approval, tracing scratchy kisses across her shoulder. „I know.”
Instead of acting on the incoherent thought, he turned her around, crashing into her lips without any warning. They kissed slowly for a long minute before Tiffany retreated, gazing into the endless ocean of his eyes. A cheeky smirk flew across her face.
„You called me baby.”
Ethan stared at her perplexed, his brows frowned. „No, erm...I didn't?”
„You totally just did.” Tiffany's laughter filled the room, the sound shook him to the core, along with the realization the pet name might have accidentally slipped through.
„No, you probably misheard that.” He stuttered an evasive reply, that earned a well-deserved scoff.
„Don't try to deny that you called me baby for the first time, and it happened – let me stress that – during sex.”
„Stop it. Let's not make a big deal out of this. We still need to get to work.” Ethan countered, hoping that the final argument was meaningful enough to end the cross-examination.
„That's a very convenient excuse, Mr I'll Casually Avoid Any Uncomfortable Topic. You're right, though. We should hurry up with the proper breakfast. But let's take a quick shower first.”
„Together?” He cocked his brows, sceptical about the idea.
„Yeah, why not?” Her index finger twirled around his nipple.
„We're already running out of time, we can't afford the further delay.”
„I thought you like a challenge, baby.” She pressed a wet kiss on his chest and broke the embrace. Ethan watched her walk off towards the bathroom with a tantalizing sway of her hips. He took a sharp breath, his eyes followed her every move, scanning her naked form up and down. When she reached the bathroom door, she shot him a sultry wink and disappeared behind the door. He shook his head, transfixed and defeated, muttering to himself.
„We're going to be late then.”
Sorry if there are any typos or mistakes, this B is too tired to double-check lol
Taglist: I’ll post it separately in a reblog because [tumblr] is being a brat
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Why I Think Albert Doesn't Die in 4B: A Meta Post
Maybe this is me reaching or some really wishful thinking, but i don't think albert is the one who dies, though i think he does get seriously injured (explanation below the cut so hear me out lol)
Based on scenes from 3b, 4a, the 4b promos, and some interviews done after 4x08 about 4x09.
In multiple interviews (one example below ⬇), Tim has stressed that there is going to be a divide between Bobby and Athena because he feels that she's too independent and won't let him in when she has issues. 4b is being set up to build off of last season's attack at the storage unit. Athena has made peace with the attack, so it will take something (encountering the attacker, being trapped while looking for a suspect, a storage unit, or experiencing other trauma) to act as the catalyst to trigger her into needing Bobby's help but refusing to ask. Albert dying will in no way drive or affect this plot line and will only really heavily affect Chimney, Maddie, and Buck and maybe Chris and Eddie.
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Tim did a different interview where he said that multiple characters will be in life or death situations ⬇
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As far as we know from the promo Hen, Buck, Bobby, Athena, May, Eddie, and Chimney are working the crash and Maddie is shown at work going into labor or having false contractions. None are likely contenders for a life or death situation, which leaves the side characters. Since this involves a massive pile-up, and we already know that Albert is in one car, that leaves three others.
The scenario I see best playing out in term of writing and setting up 4b and going into season 5 is this:
Albert gets horribly injured in the crash and has a long recovery. (This plays into 4a when Taylor said Buck was selfish and has no real friends because he doesn't know how to treat a friend.) If Albert gets injured and has a long recovery, he has 2 options for care. He either moves back in with Madney (but they have their hands full with the baby) or he stays with Buck, who has had to recover from a serious injury before. By staying with Buck, he learns how to really care for a friend unselfishly (tho we're gonna ignore the Buddie friendship for a minute bc the writers did). This also gives them the opportunity to set Albert and Buck up in a friendship so Buck can have friends outside the 118.
OR Albert goes into a coma because the writers are playing with a lot of characters right now and I don't think they know what to do with Albert and how to give him enough screen time for anything meaningful to happen. This way, they can revisit his arc in the future. Also, imagine Chimney and Maddie getting ready to take their daughter home and stopping by Albert's room to introduce their baby to her Uncle Albert 😭 Putting Albert in a coma or giving him a long recovery time is something that could be revisited at the end of the season easily.
I think the 3 others in jeopardy are in one car and I think it is Michael, David, and Harry after going to dinner one night or something and I think they are at the center of the crash.
I think the person who dies is Michael or David, mainly because of this interview ⬇
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First, they've brought in David, but like Albert's storyline, they can't fit him in enough for it to really be meaningful. We see them meet towards the end of season 3 and by season 4 they have quarantined together (even though David is on the front lines) and are now living together. Most of their story occurs off screen. The only reason we even saw Michael and David in most of 4a was because it was a storyline attached to Athena and Bobby. Killing off David is less characters to deal with and would affect Bobby and Athena, but not to a degree I would see it driving a wedge in their own relationship. It would affect Michael and encourage him to complete his bucket list he referenced in 4a but it wouldn't have an impact on the whole 118.
Both Bobby and Athena are really close with Michael, though I'm gonna focus on Bobby for a minute. If Michael dies suddenly, that "lighthearted and hilarious" relationship "quickly turns on a dime" and suddenly it "ends up being quite emotional" because Bobby is dealing with losing a friend. This could also dredge up those feelings of having lost his family in a fire and not being able to save them because Michael is now part of Bobby's family. Later in the season, it would be easy to revisit if Harry is mad that his step dad and dad's boyfriend weren't able to save his dad. Bobby would be dealing with his feelings of losing a friend while trying to help Athena (who doesn't want help) deal with the loss of her ex husband.
Shifting the focus to Athena, Michael dying would absolutely devastate Athena. They were married for nearly 2 decades and he is still a close friend and confidante. Losing her ex husband at the site of a crash she responded to would be traumatic. And if you compound that with her unresolved trauma from the attack, now you've got Athena trying to deal with everything on her own and not asking for help. Now Bobby gets mad/sad/distanced because Athena won't ask for help and he needs his own support from her. And maybe she is giving that support but she won't let him reciprocate it and now you have a recipe for anger and unresolved grief that begins to drive them apart.
Focusing on May for a moment, she became an operator because she wanted to make sure Athena was never alone in the field. Though I can't imagine her taking the call for Michael because he is on the line when Albert is injured, her dad dying in a crash she responded to would likely drive her out of the field and into college or another path (1 less character to have around to try to give screen time.)
Michael's death was also foreshadowed in 4a when Athena is concerned he gets the telescope and is spying on neighbors. He talks about having a bucket list that he never got to do because the pandemic forced him into isolation. He also talked about how his only concern during the cancer was preparing his kids for losing him.
Michael's plot is stagnant. He is happy and living with his boyfriend and son. He's cancer free. His whole plot is tied up in a nice bow where they could easily kill him off and the only loose threads to deal with on screen are his family members and friends grieving his loss. This would impact the 118 as a whole.
Honestly, I thought they were going to kill off Michael when he first got cancer and he decided to stop treatments but they bad May talk to him and convince him to go through with the treatments.
Now, by killing off Michael, it is 2 less stories they have to tell, and it is less they'll have to include storylines for Harry as much as they were because he was linked to Michael's storyline. And if they have May decide to leave the field to pursue other dreams or complete her dad's bucket list for him, that is 4 less storylines where they can now focus on the Madney baby, Bathena's relationship, introducing friends for Buck (they mentioned brining back Taylor), focus on ending Eddie/Ana, and establishing Albert as a character (based on a quote from the above article, I think Albert's storyline is going to parallel Buck's 1.0 to 2.0 phase ➡ "If you think about how we ended season 2, Buck being smashed by the firetruck. We knew he was going to survive... I would expect something similar here.")
Referring back to that first article, where it says "Then look for a significant source of agitation for the entire 118."
At this point, Michael would have passed and Bobby and Athena are now having marital problems AKA mom and dad are fighting.
Hen would be stuck in the middle because she is good friends with both Bobby and Athena. She is also facing her own loss of Nia being returned to her birth mom and doesn't have time for their marital problems but still tries to help. She can also pull from her experiences from the season 1 cheating storyline to tell them to communicate or it'll ruin their relationship (yes i too hate that storyline but it would work here)
Buck would likely (nonverbally) side with Bobby, but he sees them both as parental figures, so he gets stuck in the middle like a middle child who is just going with the flow. This would also parallel the Buck Begins storyline where Buck feels caught in the middle after his parents face a loss.
Chimney is raising a baby and (if this theory is right) worrying about Albert in a coma or recovering from a massive injury. He has no time for their marital problems but still lets Bobby confide in him and gives advice (maybe this is just cause i wanna see the bobby/chim friendship we used to get in s1)
Eddie sides with Bobby but he thinks the whole argument is dumb. He can also offer advice to Bobby based on his own experience, but it's going to be something about communication, at which point Bobby will start ripping his hair out because why won't she just tell me her problems and let me help?
Lastly, when have we ever known the show to go ahead and give a major spoiler of the episode 2 weeks in advance? They let us speculate about Daniel for like 8 months and imo it wasn't as big of a deal as they made it out to be. It seems more likely to me that they offered the promo to get the viewers with a twist ending when the show comes back.
Feel free to share your thoughts if you made it this far lol
TL;DR Based on the interviews Tim has done, Albert dying would have little impact on the 118 as a whole, but Michael dying would offer exactly what they need to set up season 5 and finish 4b.
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elisajdb · 3 years
GoChi Week 2021: A Fulfilled Life: Part Three
GoChi Week 2021
A Fulfilled Life
Day Three Prompt: ChiChi and SSJ4 @gochi-week
“Are you sure you and Dad don’t want to see the fireworks show in Satan City?” Gohan asked. “It’s going to be a lot of fun.”
ChiChi scrubbed her brush over the grill gates in heavy strokes. She smiled at Goten carrying Pan on his shoulders as he followed Mr. Satan and Majin Boo in the airship. She checked on Goku laying in the hammock as he recovered from his food coma. The family had a big barbecue to celebrate the spring holiday. Goku and Gohan hunted meat of wild boar, bear and dinosaur. Goten skinned and cleaned the animals. Videl and ChiChi seasoned and cooked them with the traditional burgers and hot dogs on several grills. Since Mr. Satan bought the extra grills, he felt his contributions were done and relaxed drinking beer and serving Majin Boo and playing with Pan.
After the barbecue, plans were for everyone to go to Satan City to see the fireworks show but seeing how comfortable Goku was on the hammock, ChiChi knew Goku had no plans to leave and thought it will be best she and Goku spend the evening at home. She wasn’t too keen on going to Satan City anyway. Satan City was a ninety-minute commute and after hours of grilling and now cleaning, all ChiChi wanted to do is nap on the hammock with Goku after everything’s done.
“No. You and everyone go have fun. Your Dad and I can catch the show on TV.”
Gohan frowned at his Dad puzzled at his sudden need to take a nap after the barbecue. It put a wrench in the family plans. If Dad took a nap, Gohan knew Mom wouldn’t want to disturb him which meant they weren’t coming to the fireworks show. Gohan initially thought his Dad was pretending to sleep to get out of the cleanup but his Ki was so low Gohan knew he had to be sleeping. “Well, Videl’s Dad will probably invite us to stay at his home after the fireworks so we won’t be home until tomorrow.”
ChiChi dipped the grill brush in a bucket of hot and soapy water before scrubbing the grill grate again. “Okay. We’ll see you tomorrow.”
When Goku opened his eyes, he saw ChiChi placing the plastic covers over the grills. He stretched out to feel Gohan’s Ki. He felt Gohan with Videl, Pan, Goten, Mr. Satan and Majin Boo. All four hundred miles away. He and ChiChi were alone which meant he can finally tell her about his latest transformation: Super Saiyan Four.
Goku wrestled when he will show ChiChi. She hated his form as a Super Saiyan Three. The missing eyebrows disturbed her. Goku didn’t have high expectations of ChiChi liking this form. Super Saiyan Four really made it known he’s an alien and he worried the animal nature in him will frighten her. Goku also knew he was on borrowed time. One thing ChiChi hated is everyone knowing everything about her family except her. It’s happened far too many times and everyone, including Pan, knew he could transform into a Super Saiyan Four.
The barbecue came at the perfect time. Goku knew he only had to go to sleep and ChiChi will decline them both going to the fireworks show. Alone, he can tell her.
“Goku, are you still sleeping?”
Goku turned his head to see ChiChi approaching him. He stretched his arms over his head and feigned a yawn. “Just woke up. Where is everyone?”
The hammock dipped slightly as ChiChi climbed in. “Probably landing in Satan City now.” She snuggled against her husband and laid her head against his shoulder. Her hand slipped in his karategi shirt to caress his chest. “Very rare we are alone these days.”
As ChiChi’s nails grazed his chest in seductive strokes, Goku had an idea what mood ChiChi is in. He wanted it, too, but he had to tell her about Super Saiyan Four. “Yup. Feels good.”
ChiChi’s hand dipped down his shirt to stroke the muscles on his stomach. Oh, yeah, she was in the mood and at the worst time. “With everyone gone, our options tonight are really limited.”
“Limited?” He jumped feeling ChiChi’s teeth nibble his ear. Oh, boy. She really was in the mood.
“There are three things we can do. One,” ChiChi tugged his lower lobe. “We can stay here, watch the sunset and watch the stars twinkle in the skies as we fall asleep under them.”
That was a nice idea. “It’ll remind us of the camping we did. What else?”
“Two.” Her tongue licked the shell of his ear. “We can go inside and watch the fireworks on TV.”
Goku’s eyes rolled back. ChiChi and her tongue could bring him to his knees. If he gave in to the rising need of his body and have sex with ChiChi, he won’t tell her about Super Saiyan Four. “What’s the third?”
ChiChi left a tender trail of kisses from his ear and down his face. “We could go inside……” Her hand dipped past his stomach to under his pants. “Take off our clothes……” Her fingers glided over soft curls as it kept moving south.
“Yeah…..” Goku exhaled. He resigned himself to making love to ChiChi tonight and telling her about Super Saiyan Four another time. “Nngh,” he groaned as ChiChi’s fingers wrapped around his member in soft strokes. “What else?”
ChiChi’s warm breath fanned his skin. “Or…. you could….” She gripped him tightly. “Tell me the real reason you pretended to go into a food coma and get out of seeing the fireworks tonight!”
ChiChi no longer looked like the seductress that always made him lower his guard. She looked like an angry woman holding him in a very vulnerable position who can bring him real pain! ChiChi’s gripped tightened. Oh, boy. He needed to be very careful with what he says next.
“You knew?”
“Goku, you didn’t eat enough to put yourself in a food coma. I know how much you can take.” ChiChi squeezed him tighter, causing Goku to wince. “So, what’s going on?”
ChiChi was the one he always let his guard down with and she often used that to her advantage. In the past it benefited Goku but now Goku realized it could be very bad for him. “I did wanna tell you. I was waitin’ on the right time.”
ChiChi squeezed again. Goku howled. “Tell me what?”
Her voice was tight and on edge of snapping. If he said the wrong thing, he will pay for it. “I have another transformation.”
“Another one?” ChiChi eyes rolled, exasperated. “What does this make? Four? Five? I’m losing count. Never mind,” she released Goku. “Let’s see it. What do I need to prepare myself for? A spike updo? A long spiky mane? You’re going bald? How far do I need to stand back?”
ChiChi took the news of another transformation better than he expected. It gave him hope she wouldn’t be repulsed by Super Saiyan Four. Goku carefully got out of the hammock. The last time he got out with ChiChi in it with him, ChiChi was flipped out of the hammock and face planted on the grass. “No. You can sit here. I’ll transform in the sky so there’s no damage to our home.”
ChiChi’s eyes went up as Goku flew into the sky. Almost immediately, ChiChi felt the usual side effects of Goku transforming. Goku was far enough that when the ground shook, it was a tiny tremor and not enough to topple the grills or picnic table. She could hear Goku’s battle cry and see gold light covering him. It was near blinding that she had to turn away until the transformation was over. When the tremors stopped, ChiChi looked up again. Goku began his descent and ChiChi’s mouth dropped. Slowly, she rose to her feet and walked to him as he touched the ground. ChiChi expected Goku with gold hair in a spiky updo or something in a long mane. She even thought he will be bald this time but not this.
Goku’s hair was black but longer and wilder like a lion’s mane. His pupils were yellow with a deep red color surrounding his eyes like eyeshadow. In his previous transformations, Goku’s clothes never changed. It did this time. His shirt was gone and his arms and his chest except his pecs were covered in a red covering that looked like fur. His pants were goldish and not the dark green he wore at the picnic. ChiChi leaned to the side when she saw something wiggling behind him. He had a tail, too?!
“Oh…. my…..” ChiChi breathed.  
Goku didn’t know if that was a good ‘oh my’ or a bad ‘oh my.’ “Well…. what do you think?”
ChiChi snapped her gaze from his tail to his face. That voice. That deep, seductive bedroom voice. “Your voice…..” Goku didn’t sound like that unless they were in the bedroom when his body was over hers as he slid in and out of her and her hands were clutching his body while she screamed under him.
“What’s wrong with my voice?” He smirked as his tail wrapped around ChiChi’s waist and pulled her against him. He smelled the fresh scent coming from between her legs. ChiChi might be trying to hide it but he knew how she felt about this transformation. “I thought you liked it.”
“Nothing’s wrong. Ooo,” she exhaled as his tail moved to her right thigh and up her dress. She caught his naughty smirk. Oh, he was confident now and inducing some payback for earlier. “You’re very bold.”
“It’s the transformation.” He pulled the zipper down from the back of her dress. “It makes me more aggressive and in tuned with my needs.”
“I…..” her voice was breathy as she felt his need poking against her stomach. “I can feel it.”
He pulled her dress down and exposed her breasts. “I was nervous I’d scare you but you like it.” His tail went higher. “You like it a lot.”
“How do you know ….?” She gasped as the furred red tip teased her through her lacey underwear. The tantalizing caresses created a surge of liquid heat to her core.
“Just a wild hunch.” ChiChi threw her head back as Goku pushed aside the lace and slipped his tail inside. Her insides clenched his tail and nails dug into his arms as Goku’s tail went deep in her, withdrew and plunged deeper again. “Make that a big hunch,” he shrewdly guessed as his mouth closed over a nipple and suckled hard.
“Ahh!” ChiChi’s hips bucked against him. Her moans told him she needed more and he rewarded her by wigging his tail deeper in ChiChi and rubbing his hips against hers. She rewarded Goku with more of her viscous juices seeping his tail.
“You’re really enjoying my tail.” ChiChi was so tight, wet and slippery. The more she bucked against him, the thicker he grew in his pants. “Which is better, ChiChi? My front tail or…..” his red tail shoved deeper in ChiChi, stretching her longer and wider than ever before “Back tail?”
ChiChi answered with a sharp cry of his name and convulsing as she came on him. She sagged against him as her legs buckled. Goku held her steady with an arm around her waist. He was hard as a rock and needed relief but pushed it aside to comfort ChiChi.
“Goku,” ChiChi panted, “you know how I said I hate Super Saiyan Three?”
“I think I’m gonna love Super Saiyan Four.”
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Academy Together, Friends Forever  1/10
Summary: Buck can count on one hand the number of times Owen had called him over the years and he can’t help but feel a sense of dread wash over him as answers it. The last he heard from the family, TK had called him to say that they were moving to Austin - Now, Buck wishes that Owen was calling to catch up instead of calling to tell him of TK’s most recent trip to the hospital.
Also on Ao3
(Next Chapter)
Buck was just starting to collect the gear on their recent call when his phone started ringing in his breast pocket. Setting the gear down next to the truck, he slips off his helmet and squints down at the caller ID. Owen.
Buck can count on one hand the number of times Owen had called him over the years and he can’t help but feel a sense of dread wash over him as answers it. The last he heard from the family, TK had called him to say that they were moving to Austin.
“Hello, Evan.” Buck leans his back against the truck, tilting his head up to the sky. Damn, Owen only ever called him that when things were serious.
“Owen. It’s been a while. How are you?” He asks the question despite knowing that this wasn’t a social call. He can hear Owen's voice crack as he says the next words, “Buck, something hap- something happened to TK.”
Buck feels like he’s just been sucker-punched. Any breath that he’d been holding escapes him as he squeezes his eyes shut. He swallows around the thick lump formed in his throat before asking, “W-what happened?”
“We were on a job and he-he accidentally got shot in the chest. He’s at the hospital in a coma and we’re not sure when he’s going to wake up.” Buck can hear the unspoken if hanging in the air. Regrettably, he can’t help but feel his chest unclench the tiniest amount, thankful that at least it wasn’t that call.  
He startles when he feels a hand on his shoulder. He opens his eyes to finds Hen peering at him in concern. He lets his gaze dart past her, searching out the rest of the team who were packing the gear into the truck, each surreptitiously glancing at him with various degrees of worry painted across their faces.
He gives Hen a tight smile and steps out of her touch and shakes his head slightly before walking a few paces away while keeping his back to them, trying to achieve some semblance of privacy.
“Buck, I know you’ve only been back a couple of months, but I just wanted you to know and thought maybe you--”
Buck cuts him off gently, “Owen it’s alright, you don’t even have to ask, I’ll be there. Just send me the info and I’ll get there as soon as I can.”  
He can hear an audible sigh of relief on the other end of the line. “Thank you.”
“Hey, you did the same for me. We’ll get through this together too.”
“I’ll see you soon.” Owen murmurs and throws in another thank you before hanging up. Barely a minute later, Buck’s phone dings with the location of the hospital they were in.
Buck screws up his eyes and harshly takes in a deep breath, holding it and allowing it to calm him before letting it out slowly. He reminds himself that there is no reason to get worked up just yet and settles himself before joining the team back in the truck. They all look at him questioningly, but no one says anything as he puts on his headset and looks out the window, a clear sign that he’s not in the mood to talk. Nonetheless, he feels the touch of Eddie’s knee against his, another grounding force that always seems to settle his nerves, “Hey man, you alright? You don’t look so good.”
“A good friend of mine is in the hospital, he, uh he was badly injured. They’re not sure how bad it is.” He doesn’t say much more than that and he doesn’t have to, Eddie shifts closer offering support and all he can do in return is give him a tight smile in thanks.
When they get back to the station, Buck makes sure all of his jobs are done before he seeks out Bobby who was getting some paperwork done in his office.
“Cap. I-um, I know this is late notice and I haven’t been back on active duty for long, but I need the rest of the week off, maybe more. It’s a-um… it’s a family emergency.”
Bobby shuts the file in front of him and gestures to the seat in front of him. Buck hesitates before sitting down, unsure if Bobby was even going to approve leave, considering that he’s only recently been put back on full active duty.
“Talk to me Buck, tell me what’s going on.”
Buck ducks his head and scrubs his hands through his hair, “Well you were probably listening in the truck but um, TK, one of my friends from the academy, he got shot on the job, it’s bad Cap. The phone call was from his dad and he said the doctors aren’t sure when he’s going to wake up.”
Bobby stays quiet, feeling as though there’s more to the story than that. The silence unsettles Buck and he gets up and starts pacing while rambling.  
“I met TK by chance years ago. He was vacationing in South America and we got to know each other for a like a week while I was bartending. We kinda just clicked, you know? In that time, he told me he wanted to be a career firefighter like his dad and I told him how I was planning to be a SEAL. Before he went back home he gave me his details saying if the SEALs didn’t work out to come and find him in New York. And, as you know it didn’t work out, so I got in touch with him; At that point, I had very little money and I just couldn’t go back to my parents.”
Bobby had moved around his desk now, edging closer as if he was being sucked in by Buck’s story.
“A-and he and Owen took me in as if I was just part of the family, no questions asked. TK was preparing to apply to the academy and Owen suggested that I should too, so I did, and I’m so glad that he told me to do it. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to repay either of them for what they did, they became my family when I had no one else to turn to in that time in my life. Now it’s my turn to be there for them like they’ve been there for me.”
Buck finally stops in the middle of Bobby’s office, surprisingly out of breath. Bobby moves in front him and reaches out, grasping both his shoulders to get his full attention. “I get it Buck there is nothing more important than family. I’ll sort out the paperwork, take all the time you need.”
Buck leans forward and buries his face into Bobby’s neck, wrapping him in a grateful hug. “Thank you. Thank you for understanding.”
Tagging: @seaofashes @diazbuckleysworld @buckleystrand @diazsbuckley @justsmilestuffhappens @confessions-of-a-shipperholic @spell-of-the-rain @novemberhush @sparksfly-buddie
Let me know if you want to be added or taken off the tag list ❤️
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cirrius-akiyo · 4 years
-Parallel to Hold On (Let's Go Home) [Buck's POV]-
Buck has been feeling a bit under the weather for quite some time now. It has started with small throbbing headaches, which he quickly dismiss as fatigue or stress. Then come the sudden spells of dizziness that had caused dark spots to dance behind his eyes. To which he blames his lack of sleep.
He has not bother to tell his husband nor to consult Chimney or Hen because of the gap between the episodes of dizziness or getting light-headed were quite big. It's not like he has a constant throbbing pain to the point he's unable to function, so he doesn't really dwell on that matter.
Then one night came the nose bleeds after he had finished putting Chris to bed. Eddie was still on a shift after switching with Gary in order for one of them to be able to attend the parents-teachers meeting and Eddie had insisted to go this time. Remembering that one time Bobby got it too after the radioactive exposure scare, Buck shoves down his panic and worries into the imaginary bin. At least this time he is sure that he was not exposed to any killer rays.
After cleaning himself, he prepares to go to bed and slipped under the cover. His hand wanders towards the cold empty space beside him. Being by himself in the silence of the night, it is easy for his mind to shift to the last scene of the previous night.
They both had gone to bed angry. In all honesty, Buck doesn't really remember why they were fighting but he knows it was about something trivial. Something mundane on house chores, but he was tired and he snapped at Eddie.
The next morning he has said his apologies and Eddie had kissed him goodbye before leaving for work.
"I'm in my bed
And you're not here
And there's no one to blame but the drink and my wandering hands
Forget what I said
It's not what I meant
And I can't take it back
I can't unpack the baggage you left"
It is the night of the parents-teachers meeting and Eddie has left a while ago after finishing his 12 hours shift, leaving Buck to complete the rest of his 24 hours. Chris doesn't need to attend the meeting so he's at Abuela's, most likely in food coma now.
Once in a while, the unwelcome ache come back niggling at the base of his skull but Buck doesn't let them bothers him. He has learnt to live with them for a while. He really doesn't want any unwanted attention on him and be the man that has too many baggages, the firehouse doesn't need to divert their attention to a firefighter who simply has recurring headaches.
What is he really looking forward to right now is to go back home and cuddle with his husband, preferably while hearing the praises the teachers must have showers their son with.
Thinking about his family somehow able to chase the pain away to the point it is unnoticeable.
He simply smiles to the thought of his little family and his smile just get wider when Hen throws him a knowing look.
Their relationship is not without hiccup, but they've got through it all together. They both believe in healthy communication and no-sad-no-bad-secret-rule. Little did he know his belief is about to be tested.
"What am I now?
What am I now?
What if I'm someone I don't want around?
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin'"
"I kissed Ana."
Not the three words Eddie usually says to him before bed.
At Eddie's thundering confession, Buck can feel his heart break, but he also literally can hear his mind cracked. Like his whole body is about to pop out of his skin.
Buck tries to find the logical reasoning for this confession and alcohol is usually to be blamed.
Eddie then has refuted on the possibility of getting drunk during a parent-teacher meeting and Buck doesn't know what to do about that. Did Eddie kissed Ana because Buck snapped at him the night before? Did he fucked up so bad? Did he do anything that has pushed Eddie away? His brain immediately went into overdrive and so he froze eventhough he can hear the strings of apologies that fell out if Eddie's mouth.
Then come the tears.
"What if I'm down?
What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin'"
That night Eddie had held him while whispering strings of apologies into his ears, swaddles him with comforting words. But despite the lightness of Eddie's words towards him, Buck feels like the weight of the world is crushing him down. He feels like the exhaustion and the fatigues of the past few weeks are squeezing him dry. He's frustrated and tired and the tears doesn't seem stop any time soon. After baring his soul out, he finally succumbs to sleep, seeking momentarily solitude from bitter reality.
His sleep was not a peaceful one. Once in a while he'll wake up to either nightmare or sudden panic washed over him. He had thought of leaving to sleep in Chris' bedroom, but Eddie has keep him tight in his embrace. Dull ache keep pulsating in his head and so he nuzzles himself deeper into Eddie's hold. His husband's smell always able to keep him grounded and for a moment he believes in his wishful thinking that everything will work out later.
"You said you cared
And you missed me, too
And I'm well aware I write too many songs about you
And the coffee's out
At the Beachwood Café
And it kills me 'cause I know we've run out of things we can say"
Buck woke up that morning to warm kisses peppered on his neck and jaw. He still feel sluggish and not well rested but to see Eddie's warm brown eyes full of guilt and sadness just tug his heart in the wrong way. It is easier for him to remain angry at his husband but with their history, he knows anger doesn't do any good to either of them. So he reciprocate when Eddie's lips touch his, welcoming the warm feeling while trying to shove the thought that this lips had been on another woman last night.
Initially he was hopeful for a busy day that will give enough distraction to him, but now he is thankful for the minor calls that came in as his head is literally pounding him to the ground.
They had start their morning routine as per usual but Buck had noticed how Eddie has been working hard to give him more attention and care. Not that Buck is complaining but with Eddie plastered to his side, it is getting harder to hide the needling pain of the headaches from his husband.
They were doing the inventory when a sharp pain blossom in his head that caused him to falter in his step. Worry immediately etched on Eddie's face as his husband massage the stiff muscle between his neck and shoulder.
"Are you okay, Evan?" Eddie asked.
Buck really hates to cause unnecessary worry to Eddie and so he grit his teeth trying to ignore the pain. "I will be." Buck replied with the most steady voice he could muster.
But Buck did not get better. Every passing moment is an agony but he wills himself to keep going, effectively trying to avoid to be in close vicinity with Chim or Hen.
But then he found himself halfway into the toilet bowl vomiting the little food that he just ate with Eddie a constant present on his side providing silent support.
He feels awful. The pain. The nausea. The heartbreak. The frustration. The exhaustion.
Is he being exhausting right now?
Will Eddie ran away to kiss Ana again now that his mouth full of stomach acid. He's not actually kissable right now.
Buck chases the dark thoughts away while trying to stand up with Eddie's help. Buck's mind is really jumbled up at the moment so sue him if he thinks Eddie is going to leave him alone in his misery.
"Maybe it's migraine." Buck suggested to Eddie who is still actively acting as his support pillar. With all the symptoms he's experiencing, the possibility fits, but then as fast as he heard Eddie humming in agreement, he feels like the single string holding him splintered and sudden blackness consumed him.
"What am I now?
What am I now?
What if I'm someone I don't want around?
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin'
What if I'm down?
What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin'"
All Buck is able to feel right now is fatigue. Extreme fatigue. He can hear white noises all around him but he can't really help himself to care. He feels the fog of unconsciousness slowly dragging him under but as soon as he let the darkness embraces him, stabbing pain prevented him from giving into total sleep.
He feels like he's trapped in between worlds and he hates the idea and the feeling of it. Buck wanted to stay in the world that have Eddie and Chris in it but right now he's encapsulated in a world clustered with pain and agony. Colours keep bursting behind his closed eyelids as waves of nausea hitting him.
He can't help but to let his mind runs the image of Ana substituting Buck in their house. Ana kissing Eddie goodbye. Ana making pancakes with chocolate chips for Chris. Ana on Buck's side of the bed. Ana celebrating Christmas and Halloween with the 118. Ana attending the parent-teacher meeting with Eddie. Ana putting Chris to bed. Maybe later on Ana will give Eddie another child. Maybe a girl so they'll have a pair. Buck had thought of adopting another baby with Eddie but they haven't really discuss it seriously, and now Buck is about to lose his chance.
Pictures of Eddie and Chris with Ana and their faceless child slowly taking over the house, replacing any trace of Buck in it.
Where will Buck be? Who will Buck be?
"And I get the feelin' that you'll never need me again"
After feeling like eternity, the line of consciousness finally tugging him awake. Buck can feel a presence beside him, but he's in so much pain that tears are slipping free from the corner of his eyes.
He can feel the warm hands holding his left but he can't make out the owner but the feeling is like coming home.
But later the pain become unbearable to the point that he regrets of being awake.
The hands that are holding him suddenly gone and so as his consciousness. Buck knows no more as he slipped back into a nightmare addled sleep.
"What am I now?
What am I now?
What if you're someone I just want around?
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin'"
Clarity comes to him in stages. At one point he can hear a voice saying his name and Buck simply hums in response. That is his name, right?
Later he can hear Eddie's voice calling him, and he smiles to the thought that his husband is still beside him. At least he's not a lost cause.
When the numbness slowly fades, he can feel familiar calloused hand stroking his jaw and he leans his face into the warm palm silently pleading: please bring him home.
"What if I'm down?
What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin' again
I'm fallin'"
(Falling - Harry Styles)
Eddie’s POV is here: https://cirrius-akiyo.tumblr.com/post/621917028804165632/hold-on-lets-go-home-i-kissed-ana-eddie 
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mychemicalrachel · 4 years
Right Now
This is a follow-up to my fic Right Here but can be read as a standalone!
When Eddie had asked Buck to be Christopher’s godfather, he said it was a precaution, just a way of knowing that Chris would be taken care of if anything happened. It was supposed to be a safety net. A contingency plan. It was never supposed to be real.
Part One; The Hospital Word Count: 2140 Read on Ao3
After the ladder truck incident, Buck thought he could say with a great amount of certainty that he knew pain. His leg had been crushed-- it was touch and go for a while whether he would even keep it-- and the pain of not just that moment, lying helpless under the truck, but the many moments that followed were more than just physically painful. They were terrifying. More terror than he had ever known.
And then he’d lost Christopher in the tsunami and Buck understood a different kind of pain, watching his best friend think, however briefly, that his son had been swept away with the waves. Gone forever.
Still, nothing in his life ever prepared him for the sight of Eddie lying unconscious in a hospital bed. 
He was breathing with the help of a cold machine, a tube disappearing down his throat. It was only until he could breathe by himself, Hen had carefully reminded Buck.
If he ever woke up, that is.
Buck decidedly did not cry. His eyes brimmed red and watery, but he couldn’t allow the tears to start, in fear that they might never stop. He stands against the wall, arms hugged tightly to his chest, and watches as Athena swoops in, stoic as ever, to get a succinct report from the doctors; they’d been adamant up until that point that nothing could be disclosed unless they were family. Though he had faced Athena’s wrath many times and knew the effect it had, the fact that she was still in her police uniform probably added to the doctor’s hesitation to follow standard protocol.
“You see these people?” Athena asks, waving a finger in the direction of Buck and Bobby. “They are his family. You want blood relation? His next of kin is a nine-year-old boy. Should I bring him in, let you explain to him that his dad is in a coma?”
Buck closes his eyes. He cant cry. He can’t cry. He can’t--
He opens his eyes to find Bobby in front of him. His face is blurry behind a cloud of tears.
Dammit. So much for not crying.
“Come on,” Bobby says. It’s his Captain Nash voice; the one he usually reserves for field missions and when someone is in trouble. The one that left no room for argument. And Buck is certainly in no position to argue.
Bobby leads him out of the room-- for a moment he fears he’s being taken back to the waiting room, but he’s not sure he could stand the idea of having this breakdown in a room full of strangers. Thankfully, Bobby finds a line of chairs near the vacant nurse’s station and sits Buck down. He keeps a hand tight on Buck’s wrist, like if he let’s go Buck will run.
Run back into Eddie’s room.
Run through the front doors and far, far away from all of this.
“Buck, you gotta calm down.”
Nothing about this was calm. If there was one perfect time in his life to have a full blown meltdown, he’s pretty certain this is it.
“Eddie’s going to be okay, Buck.”
A sob catches in his throat and he bitterly chokes it down. “You don’t know that.”
“He’s a fighter,” Bobby says and the grip on his arm tightens just a bit. “Look, he’s been in trouble before--”
“Not like this,” Buck interjects.
“--and he always makes it through.”
“Bobby.” Buck sits up, turning to face the older man. The man he’d always looked up to, trusted, believed. Now, he sees the uncertainty in Bobby’s eyes. The fact that he’s not even sure he believes what he’s saying.
Still, there’s a sense of resolve when he says, “Athena will get all of the information from the doctors.” This, at least, they both know is true.
“And then?” Buck asks. The tears he had sworn to withhold are running free down his cheeks. He doesn’t even attempt to stop them, just wipes at them with the sleeve of his shirt. It still smells like fire and a fresh wave of grief and guilt floods him. “Bobby, what if--”
“No,” Bobby says. “Buck, do not go there, okay? Eddie is going to wake up.”
And what if he doesn’t?
Buck can’t form he words, but the mere thought of them has him sinking back into the chair. He wants nothing more than to rush back in to Eddie’s side, and yet something holds him in place. A terror beyond anything he’s ever felt-- the fear of what if.
What if Eddie doesn’t wake up?
What if he’s dying?
What if he’s already dead?
Athena approaches them with caution a few minutes later and Buck immediately stands, prepared for the worst, though she’s smart enough to start with, “Everything is fine.”
A thousand questions pop into Buck’s head and he reaches out, grasping for which one to ask first. He wants to know just how badly Eddie’s hurt, when they expect him to wake up… and yet, the first words out of his mouth are, “Can I see him again?”
Athena sighs, glancing at Bobby, then she nods.
Back in Eddie’s room, Buck forgoes a chair in favor of hovering near the head of the bed. The machines beep too loud in his ears, but he finds comfort in the sound. It means that Eddie is alive.
He reaches out for Eddie’s hand, pressing their palms together. He squeezes and is foolish enough to expect some sort of gesture in return.
“He was right behind me,” Buck says. His grip on Eddie’s hand tightens. “You asshole.” He swipes aggressively at the tears that assault his vision. “You were right behind me.”
A hand settles on his shoulder and Buck looks up to see Athena watching him. Her usually commanding demeanor is slipping, leaving him with a glimpse of the woman he so rarely sees when she’s in uniform; not a cop, but a friend. A concerned person with a heart that hurts, and whether it aches for him or for Eddie he’s unsure.
“What happened?” she asks.
Buck laughs. The sound is wet and sad. “It was a fire in an apartment,” he explains. “Everyone else had already cleared out, but we had to be thorough. We were checking the last room when we got the evac order. And he was right behind me. There was a beam-- I didn’t see it coming down until it was too late.”
“Buck,” Athena says in a motherly voice. “You know that what happened wasn’t your fault.”
He bites down too hard on his lip. “I could have saved him,” Buck argues. “I could have-- I don’t know. I could have pushed him out of the way, or warned him, or--”
“You did save him,” Bobby interrupts. “Buck, you carried him out of there. You got him to the ambulance. You saved his life.”
Buck looks down at Eddie. His chest rises and falls in time with the machine. It doesn’t feel like he saved anything.
“They’ll take him off the ventilator soon,” Athena informs them. She keeps her eyes trained on Buck. “Right now, the biggest concern is his head. They’re not sure yet the extent of the injury, but his brain was swollen and he wasn’t getting enough oxygen.”
“When will he wake up?”
“They’ve induced a coma to reduce the swelling.” Now she shrugs, a gesture both worrying for obvious reasons, and comforting because Buck knows that she’s being completely honest; she’s not handling him with kid gloves or trying to sugar coat the truth. It’s something he appreciates. “Right now, he just needs time.”
Buck wants to laugh, but he’s afraid he might just end up crying again.
“Buck, there’s something else.”
He looks up to find Bobby frowning.
“A few months ago, you and Eddie signed those papers that named you Christopher’s godfather.”
Buck nods, anticipating where this is going. He recalls, like a distant nightmare, when he had to tell Eddie that Christopher had been lost in the tsunami. And now he’s going to have to tell Christopher that his dad is in a coma. Still, he nods because he knows that, even without the legal aspect, it’s his responsibility. He wouldn't trust anyone else. “Yeah, I’ll tell Chris.”
“Well… it’s not just that,” Bobby explains. “Buck, Eddie isn’t in a position to take care of Christopher at the moment. That leaves you.”
“You’re his godfather.”
“Yeah,��� Buck remembers that conversation distinctly; how Eddie had come to his apartment after being buried alive, how he’d practically begged Buck to agree to care for his son if anything happened to him. But this isn’t what they had talked about. “No, that’s only if Eddie dies. And you just said--”
“He’s not dying, Buck,” says Bobby, while Athena says, “Not exactly.”
“What does that mean?” his gaze bounces between them like a pinball, waiting for either of them to elaborate. Eventually he lands on Athena. “What do you mean not exactly?”
“When you signed the papers, you agreed to take care of Chris if Eddie dies or is--” she pauses to cast a sad look at Eddie, “--incapacitated.”
Incapacitated. Like a coma.
“So you’re saying that, starting now, I’m Christopher’s legal guardian?”
When Eddie had asked him to be Christopher’s godfather, he said it was a precaution, just a way of knowing that Chris would be taken care of if anything happened.
It was supposed to be a safety net. A contingency plan. It was never supposed to be real.
And yet, staring down at Eddie, the emotions that swell in Buck’s chest are very real. The IVs, the ventilator, the bandage on his head, are all real and Buck isn’t sure how to comprehend that. 
“I have to go,” Buck says suddenly. It takes all of his willpower to let go of Eddie’s hand, but he focuses on what he has to do now. With a glance at his watch, he realizes he’s been here longer than he thought. He’s already running late. “Carla’s probably wondering why Eddie’s not home by now, and I have to go to the station to change before I can go over. I need to call Isabel and Pepa, and--”
Buck stops.
“Let me give you a ride,” Athena says gently.
But Buck is already shaking his head. “No. No, I have to do this. I can do this.” He very carefully doesn’t look at either of them. He pats down his pockets. “Bobby, I can’t find my keys.”
“They’re at the station,” Bobby tells him, “with your Jeep. You rode here in the ambulance.”
Right. Buck remembers that. He looks back at Eddie.
This can’t be real.
Because if it’s real, then there is a real chance that Eddie won’t wake up. There’s a real chance that Eddie will die here in this hospital bed.
“Bobby,” Buck says. His voice cracks, as does his resolve, and he finds himself trembling. “I can’t do this.”
“Not by yourself,” Athena agrees and wraps him in a hug-- he’s so much bigger than her, and yet in that moment he’s never felt smaller. He leans on her, letting her take some of the weight he’s feeling in his chest. Her hands make circles on his back, a soothing gesture that Maddie used to do when he was younger. It helps him breathe. “This is overwhelming and it’s too much for anyone to handle alone. But you’re not doing this alone.”
Over her shoulder, Buck can see Bobby already pulling the phone from his pocket. “I will call Carla to let her know what’s going on and see if she can stay with Christopher a little longer, then I will call Isabel and Pepa and tell them everything. You--” he points the phone in Buck’s direction, “need to shower and change. Athena will take you back to the station. You need to calm down and collect yourself before you see Christopher. If you’re a wreck, it’s going to scare him.”
As Athena leads him away, Buck looks back in time to see Bobby collapse into the chair next to Eddie’s bed. The phone is still in his hand, but he makes no move to call anyone. Instead, he starts to cry.
In that moment, that fleeting glimpse of Bobby when he thought Buck was out of sight, Buck thinks he understands; Bobby didn’t have it all together. He wasn’t calm or collected. He was pretending because that’s what Buck needed to see.
And now, as Christopher’s godfather, he knows what he needs to do. It doesn’t matter how terrified Buck is feeling, that he’s reeling with guilt and worry and anguish. He has to push all of those emotions down and be strong for Chris. Right now, that was the only thing that mattered.
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radioactivedelorean · 5 years
‘Til the End of the Line
birthday present for @transformersg1fan271, can’t believe it’s been almost three years since we met :0
I know you’re still super pissed about how Endgame ended, so here, I fixed it.
this is 3.4k words of “fuck Endgame I do what I want.”
________________ “Don’t do anything stupid until I get back.” “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.” The time machine’s whir became louder as it fired up, the panels spinning faster around Steve. With Mjolnir in one hand and the case containing the Stones in the other, he steeled himself to return everything to its rightful place. Bruce, Sam and Bucky watched on as, with a flash, Steve disappeared. 
Bucky let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding, but it wasn’t in relief. It was in resignation. He and Steve had had a good, long discussion yesterday, and Steve’s mind was made up. He wouldn’t be coming back, opting to spend the rest of his natural life with Peggy. Bucky had known just how much Steve had loved her, even after they were torn apart by Steve spending seventy years in the ice. Bucky had been jealous before, and he was jealous now. 
Peggy was an incredible woman, that much was clear. She was strong, smart, maybe a little bullheaded. She was everything Steve deserved. She had helped make Steve what he was today, and not just in the physical sense. She’d toughened him up, both mentally and physically, and Bucky could see why Steve might want to live with her. He’d seen the way Steve would look at his pocket compass, with the tiny photo of Peggy glued to the inside of the cover. He knew Steve would be happy with her. 
So why couldn’t he stop himself from just wanting Steve all to himself?
Bucky had been told - hell, he’d seen for himself - just how committed Steve had been to saving him, both from Hydra and from himself. Steve had joined the War, broken into Azzano alone after jumping out of a plane, become a wanted man with a sizeable bounty on his head, run from the law, gone into hiding and chased Bucky halfway across the world. He’d been there when Bucky was put into cryo in Wakanda, or when Zemo had been using him to find the Hydra base in Siberia. Hell, Steve had almost killed Tony defending Bucky. Tony, one of his close friends and fellow Avengers. Steve had risked his life over and over again for Bucky, and now he was throwing all of that away to be with a woman who had died years ago. 
He took a quick glance at the control console for the time machine, where Sam and Bruce were preparing for Steve’s reentry, before turning on his heel and just walking away. He knew what would happen. Steve would miss his reentry point and wouldn’t come back until he was far older, way past retirement age and looking like he was in his last few months of life. Steve had already decided on passing his shield on to Sam, along with the mantle of Captain America. Steve had asked if Bucky wanted it, but he had declined. He knew his mind still wasn’t all back together after being repeatedly torn apart by Hydra, and he wasn’t prepared to take on something as important as that while still having recurring relapses into his old Winter Soldier mindset. So Steve had settled on giving Sam the title after Bucky had convinced him that Wilson was more suited to the role. 
Finding a large tree overhanging the river, out of earshot of the others, Bucky sat down with his back to the trunk. It was only just now that he became aware of the rapid click-click-click as the plates in his metal arm trembled against each other. The arm was far more comfortable than his old one, but far more sensitive. He realised belatedly that he was trembling. He wasn’t sure whether it was in anger, fear or despair until he felt tears drip down his cheeks. Steve had only been gone sixty seconds but he already missed him. He missed him more than anything and knowing that Steve had picked some chick from the past over his best friend, his right-hand man, the man he’d promised to be with until the end of the line, hurt more than anything Hydra had ever done to him. 
A muffled sob bubbled from Bucky’s lips before he could stop it. Fuck you, Steve. Fuck you and your fucking stupid brain. Steve had just left him, barely a week after getting him back. What the hell was Bucky supposed to do now?! How was he supposed to learn to live in this post-Hydra, post-blip world without the one guy who had the same time-fucked life as his?! Steve had learned to cope with waking up seventy years after falling asleep, and Bucky had hoped he’d be there to guide him through it. And now Steve had just abandoned all that to live with Peggy. 
The first sob was joined by a second, then a third and before Bucky knew it, before he could control it, he was crying into his knees, shoulders trembling. Maybe he was the selfish one, for thinking he could have Steve all to himself. For thinking Steve even felt the same way about Bucky that Bucky did about Steve. Maybe Bucky should have been more obvious about it. Maybe he should have turned around and said: “hey Steve I fucking love you, please don’t leave me”?. He’d been leaving hints for years before they were separated, back when people like him could be arrested or even killed for who they were. Maybe he should have given up long ago, knowing Steve would never love him back. 
Another sob left Bucky’s lips and he swiped at his tears with his sleeve. He was so stupid. Falling for Steve in the first place. Hopelessly flirting with him during the War. Trying to make himself believe that Steve even loved him. Wanting Steve all to himself when clearly Steve had other plans. He didn’t care if Steve quit being an Avenger. He didn’t care about being the new Captain America. He just wanted Steve to be with him so they could be happy together, to have what they could never have had in the forties. He’d heard that two men could be legally, officially married, and knowing Steve would never want that just destroyed him. 
What the hell was he going to do now? Sam would take over as Captain America, Steve would grow old, shrivel up and die, and Bucky would be left alone. He had no hope of joining what was left of the Avengers if they were even a thing anymore. What with Tony in a coma, Natasha laying dead on some distant alien planet, Hawkeye retiring to be with his family, Thor off-planet and Bruce being, well, whatever that weird green giant thing was, Bucky was totally alone. Even if the Avengers were still a fully formed team, he didn’t belong there. He never had. He wasn/t good like Steve. He’d committed numerous assassinations, robberies, assaults and countless other atrocities. The only time he’d ever saved people was during the War, and that was about eighty years ago. He’d been straight up dead for five years and a ghost for seventy. He wasn’t anywhere near stable enough to be a pizza delivery guy, let alone an Avenger. The general public likely still despised him and he wouldn’t be surprised if there was a warrant out for his arrest. He couldn’t join the Avengers, not after the fiasco in Siberia, or in Germany. Bucky took a shaky breath, trying to work out a plan for what to do next. He had to stick around long enough to apologise to Tony, and properly apologise, even grovel if he had to, for killing his parents. He then had to change his appearance enough to be unrecognizable, starting with getting this stupid long hair cut short again. Then he’d have to just pick a direction and walk, distancing himself from it all as much as possible. And then…
What came after that? After attempting to make amends and then leaving it all behind? Fake identity? Move country? An overwhelming sense of dread and despair washed over him, leaving Bucky feeling utterly helpless. Maybe it was easier to just give up altogether? To apologise for everything, take himself off into the woods and put a bullet in his own head? It would be cleaner at least, less painful on his part. He would be lying if he hadn’t thought about that before. With everything he’d been through, with everything wrong with him, it would be so much more simple to just stop. He wouldn’t have to worry about finding a job, or a new place to live, or disguising his identity to stop himself being thrown behind bars. He would just disappear off the face of the planet. Become a ghost story. He’d done that before, anyway. 
This time, Hydra wouldn’t be around to torture him. 
Bucky hugged his knees close to his chest, putting his head down. His long hair fell around his shoulders. His shoulders continued to shake as he allowed himself to cry. He was a safe distance away from the others, so it didn’t matter how loud he was. He was so loud in fact that he missed the crunch of leaves underfoot as someone approached him. 
“Well, there you are Buck.”
Bucky’s sobs hitched in his chest and he froze for a moment. Surely not…? He lifted his head and just like that, it was confirmed. 
Steve Rogers stood in front of him, still dressed in that ridiculous time travel suit. He gave a small smile, kneeling down in front of Bucky. “I was wondering where you got to.”
Bucky rubbed his eye, confusion painted across his face. “Why are you here? Why aren’t you…?” “Off in the past somewhere, living with a woman who was perfectly happily married to someone else already?”
“What…?” “So I get to Peggy’s house, right, and she’s standing arm in arm with someone on the front porch. Looks like they’d just got back from shopping or something.” Steve shrugged slightly, moving to sit beside Bucky. “She’s already married, and from the looks of things, she’s pregnant too. So I figured it was best to leave her be. Besides, I realised on the way back that there was someone I’d much rather spend the rest of my life with.” Bucky felt stupid for asking, but he had to know. “Who?” “Oh, just some guy from Brooklyn who I loved so much I followed him into war.” Every neuron in Bucky’s brain seemed to fire simultaneously, as he just sat there in complete silence for a moment. He had only ever dreamt that Steve would say those words, but now that he was here and actually hearing them, he didn’t know what to do. He’d dreamt of that moment countless times back when he and Steve had shared a tiny little apartment in Brooklyn, he’d dreamt about it during the war and he’d been dreaming of it ever since he managed to come back to himself after his Hydra conditioning was broken. Regardless of all that dreaming, Bucky had never actually thought about what he would do if that dream ever came true. 
Steve seemed to be talking to him again, and it took a few clicks of his fingers to bring Bucky out of his trance. “Buck? You okay there?”
“I - uh - yeah, I’m - I’m okay,” he mumbled dumbly, nodding. “I - is this real? Are you really sitting there telling me you love me?” “Well duh.” A playful smile ghosted Steve’s lips. “Isn’t that what you’ve been waiting for me to say for damn near eighty years?”
“How…?” “Geeze, Bucky, wasn’t it obvious?” Steve chuckled softly, still giving him that playful smile. “The way you were staring at me all the time? The jealousy when Peggy asked me to dance back during the War? The way you had absolutely no problem sharing a bed with me during the winter, both in our apartment in Brooklyn and in our barracks?” Bucky blushed at some of those memories, of his face buried in Steve’s shoulder, their bodies curled together, of a warmth pooling in his stomach that he tried furiously to ignore and hoped that Steve wouldn’t notice. Of hugging this tiny, sickly, frail young man to his chest in the hopes it would stave off any more illnesses. Of the pair sitting together on the balcony, legs dangled over the edge as they watched the city go by. Of so many glances at the blond, hoping to catch his eye so then maybe Steve would notice and he wouldn’t have to hide anymore. 
“I - I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Bucky said eventually, head cast down. This was embarrassing. He’d been waiting near enough his whole life to hear Steve say the words I love you and now he was just sitting there stammering like an idiot!
“Yes you do, Buck.” Steve slipped an arm around Bucky’s waist and Bucky gave an involuntary shiver, immediately moving to lean in closer. “And I know you know. This ain’t the forties anymore; we don’t have to hide. Buck, people like us can get married now.”
The thought of Steve and marriage together made Bucky’s already pink cheeks turn a deeper shade of red. He’d heard that this century was more accepting than the twentieth, but knowing that two guys could get married?! He was still struggling to believe it. He kept forgetting all about it. “Really?”
“Really,” Steve hummed, leaning over and pressing a light kiss to the top of Bucky’s head and chuckling at the soft squeak it earned him. “So, whaddya say? You with me till the end of the line?” Bucky looked up, slowly starting to grin. “Well duh, you’re stuck with me now, punk.” “Jerk,” Steve chuckled, leaning in again. This time, Bucky met him head-on, his metal hand coming up to cup Steve’s cheek. He pressed his lips to Steve’s eagerly, and he felt his whole body just melt. He had been waiting far too long for this. Fireworks went off in his mind. He pressed in further, just wanting more and more. He could feel the low rumble of a chuckle in Steve’s chest, the curve of a smile on Steve’s lips against his own. Tears pricked his eyes as he forced himself to pull back, panting softly.
Steve grinned, his own breath slightly quickened. “Wow.” “Wow…” Bucky repeated. He was smiling, his first proper smile since Steve had met him in Wakanda not long after he’d woken up. He felt so young again, like the last eighty years had just fallen away to leave the pair of them sitting on their ratty old couch in Brooklyn. He let out a breathy laugh. “Wow.” Steve grinned, before leaning in for another kiss. Bucky didn’t hesitate to return it, throwing his arms around Steve’s neck and dragging him in closer. He felt Steve’s arms come up around his back to return the embrace as eighty years of romantic interest was finally expressed. 
“So that’s where you went, Rogers.”
Bucky and Steve parted with a slight splutter, both of them blushing a little bit. Steve turned, and over his shoulder, Bucky could see Sam standing there. Bruce was beside him and - hang on, that redhead looked familiar. Wasn’t that…? “Sorry, Sam. I went to find Bucky.” “Looks like you sure found him alright,” Sam chuckled with a slight wiggle of his eyebrows. Steve huffed as he got to his feet. “Hey, it’s taken us eighty years to get to this point alright?” Sam whistled. “Damn, and I thought you two were already going at it when you wouldn’t stop giving Barnes the goo-goo eyes back in 2016.” “Shut up Wilson,” Bucky huffed, standing up beside Steve. “So that’s why you kept turning down the idea of dating!” Nat grinned. 
“How are you alive?” Bucky blurted out, still rather stunned to see her just standing there, her trademark playful smirk on her mouth. 
“Well that’s rude,” she tutted, but the smirk remained, easily diffusing any venom her words might have held. “So after I’d put back the other Stones,” Steve began, turning to Bucky, “I went to put the Soul Stone back and you’d never guess who I met!” “Who?” “Red Skull!” Bucky choked. “What?! But didn’t he, like, disintegrate or something? I swear you told me he just evaporated.” “I thought so too! But anyway, I tell him I’m done with the Soul Stone and that it’s best if he has it back since it kinda needs to be with him to protect the timeline and all - yeah, I know, don’t ask me - and he just says something about ‘a soul for a soul’, and that since I brought the Stone back, I could have Nat back. There was some weird swirling mist or something and bam, Natasha was just standing there!” “Guess it was within the thirty days return policy,” Natasha chuckled. “Though I gotta say, being brought back from the dead is just another thing I can cross off my bucket list.”
Bucky just looked utterly confused for a few moments. “You’re gonna have to go through all that with me again later, okay?” “Sure,” Steve smiled, leaving a kiss on his cheek. “Now c’mon, if we’re all done here, should we head back up to the cabin? It’s starting to get dark.” The others collectively nodded, beginning to make their way back up the hill towards the house. Upon cresting the hill, they could see Clint and Wanda sitting on the leather seats on the rear porch, chatting quietly to themselves. When he heard the rustle of footsteps, Clint turned his head. His eyes nearly fell out of his sockets. “Nat…?” “Hey birdbrain, miss me?” “Oh my god Natasha!” Clint was out of his seat and running towards Natasha in an instant, leaving Wanda merely sitting there looking startled. Natasha was almost bowled over by the force of the hug, having to take a step back to adjust her footing. 
“Christ, Barton,” she muttered, but she wouldn’t deny the tears beginning to leak down her face as she wrapped her arms around her long-time best friend. 
Clint was already openly crying into her shoulder, clinging onto her as if letting go meant losing her all over again. He couldn’t even talk for the first few minutes. Neither of them could. Once he had eventually calmed down, he asked, “how are you alive?” “Giving back the Soul Stone apparently meant that that red dude would give me back,” Nat murmured from Clint’s shoulder. She lifted her head, giving him a slightly watery smile. “No catches this time, I’m here to stay.” “Thank fuck,” Clint laughed, before hugging her close again. “How the hell would I tell my kids that Auntie Nat wasn’t gonna come back?”
“No idea,” she winced a little at the thought, laying her head back down against his shoulder. 
Bucky and Steve backed off to give them a few moments, taking a seat on the steps near the back door. “So… now what?” Bucky asked after a moment, elbows resting on his knees. “Well, I guess now we try and just… pff,” Steve let out a breath. “Live? Get jobs? Find an apartment? I dunno.” “We’re doing that together though, right?” Bucky glanced over at him. “Well duh, I’m not going anywhere.” He grinned, slipping an arm around his shoulders. 
Bucky gave a soft hum, leaning into the touch. After a moment, he looked up again. “Hey, Steve? Are you still giving up the whole Captain America schtick?” “Probably,” the blond nodded. “Honestly, it gets pretty wearing after a while. I mean, the whole thing started as a circus act in order to sell war bonds, remember?” Bucky snorted, “Yeah, I remember.” Something came back to him, and he grinned. “‘Who’s strong and brave and here to save the American waaaayyyy?’” Steve let out a loud groan. “Oh fuck, I’d forgotten about that.” “Makes a change from me forgetting everything,” Bucky grinned. 
“I take it your memory has improved?” “Oh yeah, by loads. That time I spent in Wakanda definitely helped.” “Good, I’m glad,” Steve smiled, kissing Bucky’s temple. “So, you ready to spend the rest of your life with me?” “Duh,” Bucky grinned. “‘Till the end of the line, right?” Steve smiled, leaning in for another kiss. “That’s right.” Till the end of the line. 
_____ I wanted some post-Endgame Stucky fluff and I know a lot of folks are still salty about Steve’s ending. This is now canon, sue me Disney.
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athenadcvell · 5 years
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Chapter Links: [ONE] | [TWO] | [THREE] | [FOUR]
Word Count: 1.7k
Sam's snores are what wake up Bucky that morning. He had never been a heavy sleeper; not since what Hydra did to him. Sleep tended to bring nightmares. However, ever since he had settled in Wakanda, the nightmares had begun to cease.
So, being able to sleep again, Bucky enjoyed that time. What he did not enjoy, was his teammate's snores awakening him at five in the morning.
Steve had slept on a spare bed in the cockpit, while Natasha had taken one of the two rooms. The other room that Sam and Bucky has taken, identical to her's, except for the bunk bed filling the small space.
Bucky and Sam had already dreaded sleeping in the same room, due to their tendency to bicker amongst each other constantly. Sleep had come quick, however, without too many teases and harsh words exchanged.
Until now.
"Sam," Bucky drones out, glaring at the top bunk. When there is no response, he says it a bit louder, however, Sam remains asleep, his snores only loundening. "Sam, wake up," Bucky gently nudges the mattress above him, though no luck prevails.
Finally, frustrated with his outcomes, Bucky punches the mattress with his newly Vibranium arm.
"Oof!" Sam grunts as he flies up a few inches, falling off of the bed and a few feet down to the metal floor. Bucky smirks down at the sight, enjoying seeing his fellow teammate in pain. "What the hell was that for?!" Sam bursts groggily, glaring daggers at the super soldier.
"You snore like a tank," Bucky snaps, raising a brow. "I couldn't sleep."
"So you punched me with your damn arm?!"
"You wouldn't wake up; had to make sure you didn't fall into a coma," Bucky smirks, turning on his side. Sam glares at the brunette, before slyly turning to his wrist band and typing a few codes into it. Redwing, which had been on the side table, beeps to life.
"Go get im', buddy," Sam whispers, quickly standing up and removing himself from the path of fire. Immediately, the small machine flies towards Bucky and rams itself into his back.
"What the fu- Sam!" Bucky growls, springing up from his bed. Sam simply smiles in amusement as he directs the small bird like machine in attacks, dodging Bucky's arm as he swings it.
It isn't until a banging on their door that the machine retreats back to Sam's side. Bucky straightens up, his brown locks a wild mess around his head. Sending one last dirty glare directed at Sam, he pulls down on the crumpled green t-shirt he wears and opens the door.
On the other side awaits a scowling Natasha, her full lips pursed and arms crossed over her chest.
"What the hell are you two idiots doing?" She snaps, narrowing her green eyes at Sam, who sits cross legged on his bed. He gives the red head a small smile and waves sheepishly.
"Sam was snoring," Bucky responds, shrugging.
"And as a response, cyborg here thought it was smart to punch me with his arm."
"Yeah, well, you got your bird thing to attack me."
"Shut up," Natasha mumbles, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You're both morons. I honestly think that Spider kid might have been more mature than the two of you combined. Making me rethink Team Cap at this point."
"I would hope not," Steve comes up behind them, dressed in a white tank top and crumpled jeans, covering a yawn. "Everything okay, here?"
"Fine," All three answer in unison, Natasha rolling her eyes as Bucky and Sam exchange cold looks.
"Well, if everyone is awake, I think now would be a good time to talk about a plan. Meeting in the control room in ten minutes."
Steve turns to return to the cockpit while Natasha her room. Sam grabs a few articles of clothing and side steps Bucky to get a headstart on the bathroom, leaving Bucky to change in private.
Ten minutes later, Natasha is the only one, besides Steve, to arrive to the control room. Steve looks up, his tank top replaced for a white t-shirt, brown boots on his feet. The soldier remains hunched over a table, holographic images floating above it.
"Where are the other two?" Steve questions, raising a brow. Natasha scoffs, flipping her red curls over a shoulder.
"Probably somewhere being disappointments. Solid plan putting them in the same room, by the way," Natasha sarcastically retorts. A hint of a smirk appears on the Captain's lips.
"Not my smartest idea, huh? Thought maybe I could get them to bond," He shrugs.
"Yeah, I'm sure Redwing did a whole lot of bonding with his back," Sam remarks, grinning as he enters the room. Bucky follows shortly after, glaring at the back of Sam's head.
"What took you two so long?" Natasha asks, raising a curious brow.
"He took forever in the bathroom fixing the hair he doesn't have," Bucky replies, retreating to a corner and leaning against the wall. Sam rolls his dark eyes, shaking his head.
"Man, not everyone is tryin' to be a shampoo model."
"I hate you."
Steve sighs loudly, earning an amused look from the only female of the four. To assist her friend, she pulls a throwing knife from her pocket and swings it directly in the space between Bucky and Sam, the weapon making a soft, thud, against the wall as it makes contact.
Immediately, the two allies quiet down, eyes wide in shock by the sudden interruption.
"If you two are done acting like you're auditioning for the next, Dumb and Dumber movie, it'd be great to tend to the problem at hand."
"I'm starving. Can we tend to that problem?" Sam mumbles, plopping down in a seat and crossing his arms over his chest. Steve tosses a granola bar to everyone, along with a bottle of water, before quickly turning back to the table.
"Okay, now that we've tended to everyone's needs," The leader gives a pointed look to his two best friends. "We need come up with a game plan."
"We don't have one?" Bucky questions, raising a brow. Had he known that this team was so ill prepared for a mission this portentous, he would have been a bit more cautious on leaving his secluded home in Wakanda.
"We have information," Natasha begins, stepping beside Steve and typing into the keyboard. A series of photos float above the screen, while Natasha only picks one out of them to showcase. An average sized man with blonde hair and brown eyes appears, exiting a convenience store. "This is Dr. Roman Dimochka, Russian scientist who had been one of Hydra's top while under Alexander Pierce's leadership; guy even had a say in Project Insight."
The red head stops for a moment to make sure everyone is paying close attention, before flicking to a second image. This one shows a bright violet liquid laying in a syringe.
"He was also the creator of this. Well, re-creator. Arnim Zola had made it, until the last bit of it got wiped out. And this guy saw it smart to remake it. When our S.H.I.E.L.D team was able to infiltrate Hydra's bases, we came across this. Didn't think much of it, but after we got it popped under a microscope, we discovered it has components that don't even exist on our periodic table."
"What do you mean?" Sam asks through a mouthful of food.
"We think... it may have the ability to give powers. Not on it's own, no," Natasha's green eyes snap to Bucky, who is still retreated in the corner. "But with a similar process of what they did to you, Barnes, it is very possible."
Bucky's breath halts in his throat as the words leave her mouth. There was no denying that he knew what they were dealing with- or at least the echo of it.
"Buck?" Steve questions softly. "What's wrong?"
"Noth-" Bucky stops when Natasha gives him a cold look, urging the information out of him. He sighs, and changes his words. "While I was in Hydra, I heard some whispers going around about a weapon- a person- who is somewhat like me. But stronger, in every sense of the word. It was all just talk, though," His pale eyes flicker to Natasha. "That's all I know. They were careful about what to say around me."
The two assassins stare each other down, the younger of the two practically feeling the lies wafting off of the other. Natasha knows Bucky didn't exactly lie, per se, however he didn't tell them the full truth of it either.
"So, what you're saying, is, we gotta deal with another Winter Soldier, but on superpower steroids?" Sam groans, rubbing his eyes. "Man, I miss the days when we were just taking down spies."
"Ditto," Steve agrees, scratching the back of his head. His brows lower down over blue eyes, confusions striking his features.
"Something wrong?" Natasha questions, opening her water bottle and downing a few sips.
"Yeah," Steve mumbles quietly, shaking his head. "If Hydra has decided they want to rise once again, then who's leading them?"
"Could it be the scientist?" Sam questions, leaning forward. Bucky shakes his head at that.
"I remember Dr. Dimochka- guy's not much of a leader. He rarely ever made an appearance out of his lab unless it was necessary."
"Any leaders Hydra has ever had, are dead," Steve says quietly. "Last time I checked in with Coulson, his team went against Hydra a couple of times-"
"Did they?" Natasha snorts, amused at the thought of some of their rookie agents taking care of Hydra. Steve nods grimly.
"They did. Last known leader was Grant Ward- dead."
Bucky's face pales slightly at the thought of someone taking over Hydra. It could be anyone; the role of leader was a popular one. However, in the wrong hands, Hydra could bring the world to hell, more than they were already destined to.
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Enemy or Friend? Finale Part
Summary: Even if the Avengers save you, could it be too late?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
AN: The villain in this story is completely made up. And also, I know a couple of people wanted to be tagged in this post, but my tags don’t seem to be working. Once I figure out what is going on with them I will create a taglist for anyone who wants to be tagged in my other works.
You could have sworn that you died when all those guards were beating you back in the torture room, but the annoying beeping sound that came from beside you made you think otherwise. If you were dead it wouldn’t be this annoying. At least you hoped it wouldn’t. 
You don’t know how long the beeping continued but after a while the sound of what seemed to be a door stopped you from counting the beeps. Though you couldn’t seem to open your eyes or move any part of your body you could hear perfectly fine. That means that your only way to figure out where you were and what is going on would be to listen to everything around you.
“Come on Buck, the doctors said she isn’t going to wake up anytime soon so there is no point in sitting here allowing yourself to wither away. At least go home, take a shower, and get some food into your system,” you hear the recognizable voice that is Steve Rogers say. 
“She is like this because she was protecting me. There is no way that I am leaving her alone here while she is like this when it is my fault,” you hear Bucky’s distressed tone shakily reply to Steve’s request. The tone of his voice pained you to hear and made you fight harder to open your eyes.  
“And if she sees you in this state when she wakes up how do you think she is going to feel?” Steve retorts causing a sigh to slip past his best friends lips. 
“Fine, but I’m not taking more time than I need to Steve. I’ll take a shower and eat a sandwich then I’m coming right back up here.”
“I wouldn’t expect any less from you Bucky,” Steve replies solemnly, “I’ll uh, give you a minute to say bye.”
Not even a minute later the door clicks shut and Bucky’s voice appears closer than it was before, “Steve’s making me leave again doll, but I’ll be back as soon as I can. I promise. Try not to wake up until I get back though, okay?” 
When he stops talking you feel something brush against your forehead. Bucky’s mouth. He kissed you, Bucky actually kissed you. As you pull yourself from the shock of Bucky kissing you, you realize that the kiss was the first thing you felt since you began to hear again. You had to pull yourself out of this, if not for yourself then for Bucky and you had to do it fast. 
With all the strength you could muster up you tried to pry your eyes open, only nothing happened. After three more attempts to open your eyes to no avail you groaned internally knowing that he was probably already gone by now. Instead of straining yourself by trying some more and not being able to actually open your eyes when Bucky returns, you try a different approach. 
After waiting some time to ensure that Bucky wouldn’t be in the shower you attempted to astral project yourself to him, but you couldn’t find his aura anywhere in the Avengers compound or Stark Tower. It seemed odd to you since he was supposed to be in one of those two places and you instantly began to worry. 
What if HYDRA got him while he was leaving the building? Him and Steve are strong, but they would be prepared to turn him back into their asset the moment they set eyes on him. The idea that Bucky could be in trouble sent you into a panic and your eyes shot open. The moment the hospital lights began to blind you sensitive eyes you were sitting up without a care in the world about the pain in your ribs. Instantly your hand was reaching down to rip the tube out when the door to your hospital room burst open to reveal a frantic Bucky. 
“Hey, hey Y/N you’re okay. Just lay back and relax, I’m going to go get the doctors okay?” he soothes you softly as he pulls your hand off of where the iv is implanted into your arm and nudges you to lay back. 
Once he sees that you are calm he rushes from the room only to return a few minutes later with multiple nurses and a doctor in tow. They all surround your bed in order to check your vitals before the doctor announces that he is going to remove your feeding tube since you are finally awake and should be able to eat on your own. You were attached to a lot more things than your iv, but you didn’t notice any of them because you were too worried about whether or not Bucky was safe. 
Eventually the doctors finished examining you and left to let you rest. You had just woken up from a coma and had no plans on sleeping anytime soon no matter how much the doctors urged you too. All you wanted was to see Bucky, you knew that he was okay but now it was about something else. He kissed you. Sure it was only a kiss on the forehead and you may be making this into something it’s not, but before you were held by HYDRA he hated you and you wanted to know what changed. 
He must have knew what you wanted because as soon as the nurses left the whole team rushed inside. Some of them apologized for not trusting you soon and others embraced you, joyous and thankful that you were alive. You had seen everyone except for the one person you were longing to see by the time the whole team filed out of your room that night and to say you were disappointed was an understatement. 
“Hey, Steve” you called out hoarsely as he began to leave behind everyone else.
“Yeah?” he asks stopping by the door to wait for your response. 
“Do you- Uh, do you know where Bucky went?” your voice sounds more hopeful than you want it to when you ask the question and you can see the look of understanding appearing in the captains eyes.
“I haven’t seen him since we got here, I’m sorry Y/N,” he explains softly before quickly adding in, “he’ll be by though, I know that’s for sure. He hasn’t left your side since we got you back, I doubt he’s going to start now.” 
With a nod of understanding you say goodbye to Steve before he leaves your room. As the door clicks shut behind him your mind begins to race once again. They came back for you after everything. Bucky never left your side while you were in a coma. Your whole team finally accepted you for who you were. So much had come to light since you woke up that you were beginning to think that you truly did die and this was some fucked up version of a dream.
All those thoughts flew out the window when a knock on your door dragged you back to earth. 
“Come in,” you call quietly before a coughing spell takes over thanks to the dryness in your throat. 
You hear the door open through your coughing then some rushed footsteps before a cup i being thrust into your face, “Drink this doll, it’ll help your throat.” 
Silently you drink from the cup but continually glancing up at the supersoldier before you. There are so many questions you want to ask the man before you but all you can do is drink from the cup of water that is being held to your lips until there is no more left to drink. 
“There, is that better?” he asks as he sets the now empty cup back onto the table beside your bed. 
“Yeah, thank you Bucky,” you reply quietly while you fiddle with the blanket draped over your body.
Neither of you speak again, a heavy silence falls over you both while waiting for the other to speak first. After a while it seems like the silence is going to last forever when Bucky finally speaks up, “I uh- I never got a chance to say thank you. After you saved me. I was too busy being a jerk to see that it was a trap and because of that you got stuck back in that horrible place.” 
“Hey, Bucky me being captured wasn’t nowhere near your fault. Even if you were listening to me from the start of the mission you wouldn’t have known that it was a trap. If anything this is my own fault. I should have known the moment we stepped foot in that room but it’s been so long I guess I forgot what my own room looked like,” you explain sadly, “If it took me any longer to see what was happening they would have got you too.”
“This is nowhere near your fault Y/N. You almost died trying to protect the secrets of shield and trying to protect me, nothing in this situation shows that you are in the wrong.”
“My parents did this, if I wasn’t born none of this would have happened,” you retort sadly as tears well in your eyes. 
“Don’t,” Bucky begins in a strained tone, “Don’t ever say that again Y/N because if you weren’t born than I don’t know what I would do. None of this is on you. You couldn’t choose what family you were born into or the choices that they made, but you can choose your own and you did. And if you didn’t make the choice to be good then I would have never saved you that day when Vada. Your parents would have never gave you the powers you have today, the powers you use to save people. The same ones you used to save me, Wanda, and Pietro numerous times even before we all knew each other personally.”
“I thought you hated me Bucky, why are you tell me all of this now?” 
“Because I could never hate you Y/N, in fact it’s quite the opposite. I love you. I have since I was turned into the winter soldier and saved you all those years ago, but I wouldn’t allow myself to show it because I was scared. I didn’t want my feelings for you to bring back the monster I was before so I repressed them the only way I could think of. With anger and hatred. For a while I even began to believe what I was telling myself too. Until we went back to that building and every single memory came back to me. How I felt the first time I returned from a mission and saw you. The day I found out your parents didn’t plan on bringing you back to the facility because of me and I tore through nearly half the guards they had on staff before they finally changed their minds. But the one memory that stood out over every other one was the day you never came back,” Bucky says seriously to you, only stopping once to take a brief breath, “I knew they were taking you to a new facility. I also knew what day you were suppose to return since you father didn’t want to lose any more man by hiding the information from me. They knew you were my weakness. I assumed when you didn’t return that it was a part of their plan, until I learned about SHIELD. I knew they took you but what I didn’t know was that you wanted to go. Even as the soldier I felt heartbroken at the loss of you. That’s why I was harsher than normal even after you came to me while you were still trapped. I regretted everything I said the moment the words left my mouth, but I didn’t know what to do. You were there because of me and yet you didn’t want anyone to come back for you.”
For a couple minutes after Bucky finished talking you sat in shock and silence going over everything that was just laid on you. You could see Bucky nervously playing with his hands while he waited for your response that came a few minutes later, “I never wanted to leave you back then Buck, and if I would’ve known soon that you were Steve’s best friend I would have told him so we could go back for you. But all I knew was that you were extremely quiet and my savior on more occasions than one. When you were found some time later I didn’t hesitate to fight beside Steve for your safety even if it meant risking myself, even if you seemed to hate my guts. I fell in love with you when you saved me at seventeen and that didn’t change over the years. It’s actually why I gave my freedom up for you again back at that base, I thought if I could prove myself to you then maybe you wouldn’t hate me.”
“You had nothing to prove doll, because even while I was brainwashed it was always you.”
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pseudonymfox · 6 years
Connection (12)
Summary: Bucky joins the avengers and gets the old room of you  with all the memories you left behind. You seem to have a connection and history but you are laying in coma…
This Part: A lot of changes and problems you have to face while you have troubles facing the new reality, thankfuly you got some help...
Warnings: angst, bit of fluff, mentions of anxiety,
A/N: Finally got to write it again. had a lot of thought about this series and had a lot of versions but I guess this is the best one.
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<<Previous Part
Slowly you became aware of your surroundings, your breathing slowed down again and the headache that felt like a extreme pressure on your head plus the nerve wrecking sound in your ears disappeared again after the shock you got likewise a lightning that struck through your body. You blinked multiple times as you leaned on your elbows to sit yourself up. You looked down to your arms and noticed your veins in a pitch black running up your hands, arms and also your fingers turned completely dark that continued almost to your wrists.
Staring in shock up to Shuri and down at your hands again. You waited for it to turn back again, that this was just a illusion or a dream or more likely a nightmare but nothing happened. It felt like a cold shiver running down your back as you let your fingertips running over the black veins along your arms. You made your hands into fists, so strong that you could feel your nails sinking into your skin. Not even feeling the pain.
Shortly after Shuri tried to explain to you that through the chemical infusion they gave you, the toxic gas you got in contact with thanks to Hydra and the shock therapy that somehow activated all of that and last but not least became something similar to Wanda’s powers. You didn’t said much afterwards. It was too much so you stayed in your room with the blindfolds closed, you once saw your reflection as you entered the room. You saw the black veins almost everywhere, your black hands and your eye color turned from a (Y/E/C) into the same black as your hands, darker as the night. Behind your eyes you saw nothing left from the person you were before. Your phone got so many messages and calls that you turned it off.
How would Bucky or your friends look at you like they did before when you look like a complete other person you asked yourself. It has been already two days, you didn’t left the room and barely ate something. Shuri and even T’Challa tried talking to you saying that they tried to find a solution. But you declined. You weren’t mad at Shuri or T’Challa, not at all but you just felt tired of these tests. Since you woke up you just wanted to go back but now you realised that you can’t turn back time or change things that already happened. Nothing will ever be the same and that was just something you had to accept.
The last thing you knew about Bucky was that he along the others had a mission. Orders from Fury. The only one who was coming back was Wanda because Shuri thought that she would know how to handle the situation. You asked Shuri to let only Wanda know. If the others would know they would probably come right back and you didn’t wanted to see you like this, at least not yet. You also had no idea how Bucky would react or what would happen now between the both of you, not even wanting to think about it. You had to wait a little longer til Wanda got here so you laid down in your bed and tried to sleep as much as you can to rest and shut down the voices in your head who brought just more problems with them. More Anxiety and pain which you weren’t to pleased with.
-Bucky’s P.O.V-
“She isn’t calling back, not even texting. Just Wanda was called back and we aren’t even supposed to know the reason for it. What if something happened? Why just Wanda? Did you even- ” Bucky ranted over the com while trying to accomplishing the simple mission they had but got cut short from Natasha.
“Barnes would you try to concentrate? We’ll know what happened after this mission! We are all worrying Buck..” She said firmly back.
“Shuri said (Y/N) is fine and that we get to know more when we are back. I trust Shuri by that and so should you. Can we now get back to work?“ Steve tried to assure Bucky some more but it didn’t help much after he heard one or two things that Shuri said over the phone plus he worried even more that you aren’t calling him or talking to him. he just wanted to finish this idiotic mission Fury send them on and get back as fast as possible to you.
“I should get back..“ he mumbled, of course Steve and the rest understood why and they wanted to know what is going on just as bad but the mission was almost finished. It wouldn’t make much sense to go now.
“We will..after the mission!“ Steve said again and he just grunted deeply in response.
He felt tired from war and all these mission they had. He is already 101 years old and it has to end at one point doesn’t it? In the 40′s he knew that maybe if he got safely out of war that he wanted to have someone he loved and maybe one or two kids. A family and someone he could tell the stories. After he fell from the train that dream just turned into dust and after all these years that wasn’t even something he thought of and then you got into the picture.
-Wanda’s P.O.V-
That bit what Shuri tried to explain it to her sounded like what she has been through a few years back with her brother Pietro. She didn’t forget how they were treated and how she felt after the successful experience on her. How it felt to learn her new power and to live with it, to not fear it and instead learn to control it. All the time she had her brother by his side when her parents couldn’t be anymore. Now that you had similar or at least something like powers she knew that you needed someone by your side.
Not just as a teacher like she wished she had. No as a friend who really understood what must go through your head one way or the other. After Pietro died in the battle she was alone again which scared her but then she joined the avengers and became quickly friends with you. and then  with Vision, Steve and all the others ones. They helped a lot as her new friends and her new family.
The whole ride back to Wakanda she prepared herself the best she could for what is about to happen. Basically neither of Wanda, (Y/N), Shuri or T’Challa knew what you had or what you could do, that obviously didn’t help at all but she knew that she would at least try everything she could to teach you what she knew and to just stay by your side.
-Normal P.O.V-
You stayed mostly in your room for the rest of the day, the only way you could go out was to wear a big hoodie and Sunglasses otherwise you didn’t wanted to. You didn’t hated yourself now but  you didn’t wanted to see the people stare at you or judge you maybe even hate you. There was a time where you sometimes walked out of the tower and people thanked you or cheered for you, obviously people are always judging and might be not agreeing with everything but who care that’s normal. Now it would be different.
Out of your state in mind you didn’t notice the knocking on your door.
You snapped your head up to Wanda entering your dark room.
“Hey..” she quietly said to you while stepping further to into the room, you just mumbled something as response. A blanket covered the mirrors, the lights are off and you let the blindfolds closed. The look into the mirror was another thing you haven’t done yet. You looked a few times down to your hands just to quickly hide them again.
“(Y/N)..?” Wanda asked softly and you felt the mattress shift slightly on one side. Her hand reached up to your shoulder to turn your attention to her which you didn’t let her at first but decided to get just over with it. If someone would understand her then it would be hopefully her since Pietro and her are the first really friends you had.
As you finally looked to her in the dim light that comes from the slightly open door. She didn’t even looked shocked like you would at least expected her to be, just a tiny bit you thought but no instead she just smiles at you and giggles. At first it was confusion but then you felt just so released and you started to cry a bit. It was just that you didn’t got to talk much in the last time and then she was gone for a few days and as Wanda made you laugh you just felt the nostalgia bubbling up inside of you.
“Don’t cry (Y/N). You are not alone” she said and pulled you in for a hug.
To sum it all up. The next hours you spent with talking, lots of stories you shared a hundred times before and just a casual girls night like back in the tower before shit went down. Nat was the only  one missing now and your girls squad would be complete. At some point in the early morning you fell asleep with soft classic music playing the background. The next day you decided to sleep in and then get to it! You knew how she worked out and trained with her powers, it would be different with you since nobody really knew what you could do but it would eventually show itself with her help.
“Nothing is working and I can’t do it! I look like a idiot by swinging my hands around!”  you almost yelled. It has been hours of training and nothing happened. Wanda tried to explain you the motions she is doing with her hands and what she does to control it but it didn’t work on you.
“It takes time. I didn’t learn that in a day not a week. The first results showed after more then a month” She told you from the ground of the training room you where in. You laid on your back still with you hoodie on and sunglasses.
“UGH...I just want to go back in time and change everything.” you said frustrated falling backwards on the ground.
“Maybe we continue to train to tomorrow” Wanda said standing up and helding her hand out to you which you didn’t took out of reasons. She walked you back to your room after you putting the trainings stuff away you used.
“Bucky has been asking about you. He is worried..” she told you and you just sighed looking to the ground while walking.
“I know but If he sees me like that-” you tried to say and Wanda stopped you with a hand on your shoulder from walking.
“Do you hear what you are saying? Bucky had a lot of problems himself with his arm and you know that and besides that just because you look different doesn’t mean he stops to love you. It’s also not the first time he see stuff like that” She told you with a firm voice and furrowed eyebrows. You nodded understanding and started walking again.
“So..you think he loves me?” you blushes and you both giggled. It gave you a bit hope that somehow he wouldn’t react badly but still your anxiety wasn’t let you rest. 
“Why do you even ask? He is so obvious!”
Shortly in front of our bedroom door Shuri already waited for you and spoke up.
“I just wanted to tell you that a jet landed. Barnes came back and he is looking for you (Y/N)” she said giving you a knowing smile and left.
>>Next Part coming soon…
Feedback appreciated!
Tags(If you want to be added or removed from the taglist let me know):(Those with strike through didn’t work sorry)
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Sophie <3
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starryscrawlings · 6 years
dialogue prompt list
dialogue prompt requests!
just send in a number and a character and I’ll do my best. Feel free to include more than one number per request. c:
“Quick, hide behind the sofa!”
“I would say that warmed my heart, but I have a reputation to preserve.”
“And at what point did you realise that?”
“I had almost thought you were going to give up”
“Help me? I don’t even know who you are.”
“You need to leave. Now.”
“It’s okay.”
“But who’s going to save you?”
“Are you prepared to be completely honest?”
“You’re one insult away from starting a war.”
“So... I just realised that I was shot.”
“Is this one of those times you want me to lie to protect your delicate emotions?”
“Why the hell are you here?”
“I know you’re not used to following the rules, but when I say don’t do the thing, it means don’t do the thing!”
“I think I just accidentally summoned a demon.”
“Don’t you trust me?”
“To be honest, I just wanted a chance to look at the stars with you.”
“I was going for a suave pick-up line, but I got all flustered when I saw you.”
“After all this war and chaos, I would love to take you on a date!”
“You can’t die. I love you. So if you die, I’m going to find you in the afterlife and revive you myself, and then scold you like hell!”
“I thought you were the smarter one between the two of us!”  “Why would you ever assume that?!”
“Why ask me questions that you already know the answers to?”
“Okay, so just remember that if we get caught, I’m deaf and you don’t speak English.”
“I thought… I thought I knew you.”
“Is that my shirt?”
“If you don’t stop being so cute, I might have to kiss you.”
“It’s you. It’s always been you.”
“I don’t want to sleep alone tonight.”
“Do you trust me?”
“We’re going to stay in that bed and cuddle for the next twelve years and you are going to enjoy every second of it.”
“Do you need a hug?”
“Shut up and get in the blanket fort.”
“You don’t have to be afraid. I’m not like them, I’m not going to hurt you.”
“Wait, are you… Jealous?”
“Is your hair really as soft as it looks?”
“You can’t solve every problem you meet with a dance off.”
“I love you, but if you mess my hair up again, I’m going to have to rip your arms off.”
“I heard that!”  “You were meant to!”
“Sit down and be quiet, I’m gonna braid your hair.”
“If we get arrested, I’m blaming you.”
“Did you take life advice from a fortune cookie again?”
“Do you want me to tell you the truth or lie to make you feel better?”
“Do you want the good news or the bad news first?”  “Good news, please.”  “We have no way to escape.”  “In what world is that good news?”  “Well, I thought you would choose bad news first, and that way it wouldn’t have sounded quite as bad in comparison.”
“Was that really necessary?”  “Necessary? No. Hilarious? Absolutely.“
“Hey, don’t you have to go be stupid somewhere else?”
“That is absolutely, 100%, without a doubt the worst idea I’ve ever heard.”  “Wanna see if it works?”  “Of course I do.”
“You can’t just walk away in the middle of a conversation!”  “Well, you were boring me to death! Walking away is a survival instinct.”
“Quick, you’re my boyfriend for tonight! Get dressed!”
“Is this normal?”  “Define normal.”  “Like, is this an average day for you?”  “… Define average.”
“How drunk are you right now?”  “I’m not that drunk, so you and your three identical twins can shut up.”
“Please don’t freak out. If you freak out, I’m gonna freak out.”
“I thought you had left me here.”
“Stop laughing.”
“I don’t need your help.”  “Twenty bucks says you’ll pass out before you make it halfway across the room.”
“Who did this to you?”
“Why did you do that?”  “I had to keep you safe.”
“You’re okay. You’re safe now. I’ve got you.”
“Is that blood? Are you bleeding?”
“Don’t make this harder than it already is.”
“Why are you pushing me away?”
“You don’t have to keep acting strong for me.”
“Don’t you dare challenge me. You don’t have that right.”
“You know I didn’t mean that.” “Then why did you say it?”
“Why does this feel like it’s just a game to you?”  “Because it is.”
“You’re not a hero, you’re just a child. A child still waiting for a happy ending to drop right into their lap. But I’m here to tell you, it’s not coming. Your happy ending doesn’t exist, and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you can move on like everyone else.”
“Please don’t. I’m sick of your excuses.”
“I shouldn’t be in love with you.”  “So why are you?”  “I don’t know.”
“You… You lied to me…”  “Of course I lied to you. That’s what I do. You didn’t really think this was all real, did you?”
“Don’t leave me, not now. After everything I’ve lost, I don’t think I can handle losing you as well.”
“Just give me a chance.”  “I did that already, remember? It didn’t end well for me.”
“I thought you loved me.”  “And I thought you were smarter than that.”
“Please, stay.”  “You know I can’t do that.”
“Can you promise me that we’ll get out of here safely?”  “I… I can’t promise you that…”
“You have to believe me! I’m telling the truth!”
“You could at least tell me why, you owe me that much.”  “After what you did to me, I don’t owe you a thing.”
“Why can’t you let me in?”  “Because every time I let someone in, I get hurt. I can’t live like that anymore.”
“It’s okay, walk away. I understand. Everyone does it in the end. I shouldn’t have expected you to be any different.”
“You need to let me go.”  “I can’t do that.”  “I know, but you have to try.”
“Is this what you wanted all along?”
“You know I wouldn’t have done this if I had any other choice.”  “You always have a choice, you just didn’t care enough to find another option.”
“I’m a monster…”
“Please, just put the gun down. We can talk this through.”
“They’re gone… They’re actually gone… And it’s all your fault…”
“You promised.”  “It’s cute that you think my word means anything.”
“You’re hurting me.”
“I want answers!”  “And I want to feel safe in my own skin. Looks like we’re both keeping each other from getting what we want.”
“You don’t really mean that.”  “Oh, but I do.”
“This is a joke, right? Right?”
“It should have been you.”
“I believed in you.”  “You believed in a lie.”
“I spared you. You should be grateful.”  “I wish you had killed me where I stood.”
“Scream all you want, no one is coming for you.”
“They aren’t going to save you. I doubt they even care that you’re gone.”
“Kill me if you must, I don’t care. I will die peacefully knowing that they’re going to strike you down.”
“They’re dead, you know. They all are. You’re all alone.”
“I don’t care about you. I never cared about you. Nobody does.”
“You’re lying to me.”  “No, dear. I’m the only person willing to tell you the truth.”
“I wish I had never met you.”
“Please don’t die. Please don’t leave me. I need you.”
“They made their choice, I made mine. Now you have to make yours, because I’m leaving with or without you.””
“It’s really not that complicated.”
“Close the door.”
“It’s three in the morning.”
“I should have told you a long time ago.”
“Why are you helping me?”
“You have to leave right now.”
“Just trust me.”
“I’ve been waiting a long time.”
“You’re in love with them.”
“Come here.”
“We could get arrested for this.”
“What are you thinking about?”
“I thought you were dead.”
“You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
“Was that supposed to hurt?”
“I can explain.”
“Love is overrated.”
“Watch me.”
“I’ve missed this.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Sometimes, being a complete nerd comes in handy.”
“I don’t owe you an explanation.”
“We have to be quiet.”
“You’re trembling.”
“I want an answer, goddammit!”
“It was you the whole time.”
“Tell me again.”
“This is why we can’t have nice things.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“You don’t see me.”
“You could have died.”
“Prove it.”
“I might never get another chance to say this.”
“Do you regret it?”
“Tell me I’m wrong.”
“Lie to me then.”
“You’ve thought about this, haven’t you?”
“I never stood a chance, did I?”
“I feel like I can’t breathe.”
“I’m only here to establish an alibi.”
“Are you drunk?”
“How much of that did you hear?”
“What happens if I do this?”
“Why are you whispering?”
“I don’t want to screw this up.”
“People are staring.”
“No, no, it’s okay, I’ll be your bridge. You can walk all over me.”
“I find this to be highly illogical, incredibly ridiculous, and absolutely irresistible. Let’s play.”
“People have been spilling your secrets to me for years and you just found out?”
“My bed is reserved strictly for me and my dog.”  “That is not a dog!”
“Sorry, human. I don’t know the proper etiquette in these situations. Do we offer him a beverage?”  “They’re unconscious.”  “… So we don’t offer them a beverage?”
“I’ve seen you topple buildings and freeze rivers, and you’re afraid of a kitten?”
“I wish I’d had more time to tell you this before I sent you away.”
“We’re not going to break down the door and shout, ‘Die, evil dictator, die!’ It’s immature.”
“Damn you, genius space monkeys.”
“I’ve looked after coma patients that were more interesting than you.”
“Would you mind not setting my stuff on fire every time you get angry?”
“You don’t understand – my dad can’t be the killer.  He golfs on weekends and watches soccer every night and buys sweaters from the clearance section at American Eagle.”
“Not only am I a late bloomer, I’m late for everything.”
“You weren’t in my vision. You shouldn’t be here.”
“I don’t consider myself the type who hurts the people they care about.” 
“Consider yourself a liar.”
“I stabbed my last twelve brothers; why should you be any different?”
“I-I couldn’t save them. Please, forgive me.”
“I asked for the ruler of this land; they’re just a child!”
“I heard you liked cupcakes so I-I got you some.”
“The world was cruel to us; it’s only fair we be cruel back.”
““Don’t freak out-”  “When you start sentences like that, that means there is something to freak out about.”
“Life is tough enough as it is. I don’t need you making it worse.”
“Either you eat that cake or I’m eating it.”
“You’ve got it all wrong! I’m not a siren! I don’t have that kind of power!”
“Your experiences are not universal, but sure, go on.”
“Why did you take all the blame?”  “They hate me anyway so it was nothing new.”
“I didn’t want you to hate me.”
“I’m falling in love with you, okay? And I know you said your family has expectations for you, but at some point, you have to choose yourself.”
“You weren’t supposed to find out.”
“What’s the matter? Aren’t you comfortable? I made sure the chains were top-of-the-line!”
“Relax. I’m not going to kill you. My hobby is torture, and dead people are exceedingly hard to torture.”
“I was just picking up some groceries! It’s not my fault some psycho decided to rob the place.”
“You do realize that I’ll throw something at you if you eat the last cookie, right?”
“Do you have any idea how long it’s been since I’ve had a friend like them? If you think I’d endanger that for a little crush - which I don’t even have, by the way - you’re crazy.”
“I mean, sure, they are attractive. I have eyes. But that doesn’t mean anything.”
“… So, they told me they were in love with me. I wasn’t expecting that.”
“You’re lucky I can’t shoot you very well.”
“I know, okay? I’ve always known. You’re a terrible liar.”
“You two know that you guys sound like an old married couple, right?”  “That’s ridiculous. I’m neither old nor married.”
“I… Thank you?”  “Did that physically pain you to say?”
“I don’t know how to do this. I still feel like insulting you every time I see you. But I also want you to be happy.”
“Please, stop pushing me away.”
“Revenge is a dish best served cold.”
“I-I can’t remember anything at all.”
“This is only illegal if we get caught, and I can make sure that doesn’t happen.”
“You can’t just erase someone’s criminal record like that.”
“You are my new pillow.”
““I told you I’d take a bullet for you and I meant it.”
“Are you flirting with me?”  “Have been for the last few months, but thanks for noticing!”
“Actually, you are speaking to the manager.”
“You’ve got thirty seconds to explain to me what you’re doing here.”
“Can you use the door like a normal person?”
“One of these days, your browsing history will get you in real trouble.”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
Chapter 10; I am Mother Wolf Raksha
And here we are guys, the final chapter of the Civil War part of the story. Now as it’s getting pretty late from where I live, I will leave this for now and soon post up the two bonus chap/song fics that I have later on this weekend when and if I have time, I literally have three papers due Mon-Weds. next week. Now be prepared for the FEELS in this chapter as stated before. Thank you guys sooo much for taking the time to read, like or reblog this story and I can’t wait to hear some more comments from you guys :)
As Steve carried both Bucky and (y/n) outside they took notice of another jet nearby and standing there was none other than King T’Challa.
“Your highness” Steve said.
“I apologize to both of you. I almost killed the wrong man, the real man responsible for my father’s death will be dealt with”.  It was then T’Challa took notice of (y/n) hanging over Steve’s shoulder and he said, “What happened to her?”  The two soldiers remained silent and looked down sadly.  T’Challa approached Steve and gently took her off his shoulder and held her in his arms.
He gently brushed aside the hair from her face and pressed two fingers against her neck and said.
“She’s alive”.  Steve and Bucky looked at him in pure shock.
“Are you sure?” asked Bucky.
“I can feel a heartbeat but it’s very faint. She will die if we don’t get her help immediately. Take her to Wakanda, my people there can help her. Both of you”.
“What about you?” asked Steve.
“I will personally deliver the man responsible to Berlin, the living will soon deal with him”.  T’Challa then helped get (y/n) inside the quinjet followed by Steve and Bucky.  
Steve pressed a button and soon coming out of the wall was a makeshift bed, T’Challa gently set (y/n) down on it and upon Bucky’s request, Steve settled Bucky beside her in a chair while Steve went up to the controls and T’Challa left the quinjet to deliver Zemo to Berlin. 
As the quinjet took off, Bucky lowered his forehead against (y/n)’s and took one of her hands in his only remaining hand and whispered in Russian.
“Viset' tam wolfie”.
With a struck of diplomacy from the new King of Wakanda, Helmut Zemo was arrested and kept under the same holding condition as they had Bucky in earlier that morning back in Berlin.  
T’Challa’s sister Shuri met with Steve Rogers and escorted him to the sacred and highly secretive Black Panther sanctuary there they would be treated of their wounds and they could save (y/n)’s life. Unfortunately the damage had already been done. 
The Avengers were now forever torn apart. 
Tony went back to the compound to help Rhodes with his newly invented leg bracers that would help him walk after his fall back in Germany.  The rest of Team Cap however could not be helped, due to breaking the law of the Accords, they were captured and were to remain on an uncharted ocean prison known as The Raft.
There they would remain locked up like insane criminals and never again see the light of day. 
In Wakanda at the Science and Research facility in the Black Panther sanctuary, Steve and Bucky had been patched up from their wounds while in another room (y/n) was kept in a coma with wires and tubes sticking out of her.
As Steve and Bucky watched her through the mirror heartbroken to see a child like this, T’Challa came up beside them and said.
“The doctors tell me she has lost a lot of blood and will need a blood transfusion. Unfortunately the blood she has is not something we can easily give her. With whatever HYDRA had given her it does not match with any blood donations we have, except for two”.  T’Challa looked at the super soldiers and they looked at him.
“I’ll do it” said Steve.
“No!” Bucky demanded.  He turned to Steve and continued, “She saved my life Steve. The least I can do to repay her is to save hers. Let me do this”.  Steve looked to his best friend, his brother and saw the desperation and urge that he needed to do this.
“Alright Buck. I understand, do what you gotta do pal”. Bucky softly smiled then T’Challa lead him inside (y/n)’s room where a nurse came up and had him lay down in one of the beds and carefully stuck a needle through his veins to draw out the blood they needed.  Once they took what they needed from Bucky, they attached an IV into (y/n)’s arm and they began the blood transfusion.
Once it was complete, all they could do was monitor and wait to see if any changes had been made.  Even after the transfusion, Bucky didn’t leave (y/n)’s bedside.  He remained eternally vigil by her side wanting to be the first one to see her wake up.
Every now and then Steve would come in and sit on the opposite side of (y/n) and tell Bucky the stories about her back at the compound.  All the small things like her favorite movie, favorite books, what she likes to eat, and the stories she would tell about her tribe of her childhood before HYDRA came into the picture. 
Bucky enjoyed hearing so much about the girl underneath the Bad Wolf and it was the small things he enjoyed hearing about the most, especially when it involved hearing about who she was before she became Hydra’s Bad Wolf.
By night three, a doctor came in to check her vitals and told Bucky.
“Sorry no change”.  He then left and Bucky sighed softly then he said to her.
“You know, the only person I’d seen never run away from a fight was Steve, back when he was a punk,” he chuckled before continuing, “But you are ten times stronger than he was, so let me see that strength of yours to beat this comas ass and open those beautiful (e/c) eyes of yours, huh Wolfie? For your Bucky-bear?”  She remained silent and still as ever the only sound that could be heard was the machines beeping out her vitals and heartbeat.  “Hey, you listening Wolfie? Steve told me about some of your favorite things lately and I’m told your favorite movie is ‘Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron’ right? Well I got to listen to a song you once said really described you best as well as all the Avengers. Boy you—you weren’t kidding. That song….hit me harder than when I fell off the freight train back in 44. Now I’m not Bryan Adams but—how about I sing it to you? Hmm? Will that help you wake up any faster?”
Bucky gently brushed some hair out of her eyes and cleared his throat and said.
“If you can hear this, don’t make fun of my singing, I already said I’m no Bryan Adams”.  After that he began singing Sound the Bugle.
As he sang, his voice would choke with such raw emotion as he thought back on his torture and all the crimes he’s been force to do throughout the decades, but he tried to keep a steady voice hoping that singing her favorite song from her favorite movie would help bring her back.
Because that’s all he wanted, to know that she was going to be alright and that the debt for saving his life wasn’t in vain.
Sound the bugle now
Play it just for me
As the seasons change
Remember how I used to be
Now I can't go on, I can't even start
I've got nothing left, just an empty heart
I'm a soldier…Wounded so I must give up the fight
There's nothing more for me
Lead me away
Or leave me lying here
Sound the bugle now Tell them I don't care
There's not a road I know that leads to anywhere
Without a light, I fear that I will stumble in the dark
Lay right down and decide not to go on
Then from on high, Somewhere in the distance 
There's a voice that calls,
"Remember who you are.
If you lose yourself,
Your courage soon will follow,
So be strong tonight...remember who you are"
Yeah, you’re a soldier now,
Fighting in a battle, to be free once more.
Yeah, that's worth fighting for
Bucky held (y/n)’s hand in his.  His thumb gently stroking her knuckles as he looked at her with teary red eyes.  He leaned down towards her ear and whispered.
“I’m with you till the end of the line Wolfie”. He then came up and pressed a ginger kiss at the crown of her head and fell asleep right by her bedside. 
A week later as Bucky remained by (y/n)’s side T’Challa came in and said that the doctors needed to check up on his vitals since he has been so stubborn to do so the past week.  
Bucky reluctantly agreed after T’Challa promised to stay and watch (y/n) in case she woke up.  He gently kissed her forehead and squeezed her hand before standing up and walked out of her room.  After he left, T’Challa stared at the young girl he had referred to as Raksha throughout the Civil War and looked above him for a moment and whispered.
“Baba, if you can hear me; please send this girl back home. I have a feeling she is not ready to leave us just yet. Call Raksha back home to her pups”.
*My POV* 
I’ve been in nothing but darkness for what felt like forever.  Every now and then I would hear voices calling out to me but I can’t seem to place a face to them. There was even one time where one voice was singing a song to me.
He had such raw emotion as he sang and such a deep voice to it but it was nice while it lasted.  Suddenly a bright light shined right at me and two people came down towards me.
A man and a woman stood before me smiling with such love and adoration. I looked at both of them closely before something clicked in my mind.  I turned to the woman with (m/h/c) and (m/e/c) and choked out.
“Mom?” She smiled widely and I turned to the man and said again, “Dad?” He closed his eyes and nodded softly.  My parents were here. Oh my god I—I can’t believe it.  They came for me. 
My dad placed his arm around my shoulders and ruffled my hair like he used to when I was a little girl while my mother cupped my cheeks lovingly and kissed my forehead.  
I then felt them take each of my hands and we started walking straight towards the light hand in hand.
I felt at peace.  I finally had my parents back and together we can finally be a family again.
‘I’m with you till the end of the line Wolfie’ that voice I’m always hearing said. Suddenly flashes came back to me. 
The tribe’s massacre, becoming Bad Wolf, meeting the twins Wanda and Pietro, Ultron, The Avengers, the Civil War, and Bucky.  I saw him standing over me and he said that phrase again before feeling a kiss on my forehead.
I stopped right in my place and watched as both my parents kept walking forward.
“I—I can’t leave them”.  It was then my parents stopped walking but didn’t turn around and face me. “I’ve wanted nothing more than to see you guys again, see everyone again but—the Avengers, Steve and Bucky. Bucky—he’ll be alone again. He needs me and if I leave him…if I leave any of them now—they’ll be heartbroken forever. So I’ve gotta go back, please. They’re my family”. My parents soon turned around and walked towards me and for the first time in almost a decade I heard my mother’s sweet voice again.
“You have grown up into a fine young warrior”.  Tears formed in her eyes as she smiled lovingly at me.
“You are Mother Wolf Raksha” said my dad.  I smiled happily at them as tears fell down my face. “Now go take care of your boys”. He said again before they both disappeared into the light and I was soon pulled backwards. 
When I awoke, I saw myself in a pure white room. I felt IV’s in my arm and the sound of machines beeping.
“We almost lost fate in you Miss Maximoff”. I looked up to see T’Challa standing by the door of my room with his arms behind his back.
“Where am I?”
“The Black Panther sanctuary. You were in a coma for an entire week, but it would seem the transfusion was finally a success”.
“Transfusion?” I questioned.
“You had massive blood loss when you arrived, the only way to save you was with a blood transfusion from one of the two people who had a similar blood type to the Bad Wolf blood you had in your veins”.
“Who was it?”
“It would seem that you and Barnes have already formed such a bond with each other, he volunteered to give you some of his blood to repay the debt when you had saved him”.  My eyes stared at him in shock.   
Bucky-bear actually volunteered himself to donate some of his super soldier blood to me in order to save me. Oh that sweet, sweet man.
“Where is he? Where are Bucky and Steve?” I asked him.
“They are just down the hall. It’s over now Miss Maximoff”.  I looked at him and let out a sigh before asking him.
“And the others?”
“Unfortunately being King does not grant me access to free your friends. They are still imprisoned for breaking the law, I am truly sorry Miss Maximoff but there is nothing I can do to free your friends or your sister”.  I let out a pained sigh and a few tears fell down my face.
After all this, the Avengers were now truly divided forever.  The rest of Team Cap will never see their families or even daylight again because they are probably locked up in a tight cage kept far away from society. 
Nothing will ever be the same again, nothing.
“Can I see them?” I choked out.
“I would suggest not moving right now, but I shall inform them of your awakening”.  Just before he walked out I stopped him by saying.
“Hey your highness,” he stopped and turned towards me and I continued, “Thank you. You’re not so bad—for a cat”.
“You are not so bad yourself, for a mutt”. He teased.  The two of us smirked at each other before he left to go get Steve and Bucky.  About a minute later, the two soldiers came in and when I saw them I just had to say.
“About damn time you two old geezers got here”. They came up to me on either side and I first turned to Steve who looked at me with regretful eyes.  Just before he said anything, I pressed my fingers to his lips and said, “You’re overthinking again Steve. Remember I chose to side with you from the beginning long before this all went to shit. And if it came to repeating this whole thing all over again, I’d still side with you and go through it all over again with no regrets”.
“But please don’t ever scare us like that again (y/n)” he said with a chuckle as he stroked my cheek gingerly.  I smiled at him then turned to face Bucky.
The poor guy looked more like a sad wolf pup than anything else.  His eyes brimmed red with unshed tears.  I placed my hand against his scruffy looking face and said.
“Seems we’re now blood related”.
“Yeah, seems that way” he choked out as his human hand took mine.  I softly chuckled and he just stared down at me and said again, “You saved my life, I only felt best I did the same for you, Sora Mea”.  Hearing him call me that made my heart skip a beat.
“Thank you fratele meu”.The rest of the day consisted of doctors checking me out and spending the time with my two boys. The next day I was able to walk and move around the facility. 
I was currently in the science and research wing where a cryotube stood and Bucky was sitting on one of the tables being prep. I stood by his side and Steve soon came in and said to Bucky.
“You sure about this?” I had been told yesterday that T’Challa’s research team could find a way to get the trigger words and all the other programming that HYDRA had done to Bucky throughout the years, but he felt it was best that in case Hydra or anyone else who knew of those words were to come here, he should be in cryo-freeze not only to protect himself but everyone else as well.
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“I can’t trust my own mind. So until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head, I think going back under is the best thing. For everybody”.  Even though I understood why Bucky needed to do this, it still didn’t make it any easier for me.
I felt a hand gently cup my face and lift my chin up and I was soon looking into Bucky’s eyes.
“It’ll be okay Wolfie. I chose this, I know you’d do the same thing”. I looked at him with teary eyes and quoted my favorite line from the Jungle Book but added something slightly different.
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“Never forget this. You are mine, Mine to me. No matter who comes for you, or how much time may pass. I Mother Raksha will protect you Bucky-bear”.  Bucky smiled and we both leaned our foreheads together.
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As tears slipped down my face, Bucky smiled and kissed them away before separating from me.  I held his hand till the last second as he got in the cryo-tube and the scientists closed it up and turned it all.  As the ice formed around him, Bucky looked at me one final time before his eyes shut and he was finally in a peaceful frozen sleep.
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I walked up to the cryotube and gently touched it before telling Steve who was standing behind me watching as his friend was placed under a frozen sleep once more.
“Steve, if you ever run into Wanda can you relay a message to her”.
“Of course (y/n)”.
“Tell her, Wolfie has now become Mother Raksha, and that she’s sorry”.
“I’m sure she will understand (y/n), and thank you”. I turned to him and the two of us hugged each other.
Knowing Steve wasn’t going to stay here, I let all my love and respect for Steve Rogers come out in my final hug for him.
“Take care of yourself, and try not to get into more trouble than you already are in”. I told him.
“I’ll try”. He joked out.  We separated and he kissed the crown of my head before gently ruffling my hair telling me one final time, “Good She-wolf”.  I smiled through my tears and watched him leave the room. I turned back to Bucky’s cryotube and phased into my wolf form and curled around it protectively and stood guard of my brother until he could be healed.
*3rd Person POV*
Steve stood outside a corridor looking out a window and King T’Challa walked up and stood beside him.
“Thank you for this” said Steve.
“Your friend and my father, they were both victims. If I can help one of them find peace”.
“You know if they find out he’s here, they’ll come for him”.
“Let them try. Even if we fail, they’ll have to get pass Mother Wolf Raksha first”. T’Challa stated proudly as the two of them stared outside the window. 
Outside the facility a wide spread jungle stood and through the mist revealed a large stone statue revealing to be a Panther and just beyond it on a hill nearby a waterfall, a training temple.
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