#I wanna squish them so together so hard they become one
shishibaswife · 4 months
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coff33andb00ks · 3 months
Rule Breaker - Pt 5
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max Verstappen x single mom!reader (with logan sargeant)
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warnings: cursing, minimally proofread, disgusting amount of fluff Summary: Max has it all...right? Besides, he's too busy collecting trophies and completing side quests for anything else. Until... You moved across a whole ass ocean to start over, uprooting you and your son's lives to become social media admin for cars that drive in circles. word count: 4153 auth.note: logan girlies rise up, new banner, also broke this into two parts for reasons, this is a poly fic now and I need to update the summary too don't I spotify: i made a playlist
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Kevin sighed heavily, his breath fogging the window. Wiping it away with his hand, he kept staring outside. As though by sheer willpower he could change the weather. "It's rained all day."
Max chuckled, swirling his coffee in his cup. "I know, maate. But it's getting better now, yeah?"
The boy shrugged, turning and jumping down from the sofa. Max knew he had to be bored. There were only so many races and demolition derbies he could put together with the few toy cars he'd brought. The tablet he sometimes played on was charging, and they'd already watched two movies since that morning.
Sighing, Max finished his coffee in one gulp and set his cup down. "Right, come on."
Kevn looked confused, even when Max shrugged on his coat and reached for Kevin's boots. "Where we going?"
"Anywhere but here." Max grinned as the boy rushed to him, nearly falling over as he tried to shove one of his feet into a boot. "We'll go out in the rain, yeah?" he suggested, helping him get his boots on then his raincoat. "It's just a little water."
"Can we splash?" Kevin asked hopefully as he skipped to the stairs.
"Wouldn't be a walk in the rain without a splash," Max promised, picking him up and carrying him until they were outside. Kevin immediately pushed the hood of his coat back, closing his eyes and giggling as the rain landed on his face.
He made sure to get plenty of pictures for y/n of Kevin riding his scooter along the asphalt, and of him trying to jump hard enough to make the puddle water splash above his head. And then he had to do it himself, the boy's childish glee contagious to the point his side ached from laughing. The rain let up and Max knew he had to be ready to go back inside but no, it was time to hunt for wildlife. His shoes squished with water at each step as he held onto Kevin's hand, letting the boy lead him to where they'd spotted groundhogs earlier in the day.
"What if they drowned?" Kevin asked worriedly a few moments later, wringing his small hands and looking down into the flooded hole at the base of the barrier.
"I'm sure they didn't, mate. They're smart, yeah?" Max squatted down, looking at the hole. "They know how to get away from the rain."
"They're on the other side of the wall," a voice said behind them.
Max wanted to be annoyed at the interruption. But Kevin's face lit up at the sound of Logan's voice, and within seconds he was trying to scale the wall.
"I'm too small." Kevin's voice was mournful and accompanied by a world-weary sigh.
"C'mon, I'll hold you up." Logan extended his hands, giving Max a quick nod as he lifted Kevin.
Straightening, Max moved over to peer over the wall, seeing one of the groundhogs creeping away. "See, little mate? They're fine."
Kevin looked and sounded relieved, waving at the animal though it didn't seem to care. "I like animals, Mister Logan."
"Country kid. There's a bunch of geese over on the lake, you wanna go see?" Logan asked.
And he had to tag along. He couldn't just push Kevin into Logan's care, even if the guy was seeing the boy's mom. Kevin chattered nonstop about animals, telling a garbled tale about a goose that had chased him in the park. Squeezing past the turnstile, he waved at the security to indicate the child was with him. Not that he needed to worry, since Kevin already knew the person by name.
"Wow," Kevin breathed in awe as they stepped onto the temporary platform and he saw the dozens of geese gliding over the water.
He looked on as Logan affectionately pushed Kevin's damp hair back from his face, keeping a firm grip on his hand when he walked to the very edge to look down into the water. The breeze sent a chill through him and he worried that Kevin might be cold, too, but didn't want to ruin his fun. Just a few more minutes. It was almost the time y/n had said she'd be done.
"You're good with him," he said to Logan once they were on their way back. He kept his eyes on Kevin, who had gotten back on his scooter and was just ahead, steering so he splashed anyone he passed. But he felt Logan look at him in surprise.
"You think so?" Logan asked.
Max nodded. "He can be a handful, yeah?"
"Yeah, but… He's a good kid." The smile was evident in his voice. "You… You ever think about having kids?"
Only if they looked like… He sighed, nodding. "Sometimes. You?"
"Not really." Logan cleared his throat. "Not until recently."
And now it was time to change the subject. Because—
"You're close with y/n." It wasn't a question.
His stomach twisted. "She's my coworker. An important member of the team."
"Well, yeah, but… You don't watch Checo's kids when they're at the track."
Fucking Americans and their need to point out the obvious. "Okay, so I'm close. I guess I'd consider her a friend." That hurt to say and he didn't want to investigate why. "Why?"
"Maybe you don't know, if you're only – Do you know why she's shy about a relationship?"
"I mean, we've gone out a few times, but." Logan sighed. "I just thought you might know. You're closer to her than anyone else."
"I don't know," Max said, trying his best to not sound annoyed. Watching Kevin, he slowed when the boy stopped to show his scooter off to Oscar. He spotted a Red Bull shirt up ahead and knew it was y/n, was certain when Kevin squealed and took off towards her, leaving Oscar holding his scooter. Stopping, he turned to Logan. "I don't know why, but I think it's because she's a single mom. His dad's not around at all, that's all I know."
Logan nodded. "Thanks, mate."
Max wrinkled his nose. "You've been around Alex and Oscar too much. It sounds weird when you say mate."
"I can't help it," he laughed. "Not enough Americans around here."
"There's a couple," Max said, nodding towards Kevin and y/n, who were slowly heading back towards them. And though it hurt, the words formed in his mouth. And though he didn't want to say them, they came out. "She likes you. Little mate likes you. I think… If you don't push her, it'll work out like it's supposed to."
"Really?" Logan looked over at her, and Max felt the usual bitterness in his chest when he smiled. "Thanks, Max."
It wasn't fair. Max knew that was something that only would be acceptable if Kevin were to say it, because only a three year old could make that statement and not be looked at with disdain. So he kept it to himself, swallowing down the jealousy as Logan moved first, taking up the boy's scooter and meeting y/n and Kevin. He felt unnecessary and wondered why he moved to join them when he could be heading to the motorhome to change his shoes and get ready to go back to the hotel for the night.
She reached out, smiling as she squeezed his arm. "Thanks so much for keeping an eye on him. I can tell he had an amazing time."
Suddenly he didn't feel useless. "We both did, but he was going stir crazy."
"I'm glad you took him out." She looked him up and down while Kevin jumped in a nearby puddle, encouraging Logan to join in. "Did he splash you?"
He looked down and saw the water and bits of mud splashed up his legs. "Ah, a little bit. Then I had to do it myself."
"You did?" she giggled, squeezing his arm again and letting go. "Oh I wish I could have seen that."
"I'll send you the video," he sighed as her hand slid down his arm.
"Mama, gotta pee."
"C'mon, kleine maat." Max reached for him, waving off her insistence that she could do it. "I've got to change anyway. I'll take care of it while you get your stuff packed."
"Thank you, Max," she said softly. "I just need to check in with the other admins about tomorrow then I'll be up."
He nodded, settling Kevin on his hip. The boy wrapped his arms around his neck, head resting on his shoulder as he was carried off. "Toilet then we'll get dry yeah? And—"
"Grote maat?"
Kevin sighed and Max wondered if he was just tired. It had been a long day and as far as he knew the boy hadn't had more than a thirty minute nap just after lunch. Or maybe he wasn't sure how to say whatever it was he wanted to say. "Nothin'," he finally mumbled.
"It's something," Max said gently, catching the closing door with one foot and pushing it open so he could enter the motorhome.
"I don't have a daddy," Kevin blurted once they were upstairs and Max was setting him down.
Max blinked, freezing for a few seconds. "Hasn't your mum talked to you about that?"
"No… Yeah. She said…" His face screwed up in thought.
And Max remembered he had to use the toilet. Guiding him into the bathroom, he turned his back to give him privacy, using the time to take off his coat and sodden shoes.
"Laura has a daddy," Kevin announced once he'd flushed.
It took him a couple seconds to remember who Laura was. "Yes… Her dad has the same name as you."
"But he's not my daddy."
"No, he's not," Max sighed. Picking up the discarded raincoat, he threw it over his shoulder and held the boy up at the sink so he could wash his hands. "What did your mum say?"
Kevin drew in a deep breath. "Not everybody gets a mama or a daddy. Some people get both." He shook the water from his hands and stretched to get a paper towel, his expression far too serious for one so young. "I love mama."
Max swallowed the unbidden lump of emotion in his throat. "I know you do, kleine maat. She loves you too."
"Mister Logan likes her."
Max inhaled slowly and let it out even slower. "Yeah, I guess so," he said, setting Kevin down and ushering him from the bathroom. "But that—"
"Do you think he'd be my daddy?"
"I don't—"
"You like mama."
Oh no. No. He had to put a stop to this. "I—"
There was a gentle knock on the door and Max would have gladly kissed whoever was on the other side. "We'll talk later, yeah?" he promised in a rush, moving to wrench open the door and more relieved to see y/n than he should have been.
"Hey," she said, slipping past him. "Alright, doodle bug, let's get ready to go, okay?"
"I'm just gonna… Change," Max said, still numb from Kevin's assertion. Grabbing a clean set of clothes from his suitcase, he carried them into the bathroom and closed the door with a sigh.
Maybe spending so much time with the kid was a bad idea. Obviously he thought that time together equaled a father figure, and since that would never happen, he should pull back. Let her be happy with Logan. Or not. Whichever path she chose wouldn't include him, so there was no need for him to continue to stick around.
He could hear them talking softly, wondered what Kevin was telling her about his afternoon. Wondered what her reaction would be to her son suddenly wanting a father. He had probably brought it up before, so she would just deflect or give him her usual answer, and—
"Max? Have you got his raincoat?"
He blinked, saw the bright blue coat he'd tossed over the sink. "Yeah, sorry. A couple of his cars are in here, too. Just a minute."
"No rush, I'm making him change into dry clothes." Her voice faded as she walked away from the door.
When he came out a few moments later, Kevin was pouting as she worked a comb through his hair. Wordlessly he draped the raincoat over the back of the chair and dropped the cars into Kevin's bag then made sure to give the boy a quick smile while smoothing his own hair.
"Want Mister Max to fix it," Kevin said suddenly and Max grunted in surprise when the boy suddenly bolted towards him.
Y/n shrugged, tossing the comb to him. Sitting back on her heels, she rolled her shoulders then bent to make sure none of Kevin's toys were hiding under the couch.
Kneeling down, Max shared a smile with Kevin and began to gently work the comb through his unruly curls. "Your mum has more experience with this than me," he whispered.
"But she's tired. Work," Kevin whispered back.
He almost laughed, wondering what Kevin considered his own work that day. "Do you know what she does?"
Kevin shrugged. "It's on her phone. Pictures and movies for the online people."
"Bit more than that, but yeah. And she's very good at it," Max promised, focusing on guiding the curls back from the boy's face.
"Can you do it? Or do you just drive?"
So that was what he did. Just drove. "No, I can't do what she does." He felt her watching them and looked over at her. "She's the only one who can do it."
"What are you two talking about?" she asked.
"Taxes!" Kevin answered with a giggle.
Max grinned, shaking his head as he finished combing his hair. Aware of her disbelieving look, he shrugged. "You heard him, we're talking about taxes."
"What about taxes?" She narrowed her eyes.
"They suck," Kevin said with all the certainty only a child could produce.
Max tipped his head. "Exactly."
She snorted, taking the comb and slipping it into her bag. "You're lying but whatever. Let's get your—" She stopped, because Max was already helping Kevin with his raincoat.
"Keep your hood up outside, yeah? You don't want cold ears." Max sat down fully, stretching to get a dry pair of shoes from his suitcase. "Do you need a ride back to the hotel?"
"I was just gonna Uber," she said, zipping up the bag of Kevin's things. "Gotta stop and get some dinner, so—"
"Hm?" She looked at him as he stood. And sighed. "Okay."
She nodded. "Okay."
Okay. He cleared his throat and grabbed his jacket. "Unless you and Logan…"
"No." She looked on while he moved to help Kevin with his rain boots. "He's… Got stuff on his mind."
"The car?" Max guessed, seeing her nod. "I don't blame him. It's fucking shit."
"It is," he said with a shrug. "He'd have better luck with a bicycle."
"That might be true, but—"
"He's good," Max told her. "It's not him, it's the team and the cars. They brought him up too soon and when he wasn't immediately amazing they lost faith in him. You can't earn points if the team is constantly shitting on you."
"Max," she hissed.
And he felt himself blush. "Sorry," he mumbled to Kevin.
"Mama says it too," the boy told him.
"The point is—"
"Vowles is stupid, that's what the point is. Instead of supporting his driver he's telling the world he's looking for someone new. He favors Alex, gives him the better car, and leaves Logan to struggle." Max straightened and sighed. "Logan's not perfect on the track, y/n, but he would be improving if his team believed in him and helped him learn."
"I know," she whispered sadly. "He's—" She pressed her lips together. "Are we even supposed to talk about it?"
They probably weren't, but he didn't care. "Doesn't matter. He's what?"
"He's worried about next year. He loves this," she said. "It's what he's worked so hard to get to, and now it's slipping away."
And Max knew she was falling for the American. She, who'd known the man for barely a month, showed more concern for him than the so-called team he drove for. He wondered if Logan had any idea. "I'm sorry," he said softly. When she looked at him doubtfully, he sighed. "I really am, y/n. But we've got more than half the season to go. Don't give up hope, yeah?"
"I'll do my best," she murmured. "I'm sorry, I just—"
"Worry," he finished with a nod. "I know. C'mon, let's go, yeah? Get him some dinner before he falls asleep."
"Not sleepy," Kevin said, ruining the announcement by yawning.
"We were talking about you," Max murmured once they were in the back seat of the car and on their way from the track.
"What?" The fading daylight was just enough for him to see her look over at him.
"Oh." She chuckled, shifting Kevin in her lap as he leaned against her. "That's what I always tell him when me and Ellie are talking about something I don't want him to know."
"Good idea." He looked down at his phone, replying to the messages he'd been ignoring from his father. "Did you know I just drive?"
"Yeah, you should really start doing Uber," she teased.
He snorted. "Sixty or seventy laps, three hundred kilometers an hour. Practically a Sunday drive in the country."
"Well… Isn't it usually?"
"You're not funny," he muttered, ignoring his fathers lengthy questions about strategy and stats for the weekend and opening his messages with Christian.
"I'm hilarious. You just have no sense of humor."
"The groundhogs at the track are funnier than you – Ay!" he laughed when she shoved his shoulder.
"You're such an ass, Max."
"Y/n," he gasped in mock shock, pointedly looking at Kevin.
Kevin, who was almost asleep.
"Fine, you're such a butt, Max," she corrected.
To his delight, they playfully bickered all the way to the restaurant she'd ordered their dinner from. And from there all the way to the hotel. It was fun and playful, and kept Kevin from falling asleep, and he reveled in making her laugh so hard as they climbed out of the car at the hotel, turning to get Kevin. Max waved her off, holding the boy and pausing to greet some of the fans waiting, ignoring their questions about who Kevin was. He had a sinking feeling that the photos – and movies, as Kevin called them – would be plastered online before he reached the elevator and wondered if he should have let her carry her son inside. But she had to know it would happen, and he could only hope the fans online would be polite.
"Thanks, Max," she said when he carried Max into her hotel room. He opened his mouth to say she was welcome, but she continued, "I don't mean just this. You've done more than anyone would have expected you to for me the past couple days."
While she spoke she unpacked her and Kevin's food, and Max instinctively moved to help Kevin out of his boots and jacket, sending him to the bathroom to wash his hands. "I really don't mind."
"You sure?" she asked, looking up from her phone.
"I like—" he stopped when there was a knock on the open door.
Apparently Logan didn't have too much stuff on his mind. Exchanging a nod in greeting, Max looked away, his lightened mood dimming as y/n spoke to him, insisting he come in and eat, she'd gotten an extra burger. Despite Logan's assertion that he was fine, she had him seated at the small table in no time and Max wondered how it felt, to be fussed over so affectionately. Kevin, even though he was tired, greeted the man with exuberance, and at least he knew what that was like, and wondered if he looked that happy when the boy climbed into his lap.
"I should get going," he said, feeling like a third wheel. Like he was intruding on a private moment.
She looked ready to say he didn't have to, but nodded. "Okay. Thanks again, Max."
"Anytime," he promised.
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"How do I look?"
Y/n huffed. "You didn't look!"
"Sorry!" Ellie turned from the counter and her eyes widened. "Holy shit."
"Too much?" she fretted, tugging at the hem of the black dress. She would swear it had been a few inches longer in the shop.
"What's the end goal for tonight?" her friend asked.
"Dinner?" she answered slowly.
"And what else?"
She sighed. "It's just dinner, El."
Ellie leaned to make sure Kevin wasn't coming into the kitchen and lowered her voice. "Have you slept with him yet?"
"I'll take that as a no." Ellie nodded. "Then it's perfect."
"What does that mean—"
"He's tall, so put on your highest heels. And since your tits are out and we're not in Carolina, grab my shawl. That blue one, it looks great with your eyes."
"My tits are not out."
"Please, one good sneeze and you'll be flashing him." Ellie smiled knowingly. "It's okay to want to have sex, you know."
Y/n huffed again, reaching to run her hands through her hair but stopping when she remembered how long she'd worked on the simple updo. So she settled for an annoyed gesture. "I know that. I just – He – I'm – El, it's been four years. And last time—"
"Not every guy is a Josh," Ellie said gently. "Give yourself some credit, babes. You were young and a little dumb, and now you're older and wiser."
"I know," she sighed.
"You worry too much. You like Logan, he likes you. He and Kevin like each other. You've been seeing him for over a month now."
Nodding, y/n opened her mouth. But her best friend kept talking.
"He's a good guy. Stop holding him at arm's length."
"But what if—"
"What if you let yourself have a little fun for the first time since you got pregnant with Kev? What if you put yourself first even if it's just for one night? What if you have the best night that makes the four hours of getting ready worth it? What if—"
"Okay, okay, okay! Point made," she said with a groan. "It was three hours."
"You really hate admitting when I'm right." Ellie crossed the small kitchen and hugged her. "You look great, sweetie. He'll drool even more than he already does when he sees you."
"Fine." Ellie squeezed her tight. "No woman has ever looked more gorgeous than you look tonight, and no woman ever will. Traffic will stop, heads will turn, and everyone who sees you will wish they could be graced with one of your smiles."
"That's better." She laughed softly, hugging her friend back. "Okay, he should be here soon, I've got to get my shoes."
"And the shawl."
And the shawl. By the time she found it in Ellie's closet she was nervous, palms sweating as she fixed it around her shoulders and checked and rechecked and then triple-checked her appearance in the full length mirror. He was there, she could hear him talking to Kevin and she took several calming breaths, jumping when Ellie entered her bedroom.
"Here," her friend said, reaching to slip something into her purse.
"Just in case. He is from Florida."
Y/n looked at what she'd dropped inside and slapped her friend's arm. "Ellie."
"Come on, before Kevin gets him to watch Cars again."
Sighing, she nodded and closed her purse after making sure she had everything. Logan was on the sofa with Kevin and her breath caught a little, both at how patiently he was listening to her son 'read' his book and at how handsome he was. She was so used to seeing him dressed casually so each time he wore something other than jeans and a hoodie it was a pleasant surprise.
"You look gorgeous," he said when they were outside. He'd said great upstairs and she still felt the surge of feminine adrenaline over how he'd stared for a full ten seconds before speaking.
"Thank you." His palm burned the small of her back as he guided her to the waiting car, and when he opened the door for her he sighed her name. She wondered if it was a good thing to start a date with a kiss and decided that it was. Because it made her feel gorgeous. Great. Beautiful.
Driving to the restaurant, his hand strayed to her knee and she covered it with hers, meeting his eyes when he stopped the car.
"Are we still figuring it out?" he asked softly, turning his hand and lacing their fingers together.
"I think we already have," she answered, swallowing when his hand squeezed.
Wondering why it wasn't as scary as she'd thought it would be.
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@leodette | @trisharee | @littlegrapejuice | @lilypat | @manicpixiemom | @spookystitchery | @halleest | @lyannesworld | @llando4norris | @kravitzwhore | @younxii | @silentreader128 | @samantha-chicago | @mrsbrxkkxr | @cmleitora | @jasons-little-princess | @toldyouitwasamelodrama | @aundercover | @kiwi43-81 | @awritingtree | @voidsfics | @misartymis | @goldenchemistry |
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mawofthemagnetar · 8 months
Father's Day
“So, hold on a minute,” Iskall held his hands up, “back up, because I must have missed that. You’re a FATHER?”
“Well, yeah?” Jevin shrugged, scrolling through his comm, “What’s so hard about that to believe?”
Iskall, by way of a reply, simply gestured at Jevin’s person from his head to his slimy feet.
“So? Okay, yeah, I guess it- is a little hard to fathom. I do, uh, have a certain- aura of coolness around me. But yeah, no, I’m a dad. And a damn good one, too. I mean, a slime-dad, which is a little different than a regular dad. But for a slime-dad, I’m top-shelf. Of course.”
“Uh-huh. And how does a slime-dad differ from a regular dad?” Iskall folded his arms.
“I don’t gotta, uh, chase after my kids as much as you guys do. They’re pretty much ready to go once they hit full-size. I do my bit by checking up on them periodically. Anyway, point is, I gotta go. My kids are throwing a father’s day bash, and I can’t be late.”
Iskall rubbed his temples.
“Okay, couple questions. One, father’s day was three months ago. Two, is there a Missus Jevin you’ve got stashed away somewhere? Or a Mister Jevin? Or-“
“…Why would another person be involved?” Jevin asked, tilting his head with a squish of slime, “Like, literally, why? Who needs help to become a parent?”
“…Uh…you know what? No. You want to learn about the parrots and the bats, go talk to Keralis.”
“Sure, whatever. Anyway, to answer your second question, it’s ‘cause if you try to do father’s day on the actual, like, day, renting a big enough hall is stupid expensive and it’s all just kind of dumb. And a hassle. So we host it whenever.”
Jevin glanced up from his comm.
“Wanna come? Meet my kids, I mean.”
Iskall rubbed his forehead.
“Sure, why not. Hit me with it.”
They tapped their comms together, and Jevin clacked his jaw together- the slime equivalent of a smile.
“Okay, so uh…All my kids know you guys as their aunts and uncles. So if they start calling you “auntie Iskall-“
“-Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m used to it.” Iskall nodded, “Should I wear something special?” 
Jevin waved a hand. 
“Nah, don’t worry about it. You’re fine as you are. Anyway, let’s go. Not good to keep my kids waiting!” 
And Jevin tapped a few options on his comm and vanished. 
<iJevin has left the game.> 
Iskall shrugged, tapped over to his server list, and selected the option for the Hub, with the teleport coordinates visible in the centre. 
He tapped it, and vanished. 
<Iskall85 has left the game.>
When Iskall opened his eyes again, he was standing outside a colossal building, looking like some kind of conference centre. It was made of smooth quartz, with a fake parking lot full of fake vehicles that had clearly taken some builder a long time to put together. 
Jevin was standing there, tapping his sneaker impatiently, the blue slime slosh-slosh-sloshing against the ground. 
“Alright, c’mon, let’s get moving.” Jevin huffed, “We’re already a couple minutes late, and my kids worked really hard to put this on.” 
“I’m coming, I’m coming…” Iskall muttered, brushing off his pants and following Jevin towards the doors.
Iskall was assuming that Jevin’s family would have set up a few tables in a corner. He was a slime; and the way Jevin was talking, Iskall had assumed a big family. Maybe ten kids? That would be a pretty big family. 
Then Jevin and Iskall stepped into the conference hall. 
Several thousand slimes bellowed all at once, a wall of sound so deafening that Iskall could feel his bionic eye nearly shake out of its housing. 
He blinked his one eye, darting it around the room in shock. There were hundreds of small tables around which sat an unfathomable number of slimes in all colours of the rainbow. The room was a riot of wild fashion choices, and a deafening rumble of clattering bones and squelching bodies.
“I- I-” Iskall stammered, as he reached up and tightened the nut holding his robotic eye onto his skull’s mounting post.  
“HEY EVERYONE!” Jevin shouted back, “THANK YOU!” 
“Is that Uncle Iskall?” a deep voice said eagerly, “It’s so nice to meet you!” 
“You have…THOUSANDS…of children. Not ten. Not twenty. Not even a hundred. THOUSANDS.” Iskall stammered. 
“Yeah. I’m, uh, the father of all slime hybrids. It’s not a big deal, to be honest. Some other slime would’ve absorbed a skeleton and decided to think about itself if I hadn’t.” Jevin shrugged. 
“All. Of them. ALL OF THEM.” Iskall clutched his head in his hands.
“Yeah? It’s not that difficult. You just, like, shed some slime on a large enough pile of biomass, it’ll grow into a kid. How is this so confusing for you? That’s probably where humans come from.” Jevin shrugged. 
He rubbed his slimy hands together with a hideous squelch, and started traveling through the room, eagerly greeting each and every one of his kids. 
Iskall staggered over to the snack table, piled high with compost, cinderblocks, and beer. He popped a bottle, and started chugging it.
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sintiva · 1 year
eren x black!reader (chubby reader)
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“r-ren’s enough… too much,” and when you say that he thrusts his hips a bit harder, making you really feel the way his tip pokes at your cervix. it makes you an idiotic mess, blabbering, stuttering and moaning as eren fucked you relentlessly from the back.
just real nasty toxic!eren who shoots your flimsy resolve down with terrific accuracy as he makes it his mission to shit on your ex, mid stroke, cause he’s a damn narcissist. it’s always shit about how bad your ex was; how he was an asshole, coniving, that sneaky sone of a bitch. he really was an asshole, so much so, he made jaeger look like a saint.
“was he as big as me? how many times did he make this pussy cum in one night?”
his words? they stung bad like the newly formed tears in your eyes, that you blinked away. they smushed your brain in between the palm of its invisible hands as his hips slam against your ass over and over. like a paddle to a ping pong ball, eren. didn’t miss. a. single. hit.
he didn’t miss the way your thighs trembled and your body would go all limp, as you moaned into the sheets to get rid of all that pent up sexual frustration. it ripped at your insides during the day, but burnt like a warm bonfire, steadily growing as you threw things at it. but you also missed the way how this — all this contact felt on a day-to-day basis when you two were together, once a normal couple.
“all this squirming, baby? ex wasn’t fucking you good enough, huh? left this pussy aching for some real dick. you just needed me to dig this pussy out”
he reaches for your arms, locks them together behind your back with both of his arms. now he can really control everythingyou’re back arches up, your body trembles and you pull yourself off his dick. mumbling some things about him being too rough, being too mean, and something ‘bout, “stoo hard, daddy-“ sniffles, “,”gentler please.”
eren silently complies, but while he has you in his grasp, he will enjoy his time. you made him come all this way, and he will leave with something.
he stretched your ass cheeks apart and spat a nice wod of spit onto his thumb and rubbed its way right into that other hole, it felt so tight but eren’s thumb just slipped right in, hooking into you as he stretched his fingers around the suppleness of your ass and the fullness of your hips. and when you pulled your hips away, scared cause you didn’t know how long you could go with eren digging into you making you damn near pass out.
he’s rolling his eyes in annoyance, blowing a strand of hair out his face, and tracing his hands down your back.
“you don’t wanna cum on my dick? you’re hurting my feelings, baby…”
his voice rang like church bells in a desolate ghost town left for caravans and wonderers to salvage. the baritone octave and slew of words spilling out of his throat as if he just learned them; literring complete nonsense into your ear.
then the most heart achingly, sweet pout form on his face. he’s forcing your back into a deep, pretty arch, your back rolls stretch and squish back as your body conforms and relaxes. then his fingers slot themselves into the space between your hips and stomach, bringing your ass back, thrusting his dick in between your ass cheeks before he stuffs your cunt full, again.
hitting just right against the spot that hides deep in the back towards, up at the top, you scream, and end up cumming on his dick. “yeah, i’ll go slow, ma. jus-just keep cumming on this dick. i know when you’re lying, talking ‘bout some—too hard.” you gasp out, whining as eren’s soft groans of mockery send shivers through your body, making you cum even harder, trembling as your orgasm hits harder the slower his strokes become, your little fingers ball up the sheets.
your pussy hugs him, it keeps his dick nice and warm, so soft and inviting that small spurts of cum shoot right out of his tip. hips stuttering as your pussy squeezes and squeezes to milk his cock. sucking tighter at the tip, the farther he digs in then winding down as your poor hips bucked along his length. you can’t manage a single word, you’re droolin’ and winding your hips. making it clap, bouncing your ass back, “like that mamas, bounce it on my dick, good girl.”
and here you were listening. feeling delighted from the addiction. when you think you’ve managed to get over him, you’re running back. taking his nonsense, and his dick like a packaged deal. when you’re telling him how shitty of a boyfriend he was… though you tend to do it during inopportune times. your favorite time being when he’s got all eight inches of his dick in you.
eren knows you all too well, because he’s the one who was on the receiving end of all those phone calls you’d make when your boyfriend fucked up. maybe you should’ve stayed with him, oddly it seemed like he wasn’t fully lying when he said you’d always come back to him.
the way he treated you throughout your entire relationship, meaning nothing — tossed to the firey flames of an incenerator. lighting a quick flame that distinguishes with the flip of a switch; your heart. it could also be your brain, but these days differentiating them seemed highly inattainable.
there was rarely peace of mind.
so you’re stuck coming back for a bed to lay on, and a dick to fuck. he’s just a shitty, asshole… narcissist? that’s what it is. and you blame yourself for parading along such witty ego. it was a complete drag, ripping you up and tying you by your ankles. the fucking worst.
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elyrch · 19 days
hii can you do more aizawa relationship hcs:) hes so cute i love him :3
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yeah!! here you go :]
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a/n: hes still absolutely smokin
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i'm gonna say something absolutely insane here, but... i don't think aizawa is a cat person. i think he likes dogs. i see the people he CHOOSES to spend his time with, and most of them are pretty reminiscent of dogs. sure, he could have a cat- they're pretty independent when he's working and they don't slobber everywhere- but he likes dogs because they are loyal to him. if he were to get a dog, something like a guard dog would be like him, extra points if they're playful. belgian malinois, doberman, or even a cane corso.
his hair has a pretty wide range in how it feels. sometimes, it's coarse, other times, it's incredibly soft. usually it depends on how much time he can use take care of it- however, to him, being clean comes above all else. you won't see him sticky with sweat, or with grease in his hair, ever. he just doesn't wanna bring that home to you.
he has ONE stuffed animal in his bed. it's a big cloud with a smiley face on it (WAAAAAAAHHHHH) and he cuddles it every night. he's had it since forever and it's pretty squished and it's been sewn together many times, but it's his.
if he were to travel anywhere in the world, he'd go to new york city. idk to me he just feels like a new yorker. he'd punch straight through someones window if they didn't stop at a red light. he'd go to the lego factory and stare at everything in awe. absolutely insane man
falls asleep while you talk to him. he just feels so safe and doesn't usually get to sleep other times.
commits to the most insane bits in public. yes darling you have to call him boss baby
loves reading to you, even if hes got an awkward reading voice. he'd read you fantasy, science fiction, even textbooks. he doesn't really mind what he reads- but he does do silly voices for characters if there are any.
the BEST guy to snuggle. he rubs your back even while he sleeps (even though he sleeptalks lol). pulls you close to him and cradles you in his big warm arms. ough.
prettiest laugh. when you get him to actually really laugh, it's reminiscent of like. a great and joyous king. when he's that happy, it's like everyone else in the room will become happy like him. it's so very cute.
when you're doing a bit and finally break him, he laughs so hard he has to sit down on the floor. makes his tummy hurt :(
he is not good at names for pets. he gets a dog and names it baby. he gets a cat and names it baby. he just doesn't know what else to call them
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thank you for reading!! please reblog if you enjoyed this one :]
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skywlker-sluvtt · 1 year
At Your Mercy :o
Alright here's the subby anakin fic that was very heavily edited due to my inability to write coherently when I'm tipsy. I forgot to mention it was pregnancy kink related 😲 don’t have high expectations yall it’s questionable :)
Warnings: pregnancy kink, mommy kink, slight somno, lactation stuff, gross ani, breeding, dirty talk, unprotected sex, lots of teasing, masturbation (m), hand job, tongue stuff (lmk if i missed any)
Word Count: 1.6k
enjoy or maybe not lmao
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“Lovey?” Anakin whispered the nickname softly to your sleeping body, running his hand across your frame and cupping his warm hand beneath your supple breast. He’d pulled down the blankets a long time ago edging himself with the sight of your body. Your lips parted and let out a sigh as he squeezed your milk-filled breast. Anakin licked his lips watching buds of milk dribble from your soft nipple before checking if you were awake. A deep sense of guilt filled his gut and he felt like a complete pervert getting off on something like this. Although that didn’t stop him from leaning over you to lick the white liquid from your breast.
He couldn’t help but admire how fucking full and heavy your tits had become since you had Leia. The memory of you using the breast pump the night before plagued his dirty mind. He couldn’t get over the way the contraption suctioned your swollen nipple so well, milk had poured from your ducts with ease. A small whimper left his throat before he imagined what an incredible job his mouth would do. Lazily, he moved your left tit into his mouth taking your hardened nipple toward his slimy mouth before sucking gently. “Anakin” You groaned rubbing at your eyes confused by the feeling.
“Please” Anakin pleaded licking your aching nipple affectionately. “No that’s for Leia” You whispered. He whined and slowly rutted his stiff cock into your thigh for friction. “Just a little mommy w-wanna suck them so bad” He sighed making you wet from the way he sounded. Why the fuck did him calling you mommy work on you? Anakin quickly moved between your thighs “Promise I’ll be good” He pleaded bucking his hips once again rubbing his cock into your panties and wetting the fabric with pre cum. “Just a little bit baby” You whispered sitting up against the mound of pillows behind you. He smirked licking your collarbone lovingly “Thank you Mommy” He replied making deep eye contact as he put your nipple back in his mouth.
The sensation of his hot spit-filled mouth sucking on your tender flesh made you moan a little closing your eyes. Very slowly warm milk began oozing from you and Anakin groaned wrapping his hand around his hard length. “Mhm,” He hummed bucking his hips into his hand with desperation. The view of Anakin hopelessly sucking on your tit while he jacked off was pure fucking filth but you couldn’t help but be aroused by it. This beautiful man at your mercy just for your tit milk should be disgusting but you just wanted to touch yourself to it. The white milk began to pool at the corners of his pink lips as his adam's apple bobbed up and down as he desperately gulped down anything he could. He couldn’t get over how sweet it was, how your body made liquid gold that you rarely gave him permission to taste.
“Ani honey you gotta stop” You mumbled glancing down at his bright red dick. He pulled away reluctantly looking at you with watery doe eyes. “I need-need” He whined fisting his cock over your clothed cunt. His eyes were fixated on how the wetness of your panties made the fabric cling to your pussy. How it outlined your wet lips and puffy clit all for his eyes. “Need what? I wanna hear your words Anakin” You replied sitting up. Taking control as you squished his cheeks together. “Need to put another one of my babies in you” He whined looking back up at your seductive gaze and admiring your beauty “Your tummy was so pretty when you were all big with our baby” “You know you have to earn it if you wanna cum inside me right?” You whispered grabbing his wrist firmly, to stop his obsessive wanking “Yes Mommy” He nodded swallowing hard and removing his hand.
You gently wiped his bottom lip with a small smile admiring his angel-like features, and the way his eyes lit up at any form of touch. “So pretty” You grinned using that same hand to swipe over the tip of his needy cock. He let out an involuntary gasp before you started to push him against the bed kissing all over his beautiful face. “You’re so good Ani” You praise throwing your leg over him keeping his toned body caged between your thighs. “Please” He whispered breathlessly. “Tell me what you want baby, tell me how you wanna put babies in me” You encouraged smearing his pre-cum up and down his cock. Anakin whined lifting his hips off the bed for more.
Swallowing hard he finally opened his eyes to gaze at you and the dirty smirk on your face. “Mommy I-I wanna breed you” He began and you nodded encouragingly squeezing his horny cock harder and straining his words. “What else sweet boy?” “And fuck my cum so-so deep inside of you that it’ll drip out of your cunt for weeks” He sighed. His words made you even wetter, dampening your panties even more. “Mhm,” You nodded dragging your thumb over his tip paying extra attention to his most sensitive area.
“Then m’gonna fuck you every night till your pregnant again, stuff you so full of my seed that you’ll have triplets” He continued. “Good boy, such a good little pussy whore for me huh?” You cooed leaning down to kiss him. “Mhm I wanna give mommy all of my baby cream” He continued desperately kissing your rosy lips.
Satisfied with his odd answer you whispered in his ear “Get me pregnant Ani, fuck me good” giving him permission to use your pussy. Anakin was quick to switch positions making you comfortable before sliding your drenched panties off and throwing them across the room. “Just wanna make you feel good” He whispered pressing his wet lips to your throat almost making out with your plush skin. “Ah-Ah” You let out long moans as he stretched you out with his fat cock. He slowly began grinding his hips into yours, disgustingly hot whimpers right in your ear. “Gonna make you so f-full,” He told you tears began to prick at his eyes from ecstasy. “Mommy it’s s-so good” He stuttered looking down at the way your breasts jiggled with each thrust arousing him more. Milk leaking from the nipple he left untouched and he stopped the urge to lick it all up without permission.
Anakin closely watched the way the white liquid dribbled down the peak of your breast and ran toward your chest right in front of him. You saw his pupils widen focusing on your breasts while he rutted into your pussy with such desperation. It made you want to treat him like a baby and cradle him while he sucked everything he could from your tits. “Suck it all Ani, be a good slutty thing for me,” You told him digging your nails deeper into his back. His head dropped and the feeling of his warm drool hit your breast before his mouth was around your nipple. The tingling sensation spread across your chest at the way he scraped his teeth over your plush skin every so often. “Oh Ani you’re so beautiful when you suck my tits” You sighed watching the way his cerulean eyes met yours and a warm tear fell on your chest.
He gasped detaching himself from your nipple and kissing you hard. The taste of your sweet milk still sat on his pallet making you hum into his mouth. Your tongue swiped along his before he tried to swallow it indulging himself on the taste of your mouth. He wrapped his lips around your tongue sucking on it hard. You wrapped your legs tight around his body chasing your climax. “Mommy” He whined letting your tongue go. Saliva coated both your mouths and ran down your chin causing Anakin to fuck you harder at the lewd sight. “You ma-make me feel wonderful Y/N,” He told you with a choked sob.
“Fuck, so close to putting my creamy babies into you” You let out a short laugh at his words and he pressed his forehead to your own. His lips were only centimetres from yours, you could taste his hot breath invading your senses. Anakin began playing with your swollen clit increasing the throbbing feeling in your hole. “Fuck Ani” You sighed as your muscles tightened. “Cum Mommy, please I want you to feel good around my cock”
Clenching around his cock you finally let go “Ani-Anakin Uh-huh!” You choked out your words briefly spasming beneath him. “Beautiful boy” You whispered before he let out a choked sound and finished inside of you. His cock quivered deep inside of your walls and he managed to pull out once before slamming back in letting the last of his seed out, then stilling inside of you. The room was filled with both of your loud pants and Anakin rested his sweaty forehead to your shoulder giving it a small kiss.
You reached a hand up to comb out his messy locks of hair with a drunken smile on your face. “Think it worked?” He whispered kissing your cheek. “Hopefully” You giggled. “Can I keep my cock in you a little longer Mommy?” He asked softly. “Course baby” You replied letting him get comfortable. Pushing his hair from his eyes you smiled. “I love you” You whispered pecking his lips a few times. “I love you too” He grinned with sleepy eyes.
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cybrpwup · 2 years
ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ || ɪꜱᴀᴀᴄᴡʜʏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
isaacwhy x reader !
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warnings; smut summary; Movie night with the group. Isaac is a cheeky bastard Requested?; Yes ! f/m = favorite movie
It was movie night with the group. After you moved in with them, it's been sort of a tradition to watch a movie together at least once a week. As if you you weren't together all of the time.
"I call the end" Nick called; it usually started with fighting over a spot on the couch "You got it last time." Larry called; no one liked being squished in the middle of everybody.
"You and Y/n got it last time." Nick bit, claiming his spot on the couch"Then make Y/n sit in the middle." Tanner said from the kitchen, removing a bag of popcorn from the microwave
"if she's in the middle then i have to be in the middle." Isaac called as he walked into the living room from his bedroom.
They bickered on for a few more minutes before all of you got situated in a comfortable position; Tanner in the corner with Larry in front of him, resting his head on Tanner, Nick at Larry's feet. His arms crossed and his feet resting on the ottoman. Yumi sat next to Tanner and Isaac sat at the end of the couchIsaac had pulled you down onto his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You never had a movie pre-picked so it took you well over the normal amount of time to pick a movie. The movie picking part of movie night never went without arguing.Popcorn was being shared in 3 large bowls on both sides of the couch and the middle
"Okay so this time don't ravage all the popcorn before the movie even starts this time" You joke and Isaac chuckles from behind you.
You pull a blanket onto yourself and Isaac pulls it around his legs, trapping you under the blanket. You clear your throat, "What do we all think about f/m?"
"Again?" all the boys say at the same time which makes you giggle "yes, I like it and we'll spend too much time looking for a movie again!""I don't care what we watch." Nick says, his mouth already full of popcorn, "Tanner? Larry? Blake?" You look at them waiting for an answer. You get thumbs ups and nods from them.
"I don't get a say?" Isaac questions, sounding offended, "No, you have to watch what I wanna watch."
Just over 30 minutes into the movie, most of the popcorn was finished and the bowls lay on the ground, you had a bowl still in your lap.You were a bit surprised at the feeling of lips against your neck, letting out a gasp. Your head immediately snaps towards the other members, but when you see they didn't hear it, Isaac still kissing your neck, you turn your head and he pulls away "you scared me." You whisper.
"I'm bored." He whispers back as you notice his hand slipping past your panties and towards your heatYour hand instinctively grabs his wrist, "Isaac, not now." You hiss quietly, although now that the thought was on your mind and Isaac's hand was so close to touching you, you could already feel yourself becoming wet.
But as his finger rubbed against your heat, it was hard to say no. As he slid two of his digits inside you, you held back a moan and instead let out a low whine and you threw your head back.
Isaac snaked a hand over your mouth "quiet." He whispered, motioning to the others who had their eyes glued to the TV screen.
You nodded your head and he took his hand off of your mouth although you wished he kept it there because it was extremely hard not to make any noise as the male pumped his fingers in you. It was hard to keep in moans and whines as pushed himself deeper into you.
Your eyes stayed on everyone else the whole time. The risk of being caught was thrilling to the two of you.Feeling Isaac curl his fingers deep inside you made you yell out, "Isaac-" you immediately realize that you were louder than you intended when heads turn to face you.
You clear your throat "s-stop stealing my popcorn." You improvise in the most convincing voice you could.Isaac just chuckles, hiding his face in your neck. After attention is back on the screen you turn to Isaac and you hit his chest, "that was your fault, asshole." You hold back another moan as he continues fingering you, biting on your neck. It wasn't long before you had melted into your boyfriends touch, grinding your hips against his fingers in an attempt to chase your high. You pulled the blanket up to your mouth and bit it to keep you from making any noise. All of a sudden his movement stopped. Your chest heaved up and down as you turned your head to him."are you serious" You pant in a hushed voice, annoyed that he was doing this right now. He just placed a kiss to your neck and hushed you, "I'm watching the movie."
By the end of the movie Nick was snoring away, movement from the corner of your eye caught your attention and your head turns to look; Everyone was getting up and stretching, ready to go to their own rooms. Before leaving the living room you all exchanged goodnight and hugs. You pulled a blanket over Nick's sleeping body before you left, "Goodnight" you say light-heartedly.
"Come here." Isaac hums, a lamp lighting up his features as he sat on his bed, tapping his lap gently.You smiled excitedly as you sit in his lap, Isaac's hands rest on your hips as your legs bend on either side of him "it's late." He says quietly, playing with your hair "But, if there's something you wanna do you can tell me." He said being bold, chuckling at the expression on your face.You went bright pink, embarrassed that he was gonna make you say it "Y-you tell me" You stammer.
"Tell me, my love." He whispers into your ear giving you butterflies in your stomach. You could feel his hard-on growing through his clothes as he examines the hickies given to you and kisses over them, making a couple new ones "Please-" You whine, desperately trying to get any friction you could on his clothed member."You can do it." He coos and holds your hips still which earns a loud whine, "I want you...please.."Thats good enough for him and he hums, "Eager?" He stood up leaving you on the bed. He removes his shirt and you can't stop yourself from staring. God he was gorgeous.he makes his way towards you, standing in between your legs. He leans down a bit to kiss you, slowly pushing you back onto the bed as he deepens the kiss. Your hands find their way to his stomach, chest and around his neck.He pulls away, eventually out of breath and starts kissing down your neck, abusing your sensitive spot. Tiny moans left your mouth as he did, your fingers entangling in his hair “Keep it down, you don’t want anyone to hear you” he went back to leaving hickies. You didn’t care if you were caught, the risk of being caught turned you on even more than you already were. You tug at his joggers, growing impatient at his slow speed “Off," You mumble into a kiss, then add, "please."
He laughs and stands up one more time to remove his remaining clothes taking your shirt off of you in return. He began kissing your chest as he fumbled around with your bra strap. You arched your back a bit as to make it easier to get the strap undone. Your arms trailed up and down his bare chest, eventually going up and around his neck again as the two of you kissed. His hand made its way into your pants, rubbing your womanhood through the fabric of your panties which caused you to let out a quiet moan. Your eyes wandered to his, a slight blush painting your cheeks. The two of you continued to kiss, leaving hickies on each other's necks that would be difficult to hide later. You catch yourself admiring him. You’d seen him like this many times before but each time felt as if it were the first. “Like what you see?” he chuckled which brought your attention back to what was happening. He teased you, rubbing up and down your thigh and around your womanhood. You let out a whine “Isaaac” He only smirked, inserting a finger into you. You bit down on your bottom lip holding back a moan. That quickly escalating to him putting 2 more fingers in, thrusting them in and out slowly and then proceeding to go faster. You couldn’t hold back your moans anymore. You frankly didn’t care if anyone heard but Isaac seemed to, ‘cause he put his free hand over your mouth “Shhh” He seemed to be teasing as he thrusted faster making you arch your back. "Mhh Isaac~” You were muffled by his hand but you moaning his name seemed to turn him on even more.You were on the edge, letting out louder moans as he rubbed your clit with his thumb whilst his fingers worked to pleasure you. Just as you were about to give in he stopped and you finally had time to breath and yet you were disappointed “Stop doing that!” You huffed looking up at him to be greeted by him stroking his member “Thought we’d try something else” He queried as he lined his member up to your entrance looking at you for permission. You gave him a nod of the head and he thrusted into you and you chewed your bottom lip which was always a habit of yours. “Ah- y/n” He groaned, his hips colliding with your thighs. You moaned louder than you had meant to but you didn’t mind right then. Isaac let out a groan as he thrusts into you and your arms wrap around his neck, face buried in it. The vibrations of your moans hit Isaac's neck as you bounced yourself onto him "fuck, baby." He groaned, trying his best to keep his voice down, his hands on your hips.Isaac forced your head away from his neck and attached his lips to yours, catching all your moans.Your fingers dug into Isaac's shoulder as you felt yourself coming close "Mm Isaac." You moan as you tighten around him"C'mon, baby, you can do it."You scratched at his back as you rode out your orgasm. Isaac pulled out of you and started stroking his member until he came on your stomach.
Again, you had to catch your breath before being able to talk again "fuck, Isaac" you panted and he chuckled "Let's get cleaned up and get some sleep, hm?" You hummed in response closing your eyes and take a deep breath.
"Goodnight, Isaac." You smiled, kissing your boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him, "Goodnight, my love."
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jinx-420 · 1 year
Summer fling 2 - classic trick
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Pt one - Summer fling
Summary: Your brothers childhood friend joins your family’s annual summer beach trip, nothing has changed between you two…right?
Warnings: brothers bsf Abby x fem reader, gets a teeny bit smutty, smoking weed, Abby calls reader princess like a billion times. this isn't proof read at all..
A/N : this was sitting in the drafts unfinished foreverrrr so I forced myself to write rq so I didn’t wanna leave y’all hangin for even longer 😍 I hope this one is good enough 🔥‼️
“Abby would you be a dear and wake her up, honey?” Abby politely agreed and put her focus on you, which doing so happened to keep her entertained the entire car ride. Your hair was slightly messy as you turned in your sleep. Abby would be lying if she said she hasn’t felt a little creepy staring at you sleeping for so long, but she just can’t stop looking at you, observing your features, wondering what your dreaming about. it almost gave abby a sense of nostalgia as she recalls when you were a kid, always falling asleep on road trips or whenever they had movie nights, which always ended with Jordan having to wake you up, leading you to become grumpy for the remainder of the movie. Abby wished she could be the one to wake you up every time, even though you had a known tendency to be grumpy when woken up, she didn’t care, if given the opportunity Abby would make you a perfect breakfast in bed in return for a kiss. (Not like she planned it out or anything) to be truthful Abby was slightly intimidated by the task of waking you, which is logical considering she had never woken you before, Jordan always rushing to annoy you. As Abby was picking at the reasons to not wake you up in her head, they were pulling into a gas station so Abby knew it was inevitable. She would just have to cross her fingers and hope for the best. She approached you gentle and brung her hand to your head, softly pushing your hair behind your ear before she moved her hands to your cheeks, gently caressing your face until your eyelids twitched, letting her know you would be waking up. You let out a gentle sign as your body started to wake up. With your barely conscious, blurry waking up brain, you snuggled into whatever the hell was so warm and comfortable.. which was Abby. Her brain practically short circuited seeing you getting very comfortable with her body. You snuggled your face on her waist, her shirt rising as you snuggle slightly deeper into the material, Abby feeling your face but more importantly lips on her waist. Abby felt pathetic the way you were making her feel like she was touch starved, she was always the one for that job. with other girls she was contained and abby always the one making them flustered, but with you it was a whole different story. Abby doesn’t comprehend how you seem to be making her a mess when you don’t even mean to, it’s honestly frustrating. even just last night Abby found herself almost loosing her composure with just having you touch her. She also is reminded of the fact that you got her so worked up and so fucking desperate for you, she couldn’t help but relieve all the ache you gave her after practically teasing her all night. Abby would also like to brush over the fact that she used your hoodie to get off, or just forget about the whole thing completely. “Is she awake yet” Jordan asks, snapping Abby out of her haze. “Oh she’s waking up” Abby says trying to play off the fact she zoned out staring at you. “Alright do you want to come with me in the gas station?” He asked while yawning. “Nah I’m good but can you get me a water and get her those smoothies she likes?” Abby said watching as he gets out of the car. “Yeah sure, be back in a sec” he says shutting the door softly, jogging up to your mom. Abby was so caught up in the conversation with Jordan she failed to realize you stirring in your sleep a bit.
“Cmon don’t give me a hard time wake up” Abby says with a giggle and squishing your cheeks together until you finally opened your eyes and gave her an unexpected hazy smile. “There she is, you get your beauty sleep princess ?” She says ruffling your hair. You playfully swat her hand away as you start to sit up, taking in the fact you were sleeping on her. “Oh shit, I’m sorry i didn’t plan to sleep that long..” you say as you look outside to see the dark skies. “Like I said last night, I don’t mind you snuggling up to me” Abby said with a little chuckle, seeing that you were slightly frantic. You had to admit this was the first time someone had woken you up that you didn’t want to kill them first thing you do, in fact you wished that abby would wake you up ever morning. Seeing that face first thing when you wake up, now that’s how you start the day.
“Anyways how’d you sleep?” Abby said staring relentlessly in the eyes that she missed so dearly. “Mmm you know it could be better” you say sarcastically with a teasing smile, staring the same way into her own eyes. “Oh is that so?” Abby said leaning back with her arms crossed together, manspreading an unnecessary amount. Although you were tempted more than anything to look at her arms or legs, you refuse to break eye contact. “Mhm” you say nodding your head. “If I was so uncomfortable then how come you just kept snuggling deeper and deeper into me hm?” Abby said with rasp at the end, making the eye contact almost unbearable, but you still didn’t give in. “Yeah right” you said feeling your face heating up, trying to play off how you knew it was most likely true. “Oh yeah? not like I have proof or anything..” abby said suspiciously looking around with a smile. “Abby I will kill you if you took a picture” you said, covering your face with your hands. you heard her trying to conceal her laugh and that’s when you looked back at her hesitantly. she was already pulling up the photo of you sleeping on her, snuggled right on her thighs and head slightly under her shirt. “Nuh. Uh.” You said in disbelief at her. “Your dead” you said through a giggle as you tried to reach her phone, after failing to swat her phone out of her hands a couple times you started to get closer, crawling so her leg was in between both of your knees. “Abby I’m serious.” You said failing to do so as she holds it in her hands giggling. You tried prying her fingers apart to get your phone but she didn’t let up. You let out a deep breath as you leaned your head against the seat, tired and accepting defeat that Abby would have the photo. Too busy staring at the stars, you miss the way Abby looks you up and down on her leg, paying extra attention to how your lips are parted, slightly out of breath, imagining this is how it would look after she fucked you. After a moment of silence you glance at Abby to see her giving you eyes that made her look drunk, slightly heavy while looking up at you. “What is it” you say quietly as if someone could hear you both, A smile growing across your face. Meanwhile Abby was far too deep in her thoughts to respond. Abby was going through possibility of you being into girls, she has always wondered. I mean you were the one to make Abby realize she liked women after all. She thought about all the times she tried to get something out of you to see any hint of your sexual orientation. It went from asking if you know who an openly gay person was, to picking a movie in which she knows there’s a lesbian sex scene. She would watch and observe you almost as much as the movie, trying to find any indication you liked it. And that’s exactly what she was doing right now, scanning your face to see any want in your eyes for her. “no use…” Abby said under her breath, not repeating herself when she heard you reciprocate a soft “hm?”.
you felt more confused than ever, did Abby say “no use” and if so why? You were silently staring at her trying to see where it came from. It’s not like your bad at reading people’s emotions, you have always been good at it especially with people important to you, So why couldn’t you read Abby ? Maybe it was a mix of not wanting to assume anything crazy and also that she changed?
“Hey guys, got your drinks”
You were peacefully reading your book, only calming your mind down from everything with Abby just a short while ago. “Gotcha” Jordan says cackling like a witch as he snatched your book away from you. “Ohmygod you’re such a dick give it back” you say rushed before you lean over the seat to achieve your book once again, quickly sitting back down. he should know you don’t play around with your books. You let out a sigh as you recognize that Abby was particularly quiet when this ordeal happened. You glance over at her but didn’t suspect her to still be on her phone, uncaring. This behavior wasn’t like Abby, you don’t remember one time where she didn’t stick up for you or help you when your brother would pick on you but she didn’t even look.. is something still wrong from earlier ? If there’s one thing you absolutely hate, it’s when someone is mad at you and you don’t know why. You plan to sort this out as soon as you can, you hate that she’s the only thing you can think about right now.
Obviously, too zoned out to notice practically anything right now, the thing that caught you out of your trance wasn’t your mom and brother cheering at our arrival to the vacation house, it wasn’t the bumps on the bridge you were crossing, and it wasn’t the bright view of the sunrise above the ocean water. It was her, giving you those same damn eyes again. With all this time in the car you have had more than enough time to think things over, I mean cmon who looks at their childhood friends like that? You can’t be imagining things.
It felt like it was just the two of you, stuck in a trance together. If things could get any better, it definitely just did. her desperate eyes rake over your body, her lips separating as she lets out a rushed breath. she looks back into your eyes, seeing your face all flushed and the same desperate look in your eyes. You wish more than anything to stay in your own little world like this forever with Abby but your brother had to ruin it once again.
“Me and Abby get the biggest room”
He says as he climbs out of the car.
Your mom looks at Jordan as she’s stepping out of the car conflicted. “Oh about that honey, I think it would be best if two girls had the same room..”
Jordan looks at you both and your mom confused. “Just for sleeping Jordan, she can stay as long as she wants with you just not in the same bed” Jordan rolls his eyes before shutting the door to get his luggage.
You took a breath before starting to sit up and leave the car before you feel a firm hand on your shoulder holding you down. “Don’t worry, we’ll have lots fun princess” she said leaned into you in a quiet voice, lifting her hand off your shoulder. You felt so intimidated by her, those fucking eyes kill you. Not to mention when she touches you it does things to you that you don’t understand. You silently pray things will go your way this beach trip.
It had been hours since everyone got packed in and comfy, the sun already set and stars starting to come out. As you sit on the balcony outside your room the smell of the ocean as the summer breeze hits you brings you back to every year you come here. You would like to focus on these memories but of course, abby intrudes your mind, specifically the fact that you two will be sharing a bed this whole trip. (not that your complaining) the only thing that scared you with her was the fact that you not only grew up with her, but she’s practically your family, which is off limits. “watcha doin out here” a much too familiar voice comes from behind you. “Just lookin” you said simply as you keep your eyes on the sky above you. “Looking at the stars?” Abby says coming closer. “Looking at how perfect it is here” you said looking at her next to you. The light from the moon illuminating her face and making her the most perfect thing here. Abby adored the way you would stare at her in moments like these, but she had to look away in order to not embarrass herself again. “What time is it?” Abby said as she stood next to you. You looked at her side profile and took in her appearance for a second, she was wearing a grey muscle shirt and black sweatpants. Before you were caught staring too long you looked at your phone to check the time. “11pm” you said while clicking your phone back off. She let out a hum and it went silent, both of you looking at the stars above you. Atleast that’s what you think, abby was far too busy staring at you. You were observing the little craters in the moon before you felt your body being lifted across her shoulder, making you shriek her name before giggling. Abby took it upon herself to sit down in the chair you were once sitting on and placed you right on her lap, your legs straddling hers, her arms snaking around your waist tightly, locking you onto her. You look at her as you move a bit in her lap, “not comfy ?” She asked with her eyebrows slightly concerned. You opened your mouth to respond before she pulled your lower back further on her lap, pressed fully against each other. You closed your mouth quickly to stop any noises to come out from the friction of her practically grinding you onto her. No way you would survive a whole month of this. “You wanna smoke?” Abby said casually like this was nothing as she tilts her head against you looking like a puppy dog. You nod your head almost hypnotized on her. She smiles with her teeth digging into her bottom lip, reaching in her pockets and pulling out a joint and a lighter. She placed the joint in between your lips and lit the end as you inhaled, the smoke in your lungs comforting you already. She takes the joint and takes a hit herself, blowing it away from you before leaning in to give you another hit. As you inhaled Abby pointed and said loudly “Shark !!!”your eyes went wide at her outburst as you start to cough on the smoke. You begin laughing as you see her smile and punch her slightly on the arm. “Asshole”
The both of you stayed out there for hours, talking about anything and everything.
“Hey, you fallin asleep again?”
Abby said in a level just above a whisper, everyone else asleep in the house. “Pshhh me? I never fall asleep” you said yawning mid sentence, making you both giggle an absurd amount. “You know what I was thinkin?” She said still giggling. “Oh god up to no good” you say hiding in her chest tearing up from all the high laughs. “We never did that prank on Jordan, I say now’s the perfect time” she said raising her eyebrows at the last bit. Your eyes widen at her words remembering the forgotten prank. “I’ll get the water” you said quickly, ready to get some payback. You attempted to raise yourself off of Abby before she pulled you back onto her, once again pulling your lower back to be against her. “Easy tiger, don’t you think we could do better than the classic trick” abby said finger quoting the end. “You’re so right. What are you thinkin ?” You said curious to what trick would be better. Abby looked around pondering before raising her brows. “Man.. I got a great one but I don’t think you can handle it.” She said slightly teasing you, blowing air out of her puffed cheeks and looking up. “oh shut up I can handle anything” you say shocked that she thinks you can’t handle a little prank, it was a little prank right? You thought before she tsked and looked you right in the eyes “how mad do you want him to be” Abby asked, eyebrows raised waiting for your answer. “Mad.” You said widening your eyes. Abby observed your face for a minute before responding. “Let’s make him think we’re fucking right next to him” your mouth falls open as you stifle a laugh. “And how are we ganna do that” you say in disbelief. “Well.. let’s go in his room, and then we’ll “fuck”and wake him up. Boom. Simple.” Abby said waiting for your reaction before laughing. “Relax, he will only be mad for a few seconds” she said still waiting for your response, biting her lip. “Fuck it” you said throwing your hands up laughing with Abby. “Atta girl” she said before reaching under your thighs holding you on her while standing up. God if Abby keeps it up with these praises your ganna go crazy. Abby steps into his room to hear his snoring and you immediately spot his led light and point to it making Abby chuckle, she switches it from the current color : blue, and change it to red. Abby walks over to the couch in his room and lays you down on it gently, picking up a blanket next to you before covering your legs in it. “I’m not cold abby” you said slightly confused. Abby looked at you briefly before sitting down infront of your legs “the blankets not there for heat babe” she says with a wink. Your face flushes realizing what you’re going to have to do to wake him up. as she put her arms under the blanket to spread your legs. “If everything goes to plan, we do this and he gets mad when he lifts up the blanket I’ll take a picture of his face” Abby said smiling and waiting for your response. if Abby knew all she had to do was a simple prank to get in between your thighs then this would be the “classic trick”
“Why can’t I be the one in the blanket” you said softly sitting up to meet Abby’s face. She scoffed before speaking in a raspy whisper “because which one of use looks like a pussy eater and which one of us looks like a pillow princess.” She said with a brief innocent smile. Your mouth was left open as you process her words, does Abby not know your lesbian? You’ve got to be joking. “Looks can be deceiving..” you say looking away with your lips to the side. Abby thought she was hearing things, “what’s that suppose to mean” Abby says quickly, Desperate for any clue you could want her. “Your not the only one that eats pussy is what I mean, Abby. And trust me. I am not a pillow princess.” You say simply stating facts. Nothing in the world could have possibly prepared Abby for what she was hearing. All this time you were lesbian? And from the sound of it as big as a lesbian as her? Abby’s head was spinning as she felt her face catch on fire and struggle to speak. Abby felt weak as she stared into your eyes, the eyes that didn’t know how wet she just made her, and just how much more Abby needed you. You loved seeing Abby in this state, it was definitely a rare sight and god you weren’t complaining one bit. Seeing her flustered was one thing but knowing that you caused it, filled you with feelings of pride and possessiveness that you want to keep feeling. “Abby” you whispered inching closer to her face. she had the same look on her face from the car, desperate. “Mhm” she responded, her eyes on at your lips. “Can I kiss y-“ Before being able to even finish your sentence Abby puts her hands on each side of your face and closes the space in between you. Finally feeling the lips you’ve thought about all these years felt like a drug, and you needed more. You put your much smaller hands on top of hers and moved your lips with hers like it would be the last time, your teeth grazed her puffy bottom lip before sliding your tongue over it making Abby audibly whimper. You felt like you were going to explode if you didn’t feel more of her soon, especially after hearing her whimpering. You pulled away to catch your breath to see a sight that defeated the purpose of doing so, Abby looking all fucked out with her puffy dark lips and flushed face. And those fucking eyes. She swallowed before speaking up in a voice that was pure lust. “Fuck this prank, strip.”
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house-of-slayterr · 7 months
beloved 🥺
im normally not the one to come knocking, asking for comfort, but i truly had the worst day at work today (plus, it was a late shift). may i ask for a lil comfort with hannibal or halsin? 🥺🌻
if you wanna hug me, you gotta scrape me off the floor first /j slkfjskdfj
thank you so much for just reading this. absolutely no pressure!!
i love you and i hope your day was/will be good!!
Noooo wifey, who hurt you?! I’ll eat them! I’m sorry you had a bad day at work. Sending every hug in the world, I’ll get a nice new shovel to scrape you off the floor.
Of course you can have some Halsin and Hannibal comfort 🥰
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You come back to camp after a long stressful day hard at work. Nothing seemed to go right, and the more the day went on you just wanted to curl up into a ball and hide yourself away. The hours ticked on until the sun started to set and it was finally time to rest for the evening. Hang up your aching bones on the shelf and just become a sleepy pile of mush.
At least, that was your plan, until something, or more aptly, someone caught your attention.
“Pretty flower come look” his voice calls as he spots you.
It’s something he’s taken to calling you, your beauty reminding him of the flowers from back home. And the minute he saw that smile on your face, and the blush in your checks the first time he called you it, he knew it would stick. You were his pretty flower, and he was your handsome bear. Something so simply it seemed everyone in the world understood besides the two of you.
You saunter over to him, and he’s yet to notice your sour demeanour.
“My pretty flower, look, I’ve found the most beautiful little duckling. He’s got spots”
Halsin holds out his hand to let you see the small creature, looking even smaller in his arms.
“Very cute” you reply half hearted.
He frowns, setting the duckling on his shoulder and cups your face in his hands.
“My precious petal, what’s wrong?”
“Hard day” you shrug.
Halsins frown deepens and he bends down to kiss your forehead.
“I’m sorry things are hard sometimes, but you’re the strongest person I’ve ever met. If anyone can handle a bad day with grace, it’s you. But would you like to know something else?”
“What’s that?” You look up at him.
“Even the strongest warriors are better together than alone. Consider my evening yours. Whatever makes you happy we shall do.”
“Halsin you don’t have to-“
“Nonsense my dear. You deserve the world on a platter, anything less I simply won’t allow. Let me spoil you rotten, with praise, and affection and a sense of adventure. Allow me to make you feel much better.”
“That’s very kind of you Hal”
You warp your arms around his torso and give him a tight squish. A deep chuckle rumbles in his chest as he hugs you back, before scooping you into his arms.
“Tonight I’ll treat you like a princess, and if you’ll allow me, I’d make you my queen forever.”
He presses a gentle kiss to your lips when he see no protest in your eyes or body language. And he pulls away smiling.
“You are my heart, pretty flower, let me fill yours with love. No more thinking tonight. You just relax while I take care of you.”
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Hannibal heard the sound of the door open before you even had your coat off. He takes off his reading glasses and sets them on his desk, getting up to come greet you.
“Evening my love” he says when he sees you, but his face instantly drops reading your body language. “What happened?”
“Just work stuff, it’s stupid” you try to brush off.
“Now dove” he gently grabs your chin making you look at him, “you know better than to lie to me. Tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours darling.”
You give a heavy sigh, it almost impossible to say no to the charming man before you. He takes your hand bringing you to come sit on the couch, his hand comfortingly stoke your thigh as he listens to you rant about your day.
You can see his jaw tense occasionally in distaste about the travesties of your day.
“I think you’re too good for that place” he admits with no shame or guilt.
Why would he, he thinks you’re one of the best people he’s ever met. Never even once has he thought about tasting you in a way other than a gentle kiss, or more passionate endeavours. But you were his sacred lamb, the one who made him better, made him want to be better. If anyone made you sad they were sure to be added to the menu. Not that he’d ever force you to eat it, but he’ll surely enjoy his meal.
“That’s sounds quite unfortunate little lamb. I’m terrible sorry you’ve suffered so today. Let me make it up to you. Dinner and a nice glass of wine, then after a massage and I’ll draw you a warm bath. How does that sound?”
“Amazing” you admit, looking at him softly. “You’re absolutely amazing”
You give him a quick peck on the cheek, earning you a rare laugh from the stoic dr.
“It is you who is amazing my love. You bring joy and meaning to so many lives around you. And if they don’t notice your hard work, I certainly do. The world will see your value as I do someday my darling. But until then I will offer you the praise they so thoughtlessly lack”
He kisses you back gently, a proper kiss this time. One that can show you his feelings. One that leaves you feeling worshiped.
“Let me pamper you my little lamb. Maybe perhaps I’ll even watch one of those shows you enjoy, if you behave for me and don’t lift a finger to help with dinner or the washing up. Deal?”
He smiles at you, whisking you away to be pampered for the night. Figuring his work can wait until later. He cooks you a magnificent feast of all your favourites. Even if he wouldn’t typically approve of them in his diet. He whispers sweet nothings and small praise to you as he gives the massage, making sure you understand just how important and loved you are.
Him joining you in the bath is up to you, he wouldn’t mind either way, just pleased that you needed him for comfort and happy to take care of your burdens. You end up falling asleep one his chest with your comfort show on as he plays with your hair. Hoping your dreams will drive away any stress left in your body so you’re up to spirits in the morning.
An: ahhh sorry if this is bad beloved, I was making dinner and writing at the same time and just wanted to get it to you quick, so it’s not proof read at all 😅 but I hope you like it, I really tried. Still getting back into writing so I’m not as confident about it right now.
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prodbyblush · 2 years
i have a request for the aib boys getting jealoussss, i love your workkk <3
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・❥・ requested
→ gn!reader
No matter how hard he tries not to look jealous, he's bad at it. ARISU would look very sad from a far as he watches you get in touch with an old male friend of yours whom he's heard from you that left the country a few years ago and returned a few days ago, but before leaving, that same old male friend confessed his feelings.
"I'm back, Arisu!"
So now what becomes of him? Is he going to get disposed now that he's back? Is the feelings that were once dead coming back to life? Did they even linger while you were dating him?
"Arisu? Arisuuuu!"
Maybe he's just a rebound? A test of water to see if you could love again after his departure. Maybe, just maybe, it would be best to break things off now with you.
"Huh?" The raven haired male hums, snapping out of his reverie as he grounds himself back to reality, to you.
"You know I'm yours, right?" He hears you say, cupping his cheeks and squishing them together. "I may look happy seeing him but there's no one else I'll go home to but you!"
And there it is. The words of assurance he needed to hear that he still has you.
For as long as he lives, he'll never admit his jealousy. CHISHIYA would rather much die than show weakness. But sometimes, his own premise to himself falters when it involves you.
"Did you like that person's company at the bar?" He asks, hands tucked inside the pockets of his jacket, sitting atop of the high chair. "It seems that they are more than ready to keep the drinks going."
"The person at the bar?" You repeat. "I don't like their company neither the attention they give me." You say, taking steps closer to him.
"That's good to hear." He replies.
"Were you perhaps...jealous?"
"No I wasn't. I was just looking out for you."
"But that's practically the same."
"Just be thankful."
Even without the alcohol, NIRAGI always wanted to be by your side - morning til night.
"Niragi, I'm hot." He hears you complain, his arms draped around your figure.
"Of course you are." He responded, the scent of his cologne mixed with alcohol and gun powder wafting around him. "Look at how these idiots' look at you."
"But I don't care about them." You reply, pouting. "I want to go back inside the hotel and take a cold shower."
"Aw, but I kind of like the attention were getting here." He coos, placing a kiss on top of your head. "If were here, everyone knows were together." He adds.
"Should we take a dip in the pool instead? I'll get you more cold drinks." He compromises.
"Seems fair." You reply.
"Oi" Niragi suddenly calls out, voice deep as he stands on his feet, rifle always ready in hand. "Got something to say? I saw how you were staring at us."
"No thanks, I'm goo-"
"Fuck off, creep. Guys like deserve to get a bullet in the head."
Before things could even escalate, please control him. He only listens to you after all.
"Is your phone more important than me?"
As much as LAST BOSS doesn't want to admit too, the green feeling latched onto him ever since all this began.
Before even getting to how it is, he lays out all the movies the two of you promised to watch together along with the snacks and drinks of your liking; going as far as letting you borrow his hoodie.
But up to the second movie and you're still on your phone? What the hell is this?
"Who are you even texting?" He asks but it sounded more like a demand.
"Me?" You ask. "It's only my co worker. I'm actually-"
"How much do you two text in a day?"
"...A fair amount? But listen-"
"We don't even text each other like that. The casual good morning, good night and wanna come over texts is all we send each other."
"I know. But aren't we like that because we usually spend time each other than sending texts?"
"Why are you even asking me all this? What's gotten into you? Are you jealous?"
Not replying to the accusation, all he could do is look away to hide the tinge of pink splotching on his cheeks. When he couldn't control it, he'd bite his inner cheek.
"My co worker is a new hired. I told them to text me if they're encountering any problems that was beyond what we covered. But you have me!" You reply, straddling on his lap while wrapping your arms around his neck. "You have all of me."
He knows it's pointless to talk about a topic like this but what could he do when he's curious? KARUBE just wanted to know what your ex partners were like when you were dating them.
"Well..." You begin to say, racking up your brain to reminisce the old, deep hidden memories inside your mind. The ones you've managed to remember the last bits of memories you made with them.
"Some of them were romantic to begin, some of them not quite. Some were good in bed, but some aren't." You added, receiving a slow nod of head from Karube.
"Except this one person." You quickly took note, rambling how this ex partner of yours knew how to push your buttons when in bed.
And as you draw on and on, the jealousy begins to build up in him. His feelings and expression changed into a dark on.
"You can stop now. You lost me at the beginning already." He stops you short, finishing the rest of his beer.
"Are you...jealous? You know I'm yours, right?"
Karube makes a face, brushing off the jealousy he feels like it's nothing.
"Me? Jealous? Why would I be?" He asks. "Though you lost me in the beginning of your story, I can give you much more than them. There isn't anyone else in this world that can make you feel good except me."
TAGS: @aikerx @retrospacealien @chishiya-of-diamonds @boowoomuu @ang3liclov3ly @kenqki @shadowheads-shitshow @lunoxxy @supercoffeeblogs @laylasbunbunny
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daaydreamy · 2 years
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summary: harry’s pretty when he cries.
warnings: coarse language, pain kink, edging, overstimulation, humiliation kink
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
“Kneel. Unless you don’t know how to do that either?”
Harry quickly realized he was sitting back against his calves, wincing from the soreness he could already feel in his knees as he moved up, kneeling properly. His cheeks were nearly red at that point, his eyes casted downwards. His cock was painfully hard, a bead of precum leaking from his tip and slowly dripping down the length of his cock. His hands were behind his back neatly, wrists crossed over each other. His front teeth were digging into his lower lip repeatedly, he was surprised he hadn’t cut it yet. 
Y/N reached out and grasped his jaw softly, tilting his head up so he was now looking at her. She dug her fingers into his cheeks a little, squishing them together, rubbing her thumb against his pink skin gently. Harry was about to lean into her hand until she suddenly pulled back, giving him a harsh slap on the cheek. He groaned quietly, moving to look back down, only for her to grab his face once more, only roughly this time. 
“Did that hurt, hm? Want more?” She asked mockingly but it only strengthened the fire burning inside of Harry. 
Before he could even reply, she gave him yet another slap, and it felt harder that time, his cheek stinging and the pink color becoming more of a reddish tone. 
Despite her tough tone and rough touch, Harry was loving all of it. He drank in all of the words she was saying, somehow feeling arousal brewing inside of him as she degraded him. Her painful touch only added to it. The feeling of her slapping his face or her tugging at his hair, despite him wincing, was pleasurable. He would moan softly and she would call him a whore for it. 
“Look at you, you’re already a mess.” Y/N chuckled softly, both because of the fact that Harry already looked ruined and she had barely done anything, and also because his cock had been leaking steadily the entire time, some of the precum stuck to his lower stomach. 
“What do you do when there’s a mess?”
“Clean it up.” Harry murmured softly and she hummed, crouching down so she was at eye-level with him. She ran a finger up his cock, collecting some of the precum that had drooled down it, bringing her finger up to Harry’s lips after. He didn’t even hesitate to part his lips, letting her push her finger into his mouth, sucking softly and using his tongue to lick. Her eyes bore into his as she watched him suck on her finger, groaning softly as she saw his tongue swirling around her digit filthily. 
She eventually pulled her finger out of his mouth, paying her attention back to his aching cock. She rubbed his tip gently with her wet finger and Harry gasped quietly, his body tensing up a bit. 
“What do you wanna do about this, hm?” She asked, looking back up at his face. 
“Anything you want.” He breathed and her lips tugged up at the corners. 
“Anything I want?”
He started nodding jerkily, “Yes, yes, anything. Please.” 
“Anything.” She chuckled softly under her breath, using the palm of her hand to start rubbing at his sensitive tip firmly, causing him to gasp and lurch forward a little, nearly knocking into Y/N. She made a soft ‘tsk’ sound and Harry took that as a sign not to move, trying his best to stay as still as he could, his thighs starting to burn and tremble a little as he stayed in place. His hands stayed behind his back, wrists crossed over one another, and his lips were pressed together tightly, letting out nothing but heavy exhales throughout his nose. 
“See? You do know how to do things.” She looked back at his face, examining the pure concentration he had. “And if you do know how to do things, how come you were acting so stupidly earlier? Couldn’t do anything except think with this stupid cock of yours.” She scoffed, pressing her thumb into his slit harshly, causing him to break a little and let out a shaky gasp, shifting a little. 
“Answer me.”
“I-I don’t know.” He rushed out, whining quietly in the back of his throat when she stopped the stimulation on his tip, and instead wrapped her hand around the base of his cock and kept it there, squeezing softly. “I just wanted you. Didn’t know what I was thinking.” He said, voice wavering a little. 
“That’s right. You didn’t know what you were thinking. Do you realize how many people probably watched you act like a dumb whore, practically begging to get fucked in front of them. Bet you would’ve even let them fuck you too, huh? You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Yeah, yeah, fuck, just,” He whimpered, “Please, please, please.” 
She sighed, as if she was disinterested, but started stroking him anyway. He let out a soft moan of relief, head falling back a little, and his stomach tensing a little from the feeling of her hand squeezing him ever so often as she stroked him. 
“Pl-ease, please let me come, please.”
Harry’s voice was broken from all the begging and pleading and tears had started to leak from his eyes a long time ago. His cheeks were wet and flushed, his throat starting to burn from the soft sobs he was letting out. It hurt, it hurt whenever Y/N took her hand away right when he was on the brink of an orgasm, only allowed to throb afterwards and take it. He didn’t know how long she had been doing this—it felt like it had been hours since they first started but, fuck, it could’ve well have been only a few minutes but time was messed up in Harry’s mind now. 
“How many times is that now?” Y/N ignored his begs, grasping his jaw softly and forcing him to look at her. 
“I don’t- I don’t know, just, please.” 
“Oh, fuck, stop, stop, please.” Harry said shakily, trying his hardest to keep his hands behind his back instead of using them to push Y/N’s hands away. Except, he wasn’t really sure if he wanted her to stop or not. He didn’t know if he wanted to keep fucking into her messy, wet hand or if he wanted to pull his hips back and away from it. His mind was beyond messed up now, and it felt like it had melted into mush and was spilling out of his ears. 
“Shut up.” She said and it sounded like it was through gritted teeth, continuing to stroke him quickly, trying to get him to another orgasm. “What’s your safeword?” She then asked, her voice a little calmer this time. 
“Red.” He replied quietly, “Stop, please.” He sobbed out. 
“I thought this was what you wanted, hm? To come?” She slowed down her strokes, but instead used her palm again to start rubbing his overly sensitive tip, causing big fat tears to roll down Harry’s flushed cheeks. “It didn’t seem like you wanted me to stop earlier, you were begging for me to let you come. Gagging for it.”
“God, my knees are dying.” 
Y/N chuckled softly, holding her hands out for Harry to hold on to as he got up. He groaned quietly as he held onto her hands tightly, hearing his joints pop as he stood up on his two feet. He sat down on the bed next to them immediately, letting out a soft sigh as he let himself fall back against it, humming softly as it enveloped him. 
“I’ll run a bath, yeah? We’ll get clean and relax.” She said softly, rubbing Harry’s sore thigh gently. 
“Kiss first?”
She laughed and bent down, giving him a soft kiss, causing him to smile. 
a/n: here’s some filth because i like to spoil
🏷: @crow-i-guess, @planetflos, @harrycanyonmoonn, @bxtchboy69, @sweet-as-lilacs, @lyricalniall, @venusincleo (couldn’t tag you!), @bxbun111, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @emispleased, @goldenhrry, @cinnamongirlrry, @manifestrry, @niallhoranshotgf, @sad1esgf, @taylorsreputationsversion, @violetsandfluff, @purplefishingline, @a-strange-familiar, @moonlightbea-33 (couldn’t tag you!), @famedrs-blog, @coochiesteak, @blahblahblah-888 (couldn’t tag you!), @milesisntdonewritingyet, @harrysgoth, @theroosterswife24, @cinnamonlola, @youcan-nolonger-run
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𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠, 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 8
Tagging: @augustwithquills, @idohknow @bloody-mf-bsc
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Liked by freddycarter1, benbarnes, jessie_mei_li and 998,052,762 others
shadowandbone: A big thank you for our lovely Y/N Y/L/N- Barnes and her success! We are proud to have you and witness your art and talent from up close!
And a big thank you to the fans, who helped and supported us in this journey of winning not one but 4 awards in one night! We couldn't have done it without any of you!
And no, this definetly not her proud husband writing this.
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Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: I will never get used to being called that name 🫠
jessie_mei_li: you both are such simps I'm gonna puke🤢😜😝
kittheyounger: ı'm gonna have cavities because of their sweetness... Who knew she loved being called "Barnes"?
freddycarter1: probably her husband?? And no, benbarnes, we don't wanna know the details... the last time terrorized me 😧😨😳
User5: First Y/N and now Ben... I knew they had the password!
User4: so proud to watch you all!
amita_suman: Don't let the picture decieve you, the bouquet is way bigger 😁
freddycarter1: I guess Ben's simping's proof is very obvious 😎
User11: our girl deserved every single one of them, alongside other ones she got! Must be hard to try to find a place to put them in their house where her babies can't reach lol
User2: Mother is mothering again. Slayed with that dress as usual.😎🫦
User9: fr, I bet my ass everyone was jealous of her because she is pretty, succesfull, happy, has a gorgeous husband and even more gorgeous and cute children... The list could go on.
User6: Ben must be damn proud of his wife. I think I saw him shed a tear while he clapped loudly for her 🥹
User13: the fact that Ben forgets his own password but uses this account freely baffles me... Girl, is he using your phone again?
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: No, surprisingly enough he isn't.
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Liked by benbarnes, pascalispunk, jennaortega and 5,908,632 others
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: Only one minute... One minute I left him with our baby girl and he did this. I mean... She looks hilarious and Ben is very proud of his work but did you have to make her like that? She will look at these pictures one day!
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User3: Ben's cheeky grin, knowing that he wouldn't take sofa punishment is more hilarious djdjddj But babygirl Barnes looks so happy 🥹❤️
User6: His shirt was a paid actor lol
User18: That's why babies shouldn't be left with fathers, without guidance... It's never guaranteed if the baby would be glued to the ceiling or lost in the blankets lol
User3: Why does she look like she could take part as the baby in Adams Family? That joyous, blonde baby in fhe movies I mean??
User8: LoL I can see the resemblance now djsjdj she is cute tho I just want to squish her cheeks!
User3: so true! I don't like babies, but babygirl Barnes is an exception.
User6: she is the only baby, including their son, that I would gladly commit homicide for
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: As much as I am glad I have an army of protective SIBLINGS for my children, let's not do that 😅
User16: Is that a little bit of belly I see?? Dadbod!Ben??? Anyone?
User6: Okay but... Is it just me or did Ben become more happy and attractive ever since having a family?
user17: Only the best wishes to your family!
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Liked by Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes, freddycarter1, pascalispunk and 6,784,231 others
benbarnes: The other half of my soul, my beutiful wife, the mother of our children and the joy of our chaotic yet happy family... There are many titles you have but the best one for me is Mrs.Barnes, happy anniversaries, darling. All the memories we made together (including yes, the mess in the kitchen many times we cooked together) is nothing but perfection to me. My only wish for the future is to be able to make more with our children.
I love you so much ❤️
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Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: I'm the happiest I ever was, my love. Thank you for the joy you brought me, thank you for being my husband and the father of our children. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you 💐🥹❤️💓
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morroodle · 1 year
How I feel about various Morro relationships:
I'm bored and I wanna ramble. I headcannon morro as aroace (definitely not me projecting) and don't really care for shipping him but there are some I don't mind, so I thought I'd share my thoughts on various pairings both platonic and romantic (and some qprs)
Morro and Lloyd (green cousins)
Platonic: yes yes green cousins my beloved they mean so much to me
Morro and Kai (destiny duo)
Platonic: is it really platonic if they hate eachother? God they would be hilarious together. Theyre both little shits and they would bounce off eachother so well
Romantic: I kinda love it. Theyre just,,, "you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up" "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" and it's so funny. I like it more casually, as a background or light thing, not so much serious
Qpr: they would never
Morro and Cole (ghost duo/sandstorm)
Platonic: they would be very chill friends. Morro helps Cole with ghost things, Cole helps Morro with being alive and they bond over music. Morro isn't cuddly but sometimes he needs Cole to squish him back into his body
Romantic: yea ok. I think it would be sweet and very similar to their friendship
Qpr: oh yea now that's the good shit. Gimme gimme. I am mentally ill.
Morro and Zane (blizzard?)
Platonic: yea ok. I think they could be friends in a very chill way (pun not intended), and morro would love once zane becomes more sassy. They cook together :D
Romantic: ehhhhh??? I don't see it but if it happened to be in a fic I wouldn't care
Qpr: same as romantic
Morro and Jay (storm duo?)
Platonic: not so much a friendship as it is morro constantly terrorizing Jay. Jay loves showing morro new modern stuff but morro is too much of a little shit for that
Romantic: they would never
Qpr: no
Morro and Nya (wojira duo)
Platonic: yes absolutely I love them dearly. They are besties your honor
Romantic: no
Qpr: no
Morro and Pixal (I don't think they have a duo name)
Platonic: yes absolutely. Kinda similar vibes to him and Nya. Morro is absolutely invited to girls night
Romantic: no why
Qpr: again no
Morro and Wu
Your honor that's his dad
Morro and Garm
There's so much potention for fun shenanigans AND emotions. Wu's his dad and Garm's his uncle. Garm absolutely snuck him cookies when he was little
Morro and Harumi (I think they have a duo name but I don't know it)
Platonic: hell yea hating Lloyd besties. They would get along so well when they're both evil and they would slay so much
Romantic: hard no
Qpr: I don't see it
Morro and Echo (citrus)
Platonic: sure. I really like how it's done in the fic too weird to live too rare to die. Echo is wholesome and morro is not.
Romantic: honestly don't care for it. I don't mind it and there's definitely yummy art but I don't know where this paring came from
Qpr: maybe? I feel like they could cuddle
Morro and Benthomar (Seabreeze)
Platonic: similar to echo? Except I understand it less I think. Again no idea where this pairing came from
Romantic: again similar to echo except I think I like it a little more
Qpr: I don't really see it but my mind could be changed
I think that's all the main ones? Idk if I think of more I wanna talk about I'll add on. In conclusion ghost duo qpr my beloved
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tyunkus · 1 year
KUMI HI how are you!!!!!!! ⭐⭐💌 congrats on 10k likes and 400+ follows u deserve the WORLD im so happy ur acc's growing so fastttt 🙃<33
think u'd be glad to know i got some much needed rest a few hours after sending in that ask but NOT before i had the most guttural horrifying crying session to cat&dog blue orangeade and blue hour all in one go.. like.. full-on sobbing to THE most happiest txt songs in the discography .. it's definitely an experience .... !! (praying no one ever lets me pull an all nighter ever again.)
anyways!!! kumi do u have any thoughts to add to the meanie gamer bf beomgyu brainrot cause like omg.. literally all the fics ive been reading lately WHY IS EVERY WRITER COLLECTIVELY DECIDING TO MAKE HIM THE MOST SEXIEST PIECE OF SHIT what ab my mental health :( im one more bj in the gaming chair away from becoming a fr delulu . like i want him so bad it's not even funny anymore.😔😁😒💔
-anon who always sends the essays<3
cw for slapping n degradation!
HI ESSAY ANON sorry it took me a while to get back to u but.. first of all hard relate to getting emotional to happy txt songs BECAUSE DO HAPPY TXT SONGS RLY EXIST LETS BE FR. and second of all yes I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT MEAN GAMER BF BEOMGYU PLEASE
HE WOUDL BE SOOOOO MEAANNNN just thinking about it makes me wanna cry. you're being a brat while he games so he pulls you onto his lap and makes you hold eye contact with him while he degrades you HKASHDJKBWE scolds you for being a horny slut then grabs your cheeks n squishes them together, cooing at his pretty girl before slapping u HEHE immediately notices how you try to squeeze your thighs together after and chuckles all deep n sexy when u bury ur head in his neck out of embarrassment :') LITERALLY the way he talks to you is so condescending and sexy, cooing at you all faux sweetness and concern,, "is my cute baby embarrassed? you were crying for me to fuck you just a minute ago, what happened, princess? you want my fucking fingers inside you? want me to fuck you in this chair? stupid brat" n he tugs ur hair and pulls u into a kiss!!(#(@ he loves how stupid u get for him AHKSJHDKWGE
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gemini-sensei · 2 years
Girlcock!Yasmine x Chubby!Reader
Mean!Bully!Yasmine and Nerdy!Bullied!Reader
CW: rough sex, name-calling, mean Yasmine, NOT NON-CON these two are just terrible communicators - especially Yasmine, mention of tears and crying
Edit: forgot to mention Yasmines cock is thickkk
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Yasmine isn't at all pleased when she learns she has to have a tutor for most of her classes. Instead of getting multiple people for different subjects, the school finds one person that knows all the material, someone who is passing all her classes and should be able to help Yasmine catch up. It'll be hardworking, definitely take some time outside of school, but Reader is happy to help. At least until she learns that her student is one of the meanest girls in school.
They spend time at the library with Reader trying to teach Yasmine, go over material with her, study with her, but Yasmine is so disinterested. She's on Instagram or messing with her makeup or texting. She never gives Reader much attention. Their sessions are long and boring and producing little to no results. So they decide to move to a more comfortable environment, Yasmine's house. Her big house that's usually empty because her parents are always away. They start making some progress, but it's just so boring to Yasmine.
She asks if Reader will just do her homework and assignments for her, claiming that she just can't do it. Reader tries to have a can do attitude about it, but Yasmine gets snappy and mean. Needless to say that session ended quickly.
Over time Yasmine begins noticing Reader a little more. She likes calling her names that make her flustered and embarrassed, that make her look down at her feet just so Yas can grab her face by the chin and squish her fat cheeks to make her look up. She wants to see Reader's wide eyes and smile in her face as she spits insults at her. She likes making Reader tear up to the point they can't study anymore.
Study sessions are so useless now, it's either just time for Reader to work on her own assignments or Yasmine bullying the fuck out of her. Sometimes she acts like a good host and brings Reader snacks, but they're chocolates and candy and really sweet and fattening foods. She indulges in them from time to time, but mostly wants to studlff Reader's chubby cheeks and mock her for being so pudgy.
She gets so bored sometimes, she starts dragging Reader around the house to show off all the lavish stuff she has. She takes Reader to her room and shows off her clothes, her expensive bags, shoes, anything she can. While Reader is looking at everything, she's standing smugly with a smirk on her face. Until she sees her big pretty bed and imagines what it would be like to throw Reader onto it and pin her down.
She shakes it off immediately and kicks Reader out for the day, tells her to go home. From there, Yasmine can't stop thinking about Reader in an all new way now. When they're together Yasmine is tracing her curves and waiting for her skirt to ride up so she can see more of her delicate thick thighs. At night she's humping a pillow desperately, biting another one so she won't moan Reader's name.
Finally it becomes too much and during one of their non-study sessions, she tells Reader she wants to show her something in her room. When they get up there, Reader does t know what's going on.
"So what is it?" she asks and the next thing she knows, she's being shoved onto the bed.
She falls face first onto the mattress, ass up, skirt flipped, panties exposed. Then she's turned over and laid on her back, Yasmine standing over her with a lustful look in her eyes.
"I wanna show you how much I want you."
"W-want me?" Reader is so confused. Here's her bully, the girl who torments her about her weight and clothes and God knows what else, pinning her down to her bed. "You want me?"
"I know right? Sounds fucking crazy," Yasmine says, jabbing a finger into the soft pudgy fat of Reader's belly. It's hard and kind of hurts, making Reader whimper. "Of all people, I wanna fuck you. Who would have thought."
Reader is oddly turns on by Yasmine’s mean eyes and manhandling. She pushes her up on the bed, lays her down properly, and starts pulling her clothes off. She undresses Reader with impatient hands and throws her drab clothes on to the floor, groping her along the way. She loves the feeling of warm squishy fat between her fingers and pinches Reader's belly, laughing at her. She pushes her thighs open and pins them down, kissing up them to her wet pussy and hums.
"You look so good," she tells her, then dives into her cunt with her tongue. She pushes it through her folds and starts lapping away, getting her wetter with her spit and tasting her. She hums louder. "You taste good, too. This fat fucking pussy is all mine."
She's eats her out for a good hour, making her come on her tonguenat least twice, making her whine and cry when she is mean to her clit. She pushes on it with her thumb a little too hard and aucks on it until it's throbbing. She spits on her cunt when she's done and sits up on her knees, watching Reader pant for breath as she trembles on the sheets, so rocked with pleasure she can't move.
"God, look at these jugs," she says and grabs Reader's tits. They spill between her fingers as she squeezes them hard making Reader writhe under her, moaning loudly. "They're so fucking big, someone could suffocate in between these babies. I just might."
She plays with them for a while, pinching her nipples hard and twisting them. She tugs on them and laughs as Reader gets teary eyed. When they're swollen and sensitive, she stops and runs a hand through her hair, inspecting Reader with a smirk.
"You know what you're missing, big girl?"
"A nice big cock."
She stands up and strips until she's in nothing but her lacy bra and underwear. Her poor panties are stretched thin, holding her hard leaking cock in its confines against her hip. She peels them off and her cock springs free, a big drop of pre falling from the tip. She climbs back onto the bed, between Reader's legs, and lays her cock on her soft belly.
She's big, almost seven inches, with an angry red tip and a vain along the underside. She had a pretty cock with an upward curve to it and she's clean shaven, even her balls are smooth. She has big full balls too and they're in desperate need of relief.
"Th-that's not gonna fit!" Reader cries out, but her cunt gushes slick as she stares at the pretty cock. She moans as Yas starts rubbing her cock between her fat folds, getting herself slickened up.
"Guess I'll just have to make it fit," she says with a flippant shrug. She takes Reader's knees and pins them to the bed, lining the tip up with her hot core. It was already puckering, kissing her tip as she held it there. "I'll put just the tip in in."
She pushes her knobby and red tip into Reader, watching it pop in. Her walls squeeze her tight and they both moan. Without warning, Yas pushes more in and meets her tight walls. She's not even halfway in her and she's struggling to take her.
"Come on, I know you can take more than that," she mocks, pulling back some. She starts fucking it into her inch by inch, making Reader scream as she literally bullies her cock into her tight little cunt. "There you go! Just like that!"
She shoves Reader's knees up and huffs. "Hold yourself open for me, baby. "
So Reader hooks her hands behind her knees and does as told. Yasmine then takes a hold of her waist, grips it hard, and slams the rest of her cock into her cunt, sheathing herself in her warmth.
"Oh fuck yeah, that's it," she moans, all whine Reader cries and whines, babbling her name while her eyes are rolling up. "Fuck, this is the best pussy ever. You're so tight wrapped around me, like you're about to come. Are you about to come?"
"Then do it, come on my cock," she orders. Then she slaps her clit, causing Reader to moan loudly.
She does that only a couple of times before she feels Reader's pussy constricting her cock, milking it with need. She laughs as she whines and wiggles under her, watching her hips pathetically rut up for some friction. Then she starts fucking her fast and hard, making Reader scream her name and prolong her pleasure.
Yas leans down and presses their tits together, getting in Reader's face. "You like it when I treat you like a slut, don't you? Say it! Tell me you like it!"
"I like it! I like it when you treat me like a whore!"
"Who fucks this pussy so good?"
"You do!"
"Who does?"
She has Reader coming again in mere minutes, rolling her hips into her creaming cunt. She gets a nice ring of cream around the base of her cock, making a messy. She doesn't slow down, feeling her dick twitch in her velvet depths.
She sits up again, watching Reader's face as she drools and pants heavily. Then she pulls out and starts humping her belly, knocking their hips together and making her body bounce and jiggle. Soon, she's coming and shooting hot ropes of seed all over Reader's front. It goes all over her tits and belly, and the whole time Yasmine is crying out. It's so intense, she's coming for a solid two minutes, just painting Reader with her cum. She pumps the last few spurts out and collapses beside Reader on her big pretty bed.
When they catch their breath, Yasmine grabs Reader by the face and kisses her. It's intense and needy with lots of moans and groans of pleasure. They lazily grope each other's tits while they make out, until Yasmine starts humping Reader's thigh and tugs on her lip.
"Ready for round two?"
Reader whimpers and nods. "But this time... c-can you fill me up...?"
"Want me to stuff that fat cunt of yours up?" She watches Reader nod and chuckles. "Naughty whore, don't worry. I still have plenty of cum for your needy cunt."
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zeydaan-isabella · 10 months
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A Quick Recap - Zeydaan
Short story by AxiomTF All right people, let's start at the beginning one last time.  My name is Gwen Stacy. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the last two months, I've been the one and only Spider-Woman. I doubt that you would know the rest, though; I’ve still been finding my footing, both metaphorically and literally. These new human feet have been pretty hard to get used to… but I’m getting ahead of myself here - lemme rewind a little. It had been just another day back in Mailor, with me and the Hawkmoths going dimension hopping, exploring unknown worlds - y’know, pretty average everyday stuff. It’d been a kinda slow period, honestly. Though one night when I was by my lonesome in my bedroom, something really weird happened… and weird stuff happened to me quite a lot, but this was, like, really weird. Above my bed, a glowing portal opened up, splitting realty itself before I found myself getting sucked inside of it, and whisked away into a space in-between worlds. It felt as if I was in a tornado - getting whipped and dragged across spacetime as if I were a ragdoll being thrashed by a particularly boisterous child. Thankfully, before long I was spat out of that bizarre place, and onto a derelict subway station floor. The place was deserted with no sign of life around me beyond a few rats running in-between crevices in the old concrete, graffiti-covered walls there. As I got to my feet, a searing pain shot through my body. Glancing down, I caught sight of a large arachnid sinking its fangs into my skin, pumping me full of its viscous venom before I had the chance to swat it away. The next few days are all a bit of a blur in my mind… wandering into the streets, I was met with horrified screams as this seemingly human-only society had never seen a being such as myself before. I ran away, returning to the disused tunnels to take sanctuary there. I lingered in the darkness for some time… changing… shifting… developing into something new. I remember my skin shifting, as my fur began shedding away, littering itself all over the cold metro tracks. I remember my body becoming more slender, as I started to feel so agile and strong; new blood was coursing through my now human veins. I also recall my hair growing long and blonde… my snout got squished down and parted into a human nose and mouth, and that was all before I made this suit. My suit. I can remember it clearly - deep in the underbelly of New York City’s metro system, where I put the first iteration of my suit together. Sure, it certainly looked… amateur, though it was functional, and that was enough for me. I also remembered how to make some rudimentary web shooters - I’d made some a while ago for fun, though now I’d have to put them to the test for real. Since leaving the underground I’ve made a few new versions, of course, though I’ve always stuck with that same basic design. Also, I just had to keep those Converse sneakers incorporated into the design. I mean, wouldn’t you wanna do that as well? They’re so comfy… When I left the subway system, I had been reborn, though I still had to hide myself from the public, even in my newly transformed state. I embraced this new identity. The sleek, figure-fitting costume… the hood that concealed my face… all of it just felt right to me, as I emerged from those dark, subterranean tunnels as a new woman - Spider-Woman, to be exact.  I wouldn’t be doing dimension hopping for a while, that was for sure; this dimension’s got more than enough issues for me to be dealing with. I’ve kept putting off trying to find a way back to my old home, plus my body’s changed enough to the point where my old uniform wasn't exactly fitting, nor really in keeping with the whole... spider-thing I’ve got going on now.  I won’t be doing friends, either - mostly just to avoid any distractions. I had them back in Mailor, though I don’t know when I’ll see them again. I do think about them though. Like, a lot actually. Though in my current situation, I’m only torturing myself by doing that… I’m sure I’ll see them again, eventually. For now, I have to put my full attention on my new life in The Big Apple - on my life as a masked vigilante. I was gonna go back and sort it out before it had an effect, but it's kinda hard to ignore your own instincts' This is what I do now - I save people.  Perched atop one of Manhattan's many towering skyscrapers, overlooking a city that never sleeps, I can't help but feel a profound connection to this place, in spite of me having only been here for a short while. This city has a heartbeat, a rhythm that resonates with mine… I’m sure that it’s just a side-effect of my transformation into Gwen, but who knows? Maybe I was made for this all along. I'm not just Gwen Stacy anymore; I'm the one and only Spider-Woman, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's an incredible feeling to swing through the city's artificial? concrete canyons… to see the city lights from a unique vantage point, knowing that I am the protector of this city - I’m the only one that stands between it, and oblivion. I've always been a bit of an outsider, and that radioactive spider bite only accentuated that uniqueness. But now, it's my power, my responsibility, and my privilege to keep New York safe. I face the threats that lurk in the shadows, never faltering, never giving in to fear…. the people of this city depend on me, and that trust is something I hold dear. The world has adapted to give me a role to fill, and before long there were new threats that needed a Spider-Woman to counter them. Of course, it can be hard at times - I’m not used to playing the role of a hero, and living in this foreign body only complicates things. All of this responsibility is a heavy weight on my shoulders, though I reckon I’ve been handling it pretty well overall, all things considered. I might be doing this alone, but I take solace in knowing that what I’m doing is really making a difference. With every swing, every leap, and every web I shoot, I know I'm working towards making New York a better place. This city, with all its complexities and challenges, is my home now, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep it and those I care about safe. That’s my silent promise to the city and the millions of other people who also call it their home. I'm not Zeydaan anymore, and I’m not just Gwen Stacy, either; I'm the one and only Spider-Woman, and I wouldn't have it any other way. 
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