#I want to finish it
nnnlazyshit · 5 months
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Without DESPAIR, there will be no HOPE.
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bendy10sp · 9 months
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themadsquirrel09 · 11 months
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Start? ⋆。°✩
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persnickety-doodles · 2 years
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This was an idea I had marinating in the brain for a few weeks now, and I finally figured out how I wanted to draw it.
So uh, here’s a really rough wip 🥲
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chellestrash · 6 months
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liathgray · 3 months
Yelloo, i just read your uhh Donnie centric fic young root old rock and i was like, 'holy shitake, this is amazing' so i was just going to ask if it's discontinued? Or not, sorry for asking, I'm sure you've heard it a lot. Your doing such a good job, love your work.
First off, thank you! I’m really glad you enjoyed it, truly it means a lot to me and brightened my day
Second, it is not discontinued. I’m a completionism to the end. Do I know when I’ll actually update it? No. Is most of it already written and awaiting editing? Yeah. I’ve had a weird block since last summer, don’t know why, but as of now, it’s on hiatus but not discontinued. I’ll try to keep yall more in the loop on when will be updates
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pinkestpurple · 7 months
Its so funny to me that Bree and Alice just hold their pee, after racist Tweedledum and Tweedledum, bc is like girls, you are in the middle of now where just go behind a bush or something. You do have bushes there in georgia? I can recommend you one here in Entre Rios.
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Some days it feels like I couldn't stop writing if I tried and I finish entire drafts within a couple of hours.
Other days those two hours result in an entire...checks word count...300 words. 😭
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remember to do the biphobia/queer hangout post!!
i rlly wanna read it!!<3
Assumption Make an Ass Out of You
Prompt by @whomst-the-hell: steve always knew he was queer fic where steve keeps trying to invite himself to Queer Hangouts w eddie and robin and they keep being like “uhhhh this isnt really your scene…” until steve is finally like “listen i get it ok theres all this fucking stigma but you two are the last people i expected this from!” and eddie and robin are like “youre a very good ally and we appreciate it but the truth is you just cannot relate to some of our experiences and you need to accept that!” and then steve is like “woooaaaahhh hold on i think we’re having two different conversations. i thought you were doing that thing gay ppl do sometimes where they treat bi people like we arent really queer or whatever. did you guys genuinely think i was heterosexual? lol that’s embarrassing”
Gave it a spelling and grammar check before putting it on A03: Assumption Make an Ass Out of You - technically-a-writer-technically (RegularRainbow) - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Eddie calls Robin: Birdie
Tags: Angsty, probably a bit ooc, they mean well, their tough love is tough though. Original Male Character/Steve Harrington. I tried learning 80s Slang for this, it lasted several hours and then I wrote this all-in-one sitting, so probably not 80s accurate, especially towards the end. Not beta read, we die like men.
1. Never met an Ally so Good
Tall, Olive Skin, Green Eyes, passed Steve a drink, something pink and yellow, blended ice, with a tiny umbrella and a cherry.
“I didn’t know what you were drinking, but I took my best guess” He said, smile bright as fluorescent lights. The guy was cute in a clinical type of way, clean cut, clean-shaven.
Steve smiled, took the straw from his melting ice in a cup, and gave it a taste, twisting the straw around his tounge. “Ah. Tastes Perfect,”
“Oh, you’re a real maneater aren’t you,” He slipped between Steve’s legs, resting his hands on either side of Steve, boxing him in, “Come on Pretty Boy let me take you for a spin.”
Steve smiled, red decorating the tips of his ears and nose. “Sorry, can’t stay that long gotta drive back to nowhere-ville”
“Alright, Just one dance then, and maybe your number?”
Steve bit the corner of his lip, and smiled “Maybe …” All doe eyes, looking up from under his lashes,“ … maybe you could kiss me?”
“Hey, why don’t you back off” said Eddie, stepping between the two, pushing the guy back with an extended hand.
“Really! I don’t see your name on him” The guy squawked, Steve hadn’t even gotten his name.
“That’s not,” was Eddie’s reply, he sighed “look I’m helping you, trust me, he’s just being nice.”
“Looks like a fucking Belle to me,”
Eddie tilted his head and fixed him with a look, throwing his hand up as if to shrug, and said, “He’s just too nice to tell you to go away.”
“Look there are better ways to get dudes off your guy, you don’t gotta lie,” Then he peeked behind Eddie to get a good look at Steve one more time, and with a wink, he said, “If you ever find yourself in need of French lessons you know where to find me.”
Steve giggled, twirling his straw. (Fucking Flirting.)
Then, Steve said, “You really didn’t need to do that Eddie, I was fine, he was fine.”
“No, he was not fine. He was hitting on you, Steve” Robin chimed in.
“Isn’t that, like, the point of all this. Aren’t we here to get hit on? Flirt a little,” Steve leaned in and whispered, “Wave the white flags, you know what I mean?”
“Yeah, but it’s not cool to lead people on Steve, especially not here.” Eddie said.
Steve winced a little, his smile falling slightly, before he picked it back up, “I mean, there’s no harm in flirting, I didn’t know you guys were gonna get all riled up because I didn’t want to take him home.”
“Look it’s not all about sex, this is about community.” Robin said.
Steve sucked his teeth, and took a swig of his beer, “Okay, uh, whatever, I’m gonna pay for my drinks, and uh, sit in a fucking corner I guess.”
“Grow up, King Steve” Eddie said.
“Fuck you, Eddie, King Steve thinks you should find your own ride home.”
“I mean, we should probably leave.” Robin said.
“No, Rob, if it’s gonna be like that, I’ll just wait in the car.” Steve said. He gathered his things, throwing his coat on, fluffing his hair up and out from under the collar of his a letterman style jacket.
Steve stepped out into the cool night air, face hot with fury. He sighed, trying to release the tension that had begun to build.
“Hey, Pretty Boy, I didn’t get your name before your guard dog cock-blocked.”
“It’s — He’s just a friend. And, Uh, It’s Steve, Yours?”
“My friends call me Ian,”
“Well, Ian, thanks for the drink”
“Really,” Ian said, and it was almost a laugh, “I just had the bartender throw something together, I don’t like that fruity shit, I mean not like that, I just don’t like fruit juice, from fruit,” His talking tapered out. “You’re super cute, and it kind of fries my brain. I mean those pants are too tight.” (Ian say too tight, like he doesn’t mean it, like those pants make him think of something else.)
Steve laughed and looked down at himself, before smiling back at Ian. “Still want my number?”
2. Lavender Menace
Steve dyed the bottom layer of his hair purple. The faintest shade of lavender, barely it, In fact, it was practically silver. But, still, he was sure that everyone who needed to know that it wasn’t silver, would notice. They would notice.
“Did you dye your hair, Steve?” Robin asked, leaning across the Book Store counter to get a good look at his peek-a-boo dye job.
Steve resisted the urge to shake his head and show off. It took a long time to get his hair all nice, he wasn’t gonna mess it up for five seconds of Rob’s appreciation, not after the stunt she and Eddie pulled with Ian.
“Joyce helped,” Steve said, and brushed his fingers through the thick of his hair to show off the dye, just a little bit.
“Don’t you think you should have gone with another color,” Rob said, “You don’t want people to get the wrong idea about you.”
“I —“
“The hoard has arrived,” Eddie declared, as Mike, Will, and Dustin ran in straight for the new comic book section. “Whoa, your hair.” he said.
“Yeah, my hair.” Steve felt the weight of a frown pull at the corners of his mouth.
“You sure that’s the right color?” Eddie grabbed a lock of Steve’s dyed hair, and twirled it between his fingers, “You let the toner sit too long, it’s all purple-y now.”
With a huff, Steve said, “I was going for purple-y”
“Yeah?” Robin said.
“Why?” Eddie said.
“Because I want people to know I’m down with Dorthy” Steve said.
“You shouldn’t have dyed your hair purple, though” Eddie replied.
“Yeah, I agree, I think it’s a bit much … you’ve gone a bit too far this time, and after the bar” Robin said
“W-What do you mean after the bar that was all you guys, I was just having a good time.”
Eddie sighed and looked away, throwing his head back, and disappearing down an isle. “You explain it to your pet jock, Birdie, my head hurts.”
“Look Steve, people don’t need to know you’re ‘down with Dorothy’ it’s better if your not loud about it actually, keeps everyone safer anyway.”
Steve gets hot in the face, bright white-hot red in the cheeks, breaks into a sweat, he’s so mad. Then he’s close to crying, clearing his throat some, but it’s closing in on him. He’s so furious, he’s near tears about it. Dancing around breaking into tears.
If they didn’t like his hair, they could have just said that.
“Whatever you say, Robin” he said, wetly.
“Steve come on, it’s not your life, it’s ours” was Robin’s reply.
He doesn’t speak to her for the rest of their shift.
When Steve got home, he dialed Ian’s house. Ian was there in five minutes flat (He lived 15 minutes away).
“Wow,” Ian said, “Your hair”
“Yeah, I know it’s awful” Steve said, the memory of his earlier conversations brought up sour thoughts.
“No, no, you look pretty, a real bodacious babe.”
Steve smiled, for the first time since he got of shift. “Shut up,”
“Kiss me about it,” was Ian’s reply.
3. Steve’s House Doesn’t have a Purple Door.
“You could have your party at my place?” Steve said, “My parents aren’t gonna be home for another like month anyway”
Eddie smiled at Robin,
“Plus, I’m great at throwing parties, you remember my parties.”
“I don’t think we,” Eddie gestured between himself and Robin, “Were ever invited to King Steve’s famous parties.”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” Steve said, “But they were famous for a reason. Have it at my place, it makes sense. The venue is like 50% of a party.”
“I was thinking, no allies though” Eddie said, “Just queer deviancy,” Eddie brought the devil hands up to his head like ears and smiled at Robin. They fist bumped.
What they meant was no Steve it seemed.
“Hey, can you pick us up? Robin voice came through the phone loud, like she was shouting on her end of the line.
“From where?” Steve asked.
“A party,” Robin said, Steve felt her wiggle her eyebrows, and she giggled softly.
“I need the location?” Steve said.
“Oh, um, were near Byrock Ct,”
“Okay, I’ll be there in a few.”
Steve got in his car and drove to the Byrock Bar, with its purple backdoor. Ian took him there once, and they danced. Steve loved dancing, it was nice letting go.
This didn’t feel nice.
Robin and Eddie crammed into the backseat of his car, laughing, tipsy, and maybe a little high. Covered in glitter. Eddie had red lipstick on and smeared down his chin. Robin was wearing, glitter gloss and a silvery highlighter.
“You guys look like you had fun,” Steve finally said, before he pulled off.
“I thought you guys were gonna stay in tonight,”
“Steve,” Robin said, it seemed with no real purpose at all, except maybe to stop Steve from going on.
“No, I remember you guys saying that nothing fun was happening tonight so you guys weren’t going out, that’s what you told me!” Steve said, he was white-knuckling the steering wheel.
“Look, Steve, Birdie’s not gonna tell you, but sometimes we’ve got to leave poor ol’ Stevie at home.” Eddie said, kicking his feet up on the block of an armrest between the driver’s and passenger’s seat.
“Not every night is meant to include you, sometimes daddy’s got to come out and play” He said with a smile and a laugh.
Robin sputtered, “Ew, ew, I never want to hear you say something like that again.”
The drive home consisted of laughter and chatter between Eddie and Robin.
Steve pulled up to the entrance of Eddie’s trailer park, it was a short walk, maybe two trailers in was Eddie’s home. Usually, Steve drove him right up to the entrance, any closer and Eddie would fall into his home after opening the door.
“We’re here” Steve said, and put his car in park.
Eddie balked, “Really, are you being serious right now Stevie?”
“Shut up, don’t call me that.” Steve said, quickly, afraid he sounded like a petulant child, but angry enough that it didn’t matter much. “Get out of my car.” He said each word, one by one.
“Okay, King Steve, I’ll never ask for a ride with getting you your invite.”
“You’re a real fuck head, Eddie.”
“Whatever,” Eddie said, and slammed the door.
“That wasn’t fair dude,” Robin said. “How are we supposed to trust you if-”
Steve turned around, giving Robin a death stare, “Nothing, I don’t want to hear it, I, fuck Rob, I trusted you guys”
“Shut. Up. Shut up.”
He dropped Rob off in front of her house, didn’t even pull into the driveway. He watched her get home safe, same way he did Eddie.
4. Steve’s Queer Agenda
Steve hasn’t been talking to them. He’s not gonna apologize first. And he’s not gonna speak to them until they apologize. Even if he felt like a bitch laying the silent treatment on thick.
Ian was rubbing his back, letting him lay all over him.
He mumbled into Ian’s lap.
“I can not understand jibberish.”
“Play with my hair, loser”
“Ooh, be nice.” Ian said, threading his finger into Steve’s hair.
There was a knock at the door, nice and sweet. Then another, practically knocking the door off its hinges.
“Okay, okay, coming” Steve shouted.
“Harrington residence, how can I help you?” Steve said.
Eddie smiled, pushing himself and Robin into the Harrington homestead.
Ian leaned up, peering over the sofa. He was looking for Steve, evident by the smile on his face, that fell quickly when he saw the culprits making Steve so, well, sad. Sad was the only way to put it. Beneath the quiet anger was hurt, and it hurt more than it made Steve angry. “Well, well, if it isn’t the terrible two-some”
“Bar guy?” Eddie said.
“Ian. My name is Ian.”
“Well, what are you two doing here because I don’t hear enough ass-kissing.” Ian said.
“Look,” Eddie said, looking from Ian to Steve “Maybe we all have the wrong idea,”
“Steve, I’m sorry we told you not to come out with us, and then had you come pick us up,” Robin said.
“Me too, I’m sorry” Eddie said.
“You’re a good ally” Eddie started.
“Are you fucking kidding me!” Steve interrupted. “Why even come if you’re just gonna fucking invalidate me to my face, what’s the point? I get it, I’m bisexual. I’m not gay. Fucking, Steve’s not queer enough to come out with us and get shitfaced. Whatever, call me whatever you want behind my back, but in my house? Really!”
“What?” Robin and Eddie said, practically in unision.
“Look, be biphobic somewhere else, okay. I don’t feel like dealing with this ever again.”
“No, no, I thought you were straight,”, “We,” Eddie gestured between himself and Robin, “thought you were straight.” Eddie practically tripped over his words, he was speaking them so fast.
“Are you fucking with me?” Steve said, “You thought I was straight.”
Eddie hesitantly nods, “We maybe thought you were straight.”
“Fucking, fuck you guys,”
“Yeah, fuck you guys” Ian said, repeated from the couch, laying down ergo he wasn’t visible anymore. “You made my boyfriend cry”
Robin looked horrified, “Steve, I didn’t know, I’m so so sorry. I never meant to make you feel like you didn’t have a community.” She quickly wiped away her tears, evidently determined not to cry right now, as she got red and sniffly. Robin walked toward Steve arms out like she was going to try to hug him. She was.
Robin said, “Can I hug you, Steve”
Steve, who had been trying to keep it all together, sniffled. He wasn’t going to cry if she wasn’t. He was supposed to be mad. He wrapped his arms around her, and buried his head in her shoulder.
Steve wanted to be angry, or he felt like he should be angry. Yet, he wasn’t, he was mad at them for making assumptions, for excluding him.
But, they were family. He’d been mad at them for as long he could, and then he’d taken to gray, blah, sadness. Not crying, but like trying to stave off a rainstorm. There was nothing he wanted to hear more than: we accept you.
It helped take the edge off. He could be mad about it later, take in all their forgiveness now.
“I’m really sorry, Steve, really, really, sorry” Robin said.
“We fucked up, Steve, I fucked up. I’m sorry too. I’m really sorry.” Eddie said.
“Now kiss,” Ian chimed in.
Steve laughed.
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stunie · 1 month
HIII!! stopping by ur blog with a basket of cookies to say hello!! the commission in your nav is SOOOO lovely, you guys look gorgeous together!! - u must tell me all about your selfship!!
HIIHI carina aaa it’s nice to meet you !!! i love the art in ur pinned too omg 😭 it’s so PRETTY. and ?!?! basket of cookies !! and an umie question !! ? thank you sm > <
aaaa i have the like first meeting n that type of lore here if ur interested ?!?!? BUT WARNING- ITS SO LONG omg so no pressure to read it ofc > < but aaa okok i wanted to yap about our food dates if that’s okay !!! aaaa whenever we’re free, we always try and go out and try somewhere new! it can be a froyo stop, an ayce spot, literally anything > < but i get nervous ordering new dishes at a sit down restaurant so he usually orders for both of us (he always ends up picking really yummy things too!!). we also have opposite taste in foods so if i don’t like something, he’s guaranteed to like it n vice versa ^ ^ he’s also the type of guy who feeds you, lets you taste things first, finishes the leftovers.. ): he’s just so darn sweet >:
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Okay, odd post here. I was reading a Soap x Reader where he was actively teaching the reader scottish phrases, and the reader is talking about using it to seduce a Scot (?) I didn't get to finish it and accidentally swiped out of the app, but I think there may have been something about an alternate version where the reader ends up with Ghost? I have been looking for a couple days to find it again and I'm coming up empty, I figured other Call of Duty fic lovers might be able to help me out? Any and all suggestions are appreciated, as any new fics will get read too. Thank you!
EDIT: Thank you to @whenimhereifeeljoy, @effigias, and @purpybee, they messaged me the links to it. However, if anyone has a fic they'd recommend I'm still open to that haha.
EDIT 2: For those asking for the link also, it won't let me tag it in a comment, so I'll put it here. It's by @yeyinde!
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potahun · 4 months
pride month is approaching quickly and my "amuro+azusa go to pride" piece is still in the same rough draft stage in my drafts.....
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stregoni-benefici · 2 years
There is a Carlesme nsfw one shot sitting in my documents, which I started in autumn 2021 💀
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thotsofintrusion · 5 months
just went and reread what i’ve got written of the beom cockwarming fic and when i was finished thought “i am enjoying this greatly” as if i DIDNT FUCKJNG WRITE IT
this is ridiculous
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strrranded · 6 months
I’ve been working on one scene for my animation for three days what the😭 there are going to be about 3-4 shots in total, so I guess it’s going to be my most time consuming and effortful animation I’ve ever done huh😔 cannot even show any spoilers because there’s not much to show sad sad
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emmanuellececchi · 10 months
Update about my modern romance.
So, even though I finished my story for nanowrimo, I am still working on it. I have still a few chapters to re-write. I want to do this now. I'm afraid that, if I put it down for a few days, I won't go back to it.
After rushing so much to finish it, I feel I'm a little bit out of breath. And it shows. Just today I finished one chapter. I feel my thoughts being sluggish.
So I am taking it real slow. Yesterday we went out, playing in the snow, going to a christmas fair. it felt good but it feels like forever to work on my story. Still, I want to finish it. I mean, finish a good first draft with chapters clicking correctly together.
Then I'll let it rest for a while. I have other stories clamoring for my attention and now I can do it.
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