#I want to choke suffocate and evaporate all at once
lynderman · 2 years
Excuse the next paragraph but,
WHY THE FUCK NOT ME? WHY AM I JUST A FRIEND? WHY CAN HE NOT SEE ME LIKE THAT? WHY CAN I NOT BE THE ONE HE’S IN LOVE WITH. Out of everyone. All the girls who’ve fucked him over or two timed him. The ones who don’t spare him a second glance. Why not me? Why can’t he give me a second glance? I’m always the one he talks to. The one who listens and doesn’t judge him. I’m one of the only people who’s stayed by his side and valued him more then he does himself. Why can’t he love me? Why. Why. Why. Why. Why. Everytime I talk to him it’s just a:
“Even though I can’t have his heart, he will always have mine.”
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vilentia · 1 year
Tears of Regret
Billy Hargrove x reader
Inspired by this post by @billyhargrovesslut
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Billy Hargrove's heart pounded in his chest as adrenaline coursed through his veins. He had always been hot-tempered, but this time, he had let his anger consume him completely. He never meant to hurt you—his beloved, the one he was deeply in love with—but in the heat of the moment, his actions had spiraled out of control.
You had been arguing, the tension between you escalating with each word exchanged. A simple disagreement had turned into a raging storm, and Billy had lost control of his emotions. In his fury, he had lashed out, a wild swing of his arm connecting with your shoulder, causing you to stumble back in pain.
The moment he saw the look of fear and pain flash across your face, Billy's heart shattered into a million pieces. His anger evaporated instantly, replaced by a profound sense of regret and guilt. All he wanted was to take back that moment, to rewind time and prevent himself from causing you any harm. But it was too late—the damage was done.
As you flinched away from him, your eyes filled with tears, Billy's world came crashing down around him. He was deeply in love with you, and the thought of hurting you, even unintentionally, was unbearable. He had promised himself he would protect you, cherish you, and now he had failed miserably.
"Y/N," Billy's voice wavered with a mixture of sorrow and desperation. He reached out a trembling hand, desperate to bridge the growing distance between you. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean... I never wanted to hurt you. Please, believe me."
But you couldn't bring yourself to respond. The pain in your eyes mirrored the pain in his heart, and you took a step back, a silent plea for space and time to process the overwhelming emotions coursing through you. It felt as though your love, once so strong and vibrant, was now crumbling under the weight of your shattered trust.
Tears streamed down Billy's face, his chest heaving with sobs he couldn't control. The realization of his actions crashed upon him like a tidal wave, threatening to drown him in remorse. He had always struggled to express his emotions, to let others in, but with you, he had found solace—a love that made him vulnerable in ways he had never experienced before.
Now, as he witnessed the anguish etched on your face, he felt like he was losing everything he held dear. The depth of his love for you consumed him, suffocating him with the agony of his own mistakes. He knew he had to give you space, to give you time to heal, but the thought of living without you was unbearable.
"Babe, please," he whispered through choked sobs, his voice raw and broken. "I'll do anything, anything to make this right. I can't lose you. I can't."
But as you turned away, your steps filled with uncertainty, Billy knew that your love, once so vibrant, was now slipping through his fingers like sand. The anguished realization left him feeling utterly alone, drowning in a sea of regrets.
And as he stood there, watching you walk away, his heart shattered into a million more pieces, knowing that he had caused irreparable damage to the one person who meant everything to him. The tears fell freely, his anguished cries echoing in the empty space around him, as he grappled with the painful truth that he might have lost you forever.
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hexedwinchester · 2 months
Girl I need Brother Mine... it's my only strenght during university exame session. 😭😭🤗
hi Sailing Through Exams Noni!
I got your back! Brother Mine is now updated with a new chapter!
Btw, you got this! goodluck for your exams! 🤗🤗
You can read it below or follow the Ao3 link
"Ah!" Sam moaned as Dean pulled his head to the side, exposing column of his neck.
He saw Dean bringing the syringe down and jabbed it into his neck. The sting of the needle was quickly replaced by a scalding hot liquid that entered his neck and gushed through his body. Suddenly, he was aware of every single vein under his skin and they were all alight, raw and screaming.
In the past, Sam had consumed demon blood on various occasions and in different ways. Sometimes, he drank it willingly and other times, it was forced on him either by people or by the circumstances. He knew the stale taste of the blood out an old metal flask. But he also savoured it best when it was sucked fresh out of Ruby's arm. Yet, not once was the blood injected directly into his veins, until now that is.
"Why, Dean?" His voice laced with sorrow.
Dean looked into Sam's glassy eyes. Letting go of his hair, he came around to stand before him. Squatting, he answered, "You forced a cure on me, Sam. I'm just returning the favour by forcing on the disease to you."
Sam could sense the vile blood coursing through his body, spreading like a forest fire, destroying and consuming everything in its path. What started as a pinprick sensation quickly turned into a piercing, excruciating pain.
"Ugh!" He moaned in a strained voice. It felt like his veins were filled with molten lava, searing through his flesh.
"Sam?" Someone called his name, the sound of it familiar, but the ringing in his ears and the pounding headache made it difficult to focus. Each pulse of his heart sent waves of agony coursing through his body, making his muscles twitch uncontrollably.
Castiel had seen first hand what demon blood had done to Sam all those years ago. The blood lust, the thirst, the withdrawal, the seizures. But this? This was different. Demon blood made Sam stronger, enhanced his powers but what was unfolding before him was something else entirely.
Sam thrashed in his bonds, eyes rolled deep in his head. Beads of sweats dribbled down his torso. His chest heaved rapidly, like he was having a panic attack. The air felt thick and suffocating, each breath a struggle. Tipping his head back, he let out an ear-piercing scream, the sound filled with raw, unfiltered agony. 
Castiel turned his head away. How could he bear seeing Sam like that? But nothing drowned the painful wails, his pleas, the choking noises he was making. 
The angel had somehow found his voice. "Stop it, Dean!"
Dean who was enthralled by Sam's anguish, released the breath he was holding. Slowly, he turned on his heels, eyes flicking to black, "I'm not doing anything. It's the blood."
Anger bubbled inside the angel. He wanted to shred this evil Dean from inside out. But as soon as the thought occured him, the collar activated sending throes of electricity through his vessel.
"It's like, I don't even have to lift a finger." Dean mocked, his gaze vacillating between Sam's contorting body and Castiel's evaporating grace.
Sam's muscles cramped and twisted violently, each spasm sending fresh waves of pain through his limbs. His heart was pounding so rapidly it felt like it might burst, his chest tight and aching. The blood coursing through his veins felt thick and heavy, as if it were sludge rather than liquid. His skin burned and tingled, the sensation akin to being pricked by thousands of needles all at once.
He could feel the demon blood attacking every part of him, corrupting and overpowering his very essence. His head throbbed with a relentless pressure, as if it were being squeezed in a vise. His vision blurred, red blotches swimming before his eyes, and he struggled to keep his focus.
Dean leaned in closer, his voice a low, mocking whisper. "How does it feel, Sammy? How does it feel to be helpless? To have something forced into your body delivering excruciating pain?"
But Sammy was clearly out of it. His entire existence was consumed by agony. 
Dean watched, a cruel smile playing on his lips. There was a twisted satisfaction in his eyes as he observed Sam's suffering. Every cry, every spasm, seemed to bring him a dark pleasure.
Castiel, fighting against his restraints and the collar's torturous shocks, felt a wave of helplessness wash over him. He had to find a way to save Sam. He had to stop Dean, no matter the cost. But for now, all he could do was watch as Sam writhed in agony, hoping that somehow, they would find a way out of this nightmare.
Sam's body felt like it was on fire, every nerve ending alight with searing pain. His muscles twitched and convulsed uncontrollably, his heart pounding erratically in his chest. He could feel the demon blood coursing through his veins, a malevolent force that sought to consume and destroy him from within.
He wanted to scream, to beg for it to stop, but his throat was raw, his voice barely more than a raspy whisper. The pain was all-encompassing, leaving no room for coherent thought or reason. All he knew was the agony, the relentless, burning agony that seemed to have no end.
Dean's laughter echoed in his ears, a cruel, mocking sound that only intensified his suffering. Sam's vision dimmed, the world around him fading into a haze of red and black. He could feel himself slipping, the darkness closing in, and he clung to the last shreds of his consciousness, fighting against the overwhelming pain.
In the midst of his torment, he heard Castiel's voice, a distant, desperate plea. "Sam, hold on."
But the angel's words were a faint echo, barely penetrating the fog of pain that enveloped him. Sam's body convulsed one last time, a violent shudder that left him gasping for breath. And then, mercifully, the darkness claimed him, pulling him into its cold embrace.
Sam was lost to unconsciousness. The room fell quiet yet somehow unsettling. If it wasn't for the shallow breathing and the wheezing sound coming from Sam's chest, he would have thought Sam was no more.
The demon grabbed a fistful of Sam's sweat soaked hair yanking it up. But the hunter's eyes were sealed shut, blood seeping from the corner of his eyes, nose and lips. As if the cruel hold on his hair wasn't enough, Dean slapped him hard across the face but Sam didn't stir. Throwing his head down, Dean wiped his hand on his jeans.
"Why are you doing this to Sam?" Castiel's voice trembled with anger and despair. "To your brother?"
Dean pocketed the empty syringe, his expression cold and detached. He stomped to the door, the sound of his boots heavy against the floor. Holding the door open, he turned back to face Castiel. His eyes still black as night, bore no trace of the Dean they once knew.
"He is nothing to me," Dean uttered, his voice devoid of emotion. The words were spoken without hesitation, leaving no room for doubt or remorse. Then, without another glance, he stepped out, the door slamming shut behind him, leaving Castiel alone with the broken shell of Sam.
One hour, fifty-six minutes and eighteen seconds had passed since Dean poisoned Sam with him blood. There was no movement from Sam save for the ragged breathing. In this time, the gears in Castiel's head were whirring. 
To take on Lucifer, Sam had consumed about four gallons of blood and he was still walking on his twos when he went to say 'yes' to Lucifer. What happened to him right after Dean had injected his blood was a similar to his withdrawal symptoms. But it didn't make any sense. 
Maybe, maybe it wasn't how much blood was in Sam that was relevant. Maybe what weighed in more was where blood was sourced from. Ruby, the other demons she milked for Sam, they were the lowest grades of demon at best. The only other time Sam was forced to consume blood from a powerful demon was when he was a six month old baby. Even Azazel had bled just a drop and it had given Sam his psychic abilities. If one single drop from a Prince of Hell was this potent what would a barrel full of blood do when it came from the Knight of Hell? Not just any Knight, the very first Knight and the very first demon.
Sam flinched as the door flung open with an echoing bang. Dean's heavy footsteps were a close metaphor for his impending doom. His brother's cold demeanor looked menacing under the weak light.
"Dean, please no." Sam begged as he revealed the syringe in his palm. 
Smiling wickedly at Sam, he used the needle to draw more blood from his arm. Looming over Sam's shrunken form, he stabbed the needle into his neck and released the blood.
Sam grunted in pain, shaking the dizziness from his bloodshot eyes. Then the macabre began: the cramps, the spasms, the seizures, the screaming.
The younger hunter suffered before Castiel and the helpless angel could nothing but watch and spew empty threats at Demon Dean.
This time, Dean pulled a chair, sat back and relaxed watching Sam's torment unfurl in front of him. Oh the lovely, pitiful sounds he made filled the room like a haunting opera. The web of nerves in his neck were imprinted on his skin as he screamed until his mouth was filled blood. His body seized and contorted bucking off the chair. If this went on, and the blood continued to thrash his body, he would have to do a better job of tying Sam down. Not that he minded that bit. Question was, whether to restrain him tight or leave just enough room for the blood to rip his body apart?
Castiel's pleas for showing Sam mercy fell on Dean's ignorant ears. Not that they would reach Dean in the first place given how loud Sam was screaming. He hadn't stopped screaming since it started and that was thirty three minutes ago. 
Angels were supposed to be detached, their vessels mere tools to fulfill their duties. Yet, seeing the unbearable agony Sam was enduring brought tears to Castiel's eyes. In all his existence, Cas had never witnessed such concentrated suffering within such a short span. Sam was human, and human bodies were not designed to endure this level of torment.
But Sam's suffering wasn't confined to the physical plane. His pain extended deep into his soul, scarred by years in the Cage with Lucifer.
Cas couldn't bear to watch any longer; he averted his eyes from Sam's seizing and convulsing form. Anger boiled within the angel as he looked upward, beyond the ceiling, beyond the skies, to the heavens.
Where was God, the being he had faithfully served? Where was the God Sam had prayed to, had placed his trust in? Castiel's faith wavered as he questioned whether God had indeed forsaken mankind. How else could he explain the divine indifference to Sam's endless suffering? How could God turn a blind eye to such excruciating torture?
"Go to Hell," Cas cursed under his breath.
Sam's torment dragged on for hours, a relentless cycle orchestrated by Dean. Like clockwork, every two hours, Dean administered another dose of demon blood, leaving Sam to endure the agonizing aftermath. Sam's throat was shredded from screaming, and the skin around his wrists was torn to ribbons as the seizures wracked his body, threatening to pull him apart.
After the ninth dose, Sam choked, sucked in one last breath as his heart gave up. But unfortunate for Sam, just like the old Dean, the demon wouldn't allow the man to die. He tossed Sam's broken body over his shoulder and walked Cas -like an animal- on chain to the infirmary.
Locking Cas to one of the pipes, he threw Sam's body callousely on an empty cot, leaving his limbs sprawled carelessly. He didn't bother to straighten or arrange his body. Pulling the machine closer, he plugged it in the socket and flipped the switch on. Charging the defibrillator to 150, he placed the pads on Sam's chest and delivered the shock. 
Sam's body jumped like another seizure, but Cas didn't pick up a heartbeat. What a horrible time to be in that he genuinely wished Sam stayed dead for his own good. 
But when was Sam ever lucky that Dean accepted his death and let him go into the peaceful void? At 250, Sam's heart fluttered and picked up pace. Too fast for a normal heart rate. 
That smug look on Dean's face confirmed that his awareness of Sam's revival. Rudely yanking his wrists, he cuffed them to the head rail overhead. He did the same to Sam's legs and all the while, the man remained insentient.
Ever since, Dean moved them to the infirmary and resuscitated Sam, he hadn't returned to administer another dose. The last does was administered six hours, four minutes and twenty nine seconds ago. 
At eight hours, thirty one minutes and twelve seconds, Sam moaned, the cuffs rattling as he tried to move. Blood had stained the pillow where his wrists and eyes bled. 
Castiel's eyes watered at the sight of a broken Sam. He stared back at Cas with such lifeless eyes. The corners of his mouth had cracked from screaming. His breath was laboured and every small rise protruded his ribs into his sunken skin.
"Sam..." Castiel mumbled, his voice trembling.
Sam opened his mouth but no words came out. He tried again but his ruptured throat only managed a grated breath.
"It's okay, Sam. Don't talk. It will help" Castiel gave fake assurances. "We'll figure something out."
He gave a small nod, even managed a smile. That filled Castiel's heart with hope but it was soon snatched away, when Sam went into cardiac arrest again. 
His chest rose, back arching upward.
"Sam?!" Castiel called. But Sam's eyes rolled into his head, his mouth open around a silent scream. Then it all stopped.
No sound of struggle, no sound life.
Castiel did the only thing he could think of. "Deaaaannnnn!!" he screamed, voice filled with desperation.
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merakiui · 4 years
Half-Off Love
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yandere!scaramouche x (gender neutral) reader art credit - kentasha1236 on twt cw: yandere, nsfw, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, gold-digging, implied yandere!childe note - thank you so much for 600 followers! o(≧∇≦o) I’ll work hard!
It’s strange. There’s no other adjective to describe the situation you’ve found yourself in. 
The ring slides itself onto your steady finger and it’s a miracle your discomfort doesn’t show. Your eyes struggle to meet his, but when they do you’re searching for a reason—for a meaning behind such a generous gift. You’ve witnessed this scene plenty of times before, having scoffed at the couples who decide to take their relationship to the next level. Whether it be in Mondstadt or Liyue, you’ve watched your fair share of angelic proposals. Although this is far from a proposal—at least, you hope it’s not a proposal. You’d feel powerless to decline if Scaramouche put you in such a position, and you’re almost certain he’s aware of this. 
But the main thing—you now realize—that’s holding him back is your status and his relationship with you. It’s nothing special, just mere physical attraction rather than the emotional hindrances that come with real, heart-racing love. There’s nothing wholesome in the way you regard one another; it’s just sex. 
“Do you like it? I made sure to find only the highest quality gemstone for you.”
And yet when he performs this caring charade, it doesn’t feel like loveless copulation. 
Ew, you think, plastering a smile to your face. Since when was Scaramouche so concerned with materialistic signs of affection? He’s far from loving; he’s just pent-up, frustrated from his rigorous job as a Harbinger and so he decides to use you as a means of coping. He almost sounds like Childe with his ineffective flirting methods. You’ve received your fair share of spoils from him as well, and you’ve done everything you could to cull that relationship before it grew out of hand. But now you’re stuck with the lesser side of the coin: another troublesome Fatui Harbinger. 
If you didn’t know any better, you might think to chase after Signora or Dottore next. Maybe you’ll aim for the Tsaritsa Herself if you’re especially daring. After all, your life has been nothing but deceit and faux pleasures; there’s little value to a liar’s life. If the Archons wish for your swift end, you’re positive it’ll be a result of your insatiable greed.
“It’s lovely. The color matches my eyes.”
It doesn’t, but you lie about it anyways. And he looks pleased to hear your approval. 
“Then perhaps I should get you a bracelet as well? Or would you prefer something with a little more use, such as a pocket watch?”
Why don’t you just lock me up with a collar instead? you think bitterly, already keen on pawning the ring off once the initial luster fades. Since you’re so eager to buy these things for me in hopes that I’ll return. It’s annoying.
“This is more than enough. I don’t want you to spend a fortune on me.” There’s a sweet lilt in your voice as your hand cups his cheek, and he leans into your warm touch, starved of the affection like a stray mutt. ”I only need you per our agreement. You do remember what that is, right?”
He’d be caught dead bending to the desires of someone so insignificant, but he just can’t stay away. Not when your every word is intoxicating poison he’ll readily ingest. 
“I’m aware." There’s a sigh in his tone as he pulls away, almost as if he wants to simply sit there and indulge in playful conversation. As if he actually wants to familiarize himself with the real you. But that emotion doesn’t last for long and an irritated expression crawls onto his handsome face as he silently recalls something. 
You’re slipping your silks off with grace, curiously tracking his movements. “You look upset. Was it because of what I said?”
“Of course not. You could never upset me.”
Until you get bored of me.
When you cast your robes aside, reaching for Scaramouche’s elaborate outfit, you murmur, “Let me guess. It was that traveler again, wasn’t it? I’m not sure why you’re so hung up on them.” A whimper leaks into your voice and you fix him with a pout. “I’m sad you’d think of others when I’m right here. Aren’t I the only one you need?”
It’s ironic how quickly that line hooks him, dragging him up from the murkiest depths of love that has skewed into obsession. When you tried it out on Childe, he wasn’t so easily swayed. You find their differences to be invigorating. If the arrangement with Childe was still ongoing, you might’ve considered a threesome, if only to wring more glittering treasures out of the both of them. Mora and jewelry galore, it all goes towards your stockpiled savings. And it’s times like these when you’re lucky to have avoided economic business with the Fatui. Being free of Fatui debt has its perks, a bright miracle in your dark relationships. That’s one less tether to Scaramouche and one less reason to cling to him after you’ve had enough. 
He smirks at your forced envy, easily pushing you backwards onto the plush mattress once he’s fully undressed. For a brief moment, he pictures your pliant body sprawled across an office desk while he pounds into you from behind, putting on a lewd show for his leering underlings. There’s something arousing about your secret relationship that has strange ideas formulating within his head. He entertains a simple scheme, one in which he’d shed light on your connection; however, the other side of him wants to keep your existence for himself, where no one will disturb the two of you in your pleasurable endeavors.
Perhaps you would truly belong to him if he were to expose you for the fraud you really are. Oh, the joy of trapping an unsuspecting rat in a corner, with no way out but into his open arms. You’ll hardly have any semblance of a choice, but he knows you’ll choose the option that guarantees another chance at life.
Scaramouche thinks about that as he revels in soft, tantalizing foreplay. He knows you aren’t as dedicated to this relationship as he is and he’s almost certain you’ve got others waiting for you in different parts of Teyvat. He’s just another plaything you’ve picked up for the fun of it. And in these moments where you surrender to his touch, your back arching with avaricious thoughts, you seem to forget about the power he truly wields. The thought that he could suffocate you in this very bed with his love alone should have you taking precautions to cover your vulnerability, but you only have your eyes set on one thing—not exactly minding the outcome so long as it’s monetarily favorable.
And if playing into your covetous hands ensures your weekly arrival, he’ll gladly empty his pockets of spare change.
You don’t like this new side of him. Lately he’s been treating this as if the two of you are lovers: slow, sensual thrusts accompanied with the sweetest of promises. You’ve never really minded the filth he’d moan in your ear and now you wish he’d resort to that instead. Loveless words spoken through the veil of lust—that’s what you want to hear.  
He envelops you like a smothering fog, fitting himself snugly inside of your tight hole in an embrace that’s oh so familiar. You aren’t used to such gentle treatment and as he kisses along your collarbone you feel yourself going under, having fallen victim to a Harbinger who is normally so cold-hearted. Perhaps he’s more sensitive than you originally thought. Months ago, you wouldn’t have imagined your relationship would grow into something so uncertain, where emotionless love becomes packaged and bogged down with so much feeling.
His lips ghost over yours and there’s a slight pause in his actions. You turn your head to the side, denying his choking affection before it can drag you further into a spiraling abyss of regret. Annoyance swells in his hazy gaze, but he uses your new position to his advantage.
“It’s cute,” he says in a hushed voice, breath tickling your ear, “how you seem to rid yourself of my gifts as soon as they fall into your hands. I wonder where they’ve gone. Into the harbor? Traded off for food and shelter? Do tell me.”
When his grip on your hip tightens to a threatening degree, you resign yourself, opting to hold your tongue as his pace remains brutally slow. Rather than speaking out of line, you raise your hand to his face, and he clasps your wrist in a forceful hold. 
The look in his eyes is far from loving—it’s that same obsessed expression Childe wore. And even if he still searches for you for reasons other than sex, you’re aware there’s no luck where Scaramouche is concerned. You can run from Childe because he’ll allow it—because he adores the chase—but Scaramouche hardly finds delight in a game of cat and mouse. You should’ve expected this. After all, he is just as conniving as the rest, always inventing new ways to track down and eradicate that peculiar traveler. Of course he would know about how you handle his presents when he isn’t looking because there’s no denying the stern gazes that would pierce through your backside whenever you went to the market.
"I’d never throw them out like that...” you mumble through another soft moan, hoping he’ll just pick up the pace and be done with you. “Your gifts are priceless.”
And yet the price for your own love is so hefty. If he weren’t Fatui, it might be enough to throw him into lifelong debt.
“Is that so? You seem to put a price on them whenever you visit the marketplace.” His fingers grip your chin, forcing you into an inescapable eye contact. “If you enjoy putting prices on items that you claim are priceless, you won’t mind if I collect a refund for your dishonesty.”
Your lustful thoughts evaporate once you realize his pace has become horribly slow, his dick stilling and creating an itch of barely noticeable ecstasy. You wiggle your hips to increase the friction, wanting to get yourself off before his words can sour the mood. Though it’s already spoiled when you recognize the carnal victory shining in his twisted smirk. Your unfortunate fate was sealed the moment you welcomed his company with foolish openness, and you’ve been indebted ever since he decided to spoil you with lavish foods and accessories. 
For love that is far from cheap, interest must be paid and your very being makes for the perfect bargain.
It’s weird when he kisses you on your lips rather than on the parts of your body that are normally obscured with delicate cloth. And it’s even weirder when that metaphorical collar binds your throat in a vice. It’s more harrowing than any sort of debt you might’ve garnered and it’s just as inconvenient as his boyish adoration.
Scaramouche doesn’t have to purchase your flimsy, half-off love when it’s already prepackaged and ready for the taking. 
“You heard me. A refund is hardly enough punishment for a lying brat, but it will have to suffice for now.”
For now.
Spurred on by his own insinuating threats, he seeks to bruise your very insides with thrusts that are filled with physical vexation rather than the emotional ministrations from before. And since you’re so accustomed to him, your greedy hole eagerly welcomes him. 
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discoscoob · 3 years
Your Judgement | Loki x Female Reader
Loki (Marvel) x Doctor Who
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Loki loses control in more ways than one and secrets are revealed, leaving you with a decision to make.
Part Two | Part Four | Chapter Index
Words: 6.6k
Warnings: angst, threats, blood and injury (this makes it sound a lot worse than it actually is)
Read on AO3
Loki despised feeling out of control. Everyone had always told him how to behave, what to say, what to do, who to be and he thought he had finally escaped all that, he had found the power that he had always sought after, he finally felt a sense of ownership over himself and it was so quickly snatched from him right under his nose in the worst possible way.
 Sure it was suffocating on Asgard and yes he was being influenced by the mind stone on Midgard but he had never lost control quite like this before. Every movement he made wasn’t his own, his limbs moved with an invisible force, even the words coming out of his mouth weren’t his. He had been turned into a living and breathing puppet, to be used as a vessel to preserve the life of a deranged mortal who refused to die. 
 He was humiliated, how could he let a weak, insignificant Midgardian possess his body? He was a God and a supreme sorcerer, she should be no match for him but he struggled to force her out, she stubbornly clung on tight.
 The pressure in his head was intense, due to the fact his brain was being compressed to make room for Cassandra’s consciousness. For someone like Loki, who always preferred fighting with his mind over his fist, shaking someone out of his head should’ve been child’s play but the compression on his own mind was making it weaker which made him more vulnerable to her control.
 “I’m getting jealous ex vibes. I swear to God, Doctor, if my niece got possessed because you’ve got a jealous ex.” Donna warned the Doctor who looked like he was about to choke on his own saliva.
 “Her?” The Doctor screeched.
 “You should be so lucky.” Cassandra made Loki glare at the Doctor.
 “Let him go, Cassandra.” The Doctor ordered the consciousness possessing Loki.
 Cassandra made Loki pout. “And why would I do that? I finally found the secret to immortality.”
 “The psychograft you used is banned on every civilised planet, including this one, what you’re doing is illegal. All I need to do is take you into the city and hand you over to the authorities.” The Doctor warned.
 The force inside Loki’s mind made him laugh wickedly. “Oh Doctor, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
 “Why not?”
 “You can’t hand me over without handing Loki over too.” Cassandra explained before she suddenly gasped as if finding out a secret. “Oh, he really doesn���t want that.”
 Suddenly Loki’s body jerked, as one would when you hit the emergency breaks and he quickly slapped his palm against the wall to steady himself as his breath came out in heavy pants.
 “Get out of my head!” Loki growled, he held his eyes shut tightly which caused his eyelids to crinkle as he clenched his teeth and brought the tips of his fingers up to his temple. He strained as he tried to maintain in control of his own mind, while Cassandra fought to regain dominance.
 “Loki? Listen to my voice. You can fight her. Hold on.” The Doctor encouraged Loki who let out a frustrated cry as he attempted to force Cassandra out of his head.
 You could see the pale golden mist slowly surround him like a halo as he continued to strain, you could see how much it was exhausting him, his already compressed mind was being pushed to its limits. 
 “That’s it, Loki, you’ve almost got her out.” The Doctor continued to encourage him, as he was really starting to struggle.
 Before he could completely expel Cassandra, Loki’s mind succumbed to the fatigue of using powers while being compressed and failed him as the gold essence sunk back into his skin and he collapsed to the floor. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he panted from the exhaustion.
 “That was a very foolish thing of you to do, Loki.” Cassandra addressed the God using his own voice which sounded tired from the strain of trying to force her out. “Don’t forget, I’m inside your head. I can see everything. There are things in here that I am sure you wouldn’t want your new friends learning about, so I’d advise you to behave.” 
 The Doctor, Donna and you, glanced at each other wordlessly, as the atmosphere instantly changed. Cassandra knew she had caught everyone’s attention as she flicked Loki’s hair out of his face and watched you all through his eyes as she forced the corners of his lips to lift into a wicked smirk.
 “What do you mean?” The Doctor took the bait, and Cassandra made Loki’s smile widen in twisted delight.
 Your chest tightened with anxiety as you worried about what Loki was hiding. You weren’t daft, you were fully aware that within the two days you had spent within the company of the God, it wasn’t enough time to properly know him and it definitely wasn’t enough time to trust him. However you couldn’t deny the fact that you had developed an attachment to him and the prospect of that potentially being cut short left a feeling of despair that was difficult to ignore. 
 “Let’s just say, the God of Mischief has been up to a lot of mischief.” Cassandra made Loki chuckle at her own joke as she forced him to climb back up onto both his feet. 
 Without warning the laughter abruptly cut short and with an unexpected jerk, Loki regained control. This time he moved without hesitation or delay as both his palms filled with glowing balls of green smoke and with a loud growl that caused you to startle, the light from his palms turned into an aurora which flowed halfway across your bedroom. The golden mist evaporated from his skin more rapidly this time, as it chased after the green light. You watched on, completely captivated as the gold and green swirled together and began to intertwine. Your focus was torn away when you heard Loki collapse to the floor, completely drained after focusing all his energy on removing Cassandra from his mind while using his magic at the same time.
 “Doctor.” You heard Donna whisper and you looked up at the pair to find your auntie rapidly tapping the Time Lord on his upper arm to get his attention, while she stared across your room, the Doctor’s eyes widened when he saw what she was looking at and you looked over to see what had grabbed their attention.
 “How clever!” A figure identical to Loki, spoke with wonder as it patted itself down to check it was a solid form. “I suppose this solves all our problems.”
 “Oh this isn’t a solution,” original Loki spoke with a heavy sigh as he was still trying to catch his breath and you turned your attention back to him. “You think I would let you remain in my form forever?”
 “Well, there are worse people to spend eternity with.” Cassandra, who you realised was in control of the Loki clone, shrugged.
 “I’d throw you into the nearest burning sun before I let you stay by my side for the rest of eternity.” Loki threatened his possessed clone, his tone harsh and abrupt. “You’re an insignificant and wretched mortal who has deluded herself with the notion that she is worthy of immortality but you are nothing but a worthless creature. You don’t even have your own form to sustain you and so you live off others, like a pathetic parasite, and if you think I will allow your revolting existence seek life support through my Godly form for a whole day, much less an eternity, you’re sorely mistaken.” 
 Loki had stalked towards his carbon copy, as he spoke his monologue with such a threatening force that it had even sent shivers down your spine, despite the fact that it wasn’t even directed towards you. 
 “You best pray that the Doctor doesn’t send the both of us away, because as soon as you’re alone with me no one will be there to protect you, and since you have been inside my mind, I am sure you are fully aware of the things I am capable of doing to you.” Loki finished, once he was stood mere inches in front of his double, who was now visibly cowering away from him. 
 The light of your bedroom reflected off the moisture which had built on the waterline of the duplicates eyes, as they stared into the Gods face with pure terror. 
 The cruel things Loki had said and the intimidating manner of which he had delivered them in, struck fear through your chest. His voice had dripped with pure threat and menace, even the tone he had used when you first met him and he had trapped you against that secluded wall, paled in comparison to the one he had just used towards Cassandra. 
 Loki had unleashed a side of himself that you had yet to see, or even knew existed, and you would be lying if the things he had called Cassandra didn’t sting, of course he could’ve been speaking to her as an individual but what if he held these views towards all mortals, were you merely viewed as ‘worthless creatures’ by the immortal God?
 “Loki, that’s enough.” The Doctor had sternly told him and you weren’t sure if you imagined it but could have sworn that you saw regret flash in Loki’s eyes as soon as he turned and saw you, the Doctor and Donna all staring at him. It seemed your presence had slipped his mind while he had succumbed to his more sinister side and now he was realising you had all just witnessed it first hand, on top of Cassandra revealing that he was hiding secrets which he didn’t want any of you to discover.
 Loki opened his mouth to try and say something but nothing came out, eventually he gave up and let his lips form a thin line as his head tilted downwards to avoid all your eyes.
 Silence laid heavily over the room as no one wanted to be the first one to break it, what could anyone possibly say after that? After a short period of time you heard footsteps softly tap against the floor and you looked up and saw Loki lower himself into your armchair. He rested his elbow upon the armrest and cradled his chin in his hand, covering his face from the nose down with his fingers as they anxiously rubbed over his lips. It appeared as though he had a million thoughts racing through his mind, you couldn’t help but wonder what they were.
 “I think, I would like to leave now.” Cassandra eventually announced.
 The Doctor had explained to her that he could take her into the city where they would provide her with a skintank for her consciousness to live in and she was more than happy to go anywhere the Doctor took her as long as it was away from Loki.
 “I thought you of all people, Doctor, would be careful with the kind of people you let travel with you.” You heard her quietly comment, as she made her way out of your bedroom, the Doctor paused under the doorway and looked at Loki, while he considered what Cassandra had said before he silently turned and followed her to the control room.
 “Are you coming?” Donna looked at you, ready to follow behind the Doctor. 
 You had noticed the way the Doctor looked at Loki and you realised he was considering whether or not he should allow him to stay on the TARDIS, before you turned your attention back to Loki, observing the way he seemed lost in his own world. 
 The way he had lost his temper had startled you, however you didn’t believe his reaction towards Cassandra was unwarranted. You knew exactly what it felt like to have her inside your mind, controlling your body like a puppet. It felt violating. You weren’t sure whether or not his threats toward her were empty, you were sure that was something you didn’t want to find out, but either way Loki hadn’t actually laid a single finger on her, so it seemed as though his tactic was just to frighten her. It may have not been the most conventional approach but it had worked and as a result the Doctor was now taking her to the city.
 “I think I’ll stay here.” You decided.
 Donna didn’t say anything but she glanced over to Loki, who was still slumped in your armchair, his gaze unmoving from the floor, and you understood that she was nervous to leave you alone with him.
 “I’ll be fine.” You assured her, despite the fact that you couldn’t say for certain that you would be, but you wanted to try and talk with Loki. You knew that there was a lot that the Doctor would want to discuss with him after he returned from the city and if you could talk with Loki beforehand, one to one, maybe you could help him.
 “If you’re sure...” Donna sighed, clearly not happy about leaving you alone with Loki but she knew that you were an adult and responsible for your own choices and she respected that. After leaving a kiss on your temple, she reluctantly made her way out your room. Pausing under your doorway she looked between you and Loki with a sigh and you could see the worry all over her face but you gave her a reassuring smile, which she returned, before she finally disappeared down the corridor to join the Doctor.
 You weren’t even sure if Loki was aware of his surroundings anymore as he had hardly moved an inch since he collapsed into that seat. He didn’t even seem to notice that it was only you and him left in your room as you cautiously made your way towards him. Once you were stood around a meter in front of him you stopped and he still hadn’t registered your presence, if he had, he wasn’t acknowledging it.
 “Loki?” You softly spoke.
 The God slightly jumped as his gaze caught yours, he looked startled before his eyes bounced around the room and then finally rested back on you.
 “Where is everyone?” He asked, his voice small, it was the softest you had ever heard him speak, you almost couldn’t hear him.
 “The Doctor and Donna have left to take Cassandra into the city.” You gently explained.
 “They left you alone with me?” Loki looked at you with disbelief and you looked down for a moment, realising Loki was more scared of himself right now than you were of him.
 “Loki, we need to talk.” You stated, your tone was still gentle but you tried to sound stern to make him realise you weren’t offering him a choice.
 “What is there to discuss? As soon as the Doctor returns he will hand me over to the TVA and I will be erased from existence.” Loki dismissed your proposal to talk.
 “You don’t know that.” You tried to reason, this time you crouched down, so you were balanced on the balls of your feet and you could talk to Loki from a more equal level. “I don’t know what the Doctor will decide to do when he returns but if you talk to me and explain everything, I might be able to persuade the Doctor to trust my judgment.”
 Loki seemed to consider it this time as he glanced at you, a frown formed over his face and his dark brows shadowed his eyes, which appeared to be filled with sorrow. He finally broke his eye contact with you to look down at his hands as he fidgeted with them between his spread legs.
 “Okay.” Loki agreed.
 You drew your lips together and looked around as you considered what you could address first and it was hard to ignore the one thought that was dominating your mind.
 “The things you called Cassandra... is that how you view all mortals... is that your view of me?” You asked Loki, now you were the one avoiding his gaze as you rubbed your eyebrows with embarrassment and kept your eyes on the floor.
 Due to the fact you weren’t looking at him, you missed the way Loki had instantly looked at you with eyes full of remorse, he hadn’t even realised that you might have connected his words towards Cassandra to yourself after he had addressed her as a mortal. His jaw was slack as he didn’t even know where to begin telling you how wrong you were and how you had singlehandedly gave him the power he needed to feel in control for the first time in his life.
 “Gods no!” Loki rushed to answer, mindful of the fact that if he allowed the silence to settle too long after you finished your question, it might have seemed like a confirmation that that was truly what he believed you were. 
 When you continued to avoid looking at him, Loki sighed as he pulled his palm down his face. He slid himself off of the armchair to make your heights more equal as he sank to the floor and sat with crossed legs, before he continued, determined to rectify your belief of how he perceived you. 
 “Listen to me, you hold so much power. You have done more for me in two days than anyone else has in my thousand years of existence and you don’t even realise it. I think what... daunts me the most about you all learning the things which Cassandra had mentioned I wouldn’t want you finding out, isn’t that the Doctor might end up taking me back to the TVA. It’s the fact that you will see me as everyone else does, validating that they were right about me all along, and when you inevitably do, it will strip me of the control I have felt over myself these last few days, because you were the one who bestowed it upon me. Someone who holds that much power could never be a worthless creature.” Loki confessed and you furrowed your brows as you lifted your head to look up at him, processing what he was telling you because it was a lot to take in, you weren’t even sure you understood what he meant. How could you have been the one who gave him his sense of control over himself, what had you even done?
 “How... how did I do that?” You asked in disbelief. 
 “Everyone I have ever known in my life has always decided who I was before even getting to know me, but you had no preconceived notions about me when we met. For the first time I had control over who I could be and who someone could see me as, you gave me that control.” He explained to you.
 “Loki, that sounds like manipulation.” You realised with alarm. “You can’t just control which parts of yourself you decide to let someone see and expect their perception of you to be an accurate one.”
 The God paused, seemingly taken aback as if he was realising this for the first time and once it sunk in he looked genuinely ashamed.
 “You can control who you are, but you can’t control how people see you and how people see you, doesn’t control who you are. Does that make sense?” You tried to explain to Loki, who was staring at nothing in particular as he attempted to grasp what you were telling him. 
 “But if everyone shares a certain view of me, how could that not possibly be who I truly am?” Loki argued.
 You paused for a moment, as you pondered over his question.
 “Do you believe this view people have of you to be true?” You asked Loki.
 He shrugged after he allowed himself to think about it for a moment.
 “Do you want it to be?” You asked instead.
 This time Loki didn’t need any time to think about his answer as he immediately shook his head.
 “Then, that must not be who you truly are, if it is not who you want to be.” You concluded.
 Loki looked at you with hopeful eyes before they fell to his lap as he thought about what you said.
 “I think you should tell me what it is that Cassandra said you didn’t want us learning about you.” You decided. You didn’t promise Loki that it wouldn’t change how you viewed him, that would be unwise since you had no idea what he was about to tell you, but whatever it was, you would allow him the opportunity to explain himself so that maybe you could understand.
 Loki swallowed nervously as his eyes fell to his hands and he focused on picking at some loose skin near the side of his nail. You observed him closely and you were astounded by how a powerful God could appear so vulnerable and so... human. When you saw his brows pull together with frustration as he was unable to figure out where to begin, you gently put your hand on his knee and gave him a small smile of encouragement.
 “I killed my father.” Loki finally confessed, just straight to the point as if he were ripping off a band-aid, “my biological father.” He added, to clarify. 
 Loki hadn’t delivered his confession with much emotion, however his chest and shoulders did fall ever so slightly, as if a weight was being lifted off of him. 
 As soon as the words fell from his lips, you retracted your hand from his knee and Loki lifted his eyes to watch your reaction, apart from breaking physical contact you tried to not react, keeping your expression as neutral as possible.
 “Why?” You eventually asked, sticking with your decision to let him explain.
 “To prove my loyalty to Odin – my adoptive father, and to Asgard.” Loki explained, before elaborating. “Laufey, my biological father, was the King of Jotunheim and an enemy of Asgard. The realms were on the brink of war after my brother, Thor, lead an attack on Jotunheim, as a result, Odin banished him to Midgard as punishment. During the attack, I had discovered my true heritage as a frost giant while fighting by my brothers side. When I confronted Odin about it, he told me he had found me abandoned in a temple on Jotunheim, during one of his attacks and he took me with the plan to use me to unite the two kingdoms and form an alliance. Suddenly everything made sense, why he had always favoured Thor, how could a frost giant ever be worthy? Much less the King of Jotunheim’s unwanted, bastard son.” Loki’s voice dripped with disgust and you saw moisture gather in his eyes but he quickly blinked it away before continuing. “After I confronted him, Odin collapsed and fell into Odinsleep. With Thor banished and the King in a deep sleep, Asgard was vulnerable. I knew it was my chance to show Odin that, despite my Jotun heritage, I could be just as worthy as my brother. So I tricked Laufey into believing I had betrayed my adoptive father by luring him to Asgard with the belief he could assassinate the King as he slept, but I killed him as he was about to plunge his spear into Odin’s chest.”
 Loki hadn’t planned to share so much, especially to someone he had only known for two days, but he found that with each word that poured out of his mouth, he felt lighter and before he knew it he couldn’t stop. 
 Except for sometimes his mother, he had never really known the privilege of being listened to. He didn’t know how you were going to react to what he told you but you had listened and he hadn’t realised how much he truly needed that until now.
 You were stunned to silence by everything you had just heard Loki tell you. What flooded your heart with so much sorrow that it weighed heavy in your chest, was the way Loki had spoken about himself being unworthy and unwanted, you had decided in that moment that you couldn’t let him be kicked off the TARDIS and abandoned again. After learning about the kind of example Odin set his two sons, you thought Loki’s actions were hardly surprising and despite what Loki had said about Odin favouring Thor, you couldn’t help but think about the fact that Odin had punished Thor for leading an attack on Jotunheim, when he himself had done the same. Instead of holding himself accountable and teaching his sons to not make the same mistakes he had, he let them follow in his footsteps and then punished them for doing so. He raised Loki to see his own father as an enemy and he kept the truth from him, and you imagined that he probably never would’ve told Loki about his true heritage had he not discovered it for himself.  
 You struggled to gather together the words which felt right to say in the moment, wondering what words of wisdom, which you had collected over your 20-something years, would be worth something to the centuries old God. Despite not knowing what Loki might have needed to hear, you knew of something that he needed, and that was a place to belong.
 “I’m going to talk to the Doctor as soon as he comes back and I’ll make sure you get to stay.” You promised him, as you once again returned your hand to his knee and offered him a reassuring smile. 
 Loki’s brows pulled together and his lips fell slightly apart, as he stared at your hand before his eyes travelled up your arm and connected with yours. He studied your expression carefully, trying to find any hints of fear, disgust or doubt. Being the God of lies, he could sense when people were lying or trying to deceive him, but you looked at him with nothing but sincerity. 
 Loki’s eyes dropped to your hand again and he was conflicted. He was in a state of disbelief over the fact that you still wanted to support him after everything he confessed, however you failed to realise that there was still one secret remaining to be divulged. You had assumed he revealed everything, he could have easily gone along with it and increased his chances of maintaining his place on the TARDIS. He would be lying if he said that wasn’t tempting, deceiving people was second nature to him, however when he looked back into your eyes and saw how much compassion they held towards him, compassion he was certain he didn’t deserve, he couldn’t find it in his heart to deceive you.
 Unlike almost everyone else in his life, you had shown him an unlimited amount of kindness and understanding. Most times when he tricked, double crossed or misled people, he believed they deserved it but to do that to you would just be cruel and it was not a level of cruelty which Loki possessed. 
 So, reluctantly Loki took a gentle hold of your wrist and removed your hand from his knee and returned it to your side.
 “I can’t let you promise me that.” Loki rejected you.
 “You’re right, I shouldn’t promise something which is beyond my control but–“ You misinterpreted what he meant.
 “No,” Loki quickly cut you off, “I can’t let you because there’s still one more thing I haven’t told you and I think once I do, you will change your mind.” Loki explained. 
 You remained silent, though you felt anxious about what he might confess, you were also struck by the fact he chose honesty. If he wanted to, he could have easily played along, let you believe he had confessed everything and secure his place on the TARDIS, yet he put it in jeopardy just to ensure that you weren’t misguided and you couldn’t help but admire that. You believed it was a testament to his character which you decided you wouldn’t let go unnoticed, while you nervously waited for him to reveal his final secret.
 “After everything that happened, Odin rejected me and I fell into the hands of a mad titan. I was without purpose, he used that to his advantage and I didn’t need much convincing to join his cause. He desired to posses more power than even the mightiest of Gods, with the use of all six infinity stones. He provided me with an army and instructions to deliver him the tesseract and in return he granted me access to the mind stone. It influenced my feelings and increased my desire for power and need to prove my worthiness, and so I used the army to attack New York city, in an attempt to take over Midgard and rule it as my own.” Loki confessed. 
 You should’ve been horrified, part of you definitely was, but it was heavily diluted by your confusion.
 “I... I don’t remember any of this ever happening.” You admitted, you were very certain that you would recall a God invading one of the most famous cities in the world with an army.
 “It hasn’t happened for you yet.” Loki explained.
 “Time is confusing.” You nervously laughed before you fell silent as you let what Loki told you really sink in. 
 He had attacked earth and attempted to rule over the human race. The way he spoke about it, implied that he didn’t succeed and surely if he was the King of Midgard he wouldn’t be sat on the floor opposite you right now.
 “What stopped you?” 
 “My brother and the avengers. They captured me but I got hold of the tesseract and used it to escape, I didn’t get very far before the TVA found me.”
 You had no idea who the avengers were but you assumed they were some sort of military organisation who were able to defeat Loki and his army, you imagined having the help of Loki’s brother on their side would’ve been a massive help. You considered the fact that when Loki spoke about being captured by them, he didn’t sound upset or angry about it, almost as if he didn’t really care that much about his plans for world domination. You recalled what he had said about the mind stone and how it had influenced his feelings and desires and you wondered how much it was responsible for his actions on Earth.
 “Do you think you would’ve still done it without the mind stone?” You asked him, because you considered this to be very important in judging whether or not you would advocate for his place on the TARDIS. If he believed he wouldn’t have done it without the influence of the mind stone, then his actions weren’t completely his own and therefore you wouldn’t expect him to take total blame for them.
 “No,” Loki furrowed his brows. “but I am a God, I should have not been so easily influenced.”
 “Loki, you might be a God, but you’re still a complicated and complex living being. You’re allowed to be vulnerable at times, you’re allowed to have flaws and make mistakes, you’re allowed to feel emotions and they will get the better of you and control you sometimes, it happens to all of us. Being a God doesn’t make you immune to it.” You told him, realising that Loki had a lot of work to do when it came to accepting his vulnerability.
 Loki remained silent, but it did at least seem like he was considering what you told him as he had a contemplative look on his face. Deciding to leave him in peace to think about it, you pushed yourself off the floor and began to make your way towards your door, but the broken glass, which Donna had dropped earlier, caught your attention.
 You crouched down to start cleaning it up, the bottom of the glass was still some what in tact which allowed you to gather all the broken shards inside it. As you were dropping one of the last pieces into the base of the glass, the broken side of the base pierced the palm of your hand.
 “Shit!” You cried under your breath as you quickly retracted your hand and cradled it close to your chest with your other. Blood was pooling in your palm and began running in singular drips down the side of your arm.
 Loki gasped your name and rushed over to you as soon as he noticed you were injured. Once he reached you, he lowered himself to his knees and held out his hands beside yours, but he didn’t touch you yet.
 “May I?” Loki politely asked for permission to look upon the damage caused to your hand.
 Reluctantly, you granted him access as you placed the balled up fist of your injured hand into his waiting palm. You hissed as he gently prised your fingers open and he mumbled a quick apology as he finally examined your wound.
 “Come on.” Loki encouraged you to your feet, with one of his hands under your elbow and his other still gently cradling your hand.
 You silently allowed him to move you, your eyes focused on him with wonder as he guided you into the en suite of your bedroom.
 Once he sat you down on the closed lid of the toilet, he left your side to run a fresh flannel under the faucet. Your eyes didn’t leave him once, as you watched every move he made. After wringing out the excess water of the flannel, he returned to your side and started tenderly cleaning up your cut. With all the blood cleaned away, Loki could properly inspect your wound.
 “It’s not too deep, I used to inflict much harsher wounds on my brother when we were children, a bandage should do.” Loki casually commented as if it were nothing, when he noticed your alarmed face he simply laughed.
 “Don’t worry, it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle and he gave me his fair share in return. We’re much more resilient than mortals, it was the equivalent of human children pushing or kicking one another.” He assured you, as he opened the cupboard below the sink and searched for a first aid box.
 Your alarmed expression relaxed into a some what fond smile upon learning young Loki wasn’t actually inflicting grievous injuries upon his brother, as you imagined the siblings play fighting as children.
 “Are you close to your brother?” You asked Loki, as he returned to your side with a bandage and started wrapping your hand. For a few moments, silence fell between you and you began to think he wasn’t going to answer.
 “We used to be,” Loki finally answered, avoiding your eyes as he focused on bandaging your hand. “I admired him a lot, I still do, but I fear I have irreparably ruined our relationship.” 
 “I’m sure that’s not true.” You carefully argued.
 “I tried to kill his father.” Loki reminded you and your lips fell shut defeatedly.
 “If he is immortal, he will have plenty time to get over it.” You lightheartedly added, trying to avoid the tone of the conversation becoming too serious.
 “Maybe in 5,000 years or so.” Loki estimated as he tied off your bandage, you inspected his work while he tidied away the first aid supplies back into the cupboard.
 “I haven’t changed my mind.” You admitted to him while his back was turned to you. 
 Loki immediately paused his actions after hearing you, you caught his reflection in the mirror above the sink and watched as his expression filled with disbelief before he glanced at you from over his shoulder.
 “About... me?” He hesitantly checked, certain he had misinterpreted what you meant.
 You simply nodded and Loki looked downwards as a shy ever so slight smile curved on the corner of his lips.
  “So technically it’s New New New New New New New New New new New New York.” You heard the laughter of your auntie and the Doctor as the entered the TARDIS, and you made your way around the console.
 The Doctor stopped when you caught his eye and said your name, surprised to find you waiting in the control room, while Donna smiled at you from beside him.
 “I have to talk to you about Loki.” You told the Doctor.
 Donna’s smile instantly and was replaced with worry as her eyes dropped to your bandaged hand.
 “Did he hurt you?” She fretted, as she stepped towards you.
 “No,” You immediately assured her, glancing at your injured hand. “No, I cut myself on the glass you dropped.” 
 Donna looked down with guilt as she realised your injury was caused by her accident.
 “I think we should let him stay.” You immediately returned to your original point, deciding there was no need to dance around it.
 The Doctor sighed your name, as it seemed like he was about to disagree while Donna looked at you as if you had grown a second head.
 “Please, you can trust my judgment.” You gave your auntie your best puppy dog eyes and she tilted her head in contemplation before looking towards the Doctor, who seemed to be considering it as well.
 “What do you think?” The Doctor turned to Donna, “if you’re not comfortable with it...”
 Your auntie sighed in defeat after giving it some consideration.
 “Your judgement better be good.” She pointed her finger at you, and you smiled. 
 “It is, I promise!” At least, you hoped it was.
  Just like the night before, there came a knock on your door just as you were about to climb into bed and just like the night before, you were greeted by the sight of Loki when you opened the door.
 “Is this going to become a nightly occurrence?” You joked.
 “If you would like it to.” Loki played along.
 “So, to what do I owe the pleasure?” 
 Loki’s features dropped into a more serious expression and he took in a deep breath.
 “I realised that earlier I never got the chance to apologise.” Loki began, his hands were held behind his back, hidden from your view, so you couldn’t see the way he nervously played with them.
 “Apologise?” You questioned with a slight tilt of your head, wondering what he felt the need to be sorry for.
 “I know how violating it felt to have Cassandra inside your mind–“
 “That wasn’t your fault.” You cut him off before he could finish.
 “No, I know, but I kissed you,” Loki’s eyes were trained on the floor as he spoke and your mouth fell in the shape of an ‘o’ as you realised that is what he came here to apologise for. “And you weren’t in control–“
 “You weren’t to know,” you quickly reassured him, as heat rose to your own face as you both acknowledged what happened between you. “She kissed you first, you don’t have to apologise.”
 “Even so, I would like to,” Loki finally lifted his gaze to look at you, “I’m sorry, if you felt uncomfortable or...”
 You couldn’t admit it, but uncomfortable is not a word you would use to describe how kissing Loki had made you feel. Once the pressure had began to slip from your mind and your lips were still attached to his, you felt a wave of pleasure flush through your stomach while goosebumps rose on your skin leaving a tingling sensation in their wake. 
 You pulled yourself back from the memory as you nodded and offered Loki a smile and accepted the apology which he felt he owed you, while you tried hard to push your desire for the kiss you shared to be repeated, to the back of your mind where you hoped it would soon be forgotten. 
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Heyyy so yk I’m sorry for bothering you but do you think you could maybe do like a Ymir smut for a black Y/n who’s insecure abt being chubby and not curvy but still having yk...big honkers...it’s very specific but we don’t rlly get much attention as a poc:( you don’t have to I just wanted to ask
Big honkers it is :D
Also this is kinda short though (at least compared to how long I usually write these anyways) so apologies in advance :'D
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(Ymir x Reader)
AU: Unspecified
Warnings: None
Category: Smut, hurt/comfort
Summary: Ymir's s/o gets insecure during sex, and she's there to voice her support for them.
Words: 1.8K
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Sensations of Ymir filled your mind, her fingers entwining themselves with yours, pushing your hand into the cushiony mattress. Her lips were soft and warm against yours, so different from her usually hard and closed-off demeanor.
Her lips detached from yours, and she took a minute to stare into your far-off eyes, before shifting slowly to plant a line of soft kisses from your throat all the way to your cleavage. Slowly, delicately, her free hand traveled to the hem of your shirt, trying to pull the garment off of you.
You felt your heart pick up a few paces and the blood rush to your cheeks as her hand slowly exposed your stomach—a sight you hated so much, looking at the extra layer of fat that lined your abdomen with disgust.
Your hand immediately left Ymir's grasp to swipe her hand away from your shirt, and she pulled away to look at you with confusion and concern.
Truth be told, when your lover had come to you late at night saying she had "missed you", you understood the implications, and were undeniably excited as she slowly threw you onto the bed and crawled on top of you. Yet, when her hands made their way to your sides, you couldn't help the thought that crawled up into your mind. The distinct, dreadful feeling that you were undesirable, and that your girlfriend, so fit and muscular, wouldn't want to see your body in it's entirety.
It had always bugged you. Every time you'd undress, you catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror, and a twinge of pain always made it's way to your heart. Insecurity.
"Is something wrong, Y/n?" Ymir questioned, dragging you out of your thoughts.
"I..." You wanted so badly to tell her, but the words couldn't seem to escape your throat. Instead, you turned your head to the side, refusing to look her in the eyes.
She shifted to straddle your thighs, sitting up as her hands fell to her sides dumbly.
Suddenly, her eyes widened. "Oh! Uhm... when I said I wanted to spend the night with you, I think we had... different things in mind." She rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, a small blush rising up her cheeks.
"No, no that's not it..." You muttered, making Ymir's confusion intensify. Truthfully, you wanted it too, but your insecurity kept you from continuing. You were afraid—however irrational it sounded—that your girlfriend would find your body disgusting.
Ymir seemed to finally sense it, as her expression softened and she leaned down, planting a gentle kiss to your cheek before shifting her mouth close to your ear.
"Is something bugging you?" she exhaled, making you shudder.
She knew the answer. She had always noticed your insecurity, in the back of her mind. Like how you'd always wait until she wasn't in the room before you started changing, or how you hated it whenever her hands or head rested idly on your stomach.
She had always wanted to talk to you about, and to reassure you. It stung just a little bit to see how you looked at yourself everyday. But, she had no clue how to go about that conversation. Now, the opportunity had presented itself.
"Let me take a guess; you're worried about your size, aren't you?" She asked, surprising you with her bluntness.
"Th-that..." You muttered, unsure of how to respond to such a forward, yet loaded question.
Without saying a word, she sat up, wrapping her arms around your neck and pulling you up into a hug. Her right hand rested on your lower back, holding you closer to her, and her left found your head, leading you to rest on her shoulder.
"You don't have to worry about any of that." She soothed, sifting her fingers through your hair, dragging her fingertips down your scalp sensually. "I don't care what you think, you're the most beautiful girl in the world." She rested her chin on your shoulder, letting out a sigh as she leaned her head against your neck. "It always tore me apart to see you beat yourself up over it. You're such an amazing person, such an amazing girlfriend, I just want you to see yourself like how I see you."
You arms had been thrown around her torso, now gripping her just as tightly. A small sniffle passed your lips, and she held you closer at the sound, rubbing your back tenderly.
A few traitorous tears flowed from your eyes. Whether you knew it or not, you had desperately needed to hear someone speak those words to you your whole life.
"Shh..." Ymir cooed, comforting you softly while waiting for you to collect your composure.
Eventually, your tears slowed to a halt, and you swallowed a lump in your throat before whispering weakly.
"Thanks." Really, you wanted to say more, but you couldn't find it in you to say anything more.
Gently, she pushed you onto your back once again.
"Don't worry about it, Y/n. You know I'll always be here for you." She gave you a chaste kiss on the lips. "So," She smiled coyly, "Do you wanna pick up where we left off?"
You nodded shyly, and Ymir instantly dove for your neck, leaving a line of sloppy kisses from your bottom lip all the way down to your collarbone, and you felt arousal pool in the pit of your stomach at her eagerness.
Her fingers found the hem of your shirt once again, and she brought herself up from your shoulders to look you in the eyes. "Can I?"
You gave her a quick nod, perhaps a little too eager, and she slowly lifted your shirt off and over your head, before throwing it carelessly to the floor.
You shifted uncomfortably in place, but settled somewhat when her calloused hands grabbed your sides.
"It's alright, baby." She hummed, soothing the lump of anxiety that started to gather in your throat. Her hand slunk behind your back, finding the clasp of your bra, unclipping it and throwing it to join your shirt on the floor.
Hands immediately found your breasts, rubbing and massaging them as she leaned forward to continue kissing up and down your body. A whine left your lips as the pads of her thumb pressed down on your hardened nipples.
Her mouth trailed down your stomach until she was met with the waistband of your pants. Her fingers fiddled with the top button, gazing up at you for permission to continue.
"Mmh..." You sighed, turning your head to the side, embarrassed but undeniably turned on. Spurred on by the noise you made, she slid your pants effortlessly down your legs, moving them over your ankles.
She stared down at your panties with an amused expression, pressing two of her fingers against the soaked fabric.
"That really didn't take much, did it?" She chuckled, pressing her fingers further into the cloth.
Your hand shot down to place itself on Ymir's head, tugging slightly at her dark brown hair, undone from it's usual low ponytail. "C'mon, hurry up..." You whined.
She only laughed, hooking her finger around the trim of your panties to pull it down at a teasingly slow pace.
Ymir seemed to be taking her time crawling back up your body, slowly slinking up to place her head inches away from your core. Without any thought or hesitation, you used the hand in her hair to yank her mouth straight to your core.
Dazed, she pulled back and looked at you, to see that even you were a bit surprised by your sudden boldness.
"Eager, aren't we?" She teased, and you covered your face with your free hand shyly. "It's fine, though. Just tonight, I'll be nice and give you what you want, alright?"
Her tongue finally met your wet, aching core, licking a teasing, but deliberate stroke all the way up to your clit. You let out a quiet whimper in satisfaction, encouraging her to continue.
Her tongue was at your clit now, rubbing it in slow circles with her tongue and sucking at it, filling the room with lewd noises. You choked out a moan, and Ymir, seemingly spurred on by the sounds you were making, slid her finger past your folds. It slipped in all the way up to the knuckle—effortlessly, thanks to how wet you were.
"Sh-shit..." You groaned, a small sheen of sweat glistening your face at the sensations.
Ymir brought her head up from your core, using her free hand to rub at your clit, making sure none of the stimulation stopped.
"You really like this, huh?" She chuckled. "You're so warm and tight around my fingers..."
"Y-Ymir..." You moaned, all your insecurities (and shame for that matter) evaporating with the overwhelming pleasure you were feeling.
She only smiled proudly before going down on you once again, adding a second finger in your folds, increasing the feeling tenfold.
"Ymir... God, fuck—!" You moaned out, grasping the sheet with the hand that wasn't tangled up in your lover's hair. Ymir let out a quiet moan against you, the subtle vibrations sending sparks throughout your body.
You were already so close to release as you tugged on your girlfriend's hair desperately. Your legs tightened around her head and your breathing increased, dangling on the edge of ecstasy.
But, a deliberate curl of her fingers inside you cunt hit a certain spot inside of you, and all you saw was blinding white as your orgasm hit.
"Fuck! Ymir, k-keep going... please—!" You panted out desperately, practically yanking her hair in your bruising grip, causing Ymir to whine softly in your cunt. Your thighs shook and clamped shut around her head, practically suffocating her between your thighs.
You rode out your high against Ymir's face, grinding against it until you legs were too tired to move. Sensing you had finished, Ymir rose from her spot, appearing slightly bashful as wet juices coated her mouth and chin.
She gazed blankly at your tired, satisfied face, committing it to memory before reaching over to grab something to wipe her face with.
You were too caught up in your afterglow to notice what Ymir was doing, until you felt the mattress dip next to you. She had laid down next to you, getting situated under the soft covers.
You didn't acknowledge her presence verbally, instead wrapping your arms around her torso, pulling her closer to you as you rested your head in her chest.
"Tired darling?" She laughed softly, bringing a hand to comb through your now messy hair.
You gave a small nod, already feeling the grasps of sleep overtaking you.
She pulled your head away for a moment, kissing your forehead tenderly, smiling as her heart swelled with love at the sight of you.
"Goodnight, Y/n." She whispered.
"Mmmm... Night..." You mumbled into her chest, the soft rise and fall of her chest against you lulling you to sleep. "Love you..."
You had already fallen asleep now, but that didn't stop Ymir from planting another soft kiss to the top of your head.
"Love you too, darling."
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I don't really like this one either whoops
I get so awkward writing smut sometimes haha
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Prelude - Awaiting
The Masters witness the rising of a seemingly unbreakable wall. Surely, with this -- they find themselves prepared for what lay just beyond.
A Saber watches from beyond -- knowing a rebellion is close.
The crown does not so easily fall.
...The cave's lights slowly faded. Within the fires that spread across the ground, the Wicker Man fell -- and the blue Caster smiled. "...Nice work. That's your Noble Phantasm." "...My..?" The Shielder's eyes widened, lowering her shield as the Caster waved in the rest of our group. Kagekiyo proved to be the first there, followed shortly after by Olga Marie -- then, our other Caster, who ran in as best he could. "What was its name?! Mash, did you remember?" Olga naturally wasted not a moment before peppering Mash with questions, the latter taking a step back to get a bit of breathing room so she could even think of a response. "I-I don't know! I don't really have any idea what my Noble Phantasm's name is, but..." "--Then why not give it a name?" The blue Caster cut in, tapping Olga lightly on the head with his staff. Plonk. "If it means the same to you, it'll probably work," he continued, "though probably not as well as it could be." "A name..." The young girl glanced to one side, furrowing her brow in thought. Olga opened her mouth, but was interrupted just as quickly with another plonk. "...Why not... Lord Chaldeas? If I'm going to be protecting Chaldea, then..." "Lord Chaldeas it is." The blue Caster pulled his staff back with a smile, the bottom making impact with the ground beneath. "With what I just saw, we might just stand a chance. If we keep down this tunnel, we should be free to get to Saber. She's been standing there for some time, now -- my bet's that she's still there." Ritsuka gritted their teeth, but only nodded to the Caster. "Mash -- let's go. Stay on guard, too. We don't know what's going to happen." "Right, Senpai." Taking the initiative, Mash moved just in front of Ritsuka -- the latter taking my arm and pulling me beside them, with Kagekiyo following suit. "Cadence, stay behind Mash." "I was already planning on it, rest assured." My answer seemed to be enough to placate the Master, their shoulders relaxing. "...So, we just keep going through this tunnel?" "Yeah. We're too far away for Saber to notice us, so we got lucky with this safe ground. Just keep a gentle step, and we'll be fine." ...After that, a period of silence overwhelmed us, as we followed the blue Caster's lead. One foot in front of the other -- on a path down to this 'Saber.' A being so strong that everyone around her would fear her -- a being that made even someone like Ritsuka doubt themselves in an instant. I'd have wondered, 'what kind of person is this Saber?' -- --but the beam fired down the cave, tearing the Caster to shreds before our eyes, answered the question in a moment. -- 'They're approaching.' A new ally. Allies, to the Caster. 'I thought they'd have died in the mess of Shadow Servants.' Allies do that to you. They keep you alive. The blade in my hands ground itself into the dust-covered dirt beneath me. I spin it carefully with my hand -- to relieve the stress. 'They're smarter than I took them for. No wonder they're a Caster.' And no doubt they'd be looking for me. For the one who helps hold this world together. But when would they arrive -- would they ever arrive?' [Yes.] The voice. The voice resounding in my head. It reads to me of stories I had never yet heard of. It reads to me a kingdom I have never yet heard of. A perfect world, that comes only with the incineration of humanity. Of black stars that hang in the heavens, where the shadows of men's thoughts lengthen in the afternoon. [Eleven o'clock. You will strike true, the most important of them all.] Their voice, like a horrible ringing in my head, yet every word was clear and succinct. 'I understand.' A better kingdom awaited, if I fired this blow. My blade, risen to the stars, and my voice, spilling from my throat. 'Iron hammer of the hollow king. Turnover/Reverse/Overturn/Change the aurora.' A black light, the opposite, sucked it all in. My eyes settled upon the tunnel. 'Swallow the light -- Promised blade of victory, Excalibur Morgan!' -- Could anything have remained from a strike like that?
A shimmering blue wall was arisen, blocking off the remnants of the dark, all-consuming beam that had just previous threatened to devour us all. But the blue Caster -- ... ...Within the fires, the orange-red lights around us, even the remaining bloodstain couldn't be seen at all. All that remained, the wooden staff the man used, was broken -- ashed, charred, turned a sharp black and shattered into four separate pieces. As the blue light faded, I took care to collect these pieces -- ...Rather, my body. Even trying to pull myself back, respecting what remained, my body moved on its own, and picked up the leftover top of the staff. As it were, I were choking. The smoke, the smell of charred corpse and boiling blood as golden light enveloped and dispersed what remained, had me only moments away from falling to my knees and suffocating. There was no romantics to it -- hardly even a last word. The Caster was simply gone -- evaporated. Erased from this tunnel as though he were never there to begin with. I found myself only stopped by a hand upon my shoulder -- turning around, I found the eyes of another Master staring back at me. Panicked footsteps could be heard about me, but not something I could understand, or listen to. Mildly widened eyes, their body shaking -- but the soft smile remaining. "...It'll be okay, Cadence. He's a Servant -- he's not dead." ... ...They pushed me forwards past it. Past the Caster -- what remained. "...Just don't think about it. Keep moving. If we stop for too long, we're going to be dead, too."
'Keep moving.' I found my mind repeating those words -- latching onto them. The blood on the ground-- 'Keep moving.' --The piece of his staff, rattling in my pocket-- 'Keep moving.' ...That was all I could do. Claws wrapped around my throat, and every second I spent not walking was a second they could wrap fully around my throat -- and cause my legs to crumple, and my eyes to shut. 'Keep moving.' Surely, my cheeks were growing damp again. My eyes felt as though they were burning in the heat -- my teeth gritting. "Keep moving." Encouragement, whispered in my ear -- and, suddenly, another hand on my shoulder. ... Even not looking over to see who was there, the grip on my shoulder was firm -- stronger than Ritsuka's previous. Kagekiyo, surely, was there -- even if they would hardly care of my struggle, being a Genji-killer, they still remained. ...One step, in front of the other. One step, in front of the other, until the environment cleared. Before us -- a blonde woman, in a stark black dress. Red streaks laced the blade she held in one hand, and the mask covering her face, her eyes. She spoke not a word, only stepping forward. Raising her blade, yelling something loud yet inconceivable -- but suddenly, slamming her blade down, and being blocked by -- "Genji. Your orders, Master." The woman's blade struggled, caught between the blades of the Avenger -- forcibly pushing upwards, to catch the knight off balance, only to have their next strike blocked by the woman. The chaos, the flurry, was sudden and immediate -- and yet again, I found myself knowing that any order to retreat would be promptly and succinctly ignored. And yet, could we retreat? We had nowhere to return to, not until this woman -- and whatever lay after -- were defeated. We had nowhere to hide, for that beam she fired would reduce us to ashes, like the Caster before us. Behind us was nothing but death. In front of us lay death, with a light of hope behind it. ...The Caster wanted her gone. "...Master." The words of the Avenger broke my train of thought. "Do you want to get revenge on the Genji, Master?" '...And what other choice would I have?' 'What other choice would I have but to fight?' There was something, running through my veins. Placing it was impossible -- it was more, further, than fear. The beast clasped its claws around my neck, pulled down as hard as it could, but there was no longer anywhere to fall. It was either I lay down and die -- or make the Caster's work worth it, short though it was, and fight. ...My ring, settled on my finger, shimmered at once -- draining something of me. The blade the Saber blocked so eloquently, now made them begin to shake -- made their defences begin to fail. "...If this is the Genji, then they won't live through this. Avenger -- fight! Ritsuka, provide backup by any means necessary!" My eyes moved to the Master beside me, who widened their eyes as they looked into mine -- before grinning, and stepping forward, Mash running forward in tow. Behind her, the Caster we had remaining shook off some droplets from his head, and stepped forward -- raising his hands, clapping them together. "Master! I... I can provide backup support, but I'm going to need a moment! Please protect me!" The young boy called out to Ritsuka, who gasped slightly -- but, their gaze toughening, they nodded and glanced to me. "You heard the kid." "Right!" At the scene of the fight, the Saber's defence broke -- the woman jumping backwards to avoid the frantic, crazed slices of Kagekiyo before her. "--Entering combat!" But one wrong step to the right led the Saber directly into the path of Mash, whose shield proved a small bit more difficult to block thanks to its blunt force. The Shielder, giving all of her strength, leapt forward and swiped leftwards with the broad end of her shield, sending the Saber flying backwards; landing on her feet only by miracle, steadying herself with a hand.
Kagekiyo, in turn, leapt to the left, then directly forwards -- with a slash forwards, only blocked barely by the Saber's blade, she used the other to strike at the Saber's good arm. "--?!" Yet, swordplay only proved so useful when the Saber was willing to punch you directly in the face. Sending the Avenger back some distance, Mash ran in only just in time to shield them from a forward slash courtesy of the Saber. Yet, each noticed they were now listening to a chant. "There once was a couple whose child's name meant 'limitless life--'" The Avenger's blade faltered, a moment, but Mash's defence gave her enough time to recover. "Lasting twenty billion years, blessed by the sea, the fish--" "A chant. So this is your plan." The Saber changed courses -- setting eyes on the child, running towards them. Yet, the Avenger blocked their advance with another onslaught, their face stained with a wide and crazed grin. "If we can't beat you fairly, Genji, we will have to improvise. Given your attack on the man before, that's only fair." "And in the waters, or the clouds, or in the wind--" "You may try, fool." Blades clashed, came together, came apart -- one blackened blade, deflecting and clashing against two thin curved blades, the snarls of Avenger and Saber alike clouding the air about as the Shielder positioned herself in front of the Caster. "--with a home where there is food and a place to sleep--" The three clashing blades came apart, the Avenger now beginning to laugh, as the Saber gritted her teeth. The Avenger before her knew full well what would occur if the Saber had any breathing room -- that beam would destroy them all. And yet-- "Iron hammer of the hollow king. Overturn the aurora." ...She would try, anyways. But wasn't that what Kagekiyo could fight best? For Kagekiyo would never die. "...The everyday, now, is simply a dream." "--and the energy of the Yabukouji, with longetivity like King Shuuringan of Paipo--" The temperature spiked -- a buzzing, eternally hearable in my head. As though something were being supplanted for something else -- a backdoor opening in my mind. Yet, too, the light itself began to shake, as Saber rose her blade. "...Yes -- everything in this world, all the Genji reaches, must burn!" "--and longetivity like his wife, Guurindai, and their children Ponpokopii and Ponpokonaa's--" The temperature rises. There's a screaming in my head. There's two suns -- two suns setting behind the lakes-- "After all this time, I finally have my shot!" "SWALLOW THE LIGHT!" "--Long lived fortune!" ...
...Everyone could hear the buzzing in their minds. I knew it from the looks in their eyes -- their halted breaths. All around us froze -- the temperature, threatening to boil us alive, the light itself flickering, being consumed. But the boy remained. "...Do you want to know my name?" ...There's a screaming in my mind -- their minds. 'Listen.' 'Listen.'
"So be it." The young boy approached the Saber, calmly -- past the fire, the sure temperatures of Kagekiyo's blade, and past the shield of Mash that kept us all safe. "...My name is Jugemu. To be specific..." "Jugemu-Jugemu Goko-no-Surikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyomatsu Unraimatsu Furaimatsu Kuunerutokoro-ni Sumutokoro Yaburakoji-no Burakoji Paipopaipo Paipo-no Shuuringan Shuuringan-no Guurindai Guurindai-no Ponpokopii-no Ponpokonaa-no Chokyuumei-no Chosuke." 'Listen.' 'Listen.' 'Speak.' "Jugemu-Jugemu Goko-no-Surikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyomatsu Unraimatsu Furaimatsu Kuunerutokoro-ni Sumutokoro Yaburakoji-no Burakoji Paipopaipo Paipo-no Shuuringan Shuuringan-no Guurindai Guurindai-no Ponpokopii-no Ponpokonaa-no Chokyuumei-no Chosuke..?!" The words fell out of Saber's mouth before she could think -- the light suddenly shaking, and faltering, and coming to an end. 'Listen.' My very muscles halted. I could barely even will myself to breathe beyond a quiet, quiet breath. 'His name..? J--' 'Speak.' His name-- Suddenly, I found this urge. This urge deep within me. A spike drilling a hole into my head. I could hear it, burrowing deep into my mind. Like a drill, like a syringe, to extract my brain itself.
With each repetition of the screaming voice's command, it grew harder to ignore. And the words came tumbling out. "Jugemu-Jugemu Goko-no-Surikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyomatsu Unraimatsu Furaimatsu Kuunerutokoro-ni Sumutokoro Yaburakoji-no Burakoji Paipopaipo Paipo-no Shuuringan Shuuringan-no Guurindai Guurindai-no Ponpokopii-no Ponpokonaa-no Chokyuumei-no Chosuke..?! That's your true name..?!" I screamed it without meaning to. I covered my mouth -- I tried to -- but my body no longer responded. "That's who we summoned..?! We summoned Jugemu-Jugemu Goko-no-Surikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyomatsu Unraimatsu Furaimatsu Kuunerutokoro-ni Sumutokoro Yaburakoji-no Burakoji Paipopaipo Paipo-no Shuuringan Shuuringan-no Guurindai Guurindai-no Ponpokopii-no Ponpokonaa-no Chokyuumei-no Chosuke..?!" Ritsuka fell, faltered, their words sputtering out as though it were a chant. Their eyes shuddered where they stood, their mouth twitching as though withholding some horrible scream.
'Listen.' The Saber, however, became the first to scream. She fell to her knees - she tried to -- but it was hardly enough. "This... This... This Jugemu-Jugemu Goko-no-Surikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyomatsu Unraimatsu Furaimatsu Kuunerutokoro-ni Sumutokoro Yaburakoji-no Burakoji Paipopaipo Paipo-no Shuuringan Shuuringan-no Guurindai Guurindai-no Ponpokopii-no Ponpokonaa-no Chokyuumei-no Chosuke..?! You..! I know you, you..!" The child grinned -- his eyes widening, gaze sharpening, before he broke into laughter. A mist formed around his feet, as he placed a hand to the face of the Avenger. "You..! Avenger, who knows my tale. Finish off this maddened woman." 'Listen.' The Avenger only responded with a grin -- stepping forward, as though their muscles now returned to normal in a moment. "...Yes... After all this time, as I was saying -- I finally have my shot." Their mask cracked, and shattered -- and the 'Kagekiyo' separated. Thousands of them, surrounding the Saber. Perhaps the Saber had already broken, her mind already endlessly repeating the name of the Caster. Perhaps there was a tiny, tiny bit of sanity that remained in the dead eyes, the kneeling physique, of the Saber whose body broke -- and whose mind seemed destroyed. But, unable to speak -- all she could now do was listen.
"Shogyomujo -- Joshahissui!"
And in that moment-- --a technique most indescribable, a Servant whose powers were impossible to understand-- --nothing could have prepared the Saber to survive the strike that followed the madness.
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kpop-zone · 4 years
A Little Longer | Jennie
Warnings: NSFW
Genre: angst, a little smut
Wordcount: 6,609
Request: Sentence prompt with blackpink jennie: “I don’t want to be alone right now.” 
A/N: Inspired by Bang Chan’s “I Hate To Admit It”
Part 2 Part 3
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From past relationships, you knew how hard breakups could be. No matter how long the relationship lasted or how mutual the breakup was, there was always a part of you that felt empty after the other left your life. But you could have never guessed how hard your breakup with Jennie would be.
Everyone around you probably thought that you were fine. But you knew that there hadn’t been one day since Jennie walked out of your life almost a year ago that you hadn’t thought about her. Of course, your world kept spinning. You managed to land a great promotion at work and your friends were a great distraction. Nevertheless, you couldn’t stop your heart from aching, every time you saw something that reminded you of her.
Which was basically everything.
You had dated for three years, so it seemed like you had been at every place in the city together. When you were in the supermarket, you thought of her when you saw her favorite brand of chips. When you walked past a dog park, you thought about the times the two of you played there with Kuma and Kai. It was driving you insane. It seemed like your body physically reacted to the memories with her, making all of your limbs feel numb and heavy. Things that usually shouldn’t be straining felt like a full-body workout, because all of your energy had evaporated into thin air the day Jennie had left you behind. You hated the power that she still had over you although she wasn’t even near you. Especially since you seemed to be the only one that was suffering. Jennie had not only managed to move on from you after the breakup, no, it seemed like she had already moved on while the two of you were still dating.
“Look! This one kind of looks like Kuma.”
You giggled while pointing at one of the cookies that you just had shaped.
After a long time, Jennie finally had a day off and you decided to spend it in the shelter of your own four walls to do some domestic activities. It gave variety to your usually hectic days and you found yourself being completely immersed in this lifestyle. So immersed that you didn’t even notice how Jennie had stopped decorating the cookies and was looking at you instead.
“I think, I don’t want to do this anymore.”
She stated and you giggled in response.
“It’s ok. This is the last tray. I can finish it on my own and then we’ll do something else.”
Although you were having the time of your life right now, you didn’t mind doing something else. As long as the two of you did it together, you could be out there picking up trash and you would probably still be smiling.
“I didn’t mean the cookies.”
Jennie responded somewhat coldly, making you look up from the tray. You cocked your head to the side in confusion.
“I don’t want to do this anymore.”
She repeated her statement while pointing between the two of you.
Theoretically you understood what she was referring to, but practically you had trouble wrapping your head around it.
You stuttered in disbelief and Jennie huffed.
“Look, Y/N. Don’t make this more complicated than it has to be. I’m sure you have noticed the change in our dynamic lately too.”
In your dynamic? You couldn’t belief how callously Jennie was talking right now. Wordlessly you stared at her while thinking about the past weeks. Of course, you hadn’t had much time for each other because of Jennie’s schedule, but you had always anticipated the days that you could spend together.
“No, quite frankly, I have not noticed that.”
You answered honestly, causing Jennie to massage the bridge of her nose.
“Jennie, if this is about the lack of time, we had for each other lately, I don’t want you to worry about that. I know your schedule has been crazy these past weeks, but there will be-“
“It hasn’t.”
Jennie cut you short and once more you felt like you were lacking some information to make sense out of all of this.
“Of course, I had some appointments, but I still had enough free time. I just didn’t come home, because... I had better things to do.”
Her words had managed to break through the wall of confusion that had surrounded you till now and left a deep cut in your heart.
Better things.
Those words played over and over again in your head like a broken record.
“I’m sorry if I’m too blunt, but I feel like it’s time we stop the charades.”
She continued, but you wished that she had stayed quiet. You had been nothing but honest in this relationship. Every confession, every love declaration, every compliment had been the truth. But apparently you had been the only one.
You wanted to scream at Jennie for being so heartless, but your body felt weak as tears started streaming down your cheeks. You trembled in anger, disappointment and pain. But there were no traces of those emotions in Jennie’s eyes. She looked bored. As if she was just sticking around a while to be polite before being able to close this chapter.
You choked out, causing Jennie to look at you. For a second her gaze lingered on you, but then she leaped to her feet uncomplainingly and grabbed her stuff before leaving you behind. No apology, no regret; just as if these past three years hadn’t happened.
As soon as the front door fell in its locks, you broke down to the floor and gasped for air. The walls around you seemed to close in on you and you curled up into a ball in search for protection. But no matter how tightly you tried to hold yourself together, your heart was ripped wide open.
How long had she only been playing with you?
“Earth to Y/N! Hello!!”
You were suddenly shaken by your shoulders, causing you to snap out of your memories.
“Dude, are you crying?”
Tami, one of your best friends and co-workers, asked perplexed.
You hadn’t even realized how deep you had been engulfed in your thoughts until you tasted the salt of your tears on your lips. Quickly you wiped your cheeks and put a smile on your lips.
“No, pabo. My allergies have just been hitting me hard lately. What have you been saying?”
Tami looked at you skeptically for a second, but then she decided that her urge to tell you something was more important than your weird behavior.
“I’ve been asking you what you will be wearing tonight.”
Tonight? Confused you sifted through your calendar mentally but couldn’t think of any birthday parties or other invites.
“The vernissage?”
Tami continued annoyed as she noticed that you couldn’t follow.
You grunted in response and let your head fall to your desk. You had totally forgotten, no, repressed that event that was marked with a scull in your calendar.
While Jennie and you had still been dating, the two of you had often went out together. Visiting bars, having dinner at fancy restaurants, accepting the invites of her high society friends to their million-dollar mansions. Your relationship surely had never been boring. Jennie’s network ranged throughout the whole city and as time passed, parts of her network became yours too. Most of her friends were actually a lot more approachable than they seemed at first and you eventually found yourself hanging with them even when Jennie wasn’t with you.
One of them was Jiyong. He had always been rather down to earth despite his extravagant clothing style and millions of dollars in his bank account, making him weasel his way into your heart in no time. And even after the breakup, he had assured you his friendship, leading to this dilemma now. His invite to his vernissage had reached you a few weeks ago and since then you had been trying to find a way to avoid it. You couldn’t just deny his invite, because you knew how important the event was for him. But you really didn’t want to go either, because she would be there.
Jennie and Jiyong had already been friends long before you. He was one of the few friends, she actually liked and kept by her side. Therefore, you knew that she wouldn’t miss his first big vernissage. Of course, you had told yourself in the course of the past weeks that meeting Jennie on neutral ground wouldn’t be an issue; after all, you had broken up a year ago already. But even if you hated to admit it, you knew that this wasn’t true. If walking past a dog park made your heart ache, you were sure that seeing Jennie would probably knock the air out of your lungs and make you suffocate.
Somehow you needed to get out if this death trap.
“You’re not thinking about bailing last minute, right?”
As if she could read your thoughts, Tami looked at you suspiciously with one eyebrow raised after you had been quiet for a while.
“I really don’t want to go.”
You whined, causing your best friend to huff in frustration.
“What is your deal, Y/N? Of course, it’s hard to meet your ex, but it’s not like you’re still mourning after her.”
She exclaimed annoyed and you avoided her gaze; if only she knew.
“I don’t know. It’s just... not really my thing. All those rich people and the paparazzi.”
You lied, but you knew that Tami wouldn’t take no for an answer.
“You’re right, that sounds absolutely terrible. Getting free champagne, eating appetizer from a five-star Michelin chef and flirting with millionaires. Such an agony.”
She responded mockingly and you wished that you had never asked her to be your plus one in the first place. But Jiyong had given you two tickets and it was clear from the beginning that you wouldn’t be able to go there without some moral support.
“We’re going, Y/N. Wear something fancy, I’m picking you up at 7.”
Tami concluded your discussion without waiting for an answer before returning to her desk again and leaving you with your thoughts.
A bad feeling in the pit of your stomach was telling you that this night would become a disaster. It made your anxiety increase tenfold and when it was 7 at last, you felt like throwing up. But precisely when the clock reached the full hour, your doorbell rang, indicating the arrival of Tami. For a second, you toyed with the idea of just hiding under your covers and ignoring all of your responsibilities. Then, however, you remembered Jiyong’s text that he had sent you earlier in which he thanked you for your support despite the struggles that you would have to go through because of it. With a huff, you accepted your fate before grabbing all of your necessities and walking to the front door.
“Are you ready???”
Tami greeted you with her shrill voice as soon as you swung the door open, making you flinch in surprise.
You cheered less then excited. But Tami didn’t care; quickly she interlinked your arms and pulled you to the elevator.
“This is going to be the best night ever!”
She yelled, making you believe that you’d probably soon have a headache additionally to your nausea.
Your lack of enthusiasm, however, didn’t keep Tami from gushing nonstop till you reached the location of the vernissage. It was an old warehouse with a rundown façade, but the sportscars parked in front of it with their overdressed passengers gave away that this place was far from being an ordinary building. People of all kinds lined up in front of it although it was clear that some of them were nowhere near to being given access by the scary looking bouncers. Nevertheless, they had the chance to sniff the air of the rich and glamorous, even if it was just by looking from the outside in.
Tami gaped next to you when she saw all the VIPs dressed in their expensive-looking clothes passing the bouncers with ease. Her pace got slower with every step and you ended up pulling her to the door where the bouncer eyed you dismissively.
He murmured impolitely, probably thinking that you were just two wannabes. After dating Jennie for three years though, you were already used to it. Flashing him a big smile, you dug out your invite and shoved it into his hands. Perplexed he scanned the paper before giving you a suspicious look.
His demand was even ruder than before and you needed to swallow a snarky comment.
“Y/N L/N.”
You hissed instead, waiting for the satisfaction that would come a second later when he’d realize that you were actually invited.
Expectedly his eyes widened when he found your name on the list and reluctantly, he let you pass to get inside. You flashed him a last triumphant smile before entering the building where you were greeted by a turmoil of people and some futuristic beats. The room was larger than expected and decorated with Jiyong’s artworks whose illumination was the only source of light.
“This place looks amazing.”
Tami whispered as if her voice could disturb the mysterious and extravagant atmosphere.
But despite the amazing artworks and the carefully designed interior, your focus was not where it was supposed to be. Attentively you scanned the faces of the guests instead. Not with the intent of finding any A-list celebrities like Tami, but with the intent of finding the one person that you were not hoping to find.
“She’s not here, yet.”
A sudden voice from beside you made you jump in surprise.
It was Jiyong who had apparently managed to look right through you after taking one glance at you. Sheepishly you grinned before opening your arms to invite him for a hug.
“Everything is so beautiful. You can be really proud of yourself.”
You said to distract from the fact that you had been caught red-handed.
“Yeah right. I’m sure you have been looking at my art.”
He responded doubtingly, causing you to blush. Gratefully, however, Tami cleared her throat next to you in need for attention, saving you from an unpleasant conversation about your miserable state even one year after the breakup.
“Ah yes, this is Tami, Jiyong. My co-worker and a really good friend of mine.”
You introduced Tami who immediately started buttering up Jiyong with compliments, causing you to roll your eyes. You looked at the scene in front of you for a while until secondhand embarrassment took over your body and you decided to save both of your friends.
“Come on, let’s look at the art.”
Tami looked obviously displeased when you pulled her away from Jiyong who was starting to feel a little uncomfortable because of the exuberant attention.
“We were totally vibing.”
She hissed once you were out of Jiyong’s earshot and you just chuckled in response. That girl would probably play every trick to get herself the number of a millionaire tonight.
You wished that you had been able to place a bet on that as Tami was out of sight not even a minute later after running off to snap some pictures with a famous fashion blogger. You, on the other hand, couldn’t be less interested in the other guests of tonight. You just wanted to dawdle away the bare minimum of time to be able to flee the scene without being impolite. Therefore, you combed through Jiyong’s artworks instead while trying to stay clear of all people in order to avoid making unpleasant encounters. But despite your friend’s obvious talent, you couldn’t enjoy his event. The fear of accidentally running into Jennie was breathing down your neck, although you had been able to fight your nausea with the hope of being able to leave before her arrival.
Your hope was destroyed though, when a murmur suddenly went through the crowd. Like magnets, the guests were pulled to the entrance and you didn’t need to turn around to know that she had arrived. You kept your gaze stubbornly fixated on one of Jiyong’s paintings, but you couldn’t block out the whispers around you.
“Look at her dress.”
“Wow her skin is glowing.”
“She’s even prettier in person.”
People gasped left and right to you and it felt like someone was twisting your heart. Only the thought of being in the same room with her made you feel nauseous again and you anxiously started chewing on your lip. Your body almost ached because you were refusing to turn around, but your brain forbade you to give in to the temptation. With every second the whispers got louder, indicating that Jennie was getting closer to you. You clenched your fists as you concentratedly tried to keep staring ahead while fighting your own heart that was screaming at you to finally look at her.
Did she look different? Was she looking for you like you did for her?
Your curiosity was killing you, making your head turn involuntarily to the side like Jennie was radiating some sort of gravitational force. A quick glance over the shoulder couldn’t harm anybody, right? You would allow yourself to look at her just for a second to appease your thirst; nothing more.
But as soon as Jennie stepped into your field of vision, all of your resistance crumbled. Your breath hitched in your throat and everything around her became blurry as you were only able to see her. Her feline eyes were scanning the dumbfounded crowd while a smirk on her lips was giving away how much she loved the attention. You hated her smugness, but at the same time it was making your knees feel weak. She was radiating pure power and superiority, making you realize that she was like a drug that you were addicted to. Only seeing her was energizing you more than anything else in the past year. Finally, you were feeling like yourself again and your thirst for more grew.
You needed more of your drug. You needed more of Jennie.
Your feet were about to follow the draw that was pulling you to her when your trance was suddenly disturbed by the increasingly loud murmurs. Confused, you furrowed your brow as the blocked-out background started to come to the fore. You were able to see the bigger picture again and noticed how the chatter of the people had gotten more agitated. Groups of people were sticking their heads together while eyeing Jennie derogatorily causing her smirk to falter. Suddenly she didn’t look arrogant anymore; suddenly she looked like your Jennie again. The girl that was afraid of thunder and preferred to watch Disney movies because all of the other movies were too suspenseful for her.
You tried to understand the chatter around you, but it was too jumbled. Nevertheless, it took no genius to know that they were talking badly about your ex. You knew that you should probably feel some sort of satisfaction right now; after all she had chipperly ripped your heart out without any form of regret, just to eat you alive and spit you out again. It should make you feel good to know that karma was coming for her. But of course, you didn’t enjoy seeing her suffering. She looked so lost in that moment and you cursed yourself for wanting to wrap your arms around her and whisper sweet nothings into her ear to comfort her. But unfortunately, that wasn’t your place anymore. Instead, all you could do was to try picking up some words from around you to figure out what was going on.
“Dating scandal.”
Those two words suddenly sounded clearly directly next to you and you jumped in surprise before turning your head. Jiyong had once again managed to sneak up on you. He was standing next to you with a champagne glass in his hand while zeroing in on Jennie.
You asked confused, making him look at you.
“She has been entangled in another dating scandal. That’s why the crowd is being especially wild around her tonight. Some hope for more gossip, while others just want a piece of her fame.”
He explained and your heart clenched.
Not, however, because you learned that Jennie had been in another relationship in the meantime. You hadn’t expected anything less from her. She was the embodiment of grace and perfection, so it was to no surprise that she had captured someone else in her net of temptations. No, what hurt you more was the fact that once again people seemed to forget that Jennie was just human. Like vultures they were surrounding her, waiting for a slip in order to pounce on her and tear her down.
Over and over again, they criticized her for the stupidest things. Every step that she took was supervised, leaving her scared and insecure after being in the industry for so long. But no one seemed to notice. Everyone else only saw her perfect smile and sublime demeanor. It was all just a game for them for their entertainment. A game with no regard for fatalities.
Silently you unlocked the door and tiptoed into the house. After you had read the news, nothing could hold you at work anymore and you faked sick to leave early. Blackpink had showcased their comeback yesterday. Jennie had been incredibly nervous beforehand, but you had assured her that all of her hard work would pay off and that there would be nothing to worry about. But once more the netizens proved you wrong.
Today an enormous amount of hate comments about Jennie were flooding the internet. Bad dancer. Weak link of Blackpink. Lazy. The usual insults were thrown at your girlfriend’s head and when you texted her to check up on her, you received no answer. You knew that this could only mean that she had read the news and had broken down again.
Carefully you entered her room and saw her balled up on her bed.
You whispered softly once you were standing in front of her, but you got no reaction out of her.
Her trembling shoulders, however, were giving away that she wasn’t sleeping but crying instead. Therefore, you sat down on the edge of her bed and gently brushed some hair out of her face. Although the room was only dimly lit, you could see that Jennie’s eyes were red and puffy, causing you to almost wince in pain.
“They hate me, Y/N.”
She sobbed silently and you instantly lifted her up to pull her into your arms.
“They are just jealous, jagi. Fame always comes with hate. But there are so many people that love you; so many.”
You whispered into her ear, but her sobs kept echoing in the room. Helplessly you pressed her against your body in hopes to give her the comfort that she needed while you were lacking any words to make her feel better.
If only you could find a way to make all of this hate go away.
Unfortunately, you never found a way though. Your relationship with Jennie continued to be a cycle of your girlfriend soaring through the sky due to all the praise in one moment and hitting rock bottom the next. And now a year after your breakup, it didn’t seem to be much different; only that you weren’t there anymore to pick up the pieces.
A mixture of guilt and hatred for the people around you made your skin crawl and you could feel your irritation getting the better of you.
“Excuse me.”
You said to Jiyong before storming off into the direction of the restrooms to avoid seeing Jennie’s broken figure any longer.
With all your power, you swung open the door of the restroom, making it slam loudly against the wall. But you couldn’t care less, you needed to do something to get rid of your anger. With big steps, you headed straight for the sink where you looked at yourself in the mirror. Your breath was fast and shallow like you had just run a marathon. Once again, your feelings for Jennie caused a physical reaction in you against your will.
Quickly you turned on the tap and splashed some water on your cheeks in hopes to cool your head. Your thoughts were racing, and you needed to slow them down to prevent a short circuit in your brain. Closing your eyes, you focused on your breathing and gradually managed to slow it down along with your heartbeat.
This was none of your business anymore, you thought. Jennie wasn’t yours. She had probably never been. Her actions were her responsibility and it wasn’t your job to fix her. It was a hard pill to swallow, but maybe tonight could be your wake-up call. It was time to let your brain guide you again, instead of your heart. Therefore, you kept reasoning with yourself until you couldn’t feel your heart jumping out of your chest anymore. When you opened your eyes again, you sternly looked at yourself in the mirror.
You warned yourself as you were still struggling to ban all thoughts of Jennie from your mind. Maybe you could speak your disinterest into existence.
Like a mantra, you kept mumbling this sentence under your breath while touching up your appearance until you were pleased with the outcome. With determination you nodded to yourself in the mirror before feeling ready to leave the restroom. Maybe you weren’t ready yet to meet Jennie, but you surely felt confident enough to be in one room with her and just let her be. With newfound positivity, you swung open the door, only to find your confidence being destroyed a second later. Another person was almost running down the hallway with their face lowered and buried behind their hands. There was no time for you to get out of the way, causing the two of you to bump shoulders. Only then, the person lifted their head and with wide eyes, you realized that it was Jennie who seemed to be fleeing from the crowd.
She breathed evidently surprised when her gaze met yours. It seemed like she hadn’t expected anyone to be here, especially not you. There were tears in her eyes and the smug look from before had disappeared. Concern immediately washed over you, leaving nothing of the newfound determination behind. Jennie, however, noticed your pitiful look, making her put up her façade again. As if there weren’t tears shimmering in her eyes, she flashed you a gummy smile.
“It’s been a while! How are you doing?”
Jennie asked overly cheerful.
You didn’t know what hurt you more. Suddenly being so close to her or having to watch how she pretended to be fine once again when she obviously wasn’t. Why did she always have to mime the strong one?
But despite knowing that she was hurting herself, you still felt inferior to her. Something about her always managed to make you feel weak. Her feline eyes were scanning all the details in your face and you felt yourself getting nervous under her gaze. It was melting away the little rest of confidence that you had been guarding, leaving you vulnerable and scared. Looking into Jennie’s face, threw you back to the day, she had decided that she didn’t want to be yours anymore. Like every day the past year, the memories choked you up and made you wordlessly stare at Jennie.
Only her soft voice was able to break your train of thoughts and you cleared your throat to recollect yourself.
“Um... fine. I’m perfectly fine.”
You lied while avoiding her eyes. Suddenly, however, a sensation on your hand made you jump in surprise. You snapped up your gaze to see that Jennie had reached out to touch your hand.
“That’s a lie.”
She simply stated, causing you to reflexively back away to protect your personal space.
“W-what? Don’t be silly.”
You chuckled nervously, but it seemed like your insecurity had suddenly turned a switch inside of Jennie, causing her confidence to return. She took a step forward while eyeing you with a piercing gaze.
“Really? Then why are you shaking?”
Only now you realized that the adrenaline that was rushing through your veins right now was making you tremble. Quickly you hid your hands behind your back to save your face.
“I’m not.”
Your answer made Jennie chuckle and a cold shudder ran down your spine. It seemed like she had found a distraction from the pain that was probably still pulling at her heartstrings because of earlier; she had found a prey that she could easily bring down despite being ailing herself. But you wouldn��t let her torture you, just to make her feel better. You wouldn’t go down without a fight.
“How are you though? I heard about the dating scandal.”
Your voice wasn’t as confident as you would have wanted it to be, but you could still see in Jennie’s face that you had struck a nerve. A dark shadow flashed over it and you almost grinned, because you had finally won the upper hand. Your smugness faltered a second later, however, when a new flame flared up in Jennie’s eyes.
“What can I say, fame always comes with hate.”
Emotionlessly, she repeated your words from all those years ago, causing you to gulp thickly. If you had wanted to bring out the vulnerable girl in Jennie, you had failed miserably. Instead, you seemed to have poked the flame in her that wanted to consume you.
“Do you remember how you used to take care of me when I was involved in another scandal?”
Jennie asked while inching closer to you.
You didn’t know what intentions she had right now, but you were sure that they were not of the good kind. Jennie always had been an asserter of unhealthy coping mechanisms and the humiliation from before had deeply hurt her, even if she tried to play it cool. Someone needed to pay for it, and something was telling you that this would be you.
With her eyes fixed on you, Jennie creeped closer while you kept stumbling backwards. Eventually, however, you backed against the door of the restroom, leaving you trapped and defenseless against Jennie’s attack.
“I miss those times.”
Your heart missed a beat as Jennie said exactly the words that you had wanted to hear.
You were aware that they were a lie. But your brain didn’t seem to be strong enough to make you act by your better knowledge. Instead you stood perfectly still as Jennie was now standing directly in front of you, in order to calmly, but surely take down all the pillars that were supporting your defiance.
You breathed with your last willpower while pushing her away halfheartedly.
Your resistance was of no use, however, as Jennie leaned into you, making you feel her hot breath against your neck.
“I just don’t want to be alone right now.”
She said barely above a whisper, but you understood every word clearly as her lips were only inches next to your ear. A shudder ran down your spine and you had to fight a moan that was threatening to leave your mouth. Every part of your body was tingling in anticipation for Jennie’s touch now.
She immediately noticed the change in your demeanor, causing her to push down the handle of the restroom door in order to shove you inside. In lightning speed, she checked all the stalls for any unwanted spectators before locking the door. You gulped thickly as you were standing helplessly in the middle of the room like a lamb in front of a slaughterer. Your brain was telling you to run while the rest of your body was telling you to stay, leaving you paralyzed. A mischievous smirk was playing on Jennie’s lips as she was walking towards you while swaying her hips seductively. She hadn’t even touched you yet, but the heat between your legs was already making you shift uncomfortably from one leg to the other. Jennie laughed sardonically when she noticed your desperate state and pushed you backwards until you were pressed against the sink.
“Impatient, are we?”
She hummed and you lowered your head in embarrassment. You didn’t know what you hated more. The fact that you were still so affected by her or the fact that Jennie knew about it.
“Don’t be embarrassed, baby. I’ve made you wait too long, haven’t I?”
Her fingers sneaked under your chin to lift your head up. She made you meet her eyes while her other hand unbuttoned your pants. Attentively, she watched your reaction while wallowing in the satisfaction that your obedience gave her.
“Lucky for you, we don’t have all night. So I won’t make you wait any longer.”
With those words, she crashed her lips into yours, not hesitating to slip her tongue into your mouth. But you didn’t mind. Like she had said, you had waited way too long for this. Your arms found their way around her neck to pull her closer as Jennie put her hands on your hips. She detached your lips to kiss along your jawline down to your neck where she sucked on your pulse point. You closed your eyes immediately to indulge in the sensation. Jennie had always known how to work the weaknesses of your body perfectly.
While she made sure to mark your neck, one of her hands sneaked under your shirt to your breasts where she gave your left one a firm squeeze. A moan escaped your mouth that was cut short though when the handle of the restroom door was suddenly pushed down. Automatically, you straightened up and pushed Jennie back who looked at you disapprovingly.
“It’s locked, babe. Don’t worry.”
Calmly she pressed you back in place, but you couldn’t stop glancing at the door.
You started, but Jennie shut you up with a kiss.
“They can use the other bathroom. But I promise to make it quick.”
With a swift movement, Jennie pulled down your pants along with your panties. She pressed you harshly against the sink, making you yelp loudly when your bare skin came in contact with the cold surface. You could spot a smirk on Jennie’s lips just before she attached her lips to yours again; she was enjoying this way too much. She kissed you roughly, making you feel breathless and desperate for more. You were sure that the wetness between your legs was starting to drip down by now, causing you to press your legs together. Jennie, however, immediately protested as she was exploring your ass and inner thighs with her hand.
“Uh uh.”
She shook her head and spread your legs again.
“Let me help you with that.”
Suddenly you felt two fingers thrusting into your entrance without a warning. You gripped the edge of the sink hard, turning your knuckles white in order to stop you from screaming profanities. Jennie didn’t hesitate to start pumping her fingers while circling your clit with her thumb, making your legs begin to feel like jelly. Noticing your struggle, Jennie pressed you harder against the sink with her lower body while wrapping her arm around your waist to steady you. As the knot in your stomach was beginning to grow you pulled her closer to you and buried your face in the crook of her neck to muffle your moans that were steadily getting louder.
“Why don’t you let me hear your moans? You sound so beautiful.”
Jennie complained before pushing you back to be able to kiss you again. Soon you were running out of breath though as her fingers kept slipping in and out of you, causing you to throw your head back to gasp for air. The pressure in your stomach wanted to be released, but Jennie chose to move her fingers in a torturing slow pace to tease you a little longer. Impatiently you rolled your hips against Jennie’s hand, but she pulled away every time you were close to hitting the right spot, causing you to whine involuntarily.
“Does that feel good?”
Jennie asked teasingly while nibbling on your earlobe.
You choked out, desperate for her to stop this torture.
“Only because you asked so nicely.”
She giggled before licking along your jawline and finally picking up the pace of her fingers. She thrusted deep inside you, making you unable to control your moans anymore. The room was filled with your panting, the sound of your wetness and eventual curse words that rolled over your tongue when Jennie hit the right spot. It didn’t take long till you could feel yourself chasing your high, making you desperately cling to Jennie in fear that your legs would give in. Your fingers entangled in her hair, but she didn’t stop pumping in and out of you, sending you over the edge eventually. All the tension left your body at once and your hips stutteringly bucked forward to ride your high as long as possible. Only when you felt like you couldn’t take any more, Jennie finally removed her fingers and pushed herself off you. Shakily you propped yourself against the sink while trying to catch your breath.
Although you had shared this form of intimacy a hundred times before, you could feel yourself getting shy as you were standing in front of Jennie exposed like that. She, on the other hand, showed no signs of shame or embarrassment; as a matter of fact, she wasn’t showing any emotions at all. Nonchalantly, she walked to the sink next to you to wash her hands before fixing her hair and makeup. Dumbfounded you watched her while waiting for your legs to follow your commands again. Jennie, however, didn’t pay any attention to you. Only when her appearance was back to her satisfaction again, she took notice of you. Her eyes scanned your body until stopping at the mess that she had left between your legs. Wordlessly, she grabbed some paper towels and shoved them into your hands.
“Clean up.”
Jennie demanded before checking herself in the mirror a last time and walking to the door.
Your body automatically straightened up and you almost yelled at her to stop. You had known that this meant nothing to her, but you still didn’t want her to leave; not yet. You wanted to hold her just for a little while longer even if you knew that it was just a lie. But when her eyes met yours, you knew that there was no use in begging. The Jennie that you had known wasn’t there anymore. Once again, she stared at you wordlessly before reaching for the door handle. No apology, no regret; she left as if you were just two strangers that had met by accident.
Tears sprung to your eyes, but this time, you didn’t break down. Your heart had gotten used to the daily torture that Jennie put you through, even if she probably didn’t know about it. She had broken your heart, but she wasn’t to blame for the agony that you were going through ever since. She had lost her way somewhere along the line of your relationship and you should have given up on her. But you had been too stubborn to accept it. You were still hoping until this day that the old Jennie would return eventually. Maybe one day she would remember all the whispered promises that you had told each other under the covers. There was no point in giving up on your hope now.
You had waited so long for her already, you didn’t mind waiting some more.
Just a little longer.
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sayingthesamethings · 4 years
Magic Shop (Part 6)
Pairing: Poly!BTS x Witch!Fem!Reader
Summary: Underneath the concrete and pavement, between the towering buildings, Seoul is thrumming with magic. Too much magic. It’s become a hot spot for magical beings seeking to feed off of such intense energy. BTS is unaware of such dangers until they come across a witch trying to manage the mischief of other magical creatures while creating her own trouble.
Warnings: Traits of a panic attack
Author’s Note: I would like to apologize to some readers ahead of time. It is heavily implied/stated that the reader was born in America. I’m sorry international readers! I really like giving my readers free reign over their origins and nationality, but this should be the only predetermined factor of the character throughout the story. Other than that, enjoy!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
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The sound of wood splintering combined with embers crackling in the air consumed what would otherwise be considered silence. Her nostrils burned at the smell of smoke blanketing the sky.
Is something burning? Why is it so hot?
Sweat drops evaporated as quickly as they fell. Intense heat licked at flushed, sweltering cheeks.
It was almost as if--
(Name) startled awake with a gasp. Her legs kicked at the thick comforter trapping them, and her arms flailed to the side. Her eyes darted around the darkness of her apartment bedroom wildly.
Choked cries crept up (Name)’s throat, but her windpipe constricted painfully and crushed her distress. She could barely relax enough to swallow minimal amounts of air.
The room was too warm. The sheets were suffocating her.
In an instant, her ferret familiar was curled up around her head, resting on the pillow. A sudden wave of cool calm washed over her whole body in an instant. Her flailing limbs slowly fell to the mattress, and her chest rose and fell with deep, shaky breaths.
(Name) closed her eyes for a few breaths and slowly let them flutter back open.
(Name) hadn’t had that dream in years. Her thoughts drifted to the dragon she dealt with a few days ago. How his flames had her surrounded and suffocated her until—
“I’m home,” (Name) said to herself as she let her eyes drift from one corner of the ceiling to the other. “I’m home.”
A small chuff from above her head startled her further into reality. Jaewon’s narrow face popped into her field of view. (Name) ran a hand down her face and caught the cute tilt of the ferret’s head through the gaps of her fingers.
“I’m alright now,” (Name) said and took a deep breath. She propped herself up into a sitting position. Jaewon leapt up to curl himself around her shoulders just as she tossed her legs over the side of the bed to plant her bare feet on the cool wood of her floor.
(Name) took a minute to rub at her eyes before reluctantly getting to her feet. She dragged her feet across the apartment as she made her way to her small kitchen attached to the living area. Despite her grogginess, (Name) instinctively weaved through the plethora of plants and flowers alike decorating the small kitchen space from planters hanging from the ceiling and resting on the counter.
The witch felt her eyes slipping shut as swiped around her collection of mason jars before grazing a familiar tin lid. She failed to take note of the lightness of the jar and dragged it across the counter lazily.
It wasn’t until she twisted the jar open that she noticed the lack of powder inside.
(Name) frowned. She didn’t remember having so little of the mixture yesterday. Then again, the witch couldn’t remember much from the past few days.
Pinching the bridge of her nose, (Name) deeply sighed. Jaewon gently nudged his head against her cheek. (Name) lazily scratched her familiar’s head.
The witch would have enough for the day, but she would have to make more for the next month. Normally, she would have no problem going into the shop to gather more ingredients, but she was hoping to avoid going out in general after her nightmare.
Maybe I can get Sumi to drop them off for me. (Name) pondered as she dumped the remaining black powder into one of her many coffee mugs. Jaewon slipped off of her body and onto the counter to make his owner’s drink as said witch slipped back into her bedroom to retrieve her phone from her nightstand.
Turning on the nearly outdated flip phone, (Name)’s eyes caught the date on the small display.
“And she’s off for the rest of the week,” (Name) groaned to herself. She didn’t know why she even tried her luck anymore. She flipped her phone shut and took it with her back to the kitchen. On the counter, Jaewon was waiting beside her steaming mug. “Thanks,” (Name) murmured as she wrapped her bare fingers around the ceramic handle. Jaewon chirped before digging around the kitchen for a snack.
Leaving the ferret to his own devices, (Name) wandered into the living room to lazily drape herself on the worn out couch against the wall. The (H/C)-haired witch waved her hand at her spellbook resting on the coffee table, and it floated over to her before fluttering open.
(Name)’s eyes danced across the map, taking note of each red ‘X’ that decorated the page. She downed half of her drink by time Jaewon curled up beside her.
“We still don’t have enough pieces,” (Name) observed as she reached over to stroke the fur on Jaewon’s back. The familiar let out a low rumble. (Name) hummed, “I’d say at least four more.” A deep sigh broke the stillness of the living room.
(Name) didn’t really know where else to check for a magic well. She and Jaewon had been wandering the city for weeks now, and had only come up with one other location. That was when she had stumbled upon that goblin outside the convenience store.
It was also when (Name) had run into the two idols. Taehyung and Namjoon.
The witch couldn’t help but smile at the thought of the men she had been running into recently. Even though their interactions had been brief, they stuck on her mind more than she’d like to admit. They were each just so charming and peculiar in their own ways.
“They’re all so cute, aren’t they?” (Name) prattled as she finished off the rest of her concoction. She allowed her mug to float over onto the coffee table. “All so blissfully unaware and reckless. I mean, did you see him, Jaewon?” The ferret jumped in alarm at the way (Name) bounced in her seat. “ He jumped in front of a goblin! How dumb,” she chuckled.
(Name) rose from the couch and stretched her arms above her head. She moaned at the tension in her shoulders and sighed in relief as she let her arms fall to her sides.
The witch moved back into her bedroom to change out of her pajamas. Once changed, she began to decorate her hands with rings after rings. From emeralds to pearls, jewels littered her fingers, all embedded in bands of silver. Next were her pendants, much fewer than her rings but still plenty to adorn.
Last on was a hefty chunk of obsidian just bigger than the pad of her thumb cradled in a thin swirl of silver.
(Name) let the rock rest in her palm. She relished the warmth that radiated from it with an odd sense of amusement. She eyed the streaks of red that flared within the gem occasionally.
Jaewon nudged his head against (Name)’s jaw and snapped the woman out of her amused trance. She let the obsidian fall against her stomach and rubbed her cheek against the ferret’s head.
(Name) slipped on her sneakers at the door. She draped her bag over her shoulder and summoned her spellbook from the coffee table. It floated into her bag, and she slipped out of her apartment.
Locking the door behind her, (Name) pulled her cardigan closer to her body as a cool breeze rushed past. Jaewon pressed himself closer to (Name)’s neck for warmth. The pair had always been so sensitive to the cold.
I should ask Sonya about teaching me how to write portal runes. (Name) grumbled nonsense and ramblings under her breath as she brushed past civilians rushing past.
The walk from her apartment to the coffee shop wasn’t longer than twenty minutes, but she hated having to travel so out in the open. With everything that’s been happening within the past few weeks, she couldn’t really be bothered to be interrupted anymore by other magical beings. She still had to deal with the goblins lurking around the convenience store, but that was a task for another time. At the moment, she had to focus on just getting to the shop in one piece and gather what she needed.
Jaewon suddenly slipped beneath (Name)’s cardigan and clung to her waist. (Name) was going to peek under the fabric to look at the ferret in confusion, but she was interrupted mid thought.
“(Name)-ssi?” a familiar, masculine voice called out to her. (Name)’s head perked up at the sound of her name.
Namjoon waved at the witch from further up the sidewalk. Taehyung was with him again, also waving at (Name) enthusiastically. Beside the two familiar faces were two black-haired men, politely nodding her way.
“Oh, Namjoon,” (Name) acknowledged as she joined them off to the side. She openly eyed the idols as she greeted dumbly, “Hi.” The two men who hadn’t greeted her gave a short bow. At the exclusion of any honorific after Namjoon’s name, the men shifted uneasily and shared a weird glance, but they all remained quiet about it.
“Hello, my name is Kim Seokjin,” the taller of the two greeted and nudged the other. “This is Jeon Jungkook.”
(Name) stiffly returned the bow and replied, “Nice to meet you, Seokjin. Jungkook.” The (H/C)-haired witch couldn’t help but eye the youngest in contempt. Before she even realized it, (Name) commented to Namjoon, “Do you idols not value your safety or something? Because this pattern’s starting to get old.”
Namjoon chuckled guiltily while Taehyung pouted. Jin and Jungkook shuffled awkwardly off to the side.
“I promise, the staff knows where we are this time. They’re actually just further up the street,” Namjoon explained.
Taehyung chimed, “They said we could go to your coffee shop!” He bounced on his heels. “We wanted more of those sweets Jiminie brought back the other day.” (Name) giggled at Taehyung’s excitement.
“Well what are you all doing over here, then?” (Name) asked with a glance around. Bystanders were eyeing the group of five but quickly broke eye contact to continue passing by. “The store isn’t this way,” she pointed out.
Namjoon rubbed at the tip of his nose, and his eyes darted around to avoid Jin’s burning gaze. Taehyung laughed along with Jungkook at their hyungs’ antics, and the youngest clapped his hands in amusement. (Name) laughed heartily with the two youngest idols.
“Is that so?” Jin inquired in mock disbelief.
Namjoon waved a hand and pleaded, “Wait, wait, Jin-hyung. I could’ve sworn it was this way!” Jin planted his fists on his hips.
“Oh? Who told you that?” Jin ridiculed with absurdity dripping from every word. Namjoon’s eyes wandered to the side as he visibly tried to fib his way out of his situation.
Deciding to help the poor leader out, (Name) cut in, “I was actually on my way to the shop. If you’d like, I can take you there.”
Taehyung cheered in agreement and linked arms with Jungkook. (Name) grinned at the two and motioned with a wave for the rest to follow. Jin gave Namjoon a seething glance but reluctantly allowed the blonde to walk beside him after the others.
As Namjoon had stated, the staff was only a short ways up the road. The idols greeted them with a polite bow and warm smiles, and (Name) awkwardly followed suit. They exchanged a few words about where they were heading, and the staff sent them off with the promise of joining them later.
“How have you been, noona?” Taehyung asked as he playfully jostled Jungkook. (Name) jokingly clicked her tongue.
“Noona this, noona that! You boys are starting to make me feel old!” (Name) teased. Jin and Namjoon giggled to themselves, but they were far from discreet.
Taehyung protested, “But Jimin-ah called you noona!” (Name) shrugged.
“It’s cute when Jimin says it.” (Name) nearly cackled when Taehyung whined. Jungkook playfully elbowed Taehyung in the side.
“Jimin-ssi’s everyone’s favorite,” Jungkook taunted and earned a dirty look from Taehyung. The maknae ignored the scoldings from the two hyungs behind him and cutely tilted his head at (Name). “So noona owns a coffee shop?”
(Name) couldn’t help the way her jaw clenched at the sound of Jungkook’s voice. She just couldn’t shake the irritation that lingered from their first encounter.
Taking a deep breath, the shop owner answered, “Yes. I’m a co owner.” The group of men didn’t seem to catch on to her tense reply. Thankfully, they turned to one another to chat amongst themselves, giving (Name) a moment to calm herself.
A little less than ten minutes later, they had sped through the streets at the sight of small groups of young girls wandering about, the group of five arrived at the employee entrance of Sumi’s and (Name)’s coffee shop.
“It’s still normal business hours, so we’ll have to go through the back entrance for now,” (Name) explained as she took out her key from her bag. As she unlocked the door, she said, “There’s a small break room in the back you can all hang out in.”
(Name) cracked the door open and peeked inside. The coffee shop had its usual traffic in the morning. A line from the counter to the door with only one or two tables not filled with students or office workers.
The part time employees were too preoccupied to greet the owner, but the witch didn’t mind. (Name) ushered the group of men into the building and guided them into the small break room the store had behind her personal room.
There were just enough chairs for each of them, and they all gathered around the single table in the middle of the room.
“Make yourselves at home. I can have your drinks started and bring in some snacks if you’d like. Is there anything you prefer?” (Name) eagerly listened to the men’s eager requests for hot drinks and pastries. “Alright, I’ll be back in a sec.” She slipped out the back room and glanced around before slipping into the back room.
As (Name) gently shut the door, Jaewon slipped out from his hiding spot under the witch’s cardigan and onto her shoulders. (Name) picked up the ferret from off her shoulder and placed him down on the counter.
“How about you stay here for now, Jaewon?” (Name) offered as she began harvesting some leaves and small flowers from her overflowing planters. She could feel Jaewon disagree with her but ignored the familiar. “I don’t want to explain to them why I have a rat running around my coffee shop.”
Jaewon almost grunted as he reluctantly laid on his usual sun spot. (Name) eyed him cautiously and only when she was sure the ferret was going to stay put did she collect the herbs she originally needed before packing them away in her bag.
(Name) left her bag and Jaewon in her private room and caught one of her employees, who greeted her earnestly, on the way out.
The (H/C)-haired owner relayed to the employee the idols’ order before finishing, “Just leave it on the back counter and I’ll come pick it up.” The teen before (Name) nodded before rushing back to work.
(Name) side stepped other employees on her way to the pastry display. She nodded politely at the workers and piled on treat after treat on a plate. Some regulars greeted her as well, but she only spared them a few words alongside a farewell before escaping to the back room once again.
“I come bearing gifts,” (Name) announced playfully but frowned when the men suddenly stopped talking at the sight of the witch. Ignoring the slight pang in her chest, she tried playing off, “Is this a bad time?”
“No, no,” Namjoon hastily assured. He grinned, “We were just talking about you.”
Treading lightly, (Name) hummed, “All good things, I hope.” She placed the plate of pastries down on the table. Taehyung and Jungkook were quick to say their thanks with their mouths already stuffed with treats. (Name) giggled at their eagerness to scarf down bear claws and danishes alike.
“Of course,” Jin affirmed with a kind smile. (Name) let out a teasing, noncommittal hum and sat in the last vacant chair.
(Name) knew there was more to it than that. She could very easily sense it, especially from Jungkook and Taehyung.
Maybe I can slip a moondrop or two into their drinks to get them to talk. They seem like the easiest to coerce. (Name) mused as she watched all four idols begin munching on pastries. She allowed herself to break off a small piece of a bear claw and plop it in her mouth. But that would be too easy.
“Have you ever been to France, noona?” Taehyung asked as he swatted Jungkook’s wandering hands from his plate.
Slightly taken off guard by his seemingly random question, (Name) took a moment before replying, “No, I haven’t. Why do you ask?”
Taehyung hummed, “It’s just that these pastries remind me of the time we traveled to france while we were on tour.”
“Oh, I think Jimin mentioned that last time,” (Name) commented as she leaned against the table with her forearms crossed. “You boys must’ve traveled everywhere at this point,” she chimed as she picked at another pastry.
“Everywhere’s a strong word,” Namjoon retorted.
Jin nodded and added, “But we have been to a lot of different places. We might as well say we’ve been everywhere.”
(Name) hummed and said, “I bet you’ve seen some really gorgeous places.” Jungkook wiped the crumbs from his puffed cheeks, full of food.
“Have you traveled before, noona?” the maknae asked with an intense curiosity prevalent in his wide eyes. (Name) shook her head but seemed to rethink her answer.
“Well, I’m not originally from Korea,” (Name) explained, a collective sound of shock emitted from the four men. “But other than that, no, I haven’t traveled outside the country.”
“But you speak so well, noona,” Taehyung noted with a look of pure disbelief. (Name) was amused at the states of amazement and shock the idols were in, and she took her time to admire each one. Yet, there was a ugly feeling curling in the pit of her stomach as she took in their praises.
(Name) giggled and lied, “I had a very good teacher. Plus, I moved here when I was very young, so I’ve had a lot of time to practice.”
Unconsciously, the witch raised her hand to thumb at the cool stone, resting against the dip in the base of her throat as it hung from a thick, black ribbon choker.
“I never would have guessed you weren’t born here with how fluent you are,” Jin admitted as he cleaned up the table a little once all the pastries had been finished. Again, something gnawed at (Name).
“Well that’s a relief to hear,” (Name) managed to reply, hoping they would drop the subject. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to go check on your drinks.
Without really waiting for their answers, (Name) left the break room and peeked over at the back counter. There, waiting, was a small tray with four steaming mugs. (Name) hastily thanked the employees as she went back to the break room with the tray.
(Name) set down each idol’s drink and set the tray off to the side. They each thanked her enthusiastically and took a moment to cool the surface of their drinks before taking a sip. (Name) was content with their content looks and continued to watch them sip at their drinks.
“Where did you live before you came to Korea, (Name)-ssi?” Namjoon asked as he set his cup back on its saucer. (Name) had hoped they would drop the subject.
“I was born in America and moved here when I was about seven,” (Name) answered truthfully, though at the mention of her birthplace, a bitter taste took over the lingering aftertaste of the sweet pastries they had shared.
Taehyung awed, “So young!” (Name) nodded and twisted the rings on her middle finger. The glint of silver caught Taehyung’s eye, and his hand immediately went to the pendant (Name) had gifted him as it hung around his neck. “I saw that you gave Jiminie, Suga-hyung, and Hobi-hyung gifts too, noona!”
(Name) was surprised to hear. She didn’t think the others would have noticed the jewelry, let alone wear them.
“Oh? Did they like them?” (Name) inquired, genuinely curious. Her heart faltered at the idea of the three not liking her jewelry. Perhaps she shouldn’t have listened to Jaewon.
Much to her relief, Taehyung nodded with a smile. 
“Jimin and Hobi-hyung really liked theirs! They liked that we matched,” Taehyung answered. “Suga-hyung won’t admit it but I know he liked his,” he added with a small pout.
Amused, (Name) pressed, “Oh? What makes you so sure?” She leaned back in her seat with a playful grin. “He seems like a hard guy to please, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t like it,” she mockingly grieved. Jin laughed with a nod.
“You’re not entirely wrong,” the eldest said. He wrapped his hands, enveloped in his knit sweater, around his mug as he hummed, “Yoongi’s the type of guy to enjoy something that’s well done. He sees value in the things people genuinely care about and work hard on.”
Namjoon caught the way (Name) frowned as she processed Jin’s words. He chuckled at her perplexed expression.
“Meaning Yoongi saw the effort you put into making that ring,” Namjoon briefed.
A blush unexpectedly warmed (Name)’s cheeks. She found herself sputtering, not really knowing how to respond to such direct yet indirect praise.
“You have a lot of jewelry, noona,” Jungkook commented while openly staring at all of the silver and gems decorating her. He asked, “Do people stare at you a lot?”
“I guess. I probably don’t notice most of the time,” (Name) admitted as she absentmindedly clicked her rings against each other. She stared up at the ceiling and thought carefully. “I like jewelry too much to care about others’ opinions.”
Namjoon was quick to smile and replied, “Then you must understand how we feel about music.”
(Name) honestly didn’t think about that. She was so caught up in their conversations that she had momentarily let the fact that she was sitting with four superstar idols slip from her mind. Everything was just too much fun for her to dwell on the fact.
“Yeah,” the witch mumbled, not sure what else to say. Luckily, Taehyung picked up the conversation.
“Now we all have matching jewelry!” the vocal chirped. He earned a dirty look from both Jin and Jungkook.
Jin huffed, “Everyone but us!” Taehyung only giggled maliciously and continued to prod at the eldest and youngest.
“We’re the best of friends!” Taehyung sang as he laughed off the playful shoves he received from the others. (Name) smiled at the exchanges.
The witch had to admit that in all her years, she had never observed a group of distinct individuals interact so intimately with one another. Yes, (Name) could see that there was something more than just friendship between the seven men, but there was even another layer beyond that.
(Name) could see years and years of hardships woven between each and every one of them. A bond that went beyond normal bounds.
I want that.
(Name) had surprised herself with her own thought. She physically startled in her seat, but not enough for the others to question it.
What had she meant by that? She didn’t need any more friends. She had Sumi and the witches from the next town over who occasionally traveled through Seoul.
More importantly, she had Jaewon.
“Right, (Name)-noona?” (Name) snapped out of her trance and blinked owlishly at Taehyung. A quick glance around reminded her that she wasn’t alone.
Think, (Name). Think of something! (Name) swallowed the lump in her throat.
“What?” the female uttered dumbly.
Taehyung didn���t seem to take any offense and happily repeated, “If you gave Jin-hyung and Jungkook a piece of jewelry, then we’d all officially be friends!”
Seven binding spells was a lot. To have a leash on seven souls would tug her in too many directions all at once. (Name) was already pushing it by giving Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin their own links. But she couldn’t help but wonder.
Does this mean I can have what they have? It was tempting. To be a part of something so special and intricate. Is it that easy?
(Name) didn’t know what prompted her to agree and produce two necklaces from her bag. Jaewon had probably predicted (Name) would cave and gift the remaining two idols their own jewelry and hid them in her bag while she was preoccupied in the apartment.
Maybe it was her soft spot for Taehyung? Or perhaps it was the pressure of all four men’s gazes?
The rest of their time together passed with (Name) in a daze. She would passively interact with the idols when prompted but otherwise would stick to admiring them and watching their expressions change with each playful and loving interaction.
Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung, and Jungkook came and went just as swiftly as the other times. (Name) sent them off with a passive smile and a small plate of snacks. She bowed to the staff she had greeted earlier, and closed the back door once the whole group had shuffled into their company cars.
The (H/C)-haired witch stood alarmingly still in her personal back room. Jaewon wasn’t concerned though. He knew she was fine. In fact, the female was at her peak when she was silent.
Seven souls tied to her own.
(Name)’s lips split in a sadistic grin.
Tomorrow she would test if she had made a mistake or possibly the best decision ever.
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seokjxnnie · 5 years
unleash | jjk (m)
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↠ genre: smut, supernatural au, demon(?)!jungkook x f reader ↠ warnings: pwp - u jumpin straight into porn my man, dom!jungkook, light dirty talk, rough sex ↠ length: 1.9k
↳ she’s never known him without the cross hanging from his neck. with the chain off, he could feel her with all of him. an unventured pleasure of a zenith degree. he gives in, and it’s foreign. he gives in, and it’s enrapturing.
↠ masterlist
a/n: i honestly went to bed, and then the stroke of midnight announcing the arrival of halloween jolted me awake and the sin inside of me drove me to pump this out in a few hours. enjoy, and happy halloween!
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Jungkook jerks away from the slick pillows of her lips as he, suddenly swift with alert, catches the wandering digits that dances around his chain in suggestion of sweeping them off his neck. He flattens the cross pendant back over his collarbones.
“You know this can never come off.”
Jungkook is grateful to have been able to find a stern characteristic to adapt his voice before the meet of her eyes – darkened by the shadows of greedy desire – could sway him.
The seams of her mouth drag into a sort of pout. It still glistens deliciously with his saliva, threatening to advocate for her deplorable cause as she pleads in wisps of sin. “I just want a taste. Please, just this once?”
A harsh exhale pushes out his nose that still tickles with the lingering sensations of brushing against her cheek while their tongues were previously moving with delectable compatibility. The ghost of the feel of her skin reminds him of his yearning for her that bore its ache deep into his bones. It also reminds him that with the chain off, he could feel her with all of him. An unventured pleasure of a zenith degree.
But he can’t.
“I won’t. I could hurt you.”
“You would never hurt me.”
“I can’t know that for sure—”
His shoulders crash against cushions.
She had push him back onto the couch. Her weight suddenly falls on his lap as she eagerly climbs into a straddle of his hips.
“Please.” She pairs her desperate gasp with a gluttonous grind of her core against the stiffness that grows in his pants.
The craving heightens his senses, and he could feel the ample saturation of her sex as if the layers of fabric that separated them weren’t there. His grunt is guttural as it channels past gritted teeth. He hates that he can’t suppress his carnal instincts from surfacing as illustrations of his dwindling defences. Tempting pulsations swallow him whole.
“I want to take all of you so bad.” Her pants ring of insatiability, and it flushes against his face when her forehead dives against his before she’s losing herself in the enthralling friction found in every rock of her hips. “Don’t you want it too? To have your way with me?” Her palm catches the locks of his hair at the back of his head, and she urges with a rough tug. “To make me take everything you give me?”
Her throbbing clit accomplishes a glide against his solid cock of a certain angle, of a certain pace, and it rolls a purr off her tongue.
It’s finally enough for him to give in.
The chain is thrown over his head, and the girl on his lap is thrown onto her back.
She’s never known him without the cross hanging from his neck. He’s moving quick, but she’s eager to drink him in. Nothing of his physicality changes. And yet, the transformation renders him a hair’s breadth away from unfamiliar.
His aura roars with demand, with hunger. There’s a foreign power behind his eyes now, and his movements drive with a ravenous haste and force. He doesn’t speak, but his energy announces exactly what he wants, and it’s an unstoppable force.
He tosses the hem of her nightgown up so that it lands above her chest, exposing the soft mounds that he quickly finds home in with the nip of his tongue and teeth. He pulls, sucks, and she hisses at the sharpness that pulses and disperses. And then, she realizes that in the lifetime of a single breath, her panties are reduced to a collection of strings on the floor. He throws off his own pants in a manner that’s similar in rush and rashness.
His palm overlaps her hand and pins it down into the cushion to hold her in place, but her head still thrusts against the armrest when, without warning or heed, he lunges into her with an unacquainted vigour. Her jaw pries open with a gasp that reels from her throat. His other wrist hooks under her right thigh and throws her leg over his shoulder. He huffs proudly at the depth he gains and the shriek he earns.
The sheer, unexperienced girth elicits whimpers as if she can’t handle it, but it thrills her that he doesn’t refrain from sheathing his entire cock with her walls. She whines elatedly at the thought of it stretching her.
Jungkook is drenching her ear in the animal vibrations of his pleased growls, greed plaguing his every tone. He feels every ridge that his cock shoves against. He feels every shiver, every twitch, every rhythm under him. Her cunt is loud with wet anticipation as he continues drilling his hips into her.
“Is this what you wanted, you fucking slut?”
She couldn’t form words against the predator in his voice, or the alien strength in each of his plunges. She only breathlessly mewls with a jaw that stuttered at every meet of his unrelenting thrusts, while her limbs thrash in a boast that they were no longer under her control.
She’s entranced, but just present enough to question why she didn’t remove that fucking necklace sooner.
Jungkook doesn’t let her get used to the addicting bliss though. Her cheek hits the cold wood of the neighbouring wall as he pins her, his unforgiving fingers of one hand holding her wrists captive behind her back. The other lands on her waist, possessive as he digs into her flesh. Exactly when and how he had picked her up off the couch and shoved her into another location escapes her – he moves too quick and she is too crippled by desire. But other things demand her immediate attention, like his drenched cock that is ramming into her all over again.
“Oh my go—d, Jungk—ook.” The shock stifles her for a second. Then, her fever climbs just as tall as his and her ass pushes back to meet every one of his jolts.
But Jungkook pauses, and then brings his chest against the blade of her shoulder. His weight pushes against her bound wrists and it aches. “What is it, baby?” his lips are close enough that the pants in his utterances tickles the nape of her neck. “Tell me, love. What is it?” Words that were supposed to be sweet are instead delivered by a harsh tone. He wasn’t asking, he was commanding.
She obliges with desperate whines that could cling to the walls if it had claws. “It’s so fucking good.”
He leans more, shoving her harder against the surface. His girth is still throbbing inside her, still unmoving. “What’s so fucking good, my love?” his tenor is sharp with antagonism that slices the air between his lips and her skin.
He’s never spoken to her like this before. It’s enrapturing.
“You,” she chokes, “you feel so fucking good.”
He decides that she’s earned her release. Besides, his own hunger was growing in suffocation.
Branches of ecstasy starts in her core and expand like fireworks in her veins with each pound of his hips. Her legs ached from his durable rhythm and daunting size, but Jungkook holds forfeit far away from her as he continues with her held in place. Sweat dribbles from brows and chins as their bodies worked together with indisputable harmony.
It seems like Jungkook’s gone on for ages, longer than he’s gone before, yet his intensity seemingly refuses to falter. He thrusts with a depth that stretches her in a way that she knows she’ll think about until kingdom come. A vibrant volume flares in her chest and threatens to play in her voice while a brash soreness and pleasure comes from his cock grazing a fleshy cap. Her teeth slams down on her bottom lip at the waves of quakes that follow.
And then her senses are inundated by euphoria like never before. A blinding hot white robs her body of autonomy. Her hips are rocking and her leg kicks up in a thrash, hysterical in a chase for release. Her forehead streaks with red as it grinds against the rigid wood, splaying a raw, tenderness across her skin. Shuddering gasps are desperate to soothe her pumping lungs.
The pressure of something like a stretched coil released into a wild springing begins to evaporate from her core. The drumming settles into a quietly pulsing trance as delight bleeds into her bones. Only then does she realize that Jungkook is close to chasing his own high, with his lunges straying from his established tempo and leaning into a quality of disorder and frenzy. 
“Fuck, you feel so good. How the fuck do you feel so good?” he hisses, nothing short of ravenous.
He veers right into an unbridled climax, pumping into her as if to chastise her pretty cunt, and her whines soar madly. His gruff moans announce loudly through clenched teeth, just barely grazing a thunder. He empties into her, his laden load drenching her quivering walls with a warmth that parts her lips with a delirious grin.
Blissful whispers of how she’ll never ever know a cock as good as his touches the plump of her lips, but it’s cut short when his flushed and hot presence abruptly departs from her.
Her released wrists fall limply to her sides, and still consumed by numbness, she couldn’t claim control of them quite yet. With nothing to hold her up steady from the ache that swaths her entirety, she remains leaning against the support of the wall, only turning her head around as much as she could in search of him.
She finds Jungkook scrambling to the floor where he threw his pendant before frantically tossing it over his head and settling it around his neck. A sigh of relief escapes him and curtly, all his qualities seem to wash over with softness – the persona she was well acquainted with has returned.
“If I don’t stop myself, I’m gonna drain you until you’re just skin and bones,” he pants in explanation. His gaze climbs and finds hers, already loaded with an apology before it could be conveyed by his words. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Jungkook, I practically ripped that chain off of you myself,” she retorts more than she reassures, slightly insulted that he could possibly regret giving her the best orgasm of her life.
“Well, maybe we shouldn’t do it again. Babe, you’re basically immobile.”
She huffs in disbelief, as if she wasn’t trembling against the wall that she couldn’t bring herself to peel away from in fear of collapse from the soreness.
Jungkook dips at the waist to gather her in his arms and lift her up against his chest. He’s gentle when he lays her down in bed, and it makes the man he was a few minutes ago a complete stranger.
He’s quiet when he climbs in next to her, bringing her head into the cradle of the nook where his neck meets his shoulder. He’s quiet, but she knows he’s still dwelling in the ghost of those carnal, untamed, unearthly sensations he earned as his other self. And she also knows, while his warm cum ribbons down from her lower lips, that he is an untapped market of dick crafted by the gods and delivered by the devil to bring about the most sinful and exhaustive reign of… orgasms.
And she’s already itching to steal that goddamn necklace off of him again.
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candied-peach · 5 years
ao3: “bluebells for the soul” rating: M warnings: hanahaki disease, blood, suicide attempt, overdose, sympathetic deceit, loceit genre: hurt/comfort description: Deceit wishes that he was better at lying to himself.
cognitive distortions
Deceit swallows hard, looking at the bloodied petals cupped in his gloved hands. His throat burns like an open wound. He knows what they mean, he's not stupid. He's spent enough time on the Internet to know the symptoms of Hanahaki Disease when he sees them. He just doesn't understand why.
And if the color of the dark blue petals means anything, he can't fathom anything there either. He should hate Logan. Certainly the logical side must despise him. After all, he's the one who deliberately kept Logan out of the courtroom scene, knowing what it would mean to him. The others have slowly started to warm up to his continued presence, but he knows all they do is tolerate him.
'Tolerate' does not mean 'love' and love is what he needs, if he wants to survive. He can't bear the thought of surgery, even if he could find someone to perform it. (He deliberately does not think of asking Remus to come anywhere near him with something sharp and pointy.) If it remains unrequited, well...
Perhaps it would be better for Thomas in the end. He wants to cling to the idea of being a honest person so badly? Let him have it. Deceit knows the thought should abhor him, yet the bloody flowers nestled between his fingers make everything feel-
He doesn't know. And that should frighten him, but it doesn't. He knows that much.
He looks up. He can hear the sounds of the others, the sound of the TV mingling with muffled laughter and chatter. He's never felt quite as alone as he does in that moment, coughing up blood and flower petals in the tomb-like stillness of his own room.
No more. Deceit rises with renewed purpose, striding into his attached bathroom and tossing the bloody petals into the garbage. He rummages through the medicine cabinet, pulling out bottle after bottle that Thomas has taken in the past. If he's going to die, then he wants to die on his own terms. None of that rot, wasting away as flowers slowly fill his lungs. If he must die, then he's going to choose the method.
What are you doing? His own sense of caution screams at him, but he ignores it as he settles on the edge of his bed, summoning a glass of water, the better to wash everything down.
The pills taste like chalk dust against his tongue. He makes a face at the grit, resisting the urge to scrub his mouth clean. That isn't the point right now. Besides, he won't have to care about anything so mundane as the gritty feeling of pills soon.
He slumps back on his bed, his eyes fluttering in an unconscious struggle to stay awake. Another tickle assaults his throat and he coughs harshly, bringing up another handful of blood-soaked flower petals. He lets them fall where they may, wondering if anyone will be able to put the pieces together. If they'll even find him before his room vanishes. It must when he's dead, won't it? He doesn't see why it would linger. Why he would linger.
The world fuzzes around the edges. He lets the pill bottle drop out of his hand, hearing it bounce and clatter on the floor. The sound is abrasive and loud to his over-sensitized ears, but he knows that no one else will hear it.
I'm sorry, Logan, he thinks, as everything starts to go dark. I wish it could have been different.
The last thing he hears is someone calling his name, and a determined thump on the door.
sugar sweet
Pain wakes him. He coughs, choking on the flower petals clogging his throat, until hands descend on his shoulder, pushing and prodding him to his side, so he doesn't suffocate. Once the coughing spasm passes, Deceit lies there, limp and passive, his mind groggily trying to catch up.
When memory finally descends like a flash of lightning, he freezes, suddenly terrified to open his eyes. The last thing he remembers is swallowing a handful of pills. It should have worked. Why didn't it work?
"Patton found you," Logan says above him, as if he knows Deceit's inner turmoil. "He wanted to- to ask you to join us." Logan's voice cracks and Deceit wants to die a thousand times over for putting that note of misery in Logan's voice. For making Patton see him, pallid and bloodied.
"'m sorry," Deceit croaks out, his voice cracking.
"What are you sorry for?" Logan asks. Deceit isn't sure how to answer. Somehow he doesn't think "for failing" is going to be an acceptable answer.
"Hurting Patton," he settles on instead, and feels Logan's cool fingers comb through his hair.
"You didn't hurt Patton," Logan says. "Not the way that you seem to be thinking. And I know that isn't what you wanted to apologize for. Try again."
"For failing," Deceit mumbles, too exhausted to lie.
"I'm glad that you failed," Logan admits. Deceit's not too tired to ignore the tiny spark of hope, bursting to life deep within his lungs. "How long have you had Hanahaki Disease, Deceit?"
"Days," he says hoarsely.
"If your love is truly unrequited, could you not have tried the surgery?" Logan asks. Deceit closes his eyes, too wounded by the irony to do so much as laugh. But doesn't it just figure, he thinks. Doesn't it figure that Logan would be the one asking?
"I'd rather not let Remus anywhere near me with something sharp," Deceit says carefully. "And I did not want Roman, Patton, or Virgil to know."
"What about me?" Logan asks. "I could have performed it-"
"Oh, come off it," Deceit bursts out, surging into a sitting position and bending over double with the force of a new coughing fit. His hands fill with blood-smeared dark blue petals and he shoves them Logan's way, ignoring the other side's automatic recoil. "Who do you think it's for?"
"Me?" Logan whispers in disbelief. "But you- I- it can't be-"
"And yet it is," Deceit hisses. He hangs his head in shame, his face burning. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap, I- if you are willing to do the surgery-"
"No," Logan says, determined. "I'm not."
Deceit's head snaps up in dismay, just as Logan's hand comes around the base of his skull, cradling his head.
"I can't," Logan says. "Because your love is not unrequited. And unless you tell me otherwise, I am going to kiss you. Is that all right?" Dazed, Deceit nods, and is rewarded by the gentle press of Logan's lips against his own. The taste of blood disappears like it's never been and white light bursts to life behind his closed eyelids. His lungs hurt for one brief, heartstopping moment, before he knows, with utmost certainty, that the flowers that choked him have evaporated.
Logan slowly lifts his head, a sweet smile spreading across his face.
"Oh, Dee," he whispers. "Do you mind if I call you Dee?"
"Call me whatever you like," Deceit answers. "I'll respond to anything if you kiss me like that." Logan laughs, a trifle shaky, as his fingers bury themselves in the soft curls of Deceit's hair.
"I find myself more glad than I can express that the others had me stand watch over you," Logan confesses. "Do you feel all right?"
"I do now," Deceit says. He coaxes Logan closer, basking in the logical side's warmth.
"I love you," Deceit says quickly, as if he can't bear not to say the words.
"I love you, too," Logan says. "I didn't know that I was capable of that emotion, until I met you." Deceit's tongue creeps out, in a happy blep. Logan smiles fondly at the sight.
"You blep," Logan says. "Now I have to love you even more."
"I'm fine with this, I hope you know," Deceit says. "You're stuck with me."
"Oh no, whatever shall I do?" Logan deadpans.
"Kiss me some more," Deceit says. And Logan does.
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
Tag, you're it.
Tumblr media
♡Looking at me through your window,
Boy, you had your eye out for a little.
"I'll cut you up and make you dinner,
You've reached the end, you are the winner."♡
Juono had been watching his sweetheart for months now, and his patience grew thinner and thinner with each passing day. Therefore, he decided that today was finally the day when he will take his (y/n). He was watching her, and while sipping on his tea, he was plotting. How was he going to do it? Hmmm, there were so many different ways he could take her! Should he drug her? Confuse her? Toy with her mind? Juono suddenly smirked, knowing how he will do it. He was feeling unusually playful that day so he settled on a fun little game of tag. That way, he can have a little fun and he would be able to see the terrified expression on (y/n)'s face. How delightful~!
♡Rolling down your tinted window
Driving next to me real slow, he said:
"Let me take you for a joyride,
I've got some candy for you inside."♡
(y/n) was passing by the café in which Juono had occupied, and she noticed his hungry gaze. How could she not? His eyes felt like stone cold knives, just stabbing her back non stop. The sensation was all to familiar to her. Wherever she went, she never felt quite alone and she was suspecting for months now that she had a stalker. And when she looked at that strange man, all of those sensations and emotions came back to her. She recalled all of the mysterious voices she heard in her bedroom and all of the sensual touches all over her body. She shivered at the memory, and at that same moment Juono finished his tea, and he proceded to loudly slam his cup on the table. This lightly startled (y/n) and she looked at the porcelain cup, too nervous to look at the stranger. Something about this entire scenario just felt so wrong. The entire street was empty, all of the shops were closed early for some reason, and the only person who was in this café was the stranger in front of her. He got up on his feet and was slowly making his way towards the window. He now stood right in front of (y/n), and the only thing separating them was that small pane of glass. Juono still held the same smile on his face, and with each passing second (y/n) grew more and more uncomftrable. The man was odd, that's for sure. Suddenly, he turned his attention towards the door and started to make his way towards it. He was exiting the café, and with every footstep, (y/n)'s heartbeat increased. This!! All of this just feels wrong! She needs to get out of here-
"Are you alright my dear? You look troubled~."
His smooth voice occupied her mind now, but it was far from pleasant. She heard it somewhere before, she just knew it! And she had a good idea where she heard it...
The setting sun was creating shadows all around the duo, and Juono's seemed to be the scariest one of all. His mouth suddenly contorted in to a wicked, if not animalistic grin. He pulled a gun from his long green robe, and pointed it on (y/n)'s forehead. The cold metal was pressed tightly against her head as her eyes widened. Horrible salty tears were threatening to spill from her (e/c) eyes, and at that moment Juono just cursed his inability to see. Dear God, how badly did he wanted to see (y/n) right now! Her beautiful fearful face, boy did he wanted to see it! He knew that she was afraid, her petrified heartbeat gave it all away. He spoke yet again:
"Let's make a little deal. I'm feeling kinda bored, so you and I are going to play a fun game of tag~! If you win, I'll give you a sweet treat and some peace, but if I win... well..."
He trailed off completely and before she knew it, he pulled a hunting knife from his pocket.
"You'll see exactly what will happen WHEN I win~!!"
♡Running through the parking lot,
He chased me and he wouldn't stop,
Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it.
Grabbed my hand, pushed me down,
Took the words right out my mouth
Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it.♡
She ran ferociously, knowing that her entire life was on the line. She had no idea who this man was, but he was nothing but trouble. With each passing second, she found it more difficult to breathe. What would she give to stop, just for a second, but she couldn't. The raging footsteps behind her were a cruel reminder of that. Juono was having the time of his life though. He dreamt of this hunt for months, and he was finally going to capture his little bunny. He reveled in her pain, and seeing her so scared, so vulnerable like this, it gave Juono an amazing feeling. It was an odd mix pleasure and excitement, and he never wants to let go of it. He decided to cut the game short, and before she knew it, Juono grabbed (y/n) hand and pinned her to the ground.
"I caught you~!"
♡Can anybody hear me? I'm hidden underground.
Can anybody hear me? Am I talking to myself?
Saying, "Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it."
He's saying, "Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it."♡
No, no, no, no! God please no! How did he catch up to her?! How was he so fast??! Her only option now was to scream, and she screamed at the top of her lungs. She was screaming so hard that her mouth was becoming dry and it hurt. It hurt so god damn much... Out of breath, she stopped screaming for a split second and before she could continue, a gloved hand roughly covered her mouth. Juono forced two of his fingers down her throat, and he listened to his beloved choking. She couldn't move, she couldn't breathe... And it was all so amazing. Dare he say beautiful... He sat on her vaist, just admiring all of the cute sounds she was making. Her whimpers, her cries, he loved them all! He could finally listen to them whenever he wanted!
♡Little bit of poison in me
I can taste your skin in my teeth.
"I love it when I hear you breathing,
I hope to God you're never leaving."♡
Juono took out a small bottle a forced the thick liquid down (y/n)'s throat. It was disgusting. The liquid was unbelievably bitter, and she figured that it was some sort of sleeping drug. Juono suddenly lowered himself down to (y/n)'s neck and he lightly nibbled on her sweet skin. She tasted so heavenly, Juono couldn't get enough! He started to laugh as he continued to bruise her delicate neck, all while saying all sorts of things to her.
"The sounds you make are so precious."
"Only I can hear them."
"You will NEVER leave me!"
♡Eenie meenie miny mo,
Catch a lady by her toes,
If she screams, don't let her go.
Eenie meenie miny mo,
Your mother said to pick the very best girl,
And I am.♡
Juono tightly held on to (y/n), as if she was going to evaporate into thin air if he let her go. With each of her attempts of screaming, his grip only became more and more suffocating. He listened to her heartbeat once again, absolutely adoring it. (y/n) really is the most perfect girl... She was perfect only for him though. No one else but HIM!
♡Running through the parking lot,
He chased me and he wouldn't stop.
Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it.
Grabbed my hand, pushed me down,
Took the words right out my mouth
Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it.
Running through the parking lot,
He chased me and he wouldn't stop.
Tag, you're it, tag, you're it
Grabbed my hand, pushed me down,
Take the words right out my mouth,
Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it.♡
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thefieryeclipse · 5 years
Steam. Hissing loudly, billowing in clouds, consuming the vast, dim space. 
Heat ravaged the place. It crept through the air, soaking up all oxygen. Rusted pipes lined every wall, every surface, casting an amber glow around the whistling, straining structure as it crumbled at the edges. A faint alarm wailed uselessly in the distance: a warning. A call to escape before it was too late. But it had been singing for a while now, and the chance to escape was long past.
Metal walkways and platforms criss-crossed through the chamber, climbing high up the vast height of the tower. The air only became thinner up here, so hot that it physically hurt to breathe, and machinery and pipes squealed in pain as they disintegrated and broke down around four figures shrouded in the midst of it all.
“I'm only going to say this once, Peter: move.”
“No.” The young man declared, defiantly holding his ground even as his voice threatened to waver. He glared down the barrel of the gun and straight through those horn-rimmed glasses, sustaining eye contact with the middle-aged man behind them. “No.”
Noah Bennet's face rippled with anger before he once again recalled his standard, expressionless mask. He spoke steadily, almost calmly, but his tone was somehow loud enough to compete with the ringing apparatus straining on all sides. “He's a killer, Peter. A walking disaster. Just look around you: all this? This is his doing.”
“No!” Peter recited for a third time. “It wasn't him! I'm not gonna let you take him!” He tried his best to mirror the calm authority of the man opposite, but his heart was hammering against his ribcage and he was physically shivering under the unbearable heat of this place, roiling through his body and dewing sweat along his skin.
“P-Peter... don't! You can't heal...” A pained groan sounded behind Peter's back, and he held out a hand to shush his companion.
The Company man's glasses glinted dangerously in the rusty light. “He's going to kill people, Peter -”
“No he's not! He just -”
“He's a monster. All he knows how to do is kill. Or have you already forgotten about Nathan?”
The words ricocheted briefly before being swallowed up in the depths of the cavern. Behind him, Peter could hear more little grunts of pain and difficult, shuffling movements. He felt his hackles rise in defense of his lost brother and his wounded friend, and took the tiniest of steps towards the older man, putting himself further in the path of the bullet that was meant for another.
“Noah, listen to me, you don't understand -”
Then a mutilated hiss shot through the steam, a fourth voice. “No, you don't understand, Peter!” The sound stabbed right through the empath's gut, and he glanced again at the almost unrecognisable form of his niece. His heart broke a little more when he saw the rage twisting her features, the disdain being thrown his way, and the gun in her hand pointing directly at his chest. “How could you ever trust him? After what he did to me?!” One furious tear of betrayal glistened in her eye before rolling down her cheek. It evaporated almost instantly.
Peter lost his breath all over again. “He's changed, Claire.” He insisted for the millionth time, although he knew she wouldn't believe him. Caught between staring down both the teenager and her adoptive father at once, Peter raised both hands, a sign of sincerity. “He's not the same person who did all those things, alright? I'm telling you – he only wants to help.”
“Really? And why would he ever want to do that? What's in it for him?” Noah retorted smoothly, adjusting his grip on the handle of his weapon, his aim never faltering.
“I'm different now – I've repented -”
“Sylar.” Peter stopped his friend again, his mortal heart stuttering and currently vulnerable body tingling with nerves as Noah's finger stroked the trigger in promise.
“In all of a few months? That's more than a little hard to believe, Peter...”
“Well it's the truth.” Peter said slowly, clearly, with everything he had. “Okay, I swear. You have to trust me –”
“I did trust you!” Claire spat, slicing Peter apart with her glare. The weapon in her clutches shook uncontrollably, now. “But you chose him?! I thought you were my friend! My family!”
Unable to bite back his frustration this time, Peter rounded on his niece. “I am!” A loud metallic squeal pierced the air as yet another pipe burst nearby. Peter winced, but kept his gaze firmly on Claire. “But he's my friend too. Why do I even have to choose – we're on the same side here!”
The place was so unbearably hot, so loud, tumbling down around them like a house of cards and it was all beginning to choke Peter with mottled, claustrophobic fingers. In the midst of it all, he didn't mean to let his guard down.
He didn't mean to lose sight of his other assailant, even for just one second.
Without warning this time, Mr Bennet dodged around him and set off a series of ear-splitting, echoing shots.
“Noah!” All at once Peter leapt at him, Claire flinched and Sylar yelled, and then the air was knocked out of the empath's body. He felt himself crash to the ground, scattering broken pipes and scraps of machinery as a searing gash of pain erupted through his torso.
He cried out, an echo thrown back at him over again, and clutched at his side, forcing his vision to clear when he heard Sylar's gasp accompany three more gunshots. Peter watched in horrified silence, unable to make a coherent sound, as the man he had just failed to protect tumbled backwards over the railing and fell out of sight.
The silence rang out like ripples in the steam. Then Peter felt a body hitting the level far below, the impact reverberating through the grate beneath his fingers.
“Dad?! You – you just...! And Peter!”
“I did what I had to, Claire Bear. Both of these men are extremely dangerous and this place is about to blow! We don't have much time...” Peter heard the heated exchange between father and daughter. Then the pounding of two pairs of feet – one determined, one being ushered along behind – as they hurried down the stairs to reach his fallen comrade. 
And then he was left crumpled on the ground. Wounded. Hurting. Alone.
White-hot pain continued to rip at him with every ragged breath, his vision beginning to blur around the edges, and he knew he was vulnerable and open and unable to protect himself in this state. But he also knew that he wasn't the endangered target. Clutching at the mesh grate below him with sticky hands, gasping for air that burned down his throat, Peter Petrelli heaved himself over to the edge of the platform with all the waning strength he possessed. He grit his teeth to hold back any betraying cries, and didn’t even hesitate before sliding his broken body through the gap at the bottom of the railing, free-falling the long distance below.
Hot clouds of gas and steam whirled past as he fell, the ground came racing up to meet him, and Peter only just managed to catch himself with flight at the very last second, hovering so close above burning metal that the heat caressed his face. He clumsily eased his landing beside Sylar, scrambling to check the status of his friend. Blood flowed from multiple bullet holes on the man's chest, thick and dark, his eyes closed as if in sleep and his limbs sprawled out loosely around him - an ungraceful display that Sylar would despise to be caught in if he knew. Fingers bloodied and trembling, Peter reached for the other man’s neck, rewarded by the faint pulse of life stirring just below the skin. Unconscious, but still breathing. Barely.
Familiar footsteps rang out again nearby. Then two rippling shadows bled through the fog, weapons drawn. “Peter! Don't do it! I'm warning you – I will kill you!”
Desperate, suffocating and fighting for much more than just his own life, Peter pressed a hand to Sylar's leaking chest, tugged on the first power that rushed up to meet him, and used it without thinking.
Here’s the prologue for my post-series Heroes  WIP “Tongues of Fire” which I’m posting here on tumblr for @alexprompts WIPWeekly event.
Feel free to go check out the story on Ao3, or to get in touch about anything regarding the fic or the writing process, I’m always happy to chat ^.^
(Heroes, the characters and storyworld don’t belong to me (thanks Tim Kring and NBC) but the writing is all mine.)
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smirkingsolo · 5 years
Orpheus: A Reylo Story (Chapter 3: Call Out My Name)
The World Between Worlds Reylo Fix it fic you’ve been craving since TROS ripped out your still beating heart and crushed it to death.
Canon-compliant, universe-plausible, multi-chapter
Beginning can be found here or over on my AO3 (Rinnagirl) at https://archiveofourown.org/works/21984730/chapters/52460923
Your comments, likes, reblogs, kudos, etc. mean the absolute world to me!
Previous Chapter
Chapter 3: Call Out My Name
Ben is crashing through the swamplands, the earth beneath rising to meet his boots just as his steps press down against it. The feeling spurs him on. He feels as he had the moment he landed on Exegol. His senses are too consumed with the urgency of reaching her to be bothered by the way the landscape fights to impede him.
Leia follows behind him and he knows she must be struggling to keep up with his eager pace. Ben looks back for a moment to his mother and she smiles, nodding. Go. I’m right behind you..
And he barrels on into the underbrush.
I’m coming.
The humidity is a hot, wet slap in the face, rushing at her as soon as the door of the Falcon lowers. Rey is no stranger to heat. She’s Jakku desert raised for kriff’s sake. But this heat is heavy, almost oppressively moist. The water in the air is violent for such a peaceful place, so intent it seems to be on suffocating her to death.
She pulls the ties from her buns, braiding her hair back more securely and twisting it into a bun at the nape of her neck. She removes her outermost robe, leaving her in a wrapped tunic, fashioned after her old desert wear. She stares at the Skywalker lightsabers and they stare back. A battle of wits, a dare to ignite them though she knows where that would lead. She tucks Leia’s into her belt and Luke’s into a hidden compartment on the Falcon. She grabs her pack, slings her staff across her shoulders, and sets off to face the wild.
She searches the Force for a direction, a hint of anything unusual, reaching out as Luke taught her. She senses a pull and she allows it to catch her in its tide, drawing her out into the swamp.
After roughly thirty minutes of scaling, wading, sweating, Rey can sense that she is drawing near to what calls her. It is unknown, unfamiliar, but it feels kind, helpful, and that is what she needs right now.
She pushes aside a wide-fanned fern and her eyes catch a small hut, tucked away like a secret. Her attention nearly skimmed over it. The fog of the swamp drapes across it like a shroud. It is a relic of a time she barely overlapped with and she wonders, momentarily, if it is even there at all.
The closer she gets, the more certain she is. This used to be Master Yoda’s home. It is long since abandoned, preserved like a fly in amber, held back from crumbling by a cage of tree roots. She creeps across a log to the bank, hesitating only a moment before dropping to her knees and crawling through the front door. There is a familiar anticipative feeling. A curious wonder, like encountering a new ship for the first time to scour for scrap.
She picks through the leavings inside the hut, reemerging into the damp of the swamp after a few moments. Strange places hold strange dangers and she thinks it best to scout the surrounding area before the sun sets. The fog already swirls thick around her. The eerie faded glow of light filtered through too many layers of mist and vine is all she has to go on. It’s not much and even that will disappear come nightfall. Overhead calls the rumble of a fast-approaching storm.
Ben’s arms sweep in front of him, carving a path through the plant life as easily as if his saber were in his hand. He smacks aside some large plant, stumbling into the open of a clearing. There is murky pond at his feet that he knows he should not disturb. On the far side of the pond is a dwelling of some sort, a pile of vine choked rocks with windows. He recognizes it from a distant memory that is not his own, a bedtime story on a cold night. He knows who one dwelled here.Besides, he muses, no one else would be crazy enough to live in a place like this.
He jumps when a figure crawls out of the doorway, someone wearing the mist of the swamp like a garment, and he reconsiders his previous sentiment.
The figure straightens up, the fog shifts, and suddenly Ben cannot breathe.
I found you.
He calls out her name, it bursts from his lips a shouted prayer, but the croaking of frogs is the only answer he hears. She doesn’t turn. Doesn’t startle. In fact, she doesn’t seem to hear him at all.
The pit in his stomach opens up again. He runs to her, stumbling gracelessly across a precarious log to the bank where she stands.
His stride shortens, pace slowing as his worst fears crawl up his spine, whispering the truth he doesn’t want to face in his ear.
He steps around in front of her, but her eyes don’t focus, they still chase an imaginary horizon beyond the vines. One cautious hand reaches towards her shoulder, changing direction half-way. Instead he stretches his long fingers to brush against her face. But there is nothing but air. Where the warmth of her cheek should be is only cold. His hand passes through her as if she is the ghost, rather than him.
She cannot see you. To her, you are mist.
She steps forward, passing through him like a shadow, and he can’t stop himself from sinking to his knees. His chin quivers, mouth working as he struggles to choke back the quiet sob bubbling in the back of his throat.
Logically he’d expected it. He’d known that she wouldn’t be able to see, hear, or feel him any more than the scavengers he and Leia encountered in the village on Jakku. But some irrational part of him had clung to hope, and when he’d felt her in the Force, her signature so pure and clear and loud, calling out to him...he had run to her, ready to take her in his arms and hold her to him as he had on Exegol.
He can see his mother picking through the brush on the other side of the pond, just now catching up to him. Her eyes hold the same quiet spark of hope that his held moments before. Her face falls. Her eyes dart between the retreating form of Rey and her son’s empty expression.
He lets his head fall against his chest. Thunder rumbles softly above, a misty rain now coming down. There’s a drip from the tip of his nose. A raindrop or a tear.
The rain is falling steadily by the time she returns. She lights a small fire in the long abandoned firepit, the old ashes and damp wood fill the hut with smoke. She strips off her outermost layer of clothing, hanging her tunic near the fire to dry alongside her boots. Down to her upper bindings and her light leggings, she frees her hair from the braided bun and steps barefoot out into the rain. She tilts her head back for a moment letting the rain cool her skin and wash away the grime of her scouting trek. A peaceful smile settles on her face as she stretches her arms out, squelching her toes in the mud of the bank. There was something Rey loved about the rain.  The storm had drained much of the unpleasant humidity from the swamp air, leaving it fresh and fragrant, smelling of wet earth and life. Jakku was never like this.
Striding back towards the hut, Rey settles at the edge of the doorway, just far enough back to shield her from the brunt of the storm. She assumes her meditation pose, legs folded, eyes closed, lungs full of the sweet scent of the rain. With deep breaths she synchronizes the beat of her heart to the steady rhythm of the rainfall. Behind her the fire crackles and she can feel the warmth of it drape over her back, evaporating the rain from her skin. Be with me. Be with me. Be with me.
Leia watches her son from behind a thick root cluster. She thinks it best to give him space after the look she saw on his face, though it pains her to do so.  
Sitting on a large rock at the edge of the pond, his eyes have remained fixated on Rey from the moment she returned from scouting. There is a wistful longing about him as he stares at her and Leia can’t help but wonder what Rey had said to him during the times they connected through their Force bond. Ben hadn’t said much about it beyond the technicalities when she’d inquired how he’d come to know Rey so well. She sensed that there was something deeply private, something intimate about their bond that neither would be eager to share with others.
Rey emerge from the hut, layers stripped away so the rain can kiss her skin. Her arms stretch towards the sky, calling it to her open palms. Her head is tilted back, eyes closed, lips painted with a smile of peaceful bliss. But Leia’s eyes are on her son, studying his face as he takes Rey in. His lips are parted in wonder, pupils blown wide like he’s trying to take in all the stars in the galaxy at once. Ben is fascinated by her, watching her like one who’s lived underground his whole life witnessing the colors of sunrise for the first time. Something in his expression seeps in and warms her very bones, an incredible, reverent longing that Leia recognizes, remembers. Han Solo used to look at her with eyes like that. Yes, she knows that look and for the first time she understands wholly why he wishes to live again. It isn’t about redemption, it isn’t about living more years; it’s about her. Rey. His equal, his frustration, the hidden-most wish of his soul.
She can’t help but wonder how Rey feels about him. Their relationship is complicated, that much is obvious, even to the casual observer. Rey hated him once, hated him for killing Han, just as Ben hated himself. She thought him a monster until, suddenly, she didn’t. Rey left for Ahch-To certain that Kylo Ren was her greatest enemy, yet she returned changed. Leia could no longer sense anger when Rey spoke of Kylo Ren. Instead there was an incredible sorrow, a deep, personal hurt, as if she’d had to say goodbye to a friend. She could sense Rey’s care for him then, and she dearly hoped now that it was of the same ken as his.
Ben settle himself in front of Rey, mirroring her meditation pose, rain pouring down on him as he sits just beyond the reach of the roof. He doesn’t seem to mind. Unlike Rey his eyes remain open. They hold her face like gentle fingertips. There is a softness in his expression that makes Leia smile.
Leia turns to her brother as he reappears beside her, face washed in the pale blue of his Force spirit aura. She knows they can both feel her son’s emotions bleeding through the Force, radiating from him like ripples in a pond.
“Crazy, isn’t it?”
“Nothing crazy about it, Leia, he’s your son. Han’s son. If I didn’t know any better I might even call it predictable. You know Han would have died for you and that self-sacrificing Solo streak lives on in Ben now. As for her, she reminds me so much of you, Leia. It’s almost scary. I admit I feared the worst when I saw them, hands touching in that hut on Ahch-To.” He sounds almost ashamed, “I thought he might be using her. But it seems now that I couldn’t have been more wrong. I feel like I’m watching Han fall in love with you again.”
“Don’t say that.” Her voice is quiet and she struggles with her next words in a most un-Leialike way. “Han and I...we burned each other up. Burned each other out. At the price of our own child. We were so selfish. I want them to be different, Luke. But all he’s ever seen is a love like Han and mine, temperamental and ruinous. Luke, I don’t want him to think that’s all there is. You know how much Han and I loved one another and I don’t know that my son ever got to see that part of us.”
Luke’s voice is steady and sure. “Look at them, Leia. They will be just different enough. I know it.”
She nods and looking at them, at the way Ben leans forward, memorizing every line and freckle of Rey’s face as she sits unaware. She knows he’s right.
“I wish I could have been better for him. As good for him, as she has been.”
“I know, Leia. And I wish I could make it up to him but—”
A sudden rush of excitement, of urgency, grips her and she interrupts.
“Luke, you have to tell Rey. Appear to her, tell her Ben is here! Explain that he is trying to get back to her, explain that her life force isn’t her own and then mayb—”
“I can’t, Leia.” And he sounds even guiltier than before.
“You can’t? What do you mean you can’t? She has to know and while we may not be able to appear to her because we are in the World Between Worlds, you—”
“Leia.” He puts a hand up to stop her words and she knocks it away with a huff. “Father and I, we chose to appear to you and Ben, but I realize now that we are in the World Between Worlds with you. I know it doesn’t make much sense, but the World Between Worlds is a dimension of its own, one running parallel to the living world. Because we chose to appear to you in your dimension, we can only manifest here now.”
Leia is stunned.
“Well you needed me so I—”
“How could you be so stupid?” He has the decency to look abashed. “Luke, you and father, how could you think that it was a good plan for both of you to come trap yourselves with us?!” She throws her arms up in the air. The Skywalker men all really do operate off of one braincell.
He cuts in as she begins to pace, her anger rising. “Leia, I didn’t know it would work like this! Besides, I’m sure it will be fine. After all, Obi-Wan and Master Yoda could appear and offer Rey guidance if necessary—”
Leia whirls around, she looks truly exasperated, eyes alight with something that makes Luke, an untouchable ghost, step back.
“Oh good. Obi-Wan who told you that Anakin Skywalker was dead, killed by Vader, when he was Vader all along and then had the audacity to call it a matter of “viewpoint!” And of course Master Yoda is wise but master of clarity and straightforwardness, he is not.”
Luke doesn’t want to laugh, knows he absolutely should not, given the circumstances, but Leia’s impression of Master Yoda is masterful to say the least, and a little exhale of a laugh escapes.
Her eyes narrow immediately and she moves to smack his arm, her hand passing straight through him, but the sentiment is there.
“Leia, I’m sure it will be okay. Like I said, he’s your son. There has to be some of your good sense in him. He will find a way, I know it. Ben has everything he needs, he just doesn’t know it yet. Most importantly, he has a reason to fight, to hope, and because of that he will not give up. I believe that persistence is something he inherited from his mother.”
It’s flattery, but she knows he is sincere.
Rey can feel the Force thrumming between the trees, in the rain, under the ground. The presence of it is stronger than she has experienced nearly in any other place. The weight of it is similar to how it was in the cave on Ahch-To. Something is focusing it, concentrating it. But it remains nothing more than energy. No visions, no spirits, nothing remarkable appears to her. Including him.
She can’t help but feel the creep of disappointment. He’s there, in the pit of her stomach where he always is, but she knows it’s just the memory of him. Yet, something else inside her feels different. Tendrils inside her reach outwards, feeling around, searching for something. And for a moment it is so strong that her meditative concentration breaks, eyes flying open, darting down to her tingling palms.
An odd sensation overtakes her, and for a moment she is a stranger in her own body. Removed, other. The tendrils stretch forward, towards what she cannot say, but she knows when they find it. Another feeling washes over her, her senses warm, sensitive with energy, collide with the something. It’s like seeing her own bed, putting on the clothes she brought from Jakku, hugging her friends, fixing a droid, flying the Falcon, twirling her staff...a feeling of familiarity and belonging. She feels empty, yet right, like something in her has found its rightful place, but is leaving her behind to do so. This reunion is happening outside her. She is an observer, not a participant and this belonging is not hers to claim. Suddenly, her mind is flooded with images of sabers and crystals and a thin flicker of understanding lights inside her. And then she hears it.
Ben knows she can feel him, can feel something near her. Her concentration is ebbing in and out as the minutes pass. Yet, the longer he spends with her, the more whole he feels. At first he is sure it is just her presence that bears with it such a feeling, as it always had when they connected through their Force bond.
But this is different. There had been an emptiness in him after he healed Rey, transferring his life force to her body. He realizes now that the void inside him is reaching out to her, sensing the presence of his life force inside, longing to reunite with it.
The longer he is in the presence of his soul, the less empty and more solid her feels and he wonders. What if...maybe...
He concentrates on reaching out towards his own energy, drawing it closer to him. He can feel it coming nearer, and with a feeling like breaking the surface of water from below something connects. Caught up in the sensation of it, his mouth opens to react before he can catch up. Her name tumbles from his lips and she jerks in surprise, eyes snapping up in his direction, scanning, desperate, searching. He reaches for her hand, willing it to make contact before the connection slides away. But it passes through, just as before. Both of them chase the feeling to the edge as it disappears, fading back into the sea of Force energy around them.
But she heard him. She knows he is out there now. He can feel it, a surety that huddles in the marrow of his bones and refuses to be contradicted.
Rey stares into the darkness of the swamp, a crash of thunder echoes, the sound bouncing off the stone walls of the little hut. She jumps, every fiber of her senses on edge, still searching for the source of the voice.
It’s him. She can feel it. She knows his voice, knows the way he says her name, knows him.
Suddenly, a blue glow flares to life near the pond outside. She nearly knocks her head on the low ceiling as she hastens out the door, heart leaping to her throat in her excitement.
“Young Solo, I am not,” comes a new voice, nasal and gnarled, words tangling like the roots of the swamp trees.
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sasorikigai · 4 years
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‘grave suggestion’ edition || @sonxflight​ || accepting
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥|| Moonlight tears itself into unfurling ribbons to descend tattered through trees to keep him company through the night, until the sun rises. How the effervescent nature reaches him at last and kiss the eyelids closed, submerging him in warmth until each morning dew drop tear has been evaporated away. The forest air fills Scorpion’s lungs until every crevice of him is teaming with the spirit of this place. Until the very essence to the forest has woven itself into the thread of his being, until it is no longer clear who is keeping who alive. With starlight trapped in his opalescent, pupiless eyes, moss filling ears, the light fades and rain falls and the Spectre cannot lift an arm to shield himself. He recalls the darkness, even on days the sun shines and he’d hear people of the Shirai Ryu laughing and talking through the windows he’d thrown open in his head.
The persistent darkness isn’t only around him, but inside him. He remembers sitting in the dark with his head in his hands and his knees drawn to his chest and breathing. Just breathing; in and out and in and out. And every time Scorpion would inhale and exhale without feeling like choking on air, without a stifled sob accompanying the breath he takes. He’d taught himself to breathe around the pain, around the loss, around the grief. The hellspawn spectre would never get out of this vicious cycle that took so much of him. But he wants to prove himself wrong; with a calmed storm, his settled fire finally knowing that it could be gentle for itself, even if the torrential maelstrom comes again. And it will come. He will let it stay and then pass, but the seas in his heart and mind will always be appeased again with the wild love it possesses. 
The psalms of sadness becomes the torn, hacked and slashed rag doll of his past. Now, he has to make things of multitude instead of value; as he would grow evermore fondly reminiscent of the summer sun; safe, warm and familiar, instead of destructive wildfire unleashed in his wake, granted that rubble of cinderdust and ash doesn’t stack up in layers in his lungs and suffocate him further in this unbearable pain of loss and grief and shame. Perhaps it was gnawing loneliness of his heart and soul that sought the other in this intuitive grasp of his shattered reality. 
“I do not know for all earnesty. It may be stemmed from my unhealthy addiction that wreaked havoc just to replicate the feeling I once had, that pillar of warmth and reassurance that someone will be there for me tomorrow, and every day after,” his heart is a toxic wasteland rooted deep into his heart; incurable, lest he’d found his freedom against sadness rumbling deep inside of him. Lest all the blood in his veins threaten to rupture as torrential flood of crimson crushes the world in his exacerbated wrath and depression. “That alone tells you that I cannot be fully trusted, you see. Not with anything - not secrets, not feelings, especially my own feelings, which run like horses refusing the bridle. And do not trust me with the love of other people. I’ve wasted it before and I will waste it again.” All while longing for some unattainable nirvana, some enlightenment, some joy that he will never reach as the blinding light, the scintillating star of his life had long been detonated and out of his sight. ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥|| 
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fathertaurus · 6 years
Fault -- David Dobrik Angst
A/N: so a bitch was feeling in an angsty mood...I hope this is all coherent lol. Before reading this look up the song “Liar” by LEON and put that bitch on repeat.
“I have been in love with you from the first day we met.” 
David flinched at your words, eyes still on the floor given that he couldn’t meet your eyes. Whether that was due to guilt or embarrassment you couldn’t decipher but in the moment you didn’t care at all about his feelings.
“At that party, I remember seeing you smile and it felt like my heart was struck with…pure ecstasy.” You laugh, bitterly, mind actually drifting to that moment in time. You didn’t have to dig far though—it was one of your most present memories, because you could never forget that feeling. 
“I didn’t push, I knew I couldn’t because you were in a relationship and I never wanted to come in-between the two of you. So I sat back and ignored the feelings, suffocated them under our friendship to give myself some sort of relief from my constant racing heart.” Sucking in a tight breath, Y/N leaned back against the brick wall, hands running up and down her face as tears began to find their way down her cheeks. 
“But unfortunately that wasn’t as affective as I thought it would be.”
David couldn’t help himself now, stare moving from the cement beneath them to her. There was a look in her eyes—absent being the word that came to his mind. Despite staring directly at him Y/N seemed to be a million miles away, maybe looking through him instead. The sight made his skin crawl and his stomach twist. 
“We were spending every day together,” She spoke, wiping at the tip of her nose and flushed cheeks, “Hours upon hours spent in each other’s company I don’t know how I expected not to fall for you.” 
David himself began to flashback to said hours. It was true, they were nearly connected at the hip with how often they were around each other. But what David saw as a mere close friend, Y/N was silently assuming..and wishing it was more. 
“There was that time, at Scott’s house when you fell asleep in my lap whilst you were editing,” A smile curved the ends of her lips—but not reaching her eyes as they typically, “I sat there and just thought..’This could be us all the time,’ y’know? We could have moments like this all the time if he—“
Her lips froze, words trailing off her tongue and dropping bluntly to the floor. The expression on her face bothered David; it was like an itch he just couldn’t scratch, the way she looked. A bleariness that made every nerve ending within him flare and burn. 
“I thought you liked me too after that.” She continue, bringing David back to the surface. Blinking rapidly and shaking her head she cleared her throat, “I don’t know why but I was convinced you felt something towards me, even if it was just a fraction for what I felt for you. I went on like that for months—under this wild  illusion that every slight brush of the hand, every text message and soft smile..all meant something more.”
She no longer seemed to be lost within her own thoughts anymore, emotion steadily returning to her face to create an expression of pure grief. Eyebrows folding and furrowing, bottom lip beginning to quiver and eyes reddening. 
“I was so dumb.”
David found himself stumbling forward at her last sentence, taking the words as though they were a personal insult. 
“Y/N no—,” hand stretched he reached to touch her shoulder but only managed to brush his fingertips over her coat. She looked at him with eyes wide.
“Yes..I was.” He retracted his arm, allowing it to fall silently at his side as he waited. She crossed her arms over her chest and began to speak again, “When you told me..t-that the two of you had broken up, I’m sorry but I was happy. Hopeful even. I thought that now, now you had the chance to really see me, to act on your supposed feelings for me that I conjured up.”
The sky moaned another roll of thunder, snowfall now petting the earth heavier than when they first stepped outside. A cold breezed whipped between the two of them, strong enough to cause David to swivel on his feet. But Y/N remained motionless, simply gripping the ends of her coat tighter to her body and waiting for the blast to pass. 
When the air settled, and the traffic behind them sped away she cleared her throat once more, finding the words that were stirring behind her eyes.
“I told myself to wait..wait until you felt better and then you would ask. You would blurt it out randomly or you would just message me and tell me it was me, I was the one you should’ve picked the whole time.” Tears dripped further down her face, leaving stains as they slipped from her cheeks, to her chin, to the ground. “I was praying for it. Every day..simply waiting for that notification to pop on my phone of you confessing how you felt for me only to come to the end of the night with a little less faith.” 
“No one else even compared to you despite us never having any sort of..romance,” She chuckled bitterly once again, shaking her head slowly, “People would come and go in my life, all of them interested but I could never fully reciprocate those feelings..because they weren’t you.” 
Their eyes met once again, David watching miserably as more and more tears fell. 
“Funny..I was in the same exact position as them the whole time.” 
Y/N shifted on her feet once again, taking a moment to look up at the sky and notice the flurry of snow falling upon them. David absent-mindedly followed, wondering if he could see the same thing she seemed to be looking for within the ice.
“And then came tonight,” He glanced back down but she was still looking above them, lips noticeably beginning to pale in color, “You walked in with her under your arm and I knew it…I felt it in my gut.” Her voice ceased and cracked, Y/N flinching at the pain. Her eyes fluttered shut, discomfort slowly trudging into a pitiful ache sprayed across the entirety of her face. 
“No words had to be spoken, I just knew it.” She whimpered, “A-And I couldn’t stop myself, the tears. I felt like I was going to choke on my own tongue I had to leave.” 
The details ultimately explained how they both ended up out here, David earlier noticing her escaping the confinements of the club through the front door and instantly fighting his way through the crowd to follow steadily after. 
And now..here they were.
“I-I think the worst part,” She rasped, head slowly dropping down, “The worst part is that I can’t even be mad at you..because you never knew.”
A burning began to raise behind David’s eyes. Maybe it was because of the nipping cold, maybe it was because he could quite literally see his best friend’s heart breaking from the distance they were at..and he was the reason why. 
“I want to be furious with you..I want to scream at you, I want to hurt you like—fuck—like you hurt me, are hurting me.” She was tripping over her words, tears choking her of oxygen, body racking with ugly, harsh sobs. David watch as she swiped at the flood beneath her eyes but it was to no avail; the more she wiped, the more tears came.
She heaved and cough, “B-But I can’t..because you didn’t do anything wrong.” Y/N covered her face with her gloved fingers, the cloth instantly becoming damp from the mesh of her sobs and the snowflakes. 
David sniffed his own tears away, ignoring the burning and trying to ground himself. If he fell apart what would become of this situation? Holding back was the better option.
“It was my fault.” Her words broke the tension. David returned his attention with a look of bewilderment. She was making it worse, she was adding onto the pain.
“No..’ David hiccuped, shaking his head rapidly, “Y/N it’s not.”
She cursed under her breath, “David, it was.” Her tone had gone from shaky to almost furious, “I allowed myself to fall for you, to develop deep rooted feelings for someone who had never shown any sort interest towards me. I created my own world where you actually loved me!” Y/N snapped, cheeks somehow managing to flush despite the temperature, “I loved you..and you didn’t love me, and it’s not your fault."
Taking a step back she physically began to distance herself from her but David recognized it as more: She was trying to distance herself from him completely.
“It was mine.” They both paused on the pavement and stared. Silence. 
What else was there to say? What other words could be spoken to fix this emotional mess before and between them? 
There weren’t any.
“W-What,” The word shifted to smoke the moment it escaped, trailing up slowly before evaporating into the winter air. She stood there, still three feet away, with the same still look on her face. 
David bit his lip, suppressing the wave of emotion rising timidly in his chest into his throat. 
“What happens now?” He finally managed to speak. 
The tears welled up between his lashes, the liquid slowly beginning to blur his vision. But he could still see her, still see the figure of a girl who loved him in a way he didn’t love her. 
She stared..and stared..and stared until his skin began to itch once again. ‘Say something’ he cried within his subconscious, ‘Please..say something.” 
Y/N shoved her hands into her pockets and narrowed her eyes. 
“I don’t know.”
Suddenly she was turning on the heel of her boot, the movement drawing marks in the snow as she did a full 180—back now facing David. Without another moment wasted she started walking, through the snow underneath the fluorescent street lights.
And with every step she took, that burning itching feeling that David had been feeling since they started talking began to fade. 
But if it was for the best…he would never know.
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