#but im guessing seeing it actually happen has put us in shock
makorragal-312 · 2 years
It’s been two days since the premiere of 6B and 911 is STILL in the top trending here and Buck is STILL a trending topic on Twitter.
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silverskye13 · 6 months
how do u write fighting or do u have any tips? i have an idea for a fanfic not mcyt related but im terrified ill write the fight scene poorly as it makes up a majority of the fic.
Fighting and fight scene tips! I have a couple I guess! The tricky thing is fight scenes are really subjective. It's hard to give a "and here's all the puzzle pieces you need for a good one" kinda answer. But I can at least tell you the stuff I think about while I'm writing.
You know the drill, writing tips under the cut:
1. Research
I feel like I put this on every tip list. Research the thing you're doing. The Internet is your greatest friend and confidante. Look up YouTube videos of fighting competitions. Look up the weapons your characters are using. Figure out how many bullets are in the magazine for the gun type your character is using. Research how far you have to be to survive that explosion. Figure out if the cool sword breaker was actually useful in combat and why. Get a reasonable measure for how much blood your blorbo can lose before they pass out. This will help you paint a clear picture for yourself about what needs to happen, and why. Your readers don't necessarily have to have that clear picture, but the more you, the writer, know, the more likely you are to write a consistent, understandable narrative.
2. Character POV is important!
What does your character even know about fighting anyway? <- the most important question to ask of your POV character. This establishes what your character can tell your audience about what's going on. Has your character never fought before? Are they familiar with the weapons used? Do they know counters for fighting styles? Do they even know how to throw a punch? Do they have a high pain tolerance? These things will inform how the character informs us, the readers, about what's going on. Generally speaking, lack of consistency is what makes fight scenes frustrating, in my opinion. Sitting there and going "hey wait, how did that teenager know better battle tactics than the general they're fighting?" Takes you out of the moment and ruins whatever cool thing that teenager just did. Going "hold on, what do you mean the sniper didn't realize he was out of bullets?" Does the same thing. Keeping the characters consistent stops your readers from questioning the validity of the scene.
3. What can your readers see, and is it the same as what the characters see?
Similar to above, but a little more meta. Fight scenes are often played for drama. You're putting the character in peril, and that peril is for a reason: to make the audience have an emotional response. Can the readers see an ambush because of your 3rd person omniscient perspective, but the characters can't? Is that a good thing? Will it ruin the shock and surprise of the ambush, or will it induce dread and up the stakes? The enemy has a poisoned sword. Is this obvious to the audience in a way that isn't for the character? This is playing with suspense in a fight, adding and subtracting stakes for the readers, and it needs to be balanced against what the characters know.
I'm mentioning this as a thing because revealing your hand to the audience can be a really interesting way to add suspense, but if the audience feels like a character should've been able to see it coming [ex. How come the assassin didn't anticipate someone poisoning a blade during a fight?] it ruins the immersion of the scene, and makes it feel like you the author are shoving the characters in a direction. Generally speaking if the readers can see the hand of the author moving, it breaks immersion.
[Notably, I don't write in 3rd person omniscient. I write in 3rd person limited. I don't often have a chance or reason to reveal information to the audience that the main character doesn't know, because the audience is observing the world through that character.]
4. What are the guys in the back doing?
Everyone knows the Main Character has to fight the Antagonist at some point, but normally the MC isn't alone. They have friends and allies, or their pet dog. They have a supporting cast, and that supporting cast wants to help the main character. So... where are they exactly? A pitfall I see in Big Final Fight Scenes pretty often is, the MC brings an army, or their crew, or their super friends or whoever, and yet somehow, they end up fighting the bad guy alone, and the writer just... Doesn't address the other people in the room. And you the reader are left going, "Wait, why is no one intervening?" This gets especially immersion breaking when the main character inevitably starts losing their fight [because drama, few fights are easy]. Our MC might die! Why is no one trying to run even a basic distraction on the Antag? This isn't to say you have to have your supporting cast get involved in the final fight -- sometimes you need that solo showdown! But you do have to have a convincing reason to keep the rest of the cast away. If we the readers are under the impression there's six other people in the room just standing there, because you the writer forgot they were there, it gets kinda awkward.
5. Zoom in! Feel it. Zoom out! See it.
Okay so, you now know: Basic information on how your character(s) fight, what your POV character(s) know, what the readers can see (either the same or different from your characters), and you know where everyone is and what they're doing. You have your god's eye view ready. How do you show it?
Zoom in, zoom out.
There is a balance to fight scenes, in about the same way there is a balance to an art piece. There is a foreground, middle ground, and background. Each have importance, each need focus. The foreground is what is happening immediately in front of your POV character, it's their thoughts, what their weapon feels like, any wounds they've taken. It's bullet time, and observations, and right in their face. The middle ground is the surrounding 5-10ft. It's the people beside them, it's what's just past their opponent. It's the rest of the room, or the sound just out of view, or the object just out of reach. The background is everything past that. It's distant explosions. It's their friend getting wounded. It's an archer on the next rooftop.
How much of that you want your audience to see, how you want to vary that, depends on what you as an author view as important. If you want to focus more on the character, their struggle, their opponent, you will write most of the fight scene in the foreground. Focus on what the character feels, the sensation of movement, the pain, fear, exhilaration. Focus on the words they're saying [or not saying]. Focus on what they know, what they're telling the audience. If you want to highlight the battle, how the main character is working in their surroundings, you will focus on the middle ground. This is what the character looks like from an outside perspective, how they fight against their opponent. This is them trying to reach an item, or shove their opponent into something. This is running, and kicking, and trying to figure out if your friend is still by your side. This is seeing your comrade go down out of the corner of your eye, or admiring someone's fighting style, or screaming orders at someone. The background is anything further away, a distant problem that is putting on pressure. A ticking time bomb. This is the building catching fire, the lightning in the storm overhead. This is superman fighting off the alien army while your MC is trying to kill the general. This is you reminding the audience the rest of the world hasn't stopped turning while the MC has been doing MC things.
Generally speaking, I like to move through all three spaces several times during a fight scene? The main character is hurting and holding onto their sword, and breathing is hard. The antag is pressing the advantage, trying to back them through the space. But they can't lose too much ground, because their friend is fighting the second antag over there, and they're bleeding from a fresh cut. They have to win, they have to escape, because the sound outside says the building is groaning on its foundation-- and the main character stumbles as the building rocks. [And I've just moved through all three types of ground, giving the audience a clear view of what's happening].
You don't have to bounce reliably through the space. Not showing the background for a long time means you can surprise your audience with a new hero or villain swooping in! Or leave us in suspense about that magic ritual we're supposed to be stopping. Not showing a middle ground side character implies your MC is so distracted they won't know their friend is hurt until it's too late -- etc.
If it helps, I like to imagine there's a little invisible camera panning around, taking dramatic shots of everything, like you're making a movie, and writing accordingly.
Uhm!! Hopefully that's helpful?
Some broader quick tips:
Fight scenes are very fast, and generally happen over a period of a few minutes. That time will feel significantly longer because it's jammed packed with Stuff Happening, but the fact remains, it's only a few minutes. Keeping the timing in mind helps you figure out if backup can arrive to help, or if it's reasonable for someone to miss the fight happening, etc,
On that note, if it's a battle specifically, battles [especially medieval ones] are short. They don't last all day, unless they're a siege, and even then, sieges are long periods of digging in and waiting with short clashes peppered around.
This might just be me, but try not to overuse metaphors? We get it. The swordsmen look like they're dancing. But not everything they do is graceful or dancer-y. Sometimes you can just say "and he punched him in the face." Unless your writing style is naturally super flowery, in which case, do continue. Consistency is key.
Do some basic research on wounds. Suspension of disbelief can only carry so far, and pain is genuinely debilitating. Also, yes coughing up blood is a very dramatic "the character is dying" cue, but in real life it only happens on very bad lung/throat wounds. If what you're writing is Super Realistic, maybe don't throw that in there.
Write confusion with care. You might not want your audience to know what's going on all the time, but if your audience genuinely can't figure out what's going on, why something is happening, or who it's happening to, you will eventually lose your immersion.
Write comedy with care. If your fight is non-serious, or if your character in a serious fight doesn't normally take things seriously, jokes are allowed to happen. But sometimes if you don't take it seriously enough, you will chop the knees off your drama. Maybe save some of the jokes for after the life-threatening battle is over.
I think! That's everything I can think of just now! I hope it helps :'D
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shower-phantom-ideas · 6 months
Got this idea while in the shower and an au where Jack and Maddie didn’t actually care about ghosts anymore. It was all a front. An act they put on to hide what they are really after.
They used to care back in collage but once they realised the government was getting on the bandwagon they decided they didn’t care anymore. (Gov probably asked for something from them that was just the worst).
Anyway this happens when Jazz and Danny are still pretty little. These kids couldnt get along for anything. Jazz a once only child now has to make way for Danny. Danny who doesn’t understand why Jazz doesn’t like him decided it’s only fair to be mean back and try to pull as much “im smaller than her” crap as he can. Their parents just don’t know what to do. And are at their wits end.
One day everything changes when the kids come home from school. Jack and Maddie are to busy being destraut over not getting as much government funding cause they just realised how crappy and insane their government is. They don’t notice that for the first time the kids didn’t come into the house bickering after the bus ride. The house is quite for a change so they can be lost in their heads imagining the worst the government has done with their inventions.
Anyway Jazz and Danny are in Jazzes room looking at a picture book and Jazz is reading to Danny when the parents finally realise something is up. Shell shocked (thats a good handsoap) they stand their frozen as Jazz patiently reads to Danny and even holds out the book to him for him to see the pictures. Turns out it’s a book about unicorns…. All thru dinner Jazz and Danny happily tell their parents about how amazing unicorns are. No fighting or anything. Not even talking over one another. They stare in awe at how Danny is smiling at his sister waiting for his chance to speak. Or how Jazz is helping Danny find some of his words by encouraging him in the conversation. It’s a miracle they think.
Then it hits them. This is what they can do. They will find a unicorn for their children. How hard can it be to hunt down another mythical creature. It will be a surprise for their kids too! Nothing too good for them after all. Wanting to keep it a secret they keep up the ghost hunting act. Making a few crappy inventions for the government here and there but all of them are for a different target. As the years go by they lean to much into the crazy ghost hunter act and even their kids think they are craY. Even making a ghost portal by mistake. It was supposed to be a window. Viewing the location of a unicorn smh. But all their ghost talk was hollow and even kinda fun. It was a great game for them. Hey dear how do you wanna look insane today. How long till someone cracked and actually tried to get them tried for insanity. I guess it was kinda like LARPing. Maybe it was too fun to just let loose and say some crazy shit ok. But no matter how much work they put into their ghost huntersonas they never lost soght of their true goal. A unicorn for their children.
Anyway it’s an au where jack and maddie just pretend to give a shit about ghosts but danny is in the back having the most stressful time possible for basically nothing. I mean with how often jack and maddie miss phantom when shooting it’s hard to believe they miss that much. Plus jack works with phantom. Imagine this reveal. Danny is probably so relieved hes crying and with how much tension just left his body I wouldnt be surprised if he doesn’t become a puddle on the floor. Jazz on the other hand is like “finally proof I was right. You fuckers are insane” who puts up that act that long and doesn’t tell their kids. Or even goes so far as to actually neglect their kids. (To be fair jack and maddie where still inventing just unicorn finding stuff)
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yonpote · 5 months
sorry i dont have anyone to talk to this about lol so it's going in your inbox but i'm in my mid-20s and only now for the first time in my life have i changed my mind on rpf specifically because of phanfic. i'm a returning phannie but like.... the last time i watched them was all the way back in 2012. and was very ani-rpf then and have continued to be through the years. and i think in a lot of cases i maintain that position. but after falling back in love with dnp and the phandom and caving into the urge to read some phanfic knowing that dnp themselves encourage and respect it im kind of shocked to find it's actually a really beautiful, metatextual, interactive creative outlet. i think youve talked a bit about how phanfic isnt really rpf to you and i kind of agree, because dan and phil to me are like.... an idea, a mythology, a narrative, that theyre aware of and have built as well as being aware that we're aware of. like the idea of dan and phil has been constructed by them and their fans hand in hand for over a decade. and i find that phanfic itself is very aware of this and exists to expand upon those ideas. lol. yeah that's it sorry for this ramble. i just find it surprising that something could change my mind on that in this day and age but it's been a very cool experience.
hello welcome youve come to the right place for this yap because i COMPLETELY understand you. like genuinely i am not this attached to any other "rpf" content like this? ok i had an egobang phase but honestly arin and danny have grown to share a similar but not exact same connection as dnp BUT I DIGRESS
but yeah i think a lot of it is due to the contrastive relationships between the brand of Dan and Phil™, their separate individual brands Daniel Howell and AmazingPhil (particularly dan), the Phanon dnp, and the actual real people dan and phil. i always go back to the fanfiction segment of tatinof but its just such a perfect example of what i mean. like, the entire idea to have a fanfic scene was ofc the real people's idea, and they used tropes they would see in the phanon to convey the audience interactive story, but at the same time had to keep it at least Somewhat appropriate for the Brand™ at the time being very pre-teen and teen focused. honestly idk how much you've gone back and watched of what you missed, but i would suggest doing that not just cuz theres some incredible stuff from those eras, but also seeing the intersection of the brand, fanon, and real people and when they split apart. you see it a lot especially in gaming videos imo where theyre unscripted, and once they got more comfortable in the gaming channel roles the energy shifting away from Brand but never too far... until ofc now where what even is their brand anymore just Chaos and Queerness i guess
OH ALSO go read some old fic and compare to newer ones like its not just that writing styles changed or that dnp themselves have changed, but the like. energy and intent put into fic has changed. i would say in the past it was more exploratory, putting dnp in AU's and imagines, or exploring what Could have happened. whereas now, yes ofc there are au's and fic for the purpose of exploring a concept or world, but also its a lot more introspective. exploring the inner world a bit more. idk i just thijk dnp are funny lil guys and they accidentally created some freaky lil creatures in a lab somewhere...
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hansleftbuttcheek · 5 months
Sold To The Mafia - Pt.2
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Pair - Mafia.Han x Fem.reader
Genre - smut, fluff, some angst
Warnings - it’s smut so anything under this genre
Summary - after being sold to a famous mafia group at an auction, they took care of you and helped you out. What’s the worse that could happen?
Bad grammar and pretty short so-
100 million won. Take it or leave it
Was the last words before you were tied, a bag place around your head, a shock collar on your neck and shoved in a metal van with the 8 members inside.
This is it. You’re gonna die. No doubt.
(Time lapse because I’m lazy as fuck and if your mad about it go cry)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As you were taken out of the van. You were being carried by a muscular man, big biceps, and definitely has a big chest. Once you felt the air shift, you were placed on a comfy and relaxing bed. The air was warm and the room smelt like cologne. Why? Because-
“Hey princess. Sorry that we kind of put you in this mess.”
When you blindfold was taken off and your arms were once free from the hard and stiff ropes, you looked up to see a muscular and hot man. He was wearing a tank top, almost revealing his chest.
He was hovering above you when we pulled out a remote and chucked it away to somewhere in the room, diapering and never to be found. He gently unbuckled the shock collar and placed it to the side, rubbing the red mark on your neck.
“Oh, I’m Bangchan or Chris for short. I’m the leader of this group, straykids, and you are?”
You didn’t even realise he was asking for your name because you were to caught up in his presence, his gaze was like something you had never felt before.
“I’m Y/N..”
“Y/N huh? That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful women.” He said as he sat next to you, feeling the bed dip where he sat causing you to lean against him.
“Oh sorry Y/N. I do have a meeting soon so, do you care to join us in it or do you want to take things slow?”
Would you? Would you?! Of course you would! Being in a meeting room with hot men would be a dream!
“Sure! I would love too!”
Suddenly, the door opened and there stood such a baby girl man in the door frame, glancing between the two of you.
“Oh, sorry boss but uhm, A/N needs you in their office. I-I can take uhm…miss along with me if you want?” He said in such a worried voice seeing that you two were very close to each other.
“Sure Han. Y/N was talking about how she wanted to join Im us in the meeting. Can you take her there while the others join?” Chan said back as he stood up, walked to Han and patted him on the shoulder before leaving.
“Oh. Okay. Uhm, would you mind if I took you to the meeting room now. We might be late..”
You nodded and stood up, walking with him to the meeting room which didn’t seem far. The place was definitely better than the last place. It was more fancier and rich.
Once you got to the meeting room, Han checked the time and groaned.
“Fuck- sorry Y/N. I thought the meeting was at 12:00..its at 1:00. I also heard that you liked you know, sex and dirty stuff?”
You whimpered as he said that knowing he wanted to do something with you.
“I guess I was set up actually, I was just doing as I was told and I was set up. I can still do it if you want.”
Han made a slight noise as he shuffled around and you looked down. You were shocked to see his very hard bone rib his pants which was revealing a lot. He was definitely big and precum was slightly leaking out of his pants.
He looked at you and hesitated.
“We don’t have to do it bu-“
You cut him off as you went close to him and cupped his hard erection. You slowly kneeled down and unbuckled his pants, already feeling his dick twitch with anticipation.
When you pulled down his boxers, his shaft smacked your face as you looked up at it in awe, knowing you will definitely gag on it.
Han was whimpering like a little needy baby, holding your shoulder and you watched his dick move.
You gently licked the precum off from down to his balls all the way up to the tip. You sucked on it and circled his sensitive cock as you gently messaged his balls, taking his shaft in bit by bit.
You went deep throat after and gagged on it, gently going back to the top and slamming your head back to the bottom. Han moaned in pleasure as you went slow to fast immediately, his fingers intertwining with your hair, gripping it as you ducked harder and harder to the point he was warning you he was going to cum.
“Be quiet, someone might hear us.”
You muffled out as you opened your mouth a bit before going back at it.
“W-we have half an hour left.” He said as he looked at the clock on his wrist.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum-“
He was on the verge of tears before you felt his warm semen seeping out his cock and down your throat. You let go and sealed every thing, basically milking him until he couldn’t handle it anymore.
He flopped to the ground and sighed and you gently sat in his lap and nuzzled your face into his neck.
You suddenly felt his dick harden again and look up at him as a smirk formed on his face.
“Who said I was finished baby girl?”
(Very short but I’ll keep you updated tmrw)
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|| Part of Me ||
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Symbiote!Matt Murdock x female reader
Tags/warnings: oh gosh where do we start? 😅 Oral sex (f rec), sort of non-con tentacle insertion at first quickly changing to 'yes please I am fully onboard for some consentacle porn', unprotected sex (p in v), assplay (m and f), slight choking, human and alien body fluids I guess, improv cock ring, and FLUFF (yes actually!).
A/n: thank you to the mutuals who enabled this 😉 and the post I saw from @thora-jane that inspired me in the first place (huge apologies if it's not really your thing let me know and I'll untag 🫢)
If anyone likes this I might try a more angsty exploration into the deeper moral issues that arise from being a crime fighting vigilante lawyer with an alien inside that just wants to rip heads off and eat them (thanks @spiderbabey for the inspo for that!)
After a brief chase through the dark city streets The Devil has the mugger pinned underneath him, baton poised above the guy's head, the silver of it glinting in the streetlight, his muscles straining hard with the effort of holding it back. He had heard the commotion, the threats, the gun being drawn and was on the scene in a flash of red. The guy saw the suit, the horns, and ran. As he tore off after him Matt could sense that the victim was shaken but otherwise unharmed but if he hadn't acted so fast…
"Yeah, I know. Very bad man," Matt grits his teeth together trying to keep the other voice at bay as he draws a hard breath.
"No, No killing! I told you." Matt snaps.
The deep growl has a sharp metallic edge to it that shocks right through Matt's veins. He can feel the power of it bubbling through him and it's taking everything to keep it inside and contained.
The devil had truly been let out. He could use it as an excuse for the things he did at night but the honest truth was that he wanted to do those things, he couldn't stop. He wouldn't stop. Since he'd been infected with this thing he was even faster and stronger than before, better equipped to protect the Kitchen… but it came with a price.
The voice over his shoulder hissed as the perpetrator stared up at Matt, the smell of fear wafting off him.
"We're taking him to the police and that's the end of it."
Matt dragged the man to his feet and dumped him at the station. As he jumped up the fire escape onto the roof of the next building the symbiote twitched under his skin.
He ignored it but he knew he was in for yet another restless night.
And that wasn't all.
There was you.
It had been the worst possible timing. You had started seeing each other about a month before it happened, and he was on edge around you the entire time. You had put it down to nerves and stress at work, trying your best to get Matt to relax and not worry, to assure him that you loved spending time with him and he could just be himself.
"Fuck, no, don't ruin this for me…please."
"Uh, hey Matt, you alright?"
He tries his best to keep it together. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine, it's just this case… "
"A tricky one huh?" You ask him.
"Mmm, a total pain in the ass, you could say."
"Do you need to work late? Because it's okay if you do, we can rearrange dinner for another time?"
He'd let you take the lead, you had been the one inviting him up to your apartment after you had dinner together and on both occasions he'd politely declined, half of him not wanting to rush this and the other half terrified of what his alien side might do.
Yes, of course he liked you, you were funny and smart and understanding. So much more than most.
However, this time after you had finished your meal and he had walked you home, you wouldn't take no for an answer. You knew he was probably just being polite, knew he really wanted to take things further but had something on his mind. You were so patient and open with him, encouraging him to talk about it if he wanted, to express his concerns. You didn't want him to do something he'd regret.
"I just, don't want to hurt you…" he'd explained, and that was the truth. He'd quickly fallen in love with you and the way you were giving him all the time and space he could need was just causing him to fall even deeper.
"You won't hurt me Matt, I know you won't." You'd said so sweetly as you pressed him up against your door, your lips falling on his.
The alien had been uncharacteristically quiet of late but he wasn't taking any chances when you pulled him into your apartment. He wanted to damage control as far as possible, there was no way he wanted to scare you away.
"I know it might sound strange with me uh, not being able to see but… is it okay if we keep the lights off?"
You smiled so warmly. "Of course, I want us to be comfortable."
God you were perfect. He couldn't fuck this up. He wouldn't.
"Oh, oh that feels sooo good, oh holy shit Matt, it's like your hands are all over me…"
You had your eyes softly closed, that much he could tell and was grateful for. Inky black tendrils were webbing across your naked skin and caressing your breasts as his own fingers were still woven in your hair and holding onto your waist as he kissed you, but he couldn't stop it.
The dark voice within him rumbles with interest.
For once Matt found himself agreeing with his symbiote.
"Sweetheart," he says to you, kissing his way slowly down the side of your neck and down your chest and stomach. "would you let me do something for you?"
You gasp in anticipation, knowing exactly what he's about to ask as he gently nudges your thighs wider. "Yes, yes Matty please…"
You don't see, only feel the two long black shining tentacles that lash their way around your thighs, with two others branching out and teasing up and down your pussy lips, spreading them open and putting you perfectly on display for him. You take a sudden sharp inhale of air and Matt freezes. "Are you alright? I can stop…" that wasn't exactly the truth, he didn't know if he could.
"No, no no please don't stop! I just… it feels so different, I- don't know how you're doing what you're doing, but god, don't stop…"
Matt hums before he kisses the soft inner skin of each thigh, then slips out his tongue, dragging it slowly up the center of you, flicking it up over your clit. The sound you make has his dick throbbing.
He laps you up, his hands skimming up over your hips to hold you firm to his mouth as he takes his time taking you apart. He hears you whimper and twitch under him, and only then is he aware of the thick, probing, wet tentacle that's pushing its way into your pussy.
"Oh fuck!" Matt curses, he can feel the sensation of you squeezing him through the symbiote. It's like nothing he had ever experienced before. You moan long and hard as you're filled, Matt's tongue still licking and sucking you towards ecstasy.
He can't usually control what the alien does, can only hold it back so much, but now he finds the control has been shared with him, the room quickly filling with slick sounds as he moves this extension of him within you, drawing out your addictive little moans.
He stops when he senses you looking at him. Actually looking. With your eyes.
He wants to die.
"Oh, Matt…" you sit up as he gently pulls away from you, the symbiote retracting slowly and carefully back under his skin with a grumble that only he can hear.
"Is this what you were afraid of, why you've been acting so strange?"
"I, god I'm sorry, I shouldn't have- I'll go-" he feels around for his pants but you crawl across the bed and grab his arm stopping him from running away.
"Matt, please don't leave! Just tell me, is… is this thing a part of you?"
Matt sighs, hanging his head. "It's... still all so new but… yeah. I don't really know how it works yet." His head tilts adorably as he considers something.
"Why aren't you running a mile? Aren't you scared, or mad that I kept this from you?"
You only smile and pull him closer. "I'm only sad that you felt you had to keep it from me. If it's part of you, that's okay. I want all of you, Matt, if you still want me…"
He can't believe what you're saying, how could you possibly be any more perfect? He licks his lips, nodding. "Of course I do."
"Come here," you beckon, lying back on your bed. "We'll figure this out together, but only if you finish what you started. I don't know how good those other senses of yours are but… I liked it."
You trail your fingers up his side, his breathing shallow as everything you're saying sinks in.
"Touch me with them, Matt… please." Your voice is coloured with excitement and need and who is he to refuse you. His brows almost reach up to his hairline and the smile on his lips is as wide as his face when you reach for him. A soft gasp leaves you when his other side makes a gradual reappearance, the webbed, black tendrils snaking up your skin and coiling around your breasts. You sigh softly when one slides inside you again.
Rippling contractions pass down through the length of the tentacle, massaging you from within and making you mewl out with pleasure. Matt's breath wavers as you watch as another one wraps around his own cock and does the same, slowly squeezing and milking drops of precum onto the sheets.
The sensation of warm slithering and throbbing rolls over your clit at the same time Matt is desperately licking into your mouth, there's so much stimulation your brain is starting to melt. Slick wet sounds as the tentacle fucks in and out of you fill the room, and you feel your pussy walls start to flutter and contract. "Ohh, m'gonna cum-!" You moan as your body writhes and rolls against him. Matt takes it all in, he can feel the tight squeezing of your perfect cunt, the pounding of your heart, hear the sweet sounds you make as your orgasm rolls through you.
"You're so beautiful…"
He slows and gently pulls back letting you come back down. "Are you okay sweetie?"
You almost laugh, your body alight with desire. "Jesus Matt, yes!"
"If you want to stop-"
"Mm, no don't stop, let me feel you." you breathe, and tentacles are quick to wrap around your body, drawing Matt closer, bracing himself over you.
"You got any more of those?" You tease, arching into his touch while other thick strands of shiny black emerge and wrap around your legs pulling them open again. He moans against your parted lips, the coil that's around his hard cock nudging the head of it at your entrance, coating himself in your arousal. The tip of your tongue gently slides against his as he pushes inside, just the barest whisper of pain as he stretches you open.
Matt makes a quiet noise in agreement as he starts to grind his hips at your insistence. You feel like nothing else and he wants to make this good for you. You respond to every little touch of him and the symbiote, purring like a kitten when your nipples are pinched and tugged by the prehensile serpent-like appendages. The steady, slow drag of his cock in and out has you murmuring his name like a prayer while he shows just how much he adores you with his mouth, the warm brush of his lips caressing your sensitive skin and setting off goosebumps all across it.
The voice at the back of his brain is greedy, but it soon becomes clear it's just echoing your own desires to him. He feels more tendrils slipping their way up to wrap around your throat and slither between your legs, hearing the needy, desperate panting from you when one of them brushes lightly against your ass.
"Uhuh! Please, yes Matty… please"
You beg him until the blunt, self lubricating tip of it breaches you gently. It's small and slender at first allowing you to get used to the intrusion, but then there's nothing but pleasure as it swells bigger making you feel stuffed full, pulsing every time Matt thrusts his cock deep in your pussy.
He groans as another tendril that's not under his control splits off, penetrating his own ass and throbbing against his prostate, while yet another curls tightly around the base of his sensitive cock to stop him from cumming right there and then.
"Fuck… fuck!" He whines at the intensity of all this feeling, connected to you in a way he could never have dreamed of.
You're so very near to falling apart, being thoroughly fucked from every possible angle, your eyes are rolling back and muffled moans escape from around the thick black tentacle that lays heavy against your tongue as you suck on it.
The creature inside him is suspiciously silent, seemingly content feeding from your throes of passion for now. But then it speaks again, a hungry voice full of sharp teeth and carnal want.
Matt tries in vain to shake the lustful haze from his mind. "Sweetie, tell me what you need…" he asks you, his voice strained and tight.
"M'so close Matt," you cry, "please, please harder… make me cum!"
He lets loose, giving you what you need, making you moan so prettily as his hips piston hard, skin slapping against the backs of your thighs. The improvised cock ring finally releases him, coiling lower to tug and pull on his balls and he ruts even harder chasing his own end. A slick combination of your own juices and those from the symbiote leaks over your bodies as they slip and slide against each other, only increasing the multitudes of sensation thrumming through you as the tentacles fuck, fill, tease and choke you. Your cries rise as you can't hold back any longer, cumming and creaming hard on his cock, your pussy and ass squeezing so powerfully he quickly follows, his fingers almost bruising your soft flesh as he's groaning and spilling hot inside you.
The symbiote growls and purrs along with him, satisfied and sated. It very slowly withdraws again, slipping out of your bodies leaving you wrapped in a sweaty mess of only each other.
Matt gently brushes some strands of hair away from your face. "You okay sweetheart? It… wasn't too rough on you was it?"
You stretch yourself out with a blissful sound against him, eyes half closed and a relaxed smile on your lips. "No, I… just didn't know I could feel that good."
Matt chuckles softly, kissing you on the cheek. "Neither did I."
You lie there for a few soft moments getting your breath back before guiding him to the bathroom, turning on the shower and pulling him in with you, letting the stream of hot water cleanse you both. His multiple tentacles are a great help washing your hair and soaping up your body, and you find yourself petting them and giggling as they wrap a fluffy towel around you when you're done.
"Honestly Matt, I think you're amazing."
Matt is almost brought to tears while he hugs you tight. It feels so good to know he doesn't need to face this change in him alone, and that he's lucky that he met someone as understanding and loving as you to share it with.
Now all he had to figure out was how to explain his other life to you…
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pixlpxie · 2 months
warning for mentions of weight talk and ed(?) i guess
im currently spiraling a little bc I just saw a tiktok discussing how thin idols actually look in real life compared to what you see in camera.
several ppl mentioned being shocked at how atz looked tiny in terms of physique when they have gone to concerts or fanmeets and i just can't process this 😭 like even san who has way more muscle is described as small????
is absolutely wild how deep ed culture goes in Korea... i mean fatphobia is already normalized everywhere but there's something way more vile happening in this country. i can't believe men over 6'0 foot tall seem to weigh less than 50 kgs. that's just awful 😭😭
Kpop idols should not even be the last people you should be comparing yourself with, its the best if you don't compare yourself with anyone at all but i know that's such a difficult thing to do. They are called idols for a reason, they should be able to obtain what's ideal, which are thought to be impossible for us to reach fully. Their idol persona isn't obtainable, that's why almost every idol suffer both physically and mentally under that persona. Their body proportions aren't what you should be aspiring for, not only is it unhealthy but it's their job to look like this. They might be all muscly but they dont have a single gram of 'excess' fat in their body. And that's not normal. You're not supposed to be like that. Weight expectations and fatphobia are such wide topics to discuss but just know that you should never let people around you or the ones on social media make you feel bad about your weight and body. Your body is supposed to serve you, not the other way around. And trust me when I say i know how hard it is to accept your body in a world like this, our relationship with our body and weight is so heavily ruined that almost all of us experience body dysmorphia or even eating disorders at one point. Its hard to unlearn this but we have to. For idols and celebs, just know that what theyre putting out is all fake. It's not your job to look like that and it shouldnt be either. Just make sure you're healthy. Korea has many flaws, its not the perfect country many people think it is. Once you realize this, your perception will change for the better. I'm not sure if im able to help you here with my words, but all im saying is you look great the way you are, don't let people think otherwise <3
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bunglegaydogs · 1 year
bsd ep 61 spoilers fr xoxo
so uh
that was a fucking wild ride
and it was only 30 seconds long
i have a couple of things to say on this subject
i also cant feel my hands from the cold so im dreading how long its actually gonna take me to write this post
Obvious spoilers for episode 61 preview!!!
So, my first thing was that Aya looks much happier in the anime than the manga lol. I don't know why this is important to me but I felt as if I should say it, because I don't know what exactly her plan is? But it's almost as if there's not a chance of her falling to her death involved in this little stunt that she's pulling.
Next thing to note is that she's clearly intending to land on something - and I saw a post just before that said maybe she misses the table and lands on Atsushi and Aku instead and in turn saves Atsushi from becoming a vampire. Which I do think is plausible - because if I've learned anything from this fucking series it's that if you expect something to happen after a certain thing happens, don't, you're wrong. Don't expect what you're expecting. It will be something completely out of left field that you get slapped across the fucking face with like a chilled fish bro that shit stings from the iciness.
Next, of course, Atsushi and Aku. Now, I don't think that Atsushi's going to become a vampire - it seems pretty long-winded now, plus where would the story go after that? Him and Aku just sit there and stare lifelessly at each other whilst Aya falls from the building? I think, maybe, Aku will see Aya falling, and his instinct will be to save her, because he's been keeping his promise to Atsushi, and maybe he recognises that if she falls and dies, it's "his fault" (it obviously won't be, but by means of association, the fact that he put her up there, he's like damn my bad fr) and go to save her, dropping Atsushi and obviously going to her, but I don't know, maybe that's not plausible at all.
Also, Atsushi is awake here??? Hello? Atsushi wasn't originally awake. Plus, Aku has that bitch hanging by Rashoumon - how has he gotten him awake and why's he pulled him closer? Anyways lol.
So, when I saw the split second of Fyodor, I actually almost did scream this time. Because I immediately recognised that he was in a vehicle of some kind. I, at first, thought that it was a van or a car, but someone else pointed out that it could have been a helicopter.
Ah, okay, looking back on the scene, that lowkey seems plausible.
For Nikolai.
Nikolai's hair is blowing in the wind. So either he's outside and it's windy, or he's in a helicopter or something. But Fyodor's scene looks pretty still. His hair isn't moving, the scenery outside is staying the same. It looks like a sky.
Behind Nikolai, it actually looks like a wall of some kind. Maybe a gate pillar thing. What if he's waiting outside Meursault, and sees Dazai and Chuuya coming out? I don't know.
Disregarding that theory, my guess is they're just trying to trick us into thinking that Nikolai is reacting that way because of Fyodor, or something he said, or him escaping, but I think that they're just two completely different scenes set at the same time maybe? I really don't know. I also don't know what Nikolai could have seen or heard for him to be shocked after smiling, I don't know.
Anyway, Fyodor is looking rather smug. No blood on him. And I don't really know, but we can't see his shoulder properly, but from what we CAN see, there's no wound or blood from where Sigma shot him. BUT that might be unimportant because I don't think Sigma actually shot him in the anime like he did in the manga. Just grazed him. Anyways.
He's looking fantastic for supposedly having just escaped Meursault after nearly drowning, burning his hand, getting shot in the shoulder, AND being covered in blood from where he'd just shot the time manipulator ability user.
He's clearly explaining something.
Also, is it weird if I say that he looks eerily similar to Mori here? Because I can't lie, he's looking an awful lot like him - more than he usually does. Violet eyes, long black hair, manipulative, etc. I don't know. It's also... is it an expression we see on Fyodor a lot? It seems... different. Off. What if this motherfucker's actually just Mori in disguise? LMAO Imagine I'd piss.
See, because, Nikolai isn't a happy surprised, or mildly amused. He just looks... shocked. I don't know.
I'm really looking into this sorry lol.
His hair's a bit messier than usual. Which, you know, valid, considering what's just happened. But... everything else is fine. No blood, no wounds, no anything. He's normal. So why is his hair a bit messier? Is it important or am I just looking too much into it? Maybe he was in a helicopter with Nikolai, or in a windy place. Also, just skimmed through episode 10, ignore me about the blood, he's apparently already wiped it off after he shot the bitch lol okay Mr. fucking hygiene.
Anyways, yeah, his shoulder has a rip in the shirt. I know we can barely see his shoulder in the clip we've been gifted with, but the rip is pretty high up. And, even after having a pretend mental breakdown, being drowned almost, getting shot, etc. Even after all of that, his hair does not look messy. WHY IS THIS SO IMPORTANT TO ME, I DON'T KNOW. I LOOK FOR THE SMALL THINGS I'M SORRY.
There's going to be a perfectly reasonable explanation for this and I'm just chatting shit.
I don't actually know what the fuck is happening here. I really don't. I'm just clutching at straws to preserve what little of my sanity Bungou Stray Dogs has left me with. I don't know. The way Fyodor is talking and just his expression doesn't sit right with me. It feels more like the way Dazai and Mori sometimes talk when they like know that they're right or explaining something or predicting or something, do you get what I mean? No? Okay. LMAO.
So, my next thing is of course the two fucking Fuku's because I lowkey wanted to scream when I saw Fukuzawa was not dead. I'm glad we have that confirmation - can I ask where the fuck the 'One Order' has gone though? Because Fukuchi's not holding onto it anymore. His arms bleeding. His neck is pouring with blood (fresh wound), but from what? Fukuzawa hasn't even took the sword out of him yet. How has he gotten sliced up already? He doesn't have any weapons on him. Neither does Fukuzawa. And, to me, it looks like Fukuzawa's just stood up or something.
And Fukuchi's reaching for something.
He's reaching out for something, and Fukuzawa has his back on him. Fukuchi looks enraged before he leaps at Fukuzawa, hand outstretched, maybe to grab Amenogozen, maybe not. But Fukuzawa is alarmed, and turns around, ripping the sword out of his fucking abdomen.
I don't know. The way Fukuchi ran towards him seemed... desperate. He seems like he's losing. His last resort. I don't know. It's just not very Fukuchi to charge towards him so clumsily and try and grab something the way he tries.
And again, why is Fukuchi's arm bleeding, and why is he sporting a rather Aku-type injury on his neck? Because it certainly seems that it wasn't Fukuzawa who caused that - he had his back turned and the only weapon he has is currently wedged deep inside of his stomach. Maybe it was Tecchour from afar. Maybe it was Tachihara manipulating metal. Maybe it was Kyouka. Maybe it was Yosano. Who knows. Maybe it was Fukuzawa.
Right okay so I've just skimmed through the episode again and Fukuzawa doesn't even have the fucking sword inside of him to begin with, so half of my rambling there has been rendered useless lol.
Anyways, and more importantly, where the fuck is 'One Order'?
It's no longer in Fukuchi's hand or ear. What the fuck?
His cape is missing. One Order is missing. Fukuzawa has somehow acquired a sword through his abdomen. Fukuchi is injured from his neck and arm. He's angry. Fukuzawa had his back turned. Fukuchi seems desperate for something.
Man, this is like a fucking riddle.
So, yes. Fukuzawa (quite easily, actually) rips Amenogozen out of himself and makes to swing for Fukuchi, who is without any weapons, injured, angry, and seemingly desperate.
Fuck, the sakura petals and the implication of Fukuzawa using Fukuchi's own sword to kill him, after fighting with him so many times oh my GOD I could get more into this but I won't, I won't. (Maybe later fr)
He seems pretty determined, dead-set on slashing this bitch. However, he becomes shocked at something, and not just a normal shock. That's an "Oh, fuck." shock. Then, it cuts to Fukuchi fucking smiling.
Smiling and reaching a hand out to Fukuzawa. We don't see his eyes. We only see his smile. A portion of his hand. The sakura petals. AAAA I'm so fucking sick.
Then, of course. We get a flashback. They're fighting. And for just a split second, you can see a smile on Fukuzawas face. Literally such a minuscule fucking thing.
And then it cuts to them now. And I don't mean now as in, middle of battle now, nor do I mean prior to their fight now. I mean, now. I don't know where now is or how it came to be, but they're obviously in their current attire. And you can see the wound on Fukuzawa's back. You can literally see it. So, whether they both die and this is some sort of heaven sequence, or something happens and they clash inside Amenogozen, and time is slowed or something, I don't know.
Does a sword count as a subordinate to Fukuzawa? Because if so, he can utilize that sword and manipulate it to his heart's content.
Anyways, it's peaceful. There's two cups of tea on a bench ahead of them. There's a fuzzy sort of outline to everything, maybe trying to make us assume that it's a flashback, when it is, in actuality, not. Unless, they've had a fight very similar to this one, in the same attire, but at a different time (obviously) and it wasn't fatal (again, obviously).
Now, this was honestly just me trying to put the preview in order in my head and I thought other people might like to read my thoughts lol.
Long story short, there was a lot to unpack here, and I think a lot of hidden meanings and misdirections, trying to make us think one thing but in fact it's going another way.
Anyways, have a lovely day/night! Thank you for reading ^^
(Wow, I did not mention Soukoku or Chuuya and Dazai ONCE in this post (shush I mentioned Dazai before that doesn't count) and yes I am hoping that they showed us nothing in this preview because they're fine and safe and going to pull something off and be very surprising but we can only dream and fuck I'm dreaming so hard I'm DELUSIONAL bro)
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my-maehem · 1 year
Ok 😅sorry . It's my fault . So rarely used word the taboo , i wrote wrongly . So , the Hogwarts Legacy now lot artists favorite now , painters/writers and i love it . Im reading a lot on AO3 and i dont understand why they why missing from every fanfiction the the "consequence of free love" . Realist , i know but would be huge turn in one story . Only Tamayula drawed Sebastian and Ominis as fathers . One guy shocked on me bec "they're minors" as he said.....yeah 😄they are who's kills , they do threesome or just traditionally (with MC) . They already wrote alrernative universes , same way they do everything...and there is the unspoken baby shield . The MC is a strong wich , only she can use anchient magic . Sebastian and Ominis too camed from strong / talented family . Their child could be more special , stronger bloodline . With the pregnancy whould came the interesting questions : Which one the father , when , how she'll hide from everyone in the 6th year, with illusion charm ? So thatswhy i asked ,why taboo the pregnancy subject for every artist if the "very detailed lovemaking" not shame ? 🥲
I never knew I couldn’t put community label on a ask… so… Warning: NSFW (talking smutty stuff)
You are perfectly fine! Thank you for more context, I think I understand your question more clearly now and oh boy— this is gonna be a long response
Now I wanna point out that I haven’t really read any actual full blown fanfics, at least ones that include underage smut as you’ve mentioned. The closet I’ve ever gotten was one shots and that’s it. I’m not a fanfic writer myself, I’ve only written some random head canons.
BUT! I have drawn somewhat naughty things, although not as smutty as what I’ve seen other artists do 👀 I do have a couple of… some… I guess you could call “teasing” artworks and I will do more but anyways that’s besides the point—
What I get from your ask is: Why don’t artists ever talk about the consequences after these smutty scenes? (Please correct me if I’m wrong)
Which is a fair question! You know if we are talking canon, this is late 1800’s we are talking about. They didn’t have a plan B or a healthy way to abort a pregnancy. But also there is the factor that there’s only a CHANCE you get pregnant. Now unless they’ve written in there fic like 6 smut scenes then yeah— it is a bit unrealistic unless the character is someone who actually can’t conceive any children (which would be so sad and angsty ngl)
Back then having intercourse before marriage was considered a sin, they believed that sex was gate kept by married people only. So… why not have one of the boys ask MC to marry her? Well you see… back then it was very common for young women and in this case girls to marry… but the man had to be 21 or older legally if they wanted to marry someone younger. So the boys can’t marry MC while they’re still in school.
Now, back to the question. Why don’t artists talk about the pregnancy? The truth is, it would probably impact the story in a negative way. Meaning that if MC has a child at 16, then she basically has a ball and chain on her ankle because she was seen as a widow (and many other words) which was seen as a HUGE red flag to others way back then. And the boys can’t do anything about her reputation… they basically just ruined it by making her pregnant before marriage.
““No sex before marriage!””
The thing is that back then it was taboo to talk about pregnancy and even sex for that matter. Specially when they’re young and not married. Those conversations were reserved for when they want to procreate.
Personally for me, I don’t think MC should be having a sex life at the age of 15 or 16. I mean don’t get me wrong, it can STILL happen, just because it wasn’t excepted back then doesn’t mean it never happened. I just don’t think teen mom really fits well with MC (or at least mine). Plus babies, although are cute, can be a huge pain in the ass while you are studying at Hogwarts while beating up poachers and killing trolls with the imperius curse
Now I do over analyze things you can thank my AP teach in hs for that. And this is only an opinion with a hint of research I did. You do not have to agree with me. As an artist I’m not ready to make that kind of content and this is just my way of thinking. I don’t speak for other artists, so if you want to write underage smut, and even a teen mom MC you do you! Don’t let my words dictate what’s right or wrong because in reality of it all, there is no right or wrong.
There can be other factors like:
Artists not feeling comfortable writing about pregnancy
Just wanting to write smut because they can
There might be hidden context that the artist is keeping secret until the right moment
They are literally writing in a AU where pregnancy can be avoided (modern AU for example)
We are talking about an AU where there are witches and wizards, there could easily be something that could prevent a pregnancy if you just make a HC
But I think it just all comes down to artists comfort level. I mean I’m comfortable with adults having kids because it makes sense… but at 15??? Unless they were married which is was very common for young females in the Victorian era, I don’t think MC having a child while still in school would be realistic in that time period. Honestly women going to school is unrealistic too but this is a different AU… things aren’t going to be realistic.
Just some random research I did because I love analyzing things: (this is based off of England)
A woman can get married at a very young age… BUT— the man has to be 21 or older if he wants to marry someone under the age of 21. Because in England of 1823, it was legal for a man and women to marry at the age of 21. Although it seems after 23 men could easily marry a female from 12 and up without parents consent (I know, sickening)
In the Victorian era, although it was common to see young women with older men, the average age a women would have a child is around the age 21-23
Females who got pregnant in their teens were actually punished for their “sins” and were actually forced to put their child up for adoption in some cases
It wasn’t common for people to have premarital sex until 1920
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clearkidhideout · 1 year
fucked up kid
PT> 1 "bloody hell shes got a knife"
this is my first fanfiction please dont judge. newt x reader
Tumblr media
y/n pov
You wake up in a box confused but not scared, you've been scared before but that was a long time ago. Before it happened before your first kill. You look around your tiny prison and here a ear splitting noise. The box jolts upwards and you barely have time to catch yourself before you fall.
"what the fucking hell is going on" you scream out to no one. You sit yourself down in a corner thinking how did you get here. You think of people you can remember the faces of the people you have killed the people who put you here but no names register in your mind. only the name "y/n" thats my name you say. just then the box stops abrubtly flinging you across to the other side. the box screams as the ceiling starts opening up. you can see that there is supplies including a knife that you decide to grab as you hear voices above you
"no way am i going with these people without a fight" you hide yourself behind crates.
the people above you jump into the box and you here a boy call out in a british accent
"bloody hell she's got a knife"
you jump out from behind the crates and glare at them
"what the hell do you want from me" you look at them the boy who spoke has light brown hair and hazel eyes. two other boys are with him. the first one you look at has high raised eyebrows and looks pissed you give him a glare. the other one has dark skin and is almost bald he looks like the leader. he speaks out to you
"its okay, dont be afrai-"
you interupt him pissed he thinks your afraid
"afraid im not afraid baldy i just want to know what you want from me" you smirk as they take a step back together. "it looks like your the one who's afraid"
he regains his posture and speaks to you again "my names alby greenie i run this place"
you ask "the fucking box"
he says"no the place outside the box this is just a supply box". you look up and see a rope from where they dropped in you grab it and someone from outside hoists you up. the three boys follow behind.
you look at them with a glare "this place looks like shit"
newts pov
me, alby and gally wait for the box to arrive, when it does the alarm stops. the box starts to open and when we look down there is no one inside. confusion hits gally's face and he says "what the hell they didn't send as a new greenie". i reply"i guess not". Alby tells us to start unloading the boxes and we hop down in to the box. thats when i see her she hides behind the crates and she glares at me when we make eye contact her eyes narrowing into slits. and from the reflection of the sun i see something shiny glint in her hand. it shocks me and i tell the guys
"bloody hell she's got a knife"
we all turn to look at her when she jumps out holding the knife in front of her giving us a death glare she say
"what the hell do you want from me"
Alby speaks to her in a soothing vioce he usually uses on the other greenies who seem to be frightened
"dont be afrai-"
he barely got the words out before she says
"afraid im not afraid baldy i just want to know what you want from me"she swings the knife around her fingers in a relaxed motion
i stand there with my mouth open she actually called him baldy
we all take a step backwards and the girl actually looks like she is enjoying this. Alby gains control of the situation again and he says
"i run this place"
she asked him the box which i found quite funny but gally and alby seemed like they were pissed so i had to control my laughter. she then proceeds to climb out of the box with the rope chuck through over the edge and we follow suit. she turns to us and i think she has a permanent glare because she turns around to us and she says
"this place looks like shit"
time skip
y/n pov
turns out this place is packed with boys not one girl in site. like how am i supposed to use the bathroom. anyway found out they've been here for 2 years, that boy baldy or alby as everyone calls him explained it and the one who keeps glaring at me is gally. the one who blew my cover is newt and he walks with a limp.
they invited me to this bonfire that happens every time a new person or greenie as they like to call it comes out of the stupid cage. well newt invited me he actually said "are you comming to the bonfire" like how the hell am i supposed to know that. i said that i wasn't and he said it was going to be fun.
flash back
i was sitting in the car with Newt he was stopped in front of my house.
" y/n are you going to the party?"
"no i dont think so"
"it will be fun"
he smiles at me and holds my hand and i cant resist his look and i start to smile back as i say
end of flash back
i stare at this boy in shock and i just say
Newts pov
i asked y/n to go to the bonfire and she just said no when i said it was going to be fun she froze like a statue for a few moments and she said sure
then i felt a tingle in like the back of my head and i saw her face smiling back at me saying those exact same words.
right now though she didn't look happy just confused and i couldn't help but smile at her
i cant wait for tonight
<thnx for reading>
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straycalamities · 1 year
Oh my okay I've got several... no I've got plenty of questions abt Truffula Flu lol
So... I'll ask all I remembered I wanted to ask, I hope it won't be too much..
1. Why guns aren't allowed in camp Entre? Maybe I skipped few posts, but I didn't see explanation for this one
2. About zombie mutations. Is they're really become stronger or is it just Rocky and Entre become weaker cuz of their illnesses?
3. Swags mod said that Swag would probably leave camp and die somewhere in quite place, while trying to survive. Why would he leave people that he cares about? Im a little bit dumb and don't exactly understand his planned ending 8(
4. There was a moment when One-ler tried to convince Bitter to put him out of his misery, but he escaped that. And I was curious, if he actually killed him then, would Entre blame himself for that? And if so, would it be worse then he blamed himself when he killed Bitter by his own hands?
5. After Rockys planned death, would Swag blame Entre for this? I mean, emotionally shocked, blame him again about this apocalypse stuff, that Rocky wouldn't die if he wasn't infected and etc.
I hope I made myself clear cuz I dunno how to put some questions ughh😭😭
And again Im sorry if its too much questions!
1. guns are loud and the infected are drawn to loud noises so if you shot a gun you’d be ringing the dinner bell basically. i feel like maybe we touched on it directly? but if i’m wrong it’s probably bc it’s a common thing brought up in zombie apocalypse stories so we might’ve assumed ppl just Knew why none of them used or wanted to use a gun
2. they do become stronger! i actually have a whole list of mutations (and more can be added as ppl come up with them! it’s open lore basically)
i made a whole google doc explaining the actual truffula flu and the symptoms, risks, etc (content warning for if you’re sensitive to medical discussion?? i don’t know how to word it but i wrote it like ur typical online disease info page. also content warning for zombies bc. it’s entirely abt zombification.)
rocky and entre being weakened definitely didn’t help their situation but yes. it’s mainly bc the spiky zombie is faster and stronger than ur typical sort
3. this is kinda hard for me to answer bc i’m not the one who originally wrote it. i don’t rly know why it was planned for it to go like that. i guess out of irony? i know the original plan was for swag to be the sole survivor at the end, but that kinda clashed w other plans so it was changed. so maybe this was the compromise to that
i will say tho that. things had been discussed since that post was made and his story goes differently than was broadcasted. howso? you’ll just have to see :)
4. yes, entre still would’ve blamed himself because ultimately: this is all his fault. regardless of who dies how or where. they wouldn’t be in that situation if it weren’t for him. especially if it’s connected directly with the infection. especially if it’s right in front of him where he can’t ignore it
he wouldn’t have been AS devastated by bitters death if he weren’t the one that had to kill him tho, because the thing is: that was the first time entre had directly killed someone who was still “alive” (unless i’m forgetting some obscure shit i did or said idk it’s been over a decade) and not only that, it was someone who was still his friend despite what he’d done? and even more layers: he had worked so hard to get bitter to come out of his shell prior to the infection and actually be his friend and then this happens. and he has to be the one to end it. bc he was pressured into it
so honestly entres descent into immense self-loathing and all that would have been Very different from how we saw it if someone else had taken care of bitter
5. nah i don’t think swag would’ve like actively started pointing fingers at entre again at that point. like deep deep down swag can’t ignore that this IS entre’s fault and this WOULDNT have happened if not for his mistake, but…swag realizes in the story that it’s not gonna get them anywhere if he keeps holding on so hard to those facts. like if he keeps berating and belittling entre as payback for everything what’s actually gonna get better for that? nothing. all it does is give him temporary catharsis and even that gets cheaper and lasts less time every time he does it
entre wants to fix things so earnestly and tries and swag sees that and wants to help because obviously he also would like this to be undone or at least, cured. and they can’t help each other if they’re at odds. and so even if it’s really hard on him to lose rocky like that, i think at that point it’s just chalked up to “this bitch of a situation” and not “entre did this”
not forgetting the fact that at that point, entre is going to mean a LOT to him because of how their relationship has deepened. so he’s not gonna turn on one of the only ppl he has left
thank you for the questions!! 😊
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it didn’t go as planned
so u know my revenge I was talking about well it didn’t go as planned
“hi I’m back and u went way too deep so I’m tossing u into the sea!”-mangle. “I don’t know what you are talking about” -toy Chica. “U have never been Pritty like look in a mirror and if I’m a “pile of parts” then you must be the stupidest chicken I’ve ever met and I’m sorry that ur ugly but “it’s not my fault that you have such a fat beak” and whoever herd of a chicken who has a cupcake that is the supedest thing I’ve ever heard of.”-mangle. ”NOW YOU LITLE-“-toy Chica. “But I’ll forgive you, I will never forget it, but I do forgive you, I am just trying my best to shake you in the same way that you shook me, so I’m forgive’ing you”-mangle “oh so are we messing with each other’s feelings now are we?well you have no idea how many things I’ve heard from your mouth… and from Freddy’s.” “OH NOW DONT BRING HIM INTO THIS! YOU DIRTY LITTLE RAT! I WILL SHOVE YOU IN A RAT TRAP MYSELF IF YOU GET THIS PERSONAL!”-mangle. At this point the older animatronics walk out and kinda just stand there in the doorway “see they keep saying our names”-withered Bonnie “Bonnie look at what’s happening how r u not able to put 2 and 2 together they r our replacement’s! Come on this doesn’t concern us” they then go back to parts and service “ oh just u wait you’ll see what I have to say”-toy Chica by now toy Freddy and toy Bonnie walk in “what’s the matter, just tell me”-toy Freddy “oh! Well I’m just gonna say it now! I’ve been up later than you all think I also have herd words meant to stay between 2 animatronic’s and by now Bonnie is the only one of us who doesn’t know so why don’t I let him know! Bonnie here’s the news after I told mangle that she was a pile of parts she was crying about it in kids cove and here’s the juicy part Freddy went to confert  her  and I forgot everything else *mangle and toy Freddy both look terrified* except this one bit he said “you’re a beautiful pile of parts, and let’s keep it between us but *she starts whispering* I’ve always had a bit of a crush on you myself.” And do ya know what mangle said back!? *at this point mangle is crying in toy Freddy’s arms* she said “oh well let’s keep it between us but I’ve had a crush on you since I can’t even remember” “HEY THAT IS SOMETHING YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO SHARE! And wile I admit I knew it before this I just want you to know exactly how much you’ve hurt her!”-mangle’s endo head “ oh! But now everyone knows it and I win again!” *thru shaky breaths*”oh y-yeah? W-well I um YOU LOVE BONNIE!”-mangle “WHAT!?!?”-literally everybody “HOW DID YOU FIND THAT OUT YOU DIRTY RAT!?!”-toy Chica “wait you actually do?!?!”-mangle “why didn’t you tell me?”-toy Bonnie “EVERYONE STOP!!! Listen we all need a break from each other so why don’t you 2 talk over on the stage and me and mangle will talk in kids cove.”-toy Freddy “fine”-toy Chica mangle and toy Freddy then head over to kids cove and when they get there mangle collapses on the floor “I feel like somebody tossed me in a washing machine for an hour”-mangle “I’m sorry but ha-ha-ha it’s just what you just said I’m sorry about that. Anyway I guess they know.”-toy Freddy “yep *she pops her lips*”-mangle “um do you want to just sit together then?”-toy Freddy “m-hm”-mangle “sounds like Bonnie and Chica are getting along well”-toy Freddy they then just sit down together *im going to direct your attention to toy Bonnie and Chica* they walk over and sit down on the edge of the stage “so how long?”-toy Bonnie “a year” -toy Chica “wow!…well I might as well tell you *sigh* I love you to”-toy Bonnie *toy Chica Is shocked* “wow… u want to *she trails off*”-toy Chica “why not, we can try, see if it works.”toy Bonnie *toy Chica and toy Bonnie suddenly start laughing* “come on let’s go talk to Freddy and mangle”-toy Chica *toy Chica knock’s on the door frame of kids cove* “hellllooo! The then walk in “listen mangle… I’m sorry I called you a pile of parts, can you forgive me?”-toy Chica “of course”-mangle *and then the clock struck 12 and they went to try to get the night guard*
Um… I’m not explaining this yet
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jjtheresidentbaby · 1 year
im SO excited u reached 800 followers jj!!!
ok ive got a ton of ideas but firstly id LOVE a reconciliation fic with stiles and his dad with the prompt "i never want to fight with you. i love you too much to put you through that." i guess the context would be that Noah used to drink a lot but since finding out stiles uses age regression to cope with life hes been sober and trying to be the best dad he can be for him!
<3 @bebbie-bilinski
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ dump it out ⋆゚⊹ ➢ event masterlist
|| stiles stilinski & noah stilinski
warnings: past alcoholism, alcohol, talk of Claudia’s death, hurt/comfort, this turned so sad whoops
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After finding out Stiles regressed Noah’s been careful about his behavior, not swearing as much, trying not to share as many gory details of the job with his son, even if he searches them out on his own. But he’s never taken into account what happened after Claudia’s death, not until right now.
Stiles is standing wide eyed by the doorframe leading to the kitchen, his face is one of shock mixed with discomfort. It takes Noah a few moments to deduce what the issue is but then it hits him, he’s got a glass of whiskey set out in front of him, and the bottle sits opened on the table. He pauses and runs over what to do next, Stiles cuts his thoughts off before he can decide.
“Dump it out.” His voice is hard but has that signature slur to it that he gets when regressed, the one Noah’s never heard so upset. Stiles is usually such a happy little, he just wants to cuddle, to draw, to watch cartoons, he rarely gets fussy and never angry.
“Stiles-.” Again stopped.
“Please dump it out. I don’t- I can’t- dump it out or I’m gonna call Scott to come get me.” It’s paired with a sniffle Stiles is quick to cover but Noah still catches. His heart breaks hearing his kid so distressed, even more so when he knows it’s his fault.
After Claudia Noah was a mess, he’s not afraid to admit that, but it’s hard to see the consequences play out firsthand. He remembers yelling in Stiles’ face, finishing bottle after bottle, having so much grief that it turned him cruel. He never got to the point that Rafael McCall did, but he was close, and he knows Stiles and Scott have both talked about their experiences together. If Scott came to get Stiles tonight Noah’s not sure Stiles would ever come back home, not if Scott could help it.
“Okay, okay I’m getting rid of it.” It’s the only answer and even after the horrific case Noah saw today, he doesn’t need the drink. It’s not nearly as important as Stiles is.
The bottle of Jack gets tipped to lean against the side of the sink, spilling down the drain along side Noah’s half drunk glass that he tips over to empty. Stiles is watching his every move so intently it’s a little anxiety inducing.
“Kid I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have poured that drink.” He says as reassuringly as he can. He didn’t think before picking up the bottle of booze from the cabinet above the fridge, he just figured he needed something to calm himself, he should’ve thought about it more. He should’ve gotten rid of that bottle months ago.
"I never want to fight with you. I love you too much to put you through that.” Noah steps to put a hand on Stiles’ shoulder, fingers gripping the sleep shirt Stiles has on that he recognizes is actually his own. It makes his chest warm to think that his kid wants to be like him, wants to have something to remember him by while he’s at work.
“I don’t like it when you drink, it makes you scary.” Stiles’ head stays ducked down as he mumbles the words come out. Stilinski freezes in that moment. He never thought he scared Stiles, of course he knew Stiles was upset about his drinking, mad at him, more distant, but never scared.
His arms wrap around Stiles within seconds, hugging his son as tight as he can. There’s a small moment of hesitation before Stiles hugs Noah back, sinking into the familiar feeling of his father holding him.
“I’m so sorry Stiles, I never meant to scare you, I promise I’ll never drink again. I love you so much.”
“It’s okay, I love you too.”
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away-ward · 5 months
wow, your latest qna about DN made me think, who is the most and least aggressive person in ranking? What do you think KO? How would you rank them? I think my top three would be damon/ emory/ michael. Now that you've mentioned about damon and emory, it reminded me of your past posts about their personalities and collaboration, how well they could work together without having any problems because they probably are pretty much on the same level of aggression and level-headedness, and only until now, i never actually realised that emmy IS pretty aggressive and dominant?
I dont think PD executed em's character well, but because of that qna, it made me zoom out of my understanding of DN and compare and contrast these characters, and surely, emmy really was pretty aggressive. Like why am i even shock, lmfaooo. I think other than PD not executing it well, emmy was also dealing with a lot of doubts and fear when it comes the "thunder bay" part of her life. We dont see her hesitating afterwards right? But then we dont see much of her overall. This also made me think thats why the train exchange between emmy, michael and kai had to happen. Or she will just leave again lmao.
like In comparison to banks who is outwardly pretty aggressive, but in actuality, she is more of a good follower of damon, her mom, gabriel and even kai in that hideaway bonus than a good enforcer (like you mentioned) or a pioneer, i feel like emmy is more aggressive in spirit than banks, i guess? Naturally, not just because of survival. Which also made me find banks & emmy's dynamic to be so interesting because on one hand we have emmy who looks laidback (we're talking about after nightfall) and banks who has piercing eyes, but in reality if push comes to shove, emmy would lead banks, not the other way around? Oh, wow? Or am i wrong? Like, do you get my vision, KO? It made sense right? And i feel so much headcanon can be done with that where banks could possiblly and finally get a close friend who she can follow who would catch her and lead her well rather than try to cage her all the time like everyone who's dominant than her in her life rn? Damn! We could've had that!!!
like the cocky laidback dominant nerd and her very prickly piercing submissive rule-follower/enforecer best friend? Like this friendship will be the first time where the use of the word "submissive" and "dominant" dont sound condescending because both banks and emmy can feel safe in their dynamics because they saw nothing wrong being either role, because! Theyre! Besties! And! Would! Kill! For! Each! Other! And put! Others! To! Jail! For! Each! Other! Omg? Noooo, like can you see the vision, KO? AHHHH! I remember watching larryreads's reaction to reading nightfall and she mentioned something about emmy being a shy nerd and i was like what? Did we read the same book, because the word shy or blush didnt even exist in nightfall. I remember emmy being described as ready-to-fight, cocky and stubborn, and quite flirt/spicy when she let go too (hence why emmy overpowered alex in their friendship dynamic, or even between emmy and aydin/damon), as oppose to banks who's very beautiful, prickly, super great boxing fighter, outwardly aggressive, steady reliable great worker who can also work in the dark, very loyal and honest. Im not saying they both dont possess these traits, im just saying one is more dominant than the others when it comes to these traits, especially in decision making. Emmy dngaf much about being shrewd or use lies and manipulation in a bigger scale, but banks did grew up being forward, straightforward and honest. And omg, another contrast!!
OMGGGGG If DN is famous, AO3 writers wouldve written them as that powerful feme duo, frfr. Ngl, banks and emmy really reminds me of Tristan and Dante from the dark verse series by runyx, where tristan is banks, and dante is emmy. Tristan is that dark, broody, killer and dante is the mediator and decider. Remind me of lana myers and jake denver, jake is emmy and lana is banks in terms of the do-er and the mastermind. Submissive and dominant. Not in the temperament all the time, but in overall characteristics and actions? And i just noticed too that We just dont see because emmy as being aggressive or pioneering because of side characters overtaking her povs in nightfall + her being introverted. But even then, i feel like emmy's voice still surface above them when it comes to decision making whether anyone agrees or not, which is why emmy can also be very divisive in the fandom, Which omg!!!! This brings back to that MBTI test, emmy really does sound like an INTJ, haha! And banks, ESTJ? ISTJ? Anyway, didnt emmy took a lot of control in fire night? From her conversation with will, her going after the evil guys, and talking to the cops. Yeah.
Like tbh im just running off with these ideas, that qna opens up a whole new discussion for the emmy x banks best friends agenda that i never thought of before. It also made me consider different types of aggression, like physical, emotional and thinking. And i feel like inner aggression (in spirit) would still dominate others. No matter how i see, i cannot see anyone being ranked above emory, damon and michael in terms of aggression. i feel like even kai ranks below them, because he can be neutral and passive sometimes. But thats the thing, theres no right or wrong or whos better or worse like emmy was better because shes dominant and banks was worse because she was submissive; theres just only the ranking, and it actually does open up to a deep dive of these characters' traits, and how they shape each others' dynamics. And if they really are family who fight for each other and cross anybody who comes after them, they were bound to trust each other with their temperament, strengths and weakneses sooner or later right? Rather than everybody doing whatever they want, the task divided by the the keader would be more efficiently done.
so what do you think of these? I dont rank will, rika and winter because i feel like theyre more on the submissive side. And i believe they fully enjoy their roles and have no priblem doing whatever works for the sake of their family. Not every one can and HAVE to be dominant, what one cant do, the others can. Thats what found family does right?
This ask is so exciting! Let’s get right into it. I’m going to save my ranking for the end, but I did have to spend some time thinking about it.
i never actually realised that emmy IS pretty aggressive and dominant? I dont think PD executed em's character well, but because of that qna, it made me zoom out of my understanding of DN and compare and contrast these characters, and surely, emmy really was pretty aggressive.
I’m not really sure why people started thinking about Emory as a smol shy bean, because she’s not passive in the least. In the past scenes, we met her when she’s quitting the swim team, and she says this is because she can no long wear the swim suit but she knows this is going to piss Martin off.
The thing is, she pisses Martin off on purpose on the regular as a way to rebel. She’s quiet about her abuse because she wants to remain close to her grandmother, and I’m not implying that she enjoys it by any means. Still, she knows Martin expects perfection from her, so she purposefully doesn’t brush her hair or iron her uniform. She lets the buttons fall off her cuffs. You can’t tell me Emory couldn’t figure out how to sew a button. She quits band, too. She does these things to intentionally irritate him.
She goes to her first period class; a senior class because they moved her up from the junior level because she wouldn’t shut up and stop challenging the teacher. Of course, there she doesn’t speak up much, but considering the subject matter, can we blame her? She still walks out without the teacher’s approval.
Emory likes showing off. She likes feeling like the smartest or most skilled person in the room. She thinks of herself that way, for the most part. Even when she gets to Blackchurch, and she doesn’t know anything about anyone there, she still thinks of herself as better simply because she’s not a criminal (which is funny for someone who previously watched a murdered happen, and helped bury a body, and vandalized a grave, and nearly committed grand theft auto, and so on, but the self-awareness is difficult when you’re in an unhealthy mental state). And despite being in a room full of criminals, she shows no hesitation in trying to best them because it’s what comes naturally to her.
I don’t think that PD told Emory’s story in the best way possible. However, a lot of what makes Emory who she is, is subtle and takes some digging and examining to understand. This could be said for all the characters, it’s just that I don’t like most of the characters enough to try to examine them this deeply. There is one bonus with PD not giving Emory a lot of attention – there’s less time to make her contradict herself as we see with Damon and Rika. As their characters get more and more light, some things make less and less sense.
Regardless, I agree with her that Emory is one of the most aggressive characters in terms of personality within the main crew.
We dont see her hesitating afterwards right? But then we dont see much of her overall. This also made me think thats why the train exchange between emmy, michael and kai had to happen. Or she will just leave again
At this point, I don’t think Emory had any plans of leave which is why she agreed to stay so easily. But it’s interesting that Michael said she was going to stay at St. Killian’s where they could watch her and she immediately refused that in a way that made it clear she would still be doing what she wanted.
Michael has to decide if it’ll be worth the effort it’ll take to exert his dominance over her, knowing she won’t go down easily. He backs off because it’s enough that she’s playing along.
I think he knows that he could overpower her if he wanted to. It’s just not worth the effort when she’s cooperating, which means he knows how much it would take to get her to do what he wanted. It’s an interesting dynamic.
In comparison to banks who is outwardly pretty aggressive, but in actuality, she is more of a good follower of damon, her mom, gabriel and even kai in that hideaway bonus than a good enforcer (like you mentioned) or a pioneer, i feel like emmy is more aggressive in spirit than banks, i guess? Naturally, not just because of survival
This is an excellent contrast.
Banks, in my opinion, is great at getting things done. She’s capable of calling the shots and making decisions. However, she’s also interested in maintaining the established order of things.
Maybe that’s why she wanted to be Senator, or was at least willing to go along with it. Coming into the group, there was already a dynamic at play. Michael was the leader, Kai his second, Rika his girl. She’s coming in under Kai and Damon. There’s a structure to the way the group works.
She isn’t afraid to call it how she sees it, which makes her useful to Michael. Kai is much to interested in keeping things agreeable. For instance, in the Hideaway deleted scene when he almost doesn’t tell Will why they’re meeting without him. He doesn’t want to alienate Will or make him feel bad for his behavior, even though his behavior has been pretty undesirable from a business standpoint. Banks doesn’t have that issue.
Still, she doesn’t want to disrupt the order, so she sticks to her role and doesn’t challenge it. Being a Senator gives her a space where she’s the one in control. It’s a different structure than what she’s walked into with the Horsemen.
In terms of how aggressive they are in getting their opinions across or getting their way, I do agree that Emory is more aggressive than Banks.
if push comes to shove, emmy would lead banks, not the other way around? Oh, wow? Or am i wrong? Like, do you get my vision, KO? It made sense right?
I think what we’re talking about is a battle of wills. Banks is straightforward, while Emory is more reserved, but both are loyal and value their relationships, so it could be that with each other they’d bend a little.
What you’re saying does make sense, but I think the way I’m interpreting it is that Emory, insisting on her idea and visions, gets her way if only because Banks doesn’t want to fight it. It’s not something she’s motivated to do, and she’s fine giving Emory the room to be the lead in their relationship.
because both banks and emmy can feel safe in their dynamics because they saw nothing wrong being either role, because! Theyre! Besties! And! Would! Kill! For! Each! Other! And put! Others! To! Jail! For! Each! Other! Omg? Noooo, like can you see the vision, KO?
I agree that there’s nothing insulting about they’re dynamics. I really do thing that they work because there’s nothing negative about the way they approach each other. They’d support each other undoubtingly, but give each other room to be themselves.
When they’re at they’re best, I think Banks is more subdued and accepting than Emory is. Like I said above, Banks is more outgoing and straightforward, but Emory’s opinions on things are stronger, so I think Banks would let her have her way.
However, if it did come to a point where they were on opposite sides of an issue, Emory would probably hold out longer than Banks. Unlike Michael, I don't think Banks would be able to subdue Emory if she wanted to. I also just don't think Banks would ever want to.
Additionally, regarding what you said at the start about my analysis of Damon and Emory’s relationship – I think if a difficult situation arose, Banks would seek out the others before acting, whereas Emory and Damon would know what needs to get done and silently do it without involving the others. They’re not going to wait for confirmation, or for the crew to debate, or wrestle with their conscience. They know what the hard decision is and they’ll make it without needing to discuss it. Banks could make the difficult choice too and be confident in it, she would just talk to the others first. That's the difference.
If DN is famous, AO3 writers enver written them as that powerful feme duo, frfr. Ngl, banks and emmy really reminds me of Tristan and Dante from the dark verse series by runyx, where enver is banks, and dante is emmy. Tristan is that dark, broody, killer and dante is the mediator and decider. Remind me of lana myers and jake enver, jake is emmy and lana is banks in terms of the do-er and the mastermind
Unfortunately, I don’t know any of these references. I mean, I know where they come from, but I haven’t read any of those so I can’t confirm. However, if someone else has thoughts you’re willing to share, please jump in.
This brings back to that MBTI test, emmy really does sound like an INTJ, haha! And banks, ESTJ? ISTJ?
Ah, yes the MBTI. I never heard back from the person who asked me to clarify, but I guess I’ll take the chance now.
When I started looking at my original answers, I was overcome with this feeling that Banks was an Extrovert. But that didn’t make any sense; Banks as an extrovert? So I started reading scenes with her exclusively, and I realized that… yeah, there’s a good chance for it.
What I did from there was go to MBTI-Notes, which is a blog here on tumblr, and instead of going directly to the types to see which one “fit”, I went through the functions and through process of elimination, narrowed down which function seemed to be expressed through the character’s POV chapters. From there, I built a stack that formed a type. I then went to the type to see if it worked.
Understandably, most worked… if you take into account the types when they’re in “grips” or “loops” (are we really surprised that all of the characters fall in the unhealthy range for their type). Anyway, being stuck in a grip or loop can change the way you’re personality presents outwardly.
Through this method, I determined Banks was an ESTJ, and here is the page for that. With Emory, I came to the conclusion she was INFJ.
But I encourage you to go through the functions and see what you come up with. There were definitely times I was on the fence for all the characters, so it’s up for interpretation.
Like tbh im just running off with these ideas, that qna opens up a whole new discussion for the emmy x banks best friends agenda that i never thought of before.
That’s really the reason why I continue to post these asks. It opens up the conversation, allows people to see a different interpretation and think about it. Maybe you agree, maybe you don’t. But it gets the conversation started.
No matter how i see, i cannot see anyone being ranked above emory, damon and michael in terms of aggression. i feel like even kai ranks below them, because he can be neutral and passive sometimes. - theres no right or wrong or whos better or worse like emmy was better because shes dominant and banks was worse because she was submissive; theres just only the ranking, and it actually does open up to a deep dive of these characters' traits, and how they shape each others' dynamics
Exactly! It’s only natural that people have different strengths and weaknesses. I love when it’s clear that a group works because they rely on each other and make up for each other’s lack, and no one is made to feel ashamed for it.
Anyway, my ranking of characters in terms of how aggressive their personality it:
These three take the top, as you said. The way that I see it, them wanting things they're way is a driving force in all they're stories. They’re competitive, and hate losing. In fact, I think they feel the pain of losing more than they feel the satisfaction of winning, and that's what drives them.
Damon comes first for obvious reasons, Michael comes second because he keeps Damon in line, and then Emory because while I don’t think she can control Damon, she won’t be steamrolled by him either. And that says something. And since these three can handle each other, we know anyone else is a breeze.
Banks because she’s upfront about it. Then comes Will because he can be aggressive when he’s pushed to it. But also the whole Blackchurch, faking being subdued while he was actually waiting for the moment to take control, which he was planning and preparing for… he’s not as submissive as he wants people to believe he is.
Also, the moment in Emory’s house when he tells her that Martin needs to know about him, that he’s her man now? All Will wanted was to get Martin in the same room so he could stack his claim on Emory. There's something about that assertiveness that gives Will and duality the other's don't have. His in the middle of assertive and passive, but he knows what he's doing and he isn't ashamed of it.
Kai is sixth in line because he can be aggressive, but he likes to do it in secret. It's not something he utilizes, and I think in a situation where the others above him might become aggressive, he might still choose to take a passive approach for reasons only he knows (or perhaps doesn't).
Rika has more aggression than Winter, but she’ll bow to any one of the others if they were to go head-to-head. I think it’s probably clear that any battle she wins, is because the other person decided it wasn’t worth the fight.
Same for Winter but I think she knows that, where as Rika honestly believes she’s dominating at times.
This was an interesting topic and I hope there's more to come! Thank you!!
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bloopdydooooo · 5 months
i'm asking you abt your version of hamlet but you have to ask me about wtnv ghosts OR kris dreemurr, deal?
for this, i will ask you about both.
(it got too long i hid it under the read more)
ANYWAYS i had a breakthrough like. ten minutes ago cause i was thinking about how i'd put a spin on hamlet. cause i was talking w my director for romeo & juliet a while back and he said how important it is in shakespeare to have something that makes your production just a little special a little unique so people will keep coming to see it. if it's the same plays over and over presented w the same contexts and worlds and everything, no one will want to see it. (i mean i would but i'm. uh. abnormal). and i've been agonizing over what my spin on hamlet would be, were i to direct it (an idea which has taken control of my brain and will not let me go. this has become my dream in life and i'm literally an actor not a director). point is i found it.
i was thinking about Shitty College Kids hamlet and then i was suddenly struck w the passing thought of crime family. and then it kept coming back. and i think i might be a genius. hear me out:
hamlet's family, the royal family of denmark, is actually a crime family. gertrude may be the one who technically runs the show but really she's a mob wife she doesn't exactly make use of her power, instead letting her husband do it. her husband claudius, who has hamlet sr. killed and then marries his sister in law (the kind of wild bullshit i can imagine happening in a mafia movie, of which i have watched none (but will for research)) so he can take control of the family business. it adds a darker, grittier level to basically everything in the play; taking them from high society – royalty, even – to a shady crime family, and fits perfectly with my vision of the play: i crave violence in hamlet, and i think he deserves some blood and gore. its enrichment for him. with a modern take we can give him a gun to kill polonius with, shooting him through something more significant than a curtain (i wouldn't do a mirror obviously but hamlet (2009) i fucking love you for that) and the stakes are all heightened when bullets get involved. plus it really pushes the whole bit where hamlet is sent off to england (and would, i guess, be someone else's territory?), because in this everyone would know he was going to his death. there would be no naivety, no shock horror when he says he was sent to his doom, just people standing by and watching as this kid is sentenced to death. 5.2 is a knife fight, quick and dirty and scrappy – none of the class of a rapier duel – and it raises the stakes a lot. there are rules and regulations in swordfighting, not so much in a rage fueled knife fight. hamlet, in the end, stabs his uncle with either his or laertes' blade but im thinking his. there is no poison it is just a brutal, bloody slaughter. it gives me the darkness and violence i've been hungering for but were harder to push for in the context of a castle, of high society. they still have the power, the influence, but they're taken to a place where i can have all the grit my heart desires without it feeling out of place.
it also makes relationships between characters so much more interesting. hamlet, for example, is still a scholar, a highly emotional college kid who talks in flowery prose and has a passion for theater, but now he's supposed to be inheriting the Family Business and not a kingdom, where all his gayboy bullshit wouldn't be very out of place. it pushes him further as an outsider, as someone that people would turn against, would throw to the wolves. who does that make horatio? hamlet's friend from school, maybe tangentially related to the family but only really through hamlet? how about ophelia? daughter of the councilor to the 'king', is she actually someone that they would want hamlet to marry? and what to make of laertes, who seems to abandon denmark for france? he comes back and is almost instantly accepted back into the inner circle despite having requested leave and happily departed, is claudius gunning for him to take hamlet's place as next in line? rosencrantz and guildenstern? clearly hamlet's friends from within the business they're also at his university, did they follow him there or did they all happen to find themselves in the same place? we're there greased palms to get them in? what about hamlet? and gertrude! the family line ascends through her, it must or claudius wouldn't need to marry her to get the power, but she shows no real desire to exercise it, even when her son is in danger. what's her deal, what's her story? she must have one, she's a fascinating person.
tl;dr the version of hamlet i've been craving is apparently a mob boss au. and you know what? it's awesome.
also. consider the costuming opportunities. they are infinite, and they are fabulous.
i have so many more thoughts but sadly it is 3am and they will not all form properly so i will leave it at this
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tetsuskei · 9 months
risu loved your hot take about smut.
also is it just me or like writing smut has always been relatively easier than fluff or even suggestive banter type shit? because in smut, you can bullet point- yeah they gonna do this and this and this and call it a day but fluff requires some depth. a perfect setting for the fluff or angst to actually be enhanced.
And according to each author’s writing style, they have to add imagery, or like metaphors or engaging dialogues to make it work. For me, when I was writing suggestive/banter related fics for kuroo or gojo, I was staring at the screen in despair so that my brain conjures some smart words or a perfect setting for them to act on. So it was relatively harder for me. And if other authors have faced such similar challenges and yet post majority sfws, you can guess the amount of hardwork they’ve put into it and would love for any sort of appreciation of their work. And
Im not downplaying smut authors by any means, every piece of writing takes up a fair share of effort and even I’ve had my fair share of challenges in writing smut too because firstly I experience high key embarrassment proofreading it and secondly, good smut requires the same criteria too (it’s just sfw fics gets the floor to portray a reader’s personality more than its nsfw counterpart) it’s just we want the audiences to interact with these posts with the same enthusiasm and not read and toss it aside :((
to our dear readers, Lores are fun. Just get yourself out of that sex bubble and you’ll see why a simple fic of having breakfast with nanami in scotland is actually so much fun to read and enjoy
happy reading!!
sami thank u for sending this! providing my thoughts under the cut.
i honestly am shocked by how many ppl commented on that. (someone said i was ‘insulting the intelligence of those who only read smut’ and was being ‘misogynistic’. i didn’t intend to do that, and think my words were taken out of context by that point, but it is what it is now.)
i do agree that with smut if i have an idea of the dynamic i want and what the characters might be into, i can plan a course of action for what is going to happen. sometimes i start w smut and then incorporate the plot later tbh.
you’re absolutely right, there’s nothing wrong with reading and writing smut. no one is any better if they don’t read smut than those who do. personally my comment was only towards the select who constantly intake content on here and aren’t always careful about what they read. even heavily more so towards the porn link posts too. hence why my original comment said ‘some’ because obviously it doesn’t apply to everyone.
i really do admire those who are able to world build so fluently and with great detail whether that is in smut or not. i agree with your point that it may be a bit more complicated to build a story without smut if you’re focusing more on characterization, personality, and setting. smut pieces that bring this to the table seem like the longer ones for the most part, but that doesn’t mean shorter ones can’t either. also i know it’s another tricky thing to mention is how people go about making their reader with personality or not bc ppl complain anyway anyhow when there’s something they can’t identify with.
at the end of the day i just wish to keep supporting ppls writing in general but also wish the tumblr community was more friendly like it used to be. a lot of ppl seem discouraged lately about their writing and i hope that things can get better soon.
(btw breakfast with nanami in scotland sounds heavenly! pls sign me up immediately <3)
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