#I used to work with preschoolers and I have a lot of stickers left to use up
tj-crochets · 1 year
Another weird question for y’all! This one is more of a series of weird questions 1. Would it be bad weird to give helpful strangers a “thank you” sticker? I am very short and have asked strangers for help getting things down from tall shelves many times, and it occurred to me my new purse has room to fit some stickers 2. If I am going to carry around some stickers (I’m thinking the kind you can get a lot of that come on a roll), should it be stars, happy faces, or something else? 3. If you are a tall person who has been asked to get things down from shelves for strangers in stores, what would you do if that stranger then gave you a sticker?  edited to add: it is entirely possible this thought occurred to me because I used to volunteer with preschoolers and have remembered while typing this post that I do have a roll of stickers somewhere in my house (they were for the preschoolers)
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regressionschool · 12 days
Maturity Test Part 2
Chapter 1
Anna had been away for three years, throwing herself into work and life, the memories of her last visit to the regression school nursery and her friends there fading into the background. But now, it was time for her reclassification, and she found herself once again driving the familiar road back to the place where her friends had been left behind. She wondered how much had changed. How much had Rebecca and Olaf changed? How much had she changed?
Arriving at Olaf's place first, Anna hesitated before knocking on the door. She had kept in touch with Olaf and his girlfriend, Lilly, over the years, but hearing stories and actually seeing the changes were two very different things. Taking a deep breath, she knocked, the sound echoing loudly in her ears.
A moment later, the door opened, and there stood Lilly, a bright smile on her face. "Anna! It's so good to see you!" she greeted warmly, pulling Anna into a quick hug before stepping aside to let her in. "Olaf’s been looking forward to your visit."
Anna stepped inside, her eyes immediately drawn to the subtle yet significant changes in the apartment. The living room had transformed into what could only be described as a preschooler’s haven. Bright colors adorned the walls, and scattered toys filled the floor. A large playmat with a road map pattern lay in the center of the room, and in one corner stood a small table with coloring books and crayons.
But what really caught Anna's attention was the large potty chart on the wall, covered in stickers—mostly clouds with only a few suns scattered here and there. It was clear that Olaf’s potty training had regressed significantly. The sparse suns stood out like sad little beacons amidst a sea of rain clouds.
Lilly noticed where Anna’s gaze had fallen and chuckled softly. “He’s had a bit of a rough time with his potty training lately,” she explained, her tone both affectionate and slightly teasing. “But he’s doing his best, aren’t you, sweetheart?”
Anna turned to see Olaf emerging from the hallway. The sight of him was both shocking and heartbreaking. He was wearing a pair of blue pull-ups, the childish design visible beneath his t-shirt. His once-confident demeanor was now replaced with a more subdued, almost shy, expression as he shuffled over to greet Anna.
“Hi, Anna,” Olaf said softly, a pacifier hanging from a clip on his shirt. He didn’t seem to notice it as he absentmindedly popped it into his mouth after saying hello, sucking on it softly as he stood there, fidgeting slightly.
“Hi, Olaf,” Anna replied, trying to keep her voice light and not show how surprised she was at how much he had changed. She could see the subtle influence Lilly had over him—his behavior, his clothes, even his posture all screamed little boy. “It’s good to see you again.”
Olaf nodded, his cheeks flushing a little as he tugged on his t-shirt, which didn’t cover his pull-ups. “Yeah, it’s good to see you too. We’ve been having lots of fun, haven’t we, Mommy?” he added, looking up at Lilly with a small smile.
Lilly beamed, reaching down to ruffle his hair affectionately. “We sure have, sweetie” “I’ll go get us something to drink,” Lilly announced suddenly, giving Olaf a quick peck on the cheek before disappearing into the kitchen.
The moment she was out of earshot, Olaf’s demeanor changed. His shoulders slumped, and he let out a heavy sigh, pulling the pacifier from his mouth and dropping it onto the table with a soft clatter. He looked up at Anna with a mixture of shame and desperation in his eyes.
“Anna,” he began quietly, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Lilly wasn’t coming back yet. “I need to talk to you. I—Lilly—she signed me up for Unpotty Training III,” he whispered, his voice barely above a murmur.
Anna blinked in surprise. “Unpotty Training III? What’s that?” she asked, leaning in closer.
Olaf sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. “It’s not like the first two levels. Unpotty Training I and II were about getting you to have accidents, you know, just losing control sometimes. But this… this is different. It’s not about accidents anymore. It’s about not using the potty at all. They teach you how to… just let go whenever, wherever. No more control.”
Anna’s eyes widened as she processed his words. “And you’re the only one in the class who’s not… fully regressed?”
Olaf nodded, looking down at his pull-ups. “Yeah. It’s so embarrassing, Anna. All the other guys are in diapers, and here I am, still in pull-ups but being told I need to stop using the potty entirely. Lilly says it’s for my own good, that it’s part of accepting who I’m supposed to be, but… I don’t know. I want to grow back up, at least a little.”
“And that’s not all,” Olaf interrupted, his voice tense with frustration. “She signed me up for pacifier dependence too. I can’t go anywhere without it now. If I don’t have it... I just get so anxious, Anna. I don’t know what to do.”
Anna reached out, placing a comforting hand on his arm. “Olaf, why didn’t you tell her? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I tried,” he muttered, his eyes darting toward the kitchen again. “But she doesn’t listen. She thinks this is what’s best for me, but... I don’t want this. I want to grow back up, Anna. I don’t want to be stuck like this forever.”
Before he could finish, Lilly’s cheerful voice cut through the air as she returned, carrying a tray with two steaming cups of coffee and a sippy cup filled with juice. Olaf quickly popped the pacifier back into his mouth, his frustration hidden behind the plastic shield.
“Here we go!” Lilly said brightly, setting the tray down on the coffee table. “Two coffees for the grown-ups and a nice sippy cup of juice for my little man.”
Olaf forced a smile, taking the sippy cup in his hands. “Thanks, Mommy,” he mumbled, his previous frustration buried under a veneer of obedience.
Lilly beamed, clearly pleased with his response. “Oh, and Olaf, I don’t think we need to worry about you drinking from a cup anymore. Those days are long gone, aren’t they?”
Anna watched as Olaf’s grip tightened on the sippy cup, his knuckles turning white. He didn’t respond, just brought the cup to his lips and began to drink, his eyes focused intently on the table.
As they sipped their drinks, a faint hissing sound reached Anna’s ears. At first, she thought it might be coming from outside, but then she realized it was much closer—too close.
Olaf was wetting himself.
She glanced at his pull-ups, noticing the way the material was gradually swelling, the childish design fading as it absorbed the wetness. Olaf’s face remained calm, his eyes focused on the sippy cup in his hands as he continued to drink, completely unaware of what was happening. He looked so small, so helpless—more like a toddler than a preschooler.
Lilly, who was casually sipping her coffee, noticed Anna’s concerned expression and followed her gaze to Olaf’s pull-ups. A knowing smile spread across her face.
Lilly glanced at the clock on the wall, her eyes widening slightly as she realized the time. "Oh, look at the time," she said, her voice tinged with both excitement and a hint of urgency. "We need to get ready for the reclassification, Olaf."
Olaf looked up from his coloring, his brow furrowing in mild confusion. "Already?" he asked, sounding a bit unsure. The thought of the reclassification had clearly been on his mind, but he hadn’t expected it to come so soon.
Lilly nodded, giving him a reassuring smile. "Yes, sweetie. We don't want to be late. Why don't you get up and stretch your legs before we head out?"
Obediently, Olaf pushed himself up from the floor, his movements a bit clumsy as he shifted his weight. Then, with a soft sigh, she stepped closer to him, her hand reaching out to gently pat the front of his pull-up.
"Uh-oh, Olaf," Lilly said, her voice laced with gentle teasing as she placed her other hand on his padded bottom. "Looks like someone’s a bit soggy. Did you forget to tell Mommy you had an accident?"
Olaf's cheeks flushed a deep red as he looked down at himself, his eyes widening in embarrassment. "N-No..." he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. He shifted uncomfortably, feeling the dampness of his pull-up now that it had been pointed out.
Anna couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him as she watched the scene unfold. She could see how much it bothered him to be caught off guard like this. Lilly gently guided Olaf over to the corner of the room where his potty chart hung on the wall. “Come on, sweetie,” Lilly said softly, her tone warm but firm. “Let’s put another cloud on your chart, okay?”
Olaf’s face turned an even deeper shade of red as he nodded, clearly embarrassed by the ritual. He hesitated for a moment, but under Lilly’s gentle guidance, he picked up the blue marker and drew another cloud in the appropriate square. The marker squeaked slightly against the chart, a sound that seemed to echo in the room, making Olaf cringe a little.
“There we go,” Lilly said with a soft chuckle, ruffling Olaf’s hair affectionately. “Such a good boy.”
As Olaf stood there, looking up at the chart with a mixture of embarrassment and resignation, Lilly couldn’t resist adding a bit of teasing to the situation. “You know, Olaf,” she began, her voice playful, “if you keep this up, maybe this will be your last pull-up. If you get reclassified as a toddler today, we will switch to diapers full-time. Wouldn’t that be something?”
Olaf’s eyes widened in surprise and mild horror at the idea, but before he could protest, Anna, who had been quietly watching the interaction, decided to join in.
“Or,” Anna chimed in, trying to help Olaf smile, “maybe this will be your last pull-up because you’ll be allowed to grow up, Olaf. Maybe they’ll finally let you wear big boy underwear again.”
Olaf face showed a mix of confusion and hope, the idea of being allowed to grow up again clearly appealing to some part of him that still clung to his former sense of independence.
But before he could latch onto that hope, Lilly gently shot it down with a playful smirk. “Oh, Anna, you know Olaf’s too incontinent to ever go back to normal underwear. Even if they let him grow up, it’ll probably still be in pull-ups,” she said with a lighthearted laugh. “I mean, we wouldn’t want him having too many big boy accidents, would we?” Olaf shifted again, this time more awkwardly, caught between the two women’s contrasting views of his future.
Anna couldn’t help but smile at Lilly’s fierce defense of Olaf’s regression, though she knew better than to push the subject further. It was clear that Lilly had a vision for Olaf’s life that involved a lot more clouds on that chart, and perhaps even the inevitable transition to diapers full-time.
"Well," Anna said with a light shrug, "we’ll just have to see what the reclassification decides, won’t we?" She winked at Olaf, who gave her a small, uncertain smile in return.
Lilly gave Olaf’s hand a gentle squeeze. “Alright, let’s get you into a fresh pull-up before we head out, okay?” she said, her voice softening again. “We can’t have you going to your reclassification all soggy.”
Olaf nodded quietly, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly as Lilly guided him over to the changing area. She moved with practiced ease, quickly removing the damp pull-up and replacing it with a fresh one, giving Olaf a suppository for his nerves. The crinkling sound filled the room as she snugly fastened the sides, her hands gentle but efficient.
“There we go,” Lilly murmured, smoothing out the front of his pull-up before giving him another reassuring smile. “All set. Now, you’ll be nice and comfy for the big day.”
Once Olaf was dressed, the three of them made their way to the door.
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Incorrect Quotes Tag!
Tagged by the very cool, @rickie-the-storyteller! Find her post here!
This is the link to the generator.
Since the last time I did this, I used my characters from The Last Wrath, this time, I did this tag for my main cast of Tales of Wilted Flowers!
It is mostly platonic, the only ships here are: Rylisan/Eiralis, and Xarian/Lorelai.
Micah, Caladin, Arista, and Neoma'ka are their friends and adventuring companions. Kaellel is Eiralis' estranged older brother and Niven is one of Rylisan's many siblings.
Xarian: Is something burning? 
Lorelai (leaning seductively on the counter): Just my desire for you. 
Xarian: Lorelai, the toaster is literally on fire.
Kaellel (flying down to camp like nothing’s wrong in the world): Sorry I'm late, I was doing stuff.
Eiralis to Rylisan: Turn that frown upside-down!
*a little while later*
Eiralis: What are you doing?
Rylisan, trying to do a handstand: You told me to “turn that frown upside-down” but it is not working.
Xarian: I'm going to ask you to be respectful.
Caladin: I will politely decline.
Rylisan: Did you just refer to a knife as a “people-opener”?
Arista (a dhampir with issues): …
Arista: …Should I not have?
Neoma’ka: While you were caught up in your heterosexuality, I studied the way of the blade!
Lorelai: Do you have a self-care routine?
Kaellel: "Keep going bitch,” said to myself in different accents.
Eiralis, coming into the room: Kaellel, no.
Rylisan, stoically amused: Do you need help getting up?
Caladin, after a drunken brawl: Nah, I'm cool down here on the floor.
Eiralis: Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way.
Xarian, incredulous:... You’re giving me a sticker?
Lorelai: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!”
Xarian: … 
Xarian: I’m not a preschooler.
Lorelai: Fine, I’ll take it back-
Xarian: I earned this, back off!
Kaellel, eyeing Rylisan with a death glare: It’s not that I don’t trust Eiralis, I just... don’t trust my sister's impulse control. Especially when it comes to you.
Eiralis: *eating a cinnamon roll*
Rylisan, feigning shock: Cannibalism.
Eiralis: *confused chewing noises*
Micah: Now, if I may speak for good-looking people everywhere...
Kaellel, walks past: Only as their rodeo clown.
Lorelai: Neoma’ka, no.
Neoma’ka, cracking her knuckles, walking towards a fight: Neoma’ka, yes.
Lorelai: Why do humans have different blood groups?
Caladin, looking at Arista: So mosquitoes can enjoy different flavors.
Arista: *vampiric hiss*
Rylisan: What can therapy do for me that screaming for 30 minutes can’t?
Niven: I have several questions... Namely why are you like this?
Micah: Maybe the true treasure was friendship all along. But I hope not, because I can’t spend my friendship on new clothes.
Rylisan: You're violent.
Arista: Yeah but I'm also short and that's adorable.
Caladin: I was arrested for being too cool.
Xarian: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Xarian: Isn’t it a bit dangerous?
Lorelai: Xarian, please. We’ve been in a lot of unexpected predicaments before and we always escape unhurt.
Xarian: …
Lorelai: Okay, we sometimes escape unhurt.
Xarian, narrows his eyes: ...
Lorelai: Alright, we escaped unhurt once... Then we hurt ourselves on the way home.
Rylisan: Do we have any orange juice left?
Kaellel: *pours the remaining juice into their cup without breaking eye contact*
Kaellel: Sorry, we’re all out.
Xarian: What is the most illegal thing you can do with one gold?
Neoma’ka: Exchange it for a hundred copper, put them all in a sock, and then beat someone to death with it.
Rylisan: Niven, I screwed up, big time.
Niven (downing a glass of wine, done with life): Brother dearest, given your daily life experiences, you’re gonna have to be more specific.
Arista: Now it's time for some witty back and forth banter. You go first.
Caladin: *sobbing*
Arista: Look, my dude, I'm not sure where to go with that.
Lorelai: That was so hot, Xarian.
Xarian: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenterate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
Lorelai: I'm so in love with you.
Kaellel: You know, Micah, you are the sun in my life.
Micah: Why? Cause I'm smoking hot?
Kaellel: Because it hurts my eyes looking at you. LEAVE MY HOUSE-
Neoma’ka: What do you do for a living?
Rylisan: I exist against my will.
Eiralis: Hey, Rylisan, do you have any hobbies?
Rylisan: Swimming..
Eiralis: Really? That’s cool. I never expected you to-
Rylisan: In a pool of self-hatred and regret.
Micah: As a responsible adult-
Caladin: *chuckles*
Micah:… As a responsible adult—
Lorelai: Wow, that was quick thinking on that phony sacrifice stuff.
Xarian: Oh, that was all real.
Rylisan (interrupts): Wait, you were trying to help them kill us?!
Xarian: Well, If I’m gonna be sacrificed, I’m gonna do it right!
Lorelai:... He has a point.
Tagging: @writernopal, @tabswrites, @cabbojage, @clairelsonao3 and @liv-is.
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“Kent v The Shitty Knee Itself”- Ted Lasso
A sort-of-sequel to "Kent v Linebacker," but this can still be read on its own. Part 2 of 3 of my fics about Roy Kent's shitty knee.
Part 1 // Accompanying AU
WORDS: 1649
Roy Kent is old as shit.
His daughter is a fucking toddler. His son is in preschool.
And he has fucking arthritis.
“What the fuck do you mean I’ve got fucking arthritis?” Roy Kent explodes at the doctor, who waits patiently for his outburst to finish. “I’m in my fucking forties! I’ve got two fucking babies at home! What the fuck am I supposed to do when my fucking daughter needs to piss and we’re all sprinting into the bathroom? I can’t fucking potty train on a shit leg.”
His wife rubs his shoulders comfortingly; the news is less surprising to Keeley, who gave a damn when the doctors mentioned arthritis could develop, and who is also extremely endeared by her husband’s priorities, which apparently lie very firmly with teaching their daughter to pee in the toilet.
Roy shouldn’t be shocked either; he’s had a limp for a long time now, and progressively worsening pain. He’s been elevating his leg whenever possible, to the point where Ted pulls chairs up for him or sits down first so Roy doesn’t feel awkward (on good days, Roy scowls at Ted and stays standing, but these occurrences are increasingly few and far between). It’s been a long time coming, and as much as the great Roy Kent hates to admit weakness, his shit knee is getting shittier.
Keeley had forced him to go to the doctor when Roy scooped up both their children, one in each arm, and proceeded to fall on the floor in a heap of small limbs and curses. He again made the case that he was fine, but there’s a limit on how much Tylenol one person can take in a day, and Roy’s exceeded that limit for weeks.
He walks like he’s on a hill, wobbling as he drags his right leg behind him. Keeley remarks on how uneven his gait is, and Lily, his precious fucking baby, demonstrates just how wonky Roy is by limping around too. It makes him laugh, but then his gaze meets Keeley’s, and he realizes there’s not much he can do aside from accept his fate and ask Dr. Patel why his knee is failing him (again, the fucking thing).
Arthritis. Fucking hell.
“The majority of your symptoms can be mitigated by limiting any strain on your leg. This includes walking, lifting, twisting, standing, stairs-”
“-breathing, blinking, fucking doing any shit worthwhile-”
“We can also prescribe medication, but given the amount of pain you reported, I think the best option to look at is a walking assistant.”
“What, like a cane?” Roy snorts. He feels Keeley still behind him, then he looks up at Dr. Patel, who’s gazing back at him, entirely serious.
“A fucking cane.”
“It’ll alleviate the weight on your leg. Ideally, you won’t need it every day, but it’ll make a difference when discomfort gets too high.”
“Fuck no.” Keeley squeezes his shoulder. “Fine. Fucking hell.”
It’s an adjustment. Roy walks back to their car, cane-less for the time being, limping, and imagines a cane in his hand. Imagines being able to straighten up, and not going to bed in fucking agony after a long day.
He also imagines showing up to the football club with a cane in his hand and Jaime fucking Tartt the fucking muppet smirking at him with his stupid fucking face, and he wants to turn around and tell Dr. Patel he’ll never use a fucking cane in his fucking life. Then he imagines having a stick to beat Jaime with when he’s being a prick, and Roy grins to himself at the thought.
That’s what he tells Keeley on the way home: he’s on the fence. That there’s a stigma he doesn’t want, that he remembers this the pitiful looks he received after his first injury and after surgery. It’s fucking bullshit, that he’d be looked at differently just because of a fucking rod in his hand, or because his stupid knee is fucked.
“Since when does Roy Kent care about what other people think of him? I mean really,” Keeley tells him, patting his thigh. “Everyone decent won’t bat an eye, and anyone who does is a prat.” She shrugs. “It’s a flawless system, really. Good way to sort people out.”
Roy grunts in agreement and drums his fingers on the door. He sighs, leaning his head back.
“What if I can’t keep up with Lily and Ollie? What the fuck am I supposed to do with little kids?”
“We’ll adapt,” Keeley promises, offering her hand. Roy takes it and presses it to his lips. “They already know they can’t run from you, or bowl into you at full speed-” Roy snorts at this. “-so now we tell ‘em that they gotta be patient.”
“They’re gonna be the most patient kids on the planet,” Roy muses, but his chest feels lighter. His wife is fucking amazing.
“They’re fucking perfect, they are. And besides- they don’t love you cause you can lift them or up throw them around or run around after them.” She squeezes his hand. “They love you ‘cause you’re you, Roy. You’re their dad.”
Roy nods silently. She’s right, as always. His heart is warm, much lighter against his ribs. “Thanks, babe,” he tells her, and Keeley beams at him.
They adapt. Roy remains in awe of the resilience of children- Lily and Oliver don’t give a damn that he uses a cane, except they quickly have to delineate that it’s not a toy, so Oliver doesn’t hit anyone with it, and so that Lily doesn’t hit Oliver with it. Because of this, Roy has to be careful not to threaten anyone at Richmond with his cane while his children are around. One day, his kids will learn to do as their dad says, not as he does, but for now, his babies swear and scowl, and pick up on every bad habit Roy shows them. It’s fucking adorable.
The first month is the hardest. Roy and Keeley decide to grant him some grace- he doesn’t have to do shit like garden or mow the lawn, or anything too strenuous. It’s uneven, in the beginning, and Roy goes to bed every night feeling like a shit husband for everything that’s unloaded on Keeley. They fight about it, eventually, and Roy apologizes to Keeley with tears in his eyes. They find a balance, which involves a chair in every room in their house and somebody hired to do the lawn. Their roles have shifted, but it’s a pattern he’s familiar with by now. He’s gone through so many major changes with Keeley: switching careers and marriage and injury and parenthood twice over. And using a cane isn’t any harder than having a newborn and a toddler, so they manage. After all, they’re unstoppable together.
Nobody on the team makes a comment on the cane, except Ted leaves sticky notes on it whenever Roy isn’t paying attention, and Roy wouldn’t mind so much if they weren’t positive fucking affirmations, the corny twat. Then the rest of the team follows suit, and they sign it and put stickers on it and all sorts of supportive shit, and Roy tells only one person this, but he kind of fucking likes it (against his better judgment, of course).
Commentators and the press are not nearly as kind. There’s any number of articles written about him and how old it makes the football world seem. Roy wants to fucking kill all of them, but Keeley reminds him that all the pricks have shown their true colors, and one day he finds a picture of a particularly insensitive reporter that has been utterly defiled and left out in the locker room. Roy tucks this away in a drawer in his office, and he’s almost nicer at practice that day.
Beard and Ted match his slower pace as they walk out to every match, which isn’t subtle even from the offset, but they don’t say anything about it and neither does Roy. He also realizes that he’s never the only one sitting in a group of his friends, even if it’s just him and Ted, or Keeley, or Rebecca, or Nate.
Yoga gets much harder, then he and the yoga moms spend a night researching yoga for people with shit legs, and yoga gets easier again. If they want to do a challenge night, Roy shifts into the role of yoga instructor, which he’s fucking great at, thank you, and so what if he gets to drink more wine because of it.
And his fucking knee feels better. His medication works, but the cane helps the most. Ted and Keeley had told him ever since his initial injury to be kind to himself, to rest when needed, and to not be a stupid stubborn prick about his health. This mindset turns out to have a few merits, and maybe it’s even a good habit he can teach his kids.
It says a lot about him, this cane that accompanies a man in his forties. He needs it because he was a professional footballer who injured himself preventing a goal in one last game. Who needed surgery cause his energetic maniac of a son ran into him. Whose wife told him to use it with pride, because he’s Roy fucking Kent and his family and friends love him so screw everyone else. Whose coach used it as a tool to force positivity onto Roy, whose team and kids decorated it with messages of love and smiley faces and the two worst signatures he’s ever seen (though he credits Oliver and Lily for trying). It’s a symbol of persistence, of the pain he’s endured, of those who rallied behind him.
Roy Kent. Married to Keeley Jones. Father of Oliver and Lily. Coach at Richmond AFC.
And he happens to use a cane.
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brywrites · 4 years
i just finished tkow and this may sound like a wild request but can we get a story for elizabeth’s birthday? maybe like her turning 5? and reid and bianca throw her a party?
A lil more “domestic Reid family fluff” coming your way, anon!
Elizabeth had a thing for frogs that year, and so their living room was decorated with green streamers and paper mâché, little green stickers and posters, and plenty of big-eyed, smiling amphibians. The day had been a flurry of activity as they welcomed a dozen small children into their home – friends from preschool as well as Michael and Hank. Henry hung around with adults, mostly excited to tell his godfather all about what he’d learned about planets at school. There had been games of leapfrog and tag out in the backyard, and Garcia had brought her ukulele to perform a silly song-based skit about tadpoles growing up and turning into frogs.
The party had been an all-around success, as far as fifth birthday parties went. The cake had won over their small guests – fluffy layers of chocolate with ganache in the middle and bright frosting that that featured a happy frog on it that Bianca had lovingly hand-baked. The frog- themed scavenger hunt Spencer set up around the house kept them busy for nearly half an hour. And Eliza had a smile on her face the entire time. When things wound down and her friends headed home, she’d been eager to try out her new frog-shaped kite and Garcia had begged for permission to take her out to the backyard.
“I’ll keep a close eye on her,” she’d insisted. “Besides Luke and I would love to spend a little quality time with our favorite birthday girl!” And so they’d agreed. It gave them time to tidy up and take a moment to breathe, for which they were both grateful.
Bianca checked the living room to make sure nothing was left behind, and when she returned she found Spencer standing at the kitchen counter with a gift-wrapped bag and a snickerdoodle cookie on a plate. There was a tiny candle stuck in the center of it, it’s flame flickering softly.
“What’s this?” she asked.
He broke into one of those crooked grins she so dearly loved, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he held the plate out to her. “Happy birth day.”
His words were a puzzle, she was certain, but she couldn’t quite work them out. She tilted her head in question. “But it’s not my birthday.”
“No,” he said. “But it is the day that you gave birth.” He sent the bag and plate down on the counter. “I was just thinking the other day about birthdays and what they mean. And make no mistake, I absolutely love that we get a whole day to celebrate each other’s existence. Because I am so happy that our daughter exists. But if we’re being honest, you did all the hard work that day.”
When she laughed he said, “It’s true! Childbirth is consistently rated as one of the most painful human experiences, and as someone who has been shot, I find it difficult to comprehend what a pain worse than that must have felt like. You were in labor for seven hours! Seven hours! And before that, you were so nervous about being a mother. You dealt with all those fears and changes, not to mention me being in prison.” Five trips around the sun later, and looking back on that year of their life was still difficult. “So I thought that you deserved a little celebration for all of that, and for being the best mom and partner in the whole of human history.”
“The whole of human history? That might be overselling it.”
“I’m a genius,” he said, winding an arm around her waist. “So it has to be true.” Then he grabbed the plate once more. “Quick, make a wish before it burns out.”
Bianca looked down at the flickering candle. And she glanced out the window where Penelope and Luke were kneeling in the grass to help Eliza hold tight to the handle of her kite, flying somewhere up out of view.  Then looked at Spencer, smiling at her, standing in the kitchen of the house they’d built a home in. It had been five years of bliss since Elizabeth Luna Reid came into the world. It wasn’t always easy and certainly it wasn’t perfect, but they were a family and they were happy and they were home.
She shook her head. “What am I supposed to wish for? Everything I could ever want is right here.”
Spencer considered this. “Well then,” he said. “I’ll make a wish for you. I wish for you to always be safe. For every book you read will be a good one, and every poem you write will have just the right words. For have a long and happy life. And for you to always know just how loved and celebrated you are. Because you are so loved, Bianca.”
He blew out the candle with a gentle breath. “Do you remember the day we first met? I told you I had an eidetic memory and you-” he laughed “- you apologized to me, saying that you wished you were giving me happier memories than a few dozen files of crimes against humanity.”
“Did I?” she asked. She could never forget the first time she saw him or the words they exchanged the day or so many other moments in their life, but she didn’t remember that very first conversation other than fleeting memories of being surprised by Garcia and Morgan’s banter and being fascinated by Spencer.
“You wished for something for me that nobody else had before. And then you made it true. You’ve given me so many happy memories since that day.”
“You gave me a home,” she said. “And a family. And the kind of love I thought I’d only ever write about. You make me happy every day.” She pulled him close enough to kiss, feeling him smile against her lips. His hands slipped under the hem of her shirt, his fingers warm against her skin as he pressed her to him. In the business of the birthday party, she’d hardly had a moment alone with him all day, and it felt so good to be held by him.
“Shield your eyes, Eliza Lou!” Garcia shouted. “You don’t want to catch the cooties!” They spun around to see Luke and Garcia in the living room. Penelope covered Eliza’s face with her hands, and the little girl stood there laughing, clutching her frog kite tight.
“You’re not trying to catch up to the Morgans are you?” Luke teased. Savannah had just given birth to their second child two months ago.
“Oh no,” Bianca laughed, her cheeks turning pink. “One is enough for us.”
“After all, why mess with perfection?” Spencer said, lifting Elizabeth into his arms and kissing her cheek. They bid farewell to Luke and Garcia who had to go let Roxy out and sat down with Eliza to help sort through her birthday presents.
She was telling them all about her friends and the games they played today when she paused, looking at a book in her hands that had a frog in a cape on the cover. “Daddy, did you used to be a superhero?” she asked suddenly.
“What do you mean?” Spencer asked.
She shrugged. “Michael said that you used to be a superhero like Aunt Jennifer is. But that you’re not anymore.”
Oh. That kind of superhero. “Well,” Spencer said. “Yeah, I guess I was. We all used to work together to fight bad guys – me and a lot of your aunts and uncles. Grandpa Dave, too.”
“He said that you stopped being a superhero because of me,” she said. Her lip quivered as she looked at her father. “Did you hafta give up your superpowers because of me?”
Spencer’s expression fell at the same time Bianca felt her heart sink. Their daughter’s question had come seemingly out of the blue but now she understood. They hadn’t told her much about Spencer’s past in the BAU, figuring it was best to wait until she was old enough to understand. Michael must have told her something, and while she was sure that he had meant no harm, Elizabeth had misunderstood his words. She thought he wasn’t allowed to be a hero because of her.
“Oh sweetheart, no,” he said. He reached out to stroke her hair, trying to calm her. “No, that’s not true. I didn’t have to give up any superpowers. But I stopped chasing the bad guys when you were born because there were bad guys that wanted to try and hurt you and mama. I didn’t want you to get hurt, and I knew that all of my friends like Aunt Jennifer could stop the bad guys without me. I didn’t want to be a superhero anymore. I just wanted to be your daddy. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, that’s okay,” Eliza decided, her smile returning. “You can still be my hero. And mama!” she added.
Spencer laughed, grabbing her in a hug. He reached over to grab Bianca’s hand. “Yeah, your mama is my hero, too. So, was it a good birthday?”
“The best birthday ever!” she said. “I was so happy the whole time!” She threw her small arms out wide to demonstrate just how much that was.
“Us too,” Bianca said. “You make us so happy, Eliza Lou. And we love you so, so much.”
“I love you more,” she said, clambering into her mother’s lap and hugging her tight. Bianca kissed her forehead. Five years ago, their little family had grown by one person, and she remembered holding that small baby girl in her arms for the first time and thinking that nothing had ever been so perfect. But as each year went by, the happiness of that day seemed only to increase exponentially. Happy memories that they got to share together, and a million little wishes that were still to come true.
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mychemicalficrecs · 5 years
frerard aus where one or both of them are parents or highschool frerard aus with bullying?
Hi Nonny!
I've made a list for you where Frank and/or Gerard are parents.Check back for your other request in a day or two!
Frank And/Or Gerard Are Parents
F is for Frank by silver_etoile, 23k, Mature. Frank can't even cook mac and cheese. How can he possibly live up to being a father? Maybe the new preschool teacher can help.
How did I survive without you? by Frnk, 9k, Not Rated. Frank thought he knew everything, he had a job and an apartment, he was studying in school and working his ass off to pass his English exams. Then his entire world got turned upside down by a little boy left on his door step.
i will do my best to be... by picht, 4k [WIP], Teen And Up Audiences. It’s Friday evening, 6 PM, and Frank is fucking nervous. Griffon’s first meeting with this new troop begins in fifteen minutes, and they’ve been sitting in the church parking lot for the past five. There’s a lot of things that could go wrong here, is the thing. Hopefully, Frank thinks, third time’s the charm.
Sometimes the world gets so damn lonely, ya'know? by Frnk, 7k, Not Rated. "Like sometimes its not about getting drunk or talking or whatever. Sometimes you only need someones company to feel less alone in the world."
Wicked Little Town. by xofunghoul, 26k [WIP], General Audiences. In a small town in New Jersey where nothing much happens, Gerard Way runs his family's diner with his best firend Ray and he thinks his life is going nowhere special and is fine with it until Frank Iero, a young single dad of twin babies moves into town and shakes things up a little with his witts and big green eyes.
Ice Creams and Bloody Knees by charmlesstrans, 3k, General Audiences. "Good morning, girls! Time to get up!" Frank knocked and cheerily called into Lily and Cherry's room bright and early at 8 AM. "Noooo," protested Lily from behind the door. "Too tired.." Cherry explained with a sleep-muffled voice.
Four Killjoys and a Baby by forgoo, 19k [WIP], Teen And Up Audiences. "We are not keeping a baby!" "How hard can it be?" The story of how four teenage outlaws became the guardians of a tiny helpless baby and then raised that baby to be the tiniest Killjoy, messiah of the Zones.
Can we keep it? by NatMadness, 1k, Teen And Up Audiences. Chris always came home with a different animal in his hands. Gerard always said no, they already had three dogs and they were a lot of work, but the kid kept bringing them with him every day after school. Of course, he was a 6 year old little boy with a deep pasion for animals and Gerard loved that, because it reminded him so much of Frank.
Taste by A_A_Dolan, 11k, Mature. The most forbidden fruit always tastes the sweetest. When married man, father, and successful artist, Gerard Way, meets an Italian, attractive, hazel eyed musician/singer at a local café...an instant attraction occurs and when things between them get hot and heavy...sudden consequences come with the price of being unfaithful.
B.F.F. by iamcatastrophicc, 36k [WIP], Mature. Gerard Way has wanted to be a dad ever since he was a kid but as he gets older he fears he might not be able to and tries to adopt. Unfortunately, they won't let him because he's a single dad so instead him and his best friend devise a scheme to get Gerard a child.
How I Met Your Father by Monroeville, 4k, Teen And Up Audiences. “Dad, are you gonna tell us how you and dad met again?”
The Sad Dad Club by mousefrnk, 85k, Explicit. Ex-frontman Frank Iero is a single dad in New Jersey doing his best to raise his three girls. He meets Ray and Gerard, two dads with sons in the same class as one of his girls. Along with Gerard’s brother Mikey (who is soon to be a dad himself), they make plans to hang out every Friday, asking each other for advice and getting some much-needed adult social interaction. Thus, the Sad Dad Club is born.
Arrange The Sorrows And Joys by flax_wench, 26k [WIP], Explicit. Frank is a young, unemployed former musician in desperate need of a job; Gerard is a wealthy, single father searching for a nanny for his beloved baby girl, and hires Frank to be her nanny against Mikey's advice. Much to everyone's surprise, he turns out to be a perfect fit, and to no one's surprise, the two men slowly begin to fall for one another. Love, angst, a whole lotta smut, and an adorable baby named Lola.
I Hate my Weaknesses But they Make Me Who I Am by Frnk, rockforfrnk, 15k, Mature. Frank is a stay at home dad and suddenly his stomach issues cause him problems. All he wants is to be better and focus on his family.
Sonna Kimi ga Suki! (That Was Good!) by momiji_neyuki, RedRomRomance, Trixgrl, 13k, Mature. You meet all kinds of interesting people when you go to the park for lunch.
(We're Going) To Space by Andromedas_Void, 2k, General Audiences. “Yes?” Gerard asked, a soft smile on his (extremely cute) face, along with a dozen star, moon, and planet stickers. “Oh, ah,” Frank started, holding back a laugh. “Your, uh, the mail man delivered this to my house by mistake,” he said, biting his lip and holding out the package.
Songs For The Weak by Wearenotalright, 11k [WIP], Teen And Up Audiences. Frank is a history teacher at his old high school and he has a rather interesting new student. Bandit Way. She was tall and lanky and the other students shunned her for being the "weird kid". Frank has no other choice but to call her father in for a meeting to tell him the horrible news that his little girl is getting bullied.
In A Pretty How Town by fleurdeliser, tuesdaysgone, 23k, Explicit. Single dad Frank Iero moves with his son to a new town. Everyone is nice, but the mayor, Gerard Way, is positively too good to be true.
The Bench by phrankiero (orphan_account), 3k, General Audiences. Frank takes his son James to soccer practice every week. There he meets Gerard, the parent and single father of James's best friend.
I Know What It Means to Me by mistresscurvy, 9k, Explicit. Gerard didn't go to his single parents support group expecting to find love, but it found him there when Frank showed up one week. A single dads AU.
Crazy for You by sockpuppeteer, 2k, General Audiences. Frank's relief is almost palpable when there is someone home in apartment opposite, and, although mussed and a little bleary, he looks relatively friendly. And gorgeous, but Frank is definitely not focusing on that right now.
Online fantasies. by jessislame, 13k [WIP], Not Rated. It has been a long time since Gerard has reconnected with his family and friends due to being at college most of the time. So when he gets an invitation for coffee from an old friend he can't really refuse...can he?
The Secret Life of Bees by eudaimon, 12k [WIP], Explicit. Summer. Frank and his daughter have nothing left in New York, so they hit the road and end up in the tiny town of Orpheus Falls, NY. Frank meets Gerard at a farmer's market, selling artisan honey. They start to figure things out.
It Was All An Accident by MissPamelaD, PhantomSwelling, 59k [WIP], Teen And Up Audiences. Gerard and Frank had it all. A perfect friendship, perfect families with their wives. They're missing nothing. That is until both of their wives die in a tragic accident. They both feel at loss, not being totally able to function without their loves. But, when they decide to move together with their kids, their world changes again. Will it be for the better or for the worse?
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deathdoors · 4 years
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𝐇𝐄𝐘  𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐒  !  meredith  here.  nineteen twenty,  they/them  or  she/her,  the  best  admin  in  the  world.  it’s  why  i’m  using  manny  for  my  gif  for  this,  when  he’s  the  best  and  my  mascot  on  the  main  <3  if  it  ain’t  broke  don’t  fix  it.  so:  a  little  about  me  !  i’m  a  libra,  from  new  jersey,  in  my  second  year  of  college,  use  a  lot  of  emojis,  have  recently  and  embarrassingly  been  both  playing  fortnite    (    i  know    )    and  reading  like  2  books  a  night,  which  might  seem  like  it  makes  me  smart  but  actually  just  makes  me  go  to  bed  at  seven  in  the  morning.  which  also  makes  me  a  dumb  bitch.  on  to  the  show  !
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name:  emma  phillips age:  thirty occupation:  preschool  teacher trope:  the  wide  eyed  idealist aesthetic:  fresh  baked  chocolate  chip  cookies,  wildflowers  in  a  vase,  half  empty  bottles  of  pink  wine,  stopping  to  pet  every  dog,  happy  tears,  rom-com  movie  nights,  coffee  with  too  much  cream  and  sugar.
emma  was  born  and  raised  in  the  suburbs  outside  springfield,  missouri.  her  mother  was  incredibly  anxious  and  doting,  disliking  emma  riding  bikes  in  the  streets  with  the  other  kids  and  climbing  trees,  etc  she  was  thus  much  closer  to  her  dad:  camping  trips,  bedtime  stories,  the  works.  she  adored  him,  and  when  her  twin  younger  siblings  were  born,  emma’s  mother  interpereted  being  a  daddy’s  girl  as  hating  her,  and  started  ignoring  emma  when  she  wasn’t  scolding  her,  instead  focusing  a  much  more  positive  attention  on  the  twins.  
then,  of  course,  because  life  sucks,  her  dad  got  sick  of  it  and  left  without  so  much  as  a  goodbye.  ran  off  with  his  secretary  when  emma  was  twelve,  leaving  her  with  a  toxic  mom  and  two  little  toddler  twins.  she  entered  mom  mode  when  her  mom’s  anxiety  turned  to  severe,  don’t  get  out  of  bed  depression  ...  emma  was  cooking  for  the  twins    (    and  failing  miserably,  most  of  the  time  it  was  pizza  and  frozen  dinners.  to  emma’s  credit,  that  did  include  frozen  vegetables.    )  helping  them  with  schoolwork,  getting  them  to  and  from  school,   etc.   
her  grandparents  were  semi - well  off,  and  sent  some  money  to  the  phillips  clan,  but  emma  got  a  job  as  soon  as  she  was  able.  the  combination  of  the  two,  and  her  mom’s  on  and  off  working  was  enough  to  not  go  hungry.  the  twins  could  go  on  some  field  trips,  there  was  enough  for  new  clothes  when  they  grew  like  weeds  ...  but  obviously,  no  pre-teen  /  teen  wants  to  constantly  care  for  little  kids.  it  sucked.  
the  money  continued  when  her  grandfather  died  when  she  was  sixteen,  and  then,  a  little  while  later,  right  before  emma  graduated  high  school,  her  grandmother  died,  leaving  them  her  house  in  fort  elms,  washington.  
the  phillips  clan  moved  there,  with  a  month  left  of  high  school  for  emma.  as  soon  as  she  turned  eighteen,  a  mere  month  after  graduation:  emma  was  kicked  out  of  the  house.  her  mother  wanted  nothing  to  do  with  her  anymore,  saying  emma was  tearing  her  away  from  the  twins.  for  the  rest  of  their  childhoods,  emma  was  not  allowed  to  see  either  of  her  siblings,  with  emma’s  mother  telling  them  that  she  had  left  on  purpose.
thus:  she  went  to  college,  moved  out  of  the  house  into  a  new  apartment, fell  in  love  and  pined  boyfriendless  for years  like  some  kind  of  loser,  was  incredibly  on  and  off,  got  cheated  on.  she  hasn’t  been  able  to  land  a  mans  since,  despite  wanting  a  storybook  romance.
while  all  that  was  happening,  she  got  a  degree,  teaching  at  the  fancy  private  preschool  school  in  town.  remember  when  i  said  she  entered  mom  mode  when  her  dad  left  ?  yeah.  she  never  left  it,  apparently.  she  loves  her  job,  though.  lots  of  stickers.
tl;dr:  toxic  mom,  dad  left  when  she  was  12,  effectively  raised  her  younger  siblings.  moved  to  fort  elms  when  she  was  about  to  turn  18,  finished  out  high  school,  and  was  kicked  out.  she  became  a  preschool  teacher,  inexplicably  staying  in  fort  elms.
     personality:  emma  is  kind  hearted  and  optimistic  —  she's  a  little  bit  of  a  people  pleaser,  and  a  lot  a  bit  of  a  hopeless  romantic.  she's  pretty  friendly  /  chatty,  and  considers  people  her  friends  approximately  .5  seconds  after  meeting  them.  she's  a  little  naive  in  the  sense  that  she  believes  everyone  is  good,  or  can  be  good  with  just  a  little  effort,  and  is  pretty  forgiving.  she's  much  more  of  a  go  with  the  group  kind  of  person,  and  hates  being  alone.
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tw alcoholism, depression; 
name:  philippa  “pippa”  espina age:  twenty-two occupation:  unemployed trope:  fallen  princess aesthetic:  bottles  of  vodka,  half  burnt  cigarettes,  red  lipstick,  shattered  glass,  parties  going  late  into  the  night,  adept  fingers  rolling  joints,  sleeping  in  late,  the  twinkle  of  a  chandelier.
in  retrospect,  pippa  was  destined  to  be  spoiled:  she  never  got  attention  as  a  child,  and  her  parents  had  money,  and  anyone  who's  seen  a  movie  about  rich  kids  knows  that's  a  cocktail  for  disaster.  california  born  and  bred,  pippa  was  used  to  two  things  by  the  time  she  could  toddle:  the  sun,  and  getting  what  she  wanted.  
her  father  was  a  successful  ...  something  with  a  desk  and  lots  of  people  reporting  to  him,  she  never  even  payed  attention.  her  mother  was  more  focused  on  tennis  practices  and  galas  and  book  clubs  where  they  just  drank  wine.  a  series  of  nannies  raised  her:  not  one  or  two  where  she  could  bond  with,  cling  to  the  maternal  attention  she  desired.    
instead,  her  frequent  temper  tantrums  and  outbursts  lead  to  them  either  quitting  or  getting  fired  when  pippa  made  up  stories:  she  was  so  mean  to  me,  i  think  she's  stealing  from  the  jewelry  box,  she's  been  drinking  your  fancy  wine.  she  didn't  know  why  she  was  doing  it.  maybe  it  was  the  way  her  mother  would  stroke  her  hair  gently,  eyes  blurry  with  drunkeness  saying  they'd  work  on  finding  someone  better  to  take  care  of  her.  for  all  her  twisted  lies,  pippa  could  be  brutally  honest.  yet  she  never  asked  her  mother  why  she  couldn't  take  care  of  her.    
by  the  time  pippa  had  hit  the  sixth  grade,  she'd  been  kicked  out  of  two  of  the  private  schools  in  the  area.  her  third  was  all  all  girl's  school,  full  of  catholic  sensibilities  and  a  headmistress  that  refused  to  dismiss  pippa,  no  matter  how  much  she  acted  out.
she  was  twelve  the  first  time  she  was  the  one  breaking  into  the  liquor  cabinet,  little  sips  of  sweet  liquors  that  made  her  head  feel  fuzzy.  a  lock  was  placed  on  it  three  weeks  later,  and  she  didn't  get  drunk  again  until  high  school.  but  pippa  decided  she  liked  that  feeling,  and  more  importantly,  she  liked  the  feeling  of  her  parents  finally  looking  at  her.  
at  one  of  the  rare  family  meals  a  month  after  her  thirteenth  birthday,  pippa  said  i  don't  want  a  nanny  anymore  at  the  same  time  that  her  father  said  we're  moving  to  washington.  some  business  deal  her  father's  company  had  made  with  the  military  base,  it  was  a  wonderful  town.  she  didn't  want  to  hear  it.  another  tantrum  she  was  far  too  old  for,  a  slap  across  the  face.  selfish  brat.  
they  moved  to  washington  three  days  later.  she  didn’t  have  a  nanny.
pippa  was  never  popular  in  high  school,  nor  unpopular.  she  was  a  bit  of  an  outcast:  mean  and  pretty  only  got  you  so  far  if  you  were  already  top  dog,  and  she  wasn't.  she,  however,  threw  big  parties  that  drew  the  attention  of  high  schoolers  and  the  lamer  end  of  the  college  crowd.  holidays,  breaks,  every  weekend:  an  unlimited  supply  of  all  the  weed  and  alcohol  at  pippa's  house,  combined  with  the  loud  thunk  of  music  and  no  one  to  get  mad  at  you  if  you  broke  a  vase  or  woke  up  on  the  floor  the  next  morning.  her  parents  were  rarely  ever  home.
when  they  were,  however,  things  weren't  pretty.  slammed  glasses  on  tables,  shouts  so  loud  they  made  voices  sore.  pippa  would  stand  there  and  she  would  cry  until  her  face  was  red,  and  say  sorry  for  breaking  things,  and  the  next  day  her  parents  would  give  her  a  new  allowance  and  a  kiss  atop  the  head.  that  was  their  apology.  she  never  accepted  it.  she  kept  the  money  and  embraced  back,  of  course.  but  she  never  meant  it.  she  would  do  the  same  thing  again,  and  again,  and  again.  
attention  was  better  than  any  drug,  and  almost  as  good  as  the  bottom  end  of  a  bottle  or  a  shot  glass.  she  was  mean  and  she  was  catty,  sure,  but  then  she  was  warm  and  fun  and  bought  you  lunch.  by  the  time  she  had  made  stronger  connections,  latching  on  to  the  only  two  people,  the  only  two  friends  she  had  was  easy.  they  were  her  friends,  and  thus  everyone  else  was  her  enemy.  
after  high  school,  she  didn't  do  anything.  no  college,  no  job.  her  parties  persisted,  and  so  did  kisses  behind  locked  doors  and  afternoons  spent  sleeping  off  a  hangover  until  she  woke  up  and  did  it  again.  she  was  still  mean,  still  catty,  still  desperate  for  attention:  growth  had  been  stunted,  immaturity  and  a  desperation  making  her  miserable  to  be  around.  
she  doesn't  know  why  she  does  it.  not  even  deep  down:  sometimes,  it's  like  she's  staring  down  at  her  own  body,  watching  herself  be  cruel  or  unkind,  sparking  up  a  joint  to  call  someone  a  bitch  and  someone  a  cow,  or  taking  another  shot  and  whispering  into  the  nearest  fellow  partygoers'  ear  that  they  should  go  upstairs.  sometimes  she  wakes  up  and  feels  like  she's  the  worst  person  in  the  world.  especially  after  one  of  those  partygoers  is  the  ex  of  one  of  those  two  friends.  she  feels  like  the  worst  person  in  the  world,  and  she  likes  it  better  then,  she  decides.  at  least  then  she  feels  something.
tl;dr: rich bitch, loves partying, classic mean girl. not so functional alcoholic, hooks up with a lot of people. turbulent relationship with her parents, desperate for attention. definitely needs a therapist and a psychiatrist.
personality:  pippa  is  very  ...  sugar  and  ice.  or  more  aptly,  sugar  and  fire.  as  long  as  you  follow  her  my  way  or  the  highway  mentality  and  give  her  plenty  of  attention,  she'll  drag  you  along  on  all  her  plans,  lavish  you  with  attention  ...  until  she  doesn't  anymore.  she's  reckless  and  self-centered,  but  she's  a  hell  of  a  lot  of  fun.  if  you  manage  to  get  into  her  inner  circle,  she'd  take  a  bullet  for  you,  but  ...  well,  as  mentioned  before  she  still  might  sleep  with  your  ex  <3  or  ur  current  bf,  honestly.
tw bullying, anxiety, depression, suicide; 
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name:  theodore  "teddy"  larsen age:  twenty-three occupation:  graduate  student trope:  shrinking  violet aesthetic:  pages  and  pages  of  notes,  shiny  comic  book  pages,  freshly  sharpened  pencils,  home  cooked  meals,  deep  shaky  breaths,  science  fiction  movies,  100%  exams,  thick  books  full  of  knowledge
theodore  larsen  came  out  of  the  womb  miserable.  he  was  a  colicky  baby,  born  to  a  loving,  young  american  mother  and  a  his  british  professor  father  in  england.  he  was  a  quiet  child,  once  he  grew  out  of  the  constant  exhausted  crying:  much  preferring  the  company  of  his  mom  than  other  kids.  he  was  smart  though,  and  a  heavy  reader.
when  he  spoke  was  when  the  trouble  began:  as  his  vocabulary  began  to  grow  and  he  talked  more  and  more,  a  stutter  came  with  it.  he  spoke  kindly  and  eloquently  for  his  age,  but  he  struggled  sometimes  to  get  words  out.  kids  were  cruel,  naturally,  and  it  only  made  teddy  more  reclusive.  
out  of  isolation  came  anxiety:  he  was  an  intensely  worried  child,  mostly  involved  with  his  parents  rather  than  people  his  age.  an  investment  in  books,  comics,  nonficiton,  novels.  teddy  was  perfectly  content  with  books  as  his  friends,  and  of  course,  his  mother,  his  favorite  person  in  the  world.
 and  then  his  world  came  crashing  down.  nothing  horrific:  no  one  died,  no  one  was  sick.  but  when  the  only  thing  that  brings  you  comfort  is  security  and  repetition,  your  father  cheating  on  your  mother  and  moving  across  the  world  is  a  pretty  far  crash  to  the  bottom.  port  elms,  washington:  his  mother’s  hometown,  where  teddy  would  finish  out  high  school.
he  was  relentlessly  bullied,  still.  the  label  of  new  kid  paired  with  a  lack  of  social  grace  and  nerdy  dispotion,  there  might  as  well  have  been  a  target  painted  on  his  back.  he  had  one  friend,  endlessly  kind  to  him.  she’d  saved  his  life,  figuratively,  and  he  saved  hers  literally,  an  appearance  at  her  house  shortly  after  her  suicide  attempt.
it  made  sense  that  he’d  have  one  too.  depression  was  a  dark  shroud  that  hung  over  him,  exacerbated  anxious  behaviors.  that  was  months  ago  now.  a  secret,  locked  inside  him,  not  quite  ready  to  come  out.  therapy,  once  a  week.  maybe  twice.
 he’s  not  excited  about  finishing  his  degree,  not  really.  he  feels  good  about  teaching,  it’s  what  he  wants  to  do.  but  the  idea  of  being  back  in  fort  elms  high  isn’t  exactly  leaving  a  good  taste  in  his  mouth.  he’ll  cross  that  bridge  when  he  comes  to  it,  no  matter  how  much  it  makes  his  heart  beat  faster  and  his  palms  sweat.  he’s  got  all  the  time  in  the  world
tl;dr: nervous mess, bullying target, has one real friend. very sensitive mama’s boy. british accent, moved to fort elms when he was in high school. sad. doesn’t like his dad very much. 
personality:  the  nerdiest  mf  alive.  teddy  is  a  total  sweetheart,  very  socially  awkward,  and  pretty  damn  smart.  he  know  a  lot  about  typical  nerdy  shit.  superheroes,  star  trek.  he  LOVES  star  wars.  he's  also  in  a  band,  playing  bass.  fun  times.  he's  nervous  as  hell  —  also  super  cautious,  he  never  likes  to  do  anything  without  it  being  meticulously  planned.  total  mamas  boy.
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hypergnomesimblr · 6 years
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Edit 3-7-19: Added Dropbox and OneDrive mirrors. Thank you @loveevrard !
“It’s Playtime!” by @hypergnomesimblr & @sisselin
Behold, the Playtime Stuff Pack: A CC collab project between HyperGnome and @sisselin ! This is my part of the collab. It contains a (whopping) total of 59 Build/Buy and CAS items. I mostly went for a Fisher-Price Little People/preschool-ish theme on the furniture, hint, the bright colors and chunky plastic furniture. My main focus had shifted to the build mode items, but I still threw in some new threads for your tots and kids. I’m gonna keep the rambling short and cut to the chase. 
This is my side of the collab, but you need to hurry over to Sisselin’s side of the collab! She has a whole bunch of amazing furniture and even new toys and playground equipment for your ‘lil ‘uns, not to mention lots of cute hairs and clothing! Go-go-go! >🌺🌺🌺
A bunch of pictures, words, and links below the cut~
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Left to Right: 
StoryTime Bookshelf: 21 swatches | avg poly count, all LODs | additional slots | BGC
NapTime Curtains (Left and Right sold separately): 38 swatches | avg poly count, all LODs | small non-default mesh edit of Maxis’s Popped Color Cutrains | BGC
Shelf-Cubby Combo: 20 swatches | avg poly count, all LODs | additional slots | BGC
“Don’t Forget Your Coat!” Wall Decor: 23 swatches | avg poly count, all LODs | use bb.moveobjects on cheat to place anywhere on wall | BGC
SnackTime Living Chair: 20 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | small non-default mesh edit of Maxis’s Best Bear Friend chair | BGC
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Left to Right: 
Dreamy Mattress: 40 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | separated mattress by @sisselin , can be used with any bed frame | BGC
⭐There is a version of this mattress with the footprint so your Sims won’t walk through the mattress! You can find that over at @sisselin‘s side of the collab here! ⭐
DreamyTime Bed Frame: 20 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | can be used with any mattress | BGC
TidyTime Cubby: 20 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | additional slots, use bb.moveobjects on cheats to place wall decor items inside | BGC
Me-Time Mirror: 20 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | small non-default mesh edit of Maxis’s Hard Time Mirror, shiftable | BGC
StudyTime Desk Chair: 20 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | can be used with any desk or dining table | BGC
StudyTime Writing Desk: 20 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | single tile desk | BGC
Just-a-Jacket: 27 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | use bb.moveobjects on cheat to place anywhere on wall | BGC
Typical Tee: 27 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | use bb.moveobjects on cheat to place anywhere on wall | BGC
Simple Sweater: 20 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | use bb.moveobjects on cheat to place anywhere on wall | BGC
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Left to Right: 
ArtTime Activity Stool: 21 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | clone of the Creative Art Thou table | BGC
ArtTime Activity Table: 20 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | no footprint, merely deco, but does have slots, made to match the ArtTime Activity Stool, but not really required to | BGC
ArtTime Supplies: 23 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | deco object | BGC
StudyTime Writing Desk: 20 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | 2-tile desk + shelves = more slots | BGC
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Left to Right: 
Playtime Toy Receptacle: 21 swatches | standalone recolor | recolor of Chomper the Devourer Toy Box | BGC
Practice Potty Recolors: 21 swatches | standalone recolor | recolor of Practice Potty | BGC
Faithful Polo: 34 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | use bb.moveobjects on cheat to place anywhere on wall | BGC
Night-Night Stand: 20 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | mesh by @sisselin , thank you so much! <3 | BGC
Dreamy Mattress (Toddler): 40 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | separated mattress by @sisselin , can be used with any bed frame | BGC
⭐There is a version of this mattress with the footprint so your Sims won’t walk through the mattress! You can find that over at @sisselin​‘s side of the collab here! ⭐
DreamyTime Bed Frame (Toddler): 20 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | can be used with any mattress | BGC
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All Grown Up Dining Table: 27 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | mesh edit of the Mega Dining Table, *All Grown Up High Chairs made by @sisselin​ | BGC
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Full Body Outfits
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Left to Right:
Fruit Punch Dress: 32 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Full Body/Short Dress | BGC
Playground Princess: 42 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Full Body/Short Dress | BGC
Babydoll Basic: 49 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Full Body/Short Dress | BGC
Babydoll Pattern: 31 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Full Body/Short Dress | BGC
Tops and Bottoms
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Left to Right:
Hip-Hop Junior Hoodie: 32 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine & Masculine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Tops/Sweatshirts | BGC 
Basic ol’ Tee: 36 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine & Masculine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Tops/T-shirts | BGC 
Just Denim Shorts: 24 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine & Masculine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Bottoms/Shorts | BGC 
Cargo Pants (adult to child conversion): 29 swatches | standalone recolor | Feminine & Masculine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Bottoms/Pants | BGC
Just a Denim Skirt: 18 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Bottoms/Skirts | BGC
Shoes and Accessories
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Left to Right:
Itty Bitty Kitties (adult to child conversion): 16 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Shoes/Flats | BGC
No-Nyans (adult to child conversion): 20 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Shoes/Flats | BGC
Velcro ‘n’ Go Sneakers (toddler to child conversion): 37 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine & Masculine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Shoes/Sneakers | BGC  
Heart Earrings: 21 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Head Accessories/Earrings | BGC
Cupcake Earrings: 16 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Head Accessories/Earrings | BGC
Hair Styles
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Left to Right:
Allison Hair (Small Puffs): 9 Maxis natural swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Hair/Medium Length, afro-textured | somewhat hat-compatible | BGC
Allison Hair (Large Puffs): 9 Maxis natural swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Hair/Medium Length, afro-textured | somewhat hat-compatible | BGC
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Full Body Outfits, Tops, and Bottoms
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Left to Right:
Ruffle Shuffle Dress: 44 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Full Body/Short Dress | BGC
Just Like Grandpa Long Sleeve Polo: 28 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine & Masculine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Tops/Polo | BGC
Hip-Hop Tot Hoodie: 41 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine & Masculine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Tops/Sweatshirts | BGC
Jeans for Smol Beans (child to toddler conversion): 24 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine & Masculine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Bottoms/Jeans | BGC
Just Denim Shorts: 24 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine & Masculine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Bottoms/Shorts | BGC
Shoes and Accessories
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Left to Right:
Itty Bitty Kitties (adult to toddler conversion): 16 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Shoes/Flats | BGC
No-Nyans (adult to toddler conversion): 20 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Shoes/Flats | BGC
Hip-Hop Hi-Tops (adult to toddler conversion): 23 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine & Masculine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Shoes/Sneakers | BGC
Heart Earrings: 21 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Head Accessories | BGC
Cupcake Earrings: 16 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Head Accessories | BGC
My Very First Watch (child to toddler conversion): 5 swatches | average poly count, all LODs | Feminine & Masculine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Body Accessories | BGC
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Make-up and Accessories
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Left to Right:
Super-Adhesive Super-Fun Stickers: 30 swatches | standalone recolor | Feminine & Masculine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Makeup/Face Paint | BGC
Childhood Wonder Accessory Prints: 23 swatches | standalone recolor | Feminine & Masculine Fashion Choice, disabled for Random and Situation | Body Accessories/Gloves | BGC  
⭐You can find an album full of more pics of the objects and clothing from the Playtime Stuff Pack >>> here! You can also download a .zip of the pictures from SFS here!⭐
Quick notes: 
1) All CC in this pack (both mine and Sisselin’s) come with a custom thumbnail with this cute little icon take make searching a bit easier: 
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2) Also our Build/Buy Mode objects have the initials “PSP” before the actual name of the object for easier search. Here’s a  handy-dandy tip from the amazingly talented @peacemaker-ic​ you could use to find all of our items in one place. Really simple and quick, instead you just type in “PSP” to find all of the items from the Playtime Stuff Pack. Works with almost any item that has the same unique name, kinda like Maxis’s Mega furniture.
Feel free to recolor or edit! Yep! You can include the mesh, too! I have a very lax TOU. I don’t even think I should consider it a TOU. But feel free to check it out if you like reading the boring technical stuff.  
A list of CC, Mods, Programs, and Resources I use a lot can be found HERE.
Questions, WCIFs, or anything?  Feel free to hit that Ask button! I don’t bite. ;o)
And as always, if you encounter any problems with my CC, let me know!
Much thanks and love go to the brilliant minds behind Sims 4 Studio, the wizards behind Blender, and of course, Maxis! Otherwise, I don’t think this post would’ve ever existed. XD
A big shoutout to @sisselin​ for being such an awesome person to work with, @anotherplumbob​ for helping us test the items and feedback, and of course to the you all! Thank you for your patience and putting up with me! -bear hugs- ❤
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Download All in one .ZIP: Sim File Share 
*ReadMe files on how some of the Build/Buy items work are included in the .zip. I strongly recommend reading them for help on how to place said objects as per the previews. But you’re always welcome to shoot me an ask if you need help!
Pick ‘n’ Choose: Build/Buy: Sim File Share | Create-a-Sim: Sim File Share
🔹 Alternate Download: Dropbox | OneDrive 🔹
*For the two above links, there is the .zip file with everything, and the separate folders for Build/Buy and CAS if you don’t wish to download everything, but only the packages you want. 
This is my side of the collab, but you need to hurry over to Sisselin’s side of the collab! She has a whole bunch of amazing furniture and even new toys and playground equipment for your ‘lil ‘uns, not to mention lots of cute hairs and clothing! Go-go-go! >🌺🌺🌺
I do not use adfly, or anything like that. My links will always take you directly to the download source. :3
Please do not redistribute or misuse in any way. Feel free to reblog, though.
From Crystal, with love!
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For activities, I think the best advice is to ask her what she wants to do. Maybe find a fun game like Apples to Apples or some app/phone equivalent. Or take her to a fitness class or to do something that requires physical exertion, as it might help channel her energy. In November 1981, the American National Transportation Safety Board sent a letter of concern to the French BEA that included safety recommendations for Concorde. This communiqu was the result of the NTSB investigations of four Air France Concorde incidents during a 20 month period from July 1979 to February 1981. The NTSB described those incidents as "potentially catastrophic," because they were caused by blown tyres during takeoff. What is happening? How do i proceed? Im afraid to say the wrong thing. I don submit complaints alot so i dont know how this works. I don 서귀포출장마사지 know what i wanted, maybe just to get that mascara. I know people complain about taxes a lot, and sometimes it does suck knowing you could have more money if they didn exist, but without food stamps I would have had to drop out of school to work even more. Worked fulltime starting at 16 while maintaining decent grades. I won give you my family full story but basically after my parents divorce which left them both broke my dad refused to pay child support and I have a lot of siblings. Edit: while people are paying attention. The study also demonstrated that after a few weeks of reduced sleep, those getting less than six hours reported feeling perfectly capable of performing. They felt as if they had "adjusted" to fewer hours of sleep. Kaahumanu knew she would need the support of others for the kapu system to change. She whispered into the ear of Lihliho's mother Keopulani. At Kaahumanus suggestion Keopulani invited Liholiho to her home where she had an elaborate meal waiting. Slightly funny story about this one: I been using up a sample of this I gotten from Sephora this week. Every morning I drop my daughter off at preschool, and they have a fingerprint scanner to sign kids in and out. Now, I long ago discovered that if I wear mineral sunscreens and forget to wash my hands it will cause the scanner to not pick up my fingerprint. I was at a 36 J before my reduction (3 years ago) and honestly the only reason I was able to get 서귀포출장마사지 mine is because my sister and mother had both been to the same plastic surgeon and had gotten reductions before me and my pain was so bad that it was affecting my grad school work. I can count how many women in my family have had reductions. Being top heavy is truly hereditary. Tiles generator engine: Tilernion After creating texture with Fantasmic/Patternion/Sophia, use Tilernion to make various tiles texturesUsage Select existing photo OR take photo Select preset Restyle photo Share restyled photo up to 4000x4000 in size OR order product with restyled photo (Mugs, Phone Snap Cases, Cushions, etc.)BASIC mode Predefined p1 p8 presetsPRO mode N Normal preset ABC Characters drawn preset M Monochrome C Colors transformedGlobal settings Predefine characters for ABC presets Predefine redefine vertical/horizontal cells count Enable post processing effects Enable auto zoom previewAvailable products you can order with restyled photo Phone Snap Cases Phone Tough Cases Magnet Frames Tote Bags Cushions Tablet Cases Photo Books Mugs Postcards Greeting Cards T shirts Hoodie Invitations Posters Magnets Stickers Printsabiland 1 point submitted 1 month ago(.) " was a question about War. How to stop wars? Wars cannot be stopped. War is the result of the slavery in which men live.
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justforbooks · 6 years
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Mickey Turns 90, and the Disney Marketing Machine Celebrates
A two-hour prime-time special on ABC. Cupcakes the size of cars at Disneyland Paris. Collaborations with a dozen fashion designers, including Marc Jacobs. More than 30 books, including one from Taschen so big it comes with a carrying handle.
Small and subtle are not the Walt Disney Company’s style. But a new effort to focus attention on one of its oldest characters, Mickey Mouse, is truly something to behold.
Disney is using Mickey’s 90th birthday as a monstrous marketing moment, with the company’s cross-promotional machine revved up to what may be its highest level yet. Every corner of the $168 billion company is contributing to the campaign, which will intensify on Sunday when ABC runs “Mickey’s 90th Spectacular.” Disney theme parks will be hosting events into next year.
Disney executives describe the effort as a chance to polish the company’s broader brand and remind people — as Netflix moves deeper into family entertainment and Disney prepares to unveil its own streaming service — that the Magic Kingdom has been serving up beloved characters for decades. Mickey made his official debut in 1928 in “Steamboat Willie,” Hollywood’s first cartoon with synchronized sound.
Unless lawmakers intervene, as they have in the past, Disney’s control of the Mickey copyright will expire in five years. So there’s no time like the present to rally around him.
Disney has billions of dollars in merchandise sales to consider. Mickey and his friends (Minnie, Pluto, Goofy) make up Disney’s top-selling consumer products franchise, generating annual retail sales of at least $3.2 billion, according to The Licensing Letter, a trade publication. That tally does not include the Disney Store chain or outlets at Disney’s theme parks. Disney does not disclose sales information, although a spokeswoman said the franchise had been growing both domestically and overseas.
There are challenges, however, the result of a shifting retail marketplace (the demise of the Toys “R” Us chain) and declining television viewership. Disney’s child-focused cable channels are important Mickey engines, serving up animated specials, shorts and series. Mickey also has strong competitors in the preschool market — “Paw Patrol” on Nickelodeon, for instance.
“The challenge for any character, but especially for Mickey since he’s so historic, is maintaining relevancy,” said Marty Brochstein, a senior vice president at the International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association. “And the adults are almost more important than the kids in that way. The grown-ups decide what the money gets spent on.”
Here are some of the components of Mickey-palooza:
Mickey the Muse
Associating older characters with of-the-moment artists is a tried-and-true way to demonstrate relevancy. That strategy appears to be part of the thinking behind “Mickey: The True Original Exhibition.” This Disney-created exhibit, running Thursday to Feb. 10 in a 16,000-square-foot space in Manhattan, features Mickey-inspired creations by contemporary artists like Amanda Ross-Ho, Shinique Smith and Daniel Arsham.
“With the scale of Disney and who Mickey Mouse has become, a lot of people forget that Walt Disney was a real artist,” Mr. Arsham said in a statement. “Being able to make my own mark on his legacy is a real dream.”
Tickets to the exhibit cost $38, and some time slots are already sold out. Darren Romanelli, a Los Angeles designer who works as DRx, served as curator.
Prime-Time Takeover
Fifteen dancers in formation. Drummers dangling from wires over the stage. Indoor fireworks. And the actress Kristen Bell, who provided Anna’s voice in “Frozen,” positioning Mickey as bringing “a much-needed warmth and reliability in a world where consistency is something hard to come by.”
So begins “Mickey’s 90th Spectacular,” a two-hour special on Disney-owned ABC on Sunday night. Produced by Don Mischer, whose credits include Super Bowl halftime shows and multiple Academy Awards ceremonies, “Mickey’s 90th” features performances by Josh Groban, Meghan Trainor and the K-pop group NCT 127, among others. Presenters include Robert A. Iger, Disney’s chief executive, who personally oversees the Mickey brand.
“We wanted to celebrate how this little character transcends boundaries,” Mr. Mischer said by phone after the taping. “He’s an everyman who sometimes fails but keeps trying. Who can’t relate to that?”
But it was tricky to find the right tone, said Charlie Haykel, another producer. “We didn’t want a history lesson,” he said. “And we didn’t want it to turn too sentimental.”
Stickers for Everyone
Mickey’s popularity has remained remarkably stable over the years, according to Henry Schafer, executive vice president for the Q Scores Company, which measures the popularity of celebrities, brands and licensed properties. A springtime poll by the company showed that 26 percent of the United States population ranked Mickey as a favorite cartoon character, far above the average. Mr. Schafer said Mickey’s appeal was particularly high among Latinos, 39 percent of whom said he was a favorite.
Disney’s vast theme park operation is one reason the squeaky-voiced rodent has remained so embedded in the culture. The parks, which attracted more than 150 million visitors last year, offer the masses a touch point — quite literally. Walking-around Mickeys sign autographs and pose for photos.
For the current campaign, the Disney parks will stock commemorative merchandise, sell “limited edition” desserts and host a dizzying number of events billed as the World’s Biggest Mouse Party. Hong Kong Disneyland will hand out birthday stickers to guests as they enter, for instance, and Disneyland Paris has those colossal (inedible) cupcakes on display. Starting in mid-January, Disney World in Florida will introduce a Mickey-focused “street jubilee.”
What About Minnie?
Poor Minnie. Always in the shadow of her boyfriend. But Disney has not left her out entirely.
She dances with Mickey on the ABC special and is front and center in the Mouse Party theme park events. Disney also arranged for her to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. (Mickey got his 40 years ago.) The sidewalk plaque was unveiled in January by Mr. Iger and Katy Perry, who wore polka dots in the character’s honor.
“To this day, no one rocks a bow, the color red or a dot quite like her,” Ms. Perry said at the time. “Trust me. I am trying.”
In recent years, Disney has put Minnie forward as a style icon, dispatching her to New York Fashion Week and arranging for Minnie-inspired collections or garments from Coach, Vans, Diane von Furstenberg and other fashion brands. Those efforts have increased Minnie licensing revenue considerably.
But the numbers are the numbers: Mickey has about 14.2 million followers on Facebook, while she has 4.8 million.
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Red Delicious ch. 2 - Dela/Jinkx - Emerald
In which Dela seeks help for one of her student and gets a little more than she bargained for.
A/N: This one was both easy and difficult to write. As a preschool/kindergarden teacher myself, I wanted to make it as accurate as possible to what it actually is dealing with children that age. Thank you to the anon from a few days ago for giving me the little bit of motivation I was missing to keep writing it, i’m glad other people than me enjoy it too, it warms my heart to read that.
“MISS DELAAAAAAA,” the shrill voice cut through the noisy classroom chatter easily for the fifth or sixth time already since coming back from lunch break. The teacher worked very hard at hiding the exasperated sigh menacing to spill from her lips as she turned to the source of the commotion. In the play house area, three of her pupils seemed to have attracted everyone’s attention. Standing taller than most of her fellow first grader, Eureka was waving her arms to try to get the teacher’s attention to the small blonde on the floor and the other one standing over her. “Miss Dela!” she yelled again. “Aquaria pushed Blair! I saw it! She needs to get an angry sticker, Miss Dela!” The loud cries attracted the entire classroom’s attention, a handful of children leaving whatever they were doing to come find out what was causing this commotion.
Not one for public displays but suddenly thrust in the limelight, poor little Blair on the ground was fighting very hard not to cry until the teacher swooped in. “Alright everybody goes back to what they were doing, this is not your problem to fix” she ushered all the children away as she extended a caring hand to the small girl on the floor. It was easy to see that the child was putting on a brave face, her voice shaky as she kept repeating she was fine, but the moment she was asked what happened, Blair went silent, her eyes glued down to the floor. “Blair, treasure, if you want my help. I need to know what happened,” Dela asked softly. But the girl wouldn’t budge. The teacher looked up to Aquaria, who had adopted a similar pose, quiet as a mouse.
There was a strange heaviness in the air, one that the teacher hadn’t encountered often in her years on the job. Children that age tended to forget their woes quickly, fights disappearing as quickly as they started. The energy surrounding the girls though seemed charged with something she couldn’t quite figure out. “I’m not angry at you, Aquaria,” she offered with a sympathetic hand on the blonde’s shoulder, “I just want whoever did it to make it right by Blair. Just to make sure she’s okay. Did you see it happen? Do you know who did it?” Her questions were met by a puzzling wall of silence still. To Dela’s knowledge, in 95% of the cases, an innocent child would vehemently defend him or herself. So Aquaria’s silence spoke great amounts, but the teacher still wanted a confession or at least an account of the events because she knew it was so easy to shatter a child’s trust and didn’t want to accuse any of her students of anything without proof. She sighed lightly. “Alright, well if either of you want to talk about it, i am ready to listen when you’re ready,” the teacher offered gently.
It was unlike her to give up on such a matter, Dela believed that providing a safe environment for her student started by showing them that they wouldn’t be vilified for their actions but rather take responsibilities and make it better. But she also didn’t believe in pushing them to the point of discomfort. So for now, it would be dropped, but not forgotten.
Standing by the door, the teacher’s arm was getting tired from waving at every children as they walked off one by one with their parents. Despite the early dismissal, they all seemed to have a lot to share with the various adults waiting for them and it did warm Dela’s heart. It proved she did something right. As she turned around to go back in, her shin caught on something unexpected. Aquaria was sitting, cross-legged, by her feet, all ready with nowhere to go. “What are you still doing here, treasure? Who’s picking you up today, mom?” The teacher asked. She tried to keep her voice light and sweet, but the hint of concern was hard to miss for the more trained ear than that of a 5 year old. Aquaria just shrugged. “No one,” she piped up, apparently unphased by it. Dela looked at the time. Whoever was in charge of this child was much too late for her taste. “Come on then, treasure,” she urged brightly, holding her hand out to the child who gladly took it, “I know someone who can help us out.”
With over an hour left of school for the older children, the corridors were much quieter than they had been previously with hordes of kindergarteners bouncing off the walls. The child didn’t seem to mind, walking quietly next to her teacher. On her own, Aquari seemed like such a quiet, docile little thing that it was difficult for Dela to believe it could be the same child supposed to be a monster, but there definitely was something under there. “Alright, Aquaria, I am going to go ask a few questions to another teacher. Check out what’s happening.” she crouched down to the little girl’s level to explain what was happening. “Can you go get the book I let you being home and sit by your locker? I will be right back, treasure.” The girl nodded and obeyed to the letter.
Jinkx’s class was extremely loud and animated when Dela pushed the door opened. Children were spreaded all over in groups, pouring over massive pieces of papers, actively arguing and jotting things down. At her desk, heels propped right up on the furniture, the redhead was in the middle of a book Dela strongly suspected to be 50 Shades hidden under a different jacket (she somehow doubt Jinkx would actually be reading a Stephen Hawking biography) when she spotted the intruder But Jinkx didn’t move to invite her in or force her out for that matter. She stayed put and quirked a perfectly drawn brow up at Dela who assumed it was her cue to approach.
Thinking of the little girl waiting, the brunette figured she didn’t have time to be intimidated by the other. She confidently strode up to Jinkx. “Hi, can I borrow Brianna for a second?” In what was an obviously deliberate attempt at being dramatic, Jinkx slowly closed her book, looked around the classroom, then to Dela, then to the classroom again, landing on the loud blonde in the corner, and back to Dela before finally giving her answer. “No. She’s busy,” the teacher answered seriously, “may I interest you in my humble help instead. Not like I’m doing anything worth shit right now.” For a moment, the dark haired woman was taken aback. It was difficult to understand if Jinkx was joking or being an asshole. Despite everything, Dela wasn’t too proud to admit when she needed help. “Her sister is still here, no one came to pick her up at early dismissal. I wanted to know who was supposed to be there,” she explained.
She almost regretted asking the moment she was done talking. Jinkx’s gaze was fixated on her and the redheaded teacher’s expression was almost impossible to read. Was she laughing at her or pitying her or maybe she was still hungover and didn’t understand a word that was said. Out of the blue, she suddenly reacted, eyes still staring right back at Dela. “Cracker! Come over here!” she called out. Almost immediately, the blonde swayed to the front of the class. “What’s up, miss M?” Brianna asked brightly. Only then did Jinkx finally acknowledge someone other than her colleague, turning her attention to the 12-year-old. “Are you guys with Sharon this week?” The child nodded and was almost immediately dismissed. As if that answer alone was supposed to mean anything to Dela who was still as confused as before. Jinkx waited for a few moments to see if the other teacher would understand and sighed when she obviously didn’t. “Sharon works late, they’re supposed to go home alone. Aquaria should have a key in her backpack. Left side pocket, that’s where they always put it.” The explanation made sense but Dela had barely listened, her brain getting stuck at the very beginning. “Excuse me? You mean to say that I should allow a 5 year old child to leave on her own? That doesn’t sound like responsible parenting!”
Something in Jinkx’s expression changed in an instant, suddenly her eyes were darker, harder, she was squinting ever so lightly. “Out,” her tone was stern and cutting, shaking Dela for a moment. “You and I, we’re gonna have a chat outside, sweetie.” She was already up before Dela could even answer and the brunette had no choice but to follow, fearing the consequences if she was to retort.
“Who the fuck do you think you are,” the moment the door slammed shut, Jinkx had Dela against the wall -literally- with a menacing finger pressed hard against the other woman’s sternum, “judging a parent without knowing them? I have known Sharon for years. She is a hard working mother who does the most she can. She not perfect, but news flash, sweet cheeks, no one is. Not even you.” The last words were spat with such force it was hard not to understand all the contempt behind it. Both women stood for a moment, face to face, waiting for the other to make a move in any direction. Dela definitely saw where she went wrong and was considering apologizing but words were failing her as she stared into the angry and hurt green eyes. She didn’t dare open her mouth and risk digging her hole bigger. Finally taking a step back, Jinkx actually broke the tense silence she created. “I’ll send Brianna to pick her up after class, if you can watch the kid during that time, if it makes you more comfortable for them to walk together,” the redhead suggested, her tone still hinting at the remnants of her previous upset. Still not sure she should be talking, Dela simply nodded vigorously and watched the other woman disappear back into the classroom, left with more questions than answers as she retreated back to her own door.
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cianmars · 6 years
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Accidentally in Love:
‘David and Mary had a one night stand when they were 18, 4 years later David bumps into Mary and finds out that he has a 3 year old daughter. They struggle with deciding on custody for Emma and both of their lives changing entirely as they go from strangers to friends... they don't want to confuse their daughter but certain feelings start to stir as they spend more time together.’
AO3 Link
Chapter 1:
David grinned as he stood in the empty apartment which he had just signed the papers for, it was officially his, and he couldn't wipe the smile off of his face. It was so much bigger and more modern than the one he had been renting in college, both he and his best friend had studied the same course, and when they had just graduated they both got jobs on the same force. And he finally allowed himself to use the money he had inherited from his father, he had spent his teenage years working hard, he looked around his apartment with pride knowing that he was finally starting to achieve his dream.
His phone started to ring and the name on it made him start for a moment but he shook his head and just answered it. “Hey mom, I just signed the papers, it’s officially mine.” He chuckled. “Mom I love your cooking, but I’m an adult, I’m living closer to you now but I need my own place. I’ll see you tomorrow, mom, I need to sort out furniture for here and I’ll pick up my stuff from home. Love you, bye.”
He shook his head, his mother was still protective despite him being an adult, he knew he wouldn’t be like that when he was a parent, in many many years time.
He glanced at his watch and was glad to see how early it was, there was plenty of time to do everything he needed to do.
David spent the day going around the large town he was now part of, ordering furniture to be delivered and buying different items he forgot he even needed. By the early afternoon the furniture was all delivered and he had the bare bones of his apartment sorted out. He collapsed on his new couch and took out his phone, he shot a quick text to his friend before pulling a clean plaid shirt heading out to grab dinner, content with his life just as it was.
He pulled out his phone again and dialed Ian’s number. “Hey Rogers, I’m heading to the diner now, I just need to stop at the store first… Yeah, see you in a few.”
Mary beamed as she walked into the playground, she took off the blazer she had been wearing for her final interview, she had just gotten a job she couldn’t believe her luck, she had just graduated from college and was officially going to be the fourth grade teacher at Storybrooke Elementary. She had worked so hard to juggle her life between college, work experience, and her life, and now she finally had the job she had been working so hard to get.
Mary heard the loud shout and looked around, she saw a tiny girl in shorts and a t-shirt barrelling towards her, her smile widened and she crouched down. Her little girl threw herself into her arms and she wrapped her arms around her hugging her close to her chest. “Hello baby!”  She kissed her forehead. “I’ve missed you so much! Did you have a lot of fun? Did you have a good day?”
“Mommy I was really, really, really good mommy!” Emma told her excitedly and hugging her tightly.
Mary stood up with Emma in her arms, she was finally starting to grow but she was still easily the smallest in her playschool, to Mary she was still the tiny baby in the NICU clinging onto her finger. She kissed her face again. “I missed you my little monkey.”
“Hey, Mary!”
Mary’s head turned and she looked at Emma’s preschool teacher, Ashley. “How did she do?” Mary tried not to wince too much.
Ashley smiled, she remembered how reserved and nervous both Emma and Mary were when Emma joined, she knew that Mary thought that she would be judged for being so young, but Ashley had been through the same. She had tried her best to help them and in doing so she had become friends with them. “Emma got a gold star today.” She told her with pride. “And absolutely no timeouts.”
“What!” Mary said ecstatically and squeezed her little girl making her giggle. “You didn’t get any timeouts, I am so, so proud of you!”
“Are you happy with me mommy?”
“I am so, so, happy with you! You’ve been so good pumpkin.” Mary knew that Emma always tried her best but behaviour wasn’t always her strong suit. “I think that deserves a special treat and how about we go out for our dinner tonight?”
Ashley smiled at the two of them. “How’d your interview go?” She asked quietly. “They better have hired you if not then they’re big… they’re silly.” Her eyes flickered Emma as she tried not to call them idiots.
Mary laughed. “They’re… pretty smart… I start in September!”
“Oh my god!” Ashley squealed. “Mary that’s amazing! You totally deserve this, you’ve worked so hard, I’m so proud of you.”
Mary smiled and quickly hugged her. “Thanks Ash.”
“What did you do mommy?” Emma asked intent to be kept in the loop.
“Mommy got a job, sweetie, I’m going to be a teacher.”
“A teacher for me?”
“No sweetie, a bit bigger than you, nine and ten like Rolo.” Mary explained gently.
“Oh…” Emma’s face fell but it immediately perked up. “When I’m a little bit bigger then mommy.”
“Sure, Ducky.” Mary giggled and kissed the top of her white blonde curls again.
“Well, you need to see if your stepmom can babysit and we are so going out on the town to celebrate, a girls night, we all need one.” Ashley promised. She gently stroked Emma’s cheek. “I’ll see you next week sweetie, we’re going to be doing lots of summer things out in the sun, so bring your sun cream and put loads on.” She handed Emma’s backpack to Mary. “There’s a letter in there about a field trip and some of our activity mornings, we’re always looking for volunteers.” She hinted batting her eyelids for comedic effect.
“I’ll take a look at it.” She laughed back. “Say bye bye to Ashley honey.”
“Bye Ash!” Emma said happily waving as her mom walked away. “Food now mommy?”
Mary tickled Emma’s sides. “You’re always hungry, my little love bug, you decide on what you want to eat and we’ll decide where we’re going, we just need to go to the store first, you’ve gotten all your stars on your chart so you get to choose a little toy.” She smiled as Emma cheered and decided to get herself a little treat too.
David was still getting used to being back in the large town instead of being in a city, one of the things he was having to get used to was stores having early closing times, bar the odd few late night ones so he was rushing to get all the things. His mom had moved back to Storybrooke when he had just started college, he took time off to help her move to her farm and settle in, but overall he had only spent a few months in the town in the past four years, most of that time he spent on his mom’s farm so he was still getting his orientation. Now that he had a new apartment and cooking utensils and kitchen equipment he suddenly remembered that he would be needing to buy food. He walked around the store collecting what he would need for the next few days. In the process he found himself turned around and in the kids aisle.
“Okay honey, you get to pick any of these, what do you want?” Mary asked crouching down beside Emma with her basket of shopping. “There’s kitties, bunnies, unicorns, monkeys, doggies, balls, Duplo building blocks-”
“- A doggie mommy!” Emma said with urgency.
Mary smiled gently, lately Emma had been obsessed with dogs, she figured it was because someone else at preschool had got a dog, plus Emma loved all animals anyway, but their apartment was much too small for one. Mary felt bad but she knew they just couldn’t at the moment. “Okay sweetie, there’s a few different ones, you take a look at them while mommy stands up okay?” She watched Emma nod before standing up, a little to her left there were stickers she knew they needed more for Emma’s sticker chart at home after Emma had decided to raid the rest the other day, just picking these made her excited to start being able to have her own class and put them in the kids books alongside her marking. She kept an eye on Emma as she started to put a few into her basket along with a new pack of crayons for Emma and pack of pens for herself.
Emma smiled as she finally settled upon a chocolate brown labrador puppy, she cuddled it close to chest as she stood up, she smiled down at her new toy as she walked over to her mom, bumping into someone as she did. She tore her eyes away from her toy and looked all the way up at the tall man towering over her she had just bumped into. The only thing that she could think was how tall he was and that he had a plaid shirt like the ones she often wore. Suddenly her mom was at her side and the man was suddenly not so scary. She reached her hand up and her mom immediately took hold of it and she cuddled into her side. “Who’s that mommy?”
Mary bit her lip to stop herself from laughing, Emma was pretty shy with everyone, but she couldn’t be completely shy, she was simply too inquisitive to actually be shy. “This is one of my old friends from when I was little, Emmy, I used to live in this town. His name is Hank.”
“Oh.” Emma said quietly, her curiosity was settled, and now she decided instead to cuddle against her mommy’s leg waiting for her to finish talking.
Mary managed to steer the conversation to an end. “I’m sorry it’s time for Emma and I to go have our dinner, isn’t it Ducky? It was nice catching up Hank.” She smiled politely and led Emma away, picking her up when she wanted to be held, kissing her blonde curls as Emma cuddled to her . “Mama just needs to pay for all of these and then we’ll go have some food, we need to pay for puppy too Emma, then what are we going to have for dinner?”
“Erm… Pizza Mama!” She cheered.
Mary laughed. “How come I’m not surprised? I like the sound of pizza too.” She admitted joining the queue.
Mary held onto Emma’s hand as she walked down the street with grocery bags in her other arm. “I think tomorrow we’ll have to have an art day.” Mary told her knowing that her daughter enjoyed that. “And we can make some yummy cupcakes.”
“Yeah! I love cupcakes. Mommy I love you too.”
Mary’s heart sang. “I love you too Emma, more than the moon and all of the stars in the sky.” She nuzzled her face against her daughter’s. “What did you do in preschool today?”
“Mommy, a bumblebee!” Emma shouted urgently, she spotted the bumblebee on the pavement and knew that her mom had to move to save the bee.
Mary knew that voice, and quickly took a step to the right, while keeping ahold of her toddlers hand, so she wouldn’t step on the bee. But by doing so she bumped into a man, nearly
“Oh, I’m sorry ma’am-” David stopped talking. His stomach was in his mouth. And his blood pounded in his ears. He knew that face, a memory from when he was eighteen played in his mind, blurred by time and alcohol. “M- Mary?” His eyebrows shot up as he looked at her in shock. “Mary Margaret, is that you?”
Mary took in a shaky breath, subconsciously pulling Emma closer to her, but a smile formed on her face anyway. “David.” She said quietly, suddenly she felt like a teenager again, not the mature adult she had quickly turned into. “You’re here-?” She was speaking as though she was in shock and by the looks of it he was shocked to see her there too.
“I, I moved back here, recently. I thought you were moving halfway across the country at college? The last time I saw you you were off.”
“I decided to stay close to home.” Mary was getting over her shock as she felt her daughter tugging at her leg, she knew Emma was nervous just as she had been when Mary had been talking to Hank, but now Mary was starting to feel just as nervous. She was struggling to think or even breathe.
“Mommy.” Emma whined starting to feel both hungry and tired. “Mommy, me an’ doggie are hungry.”
He hadn’t noticed the tiny little girl David looked down at the blonde curls of the toddler clinging to Mary’s leg, and did the mental arithmetic, he swallowed deeply. “Is… Is she mine?”
“David-.” Mary’s voice was barely above a whisper. She tugged Emma closer to her, scared about losing her, and wanting to keep her from hearing the oncoming storm.
“Mary.” David’s voice was stern but as he asked his question his voice cracked. “Mary. Is. She. Mine?”
Mary took a shaky deep breath in. “Yes.”
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hutchhitched · 7 years
Blue (Part 4)
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A continued Happy Advent, Everlarkers! This is my contribution for Day 4 of the Christmas challenge hosted by @everlarkchristmasgifts. The entirity of Blue can be found here. Tears, wine, and snow are the basis for today’s drabble.
 Prompt: Snowflakes
“It’s so quiet,” I breathe into the empty house. Peeta took off work a couple of hours early to pick up the girls from their schools, and I’m beyond thrilled to have a few minutes to myself before they return home.
 The gingerbread men and house were a massive hit. Peeta got his baker on, and he probably used more than he should have of the sugar sparkles. He’s always loved glitter, but he didn’t appreciate that I snapped his picture of his sparkly face and posted it on social media. However, my followers are in love.
 You. Are. Welcome. Instagram.
 After I change into my normal winter post-work ensemble of ragged jeans and a flannel shirt, I make myself a cup of hot chocolate and gaze out across the back deck. I’ve been a little on edge since Prim and Gale left the day before. Seeing Prim so upset shook me, and I feel bad that Gale left without a proper goodbye. I don’t think he’s ever quite gotten over the fact that his wife is the sister of his ex-girlfriend, and that makes me sad.
 Gale realized before I did we weren’t great together. We both had too much fire, too much latent anger and snarky attitude to last for long, but we’d been close friends since we’d lost our fathers at an early age, and both of us thought we should give it ago. It didn’t work at all after the initial thrill of something new, and Prim, bless her, tried to play the go-between since she hated seeing both of us miserable. She was exactly what Gale needed, someone sweet but determined, firm but yielding. He resisted for a while, a little freaked out that people who make fun of him for running through the Everdeen girls, but after a while… Well, sometimes love just wins, no matter how weird it is.
 And sometimes it doesn’t, which is what’s happened for me. Peeta’s been my constant, my default date for everything, but there hasn’t been anyone else—not since Gale and I broke up. I love Peeta as much as anyone can love another person, but I stopped letting myself hope any guy would ever want me when I realized how much my middle-finger-to-the-world attitude shaped the way I viewed everything. I’m all work and no fun, a holdover from too many responsibilities much too early in life. I need to work on my anger issues before I can try to take on anyone else’s baggage.
 I love it when Peeta teases me, though. He’s always put me first, even when he’s had a short string of steady girlfriends since he was in high school. Dude is popular as hell with girls, and he’s an amazing roommate. I’m convinced it works because he thinks I’m asexual.
 “Aunt Katniss! It’s snowing!”
 Shaken from my reverie, I turn to greet my nieces. I hadn’t noticed the flakes drifting down as I’d stared out the window, but Daisy’s right. The first snow of the season has dumped a light dusting on the ground as I sipped my drink.
 “It is!” I exclaim. “It’s so cold out there.”
 “Uncle Peeta says we can make a snowman later,” Daisy yells. “Isn’t that the awesome-est?”
 I shoot Peeta a daggered look, and he grins sheepishly at me.
 “That is the awesome-est, Daisy Doodle, but I think Uncle Peeta might have been telling a fib,” I explain as sincerely as I can as she clings to my right leg. “I don’t think there’s going to be enough snow today to make a whole snowman.”
 “But…but…he promised!” she wails, and I shake my head at him over her teary eyes.
 “I think we need to check out that Advent calendar I made for you, sweetheart,” Peeta’s quick to suggest. “If I remember correctly, you are the middle child, and day two means you get to open it.”
 Her tears vanish instantly, and the three of them, with Peeta in tow, bop and skip to the kitchen where Daisy opens the tab and pulls out three snowflake stickers. Her eyes widen, and she looks at Peeta like he hung the moon.
 “How did you know, Uncle Peeta?” she gasps, wonder apparent in every word.
 He grins, so pleased with himself I want to smack him upside the head. “If mean old Aunt Katniss won’t give us enough snow to make a snowman, we’ll make them ourselves.”
 “Oooooh,” the girls chorus, and within minutes, Peeta has each of them seated at the kitchen table with colored paper and scissors and is instructing them.
 Poor Poppy’s struggling with her safety scissors, so I sit down next to her to help. Prim and Gale didn’t quite expect Poppy when she came, only 13 months after Daisy. Having a second grader, Kindergartner, and one in preschool all at the same time’s a lot. Hopefully, the two are enjoying their first day away as much as I am watching Peeta trying to control Lily’s frantic cutting. I have to stifle a chuckle every time she grabs another piece of paper.
 By the time we’re done, the girls have produced a few dozen snowflakes to mix with Peeta’s professional-grade paper cuttings. I put in a call to the local pizza place while we hang them around the downstairs and declare it the Hawthorne Holiday Playground. We eat dinner in the living room with the girls sitting at the coffee table and watch a DVD of cartoons Prim packed for them. Once they’re in bed, I gather the trash and grab a bottle of wine and some glasses before plopping down next to Peeta on the couch.
 “A snowman? Really?” I scoff as I pour him half a glass of red.
 Agitated, he sighs and run his fingers through his hair until it sticks straight up in the back. I resist the urge to reach over and smooth it and instead take a massive gulp of my drink.
 “Sorry about that. They were just so excited. I didn’t mean to make promises I can’t keep. You know that’s not me.”
 “I know,” I reply softly and lean back into the cushions. “You always keep them.”
 He flips the channel to a college basketball game and relaxes until his left thigh touches my right. I lean over to rest my head against his shoulder, and we watch the TV until the wine runs out and we stumble to bed. I dream of warm kisses mingled with frosty air as snowflakes fall on my eyelashes.
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
Find the nearest book. Read the second sentence on page 13. honestly the closest thing that’s a book is my kindle and there’s no way i’m gna fuck up my place by going to page 13 for this question lol.
Do you own anything that is made of metal and pink? hmm probably only coz i do own a lot of pink.
Is there laundry in your dryer right now? no dryer.
Would you eat a hissing beetle for $1000? i would probably seriously consider it but not do it lol.
If you had to spend a year studying an animal in the wild, what animal? pandas. (this survey is super long)
What is your all time favorite recipe? i had this amazing recipe for the moistest vanilla cupcakes ever but i lost it. i need to find it. i’d always get compliments.
What’s the first thing you think of when you smell strawberries? nothing really.
What’s the nearest thing to your right that starts with an L? lamp. Are there any bells in your house? the doorbell? lol. there’s also bells on the front door, you’ll always hear it if someone opens it.
What’s your favorite informercial? i hate them.
Ever been to AsSeenOnTv.com? no.
If you could have a shopping spree in any store, what would it be? a department store so i can buy something from every section lol.
Where’s the best place to register for a wedding? a department store lol.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever found on the beach? dead blue jellyfish.
Have you ever kissed anyone within an hour of meeting them? no i haven’t.
Can you watch a birthing video all the way through? i’m not sure, never tried.
What would be your act in a talent show? nothing!! 
What channel is on channel 37 on your tv? nothing.
What’s the last thing you wrote? my id number.
Do you have a community mailbox or an individual one? individual. like for my family.
How many keys are on your key ring? only three i think.
What was your first myspace song ever? i forgot.
Besides mama and dada, what was your first real word? haha i have no idea i’d have to ask my parents.
Would you rather be stuck in the desert or in a blizzard? blizzard. i honestly hate the summer heat.
What dessert do you hate? ice cream. like just ice cream. it’s boring.
What candy factory would you love to work at? lindt.
What does an envelope taste like to you? an envelope haha. can’t really compare it to anything else.
What’s your favorite line in your favorite movie? ugh idk lol. i can’t be put on the spot like that coz nothing comes to mind instantly.
Have you ever gone to the bathroom outdoors? yes. i used to go on camping trips a lot as a kid lol.
Would you help a baby cougar w/ the risk of the mama attacking you? no. 
What international monument would you like to visit the most? golden gate bridge - again. i never got pictures with it.
Have you decided where you want to get married? nope. around 30 i guess.
What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten in a sandwich? meh, i’m not very creative. so nothing too strange.
What’s the most exotic thing you’ve eaten? umm idk.
Is there a crime/criminal that intrigues you the most? no.
What Disney character do you think is the cutest? boo from monsters inc has always been cute for me.
Can you name some of the clever names of OPI nail polish? no lol.
Can you sing the entire theme song to any show? yes. the office. it has no words lol.
Did you ever get ‘the talk’ from either one of your parents? nope. my mum asked me as a kid if i knew how babies were made and i said yes and instantly left her room lol.
Do you remember drinking from a bottle? yes.
What’s in the third drawer of your dresser? leggings, tights and warmer clothes.
What do you keep in the little pocket of your purse? gum.
When people ask for ID, which ID do you use? driver’s license.
Who was the first person you knew who’s name started with a P? pj, my first friend in preschool.
What’s the last form you filled out online? this cashback thing from tolls.
How many times have you had to renew/change your driver’s license? i’ve renewed my license maybe five times now. and this month again coz it’s expiring.
Have you ever been given a bouquet of carnations? no.
Do you have an old computer that just sits at the house? yes lol. we should throw it, no one ever uses it.
Do you read the lyrics in the CD sleeve while listening to the song? i used to when i used to buy cd’s. i’d hate it when the sleeve didn’t have lyrics lol.
Name something you made out of play-doh when you were younger. a ball.
What’s your next appointment for? nothing.
When’s the last time you put glitter on something? on the weekend lol. as eyeshadow.
What’s the worst birthday gift you received as a child? clothes. i hated getting clothes. i was all about the toys.
Do you go into the gas station or stay by your car when pumping gas? stay by my car? then go into the gas station when i have to pay? confused by this question.
When’s the last time you sat on Santa’s lap? omg i don’t remember.
What’s your favorite kind of caramel apple? don’t think i’ve ever had one.
Would you rather wrestle crocodiles or anacondas? crocs. i’d hate to think of dying a slow and painful death with an anaconda squeezing you.
Did you sneeze last night? probably.
Do you hold the remote while watching tv or set it down? set it down unless i’m flicking through channels.
Have you ever done farm chores like milk a cow or shave a sheep? no.
When’s the last time you used a coupon? umm last week when i bought my new hair straightener.
Does your mom know what size clothes you wear now? yes.
Is Love written anywhere in the room you’re in? yes.
What’s the nearest sports equipment to you? basketball jerseys.
Have you ever glued your fingers or hands together? yes. i was fumbling around with superglue trying to fix my shoe and my fingers got stuck together for a good few seconds.
Do you think that they should bring the guillotine back? naaah. too messy.
If you could invent anything to make life easier, what would it be? teleportation so i could travel whenever.
Would you like to run in a giant hamster ball for humans? no.
What were that last kind of nuts you ate? normal peanuts.
Do you own any shirts with political or social statements on them? no.
Do you remember what your 2nd grade teacher’s first name was? mrs. la scala.
Have you ever played Twister & had someone’s butt in your face? haha i don’t remember the last time i played twister.
What was the last thing you cheated on? hmmm idk.
When was the last time you used a walkie talkie? geez probably when i was 10.
Where do you usually go camping? i don’t go camping anymore.
Who do you sleep with when you go camping? well with my family.
Ever been afraid to see a ghost in your rearview mirror when driving alone? hahaha plenty of times. especially after those nights with friends where you just start talking about scary shit.
Have you ever dated anyone whose name started with B? no.
If yes, was it a good experience? -
Do you remember what Doug Funnie’s dog’s name was? i forgot he even had a dog.
What is your favorite episode of The Brady Bunch? no idea. i remember watching it as a kid but totally no recollection of any scenes.
Name a line from a Spice Girls song. coz tonight is the night when two become one. man i had no idea as a 5yo that song was about sex.
Have you ever jumped into a pile of leaves? yes.
What does your swimsuit look like? a black one piece.
Do you like it fast or slow? ha, there’s a time for both.
What’s the last holiday candy you consumed? idk lol.
What’s the last thing you bought at a grocery store? smokes.
Have you ever done a backflip on a giant trampoline? no. don’t think i’ve ever tried doing a backflip in my life.
Do you believe that there is only ONE person out there for everybody? not sure, only because there’s the whole ‘the one that got away’ thing.
Do you prefer flowers or chocolate? chocolates.
Do you remember the first time you used a computer? yeah, there’s a photo of me and everything lol. i was playing some game that came from a floppy disk.
Do you remember the first computer game you ever played? some educational game. i forgot what it was called.
Does your Wii character ever look like you? sorta. but not really.
What’s the last sour thing you put in your mouth? my drink.
Do you remember anything from before you were 3? not really hey.
Do you believe in hypnosis? idk if you’d call it that but there’s definitely a way to get people who are willing to be entranced, to be entranced.
Do you reserve pages in the yearbook for certain people? nope?
Ever had a fantasy about a teacher? haha no. there were hot teachers but i never imagined dating them or anything.
What’s the most humiliating outfit your parent made you wear? it was book week at school and we had to dress up as our favourite character from a book and my mum made me the ugliest tinkerbell costume hahaha. it was true to the character, i just looked terrible in it.
Did you ever want to change religions? no.
Is it hard for you to fall asleep when you have had a lot of sugar? no.
What’s your favorite thing to eat with strawberries? nutella.
How do you eat a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup? i honestly just chomp it. 
What would you do for a Klondike bar? nothing.
What’s the funniest bumper sticker you’ve ever seen? -
Ever been up in the mountains? no.
When’s the first time you ever touched snow? i was 5 i think.
What color is your computer desk? that light brown/yellowish wood colour.
Are you baptized? yes.
What did you dream of last night? nothing.
Have you ever eaten an exotic animal? define exotic? the weirdest thing i’ve eaten was turtle. never again.
What do you think is the funniest movie of all time? mean girls and white chicks.
Name a line from that movie? 'yo momma’s so old, she breastfeed like this *blows powder*’ still hilarious.
Would you be surprised if you found out your mom had tattoos? hahaha hell yes.
Would you wear a leather dog collar for free drinks? hahaha. no way.
When was the last time you danced the Macarena? forever ago. i think on a cruise lol.
Can you sing your school’s song? our school song was written and produce the year i graduated, so naturally i don’t remember it since it wasn’t played on repeat throughout my whole school life.
What was your all time favorite subject in elementary school? probably art. it was always really chill.
What’s the last song you sang out loud in the car? idk haha.
Who is the last person you talked to whose name started with a G? ugh, i can’t think lol. gio i guess.
Have you ever bedazzled anything? my phone cover back when it was cool.
Have you ever bought anything off of HSN or QVC? no. Where do you keep your cash? all in my account. i hate carrying cash.
Do you fold laundry while watching tv? no.
When’s the last time you used a protractor? high school lol.
When’s the last time you used a Victoria’s Secret product? the other day.
Can you name the kids from the Cosby Show? nope.
What’s your favorite show on Nick At Nite? never had nickelodeon.
Have you ever made a rubber band ball? no lol. always wanted to.
What zodiac sign do you find to be the most interesting? none. people who truly believe in that shit kill my life. i could read any horoscope and somehow find a way it relates to my life.
Would you ever see a psychic? tempting but no.
When’s the last time you had cotton candy? ages ago.
Where is your younger sibling? in her room.
What’s the last thing you ordered at a Mexican restaurant? tacos.
Do you have an ant problem in the summer? nope.
Do you tan outside or in a booth? outside. but rarely.
Do you still use scrunchies? no.
Have you ever met someone for the 1st time that seemed so familiar? yes. i didn’t officially meet her, but there was this girl at work who looked SO familiar. i spent all shift thinking about it and realized she looks exactly like baby ariel lol.
What’s the most hours you’ve worked in a week? 40.
Do you keep anything in files? yes.
Do you have special ringtones for different people? only my boyfriend.
How do you eat your steak? rare/medium rare.
Is your birthmark shaped like anything? nah, it’s just a small dash.
Can you put on mascara with your mouth closed? yes.
Have you ever worn men’s underwear? no.
Do you own anything that’s fuzzy and purple? nope.
When’s the last time you were kissed on the cheek? on the weekend.
Do you play with pogs? nope.
What wild animal would you like as a pet? a panda that’s tame.
When’s the last time someone hung up on you? idk lol.
Have you eaten an entire pizza by yourself? hmmm. i probably have tbh.
Have you ever fallen out of a tree? nope.
Did you read the Babysitters Club book series? i was obsessed with it as a kid. i’d go to the markets and scope out garage sales just to collect them all.
How about Goosebumps? ^ same.
Ever worn a flower in your hair? yes.
What kind of car did your parents have while you were growing up? suzukis. they don’t have suzukis anymore yet i do lol.
Do you ever wish your birthday was on a different day? nah. i like my birthday.
Do you sunburn easily? i can if i’m not wearing any sunscreen.
Have you read the Twilight series? the first book only and like halfway through the second.
Why couldn’t you go to sleep the last time you were up all night? i was occupied lol.
What breed of dog do you find the most annoying? the small barky ones lol.
What would you name your first born son? haven’t thought that far ahead yet.
Do you cook anything you don’t like eating? no lol. what’s the point!
Do you watch any reality shows on MTV or VH1? no.
Would you have a better chance of surviving in the Sahara or Alaska? alaska. easily.
When’s the last time you pet a cat? omg maybe over a year ago.
Do you remember Eureka’s Castle on Nick JR? nope.
What would you say is Paris Hilton’s occupation? international dj hahahaha.
Are you wearing a necklace? yes.
Do you have any noticeable moles or birthmarks? i have a small mole below my right eye.
Count to ten in another language. ok i just did.
Do you feel uncomfortable telling friends they have boogers in their nose? no. i’d appreciate it if my friends told me if i had any!
What do you remember from sex ed class when you were younger? yes lol. the class thought it was a joke.
What’s the first instrument you ever played? keyboard.
What’s the last thing you wore around your neck? necklace.
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500-challenge · 7 years
Tumblr media
It’s hard to find a good way to celebrate a birthday for your toddler when the never ending list of dietary needs and restrictions of the other kids in her class are part of the planning process. Sorry kids, but if you can’t all eat cupcakes then nobody gets cupcakes. So, instead of bringing a treat for Zelda’s preschool class and risk poisoning/infuriating one of her classmates/parents. We are bringing a non edible option in the form of fun shaped crayons, and stickers. I have a friend who melts down old crayons in silicone novelty ice cube trays and makes new crayons as a like, a fun activity? I don’t know, she’s a stay at home mom, her kids are both in school at this point so, while I’m sure that she’s plenty busy, she has a lot more time for hobbies.
I have now scoured the shelves of two different stores trying to find fun novelty shaped ice cube trays. Do these things no longer exist? I’m wondering if I’ve made a mistake.
I just got a notification that one of the hospitals I work at has had a demise. Yes, we do photo those, too. It’s part of my job, unfortunately, but it doesn’t happen that often. This is actually the first time I’ve been asked to shoot a demise. I’m not able to do this right now for a lot of reasons and I feel conflicted. It’s an important part of mourning and healing for some families that suffer such a huge loss and have so much pain. Having a photo of the baby you lost can be something that you may not want immediately but when you’re ready, it can help. I’m not sure if I would want this or not if I were in their situation. I’m not sure it would help me, but I feel bad not being able to do this for people who feel that they need it. I’m just not in the right space at the moment considering I’m almost 20 weeks pregnant myself. It’s just not an option for me. I’m going to file this under “times it’s perfectly ok to say no.”
I feel bad about it though.
People don’t like to think or talk about the ways life really can punch you in the face, especially when it comes to infant mortality. Pregnancy is this novelty circus of strange fashion and expensive things but as soon as something goes wrong people don't know what to do with you or how to handle it and women get alienated for things that are 99.9% out of their control. There just isn’t enough support for pregnant women and new mothers in this country. I feel like part of that is due to the commercialism that surrounds parenthood. It’s no secret that people in this country use having large numbers of children as a status symbol, but that’s just one branch of a big web. It’s far more complicated than just that. It’s this division between us once we have or do not have babies that’s imaginary and real at the same time. It’s people whispering "breeder" just within earshot at the grocery store when your toddler is having a meltdown in the last few minutes of an otherwise lovely shopping trip. It’s people going out of their way to make their businesses inhospitable to people with babies and children. I notice it far less now that I’ve left Southern California but occasionally I still walk, like a deer into headlights, straight into some place that is completely unfriendly to families, and I’m not talking about bars and tattoo shops. I think, on a more personal level, it’s that when I had my daughter I felt a huge loss. I was the first one to have kids in my social circle and after I had my daughter I was alone all the time, literally begging people to meet me for lunch. I wanted my friends in my life, but my friends were completely unavailable to me. I very suddenly had no community and felt like I had to start over socially, again, but now in a world where $1000 strollers and $500 baby backpacks were drawing the lines of who would or would not talk to me. It’s okay to not know how to act when someone you know goes through such a big life transition, a birth, a death, a dramatic change in their lives means they’re people. People want you in their lives, so don’t be a stranger.
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zipgrowth · 6 years
Improving teacher talk: Align your language with your best intentions
At the end of my first year of teaching, I wanted some feedback from my fourth graders about my teaching. So, I created a report card for students to fill out for me and encouraged them to give me honest feedback.
There was a section for comments, and for the most part, they were very positive. One, though, caught me off guard. Jenna was a thoughtful and spunky student with whom I thought I shared great rapport. I was crushed when she wrote something about how I had hurt her feelings sometimes during the year.
“What? Jenna?” I thought, “How could that be? We’re always joking around and teasing!” I thanked Jenna for her feedback and asked her to help me understand. I apologized and let her know I never meant to hurt her feelings. “I know you didn’t, Mr. A.,” Jenna sighed. “I just couldn’t always tell when you were joking and when you were serious.” It was a powerful lesson for me—one that I felt like I should have known already. The playful, nuanced teasing and joking I did with nine and ten year-olds was intended to build rapport and strengthen relationships, but I realized that it wasn’t always received the way I intended.
This was the first time I remember being conscious of how the way I talked with students didn’t always match my goals for them, but it certainly wasn’t the last.
For the past 25 years, first as a classroom teacher and then as a consultant, I’ve been thinking deeply about, and working with other educators on, this basic idea.
We all end up in a place where our language habits don’t match our good intentions for our students. Do any of these sound familiar?
We intend to craft a safe and supportive community, but we slide into sarcasm and snarkiness when frustrated. How many times do I have to remind you to clean up your science supplies? Do I look like your personal servant?!
We want our students to be strong and independent, but we feed them a steady diet of teacher-pleasing praise which trains them to seek our approval. I love the way you’re adding so much detail to your story!
We want students to love learning, but we send subtle messages that schoolwork isn’t fun. If you work hard and finish this task, we’ll do something fun at the end of class.
We want our students to engage in positive behavior, and to do so because it’s the right thing to do, but we accidentally send the message that kids should be good to get a prize. If you work well in your reading groups, we’ll get another sticker on our chart. We’re close to getting our pizza party!
These are just a few examples of some of the most common ways that educators’ best intentions for students aren’t reflected in our language. Chances are, you can think of some of your own examples. In fact, you’re probably already vaguely aware of a language habit you have that doesn’t quite feel right. So, what can you do?
If you’re looking for strategies to talk with children in ways that will boost engagement, support positive behavior, build safe learning communities, strengthen student agency, support growth mindsets, and meet other positive goals we have for our students, here are a few ideas to try.
Set a good goal. What’s something about your language you would like to shift? How might this shift benefit your students? Example: I’d like to move away from using the teacher-pleasing language of “I like the way you…” when I offer feedback to students. This will help boost their sense of independence and help them think for themselves.
Plan concrete strategies. What is a simple strategy to help you make this shift? Would it help to audio-record yourself as you teach to help raise your awareness of your language habits? Do you have a colleague who could observe you and offer supportive feedback? Would it help to create a t-chart—unwanted language on the left and replacement language on the right (see below)?
Instead of… Try… I like the way you’re trying multiple strategies to solve that problem. You’re trying multiple strategies to solve that problem. That should help you learn a lot. I love how you’re helping each other out as a group. You’re showing real teamwork by working together as a group.
Practice—a lot. It takes a while to shift habits. Be patient with yourself as you practice and solidify your new language pattern. You’ll need to be hyper-conscious of your new language at first, but as your new habit develops, it will become more automatic.
Too often, we end up in language habits that undermine our vision of the ideal learning environments we’re trying to create. As your teacher talk becomes better aligned with your best intentions, you’ll see your classroom environment shifting. Depending on your goals, you may see your students becoming more confident and independent, or enjoying learning and becoming more motivated. They may be more collaborative and respectful of each other and more able to think and act responsibly.
There’s no doubt that this isn’t easy—changing language habits is hard work, but it’s worth it.
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Mike Anderson has been an educator for more than 25 years. He spent 15 years as a elementary school teacher and has also taught preschool and university graduate level classes. He spent many years as a presenter, consultant, author, and developer for the Northeast Foundation for Children, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping create safe, joyful, and challenging classrooms and schools. In 2004, Anderson received a national Milken Educator Award and in 2005 he was a finalist for New Hampshire Teacher of the Year. Now, as an education consultant, Anderson works with schools in rural, urban, and suburban settings. He is the author of several books including What We Say and How We Say It Matter: Teacher Talk that Improves Student Learning and Behavior (ASCD, 2019).
The post Improving teacher talk: Align your language with your best intentions appeared first on Trusted.
Improving teacher talk: Align your language with your best intentions published first on https://medium.com/@GetNewDLBusiness
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