#I want to draw Jing yuan originally
muupso-o · 4 months
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I want to draw Jing Yuan but it turns out to be Rengoku at the end 🤔
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lorelune · 10 days
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(minors & ageless blogs dni. a piece for @ainescribe for helping me with my theme 💓 cw: predator/prey, hints of dubcon)
"i'll give you a head start."
jing yuan tells you this with a pleasant, easy smile and his hands behind his back. and no context. you cock your head at him from across the little table you share, and take a sip of your cold tea.
"come again, dear?" you knock your ankle against his under the table.
"i'm giving you a five minute head start." jing yuan leans closer and rests his chin his palm. his eyes take on a cat-like glint. "i've already started counting. i'd get going if i were you, sweetling."
you only want more of it.
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your chest feels tight all of a sudden.
"jing yuan—"
"i won't be going easy on you." his smile verges on smug as he leans forward. "and i would advise to take full advantage of this time. i think you'll need it."
he leans away from you and tilts his head. it would be cute if you couldn't see the rapidly darkening mischief in his gaze. you jolt up from your little table, clattering your chair on the cobbled walkway. he eyes you up and down like a big cat sizing up its next meal as you step backwards, nearly stumbling.
something in your gut twists, like a hot iron.
you turn on a heel and walk as fast as you can without drawing too much attention to yourself. weaving around the late-night crowds and ducking around street vendors and their burning latterns, your heart pounds. faster and faster.
this had been your idea originally. you just hadn't expected jing yuan to entertain it (though on some level, he entertains all of your ideas.) this desire of yours seemed too risky, too innately... unlike him. at least to you.
this game had been a fantasy. one you'd confessed your interest in a few weeks prior, while luxuriating in a pleasantly steaming bath together. you shared a glass of wine, passed between sips after a slow, tender evening. you'd playfully started a conversation about things to try in the bedroom, and somehow, the Divine Foresight and honey wine managed to wring a few previously unspoken desires out of you.
this is the result, you suppose, as you stumble around a corner, toward jing yuan's estate.
you should've known that jing yuan would spring this fantasy on your unexpectedly. that was part of the allure. the hunt, the chase— you're just prey now, with no time to prepare or plan. the innate helplessness has already stirred something in you, even though jing yuan hasn't done anymore than send you hungry looks and promises.
you're sure five minutes have passed. you're positive that the man is trailing you, even if you can't hear or see him. you don't have the military prowess that he does, you're just a civilian. your footfalls are loud as you break into a run near his estate and its towering walls.
your hands shake as you hold your jade abacus to its lock. the slow 'clunk' of gears opening the gates feels like it goes on forever. your heart is pounding in your ears, like a drum that won't stop. you're out of breath, but force yourself to sprint the moment the door swings open.
you hide in one of his gardens.
jing yuan has many green spaces on his estate. it's situated on a large enough space to allow for a small stream running through the largest garden into the front yard. ponds gurgle nearby, filled with fat, sleepy fish. you wake them as you dash around the greenery and shrubs, uncaring of the dirt that is staining your shoes. the bottom of your outer most garment must be getting torn as it snags on the brush below.
the gate of the estate opens and closes once more, somewhere not far behind you. your heart lurches, your stomach feels cold and hollow and you run.
jing yuan knows his estate better than you, clearly. you don't know where is safe, but in his largest garden, there are large gingko trees and stones that seem okay to hide behind. maybe. you are too anxious, too out of your fucking mind, to use sound logic at this point. you scramble behind a smooth quartz boulder and lay a hand on your chest. panting. tears sting your the corners eyes as you desperately try to catch your breath.
you listen the best you can to see if you can hear him follow you. it's hard to pick up every little sound, breeze shakes the tree branchers into a late-evening song. cicadas chirp to disguise any potential footfalls. it would probably be best to hide somewhere on the edge of the garden. you're in the center of it, not far from the stream. you don't dare peak out from your hiding spot, but you should move— you feel so exposed—
a floorboard creaks nearby. you freeze.
the wind almost stills with the sound. you can't breathe as you strain to hear more. it came from the west, where you know there's an entrance to this garden. you think. probably. your heart pounds so loudly, you can barely hear anything over the roar.
you do another sound, though. the sound of a boot fall, onto stone. there's a path laid with them not far from where you are.
something white-hot, old and feral burst in your chest.
you need to fucking run.
with a burst of energy that makes you feel light-headed, you push off the ground and throw yourself over the rock you were hiding behind, away from the sounds that are surely jing yuan stalking you.
your feet hit the ground and you run. run, run, run—
you swear you can feel more footfalls than just your own, but you can't look behind you. all of your focus is on weaving through the gardens trees and shrubbery, to gain and sort of ground.
you stumble, eventually. it's inevitable that you lose. the game is set up that way.
you trip over your own feet as you near the little stream that cuts the garden and gurgles. your momentum ruins you; you can't right yourself fast enough.
a hand catches the back of your collar and pulls. your breath catches, caught in your throat by the pressure. an arm, his arm, bundle you up at the waist and slams your body into his. your back to his front. the force of it knocks the air out of you.
you still scramble, you can't help it. squirming and kicking, you fight against the unyielding grip he has on you. he's hot against your back, scalding even. the metal bits of his armor and belts dig into your as your struggle fruitlessly.
"what's this?" jing yuan says into your ear, soft and curling. "i thought you would do a little better than this."
you whine. your stomach feels cold.
jing yuan laughs then, rich and low like he always does. but there's a darker edge to it now. you can feel it spread down the back of your neck, your spine, drenching you down to your toes. he squeezes you, and you feel yourself get wet.
(you're fucked.)
"you'll have to try harder next time." jing yuan says. "maybe i did go a little easy on you."
"s-sure you did—"
jing yuan nips your ear. "what was that? i didn't realize prey animals were capable of speech."
you crane your neck, ready to snap at him, but you don't get the chance too.
in a single motion, jing yuan has you thrown over his shoulder. blood rushes too quickly to all of the places it shouldn't be. you feel dizzy with it and whine and sputter with it.
jing yuan doesn't yield, only laughs again, and gives your bottom a few firm (very firm) pats. you gulp.
(lucidly remembering the other details you revealed to jing yuan in the bath that night. all of the filthiest bits of your fantasies. jing yuan hardly had to ply you for them.)
and jing yuan is a strategist. you should have known he would use this new information advantageously against you in such a way.
as you enter his manor, heart still pounding, palms clammy, and feeling like a rabbit in the jaws of a lion, you feel foolish and turned on all once. jing yuan so easily catches you off guard when he chooses. he so easily undoes you, puts you in a place of his choosing and let's you fester there just enough that he can remedy it— either with sweetness or, as he now so adeptly showing you, with something an edge darker.
you gulp, light-headed.
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rekishiteki · 7 months
Ardent Affection
Summary: You just really love Jing Yuan
Words: Around 1.5k
Warnings: Fluff the whole way through; reader is not described in any way and implied to be a long life species; reader and jing yuan are very clingy and a little possessive; jing yuan decided to be cheeky so this ended up kind of suggestive at the end
Notes: I wrote this for meee!!!!! It's self indulgent!! It's what I want to do with jing yuan!!! It's been months and I'm still so down bad for him. I'm so in love with him it's making me ill!!!! Done trying to edit this so take it before I explode from the yearning
This is also an offering to his rerun banner. I need my beautiful husband so please let me win my next 50/50 and his lightcone 👉👈
You're relaxing with Jing Yuan in his gardens. He's lying on his side with a hand propping his head up. His eyes are closed and he looks content to be here sunning himself. You're sitting with your back resting against his middle. His other hand is placed on your arm and you can feel the rise and fall of his chest. It's comforting. You let out a content sigh, basking in the serenity of the moment. Your thoughts drift to Jing Yuan as they tend to do, your gaze drifting along with it. You examine him and his beautiful features, heart tightening with the love you feel for him.
"I wish I was as old as you." The words come out of your mouth impulsively, the barely formed thoughts surprising you.
Jing Yuan's eyes open. He looks curious. A moment passes before he responds. "How come?"
You purse your lips before turning away to think. Knowing this Jing Yuan simply lets the hand on your arm start gently stroking you. He'll patiently wait for your answer. He always does.
After a while you turn your body to face him. One hand is supporting you on the ground while you rest the other on his side. "Because," you pause and squeeze the hand you have on him. You're always nervous to voice the feelings you harbor deep within. But in the end you can't help being an open book for him. He makes it so easy to do so. "Because maybe I could have known you sooner. We could've had more time together. And... you wouldn't have had to be alone for centuries."
He's silent as he takes in your words, eyes never leaving you. Then an amused huff escapes him as he brings his free hand to cup your face. The smile Jing Yuan's giving you drives you insane, the one where he looks so utterly in love with you that it constricts your heart to the point it feels like it's going to burst from the overwhelming affection you have for him. Those feelings are where this thought originated from. You love him so much it makes you greedy. Greedy for him. You want his everything and you want to give him everything in turn. You hate that you've missed so much of his life. You want all of him including the past you can't have. To make him irrevocably yours, and you his.
Jing Yuan draws you closer, his thumb lovingly caressing your cheek. It brings your attention back to him. You wonder how much of your thought process he's aware of. Your noses are almost touching now. He's smiling as he speaks. "I have you now."
It takes a moment to find your voice as you find yourself lost in his eyes. "Is that enough?"
He's staring at you like he wants to get lost in yours too. "More than enough. We have our whole future ahead of us, don't we?"
Something inside of you snaps. The way he says it, like it's obvious the two of you will always be together. For a long time. It makes you delirious. Delirious with love. And you need to act on it or you really will burst. So you surge forward to kiss him. And he must have been expecting it because he's already turning on his back and taking you with him. The hand on your cheek moves to the back of your head to press you closer. Your own hands are gripping him tightly. His other hand now on your waist squeezes in response. And so the two of you lie there, luxuriating in each other's sweet kisses. You want to kiss him forever but the need to breathe wins out. You break away with a sigh. Jing Yuan's eyes gleam with mirth as he watches you and you feel as if your breath's been stolen again.
You wonder if you should say something but the only thing you're capable of coming up with is a flurry of I love you's. Jing Yuan seems to know what's rattling in your head for his gaze softens. He brings a hand up to your face again but this time you lean into it and grab it. He chuckles. "You're always so sweet for me," he says, looking so incredibly fond of you.
You hum in acknowledgement. "I love you," you mewl. You love Jing Yuan so much, how could you not want to be so sweet and good for him? He's gone through so much yet still remains so good and kind hearted without ever expecting anything in return. But you want to return it. You want to give him the love he lives by and fill his life with joy. This is the second origin of your thoughts. If you knew him longer you could've started making him the happiest man on the Luofu sooner.
"I love you, too. Very much." He says it like it's a secret just for you, all while looking horribly smitten. It sends your heart soaring. You smile at him and there's no doubt it's just as smitten as his.
Jing Yuan stills and you don't have any time to react as he's the one surging forward to kiss you this time. However this kiss is different. It's searing and tantalizing. You feel your world tilt as Jing Yuan turns to settle over you trapping you under him. His lips part briefly and then give a chaste peck before pulling away to grin at you. It's a playful grin, almost smug. He tilts his head to the side almost as if he's challenging you.
You're wide eyed as you take a moment to recover. Then you laugh and shake your head, smiling all the while. "You're such a scoundrel."
"Only for you." You can tell how much he's enjoying this from the delightful smirk he's wearing.
"Yes, yes, you're my scoundrel." You reach up to pat his head. There's a small hum as his eyes close momentarily in pleasure.
"Do you regret being loved by a 'scoundrel'?" The amusement is clearly written on his face. It's evident he knows what the only answer is.
You scoff. Fleetingly you wonder how to continue but Jing Yuan's assurance in your love for each other always makes you want to be sincere. So you smile and answer, "No. I could never."
A quiet moment passes where Jing Yuan simply returns your smile before he's leaning down to press a loving kiss to your forehead. "Good. I'm afraid there's no escaping from me now." Suddenly, you're very aware of the hands that grip your waist a little tighter and how you're effectively pinned beneath him. It's like he's saying you're his and the thought sends a thrill through you. You're in the palm of his hands now and that's your favorite place to be.
You bring up your arms to wrap them around his neck. You easily pull him closer to you. The two of you stare at each other as the silence simmers with a gentle heat. It's broken—but not gone—when you quietly tell him, "I wouldn't have it any other way. Because you can't escape from me either."
Jing Yuan practically lights up at that. He grins, pleased. "I'm all yours." You think Jing Yuan likes to enable your possessiveness. Something about it seems to fill him with satisfaction. Maybe it's knowing that someone could feel so ardently for him. That somehow you've chosen to love him and never rescind it. Or at least that's how you feel about him and his possession of you. It does make you greedy. He's greedy. He'll take whatever you give him and return it tenfold. You two are lovesick and doomed to never recover.
The thought is tickling. You laugh. There's no need for words so you simply lean forward to kiss him. He meets you halfway. You can't tell who started it but it doesn't matter. Each one speaks of the love you hold for the other.
Jing Yuan pulls away with a nip to your bottom lip. Your breath hitches. Both from the action and the way he's now looking at you. He wants to proposition you. You know he will. And he knows you'll agree. He'll be so nice and sweet as he asks you it'll leave you swooning. You both know this and yet it never gets any less exhilarating.
You can feel the anticipation grow within you as you watch him draw closer. Jing Yuan rests his forehead against yours. He's smiling. The desire in his beautiful golden eyes holds you captive. One of his hands is lightly trailing down your arm to grab your hand. He interlaces his fingers with yours. The two of you remain like that for a moment to take each other in. Finally Jing Yuan says to you, "My dear," and it's spine tingling the way he calls to you so reverently. "Allow me to express my love for you in other ways. Let me show you how good I can be for you, hm?"
His words send a delightful shiver through you. "Please, Jing Yuan," you answer him but it's more of a plead. He really is so good to you. Whatever he gives you, you also want to return tenfold. Jing Yuan gives you one last fond smile before he's up and carrying you to your shared bed. The love you have for him is bubbling up again and threatening to overflow. You also want to express it in other ways. To tether him with sweet adoration and endless devotion like he readily does to you. It's a fulfilling game of give and take neither of you want to end.
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chaeyoei · 2 months
Could I request jing yuan x fem_zhongli!reader? I think it would be fun to incorporate how much older she is and maybe spar with jing yuan and yanqing teaching them new moves? You could also add a bit of angst if you want with the fact that zhongli has admitted that with time, his memories do start to erode.
This is actually fuelling my brainrot. I'll incorporate the dragon part too. And other requests are coming out soon.
I kept her as a friend because the age gap bothered me alot. Warning: bad writing.
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The situation was dire, the Denizens were wreaking havoc upon the ship. The Cloud Knights who remained strong, felt fear for the first time. What kind of tragedy would this bring?
All they could do was hold faith in their General and keep fighting with hopes high. Jing Yuan could the hope entrusted upon him by his subordinates but all seemed to be in vain. He was gravelly injured and his life was draining out of his body.
But with unknown fortune, appeared a figure that launched ginormous spears accompanied by meteors all raining on the enemy finishing it quickly.
Relief and suspicion overshadowed all his former emotions. Who was this figure? Most importantly, the motive behind their help. However he saw this same silhouette fall. He rushed forward to catch this unknown saviour, as he inched closer, he saw it was a woman who seemed to be half conscious. He held out his hands in time to catch this mysterious lady.
"She's fine." The Dragon Lady assured, her doe eyes darting from the unconscious woman on the bed to the General infront. "But, she's also a dragon and similar but different from us. I believe she's a sicon of Qilopoth(Preservation) as we are Long's(Premembrance) Sicons."
"A sicon of Preservation?" He titled his head. From what he witnessed in the battlefield, it looked more like you followed the path of the Hunt or Destruction rather than Preservation. But protecting also serves a form of Preservation.
A grumble came from the lady's mouth drawing both of their attention. "Looks like she's waking up, I'll leave you both to talk, General." Bailu took her leave.
"Where?" The lady mummered getting up. "You're in the Alchemy commision." Jing Yuan answered.
"I'm here to question you." He added.
"First question, what is your name?"
"Where do you hail from?"
"From Liyue."
That response made him speechless. Liyue as in the place where the Xianzhou Empire's origin were.
"Huh? I hail from Liyue.. that's it."
"How old are you?"
The lady fell silent. "600.."
"Don't lie. Liyue is a place where the Xianzhou Empire arrived and that was 5000 years ago. The planet of Teyvat was abandoned." He narrowed his and his tone only got stern.
"hmm.." He wasn't questioning the age but it felt like you were hiding something.
But all would come to light because you'd still have to attend the trail between the alliance and take responsibility. Your deeds may be good but they still need to know your intentions. A person who can showcase such power can also stab them in the back.
"That concludes as what the suspect had told." Jing Yuan finished his report.
"Very well. Lady Zhongli.. You admit that your home place is the Loufu. If you're as old as you admit, would mind telling the ruler of that period?" Marshal Hua started her questioning.
"Jade lady, Ningguang." You answered calmly.
"I believe you know what happened in that timeline as well?"
"Yes, the lord of Geo, Morax died in that period." You hoped she wouldn't catch you.
"Are you perhaps a descendant or successor of Morax?
"..Yes." You knew well that your lie would be caught soon enough.
"Let me revise history, the lord Morax, had no descendants or successors. It was later found that his death was just a masquerade as he stepped down from his position. What statment can you give to prove that you're him?" The Marshal's statement may sound rash but she wasn't wrong in the slightest. History states that Morax can change forms.
"..I have nothing to say in regard to that."
"Tell me your age again."
And with some other questions, you were revealed to be the Ancient lord of money, Morax. But Mora really didn't have a value in this economy of credits.
"That concludes are trial. You are free to go."
"Phew." You could handle intense questioning very well but your age caught up to loads of time.
However, instead of a foreign traveler's recognition, you were given citizenship. You know the Alliance was making use of you but you always had the option to leave. Coming to basic needs, you'd be living in the Cloud Knights Quaters.
"hmmh.." The kid grumbled not being able to get his stance right.
"Your footing is wrong, you need to have a firm balance on the ground to get your strike correct." You fixed the young man's position.
"Do you also work the Cloud Knights?" The kid was interested in knowing your identity.
"So not only are you excelled in ancient literature but also weapon handling, though that doesn't come as a surprise, you did invent the methods of swordsmanship and pole arm handling that are used till this day." Jing Yuan appeared randomly.
"General!, You mean this lady?" The kid turned to you. "Greetings lord.. Lady of Geo." The kid bowed formally.
"You don't have to bow kid, I've long stepped down from that position."
"And humble as well."
This small interaction really sparked Yanqing's curiosity. He could ask as much questions as why even the trivial things mattered. As for Jing Yuan, his moves only got more perfect with your guidance. If Jingliu would've been here, she would've taken a liking to you even Dan Feng..
He sighed, these thoughts would never be possible. He looked at you who was looking at his weapon, commenting on it's quality and full of details quality.
"General! a mara wave is coming through." A knight informed.
"Advise the civilians to stay in their homes and form a stance around the creatures, don't let them escape." Jing Yuan ordered quickly.
A blade came through the formation, it's aim to lodge into the General's chest but it disseminated into the area when it met with impenetrable shield.
"General are you okay?" You asked.
Now he understood why you were form the path of preservation. "Yes."
You were old.. Ancient would be a better them. But your stories where better that those pesky writers in the Alying Sanctum.
You could be considered a role model and a person to go to. You had advice, were calm and just had that social butterfly effect.
But being old has it's downsides often. As your age increases, erosion casts it's effect. You forget trivial things and even names unless they were in your daily interactions.
"..." You groaned walking through the corridors.
"Do you need help, lady of Geo?" A passing Cloud Knight asked.
"..Do you remember where my room is?"
".. It's on the east wing close to the General's chamber. You're in the west wing."
"..oh. where is the east wing again?"
"Let me guide you."
Although the situation of you forgetting your wallet was funny, as it was also saddening that you would succumbed to life where you would forget everyone and everything.
In the Xianzhou terms, Mara wouldn't have an effect on you but at the cost that you would be forgetting bits of yourself and there's nothing you can do about it.
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I tried my best to crossover elements from both games and something has happened to my english. Thos fancy words don't come out anymore. And it's so short...
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xieni-logs · 1 year
cAn i request welt, jing Yuan, dan heng, blade and maybe even caelus with an s/o who's mute (like they can't speak) but they're very expressive with emotions and usually communicates thru writing on paper?? kinda got the idea from komi can't communicate
also a lil scenario on how the men would react if someone did or say something offensive to their s/o?
HSR x mute!reader (RQ)
includes: Jing Yuan, Blade, Dan Heng, Welt
a/n: ty for your rq, anon! I actually started watching komi can't communicate since you said it, and ended up watching too much of it and writing too little lololol i made the scenario thing into someone saying something offensive about how reader is mute since we're on that topic already, hope thats ok! more a/n: I FORGOT ABOUT WELT, ADDED HIM NOW
* ˚ ✦ Jing Yuan who was initially curious behind why you couldn’t speak but no matter the reason, he wouldn't mind it. he finds your expressions cute, i mean who wouldn't? god, he can't believe anyone in their right mind could ever make a snarky remark about you. but they did, and Jing Yuan is gonna let that go easily. even if you say you're fine with that comment, he sure isn't. he doesn't go and threaten the person, instead he'll make their lives oh so annoying. they'll be denied service due to some obscure reason (a gag order from Jing Yuan; you seem to forget he's a general, he has a lot of influence), luck will never seem to be by their side either. and if they're a long-life species, well, they're in for a couple decades of annoyances. Jing Yuan isn't confrontational but he sure is petty.
* ˚ ✦ Blade originally found you being mute rather troublesome. it was a lot more work having to read your notes, and though you're fast at writing, Blade used to always complain about how slow you were at responses. but he slowly gets used to it, and in time, he finds himself enjoying your silent company. in all the chaos, Blade enjoys the comfortable silence between you two. if you want to talk, he'll read your notes and respond with nods or shakes of his head. he'll get pretty pissed hearing someone make a snarky remark on your lack of speech. there's nothing much he can and wants to do except brandish his sword at the person. after, Blade will give you a quick look of are you ok? before moving on. it's a small sweet gesture.
* ˚ ✦ Dan Heng who was neither curious nor cared about you being mute. he simply accepted it as a fact and continued. it doesn't really bother him, he has no qualms about it. but when someone says something offensive about your lack of speech, that's when he has a problem. why can't they mind their own business? he'll tell them a snarky remark before taking you away from the situation. it's not worth the trouble concerning the both of you with that person is what he'll think. Dan Heng will ask you if you're alright and assure you that what the person said is wrong. he'll make sure you know you are perfectly fine not speaking, you aren't abnormal for not speaking, and that it's part of your charm and one of the many things he likes about you.
* ˚ ✦ Welt who respects the fact you're mute. he doesn't pry into why you are but he'll listen if you want to explain. if you draw little faces on your notes to convey your expression, god, he's so weak to that. will indulge in drawing faces on your notes (smiley faces with a badly drawn thumbs up as an ok from him; it took him 5 minutes to draw that hand). he finds it unbelievable anyone would say something so passive aggressive about the fact you're mute. people can be so disrespectful! he disengages the situation and leaves, guiding you away with his arm wrapped around your shoulder. like Dan Heng, he'll reassure you that whatever was said was wrong. you'll never interact, or even see, that person again if he can help it.
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yurinaa-world · 9 months
hello, blade, jing yuan, dan heng and welt platonic with a child!reader who is like griseo from honkai impact?
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Characters: Blade, Jing Yuan, Dan Heng, and Welt yang platonic! x Female reader
Synopsis: reader that's like Griseo from honkai impact
Warnings: Fluff and spelling mistakes,
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You are favored by everyone in the Stellarton Hunters; even Elio does it too. You both are stuck together whenever everyone else is 'busy'; you’re always quiet, really wanting to talk to anyone in general, and it’s no difference with him just painting and painting (he could leave but doesn’t).
Most people don’t see you anywhere since you're probably in your art room that no one knows where it is since there are several art rooms for you; he’s walked in on you in a room, thinking it was some sort of spy.
He looks at some of your paintings whenever he’s stuck taking care of you, which freaks you out. Does he have to look at that one? The painting in question was based on him and how he looks similar to spider lilies. He doesn’t say anything and just puts the painting back where it was hanging.
Y’know those trashy art kits with bad markers and ‘paints’ (but very expressive) Well, while going causing some havoc, he saw it and thought you would like it. When he sees your face happy (for at least trying), he is glad, until Kafka tells him that you probably wouldn’t use it since the kit is really low quality.
𝒥𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝓊𝒶𝓃
He gives you an entire art room with very expensive supplies, and since he sees you somewhere where no one goes, you start to freak out a little whenever someone sees you. He hopes you impress him with your skills, and if you do, he might hang your painting in his office so that those who come and see him can also witness your piece.
You're very comfortable around him, only letting him see your paintings. You just finished wanting me to praise you for your hard work and give you a little attention.
Watch you get very shy when talking to other people at events with him. Go on, why don’t you tell them about the painting on the walls? You were the one who spent your sweat and tears just to complete it.
𝒟𝒶𝓃 𝐻𝑒𝓃𝑔
He’s a bit awkward when it comes to you; you both don’t talk and don’t leave your rooms either. Since everyone is going out to get something on this new planet and you both are staying well, Dan Heng is in charge of you. It might have been the first time he’s ever seen your room. and it’s a total mess—paintbrushes, paint, several unfinished paintings, and broken parts of supplies all over the place.
Everyone thought his room was that bad. He can just sit there on the side and not stare at you, you say in a whisper. What? Well, you get nervous whenever he stares at you, so he can't... One question about painting: you lost your mind and told him about everything, so it was a bonding experience, and now you give him some little drawings, so it’s worth it.
You also use the database in his room to get inspiration for your next painting from your favorite artist.
𝒲𝑒𝓁𝓉 𝓎𝒶𝓃𝑔
He asks you many questions just to see you freak out over your obsession. Like,  let it all out; he’ll hear out everything you say; he means everything—the origin of the color purple, sure! Knock yourself out or talk about your favorite artist, what kind of painting they did, what their first painting was, and stuff like that.
Unlike Blade, he gets you good painting supplies that aren't like Crayola or those bad art sets like pencils that have good pigment and paint brushes made with the finest bristles, like he knows what good stuff is at.
I helped you design your room as well, making it very bright and artistic like you, with your most beloved paintings all over your walls, and even gave you two matching paintings, one for you and the other for him.
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rin-fukuroi · 1 year
𝐈 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨𝐨 [𝐉𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐮𝐚𝐧]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail Pairings: Jing Yuan x Fem!reader Warnings: just fluff, events after the battle with the Phantylia
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq 
Throughout the story, I wanted to hug this man tightly and wrap him in a soft blanket. He's so sad and so in need of the warmth that he deserves<3
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You sigh heavily, sorting papers on your lover's desk. General Jing Yuan won't be able to return to work for a while yet, and it's the least you can do to lighten his burden after he fully recovers. Knowing him, you could say with confidence that he would have run away from any paperwork even faster than usual when he saw what a mess had formed at his workplace in his absence.
Your soul was restless. Although you visited him every day and Jing Yuan was always smiling and sticking to you the same way as always, you felt that he really needed a rest. Of course, you couldn't question Miss Bailu's skill, but what kind of loving girl would you be if you weren't worried about your irresponsible General?
— God, I should at least deal with what I can do, — you mumble to yourself, taking a thoughtful pose, looking at the endless stacks of papers. Another doomed sigh leaves your lungs before you grab the key from the table. — However… It can wait until tomorrow.
When you go outside, you are greeted by the night sky and lights illuminating the almost deserted Lofu.
— Oh, it obviously took longer than I planned… — you grab the belt of your bag slung over your shoulder and are about to proceed towards the house when someone's hand wraps around your wrist.
You shudder, turning sharply, ready to draw your, albeit small, but still a sword. Jing Yuan usually forbids you to carry weapons with you, preferring to send a couple of Cloud Knights to accompany you, but you never liked to attract too much attention to yourself and stand out from the crowd, so you rarely listened to his lectures about the dangers of weapons for inexperienced fighters, especially such clumsy ones like you. The main thing for you has always been a sense of security and comfort, which could well be provided by Jing Yuan himself or a small blade that will not harm you, but can injure the enemy if you are unlucky enough to be in a situation where you have to use it.
And it seems that this day has come.
You put your hand on the scabbard hidden under the blouse on your belt, turning abruptly to meet face to face with someone who had the audacity to touch a strange woman on the street at such a late hour. The General would be proud of your grace and speed. It seemed to you that now you can cut off the head from the shoulders of this brazen pervert, but by making too sharp a turn on your heels, you stumble over your own foot, almost losing your balance. But everything started so well.
You're desperately trying to stay on your feet, balancing on the heel of one foot, but a pair of strong arms instantly encircles your forearms, forcing you to squint in fright. That's all. Is this ridiculous mistake going to cost you your honor and dignity now? Jing Yuan definitely wouldn't be proud of that…
— Jing Yuan?! — your eyes open wide with genuine shock, your lips open wide, and there is not a single censorious thought in your thoughts when your gaze meets golden eyes depicting poorly feigned guilt, which is instantly replaced by curiosity and mischief inherent in the General.
— Oh, where were you reaching for, m? — one of the General's palms slides down your waist until it is on the belt, catching the edge of the blouse and lifting up the thin fabric. — Tsk-tsk, I think I already told you that I don't want my future wife to carry a sword with her.
— And I think I said that I don't want to marry an idiot who can't just stay in the infirmary until his wounds heal! What are you doing here? — you nervously pull his palm, defiantly pouting and crossing your arms over your chest.
— Miss Bailu exaggerates my incapacity too much. I'm healthy enough to go out for a little airing.
— Rlly? And I think you just wanted to see me, even though we saw each other this morning and would have seen each other again in just a few hours if you hadn't run away like a naughty child.
— Ah, you see right through me, darling, — the General grabs his chest resentfully before laughing softly, placing his palms on either side of your thighs again. — I can't help myself, I needed to hug my future wife now and not a second later.
You sigh in frustration, shaking your head in displeasure, but eventually you give up, wrapping your palms around his neck. No matter how many stupid things he does, no matter how childish, you can never resist his incredible charm. The velvety voice, the soft look, the warmth emanating from Jing Yuan's body — these are all things without which you cannot imagine any of the days of your life. You would be blatantly lying if you said that you didn't miss him even when you parted for some miserable half a day. But your concern and care for the irresponsible General outweighed your longing for him, so you resigned yourself to the fact that you would have to part for some time, which you purposely filled with something related to him, so as not to feel lonely until the next meeting.
Your facial expression softens, your gaze fills with tenderness, and the corners of your lips lift in a warm smile. You tiptoe up, pressing your lips to Jing Yuan's cheek, catching him off guard with a short kiss. You catch a glimpse of his eyebrows lifting, and the once playful expression turns to surprise before you bury your face in his neck, pressing your body against his. The General is so big and strong, and whenever you have the opportunity to just hug him, you feel really safe, wrapped in care, love and his warmth.
You can feel Jing Yuan's chest vibrating with loud laughter as he wraps his big hands around your back more tightly, squeezing you even tighter in his embrace.
— Did someone miss me too?
— I'm still mad at you and I'll tie you to the bed as soon as you get back to the infirmary, — you grumble in displeasure at his fluffy hair tickling your face. — But I missed you, Jing Yuan…
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tciddaemina · 1 year
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svsss fic recs because 👌👌
general all round good fics
High Mountain, How I Long by Minimalistless
[M, Bingqiu, canon divergence, 14K, complete]
Shen Qingqiu, after enduring his trial, is placed into Luo Binghe’s custody at Huan Hua Palace.
in the region of the heart by XueYangsLawyer
[E, Bingqiu, canon divergence, 15K, complete]
Luo Binghe comes home to Qing Jing Peak early, and Shen Qingqiu discovers the benefits of honesty.
dreams that had never come true by Tossawary
[T, Moshang, time travel, 13K, complete]
Mobei-Jun’s search for Shang Qinghua had taken him to many strange places. He had quickly exhausted all more familiar locations. He had come to this last strange place not because Shang Qinghua was a strange man who knew many strange things (though he was), but because… because… it was becoming evident that if he did not seek out strange methods, he would never find Shang Qinghua if he did not wish to be found.
It was becoming evident that Shang Qinghua did not wish to be found.
In which Mobei-Jun becomes an accidental time-traveler and gets a second shot at his life with Shang Qinghua.
How To Stop Being Strung Along By A Guy & Get What You Deserve: 5 Steps to a Serious Relationship! by x_los
[G, Bingqiu, soulmates, 5K, complete]
Shen Yuan transmigrates into Proud Immortal Demon Way with a firmly-tied red string of fate. It takes Luo Binghe roughly two hours to notice this.
Living With A Tiger by x_los
[E, OG Binghe/Shen Yuan, 17K, complete]
Shen Yuan has been engaged to Emperor Luo Binghe from almost the hour of his birth. He grows up knowing his place in the world exactly; he is far less certain of his place in his betrothed's guarded affections.
True Treasure by MissMegh
[M, OG Shen Qingqiu/Tianlang-Jun, canon divergence 38K, complete]
Shen Jiu has everything he asked for and nothing that he wants. Then he meets a handsome stranger in a brothel, and suddenly there's something he wants very much.
Or, what happens when the villain of Qing Jing Peak falls in love with the emperor of the demon realm.
liujiu disciple era marriage by pennydaniels
[E, OG Shen Qingqiu/Liu Qingge, series, 81K, complete]
Shen Jiu is drowning on Qing Jing Peak in his struggle to become Head Disciple and then hopefully Peak Lord. He's always been good at surviving but somehow can't help wanting more than that. He just wants to make the right decision.
(In which Shen Jiu is just trying to keep his head above water dealing with his faulty cultivation and capricious Shizun, has more than a few illuminating conversations with the brothel ladies, gets caught in a sex pollen disaster with Liu Qingge, and watches the other try their best to make it right.)
tasty tasty aus
We Are Not Wise by Boomchick, Suzoomie
[M, Bingqiu, soul sword au, 52K, complete]
When Shen Qingqiu drew Shen Yuan’s soul sword, it felt like being burned from the inside out. The fire wasn’t cruel, but it was still fire—hot and destructive, searing the softest pieces of him.
When Binghe’s fingers touch the hilt, he is ready for pain.
Transmigrated into a version of Proud Immortal Demon Way where cultivators manifest their own souls into spiritual weapons, Shen Yuan finds himself sort of kind of…accidentally blackmailing Shen Qingqiu into taking him on as a disciple before Luo Binghe joins the sect.
Love Like You by Boomchick
[T, Bingqiu, crystal gem au, 19K, complete]
Luo Binghe grows up in the shadow of his father, the red beryl Tianlang-jun. He loves his mother, and he loves his gem family, but there's something missing from his life.
Enter the enigmatic, elegant, beautiful Shen Qingqiu--a pearl who quickly cements himself in Luo Binghe's heart.
Unfortunately, their quiet days spent side-by-side on planet earth are quickly drawing to a close. When the appearance of Blue Diamond and his human pet changes everything, can Luo Binghe find a way back to Shen Qingqiu?
Sit With Your Soul by Tossawary
[T, Gen, daemon au, 61K, complete]
The original Shen Qingqiu suffers a severe deviation that unsettles his daemon, transforming them into a childish and inconstant creature, too curious and without any memories of the life that has made him so bitter. His soul is now unrecognizable to him and everyone can see his humiliation.
Shen Yuan isn't exactly happy to have transmigrated into Proud Immortal Demon Way at all, much less as this doomed scum villain's daemon.
Plastromancy by x_los
[T, Bingqiu, coraline-ish au, 16K, complete]
One night, Luo Binghe notices something odd about the way his blood is pooling on the floor of the woodshed."
A twelve year old Luo Binghe meets his Other Shizun.
AQ by x_los
[E, Bingqiu, star trek au, 15K, complete]
Before he rose to captaincy, Shen Yuan attended a briefing given to all command level officers in Star Fleet that outlined the scope of the Q threat. According to Admiral Picard's report, the omnipotent Q are devious, amoral, unreliable, irresponsible and definitely not to be trusted.
Orphaned stowaway Luo Binghe doesn't even know he is one.
[E, Moshang, modern au, 156K, complete]
“Marriage?” His voice breaks over the word like it’s a curse. “Really? Doesn’t it feel a bit irrational?”
“Are you planning to pay off an eight-figure debt with this job and a host job?” Mobei Jun asks, and Shang Qinghua almost wants to throttle him. Though, if his wallet didn’t have a direct funnel to his dad’s bank account, Shang Qinghua might actually have been a little comfortable.
“That’s not what I meant!” Shang Qinghua huffs, his head still spinning. As far as being a married man goes, Shang Qinghua is nowhere near ready.
“What?” Mobei Jun raises a single eyebrow. “Were you looking to marry for love?”
horny on main
Dual Cultivation by acernor
[E, Liu/bing/qiu, series, 98K, complete]
"Shizun said I made you feel so good,” Luo Binghe says, “that I could fuck you any time I wanted.”
Liu Qingge stops breathing for a second.
“What,” he blurts out.
Shen Qingqiu could tell he’d been into it?!
He Was Made for Untidy Rooms and Rumpled Beds by Bluethursday
[E, Bingqiu, 62K, complete]
Shen Qingqiu kind of, sort of, does not have the same modesty standards as a xianxia novel set in some form of Ancient China? He also hates the heat, who knew right?
What Dreams May Come by The Feels Whale
[E, Bingqiu, 45K, complete]
In the time between sacrificing himself to stop his estranged disciple’s qi deviation and waking up in his back-up body, Shen Yuan -formerly Shen Qingqiu- experiences a long series of dreams that make him confront quite a few things about himself that he’d been stubbornly ignoring.
Good thing they’re just dreams, right? Otherwise he’d never be able to look Luo Binghe in the eye ever again.
He Dreams of White Lotuses in Spring by bloodsongs
[E, Bingqiu, cw: teacher/disciple rp, 19K, complete]
“Aren’t you even the slightest bit curious…” He traces his knuckles against one of Shen Qingqiu’s warm ears and down the line of his jaw. “...about all the different ways this disciple has wanted Shizun?”
“I just,” Shen Qingqiu stammers, face heating at Luo Binghe’s touch and the intensity of the desire in those eyes contained within the innocence of his younger self’s face. “Why is this—why are you in this form?”
Without A Clue by x_los
[E, Bingqiu, 15K, complete]
Immediately before the Immortal Alliance Conference, Luo Binghe learns (via the magic of library science) that he alone can cure Shen Qingqiu's debilitating condition. When Binghe properly understands what that remedy will actually entail, he is even keener to be of use to his shizun.
death and a loverboy by Irrelevancy
[E, Liu Qingge/Tianlang-Jun/Su Xiyan, series, 34K, complete]
“We’re not friends!”
TLJ saves LQG's life in an ambiguous fuck-or-die. No clothes come off because he promised.
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tofufei · 2 months
To be to Someone [他是他FMV subbed]
Original edit by 此木辄 on bilibili (https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV18h411C7NC). Translated and reposted with permission.
I really enjoy this edit so I absolutely wanted to translate and share it. The way it deals with how people are perceived and the way they're addressed is really skillfully done. The coloring of the pronouns draws the focus specifically on the relationship between the different high-could quintet members as well as Jing Yuan's attitude towards Dan Feng vs Dan Heng and whether he recognizes them as separate individuals.
The fact that Jing Yuan is never addressed by his name and always by his title General is a subtle knife, given that he's basically lost everyone of the high-cloud quintet who were the people he was closest to and who'd address him by name.
Now, he's one of the most respected arbiter generals, a position that finally gave him enough power to free one friend and give him another chance at life, but this said friend denies any personal involvement with "the general" :')
While this edit's emotional beats might make it seem like a BE, it is actually hopeful to me because it does build up to Jing Yuan acknowledging that Dan Heng is his own person and not only a shadow of Dan Feng. And that is the first step to actually being able to build a new relationship with him.
Also the lyrics of this song are just so fitting! If I may ask this, please do rewatch the edit once and pay attention to the lyrics🥺 Jingliu's issue being something he regrets forever (regret that she became mara-struck, regret that he failed to end her life when that was what she asked of him), Jing Yuan being Dan Heng's saving light, Blade's fate with the Stellaron Hunters not being something that Jing Yuan could've anticipated. And the whole chorus just being a dig at Jing Yuan and Dan Heng both lol. Leaving it here again for reference.
Shoutout to yjtc, lokian and the diaspora server for helping with translation wording choices <3
If this path is blocked, then ride the clouds and taste the mist
You've said "farewell", so you can say "it's been a long time, I missed you" as well
You've voyaged the universe, how hard to navigate can mortal affairs be?
You've used your whole life to realize a most precious encounter
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kasarasun · 7 months
Hi! I loved your Illustrator Shen Yuan au and wanted to know if you had more ideas for it? I feel it makes a lot of sense especially with SY’s ability to recognize literally every plant, animal, and character that showed up in the novel instantly and Qing Jing being the peak of the four arts. Also, if he played a major role in editing the wiki, do you think any of his written headcannons or speculations may have come true? Do you think he and airplane ever just use his art style to distinguish cannon fodder from the rest or do they still follow the rules of his art style despite him having never drawn them? If the first then him meeting Tianlang-jun and ZZL would be hilarious cuz he may just brush them off. Also, how does this go with Liu Qingge’s character design being different than imagined (pretty instead of burly)? How do you think this would play into a post cannon reveal? Are there any other common or uncommon hc’s in the fandom that you would combine with this?
going backwards with your questions: (this will be long, forgive spelling, etc, errors)
Headcanons: this is already the product of multiple headcanons! For one, SQH is solidified as the author instead of a prophet, because SY as the artist means that the world is malleable, to a degree. Also I believe in black-haired Mobei-Jun (irrelevant haha). I also would say the hc where if Shang Qinghua 'writes' something with enough intent, it might just happen.
Also, the 'world' being made of paper and so is from someone/somewhere but i forgot. Sorry ahahaha
I think this makes SY and SQH both paper/creation gods. (Discussed further later on in this mess.)
Tianlang-Jun, Zhuzhi-Lang, and Liu Qingge: The thing is, the 'design' applies to mobei Jun because SY has explicitly drawn him. Binghe's 'design' is same the PIDW official art's because this is only physically, (the contours of a creature's skull rather than binghe's nail polish) because they're real people and persons, which is an important theme that breaks character designs that include distinctive clothing. Also because of this realized state, nothing can be more real than anything else. Through the lens of a reader, we might imagine the 'world' being this collage of the artist, but this isn't the case.
That brings me to my next point: what of the world that hasn't been 'illustrated'? Of course, we can have a creation myth instead of an actual explanation:
The God who brings ascension from nothingness carves the mountains, shapes the moon, culls the suns, and folds the paper beasts, men, and flowers. The God whose palms raise all things into the light so creates the three realms. The God creates and creates and creates.
The God who witnesses watches the creations grow simpler, watches creases deteriorate, watches rushed work. The God who witnesses sees the God who arises with the world in hand grow tired. The God who witnesses paints the paper cranes, refolds the rushed creations, and refines the creases. (The God who watches paints over a tear in a silver leaf. The God leaves the gold leaf be.)
The God who paints the birds and beasts never folds the fresh paper. So concludes the creation of all and every.
(Where the silver leaf of paper is mobei-jun and the golden one is binghe.)
Shen Yuan's headcanons: of course, Airplane is the writer. He takes precedence. His headcanons only applied to his 'domain', and his 'power' only exists in the origin world (though this may change as the idea develops), and draws power from Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky's work. His role is lessening the burden, but the work has already been done.
On postcanon reveals: Shang Qinghua totally gets caught first. Actually, it's the airplane extra with the 'daddy admires you' scenes! He is forces to explain, and along the way he kicks SQQ under the bus. I won't say too much on how this spreads, but probably Mobei saying something to someone. Maybe he calls Qinghua the heavenly emperor/ the ascender in front of all the peaklords. An Ding probably already knows.
why the ascender? Airplane translates literally into flying machine. So, warp that into ascension and omnipresence. Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky ascends reality from nothing (darkness) to something (sunlight). This applies to everything, so it is comparable to a system or machine. Behold, the really irrelevant, misplaced, and overly subtle Rain World reference.
The God who Paints the birds and Beasts from Drawing the Beast's Ire warps the Ire into attention, and then Airplane's protagonist and his cool monsters drew his attention, then the poor writing his ire.
Meanwhile, Shen Qingqiu is only minorly accosted by peak lords. The problem is binghe, upset that Shizun was drawing other people. Drawing the Beast's Ire drew like 2 other characters. One is Mobei-Jun. The other is a modern-clothing binghe. He's also upset that Shang-shishu and Shizun share something as grand as the creation of the world together, and the fact that SQQ is the lesser. Additionally, unlike Mobei-Jun, he wasn't made specifically to please his God! Unfair!
Of course, binghe is very happy about this as well. He's Shizun's favorite character!
This might be high time to mention more headcanons: there are temples and shrines dedicated to airplane and occasionally the witness/the painter in the endless Abyss. This is due to the first heavenly demons, probably. How else did Xin Mo get there?
Anyway, they'd be like airplane folding paper front and center and then the painter doing his thing off to the side. Of course, there are a decent amount dedicated only to the painter.
On additional creations: Maybe Shen Qingqiu/Yuan and Shang Qinghua get together and make OC animals. They're all entirely harmless. Shang Qinghua writes their names, their abilities, and a nice good description while Shen Qingqiu/Yuan paints. Maybe it doesn't do anything. Maybe it does. It's a change of pace either way.
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xn3city · 5 months
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And finally: the one I've been waiting for, the young man whose face leapt into my mind's eye when I read @romanceyourdemons's wonderful idea about SVSSS as an American nineties TV series and led me to draw all this, your blorbo and mine: Winter Mississippi, and the useless fake silver crucifix his adoptive mother gave him.
And yes, his cutie mark is an inverted cross. He's a demon!
Notes on the supporting cast:
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Pablo Escobar was still kicking around in the early nineties, and I knew I wanted the Heavenly Demons to be narcos, in conflict with the USA armed force cultivators. Huan Hua Palace's shady vibe works especially well with the CIA.
"Old Palace Master" is actually a great spy handler codename, but I was not about to give a black character a boss called "Master." I mean, you could do it in a fic. I can think of three authors just off the top of my head who I would trust to sensitively explore the hideous resonance that would give to the way Su Xiyan was abused and exploited by the OPM. But I'm not a good writer with a lot of prose to work with, I'm just a mid artist with one panel and most of it is taken up by a horny joke. I just said no.
My favorite joke in this whole thing is that the Heavenly Demons are named Jesus and Lover-of-God.
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Tried to capture that devoted gege-spitting wet cat dynamic between YQY and the Original Goods.
Shen Yuan pre-novel is such a cipher. I understand that the general consensus is that he died at about around 20, but…that's not the impression I got when I read SVSSS, actually. I get it now, but when he says something about not having gotten laid for twenty years: to be honest, I read that, and assumed he was, you know, 35 minimum, and having the mother of all dry spells.
And I think it makes the story better. A twenty year old wasting his time in his mom's basement reading crap webnovels and yelling on the forums: that's just a kid having a less than maximally productive gap year! He might well have had a stellar career of his own in real life eventually! It's not super surprising that he blossomed on Qing Jing Peak! But a thirty-five year old incel NEET angrily posting in that basement….that's a man who has had something go wrong in his life. I'm not saying you can't turn it around at thirty-five, you absolutely can, but I tell you: it's harder. Something is wrong, mentally or physically or both, and in a way that leaves a mark. Fifteen years are gone. Opportunites have passed that will not return. For that guy to be handed the responsibility of Shen Qingqiu's life, and do such a goddamn virtuoso job of turning it around: that is some bestselling-loveseat-level portrayal of how a different context could pull radically different capabilities out of a person. That makes SVSSS just as much about how the PIDW!world transformed Shen Yuan, and for the better, as it is about how Shen Yuan transformed Luo Binghe and his world. And that's a better story.
It does make the relationship age gap more disturbing - but if you weren't here for disturbing relationships, what are you doing reading SVSSS?
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The cell phones are of course terribly anachronistic, but here's the thing - there is no equivalent, and there's no story without it. There is no Peerless Cucumber yelling at the frustrated PIDW author for hacking out the 6000th boring papapa scene, without creators being financially dependent on direct contact and support from their fans in a way that just didn't exist in the nineties. I remember how novel and exciting it was that J. Michael Straczynski hung out on rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5; he absolutely did not have to. Eventually I decided that The Demon Heart of Winter Mississippi was, somehow, a nineties TV show about the 2010s, and everyone could have their phones. You know Minnie Liu is writing RPF on hers.
In case any of these weren't clear:
Demon Heart = Xin Mo Winter Mississippi = Luo Binghe (from @romanceyourdemons) "Don" Teófilo Lanza = Tianlang-Jun Chucho Lanza = Zhuzhi-Lang Sue Sheehan = Su Xiyan Codename: OPM = Old Palace Master Saul Czerniak = Shang Qinghua Wally Shen = Shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu Julius Shen = Shen Jiu/Shen Qingqiu Adam Montague = Yue Qingyuan Helmut von Nordwüste = Mobei-Jun (from @romanceyourdemons) Shelley Howe = Sha Hualing Minnie Liu = Liu Mingyan Max Liu = Liu Qingge Néné Young = Ning Yingying Michael Ventola = Ming Fan
Fun game: guess whose likenesses I used for reference for all these characters!
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yuka-drawings12 · 1 year
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My original chibi artstyle~ i just want to draw luocha but ended up i draw blade, jing yuan and dan heng hahaha i don't have jing yuan in game🥲
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
Hi there! So its been while since i last sent my ask. How are you aph? There seem to be a lot of posts, so im going to ask about the ones im interested about!
First, HI LIAN!!! I saw Lian and I LOVE THEM, They look so cool (btw great drawing btw) and i have so many questions!! 1. Is Lian a high elder? If they are, which ship are they from? (The high elders are the only ones who has visible dragon features, normal vidyadhara only have pointy elf ears) 2. Since they’re in erudition, What kind of research do they speacialize in? 3. WHAT IS THEIR BACKSTORY!!!
Second, why must you break my heart with Kaveh and his younger sibling like BRO. WHY YOU GOTTA BE LIKE THAT!!!!!!! God the angst is hard, but for some reason, i could see kaveh’s younger sibling getting along with wanderer because yk mommy issues and similar personality, although i think at first they didnt get along with wanderer hat guy since he injured Kaveh during the akademiya extravanganza thing and if they have similar personalities then they’re going butt heads with eachother. Still i think Wanderer can understand where kaveh’s younger sibling is coming from. Also am i wrong to say that Alhaitham might have inspired them to join Haravatat??? 👀
Third, uhhh so what happens if bots start following you? (Also how do you know its a bot?)
Hope you have a great day/night btw!
(have you gotten my other ask about a trope idea i had about Archilles heel and a HSR x reader idea? I hope you dont mind me asking that)
- 🐱 Anon
OOODHSKSH i love talking about lian. i told my boyfriend about them last night. he had no idea what i was talking about BUT he listened anyway 🫶🫶
hsr spoilers utc. some of lian's details are still being tweaked and edited, so certain things may or may not change!
yes! lian is a high elder. you know how dan heng... does not really care about his past incarnation and his high elder-ship in general? lian was always a "I Do Not Want This Job" high elder, in most if not all of their incarnations. they're from the xianzhou zhuming originally, but have spent the last few hundred years on the luofu. dan feng's silly ass got them thrown in prison LMFAO lian spent many incarnations serving as a retainer for other high elders since they weren't particularly interested in guarding one of yaoshi's artifacts or leading a clan of their own or succeeding another high elder, but they still had some kind of duty and obligation that they had to fulfill. so. they did it by being a retainer.
well. many incarnations went by, and who was the most recent high elder who they served under? that's right. imbibitor lunae dan feng.
the difference between dan feng's relationship with them and their relationship with other high elders is that he ended up being like some kind of strange older brother figure to them, because almost immediately following their self-incarnation, they were placed under him as a retainer. so he--a bit older than them, probably 100-ish years older at the time--just had this little vidyadhara high elder kid following him around.
well. you know. things happened, and of course they supported him in his Sinful Behaviors and his Crimes. they got thrown in prison for an indefinite amount of time, which was a considerably more merciful punishment than dan feng's. anyway. jing yuan eventually lets them out (initially with the intention of returning them to prison, even if he felt like they deserved to be free) around the time blade and dan heng and yanqing have their interaction.
lian knows why he chose to free them briefly--jing yuan released them with the intention of using their loyalty to his and his companions' advantage, because he knew dan heng was around and he knew they would absolutely blitz anything that put him in danger, even if he is technically not dan feng. they tell the general off and run away when he initially releases them but they do pull through for him and the trailblazers during the fight with phantylia. and they apologize to him for telling him off bc they generally aren't that mean they're very kind and gentle actually and they're generally very logical and understanding of the nuances of situations. it's just that they were tired and angry :(
when dan heng's eternal banishment is lifted, so is their prison sentence.
but now the issue is lian doesn't really want to stay with the xianzhou alliance anymore. dan heng advises them to join the nameless (bro is like "i'm not dan feng" but has nightmares involving them that cause deeper and more stressful feelings which linger more than the other nightmares of his past life.....), to which they kindly--and a little shyly, still uncomfortable and unsure of how to interact with dan heng--accept... with welt's approval, of course.
and as an erudition pathstrider, they have always been fascinated by the universe and it's mysteries, but they haven't really had the chance to study that stuff in-depth until they joined the nameless. they're also quite skilled with mechanics and craftsmanship. they're from the zhuming after all! their skill is definitely not to be underestimated, even if they look too gentle and sweet to do any harm. himeko gets along with them very well and spends a lot of time just... talking with them, exchanging thoughts and perceptions about the universe.
lian hejehekshsksh <33
AJFMSJSKGAKAGAN YEAHHH a lot of you seemed to really enjoy that little brainrot kaiser and i had <3 wanderer and kaveh's younger sibling PLEASEEEE i definitely think the wanderer could understand them. and no, you're not wrong at all! alhaitham definitely inspired them to join haravatat.
i don't think anything bad really happens. i think it's just a personal preference to have real people following you HSNSHJFN.... the reason people always insist that new blogs customize their blog is because blank blogs (ones without a profile picture or banner or title) are ones that are indistinguishable from bots. basically, you can never know for sure, but blank blogs are kind of likely to be bots.
I DID GET YOUR ASK BTW it's okay!!!! dw about asking, i understand <33 i will reply soon!
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pantherxdrawz · 10 months
Enstars x Genshin au? Nah. How about
Enstars x Honkai: Star Rail au
I’ve just got rambles cause yeah I wanted to draw the designs but adhd brain hit like a freight train “oh I wanna draw this design” “n o.”
Anyways yeah just just rambles
How I’ll do this is “Enstars character takes Star Rail characters General role, however I’ll give them wiggle room and they keep their personalities, maybe even tweak their backstories”
So generally ALKALOID takes the Nameless/Trailblazers roles,
Hiiro takes Dan Heng’s role, however he’s not exiled for a past life’s actions, rather he “ran” from home and joined the Trailblazers to find his oldest brother (Rinne, who doesn’t technically take a role, I mean right now you could say in a way he takes a combo of Bailu’s and Dan Heng’s as well if you really want but yeah he’s pretty much role-less, free from the binds of the story) who was supposed to be the next Vidyadhara High Elder but ran away across the galaxy for unknown reasons
Also I say “Oldest brother” because I know in canon Rinne is Hiiro’s only brother, but in this au I’m gonna do a funny thing and make Luka be their middle child brother in the au because come on look at them, which means (besides NPC’s) he’s gonna be one of the few un-booted-out-for-Enstars-characters-to-steal their-lives-characters who just vibe for an epic crossover
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Also yes this means Vidyadhara Rinnie, Luka And Hiiro
Or Luka is just adopted-💥
Then there’s going to be Mayoi as the MC, well, technically, he doesn’t take the Protagonist role in this au, Hiiro does still, So like. Imagine if Dan Heng was the protagonist/MC of H:SR instead like does that make sense?
I also think Mayoi would die if he was given the Main Protagonist role- Anyways why am I giving him a side protagonist version of Caelus/Stelle? Well one: he was my first favorite in Enstars, ever, and two: anxious wall gremlin is a very good stand in for feral raccoon (wo)man
And yes this means he’s now an artificial human with a stellaron inside him and could explode at any second
I also had the idea of Aria as March 7th, I…Don’t have anything for that except how they just make me think of the other, so that’s not really in stone
And Akiomi as Welt, just cause why not
Madara and Kohaku take Clara and Svarog‘s roles, (Madara Svarog and Kohaku Clara to get specific)
Kohaku taking Clara’s role if she had a big fucking gun/hj
For this au instead of Kohaku being a shy little orphan like Clara, he’s just a random teen that ran away, found Madara and they ended up as friends somehow, but technically Kohaku is in Clara’s role here, like just
“Yeah I found this big fucking motorcycle transformer cowboy thing and it’s my mom friend now”
Also I’m changing the type of Robot Madara is, instead of being the giant robot Svarog originally is, he’s now a transformer that turns into a motorcycle, because why the fuck not, it doesn’t matter as long as he has Svarog’s capabilities as well
HiMERU takes Tingyun’s role (starts slowly descending away, evil cackling in knowing both Enstars and Star Rail lore as I refuse to elaborate, but if you play both games like me we can evil laugh/cry together :))
Jin takes Jing Yuan’s role, why? *drops a second infodump*
It’s literally perfect to me, first of all, they’re both eepy old men who have the :3/=w= faces
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Also I say “Old” but if Jing Yuan aged normally and wasn’t immortal he’d probably be like 40’s and Jin is 30’s, and I don’t think that’s actually old I just say old cause they both call themselves old at at least some point and the entire fandom and their mothers call Jing Yuan old/hj
They’ve also got a few similarities:
They both took paths their parents didn’t want them to (Jing Yuan being with the Cloud Knights when his parents wished for him to inherit the mantle of a scholar or official at the Realm-Keeping Commission and Jin being an Idol, when his parents wanted him to be a Doctor),
-They both lost one’s close to them (Jing Yuan losing his mentor (who is still alive but eehhhshshs he technically lost her-) and old friendships, Jin meanwhile lost his whole ass older brother)
-Both seem lazy but whenever it’s the right situation (For Jing Yuan it’s literally any situation where he’d absolutely need to take action, for Jin it’s his students in danger) Shit gets real
Also I just really want a situation where he’s constantly sleeping on the desk while Mayoi, Aria* and Akiomi* are just staring at him like “:/ are you sure this is the real general??? Are you sure this isn’t just a random lost guy?????” Maybe even finding him sleeping while standing up in hologram form
(*swaps aren’t in stone but what I’m going with rn)
and two characters I simp for in one
Uhh *checks notes aka just my floating thoughts on this*
I think that’s it for now, im up for ideas for this au
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phoenixtakaramono · 3 years
SUMMARY: Let it not be said that Shen Yuan didn’t know how to be an accomplished—arguably better—writer than Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky! A middle-aged author in his hubris, he’d unknowingly triggered his fate and had his consciousness whisked away into an unfathomable mystical world that he would later learn to be based on Proud Immortal Demon Way and his very own work-in-progress. When given the opportunity to customize his character’s stats and to design his one remaining Customizable Skill Slot, as a veteran reader of transmigration stories and their tropes, Shen Yuan demanded, “Grant me the protagonist’s halo of course!”
The SYSTEM was silent all but for a minute.【Understood. Unique Skill "PROTAGONIST'S HALO" activated. Esteemed Host, you share the Unique Skill "PROTAGONIST'S HALO" with one other.】
【This world’s Luo Binghe. From the original novel series.】
“...Hold on, I need some time to process this.”
(Little did Shen Yuan know that this world’s Luo Binghe is the same sadistic “Bing gē” from the released Extra short story. It was also too bad that Shen Yuan, in his mortal form, resembled Shen Qingqiu by a good thirty-to-forty percent.)
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This was the second time they’d held hands. Fingers threaded together, palms touching. A significant amount of information could be communicated in the simple act of taking someone’s hand—the shape and texture of it, the roughness or softness of the life they’d led, and the strength or fragility of their grip. Luo Binghe would remember the feeling of that pale hand gripping his tightly for the rest of his life.
The mist billowed under Luo Binghe the moment he was allowed entry into the dream realm of the divine. Instantly, he was besieged with the feeling of falling into a frozen lake. The cold was a shock through his body, forcing his hand to convulsively clamp down as he stumbled.
Foolish, Luo Binghe berated himself. To have been finally welcomed inside the dream realm of a celestial being meant this version of his shizun had thought highly of Luo Binghe and his constitution. Yet instead of a composed and dignified air, Luo Binghe had just shown his weak side.
Shen Yuan halted midstride. Concern was written upon those white brows upon seeing his reaction.
It was, nonetheless, an opportunity. Luo Binghe forced an amiable smile as he pretended to be oblivious, masking any sign of his discomfort as he leaned against Shen Yuan’s weight. The sensation of pins-and-needles assailing him wasn’t something he couldn’t tolerate, but it was unpleasant. Except for their one point of contact, no part had been spared. His gaze lingered on the long scholarly fingers wrapped trustingly around his, before sweeping a glance over their new surroundings.
He felt like he’d stepped into a world composed of silk screens. Ahead, the fine mist passing through the painted scenery shrouded the outline of the tall mountain range and forest. Even the walls of the buildings were composed of firm brushstrokes and soft ink wash.
Since Luo Binghe had difficulty walking, Shen Yuan had to support him. Both men, mutually depending on each other, took slow steps forward.
Droplets of water splashed quietly from their strides as Shen Yuan guided him in the direction of whatever he’d wanted Luo Binghe to see. Like black ink that had been dipped into clear water, the transparent surface was beginning to darken with each tread that Luo Binghe took.
He stared down at his feet. The sight of the ink and water swirling into one another as though they were made to be together gave rise to the tide of emotions which had been circulating within his mind.
In the newly fallen darkness, he could sense his companion had fallen into another state of deep contemplation. As the two men disembarked in companionable silence, Luo Binghe took a long, measuring look at the landscape—at the secrets hiding within the fog, behind the translucent silks.
The atmosphere was incomparably resplendent and harmonious, yet it painted an undeniable fact about his companion. Knowledge could be gleaned of how this revered existence perceived the outside world. Life was a flow of changes—transient and ephemeral. Being in this realm didn’t feel real, with the indifference of an observer who was transcendent and so far removed from the mortal scale.
They were truly opposites—not only in their physical appearance and status, but also in how their dream realms manifested.  
“…You’ve always had an unruly habit to roam and draw unnecessary attention to yourself!” An insidious and vicious whisper brushed against Luo Binghe’s mind like a wisp of smoke. “ It’s impressive you can even move so well inside this barrier. To think you’d chase him here on impulse!”
Hearing the litany of grievances, Luo Binghe hid the blade that was his smile. Unlike himself, he had no doubt that his senior might have been exorcised had he not taken refuge in Luo Binghe.
Because however convincingly Meng Mo conveyed his displeasure, his voice was nonetheless weakened by the barrier. He was merely being crotchety to maintain appearances.
Shen Yuan had made it clear that his invitation into his dream was extended to Luo Binghe only. With that one remark addressing the senior dream demon, and by performing the gesture of taking his hand, it couldn’t have been even more obvious what he’d wanted.
Earlier, Luo Binghe had gambled that on this fateful evening that the celestial fortuneteller would have no choice but to attend to his growing fatigue. His guard would be lowered and that was when the opportunity would present itself.
The practice of invading and manipulating a person’s dreams was nothing new. With his secret tutelage cultivating on the demonic path, beginning when he’d been a mere Cang Qiong Mountain sect disciple, he had learned to infiltrate many minds. Several had been his lovers—the first being his shījiě, accidental as it had been pulling his martial sister along with him—although the treatment his women received was far more considerate than the cruel methods he inflicted upon all those who opposed him.
He had seen the duplicity of people’s hearts and reproduced illusions of varying natures. He’d learned how to lure others when they were at their most defenseless and be able to find their worst fears and memories to inflict the maximum psychological torment. With his enemies who were impervious to physical torture, few could claim immunity upon being confronted with their own inner demons. And with his lovers, he could skim their memory fragments and indulge any spring dreams either of them had fantasized about, causing romantic feelings to overflow.
Because unlike the waking world, the dream realm was honest.
The capability to doubt was stripped away. Memories could be spied on. Falsehoods were exposed. And no secrets could be kept from him. Oftentimes one’s impulses could not be held back within the dream realm.
It was a glimpse into one’s truest state.
Meng Mo’s withered voice interrupted his thoughts.
“The ways of those of the Heavenly Realm are mysterious—but they are proud and have always held contempt for our kind. I know you are captivated by him, but be more prudent in choosing your words around him. Don’t be muddled in the head just because you believe he can replace the late Qing Jing Peak Lord….” Ridicule had crept into Meng Mo’s tone. “His looks aren’t bad but to have aspirations of eating the tofu of someone who bears the farseeing, discerning eyes of the Heavens…. Your ambition is bold, as is your guts. This elder doesn’t know whether to be impressed or scold you for your shamelessness.”
Although his lips had thinned into a white line, Luo Binghe remained silent.
Water shaped its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flowed. Tonight, many of his initial plans had been waylaid. Although he couldn’t have predicted its trajectory, he wasn’t discontent with the final outcome. He’d gained information that would be invaluable to him—and he’d finally found his shizun.
There had been a quiescent anticipation in the night as Luo Binghe waited like a spider spinning its web, searching and reaching for the only mind of this residence who was of interest to him, until he’d finally sensed the faintest reverberation of the otherworldly and ephemeral—a presence that could only belong to him.  
And he’d pulled.
As someone who used to humbly occupy the Mortal Realm, never in his imagination did Luo Binghe expect he could claim success to the achievement of accessing the dream realm of divinity.
The rush of triumph had been dampened once, upon seeking Shen Yuan, Luo Binghe encountered a Qi-condensed barrier—a mental defense meant to repel demonic influences. Impenetrable even against the combined efforts of himself and his senior who had centuries worth of infiltration experience, no matter how much he’d concentrated—redirecting the violent and rough flow of his Qi into something more finessed—he was unable to cross the boundary.
Luo Binghe had been stuck at an impasse. Breaching the barrier would require a much greater display of force, inflicting irreparable mental harm onto the dreamer.
He’d realized the barrier had to stay.
The passage of time was immeasurable in the world of dreams, but with every moment that had passed without the precious person inside revealing himself, the fear had mounted. Perhaps Shen Yuan had predicted such an incident would occur and had taken precautionary measures.
In hindsight, his action had indeed been too rash.
It was inevitable that they would be going their separate ways in the coming morning. Moreover, the last deep impression he’d leave behind would cast Luo Binghe in an extremely bad light, with Shen Yuan withdrawing back into seclusion and harboring a grudge for being taken advantage of. The opportunity would have slipped through Luo Binghe’s fingers like granules of sand.
All would be lost. Faced with the possibility of being abandoned, Luo Binghe had been inconsolable. The tension in the air around him had been so thick, it’d presented an oppressive miasma in his own dream realm.
The giant boulder which weighed down his heart vanished when, with the keen senses of a cultivator, his five senses had detected a ripple in the fog.
From faraway, he’d been spellbound. He’d seen a silhouette resembling that from legend, with the unattainable white moon that was Shen Yuan descending down from the stars which glistened like shards in the night.
Despite the offense, he had chosen to come to Luo Binghe from his own volition.
Another realization had struck Luo Binghe. Seeing the regal figure out of his immaculate finery—dressed down to his inner clothing and with his moonlit hair undone, without a headpiece in sight—was a rare sight beyond measure. Aside from the servants who tended to their master, no one else must have seen him in such a compromising state.
It’d also been fascinating observing how someone of the Nine Heavens would interact within his world; Shen Yuan had assimilated quickly. Wandering aimlessly in an unfamiliar environment, his appearance reminded Luo Binghe of the purest white snow, high above and unreachable, the likes of which remained untarnished. Such bearing was similar to what Luo Binghe expected for somebody of high status. Like a fairy unaffected by mortal matters, Shen Yuan’s manner had been aloof and vague. The only difference was that his attitude toward Luo Binghe had not been uncaring. Courtesy had been given, even knowing who he was—and what he’d done, and would be capable of doing.
There was no one who could deny Shen Yuan’s appearance was picturesque. When he was smiling, it was as moving as spring flowers and the autumn moon. When he was lost in thought, he projected an air of melancholy—solemn and ambiguous, like the subject of a painting one could only admire from a distance.
“…Xiōng dì.” A cultured and steady voice trickled into Luo Binghe’s awareness, pulling him from his deep reflection.
An invigorating energy suddenly blanketed him. All discomfort fled, replaced with the refreshing feeling of a spring brook engulfing him. Shen Yuan had fallen a step back so that they were now shoulder to shoulder.
Shen Yuan’s gaze was appraising as his breaths feathered the fur. “I had not expected you being here would be strenuous on you. Please take care of your body.” A hand went up to clasp him on the shoulder. “Endure the skinship. I think, for now, it’s better to stay close to me until you can stand on your own. You’ll be safer by my side.”
Luo Binghe inhaled sharply.
“Hoh. How considerate!” Meng Mo’s dryness filtered into his thoughts. “He treats you very well. Such goodwill. He certainly has a good heart.”
Stay out of this, Luo Binghe rebuked. You are not invited to take part in this conversation. Scram!
Replying in the affirmative though, he ducked his head. The hidden meaning of Shen Yuan’s words had not been lost on him. He simply hadn’t expected how protective Shen Yuan was of him.
In this lifetime, Luo Binghe would like to think he could recognize his shizun even if he turned into ashes—or took on a different appearance. Even the slow-witted were able to see that Shen Yuan was of different temperament, reminding Luo Binghe of the other “Shen Qingqiu” of the mirror world. This fortuneteller had a sincere and utterly honest personality, thoughtful and broadminded. Even when blood was shed, he didn’t condemn Luo Binghe.
This night was the first time they’d met, but it was undeniable that there was a flow to their conversations—as though they were not strangers but were, instead, dear friends reuniting. It was as if someone had seen the unfulfilled desires of his heart and had crafted him a companion to be compatible. Being with Shen Yuan felt like the most natural thing in the world.
Embracing him had felt natural.
Although he was a man, Shen Yuan had fit so perfectly in his arms. The firmness and strength of his body. Warm and solid. Alive and real. It hadn’t been the same as hugging a soft feminine figure but even now, Luo Binghe could recall how it’d felt folding him into his arms, at the simple pleasure of sharing body heat. Of inhaling his clean scent.
Being that close to him, the intimacy of such an act, had been so strangely powerful the connection between them had felt tangible.
Here was somebody meant to be unattainable and unreachable, whom mere mortals never would’ve had the fortune to meet unless they’d managed to ascend to the highest realm. Knowing that he was supposed to keep all divinity at a respectable distance made his awareness of what he was doing seem all the more enchanting.
There was no such thing as a string of coincidences. Luo Binghe held no illusion of what this really was; a second chance was being offered to him. Since they have finally encountered, it must have meant they were fated. Since fated, one must live up to the fate that the Heavens have bestowed.
The rest can be read on AO3!
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bookofjin · 6 years
Biography of Liu Hong, Part 2
[Also, this Liu Hong guy probably was not an idiot. From JS066.]
Hong hence advised studying farming mulberry trees, loosened punishment and revoked taxes, yearly employment was a year [?]. The hundred families were fond and pleased with him.
Hong once stood up at night, and heard from atop the walls one who was keeping up the night-watch sigh with considerable bitterness. He thereupon called out to scrutinize him. The soldier's age was past sixty, he was weak and ill, and without a shirt. Hong pitied him, and therefore demoted and punish [his] master. He thereupon gave him a leather robe and also a hat, and moved [him?] to thereby give them [?].
In the old regulations, the swamps within Xian and Fang mountains did not pay attention to the hundred families catching fish. Hong sent down a lesson, saying:
In the rites, the famous mountains and great swamps were not made fiefs, giving together their profits. Now public and private are combined and united, the hundred families have nothing and bury their hands in the earth [?], what is the meaning? Quickly change this law.
Within the beer houses they say Within Qi [?] Beer, Listening to Affairs Beer, Commonplace Beer. They similarly use fermented rice, yet there are three products of superior and inferior [quality]. Adding charges to unfiltered beer given to the Three Armies is similar in their weakness and fullness [?]. From today do not divide into separate parts.
At the time the Inspector of Yi province, Luo Shang, was defeated by Li Te. He dispatched envoys to announce the urgency and request provisions. Hong circulated a letter to supply and provide. But the provincial office's mainstays and guidelines, due to the transport roads [being] isolated and remote, and the civil and military officials wanting and weary, desired to use Lingling to alone transport 5 000 hu of rice to give to Shang. Hong said:
You Lords have not yet thought about it, that is all. Under Heaven is a single family, this and that are not different. If I today provide for him, then there is no anxiety in looking west.
Thereupon he used 30 000 hu of rice from Lingling to provide for him. Shang relied on it to thereby strengthen himself.
At that time the drifters in Jing province were more than a hundred thousand households. The wayfarers and travellers were poor and weary, many became bandits and thieves. Hong therefore provided them fields to plant and food to eat, selected their worthy talents, and followed competence to arrange employment [?].
At the time of the Zongzhang grand music performers, to escape chaos many arrived in Jing province. Some recommended they could make music. Hong said:
Formerly Liu Jingsheng [Liu Biao], due to the rites being ruined and the music collapsed, instructed Du Kui to make the Son of Heaven's gathered music. The music completed, he desired the courtyard to perform it. Kui said: “To make the Son of Heaven's gathered music and then have the courtyard perform it, [I] fear is not the General's real intention.” I regularly am sighing in admiration for him.
Now the Ruler and Sovereign is covered in dust, I am not yet able to to unfold and hand over This Subject's tally. Even though [I] have household performers [?], if it is not proper to listen, then even more so to manage music!
He therefore sent down to the commanderies and counties, to calm and comfort them. [He?] waited for the imperial court to turn around and go back, [and then?] sent them back to return to [their] original offices. [Not clear to me if he actually sent them back or not.]
Opinion on his merits in pacifying Zhang Chang [was that they] ought ot enfeoff his second as a county marquis. Hong sent up a missive firmly declining. Accepted it. He was advanced to serve as Palace Attendant, Great General who Garrisons the South, Opening Office with the Same Ceremonies as the Three Ministers.
Emperor Hui favoured Chang'an. The King of Hejian, Yong, clasped the Son of Heaven, and decreed Hong to be maintaining aid for Liu Qiao [JS061]. Hong, due to Zhang Fang's [JS060] ruthless violence, understood Yong would surely be defeated, and sent envoys to accepts the rules and measures of the King of Donghai, Yue.
At the time Under Heaven was in great chaos. Hong solely controlled Jiang and Han. [Due to his] power and actions, the south to submitted. The former Grand Warden of Guanghan, Xin Ran, advised Hong to use the affairs of “the vertical and horizontal” [that is, to form alliances]. Hong was greatly angered and beheaded him.
The King of Hejian, Yong, sent Zhang Guang [JS057] to be Grand Warden of Shunyang. The Grand Warden of Nanyang, Wei Zhan, advised Hong, saying:
When the King of Pengcheng previously fled east, there was no words of good [?]. Zhang Guang is the Grand Steward's belly and heart. We ought to behead Guang to thereby clarify towards or against.
Hong said:
The steward and assistant's gain or loss, how is it the crime of Zhang Guang! An upright person calms himself, a lordly master would not do it.
Zhan deeply resented him.
Chen Min [JS100] robbed Yang province, and drew up troops desiring to go up west. Hong therefore released the Southern Man, and accordingly conferred the previous Central Captain of the Northern Army, Jiang Chao, to command the Grand Warden of Jiangxia, Tao Kan, and Grand Warden of Wuling, Miao Guang, and use a great multitude to garrison at Xiakou. He also dispatched the Central Manager [?] He Song to lead the troops of Jianping, Yidu and Xiangyang commanderies to garrison Badong and be rear support for Luo Shang. He also added to the Grand Warden of Nanping, Ying Zhan [JS070] General who Soothes the Disant, to supervise the naval armies of the three commanderies and support Jiang Chao.
Kan and Min were from the same commandery, and also had been recommended as magistrates in the same year. He sometimes had spoken privately with Kan [?], Hong did not suspect him. He therefore used Kan as Controller-Protector of the Vanguard, commissioning him accordingly with the duty of punishing Min. Kan dispatched his son[s] and elder brother's son as hostages. Hong dispatched them, saying:
Your worthy uncle is going on conquest, the Lord's grandmother is exalted in years, [you] readily can return home. [If] the connections of an ordinary man even does not burden the heart, then how much more a great man of quality!
Chen Min in the end did not dare cast his eyes on the frontier.
3rd Year of Yongxing [306 AD], a decree advanced his title to General of Chariots and Cavalry, Opening Office and the remaining offices like before.
Hong always when he was raising up or demoting, wrote in his own hand to the wardens and chancellors to quietly soothe earnestly and privately [?]. By these means people always felt pleased, striving to hasten to him. Everyone said:
To obtain a single letter from Excellency Liu is worth the assistant officers of ten sections.
When the King of Donghai, Yue, received and welcomed the Great Carriage, Hong dispatched the Army Advisor Liu Pan to be Controller-Protector, leading the various armies to meet him. Pan had turned around, when Hong himself, due to old age and illness, wanted to free himself from the provinces and Colonel, inclining to separately conferring the sections. He had not yet managed to send up the petition when he passed on at Xiangyang. The gentlemen and women sighed bitterly, and mourned as if for a relative.
Earlier, the King of Chengdu, Ying, fled south, desiring to go to his home state. Hong resisted him. When Hong passed on, Hong's Marshal, Guo Mai, desired to push forward Ying as the leader. Hong's Fan sought to obey Hong's intentions, and hence with blackened [face] and white headband led the office troops to plot [against] Mai. He fought him at Zhui river and beheaded him. The Xiang and Mian [?] were respectful and pure.
Earlier, the King of Donghai, Yue, suspected Hong and Liu Qiao were changeable to himself. Even though he sent down his rules and measures, in his heart he was not able to be calm. When Hong resisted Ying, and Fan also beheaded Mai, the Imperial Court praised it. Yue in his own hand wrote to Fan to laud and commend him. He petitioned to bestow on Hong Duke of Xincheng commandery, with the posthumous title Inaugural [yuan].
Used the King of Gaomi, Lüe, to replace the headquarters. Bandits and robbers were not incarerated [?]. A decree raised Fan to be Interior Clerk of Shunyang. Between the Jiang and Han were drawing together to restore their hearts [?].
When Lüe passed away, Shan Jian replaced him. Jian arrived. He understood Fan had obtained the multitudes' hearts, and feared the hundred families would pressure to use him as the leader. He petitioned and laid out about it, and following that only [?] [used] Fan as Colonel of Outriders [a sinecure appointment at the capital]. Fan likewise was deeply worried about being pressured and compelled. On receiving the letter, he readily and quickly arrived at Luoyang. He afterwards dispatched to receive his family members. The refugees Hou Tuo, Lu Nan and others led each other to guard and see them off to reach the capital, and afterwards bid farewell and left.
Nanxia thereupon was in chaos. The old fathers recalled and thought of Hong. Even the Birch-leaf Pear's song about the Earl of Shao was not considered to exceed it.
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