#I wanna say the first one is from this is our youth and the second one is the moment when
romespulse · 6 months
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transmasc realness
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analogwriting · 1 month
The Other Side of Paradise
Prologue: Youth
Killer x gn!reader word count: 1.1k next a/n: hey, hi, hello. I'm finally back with another long fic oh my god im sorry i took so long. i didn't really plan on being gone that long pls forgive. anyway, there's a long story of how this idea came to fruition but i don't think anyone wants to hear all that lmfao. it was born from the glass animals song 'the other side of paradise' hence the name. im probably just gonna make the chapter titles different song titles and shove in lyrics here n there like normal lmfao ill stop rambling lets gooooo
“We should form a rock band when we’re old enough.” Kid suddenly sat up from where he had been laying down, struck with a sudden and brilliant idea.
A group of kids from the neighborhood were currently laying in the grass at the park after a long day of playing - this included you.
“Oh yeah? What’s with the sudden idea?” Wire asked, also sitting up to look at Kid. He crossed his legs, tilting his head to the side. He lived across from you.
“Well, I think we’d be good at it. And it would be fun. And we could all hang out all the time!”
“We already do hang out all the time,” Heat said, sitting up as well to join in on the conversation. He also lived across from you, next to Wire.
“Yeah, but I mean when we’re adults. This will be a sure fire way to make sure we’re always together!” Kid rolled his eyes as if this was the most obvious thing in the world.
“I’m in as long as I get to marry y/n.” Killer sat up now, pulling you with him. He lived next to you.
You smiled widely. Sure, you two might have only been eleven right now, but you’ve been convinced you were going to marry this boy since you met him when you were seven. Even moreso when the two of you were sitting in the classroom at the ripe age of ten, holding hands when he officially asked you out.
“Ugh. Gross. But as long as you join my band then fine!” 
“You’re literally seven, how do you know you’re still gonna wanna be a rockstar?” You looked over at Kid who narrowed his eyes at you. “Says the one who is literally eleven and convinced they already know who they’re gonna marry.”
You guffawed at him, pouting and folding your arms. “You don’t understand, you’re too little!”
“I’m seven! I understand plenty!” He shook his head, scoffing.
“Nuh uh!”
“Uh huh!”
You felt Killer put a hand on your thigh and you groaned, folding your arms and rolling your eyes. “Whatever. You’ll understand when you meet your special someone. When you’re older.”
“You’re literally eleven, Bigs,” he said again, rolling his eyes at you. Arguing with Kid like this was frequent. He was your cousin and lived with you, after all. He had moved in a couple of years ago when an unfortunate accident happened to his parents - your aunt and uncle. He was pretty much like a little brother to you at this point; he sure was annoying like one.
“Whatever.” You huff, rolling your eyes again and standing up. You dust yourself off, stretching.
“You guys have fun in your little rockband. I’ll support from the stands.”
“Nuh uh!” You look to Kid who was standing now, confused at his sudden change of tune. “You’re gonna be in the band with us!” Just like true sibling fashion, going from arguing to begging to hang out in two seconds.
You shook your head, making a face. You folded your arms across your chest. “No. I don’t like people.”
“You’re around us all the time.”
“That’s different.”
“Maybe y/n can be our manager,” Killer chimed, trying to prevent another argument between the two of you. He slowly stood up as well, slowly holding your hand and pulling you away from Kid. Just to be safe. Things didn’t really get physical between you two, but keeping distance helped arguments stay deescalated. 
“I don’t know about all that,” you mumbled, shaking your head. Sure, it was mostly the whole getting on stage thing that made you nervous. Maybe you could be their manager. Though, people still made you nervous. You didn’t know the first thing about managing anything. You were eleven.
“Well, you have plenty of time to think about it.” Killer smiled at you and you felt your heart flutter. Sure, you were a kid, but these feelings were real. You couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. You were sure you found the love of your life and he seemed to feel the same - always content at your side. 
Besides, he’s the one that asked you out, after all.
“You’re right. We have plenty of time to think about it.” You smiled back at Killer as he reached for your hand. You took his, squeezing it softly.
“Blegh!” Kid stuck out his tongue and shook his head, causing everyone to laugh.
You looked over to your cousin. “What would you even name your band?” He seemed to mull it over for a moment before deciding. “Victoria Punk!”
You blinked, tilting your head to the side. “Like that one girl you had a crush on?”
Kid nodded, grinning widely. You remembered him mentioning he had a crush on a girl named Victoria back in his old neighborhood. He also mentioned that she had also passed, but never gave any specifics and you weren’t one to pry with things like that.
“Well, I think you have to decide that with the others. You can’t just decide it yourself.”
Kid pouted, folding his arms. “I’m the leader! I get to make the decisions!”
“Who said you were leader?”
“I did!” He huffed, glaring at you.
You rolled your eyes, placing a hand on your hip. “You can’t decide that for yourself!”
Kid looked at the others. “What do you think?”
“I don’t particularly care,” Wire said with a shrug. Heat nodded in agreement. “Being in a band sounds fun, but I don’t want the responsibility of leader.”
Killer also shrugged. “I’m just along for the ride. You know what I want.” He looked at you from the corner of his eye and smiled, making your face warm up. He was so sweet!
“Who is gonna do what?” Wire asked, standing up now. Heat followed suit and now all of you were standing.
“Well, I have to be the lead singer since I’m the leader.” Kid nodded as if agreeing with himself. “Other than that…I don’t know.”
��You have plenty of time to figure it out,” you said, using Killer’s words from earlier. He grinned at you and you giggled.
Kid groaned loudly and rolled his eyes. “You two are the worst!” He stomped off, leaving you all in fits of laughter.
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day6source · 2 months
hello my loves <33333333 happy spring! i hope you've all been enjoying it so far, and especially enjoying it with the new album hehe!!🫶 so! first things first:
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the welcome to the show concert is next week! as always i'll be recording, and i've since figured out recording with firefox, so there should be 0 to little stuttering this time in the VOD! i apologize heavily for that, and i actually have a gift to make up for it, but stay with me until the end! second: since kcon was...virtually unwatchable to most of us, i went on a little hunt for it! you may or may not be able to find the meet & greet here and the performance cut of the boys here. not sure. you might just have to check out the links to double check ;)
third: masterpost for 'fourever' is basically all updated! you can find it here! i was...unaware of the link limit, so if you want the shopping and streaming and performance links, those'll be in the first read more, watching things and articles are in the second one (which is the one linked for ease)! promo is basically over (i say cautiously) minus the concert, so feel free dive in if you missed anything! speaking of masterposts!
fourth: i got to thinking about it, and i found it a little unfair to only include jae in the pinned, so you can now find links/some updated info about what junhyeok is doing! i figured if i'm gonna have one former member, i should also have the other, even if he was there for only a short amount of time. so if you've been wondering what he's been up to, check him out on youtube and streaming! i'll be keeping it...semi-updated in the way i do jae's part, checking in every like, three months to see if anything's changed. on the flip side, if none of you care to know what those two are up to, i might just take their sections out entirely, but for now i thought it'd be courteous to have them there at the very least!
and last but not least: so, you guys know that watching old concert content is...entirely impossible really, and i thought...that was pretty wack, actually. so! the other day i went on a little deep dive on some sites, and i found some old concerts including the youth tour, the streams from pilmography, an old fanmeet, and the final every day6 concert. this site is uhhh basically impossible to see without a vpn and...well i also thought that was super wack, especially granted this content is...impossible to find elsewhere, and you can't even buy it. so i...took the liberty of gathering it and maybe...just maybe...you can find it here along with all of the other shows of recent, including a better stream of the christmas show for you guys. this is just me personally, but i think especially in comparison to other fandoms, ours is...a bit smaller and older, so gatekeeping content is just...not cool, and i wanna make sure that if you guys wanna see things, i can bring them to you to watch! it's not everything probably by a long shot, but if it's somewhere, i want you guys to be able to see it, even if those people don't think so, and especially if we can't just go out and buy it somewhere! so please enjoy! it should all be uploading as of me typing this post up, but should be up within a couple of hours, but there's some things in there like the kcon stuff and some other shows already, so that should keep you busy in the meantime.
okay, that's it! i love you guys, and i hope you're all staying so so so healthy and so so so so happy and enjoying fourever! we're actually almost at 300 followers which is INSANE, especially because the blog is almost a year old!!!!! what!!!!!!!! time truly flies, and i have loved every second with you all, i've got some potential things planned, so...stay tuned ;) stay happy and healthy, study well, take long breaks when you need, enjoy the weather! i love you guys so much <33333 tay💕💕💕🫶🫶🫶
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sukunasstomachtongue · 7 months
The Race: Lap Two
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Pairing: Sukuna x Bunny (black fem OC)
Rating: Mature | Minors leave me alone
Warning: Cursing, houseless character, light smut that I couldn’t follow through on, OOC Sukuna (don’t say anything I need comfort), my brand of humor, barely edited
Series Masterlist | Previously
“Well, if it isn’t little bunbun. Why are you here? Got fired for being a bad role model to the youth?” Gojo shifted his weight to rest his elbows on the counter. The harsh fluorescent lighting all government-funded buildings had washed out his complexion, yet he still managed to look nothing short of ethereal to Bunny.
She tsk’d, a habit of her boyfriend that she unfortunately picked up. How she managed to quietly slam the book in her possession closed would be a mystery to Gojo.
“If you’re not here to clear your debt, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave, Gojo. Technically you’re not even ‘sposed to be allowed within 20 meters of our doors.”
Both individuals refused to break eye contact, waiting for the other to chicken out and avert their gaze. Bunny had to fight off her signature sinister grin, the one she displays in the backstreets while riding shotgun in a barely street-legal car. No, she had to save that smile for the right time and place. The local public library barely surviving and on its last two legs hardly fit the criteria.
She gave him what Shoko called her ‘librarian smile.’ Kind and sickeningly sweet, giving the impression that she had all the time in the world to help a patron in need.
Gojo conceded after a few seconds of being on the receiving end of that smile. Her brown eyes glinted with victory.
“What if I did come to pay off my debt, hm? I can stay?” Bunny said nothing but went to work on her computer, lazily tapping the tablet on the patron side of the counter, prompting the man to move and look at the information displayed.
Gojo, Satoru
Amount Paid: $3.86
Amount Due: $834.98
Will you be paying: Cash, Credit/Debit Card, or Check?
“Fuck me, Bunbun! This is insane! What type of operation are you running?” Gojo groaned into his hands, ignoring the harsh glares aimed his way for his loud voice. Long nails tapped rhythmically against the keyboard, before clutching the side of the monitor and swinging it around to show more of his account.
“You have a bad habit of renting movies and never returning them. You rented ‘Return of the Mask’ and ‘Belly’ five years ago. Should I ask why those two movies were rented at the same time?”
Her taunts only drew more groans from his throat. Quickly slapping his face, Gojo reaches into his pocket, grumbling about unsuccessful hookups and drunken mistakes. The slam of his plastic card made no impact on Bunny. As quickly as he presented it, the librarian ran it through the system, clearing his debt.
“You know, now that you’re clear we can take down your mugshot on the bulletin board. Wanna take it home?”
The wide grin was all the answer she needed.
“Bunny, we need to restock our hygiene packs tonight. Glen said we’re down to five and it's only getting hotter out there.”
“I’ll get on it after I take my break.” She replied, busy logging books back into the system. After Gojo left, the library returned to its usual hushed business. Citizens came and went through the automatic door, focused on their own tasks.
Filling out job applications, playing computer games, writing an essay, meeting up for study sessions, and inquiring about citizenship classes, the library serves as a vital organ in the community. Its value is what made Bunny want to work there in the first place. All her tasks served a purpose for the greater good.
That’s what she had to tell herself to not lose her mind and go ballistic on the inconsiderate patrons and lazy coworkers.
Those hygiene packs were a task given to Glen, who passed it to Asano, who decided to drop it in Bunny’s lap before leaving for the day. Granted, at this location, Bunny didn’t have the authority or sway to go against an order.
Still, Bunny gritted her teeth and got to it like she said she would. The supply room had a table and old worn-out chair that could have been from the 70s, providing a workstation to build the packs. They were nothing lavish. A few water bottles, dental care, deodorant, a towel, new socks, and other necessities to ease the constant dingy feeling of being unhoused and exposed to the elements and the city’s unpleasant side.
She got into a grove after the first two packs were done, head bopping to city pop that fought the static out of the old radio in the corner to be audible. Every few packs, her neck would tilt to the side to lightly stretch the stiff muscles there. When she reached for the last pair of socks, her stomach grumbled. The few snacks she stole from the vending machine were not enough to tie her over until dinner.
Would Sukuna make his rendition of her grandmother’s red beans and rice tonight?
Thoughts now focused on food and related topics, she unchecked the box next to ‘socks’ on the supply list on their worn board. Hands full with the large bin they used to transport the packs outside, Bunny made her way outdoors.
In his earlier years, Glen had old lockers from a high school repurposed to look presentable along the inside of the exterior wall. They stood under the protruding concrete covering, shielded from harh weather conditions, visible from the central help desk inside where someone could keep an eye out. Opposite of the lockers was a poster from the early 70s, faded but still legible, inviting everyone inside to access resources everyone needed in the modern age.
For the last few hours of her shift, Bunny led story time in the children’s section, several coming from the school she worked at which led to many tears of joy and anger directed at her by children who were not happy to see her absent that day. Ending the story time with a nice group hug and a promise to return to her rightful post had her back in their good graces.
From there, she remained stationed at the help desk, offering book suggestions and recommendations to classes the library offered to the colorful clientel. The short hand on the clock had begun nearing 5, signaling the end of her time here. Making her rounds, Bunny waved her goodbye to the others as she walked to the back to retrieve her purse.
Stepping outside the automatic doors, the sight infront of her made her pause to confirm the person digging a pack out of the outdoor lockers was who she thought it was.
Dropping her bag on the table, Bunny released a loud sigh. Her shoulders ached after hours of shelving new and returned books all day. The local library had a much larger stock than the one at the schoolhouse, with more genres outside of children and young adult. It had been her first challenging shift in a long time, not including the last hour.
The smell of garlic invaded her nose, making the muscles flex as the button of her nose scrunched up. There was no reason for something out of season to smell so pungent.
“Come here and taste this broth, I’m not sure if I added enough paste.” There, with one hand tucked into the tie of his apron with the other clutching the ladle above the pot, stood her boyfriend, hard at work trying to feed them. The sight warmed her heart.
The onions brought tears to her eyes.
The surprise she had in store for Sukuna sent shivers down her spine.
“Suki…” He grunted and twisted at his waist to look back. Before she could open her mouth to continue, the hot ladle was at her lips waiting for entry. The tip of her pink tongue dipped in the liquid, coating her tastebuds with flavor.
“Good. Could use some lemon or citrus for some tang.” Sukuna eyed her with thought, taking her suggestion as he slurped the remaining broth, smacking his mouth to extract any hidden flavor.
“No. That’ll mess up the balance. This is why we can’t cook together.”
“We can’t cook together because you like to hog the front right burner.”
“It’s the best one.”
“It’s the biggest one and is supposed to be used for big pots, not frying a single egg.” Bunny grimaced as her shoulder tinged in pain, the already tired nerves becoming more agitated as she danced around her surprise. Just like a bandaid, Bunny coached herself. “ Suki-”
“Agree to disagree. Why are you wincing? Got into another fight with that old hag?”
“Fortunately no. She learned her lesson the last time.” Or maybe not like a bandaid at all, maybe like removing shrapnel from a wound. Nice and slow, and gently to not lacerate any nearby blood vessels.
“Good. I know you want to be a lady of leisure but right now we still need your income. Unless you wanna end up on the streets like that brat.” Or maybe not like a bandaid or like shrapnel. Instead, just like a rug being ripped from under her orthopedic loafers.
“Come on Yuji, he knows.” At her beckon, the pink-haired kid slid into the kitchen, back against the nearest wall. His arm was in a dingy cast and he looked weary. “How’d you know?”
An exasperated sigh came from the stove, followed by a slurp, hum, and finally, the click of the burner being switched from high to medium.
“My sweet stupid Bunny, did you already forget that we installed cameras last month? Set the table. And you, brat. Sit down and get ready to tell us everything.”
As she followed his demand, Bunny fell even more in love with her boyfriend.
Sukuna, Yuji decided after smelling the first decent meal he’s been given in three months, was not as bad as everyone on the scene said he was. Sure he had a temper and really didn't care for the community of street racing like most did - like Yuji did after losing his grandfather- but it didn’t make him a horrible person. In a way, Sukuna was on the other side of the same coin as Nanami. They both were serious about their chosen illegal interest but also had a life outside of it. Nanami with his day job, and Sukuna with-
“Fucking Martha decided she wanted to flirt with Geshin instead of completing her tasks. So guess who had to cover her thirsty ass instead of making the itinerary for the career workshop that’s happening in a week?”
“Me. I wanted to cuss the bitch out for pulling that shit but I’m scared she might have a degradation kink or something. Y’know last employee evaluation I swear to god that hoe had stars in her eyes when Boss yelled at her about her performance.” Bunny ranted as her hands set the table, paying no mind to the opening notes of pork being cooked.
“Geshin… that's the guy who just had a baby, right?”
“Yep, and that’s his fifth baby this year. Man needs to get locked up at this point. He’s trying to become the next Genghis Khan. I don’t know why Martha would want his ass when she was just at his last baby shower. Eating that dry-ass cake like Betty Crocker made it.”
“Damn, that’s crazy.” At his commentary, she cut her eyes to look at the back of his head.
“What did you do today?” The roar of the pork being seared and fat popping against the heat of the pan set the ambiance in their kitchen.
“Nothing. Worked on my jobs, bought some shit online, got a call from the old man for the next race.”
“Oh yeah? When and where?”
“Next Weekend. It's a collab with some other organizers in the outskirts. The track is legit.” Calloused hands worked swiftly to cut the pork into manageable pieces while Bunny opened the kitchen window to air out the smoky atmosphere building up. Sukuna scoffed at the action, he thought Bunny was overdramatic for opening the window every time he cooked using fire.
He had a house, a business, someone to come home and compare days to, Yuji watched. It was a shock to him and anyone on the scene if they found out, except Gojo he assumed. Gojo poked and prodded at Sukuna like an old zookeeper who’s been tending to the same wild animal for decades.
“Next week?” Bunny pouted, the table was finally set with everything but the protein. She sat next to Yuji, still facing her significant other as they rambled on. Briefly, Yuji wondered if he took the older man’s seat, but made no move to relocate when Bunny began pouring water for three cups and opening a bottle of wine to pour into two glasses.
“I know, you have that convention.” For the first time all night, Sukuna looked at the kid at his dinner table. He looked hungry and noticeably thinner than the last time he was seen before that race. His arm had been set in a cast that took on a reddish-earthy brown. Their hair had the same disheveled look, but for two different reasons.
Briefly, the two males shared a thought.
Are we related, they thought to each other, with Bunny none the wiser as she placed portions on their plates.
“Thanks for the food.”
Yuji had not finished closing his mouth around the first bite before the older man probed him.
“Alright brat, start talking.”
Shifting the hot pork to the side of his mouth, Yuji spoke. “Got pulled out the car and an ambulance took me to the hospital. The doctors said it was a miracle I survived without any serious injuries. The only thing I really injured was my wallet.”
“They say we’re all one emergency from being homeless,” Sukuna muttered. Yuji took a stab at another piece of greasy steaming pork. Bunny quietly placed more food on the kid’s plate.
“They were right. I don’t have a dollar to my name. My car got compounded. No family. This is the first meal I’ve had this week.”
“Oh Yuji…” At her sorrowed tone, Sukuna’s lip pulled in one direction. Good thing they never threw out her old futon.
“What a day,” followed by a long yawn was how Bunny started her night routine. Stepping into the shower to wash away the past eighteen hours, she let out another loud yawn to emphasize her energy levels to Sukuna who stood at the vanity, completing his skincare routine.
No funny business tonight.
“I bet. On top of your job, now you want to become a mother.”
“Not a mother. A helping hand, that’s all. A fun auntie at most. Yuji is only 16, too young to be on the streets.” the shower door slid down its track, wide enough to allow another body to slip in behind her. Rough hands sheltered her shoulders from the water, radiating heat through the layers of melanin-rich skin.
“You and your bleeding heart. I can’t even begin to understand how you end up in these situations. He better not steal shit out of my office.” Sukuna talked, hands massaging along the muscles of her neck. Bunny sighed in relief, her lazy bun hitting the top of his pectorals as she relaxed.
“He’s a good kid. On the train, he basically sat between me and everyone else like a guard dog.” Her body wash added the mellow scent of cucumber melon to the humid air. As her sudsy cloth scrubbed her skin, her ass nudged the lazy weight of Sukuna’s dick.
“Oh, so thats what this is? You wanna take in a stray, huh? Thats it. Is this about the cat from last week? I know you were sad when it went back to its owner but you-”
A sharp about face interrupted his ribbing. Sukuna suddenly found it hard to concentrate with a steaming soapy woman clouding his retinas. Fuck Martha and Geishin and every single person at the stupid library for tiring his girlfriend out with their bullshit. She probably wouldn’t even take a simple cockwarming session with her energy so low.
“C’mon, Kuna. Be serious. Tell me you would have left him on the street looking like that?”
“I could have.” A glare had Sukuna retract his statement. Lifting a hand from her frame to wipe the droplets from his face, he ceded. “I get it. Fine, lets take the kid in for a bit, until he’s back on his feet.”
A downpour of water thudded at their feet as Bunny wrong out her cloth. Adding his soap, unscented for sensitive skin, she began working a lather on his abs. “He can help you in the shop.”
“Mmm, no. Sorry Bunny. This is your stray, your responsibility. Ask ‘im if he ever finished school. Get him a GED or some shit.”
“Like trade school.”
“Fuck, go ahead and adopt the kid.” The couple fell quiet after that. Sukana placed a few kisses on her temple when they took turns standing underwater to rinse. His hands slid down her skin and rested for a beat on the sides of her asscheeks. This was intimacy. Pulling her cheeks apart to let the water wash any trapped soap was the most intimate shit he’s ever down.
A ding from the towel warmer signaled the end of their shower. Before she could reach to turn the water off, Sukuna had pressed her against his body, their flesh conforming to each other. His dick twitched awake as he inhaled her scent. Cucumber melon, warmth, and smell that was purely her. He couldn't help but land a few kisses and nips along her neck as the water continued to spray.
The water bill would definitely be in the triple digits this month, much to Bunny’s chagrin.
“Y’so tense, Bunny. I think you need a massage.” He huffed into her ear, finally ready to turn off the water. The sudden cold goaded her into pressing herself tighter against her significant other, seeking more external warmth.
“Mm, that sounds nice.”
“C’mon pet, lets get you dry, huh?” Together, they exited the shower, steam spilling at their feet. Bunny detached from him and lazily bounced over the warm towels, wrapping one around herself and bringing the other to Sukuna to wrap around his hips.
“Go lay on the bed, pet. I’ll get the body oil.”
“Oh fuck, Kuna. Thank you, baby!” She moaned into the cotton sheets, her breath caught on the last syllable and making her high-pitched at the end. Sukuna’s hands were strong from his day job, and all the strength was being used on her, working knots and stagnant energy out her muscles. He had her belly down, with his thick thighs trapping her torso under his straddle. His fingers dug into the flesh of her upper back, bullying the blood up towards her neck and down her arms.
“Welcome baby. I gotta take care of you since you insist on taking care of that brat. You were already tired before. You gotta stop that bleeding heart of yours.” Sukuna let his drool drip freely on her oiled back, making the trip every few minutes to collect the saliva and massage it into her pores.
His dick was no better, beading at the tip and collecting in the small of her back. Bunny could feel it. He knew she could feel. She knew he knew she could feel it. Though her libido was rising to the occasion, her body yearned for rest. True rest. But she was too tired to dissuade Sukuna. Hell, as long as she didn’t have to ride she wouldn’t protest all that much.
His hands moved from her upper back back to her hips and the swell of her ass. Her skin gleaned under the big light. Under his touch, the oil, saliva, and cum mixed to create a new concoction.
“Oh fuck, bunny. I know you feel me.” He groaned as he bucked his hips, his dick sliding along the crack of her ass.
“I do but- I’m so tired, Kunabear.” the shake of her hips contradicted her words. Soft lips planted scorching kisses on her tattooed shoulder and warm hands moved from her ass to slide under her hips. “And, Yuji might hear us.”
“So just spread those pretty legs, toot that ass up for me, and bite down on a pillow so the kid doesn’t hear his savior getting fucked.” His fingers ran up her slit, collecting the escaped slick to rub against her clit. “Shit,” his hips bucked again, mindlessly rutting his dick against her oiled flesh. “Always wet for me, no matter what your mouth says, that pussy will always listen to me.”
“I-ah, fuck me. Here, damn.” Her hip rose as she arched her back perfectly. With more space to move, Sukuna trailed to her opening, keeping his thumb on her aching nub. A whine escaped her throat. He fingered her frantically, barely prepping her hole to take his heavy cock. “Gimma a kiss at least”
“How about ten?”
Bunny stared at the fresh coffee dripping down into the pot. Her body was enveloped in the robe Gojo got her from his last trip overseas. It was nice and fluffy and the cause of Sukuna’s hairy eyeball from across the room. It took everything in her to not laugh at him angrily stabbing his breakfast quiche.
“Don’t give me that look.” She scoffed. Her boyfriend rolled his eyes, too tired to start shit with a sleep deprived Bunny.
“Just make me a cup too. Gotta finish a couple projects today so I need to head out in a few. You going anywhere today?”
“No. I’ll be doing laundry and picking up after your mess.”
“That’s you hair in the drain baby. Don’t put that shit on me.” As they went back and forth, the stairs creaked under the weight of a body coming downstairs.
“Morning. Coffee?” Bunny offered him before yuji stepped foot into the kitchen. His eyes pingponged between the two adults before nodding, giving a grunted hello as he sat down at the same chair as last night.
Bunny busied herself with pouring three mugs, concocting hers and Sukuna with their usual cream and sugars. At the sight of Yuji’s eyebags, her hands reached out for the pot again to pour a little more into his mug.
She dispersed the mugs, keeping hers in one hand and digging the other in Sukuna’s wild hair. Wordlessly, he offered her a piece of his quiche.
“Sleep okay? I know the futon is old and seen better days?” She asked her ward. Yuji gave a brief shake of his head. He barely let the coffee cool before tilting half of the liquid down his throat.
“Futon’s fine. You guys were loud.”
Sukuna had to place his mug back on the table to avoid spilling it at the brat’s words. Red eyes attempted to meet his girlfriend’s but she had her head turned down to avoid any contact.
Yuji wanted to apologize for his comment, which was actually an understatement. From Yuji’s perspective last night, he’s surprised Bunny was fully functional today.
He could see why Gojo talked so much perverted shit about the woman. Megumi let it slip once that Gojo had a chance to get with the sassy librarian but Sukuna swooped in at the last second.
“Close your ears next time.” Bunny choked out, swooping down to take another piece of the quiche before leaving the kitchen, fluffy robe flouncing in the air.
The two males sat in silence, the sound of Sukuna scrapping the last of his breakfast up filling the void.
“I don’t give a rat's ass if you hear.” Sukuna replied, collecting his dishes and sipping the last of his coffee. “We do fuck loud and often. So if that’s a problem you should probably leave now.”
Yuji grimaced. He and Sukuna both knew putting up with a little noise was infinitely better than sleeping outside again.
“Bunny, I’m out!” Sukuna yelled, his rough voice reverberating through the room to wherever his girlfriend ran too. His keys were in his pocket and he was almost out the door before she responded.
“Take ‘im with you!” The men looked at each other again. Sukuna scanned the kid up and down, eyeing Yuji’s build and hands before grunting.
“You ever worked on cars?”
“Yeah. I can do the basics.” Yuji offered, hurriedly stuffing his feet into his shoes by the door.
“Yeah, well you’ll be doing filter changes and refilling wiper fluid. Let’s go.”
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isekai-crow · 5 months
Mashle 2 Episode 2
Other Episodes-> ep1 ep3 ep4 ep5
This episode was a riot. It was so much fun.
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SO many random HP easter eggs and we get some new fun characters!!
Specifically, Margarette Macaron!!
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I love them. Non-binary, music magic, and a love of tartar sauce (and a motorcycle in the ending credits!). (It me? maybe.) Despite seeming like an overused Okama-trope, I have hope based on the spoilers I went searching for. I'm so hype for more of them in the next episode.
VA Squee: They're voiced by Koyasu, Takehito!!! The voice of Dio Brando! Touji Fushiguro! Faust VIII from Shaman King! and Clayman from TenSura!!! A very masculine voice that can also take on feminine tones and a perfect fit for Margarette. Manga Spoiler: I wonder if they'll have another va...
Ep 2 Spoilers Under the Cut! Warning IT'S SO LONG THERE'S SO MUCH.
We open in the middle of the decision to execute Mash or not, and Dumbledore, Harry, and Draco having a stand off lmao
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We learn that Whalberg/Dumbledore is a famous wizard because he fought with Innocent Zero in his youth.
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Does this mean the shadowed Innocent Zero who was called father by Cell War is the equivalent of Grindelwald, and Evil Jesus(Cell War (or cell wall if you wanna be a pun) is Voldemort? (Also is it father or Father lololol)
We get a little speech from Wahlberg reminiscent of one of Dumbledore's speeches, but more importantly, WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF RAYNE ALSO BOWING???
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Also his protecting the headmaster is a cute touch
I get that he is one of the Divine Visionaries, but is he more important than the others? He's still a student, wait, HOW DO STUDENTS HAVE THIS MUCH POWER IN THE GOVERNMENT?? NO WONDER ITS FUCKED UP??? Did I miss something??? (His reasoning for not wanting Mash dead also being the flashback to Rayne thanking him for taking care of his little brother?)
And of course Mashle can't be executed, so they set they give him a task to delay his sentencing...
The original goal Mash had in the first place, so ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAS CHANGED.
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Them backing the fuck up as Mash punches the floor is fricken hilarious. The best parts though...
1) Innocent Pero / Innocent Gyro - Thats a great subtitle translation choice, because they can't do a straight translation. Mash calls them Innocent Pero, with pero being the onomatopoeia for LICKING something in Japanese (WHATS THAT IMPLYING :EYES:), so Innocent Gyro is a good choice XD
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and 2) the scene cuts to the bad guy's lair... which also seems to be shaking...
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(I went and installed a gif maker for this >.>)
DON'T TELL ME. IS THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS UNDER THE BUREAU OF MAGIC????? (This is my theory and I'm sticking to it. Season 1 semi-stuck with random Philosopher's Stone plot points and the secret rooms, so it can be a semi-safe bet that season 2 might follow Chamber of Secrets?)
We then jump to an outing at the near by town to celebrate Mash Avoiding Death.
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↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ The normal one ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
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Finn is the only actual normal one, WITH STYLE AT THAT, and I love him for it. (However he might also be the target of a Brother Complex and end up on the receiving end if Rayne can get over himself>o>)
The fucking Koalas...
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What The Fuck Lmfao. That's all I have to say (but also this is a common gag for Japanese comedians and high school boys so... Still WTF. (This had my Beetle killing himself with laughter))
3 Wizards and a Macho walk into a wand shop and...
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And the Macho is the one to get a wand. I'm so fascinated by this. How much damage is this thing going to do when Mash finally yeets it at someone???
The entire second half episode is so cute. Mash is so happy to have friends... I'm so happy for him....
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But Also. Poor Finn. Look at these Freaks (affectionate).
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YOU'RE ONE TO TALK. But Also Poor Finn.
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The last bit. Our introduction to Margarette Macaron.
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The fucking... shrimp.
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It took Too Much Time for my ace-ass to realize they're THRUSTING the shrimp into the tartar sauce.
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I love them? I love tartar sauce too. It's delicious.
They are so over the top. I love everything about them.
I've added too many photos to this post and tumblr is yelling at me.
So I will leave off with my hype for Rayne vs Margarette in the next episode!!!
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↑↑↑↑Imagine me making this same face in anticipation↑↑↑↑
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ruhnlidiasworld · 4 months
Ruhn x Lidia 🎡
Title: Rollercoaster
Pairing: Ruhn Danaan/Lidia Cervos
Rating: Free
Words: 2,132 (one-shot)
Summary: This is just Ruhn taking Lidia to have some fun post-hofas.
Warnings: This have small Ruhnlidia spoilers! I wrote them after their hofas ending, so pls be aware!
AO3: Link | Thanks to my ruhnlidia friends for giving me the idea 🥹
“Drop everything you're doing. We're going on a date.” Ruhn stated, sitting on my table.
“Where are we going?” I replied without knowing if I understood his words correctly.
“A date.”
“We are in the middle of a working day!. We can’t leave Aux without superv…”
“We are going. Clean your desk.”
I cross my hands across my chest and look at him seriously, with my more menacing expression.
“You can't demand it.”
“I can.”
“You cannot.”
“I'm the Aux Commander, so I'm your boss and I'm kindly asking you to shut things down.”
Ruhn smiles. That damn charming smile, and he knows damn well that I lose the ability to argue against him when he does that.
“You can’t use the ‘I’m the commander’ card with your own mate.”
“I can't?” Ruhn says, leaning towards me until our faces are inches apart. “Who's going to stop me?”
I return the provocation with a fake smile, leaning further towards him.
“You can be the commander, Danaan” I whisper, bringing my index finger to his chin. “But I’m your mate, so I command the commander. And if I say you can't, then you can't. Am I wrong, Night?”
Lust stands out in the glance Ruhn gives me. He runs his tongue across the piercing in his bottom lip, pondering his next move.
“No. But if you refuse to go out with me to be stuck in this office on a very boring day, I will take it personally...Day.”
Appealing for my emotional side. Ruhn 1 x me 0.
“Why now?”
“Why not?” Ruhn teases.
“Where will we go?”
“That's up to you.”
I can't take it and let out a loud laugh, leaning back in the chair.
“Your plan was to come here and ask me out, but you didn’t plan where to take me?” I say, raising my eyebrows.
“ I've never taken you on a date. It would be our first, so I thought to let you choose where you wanna go.”
Even though we're having fun, I feel the weight of those words hit me. We are together. Married. We are mates. Still, Ruhn is right. We never had a date. The simple act of acting like a normal couple, developing our relationship like any other couple would, was taken away from us a long time ago. We had been trying to find a rhythm in our life as a couple, but with so much to resolve in our brief sigh of peace, marital plans ended up being shelved.
“And you're going to let me choose like this? Anything I want?”
Ruhn nodded firmly.
“I enjoyed my youth. You didn't. Anywhere you want to go on our first date, I'll take you.”
“Even if I choose a very expensive restaurant?” I tease him one more time.
Ruhn laughs scornfully.
“Money has never been a problem for me. But I doubt you want to go to dinner somewhere fancy.”
And he was right. Gods, sometimes I hated how well he could read me.
“And you're right, I wouldn't like it.” I ponder for a few seconds thinking about everything I've ever wanted to do in my life, but never had the opportunity. Fun. Freedom. And a childhood dream that I was never able to fulfill. “Anywhere, really?”
“Anywhere, Day”.
“Amusement park.”
Ruhn's confident face falters for a brief moment. Almost imperceptible to others, but to me it was visible.
“Any problems with the amusement park? I don't want to force you…”
“No way! I was just…surprised.”
I stare at my partner suspiciously. Ruhn was never the type to hide feelings and tastes, in fact, he was always like an open book that was even too open. Showing too much. Giving too much. Gods, he was on the verge of death, but he would run to save me even though he was mad at me, if the others hadn't stopped him. Of course I loved him even more for these attitudes. But I wouldn't want him to be uncomfortable because of me.
“Are you sure that's all?” I try to force it a little, checking if he will let anything slip.
“I am sure! Let's go before it gets crowded with noisy children.”
I smile at his overconfidence, but take his hand, leaving all the boring work behind.
The park is…noisy. Much noisier and crowded than I thought it would be. Despite our efforts, it was packed with a wide range of audiences. Children, family, teenage couples, elderly couples. It's a place for anyone, and everyone's so focused on having fun that they don't pay attention to us.
I squeeze Ruhn's hand tighter, afraid of losing him in the crowd. He squeezes my hand in response, offering a shy but welcoming smile.
“So, which attraction will it be?”
“Attraction?” I ask confused.
Ruhn laughs loudly.
“Do you even know how an amusement park works?”
“I never stopped to think about it.” I admit, shrugging my shoulders. “I only saw people coming here and I wanted to come one day too.”
“Well,” my mate begins to drag me across the wide space. “There are several attractions here. Some are more radical, others more calm. Most are made to get the adrenaline pumping in you. There's usually a lot of screaming, especially in the Haunted Mansion and the Haunted tunnel.”
“Yes, haunted. Like in horror movies.” amusement dances on Ruhn's lips. “You stay in a small, roofless car. Then you enter this dark, gloomy tunnel or mansion, full of scary figures, coffins, skulls, blood, people jumping at you screaming out of nowhere, it's very...chaotic. But good if you like horror.”
“We can go there, I think I'd like to! I like horror movies”
My partner looks at me as if I were a mental hospital patient.
“Come on, Night! You have a skull tattooed on your hand, don't tell me you're afraid of horror things.”
“I'm not afraid!” Ruhn defended himself. “I just...it's not my favorite spot.”
I cast one more suspicious glance in his direction as we walk through the park. I evaluate some of the attractions trying to judge which one would not be boring.
“Okay, what's your favorite ride?”
Ruhn seems to be scheming something in his mind.
“I like the Teacups.”
“Then take me there.” I encourage him to take action. For someone so brave, Ruhn seemed more fearful than usual. “I want us to have fun together, Night.”
I rub my thumb over his hand. Maybe he was nervous about it being our first date, but he takes a deep breath and smiles at me.
“Get ready then, I'm going to show you all my favorite rides to go.”
And he showed. The Teacups. A kind of chair that collapses from a frighteningly high height. The bumper cars that, although he denied it to the death, I won every time. Spinning gravity, The Rotor, Pendulum ride, he even encouraged himself to go in the haunted mansion with me and his frightened screams amused me more than anything. I have never felt so free and alive. Being able to be with my mate, without any worries, just acting like a normal woman was more than I could have asked for. Ruhn also won me a stuffed deer from one of the stuffed animal machines. I was still thinking of a name for my new creature when I felt like something was missing.
“I want to go on the roller coaster”
Ruhn doesn't show any reaction at first, but he seems to consider my request carefully.
“Are you sure about this, Day? Some roller coasters are dangerous, people vomit…”
“Oh please, Night!” I give him a quizzical look. “I've never been to one, I'm willing to do anything! Not to mention look at all the rides we've been to?! Every single one of them is dangerous, I'm sure we can face the roller coaster.”
Ruhn doesn't answer me, he just looks at me with a skeptical face and I knew he was about to give in.
“Please…” I give him my best pair of puppy eyes.
Ruhn catches me off guard and gives me a peck on the lips.
“Okay, sweetheart. Let's do this”.
I jump in celebration as we walk to the line. The queue was huge and we spent about five minutes standing around waiting until it was our turn. Ruhn was silent, making only occasional comments when I tried to talk to him. I didn't let myself be affected by his lack of words, I just held my deer plush and excitedly entered the attraction. Ruhn checked that the safety lock was truly secure about ten times and only stopped because the car started to move. At that time he grabbed my hand tightly.
“I love you.” Ruhn declared randomly.
I look at him confused
“Because you are brave, you saved my life, you are beautiful, you’re my mate, you….”
I start laughing hysterically.
“I meant, why did you say that out of nowhere?”
“Because if we both die here…”
Another laugh that I can't contain.
“Honey, we're not going to die! It's just a roller coaster.” I stroke his arm trying to comfort him.”
“That's what you 're saying!” Ruhn argues desperately.
“Raise your arms.”
“Raise your arms, go!”
That's what I do, but Ruhn doesn't. When the carriage plummets at high speed, screams begin to echo and Ruhn's are the funniest. I couldn't stop laughing, I've never felt so complete. Full and sincere happiness runs through my veins and I wouldn't change anything right now. The wind whipping through the strands of my hair, the adrenaline burning in my blood, Ruhn's hand squeezing my thigh as he screams, terrified but smiling. Everything is a blur, the rise, the fall, the curves, suddenly we are upside down and before I could recover it starts again. And again and again. Happiness, freedom, fun, love for my mate who agreed to this madness for me, I experienced a real overdose of feelings in minutes, but it felt like hours until the carriage stopped and the lock released us to get up.
My breathing was labored and I still couldn't stop laughing. Ruhn, next to me, with his eyes closed, breathed deeply, trying to find the strength to stand up. My mate threw his head back and laughed loudly, slightly desperately, and it was the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard. The moonlight reflected off his lower lip piercing and I leaned in to give him a kiss.
Ruhn grabs my hand and we exit the attraction as quickly as we can to let the next group on.
“That was…Insane! I never felt like this! Wow, Night, that was absolutely hysteric…’
Ruhn lets go of my hand before I finish and sticks his face in the nearest trash can, throwing up his last meal. I have to bite my lip to contain the laughter rising in my throat, but the other part of me, the protective part, rushes toward him. What a great mate I am, laughing at my mate while he spilled his stomach.
I approach Ruhn, grabbing his hair with one hand and rubbing his back with the other. It doesn't take him long to get up and wipe his mouth with the sleeve of the shirt he was wearing under his leather jacket.
“Did you have fun?” That was all Ruhn asked me when he could speak.
“It was the most fun day of my life. In truth.”
“Great. So it was worth it.” My partner speaks still breathlessly and looks at me with satisfaction in his eyes.
He was much paler than usual though.
“I think we can go home now.” Ruhn declared
“I think we can face the roller coaster one more time.”
He looks me up and down in disbelief and I can't help the smile that appears on my lips. Ruhn gives me a playful shove and starts walking toward the exit.
I run until I reach him, intertwining our hands. I try to kiss him, but Ruhn avoids my face.
“I'm not going to kiss you tasting like vomit.”
“What nonsense! I've seen you worse.”
“I can't argue with that.”
We walked in comfortable silence to our apartment. As soon as Ruhn passes through the door and takes off his boots and hangs his jacket on the wall, I grab him with my hands in his strong arms. I look deep into those violet blue eyes, noticing the confusion in them.
“I also love you because you are brave, beautiful, my mate and…”
“Fuck you Lidia!”
Ruhn shows me the middle finger in response to my mockery and I throw myself on the couch, laughing uncontrollably, while I hear him close the bathroom door.
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yakumtsaki · 1 year
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Tragically, I have returned. I’d like to begin this update by thanking @lurking-lilibeth​ for solving the mystery of how tf Sugar died: apparently the ‘struck by lighting’ memory is glitched and sometimes won’t show up, so the conclusion is Sugar got hit by lighting, his needs went to shit, and he crawled to the bathroom to die. A death most befitting Sugar, if I say so myself! How cute are the zombs??
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-They sure are, I wanna be struck by lighting, become a zombie, and go on a date with Sandy too! 
Sophito istg, first you roll Jojo’s werewolf bs, now this, GET YOUR OWN THING
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-Forget about my faildad and look at me being all pretty and wholesome and non-conspiracy-to-murderous!
YOU. Seriously, it’s been like 2 months since the last update and I still haven’t recovered from the reveal of Felina’s ‘real self’. Admiring herself in the mirror while her uncle died, there hasn’t been such a stone cold bitch around here since VICTORIA.
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-I’m a stone cold bitch! Aren’t I, Servilia, you lil’ cutiepie baby booboo?
I mean you’re definitely formidable, Soph, especially when babytalking to the dogs, but you must admit you have mellowed out a lot in your old age.
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-Gee thanks, grandma.
Ya team Sophie on this one. Rest in piece Servilia, you were sweet, cuddly, batshit insane and gave us a dog heir that looks like a deer. I’ll miss you baby❤️
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Felina can you have one shred of dignity and wait till Bartholomew’s birthday so this can be an even fight? 
-Did HE have a shred of dignity when he RUINED MY PARTY???
Well no but I reprimanded him for it too!
I didn’t? Probably too busy laughing, either way knock it off!
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-I can take care of myself, GET REKT, FAILINA
-Is Klaus getting a little fat, Remington? 
-I think so, you should put him on a diet.
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I’m happy to see Cyneswith come out of mourning, and I’ll continue to hide my shock that she was in mourning in the first place.
-Does you metal back feel a little less tense now, iVan, huhu?🌸 -𝙸𝚃 𝚂𝚄𝚁𝙴 𝙳𝙾𝙴𝚂. 𝙸𝙽 𝙲𝙰𝚂𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙲𝙰𝙽'𝚃 𝚃𝙴𝙻𝙻, 𝙸 𝙷𝙰𝚅𝙴 𝙳𝙴𝚅𝙴𝙻𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈 𝚃𝙾 𝙻𝙸𝙴.
That’s great, iVan, are you ever gonna develop the ability to do something around here that isn’t fighting zombies and banging the elderly?
How did you even wink??
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Cyn is such a good ‘grandma’, bro I cannot. WHERE WAS THIS SHIT WHEN SUGAR WAS A KID
-I was young and hot back then!💗
You know what, enough is enough, I’m breaking this cycle of bad parenting!
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Liz stop vibing with Shajar and get your ass downstairs.
-But I love Shaj! -And I love you, Liz, you’re the child I never had! 
Ok is it me or is it really becoming clear that both Shaj and Cyn wanted daughters?? Whatever, LIZ GO DOWNSTAIRS AND TALK TO YOUR DUMB EVIL KIDS
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-Little detour hehehe!  -Oh Soph, let’s get a pool table in here and relive our youth!
-We totally totally will, just give us 2 hours- -3 hours- -Yes, 3 hours, to ‘get ready’- -Hehe! -Huhu!
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-Alright kids, we are here for you.  -We absolutely are. For 10 minutes, then we have to go upstairs again. -Exactly. So let me just start the clock here, aaand we have 10 minutes, alright, GO.  -So kids, fighting is bad.  -Yes. And we are family and we love each other.  -Right. So no more fighting, ok? -Yes, good talk! Let’s go, darling.
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-If I might address the elephant in the room- -Oh he’s gonna talk too? Ok. -9 minutes 28 seconds.  -I have done my best to hide it as to not disrupt the family BUT FELINA IS BULLYING ME. -WHAT?! THAT’S IT, I WILL DROWN YOU IN THE TOILET -Felina!
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-HE’S LYING, HE’S BULLYING ME, HE’S THE WORST BROTHER IN THE UNIVERSE AND HE RUINED MY PARTY, YOU WERE THERE YOU REMEMBER -We were?! -I have no fucking idea.  -WILL YOU STOP WHISPERING, WE CAN HEAR YOU -Ya you’re not even trying to whisper, you’re just talking in normal volume italics. -STOP AGREEING WITH ME -EAT SHIT
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-ALRIGHT. This has gotten out of hand and we need to leave in 7 minutes and 17 seconds, so here it is. Bartholomew, you are the worst brother in the universe. -HA.
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-Felina, you are a psychopathic robot. You are both terrible, terrible kids. But.. that’s just how Union kids are! -Exactly, by our standards you are normal and that’s why everyone hates our family! -So when you go out in the world, you’ll have to rely on each other because everyone else will despise you!  -They will?? -Honey, everyone hated me and your father, and we had way more going for us than you two.
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-So.. no more fighting?? -No more fighting. -And being a Union is a bad thing?? -It’s not bad, it’s just that there is a preconceived notion around town that we are.. umm.. -Trash! -Trash, thank you, babe. 
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-So, now that we’ve cleared this up, we’re gonna go!  -You kids get along from now on, cause you only have each other! -And don’t bother us anymore!
Well, that’s all better now. What’s up, Vic?
A heartfelt family discussion, clearly!
Um, do I need to remind you of your parenting?
Is that supposed to be a flex?
Oh, goodie!
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It’s a new day and this lot is FUCKED, we’re def gonna have to gtfo. The fire that started the night Sugar died IS STILL GOING but is not acknowledged by anyone, we just have a permanent glitched fire burning in the background. SYMBOLIC
-Mmmm.. Now I know what I want for my birthday.. Failina barbecue!
Try again!
-How about a kitty? 
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‘Grew up badly’ memory avoided at the last second! Ugh I’m such a pro gamer. 
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Welcome to the fam, Wendy! Wendy is really cute and mean and is gonna have kittens with Shinok! Alright Barth, time to blow the candles..
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-Can I blow my parents’ brains out instead? 
Ya can’t blame you on this one, WILL YOU TWO KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS FOR 2 MINS 
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Alright, here we go, I’m not even gonna ask what you’re wishing for because we all know. 
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Glitched yard background fire: 🔥🔥🔥
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Not so fast, the Ti-Ning nose takes no prisoners! 
-Failina has it too!!! >:(
Well it looks better on girls, what can I tell ya! Whatever, let’s roll for your aspiration, don’t even THINK of rolling family too..
-Oh don’t worry, I sure won’t!
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UGH. At least we have a normal chem panel for once as Barth likes fancy bespectacled non-blondes. Boy do I have someone in mind for you! 
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Ok Barth, here is your interim makeover until I download some stuff for you, how do you like it?
-I don’t know, I feel there’s something missing!
That’s just your soul, don’t worry about it!
-No no, it’s something else..
Alright I see where this is going..
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-Now that’s better!
Oh ya, you look.. there are no words.
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She’s got us there, Barth, you look ridic. 
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-HEHE, here I go, first day of high school wearing a crown! Now everyone will know who’s boss!
Wow yea, that will def make people think you’re awesome and cool! 
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-A̸N̵D̴ I G̸O̵T D̶E̸M̷O̴T̵E̵D A̶N̷D B̴R̷O̴U̶G̴H̶T M̴Y E̷X W̸I̷F̸E H̸O̸M̴E W̶I̴T̶H M̶E🧟
Seems like an amazing day for everyone! Where’s Felina?
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revasserium · 1 year
Hello sweets
How are you? I really hope you are doing well!
Can you please if I'm not bothering you have number 8 with Wakatoshi?
reqs are open :)
8. larger than fiction
ushijima; 1,283 words; fluff, one-sided love, but it's literally not angst. just trust me on this one lol.
when you think of superheroes, you do not think of him.
you do not think of the way his raw strength and power might be a blessing from the gods. you do not think of how his absolute trust and knowledge in his own abilities might be thrust upon him by some careless divinity. you do not think he was chosen or birthed into this world with his one purpose already pressed into the curves of his body, the lines of his hands.
“uwah… wakatoshi-kun is really blessed, isn’t he?”
you blink, looking up from your sideways phone, propped up on your desk, playing the newest mv of the latest boyband debut.
“he is?”
this time, its your friend who blinks back at you, stuttering.
“you… you don’t think so?”
you quirk your lips, eyes sliding back to the mv, where a boy with cherry lips and fire-engine hair is winking at the camera.
“no. not really,” you say, taking a long sip of your half-finished strawberry milk, thinking back to the events of the past summer.
b-bam! thump-thump-thump. b-bam!
“out,” you say, squinting at the place where the ball had landed, just a hair’s-breath beyond the line. by the time you look back up, he is already standing back, another ball in his hands.
“one more,” he says, as he tosses, his heels rocking back for a second before he takes his first step, and then another. you watch as he jumps, his entire body a defiance, a motion against the pull of the earth, the laws of gravity — he reaches up with a hand drawn behind his head and when he swings it forward to meet the falling arc of the ball, you swear the earth beneath you shudders.
ushijima lets out a breath, looking up at you from the other side of the fluttering net, and you wonder briefly if you were to map out all the different parts of him onto a gridded scale, parse him out into perfect squares, which bits might be the ones that contain all that strength, all that perseverance. and then, you laugh to yourself, nodding as you shoot him a thumbs up to signal — good, this last one was good.
he smiles, nods, and walks back to the baseline.
what a stupid question, you think, because the answer is, and has always been, obvious —
all of him.
in the hallway, the bell rings.
“ah… isn’t it a little sad?”
“what, that that volleyball-idiot ushiwaka doesn’t even realize that the prettiest girl in our year is in love with him?”
“yeah… i mean, really — how thick can he be? poor girl.”
you finish your strawberry milk and click off your phone.
“nee — you wanna come watch a movie with us tonight?”
you flash your well-meaning friend a smile, but you shake your head.
“sorry. i’ve got plans.”
b-bam! thump-thump-thump. b-bam!
“again,” he says, already picking up another ball.
outside, the sun has long since set, and the moon and stars have shed their cloaks of silver-kissed clouds. the night is deep and dark and laden with the sweet promises of youth — out there, teenagers just like you are laughing, eating popsicles, trading texts, watching movies, chatting about the latest manga updates, but here, it’s just you and him and one more ball.
briefly, you think of the walk home later, of how he’ll diligently walk on the outside of the sidewalk, of how he’ll watch to make sure you close the door before he’ll turn and leave. you think of how the following morning, he’ll be there at 7:45am right on the dot, and how he’ll bow to your mom as she thanks him for taking care of you.
b-bam! thump-thump-thump. b-bam!
“and… that’s one hundred!” you say, smiling wide as you reach out to pick up the scattered volleyballs around you, tossing them at him one at a time, watching as he diligently returns each to the large blue ball-bin with a dig. the ones he misses, he picks up to toss back to you, so he can try again.
“thanks,” he says, when the two of you have finished locking up the gymnasium, turning towards the main road where the bus stop is. out here, girls giggle in pastel pleated skirts, lips glittering with strawberry-flavored gloss. out here, boys gather in clusters to hype each other up before shoving one of them towards a group of giggling girls. out here, the summer ebbs and flows, crests and crashes against the jagged reefs of oncoming adulthood, and ushijima walks beside you, one hand on his sports bag, the other tucked into his jersey pocket.
“no problem,” you say, as you get to your front door and he stills to wait for you to walk away. you grin, waving a hand over your shoulder, “same time tomorrow?”
you do not turn to check if he’s still watching.
months later, when they lose to karasuno, you don’t tell him you’re sorry, or that he did the best he could.
because both of you know that his strength and power comes not from the gods, but from uncountable hours of condition-training, and that his absolute trust and knowledge of his own abilities comes not from divinity, but from an entire lifetime of trying and failing, and trying again until failure is no longer a word in his dictionary.
because neither of you think that he was chosen for this, because you know that this is the choice, and that he is the maker. and that every morning, he wakes up to make it, again, and again, and again.
because he is not a superhero, so this losing is not a tragedy.
because he is not a superhero, and this is just one more tally on the calluses and tick-marks that mar his hands from the number of times he’s fallen and gotten back up again to find that you were right there by his side.
“tonight,” he says on the bus-ride back to school, where goshiki is sniffling next to a perplexed tendou, where shirabu is methodically un-taping each of his fingers, he turns to you with a steady, hard-lined look in his eyes.
“we practice a hundred more spikes.”
you nod, leaning against the back of your seat with a soft smile.
“alright,” you say, you don’t need to look to know that he’s smiling too.
“thank you,” he says, when, after some unnamable hours of spike-practice, you’re finally locking up for the day.
“yeah, of course,” you say.
“you… you’re my best friend,” he says. on your usual walk home, the main street is quiet for once, because it’s so damn late. you wonder if your parents will be worried, but then again, they know who you’re with, so they’ve no reason to be anyway.
“yeah,” you say, “i know.”
you turn to find him looking at you, and you wonder if you were to parse yourself into perfect squares, which bits of you ushijima would be most afraid of losing. and the answer comes, obvious, as the stars that shine bright in the night —
all of you.
because he is not a superhero, and you have never needed anyone’s saving.
because he is just a boy, who’s first and only love is the sport he plays. and you’re just a girl, who wouldn’t have him any other way.
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itsmaddienotmaddy · 11 months
I wasn’t going to blab my soccer nonsense but I can’t HELP IT.
We won, we scored, it’s World Cup season and I’m living for it.
Soph is inevitable and how fucking exciting is it that she got TWO goals and an assist in her World Cup debut. So good. So deserving. Miss ma’am put in the WORK today. She also needs to make quicker decisions on her passing, she waits and loses the open opportunities forcing her to go back or try to take on 4 players on the dribble.
Trin, also a DEBUT. It’s really really fun to see these players on this giant stage. And tbh, I think Trin would have done better if she hadn’t been trucked in the first 30 seconds. I think she’ll likely build in this tournament. I’m waiting for a worldie.
Alex - needed exactly what Tobin said in the first re inc recap episode. She needs good service. Soph and Trin like to dribble. There’s a conflicting front line game plan. That being said, she worked her ass off. Had really good opportunities and read situations really well. And my GOD, that flick assist to Soph is what dreams are made of. Should we ignore the penalty? Ummm. I kind of already blocked it from my brain. Soph should have taken it.
Pinoe, I love her. We all love her. Not her game. We know this. She obviously knows it. But the promising thing she does is that she’s this linking spark. Lindsey must have been pumped to have her in because all of a sudden, there were passing triangles pinging all over that side.
Alyssa (baby) - another youngin! I can’t find it in me to be anything but so freaking happy seeing the youth get this experience. No curmudgeon here for now. She had one great run and cross that was promising. Had a hard time staying on her feet, but can ya blame her?
Andi, sweet Andi. This was a great game for her to get minutes and side bar; she’s not a baby youth but it’s her first World Cup too and I’m PROUD. Idk if she’s always gonna cut it against top opponents but I appreciate her vision and her physicality. She’s a brick wall and really and truly, in a 50/50 sitch, my money is on Andi staying tall and the opposing player eating grass.
Savannah. How’s she doing? Can she believe it? How NUTS to have your literal second cap be starting the first game of the World Cup. She was getting shoved and getting really familiar with the grass for a bit, but she settled and actually looked extremely comfortable, stood out positively, and had some really good goal opportunities. She’s very cool, I wanna see a banger one of these games.
Lindsey has a pretty good game! She is a brilliant player and there were such good moments showing just that. Her pass to Alex’s flick to the first goal. Beautiful. And she had a few more that were so so nice. Went down easy a few times per usual but I do think she adjusted to the game and the lack of calls and she was working to stay up, putting that damn muscle to good use. She does have a tendency to overthink the strike when the ball takes a hot second to get to her. But, that third goal. A solid freaking rip.
Miss Rose. I missed that pale bitch so much. She makes the midfield. She makes those around her better. She allows a different attack because she carries the ball so well and folks are confident in her foot skills to allow her to work. She wasn’t perfect - her headers will forever crack me up. But we are at our best with Rose on the field.
Naomi. First World Cup whom? She is smooth, she is calm, she is consistent. Idk how she’s so young. She’s got amazing energy, big fan.
Center back Julie. She did what we needed back there. I’m curious if she was utilized as center back for the veteran experience or if she was put there instead of in the 6 because her fitness level isn’t midfield tier yet. Either way, blue headband blonde hair target on set pieces is something I’ve been missing in my life. She’s crazy. And we need it. Idk whom else is working as hard as her to get a body part on the ball for set pieces. (Can I say it? Can I say I miss Jill Ellis era set pieces?)
Crystal was doing lovely Crystal things. She works super well with Soph and if Soph could have weighted those passes better on the overlaps, oooohhhhhh!! Could’ve been SO good.
Foxy, a commanding debut. She looked v good. Maybe a touch better on crossing but she really just killed it. No other notes needed.
Kelley. Miss Bitch. Miss ‘I Know Exactly the energy you gotta bring to a big tournament’. No joke. Kelley brought tournament vibes onto the field. Her experience is unparalleled and I thought she made good use of her minutes. Her overlaps were good. Her connection with Lindsey and Pinoe was very good. And her crossing was spot on.
Sofia. Not the debut I’m sure she wanted. Usually a great crosser, not great today. Got smoked on the one defensive run needed. It’s a bummer.
Alyssa (uncle). I love her. I trust her. She didn’t have to do much. But I still love her.
And Vlatko gets a section because he confuses me. His game plan always seems so sleepy. The thing about the USWNT is that they used to put on a show. Loud sparkly ruthless bad bitches. And the personnel still has that in them, I KNOW THAT. I just don’t know why that’s not being accessed and unleashed. Which makes me blame coaching. Idk if he’s too nice, too careful, too unwilling to change the expected game plan when the actual game requires something different.
I am just a dumb bitch on the internet, however, if my players are getting pushed and shoved left and right and the ref isn’t calling shit…. I may rethink my idea of putting in my two most fragile (and arguably some of the most important) players in. I am so aware that Rose and Pinoe needed game minutes. Especially before the Netherlands. So I’ll let it slide this time lol. But the energy of that game - the ref letting all the physicality, pushing and tackling slide? That’s a… oh, maybe I put a Kristie and a Sonnett in and get them to put on their enforcer pants and change the flow of this game.
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watery-melon-baller · 8 months
so I was bored and reading through older Merlin fanfics when I got curious and wondered what exactly the oldest Merlin fanfic was, so I decided to do some digging! join me on this journey I made at 4am on my phone knowing full well I had to get up at 9am the next day
the shows first episode aired on Sept 20, 2008 so we are keeping that in mind when we search. also all fics I found here are linked at the bottom if u wanna go check them out :-)
First I decided to check ao3 since it's easy enough. there's 53k fics but this was the very first one in the Merlin tag
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the author's note says that this was written immediately after the second episode which makes sense since this was 8 days after the 1st ep.
also love the my first work in this fandom tag. my guy. you're one of the the first people to write fic for this fandom, and THE first to post it on ao3.
next was fanfiction.net. Now I used to hang around on here quite a bit in my youth so I do know how to navigate it somewhat
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merlin is the 12th most popular TV show on fanfic.net! With a whole 27.3k fics. I'm very interested by the fact that there's only 27k on fanfic.net while ao3 has around 50k fics (as of Oct 2023). I was expecting fanfic.net to have more fics, I wonder why it's the other way around this time. Maybe it's because by then ao3 was already in existence and established as a reliable place to post fic? I know lots of older fic writers only posted on ao3 as a way to have a backup of their fics? If anyone has any theories feel free to contribute!
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and here's the first fics posted on fanfic.net! All by the same person on the same day. I'm assuming faults is the first one posted since it's at the bottom, but alk of them were posted oct 12, 3 weeks after the first episode aired. Pretty old, but not as old as the ao3 fic.
Finally I checked livejournal (shudders). I've used it a few times before but I was very unsure how to get around, and wound up just searching the oldest results for "Merlin BBC" (and here's the link to that if you wanna bounce arohnd and see old fandom stuff from the first episode)
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The first (and oldest) post I found was someone reacting to the trailer which. fair. Just because the cgi is shit doesn't mean the show is (yes it does </3)
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besides a few posts speculating about the show I also found the origin of the Merlin tag/community on livejournal, created just a day before the first episode aired. it also includes some lovely icons (and people made many many more after the 1st episode aired)
most of the posts after this were people's reactions to the 1st episode. a lot of them were positive, a lot were already shipping merthur, and a few were negative
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this is my favorite review actually. understandable reaction.
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and finally we get to our first fic on livejournal!! this one was posted Sept 23, just 3 days after the show and 5 days before the one on ao3 was first posted. it looks like we have our winner and this is the very first BBC Merlin fanfic ever written/posted!!
(I have no clue what other forums/websites were active at the time since I wasn't part of the fandom then. I checked these 3 websites because tbats what I know of but it appears that out of of these three livejournal has the oldest fic. If anyone knows where else Merlin fic was posted and can find an older one then this then feel free to share it but for now it's safe to say this one is the oldest fic in the fandom)
that concludes our journey folks! I've linked all 3 fics at the bottom if you're interested in reading them and now you can brag and say you've read the oldest fic in the Merlin fandom. congrats. i hope you had fun reading this
ao3 fanfic.net livejournal
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jokeroutsubs · 6 months
Joker Out Subs - Queue and A / 6.12.2023 Amsterdam part 2
Part 2 of transcript for our latest episode
And if the boys are listening to this right now, what message would you like to send to them?
Baby Boo: Oh my goodness, um, keep doing what you're doing! Keep making amazing music, and have fun, enjoy every second of every performance. Grace/JOS: Carpe all those Diems yeah? Baby Boo: Exactly! (Laughter) Baby Boo: Come back to Dublin! (Laughter) What the fuck, like…yeah but on top of that right, if you come back to Dublin, fuck Wild Youth for sending yous to Temple Bar (all laugh) because, no right, I'm being completely honest with you right, Temple Bar is a tourist trap. Tenner for a pint? Not on my fucking watch. Next time… Grace/JOS: Where would you reccommend then? Baby Boo: My local. No (laughter), honestly Workmans where they played is a good club, like, a bit of a shithole but it's a good club. Grace/JOS: So there you go, you heard it here first boys, come back to Dublin. Any messages? Baby Boo: Please come to Cardiff, I don't like going to London, it's annoying. Grace/JOS: Who does like going to London? That's fair enough, so Dublin, Cardiff, next on the list yeah? Baby Boo: I don't have anything profound, just thank you. Grace/JOS: See, but that's lovely! Baby Boo: I'm just grateful, the music is fun, they're sweet people, and I know how easy it would be to be swept away in being suddenly like, wanted by everyone and everything and like, you know. And they're just really good people, so it's nice. Grace/JOS: Ahh, that's lovely. Baby Boo: I find it hard, but it's more like a general, just, knowing that the fans really love them. All: Yeah Baby Boo: It's just, it's been really nice, it's a family, and they're a big part of that, so yeah. Grace/JOS: You're gonna make me cry girls! Baby Boo: I just like, wanna say that I love them, and like, I hope Nace, I hope you enjoyed my paper note that I gave you yesterday.
Baby Boo: Ah, well, thank you, for everything. My sisters- you've made my sister really happy and me too, because we love the music. Grace/JOS: Do you think it's helped you bond with your sister at all? Baby Boo: Yeah, I think it helped quite a bit because now we're going to two shows together, so yeah. Grace/JOS: Oh that's amazing, thank you so much. Baby Boo: Yeah just, thank you for creating this safe space for us I suppose. Like, I just mentioned, there's nothing else like this, and people are coming here to feel safe and escape, and yeah, it's just… Grace/JOS: It's the best! Baby Boo: It's just, this space, it's just…there's nothing like it. Thank you. Grace/JOS: Yeah. Baby Boo: I also want to say thank you, because as I've just said before, I've been in quite a few fandoms, I've been following around a bunch of artists, but it's very rare for a band or artist in general to be so incredibly, well, compassionate and sweet towards fans, and just so, yeah, sweet is basically the word for it. Because, I saw that yesterday when they were on stage in Den Haag, for example, one girl, she gave Bojan a camera, and he went around and filmed all the other guys, and I thought that was so considerate of him to just go around on stage and then, um, well they're all like that. They come out and they talk to us and that's just so, yeah, sweet of them. Baby Boo: They're genuine about it as well. All: Yeah Baby Boo: When they speak to us it's not just, OK, take a picture, bye. They ask us questions, they want to know what we're doing, yeah really just genuine people. And I think it shows because I feel like people will support genuine people. All: Yeah, absolutely. Grace/JOS: People know genuine people, for sure. Baby Boo: Another thing I want to say is, guys don't stress, don't stress yourselves too much. You're doing great, you're doing fabulously, don't stress yourselves too much, Kris. (All laugh). You're all amazing, and we're going to support you either way. Grace/JOS: We love you! Yeah. Baby Boo: Oh! Um…(laughter) Grace/JOS: Oh God, what? (laughs) Baby Boo: Well, thank you very much actually, that's the best I can say, yeah! Baby Boo: Thanks for coming in my life, and a bit off topic but, saving my life or something, I guess. Grace/JOS: Awwww Baby Boo: Making my life more interesting, making me have something to look forward (to), in the dark days.
Interviews by IG @GBoleyn123 Audio editing and design by IG @s_aaaraa Umazane misli clip from IG @ch4rlie.21
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idabbleincrazy · 6 months
Never a Wish Better Than This Ch. 4
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Fandom: Smallville
Rating: E
Pairing: Clex
Word Count: 3760
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, masturbation, foreplay, rimming, anal play, oral, deep throating, face fucking
Summary: time for a little show and tell
A/N: look who finally got to the smut! at least one more chapter coming, maybe more. and i've a feeling this will lead to a series that rewrites the tail-end of s4 and probably going into s5.
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Lex's POV:
Christ, he's beautiful like this. The urge to see him keeps my eyes from staying closed as I kiss him like his saliva is quenching the thirst I felt back on that island. And, I know I'm babbling again, words bitten out in harsh whispers between licks into that supple, pliant mouth, but I don't give a damn. I've wanted this for so long, dreamed of this a thousand different ways, and the reality is so much more than I ever could've prepared for. 
Hearing he was jealous of Victoria, of Desiree, of Helen, of all the flirtations and dalliances in-between, made me harder than I've been all night. That he had had feelings for me, just about as long as I'd had feelings for him…that he's been thinking about this for so long…
"Tell me", I husk out against his lips. "Tell me what you think about, what you imagine when you're alone at night, up there in the privacy of that loft. Wanna hear what you jerk off to, Clark. Tell me."
And I do want to hear it, now that I know I'm in those fantasies. I hear him gasp at the request, his hips bucking up into mine. He's as hard as I am, I can feel it through all the layers between us, and I can't hold back a groan. 
Why is it so inexplicably hot to hear Clark curse? To know I've finally made him use his big boy words. Wanna hear more of those words that would probably make him blush again if he weren't already too hard to care.
"Tell me."
"'K, yeah…Christ, which do you wanna start with? What I imagine doing to you, or what I imagine you doing to me? Or, what I picture when I think of you, all alone in this huge-ass mansion, and how you might look when you jerk-off? So much to choose from, Lex, tell me where to start."
Oh, Jesus fucking Christ! Maybe it was a bad idea, after all, asking him to give details…might not last to actually play out either of our imaginings. I'll give it a valiant fucking effort, though. Luthor image to maintain here. And then, the idea pops into my head, a way to get us both some relief, without embarrassment; I've no doubt his teenage libido will have him ready for another go in no time, and my own refractory period is still a testament to my youth. 
Giving Clark one more hard kiss, I force myself off his lap, my cock twitching at the grunt of loss he makes, his hands reaching for me as I twist away and sprawl myself across the other side of the bed. 
"Tell me what you imagine me doing when I'm on my own, Clark. Tell me, and I'll show you it, exactly as you describe." I turn my head towards him, taking in the look of aroused surprise on his face. Pupils so blown, there's barely a thin ring of sparkling green around them. "Oh, and Clark? Feel free to touch yourself while you talk."
Clark's POV:
Jesus Christ, I'm so turned on right now, I can barely think, and he wants me to talk? To tell him what I picture him doing to himself? My cock is aching against the zipper of my jeans, and I can feel all the words I never say aloud coating my tongue, trying to force themselves past my lips. Have to remind myself that I'm an adult now, those words are no longer forbidden. Need to try one out, see if it gets the same reaction as the first…
"Fuck, Lex." And, oh, yeah, his eyes flutter closed for a second, like he's savoring the sound of my voice saying those two words. Like he knows that's exactly what I want, to fuck Lex. "God, when I picture you, alone, hard, and so fucking needy…sometimes, you're in your office, but sometimes, you're in your bed, spread out just like now. Not ready for sleep yet, so you're still wearing clothes. But not for long."
Can't help a chuckle at that, at his eagerness to be naked for me.
"You like to tease yourself, in my mind, so you do it slowly, unbuttoning your shirt one at a time." Except he's not wearing a button-up this time, so he improvises, lifting the hem of his shirt up, little by little, baring an ever-widening strip of pale flesh to my gaze. "Yeah, such a tease, Lex, just like always."
He slides the shirt up, up and further still, my eyes taking in each inch of revealed flesh. His belly button, that I just wanna lick into. Subtle abs I want to trace over with lips and teeth. And nipples, pink little nubs that I ache to bite at, tease them into hardness. God, he's beautiful.
"Take it off, Lex."
He lets out a moan at the firm command and immediately complies; I file that away for later contemplation. The shirt flies over at me and there's a smirk playing on his lips as I catch it with a low growl. 
"I don't recall saying that you're in a playful mood right now."
He merely shrugs and stretches back out against the sheets, his hands stroking along the comforter, head nestled into the pillow. I look over the long planes of skin revealed to me, and get the sense that he's preening. I bite back a groan and get back to the task.
"When I think of you like this, once your shirt is off, you start toying with yourself, like you're seeing how much you can take, how long you can wait until it's too much." Lex takes a little initiative and strokes a hand along the side closest to me, long, thin fingers sweeping up his torso. "Sometimes, you let out this sexy moan of need, and start plucking at your nipples, tugging at them, makin' 'em all pretty and perky. Yeah, like that, all flushed and waiting for teeth to sink right into them."
Another moan, unbidden, escapes that kiss-reddened mouth of his, and I have to cup myself, squeeze my dick to stop from losing control. 
"Yeah, you do that in my head, too. Call out my name so fucking needy like that. One hand twisting at your tits", and Christ, when did my tongue become so bold, "the other slipping down your stomach, teasing along the waistband of your pants, fingers dipping just under it."
My hand rubs at my groin as I watch him follow my instructions, his neck arching back, soft sounds of pleasure falling from his lips almost constantly. I can feel heat starting to rise behind my eyes, and I hurry to tamp it down. He's not even completely naked yet, and already my control is straining. 
"You unbuckle your belt, open your pants, just a little, just enough to relieve the pressure some." He does, and I'm not surprised to see he's not wearing anything under the slacks; I am surprised by the sparse layer of red hairs there. Arms, armpits, and chest, so far he's been completely hairless, so the change is a little shocking. "Sl-slipping your hand inside, you give yourself a short stroke, just a taste of what you want, and you can't help but buck up into it. Always so fucking hot when you do that."
He does, and I can see how it pains him to rein in his need, to not just keep stroking till he comes. 
"Oh, God, Clark…baby, please."
I gasp at the pet name, surprisingly aroused at him calling me anything other than Clark, or Kent. I like it more than I thought I would. 
"You keep it up though, teasing your nipples, other hand only stroking down your aching cock", loud, drawn-out moan from that, "every minute or so, never enough, until you're squirming against the sheets, like you're trying to get away from the torture. Only then, when you're so hard you can't stand it, only then do you slip off your pants."
Lex groans loudly in relief and scrabbles to hurry out of his slacks, kicking them carelessly off the bed and flopping back against the mattress. His legs are spread, knees bent and feet braced against the bed, and I scoot over to the end of the bed, facing him, taking it all in. He's completely open to me like this, his long cock hard, pointing up towards his stomach and leaking, the head red and painful looking. The base is surrounded by a thin sprinkling of the fine red hairs, same as his balls below it. I can just see the curve of his ass, the shadowed crevice that hides the spot I want to bury myself in. His legs, like the rest of him, are hairless, sleek and pale, deceptively lean, and I can see the powerful muscles in his thighs clench as he shifts slightly under my scrutiny. I wanna touch him, want to taste him. But I resist, and continue the game, my voice huskier than I've heard it even in the back alleys and clubs of Metropolis. 
"You stroke yourself more steadily, now, your other hand sliding down to cup your balls, rolling them. My name falls from your lips again, not quite begging, not yet, but still so sweet." It does, and it is. He's scooted further up the bed, to brace his back against the headboard, legs still spread, and my eyes flicker between the motion of his hands and the wanton look on his face. And, dammit, I've got to stop reading Lois' trashy romance novels, I shouldn't even know that word. "That's it, Lex, just like that. This, this is when you start to imagine me there, kneeling just like this, in front of you, just out of reach. In your head, I find you too hot, too much, and I just sit there staring, watching you pleasure yourself. I won't touch without being asked, and you don't ask yet, but you want to see me, too, so like a good little fantasy-Clark, a blink of your eyes and my shirt is gone."
I super-speed out of my shirt before he can even follow through on the order, my chest bare before his eyes flutter all the way shut. His hands stutter in their rhythm for a beat, a gasp followed by a low groan as he roves his gaze over me. 
"Don't stop, don't speed up. You never speed up, not yet, not till you see everything." My hands are on my jeans now, fingers slowly undoing the button, slipping the zipper down, tooth by tooth. Oh, God, he whimpered. My dick is throbbing now, and I'm afraid to even touch it enough to pull it out of my boxers, don't wanna go off before I see him come for me. It's a close call, and his responding hungry growl at the sight of my cock nearly 'causes me to set the curtains on fire, but I bite my lip hard and manage, barely. "You keep stroking as you watch me watching you, your other hand drifting down, between your legs. You tease yourself there for a minute, your fingertip just circling 'round the rim. You see my eyes glued to where your finger is hidden, hear the groan of need, and know what I want. And you give it to me, spread yourself open more, so I can see all of you."
The hand around his shaft grips tightly at the base, but he does as bidden, gripping just beneath a thigh to part those pert cheeks, revealing the perfect pucker hidden between them. It clenches and unclenches as I stare, and I can just see his hand resume pumping out of the corner of my eye. Want him. Wanna touch and taste and feel. 
"You're so close now, and I haven't even touched you yet. And you want it now, want me to come closer, wanna feel my hands replace yours, feel my mouth on you. You always want it, now, and that's when you beg."
That's all the permission he needs, and the babble turns back on, everything spilling out that he's kept in so far, his hand slowing again.
"Clark, please. I want it, baby, I do. Christ, so much. So fucking hot, Clark, hearing you talk like this…didn't know you had it in you. Fuck, baby, touch me, suck me, anything…want your sweet fucking mouth, those strong fucking hands…c'mon, Clark, show me, show me how it happens in your fantasy. What that Clark does to that Lex. Show me."
Lex's POV:
And he does. Oh, God, he does. His clothes are gone completely in a blur and he's kneeling between my wide-spread legs. Jesus, he's gorgeous, all golden skin and sweeping planes of hard muscle. And that cock…fuck, that cock…knew he'd be big, but like everything else about him, it exceeds expectations. At least two inches longer than mine, and thicker than I think I've ever seen outside of porn. Uncut, too, the foreskin nearly completely retracted from the ruddy, leaking head. 
I lose track of taking inventory of his enticing figure as his hand replaces mine on my cock. Can't help the cry of surprise as his warm fingers grip almost painfully tight around the shaft, starting a slow, firm stroke, his thumb swiping over the slit, smearing the pre-cum that bubbles up anew under his ministrations. 
"Oh, baby…yeah, touch me, please, taste me."
He smirks up at me, and oh, I've awoken a monster; that wolfish twist has never played along those plump lips for me before. His eyes lock on mine as he lowers his head, his tongue flicking out to rasp over the head of my cock.
"Soon, Lex. Soon."
I bark out a shaky laugh at his very un-Clark-like tease, the sound turning into a groan as he licks me again, swirling his tongue around the tip, collecting the fresh drops of pre-cum with a hum of pleasure. He's still fisting me slowly, his other hand sliding up my thigh and over, cupping my balls, squeezing them gently between thick fingers. I try to buck up into his mouth as he teases, but he pulls away, turning his head to press hot kisses to the juncture where thigh meets hip. I did not just whimper?! God, I haven't felt this much of a needy slut since my teen years, when I was just learning all the pleasures to be had, but I can't help it, don't even want to hold back the sounds anymore, not when he so obviously enjoys it.
Clark gives a quick nip to my inner thigh, and dips his head again, but not to my cock. I feel the slick wet of that devious muscle lave over my tightening sac, and down, over the sensitive strip of skin beneath my balls. His shoulders nudge my legs wider as he goes lower still, his tongue slipping down between my cheeks. As I feel him lick over my twitching hole, it's all I can do not to cum, a sharp cry falling from my lips as I writhe beneath him. 
Had I really thought him to be so innocent? Where is that shy, virginal farmboy now, and who is this confident young man working his mouth over that most private of places? A flash of jealousy jolts through me at the thought of Clark doing these things with other people, learning just how to touch and tease someone so perfectly. The tip of his tongue breaches me, driving out any thoughts of envy, leaving only the need for him. I thrust down as much as I can, taking him in further, knowing neither of us will sleep tonight until it's his cock pushing into me and shattering me into pieces like this.
"Oh, God, Clark! Fuck, baby, yeah, like that…just like that. Christ, this what you picture, Kent? Huh? Me begging for it, aching for it, fucking myself on your tongue? So fucking hot, Clark. Holy shit, baby…gonna make cum like this, so close, Clark, so fucking close…"
I feel myself open for him, feel his thumb tugging at my rim as he pierces me with his tongue, a slow, steady rhythm of thrusting that matches his strokes on my throbbing cock. He presses in deeper, and I lose it, cock spurting its load in body-racking pulses as his tongue presses against my prostate. I think I'm screaming his name, can't tell from the haze of pleasure stuffing my ears like cotton. And then my mouth is covered by his, the dark taste of myself on his tongue making me shudder out another spurt of cum as I somehow manage to wrap my arms around him, clutching him close. 
His thumb is still there, dipping in and circling around, bringing me down slowly from this unexpected high, his other, cum-sticky, hand soothing lightly along my side. He's murmuring wordlessly against my mouth, and I will my brain to turn back on, knowing there's still so much more to do; he hasn't cum yet, and I want to touch, to taste, to see him fall apart for me the way I just did. To show him a little of what I imagine when I'm alone and thinking of him.
His hand is gone from between my legs now, his fingers trailing through the puddle of cum on my stomach. I feel my cock twitch in renewing interest as he raises them to his mouth, licking away the sticky drops and letting his eyes flutter closed at the taste of me. As he enjoys himself, I gather my wits enough to turn us over, pushing him onto his back and quickly sliding down his broad, hard body, to settle between his legs. Looking over him, I promise to take my time on the next go, but the sight of his reddened leaking cock is proof enough that he probably won't mind quick and dirty right now.
"Wanna taste you, Clark. Wanna show you part of one of my own fantasies. That okay, baby?"
"Fuck…yeah. Do it, show me."
Flashing him a devilish smirk of my own, I waste no time in swallowing him down. I want him hot and heavy in my mouth, filling my throat like I want him filling me elsewhere later.
"Oh, my God, Lex! Jesus Christ, so good." My eyes flick up to him and his head is thrown back against the pillow. I can tell he's holding back, not wanting to hurt me by thrusting, his hands clenching the sheets. I swallow around the thick length, earning a restrained buck of hips. "Fuck, Lex, baby, not gonna last, too good."
I want to see him undone, so I grab one of his hands and guide it to my head, moaning around him at the feel of that huge paw sliding over my scalp. He forces his eyes open, looking at me like he's asking permission, and I grant it with a slow blink and another swallow.
"Oh, fuck, Lex…thank you…", he groans out, understanding, giving in.
He doesn't push against my head, just holds me steady, and I let my hands slide under him, gripping handfuls of the firm globes of his ass as he bucks up into me. I let my throat go lax, letting him fuck my mouth, and I know my voice will be raw and raspy later, a reminder of this. 
He's babbling now, broken sentences of wonder and praise, and I feel a surge of pride at being able to reduce him back to the bumbling boy I fell in love with. I squeeze the cheeks of his ass, urging him faster as he gets closer, wanting him to spill. I let my tongue work at whatever part of the huge cock stretching my jaw I can as he slides in and out of my throat, the round head pressing against my esophagus as I will my body not to gag; it's been so long since I've deep throated anyone, and never one this big, it's probably only through the sheer force of my desire that I manage at all.
A clench of his hand on the back of my head and a stilted cry of pleasure is all the warning I receive before he buries himself deeply, his cock pulsing against my tongue as he cums. I pull back slightly, catching the last few spurts on my tongue as I suck around the head of his cock, savoring the salty, heady taste of him before swallowing it down with a satisfied hum. Slightly thicker than I'm used to, but not bad, just apparently a different consistency than human semen. The scientist in me can't help but catalog the difference, file it away for later consideration. If I weren't so worried of anyone else getting ahold of his DNA, I'd probably save some to put under a microscope, just for personal edification. 
I suck at him, drawing every drop I can, until he pushes lightly at my head, his cock no doubt sensitive after such a release. I let the half-hard length slip from my mouth as I kneel back up, licking my lips for any spilled seed.
"Knew you'd taste good, Farmboy. Like fresh churned butter."
Clark stutters a breathless laugh, shaking his head incredulously and I just smirk back at him. He pulls me up his body, draping me over him, and pulls my head down for a deep, tender kiss. He lets out a soft moan as he licks at my tongue, his cock twitching against my stomach, obviously enjoying what he tastes. 
Breaking the kiss gently, I roll us onto our sides. He cups my face, his thumb swooping along the line of my cheekbone, and I arch an eyebrow at him. For someone obviously experienced enough to rim me without hesitation, there's certainly an odd look of wonder on his face.
"You're amazing, Lex", he voices an answer to my unspoken question. 
Letting my hand drop between us to feather my fingers along his reawakening cock, I let my lips twist into my teasing smirk. He lets out a hiss, bucking into the light touch. God, he's magnificent like this, and he's not even fully fucked-out yet. But he will be. Leaning forward, I kiss my way along his jaw, nipping at his earlobe.
"You ain't seen nothing yet, Spaceboy."
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yourkimjaejin · 7 months
Blame It On My Youth
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"Hannah-ssi, you missed the timing again."
"Ah! Sorry, again." Hannah sighs, the disappointment written all over her face.
Hannah was recording for WayV's much anticipated 2nd full album. After literal years of waiting it was finally time for the group's comeback. The members had been in and out of the practice rooms and recording booths for weeks now. Perfecting every move and note to get the best product for their fans. Recording the title track, On My Youth was the last thing left to do and the dancer kept messing up. This was her third time in the booth this week.
It had been tough recording and shooting everything for the album all while getting ready for AG's first tour but she'd pushed through every hurdle. Singing all her parts for the b-sides was easy. Like everything was finally coming together. But now she was stuck on her lines for the second verse of On My Youth.
The producer started the music over.
It's okay Hannah. You got it! This is the one. The dancer hyped herself ready to nail this take.
. . .
"You don't have to say it......I already know."
Within the last thirty minutes, Hannah tried and re-tried ten times. TEN. DIFFERENT. TIMES!!! She either came in late or started early
"Why don't you take a break while we reset." Hannah didn't even respond to the producer. She just let her body hit the wall behind her then slid down until her butt hit the floor. She buried her face in her hand. The sounds of frustrated screams were muffled.
You have to nail this.....Everyone's waiting for you so they can finish the song. You're incredibly unprofessional. It's four line in English how is it this hard! Her thoughts kept spiraling. Water began to pool in the corner of her eyes.
"Hannah-ssi? Wanna try again?"
"Cou...could I step out? I'll be right back." Her voice cracked in the middle, betraying her.
"Of course, take as much time as you need." Hannah was out the door and down the hall in seconds. not even noticing two of her members walking by.
"Was that Hannah-jiejie?" Yangyang and Ten watched her run down the hall turning toward the elevators.
"Definetly. Follow her, let me know where she goes. I'm gonna see what happened." Yangyang nodded taking off in Hannah's direction while Ten made his to the recording booth.
He knocked before coming in, smiling when the managers and producers greeted him. "Hello. I hope I'm not interuppting."
Jessica, one of WayV's eldest managers, waved him off, "We were just waiting for Hannah. Did you happen to see her? Is she okay" Jessica asked.
"I came here to ask you. Yangyang and I saw her running down the hall."
One of the producers turned around, "That because she's been having problems with On My Youth. She's probably feels bad cause her part is last thing we need to finish the song." Ten nodded, seeing what the problem is before anyone else explains. His phone beeps with an incoming message for Yangyang
We found Jiejie. She's in our practice room.
"I'll have her back within in thirty minutes. I promise." Ten bowed and rushed out of the room. The WayV group chat was blowing up with messages from the members. Everyone dropping what they were doing to get to Hannah's side.
Ten raced down the hall once the elevator doors opened. The door to the practice room was cracked. As if a closed door would keep him away from his precious dongsaeng. He made sure to close the door behind him and took a seat on the floor across from Winwin near Hannah's feet. There wasn't any tears or sniffling sounds. The older took that as win.
"Hannah?" Kun started grabbing the hand not covering her face, hiding the tear tracks. "If you feel up to it....wanna tell us...whats going on?"
Hannah just sighed, already feeling ridiculous for getting worked up over this. Her thoughts already spiraling at the thinking of what had gone on the past three days.
The dancer bit her lip but still removed the hand from her face. Gently, Xiaojun used a wet tissue to freshen up her face. She nodded, quietly thanking her same aged friend. He wrapped an arm around her waist, his way of accepting her thanks.
Hannah took a deep breath before starting, "I keep messing up. I've missed the timing for my verse for three days straight and I'm this close to letting SM use an ai to finish the song so we can move on." It felt like some of the weight was lifted off her shoulder but some stuck around.
After some time Winwin asked, "Okay. Its normal to have a problem recording. Everyone does but we get through it. And you'll get through this as well." The older's words brought her tears back to the surface. Hannah shook her head, disagreeing.
"I have to nail this. It's been too long. We've been waiting too long. I can't be the reason this comeback is held back. After everything that happened with him," A chill settled in the room. His mention bringing back a year of hurt the seven of them were still getting over. "We don't deserve anymore waiting. Not from me."
A silence fell over them. Nobody really wanting to admit that Hannah.....was right. More than a year of waiting and they were finally coming back. Stronger than they were before. Even more ready to represent the NCT name internationally.
But despite they're readiness, it was still daunting. To comeback after all this time. Had fans forgotten about them. None of them felt like dealing with answering the question of if they were NCT or not again. Phantom was them dipping their toe in to see if the water was warm.
On My Youth was them diving headfirst into the deep end with no floaties. Just waiting to see if they'll sink or float.
"We're not waiting. Not anymore." Kun spoke confidently, determination in his eyes. "It is finally our time. We can't waste it. We have to attack everything we're given. We fought for this." The leader used his pointer finger to draw a circle in the middle of the seven member. "We not giving up now. And no matter how many times any of us mess up a recording or goof off in practice," That gets some laughs from the members, "Nobodies getting left behind.
With every word Kun spoke, the lump in Hannah throat grew smaller and smaller. Maybe what she was really worried about was losing the six boys around her. They had been through so much and this album felt like their last chance. Hannah wanted to make it count. She wanted to give her all.
She wasn't losing WayV without a fight.
Hannah stood up and walked to the door without a single glance at her members.
"Jie-jie! Where are you going."
"The recording booth." She answered with a smile. "I have a song to finish so that we can have an album to promote."
I think it goes without saying Hannah nailed her verse in one shot.
I really wasn't expecting to love On My Youth so much but that album is flawless. It's somehow different but it still feels like WayV!! Also congrats to the boys on becoming million sellers!!
anyways have a great day and enjoy the post ~ Author Izzy
Taglist: @alixnsuperstxr / @1-800-call-ria / @sophrodite / @sunflower-0180
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atsadi-shenanigans · 6 months
Feeding Alligators 11: Murder Buddies
You and Astarion have a chat.
On AO3.
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You fumble with your stolen tent for a good thirty minutes until Gale takes pity on you. Though he assembled his with a wave of his hand, and since you’re incapable of the ~mystic cosmic powers~ he possesses, he tries to show you how to rig the thing up by hand. Which means it’s Shadowheart, ultimately, who takes pity on you both and shows y’all how to drive in the stake into the ground to secure the canvas.
“As, yes,” Gale says, totally not wiping sweat from his brow. “I’d forgotten how refreshing manual labor can be. Quite invigorating to get the blood pumping again.”
He’s quick to take a seat next to the fire Lae’zel got going. From being invigorated and all.
You’re not far behind.
Your feet are about to fall off. Your legs shake so bad you don’t sit so much as keel over to land on your ass. The pounding in your skull goes atrocious for a hot second, spiking into nausea, before clearing enough for you to make out Gale telling some story about a “magical misadventure” during his youth.
Shadowheart doesn’t join you. Too busy glaring at Lizard Lady—named Lae’zel. They’ve been making snipes at each other. From what you gather, Shadowheart is real indisposed to Lae’zel, and Lae’zel is generally indisposed to everyone.
Y’all didn’t talk much as y’all got her out of that cage. Everyone boot-scooted out of the area before the demons—called tieflings—came back with friends.
Lae’zel has an accent none of the others share. And Gale said something about “astral raiders” under his breath as she marched to the front of your group (before Shadowheart stopped, declared she wasn’t “following a githyanki”, and the two almost got into a fistfight right then and there).
“Astral” sounds a lot like “inter-dimensional” to you. So you extricate yourself from Gale’s story—sorry, gotta check on the new guy!—and trudge over. Lae’zel has probably the nicest tent here, with a hide rug inside and a comfy looking bedroll set up. It’s also scattered with stuffed heads.
“Hi,” you say.
She regards you with her narrow eyes as she pulls an entire training dummy out of her bag. It’s got tentacles sewn onto its face.
“We, uh, we met on the ship?”
“The useless istik, I am aware,” she says. “So you survived the crash. Perhaps you are not as pathetic as you first appeared.”
Wow, okay. Accurate, but damn.
She keeps on hammering that one. “It would have been more efficient to kill those horned teethlings. Though I suppose one as weak as you would not be capable of such a task. In githyanki culture, you would have been culled from the creche. Your people must be soft. Or perhaps you are not as you seem.”
“Well,” you say. “I’m trying, thank you?”
Her eyes narrow. This close and actually talking to her, and she’s not so much a lizard as a crocodile. There’s the same coldness in her, the same predator shine to her eyes. Best to divert the conversation.
“The way the others are talking, you ain’t from here, right? This world?” you say.
Her spine straightens. Her face is pretty, in a sharp, harsh kind of way. “We githyanki are not bound to the physical realms. We sail the astral seas in pursuit of our ghaik quarry.”
There’s a lot to unpack there, and you legitimately would like the time to sort it out and pick through the details. Buuut…
“Your people have been to other, uh, realms, then? Worlds? Not this one?”
“My people guard and conquer all the realms connected to the astral plane, yes. The noisy ones said you were taken from one such plane. I assume that’s why you came to me with your meaningless chatter.”
“Yeah, sorry. I don’t wanna take up your time, setting up the heads and all. Very aesthetic.” She pulls out a stuffed Squidward face. “Is there a way to get back? Like, at all?”
She pauses. Her expression is still sharp enough to slice, but you think you might, maybe, just a little bit detect the faintest baby softening around her eyes.
“You wish to return to your people,” she says.
“Yes. Very much.”
“I do not know,” she says and curb-stomps your burgeoning hope. “You would have to know the path the nautiloid took, and perhaps find your world alongside it.”
Fuck. Fuck shit fuck no.
Does a nautiloid have some kind of flight data recorder? Can you even access the damned thing if you find it (if you even recognize it)?
You think of the tadpole. Amongst Gale’s ramblings had been something about a hive mind. If you give that nasty thing a nudge, learn how to use it, maybe…
Assuming it doesn’t rip your face a new asshole.
And maybe it’s the wormy bastards and their bullshit psychic powers, or maybe Lae’zel is just really good at reading people. She stops her set up. Gives you what you can only call a scathing glare.
“The only way to save ourselves is to find a githyanki creche. All this prattle will be futile should the ghaik parasite twist our bones and melt our organs and turn us into ghaik ourselves. We have been lucky, far too lucky, that the process has not yet started. But we cannot trust to luck.”
That’s that. You’re maybe three days out from being stolen and brainwormed. According to the others, you should basically be shitting blood right now. But aside from the occasional, crippling headache—and looming mental breakdown; you know that bitch has penciled herself an appointment in your mental calendar—everyone seems to be good?
You turn to watch Gale rake coals out onto cleared dirt to nestle beneath what looks like a cast iron skillet. More sausages. Jesus.
You would literally commit murder (again) for a bottle of ibuprofen and a pepperoni pizza.
Speaking of murder.
Almost everyone has tucked in for the night. Or made a show of doing that—you’re pretty sure Shadowheart is going to literally sleep with one eye on Lae’zel, while Lae’zel dismisses sleep entirely as a weakness and seems determined to spend her night sitting crisscross-applesauce and glaring into the night.
Maybe she’s on watch. No one asked you. No one even brought it up to you. That’s probably a bad sign.
You’re sitting next to the fire, poking at the coals with a stick and trying to rub the burning from your eyes. Then Astarion is kneeling right next to you out of fucking nowhere and you startle so bad your stick goes flying.
He watches it arc away into the night with a raised eyebrow. “You throw things a lot, I’m noticing.”
“Jesus fuck,” you whisper shout. “You scared the piss outta me!”
“Apologies,” he says in such a smooth, blatant lie like he wants you to know it. “I forgot human senses aren’t as perceptive. I wasn’t trying to be stealthy.”
Bullshit. This guy is such a fucking weirdo.
“Uh huh,” you say, aiming at amiable and probably failing.
The two of you sit there a moment. A piece of wood collapses into the fire and sends up a cascade of sparks into the sky. They look like a swarm of orange fireflies. The homesickness crashes into you so hard you have to fight the urge to curl in on yourself. Nights with Uncle Randy on his porch, his lanky frame sprawled out over a lawn chair, cigarette flaring red as he took a draw. He’d offer you a beer, which you’d decline (“It takes like piss.” “Well suit yourself and more for me, sug’.”)
He wasn’t close to your dad once they’d gotten older. Had some sort of nasty fight Uncle Randy never talked about (you’ve developed a strong suspicion it had something to do with your mother). But he told you stories he knew about your dad—hunting squirrels, illicit fishing trips, that one time they got chased and bit by a raccoon and the rabies shots they’d needed (“Your gramma was so pissed off. We came back all cryin’ from them first shots and she made us go collect us a switch for our own ass-whoopin’”).
Your family wasn’t traditional. But Uncle Randy still had the stereotypical eagle feather tattoo on his bicep. He didn’t talk about it, much.
“Wa’n’t sump’n t’be proud of,” he’d said one time. “Things’re changin’ now, I guess.”
But you’d caught him mouthing Cherokee words on the porch in the dark, scrolling along a language lesson from the Nation on his ipad.
“So,” Astarion drawls.
Fuck. You’re in another dimension. You blink a couple of times, make sure no water spills down your cheeks.
“I couldn’t help but notice how easily those tieflings left earlier,” he says. He gives you a slow, deliberate once over. “Yet you’re not drenched in blood, so I assume there was no stabbing this time?”
“I don’t know about all that,” you say. “Like I told y’all. I said y’all were monsters coming up after them and they hightailed it outta there.”
“How lucky.”
“I generally am.”
“And the gnome the other day? That was luck?”
You blink. Turn to look at him. “Gnome?”
You hear that word and you think of that old cartoon of those pixie people with beards and pointy, red hats. The guy rode a fox, you think?
“Yes. The gnome you butchered,” he says.
“I thought he was a hobbit?!”
“A what?”
This fucking place. This absolute clusterfuck of a place. The fuck else is there over here? Fucking werewolves?? Do you need to watch for fucking werewolves now???
“I’ll be honest with you,” you say. “I ain’t never hurt somebody like that before and I am in way over my head here. I don’t even know what all happened that day.”
Aside from the murder. Self-defense, absolutely. But you freaked the fuck out and a man—gnome—is dead.
He nods in what a casual glance would label as sympathetic. “I see. Your first time?”
You stare. He’s still wearing that face. But the edges—maybe it’s your hyped-up paranoia here, but it shifts into something…smarmy.
“Yeah, actually,” you say because damned if you’re gonna let some bastard man make fun of you over that. He wants some kind of easy target? Come get some.
You choose: stoic Indian face!
“It happened so quick,” you say. “All the adrenaline, you know.”
You scrutinize him. Try to catch a hint of maliciousness.
But his grin widens and the corner of his eyes crinkle. “It got the best of you, eh? Happens to us all, from time to time. The first one, especially. All that rushing and one tends to fumble. You’ll want to practice your technique for your next round.”
Stoic Indian face is super ineffective!
He pats your arm in a half-hearted “you’re too gross to actually touch” gesture.
Is he…joking with you? Not mean-teasing, but like, murder-buddies-teasing?
“Since we’re talking about that, I got a question for you,” you say. “What’s up with chucking that body at me?”
The shithead actually places a hand on his chest like some kind of southern belle-of-the-ball. “Oh darling, I had to make sure he was dead. You were in such a state.”
You’ve been told you’ve got an intimidating stare. You don’t try to look mean, you just keep everything still and blank and stare at people, and it tends to make them squirm. But that just slides right off this bastard.
“It looked kinda calculated to me,” you say. Because it was.
“I do apologize for that,” smarmy bastard says in smarmy bastard tone. “It happened so quickly. You know how the adrenaline is.”
This bitch!
You almost call him a liar to his face. But sense wrestles back control. You don’t know these people and you have no backup, no safety net. This smarmy-ass, fancy pants fucking albino elf is absolutely messing with you, but he hasn’t pulled a knife (this time). And while he’s hinting at stuff, he’s not actually accusing you of anything (yet).
A test? An introduction? Both?
Maybe you’re as weird to them as they are to you. You’re an unknown entity; unable to communicate until yesterday, unable to use their most basic magic, and no training with weapons. But you did stab a gnome to death, and you freed Lae’zel.
He chose to interrogate you—none of the others have asked, was this an agreed upon plan?—by, what, teasing it out of you?
“Well,” he says. Stands and brushes the dirt off his pants. “It’s been a delight properly making your acquaintance, my dear. Do sleep well.”
You watch him saunter back to his tent. Duck inside. His shadow moves against the candlelight as he settles down.
He doesn’t blow the candle out.
Between him, Lae’zel, the girl named Shadowheart, and Mr. Chatterbox wizard, you’ve collected quite a company of oddballs.
Your headache remembers itself and sinks in to kick at the back of your eyeballs.
Fuckin’ A.
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king-a-queen · 1 year
Eurovision 2023 pt. 1
pt. 2 | pt. 3
It’s this time of the year again! To honor beginning of Eurovision week here’s my opinion on this year’s songs and my ideal qualifiers at the end. No hate, just positive vibes here, feel free to disagree.
Semi-Final 1
Croatia (Let 3 – Mama ŠČ!) – You either love it or hate it. I personally love it – it’s grotesque, weird, absolutely unique and outstanding. We’ll forget most of song from this Eurovision in few years, but not this one. It shows that there’s not just one way to convey an anti-war message.
Ireland (Wild Youth – We Are One) – Not a big fan of this one. Sounds like it comes from a Disney Channel teen movie. It has a summerish, positive vibe, but that’s about it. Also, the live performance from Irish TV leaves much to be desired.
Latvia (Sudden Lights – Aijā) – At first I wasn’t a big fan of it, but right now it’s one of my faves. The vibe of this song makes me wanna lie on the floor and just become one with this song. And they’re great live performers.
Malta (The Busker – Dance (Our Own Party)) – This song feels like it’s a mix of Daði og Gagnamagnið, The Roop and SunStroke Project. It has its own charm, the staging is eventful and the lyrics are relatable. While it’s not one of my faves, it holds a special place in my heart.
Norway (Alessandra – Queen Of Kings) – Definitely one of the strongest participant this year. The song has everything that Eurovision wants: the strong vocals, the lyrics, the staging, the vibe and the powerful message. My only concern is whether it being a viral is more of an advantage or disadvantage.
Portugal (Mimicat – Ai Coração) – Amazing, vintage, burlesque vibe. Not my favorite, but I really enjoy it.
Serbia (Luke Black – Samo Mi Se Spava) – My number 1 since I’ve heard a few seconds of it on PZE recap. I love the message and the dark, mysterious vibe. It feels like it belong in a trailer of some epic, post-apocalyptic game. I regularly listen to it on repeat.
Azerbaijan (TuralTuranX – Tell Me More) – Do they have a chance? Probably not, but they still bring a great, chill vibe.
Czech Republic (Vesna –  My Sister's Crown) – My Slavic heart loves all of it – the message, different Slavic languages and folklore elements. You don’t get bored listening to it. I just feel, Vesna need to work on their live performance for it to be perfect.
Finland (Käärijä – Cha Cha Cha) – Before Finland’s NF I didn’t get the hype for this song. I found it weird, messy and chaotic. But after seeing live performance and public going absolutely crazy for it, I started to get it. Now it’s one of my favorites. What can I say, it’s crazy, it’s party.
Israel (Noa Kirel – Unicorn) – It’s a great, well-produced song and Noa is a very talented artist. I think it may be one of the dark horses of this year’s comp.
Moldova (Pasha Parfeni – Soarele şi Luna) – I love those ethnic bops. Pasha is a great performer and it sounds absolutely amazing live.
Netherlands (Mia Nicolai & Dion Cooper – Burning Daylight) – It’s hard for me to judge it, as I don’t fancy songs like that. I’m not a fan, but good luck to them.
Sweden (Loreen – Tattoo) – In my opinion it’s a bit overrated entry. And before anybody comes at me, I like the song and I know it’s really good. It’s just that it’s absolutely what I expect from Sweden and Loren at Eurovision and I prefer to be surprised. But Loreen is amazing performer and I don’t think that this song would work so well if anybody else without such charisma tried to sing it.
Switzerland (Remo Forrer – Watergun) – A great anti-war ballad. I’m not a fan of ballads, but I think it’s a good one. With great staging, he can do well and I’m sure juries will appreciate it (if he qualifies that is).
My ideal qualifiers (in no particular order): Croatia, Latvia, Malta, Norway, Serbia, Czech Republic, Finland, Israel, Moldova, Sweden
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ginjithewanderer · 1 year
Scout! Polka Dots — Summer-Colored Youths — Chapter 8
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Writer: Umeda Chitose || Season: Summer Character appearances: Tetora, Hinata, Hokuto
Tetora helps Hinata take care of the fields at school. As thanks, Hinata invites him to go to a summer festival together, and along the way, they meet lots of people…
Proofread by @mankaissengen
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
"This is the sign that I've grown enough to make my own summer festival memories...♪"
Translation under the cut
[A while later. At the original summer festival venue]
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Tetora, Hinata: —And, goal!
Hinata: Huff...I was a little faster, wasn't I?
Tetora: The tips of both of our shoes got through the torii gate at the same time, I saw it happen. Phew...
Tetora: ...That said. I meant to get back sooner, but it's gotten pretty late, huh.
Tetora: Even after guiding that old lady, we ended up helping that lost child and finding and returning people's lost items to them. I feel like...today really was a day full of helping others.
Hinata: It was. You really helped me out, too.
Hinata: ...I wonder if everyone went home after all. I did send them messages every now and then, but I couldn't really give them the details of the situation, could I?
Tetora: So you said things like "You guys can look around without us" and "It looks like we're gonna be late, so it's okay if you go home."
Tetora: You were the only one sending any messages, so the others must have been worried. They couldn't even get any replies in.
Hinata: I hope Yuuta-kun isn't mad at me~. Your big brother was helping people out; it's true, y'know~?
Tetora: I'll explain everything with you, so don't worry. Besides, everyone is kind, so I don't think they'll be angry?
Tetora: ...Mm~♪ That said, something smells great! I've been moving around so much, I'm starving!
Tetora: I could've accepted the kind offer from the old lady and her family and had something to eat at the other shrine, but...
Tetora: In the end, I wanted to enjoy the summer festival I had originally decided to come to~. Hinata-kun, what do you wanna eat first?
Hinata: ...Heeey. Tetsu-kun, it's like you're not even bothered that you got here late, too.
Hinata: If anything, you kinda look refreshed.
Tetora: Hmm~? If I look refreshed, it's because I'm feeling a sense of accomplishment, I guess?
Tetora: If we hadn't decided to come to this summer festival, I wouldn't have been able to help the people who needed it or make those people smile.
Tetora: I want this summer festival to be nothing but fun memories. I was just thinking about how until we finally got here, I fulfilled all my duties ♪
Tetora: ...But, I gotta admit...
Hinata: ?
Tetora: I really can't help but feel bad that you ended up being so late because of me...
Hinata: HUH~? You're still on that?
Tetora: You wanted to enjoy the summer festival with Yuuta-kun, didn't you? But in the end, you couldn't spend a single second together, right?
Hinata: It was my own decision to join you, and I told you I couldn't have fun unless you were with me, right?
Hinata: It's not your fault we got back late, either. If anything, don't you think it's because we were together that we were able to get back here now?
Tetora: Even if you say that, I can't just shake the feeling~...At least let me do something for you.
Hinata: You're a stubborn one, huh. Well, you're the guy who wouldn't even let me treat him to shaved ice...
Tetora: Ugh. Hinata-kun, you're not holding a grudge against me for that, are you?
Hinata: I'm used to doing things "for" people~. But with you, you're usually the one doing things "for me".
Hinata: Hmm~, what's something I want you to do for me...
Hinata: I know. I had trouble thinking of something, but how about "that"?
Tetora: By "that," do you mean the yo-yo fishing stall? Do you want a water balloon?
Hinata: Yup. Catching yo-yo balloons with a "koyori" string made of twisted paper is surprisingly hard. Do your best until you catch one, and show me how cool you are ♪
Tetora: Ossu, that's no problem!
Tetora: ...Speaking of which, yo-yo fishing is so nostalgic~. The multicolored water balloons floating in the pool look just as pretty now as they did back then.
Hinata: Back then?
Tetora: Back when I was a kid. My parents both work, so back in those days, they were always super busy, but...
Tetora: They took me to a summer festival once.
Tetora: We walked through the crowd, holding hands...They got me yakisoba from a stall, and bought me a mask, too.
Tetora: As we walked through the light from the other stalls, I saw a yo-yo fishing pool. I begged my parents for one of those balloons.
Tetora: ...But back then, I couldn't catch one for myself. I kept recklessly plunging the koyori into the pool, and it ripped pretty fast.
Tetora: I don't remember clearly whether the man running the stall gave me one for free or my parents caught it for me, but...
Tetora: The only thing that's still clear in my heart is the memory of walking home bouncing that water balloon. I just remembered how much fun it was to spend the summer festival with my family.
Hinata: I see. So that's why you—
Tetora: Ahaha. I don't know if that's why or not myself, either.
Tetora: I just want everyone to have fun and smile, too...
Tetora: I wonder if that feeling was born from my childhood self, with more happy memories of that summer festival than he could carry.
Hinata: ...
Tetora: Okay, what color should I aim for~? Red, blue, green, yellow...The black ones look elegant and cool, too!
Tetora: (...I'm clumsy, so unlike someone who's more skilled at things, it's hard for me to get everything I want.)
Tetora: (But still. I'm not the kid who charged into things with brute force alone and failed anymore.)
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Tetora: —I can think hard about things one at a time.
Tetora: This way, I can start to take hold of things!
Tetora: Look, Hinata-kun. It's the prettiest water balloon of them all.
Tetora: This is the sign that I've grown enough to make my own summer festival memories...♪
Tetora: Just listening to the splish-splash of the water makes me feel refreshed~. Nom, nom.
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Hinata: The man running the stall was so kind, too~. He said you looked so cool fishing out the water balloon, he decided to give me one for free. Nom, nom.
Tetora: We've had cotton candy, crepes, and candy apples. Hinata-kun, how's the choco-banana?
Hinata: It's super delicious. Bananas and chocolate go together extremely well...♪
Hinata: I should've bought a strawberry one, too. Maybe I'll get another one later...
Tetora: That'd be fine, wouldn't it? You should enjoy the food from the stalls as much as your pocket money will allow you to today ☆
Hokuto: —You two, you came?
Hinata: Hidaka-senpai? Good work todaaay ♪
Tetora: We just met earlier, but hey again. I took that old lady safely to where she needed to go with Hinata-kun ♪
Hokuto: With Hinata-kun...I see, so you really did meet up outside the shrine.
Hokuto: By the way, did you meet up with Yuuta-kun and the others?
Tetora: Yuuta-kun and the others? You mean Midori-kun and Shinobu-kun are still at the shrine, too?
Hokuto: Yeah. All three of them are in the grounds. You were originally going to meet up with them, weren't you?
Hinata: Dammit! Then we gotta go right away!
Tetora: Yeah! Hidaka-senpai, thank you for telling us!
Hokuto: You too, Nagumo-kun and Hinata-kun. I see you're safely enjoying the summer festival.
Hinata: Hehe, the fun has just begun, though!
Tetora: We plan to enjoy this as much as we can until the last second! From now on, we're gonna make more of the best memories with everyone...♪
Finally finished! Thank you so much for being with me as I've translated this (my first full gacha story!) and I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I have. See you next time!
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