#I want to know about every creature in the blood ocean. and why they are there and how they are there
dreamcatcheratdawn · 3 months
Luffy x mermaid reader please
I'm so happy to see this I've set the story as the Fishman Island arc, for an equally obvious reason. In advance, I hope you enjoy the story ( ꈍᴗꈍ). And, I don't know who made this amazing fanart one, but if you do, please let me know immediately so that I can give due credit.
"Like Ocean"
Luffy x Fem!Reader
Warning: nothing, just fluffy.
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You were living another monotonous day on Fish Man Island, trying to find any crumb or spark of adventure to give you a good laugh and a bit of adrenaline. Pappag and Camie tried to cheer you up with the idea of shopping and eating Hachi's takoyakis, but you had done the same thing three days ago.
It wasn't a certainty, it was a pure fact that nothing interesting was happening on this island for you. Until you, exhausted by boredom, went to Camie's house to see if she had any news. And that was a great idea, a really great idea.
As soon as you entered her house after a couple of knocks, you saw that there were three people and a strange being, apparently new to the area. On closer inspection, there was a blond man with elegant hair, who, as soon as he saw you, came running towards you, blood gushing from his nose. Speaking of noses, there was a big-nosed man next to a boy in a straw hat. But none of them interested you. What really caught your attention was the tiny creature that you had no idea what animal it was.
-Is that even an animal? - you asked yourself, your thoughts speaking aloud as you deliberately poked at the creature's antlers.
-I'm a reindeer! - the reindeer exclaimed, backing away from you angrily, covering its antlers with its fluffy paws.
-Y/N, I want you to meet my friends. This is Sanji," Camie approached you, pointing at the blond with the heart eyes.
-Oh, miss, I've never seen beauty as fascinating as yours. When can we get married? - the blond in question asked, kneeling down in front of you and holding out his hand to you.
Camie just laughed, ignoring the whole show, while you followed his finger-pointing.
-That's Chopper over there, isn't he cute? - you went over to the so-called Chopper, pulling his cheeks and feeling his soft fur.
-So cute… - you blushed, pulling Chopper into a hug, to which he responded not very pleasantly.
-That's Ussop, he's got great adventure stories. - the word "adventure" rang an alarm bell in your head, making you turn your head so quickly that anyone watching would be afraid you'd break your neck.
-Ho ho, people keep coming after the great Captain Ussop to hear his fantastic stories. - Ussop struck a superhero pose, as if he were looking towards the horizon.
-Captain Ussop, can you tell me about your adventures? - you asked, hoping to get a positive response from the big nose.
-Oh, but of course, I'll always be available to tell you all sorts of stories about my adventures! - he thickened his voice, nodding outrageously to say the least.
You were delighted, excitement electrifying every part of your body.
-Finally, this is Luffy, the captain of the gang. - Camie concluded, pointing to the boy who was looking at you, grinning from ear to ear.
On closer inspection, you found the brunette attractive, not to mention handsome, right off the bat.
-And I'm going to be king of the pirates! - Luffy concluded, his smile widening, his eyes closed tightly, making him cuter by the second. "So they're pirates," you concluded, thinking. Incredibly, that line moved you, burned you up inside, but you didn't know why or how. It was the first time you'd felt your heart beat so fast in so long. Oh, and that wasn't adrenaline. It wasn't the fear of being caught. It wasn't any of those things. It was something different, quite different from the usual. And from that moment on you silently decreed that you would find out what that strange feeling was, your eyes focused only on Luffy, who never tired of smiling at you.
-Nice to meet you - you smiled, Chopper kicking you in the face begging you to let go while sparks flew from his eyes from staring at Luffy.
-Hihihihi - Luffy just found the situation amusing, always smiling as long as he could.
-What about walking around? There's a lot of cool stuff you need to see! - Camie decreed, already tugging at her colleagues' hands, you going along out of sheer instinct for fun.
You all visited Pappag's clothing store, and you even met other members of Luffy's gang, who were just as kind. As you looked around, Luffy made a point of always catching your eye in any way, with anything. From some stuffed animal that, according to him, looked like you, to how the food was prepared, and even though you knew all this, you lent yourself to learning it all over again, just for Luffy.
-Look, it suits you. - Luffy came up behind you, putting on a straw hat with a purple scarf adorning the hat. - Now we're matching - he said, standing behind you and putting his hands on your shoulders, smiling as you looked at yourselves in the mirror in front of you. - Isn't it?
You agreed slowly, fascinated by Luffy's pure beauty. And it didn't stop there. Everywhere you went, Luffy always kept those warm hands on your shoulders, clinging to you like a tick. Did he… Liked you? Or was it just a figment of your mind?
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After a whirlwind of confusion that you unfortunately didn't take part in because you were "investigating" the sudden disappearance of your mermaid friends, you were directed by your pet seahorse to where Camie and the others were.
Your eyes popped out of their sockets at the sight of a giant mermaid, or rather, the princess of the Ryugu Kingdom, Shirahoshi.
She and Luffy were laughing together, like old friends seeing each other after so long. That unsettled you, and strangely your heart squeezed. What could it be? Were you ill? Something you ate or drank for breakfast?
-Oi, Y/N, over here! - Luffy's voice caught your attention, making your heart pound. It made you recall a vague memory of something Pappag told you.
"If your heart races when you interact with someone, it's because you like them."
Of course, you were inexperienced in this field, you'd never even considered dating. But you didn't give up easily. Oh no, you'd figure it out on your own.
Swimming over to Luffy quickly, you sat there, next to him. He was in a bubble to make sure he didn't drown, and quickly slung his arms over your shoulders, resting right there. He introduced you to the princess, to whom she was delighted to meet you, and you felt the same.
Looking around, you saw that you were in the sea forest, and it soon became clear that both Luffy's boat was there, and also the princess wanted to see her dead mother, to make up for the time she hadn't been able to see her.
Meanwhile, Luffy was already snoring on her lap. It was adorable to see him so vulnerable around you. Until his pet seahorse started to catch his eye, heading towards the pile of coral.
-What is it, Koryu? - you asked him, watching him point frantically at the pile of coral.
Koryu gave up and started pulling you towards it, waking Luffy up in the process. Koryu only let go of your arm when you could see a dolphin calf with its tail all bruised to the point where it could no longer swim. Perhaps the dolphin had run into predators and narrowly escaped.
You carefully picked up the dolphin and put it on your lap, and thought of a way to take care of it. You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't even see Luffy coming.
-Huh, a dolphin? - he asked, right next to your ear. You turned abruptly, so that your faces were right next to each other. Your lips were millimeters away from meeting, and your breaths danced together. Let's pretend there isn't a bubble separating you. You turned your attention to the dolphin, your heart almost bursting out of your mouth and your face turning into a blushing mess.
-A-ah, yes it's a…dolphin. He's hurt, so he needs to be looked after.
There was a moment of silent tension between you, and you wouldn't dare look at Luffy's face now, you felt like you could die from an attack if you did.
-If you keep avoiding looking at me like that, you'll never know if you really like me. - Luffy said, catching your eye. You widened your eyes, and turned to him, shocked.
-How did you know? - you asked, your stomach churning with that familiar feeling.
-Well, it's easy to tell when you keep saying your thoughts out loud. - he shrugged, smiling.
You closed your mouth, cursing internally. That was your weakest point, speaking your thoughts out loud without even realizing it. You must have done it at some point when the two of you were together and he must have heard it. Lucky you.
-Well, I like you. - Luffy said without blinking, giving you a quick kiss right after he declared himself.
It caught you off guard, and he just smiled, leaving the pile of coral and going back to where the others were. After your brain short-circuited for a few seconds, you smiled, bringing your fingers to your lips, where seconds ago they were being kissed by the first boy you ever liked.
Feeling his lips was the thing that gave you the most adrenaline in your entire life. And yes, it was addictive. And yes, you wanted more.
The truth is, Luffy, from the first moment he met you, he liked you. No, that's incorrect. He fell in love with you from the very first moment. Of course, he didn't know the first thing about love, God, hours ago he just wanted to be king of the pirates. Now he has another goal, and that goal is to love you until the day he die.
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(At some point I was even going to describe the color of the tail, but I left it to your imagination)
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yandere-sins · 1 year
The Orcas' Tale - Choose Nerrocan (BE 1)
Well... yeah. You guys did that :') Then again, I am actually happy we got this bad end since it'll work quite nicely into the rest of the story as an ironic butterfly effect. Thank you for the experience! It was a challenge to write what I wanted to portrait, but I am glad to have had the chance and... good luck re-voting xD
Fandom: Original Content   Pairings: Yandere!Orca Mermen x GN!Reader   Warnings: Yandere, Monsters, Violence (Scratching, Ripping off a leg, Blood loss, Lunging for the reader, Mention of biting their throat), Non-consensual touches, Animalistic behavior, Mention of blood/claws/sharp teeth, Hinting at death
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"Nerrocan," you voiced your decision, trying to sound determined as you directed your gaze at the merman to your left.
He perked up, muscles tensing as he stretched his back, meeting your eyes over his shoulder with a mix of surprise and disdain swirling in his. However, your attention was drawn away by the other two, hissing and snarling, teeth bared at their own kind while Nerrocan had his gaze fixed on you. Only you. 
You realized your mistake too late, your gaze being blocked by a mess of black and white as Nerrocan sprung into action, lunging at you.
"Wait! Stop!" you yelled, your voice bouncing off the walls, never to be echoed between the treasures and the bodies. 
The splashing intensified, the merman needing less than a split second to reach you. Panic set in before you could reason with yourself. Come to terms with what you had agreed upon and why you didn't need to fear it. But how could you believe that, even just for a second? The claws reaching for you were against everything 'human' about them. They had the faces of allies, but everything else about them was wrong and unsettling. The way Nerrocan pounced for you activated ancient instincts in your head. The ones where cavemen fought against predators, the possibility of being eaten at every corner keeping them on high alert and constantly looking over their shoulder. It reminded you not to trust. To be careful. With those instincts rose the underlying fears that had been erased by the rise of humanity as the supreme race on this planet and the safety it promised. 
But in the ocean, you weren't safe. Humanity never had been. 
"Fucking Nerrocan," you heard Lyr spit, his voice only scratching at the edge of your awareness, unable to take hold as all your focus was directed at the hands wrapped around your legs, squeezing your flesh so unbearably tight in their grip. Lyr sounded displeased and disgusted as he had to watch Nerrocan claim what Lyr would have liked to have just as much, his tailfin thrashing against the water angrily. Yet, you had no time to avert your eyes from the glowing amber ones that shoved themselves into your face. 
"I hope you don't regret that, Human," Krill added, their bodies disappearing from the corners of your eyes as they entirely vanished in the pool. Their voices were just a nick at your attention, hardly registering as your legs were pulled out from under you, your upper body crashing to the ground with pebbles puncturing your back through the fabric of your clothes. 
All you could do was scream as claws dug into your thighs, ripping and shredding your pants, as well as too many layers of skin to count. You couldn't see Nerrocan's reaction to the high-pitched sound through your blurry visions, tears being the only indication of pain as your brain tried to ignore the bleeding and burning scratches along your legs. 
"Impossible," you heard Nerrocan whisper in between your own sobs. His grip briefly loosened as he held your leg, weighing it in his palm before clasping his fingers around it again. 
"Please, stop," you whimpered, unsure how you'd ever recover trust with any of these mermen after this. Nerrocan had been so quiet and composed until this moment, you didn't think he'd go about this whole 'exploring' thing with such uncaring force. Didn't these creatures know about gentleness? Softness? Were there only animalistic instincts to be found behind their intelligent eyes and heads held high? 
"It hurts," you added, his gaze briefly darting to you. Blinking away the tears, you tried to read his thoughts, the amber giving nothing away that you could make sense of. All you could see was less and less sympathy in them as the seconds passed. The exact opposite of what you needed. His hands wrapped around your left leg, tighter and tighter. One on your thigh, the other on your shin. Nerrocan closed your leg, pressing shin to your thigh, never even pretending to test your flexibility as he forced your muscles to bend. Your knee began to strain, tightened with friction to the point of your joints screaming, the same exact sound you let out through your mouth. 
"This is already enough to make you scream? I can't believe I let myself get caught by something so weak." 
Every word he uttered dripped from his lips with hatred. Had you not been in so much pain, hearing his contempt would have made you shiver. You were in no place to judge him for his feelings, not knowing him or what he had been through. But you couldn't help but push through your pain, reaching forward. Your hand could barely wrap around two of his fingers, but you still tried to pry them off, one by one, if you had to. He might feel slighted about something, but repaying his pain with yours was not going to make this easier for him. 
"Look at you, constricted and breakable at the same time. Nothing to protect you. Nothing to actually come close to our strength," Nerrocan sneered, sliding his hand down to press your foot upwards, almost flat against your shin. Rigid from the cold environment, your tendons now threatened to rip if the strain didn't subside. With all your power, you lurched your upper body forward, digging your fingers into his arm. There was no time to admire the muscles under the taut skin, not when you were desperate to get him off you, fearing him actually breaking or ripping something that would be hard to heal without access to modern medicine if he continued. 
"You're going to break it!" you pressed out through clenched teeth, hoping to make him snap out of it audibly. "I need my legs! Stop it!"
"Or what?" he asked, directing his gaze back at you, his focus drilling into you. Suddenly, he emitted such calm, but one look at his eyes, and you found the storm brewing inside him. At least for the moment, he stopped squeezing. "What are you going to do? Catch me again? Drag me into some weird cave full of sounds and people of your kind? Shoot me with your weapons again before dumping me back into the water, bleeding, and with more of your weird machines attached to my body?"
"I didn't do that!" you tried to defend yourself, finally realizing what had this creature so agitated. You never considered how they got the trackers, only focusing on the fact that the mermen could lead you back to where those came from. But now that you had a few seconds to think about it, every one of those seconds causing Nerrocan's grip to tighten around your leg again, you realized that there was no way these mermen would have agreed to the trackers, not even understanding what they were.
"No, you didn't," he agreed, and a small moment of relief washed over you, knowing he realized that. Somewhere inside him was a reasonable person to talk to. Someone who'd understood if you explained yourself. Someone you could trust.
But the relief was short-lived.
Suddenly, Nerrocan straightened your leg, pulling it further and further away from you by your ankle, his other hand wandering up to your hips. "But what says you won't in the future? What if we help you survive here while you play helpless, and then you catch us and hurt us again? Can't have that, can we?"
The sound of your own scream could barely be heard in your own ears over the sound of your blood rushing through your body, your heart working twice as fast as your bone began to detach from your hips. You knew that if Nerrocan wanted, he could have ripped your leg off fast and efficiently, barely breaking a sweat. But he didn't. Instead, he reveled in the sight of your pain, the panic, and the mind-breaking feeling of your leg being pulled from your body. In the middle of your skin ripping, flesh separating in the most gruesome of ways, he briefly stopped, your body going limb from the trauma and pain, your vision blurred with spots as you took a deep breath, the pain having yet to register. And then, with one swift pull, not fast enough to make it quick, but with less patience than before, your whole life came crashing down before your eyes.
You still felt the phantom of your left leg, the nerves twitching and receiving signals from your brain to move and work. But the loss of blood, a large red puddle disgracing the cave floor as you gurgled in shock, made you lose your conscience faster than you wanted. You tried to focus your gaze on Nerrocan, watching him lick off the blood on his fingers with just as much contempt as he had shown you the last few minutes, making you realize his anger wasn't stilled. It had done nothing for him and neither for you. 
Could you have done something different? Would it have helped him if you had the time to talk and explain these things he mistrusted and feared? Could you have done anything to avoid this act of raw violence? Something went wrong, but you couldn't pinpoint where your fault started and where it ended. All you knew was that your choice hadn't been the right one, your trust misguided by these strange creatures before you even had a chance to understand them. 
Before you had to watch Nerrocan lunge forward, feel his sharp, bone-breaking teeth bite into your throat like the killer he was, you passed out. It was an act of kindness from your body, and you were welcomed by darkness. It flooded all your senses, all your perception of time and self, enveloping you like a warm pool that you kept sinking further and further into with no strength left to swim. 
Your eyes never opened again, for better or for worse.
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Seems like you didn't make it… What a shame. And I was so rooting for you, too! Isn't there a way to capture the heart of these creatures? Don't you think you can do better than this? Maybe if you tried again, we could find out… 
Hmm… interesting. I look forward to what you will do from here on out. 
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mrsshabana · 10 months
PLEASE QUEEN, I need answers, in your post talking about some wip's that you were thinking about, I saw "shark", I hope I'm not hallucinating, but please, can you tell me a little about it??🏃🏃🏃
Omg yes! I'm so happy you asked about this one! The shark au is something me and @lilliumteaandbeez came up with. We have a ton of lore we came up with together, though I don't have much written for it. I believe I wrote this in February, and it isn't much but I'll share what I have!
More about Sharktaro though, he is also a siren! So, for the people that have been asking me for a siren au, this is the start of it.*・♡
✧:・゚→ My WIP's
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𝑺𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒏!𝑮𝒚𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒐 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
Your motion sensored camera got activated last night.
That’s why you find yourself trudging through a light rain shower, stepping through heaps of wet sand and over slippery rocks. 
The camera had been set up in an alcove seated on the beach. A small cave sits on the edge of the ocean, with a deep pool of water seated in the middle of it. But deeper into the cave, the water becomes more shallow, and there is a rocky ledge circling the edge of the water, perfect for you to set up your camera to observe the unusual alcove.
It was for research of course. As a marine biologist you are always searching for unique phenomena. With this particular experiment, you were hoping to catch seals using this alcove as a shelter when hiding from circling sharks. But instead you were notified in the middle of the night by a strange photo being captured.
You couldn’t quite make out what it was. It was blurry and dark. The creature looked long like a seal but it almost appeared as though it had sharp claws. Having no idea what it could be, you are filled with anxiety and curiosity as you arrive at the cave.
Sounds of distant thunder echo in the distance.
You turn the corner and step into the darkness. The approaching storm blocking any sunlight that may have illuminated your path.
Flickering on your flashlight, you point it towards the shallow end of the cave.
Before you lies a humanoid figure. Laying on its side, back facing towards you.
The bottom half of its body resembles a shark. A long blue-green tail littered with dark spots. The spots cover his entire body, even the upper half which resembles a human man. The creature has a large fin on its back and pointed ears. Its body looks emaciated, ribs moving with each shallow breath that he takes. And a mess of black and green hair sits atop his head.
The water surrounding his body is bloody, and his tail seems to have gotten tangled in a net.
“Oh my god…” you gasp under your breath. The small sound is enough to startle the creature, quickly turning around, staring right at you.
His eyes glow yellow, slit pupils dilate from the bright light. He opens his mouth to show rows of dagger sharp teeth.
A high pitched, rattling screech echos from his mouth. Hissing at you with every ounce of energy he has left, you know this is a warning. But you can’t stop yourself from walking closer to him, you want to help him. It’s in your nature to help and rehabilitate injured marine life, and a mythical merman is no exception.
As you get closer he starts to panic. Flailing his tail, showing his teeth, hissing loudly. He tries to get away but he is too tangled up. It doesn’t take long before more blood spills out of him, and he can’t muster enough energy to continue.
His eyes get heavy and his breathing becomes more shallow but his hissing persists as you stand a few feet in front of him.
“I-It’s ok,” you mutter, taking a few steps closer to him, “I’m going to try to help you.”
Throwing your backpack to the ground, you take a seat in front of him, rummaging through your bag to find any supplies that may be able to help this poor creature. You always make sure to come prepared, because out in the field accidents happen all of the time. So luckily you have an emergency medkit. It’s meant for humans but you are sure it will do the trick for the time being.
When you reach out to him he snaps at you, almost biting your arm.
“Hey! I’m trying to help you! I know you are scared, but I promise I won’t hurt you.”
You can see the hurt and fear in his eyes when he looks at you. He has no idea that you are trying to help him. But the blood spilling from his wounds is too much and he loses the ability to care. He knows that he will die soon, so he stops fighting you.
The largest wound is on his tail, near his hip. It’s a deep laceration of some kind. 
Cutting part of the net, to give you enough room to tend to his wound. You decide that stopping the bleeding is more important, and you will work on untangling him afterwards.
There is no time to waste so you hurry and disinfect the area and prep your needle. With trembling hands you begin to suture the large wound, resulting in a low, painful whimper coming from him.
“I know it hurts, but I have to do this or you will bleed out,” you console him but don’t stop stitching him up.
The skin on his tail is thick and tough, taking a lot of effort to get the needle to go through. But after lots of struggling, you manage to get the wound sutured. Taking some gauze and holding it to the wound to soak up some of the blood.
Scanning over the rest of his body, he has lots of smaller lacerations. They look like claw marks. But you can’t think of any sea creature that would have claws like that…
Once the bleeding mostly stops on the larger wound, you go to care for the other wounds. Disinfecting, covering with bandages, and suturing a few that are particularly deep. You run out of gauze pretty quickly, as he has many wounds and the moisture of his skin combined with the humidity in the air quickly dampens them.
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lightning-and-dragons · 3 months
Strength & Survival Chapter 8
Previous Chapter (Chapter 7)//Next Chapter (Chapter 9)
Read on Tumblr below! Rated Teen and Up! This is a long one, sitting at just about 4k words!
Nya had a hard time finding peace. Often, before the Merge, she found peace in tinkering, building vehicles and mechs beside Pixal. She would find it in Jay holding her in his arms, or  Nya holding him in hers, both of them finding comfort in the steady heartbeat of the other, proving that they were still alive, that they were still together. 
Now, she found her peace in the unshakable ocean. What once scared her, what once threatened to take her from her family forever, now gave her a strength that she soaked in like a sponge. No matter what occurred on the new Merged lands, no matter what new creatures or enemies they faced, the ocean always remained constant. It was an immovable force, unbroken by the events of the sky. It didn’t change if someone got lost, if everything that made up the world fell apart, it was still there. It still moved. It still fought. 
Nya never wanted to be a part of the ocean again. But she wanted to be like it. She wanted that unbreakable force that didn’t waver, only getting stronger with every storm. 
She found peace in it at this moment, flying over it on Jiro’s back. She watched as the rolling waves flowed far below them, the wind in the air brushing her cheeks with a caring touch, the sun above her warming her skin. She knew that she could easily get lost there if it weren't for the mission that they were on. Lloyd’s presence behind her, and the quickly repaired jet that Cole rode in beside them was a reminder of why they were out there. 
Yet, a part of her wondered why they were going on this mission in the first place. The Blood Moon had passed. Rontu and Egalt were probably alive and well, if it was the Blood Moon that turned them into statues. So, why were they coming all this way, when there was still so much to do? They still had to get Kai back. They still had to train the kids. They still had to find Pixal and Wu. They still had to find Jay. 
They had even left the kids behind with Zane at the Monastery to go on this mission. Was it really important? That dangerous? Or was it not that dangerous at all, so very few of them needed to come?
“Lloyd, why are we doing this again?” Nya asked over the wind, and Lloyd took a moment to reply. Lloyd had been carrying such a heavy weight over the past few months, and losing Kai was the last thing that he needed. This mission might’ve even been adding to his stress, too. She let him take his time replying. 
After Kai got back, after they found Jay and Pixal, Nya would force everyone to take a long break. They all needed it, but Lloyd needed it most of all. 
“I need to make sure that Egalt and Rontu are okay.” Lloyd replied. “I know that they’re probably alright, but after all that they did for us, it’s the least that we can do. And…”
“There was someone else training under them. Someone I want to help.” Lloyd admitted. “Another elemental master. I…I have a feeling that with more training, he could become an ally.”
Nya’s stomach dropped at the words, her eyes widening. “What? Another elemental master? Why didn’t you tell us?”
Another elemental master could mean any number of things. They could be someone they can trust, someone powerful who would fight beside them, a possible friend. Nya was honored to know many kind elemental masters, one who would fight beside them if they were here. But she also knew some who weren't so kind. Some who wanted to kill, to take her family from her, who did take her family, some who lived and breathed destruction. 
She hoped that this new elemental master was one of the kind ones. Didn’t he have to be, if Rontu was training him?
“Rontu didn’t want me to tell you. He isn’t ready to fight enemies like ours, and the last thing we needed was to be distracted by him. Could you imagine the amount of chaos knowing about him could’ve made, especially when we were learning the Rising Dragon technique? The kids would’ve probably freaked out, not to mention how many questions we would all have.”
Nya knew that he was right, so she didn’t reply. 
A million questions flew through her own mind, and she stuttered over her words, eagerly trying to gather her thoughts. 
Was this elemental master on their side, or his own? Where had he been all of this time? What was his element?
Yet, only one question passed her lips. “Who is he?”
Lloyd took a second before replying. “I didn’t get his name, but Rontu told me that his element is a strong one. He seems…about our age, I think, and experienced. He’s tall too, and fights with a kusarigama.”
“A kusarigama? That’s not a popular weapon.”
Lloyd chuckled. “No, it isn’t. I think Jay was the only one I knew who used it. But whoever this guy is, he held it like he knew how to wield it.”
Nya couldn’t help but ask, hoping to get rid of the thought of Jay. She couldn’t start thinking about him now. “Did you fight him?”
“No. I was about to, until Rontu showed up.”
“I have to say, we can use another elemental master with combat training.” Cole said over the comm system, and Nya flinched, forgetting that he was hearing their whole conversation from the jet. “If we can train him in his element even more, he can help us fight Ras.”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking, Cole.” Lloyd replied. “We need all the help we can, now that Nokt is freed, and now that Kai…”
Lloyd didn’t have to finish his sentence. Nya found herself looking back down to the ocean, taking deep breaths, ignoring the stab of pain in her chest at the reminder. 
“Let’s just talk to this guy first. We can’t get ahead of ourselves.” Nya said firmly. 
The rest of the ride was taken in silence, and as soon as they arrived they made their way to the training grounds. Rontu, before the Blood Moon arrived, had shown them where they could go to avoid the tests. Nya was thankful for it. The last thing she wanted to see right now was Jay forgetting her name. 
As soon as the training grounds came into view, Nya knew that something was wrong. The stone was covered with charred marks, the gray marred with black. There were dozens of these spots, as if a fire had rushed through, or lightning rained down from the sky repeatedly. 
“Oh, no.” Lloyd said, and Nya soon saw why. There were mechs sprinkled on the ground, some broken beyond repair, others charred like the ground, fitting the exact description of the Administration mechs that Cole and Lloyd had seen. And Rontu and Egalt were gone. There were no statues, but there were no dragons protecting their home, or cleaning up the rubble from the battle that obviously happened. 
Then Nya saw him. 
A man knelt in the middle of the destruction. He wore a black hood, hiding his face, and held his arm to his chest. A kusarigama rested at his side, on the ground, and Nya knew that this was the man that Lloyd had met, the one that he wanted to train. 
If that elementalist did all of that, how powerful was he? Was his element heat based? Did he take down all of those mechs?
“Set Jiro down, Nya. Cole, land the jet. That’s him.” Lloyd said in the leadership Nya had learned to admire. 
“Did he fight off an army of the Administration? How powerful is this guy?” Cole asked, stunned, and Nya could admit that she was shocked, too.
“I don’t know. But we’re about to find out.”
Nya led Jiro to the training grounds, where the Lightning Dragon landed with a low growl. Lloyd hopped off, heading straight for the man, while Nya readjusted the reins and fell in step behind Lloyd. 
“Woah, Jiro, easy!” Cole said, suddenly, and Nya looked back to see the dragon attempt to follow them, his eyes focused on Rontu’s student. 
“Jiro, stay there, alright? We’ll be back soon.”
The dragon looked displeased, but obeyed her, his feet lifting from the ground periodically, as if holding back took all of his strength. A small part of Nya wondered why, but she knew that Jiro liked meeting new people, so she didn’t dwell on it. Not while there were other more important things on her mind. 
Cole soon rushed up beside Nya, and the duo finally made their way to Lloyd and the man. The man was now on his feet, swaying slightly, yet still stood. 
The first thing Nya noticed was that Lloyd was right. Rontu’s student was tall. He was thinner than Cole, yet it was clear that he didn’t slack in training. It reminded Nya of a trained soldier, one who didn’t care how many muscles he had, but only focused on being able to help others.  As Nya studied him, she noticed that his arm was bleeding, a large gash tainting the fabric of his black and blue suit. He even wore a bandana, every bit of skin on his face either covered by fabric or by shadow.
“What happened?” Lloyd was asking him, gently going to grab the man’s injured arm, no doubt wanting to inspect the injury, but the man pulled away. 
“The Administration.” The man, Rontu’s student, said. “They came and took Rontu and Egalt.” 
Nya noticed that he sounded younger than he looked, and he sounded honest, like someone that they could trust. It probably helped that he even sounded familiar to them, like they had come across him in their travels at one point or another.
There was a slight nagging in the back of her mind, something poking her, as if there was something that she needed to remember. She didn’t focus on it. 
“But how could they capture two Dragon Masters?” Cole asked, stepping forward, and the man stepped back, as if in fear.
“This is Cole and Nya, my teammates.” Lloyd said, pointing to each of them accordingly. “You can trust them.”
The man seemed hesitant, but nodded. “They were still statues. I fought the Administration with everything I had, but one hit me in the head and…” Rontu’s student stopped, looking down to his weapon and back up at them. “That was the only distraction that they needed.”
“Can I check your arm? If it’s bleeding, I have a few bandages in the jet.” Cole offered, and Lloyd nodded. 
“Go grab them, Cole. Hey, could you sit down? I won’t ask you to put your hood down, but if you hurt your head you should rest.”
The man seemed hesitant, yet he gently grabbed Lloyd’s own arm, letting the green ninja lower him to the ground. Cole ran to grab the supplies, while Nya took the time to stand back, observing. Every part of her wanted to rush up to the man, shake his shoulders and demand answers, yet she practiced restraint. Scaring someone who was still learning their element wasn’t smart, especially someone who could be an ally. She didn’t want to push him away from them, and she didn’t want anyone to get hurt.
It didn’t take long for Cole to return with bandages, soon kneeling beside Rontu’s student, loosening the strips of fabric around the man’s arms to access the cut fully. The man seemed hesitant to accept help, but let Cole tend to him, his limbs tense.
“It’s not too deep, you’ll be okay.”
The man seemed to visibly relax at that. 
“Are you dizzy at all?” Lloyd asked gently, “Is your vision blurry?”
“No. I blacked out for a minute, and that was it. That’s all the Administration needed to teleport Rontu and Egalt away. If I had avoided that hit, I could’ve stopped them.”
The man sounded angry, no doubt angry at himself, and Nya hated it. No one should blame themselves for something that they couldn’t do. 
Nya remembered, some time ago, when she became human after living as the ocean for a year. She remembered how distraught Jay had been, blaming himself for Nya’s decision, saying that if he had been stronger, if he had been faster, Nya wouldn’t have had to sacrifice herself. He wouldn’t have drowned, and they wouldn’t have lost a year of their lives together.
The argument was a silly one, and Nya told him as much, silencing his rambling with a kiss, telling him that it wasn’t his fault. None of it was. 
It was one of the last times they kissed before the Merge. Before she lost him. 
No. She wouldn’t think about that. She wouldn’t. 
Turning her attention back to the present, she watched Lloyd give the man a small smile. “Hey. It’s not your fault. We’re going to get them back.”
Nya had no doubt that they would. Lloyd was tired of losing people that they cared about. They all were. And, seeing Rontu’s student sit down in front of them, his hands in fists, his body tense with the aftermath of battle, she knew that he would do everything he could to save them, too. She couldn’t see his eyes, they were covered in the shadow of his hood, yet she could imagine a sharp determination in them. 
“But, how?” Cole asked, finally finished wrapping the man’s arm. “We can’t get to the Administration without their teleporters.”
There was a beat of silence, before the man spoke up softly.
“I have a way.”
“What?” Nya asked, shocked that the man had come up with an answer so quickly. “How?”
Rontu’s student seemed to smile under the mask, even though they couldn’t see his lips or eyes. 
“Follow me.”
Jay didn’t know if he fully trusted Lloyd’s friends, but he trusted Lloyd, and he needed all of the help that he could get. 
Before the Ninja had arrived, Jay was ready to collapse onto the ground, too sore to think of a rescue attempt. All he could see was Rontu and Egalt being swallowed by a teleporter, taken to a place that Jay was too familiar with, followed by dozens of agents. The ones who were awake carried the ones that Jay had hurt, those who had fallen unconscious because of his lightning, stepping through the portal to their home. 
Egalt and Rontu were right. His element was dangerous. 
He could still hear the crack of the lightning bolts hitting the ground, the smell of static in the air, the sheer energy that coursed through his veins giving his strength. He could still see the dark, red sky light up with white and blues, a torrent of power cutting through the horizon. He knew that he could never forget how strong he was in that moment, how it felt to fully harness his element. 
Yet, now that there were no enemies, everything in his body began to fail him. His limbs shook, everything stung, and it took every bit of power that he had to keep breathing evenly. His arm stung, his head pounded, and he knew that he was running on the last bit of strength left in his body.
He had been fighting all night. And, when he thought that there was no hope left, that he would die where he sat, weak and burnt out, Lloyd showed up with kind words and a helping hand. His friend, Cole, showed up with bandages. The girl, Nya, showed up, strength pouring off of her in waves.  And all of them wanted to get Rontu and Egalt back. 
Somehow, the sight and presence of the Ninja, of their determination, gave Jay a renewed strength, strength that he took in as soon as he could. 
There would probably be another battle, but somehow Jay knew that he would be okay, at least for a little while. 
Leading the way to the cave, Jay watched the trio out of the corner of his eye. Cole was talking quietly to Nya behind them, while Lloyd trailed closely beside Jay, watching him with concern. 
“Hey,” Lloyd said, no doubt noticing Jay’s gaze. “What’s your name?”
Jay didn't know if he should tell them yet, if he could trust them with his name. He probably could, he knew that Rontu trusted them, but for some reason his name got caught in his throat, refusing to come out. Was it his fear of danger that stopped him from speaking? Or was it because he was so used to hiding that he couldn’t stomach finally telling someone?
He must’ve taken too long to reply. Lloyd gave him a small smile. 
“It’s okay. Maybe after all of this you can tell us.”
Finally, they made it to the cave, and Jay pushed back the leaf wall, his injured arm stinging in protest, his stomach sinking to his toes as he remembered him hiding in here as Rontu and Egalt turned to stone. 
But he couldn’t change the past. He just had to get them back and save them, so they could all live another day.
He didn’t even want to think about what would happen if he didn’t save them. What would the Administration do with two Dragon Masters? How far would they be willing to go? Would they kill them? Study them?
“Wow, this is a nice cave.” Cole said, interrupting his thoughts, looking around, and Jay turned to glance at him. 
“He’s the master of Earth. Caves are sort of his thing.” Lloyd said with a shrug.
“I mean, this fits a whole training area in it. Pretty cool stuff. You lived here?”
“Yeah. While Rontu and Egalt were training you guys.”
“Cole wasn’t here.” Nya said, her black pony tail swaying as she turned to the Master of Earth. “But Lloyd and I were. We had no clue that you were here.”
Lloyd chuckled. “You would make a good Ninja, you’re good at hiding.”
Jay didn’t know what to say to that. Instead, he made his way to a corner of the cave, where he had hid his Administration gun and his teleporter under a blanket.
“But if we come back here in the future, then this would make a great gym.” Cole was saying, his words becoming further and further away. “Look how big this cave is!”
Future. Future. Future.
For some reason, the word spun around in Jay’s head, consuming his every thought. His eyes wandered, searching for an answer for his confusion, and his eyes landed on Nya. 
 But if I’m ever gonna have a say in our future, it’s me who has to protect you…
A sharp pain cut through Jay’s thoughts, and he clutched his head, groaning. Everything throbbed, and before he realized what was happening, he was on his knees, Lloyd hovering uncertainty beside him. 
Save me, Jay Walker.
“Hey! Hey! Are you okay?” Lloyd was saying, his voice breaking through the droning in his ears. Lloyd’s hand was pressed against Jay’s shoulder, and slowly the pain in his head lessened, as if his mind decided that Jay had been tortured enough. 
“I…” Jay could barely speak. He felt Nya’s presence on the other side of him, her brown eyes boring into his, and Jay looked away. Something about her caused him to remember something, something important, but he didn’t want to feel that pain again. 
He hoped that it was his head injury that had caused the memory to hurt so much. But, he knew that it was because it was so important that it hurt. Those words had meant a lot to him. Whoever said them meant the world to him. The memory was foggy, yet the words were clear, and they were more than just words.
For some reason Jay didn’t know, those words had changed everything, at one point in his past life. And he didn’t know what. 
Finally, he managed to speak. “I’m okay.”
“Was it your head?” Cole asked from behind him, and Jay nodded, reaching for the weapon and teleporter. 
“Yeah. I’m fine.”
Picking up the blanket that hid the devices from the world, he slid the weapon in his waistband, well aware of the stares he was receiving, and held up the teleporter, turning to them. 
“This is an Administration teleportation device. It has one use left, enough to get us in, but we would have to find a way out.”
Lloyd raised his eyebrows in question, and Jay handed it to him, allowing himself to take a deep breath after than memory, refocusing himself.
“How did you get it?” Cole asked, and Jay shakily got to his feet. 
“I used to work at the Administration.”
“What?” Nya asked, her voice raising. “You used to work with them?”
“Yes, but I hated every second of it. I escaped after they tried to kill me. Trust me, I was never on their side. The teleportation devices are the only way to get in or out, I used this one to get out.”
“If you used to work there, you would know the way around.” Lloyd commented, and Jay nodded. 
“I know the Administration better than I know myself.”
He hated that it was the truth, but it was. Luckily, the Ninja didn’t have to know that.
Lloyd handed the device back to Jay, and he took it gratefully. 
“Ready to go?” Jay asked, and they all nodded. Silently, the four of them left the cave, and headed back to the training grounds, where the remains of the battle still sat. Jay couldn’t bring himself to look at the mechs for long. The dragon that the Ninja rode in on watched Jay, his tail wagging, and Jay could resist the smile that broke across his face. 
“That’s Jiro.” Nya said, and Jay raised his hand, letting the dragon press his nose against it, Jiro eagerly pushing playfully. “He likes people, but usually not this much.”
Jay scratched Jiro’s nose. “Hey there, buddy. He’s a lightning dragon?”
He didn’t know how he knew that, but the words came to him suddenly, as if on instinct.
“Yup. One of the best. He’s staying back, though.” Lloyd said, and as Jay turned away he saw that the ninja was handing him his kusarigama. “Ready to go?”
Jay nodded, taking the weapon thankfully. After making sure that they all had their weapons drawn, Jay took a deep breath, setting the teleporter to a safe spot in the Administration, where he knew they could find information about the whereabouts of Rontu and Egalt quickly. 
Turning the transporter on, he stepped back, watching as a portal formed, its telltale whine breaking through the silence. He could see Cole tense beside him, but the man stood tall. They all did, as if the unknown didn’t fill them with terror. 
Without hesitation, Jay stepped through, and he was glad to see that the others were following him, their steps falling in tune with his. 
He might still be alone after this, only finding company in Rontu and Egalt once he saved them. But, for now, he would take comfort in having other elemental masters beside him, fighting with him, no matter how long it lasted. 
It felt nice. He finally felt like he was a part of something. And he found himself enjoying it.
Previous Chapter (Chapter 7)//Next Chapter (Chapter 9)
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thus-spoke-lo · 1 year
writing warm-up || mihawk x reader cw: nsfw--implied dub-con wc: 660
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An enormous gothic castle was the last thing you were expecting to find on this rain-soaked, godforsaken island, an ominous feat of architecture set atop a hillside in the middle of the forest, looming over you like a sinister creature. The second last thing you were expecting to find was that the castle was occupied.
Your widening eyes drifted upwards at the striking man looming in the doorway, his one hand still resting on the door handle, his other holding a glass of what you could only assume was wine aloft. His perfectly sculpted beard accentuated the sharp lines of his jaw and the hollow below his cheekbones, and he seemed to have been poured into his skintight black pants. The ivory shirt that adorned his torso flowed over his alabaster skin like water, the front of the silken shirt almost completely unbuttoned to expose a smooth ripple of muscle beneath bare skin.
Piercing amber eyes settled on your figure as he assessed you from drenched head to waterlogged boots, gently swirling the liquid in his glass as he examined every last bit of your body. His gaze wandered over you in a way that made you feel smaller and smaller with every lurid glance, and an uneasiness started to settle in your bones, making its home beside the chill that was beginning to overtake you.
“Well now, aren’t you a pretty little thing?” he smirked as he sipped at his at wine, interrupting your meandering thoughts. “You’re… wet.”
“So I am,” you chuckled nervously, telling yourself you would deny until your dying breath whether or not it was only the rain that had you feeling damp. You tugged at your soaked shirt, trying to pull it away from your body, suddenly self-conscious about how it clung to your every dip and curve.
His eyes narrowed and you couldn’t help but notice the upturned quirk of his mouth, the beginnings of a grin that he tried to suppress; he stepped back and extended his arm into the space behind him, ushering you inside. “Well you’re in luck that the master of this house is home then, aren’t you?”
Am I? you thought as you slid past him, entering the cavernous foyer and wondering if this would be the first or last mistake you would make this evening.
Before long, you found yourself sitting on a plush couch, your trembling fingers dancing over the blood-red upholstery. You watched as he neatly arranged soaked clothes by the enormous fireplace and tugged at the robe he’d provided you, fiddling with the belt that was threatening to come undone at any moment. The fabric shuddered with every beat of your anxious heart, and you thought perhaps a sip of wine would help quell your nerves, help you back away from the edge of whatever precipice you were on as you found yourself unable to take your eyes off the tall, marble-sculpted man whose name you still didn’t know. You reached over and shakily clutched the half-full carafe; you gasped as the man suddenly appeared before you, coolly snatching the bottle out of your hand and placing it back on the table beside you.
“Hey, what the hell?” You craned your neck to glare up at him, and the growing smirk that stretched across his lips suddenly reminded you of your place in all this—an uninvited guest in his home, your only weapons aboard your wrecked ship that littered the ocean, your quaking body nearly bare before him.
“No alcohol for you.” His voice was low and commanding, yet lacking even an ounce of cruelty behind it.
“Why not?” you murmured, your voice trembling as you tried to subdue a bewildering heat that was burning in your core.
“Because,” he said as he knelt down before you, his large hands reaching for the flimsy ties that held your robe shut, “I want to make sure you remember everything that I’m going to do to you tonight.”
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undead-merman · 1 year
Mer Simeon in your bathtub with GN-Reader SFW
Appearing One Morning
You would get ready for work, just like every typical morning. The morning routine was the same as always until you opened the bathroom door and the smell of seawater and fresh fish hit you. There sitting in your tub, spilling out in fact, was a colorful man with dark skin and a shining white and blue tail. His hair was disheveled and sticking to his wet face. His body was littered at random with those glistening all in the early morning light that managed to peek through the tiny window. 
And there was blood all over him. Cuts around his wrists and neck, and even the pale blue gills around his sternum are torn up and mangled flexing weakly. Pathetic and weak in a pool of blood.  
Both of you were stunned silent. Unable to grasp the situation you both seemed to have stumbled into. Closing and opening the door didn't seem to despawn him or send him back. 
Instead, he offers a meek yet friendly little wave. Webbed fingers and claws trying not to seem too intimidating. "Hello… I'm so sorry I'm not sure how I managed to get here… I promise I mean no ill will." 
Should you decide to sit down and talk he's calm and friendly. His voice is soft and low. Despite some of his more monstrous features like his teeth and claws he has an almost otherworldly charm. He was kind as well. Apologizing over and over. Making a mess of your bathroom. 
He explains there was a scare to his pod. Humans started hunting them near the coast and had cornered him in a sewage outlet with spears and nets. He blacked out and woke up in your tub. He can only assume he came in through the drain. 
Seeing your disbelieving face he showed you a smaller form. One big enough to fit in your hand and even showed you one smaller. “I promise you I’d would not lie in a situation like this… I am at your mercy, human…” He asks for your name and a sad smile comes to his face. He calls it enchanting.
But you live hours away from the ocean. He certainly blacked out and the way he looks in horror at the drain you can’t help the pity wheeling up in you. So you offer him a place to rest for now.  
Daily Nuisance
You still had to go to work that day. Should you decide you need a shower he slips out and huddles in the corner waiting for you to finish. But if you pity him and fill up the tub for him he beams at you and breathes deep from the water. 
But when you came back he seemed to already be a bit better. He was astonished that you had brought him a first aid kit and helped patch up the nasty wounds. He held his hand to his mouth as disinfectant was rubbed into the horrible cuts. Trying not to yell out in pain. He looked wary of the pain meds you offered but after an hour he was passed out in the tub and looked so relieved. 
He got better each day and he recuperated much faster than you would have expected. The worst of the cuts healed by the end of the week and replaced by more of his beautiful scales like scar tissue forming over.
He did get in the way when you wanted to shower or bathe and for a good amount of time he’ slide right out of the tub and wait for you to finish but as you spent more and more time together he grew more confident he’d shrink down and sit in a cup, chatting about your days. 
He’d be thrilled if you allowed him in the tub. He knows humans are shy creatures but he doesn’t understand why they are shy without their clothes on. He still respects it, but he'd be happy to swim around the tub with you and perch on your arm or leg. He enjoys the closeness that he misses from his pod. He absentmindedly chewed on rough or dry skin to help relieve itching. You had to explain your skin isn’t like scales, but it's weirdly nice. 
The water bill had gone up more than double. He would get so cold during the time you were gone and fill it up with more warm water. Even in the annoyed state you had to admit when he didn’t fill up the tub with warm water he’d be freezing to the touch.    
Making It Up
Simeon tried so hard to make it up to you while you figured out a way to get him back to the sea. He offered you his scales. Which if brought to a store seemed to enchant people, they'd be dazed and offer you money for the little things. You’d get a pretty penny for them. More than enough to cover the water bill. 
He even offered you his flesh. He promised a chopped off fin or tail would grow back and his flesh offers immorality. Should you have taken him up on it, nothing really felt like it changed. Though you did end up getting a cut that healed within the hour. He tasted like Tilapia almost. Sweet and mild with less of a fishy taste. 
If you refused, he was relieved if not a bit disappointed. He felt like he couldn’t offer much outside of that. 
If you tried offering him other hobbies you found he was good at cooking. A simple few spices and a camping stove right on the window, he made mouthwatering stuff. It was difficult to set up something like that in your bathroom so he didn’t do it often. But he’d ask at least once a week to cook for you. And it didn’t matter if it was sea food or something from the land. He made it perfectly each time. 
He’d feel lonesome when he couldn’t sleep beside you. So as you lay in bed and he lounged in the bathtub he’d sing you a lullaby. His low gentle voice cradled you to sleep and would leave you feeling more refreshed than you had ever had. Even if you weren’t a morning person you found you had more pep in your step. Turns out he’d sing it for his younger pod mates when they’d get scared of the deep dark nights and the abyss of the ocean below. 
But as time went on you both found a comfortable grove despite everything gaping against you. Both of you even questioned if you wanted to leave this new routine you both now shared. Sure he missed his pod mates dearly, but now he had you. He would be devastated to leave you behind after everything you’d done for him. 
Ultimately it was up to you. He couldn’t live on your kindness and charity forever even if he did try to help provide, he knew he could be a nuisance at times. But he’d hope you’d at least adore him as much as he did with you. And would find a way to at least keep in contact with him when the time had come.
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wint3r-h3art · 2 years
Until Eternity | Vampire!Strange Supreme
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Summary: Fate took you away from him. Now that he found you centuries later, will he let the same fate happens to you again?
Word count: 5.9k
Warnings: ANGST with eventual smut. Slow burn with feels, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, blood (briefly because duh). Happy Ending**
A/N: I’m back for today, y’all (literally the only day i’m free 😭). I hope you enjoyed it. I spent literally a month on this (and I kind lowkey not happy with the ending because it feels rush lmao). Nevertheless, I hope you liked it. I don’t know why I haven’t written Strange Supreme at all since he’s my most favorite one???? If you enjoyed it, comment and reblog is greatly, greatly appreciated. I love to hear about your thought on this, because besties, there’s a lot to unpack.
*** Please do not copy/plagiarize my work, or repost it anywhere else.
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Stephen stood in the silent darkness, blending into the night as the smell of petrichor permeated the air. 
The rain had just begun to fall upon the earth, soaking every dry crevice with life once more, marking the end of a long, brutal summer, and ushering in the long-awaited autumn. The leaves were just slowly turning red, and the warmth of the summer air barely departed even if it was already October.
His eyes glowed dimly beneath the moonless night, pale and sharp, almost colorless by the way the glacial blue slowly faded to silvery white. His skin was ashen, cool like marble–a contrast to dark circles under his eyes. He looked almost sickly by the way his skin hung over his sharp cheekbones.
A cruel fate, he mused as his lips pulled back, revealing the sharp, pearly canines as he looked down at his gloved hands. Centuries have passed and his heart still hoped that one day the universe would return to what once was his. He had traveled the world, searching in every corner of the world, yet he found himself back here once again.
Standing in the mask of the shadow, watching from afar as his eyes could see, feeling breathless once more as if it was the first time he had laid eyes upon you. A pessimist he was, Stephen couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by the sudden burst of warmth that flooded his cold, unbeaten heart. It was like an ocean, filling up the trenches of the scars that were left when he lost you. 
How cruel was the fragility of mortality–ripping you away from him over and over again? 
The wickedness of the universe, punishing a creature like him to eternal damnation– devoiding him of any joy for all eternity—perhaps as a punishment to balance the universe once more for the deed he had done–for daring to try and cheat death; the defiler of the natural law.
But now he finally found you. Again.
Upon centuries of searching through endless, fractured hope of his–centuries of loneliness was nothing compared to the sliver of hope you have given him at the moment. And by the grace of the Damn, he won’t let you go ever again.
Taking a deep breath, Stephen could smell your scent lingering heavily among the crowd, far sweeter with a tinged for floral notes–like honey and lavender coursing through your veins, making his mouth salivate. All of his rationality wavered between hunger and needs.  The thought of tasting you upon his tongue–the smell of your scent overwhelming him once more, and he couldn’t push the thought away. 
How long had he yearned to be close to you, yet the anticipation scared him? The what-if questions, whether you would find him suitable to be a lover or companion scared him more than the light of the sun itself. 
Surely, turning to ashes was less painful than your rejection.
He wanted to laugh at the thought. How pathetic he was–a creature who could swallow a world terrified of a mortal woman…
No, he shook the thought away. You were more than that to him.
You were his heart, his soul, and his star–his compass that guided him on the right path. You were the reason his unbeaten heart remained hopeful.
His attention shifted once more from his thoughts at the sound of your laughter rang in the night. He felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach as you pulled a man into a hug before saying goodbye. He knew he was your friend, but it didn’t stop his heart from feeling a pang of jealousy. Oh, how he wishes to touch you.
 Stephen’s eyes continued to follow you, though he remained where he stood, not wanting to draw any attention to himself.
He watched you looking both ways at the crosswalk, waiting for the traffic to die out a bit. As you took a few steps forward, he heard from the far distance, the tire-screeching sound heading your way, but of course, you were unaware of that.
He listened closely as the truck rounded the corner–so quickly for any mortal to react, and without any consideration of the traffic. He told himself again that he won’t interfere. If fate meant for you and him to not exist at the same time, then he should let it—then images of you dying before him over the course of his immortality flashed before his eyes, and every rationality left him.
“Fuck it,” he said, using his power to transport himself. 
He reappeared less than a second later like a rush of energy, bursting through the sound barrier with a loud bang, sending the speeding truck barreling off the road and straight into a metal pole. He had already caught you in his arms while he reappeared, whisking you away to safety.
A few moments later, five police cars came into halting screech as police rushed out to pull the suspects out of the wreckage. Stephen gazed down at your frightening form, trembling in his arms like a baby animal. Your eyes were wild. Fear permeated from your blood and straight to his nose, reeking of sickly sweet scent like spoiled fruits that were left under the sun too long.
“Are you alright?” He asked, looking down at you. 
You couldn’t answer him, except to nod. 
His eyes scanned your body quickly, surveying for any scratches or wounds. He would not figure himself, nor the driver if there were any marks on you. He relaxed once he noticed that there were no scratches on you.
“We need to stop meeting like this,” he muttered to himself under his breath as he stood there with you still in his arms. He could feel your body trembling in his arms while your heartbeat frantically, pumping the blood in your veins with effort.
Your adrenaline was still pumping in your veins as you stared up. Your breathing was still heavy, inhaling every mouthful of air into your lungs as they allowed you to. 
Stephen could feel the burning sensation growing stronger the more he breathed in your scent. It became too apparent and it made his body tremble with needs from blood lust alone. It shouldn't have happened because he was feeding just before he came to check on you tonight. 
Stephen mentally groaned. You were his undoing indeed. Yet, he longed for it–for you.
“Wh–how did you do that?” You finally were able to speak as you looked wildly up at the man and then at the wreckage. It was impossible what just happened—the speed of the truck, and him—he was on the other side of the road, and then in a blink of an eye, he was here, whisking you away in his arms, away from this wreckage…
Stephen carefully set you down on your feet and took a step back, trying to create a distance between the two of you. But he quickly changed his mind when your legs gave out. It was best to simply let you use him for support.
“Do what? Pulling you out from incoming traffic?”  His voice was too calm. 
You stared up taken aback by how relaxed he was–it was almost as if he wasn’t scared or terrified of it. A normal human would be shaken by just pure adrenaline alone, but this man–this man simply looked bored.
“I saw you across the street a few minutes ago, you can’t possibly get here this fast–”
“I think you mistake me for someone else, miss,” he quickly cut you off, and a small part of you snapped. You didn’t know if it was the adrenaline that was left in you or if was it something else. Whatever it was, you really didn’t appreciate what he just said to you.
“Look I am grateful that you saved my life, but what I don’t appreciate is you gaslighting me into thinking that what I saw earlier wasn’t right.” Your voice wavered between anger and wanting to cry. There were so many things happening all at once, and as your body slowly came down from the high, it slowly registered to your brain that you almost died. For this man—this stranger to just blatantly lie in your face, you were beyond furious. 
“And what do you want me to say to that?”
You narrowed your eyes for a few seconds. He was self-assured. You didn’t understand why he had the need to lie to you about it.
You exhaled sharply through your nose. “I don’t know.  Just something that would help me rationalize all of this. At least tell me your name.”
“It’s for the best if we remain strangers, miss. Have a good night.”
His voice sounded so sad. It made you even more eager to understand him. 
When he turned to walk away from you, you instinctively grasped his hand, but all you got was his leather glove. Stephen halted immediately and looked at you with uncertainty and horror as you stood there, looking at his glove and then at his hand. 
Stephen quickly snatched the glove away from you because he couldn’t afford to have your scent linger on his belongings way more than it is right now. Every cell in his body was buzzing and craving for you, and the more time he spent with you, the more he felt all of his sanity slowly slipping away from him.
It would not be long before his hunger dictated all of his wills. 
Your fingers grazed him by accident. Stephen quickly pulled himself away as if he was burned by your touch.
You sucked in your breath sharply at how cool his skin was, but suddenly you felt yourself slipping into the darkness. Your ears range briefly before you feel like your whole body is being submerged underwater.
The noise around you drowned out, melted into a jumble of sound till there was silence. Your body went limp. Images flashed before your eyes like one of those old times in movies. It was blurry, but then the images were clear.
Your brows pulled into a deep frown, watching images of a woman—no it was you, but it wasn’t you at the same time. You flinched at the sudden noise that seemed to emit from the scenes before you. You were smiling and laughing, dressing like one of those old-timey clothes with a man. You weren’t sure of who he was at first, but he felt familiar. Upon further inspection, you found yourself gasping. 
It was the stranger—he was looking exactly like you saw him, except that he looked happier. You were kissing and laughing while holding onto each other.
 “I, Y/N. Take you, Stephen Strange, as my lawfully, wedded husband,” you heard the woman say before she–or you kissed him. 
She–no, you and him was standing under the pale light, wearing a long flowing white dress. There was nothing but the soft, flickering amber from the candlelight illuminating. There were no guests, nor anyone else at the altar, except for the two figures. You felt your chest swell with a sudden burst of happiness, but the scenes soon flashed to a much somber one. 
You were now laying in bed, looking deathly sick. The man was sobbing and holding onto your hands. Crimson tears rolled down his sharp cheekbones, falling onto your white gown, till it was deep red. He was saying something, but you couldn’t hear it well enough because the scene was suddenly cut short. All you remembered was his eyes–they were as they are now–dark, sad, and somber, marred with dark circles, and brimmed with bloody tears.
A loud gasp slipped past your lips, and you felt your body slowly fall. You expected the pain to shoot through you, but it never came.
You blinked as the darkness that covered your vision slowly slipped away. Dim light slowly pours into your line of vision. Your first image was the man once again, looking at you with a concerned look. His eyes were pale blue, almost too pale, you realized. He looked almost otherworldly, yet he was familiar.
“Are you alright?” He asked. His deep, baritone voice sent a wave of warmness through you. 
You frowned when you realized that you were once again back where you were. Tears slipped from your eyes. Your hand slowly reached up with uncertainty to touch his face. The coolness of his skin didn’t shock you anymore as his eyes widened. He opened his mouth to protest, but you felt his whole demeanor shift.
Stephen closed his eyes, savoring the way your warmth felt against his skin. It felt strange, yet familiar at the same time–something that he longed for centuries yet never dared to dream of being this close.
He opened his eyes to find you looking at him with confusion. You sounded uncertain as if you were testing the name on your lips for the first time.
“Your name is Stephen Strange, isn’t it?”
He couldn’t utter the words except that he was nodding slowly in admission. He had yet to reveal himself to yet–
“I–” you started, but frowned to find a better word. “We met before, didn’t we?”
“I don’t know what you mean. This is the first time I see, miss. I’ve said it many times before–”
“Your name is Stephen Strange and I was your wife…in another life–I don’t know which one it is, but perhaps a long time ago.” You struggled to understand yourself as words fell from your mouth. Tears were still rolling down your face, and you didn’t understand why. Your chest hurt so badly every time the images flashed in your mind.
Stephen remained quiet as you continued.
“They were your memories, weren’t they–or were they mine?”
Stephen stared at you for a long moment as you struggled to make sense. He wanted to admit it, but he was scared of what fate has in store for him in this lifetime.
“You won’t believe what I have to say,” he finally spoke. 
“Why is that?”
“Because I know you,” he said quietly. “It happened so many times that I just know you won’t believe me.”
“What do you mean “too many times”?” you asked as you took a step forward. Stephen found himself stepping back. 
He looked around and there were people lingering. “Do you trust me?”
You frowned, unsure why he asked you this but you nodded. A small part of you was afraid though, and Stephen felt too by the way the sickly, sweet scent permeated your body.
Stephen’s lips pressed together into a tight, thin line. If only you knew how capable he was at inflicting worse things than what you feared…
“I have no reason to kill you,” he said softly as if he could read your mind, looking more sad than offended. It was in your nature to fear a creature like him. “I just want to give you the answer that you want.”
“Fine. Then show me.”
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The heavy, wooden doors groaned as he pushed them open, revealing a grand staircase that led up to the darkness. The place smelled of old books and leather. As soon as you stepped inside, the heavy doors slammed shut with a dull thud, startling you in the process. 
“What is this place?” you asked softly, yet your voice sounded louder in the silent darkness. 
Amber light slowly illuminates the dark, emptiness, revealing rows and rows of floor-to-ceiling bookcases. 
“My home,” he said softly. 
“So you brought me to your home…to show me what exactly?”
“Do you believe in reincarnation?”
You thought for a bit and shrugged. “What’s that have to do with anything?”
Stephen took a candelabra and motioned you to follow him up the stairs. They creaked beneath your feet as you followed him not too far behind. He briefly turned before holding up the light to reveal a portrait.
Your eyes widened.
“You and I have met many times before over the course of centuries,” he started as your eyes bored into the portrait of you and him, dressing in the exact clothes you saw a moment ago. “The last time we met, we managed to get married and live happily together, until–”
“Until I suddenly died…” you finished his sentence. “I saw it–I died in this house, didn’t I?”
“You died from consumption–tuberculosis in the modern term. We only married for a few months,” he said almost sadly. “I wanted to save you, but I couldn’t.”
“To save you means you have to become what I am, and I couldn’t live knowing that I have made you suffer the same way that I was.”
“So you're just letting me die like that?” you frowned, not understanding his reason.
“We weren’t meant to be together,” he said softly. “The first time I tried to cheat death—to prevent death from happening to you, it made me become this,” he said as he slowly revealed his true form to you.
His eyes were now glowing almost subtly against the dim light. His bluish veins were becoming more visible on the surface of his pale skin. His canines elongated. His fingers were black, his nails sharp almost like claws.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, but you remained where you were. 
“The spell that I was trying to cast had somehow doomed me to walk the night, and become this horrid creature. Tell me again why I would want you to suffer the same fate as me?”
“So you just watch me die, over and over again?” you frowned.
“It’s the only way,” he said softly.
“No, Stephen. It’s not the only way. If you love me like you said you do, you would have saved me then instead of wallowing in this self-pity of yours,” you snapped. “I-I just don’t understand why–”
“Your death is an absolute point in the universe,” he cut you off. “No matter what I do, you and I weren’t meant to be together.”
“So you're just going to let it happen like that?” 
“Y/N, please you must understand.”
“What do you fear, Stephen Strange?” you asked as you walked toward him till you could touch his face. Stephen closed his eyes and leaned into your touch almost immediately. 
“You,” he said softly. “I am afraid of existing in a world without you.”
“But you refused to turn me, and instead you continue to chase after me like this?”
Stephen swallowed for the very first time as if you had hit the nail on the head. 
“What are you really afraid of, Stephen?” you asked again.
You could see red liquid pooled in his eyes before he looked down as if he was ashamed to admit it. You cradled his face in your hands and you saw that his crimson tears now stained his pale skin. 
“Losing you forever,” he said softly. “I don’t want your existence to get completely erased from the universe, Y/N.”
“Is that what you think will happen if you turn me?”
He nodded reluctantly. Stephen didn’t know about it himself, but he didn’t want to think about it. The fear consumed him far too much and for far too long. 
“Don’t you think it’s a little unfair for me to have you make a choice for me over and over again?”
Stephen didn’t say anything. You gently pulled him down until he could feel your breath fanned over his face. Fear no longer permeated off you, but a rather new scent–a tantalizing one.
“Why did you save me earlier if I was fated to die then and there.”
“I just found you,” he said softly. 
Your eyes flickered from his down to his lips. You could feel your heart quickening the closer you got to him. “So you wanted to be selfish and save me for a bit before you let me go. Again and again, and again.”
“Please don’t say it like that. I do love you so much that I’m willing to rip this world apart for you.
For a minute, you believed him. You didn’t know the sort of power or ability he possessed at the moment, but you knew he meant it when he said those words. 
Without a thought, you leaned in and kissed him. Stephen was surprised but welcomed your kiss. His arm wrapped around your waist, while the other one cradled your face. You shuddered at the way the coolness of his skin felt against yours. He was slow and careful at first. Each movement was precise and calculated as if he was afraid to hurt you. 
You moaned into him before you opened your mouth and allowed him to slip his tongue inside. Stephen was still reluctant to completely allow himself to be immersed completely in his desires, but you pushed him. 
Oh, you pushed him alright. 
Without a thought, you slowly take a few steps back, pushing him until his hard body hits the wall with a soft thud. Stephen gasped in surprise. You could see him smirking for the very first time, and for that small moment, your mouth captured him once again.
You kissed him with urgency, while your hands laid flatly against his chest. You couldn’t feel his heart beating, but you know it doesn’t matter anyway. You weren’t meant to be together so if the universe decided to say “fuck you” to you, you might as well take this opportunity and give him a memory that would last another lifetime.
Your fingers slowly trailed down his body, feeling the way his taut muscles strained and contracted underneath your palms.
Stephen hissed as he felt your hand covering his growing bulge. He quickly pulled away from your kiss and looked into your eyes.
“You are much bolder this time around,” he commented as he took both of your hands in his. Your eyes widened at the realization of how large his hands were. 
“I build differently this time around,” you joked before standing to your tippy toe to kiss him again. “I also don’t want to die without knowing what’s it like to have sex with a vampire, so maybe I’m just trying to make a good memory for both of us.”
Stephen’s eyes seemed to soften when he chuckled. He looked more human when he laughed, you realized. He brought your knuckles to his lips and kissed him almost too gently. 
“I assure you, it’s not that much different than what you know,” he smirked before he suddenly bridged-carrying you into one of the large rooms.
The candlelight suddenly came to life as you and he entered. Stephen gently laid you down on the large, plush bed before he slowly loosen the tie around his neck.
You were mesmerized by the way his long, thick fingers undone those buttons. Your mouth went dry when he began to undress. Your eyes followed a trail of dark hair that disappeared under his waistband. Stephen noticed your hungry look and chuckled softly before he knelt astride your body.
“Is this some sort of a perk of being a vampire?” you asked as you let your fingers graze over the deep ridges of his abdomen. He didn’t seem to mind, which only encouraged you to explore his body more.
“I’m not quite sure what you mean,” he murmured against your skin as he lazily suckled at your neck. 
“Being hot,” you said bluntly, and if Stephen could blush, he would have been a deep shade of red by now.
“Is that what you thought of me?”
You nodded.
“I’m flattered,” he said. Stephen caressed your face almost too gently as he takes in your beauty. Adoration practically poured out of his skin as he looked at you and touched you so gently. “I know we just met and all, but are you sure you want to do this?”
You nodded. “If I’m not meant to exist in this world at the same time as you, then I might as well enjoy it as much as I can. The question is, will you be ok with it?”
“Every moment I spent with you burned into my memories for all eternity, darling. I’m more than ok with this,” he said before he leaned in and kissed you. He didn’t care at all if that made him sound desperate. 
He was much bolder now as when he captured your mouth. His tongue thrust into your parted lips, sliding against yours, licking and tasting every part of you until you were breathless. 
His fingers moved to the back of your head to position you however he wanted. You melted under the weight of his passion–he was practically devouring you whole. It was possessive and demanding, and you wanted more.
His hips pressed into yours, pinning you against the bed. His erection was prominent and heavy against your lower belly. You moaned into the kiss as your resolve slowly dissolved into nothingness. 
You had no idea how much he craved this. Every part of him was buzzing with excitement and needs. He was seeking solace in you–filling the void of loneliness he felt for so long. Touching you like this, kissing and tasting your skin beneath his tongue like this, touched him in a place he never thought still existed. The moment was fleeting for an immortal creature like him, yet it burned into him with a memory that’d last his lifetime.
Tearing his mouth away, Stephen kissed his way down your neck, nibbling and sucking at whatever skin his lips found. You, on the other hand, were restless and impatient as if something had taken over you. You were breathing heavily by the time his mouth wrapped around your breast.
His tongue slid over your taut nipple, licking and swirling around the sensitive nub just enough to make you moan. Your hands moved deftly on their own. Your fingers weaved into his dark, silken strand, tugging and pulling until he moaned deeply into your skin.
Stephen looked up, and you noticed how silvery his eyes were as if they were molten metal, sending goosebumps across your skin. There was something innately predatory in the way he was looking at you, yet it sparked something deeper inside you that made you want more.
You whined softly when his mouth left your breast, leaving you feeling bereft and restless, but that feeling soon dissipated into pure feral needs. 
Your eyes flew open when you felt his mouth descend upon your molten core. His tongue glided across your folds with a purpose before he pushed the tip past the slicked seam. A sharp hiss left your lips at the way the coarse hair of his beard scratched against the tender skin of your inner thigh.
Stephen moaned deep inside his chest as his tongue slid inside your quivering heat, penetrating as deep as he could before retreating back. He repeated this a couple of times until he was satisfied before he moved to flick his tongue around your sensitive clit. 
His focus was absolute and tuned into your pleasure. Your intoxicating scent permeated the air, making him high, drawing him in like some sort of his own personal kind of drug. He could feel the way your wall fluttered around his tongue, and he knew you were close to your first release. Even then he was relentless. 
He fucked you with his tongue in a shallow penetration until the quiet house filled with nothing but the sound of your moaning and panting.
He concentrated and focused on that one spot that made you strain below him, licking and sucking at the bud until you were nothing but a painting mess. It wasn’t long of course. You came not a moment after, clutching onto his head like it was your only lifeline while he continued to feast upon your body.
“Do you trust me, darling?” he asked as he slowly pulled over the edge. 
You nodded and watched as Stephen slowly slid his pants down until his cock was visible to you. You were watching of course of pure curiosity about what a vampire dick looks like. 
He was long and hard, with a perfect thickness that made your mouth water. Thick ropes of veins ran underside of the length with a promise of a pleasure that was drawn out from the inside.
Your breath shuddered as he stood between your parted legs. His eyes bored into you with that same look earlier, making you shiver and horny at the same time.
You watched as he lined the head of his cock along your aching opening. His chest was broad and oh so sculpted that you regretted not touching him earlier. If you lived to see another day, you’d make sure to let him know that. 
Your eyes continued to watch him stroke himself, making his shaft harder and thicker. 
“I can’t wait any longer,” he said softly.
“Take me,” you urged him, biting your lips, trying to dull your neediness for him. 
His hands pressed you gently before he pushed past your nether lips. The pink, fat tips breached you slowly, stretching you and filling you to the limit. Your eyes fluttered as he surged forward, hard and silken, filling you with torment and relief at the same time. 
You shivered and moaned as he pushed deeper into you, sliding through your scorching, tight heat until he buried himself to the hilt, his forehead pressed against yours. 
Each slow and tantalizing movement sent a shudder through him that he couldn’t help but offer a gentle smile, revealing the pearly white canine teeth. He looked more like a beast here than a man–the predator that he was meant to be, but his touch said otherwise.
He was careful and slow. Every time he surged forward you could feel every part of your soul ascend to heaven. You felt like you were losing your mind every time he pulled himself all the way out till the tip remained inside, making your body feel bereft and empty for his length.
You swallowed hard every time he pushed himself all the way inside you, knocking all the words right out of your mouth. Your forehead was damp despite his coolness as perspiration dampened your body.
Your hand reached up to touch his face. He was nuzzling into your touch at first, but he shocked you when he slipped your fingers into his mouth. 
You didn’t know what to say except to watch. His cheeks hallowed, sucking and drawing on your slender fingers with a steady and rhythmic suction, matching the way he was fucking your pussy with a slow, steady pump.
You gasped at the way the matching rhythm aroused you. You couldn’t think straight at that point. The way he was watching you only made you melt further into the pleasure. Nothing you ever had came this good, and you sure were losing your mind over it.
“I’m going to come,” he panted as his pace quickened. Every thrust seemed to get harder and deeper and the faster he moved, the less sane you’ve become. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. His cock seemed to stroke deeper inside you. His greedy mouth tugged at your skin, building up a pleasure so intense that you came again without realizing it.
Stephen continued to move, faster this time, savoring the way your pussy was squeezing his length. Your body was like it was set on fire, yet not enough all at once as he continued to move inside you with a merciless pace that brought you both pain and pleasure. He hunched over you, caging your body to the bed, thrusting hard until he came with a deep growl.
Time felt like it was standing still as he stood there, spent inside you. At that moment you didn’t care. At that moment you were his once again.
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You woke up slowly, reluctant as you lifted your head off his hard chest. You felt drained, tired, and spent, but in the most delicious way. Your body was sore and ached, yet you felt satisfied.
You opened your eyes and looked up to find his liquid, pale sapphire bored on your with tenderness. You were left breathless for a minute before you flashed him a flustered smile. Heat began to flood your face, and you felt him inhaling deeply.
Stephen felt his nerve on fire once more by the way your sweet, floral scent flooded his senses. He was deeply satisfied, yes, but the innate hunger was still there, craving deeply to taste you. He told himself though that he will wait for you to return home before he feeds again.
“Let me become like you,” you said suddenly.
He looked at you with shock. “You know I shouldn’t–”
“Stephen, listen to me. If you don’t do it now, you won’t know what will happen. What if I walked out of here and just went like that? What will you do? Wait for me, search for me for another hundred years?”
Stephen thought for a long moment, but you knew he was still unsure about this. You sighed and cupped his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you.
“This is my choice, Stephen. No matter what happens, it’s all me. Do you understand?”
He didn’t speak. 
“Please,” you pleaded with him softly. 
“Are you absolutely sure about this?”
You nodded eagerly. 
Stephen stared at you for a long moment, unblinking before he slowly brought your hand up to his lips. He closed his eyes for a long moment, inhaling the way your skin smelled. He could hear the sound of your heartbeat against your chest, slowly picking up speed. You smell warm and sweet, and without much thought, he sank his fangs into your wrist.
You gasped at the sudden sharp pain at first but soon melted into something more. Stephen growled deeply at the rich, intoxicating taste of your blood. You were like everything he knew you were: sweet, floral like honey and lavender. Your thoughts swarmed inside his head like a haze, swirling and floating at the back of his consciousness.
He drank for a long moment, as your body writhed against him in agony and lust. Your blood soothed him from the inside out, calming his weary soul. 
Stephen pulled back and quickly cut open his arm with his sharp nail. His dark crimson blood poured out of the long slit and poured into your mouth. Your eyes fluttered as you drank in the way the strange, rich liquid slowly slid down your throat. Your hand blindly reached up to him as your mouth latched onto him. 
Stephen could feel your pulse slow down. He counted in his head until he heard the last faint thud of your heart as you went limp. Then he watched, licking the wound on his arm to seal the wound, and he began counting.
Your eyes flew open, your skin hard and cool just like his. You stared at him and he at you. He was the first to reach out and you melted into his touch just like before. Centuries of memories flooded inside your mind–memories of many lifetimes played before you. 
Blood rolled down your cheeks as the warmth flooded your unbeaten heart. This was his memories of you–what remained of you for all these times.
“You won’t have to be alone anymore, Stephen. I will be with you for eternity,” you said softly before pulling him down for an assuring kiss. Indeed you’d be with him for eternity.
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theravenphoenix26 · 2 years
Life and Death
So I had an idea, and this is what happened, tada, yay me! Sorry if the end seems kinda rushed. 
Azriel x Reader Angst/Fluff
Trigger Warnings: Blood, death, Velaris attacked (let me know if I need to add more.)
There was a myth that said your life flashed before your eyes just before you died. You’d never believed it and rarely thought about it with your immortal lifespan. 
It was only reasonable to doubt what the living said about the dead, what did they know? Every creature of the world lied, and formed the truth to their liking, so you didn’t believe in much you couldn’t see. But you didn’t think much of death, you were the type to live. 
Perhaps that was why it was shocking to see your life play out before your eyes as you lay on the broken streets of the city you’d always loved. 
But what wasn’t surprising were the memories themselves, they were your most cherished. And they were all of him. 
You were sitting at the edge of a cliff, your feet dangling off the edge. The ocean was stunning this time of day, the falling sun coloring it in too many colors to count. Fluffy white clouds covered the pink sky over the smooth sea. 
This was by far your favorite place in the Night Court, it was only a short flight from the hustle of the city you so desperately needed to flee from sometimes. No matter how much you loved Velaris you couldn’t deny that it was tiring. 
Everyone there was always so happy, it was hard to pretend that you were. 
You heard them before you saw them, the flapping of wings alerting you of a presence. Of course, your peace was to be disturbed, it was rare that you got an uninterrupted moment to be you. 
The salt air calmed your lungs as you turned to the figure lingering behind you. The male stood tall above you, his bat-like wings stretched out behind his back. It was only your years in Velaris and the glinting blue of his siphons that gave away his identity. 
You’d never directly spoken to the Shadowsinger or any of the Inner Circle for that matter. It was easier to lie low, to go to work and home, than to interact with anybody. He froze upon noticing you, staring at the scars that stretched across your back. 
Velaris hadn’t always been your home. You’d grown up in Hewn City and it was pure luck that you’d ended up here. 
You waved a carefree hand at the cliff edge beside you, inviting the Shadowsinger to join you in your contemplating. The two of you sat in silence for quite some time before the Shadowsinger, surprisingly, spoke. 
“I’ve never seen you before,” he muttered. 
You turned your eyes from the stunning view in front of you to the stunning view beside you. This close to Azriel you could see every different shade in his hazel eyes. 
“I’m sure there are many in this court you haven’t seen.”
A roguish smirk took over the Shadowsinger’s face as he looked you dead in the eyes and said words you would never forget, “I agree, but I thought I’d seen all as beautiful as you.”
That night on the cliff had turned into months of secret meetings. You weren’t ready for anything committed, and Azriel was still trying to move on from Mor. 
It wasn’t a relationship, but a friendship. Perhaps it could be called ‘friends with benefits’.
Over the months you knew him Az became your best friend. He was the person you could tell anything. The person you could always count on to listen, love, and protect you. 
There wasn’t one thing you didn’t love and accept about him, as he did the same to you. 
You heard the knocking on your balcony door. When you looked over and saw Az it was no shock. He was often a wanted guest at your apartment, particularly at night. 
You slid the glass door open and froze. 
Azriel stood before you like he had so many times before. But this was different. This wasn’t a casual visit for talking or sex. An arrow had torn completely through his left shoulder, grazing his wing every time he moved. The pained expression that painted his face chilled you to your core. 
Your shaking hands wrapped around his right arm, pulling it over your shoulders. You walked him to the couch, taking a good percentage of his not subtle weight. 
“What happened?” you questioned harshly after laying him down. 
The most minuscule of smiles appeared on his face as he whispered, “Mission gone wrong.”
You disappeared for a moment into the kitchen to grab a first aid kit, there were several stashed around the house and that was the closest. 
“Why didn’t you go to a healer,” you asked as you pulled the arrow from his shoulder as gently as you could.
“I just wanted to see you.”
The arrow was set on the table beside you as you shifted to carefully clean the wound. “That’s stupid Az. You know my healing powers are weak. This will scar, you know.”
“I don't care,” he said.
The silence in the room hung heavy as you focused on his shoulder, the little healing magic pooling from your fingertips. 
“Are you not going to ask why?” Az sighed.
“Why what?”
“Why I don’t care about the scar.”
You lightly smiled, playing along. “Why don’t you care about the scar Az?
“I was scared, and in pain, and you always fix my fears. I just wanted to see you.”
You hummed, letting that be your response.
Az let out a heavy sigh, “You know why I wanted to see you.”
“Well, you just said the reason Az,” you said, confused about why he was dragging out whatever he had to say. 
He shook his head, “No it’s more than that.”
You looked up at him, finding his eyes already on yours, “Why’d you want to see me?”
Azriel finally let that beautiful smile take over his face, “Because I love you, Y/N.”
You had never been happier. You and Azriel were officially together. Rarely did you leave each other's sides, especially after Rhys was taken.
You’d never met the High Lord, Azriel and you had just started dating and he’d wanted to keep it quiet. It wasn't something you minded, the secrets. It was in Azriel’s nature to hide and you wouldn’t change that. 
But after Rhys was taken Az refused to spend too much time anywhere that reminded him of what was missing. Anywhere that reminded him of the brother he’d lost overnight. 
He’d practically moved in with you, and for 50 years you lived perfectly. Az was by your side and you could comfort him through anything that came his way. During that time, your relationship remained secret, you'd never met the Inner Circle. Life was always so hectic. 
Azriel felt as though he had been fighting forever. 
His wings were heavy as he landed back on the cobbled streets. He looked at the building around him, the blood of the people he hadn't been able to save. All he wanted to do was curl up next to you. 
He had loved you for longer than he’d ever admit. You were the most important thing in his life, his love, his very best friend. His finger brushed against the ring box in his pocket, this wasn’t the most romantic moment but he wanted to be married to you. Az wanted to bring their relationship out of the shadows and begin the rest of his life with you for whatever time you had left. 
Farther down the street he went, passing the cafe you’d worked in for as long as he’d known. The windows were all busted out, and the walls were burnt and crumbling. It would be a while before they could reopen. 
Hopefully, you would be home. He knew you could hold your own, you’d been taught by him. But still, it was nearly instinct to fear for you. 
He came across a crowd of people, all standing around something. As he walked up they parted for him, recognizing him immediately. 
His blood turned to ice in his veins. 
On the ground laid his love, your body lightly twitching with the pain of death. Azriel dropped to his knees beside you, forcing his trembling hands over the stab wound in your stomach. His scarred fingers did nothing, your red blood didn’t slow as it poured over them. 
He felt your bloody fingertips on this side of his face. The gentle pressure turned his eyes from the wound to meet your own. 
“Azzy,” you whispered. It didn’t seem you could speak much louder. 
He lowered his forehead to yours as his voice broke on the only word he spoke, “Y/N.”
“I didn’t want you to see this.”
He was frozen, his fingers covered in blood as you spoke, unable to say a word. 
“I didn’t want you to see me die, but I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad I won’t die alone.”
Your hand dropped from his face, moving to lightly hold one of his. 
“Az, I love you.” 
He was silent as he met your eyes and felt the world drop from under him. All at once the golden bond formed, he felt every pain you did. He felt the pure love you felt for him. He felt everything. 
And then he felt nothing but pain as your chest stilled, and that beautiful bond disintegrated. 
The cry that left his throat was more animal than anything. His hands left your wound and brought you into his lap. His bloody fingers ran through your hair as he cradled you to his chest. 
His mind was blank, and then suddenly he could only think of one thing. He hadn’t said it back. 
Cassian found him minutes, or maybe hours later. Azriel clutched onto your body, repeating the words, “I love you”, as tears flowed down his face. 
The rest of the Inner Circle appeared shortly after. 
Rhysand was the first to approach Azriel. He placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, which the Shadowsinger only flung off. 
“Az, what happened, who is this.”
Azriel looked up at them, a broken smile on his face. “This is my life,” he whispered, “My love, my best friend, my mate.”
The faces around him went slack with shock. Azriel looked down at you and let out a crazed laugh, “And she’s dead.”
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Level Up post: The Mighty Nein!?
🎶It's been a while🎶but our heroes are level 17, which means they've leveled up once in the past six months, and Kingsley has presumably been level grinding by fighting ghosts or dinosaurs or stuff.
Everyone's proficiency bonus is now +6, and the two standard spell casters present, Jester and Caleb (everyone hope that Caduceus is having a great time not being killed by the ocean) have access to 9th level spells.
Obligatory reminder that corrections are welcome, speculation is fine as long as you understand it's speculative which is why I didn't include it, and if you want to list every possible spell Caleb could take, do so on your own blog because I too own many D&D books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.
Beau: Beau's punches now deal 1d10 damage, she has 17 ki points, and she gets Debilitating Barrage: if she hits a creature, she can spend three ki points to make a creature vulnerable to one type of damage for one minute, or until they take damage of that type. This can only be done on the same creature once a day. Fun fact: this is actually very similar to Caduceus's Path of the Grave Channel Divinity feature!
Caleb: Caleb gets a ninth level spell slot, can prepare another spell, and learns two spells automatically; he may have also copied some spells in his downtime. We haven't seen what those spells are yet, so place your bets! Most of the 9th level wizard spell list rules, but time stop, shapechange, true polymorph, mass polymorph, and foresight all seem to be the most likely. I suppose meteor swarm is also within his wheelhouse. My hot take is that despite the name, Time Ravage isn't totally Caleb's vibe, but like, I wouldn't be mad about high level dunamancy.
Fjord: Fjord took a fifth level in paladin, giving him access to 2nd level paladin spells, plus he gains one first level spell slot and two second levels. He also gets an extra attack, and if Matt was feeling generous he may have let Travis finagle this so that Thirsting Blade, which is an invocation that achieves the same thing, can be swapped for a different invocation, but I wouldn't guarantee it. He also gains the oath spells Augury (which we saw) and Misty Step.
Jester: Jester gets a ninth level spell slot and can prepare one more spell per day. She can destroy undead of challenge level 4 now, and she now can have FOUR duplicates and move any number of those four as a bonus action. The cleric 9th level spell list is pretty short and Mass Heal seems to be the most useful option.
Kingsley: Kingsley leveled up considerably in blood hunter and took levels in Swashbuckler Rogue. I don't know for sure what level he is, but his access to Grim Psychometry and his speed is 35 feet/second indicates he's taken up to at least 10th level. He's also taken at least three levels in rogue because we know he's a swashbuckler (sneak attack when fighting without any allies in melee with the creature, which is why swashbucklers rule). So: three blood curses at least and possibly four if he's level 14 blood hunter; hemocraft die of either 1d6 or 1d8 depending if he's level 10 or higher in blood hunter; at least 2 and possibly 3 crimson rites (if he's level 14) in addition to his Order-specific Rite of the Dawn; and Aether walk (phasing between things on the ethereal plane, which Taliesin had expressed interest in upon Molly's death.) He's also got the typical rogue features of a cunning action, expertise, sneak attack and thieves' cant (please talk with Veth in thieves' cant, it's all I want). Personally, because this group is not hurting for expertise between Veth, Beau, and Caleb, and blood hunter is a tank-y class and Kingsley's got Molly's tough feat and bonuses to dex saves as a blood hunter such that uncanny dodge/evasion aren't too crucial, I would go with the 14 blood hunter levels - levels 11-14 are some good shit. However, we don't know for sure how those remaining four levels are distributed between blood hunter and rogue.
Veth: Veth took her 17th level in rogue, bringing her to Rogue 16/Wizard 1. She took an ASI to strength and constitution. She has learned, in addition to the mostly unrevealed wizard spells (Tenser's Floating Disk my beloved though), another Arcane Trickster spell (wizard spell, either enchantment or illusion, can be up to 3rd level) and has another third level spell slot.
Yasha: Yasha gets a 6th rage per day and her brutal critical goes up to three additional dice.
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shadowofthelamp · 28 days
I scribbled out a little ficlet when first tossing around the idea for Bea. Might as well toss it up over here with a few little tweaks since I still like it.
It's impossible to keep track of time when jumping between realities. Ford had never had the best of sleep patterns, even before… well, the subtle curve to his abdomen was a reminder that he'd never be able to shake of what had happened, as if the fact that the sky was currently green and squirming wasn't clear enough. Unfortunately, that combined with the fact that he often went days without sleep in worlds that didn't have 24-hour days meant that it was nearly impossible to tell how much time had actually passed- he couldn't just count using his own circadian cycles.
Sleep had been a waste of time. Moments that could have been used for study, for calculations, for furthering his work to create a new world, a better world. Now, as he hung over the edge of a ship floating in an endless ocean of blood-colored brine and fought back nausea, he wished that if he couldn't have that, he could have at least come through with a watch that had worked well enough to keep ticking.
It had been months, at least. It had been over a week from the discovery to the betrayal, and then a month between that and when Stanley had come and he'd gone through the portal. Now, on the other side, it had been several more. And yet, the inching out of his stomach was subtle, still appearing only as a slight bloat. If he hadn't known the truth, he would certainly have assumed it was merely food from a hearty meal. Perhaps it was just small? Bill He had often appeared small, perhaps to seem innocent, unassuming. Cute, even. Five fingers drummed over the knit of his sweater with the thumb resting as the boat bounced, and he sighed.
He wanted to hate it. He had hated it, at first.
Well. Not quite at first.
They'll be ours, Sixer! The first of their kind, borne of the bridge between realities! You'll be in every history book, the genius who carried the world on his shoulders and in his squirmy, fleshy guts!
It had been a shock, and then he'd convinced himself it was an honor, and Fiddleford had never even known about It before he had driven himself insane because of Ford's hubris and everything shattered.
It'll be fun to see you try! You're mine, Fordsie, and I'm never letting either of you go!
(He tried to carve it out. The protection Bill placed melted the knife to slag.)
He'd bound his belt with a makeshift thread of unicorn hair after it turned out that Dimension '45SU(y)' had the species be slightly less… stubborn than they were in 46'\. They just asked for why you needed it and judged that, and his story was sympathetic enough to get a thread that could be tied around his middle with some extra room to spare. That was good. He was probably going to need it anyway.
He did need it, as days passed. Weeks passed. More months passed. He grew a beard and shaved it, he gained tattoos he liked and those he didn't, he sometimes lost or gained weight but never lost the persistent bump even as he shoveled down squid or grass or raw sugar or whatever the latest dimension had beyond human language capacity. It had been a year, hadn't it? Some dimensions had only days, the others, only nights. Some didn't have skies at all, existing within encased domes or underground.
(He didn't know if Bill haunted his dreams or his dreams were simply haunted by Bill. If the unicorn hair was as potent from other dimensions.)
Slowly, almost gently, the curve grow. Sturdy, heavy. A reminder of his own foolish gullibility. A reminder he couldn't trust anyone.
A gentle glow at night, when he didn't have a soul around but himself and the creature inside of him.
It started moving one night, when he was full and polishing a gun and relatively content. It was a little tickle, and he wasn't sure he felt anything at all before the glow flashed, as if demanding that he pay attention. Awestruck, he swallowed thickly before setting a hand on his stomach and spreading his fingers (one, two, three, four, five, six). A tiny bump nudged his palm along with a rush of pure delight at existence- at protection, at safety, at care for him too concentrated to fake and injected directly into his spinal cord. It damn near knocked him over and almost made him shatter the only pair of glasses he had.
"…It's just us, isn't it?" he murmured, and the glow of his swollen stomach pulsed again before settling into a contented luminesce as he didn't pull his hand away.
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freakattack · 1 year
Today we are talking about orbulon's eyeballs
A question that nobody cares about is what is orbulon's color vision like? He is obviously adapted for low light conditions (white/translucent color, can't function without completely opaque sunglasses) so he wouldnt really need to see most of the colors that terrestrial earth creatures can. We know for a fact that he can see red because he has a microgame in diy that has you select a red vs. white shape. This is interesting to me because on earth deep sea creatures, if they have any color vision at all, tend to be more sensitive to blue light because red light doesn't reach deep ocean depths. (Comparing him to benthic animals and not cave animals because most animals in dark cave habitats are blind and we know he's not.) In fact red color vision is comparatively rare in the animal kingdom. Here are some spitball reasons why animals might want to see red
Seeing when fruit is ripe (e.g. primates)
Pollination (e.g. hummingbirds)
Predation (e.g. snakes, mosquitos*)
Orbulon to me is not a pollinator. Nor is he a fruit guy. To me a squishy smart invertebrate that eats hamburgers is a predator.
*HERES THE THING THOUGH. i mentioned that snakes and mosquitos can see red but i lied. Snakes' actual eyes can only see blue and green shades, and very poorly, but snakes with heat pits can detect infrared thermal radiation from their prey. Likewise, mosquitos have dogshit vision but when they are presented with olfactory stimuli from their prey, namely carbon dioxide from stank breath, they are able to detect and show a preference for certain warm colors like red and orange. We all know orbulon's eyesight to be quite dogshit. However, like the snake, and like the mosquito, orbulon does have a far more competent sensory organ to augment his dogshit eyes
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Thats right. The schlorb
now the idea of orbulon's species having infrared/red color "vision" to detect prey is very tempting, but that also hinges on the assumption that his prey (or the prey of his ancestors) would be warm blooded. But thats crazy
so Instead im going to posit that maybe he doesnt need the Schlorb for colors at all. What if his eyes are a different kind of fucked up.
i alluded to orbulon being like a cephalopod earlier. Something you might know about the stars of the cephalopod world (cuttlefish and to a lesser extent octopodes) is the fact that they can change their color extremely well to camouflage. What if i told you they cant actually see color. Ok sit with that for a sec. now what if i told you that they actually can see color. I didnt lie to you im just being needlessly obtuse. Cuttlefish eyes only have one photoreceptor type, and so their "color vision" is likely monochramatic. How Ever. Light bends differently underwater. Each color has its own wavelength, and if a lens is not able to "focus" on every color equally it creates chromatic distortion, which causes some colors to be blurrier or more in focus than others. Even though the cuttlefish can't "see" these colors the same way we do, its eyes can differentiate these different wavelengths based on their distortion bu rapidly focusing and unfocusing its eyes at different depths. Let's take a look at cuttlefish eyes
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The cuttlefish has weirdly curved eyes, which can change to a W-shape in higher light conditions and become more ovular in low-light conditions. It's hypothesized that the curvature of the cuttlefish eye causes chromatic aberration to become more extreme, thus aiding in their detection of different light wavelengths. You know who else has curved fucked up eyes
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Ya huh
Nothing we know about orbulons color vision has changed because he is a cartoon character and i am insane.
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authoralexharvey · 1 year
hi Alex!!! i am back from camping so have a very late but very happy wbw <3
is there nature magic in the world of ASMLP+co?? does the miasma mess with plants and animals (is that where inhuman monsters come from?)?? does it affect water/water environments??
i hope you have a lovely day!!
- @magic-is-something-we-create
PAX MY FRIEND HELLO! I got this question during my last day of work and was so excited to answer it's been all I can think about. I know it's not Wednesday, but fuck it.
Firstly, in terms of nature magic... kind of? I think there's a lot of folk magic and folk tradition and things we would consider to be more traditional "witchcraft". It was also a lot more prominent pre-Ascension, as non-Luricae had to forge contracts with the Gods directly or with Luricae in order to access magic, and thus would have to have more "noble" reasons for such. I almost want to say everyone has very, very mild ability to influence the world around them, which leads to folk magic practices and ritual.
But like. All-out druid stuff?... Also kind of. There are shifters, for example, like my crow person Ronne, and mermaids like Jayashekar. Luricae can also use their powers to influence nature, and this resurfaces with Casters (especially of the Evocation persuasion) but it's oft not regarded that way?
"Does the Miasma mess with plants and animals?" it absolutely fuckin does and that's why this ask made me so excited. But don't take my word for it. Here's Doctor Chloe Duval from the prologue of ASMLP:
I submitted Dominique’s sample to Professor Kontos and found the… whatever it was had been covered in miasma, not blood. This struck me as odd, though, given every miasma sample I’ve recovered from Idune looks the same. It’s viscous and black and inky. These new samples seemed more like a halfway stage, something between miasma and blood. Does this mean blood can turn miasmic? Can blood be so easily corrupted?
And then, later on,
In a sick twist of fate, Laurent’s injuries have allowed me another look at the fluid we recovered from the deer corpse last week. It appears this same fluid surging through Laurent’s system now is what we sampled and recovered before. It’s behaving in similar fashion, animated and reaching. I have no doubts now as to what caused it. There are monsters stalking these woods. Are they related to the miasma we’ve studied in Idune?
And, lastly,
It’s difficult to quantify their makeup, but it’s reminiscent of slime mold. Only… more sentient. I set traps and fed a couple of the sites what small vermin I managed to catch. They consumed the offerings. Or perhaps, like the stick I lost, the animals drowned in their depths and are fermenting somewhere below.
All this to say, the miasma is sentient enough to wreck havoc on the world around it. And, depending on who you ask, it's a living force. It consumes things--potentially, given how scant the research on it is. I don't have anything wrote for this, but Idune in TWEfA is even worse-off, having been entirely engulfed in Miasma and of creatures warped by it.
"Does it effect water/water bodies" the answer here in my heart is also yes... but less so. Especially with Idune's placement to nearby water sources, including one which leads directly to the ocean... how could it not cause harm to the water as well? But there's less life in the water for it to cling to and be able to cause substantial damage with, know what I mean?
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aflyingcontradiction · 10 months
The Magnus Archives Relisten: Episode 195 - Adrift
Down in the depths, there is a cold beyond cold. An icy, liquid chill that surrounds you, embraces you, pierces every inch of your naked gooseflesh skin with its needling touch, and gets inside your bones, the marrow frozen into nothing but agony.
Okay, now I want a cup of hot tea.
You can feel its titanic bulk moving past, just below you.
Yeah, that's terrifying. I've always had a thing about giant creatures lurking in the deep.
Deep down, in the icy depths, you could imagine… you could hope. The darkness hides terrible things, but it could also hide salvation. You cannot know what is down there, but up here it is laid out in such terrible stark detail that there is nothing.
Basira: Jon?
I really didn't expect Basira to be the person to emerge from the ocean of nothingness! (Somehow I never do seem to expect the turns the TMA plot takes, do I?)
Basira: So I’m guessing it represents academic isolation or something? Maybe something to do with ‘the dangerous unknown’, skimming the surface, that kind of thing?
I kinda like the lampshading here. Nope, not everything has to be a metaphor for a real-world situation.
Basira: Bit late for self-discovery though, right? After the world’s ended? Jon: We’re still here.
This is oddly inspirational. Never too late for self-discovery until you're actually dead!
Jon: They all seemed fairly normal given the circumstances. Bit of a let-down in some ways.
Was Jon hoping for white robes and blood rituals?
Jon on tape: ‘MR. SPIDER WANTS MORE.’
Oh, I love the ominous nature of ending this episode on that old line from that old statement in particular.
My impression of this episode
There's so much vivid imagery in this, I kind of started shivering halfway through the episode. Just, the sheer vast nothingness - and as I said above, I've always had a fascination-tinged-with-fear for things lurking in the depths of the ocean. Weirdly enough then, this statement didn't stick in my mind half as much as other Vast statements (the phrase "Enjoy sky blue" still makes me yelp, tbh). I'm really not sure why. It's a very good statement! The conversation Basira and Jon have feels mostly just like recapping previous events and setting up the next episode, though.
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itsgerges · 11 months
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Best Greetings
Planet Diameter Equation Provides A New Vision For The Matter Creation And Motion (The Discussion Compares Between This Vision And The Classical One) 
Physics Nobel Prize For Imaginary Ideas!
The Classical Vision
The classical vision tells the matter is found by (the big bang explosion) and the matter dimensions are defined (by random process, initial conditions and historical unknown factors) – and
The matter is motionless by nature – for that reason-
The mass gravity force is the matter motion cause– that makes the mass as the only player has effect on its matter motion-
Also –
The classical vision doesn’t know (How Is The Matter Created?) neither know (What's The Original Energy From Which The Matter Is Created?)
Planet diameter equation Vision
My theory about the matter nature is summarized in following
Before the matter creation there was the energy moves by nature –the energy moves by different velocities (for example light beam is energy moves by speed of light) but also there are energies move by low velocity
The matter is an energy moves by high velocity (speed of light) 
This is the paper theory and it's proved in (the paper part No.2)
The idea is understandable by Lorentz transformation- while we accelerate a particle –the particle mass is increased but no great acceleration is done for its velocity – that tells with high velocity motion (the matter is created and mass is increased) but no great acceleration can be done – shortly – the matter is energy moves by high velocity motion - we should analyze this theory and explain why the mass is increased, also I prove the theory with strong proves in (the paper part No.2)
Now let's see how the matter vision is changed
The solar system is one energy – it's similar to one great sea or ocean-
The matter and space in the solar system are created from the same one energy-
The idea tells (the solar system is a sea of water) is a suitable idea explains the facts – by that- the whole distance from the Sun to Pluto is similar to One Sea Of Water
The planets matters are similar to whirlpools found on the sea page –
The matter is a whirlpool (vortex) created on the sea page (the energy of space)
The whirlpool (vortex) is a suitable example. 
The space energy is (the sea of water) and the matter is a whirlpool (vortex) created on the sea page- this idea gives many useful points – let's refer to them
The whirlpool dimensions are defined by the sea water motion features- for example- we have a whirlpool (vortex) its diameter is (2 meters)- this diameter is defined by the sea water motion velocity, the amount of the water and other motion features- by that- the water motion analysis explains how the whirlpool dimensions are created
The whirlpool is created but the creation requirements are needed every day- means- even if this whirlpool (vortex) is found since years it can be changed immediately if the motion features are changed – suppose the sea water motion velocity is changed or its amount is decreased that will change immediately the whirlpool dimensions – the whirlpool creation process is NOT a historical process – for that – the planet diameter creation process depends on features and these features are required every day even after the planet diameter creation – because the matter depends on a motion.
Let's use another example
Some creature has a strong muscle (as a rock)- the people consider it as a rock – but it's a muscle depends on the blood motion – If the blood motion is stopped the muscle will be removed or changed –
I want to say- the planet diameter creation is NOT a historical process- because the matter depends on a motion – for that- the creation requirements are required every day.
This analysis is useful because – the planet diameter equation needs the factor (s) to be =1 and even after the planets diameters are created the equation still need the factor (s) to be = (1) otherwise the created diameters can't be saved – we discuss this feature in details in point no. (7) but I explain here how the whirlpool idea can be useful to understand the planet diameter equation features.
Also the whirlpool idea tells (The Planets Creation And Motion Can't Be Independent From Each Other)-
Suppose we have 9 whirlpools are created on one canal water – these whirlpools are connected together- the water is passed through all of them and their dimensions are defined by this moving water through them-    
Imagine we put some blue or red color on the sea water far from these 9 whirlpools, the moving water will carry the color to the 9 whirlpools – shortly- there's a transportation of motion through these 9 whirlpools and this transportation has effect on their geometrical dimensions –
The transportation of motion is the proved fact by the planet diameter equation- the equation depends on the transported motion and works by it – for that- a great part of the paper proves is dedicated for the transported motion started from Pluto through all planets and reaches to the Earth moon- the transportation of motion can NOT be understandable with the classical vision about the matter creation and motion-
The theory I provide here about the matter creation process is an idea I have concluded by the planet diameter equation analysis- for that – I put the theory here before the equation test to enable the respectful reader to compare between the planets data and the matter creation vision-
I want to say- Planet diameter equation is followed by the planets data which proves it's a correct equation and works sufficiently- but the data can't be explained by the classical vision – for that reason I put my theory here to compare between the ideas and the data
First of all – the transportation of motion can't be understandable by the matter creation classical vision – and If No transportation of motion is done – The planet diameter equation can NOT work at all.
We need to know that (The Matter Is Created Of High Velocity Motion) –this is the hypothesis we analyze and prove in (the paper part No.2) but we need to remember it here because – it tells the fact (The Motion Caused To Create The Matter)
Means – the motion is found before the matter and caused to create the matter and the matter dimensions are defined in full harmony with its motion features because the motion is the mother and origin of the matter-
This is the vision I try to state – Newton is Wrong- The motion is NOT caused by the mass gravity- the motion is caused by an outer reason and this motion caused to create the matter – the data is coming from the outer (the motion) into the inner (the matter) and Not vice versa
There's a mass gravity – it's a fact – But Newton definition is wrong for it
Let's suppose the moon moves by the Earth mass gravity – when the moon moves its motion produces energy- how can this energy be produced? From what source?
If the mass gravity causes this motion energy that necessitates to decrease the mass by the produced energy amount – The fact is that
The mass gravity connects two masses together – means – for example
The mass gravity causes the Earth and the moon to be connected together – they are similar to a lorry and its trailer – If the lorry moves the trailer will move with it –
Similar to that
The Earth and The moon are connected together – If the Earth moves the moon will move with it- But – the motion motor is NOT the mass gravity – the mass gravity can't cause any motion- the Earth and the moon are in waiting till some motor causes the Earth motion and then the moon will move with The Earth- in this case the outer motor will pay the motion energy for the Earth and the moon.
Now we know – the matter is a whirlpool on the sea page and moves by nature- by that – we understand how the planet moves but the mass gravity causes the Earth and the moon to move together.
If There's A Transportation Of Motion Among The Planets, That Means, The Space Must Have Mechanical Features And Can Cause The Motion Transportation.
Let's summarize the idea in following… 
The discussion starts with a question asks (Where Is The Planet Motion Energy?)
The planet motion must produce energy and this energy can't be stored inside the planet own body because it raises its temperature and no planet temperature is raised by its motion- by that- we have only one solution tells (The Planet Motion Energy Is Stored In The Space)
By that- the space is similar to the sea of water and the planet motion through the Space is similar to a fish motion in the sea - The fish motion energy creates waves in the sea – similar to that- the planet motion energy creates waves in the space and these waves are similar to the water waves – shortly – the planet motion energy is stored in the space in waves from -these waves are similar to the water waves, they move far from their sources and can be reflected– these waves can cause the transportation of motion- but- we have to refuse the matter creation classical vision – where the transportation of motion can be done based on my matter creation suggested vision
The space mechanical features discussion and proves are in point (**)  
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department-  Physics & Mathematics  Faculty 
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow   (2010-2013)
Curriculum Vitae                 https://www.academia.edu/s/b88b0ecb7c
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fiascox0xo · 2 days
We were not supposed to do anything for the eclipse. I made alters for my feminine energy protection deities. I adorned the outside pentacle with sun flowers that were seed and other pretty flowers and plants creatures could eat<3 I keep the outside one free from inorganic litter & the one in my room cat safe.
I’m working on cleaning my issue with waste/litter sometimes it gets hard because idk how to dispose of things properly- I hate thinking of the landfills not being properly maintained. Humans are so wasteful. And I save things for art or make art from litter I pick up <3 I try to make a difference even just locally.like picking up trash while walking to the store or the dogs. Whatever you pick up, I try to get plastic & styrofoam out of the water/habitats of animals. Anything dangerous- please take precaution or contact professionals/local enforcement agencies or nature conservation groups. I do pick up glass or mowed over aluminum cans & even paraphernalia from drugs (I’m a recovering addict & know the dangers/risks(like hep c , hiv/aids , tetanus - overdosing ) & safest ways to pick up biohazard ☣️ products. Please use a bleach/laundry jug with this plastic if you can’t get a sharps container from your pharmacy/local syringe 💉 exchange. <3 I think of all the innocent animals, kids, humans…. Wearing flip flops or walking around in a confused state like dementia/drunk/diabetic issue/ mental health episode who could hurt themselves…. On any of the stuff- EVEN STRING OR WIRES. Fencing. Things you don’t think about….
I know I look nuts sometimes picking it up- or collecting seeds & nuts to feed the birds & squirrels & plant next year (especially native plants that are keystone /cornerstone species for many creatures (meaning more than a couple species of 🐝🦋) so it helps the delicate eco system- the web 🕷️ 🕸️ that we as humans are Part of - not the spider who made it…. So we’re here to help but are a part of it…. I know that made it more confusing but we aren’t “top of the food chain” and not meant to help keep the balance 💟☮️☯️⚛️❤️💛🖤🤍 we are supposed to listen to the people who lived on the land we stand on now (whatever area code you live in- see which Indigenous Communities lived there - because they lived off this land before & know nature is Meant & able to be lived WITH - not destroying her & depleting the resources. How can we stand by and let them kill the only planet we have - we borrow her from future generations- whether it’s your bloodline and dna in her he suture or not is irrelevant , we are not the most important creatures on Earth. We (USA especially) think as a “me” society (me, myself & I) instead of others cultures who think as “We” & it shows in the amount of garbage in their city’s, the way the build things, what energy they use, how they travel, and how they generally act character wise as a society. I am embarrassed to be laughed at as a country- because we’re like reality tv- a joke to everyone else while wondering what’s real and what’s not and why would anyone wanna live like that fr? Idk - I know not everyone’s the same that stereotyping and wrong - but our elected officials, laws voted on/passed, volunteer work , and literal TRASH EVERYWHERE speaks for itself. Everything here is single use plastic wrapped in plastic and more plastic - it gets thrown in the trash - not recycled and ends up in the landfill or ocean? 🌊 maybe your yard, or soil? Gets burned? In the air, or you think mowing it up is cool? Nope microplastics in out soil, water, animals we eat, food, even in our own bodies and blood. It’s gross and I’m unable to eat lots of processed food now. It’s like- I feel wasteful supporting companies who use so much waste - but also preservatives, chemicals, dyes, idk. It’s so phony - obv some is okay & in moderation- but when everything is fast, easy, cheap, sugar, salty, or whatever- it’s all just fake food: I feel like I’m eating junk for every meal.
I want to learn all the native plants for my region so I know what grows best in the is climate survived winter and tolerates drought . I want to know all the plants you should never eat too obv. But gorilla gardening - is the best. Urban gardening. Setting up community gardens or growing food randomly <3 especially wild native plants and fruits /veggies (roots)!
^_^ I don’t like taking all of anything - little bit here little bit there & the rest for nature to work its magic- feed creatures, grow plants next year, whatever<3 I like knowing my plant from this year will kinda be with me when they grow from seed again. ^_^ I’ve gotten better with plants even with adhd and forgetting to water
If you live in apartments or rent- Raised garden beds can be made yourself EASILY- CHEAP- even free depending on the materials you can get for free from around your neighborhood (apps like let go and fb market place always have stuff for free - like fence boards & other stuff you gotta haul away yourself like bricks or stone or dirt or wood. You can build one with PVC pipe or Use a tote . They have all kinds of ways to grow food & flower where you can bring them with you easily - but honestly just pull back grass and make a garden -<3 but I’ve seen an old kitchen sink like a restaurant or auto shop sink- be used as a planter ! You can be artsy and creative . CHAOS GARDENING IS FUN & worth it.
Do whatever makes you happy but I promise bird baths and seed helped me in. Early recovery- then planting flowers & stuff helped me even more grounding and shutting my racing thought off & helping me plan for a future even just a tomorrow- helped with my depression and suicidal ideation & hopelessness / feeling lost. Now that I have been healing my inner child & attempting to address the trauma I experienced throughout my life - layer by layer : & fix relationships . … gardening has been a constant. Helped me take care of another living thing. Water; light; soil, correct environment-like the right pot/container; & kindness- be gentle & give the plant TLC & positive energy. I promise they grow better.
It’s okay if you lost some plants. Once you figure out what plants work easiest for you, you’ll get confident. Start out with easy plants, or things you use & a couple cacti- forget about them lol don’t over water ! ^_^ but an aloe plant is nice if you burn yourself - or GET PET SAFE PLANTS IF YOU HAVE CATS OR DIGS OR HORSES
you can plant wild flower seeds for your eco region anyplace outside too. You won’t get in trouble & it can be a secret- go make your neighborhood prettier ^_^ <3
Alright well random rant over
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[2k3 Raphael]
"Look, you are free to hate my father all you want, by angry at him all you want, I know I am too for what he's done," Yvonne tells Raphael, clearly annoyed at the terrapin herself, "But don't blame me for the sins of my father."
He had always told her other mutants were cruel; they wouldn't understand she was human once. If she was proven wrong, she'd have to return home. Have to admit he was right, and that her love for all creatures was wrong,
"I know he's a cruel man, but I am not him, I strive to be nothing like him...please don't act like I am Raphael."
| muse interaction (I KNEW YOU SENT THIS BUT I COULDNT FINDNIT FUCKINGN FINALLY!!!) Every time he came here it was because he needed to hide. The first time Splinter and him ever came to the shore line was because their way home was blocked and Splinter was sure someone was following them. So he strayed off the usual route and tuck out here to hide for hours. Where Splinter simply told Raph all kinds of stories about the world beyond New York. That sat out beyond the sea. Raph always wonder if that was why he felt drawn here even since, because even as a young kid he knew his dad was protecting him. So maybe when ever he felt lost, unsure, uncertain his feet carried him out here. The sound of oceans waves crashing against the sand. The cool in the air from being neat the wide ocean. The boats wading in the water. It just made him feel clam.
But not today. No he had someones voice in his ears. A truth finally spoken. A lie made known. And it had changed everything for him. Yvoone was his sister. Before she and Don got together Raph had built a friendship with her. She annoyed him and at first he had a hard time trusting her and what she said. But she grew on him he let her get close to him. He lowered a set of walls. To Raphael she was his sister no different then how he felt for his brothers or April even. She was family and he would rise hell if anyone hurt her. He would lie his life down to protect her. She was his friend, an ear to bend when it came to things he couldn't say to others. Figured out what mm well who his heart wanted and supported it enough to give him a push.
Trust was everything to Raphael. He didn't trust easy letting people in always came with a risk. But once you were in? Sure he may still have some walls up even among his brothers he did, but when he let you in he allowed himself to be vulnerable. Let you know you meant something to him. Suddenly though found memories of joking and calling Yvonne 'babe' the way he did hurt worse than any battle scar he wore. Now when he looked at her, he didn't know what to think. Raphael hadn't spoken a single word to her for what weeks now? It was easy to pick up on. Raph might not be the biggest talker sure but when he was avoiding you? it was easy to tell. He couldn't stand the sight of her.
She lied. Yvonne had been lying to him to all of them! He brought here here into his home! Where his family lived and hid from all that tried to kill them including Bishop. Especially Bishop. He remember how they threw Mikey on to that metal table so easily with a saw in hand ready to kill their youngest brother. His blood boil just from the name alone. And because of Raph he brought a Bishop into his home! He had a hard time trusting her at the start but she earned his trust! His mind was buzzing because deep down he knew. He knew he could trust her. And Raph did trust her like he trust any of his family. Yvonne had so many chances to show and prove she was only going to trick them in the end. He was smart enough to clue in on that. Raphael just - he just needed time he needed to air his thoughts out. He wondered how Donnie put up with all the question always going through his own head. Felt like his head had been constantly hurting ever since he learned the truth. Some reason a remark from Mikey about how he never had to think because Leo did it for him sprung up in his memory.
Raph right now wished Leo could tell him what to think about this. He needed to see Casey. Needed to talk to them about this.
Casey was good at tearing his walls down he knew how to work words out of Raphael. Something he never understood but Casey was always the right person to talk to. Casey was able to pick his brain about whats been eating at him. Eh he tried before but Raph wasn't in the mood to talk at the time. Casey knew when to pray him open and knew when to let him have his space. Raph didn't want space now, needed to talk before he did something stupid like confront her about this all. Casey kept him clam if he blew up well Casey could handle him. Couldn't be home, couldn't be out in the city he would use the first break in he picked up on as an excuse. So he was pacing waiting at the docks. That was the worst place he could have picked he forgot she lived near by them.
Everything was a blur and a mess and red. Nothing but anger seething in him the second he saw Yvoone. Because all he could see was her lie. As if it was laying in the air between them the moment his eyes locked on her. Raphael didn't give his usual smirk he didn't know how he normally did that in the moment. He forgot how he looked at her before, forgot hos he stood when she was around. All he could think was she lied to him. Gritting his teeth left to look at her.
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Of course she was here! Fucking great was his first thought as he turned on his heels. She must have seen him and she is just like his fucking twin, had to fix things. If something was wrong between them then it should be talked about. Well right now Raph didn't want to fix shit he was pissed and he was trying to not have this blow out. She's talking now and its like nails on a chalk board to him. He's tuning her out best he can but he so fucking aware of her being here. He can hear how her wings fluttered in the air. How her voice is carried on the wind. And it's pissing him off.
Say it.
Say it right now.
Tell me he's lying even if he aint.
Stop jerking me around like this!
Raphael's fists curled in tight letting nails dig into his skin. He was doing this for her! why couldn't she see that! It was for the best he stay away till he could well he don't know that's why he wanted to talk to Casey! Leo and Splinter were not the right people to turn to. Sage advice that confusion and some damn lecture from Leo nah fuck that. Don? no, he likely already knew. Mikey? pfft yeah he didn't need a talk about feelings from Mikey. Maybe April even but not Yvonne he couldn't do this right now! "Oh for the love of! would ya shut ya fuckin' can Yvoone!"
Turning around as he let his burning gaze at her, heavy panting breaths escaping him "Ain't ya meant to be smart! Can' ya get it through ya damn skull I don' wanna even look at ya 'ight now! Damn ya think avoiding you wasn' a choice! Or ya too busy suckin' Don's face to put two an' two together!" Yvoone's seen him mad before who hasn't? She has seen him fight with his brothers. Seen him ticked off but Raph is sure this is the first time Yvoone herself has been on the receiving end of a Raphael tongue lashing. And that just twisted his insides worse. Its why he was keeping away! he didn't want to yell at her like he was now. But once his anger set off he didn't know how to stop it. Someone always had to stop him. But it was just them. "I should 'ave known! I knew ya was lying when we met! But I willin' to trust ya a little! I should 'ave known better! You are jus' 'ike him!" Raph shouted a step taken over to her but not to close the gap between them he was being mindful of it. It was to make her step away if anything. " what was it all was some twisted game?" now the anger was sparking as he thought about Donatello. Part of him knew Donnie likely knew but anger didn't care for logic it fed off the thoughts that sparked the flames. You dont go and mess with any of them especially not Donnie "Figure ya just string Don along ain't ya! usin' him! fluttering ya eyes at him, takin' advantage of him! Whats it called? womanly wiles?" Oh yes he was indeed going there. "Throwing ya self at my brother actin' like ya care just to lure him in? Ya may be a butterfly but ya actin more 'ike a snake!" He bite as he said it letting teeth snap at the word. Letting a smile take over his beak, it was right thought not even the laugh that came out of him was a real laugh.
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"Like father like daughter ain't that right?" he paused and hums over something. "Yvonne Blackberry ain't?" he chuckles but their so much spite traced in his smile, eyeing her as if he didn't know her anymore. She was like a stranger to him. No. Not quite that? The stare he was giving was the same held towards any enemy of his. Burning, fierce daring them to take one, just ONE wrong step. Daring her to give him a reason. "Or would it be bett'a ta call ya by dear ol' dad's name?" he taunts a little moving his head in time with his words. If she hadn't clue in that he knew before there was no way to deny it now.
"An' don' ya fuckin' try lying ta me again! Don' waste the breath. HE TOLD ME!"
And if Raphael was sound of mind right now he would be able to express that was the issue here. his hands shook a little. Why didn't she tell him, sure at first? that made sense he could understand that. She was trying to build trust be hard if they knew who she was then and there. He could never trust Karai for the same reason. So why would it be different? Expect this was different.
Karai was still an enemy to worry about. Yvoone? she was family. Yeah emphasis on was. Who else knew he wondered? Who all was part of this web of lies? Leo? for some reason Leo knowing pissed of more than Don knowing and not saying anything.
"Look, you are free to hate my father all you want, by angry at him all you want, I know I am too for what he's done,"
He shifts his attention back at her, lowly growling when she has the never to be annoyed between them. Raph wasn't the one keeping secrets between them. Even things he didn't want to be made known she knew but she never once tried to tell him about this?
"But don't blame me for the sins of my father."
Nah that be too easy
"I know he's a cruel man, but I am not him, I strive to be nothing like him...please don't act like I am Raphael."
Raph scoffs suddenly "Yeah ya ain't him." his smile fade and he straighten up his stance when he goes to talk. It was one thing for Raph to just be mad and angry. He always was angry always spoke out of his anger, Raph was just a ticking time bomb just waiting to set off.
"Thing is least he had the damn back bone to tell me the truth." The thing that upset him about this all. She continued to lie to him. "What did ya 'itte mutation take the spine right outta of you?" he narrowed his indifference at her now. Spitting out to the ground before he turned on his heels and started to leave "no wonder ya turned into a bug. Never had a spine to begin with did ya?"
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